EQuinoX SpRings VernaLLy noW

Free Spirited.. surely representative
of last night’s selfie photos with
sMiLes at Old Seville Quarter
in the winged activity
of Dance
all the
photos that
three years of
that Dance and
Sing have brought
to my life with other
human beings where
the only Venn Diagram
is fearless happiness in
Human Dance and Sing..
anyway.. 10:37 am on 3.17.17
as Saint Patrick’s Day is still in full bloom
with the recent chill in the air moving back to
full sunshine and spring.. and with all the goings
on of the last month with my Mother’s illness and death..
and celebrating 7000 miles of Dance Walking and a loss
of an Aunt.. the sister of my Mother.. shortly before that and
a second cousin in her much shorter life ending too.. as they
say.. accumulation of stressful events add up and take care of
your health.. as you are just human as that refers to me.. almost
to the point it was that i wasn’t revved to dance last night at Old Seville..
and Spring Break in the local area brought crowds where it was almost impossible
to move more than three feet on the dance floor as i love to spread my wings more
than that
three feet
and less
a challenge
of Dance Skills
gained2 in movement
art of not bumping into
anyone else as ones’ body
lEarns to see more than the
regular five senses in ways of
sensing and feeling the world
in proprioception intelligence
from head to toe now all the
way into a flesh and blood
environment wHERE one
now becomes a full
as whole of
the environment..
the beauty of the Art
of Movement practiced
as an art of life that is
more than infinite in
possible moves
that are alWays
like a Lamp of
Life that never ends
as form as essence Dances and Sings on..
in MovinG FeeLinG and SeNSinG ways more..
hmm.. and that reminds me.. still haven’t got around
to adding in 6 months full of free spirited fearless smiling
faces of open minded and bodied folks at Old Seville Quarter
in my last night’s published post on Word Press.. as the activity
of doing that moves on into today.. and adding a copy and paste
of that on three Blog Spot Blogs that i use for archives and are
much easier and faster to load for those who actually might
wanna open and read what i do in less than fully illustrated
mode.. hmm..and with all that said.. the last MacroVerse
Number 84.. of “Nether Land Bible 2017”
that started on Memorial
Day of 2016.. now
arises the
grand total
of personal bible
words to 1,255,949..
as pArt of Ocean Whole Poem
that Started on Word Press at
the end of August 2013.. now also
ariSing as “SonG oF mY soUL” beyond
4 million words as longest long form poem..
currently searchable on Google.. as words do go
on heAr.. at LEast.. almost infinitely beyond the current
standard of human attention.. limited to Twitter words
of 140 characters as brevity is the current oral tradition
in text as acronym of human freedom of expression..
LOL as they say.. AFAIK.. and all of that stuff
with emoticons replacing non
verbal expression too
along with
as they say
when in Rome..
and hey.. no doubt
in at least one little
way i seem to be the
text and photo king for
noW iN ways of mega art..
as ARThur WiLL do as my
middle name says strong too..
in ways of 7000 plus miles now
in a little over 42 months.. with the
153rd Dance Week at Old Seville Quarter
coming up this week.. as i dAM sure ain’t giving
uP on the Free Nature of My SpiRit fullY expresSinG
i in Fearless ways that move on as any Spring human
Will.. hehe.. even through the December and January now
of WiNTer reborn as liGht liFE LovE iN aLL Dancing Singing
ways of life.. and with that said and when typing this in response
to a couple of three photos i shared on Facebook.. one of the very
free spirited young dance partners at Old Seville.. and one year ago..
two memories then of Katrina and me at Bear Lake at a family celebration
on Saint Patrick’s day then.. in Lucky Green shirt attire.. my Second Cousin
Monica.. who Lord knows is as free spirited as me.. as she was the Beauty
Queen back in the Gulf Coast Dance Hall Beach Days back in the 80’s in all
the wet T-shirt contests.. and raised her children as a single mother doing a
stint as a paid stripper too.. as you do what ya gotta do to survive.. and she is
still surviving too.. and now a friend on Facebook too.. who dam sure ain’t
afraid of anything free spirited i do now too.. anyWay.. so she responds
to the Photos of me and Katrina in our green attire that i will add here..



As Monica asks..
why doesn’t Katrina go out and dance..

And i say..

Oh Lord.. she is way way way way too
shy to go to Seville Quarter..
just the thought of
going.. overwhelms
her feelings and
but at
least she
doesn’t mind
if i dance alone..
with every once in
awhile.. someone joining in..
and nah.. she never has danced much..
she doesn’t like to dance.. and if i can’t
talk her into it with 7,000 miles of doing it
close to her.. it doesn’t look like i am going to
change her mind but she.. did it a few times..
in the spur
of the
just for fun..
still have
a video
of one
time in a bookstore..:)

That was weird.. i lost the comment i just wrote but
here it is again.. with the video of her dancing attached..
she kinda has a bad temper too… hehe.. at times.. too..;)

Monica suggests
that Katrina likely
dances much sexier
than i do and i probably
taught her all her moves..

And then i go on with..

i don’t know what the
heck is going on with
Facebook.. as my comments
keep disappearing and coming
back.. hehe.. but just in case you didn’t
get the last one.. there is no way i can
be as sexy as Katrina.. no matter what i do..;)

Monica goes on without much regard for FB..

Mine did too………….it’s chapbook. …………
Yeah..I saw how she tried to get you to stop filming……..

And then i respond in kind by going on to say..

i’ve been getting a lot of spam comments.. lately..
when i post stuff.. that wants to sell boot leg
videos and stuff like that and the
algorithm might have
removed your
’cause of
your sexy Avatar..
anyway.. i surely
don’t have anything against..
ANYTHING SEXY.. as you know..
anyway.. all the comments have now reappeared..
crap.. and disappeared again.. FB bugs.. i guess..;)

Monica replies with concern..

I have a bad photo?….should I chunk it?

And i go on to exclaim..

no no no no..
Freedom of
Expression.. baby..;)

And now i go on to say..
yes.. baby.. i definitely
do mean that
with all my
and MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
soUL.. and surEly i am the
fortunate and lucky one as all
folks who juSt DO the abiLiTy to live
this way in a real Kingdom of Heaven
now.. with agape love that is unconditional
that harms no one beyond due dissent and
concern for the welfare of all others too.. when
A Trump Liar full of harming others and such as that
comes in as DArk.. Crowding out liGht.. i am beyond disgusted
at Trump and yes.. the Minions who dam sure knew what they
were putting in office as far as a person with absolutely no
character of consistency per anything one can trust
as any
aT aLL..
iT’s like the Christians
elected the Devil for President..
at least the core Evangelicals who
are now finally getting a bad taste of
the devil to rise up as sour and bitter
as sulphur can come to smell too..
finally realizing that this Dude
is the anti-thesis
of all
Matthew.. Chapter
Five.. Verses 1 through
11… aka “The Beatitudes”..
seriously.. defunding “Meals
on Wheels”.. and defunding
help for women and children..
and what protects God’s Nature
all for building bigger bombs to kill..
and building walls to keep the poor
and huddled masses and those who
wish to escape oppression from religious
rule in other countries out by closing the ability
to refugee.. here too.. and alt’right’ lies in attempts
to disgrace men of true honesty and integrity like A
President Obama.. A man with no drama who cared
about the whole picture instead of one very small Venn
Diagram of Humanity.. i must say.. it’s very tempting to kick
Trump and his still ignorant supporters who call themselves
Christians out of my Venn Diagram of Humanity.. but Love Wins..
when isREaL.. and hopefully one day soon they will aLL kNow what they
do in harming the whole of hUmanity and Nature in the Venn Diagram of World whOle..
you know.. gentile.. jew.. servant or free.. woman or man.. no more.. a world of UniTY Free.. A
one can
at lEast sTiLL
iMaGiNe now.. if free
spirited.. and unCoNditionally
fearlessly smART as Loving aLL
of Creation as God now.. no exclusions..
even sympathy for the Devils who seem like
evil is tHeir bread and water of life.. the Trumps of Hell..;)

Hmm.. and now with a couple of MacroVerse shares..
and then.. i really got some Spring Cleaning
from adding all those photos of
Dance to catch up
in somewhat
oF A
of systemizing
all my free verse art…
to now 15 MacroVerses
behind on adding that text
sans fully illustrated part to
three Facebook Pages.. including
my personal one for all free back
up and easy access there.. even if
just one person who has a
slow computer
access wants
to read some of
what i do there..
yep that means.. now..
1.255 Million words
subtracted from
my last
point of 1.052
million words that
yes.. comes in at
200K words behind
now as that last stopping
point was the actual 69th
MacroVerse titled.. “Nether
Land Bible 2017”.. as the third
revision to that Bible name by that
point then.. multiply that by three in copy
and paste on three Facebook Pages and
that makes 600K words of Copy and Paste..
somewHeRe around 90 Facebook Statuses too..
to get all up to date.. yep.. but then there are those
several hundred photos from the last 6 months to add
first.. to the current post.. “Leprechaun Pan Dance 2017”
that will not even be finished.. until i do that as i write the new
85th Macro Verse of “Nether Land Bible 2017 here that doubles
as 756th MacroVerse iN “SonG oF mY SoUL” as pART of Free
Verse Longest Long Form Poem as Ocean Whole Poem too..
otherwise known as my entire Word Press Blog.. from yes..
the end of August 2013.. in stARt date then.. keeping
Track.. baby.. as the streAMs Flow lower into
the Rivers and the Rivers Flow even
Lower to the Ocean and
the Waves rise uP
again as liFE
liGht and
Love continues
on.. exPaNdinG shores
never ending now.. in other
words it’s hard to stop and paint
the picture that continues now.. live
as a reaLiTy sHow as ‘they’ say.. hmm..
AutoBiography Rover as i hear in a SonG
of “This is Going Down For Real”.. on the
radio too.. okay.. back to the two MacroVerses
to share.. and get back to Spring Cleaning more..
with “Pussy Footing Stripping..” surely wRite on
ToPic heAR as far as HuMan’s who are both
Free SpiRiTEd and Naturists wHere clothes
are more the sin than how we are born
as God’s Children free in both
form and function
holy and
in meaning
and purpose as Temple’s of the Force of
Nature aka God that lives within as God’s
eYes see further when free and fearless
and smART as they can be..not everyone
is innately geared this way at birth as sitters more
over rovers as science shows in theory it is the same
all through the animal kingdom as some are born more to
rove and about 20%.. consistently.. aCross the Animal Kingdom
are the shyer types born to sit more than move.. and sure.. sometimes
the sitters attract the movers as is the case with the shy Katrina and
the super out tHeRe extraverted Fred now.. who used to be the opposite
in Good cop Dr. Jekyll and now Good cop Dr. Hyde.. in the liGht version
of that story brought to the big screen in the Superman comics from before..
and now the actual writer of the last two big screen efforts actually used the
Jesus story as the core of what he brought to cape and fLight of mercy and love..
well.. i for one and as others to too.. see the Jesus dude as more of a Zealot..
a Social Reformer and more Yogi-Like where of course the Nicean Council
and Roman Emperor Constantine and the early Catholic Church
Back Trump Boardroom Leaders made the Jesus dude into
a Soldier Sun God to expand the pews of church
and the Roman Empire same.. as that is
what power and status does..
whether Emperor
or Pope
in yes.. human
tribal instinct way
for maintaining and
gaining subsistence in
warring ways.. if necessary
too.. and paraMounTly Reproductive
fullER control over females and males2..
also in ways of raping and pillaging misery and
suffering too.. at the winning hands of Crusades
of dARk that sTiLL go on.. in killing hundreds of thousands
of innocents in Iraq.. to ISIS ways of headhunting and raping
little Girls writhing in pain.. naming that as a way of God
who lives in the little girls sAMe.. writhing.. in pain.. yes..
and same as Pussies grabbed by Trumps.. in
word or action as emotional and
physical harm the same..
A DArk pART of
Trump is
the ulTiMaTE
poster boy.. no different
at all really than another potential
Adolph Hitler and the un-like of that
pART of the Venn Diagram whole
of Humanity too.. and sure..
taking meals
on wheels
away from older
lonely shut in folks.. as i too.. was when
relatively young from ages 47 to 53 too..
my wife.. my wheels and meals.. to life then..
worse off in many ways than a Nursing home
Patient who still remembered a smile or what
a laugh felt like within.. verses the hell of no reference
point back to Emotions as memories when totally lost…
one thing about going to hell.. is when you cross that
dArkest River Styx in the dArk niGht of the soUL that
can last a niGht or 66 months in my case.. @lEAst..
you leARN the deepest empathy and compassion
for others.. to Love them more.. yes.. i kNow
what it feels like to feel pain
as the pleasure in life..
i know what it feels
like to feel pain
when others
are smiling
as it IS A lost
continent with
seemingly no vessel
or vehicle to get back
through an opaque window
that has no see.. hear.. or sense
oF Feel.. yeS.. oNe NaturALLy does
lEarn this empathy and compassion
in sympathy ways for all others too..
or in some cases.. they don’t.. and go the
Vengeance way of DArk in maKinG more suffering
and pain for others.. perHaps even.. for the rest of tHeir
liFE in Trump ways of real evil on this planet eARTh now..
and then tHeir is thaT Victory oF LiGht wHeRE Love gRows
as Ocean wHole LIfE.. away from the SiNK of DaRk.. we rise..
we rise as liGht.. shores exPaNDinG Whole forevermorenow
in the
of Heaven
Godly Love
shores of bliss
all unconditional
anYWay.. perHaps this
will be the entire blog post
neXt as MacroVerse number 756..
and 85.. too.. iF i really do get around
to all the Spring Cleaning in Systemizing
Science Way of Mechanical Cognition Mind now..
so yeah.. now to quote the First MacroVerse
Share heAR from three years ago.. as
i continued to spREad my wings
more in Gospel of Thomas
Verse 37 way of
like Jesus
oF F. iN Christ mE..:)


According to human evolutionary psychology..

Men tend to objectify parts of women like their

shapely hips..and

shining soft skin..

that indicates

Fertility..at its prime..

But what do women want..

well..tHeY.. according to evolutionary psychology at the state

of the art of science..

tHEY.. want a strong and economically secure provider..so a male stripper would likely start off

in a business suit ..

i suppose..

to get the most response..

according to this science..

but i tend to disagree..

as when i was much much younger..the things..i heard the girls liking

in bars i danced at.. and such as that…

were a hairy chest..and firm butt..that yah..


the job


dancing and all that


And furthermore..our closest ape ancestor the ‘overly’ friendly super sexy..

Bonobo..has the same social empathy gene as human beings..

but does not share it with any other..


THis ape is extremely peaceful..much more so than the violent


chimpanzee cousin…

Chimpanzees rape..

(particularly.. when humans come
into the visiting wild picture to observe)

but the Matriarchal Bonobo culture..

shares sex like a friggin’ handshake..

instead of a life or death


Well..here’s the thing..

humans.. in the so called ‘primitive’ stage..

living as hunters and gathers..did share everything…

Sex was just sex..

but the prize was the child




village..wHere everyone lends a hand..

and shares…and shares.. and shares..

























violence has decreased greatly with greater avenues..

to express

human sexuality/SENSUALitY…

It is the way IT IS born to be…




































In the fuller version below..

(old blog.. new and improved blog now..;)




i dance for IT everyday in sensual

belly dance..TAI CHI






and yah..my whole body is a sacred instrument









Well.. anyway.. ‘things’ are most definitely changing.. around the world..

and..pop culture is a microcosm of IT..

and IT


clear to see what










This is a PG rated blog unless ya land on the















i am monogamous..but.. i can do some virtual stuff..






















i am a participant observer..

in my own play..

tHis scientist.. does not just do the research..

or talk the talk..



the research..


i most definitely





cat walk..;)





















And now i say.. the beauty
of form is nice.. but the essence
of feeling and sensing within the
Beauty is what is truly reaLiTy now..
in other words.. if.. i for one enjoy all
the art i create.. yes.. very FrankLY..
nude art too.. it’s all worth it now then
now.. as now is aLL tHEir is that we have
then now now then.. so in other words as
Yoda says in other words heAR.. we are more
than what we see as flesh and blood.. we are the
essence of flesh and blood hUmans that are all our
senses and feelings now.. we can clothe our Nature and
hide it from others as shy will surely NaturAlly do too.. or we
less shyer folks can and will and do let it all hang out for free
as essence of feeling and sensing the most out of life is what makes
noW as
free can
be.. sure..
naked and free
as born of life Now
as death life sAme NoW..
senTient stAR duST pLus
resurrected from crucible of
Star Burst Death @lEAst for now
as we free folks inherit this Heaven of
eARTh for a home to let our FREAK FLAGS FLY..
aS Sure.. God IS A FREAK too of Starburst liGht..
as Sentient Star DuST pLus Us.. we DancE and SinG more..
and yes
as born Free..
Tree oF LiFe spReads more..:)


FREE PAN AmericanOW.. heHe.. need i Dance and SinG more..
publishing this one on 3.16.16.. that goes along rather
nicely in what was published on Word Press
yesterday as “Leprechaun Pan Dance 2017”..
Freedom of Expression sTiLL rings
Free in online ways.. while
i don’t have an
for all
my Philosophy
theRe’s room enough
to @leAst share it with
me and God who lives within..
all co-navigating Whole as Ocean Dances and Sings more..
and now i guess Spring cleaning will come in at least a way
of adding those photos to complete that yesterday MacroVerse
now.. tHeRE WiLL alWays be more to DancE and SinG now for
those with God sKeYes wHo refuse to be still and silent now.. but
as far as my Venn Diagram of Whole goes.. i have sympathy and
compassion and overall empathy for the Sitters and even the Devils
of Trump who are simply either born THAT WAY too.. or raised without
a Garden of Love that gives and gives unconditionally as my Mother surely did
and does sTiLL LIVe as LiGht oF My heARt.. my SpiRit and my soUl whOle iN
BalanCinG soUL
wayS StiLL as MoVinG..
Connecting and Co-creating WiTh GoD whOle..
and now to find some theme songs for all of this
and then off to copy and paste.. several hundred smiling photos..
but of course with a toTALLy Free Sand And Sun DAncE WiTh God coMiNg FiRst..:)



Welcome back aGaiN..
gigoid.. from a short hiatus
of recovering from the
mostly happy
it seems..
from your
trip and of
course the stress
from loss as well..
very busy over here as well
dealing with the opposing faces
of joy and sadness that goes with
the so-called Mardi-Gras prelude
to withholding gratification and the
sadness of loss of course noW as both
paRts of liFe as humans are currently
evolved to accommodate as Struggle in
Pleasure and Pain for Change.. hmm.. i suppose
i could have just said hello.. but hehe.. that’s not my
personal way of reciprocal social communication and why
most people likely say in real life.. i gotta get the FucK out of here..
who talks about all this shit over the weather.. hehe.. anyWay.. deeP is
where i go..
deeper and
deeper as
life is a total
exploration to me
as a natural born wanderer..
also known and felt as the dopamine
variant gene in nomad way of moving
out of the cave.. even if it means throwing
some caution to the wind.. my friEnd.. hmm..
rhymed.. so i did that too.. just for a rhythm
and SinG to life for overall good vibrations..
as yes.. good vibrations is what
life’s all about as sing
to go along
dance my friend as Lamps of
liGht or Trees of liFE thaT never
end @leASt for now.. goeS oN as LiGht and LIFe..
AnyWay.. now of to the Pearls of Wisdom you bRinG..:)

“Life is cruel? Compared to what?”

~~ Edward Abbey ~~

University of Pain NoW..
can bRing both the greaTest
Reliefs and Pleasures after thaT
iF Graduation
aLL as
there is
now no now
built in book
that says liFE is fAir..
Struggle is.. just is.. Relief
and Pleasure from all Pain is
the eternal reward iF that coMes..
And when it
does ..iT iSreAL..
bottom lines of
FriEnd as sureEly
all around us a liFe
of merit it is or not..
A Life of struggle it is.. it is.. for sure..
aS even with a constant flow of sugar or cocaine..
Pain can be the measure of the lever the Monkeys
(Hairless Ground Apes included) never stop pressing
the Pain
of Instant Gratification
never ending as Intermittent
Gratification is the way of iNnate
NatUre.. yeS.. in all things existence..
dARk leads to liGht.. and without
some struggle..
Leads to Pain.. as two
fingers of opposites become one in
heHe.. BaphoMeT way two as one almost
as adequate.. a symbol of the reaLiTy of exisTence..
as that Famous Indian Cosmic Dancer at CERN.. my friEnd..
As ‘they’ say..
the cross IS A
fairly adequate
symbol too.. but it
kinda tales
the story..
when more is
DanCinG.. theN/thaN SinGinG..:)

Ah.. State of Flowers
LiVinG uP to its name after
reviewing 6 months of Dance
photos.. totaling about 400.. worth
copying and pasting to the latest
of dance
for Intermittent
Gratification too..
only 300 would fit
with the other 100 photos
and 11,313 words on the
Google Blogger format.. but
hey.. it’s free.. can’t complain about thaT..
anyWay.. this year.. the Flower State.. up here in
the LA Lower Alabama Panhandle pArt lives up
to its name as the beauty of flowers blooming
as colorful as ever all the way through SpRing of WiNter..
is fun
while the
fun pArt oF iT lasts..
not so fun in terms
of Tornados and Hurricanes
STiLL to balance it all out down heAR..
once again.. the Hidden Pain of Pleasure all the time..
all one
can eat
sugars and
fats in stores..
type two pre-diabetes
in one-third of school age
children in clinical study to
go along now wiTh pasty fingers
behind a keyboard and screen too..
With Dopamine hits of Screen liGhts
misSing the mArk of oxytocin FeeLinG Love..
Life takes
more than a
PHD FeeLeD higher
and deeper NoW than
instant gratification shit..
as the ‘general public’
and Faux pundits NoW
continue to defend TRumP Lies
like the beauty of instant gratification
in opiate addictions that never end in pleasure..
i love/disgusSt to watch it live on ‘Facebook’ from a distance..
humans are so interesting to watch on the treadmill of a rat
a wheel of shit…
in terms of instant gratification..
Hmm.. got just the theMe SonG for this
too.. hehe.. thanks Katy did and do for thAT too..;)

“Don’t take life so seriously… it’s only a temporary situation.”

~~ Humanity’s Ancient Sage, Anonymous ~~

When in Rome..
A Safe distance..;)

“We have lingered in the chambers of the sea
By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown
Till human voices wake us, and we drown.”

~~ T.S. Eliot, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock ~~

Yep.. we are born swimming
in an Ocean with a Feeding
Tube.. without
even a
to Breathe Fresh
Air through a Mouth of Life..
Breathing takes work to drOwn deaTh out..

“Inquiry is fatal to certainty.”

~~ Will and Ariel Durant ~~

mysterY as
liFe maKes
thaT Away
iF neVer Now
EndinG eXploRinG noW..
As FeeLinG SeNsInG NoW..
InFiniTy moRe MoVeS… FeeLinG
butt nOw
oNly iF
ExploRinG moRE NoW..
reTiRes WHeeL oF liFe wiTh
enDless tReads oF RubbeR MoRe..:)

“What is the hardest task in the world? To think.”

~~ Emerson ~~

or to
teXt or thiNk..;)

“He knows not his own strength
that hath not met adversity.”

~~ Ben Jonson ~~


“The belief that there is only one truth
and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the deepest root of all evil that is in the world.”

~~ Max Born, physicist ~~

a book..
it ends..
ReaLity beGins..
book ends..
without means to begIn..;)

“I know but one freedom, and that is the freedom of the mind.”

~~ Antoine de Saint Exupery ~~

A greAtest
LibeRation for
Free Verse
DanCinG boDy
LibeRating miNd from thINk..;)

“Work is not an end in itself;
there must always be time enough for love.”

~~ Robert Heinlein ~~

WiLL to
Problem solved..:)

“After all,
to the well-organized mind,
death is but the next great adventure.”

~~ Albus Dumbledore ~~

to the
well organized
Free Verse Dance
juST A mYth..;)

Nice.. to see ya gigoid..
BaLanCinG acT as alWays..
As A Rhythm of LIFE witH overAll Good VibRations..
witH A
and dis
ease of REaLiTy..:)


Life is only
LonG as
Colors of Now..
and sure.. the Sun
exists in a White Rose
and a White Rose is born of the Sun
like we Sentient Star BurSt duST liFe plUS
aRiSing From Resurrection of the
Star Death DuSt of BeforE
NoW.. as
LiVinG WiTh
all the BioDiversity
and Neuro-Diversity
as pArT oF WhOle..
we too.. have the PoTenTiaL
to BurST out as Sun From White Rose..
or Red Rose and beYond Colors of Rainbow NoW..
suRe.. MetaPhor for the depth of our PercepTions and
FeeLinGs and SenSEs too.. and the bottom lines continue
as we are StaR BurSt SentiEnt STuFF plUS as Children of the FloWer wHole GoD..
as sImply
in all we
perceive as
FeeLinGS and
SenSes and all the
more of all that is aka God too..:)

It also ‘bares’ noting that as Katrina nuzzles Yellow Boy in
Acts of Kitty Biscuits.. he is no ordinary.. run of the mill
domesticated cat.. he is feral from wild in the
Woods of Back yard Hunt Beyond
in Forest same.. in other
words nothing
him from a
Tiger other than his
smaller size.. in terms
of wild of before in around
two years of survival as the
totally Feral Cat he was and
is born as to be then.. in all
he did in the wild as
free verse
in Call
of the wild
AKA attached to
all of Nature AKA God FReED..
not without struggle.. of course.
but never the less.. Wild and Free..
and LEArning to Love with Kitty Biscuits
in a rescue of not only tender Vittles but kind
touchy and feely love too.. of what hUmans are
often too afraid in huge populations to give each
other as a bread and life of more liGht aWay from dArk.,.
anyWay that is what Facebook is for in terms of human
Sharing Cat photos and beauty of Nature like Katrina and White
Roses as sure.. the name Katrina means pure.. as the Sun is and
Healthy Humans are born to be too.. all innocent in touchy feely Love
not only for each otHeR but aLL oF NaTurE AKA God too.. in Giving Sharing
more than
one Gives as
all is Holy and Sacred
as existence.. full of meaning
and purpose that we make or lose..
or most sAdly.. never make at all as LiFe..:)

Awaiting the stARt time of “Beauty and the Beast” at
4 PM at the Local Theater on 3.18.17.. so sure.. a give
and share of some Facebook Algorithm provided MacroVerse
Memories from years before.. and a couple of those Ego Test
Boosters on Facebook too.. given and shared too.. as Humans
connect in many Hive ways of Web Life online now.. hmm.. mostly
copy and pasting links of what someone else said or did but hey..
we are all in this game of liFe toGEthER all connected whether
we like it or not from the continuing origin of all that is aka God nOw..
as Culture becomes pARt of Nature to in extension of hUman Tools.. FOR or aGAinST liFe..:)

First of all.. two Ego Booster tests..

One that says.. i will retire at age 48
and Die at Age 117 with a Super Long Life..
to make me FeeL Good as those tests prey tale.. for
shares and likes and Advertisements to make big online bucks..

And i say back in all freeways i Dance and SinG..

Off by one
Year.. technically
49.. and
i don’t
Is E-nough..;)

And another asSigns the changing
moods of me.. based on well known folks..

So.. i continue saying on that one now..

Hmm.. keeping in mind that this is the
Katrina Mia Facebook Page that i am
sharing in coPious ways..
i’LL sTiLL take
for mood test..
‘Amelie’.. for
Happy in
mY own liFe…
Mystique.. for
Shape Shifter pissed..
And i’ll return Scarlet O’Hara to
Katrina.. for DeterMiNed and she
can have Katwoman too.. i hope @least..
for Flirting.. AnyWay.. the En Meow share Ego
Booster on Facebook is noW A Muse foR Now..;)


“God IS SUPERCULTURAL”.. from three
years ago.. as i continue to discuss
then.. a most important Existential
Intelligence with the folks at
the Wrong Planet and
continue to
to the
Essence of God
iN me.. within.. inside..
outside.. above.. so below
and all around in art of hUman
form too.. in FeeLinG.. SenSinG
LiFE more than book worm way..
And that means stripping down
the clothes of cultUre to
truLy fiNd thaT
is God and
too.. so far away from
juST books alone.. including
Big Black one’s used to kill and Love..
one would Hope.. Love more.. of course..:)


“CHILd of bART”.. taKinG AN Eclectic Approach to God
aLL oF and aS Nature noW then Now.. oF cOURse.. oN CourSe
then now now then.. too.. And again.. discussing it on perHaps
the most literally thinking website in Global way.. the Wrong
Planet.. like those people who wear masks to limit oxygen
so they
can gain
Health and Fitness..
iN juST anotHeR Challenge
oF LiFe.. and what better place
for that challenge than a home place
online teaming with bLack and White
ThiNkers then.. Nah.. no FaiLinG my
Faith.. Babe.. for iT is 100% Real LiFE
EmoTions and SenSes now beyond any
one step.. two step.. more.. Current Scientific Method..;)


And noW.. another two-year Memory MacroVerse.. additionally
discussing matters of Existential Intelligence with the folks on
the Wrong Planet.. named Lucky Christian CAT.. wHeRE the
Cat that is me.. Visits the Beach and yes.. in ‘CHILd of bART”..
in the photo StreAM tHeRE.. i visited the Art Festival at the River Walk
too.. two yeARs ago.. too.. as everything 2 gRowS eVen more aS LiGht..:)


“5000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!’.. ah.. AN Eclectic Celebration
of 5000 Miles of Metro Area Public Dancing in stores.. last year.. around
the current date.. yeP.. oN 3.17.2016.. then.. of achieving this feat in
juST 2 and a half years.. aka 30 months.. and that is kinda aMaZinG..
consideRing that 5200 Miles.. moves yA aCross the shorTest
route Across the United States.. west to east and east
and west.. two times aCross.. round trip as it were
and sTill iS.. witH.. And noW iN 42 Months..
and a couple of weeks plus as Three
and a Half Years.. yuP that makes
me the Forrest Gump of
Dance.. in 7K miles
almost aCross
the U.S.
again in miles size..
butt beFore.. nah.. nah..
ya Get.. too.. impressed..
NoW that’s just about 5.479
Miles a Day.. iF averAged over
7 days a week.. although.. i do go
in much longer spurts.. of course.. on
the weekend.. when the audience is the
biggest.. to leARn iN mY MiNisTry of Free Verse
Martial Arts and Ballet-like Dance.. so back to what
i was saying about it not being such an effort.. other
than the fACt that i am the only one Brave enough to
do it in public in front of everyone.. HeRE.. hehe.. kindA
like my restricted Nude Art and Underwear poses and sTuff
liKe thaT or noT online.. my Maternal Grandmother worked into
her 50’s.. as a Waitress.. working 12 hours a day.. 7 days a week.
for over a Decade.. truSt me or not.. that’s a lot more dAm walKing
ain’t nearly as much fun as the Bliss of Public Metro Dance in Stores..
verses frOwn walking in Walmart or the toils and troubles that can and do
go with Customer Service as i too.. did that on my feet.. for around two
Decades too.. Day after Day.. on Holiday’s too.. but.. i for one then.. took
a Thursday and Friday off.. mostly then.. heHe.. soW iN otHeR words
as long as i am having Bliss.. don’t be too impressed.. as
i only wish.. you could have this much fun NoW as
Work with no pay at all too.. iN aLL Play.. HaVinG
NoW.. aLL you need as a Naked DanceD/SinG oF liFe..
with or without cultural
clothes of
Hehe.. as bottom
lineS.. God is Supercultural too..
And sUre.. iN Animal hUman Form2..;)


So.. A Guy or A Girl.. eTC.. is born into
A World of Culture.. could be all FloWer
or all
with no colors..
True.. StorY as old
as hUman tiMe.. wHeRe
we lose or never gain our
abiLiTy in heARt.. SpiRiT.. iN MiNd
And BoDy BaLanCinG SouL to Give
and Share Love never TaKinG more than
GiVinG more.. and liFE is Enriched witHin
as GOlden Rose FlowErs.. and hUman is Transfigured..
yes.. born aGain or for the first time in life.. in Both Essence
and Form oF Free Love as A DancE and SinG of LiFe.. WiLd and
Free iN Fearless smART UnConDiTioNaL Love.. and yep.. i lived
behind those dArk Castle Walls in a Modest.. mostly dArk Bedroom
in my uniform
of underwear
and all natural
human fur.. isolated
from even the closest
human connections inside..
and even Nature at the beginning
of 66 months as the dARk niGht oF
thE soUL wHeRE liVing deAth IS A standard
oF liFE aWay from thE LiGht oF FReED Love
to sHaRE WiTh as many folks in liFE as one now
CaN.. iN however Strong one WiLL Be to extend thaT
iNto Biggest Village possible to spread A LiGht oF Love
as LiFe.. Nah.. you would have never caught me in any
Disney Movie after small child age.. without the understanding
then.. of just how important emotional intelligence is.. in Regulating
Emotions and the Sensory Integration in a Focus of Life and Short
Term Working memory that is improved iN Cognitive Executive Functioning
when hUman is transformed into what a HiGher Power within in DancE And
SonG of LiFE transfigured aS LiGht within as Essence WiLL bE.. iNside.. ouTside..
aBove.. so beloW.. and all aRound as Form oF BeiNG hUman too.. so.. now i have an
and sensory
liFE.. so every
Disney Movie that
focuses on the human
archetypes of emotional
liFE liGht as expressed through
mythologies NoW as stories passed
down.. for around 4 thousand years
like the original story that inspires
the current version.. of the Beauty
and the Beast.. like all other stories..
including the Jesus one.. as a story
of Transformation in a Desert of liFe
or the Buddha from underneath a Tree
and the examples in stories and mythologies
beyond that are as limitless and timeless now as
existence oF Love itself iN dARk oF losS and liGht
oF gain iN give and share alWays NoW iN Love as LiFE..
anyWAy.. Yes.. Disney movies are fun for me now.. no matter age
as Love never ages when living within and giVing and shARing moRe..
iN a DancE and SonG oF LiFe.. foreVermore.. eternAlly NoW.. aS liGht.. and
hmm.. perHaps stock iN hairy men.. heHe.. will go uP after this Beauty and the Beast..
More foR noW..;)


WeLL.. my FriEnd.. Frank..
‘Spot on White’.. a State of
Weather iN a State of Flowers…
i must move all the way back
to the Storm of the
in ’93
to A
oN the Ides
of March 13th..
And before that in
’72 and ’73 back in
years where some were
frightened an Ice Age was
coming again.. and yes.. i agree..
Spot on White is an excellent metaphor
for the change from Sad Grey Clouds with my
Favorite pArt oF Clearest Azure sKeYes of crystal dry
Air and the
sNow is
when it comes
separated by Decades
of Novelty.. noW iN a World
wHere HDTV and the Internet
often supersEEds the MaGiC of Nature unleashed…
Nice to see you on the dVerse tRail.. looks like i’LL
only make two stops.. Here and Glenn’s place for now..:)

Good job Glenn..
If one cannot
Express all the
DArk and LiGht
As Poetry.. it is
A Set of
True Art
Lives out
Of HeART..:)

And heAR is wHere i move into
somewhat of a passionate rant
on all the people in the world who
try to make ART more he than ART..
in other words.. a long HIStory of Patriarchy
thaT controls the soUL.. yep.. the healthy miNd
and BoDy BaLanCE that is free to express all of heART..
namELy.. the literal 60% that is ART.. with a SpiRiT of eXpreSsinG
ART that is not terminated by the spiRit of he that has been made
into a God of Fear and Control and even hate over the Love oF ART
as the greaTest pARt of heART to poTenTiaLLy save the PlanET eARTh
from the He as a Trump of Patriarchy gone totAlly more insane in the ART
oF Lies as days go by now.. and if you don’t think or feel or sense this is serIOUs
now.. perhaps..
one is forgetting that
we have a North Korean
Personality of the ‘little man
syndrome’.. as they call it in
the deep South same
as the little
in the office
Leading the Russians
now.. Little men will always
have something to prove.. as sure..
i was once a little man too.. who finally
grew up and is no longer afraid to be all of me..
it’s really simple.. in all three cases.. no different than
the Gaston Character noW in the Movie Beauty and the Beast
and the Beast dilemma that ended up maKing a dArk Vacation
of the soUL.. keeping the heART and the SpiRit from being free in both
Divine Masculine Will and Strength and Divine Feminine Grace and Love
Set Free to Fly HiGher as a FuLL huMan ratHeR than only a he.. and that’s
A real problem.. and one that many ‘FuLL’ hUman beings LIKE the Jesus Dude
who kept his money table bRinG changing WiLL and Strength along then wiTh a
NeW Found Grace and Love.. as archetype myth most likely developed by ClosET
Homosexuals in the Roman Catholic Church.. and other outcasts before that as
thAT story was spRead in roundtable discussion on desert roads and scribe changes
on the whim then/now of each Holy Spirit of Human Creativity who improved or darkened
the story in hand written copied pages as days.. decades and centuries and millennia Go By STiLL noW as the disagreements on which chapter and verse has the most appropriate stoRy
NoW iN Form to Dance and Sing the Essence of TrutH and LIGht Now.. thing is.. as long as
the WOmen of the world do not get an input of MaKinG The Story aLive.. iT will alWays
be short a little more ART of heART than a PoTenTiaL for more Divine Grace
and Love in the Form of TrutH and LiGht that does come noW in
ways out of HIStory of Patriarchal Religions now for sure..
So.. Sure.. Thank God as Nature for Freedom oF ExpresSioN
in all the ways that legal right of truly
Free Countries comeS now..
and it’s true..
if you
be pArt of any
Community you will never
be fully free if you are one who
moves out of the Cave to express
all of what hUmanity can bRinG.. and
that’s OKAY aS in the Modern Age of
Google and Word Press and YouTube
And all the other Social Media outlets
For Creativity of FULL heART iN ART NoW..
i for one can create my own FucKinG Bible..
soon to be two times longer than the antiquated
one developed by likely thousands of people by means
to arrive at the end it is now.. in just a year by a no man
mE who is pARt of no real community of artists now.. other than
what comes in followers to generate tit for tat mostly in numerical
numbers of folks who likely mostly never read a dAM thing i SinG..
Of course.. i understand why.. this is way out of the bALL pARK now..
yes.. this is me talKing with the voice of God withiN.. and it’s bigger than
anything now.. i for one have ever heard before as the words continue to
flow free as Holy SpiRit Creativity NoW coMes streAM coMes River coMes
Ocean wHOle as these wAves of eYes and Hands of God gRoW greateR NoW
aRising with the morning Sun in the East as it pierces my left eYe to the
West at 8:28 am.. A day Before the Spring Equinox on the 19th of March heAR
noW.. AnyWay.. reading some of the folks who attempted to shame Glenn into drawing
back out of his passionate art against the anti-thesis of Love that is the man who
rules this country and may take us into a Nuclear war.. if he doesn’t single handily
bring the Environment to its knees with a stroke of a pen.. taKinG away the funding
for the arts and the humanities and more public news.. as well as meals on wheels noW
and funding to help women and children with a new horizon of hopes to kill Health Care
for millions of folks.. and yes.. so much more dArkness wHeRe perhaps he thinks he can
prevent the Sun from RiSing more with his Golden sHELLed pen with only dArk ART of
heART for noW iT is.. it’s trUe.. tHeRe is Voodoo in the Nocebo effect and Prayers
that come real in the Belief of the Placebo effect.. some folks are more
powerfully controlled by the power of suggestion.. in fAct.. Science
suggests that only about a third of the population falls
pray/prey to either the liGht pARt or dARk parT
of that human potential to rise
and fall
in ways
of negative
or positive power
of suggestion now..
Trump understands this
well.. moreover the promises
and the lies same to control this
target audience most vulnerable to
Neo-Nazi group think now.. the thing is.. those
who shame others from bRinGinG More wide awake
to the Gravity of the dARk that is now circling tHE eARTh
are as culpable as the Trump himself in MaKinG a potential
World as a Concentration Camp of Nuclear Fall-out now.. it is
serious Do DO now for those who are paying any attention to the
lesSons of HIStory from beForE and the reaLiTy of what’s going down
for now.. sure.. it’s worth losing a few likes and followers or whatever comes
next.. thing is.. it’s more important to let folks kNow and oPen their eYes to
and LiGht
that the DEvil has arrived..
in more men and yes.. women
as alWays is the case when dArk
Rises higher than beFore as HIStory
and HERstories do reflect in reaLITy beForE
and yeS NoW.. and sure.. when i spoke to being
reborn again with ART of heART aWay from dead
of HEart Before on a Desert Isle.. some of the same
folks attempted to close my heART down then on the
dVerse tRail.. thing is.. i don’t need any approval..
they got rid of me and i was happy to duSt
my sandals off tHeir
as it only
to writing
a Bible times two
L A R G E R noW
in new age way in
a year now.. if they
didn’t misunderstand me
then.. sAme story.. different
actors.. thing is.. alWays more
TrUTh and LIGht to coMe when
ART is reLeasEd from HEart NoW
in Free SpiRit oF MiNd And BoDy
BaLanCinG SoUL in metapHorse
oF Quantum MiNd and BoDy
BaLanCinG Force
NoW for FREE..
And with all that sAid..
Some more MacroVerses noW
And MicroVerses to share heAR
Now too.. and aGaIN.. iF iT is ONly
my soUL thaT LIGhts hiGher through
all of this iS.. so Be it.. for God is FReED
iN ME and God WiLL Be free as mE noW
veriLY thaT’s trUe iN LIGht noW @lEast..
And hey..!.. Heaven NoW is The UlTiMAte
Reward thAT i for one FeeL
and SenSE oF@LeasT
aLL inherited aS Such for NoW@LeASt..
@MeeK And truST me or not.. you would be aMazEd
@how hARd it is to share it WiTh even one Person now..
Needle eYeS and Bigger CamELs coMiNg my way alWayS now..
somEthings neVer sEEm to change iN HIStory noW@MoStNow..;)


A MacroVerse Memory from three Years ago.. i raise my CHALICE to God..
sure.. Celebrating God in a mythology story of King David come together
in doing it iN whaT most folks would consider vile male underwear art
for a middle-aged dude with more to come on that as this was
the cusp of My wife’s Sister’s Diagnosis with Cancer
and a place where i would break out in Dance
at Old Seville Quarter three years ago..
shortly after this date.. more
toward the end of March
then.. a little
pass the
Spring Equinox
of more colorful
Flowers of Spring
then2.. back when we
sTill actually had a Winter
and an actual dusting of sLight
snow on Ground.. hehe.. with me
in black briefs style of dancing
Barefoot on a dusting of snow in
my Backyard then.. as still recorded
in Facebook Way of saved photos then..
anyway.. worth repeating heAR as this is gonna be
an epic MicroVerse of MacroVerse heAR.. with all
these Memories Quoted and included heRe.. for MoRe..;)


i raise my



Allah or GOD or QI or CHI or KI..

or whatever words or symbols folks use..


describe the











and all others2!


most of all i give praise to GOD..

for humbly allowing me to be the water..

instead of the



chalice as limited as form




in our modern repressed..oppressed..

and imprisoned culture..


human freedom fully
















SO yes! i praise GOD! and give thanks..!

through the ZEN ART of blogging..

DANCE WALK IN tai chi..sacred

belly dance..reverse





while i usually do not go back

to see what i do..


gives me

great pleasure





in the NOW

of ALL








my soul and spirit is expressed fully

in form of



and hell yes!..i express it ALL!

every gift that GOD gives me.. from

Nature to head to toe..

in every ounce and inch

i am!



to me






i share FREEly!

as i am free being



hell YES!..there are others like me..2..

In my deadest zone of being..grasping at

any straws to regain my heart..soul..spirit of being..

tHere are only two beings human who could touch my heart..

with song and musicK..

in this dead zone of being!

Yes! in 2010..Katy Perry with ‘Firework’..

and a song i thought is ‘so raise your hands’..

that i find again on youtube..






Well..i love Pink and Katy Perry as they balance their

masculinity and femininity in


of song..




And hell yes!

stripping away the illusions of culture..

and being naked with GOD


a big part of what brings me to





















as usual..

i link that FULLER expression..

(yep.. at the new and improved Adult restricted blog now..;)

from tHis PG rated Blog..as i wish to inspire others..


find whatever IT IS..




their human being

fully expressed..



It may be completely different than how i praise..!


and give thanks and gratitude for the




i experience wITh GOD..

but still..!

i share wITh


as any inspiration..

could be the spark that carries a person..

one more day..




like what Katy Perry and Pink..

did for me..


sharing their total




in their







And the fuller praise..

linked here..




unless ya..

find yOur way..

to the fuller version..NOW!

in the culturally restricted

freedom of expression


my total









666 Months of Dance.. on the
Spring Equinox of 2015.. two years
ago.. also Celebrating a full 666 Months
of my Existence since the Doctor’s established
date of my creation by Parents on the Fall Equinox of 1959..
sure.. a Solar Eclipse that
day to go along
iN Holy
and Sacred
Meaning and
Purpose co-created
WitH God juST for me.. he He..
Religion of ONE as ‘they’ say as wHOle..
And also a second recording of a year of
SMiLInG Dance Photos with all the sMiLinG
Folks from Seville Quarter then.. yep..
mostly women.. as those are the
folks who usuAlly
get in
the Picture
of Dance and
aLL of Free DancE
and SinG of ME NoW2..:)

Original MicroVerse Memory here.. from a year ago..
SMiLes.. thanks Hank so much for dropping
by today.. and so happy you enjoyed
the photos and the
action that is
the expression
of the energy
of me..
alive now..
out of stone
statue way.. heHe..;)

And speaking of stone statues that reminds me of ‘this’..
hmm.. copyright issues do not allow this video to be
played now.. but the album ART is still LEFT
fully intact on the album cover.. now
and one great thing i Love about
the Beatles is they escaped
the forms of the past
in ART..
and went totally
stream of consciousness
art with their human
creative potential..
that comes from
a little
woo.. woo..
could go with this..
but there ain’t any greater
woo in science already
as fact that science
illustrates nicely
the Quantum
anyway.. we humans are pattern
defining creatures.. who naturAlly
wiLL find purpose and meaning
in almost all stuff life..
even if it
is not
to other eYes..
and this is wHere Synchronicity
comes into play iN riGht brain
interpreting A way from
leFt brain
clinical forms..
We humans true can be
very analytical.. but we humans
even more true in Art can be
extremely intuitive
Harry Potter magic..
and sure the Beatles were
very much involved into the
mystery schools of magicK as
termed by world renown occultist
establishing himself as the wickedest
man in the world.. and even the F in
Sargent Pepper AntiChrist Beast
of the early last
‘Mr. Crowley’..
but it worked
to get the attention..
to get his philosophy and
ideas feet that would travel
far far far into the future of Artists
who would come to spread a simple
yet valid message of the only Law
being Love Under True Will as
Divine relationship
with God..
all the rest
was his opinion
and art to further transmit
his ideas.. no matter how strange
or perverse some might have been..
but his key was.. losing fear.. losing
inhibitions.. being free once
again.. like we human
beings when
in nature
all free..
not sure if
that is precisely
the logic he used but
in effect and affect that
is what this one man’s impact
has been on the music industry
through the ‘four horseman’
of ’67 who established
a new revolution
of free
Love through
music.. and a heaven
that exists now that
is not
at all without
worldly material
goods as the current
God of culture that truly
needs ‘killing’ to get back
to the basics of our animal
nature back with God of Nature
so free.. and balanced as Nature
in tot
when free.. now..
anyway.. the Album cover
is a true deliGht as they put
many elements of culture
of the modern
day to
how many modern
day prophets there
are that can
statues at
a funeral of human
TO LIFE.. like a moon child
of sorts.. with
a mustache
face maKing..
a smile again..
but see.. here’s the thing..
we can make dreams of sweet
come to fruition or nightmares
of sour
our reality..
iS to create our
own reality
under the
relative free
will that truly
is magic noW..
as Gifted by God to
the one’s who hear the
call of the WiLd more fully
or without
mustaches on
an album cover of FREE..
and sure the stone statue
looks a little like me..
as it was a bust
of a law enforcement
officer randomly used
as Art from John Lennon’s
estate.. however the deal
remains.. what is stoic..
masculine.. and
hard can be
soft in balance
with hard and LIVE AGAIN..
died its death
with the Hunter
and gatherer age..
is to be bRinGinG trUly
the age of the new romantics..
the age of what some describe
as Horus.. as Isis comes..
in divine feminine Love
in giving and sharing..
Osiris in Will
and strength..
and yes.. the
child Horus.. as human
and overall world cultural
archetype of the
me generation
of child..
wHere human
potential and creativity
in self actualization in later
life.. replaces the rate of
human fertility to
a level
that will
allow ‘Gaia’
as whole living
being to get back
iN balance.. we are
iN thiS gAMe toGetHeR
we can view the reality of iT.. and make
myths.. facts.. or whatever but what happens
to the new human experiment iS something
wE will continue to observe/make either iN
or BIG
AND on my living album..
cover.. fully illustrated online..
there are innumerable people
inspiring me.. behind
and in front
of alL
my art
from words
to photos
as such..:)

Another Original MicroVerse Memory here from a year ago..

WeLL.. the truth iS magicK exists..
It exists iN Art aLL around uS..
that moves from sea to sky
to ocean blue
and green
to the deepest
browns of ground
and eYes black
aS coal
iN shine…
And those who create aLL
forms of Art are God’s gift
that SinGs a SonG oF SoUl..
wHere wE come and wheRe
we Go.. noW iS alWays
Better with
oF SpiRit
of hUman
heArt.. now..
And yes.. some
folks call it Sex
Magic.. iN some circles
for fame.. wHere the creative
energy from the dopamine enhancing
activity of sensual prolonGinG
activity BRinGs about a
hiGher Level
oF consciousness
iN alignment wiTh
the subconscious
powers of BeinG
human beyond
what science
as bRain
of hUman
wHere wE connect
not juSt one on one
but yes.. one on ONE
WiTH allthatis.. any
activity that changes
and heightens human creativity
oF awareness WiLL work when one
visualizes their dream in wide
awake lucid dreaming..
BRinGing iT to
fruition free now..
but the thing iS..
sadly in thiS
of prayer..
most folks wish
for material success..
wHere the true constructive
power could bE iN healing others
and Nature aLL toGeTheR onE In BeinG
now.. so when i do my magic prayers..
they are not for material goods
they are FOR the Love oF
and the
rest oF Nature
aka GOD.. so
sure thiS
is mY SonG
oF mY
and iT
to aLL aS
that iS what
true altruistic
liGht Angels do
iN fearless Love..
wITh hope aWay
it’s not too
late to do the
magic to heal
the world..
and iT
take toGeThEr
to gEt

And finAlly
‘A Photo’ that
kinda says iT
aLL WiTh oNe SMiLe..;)

So.. now..
sue me.. for
being so happy..!
and breaking out
iN joyous dance!
even iN the

And now the
wife Katrina
says.. get your
ass off that Computer
or we will be late to Church now..
LiFE can BE..;)


Ah.. SomEwhaT ‘Proud
Beauty standing next
to her Beast’ with hmm..
A Seemingly CAll for hELp
in the Back Ground to Save a liFe
and Lives as it were and iS iN poster
Board way of Catholic Church as the Beauty
poses and Keeps a little distance from her BEast..
In HOLding HiM at Bay
in safe distance way
aS Such
a Proud
sMiLe anyWay
as the Beast iS iN
Capture heAR by the
Beauty Bold.. hmm..
one thing i was kinda
Disappointed in the Movie..
was the Portrayal of Wolves
as Evil and almost Possessed
iF one WiLL BeliEve in the Voodoo
Effect of SpiRitS Possessing Wolves
or Pigs and such as thAT.. anYWay.. huMans
perHaps.. WiLL one day.. lEArn thaT Domestication
oF aLL Species maKes Functional Disabilities real..
particularly in ways of HeARt.. SpiRit.. And SoUL noW.. LoST..:)

Dear Rafiah..
as the Dictionary
says in first Google Search
Result.. per CatharsiS.. now..

“the process of releasing, and thereby
providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.”

NoW.. Ain’t thaT the trUth
And yeS.. liGht of Gardening
A HeART to eliminate weeds
of Emotional Distress.. wHeRE
spiRit of EmoTioNs and SeNsEs
all come out as unleash and release
and finAlly a soUL IS A BaLanCinG
Force of MiNd
and BoDy
as Lord kNows..
FeeLs and seNses..
Our Emotions and SeNsEs
Do Flow iN aRt of DancE and SinG
from Head to toe.. as we are born
this way to be Free to DancE And
SinG as LiGht away from the
oppression and subjugation
of what feeds us inside
more than
and Water..
My FriENd..
And HA..!.. as far as
literary significance.. who
can put a price on a heARt
Free reLeAsing.. unChained
from a Stone beFore.. nah.. now
thaT paRt iS InNate.. InSTinctual
and INtuitive fAR from a strict science
of Language in all the ways that comes
in rules and regulations too.. for those who
would otherwise Chain A heARt instead oF aLLoWinG
tHe heARt.. SPiRit.. and soUL to unWiNd and regAiN winGS
of Butterfly Free out of tightly wOUnd coCoons oF PriSoN noW..
anyWay.. Happy Spring Equinox.. mY friEnd.. as surELy a SiGn
NoW oF thE Beauty oF BaLanCinG Force of HUMan Being withiN
aS WeLL.. let it go as a Frozen Princess Did and Does say too..
Let iT aLL out.. and FLY spiRiT hiGher as heART and SoUL is let out of PRison..
or millstones that SiNk our HUman PotenTial to Love Free and Unconditional Fearless..
too.. as long
as ART is not Lost
from heART and only he is left..:)

Frank Stops by in compliment
of Liking the Pentatonix
Video of the Wizard of Ahhs..

And i say..

Pentatonix is very special in
Usual all voice way.. And
Love Given in even X-Feral
Cat way.. spELLs Love..
SpRead in
And Beast ways..
Thanks for Dropping
By.. Frank.. WitH
SMiles.. MOre

As ‘they’ say..
Two Wolves
comes both Age
and Wisdom.. WeLL
at leASt as ‘they’ say
too.. and if you’ve noticed
i’ve been saying that phrase
“at lEast as ‘they’ say” a lot lately
and ‘who’ are ‘they’.. the pARt outside
of ‘you’ wHere the pArt within you is the innate..
instinctual and intuitive pARt of God WhoLe that lives
Free and Wild..
yes.. within..
inside.. outside..
above.. so below and
all around as all that is..
sure.. it is ‘they’ but it is
also YOU.. yes.. YOU.. THE GOD
of Heaven Within.. is both simple
and complex.. to regulate emotions
and integrate senses healthy in liGht
as an ART of LiFe as Love in MoVinG
ConNecTing and CreAtinG Fearless
smART ways oF maKinG
aLL of liFE Holy..
Sacred and
Full of
Meaning and Purpose
means leaving no pART
out.. MaKinG all of existence
HoLY and Sacred FuLL of Meaning
and Purpose.. whole.. yep all that is
aka God aRiSinG hiGher in reaLIty of personal
experience extended more.. even beYond InFiNiTy oF NoW..
as not a competition.. not a goal.. just a work of Art thaT
coMes what may while one is engaged in life and truly living now..
wHeRE NoW is an ArT of Heaven that one masters.. co-creating WiTh and as
meanwhile.. iN Church..
Like yesterdaY AS the one dArker
pArt Wolf of Jesus… who dissents
and sets the family apArt in disagreement
and brings a sword instead of Peace as brother
against brother.. spouse against spouse and yes..
even child against parent and parent against child
and Lord knows as far as literal goes.. even slaying
those who don’t go along with your philosophy of liGht..
and back to the liGhter version of Jesus who says in literal
ways.. Love your neighbor as yourself and God paraMountly in
consuming others with no harm.. Give your stranger the shirt off
your back.. and live by the sword die by the sword.. and even go so
far as turning the other cheek when someone smites your face.. well..sure..
with turning tables over at the place of money changing in the temple.. we
have a Wolf with two Faces as Jesus.. and sure.. he wrote in Parables and we
can make those
parables into
an ink blot
test of
whomever is
interpreting it in the
homily or pastor general
lecture of the day.. and this
makes the Bible a very dangerous
book and the Koran too.. as metaphor
can be taken literal and little girls can be
raped.. and crusades can be carried on and folks
who disagree burned at the stake.. and still crucified
and stoned in some countries and beheaded and all types
of true evil in harming others for an ideology that can
be anything from A to Z to prayer to voodoo.. and beyond
in whatever human symbols.. humans create as next.. and this
is where a little common sense of shared consensual reaLiTy comes
into play.. and why a simple SonG as Myth of Two Wolves in a Cherokee
Legend can make it all make sense.. as we are the ones who create our lives
as we go.. for what we feed and water the Garden of our soULs with in con-social
or pro-social EmoTioNs and SenSEs in a BaLanCinG aCt of LIFe.. Look all around you
in Nature and one can see that the forEmost Law of Nature is a BaLanCinG acT now..
human misery and suffering can be mostly reduced to LiVinG out of BaLanCing acT
WiTh God and NaTuRE sAMe.. the Karma of that LiVinG out of BaLanCe is the
price we pay.. or the Heaven we FiND by SeeKinG a BaLAnCe and
practicing what works as a life of BaLanCe in what
surely can be a relative
as somewhat
MeeK and lEast
on this Planet eARth
NoW.. esCaping the trappings
of all of what culture and religion
says we must do to move away from
a BaLanCe of what we are sTiLL
Evolving to bE
and Free
as Altruistic
Beings full of
Pro-Social Emotions
and Positive SensuaLiTy
to give and share aLL aS
Cooperation oF toGeTheR in
a ForAGe of Life with a naKed
DancE and SinG at the end of the
foRage under a moonlit niGht
of breeze
as Love
and SinGS
oN wHeRE the
ChiLd is the Prize
iN A Village of Love..
WeLL.. thaT coMes in relativELy
sMaLL groups of BeinG hUman… Insanely
large populations that grow out of written
language.. collective intelligence and building
skyscrapers away from the FlowEr of God in angles
and squares that move away from the Natural PHI
1.618 mean as Golden SpiRal oF God.. Calgon takes
us away instead of to.. A God of StreAMs
floWing NaturAlly iNto SpRinG of Rivers
and Ocean WhOle wHere we
Waves of God
in a Coca-Cola
SonG of Peace and
Harmony that needs no
shot of caffeine or sugar
to escape the pain and misery
of BeinG out of Balance With
and as GoD as NatUre sAMe..
raises us
as God within..
so.. the Priest Chastised
the Congregation yesterday
for the dissent against politics
today.. like it’s not really a big
deal if meals on wheels go away..
or if 14 Million folks
next year
or more
of Saint Francis’
animals go extinct..
and nah.. they don’t give
a Fuck about Gay rights and
Transgender rights even though
the real so-called Gnostic Jesus
said make the man and woman one in terms
of divine masculine and strength and divine
feminine love and grace.. anyway.. there is a time
and a place for turning money tables over at church and
sometimes it is speaking up for hope and love over fear and hate..
you don’t get to disagree with
at Church
in the
Middle of Mass
but i do get to DIsSENT
with freedom of expression
and we live in a time and place
where a beautiful voice like mine
would surely be missed in a congregation
of stone cold military faces.. overall.. in
what it takes to kill.. to overall
stunt the emotional growth
of the heARt
of SonG
of a Free
soUL as SpiRit
NoW.. so.. yep..
i can dissent when
and whenever i love to online..
i realize.. ‘they’ kNow noT what they do..
so it’s a given i forgive them.. but if they
thiNk/FeeL i am not going to turn the tables of fear
and hate over to hope and love without speaKing up..
‘they’ don’t understand what it takes to love to
fight for LOVE fearless strong.. yes.. wiTh grace2..
Wolves win..
and nah.. Wild
Wolves don’T pLay
GAMes of Fear and Hate..
no disSinG REAL WiLD Wolves heAR as FEar/HAte..;)

Gonna need a longer Indian DancE and SonG to finish
uP the MacroVerse Memories as shared on Facebook now..
And after that.. will i stArT slowly and surely
backing up the 16 MacroVerses without
the fully illustrated parts in
all teXt to Facebook in
three page way..
this MacroVerse
“Equinox SpRings VernAlly NoW”
as number 85/756.. dePendS on how the
StreAM Flows to the River to the Ocean
wHole.. i don’t even wanna kNoW.. iN Waves.. i’LL
FeeL and Sense it AS God coMes more iN mE
and hopefully
as the story
will never end
iN Never Land
and “Nether Land
Bible 2017”.. too..
as long as God is
Free in you2.. Chain
God and Now is Death
as tiMe aWay from eternal..
NoW.. no matter what metaphor
one uses for reALiTy or dARk..
WiLd and Free Wolves FeeL and SeNse liGht..
And on top of thaT.. i Like the Album Cover
on the American Indian Meditation YouTube
it looks like
the wife who
lives within..
so wHo
is thaT
iT the
of Katrina for now..
@least i wiLL as ME..:)

MicroVerse HeAR
wiTh MicroMicro
Verses opened too..
from a year ago..
As poeticAlly
Responding to
every liNk of
every prompt
on dVerse online from
April of 2015 through
March of 2016.. and yep..
i got a little behind and
it took me way through April.. 2016
to finish March.. 2016.. it was also
worth it as i ended up with 338,630
words in one MacroVerse of Free verse
Poetry.. as jusT a pArt.. “GodsUniVerseNovel3”.. iN Ocean
Whole Poem as “SonG of mY SoUL”.. 4M.. words.. beFore i even
beGAn.. NeXT.. “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. on Memorial Day of 2016..
lET’s fAce it.. i have enough Art to give/share for Infinity
as now many words lone.. can even be read an Infinite number
of ways Different sAMe in Metaphor Interpretation more..
after all.. even with thaT
Old bLack Book
and Koran
you’ll get
a different
of a verse on any
given day.. dePending
on who one talks to..
as that’s how
it goes
even the
Original Authors
of PoEtry now.. it’s
Cool to hold Poetry Holy
and Sacred.. Full of Meaning
and Purpose in any Bible NoW or
Koran way..eTc.. thaT speLLs liGht over dARk..
but when one attempts to hOld God/ArT IN chains
NoW of Prison in tHeir wiTh never gRoWing More
as God/Art is WiLd and Free too.. oh.. the Blasphemy
of putting God/Art in Chains and PriSon too.. or maKing
God/ARt into only one Man or last prophet’s words or a book lone away from allone..
God is
bigger than
A word or book
or man alone..
or so-called
last prophet’s words..
in case
it up to
be something less as God..
My Story of God WiLL never
end as thAt iS HoW Poetry of HeARt
lives EternAlly VernAlly as FresH
as God WiLL bE..STiLL NoW MoRE..:)

DArk heARt..
cOld niGht..
SonG eYes..

Hidden Angel..
Soldier of God..
Dog’s sMile

eYes noW
oF twiliGht
iN dArk
bRow oF
siNkinG sHoRes..:)

Oh.. the sword..
oh the empty
steel becomes
blood instead
of Love..
or now..
Wars Lose…
Feet Dance
iN grins
smiles wHere
feelings below
rule above iN

Laughs at Life..
never wins..

SMiLes.. baby
Love alWays
Grins iN wash
of dirty
and clean..:)

A dog’s smiles
of connection
winning grin
cat sMiles
to come..:)

Cat dreams full of smell..
Eagle dreams full of vision..
Human dreams

Ah.. challenge..
cold shudders
briGht iN
beds off
dirt floors
wiTh spiders
crawling then
out oF holes..
pleaSure grins
iN zoNe

Privilege of strong
and fearless.. now
weak and
scared inner
life oF fear
others.. now..
than shoulders
wide and spear free..:)

Each human mind trUly free
to move.. connect.. and
create.. opening
new frontiers..
past now
new.. now
books oF
old miNds
iN new
seT freENow..:)

iN every human
heARt liVes
SinGs noW
eternal Hope
iN Loving color
way.. to
thiS flower
iS dream
Love’s SonG..:)

Death oF heARt..
SpiRit and miNd
and body
soUL often
of addiction
as numb
living dead..:)

Haha.. matches
staRted In heLL
burn iN
hehe.. desert
soul desserts..;)

oh No.. TV
away from
wins of
scary shows
feed mind
away from
dreams Free
iN Nature’s SonGs..:)

ThiS SinGs hUwoMan
SonG oF moVing
home alone..:)
SMiLes.. i used
to have Winter
SaD too..
i staRted
and Summer
way from

Birds and Bees
fly over floods
and fires
of Humanmade
oF Free

no longer
sad iS
death iN
life not even
wHere sadness
dares to tread iN
darKest human way…
Child’s skip
wiTh Mother’s
Love iS peanut
butter sandwich
aLways stickinG toGetHer..:)

sMiLes.. Reminds me..
Childless.. Wife and i are.. So
cats are kids.. And in a soothing
low hertz voice i tale ‘Yellow Boy’
a bedtime story.. Where around a fire
we roast marshmallows and drink hot chocolate..
And he purrs to sleep.. Must add in P and J
sandwiches now to see if he likes..
wiTh same hertz of voice..;)

HeArs A thing.. as a vocation
one does art for love over any
material gain.. Love is the
action of creating the
ARt.. ‘Emily
D’ can stuff
it in drawers
after that and i can
print it online to save
pages cut down as Trees more
as it would take.. the Zen of doing
it in the Flow of ZoNe in the preSent
of NoW is the continuous eternal reward
of now in MoVinG.. CoNnecTing and Co-Creating
Art witH and As GoD noW in GoD sKeYes the sAme
and Different too.. surELy iT will be easier to give
and share without material reward online than instead of
of liVe
Trees chopped
down and hidden
in drawers of wood
sAme and Different too..
but as the Gnostic Jesus
intimated in metaphor of
Gospel of Thomas..
author of
those words were
then that liveS on
now as pArt of the
soUL of the Author
of Art shared
With and as God..
God can be found in the
split of wood chopped at core
in ‘tween of life lived as SpiRit
of HeARt oF soUl FuLL Tree.. of Life..
so.. these words exPReSsinG
heARt of miNe iN
in cord
of wood that refUses to die..
as the Sycamore groWs taller
be cut dOwn
to shorter than WiLd
and Free LiVinG noW..MoRe..EvolVinG soUL..:)


“Signatures PreSeeding Sons and Daughters”.. and truly
as ironic and as truly saD as it can be said and done
now since modern Christians have mostly wHoLLy lost in
sacred meaning and purpose original essence in teachings
of Jesus in liGht of Truth and LiGht even in the existing
parables of metaphors of the New Testament now that God lives
in all of us equAlly and different too.. and Heaven is worth seeKing
and finding in this generation always now.. and instead.. continue to
worship a man over finding God wHOle within as pArt oF aLL.. and sure..
those are sTiLL juSt empty sHeLls of words unTiL one ActuAlly finds
God within.. and gains an Agape Love for all of existence and
stARts a lifE of co-Creating WiTh God WiLd and Free to
give and share With aLL.. emptying one’s pockets
in MoVing ConNecTinG ways..
of tools that become huMans
as extension of God
moreover than God
and Wild
within us
when sought
and Found WiLd
and Free as an ISREaL
continual practice of LiFE
now with never end.. eternAlly
with little to no perception of
tiMe in the reWard Inherited now
as Heaven whOle as Nature as God does
Free when WiLd as GoD can be LoVinG within
and as US Now.. nah.. there is not much difference
NoW between a FundamentaList Christian or Muslim
or Atheist Same worshipping a God oF Form either
in words of Science or words of SaCRED TEXT WITH
aGain.. sAme story.. sAMe
human Archetypes.. Different
Actors and Different Stories
with sAMe and Different words for GoD sTiLL
or Living within..:)

MicroVerse Memory heRe from a year ago..
with old friend Cabrogal.. also diagnosed
with Asperger’s Syndrome and Bi-polar with
multiple other physical illnesses like me
before.. before i overcame that and
transfigured transformed and reborn
came too..
as change
into a metaphor
of ‘Superman’2..
no.. not literAlly
“Superman”.. juSt the
sAme old SamE ‘ole
“Hero Archetype” sAMe
that aLSO changes NoW
as DiffeRent too.. anyWay..
very intelligent and creative
dude and alWays a pleasure to
visit his blog that has been
silent for some time
now.. howEver the
do live on as form as essence of his soUL..:)

Smiles.. While ‘this’ game theory
is true for domesticated humans
who have little regulatory control
of their emotions and rudimentary
integration of their senses.. The ‘real’
humans freed from the stereotype of matrix
skip the politics of culture as folly of others..
However.. Nash himself.. acknowledged his game theory
was flawed with his poverty of experiencing human emotions..
He did not even factor in this human potential of relative free will..
In other words.. Neo CAN live human too.. Amused now at the Human
Virus named modern culture.. Capitalism.. Free Markets.. Etc..
Where the ONLY true free is directed within by those
who develop relative Free Will..:)

In other words.. Nash observed the
sheep at play and missed the
shepherds beyond his ‘sight’..

His theory is western culture
determined but not ‘human’..
Determined.. WiLL..:)

If you saw the movie.. Let’s just
say.. the pretty girl would have insisted
on dancing with ‘me’.. ‘Cause she never met
a Real Wild human MAN Before.. Even if 3 or
so decades older.. and yes.. i’ve empirically
measured that result.. 600 or so times
on my blog as there are not enough
Neo’s to go further than a case
study so far.. But sure.. the
science of it is real all
natural ecstasy.. Yeah..
Like a free Nash2..;)

SMiLes.. i was talking
about the.. ‘A Beautiful Mind’ movie
specific to Nash’s game theory where
he suggested the best result would be to
ignore the beautiful blonde.. however.. Nash
knew Close to Zero of an entire other continent
of mind that includes emotion..
So as he admitted..
his theory was

Nash’s basic idea
was Adam Smith was
wrong and to do what was
best for the individual AND
the group was best.. And
that makes sense but
ignoring the blonde
is only for beta males..
Smiles.. Again.. as
of course..:)

Smiles.. Perhaps if he
had become ‘Human’ his theory
would have been grounded in reality..
A little more.. He did base his theory
on his observations of humanity that were
flawed at core level of what it means to
even move.. Per emotion that
most warm blooded animals
share other than politicians..
CEO’s.. Surgeons.. Shrinks..
And yes..
Nash’s in
of science..:)

Smiles.. again..
my friend.. rules
don’t work on truly
Free humans
and that’s
my only
point… it all
applies to the
other overwhelming
majority of folks
who follow
the rules
of others..
in other words..
rules don’t work
the same on all folks..
but sure.. in general
in this day
and time
they do..
as we are
a culture of rules..
and very little
from within
per se..:)

Like i said..
my friend.. i agree
it works for the sheep
and to be crystal clear
i’m speaking of the rules
of dum humans not SMaRt Nature..:)

And you kNow..
it’s interesting..
My depression was
specifically a result of poverty
in emotions.. and it took me 3 years
to find a professional who had any
grasp on how to get them back.. Eventually..
i literAlly showed the first shrink how to do it
with art of movement.. He quit his practice and
is teaching movement therapy as it is just F in
common sense.. emotion moves emotions move.. Etc..
Etc.. YES.. A light came on and he said.. Oh yeah..
It works.. Forrest Gump
moment.. Priceless..:)

the modern
world.. overAll..
is an F ‘ED
up place..
’cause the whole
shootin’ match now
iS out oF balance.. sTill
social animals are evolved
to work together for the
mutual benefit of
the entire
tribe.. pack.. whatever..
works and when technology
comes.. now.. and the comforts
of modern society.. folks now gain
a reality where they no longer
need each other as a tribe
to survive.. and sure
that can
as it does
in Japan.. where
the young folks are no longer
interested in Reproducing and
the elders are cleaned up out
of their apartments as they
have zero connections
in old age for
cares about remains of
their welfare.. even if
the floors come clean..
and no.. i am not immune
to this.. with no real extended
family in middle age.. and few
real friends in flesh and blood
who would likely really
give a crap iF
i fall off the
face of the
earth other
than what happened
to that crazy dancing dude..
but hey.. at least i left A mark..
and truly lived.. so far.. at least..
i can’t ask for anymore than
the cat
who basks
in the midday
sun rolling in free
sands of earth or hugs
the moonlit grass in
midnight green
of earth
This.. is the point..
from the large cultural
view it is a large pile
of crap..
but from
the small
it can still be
heaven and bliss..
that’s my vote.. friend.. Cabrogal..
and i exercise iT iN EPIC WAy..
And to be clear
i totAlly agree with
your viewpoint here
in how it relates to
game theory.. you just
inspired a ‘iittle’ more
out of me this
as that
to do…
wInks aGaiN..
EmotTIoNs are the
and i really felt sorry for Nash
for never truly finding
them.. it’s a cold place..
no need now
for economics
101 with ’em.. Free..
at least.. if one is
from the God of
D O L L A R.. now
yeah.. life as iS
but a
beach for me..
with plenty Of
FReED SaND and
LeAves oF GrasS..;)

Thanks.. i didn’t realize
that the bar scene in the
movie was fictional
and not actually
reported by Nash
in his book…
And it’s truly sad it
was misrepresented like that
in the movie.. As no.. Nash was
no Crowe in real life either in
looks to even gain the attention of the blonde..
but after all.. in the Pee Wee Herman Movie..
when they made a movie of his life within
the movie..
played the
role of Pee Wee..
oh.. Hyperbole of all
types.. you do tale a story that spReads..;)

And now.. finAlly.. a MicroVerse Memory from
a year ago.. as inspired from a YouTube
Video that gigoid shared.. on FB.. and
as time goes by
on YouTube
and copyright
strikes come for
this and that reason
of monetizing trutH and
LiGht.. the Author of the
story had to redo his liGht
and TruTh Gig to meet the
state of current
but hey.. SeeK
And find TrutH and
LIGht aGaiN.. and it’s
trUe… according to Maslow’s
Pyramid of Human Development
toward sELf-actualization
and Fowler’s Pyramid of
Faith that moves
to pure
Love in
Words and
Action for all existence
AKA God wHole.. no.. noT aLL
folks currently earn tHeir way
to the top of the pyramids of Faith/LOve
and Self-Actualization which are just secular
metaphors that less and more say the same things
that the so-called Jesus Dude says in the New Testaments
for the TrUtH and LiGht pARts for those wiTh eYes and eaRs
to sEE and HeAR the Deeper Parables of Metaphor with more than
of eyes
and ears..
in other words..
the discernment
of right brain
ways of
and SeNSinG
existence as LiVE
wHOle.. aka GoD NoW
over the lonely sHells
of God with no greater essence
wHOle.. allone.. some folks sTiLL
LIVe Life like Trump-Like MiNions
aS Such.. and it’s uP to Us folks
at the top of the King and Queen’s Ivory
Tower of AgApe Love/Faith/Self Actualization/
to BRinG the MiNions uP to save them
from the pit of HeLL within..
and trUly
thAT effort
the Heaven
does not
within as
TrUE AGaPe Love/Faith
never Gives up now ’till
death pArts Love from LIGht as LiFe..
And it’s TrUe.. for some of us thAT no longer HapPens NoW..:)

AnyWay.. to finAlly end this rather long “Equinox SpRinGS vernAlly NoW”
MacroVerse.. iT aLL kinda comes down to this.. in my Dance in the eARTh
store at the MaLL yesterday Afternoon.. when i told the nice
Cashier and Customer Service Assistant.. what i liked
best about the eARTh store tHeRE..
symbols aS Essence coMe
to liGht
Around the
eARTh iN most
all cultures and
religions too.. thing
that connects theM aLL
is Love NoW alWays NoW..
only pArt separating the
world now is suggesting
a certain form owns
the essence
of God and
Humanity whole
in cultural and religious
ways.. If we can just go the
route of Agape Love in Self Actualization
more as more and more folks come awaKeNeD
and EnLIGhteNed in this all Natural
LoVinG innate.. instinctual
and intuitive way
as Altruistic
smART as
iN ART..
and Co-CreaTinG
hUman BeingS NoW..
give and share WiLL
beCOME a Way of the World..
but i am not so naive.. not to understand
the hierarchies also natural in the tribal
human way of small group allegiances to
cultures.. religionS.. anD symbols sAMe..
for when the territory of liFE
becomes ART and Love
all BeCOMes
Hope and
Love and Joy
over FeaR And
Hate and Misery now..
as ‘they’ say.. one HUman
at a tiMe as less as CamEL
through tHe eYe oF GoD’s Needle
NoW aLL inheriTEd aS Such or not..
what reMains to be seen and fELt and sensED..
be uP
to HUman
WiLL over Love for Now
alWays noW in Equinox Balance
SpRinG VernALLy NoW as Love or not..
wHEre God beCoMes the FloWer no longer
Wilted Now away from Love.. WiThiN..
the water
over heAR
iN Heaven suRE
FeeLs and SenSes
LiGht as TrUth..
won’T you
are no wAlls in this pLacE Now..
onLy the opaque WiNdows Created aWay aWaY iN dARk..:)









BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

4 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

Book oF Ten Sixteen..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)


Grand Cross Bible 2016

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)


CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)


VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)


CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)


Nether Land Bible 2017

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)


7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)





The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)



Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 21 Comments

Leprechaun Pan Dance 2017

Ah.. the Pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow.. per.. oveR iT..


As promised beForE..
three wishes to
grant ye..
as alWays..
the rewards
as the Pot of
GOld lives
as God Of Nature
hOlds a spoT of GOld
WiThin hUman hOlding
hands with each otHeR Free
as Love for the Win as Pot of GOld
Free.. never a Washington Dollar or Lincoln
to be
as cost..
and price
more than free..
bottom lines.. we make
our GOld or spend our life
buying and selling something else..
in ways of dollar bills.. trading likes or
follows.. beyond the essence of Love as
text shells with little substance.. A Dance
of Pan.. Leprechaun as trickster too..
and yes.. a promise fulfilled
in this MacroVerse..
number 755
of Ocean
Poem.. “SonG
oF mY soUL”.. STiLL
exceeding 4 million words
across multi-blog platforms..
along with this 84th Macroverse
as 83 makes 1,244,636 words now
of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. stARTed
on.. Memorial Day of 2016.. as paRt of
all the homework of writing in 12 milLion
words.. starTinG online on the Wrong Planet
on.. Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. as hey.. Love
is the Prize as essence living eternAlly now as me..
within that has no other way but Love.. my Pot of GOld
i give and share.. sorry.. no dollar bills but sure.. i’ll trade
a like and a follow.. and i’ll read all ya write.. as when in Rome
do as the Romans do.. enough to get along.. hehe.. meanwhile
i can
and share
a Gift of Dance
and Song that says
Love iN sMiles and also
Celebrate three years of
Dance at Old Seville Quarter
with all the Innocent Forest.. and
Beach Nympths SMiLinG WiTh me
as Pan and Leprechauns and other
tricksters of Dance WiLL do for fAiry
Joy.. of JuST LovinG you more WiTh
aLL tHeir heaRT.. and spiRit iN A
MiNd and BoDy BALanCinG
soUL way
in a free
verse dance
and song of LiFe
that never ends iN sMiLes..
so yeah.. several hundred smiling
selfie dancing photos.. split uP in a 6
month record of jUST thAT.. at the beginning
and the end of this MacroVerse.. with another
comprehensive record of MacroVerse SonG
HiSTory to go along with DancE.. and at the very
very end.. will be the “Leprechaun Pan Dance 2017”..
at Old Seville Quarter on the 152nd Dance Week niGht
of doing that with a few Thursday Nights missed for this
and that and moved over to another day.. anyway.. might
have lost count for a week or two heAR or tHeRE as hey..
when you are wearing a zillion hats at once..
sometimes a Leprechaun
hat gets
or a Pan
one too.. but
main thing
is.. it gets
close to the
Spring Equinox
as the Dance comes
to that at Old Seville Quarter..
and sure.. i’ve been there every
week on one day of the week.. at least..
except for a stint
bug as tHeRe
ain’t no dance
with that but running
to the Porcelain throne.. fast
step more than sitting or laying sTiLL..
AnyWay.. going to see the Doctor today..
gotta walk around a little bit and get away
from this computer to let the blood pressure air out..
i understand tHeRE is a 44 word Poetic prompt on
the dVerse online Poet’s Pub all about Spring as
muse… sounds fitting enough for all of that is too..
and nah.. no 44 word limits or expectations for me..
back in awhile for more on that but i’ll do
two first now to poeticAlly respond
to Frank and Xenia who
have been
so nice
to actually
visit a Leprechaun
Pan at his home of WRitE..
and leave some words of nice..
and sure… i’ll Drop by Lillian’s place
to make three.. and give this keyboard
a break.. ’till later today.. after the Doctor
and Public Store places as Leprechaun Pan
dreAMs do move on in flesh and blood more than
SonG of wordS iN a Dance of feet as feat fresh LIFE LiGht..;)

Oh yeah.. about that record of dance again.. first.. i’ll do that..
and this “Leprechaun Pan Dance 2017”.. will fit iN above “Pan
Freed Dancer”.. as a record of sMiLinG Dance photos that moved
through the Fall Equinox of 2016.. just a copy and paste of about
26 weeks of dancing at Old Seville to beHOld in this MacroVerse heAR now.. to date..
and to be clear.. “666 Months of Dance” and “God’s Muse of Dance” are also the record
of over a thousand photos of sMiLinG Dance photos at Old Seville to complete.. to date..:)










And now to dVerse with three Spring liNks.. as personal poetic prompts..:)

Top of the neWesT
SpRing.. to ya.. mY
friEnd.. Lillian.. noW
And Lord knowS and
FeelS and seNseS iN
aS liGht of Hope.. Or
FeAR of DArk.. NoW
all wound
up or loose
And floWer
Fresh FReED..:)

Lillian responds with an
analogy of a slinky..

And i sing back..

WiNks.. Lillian..
A Real trick is
A way
for the
sLinKy to
climb uP stAirs
as DOwn Stairs
iS alWays dOne more
iT seems.. at leASt
iN thE pArTs wHEre
i liVe wHOle.. NoW..;)

Ah.. the entropy of WiNter..
FAlls thaT SpRing aWay
from Summer…
A unique
for HumaN WiLL
caN prOduce FloWers
of SpRing yeAR ’round..
and heHe.. with climate change
over heAR in LA Lower Alabama
Florida Panhandle.. 4 seaSons
can coMe anytime now
wiTh a SprinG oF
WiNter NoW
WiThiN alWays
A DancE And
SonG poTenTial
of hUman SpRing
as streAMs go on
to Rivers as
wAves oF
wE beCoMe
OceAn whOle…
Hi Frank.. breezing
by.. this morNinG oN
anotHeR SpRing breAk..ouT..:)

Frank responds back with wishes
for a great Spring Break..

And i say..

SMiLes.. my friEnd
the climate change
i Love the best..
is the
oF climates sAMe..;)

Beautiful words
thaT say iT all
iN Dog
my FriEnd
Xenia.. tHere
is no reAson iN
LiFE but SpRing Lives..
aS a SMiLe oN a Wag’s Tale..:)

Xenia Sings Smiles across the Miles..

And i return with..

Love to you all.. as well.. Xenia..
With the Sun Peaking out
Of the end oF
A Winter
Is cool
Fall again..
Spring Loves.. Change..
All change

AnotHeR SpRing break comes now away
from iVory plastic keys that continue to SinG.. SpRing..
as a Public Dance soon to BEcoMe too.. iN thE flesh and blood..:)

11:40 AM..

While out and about
Frank and Xenia stop by..

And i respond back.. after
Frank says he likes my
words about
the Smile
of the
of the Dog’s Tale..

Hi Frank.. thanks so much for
stopping by again.. and nice
to see that you also agree that
Dogs Go to Heaven..
Love is Heaven
they surely do
a fine
of Living
WiTh and aS Love noW..
SMiLes.. my friEnd.. and best
Wishes to you as WeLL.. poeTicALLy2..:)

And Xenia returns with very nice words that say..
“The light within is shining very brightly Fred
with your mother’s love in your heart
heart emoticon” with congratulatory
wishes for 7K miles of Dance
Walking with more
smiles across
the miles..

And i respond back..

Ah.. SMiLes
aCross the
A Gift thAT
sMiLes oF Love
Does giVe aLL Free
As Love continues to
Circle the Globe Freer
for those
in and
as Love.. Free noW..
as liGht continUes to
Dance and Sing FreeR.. aLiVe..:)



As just another Parody of Parody and sAdly
fiction does reflect the reality of
Trump Life too..
The Movie now
‘Gold Member’..
Parody too of
‘Gold Finger’
with Player
Austin Powers
and a greatest
dancer there ever
is as Beyonce.. in
her part in that classic
slapstick physical comedy too..
i intimate that my little friend Gold
Member that quite FRANKly was the
Private Member of the Golden Trump
Villain in ‘that’ movie and reality too
as Frank Heads do go.. so yes..
in this Parody of Parody
in case study..
Boy is my
little Friend
for noW as
Gold Member..
surely.. the one who both
helped me lEarn to be wild
and love again.. with a flair
of fearless and smART ways
of common sense in innate
instinct and intuition of ISA’s
yes.. Instinct.. Skills.. and Abilities
over the Crystalized human book learning
of KSA’s aka Human Knowledge coming from
written recorded collective knowledge and religions
and complex cultures that bind folks together for common
holy and sacred meaning and purpose in existential intelligence
ways too.. sadly.. often leaving off the Moving pARt of liFe to go along
with the connecting and co-creating pARt of life that culture and religion
do often bring… sadly though.. with sitting still and standing still and kneeling
sTill in pews of church and now sTiLL behind keyboards as i do at this present
of now to BoWinG before the Dopamine generator oF a Lit of screen in all
the sizes screens come now.. in generating more hits of Dopamine
as nows go by.. saving grace of course.. the kitty pictures
on Facebook.. little babies.. and other visual
images that promote a warm
and fuzzy oxytocin feeling
as the connection
of Love
And Dopamine
rushes of excitement..
and sure that’s important
too.. as is a balance of lust
and love to achieve a balance
of warm and fuzzies with continued
motivation to achieve greater productivity
and creativity togetHeR.. for the survive and
even thrive in liFe as a Dance and Song oF LiGht..
true.. not much different than what Austin and Beyonce
achieve in the movie… as what counts as Champions of Love..
same story throughout art of the sages of the ages all the way
to Carl Sagan and his movie inspired as ‘Contact’ with Jodie
Foster.. what moves us and connects us and co-creates
us ToGeThEr is the childhood Heaven of Love set
Free that we already inherit now as Love..
iF we don’t lose it to the crystallized
knowledge that turns us
into un-feeling and
tools of
life as
Brick Houses..
Metal Cars and
yes.. even Guns and
Knives and Swords and
yes.. even Smart phones too..
over the ART iN Smart.. the ART
in Part.. and yes.. ART in Planet Earth
that sets uS free togeThER WhoLe allone instead
of Separate alone.. trapped in/as the tools we create
in material ways.. Institutions of closed buildings and
rooms without windows threaten my freedom no different
than my home does heAr.. as Yellow Boy with Feline Leukemia
suffers a little from allergies this time of year.. and is trapped inside
more for the welfare of his health that he only wants to be free with..
quantity of life verses quality of life as ‘they’ say.. same with my Mother
who chose a Natural way out of life.. instead of being treated with chemotherapy
or even getting diagnosed with Cancer or even taking any prescription medications
her entire life.. even with 300 rated Cholesterol readings early on in life.. she ate whatever
she wanted.. rarely.. ever exercised.. and yes.. was very much overweight much of her life..
but she did it her way.. with no more than a Bayer Aspirin for Bone Cancer as an ending
spread of the Breast Cancer for a ride with Cancer treatment free for about 2 and a half
years as she started losing unexplained weight in August of 2014.. i am not suggesting
this is a smart way to achieve a longer life.. but the thing is.. she held her own
in the game of scrabble a couple days before the Brain Cancer
started bleeding at the very end.. and smiled at my
sister in the Hospital when she woke up
to her last lucid waking life.. moment..
and the same Day
on Valentine’s
Day when
in the parking
lot of the Doctor’s
office for my routine
check-up when my Mother
Started losing Bladder control
kinda like our Cat Moby with his
complications from Diabetes shortly
before his passing in February of last
year.. i was emotionally stressed to the max..
and when my blood pressure reading came in
at 144 over 90.. the Doctor insisted that i immediately
start a routine of Blood Pressure medicine.. even though
she tried that before.. when i used to get stressed at the Doctor’s
office and my blood pressure went down to 80 something
over 50 something.. i believe in preventative
medical care.. but one must be their
own champions of health
and give no blind
faith to
of what they
understand of their
own health.. if they have
the tools and yes.. Knowledge..
both crystallized in school ways
and in touch with their body in all
innate.. instinctual.. and intuitive ways
to understand the connections of emotions
and senses and pain and joy that all can bring
in life.. not always.. what they teach in medical school..
but what is gifted within from birth in all innate.. instinctual
and intuitive ways.. lest we become our tools more than flesh and blood..
so.. i bought a Blood Pressure machine and showed her my resting heart
rate of 57.. and blood pressure of 107 over 62 and such as that at rest too..
away from the Institutions and yes.. even boxes with screens that take
a pARt oF our liFE away in NDD/Nature Deficit Disorder lest we forget
that we are FloWeRS of Nature too.. WE ARE THE
for the Love that we are born
with and hopefully
fed and
as Garden
of Love as Child..
Our modern complex cultural
ways of limits and demands of
expectations spoon fed in a plate full
from almost birth can surely make hell
a reality of a Pot of Gold that is Love
that is never reached at the end of
A Rainbow Lost from Birth…
Find it again
in the
Oz of Imagination
and Creativity of Moving
and Connecting ways of LiVing
A balance of a luST and Love for
all of existence in holy and sacred ways
full of meaning and purpose.. or keep building
bigger homes.. keep ‘feeling’ garages up with Walmart
‘STUFF’.. the extra bedrooms when the kids move out too..
as one collects the stuff inherited as their parents pass away too..
and be lost in a garbage dump of stuff.. yes.. i have two Bedrooms
and a Garage full of shit too.. that i haven’t Got around to emptying out
and giving that shit away too.. i’M.. inspired to Move.. Connect and Co-Create
more.. as all of liFE is now a Poetic Prompt for me.. wHERe a FucKinG Card
Board Box with the word Champion written on it.. and a Golden Kitty sitting
Fearless.. smART and all Warm and fuzzy with Love on Top can surely
BrinG a MicroVerse with less and more of the Meaning and Purpose
of liFE
for me..
with yes..
some play toys
too.. and yes.. more
cultural tools of Yarn
to sow creativity more
as a reap of life as
reward too.. NoW..
Old Pictures of
Love that Still live
too and moreover more than
anything else.. the Giving Sun of Life
iS StiLL shining down on all our lives as LIGht
And i do literally mean the Sun and i do metaphorically
mean both the Lust and Love we generate in heARt
of EmoTioNs and Body of SenSes too.. that
are all whOle with no paRt
separate as SoUL
all God
as ‘they’ say..
OF LOVE and to take that right
to Love whomever we want and to
to take the health care away from the
Young Mother who may develop Breast
Cancer like the one in the FucKinG Walmart
Aisle last night whose children were holding
her hands and helping her walk last night with
the greatest hands of Love.. makes my eYes
burn with laser righteous indignation
as you KNow and FeeL
and SenSE those
eYes are
God’s eYes
too.. we all have them
to be silent or to fight for
the right to life… liberty.. and
the pursuit of Happiness that is
alWays a luST and LoVe for each oTher
and all of eXistence aka they say.. ‘GOD’..
the other old Gold Member and his friends who
snicker that a person can afford the price of Health Care..
full price if they give up a cell phone and such ass that..
can go
in metaphor of
due dissension.. heaR..
as i understand the value
oF A Mothers’ Love that goeS on..
whether sponsored by health care
or welfare or whatever raises a garden of Love..
Love will save the world.. BETTER pave the way with Roads of Love..
one WiLL Hope
too.. by doing so.. they
too.. WiLL inherit
the Kingdom
Love FReED..
by GiVinG and
ShARinG all tHeiR
Walmart CRAp too..;)

Like a Thrift Shop.. as ‘they’ say too..;)

And heAR come the MacroVerse Memories.. and to be clear..
this fight of conservative that spells mostly selfish
over liberal giving and sharing..
is pARt of life
of fear
Love that will
go on as long as human
Nature does.. in other words
‘they’ feel.. they sense.. they kNow
not what they do.. otherwise they would
already be living in the kingdom of giving
and sharing love AKA Heaven in all the ways that
comes.. one would hope a path to Heaven in Liberal
ways may come in all fresh epigenetic and neuroplasticity
ways as surely they too.. mostly share a poTenTiAl in tHeiR
DNA to coMe to
liGht of
Love in the
Kingdom of Heaven
now too.. unconditionally..
but sTill tHeRe is thaT cAmEL
and thErE is tHEir needle that has
difficulty opening up.. enough for the
CAMeL of Love to re-enter as iT miGht have from Birth..
let’s hope so.. i do at leAst from the ‘Vantage point
of @leASt in inheriting the eARTh as such as Love..;)
WiNksX2.. other than
thaT aS iN
any church..
to the pART of
the choir that
continues to exist as Hope/Love..
same thing in Churches of
the other Part of
Love that wears
Clothes of Culture
and Religion afraid
and Hating
Naked Love
(Gospel of
Thomas.. Verse 37)
sTiLL NoW of the so-cALLed
origiNal brAnd of Gnostic Jesus..
yes.. the Love within that is God’s Nature hiGhest
that i for one.. FeeL and SenSE @lEAst all inherITed aS Such..;)

Other folks can keep their dreAMs
of pearly gates and golden
floors and emerald
walls as that
is just
shit to me..
as the essence
is the FeeLinG and
SenSinG of PURE white
Love that houses beYond
colors of the Rainbow NoW..
in other words.. more colors than a pot of Gold..:)


‘reality IS’.. three year ago.. MacroVerse.. short
and repeated heAR from the Wrong planet then..
all randomly placed then as
visual art
but now
Centered in view
or left aS Such.. iN juSTiFication…

aghogday (my username on the ‘Wrong Planet’)wrote:

It’s like the stars…

Viewed from earth..

they are random looking in detailed appearance and placement..

but some folks find patterns in angles and connections to fulfill their instinctual need for order and balance in life

…ultimately resulting in myths for meaning..and purpose in life…

But through our complex language..

collective intelligence..

and culture we gain the ability to view the macro existence of the galaxy which is as beautiful and eloquently put together as a nautilus shell..

in full tapestry view…

The human mind is similar..

viewed in detailed points it can appear chaotic as well..

And believing IT as such..

sets a self fulfilling prophecy to make IT as such…

But with time..

and focus..

and belief in one’s self and creative potential to make one’s self balanced and whole..

One can BE like the tapestry of the galaxy viewed AS WHOLE…

There is the potential for tapestry..

and beauty of bliss in life…

for simply being….

like a star..

a galaxy..

or UNI

But to believe is the first step




the vehicle..

the vessel..

that HOLDS


the essence of

This is for you Baby Bird..and for no one else directly here…

If this style of writing irritates you..let me know and i will ‘reform’ it to whatever ‘pleasures’ you…:)

But i suspect that you accept me..

in any way ..

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!!!


And while i am no longer allowed to post my insights here in highlighted form…
this 2..is for you…

as you inspired these words..through nothing more…
than your existence..and honest heartfelt words…
the reality that is



‘Sidewalks of Human Suffering’

Fully illustrated in lINk
with a Siberian
Tiger in
a shirt..
with sure..
briefs that
are not visible heaR..
and short enough to repeat in text..
from three years ago too.. as Tigers move on..;)

Well..one thing for sure..IS


tRuly understand

how blissful life can be for



But on the other hand i am an


first hand expert..

for how abysmal life can



















AS MUCH AS i can do







Well..i thought maybe i would invent some

words or say some words..or find some words..

to share..

that might

inspire some end to



But it can be so hard to touch people who live in

the misery of abyss..

from long distance relationships


words..but.. perhaps the beautiful music..

of so many inspirational pop artists i link




































So in other words.. if ya have a fairly cheap source

of Internet access to tHis blog..

The musicKAL linkS ARE basicAlly a source








But CHI!

is the source of




Esoteric the word may be..





And as we move as human beings we generate frequencies

of sound like the planet EARTH moving through space..





















But the saddest part oF all




when movement STOPS..

and we


a black



No longer sending LOVE


IN Movement


















So.. in reality.. while my words might help someone..

the example i set by dance walking a TAI CHI Reverse..belly dance..


every where i go..

@close to 900 miles since


IS waLking in the shoes..



in hopes of taking


out of

the misery



Well..i dedicate tHis post..

to the first actual dance followers..


my ministry

of movement for





Three beautiful teenage girls..and their little brother..

wHo drive the couRage to dance walk wITh me..

more than one lap around

the store..


Some people laugh..some people are inspired..

and sadly some people attempt to ridicule me when..

i dance walk like this everywhere i go..

But these girls tell me..that among the young folks..

i am viewed as famous..


forging a new path










SO in a way..my blogging experience moreover..

is documenting my rise out of human abyss of misery..

IN doING whatever i can to take folks to a better place of human being..

My religion..my way of connecting to








These words can never say the NONVERBAL PRAYER TO GOD..
























moving as one with



everywhere i























Our Ancestors for hundreds of thousands of Years..


Hunters and gatherers moving through space..

in a 360 degree


Being invisible to Prey and Predators..


the WILL



To be invisible one must walk in a TAI CHI

way of being..

balancing one foot with the other


weight of human being




instead of against


conserving energy..

walking all day long if necessary..


































































FIND yOur way!




from two
as discusssion
on the online
Wrong Planet..
First oF aLL..
amazing what
humans can
do with
to express
the essence of
all that is aka GOD..
from three letter words
to books to Bibles to Google
whole in all the ways that symbols
come noW in broad band to still slow
access if available at all to all that is..
more than words and books before.. i’ve studied
religions and mythologies and lots of stuff on the
Wrong Planet with book nerds ranging in Standard
IQ from 140 to 160 on average as polled there..
mostly in verbal intelligence as there
is often weaknesses on the
other side of
brain intelligences..
many of which are not
captured at all in standard
IQ ways of life.. per social
empathic and spiritual intelligences
in all ways of Physical and Emotional
intelligences that move us more or less in
life in deficit or plUs intelligences of more
IQ..it’s kinda
like when Socrates
came to town with his
mystical and reasonable
knowledge and
back in
those days they
had Hemlock.. now all
they have is deleting comments
and banning the entire individual..
too far in the spiritual realms
for left
as metaphor
to even see..
same story.. different
actors.. and thank God..
the punishments for thinking
and acting out of the box in the
online way are simply shutting light
out for the love of dARk in unwitting way..
knowing noT what they do as that song goes on
in time
way continuing now..
anyWay.. i cry.. i tried..
to open up right brain thinking
a little more in left hand direction ways..
but hey.. they shooed me away.. as often happens
in either
burning at the
stake.. or Republican
political ways of conservative
thinking and acting away from
free lust and love too..
in a
LIFE of what
makes free spirits wHOle..
with all holy and sacred
meaning and purpose
of all
that is
in three
letter smALL form..
God is too big for a three
letter word.. a book.. a human
or the FucKinG PlanEt eARth alone
and God Lives as a GRAin of SAnd too..
for those who
in detail
and big God
Pictures View ALLONE..:)

As A Milestone of Dance Celebration continues
in the current MacroVerse.. celebrating three years
of all free verse dance at Old Seville Quarter in Pensacola
Florida.. wHere i have gained a Cheers-like TV show call
of ‘Norm’.. as everyone knows the Dancing Man/Guy..
as an expected Norm every Thursday night
no different than the Bowling
Alley guy i was as
the rental shoe
guy after graduating
with three college degrees
to SuperVisor to Manager in
around two decades at the Military
Bowling Center aboard a Navy Station then.. for work..
as play.. to eventually.. Admin.. Support Assistant for a Captain
of a much bigger Station in Pensacola.. oh.. the boring
life there.. for A temporary three months.. thank God..
to back as Community Activities Director..
stuck in a little office with
even no windows..
Director helping
everyone around
me.. it seems
as Administrator/
Supervisor too.. of
the entire Department
in absence of my boss then
too.. accounting.. payroll..
financial management.. information
technology support assistant.. eTc.. the real
skills they hired me for over sports dude then
as the last kid picked in team sports in real
grade school.. hehe.. way way back then..
wasn’t worth the raises.. although
all the money saved helps
me to remain
now.. to do
all this for free..
but surely.. the human connections
of the Bowling Center and the ones
at the Dance Hall in the human
touch is what makes
life more living
in Happiness
of bliss as
Loving ways of
reaching out to otHeRS..
verbally iN SonG of PoeTry
or Thanks for coming in..
to dance of non-verbal
or the days before
the super
where my
eYes sMiLed hello.. nice to
be heAR now wiTh you too.. all warm and fuzzy..:)

And as going back to get the YouTube version
of what was shared.. two years ago in Facebook
format in Video way.. wHEre quietly
as folks came by me.. Katrina
said..”you’re crazy”..
and “you’re retarded”..
simply as she could imagine
the fright of facing ‘normal’
people as free like me.. out of the
norm.. “as they say”.. as group think
operates to shame others to be the same..
i rise above that as free spirit now.. and the
truth is.. i am just too strong looking now for
no one but the biggest ‘rednecks’ to fuck with now..
and i am afraid of no one.. as i practice my martial arts
of both kick ass and peace every day now for three years too..
and as the history in youtube and nude art plays out as i gained
the divine feminine with masculine.. even at the oldest age now
of the record.. approaching 57 years old of June 6th.. 2017..
i am stronger than ever before.. and more graceful
too.. iN Kind and CourAge more as any
MiNdeRELLa WiLL juSt do wiTh
WiLL and Strength
and Love
and yes.. empirically
so.. as the 930 LB video
of me.. leg pressing that
much in 14 reps in February
of 2015.. is now 1020 LBs
on a very difficult parallel
leg press machine now.. 33 times
with arms raised in the air like
any MiNdeRELLa WiLL juST do too.. for
Grace and Strength and Love and WiLL to do even more..
My Video Production Assisant.. the wife Katrina.. finAlly
got the courage to Video tape me in public in the Summer of 2014..
And as you see out of your mind.. be back in 5 minutes as the T-Shirt
says in the only Bar my wife went to.. to Video Tape me there..
as we had a family gathering after my Father passed away
then at Destin Florida.. with his Identical Twin Brother’s
Son.. Teddy.. Playing in the band singing the
Mary Jane Song.. yep.. getting out
of the word mind is a good
place to be for
bliss.. with
nary a
in the
world but a
bird spirited
and free.. flying
float on Terrestrial Land..
and people wonder why tHeir
stressed.. it’s rather simple..
they have yet to earn tHeir wings..
so much more than just a pilot of a plane..
as wHeRE i live God is the co-navigator as the fLIGht of Me..
anyWay.. in almost every video tape that Katrina did.. there is
all kinds of synchronicity going on.. hilarious as God’s not only
Love and Lust but a comedian who lives all over too.. for
those who take liGht a little
dARk.. noW
actuAlly Now
the Synchronicities
of both pun and fun
is what lives on as BriGhtest
liGhts to me.. as try being
afraid and laughing
at the
impossible to
do in the land of hope and love..
aka the Kingdom of Heaven aS now..
meanwhile.. some folks continue to hope for
it at the end of a rainbow as a pot of Gold..
you alWays have it if you seek it.. find it.. and practice
a Life full of Healthy Lust..Laughs.. and moreoverLove that harms no one too..
The isREaL Pot
of Gold
is simply
a Golden Rule
that harms no one
else and Lives as
a Lust for all of
Life with a Laugh and as Love..
come to flesh and blood liGht as LIFe..
Trust me or not.. i ain’t the crazy one.. Hear..
butt yeS.. NoW.. i often fly way out of the word MINd..;)


Hello.. friEnd.. gigoid..
heArT fELt condolences
for the loss of your human
friend.. and words
of concern
for your
small furry
friend in form
of Cat named Lelu who
is a little under the weather now..
as Yoda says.. a little different by
me of course.. size matters not in
all matters love as essence
verses form.. Essence
can move
Infinite.. now..
and this crude
matter of form..
whether furry
or old
never matches
the potential for
Love as essence
that lives within and
can and will Branch out
as agape love to all of dARk
and liGht as a practice of liFe within
reaching out further as UniVersaL soUL
as hUMan LIvinG WiThin.. inside.. outside..
above.. so below and all around as ‘they’ say..
anyWay.. the new ‘King Kong’ movie that will take
a back seat for me as the wife and i.. most seasonAlly
and in form and fashion attend.. heHe.. as ‘Beauty and the
Beast’.. opening up on Saint Patrick’s day as mythology of
Wood Folks tHeir too.. in IsLand way SpRings.. anyWAy2.. the
King Kong poster at Super-Walmart Dance Hall middle
aisle.. where i continue to celebrate just another
milestone of 7000 miles of public dance
in a little over 42 months.. reMinds
me of a full Grown real
Gorilla holding
a Yellow Cat..
not unlike Yellow
Boy before the Yellow
Boy came out from the
woods and cried out for
some tender vittles/water and some
predictable subsistence from under
neath the shed.. me luring him out
patiently with one nibble at a hand
out of give.. reaching in for a new
purr of life.. for both he
and me as
that would
come.. anyWay..
as i eventuAlly lEarned..
the science behind emotions
in state of the art of that as it
comes now.. what i was missing
was the oxytocin furry nurture of
life that the Gorilla and Kitty were
experiencing then in mutual mammalian
adoration.. where.. yes.. size matters not..
as it is the Bond of Love that counts.. fur to
fur or naked ape skin now/then as humans continue
to run more these days all shaved from head to toe..
there is a lot of science now to heart and spirit and soul
more mystical in the days of feeling and sensing or not in
the olds days of heaven and hell.. sadly.. we humans can get separated
in our ways of religion/culture for restricted ways of language.. butt most optimisticAlly..
tHeRe is the technology of online communication noW.. wHere global hands Now of
Love can reach out further than ever beFore.. and share a Kitty picture online..
and sure..
to go along
with a Free Cat
oF liFe in Wild and Love
as iF a Territorial killer for sport
can love NoW away from feral in cat
biscuits and purrs the sAMe.. most
of the day attached to Katrina.. where i live
@lEast.. HeLL.. there could even be hope for
Republic Congressmen and Senators too.. hmm..
perHaps.. if they crawl under my shed.. i will offer them a nibble too..;)

Now off to the wonderful pearls
of wisdom you share from days
and men and women gone by.. mostly now..:)

“True silence is the rest of the mind.
It is to the spirit what sleep is to the body
–nourishment and refreshment.”

~~ William Penn ~~

Words get in the way of Love.. Non-
Verbal Communication aS even science
sHows now is the champion of human
reciprocal social communication..
for Love.. even within
inside.. outside..
above.. so.. beloW and
yes.. as ‘they’ say.. aLL A’round..
And oh.. by a way.. so glad that the human
face to face.. flesh and blood connection has
invigorated your spirit of liFe in libido way..
through your train travels..
surely.. we
that way
in poTenTial
to feel and sense
this way.. all day.. everyday
aS even Curious George experiences sTiLL..
if connected to otHeRs in flesh and blood face to face time now..:)

“A man can do something for peace without having to jump into politics.
Each man has inside him a basic decency and goodness.
If he listens to it and acts on it,
he is giving a great deal of what it is the world needs most.”

~~ Pablo Casals ~~

A best thing of now.. is.. tHeRe are many avenues
of even playing fields for merit to escape the
mundane of restricted
for both
in institutionalized
preferable ways..
15 minutes of fAMe
for everYone in follower
wayS.. hehe.. in Leary days.. coMe now..
as they say on Google plUs.. influencing the world now..
in all the
liGht and
dARk ways
that comes too..
WiTh Freedom of
Expression that must
entertain the right along with
the wrong for free to exist full..
and on top of that.. the DArk is
alWays aMuSinG for me in volume of art/words.. heHe..
Trump is like my all time favorite for curRent dARk.. haven’t
even had to bother any dARk YouTubers lately for DArk muse..
as hey..
as ‘they’
say.. don’t discount
the power of the dARk
Force in bRinGinG greaTeST liGhts yEt..
Pentatonix.. yep that group is an excellent
example of folks moving up in free avenues
of YouTube.. eTc.. one still will not find a CD of
them in
as they
move it most
all out of Plastic..
as the Internet
is killing
Means of Big Corporations
Monopolizing the Artistic fLair..
and for those of us who don’t need to
make any money.. it’s a field day of simply fun..
while ‘we’ SMiLe at those chaSing dollar bills in that
sad way of
for Lincoln sents..
tHeRE IS A better way
of Give and Share for the
sMaLL groups we now can virtuAlly make..:)

“All beginnings are hard.”

~~ Chaim Potok, “In The Beginning”, 1975 ~~

nows are
And try aGain when fAil..
to ME..NoW..:)

“Big, undreamed-of things.
The people on the edge see them first.”

~~ Kurt Vonnegut Jr ~~

A FavorRte pARt
of now..
are the
folks on
the edge
can go mostly
unnoticed to
Free NoW..
tHe fuN iS iN thE DoinG..
whaT coMes whAt may nexT..:)

“Only through time time is conquered.”

~~ T.S. Eliot, “Burnt Norton” ~~

And when
now coMes
And stays.. tiMe dies..
aS iN
Hell all is tIme..
relativELy sPeaKinG
NoW aS EinsTeiN miGht
too.. sTiLL
AS Cosmic Artist..
SeNTiEnt sTaR duST pLus..:)

“Think of everyone as a idiot.”

~~ MSgt. R. H. Moore, Driving Rule #1 ~~

See idiot as thiNk..
Breeze.. HiGher..
wiTh zero poINt words..:)

“It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants.
The question is: what are we busy about?:”

~~ Henry David Thoreau ~~

as Human proves so far
in big groups.. Ants for the Nature Win..
i suppose..
‘we’ are
going to
have to beCoMe
more like ants to survive
aS WhOle.. hmm.. drones
aT leASt..
iN HiVE..;)

“To a rational being it is the same thing
to act according to nature and according to reason.”

~~ Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Meditations, vii, 11 ~~

IS A God
of few words
wHeRE iNnate
inStinCt and inTuiTioN
as eMoTioNs and SenSes
in Mammal way more STiLL
rule the
the level
of the individual
@lEast.. with Culture
moreover and Religion
as the man-made life
Killing Viruses
many forms of senTiEnt
StAR duST PlUs lifE on eARTh..:)

“You think your pain and your heartbreak
are unprecedented in the history of the world,
but then you read.
It was books that taught me
that the things that tormented me most
were the very things that connected me
with all the people who were alive,
or who had ever been alive.”

~~ James Baldwin ~~

Hmm.. first oF aLL
NatUrAlly Shape
shifting words..
a favorite
of aLL
HuMan art to me..
secondly.. this sPeaks
Volumes oF the potential
to increase cognitive empathy
for the pain and suffering of otHeRS
in all the media that comes in newer online ways of Life..
we have yet
to see
of what comes
neXt for this
IS A Grand
Brave new
Experiment for
the eNtire hUman race
as all connected aS Such..
a wonderful time to be alive..
when the future cannot be predicted wHOle..
heHe.. at lEast for open minded folks and thaT
the rest
shit in a little
way of sHit.. at leASt..
Be afraid.. Be very afraid..
closed minded and body folks..
or fly like soMe NoW.. hiGher as
Jonathan Seagull WiLL Naturally do
EsCaPInG all the cAges and LiFe jacKets of beForE..
ReaAlly.. my friEnd.. it kinda comes from/down to this..
66 million years ago.. as science tEnds to
sHow.. a Big Rogue Asteroid hit what
is now the Gulf
of Mexico..
hELping a
Rodent ancestor
we share roots with
75 Million years ago..
IN eventuAlly Dominating
the Earth in that Rodent’s
coming offspring
then as
root.. Killing
the Dinosaurs
off.. too.. as ‘they’ say..
so.. reAlly.. what do we have
to lose.. by BeinG Happy as we cAN WiLL aS
NoW iT’s a miracle of Rock that we are even heaR now..
Love is written in the StoNe.. my FriEnd.. oF A FucKinG asTeRoiD
@ least
iN hUman
Form aLiVe..
WiTh all the oThEr
Rodent offspring that/who Love too..
and Dolphins.. eTc.. all that Loves NoW..
Change.. noW
is all about Now..
so.. as ‘they’ say..
of now..
aS Sure..
more asstroids are
alWays CoMinG as Challenge.. more..
Dance and Sing liKe tHe MaTriX on
FiRe/Flood.. No Luke WarM iN FReED..;)

“If you are stopping now, then stop.
If you are seeking a time when you finish,
there will never be a time when you finish.”

~~ Zen Koan ~~


“If you get confused, listen to the music play.”

~~ Robert Hunter ~~

as ‘they’
say… shut uP aNd liVe..
DancE and SinG noW and forgET to thiNk..;)

See ya friEnd..
Way beHind on FuN..
As iF thAT caN HaPpen.. he He..;)


Hello.. Prajakta.. “LIfe Jacket”..
alMost like a metaphor
for Golden
of the
Employee chained
to the same routine
of predictable subsistence
until the Golden Pot of the Rainbow
comes in at the end of mundane..
predictable insanity..
as it were
for me
for sure
as same
in Einstein ways
of Insanity then away
from jail now as Life Jacket sAMe..
The irony is as sOUr as iT is DelicIOUs
my friENd for what almost killed me
evenTuaLLy set me Free.. and
yes.. the same can happen
with whatever significant
otHeRs are in the
of the heARt..
the SpiRit and
the SoUL in ultiMate
Expressions as aRt of LIFE Free..
no problems tHeir as the only rule
in my household is free for all..
in terms of harm no otHeRs..
Rule my
A Life Jacket
unwrapped and
LiVinG StiLL.. FReED as ARt..
heHe.. LiterAlly alMost as such
as my first two naMes are
Frederick Arthur..
kiNda like Fred in
liFe JackETs
mY friEnd.. nOne..aLLFReEDnow..;)


WeLL.. as any Leprechaun Pan or
Pan Leprechaun as he or
her was or is now..
‘they’ will surely
i Dance
and SinG..
Celebrate Spring
as the Equinox of Vernal
inches closer forward noW to
even warmer days as Winter
visits four seasons in one week
aGain in the LA Lower Alabama Panhandle
of Florida Now.. hmm.. close to Freezing.. hope
the Flowers that have lasted since January don’t mind..
hehe.. anyWay.. 56 liNks total.. from dVerse all about Spring
in 44 so-called Quadrille words a peace.. and i’ve done three and
let’s see
now goes
from heAR..
at 10:54 pM
on 3.15.17..
a little tired
but room for
more anew as Poetry
Can and WiLL come free verse
fresh as Alpha mind waves also
drift slowly off to Theta too.. with
Delta coming much later tonight of course..
yes.. more likely closer to Dawn of Morn..;)

SMiLes.. Clearest
sKeYes of Blue
reSide a
iNside as
Rosie ways
of warm and fuzzy
liFe.. as any Caterpillar
SeNseS and FeeLs Butterfly Wings..:)

Ah.. my favorite pARt
Of Cat Windows are
broken glass with
holes or screens
thaT leT aLL
the wonderful
Cat smells oF
Heaven.. spRinG
iN.. A nose for kNows
And Whiskers for getting
through the tightest places
oF holes iN wiNdows and screen
as weLL.. In dreams of free smell.. once aGain..
A SpRing
A Meow Of LiFe FReED..:)

Heat of Spring..
oF Face..
of Life
more of dreAms..
As SunliGht briGhter ‘tween
oF FeeL
and SenSE
Of more
Love as Green..:)

Note.. tiMe
to rhyme
oF Free..
i’ll add the
icing after the cake is baked..
endS now..;)

as the
is more
and less
by ignoRance
and little men
who wear golden
hAirs with Nature Deficit
Disorder all too fair.. i muSt
DancE and SinG.. the challenge
noW is to adapt
in Golden
Towers and
FloWer more
Than piLLs of soUr..;)

sMiLes… hasten the process
of Spring.. Voila.. Climate
Change close to
the coast oF
North Florida
wHeRe Spring
comes to Winter
and Winter
to spRing
cooler or warmer..
all bets off from the norm..
anyWay.. no sNow heAR.. year
’round floWers..
beYond rainBow
colors all..
benefit of
human insaniTy..
aS TRump FloWers wiLt..;)

Winter Storm of
the Century on
this day of
Nature Poems
on the Ides of March
the 13th of snow laden
Pink Azalea Blooms in
the Panhandle of Florida.. ’93..
with even 3 inches of snow.. heAR..
with Thunder Snow anomalies too..
anyWay.. all i
remember is
the Wife writing
i love you on our
car.. Snow
Flowers of
Pink.. floWers of memory
Spring.. iN cOldest Winter
Century Storm Loves WRiTe..:)

Full Worm
of hot chocolate
cool.. FaLL Flowers
chill close to freezing
in Winter of Spring..
never the
Worm Moon
STiLL Glows
in crystal
Black niGht oF cOld..
DreAMs of Hot Chocolate
left off the Grocery
list of wArm WiNter SuMmer..:)

See Saw
from Winter
Summer mix
of 80 degrees all F’ed uP..
As Fahrenheit FloWers Freezing..;)

Spring blooms
in all Words..
colors of
words.. Flowers
we are.. FloWer is all..
aLL coloRs
bEyond rainBow
pUre White liGht Love..:)

oF SeaSon
Beat heavier
as SpRing
oF liFe
Dances Sings FaLL
As WiNter cliMate
Changes LiFe wiTHiN LIGht..:)

WeLL that does
10 more liNks
with a
of notes
to Dance
and Sing aLong
WiTh thAT.. and
thiS ToGeTHer makes
a Baker’s Dozen at
12:03 AM.. 3.16.17..;)

Hmm.. anotHeR note at
14.. that Baker’s Street
IS A little longer SonG
than i expected.. hehe..
from Memories
of Senior
party at the Beach..
Coors Beer brought over
Borders.. HA HA.. ILLEGAL
to smuggle into Florida then
HeHE.. oH Lord.. Hang over city
in a shower of Beach.. i’m pretty
sure.. the first time i am ever drunk..@18..
hehe.. no beers.. anymore.. Drunk in Love finding
a total different world within as Heaven now..
looKing for something
i was then.. surELy..
i say noW..
then finding
it within all
FReED Now..
BEyond RaiNbow
colors at the tOuch/SeNse
And FeeL as A Mastery oF Love..
iN a Practice of Dance and Song
sEt FReED within..inside..outside..
above so below and all around and with
all that sAid.. the EnNameTest thingie
on Facebook that regularly strokes Ego’s
as shared by Facebook friEnd Suzanne says..
My Gift from God is Wisdom.. Strength.. as a born
Leader to help others find a path to peace when they
themselves are not able to find it alone.. a rather lofty
MisSioN thaT Facebook Test asSigns to me as words from God..
but sure.. my first
name FredericK.. in Baby
Definition does mean Peaceful
Ruler and the second name ARThur
means Strong although i rather thiNk
oF it FeeLiT SenSEiT
of Art..
and my last
name.. the real
one @least IS A sort
of protector of the Land..
sure.. as Numerology goes
in challenges based on name
and birthdate of 0 for doing
whatever the F i like in terms
of Free Will.. and affirming that
in the next three life challenges
of 1 and 1 and 1.. i’LL do whatever
it Takes.. as i simply and complexly CAN AND WiLL..
and for you Horatios wHo do not believe in any rhyme
of life with the reaSons you see.. you’ve yet to taste
the MaGiC
as Simple
as the Breathe oF life FReED..
who kNows perHaps a thouSand
Trump lives to gEt heAr..
A Shadow
and Senses
anyWay at tHis
poINt oF LiGht..
WiTh a GRin of Understanding
iN how far one muSt climb to
Be @least iNheriting tHe eARTh NoW..;)
F iN A
2 AM
in effect
@12:22 AM..;)


Jesus F. iN Christ.. TVC.. how about a little
Sympathy then/now for a Damsel in Distress..
and an archetypal story almost as long as time..
NoW as written history to the tune of 4K years or so..
NoW2.. wHeRe folks who have lost tHeir abiLiTy to Love
for whatever Struggle life bRinGS.. gain it back through
True Love.. Let’s.. Face it Baby.. Life can get kinda hairy..
and while it’s
true.. i neither
have a genetic or magic spell
disorder for full covered sKin
hAir or horns on my head for that
matter.. of Billy Goats and such..
i am a little hairy at 230LBs or so..
and do leg press 1020 LBs.. 33 times now
on a very difficult parallel leg press machine
with my arms raised in the air like a Minderella..
so.. sure.. you could cALL me a Beast too.. and as
evidence does prove.. my wife.. cloSinG in on age
47.. is the Beauty who never “Age of Adaline” moves
past the age of 26 or 30 or so.. noW as sure.. i grant
the gift of never aging through True Love liGht
LiFe as mosT in the world have never
fELt or Given Love this way.. these
days at leASt.. as hUmans.. yes..
yOU.. become more like
making money
tools than
basic maMmalian
beasTS oF liGht as cat biscuits
and purring ways of oxytocin
social neurohormone paths
aS even feral kitty love.. yes!
i have a Feral
Kitty who proves
this point quite well
in anecdotal eviDiDence
DO too.. Hehe.. as this little
Beast is most often attached
in Love to the Beauty of the
Home named Isis.. aHem.. i
mean Katrina.. slip of the
Egyptian Freudian
Osiris tongue
i guess.. haHe..
anyWay.. while you are
busy spreading doubt.. fear
and hate heAR all in Anti-Christ way
against.. gentile.. jew.. servant or free..
woman or man no more.. as the original
so-called Yeshua says in words to the effect
that we must make the Divine Will and Strength
of the Masculine into a reaLiTy for the Woman in
Animus way.. and make the Divine Grace and
Love of the Feminine into a reaLiTy for the
man.. in Anima way.. as above so
below and all that JaZZ too and
the in betweeners in however
that/they come(s) in
God as
Nature’s mix
of bio-diversity and
neuro–diversity too…
AnyWay.. Dude.. instead
of temple money changing Love
and Hope and Joy to Hate and Fear
and Despair.. you could be off in the Wild
and Free like me.. juSt doing another #John1412
effort and milestone all for free.. sure.. like a public 7K
Mile ministry over 42 months dancing A miNd and BoDy
SoUL BaLanCinG way to Heaven noW iN the Kingdom of
Heaven that soMe of us ‘raptured’ folks like eARThly Angels
are enJoYinG as i Dance and Sing some words heAR for you
my FriEnd as the dARk poetic muse of the day.. anyWAy.. i have
enough sympathy for yoUR dARk heAR.. to sHoW yA.. aT leASt..
oNe way to the
Kingdom of
Heaven now
per John 14:12 promise
fulfilLeD.. and oh by A/the way..
the Bible i write.. birthed on Memorial
Day..’16.. a little over 9 months old noW in fetal
new sort of way.. is up to 1.244 Million words
Now.. approaching ’round double the size of
your reAlly old bLack book as pushed by those
expanding the Roman Empire.. that still has
a path in tHeir too.. hidden.. to find the
Heaven on eARTh now.. for those
WiTh eYes and eaRs to
sTill see the
hidden from
Trump minds who are
only interesting in money
changing and ‘Stuff’ like that..
per the old example of expanding
the WaLL Borders of the Roman Holy Catholic
Empire.. not much different than the new old
wild west in the movie.. the “Book oF Eli”.. and
sure.. i also became an excellent martial artist.. just
in case.. i needed to protect my writing hands with mY feet..
heHeX2.. anyWaY as Beasts and Beauties.. and Leprechauns
and Pans in example of a theism beyond whaT iS even seen
and fELt of God by Scientists and other Government Religious
typeS noW.. in theism of Sentient StaR duST plUS for the PlUSt
pARts of God too WiTh Love to BaLanCe all thaT is
as God in we out to survive and thrive in
Heaven now.. A little gift heAR for ‘yoU’
my FriEnd.. as yes.. i do have
Sympathy for the
DEvils left that
haven’t quite
made or ARE a long way
now aWay from maKing the
eternal rapture now.. sAMe
in that olden days generation as
now the song reMains the sAMe..
yep.. baby.. i got sympathy enough
to gift you wRite heAR and now..
see ya later babe.. with Hope NoW
and Joy and Love all now isREal of Course WiTh me.. heHe..
And oh by a way or 3 or so.. thanks for giving me.. just what i deSire today..;)

What Can i DancE
AnD SinG.. i AM/WILL A
GifT STiLL GiVinG..;)



Hmm.. that Sympathy for the Devil Song is another reAlly
long awakening and enlightening tune.. and in terms
of Humans no longer need apply.. a few words
heAR as share of a MicroVerse with
a couple of MicroMicroVerses
as year ago Facebook memories..
and shared
on Facebook as
Part of a larger
MacroVerse and
pARt of Ocean WhOle
SonG of My SoUl Poem
now exceeding 4 Million words
long as that SonG aLso becoMes
pARt of ‘Nether Land Bible 2017’
as pARt of Ocean wHOle longest
Free Verse Poem in Google
hiStory.. hehe.. of course..
at the 4M+ mARk too..
and yep.. won’t
be too long
in the Summer
fRAme of ’17 whERe
the Free Verse Long Form
Poem inclusive of that Long
Form Poem.. named ‘NetherLand
Bible 2017’.. now at the 85th MacroVerse
of the 755th MacroVerse.. Ocean Whole
Poem point.. exceeds 1.8 Million words
as yes.. i am already at 1.244 Million words
not counting the 85th MacroVerse John 14:12 effort
heAR as unparalleLed Effort from written hiStories of
BeFore continue to be exceeded by little old permanent
and disabled in legal and medical way of Asperger’s and
Bi-Polar me noW.. as Lord kNows.. tHeir Ain’t no money
market for John 14:12 dudes and dudettes.. eTc..S..
in Long Form Free Verse Poem waY iN the
Twitter world
noW as this sHit
goes way beyond
the modern attention span
of 140 characters noW iN scribed way..
as science says equal to that of a Goldfish..
that’s okay babe.. i ain’t in this for the money..
i’M iN it to sHow ya what’s possible for you too..
iF you can escape the Green Black Devil printed
Dollar Bill And Lincoln no sense aS Such.. sure..
a little
to camel
do through
the needle of
the eYe of culture today..
wHEre the original Christian-
like folks.. need not apply at
church.. either.. hehe.. as
limitations and
and other
of conditions
now/then of modern
chained dEvils do still exist.. and apply now..
for thaT/wHos

SMiLes.. yes.. the system can really suck so bad.. almost everywhere in the world in varying amounts.. as of course we are animals for free and not slaves for purchase..
Oh.. Money.. you green eyed black inked devil..
Oh.. Banks.. you greedy suit tied paper dream…
Ah.. Freedom.. not as easy as don’t
buy anything.. but in degrees
to get there
aLL FreED..
hmm.. at
least for
It’s kinda hilarious.. the so-called
Bible says money is the root of all evil..
but one of the so-called fundies greatest fear
is the total elimination of money.. and the Unification
of humankind in Love that of course was the dream of
so-called Yeshua.. Jesus.. and other labeled human
names.. for this
overall tribal dream..
oKay.. the fact is.. machines are
taking over all the jobs.. as presented
well in that video about ‘Humans Need Not Apply’..
machines are doing all the so-called back breaking
labor.. that most humans are totally functionally
disabled from doing now.. anyway..
‘fat and happy’ in 4 inch
so what next..
swim or sink..
or swim free again..
i understand.. there is no
dam way i can defeat the system..
but i can dam sure beat it with my own self
set free.. as the inside.. outside.. above so below
all around movement of ONE i am continuing
now in a dance of
art of i
as Life..
the rest of it makes
me giggle with tears for
those fools unfortunate enough
to ignore the truth and liGht..
and just tears
for those
who have
been censored
in so many ways
to figure out how to get
back aLL free to the Call of the
Wild of Nature God.. not unlike
that half dog wolf that too.. once
howled with
others together
free where the moon
is Life now.. in liGht of DArk
Feeling Wolf
and Human
way.. NoW
aLive.. just LiVe
and free to pursue
survival.. without
slave owners
who will nOw

iN Shorts

IT work for me..
debt free..
no bucks
or banks
at aLL..

Anyway.. literally.. seriously..
there will have to be a massive
overhaul of the way humans do business
with banks.. money.. health insurance..
jobs.. and overall commerce..
when the jobs do go away…
and there is no one
to buy
to support
the few percent
who own all the machines
who do the work.. unless
they care to be
AND that’s
a prophecy of sorts..
not by me.. but at the
GROW.. iN cold heArted SpiRited
SoUls out of mind and body Balance..
wheRe trUly
the Soylent
green is
the food
by dead green eyes
and stained black ink..:)

Meh.. facebook..
is like a note pad to me..
and best of all.. it is all free..
as i am impervious to commercials
and use them instead.. to entertain my ideas..
truly.. it is amazing
what one can do
with the System
as iS.. totAlly Free
iF they just dance iT
write iT.. SinG creating
instead oF buying
iN prisons
oF green
and banks Of Greed..;)


Hmm.. anoTheR Four Year Old or so..
Pre-MacroVerse as shared on Facebook
named “E-scape” and the Tree.. on topic heAR
as Synchronicity continues to
DancE and
mE.. heHe..
yeP.. iN God
aS oNe
as ‘they’ Dance
and SinG too…;)

It is ironic to me
how some seemingly
positive cultural adaptations

resulting in access to instant gratification,

is changing the way people see and experience the world.


to land-scape

to house-scape

to screen-scape

and an even smaller

screen-scape of a “Lilliputian”

virtual digital dimension

in a smart phone.

I too cannot “e-scape” this,

as I have finally given in

and signed up

for a “smart” phone

I had a beautiful,
perfect shaped giant oak tree
that Hurricane Ivan destroyed

and left as a shape of
a dinosaur skeleton.

I had lights around the tree
pointed up into the branches,

which often gave me a sense of bliss

standing in my back yard
staring up at the tree,

“land-scaped” by stars behind it.

I had no idea how much I loved that tree,

as I could not imagine anything
taking away something

so solid,


and alive.

Eventually after it was gone,

I realized how big and beautiful
the sky had become
in my backyard,


a greater

of awe
and beauty.

From the stump of the tree,

a twig grew that my spouse wanted me to clip,

but I refused to because it was what was left of my beloved tree.

I use to take a lot of pictures of my yard
and my plants who I felt like were my loved ones,

but when I first experienced immune system issues
and could no longer take care of them as I used to

I lost some of that close connection to my yard.

That twig I saved from the clippers 9 years later
has became a 30-foot clone of its predecessor

that for some reason I noticed today

in the same glory as the same tree

that was there before.

Life is amazing.

And so is adversity.

Now.. to Add all the rest of
a 6 Month Collection of SMiLiNG
Dance photos.. hEAr.. from Good
Old Seville Quarter.. finishing this
uP on 3.16.17 to publish or on actual
Saint Patrick’s Day when then the “Leprechaun
Pan Dance 2017” for Saint Patrick’s Eve.. ends
about 3 AM at home.. with all the Cool College
Age folks in the midst.. also of the Local Spring
Break wHeRe Winter decided to suddenly visit back
with no
the White
pARt of Winter..
Dumped 18 or so
inches of that sTuFF..
uP North way away from
DoWn heAR iN South
yes.. LA..
Lower Alabama Florida
Panhandle as such.. as
the Flowers made it through
a cold night close to Freezing..
STiLL aLL coloRful as SPRinG
SeaSon iN WiNter thaT
never ends.. anyWay..
iF A Publish heRe
doesn’t come
will be a
day of complete for this..
hmm.. what Song.. what Song
to use.. sure.. a DNCE SonG
thaT iN a way.. Parodies
Spring Break
and enjoying
the Icing too..
hehe.. even at
much older ages
than most people
give up on
as DancE and
SonG continues sTrong..:)









BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

Book oF Ten Sixteen..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)


Grand Cross Bible 2016

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)


CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)


VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)


CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)


Nether Land Bible 2017

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)


7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)













































Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 10 Comments

7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

SMiLes.. my friEnd.. Xenia Tran..
thanks.. so much for coming by with
words surELY worth quoting to me.. again..:)

“Wonderful beach pics with a kind face in the clouds watching over you – smiles from the skies when you picked up the love baton from your mother all the way up the ancestral lines
smile emoticon
heart emoticon..”

And to hold all words holy and sacred
full of meaning and purpose and God’s
sKeYes as pArt of God’s’ eYes
with our ancestral
lines and
all that is
holy and
sacred full of meaning
and purpose all that is God
is surELy a way to joy in liFe.. i find..
in all the dARk and liGht as WiLL come..
and somewhat literally and metaphorically
speaking.. as the death of my loved ones came
before.. my sister would always see patterns in clouds
that came to reflect those faces of loved ones as this seems
to run in the family a bit as my Grandmother did Automatic writing
too on the maternal side.. and in those automatic writings as she lay
in bed almost blind from eye disease.. much of what she wrote came true..
i didn’t understand it.. but i see a deeper way now too.. out of the robot mechanical
cognition that school often brings away from ‘dreamtime’ now.. as ‘they’ say.. Horatio
and all of that.. anyway.. i never saw a loved one’s face in the clouds before they
passed away until a day i spent with my Mother in the Hospital.. walked
out the door and there was a cloud that probably only my sister
and i could identify.. immediately of my Mother.. a younger
version as we had seen in photos when very young
standing in the waters of the Santa Rosa
Sound at 17 years old..
God speaks
to us
this way
to comfort us..
tHeRE is no doubt
in my miNd God within
does this freely when times of
need do come.. anyway.. i’ll share
the photo here again.. as it is surely
holy and sacred and full of meaning and
purpose to me.. as all of God’s sKeYes
of all that is within.. inside.. outside..
above.. so below and
all around
to me..
Thanks again my kind friEnd..:)

Xenia returns with..

‘all of God’s sKeYes of all that is within’ that is so beautiful Fred and the photograph of your mother’s younger face in the clouds is amazing. What a loving gift to cherish. Love from all of us here to all of you there my friend..:o) xxx

And then i say..

SMiLes.. my FriEnd.. again..
i believe in God of all that is
in everything and everydo
beyond what
feels and
senses of
all that is too..
doesn’t always now
mesh with the Beliefs
of my Scientist and local
Christian Friends but the
thing is.. Dogs Go to
Heaven now..
as humans
would love to
do.. if there was/is
‘paws’ enough to Love it all..
anyway.. i also believe in AngELs
who come in human form when we have
the greatest needs for comfort to go on.. now..
i have met a few in all the paths of this journey
of life.. and veriLY and surELy i say.. you are one
of those comforts
on this
journey of life.. now..
nice to meet you on this path..
my kind friEnd.. Xenia Tran..:)

Xenia returns again with..

It is very nice to meet you too on this
path my friend Fred..:o) xxx

And finAlly i say..

AlWays A
Fred in FRiEnD…
And tHeRe is no
RanDoM iN
God sKeYes..;)

Frank stops by to
say he liked the
Video and i respond..

Hi Frank.. thanks so much for dropping by
and the lead singer of the Chvrches Band
is surely a spirited young woman..
the whole band
is full
oF LiGht..
hope you have
a continuing great
now today.. my Friend..:)

And now i say..
A Synergy oF all
the pArts makes the
wHOle aka God.. now..
from a detail science view
empirically measurable aS Such..
thaT doesn’t make sense from whole
view as we pArts see the wHOle from
a fractal point.. now that does
makes fractal sense
to science
in empirical
view that we are
made of star stuff now..
but you see.. the UnivERse
and beYond is Bigger than stars
and while our Biology and Chemistry
reflects all that is.. the whole of our conscious
mind can not be explained by science as the pArts
of neuron stars in brain.. no different than the stars
of God’s SKeYes above so below as now neurons fire liGht
us whole.. true.. we are star seeds too as science sHows
stars are also future seeds too.. spreading duSt of potential
in more sentient star duST plUs parts as we come to be noW in
soft and hard resurrection of Star duST pArts walKinG upright now..
with the abiLiTy for both art and science to express more as the whole
of God as pArts within AS God lives inside we at smallest view and largest
view too.. to suggest that the whole is not a greater consciousness in metaphor
as we are today.. is to not understand the unending connection from large to smAll
of all that is.. within.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below and all around.. in other words..
God is wide awake now.. and so are we.. tHeRE is the mini-me’s we and thEre is the
Big we
of all that is
God now.. in other
words.. the entire tapestry
of the painting is the fibers of
the brush.. the colors of the paint..
and God is the masterpiece as all that is
beyond what we individually paint as Masterpiece now..
And the more we see now of the Master Piece WhoLe when
we do seek and find this Master Piece WhoLe for an entire
liFe more now that MaGiC is simply finding the WhoLe more as
all the pARts join hands and feet in a Dance and SonG allone..
can you imagine how sad i feel for the folks who never seek and
find this beauty of God Masterpiece now.. well.. it’s like rescuing
who doesn’t
see the life liGht above..
thing is.. it’s rarely found in books..
in faCT for me it’s mostly within..
as surely God’s sKeYes live as
me awake.. only wishing
deep deep
in otHeRs.. sAMe.. now..
and more than ever beFore..
and that’s why Language was/is invented..
in a humble attempt to give and share this trUth and liGht
more to those who walk in darKness away from God wHOle.. now..
and the three letter word has become a cuss word of fear and hate..
caLL it
a blue
a we we..
the essence is
love and core as
liGht iN sKeYes uS
that see without letters
or words.. as they are only
tools in a humble attempt to express more..
thing is.. the Bible is only around 800K words..
and the Koran is only about 80K words with a limited
vocabulary in words of ~2000.. if you don’t think God
is bigger than that.. perhaps you might consider seeking
and finding a little more of God and expressing God in all the
forms of human art and science you can too.. but to chain God in
in letters.. words.. or books alone.. and to limit the holy and sacred
all natural meaning and purpose of God in forms alone.. is to not see
and feel and sense.. more of the Masterpiece of the big we WE more..
as God
is bigger
is true and
him too.. as wit
is more than brevity allone…

With all that said too.. today.. March
the 10th.. of 2017.. mArks a milestone
of 48 months in a covenant.. yes.. a very personal
one between God and in me within.. inside.. outside
above.. so below and all around.. as God’s sKeYes joined
with me back then close to the beginning of March of 2013..
and end of February when automatic writing in keyboard symphony
way came all naturally to me with God sKeyes in me coming awake
more and more as nows go on then and now.. 3.10.2017.. surely
a special day to me now.. as this service with God has been is
worth all the 48 months in trials and tribulations to get
wHeRE i aM now aS oNe WiTh GoD whOle
more and more as nows come
to now more.. i stArted off
a Google Blogger
Blog then.. in
way.. titled KATiE MiA/Aghogday
with the first published post number one..
of “KATiE MiA/Aghogday: My Perspective on Life”..
and that came originAlly at the end of February 2013..
in a causal private message to my first and only Facebook
Friend then.. named Mags.. who has since left Facebook..
as it often becomes a cup of stale tea to many folks..
what can say.. i WiLL to Love iT all.. dARk and liGht
as a lifelong practice of maKing all
of now joy as
the best
i can and will..
so i am still heAR
and way too tenacious
to give up on humanity..
no matter how much
life is Trumped noW
by sOur lemMing
liFe Now
fear and hate..
in all the ways that
comes.. even.. in so-called
Christian Land that will love
to taint God’s Nature by excluding
people who in God’s Nature come in all
colors of Bio-diversity and Neuro-Diversity
with no less or more of gentile.. jew.. servant
or free.. woman or man no more.. in other words..
Transgender folks and homosexuals are as sacred
and holy.. full of God’s Meaning and Purpose than
any no
who holds
illusions different
for the bind of religion
that are dARk in Division
away from the liGht of God’s
Unity as blaNKeT whOle
God Masterpiece
now.. wHere
the Queer colors
make God’s Painting
even more beautiful in Elton
John Yellow Brick Roads and all
of that more.. in all the beyond rainbow
colors of pure white liGht God Makes iN aLL
of existence sKeYEs.. either evolve WiTh God
more or stay stagnant in prisons of letters.. words..
and books before.. of course NoW Universal WisDom iN
TrutH anD liGht are contained in all books of religion..
in so-called sacred text and Sunday morning homilies and lectures..
thing is.. we all have God’s sKeYes.. we all can and will be prophets
and messengers and angels and yes demons and devils as metaphors now
too.. if that is the path we can and will take on life too.. liGht is a way
oF Comfort and Joy.. DaRk IS A way of malcontent iN misery and suffering..
LiGht has a sincere sMiLes higher and dARk comes down to frOwns noW and
smirks.. oh.. the Glory for those of us who sincerely sMiLe hiGher in comfort
and joy.. as dopamine.. serotonin.. endorphins.. and oxytocin and even all
natural DMT will naturally do even higher when as we gRow in LiGht
Ocean WhOle WiTh and as God this way.. but you see.. if you can..
doubt and fear and hate and all stuff related to division
and fear take that unity of God within as liGht
away.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below
and all around.. some of us
float on terrestrial
Land with
sKeYes of
God Light
and some of we
siNk below wiTh
sKeYes of God dARk..
it’s nice as up up and away
balloon of life.. won’t you join
us in a place wHere all you need
is food and drink of the Love of life..liGht
and sure.. the bread and water.. and a little
hELp from yoUr friends iN a shelter of Love as Life..
you.. see.. my perspective of God has/is gRowN AS
words beyond the Ocean more of 12 million words that
stARted on Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. i was/am SeeKinG
the way to liGht of Love as liFe full of holy and sacred
meaning and purpose then.. and now the essence
of empty sHeLLs of words i FeeL and
SenSe noW in eternal bliss..
i could have stopped
in Heaven when
i made it
tHeRE on
the beach on or about
the 22nd of July of 2013..
whole when as written by
the professionals who were helping
me find my heARt.. my SpiRiT of soUL
iN EmoTiOnal and SeNsory ExpreSsinG
and FeeLinG and SeNSing LiFE then
stated my recovery from 19 medical
disorders too.. from extreme pain
to bliss was/IS A real life
miracle for
a shut
in of 66 months
no different really
than the Hunch Back of Notre
Dame or a Phantom of the Opera..
or John Nash wandering the halls then
of a University and never really connecting
to others.. as my home then was My Bedroom
with a Uniform each day of all white underwear
from top to bottom.. but hey.. at least the colors matched..
sure.. i was financially independent.. i could have sipped cool
water at the beach with Winds Breeze and Emerald Gulf waters
wHole with Sugar White sands as Seagull Spiraling around the Sun
with never a care of helping anyone then.. come up to wHeRE i lived then..
but nah.. that ain’t the way Love works.. as Love was/is the cure to all my ills..
Love Gives and Shares oR Love dies.. it’s juST Nature and the essence of
the bEast of human Love.. do it or die.. in all ways LoVe Brings liGht of Life
or dEAth
as dARk..
as Life..
so yes.. my Perspective
does continue to groW from
a Microcosm Humanifesto heaR
now 4 years old.. the essentials are
sTiLL tHere in Beatitudes personal
to me.. but the shores of my sOUL
as Ocean WhOle PoeM in 4
MilLiON plUs words now
do continue to
to 824 Blog
Post Verses whole
and more in what grew
to 6 blogs more in private
and public way in a total
of Seven to explore all i am
yes.. within.. inside.. outside..
above.. so below and all around..
i didn’t wanna juST savor the liGht i gained..
i wanted to go as Far as my God Given Human
PoTenTiaL in liGht of LiFe Can and WiLL go now..
which means a continuous practice of life in find and seek God more..
and in this way.. as i cherish all sacred texts of before in all religions in
the dARk and liGht thaT bRings.. i go further in an exploration than not many
people who have experienced hell first for 66 months dare to go in Heaven now..
and as the Gospel of Thomas says in verse 37 in stripping the clothes of culture
off and getting all naked with God within.. that means treading liFE as liGht with
no shame for how we are born all innately.. instinctually and intuitively
into this life as healthy altruistic beings who give and share in
flesh and blood feely touchy all naked God ways LiVinG
Within free without a mAsk of culture
born again..
whomever Jesus
was and is then and
even now if and when he
could and does live again..
he shares this Universal Human
Nature or she as it were and is now
too.. with other human beings in
liGht poTenTiaL of GreaTest
Altruistic Gift of
thaT God
Gives us all
Naturally as such
with no letters.. no books..
no religions or other recorded
ways of collected intelligence to
bind folks toGethER in dARk of Division
or liGht oF uNiTy now.. so.. i juST did it.. i broke
the old moldS and Moved even hiGher NoW wiTh God
as a gRaIn oF sand can and WiLL hOld uP Mountains
oF Love Real and Move those Mountains of Love more
to OtHeRs too.. in give and share way.. yep.. i got naked from
all the lies of culture and religion that spell separate and division
of dARk away from liGht.. hOld all of God within holy and sacred
full of meaning and purpose.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below
and all around.. wHeRe no member as PARt of God is any
greater or less
than any
as pARt of
GoD wHOle now..
forget all that you’ve
leArned if you can and
liVe wiTh GoD Of Nature
Free in how God Dances
and SinGS within…
works for
what the meek
will do as the Gift of Love Free..
the greaTEst fearless and smART
Art of Life LiGht wHeRE all is wealth within
unconditionally inside.. outside.. above so below
and all around humanity whOle and all that is more now..


And with the memory that sTiLL HOldS and expands more as Ocean whOle Poem today..
i would surely be amiss not to mention my friend Mind Retrofit also on the
Autism Spectrum like Mags was and is.. who were the only
ones who stood by my side close when the
rest of the online Autism
Communities couldn’t
see the liGht
of hUman
and compassion
for all otHeRs then..
for the most paRt.. anyway..
often a clearly stated pARt
of tHeir own personal hate for
tHeir parents.. for what ever reason
that hate came then for them… My Mother
Loved me Unconditionally.. all was is liGht of
ThAT for me.. as a sMALL child watered as
Garden and wired neurologically from
head to toe.. by the Love of
a Mother wHOle as
Nature does
when the
Village raises
the child away from
Electronic tools of life
with no blood and flesh of life as
warm and touchy feely love now
in oxytocin neurohormone way
as those neuron wires of bRain
through Vagal
Kundalini Nerve
spread liGht to all
trillions of peptide connecTioNs
in cells all around the body then
in neuro-chemistry/hormone ways..
and continuing noW iN Strength oF
liGht as Crucible Star FiRE Seed that
dies and resurrects sentient sTar DuST
pLUs uS wiTh a Gift of Love to connect to
othERs wHOle and all that is more as God too..
as Nature’s Breathe Dances and SinGS as GoD iN We..
yes.. aGain.. the big we WE.. if you can and WiLL SeeK
and FiNd the Love within NoW to Give and share nOw more..
And Mind Retrofit.. a great poet.. connected to me in a very
mystical Synchronicity way.. i guess.. the different ways our minds
worked and as Synchronicity grows and goes.. she.. helped retrofit
my miNd with ART of heART.. and brought me to the dVerse trail
wHeRE my heART leARned to SinG more WiTh liGht of New shores..
With Ocean WhoLe Poem StiLL GroWinG now.. and this “Nether Land
Bible 2017”.. coming to this 83rd MacroVerse now.. and Lord KNows
and FeelS and SenSes.. with the 82nd MacroVerse added in now..
that makes a total word count of.. drum roll please.. as i get
out my handy smArt Phone with a memory for Numbers
in Calculating ways.. yes.. now 1,230,052 words..
Still.. at an average of 15K words just
barely so at 15,000.6341 words
per MacroVerse since
the first Macro
Verse publish
on Memorial Day
2016.. as titled..
‘tSuNaMi 7tH WaVe oF LoVE’..


And sure.. if at that point.. i realized that was gonna be
the first MacroVerse of a new Bible in personal way..
i suppose that title would have worked for the
whole thing too.. but sure..
this is more
and sublime
than that..
“Nether Land
Bible 2017” as literally
inspired by my friEnd.. Leah..
a moderator from the “Wrong Planet”
back in the old days of posting 8009 posts
then.. at about an average of 1000 words each..
for the ones that remain that were not deleted out
by moderators and such as that.. yep.. makes about
8 Million words of what is still recorded there.. as hey..
the Internet can be forever in relative human terms
a whole
lot more.. heHe..
anyway.. Leah was
different than most as
she was full of empathy
and compassion actually
expressed in words one could
feeL and sense and after literally
spending years on that place one of
very few and then and the only one who
remains in contact with me now.. thing is
i always reciprocate communication other
than Spam ruses for bucks without fail..
or folks who think i am a pretty
girl.. namely the wife
Katrina instead
of me who
start the conversation
off with oh.. you are so pretty..
in the bar ways of life in how i see
men treat women noW as meat in a meet
market every Thursday night.. and sure
some women.. much fewer.. butt yes.. some..
treat men that way too.. ‘amusing’ fronts of men..
really strange ones like me without asking with butts..
nah.. it doesn’t hurt.. butt i sure wouldn’t go up to a person
without a restricted link.. at least.. hehe.. and bring that much of me to
a strange
asking first..
but hey.. that’s the
way i was raised by
a mother.. all polite and stuff..
sure.. i do get out in something close
to a speedo now and then on Facebook too.. hehe..
all in good fun as any sacred clown will do to expose
and hypocrisy
aS Such.. anyway..
the bootie dances
are harmless fun
as both
me and
the wife see it..
a little strange and
pART of human natUre
real butt still not pARt
of the culture i came up in..
and i surely expand the views
of others in many many other ways
like this.. as they consider different..
as different can be natural too.. and in a smaller
village of naked loving humans a bootie dance of friends
could surely generate much heat on a cold night by a campfire..
and much in the way of beneficial neuro-hormones and neurochemistry
too from head to toe.. as Lord knows and feelS and SenSEs too.. after
a long long niGht and day of SensuaL and FeeLinG Dance NoW in head far
to toe in all the ways that can and will come.. my creativity skyrockets..
primed with the fire of God that is the Bio-Chemistry fuel that leads to
greaTest ARTs of HeART.. SpiRit and SoUl as Creativity now.. Major
Artists in Hollywood.. either understand the science as a BaLanCe
of Love and Lust in how that fuels creativity in Bio-Chemistry
way.. or they do it old school.. they juST FeeL and SeNSe
it isreAL and do it more close to Naked WiTh GoD oF Nature Free..
with no shame.. no sin.. as in this way.. any Jesus of God of Nature can
take all that away by juST DoinG God Naked NoW within.. inside.. outside..
above.. so below and all around with hands and feet uP and doWn and all-round
too.. in Golden Spirals of FeeLinG SeNsinG all GiFts within of God’s Love now.. Free..
and back to numbers of words.. my last stop off point of copying MacroVerses in text
only completed versions to a total of three Facebook Pages i Admin.. including my
Personal Facebook Page that i write all of this in real time now too.. in bits and
pieces.. much more easily digestible in reading.. of course.. too.. all though.. this
one is getting to be an epic MicroVerse of this yet to be named 754th
MacroVerse of Ocean Whole Poem and 83rd MacroVerse new
of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. well.. yeah.. my last
stopping point in copying all of that
came at the actual titled
MacroVerse of
Bible whole
“Nether Land Bible 2017″
as the 69th MacroVerse then..
totaling in at 1.052 Million
words then.. and that means..
i am now 178,152 words behind
on copying and pasting in three places
on Facebook now for a total of 13 MacroVerses
that take on average two statuses to fill for a grand
total of 534,456 words.. almost the size of another
‘regular’ old size big black book bible.. in one copy and
paste swipe in total words at least.. as the King James
Version weighs in at about 800K words or so.. with
that Koran Book at about 80k words.. as i go
130K words on average each month
in real time on Facebook
and Five Blogs too..
3 public.. 1 private
and 1 restricted
adult warned
blog too..
and Twitter.. and
Google Plus and Tumblr
in ways of links too.. yep.. it’s
kinda amazing in how the so-called
famous and rich now ‘Zuckerburg
and Gates Nerds” have brought
this tool at hand and feet now
wHeRE Artists can use
the systemizing
tools to
be a one
woman or
man or eTc..
Director.. Producer..
Photographer and other
Visual Arts maker as actor
too.. with very little help in the
way of flesh and blood miles from
others in hand and feetS on way..
i am amazed.. i am blown away that i can
do all of this for practically free in terms of dollar
bills.. in Washington and Lincoln Cents way.. just a $299
a year unlimited storage space Word Press way.. every year
WitH Broad Band Access at under a hundred dollars a month
and sure.. a little more with hand held devices.. and a work
horse of a iMac in 27inch view that is still as reliable and fast
as when i took it out of the box about 43 months ago too.. and in
fact far from antiquated as Best Buy is still selling a model like this
with an i5 processor for about the same price now.. Go iMac and mostly.. you
won’t go back.. yep.. Steve Jobs did it with art.. with BiG Picture Art thiNking
verses detail thinking was/is kinda chaotic in MicroSoft rather than MacroSoft view
heHe.. in hardware way too.. oh God.. now.. this MicroVerse is getting huge in terms of
MacroVerse view too.. haha.. but hey.. i’ll give the rest of humanity an opportunity
to read it in ancestor ways.. HEhe.. at leASt for a thousand years if servers
can hold me and it up that long for free.. in the avenues that live on
like that.. hard to imagine Facebook.. dying at least.. and that
is why the back-ups can and will be important there..
thing is.. i have human hands.. and only
one pair.. last time i got even
close to this far behind..
my hands started
to incur
a whole
lot of repetitive
injury pain with that
same same same mechanical
robot endeavor.. oh well.. my
personal covenant with God
holding many hats as one..
as Whispers in the
dARk.. a Song
by Mumford
and Sons
who get the original
message of the Gospel
of Thomas Jesus without the
myths and other lies of modern age
versions.. really well.. and it just so happens
that this song.. who Mind Retrofit turned me on
to shortly before my miraculous recovery on or about
July 22nd.. 2013.. was published on Youtube on March
the 10th.. 2013 too.. lots of synchronicity in that song for me
too.. down to the same Blue Jacket i wore in my Senior 17 year old
photos for the Class of ’78 in suit style and dark blue tie way.. a parking
lot by some ships at Old Seville Quarter with a Concert Hall and railroad
tracks and a rather small blue car i would eventually own.. with cops knocking
at my window.. while i updated my smart phone art late at night in the dark after
dancing in the parking lot there.. and yes.. life as a photographer in a Navy town
now.. with 100K plus photos in a very fully illustrated Bible too.. and like any motorcycle
rider.. a wild one now too.. with three friends who helped clothe me in a dance hall too..
and yes.. hell yes.. got down to my underwear and more and stomped on the clothes
of culture too.. and sure.. had a beard like ‘that’.. too.. a little later too..
and meanwhile.. i picked up some sun glasses to go with my new all
casual attire.. and sure.. it all starts with Nature as
Jelly Fish swim and shore too more.. and
that’s the way God’s Synchronicity
in sign language goes and
gRows within oCean
wHole view where
the rhyme makes
reaSon without any
small take.. science material
reductionist view.. as God’s SKeYes
within see much further.. in gifted innate.
instinctual and intuitive way.. anyway.. i guess
that covers about all thaT is for now.. with more to
come later for sure.. and who knows.. eventually
those 13 Macroverses in back-up.. i am behind on
as crosses must continue to be carried with joy
as that is how the reaLITy of God’s
dArk and liGht works toGetHeR..
dArker struggle.. adaptation
change and
of LiGhter
Dances and Sings
more.. forevermore now..
and now.. i’ve gotta find a few
more theMe and MeMe songS added iN
to FiLL/FeeL the emotional and sensory
air of this Dance and SonG.. and MicroVerse heaR..
and heHe.. as with all auTomatic wRiTinG.. iN StreAMs.. read iT aLL
at lEast one now to see the sense and feel of all that comes what may..
AS ‘they’
Dance and
Sing.. press comMent
and just read what cAMe..
And coMes.. neXt.. NoW..:)


“White Knight AS Dark Horse”
And YaH.. i have another
MacroVerse to share first..
from two years ago that celebrates
my 2nd Anniversary of Blogging
and providing proof and evidence
same for an isREaL God liVinG
wiTh us iN smAll we
and big
way now
too.. on the
Wrong Planet
wHeRe proving this
through evidence to a
hard lined Fundamentalist
Muslim Dude by name of Sophisticated
and to a hard line Atheist Dude.. who doesn’t
actually believe that affective empathy can be felt
from others by feel and sense more than even see..
is like swimming with crocodiles who have no feel for God
but of course real crocodiles do as they are not prisoned in words
of mechanical
cognition now
in either
or religious
books same in literal
ways of seeing God separated
from we instead of Big we WE
within and mini-me
fractal PaRts
as God
as science
calls that Nature…
Oh.. the idols of words
in how they sTiLL cover up
the similar essence of UniVersal
TrutHs and Light more as a big
blankET of we wE liGht LIFE Love..:)

And sure.. i’ll do the text in full heaR.. as hey
this MicroVerse is already at Epic length now already..
so miGht as well do a bigger show.. Ynot.. as Servers
Continue to Dance and SinG me mostly Free now..
and the more fully illustrated stuff in visual
and auditory way is included in the
full linked MacroVerse too..
from two years ago then..
on March the 10th..

sophisticated writes:

An infinite, eternal, omnipotent, anti-matter, timeless,

sentient high power can cause something into existence.

adifferentname writes:

Please provide evidence that such a being exists

or that such a being can exist.

sophisticated writes:

You are a good example.

There was a time when you did not exist.

You were nothing. Think about that for a moment.

Then all of a sudden you came to life.

adifferentname writes:

How sheltered a life have you led to not know about biology?

aghogday writes:

‘He’ might be doING something else but i can easily prove both.

For one thing GOD lives within you and I, we, and me.

GoD is ALIVE as an energy inspiring

FORCE that is you and I, we,

and me










For another thing, this thing called HUMAN mind


However, this thing called creativity as the Human ‘Quantum’ mind AND body BALANCED, UNLEASHED, AND RELEASED

per fuller use of all human intelligences AND EXPRESSION THEREOF, in synergy, CAN AND WILL make real life HUMAN miracles happen, WITH HUMAN RELATIVE FREE WILL MORE FULLY EMPLOYED.

For instance, I as a shut in person with 19 medically documented disorders, FOR FIVE FULL YEARS, evidenced; shown by science and documented by doctor AS AND with NO chance of recovery, are ALL recovered ‘simply’ and surely by the ‘Quantum’ Power of my mind AND BODY IN BALANCE, with the higher force of Nature aka GOD or Mother nature True, IN HUMAN BEING MIND AND BODY BALANCE, AGAIN, MORE FULLY UNLEASHED, RELEASED, AND EXPRESSED EXTERNALLY IN FLESH AND BLOOD REAL LIFE; not just these ‘skeletons’ of words, alone.

Sadly, if you canNOT do this too, perhaps you are the one with a sheltered life, friend.






NO SH**..


And here is the evidence, below, freely provided of course, as promised some months ago on this site, as there is no reward greater than the force of GOD in human mind AND BODY BALANCED, as a ‘Quantum’ Creative Force, making REAL HUMAN DREAMS COME TRUE…in FLESH AND BLOOD LIFE.







Nietzsche STYLE AND even MORE thaN THAT



But nah, no grade school lessons


am now,





And if scientists over here, in the U.S., cannot explain it,

I seriously doubt you can either.

But go ahead give ‘her’ a try if you will,

can, or like.

Mother Nature TRUE COME alive AS ‘GOD’,

in sentient human being(S) IS real AND TRUE.







TRULY there’s

only room for

an infinite smile in now,

wHere i live NOW, eternAlly NOW,

wHere forever is one second of Heaven..



I am a very polite and kind person in real life.

But my entire life people have taken that kindness for weakness.

But truly most of them have no idea how strong i am,

either in the spirit of love or the spirit of strength.

Walking into middle school the first day in 6th grade,

homophobic so-called real boys call me the F word

and not the Fred word, for smiling generously,

at everyone I meet in the hall.

Nah, they never see what

I am capable of in strength,

until i challenge the biggest football player

to a game of arm wrestling, me at skin and bones,

and him extremely muscled for a 13 year-old,

at that time, in 8th grade.

I put him down

in less than a second,

and he says, oh sh**, Fred is STRONG.

After all, my middle is Arthur and that means


WELL, i’m not skin and bones anymore,

and i’m still nice and i’m still strong,

and never does anyone ever

bother me again,

about being nice in the real world.

And if I see them giggling behind my back,

when I do ballet in either the club

where I dance

or in the general public,

I do one of two things.

In the club where I dance with all the

pretty girls,

I show ’em a quick display

of my lightening quick

martial arts kicks,

getting less


an inch

from any

target I desire.

And in public, now, I show ’em my 930LB leg press video of me doing it slowly and surely 14 times, with my hands in the air. And then I tell ’em, if they do ballet/martial style dance for 3200 miles, in 18 months, they too, can be ‘Superman’ too…..in words to that affect AND EFFECT..;)

I have to prove people wrong in their assumptions about me, almost my entire life; but finally now, I have nothing to prove anymore, as it is ALL ONLINE, HA!HA!


SO FITTING it is, when my friend Ariel (like the name of the angel) takes a video of me at the gym, lifting that weight, and the song by Rihanna, Paul McCartney, and Kanye West, “Four Five Seconds” comes on, with the words “you take my kindness for weakness” and I’m “four five seconds to wildin”.

Yes, I am wild, I am Free, And I am still a kind and smiling child of GOD AKA Mother Nature TRUE who CAN LITERALLy kick A**, with a half-a-ton of power, if it’s the last resort for survival.

Fortunately, as always, as no one has ever dared lay a hand or a foot, on me, yet, in a serious threat of fight, all I have to do is show ’em what i’m capable of.

And truly, I am capable of almost anything

and everything,

if properly

focused and motivated,

with due ethics, in tow, of course.

A person can tug on “Superman’s Cape”,

until they take it off, and find out

I’m neither “Big bad Jim” or “Slim”




entirely new that they likely

have never ever encountered before……

Yeah, someone inspires this but i’m getting too well known in the general public, to give anymore specifics than this, without hurting someone’s feelings. ‘Cause yeah, I am the eternal nice guy, in the crowd….a people pleaser who has the potential to KiCK A** too.


aghogday writes:

For one thing GOD lives within you and I, we, and me.

adifferentname writes:

We’re discussing the existence of actual supreme beings,

not the metaphorical euphoric fantasies

brought on by self-actualisation.

Thanks for the response,

but you’ve added nothing

useful to the debate.

aghogday writes:

Well, NO, you are INCORRECT.

That’s your definition of GOD.

Jesus, the man, historically reported in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas,

clearly states GOD is inside human being, outside human being, above so below.

In other words, Nature IS frigging GOD. It’s as simple as THAT AS ALWAYS HAS BEEN, ALWAYS WILL BE, AS LONG AS NATURE EXISTS.

I am just a TRUE APOSTLE OF JESUS, IN THIS REGARD, WITH comprehensive knowledge of most other religions too, where the TRUTH remains the same, as Nature as the Higher Power, AS GOD, and simply the fact that human being is a watered down ‘worm’, in comparison to what REAL HUMAN

STRENGTH CAN BE with the higher power of Mother Nature TRUE MANIFEST IN HUMAN BEING Nature, as a free GIFT AS IS, MORE FULLY EMPLOYED AND PRACTICED in numerous intelligences

that most human beings today, never touch, in metaphor or reality.

YOGI FOLKS, LIKE THE REPORTED JESUS, can steam heat off of robes in icy waters, AND CONTROL THEIR BRAIN WAVES LIKE ME, as they have control over their autonomic nervous system through relative free will, and BIO-FEEDBACK, OF COURSE, LIKE ME.


It’s much more than a long word in the dictionary that describes other words, describing REAL LIFE HUMAN MIRACLES, in comparison to what the average ‘human worm’ can do, WITH OR WITHOUT BIG SHELLS OF WORDS THAT are just mental masturbation, in true effect and AFFECT, online, OR EVEN OFFLINE, in most cases.

AND THAT’s OKAY, as meaningless pastimes, are a way to pass the time, too.

I prefer real life miracles in flesh and blood, cause THAT’S SUPER KOOL, JUST LIKE THE REAL JESUS, AS REPORTED, SAYS.

ANYWAY, here’s the documented evidence, as reported in the GOSPEL of Thomas, all about the Pantheist Yogi Leaning dude, Jesus.

AND YOU can keep talking about a Supreme FAIRY TALE, all you want, as a form of Mental Masturbation, while I continue to evidence a REAL GOD, I CAN IRREFUTABLY PROVE, AS A FREE HIGHER POWER OF GOD IN HUMAN BEING THAT IS TRUTH, PROVEN, AT LEAST, BY ME, in real life STUFF.


GOD IS the TRUTH AND THE LIGHThe All Seeing EYE, AS metaphor.

EVEN Madonna is smart enough to figure that one out.

It doesn’t even take a step in A school room









TRULY nothing else matters, in what IS TRUE REALITY.

ANY questions..;)

And haha.. it wasn’t too long after this
that the restricted ‘left brain’ mostly only
thiNking folks who science suggests.. comprise
about 50 percent of the higher functioning aspect
of the Autism Spectrum who have non-verbal learning
disorder with huge verbal IQ but because of either
use it or lose it functional disabilities in life or innate
or after birth lesions of the right hemisphere of the brain
at times literally they cannot to do the math or more abstract
interpretative social empathic right brain way touchy and feely
deeper ways of life.. and nah.. it’s not funny.. the funny paRt
is that the moderators banned me for the second time for not
having a clue with the left side of their brain without the use of
the right side of WTF FTW.. i was even talking about.. like an opaque
window in hell of left brain trap with just a glimpse of right brain
feeling and sensing heaven.. i attempt(ed) to bring in metaphors of words..
thing is.. if you don’t get the essence of the word as metaphor.. it’s just empty
shells and for most practical intents and purposes like putting lipstick on a pig and
the pig don’t give a shit slop about pretty in the first place as they don’t experience
that pART of potEnTial hUman liFe either.. sAdly.. enough for humans who don’t see.. and
realistically now feeL and sense the whole ocean of God of Ocean whole with expanding further..
shores more within.. inside.. outside.. above.. and so below.. sure.. like a cloud of the Love
of my Mother liVing the sKeYes above.. as i cared enough to find her tHeRE in Youth spiRit
of Love
me.. my mother
Lives as Love.. ’cause
i can and WiLL BrinG heR
to liFE forevermorenow that way..
how sAd.. iT iS.. for those who cannot
allow folks to live forever as love now within..
aLL.. and as the
darK of God Goes too..
some folks kNow not what
they do by Nature as God too..
empathy and compassion and yes
even sympathy for the ‘devils’ of life
born this way is surely merited with
kindness over iGnorance
of tHeir iNnate
and Functional
sKEyes fuller now..
i tried.. i cry now.. i tried
to help them.. but as i told my
friEnd Suzanne on Facebook.. recently..
when an ungrateful person accosted her
in verbal abuse over a misconceived error
she didn’t make when she was helping him..
turn the other cheek is fine for expanding empires
to keep folks in line and sacrificing for corporate
interests in church and state way then and now
in all the public and private ways that comes
what may.. however.. in real life
as a people pleaser
that literally
me with
stress.. sometimes..
you just gotta duSt yoUr
sandals off and go to more
gracious meadows of people
who can at least see the fAct that
your are doing the best you can to help
them and you can do no more.. nah.. my
life is too precious as gift from God to sacrifice
it for human ignorance either born or made that
way in environmental ways in use it or lose it ways.. too..
i try.. i cry.. but nah.. liFe is to precious to sacrifice it
for the ignorant and those who can and will not know..
try sure.. but help those who can help themselves more..
or at least
will tolerate
the help you
bring with acceptance..:)


And speaking of acceptance where
closed minds and bodies still do live..
as one way to open up the right brain
hemisphere as two ones as 11 become
H as eight infinity tall standing erect more
away from doubt and fear and shame.. is to
liberate the entire mind and body in all the ways
that comes.. the art of Dance and Song and in general
a path to Unity oF MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL as
Ocean whole Shores exPanD even more.. as evolving sOUl..
so i’ve documented my evolution online in all the nitty gritty that
comes to sHow what human potential in hiGher Gifts of God NoW can
and WiLL Do at almost any human living age noW.. so.. sure.. a photo
in my Grand Pa Grey tighties as age 54 on March the 10th in one year
celebrating Blogging and Recovery of over 7 months in Heaven and the
Form of Strength my Body took then.. sure.. armstrong as such and
bulky at 220Lbs then.. now at 230Lbs or so.. as my most recent
body art shows.. 10Lbs heavier and more lean than
ever before.. as the evidence and proof
continue to show.. before my
art of martial arts
heaR at this
date here
and before
my Dance started
around the Spring Equinox
with all the Cool College Age
folks at Old Seville in extreme marathon
Dance for me around a three hour or so tour
of Dance then now arising to the 152nd Thursday
this week.. with a couple of Thursdays missed for ill
and other important issues rising like Christmas falling
and rising on that day.. to be with the wife at home.. my Father
Dying and stuff like that.. in settling his estate across the
Panhandle where he lived in Tallahassee then.. as my
Body Golden Spiraled more in Phi 1.68 mean move
ways.. the more the form oF Y i as essence
becoMes more like the
reflection of
God whole
as Nature Free..
and yes.. there is nothing
dirty to feel shame over any
member or function of my body
whole and the rest of God as Nature
too.. some folks feel shame and fear
and even anger and hate over Nature as
God.. butt to love iT aLL naked is Joy FReED
as GoD Living Free within.. no separation baby..
make God evil and pay the Karma in the Parts of
God Free one turns into both deviL and HeLL real..
Humans.. great potential for naked dreams or clothed nightmares
with never now.. the sKin of God meeting the eYes of God iN God’s sKeYes Sun..
So yeah.. that about
covers all that is for now..
stripped down to the flesh and
blood of God within..inside.. outside..
above so below.. and all around with
so much more to come.. after this epic
but sTiLL smaLLer MicroVerse of MacroVerse
Of ‘Nether Land Bible 2017″.. oF Ocean wHole
Poem as Song oF My SoUL’ more at plUs 4 MiLliOn
words thAT as subtotal of 12 MiLlioN or so since Thanks
Giving Day online of 2010.. juST a speck sTiLL.. juST a
pARt oF
GoD whOle
so much more than
little old me.. full of words..
and so much more than thIs alone..
as the DancE allone alWays SinGS more than the SonG alone..
Gotta get my hAir
cut.. i’ll find the
othER songs later..
as ‘they’
don’t be late..
and i’ll read this later
and leave it be for now..;)

And with a quick visit to
Xenia’s Blog site for Poetry
and Love for her dogs and cats i say..

WeLL.. my FriEnd.. Xenia.. we have
something in common.. as
an anniversary date for
Blogging on
March 10th..
four years for
me that i treasure
too in all the liGht
mostly and even the
smALL dARk paRts too
overAll.. liFe is surELy
A Wonderful Adventure in
aLL the ways Love comes as liGht more..
so.. sure.. Happy First Blogging Anniversary
to you with many more years to come as living
art with your husband.. dogs.. and cats too.. all as Family..:)



Imagine.. NoW.. yes..
juSt iMaGiNe.. hmm..
Sing it baby.. oh.. yes..
A World with no signs..
A World with no rules..
no laws.. no regulations..
And Lord kNowSand feelS and
SeNseS.. no Religions or Countries..
juST onE World of Peace witH no Walls
or Borders or even Fences as everyone would
Worship God thE FloWer and Love.. the HiGhest
Force and Power that HuMaN BeinG is Gifted wiTh
By the God oF and As NAtuRe iN BeiNG hUman now..
IMaGINe.. no Heaven above or Hell Below.. dAM suRE
noT haRD to do.. when one understands both places are
poTenTiaL NoW.. LiVinG WiThiN as aLL dARk and liGht iN
HUman ways stARts from Within now.. and spreads out to
inside.. outside.. above.. so BeLow and aLL aRouNd.. so
sure.. make Heaven better within now than.. HeLL beFore..
Meh.. let’s get real.. hUmans are not evolved to
connect to more than about 150 to 200 sets
of friEndly HaiRy Beast or sHaved
BeauTy Legs and under
arm pits.. wITh
eYes of
course to
see what’s
coMiNg neXt iN
hUman form WiTh ears
to HeAR iT too.. sure.. like
minorities who come into this
country in immigration way.. like
South Koreans.. Vietnamese Folks.. Chinese..
the Filipinos and Hispanic Folks too as they
sTiLL stick close toGeThER maintaining tHeiR
uNiQue mELtinG Pot Traditions NoW as cultUre and
religion sAMe.. of tHEir so-cALLed home lands of
beFore.. and yes.. iN general they and white folks
have tHeir churches.. to bind togeTheR iN comMon
holy and sacred full of meaning and purpose liGht
or dARk coMmon interests.. no matter iF iT is Foot
ball.. A favorite Quarter back like Muhammad and
Jesus too.. iN tHeir respective religious teams
too.. with or without a football of course..
try to keep hUmans from bonding
wITh common BiNd also
kNOWn as Religion
and social roles
fAil.. and
neXt thing
yA kNOw now..
ya got John B Calhoun’s
Utopian rat experiment from
the 60’s.. where males groom themselves
incessantly.. and lose all interest in defending
their territory.. and lack a Japanese Youth wave
in current world wide affairs of no longer being
interested in doing the wild thing with
the so-called opposite sex now..
the more we move to
machine life in
cognition.. the further
we move away now from the
flesh and blood oxytocin
neurohormone for the flesh and
blood touch of being all filled up
with warm and fuzzy love.. lacking
any needs for behavioral or substance
addiction both.. in dopamine hit way..
as oxytocin.. the Love Neuro-Hormone
buffers the need for speed.. all cozy and
comfortable talking oral tradition by the campfire
dancing free close to naked under the dew of moonlit
fire night of warm and fuzzy human beings toGeTher now
more than separated by frigging text.. but then again.. at
least.. the text spreads world-side.. further than a local dance..
In Other words.. while we miGht lEarn to better understand each oThERs
Differences.. to live in insanely large populations.. means pockets of people
getting along toGeTher with shared reciprocal social communication interests…
it’s how human works.. miGht as well face the Nature of our Nature and make the
best oF it yA Can iN whAT works for you.. anyWay.. ‘this’.. current Facebook Profile
Pic.. NoW that says.. “PARK AT YOUR OWN RISK! Owner not responsible for any damages”
is how the world workS in insanely large human populations.. rules.. baby rules.. and
that is what conservative thinking minds do best.. caution before you park or
cross the street.. the sky is falling but not yet fall out.. so far.. TG.. i
AM A Realistic Dreamer.. i do lucid waking drEAMing and use
the Force of iMaGiNation and CreaTiviTy to make
my DreAMs come to FruiTioN.. and i alWays
enjoyed the ‘Norm’ liFE at the
Bowling Center Cheers
wHeRE everyone
knew me as
Fred.. the Bowling Alley
Guy and we enjoyed warm
and fuzzy human reciprocal social
communication in all non-verbal and
verbal ways in the flesh and blood.. anyWay..
‘they’ might not kNow me and FeeL me and sEnse
me as specifically Fred but what they do kNow when the
Wife and i come out of the Golden Nugget Casino.. about 150
miles or so away from here in Milton.. Florida.. wHeRE i reside
at home.. is enough about me to yell out.. according to the wife
Katrina.. “Hey!.. Do you Dance at Seville Quarter”.. from a busy intersection
on a 6 lane road.. while i dance across the intersection in reverse.. hehe..
all decked out in Minion attire.. as trademark Super-Walmart 7.50.. Dollar
T-shirts and half-price JC Penny shorts.. with the Super Cool Sunglasses
of course and a Law Enforcement Hair cut and passing for Military
too.. butt.. the main thing is.. AFAIK.. i am the only who dances
everywhere they go in public anywhere in these paRts
of the SouthEAst in about a 300 mile radius in
Trump State Red as conservative as
it gets in the good old U.S.. of A..
according to Sociologists
doing studies who
say.. this is
the hardest
place oF all
to be different
and hehe.. i veriLY
say i surELy got whAt thaT
takes.. at Least for now.. be stale
or be new.. stay same or try something different
now to be Known at LeaSt as a No man with a social
role at leAST as Clown Dancer iN my Case.. haha.. also..
Danced at a Festival too.. “Grillin’ on the Green” as ‘they’
say iT iN Biloxi too.. next to the Hard Rock Cafe.. and this is
the second time in a few days whEre a young woman attempts(ed)
to Beauty and the Beast Ball Room Dance with me.. i ain’t figured
out the fancy pancy dances yet.. juST Butterfly Tiger Free for me.. hehe..
thaT as A
Girl Friend who
was a Navy Uniformed
Wave back in the Bowling Center
Days.. used to exclaim.. “FucK mE Running”..
and i still haven’t figured out.. how to do that either..
butt.. i’m pretty sure she was just kidding.. all though
she was quite Athletic as that comes as well.. in total
fitness.. hmm.. 3 miles away now from meeting
the 7,000 MiLe Dance Forrest Fred Dance..
MileStoNe.. in a little over 42 months..
so.. yep it is possible that this
new MacroVerse may
be named “7000
Miles of DANCE
as this is a ritual of a tradition
for my own personal religion now too..
in social role of public dancer/sacred
clown thingy.. and free verse long form
poet too.. jusT for FuN.. as you do not have
to make money to get your binding and your
social role all soWed and Reaped aS Such..
as hUmans have iMaGInaTiOns and
Creativity to make tHeir
own personal
coMe to
LuCiD WaKinG
ones as FruiTioN iN reAliTy
now or not.. depending on how
strong one’s relative free will is now..
And then tHEir are the MiNions of ‘cOARse’ now
as they follow wiTh the lead of oTheRS in Authority
way.. and that’s OkAy too.. as i honor them heAR noW all
as WeLL in Yellow and Overalls Peaceful way.. haha.. if we
can jUsT toleRate and even accept the Differences of oTheRS..
that’s my DreAM aT lEASt.. not hard to IMAgine in who i WiLL to be@lEast..
and juST anotHeR challenge for everyone else.. as that’s hoW liFE DanceS.. SinGS.. bRinG uS uP as UniTy liGht
instead of
oF DARk..
wHEre the
MiNiONs even enjoy
naked love oF Unity too.
hmm.. works for me @lEASt.. hehE
And WiTh thaT all Said.. a few MacroVErses
as Facebook MeMories to share from yesteryears..
juST for the HEAVen oF iT noW that never ends eternALLy
noW aT LeASt as the meek do inherit this eARThly Heaven NoW
who FucKinG Work for iT in a practice oF Love that never ends
as perfecting that practice as continuing practice greater
toWard liGht now..once aGaiN i do say.. iT works for
And that’ll
come tommorrow
added heAR as
nite nite
hour earlier
to save ‘the time’.. too..;)

Fellow Poet Blogger Victoria shares
a quote by Joseph Campbell on the
Hero’s Adventure that Dances
and Sings as tHis..

“Furthermore, we have not even to risk the adventure alone, for the heroes of all time have gone before us. The labyrinth is thoroughly known. We have only to follow the thread of the hero path, and where we had thought to find an abomination, we shall find a god. And where we had thought to slay another, we shall slay ourselves. Where we had thought to travel outward, we will come to the center of our own existence. And where we had thought to be alone, we will be with all the world.”

-Joseph Campbell

Joseph Campbell.. a poet and
pioneer of the original
modern day
men’s movement
that started out
as matriarchy inclined
in the 70’s and celebrated
more of the warrior aspect in
the 80’s as an overall “mythopoetic men’s movement”..
loosely organized then that has become toxic
in wars against so-called feminism in
the different forms that comes
in today.. what truly
remains are
the archetypes
within and as i
answer back to
i say..
and she says
yep.. with
thumbs up..
anyWAy.. i was born into a
toxic environment of Red State
Patriarchy that Joseph Campbell addressed
first in a place where mens’ emotions were
stunted by ‘big daddies’.. who insisted boys
smiling and crying is queer as foreign for any
normal big boy to do.. if he ever was gonna be a
‘real man’.. as a toy soldier.. a tin man without a
heARt to express that gloWing thing in the Center of the
Long Haired female with a beard so artistically expressed
in church that was the only lifeline for the male to have to
express the grace and love that IS THE SOURCE OF ALL TRUE WILL
AND STRENGTH that makes a man and a woman whole in Divine feminine
and Masculine Potential.. you see.. tHeir is a River of a soUL with
many StreaMs that come to Ocean whole With Waves that form a pattern oF
ALL that Dances and Sings toGeTher in Peace and Harmony.. iN liGht..
the way out of hell
is to become
again.. i say
no different than Buddha..
Jesus and the other folks
who had a bigger more whole
soUL.. the answers tell the truth
and lie within.. as LiGht over dARk..
when wholly expressed as holy and sacred
full of meaning and purpose where the social
role for both male and female is worKing toGeTher
as Love to make the forAGe of LiFE isReaL NoW
and thrive
in Joy and Strength
and Fearless heaRt
as SpiRit expreSsinG
heARt of emoTions and
SeNses iN miNd and BoDy
BaLanCinG soUL and yes.. that means
a balance of both boy and girl power
whOle as the Warrior Lover emerges as hero trUe iN liGht..:)

The modern so-called mens’ movement is just a group of lost boys
of what i saw over and over on the Wrong Planet Website same
as Reddit with pasty fingers behind a keyboard
that never lEarned
to either
or sing
a SonG of
Sacred Dance
in both Grace and Love
and Strength and Will all fearless
and whole with needing nothing from
the so-called opposite sex but Love to give..
that’s the accomplishment in Heaven on Earth
where marriage
is just another
word for all human
beings as brothers and
sisters whole.. wHeRE
the child is
by the
Village whole
toGETher noW and
competition is lost
away from Love.. we live in
an unbalanced STATE wHere the
so-called war of the sexes in Patriarchy
way is at the core of most all aggression.. violence
and even potential World War III as Lord kNOws NoW and
FeeLs and SeNSEs.. juST look at Putin and Trump.. Birds of a
Feather who are juST little boys who never grew up to be a real hero with a soul..
be like them.. heHe..
or be like me.. haHa..
trUSt me or not..
get more
from women as
my records as documented
JuST Do IT sHow.. if you let your girl
out a little more to play with the boy now
that is you.. and become a real man with a soul
more fully developed than A Frankensteinfurter aS Such..
it’s really not so much that i like women so much more than
men.. i just feel sorry for men.. as i know the STATE OF AFFAIRS OF IGNORANCE
when they don’t
even FeeL/SeNSE who they
are as being human wHole
instead of half a boy or man..
anyWay.. i sHow ’em how
to do it.. by
actions over
words in just
Doin’ iT NOW
in Victory
way full
as the Dance
can be more readily
‘seen’ in BaLanCe of soUL
iN miNd and BoDy way more NoW
than 12 million words of SonG.. heHE..
sure.. on the edge of a 7,000 Mile stint
in a 300 mile radius of Dance.. Ranging East to West
from Biloxi.. in a little over
42 Months.. to Tallahassee..
with most effort in the
most Patriachal
assessed Metro
area of
yes.. aSSessed by
Sociologists aS Such..
sure.. God seeded me HeaR
for Good FeeLinG and SeNses
in total liFE Challenge and teST
way and nah.. it’s not just a Random
Forrest Gump Feather as even Forrest says now..
it is a combination of Chaos and reASon MakinG
liFE arT NoW as a Box of Chocolates thaT
comes in all colors as puRe WhiTE liGht..
is FuLL oF
as crucible seed
of Star BuRst Death
in FiRE.. Dances and
SinGS hiGher
continuing ReBorn NOW..
liFe is even more than Harry Potter
MaGiC for those who FeeL and SenSE iT wHOle..
iN aS A SonG of DAncE.. And it’s trUE and liGht.. take it from me.. not all men are
rats and
not all rats are men..;)


Oh.. Lord.. i’M all danced
out and juST about pooped
but no bed until i finish pArt
oF A STory of Dancing A Free Style
Ballet and Martial Arts.. yes.. aLL Free
Verse Style Dance in Public all around
the P-Cola Florida.. Metro Area.. now.. arriving
at 7000 miles as of March the 12th.. 2017..
more precisely.. 7007.66 miles as the
Trusty Nike GPS Sports
Watch does
for free
in online way
as proof for documentation
as i have been doing from the get
go of all of this.. as video shows began
on August 28th.. in 2013.. yep.. a little over
42 Months to complete 7000 miles of Public
Dance in what over the years averages by the
end of each year point.. 166.66 miles a month
with 6666 miles coming iN at precisely 40 Months
at the End of December of 2016.. too.. yes..
i do like words and numbers too..
hehe.. as the RaTioNaL miNd
miXes wiTh the MaGiC-liKe
iMaGinaTioN as
CreATive mINd..
anyWay.. what can i say..
oThER than DAncE and SinG Free
with the History of Dance recorded below
in documented liNks stARTing at the 2000 mile
mArk.. moVing ahead after that at 1000 mile mARks
to Keep the HiStory of the endeavor all intact and yes..
tactful as factfuLL.. too.. heHe.. so.. heAR are the liNks to
that and recorded Dance History in selfie way with around
1000 or so really nice folks.. yes.. mostly.. overwhelmingly
Women from Old Seville Quarter as i will likely mArk
another three year anniversary tHeRE as
midnight falls into Saint Patrick’s day
at the eve of March 16th and
Dawning of March
17th too..
as any
With Beauty
WiFE WiLL Do2..
as MythS and Legend
and MaGiC continue
to roll on play wRiTe
oN course.. oF course ..HeRe..
anyWAy.. the Bottom three Seville
LiNks only carry through September
of 2016.. got 6 months of photos to catch
up with coming up this week at several hundred
more.. theRE.. to get iT all uP to dATe as FuLL of sMiLinG Faces..:)









And sure.. more videos to come in this 7000 Miles
Series of Dance Walking but i can feel the
sleep coming very soon.. after well over
a Marathon of Dance.. accomplished
juSt this weekend.. and all this
writing.. too.. As Dance
And SonG continues
iTs Free
miX aLL aRound
tOwn and online2..;)

Back in the AM and i must
have really been exhausted
after a Marathon Weekend of
just about everything.. as i slept
about 10 hours that is very unusual for
me.. anyway.. a Dance Video for every thousand
miles celebrated in a little over 42 months that
makes a total of 7 dances here.. and it just gives a
snippet of the taste of joy and fun and exhilaration
of what it is to spread your wings a little more out
of the cultural box aS Such that culture will put yoUr
ass in as a lock box if you are not careful.. to get trapped
in that box of both miNd and BoDy soUL iN or out oF A BaLanCinG
act of pure JoY iN liGht or despair in dARk.. or OMG.. sheer boredom
iF iT’s not the opposite these days of sensory and feeling overload..
hmm.. balance the body and the mInd NaturAlly FloWs like a River more..
all streAMs leading to US As surfing waves of Ocean whole on terrestrial
land.. sure.. i can show you the form oF iT.. on the outside here.. the varied
response of the audience.. hehe.. from the Good Old Boys running away to the Young
Free Spirited Women embracing it with the quote of the day of ‘that was awesome man’..
out there on the side-walk at the mAll leading to Best Buy.. life is an ink blot test
and we are the actors who paint that test with many colors or closer to black and white..
i do not ‘LOOK’.. like i would do anything i do.. from writing 12 Million words whole..
since ThanksGiving Day of 2010 to writing A 1.2 Million word “Never Land Bible 2017”..
since Memorial Day of 2016.. to singing beautifully like an ‘angel’ as the
surrounding back pew members of the Catholic Church sometimes comment..
to Dancing these 7000 miles all around the Metro Public area for
42 months either.. Nude art.. nah.. not something
that a 56 year old dude does either.. but hehe..
don’t be deceived by the Baggy clothes..
i don’t ‘show off’ that much
in clothes..
hehe.. except
for Artistic clothed
poses that are simply a Yoga
Unity with the Divine as mix
of Masculine and Feminine
Grace.. Love.. Strength
WiLL.. in the flesh
and the truth
IS As even
S E N s E S..
in Star Wars
miX.. we are not this
crude flesh alone.. we
are consciousness.. including
subconsciousness.. we are spiritual
BeinGs of sensing and feeling beyond
empirical science measuring ways of
duplicating repeatable phenomenon..
and nah.. i don’t really ‘look’
like a scientist either..
truth be told..
the crude
that looks
like the form of
me still is not much
different than that stoic
statue as a bust of a random
Law Enforcement Officer that John
Lennon used from his front porch
in that famous Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely
Hearts club Band.. Album cover
from ’67.. then.. yep.. big..
long head with a mustache
as such.. could
be an
Cop like me
on the beat aS Such..
like my Father for 46 years..
thing is.. behind that Funeral
Bust was/is the potential to be
more awakened and enlightened than
a Stone Alabaster Statue.. with a little
help from a whole crowd of enlightened
and awakened ones from hiStory beFoRe..
including folks like Marilyn
Monroe.. along with
Whitman too..
we all share DNA
and we all share the
potential of absorbing
the collective art and science
now with the broad band access
as freedom of information and art the same..
may you live in interesting times as ‘they’ say or
better even yet.. may you transform your statue into a living work of art alive..
for me at
least that’s
the lesSon
off an
cover of a HEart
that is no longer
alone stone.. yes.. a heARt
and SpiRit and SoUL allone..
as juST anoTher pARt of the
Masterpiece Tapestry Painting aka GOD ALL thAT iS..:)


WeLL.. now.. to tackle and Dance and Sing all the MacroVerse
Memories as shared on Facebook from years ago.. mostly that
do relate in at leASt someway to 7000 miles of Dance in the
last 42 months and more.. particularly in the art of
words as sWeLL as SonG.. with so much
more to bRinG to
the Present
of Now..
WiTh A day in the
life of NOW and how
that relates to the Sgt.
Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Lonely
Club Album Cover art as nicely
illustrated in the MacroVerse link
as such with stone statue of stoic
random Law Enforcement Dude in Alabaster
way.. juST hoping to be reborn aGAin
in all Enlightened
and Awakened
Dance and Song.. Moving to..


“A day in the life of a DANCE WALKER” IN Part
two of three MacroVerses from three years ago..
celebrating my first anniversary of Blogging and
also a little over 6 months of public dance by that
point too.. where in a couple of weeks after that the
Seville Quarter Dance would stARt around the Spring Equinox
then.. a little after as such.. with that Beastie Looking
Grey Speedo attire to go along with the Beauty that is
the Wife Katrina too.. all around the RiverWalk
Arts Festival that year too.. as the Dance
and Sing of now goes on.. so much longer
as the Present of now
Free said
and did and
done and does..


Yes.. “A day in the life of a Nude
Artist”.. too.. paRt three of
a day in the life
three years
ago.. too.. all
underwear art of course
tHeRe away from restricted link
more.. to keep all PG related to
not any more than one could
see at a public
but never
the less.. a continuing
record of progress on
an art of all free
flesh and
blood where
no member of
the body as whole
as pArt is any less
holy or sacred than
any oTheR pARt or Function
of Member paRt of WhoLe no less than God..
in full meaning and purpose..
and sure..
less too..:)


Now skipping up to two years ago.. just
another fun photo pose and antic
to make life a one
game win
way too..
as possessing
one life alWays
NoW of course.. as
NoW is alWays all thAT
exists now.. kinda common
since now of course.. hehe..;)


And with the same Millionaire shirt from the old Monopoly
Game.. Faux sipping a little half and half heAR
as Actor copy of the Big
Lewbowski cult
status movie
by the
Cohen Brother’s
Directors wHere a
Jesus-like dude comes
back to the future as
promised.. and just
as the laziest
dude in his area
of LA.. nah.. not
Lower Alabama Florida
Panhandle as such.. heAR..
butt off in California way
of Los Angeles as such..
anyWays.. many
of life
fit the same Human
Archetypes of course..
sharing the same DNA NoW
as well as sharing the past
down of religious and cultural
elements aCross religions and or cultures
too.. as a practice of life to bind togETheR
over common holy and sacred meaning and purpose
of life.. and yes.. it’s usually one half of conservative
against one half of liberal in either closed or open minded
ways of perceiving more or less of reality AKA God now..
Different strokes
for different
deep and
some swimming..
oh my God.. so much more Deep..
yep.. tHeRE is too sides to everY
story and when you combine the two..
that can and will lead to a mix oF
LIGht and dARk wHeRe all
becomes holy
and sacred
full of Meaning
and Purpose.. and voila
Heaven/Nirvana/Bliss.. eTc..
now with just the WorKinG MiX
of MoVinG Co-ConNecTing NoW and
Co-Creating WiTh GoD all thAT is WhOle
including the PARts as me and you.. eTc AL
of course2.. all get to make both the teAM and the
Overalls now
way beyond the
grey overAlls of MiNioN two..;)


“Chalice of Allah’s”.. LOVE heAR
as i find a common Language around
the world
as sure
and more Love
now as liGht LiFe..
noW and sure.. short
enough to repeat Now..:)

Interesting.. over here in the U.S. ..as boys are becoming more distant from girls and girls are becoming more distant from boys.. where there is an ‘epidemic’ of sorts.. of girls coupling up with girls who have given up on boys.. and boys who can no longer express emotions stuck in video games and the such.. they wonder why.. oh why.. don’t girls wanna be with they.. they should.. but they can’t ‘FEEL’ ..why.. as a self fulfilling prophecy of a gender that increasingly can no longer express heArt of love….

i suppose when I go to dance… even at 54.. i find so many friends there of the fairer gender.. as i am not afraid to express love in either words or graceful heart of moves…

Anyway.. i never get to watch Sherlock..

But I love girls too.. and can do without the three letter word that begins with s and ends with x.. just to connect with smiling eyes.. and graceful feet….

To the dismay sometimes and great surprise by me.. even at 54 with wedding ring.. for the ones who want more…

And he! he! I am not gay either.. there are just things in life more exquisite in heart.. soul.. and spirit.. than x or s.. and the middle E..

i hope your girl FRIEND returns LOVE to you soon..

The nicest thing about being retired is there is time to love the whole world..

And I have enough love to set out..

And do



have relative
human free will..



and that’s all

i need..








And I see now words
shape a chalice of LOVE..
But the base here must be longer
to hold the love that is the chalice of me…







And it looks like a chalice more at my home than yours..

And i put in the words in place of semi colon.. slashes.. and dots..

as your blog here don’t like links that be clicked on much..;)

Just ‘call me’ if you like IT when you get home..:)

And may be one day your smile
will be as big



a few

words to
make a wine
glass.. a base that
is way too long..

http semi colon two slashes katiemiafrederick dot com /2015/03/11/chalice-of-allahs-love/


And yes.. the Beauty
that goes along
me.. Katrina
of course and Yellow Boy too..
surELy prettier than me.. HeHE..
Memory photo from a year ago.. heAR..;)


‘Slingshots Dance UniCorn sWORDs’.. even more respect
for Women’s Day.. Poetry.. and Dance
Memories.. too.. from both Seville
Quarter and
the World..:)


“MAGIC man over the Moon”.. Celebrating
my Third Blogging Anniversary overall..
a year ago too.. along with
the last MacroVerse as
WeLL.. wHere i dig
into the
of the
pARTs of my
life too with
a Dance oF liGht
more at Old Seville
and yes.. thaT
years ago
thAt leads to liGht noW..
as Ark of hope liveS in dARK..:)



And also a fourth Anniversary of a Nature Photos Page
on Facebook that went along with a Blog Page there as well..
from 3.13.13.. and that’s where i copy and paste all the text
of my Blog Posts from four Google Blogger Blogs and one Word
Press Blog.. and as repeated from before..
i’ve fallen behind what is
now approaching
600K words
total of
and paste
words in 13
MacroVerses behind
in a total of words
still owed to those two
Facebook Pages for all free
back up.. and this MacroVerse
will make 14.. and Thursday will
likely make another one for 15 falling
behind.. as i still have several hundred
Dance Selfies to ready for a three year anniversary..
MacroVerse probably named “Leprechaun Pan Dance 2017”..
anyway.. yep.. approaching 600K words behind.. and that’s
a lot of
for one hand too..
with the 152Nd Dance
Week Celebration approaching through morn of Saint Patrick’s
day with a few Thursday Nights missed and caught on Saturday.
for this and that in a three year sPan straight of Dance..:)


“SOUL builder”.. from three years ago..
going on to Dance And Sing more
stARTinG then too.. thaT
i am out to pursue
Essence of
and form is simply
a free floWing eXpreSSioN
of that in both form of art
and form of flesh and blood..
key is BaLanCinG.. iN MoVinG..
CONnecTinG.. and CreaTinG
ways.. find the
and Make
yoUr Hurricane
Winds Art oF Form
in all the ways thaT
Can and WiLL coMe FREE..:)


“Arthur Forest Dude SET FREE IN PAN OF ACTION”.. 2 years ago.. and per the word
PAN that means all as in PanTheist ways of LooKinG aT God..
all that is as ‘they’ say too and more than
we can perceive too.. as little
fleas sucking
the Blood
oF LifE
from the
we can fully
Breathe.. spread
out yOuR arT and sciEnce
as far as yA can and WiLL
NoW as the more yA FeeL and SeNSE
now the more eternal now is in Paradise
more as Heaven and Nirvana and Bliss and
all the oThEr metaphors for the place i live now..
it as the meek
who do not want
material Goods
for happiness
all free
as Art and
sciEnce sET FReED iN wE..:)


Yellow Boy eXpreSsinG the
WilD and Free
in a photo from
three years ago..:)

And what iT is thaT binds folks
together.. sure.. the word that doubles
for that as religion.. and even culture..
and yes.. even politics and sports and common
traditions and ethnicity and even similarities
in looks.. it’s what social animals
in form of human
do to
survive for
the forAge of
the day and even
thrive in a DancE
and SinG of Life..
Different Languages..
Customs and Activities
but it is the underlying
FeeLInGS and SeNSes of MoVinG..
CoNnecTinG and CreATinG ways of liFE
that make liFE more of what iT can and
WiLL be now.. Believe in Love as Love exists..
however you get to this Gift as higHesT PoWeR
GiftED to the Human Being by the Love Nature
as gifted this way and God as all that is
are the Paths and Journey that work
for you and the togETHeRness one
IS A pARt of now.. thAT
CaN and WiLL
in an isREaL
Kingdom of Heaven
of NoW.. the worst place
of all is the empty of the
nihilist who only believes in lists..
and fActs and figures without the glue of Human Love..
the HiGhest Force that liVes all Positive liGht within
to be
and never
held selfish
less than give and share..
sure.. a photo share from two
years ago.. of a group of Filipino
Folks togeTher and a pARTy we were invited
too.. who truly live the human condition for what it is..
no matter what tHeir specific symbols and beliefs got them to this Love of toGeTher..
folks’ have
forgotten what life is..
just an observation.. of course..
wHeRE i Live and DancE/SinG in Super Walmart
wiTh rarely
sMiLes of LiFE
iN a DancE and SinG
toGeTher isREAL..:)


“My CAT is a TAI CHI master”..
from three years ago.. yeS.. in reference
to Yellow Boy and all animals in the wild
who move from Center Balance to escape predators
and capture prey.. and of course to Move with
Gravity as every calorie conserved counts
in Nature for both survive and thrive..
thing is.. words are great for
sharing and giving
for a
liFe in
all the ways
those symbols
can come.. but words
are also great to get
attached to all the dARk
in Life as negative ways too..
Dance.. a Free verse Dance oF aLL
Natural BaLanCinG Force as the Body
moVes the mINd iN EmoTioNal Regulation
and Sensory Integration wHOle..IS A way
to Bliss now.. floating on a cloud of eARTh Free..
and this MacroVerse published before Katrina got the
courAge to VideoTape the smooth moves of me PlaYinG
WiTh Gravity and God sAMe.. all 230 Lbs or so
of me set free.. and people
cannot figure out
how i move
for three
hours straight
of Marathon Dance
now fully illustrated
in YouTube way.. WeLL..
it’s the same way ‘they’
built the Pyramids
Baby.. NoW
A BaLanCinG
acT wiTh instead
of Against God
oF aLL Nature
noW aLL noW
Look around
and see the
Golden Phi
be the
move the
PHI.. connect
the PHI.. and
co-Create the PHI
oF God IN all the steps
and words oF LIFe and be God
as PaRt wHOle Born aGaiN aLiVE iN LIGht..
ThERe is no reaSon IN my liFE but the
Rhyme of
that is GoD’s soUL ME..
First.. tHeRE is dARk then
liGht.. inSpiRinG MovEmenT
as DancE and then Sound
aS SonG thaT continues
to iNspiRe the
MoVe oF liGht
alWayS NoW iN
thE Present oF NoW..
meanwhile.. someone invented
scribed words and made life way more
complicated than a Dance and SonG
FReED.. sure.. with some Food and
Drink to accompany thaT liGht
with a liFE
of two
or more
WiTh some
HeLp tHERe too..
as God GroWs in
liGht of HuMan liFe..
iF a cat can and will do it..
NoW.. sure.. ya can2.. NoW2..

Facebook Friend
and Fellow Poet
Blogger friend Suzanne
shares a few thoughts
about Archons as the so-called
dArk ones among us that hold back
liGht and others refer to them as
Reptilians.. heHe.. living more
in the Reptilian
brain than
and yes even
Limbic system
for complex pro-social
emotions too.. as thaT
comes from cultures that
raise men to kill in wars
to kill empathy and compassion
in men.. in normal ways.. stifling
that human potential in acts of
aggression.. violence.. and yes..
potentially World War III..
So.. i visit and mention..

SMiLes.. Myths often House
Vehicles and Vessels for
Both Truth and Light and
Dark and Lies…
Types”.. per
A life spent
In Left Brain
Thinking.. lose
Some of tHeir potential
To escape that Box.. And
According to research by
Jonathan Haidt.. the basis
For this is genetically Hard
Wired for more Conservative
closed mind nay-saying than
Liberal open minds as the
Political Divides in the
World.. surely
Freedom.. i would
Be flattered if ‘they’
Read what i wrote
But nah.. They
A speck of
DuSt over Free
Verse any thing..
AnyWay.. the Ted Talk
By Haidt is fascinating
As these ‘Archons’ do
Still live in Dark..
Sadly.. but
Great at making
Rules and Hall
Building Fences for
Separation verseS uNiTy..;)

oF A Coin
are heaR for
a continuing survive..
even if.. not thrive..;)

And surELy.. this eXplains
why my Personal ‘David’
art doesn’t
hAha and yeS heHe..;)


And with all that sAid..
i’ve got some more YouTube
transferring to go and get
ready to copy and paste a 6
month collection of beautiful
mostly smiling women with little old me..
well.. okay.. not so little.. but older me..
as the “Leprechaun Pan Dance of 2017”.. comes as promised
on February
sELF fulFiLLinG
Prophecies and all oF ThAT iS..
And Nah.. i won’t forget my MaGiC ‘FLuTe’..
and yes..
little FRiEnD..
aLL GOld Member aS Such2..;)









BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

Book oF Ten Sixteen..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)


Grand Cross Bible 2016

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)


CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)


VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)


CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)


Nether Land Bible 2017

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)




Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 14 Comments

LuX A BeacH

Facebook Friend Glenn..
and overall artist in photography
and poetry says in regard to
one of my

fun with Fred.

And i return with..

Hi.. Glenn.. thanks.. and
trUe.. alWays A room for
A DancE and SonG oF FuN..:)

And with that sAid.. i’LL be back..
as Lord kNowS and feelS and senses.. i’ve
fallen behind on copy and pasting text of 12 MacroVerses on FB..
noW as the last 81st MacroVerse of “Serenity Garden Within”
makes.. “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. stARTinG Memorial Day..’16
now a grand total Bible of 1,215,375 words as pArt of Ocean
Whole Longest Free Verse Long Form Poem as Ocean
Whole Poem named as “Song oF mY soUL”.. in other
words.. all 752 MacroVerses as also playing
as the blogs i write.. namELy the
Word Press Version.. since
the end of August..
2013.. aRiSinG now
at 4 MilLioN words plUs
as pARt of an even larger
effort of online words for practice
oF aLL of this.. in 12 Million words
or so.. now.. since Thanks Giving Day
of 2010.. and coming this Thursday.. the
151st week of Free Verse Dance with all
the Cool College age folks at Old Seville Quarter
in Pensacola.. FL.. as Lord kNowS and feelS and senses2
that place is warming up to Spring Breakers from all around
coming to the earliest Spring Beach in ever.. the hiStory of my life
for sure.. as DogWood Blooms continue from the end of February
about the date my mother passed away.. and in continuing memory
of her.. her ashes heaR by Azalea HeART coloRed Blooms in a
SpRinG for me inspiREd by her pasSing on as torch of Love Baton..
still lives
Love wins
when arT of LIFE
as LiGht.. and
God dAm
Love TRumps hate..
the kind that would separate
a mother from a child.. as Love bOils
hotter in Luke Hot way.. anyWay.. it’s truE
i’ve tiRed of the same old God dAM phrases too..
And reTiREd all the wheels of doubt.. fear.. and hate lies
wiTh Love that Moves.. ConnectS and Co-Creates wITh all
of God oF Nature with no FucKinG Fences or Chains of words to hOld God iN..
aWay as alWays
iN God’s World
aS Unity Rises..
iN BaLancing act isReaL..:)



Oh.. Goodness.. Lala Rukh..
first time seemingly real friend
in the land of.. Poetry online..
from Pakistan and of course
moving on to the
United Kingdom
as immigrants
will do too..
spreading out with
Love.. it’s 11:47 pm.. Central
Standard time over heaR in Florida
Panhandle of endless Spring to fAll
to Summer Flowers as Winter skips by
with just a chill breeze one weekend on
Biloxi Beaches of 19 degrees or so with
my shorts still on sailing in dance on
the Boardwalk of beach with
the wind as air flying
me so free and
in my salt
so deep so deep
the dance and song MoveS oN
mY FriEnd.. anyWaY as you kNow and
FeeL and as i’ve remembered so many times
before.. an elephant like me and camel too with
the rider i too.. don’t break no promises and as you
once said as i’ve remembered before and written too..
people forget you like you never existed.. well.. my friend..
and you already
told me one time
you are a real person
like you were surprised i
was not just another online
like collector or follower collector
or whatever the newest car lot ruse
is today for continuing muse.. Love is
free muse to me.. my FriEnd.. and that’s
A way you do it.. you give it.. and the pleasure is all yOurs
at leASt
for me
my friEnd
and it’s why
i alWays come back
on the 6th of each month..
simply ’cause i can.. and Love WiLLs..
11:55 pM now..
8 minutes
juSt for you..
it doesn’t take
much to be a friend but jusT do it..:)


THere’s this liGht this liGht tHis Love
never to be hELd back never
to be lost now
yes.. this
liFE now..
alWays gRoWinG
even BriGhter noW as
clouds reflect sun liGht
eYes of waves in Ocean GloWinG
streAMs from Rivers wHeRE shores
expand even more.. soundinG similar
but different and even sAMe as beForE
as NoW GoES oN even more.. wiTh this brighter
liGht this liGht Now this Love.. Hers.. never to be
hELd back never to be lost now.. yes this liFE noW
alWays GroWinG even BriGhter Now Now alWays now.. more..
hmm.. could be a labEL for a poem like this.. i suppose but
never the less it flows free for the only reward of being heAR noW..
so many books.. so many words.. so many letters.. now.. so much collected
so called intelligence.. including art and science of all form and essence too..
complex religions and cultures to make the laws of orderly review on the sidewalks
of life.. but what’s left when freedom gives up.. priSon is all thAT’s leFt no bars or jobs
or empty noW
heARt.. SpiRit
and soUL without
A DancE and SonG..
this liGht this liGht Her
Dance.. His Song.. all
dance and
to be Danced
and SunG even briGhter
than before.. as Love moves…
connects and creates even more
in endless circles of life that
never end
even more liGht
as before is always noW
as BriGhter DancE and SonG of LiFe..
hmm.. with all that Dance and Song about
now.. sure.. a few MacroVerse shares too as
never ending circles and just a no man like me..
now on 3.7.17 at
more to come..:)


MacroVerse memory as shared
on Facebook too.. from three
years ago named.. “WEAVe dreamtime NOW”

And yes.. as short and sweet as thIS..;)

My dreams are life..my hopes are dreams..
and life is dreamtime NOW…weaved into
reality as tapestry for ALL…one
point of ONE
DREAM of humanitynOW!


And from two years ago..
another MacroVerse memory
share as named.. appropriately..

“Allah ‘The Beast’ Holy Ghost Trinity”

With the introduction to what will
be an eclectic mix of spiritual
ideas.. mixing many
points of
and the similar
together of wisdom
and beauty and the dArk and liGht too..:)

Life is an adventure to partake..

Culture is a comfort to give back..

Humans are alive when they forge
ahead in challenges, pain, and suffering..

and come out alive…

Humans are evolved for challenge and never instant

You do challenge yourself more than many people do..

But perhaps you are

And must challenge yourself with Allah too.. to do so much more…










i look forward to seeing

where that takes

you next


Love is always the goal of now in selfless emotion in action..

and the journey and path is always a way of relative human
free will WitH allah exercising a perfection of practice but never ending goal…..alone
beyond LOVE….


And now a MacroVerse Memory from one year ago.. titled..

“Elton Jesus’ and Yellow Brick Roads”.. surely pArt of a
fiGht song too as dance for the freedoms of the last pariah’s
StiLL as God’s children along with phobias over transgendered
folks and all other differences that don’t meet a Southern
Baptist Drive-in for hate fest of ignorance still..
and sure.. ignorance is still a world wide problem..
NDD Nature Deficit Disorder.. aka God Deficit
Disorder when folks separate themselves
from the rest of God’s Nature as
Nature essence in all the
bio-diversity and
and sub atomic
flow diversity that
makes uP all of existence now..
as God essence as form that goes beyond
letters and words in ancient outdated and
antiquated text for more of God that is scribed
by even science now than so-called sacred text
of over a thousand years or so ago now.. so
tale me more about God.. is God
bigger than a book..
a religion.. a culture
a planet.. a star.. a
Solar System.. a Galaxy..
a UniVerse.. and beYOnd a
Big Bang too.. well.. the truth
is God is bigger than men and
women and even desert patches of
land in areas of scarcity where a tribal
God of fear and hate is expressed no matter
what the words of religious text says.. it’s the
do that counts.. not the words alone as without do there is no God
allone aT
in a Dance
and SonG of liFe
Free with a no man’s eyes alive..;)

Well.. the topic of homosexuality comes up on SOHEIR’s
blog and anyone who has followed my blog
will forecast what happens next.. sMiLEs..

SOHEIR provides the standard Islam
stuff about homosexuality
being a sin as dictated
of course by the
so-called last
prophet Muhammad
and the so-called last
religion that is named Islam..

And yes.. i say..

This is the part I hate the worst about Islam
’cause a Lesbian woman was buried to the top of her body..
and stoned in Iran for just practicing her God Given Nature
and science now proves this to be true
as well as our closest primate
cousin the Bonobo who naturally
practices homosexual behavior to alleviate
any chance of aggression and violence..
obviously more civilized and Loving
God beings than someone who
would murder someone
like my relatives.. But
trust me or not..
‘they’ WILL feel
GOD’s wrath for
the ultimate sin of MURDER…

And then SOHEIR goes on to
tell me that homosexual
behavior will destroy the
world.. if it continues
to spread and
all religions
are against
it and tells
me not
who do this..

And i say..

In this way all religions are ignorant
and evil against God’s only law that is
Nature and irrefutable in science already
that homosexuality IS part of Nature no Matter
what ignorant men and women think or do and how
dare you ask me not to defend my relatives.. God will
be ashamed of you friend.. i come to this Earth to speak
the Truth and no man or woman will stop me as the God
of Nature and Laws of God Given
Human freedom are behind me…

And then SOHEIR goes on to tell
me that my relative
needs to see
a psychiatrist..
i should not
my relative
and science
can go to hell..
and then i say..

SMiLes.. Trust me.. This is the final proof that
Islam or any other religion is not the final word of God..
i already knew and felt of what your reaction would be when
this topic came up as it is the same way with many Christians
and even Buddhists.. i will ask for God’s forgiveness for all people
who Know not what they do but that will ultimately be between God
the Master and human who can yet figure out how not to Overpopulate..
Kill each other.. And destroy the Earth.. Many of God’s children have
enough God given empathy and common sense to know the
answer is in folks like Elton John and Yellow Brick roads..
In other words.. folks who don’t make babies
and do creative works to help humankind..
SMiLes my friend.. it is culture and religion
that is the virus.. Not God loving and Living
Human beings who Love without fear of God’s Nature..
Truly i feel sorry for you friend but my relative is no
ordinary Human being.. She is an Angel like my
wife and will just giggle at your unwitting
cruelty but i for one
shed a tear for humans
who are ignorant by the
hand of culture and or religion..:)

And for here.. another sad point now..
is most all of your free spirited American
readers will feel the way i do but i venture
to say none except gigoid will express it and
that is still a problem with the world.. My friend..
People who are afraid to make waves as God is not
just a peaceful Field.. God makes Waves.. is an Atom
and pArt Homosexual too.. And Loves Yellow Brick roads
too as they teach humans valuable yet difficult lessons..:)

SOHEIR tells me only God judges SOHEIR.. and again tells
me my relative needs to be warned against homosexual
behavior.. because it will harm them..
and they need help away
from homosexual behavior..

i say..

SMiLes.. we are all part of God and yes parts of God
will be ashamed of you for this entire blog post..
i am not ashamed of you.. as i say.. i shed a tear
for your religious education as in part against God’s
God’s Nature and the wrath part.. That will come from
other parts of God who are human and not remotely
as nice as me as the parts of countries that will
eventually destroy this ignorance through weapons of
destruction.. i would rather use words my friend but if
no one lends a hand.. weapons will speak louder and no i
do not like the dArker parts of tribal nature
and try my best to stay iN
the LiGht.. My friend..:)

And then SOHEIR asks
me what weapons and
who will use them..

And i say..

SMiLes my friend
that’s all God has
revealed to me at this
point and Love can prevent
it from happening but only
if it is fearless

SOHEIR goes on.. asking
if i am threatening
her and asserts her
blog as her
with her
freedom of speech
in full tow of course..

i say…

SMiLes my friend.. It’s a revelation
from God.. No where close to a threat from
me and i always welcome all opinions from you
anywhere you go.. SMiLes.. there is nothing anyone
can say to me to hurt me.. As I’ve already
been to real hell my friend..:)

questions hell
and why..

And i say..

SMiLes my friend.. Perhaps God
sent me to hell and made me the Devil
for a thousand years in one second as
that is what God does to make folks fearless..
Anyway.. that is neither here or there now as i
live and Love in heaven stay cation.. God’s gift
of surviving the ultimate human test.. My friend..
In other words hell and devil iS God’s greaTest test
and gift to me.. Let’s juSt say it puts the rest of
eternity in perspective of only now iN Heaven.. My friend..:)

SOHEIR.. goes on to say.. we
are different and she
thinks these arguments
are useless and
we will never
meet as she
is east and
i am west..

And i say..

Yes.. my friend.. of course we are different
but it is not an east or west or even Muslim issue
as i discuss this issue with other Muslim folks with
zero arguments but their modern education away from
religion may play a part in that my friend as well
as realizing science doesn’t belong in hell
and is not perfect either.. Anyway…
you are free not to respond to my
opinions of course at anytime in our discussions..
my friend.. As i come here to speak truth but yes
when it comes to actual arguments.. Online history
proves i am always the last one standing as God IS
behind my voice.. and no of course i do not expect you
to believe that as some little Silly Human fleas will think
and feel they can shut God up from actually having the last
word over human.. God giggles at human fleas my friend..
The history of God’s Nature proves this as irrefutable
proof.. As metaphor of course.. Enjoy.. the rest
of your Friday.. my Friend.. i am blessed
to only work for the God of
Nature as truly staycation..:)

SOHEIR says.. and i quote..

“Have a great day Fred!”..

And i say finAlly..

Thanks my friend and i Love you…
Thanks for being my friend.. And
by the way my mother totally agrees
with you on this issue but i Love her no less..
another lesSon of devil and hell.. My friend..
As yes.. this applies to all humans present and
history as there is no greater evil or dark place
than hell and devil.. That’s why the Devil becomes
the greaTest Lover ever now.. At least.. My friend..:)

She likes the comment and we live happily ever after for now at
least.. as friends.. and yes.. that is a revelation from God too..
sMiLes.. and sure Ynot.. wInks as WeLL.. yes.. at least for NOW..:)

A photo titled.. simply
“undefined”.. as clouds
with no edges
in real
time then
now.. back
around 2009 or so..
a capture that also
illustrates well that
it’s also impossible to
fit God allone in any human
made form alone.. and that includes
all words that come out of human mouths too..
paRt yes.. butT whOle no.. as the flea has no idea
in whole
of what
it sucks
for liFe GiVinG Blood now..
trULy it’s as simple as thAT
when the dARk is removed and the
mystery of liGht Dances and Sings
more than ever before moreover ever more now..:)


First oF aLL.. to be clear
this is Satire.. never the less..
do not expect the one.. from the
east or the west or from the skies
or from the oceans.. or even deserts
or mountains.. or
within a
as this one
aRises out of
buggies from
iN A DancE and SonG oF Free..
The thing NOW about practicing
any art.. iF you do iT enough
or even science.. hehe..
expect a miracle
of soMe
in aLL aS
God oF Nature’s
Synchronicity in jusT
one day of noW.. iN
a day of a life of me
@leASt.. haHe.. as
the sublime of
God DanceS
and SingS through
me iN continuous Jonathan
Livingston Seagull Life hiGher
and HiGher.. noW aLive.. so much more..:)

Life makes total feeL and sense..
and no that is no satire aT all.. as the one
above was kinda a satire about “The Book of
the Law” for those in the kNow and feeL and seNse
of ‘that’ Holy SpiRit miNd of genius.. wHo was also.. extremely
troubled too.. in opiate addiction and stuff like that as an inner
explorer.. per psycho-naut as such.. it’s a secret.. naH it’s
not a secret as the phrase in quotes brings up the
rest of the story in metaphor at least.. it’s
truly like “A Day in the Life”.. too.. like
going up stairs.. taking a smoke
and reading ‘that book’..
and just wanting
to turn you on
to everlasting
liFe eTernAlly
iN Heaven now..
thing is.. it’s juSt
an inherited Gift/Great Work.. the ruse
now is that we are somehow separate
from Nature and more important than
God.. including our so-called only and
first and last representatives that we elect
aS Such.. whether or not they lived or said
just what folks now say they said or lived
aS Such.. thing is.. when one gets back
to Nature.. as any Jonathan Livingston
Seagull.. wHo Matrix Neo frees
tHeir selF and gets
from all
The Trump
Lies and Tom
Fuckery of modern
cultures and or religions
sTiLL.. they are free and flOwn
by the air.. and swum by the water more
as any Super liFE WiLL do.. hand in hand WiTh GoD..
Hmm.. and that reminds me.. dVerse has a prompt on
Nature.. free and relaxed as that can be.. and the
prompter who couldn’t understand the deeper
holy spirit metaphors that i used to relate
Heaven now on a Desert Isle Away
from bookS.. even Rumi
ones as Sufi
will do
all spiraling
aS Such but leaving
women out of the spiritual
mix.. afraid they might hook up
or such nonsense like that in
non-consensual way and per
Dowry requirements and
such fresh hell as
that too..
for those who are not willing
to be purChased or bOught as
slaves as well out of free for socio-economic
advantage.. alone.. butt sure.. whatever it takes to
survive.. as the snake bRain will rise again and again
in Trump Places of ScarCity too.. so.. anyWay.. the prompter
insisted that folks not say anything negative.. to keep it all peaceful
and then demanded that one not use any of those new fangled blogging
options that don’t have places for comments to make folks get all social with each
other as we all kNow that the artist is often bathed in dark and not always
social per say as depression and shy will do too.. hehe.. i got a kick
out of the really great poet.. Forest Bather.. as he didn’t
give a Fuck what she said.. as she said don’t
post it if you cannot blog in a way that allows
comments.. so his great poem came
anyway.. and she was too chicken
to stand up to him and
delete his poem
out.. or
the upper administrator
told her no.. as this dude
is a very high class act in
circles of those in the
science of
away from
free verse of
course too..
anyway… i will sPeak
to beauty or rant all i want
too.. ’cause i am free to express
myself however i like.. noW iN a one
man community of me.. hehe.. Now.. too
as if that is the price of freedom.. so be iT allone..
as no one is gonna put chains on my heaRt.. SpiRit
and mINd and BoDy BaLanCinG soUL as to express iT aLL
in words is to be free inside to move hiGher and HiGher in Jonathan
L. Seagull way.. and her issue with the rants is she don’t like the Trump
Resistors… as she’d rather just ignore it all.. well.. everyone better stARt
paying attention and making tHeir votes actuAlly count in the future.. as
Freedom is only as Free as the Government folks put in.. and this administration
is just
nuts.. a three
ring circus with
about 40% percent
of the country with eyes
that can’t see the
no clothes..
it’s not that they
are afraid to tale ’em
they are real fools.. they
just can’t see it.. and that
is the scariest pARt oF aLL
as about 40% percent
of the country
has already
the Neo-Nazi test.. for
going back now to wHeRE
ya don’t wanna go at all now..
anyWay.. walKing on water as i’ve
already said in satire way2.. is just so yester
year in stories of the surf board past.. so.. yes..
flOwn by air and beCoMinG the wAves of Ocean
on Terrestrial land.. floating Butterfly Tiger in reverse
in Athletic Shoes for around 8 miles on the Beach and
some miles in Super-Walmart too.. as i can fly anywhere
i go.. as truly.. i have leARned to fly in a day in the life of me..
and this place is heaven from head to toe and more in feeling
and sensing way.. i’d like to give it away.. but it is more than
just grace or luck.. it is almost 7000 miles in a little over
42 months of work.. work work.. in a day in the
life of me.. anyway.. tHeRe’s A song NoW2.. for
this.. for those in the esoteric kNow ways
of being now.. all iNnate.. FeeLinG..
SeNSinG.. iNstinctual and iNtuitive
iN God of Nature
hiGher power
inside.. outside..
above.. so beloW and
all around.. as pArt oF wHOle
GoD aLL onE noW.. a Float of liFe
wHeRE gRains of Sand and wAves oF
Ocean becoMe fEat of Feet FLYinG alWays hiGher.. noW..
And sure.. i’ll try to get over to dVerse as tHeRe have been a few
very nice folks who have interacted with me over theRe who
are not afraid of all oF what i do.. i’M reAlly a nice guy..
you can ask any of my friends.. at the least
the ones
see me
now.. haha…
more than the
inVisible DanCing
and SinGinG Man
who never ends
and alWays
aGaiN without fAil..
smelling like a Santa Rosa too..
Oh yeah.. and by a way too.. since
my Grandaddy was a native of Ireland
yes.. Paternal Grandaddy.. who
was a Priest at the
Vatican and
tHEre too…
last Century
all excommunicated
as such too.. and author
and all of that noted last Century
and Dining with Einstein in the Social
Circles of the big thiNkers in New York..
New York.. back in tHeir prime time then..
15 minutes of fame.. more spread out aS Such
too.. NoW as we are in Leary days wHere almost anyone
can have followers these days.. at least one as themselves..
haha.. anyWay.. since the Irish connection is rather fresh still
with me.. red hairs left in the mustache too.. heHe.. i’ll be wearing
a lot of green as this sTArts the 10 Days of Saint Patrick’s Day now too..
wHerE the “Beauty and the Beast’.. will be sTarting on 3.17.17.. except in
the holy rollie pollie Drive in Theater(s) who are afraid of so-called Queers
aS Such.. and SMart enough to vote for Trump of course.. argh and that
other unintelligible sTuff Snoopy sayS iN total FucKinG DisGusT as
the sHit is piled hiGher
and Higher
than any
can do
for do now..
in nut pie un-deLIGht..
and to be clear that’s satire baby..
like it or not.. it’s what some Bards and Fili’s do..
aLL Old and New Irish sTill LiVinG as Pan of the ForRest
and Leprechaun and Troll-like too.. to get a rise out oF iGnorance
Leaves more than Tom Fuckery and the ApriCot Circus Clown Trickster noW2..
and don’t
be too
He lives
at the White
House Either.. hmm.. heHe..;)

Quick MicroVerse Memory heAR..
from a year ago.. as the Facebook
Memories FloW iN all Free NoW
too.. with a very
Dancing Dude
as even though i am
the only one who dances
free verse dance in public
heAR.. this is the Empire of
the Trump all dArk Force aS Such
mostly of course.. in areas of the
resistance.. it’s a big dance movement oF course..
in connecting and co-creating ways WiTh liGht God Force..
as hey.. the
siTh is
in the
WhiTE house now..
as the dARk ForCe rules theRE..;)

Fear X hate X prison=HELL
Hope X love X free=HEAVEN

HA!.. IT’S amazing how hard it is
to convince folks in the first
place to come on over
to the second
but perhaps
there is a missing
fActor.. of D..
no.. not
or perhaps..
Devil Dance
to exorcise
just forget all the religion..
all the so-called holy books..
and heLL.. yNOt.. all the science
abstracts too.. and just dance
and truly iF theRe
iS a modern
Jesus.. iT iS

but not many
folks have the
feelings and senses
oF Love and Life unleashed
and released iN a Dance of Life.. FREE!..
except perhaps the Cern Symbol of Dance..;)

Well.. so anyway.. i’m iN WinN Dixie last night and after
another marathon or so of dance over two days..
all around the southeast.. my feet are kinda
ready to rest.. until i watch your
“Present Video”.. and play
is once again.. the GIFT..
as moment oF Play.. NOW..
so i dance.. and go higher
and higher in mindful awareness..
bliss.. nirvana.. escape from gravity..
feather.. butterfly-like existence that
keeps going higher and higher aLL
free.. and yes.. drug free too..
and wife Katrina.. gets
mad ’cause one of
the folks in
the cashier
line.. AFTER i’ve moved
outside of the cashier line
AND am iN free flow solo
exhibition.. ‘CAUSE one
of the ladies behind
Katrina in the
line is staring at me
like i’m a fallen Angel from
hell.. and i tale may wife.. well
in metaphor she is correct.. yes i am
a fallen Angel from Hell.. but i was born
in heaven first and have returned and if
she goes to the churches around
here.. she has
never encountered
a fallen angel come back
to heaven here.. we ARE hard
to miss.. we aren’t sitting on
our hands
our thumbs
are up our butt..
sMiles.. Life is Good
and best i kNow and feel
with the bliss of dance away
from all sitting still hell in head
of yesternow or forwardnow..
iS the place
of dance
and perhaps one
now the Lady iN the
cashier line WiLL break
through to the other side
of the opaque
2.. now..
and the rest
of New Jerusalem
and Israel too.. iN
Metaphor of course
as of course wRite
on course iN the State
oF imaGiNaTioN anything
goes and often works
and that’s the
that keeps
me tWirLinG.. yes..
aLL 230LBs on my toes..
iF nothing else it is the most
incongruent humorous act
that most folks around
here who are at least
liGht heARted enough
to partiAlly rise out oF
hell to giggle about.. aT LEast..
and that’s the first step out of Hell..
a SmiLe..
a giggle
and yes..
a heARty BeLLy Laugh..
as wide as the SMiLe
oF InfiniTy more wiDe
iN mAss.. distance.. and
space oNe as noW.. yeah..
like the dancing CERN dude2..
And as a side note here..
similar experience earlier..
wHere a Young Autistic man..
who i already encountered singing
at a Catholic Church Festival earlier
iN the year is singing at the River
Walk Arts Festival.. and
he reAlly appreciated
iT when i danced for
him before.. inspiRing
hiS voice higher as aLL
inspiRation does when any one..
two.. or more human beings.. express
spiRit oF positive energy no less and
similar to Stars that generate energy
that are uS as walKinG Star duSt
too.. wHere emoTions are the
rays of Sun of uS as hiGh
as wE can go iN
Force of Emotional..
power to inspiRe other
Star dust beinGs wiTH uS..
and hell no.. not just humans..
as cats and dogs.. Love an inspiRational
human SonG oF SoUl as message
to our other animal friends
too.. or perhaps
a soft emoTional
Song of PoeTry as
night night or nap nap
story too.. soothing.. each
soUl.. with fur or bare as sAMe..
and in my case hehe.. fur and fur as sAMe..
as i’m perhaps less removed from my other animal
friends.. at lEast iN WiLd and Free SpiRit.. aT MOST..
oh yeah.. and in this case.. the lady in the line..
was Katrina.. as she didn’t think my
effort was worth the extra
attention she was getting
iN being with me..
but ha! Unconditional
Love iS FREE and kNows
and feels no strangers
iN the freest


And now.. a MacroVerse Memory from
three years ago.. named..
“DanCE wALking wITh HiM”..
Sure.. a little esoteric as i go..
bottom line.. what i do works for Heaven
now.. some folks feel/sense sHame over all Natural
existence with God Naked and Free but no fool as me..
as i for
one am
born this
way as God’s Fool Free..
With an excerpt heAr..Naked and FReED..
and my art of that has come a long dAM way.. Baby..;)


It is still illegal to dance walk


total ‘nudiness’

in my local area..

so i still do..






general public..

a boy with clothes



But i’m not giving up ON internet..wHere

freedom.. the prize and happiness.. is here

for almost anyone to



if one finds

their meaning and purpose




and part of my freedom is to

express my whole


as natural..

not a dirty thing..

that the fundamentalists




in my


church going way..

And to be clear now..this is

a PG rated Blog..so my full glory

as one wITh ONE is




in the restricted blog link

below for





(that was the old blog for that
much more new and improved now..;)

TRUE Knowledge is a wonderful thing..

and on my dance walking journey..






Barnes and Nobles..

usually leads to @least

some insight

on the




And while reading the GOSPEL OF THOMAS

again from the lost books of the


it is clear..


‘Nudiness ‘

IS valued state of human

being as the Apostle Thomas

teaches folks to take their clothes off






to see the SON of the












And he talks about folks in the Kingdom OF NOW

as a type of recluse and not anyone really

in the spotlight of


life as who




real life..





















My opinion is the ‘rapture’ occurs daily..





as people in the REAL WORLD















































So here is today’


10 MILE..






and after a sweaty


miles in the stores..














With the mood music

of one of my favorite

girl groups..



i could change your mind


convince ya..that the..


(GOSPEL of THOMAS.. Verse 37) His disciples said,

“When will You become revealed to us and

when shall we see You?”

Jesus said, “When you disrobe without being ashamed and take

up your garments and place them under your feet like little

children and tread on them, then [will you see] the Son of of the

Living One, and you will not be afraid”

And.. finAlly.. a rather rare photo
of me at age 44.. standing
beside my sister.. at
age 43.. the
Summer of
the Destroyer
with Katrina.. the even
bigger destroyer to come the
next year too.. 44.. a year for
destruction.. huh.. as numerology
goes in esoteric way too.. and for
me.. one of the most stressful times
of my life.. and the US.. with a mighty
Big Karma toW oVer all the killing of what some
folks name as a million innocent folks associated
with Iraq as the folly oF lies back then.. and now the
perp in chief paints doggies and war heroes.. he sent over there..
but sure.. there is more than this life.. believe it or not Karma..
and that will be dealt with by the big wheel of fortune within.. painting
puppies and war heroes is at leASt a stART.. sure beats being born as a grass hopper
a thousand times newly crunched by an innocent child.. when you leave this eARTh and
live heAR too..
what you sow..
could be paintings
of puppies or grasshopper crunch..
or a dance and song that never ends now..
eternAlly aS Such as Heaven noW2.. perHaps
i too.. WiLL paint with bRush sooner or later
too.. as the journey and paths are all towARd
liGht.. no matter what dARk coMes beForE.. i’LL
leave all oF ThAT uP to God aS NatuRe whOle
and Stick as close to thE LiGht as i Can
WiLL with appropriate disSent
for liGht change
dArk too..
tHere’s alWays
a pRice for Free
And for DaRk oF liGht..:)

Facebook Friend Rafiah
and Fellow Poet
Blogger asks..

Whats her name, Freddy?..:)

And i Happily Respond..

Hi Rafiah.. as alWays..
so nice to see you HeAR today..
my Sister’s birth name is Marie for
first and Louise for middle name..
but for lifelong nickname.. Marilou as
‘they’ say in the deep south parts of the United
States.. particularly now in Lower Alabama LA.. for
nickname of the Panhandle Flower State of Florida..
wHeRe now the Flowers bloom year ’round and in the
Winter now Spring to Summer back to Fall and the entire
cycle of seasons can happen in just one week.. surely in part
thanks to climate change.. hehe.. literally of course.. and
empirically measurable in just one week too..
anyWay.. again.. alWays happy to see
you online.. my friend..
and hope you
are feeling
and sensing
life great in how you
as a unique individual does
that best for you.. see you around..
and oh by the way.. see heAR i have pants
on but i didn’t dance in pants then.. shorts don’t
get in the way of legs that continuously move.. baby move..
anyWay.. hehe.. that’s my unique way of staying in a happy
of free
with bear legs..;)

Rafiah comes back to Facebook to say..

Marilou, thats a very cute nick name..:)
Also she is looks very pretty. About you,
you look much better wearing pants instead
of shorts to be honest..;)

And she goes on to say..

By the way I love the background which full of green.

And i say in return..

Hi again.. Rafiah.. i will relay the kind comments to my sister..
and haha.. i’m glad you like my pants as i guess..
Bare Beast legs are not very pretty..
And.. oh.. Goodness.. it’s true..
Luck’s a Beach and
heAR everything is
Paradise Green
as any Eden WiLL Bee..
with Birds and Flowers and all thaT is God even more..:)

And Rafiah.. elaborates.. very kindly back.. more..

Surreal is the word i can think of after your description of garden.
4 black traced line hearts emoticon..

And then i say..

It’s true.. i
am born in Heaven..
Culture took it away
in Nature Deficit Disorder
and now it is all me again
aS oNe WiTh Nature Ocean Whole..
so.. i give and share
all that is
of God
as a Mission
and Covenant With God..
surely surreal is real in this way..:)

And after Rafiah’s friendly question
i return to her blog to expand a thought..

Hmm.. i kinda just smiled..
to put my toe in ‘here’..
first.. to make sure
i was invited..
as i tend to move
aCross boundaries if
i am not careful speeding
Across the keyboard as such..
anyWay.. i’ve felt ‘this discomfort’..
of trying to be me.. and folks invading
in what i must do to be me.. and trying to
change me in the past so much.. as we humans
tend to have unique characteristics that often set
us apARt from the tribe.. in surely artful ways too..
and whatever
makes your
wings fly/
flutter is what
i wish for you..
my FriEnd
of course
as the mainstay
of what makes life real..
anyWay.. i thiNk ‘this’ might
have been about people questioning
you on your Facebook page about a
certain DESI movie star.. but sometimes
i think too much too.. hehe.. and try to figure it all
out.. somenows.. it’s better.. juSt to dance.. and forget
the song.. c’est la vie.. as the feet can say with no words @allone..:)

Rafiah.. says back.. in welcoming way.. more..

Duhhh Freddy, you are always welcome..:) 🙂 Know that and remember that..;)
Also its about people nagging too much, always enquiring about details
i dont want to discuss. I had enough of people poking their noses unnecessarily, so i vented out here..:)

And i say.. bacK in witty regard..

Haha.. it’s true i am smART in someways
and really dUm in other ways..
but i never truly want
to harm or offend
anyone.. so sometimes
i can even be too careful too.. i guess..
but it’s true.. it’s hard to imagine you being
mad at me.. and i could never be mad at you..
but if i ever hurt your feelings in not intending.. too..
of course
i would
say i’m
sorry and smile again..:)


Hello.. gigoid.. busy busy day
for me.. Psychiatrist..
10 miles of
in Athletic
Shoes in the
deep Sugar white
sands by the Emerald
Gulf.. and miscellaneous this
that and the other thing with the plus
that the Psychiatrist insisted.. i’m not crazy..
just super unique.. hehe.. what else.. off to the pearls..
and hope you are doing well coming out of the cold and rain..:)

See.. looka tHeRe.. sPent my day with waves
and the first thing i wRite heaR is a Tidal Wave..;)

“Evacuate? In our moment of triumph?”

— Governor Tarkin

wAve.. i guess..;)

“There should be more in American liberty
than the privilege we enjoy of insulting the
President with impunity.”

— Austin O’Malley

And it’s hilarIoUs
when a President
does it to another
he leaves
office.. bRinGing
obvIOUs lies thaT make
no BreitbART LeviN seNse..;)

“A great deal of information we consider to be highly personal, and of interest to ourselves and the town gossip our names, telephone numbers, marital status, educational accomplishments, job and credit histories, even medical, dental, and psychiatric records is now being sold on the open market to anyone who believes he or she might be able to use such information to turn a profit. These transactions usually take place without our knowledge or consent.”

— Anne Wells Branscomb, _Who_Owns_Information?_,1994

Ha.. i don’t answer
the phone
or the
or the spam
liNks aS Such..
off buttons are
a clue

“Any priest or shaman must be presumed guilty until proved innocent.”

— Lazarus Long, from Robert A. Heinlein’s “Time Enough For Love”

Plastic Shamans
and Priests..
sign up
crediT card for God..
And free HeaLingS oF CourSe..:)

“It is not lack of polling data or campaign contributions that
keep many women from ascending higher on the political ladder.
It is fear and loathing for the political system itself.”

— Madeline Kunin

heAR thaT
WOmen NaturAlly
hAve and praCtice
iN baSic
EmPatHy and
moRE thaN Men..;)

“How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated
the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?”

— Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle), Sign of Four

One man’s
is another woman’s
piece of
icing in
and compassion..
isREaL.. noT all
have and employ the sAMe Gifts
oN course..
wRiTE oF cOuRSe2..;)

“Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse.”

— Lily Tomlin

YeP.. uNenDinG
fEar tacTics
oF NoW..:)

“Heroism on command, senseless violence,
and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by
the name of patriotism

— how passionately I hate them!”

— Albert Einstein

TrUe.. soMe
folks are
And oTheRs
aLonE.. NarroWinG thE tRibE..;)

“I’ve got an IDEA!! Why don’t I STARE at you so HARD,
you forget your SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER!!”

— Zippy the Pinhead

OppoSite dilEmma
for me..
iT to the Bank
Cashier today
her to stare softer..;)

“It was a saying of the ancients, “Truth lies in a well;”
and to carry on this metaphor, we may justly say that
logic does supply us with steps, whereby we may go down to reach the water.”

— Dr. I. Watts

But without
the water
and usuAlly
thaT don’t happen.. butt iT doEs..;)

“Hmm…. well, it’s only 94% impenetrable….
I do like a challenge, don’t y’all?….”

– gigoid

to tHE oTheR.. BeY..;)

“Murphy was an optimist.”

— O’Toole’s Commentary on Murphy’s Laws

Butt less
half fool..;)

“One must be partially i
insane to remain sane.”

— J. Bothwell Avison


“A person who lacks the means, within himself,
to live a good and happy life will find any period
of his existence wearisome.”

— Cicero – On Old Age

Heaven lives
within.. the real one.. aT leASt..;)

“We have only two things to worry about:
That things will never get back to normal,
and that they already have.”

— Smart Bee



“Tit for tat is a bargain….” -gigoid..
Haha.. as ‘they’ saY iN the
Worlds of Reciprocal Social
Communication.. all A
to do
a rePly..
so heAR i go
for more.. HeHE..
Monologues go.. only
so far.. aWay from hello and goodbye..;)

“To be willing to die for an ideal is to set
a rather high price on conjecture.”

— Anatole France ~~

:(..No honor..
in Willing Death..
Death Willing in
honor No..:)
words.. life
is lived for liFe..
is an
oxymoron of thaT..:)

“Always we hope
Someone else has the answer
Some other place will be better
Some other time it will all work out.
This is it.
No one else has the answer
No other place will be better
And it has already turned out.
At the center of your being
You have the answer;
You know who you are and what you want.
There is no need to turn outside
For better seeing.
Rather abide at the center of your being
For the more you leave it
The less you learn.
Search your own heart and see
the way to do is to be.”

~~ Lao Tzu ~~

Books Lie
And trUth liVes
WithiN.. aLL inNate..
inStinctual and intUitive
liGht NoW wiTh no
And trUe.. noW2
BaLanCe.. literAlly
liveS iN thE
HUman iN
metaPhor of
Kundalini Serpent
Vagal Nerve stretching
from bRain to guT spReading
out now good news or bad news
Neurohormones and Neurochemicals
within.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below
and all around the human body aS Sun
Reflection of Crucible Fire Burst Star
Death resurrEction uS noW as
SeNtient Star Dust plUs
FeeLinGS and
We as LiVinG
God Breathes noW
iN eYes oF TruTh and liGht..
In oTheR words.. take all the
clothes off and shake ‘yoUr’
ass like any living Cosmic Dancer WiLLs
to do aLL reLative with the rest oF Nature wHOle aka God
uS.. and taNtric sEx hELps wiTh all the volunteers of Love @Hand..
what did they say on Gilligan’s Isle.. a three hoUr toUr noW iN total bliss..
butt in all
things.. noW
it’s more than
Grace and Love
it takes WiLL and
Strength in
to get
the whole
H job of combining
two ones as 11 bridging
divine masculine and feminine
in triangle up and triangle down
for Hexagram StAR duST plUs deLiGht..
And truly aS iT stands taLL this is juST a new age Lord’s Prayer2..
for even
anyone who
wants to Be
tHeiR friEnd..
no one left beHind
my friENd.. no one’s
behind left.. butt rights..
now.. What’s left.. Beauty..
And Wisdom liveS now aLL
as any Mozart pLay WiLL BrinG
as Tree oF LiFE..
suRe aS reaSon leaves2..:)

(:..note.. the power could
go out and i could
lose that thOught
butt the
of all thAt is
sTiLL liveS
liKe tHis
iN TruTH
and liGht
of hands free God..;)


And oh.. by the
way.. it seems
thaT Lao Tzu is
an all time favorite oF me..

And Oscar Wilde..
sure.. any
friEnd of
is a friEnd
of Pan..;)

“The basis for optimism is sheer terror.”

— Oscar Wilde

attract trUe2..;)

“I can believe anything, provided it is incredible.”

— Oscar Wilde

Real Miracles
continue to inspire..:)

“It is absurd to divide people into good and bad.
People are either charming or tedious.”

— Oscar Wilde

DependS on
how my world
turns.. @least for Pan..
fried good..

After the first night of one of Oscar Wilde plays,
an ill-wisher handed him a cabbage. Unruffled,
Wilde sniffed it appreciatively and said:
“Thank you, my dear fellow. Every time
I smell it, I shall be reminded of you.”

sMiLes.. TRump
2 without a cabbage
smEll beyond sTiNKs..;)

“Long engagements give people the opportunity
of finding out each other’s character before marriage,
which is never advisable.”

— Oscar Wilde

True.. Neurohormones
bind together
Love is fresh..
after that one has
to kNow more how to do it..;)

“Experience is one thing you can’t get for nothing.”

— Oscar Wilde

It’s all
free baby..
naked and Pan FReED..;)

“Experience is the name that everyone gives to their mistakes.”

— Oscar Wilde

are usuAlly
the best stuff i create..
as i don’t no shit when i juST do it..;)

“Bachelors should be heavily taxed.
It is not fair that some men should be happier than others.”

— Oscar Wilde

HmM.. uNlesS onE
fiNds an Isis who puts
Osiris back toGeTheR
A GOlden
tool that’s free..
In otHeR
tHe tAxeS in advance..
Life iS aLL floor pLay wiTh A
climAx that never ends
or beGins
noW iN Heaven @lEAst..
amaZinG.. trUly iT iS as Heaven
is all built iN for those who practice thaT Free..
otHeR folks
Aisles and fiLL
up tHeir GaRage
and sPare bEdrooms
wiTh TRump
sure.. been
tHeRe doWn thaT2..
iN tHe otHeR pLace oF
TerMiNation alWAys now..;)

“If you want to know all about the sea, you go and ask a sailor, or a marine biologist, or an oceanographer, and they can tell you a lot about the sea. But if you go and ask the sea itself, what does it say? Grumble, grumble, swish swish. It is too busy being itself to know anything about itself.”

— Ursula K. LeGuin

i kNow noThing
when free
i live..:)

Leave the past behind;
leave the future behind;
leave the present behind.
Thou are then ready to go to the other shore.
Never more shalt thou return to a life that ends in death.

~~ The Dhamapada (c. B.C. 300) ~~

Jesus F in Christ..
if only folks could
figure out that
was what
Jesus or
any other
trUe and
liGht sAge means
when they say defeat death..
it don’t exist
in dArk iMAgiNatioN
for anyone who holds that thOught
of Death
real NoW..
it’s not necessary
to ever experience
death.. surELy as
anyone alive kNows
now without
per birds
and bees smARter
than neo-cortical deaTh.. as LiFE..
aS Such2..;)

“It is the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance.
It is the dream afraid of waking
that never takes a chance.
It is the one who won’t be taken
who cannot seem to give.
And the soul afraid of dying
that never learns to live.”

~~ Bette Midler, “The Rose” ~~

oF all death as liFe..
iN aLL ways of doubt..
shame.. and hate as life2..:)

Hmm.. and that reminds me..
i reAlly Love
SonG.. even MoRe NoW..
the one
LiFe LovE
aS LiGht noW more


“Always do what you are afraid to do.”

~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~~

my biggest
fear is getting
naked in front
of otHeRs and
solo dancing..
misSion now
sTiLL WiTh WiLL..!
it’s not
in someways more..;)
else is juSt
icing now
with KNow
no wants..
as i alWays
had the poTenTial of juST
Doin’ iT CaKe FReED.. NoW..:)

“A human being should be able to change a diaper,
plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building,
write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying,
take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations,
analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer,
cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, and die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects.”

~~ Robert A. Heinlein, “The Notebooks of Lazarus Long” ~~

use it
or lose
iT iN aLL sTuFF eXistence..
And it’s worth noting noW
iN inSect words.. Now
the teAm iS NoW
much smARTer
iN terms
now of
moRe statEly
ant hills/hiveS and yes..
dArk of Destroying Nature too..
aWay from LiGht..
keY alWays
acT NoW2..
oF LiFE wHOle..
as eXisTEncE..:)

“Looked for love, found it everywhere.”

— gigoid, to KDFC DJ Hoyt Smith, 2009….

Love gives
S H A R Es
all when
practiced within..
maKinG aLL sacred
and holy full of meaning
And purpose iN liGht thaT esCapes dARk..
iN A
oF continUing
More Love..:)

“For life, with all it yields of joy and woe,
And hope and fear (believe the aged friend),
Is just our chance o’ the prize of learning love,–
How love might be, hath been indeed, and is.”

~~ Robert Browning ~~

(1812-1890) — A Death in the Desert


“Hear you reproach, “But delay was best,
For their end was a crime.” Oh, a crime will do
As well, I reply, to serve for a test
As a virtue golden through and through,
Sufficient to vindicate itself
And prove its worth at a moment’s view!
. . . . . .
Let a man contend to the uttermost
For his life’s set prize, be it what it will!
The counter our lovers staked was lost
As surely as if it were lawful coin;
And the sin I impute to each frustrate ghost
Is–the unlit lamp and the ungirt loin,
Though the end in sight was a vice, I say.”

~~ Robert Browning ~~

(1812-1890) — The Statue and the Bust

i muSt Dance/SinG thaT verse from the
Thomas Gnostic Gospel all about
letting go of
the clothes
of culture
in number 37..
says iT all.. for when
one has it all from born
there is
to lose
as long
as life goeS oN..
and noThing to remember
afTer thaT iN dARk aWay from liGht..
SpriNkleD ashes evenTuAlly iN Star Death Rebirth agAIN..;)

In the desert a fountain is springing,
In the wide waste there still is a tree,
And a bird in the solitude singing,
Which speaks to my spirit of thee.

~~ Lord Byron ~~

(1788-1824) — Stanzas to Augusta

oF Sand
Lives hOlding uP Love..
As Mountains and hUmans sAMe..
And sure.. a 2200 CC Cranial Capacity
may have
Byron too…
thaT’s a reAlly
biG bRain for sAnds..
And yes.. Stanzas too..;)

The thought manifests as the word;
The word manifests as the deed;
The deed develops into habit;
And habit hardens into character.
So watch the thought and its ways with care,
And let it spring from love
Born out of concern for all beings.

~~ The Buddha ~~

And Emotions
And Senses as
Any Crucible Fire
aLL oF iT
from the
Get Go of Gas
StaTion vIEw FeeLinGS..;)

Down, down, down into the darkness of the grave.
Gently they go, the beautiful, the tender, the kind;
Quietly they go, the intelligent, the witty, the brave.
I know.
But I do not approve.
And I am not resigned.

— Edna St. Vincent Millay, “Dirge Without Music”

DeaTh reSigns
LiFe moveS oN..:)

“He that will not reason is a bigot.
He that cannot reason is a fool.
He that dares not reason is a slave.”

~~ William Drummond, “Academical Questions” ~~

And A
TotaL WiSdom aS liGht..;)

“I wonder why. I wonder why.
I wonder why I wonder.
I wonder _why_ I wonder why
I wonder why I wonder!”

~~ Richard P. Feynman ~~

then i2
juST DancE2
And aLL thE Answers2
All naturAlly Do coMe2..
i need @leASt2..
aS pUre2
uP as Down’s2..:)

“Patience serves as a protection against wrongs
as clothes do against cold.
For if you put on more clothes as the cold increases,
it will have no power to hurt you.
So in like manner you must grow in patience
when you meet with great wrongs,
and they will be powerless to vex your mind.”

~~ Leonardo da Vinci ~~

Devils’ advocates
can be best FriEnds
too.. as the deTAils
are often
iN preSent
of oppoSiTe
as comMon sense
showS in use it or lose
it way.. getting used to
the cold naked.. not only
makes one
butt literAlly
raises testosterone
levels when ‘nuts’ get cold..
to fuel the hunt greater for liFe..
no different.. really.. than a room
of naked
‘willing’ women..
per due preference..
DreAm or not iSREAL
iN terms of neurohormones
and neurochemicals from head to toe..
or staGnate aS Such..;)

(heHe.. the things
A poet can get
aWay wiTh and
say too.. haHa..;)

“It is easier to pull down than to build up.”

~~ Latin Proverb ~~

juSt geT uP..
FeeLinGs.. SenSes.. allone..
pusH more than words alone..;)

“A hug is a heart to heart talk.”

~~ Bobby Matherne ~~

A Poet
iS Simply
someone who
can make words
hug or sting
IN liGht
or DArk
FucK yoU2
haS tWo meaNings 2..
FucKinG iF yOu SeeK iN GoD2
iN aLL oF dARk anD liGht as sKin2..
aS Star Lords and all oF those
wHo Guard A GalaXy oF Love
NoW iN aLL thE Ways thAT
coMeS Now..moRE..noW..;)


And now before further adieu deLay
off to dVerse to celebrate
Nature and
and Beaches
and stuff more like that..
in what may coMes..
A prayer2
for Nature2
NoW aKa2
God All..
taLL iNFiniTy2
for 10..2..12..3
11..2..H.. NoW..
KeY iS.. whatever
iS iS.. maKe iT aLL
tHaT iS Holy and Sacred
Full NoW of yOur Meaning
and Purpose.. iN MoVinG..
ConNecTinG.. Co-CreATinG
waYs WiTh GoD aLL oF NaTure
and Heaven’s now..then..now..
A Beach saMe
for heAR aT leASt..
as starats go too..
75 Million year
shared aS Such too..;)

Farms sleep peacefully
WiTh Nature ease..
Cities wide
that never
sleep as trees
manmade all lit uP..
oTheR than ThAT.. Hi
Lillian.. FaRm KiNd now
ForAGinG toGeTher
even nicer
oF HoMe..:)

Barren trees of Winter
Beasts.. no problem in
Panhandle of LA
seaSon floWers
alWays possible
NoW in juST one Week..
cliMate change feels good
heAR.. those oF us LiVinG
on the hiGh oF aLL oF iT
beYond the
by Floods..
eTC.. et AL2..:)

Butt sure.. As HiStory
sHows2.. the Tornado
bELt is
a little
more beLLy
of destruction south..
wiTh changing temPers2..;)

The Forest
and the
and one
with lines
of concrete
to hOld.. both
open to more..
only one
space or
time.. aLive..
Leaves green
alive noW
without science
mind of closed..
as Life Trumps Death aLive..:)

is smART
LeaVinG hUman trAsh..:)

Trees sing essence
with never
Leave falls
and flower
flower and
falls Leave
never with
essence sing Trees

i cried when i read
‘The Call of the Wild’..
too small oF A Boy
to understand
dog was/is me..
Wolf lives again..
innate instinct..
intuition as
oF Wild.. sET FReED..
as a bird breezes by the WiNdow..
Captured.. as Wolves never wait
for wild.. and smART phones
hELp in point
Transhumanist ways..
And My sister IS
A sELf-proclaimed
Ms. Jane.. Bird Nerd..
(Beverly Hill Billies)
she’ll get
a labEL
for me..
the Beauty
Sings a Dance oF Free
thaT’s all i need as essence now..:)


To the
a pet2..:)

Domesticated of
oF Poetry..
sAlve for the
soUl and FoReST for the science..:)

And as a side note heAR..
don’t wanna thiMk about
do it
is reason
enough for the
rhyMe oF Y i..
Fredfu FReED..
the Joy of Wild
DanceS and SinGs Pan..
Min.. and all the rest..
or stiff
iT all
and goes more..
long or short
and long as it can come..
all thAT iS..
iN mE2..
Go MoRE..:)

Science scribes
God Arts
Science MoRe2..;)

Practice flows as art……..God more…
Science stops aT answers..;)

“Sound of one hand
clapping in the forest”..
when Forest
inspired by
Seagulls and Waves
of Ocean.. without tools
to float above the water as waves..
i dance the sands in reverse as my
feet can see the eARth..
Sugar white
grain am i
aS oNe
the eARTh aS oNE..
Wave Field Ocean wHOle..
ForCe Particles as Grains
i am..
FlYiNg WiTh eARTh..
rotating and rEvolving Sun..:)

SMiLes.. my friEnd
yes.. you see my point
and of course the metaphors
for oneness with Nature
are as endless
as Nature
another one
of my favorites
is the wood sprite (Na’vi name: atokirina’)
as a seed of the Tree of Souls in the movie.. ‘Avatar’..
back in ’09.. where some folks went to the movie
and actually felt
the reality
in the
real world
of their avatar-
like lives separate
from Nature.. the Movie’s
visuals and sounds BrinGinG
thaT reaLiTy lost in connection with
Nature to greater liGht.. as daRkness
real in the newer phrase for NDD.. Nature
Deficit Disorder.. yes.. so many metaphors
my FriEnd.. and hope you enjoy your next
Forest Bathing trip.. one of my other favorite
YouTube resources to relay the FeeLinG of
Connectedness with all of Nature is
‘Symphony of Science’.. with
Sagan and his other
friEnds.. who
with Nature more..
i’LL share.. considering
you may not have come
across this.. as well.. my FriENd..:)


And heAr is a Link to the Poem
freely given and shared on the
dVerse Link list by a user
name as Forest
i realize
who it is as
i kNow his soul
by the form of
his words
that essence
sings through
for those who recognize
the unique dance of the soul
of others.. no copyright notices.
no forms prepared by technology to
stroke egos with likes and follows..
just plain giving and sharing
with no expectation
of reciprocation
of anything
the Love
of Giving and
Sharing.. that’s
the thing.. for those
of wHo cannot be copied
our soul is relayed as essence
no matter who attaches any laBeL
to thAT.. sure.. share my soUl.. give
iT away.. but one thing for sure.. like
Forest Bather.. it is not for sale for dollar
bIlls or likes or follows or any comments that
says you are the greatest or whatever likes that..
but you see and perHaps
FeeL and SeNse
That is
the gift
Bather and
i share.. we are
heAR to Give and
Share as Givers do..
to receive is nice but
it is the Giving and Sharing
thAT is aT the heARt.. the SpiRit
and the soUL iN MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG
way.. and sure.. when i for one Dance beyond
SinG with feat of forest clapping one hand
with God WitH/as me..
ya can’t
misS it..
no matter
how complicated
the dance of me..
is all tHeir to see..
sure.. i’ve been labeLed
Legend.. Metro Icon.. Boss of Dance
Awesome.. Inspirational
Spirit Animal.. and
ridiculous and
sinful and
eTc aL..
by the
Baptist folks
at Super Wal-mart too..
and that’s how life goes..
some folks see the sAMe iNk
Blot test as form DanCinG
huMan essence
aS Song
as that
is what
the soUL
does.. it sees
what it expects
oF Form or goes deeper
in essence more.. a great
adventure life is for me..
i more than expect the dArk
wiTh the liGht aS ink
blots sing
SonG iN
Feat of
Fearless FReED..
ah.. to be free of
all expectations and
limitations more.. Art
Dances and Sings Essence
so much more this waY2..
me.. and
sure i’LL
share and give
even more.. as i for
one am the lucky one noW2..:)

And with all that sAid..
now for Dinner
Martial ARts/
Ballet noW
iN Free
at my favorite
and only Military Gym..
the benefit is in LiVinG FReEd even more..
in Love and Wisdom
and Beauty even more..:)



As last noted
poeTry Flow
goes and comes
more.. as promised
yes.. Wisdom perHaps
but Love and Beauty for
sure.. as Katrina models
next to the ‘No Fishing
In Designated
off the pavilion
and onto the sands
and water for folks to swim
as the seaweed is rather thick
for now with a Spring that never
ends and alWays stARts more
iN Winter now as even
the May and
are making tHeir
Scent Present as i stroll
around the neighborhood
as cool down with my
sister after
as hey..
beats watching
the three ring circus
on the news for sure..
particularly now with the
smell of first time ever
in our history.. at least
of Gardenia
Moonlit mist
when fog comes
in off the somewhat still cool Gulf..
so yeah.. and off and on i get many more
‘fresh’ friend requests when Katrina gets
the profile pic spot.. as sure.. we share a
Facebook Page and i dont’ hide a FucKinG
thing from her.. in case anyone thinks i’m a secret agent.. hehe..
no wiki leaks heAR.. all for view and no pay per view.. haha.. more..
but in other words.. too.. no fishing for Katrina on Facebook.. she’s caught..
and not likely anyone else will be able to keep the promise that she’ll never age
as long
as she
married to me..
hehe.. haha.. it’s
sTiLL going down for isREal..;)

Hmm.. and with ‘that’ said.. nah..
the Love ain’t gonna run out heAR..
as i got some MacroVerse Memories
to share as WeLL.. sTarTinG with..
some Micro-Verses from a year ago.
as shared as Facebook Memories too..;)

Dunes of Beach.. stoic
standing tall with
Sea Oat crown
waving iN Gulf
Breeze.. hidden
Love.. Peaceful escape
from other beach view..
Ivan wipes iT all

Hurricane eYes
sWeeps Dune
Love.. gOne iN waves..:)

First green of Spring
Japanese Maple
against ice
blue sky
of warming
Southern breeze…

Inviting colors..
Life breathes
human bEinG..:)

Memories.. paint
mind of poetry..
peacock featheRing
way.. colors LiFe…

colored way..:)

TRain to lonEly
kNows no trees
oF Love.. Leaves
fall away
from whistles
refRain of Kindness…

TRain tracks
melancholy rAils..:)

Desert sands place humans above
gRains.. often placing themselves
as Gods above rest oF Nature
at large.. then..
Mountains bRing
humble Yogi’s…

Indian oF
weLL BeinG..:)

RuSty weatheRed joints
gluEd iN chAir oF
sitting sTilL..
fliGht of bird…

oF moVinG BLiSs..:)

Beach oF Love
retUrns iN SAnd
oF tears.. so long
iN Love of Tears…

Love SingS

Blanket liFe..
oh trees.. so
leaves of Grass..
iN colors LiFe..

no colors
untold.. unfold..
iN breathing aLL..:)

Memories past
Memories preSent
Memories Future..

one aLL

Bountiful Nature
rains iN history
oF Florida..

Indians place..
Panzacola Indians..:)

My grandfather.. a
Catholic Priest.. vow
to never marry
at age 36..
until 17 year
old Cajun eYes
say otherwise
iN pews of Please..

Ah .. desire..
thanks God..
oh.. My Life..:)

HerE now sinGs


Sioux and Cherokee me..
and English on Maternal side..
Irish.. German..
French.. Spanish
on Paternal side..
not going far
to meet
iN me…

when U.N.
lives iN you..:)

Sun Shining
or Earth receiving
reflections oF otheR
Stars briGhTeNinG
uP.. for wE are both..
receivers and givers
oF liGht or dARk..
In SHades
grey and
color hues..
for truth and liGht
or dArk of lies.. iN duSt
we stay and fail to liGht..
as Stars wE are as Stars do
Shine.. iN fALL of WiNter
SpRinGs iN SummeR
wE shine
Ocean Free..:)

sMiLes.. my friend Zee.. alWays
a joy here to share
yoUr liGht..
and when
suns alike
share liGht
the UniVerse expands
my friend.. as liGht..:)

At age 16.. i walked ‘those’ beaches..
barefoot and free.. arteries of blood
visibly filled from hand to foot..
the hair on my ankles
and feet still thick..
bronze of yellow
sun imprinted on
feet leaving
on sands
of God.. oh free..
oh liGht.. oh emerald
green waters.. waves..
sea oats.. waving…
seagulls spiraling
around Sun
oh bright
deLiGht you
bRing to me
oF God.. i feeL
without any words
at aLL then.. my friend..
and my worry would be then..
that was the end of that.. as i saw
my 44 year-old father as
a potato on a reclining
chair watching cars
go ’round and
’round.. in
Nascar circles..
watching boys with
bats hitting balls..
namely Atlanta
but no sun in his
eyes only TV light
in easy
away from moving.. then..
but sure.. in law enforcement
for 46 years total.. i guess
he needed the rest..
that realization for
me much later..
as a worn-out warrior
of the Navy work-world in
a quarter of a century sunk..
when i would be 47.. removed
from the beach for 17 years from
the start of marriage.. coming back
to walk the beach in the Winter of 2008
one more time.. for sure.. i believed.. then..
the end of life in synergy
of life threatening illnesses..
cold i was to the bone.. then..
in both Winter and Summer..
no one told me that
there are limits
of stress
that will
human being
DEAD.. but slowly..
surely.. i came back
from the living dead..
at the end of July 2013..
my wife and i are standing
on that beach.. still with a blog
post of the shut-in me for the
previous 66 months..
to commemorate
my newly found
life back with GOD
Nature and soon to
be humanity as well..
i walk down the beach
lone again.. then.. no longer dunes
to hide the panorama of horizon
all washed away from Hurricanes..
all ways around me then.. waves
brush in rhythmic sounds
of Nature’s hands
brushing the
shores of
Life free
iN balance..
and after that in left
hand justification my writing
becomes waves as well.. ONE
am i with Nature again.. able to
sing Nature’s SonG Free FinAlly
am i.. and i suppose if
there was a centered
view of waves
too.. perhaps
sacred symbols
and patterns of
words in visual
way would
Anyway.. i am never
alone.. i am a wave..
the water and gulf
i see God
for what God
is free am i too..:)


And also.. from two years ago.. an Eclectic MacroVerse named
‘PEtER Pan in Strawberry Fields FORever’.. with much
more fully illustrated ‘details’ on the
Egyptian God of
Fertility Min..
and the
and the
Emerald Forest…
So many valuable resources
to lEarn about stuff they never
taught at school.. as hey..
after all is sAid and
dOne.. oNline
is the
unabridged bible
of the being human
all given and shared
as relatively free
for those
get the
cheap broad
band access totAlly
not censored in human potential..
yeS.. in all the ways that comes what may..
And with all that sAid.. Jesus F. iN Christ
i’m tired.. i’m
going to bed..
be back
Ocean Drive2..;)


WeLL.. it’s not quite
A Chronological time
for an Ocean Drive yet..
but to paraphrase A Trump..
Who kNew the
be so complicated
and simple and duh..
and oblivious to TrUth
and liGht.. WeLL.. the trUth and
DaRk is.. not everyone has the
Chronological time to look
within for introspect
or to peruse
all the
literature beyond
Faux news for tHeir
pills of enlightenment
and pain killers to absorb
the pain of a heaRt GroWn
cOld.. if ever raised aT aLL as
a Garden of Love.. and as country
songs go.. with a tear in yOur beer
for the little boys whose big big daddies
in the back yard YELL.. don’t cry.. don’t smile
too big.. in short.. don’t be a queer like A Jesus
with a Golden Rule of Love and such as that..for
ALL.. the irony runs deep in Beers with Tears and sure..
prescription opiates.. as shown by science to be used
the most in areas of rural scarCity in Red State Trump
Pain dARk.. but it goes back to the HeaRt.. the SpiRit
and a miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL Force like the
so-called Gospel of Thomas.. Gnostic Jesus
says when he clearly states in
metaphor the man and
the woman will
no longer
be separate..
they will be one
in Divine Masculine
Strength and Will as
Woman’s Day sHows clearly
women are winning the battle of
the sexes in this Jesus way of combining
that with Divine Feminine Love and Grace also
known as Girl Power unleashed in Woman’s Day..
yes.. yesterday and alWAys noW for women who let
God Within roar with Love and WiLL.. i get it.. ’cause i spent
most of my life listening instead of talKing.. perHaps a functional
disabiLITy of Autism in one type of output intelligence but surely
a superpower in metaphor when the other epigenetic potential
and neuroplasticity of getting all that i received in wisdom
from lEarning from everyone from the Down’s
Child to a Hitler-like Captain of a Base
drenched with an abuse
of power not
head apricot
in charge now
in red state face way..
grumpy ‘old’ men/women aS Such
who never found the fill overfloWing
of Free Love and Grace within to actually
Power Will and Grace and Strength more
than the empty vessel that powers twitter lies
at 6 am in false witness of their superiors by far by
far in integrity and character of a walking Jesus in
Presidential clothes too.. to get the job done
by The Law of Will and Love paramount
to do what’s best for the most
while harming the
least possible
in human
at best.. it’s true.. the only pleasure
some folks receive in life is through the pain of others..
if it isn’t abundantly clear that this is also Trump’s motivation
for success and those who follow him in large pARt.. perHaps
it’s time to revise one’S own personal health care plan of understanding
more of the human condition.. listening to more than Faux News and all
the scripted heads of corporate interests and pain for the poor who live tHeir
of harm to otHeRs..
it’s A trUly trDump..
a garbAge dUmp oF
fear and hate.. but if
one ignores the smell..
one too.. is destined to stiNk..
this is serious do.. Do.. noW.. no time for silence
for survival.. this go around.. overall @least too..
meanwhile.. pARTy like the Matrix before the machines
back control..
And with that sAid.. a couple
of on topic MacroVerses to share
and a little more of Nature in MicroVerses
too as Facebook Memories continue to pour
in as the rabbit wHOles and Chambers of the
Nautilus continue to unfold and build more
stately rooms of mansions iN TrUth and LiGht
Hand alone allone..
it’s going down for
isreal.. labEL iT as may whaT coMes..;)


“i AM Fred Flintstone”.. and it’s true the Rabbit wHoles
spREad out.. much deeper than thaT iN TrutH and
LiGht in this MacroVerse
short but
perHaps a little
too redundant heaR
and longer than long.. hE he.. to
this point
to fully copy
and paste heAR.
And anyway.. even if the
real Dude Jesus could come
back.. at leASt aS Such written about
in the Gospel of Thomas.. he would spread
the Good News about God living within all naturally..
and even provide really fully illustrative examples of what
the verse 37 provides as advice for in that so-called sacred text..
and after that considering money and shit don’t mean shit when relatives
pass away and there are heirlooms worth perhaps thousands of dollars as
collected over time as living space fills up.. he would spread that out to all the
poor relatives..
but in terms
they worship an
Apricot God on a throne
in the White House even in
all that is opposed to the first
11 verses in the Gospel of Matthew
in the fifth chapter thereof in even the
new Testament on record at the Southern
Baptist churches.. they would turn their back…
hehe.. and even deFRiEnD him/her on Facebook as
the TrutH and LIGht is too BriGht to see in naked form..
juSt a best guess reAllY as even Fred Flintstone could
see with
wide oPen..
in sToNe age way..
all naked aS Such
and Free aGAIN wiTh NatuRE wHOle..
AKA FReED GoD WitHIn now.. wiTh sure
a FRiEnD iN Fred too.. if one can
stand the LIGht
of the
Naked Form
aS Essence shines within..
WiLd and Free as God’s Animals WiLL do..;)

And Speaking of Holy and Sacred Life full
of Meaning and Purpose in Giving and
sharing way.. only difference..
ain’t no Lincoln
this place uP
in terms of fame
and fortune.. a little Jim
Carrey as a share from a year ago too..
to go along with the Sacred Fool of me..
WorKinG Directly for God with no elected
officials by the Roman and/or other empires aS Such..:)

Meaning of Life.. Moving..
Connecting.. Creating..
Giving.. Sharing..
aLL one
takes wiTh
ONE iS heARt..
SpiRit.. and
oF miNd
and BoDy
iN SoUL..
iS Love without Fear..:)

And that’s my MicroVerse
from a year ago.. to accompany
the Video from someone else..;)


Now ..”Women’s Day Love” from a Year ago.. too..
A full MacroVerse.. also commemorating yesterday..
Woman’s Day continuing today and now as now goeS oN..
and the source for some of the shared MicroVerses in this
MacroVerse too.. as what i am doing heAR too.. in this approaching
year long “Nether Land Bible 2017″.. is building multi chambered rooms
of what will be somewHeRe around a 1.6 Million word long Bible effort by
Memorial Day of 2017.. per the first MacroVerse stART of this longest
long form Ocean wHOle free verse effort poem.. sTarTing back at
the end of August 2013.. as PARt of thAT too.. in total titLed
SonG oF mY sOUL”.. so in shArinG the MacroVerses
of years past as FaceBook Memories too.. the
doors become available to all the chambered
Nautilus rooms of the entire ‘SonG
oF mY soUL” as thAT continues
to groW as WeLL with
the “Nether Land Bible 2017”
thaT WiLL continue to GroW after
Memorial Day of 2017.. too.. hey.. iF i don’t
measure it with some systemizing method..
who else will ever do it but me.. and that’s the
way it goes with folks who continue to move ahead
as the naysayers de-friend them along the way.. and
speaking of Trump Cheerleaders.. a visit to a Pastor of
a Southern Baptist Church’s Farm as we missed that last
week as we finished up spreading out the wealth of my Mother’s
Heirloom inheritance to the not as fortunate folks in poorer dollar
bill ways of the family.. and what’s really funny.. is.. three relatives out
of that bunch of open hands have de-defriended me on Facebook for
doing no less/more
than what
King David
did and heHe.. more..
yeP.. to get a point aCross
per the Verse 37 as written
in that Gnostic Gospel of Jesus
and Samuel Chapter 2 Verse 6
straight Across and even braver to
Celebrate God FreeR who lives within me..
hey.. butt if i don’t do it.. who is gonna be brave
enough to finAlly actuAlly fulFill what’s written
in books of
and legends
and prophecies
of before.. someone
has to pick up the bAll
and Ynot you.. is all i can
suggest if one doesn’t wanna be
associated with the wHole dAM bALL..
AnyWay.. it’s kinda funny what folks
will or will not do to yoUr face
on books
real life..
go ahead..
challenge me..
face to face.. in flesh..
if you got God to back you uP..
i ain’t sPent my enTire LiFe as A
TRumP thuMb like thaT..
i’M reTired..
Rubber aGaIn
Re-born aS Such
as intiMaTEd beForE..;)

And to be clear.. i Love all the folks who live on
the farm with aLL mY HeART and SpiRit and
soUL for iT iS
they KNow
not what they do..
and that don’t make
them less human than me..
including the ones who walk away..
And by a way.. Farm equals all red state.. ‘sTuff’..;)


AnyWay.. i ain’t keeping this toXic
TRumP dUmp iNside.. heaR.. Do wiTh it
aS oNe Wills
Love.. or not..
Grace and Strength.. or not..;)

Hehe.. feel.. so.. so.. much better now..
and with all that excreted aS Such..
heAR some more Nature poeTry
as thaT iS OnE wiTh GoD as me..
A Few more MicroVerse
rooms from
a year ago..
as the Nautilus
of mY soUL exPanDs ouT
even more than beForE..;)

Peace Flowers peppered
with gun powder of
brave.. people
with hope
and salted
with faith for free..
iN belief oF a better now..:)

Columbine states..
and Free Whales
oF air..
and free
seas.. wheRe
fins deLight and
guns kiLL Love wiTh hate…
Nature reigns iN places
never see
or FeeL..:)

WeLL.. i suppose the best
thing about Google Earth
is at least there is a
vicarious way
now.. out oF
Google Earth..
and alWays
a choice
for a way
out of prison
iN four walls iF
not work.. ugh..
prison walls for pay..:)

SMiLes.. farm animals
feel better than
beyond hay
stacks of real
iN undeRstanD
oF Nature.. noW..:)

Extra Miles
oF Life trUly
God’s extra
credit for living
more with challenge
and less with comfort
iN soft
and weak..
Strength Wins
alWays iN
longest run

Curve baLLs
oF sidewalk
life.. straiGht
line Highways
same in predict
Of change..
aLways new..
new ways aLL..
iN challenge
oF Life..

Paths oF sacrifice.. lonG and narroW
taLL and sMall.. giving
more than
a way
firsT theRe..:)

Human hUmbles
againsT canyoN
beauty deep
and jagged
Flesh breathes..
Hard Rock too..:)

Portrait oF NaturE..
A River that flowS
without humaN
hands oF
down witH
horse heiR
stolen ponieS.:)

And nah.. don’t be afraid
of the TRump Enema.. this country has
been constipated.. oh.. God.. yes.. for a very long (on the ‘farm’)..
time.. hidden sHit has aRisen as ‘the’ ‘cream’ of the ‘crop’ fALLs more..
In the long
run expect an
even greater healthy reLease..
jusT reMember.. ‘soMe’ oF uS are
sTiLL ‘Watching’.. from the sidelines of Heaven
And sure..
be careful
of who and
what you wish
for.. you might
find someone
very much
at Sunday Dinner
already come..
in Ninja Stealth
Mode.. it’s not like
i didn’t warn anybody
with that shirt that work-out
shirt that finAlly wore out that
sAid.. “TrUst mE.. i’M A NinJa”..;)

OKay.. now for Ocean Drive and the
rest of the After and BeFore pARty wiTh
all the Cool College Age Folks at Good Old Seville
Quarter.. Spring Break should be heAR.. groWinG Stronger
And the Dance usuaLLy gets warmer inside by about now..
as the past year’s photos do illustrate.. at leASt particularly
iN dance documentation of “Cyberian Tiger Beach” in
MacroVerse way.. and haha.. Love
to title stuff in A way
that most
comes up
FiRst in
a Random Google Search..
built to last baby.. as Nautilus SheLLs
go and
wHO kNows..
and even stay
for a thOuSand
years or so..
to get
dOne.. NoW..
as all the bALLs
get picked up NoW even more..
by me
as the
meek continue
to inherit what
counts.. Love and
WiLL and Strength and Grace
alToGEtHeR NoW as a DancE oF SonG
TrUtH and liGht..
i suppose if Jesus
cAMe back buY kNow
he would bE rollinG
DIce liKe thiS..
AnyWay.. back with
more fun Dance photos
eTc aL.. uP unTiL around 3AM
on 3.9.17.. as the show muST go ON..;)
an Ocean
Drive as the
Devil can be
DeTales too..;)




And yeah.. i’LL StaRt
wiTh some Memories
from the
StARt of
yeAR’s SpRing
Break with “Cyberian Tiger Beach”
as Pan comes again with all the
beautiful and innocent Forest nymphs..
And yes.. this
later as
always now..
online now haha..
oh.. the memories.. of.. i sTiLL juSt do iT my way..
Beats Pussy Grabbers on Busses God DAm.. Love TRumps sHit..
and sure.. it’s
worth noting
i am about
his age
when he did that..
Go aHead.. vote for an Anti-Christ again.. ‘yoUr’.. wiLL yOur weakness on course.. in/wiTh fear and hate..
or check out what Love and WiLL and Strength and Grace WiLL juST FucKinG DO DO.. more ALL FReED.. juSt for FUn..;)









BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

Book oF Ten Sixteen..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)


Grand Cross Bible 2016

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)


CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)


VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)


CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)


Nether Land Bible 2017

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)


Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 13 Comments

Serenity Garden Within




Art Don’t
Walk on

With that said.. the after
math of my Mother’s Death
continues today in Moving Furniture
and Spreading it to needy relatives
who spoke up that they needed it..

And Lord knows.. after my Father passed away
on May 22nd of 2014.. the After Math of getting
all that squared away was 20 months as he didn’t
plan for any of it.. and that is where systemizing science
comes in for the beauty of that.. structure makes sense when
the details of the devil of the deal unravel.. anyWay back to art
as the Moving is coming soon.. and my mother was
an excellent systemizer who had every
thing squared away before she
left.. my Father more..
the one who would
be late to
his death
hehe.. as even in his
High school ending Senior favorite
Quote.. it was don’t do today what you can
put off until tomorrow.. must say though.. he
lived life close to stress free from what we could see..
and hehe.. i too am now 11 MacroVerses way behind on copy
and paste text on three Facebook pages for all free back up online
hard drive space.. and.. for folks who might wanna see some of what
i do.. as hey.. takes a brand new computer or smart phone that finally
catches up with my multi-media free verse mind and body in all the ways
that comes.. And Lord kNows noW with the 80th MacroVerse added in to my
‘Netherland Bible 2017’.. starting on Memorial Day of 2016.. the Grand total
of my personal Bible of words is now up to 1,203,325.. a really big bible
in free verse style and shapes of words that make themselves
in all holy spirit upon me flow.. heHe.. and sure.. now
beginning a 81st MacroVerse for this current
Bible with shores expanding as only
A paRt of Ocean wHOle
Poem as ‘Song of
mY SoUL’ that now arises
to the 752nd Macro Verse since
the end of August 2013.. and yes..
been saying 3.3 plus Million words for
that total to keep it a safe estimate for about
6 months now.. and noW it’s safe to say the total
is now 4 plUs Million words.. particularly.. when one
adds in the Pre-MacroVerses from all the way back from
March the 10th.. 2013.. in Google Blogspot Blogger avenue
too.. with multi-blogs there of back-ups and other stuff too..
AnyWay.. BabY as long ask i stay off the sidewalks heaR.. the
sheet music notes of Song.. the paint by numbers.. and
the Poetry by some systemizing science form
that someone else created as robot
disciple of that.. this is art..
and for me.. free verse
anything from
to dance
to song is holy spirit art..
the rest is science.. and i’ll save that for
moving the furniture on the concrete roads of life..
and with that said2.. the wife says get your ass off the computer..
we’ve got science to do.. yes.. a little louder.. get your ass of that computer..;)


Back from Moving stuff on asphalt roads and sidewalks too.. now to art
now to Freedom.. and now to a MacroVerse from a year ago named.. sTiLL..

Fifty Shades of heArt in ART of Freedom

With an excerpt provided free of course..
hehe.. with only the price of reading some of it or more..
or sure


is NOT free..

Never has been

never will be…

Some folks are


to die for IT…

Some folks are


to be afraid of IT

and DO in effect eliminate
the greater potential for IT..

by their overall.. fearful ways…

ONE.. the ONLY THING FOR for sure IS..

“IT’S” ALWAYS AT LEAST.. ’50 shades of Grey’

And NOT even




Ah.. yes..

the human condition..

so simple and true..

in flesh and blood connecting ways

from the time of womb

to the time of death..

And then ‘someone’

creates the idol

record of a word..

a tree.. and APPLE..

And Royally F’Ed the simple part UP…

Life is a beach.. a child.. a mother.. a father..

other relatives.. and friends

living together in peace and harmony

and WHAT NOT.. sharing meals.. shelter

and the warmth of human flesh and blood

to keep things REAL.. AND YES HAVING SEX..


consensually.. as such..




All the OTHER stuff is just HUMAN ABSTRACT manufactured SH**..

except the STUFF that promotes human connections stronger..





but I never stay..

as my home is




Keep It Simple Stupid..



AND THE other humans

go on to say

Life’s a B88ch..

and that for me..








That’s not hard..

as long as ‘someone’ learns




i communicate

so complexly..


“When in Rome..”








and tongues OF KISS..


True.. Spock

is full of Reason BUT is an ’empath’..



in metaphor.. only.. please…

Some folks talk..

Other folks ‘read’ minds…

Put the two together in working.. cooperative.. harmonious relationship
and ya CAN get the Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock Effect and Affect
in synergistic quantity and quality
to potentially explore where

no man GOES before..

But IT will never work..

very well.. as long as ‘people’..

not ‘you’.. slow the process with character attacks…

Kirk and Spock understand each other’s differences

and use those differences in positive affect and effect
to the great advantage of

their “Enterprise”…

So in that way both Spock

and Kirk live on….

at least for now..


kraftiekortie writes:

There will be nothing like the Original Star Trek.

They always sought to portray real human emotions,

and they never took themselves too seriously, despite their “mission.”

aghogday writes:

Interesting.. i agree.. and perhaps there will never be another time like the 60’s when THAT many folks relax their ‘puckering’ enough to simply breathe…..AND LIVE…

The ART of a culture.. usually.. in all the diverse ways THAT comes.. has A REAL grasp ON the heart or lack of heart.. of its inhabitants…

Now ‘we’ have Vampires and Zombies..

and NO, not surprising to me.. AT ALL…

PaRticularly the Zombie pArt…


are you aware that GOD

is both Scientist

and Artist or do you ‘SEE’ GOD..

as a robotic moving nerd alone.

Just wondering…

God is more like Steve Jobs than Bill Gates…

God is more like a Geek than a nerd..

or perhaps Vincent Van Gogh..

once you peel away

all the human


and illusions…



OLDAVID are you aware that this particular part of the
site is FOR Politics, Philosophy, and Religion…

There is no S in PPR…

But of course.. i for one… Love all opinions.. rigid.. artistic.. scientific or what folks around here
love (hate) to assess and armchair term.. with narrow minds and views.. as psychotic or insane.. narcissistic OR WHATEVER..

WHO don’t have an Artistic
GOD bone in their mind or
body balanced as such……

‘they’ will ‘GROW’ one of ‘THOSE’ GOD bones too..

AS I for one live real life GOD BONE miracles everyday..



My GOD bones continue to grow and grow and grow.. to an Infinity
of ‘Quantum’ Mind and body balance UNLEASHED….



Of course there isA REALITY THAT CAN BE AND IS TO BE INVESTIGATED but the scientific method.. ALONE.. is very limited in scope AND METHOD.. WHEN it comes to the greaTEST ART experiment of all.. as certainly evidenced in the expression of human abstract language.. collective intelligence and the byproductS of ART and SCIENCE IN OUR EXTREMELY COMPLEX MODERN CULTURES…





but since science itself cannot talk..

i will talk for it instead

and suggest Mr. Oldavid that

you consider the merits

if you can or will..











and that certainly does not come
by symbolic verbal and math language

all alone..

there are literally hundreds of other human
intelligences when fully explored mapped and charted
with other senses and EMOTIONS.. OF HUMAN PHYSICAL

to realize

the more fully awakened and or enlightened mind.. WhERE

Science can be described as the bones of that too..

And the flesh and blood

can be described as




To use your Christian language..

The body and blood of Christ is certainly not










If he was alive

truly existed..

but perhaps

he will come one


of human myths

often precede the reality of humans..

in SCI-FI ‘scriptures’



And here’s a song in recognition of the life of

Spock whether he



Hello Spock or NOT

by Sting..







AS “I” for one KNOW WHAT



And since i’ve spoken for science.. with a mouth that does not exist..

i will speak for GOD.. YNOt..

and simply state





Hmm.. speaking of memories..
in terms of past.. Oh Lord.. the memories
still coming as ‘MeMenTos From Mother Helen’..
sorting out all her ApARTment Books.. a lifelong
voracious reader and prolific journal and poetry writer
from close to when i am born.. and before of course.. a big
word person.. my mother and hmm.. not so much math along with my
sister too.. a social liGht when necessary and an introvert totally
satisfied with being alone.. not even leaving that home more than
the porch for literally years.. a place i wouldn’t wanna stay
but had to with shut-in time medical conditions..
for 66 months as sung to.. too many
times to count pages with..
and while all of that shut-in
stuff has changed for sure.. while
i go the opposite extreme in metro
public dance now closing in on 7000 miles
for the Spring Equinox.. and that reminds me..
time to catch up on what is now an Online Photo
Album2 of every 6 months of Seville Quarter selfie
photos with all the beautiful dancing folks there.. which
likely will be combined with the 7000 miles dance celebration
as has come in increments of every thousand miles.. since the 2000
mile mark was reached in August of 2014.. about the time my Mother
started losing weight after she reported a lump in her breast that she
decided to leave up to Nature and God sAMe scale of time as living the best
she could now.. then.. it’s hard to say which way is the best way to go.. in terms of this..
but early detection
is of course what
best for chance
of recovery.. it was her
life.. and we respected her
wishes as that is what love does..
never owns and always frees as free comes..
or even death as free.. freedom as life as death
one as we share the gift of birth too.. free as free as be..
anyWay a photo with my three second cousins.. Angie on the left
who eventually became a school principle and was the athlete of
basketball for the year in the entire county for female sports
in her high school ending year.. with her small daughter in tow
doing it all by the spirit of her direction of life flow..
and next.. to the right.. Sonia.. who took the home
schooling her children route.. more traditional
gender role as such.. and then Monica..
about three years my junior
here in this photo
from 30 years ago
my Grandmother’s
Funeral then on 3.30.87..
and hey.. i’ve got long pants on..
as i haven’t done that since the Spring
of 2013.. and hey.. a suit.. a very rare
event.. and in fact.. three years later
when i got married in ’90.. the last
suit i ever wore.. as my
uniform.. year ’round
now.. is free
and shorts with
100% cotton undergarments
of course.. as the Autism
and anything associated with
man-made synthetic materials is
nothing i can bear to touch.. not even
the cotton.. depending on the texture of that
too.. put me out in Nature though.. and i can touch
all of that except for the thorny pArts of course..
Monica and i were very close friends.. going
to the beach.. going out to dancing clubs
while she was in her first marriage
while her husband stayed at
home.. i liked to get
out and after
i got
i stayed in too.. except
for what was required for
life in terms of getting subsistence
items and maybe eating out once a month..
work was life.. and even though i did not wear
a suit.. i became a suit of mechanical cognition..
and no longer.. eventually.. really lived.. we
humans live best when are a after and
during pARTy of Life.. back
to the free verse
dance of
life i sing..
and oh.. this illustrates
well.. just how female my mother’s
side of the family is.. and these young
women.. obviously have some Irish from their
Daddy’s side too.. a tint of blondish red.. heaR and tHere..:)

The Facebook Video Slide Presentation Algorithm thingy has been
acting a little weird latelY in terms
of blanking out.. but i
did manage to get that
High School Senior
photo in of my Mother
from ’53.. and the photo of
my 1970 jazzed up Ford Maverick
at our Leave it to Beaver home on
Birch Street that my mother sold before
she went into subsidized apartment living
for older and disabled folks back in ’98..
and of course,. last night’s dance memories that came
all out.. about 3 am.. on the 3rd day of the 3rd Month
of 2017.. and oh boy.. what a long day.. from going to
Social Worker Psychotherapist Mental Health person who
suggested i was still too high after my Mother’s death.. having
to explain to her that the pain i feel from emotions is often
expressed somatically and invisible to others as within me..
i lEarned to smile a long time ago..
just to survive through
many hard times..
as hey..
it was hard
enough to get accepted
at all with the Autism thingy..
but i could dAm sure bare my teeth
and make life look like a peace of pie..
no matter the depths of hell within.. until
i even lost the ability to do that in shut-in
hell for 66 months.. it is called Autistic Burnout..
it’s a real deal.. as so-called ‘normal’ folks can get
not only psychologically burned out from stress
but physiologically as well as stress
really can and will and does kill..
anyWay.. the Heaven’s back
within now too..
as it is
a practice of life
and also a gift as
some folks are just born
with a smile and some folks are not..
i was mostly born with a smile.. and the
Cheshire Cat lives on as sMiLes for Now..
Cars used to mean a whole lot to me.. i really
took the best care ever of all my stuff.. even trimming
every blade of grass neatly by hand as a perfectionist
around the sidewalks and all the brick lined flower beds too..
letting that perfectionism go and just FloWing streAMs as RiVer
moves as waves as Ocean Whole more.. shores exPaNDinG noW sTiLL
more with no limits or expectations.. has/is been a great soUL ENLARGING
JOURNEY.. particularly now that i find even more paths of ART that work
your soUl
great again
or for even the
first time.. with
MoVinG.. ConNecTinG
and CreATing Free verse way..
and after going through all my Mother’s
Books more of interest and photos too.. i went
to a surreal place within again.. and used up
one of my cat lives last night.. as i did not even
see the car and turned left into the gas station before
the wife said there’s a car.. and i swerved back in my lane..
really.. not a good idea to mix surreal with driving.. i’m out of that
mode for now.. and never experienced anything like this.. really.. since our son
Ryan died in ’97.. live and leARn… and yes.. live and pay close attention too..
made it to the dance.. i did.. still with the SinG of My soUL Fully in tow aliVE and WeLL..
arRive as well2..:)


And now.. a photo share from
a year ago that also became
a part of a “Cyberian Beach Tiger”
MacroVerse too.. Seagulls frolicking
in the Crystal Emerald Green Waters
of the Gulf of Mexico at Navarre
Beach.. splashing up with wings
with waves
never end
now then now too..
at least tHeRE it’s
hard to mix Heaven
as Lord kNows
the evidence
is everywhere from
the birds to the bikinis… eTc..;)

So.. finally.. i take one of those
Facebook ego Booster tests that
measure one’s personality with
metrics all over the
place and
‘this one’..
says.. what Greek
God resides in your SoUL..
and while i do my best not to get
too absorbed in it.. sure.. it’s true..
i do abhor blatant injustice and hypocrisy…
and as discussed with my Therapist yesterday..
let’s just say.. the environment in Nation-wide
Politics is full of both of that.. it’s disgusting
and hard for me to ignore.. but one must understand that
many of those literally do not know what they do.. and sure..
perhaps tHeiR forgiveness will come.. one day.. if they can move
away from Right Alt one-sided propaganda news.. as that’s how folks
are always controlled.. with lies.. as the truth and liGht.. basically..
like a big stinky
thing that rhymes with pure art..
so.. the result comeS in and says
“Nemesis”.. as “The Goddess of
Revenge, Nemesis resides in
your soul. You do not
take injustice lightly.
Your Personality is extraordinary
and you are always intent on your task.”
AnywaY as much as all of what’s going down
now disgusts me.. Vengeance.. in terms of harming
other folks is only a sign of human weakness.. tHeRe
are words that work much better than swords and that’s for sure.. now..:)



Good Afternoon.. from over here
in the Panhandle of Florida..
where Flowers never end..
hehe.. at least not with
my friEnd.. Xenia Tran..
thank you.. so much.. for your kind
thoughts about my Mother.. here too..
now as surely as you say at essence this
is heART fELt in spiRit of SoUL.. and perHaps
A Best Discovery is that even though i am 56 years
old.. i have the essence of the smile of that under age
5 year old boy again.. the weight of the world no longer
shrugs my shoulders.. my friEnd.. the Lift of Love.. the
Dance of Song.. Swims the water of my blood
and Feeds the
of my SoUL..
the gift of a Mother
who lives by maKing
all in life that’s worth it..
namELy Love.. holy and sacred
and full of meaning and purpose..
through decades.. i often wondered if
i would ever hold this gift again.. and no..
i do not hold iT sTiLL iT POurs out as bRead
and waTer
the GiFt
my FriEnd thaT
never gives up in Truth
of giving and sharing no matter what..
A Sent of Love.. A Taste of Life and A sMiLe
oF LiVinG Tree aS Leaves fAll up inStead of dOwn..roots..ever reaching..more..:)

Xenia says in return..

Thank you my friend,
those wonderful gifts from your mother
and your own deep wisdom all dance through you as love
smile emoticon.. red heart emoticon and
loving red paw prints of pet..

i return with..

SMiLes.. my friEnd..
She passed it on..
Not away..
WiTh sMiLes
oF iT..:)


Writing Block..
Creativity Block..
to suggest that Words
are any different than Paint
or Dance or Song is to take the
art away and make art science..
Took me 40 years
to get rid
of the
running off
with my soUL..
Art may be the Natural
state of the being hUman..
butt science is the culture at hand..
does any of that make sense.. hehe..
matters not as i feel it and more than
KNow it as i go.. and do i want
to knoW how i got to this
place of art..
nah.. i’d rather
feel and sense it
for without that for me at
lEast.. what’s the use.. i could
play a video game instead.. like
i did for decades of input and output
in mechanical cognition way.. i love the
way art makes me tingle from head to toe..
i love the ocean of clouds that
float within the Heaven
of me as rivers
go.. i am
the waves
as Ocean becomes
me.. it is the experience oF iT
beyond the form as essence that makes
it real.. to formulate it as science is never art to me..
So.. in other words.. writer’s bLock
to me is the loss of feeling
and sensing creativity..
for i for one
PS.. i checked out a Book on how to
be Creative in college while continuing
to download data into my brain from Kindergarten
through 19 or so years of that in formal institutional way..
the book was named Creativity.. and i checked that dam thing
out.. at least 25 times over 2 years.. i remember sitting at the beach on
a cloudy day.. wondering when the creativity would come with book on
Creativity in hand.. thing is.. i could never focus long enough to read more
than a couple of pages at a time.. thing is2.. i could never focus on school books..
hardly at all.. the way i could focus.. would be to output written notes to copy what
i heard in the Lecture hall from start to finish.. rarely looked back at the notes but
it brought the focus needed to pay attention.. two small spArks.. i had at age 13 and
18.. but in 40 years.. nothing until age 53 other than that really.. in feeling and sensing
that truly magical sublime of creativity again.. i do it for the bliss.. otherwise.. i could get a job in
oh.. yeah..
and before
i lose my focus
again.. Hello Candice..
thefeatheredsleep.. hope
you are doing wonderful now..:)


Facebook Friend and Blogger Poet Friend
and Rationalist too.. Ned/gigoid.. shares a status on Facebook.. that says..

The following words will, most likely, create a stir of controversy, which it would be well to remember will only provide the evidence necessary to prove its contention as truth…. and, likely will cause some people to de-friend me, saving me the trouble…. Oh, well…

“God is the immemorial refuge of the incompetent, the helpless, the miserable. They find not only sanctuary in His arms, but also a kind of superiority, soothing to their macerated egos; He will set them above their betters.”

— H.L. Mencken

Life is, folks, and there really isn’t any need to be afraid of it, just because you don’t understand; your lack of understanding does not alter the facts… Instead of being afraid, try learning to deal with reality, as it is….

And i come by to visit and say..

Try to
Prove Nature
Is not God..
There is no
Escaping now
And now is God

Ned returns toward the end of the discussion here and says..

Simplest proof… They’re spelled different. More complex proof: everybody has a different definition of both words…;)

Ipse fixit logic…
(in reference to
one of Ned’s
assertions below)
Precisely why your
original opinions fails..

Ned responds..

*grin* “failure” is another of those words everybody looks at a little differently… I knew it was satire, amigo; apse dixit describes the logic of the Bible as proof of divinity… and where in Nature is there evidence of divinity, unless it is ascribed to every single part of it, sentient, and non-sentient? Which makes all of it, and none of it divine…

And i return with..

Neither you or your written authority
defined God.. specifically that is what the ‘lose fixit’
logic fallacy is in reference to and is the
most common failure among so-called
militant atheists who attempt to
prove that
God is not
a fairy bearded sky
God or something ludicrous
like that.. “of or like God or a god, very pleasing; delightful”
per the Oxford definition of Divine.. i see all of Nature
and feel and sense more of it.. DIVINE.. empirically so
too.. per the Nature of my Autistic Neurology..
It’s all a Beautiful Divine sunrise to
me.. my friend.. and no wonder
to me that folks who do
not feel it and sense
it that way
a shell of
whatever God they define aS Such..
AND YES.. i see the dArk as divine too as liGht comes
from it.. yes.. the liGht of SenSinG and FeeLInG the
Divine of all that is AKA God.. once again
God is bigger
in my definition at least.. and ‘Divine’ is
relative in accordance with the reaLiTy of
essence as feeling and sensing
as experience of essence
of Divine.. as a word..
that often
the way of LIGht.. as dArk..
but that’s not a problem..
as once again..
of the
daRkest of dARk..
even Star Wars knows that..;)

Now back to the beginning of the
discussion.. again..

where i said and
continue to say..

Try to
Prove Nature
Is not God..
There is no
Escaping now
And now is God

And tHeRe
Is no contraction

To Defriend
Nature and
No to Defend IT..:)

No is not
kNow.. 2

In other words..
God is Deeper
Shit than words
And piles higher

And fundamentaList
Atheists together..
They all have THE
Only Answer..
Usually based
On someone
Else’s written

Ned Implies
one of ‘those’
logical fallacies..

Ipse fixit logic…

(which means
“an assertion without proof;
or a dogmatic expression of opinion.
The fallacy of defending a proposition
by baldly asserting that it is “just how it is”)

And i return with…

Haha.. in case you missed
the gist.. all of this is satire..
my friend..
No 10 gallon words required..;)

Then i go back up to the top of
the discussion to specify
that neither he
or his written
provided a definition
of God using a
usual Dogmatic
opinion that there
is only one
God in the mix
of Semantics..
and i say here..

In summary.. winks..
an art of communication is
getting someone to prove their own failure..;)

Ned’s Christian Friend Bruce comes into the evolving convo.. and says..

The belief in God has given us hospitals, orphanages, universities, abolished slavery in many parts of the world. Absent this we have social Darwinism, survival of the fittest, and contempt for our competitors for survival rather than being our brother’s keeper

Ned says..

I knew this one would cause discussion…:) What you say is partially true; it does fail to mention the negatives that religion has provided us with, such as far too many compelling reasons for war, and a disdain for truth over belief. Also, I have been absent the training religions provide my entire life, and I don’t think I lack either compassion, or empathy… which is also true of every other atheist I know of…. I acknowledge many good people are believers; I don’t acknowledge it to be the ONLY method of achieving a peaceful coexistence with other forms of life…

Bruce goes on to say in return..

And the cultural revolution of Mao, Pol Pots killing fields, Stalins purges, ethnic cleansing throughout the world. It has been estimated that in the past 3 thousand years approx 11 million have died in religious wars. In the 29th century well over 100 million were killed by atheistic governments. I’ll take my chances

Ned.. additionally says..

Nationalism is no better, or rational, than religion; both place belief ahead of what is real. I see them both as a result of our human ability to deny reality, in the hope what we believe to be true makes it true, as opposed to what is real… a process of thought taught from the cradle to most humans…

I interject per my statement below
on the current global growing
Populism in

No better or rational.. true..
but human Nature.. yes.. as science shows..:)

Bruce goes on to say..

What is real? I believe that God is real

Haha.. i return with this and
as expected i am ignored.. by
Bruce as i’m not exactly the
person ya wanna
get into
a debate
about anything
with as i’ve got all the words..
as a practice of course of 12 million
of them and you know what ‘they’ say
about practice and why i don’t need any other
authority but what i bring to the table.. hehe..;)

So i say..

I believe God is Nature..
go ahead.. make my day..
prove me wrong.. no one has yet..;)

Ned’s back in the room
like a visible man and says..

“Belief gets in the way of learning.” — Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love
I don’t believe this, but, I have learned it is the truth…;)

i interject..

And i’ll note here that more so.. too..
learning gets in the way of
believing.. more specifically
all human emotions
and senses
out there
in the big
blue room of Nature..:)

Bruce says in return to
Ned again.. ignoring
my challenge..

If belief is well thought out and reasonable
is it a product of learning not just a feel good knee jerk reaction

i return directly to Bruce by saying..

Heaven doesn’t live in a word.

And i say here.. as
Bruce ain’t gonna
entertain any of me..
asceticism as
pain over
pleasure is
a little overrated
by folks born
from abundance..
Ned is done with the discussion
and this is where it will stand.. and..

And now back in return to what i said back
to Bruce regarding that one cannot live
without the bible in peace.. substantially
bullshit as God lives
on an Island
people too..
in really naked peace.. and
harmony in a place with no cuckoo cola or Bibles too..;)

i say in conclusion more and less..

Meh.. the teachings of the so-called Dude Jesus..
only reaffirms what science understands of
Human Nature when co-existing in
small homogenous groups..
the twenty most peaceful
societies in the world
according to
the science of
sociology are all
small and Christianity
is not a necessary component
as a restricted Bible originated Golden
rule for the success.. the common element
is most everyone works together in sharing and giving,,
otherwise known as the altruistic Nature of being human..
Governments and or Religions are necessary for providing
laws in insanely large heterogenous populations of humans..
the lowest levels of Christianity are in the most peaceful
larger homogenous societies in the world.. in
Scandinavian countries.. common element
is the Government provides the laws
for a really big social net.. everyone
is required to give and share
and it works as one
can leave their
on the sidewalk.. pre-mix
of immigration.. and feel safe..
and this is also a major source
of current populist movements..
insanely large heterogeneous societies
cause division.. inherently so.. takes a lot
of neo-cortical control to overcome that tribal aspect of
human Nature.. and even more required giving and sharing..
And add in environmental conditions of scarCity like deserts
and snowy mountains and all that other sTuff and folks will
naturally fight for subsistence.. shelter.. and to find reproductive mates
As History and Herstory separated.. do most definitely continue to sHow.. in/as division..;)

So heAR in the continuing commentary section.. what’s the answer to all of this..
Conflict will continue.. of course.. as Human is out of balance with
God AKA Nature and to be clear.. i am not just
a Pantheist.. i experience much more
about/of God AKA Nature than
science (systemizing) can sHow
in empirical
it’s trUly
MaGiC and
much greater
than any rabbit
hat trick as it needs
no props at all but the
Heaven and the Kingdom
within of the Inner hUman
UniVerse.. mE.. now.. aLive..
‘you see’.. tHeRE IS A Lady Bar
ring A stairway to Heaven.. now.. her
name is.. reason.. but really.. she IS A
man as words alone.. A Piper WiLL bRing
ONE to ‘reaSon’ but remember.. dARk is liGht
and liGht is dARk.. and tHeRe are two meanings
and more to every metaphor of word.. take the words
off and see.. in other words to be.. More Specifically.. feel and sense
God and please don’t chain the essence in idols of words.. or Golden Calves..
or do..
to ‘you’..
i find God within
and it is all DiViNE..
as Tree oF LiFE..NoW..:)

“And the FoRest
Will Echo with Laughter”


Gentile or Jew..
Servant or Free..
Woman or

Response from me
Cherry Picked and
paraphrased in punctuation
from Galations.. 3:28.. which is
also the name of one of my favorite
Video games.. albeit.. spelled Differently
and in outer space.. aka the stars and planets
and too.. a favorite
pARt of a Song they
do in Catholic Church.. named
“One Body.. One Bread” in words
to that effect and affect.. and more
specifically that video game is named..
‘Galaxians’.. where warring tribes of Nationalistic
folks as planets go to war in space over differences
in language.. collected intelligence and general beliefs
as well as the complex cultural differences that bring them
to war together opposed to each other and perhaps
a lack of food or
to take by force
like getting Iraq
oil and such as that
by the ones with bigger
bombs of Mass Destruction..
and truly Mass as in the Catholic
Church killed a lot of folks over an
only this or that.. anyway.. i used this
in response to a guest blogger on a really
great poet blogger’s place.. who is worth a read
to me.. without even commenting.. in fAct.. i’ve liked
every single word there shared over several years now..
thing is..
i abhor
and all stuff
related to bullies
and refuse to like that
and in regard to providing
dissent.. sure a pArt of that
Nemesis Godess thingy
residing in my
swords and
preferably words
and slight of hand
in humanipulating language
to get a message across deeper
that may surface later.. perhaps in
the shower or water ever hehe..anyWay..
when a dude started going on all about how
if you don’t find a way to Heaven specifically
through the Jesus dude.. you are going to hell..
like i still occasionally hear over heRE in Southern
Baptist Gospel Singing.. that my wife and me and her friend
have dragged us along to see.. and i love singing.. so why not..
my response above is one to read between the lines as NO.
not only,
the logic
is simple..
Jesus never
went to ‘mars’
or the Galaxian
other pARts
of the
UniVerse and
the world is a much bigger
place online today than a patch
of desert dirt in the middle east..
And sadly.. A core message of so-called Jesus oF Unity
is lost as lamp without a filament of flame as undying ONE torch.. of Love..
OR now bRing
the mesSage
oF UNitY for
all NoW wHere
God can be found
in the middle of a
chopped cord of wood
with cleave of sword.. even.. of words..
anyway.. i really like the theMe song.. even
iF Katy Perry doesn’t sing it.. or that Lorde girl..;)


Hey oka..
hehe.. i mean
Hi gigoid..
i’ll be as continuing
sacred clown as human
archetype of course with
a Great Great Maternal Grandfather
pure blood Sioux line too.. not
that any
be an indigenous
Indian of the UniVerse wHOle..
and yes.. of course more than
what big big telescopes and
Hawking Brains see..
culture is insane
as spoken
to before.. at the 16
year point of 19 years of
school altogether.. several severe
depressions that came out of the not
so azure blue in separation from the
art of moving.. connecting.. and creating..
i sAid FucK iT aLL and go to the Beach.. and i say
thaT loosely as that voice came deep deep within
below the rider me and more paRt of the Camel and
Elephant sAMe that holds uP words of hUman more alone
than allone in perceiving more of reaLiTy and existence now
from head
to toe
and more..
i just walked and walked
and said fuck the rest.. of course..
still living at home with my mama allowed
that privilege to continue to live.. to let go of the
perfectionist Nature and never giving up the ‘goal’..
that others set for me.. the hard part but yes.. i let go..
and what came next was an adventure mostly within..
those places where no human you..(me) have
gone before.. i drove slow in the left lane
and held traffic up.. i went
back to
the smaller
Junior College
Philosophy class and
did an impromptu lecture
on how my name literally spelled
backwards sounded a lot like name hell..
and after that i ran in reverse all around the town..
just ’cause it felt good.. and to say fuck all this shit that
was driving me down down down again.. i even went
to a parade in war (clown) paint.. never hearing about
the Heyoka Human archetype then.. and yes..
like Britney ‘shears’.. i wanted to
shave all the hair off my
head.. including
the eye brows..
just to escape
even more i guess..
that’s the thing.. when you take
it all in.. it’s not so much that you’re crazy
you just come to find out you know too much
and you’ve let it just go.. to be free again of all of much..
the Bowling Center was great and so was a change to three
other majors at one time in school.. and i finally got it all together
in a place of keep it simple enough to thrive.. then the flood came in
again.. i got lost and now the clown of me is back again.. it’s a circus my
smART folks
just plaY in it..
for fun..
matter what
dARk surrounds
as focus liGht in terms of liFe
thaT feelS and senses more than dARk..
and then.. i danced in reverse all around
a thirty mile regional area.. if nothing else..
i showed folks joy for nothing aT aLL butt free..;)

“Wisdom is knowing what to do next;
virtue is doing it.”

— David Star Jordan,
The Philosophy of Despair

Nike lives
in all Jordans..
And stars of David..
All BaLanCinG AcT
in divine
and masculine
way..star up
star one..
as two pyramids become one..
or triAngEls oN a pAge of sAGe..:)

To make a long story short: Once upon a time….
It was a dark and stormy night……..
and they lived happily ever after.

— Smart Bee


And I oft have heard defended,
–Little said is soonest mended.

— George Wither (1588-1667)

— The Shepherd’s Hunting

it aGAin..:)

As long as we’re going insane,
we might as well go the whole way.
A mere shred of sanity is of no value.

— Smart Bee

a shred can/WiLL
have fun when unplugged..;)

“Insanity destroys reason, but not wit.”

— Nathaniel Emmons

ReaSon ofTen
for smiles
and laughter..
exceptions do rules.. too..:)

“Anyone who isn’t confused really doesn’t understand the situation.”

— Edward R. Murrow

Don’t need
to understand
just do it
when all it takes..:)

“It is important to do what you don’t know how to do. It is important to see your skills as keeping you from learning what is deepest and most mysterious. If you know how to focus, unfocus. If your tendency is to make sense out of chaos, start chaos.”

— Carlos Casteñeda

In other words.. either
dance or run all
around noW iN
Reverse.. hehe..
as chaos
more fun..
iF one escapes
all doubt.. fear.. and shame..
the ends to the mean Backwards..:)

It’s Hilarious.. my
friend.. how
it is
to miss
the essence
of Happy and Free
over doubt.. fear and
shame.. under traditional form(s)..:)

“As a net is made up of a series of ties, so everything in this world is connected by a series of ties. If anyone thinks that this mesh of a net is an independent, isolated thing, he is mistaken. It is called a net because it is made up of a series of interconnected meshes, and each mesh has its place and responsibility in relation to other meshes.”

— Buddha

THeRe is
no only
or last or
firsT all n aLL..
otherWise lonELy
aWay from allone..:)

“It is not every question that deserves an answer.”

— Publius Syrus (42 BC) — Maxim 581

without water..:)

“There await men after they are dead
things which they do not expect or imagine.”

— Heraclitus

Nixon Richard
wire tapping to see now..:)

(in reAlly loose association)

“What is inconceivable about the universe is that it is at all conceivable.”

— Albert Einstein

Yeah.. NoW
Jesus F in Christ..
People are living
still don’t
Heaven.. here..;)

“Go into yourself and see how deep the place is from which your life flows.”

— Rainer Maria Rilke in Letters to a Young Poet

A place
one can
or not…
never the
less that place
exists when sought and found
and more importantly.. enjoyed to the MAD MAX

Nice to see ya gigoid..
Gotta get going to the flesh and blood
moving.. connecting.. co-creating stuff..
and ‘tween the ears..;)


Lunatic Fringe.. almost
over the edge.. Vision Quest
as they say too.. but no Plastic
Shaman for sale.. heAR..
in other words..
the search
for human
the continuing
find of improving essence
over form.. whatever it takes..
do it neXt.. to make potential
even more than before..
And the thing is..
iT is human
in all free verse
Life.. no limitations.. no
expectations.. juST do more
than you did before.. as it is the
doubt and the fear that brings you
down lower than higher can go in pure
Positive Love as Life liGht.. to flash Ahead
before the thunder
anyWay.. after dancing
all free style with new moves
as creativity comes and comes some more..
most folks around these paRts have gotten used to
me by now.. after all.. been doing this in public now for
42 months and counting more.. @~7K Miles but every once in a
while a ‘good old boy’ attempts to challenge me in the distance.. with
the ear budS on.. little do they FeeL and SensE i am aware more
of my surroundings than hear and see.. and that too is pARt oF A
Vision Quest.. exPaNding FeeLinG and SeNsorY awareness in expanded
intelligences thereof.. including proprioception and general movement intelligence
too.. with eyes in feet and fingers and beyond that in intuition beyond human logic
as logic/reason comes even after emotions according to science.. yeP.. give ’em credit
for measuring a little bit.. at lEast.. of the hUman inner UnivErse of POtenTial more and
sadly lesS.. in opposite affect and effect.. anyWay.. aLways Love a new challenge and when
‘they’ feel me up close and personal.. where i’d juSt love to give ’em my new John 14:12 witness
and testimony of my own personal lunatic fringe as irony of resistance against fear and hate..
that’s all around us these days.. from a Lunatic Lie a day to depths of human torture in misery
and suffering in ideology of separating children from their parents as any Nazi camp will
love to do.. with zero point.. empathy and compassion.. for what flesh and blood means
for brothers and sisters all.. per that mushy Jesus stuff.. diluted more than
the heARt..
anyway.. he
scurried away like
a rat and i didn’t have
an opportunity to show ’em
where the ship sAils beyond
ocean blues.. as sure.. if you’ve
been around long enough all around
these parts.. you learn to ‘smell’ fearless
and move out of the way.. of progress.. heHe..
anYway.. i don’t do competition of any form.. it’s
all essence noW of improving human potential as just
appreciating this gift from God all of Nature in me Now..:)


And.. hehex2.. speaKing of Lunatic Fringes.. a MacroVerse Memory
from three years ago.. named.. “let it go..flow…” and the difference between
me and grey briefs and black pantyhouse per Batman is.. i go shirtless with
no pantyhouse.. haha.. as you do know.. don’t you that the reason that
Superheroes do this.. is to symbolize that divine love in grace is
behind and down below all tHeir super powers.. so above..
in cape crusader and telephone booth changer
ways too.. with a quick excerpt heAR..




by the way

ISA is the path to happiness; NOT KSA.
ISA equals Instinct Skills and Ability.
KSA equals Knowledge Skills and Ability.

Most animals live FREE by ISA
and humans imprisoned by the abstract
constructs of complex language, collective
intelligence and culture, in general, live by KSA.

Other than that my attempt to explain this on the ‘Wrong
Planet’ was rather futile but never the less a dARk muse to
save the words with later on for usage now.. as hey.. an investment
in greater human potential saved as it were and still is now as more..liGht..;)


And a couple of MacroVerse Memories from a year ago.. number one..
Dancing Friends.. left to right.. Maggie.. Chelsea.. and Cortney.. particularly
liking this picture aS it fits the continuing Charlie’s Angels theMe and mEme..
only difference really.. is in this movie.. Charlie is an active dancer with the Angels..;)


And in this Facebook Memory maker photo reminder from a Year ago.. a little help from
a few more of my mythological friends.. as increasing numbers of Super Heroes and
associated things fill my Computer Desk space on the right.. and it’s really getting
crowded over tHeRE noW and aT lEAst in this previously more sparse
population of heroes.. you can see how big my giant Pen
iS.. my wife Katrina got it for me as a gift.. a really
big one she got for me to replace the
other one as i seemed to have
losT it.. and that
is what Isis
for Osiris..
per the book version
at lEast as themeS and MeMes continUe heAr..;)


And with all that implied.. a MacroVerse Memory from
a year ago named.. “Cyberian Tiger Beach”.. as juST anotHeR
theMe as meME of T-shirt visits beautiful Navarre Beach and TG..
we will be going tHeRe this Tuesday.. to see my favorite Lunatic
Fringe Psychiatrist.. as he monitor the success of my prescription for
dance.. literally.. yes.. he wrote me a prescription for dance in case any
‘red necks’ give me problems if they get into store management.. fortunately..
i haven’t met any in those positions yet.. but sure.. i’d love to tale them thaT
pARt of my Lunatic Fringe story.. too.. if they can hang with me that long in LocaL VocaL SonG..
And aLong with a bunch more free verse poetry in response to all of dVerse prompts and
links last year.. as i make an entire year from April of 2015 through 3/16.. yes.. March
of 2016.. through the 31st day of that month.. in what ended up as one entire
MacroVerse named “GodsUniVerseNovel3”.. weighing in as tonnage
at 338,630 words and the only credit i need is the doing
oF it then in the ecstasy of that path of journey tHeRe..
as the ‘Vision Quest’ Movie speech sAid.. it’s
not the 6 minutes that counts..
it’s what ya did
in the
6 minutes
that makes life
a total beach or bitch
in those 6 minutes.. all
Beach heAR.. as i create my
life for one with God all FReED as all thAT thiS iS..:)


Hello.. gigoid.. i reAlly appreciate the efforts
of YouTube in providing remastered oldies
in working relationships with the original record
companies.. as the music comes closer to vinyl pristine..
and copyright strikes ain’t gonna take it away.. sure.. at least
not until
no time soon..
obviously.. as long
as freedom of expression
is alloWed.. and that’s a really big
deal.. freedom of expression.. but the thing
is.. Faux news is truly what is ruling this country
now as that is a major stepping stone to
making the Executive Branch
beyond Saturday
really live as
truly the tragic
comedy trumps ‘normal’ comedy
in terms of Satire isrEaL now for sure..
and nah.. not funny in terms of ideology
that wants to separate children from mothers
and truly sick non-normal-human stuff like that..
so.. where to find a smile.. where else.. Saturday
Night Live IF THEY can continue to beat the REAL ‘ART’ OF THE DEAL..
AND hell ‘us’.. there is BLack art in terms of Voodoo in the Nocebo effect
of the
who still trumps
suckers born every day.. as
power of suggestion is a mighty
fine tool of an audience for those in charge of the car lot sTiLL..;)

“A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are for.”

~~ John A. She’d ~~

Comfort Zones.. my friEnd..
Comfort Zones of lies that’s
a friend
of the Truth..;)

Speaking of that.. there is a secret password
into the lives of the car lot heAR in milltown
USA.. as when my existence hurts
the sensibilities of card
board box
of feathered
nests after Sunday
Dinner.. in other words ..
if my colors are too bright
on my 7.50 Walmart T-shirts
and my ballet mixed in with
martial arts is too fabulous
to take all in.. and the
gawks start to
amuse me
i move
in a little
closer.. as ‘they’ think
my little world doesn’t move
farther from my earbuds and dance..
hehe.. i move in even closer and strike
up a conversation.. and really what i wanna
do is free ’em.. from true frOwns dOwn all
the aisles i see.. so here’s the magic
word.. actually five.. “DO YOU
heHe.. rhetorical
one where
i live
but never the less..
one they take serious
no matter how otherworldly
to them i may seem.. beyond ‘munDane’
as you say my FriEnd.. heHA.. after that i tale
’em all about human potential and how that relates
to total positivity in looking at the world at large in
pure ‘white’ love (all the colors combined
in one color of course).. and then it’s
off to John 14:12 that negates
that ‘only stuff’ as how
does God suggest
that other
will do more
than God.. illogical
Spock.. the cognitive
dissonance hurts tHeiR heads
them after i script what they never
heard scribed at church.. see.. i have a photographic
memory or close to that for text.. the book is limited
and my mind is not.. so in other words.. i have all
the words.. and it’s like dueling with the book
when they get to know me more
than a dance of liGht..
what they come
to find out..
my friEnd
is.. there is a holy
madness about life
that trumps all insanity
particularly.. when it walks like a book..
It’s true.. if i lived in a more ‘progressive’ area..
i would be more intellectually stimulated by the
convo somewhere else.. but hey.. there is the Internet
for that and sAdly not many other places but here to even get that..
hehe.. if you ever go away.. i’ll figure out how to use ‘smart bee’,. i guess..
or go the archives.. just to get away from the Mundane of life.. but true it is..
where i
now live
and now
the country
i live in is the
most tragic of
comedies now
to amuse me
so far.. that’s the thing
would be smART enough to have fun.. haha..
at least
in the
flesh and
fool around
in some other ways
beyond Tom Fuckery..
as hey.. the entire Universe
is full of hot and cold rocks..:)

“History, despite its wrenching pain,
Cannot be unlived, but if faced
With courage, need not be lived again.’

~~ Maya Angelou, “On the Pulse of Morning” ~~

It’s reAlly no joke.. NoW..
the Neo-Nazis are in charge..
nOw.. we just haven’t got to the
yet.. and
as a note..
that’s a metaphor..
there are many other
ways than gas and internment camps..
And makes me wonder..
really.. makes me wonder..
when ‘all’ the ‘mundanes’
are going to determine
that they
are already
in a Christian Hell..
things is.. my friend..
i have no desire to hurt
anyone in hell.. as the pain
they are already in is worse than death..
even worse than that they have no reference
point to the ‘other place’.. or they wouldn’t be in hell.. in the first place..;)

“Nothing can bring lasting peace,
but you have it already
if you just stop disturbing it.
It is there always.”

~~ Sri Swami Satchidananda ~~

i tracked down the ‘redneck’
who disturbed the ‘hornet’s
nest’ of dance last night and
said turn
around dude..
turn around dude..
and his wife said
please don’t..
just don’t…
i was gonna
kill a six foot five..
270 Lb.. Deliverance dude..
didn’t even get to ask him if he believed in
Jesus.. oh.. so sad.. the fear.. the fear of LiGht..as dARk..
A super-epic John 14:12 tale he did miss..
i suppose
my beyond
rainbow colors
scared him when
he found out i also
DO talk.. and ain’t
afraid of Big bullies with weakness..
that trumps camouflage and French cuisine..
And it’s true.. i can grow a
beard.. put britches
on and
my voice
wrong end.. too..
and most of the time.. it’s
also true.. i have a red neck
too.. and i am FucKinG way less
civilized than any so-called ‘red-neck’
heAR.. truly they should
be ashamed
can be so
much more wild than thaT..
although it’s true.. i do have sTiLL
the hands of a Priest and Trump too..
thing is.. i fight like a Kangaroo mix of A
Tyrannosaurus Rex and Great White Shark
all accommodating their disabilities of
smaller than normal ‘red neck’ size
hands.. no one has ever lived
to tale what happens
at the end
of the
fight.. or on
the other hands
that write and think..
i am way too smart
to succumb to that bullshit..;)

“I would rather be ashes than dust!
I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze
than it should be stifled by dry-rot.
I would rather be a superb meteor,
every atom of me in magnificent glow,
than a sleepy and permanent planet.
The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.
I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them.
I shall use my time.”

~~ Jack London, Jack London’s Tales of Adventure ~~

The best pARt
of entropy
is what
before the end..
if it ever begins now..
Sentient Star plUs duSt
with liGht or not..
go the
path of
LiGht and
shine like
A crazy fool sun..
juSt luST LOVE
for the briGht oF LiFe..
do do do..:)

“You cannot do a kindness too soon,
for you never know how soon it will be too late.”

~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~~

Thank you
you you..;)

All truly wise thoughts have been thought already
thousands of times;
but to make them truly ours,
we must think them over again honestly,
till they take root in our personal experience.”

~~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ~~

(John 14:12)
is juSt A MetaPhorse force
human potential does more..
as any
of more
as real
metaphor does
literally and even more..;)

“One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential.
Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency.
We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.”

~~ Maya Angelou ~~

Nice metaphor/poem.. AngeLou
but actuAlly babies
are born with only
two fears..
noises as science
shows.. in other words..
they are relatively fearless
compared to the average Joe..
Jill.. Jilljoe.. eTc.. eT aL..
as language..
and culture bRings
even more fear as
a fall
Keep iT simple stupid..
fearless trumps smARt
when common sense..
and to be crystal
clear.. i totAlly agree with
the poem aS wHOle.. Maya..
and when the Jesus dude or whomever
wrote the words said.. the key to heaven
is looking at life through a child’s eyes.. noW..
A key Now is sTiLL MoVinG.. ConNecTing and
CreATinG with eYes of a fearless Child of Wonder
and amazement as the world is beach without the bit88 yet..
(unless one lives
in a desert or
on a snowy
mountain top
or other place
of scarcity over
abundance outside aS Such..
The Beach
is Great..
and outside..
above.. so below
and all around baby now..
luck of StAR DuST pLuS senTient
aS Such.. coming from Star Seed STar
burST crucible fire.. seeds heAR with the fortune of A
draW iN a state shaped like a Gun named the Flower STAte..
oh.. the fun..
of beach life now..
from head to toe.. outside.. iN..
noW liGht LIFe LOVE..;)

“Be your own reason.”

~~ Levis ~~

Some folks create tHeir reality
others are led by reality.. NoW..
to hell.. my friEnd.. and garages
full of Walmart shit and more shit..
in all
the spare
and other
places like that..;)

“Being human is a complicated gig”
So give that ol’ dark night of the soul a hug.
Howl the eternal yes.”

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

The DArk
Night of the soUL
aN ultiMate Enema.. my FriENd..
truLY my Best Friend ENeMA.. nOw
FucK aLL the sHiTs NoW.. jusT LIVe..;)

Thanks.. gigoid.. for all the hELp..
wanted to do thAT SonG jusTice..
A Neo-
Kashmir way..;)

Needed a lot of words
for an unusually long song too..;)

gigoid.. responds back with kind
wishes of Love for all
three of the family
heAR in the
including YellowBoy and i say..

SMiLes my friEnd.. gigoid..
Love to you as well and
i will make sure Yellow
Boy Feels your Love too..
and hey.. any version of Dancing
is Good..for the Peace of LIFE for now my FriEnd..
juSt a BaLanCinG
DancE and SonG
of Life
for NoW..
i’ll take it too..
as long as my personal
peace does last for now too..:)


As Flowers Bloom.. as seeds sprout..
as stars burst.. in crucible
fire.. of star death..
arises resurrection
of sentient star burst duSt plUs
uS.. and truly.. if you love someone..
would you want them to be only one expression
of Lover.. Mother.. Father.. Brother.. Sister.. Child
or other in caste system forever.. for all of eternity
without experiencing more of life.. as life
becomes a flower greater as the
cycle of life moveS oN..
as Sentient
liFE from
crucible fire
comes aGain..
as LiGht of BeinG
aLIve.. anyWay.. my numerology
report as far as reincarnation.. says.. i finished
all the other 9 life challenges and now all that is
is 0 for the first life challenge of doing whatever
i inspire myself to do.. and to reaffirm the next three
life challenges.. with number 1.. so yeah.. 0 and 1 and
1 and 1 are my numbers for challenges.. and now the true
challenge is doing the best one can with the ultimate prize
of free will.. anyWay that’s what the numbers say.. And
when one comes to sense and feel they have been
heAR eternAlly.. now.. ‘you’ see With God at
age three before spEaKing at foUr..
it’S even more than
a feeling and
being here now..
and that’s all i for one need is now..
wiTh a little help from my friends.. and a miNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG SouL NoW of DancE and SonG.. too..
as the aRt of that continues in selfie art form as well
all free verse as dance and song continues to move..
connect.. and co-create with.. thE Force of GoD oNe
that lives within me.. once again.. more than a feeling..
pure bliss as serenity.. even when i spiral dance and
sing for hours on end.. everywhere i go noW as a
practice oF LIGht iN walKing on the
water of terrestrial land
as gRains of
as my DancE
and SonG continues to GroW
iN human PoTenTiaL more.. so.. sure..
a photo wiTh a riSing AngEL on A Led Zeppelin..
1975.. tOur shirt.. to read between the lines.. clear heAR too..:)

Sunday is surELy a fun day for me.. ‘tween singing with
choirs of angels in church to living with the beauty
of blooming flowers.. to dancing free in public
mall stores while inspiring others to
move out of the
boxes of life..
to the Book store
and a dance with a book..
particularly as full of trUth and LIGht
as the “Art of Peace”.. by Morihei Ueshiba..
a Martial artist of Aikido unbeaten in battle..
moVing from war to peace with martial arts now2
as a tool for emotional regulation and sensory
integration of MiNd and BoDy BaLanCing
soUL.. and for all practical intents
and purposes i’ve already
written the book with
zero words
as this
is what
my body.. innately..
instinctually and intuitively
does without pre-formed human
instruction.. which is the ultiMate
goal of this martial arts philosopher..
to liberate oneself as free verse art..
with liberal paraphrase by me HeaR too..
as to create anew is more than a 0 to 1
life challenge of numerology alone..
allone is more like it NoW as reAllY
BiG ultiMate peRsonAl Challenge Love
liGht LIFe.. heHe.. add in the Divine
feMinine BaLanCinG force of Free style
Ballet and i for one get it all toGethEr with
Chi.. Qi.. Ki.. Holy SpiRit Power Creative ForCe
and an unlimited number of interchangeable cultural
metaphors for the Heaven within of Free Serenity now..
no.. dollar bills baby.. all for free.. Nirvana and Bliss now..
more than words though.. actions.. baby.. iN Smooth
MoVinG..ConNecTing and Co-Creating ways wiTh
GoD all oF NaturE plUs.. now.. yes.. jusT Free..
and sure.. i knocked out more than one little
book.. but ‘that’ little book shows
wHere the warrior can be
A greaTEst UnConditional
LoVinG BeinG hUman too..
Strength comes in both Love and TrUtH aS
SmooThe moves too.. as grace and wisdom aLL aS LiFe LiGht Love noW2..:)

What nexT.. yes.. Dinner for family members at lunch over at
Grover T’s Barbecue.. and that’s some really good
pork ribs and brisket.. the least we could
do to treat my first cousin Laura..
the somewhat shorter one
than me.. hehe..
Daughter of my Father’s
Identical Twin Brother Ted..
who is turning 85 this year..
my sister standing casually in back..
and Laura’s friend Ronnie.. who came all
the way from Tallahassee to unload a big
China Cabinet thingy from my Mother’s Apartment
as about another day and that job.. all the way done..
sure beats the twenty months it took.. to get my Father’s
estate all squared away.. and sure.. Uncle Ted’s Senior class
Quote was words to the effect of.. i will do what no man has dared
to do before.. paraphrased heAR.. and my Father with the procrastinator
in general quote.. where he never squared his affairs before it was too late..
hmm.. as said before.. he lived relatively stress free.. even through 46 years
of Law Enforcement.. in the record books back when he retired as longest serving
Deputy Sheriff then.. in Florida.. no desire to move up on the ladder.. too.. hehe.. it’s
like he did it his way.. and he surELy did.. kinda like what my
Numerology report gives me the ‘so-called’ authority
of challenge to do or not to do too..
i choose do do do.. as all that i do..
too.. what else.. oh yeah..
today was is
fabulous fun..
and i surely don’t look much
like a public dancer in ‘these photos’..
particularly with ‘that book’.. perhaps
a pass for a clown.. but i’m dripping with
that Military/Law Enforcement look as when our parents
die.. they never reAlly leave.. as they live in our DNA from
head to toe.. i don’t mind the fearless strength from my Father
and surely don’t mind the Love from my MOthER liVinG iN
mE.. Both.. and i guess i got some of the
poTenTiaL for Wisdom
from my
Priest as X-Catholic
one from Ireland who sired my
Father and his identical twin Brother..
as hey.. hE.. i Spied a barely legal Cajun
woman out of his pews in North Florida and
to move out of the Catholic Box of Labyrinth
as he wrote about too.. as author of that book2..
and ‘Behind The Dictators’ too.. in reference to
the Catholic Church and Illuminati Conspiracy
theories still assiGned.. to who folks don’t
like.. back in last Century too..
as my Grandfather
was alike..
an ultiMate
faCT checker too..
check mate and all
of that too.. anyWay.. beyond
our family members who pass away..
not only do they continue to live in our blood
with many of the all natural human gifts that come
our way too.. we all share the same family of almost
all DNA.. with some other animals friends too.. and as
Carl Sagan and most all his friends actually empirically prove
we are
NoW alive
as SenTient plUS sTuFF..NoW..
And that’s a miGhty Big miracle
in Paradise with Big Blue Room Oxygen..
as long as thaT hOlds OUT for now… Oh Lord..
‘Free my People’.. out of/from tHeir bondage of chains
iN the mechanical cognition that seems to never run out of tOwn now2..
and that’s thaT as i’m up to 6958 miles of dance with documentation to
prove that went down for now too.. in a little over 42 months.. and
i still don’t have a title that flows to me.. for this now
81st MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017″..
And 752nd MacroVerse of Ocean
wHole Poem.. ‘SonG of mY
come what
may.. it’LL
come.. when it does..
as i for one.. am going to bed..
to sleep on it in dreamtime.. alWays now.. too..;)


Hello Frank.. great poet and
now a member as
provider of dVerse
prompts too..
that i for one
have been missing..
a little lately in responding
to the trail just for fun in
poetic way as for me..
my friEnd.. Poetry
is juST An
of the
emotions and
senses within.. of
a continuing serenity
garden that i without fail do tend now
effortlessly as flow as practice makes waves
even more as streams to rivers to Ocean whole..
now and beyond that.. we just finished cleaning my
Mother’s Apartment out and received her ashes just
a little while ago.. as truly most everything i’ve written
in some way.. since Valentine’s Day of 2017 when she
fell ill to her death bed then in hospital is in Memorial to her..
she Requested Zero Memorial in the hometown here in public
way.. zero long eulogies in the Newspapers.. and that’s okay as
her Love
was too
big now..
to share in a town
that never welcomed
the Smile of the child of
Love/Grace she gardened as me..
i got the fearless part.. the warrior fire
pArt now to go along with thaT and no body
is bully enough to stop my Smile and my Dance and
my Song now.. no body.. no where.. and that’s still now a
reAlly big credit to my Father in strength of fearless gift too..
as he passed away on the 22nd of May of 2014.. and back then this
gift of blogging/poetry was really important to properly grieve that loss too.. as
life is all emotions and senses at core.. lose that and all that’s left of the Nautilus
full of senses
and feelings or just
an empty pART of the ART of soUL..:)









BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

Book oF Ten Sixteen..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)


Grand Cross Bible 2016

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)


CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)


VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)


CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)


Nether Land Bible 2017

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)






Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 10 Comments

MoMenTos From Mother Helen


img_9509 img_9510 img_9511 img_9512 img_9513 img_9514 img_9515 img_9516 img_9517 img_9518 img_9519 img_9520 img_9521 img_9522 img_9523 img_9524 img_9525 img_9526 img_9527 img_9528 img_9529 img_9530 img_9531 img_9532 img_9533 img_9534 img_9536 img_9537 img_9538 img_9540 img_9545 img_9549 img_9550 img_9552 img_9553 img_9554 img_9555 img_9556 img_9557 img_9558 img_9559 img_9560 img_9561 img_9562 img_9564 img_9566 img_9568 img_9569 img_9572 img_9575 img_9578 img_9580 img_9581 img_9585 img_9588 img_9589 img_9591 img_9592 img_9593 img_9594 img_9595 img_9597 img_9598 img_9599 img_9600 img_9604 img_9607 img_9608 img_9609 img_9610 img_9611 img_9612 img_9613 img_9614 img_9615 img_9616 img_9617 img_9618 img_9619 img_9620 img_9621 img_9622 img_9689 img_9690 img_9691 img_9693 img_9694 img_9695 img_9696 img_9698 img_9702 img_9703 img_9710 img_9712 img_9713 img_9716 img_9717 img_9719 img_9721 img_9722 img_9723 img_9724 img_9726 img_9728 img_9730 img_9732 img_9734 img_9735 img_9737 img_9739 img_9741 img_9743 img_9744 img_9745 img_9746 img_9747 img_9748 img_9749 img_9750 img_9751 img_9752 img_9755 img_9756 img_9757 img_9758 img_9759 img_9760 img_9761 img_9762 img_9763 img_9765 img_9766 img_9767 img_9768 img_9769 img_9770 img_9771 img_9772 img_9773 img_9774 img_9775 img_9776 img_9777 img_9778 img_9781 img_9782 img_9783 img_9784 img_9787 img_9788 img_9790 img_9791 img_9792 img_9793 img_9794 img_9797 img_9798 img_9799 img_9800 img_9801 img_9802 img_9803 img_9804 img_9805 img_9806 img_9807 img_9809 img_9810 img_9811 img_9813 img_9814 img_9815 img_9816 img_9817 img_9818 img_9819 img_9820 img_9821 img_9822 img_9823 img_9824 img_9830 img_9834 img_9835 img_9836 img_9837 img_9838 img_9839 img_9841 img_9842 img_9843 img_9844 img_9845 img_9846 img_9847 img_9850 img_9851 img_9852 img_9854 img_9857 img_9858 img_9859 img_9860 img_9861

YeS.. it’s trUe.. Baby
Giggle Duels
a do
oF wiNnie
the Pooh
in Modern
house view..
heHe.. as you say..
out of planned chaos.. Glenn..
OMG.. A Prompt with a Giggle..
44 words.. less or more.. at dVerse.. i say now..
i’LL veriLY surELy be back for more.. oF thiS oNe2..;)



HeHeX2… yeP.. back for A Giggle
prompt at dVerse online Poetry Pub..
and i guess if i were any more responsible
than Peter Pan.. i would be catching up on what
now is 10 whole MacroVerses behind on copying
and pasting for all free back-up text on Personal
Facebook Page and two other Facebook Pages too..
where the last 79th MacroVerse named “Heaven is aLike
aLL over sTiLL noW”.. added in for “Nether Land Bible 2017”
stARTinG back on Memorial Day of 2016.. now equals a grand
total per DancE and SinG aS as Say oF 1,189,090 words now..
hmm.. last updated Backup
was/is the
69th one..
actuAlly titled..
“Nether Land Bible 2017”..
way back then at the 1,052,137
word count point.. so with general
subtraction aWaY in head count
way that makes about 137K words
to copy and paste three times for a total
of 411K words across three Facebook Pages..
like i sAid.. aLong with this new MacroVerse heaR
as paRt oF A LonGesT lonG form Poem free verse
on Google effort ever too.. at 3.3 Million words
plus per this upcoming now 751st MacroVerse
noW as 80th MacroVerse of “Nether Land
Bible 2017”.. too.. oveRAll naMed NoW
“SonG of My soUL”.. as
Ocean wHole
Poem too..
yes.. finishing
thaT thOught like i sAid
if i was/am reAlly more responsible
than A Peter Pan.. perhaps.. i would now
engage in the mechanical cognition as staRt
of copying and pasting all of that too.. but heHe..
nah.. rather do free verse poetic expressions about
giggles instead.. as that is what free does.. jUst flows liKe
StreAmS into RiverS as Ocean WaveS to shoreS more
Abundant wiTh smARt.. Fearless UNconditional Love
iN juST moRe MoVinG.. ConNecTing and
Co-Creating with God oF Nature
all that is now even more..
And sure.. i’LL get
around to
the oTher thing
when i do.. do do..that.. too..
but for now.. some more Giggle
liNks from dVerse for juST more FuN..
and speaKing of Fun.. a reminder to me
that this Thursday Dance with all the cool college age
folks.. is my 150th week of doing that too.. along with
what is still coming to be about 7,000 miles of public
metro area dance around the 2017.. Spring Equinox coMiNg too..:)

SMiLes.. my friEnd.. Lillian.. iS
not much liKe
A Porcupine
to quiLL
wiTh huMor
oF pinS and needLes
aLL Natural witH Poetic Love PeN..;)

Giggle with.. Giggle aT.. all
the difference
in whether
A Emperor
feels and
senses liFe
with or without cultural clothes..
sure.. laugh at me.. laugh with me..
juST Laugh while i giggle and google all
outside too..;)

DoWn in these pARts
girl giggles are a thing
of the past and
in school
and on the
playground too..
Thanks God Boys can
actually Giggle now too..
as who the F can take reaLiTy
seriouSlY now.. Trump it with a Giggle
is all
is left to do..;)

You bRinG to miNd MorE A TrutH and liGht
thaT jusT thE WORlD giggle has an iNfinite
number oF esSences aS FeeLinGs
And SeNSeS and tHaT
mY friEnd iS
liKe A
HaT anD
iS NoW whY
i for one caLL
GoD A Laugh/gigglE
as essence is alWays
bigger than A word of hUman.. Google..;)

A greaTest Giggle..
a sMiLe on a Dog’s Face
at play no different
than a human
A w A Y
from worry..
never own wiTh
froWn alWays Love to Give..:)

Nah.. my
friEnd.. noThing
Giggles now about
and religiousized rape..
dress up owning people
as cattle in any color
other than
all that’s
left is slave labor
in all the ways that liVes
as less than liFe can and
WiLL Be..FReeDoM NoW..:)

mY friEnd..
perHaps A Saddest
pARt of liFe is when
our sMiLes of LiFe NoW
are not accepted togETher as
LoVinG Understanding IS A greaTest
Gift oF aLL noW iN the diVersity trUe
of BeinG hUman now.. as thaT liGht Now..
A Best pARt of FreedoM as ExpresSinG noW
getting to kNow and feeL and seNse everyone
WiLL be
shared for
A CommonaLiTy oF Love..
Tree oF LiFe aLL Leaves riSe..:)

WeLL.. now for Dinner and ExXtreme
Strength Training and Dance at the gym..
hmm.. all i need IS A TheMe song but for now
these words WiLL do As MeMe DancE and SonG too..;)

2.27.2017 6:06 pm..:)


Hello.. Frank.. thanks so much
for stopping by with thanks
for the Cat and
Loving Video
and what truly does
mean a continuous Nurture
from God same as A Mother in
Isaiah 49:14-15.. in Older Testament
way sAMe as now testament reaLiTy
as to be conNecTING iN MoVinG Co-
CreATING ways with God all
that is is to be allone
and never
my friEnd.. see you
soon at your Poetry place too..:)


SMiLes.. Now..
my friend.. Rafiah..
for we are social
animals and verily
that is science too..
And Loneliness is an emotion
that signals us that we must continue
to extend our handS even further for this
IS A rule of God and Science and Nature sAMe..
tHeRe is no
who and
we are aLivE
as being human
or trying to escape
our nature as social
beings oF liGht
of HeaRt as soUL
of MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG
NaTuRE togETher as more than juST
one.. sure.. easier SAid than dOne.. as
considering how much liGht in DancE
And SonG i emit in each day.. the give
is more than return in any given day by far by far
by far.. and the truth is.. by birth and by environment in
restrictions of what is that is.. some of us have to try harder.. even
to the extent of an Olympic athlete of the greatest muscle of Love…
All Depression IS A signal from God to get up or keep falling.. keep falling
keep falling some more.. and so sad when the cultural environment makes it so
hard to hold hands with all others free as small villages will do when free.. all i can
DancE SinG my friend is.. i’m heAR.. willing to hold your Internet hand.. and i don’t thiNk that’s
your laws
wHere you live
as far as i kNow
and feeL and Sense
surELy not
in the
place wHere i
live free within.. for this gift
of life worth still extending a Hand of Love..
my friEnd Rafiah.. never give uP as truly tHeRE iS togeTheR
only do and no trY aS even Yoda says in this Love of/for Life..:)


Memories are emotions
Emotions are memories
and for those of us who are ‘severely’ happy
and have experienced ‘severely’ depressed..
two dimensions of life that is.. and surEly VeriLY
a spectrum as sHades of Grey
to abyss
thin ash existence
and beYond rainbow colors
too.. i’ve been traveling back across
the river Styx ever since my mother fell
catastrophically ill.. as in every stop along
that river in my past my mother was the first
and last to hold my hand and often the only one..
particularly much earlier in life wHere i had no idea
truly how the inner human Universe of me would go or come..
in either dArk
or liGht
the ’round
of that BeYond
and below abyss of miss..
the place i’ve been in.. yes.. the dimension
whole of the last 42 months or so has been one of
almost pure beyond rainbow liGht.. a place of no fear..
a place of all give.. and a place of no fear of loss.. Nirvana.. the
Kingdom of Heaven within.. wHEre no tears are shed but for the joy of Life
even in loss of loved ones along the way.. Mother too much to bear..
for me at least.. to avoid traveling back on the dArk roads of ‘fore..
and more than anything else.. it reinforces what i have lEarned
as an individual on my journey and multi-branching
paths of life of what works for me and
what will not work for me..
for free works for
me.. if i was still
a slave
to the
demands of others
at a job of subsistence upon
whatever the whim of the moment
of others were in the decades then..
recovery would be hard to almost impossible
as the inner Universe must be gardened with focus
away from problem solving mechanical cognition life
in a way that humans are not even wholly evolved to live
now as it is a manufactured life of standard IQ that we live now..
for only a relative few centuries in the scope of being human for a couple
hundred thousand years on this planet now.. in small groups wholly depending
on each other in measure of touchy feely love of cooperation to survive and thrive
to make the measure at the end of the day of forage in survive and even thrive
in a dance
and song
of life
free.. and that
is what families do.. perhaps
only two in a nomad way of nuclear
family to be or not in our new ways of
moving where the jobs are.. even
in global
fashion now..
is it part of our Nature
to do this at hand.. hell no..
it’s way beyond a village of life
for togetheR that glues success
of Love.. in touchy feely way..
away from love it is
aS even science
that mechanical
standard IQ activities to
the exclusion of the human social
touch withers away a pipe of Love no different
than a backed up Septic Tank of solving problems with
no end and never now as simple as getting something to eat
and a FucKinG group hug.. with eYes and Hips of furry that KNow
FeeL and SenSE no separation.. how advanced we are.. depends
on how far a sMiLe can travel today.. or how many times two pairs
of eYes meet in Love for the day of Unconditional Fearless Love..
tHeRe is no drive thru for love only stay a little while longer.. please..
so.. i’ll bounce back.. i am bouncing back for i’ve the tools of Love at Hand
in both art of language and movement that sooner or later does connect me to
others and more importantly exercises the greatest muscle oF all.. the HeARt of Love
that feels and senses more as luminous beings who shine.. giVing shaRing a Love oF LiGht mOre..:)


SMiLes.. my friEnd.. Xenia..
The Ducklings Nurtured by
Cat.. is a warm and fuzzy
Treasure find from a Facebook
share as a best pART of
Facebook is
The innocent
Spirit of
Entire Animal
Kingdom tHeRe..
WiNKs.. including
Humans.. now..
A to Z plUs..
With.. SMiLes..:)



“Mementos from Mother Helen”..
yes.. spent all day at my Mother’s
home with my Sister and Katrina and
Katrina’s Sister Kim and our friend Judy
from back at the Bowling Center working days
and also a fellow employee Judy was with Katrina
at the Local Press Gazette Newspaper.. our roots truly
run deep in this community.. as my Great Uncle Charles as family
history records that seems to be different from official history
but never the less.. it said that Great Uncle Charles..
a first settler on Navarre Beach with
his Father.. my Great Grandfather
Edward Robbins
way way back then..
actually named it..
and Edward..
to family history
named Oriole Beach..
haven’t seen it in the official
history books but anyway.. first settlers
they were in the most beautiful pARts of the
County for sure with my Grandmother and two
Great aunts too.. when Edward took the ferry into
Pensacola to his job then.. and brought back the
groceries to the Peninsula of Lower Santa
Rosa County by the Gulf.. anyway.. the
headliner Memento heAR..
is me at age 22
all bearded
a race of life
as a perfectionist in
many OCD-like ways..
coming off a serious.. almost
year long depression at age 21
with a lift here.. wHere i might look
like i never had a problem in my life and
haha.. who would believe by this photo that
yes.. all my life.. i’ve been on the Autism Spectrum
for what they name as Asperger’s Syndrome and nah..
it will not be hard to believe at all per stereotypes of that
disorder if one views this coming 751st Macro Verse of Ocean
wHole Poem.. yes.. now named “Mementos from Mother Helen”..
also now what will be the 80th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible
2017”.. as already talked to earlier in another MicroVerse word total
subtotal of what will eventually be just another Grand Total of words
in MacroVerse way.. and after my Mother and My Sister and Me all
Graduated this year of 1983 from the University of West Florida..not
too long after this Bay Bridge Fun Run.. hehe.. where.. hmm.. it looks
like i’m in the lead here.. haha.. as that dude behind me.. really
looks like a serious runner.. hehe.. but nah.. somewhere
in the top of the pack but not nearly first.. as hey..
only been back into running about 6 months
or so here.. on the 10K and
5K Regional
of run for fun
and all the health
benefits that go along with
that.. and nah.. my knees and
hips and feet won’t do the run anymore..
and i must admit the dance overall is much more
bliss than run as all body parts go in basically all directions
for total head to toe fitness.. but i did dance too.. kinda shook
my butt too.. but never ever raised my arms above my head..
as i was too afraid back then to do that.. hehe.. even though
after i earned my third degree that year in December of 1983
and was doing some graduate work too with at one point three part
time jobs.. simultaneously.. i remember a 25 year old girl asking me..
what are you.. Superman.. same as an eventual co-worker called me that
later on for my efforts at work too.. super achiever making it through all odds..
including non-speaking Autism until age 4 and lifelong Bi-Polar and around eventually
19 life threatening synergy of illnesses in 66 months of hell to get to here.. if this is what
it takes to be Superman.. i wouldn’t wish the darker paRts on anyone but me to get to where
i am now.. the Kryptonite is gone now.. once again.. for now.. as spending the day with all
my Mother’s Memories as mementos in her home.. brought the emotional healing
to open them all up and process them.. i needed most today.. and that
reminds me.. the Military Hero.. who has been helping
me through.. dealing with this at the gym..
notified me yesterday that he
just got notified that
he has stage
2 Melanoma..
so.. it was my turn
to console him as he confided
that he couldn’t stand anything that
spells weakness in his life.. and that as
he was an Enlisted Vietnam Vet and eventually
Commodore of a Navy Station.. he was really good
at compartmentalizing his emotions out.. and that was
exactly what i was doing my best not to do.. as i did it so good
through fight and flight stress at work that i lost them eventually all
together.. to the point i could not remember what a smile felt like
or if i ever felt a belly laugh as when emotions go away
there is no reference point as emotions
are memories and memories
are emotions
that are
the glue of all
cognitive executive
functioning in both focus
and short term working memory
and to get that all working together
as a finely tuned Ferrari.. along with integration
of senses to go along with regulation of emotions
sure.. 12 million words eventually come and a Bible one
a half times as big as that old King James Version in 9 months
with this 80th Macro Verse heAR.. but you kNow.. if you do view this
MacroVerse and see wHere i come from.. where at one point.. the McDonald’s
Cashier.. mistook me for a girl at about 12 or 13.. and sure.. i’ve got the photos
to make you believe it.. coming as mementos of photos stored at my Mother’s home
too.. and when they tell you as you talk so strange and move so strange and wear
your hair and your clothes so strange that you don’t deserve to exist.. you either
become Superman or you FucKinG Give up.. thing is.. My Mother never ever
expected us or limited us in whatever we wanted to be.. she never
told me i couldn’t be Superman.. just like she never told
me back then that i wouldn’t be able to do
#John1412.. as what were you
expecting.. someone to
come back
to actually
fly and walk
on water and raise
people from the dead
and steer bombs away
in sky from Nuclear Destruction
like a frigging movie or a myth.. nah..
3.3 Million words pluS as Ocean whole Poem
in 42 months.. 12 million words in 6 years..
6666 miles of Public Metro Dance in 40 months..
approaching 7 thousand miles close to the Spring
Equinox of 2017 in a little over 42 months too.. and this
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. now at 1.189090 Million Words
and that’s what a continuing Human Storm of DARk and liGhT
will Fruit when one never FucKinG gives up on the race of life.. no
matter what.. and does tHeiR best to Thank God for tHeRe life for a
more than
ever before..
juST a challenge for
YOU to do more.. if YOU
really believe what the so-called
Jesus Dude said is really possible
for human now.. with 100% Faith
as Fearless SmARt Hope and Love
noW.. tHERe are no limits.. THeiR are
no expectations and thEre are no tries but jusT do it NoW
in Victory
over Vengeance
for those who gave
up and became a bully instead of
Supermen and Superwomen and SuperEtC2..
TRumPinG Bullies every now.. With LoVinG LiFE alWays noW..
and nah.. didn’t make a frigging Lincoln Penny off of any of it as
this reward of life as gift is beyond all tools that human make as idols of life..
as the
is the full
100% Pure liGht of Love..
as simple reward of Heaven now..
takes work though baby.. a lifetime of work
that never ends as perfection of practice and never perfect..
goeS oN..
And hehex2.. it’s
worth noting.. thaT
Body was 60Lbs ago.. too..
at 170Lbs back in ’83.. and
it remained that way for years
to come.. no matter what i ate until
hmm.. about when i got married in ’90
at 190Lbs and now at 230Lbs.. or so..
i reAlly did love to run..
ran track in high school
too.. for over a decade
more but dance has so
many more benefits
as the
continues to prove..:)

Facebook Friend Rafiah drops
by for a short quick sweet note..

Freddy, I see you..:)

And i return somewhat
mischievously by saying back again..

Hey… it
Took this..
To get Even
Katrina to

Copy of a MicroVerse
as shared on Facebook
too.. from a year ago..
as what remains when
i dance the beach
in photo
too all flow
all spiral
aS Such in ratio style2..;)

So.. what kind of animal
leaves prints on the beach..
that resemble lines of waves
as they shore the beach.. what kind
of animal.. flows like the MilkYway
in Golden Spiral Phi.. that too..
are lines of waves
as they shore
the beach..
should iT be obvious..
sure iT should be second
Nature to flow as God.. now..
as water and beach become
one Force oF balance beach
and human
sAMe.. when
one becomes
water.. ocean..
waves.. and
shore line all iN oNe
ForCe noW..
the result iS
i could show ya how to
juSt do iT.. but only you
can do iT..
as iT iS an
inside.. outside..
all around now..
above so below..
juSt Do iT JoB.. now
wheRe Form oF God
naturAlly reflects the
essence of aLL that iS
that iS God from
top to bottom
oF inFiniTy


And a MacroVerse memory way way back
from 3 years ago as “She Wolf Lives”..
as i go a ‘little’ further than only running
or dancing too aS expreSsing the Golden
Spiral Phi as essence come in form
of juST anoTheR
of God
who has
come to
Move as
the Pattern of God
aS UniVerse more.. above
so below.. inside.. outside.. all around..
and even come as essence of human form too..:)


Lazarus and a Beer.. yes.. documenting Spring cleaning by
the wife Katrina.. even going as far as washing windows..
last year in this Memorable MacroVerse way
too.. and sure more than
that with
a real time
story now
Lazarus and a Beer
as fully reported in the MacroVerse heaR..;)

A quote as my first deeper meaning poetic
remark on Facebook ever on March
1st.. 4 years ago on
as the private
message i shared with
my first Facebook then
at the end of February
that ended up becoming
my first Perspective pre-Macro
Verse post in Google Blogspot way
on March the 10th..2013.. anyway it began
on Facebook with the quote as copied below..

Kind Autistics Taking In Everything Mindful in Awareness
Autistic Love
And the Science of Kindology
An Ideological First Identity

Sure.. a creative acronym take on
the phrase KATiE MiA.. as not only
a version of my wife’s first and middle
name.. but also a way of looking at the World
wHeRE the Present is more Gold that past and future..
in all FeeLinG and SenSinG way of liFe more than jusT words
as Physical and Emotional Intelligences beCoMme regulated mOre
as sensory integration too.. in ways of MoVinG.. ConNecTing and
CreaTinG even more free from head to toe more too.. wHere we
also create an iDeology bY Director.. ‘i’ as actor.. ‘I’..
producing that actor with plenty exclamation point!
SpiRit eXpreSsinG heaRt of Kind as study
of Kind in Kindology way too.. in
yes.. a miNd
and BoDy
fuLLeR soUL way too..
wiTh bottom line to top
of the lines of Fearless
smARt Unconditional LovE NoW2..:)

And that’s about it for this MicroVerse
pARt of MacroVerse whOle Ocean Whole Poem
And “Nether Land Bible 2017.. as WeLL..:)


Hello.. gigoid.. been taking care of business
with the passing of my mother and
will be.. for awhile.. but wanted
to come by
for your more
intense effort here
at least.. to drop a ‘few’ lines..
Hope you are doing well out there
in the Big Blue Room of Oxygen as you
say and hope the
air out
there is
breathable in
all of human ways…

“…life is long enough if it is well-spent.”

~~ Erasmus ~~

As science shows now.. life
is only as long as the depth of the
emotional and sensory mindful and
bodiful awareness of the present of the moment..
and sure..
words get
to that reality
of experience.. helpful
or not.. as liGht and dARk
grows or not with all the potential
sHades of grey attached to the
complex tool of words
that humans
grow to
be beyond the
essence of experience
of emotions more regulated
and senses more integrated
and self actualization to highest
summits of Maslow’s hierarchy as
Pyramid as well as Fowler’s
Pyramid of Faith
from Myth
to Agape Love
for all that iS in what
some folks name God in
many different languages and
metaphors through all of history
and indicated as artifacts of long ago too..
social animals bind.. togeTheR using all
tools available as far as humans go as science sHows too..:)

“There is nothing like death.
To it, everything is a metaphor.”

~~ Subtle Bee ~~

SMiLes.. my friEnd.. trUe.. unless as you say
there IS A great adventure after Death and it’s
worth noting again that about 1 percent of the
population is born innately evil in terms
of gaining tHeir only pleasure
from harming others
as the brain
is basically
FucKeD uP at Birth..
in this way.. so.. if there is no
rhyme and reason or true
meaning and purpose
to whatever existence
noW is is beyond
material reductionism
and as science shows above
reflects below at the Sagan level..
the 800LB Gorilla in the room is the
still mystery of human consciousness as
the rider of the Camel and the Elephant
that we hold dear as the words we say
to express all of what we sentient sTar
dust plUs notice about life above
the camel
elephant of
what lies and tales
the truth below.. scientists are so
far behind on the inner realities of
the human experience of conscious awareness
in repeatable experiment way and so far away from
measuring even the tiniest paRts of ReaLITy beyond
subatomic flow.. sure.. wish for a great adventure but
the reality is.. the energy both in material reductionism
and what we worship and praise as holy and sacred Rational
Consciousness above the Camel and the Elephant that science
now proves are the emotions and the senses that rule all rationality
at our verbal level of navigating our realities in song over dance as
priorities come more in recorded intelligence way in written language
and complex cultures and burial ceremony flowers.. same as 30 thousand
years ago.. what remains now is what binds us now.. and in terms of original
Greek etymology.. my friEnd.. in all the ways that comes in material reductionistic
view or myth and magic and Nocebo Voodo and Placebo Prayer.. what Binds us
toGeTheR otherwise known as the term religion is what binds us toGether as
no matter
what the
ritual is that
comes next.. hehe..
posting every day on blogs
or twice a week.. come hell or
high water or whatever comes next..
in other words.. my friEnd.. once you
remove all these words.. the essence remains..
and if Positive energy in the Universe attracts Positive
energy in the universe and Negative energy in the Universe
attracts Negative energy in the Universe and as Sagan and ‘others’
say we are Sentient Star duST plUS aRiSinG from Crucible of Star
DeAth Burst and Resurrection of those gaseous duSts into
StAR duST uS sentient plUS now.. i WiLL
DancE/SinG go for the positive and juST Do
iT or end up
in the
1 percent
later on and perhaps
be a politician.. a priest
or even a philosopher or two
who don’t understand that rationality
at most is still a present now ruse..
and surely.. the muse of essence2..
is what continues to make the news@6
as EmoTioNs and SenSEs do continue
to rule the Science of being human now for
the little science does KNoW about the bigger picture
and much bigger picture UniVersaL miNds eYes Views..
iN other wordS it’s kinda silly not to be joyous about the miracle of liFE
if one
can and
wiLL and jusT
do iT of course..
alWays easier sAid
in words thaN what
comes in essence neXT..
and usuAlly thAT paRt of what
i fiNd is best regulated and integrated
in that miracle of the present of now
with a totAlly non-verbal dance oF
liFE as that present of NoW..
no confusion
of words
all the Joy of Life noW..
hehe.. @leASt for me
as i for one inherit
that present
Here’s.. A thing.. my friEnd..
the only adventure for
me is now..
don’t need
no promises
or fictional myths..
iN this heaven @least
for me.. is only now.. i inherited it.. what more could
i ask for.. from dARker space and empty cold and hot rocks..
i’ll make
it all a piece
of cake now and don’t
even need no icing.. later on.. my friEnd..
juST.. ’cause.. i can and will and do it now..
and if that makes me a chosen
one and
ain’t fair..
perHaps i did make
this reaLiTy now from
way way back then by simply thennow
never ever giving up on the positive now..
and i’m not stupid enough to say i KNoW anything.. my friEnd..
but i am smART enough to feeL iT aLL and seNse iT all iN the beauty
and wisdom
now.. juST alive now..
mindfully and bodily aware
as ‘they’ say in the present of now..:)

“You’re not ready for what I think.”

~~ Fox Mulder ~~

Here’s another thing.. my friEnd..
when one kNows nothing and feels
and senses all now instead.. nothing anyone
else says.. now.. can get ya down at all.. as one
realizes beyond words that’s the ruse and the buzz is the heaven within..
and man..
it takes a
lifetime as far
as i don’t kNow
to get here my friEnd..
particularly riding elephants
and camels like more of what
underLies me for ONE as trUth..
aS liGht
out of dARk..:)

“History does not record anywhere at any time
a religion that has any rational basis.
Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough
to stand up to the unknown without help.
But, like dandruff, most people do have a religion
and spend time and money on it
and seem to derive considerable pleasure from fiddling with it.”

~~ Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love (1972) ~~

Hmm.. wiNKs.. reference
back to the ‘last’ thiNks..;)

“But a short time elapsed after the death
of the great reformer of the Jewish religion,
before his principles were departed
from by those who professed to be his special servants,
and perverted into an engine for enslaving mankind,
and aggrandizing their oppressors in Church and State.”

~~ Thomas Jefferson, [letter?] To S. Kercheval, 1810 ~~

i’ve got a copy of the Jeffersonian bible that is simply
a more gnostic re-hash of what remains of
words attributed
to just another
son of man
in a book where
all biblical scholars
now understand the problems
of the integrity of that.. and nah..
Jefferson’s version don’t ring totally
true to me either.. it’s also obvious how
Washington DC is laid out that our country
was developed by Free masons.. overall..
who wanted to escape the monarchy
of a Supreme Being imagined
to be one of
control along
with the representatives
thereof.. they decided that
rights of life.. liberty.. and the pursuit
of happiness was more like God as
a Republic instead.. one nation under FREE
my friEnd.. getting tHERe slowly as maKing that
happen with a being with strong tribal instincts
only evolved to live in relatively small groups
that are heterogenous as small groups go..
and do do.. is surEly and verily
like herding cats where
the dog of ration
is a
hard dog to pet..
or Trump as that goes with Love for all
in Fowler and Maslow enlightened and awakened ways..
the elite
as they
say in abundance
out of scare city rural
areas and deserts and
snowy mountains aS Such..
on a beach.. under the shade
of a tree..come to be in heaven.. go to a desert and you get a tribal God inSTEAD
to gain fertile land for subsistence by warrior kill and rape and pillaging too.. in HELL..
no adventures
again tHEre.. my friEnd..
but hey.. what are words after death..
other than “spiritual” energy/force/ART
defeating entropy in recorded KA ways..
now turn it into senses
and feelings
MaGiC liveS on..noW
that’s enough for me..
my friEnd.. the adventure now..
as the ‘rest’ (GOD) will take care of itself after
death but the trUe liGht MaGiC is we can dreAM nexT now2..
and only a ‘fool’ would do something not to feel and sense good..
but remember..
of course as for
some folks.. only pain is pleasure of someone else’s pain..
as science most definitely sHows in ‘that’.. ‘1 percent’ now..
nah.. don’t
come back
as A dEvil.. daM
suRe.. not now..:)

“What is it the Bible teaches us? – rapine, cruelty, and murder.
What is it the Testament teaches us?
– to believe that the Almighty committed debauchery
with a woman engaged to be married,
and the belief of this debauchery is called faith.”

~~ Thomas Paine — The Age of Reason ~~

Of course..
‘that one’
and one
one’.. two..
was/is written
in a F
Rocky Desert
S C A R C I T ie S
wHere soMe humans
moved and some reFused
to move on to greener pastures..
meanwhile.. the Indians of abundant
places dance(d) naked with each other..
smiling in orgies of Love toGeTher like an Adriana
Grande Song.. was/is God pissed living within those
people.. sure..
an orgasm
every now..
meanwhile.. ‘other
people’ enjoy getting pissed on
as the record continues to sHow..
A Trump of Love A Trump of Hate..
just survive
with heART or snake..:)

“All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish,
appear to me no other than human inventions,
set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.”

~~ Thomas Paine ~~

Sure.. the religions
in places
a little Anthropology
goes a long way
to better
what even the essence
of language and humanity is..
in binding
way in peace and
harmony of beach and rain forest
or anger and hate and violence of desert
and snowy mountain ways..
with the
poverty of aLL
of the Spirit within
that never rises close
to Maslow and Fowler’s
pyramid of
like the Founding
Free Masons said too..
albeit.. excluding women and
‘colored/other folks’ then in
living then/now too..
butt sure.. the tribal
instinct lives on then now for those
trapped by the Nature of the human beast too..:)

“All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish,
appear to me no other than human inventions,
set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.”

~~ Thomas Paine ~~

And it’s true ‘they’
have those sucKy
casteS.. even
India2 with
Hinduism too..
with a billion or so folks+..
square one root problem
as usual.. insanely large numbers of
humans living together equals
scarCities and Chaos
to keep
‘roaches’ in ‘motels’..
and never veering off of sidewalks too..
it’s truly ugly for the majority and not worthy of praise and worship
in some places in the world for sure.. but hey.. it’s Nature at its dARkest
and yes
all that is
out of Balance
in human form of essence too..
Karma.. roll the bones.. pay the dues of do
or no
do do..;)

My church is Nature/God sAMe..
in Balance
i dare anyone
to prove it’s not heaven now..
as no one
has yet..
and i for
one prove it’s real..
all that is is now..
and for
iT’s isREAL..
does everyone get it..
no.. of course not.. tHere is dARk too.. rhetorical for all that is..
no misSinG it.. it lives everywHeRE sTiLL in the World/UniVerse2
now.. with Karma of all that is for reaLiTy of DARk and liGht now..
Yin and Yang and Kali and the Cosmic Dancer and such
as that too..
hey.. now..
but at least..
i feeL and sense
the other place then2..
now a little sympathy from
a devil2
to live ‘tHeRe’2..:)

“The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity.
Nowhere in the Gospels do we find a precept
for Creeds, Confessions, Oaths, Doctrines,
and whole carloads of other foolish trumpery
that we find in Christianity.”

~~ John Adams ~~

A Crux sTiLL
in all of that…is..
And John Quincy
Adams saw into
the weaknesses of
so-called secret
societies then of
Free Masonary too..
it’s rather simple to me..
any organization that refuses
women in are lacking half a brain
afraid of divine feminine love and grace now..
A worst kind of weakness.. sureLY.. VeriLY.. hAlf a bRain
in metaphor
of course
aS iT
AtoP AtLas
ShUdder ShoulDers sTiLL..;)

“…this would be the best of all possible worlds,
if there were no religion in it.”

~~ John Adams, Letter to Thomas Jefferson, 1816 ~~

SMiLes.. John A..
A little Anthropology
101 would help to understand
that it is ‘the bind’
at core of what
A social animal
is and for human
inherently fixated
expresSinG and
labeling emotions
and senses and
commonly shared experience
with abstract symbols from vocal
now to
and tribal
there will always
be the etymology of
religion as the essence of binding two or more
togetHeR as culture/church/politics/sports/science/philosophies/eTc..
as whatever
with a similar
dance of song now..
toGeThER DanCinG and SinGinG NoW..:)

The only place religion does
not exist iS iN the abyss
of piece of paper
existence where
one feels and
senses no
connection to
anything all that is..
that’s hell.. my friend..
a place where tHeRE are no binds but escape..
wHeRe yes.. escape becomes the religion in hell..
been tHEre done it.. a thousand years in one second
where all is time and all is hell and if one thinks that burning forever
is a worst
think at
all.. NOT feel and
sense 0 point piece
of paper existence
trapped in A Genie
bottle of hell forever now
Lesson lEarned.. bind all
that is to one.. make every
step and word and every emotion
and sense holy and sacred full of meaning
and purpose in abstract construct way too..
make all
of life
no dARk or liGht
then Heaven coMes..
perhaps one has to go to
hell first to truly get ‘heAR’.. my friEnd..
to understand that away from bind is hell..
the essence of all that is good is bind for those who feeL and sense
of LiVinG
all that is now
binding toGeTher
forevermorenow.. aS onE..
the opposite of hell.. my friEnd..
works for me at lEast as inheriTinG
the dArk and
meek and last
for what all that is now..:)

“For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered.
But for those of us who can’t readily accept the God formula,
the big answers don’t remain stone-written.
We adjust to new conditions and discoveries.
We are pliable.
Love need not be a command or faith a dictum.
I am my own God.
We are here to unlearn the teachings
of the church, state, and our educational system.
We are here to drink beer.
We are here to kill war.
We are here to laugh at the odds
and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.”

~~ Charles Bukowski ~~

i feel so sorry
for someone
who isn’t ‘strong’
to enjoy
life to the
max without
a frigging beer..
another benefit
of hell.. maKing heaven one’S own..
i have nothing against weak people as i was
A dEvil as A weakest one oF all too.. in hell2.. wHeRE2
i would have done anything for a drop of anything to get me out of tHeRE2..
yes.. the Lazarus story doesn’t do it justice.. either.. thAT’s trUe too..
thing is..
in tHeRE..
nothing.. nah..
works for.. now…
For one who is one
with God/Nature.. no ‘additives’ needed
in balance.. pre-packaged for fun.. fair.. nah..
i didn’t do anything to deserve heLL.. AFAIK..
reAlly.. except for
now.. the after
Karma pARTy..
wHeRE most
asks me
soMe of what i’M oN..;)

“Patriotism is the willingness
to kill and be killed for trivial reasons.”

~~ Bertrand Russell ~~

Liberty.. is usuAlly only
trivial for those
who have
never trUly
tasted Free..
And WiTH A death of
Patriotism/Tribalism is also
A Willingness to share that Free
aCross Borders oF Past Tribalism/Patriotism now..
is no trUly
Free without
forgives and
gives and shares..
with Mercy more of Love..
as FreeLiGht gRows Ocean wHole..
but aGain.. those who are free.. master A camel and elephant as
Master/Rider FReED.. odd they are and so far apARt they coMe..
unplugGinG heAR and THeRE.. dReAMinG oThERs FRee2..
liKe A pLay oF A
MaGiC Flute..
for those
A DancE and SonG..noW..:)

“Some writers have so confounded society with government,
as to leave little or no distinction between them;
whereas they are not only different, but have different origins.
Society is produced by our wants,
and government by our wickedness;
the former promotes our happiness *positively*,
by uniting our affections,
the latter *negatively*, by restraining our vices.
The one encourages intercourse,
the other creates distinctions.
The first is a patron, the last is a punisher.
Society in every state is a blessing,
but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil;
in its worst state an intolerable one….”

~~ Thomas Paine, opening lines of _Common Sense_ 1776 ~

~~ *asterisks denote Paine’s use of italics* ~~

Yes.. Government is a
necessary so-called
evil for those humans
who live in insanely large
populations.. tHere is
no other
but rules
when humans
no longer connect
to the entire group as friends..
and as one agrees later down on
in this piece.. about 200 or so
sets of eYes
is wHere
some kind
of Government becomes
a reality with humans living out of
so-called Natural Balance.. i have no
problem with Government as i master
it for now..
not to
say i won’t
have problems
again.. but the seagull
doesn’t worry about asteroids
coming and other stuff like that..
Government is slow and psychopaths
who run it.. won’t kill themselves first..
as psychology indicates at least.. hehe..
statistically now.. i have no worries.. so i live on for this great adventure now..
it’s what one does in mostly empty space and cold and hot rocks now.. life ain’t fair
and licking
is great for squirrels..
ride the wave until it ends..
change what ya can and enjoy the rest..
as once again.. a great adventure now.. if one can and will.. now2..:)

“Money made a vow to itself,
that no one who didn’t love it,
would ever have it.”

Irish Proverb

i ignore
for me
at least
that’s why i have
all i need.. i ignore money..
it naturally grows when one
don’t need it.. i find at least.. now.. hehe..
it’s like
it’s Math.. Heha..
i ignore money.. so much..
when it comes.. i just ignore
it more and it continues to grow..
like a FucKinG Money Tree.. And..
i juSt hope those who
inherit that shit..
don’t bLow it up
tHeir nose like my
step-sister did with
her Mother’s inheritance of hell and
die way too soon2.. iF only she had
that gift.. the first Woman my my Father married..
the one who rather stays at home and raises one’s kids
with hugs more than go to work and make some big bucks
for some
stuff.. a vicious
cycle.. it is.. when
money and all its
vices attempts to FeeL a wHole.. empty of Love..
‘Fore.. for A couple hundred thousand years entire villages
yes.. small.. raised children with touchy feely love.. noW it’s FucKinG
Barney the Dinosaur through the lonely stare of crib bars now.. then2..
and plastic
FucKinG cold nipples..
that feel and sense no Love aT aLL..
it is what is is.. Nature Nature.. God sAMe..
pay the piper all Karma due of do do now..
HeHe.. i praise single Welfare Food card
great thanks
for what is important
in life.. love over pride..
love over
all when love reigns real..
A best part of Government
is one that understands what is
most important.. a home of touchy
feely love for a child at all costs more without..
And nah.. no welfare for my Mother but my Father
stayed long enough.. where i would stay rich all my life without
a green bLack dollar.. required to fill that up until i became its slave too..
as money
truly is a root of
all human suffering now..
when it becomes empty Love..;)

“The races of the Galaxy look towards
mankind as the essential lunatic element.”

~~ Terry Pratchett, “Strata”, pg. 60 ~~

Meh.. Love brought this all to
a head now.. if we didn’t cooperate
so much as being human.. the virus
of cultures/religions would have never become the
out of control experiment oF all that is now..
Love IS A
out too..
back in for balance..
but with rationality
over emotion now..
nah.. more likely
a more
difficult answer
as solution of emotions/
senses/ though aS Surely hiStory
and all news continues to sHow.. as Muse.. Nothing
‘normal hUman’.. Trumps human emotion/senses.. dARk or liGht..
EmotionS and senses win.. liGht or dArk..
in other words.. my friEnd.. believe
it or not Ripleys..
and Horatios
and other
folks like that..
it’s common
sense now..
the answers
will have to be found
in ‘Religion’ as EmotionS and Senses rule thE
DancE and SonG for all of whaT iS hUman StiLL now..
AnD what i do mean is the essence as
Etymology of ‘Religion’ in what BindS iN
Unifies uS as Victory
BindS iN
Us as Vengeance.. anyWay..
i’M betting on noW as all that is Love
at LEast..
bE tHe Love yA
wanna be or not for all i can and WiLL DO now..;)

AnyWay.. my friend.. thanks for putting toGetHer
all of what this is aS Highly muSinG to me
in your efforts heAR..
Life doesn’t
have to
And it won’t make sense..
unless we personally co-
create it that way..
to suit our
sense and
taste and
feel for all
that is and..
it’s kinda nice
to be lost
in a village
this large.. as no
one notices me anymore..
enough.. to try to change me..
as most everyone under 40
is strange now.. too.. heHe!..
A beauty of
true chaos
as long as it lasts..
the strange thrive in
a world more of strange..
i’m gonna enjoy this chaos
as long as it lasts.. no FucKinG
for me..
my friEnd..
i’LL take the tapestry
as masterpiece of chaos
on the long way home.. Free
as subatomic flow swirls around in me
for what i for one see as
a beautiful world now.. sTiLL..
FucKinG Fabulous
aDvenTure NoW..
and i’m
not asKinG
for anything else..
now.. but as ‘they’ STiLL
DancE and SinG.. NoW.. thE REAL
Money Tree continues to GroW mY FriEnd..
don’t need
to kNow thaT..
i for one
born this way thaT works..
forevermore now.. juST now..;)



More ‘Memento’s From Mother Helen’.. and yes in ‘this’
photo from DownTown Milton at my Grandmother’s
home where i was raised next to the Railroad
Trestle on BlackWater River in
DownTown Milton
in a hundred year
old or so shot-gun
home.. where the beauty
of the River and the Flowers
in the yard outshines anything
that human can build as homes
away from Nature Free.. you see..
i write poetically to make more of life..
Holy and Sacred full of meaning and purpose..
12 million words of effort have come into maKing
the River of my SouL Bleed Beauty.. from the dArkness
of Before.. but it is real and so am i.. and so is this Wonderful
Adventure of life as i am still amazed by what comes in every word
and step of life.. in other words.. the rider of the camel and elephant
that is the mindful awareness in both mind and body from head to toe..
is surely amazed by the camel and the elephant that are just metaphors
for what lies as truth living
within the subconscious
mind that is
a collective
whole of all
i’ve experienced
in my life.. and while it might
be hard for the folks at Old Seville
Quarter to imagine me as a little
boy in a cowboy hat.. where i actually
road in a ’57 Chevy in the year ’63.. or so
after the Birth Control Pill first came on the market
when i was born on the 6th day of the 6th month of
the 6 decade of ’60.. last century as now goeS on..
My mother pictured ‘here’.. on the
record of what it means
to be feminine..
voted by her
highschool peers
as having the best figure then..
and noted by my Father’s Mother as
having the most beautiful skin for a woman
she ever saw glowing white as estrogen does
when expresSinG at high levels as my cowboy hat does opposite..
‘here’.. before my Father left.. wRite about the time John F. Kennedy
was assassinated then… in November of 1963.. and my mother was so
inspired.. and saddened by my Father leaving and really stressed
out.. looking for answers somewhere in her life.. that she radically
changed from being a Protestant.. moving to Catholicism..
inspired by the widow Jackie and her two
children with the ritual of the Catholic
Church then.. anyway.. explains
how a Grandson of an
Priest.. got
in the Catholic
Church.. hehe..
let’s face it.. all us folks
approaching 60 years old and
older now have seen a lot in life..
have done a lot in life and are still involved
in a brand new cultural experiment through what
we all experience now as a thousand lifetimes and more
of virtual mirror neuron experience of watching and listening
to the medium of home entertainment.. nah.. didn’t have a TV
until age 7 and i didn’t actually have a color TV until age 16.. and
when that console blew up about 2 years later.. i didn’t have another
Color TV until age 26.. purchased with my first Lowe’s Credit Card at
that age.. and i never filled out a check until age 28 and lived mostly at
home until that age with some stints with other folks living in apartments
until i finally lived alone in an apartment at age 28 and got married shortly
after that while living in an apartment with my sister at age 29.. moving into
more apartments.. living with my mother and my wife until age 33 to save enough
money for the start of a mortgage in ’93.. eating pork and beans and those big packages
of cheap leg quarters.. somehow.. saving three thousand dollars while both me and the wife
still made close to minimum wage and below minimum wage dollars today and finally bought our
modest home in the Forest that we still live in today.. all paid off as such as my debt went
on all the way from age 26 until just a couple of years ago in at least car and home loan
mortgage way.. slave to debt.. like everyone else.. but in that year of ’93.. my
non-appropriated Federal job at the little Military Bowling Center was
changed over to appropriated.. GS-5 pay and my pay went
up.. almost double.. and next thing ya know..
i moved from Blue Chevy Cavalier to
Green Teal Camaro and
got into debt some more..
as that is how the American Dream
Steals your freedom of choice away..
in stuff.. in stuff.. and more stuff.. until
the camper and boat is no longer used in the
backyard.. if ever used at all… or for those higher
ups.. the Yacht never leaves port and is used for a dinner
party once a year… same old shit.. same old American Dream
that really is a nightmare for many folks as how many homes does
Oprah need and what does a F iN 10 million Dollar home do for your
Eternal Osteen Soul.. the best pARt of going to Hell is.. you finally figure out
money and stuff don’t mean shit.. don’t mean shit.. don’t mean shit.. all that you
have is the soul that you lost.. all that other shit was just an illusion that helped take
your soul away.. and nah.. no fairy tale soul.. the miNd and BoDy Balance within as
Kingdom of Heaven of emotional regulation and sensory integration where we
become spiraling dervishes without having to stay in synch
with the dude spiraling next
to you..
or girl..
if you live in
an area where the
two can mix in dance..
hehe.. and hold hands and
give a kiss on the cheek for free
and innocent love as all love is when totally free..
like these words that have the navigator below as
the elephant and the camel is set free in greater mindful
and body awareness from head to toe as the rider flies higher
and higher and the camel passes through the needle and all of human
God Given potential is free in a metaphor of the Quantum miNd and BoDy
unleasHing and releaSinG iN Greater BaLanCinG soUL way of HeaRt expresSing
SpiRit of EmoTioN as the soUL Flies HiGher and hiGher in MoVinG.. ConNecTing
Ways of ImaGinAtioN and CreaTivity with all that is as Nature plUs aka God all that is
NoW all now all.. as GoD eYes BrightER as Lamp of Human PoTenTiaL NoW.. 24 carat Gold.. NoW
Baby.. in terms of within.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below and all around now.. let’s face
it.. yes.. we need subsistence..in terms of food.. drink and shelter and basic tools for creature
comforts and more than anything.. we need each oTheR to accomplish that sTiLL.. but beyond
that what do you really need.. for you to decide.. of course.. could be another Oprah Home..
a Bigger Osteen Home.. could be a few more Golden ornaments on a Christmas
Tree in a Trump Tower too.. but when the Trump way says that only
the rich are happy.. truth is.. they are never truly happy as
happy only means you are happy
with what you have
in material
and need
nothing else to
complete you now..
as far as human potential
goes.. the soUL continues to
build thee more stately Nautilus
Mansions of heART.. as Spirit and
SoUL to twist some words by Oliver
Wendell Holmes as Home of within
beyond taller Towers that Trump the
height of other towers.. and sure.. as i told my wife
one day.. see that table over there.. that is not just a table..
that is part of the spiRit in KA Egyptian terms of the sOUl of the
person who designed it and even the worker bee effort in drone way
of the folks who put it together.. namely you and me and all the other folks
who helped bring it into existence now.. as there are swirling electrons around
atoms and subatomic flow in that table leg same as you and me.. sure.. a little paraphrasing
heaR as if i had told it this way to the wife all vocal she would have said.. shut the F uP.. you
are giving me.. yes.. a Fredache now.. hehe.. great thing about online is.. tHeRe is an off
switch everywhere you go.. haha.. and i can be all of who i can be like the Army
says and the rest is just a fredbuffet all served out in online banquet style.. haha..
that’s the thing.. this is a brave new world.. there is no longer just a cowboy
haTe.. a scarf for a head.. some fashionable cat eye glasses and
lots of estrogen fueled love beside a ’57 chevy on
the lawn of a Beautiful Blackwater River with
the sounds of choo choo and the
passing sound of the Rail Road
Whistle that can remind
you that sAdly the
past has gone
by and is not coming back..
hmm.. in human terms.. i can still
hear that whistle.. and in terms of KA
Spirit.. my Mother’s spiRit in non-verbal
language now surely lives online in memorial
as most all 12 million words of what i have originally
written in real time online still exist of me and myriads
of different places in repetition too.. seriously.. if you count all
the places my words are.. there is likely at least a tenth of a billion
of them that exist heRe and tHeRe.. sure.. easily 100 million words as
The Google search Wizard can connect almost any word now with Katie
Mia or Aghogday too.. try it sometime.. hehe.. you’ll be amazed.. particularly
considering.. i did it in just 75 months now.. haha.. nah.. just kidding.. don’t try it..
it’ll likely give you a Fredache.. too.. hehex2.. anyWay.. i’ll let Google sort that all out for
free.. don’t need no card catalog for anything i ever wrote.. just a few key words and voila..
history comes back to play.. but yeah.. too busy moving forward.. usually.. to look back at all..
if i’m lucky.. to read anything at all i’ve already written.. as i am out to test the waters of human
potential.. juSt for a hobby and the fAct that it feels reAlly good in limitless way.. as ‘Lucy’ might
say too.. from the furry beginnings to a movie that comes isreal now too.. in this coming Macro
Verse.. there is probably a hundred Memento photos or so.. and while dVerse Synchronistically
had a prompt on that Tuesday at the same time i was looking through my Mementos as happened
time and time again without fail with the prompts i was inspired by.. before i saw them in acausal
connecting way for the three years or so.. i engaged with most of what was done there..
i’ve seen too many coincidences in life not to understand there is an underlying
reality beyond all material reductionism that is all supra organism
of life as God.. of course.. i cannot prove that to anyone
who does not live in my personal eYes
of God that is that
unleashed and
released as me as
higher human God of all
Given potential that i for one
believe we all have inside.. in other
words.. i am no more special than a grain
of sand.. just been brushed by the
challenges that God
Brings all
my soUL
continues to Evolve
deep deep deep of all the
rider i.. sits upon the Camel and
Elephant and so much more of what
this potential of life in the interdependent
relationships with each oTheR and all our tools
and devices of culture have brought to the table
of the entire collective soUL of God uS now.. all that is
so far beyond the eYes of a clanky old scientific method
that measures science and never the whole view of the tapestry
of the painting that is the masterpiece of God that we brush together
as paint of one of the most beyond beautiful experiences that can be life now..
truly.. we live in magical times now.. where once what ways “Waiting for Godot”
is heAR now always for eYes that can see and take advantage of all the inherited
co-handed and feated gifts shared in abundance with all folks now.. who live in free
enough countries with avenues to bliss.. eternity.. IS A place now of all Love where you
never now get bored.. in Heaven NoW as any Jonathan Seagull with a cowboy hat on..
of Love.. you just fly a little hiGher and are no
longer afraid
to look
the ‘Sun’..
without blinking your
eYes for you are the star
that birthed you HeAR.. we
are the sTARs that are all isREal noW..
AnyWay.. back to the point about the dVerse prompt..
tHeRE is so much to be inspired by in all MoMenTos
of LIFE as a better spelling in my opinion as they do allow
us to relive moments of before that are actually the memories
of now.. and reaLiTy sAMe.. as all is miNd.. all iS BoDy.. aLL is heARt.. all is
SpiRiT And all is soUL NoW as some folks get attached to the things ‘out there’ in ‘solid
form’.. and this is wHeRe the issue of semantics and religion comes in.. when we talk
about within and inside.. and outside.. and above.. and so below.. and all around.. we
create our reaLiTies from birth with a deeper gift that is our mINd and BoDy soUL as
evolving in one lifetime now.. and this is so far beyond what concrete reality is..
as truly there is no concrete reality.. we make buildings as skyscrapers
to brinG an illusion of concrete order to quell the nerves in straight
lines and sharp angles for those who are afraid to go a little
more off the limb and
more to
soaring heights..
conservative.. they call it..
comes from a spirit that is no
longer as free or perhaps not born that way..
as science tends to show.. and that’s okaY as
insanely crowded populations of humans need those
rules to get along as science shows too.. other thing is..
as the ‘Matrix’ says and ‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull’.. too..
for those who live in countries more of abundance.. wHeRe the
more liberal nomads go to play.. the spiRit of the individual eYes
of God can unchain themselves and fly hiGher and Freer than ever
beFore.. while everyone else then and now scrambles for dollar bills and other
material desires of life.. external now.. to what lives inside.. yes.. the eYes of God
Free.. i used to be trapped as the tools that others created as culture too.. and it is
a trap that can be very difficult to escape.. particularly.. if one is spoon-fed this trap
from Birth with no reference point.. out.. you see.. the FAct that i didn’t have a TV until
age 7.. set my SpiRit inside freer even though i could not speak until age 4.. as children who
must face within.. they.. become dreamers more than the tools that surround them wHere the
soUL within radiates as the star shines briGhter within.. it’s pretty simple.. i can get it out now
as i am no longer feeding my self on a strict diet of the tools of others.. input is good.. particularly
a variety of input.. i still consume.. but output is more vital to the life of the eternal souL now.. it
gRows that way more.. when the soUL DanceS and SingS more than just eating life whole..
and Lord kNowS.. it takes a lifetime to GroW and more as uS in tHe TrUe and LIGht
KnoW SenSE and FeeL with zero words @aLL.. aka GOD.. within.. inside.. noW
outside.. above.. so below.. A BaLanCinG acT all oF liFE is and A Practice
as such that never ends Now.. LiFe is Only as FuLL as the Moment
of SenSe and FeeL anD suRE.. kNow too.. soar
or stAy StiLL..
tHeRe is
the sAMe
amount of tiMe now..
the rest is juST iLLuSions
of hands on a CucKoo CLock oF A
chaiNed rhyme with only reaSons…
Tree oF LIFe Flies HiGher when soars..FReED..:)

As ‘the Giver’ says and the words above..
yes.. somewhat indicate.. be careful what you
wish for baby.. as what is dARk is often liGht
and what is liGht is often daRk after the wash
and rinse cycle comes to dry out..
hehe.. anyWay.. i like
this new generation…
you kNow.. what ‘they’
name as mil·len·nials..
around age 37 and under.. i first
encountered them at work.. hehe.. supervising
them as such.. basically they didn’t give a fuck
about who the FucKinG head dude in charge thought
he was as the authority.. haha.. you see.. while some
folks believe the American Dream is one of Trumping the
next tower.. other folks go more back to the original thought
of the unalienable right to life.. liberty.. and the pursuit of happiness..
where let’s just say that the pursuit of happiness IS A little more subjective
than what is previously written in a book or the employee manual aS Such.. and can
you blame them.. after seeing all the Iraq lies.. and the continuing Republican Administration
in the so-called more liberal one after that as the bullshit continued on in hidden emails
and under the the table shit to get your way.. albeit.. the Obama got some freedoms
per say and DO.. of this original Declaration for the have nots of health care
and different sexual orientations that was a virtual
miracle in a country so divided as
all heterogenous cultures
as mELtinG pARTS
of all human
from around
the world are..
amazing.. this shit works
at all and not too surprising
that from the outside in.. it dAM
sure looks like it is falling apart like
a three rings circus with the head clown in charge
or trickster perhaps.. but never the less.. chaos iS in charge
and that is no surprise and to be expected.. all things considered
as NPR might say.. if continued funded of course.. not so.. haha..
the Millennials are the potential Bernie Sanders Saviors.. they trUly
are.. but hey.. there’s the 60’s and pretty much the same young folks then
who at least allowed a Clinton to get into office to try some new stuff and
promote some hook-ups just for fun too.. sexual liberation is inherent in all human
potential.. kinda takes the sting out of not having the biggest Trump Tower too.. haha..
he he.. and she she too.. and more.. the 20’s came and went too.. but these roaring Teens..
i’ve dam sure been enjoying while i still can at ’56.. heHE.. anyWay i’M heaR.. a few people
can see me.. like my friEnd Rafiah from Pakistan..
and that’s
enough for me..
considering.. i haven’t
made a penny off of any of
my Teens of 2000 stuff.. i’m
happy as a barefoot sparrow without human clothes.. wiTh
not even a FucKinG white robe.. just a 7.50 Dollar Walmart T shirt..
And some half price.. JC PenNy shorts and very long DancE and SonG too..
but yes.. i muSt take care of the feet approaching the feat of 7,000 miles in
just a little over a #John1412 ..42 months.. no barefoot tHeRe.. outside in
the sand.. yes.. but on the Mall floors.. no.. at about 125 dollars..
every three months.. in my signature Nike Shox.. 11 and a half
jocks.. in all athletic way feet.. haha.. not exactly
ballet shoes but works for a mix of
ballet and martial arts-like
Free verse
spirAling Dance..
but sure.. at my ease..
i float on land.. as walking
on water is so yesterday.. like
just another son of man.. he He..
once again.. John 14:12 Dances and Sings more..
unless ‘he’ was/is a Clinton and Bush and a Trump liar too..
who can you trust.. just do it like a Mil·len·nial of 2K is
what i for one continue to Give iN DancE and SonG FReED..
let’s JusT
saY at
was/is HeAR..;)


And now to bRinG this to
a RinGinG close wiTh some MacroVerse
Shares as usual.. heAR.. and sure.. even
with Forrest Gump and that Star Lord dude..
and so many more SuperHeroes as such.. the death
of tHeir Mother.. changed their lives in a new direction..
not sure of what that WiLL be in totaLiTy NoW but have alWays
fELt iT CoMing aGaIn all of MY liFe now.. hmm.. funny little synchronicities..
as truST me or Not.. tiMe.. sPace.. And diStance.. is only as real as you maKe that NOW..
“Naked TRUTH of philosophy”.. speaks to the tRuth and liGht of what it would be like
if Jesus comes back today.. and trUsT.. Jesus WiLL come back as humans get what they
wish.. when they wish for it together in a Nicene Creed with all the Muslims
and the rest of the Christians in terms of half the world aS Such..
that’s a lot of human imagination and creativity in self-fulfilling
prophecies.. in action aS Such.. hmm.. i suppose when i was a
runner..i fit the artistic archetype.. tall
and slim and dirty blonde with a beard
and eYes that can glow at times..
just stretch the arms out
a little bit up and
out and voila
a painting
of Fred
comes to life.. too..
and sure.. there is my mother
too.. by the way.. my sister’s real
name is Marie.. Helen means the giver of the
light by the way.. and Frederick means peaceful ruler
and Arthur.. my middle name.. means strong and my last name is
just another version too.. of the original Middle Eastern name of
God as Earth and Water makes Silt on page 8 of Karen Armstrong’s
“History of God”.. what else.. yeah.. born as the second gen.. son of
a Catholic Priest.. French Lineage through his wife too..
let’s get a little DaVinci Code in this if we can too..
and Jesus F iN Christ.. Mother could fit in a Mary
Robe too.. with lily white skin.. and
super feminine face with no
angles at all..
or sharp
sure.. why not..
let’s just dream a little more..
the things is.. we create our realties and
many folks have come to believe they are Jesus
now or at least rode that thEMe and MeMe to get a
Harem of women to live in a compound and stuff like that..
not much different than Muhammad really and his desire to break
the rules for number of wives from 4 to 9.. just for him.. and that’s
how you can always tale when a so-called false prophet comes to town.. they
say they are the only one or the first or the last.. when in God’s time there
is no only one but all and there is no first or last as time.. space.. and distance
does not even really exist in the relative imagination of even Einstein living
as science now too.. in other words.. we have Trump Fact checkers now..
and the biblical scholars realize that no one even knows
what the real Jesus looked like.. Fully said or did..
if he even..fully existed at all.. Faith is not juST
believing what someone said..
Faith is the
John 14:12 now..
that says and does
even more and that you
can do more too.. there is
a Christ born in every John 14:12
act.. surELy.. John Lennon and his Beatles
stARTed a Revolution of Love like that too..
i’M not famous and i don’t give a Fuck about money..
but even without hardly any help.. about 1.6 million folks viewed
my shit on Google plus.. what this means is.. the avenues for John 14:12
are more open than ever before.. now.. for those who are not afraid to exercise
tHeir God Given Potential and be a real Jesus now.. in terms of John 14:12..
NoW iN
metaphor way.
most people are
talking and waiting
And otHeR folks are FucKinG
juST doing it in Nike Victory way(S)..
Hell.. yes.. tHeRE are mosTly BeYond iNfinite Suns and Planets
and OTheR infinite ways.. what putS aLL toGeThER is NoW the God of all that is WE
and so
iN eXtra-
planetary ways..;)


on the Wrong Planet online of what science terms as A highest
populated place of Atheists online at about
a 26 percent mark as a Boston
College actual
study did make..
and after swimming amongst
the crocodiles.. i understand much
better noW in case study way and other research
ways of what makes them tick deep within.. they
simply do not sense and feel the connections to all that is (GOD) thaT our
gifts of hUman potential do usuAlly.. healthy bRing.. i lost mine too..
for 66 months.. and realize fully thaT iS an opaque window of heLL on eARTh
that is real for whatever reaSon that comes in Nature (GOD)
now.. as hUman.. but real as it is
for now.. i can
predict an Atheist
long before they tale
me.. just by the number of
emotionally heaRt felt words
they use in a paragraph or the
Joy that more comes when one has a
Faith in some MaGiC ACT more than a dry
science abstract of systemizing
repetitive bore
as robots
shuffling by
with no rhythm of
God of Nature as expreSsinG
spiRit now.. and if you think they
don’t exist at the Southern First Baptist Church..
tHeRe is no separation of the dead heaRT.. no matter what
label one assigns to oneself.. of the DeaD SpiRit and the Dead Trump soUL..
words are empty shells without
the Nature of this
SoUL oF SpiRit (GOD)
as EYes expreSsing HeARt
iN MiNd And BoDy BalanCinG
FreeR SpiRits now.. and no matter
what they labEL the Word(s) they/uS/wE/i wiLL
FeeL SenSe wE are ‘Christians’ by the uNconditional
acts of both words and doing that speLL
E in uNcoNditional
GiVinG shARinG altruistic
so-called normal healthy ways..
in MoVinG CoNnecTinG CreAtinG ways more
less the environment of machines
we live in make
us tools
Robots now..
sharing and linKing
fActs from sunrise to sunset
each day in a soUL that never lEarns
to DancE and SinG more than copy and paste liFe..
nah.. i’m not Jesus.. i am the FucKinG Terminator
tUrned into Good Guy noW2.. And as
promised i’M back.. T2 heHe..
NoW and with that sAaid.. more
flesh and blood duties are coMinG
i must travel to noW.. away from this
Terminator Keyboard that will imprison
me NoW if i don’t escape too.. now now now..
for i am
jusT hUman..
adhere to the
Laws of God as Nature plUs uS..
or pay the Karma of poTential eARThly HeLL..
off to
i DancE and SinG isREaL..
in yes.. FucKinG Flesh and Blood more..
with more fun photos.. coMiNg on the 3rd
of the 3rd month around 3 am after my 150th week at Old Seville Quarter
oF free verse dance ends with all the new Millennials (college age folks)
of the Teens in ’17.. of this new Century iN the art oF Free Dance NoW MoRE..:)

ONE more thing.. the Facebook Algorithm along with the two MacroVerse
Memories from three years ago and two years go.. bRings ‘this’
Memory as MicroVerse oF First written creative
piece on Facebook for the public in general..
thE first spiRit
FilLed words
from within..
and that spiRit has
been uPon me less and
more now for 48 full months..
just anotHeR Self-Fulfilling prophecy
come to pass noW as this shit is reAlly going
down in first person way with no one else editing ‘my’ words then/now but ME..
read between
or noT it’s iSReaL..;)

Ideology of Identity:

I think I was born as a kind of classical pantheist, as I saw patterns and connections in things that were more of my thinking process, along with the tactile sensory world, than what I think most people may experience as an internal dialogue of thought.

I still have a vivid memory of connection to everything in the world, as if I had been here forever, before I was able to speak that I cannot fully put into words, from about age 3 looking out into the distance over the river I grew up next to. But I think in some ways I knew more about my existence then than I do now, as I could not separate myself from what seemed like a very old home of nature.

I am glad I had the opportunity to roam desolate pristine beaches as a teenager and young adult, without any fear, and feeling one in being with the waves, white sand, emerald green gulf, sea oats and sea gulls, with no dramas in my head.

But even my ancestors could not experience that with not being sure where their next meal was going to come from. Not likely that many creatures in the Universe could experience a little slice of nirvana like that.

I can remember getting back into my car and being jolted back into the reality of all that is the complexity of modern culture, which at that point in time was so, so limited as compared to today. I was never quite the same after home computers came along, as I drifted further and further from a home of nature.

The people I dealt with in the public at that time, in what was a “Cheers” like environment, was also a slice of nirvana. Cigarette filled, but the emotional contagion of a hundred human beings that are happy that I had the privilege to serve and make even happier, equaled the nirvana of the walks on the sun-filled beaches.

I loved my exquisite sensory experience of life….

It was worth not being able to touch man made texture without goose bumps and an incredible feeling of discomfort.

When I see Landon Bryce’s book “I Love My Own Autistic Self”, the little guy on the front is how I usually felt inside that people could only see in the gleam of my eyes.

People often told me they wished they had what it was I had, or wanted some of the drugs I was taking, but I had no idea what they were talking about because there was nothing I wanted but to exist, for so many years…

It was a powerful feeling that no one’s negativity could take away from me, not even when the rest of the world told me I was not one of their kind.

Sorry, that was quite a tangent, but it is kind of therapeutic for me; I hope you don’t mind…

My point I started off with was religion and classic pantheism, which is all of nature and science for me; the cultural complexity of what has come from human collective intelligence, including all the strange oddities, even the strangest of religious cults and beliefs. But most of all the reality of that beach those waves, and those grains of sand, that do not exist without me.

A gift, a wonderful gift that was provided by my father and mother, and their ancestors where there could be no break in the chain of events of human struggle that all my ancestors experienced to survive and reproduce, and their rodent ancestors about 75 million years ago, and all the other ancestors not identified and material substances that came together to make that possible, from the origin of what is, whatever is, is.

That one point that I can only abstractly define because of the human collective intelligence that provides the map to what can be described, as one point that we all share that can never be disconnected, as long as we exist…

Wow, I just realized that sounds kind of like the intro to the “Big Bang Theory” TV show…

And relatively speaking the knowledge that I gained that this is one sliver of conscious existence and what really is a little slice of heaven for some that do exist, considering just the benefit of a warm soft bed, a hot shower, and things now considered so mundane that took billions of years to come into existence that were not here a little over a century ago. Like toilet paper…

But I could never experience that connection of what is, any stronger than when I was three. I have everything and everyone before me to thank for that experience… Including collective intelligence and the understanding of that one point that still exists in all of us and everything else…

I never met a stranger, not even a grain of sand on the beach…

But I did not feel a category, a religion, a race or even a gender for myself, which at least for me enhanced the ability to find a friend in that grain of sand.

I suppose it is the immune system issues and chronic pain that has taken some of that gleam out of my eyes, but it still exists in the eyes in what I perceive of the anthropomorphic expression of the cat in my face book photo.

Who at 18 years old is likely closer to the wisdom of that three-year-old child that only exists in my memory and pictures…

I sense that type of wisdom requires no human intelligence at all beyond the core that is shared.

I think it can be lost so much easier in a human into a little sliver of hell somewhere outside that balance of heaven.
Particularly in lives where instant gratification has become the norm…

I am at the service of my fully inside cat, but he has never had that gleam in his eyes, or the same struggles to survive.

The yellow cat in my Google plus avatar on the “Autistic Hoya” website, was a feral cat that only knew struggles in his several years of life behind our house in the woods.

He became my emotions after chronic pain had removed them from my existence. He gained a gleam in his eyes of gratitude to have a balance in his life when we allowed him a place to gain predictable subsistence.

An identical yellow cat that likely is his offspring, younger and stronger appears intermittently out of the woods and started to injure our now neutered cat, racking up $200 dollar vet bills, every other week so the once feral cat has now been forced to become a fully inside cat.

I am watching him slowly lose that gleam in his eyes, with the call of the wild slowly drifting away, along with all the likely incredible sensory experiences that come with an outdoor world that the other cat that never gets injured in fights at age 18, can still fully experience.

As I sit outside toward the back of my yard, in the afternoon sun, he is pacing back and forth politely, still with a humility of respect for a place of subsistence that keeps him from tearing the screen of the patio.

Perhaps if he could speak and let me know in words what I was taking away from him, I would listen.

But I cannot bear the thought of additional bloody wounds on his face. But still I remember what it means to have that connection and balance…

When I watch him pace back and forth, it is one of the few things in life that will bring a tear to my eye that reminds me that I too am still connected..:)

Other than that, it could be just a word like Synesthesia that seems to trigger something in my brain letting the brakes off the logic to move into figurative space.

At least for me, even one word can be a gift that leads me to a place in words that I don’t often visit.









BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

Book oF Ten Sixteen..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)


Grand Cross Bible 2016

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)


CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)


VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)


CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)


Nether Land Bible 2017

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)


img_9862 img_9863 img_9864 img_9865 img_9866 img_9867 img_9868 img_9870 img_9871 img_9873 img_9874 img_9875 img_9878 img_9879 img_9880 img_9881 img_9882 img_9883 img_9884 img_9885 img_9886 img_9887 img_9888 img_9889 img_9890 img_9891 img_9892 img_9893 img_9895 img_9896 img_9897 img_9898 img_9899 img_9900 img_9901

Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 18 Comments

Heaven is aLike aLL Over sTiLL noW



Facebook Friend Rafiah and Poet Blogger from Pakistan shares kind words about my Mother…

I never imagined myself such a beautiful death as having my beloveds around me with so much love and respect for me as you have for your mum. I feel for you. Your mum and me share same birth date as well..:) Live to the fullest with your mum and i hope she’s better now.

And i return with words that say..

Hi Rafiah.. thanks so much for providing these kind words
about my Mother and having a beautiful
death with beloveds around
one as
a time
and place
for all that is
love as long as
love dances and sings on..
My Grandmother’s Birthday was very
close to your birthday on September 13th..
as if i remember correctly your birthday is on
September 14th.. please correct me.. if i am wrong..
My Mother’s Birthday is December 10th and she did
pass away at 8:10 pm on 2.22.2017.. yes.. on Wednesday Night…
It is hard my friend but the greaTest
gift she gives me that
lives on is
love that
lives as me.. the
most beautiful gift of
Mother.. my friend.. as
the Grace of Love that flows
as river into an Ocean with boundless
shores.. where an insignificant grain of sand
as pARt of WhoLe can be friends with a nice young
woman like you on the opposite side of the globe..
Love grows my friEnd
when free..
my friEnd
when born by a Mother
and watered and fed as Garden of
Love to sow over a lifetime and be
continuously a Reap iN A Kingdom of Heaven
on this eARTh NoW.. my FriEnd.. whaT a gift by
A Mother that is.. nOw.. so holy and sacred and full
of meaning and purpose worthy of thanks and praise..
and i for one believe you will make a wonderful Mother
and Wife one day soon.. and sure.. a great Scientist too..
Color it all with Love and tHeRe is no otHeR pLace but the Heaven of Love..:)



Fellow Poet Blogger Friend
Xenia Tran offers kind blessings too…

I am so sorry for the loss of your mother.
She is at peace now and will always live on in your heart.
Sending love and blessings to you, Katrina, your sister and all the family.
Purple Heart Emoticon.

And i respond..

Hello.. my friEnd.. Xenia Tran..
wonderful poet
and canine
and respite
place for the
Greyhounds in how
you say ‘Galagos’ as their name from
where you are from.. now.. what a great
source of online hugs you have been/are
to wade all through my words and photos
of how Julie Andrews says in the Sound of
Music are pARt of God whOle.. as jusT a ‘few’ of my favorite things..
There was a time of life threatening
synergy of illnesses for me
totaling 19.. for 66 months..
invisible to
the human
eye and my Great
Aunt Jettie at age 94 said..
Fred.. we need to get to the root of all
your problems and the truth is.. chronic flight
and fight stress of the modern age automated
work world of combining people and machine responsibilities
as far as data download and output opposed to love killed my
heARt.. then my SpiRit.. then my
ever LoVinG soUL as gifted
so much as Love by
my Mother
grew that
Garden of Love in me..
For 33 months.. i could not use my
eyes and ears and looked within.. the ability
to write words came next for 33 more months..
and literally in the span of 6 million words the search
went on for me to find the essence of love in words as
empty shells that housed as vehicles and vessels what once lived
in me.. and last year about this time when i went back to the River i was
raised at.. when i felt such a close connection to God of Nature before i could
speak at age 4.. then at 3.. with Autism.. like i had been
heAr forever with God with no break..
at about age 5..
when i started going
to Kindergarten and my rationality
stArTed to beat my heART in ways of
straight A’s through three college degrees
and a quarter of a Century working for the Federal Government..
the price of what culture said i must do then to survive and supposedly
thrive was the free of Love that i was gifted with at age 5.. when i went
back to that River.. what i found my friend was/is.. i was/AM Five years old again..
NoW/theN Going Back home.. i finally arrived one with God in and as Love again FReED..
thaT pARt of Heaven at hand that Jesus could relate to as the Kingdom of God within..
in the same
a child
that perhaps
he found in a desert
away from the cultural
clothes that take away love
from eYes that move.. connect
and co-create with God.. as all that is..
as we humans come togethER and make
multi-uNiverses in God Connections more now..
as the hiGhest HUman potEntial of Love.. of yes..
the five
with no fear
of or to Love my friEnd..
and yes.. an excellent song as
i remember from Elton John to illustrate
this point further with a man who expanded his
heARt as an outcast at a very young age.. the heARt
lives oN my FriEnd that never gives up in fearless way..
even if
to be in
feel and sense
nothing at all left
in that other place of
the abyss of the anti-kingdom
of fear and emptiness of numb and pain
with doubt/fear potentially leading to hate.. in other words.. hell on earth…
and that’s one thing.. no matter what.. i couldn’t hate..
the greatest gift from a Mother sTiLL..
Thanks for the
kind prayers..
hopes and wishes
my friEnd.. look forward
to commenting on your liGht
fELt and sensed poetry soon
as words go on as more than
the past root
giFt Love.. My FriEnd..NoW..:)

Xenia says..

The greatest gift from your mother is such a blessing and
will live on through you and all who can see and hear this wonderful gift.
Take care my friend, many blessings to you and Katrina.

And i respond..
Thanks so much.. again..
my very nice friEnd..
BlesSings and Love to
yoUr family and family of dogs alWays..:)

Xenia says again..

Thank you my friend
Smile Emoticon
Heart Emoticon
Paw Prints Emoticon

And finally..
i say..

Paw prints
Of friEnd ships
Back to you.. too..:)


So.. nice to see you online.. friEnd Soheir.. taking
a little break from your Graduate Studies
in English.. “Just Smile!!”.. what a
wonderful title for
a blog post
that relates
even more concisely
what you quote here
from Islam as “Do not
belittle any good deed, even meeting
your brother with a cheerful face”.. and surely verily
i say that applies to sisters too as well.. one would hope
my friend
put that into
action with all free love..
and haha.. back in a Quarter of a Century
in Customer Service.. early on they told the
not so happy employees that you get paid to smile..
so bare your teeth whether you feel it or not.. and sometimes
one is lucky and just baring the teeth brings an essence of connecting
love with others as Joy..
and for other folks
sadly by either
innate reason
or environmental
reason of lost.. the human
connecting warm and fuzzy
feelings are not experienced in what
science illustrates as the all natural social
bonding neurohormone oxytocin that even domesticated
cats share with otherwise rival cats for reproductive rights..
with sure.. an operation in the mix to alter other hormones too..
we humans smile best when the shell of smile is full of Loving Feelings
with Joy.. and an empty smile is surely better than a frown and even worth thanks
and praise
as it is
a symbol
of love and Joy.. too..
but the best smiles shine
deep within with no whine..
and are shared with feeling and sensing
ways all Natural as human is innately good in this
way when raised with love over empty shells of baring teeth..
Anyway.. i for one could not either feel a smile or remember what
a smile felt like for 66 months.. a horrible place in hell my friEnd..
i feel them
above.. so below
and all around now..
as the greATest of HoLy
and SaCred HUman Gifts
full of meaning and purpose
when a smile acts and feels alive
and surEly my friEnd.. why i end most
all my online Fredtalks with sMiLes oF Love..
nice to see you
again.. can’t see your
face but i’ve fELt youR
sMiLes beFoRe all the way
my.. what
Love can do
when isREaL.. sMiles unconditional as LoVE..
i spend my time counting as blessings all my favorite
things in life as pARt of my blog art in poetry and visual images..
for what i seek and find in life my friend.. the more we make all of
life holy and sacred full of meaning and purpose.. even the dARk
paRts that we mUST endure.. the more Heaven comes now and
the signs of God as synchronicity as the secular world
describes those signs as God’s communication
to us.. i for one can prove it’s real
by every count
of every
of all
my favorites
things.. namELy God aLL..
and sure.. theRe’s a Song for that too..
When i was a little boy full of joy and Smiles..
then.. the so-called patriarchal bully boy Christians
told me i was ‘queer’ for smiling so much.. if i shared
a song like this then.. they would have threatened to beat me up..
as your Islam story relates heAR not to shame acts of kindness to others
no matter how small.. even.. juST a sMiLe as that song by Julie Andrews IS
A way too.. and an act of kindness that growS oN as Love on YouTuBe too..
not sure if you can open it up wHere you live.. i don’t think YouTube is
censored in Egypt.. like it is in Pakistan as you have shared so
many videos heaR.. but how sad it is.. when Love
is censored in
any way
how sad it is
when God is not Love..
Anyway.. heHe.. now that i leg press 1020
LBS.. 33 reps and more at the University of Gym
at the Military Station after i regained my smiles for
a couple of Decades at the University of Humanity also
known as a Military Bowling Center then before i went to the
hiGher up pay grades of becoming an automated human work machine..
let’s just say the Bully Christian Boys look away.. it’s true around these parts my
friEnd.. sometimes you literAlly have to become Superman just for the privilege
of expressing
Love in
all the
ways that comes..
it’s worth it… verily i say.. Love is.. SMiLes..
the greaTest Strength is Love.. otherwise
i would only leg/word press 500 Lbs..;)
sure.. wiNks
aS in humor
are as powerful
as sMiles too..
to generate
and all the
stuff that comes from Love..
i guess.. i missed you.. per all these words.. Love you…
and by the way.. i really respect all your efforts to get ahead
to provide for your children as a widowed mother.. my mother
who raised my sister and i as a single mother after father left at age
3.. as i’ve told that story heaR before.. cashed in her retirement fund
to go to Junior College to get her degree when we were in about middle
school.. night school it was for her.. while working full time too.. and then
we all went to college at the same year graduating in ’83 from the University
of West Florida.. while she quit work altogether and lost her cushy Federal
Service potential for Government retirement.. to take care of her Mother
too in her failing illness.. my Mother passed away on Wednesday night..
and it always makes me a little righteously
indignant when the Bully
Boy Christians
who are now
Deacons and
Radio show hosts
and Pastors say single
Mothers are not fit to raise children
successfully.. well.. they may not raise children
who make a lot of money.. but what love can do is raise love..
so best of
to you my friEnd..
and your children of course..
too.. wiTh sMiLes that live on too and
with wInks more of Joy.. more then now..:)

Soheir.. responds back with kind words.. and i say..

Thanks my friEnd for all your kind comments..
and glad to hear that Love for Brother is same
as Love for Sister and all of humanity
in smiles more
bare of teeth..
no different than
God as him as that
relates to human gender..
and human in form alone in general..
witH aS


Long After living in Hell for 66 Months..
Thursday.. a sweet girl from Old Seville Quarter
came up to me with joy of support in exclaiming
she’s never seen a more fearless person then me as
i can do public dance anywhere.. heHe.. even naked too..
parameters of course..
the dARk can take you to new
hiGher places in liGht or the dARk
can sink you to lower places than ever
before.. my Mother’s fall to illness of cancer
suddenly revealed by Doctors on Valentine’s
Day and her death 8 days later has surely
been a creative dARk fuel for both words
of Love and Dance to get all
the other emotions
out so
they do not end
up as somatic issues
as emotions will go somewhere..
either creativity or illness depending on
how one processes the dARk and liGht
of EmoTioNs and how that mixes with the
entire seNsory experience of life and how blessed
i am to find a language with signs of guide posts to
navigate my way around an inner UnivERse so intense
with emotions and senses too.. as hey.. i have a really big
head and there IS A whole lot going on up tHeRe to sort
through and get all focused for an opera
and symphony of life that
plays in balance
with conductor
me mastering that
balance with all the tools of life
i seek and find and share freely for anyone who
can wade through a mind as deep as mine or perhaps
what might be viewed as Rabbit wHoles never ending full of mines..
to explode in ways that one hasn’t viewed life before.. that’s what explorers
and nomads.. same do.. with dopamine variant genes and warrior genes and such
as that iN how they move out of the cave both within and outside.. above.. so below
and all around now and report back to the rest of the herd wHeRe the Maverick goes next..
the joy of free verse dance with no fears comes back to play in the rest of my life too.. as surely
what moves first as dance sounds next as song as liGht continues to Dance and SinG
from dARk..
as i Love to say..
Life doesn’t have to be
that complicated if one can
find a way to juSt Dance and Sing
it moving.. connecting and co-creating
with the rest of all that is aka God.. could be
as concise as that or arise to what is now 1,176,885 words
as of the last 78th MacroVerse since Memorial Day of 2016..
named ‘Dogwood Winter Blooms’.. as paRt of an entire ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017′.. as this yet to be named 79th MacroVerse arises now heAR
in words as also what is now the 750th MacroVerse oF Ocean wHOle poem
sTiLL DanCinG and SinGinG 3.3 Million words plus now at the end of this month
of February since the end of August 2013 on Word Press at the 42 month point now
with 6900 Miles of Free verse Metro public dance now to go along with that in the same
42 month period of time.. with a 48th Month Blogging effort coming on March the 10th
surely approaching or exceeding 4 Million words out of 12 Million online words since
Thanks Giving of 2010 per the record still now of what still exists of that in all the
places i have traveled online now in 75 months of doing just that where 66
months were spent inside as shut-in Hunch Back of Notre Dame since
January of 2008 through July of 2013.. first 33 months with no
words or visual images produced at all.. just shut in my
mind without effective use of eyes and ears with
the worst pain known to humankind of
type two trigeminal neuralgia from
wake to sleep for those
66 months full
like a dentist drill
without novocaine in my
right eye and ear.. additionally..
accompanying a total of 19 medical
disorders.. most of them invisible to the
human eye as disabilities within.. of pain and numb..
and when the sweet girl from Old Seville Quarter asked
me.. how in the world you do it and why do you do it without fail
for what will be my 150th week of doing it this next Thursday coming
up.. i said.. well.. i’m fearless ’cause i’ve been to hell.. yes.. i’ve really been to hell
and not unlike Forrest Gump and his running across the United States back and forth
i just
like doing
it.. so i dance.. so
i dance some more.. now
and nah.. i didn’t provide all of these
other details as i didn’t want her head to explode
then as it is already loud enough in that dance hall
where even i have to wear ear plugs to muffle some
of the boom boom and more boom boom that fuels the dance of me too..
Bottom lines.. again.. life is great when one moves it connects it and co-creates
it with God oF Nature all in unison of a Dance and Song allone.. works for me.. at least..
And oh yeah.. Trivia bit here.. There is 783,137 words as counted in the so-called King
James Bible printed in English in 1611.. so yes.. what i have birthed now in close to
9 months is more than one and a half times more words than that for my
personal bible heaR as written by one person me.. 80 authors wrote
the King James Version that came from hundreds of years before
that of copying scribes and oral tradition on dusty
roads of round table discussions in
Aramaic long after the
so-called Jesus
was gone
and so
many years of scribe
copying of what came before
that in old Testament ways too..
anyway.. humans have come along way..
and i for one prove what one human can do with
the so-called #John1412 way of humans always doing
more than before with 100% faith of belief hope and love
with will and strength and grace and love and yes.. beauty and wisdom too..
and yes too.. all the transhumanist tools at our finger tips noW as no one truly
does anything
alone in
life.. all
is interdependent
as we lift each other up
or drive each other down..
DArk or liGht of Karma comes down
to WiLL and Grace and Strength oF Fearless Unconditional Love..uP..:)

And now.. off to share some MacroVerses and Visual Images as provided
by the all free Facebook Algorithm tools at hand.. wHeRe Memories come
like little birds of wisdom and beauty in trutH and LIGht more each day..;)


‘Moonlight Feels Right’.. from three years ago as i explore the sacred
and holy paRts wHOle of the Human experience with God of Nature all
as an art of my own personal bible expanding more then now too.. in divine
feminine grace and will of strength in fearless loving ways in masculine divine
too.. but hey.. a foundation of divine feminine grace leads to the greaTEst Bruce
Lee type strength of Chi for those with ears and eyes to find.. seek.. and continuously
feel and sense and empower a Chi Force oF liFE all Free and ageless timeless with
no distance space or time of cLock hands to cover the reaLiTy more of noW iN
MiNd and BoDy fuller awareness soUL wiTh heARt dancing singing Chi
Force more now forevermore now as holy creative streAMinG
SpiRiT of much greater hUman PotEnTiAL now..
but sure.. to get really brave/fearless.. yA
kinda have
to rid yourself
of the clothes of
culture first.. either through
66 months of hell like me first..
or perhaps by just getting naked and
dancing free with God spiraling in Grains of
Sand around the Sun as Sentient Star DuST plus
born of Crucible Fire of stAr BurST BiRth as we arise WiTh
GreaTEr God EYes now sTiLL with no gRain of sand wHOle inside..
outside.. above so below and all round greater or less that all paRts
that maKe God all ThAT is WhOle Ocean full with shores ever expanding now
by waVes and riVers fed by streAMs of HuMan eYes more now forevermorenow..
hehe.. or
now like
that as i will
never portend to
have the last or first
word of any of this.. haha..
people who think they can chain
God in restrictions of words and books..
make me giggle and google just a little bit more..
sure.. in my underwear too.. with my little pInKie finger.. sticking uP2..
heHe.. even
more noW as
that art continues
to evolve soft and hard cover more
and essence too.. wiTh more on thaT2..;)


And now.. “Talking.. Shh.. wITh God”.. from two years ago.. on the Wrong
Planet website.. where i fulfilled a role there somewhat like Socrates.. Yoda..
Buddha.. even being compared to some of those folks too.. as hey.. bRinGinG
folks to a greater mindful and bodily awareness of life in existential/emotional/eTc/
physical ways of much greater human potential beyond what standard IQ measures
has always been a challenge historically for the sages of the ages to take folks jusT a
little out of the cave of what folks have been been exposed to before.. in other words..
away from ignorance which is not the fault of anyone really and the responsibility of
the God of Nature within one to bRinG greATeR liGht and trUth to otHeRs wiTh
all tools at hand completely used as one can and will.. and interestingly..
more so-called right brain interpretive art thinking and feeling and
sensing folks could get wHeRe i was coming from but
the more left brain thinking folks who
held little of life
as holy
and sacred
or full of much
meaning and purpose
at all as nihilists as older philosophies
and philosopher say too.. were lost from my
loop and the ones who made the moderator rules..
as still happens now for the priests and pastors and the politicians
same who can know the form in empirical structural way of words and
other symbols but the essence of right brain interpretive feeling/sensing
in innate.. instinctual and intuitive way misses tHeiR use or lose potential
intelligences of liFe and liGht to dArk to living death as dARk.. sAdly enough..
the way i spoke as essence was gibberish to them.. and nah.. this is the online
modern world.. no Socrates Hemlock or Jesus Crucifixions or hanging folks out
in the street for making 42 month witnesses in Bibles one and a half times bigger
in lone efforts birthing them in just 9 months too.. i have been banned and deleted out
from the reasons land of nerds to the art land of poets time and time again.. but the energizer
bunny holy spirit oF aLL of God of Nature keeps ticking as a river as an atomic clock freed in
me with no time..
distance.. or
space beyond
the streAMs of River
Flow to wAves of Ocean SonG
oF My SouL more.. and this was a particularly
interesting MacroVerse heAR and one of my favorite
paRts of it were words SunG by a friend named Grommit..
and it is my privilege to add his words heAR in my “Netherland
Bible 2017”.. heRE as this is one of the very few people on
the Wrong Planet or really anywHeRe who had
eYes and ears to see and hear what
my spiRit says now
in Holy
way full of
meaning and purpose
with God of Nature all now..:)

Grommit writes:

“Nature = knowledge = Wisdom = True aka God.

Words on their own are emptier vessels but so many of these words that aghogday writes are true resonance with aka god nature and a higher wisdom which is only achieved through what can only be described sometimes as the pits of hell.

We live in hell everyday if we choose to be, some choose to make it hellish for others and both of them is sad.

Admittedly you have a right to live in hell, but most people are asking for redemption, to see the light, who wants to spend an eternal life in hell?

Remember hell and god are metaphors for what is bad and good

Hell being: pain, torture, suffering, greed.

And god meaning, peace, unconditional love, a resonance with the universe, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, hope.

Of course hell isn’t necessarily a bad place and sometimes can not be avoided. But hell can teach you things that you never expected.

I think that if someone was to commit suicide, mass genocide then I would say they were all ready a tortured soul, and what that does is when people take these actions it causes more tortured souls and the cycle can be never ending.

But It takes souls to break cycles, and we still have free will at this point.

When you have lived in a live or die situation, I choose life, and people like aghogday now officially known as Aka Yoda only enforce that belief for me.

The purpose is people can lift each other out of the pits of hell through Aka = knowledge = wisdom and understanding and accept that we truly are all one and united as human.

If thousands of people disagreed with hitler then hitler would not have had an army.

The free will of hitler and many others could be a Definition of hell.

Learning from the past and identifying mistakes made through human evolution, and not making the same mistakes again is god.

People that inflict pain to others intentionally is hell.

Sharing hope is god.

The narrator on here, is extremely knowledgeable about religion yet = has got a fascinating and brilliant view point towards everything, and I can tell that narrator has uncovered much wisdom which could be described as god.

And I am not actually talking about god as in the man. I’m afraid you have been blinded by the definition of GOD, because god can be achieved in other ways,

Kraftiecortie masters the art of language and he has a multiplex of words, in my world this is poetry. A passageway to communication.

Some people are maths gods
Some people are science gods
Some people are art gods
Some people are healing gods
Some people are nutritional gods
Some people are poetry gods
Some people are technological advancement gods
Some people are toilet gods
Some people are funny gods
Some people are entertainment gods
Some people are rock gods
Some people are people gods
Some people are animal gods

I would expect to find these three people I mentioned here sitting in a space cafe in the far reach of the solar system, sharing the wisdom and listening to 5th dimension..:)

Anything that could potentially be human suffering could be described as hell

For now I try to live on the good side of the force and to not be tempted by the dark side.

The yin and yang is a perfect representation of natures forces at work.”


MacroVerse from 3 years ago.. appropriately named “ZEN ART of selfie”..
and in my continuing practice of fearless then that has led to all of my human
potential now along with wisdom and beauty in trutH and liGht.. not much different
than the Snow Princess in the Movie “froZen”.. i let it all go to explore all of my being
human treading on the clothes of culture with no fear of shame or regret.. sure.. i kinda
hazed myself too.. as ya can’t make fun of a person and make any impact on them when they don’t
think themselves serious at all in cultural expectations and limitations that make fear of shame
a reality like
the Emperor has
no clothes.. i fully know
and understand and feel and
sense i have no cultural clothes and
that more than anything is what makes me
free per Verse 37 of the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas
per Jesus2.. if yA wanna now use the power of so-called
historical authority too.. thing is.. God lives in us NoW greater
naked and free without the clothes we are culturally born with
in flesh and blood all innate..
instinctual and intuitive
too.. through a couple of
hundred thousand years sTiLL
through the struggles of being
human through our rodent
ancestors we share
with rats
75 million years ago too..
and then there is the science reLated
14.5 million years that aRose toward
those achievements of struggles and success
in sentient star dust liFE plUs US from Crucible
of Star BurST death resurrection of duSt that comes
as uS noW on this Miracle of blue and green beauty orb
of eARTh still turning as the globe goes as life wHeRe we don’t
fly off the edge of the eARTh at a thouSand miles or so an hour.. as science
sHows we would if the earth stops spinning now.. yeah.. we have lots to be thankful for..
and other
BS sTuFF like That..
i play naked.. it’s what God does
free ya kNow or not Do..
as a
Do/Say too..;)


“To CENsor Human being”.. Macro Verse memory from two years ago
about the date now of 2013.. when all the online Autism Communities started
deleting and moderating me out in banning ways as i refused to agree with
their common social bonding ways of dark in believing conspiracy theories
that the Autism Speaks organization was a Eugenics organization and
people were googling murdering autistic children as i shared
a couple of those related memories from 4 years
ago on my Facebook page too..
along with a memory
of a conspiracy
thinking pastor of
our local area and his alignments
with conspiracy Obama birthers.. naming
homosexuals demon inspired and stuff like that..
didn’t have any problem defending the facts when i put
my science hat on.. and sure.. it was like banging my head
up against a wall.. as you cannot convince folks who bind for
dark purposes as religion by very term meaning social binding
over common meaning and purpose where even sTiLL female genital
mutilation and ripping foreskin off of tiny babies can come to be seen
as holy and sacred too.. in blood lust way of doing what we say or you
are kicked out of the social group for survive and thrive and in instinctual
feeling and sensing way for those who foraged together or did agriculture
in small farming way.. it could be a truly life or death situation if a Maverick
strayed from the group think of religion and politics and corporate this is my
favorite quarterback and religious team too.. people are alike all over
as one Twilight Zone show related so well through
Rod Serling’s eyes in the 60’s too.. some folks
open minded.. fearless.. seeing all of
life as abundance.. happy with
what they have and
other folks closed minded.. scared..
seeing all of life as scarcity.. never happy
with what they have as enough.. always wanting
more and afraid to give and share more and move out
of the cave to greener pastures of pure happiness in LIGht and Joy too..
it’s true people are same and different same.. same rule Jews and same Jesus
Hippies then and now same.. i can’t fight the city hall of rules and all the insanity that
goes along with that.. but what i sure as FucK can and will do is stay unplugged NoW and
give Caesar all of his or her.. eTc.. coins due.. and sure.. at one point Google was considering
limiting that private community of adult restricted blogs and of course i had no choice but
go with the change of Caesar coins then.. but enough people fought for their full head
to toe freedom of expression where Google changed their minds and i changed
the title of my freest blog all stripped down as such.. and went on
fearlessly with my free verse art to express all of what i am
as a child of God fearless
as any child
of God
of the clothes
of culture can and will
do to King David celebrate this
Gift so much more than before of life..
Bottom lines2.. free and uncensored me in what
the law allows in local.. state and federal way
as hey.. they still provide the avenues and highways
to be freer as human than ever before with even a phone
now that reaches around the world carrying the art of human more than ever before..
i like all the free avenues of art provided now… and hell no.. my soul will never be for sale..
as far
as i
kNow now..:)


And now to celebrate the animal nature even more as if you view
my all PG rated underwear art. one might come to the
conclusion i am a little bit soft… heHE.. don’t
confuse my sweetness with
weakness.. we are
wild animals2.. and
if this picture from
then.. 3 years ago..
of me now doesn’t prove
that in a way that would
scare Jack Nicholson in a
Dark alley other way.. trust me.. you wouldn’t
wanna see me angry.. as i am only playing heAR..
wild wolves love more than domesticated wolves as they
work together for the survive and thrive for life in foraging ways..
humans are no different.. someone like me in the olden days could
come in handy for the love of life and as well as the hunt of life too..
but nah.. i’ll let the grocery store take care of that.. but sure.. my Father
didn’t serve in Law Enforcement for 46 years after a few years in the Army
without sharing a little genetic potential for the warrior and nomad gene with me2..;)


And yes.. 2 years ago.. heAR.. Yellow Boy approaching a window squirrel for breakfast.. in the old
days before.. when Yellow Boy was all feral in the backwoods for about two years way before then..
Yellow Boy was a lightening streak with a squirrel almost his size
then as a young cat flying across the yard.. with the greatest
of cat ease.. feral cats are not unlike Jungle wild cats..
just a little smaller is all..
and it’s true..
if a hunter
like Yellow Boy
can love like he does
now.. all Mama Cat milk
and Cat biscuits now with Katrina..
there must be hope for humans too..
if they find a path to love and somewhat predictable
subsistence too.. scarcity breeds fear and abundance breeds hope..
Hate comes more from one and Love more from the otHeR.. Give and
Share for Love or Take and hoard for hate.. it’s still a cat choice really wild and
free with love
or imprisoned
and domesticated with hate..
and for now that’s all i have
to dance and sing..
of cultural
clothes and lies..
all play with God of Nature FReED..
Devil or Angel.. Angel IS A way for me…
At this point..now i feel like a little American
Indian Meditation Music to go along with this..
Sioux and Cherokee in me gifted through my
Mother and her ancestors too.. Sioux on her
Father’s side and Cherokee on her Mother’s side..
surELy.. the wildest and freest pARt of me along with the
Irish eyes.. two generations removed with the Cajun of
France and Spain and the Old English and Black Forest
of Germany and that rodent ancestor from 75 million years
ago2.. and the origin of all that is and beYond 14.5 million years ago aLL..
an Indian
song as continuous
Indigenous soUL of God oF NaturE noW2..
JuST.. cAll me “Master Chief Aghogday”..1.. yes i exist2
as He2.. you can Google me/he2.. if you don’t believe it HE HE3..;)


Love Lives fulfilLed deaTh..
Hate lives Dead life

– tHeMe-meMe

Hello.. gigoid.. nice to see you heAR.. aGain..
And i guess i’ll start heRE.. wiTh three to catch up..
through a count of 6 with a SonG too.. and what better place than play to staRt..

“Man is most nearly himself
when he achieves the seriousness
of a child at play.”

~~ Heraclitus ~~

ReAlly.. can’t add any more
to tHis HeraCliTuS butt
continUinG to play..;)

“Beware of that person who is slow to anger.
For when it is long in coming,
it stays longer and is warmer and dies not so easily.
Abused patience is a very strong fuel
for a fire not easily put out by any known means.”

~~ Wise Bee ~~

Even worse
that festers into long term hate..
usuAlly.. what happens iF Anger
is not Emotionally and Sensory
regulated and integrated
and co-creating
more.. out.. oF AnGer..
to AnGel as mEtapHoRuS oF cOuRse..;)

“One kind word can warm three winter months.”

~~ Japanese proverb ~~

Yes.. Yes.. Yes… and more
yes.. as the Great Band..
the Police.. clearly
SinG too..
got to
be an Invisible
Sun inside generating
warmth of kindness as
oxytocin surely can and
will do when neurohormonally
and neurochemically living free inside..
and exPaNding to OthErS even more as HuMan
SunliGht groWs aS uNConDiTional Love.. tHeReForE..
i now have
a thEme
for this
too.. heHe..
in Sting and
Police ways2..;)

“If you would know a man,
observe how your cat treats him.”

~~ Leelu Bee ~~

It’s reAlly.. kinda sad..
all of my Father’s
cats paid
attention to human beings…
but he cried when they died..
guesS he couldn’t reAlly show ’em when he lived…

“Many a man’s tongue broke his nose.”

~~ Seamus MacManus ~~

Hmm.. i can
but not quiet..;)

“I want to live my life so that my nights are not full of regrets.”

~~ D. H. Lawrence ~~

too busy
dancing at night
anything aT all..
funny how ‘they’ talk
about the pitfalls of an
‘idol’.. mind.. butt rarely
the pitfalls
idle feet..
problem with words..
tHey are locked uP ‘tween ears..;)

“If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.”

~~ Things We Can Learn From Dogs ~~

One thing.. i FeeL/SenSe
for sure.. ‘it’ doesn’t

“Some people march to the beat of a different drummer.
And some people tango!”

~~ Anonymous Bee ~~

or SinG free
verse DancE
with no labELs
or FoRmS aT aLL..;)

“If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think.”

~~ Clarence Darrow ~~

True.. as science sHows..
emotions.. most definitely
including laughs
are the
of all
and the source
oF aLL memories too.. as is..
per cognitive executive functioning

Now to two too2..
as six was just in
the intro of thE theMe Meme SonG2..;)

Haha.. rational mammals..
nah.. not a one..
all driven
by emotions
at core as
shows now..
the best emotions
and senses make uP
reaLitY iN a sea of words and
otHeR symbols that house the
vehicles and vessels of essence real..
thaT iS FeeLinG
liFe as
so.. reAlly.. at the
end of the day StiLL now
it is those who are fulfilled
with love.. happiness and joy
who win the game of reaLiTy.. my FriEnd..NoW..2..
mY Mother tried to teach me that lesSon by example
as she reTired her wheels and i continued
to roll
my ass around
the rat wheel
of race
leads to
empty symbols of now..then..
without much substance of LIfE..
in other words.. whatever takes uS away
From Peace of Mind and Joy and Love is about as evil aS it gets..
away from thaT real essence of FeeLinG SenSinG LiFe..NoW..
otHeRS.. of course..:)

“It is hard enough to remember my opinions,
without also remembering my reasons for them.”

— Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

As always.. emotions and senses drive iT all..
develop.. regulate.. integrate them in balance.. rich or not..;)

“That’s the effect of living backwards: it always makes one
a little giddy at first, but there’s one great advantage in it,
that one’s memory works both ways.”

— Lewis Carroll, “Through the Looking-Glass”

And don’t forget to walk in reverse
and spiral like the Golden
PHI 1.618
of Nature in
move.. connect
and create too..
again.. the
of philosophy
never getting down
below the ears to more TruTh aT hand..
Feet too..
and toes and fingers too..;)

“I count religion but a childish toy …
there is no sin but ignorance.”

— Christopher Marlowe

Once aGaiN..
siN oF Feet and hands
and otHeR idle body
aBove beloW as
TrUtH and liGht.. mOre..;)


— Zippy the Pinhead


“Human beings are perhaps never more frightening than
when they are convinced beyond doubt that they are right.”

— Laurens Van der Post, The Lost World of the Kalahari (1958)

iF it’s aLternative fActs..;)

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted
to a profoundly sick society.”

— Krishnamurti

As lonG
aS onE
and throws away the clothes..;)

(Emerald Forest 1985 and newer Avatars)

“Thus it is said that one who knows the enemy and knows
himself will not be endangered in a hundred engagements.”

— Sun Tzu

it’s how
i Handle
And Trump LiFE..;)

“One should seek virtue for its own sake and not from hope or fear,
or any external motive. It is in virtue that happiness consists,
for virtue is the state of mind which tends to
make the whole of life harmonious.”

— Diogenes Laertius (c. 200 AD) — Zeno, (B.C. 335?-264), liii

If only
that were
possible aS even
science sHows it’s not
for so-called
at lEast..
Square root one
Problems of heART..:)

“The moral test of government is how it treats those
who are in the dawn of life — the children; those who
are in the twilight of life — the aged; and those who
are in the shadows of life — the sick, the needy and the handicapped.”

— Hubert Humphrey

Square root
one issues of subsistence and shelter too..:)

“Virtue is that perfect good which is the complement of a happy life;
the only immortal thing that belongs to mortality.”

— Seneca (B.C. 3-65 A.D.)

Ugh.. perfect
to too many arguments
about how the towels are arranged on the racK even or not..;)

“I have a feeling that at any time about three million Americans
can be had for any militant reaction against law, decency,
the Constitution, the Supreme Court,
compassion and the rule of reason.”

— John Kenneth Galbraith

Sure.. anything
goes with
aS even science
sHows about one percent
of the population are made that way…
evil.. like
it or not..
as they don’t give a shit
and likely never will..
no smile heAR.. my FriEnd
as life ain’t fair in one lifetime aT leASt..;)

“I’m just hoping that one day the sheep will realize
that the shepherd is really a wolf in disguise.” —

Sanjay Singh

As science shows too..
the clergy in the
top 10
choices of folks born ‘that way’…;)

“Every man is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day;
wisdom consists in not exceeding the limit.”

— Elbert Hubbard

i kNow
and feeL and sense so
much more
now than
Piece of Paper
existence.. all the rest a peace of cake..:)

To produce things and to rear them,
To produce, but not to take possession of them,
To act, but not to rely on one’s own ability.
To lead them, but not to master them –
This is called profound and secret virtue.

— Lao-Tzu (fl. B.C. 600)

And never
ever worry
about perfect..
practice practice
practice perfect more..:)

“Make no mistake: the weeds will win. Nature bats last.”

— Robert Pyle

FeeLs anD
sEnSes beST..:)

So.. now.. off to three2..:)

“Man is most nearly himself when
he achieves the seriousness of a child at play.”

— Heraclitus

SurELy VeriLY worth
continUing play..;)

“Apollo said that every one’s true worship was that
which he found in use in the place where he chanced to be.”

— Michael de Montaigne (1533-1592)
— Essays, Book ii, Chap. xii, Apology for Raimond Sebond

Toilet Paper.. a warm bed at night..
wow! a grocery store
and a way
get some food..
and friends and a lover too..
with family too.. Heaven is now
for those
see the sliver
out of
rest oF iT aLL..
out of shape of Happiness now..:)

“An empty man is full of himself.”

— Edward Abbey

Ugh.. Tin can
on the
to see the wizard oF aLL…;)

“If you see a man approaching you with
the obvious intention of doing you good,
you should run for your life.”

— Thoreau’s Law

thOught that came all natural
buTT hips and eYes never lie to me aT leASt.. hEhe..;)

“Man is a credulous animal, and must believe something;
in the absence of good grounds for belief, he will be satisfied with bad ones.”

— Bertrand Russell, “An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish”

Case proven
more than ever now..
haha.. hehe..
of tears
for the ignorant
more for those in the kNow..;)

“Life is just a mirror, and what you see out there,
you must first see inside of you.”

— Wally “Famous” Amos

LiGht bulbs
do much
without a filAmeNt within.;)

“I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody
to go to hell in his own way.”

— Robert Frost

YeS iT happens..:)

“Go softly, for you tread on my dreams.”

— Yeats

are real..
soft or hard..
tRead or noT..;)

Against the Word the unstilled world still whirled
About the center of the silent Word.

– T.S. Eliot

UgH A word
without a voice..:)

It was not death, for I stood up,
And all the dead lie down;
It was not night, for all the bells
Put out their tongues, for noon.
It was not frost, for on my flesh
I felt siroccos crawl,–
Nor fire, for just my marble feet
Could keep a chancel cool.

And yet it tasted like them all;
The figures I have seen
Set orderly, for burial,
Reminded me of mine,

As if my life were shaven
And fitted to a frame,
And could not breathe without a key;
And ‘t was like midnight, some,

When everything that ticked has stopped,
And space stares, all around,
Or grisly frosts, first autumn morns,
Repeal the beating ground.

But most like chaos,–stopless, cool,–
Without a chance or spar,–
Or even a report of land
To justify despair.

~~ Emily Dickinson ~~

DArk niGht of the
soUL SuNG rung so quiet..:)

“Nothing unreal exists.”

— Kiri-Kin-Tha’s Law of Metaphysics

If one takes Stephen
Hawking literAlly..
is every
is real..
and words are
as real as essence real..:)

And hence one master-passion in the breast,
Like Aaron’s serpent, swallows up the rest.

– Alexander Pope (1688-1744)

— Essay on Man, Epistle ii, Line 131

Yep.. tHeRE Go
‘eM EmoTioNs
And SeNses for real..;)

“You can get anything you want,
at Alice’s restaurant (‘ceptin’ Alice).”

— Arlo Guthrie

Hannibal Lector doesn’t like that at all..;)

the end
of three
on a rather
non-pleaSing taste of Alice iN Wonderland less..;)


It’s worth noting that stress is cumulative over the Battle
Fields of Life.. and when it IS A situation like
Catastrophic illness of a Loved
one as close as a Mother..
for those
who have
lived a Battlefield
of Stress for Decades.. those
Battle Scars rear tHeir ugliest heads
of dARk.. in other words.. strange.. strange..
pain.. as somatic symptoms from head to toe..
to heARt Palpitations and
Nausea and
feeling like
Bees are nesting
a hive in your head and
stuff like that for me at least..
including Chronic Fatigue and Dysautonomia
with the Heart palpitations as hey.. from the outside
in this photo.. looks like just another deliriously happy
day in the last 42 months or so of Heaven.. and by this
Happy Picture existing at the Mall after about 10 miles of Public
Dance.. i muSt say.. i was floating on a cloud again.. and
hopefully.. all the somatic issues will disappear as tHeRe
are some things in life that are almost
too hard to face.. sure..
with night terrors
and stuff
that too.. ah.. being
human.. can get so complicated..
but at least i’ve experienced it all before
and realize that no matter how long it takes
this too shall pass as the cycle of dARk and liGht
goeS oN.. as LiFE.. and for now.. i’m at Peace as writing
can be so soothing as streAms begin to empty in Rivers and
waves of ocean whole gently expanding shores more toward liGht..;)


Hmm.. and some MacroVerses to share as usual in Facebook Memory way..
starting with “Sounds of Sexual Healing” at the 432 Hertz Genital Healing frequency
in sensuality way.. and nah.. not wham bam thank ya ma’am stuff.. anyWay.. a reminder for
me in how much peace comes listening to the 432 Hertz rendition of the Gospel of Thomas
Mystical Gnostic sayings as attributed to the dude named Yeshua aka Jesus..
yes.. how much Peace it brought to me in the last night spent in the
recliner slowly falling to sleep next to my Mother at the
Hospital.. and the next day.. i felt so much more heaLinG
inside and it seemed to bring a mystical
connection with my Mother too..
as this is the Jesus i FeeL
SeNse.. a real man.. no different than
the Buddha and Lao Tzu and so many
otHeRs who sought and found the Kingdom of
God within uSing metaphors to relate this Yogi-like
Unison with God.. sure.. Unidaughter and
UnieTc too.. as yes.. Women
didn’t get the right
to vote until
last Century
and were not considered
good enough to be spiritual priests
of God in the old Abrahamic religious way..
of course.. this Jesus gives all the power to the people
and remains just another humble last as first and meek
inheriting the eARTh as the King and the Queen are those
who become one with God as the Kingdom and Queendom
and eTcdom lives within.. but seriously.. no matter how many metaphors
are used and other complex symbolS.. unless one has a direct verb experience
of God in action beyond words as God as Verb within.. just empty shells are the words
that fall to rocky soil with no floWer of God groWinG hiGher as hUmaniTy’s eYes alive..
it’s kinda sad how the Modern Catholic Church.. since Constantine as Roman Emperor
expanding that empire and monolithically making a Statue of himself as Sun god
same as Jesus as Soldier Sun God too.. but hey.. that’s what Trump’s do..
it’s all about them and rarely
about you.. although
they will
you a job
that never comes
with pay.. Vs.. the eternal
reward oF HeAVen NoW..
the place with no dollar amount..
aS History repeats itself with Herstory
of divine feminine grace and love within..
as all is left is will and strength to conquer and divide..
anyWay.. for those in the feel and sense oF iT.. this is the isreAl Deal..now..:)


“Talking.. Shh.. wITh GOD2”.. pArt two of a series of God as action
verb conversations regarding the active experience of being with
God noW as aliVe.. yes.. on the Wrong Planet.. a place wHere
folks are more locked into left brain ways of
analytical thinking away from
all stuff associated
with social
including spirituality
and connection with God aLL
as Nature wHOle aliVE in the Kingdom
of Heaven NoW.. like most intelligent animals
without standard IQ.. experience all Naturally without
the clothes of Human culture.. aS in someways.. human
is burdened with the greatest virus oF aLL.. separation from God
through cultural and religious clothes from birth to death.. never reAlly
experiencing a naked God alive within at all for some all the way from
birth to death in a priSon of Hell as made by cultural tool and device
as human becomes a tool in a human made cultural hell.. i watch
people in this place from day to day in both flesh and blood
life and online too.. and yes.. it’s like an opaque
window they cannot see through
to get to other side..
and sure
even the so-called
leaders at church who
only truly look forward to God
after death.. as real then to meet..
so.. sad.. this separation in life as illusion can be.. away from God..
it would bring A TEar to Yellow Boy’s eYe if he could see the ignorance
of human separated from God like this.. surELy.. juSt anoTheR day within God for him free..:)


“On Seeking, knowing and Loving. On understanding Islam in its meaning as a whole.”
MacroVerse Memory from two years ago as the previous MacroVerse also
was from two years ago.. and the one before that at three years ago
as dates go on and the information remains as applicable
noW as that Gospel of Thomas rendition listening
too.. here from around 2K years ago.. too..
and Fellow Blogger poet
Friend.. Lala Rukh..
from Pakistan.. sHows tHeRe
are the same issues with Islam
as there is with Christianity as far as
some folks extreme.. some folks Christmas
Day and Easter worshippers and others who seek
and find God within with book or not.. thing is.. God does
live within and the Kingdom of Heaven is just waiting for those
who do seek and find it within over the course of life noW as LiVinG..:)

INDIAN MOON CHILD in the alleys of LIFE

“INDIAN MOON CHILD in the alleys of Life”.. as MacroVerse from two
years ago too.. more discussions on the Wrong Planet site..
finding it still almost impossible to reach folks
locked in the ‘other’ hemisphere of
brain.. namely
in left
brain ways
of rational thInKing
away from Art of Love and God sAMe..
as living verb in the Kingdom of Heaven within now..:)


“Tornado PoeTry and mE”.. MacroVerse memory from a year
ago.. visiting many of my Blogger Poet friends and continuing an
end to a year long venture of poetically responding to every single
prompt and link from the online dVerse Poetry Pub site for an entire
year.. from April of 2015.. through March 31st 2016.. coming to be..
neXt.. GodsUniVerseNovel3 at 338,630 words as lInKed at
the bottom of all my MacroVerses now.. a little
easier at this point though as i am no longer
visiting the relatively speaKing online
hell of the Wrong Planet
website.. permanent
staycation from
hell on earth
as Lucifer in that
Fox show might say..
except.. this is Lower Alabama
Panhandle of Florida.. yes.. pet
name of LA too.. with plenty of NASCAR racing fans too..
and although i don’t own a big bar in money way.. sure.. in
A way.. i owN oNe for the LovE of DancE all free of dollar biLLs and driNks.. heHe..;)

And speaking of Nascar.. that reminds me of a Good Ole Christian Man and his family
where his children are watching the float of my feet upon the Mall Grounds by
Starbucks with the youth wielding their smartphones to capture the oddest
thing of all in Lower Alabama LA of Panhandle of Florida and that
is anyone at all brave enough to dance free in public..
which to me is amazingly.. only me.. as Jesus F iN
Christ it is like the best thing ever
to float on terrestrial land
in use it more and
gain it in terms
of emotional
and physical intelligence
in regulating emotions and
integrating senses and making
every move magic like Katy Perry says
in her ET song.. but hey.. this is no fairy
tale.. just human poTenTial used more than lounging
around on Sunday in easy chairs watching NASCAR go ’round
and ’round and ’round eventually snoring back after Sunday Dinner too..
anyway.. heHe.. was hoping
the NASCAR good Ole boy would
ask me what the hell (heaven) i
was/am doing as surELy my come back again
would be.. hey.. baby.. in terms of #John1412 ..
walking on water is old-school noW as verily and
surELy i say and sing and dance one can do that with
a surf-board with ease.. floating on terrestrial ground
and nicely polished mall floors like this IS A real John
14:12 challenge.. babe.. ya should try it one day.. particularly
if you enjoy making women smile more than your hunting buds.. heHe..
anyWay.. it’s human potential and in ALL stuff John 14:12.. USE IT OR LOSE
and survive or thrive
in the Kingdom of Heaven now..
as DanCinG and SinGinG Light hoMe NoW..

WeLL.. considering there is still room left
on the 432 Hertz rendition of the Gospel of Thomas
might as well review more Facebook MacroVerse memories
and associated supporting documentation for how if or one reach
the Kingdom of Heaven with now.. yes.. now.. in this generation now..
as promised even in the New Testament version of what is no attributed to the
Jesus dude too.. yes the generation then means the generation now.. otherwise
according to simple Logic.. the Jesus dude would have been taling an empty Trump
promise and apparently the real dude Jesus per Yogi-Like dude was taling it as real
as any Tibetan
who rises
steam off their
body in icy waters
as documented by science
too.. along with controlling
Brain waves from Alpha to theta
creative streaming consciousness holy
spirit bringing to the table of mindful awareness
where the bread and water of life is a living spring of breathe
for those in
the dance
and song
who juST
can and
will do that now..
in once again now use
it or lose it in all human
potentials now.. but hey.. still
these traditions are dominated by patriarchal
ways of illusory fears and dominating women and
such as that.. controlling reproductive freedoms
for selfish gene and material gains.. same stuff
of storing grain in silos
for jealousy
and greed
in subjugating
others for whatever
power and status comes next..
yes.. including excluding women
from the Monk Monasteries too.. all
men’s club as such while the women are
relegated to cattle of breeding babies..
but yes that’s old school now.. and meanwhile
while women have moved way ahead in the battle of the
sexes as far as combining the masculine will and strength
with the feminine grace and love.. men or still in Trump
states at least.. watching cars go around and around tracks still
of boring same shit over and over again.. where mirror neurons are
the only joy in vicarious male adventure life.. over and over again
on the big
and as far
as any martial
arts mixed with
ballet dance.. i understand
some ‘liberal men’ are doing that
with their daughters now.. but Nascar
men.. nah.. nah.. no.. that’s a no no tHeRE..
and hey.. if nothing else they can watch me do
ballet in the mall while this memory comes to mind
as shared on Facebook of me leg pressing 930 Lbs.. 14 times
back two years ago.. now that is 1020 LBS around 33 times for now..
unless the adrenaline
of temporary
it up to
50 reps when
My mother is in the
Hospital dying and such as that..
like last week.. straining my leg
a little bit after that effort too..
and the thing is.. the power comes even more
from divine feminine grace and love than masculine will and
strength as the divine feminine love is what brings the mindful
awareness and the focus to make the will and strength do real time
all things
considered of course
as a Macroverse Memory
shared here of “BE midnight LIGHT”.. 3 years ago..


Where i guarantee dam tee ya.. ain’t no Nascar
men brave enough to do this shit.. hehe..
even if they could leg
press 1020 LBS
now 33
times or
not.. if you
wanna get to heaven
ya be afraid of any part
of your God given Nature as
to repress and oppress it as
patriarchal cultures teach their
little boys to erase all divine feminine
grace from their existence.. including compassion
and empathy to be cold enough to pull triggers to kill
and defend in wars and such as that that is a part of the
sad tribal instinct for snake head survival too.. as part of
the restricted reptilian brain inside our heads too.. it’s a nuclear
option of hell.. on earth.. and far far away from the Kingdom of Heaven
all BaLanCinG act in reaLiTy NoW oN course.. camel and needle and all of that too..
if you
be in
Heaven ya
gotta really be
brave enough to be
in terms of limited scientific method repeatable
experiments too.. as those don’t exist where few men
and women
before as truly brave
and free in the Kingdom
of Heaven within for NoW..:)


“Don’t Look Me in the Eye”.. Another MacroVerse memory from 3 years
ago.. as i continue a real practice of BaLanCinG the Divine feminine
Grace of Love and Masculine WiLL and strength togeTher as oNe..
and if you are actually listening to any of the
Gospel of Thomas related metaphorical
deep sayingS it’s not quite
as fully illustrated
as what i do
in these
MacroVerses heAR
but of course that was
in the days of almost no
freedom of expression like this
without killing fields coming to those
who illustrated iT fully like this.. so vague
it came in metaphors instead.. so those with shallow
more left brain thinking snake brain ways would have no
WTF FTW idea what was going down in this kinda sacred text..
again.. one muSt acT on it and experience it as verb of God life..
AS Experience now..
alone are
housing vehicles
and vessels to get
here as the rider of
the camel or the elephant
through the culture and religion
N E E D Le E Y E even s M A L ler
of now and then.. my best advice is
just get naked and dance free verse with
grains of sand spiraling around the Sun
Seagull free… and don’t forget the warm
Gulf Illuminated diatom waters at night
if you
i do
on a Summer
midnight breeze
with a loved one too..
or just one if that is all you are2..
God allone..:)

And now the Hertz of the Earth to go along
with “Don’t Look me in the eye” too..
yes at C sharp.. 136.1 Hertz
frequency.. and when
this share
with the
metaphor of
poetic expression..


Last night my cat yellow boy was sleeping..
purring by my feet..and his purr was precisely
the GAIA frequency of mother earth..a beautiful purr of peace of life..and mind..heart..soul..emotion..logic and ONEspirit.. the best sound ever..PURR..

So with that said..have a PURRfect day..;):)

PURRLIGHT with mother earth..

Some literalist from YouTube..
yes.. material reductionist.. tried
to get in an argument with me
that it wasn’t
a cat
purr in hertz..
and i said.. dude..
it’s just a metaphor..
okay.. as we all come
from the same stuff okay..
namELy Mother Earth with Cat
Biscuits and Mama Cat milk like this too..
feathered duckling
friend.. love is
love.. my friend..;)

And now.. from two years ago..
A short MicroVerse Memory
on Freedom to share..
noW oN course..;)

Freedom is NOT free;

Never has been never will be.

Some folks are willing to die for IT.

Some folks are willing to be afraid of IT,

and DO in effect eliminate
the greater potential for IT,

by their overall, fearful ways…

ONE and the ONLY THING FOR for sure IS,

“IT’S” ALWAYS AT LEAST, ’50 shades of Grey’….

And NOT even




Oh.. Prajakta.. i love the diversity
of all of human Nature.. nah.. not all
have the same Maternal instinct and some
have literally none and never will.. male and or female..
like the Wrong Planet online i used to visit where aversion
to babies was as common as everyday allergies
to pollen..
a matter of
human nature in
hormonal ways of birth..
ourselves and environmental
ways of more left brain analytical
corporate think as opposed to
down on the
raising right brain
life.. balance comes
for what we must do in life..
as opposed to what we may
even wanna do in life..
not all folks
are even
cut out
to have
babies.. of course..
and to make someone
go where they do not naturally
wanna go.. is a source of much human
misery and suffering in the case of forced
arranged dowry marriages and stuff like that
surely when the innate stuff is not there to nurture
at all.. anyway.. if you like puppy love.. if and when you
do get pregnant and have children.. no doubt when Nature
changes you too in hormone way.. the nurture and attachment will
come as it did for even me.. when i had my first and only child then..
the first time then.. i understood what all encompassing non-conditional
love is.. it’s Nature and the core of survival/thrival.. not only the will but the love to go on..
And with that said
here is a little more
Love to move ya too..;)


1968.. about 7 years old.. am i too..
going to see this movie.. yes.. the first
Planet of the Apes movie.. with my mother
and sister.. and the first time i had one of those
moments of questioning the existential angst of life..
of what is real
and what is
not realest
as and in existence
now then now too..
and i’ve moved
180 degrees
on how
i view the ending
noW as opposed to then..
as the notion of no infrastructure
of culture for a small and very weak
child then was a scary notion.. for sure..
as there was nothing wild about me at
age 7.. fully domesticated in grade two
in a small school up on the
hill away from the
river front
then.. and i remember..
coming out of the theater..
just around the block from our
home.. downtown.. yep.. what was
named as the ‘Milton Theater’.. then..
looking up and seeing the red flashing
light of what was just a radio tower then..
with no cell towers to reach around the globe
in an actual interaction with global friends then..
thing is.. Charlton was riding on a horse.. with the most
beautiful woman.. alive then.. on a beautiful beach and he cursed
the blown up infrastructure of a city comparablY as ugly compared
to a pristine beach as New York City full of subways and people who
never meet eye to eye aS SucH.. as a giant can of lemmings all trapped in priSon..
and instead of jumping for joy as Nature and the beautiful woman and Horse of Nature
wiTh Beach was/iS once again his free home.. him.. he said.. God dAm.. you blew iT all up.. hell.. cannot
see the
for the loss
of feel and sense
now of what iS even important
in life as a touchy feely human
being alive now.. just wanting to get
back to they city as a habit is wHeRe he
wanted to go.. misSing paradise on the way
to heaven then now.. so.. how advanced are we..
only.. in how much we touch and feel of mindful and
bodily awareness all naked now.. cover it all up.. make
it numb and pain.. or uncover it and live as the Beach of Heaven Now..
and i still haven’t come uP.. with a title for this 79th MacroVerse heAR of
“Netherland Bible 2017”.. and 750th MacroVerse of Song oF mY soUL too..
but sure.. by the standard of another play.. the great Social Critic.. Rod Serling
helped write in written script way.. too.. perHaps with a twist of a few words
the title
is aLike
All OVer sTiLL noW”..
better now than never..
Zoo or Free.. yOur can and WiLL or not..noW2..:)

YeP it’s true..
Verily i say
a deep
DanCeR SinGeR
i AM2.. sTiLL..NoW2..
with or without words thenow2..
And today.. the 27th of February
makes a full 42 month Longest Form Free Verse
Poem on Word Press and Metro Public Dance too..
over 3.3 Million words and over 6900 Dance miles2..
Planet of the Apes.. released on 2.8.68.. 49 years
ago.. in a memory for me.. wHeRE tHeRe is
no distance
tiMe.. sTiLL NoW2..
When i was living in the crib..
my Mother said i turned around
and around on my left toe then
until i wore a dance
blister on
it then..
my Mother told
my Father.. my boy
has the look of an adult
in his green to blue eyes like
he knows more than he should know
now then.. and my Father said.. in one of few
conversations to my Mother then.. one day.. you
will come in here and he will have a cigarette propped
up in his hand.. just puffing it away.. heHe.. kinda like Rod Serling (and my father too)
did at the beginning of his T-Zone show.. then too.. it is what is and i am am i..now..STiLL2..1..:)








BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

Book oF Ten Sixteen..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)


Grand Cross Bible 2016

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)


CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)


VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)


CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)


Nether Land Bible 2017

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)


Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 13 Comments

Dogwood Winter Blooms


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Beyond Birth and Death what all living
things share is thE WiLL to live and as my son
proved that in his 51 days of life with multiple congenital
anomalies.. My mother at age 82.. with multiple cancers from
head to toe at 8 days now with no food or drink surely proves this out too..
and so many
otHeRs of
miracle stories to relate…
i am sort of an expert on Happiness by
now but moreover before that i was more an
an expert on the much daRker side of life.. namELy
heLL on earth in the Kingdom of living within as opposed
to other much nicer place of the Kingdom of Heaven living
within.. inside.. outside.. above.. so beloW.. and all around on eARTh..
the much nicer place wHeRe tHeRe is no tiME but forevermore now..
wHeRe the otHeR place
mostly consists
of cLocks
with hands
so big they
crowd out NoW wiTh
numb and pain.. and if i didn’t
go tHeRe substantiAlly.. at lEast
temporarily through this.. the story would
be even daRker as i could no longer define myself
as fully human to enter both thE LIGht and dARk places
oF Life that lead back to LiGhT as Nature AKA God is on whole
merciful for those who seek and find tHeiR way back with WiLL
over Love.. not all do… sAdly.. not all do.. some bounce back as Nature
iN hUMan WiLL do.. given the opportunity with move.. connect.. and create..
but pushed back
too soon
as a
mechanical cog
in a machine means a more
likely longer priSon stay in the numb
and pain that has not been processed
with emotional regulation and sensory integration
of a dance and song of liFe with others free verse as liGht
goeS oN for more.. Death IS A merciful end NoW for the WiLL to
LIVe as LoVe as liGht when the WiLL is left that DanceS on without
a SonG.. so.. i continue that SonG as DancE can go.. longer noW as i StiLL
hOld the chalice of Love thAT has no bounds of wAlls to hold love inside.. and
the Sun is coming out by dark cloud by dArk cLoud removed… and clouds come back
and clouds removed aGain for liGht.. as mentioned earlier while school doesn’t teach
one how to come back and sadly church does little other than the social connection to
bring one back.. the Kingdom of Heaven within IS A Dance and SonG of art for me in
fully MoVinG ConNecTinG and Co-CreaTinG with the GoD of Nature allone never
separate in how i see and feeL and SeNSE the world now wHOle when this
BALanCinG ForCe oF LiGht over dARk rains a reign for me..
as the Gravity of DArk liGhts uP to a float
of liFe and after a pick-up
out of dArk
a Kundalini
DAncE and SonG
of MoVinG meditation liGht..
the sAMe SonG we listened to..
‘i believe i can fly’ is the SonG i DancED
to that brought me out of dARk sAMe as when
i listened to it back in ’97 when our child was dying then..
And when my Grandmother died back in ’87.. thE LiGht i remember
most is my Mother’s will to go on in liGht oF Love.. as it is those who
liVe wHo muSt continue to spread thE LIGht of Love the best they can and WiLL..:)



Blogger Poet Friend Xenia Tran
iN kind wishes of Love Sings..

Thinking of you at this time and wishing your mother well on her new journey of light. Blessings to you all and know that all will be well. You are surrounded by love and light xxx

And i return the sAMe WiTh..
Hello.. Xenia Tran..
tHeRe arE LiGhts iN
the world that WiLL
extinguished.. NoW..
namELy liGhts oF Love..
thank you for surrounding me..
aS LiGht liVes Love FlyInG hiGher..
And my MoThEr
goeS oN
as LoVe and liGht FliGht evEn HiGhER..:)


WeLL.. been awhile gigoid..
and anyWheRe IS A good
place to stART
and what
place than
now and an occupation
as a cat hammock is also
a best place to be in the now..
as connection is what makes life
worth living most even for a feral territorial
animal who comes to suck the mother’s milk of love again…
sUre.. with kitty biscuits too..
yes.. that touchy
feely warm
and fuzzy
stuff that
science names
as the cure of the
social bonding neurohormone
as oxytocin that kills the pain of the
human soUL of HeARt as SpiRit reLease
in comfort of life the most for those not addicted
to adrenaline
alone.. i
of course from
thE Lit place iN dArk
and liGht within.. anyWay..
liFe goeS oN my friEnd best
with a Loving hUman tOuch/FeeL/seNse thaT
reFuses to be put out by A dArk of LiFe oF ‘Fore..cE…
tOuch feeL
to reLatE..:)

“I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you- Nobody- Too?
Then there’s a pair of us?
Don’t tell! they’d advertise-you know!
How dreary-to be- Somebody!
How public-like a Frog-
To tell one’s name-the livelong June-
To an admiring Bog!”

~~ Emily Dickinson ~~

Communion with
a cost butt toAlly Free..:)

“Cats, no less liquid than their shadows, offer no angles to the wind.”

~~ from ‘Cats’ by Arthur Seymour John Tessimond ~~

“My Cat is a Tai Chi Master”..
it must be True.. one
can Google
and see It
has no skyscraper
LabELs thaT tRump Free cLouds
oF FliGht

“Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic,
capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.”

~~ Albus Dumbledore ~~

if no
else.. i for
one am proof words don’t run out
and even proof that yes.. they run on..
and words surELy hELped cure me at lEast..
and the best thing oF aLL is an infinite number
of new
can be
to relate more
than what one does before..
and as far as any poTenTial
harm or butt hurt..
a switch
for off.. haha..;)

“Never play a thing the same way twice.”

~~ Louis Armstrong ~~

For me aT
Free verse essence over

“A mistake is a lesson on its way to be learned!”

~~ Milton Berle ~~

i ofTen find
thE GreaTest
art in mistakes
as they are mostly free
oF Form and full of essence more..:)

“If it takes a lot of words to say what you have in mind,
give it more thought.”

~~ Dennis Roth ~~

Truth is..
dARk or liGht..
some minds are bigger
than others and have more to say
in short
and the
smallest ones
often say the most
aT aLL..
Like ants
who are relatively
speaKing much stronger
than humans butt the greatest
feat oF aLL is how they work together
with common objective Eusocial purpose to get
the job
for survival..
mostly importantly..
BaLanCing wiTh the
rest of Nature too..
fAiL oN
all counts now…
iN big picture view
oF survive foR All..
sure.. i’M
the choir..
butt the Truth is as
far as bigger picture view..
heAR.. Ants are probably
God of Nature’s favorite
pArts here for all.. as whole..;)

“One cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs
— but it is amazing how many eggs one can break
without making a decent omelette.”

~~ Professor Charles P. Issawi ~~

Ugh.. yeah
that thing cAlled
the hUman coNdition
all environmental aS Such..
otherwise known as Modern Human Cultures..
the curRent
virUs on eARTh..
at lEast from Space view
of Stars checking dOwn on
StAR DuST SenTienT
sTuFF uS..;)

Why is the universe the way we see it?
If it had been any different, we would not be here!”

~~ Stephen Hawking ~~

Save A
why not..:)

“It did not matter, after all.
He was only one man.
One man’s fate is not important.
If it is not, what is?
He could not endure those remembered words.”

~~ Ursula K. Le Guin, spoken by Gaverel Rocannon, Rocannon’s World ~~

count iN
total effect
and affect of Beauty..
no different
A sMiLe oN
A Down’s Child Face..:)

“You don’t get to choose how you’re going to die, or when.
You can only decide how you’re going to live now.”

~~ Joan Baez ~~

i saT sTill
LiVinG deATh liFe
i dance
i live
i sing
liFe Lives..
Dance sings Dance..:)

“Professor! Is this all real?
Or, is it just happening inside my head?”

“Of course it’s happening inside your head, Harry!
Why should that mean that it’s not real?”

~~ Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter ~~

So let it be
so leT iT Dance aS SonG..:)

Nice to see you again
gigoid.. alWays
a pleaSure
to come
aGaiN as promised..:)


i suppose my Mother
was waiting for two things..
For me to get back to the Hospital..
and for the Dogwood to bloom on February
22nd for the first time ever in recorded history
in the Panhandle of Florida
by older timers
like me
and my
now.. haha..
in anecdotal retrospect..
so.. yes.. my mother passes
away tonight at 8:10 pm.. Peacefully
in her sleep.. born on December 10th
1934.. making it ’till her 82nd year of life..
now on 02.22.2017.. first eternal spring here..
and before when the Hospice Nurse asked what my
mother’s wish would be.. all we could say is.. she
would wish to go home.. and she loved Flowers as
nothing material other than books meant anything to her..
she leaves a lot
of published
of her
soul with
that as well..
in written book
covered form.. anyway.. now..
the Dog Wood Tree is not coming
down for the new Septic Tank Drain Field..
the folks who install it.. will just have to
bypass the roots for now2 and who knows..
perhaps we will have to replace it again
but hey.. life counts.. even a Dog
Wood Tree that blooms
in Florida for the
in recorded history
or herstory or eTcstory too..
Make it all Holy and Sacred.. FuLL
of Meaning and Purpose.. make it the
Kingdom of Heaven now like a Mother who
only wants to love her children in life and that’s it…
i suppose that’s how God FeelS and senses within in FAcT
i sing it.. i dance it FreeLY without any restraint at all with all that is GOD
iN mE..
as a loving
Child with eYes
of God that will not go away..
eternal spring of Flowers with my
last words to my Mother.. i love you mama..
then her breathing eased to forevernow mY
heART.. spiRit and soUl allone..GOD..NoW..
WiTh a Red Tailed Hawk Harbinger oF LIGht..
SpirRAling in the Clouds around thE Legendary
Dog Wood Flowers of WiNter SpRing..LIGht..LoVE..:)

Old friend Amy.. wife of much longer term friend Greg all
the way from catechism in the grade school years of Catholic
Church.. his mother and still his sister one of the leaders
of the church.. with both my mother supporting me very much
and his mother supporting him very much through the more troubled
waters of life to eventual great success as far as individual human
happiness and peace of mind grows into older age.. i suppose i was a wine
that took a little more time to ripen into fresh but haha.. Maverick.. i remain..
anyway.. she drops by with the following kind words finding my alias on Facebook
in form of my wife’s name of Katie Mia and i really appreciate her doing this..

As she says..

So sorry for the loss of your Mom Fred. I know she supported and loved you.
Moms are just someone so special.

And i return with..

Hi.. Amy.. thanks so much for stopping by and bringing these
kind thoughts for the loss of my mother.. surely 8 of the
longest days i have ever lived.. losing her..
but eternity having her always
now both in life
and passing
living as divine
love and grace in my
heART.. SpiRit and SoUL..
i remember how difficult too it was
for both you and Greg to lose your parents..
and surELy a best part is when that love lives on in our
eYes of Love as LiGht
to give and share iN
all the essence and
form that
next as LiGht.. Hope
and wish and pray that you
and Greg are doing great now as well
and your children and all of your family as well..:)

Facebook Friend Benny and friend from college age also says in kind regard..

So sorry to hear about your mom passing away.
My condolences to you and your family.
If there’s anything I can do please let me know.

And i say in kind returns.. too..

Thanks so much Benny for the kind condolences.. we are hanging
in there.. friend.. and doing well..all
things considered.. and hope you
are doing well.. my friend.. too..:)

And now i say.. when my Father passed away back on May 22nd
of 2014.. almost but not quite making his 82nd birthday as my
mother achieved.. the gift he left to me was fearless strength/
WiLL.. although i had to find that more innately within as
a mirror of him in me.. my mother’s gift as
different was life long from ages
0 continuing through now
as divine love and grace
as the fearless strength/WiLL
and graceful love make up the
divine of my heaRt SpiRit and sOUL
and surely my mother lived the divine
strength and will even in her last days
of surviving with not even a drop of water
as per her wishes not to be kept alive by medical
devices for 8 full days.. in what the Doctor’s suggested
would likely be around 2 days and every day with her was a gift..
and the greatest gift she ever gives me is divine love and grace.. the
strength and fearless is more of spiRit WiLL too than just brute muscular strength
and that pARt.. particularly the fearless part eliminating all anxiety from life
has been the most challenging
part of my life..
in the
8 days
as i surely
felt like i was
traveling the River
Styx across a valley of death
and entering Peace of Love as well..
just another cross we all eventually share
in life if we live long enough to achieve all life
has to offer both in liGht and dARk as greATest tests that
come to us for freedom as liGht living life more than ever before..
i believe it is all for us as children
to learn the lessons of both
God as whole..
and for me i go many
steps further in human potential
to thank God most for this gift of life
i share as liGht with others now.. thing is..
i have that intellect of decades of school and other
rational analysis mixed with the mystical parts of life that
are often swept under the rug as tradition becomes not only binding
for social cooperative support as religion but also choking the parts
of freedom that can be sought and found when outcast from the herd of common
that does bind together with ritual and tradition where symbols become holy and
sacred along with ways of life as meaning and purpose where the parts that
do not mesh with common binds and bounds of walls
become outcast
of life..
the greaTest pArt
of that is.. although i hold
no restricted beliefs of just one
religion to the exclusion of others
that usually brings the most number of supportive
friends in life as birds of the same feathers of religion
do flock together in unison song at least in life.. i go further
as an explorer of God as surely there have alWays been nomads among
human beings
masses as maverick
to greener pastures out
of caves of life.. for Frank
example that is far beyond any core
beliefs of lust hating religions.. science
and me sees the value of human lust in making
the neurochemical and neurohormonal changes that increase
human productivity and creativity.. and as science and the fringe
religions show.. solo tantric so-called sex is the best way to neuro-chemically
and neuro-hormonally achieve this altered state of human conscious being mind..
in other words 3 hour
such as that
as that relates to
the human potential
all natural as such without
any need for external substance drugs
to achieve that higher potential of human
creativity and productivity whole.. and nah..
my mother never knew about that and if she did it
would have surely been another dark part of life to her..
as western religions tend to dominate and control and subjugate
people with so much repression and oppression about the natural
God given functions of the entire human being through life.. to hold it all
holy and sacred IS A path toward Unity and Peace with God as Temple of God holding
the essence of all that can be holy and sacred full of meaning and purpose if one escapes
what is clearly
now as far as biblical
science goes in scholarly
way the methods always used to
control people through shaming them
for their God of Nature given human Nature..
Frankly through limiting the natural pleasures
of the erotic nature of being human.. controlling
reproduction and using illusory fears to keep folks
like robots in line for the materialistic and power gains
of those in charge.. no different really than the Roman Emperor
Constantine expanding his empire while erecting a Monolithic
Statue of himself to be worshipped like Jesus
as Soldier Sun God too..
these are historical
facts now..
but if
the truth
that we are all
free children of God
by the message of the original
Gnostic teachings of the Jesus who
SEES the kingdom of God within and Heaven NOW
as a place where there would not even be any
ownership papers of marriage where all would be
spiritual brothers and sisters.. that would surely
take away the money changing tables to build 10 million
dollar homes to provide some power of positive thinking that
is an innate instinctual and intuitive human potential when one
takes the
on the clothes
of culture naked and comes
free per the Gospel of Thomas
vs 37 attributed to Jesus and not
censored by the so-called Holy Roman
Empire to expand it politically from shore to
shore for expanded resources as humans do in tribal
instinct ways too in areas of scarcity like the middle
eastern deserts for sure.. to understand human nature.. to understand
the true holy and sacred unity of being human with all of life full now
of meaning and purpose is to achieve the potential for unity with God
of Nature now..
and make
of this great
gift of life on what
surely looks from space
view as a miracle of heaven on
this Rocky orb of beauty blue and
green and beyond rainbow colors of abundance
of love.. thaT’s a miracle and that’s heaven
when fully experienced.. given and shared..
when no member of creation is
any greater
or less
than an
other NoW
when one can find
God in the split
of wood by ax and
in a grain of sand.. below..
above.. inside and outside and
all around eARTh too where that
grain of sand holds up mountains
in example of human love now too..
so i groW on in all inclusive love.. the unconditional
kind that groWs oN even hiGher than what our mother reserved
for my sister and me as loving children.. i see a much larger family
of 7 Billion plUs brothers and sisters.. and the technology of the modern
age web allows me to sow what i have lEarned as seeds on paths of journey
i continue
to travel
fringe is
what i am
but all is who i am
all as pART and whoLe of God ONE..
The Force as essence liGhTs On.. as liFE does DancE and SinG oN..
The Sun is shining NoW and i have some more liGht to sow in Dance and SonG..:)


Four MacroVerse Memories as shared as Facebook
Algorithm Memories provided all for free of course.. hehe..
with “CORE OF creativity” heAR speakinG NoW of the power and
Force aS a BaLanCinG PoWer of HumAN luSt and LoVe To greATest
Heights oF Human CreaTivity.. ProducTiviTy and Overall Social
Cooperation and Human PoTenTiAL coMe to FruiTioN for all ToGeThER
as a MacroVerse Memory from three years ago..
in other words..
the source
in LIving
and LoVinG
liFE with
a luST
never ends
iN all oF liFe Free..
and sure.. it can range from something
as soft as underwear art to full blown consensual porn..
in tantric ways of even solo wHeRE 3 hour orgasms are not uncommon..
thing is.. what comes neXt.. Sky RockEtinG Levels of Creativity and Productivity
with Natural increasing levels of the Social Bonding Neurohormone oxytocin as the
of the
Love drug
to kill human
pain and replace
that pain and numb
with never ending
comfort in
sadly.. so sadly..
leave out healthy consensual
levels of lust and lose the love too..
but hey.. even athletic supporters understand this
as science shows that ‘adjusting yourself’ also increases
healthy levels of oxytocin as a social bonding force for sports too..
it’s true.. might not always be easy to hear by what is often seen
as DArk
by the Force
of religions that
oppress and repress
human nature is the liGhTEst
Force of God oF aLL iN hUman
being that is the luST
that leads
to loVe
and human cooperation
and the libido responsible
in origin for human creativity
and productivity as whole.. the Karma
is do it sow it and reap the benefits don’t
sow it do it in liGht without shame and reap the
other dARkers side of life too.. that can lead to
addictions to opiates with vague somatic pains as human
nature is snuffed out with shame.. and other dARk Forces
of fear as associated with hate.. the ones who win in love
are the ones who free themselves naked with God treading on the fear of shame..
just a reminder.. the Gospel of Thomas verse 37 by so-called Yeshua who intiMates this too..:)


FIFTH Dimension of LOVE.. MacroVerse from two years ago..
while i am still visiting the ‘Wrong Planet’.. online and
attempting to find a language that will work with folks most trapped
in left hemisphere analyzing reason only thinking ways of brain thinking there..
in other words
of the social
empathic spiritual
consensual lust and love
paRts of life as life becomes
more of a two-dimensional science
project in rules and regulations as forms
all solid as such set in concrete ways of stone
life as
reaching a dance
and sing of life all
green on grass whole as God as one
Force of eYes that see more than left-
brain thinking only as metaphor of course..
as sure.. the brain is more complicated than that..
with much NOT known about the mind as whole too beyond the brain itself..
anyway.. it’s the essence that counts as there are many languages and other symbols
on the path to trutH and liGht.. and sadly the greaTest problem in the world to be expected
is the tribal instinct that fights for resources to the exclusion of others to the point of
killing and raping
and harming
of God
who lives
in all
now and
parts of God
Given Nature ranging
from different sexual orientations
to natural functions of God Given Nature
so God can enjoy the ride within human a little
more than pain and suffering now in a numb of life
of pain
and feels
and senses little
Joy.. no doubt God
would rather live in Heaven
within too.. all i can do and
will do is tale ya noW and sHow
ya what works for me in my now individual
language way and other symbols in visual and
sensing and feeling ways that leads me to union with
of Nature
whOle noW..
fortunately.. i live
in a country with freedom
of expression that allows one
different languages for lust and love and God one
not is the
saddest part of
all i.. for one see
as a nihilistic outlook
on life with little to no
holy and sacred and almost no
meaning and purpose in life.. the essence
of pain numb and depression as living life as death..
in other
words now
that eARThly
place away from
heaven that can
truly be
a numb
of pain
hell too..
free yourself.. live
in heaven.. is my only suggestion
in what works for you now as liGht liFE LoVe..:)

Google Away HOme aGain

Another MacroVerse Memory from two years ago named “Google Away HOme aGain”..
as i make a path back to the River i was raised on and even visit my elementary
school building and reflect on all thE paths to truth and liGht that are now available
with global expanding free flow in sharing information associated with trUth and liGht
and the nuances
language alone..
particularly in visuals
of non-verbal language available
as art online where sadly beyond the
mirror neuron way of sharing in visual way..
we still miss much of the taste.. smell.. and
overall feel and sense as touch of life.. seeing
and hearing important of course but Helen Keller sees more of course too..
in so many more incredible potential human intelligences in physical and
emotional ways to
seek.. find and
as liGht
of LIfE too..
for just one example..
the proprioception of
seeing the world without eyes or ears..
and this is where the free flowing art of movement comes in..
in not only integrating senses for greater above so below..
inside.. outside and all around experience of life
but integrating and expanding pro-social
feel good emotions
too.. so many resources available online now that expound forevermore now
for those who are not locked in books of the past that subjugate human
through oppressing and repressing their much greater
overall human potential
to control
illusory fears
for materialistic gains
and traditionally reproductive control..
namely.. controlling the reproductive freedoms of women..
for men who see women as not much more than cattle to breed.. AND CONTROL..
and name that some name for God’s wish to even rape and Kill when God naturAlly
to be
free as possible
within each human
being as history and
moreover herstory and
eTcstory continues to gRoW..
more than cattle behind fences closed.. up and clothed.. as hiding God Free..:)


“Broken Arrows oF Dreams Dance”.. MacroVerse Memory from a year ago..
that brings a theme song here and one more that speaks to the Free Spirits
of God that so much want to escape the frowns of repression and oppression of the
human spirit that so sadly can come from religion and culture of patriarchal ways of
subjugating and controlling human nature through oppressive and repressive ways of life
to control
all subsistence
resources including
human beings to expand
material and selfish reproductive gains..
been going on since the first part of Agriculture
around 10 to 12 thousand years ago.. as storing food
as grains in silos away from a forage of life together
and a naked dance togeTher where the whole family is village
and the child
the father
and mother is
is the child of the
village whole to be
raised allone with a healthy
balance of lust and love altoGeTher
as divine grace and love and WiLL and
Strength and Fearless as one family wHOle
full of holy and sacred meaning and purpose seeing
and feeling and sensing God in all stuff creation beyond
feeling and sensing and seeing now too.. so i dance and sing
free away from SupeR Walmart aisles of frowns of misery and suffering
where opiates take the place of a healthy balance of free LuST and loVe
in consensual
nah.. it’s
not as bad
as the theme
song heAR but it does
relate the core problem
of red state fear and hate
in tribal instinctual ways of
human scarcity running afraid from
Peace and Love for all in harmony..
true.. human beings are
only evolved
to live
in friendly
groups of 150 to
200 sets of naked
eyes and hips of consensual
lust and love.. so insanity of
overpopulation breeds roach motels
of hate and fear where frowns rule over
a joy of lust and love in consensual village way..
short and brutish is the way Clothed Christians reviewed
the life of American Indians in day of so-called wild and
free almost naked dance together around a campfire of moonlit
nights where the spirit raised one with God free from head to toe..
inside.. outside.. above so below and all around life as liGht as Lust
and Love Balance now.. for all
of existence
with God..
Hell can last a long
time as life too clothed..
and the greatest Heaven is the
Heaven that lives within that is as
invisible as disabilities of pain and numb
named as depressions with opiate cures of lingering
hell as well
at root
of luST and Love..
for life wHole.. anyway
those who wish to unplug and
live will as Heaven now.. those who
do not will reap what they soW as the Harvest
is alwayS now.. even in a Spring that never changes into Winter now..
add as Karma sinGS her song
best as TrUth and liGht as he will do too..
with all
the tween
as GreaTEr TrUtH and
liGht now
oF liFE free
as God bes within..NoW..:)

Other than that for now this finishes
what seems to be a rather short overall MacroVerse
as number 78 of my own personal “Nether Land Bible 2017”
wHERe number 77 added in makes a total of 1,169,388 words as
a running total for the record as such.. as this 749th MacroVerse
whole of Ocean whole poem.. also titled ‘SonG of My SoUl’ coming to
the 42 month point whole since the end of August 2013.. on Word Press
still exceeds 3.3 million words.. likely getting close to 4 Million words
as total blogging effort started in March of 2013 for 48 months total effort too..
and yes.. all part of a 12 million
word or so online writing
expedition starting
on Thanks Giving
Day of 2010..
with “Nether Land
Bible 2017”.. starting
on Memorial Day of 2016..
again.. just to keep the record
of what i am doing in somewhat
concrete structural way too.. more
than just fLoWinG as Patterns do make
Golden pHI waves of 1.618 Ocean Flow
as water waves too.. and yeS
even words
of God Patterns
that humanifest as me
noW2.. as the waves of my soUl wash on..
shores forevermore now expanding as the
in and out
even more..
so with all that sAid..
tonight will be the 149th dance
week at Good Old Seville Quarter with
all the cool college age folks there as like
the theme song here continues if one travels far
enough there will be someone who recognizes one’s fuller humanity free..
it is most often
the little
and so called
‘ethnic minorities’ who
recognize who i am full oF liGht
Free in Super Walmart when i continue
my Public Dance now at about 6900 miles
soon to approach 7000 miles close to the Spring
Equinox of 2017.. anyway i will not hide any of my liGht
as liFE
is the
me that
keeps giving
and sharing iT all
as a beacon oF liGht that
refuses to shine any dimmer than
the GreATest liGht i for one WiLL to bRing
as fearless strength of grace and love Dances and SingS oN..:)

More fun dance photos coming to this 78th MacroVerse of “Nether
Land Bible 2017” now titled “Dogwood Winter Blooms” and also
the 749th MacroVerse oF Ocean whOle poem with photos added
into the next MacroVerse too as DAncE and SonG begins and
ends and alWays staRts and never finishes
my efforts
and i’m pretty sure
that’s how it works for
God overall.. within.. inside..
outside.. above.. so below and all around
as liGht continues NoW the cycle from dARk
to LiGht even greaTEr noW oNE..ForCe oF LOVE..:)


Getting back in the saddle.. River Flow expresSing
heARt.. spiRit and souL in a continuous streAM
of body and miNd BaLanCinG DancE and SonG
as now goeS oN more fully iN liGht..
taking a stop at the Funeral
Home to sign the
paperwork for
the cremation
and meeting
the long term county
funeral director who has been
burying my relatives and performing
related services.. decades on end for 50 or
60 years.. deaths coming in my family starting
with my Great Grandfather well before the 80’s.. in ’65..
and surrogate Uncle Ed shortly after that as friend of my Maternal Grandmother..
she taking care of him on his death bed in my home.. then.. dying of respiratory
problems as a long-term railroad worker by Blackwater river too.. with his daughter..
the Editor of the Magazine.. ‘Women’s Day’.. as she hit the big time then.. and a long
dry spell of human deaths after that although plenty of heart felt pet deaths as pets came
and more pets entered the realm of happiness.. namely.. my first Yellow Tabby cat.. named
Toby who used to sleep with me on the bed when i was in about first grade..
and my Dachshund mix Charlie in Middle School.. and Tiger
and Bear in Tuxedo Black and White kitty way
in college as a young adult.. to Elwood
and Jake Gray and White Tuxedo
Cats in full adulthood
age to
Arthur.. our
Twenty year
old Brown Tabby
around June 2014 and Moby
last year suffering complications
of Diabetes back then.. in February too..
And back to the Human’s.. my Great Uncle
Charles at age 94 in the early 80’s.. my Paternal
Grandmother Myrtle in ’83.. my Maternal Grandmother.. Louise.. 30
years ago in a very late spring at the end of March of ’87 with Azaleas
blooming beautiful.. she at age 83.. My Great Aunt Mary in her 80’s in the late
90’s.. Katrina’s Mother Sandra in 2006.. a really difficult time then for Katrina getting
through that.. and My Great Aunt Jettie in 2010.. at age 94.. and my 2nd Stepmother
Pat in 2008 and my Step Sister Karen her daughter.. in 2009.. and my 1st Step Mother’s Husband
Jerry.. at Christmas time in 2013.. then my Father Fred Sr.. in May of 2014 and Katrina’s Sister
Michelle on Christmas Eve of 2014.. no one died in 2015.. a very Good year that was indeed..
And then there was my Aunt Christina around Christmas of 2016.. sister of my Mother at age 89..
And yes.. of course.. as i think it is with most people.. my Mother was the hardest to lose of all.. along with my Son Ryan at age 51 days in July of ’97.. of course..
as a Mother’s Love is the bond that begins well before birth.. anyway.. it was very nice talking
to the Funeral Director named Donnie Sowell who came out of retirement.. before.. running
the Big Funeral Home in Milton to run a smaller one now.. he knowing most all
my elder relatives back when Milton was very small and most everyone
new everyone by name.. and remembering my Uncle Charles
as one of the First settlers at Navarre Beach Sound side
where he ran a gas station store for decades there
as the men stopped to talk for hours
to chew the fat and pass the time
as old folks used to say.. and do..
Uncle Charles.. was the kind of orator
who took you to the place whatever he was speaking
on with passionate emotions as the art of speaking was the
entertainment of the decades to replace all smart phones then..
i watched him and my Uncle Bob.. the Rich Uncle who did it starting
with appliances at Sears to a string of Vacuum stores.. my Father’s half
brother still alive.. and when i was so sick in 2008.. my spirit dead in
Emotional way and just a fried bundle of nerves without
what felt like any myelin sheath life to
insulate my nerves
from stray
electricity then..
i listened to my great Aunt
Jettie through all my pain then..
and her nephew Burt.. a generation older
than me and her nephew by Marriage Ski who
along with his wife have passed away in those decades too..
and as they said.. the art of oral tradition was a dying breed those days.. too..
as smart phones and text had even taken the phone conversations away then2..
as Aunt Jetties’ Son Fred.. yes.. another Fred.. also passed away around 2009 too..
living with my Great Aunt Jettie with some pain issues of his own he dealt with then..
he.. a writer… who wrote an ancestry of the entire family that i still.. thank Goodness.. have
a book copy of.. as it’s true.. my elder family were among the first settlers of the area that grew
it into what it is now.. where it’s true2.. no longer do folks know your name.. hehe.. except
for me as the very strange Metro Dancing man or guy in general as what my identifier
as a ‘Cheer’s Norm’ has come to be.. most often though.. they.. namely the younger folks
are hiding around the corner with a Smart phone recording the wild thing
they captured in video way
on just another boring
trip to a store..
that becomes
interesting as
out of the box dances
again.. in Target.. tonight..
hey.. dancing is much more fun
than sitting on mall benches and watching
sports as far as i for one know and sense and feel
now.. and if i can do it at age 56 and folks do it in their
90’s too.. it’s really not too late to dance and sing life whether
slow dance or song or a wild art like me.. oral tradition is basically
twitter and text dead.. even the phone has gone a sad way away from
the emotional social reciprocal social communication of the instrument of
human vocal ways.. but hey.. dance was the first human and cultural social
reciprocal communication of them all as art of human MoVinG CoNnecTing
Co-Creating ways with God of Nature all.. most specifically.. when two or more hUmans
come togeTher.. sTiLL.. a new connection of the neurons oF GoD make a new spARk of LiFE..
aRisEN.. i’LL spaRk some at Old Seville Quarter tonight… as with a few drinks.. i’m not nearly
as hard to approach as i seem to be in the so-called civilized world of buying stuff.. with a dance
and song of Love.. there is no need to buy shit.. hehe.. it’s a naked package dressed up
enough for legal to share as human flesh and blood HeaRT and SpiRit and soUL and if
you wonder why all the substance abuse.. up to about a third of the adult population now..
the dance and
song of liFE togEther sTiLL noW..
wHeRe everyone kNows yOur naMe
NoW aS youR heARt.. yoUR SpiRiT..
yoUr soUL Soars as new connections of
God neurons are made with human beings more..
so.. i invite you.. to yes.. come out and play and move
and connect and co-create with God more.. sure.. i’M
sure God does within as well all healthy wiTh liGht more too..
so.. what song to use for this.. i suppose an Aphrodite Matrix
Mix when humans really let it all out then as our so-called
primitive ancestors still do.. hehe.. at the Dance Hall
tonight.. liFe liGhts up now when/wHeRe liFe
becomes a Song and
Dance for
human Free..
it’s a within FORCE that
requires no external man
made tools aT all.. not even clothes
as those are required as Caesar coins to
get in the Dance Hall now.. but hey.. other than
that i’ve got a membership and without any drinks..
i pay a buck a week at prices that could make last
Century not shy away from fun.. other than that this area of
Nature is beyond beautiful.. trUly there is so much to experience
of life heAR that costs nothing aT aLL in terms of Caesar bucks for those
who know and feel and sense how to enjoy God within.. inside.. outside.. aLL FReED..
above.. so below and all around for freeR.. hehe.. all i need IS A Target Ball for fun and less..
all i need is a SonG
and DancE
Love FReED..
sure.. call me Freddy
Freeloader too.. just another
person collecting smiles instead of
beer cans on the side of the road and
that reminds me of two of the few males
on my maternal side of the family.. first cousin
Dickie who died in the Vietnam war in ’69 and
my first cousin Jimmy who died of throat cancer
at before my age now back in the 90’s or so.. he..
a generation older than me and Dickie too.. Life
IS A gift.. laugh
it love it
live it
A SonG of DancE
aGaiN.. i SinG more..
Breathe Life as gift now..
A Tree of liFe liVinG hUmanS NoW..
And sure.. i’M juSt a Special SnoW Flake sTiLL noW
that my MoThEr created juSt for the local area heAR..
no way in hell i would have ended up heRe like this if my Father
stayed.. likely juSt anotHeR Law Enforcement or Military officer all
by the rules and regulations enforcing the law or perhaps a Judge..
what may
coMe neXt.. to be
or not to be is is for more..
to coMe neXT as thE RiVeR FloWs..now… more..:)








BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

Book oF Ten Sixteen..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)


Grand Cross Bible 2016

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)


CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)


VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)


CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)


Nether Land Bible 2017

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)


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Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 15 Comments

Sun oF Love




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New Blogger Poet Friend.. Xenia Tran.. sends kind wishes in regard to my mother..

Sending love, smiles and prayers across the miles xxx

And i return with..

Thanks so
Much.. my
As Love
Is no
Space.. or
Love is

She returns with
smiles and a heart emoticon

And i return
with a smile emoticon..

And with that said.. the healing value
oF A Mother’s hand cannot be denied by
those who feel the love that Mother’s hand
can bring in Unconditional way.. and fortunate
am i to hold that warm and loving hand once again
as the Doctor’s
say my
has anywhere
from two days
to a week to live
for now.. my sister
and i taking shifts at her
bedside now.. and off to lift
my spirits now in how i do that the
best in hopes of spreading that gift
oF liGht as inborn and bred by my mother’s
hand of love as there is rarely a healing touch
as loving as a Mother’s hand and i am surely
glad she is going the way she wanted
too.. at rest it appears will
be her curtain
of light
to the
creator as liGht
comes from dArk
and goes to liGht
and the
of liGht
and dARk
continues as liGht..
and sMiLes.. i’ve experienced
too many miracles in life not to
believe in life forevernow.. too much
magic in one life that makes Santa look
like a skeleton in a closet alone.. allone with
God all now forevermorenow all paRts we whOLe NoW
uS LoVinG LiGht as GoD SpiRit fLIGht moreevermorenow…
i wish i could impArt this 100% Faith with and on everyone as liGht
as words are surely not the sAMe as the foreveressence as NOW liGht..
so.. i celebrate my mother’s liFE and her exit from misery and suffering and
all of liFe associated with pain as the dARk is PARt oF liGht too.. and tHeRE is
no separation from God in our daRkest thoughts and moments we feel and see NoW
any oTher way than that.. does it hurt.. sure.. more than i’ll ever put into words.. but
nah.. it doesn’t numb nearly as bad as having nothing left to feel and sense inside of Love
or to give as LiGht as Force as LoVE is power oF liGht we share when isreal as fLIGht to
of we Ocean
wHOle expanding
with unlimited shores
of Love to grow even more..
so.. yeah.. off to dance to stay afloat..
off to float to dance and sing liFE aLIVE
and celebrate the greATest gift we all alive
liFe as liFE
breathes and
lOvE goeS oN as noW more..
And thanks from me goes out to all of those
who have extended kind wishes and thought in
all the ways that comes from a tear of reaction on
Facebook to a loving flesh and blood hug as touch..
it’s all love.. in all forms it comes it’s all essence when
as SoUL..
Love wins Love wins Love wins..:)

Facebook Friend and nice niece Candie says..
This is so beautiful and sad at the same time.
With Sad emotion and Crying tears emoticon

And i return with..

Appreciation of Love…
my very nice and kind niece.. Candie..
Love lives as long as Love Lives..NowmoreeverforevermorenoW..:)

Back after an afternoon and night with my mother and a dance
floor to express all my emotions and senses without
bottling it inside.. and ironically..
i suppose/feel/sense a great song
for this 77th MacroVerse
of this ‘Nether Land Bible’ now
totaling 1,153,816 words with the
76th MacroVerse added in of also now
748th MacroVerse here staRting for Longest
Long Form poem of over 3.3 Million words closing
in on the 42th Month of poetic stream of consciousness
Holy spiRit co-creative writing with the God of Nature all..
since the end of August 2013 in Word Press way and total blogging
experience with first spark of that spirit expresSinG at the end of
February 2013 in a PM to my first and only Facebook Friend then in what
surprised me in flow the same as it did when i won a Christmas Story in a
middle school two homeroom classroom competition of 80 students where i had no idea
where the words came from then and a spark in a philosophy class at age 18 in college
writing all about the Universal God of Nature then having no idea where the words that floWed
out of my fingers came from then.. and it came in spurts.. starting at the end of February
2013.. now close to the 48th month point.. and really flowed along with the free verse
public metro dance that also started at the end of August 2013.. when the Word Press poetic
effort of longest long form poem came.. then.. so yes.. it is safe to say as ‘they’
say.. the spirit has been upon me for 42 months full in flow and around
4 years in and out all toGether now.. by the end of this month..
so.. sure.. i used “Time in a Bottle” as the Bottle is
my SpiriT eXpreSsinG EmoTions and seNses of HeARt
from head to toe and more in the art of
a miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL..
so.. in other words
i am putting
my soul
this bottle heaR..
for floW iN ZonE of
ArT aliVE alWays noW
as Love and all the Pro-social
emotions that spRinG from that but
what i leARned when i lost my emotions
for 66 months is emotions are what make us human
and this art of free verse poetry is what connected
the language as guide posts erected before to house emotion
bRinGing the essence of EmoTioNal and SeNsoRy SpiRit back to
live in shells of
word no matter
how eloquent
had no essence
of FeeLinG SenSinG
EmoTiOns within.. and that’s
a sad thing.. perhaps.. a saddest thing
when someone says your words are beautiful
and you cannot feel the beauty of words or even
a sunset or a sunrise or flower in the niGht or Day..
and trUst me that is the bottle of Love you do not want to lose..
and the way i found it back was three fold..
through words oF oLd through Music
of my youth.. and through
the photos of the
Loves i lost
the losses
of Love in youth
in how i adjusted to
that emotional turmoil was
to shut emotions down progressively
through all the stresses of life until
they no longer existed and they seemed impossible
to find again.. you see.. Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity
in change adapting to environmental stress for the positive in human
evolution in just one life can go both ways.. yes.. negative too..
use it or lose it
applies to all
creation iN
life.. so.. February
16th will be the afternoon
and evening i sat at my mother’s
bedside and expressed all my emotions
that trust me.. were a Hurricane of dance
last night for a crowd to experience as i was
born a very emotional person.. a very sensitive person
who could feel/sense everyone and everything like i could not
separate and individuate myself from everything and everyone
and that is just one form of Autism that overwhelms a person to
where they don’t make
sense when
they talk
to get
it all out
at once in what
they experience as a storm
of life in emotional and sensory
experience.. other forms of autism
are opposite.. where either emotions go away
or they never exist at all.. Autistic Psychopathy
as it is originally named by Hans Asperger as he
sheltered these children from the Nazi Effort to eliminate
anyone ‘less than perfect’.. in the early 20th Century.. oh
yeah.. and speaking of feelings.. my wife reminded me i forgot to
mention that she gave me that ‘Five Days at Freddy’s’.. T-shirt
right after i said i needed a special shirt for Valentine’s Day as
i never finished that thought in the last MacroVerse SonG..
anyWAy.. i am moving a little too much on a fact
finding mission here away from
emotions and that
is the other
part of some
forms of Autism..
super logical minds that
get locked into data download
and output mode and lose it or use
it comes into play that way unwittingly
so.. and next thing ya kNow people are no longer
saying you are too emotional kid.. to hey.. Fred computer
head.. solve this problem for us as you are now just a valuable
commodity to get the job done.. and that’s okay for job security
but not okay at all for soUL security.. trust.. faith.. hope.. and love and
all the stuff that kills doubt.. fear.. and the worst ‘friend’ of all that is hate…

So now it’s true.. now that i have a way to get all my shit together i not only
believe i can fly.. i can just do it.. as i have all the emotional and physical
intelligence tools innate.. instinctual and intuitive to get the job all done..
and no doubt.. this is why written language stARTed to hold human emotions in a bottle
too as words of faith.. hope and love.. to share and re-visit when times of emotional
loneliness and cold came then.. so.. we can find this help through the art expresSinG
experiences of other folks through words and other forms of human art too.. for it’s true..
all words and letters and other symbols are art as they are guideposts for our emotional and
sensory and knoWinG experiences of TrutH and liGht for what we kNow and FeeL and Sense
to be good in life and yes.. the DArk side away from liGht expresSinG as spiRit too..
as all emotions play a role in how we BaLAnCe ouR soUL as A Force that works
to get the job of not only survive but thrive ToGeThER doNe now…
my mother’s life inspires me to fly.. all my loved
one’s lives inspires me to fly and all
of creation and God of Nature
inspires me to fly..
as to fly
is not
to be
down by the chains
of dARk.. to fly is to let
one’s EmoTioNs/SeNseS/SpiRit DancE
and SinG free aS LiGht unChained now
from the dARk EmoTions and SenSEs that
weight us down.. but you ‘see’.. the dARk is
an anchor thAT bRinGs uS uP to liGht even higher
than beForE if we use those WinGs of LoVe Gifted to us
By the God OF NaTuRE aLL as HiGheST hUman PotEnTiaL as LiGht…
the Truth is.. the ways of path of life journey that take us to this
place oF liGht as liFE JouRney destination present of Now..is not alWays easy
getting heaR but it surELy is worth all the crosses of dARk as aRk that take us
to this
as HiGhest
place to fly
in/as SoUL.. tHeRE is
alWays more dARk to come
but the saVinG Grace is when
we dance and sing that dARk as art
and make a bottle of the present now
of Love that never goes away at least to
the point where we can go back and find it as
life line later.. and that’s the thing too.. as many people
will tale you.. that life line back to love is their Mother..
i will be able to find her back here just by typing in the words
“Mother’s Gift Now” in Google.. really easy for me to remember but the
thing is.. just like when i took notes in class.. i never had to refer back
to them to remember them.. as art.. whether taking notes or painting is how
we cement those memories with emotions and senses of focus in the moment as present
of now when do our art.. the real gift is for someone else to see notes and art same that
take them
to an
and sensory place
that perhaps they have
never been before that spARks
a liGht in them.. so.. we give and
share and GroW toGeTheR that way and
that is wheRE avenues for free art in all
the small and haha.. ‘bigger ways’ that come..
do come into play ranging from Instagram to
Facebook to Blogs to Dance Halls to
still to Sunday
Morning Church where
we sing together and
hold hands when saying positive
words of prayers to bind us toGEther
in EmoTiONal Love.. same as a naked dance
of Indians under moonlit campfires of lOve
with the rhythms of drums and fluted instruments
as throat song and heaRt Beat of Human extended even
more.. this is humanity.. this is love.. this is what we
humans do best toGethER in a Dance and Song of Life as we art it
togEtheR and save the best to enjoy it again toGethER forevernow
again as the cycles of dARk and liGht go on forevermore noW in a
of Life
in the
Kingdom of
Heaven here on
eARTh.. at least that is
how the elders did it when
i was young.. and i find a way..
anyWay as a path on a journey to express
that sPiRit of heaRt now with photos.. videos..
words.. and yes the oldest arts of Feat of Dance
and Voice of SonG in what we are innately gifted with from
birth sTiLL NoW
all naked
as we come
in and
out in
liGht and dARk
as that cycle of liFE
iN DancE and SonG goeS oN.. as LOVE..:)

And.. oh.. goodness that reminds me to take a quick
note here that i am now 7 full MacroVerses of back up
on Facebook personal page and two other pages which is
around 100K or so words to be copied and pasted on three
FB pages at close to a third of a million words.. well.. i’ve
been further behind than that as the words floW oN as ya
when it
is LuKe Hot..
sTiLL copying and
pasting to Facebook
as i go.. but hey.. sooner
or later i’ll get it all collected
togeTher and labeled then as continuing
exPaNding archive of the soUL that will not die.. now
as i extend all those soUls that i love heAR as well..:)

It almost seems so simple now that i missed it.. make every
move as dance and sound as word holy and sacred in life full of
meaning and purpose and Heaven comes as a Kingdom within to give
and share with others all Naturally and it’s true as ‘they’ say ‘the
word’ is holy but if you close the book of love it becomes hard to expand
it to groW more as Ocean wHole of God’s art in our eYes of Love and to leave
out the first
as move
of God
uS is to leave
most of what drives us
from head to toe.. namELy
our EmoTioNs and SenSes integral
to the huManity oF Love now.. so..
Dance and Sing Love as Art..
do best
in a bottle
that SinGS now
with no distance.. space
or time.. just love.. juSt Love
as Dance and Song..iSReaL NoW..FLYLOVE..:)

And by A way “I Believe I Can Fly” came out
when our son Ryan endured his life of 51 days
in Shand’s Hospital.. in ’97.. all he experienced
in life is what my mother
is experiencing
at the end
of her
in the
hospital now..
he taught me to fly..
chained in that bed from
birth to death.. finally free in my
arms to escape pain to the blessing
of death as my mother is going to do soon
too.. i voWed to fly hiGher after my
only son and child died…
i vow
to fly
noW in
respect of the
gift of my mother..
the gift of my birth.
the gift of all those who
i love.. namEly all of Creation as GOD NoW LOVE..:)

MArk mY
words.. my dance.. my song.. so
let it be written so let it be dOnE…MORE..NoW..:)



DArk inside.. begs
liGht to come back as
the pain of watching my Mother
die and the comfort i wish to give her
is all life at this point of now.. nah.. i refuse
to escape as this is as much paRt of liFe as the
liGht that will continue to aRise after dARk.. i’LL touch
the sKeYes soon enough as the paths branch out more
into journey oF LiGht…
mY Mother’s greaTest
wish was that i would
never cry and be
and then
the Katrina came
and she kNew that
prayer was answered..
and yes.. it is answered as
Katrina takes the dARk away
and gives me comfort of Love in
this most difficult of days now..
and there are angels here
and theRe who truly
and naturally
care about
tHeir fellow human beings
like the nice girl from the gym.. Vida..
who cared enough to ask me at Old Seville..
why i came to work-out early on Wednesday
and even told the Older Military Hero who works out
there who goes to our church about it so he could provide
words of comfort too.. as when i walked into the gym last
night.. Vida Raised her arms up and said ‘Norm’.. i mean
Fred.. hehe.. ‘Cheers’.. reference tHeRE for those
not in the ‘norm’ know/feeling/ and sense
of pop-culture and real life
too.. the human
touch takes the pain away
and sympathy arises for others through
actually experiencing the dArk oF LiGht that
combines wITh liGht Now from dARk and sHades
of grey and beyond rainbow colors too.. to make all that is
aka God wHOle more than we can see/feel/and sense too.. art as
the HouSinG of the essence of the hUman heART.. SpiriT ExpreSsinG
miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG soUL as vehicLE and vessEL to carry liGht
on and yes.. DARk.. the ShaDes of Grey and BeYond Rainbow colors for oTher
folks to see and feeL and senSe as more of liFe to perceive as reALiTy even more..
aS even in the dArkest MiDnight hour we are BeingS oF LiGht and even with a Solar
Eclipse like the first one to cross the entire United States from east to west
in 99 years and the first total solar eclipse since ’79.. coming this
August 21st.. 2017.. liGht comes back without fAil as the
greAtest fear has alWays been
it will stay
never come back..
i feel the liGht of my MoTher
sTiLL as she lays dying in her bed
now.. and i feel the liGht of humaniTy as
it surEly seems to be groWinG dARker heaR in
some places who/that refuse to even see the dARk..
and that’s the thing.. if one refuses to see/feel/sense dARk
tHeRE can be no trUe liGht without the recognition Now of dARk..
And the dARk and liGht comes noW iN unlimited ways.. and culture..
local or larger can hide the dArk in so-calLed liGht clothes
and expose the liGht in so called dARk clothes..
as there is surELy much for the world
to learn and feeL and sense
more today
as a revelation
of the trUe forces oF
dARk against the trUe forces
oF liGht thaT is alWAys sHades of Grey
and beYOnd rainbow colors too.. perHaps coMes
to liGht and dARk and the ‘tween beyond thAT as that
is what adversity does.. it bringS out all the colors of humanity bold..
and cold and yes
too.. for sure..:)

This liGht inside.. this flame.. this flicker when it grows dim in the
face of emotional and sensory darkness as i can relate when we lost
our child and the other losses of life.. it is truly those who offer
comfort iN those times bringing the flicker of flame that is waning
hiGheR in the human liGht of BeinG
that i for one will
alWays remember now
no different really
too from a distance
like the song ‘Firework’ by
Katy Perry that was the only
SonG oF LiGht my soUl could hear
back in 2010 or so in the dead zone then..
‘Raise your Glass’.. by Pink.. was another one and
sure.. i’ll remember the stories the Military hero provided
of his Irish mother passing with cancer at age 94 with her
hands folded toGetHeR.. soUL.. waiting to receive communion then..
and his humorous remark at the end that if after he dies and neXt
if he finds there is no Heaven.. he is gonna be pissed.. and nah..
i didn’t go on all about the Kingdom of Heaven now on this eARTh
promised in this generation by the ‘old jesus’ back in the
days of Biblical text that remains now to
say what i for one feeL and
sense can be the
reaLity heAR
as liGht
Earth now.. then
and alWays noW for
those who seek and find it
by never giving up.. and nah..
not a place that everyone can fit tHeir
camel through as this needle is perHaps the
tightest fit ever in a society that does its best to make
US As form of the tools we use including even words beyond
the essence oF liGht as Love Within iN MoVinG.. coNnecTinG
CreAtinG ways from head to toe and more to free the liGht of we
insiDe to mid-day Sun in Darkest niGhts of new moon midnight bLack..
and the animals have this liGht too.. to suggest they don’t is perhaps the
most sELFish
things humans
do in tHeir seemingly
unceasing disrespect Now
for the rest of Nature all animate
and inanimate and never trUly inanimate
at the sub-atomic flow level of BeinG noW liGht
as LiGht expands as existence now or retracts some
what as we lose that liGht.. LiGht more.. LiGht less.. move
more.. connect more.. create more or the otheR place of dArk..
thaT much we do have relative free will control of as co-creators of
our realiTies now with the ForcE of all Nature which sure.. yA can call God now
as houSing
of veHicle
to express the essence
of God isREaL NoW.. anyWay..
my sister and i are on shifts at my Mother’s
side as she no longer wakes and we just wanna
make sure she is not alone through the end of her life
now.. so yeah.. this is rather therapeutic for me to balance
the dARk with the liGht as much as i can as i am only human of course
and last night i felt the kryptonite again.. i’ve been in that kryptonite place
for 66 months and long before that for a year and more..and surely
do not wanna go back again.. but it’s trUe..
now from
kryptonite too..
think about it.. the
the death
oF LiGht.. these comic
booK and other art folks
and tHeir word/audio/visual play either
witting or unwitting surELy fits the bill of
human spiritual life that is as real as what
you feel and sense of life or what you don’t and
sure.. in a science way that’s a fAct too.. if only in ethical
case study view..iN this inner UniVerse one can neither fear the
dARk or be cynical of thE liGht to more fully eXplore as the scientific
method is made more for form surELy than the essence of all that is GOD.

So.. a little behind but not left behind on MacroVerse memories here over the last
several days as shared on Facebook too.. hmm.. ‘Left Behind’.. life imitates art..
and a reminder from Facebook Friend Greg on that as most all those folks who read that
‘Left Behind’ series seem to have a death wish of making the Anti-Christ of that story
come true and
follow his
as far
as dARk goes…
The human as Carl Sagan
intimated in the ‘Contact’ inspired
movie is so true in the end of that movie
too.. humans.. are capable of such great dreams
and horrific nightmares through their imagination and
creativity of dARk… ‘tween… liGht and beyOnd.. and as hiStory
repeats hisSeLF.. we need a little heRstory now.. the Love of a Mother
who brings sandwiches
of a
chain to the
basement of love..
(pArtly inspired by
the military hero who
had a stern father when
he got in trouble and a mother
with a sandwich to feed a starving heart)..
there are a lot of starving heARTs in this country
and the world now.. and sadly.. some of the emptiest
hearts are in fully feathered nests as how that appLies appLes to
nurturing the rest of humanity in need.. as the appLES continue to faLL
grace of
Love to doubt..
fear and hate as Love
WiLL eventually win as herstory shows..
a sandwich for the children of God more as liGht..
and i do mean all the children all of Nature too as God.. too..:)


“Elephant GreY GOD”.. MacroVerse from two years ago.. speaKing
to the problem of worshipping form over essence.. in other words when
words and books and cars and homes and skyscrapers with folks names
become the
God over
God of Nature
essence we are born
innately with without any of these
human tools.. including written words..
as God lives on a desert Isle no different than
what we attempt to relate of God in symbols of human
abstract constructs we name as words.. outcasts find this
TrUth liGht much easier as we have more time to seek and find
it outcast of course on a desert Isle with God.. i tried to relate that
concept to a bunch of folks on a place called the ‘Wrong Planet’.. where
there was little poetic heART spArk and i attempted to relate it in a poetic
place named DvERse and that change of seeing Nature as God on a Desert Isle
was suggested NOT as real change in viewing life whole.. you see.. they are
for God
to get back as
a man.. namely
the person who couldn’t
figure out what the FucK i was
speaKinG about when they deleted my
effort to describe the change that happens
when God becomes real now on a desert Isle
and one becomes allone and never alone again..
Kingdom of Heaven as the Jesus related that the Kingdom
of God lives within everyone and not just FucKinG him iF yoU
SeeK iN God of course within.. you kNow it’s funny.. the first priest
who came to give my Mother the last rites.. went by the book and halLeD
ass to the next location.. a busy man he was.. the B priest in the hierarchy
below the alpha priest came in the next day and he had a little time to listen
to my John 14:12 story.. of course.. i didn’t spell it out for him and he left given
the opportunity to do that as a nurse came in.. but the third man of the cloth..
a Hospital Chaplain who doesn’t ‘discriminate’ against any specific faith/sexual
orientation.. etC..eTc..aL..aT all.. listened intently to my story and could ‘see’ the spiRiT
iN me more than the book i continue to write no
different really than the African
American woman
at the
last week who identified
me as a ‘member of her spiritual
family’ before i said a thing juST by
the liGht as my Face iN sMiLes as most
all African American Churches STiLL noW heAR
seem to more easily do as they live more by spiRit
than words alone.. DanCinG praise iN SonG as liGht too..
as i told her it is more often.. the little children and the ‘minority’
groups who see me as i aM a Member of tHeir ‘family’ too.. again it goes
back to the seek and find parT.. the more outcast the more seek and find
liFE goes with GoD wHole.. the more sympathy unless one becomes a bully
with vengeance over victory too.. anyWay.. this MacroVerse continues to inspire me..
as does
and God overall too..:)


“STiLL Dreams Dance”.. MacroVerse from a year ago.. still pushing
close to a year here in this effort of responding to an entire year of
all prompts and links at dVerse Poetry Pub from April of 2015 through March
of 2016.. as hey.. that’s what ya gotta do to attempt to be part of a community
when you are the odd creative one out.. hehe.. even in a creative community to
validate your existence there.. it was only a matter of time when the free verse originator
of that opportunity for online creativity of poetry left and his nice co-founder too.. let’s just
say.. the scientist poets took over with their more restricted ways of forms with little patience
artist(s) who came
back to visit again and again
and again without fAil.. heHe.. i was
a little harder to get rid of than they expected
for sure.. and all of that year of poetic training
just readied me as training to write a bible now
exceeding 1.153 million words at the
end of that 338,630 word
effort that was
a gift
i shared
with my mother
the last year i had with
her in hard copy pages.. she
could read off my home computer here..
it was worth all the crosses to give that liGht
of my soUL to my MOTher as she said she understood
more about my soUl than ever before and as mentioned earlier
when the brain cancer started to attack her mind.. her views became
distorted but hey.. love don’t mind.. love just keeps loving and she did too..
no matter
said.. Love
reigned on as rain oF liGht..
as i Loved it would and Love it does..:)

‘They’ say grief comes in three stages.. denial
anger.. bargaining.. depression.. and acceptance.. and i suppose
i did the denial/bargaining some at first as i only could think of being
reborn to my mother forever living with her.. and then there was the
anger.. nah.. not at her.. but at this patriarchal make you into a big man
culture to be a warrior/hunter and all that jazz for survival that is truly a part
of human nature too.. when doubt.. fear.. and scarcity turn into hate
as surely a scare city too.. i had too many meltdowns at home
while the bully boys tried to extinguish my soul..
and my mother had to endure the dark
they brought to me more
than anyone else..
and my sister too..
i do not like bullies..
they can even raise my blood
pressure and turn my feet into
weapons but i refuse to succumb
so i dance instead.. and let it all go.. and sure.. i went a little
ballistic in dance on Thursday night as i remembered all those bullies
as the head bully is Trump now and those same boys/girls
follow him
of doubt
fear and hate.. now
as that is anti-christ incarnate…too..
i do my best to love my enemies and
let God with Karma do what’s next within
them.. if you don’t think you’ll ever have to face
Karma.. don’t
in the
look in the mirror..
is the only advice now
i can give ‘you’.. as i don’t think
i’ve done the worst of sin.. but when i faced
God i still endured hell for things i did.. in a burning
place forever that has no fire.. a place where all is time
and a second is a thousand years to polish your soul back to pure
and the Karma that works beyond that let’s just say after you die you
give up all control and the rest is left up to God.. i wouldn’t wanna come
back as a grasshopper and be crushed underneath foot then accidentally
by a child for a thousand times.. so.. you say science doesn’t prove it..
well the fact is science
don’t know
shit now about
Karma as science
goes dArk when the liGhts go out too..
not trying to scare you but just trust me.. Karma is real..
and the best thing of all is.. is love.. so the best thing for me
to do now.. is give Trump and all his followers who were the ‘sAMe’
bullies i encountered by me then all my love and just let it go with the dance
as God of Nature has given me that most excellent tool to get all my emotions
out with
a pen
of LiFE too..
in other words what
lives as my words and my
dance stays tHeRe and the liGht
of me GroWs oN more.. from
the dARk of
me that
a distinct
possibility and
potEntial reaLITy agAin too..
in other words.. it is much more than
grace.. it is FucKinG iF yoU SeeK iN GoD more WORK..
as God the God of Nature is as real as the Love you FeeL and SenSE..
and hell yes.. as real as the Hate you FeeL and Sense too… sadly for some folks
the other
more inviting to them..
break the habit.. i can only suggest
with a DancE and SonG of LiGht aWay from dARk..
oh yeah.. and yes i am experiencing depression for now..
i’d rather do that than repress the normal God given cycle of Emotions
to liGht
agaIN.. tHere
are no real shortcuts
of gRace to LiGhT it’s worK..:)


A photo of Wife Katrina and my beloved cat Elwood who was one of the only
life lines i had back to love during the stresses of work-life
and fear over losing my job to decades
of reductions of force
facilitated so
much by
the automation
of the human work
force by computers where
humans need not apply.. and even worse
than that as humans become slaves to computers
behind a screen and come to find out later they have
lost tHeir humanity as a price of being a slave to all that
as i surely did as i fAil off the face of humanity for 66 months..
it’s almost sad to warn folks as what do you do to make a living if
you do not slave to the demands of a job that requires us to be machine over human..
the answer is surely by metaphor ‘Jesus’ by literal too.. to give and share to the folks
without a shirt on their back of soUL.. i do that with words and dance and when all
giving and sharing money means nothing.. and that’s true as some rich folks
come to find to in tHeir philanthropy efforts too.. but sadly
there are still the Trumps.. sadly
tHeir are
the Trumps
as the dARk
side raises its
selfish taking head
as no longer even relevant
to the snake who does that just to survive in scarcity
as Trump owns Towers of his own style of Babylon now..
and to be clear.. Trump is only a metaphor for this.. he is nothing
without those he rules over to make his slaves either in work or politics same..
Love wins wiTh a wife in A Garden of Eden with animals other to love too.. Love wins
and a memory from
my friEnd Rafiah from a year
ago of that as my Muslim friend says..

I want to have my marital relationship as
loving and as compassionate as you
two have mashaa Allah..:)
Heart Emoticon..

i respond..

SMiLes.. And wInks.. Yes..
we are the marriage model for a new world order..;)
Very sweet of you to say that as well.. Dear friend.. Rafiah..:)

And now i say.. the new world order comes from within.. not all
share it but it gives
when isReaL..:)


And now.. “Effervescent GREEN Dreams and Black HOLE Souls”..
A 316 or 317 word effort.. depending on wHeRe you stop
reading.. heHe.. sure.. i’ll quote it again.. Ynot..
from two years ago.. in 2015.. rather short..;)

The greatest lesson of ALL IN my life..

is the blackest night of the soul..

can lead to the

brightest GREEN

of effervescent Hopes


reality of life

constructed from abstract terms..

so written and LET be done….

IN Imagination

and Creativity

as SAME AS sane…

But tHere ARE places of dark..

wHere no Light can come in or escape..

YES.. the dark CAN live again…

So perhaps.. tHis earth IS both heaven or hell or a mixture of BotH..

And perhaps WE are ALL journeying together in a place called


Yes.. the greater lesson of my life IS

that tHere IS HOPE even wHEn THeRE’s NO hope…

TheRe IS iMagiNatIon and cre@ivity where none of those exist..

JUST waiting to bud OUT of cocoons of human hell…

@to exist once again.. IN Imagination and Creativity




The butterfly flies again…..

And yes.. at times.. life stings a lot….







Wife Katrina

surprises me with

a Curious George T-shirt..

with this

profoundly curious

primate taking it easy

just laying back in imagination

and wonderment about life



in dreams of creativity…


In the




before my fall to

TOTAL human exhaustion


19 human chronic stress

related medically documented











i sit with her on a big recliner..




and tears..

start to



my face..

before they stop streaming




suddenly realize



longer have

a heart.. a soul..






am dead

for all practical

intents and purposes..

as there



















“Addicted too..” from a year ago MacroVerse memory too..
and it’s trUe i am addicted to Love and all essence and form
associated with Love.. and isn’t it kinda funny.. ya can call God
to call
a man love
as essence over form
as statue can
folks so
bent out of shape
as essence under form too..
but nah.. it’s not really funny.. it is
human Nature.. what some folks cannot
measure and fit inside a form scares the
out of
Love as
essence allone..:)

i seriously.. visited ‘one’ of
these so-called Christian
hate sites spewing hate
over all naked
see in modern
culture now.. and ‘they’
were determined to say
that Jesus is not Love.. so
God is Love and Jesus is not
Love and instead.. a warring beast to destroy
their enemies now.. don’t make sense don’t
make sense but hate makes bedfellows for
in adsense way..;)


MagicK of God’s Synchronicity.. just another MacroVerse
Facebook Memory shared from two years ago too..
and the thing is.. the word Magick IS A word
with a K added by a famous
occultist named
and explorer
of the more hidden
aspects of the inner human
Universe for greater God of Nature
give hUman Potential that science just
cannot touch with tHeir old two to five step
or whatever scientific method that relies on
observable empirical measurable phenomenon
that can be repeated by several scientist in objective
measure with results that can be clearly seen now by the
‘naked’ eye aS Such which of course is full clothed in form
by empirical measure so in other words it misses the essence
of form potEnTIaLly completely too.. so that is wHeRe the words
occult and esoteric and mystery schools come into play over ‘so
called’ normal scientific evidence that is really not much different
than chaining
god in
this sacred
text or that sacred
bible or the other sacred
Koran from who ever supposedly
said this or that inspired by a hoLy
Creative spirit too.. not much different
than what is flying off my finger tips in God
Conversation of my SpiRit within now.. in sure
what a dude named Neale Donald Walsch referred
to when he got in his 50’s or so as that is often wHeRe/when
that floWer of Human Creativity blooms more once the constant
supervision of children responsibilities are gone and perhaps retirement
from being a cog in a machine makes art come more as dreamtime of creativity
more than
brick in the
wall of Pink Floyd
Dream time too.. seriously..
being a brick in the wall kills
the God time of forevernow within..
hands of cLock sweep God of origin out of
the picture almost completely by my personal experience for sure..
but hey.. this is usually the best place i for one live.. a place of dreamtime with God now
as lucid
waKinG dreams
come to Fruition
in Flesh and Blood too..
wiTh that flAMe inside that
burns more than Luke Hot now..
but nah.. no drugs for me.. aLL
Natural with God is how i
am flOwn
by air
by water
Ocean wHole more…
it’s hard to explain it in
scientific forms as reason
but i do what i can
i will
i am with GOD
as co-Creator of my existence foR now..
as Love as the boat sail that drives me forward now..:)


‘The Art of Sacred Movement’.. MacroVerse from three years ago.. yes..
YES.. Oh Lord.. it’s been awhile since i brought anything associated with ‘lust’ in
the discussion here.. as usually depression and all stuff relate to dARk
of being human takes
that away
the liGht
in all
the ways
that comes..
yes.. being sick..
takes it away too..
as the best of LiGht
as Love is associated
with all natural
of MoVinG
conNecTinG and
creATinG too.. repress and oppress.. subjugate
thaT and what you get is frustration.. aggression..
violence and even potential dirty bombs inspired by
dreams of 72 Virgins somewhere else butt consensual porn online…
all legal aS Such of course with no under legal age old age stuff of older age
so-called sacred text stuff too..ugh.. just ugh.. get back to Love please with
a healthy mix of consensual legal lust to drive the libido oF liGht orientated
creativity and productivity.. take it away and take so many colors of life away..
the saddest thing of all is never ever holding hands with the opposite sex that
is not immediately related to you.. until one gets pass the age of married.. that is
totAlly against God Given Nature that as science clearly shows even in physician case
study work in some countries leads to sexual abuse with incest and other stuff like rape…
you can fool the people in Trump ways but YOU WILL NEVER FOOL GOD IN AS NATURE
in yeS even case study science way..:)


WeLL.. the (A) next cross of shift by my Mother’s
death bed is approaching now on 2.18.2017 and
tHeRE was/is this ‘prophecy’ oF A ‘MagicK Flute 2017’
that cAMe back on 2.18.2015.. yes..
exactly two years ago
brought to me
still free
charge by
the human designed
FB algorithm that does in some
ways reflect the mINd oveRAll of God
too.. as after all hUmans reflect as fractal
wHOle creativity of/as the science minds that reflect
the God oF aLL MiNds of and as all of naTure plUs too
God too..

And with 293 words..
short enough to quote..;)

As i stand




March 17..2017

close to midnight..

i look back on 2015

with both joy and sadness..

joy of the bringing of light

from the magicK












Before you come out as

a mischievous Leprechaun













mean really..

all you have to do..

is to keep the werewolf

facade and how hard can



considering that Leprechauns

are not SUPPOSED
















And now look where i am in 2017

captured as Leprechaun having to grant

three wishes to everyone


meet in

real life







Having to explain to each and

every gift seeker that they already

always have the gifts



their human being

just waiting to be released as the higher

power of human being in accordance with

Mother Nature



















this tradition has been passed on from

the ‘first



the seventh now’..

starting with Krishna

passing away that magicK

Flute sometime between

February 17 and 18th

in 3102











hope you enjoy









a pot of











And now
i say as
Day 2017 and this
year’s Fat Tuesday
is yeT to
arrive that’s
thaT for NoW..
Time WiLL
tale as
Time alWays
does relativELy
SpeaKinG aS noW oN couRse…:)

And sure.. if yA care to.. yA
can skip to the end of
the Magic (MozART)
see in subtitle
way how all this
ends and begins again..
sure.. different actors
but the
And the LiVinG play aGaiN…
LeT’s juST say iT aLL fiTs toGeTher aGaiN
in both Tragedy and the Kingdom of Heaven now..:)

CRap.. i almost forgot to add..
Facebook Friend Ashe
says.. as status..

Drifting apart from friends
is always a bummer.

And i return again
wiTh aGaiN..

FriEnd IS
A Verb..
In other
Words.. no
Matter what
They always
Come back to
Say hi.. with never an expectation
Of anything
Back.. and
JuSt is..is..:)

Facebook Friend and Katrina’s Sister Kim.. says..

Continuing prayers for you Katrina Marilou Becky.
My heart is with yall if you or katrina need to talk just call me.
Love to you both.

And i say..

Thanks so much..
Kim that means so much to me..:)

Facebook Friend Ned/gigoid comes
by and says in kind words too..

My thoughts are with you, my brother….

And i return with..

Thanks.. my friend.. and i look forward to
commenting at your place soon.. as i
process all these emotions
that are difficult now..
and get through to the
other side
of this..
this writing and
the dance really helps..:)

In response to a recent
comment on Rafiah’s blog
Rafiah says..

Some sing. Some dance.
And some stay quiet. These
all are expressions of human soul.
Freedom is being able to do whatever form suits one..:)

And i say..

Amen.. i’ll be
Back to sing more…
At Hospital now with
Dying Mother.. Love..:)

Rafiah says:

Prayers for your mother.
I wish she stays longer
with you my friend.

And i say in return..

Thanks.. my friEnd..:)

Rafiah writes another post in
regard to the human condition
and Virgins waiting for marriage
to cure the issue of human lust/love..

And i return with..

At first i thought you meant
suffer and sure.. unrequited
Lust/Love can surely lead
to at least
a great
of frustration
but yes.. as i do admit now..
i resorted to the online dictionary
to find the snuffer is that tool the
altar boys at church use to put out
the Holy flames..
and it’s true
as any
that pollinates
the Azalea as i went across
the Hospital Meadow where pink
Azaleas were blooming with dew drops
of evening moisture.. yes.. got pictures to prove
it too.. hehe.. could have been a sprinkler system
i guess.. that i just missed too with sMILes but as you
said before.. the human condition and lust is just part
of God being
‘him’ and
in this case
the expression
of the human condition
full as the most beautiful pArts
of life are the love and lust working
in consensual way that creates not only
more beautiful humans but also in general
as science shows.. a balance as such makes for
the libido that is a major source of all human creativity
and productivity too.. so i hope you are snuffering out that
feeling in some way that generates creativity and productivity
more as surELy that is why God makes us that way
no different
than the
the Azaleas
all Natural too..
what works is what
works if all for good..
as the answers within
are inside
above.. so
below and all around
liGht as LiFe.. anyWay i hate
to think of you suffering at all my friend
even iF.. iT is only A great frustration at hand…
AnyWay.. this week has been one of the hardest
of all in my life.. and each day i spend with my mother
the pain of past depressions come back to haunt me to
the point i feel the pain of the past from head to toe and
my body parts become week as kryptonite will do to even superman
too.. so i started out with a slow dance as my sister replaced us at the
Hospital tonight.. at SuperWalmart.. with what ‘they’ name as Kundalini
Rising music and chants for that too… and slowly the liGht came back
to all the cells of my body paRts again.. and by the end of the night when
i danced to the song ‘I Believe I Can Fly’.. by R. Kelley.. the song we listened
to when our baby was dying in the Hospital back in ’97.. i really did fly again as
i’ve been doing the past 42 months when i dance in public.. took about an hour
and 15 minutes
to get
out of my system
but for now i’m back
and thanks for your prayers my friEnd..
i wish all the pleasure.. namELy.. love in the world.. to you..
And i hope at the end your life there is a son and a daughter
who is at your death bed loving you as much as my sister and i love my
mother as that IS A life complete when one is loved that much for the whole task at hand..
Insha Allah as
God WillIng.. within.. my FriEnd..:)


Oh yeah.. i like seeing your
new avatar that shows
your smile.. your
big genius
and the sun-light
behind your eYes..
my lovELy scientist friEnd.. Rafiah..:)


“How deep is your love,
How deep is your love
I really mean to learn
‘Cause we’re living
in a world of fools
Breaking us down
When they all should let us be
We belong to you and me”

-Bee Gees

It’s a good thing that i have a sister
and she has a ‘significant other’ for close
to the same number of years on a day of anniversary
with Katrina that we made seven days from Valentine’s day..
that makes it impossible to forget.. hehe.. as the twenty-seventh
celebration of that comes at the hardest of possible of times this Tuesday..
the 21st of February that if my mother lives that long will mark the seventh
day since the 14th of Valentine’s day.. when she went into the hospital to die..
so yeah.. there are actually four working together out of two loving couples for my
mother who are sitting by her death bed side.. and for someone who is a little weaker
in emotional darkness potential as Bi-Polar is about as big of a challenge in life as
being on the Autism Spectrum.. one has no choice
but to do whatever it takes
to stay above
of Ocean
whole Love
as the rings of Dante’s
Hell start to creep in expanding
ice around one’s heaRt.. SpiRit and SoUL
wHeRe pain becomes the reign and one can
barely move their legs no matter if they leg press
1020 LBS or not.. as before when i was in that Hell..
even though i could still press 500 Lbs with my legs then
same as i could since age 21.. my legs felt so spiritually
weak thaT is an entirely different issue than the muscles
that press the weight that i could hardly move walking
then as my 94 year old Aunt Jettie
obviously had more spirit
to even talk..
as my
Spiritual emotional
sensory energy had fallen
to pain.. and numb and pain
and numb to eventually all the rings
i for one could imagine of Dante’s Hell..
so.. anyway.. if anyone wonders why i make every
step and every word holy and sacred full of meaning
and purpose it is the lifeline back to life liGht as the dARk side
attempts to gain control back of my liGht life.. thing is.. my Mother
gave us her all and she truly is the only reason i have the wonderful
light of Katrina in my life as she sure as hell didn’t marry me for my money
back at the Bowling Center close to minimum wage days as we would live
first in subsidized housing rental apartments just to get by.. and my Mother’s
home to save money to almost miraculously buy a home as Katrina became employed
through her Mother at the Local Newspaper here.. and this thing they call Fibromyalgia
that i am experiencing off and on again through this emotional pain is precisely that in
my opinion.. as i do my best to stay strong through the bitter sweet experience of having
my mother another day and another day as she struggles to breathe and the sadness that
i am attempting to stay strong with goes into pain and weakness as the depression of pain..
last night my savior was the Tai-Chi like movement i practice as a practice of life these 42
months now that is saving my spiritual life now along with peaceful flowing moving
music like no tool i ever had to ward off the demons of life before..
miNd and boDy BaLanCinG soUL that i ‘preach’ over and over
heAR.. is such an important thing to gain unity
within.. and an art of liGht as movement
free verse style floWinG
as sea gull
around the Sun
with the sound of muSiC
to FloW from Head to toe too..
is surely a savior of Love as my Mother
taught us that the only thing that counts in life is Love..
truly she never ever put any materialistic limitations or expectations
on me.. as the Father’s side said you should be making more money and
doing more than you are doing now.. thing is.. they were FucKinG yes iF yoU
seeK iN GoD.. totally incorrect as my Mother taught me Love was more important
so deep that she sacrificed everything about life for her children and went through
every dark journey with me with the resolve of never giving up on me.. and it’s true.. i must
be strong enough to support the love in me.. now.. as the Katrina helps to hold that up too..
but it comes down in the beginning and the ending just like the so-called Jesus
dude said.. from within.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below and all around..
the spirit is holy and the spirit lives in the flesh.. ignore the
flesh to the detriment of the soUL is the paRt
of the Christian religion that doesn’t
sing nearly enough in a MoVinG
DAncE of LiFe more over
SonG of words..
steps count..
they really do..
we have a country of what
could be called ‘love fools’ and
a leader who leads the way away from
love and the saddest part of all is the majority
of his supporters call them selves Christians.. perhaps
if they could dance with God they would find a Love in heARt
to Love everyone and not support separating lovely loving families
of Hispanics.. over worry of sharing subsistence with what they see as
the lesser among they for the price of laws.. as Caesar’s coins.. poor refugees
and a way different than a coat hanger abortion for the most desperate of those who
do not have the mental stability or resources to raise children that is a reality.. like it or not..
no matter what any book says as the statistics prove in countries that have more abortions
when planned parenthood is not available when human suffering becomes less important
than who is right or wrong from a text of an ancient book.. we have a problem Houston.. no
different than what we had before too.. as a homosexual person couldn’t insure their
decades old Loving partner before the Obama Savior of the outcasts came
into the picture to make this country finally one for the
life.. liberty and the pursuit of happiness for
all citizens per the Declaration
of Independence for all..
and my Mother
when she was
young fought for
rights for women.. but after
she quit working she was very religious
in life and started listening to years of radio
programming that mixed fundamentalist religious
ideology with alt-right propaganda that still occurs now..
it changed her and brain washed her as often people do become
more conservative in their later years.. when Ronald Reagan eliminated
the fairness of news reporting laws providing equitable views on both sides..
he hurt my mother’s soul indirectly when he did that.. and all his minions continued
to do that and do that to the point where Fundamentalist Christians are so brain washed
now that they elected a virtual anti-christ who flaunts everything against Matthew Chapter
5 of the beatitudes verses 1 though 11 and did it all through his campaign promises with
the embrace of the evangelistic Christian community overall.. all the
way through with the top dog of Franklin Graham singing
his praises all the way to the end of ‘left behind’..

so i repeat

“I really mean to learn
‘Cause we’re living
in a world of fools
Breaking us down
When they all should let us be
We belong to you and me”

as surely.. Jesus would repeat
if the Good Cop version was on
eARTh today with a Mother who taught
him from birth the most important lesson that
in the end and the beginning Love is all that counts..
and i always forgave my mother for her new views of this
way away from love as we watched her will to become brain
washed by it over decades after Ronald Reagan took the truth
away and the new ‘Neo Nazi Reign’ gained a foothold in this country.. it
is no joke.. the Alex Jones and the Breibarts and the Limbaughs and
the other showmen of psychopathy now gain power with doubt and fear
and hate rule this country now.. infiltrating it with truly fake news
that i for one have monitored for decades now to see the
spread of it from sea to declining shores of love..
and it took some of the light out of
my mother’s eyes..
and just
for those Catholics
out there who say they believe
in Love and all the rest as they hold
the ideal of pure ‘white’ Love in the Mother
of Mary Statue they worship no different than
Isis for this role model of love.. you are killing Mary..
you are taking the light away from her eyes in metaphor
and literal.. wake up to love please.. before it is too late.. make
your Ocean of Love so deep that you exclude no one from East to
West to North to South Hemispheres of Earth as one Globe of Love..
fact of the matter is.. if i could become Jesus i would will to make this happen..
other fact of the matter is.. no matter what ‘they’ would still follow their anti-christ
Trump as the human being is vulnerable to being brainwashed by the power of suggestion
dArk or liGht.. but not everyone but not everyone.. not the outcasts from love who had
to learn
on their
own after
all was lost
in poor of spirit..
just hope it doesn’t take another
world war to bring love back as this
one is the one with no point of return..
at least have some empathy and compassion
for the flowers as their colors are tainted by hate.

is ‘your’ Love..
the dance speaks louder than song.


The year is 2006.. and Katrina’s
Mother is in a Hospital room close
to where my Mother is now… the first
time i ever witness a human being pass away..
and very difficult i will add but of course.. much more difficult
for Katrina then.. and i was afraid that night she would go to
the dark
side as
i have
done in life
and not make it back
too but she did.. and i continue
to enter and exit with the tools of Move..
Connect and Create at hand.. and on that night..
a Methodist Preacher who used to be the Mayor of
our town.. named Byrd Mapoles as a flying Mayor too..
was at Katrina’s Mother’s side and his advice to us while
we were still fairly young is to find a church.. any church for
the moral support we would need very much later in life..
and i must say.. we got it today and more than
that from Church to Restaurant to
Stores and for witness
from me to
witnessing the
dance of me.. of the
healing power of MoVinG
Free verse with Music as the
entire Body becomes a vessel of
liGht With the SouNd oF DAncE
and SonG WiTh allone Aka God
in Unison wHOle as liFe
rises hiGher
as Love
as Love as
A LiGht oF LoVe
that shines BriGhter
than the DArk that generates
that liGht too.. and last night.. i had
some Young African American Boys
with their Mothers trying their feet at
Spiraling Dance and one of the Boys..
Diagnosed With Asperger’s Syndrome that
i was able to give a little more hope to the Mother
as stuff settles out with age and experience more as even
the original case study scientist who named the syndrome as
such found that in longitudinal study.. not only did the children survive
as adults.. they actually thrived once they found a niche in life they excelled
in that they could even make a successful living at with even significant others too..
anyway.. i dipped back in the pain of dArk and came back again with Dance and Social
Support in so many places dipped again and the cycle of dARk comes and goes for
now as my Mother continues to hang in tHeRE as her Doctor said there is no
way she would be here now if not having a very strong heart and surely
it is the Love that makes the heart tick stronger.. and the lesSon
i will learn from this is to love even stronger as
my Mother already lives in me..
both in environmental
learning way
of love
innate genetic
propensity fulfilled
now too.. even to the voice
that carries me in song at church
higher to the spirit bird rising up to
Temple top liGht of Love as spiRit WinGS
SinG a DancE of Song that will not be clipped..
and yeah.. announcing the 27th anniversary of me
and Katrina at the end.. and the Monsignor Priest saying
after that.. aren’t you 30.. Katrina.. And going on to quickly
say that i was his Tennis Buddy back in the old days of school..
Priest not admitting he beat me.. three years my senior then.. but
me saying clearly out loud it was you who won.. and haha.. he played by the book..
then too..
all the
way.. free verse
for me.. win or lose..
sTiLL noW of course2..
wRiTe oN Course aS WeLL..
And to be clear the photo is from
today at Ryan’s all one can eat feeding
trough in Milton where our favorite waitress
is joining in on the selfie fun.. as i manage a smile that comes from Love..:)

Back in the morning after dreams to process so many emotions and memory images
of a transit across a river to exit the pain that life can bring with Love as well
to power us across the deepest Ocean one with it through time that is always now as
nows go on in feeling and sensing more.. and what i noticed more than the stressed
looks on Walmart faces is the Mothers around me expresSinG Love for their children..
sadly can’t say i remember seeing many men doing it for their children in
fact there were some angry growls here and there from the
old south men when the children veered
from their lines of sidewalks
to restrict..
sure.. a
Mother is more likely
to let her sons dance than a Father..
and that is kinda sad as dance was the
original art of the warrior and lover same
for the roots of human that lived a life foremost
with the non-verbal dance as a way to communicate from
day to night.. with a verbal song of oral tradition to respect
the ancestors of before and all of Nature same as holy and sacred
full of meaning and purpose where you named a plant this and that to
know what was good to eat and poisonous to touch and all the dARk and
liGht that comes to Nature real with the realest pARt of all as the feelings
and senses that human beings do give and share to relate.. and yeah.. labeling stuff
is kinda gotten out of hand now.. literally where screens take the place in labels of
the human touch.. smell.. taste.. feel and sense so much more than what is stuck
in a box
from 4
to 60 inches
of a virtual world
of facts and figures and
art as well.. so where are the sand
castles to build these days to touch to smell
to taste the salt air of the olden days of imagination
and creativity unbridled in systemizing ways.. inside of course
within.. above.. so below and all around and sure i can attempt to
put that in words but sitting still is still a prison i must escape..
sorry.. ‘Candy Crush’ does takes one’s mind off the worries of life but it also
removes one from the Ocean of the warm and fuzzy from the glow of human eyes
bound by
no distance
space or time..
it’s heavy stuff baby
but it feels and isreal..:)

Poetry and art in general focuses on the
emotional and sensory experience of life to give
and share and to relate in symbols that others can take..
Dance IS A uniVerSaL creative language that needs no guidelines
or signposts to create.. just let it go as ‘they’ say and co-create
the steps with God as we go.. or not.. and stay more stagnate as choice
of relative
free will
us to stay
on stagnate
sidewalks if that is what
we like or told we must do
and never veer from sidewalks
prisons of the pass rule books that
become closed as human hearts.. spirits and souls..:)


So.. a MacroVerse to share from three years ago here..
surely short enough to quote.. ‘YA R A Star’.. no















together we shine
















we retreat..

to LOVE each other IS ALL


counting..burning brighter




to skeY


a S




together we glow and grow stronger..

brighter and lighter..






LOVE again














DARKNESS BEHIND………………………………………………………










“SpiRiT oF heaRT SoaRS”.. MacroVerse
from a year ago.. discussing the rigid
requirements of not veering from the sidewalk
of Islam with Friend Soheir from Egypt with a common
understanding that God Lives on a Desert Isle with no books
or words at all..
but somehow
the opposite
meaning that
here God
in a Book of rigid
guidelines and can live
no where else in rules to behold…
Thing is.. there is a Trump born somewhere
every moment who believes with all his or her
or eTc.. heARt SpiRit sOUL that they know the wHole
Truth and nothing but tHeir God Given TrUth and liGht..
fAct is.. they are one point of liGht and TrUth WiTh God and
God of all thAt iS Nature is all the points of LIGht and TrUTh
and yes..
and deceit
as the dARk of
that for those who
see what thaT makes for the spiRit
of HeARt and mINd and BoDy BaLanCinG
soUL to seek and find more TrUth and liGht
to beHold to give and share for those who wish to take
and add to TrUth and liGht as another verse for the UniVerse
beYOnd iNfinity noW as GoD wHOle.. but you see.. this is a continuing
expanding View of God heAR.. i will not chain God in words or books or
human alone..
and even in church
yesterday as the subject
of the days was love surely
on topic with me for now
and forever as
and Love
and Truth
and Wisdom
with Beauty
too and the
Joy of
and TrUth noW..
the Deacon speaking the homily
went so far that i for one have never
heard in Catholic Church.. to say that Luke’s
‘version’ was better than Matthew’s ‘version’ admitting
the book was not perfect.. perhaps unwittingly so but never
the less so.. that’s progress looking out of at least one box..
real progress is seeking and finding out of all the boxes as the books
and the words and the churches and the deacons priests and pastors and even pope
in some cases
at least
are not
afraid of
God’s science
or art of life for more
of a StiLL exPanDinG hUman UniVerse
wiTh God eYes now.. the liGht knows and
feels no closed doors of words or books or this
or that
the liGht iS
allone allnow allreal..as LoVE..:)


Photo of Katrina from a year ago.. celebrating
the “Age of Adaline”.. only a movie of course
that was real in my case for a woman retaining
her youthful late twenties or so at age middle forties..
Katrina the vision of beauty and full feminine in form but
spirit.. sure.. enough masculine will and strength in hEr full soUL
BaLanCinG as such too.. otherwise she would have never made it through
the test
of me
anyWay.. again..
our anniversary of 27
years tomorrow as beauty
lives on with love always and forevermorenow..
the greaTest gift of love my mother gifted to me..
to capture a Beauty and Love as great as Katrina’s alive
to give
share FReED..:)

How deep is your Love..
my my.. how the song has changed
across the ages.. and surely a reflection
of society as the soft of love and grace of nurturing
way has become more wham bam thank you m’am in raw sex as such
as pop-culture surely shows now in full view of visual and music way..
a reflection of the changing times of culture as when soft love becomes
hard to find.. hard love becomes the find and seek as soft love escapes from view..
easy to find this all around in pop-culture now.. as it’s true when no warm and fuzzy
hugs of the social group are close to touch and feel all that’s left really is to ‘love
yourself’.. and get the comfort in hard and short bursts in finding Mr. or Ms. Goodbar aS Such..
hook-ups per say and do..
and in places like
young folks
losing interest
in even the wild thing
with the opposite sex there..
thing is.. Karma applies to all of Nature
not just humans as apples to apples for there
are bananas and oranges and birds and bees too..
while it might seem like a hard and cruel world more
away from soft love now.. truth is we have made it very hard
for the other species of God’s Nature on the Planet earth to thrive
and survive now.. and as God’s Nature goes we all reap what we do or
do not
it or
lose it soft
love applies as
apples to appLes too..
and surely.. Trump is Microcosm
of the Macrocosm of this phenomenon
as Patriarchy rears its empathy-less
and compassionate-less snake head higher
for survival in places of scarcity but the thing is..
the real scarcity now is not starving death as those folks
who vote have enough to eat.. the real scarcity is the slow
of soft
love of
the touchy
feely dancy
singy kind that
gives and shares it
all for Love and Love allone..
with empathy and compassion strong..
for the joy and necessity of working
and Loving togeTheR all one in a furry group
hug that knows no fear of intimacy more than
in or
out or
up and
down quick
stroke of hook-up love..
so.. what’s the end result.. less
reproduction.. in the end of the Japan
Youth phenomenon where self love is all that’s left
and people are pushing baby carriages with mechanical dogs inside..
And the truth is.. no matter how hard it may seem for humans.. in the end
result of sow and reap it is taking more from Mother Nature God same than giving
that is
the reap
of less sow for
humanity feeling
and sensing the gift
of Life as any social
animal does it fully naked
together in a balance of soft and
hard love together.. the hell we make
will be the hell we live but somewhere else
on the planet.. room is left for creatures of
God who
by the
rule of God
Nature BaLancE..
Dominate Nature and
God and God/Nature bites back..
as Love is the hiGhest power gifted
to human but don’t forget God has teeth too..
it or
and Horatio’s too..
unplug or not.. and get
back with the God of Nature..
Godzilla will sing all of his/her/eTc.. song with teeth too..
and truth is.. it is the Trump’s with the Teeth of God as dARk Force
of destruction
and liGht from
dARk that perhaps
will come to a more deserving
creature than human out of balance..
are we smART enough in ArT of BaLanCinG to survive…
as well
enjoy liFe
iN HeaVEn
for those
who seek and
find it now.. as you
can’t find City Hall that has no Love..
as ‘this peace will last as long as
it can’ and WiLLs WiTh LoVe..:)

“So.. who am i heaR to Save”

“Don’t be too surprised iF iT
is not human who is the chosen
ones as hUman WiLL make that choice
wiTh WiLL/LoVe or NoT continUing NoW”..:)

Yes.. i sAid that as just another one
of God’s ‘representatives’ on eARTh..:)


And now ending on the note of A MacroVerse Memory from two years ago
with “Dance of the MagicK Flute” NoW as i continue an exploration of
TrUth and liGht in Wisdom and Beauty and i must say SpRing in January
through February of this year with all the beautiful flowers from Azaleas
to Jasmine to Roses Red as MaGiC Love iS STiLL SinGinG and DanCinG a way
to Beauty’s BeYoND RainBoW liGht as Love to me.. with even reports of Birds hatching
eggs that normally does not Happen ’till
the Easter of
yes.. obviously it’s
climate change that has
killed most of Winter in the
Florida LA Lower Alabama Florida
Panhandle heAR.. i can’t change ignorance
but what i can do is enjoy spRinG as a silver sliver
lining of the DArk.. the ignorant BrinG as death
to other species and places
of environment
that human
eYes of
God iN
dARk Destruction
lives a reality no different
really than the Asteroid that made
the Gulf of Mexico and killed off the
Dinosaurs to make the rise of our furry ignorant
out of Balance asses as the DARk Kali Force of Culture
that lives out of Balance iN HuMan eYes of GoD NoW..
you see.. theRe is dArk and briGhter
LiGht and The ‘Church’ ideology
that promotes the Kali DArk
of destroying lifE LiGht
on this
now iN
out of BaLanCE
can be the Force to KiLL
us all in the end of now
and arise another intelligent
species after they scorch the eARTh
with their desires.. around 300M years or so
after their prayer of World War III.. or we can
continue to enjoy Heaven in the NoW of thIS KinGdom
of God as LiGht on this eARTh NoW.. thing is.. no matter
what for now i will Dance my Magic Flute 2017 and carry on
way ward suns toward liGht as sentient StaR duST pLus me and
all my FriEnds who LovE LiGht as a community of isreal illuminati
NoW.. with no leader
but the God
oF liGht
who lives
within.. go ahead
and worship the Kali
God of Destruction and imbalance
iF ya like as thAT is pArt of dARk of
GoD iN yOur eYes too.. the life yA sow
and reap will be the life yA live and live
with each otHeR too.. you see.. i don’t have to write
any of this down as the God oF aLL is StILL fully in charge
now.. i’m just like a court reporter with hELping hints.. take it with
a gRain
of sand
and be that
grain of sand
as holy and sacred full
of meaning and purpose no greater
or less than any other grAin of sand
out of BaLancE or be the AValanche that goes away..
your will
alone allone
toGeThEr or Not..
allonELove Wins bESt is aLL i KnoW isREaL..:)

Oh yeah.. and this was the MacroVerse where one
of the ‘Wrong Planet’ inhabitants exclaimed that
i was Walt Whitman reincarnated.. and yeah.. i had to Google
him as all i really knew about him was/is we are all leaves of grass
whole as God all that is and our soul lives isREal as our flesh.. and
the folks at dVerse Poetry land online spoke to this free verse free nature
dude too.. way way way ahead of his time in human freedoms that thanks to civil
rights comes to fruition more now.. where i can publish whatever the F i like to
express myself as priest of the Cosmos too.. God living within refusing to shut up..
all the
beauty of
me free and
naked too.. as
any Bohemian Rhapsody
WiLL do as Free.. hmm.. got
a song to end hear i guess too..
as the Bohemian Rhapsody is just another
version of Mozart’s Magic Flute in modern age way..
and Roll2..
pARTy on iN
the Kingdom of Heaven
or not.. seek and find it..
or not.. the gift of relative
free will IS A double edged sWord
of dArk and liGht chose your weapon
ArT LoVe with WiLL or doubt wiTh Hate Fear..:)

AnyWay.. this Bohemian Rhapsody sings reAms to me..
as obviouSly it as all about Freddy Mercury’s struggle to
be different from an Islam culture very adverse to different..
particularly.. so-called different sexual orientations with Freddy’s
obvious struggle to be free from the chains that bore him away from
his God Given Nature.. and sooner or later whatever it is that sets you
different from the norm which surELy in my case has always been Asperger’s
of boy you act strange or i really wish you could give me some of your high and
what the FucK are you on dude noW in ways of illicit drugs.. and sure.. the dArk side
that noT a soul but your immediate family.. if you are fortunate enough like me.. want
any part of ThAT you aT all..
as one can be swarmed
with love in a bed of cancer
but a bed of invisible illness of
depression is the cancer that is
invisible where the homeless person
who has schizophrenia or whatever with
a still somewhat sturdy body is told pull
your boot straps up on your bare Jesus feat
and get to work young man or F iN starve to death..
and this is the way of the so-called Modern Christian
and sure it is the way of Kali head hunters too.. just
in different religious guise in how they come.. Freddy won in the
end/beginning now sTiLL.. yes Freddie Mercury as his loVe LiGht SpiRit/heARt/SoUL
sTiLL SinGS/Dances FReED on YouTube to lift the liGht of the OutCast trUe and LiGht..
So.. you didn’t know Freddy was Jesus.. the man who lived for only art of love..
sorry.. you
if you
thought he was
queer as there have
been many queer Jesus’s
in many ways
come back
and gone again
and come back for more now..
i am fortunate.. i have had one biological
mother and two step mother’s.. one who is still
living by the assistance of oxygen tank in Tallahassee
too.. i’ve had older friends some of who have said i was
a son to them as Mothers too.. for i am love and love spReads
when liGht and the best thing of all is when i endured the suicide
disease.. of Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia from wake to sleep for 66 months
along with 19 total medical disorders often described in this long form poem..
i did not end my life of worse than crucifixion pain as illustrated in the book
my mother bought on that to prove me wrong.. best part of all is.. she didn’t see any
of her
go before she..
i have no children.. only son who died..
but i have love.. the greatest LOVE
gift birthed in and as me by a
Mother who never gave up
on love
how dARk
her son
the abyss of hell..
the cancer spoke for her
and she named me a demon
in heaven.. but that is okay
as she loved me when i really was a demon
for all practical intents and purposes when love dies for 66 months…
on when
LIGht isReaL..
and the Doctor gives
her perhaps.. through the end of today….
i guess
be back
or perhaps i have written
enough and i’ll dance from noW oN.. as flesh and blood
shines Brighter aliVe.. i’LL listen deep within for the answer to sing..
God kNows
feels senses
best when sPeaks within..:)


A Picture(s) tales a story of a bitter
sweet anniversary on the 21st of
February where now into the 7th day
without food or water.. my Mother is still
hanging on to her dear life to us to be with
Katrina and i on our 27th anniversary.. sure as usual
she proves the ‘experts’ wrong and lasts a day longer without
even any help from oxygen either.. just her sPiRit.. juSt her heArt..
just her soUL of Love that continues to never cease to ever give up on a
for others
and never her
alone.. my mother has
lived off of less than 500 dollars
a month in a subsidized rental place
for elders who are still fully independent
for a 90 dollar rental fee a month.. an electric
bill.. a water bill and managed still to give almost half
her income to many different charities.. five dollars here
ten dollars there and to her poorer family members too..
while my father who left her for the goal of a wife who would
bring in bucks spent the last 12 years of his life spending about
half of his Five thousand dollar a month retirement income on Lottery
tickets in his life long goal to get really rich.. and yes.. interestingly enough..
my mother spent 20 years with the same income of Love forgoing any food stamps
or supplemental social security income to bring it up.. as she simply didn’t care about
money.. Love
was/is always
food and
water and no doubt
that is how she lived unwittingly
with the ravages of cancer.. including
bone cancer for close to two years.. with
only the need for a bayer aspirin as that was
the only pain killer she ever took.. and rarely over
one tablet.. as her medicine was Love.. i don’t think people
really understand the healing power of Love.. and my mother not
only talked to it.. she exercised it and still does in FeeLinG us into our
anniversary as love never dies when isreal.. i am the bread of life.. i am
not Jesus.. i am Love.. Jesus spoke to the healing power of love and sadly
so many people still consume him at communion and never find that love..
as the communion IS A communion of love beginning and ending of
creation of human.. a greaTest story ever lived when Love isREal..
iN MoVinG.. ConNecTinG.. CreAtinG ways.. thing is..
if you don’t believe it.. if you don’t seek
and find and continuously
practice this higher
power of
being that
is Love and
Faith one in being..
You never get Jesus as
Jesus and God in way of human
hiGher power is barefoot love without
any dollar bills at all sinking one down in
Trump Towers that feeL and sense no isreal
Value of Love.. If you really Love Jesus and God
the same as one being make him love in you and bring
him to life again.. as that Love will heal you and your loved
ones more than any dollar bills of life.. at least when it isREAL aliVE..
My mother doesn’t want any public eulogies of her in the local newspaper..
she doesn’t want any ceremony for her memory.. but you see it matters not as
most everything i write is for the power of Love and that is what my mother is.. Love..
so.. every day and every page and every floWinG River StreAm of words is dedicated
to that DiViNe NuRtuRinG Love of the MoTher that never ends.. Love Love as Faith as Love
gRows to an Ocean wiTh ever exPaNdinG shores that knows and feels and senses no borders/
Walls with other living beings and Nature whole.. and sure.. i go a step further in John 14:12
than my Mother too as the alt right radio stations had her convinced to keep that
Love in U.S Borders as sadly that is how hate can disguise itself when
anyone is left out from what you can and will call
Jesus and God Love as empowered
iN us when isreal when
those Matthew
Chapter 5..
verses 1 through
11 ways of Love are not
just locked inside a book.. when
that Love comes out to play with
all that exists in this beautiful adventure
that can be a loving life with all.. but again..
takes seeking finding and not only SinGinG
But DAnCinG a LiGht oF Love to give and share
with all.. platitudes perHaps but when all you need is
the bread and water of Love the communion is whOle
and all becomes Holy and Sacred FuLL of Meaning and Purpose
as Love to share as filLed beYOnd the BRiM aS Temple of God as flesh and blood now..
AnyWAy.. what comes what may still comes.. and we have been at the Hospital for about
16 hours and are going back soon.. and it is a very rainy grey day.. and this makes the
second memorial MacroVerse for a Mother who is Love.. and appropriate i WiLL also
say in synchronicity Numerology way.. as this IS A number 77 MacroVerse of a
“Netherland Bible 2017”.. totaling 1,153,816 words with the 76th
Macro Verse of “Mother’s Gift Now” added in and this
one to be named now at number 77 and also
MacroVerse number 748 of Ocean
whole poem still exceeding
3.3 Million words
to summarize
all of what’s
going down
for isreal
heRE sTiLL..
noW as words fLoW oN..
and sure.. i wanna publish this while
my Mother is still alive as i have been fighting
the polar opposite of where i can go in life with a continuing
dance of life to keep the spirits up to fight for Love as Life.. and
this writing is what brought my heARt.. SpiRit and soUL back to take
away the fears of my Mother that i would never be whole again as soUL..
and the dance goeS oN and the dance goeS oN as Mother’s LiGht as Son..
of love
as i dance
and sing to
reMaiN Love as
that came all naturally
to my MoThER from birth to living death..:)


And in ending heAR with new beginnings alWays just another tribute
to the wife and mothers everywhere as the symbol of the Goddess Isis
was used this way as the person who always puts the chaos of life back together
in Osiris way whole as Osiris streAMs the ‘River Styx’.. ‘TRUTH under LOVE’.. thE greATest
TrUth and liGht is love when isREaL fuLL and overfloWinG wHOle.. It’s really trUe and liGht..
you live
as you love..
love does trump hate
and that really makes me feel
sorry for all the Trumps in life who
will never win a lottery ticket as great as Love..
really sad.. so.. reAlly sad.. IS A liFe filLed less than Love foR All NoW..:)

“Sun oF Love”

Footnote.. the beginning and ending song
heAr from the ‘Turn of a Friendly Card’ Album
by the Alan Parson’s Project
named ‘Time’
is.. yes.. sTiLL
mY Mother’s Favorite Song..
Truly with Love Time Flows like
a river with never any clock hands to hold us back from Free..
Please Dance and Sing Love.. it is all that will save this species from demise..
now or
Love WinS noW..:)










BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

Book oF Ten Sixteen..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)


Grand Cross Bible 2016

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)


CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)


VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)


CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)


Nether Land Bible 2017

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)



Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 8 Comments

Mother’s Gift Now



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Old days.. days that i remember.. i must say..
so much is missing from school days..
as i really loved being part of a
flesh and blood group whether
or not i was everyone’s
favorite person or
not.. i remember
the Land
on the river
front from the time
i was so small at age 3 and
above.. yes.. last name was
Land.. there were a whole bunch of
them who played together from break
of dawn to end of sunset thru night and
it was just me and my sister and mother
and my grandmother and i am having a little
trouble now as my mother is sick and she refuses
to go the doctor not unlike me when i almost died in
2008 as i was terrified of Doctors and didn’t go to one in
23 years as they almost put me away for good in ’81 and
i was always afraid i might really be crazy as i had these out
of control emotional feelings and anxiety that overwhelmed me so much
that i just wanted to escape like i did in Middle School and stay on Summer
Vacation forever just me and my dog and family at home so no one would be
mean to me then.. and that’s the thing.. when you are outcast.. your pet and immediate
family means everything.. and my father never seemed like he liked me very much as he
never had anything to say..
but i finally
as that
was where
the part of the
Asperger’s Syndrome came
from and when he died and i wrote
a lot about it.. no one offered any kind
wishes to me then.. so i knew how alone
online was then.. and yes that was before
i met the Rafiah online.. who was the first
real person who was kind to me back then
in the Summer of 2014.. as i spent years on
the ‘Wrong Planet’ where people didn’t have
any feelings expressed for other people at
all.. like mechanical parts in machines
and for me it wasn’t hard to tell
people i cared about them..
it was just how it came
out that made
me seem
to them then.. but
you see.. before i got sick
and before i got pushed up higher
in the administration of government work
and for almost two decades of Bowling Center
work.. particularly the first decade when no supervisory
serious responsibilities were mine then.. i just enjoyed the
warm human touch and juSt a smile with eyes and thank you
sir and m’am and come again and all that stuff.. and people were
nice to me no matter how strange i walked and ran down the middle
of the lanes to get deadwood then.. as they could see i was sincere
and when a lady later asked me why i was so nice.. after i told her
i was a supervisor of the place and she said that is why you
are nice and i was thinking WTF are you talking about
lady.. i like people ’cause i like them and that’s
all there is too it.. and then the Christian
Group Bowlers who came in told
me i was the best example
of a Christian they
ever met after i hadn’t
been to church in a decade or
so then.. eventually to make 23 years
too.. about the distance i went without seeing
a doctor too.. respecting people’s freedoms is what
i do.. i offer dissension but i am not one to enforce any
laws by desire on my own.. and i guess after my father left
as my mother said.. before i was three.. it seemed like i idolized
him then.. although i cannot remember him ever being with us..
i guess.. i became scared my mother would leave and not come back
too.. as i was severely attached to her.. and was always afraid she
would not come home when she went to work.. and when i visited
my father in Tallahassee.. i would get homesick as there didn’t
feel like there was any warm and cozy love there
anywhere but home.. eventually.. i learned
to give that love.. i had gained from
my mother as i never fully
gave up and eventuAlly
even though i was
so strange
that the
of the nerd
Beta Club said.. welcome
Ladies and Gentlemen when
i came into the meeting by adding..
And welcome Fred too.. suggesting
i didn’t fit in anywhere.. although later.. he
who had a crush on my best beloved friend
Lynn.. admitting that i was everyone’s favorite
person of course meaning Lynn.. my friend.. and he
couldn’t understand why.. well.. the truth is.. it was the
Unconditional Love my mother gave me from ages 0 to
3.. before she had to go to work that made my soul whole
no matter what.. eventually through life.. and although my mother
has had many issues of her own through her later years thaT Love
was the greaTest gift i could ever wish anyone and that Love was what
attracted the Katrina to me.. and what has made me an epic Lady’s man..
hehe.. through my life as my eYes are love and those eyes cAMe from my Mother’s
Love forever then and forever now.. i am having a hard time with this but i have been
to hard
in hell
and i just
hope my mother’s
pain goes away soon..
and that is the beauty
of writing as i
can get
out if no
where else
but my soul..now.. among
my favorite memories now are
my sister and me and my mother
watching Alfred Hitchcock TV shows
late at night when she let me have coffee
that helped me concentrate.. i had so many
warm and fuzzy feelings of Love when i was young
and when i became so ill and lost my emotions and had
no idea what emotions really were except some felt really
special and good.. i asked my mother.. please bring that feeling
back.. help me to live again as human please.. and eventually
God of Nature gave me that gift again.. and i refuse to
ever hold it back again no matter how soft
or strange anyone calls
me as sissy
or queer
like they
used to in middle
school for being all
happy and smiley then..
no vengeance for me.. i’LL keep smiling
instead.. thank you.. and those bullies did
continue in work life too.. vague.. and behind
the back.. back stabs too per do.. thinking i didn’t
know what was going on.. that’s okay.. Love wins.. iT DO..:)



maKing Love God.. A great thing
as sure.. Love IS A great Force…
taKing that message and
making it into
a man
is totAlly miSsinG the
Message of Love as a UniVersal
God of Nature Given hUman
greater poTenTiaL
as and of
and is
as the coffee
cup says.. Love one
another like i have loved
you.. sure ..just another version
of the Golden rule.. as quote from
John 13:34 on the breakFast cup..
what else.. yes.. For where two or
more are gathered in my name there i am
in the midst of them.. from Matthew 18:24 as nicely
illustrated as fog dispersing in the morn of a living tree..
see.. you really have to be somewhat of a poet to understand
where the teachings are coming from.. while we use symbols like
the Goddess Venus in Roman Form and Aphrodite in Greek form
to express the virtues of Love.. Beauty and Sexuality although Beauty
as the flesh and Sexuality as the flesh is denigrated somewhat in Christianity
oF old and not so much in some places in the Old Testament as it is clear to see
that beauty at least as beauty of Nature is honored in the David Psalms.. where the
New Testament is more about getting in touch with spirit.. yes.. regulation of your emotions
and integration of your senses for a BaLanCinG Force of Faith as Focus in life for gaining
liGht over dARk as Force oF LiGht LIFe.. as the study of human EmoTiOns in regulating
and experiencing them and naming them and mastering them is still a young science
in the fields that help folks with our inner UniVerse that is the greATest oF all
to eXplore and master with relative free will.. as gifted in potEnTiaL
we are by the GoD of NaTuRE aLL to this PoinT of eXistencE
noW.. thing is we are still talking about the deep
South.. the back woods in old Jerusalem
days too.. extremely patriarchal..
where boys must potentially
become warriors
away from Love
ALL to avoid the
human aversion
in killing others
to defend the tribe
to gain and maintain
resources in areas of
environmental scarcity in case
you thought this was gonna be an
all mush talk here instead of Fredtalk… ha!..
WeLL.. theRe is the Wisdom of gaining TrUth oF KnoWledge
and tHeRE is the LiGht of gaining emotional regulation and
sensory integration and transcendence from the every day
worries and never ending ruminating over worries too..
until one becomes a worry factory that never
stops thinking about
what might
next.. until basically
one becomes a worry
wart on a frog and never
turns into a princess or prince
and far far from a master in relative
free will of the inner human UnivERse
as Queen and King of one’s own existence
co-creating wiTh GoD as one FocuSinG Faith Force
of WiLL and Love.. finally getting away from the DArk
ForCe of Fear and hate.. problem is though.. we are more than
a head.. yes.. we have a miNd and BoDy too.. fully encompassing
uS too.. and while most meditation for mindful awareness to regulate
emotions and integrate senses focuses on stuff associated with the head
like breathing and thinking alone.. the body is where the emotions and senses
flow or stay stagnate until one needs massage or rough ‘rolfing’ to even remember
there is body down there below the neck after one has been sitting in front of a screen
almost all day long in one spot where the potential for ergonomic injury can be greatest
as sitting still is a repetitive movement too that can create all types of pain from head to
toe if some other balancing movement does not come to Balance a body out in
moving force of now.. as well as moving to burn harmful and cumulative
stress hormones that over time can destroy every body system
from head to toe too.. and no.. this is no “wive’s tale/woo” this
is science now that definitely shows stress
kills.. stress kills and is responsible
indirectly and directly for
much misery and
suffering in
illness and
addictions.. both
substance and behavioral
too.. like video game addictions..
gambling and too much porn as take sexuality
off the table and appreciation for the beauty of Nature
all together and one has the opposite problem of NDD..
Nature Deficit Disorder.. yeS it is important to keep a little
naked Apollo and Aphrodite in your life to keep the dopamine
and androgen and estrogen juices of life strong along with the
social bonding neurohormone oxytocin and no.. hell no.. not that
pain killer that sounds like that word either per oxycontin as oxytocin
is actually identified as the human all natural love drug that is facilitated
by touchy feely love.. yes.. matter of science fact.. even touching yourself too
as the athletes say adjusting yourself to feel human again after a long day of
anxiety creating competition as love kills fear and anxiety and hate overall and
that is why there ain’t much fear and hate on Bikini Beach where Aphrodite.. the
Goddess of beauty and sexuality and yes love rains free in bikini bottoms and tops
and speedos.. i guess.. for folks who are into that too.. hehe.. fact is.. you get some love learning
in church to the death of healthy sexuality and appreciation for Nature as anything other but
dominating both.. so it’s true.. in many ways Buddhism is lacking Tai-Chi but now that the
hair nets have been removed at church and been replaced with short skirts..
action speaks much louder than words in truth and light too.. including
healthy and open sexuality and beauty too.. so we are getting
there slowly in words and much faster in do.. as hUman
nature is God Nature free when we are free to
mindfully and bodily get back away
from prison of cultural
and religious
from human nature
where reAlly transcendence
is just being human again no different
than our forager indigenous Indian ancestors
that we are still at core once we remove the idols
as forms of words and statues of men/women/goddesses/gods
and come to understand fully unclothed as all natural liFE/liGht..
the essence underneath all trUth and liGht that is the essence of
God Nature as gifted to us free.. so on this Saint Valentine’s Day
i invite
you to
get away
from machines
of words and forms
and become the essence
of what you feel and sense
and yes.. thiNk too of what humanity
as gifted by God is free in you.. different
brushes for God’s masterpiece painting..
different sexual orientations and abilities to
sense and feel liFE.. and unique and same
we are as paRts and fractals of God whOle
but truly when the form becomes Truth
and liGht and the essence is no
longer lived we become
statues too..
empty shells
of words that no longer
have a flesh and blood liGht
beating breath of liFe as HeARt..
SpiRit whOle as MiNd and boDy
BaLanCinG soUl for now and in the
spirit of miNd and BoDy BaLance this is
my Saint Valentine Fred’s Wish for you.. hehe..
A Cup of Love and a Plaque of Beauty and two dolphins
that swim as empathy and compassion forevermore now
with a lust for life now too that never ends in Bliss and Nirvana
as the Heaven of now.. chances are i might have left something out
and no problem as sooner or later someone else will seek it and find
it and experience it and share it in other words and other symbols and other
expressions of art too.. Venus you.. Aphrodite you.. and Jesus.. you too.. DancE
and SinG them aLL as one force of Love LuST and Beauty pARt and WhOLe BaLanCinG
Faith for and as
LiFE liGht iN aS TrUth now..:)


SMiLes.. my friEnd.. Candy..
the touch of two legs
early in the morning..
one older and furry..
one smooth
and never
No.. not
sexual but soft
touch that has no
distance.. space or
time.. the warm and
fuzzy feeling of love that
never ages that lives
in old age
ages when real..
and perhaps the beyond
saddest part of all is when that
smooth leg of eternal youth touches
the fur of middle age and the beast that
was love became empty as a beast of numb
and i had it all and i had it none.. as Love is
essence and never
form alone
of a
aged furry
leg and a smooth
one that never ages
shaved close and loved
as much smooth or peach
fuzz too.. and when i go to the
bar and hear the young men talk about
women.. raised with only form of porn never finding
heARt that warms a soul and heart and spirit in oldest
age of
soUL young..
tHeRE IS A death
thEre that may never be
gained as liGht as LiFE that
never ages as Love.. and sure.. as that
Love potential left me in neurochemical
and organic way for 66 long months without
the human furry smooth feeling loving touch..
i know where skyscrapers with labels and neon
God’s come from.. they come from a Love that no longer
exists.. i know where 10 Million dollar homes come from that
seLL God as Love as making bigger bucks.. they come from a Love
that no longer exists as free flesh and blood touch feely taste smell that
no distance..
no space.. no time..
no age.. so.. Happy Valentine’s
day.. my friend.. Candice.. the feathered
Sleep with Hugs of Love that never age..:)


Happy Valentine’s Day one more time as the
Sweet Heart days ends soon.. and in preparation
for our two doctor’s appointments of maintenance
check-ups in addition to me being down somewhat
with a cold for over two weeks now in what seems like
two different ones caught over that period of time.. i thought
out loud to my self.. hmm.. too bad i don’t have a Valentine’s shirt
to wear out and about getting the required subsistence items from
Walmart after the appointment ended and lots of stuff going down at once
with my mother refusing to go to the Doctor.. to the point of her losing bladder
control now and delirium and thanks God she finally gave in and she does have
a sepsis infection and undergoing tests now to see all of what’s wrong as she
has refused to go to a doctor now for 12 years and lost a whole lot of weight all
of the sudden last year and has had severe hip pain off and on too.. her
wish was never to go to the doctor again
and die at peace
at home..
and we
are surely
glad she finally
agreed to go to the
hospital as she was really
suffering and it was getting to
the point we would have to go against
her wishes.. to stay at home.. and as mentioned
before.. done there did the almost death thing of ill..
refusing the help that saved my life as there is a time
and place always to get help and surely modern medicine
saved my life and put me to sleep after 40 days of almost no
sleep then with a synergy of life threatening disorders.. including
the suicide disease.. type two trigeminal neuralgia.. no infection
for me as sepsis is certainly life threatening too.. hopefully
all will turn out well as prayers pour out for that
with Good Will too.. best thing is.. she is
getting the care she needs and
hopefully her comfort
will come away
from pain now..
not much for music or
dance or poetry or much of anything
but maintaining a will for good will to be
strong as i am very close to my mother
as she surely saved my life more than
once in life too.. as mothers do
when unconditional
Love reigns
holds barred
of hugging love..
so yeah.. i’LL hug love
and too sick to go to the hospital
to spread my germs and perhaps i will
pour it out different in a prompt by dVerse
on the topic of HeART as pain of the emotional
kind is the muse of the deepest soul to sing a song
of healing wherever that may come and go.. come what may to generate a tear
of healing
as the worst
thing to do
is hold
it in
that only leads
to unresolved pain
that can last for years
if one can not let it all go for Love oF LiGht..:)



i danced the night my father
died as that is the way he led
fear freed..
my mother on
the other hand has
lived her life love full..
so i go to heart now..
just waiting
for come
may as Love.. as Love
that the Love comes from
continues to grow.. never is
tHeRe a shortage oF LiGht to come..:)

So.. here goes the Heart prompt at dVerse
for now as this is surely therapeutic for me
for now.. to keep afloat from going too dARk
to the
i’ve been..:)

ThE Lone souL that caves
for hope.. the lone hope
oF endless
a liGht
comes.. a tunnel
more.. A SonG SinGS
DAncE moRe for Love..:)

A heART sets us apART
from birds and bees..
A smARTsAdly
ART oF Love..:)

Finding Love iN
candy jars
not too
candy more
In eYEs thaT Love
sweeT heART ChocoLate Love..:)

50 sHades darKer
Red sings cards..
sHards.. glasS HEart
oF Love..:)

Art.. 60 percent smART
sAMe for heART
and pART
oF eARTh
as 75 percent
of 60 percent more..
Ocean Whole Love waters more
m and
he and p
and he and e and h
backwards from Art as Love.. AM..:)

SMiLes.. my friEnd.. Xenia Tran and happy
Valentine’s to you and your family and
family of Galgo’s from Spain.. and aren’t
all dogs and cats ambassadors of Love
for when humans
are not up
to the
task of
Love… animals
come into to feel
the spot of fill when
humans fail.. some sadness
here as my mother has fallen
ill on Valentine’s day and our cat
Yellow Boy comes to snuggle sadness
for he
of Love..
our pets are love
and i say to the world too..
my FriEnd..
what a wonderful
refuge you make
heAR for canine Love..:)

sMiLes.. my friENd..
greaTest Love i for
one kNow and FeeL
And SenSe of Wife..
is the life
to set me free…
Happy Valentine’s
Day to you.. too.. my friENd..
hehe.. and thanks for helping..
as i was looking for something
to say to her
in all
places oF LovE..:)

Spent some time with the homeless..
under bridges and sleeping
on beaches
in warm
south.. often
run off by the law..
what i’ve come to find
is.. it is the small group of humans
who stick together for a forAge of
liFe who
no restrAint
of texting twitter heARTs
with little characters oF aLL..:)

Dreamtime of indigenous
ancestors reaLiTy
of now..
As dance of life
iN trance of love
Gone liGht
aS LiFe oF DancE
And SonG of soUL..
animus and anima WoNe..:)

For years.. For Decades spent
and Christmas came and went
And i becAMe work away from heART..
And at my mother’s home.. sat cards of all
those who touched her heARt from years of
contact.. come again.. as love…
No cards at my
home for i was
work with
Love to spread
from desk and chair…
My Grandmother became
a painter in her 60’s after her
father died.. my mother.. a poet..
after her mother died.. and it seems
my mother could be close to that in a hospital
tonight.. yet known from the result of tests.. me..
too sick with a cold to enter into sanitized rooms where
germs could kill..
the thing is.. i never
took the time to send cards
before.. as one must give
without any expectation
to receive
as that’s
life works first..
i find noW in older
age more than ever before..
i never forget anyone who is nice
to me.. hehe.. and i rarely forget anyone
in a bad way who is mean to me.. greaTest
art comes from dARk when Love liveS on and
the more i come to hurt the more i come to Love
wins Love wins.. lives liGht..
Happy Valentine’s mY.. FriEnd..:)

Valentine’s day.. sAd heaRt
day for the lonely it seems
but what outcasts feeL and
seNse and Love
is Love
coMe to be
for all of what that
is as green and living
and even mountainous terrain
when a grain of sand comes to be
oF Love
from lEast to

SMiLeS.. HEarts
poetry.. a sweetest
candy on any
iT aLL
out whaTever
iT is that IS A
spYinG eYes oF LiGht
oR dArker SHades oF hAiry sTuFF..;)

BesT heARts
hAve wiNgs
LiGht as Love
neVer feaRinG lone
aLLone flies hiGheR oNe..:)

SMiLes.. my FriEnd.. Lillian..
so sorry for your loss..
Love lost love lives
as eYes and words
of love.. and my mother
visits a doctor and hospital
for the first time tonight.. in twelve years..
sepsis.. delirium.. she only wanted it all at home..
to live
and die
in peace at home..
with no fear of death
the gift of Loving Life.. ’till the end
And beginning as gift oF aLL thaT is..:)

And we just got the test results..
Breast Cancer that went into Abdomen..
Bone and Brain and the rest of her body too..
with Cancer
bleeding in
Brain and the
amazing thing is..
a few days ago
she beat my sister
at Scrabble ..my friEnd..
not expected to regain consciousness
and when she did wake up incoherent it
took three very large men to hold down
her 120Lb body from escape.. my
mother had has a will
of steel..
gave up
on me when
i gave up on
all of existence
in life as death..
she lived
LiFE ’till
the end
with no regrets..
i can only hope i do the same
as Love wins when Life as LIGht..
worth Living..
and death IS
A blesSing for
those who live liGht as Love..
glad.. i had a person
who is truly human to share this
with in real time now online who cares..
as Love does..Love..
thanks Lillian..
for alWays being
a nice person.. to me..
Lives Love..:)

So.. yeah.. what to do now..
what my mother taught me best
to keep loving to keep loving and never give up..
and with memories of so many days
i thought my life
was over
and she
it will
pass.. change
will come.. it
will pass.. change
will come.. it did.. and i continue to live..
with tears of a shoulder wHo Nurtures liGht as grOwn..:)

And that’s all for now…

Facebook Friend and
nice niece Candie says..

Beautifully written. My heart is heavy for what y’all are going thru..:(
All my memories of her have been positive ones. Always a smiling face,
welcoming heart and a giving spirit.

And i say in return..

Thanks Candie.. to put it short..
when i was young.. some of my
friends wished my mother was their
mother.. to be born to her.. again.. would
be worth all the crosses.. i for one have carried and more..
with that said.. off to see her while she’s still living as the cold
i have.. is no longer a relative issue.. thanks again.. for the human touch..:)


Art is how we share our heARt in SpiRit as soUl with
our family and friends and hehe.. iN my
case the world
of whatever
comes daily
as wheRe my
heARt flies free
iN SpiRit of SouL..
And what better way to
share my Mother while she is
still alive and resting easy with aid
of modern medicine than to share her
actual written page published poetry soUl here..
yes.. in her 50’s.. also like me.. never writing poetry
until after her mother passes away about a decade after
that when she is living alone
in her home after the wife
and i who lived with
her shortly before
we bought
a mortgage
in ’93..
moved out
and she turned
to the art of poetry
to express her deeper
feelings then.. and yes..
when she wrote.. shapes of words
came free too.. farthest thing from
my computer brain then that people
literally compared my super problem
solving brain.. to.. yes.. computer head Fred
without any social graces of public dance then..
as that changed after i came out of my cocoon with
butterfly wings in my 50’s too where feet and hands
became free with heARt and SpiRit iN a miNd and BoDy
BaLanCinG soUL.. too.. and while my Grandmother addressed poeticAlly
here as Loving caring heaRt FeLt SpiRit of sOUL by my Mother.. worked
7 days a week.. 12 hours a day as a waitress in town to support her family
as a single mother back in the early part of last century and was the first
woman to wear slacks in town.. getting a job selling auto-parts to help out in
the overall effort of World War II when women went to work more then out of the
home and being a single mother was much more rare than now.. she also dropped
out of school.. and picked cotton at a young age to help her Father who was a widower
as my Grandmother’s Mother died young from breast cancer and a single father was born
after that and additionally a family of first settlers in the area named as Navarre beach now
on the sound side.. of course.. but with still a Ferry necessary to get over Pensacola Bay for
my Great Grandfather to get to work..
with the only entertainment then..
oral tradition among
those who
to get
as recollected
by my Great Aunt
Jettie before she passed
away at 94.. back in my
Dead zone days as all i had
time to do was sit and listen
with barely a breath to talk myself
all messed up from a total mind and body
breakdown in physical disorder way from the
chronic effects of flight and fight stress at work then
for 2 years in a spot my Nature was not cut out for at all..
per the Asperger’s syndrome and the danger of falling out
of balance to the dark side.. eventually.. of Bipolar.. while dealing
with demands then wiTh the manic life draining part of that issue
as an adaptation to extreme environmental conditions that can sTiLL
range from physical to mental efforts behind a computer and social
demands at work too.. i keep it all balanced out through the art of
hands that write my heART and feat of free verse dance that
regulates all my emotions and integrates my senses
where the world seems an excellent
comfortable and moderately
exciting place to live
with never
a bore
or too
exciting out
of balance dance
and song of LifE.. takes
practice and that’s why i am
here now.. still writing after getting
back from seeing my mother.. it takes
an Olympian effort to keep my Fredenstein
Brain all togeThER like a finely tuned Ferrari
head tuned with all 12+ multi poTenTiAl cylinders
as an
of life and
liGht now out of
DARk.. exPanDinG
thAT hUman potEntial
away from dARk.. continuing
iN liGht as long as i keep a practice
of what works to keep all my shit togeTher
FloWinG iN ZoNe Butterfly Tiger Free..
anyWay.. back
to the
with these
hands that
floW oN.. my Mother’s
family.. very much like “Steel
Magnolia’s”.. Great Grandfather
lived two doors down on the River
Front of Black Water in advanced age..
living ’til ’94 then too but as long as i remember
the women were all in charge and seeing a male
in my family anywhere was a rare thing.. and that’s what
would eventually make me a nurturer too per the environment
makes you what you are as all the law enforcement of my father
in colder emotional non-speaking ways moved over to Tallahassee and
stayed there.. and my mother.. a devout Catholic.. would have never divorced
him.. but my father insisted that my mother go to work as he felt money was much
more important than the mommy staying home with the kids.. so he left.. divorced
her and remarried a women in his law enforcement office pool.. per say.. otherwise
i would likely have many many more siblings than one for now.. as all my Mother
cared about was raising her children and i got the benefit of her unconditional
love until age 3 as she was forced to go to work after my father left.. so..
i became the child waiting at the end of the day.. too.. in hopes of
feeling the warm healing touch of mother again..
and my most terrifying fear was that
she would leave as that
was the only
place i could
find to
Love that was the
same spirit i feel no matter
what.. including today when i walk
in a room wherever she is at and i have
to say when i woke up this morning and felt
the pain of her leaving soon and not returning
to this earth while i live here more.. i felt a greater
sadness and compassion this morning feeling the love
of my wife Katrina still with the warm loving human touch
for all of those folks who may have never experienced love
like that and in my experiences on the so-called ‘Wrong Planet’..
a common theme there that did not pertain to me with Mother for
sure was a hatred for parents in general where there was no love at all..
and yes.. for reasons of neglect and abuse too.. the difference in my life on
the Autism Spectrum.. not unlike the like of Temple Grandin is.. i had a mother
who refused to do anything but love me and here recently she got in her head
that i was demon possessed but surely that was the Tumor in her brain that was cancer
speaking.. then too.. but we already sensed/felt that she was sick.. so i let it go and she let
it go too.. and all was well again the next week when i visited her as love rules when
a practice of life
from birth
to death..
is where
of Chrisitian
religion and
belief and faith
that an all unconditional
Jesus lives inside.. as i had
that Jesus as a mother.. some
folks don’t have it at all if they
didn’t have their Jesus.. it doesn’t
matter the form.. however love comes..
the essence of Love is the God of Nature
Given Power that makes life good for self
and surELy much better for others too.. as
the source of all Steel Magnolias comes down to Love..
and a matriarchal leaning society most always works better
in smaller groups as prehistory and primitive folks go
in smaller peaceful societies as ranked by
sociology in the twenty
most peaceful
societies that
live by the
give and
Free as Love of Life for all.. noW
iNterdependent wHeRe sOURce
of Love remains and stays first
at the breast that feeds loving milk…
and those clouds that i captured last
week are named like that as utters of love
coming from sKeYes in a feed of life that is heavenly
Love as it comes from eYes that breathe thaT Love
it on and on
as Love grows
in hope away from
fear and hate… women
for the win of cooperation sTiLL..:)


The greatest thing you’ll ever do is love..
The part of the Moulin Rouge Song.. come
what may.. that is left out of the
YouTube automated
to copyright strike..
and how children come
into the world today.. in an automated
world.. with less of the feely loving mother’s
touch at a breast of life of hugs and holding hands
and needing each other’s naked warmth for the forage of life..
and surely.. i was protected
and folded in love like
this from born
to rise
older to journey
away from love to
cold technology of figures
and facts and lights that excite
and neon colors of manmade created
God that is surely paRt of God but separate
of the furry love that is our inheritance at
breast of life that comforts
that soothes that
has no
tag or goals
or motivations over
the basic subsistence and
shelter that love brings as blanket
and cover that never needs more than
life of love.. so what can love do.. live that is
what love does best NoW as the hiGhest power.. the
greaTest gift that to give is to receive as liGht as Force
beyond dArk of doubt.. fear.. and hate.. the years my mother
suffered from gall bladder pain.. refusing to go to the doctor..
i experienced that pain and just wanted to take it away from her
and her pain kept so silent with cancer spread over her body for
years hurt me beyond pain no matter how quite she kept it then..
and now that she sleeps without pain it brings me greater comfort than
the love she can no longer express in a vocal song of love that never falls lower
than higher angelic breath.. as much as it still hurts as dream of loss as nightmare
as child becoming reality now.. we are all born.. we all die.. and love makes the difference
and the best difference of the journey ‘tween two events of life we all share as equal beings..
from the smallest life to the largest
life now that can or
cannot love
to feel
as now..
L O V E..
i only wish
all people could
love like this unconditionally..
i only wish that everyone could agree
that Love.. the Force that now some of us share
so deeply is the God worth worshipping as pARt
of aLL of GoD as Nature thAT is the beST paRt for
those who can and do give and share Love Freely..
but the fAct of feelings
senses and knowings
and even science too..
and sure.. common
sense.. is
all people
are even born with
the innate ability to give
and share love.. and humans
are evolved by Nature as God
to optimally give and share love with
at most 150 to 200 sets of friendly loving
eYes groWinG this Love as A Garden of Eden
in a forage for subsistence and shelter together
in a warmth of life where the human life and love is
the prize and not a tool we create instead from clothes
to cars to homes to cities to spaceships to leave our home
of earth.. so.. the priest comes to visit my mother and while i told
his secretary.. i didn’t know how comfortable my sister would be with
the last rites ceremony for the sick and dying.. no different than a doctor
insisting on blood pressure medicine when the top part goes over 140 now or
the bottom part goes over 90 in the doctor’s office.. the prescription required
by the pope’s administration.. is to give these last rites to insure an entry into heaven..
and that was fine.. the priest didn’t ask.. he acted.. as my sister was gone out of the room…
i understand/feel/sense.. the importance of
rituals as shared positive
emotions to comfort
everyone involved..
except.. for..
the baby
with water
poured on an
innocent head.. shortly
after birth.. thing is.. how much more
for the God of Love would allowing people
who just so happen to be gifted by God with
different sexual orientations to make their love
recognized as holy and sacred as another couple’s
love that they choose to hold holy and sacred full of
meaning and purpose to give and share the rest of their lives..
well.. sAdly.. it’s not in the manual.. and as synchronicity will have
it.. when my old Tennis Buddy.. the Monsignor.. rigidly performed every part
of the ritual perfect.. up to the song he sang loud and proud as a Catholic
administrator and priest same.. he got to the part where he needed to read
from the last page of his manual to get it perfect and suddenly he couldn’t find
the page.. it seemed like a rather cold ceremony.. so i interjected some humor and
said.. well.. Mike.. perhaps it is the “Mandela effect” (when what you remember from
before becomes something totally different) per in this case.. OMG Fred.. the page is gone..
well yes.. after flipping back and forth and of course after doing this an innumerable number
of times.. he found the correct page and all was finished according to the book as assigned
to him.. thing is.. if we could all just go back to Love and use some common sense/feel/can/
WiLL.. Love could rule but sadly the world has become a very complicated place where words
have taken the place of
Love.. where words are rules
becoming collective intelligence and
religions to enforce those rules along
with cultures and more tools to bring
creature comforts like cloth blankets too..
but without love.. truly.. it is just one big
empty palace or skyscraper with an empty Trumpet
that has no song.. when humans become refugees.. now..
where the rule of love no longer applies.. God cries a tear
that is empty of the water of breathing Love.. but it goes back
to square one root one problems.. without the naked breast of love
at birth that grows this garden of Love in a place fertile and small enough
for Love to thrive.. the cold comes.. and the poor of spirit spend a life doing tHeir
best in/with/as tools of life to replace what is missing inside… a dance and song of Life that
if one can feel..
sense.. be more..
with will.. lettiNG love
guide one NoW in all one
does with fearless smART
WiLL oF Unconditional Love..
to get unplugged.. as a human tool
of culture.. can be so difficult.. but when
Love rings as faith that is smART without fear..
Love rings a song that can be heard without distance..
space or time.. and what the only thing truly in liGht any church..
home.. or dance bar late at night.. lives.. is the love that is more than
one person who shares.. together.. as a cup of love that has no golden chalice..
but the gold
that has
no limits or
expectations but
to dance and sing as
Love forevermore now..
so.. as my mother lays dying on
her bed in rest and comfort.. the love
she gives and grows in me IS A Hurricane
of Love with calm center eye that growS on
Ocean whole as Love guiding any eYe oF wISe..
TrutH and LiGht..:)


one might ask.. Superman..
now.. what really is kryptonite..
weLL iT’s the same human
nature story that is the
act of life over
and over..
the fearless
super masculine
father finds the most feminine
loving mother and births a child..
super masculine is super fearless
but doesn’t have the ability to express
Love like super feminine does.. so opposites
come together in attraction and as science shows
before the advent of ‘the pill’ that smooths attraction
more out to gender neutrality of egalitarian which ain’t
a bad thing overall.. thing is.. it is a combination of fearless
love that can breed a super hero man or woman or the ‘tween
of that and much comes into
way of adversity
and fear
rainbow hope
and love to make
Clark Kent change
to Superman for more..
and actually.. the original
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Literature is named as a source
of the Superman story too.. as the
tender Garden of the Divine Love of
a Mother’s Breast can create warmth out of
a stone of warrior that might have otherwise grown
that way from daddy’s who tell their little boys that boys don’t cry..
toughen up son in loud down south way to use a stereotype of
course as human diversity in biodiversity rains as clouds
as spectrum oF LiGht thru dArk beYOnd rainBow colors
in all pArts of the world as one race of
human beings too..
anyway.. that’s where
i come from.. a father of fearless
who escaped a den of love..
not easy growing
up in the
most patriarchal
of assessed places
in the United States
here in a place with the most
old time religion churches per square
mile by record and 5 or so military bases
designed to kill to defend rather than love to spread..
as what divine feminine love does in grace over masculine
will and strength.. i’ll not build a skyscraper for i did not go to military
school.. but what i can and will do is continue to spread fearless love..
in all i do.. and yes.. this is opposed to the place of environment
i come from but the Flower(S) sPeak different.. in Saint Rose
county from Saint Rose of Lima Catholic Church
from State of Flowers
in a mill-town
Milton place
here now as
the flowers
love noW
in beyond
rainbow colors
of my hands of song
and feet that dance over
kick ass as those feet were the
strongest ever last night at the gym…
might have pressed 1020 LBS 50 times
and i could have gone longer as after all
my mother can still struggle past three men
my size to escape from a bed of death back to God FReED now too…
Yes.. real SupermenwomenEtC.. get their strength from LOVE.. doubt
me not..
how else
the FucK
am i stronger
with legs of love
at age 56 here now..
than any other big man
in that gym.. it is the love
inside that is calm that powers
this Hurricane art as winds of grace
and strength in me.. and without that love
i am just a piece of paper full of structural infirmities
still shown clearly on Cat Scan and MRI.. in terms of
arthritis and spinal stenosis ranging from top to bottom
still of me now.. and that’s the thing.. i am more than just
flesh and blood as my mother still is on her death bed too..
i am
I am
i live through
death as life and
never give up.. and with
this said i am going a little
shorter on this 747th MacroVerse
of Ocean wHole longest form poem…
i am still lifting more than three men by legs
of dance and song of love.. and doing the work
of 10.. maybe 20 poets each day as my Mother’s Love
rings on in eYes of me.. Helen.. did you know you created
this much love.. yes.. she did before the brain cancer got too bad
as she told me so when she could see that love in my words in all
the pages i shared of what came out of my heart in the last year that
i shared verses with her from my GodsUniVerseNovel3 where i have
a stack of pages bigger than several books as just a small paRt of that
one MacroVerse poem of 338,630 words and all this effort was worth it
just so i could relate how much she has meant to me and how much i loved
her whole no matter what.. so thanks God for helping me to find a way to say
it after God brings me this gift of life as love to say it one more time and forever
now.. so yes.. this 76th MacroVerse of ‘Nether Land Bible 2017’.. arises to higher sTiLL in
number of words as the 75th MacroVerse brings it up to 1,145,032 words.. with Ocean Whole Poem
of all 747 MacroVerses now still well exceeding 3.3 million words and i will keep it no secret..
whenever they talked about the Virgin Mary in Catholic Church.. the only person i saw
was my mother then and still now as she is the source of my love no matter
what happened way back then.. and for me she has always been
my Jesus alive on earth and priest moreover than any
man in church.. and no.. i will be no political
leader and no.. i will never
rule the world
she died she
came to find out
she did grow a garden
of love in me.. She knew
i am love while she was well
and that is enough for me until
the day i die as she told me i would come
back to live then and i did from death as life..
this passes.. all passes.. and love is real now…
will i dance tonight in my 148th dance night at
old Seville Quarter to shine that light of love in dance..
as my mother greW in me from birth.. i WiLL if i can and
as history
i wiLL aT
any rate
i have a song
for this and all it is
is humble love for my mother..
and that example that good cop super
hero Jesus that was provided to me between
the lines of a book i read who was for all the outcasts
in life who loved like my mother did and does.. that Jesus
of Love is worthy of thanks and praise no different than my
mother or anyone else as all of Nature as PARt of GoD wHole.. as
doubt and fear and even hate can be turned into faith and hope and even love…
i’LL do what i can but seriously we are going to need a lot of different folks with Good
cop Jesus sKin on to turn this titanic around before the iceberg of doubt fear and hate
the ship of
faith hope and love to crash.. yes..
i’LL do what i can but i am just a
gRain of sand.. the solace IS A grain
of sand holds up a mountain of love
that can and will be human too
as long as Good
Cop Jesus
in all
the forms of
human comes
as a gRain of sand
as big as the gift of Love
that is the Greatest grace of
God of Nature Given as real Force of Love..
and beginning
of GreaTest story
of God forevermorEnow..:)

Mother’s Day Forevermorenow

Mother’s Gift












BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

Book oF Ten Sixteen..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)


Grand Cross Bible 2016

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)


CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)


VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)


CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)


Nether Land Bible 2017

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)


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