LuX A BeacH

Facebook Friend Glenn..
and overall artist in photography
and poetry says in regard to
one of my

fun with Fred.

And i return with..

Hi.. Glenn.. thanks.. and
trUe.. alWays A room for
A DancE and SonG oF FuN..:)

And with that sAid.. i’LL be back..
as Lord kNowS and feelS and senses.. i’ve
fallen behind on copy and pasting text of 12 MacroVerses on FB..
noW as the last 81st MacroVerse of “Serenity Garden Within”
makes.. “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. stARTinG Memorial Day..’16
now a grand total Bible of 1,215,375 words as pArt of Ocean
Whole Longest Free Verse Long Form Poem as Ocean
Whole Poem named as “Song oF mY soUL”.. in other
words.. all 752 MacroVerses as also playing
as the blogs i write.. namELy the
Word Press Version.. since
the end of August..
2013.. aRiSinG now
at 4 MilLioN words plUs
as pARt of an even larger
effort of online words for practice
oF aLL of this.. in 12 Million words
or so.. now.. since Thanks Giving Day
of 2010.. and coming this Thursday.. the
151st week of Free Verse Dance with all
the Cool College age folks at Old Seville Quarter
in Pensacola.. FL.. as Lord kNowS and feelS and senses2
that place is warming up to Spring Breakers from all around
coming to the earliest Spring Beach in ever.. the hiStory of my life
for sure.. as DogWood Blooms continue from the end of February
about the date my mother passed away.. and in continuing memory
of her.. her ashes heaR by Azalea HeART coloRed Blooms in a
SpRinG for me inspiREd by her pasSing on as torch of Love Baton..
still lives
Love wins
when arT of LIFE
as LiGht.. and
God dAm
Love TRumps hate..
the kind that would separate
a mother from a child.. as Love bOils
hotter in Luke Hot way.. anyWay.. it’s truE
i’ve tiRed of the same old God dAM phrases too..
And reTiREd all the wheels of doubt.. fear.. and hate lies
wiTh Love that Moves.. ConnectS and Co-Creates wITh all
of God oF Nature with no FucKinG Fences or Chains of words to hOld God iN..
aWay as alWays
iN God’s World
aS Unity Rises..
iN BaLancing act isReaL..:)


Oh.. Goodness.. Lala Rukh..
first time seemingly real friend
in the land of.. Poetry online..
from Pakistan and of course
moving on to the
United Kingdom
as immigrants
will do too..
spreading out with
Love.. it’s 11:47 pm.. Central
Standard time over heaR in Florida
Panhandle of endless Spring to fAll
to Summer Flowers as Winter skips by
with just a chill breeze one weekend on
Biloxi Beaches of 19 degrees or so with
my shorts still on sailing in dance on
the Boardwalk of beach with
the wind as air flying
me so free and
in my salt
so deep so deep
the dance and song MoveS oN
mY FriEnd.. anyWaY as you kNow and
FeeL and as i’ve remembered so many times
before.. an elephant like me and camel too with
the rider i too.. don’t break no promises and as you
once said as i’ve remembered before and written too..
people forget you like you never existed.. well.. my friend..
and you already
told me one time
you are a real person
like you were surprised i
was not just another online
like collector or follower collector
or whatever the newest car lot ruse
is today for continuing muse.. Love is
free muse to me.. my FriEnd.. and that’s
A way you do it.. you give it.. and the pleasure is all yOurs
at leASt
for me
my friEnd
and it’s why
i alWays come back
on the 6th of each month..
simply ’cause i can.. and Love WiLLs..
11:55 pM now..
8 minutes
juSt for you..
it doesn’t take
much to be a friend but jusT do it..:)


THere’s this liGht this liGht tHis Love
never to be hELd back never
to be lost now
yes.. this
liFE now..
alWays gRoWinG
even BriGhter noW as
clouds reflect sun liGht
eYes of waves in Ocean GloWinG
streAMs from Rivers wHeRE shores
expand even more.. soundinG similar
but different and even sAMe as beForE
as NoW GoES oN even more.. wiTh this brighter
liGht this liGht Now this Love.. Hers.. never to be
hELd back never to be lost now.. yes this liFE noW
alWays GroWinG even BriGhter Now Now alWays now.. more..
hmm.. could be a labEL for a poem like this.. i suppose but
never the less it flows free for the only reward of being heAR noW..
so many books.. so many words.. so many letters.. now.. so much collected
so called intelligence.. including art and science of all form and essence too..
complex religions and cultures to make the laws of orderly review on the sidewalks
of life.. but what’s left when freedom gives up.. priSon is all thAT’s leFt no bars or jobs
or empty noW
heARt.. SpiRit
and soUL without
A DancE and SonG..
this liGht this liGht Her
Dance.. His Song.. all
dance and
to be Danced
and SunG even briGhter
than before.. as Love moves…
connects and creates even more
in endless circles of life that
never end
even more liGht
as before is always noW
as BriGhter DancE and SonG of LiFe..
hmm.. with all that Dance and Song about
now.. sure.. a few MacroVerse shares too as
never ending circles and just a no man like me..
now on 3.7.17 at
more to come..:)

MacroVerse memory as shared
on Facebook too.. from three
years ago named.. “WEAVe dreamtime NOW”

And yes.. as short and sweet as thIS..;)

My dreams are hopes are dreams..
and life is dreamtime NOW…weaved into
reality as tapestry for ALL…one
point of ONE
DREAM of humanitynOW!

And from two years ago..
another MacroVerse memory
share as named.. appropriately..

“Allah ‘The Beast’ Holy Ghost Trinity”

With the introduction to what will
be an eclectic mix of spiritual
ideas.. mixing many
points of
and the similar
together of wisdom
and beauty and the dArk and liGht too..:)

Life is an adventure to partake..

Culture is a comfort to give back..

Humans are alive when they forge
ahead in challenges, pain, and suffering..

and come out alive…

Humans are evolved for challenge and never instant

You do challenge yourself more than many people do..

But perhaps you are

And must challenge yourself with Allah too.. to do so much more…










i look forward to seeing

where that takes

you next


Love is always the goal of now in selfless emotion in action..

and the journey and path is always a way of relative human
free will WitH allah exercising a perfection of practice but never ending goal…..alone
beyond LOVE….

And now a MacroVerse Memory from one year ago.. titled..

“Elton Jesus’ and Yellow Brick Roads”.. surely pArt of a
fiGht song too as dance for the freedoms of the last pariah’s
StiLL as God’s children along with phobias over transgendered
folks and all other differences that don’t meet a Southern
Baptist Drive-in for hate fest of ignorance still..
and sure.. ignorance is still a world wide problem..
NDD Nature Deficit Disorder.. aka God Deficit
Disorder when folks separate themselves
from the rest of God’s Nature as
Nature essence in all the
bio-diversity and
and sub atomic
flow diversity that
makes uP all of existence now..
as God essence as form that goes beyond
letters and words in ancient outdated and
antiquated text for more of God that is scribed
by even science now than so-called sacred text
of over a thousand years or so ago now.. so
tale me more about God.. is God
bigger than a book..
a religion.. a culture
a planet.. a star.. a
Solar System.. a Galaxy..
a UniVerse.. and beYOnd a
Big Bang too.. well.. the truth
is God is bigger than men and
women and even desert patches of
land in areas of scarcity where a tribal
God of fear and hate is expressed no matter
what the words of religious text says.. it’s the
do that counts.. not the words alone as without do there is no God
allone aT
in a Dance
and SonG of liFe
Free with a no man’s eyes alive..;)

Well.. the topic of homosexuality comes up on SOHEIR’s
blog and anyone who has followed my blog
will forecast what happens next.. sMiLEs..

SOHEIR provides the standard Islam
stuff about homosexuality
being a sin as dictated
of course by the
so-called last
prophet Muhammad
and the so-called last
religion that is named Islam..

And yes.. i say..

This is the part I hate the worst about Islam
’cause a Lesbian woman was buried to the top of her body..
and stoned in Iran for just practicing her God Given Nature
and science now proves this to be true
as well as our closest primate
cousin the Bonobo who naturally
practices homosexual behavior to alleviate
any chance of aggression and violence..
obviously more civilized and Loving
God beings than someone who
would murder someone
like my relatives.. But
trust me or not..
‘they’ WILL feel
GOD’s wrath for
the ultimate sin of MURDER…

And then SOHEIR goes on to
tell me that homosexual
behavior will destroy the
world.. if it continues
to spread and
all religions
are against
it and tells
me not
who do this..

And i say..

In this way all religions are ignorant
and evil against God’s only law that is
Nature and irrefutable in science already
that homosexuality IS part of Nature no Matter
what ignorant men and women think or do and how
dare you ask me not to defend my relatives.. God will
be ashamed of you friend.. i come to this Earth to speak
the Truth and no man or woman will stop me as the God
of Nature and Laws of God Given
Human freedom are behind me…

And then SOHEIR goes on to tell
me that my relative
needs to see
a psychiatrist..
i should not
my relative
and science
can go to hell..
and then i say..

SMiLes.. Trust me.. This is the final proof that
Islam or any other religion is not the final word of God..
i already knew and felt of what your reaction would be when
this topic came up as it is the same way with many Christians
and even Buddhists.. i will ask for God’s forgiveness for all people
who Know not what they do but that will ultimately be between God
the Master and human who can yet figure out how not to Overpopulate..
Kill each other.. And destroy the Earth.. Many of God’s children have
enough God given empathy and common sense to know the
answer is in folks like Elton John and Yellow Brick roads..
In other words.. folks who don’t make babies
and do creative works to help humankind..
SMiLes my friend.. it is culture and religion
that is the virus.. Not God loving and Living
Human beings who Love without fear of God’s Nature..
Truly i feel sorry for you friend but my relative is no
ordinary Human being.. She is an Angel like my
wife and will just giggle at your unwitting
cruelty but i for one
shed a tear for humans
who are ignorant by the
hand of culture and or religion..:)

And for here.. another sad point now..
is most all of your free spirited American
readers will feel the way i do but i venture
to say none except gigoid will express it and
that is still a problem with the world.. My friend..
People who are afraid to make waves as God is not
just a peaceful Field.. God makes Waves.. is an Atom
and pArt Homosexual too.. And Loves Yellow Brick roads
too as they teach humans valuable yet difficult lessons..:)

SOHEIR tells me only God judges SOHEIR.. and again tells
me my relative needs to be warned against homosexual
behavior.. because it will harm them..
and they need help away
from homosexual behavior..

i say..

SMiLes.. we are all part of God and yes parts of God
will be ashamed of you for this entire blog post..
i am not ashamed of you.. as i say.. i shed a tear
for your religious education as in part against God’s
God’s Nature and the wrath part.. That will come from
other parts of God who are human and not remotely
as nice as me as the parts of countries that will
eventually destroy this ignorance through weapons of
destruction.. i would rather use words my friend but if
no one lends a hand.. weapons will speak louder and no i
do not like the dArker parts of tribal nature
and try my best to stay iN
the LiGht.. My friend..:)

And then SOHEIR asks
me what weapons and
who will use them..

And i say..

SMiLes my friend
that’s all God has
revealed to me at this
point and Love can prevent
it from happening but only
if it is fearless

SOHEIR goes on.. asking
if i am threatening
her and asserts her
blog as her
with her
freedom of speech
in full tow of course..

i say…

SMiLes my friend.. It’s a revelation
from God.. No where close to a threat from
me and i always welcome all opinions from you
anywhere you go.. SMiLes.. there is nothing anyone
can say to me to hurt me.. As I’ve already
been to real hell my friend..:)

questions hell
and why..

And i say..

SMiLes my friend.. Perhaps God
sent me to hell and made me the Devil
for a thousand years in one second as
that is what God does to make folks fearless..
Anyway.. that is neither here or there now as i
live and Love in heaven stay cation.. God’s gift
of surviving the ultimate human test.. My friend..
In other words hell and devil iS God’s greaTest test
and gift to me.. Let’s juSt say it puts the rest of
eternity in perspective of only now iN Heaven.. My friend..:)

SOHEIR.. goes on to say.. we
are different and she
thinks these arguments
are useless and
we will never
meet as she
is east and
i am west..

And i say..

Yes.. my friend.. of course we are different
but it is not an east or west or even Muslim issue
as i discuss this issue with other Muslim folks with
zero arguments but their modern education away from
religion may play a part in that my friend as well
as realizing science doesn’t belong in hell
and is not perfect either.. Anyway…
you are free not to respond to my
opinions of course at anytime in our discussions..
my friend.. As i come here to speak truth but yes
when it comes to actual arguments.. Online history
proves i am always the last one standing as God IS
behind my voice.. and no of course i do not expect you
to believe that as some little Silly Human fleas will think
and feel they can shut God up from actually having the last
word over human.. God giggles at human fleas my friend..
The history of God’s Nature proves this as irrefutable
proof.. As metaphor of course.. Enjoy.. the rest
of your Friday.. my Friend.. i am blessed
to only work for the God of
Nature as truly staycation..:)

SOHEIR says.. and i quote..

“Have a great day Fred!”..

And i say finAlly..

Thanks my friend and i Love you…
Thanks for being my friend.. And
by the way my mother totally agrees
with you on this issue but i Love her no less..
another lesSon of devil and hell.. My friend..
As yes.. this applies to all humans present and
history as there is no greater evil or dark place
than hell and devil.. That’s why the Devil becomes
the greaTest Lover ever now.. At least.. My friend..:)

She likes the comment and we live happily ever after for now at
least.. as friends.. and yes.. that is a revelation from God too..
sMiLes.. and sure Ynot.. wInks as WeLL.. yes.. at least for NOW..:)

A photo titled.. simply
“undefined”.. as clouds
with no edges
in real
time then
now.. back
around 2009 or so..
a capture that also
illustrates well that
it’s also impossible to
fit God allone in any human
made form alone.. and that includes
all words that come out of human mouths too..
paRt yes.. butT whOle no.. as the flea has no idea
in whole
of what
it sucks
for liFe GiVinG Blood now..
trULy it’s as simple as thAT
when the dARk is removed and the
mystery of liGht Dances and Sings
more than ever before moreover ever more now..:)


First oF aLL.. to be clear
this is Satire.. never the less..
do not expect the one.. from the
east or the west or from the skies
or from the oceans.. or even deserts
or mountains.. or
within a
as this one
aRises out of
buggies from
iN A DancE and SonG oF Free..
The thing NOW about practicing
any art.. iF you do iT enough
or even science.. hehe..
expect a miracle
of soMe
in aLL aS
God oF Nature’s
Synchronicity in jusT
one day of noW.. iN
a day of a life of me
@leASt.. haHe.. as
the sublime of
God DanceS
and SingS through
me iN continuous Jonathan
Livingston Seagull Life hiGher
and HiGher.. noW aLive.. so much more..:)

Life makes total feeL and sense..
and no that is no satire aT all.. as the one
above was kinda a satire about “The Book of
the Law” for those in the kNow and feeL and seNse
of ‘that’ Holy SpiRit miNd of genius.. wHo was also.. extremely
troubled too.. in opiate addiction and stuff like that as an inner
explorer.. per psycho-naut as such.. it’s a secret.. naH it’s
not a secret as the phrase in quotes brings up the
rest of the story in metaphor at least.. it’s
truly like “A Day in the Life”.. too.. like
going up stairs.. taking a smoke
and reading ‘that book’..
and just wanting
to turn you on
to everlasting
liFe eTernAlly
iN Heaven now..
thing is.. it’s juSt
an inherited Gift/Great Work.. the ruse
now is that we are somehow separate
from Nature and more important than
God.. including our so-called only and
first and last representatives that we elect
aS Such.. whether or not they lived or said
just what folks now say they said or lived
aS Such.. thing is.. when one gets back
to Nature.. as any Jonathan Livingston
Seagull.. wHo Matrix Neo frees
tHeir selF and gets
from all
The Trump
Lies and Tom
Fuckery of modern
cultures and or religions
sTiLL.. they are free and flOwn
by the air.. and swum by the water more
as any Super liFE WiLL do.. hand in hand WiTh GoD..
Hmm.. and that reminds me.. dVerse has a prompt on
Nature.. free and relaxed as that can be.. and the
prompter who couldn’t understand the deeper
holy spirit metaphors that i used to relate
Heaven now on a Desert Isle Away
from bookS.. even Rumi
ones as Sufi
will do
all spiraling
aS Such but leaving
women out of the spiritual
mix.. afraid they might hook up
or such nonsense like that in
non-consensual way and per
Dowry requirements and
such fresh hell as
that too..
for those who are not willing
to be purChased or bOught as
slaves as well out of free for socio-economic
advantage.. alone.. butt sure.. whatever it takes to
survive.. as the snake bRain will rise again and again
in Trump Places of ScarCity too.. so.. anyWay.. the prompter
insisted that folks not say anything negative.. to keep it all peaceful
and then demanded that one not use any of those new fangled blogging
options that don’t have places for comments to make folks get all social with each
other as we all kNow that the artist is often bathed in dark and not always
social per say as depression and shy will do too.. hehe.. i got a kick
out of the really great poet.. Forest Bather.. as he didn’t
give a Fuck what she said.. as she said don’t
post it if you cannot blog in a way that allows
comments.. so his great poem came
anyway.. and she was too chicken
to stand up to him and
delete his poem
out.. or
the upper administrator
told her no.. as this dude
is a very high class act in
circles of those in the
science of
away from
free verse of
course too..
anyway… i will sPeak
to beauty or rant all i want
too.. ’cause i am free to express
myself however i like.. noW iN a one
man community of me.. hehe.. Now.. too
as if that is the price of freedom.. so be iT allone..
as no one is gonna put chains on my heaRt.. SpiRit
and mINd and BoDy BaLanCinG soUL as to express iT aLL
in words is to be free inside to move hiGher and HiGher in Jonathan
L. Seagull way.. and her issue with the rants is she don’t like the Trump
Resistors… as she’d rather just ignore it all.. well.. everyone better stARt
paying attention and making tHeir votes actuAlly count in the future.. as
Freedom is only as Free as the Government folks put in.. and this administration
is just
nuts.. a three
ring circus with
about 40% percent
of the country with eyes
that can’t see the
no clothes..
it’s not that they
are afraid to tale ’em
they are real fools.. they
just can’t see it.. and that
is the scariest pARt oF aLL
as about 40% percent
of the country
has already
the Neo-Nazi test.. for
going back now to wHeRE
ya don’t wanna go at all now..
anyWay.. walKing on water as i’ve
already said in satire way2.. is just so yester
year in stories of the surf board past.. so.. yes..
flOwn by air and beCoMinG the wAves of Ocean
on Terrestrial land.. floating Butterfly Tiger in reverse
in Athletic Shoes for around 8 miles on the Beach and
some miles in Super-Walmart too.. as i can fly anywhere
i go.. as truly.. i have leARned to fly in a day in the life of me..
and this place is heaven from head to toe and more in feeling
and sensing way.. i’d like to give it away.. but it is more than
just grace or luck.. it is almost 7000 miles in a little over
42 months of work.. work work.. in a day in the
life of me.. anyway.. tHeRe’s A song NoW2.. for
this.. for those in the esoteric kNow ways
of being now.. all iNnate.. FeeLinG..
SeNSinG.. iNstinctual and iNtuitive
iN God of Nature
hiGher power
inside.. outside..
above.. so beloW and
all around.. as pArt oF wHOle
GoD aLL onE noW.. a Float of liFe
wHeRE gRains of Sand and wAves oF
Ocean becoMe fEat of Feet FLYinG alWays hiGher.. noW..
And sure.. i’ll try to get over to dVerse as tHeRe have been a few
very nice folks who have interacted with me over theRe who
are not afraid of all oF what i do.. i’M reAlly a nice guy..
you can ask any of my friends.. at the least
the ones
see me
now.. haha…
more than the
inVisible DanCing
and SinGinG Man
who never ends
and alWays
aGaiN without fAil..
smelling like a Santa Rosa too..
Oh yeah.. and by a way too.. since
my Grandaddy was a native of Ireland
yes.. Paternal Grandaddy.. who
was a Priest at the
Vatican and
tHEre too…
last Century
all excommunicated
as such too.. and author
and all of that noted last Century
and Dining with Einstein in the Social
Circles of the big thiNkers in New York..
New York.. back in tHeir prime time then..
15 minutes of fame.. more spread out aS Such
too.. NoW as we are in Leary days wHere almost anyone
can have followers these days.. at least one as themselves..
haha.. anyWay.. since the Irish connection is rather fresh still
with me.. red hairs left in the mustache too.. heHe.. i’ll be wearing
a lot of green as this sTArts the 10 Days of Saint Patrick’s Day now too..
wHerE the “Beauty and the Beast’.. will be sTarting on 3.17.17.. except in
the holy rollie pollie Drive in Theater(s) who are afraid of so-called Queers
aS Such.. and SMart enough to vote for Trump of course.. argh and that
other unintelligible sTuff Snoopy sayS iN total FucKinG DisGusT as
the sHit is piled hiGher
and Higher
than any
can do
for do now..
in nut pie un-deLIGht..
and to be clear that’s satire baby..
like it or not.. it’s what some Bards and Fili’s do..
aLL Old and New Irish sTill LiVinG as Pan of the ForRest
and Leprechaun and Troll-like too.. to get a rise out oF iGnorance
Leaves more than Tom Fuckery and the ApriCot Circus Clown Trickster noW2..
and don’t
be too
He lives
at the White
House Either.. hmm.. heHe..;)

Quick MicroVerse Memory heAR..
from a year ago.. as the Facebook
Memories FloW iN all Free NoW
too.. with a very
Dancing Dude
as even though i am
the only one who dances
free verse dance in public
heAR.. this is the Empire of
the Trump all dArk Force aS Such
mostly of course.. in areas of the
resistance.. it’s a big dance movement oF course..
in connecting and co-creating ways WiTh liGht God Force..
as hey.. the
siTh is
in the
WhiTE house now..
as the dARk ForCe rules theRE..;)

Fear X hate X prison=HELL
Hope X love X free=HEAVEN

HA!.. IT’S amazing how hard it is
to convince folks in the first
place to come on over
to the second
but perhaps
there is a missing
fActor.. of D..
no.. not
or perhaps..
Devil Dance
to exorcise
just forget all the religion..
all the so-called holy books..
and heLL.. yNOt.. all the science
abstracts too.. and just dance
and truly iF theRe
iS a modern
Jesus.. iT iS

but not many
folks have the
feelings and senses
oF Love and Life unleashed
and released iN a Dance of Life.. FREE!..
except perhaps the Cern Symbol of Dance..;)

Well.. so anyway.. i’m iN WinN Dixie last night and after
another marathon or so of dance over two days..
all around the southeast.. my feet are kinda
ready to rest.. until i watch your
“Present Video”.. and play
is once again.. the GIFT..
as moment oF Play.. NOW..
so i dance.. and go higher
and higher in mindful awareness..
bliss.. nirvana.. escape from gravity..
feather.. butterfly-like existence that
keeps going higher and higher aLL
free.. and yes.. drug free too..
and wife Katrina.. gets
mad ’cause one of
the folks in
the cashier
line.. AFTER i’ve moved
outside of the cashier line
AND am iN free flow solo
exhibition.. ‘CAUSE one
of the ladies behind
Katrina in the
line is staring at me
like i’m a fallen Angel from
hell.. and i tale may wife.. well
in metaphor she is correct.. yes i am
a fallen Angel from Hell.. but i was born
in heaven first and have returned and if
she goes to the churches around
here.. she has
never encountered
a fallen angel come back
to heaven here.. we ARE hard
to miss.. we aren’t sitting on
our hands
our thumbs
are up our butt..
sMiles.. Life is Good
and best i kNow and feel
with the bliss of dance away
from all sitting still hell in head
of yesternow or forwardnow..
iS the place
of dance
and perhaps one
now the Lady iN the
cashier line WiLL break
through to the other side
of the opaque
2.. now..
and the rest
of New Jerusalem
and Israel too.. iN
Metaphor of course
as of course wRite
on course iN the State
oF imaGiNaTioN anything
goes and often works
and that’s the
that keeps
me tWirLinG.. yes..
aLL 230LBs on my toes..
iF nothing else it is the most
incongruent humorous act
that most folks around
here who are at least
liGht heARted enough
to partiAlly rise out oF
hell to giggle about.. aT LEast..
and that’s the first step out of Hell..
a SmiLe..
a giggle
and yes..
a heARty BeLLy Laugh..
as wide as the SMiLe
oF InfiniTy more wiDe
iN mAss.. distance.. and
space oNe as noW.. yeah..
like the dancing CERN dude2..
And as a side note here..
similar experience earlier..
wHere a Young Autistic man..
who i already encountered singing
at a Catholic Church Festival earlier
iN the year is singing at the River
Walk Arts Festival.. and
he reAlly appreciated
iT when i danced for
him before.. inspiRing
hiS voice higher as aLL
inspiRation does when any one..
two.. or more human beings.. express
spiRit oF positive energy no less and
similar to Stars that generate energy
that are uS as walKinG Star duSt
too.. wHere emoTions are the
rays of Sun of uS as hiGh
as wE can go iN
Force of Emotional..
power to inspiRe other
Star dust beinGs wiTH uS..
and hell no.. not just humans..
as cats and dogs.. Love an inspiRational
human SonG oF SoUl as message
to our other animal friends
too.. or perhaps
a soft emoTional
Song of PoeTry as
night night or nap nap
story too.. soothing.. each
soUl.. with fur or bare as sAMe..
and in my case hehe.. fur and fur as sAMe..
as i’m perhaps less removed from my other animal
friends.. at lEast iN WiLd and Free SpiRit.. aT MOST..
oh yeah.. and in this case.. the lady in the line..
was Katrina.. as she didn’t think my
effort was worth the extra
attention she was getting
iN being with me..
but ha! Unconditional
Love iS FREE and kNows
and feels no strangers
iN the freest

And now.. a MacroVerse Memory from
three years ago.. named..
“DanCE wALking wITh HiM”..
Sure.. a little esoteric as i go..
bottom line.. what i do works for Heaven
now.. some folks feel/sense sHame over all Natural
existence with God Naked and Free but no fool as me..
as i for
one am
born this
way as God’s Fool Free..
With an excerpt heAr..Naked and FReED..
and my art of that has come a long dAM way.. Baby..;)


It is still illegal to dance walk


total ‘nudiness’

in my local area..

so i still do..






general public..

a boy with clothes



But i’m not giving up ON internet..wHere

freedom.. the prize and happiness.. is here

for almost anyone to



if one finds

their meaning and purpose




and part of my freedom is to

express my whole


as natural..

not a dirty thing..

that the fundamentalists




in my


church going way..

And to be clear now..this is

a PG rated my full glory

as one wITh ONE is




in the restricted blog link

below for





(that was the old blog for that
much more new and improved now..;)

TRUE Knowledge is a wonderful thing..

and on my dance walking journey..






Barnes and Nobles..

usually leads to @least

some insight

on the




And while reading the GOSPEL OF THOMAS

again from the lost books of the


it is clear..


‘Nudiness ‘

IS valued state of human

being as the Apostle Thomas

teaches folks to take their clothes off






to see the SON of the












And he talks about folks in the Kingdom OF NOW

as a type of recluse and not anyone really

in the spotlight of


life as who




real life..





















My opinion is the ‘rapture’ occurs daily..





as people in the REAL WORLD















































So here is today’


10 MILE..






and after a sweaty


miles in the stores..














With the mood music

of one of my favorite

girl groups..



i could change your mind


convince ya..that the..

(GOSPEL of THOMAS.. Verse 37) His disciples said,

“When will You become revealed to us and

when shall we see You?”

Jesus said, “When you disrobe without being ashamed and take

up your garments and place them under your feet like little

children and tread on them, then [will you see] the Son of of the

Living One, and you will not be afraid”

And.. finAlly.. a rather rare photo
of me at age 44.. standing
beside my sister.. at
age 43.. the
Summer of
the Destroyer
with Katrina.. the even
bigger destroyer to come the
next year too.. 44.. a year for
destruction.. huh.. as numerology
goes in esoteric way too.. and for
me.. one of the most stressful times
of my life.. and the US.. with a mighty
Big Karma toW oVer all the killing of what some
folks name as a million innocent folks associated
with Iraq as the folly oF lies back then.. and now the
perp in chief paints doggies and war heroes.. he sent over there..
but sure.. there is more than this life.. believe it or not Karma..
and that will be dealt with by the big wheel of fortune within.. painting
puppies and war heroes is at leASt a stART.. sure beats being born as a grass hopper
a thousand times newly crunched by an innocent child.. when you leave this eARTh and
live heAR too..
what you sow..
could be paintings
of puppies or grasshopper crunch..
or a dance and song that never ends now..
eternAlly aS Such as Heaven noW2.. perHaps
i too.. WiLL paint with bRush sooner or later
too.. as the journey and paths are all towARd
liGht.. no matter what dARk coMes beForE.. i’LL
leave all oF ThAT uP to God aS NatuRe whOle
and Stick as close to thE LiGht as i Can
WiLL with appropriate disSent
for liGht change
dArk too..
tHere’s alWays
a pRice for Free
And for DaRk oF liGht..:)

Facebook Friend Rafiah
and Fellow Poet
Blogger asks..

Whats her name, Freddy?..:)

And i Happily Respond..

Hi Rafiah.. as alWays..
so nice to see you HeAR today..
my Sister’s birth name is Marie for
first and Louise for middle name..
but for lifelong nickname.. Marilou as
‘they’ say in the deep south parts of the United
States.. particularly now in Lower Alabama LA.. for
nickname of the Panhandle Flower State of Florida..
wHeRe now the Flowers bloom year ’round and in the
Winter now Spring to Summer back to Fall and the entire
cycle of seasons can happen in just one week.. surely in part
thanks to climate change.. hehe.. literally of course.. and
empirically measurable in just one week too..
anyWay.. again.. alWays happy to see
you online.. my friend..
and hope you
are feeling
and sensing
life great in how you
as a unique individual does
that best for you.. see you around..
and oh by the way.. see heAR i have pants
on but i didn’t dance in pants then.. shorts don’t
get in the way of legs that continuously move.. baby move..
anyWay.. hehe.. that’s my unique way of staying in a happy
of free
with bear legs..;)

Rafiah comes back to Facebook to say..

Marilou, thats a very cute nick name..:)
Also she is looks very pretty. About you,
you look much better wearing pants instead
of shorts to be honest..;)

And she goes on to say..

By the way I love the background which full of green.

And i say in return..

Hi again.. Rafiah.. i will relay the kind comments to my sister..
and haha.. i’m glad you like my pants as i guess..
Bare Beast legs are not very pretty..
And.. oh.. Goodness.. it’s true..
Luck’s a Beach and
heAR everything is
Paradise Green
as any Eden WiLL Bee..
with Birds and Flowers and all thaT is God even more..:)

And Rafiah.. elaborates.. very kindly back.. more..

Surreal is the word i can think of after your description of garden.
4 black traced line hearts emoticon..

And then i say..

It’s true.. i
am born in Heaven..
Culture took it away
in Nature Deficit Disorder
and now it is all me again
aS oNe WiTh Nature Ocean Whole..
so.. i give and share
all that is
of God
as a Mission
and Covenant With God..
surely surreal is real in this way..:)

And after Rafiah’s friendly question
i return to her blog to expand a thought..

Hmm.. i kinda just smiled..
to put my toe in ‘here’..
first.. to make sure
i was invited..
as i tend to move
aCross boundaries if
i am not careful speeding
Across the keyboard as such..
anyWay.. i’ve felt ‘this discomfort’..
of trying to be me.. and folks invading
in what i must do to be me.. and trying to
change me in the past so much.. as we humans
tend to have unique characteristics that often set
us apARt from the tribe.. in surely artful ways too..
and whatever
makes your
wings fly/
flutter is what
i wish for you..
my FriEnd
of course
as the mainstay
of what makes life real..
anyWay.. i thiNk ‘this’ might
have been about people questioning
you on your Facebook page about a
certain DESI movie star.. but sometimes
i think too much too.. hehe.. and try to figure it all
out.. somenows.. it’s better.. juSt to dance.. and forget
the song.. c’est la vie.. as the feet can say with no words @allone..:)

Rafiah.. says back.. in welcoming way.. more..

Duhhh Freddy, you are always welcome..:) 🙂 Know that and remember that..;)
Also its about people nagging too much, always enquiring about details
i dont want to discuss. I had enough of people poking their noses unnecessarily, so i vented out here..:)

And i say.. bacK in witty regard..

Haha.. it’s true i am smART in someways
and really dUm in other ways..
but i never truly want
to harm or offend
anyone.. so sometimes
i can even be too careful too.. i guess..
but it’s true.. it’s hard to imagine you being
mad at me.. and i could never be mad at you..
but if i ever hurt your feelings in not intending.. too..
of course
i would
say i’m
sorry and smile again..:)


Hello.. gigoid.. busy busy day
for me.. Psychiatrist..
10 miles of
in Athletic
Shoes in the
deep Sugar white
sands by the Emerald
Gulf.. and miscellaneous this
that and the other thing with the plus
that the Psychiatrist insisted.. i’m not crazy..
just super unique.. hehe.. what else.. off to the pearls..
and hope you are doing well coming out of the cold and rain..:)

See.. looka tHeRe.. sPent my day with waves
and the first thing i wRite heaR is a Tidal Wave..;)

“Evacuate? In our moment of triumph?”

— Governor Tarkin

wAve.. i guess..;)

“There should be more in American liberty
than the privilege we enjoy of insulting the
President with impunity.”

— Austin O’Malley

And it’s hilarIoUs
when a President
does it to another
he leaves
office.. bRinGing
obvIOUs lies thaT make
no BreitbART LeviN seNse..;)

“A great deal of information we consider to be highly personal, and of interest to ourselves and the town gossip our names, telephone numbers, marital status, educational accomplishments, job and credit histories, even medical, dental, and psychiatric records is now being sold on the open market to anyone who believes he or she might be able to use such information to turn a profit. These transactions usually take place without our knowledge or consent.”

— Anne Wells Branscomb, _Who_Owns_Information?_,1994

Ha.. i don’t answer
the phone
or the
or the spam
liNks aS Such..
off buttons are
a clue

“Any priest or shaman must be presumed guilty until proved innocent.”

— Lazarus Long, from Robert A. Heinlein’s “Time Enough For Love”

Plastic Shamans
and Priests..
sign up
crediT card for God..
And free HeaLingS oF CourSe..:)

“It is not lack of polling data or campaign contributions that
keep many women from ascending higher on the political ladder.
It is fear and loathing for the political system itself.”

— Madeline Kunin

heAR thaT
WOmen NaturAlly
hAve and praCtice
iN baSic
EmPatHy and
moRE thaN Men..;)

“How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated
the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?”

— Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle), Sign of Four

One man’s
is another woman’s
piece of
icing in
and compassion..
isREaL.. noT all
have and employ the sAMe Gifts
oN course..
wRiTE oF cOuRSe2..;)

“Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse.”

— Lily Tomlin

YeP.. uNenDinG
fEar tacTics
oF NoW..:)

“Heroism on command, senseless violence,
and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by
the name of patriotism

— how passionately I hate them!”

— Albert Einstein

TrUe.. soMe
folks are
And oTheRs
aLonE.. NarroWinG thE tRibE..;)

“I’ve got an IDEA!! Why don’t I STARE at you so HARD,
you forget your SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER!!”

— Zippy the Pinhead

OppoSite dilEmma
for me..
iT to the Bank
Cashier today
her to stare softer..;)

“It was a saying of the ancients, “Truth lies in a well;”
and to carry on this metaphor, we may justly say that
logic does supply us with steps, whereby we may go down to reach the water.”

— Dr. I. Watts

But without
the water
and usuAlly
thaT don’t happen.. butt iT doEs..;)

“Hmm…. well, it’s only 94% impenetrable….
I do like a challenge, don’t y’all?….”

– gigoid

to tHE oTheR.. BeY..;)

“Murphy was an optimist.”

— O’Toole’s Commentary on Murphy’s Laws

Butt less
half fool..;)

“One must be partially i
insane to remain sane.”

— J. Bothwell Avison


“A person who lacks the means, within himself,
to live a good and happy life will find any period
of his existence wearisome.”

— Cicero – On Old Age

Heaven lives
within.. the real one.. aT leASt..;)

“We have only two things to worry about:
That things will never get back to normal,
and that they already have.”

— Smart Bee



“Tit for tat is a bargain….” -gigoid..
Haha.. as ‘they’ saY iN the
Worlds of Reciprocal Social
Communication.. all A
to do
a rePly..
so heAR i go
for more.. HeHE..
Monologues go.. only
so far.. aWay from hello and goodbye..;)

“To be willing to die for an ideal is to set
a rather high price on conjecture.”

— Anatole France ~~

:(..No honor..
in Willing Death..
Death Willing in
honor No..:)
words.. life
is lived for liFe..
is an
oxymoron of thaT..:)

“Always we hope
Someone else has the answer
Some other place will be better
Some other time it will all work out.
This is it.
No one else has the answer
No other place will be better
And it has already turned out.
At the center of your being
You have the answer;
You know who you are and what you want.
There is no need to turn outside
For better seeing.
Rather abide at the center of your being
For the more you leave it
The less you learn.
Search your own heart and see
the way to do is to be.”

~~ Lao Tzu ~~

Books Lie
And trUth liVes
WithiN.. aLL inNate..
inStinctual and intUitive
liGht NoW wiTh no
And trUe.. noW2
BaLanCe.. literAlly
liveS iN thE
HUman iN
metaPhor of
Kundalini Serpent
Vagal Nerve stretching
from bRain to guT spReading
out now good news or bad news
Neurohormones and Neurochemicals
within.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below
and all around the human body aS Sun
Reflection of Crucible Fire Burst Star
Death resurrEction uS noW as
SeNtient Star Dust plUs
FeeLinGS and
We as LiVinG
God Breathes noW
iN eYes oF TruTh and liGht..
In oTheR words.. take all the
clothes off and shake ‘yoUr’
ass like any living Cosmic Dancer WiLLs
to do aLL reLative with the rest oF Nature wHOle aka God
uS.. and taNtric sEx hELps wiTh all the volunteers of Love @Hand..
what did they say on Gilligan’s Isle.. a three hoUr toUr noW iN total bliss..
butt in all
things.. noW
it’s more than
Grace and Love
it takes WiLL and
Strength in
to get
the whole
H job of combining
two ones as 11 bridging
divine masculine and feminine
in triangle up and triangle down
for Hexagram StAR duST plUs deLiGht..
And truly aS iT stands taLL this is juST a new age Lord’s Prayer2..
for even
anyone who
wants to Be
tHeiR friEnd..
no one left beHind
my friENd.. no one’s
behind left.. butt rights..
now.. What’s left.. Beauty..
And Wisdom liveS now aLL
as any Mozart pLay WiLL BrinG
as Tree oF LiFE..
suRe aS reaSon leaves2..:)

(:..note.. the power could
go out and i could
lose that thOught
butt the
of all thAt is
sTiLL liveS
liKe tHis
iN TruTH
and liGht
of hands free God..;)


And oh.. by the
way.. it seems
thaT Lao Tzu is
an all time favorite oF me..

And Oscar Wilde..
sure.. any
friEnd of
is a friEnd
of Pan..;)

“The basis for optimism is sheer terror.”

— Oscar Wilde

attract trUe2..;)

“I can believe anything, provided it is incredible.”

— Oscar Wilde

Real Miracles
continue to inspire..:)

“It is absurd to divide people into good and bad.
People are either charming or tedious.”

— Oscar Wilde

DependS on
how my world
turns.. @least for Pan..
fried good..

After the first night of one of Oscar Wilde plays,
an ill-wisher handed him a cabbage. Unruffled,
Wilde sniffed it appreciatively and said:
“Thank you, my dear fellow. Every time
I smell it, I shall be reminded of you.”

sMiLes.. TRump
2 without a cabbage
smEll beyond sTiNKs..;)

“Long engagements give people the opportunity
of finding out each other’s character before marriage,
which is never advisable.”

— Oscar Wilde

True.. Neurohormones
bind together
Love is fresh..
after that one has
to kNow more how to do it..;)

“Experience is one thing you can’t get for nothing.”

— Oscar Wilde

It’s all
free baby..
naked and Pan FReED..;)

“Experience is the name that everyone gives to their mistakes.”

— Oscar Wilde

are usuAlly
the best stuff i create..
as i don’t no shit when i juST do it..;)

“Bachelors should be heavily taxed.
It is not fair that some men should be happier than others.”

— Oscar Wilde

HmM.. uNlesS onE
fiNds an Isis who puts
Osiris back toGeTheR
A GOlden
tool that’s free..
In otHeR
tHe tAxeS in advance..
Life iS aLL floor pLay wiTh A
climAx that never ends
or beGins
noW iN Heaven @lEAst..
amaZinG.. trUly iT iS as Heaven
is all built iN for those who practice thaT Free..
otHeR folks
Aisles and fiLL
up tHeir GaRage
and sPare bEdrooms
wiTh TRump
sure.. been
tHeRe doWn thaT2..
iN tHe otHeR pLace oF
TerMiNation alWAys now..;)

“If you want to know all about the sea, you go and ask a sailor, or a marine biologist, or an oceanographer, and they can tell you a lot about the sea. But if you go and ask the sea itself, what does it say? Grumble, grumble, swish swish. It is too busy being itself to know anything about itself.”

— Ursula K. LeGuin

i kNow noThing
when free
i live..:)

Leave the past behind;
leave the future behind;
leave the present behind.
Thou are then ready to go to the other shore.
Never more shalt thou return to a life that ends in death.

~~ The Dhamapada (c. B.C. 300) ~~

Jesus F in Christ..
if only folks could
figure out that
was what
Jesus or
any other
trUe and
liGht sAge means
when they say defeat death..
it don’t exist
in dArk iMAgiNatioN
for anyone who holds that thOught
of Death
real NoW..
it’s not necessary
to ever experience
death.. surELy as
anyone alive kNows
now without
per birds
and bees smARter
than neo-cortical deaTh.. as LiFE..
aS Such2..;)

“It is the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance.
It is the dream afraid of waking
that never takes a chance.
It is the one who won’t be taken
who cannot seem to give.
And the soul afraid of dying
that never learns to live.”

~~ Bette Midler, “The Rose” ~~

oF all death as liFe..
iN aLL ways of doubt..
shame.. and hate as life2..:)

Hmm.. and that reminds me..
i reAlly Love
SonG.. even MoRe NoW..
the one
LiFe LovE
aS LiGht noW more


“Always do what you are afraid to do.”

~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~~

my biggest
fear is getting
naked in front
of otHeRs and
solo dancing..
misSion now
sTiLL WiTh WiLL..!
it’s not
in someways more..;)
else is juSt
icing now
with KNow
no wants..
as i alWays
had the poTenTial of juST
Doin’ iT CaKe FReED.. NoW..:)

“A human being should be able to change a diaper,
plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building,
write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying,
take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations,
analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer,
cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, and die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects.”

~~ Robert A. Heinlein, “The Notebooks of Lazarus Long” ~~

use it
or lose
iT iN aLL sTuFF eXistence..
And it’s worth noting noW
iN inSect words.. Now
the teAm iS NoW
much smARTer
iN terms
now of
moRe statEly
ant hills/hiveS and yes..
dArk of Destroying Nature too..
aWay from LiGht..
keY alWays
acT NoW2..
oF LiFE wHOle..
as eXisTEncE..:)

“Looked for love, found it everywhere.”

— gigoid, to KDFC DJ Hoyt Smith, 2009….

Love gives
S H A R Es
all when
practiced within..
maKinG aLL sacred
and holy full of meaning
And purpose iN liGht thaT esCapes dARk..
iN A
oF continUing
More Love..:)

“For life, with all it yields of joy and woe,
And hope and fear (believe the aged friend),
Is just our chance o’ the prize of learning love,–
How love might be, hath been indeed, and is.”

~~ Robert Browning ~~

(1812-1890) — A Death in the Desert


“Hear you reproach, “But delay was best,
For their end was a crime.” Oh, a crime will do
As well, I reply, to serve for a test
As a virtue golden through and through,
Sufficient to vindicate itself
And prove its worth at a moment’s view!
. . . . . .
Let a man contend to the uttermost
For his life’s set prize, be it what it will!
The counter our lovers staked was lost
As surely as if it were lawful coin;
And the sin I impute to each frustrate ghost
Is–the unlit lamp and the ungirt loin,
Though the end in sight was a vice, I say.”

~~ Robert Browning ~~

(1812-1890) — The Statue and the Bust

i muSt Dance/SinG thaT verse from the
Thomas Gnostic Gospel all about
letting go of
the clothes
of culture
in number 37..
says iT all.. for when
one has it all from born
there is
to lose
as long
as life goeS oN..
and noThing to remember
afTer thaT iN dARk aWay from liGht..
SpriNkleD ashes evenTuAlly iN Star Death Rebirth agAIN..;)

In the desert a fountain is springing,
In the wide waste there still is a tree,
And a bird in the solitude singing,
Which speaks to my spirit of thee.

~~ Lord Byron ~~

(1788-1824) — Stanzas to Augusta

oF Sand
Lives hOlding uP Love..
As Mountains and hUmans sAMe..
And sure.. a 2200 CC Cranial Capacity
may have
Byron too…
thaT’s a reAlly
biG bRain for sAnds..
And yes.. Stanzas too..;)

The thought manifests as the word;
The word manifests as the deed;
The deed develops into habit;
And habit hardens into character.
So watch the thought and its ways with care,
And let it spring from love
Born out of concern for all beings.

~~ The Buddha ~~

And Emotions
And Senses as
Any Crucible Fire
aLL oF iT
from the
Get Go of Gas
StaTion vIEw FeeLinGS..;)

Down, down, down into the darkness of the grave.
Gently they go, the beautiful, the tender, the kind;
Quietly they go, the intelligent, the witty, the brave.
I know.
But I do not approve.
And I am not resigned.

— Edna St. Vincent Millay, “Dirge Without Music”

DeaTh reSigns
LiFe moveS oN..:)

“He that will not reason is a bigot.
He that cannot reason is a fool.
He that dares not reason is a slave.”

~~ William Drummond, “Academical Questions” ~~

And A
TotaL WiSdom aS liGht..;)

“I wonder why. I wonder why.
I wonder why I wonder.
I wonder _why_ I wonder why
I wonder why I wonder!”

~~ Richard P. Feynman ~~

then i2
juST DancE2
And aLL thE Answers2
All naturAlly Do coMe2..
i need @leASt2..
aS pUre2
uP as Down’s2..:)

“Patience serves as a protection against wrongs
as clothes do against cold.
For if you put on more clothes as the cold increases,
it will have no power to hurt you.
So in like manner you must grow in patience
when you meet with great wrongs,
and they will be powerless to vex your mind.”

~~ Leonardo da Vinci ~~

Devils’ advocates
can be best FriEnds
too.. as the deTAils
are often
iN preSent
of oppoSiTe
as comMon sense
showS in use it or lose
it way.. getting used to
the cold naked.. not only
makes one
butt literAlly
raises testosterone
levels when ‘nuts’ get cold..
to fuel the hunt greater for liFe..
no different.. really.. than a room
of naked
‘willing’ women..
per due preference..
DreAm or not iSREAL
iN terms of neurohormones
and neurochemicals from head to toe..
or staGnate aS Such..;)

(heHe.. the things
A poet can get
aWay wiTh and
say too.. haHa..;)

“It is easier to pull down than to build up.”

~~ Latin Proverb ~~

juSt geT uP..
FeeLinGs.. SenSes.. allone..
pusH more than words alone..;)

“A hug is a heart to heart talk.”

~~ Bobby Matherne ~~

A Poet
iS Simply
someone who
can make words
hug or sting
IN liGht
or DArk
FucK yoU2
haS tWo meaNings 2..
FucKinG iF yOu SeeK iN GoD2
iN aLL oF dARk anD liGht as sKin2..
aS Star Lords and all oF those
wHo Guard A GalaXy oF Love
NoW iN aLL thE Ways thAT
coMeS Now..moRE..noW..;)


And now before further adieu deLay
off to dVerse to celebrate
Nature and
and Beaches
and stuff more like that..
in what may coMes..
A prayer2
for Nature2
NoW aKa2
God All..
taLL iNFiniTy2
for 10..2..12..3
11..2..H.. NoW..
KeY iS.. whatever
iS iS.. maKe iT aLL
tHaT iS Holy and Sacred
Full NoW of yOur Meaning
and Purpose.. iN MoVinG..
ConNecTinG.. Co-CreATinG
waYs WiTh GoD aLL oF NaTure
and Heaven’s
A Beach saMe
for heAR aT leASt..
as starats go too..
75 Million year
shared aS Such too..;)

Farms sleep peacefully
WiTh Nature ease..
Cities wide
that never
sleep as trees
manmade all lit uP..
oTheR than ThAT.. Hi
Lillian.. FaRm KiNd now
ForAGinG toGeTher
even nicer
oF HoMe..:)

Barren trees of Winter
Beasts.. no problem in
Panhandle of LA
seaSon floWers
alWays possible
NoW in juST one Week..
cliMate change feels good
heAR.. those oF us LiVinG
on the hiGh oF aLL oF iT
beYond the
by Floods..
eTC.. et AL2..:)

Butt sure.. As HiStory
sHows2.. the Tornado
bELt is
a little
more beLLy
of destruction south..
wiTh changing temPers2..;)

The Forest
and the
and one
with lines
of concrete
to hOld.. both
open to more..
only one
space or
time.. aLive..
Leaves green
alive noW
without science
mind of closed..
as Life Trumps Death aLive..:)

is smART
LeaVinG hUman trAsh..:)

Trees sing essence
with never
Leave falls
and flower
flower and
falls Leave
never with
essence sing Trees

i cried when i read
‘The Call of the Wild’..
too small oF A Boy
to understand
dog was/is me..
Wolf lives again..
innate instinct..
intuition as
oF Wild.. sET FReED..
as a bird breezes by the WiNdow..
Captured.. as Wolves never wait
for wild.. and smART phones
hELp in point
Transhumanist ways..
And My sister IS
A sELf-proclaimed
Ms. Jane.. Bird Nerd..
(Beverly Hill Billies)
she’ll get
a labEL
for me..
the Beauty
Sings a Dance oF Free
thaT’s all i need as essence now..:)


To the
a pet2..:)

Domesticated of
oF Poetry..
sAlve for the
soUl and FoReST for the science..:)

And as a side note heAR..
don’t wanna thiMk about
do it
is reason
enough for the
rhyMe oF Y i..
Fredfu FReED..
the Joy of Wild
DanceS and SinGs Pan..
Min.. and all the rest..
or stiff
iT all
and goes more..
long or short
and long as it can come..
all thAT iS..
iN mE2..
Go MoRE..:)

Science scribes
God Arts
Science MoRe2..;)

Practice flows as art……..God more…
Science stops aT answers..;)

“Sound of one hand
clapping in the forest”..
when Forest
inspired by
Seagulls and Waves
of Ocean.. without tools
to float above the water as waves..
i dance the sands in reverse as my
feet can see the eARth..
Sugar white
grain am i
aS oNe
the eARTh aS oNE..
Wave Field Ocean wHOle..
ForCe Particles as Grains
i am..
FlYiNg WiTh eARTh..
rotating and rEvolving Sun..:)

SMiLes.. my friEnd
yes.. you see my point
and of course the metaphors
for oneness with Nature
are as endless
as Nature
another one
of my favorites
is the wood sprite (Na’vi name: atokirina’)
as a seed of the Tree of Souls in the movie.. ‘Avatar’..
back in ’09.. where some folks went to the movie
and actually felt
the reality
in the
real world
of their avatar-
like lives separate
from Nature.. the Movie’s
visuals and sounds BrinGinG
thaT reaLiTy lost in connection with
Nature to greater liGht.. as daRkness
real in the newer phrase for NDD.. Nature
Deficit Disorder.. yes.. so many metaphors
my FriEnd.. and hope you enjoy your next
Forest Bathing trip.. one of my other favorite
YouTube resources to relay the FeeLinG of
Connectedness with all of Nature is
‘Symphony of Science’.. with
Sagan and his other
friEnds.. who
with Nature more..
i’LL share.. considering
you may not have come
across this.. as well.. my FriENd..:)

And heAr is a Link to the Poem
freely given and shared on the
dVerse Link list by a user
name as Forest
i realize
who it is as
i kNow his soul
by the form of
his words
that essence
sings through
for those who recognize
the unique dance of the soul
of others.. no copyright notices.
no forms prepared by technology to
stroke egos with likes and follows..
just plain giving and sharing
with no expectation
of reciprocation
of anything
the Love
of Giving and
Sharing.. that’s
the thing.. for those
of wHo cannot be copied
our soul is relayed as essence
no matter who attaches any laBeL
to thAT.. sure.. share my soUl.. give
iT away.. but one thing for sure.. like
Forest Bather.. it is not for sale for dollar
bIlls or likes or follows or any comments that
says you are the greatest or whatever likes that..
but you see and perHaps
FeeL and SeNse
That is
the gift
Bather and
i share.. we are
heAR to Give and
Share as Givers do..
to receive is nice but
it is the Giving and Sharing
thAT is aT the heARt.. the SpiRit
and the soUL iN MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG
way.. and sure.. when i for one Dance beyond
SinG with feat of forest clapping one hand
with God WitH/as me..
ya can’t
misS it..
no matter
how complicated
the dance of me..
is all tHeir to see..
sure.. i’ve been labeLed
Legend.. Metro Icon.. Boss of Dance
Awesome.. Inspirational
Spirit Animal.. and
ridiculous and
sinful and
eTc aL..
by the
Baptist folks
at Super Wal-mart too..
and that’s how life goes..
some folks see the sAMe iNk
Blot test as form DanCinG
huMan essence
aS Song
as that
is what
the soUL
does.. it sees
what it expects
oF Form or goes deeper
in essence more.. a great
adventure life is for me..
i more than expect the dArk
wiTh the liGht aS ink
blots sing
SonG iN
Feat of
Fearless FReED..
ah.. to be free of
all expectations and
limitations more.. Art
Dances and Sings Essence
so much more this waY2..
me.. and
sure i’LL
share and give
even more.. as i for
one am the lucky one noW2..:)

And with all that sAid..
now for Dinner
Martial ARts/
Ballet noW
iN Free
at my favorite
and only Military Gym..
the benefit is in LiVinG FReEd even more..
in Love and Wisdom
and Beauty even more..:)



As last noted
poeTry Flow
goes and comes
more.. as promised
yes.. Wisdom perHaps
but Love and Beauty for
sure.. as Katrina models
next to the ‘No Fishing
In Designated
off the pavilion
and onto the sands
and water for folks to swim
as the seaweed is rather thick
for now with a Spring that never
ends and alWays stARts more
iN Winter now as even
the May and
are making tHeir
Scent Present as i stroll
around the neighborhood
as cool down with my
sister after
as hey..
beats watching
the three ring circus
on the news for sure..
particularly now with the
smell of first time ever
in our history.. at least
of Gardenia
Moonlit mist
when fog comes
in off the somewhat still cool Gulf..
so yeah.. and off and on i get many more
‘fresh’ friend requests when Katrina gets
the profile pic spot.. as sure.. we share a
Facebook Page and i dont’ hide a FucKinG
thing from her.. in case anyone thinks i’m a secret agent.. hehe..
no wiki leaks heAR.. all for view and no pay per view.. haha.. more..
but in other words.. too.. no fishing for Katrina on Facebook.. she’s caught..
and not likely anyone else will be able to keep the promise that she’ll never age
as long
as she
married to me..
hehe.. haha.. it’s
sTiLL going down for isREal..;)

Hmm.. and with ‘that’ said.. nah..
the Love ain’t gonna run out heAR..
as i got some MacroVerse Memories
to share as WeLL.. sTarTinG with..
some Micro-Verses from a year ago.
as shared as Facebook Memories too..;)

Dunes of Beach.. stoic
standing tall with
Sea Oat crown
waving iN Gulf
Breeze.. hidden
Love.. Peaceful escape
from other beach view..
Ivan wipes iT all

Hurricane eYes
sWeeps Dune
Love.. gOne iN waves..:)

First green of Spring
Japanese Maple
against ice
blue sky
of warming
Southern breeze…

Inviting colors..
Life breathes
human bEinG..:)

Memories.. paint
mind of poetry..
peacock featheRing
way.. colors LiFe…

colored way..:)

TRain to lonEly
kNows no trees
oF Love.. Leaves
fall away
from whistles
refRain of Kindness…

TRain tracks
melancholy rAils..:)

Desert sands place humans above
gRains.. often placing themselves
as Gods above rest oF Nature
at large.. then..
Mountains bRing
humble Yogi’s…

Indian oF
weLL BeinG..:)

RuSty weatheRed joints
gluEd iN chAir oF
sitting sTilL..
fliGht of bird…

oF moVinG BLiSs..:)

Beach oF Love
retUrns iN SAnd
oF tears.. so long
iN Love of Tears…

Love SingS

Blanket liFe..
oh trees.. so
leaves of Grass..
iN colors LiFe..

no colors
untold.. unfold..
iN breathing aLL..:)

Memories past
Memories preSent
Memories Future..

one aLL

Bountiful Nature
rains iN history
oF Florida..

Indians place..
Panzacola Indians..:)

My grandfather.. a
Catholic Priest.. vow
to never marry
at age 36..
until 17 year
old Cajun eYes
say otherwise
iN pews of Please..

Ah .. desire..
thanks God..
oh.. My Life..:)

HerE now sinGs


Sioux and Cherokee me..
and English on Maternal side..
Irish.. German..
French.. Spanish
on Paternal side..
not going far
to meet
iN me…

when U.N.
lives iN you..:)

Sun Shining
or Earth receiving
reflections oF otheR
Stars briGhTeNinG
uP.. for wE are both..
receivers and givers
oF liGht or dARk..
In SHades
grey and
color hues..
for truth and liGht
or dArk of lies.. iN duSt
we stay and fail to liGht..
as Stars wE are as Stars do
Shine.. iN fALL of WiNter
SpRinGs iN SummeR
wE shine
Ocean Free..:)

sMiLes.. my friend Zee.. alWays
a joy here to share
yoUr liGht..
and when
suns alike
share liGht
the UniVerse expands
my friend.. as liGht..:)

At age 16.. i walked ‘those’ beaches..
barefoot and free.. arteries of blood
visibly filled from hand to foot..
the hair on my ankles
and feet still thick..
bronze of yellow
sun imprinted on
feet leaving
on sands
of God.. oh free..
oh liGht.. oh emerald
green waters.. waves..
sea oats.. waving…
seagulls spiraling
around Sun
oh bright
deLiGht you
bRing to me
oF God.. i feeL
without any words
at aLL then.. my friend..
and my worry would be then..
that was the end of that.. as i saw
my 44 year-old father as
a potato on a reclining
chair watching cars
go ’round and
’round.. in
Nascar circles..
watching boys with
bats hitting balls..
namely Atlanta
but no sun in his
eyes only TV light
in easy
away from moving.. then..
but sure.. in law enforcement
for 46 years total.. i guess
he needed the rest..
that realization for
me much later..
as a worn-out warrior
of the Navy work-world in
a quarter of a century sunk..
when i would be 47.. removed
from the beach for 17 years from
the start of marriage.. coming back
to walk the beach in the Winter of 2008
one more time.. for sure.. i believed.. then..
the end of life in synergy
of life threatening illnesses..
cold i was to the bone.. then..
in both Winter and Summer..
no one told me that
there are limits
of stress
that will
human being
DEAD.. but slowly..
surely.. i came back
from the living dead..
at the end of July 2013..
my wife and i are standing
on that beach.. still with a blog
post of the shut-in me for the
previous 66 months..
to commemorate
my newly found
life back with GOD
Nature and soon to
be humanity as well..
i walk down the beach
lone again.. then.. no longer dunes
to hide the panorama of horizon
all washed away from Hurricanes..
all ways around me then.. waves
brush in rhythmic sounds
of Nature’s hands
brushing the
shores of
Life free
iN balance..
and after that in left
hand justification my writing
becomes waves as well.. ONE
am i with Nature again.. able to
sing Nature’s SonG Free FinAlly
am i.. and i suppose if
there was a centered
view of waves
too.. perhaps
sacred symbols
and patterns of
words in visual
way would
Anyway.. i am never
alone.. i am a wave..
the water and gulf
i see God
for what God
is free am i too..:)

And also.. from two years ago.. an Eclectic MacroVerse named
‘PEtER Pan in Strawberry Fields FORever’.. with much
more fully illustrated ‘details’ on the
Egyptian God of
Fertility Min..
and the
and the
Emerald Forest…
So many valuable resources
to lEarn about stuff they never
taught at school.. as hey..
after all is sAid and
dOne.. oNline
is the
unabridged bible
of the being human
all given and shared
as relatively free
for those
get the
cheap broad
band access totAlly
not censored in human potential..
yeS.. in all the ways that comes what may..
And with all that sAid.. Jesus F. iN Christ
i’m tired.. i’m
going to bed..
be back
Ocean Drive2..;)


WeLL.. it’s not quite
A Chronological time
for an Ocean Drive yet..
but to paraphrase A Trump..
Who kNew the
be so complicated
and simple and duh..
and oblivious to TrUth
and liGht.. WeLL.. the trUth and
DaRk is.. not everyone has the
Chronological time to look
within for introspect
or to peruse
all the
literature beyond
Faux news for tHeir
pills of enlightenment
and pain killers to absorb
the pain of a heaRt GroWn
cOld.. if ever raised aT aLL as
a Garden of Love.. and as country
songs go.. with a tear in yOur beer
for the little boys whose big big daddies
in the back yard YELL.. don’t cry.. don’t smile
too big.. in short.. don’t be a queer like A Jesus
with a Golden Rule of Love and such as that..for
ALL.. the irony runs deep in Beers with Tears and sure..
prescription opiates.. as shown by science to be used
the most in areas of rural scarCity in Red State Trump
Pain dARk.. but it goes back to the HeaRt.. the SpiRit
and a miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL Force like the
so-called Gospel of Thomas.. Gnostic Jesus
says when he clearly states in
metaphor the man and
the woman will
no longer
be separate..
they will be one
in Divine Masculine
Strength and Will as
Woman’s Day sHows clearly
women are winning the battle of
the sexes in this Jesus way of combining
that with Divine Feminine Love and Grace also
known as Girl Power unleashed in Woman’s Day..
yes.. yesterday and alWAys noW for women who let
God Within roar with Love and WiLL.. i get it.. ’cause i spent
most of my life listening instead of talKing.. perHaps a functional
disabiLITy of Autism in one type of output intelligence but surely
a superpower in metaphor when the other epigenetic potential
and neuroplasticity of getting all that i received in wisdom
from lEarning from everyone from the Down’s
Child to a Hitler-like Captain of a Base
drenched with an abuse
of power not
head apricot
in charge now
in red state face way..
grumpy ‘old’ men/women aS Such
who never found the fill overfloWing
of Free Love and Grace within to actually
Power Will and Grace and Strength more
than the empty vessel that powers twitter lies
at 6 am in false witness of their superiors by far by
far in integrity and character of a walking Jesus in
Presidential clothes too.. to get the job done
by The Law of Will and Love paramount
to do what’s best for the most
while harming the
least possible
in human
at best.. it’s true.. the only pleasure
some folks receive in life is through the pain of others..
if it isn’t abundantly clear that this is also Trump’s motivation
for success and those who follow him in large pARt.. perHaps
it’s time to revise one’S own personal health care plan of understanding
more of the human condition.. listening to more than Faux News and all
the scripted heads of corporate interests and pain for the poor who live tHeir
of harm to otHeRs..
it’s A trUly trDump..
a garbAge dUmp oF
fear and hate.. but if
one ignores the smell..
one too.. is destined to stiNk..
this is serious do.. Do.. noW.. no time for silence
for survival.. this go around.. overall @least too..
meanwhile.. pARTy like the Matrix before the machines
back control..
And with that sAid.. a couple
of on topic MacroVerses to share
and a little more of Nature in MicroVerses
too as Facebook Memories continue to pour
in as the rabbit wHOles and Chambers of the
Nautilus continue to unfold and build more
stately rooms of mansions iN TrUth and LiGht
Hand alone allone..
it’s going down for
isreal.. labEL iT as may whaT coMes..;)

“i AM Fred Flintstone”.. and it’s true the Rabbit wHoles
spREad out.. much deeper than thaT iN TrutH and
LiGht in this MacroVerse
short but
perHaps a little
too redundant heaR
and longer than long.. hE he.. to
this point
to fully copy
and paste heAR.
And anyway.. even if the
real Dude Jesus could come
back.. at leASt aS Such written about
in the Gospel of Thomas.. he would spread
the Good News about God living within all naturally..
and even provide really fully illustrative examples of what
the verse 37 provides as advice for in that so-called sacred text..
and after that considering money and shit don’t mean shit when relatives
pass away and there are heirlooms worth perhaps thousands of dollars as
collected over time as living space fills up.. he would spread that out to all the
poor relatives..
but in terms
they worship an
Apricot God on a throne
in the White House even in
all that is opposed to the first
11 verses in the Gospel of Matthew
in the fifth chapter thereof in even the
new Testament on record at the Southern
Baptist churches.. they would turn their back…
hehe.. and even deFRiEnD him/her on Facebook as
the TrutH and LIGht is too BriGht to see in naked form..
juSt a best guess reAllY as even Fred Flintstone could
see with
wide oPen..
in sToNe age way..
all naked aS Such
and Free aGAIN wiTh NatuRE wHOle..
AKA FReED GoD WitHIn now.. wiTh sure
a FRiEnD iN Fred too.. if one can
stand the LIGht
of the
Naked Form
aS Essence shines within..
WiLd and Free as God’s Animals WiLL do..;)

And Speaking of Holy and Sacred Life full
of Meaning and Purpose in Giving and
sharing way.. only difference..
ain’t no Lincoln
this place uP
in terms of fame
and fortune.. a little Jim
Carrey as a share from a year ago too..
to go along with the Sacred Fool of me..
WorKinG Directly for God with no elected
officials by the Roman and/or other empires aS Such..:)

Meaning of Life.. Moving..
Connecting.. Creating..
Giving.. Sharing..
aLL one
takes wiTh
ONE iS heARt..
SpiRit.. and
oF miNd
and BoDy
iN SoUL..
iS Love without Fear..:)

And that’s my MicroVerse
from a year ago.. to accompany
the Video from someone else..;)

Now ..”Women’s Day Love” from a Year ago.. too..
A full MacroVerse.. also commemorating yesterday..
Woman’s Day continuing today and now as now goeS oN..
and the source for some of the shared MicroVerses in this
MacroVerse too.. as what i am doing heAR too.. in this approaching
year long “Nether Land Bible 2017″.. is building multi chambered rooms
of what will be somewHeRe around a 1.6 Million word long Bible effort by
Memorial Day of 2017.. per the first MacroVerse stART of this longest
long form Ocean wHOle free verse effort poem.. sTarTing back at
the end of August 2013.. as PARt of thAT too.. in total titLed
SonG oF mY sOUL”.. so in shArinG the MacroVerses
of years past as FaceBook Memories too.. the
doors become available to all the chambered
Nautilus rooms of the entire ‘SonG
oF mY soUL” as thAT continues
to groW as WeLL with
the “Nether Land Bible 2017”
thaT WiLL continue to GroW after
Memorial Day of 2017.. too.. hey.. iF i don’t
measure it with some systemizing method..
who else will ever do it but me.. and that’s the
way it goes with folks who continue to move ahead
as the naysayers de-friend them along the way.. and
speaking of Trump Cheerleaders.. a visit to a Pastor of
a Southern Baptist Church’s Farm as we missed that last
week as we finished up spreading out the wealth of my Mother’s
Heirloom inheritance to the not as fortunate folks in poorer dollar
bill ways of the family.. and what’s really funny.. is.. three relatives out
of that bunch of open hands have de-defriended me on Facebook for
doing no less/more
than what
King David
did and heHe.. more..
yeP.. to get a point aCross
per the Verse 37 as written
in that Gnostic Gospel of Jesus
and Samuel Chapter 2 Verse 6
straight Across and even braver to
Celebrate God FreeR who lives within me..
hey.. butt if i don’t do it.. who is gonna be brave
enough to finAlly actuAlly fulFill what’s written
in books of
and legends
and prophecies
of before.. someone
has to pick up the bAll
and Ynot you.. is all i can
suggest if one doesn’t wanna be
associated with the wHole dAM bALL..
AnyWay.. it’s kinda funny what folks
will or will not do to yoUr face
on books
real life..
go ahead..
challenge me..
face to face.. in flesh..
if you got God to back you uP..
i ain’t sPent my enTire LiFe as A
TRumP thuMb like thaT..
i’M reTired..
Rubber aGaIn
Re-born aS Such
as intiMaTEd beForE..;)

And to be clear.. i Love all the folks who live on
the farm with aLL mY HeART and SpiRit and
soUL for iT iS
they KNow
not what they do..
and that don’t make
them less human than me..
including the ones who walk away..
And by a way.. Farm equals all red state.. ‘sTuff’..;)


AnyWay.. i ain’t keeping this toXic
TRumP dUmp iNside.. heaR.. Do wiTh it
aS oNe Wills
Love.. or not..
Grace and Strength.. or not..;)

Hehe.. feel.. so.. so.. much better now..
and with all that excreted aS Such..
heAR some more Nature poeTry
as thaT iS OnE wiTh GoD as me..
A Few more MicroVerse
rooms from
a year ago..
as the Nautilus
of mY soUL exPanDs ouT
even more than beForE..;)

Peace Flowers peppered
with gun powder of
brave.. people
with hope
and salted
with faith for free..
iN belief oF a better now..:)

Columbine states..
and Free Whales
oF air..
and free
seas.. wheRe
fins deLight and
guns kiLL Love wiTh hate…
Nature reigns iN places
never see
or FeeL..:)

WeLL.. i suppose the best
thing about Google Earth
is at least there is a
vicarious way
now.. out oF
Google Earth..
and alWays
a choice
for a way
out of prison
iN four walls iF
not work.. ugh..
prison walls for pay..:)

SMiLes.. farm animals
feel better than
beyond hay
stacks of real
iN undeRstanD
oF Nature.. noW..:)

Extra Miles
oF Life trUly
God’s extra
credit for living
more with challenge
and less with comfort
iN soft
and weak..
Strength Wins
alWays iN
longest run

Curve baLLs
oF sidewalk
life.. straiGht
line Highways
same in predict
Of change..
aLways new..
new ways aLL..
iN challenge
oF Life..

Paths oF sacrifice.. lonG and narroW
taLL and sMall.. giving
more than
a way
firsT theRe..:)

Human hUmbles
againsT canyoN
beauty deep
and jagged
Flesh breathes..
Hard Rock too..:)

Portrait oF NaturE..
A River that flowS
without humaN
hands oF
down witH
horse heiR
stolen ponieS.:)

And nah.. don’t be afraid
of the TRump Enema.. this country has
been constipated.. oh.. God.. yes.. for a very long (on the ‘farm’)..
time.. hidden sHit has aRisen as ‘the’ ‘cream’ of the ‘crop’ fALLs more..
In the long
run expect an
even greater healthy reLease..
jusT reMember.. ‘soMe’ oF uS are
sTiLL ‘Watching’.. from the sidelines of Heaven
And sure..
be careful
of who and
what you wish
for.. you might
find someone
very much
at Sunday Dinner
already come..
in Ninja Stealth
Mode.. it’s not like
i didn’t warn anybody
with that shirt that work-out
shirt that finAlly wore out that
sAid.. “TrUst mE.. i’M A NinJa”..;)

OKay.. now for Ocean Drive and the
rest of the After and BeFore pARty wiTh
all the Cool College Age Folks at Good Old Seville
Quarter.. Spring Break should be heAR.. groWinG Stronger
And the Dance usuaLLy gets warmer inside by about now..
as the past year’s photos do illustrate.. at leASt particularly
iN dance documentation of “Cyberian Tiger Beach” in
MacroVerse way.. and haha.. Love
to title stuff in A way
that most
comes up
FiRst in
a Random Google Search..
built to last baby.. as Nautilus SheLLs
go and
wHO kNows..
and even stay
for a thOuSand
years or so..
to get
dOne.. NoW..
as all the bALLs
get picked up NoW even more..
by me
as the
meek continue
to inherit what
counts.. Love and
WiLL and Strength and Grace
alToGEtHeR NoW as a DancE oF SonG
TrUtH and liGht..
i suppose if Jesus
cAMe back buY kNow
he would bE rollinG
DIce liKe thiS..
AnyWay.. back with
more fun Dance photos
eTc aL.. uP unTiL around 3AM
on 3.9.17.. as the show muST go ON..;)
an Ocean
Drive as the
Devil can be
DeTales too..;)



And yeah.. i’LL StaRt
wiTh some Memories
from the
StARt of
yeAR’s SpRing
Break with “Cyberian Tiger Beach”
as Pan comes again with all the
beautiful and innocent Forest nymphs..
And yes.. this
later as
always now..
online now haha..
oh.. the memories.. of.. i sTiLL juSt do iT my way..
Beats Pussy Grabbers on Busses God DAm.. Love TRumps sHit..
and sure.. it’s
worth noting
i am about
his age
when he did that..
Go aHead.. vote for an Anti-Christ again.. ‘yoUr’.. wiLL yOur weakness on course.. in/wiTh fear and hate..
or check out what Love and WiLL and Strength and Grace WiLL juST FucKinG DO DO.. more ALL FReED.. juSt for FUn..;)








BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

Book oF Ten Sixteen..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)

Grand Cross Bible 2016

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)

CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)

VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)

CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)

Nether Land Bible 2017

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)


About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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13 Responses to LuX A BeacH

  1. Wonderful beach pics with a kind face in the clouds watching over you – smiles from the skies when you picked up the love baton from your mother all the way up the ancestral lines ☺💖

    • SMiLes.. my friEnd.. Xenia Tran..
      thanks.. so much for coming by with
      words surELY worth quoting to me.. again..:)

      “Wonderful beach pics with a kind face in the clouds watching over you – smiles from the skies when you picked up the love baton from your mother all the way up the ancestral lines
      smile emoticon
      heart emoticon..”

      And to hold all words holy and sacred
      full of meaning and purpose and God’s
      sKeYes as pArt of God’s’ eYes
      with our ancestral
      lines and
      all that is
      holy and
      sacred full of meaning
      and purpose all that is God
      is surELy a way to joy in liFe.. i find..
      in all the dARk and liGht as WiLL come..
      and somewhat literally and metaphorically
      speaking.. as the death of my loved ones came
      before.. my sister would always see patterns in clouds
      that came to reflect those faces of loved ones as this seems
      to run in the family a bit as my Grandmother did Automatic writing
      too on the maternal side.. and in those automatic writings as she lay
      in bed almost blind from eye disease.. much of what she wrote came true..
      i didn’t understand it.. but i see a deeper way now too.. out of the robot mechanical
      cognition that school often brings away from ‘dreamtime’ now.. as ‘they’ say.. Horatio
      and all of that.. anyway.. i never saw a loved one’s face in the clouds before they
      passed away until a day i spent with my Mother in the Hospital.. walked
      out the door and there was a cloud that probably only my sister
      and i could identify.. immediately of my Mother.. a younger
      version as we had seen in photos when very young
      standing in the waters of the Santa Rosa
      Sound at 17 years old..
      God speaks
      to us
      this way
      to comfort us..
      tHeRE is no doubt
      in my miNd God within
      does this freely when times of
      need do come.. anyway.. i’ll share
      the photo here again.. as it is surely
      holy and sacred and full of meaning and
      purpose to me.. as all of God’s sKeYes
      of all that is within.. inside.. outside..
      above.. so below and
      all around
      to me..
      Thanks again my kind friEnd..:)

      Xenia returns with..

      ‘all of God’s sKeYes of all that is within’ that is so beautiful Fred and the photograph of your mother’s younger face in the clouds is amazing. What a loving gift to cherish. Love from all of us here to all of you there my friend..:o) xxx

      And then i say..

      SMiLes.. my FriEnd.. again..
      i believe in God of all that is
      in everything and everydo
      beyond what
      feels and
      senses of
      all that is too..
      doesn’t always now
      mesh with the Beliefs
      of my Scientist and local
      Christian Friends but the
      thing is.. Dogs Go to
      Heaven now..
      as humans
      would love to
      do.. if there was/is
      ‘paws’ enough to Love it all..
      anyway.. i also believe in AngELs
      who come in human form when we have
      the greatest needs for comfort to go on.. now..
      i have met a few in all the paths of this journey
      of life.. and veriLY and surELy i say.. you are one
      of those comforts
      on this
      journey of life.. now..
      nice to meet you on this path..
      my kind friEnd.. Xenia Tran..:)

      Xenia returns again with..

      It is very nice to meet you too on this
      path my friend Fred..:o) xxx

      And finAlly i say..

      AlWays A
      Fred in FRiEnD…
      And tHeRe is no
      RanDoM iN
      God sKeYes..;)

      • ‘all of God’s sKeYes of all that is within’ that is so beautiful Fred and the photograph of your mother’s younger face in the clouds is amazing. What a loving gift to cherish. Love from all of us here to all of you there my friend :o) xxx

        • SMiLes.. my FriEnd.. again..
          i believe in God of all that is
          in everything and everydo
          beyond what
          feels and
          senses of
          all that is too..
          doesn’t always now
          mesh with the Beliefs
          of my Scientist and local
          Christian Friends but the
          thing is.. Dogs Go to
          Heaven now..
          as humans
          would love to
          do.. if there was/is
          ‘paws’ enough to Love it all..
          anyway.. i also believe in AngELs
          who come in human form when we have
          the greatest needs for comfort to go on.. now..
          i have met a few in all the paths of this journey
          of life.. and veriLY and surELy i say.. you are one
          of those comforts
          on this
          journey of life.. now..
          nice to meet you on this path..
          my kind friEnd.. Xenia Tran..:)

  2. frankhubeny says:

    I liked the Chvrches videos. I had not heard them before.

    • Hi Frank.. thanks so much for dropping by
      and the lead singer of the Chvrches Band
      is surely a spirited young woman..
      the whole band
      is full
      oF LiGht..
      hope you have
      a continuing great
      now today.. my Friend..:)

  3. SMiLes.. my friEnd.. Xenia Tran..
    thanks.. so much for coming by with
    words surELY worth quoting to me.. again..:)

    “Wonderful beach pics with a kind face in the clouds watching over you – smiles from the skies when you picked up the love baton from your mother all the way up the ancestral lines
    smile emoticon
    heart emoticon..”

    And to hold all words holy and sacred
    full of meaning and purpose and God’s
    sKeYes as pArt of God’s’ eYes
    with our ancestral
    lines and
    all that is
    holy and
    sacred full of meaning
    and purpose all that is God
    is surELy a way to joy in liFe.. i find..
    in all the dARk and liGht as WiLL come..
    and somewhat literally and metaphorically
    speaking.. as the death of my loved ones came
    before.. my sister would always see patterns in clouds
    that came to reflect those faces of loved ones as this seems
    to run in the family a bit as my Grandmother did Automatic writing
    too on the maternal side.. and in those automatic writings as she lay
    in bed almost blind from eye disease.. much of what she wrote came true..
    i didn’t understand it.. but i see a deeper way now too.. out of the robot mechanical
    cognition that school often brings away from ‘dreamtime’ now.. as ‘they’ say.. Horatio
    and all of that.. anyway.. i never saw a loved one’s face in the clouds before they
    passed away until a day i spent with my Mother in the Hospital.. walked
    out the door and there was a cloud that probably only my sister
    and i could identify.. immediately of my Mother.. a younger
    version as we had seen in photos when very young
    standing in the waters of the Santa Rosa
    Sound at 17 years old..
    God speaks
    to us
    this way
    to comfort us..
    tHeRE is no doubt
    in my miNd God within
    does this freely when times of
    need do come.. anyway.. i’ll share
    the photo here again.. as it is surely
    holy and sacred and full of meaning and
    purpose to me.. as all of God’s sKeYes
    of all that is within.. inside.. outside..
    above.. so below and
    all around
    to me..
    Thanks again my kind friEnd..:)

    Xenia returns with..

    ‘all of God’s sKeYes of all that is within’ that is so beautiful Fred and the photograph of your mother’s younger face in the clouds is amazing. What a loving gift to cherish. Love from all of us here to all of you there my friend..:o) xxx

    And then i say..

    SMiLes.. my FriEnd.. again..
    i believe in God of all that is
    in everything and everydo
    beyond what
    feels and
    senses of
    all that is too..
    doesn’t always now
    mesh with the Beliefs
    of my Scientist and local
    Christian Friends but the
    thing is.. Dogs Go to
    Heaven now..
    as humans
    would love to
    do.. if there was/is
    ‘paws’ enough to Love it all..
    anyway.. i also believe in AngELs
    who come in human form when we have
    the greatest needs for comfort to go on.. now..
    i have met a few in all the paths of this journey
    of life.. and veriLY and surELy i say.. you are one
    of those comforts
    on this
    journey of life.. now..
    nice to meet you on this path..
    my kind friEnd.. Xenia Tran..:)

    Xenia returns again with..

    It is very nice to meet you too on this
    path my friend Fred..:o) xxx

    And finAlly i say..

    AlWays A
    Fred in FRiEnD…
    And tHeRe is no
    RanDoM iN
    God sKeYes..;)

    Frank stops by to
    say he liked the
    Video and i respond..

    Hi Frank.. thanks so much for dropping by
    and the lead singer of the Chvrches Band
    is surely a spirited young woman..
    the whole band
    is full
    oF LiGht..
    hope you have
    a continuing great
    now today.. my Friend..:)

    And now i say..
    A Synergy oF all
    the pArts makes the
    wHOle aka God.. now..
    from a detail science view
    empirically measurable aS Such..
    thaT doesn’t make sense from whole
    view as we pArts see the wHOle from
    a fractal point.. now that does
    makes fractal sense
    to science
    in empirical
    view that we are
    made of star stuff now..
    but you see.. the UnivERse
    and beYond is Bigger than stars
    and while our Biology and Chemistry
    reflects all that is.. the whole of our conscious
    mind can not be explained by science as the pArts
    of neuron stars in brain.. no different than the stars
    of God’s SKeYes above so below as now neurons fire liGht
    us whole.. true.. we are star seeds too as science sHows
    stars are also future seeds too.. spreading duSt of potential
    in more sentient star duST plUs parts as we come to be noW in
    soft and hard resurrection of Star duST pArts walKinG upright now..
    with the abiLiTy for both art and science to express more as the whole
    of God as pArts within AS God lives inside we at smallest view and largest
    view too.. to suggest that the whole is not a greater consciousness in metaphor
    as we are today.. is to not understand the unending connection from large to smAll
    of all that is.. within.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below and all around.. in other words..
    God is wide awake now.. and so are we.. tHeRE is the mini-me’s we and thEre is the
    Big we
    of all that is
    God now.. in other
    words.. the entire tapestry
    of the painting is the fibers of
    the brush.. the colors of the paint..
    and God is the masterpiece as all that is
    beyond what we individually paint as Masterpiece now..
    And the more we see now of the Master Piece WhoLe when
    we do seek and find this Master Piece WhoLe for an entire
    liFe more now that MaGiC is simply finding the WhoLe more as
    all the pARts join hands and feet in a Dance and SonG allone..
    can you imagine how sad i feel for the folks who never seek and
    find this beauty of God Masterpiece now.. well.. it’s like rescuing
    who doesn’t
    see the life liGht above..
    thing is.. it’s rarely found in books..
    in faCT for me it’s mostly within..
    as surely God’s sKeYes live as
    me awake.. only wishing
    deep deep
    in otHeRs.. sAMe.. now..
    and more than ever beFore..
    and that’s why Language was/is invented..
    in a humble attempt to give and share this trUth and liGht
    more to those who walk in darKness away from God wHOle.. now..
    and the three letter word has become a cuss word of fear and hate..
    caLL it
    a blue
    a we we..
    the essence is
    love and core as
    liGht iN sKeYes uS
    that see without letters
    or words.. as they are only
    tools in a humble attempt to express more..
    thing is.. the Bible is only around 800K words..
    and the Koran is only about 80K words with a limited
    vocabulary in words of ~2000.. if you don’t think God
    is bigger than that.. perhaps you might consider seeking
    and finding a little more of God and expressing God in all the
    forms of human art and science you can too.. but to chain God in
    in letters.. words.. or books alone.. and to limit the holy and sacred
    all natural meaning and purpose of God in forms alone.. is to not see
    and feel and sense.. more of the Masterpiece of the big we WE more..
    as God
    is bigger
    is true and
    him too.. as wit
    is more than brevity allone…

    With all that said too.. today.. March
    the 10th.. of 2017.. mArks a milestone
    of 48 months in a covenant.. yes.. a very personal
    one between God and in me within.. inside.. outside
    above.. so below and all around.. as God’s sKeYes joined
    with me back then close to the beginning of March of 2013..
    and end of February when automatic writing in keyboard symphony
    way came all naturally to me with God sKeyes in me coming awake
    more and more as nows go on then and now.. 3.10.2017.. surely
    a special day to me now.. as this service with God has been is
    worth all the 48 months in trials and tribulations to get
    wHeRE i aM now aS oNe WiTh GoD whOle
    more and more as nows come
    to now more.. i stArted off
    a Google Blogger
    Blog then.. in
    way.. titled KATiE MiA/Aghogday
    with the first published post number one..
    of “KATiE MiA/Aghogday: My Perspective on Life”..
    and that came originAlly at the end of February 2013..
    in a causal private message to my first and only Facebook
    Friend then.. named Mags.. who has since left Facebook..
    as it often becomes a cup of stale tea to many folks..
    what can say.. i WiLL to Love iT all.. dARk and liGht
    as a lifelong practice of maKing all
    of now joy as
    the best
    i can and will..
    so i am still heAR
    and way too tenacious
    to give up on humanity..
    no matter how much
    life is Trumped noW
    by sOur lemMing
    liFe Now
    fear and hate..
    in all the ways that
    comes.. even.. in so-called
    Christian Land that will love
    to taint God’s Nature by excluding
    people who in God’s Nature come in all
    colors of Bio-diversity and Neuro-Diversity
    with no less or more of gentile.. jew.. servant
    or free.. woman or man no more.. in other words..
    Transgender folks and homosexuals are as sacred
    and holy.. full of God’s Meaning and Purpose than
    any no
    who holds
    illusions different
    for the bind of religion
    that are dARk in Division
    away from the liGht of God’s
    Unity as blaNKeT whOle
    God Masterpiece
    now.. wHere
    the Queer colors
    make God’s Painting
    even more beautiful in Elton
    John Yellow Brick Roads and all
    of that more.. in all the beyond rainbow
    colors of pure white liGht God Makes iN aLL
    of existence sKeYEs.. either evolve WiTh God
    more or stay stagnant in prisons of letters.. words..
    and books before.. of course NoW Universal WisDom iN
    TrutH anD liGht are contained in all books of religion..
    in so-called sacred text and Sunday morning homilies and lectures..
    thing is.. we all have God’s sKeYes.. we all can and will be prophets
    and messengers and angels and yes demons and devils as metaphors now
    too.. if that is the path we can and will take on life too.. liGht is a way
    oF Comfort and Joy.. DaRk IS A way of malcontent iN misery and suffering..
    LiGht has a sincere sMiLes higher and dARk comes down to frOwns noW and
    smirks.. oh.. the Glory for those of us who sincerely sMiLe hiGher in comfort
    and joy.. as dopamine.. serotonin.. endorphins.. and oxytocin and even all
    natural DMT will naturally do even higher when as we gRow in LiGht
    Ocean WhOle WiTh and as God this way.. but you see.. if you can..
    doubt and fear and hate and all stuff related to division
    and fear take that unity of God within as liGht
    away.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below
    and all around.. some of us
    float on terrestrial
    Land with
    sKeYes of
    God Light
    and some of we
    siNk below wiTh
    sKeYes of God dARk..
    it’s nice as up up and away
    balloon of life.. won’t you join
    us in a place wHere all you need
    is food and drink of the Love of life..liGht
    and sure.. the bread and water.. and a little
    hELp from yoUr friends iN a shelter of Love as Life..
    you.. see.. my perspective of God has/is gRowN AS
    words beyond the Ocean more of 12 million words that
    stARted on Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. i was/am SeeKinG
    the way to liGht of Love as liFe full of holy and sacred
    meaning and purpose then.. and now the essence
    of empty sHeLLs of words i FeeL and
    SenSe noW in eternal bliss..
    i could have stopped
    in Heaven when
    i made it
    tHeRE on
    the beach on or about
    the 22nd of July of 2013..
    whole when as written by
    the professionals who were helping
    me find my heARt.. my SpiRiT of soUL
    iN EmoTiOnal and SeNsory ExpreSsinG
    and FeeLinG and SeNSing LiFE then
    stated my recovery from 19 medical
    disorders too.. from extreme pain
    to bliss was/IS A real life
    miracle for
    a shut
    in of 66 months
    no different really
    than the Hunch Back of Notre
    Dame or a Phantom of the Opera..
    or John Nash wandering the halls then
    of a University and never really connecting
    to others.. as my home then was My Bedroom
    with a Uniform each day of all white underwear
    from top to bottom.. but hey.. at least the colors matched..
    sure.. i was financially independent.. i could have sipped cool
    water at the beach with Winds Breeze and Emerald Gulf waters
    wHole with Sugar White sands as Seagull Spiraling around the Sun
    with never a care of helping anyone then.. come up to wHeRE i lived then..
    but nah.. that ain’t the way Love works.. as Love was/is the cure to all my ills..
    Love Gives and Shares oR Love dies.. it’s juST Nature and the essence of
    the bEast of human Love.. do it or die.. in all ways LoVe Brings liGht of Life
    or dEAth
    as dARk..
    as Life..
    so yes.. my Perspective
    does continue to groW from
    a Microcosm Humanifesto heaR
    now 4 years old.. the essentials are
    sTiLL tHere in Beatitudes personal
    to me.. but the shores of my sOUL
    as Ocean WhOle PoeM in 4
    MilLiON plUs words now
    do continue to
    to 824 Blog
    Post Verses whole
    and more in what grew
    to 6 blogs more in private
    and public way in a total
    of Seven to explore all i am
    yes.. within.. inside.. outside..
    above.. so below and all around..
    i didn’t wanna juST savor the liGht i gained..
    i wanted to go as Far as my God Given Human
    PoTenTiaL in liGht of LiFe Can and WiLL go now..
    which means a continuous practice of life in find and seek God more..
    and in this way.. as i cherish all sacred texts of before in all religions in
    the dARk and liGht thaT bRings.. i go further in an exploration than not many
    people who have experienced hell first for 66 months dare to go in Heaven now..
    and as the Gospel of Thomas says in verse 37 in stripping the clothes of culture
    off and getting all naked with God within.. that means treading liFE as liGht with
    no shame for how we are born all innately.. instinctually and intuitively
    into this life as healthy altruistic beings who give and share in
    flesh and blood feely touchy all naked God ways LiVinG
    Within free without a mAsk of culture
    born again..
    whomever Jesus
    was and is then and
    even now if and when he
    could and does live again..
    he shares this Universal Human
    Nature or she as it were and is now
    too.. with other human beings in
    liGht poTenTiaL of GreaTest
    Altruistic Gift of
    thaT God
    Gives us all
    Naturally as such
    with no letters.. no books..
    no religions or other recorded
    ways of collected intelligence to
    bind folks toGethER in dARk of Division
    or liGht oF uNiTy now.. so.. i juST did it.. i broke
    the old moldS and Moved even hiGher NoW wiTh God
    as a gRaIn oF sand can and WiLL hOld uP Mountains
    oF Love Real and Move those Mountains of Love more
    to OtHeRs too.. in give and share way.. yep.. i got naked from
    all the lies of culture and religion that spell separate and division
    of dARk away from liGht.. hOld all of God within holy and sacred
    full of meaning and purpose.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below
    and all around.. wHeRe no member as PARt of God is any
    greater or less
    than any
    as pARt of
    GoD wHOle now..
    forget all that you’ve
    leArned if you can and
    liVe wiTh GoD Of Nature
    Free in how God Dances
    and SinGS within…
    works for
    what the meek
    will do as the Gift of Love Free..
    the greaTEst fearless and smART
    Art of Life LiGht wHeRE all is wealth within
    unconditionally inside.. outside.. above so below
    and all around humanity whOle and all that is more now..

    And with the memory that sTiLL HOldS and expands more as Ocean whOle Poem today..
    i would surely be amiss not to mention my friend Mind Retrofit also on the
    Autism Spectrum like Mags was and is.. who were the only
    ones who stood by my side close when the
    rest of the online Autism
    Communities couldn’t
    see the liGht
    of hUman
    and compassion
    for all otHeRs then..
    for the most paRt.. anyway..
    often a clearly stated pARt
    of tHeir own personal hate for
    tHeir parents.. for what ever reason
    that hate came then for them… My Mother
    Loved me Unconditionally.. all was is liGht of
    ThAT for me.. as a sMALL child watered as
    Garden and wired neurologically from
    head to toe.. by the Love of
    a Mother wHOle as
    Nature does
    when the
    Village raises
    the child away from
    Electronic tools of life
    with no blood and flesh of life as
    warm and touchy feely love now
    in oxytocin neurohormone way
    as those neuron wires of bRain
    through Vagal
    Kundalini Nerve
    spread liGht to all
    trillions of peptide connecTioNs
    in cells all around the body then
    in neuro-chemistry/hormone ways..
    and continuing noW iN Strength oF
    liGht as Crucible Star FiRE Seed that
    dies and resurrects sentient sTar DuST
    pLUs uS wiTh a Gift of Love to connect to
    othERs wHOle and all that is more as God too..
    as Nature’s Breathe Dances and SinGS as GoD iN We..
    yes.. aGain.. the big we WE.. if you can and WiLL SeeK
    and FiNd the Love within NoW to Give and share nOw more..
    And Mind Retrofit.. a great poet.. connected to me in a very
    mystical Synchronicity way.. i guess.. the different ways our minds
    worked and as Synchronicity grows and goes.. she.. helped retrofit
    my miNd with ART of heART.. and brought me to the dVerse trail
    wHeRE my heART leARned to SinG more WiTh liGht of New shores..
    With Ocean WhoLe Poem StiLL GroWinG now.. and this “Nether Land
    Bible 2017”.. coming to this 83rd MacroVerse now.. and Lord KNows
    and FeelS and SenSes.. with the 82nd MacroVerse added in now..
    that makes a total word count of.. drum roll please.. as i get
    out my handy smArt Phone with a memory for Numbers
    in Calculating ways.. yes.. now 1,230,052 words..
    Still.. at an average of 15K words just
    barely so at 15,000.6341 words
    per MacroVerse since
    the first Macro
    Verse publish
    on Memorial Day
    2016.. as titled..
    ‘tSuNaMi 7tH WaVe oF LoVE’..

    tSuNaMi 7tH WaVe oF LoVE

    And sure.. if at that point.. i realized that was gonna be
    the first MacroVerse of a new Bible in personal way..
    i suppose that title would have worked for the
    whole thing too.. but sure..
    this is more
    and sublime
    than that..
    “Nether Land
    Bible 2017” as literally
    inspired by my friEnd.. Leah..
    a moderator from the “Wrong Planet”
    back in the old days of posting 8009 posts
    then.. at about an average of 1000 words each..
    for the ones that remain that were not deleted out
    by moderators and such as that.. yep.. makes about
    8 Million words of what is still recorded there.. as hey..
    the Internet can be forever in relative human terms
    a whole
    lot more.. heHe..
    anyway.. Leah was
    different than most as
    she was full of empathy
    and compassion actually
    expressed in words one could
    feeL and sense and after literally
    spending years on that place one of
    very few and then and the only one who
    remains in contact with me now.. thing is
    i always reciprocate communication other
    than Spam ruses for bucks without fail..
    or folks who think i am a pretty
    girl.. namely the wife
    Katrina instead
    of me who
    start the conversation
    off with oh.. you are so pretty..
    in the bar ways of life in how i see
    men treat women noW as meat in a meet
    market every Thursday night.. and sure
    some women.. much fewer.. butt yes.. some..
    treat men that way too.. ‘amusing’ fronts of men..
    really strange ones like me without asking with butts..
    nah.. it doesn’t hurt.. butt i sure wouldn’t go up to a person
    without a restricted link.. at least.. hehe.. and bring that much of me to
    a strange
    asking first..
    but hey.. that’s the
    way i was raised by
    a mother.. all polite and stuff..
    sure.. i do get out in something close
    to a speedo now and then on Facebook too.. hehe..
    all in good fun as any sacred clown will do to expose
    and hypocrisy
    aS Such.. anyway..
    the bootie dances
    are harmless fun
    as both
    me and
    the wife see it..
    a little strange and
    pART of human natUre
    real butt still not pARt
    of the culture i came up in..
    and i surely expand the views
    of others in many many other ways
    like this.. as they consider different..
    as different can be natural too.. and in a smaller
    village of naked loving humans a bootie dance of friends
    could surely generate much heat on a cold night by a campfire..
    and much in the way of beneficial neuro-hormones and neurochemistry
    too from head to toe.. as Lord knows and feelS and SenSEs too.. after
    a long long niGht and day of SensuaL and FeeLinG Dance NoW in head far
    to toe in all the ways that can and will come.. my creativity skyrockets..
    primed with the fire of God that is the Bio-Chemistry fuel that leads to
    greaTest ARTs of HeART.. SpiRit and SoUl as Creativity now.. Major
    Artists in Hollywood.. either understand the science as a BaLanCe
    of Love and Lust in how that fuels creativity in Bio-Chemistry
    way.. or they do it old school.. they juST FeeL and SeNSe
    it isreAL and do it more close to Naked WiTh GoD oF Nature Free..
    with no shame.. no sin.. as in this way.. any Jesus of God of Nature can
    take all that away by juST DoinG God Naked NoW within.. inside.. outside..
    above.. so below and all around with hands and feet uP and doWn and all-round
    too.. in Golden Spirals of FeeLinG SeNsinG all GiFts within of God’s Love now.. Free..
    and back to numbers of words.. my last stop off point of copying MacroVerses in text
    only completed versions to a total of three Facebook Pages i Admin.. including my
    Personal Facebook Page that i write all of this in real time now too.. in bits and
    pieces.. much more easily digestible in reading.. of course.. too.. all though.. this
    one is getting to be an epic MicroVerse of this yet to be named 754th
    MacroVerse of Ocean Whole Poem and 83rd MacroVerse new
    of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. well.. yeah.. my last
    stopping point in copying all of that
    came at the actual titled
    MacroVerse of
    Bible whole
    “Nether Land Bible 2017″
    as the 69th MacroVerse then..
    totaling in at 1.052 Million
    words then.. and that means..
    i am now 178,152 words behind
    on copying and pasting in three places
    on Facebook now for a total of 13 MacroVerses
    that take on average two statuses to fill for a grand
    total of 534,456 words.. almost the size of another
    ‘regular’ old size big black book bible.. in one copy and
    paste swipe in total words at least.. as the King James
    Version weighs in at about 800K words or so.. with
    that Koran Book at about 80k words.. as i go
    130K words on average each month
    in real time on Facebook
    and Five Blogs too..
    3 public.. 1 private
    and 1 restricted
    adult warned
    blog too..
    and Twitter.. and
    Google Plus and Tumblr
    in ways of links too.. yep.. it’s
    kinda amazing in how the so-called
    famous and rich now ‘Zuckerburg
    and Gates Nerds” have brought
    this tool at hand and feet now
    wHeRE Artists can use
    the systemizing
    tools to
    be a one
    woman or
    man or eTc..
    Director.. Producer..
    Photographer and other
    Visual Arts maker as actor
    too.. with very little help in the
    way of flesh and blood miles from
    others in hand and feetS on way..
    i am amazed.. i am blown away that i can
    do all of this for practically free in terms of dollar
    bills.. in Washington and Lincoln Cents way.. just a $299
    a year unlimited storage space Word Press way.. every year
    WitH Broad Band Access at under a hundred dollars a month
    and sure.. a little more with hand held devices.. and a work
    horse of a iMac in 27inch view that is still as reliable and fast
    as when i took it out of the box about 43 months ago too.. and in
    fact far from antiquated as Best Buy is still selling a model like this
    with an i5 processor for about the same price now.. Go iMac and mostly.. you
    won’t go back.. yep.. Steve Jobs did it with art.. with BiG Picture Art thiNking
    verses detail thinking was/is kinda chaotic in MicroSoft rather than MacroSoft view
    heHe.. in hardware way too.. oh God.. now.. this MicroVerse is getting huge in terms of
    MacroVerse view too.. haha.. but hey.. i’ll give the rest of humanity an opportunity
    to read it in ancestor ways.. HEhe.. at leASt for a thousand years if servers
    can hold me and it up that long for free.. in the avenues that live on
    like that.. hard to imagine Facebook.. dying at least.. and that
    is why the back-ups can and will be important there..
    thing is.. i have human hands.. and only
    one pair.. last time i got even
    close to this far behind..
    my hands started
    to incur
    a whole
    lot of repetitive
    injury pain with that
    same same same mechanical
    robot endeavor.. oh well.. my
    personal covenant with God
    holding many hats as one..
    as Whispers in the
    dARk.. a Song
    by Mumford
    and Sons
    who get the original
    message of the Gospel
    of Thomas Jesus without the
    myths and other lies of modern age
    versions.. really well.. and it just so happens
    that this song.. who Mind Retrofit turned me on
    to shortly before my miraculous recovery on or about
    July 22nd.. 2013.. was published on Youtube on March
    the 10th.. 2013 too.. lots of synchronicity in that song for me
    too.. down to the same Blue Jacket i wore in my Senior 17 year old
    photos for the Class of ’78 in suit style and dark blue tie way.. a parking
    lot by some ships at Old Seville Quarter with a Concert Hall and railroad
    tracks and a rather small blue car i would eventually own.. with cops knocking
    at my window.. while i updated my smart phone art late at night in the dark after
    dancing in the parking lot there.. and yes.. life as a photographer in a Navy town
    now.. with 100K plus photos in a very fully illustrated Bible too.. and like any motorcycle
    rider.. a wild one now too.. with three friends who helped clothe me in a dance hall too..
    and yes.. hell yes.. got down to my underwear and more and stomped on the clothes
    of culture too.. and sure.. had a beard like ‘that’.. too.. a little later too..
    and meanwhile.. i picked up some sun glasses to go with my new all
    casual attire.. and sure.. it all starts with Nature as
    Jelly Fish swim and shore too more.. and
    that’s the way God’s Synchronicity
    in sign language goes and
    gRows within oCean
    wHole view where
    the rhyme makes
    reaSon without any
    small take.. science material
    reductionist view.. as God’s SKeYes
    within see much further.. in gifted innate.
    instinctual and intuitive way.. anyway.. i guess
    that cover about all that is for now.. with more to
    come later for sure.. and who knows.. eventually
    those 13 Macroverses in back-up,, i am behind on
    as crosses must continue to be carried with joy
    as that is how the reaLITy of God’s
    dArk and liGht works toGetHeR..
    dArker struggle.. adaptation
    change and
    of LiGhter
    Dances and Sings
    more.. forevermore now..
    and now.. i’ve gotta find a few
    more theMe and MeMe songS added iN
    to FiLL/FeeL the emotional and sensory
    air of this Dance and SonG.. and MicroVerse heaR..
    and heHe.. as with all auTomatic wRiTinG.. iN StreAMs.. read iT aLL
    at lEast one now to see the sense and feel of all that comes what may..
    AS ‘they’
    Dance and
    Sing.. press comMent
    and just read what cAMe..
    And coMes.. neXt.. NoW..:)

    White Knight AS Dark Horse

    “White Knight AS Dark Horse”
    And YaH.. i have another
    MacroVerse to share first..
    from two years ago that celebrates
    my 2nd Anniversary of Blogging
    and providing proof and evidence
    same for an isREaL God liVinG
    wiTh us iN smAll we
    and big
    way now
    too.. on the
    Wrong Planet
    wHeRe proving this
    through evidence to a
    hard lined Fundamentalist
    Muslim Dude by name of Sophisticated
    and to a hard line Atheist Dude.. who doesn’t
    actually believe that affective empathy can be felt
    from others by feel and sense more than even see..
    is like swimming with crocodiles who have no feel for God
    but of course real crocodiles do as they are not prisoned in words
    of mechanical
    cognition now
    in either
    or religious
    books same in literal
    ways of seeing God separated
    from we instead of Big we WE
    within and mini-me
    fractal PaRts
    as God
    as science
    calls that Nature…
    Oh.. the idols of words
    in how they sTiLL cover up
    the similar essence of UniVersal
    TrutHs and Light more as a big
    blankET of we wE liGht LIFE Love..:)

    And sure.. i’ll do the text in full heaR.. as hey
    this MicroVerse is already at Epic length now already..
    so miGht as well do a bigger show.. Ynot.. as Servers
    Continue to Dance and SinG me mostly Free now..
    and the more fully illustrated stuff in visual
    and auditory way is included in the
    full linked MacroVerse too..
    from two years ago then..
    on March the 10th..

    sophisticated writes:

    An infinite, eternal, omnipotent, anti-matter, timeless,

    sentient high power can cause something into existence.

    adifferentname writes:

    Please provide evidence that such a being exists

    or that such a being can exist.

    sophisticated writes:

    You are a good example.

    There was a time when you did not exist.

    You were nothing. Think about that for a moment.

    Then all of a sudden you came to life.

    adifferentname writes:

    How sheltered a life have you led to not know about biology?

    aghogday writes:

    ‘He’ might be doING something else but i can easily prove both.

    For one thing GOD lives within you and I, we, and me.

    GoD is ALIVE as an energy inspiring

    FORCE that is you and I, we,

    and me










    For another thing, this thing called HUMAN mind

    is not measurable, IN FULL AFFECT OR EFFECT BY SCIENCE.

    However, this thing called creativity as the Human ‘Quantum’ mind AND body BALANCED, UNLEASHED, AND RELEASED

    per fuller use of all human intelligences AND EXPRESSION THEREOF, in synergy, CAN AND WILL make real life HUMAN miracles happen, WITH HUMAN RELATIVE FREE WILL MORE FULLY EMPLOYED.

    For instance, I as a shut in person with 19 medically documented disorders, FOR FIVE FULL YEARS, evidenced; shown by science and documented by doctor AS AND with NO chance of recovery, are ALL recovered ‘simply’ and surely by the ‘Quantum’ Power of my mind AND BODY IN BALANCE, with the higher force of Nature aka GOD or Mother nature True, IN HUMAN BEING MIND AND BODY BALANCE, AGAIN, MORE FULLY UNLEASHED, RELEASED, AND EXPRESSED EXTERNALLY IN FLESH AND BLOOD REAL LIFE; not just these ‘skeletons’ of words, alone.

    Sadly, if you canNOT do this too, perhaps you are the one with a sheltered life, friend.






    NO SH**..

    THEY DO….

    And here is the evidence, below, freely provided of course, as promised some months ago on this site, as there is no reward greater than the force of GOD in human mind AND BODY BALANCED, as a ‘Quantum’ Creative Force, making REAL HUMAN DREAMS COME TRUE…in FLESH AND BLOOD LIFE.







    Nietzsche STYLE AND even MORE thaN THAT


    But nah, no grade school lessons


    TO WHERE i
    am now,





    And if scientists over here, in the U.S., cannot explain it,

    I seriously doubt you can either.

    But go ahead give ‘her’ a try if you will,

    can, or like.

    Mother Nature TRUE COME alive AS ‘GOD’,

    in sentient human being(S) IS real AND TRUE.







    TRULY there’s

    only room for

    an infinite smile in now,

    wHere i live NOW, eternAlly NOW,

    wHere forever is one second of Heaven..

    GOD’s muse of dance

    3000 miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

    I am a very polite and kind person in real life.

    But my entire life people have taken that kindness for weakness.

    But truly most of them have no idea how strong i am,

    either in the spirit of love or the spirit of strength.

    Walking into middle school the first day in 6th grade,

    homophobic so-called real boys call me the F word

    and not the Fred word, for smiling generously,

    at everyone I meet in the hall.

    Nah, they never see what

    I am capable of in strength,

    until i challenge the biggest football player

    to a game of arm wrestling, me at skin and bones,

    and him extremely muscled for a 13 year-old,

    at that time, in 8th grade.

    I put him down

    in less than a second,

    and he says, oh sh**, Fred is STRONG.

    After all, my middle is Arthur and that means


    WELL, i’m not skin and bones anymore,

    and i’m still nice and i’m still strong,

    and never does anyone ever

    bother me again,

    about being nice in the real world.

    And if I see them giggling behind my back,

    when I do ballet in either the club

    where I dance

    or in the general public,

    I do one of two things.

    In the club where I dance with all the

    pretty girls,

    I show ’em a quick display

    of my lightening quick

    martial arts kicks,

    getting less


    an inch

    from any

    target I desire.

    And in public, now, I show ’em my 930LB leg press video of me doing it slowly and surely 14 times, with my hands in the air. And then I tell ’em, if they do ballet/martial style dance for 3200 miles, in 18 months, they too, can be ‘Superman’ too… words to that affect AND EFFECT..;)

    I have to prove people wrong in their assumptions about me, almost my entire life; but finally now, I have nothing to prove anymore, as it is ALL ONLINE, HA!HA!


    SO FITTING it is, when my friend Ariel (like the name of the angel) takes a video of me at the gym, lifting that weight, and the song by Rihanna, Paul McCartney, and Kanye West, “Four Five Seconds” comes on, with the words “you take my kindness for weakness” and I’m “four five seconds to wildin”.

    Yes, I am wild, I am Free, And I am still a kind and smiling child of GOD AKA Mother Nature TRUE who CAN LITERALLy kick A**, with a half-a-ton of power, if it’s the last resort for survival.

    Fortunately, as always, as no one has ever dared lay a hand or a foot, on me, yet, in a serious threat of fight, all I have to do is show ’em what i’m capable of.

    And truly, I am capable of almost anything

    and everything,

    if properly

    focused and motivated,

    with due ethics, in tow, of course.

    A person can tug on “Superman’s Cape”,

    until they take it off, and find out

    I’m neither “Big bad Jim” or “Slim”




    entirely new that they likely

    have never ever encountered before……

    Yeah, someone inspires this but i’m getting too well known in the general public, to give anymore specifics than this, without hurting someone’s feelings. ‘Cause yeah, I am the eternal nice guy, in the crowd….a people pleaser who has the potential to KiCK A** too.


    aghogday writes:

    For one thing GOD lives within you and I, we, and me.

    adifferentname writes:

    We’re discussing the existence of actual supreme beings,

    not the metaphorical euphoric fantasies

    brought on by self-actualisation.

    Thanks for the response,

    but you’ve added nothing

    useful to the debate.

    aghogday writes:

    Well, NO, you are INCORRECT.

    That’s your definition of GOD.

    Jesus, the man, historically reported in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas,

    clearly states GOD is inside human being, outside human being, above so below.

    In other words, Nature IS frigging GOD. It’s as simple as THAT AS ALWAYS HAS BEEN, ALWAYS WILL BE, AS LONG AS NATURE EXISTS.

    I am just a TRUE APOSTLE OF JESUS, IN THIS REGARD, WITH comprehensive knowledge of most other religions too, where the TRUTH remains the same, as Nature as the Higher Power, AS GOD, and simply the fact that human being is a watered down ‘worm’, in comparison to what REAL HUMAN

    STRENGTH CAN BE with the higher power of Mother Nature TRUE MANIFEST IN HUMAN BEING Nature, as a free GIFT AS IS, MORE FULLY EMPLOYED AND PRACTICED in numerous intelligences

    that most human beings today, never touch, in metaphor or reality.

    YOGI FOLKS, LIKE THE REPORTED JESUS, can steam heat off of robes in icy waters, AND CONTROL THEIR BRAIN WAVES LIKE ME, as they have control over their autonomic nervous system through relative free will, and BIO-FEEDBACK, OF COURSE, LIKE ME.


    It’s much more than a long word in the dictionary that describes other words, describing REAL LIFE HUMAN MIRACLES, in comparison to what the average ‘human worm’ can do, WITH OR WITHOUT BIG SHELLS OF WORDS THAT are just mental masturbation, in true effect and AFFECT, online, OR EVEN OFFLINE, in most cases.

    AND THAT’s OKAY, as meaningless pastimes, are a way to pass the time, too.

    I prefer real life miracles in flesh and blood, cause THAT’S SUPER KOOL, JUST LIKE THE REAL JESUS, AS REPORTED, SAYS.

    ANYWAY, here’s the documented evidence, as reported in the GOSPEL of Thomas, all about the Pantheist Yogi Leaning dude, Jesus.

    AND YOU can keep talking about a Supreme FAIRY TALE, all you want, as a form of Mental Masturbation, while I continue to evidence a REAL GOD, I CAN IRREFUTABLY PROVE, AS A FREE HIGHER POWER OF GOD IN HUMAN BEING THAT IS TRUTH, PROVEN, AT LEAST, BY ME, in real life STUFF.

    GOD IS the TRUTH AND THE LIGHThe All Seeing EYE, AS metaphor.

    EVEN Madonna is smart enough to figure that one out.

    It doesn’t even take a step in A school room

    OR WALK TO THE altar,








    TRULY nothing else matters, in what IS TRUE REALITY.

    ANY questions..;)

    And haha.. it wasn’t too long after this
    that the restricted ‘left brain’ mostly only
    thiNking folks who science suggests.. comprise
    about 50 percent of the higher functioning aspect
    of the Autism Spectrum who have non-verbal learning
    disorder with huge verbal IQ but because of either
    use it or lose it functional disabilities in life or innate
    or after birth lesions of the right hemisphere of the brain
    at times literally they cannot to do the math or more abstract
    interpretative social empathic right brain way touchy and feely
    deeper ways of life.. and nah.. it’s not funny.. the funny paRt
    is that the moderators banned me for the second time for not
    having a clue with the left side of their brain without the use of
    the right side of WTF FTW.. i was even talking about.. like an opaque
    window in hell of left brain trap with just a glimpse of right brain
    feeling and sensing heaven.. i attempt(ed) to bring in metaphors of words..
    thing is.. if you don’t get the essence of the word as metaphor.. it’s just empty
    shells and for most practical intents and purposes like putting lipstick on a pig and
    the pig don’t give a shit slop about pretty in the first place as they don’t experience
    that pART of potEnTial hUman liFe either.. sAdly.. enough for humans who don’t see.. and
    realistically now feeL and sense the whole ocean of God of Ocean whole with expanding further..
    shores more within.. inside.. outside.. above.. and so below.. sure.. like a cloud of the Love
    of my Mother liVing the sKeYes above.. as i cared enough to find her tHeRE in Youth spiRit
    of Love
    me.. my mother
    Lives as Love.. ’cause
    i can and WiLL BrinG heR
    to liFE forevermorenow that way..
    how sAd.. iT iS.. for those who cannot
    allow folks to live forever as love now within..
    WE GoD
    aLL.. and as the
    darK of God Goes too..
    some folks kNow not what
    they do by Nature as God too..
    empathy and compassion and yes
    even sympathy for the ‘devils’ of life
    born this way is surely merited with
    kindness over iGnorance
    of tHeir iNnate
    and Functional
    sKEyes fuller now..
    i tried.. i cry now.. i tried
    to help them.. but as i told my
    friEnd Suzanne on Facebook.. recently..
    when an ungrateful person accosted her
    in verbal abuse over a misconceived error
    she didn’t make when she was helping him..
    turn the other cheek is fine for expanding empires
    to keep folks in line and sacrificing for corporate
    interests in church and state way then and now
    in all the public and private ways that comes
    what may.. however.. in real life
    as a people pleaser
    that literally
    me with
    stress.. sometimes..
    you just gotta duSt yoUr
    sandals off and go to more
    gracious meadows of people
    who can at least see the fAct that
    your are doing the best you can to help
    them and you can do no more.. nah.. my
    life is too precious as gift from God to sacrifice
    it for human ignorance either born or made that
    way in environmental ways in use it or lose it ways.. too..
    i try.. i cry.. but nah.. liFe is to precious to sacrifice it
    for the ignorant and those who can and will not know..
    try sure.. but help those who can help themselves more..
    or at least
    will tolerate
    the help you
    bring with acceptance..:)

    And speaking of acceptance where
    closed minds and bodies still do live..
    as one way to open up the right brain
    hemisphere as two ones as 11 become
    H as eight infinity tall standing erect more
    away from doubt and fear and shame.. is to
    liberate the entire mind and body in all the ways
    that comes.. the art of Dance and Song and in general
    a path to Unity oF MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL as
    Ocean whole Shores exPanD even more.. as evolving sOUl..
    so i’ve documented my evolution online in all the nitty gritty that
    comes to sHow what human potential in hiGher Gifts of God NoW can
    and WiLL Do at almost any human living age noW.. so.. sure.. a photo
    in my Grand Pa Grey tighties as age 54 on March the 10th in one year
    celebrating Blogging and Recovery of over 7 months in Heaven and the
    Form of Strength my Body took then.. sure.. armstrong as such and
    bulky at 220Lbs then.. now at 230Lbs or so.. as my most recent
    body art shows.. 10Lbs heavier and more lean than
    ever before.. as the evidence and proof
    continue to show.. before my
    art of martial arts
    heaR at this
    date here
    and before
    my Dance started
    around the Spring Equinox
    with all the Cool College Age
    folks at Old Seville in extreme marathon
    Dance for me around a three hour or so tour
    of Dance then now arising to the 152nd Thursday
    this week.. with a couple of Thursdays missed for ill
    and other important issues rising like Christmas falling
    and rising on that day.. to be with the wife at home.. my Father
    Dying and stuff like that.. in settling his estate across the
    Panhandle where he lived in Tallahassee then.. as my
    Body Golden Spiraled more in Phi 1.68 mean move
    ways.. the more the form oF Y i as essence
    becoMes more like the
    reflection of
    God whole
    as Nature Free..
    and yes.. there is nothing
    dirty to feel shame over any
    member or function of my body
    whole and the rest of God as Nature
    too.. some folks feel shame and fear
    and even anger and hate over Nature as
    God.. butt to love iT aLL naked is Joy FReED
    as GoD Living Free within.. no separation baby..
    make God evil and pay the Karma in the Parts of
    God Free one turns into both deviL and HeLL real..
    Humans.. great potential for naked dreams or clothed nightmares
    with never now.. the sKin of God meeting the eYes of God iN God’s sKeYes Sun..
    So yeah.. that about
    covers all that is for now..
    stripped down to the flesh and
    blood of God within..inside.. outside..
    above so below.. and all around with
    so much more to come.. after this epic
    but sTiLL smaLLer MicroVerse of MacroVerse
    Of ‘Nether Land Bible 2017″.. oF Ocean wHole
    Poem as Song oF My SoUL’ more at plUs 4 MiLliOn
    words thAT as subtotal of 12 MiLlioN or so since Thanks
    Giving Day online of 2010.. juST a speck sTiLL.. juST a
    pARt oF
    GoD whOle
    so much more than
    little old me.. full of words..
    and so much more than thIs alone..
    as the DancE allone alWays SinGS more than the SonG alone..
    Gotta get my hAir
    cut.. i’ll find the
    othER songs later..
    as ‘they’
    don’t be late..
    and i’ll read this later
    and leave it be for now..;)

    And with a quick visit to
    Xenia’s Blog site for Poetry
    and Love for her dogs and cats i say..

    WeLL.. my FriEnd.. Xenia.. we have
    something in common.. as
    an anniversary date for
    Blogging on
    March 10th..
    four years for
    me that i treasure
    too in all the liGht
    mostly and even the
    smALL dARk paRts too
    overAll.. liFe is surELy
    A Wonderful Adventure in
    aLL the ways Love comes as liGht more..
    so.. sure.. Happy First Blogging Anniversary
    to you with many more years to come as living
    art with your husband.. dogs.. and cats too.. all as Family..:)

  4. First Blogoversary

    WeLL.. my FriEnd.. Xenia.. we have
    something in common.. as
    an anniversary date for
    Blogging on
    March 10th..
    four years for
    me that i treasure
    too in all the liGht
    mostly and even the
    smALL dARk paRts too
    overAll.. liFe is surELy
    A Wonderful Adventure in
    aLL the ways Love comes as liGht more..
    so.. sure.. Happy First Blogging Anniversary
    to you with many more years to come as living
    art with your husband.. dogs.. and cats too.. all as Family..:)

  5. Imagine.. NoW.. yes..
    juSt iMaGiNe.. hmm..
    Sing it baby.. oh.. yes..
    A World with no signs..
    A World with no rules..
    no laws.. no regulations..
    And Lord kNowSand feelS and
    SeNseS.. no Religions or Countries..
    juST onE World of Peace witH no Walls
    or Borders or even Fences as everyone would
    Worship God thE FloWer and Love.. the HiGhest
    Force and Power that HuMaN BeinG is Gifted wiTh
    By the God oF and As NAtuRe iN BeiNG hUman now..
    IMaGINe.. no Heaven above or Hell Below.. dAM suRE
    noT haRD to do.. when one understands both places are
    poTenTiaL NoW.. LiVinG WiThiN as aLL dARk and liGht iN
    HUman ways stARts from Within now.. and spreads out to
    inside.. outside.. above.. so BeLow and aLL aRouNd.. so
    sure.. make Heaven better within now than.. HeLL beFore..
    Meh.. let’s get real.. hUmans are not evolved to
    connect to more than about 150 to 200 sets
    of friEndly HaiRy Beast or sHaved
    BeauTy Legs and under
    arm pits.. wITh
    eYes of
    course to
    see what’s
    coMiNg neXt iN
    hUman form WiTh ears
    to HeAR iT too.. sure.. like
    minorities who come into this
    country in immigration way.. like
    South Koreans.. Vietnamese Folks.. Chinese..
    the Filipinos and Hispanic Folks too as they
    sTiLL stick close toGeThER maintaining tHeiR
    uNiQue mELtinG Pot Traditions NoW as cultUre and
    religion sAMe.. of tHEir so-cALLed home lands of
    beFore.. and yes.. iN general they and white folks
    have tHeir churches.. to bind togeTheR iN comMon
    holy and sacred full of meaning and purpose liGht
    or dARk coMmon interests.. no matter iF iT is Foot
    ball.. A favorite Quarter back like Muhammad and
    Jesus too.. iN tHeir respective religious teams
    too.. with or without a football of course..
    try to keep hUmans from bonding
    wITh common BiNd also
    kNOWn as Religion
    and social roles
    fAil.. and
    neXt thing
    yA kNOw now..
    ya got John B Calhoun’s
    Utopian rat experiment from
    the 60’s.. where males groom themselves
    incessantly.. and lose all interest in defending
    their territory.. and lack a Japanese Youth wave
    in current world wide affairs of no longer being
    interested in doing the wild thing with
    the so-called opposite sex now..
    the more we move to
    machine life in
    cognition.. the further
    we move away now from the
    flesh and blood oxytocin
    neurohormone for the flesh and
    blood touch of being all filled up
    with warm and fuzzy love.. lacking
    any needs for behavioral or substance
    addiction both.. in dopamine hit way..
    as oxytocin.. the Love Neuro-Hormone
    buffers the need for speed.. all cozy and
    comfortable talking oral tradition by the campfire
    dancing free close to naked under the dew of moonlit
    fire night of warm and fuzzy human beings toGeTher now
    more than separated by frigging text.. but then again.. at
    least.. the text spreads world-side.. further than a local dance..
    In Other words.. while we miGht lEarn to better understand each oThERs
    Differences.. to live in insanely large populations.. means pockets of people
    getting along toGeTher with shared reciprocal social communication interests…
    it’s how human works.. miGht as well face the Nature of our Nature and make the
    best oF it yA Can iN whAT works for you.. anyWay.. ‘this’.. current Facebook Profile
    Pic.. NoW that says.. “PARK AT YOUR OWN RISK! Owner not responsible for any damages”
    is how the world workS in insanely large human populations.. rules.. baby rules.. and
    that is what conservative thinking minds do best.. caution before you park or
    cross the street.. the sky is falling but not yet fall out.. so far.. TG.. i
    AM A Realistic Dreamer.. i do lucid waking drEAMing and use
    the Force of iMaGiNation and CreaTiviTy to make
    my DreAMs come to FruiTioN.. and i alWays
    enjoyed the ‘Norm’ liFE at the
    Bowling Center Cheers
    wHeRE everyone
    knew me as
    Fred.. the Bowling Alley
    Guy and we enjoyed warm
    and fuzzy human reciprocal social
    communication in all non-verbal and
    verbal ways in the flesh and blood.. anyWay..
    ‘they’ might not kNow me and FeeL me and sEnse
    me as specifically Fred but what they do kNow when the
    Wife and i come out of the Golden Nugget Casino.. about 150
    miles or so away from here in Milton.. Florida.. wHeRE i reside
    at home.. is enough about me to yell out.. according to the wife
    Katrina.. “Hey!.. Do you Dance at Seville Quarter”.. from a busy intersection
    on a 6 lane road.. while i dance across the intersection in reverse.. hehe..
    all decked out in Minion attire.. as trademark Super-Walmart 7.50.. Dollar
    T-shirts and half-price JC Penny shorts.. with the Super Cool Sunglasses
    of course and a Law Enforcement Hair cut and passing for Military
    too.. butt.. the main thing is.. AFAIK.. i am the only who dances
    everywhere they go in public anywhere in these paRts
    of the SouthEAst in about a 300 mile radius in
    Trump State Red as conservative as
    it gets in the good old U.S.. of A..
    according to Sociologists
    doing studies who
    say.. this is
    the hardest
    place oF all
    to be different
    and hehe.. i veriLY
    say i surELy got whAt thaT
    takes.. at Least for now.. be stale
    or be new.. stay same or try something different
    now to be Known at LeaSt as a No man with a social
    role at leAST as Clown Dancer iN my Case.. haha.. also..
    Danced at a Festival too.. “Grillin’ on the Green” as ‘they’
    say iT iN Biloxi too.. next to the Hard Rock Cafe.. and this is
    the second time in a few days whEre a young woman attempts(ed)
    to Beauty and the Beast Ball Room Dance with me.. i ain’t figured
    out the fancy pancy dances yet.. juST Butterfly Tiger Free for me.. hehe..
    thaT as A
    Girl Friend who
    was a Navy Uniformed
    Wave back in the Bowling Center
    Days.. used to exclaim.. “FucK mE Running”..
    and i still haven’t figured out.. how to do that either..
    butt.. i’m pretty sure she was just kidding.. all though
    she was quite Athletic as that comes as well.. in total
    fitness.. hmm.. 3 miles away now from meeting
    the 7,000 MiLe Dance Forrest Fred Dance..
    MileStoNe.. in a little over 42 months..
    so.. yep it is possible that this
    new MacroVerse may
    be named “7000
    Miles of DANCE
    WALKING! NOW!”..
    as this is a ritual of a tradition
    for my own personal religion now too..
    in social role of public dancer/sacred
    clown thingy.. and free verse long form
    poet too.. jusT for FuN.. as you do not have
    to make money to get your binding and your
    social role all soWed and Reaped aS Such..
    as hUmans have iMaGInaTiOns and
    Creativity to make tHeir
    own personal
    coMe to
    LuCiD WaKinG
    ones as FruiTioN iN reAliTy
    now or not.. depending on how
    strong one’s relative free will is now..
    And then tHEir are the MiNions of ‘cOARse’ now
    as they follow wiTh the lead of oTheRS in Authority
    way.. and that’s OkAy too.. as i honor them heAR noW all
    as WeLL in Yellow and Overalls Peaceful way.. haha.. if we
    can jUsT toleRate and even accept the Differences of oTheRS..
    that’s my DreAM aT lEASt.. not hard to IMAgine in who i WiLL to be@lEast..
    and juST anotHeR challenge for everyone else.. as that’s hoW liFE DanceS.. SinGS.. bRinG uS uP as UniTy liGht
    instead of
    oF DARk..
    wHEre the
    MiNiONs even enjoy
    naked love oF Unity too.
    hmm.. works for me @lEASt.. hehE
    And WiTh thaT all Said.. a few MacroVErses
    as Facebook MeMories to share from yesteryears..
    juST for the HEAVen oF iT noW that never ends eternALLy
    noW aT LeASt as the meek do inherit this eARThly Heaven NoW
    who FucKinG Work for iT in a practice oF Love that never ends
    as perfecting that practice as continuing practice greater
    toWard liGht now..once aGaiN i do say.. iT works for
    And that’ll
    come tommorrow
    added heAR as
    nite nite
    hour earlier
    to save ‘the time’.. too..;)

    Fellow Poet Blogger Victoria shares
    a quote by Joseph Campbell on the
    Hero’s Adventure that Dances
    and Sings as tHis..

    “Furthermore, we have not even to risk the adventure alone, for the heroes of all time have gone before us. The labyrinth is thoroughly known. We have only to follow the thread of the hero path, and where we had thought to find an abomination, we shall find a god. And where we had thought to slay another, we shall slay ourselves. Where we had thought to travel outward, we will come to the center of our own existence. And where we had thought to be alone, we will be with all the world.”

    -Joseph Campbell

    Joseph Campbell.. a poet and
    pioneer of the original
    modern day
    men’s movement
    that started out
    as matriarchy inclined
    in the 70’s and celebrated
    more of the warrior aspect in
    the 80’s as an overall “mythopoetic men’s movement”..
    loosely organized then that has become toxic
    in wars against so-called feminism in
    the different forms that comes
    in today.. what truly
    remains are
    the archetypes
    within and as i
    answer back to
    i say..
    and she says
    yep.. with
    thumbs up..
    anyWAy.. i was born into a
    toxic environment of Red State
    Patriarchy that Joseph Campbell addressed
    first in a place where mens’ emotions were
    stunted by ‘big daddies’.. who insisted boys
    smiling and crying is queer as foreign for any
    normal big boy to do.. if he ever was gonna be a
    ‘real man’.. as a toy soldier.. a tin man without a
    heARt to express that gloWing thing in the Center of the
    Long Haired female with a beard so artistically expressed
    in church that was the only lifeline for the male to have to
    express the grace and love that IS THE SOURCE OF ALL TRUE WILL
    AND STRENGTH that makes a man and a woman whole in Divine feminine
    and Masculine Potential.. you see.. tHeir is a River of a soUL with
    many StreaMs that come to Ocean whole With Waves that form a pattern oF
    ALL that Dances and Sings toGeTher in Peace and Harmony.. iN liGht..
    the way out of hell
    is to become
    again.. i say
    no different than Buddha..
    Jesus and the other folks
    who had a bigger more whole
    soUL.. the answers tell the truth
    and lie within.. as LiGht over dARk..
    when wholly expressed as holy and sacred
    full of meaning and purpose where the social
    role for both male and female is worKing toGeTher
    as Love to make the forAGe of LiFE isReaL NoW
    and thrive
    in Joy and Strength
    and Fearless heaRt
    as SpiRit expreSsinG
    heARt of emoTions and
    SeNses iN miNd and BoDy
    BaLanCinG soUL and yes.. that means
    a balance of both boy and girl power
    whOle as the Warrior Lover emerges as hero trUe iN liGht..:)

    The modern so-called mens’ movement is just a group of lost boys
    of what i saw over and over on the Wrong Planet Website same
    as Reddit with pasty fingers behind a keyboard
    that never lEarned
    to either
    or sing
    a SonG of
    Sacred Dance
    in both Grace and Love
    and Strength and Will all fearless
    and whole with needing nothing from
    the so-called opposite sex but Love to give..
    that’s the accomplishment in Heaven on Earth
    where marriage
    is just another
    word for all human
    beings as brothers and
    sisters whole.. wHeRE
    the child is
    by the
    Village whole
    toGETher noW and
    competition is lost
    away from Love.. we live in
    an unbalanced STATE wHere the
    so-called war of the sexes in Patriarchy
    way is at the core of most all aggression.. violence
    and even potential World War III as Lord kNOws NoW and
    FeeLs and SeNSEs.. juST look at Putin and Trump.. Birds of a
    Feather who are juST little boys who never grew up to be a real hero with a soul..
    be like them.. heHe..
    or be like me.. haHa..
    trUSt me or not..
    get more
    from women as
    my records as documented
    JuST Do IT sHow.. if you let your girl
    out a little more to play with the boy now
    that is you.. and become a real man with a soul
    more fully developed than A Frankensteinfurter aS Such..
    it’s really not so much that i like women so much more than
    men.. i just feel sorry for men.. as i know the STATE OF AFFAIRS OF IGNORANCE
    TRULY saD
    when they don’t
    even FeeL/SeNSE who they
    are as being human wHole
    instead of half a boy or man..
    anyWay.. i sHow ’em how
    to do it.. by
    actions over
    words in just
    Doin’ iT NOW
    in Victory
    way full
    as the Dance
    can be more readily
    ‘seen’ in BaLanCe of soUL
    iN miNd and BoDy way more NoW
    than 12 million words of SonG.. heHE..
    sure.. on the edge of a 7,000 Mile stint
    in a 300 mile radius of Dance.. Ranging East to West
    from Biloxi.. in a little over
    42 Months.. to Tallahassee..
    with most effort in the
    most Patriachal
    assessed Metro
    area of
    yes.. aSSessed by
    Sociologists aS Such..
    sure.. God seeded me HeaR
    for Good FeeLinG and SeNses
    in total liFE Challenge and teST
    way and nah.. it’s not just a Random
    Forrest Gump Feather as even Forrest says now..
    it is a combination of Chaos and reASon MakinG
    liFE arT NoW as a Box of Chocolates thaT
    comes in all colors as puRe WhiTE liGht..
    is FuLL oF
    plUS AKA GOD..
    as crucible seed
    of Star BuRst Death
    in FiRE.. Dances and
    SinGS hiGher
    continuing ReBorn NOW..
    liFe is even more than Harry Potter
    MaGiC for those who FeeL and SenSE iT wHOle.. iN aS A SonG of DAncE.. And it’s trUE and liGht.. take it from me.. not all men are
    rats and
    not all rats are men..;)

  6. Oh.. Lord.. i’M all danced
    out and juST about pooped
    but no bed until i finish pArt
    oF A STory of Dancing A Free Style
    Ballet and Martial Arts.. yes.. aLL Free
    Verse Style Dance in Public all around
    the P-Cola Florida.. Metro Area.. now.. arriving
    at 7000 miles as of March the 12th.. 2017..
    more precisely.. 7007.66 miles as the
    Trusty Nike GPS Sports
    Watch does
    for free
    in online way
    as proof for documentation
    as i have been doing from the get
    go of all of this.. as video shows began
    on August 28th.. in 2013.. yep.. a little over
    42 Months to complete 7000 miles of Public
    Dance in what over the years averages by the
    end of each year point.. 166.66 miles a month
    with 6666 miles coming iN at precisely 40 Months
    at the End of December of 2016.. too.. yes..
    i do like words and numbers too..
    hehe.. as the RaTioNaL miNd
    miXes wiTh the MaGiC-liKe
    iMaGinaTioN as
    CreATive mINd..
    anyWay.. what can i say..
    oThER than DAncE and SinG Free
    with the History of Dance recorded below
    in documented liNks stARTing at the 2000 mile
    mArk.. moVing ahead after that at 1000 mile mARks
    to Keep the HiStory of the endeavor all intact and yes..
    tactful as factfuLL.. too.. heHe.. so.. heAR are the liNks to
    that and recorded Dance History in selfie way with around
    1000 or so really nice folks.. yes.. mostly.. overwhelmingly
    Women from Old Seville Quarter as i will likely mArk
    another three year anniversary tHeRE as
    midnight falls into Saint Patrick’s day
    at the eve of March 16th and
    Dawning of March
    17th too..
    as any
    With Beauty
    WiFE WiLL Do2..
    as MythS and Legend
    and MaGiC continue
    to roll on play wRiTe
    oN course.. oF course ..HeRe..
    anyWAy.. the Bottom three Seville
    LiNks only carry through September
    of 2016.. got 6 months of photos to catch
    up with coming up this week at several hundred
    more.. theRE.. to get iT all uP to dATe as FuLL of sMiLinG Faces..:)

    6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

    5000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

    4000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

    3000 miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

    2000 miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

    PAN FReED Dancer

    666 Months of Dance

    GOD’s muse of dance

    And sure.. more videos to come in this 7000 Miles
    Series of Dance Walking but i can feel the
    sleep coming very soon.. after well over
    a Marathon of Dance.. accomplished
    juSt this weekend.. and all this
    writing.. too.. As Dance
    And SonG continues
    iTs Free
    miX aLL aRound
    tOwn and online2..;)

    Back in the AM and i must
    have really been exhausted
    after a Marathon Weekend of
    just about everything.. as i slept
    about 10 hours that is very unusual for
    me.. anyway.. a Dance Video for every thousand
    miles celebrated in a little over 42 months that
    makes a total of 7 dances here.. and it just gives a
    snippet of the taste of joy and fun and exhilaration
    of what it is to spread your wings a little more out
    of the cultural box aS Such that culture will put yoUr
    ass in as a lock box if you are not careful.. to get trapped
    in that box of both miNd and BoDy soUL iN or out oF A BaLanCinG
    act of pure JoY iN liGht or despair in dARk.. or OMG.. sheer boredom
    iF iT’s not the opposite these days of sensory and feeling overload..
    hmm.. balance the body and the mInd NaturAlly FloWs like a River more..
    all streAMs leading to US As surfing waves of Ocean whole on terrestrial
    land.. sure.. i can show you the form oF iT.. on the outside here.. the varied
    response of the audience.. hehe.. from the Good Old Boys running away to the Young
    Free Spirited Women embracing it with the quote of the day of ‘that was awesome man’..
    out there on the side-walk at the mAll leading to Best Buy.. life is an ink blot test
    and we are the actors who paint that test with many colors or closer to black and white..
    i do not ‘LOOK’.. like i would do anything i do.. from writing 12 Million words whole..
    since ThanksGiving Day of 2010 to writing A 1.2 Million word “Never Land Bible 2017”..
    since Memorial Day of 2016.. to singing beautifully like an ‘angel’ as the
    surrounding back pew members of the Catholic Church sometimes comment..
    to Dancing these 7000 miles all around the Metro Public area for
    42 months either.. Nude art.. nah.. not something
    that a 56 year old dude does either.. but hehe..
    don’t be deceived by the Baggy clothes..
    i don’t ‘show off’ that much
    in clothes..
    hehe.. except
    for Artistic clothed
    poses that are simply a Yoga
    Unity with the Divine as mix
    of Masculine and Feminine
    Grace.. Love.. Strength
    WiLL.. in the flesh
    and the truth
    IS As even
    S E N s E S..
    in Star Wars
    miX.. we are not this
    crude flesh alone.. we
    are consciousness.. including
    subconsciousness.. we are spiritual
    BeinGs of sensing and feeling beyond
    empirical science measuring ways of
    duplicating repeatable phenomenon..
    and nah.. i don’t really ‘look’
    like a scientist either..
    truth be told..
    the crude
    that looks
    like the form of
    me still is not much
    different than that stoic
    statue as a bust of a random
    Law Enforcement Officer that John
    Lennon used from his front porch
    in that famous Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely
    Hearts club Band.. Album cover
    from ’67.. then.. yep.. big..
    long head with a mustache
    as such.. could
    be an
    Cop like me
    on the beat aS Such..
    like my Father for 46 years..
    thing is.. behind that Funeral
    Bust was/is the potential to be
    more awakened and enlightened than
    a Stone Alabaster Statue.. with a little
    help from a whole crowd of enlightened
    and awakened ones from hiStory beFoRe..
    including folks like Marilyn
    Monroe.. along with
    Whitman too..
    we all share DNA
    and we all share the
    potential of absorbing
    the collective art and science
    now with the broad band access
    as freedom of information and art the same..
    may you live in interesting times as ‘they’ say or
    better even yet.. may you transform your statue into a living work of art alive..
    for me at
    least that’s
    the lesSon
    off an
    cover of a HEart
    that is no longer
    alone stone.. yes.. a heARt
    and SpiRit and SoUL allone..
    as juST anoTher pARt of the
    Masterpiece Tapestry Painting aka GOD ALL thAT iS..:)

    A day in the life of NOW

    WeLL.. now.. to tackle and Dance and Sing all the MacroVerse
    Memories as shared on Facebook from years ago.. mostly that
    do relate in at leASt someway to 7000 miles of Dance in the
    last 42 months and more.. particularly in the art of
    words as sWeLL as SonG.. with so much
    more to bRinG to
    the Present
    of Now..
    WiTh A day in the
    life of NOW and how
    that relates to the Sgt.
    Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Lonely
    Club Album Cover art as nicely
    illustrated in the MacroVerse link
    as such with stone statue of stoic
    random Law Enforcement Dude in Alabaster
    way.. juST hoping to be reborn aGAin
    in all Enlightened
    and Awakened
    Dance and Song.. Moving to..

    A day in the life of a DANCE WALKER

    “A day in the life of a DANCE WALKER” IN Part
    two of three MacroVerses from three years ago..
    celebrating my first anniversary of Blogging and
    also a little over 6 months of public dance by that
    point too.. where in a couple of weeks after that the
    Seville Quarter Dance would stARt around the Spring Equinox
    then.. a little after as such.. with that Beastie Looking
    Grey Speedo attire to go along with the Beauty that is
    the Wife Katrina too.. all around the RiverWalk
    Arts Festival that year too.. as the Dance
    and Sing of now goes on.. so much longer
    as the Present of now
    Free said
    and did and
    done and does..

    A day in the life of a NUDE ARTIST

    Yes.. “A day in the life of a Nude
    Artist”.. too.. paRt three of
    a day in the life
    three years
    ago.. too.. all
    underwear art of course
    tHeRe away from restricted link
    more.. to keep all PG related to
    not any more than one could
    see at a public
    but never
    the less.. a continuing
    record of progress on
    an art of all free
    flesh and
    blood where
    no member of
    the body as whole
    as pArt is any less
    holy or sacred than
    any oTheR pARt or Function
    of Member paRt of WhoLe no less than God..
    in full meaning and purpose..
    and sure..
    less too..:)

    Now skipping up to two years ago.. just
    another fun photo pose and antic
    to make life a one
    game win
    way too..
    as possessing
    one life alWays
    NoW of course.. as
    NoW is alWays all thAT
    exists now.. kinda common
    since now of course.. hehe..;)

    And with the same Millionaire shirt from the old Monopoly
    Game.. Faux sipping a little half and half heAR
    as Actor copy of the Big
    Lewbowski cult
    status movie
    by the
    Cohen Brother’s
    Directors wHere a
    Jesus-like dude comes
    back to the future as
    promised.. and just
    as the laziest
    dude in his area
    of LA.. nah.. not
    Lower Alabama Florida
    Panhandle as such.. heAR..
    butt off in California way
    of Los Angeles as such..
    anyWays.. many
    of life
    fit the same Human
    Archetypes of course..
    sharing the same DNA NoW
    as well as sharing the past
    down of religious and cultural
    elements aCross religions and or cultures
    too.. as a practice of life to bind togETheR
    over common holy and sacred meaning and purpose
    of life.. and yes.. it’s usually one half of conservative
    against one half of liberal in either closed or open minded
    ways of perceiving more or less of reality AKA God now..
    Different strokes
    for different
    deep and
    some swimming..
    oh my God.. so much more Deep..
    yep.. tHeRE is too sides to everY
    story and when you combine the two..
    that can and will lead to a mix oF
    LIGht and dARk wHeRe all
    becomes holy
    and sacred
    full of Meaning
    and Purpose.. and voila
    Heaven/Nirvana/Bliss.. eTc..
    now with just the WorKinG MiX
    of MoVinG Co-ConNecTing NoW and
    Co-Creating WiTh GoD all thAT is WhOle
    including the PARts as me and you.. eTc AL
    of course2.. all get to make both the teAM and the
    Overalls now
    way beyond the
    grey overAlls of MiNioN two..;)

    Chalice of Allah’s LOVE

    “Chalice of Allah’s”.. LOVE heAR
    as i find a common Language around
    the world
    as sure
    and more Love
    now as liGht LiFe..
    noW and sure.. short
    enough to repeat Now..:)

    Interesting.. over here in the U.S. boys are becoming more distant from girls and girls are becoming more distant from boys.. where there is an ‘epidemic’ of sorts.. of girls coupling up with girls who have given up on boys.. and boys who can no longer express emotions stuck in video games and the such.. they wonder why.. oh why.. don’t girls wanna be with they.. they should.. but they can’t ‘FEEL’ ..why.. as a self fulfilling prophecy of a gender that increasingly can no longer express heArt of love….

    i suppose when I go to dance… even at 54.. i find so many friends there of the fairer gender.. as i am not afraid to express love in either words or graceful heart of moves…

    Anyway.. i never get to watch Sherlock..

    But I love girls too.. and can do without the three letter word that begins with s and ends with x.. just to connect with smiling eyes.. and graceful feet….

    To the dismay sometimes and great surprise by me.. even at 54 with wedding ring.. for the ones who want more…

    And he! he! I am not gay either.. there are just things in life more exquisite in heart.. soul.. and spirit.. than x or s.. and the middle E..

    i hope your girl FRIEND returns LOVE to you soon..

    The nicest thing about being retired is there is time to love the whole world..

    And I have enough love to set out..

    And do


    ‘CAUSE i

    have relative
    human free will..

    FAITH.. HOPE..


    and that’s all

    i need..

    AND IN A







    And I see now words
    shape a chalice of LOVE..
    But the base here must be longer
    to hold the love that is the chalice of me…







    And it looks like a chalice more at my home than yours..

    And i put in the words in place of semi colon.. slashes.. and dots..

    as your blog here don’t like links that be clicked on much..;)

    Just ‘call me’ if you like IT when you get home..:)

    And may be one day your smile
    will be as big



    a few

    words to
    make a wine
    glass.. a base that
    is way too long..

    http semi colon two slashes katiemiafrederick dot com /2015/03/11/chalice-of-allahs-love/


    And yes.. the Beauty
    that goes along
    me.. Katrina
    of course and Yellow Boy too..
    surELy prettier than me.. HeHE..
    Memory photo from a year ago.. heAR..;)

    Slingshots Dance UniCorn sWORDs

    ‘Slingshots Dance UniCorn sWORDs’.. even more respect
    for Women’s Day.. Poetry.. and Dance
    Memories.. too.. from both Seville
    Quarter and
    the World..:)

    MAGIC man over the Moon

    “MAGIC man over the Moon”.. Celebrating
    my Third Blogging Anniversary overall..
    a year ago too.. along with
    the last MacroVerse as
    WeLL.. wHere i dig
    into the
    of the
    pARTs of my
    life too with
    a Dance oF liGht
    more at Old Seville
    and yes.. thaT
    years ago
    thAt leads to liGht noW..
    as Ark of hope liveS in dARK..:)

    And also a fourth Anniversary of a Nature Photos Page
    on Facebook that went along with a Blog Page there as well..
    from 3.13.13.. and that’s where i copy and paste all the text
    of my Blog Posts from four Google Blogger Blogs and one Word
    Press Blog.. and as repeated from before..
    i’ve fallen behind what is
    now approaching
    600K words
    total of
    and paste
    words in 13
    MacroVerses behind
    in a total of words
    still owed to those two
    Facebook Pages for all free
    back up.. and this MacroVerse
    will make 14.. and Thursday will
    likely make another one for 15 falling
    behind.. as i still have several hundred
    Dance Selfies to ready for a three year anniversary..
    MacroVerse probably named “Leprechaun Pan Dance 2017”..
    anyway.. yep.. approaching 600K words behind.. and that’s
    a lot of
    for one hand too..
    with the 152Nd Dance
    Week Celebration approaching through morn of Saint Patrick’s
    day with a few Thursday Nights missed and caught on Saturday.
    for this and that in a three year sPan straight of Dance..:)

    SOUL builder

    “SOUL builder”.. from three years ago..
    going on to Dance And Sing more
    stARTinG then too.. thaT
    i am out to pursue
    Essence of
    and form is simply
    a free floWing eXpreSSioN
    of that in both form of art
    and form of flesh and blood..
    key is BaLanCinG.. iN MoVinG..
    CONnecTinG.. and CreaTinG
    ways.. find the
    and Make
    yoUr Hurricane
    Winds Art oF Form
    in all the ways thaT
    Can and WiLL coMe FREE..:)

    Arthur Forest Dude SET FREE IN PAN OF ACTION

    “Arthur Forest Dude SET FREE IN PAN OF ACTION”.. 2 years ago.. and per the word
    PAN that means all as in PanTheist ways of LooKinG aT God..
    all that is as ‘they’ say too and more than
    we can perceive too.. as little
    fleas sucking
    the Blood
    oF LifE
    from the
    we can fully
    Breathe.. spread
    out yOuR arT and sciEnce
    as far as yA can and WiLL
    NoW as the more yA FeeL and SeNSE
    now the more eternal now is in Paradise
    more as Heaven and Nirvana and Bliss and
    all the oThEr metaphors for the place i live now..
    it as the meek
    who do not want
    material Goods
    for happiness
    all free
    as Art and
    sciEnce sET FReED iN wE..:)

    Yellow Boy eXpreSsinG the
    WilD and Free
    in a photo from
    three years ago..:)

    And what iT is thaT binds folks
    together.. sure.. the word that doubles
    for that as religion.. and even culture..
    and yes.. even politics and sports and common
    traditions and ethnicity and even similarities
    in looks.. it’s what social animals
    in form of human
    do to
    survive for
    the forAge of
    the day and even
    thrive in a DancE
    and SinG of Life..
    Different Languages..
    Customs and Activities
    but it is the underlying
    FeeLInGS and SeNSes of MoVinG..
    CoNnecTinG and CreATinG ways of liFE
    that make liFE more of what iT can and
    WiLL be now.. Believe in Love as Love exists..
    however you get to this Gift as higHesT PoWeR
    GiftED to the Human Being by the Love Nature
    as gifted this way and God as all that is
    are the Paths and Journey that work
    for you and the togETHeRness one
    IS A pARt of now.. thAT
    CaN and WiLL
    in an isREaL
    Kingdom of Heaven
    of NoW.. the worst place
    of all is the empty of the
    nihilist who only believes in lists..
    and fActs and figures without the glue of Human Love..
    the HiGhest Force that liVes all Positive liGht within
    to be
    and never
    held selfish
    less than give and share..
    sure.. a photo share from two
    years ago.. of a group of Filipino
    Folks togeTher and a pARTy we were invited
    too.. who truly live the human condition for what it is..
    no matter what tHeir specific symbols and beliefs got them to this Love of toGeTher..
    folks’ have
    forgotten what life is..
    just an observation.. of course..
    wHeRE i Live and DancE/SinG in Super Walmart
    wiTh rarely
    sMiLes of LiFE
    iN a DancE and SinG
    toGeTher isREAL..:)

    My CAT is a TAI CHI master

    “My CAT is a TAI CHI master”..
    from three years ago.. yeS.. in reference
    to Yellow Boy and all animals in the wild
    who move from Center Balance to escape predators
    and capture prey.. and of course to Move with
    Gravity as every calorie conserved counts
    in Nature for both survive and thrive..
    thing is.. words are great for
    sharing and giving
    for a
    liFe in
    all the ways
    those symbols
    can come.. but words
    are also great to get
    attached to all the dARk
    in Life as negative ways too..
    Dance.. a Free verse Dance oF aLL
    Natural BaLanCinG Force as the Body
    moVes the mINd iN EmoTioNal Regulation
    and Sensory Integration wHOle..IS A way
    to Bliss now.. floating on a cloud of eARTh Free..
    and this MacroVerse published before Katrina got the
    courAge to VideoTape the smooth moves of me PlaYinG
    WiTh Gravity and God sAMe.. all 230 Lbs or so
    of me set free.. and people
    cannot figure out
    how i move
    for three
    hours straight
    of Marathon Dance
    now fully illustrated
    in YouTube way.. WeLL..
    it’s the same way ‘they’
    built the Pyramids
    Baby.. NoW
    A BaLanCinG
    acT wiTh instead
    of Against God
    oF aLL Nature
    noW aLL noW
    Look around
    and see the
    Golden Phi
    be the
    move the
    PHI.. connect
    the PHI.. and
    co-Create the PHI
    oF God IN all the steps
    and words oF LIFe and be God
    as PaRt wHOle Born aGaiN aLiVE iN LIGht..
    ThERe is no reaSon IN my liFE but the
    Rhyme of
    that is GoD’s soUL ME..
    First.. tHeRE is dARk then
    liGht.. inSpiRinG MovEmenT
    as DancE and then Sound
    aS SonG thaT continues
    to iNspiRe the
    MoVe oF liGht
    alWayS NoW iN
    thE Present oF NoW..
    meanwhile.. someone invented
    scribed words and made life way more
    complicated than a Dance and SonG
    FReED.. sure.. with some Food and
    Drink to accompany thaT liGht
    with a liFE
    of two
    or more
    WiTh some
    HeLp tHERe too..
    as God GroWs in
    liGht of HuMan liFe..
    iF a cat can and will do it..
    NoW.. sure.. ya can2.. NoW2..
    WiLL oN

    Facebook Friend
    and Fellow Poet
    Blogger friend Suzanne
    shares a few thoughts
    about Archons as the so-called
    dArk ones among us that hold back
    liGht and others refer to them as
    Reptilians.. heHe.. living more
    in the Reptilian
    brain than
    and yes even
    Limbic system
    for complex pro-social
    emotions too.. as thaT
    comes from cultures that
    raise men to kill in wars
    to kill empathy and compassion
    in men.. in normal ways.. stifling
    that human potential in acts of
    aggression.. violence.. and yes..
    potentially World War III..
    So i visit and mention..

    SMiLes.. Myths often House
    Vehicles and Vessels for
    Both Truth and Light and
    Dark and Lies…
    Types”.. per
    A life spent
    In Left Brain
    Thinking.. lose
    Some of tHeir potential
    To escape that Box.. And
    According to research by
    Jonathan Haidt.. the basis
    For this is genetically Hard
    Wired for more Conservative
    closed mind nay-saying than
    Liberal open minds as the
    Political Divides in the
    World.. surely
    Freedom.. i would
    Be flattered if ‘they’
    Read what i wrote
    But nah.. They
    A speck of
    DuSt over Free
    Verse any thing..
    AnyWay.. the Ted Talk
    By Haidt is fascinating
    As these ‘Archons’ do
    Still live in Dark..
    Sadly.. but
    Great at making
    Rules and Hall
    Building Fences for
    Separation verseS uNiTy..;)

    oF A Coin
    are heaR for
    a continuing survive..
    even if.. not thrive..;)

    And surELy.. this eXplains
    why my Personal ‘David’
    art doesn’t
    hAha and yeS heHe..;)

    MagicK Flute 2017

    And with all that sAid..
    i’ve got some more YouTube
    transferring to go and get
    ready to copy and paste a 6
    month collection of beautiful
    mostly smiling women with little old me..
    well.. okay.. not so little.. but older me..
    as the “Leprechaun Pan Dance of 2017”.. comes as promised
    on February
    sELF fulFiLLinG
    Prophecies and all oF ThAT iS..
    And Nah.. i won’t forget my MaGiC ‘FLuTe’..
    and yes..
    little FRiEnD..
    aLL GOld Member aS Such2..;)

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