After Dance oF Fred


No More HeadLines

No More scheduLed
Poetic Prompts

A Facebook Algorithm
provided memory from
a year ago above.. and..
below.. After MaKinG the
Fredline.. of over 3.3 million
words for Longest Long Form Poem
in history of Humankind in 36 months
and witness for God in around that many
number of words plus.. in 6 months longer of blogging
public whole for 42 months from 3/13 through
9/16 and 3 years of Dance Walking a martial
arts and ballet-like free verse style..
Dance too.. in all of public stores
and places i go.. by the
Fall Equinox 2016.. to
document that
in Longest
Long Form
Poem Free Verse
style and continuing
Witness for God.. perHaps
i need a vacation.. nah.. no..
just no more deadlines.. free verse
from noW on.. and after documenting
too.. a total of 400+ photos in that
PAN FReED Dancer record
MacroVerse of over 1000
smiling dancing
women friends
in combo
with the
from Good
Old Seville
Quarter of which
around 350 photos are
in just the last 6 month record
of that since the Spring Equinox
of 2016.. i’LL have to do another Macro
Verse to document those photos come Spring
Equinox of 2017.. as the blogger blogs that
house that record almost said balk for the length
of what i recorded of that complete for 6 months
of dance smile records to date.. so now.. at
9:18 pm.. i can give this a break while
i Marathon Dance with all the cool
college age folks at Good
Old Seville Quarter..
and nah.. no
thanks needed..
scores of smiles
at Old Seville..
will be enough
for me.. juST for
the dAnce oF i AM noW..:)

“The old appeals to racial, sexual, religious chauvinism
to rabid nationalist fervor are beginning not to work.
A new consciousness is developing which sees the
earth as a single organism, and recognizes t
hat an organism at war with itself is
doomed. We are One Planet.”

– Carl Sagan

“A human being is part of the whole
called by us universe , a part limited in
time and space. We experience ourselves, our
thoughts and feelings as something separate from
the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us
to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons
nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the
prison by widening our circle of compassion to
embrace all living creatures and the
whole of nature in its beauty…
We shall require a
new manner
of thinking
if mankind is to survive.”

– Albert Einstein

Taking IT to the Streets of FALL

Now as i come back to this Micro-Verse
of 706th Macro-Verse that will be titLed
After Dance oF Fred.. yeah.. jUst another
two Macro-Verse Titles to come in the signature
line of each coming Macro-Verse.. for an overall
taste of what i do in this Ocean Whole Poem.. juST
in case anyone gives a FucK.. as trUly.. why should they..
liFe moves fast.. i’M heAr to hELp but hey.. if one even
can hELp themselves in finding God within that’s quiET an
accomplishment on tHeiR own.. but hey.. as far as i can see and
feel.. sure.. i could juSt hang out at the beach and dance and sing
and sip on crystal fresh water and salt breeze.. but to truly experience
Heaven now.. one muSt give and share all they have to do.. as without giving
and sharing.. we lose our humanity.. as that is what any social animal does..
with more than
half a brain
for mechanical
cognition only..
away from the social
cognition in empathy
and compassion.. and other
pro-social emoTions that FEELS
not only are wE as hUmans in this
game toGetHer.. in fAct.. SAYS.. wE hUmaNS
ARE TOTALLY BLESSED to see the Interdependent
Interrelating all that is of God living as the
entire planet as well as the rest of Nature and
all that is unseen and unfelt too.. depending on
how big yoUr God eYes and ears are to perceive more
of this real thingie that is GoD noW iSREAL for REAL..
nah.. not a man in a book.. nah.. not a book.. not
some words.. but the essence of all that is.. that
includes forms of course but forms never tale the
entire God story of essence that iSREAL noW.. whether
we see and feel this essence or not.. in all seNses and
EmoTioNs that once aGain.. some folks feel more or less depending
on how blessed or sometimes cursed they are depending on how you
see and feel the liGht of the gifts you have.. that can be perceived
differently by each individual depending on an almost infinite number
of innate and environmental factors.. but here’s the thing.. for those who
can now find peace and harmony in MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG soUL WiTh heARt
expreSsinG EMoTions SenSEs.. as SpiRit as whOle hUmaniTy reBorn iN We..
somenows it is as simple as a free naked dance with sun and sand..
letting go of the mechanical cognition and becoming the air
and the water aGain as winds and waves and ocean whole
become reborn as wE again.. nah.. not
just dunking your head
in some frigging
your baby in
a lite version
of this with the
baby screaming.. what
the fuck.. i thought you loved
me.. now you are pouring water on
my head.. and FucKinG Laughing at
me in this big Temple Catholic Church
that’s culture for you.. female genital mutilation
in some countries.. a 20 Percent member discount
of same on males in our countries and even more
iN other countries.. and water boarding babies
lite in Catholic Church to scare
the beejezus out of them..
instead of making
them slippery
as oil
to get
away from
any devil but
fucking you who are..
water boarding babies lite..
shortly after birth along with
mutilating their penises too.. ugh..
is it no wonder.. the real definition of
Greek Apocalypse in original way of lifting
the veils of ignorance failed to reach the minions
of life.. well no.. as human beings.. with their tribal
instincts and need to fit into whatever the cultural rules
are and no matter how truly fucking insane they are away
from common human decency.. humans will do it to avoid
outcast status from the social group aS in the
evolution of human away from grocery
stores and stuff like that
outcast status
and death.. when
no longer are apes
working toGeThER to
be stronger toGeThER now..
and hell.. yes/no.. i’m sorry
iF the trUth and liGht can hurt..
but i came first to lift the veils
of ignorance from my eYes too.. and i
juST share as i go along.. and if you don’t
like it.. don’t like it.. hehe.. as i came for the
real definition of Apocalypse and not to fucking blow
the world up.. in a fiery end or such crap load as that..
hmm.. anyway.. build iT and he will come.. the only person that
i can guarantee will come is me.. and if you build it with enough
effort and perseverance and focus.. perhaps you will find God within too..
as Lord NO’s no church ever did it for me.. it was too easy for me to find
the hypocrisies from the start.. making God into one human over my bed and taling
me Santa Claus was real too.. myths serve a purpose.. they hyperbole as message and
vehicle and vessel in housing trUths and liGhts that are iSREAL.. fAct of the matter
is.. if there were not myths of old time religions.. the core trUths and liGhts would
have never made it in oral tradition in the first place.. as it is the emotive
power of the hyperbole.. no less than marketing 101 to reach a target
audience that seals the emotive glue of mind
and body emotions to remember the
cores of trUth and liGht too..
but sadly folks..
many.. at least..
have lost
the trUth and
liGht messAges of the
golden rule in harming
no other beyond consuming
nature for needed food and drink..
and shelter.. to taking more than giving
and dominating the earth in destructive ways
for other species that are dying off as we speak..
including even the Bee who is responsible for so
much of what we can even eat in agricultural
ways or even foraging/picking berries to eat..
yeah.. kill the birds and the
bees and you humans
are basically
don’t get
me started on
melting icecaps..
as i live inland enough
in a high place not to worry
about that.. but the ocean is rising
faster and faster than even forecast before..
and the same people who kill for trophies are
the one’s who will tale ya.. humans aren’t killing
the earth.. in generalized Trump ways of course..
with trophy wives
those who
suggest that
music and dance
are evil and end up
repressing and oppressing
human nature.. taling their populaces
that the opposite sexes cannot hold each
others hands.. until marriage.. and then
the Arabian clinician studies suggest
60 to 80 percent of 3 to 6 year
old little girls in that
country are
exposed to
and performing
fellatio on family
members by raping force..
and additionally intimate
so-called friends of family
too.. who get access to the
family home/girls.. this lifting
the veils of ignorance
away from lies
our God
nature.. has
a long way to
go to meet the
original definition
of Apocalypse.. a long long
long way to go.. we are very fortunate
in America to build it in fields of dreams
to find God within.. and live free again in
the Heaven of now as Kingdom of God
free.. come now.. but nah..
even folks here..
still live
under controls
illusory fears
and empty promises..
of subjugating and
controlling human nature
freedoms.. and it is the rule
of law in many other countries.. away
from human God Given Nature that is responsible
for so much of the conflicts we see in the world today..
but how to stray.. how to escape the lies of ignorance of
the past.. it ain’t easy.. and it is gonna take a lot more than
one 42 month witness for God in words of 3.3 million and more to
get this.. beyond herculean.. superman.. and batman effort done..
i can lift me..
even with 6000
miles of public
dance that lifts
some other folks
uP in the wild now..
but i cannot even
lift my wife..full.. as she
cannot escape all the lies
of indoctrination of illusory
fears of her life.. at the
hands of ignorance
but tHeir
are those outcasts
like me from a young
age who were lucky as they
learned to live without the
approval of the minions of folks
who truly follow what could be described
as despicable leaders.. who would rape
and pillage the spoils of war..
and build
to keep
people from
seeking freedom
the best they can
away from walls of the
past of rules that bring
humans down.. away from God
given human iNnate Nature now..
so sure as the Without Me Version
of M and M.. stated before.. i am only
shady.. a shadow of what you could be too..
if you build a dream and find God within..
and these two quotes from Taking IT to the
Streets of FALL are well worth repeating
along with the song that goes
with this..

Fountain of Love ROARS

Love Roars.. truly it does..
when one is bullied.. and
even outcast.. and comes back
with eYes of Love.. instead of
swords of vengeance.. as Hate..
sure even the hate that is still left
in the Constantine Bible of the 4th Century
in Roman Catholic way.. where still in the Gospel
of Luke.. Chapter 14:26.. promoting hate against even
parents.. husband and wife.. and children is the way
to follow the love of liGht.. what a FucKinG oxymoron
that is that minions silently follow for thousands of
ears with no questions of dissent.. as same as always..
when they say all is liGht and no word can be changed..
dARk is surely
the Devil
who lives within..
whoever wrote that was
a heartless zealot.. sure.. there
are zealots with heart and those without
heart.. but people who develop cognitive empathy
with the feeling affective part.. understand the roots
of ignorance run as deep in hate.. anger.. and fear as the roots of
love in hope and joy.. and those are killing words.. the same killing
words that will still be taken literally and fundamentally in the Koran
too.. as sword to kill in tribal instinct way away from the
Golden rule who is capable
of even Loving
the enemy
empathy too..
understanding that the
bully is the one who was most
oft bullied before.. the sad eyed
Muslim girl was often molested in the
home by family members as clinical studies
in Arabia show.. who cannot utter a word of
truth and light of disgust and despair of the
rape of hating not loving eyes of family members
who would use flesh as a tool away from heart
to fill a soul
that has
no heart
of love
and pulsing
satiation of
selfish and
ends away from
love.. and if you don’t
think and feel God is pissed..
perhaps you cannot hear the cries..
well.. i can.. i’ve been hearing them
for a long time now.. since i was born..
aGain.. let’s just say.. and others can hear
these cries too.. even if you
think you
the sad
eyes of these
women.. up.. God hEars
in the empath compassion
of human ears.. that go
much deeper
than flesh..
my friends
but trust me..
perHaps you haven’t
felt it or seen it


The Facebook Video Slide Assistant does an excellent job of providing
an avenue to present my Dance photos from Thursday Night
in a comprehensive and somewhat brevity flow..
with even inspirational music
too.. but yeah..
choices needed
as that theme song
is kinda getting old..
but anyway.. photos ranging
from the “After Dance oF Fred”..
as this titled 706th Macro-Verse
WiLL SinG.. a photo of
a healthy
briar on
the top of
of an iMac
Notebook Computer
square in the core of
Apple symbol2..
with a bite
or without
a bite
the Apocalypse
of lifting the veils of
ignorance.. i SinG iN
WoRds of PoEtry.. i DanCE
and i Move on.. and sure.. no more
deadlines.. to meet that i kNow of
now.. but sure.. with FeeLinGS.. Milestones
will alWays arrive anew.. and i WiLL report
them in documenting way with the help of all
Apple gear
too.. but sure..
with 12 million written
words coming on the milestone
of Thanks Giving day of 2016.. that
in all likely hood has arrived now.. as
11 million words was the tally last year.. and
i am writing on average.. as easily empirically
counted now in 30K+ words a week.. that makes
over 1.5 million words a year.. and 120K words in
just 4 weeks.. or the equivalent per se.. of three Novels
of Poetry per month now.. as that comes and goes in
written way.. additionally all the nice dance girls of
last night too.. my FB profile photo.. a dance photo
of a ballet student and her smiling friend too..
still under age 21.. somewhere between
18 and that number to drink
in bars now2.. but not
likely she will..
when she
gets that
age as
this girl
is naturally
high with the force
of dance free as a way of life..
in miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG..
in poise and grace.. and that reminds
me of last week at Starbucks when i was
dancing my smooth steps in that place..
a nice other mall employee from
another place said.. i wish
i could be as light
on my feet as
he.. is..
and of course
my wife looks much
more like a dance student
and accomplished dancer from
head to toe than Arnold looking
me.. all square and moving curved
at 230 or so pounds now..
and people
have said
that before..
wow.. if you can
dance like that i can
only imagine how great
your wife can dance with
that body over tHeir.. all lean
and shapely fit in legs ways too..
she could.. if she could lose the fear..
i never thought or even would have imagined
the stiff of me could break out in poise and grace now..
but it’s NOT imagining your dreams and just doing them
after that.. that make dreams NeVER come to fruition…
Believe.. imagine.. hope.. have faith and just FEARLESS
do it.. human potential is amazing
if i can do all i can do..
with all the demons
i have had to defeat..
perhaps you need
a few demons
kick your
ass up to heaven too..
aLL the DArk in my LifE
Has led to all the liGht i am NOW..
never discount the power of the dARk ForCe noW2..;)

Yes..i still GET around

An 18 year old photo of my wife
hEAr.. and a 44 year old photo
of her from 2014.. and
sure.. yesterday..
i shared one
at age
45 too…
the bottom
common dominator
is.. she is a woman who
gets more beautiful with age..
like a fine wine.. per se.. who does
not drink either.. hehe.. and nah.. she
doesn’t smoke.. and she kinda chills out
and watches TV.. and escapes stress too..
so perhaps that IS A secret
of her fountain of youth
being loved
as much as i can
love someone with
never fearing losing that
love.. probably saves some
mileage on worry too.. as obviously
i am trust worthy.. huh.. with all those smiles
of pretty dance girls who can’t possibly match the
beauty of Goddess Isis.. also known
and felt as Katrina too.. mother..
wife.. sister.. all in one..
yeah.. put
pieces of
me back toGeTheR..
after all the pieces were
scattered apart.. more than
just a looker.. the essence of
that myth.. has come to fruition
in the new age of noW as alWays
noW as WeLL as prophecies
are archetypal in human
way and often
come true
in oft
varied ways
of same and different
too.. so sure.. for now..
you can call me Osiris2..
too.. been to the underworld..
and can tale ya what it’s like..
can steer you out of death in life..
but only if you can hear.. can feel
and can see what i say.. hEar now..
and more great Beach photos from
Navarre Beach from two year ago too..
in this Macro-Verse .. but sure.. the best pArts
aS oNe of the greatest muse of my Ocean Whole
Poem.. is Katrina of course.. as she and Yellow ‘Sphinx’
Boy and Moby Cat of past.. are the stars who ‘sOld’ the show.. iSREAL2..:)

Yes..wE stiLL gET aRound2..;)

Rosalinda’s Eyes

And hEar is Rosalinda’s eYes from a year ago.. but
as oft happens.. the Music shared from A YouTube
Version of this Billy Joel Song
has gone the
video way
of old songs.. i’ll find another
version and sure share it aGain..
so in honor of Rosalinda’s eYes..
a Song that reminds me of my first
Love.. Cuban Girl Friend Sonia..
who was a mix of Irish too.. like
me.. although back in that day..
i hadn’t actually heard from
my Irish ancestors to
even verify that
My Grandfather’s
mother and he were
both actually born in
Ireland.. on paternal
side.. and sure.. my Grandmother
was Cajun on that Hispanic leaning
French Paternal side too.. so me and
the Sonia had much in common.. even in
numerology way.. as both our year birthday’s
06061960 for 28 to 10 to 1 and 07021963 for
28 to 10 to 1 and nah.. don’t discount numerology..
came out to number one.. and as synchronicity
would have it2.. she bought me A gold chain that
had number one on it2.. with all her Babe perfume
that i can still smell now.. and while i call my wife sugar
now.. Sonia’s name was babe to me.. and that was her
name for me2.. as the memories and a few tears
still sing through everynow.. i reAlly remember
Rosalinda’s eYes.. but it’s so weird..
deep down.. somewhere i knew/fELt
i was looking for someone
who looked like Sonia..
and as the photos
show of the
girl in the blue
Homecoming dress..
with mind blowing body figure
too.. she was the precursor to Katrina..
almost like a sign of what would still come
as heaven even more.. as surely the little frail
nerd boy i am was back then.. was blessed with
the beauty of women.. that would amaze most
men.. to make me the luckiest man who ever
FucKinG walked on the EARth.. and sure
they say the nice guys finish
last… nah.. they are
just patient until
Angel eYes
who make
tHeir way..
and sure.. a couple other
girls from then are in this
photo collage i have shared
many times before.. that i scanned
that helped to bring emotions back
from lost loves before.. including Uncle
Ed who died way back when.. who wasn’t
even an Uncle at all in childhood as Grandmother’s Friend
on Maternal side then.. on the river front home.. and
Charlie my dog in middle school who was my mostly
only friend out of outcast life of what they named
as skank boy then.. at school.. among
other names that said
you do not
to live
yeah.. i saw
him on the side
of the road one day
coming home on the
middle school hell bus then…
where Vickie taunted me saying
look.. he’s got eyes lashes like a girl..
they are so pretty and long.. laughing
all the way.. but truly upset as her eyes
were not nearly as pretty as mine.. heheR..
yeah.. life is funny like that… when people get
mad at other folks for having something they
don’t have deep down.. and for me mostly
it was the smile on my
face that they
erased for
a while then..
and straight A’s
but SMiLes cAMe
back as Love roars
once aGaIn isReaL..
Yeah.. Rosalinda’s eYes
are quite a muse huh.. and if
you are out tHere somewhere
listening.. Sonia.. if you could ever
keep up with what i do now.. as i know
you have visited at least once before by
way of your daughter a couple of years before..
i owe part of regaining my heart back from that
hurt before.. as muse of emotion both dARk and liGht
for tears that brought me back from the photos of that
love that hurt so much to lose then.. but i can finally feel
that warm and fuzzy in hugs that went away for so long
good bye..
and the puppy
in me died.. so far
so far.. in warm and fuzzies
that finally live again as Babe..
and yeah.. there is Michelle in
a Prom picture too.. inviting me
at she.. age 17 after a short
date or so
at age
16 the
before.. after
Sonia.. to make
her high school boy
friend a little jealous
for the next day date with
him.. but hey.. it was nice
to go anywhere then.. truly
wanted for all of who i was
or not.. and Renee in the
center.. a friend who
stayed by
my side
in letters
and phone
call ways in
some of the
darkest days in
college then.. so
troubled with a father
who sexually abused her..
and finally ending her life with
a revolver in her father’s bed
with a loving husband and two children
in her twenties then.. oh the dARk and liGht
webs we weave.. so many destinations of
hell and
they go
in iSREAL liFE noW
bottom line NoW counts..
then and NoW in what
we are evolving
and uP..
and i remember
Renee saying one time
nothing could possibly
happen to you..
you are
and you would
never deserve some
one like me to hurt you..
and i remember years after
she killed herself.. her father
walked in to the Bowling Center
where i worked.. shortly after that
he died in a motor-cycle accident..
from what i heard.. just a really ugly
man who consumed his daughter’s beauty
out in death….
yeah.. i remember
Renee’s eYes too.. and
i see them still around the
world and they make me very
angry.. spitting nails angry..
but nah..
i will NOT..
to a gun
or sword
or even vengeance..
i WiLL win WiTH Love
of the Fearless KinD..
as i always have and
always will by the will
of God in relative way
as ME
as LION iSREaL.. LoVE..
mArk mY FucKinG words..
iF yoU SeeK iN God as i do2..:)


SMiLes.. my friEnd
Zee.. we stArt as
seeds.. as
gRains of
potential to
become love
as we love our selves
and others same.. the first
step is truly Loving God within
with all youR HeARt of EmoTiOns
and SeNses aS liGht iN Positivity..
tolerating and accepting
sAme God FeeLinG
dArk as not
so well..
what we can
to liGht morE..
as nows go by..
as the grains become
sand as the water of Love
becomes silt.. same as original
name of God too as Lahmu and
Lahamn too.. as i always
have to refer to
a History
of God
on page
8 by Karen
Armstrong.. to
remember how to
spell those names that
oddly enough are like my
real last name too that is just
another name for land holder too..
in Feudal German way for the ‘owner’ as such..
too.. as sure.. just synchronicity and coincidence
too.. as spelled in reverse my name sounds a lot
like name hell too.. except it it ends in EL that way
that is another name for God too.. so sure..
perhaps i have an inside
line in
too.. hehe..
for liGht and truTh..
inborn as such as well
all do when we open our
heARts.. our MiNd and BoDy
BaLanCing SoUls wiTh SpiRit
riSinG hiGher in positivity of
EmoTioNs and SeNses too..
so do not be ashamed
for as you say
up there..
in self love way..
as the other side of that
is the timid soul who never
loves self or has the power of
self love to bring love up in the
empty grains of love that can
be the tunnel of
iN Love
of otHeRs too..
PoEtry and DancE and
SonG and aLL otHeR arTS
of heARt is how we grow
A muscle of Love.. wriTing
A SonG of YouR SoUL.. and
you my friEnd.. will help build other mountains
too.. where a heARt replaces.. for a way to love
a tunnel
of dArkness.. from Before..
in oTheR words.. my friEnd
Zee.. BeCoMe the Love you dREam
of.. BeCoMe the Lover you desire..
Be Free..
Love ALL..
SinG and DancE Long..
A SonG oF liGht liFE.. mY FriEnd.. Zee..:)


“We live only to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting.”

~~ Kahlil Gibran ~~

i take
of literally
and when all oF
it becomes holy
and sacred as an
emotion of essence
and hell no.. no book
or words as empty shells
of nothing but believe what
i say or else.. or get the
gold pot
at the
end of
the rainbow
that never
comes in
6 foot
noW for those
who liVe Beauty iSREaL..
a Tree of liFE that breatheS now..
with roots that run deep as iSREAL2..:)

“The man who believes he can do it is probably right.”

~~ Helvetius ~~

Doing requires
no words..
with symbols
that become
iNtent of positive
liGht in form aS WeLL..
bottom line sTill.. just do it
or it
get doNe..
A Science
of art and Art of science
of doing nothing at
all or all of nothing..

“In all affairs it’s a healthy thing now and then
to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.”

~~ Bertrand Russell (1872-1967) ~~

Life is a Koan..
An inkblot..
color it with
paint of another color…
more of BeFore..:)

“To develop a complete mind:
Study the science of art;
study the art of science.
Learn how to see.
Realize that everything connects to everything else.”

~~ Leonardo da Vinci ~~

in other words….;)

“People might not get all they work for in this world,
but they must certainly work for all they get.”

~~ Frederick Douglas ~~

Poor FD..
didn’t make it
into the 20th century
ShArinG Rules..
and taKinG Gives..
and sure.. we can beneFit
from that more as Love Rules over
aLL iN Giving more than Taking.. i pay
with words..
photos.. etc..
as Karma
action consequence
aS A BaLaNce oF liGht iN liFe..;)

“The only way round is through.”

~~ Robert Frost ~~

And Robert
thE INternet..;)

Oh.. the
too.. mY friEnd..gigoid..;)


“Hold the MAYO And; pass the COSMIC AWARENESS…”

~~ Zippy the Pinhead ~~

condoms or
the equivalent..
life on the planet
as we know it is

And ps.. my
Bible IS A FucKinG Funny..
Book.. at lEAst iN mY Fredhead..;)

“YOW!! I’m in a very clever and adorable INSANE ASYLUM!!”

~~ Zippy the Pinhead ~~

And that’s why..
books without
FucKinG iNsane..
and cultures that take
life too seriously are
FucKinG INSane..
God’s a joke..
A Laugh..
and the
truth is
i have Free Will..
Relatively sPeaking to make iS..bE for mE..;)

But it
Oh God.. the practice..
of BaLaNCinG to experience
iT aLL
as God
IS A Fear
and Tear too..
that perHaps i Love..
even more than the
Joker all
says and do’s..;)

“Any one can hold the helm when the sea is calm.”

~~ Publilius Syrus — Maxim 358 ~~

i for one find..
the calm
plain boring..
i choose waves
as calm
is for cautious and fear..
the hardest thing i could possibly do is hold
of a boring
F iN Calm Sea.. now..
it just ain’t what humans
are obviously evolved to do..
as struggle is what makes strong..
but only in Victory over Vengeance way as liGht Houses…:)

“Because I could not stop for Death —
He kindly stopped for me —
The carriage held but just ourselves
And immortality.”

~~ Emily Dickinson ~~

Death IS A FeeLinG
that humans
are stupid..
of course..
the only
actually imagines
A Feeling of Death..
or shall i say unfortunate..
for those who do.. as nah.. truly
there is no rule that insists we dream of death..
but the
noW as Real..:)

Now is immortal…
always has been..
always will be
who don’t do science..;)

“Do you love it do you hate it
There it is the way you made it”

~~ Frank Zappa, “Brown Shoes Don’t Make It” ~~

Nah.. as science shows now..
how we even have the
ability to Love
is largely
by the Love
that is touched and
given to us in hugs
0 to 3..
A major
source of addictions
to fill a feel that does not
exist in some.. as far as touchy
feely warm and fuzzy puppy love
every F iN.. Day.. for a heARt that
fully lives.. is neglect either
in early life
and or social
abuse as live goes on..
Some folks simply have
no biological way to Love
anything as their
or other
never fed the
seed of love that wires
from head to toe… in biology way..
Refrigerator parents are a menace to Love..
phone addicts
with children too..
as the truth and light
of that is largely

“Kids, don’t gross me off..
“Adventures with MENTAL HYGIENE” can be carried too FAR!”

~~ Zippy the Pinhead ~~

is one smARt cookie
systems that
are not
to germs
and choke
off asthma breath too.. etc..
i expose myself every chance
i get.. except for ‘that stuff’ in restaurants.. etc..
the shits of life..;)

Thanks as always
for the muse.. my Friend
gigoid.. as practice
makes eTc..
of course too…;)


Hmm.. Feeling a bit eclectic
here.. and it’s been ‘literally’
months since i’ve visited an
open link night at dVerse..
so perhaps i’LL head
on over..
muse tHeRE
too.. Ynot..
it doesn’t
take much
to keep
for fun.. after
all is said and wordy
dance walked and
keyboarded more..
iN Ocean Whole Poem
thAt i am swimming sTiLL
iN NoW juST for Fun..:)

Hmm.. the most interesting
pARt of a North Florida
FaLL seAson these
days is it loses
once Global
Warming makes
it all tropic until
after the New
year of winTEr..
anyWay.. as paRt
Indian.. i can’t say i mind
an Indian Summer ongoing..
anyway bottom line you are
only as Fall as you Feel as
Eve Winter Warms a heARt aLive..
and Indian Summers are miGhty Cool too..:)

SMiLes.. my FriEnd Lillian..
haven’t done an open prompt
night in months.. but came by
for an eclectic mix of muse..
and the comments
here certainly
FeeL the
atmosphere of
thaT.. a greatest lesSon
i lEarned was from the military..
just working for the Navy as civilian
for a quarter of a century.. everyone was
noted to bleed the same color.. and it was
amazing how everyone.. and i do mean everyone
treated each other as a shipmate.. just a few miles
North in a place named Jay.. until just a couple of
decades ago.. still in the 90’s.. it was a place
where the veteran shipmates warned
their fellow African
American friends
not to
after dark..
i for one.. will
bleed now with shipmates
my friend.. and sadly the truth
is.. ‘that good book’ was used
to substantiate the ‘good’ of slavery..
Now that homosexual individuals are
finally able to get legal marriage rights..
from the same part of ‘the Good book’
that used to give credence
to slavery too..
the Declaration
of Independence finAlly
is applying to all as Lord
kNows.. outcast status for any
social animal is a form of slavery..
as bad as shackles as it prevents the
pursuit of Life as Liberty and Happiness…
Yes.. as Shawna said above.. aka LZ.. Martin Luther King
in eYes
that see
sKin as Free..
bEyond words
and books of before.. My FriEnd..
wE bleed.. we bleed toGetHer FReED..
and truly there are so many forms of ‘invisible’
slavery heir apparent to the rabbit who still moves..
like classrooms and work attached to StiLL and stagnate..
but ha..
that could
be another
WiNks not
isn’t this great fun..
being ReTired now with
so much new tREad to sHare..
and i swear i could have never
done any of this in that Government
place of slavery in stagnate Golden CuFFS
not only
slavery but
literal prison..
as i can still remember
the Captain of the base storming
through.. demanding that the blinds
be turned one way.. without a dare
at her power that had no oversight..
So many paths.. to slavery.. mY FriENd..
And as the Matrix says.. many people
have no clue wHeRe they are2..
it can
be.. to unplug..
as alWays.. thanks
for the inspiration too.. my FriENd..:)



A place
with little
helm control…
Force A feather into
heLm.. float siNks as
concrete quills…Spill..:)

WeLL.. hello Glenn.. as my
mama alway said.. if you
don’t have anything
kind to say
don’t say
it.. hehe..
when one is involved
in a song of art that
comes from within.. a wild
spirit of horses too.. from a place
that has enough feeling and empathy
to tolerate and even accept what they are not
used to too.. from before.. what the Fuck is Poetry
but what
comes from
heart.. spirit
S o U L noW..
W H A T Now
the fuck is
a mundane
of every day life..
and a fucking three line
do a full
symphony of
somewhere you’ve
never been before..
to share with others
who have enough look.. to read..
to each his/her/etc.. own.. but may
the naysayers stew in their own soup..;)

Note here.. the same ‘Poetry Administrator’
who couldn’t understand my metaphor of the
‘Desert Isle’ for change..
and my main reason for
no longer linking
there.. as i ain’t
working for
F iN
Officers or Red
Tape anymore never..F iN AgAinT..
calls friEnd Glenn’s
not what
she considers
poetry.. like she
couldn’t figure out
where my poem ended
with a date stamp
and frigging literal
tally of words counted..
and the comments section began..
but it’s par for the course.. some folks demand same..
And that’s okay too.. as long as you.. say oKay.. and continue change..;)

Cold Front of Fall
Fairs of hugs
in youth
Dances and cars
to warm hands..
back and front seat
kisses that say.. Winter’s
coming.. now for a nest perhaps..
ah.. nature.. and human nature same..
factoid.. male testosterone is highest
during the Fall.. there is a reason for that
as we continue to evolve

The remaining two
who are a
little too
iN divisions
of grey poopom
mustard poEtry..
noT allowing my commenting
on their sites.. as second
note here.. gives me an
opportunity to take
their poetry
butthurt them
even more.. there..
so.. sure.. there’s
always a silver lining
to general discontent..
where lemons become different LemonAde..
anyWay.. it turns my stomach a little whenever
i am reminded of efforts to stifle creativity in actual

Yeah.. open link
night can make
more words than
usual come.. but
hey.. it is whatever
comes next.. and every
poem is an opportunity to
expand mindful awareness into
the world of minds around us.. for me @least..
and with that said.. now for dinner and a work-out
as a long weekend ahead of Dancing at a Pensacola
Seafood Festival with bands on a field of
grass.. as i may tear up some turf
there and note to self..
wear ear plugs
to avoid
damage too..
and then there is
store dance and church
and i’m still recuperating
from a full three hour marathon
of dance last night at Old Seville..
the Nike GPS watch doesn’t work in many
places well and not there at all.. but
no doubt i did at least twelve miles of
dance last night.. if not more in total
comparative effort of even
jogging that far
as would be
the case
for anyone
who hasn’t mastered
gravity in dance yet too..
thaT takes thousands of miles
of practice.. i can vouch for me
at least2.. to truly feel like water
and air on Terrestrial Butterfly Tiger Lands..
and the wife notes later no Seafood Festival
until next
so perhaps
i’ll sleep early
and start writing
early on Saturday
morning before Store Dance stARts..:)


So.. after the F.B. EN Name Test thingie.. determines
my IQ is 279 after conflating standard
IQ with common sense.. as often
the two have a rather inverse
relationship in converse way..
as they say.. hey.. hey..!..
now the Name test thingie
determines my theme song
from the eighties is.. drum roll..
Centerfold.. of course.. by J. Geils..
hmm.. wondering if the Name Test
thingie goes deep deep in my links..
and peruses all i do.. who who.. but
truly as science shows bringing back
my Standard IQ into play.. adventure therapy
is a cure for PTSD.. and of course anxiety too..
and many illusory fears.. by the way.. and as
science also shows lust play.. IS A source oF
all creativity and productivity.. just in case then
you thought this was an elaborate muse to sext
all the world.. hehe.. like Miley cyrus in Center
fold way.. well.. truly it is a mix of science and art..
and add in fearless with that.. and voila.. you get a
56 year old Center Fold Dude with an IQ that can
not even be FucKinG measured as i meet no F iN
Standard of human archetype IQ of the past at all except
for an eclectic mix like a Son of all who came before.. and don’t
take that too serious.. per literal.. as it is a metaphor in trans
Humanist way.. that relates to how we humans these days
through multi-media sources of input can live literally
vicariously thousand of lives through the actors..
producers and directors of so many other
plays of life.. why not just be honest..
well.. getting social outcast
in a First Baptist Church
is the main reason
the pastor..
to viewing
porn on Saturday
Night to intuitively
rev up tHeir creative juices
in so many ways.. to make a
very inspiring sermon to the 60’s
something Bleached Blonde Prim and
Sexy Seniors in the front row bleacher seats
with their push up bras pointed RIGHT toward the
face of the pastor’s recently satiated eyes from
last night’s porn activities.. where the younger
women in the third and fourth rows.. with
their really tight skirts are no longer
a distraction.. a frustration.. as
that human instinctual way
of male being in release
has already been
met the night
before.. perhaps
even with the pastor’s
wife.. and no not me.. hehe..
as sure.. as studies show 50% of
males and 33% of females peruse
porn at work.. it is human nature and
folks do it from all religious denominations
and it sure beats.. yes.. literally beats studies
that show when human beings are repressed
and oppressed to release their human nature in
all the ways that naturally can come.. that Arabian
clinical studies show that in cultures where men and
women are prohibited from even holding hands with
the opposite sex until after marriage.. other than
family members.. three to six year old girls..
as i’ve horrifyingly reported before..
as i would sure like to see a
stop put to this.. are
sexually abused in
the home by male
family members.. and
other intimate associations
from the home.. as sure it would
be a lot FucKinG better if those males
took care of business by themselves behind
a private FucKinG Door with some Good Old
American Porn.. to do as they wilt without FucKinG
harming your kid sister or 3 year old daughter or
whatever then else truly FucKinG perverted thing
happens when human nature is put in a cage
and comes out all truly harmful like that..
hmm.. so sure.. i support porn.. as it’s
dam sure better than harming someone
in the flesh who does not FucKinG want
it or is not even at the age of
consent.. and of course..
porn that is consensual..
and it would be nice
if porn was less
like rape
and more
like love and
fun.. that sure you
can find too.. if you
look hard enough for what
is beautiful and harms no one else..
anyway.. i grew up in the Catholic Church
where the Virgin Mary.. was used literally
to suggest that girls who are touched
down there before marriage were
less than holy.. and sure..
stuff has eased up
a whole lot
in the
Catholic church..
as take most anyone
aside.. and if they fess up
they’ll tale you they come here..
but they take all the now ridiculous
labyrinth teachings with a grain of
salt.. people understand life is much
more complicated than what the church
portends to control in strict regulations
of human nature.. and sure there are
die hard repressed and oppressing
fundamentalist folks too.. but
as we often find out
those are the
who have
the most hidden
in the closets with
skeletons that prove..
they are just human too..
humans create the best free..
and productively too.. as in all stuff
liFe.. a BaLanCinG ForCe of Human
Nature set free.. is what makes humans tick
tock best
without the
restraints of clocks
in life.. with hands that
only go in clockwise fashion..
sure.. sometimes it’s good to stroke
life to
the left too..;)

Changing gears here rapidly..
Facebook FriEnd Rafiah..
shares this very nice post
from Humans of Bombay that
so sweetly relates.. the favorite
word is beautiful as that applies to
everyone on earth.. all are beautiful
no matter what.. and truly as i’ll add here
again.. as i always come back to do.. hehe..
to find all in life sacred from head to toe.. and
in all of Nature around us too.. including the
extensions of God and Nature same that
is our technology that allows us
instruments even greater
than Star Trek had
to share our
heARt and
miNd and
SpiRit and
SoUl and sure
eYes of Body too..
with others freely IS
A way to live in heaven now
with no wait at all.. as when all
becomes beautiful even what one
might term as ugly when one understands
that dARk makes liGht in liFE too.. as struggle
makes us stronger.. with Victory and flowers
of eYes over Vengeance and swords that
the dArk Side makes for life.. sure.. let
the sword change into words
and photos.. and videos
of flowers.. dissent
as necessary
and flow
the DArk
oF BeFore..
that sure has helped
to bRing to the point oF iS noW too..
so.. i respond back to Rafiah’s Facebook
share by saying in kind reFrain oF liGht..
WeLL.. FriEnd Rafiah.. that is so
beautiful and i just am stopping
By today to say..
you have a beautiful
heart.. soul.. and spirit
and it lights up your eyes..
when you present that liGht too..:)


Language of the
Internal UniVerse of
what speaks within my
FriEnd.. thefeatheredsleep..
lesSons not taught
in pre-K
to even
school at end..
i can remember when
i lost my emotions.. it’s
strange how that can happen..
when one lives in only ways of
solving external problems.. a Heart
is not a book with instruction manual
or pill
to fix..
a heARt is ARt..
and wHere does
school provide
a class
anyway.. my
brain fixer upper
the Air Force Major
combat fatigue repairman
the Psychiatrist Major then..
you need to use something else now..
other than adrenaline to motivate yourself…
hmm.. and reflecting on what the music i created
on the piano that had fingers of feelings without
words to express
those feelings..
i had no
idea what
he was saying
in words as the
reference point… even..
of all emotions other than
adrenaline and fear were lost
to living life that way in severe and
chronic stress over the course of two
years before that.. where general adaptation
syndrome brought me down then to the lowest
levels of serpent brain where logic could not even
focus to play a game of tic tac toe.. i literally could
not play a game of tic tac toe.. and my wife had
to write down if i could do anything
each day.. like brush
my teeth.. floss..
take a shower
or accomplish
any F in task
at all..
sure an
message there
is one can come
back from the cliff
with no bottom as well
dry of bRAin water from
bEfore.. as when i was young..
the common view of me was
i was way too emotional and
needed to come back down
to earth.. well.. there
is no water in
that place
pit.. of
where not
even a word
can be pulled
from bRain
screen way
of literal death in life..
seriously though.. no frigging
psychiatrist or therapist or social
worker or psychologist or general
physician or rheumatologist or pain
doctor.. or heart specialist.. as Jesus
F.. in Christ.. after seeing no doctors
at all for 23 years.. i had somewhere
close to 100 appts.. and sure i am
leaving out some of the
titles for Doctors
too.. in
way who eventually
found 19 medical disorders
in me.. mostly pain related..
invisible from a view outside..
with the common denominator
of no instruction in how to bring
my emotions back.. bottom line.. the
emotions came back storming at the
end of July 2013.. other bottom line..
when they did.. all the F iN pain went
away fast.. as slowly as it came over the
course of two years.. ’06-’08 and
66 more months of iSREAL
hell ‘tween 2008 and
and this
is why what
you do is so important
my friend.. is.. you bring human
emotion from the deep.. from the
dark.. and into the light as well.. as
my first break through was a tear after
five years when a beloved cat died
in April of 2013.. i had a spark
of poetry before in March .. ’13
just empty
shells with
no feelings inside..
that tear.. eventually
led to the first smile and
laugh after emotions of sadness
came back in July of 2013.. but then..
mostly.. truly it was the poetry where
language connected words of hEart
finally again in me.. to open up a dam
of mind in damned way with body too…
that had lost the liGht of EmoTions trUe..
these places of heaven and hell are places
within.. when within comes out of seed.. of
broken shells of what was before.. as liGht
of EmoTioNs new and or renewed..
liFe changes to
liGht away
from dArk…
and emoTiOns
flow from head to toe..
through the Vagal Nerve or
the Kundalini Serpent same..
from Brain to Gut too… where
my psychiatrist who said my case
was the worst he had ever seen.. even
offered to put an implant in my chest to
stimulate a vagal never that had gone
dark as wick to liGht.. Dance was
the second pARt to PoEtry
my friEnd.. and that
Dance was the liGht
that brought
me back
liGht than
any experience
from before.. free
flowing.. body spiraling..
as waves of ocean whole before..
where the entire FucKinG Ocean
of existence finally is complete sense
and feel as integrated.. and invincible
to Forces of DArk.. Bones can reignite
to liGht.. bottom line2 my fRiend is
we can fix ourselves…
and help others
fix themselves
with Dance
And Poetry
and other art
too.. so keep
doing what you do…
it’s not jusT the flowery words
that folks need.. they need to feel
all pARts of the Human soUL dARk and
liGht and that is what you Bring best.. heARt
and SpiRit to the
table of Life..
and first Supper
of the human being
that breaks fast for LiFe iN LiGht..


Hi.. rosemawrites..
you have a
human touch
that sadly i
often find lost
in poetry land..
so.. i come to visit..
past.. dVerse trail.. now..
Yes… thE friEnd then.. close..
at age three.. i find.. i could
see so clearly too.. across the
river.. in shot gun home way.. liGht..
somehow.. not as clearly in lesSons
of school in shoes
oF seated way..
as paper
touch and
words become
grass of leaves beneath
my feet of bare before.. so free
with breeze.. and air of
water front deep..
carries me
so far
now in free before..
and in the dArkest pit
of numb i come to see so
many years later.. at age 47..
42 years of meaning lost from
then.. tHeRe IS A faint whisper
at beach that no longer warms
soul.. and eventually i become
waves and ocean whole
again my friEnd..
the FriEnd
iS alWays
tHeRe iN tHe
beGinninG as
thE ‘tween.. and
at the end and
beginning of always
noW Now.. it’s juSt that culTure
in all its complexity drOwns out
The beauty of the voice within that needs
no words but seashores open.. within.. mY FriEnd..:)


What iF..
we all reach
out to someone
with nice
words.. etc..
of encouragement..
just ’cause we can
for no other
can and
will.. and sure
a Loving human
touch that
in a grain of sand..
and sunshine rays..
that can
not hold
saying hi..
another day
is now.. and life
is worth living.. reaching out..
smiles my friend.. i don’t think we
thank folks enough for being this way
naturally as they can be.. i’ve commented
on literally thousands of poet’s sites just
for inspiration of words of heArt..
and i’ve been thinking
or better put
i miss A
human touch at nows..
that is just a ‘stranger’
with a warm heart..
as the world
is surely
without that my friEnd..
anyway.. i don’t know you..
but i encourage you to keep
being you.. just another friendly
person on the trail of life.. that can
become so rigid and unwavering if we don’t reach out..
and touch
more than


Very Intelligent..
and Wonderful Artist..
in words and paint.. Himali..
Facebook Friend.. with status..
shares some photos of
herself from India
and i say..
sMiLes.. mY
friEnd Himali..
this beauty is elegant..
you look like an Indian
princess here for sure..
just stopped
by to say
hi too..
Sweet Dreams
my friEnd.. noW iN
your pArt of the World..
as i need a Nature
and a first
step.. is alWays
the beauty of FriEnds..:)

And this reminds me too.. of my
young college age Friend Vida who
is the gym attendant where i work out..
as i came through the door she raised her
arms up and yelled Fred.. you know.. a Norm
moment from Cheers.. as i am a character most
every wHeRe
as the
Machine too..
as named that too..
at Old Seville Quarter..
last Thursday night.. then..
anyWay.. the human touch
noW is what counts.. Now
in DanCinG and SinGinG
liFE Free.. it’s harder to
do online.. deeper
than shells
of empty
but i work at
it and never ever
as human lamps of love CAN AND WILL..
and with that said.. hello Nature.. i’m coming BACK..
see ya
later online..
as Lamps Love..
DancE and SinG more


“Since we cannot know all that is to be known of everything,
we ought to know a little about everything.”

~~ Blaise Pascal ~~

A Philosophy Class in
Humanities for me
in ’78.. a dire
from the
instructor that
specialization is
the vice of the modern
world that is making us
smart in niche’s and
destroying the
of us.. leave
no stone unturned
is what i say/FeeL now..
but sure.. take
a break
and do
FucKinG noThing
that’s everythinG aLL..
as now is all at peace too..
ah.. simple animal homeostasis
on a trial of life that meanders in breeze
and air
yeah.. i know i said
i don’t like ruling
calm seas.. Now..
but hey.. noW..
everyone needs
a break from waves
too.. so.. i’ll surf water
as sTiLL Air wiTh Calm Sees..:)

“It is easier to stay out than get out.”
~~Mark Twain ~~

OH JF Christ..
Ain’t that the
trUth and dARk..
for the
modern Gold
CuffS iN decAdes
of Government work..
all for the retirement Now..
of being free ..if ya live that long
in chains as yelloWed gOld of Uncle Sam..;)

“You govern a kingdom by normal rules;
You fight a war by exceptional moves;
But you win the world by letting alone,
How do I know that this is so?
By what is within me!
The more taboo and inhibitions there are in the world,
The poorer the people become.
The sharper the weapons the people posses,
The greater confusion reigns in the realm.
The more clever and crafty the men,
The oftener strange things happen.
The more articulate the laws and ordinances,
The more robbers and thieves arise.”

~~ Tao Teh Ching, #57 ~~

Hmm.. now that Ching
Tao dude or dudette
or whomever sAid
all of this.. noW
has obviously
explored the
Deep within..
yeah.. be careful
of niches inside.. just
itching to get out and play..
and just got me to thinking.. the
Jesus dude who was against all
the old rules of the day according
to whomever wrote that.. got changed
into follow my rule as believe in me or
Go to FucKinG
now.. out..
from chains
of ignorance
is what i say..2..
to the otHeR noW..
FucKinG FReED siDe..;)

Cynics are made, not born.

~~ Max ~~

Dust has no hope.. until….

“I’m not into isms and asms.There isn’t a Catholic moon and a Baptist sun. I know the universal God is universal…. I feel that the same God-force that is the mother and father of the pope is also the mother and father of the loneliest wino on the planet.” — Dick Gregory

God iS Star dUst plus…
and end
story of US..
STiLL noW..’tween..:)

“The first problem for all of us, men and women, is not to learn, but to unlearn.” — Gloria Steinem

Don’t forget..
about before first
and after last now..
and all the
more ‘tween
of that
goeS oN
we change..
for the better or worse.. and sAme..
Adaptation or not.. change moves on for leARn

“Walking in a forest between two hedges of ferns transfigured by autumn – that is a triumph. What are ovations and applause beside it?” — E.M. Cioran

Next to
Bottom Line..
Life IS A miracle
of sorts as even science shows now..:)

“You cling to your own ways and leave mine to me.”
~~ Petrarch ~~

Like.. i told my FriEnd
Glenn.. let ‘them’
own SoUp..
meanwhile.. i’ve
got some
plans now..
to try out..
to renew me too..
with a lot of Wild Hair
iN mY soUp FReED..:)

Other than that have a
nice respite from the online
world.. my FriEnd.. mY fingers
are still running.. straight to Nature
in spiraLinG
ways tHeiR
aS Golden
SpiRAl FeeLs.. SeNses..
more than kNow oF Words..:)


Back to the Future
of After Dance oF Fred..
hehe.. with the past and
the beginning of the
the dance of
me first.. and back
in the mid to late
70’s of course
that was
the Disco
Craze put into
the height of that era
With John Travolta and
Saturday Night Fever where
dance came into vogue of the
in thing to do.. even to the point
that River-Side Disco came to
the little River town
of Milton.. Florida..
just in time
of the day of
first Cuban Girl
Friend Sonia in ’78 with
the rest of her Cuban and
Irish mixed brothers.. one of
which by name of Ron and she
the Sonia.. were great latin-like
couples dancers.. where i as noted
before was just a stiff who was inspired
to move.. somewhat robotic and repetitive-
like instead of floWing and spiraLing Galaxy
and Nautilus style noW as back
then for a male to raise
his arms above his
head.. let’s
just say..
was still
not the in thing
to do in Riverside
Disco Town.. Milton
Florida.. but ah.. the black
lights and the electronic music..
so inspiring as trance of human
higher freer levels of consciousness
when all worries melted Away.. and yA
juST danced the night awaY.. getting higher
and hiGher.. even without any alcohol or drugs
although of course plenty of folks were abusing
that then too.. as for some folks.. there is never
enough for the more of now to be
satisfied at all..
A Gregorian chant
is a way to trance.. but
mix in some electronic music
like this and some sexy related
moves all jiggly and free
like the video nicely
illustrated in
what looks
like a very
very dark
thin sheened
dance evening
slip.. of the whatever..
you stARt to get the
drift of where the
entire sensual
experience of
dance first hand
and feet and the rest
of Ya can take ya higher
and higher in iSREAL hUman
orbit.. and like the original ‘FiLI’
of my ancestor seers as poets from
Gaelic early origin Irish Tradition then…
the FiLi Poet.. put on a pedestal much
higher than the bard.. was no less than
a bible prophet from the parable books of Abrahamic
religions too.. yah.. Poetry/Dance like this is sacred..noW
don’t yA kNow and FeeL iT.. when iT Flows with zero effort
like the Waves carry the Ocean to the shores back and
forth as juSt a free pARt of Nature.. well.. sure.. the
Ocean iS iN the moves of those women in the
video.. and if you see it other than
holy and sacred.. you
aren’t seeing and
FEELING the whoLe
piCture of God iN
wE when set FReED..
the holiest experience
that’s ever been noted
in history in the sacred
trance dance of seers and
prophets alike when truly free
to core of what it means to be
A Child of God with no limits or
expectations of clothed cultures of
later than the Sacred and Holy Fili’s
of Ireland.. that are carried on in my Irish
EYes.. and American Indian hands sTiLL noW Now..
aS Feet oF feAT dAnce noW FReED.. Wild and UntAMed..
And oh my Goodness.. one of the Dance Girls up in the
Video reminds me very much of ‘one’ of my Seville Dance
Friends.. but nah.. i ain’t saying which one or more she is..
anyWay.. back in the 70’s.. male chest hair was all the rAge
and that was one place.. i was gifted then.. if not the dance.. heHe..;)


How fortunate am i.. to live somewhere close
enough to Nature.. to walk out.. either my
back door or front door and escape
to God’s Hands/eYes/Feet without
much reminder of the every
day stresses of culture..
other than cars whizzing
by on busier roads..
where truly.. the
Beach as trees
and me too.. one with
Nature.. one with God..
sAMe dAM thing for those who
think that God only lives in Temples
and books of religions.. sure.. and wE commune
ecstaticAlly with Nature and God sAMe when We
Free dance naked aWaY from cultural clothes and more
on that in a few.. but i can still remember a Philosophy
class at age 18 that opened my mind/body to the similarities
of all religions and other ways of belief that bRinG
a oneness of bEinG wiTh each otHeR..
including other animals and
all of Nature sAMe
for this great
gift of
Star DuSt Life
thaT is miracle beyond
dUst beLief.. why shouldn’t
we dance scantily clothed or not
clothed at all from the ways of culture
that repress and oppress our human
natures from head to toe as gifted by
God and Nature sAMe.. well.. it’s
simple.. ’cause there are those
among us who would
subjugate us and
use the beauty
of our sensuality
and sexuality to make
money off it instead of free..
to control reproductive freedoms
for weaker men who don’t want to
have the responsibility to attract a
mate by increasing their God given
talents to do just that.. in ways of
dance innate.. and being
strong enough
to provide
for a future family..
but nah.. tools become rules..
and truly real fools are those who
repress and oppress human nature
by limiting our ability to dance and sing
free with God in all the ways that comes
free for all.. who free themselves from
the chains in books.. and beliefs
that say anything
N liNe..:)

Ha! the only thing stopping illuminati conspiracy theorists
from saying i am Lucifer come to flesh
is the fact that i ain’t famous..
from doing a red-tinted
dance here at
age 56 with
my dance
Angels last
year.. eTc.. also known
noW as Charlie’s Angels..
Cortney.. Maggie.. and
Chelsea.. left to right.. and this
gives me an opportunity of course
to honoUr them.. as they didn’t happen
to make it.. to my 6000 mile dance milestone
celebration at Good Old Seville Quarter on Thursday
Night.. but never the less they have been steady and
very supportive dance muse partners for over 2 years now
and i appreciate them very much.. as they are what you might
term as intellectual dance partners too.. and in someways a
nerd like me.. but ha!.. they hide it well like i do too..
on the freer dance floors of life.. all free
and open in dancing by heArt
of concrete
before man
made rules..
nah.. no rules for
Dance and Song for me..
not even playing the piano.. as
i remember when my friend by the
book of piano.. Pearlas… another nice
Pacific Islander friend from school.. asked
me how i did a riff on the Song.. Take the Long
Way home.. by Super Tramp.. i told her.. and it’s
no different than dance or poetry.. or how
i improvise the SonGs in Catholic
Church with Choirs of
Angels deep
down.. i feeL iT..
in ways of heARt.. Spirit
and soUl iN miNd and BoDy
BaLanCinG wayS.. and as Nike
says per the Goddess of human
archetypal Victory.. i juST F iN Do it..
and the art comes next.. juSt the way iT is for FReED..
for me..
and sure when
i write poetry
i am not
in planning way..
i aM SinGinG from deep
down and tHeRe IS A constant
melody i hEar of God of nature iN mY eAR’s HeARt..
anyWay.. the earliest renditions of hell were most
always photos of humans huddled together naked
with the obvious meaning that being naked is
evil.. and even in modern
ignorant cultures
in trance
to go deeper
in oneness with God
to exercise our higher human
potentials that sure are sensual
and even sexual in nature.. is considered
evil.. and when someone like Beyonce reaches
deep down.. and finds that masculine strength and
will inside with the serpent eYe of going higher in survival..
it is no demon.. it is just her human potential in genetic
memory of epigenetics unlocked as human
nature.. and expressed in new
neuroplastic ways
from head
to toe
of human
potential more..
And i saw it recently
with Lady Gaga continually
as she sets herself free in her
dance of her latest song named
Perfect Illusion.. the illusion is we
are not free.. when yes.. we CAN AND
AND sure.. wHeRe would A After Dance oF Fred Be..
without the Disco Electronic Trance Roots Music oF
Donna Summer and i Feel Love..
well.. the trUth and liGht iS..
when one releases
all their inhibitions
in the trance of ecstatic
DancE thaT can certainly be
enhanced through electronic trance
dance music.. one does rise higher and
higher with the higher potential of God within
wE through raising our mindful awareness NoW of
FeeLinG/SeNSinG.. the Unconditional Love from God of NatUre
Fearless Free gifted to uS.. juST waiting within to
be SpARked hiGher and Higher like this through
ecstatic dance like our so-called primitive
ancestors and some still do..
without F iN
restraints that would
hold folks back in books
and men and other’s lies to
repress and oppress our God
Given human potential to basically
make us slaves.. from old so-called
Fundamentalist Christian rules that said
dance and rock and roll both.. were the brew of
the devil.. to many Muslim countries that truly sTiLL
believe that raising mindful awareness through ecstatic
trance dance is the work of the so-called fucking devil..
Go(O)d news for you.. the only dEvil is fear and all
stuff related to hate.. that oppresses and
represses human nature…
but sure.. ‘you’ kNow
not what you
do as you
with lies that
take human freedoms
as gifted by God free away..
iF it exists free on the NAKED BeacHes of
life it is God given.. if not.. more than
likely it is fear and hate given.. by those who
would still slave human nature for selfish and tribal benefits..
that sadly are a real dARk paRt of human nature too.. wHeRE soMe
of uS have the abiLiTy to do better than that.. with hUmaN liGht PoTenTiaL..
freeR As
Happy Children of God
thaT way.. in Fearless smARt Love..:)

Every Girl Loves a Sharp Dressed Dancer

Every Girl Loves a Sharp ‘Dressed’ Dancer..

A satire here on a 54 year old dude.. hehe..
me.. two years ago.. continuing a free lance online
stripping career in all legal
restricted Google
liNk way
all for free
of course.. as
ha!.. who would
pay for thaT anyWay
moreover hehE.. but anYway
an endeavor to lose past inhibitions/fears..
and set myself free f(r)orm a very repressing
and oppressing red state patriarchal place now/then
i was raised in aS oNe could be metaphored as
a New Jerusalem as Milton in a Freer
U.S. of A as New iSREAL too..
wHeRE hUmans wHo
have enough
gRit and
can set themselves
free too.. hmm.. how
to.. how to.. well.. as science
shows adventure therapy or going
places that you would have been terrified
from doing and going before.. is now a
validated way to treat PTSD.. as sure
i’ve experienced that before
along with panic attacks
too.. and what would
you do to not
go back
to that
place again..
let’s just say
getting naked ain’t
nearly as hard as getting
PTSD and Panic AttackS.. in faCt
let’s juST say it is the anti-hell
of that iN FeeLinG iT is more like
SenSinG pro-Heaven now.. as it don’t matter
what you look like when you do it.. what counts
is how you FeeL/SenSe when you set yourself free and note
to self.. this Donna Summer Music IS A very/very good trance
SonG to inspire words along with Dance too.. hehe.. as they
continue to flow hEar uninterrupted as free.. anyWay2.. as Aleister
Crowley once said.. sex is magick and it brings to fruition higher
potential of intentionally changing your future to TruE wiLLful ways of
being and concrete empirical results.. well.. the trUth and liGht
now is.. even science shows that lust IS A major source of
all human creativity and productivity and as
in all stuff life now.. i use it
instead of loSing it..
i don’t give a FucK
how it looks or what
people think about.. it.. sHows..
bottom line is.. luSt increases
human creativity and productivity
as 3.3 million plus words in 3 years and abouT
100K photos.. do.. including.. over a thousand
sMiLinG beautiful women from Seville including
the Goddess Isis.. Katrina.. the you know.. real incarnated
one as human Imagination of self-fulfilling prophecies go and
continue to grow in our modern age oR either.. in Isis head
hunting aS devil ways2.. or beauty of women smiling
ear to ear.. in red tinted photos too..
okay.. fuck you head hunters..
life is beautiful..
okay.. from head
to toe
to tip
of penis
and clitoris
too.. and if you can’t
see that all those parts
are sacred and holy as God
and a Grain of Sand you are
blind my friend(S) in veils of iGnorance..
and some of us are lifting those veils
of ignorance continuAlly now as we noW
DO iN original Def of Apocalypse noW iN
aRt as we
DancE and
as naked
as the modern
age human archetype
of Angel Miley Cyrus
and her FucKinG WreckInG
bAlls against F iN C Trump
WAlls of hate.. haha.. ain’t
it ironic.. trump’s grand daddy’s
name was Frederick Christ Trump
and his Mama’s first two names were
Elizabeth Christ.. oh.. little old me..
born on 06660.. but illuminati conspiracy
theorists.. i am free free from your lies as
i am
a thief
in the night..
har har.. haha.. he HE..
keep hanging with ‘famous
folk’s oKAy.. see wHeRe thAT
takes you..


“I asked God for strength, that I might achieve;
I was made weak, that I may learn humbly to obey.”

First of all.. i find that
God iSREAL in all of
Nature and the filter
oF eYe is within as
hmm.. then..
i asked myself
for strength.. sure..
God within.. and lost
iT.. and lEarned new ways
aS the Nature oF God within
to humbly obey.. to get stronger noW
every day after that.. after encountering
the weakest pArts of liFE oF aLL when all was lost
as life..
bottom line
it works as empirically
measured.. i AM now stronger
at age 56.. by measures as much
as twice.. before.. any day of before age 54..
in fAct.. some folks who kNew me bEforE.. swear up and down i’VE even
grown taller.. sure.. standing uP straight for yoUrself iS Standing TaLLer..
and sure.. perhaps i have lEarned to shape shift somewhat too..
as science proves this is a real thingy too.. as even my
Father.. the law enforcement officer in TaLLahassee
Florida.. witnessed Ted Bundy making himself
shorter and taller and transforming his
facial expressions into someone
else in a heart beat or so..
as practice makes
as change
as practice comes
for those.. who do more..
dArk and liGht as Karma goes..
and actors in Hollywood are quite
successful in mastering tHeiR appearance like this too..;)

“I asked God for health, that I may do greater things;
I was given infirmity, that I might do better things.”

Sure.. i would be kinda crazy not to insist within
that i not be healthy.. yET.. i am hUman..
and without obeying mY hUman
Nature.. i fall.. i fall..
i totally
failed then..
to understand
and respect and
obey those limits
for doing much greater
things as BaLanCinG Force of
within.. inside.. outside.. above
so below.. and all around.. now..
Like.. totAlly eliminating negative stress and
illusory fears in life.. and becoming fearless..
and controlling every single thought in my head
liGht aS weLL..
unless i’M doing
poEtry satire as an
Art of relative free WiLL
As my own GD actor..
producer.. and
of mY
pLay too..:)

“I asked for riches, that I may be happy;
I was given poverty, that I might be wise.”

Fuck Money all together.. i asked for a rich
soul.. and once again.. by not lEArning
my Nature and obeying the
limits as imposed
by God and
Nature sAMe…
i fell with poverty of
Spirit.. and got the
riches.. without even asking..
of course.. not spending money.. helped..;)

“I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men;
I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of God.”

i asked for the Power of Love.. was born
that way.. and God as Nature in me
took it away.. once.. again..
’cause i was too ignorant
to understand Nature
and God sAMe within..
obey those Laws
of Nature
understand.. i need
that Nature AKA God BaLanCinG
within.. to do almost anything iN life At ALL..
as sure.. once again.. i failed before.. in fall…:)

“I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life,
I was given life, that I might enjoy all things.”

Life IS A Gift..
bottom line..
everything else
is icing.. if ya kNow
how to lick it good..
instead of getting whipped bad..
as a matter of perceiving life.. of course2..:)

“I got nothing I asked for but everything I hoped for.
I am, among all men, most richly blessed.”

Most everyone i meet in real life.. can’t believe
i’m on an all natural high from Nature
aka God.. allone.. within.. eTc..
but sure..
they have
no idea
how much
i practice and
obey all innate..
instinctual.. and intuitive
ways of getting the most
BleSsinGs.. bY juST figuring
i aM within
iS noW
As the
God within
as Nature i AM
iS noW as far
as other folks see..
wanTinG soMe of what
i AM
oN noW..
@leASt for mE..:)

And ha! regarding religion..
we got some hyper-scare-bowl..
from the Monsignor.. at Church.. suggesting
that Pew research reports that 50 Percent less
of Americans no longer believe in religion.. as
hyperbole goes.. but sure.. info.. bowl.. is driving
many folks into other areas of practicing emotions
of holy and sacred.. to create their reaLiTy as a Happy
one with EmoTioNs and SeNses iSREaL.. nah.. not everyone
is doing the Fundamentalist thingie any more.. in hell fire pews..
with illusory promises and fears.. the percentage noW of Atheists
in America is relatively the same at 3 percent.. since 2007 where
it was like 2 percent then.. oh no.. a 50 percent increase.. but sure
there is still the other 97%.. Believing.. Having Faith.. and Hoping are
simply human emotions and senses iSREAL.. whatever they get
attached to.. as far as metaphors.. as symbols.. vehicling and
vesselling.. houSing what works.. thAt will continue to change
noW as long as culture changes.. However.. hUman
NatUre still works the way it has at core..
before all this written language
and book/culture stuff became
the stuff of tools
that are
of our Nature..
iSREaL too.. bottom
liNe.. EmoTioNs and SeNses
are iSREaL.. and insurance pays
for hypnotherapy.. so sure.. the power
of suggestion.. for at least 33 Percent
of the population works.. and to control/utilize
that power within.. preSents amazing human potential..;)

And as the ‘Great Philospher’ Sting
and Police StiLL SinG..
when the world
is running
yA maKe
the best of what
is left that’s STiLL..
aRound.. and oh yeah..
tHeRe muST bE an iNvisible
SuN too.. i ain’t scared.. and
in fAct i’M thrilLed to bE aLiVE..
as i can’t ask for anything more.. mY
FriEnd than Heaven now.. Space is full
of shit happens.. i’M gonna enjoy this wave
iT ends
but unTiL
then.. worry
ain’t gonna do mE
a bit of Good2.. other
than keep my miNd off of liFe
and i refuse to ever do that again..
’cause.. i’M lucky enough now to master
the hardest
of liFE
i’Ve ever
found and
thAT is ME mY
fRiEnd.. and i AM
the only one inside
who could have possibly
achieved that.. everything else
i lick good as icing on the cAke..
i can and WiLL..
iN fAct.. thE LiGht iS
so BriGht.. i gotta wear sHades..
but nah.. tHey ain’t cheap..
about ‘666’ dollars.. they
come expensive
so F iN
as Practice..:)


Hmm.. i was just talking about
shape shifting in my last Micro-Verse
of Macro-Verse.. After Dance oF Fred..
and if the En Name Test thingie is any
indication of my success at this.. it’s representation
of me as not only A Creator in curious.. creating…
great at expressing myself.. and being
born in order to create something
new in this world.. as
my role in life.. hmm..
Ms. VanLanding
ham ‘here’.. the
very nice ballet
Student and Dancer
From Old Seville Quarter
that the En Name Test thingie
is suggesting who i am out of
the recent profile pic..
is certainly
of evidence
of creating me aNew heheR..
Well.. MoVinG along with
my last dance Shirt of this
706th MacroVerse of
Longest Long
form Ocean
i mUst say
that moving from
BAtman VanGogh
to SupERman VanGogh
in starry starry niGht way..
is reflective of mY HuMan Nature
as even literature study shows.. the
iConic Superman.. and other Bi-Polar
Nature way of Being Kent Nerd vs..
all star every jack of trades.. comes from
the original story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde..
although Mr. Hyde is certainly a Bad Cop Superman
and or Batman as that can move to Super Villain
too.. as we kinda see in the last
Superman Movie too..
modeled after the
Jesus story too..
and yes..
as they
Vincent likely
was Bi-Polar too..
and most anyone Super
Creative is on some kind of
hypo-maniac stay.. like i’ve been
most of my life.. anyway.. other than
the dark.. dark.. nights of the soUL and
a few stellar and very painful extreme manic highs..
yeah.. i’ve moved past three years of clinical hypomania..
but i did almost two decades of that before.. without much of
a hitch.. until stress killed the balance that i finely maintained
then as i do the same now.. i work at the hiGh BaLanCinG oF liFe
in a Hypomanic Heaven oF liFE like a Frigging Olympic mental
and body BaLanCinG Athlete.. and it’s not anything new..
i’ve been doing this all my life.. with success stellar
as such and misery fail in the opposite
of dArk niGhtS of the soUL
too.. and i must
admit my
first major
’bout of
dARk SoUL..
i shed tears for
Vincent Van Gogh
and many oThers as it’s
impossible to understand
what it’s like unless you go somewhere
dARk like that as oil tarred bird away from
star of morn.. as rebirth.. yourself.. but as the
phoenix rises.. the ashes and charred feathers
fall away.. and yA rise again.. and once again..
juST another opportunity to use the Katy
Perry SonG by sAme nAMe as RisE
noW too.. sure.. the artists
have always been
the saviors of
the world
in all
the ways
change comes..
as change sTarts
at the heARt and tHeRe
is neither start or heart
as aLL is left
is ST
yeah.. Politics
and Patriarchy..
and in some ways
that is both art and science too..
as alWays a BaLAnCinG ForCe of WE
is required
to geT iT Super(wo)-
man aLL ToGeThEr onE
iN YiN and YanG wAyS
and Atman too..aS B..2..


So.. now.. the Name Test Thingy on Facebook determines
i am an Avalanche when angry.. and i was curious
if this had changed since the last result of
Tornado.. and sure enough..
when i feel just ’cause
iS prevalent.. a ‘revalent’
Revelatory Avalanche of Free Verse Poetry
comes in the nick of now.. to the rescue.. hehe..
along with some word play of wit too.. as
hey.. people are too FucKinG serious
these days for my tastes…
too stuck on rules..
and order..
to escape
their illusory fears
and even promises.. now
from the system.. aka the
Matrix and or culture these dAys sTiLL..
first step to anything positive in life is to lose
fear beyond the paradigm of the matrix beFore..
How to.. trUly depends on how much courAge you
can muSter.. for me.. i was lucky.. i went to hell first..
and have
of why it’s worth it
at almost any cost
to lose fear.. as fear
kills liGht.. although yes..
Fear can be a dArk ark to liGht2..
LiGht iS Hope.. Love.. and Joy..
and the inner drive to Move..
Connect.. and Create..
dARk.. is Fear.. Hate..
and Despair.. and
the Inertia..
of sitting
still.. separation..
and overall stagnation
of what human potential
can be.. when all stuff related
to fear is released.. and changed
to all stuff related to Hope.. Love and
Joy.. in MoVinG ConNecTinG and Creating
as pArt of the Canvas of God as Nature.. that
is the greATEst hiGher Paint Power of BruSh LiGht as wE..:)

Hmm.. so apparently.. the EN name test thingie has seen
the symbol of the Goddess of Victory.. yes.. that
is what the word Nike means.. as the Swish
on my shoes and socks.. and
brings definitive news..
that my pen name
per first pARt
oF Katie..
as Celtic
Name means
Kaiona as form
iN essence as Bringer
of Victory.. moving on to
say.. ‘You are blessed by
destiny. You Bring happiness
and joy wherever you go’.. hmm..
now this takes work.. practice.. and it also takes
courage and resilience to overcome the naysayers
in life.. who are not used to folks who challenge the
paradigms of life.. yes.. what is also known and
sadly fELt as the system.. the matrix.. yes..
culture in all its complexity.. including
religion.. that seeks order in
insanely large populations..
of humans packed
together like
in cans..
wHeRe Nature says..
and yes scientific studies
say.. 150 to 200 sets of eYes
are about all we are evolved to
be comfortable with all naked and
such dancing free around the moonlit
campfire homogenous and FReED.. shaRing
and giving with no greed and jealously where
even semen is considered holy and each potential
father who contributes to A Holy womb of birth
is honored in the act as the next potential
dad steps up to bat.. for the
work of the night..
or broad daylight
as a group as the
science and history of
human sexuality does iSREAL
document still and report..
both in modern primitives and
the archaeology of that.. in artifacts
of art.. where all of human life and
nature is worshipped as holy
and sacred.. as.. see.. in this
free context.. the
video i shared earlier..
of what a free dance of so-called
primitives would be.. yes.. the ‘Let’s
ALL Chant’ Video.. tHeRe is no brazilian
wax.. tHeRe all is fuzzy warm and free
love for the worship of human life..
and nature all surrounding that..
and while 12 thousand years or so noW..
of agriculture might seem a long long
time of patriarchal rule of storing grains
and jealousy and greed.. and owning other
human beings.. and even purchasing wives
for non-consensual dowry sex on the first night
as that is the reality of rape in many cases where
sure the male may like it fine.. but the woman not so okay
with first night rape.. and sure some folks follow along with
that tradition that is truly totally opposite from our God given
evolving nature still that says variety is the spice of life
and not FucKinG ownership of free.. but sure.. where
there is fear imposed through either illusory
fears or promises.. there is an environment
of order and laws to enforce strict
limitations.. and expectations
of life.. that are ironically
used to make folks
more comfortable with
the insane illusory fears that
are propagated and empty promises too..
to endure the abuse away from human freedoms
in this lifetime.. sure.. like a promise of something
after death.. when death becomes the goal over life..
’cause life sucks so bad.. as propagated by the
lies of culture and religion same.. as the
matrix says.. to get unplugged one must
want to get unplugged as Lord knows..
most everything about culture
and religion wants you to
be cooked up and hooked
on their books of laws
away from basic
now for..
Life.. Liberty and
yes.. NoW.. for the pursuit
of happiness.. for some folks that
only means doing what other folks tale
them… To escape the same propagated illusory
fears and promises.. For others.. it means stepping
outside of the cultural/religious boXes.. and sometimes
that means dancing naked ALL and chanting.. and in
the case of YouTube.. the artist who was
censored last century for doing this
on TV.. can get away with
showing you what it
would be like to
dance naked
blurred lines
of lingerie.. that
show.. the human body
is just a natural work of sensual
art.. and when you get toGeTheR like
that.. even if only through mirror neurons
as a naked virtual rave and go and come.. noW..
there’s no doubt.. as you dance free in public
in all the cooperative mall stores that allow this…
if you glance down at Victoria’s secret that is
practically the same dam thing.. on the big
displays outside the store for everyone
of every age to see and feel free..
creativity and productivity comes
to the point that folks wonder
how the hell you can dance
that free and fast at
your size if
your aren’t
on FucKinG
Crack.. well no..
i wasn’t on crack..
i had Victoria’s Secret
playing and showing on
my FucKinG smARt phone.. haha!..
while i continued to break the paradigm
of why so serious folks.. forget about buying
shit to crowd up your garage and closets some
more.. just do like Sia does.. and do some FucKinG
cheap thrills that don’t even cost a dollar.. if you’ve
already budgeted in for your broadband access
and 25 dollar or whatever a month fee for
the newest fastest version of iPhone7
and Samsung7 to play Victoria’s
Secret that is like wide
out in the open..
at least
in the land
of the free and
the brave.. who
kNow/FeeL.. how to FuckInG
unplug and play free from
the paradigms of illusory fears
and promises as orchestrated from
the patriarchy of storing grain.. greed..
jealousy and all stuff related to fear..
hate and despair.. of why so
Trump and Hillary
serious in all stuff
culture and religion now..
Challenging the paradigm is not
easy.. but when you are Grounded with
Hope.. Love and Joy within as God lives in
hiGhest human power within.. it’s kinda easy to
both giggle inside and feel sorry for the naysayers
of why so serious still.. Life IS A Beach.. sugar white
sands.. swaying sea oats in breeze.. and waves that
never end/begin noW in ocean whole altogether as beauty
now that knows and feels no limits.. and
quite Frankly that beauty.. and joy and
fearless love in human terms of
God within.. is totally naked
of cultural limits and
expectations that
say worry.. worry..
and now is not the best
now ever for life.. liberty
and the pursuit of happiness.. WeLL..
IT IS for those who find the Victory
in jusT doing it now.. for those who
stay plugged in.. Karma IS A rule of
liFe.. Action.. Consequence.. dArk or
liGht.. negative or positive.. i choose
A naked liGht oF positive SonG noW and
DancE of liFE Now.. and sure.. i share it..
as i am not hEar to make a dollar bill off a
store of greedy and jealous gRains of wheat gOne sOld..:)

Well anyWay.. the Good news
is PANdora has E-Scaped..
dONe been FOUND..
both her and
his.. etc..
out oF
the Genie’s
out.. Freedom
is here.. tHeRe’s
no turning back as the
greaTest human technology
of all is human set FReED…:)

Second bottom Neo
line.. thE Choice
and Will to get
unplugged as Always
iS only YoUrs and who
you serve.. the FREE oF God/Nature
within NoW.. or the rule of jealous..
greedy.. storing dollar bill human beings..
for me at least.. the answer is simple.. naked culture..
SonG and DancE Freed.. A Chant ALIVE NOW as bEACH..:)

And to be clear i support all local.. state and
federal laws.. that protect the still
vanishing species of human
that wants to stay
in the matrix/etc..
these local.. state
and federal laws.. ensure
the free of wE who live God
within free as naturally evolved
sTiLL.. do not scare the beejeezus
out of folks who live in fear.. hate..
and despair.. as hell is not an easy
place to live.. i know and feel..
as i’ve been tHeRe too..
wHeRe the
Neo of
me now..
would scare
the FucK iN
Fear of the
Dr. Jekyll
Clark Kent..
the nerd version
of Bruce Wayne.. the
cultural memes and human
archetype for lily white
domesticated human dogs..
are legion for what it
to lose
of the wild..
Wolf i am Free..
nice wolf.. Good
Cop Mr. Hyde..
and Jesus
as metaphor
but never
the less
Good NoW
Cop Human Wolf..
and sure an
of Words
aS noW..
my only
SWord of Teeth..
and sure.. Dance
without a dollar
bill or even penny
earned for FREE GOD WITHIN

Set my people free…


Facebook Friend Rafiah.. shares a status that says..
as reported by Mohammad Abdus Salam.. a
famous Pakistani Theoretical Physicist
that the Quran has many verses
supporting scientific
inquiry and
the expansion
of knowledge associated with Nature..

So i ask..

Just out of curiosity.. do you believe in the theory of Evolution..
i watched a video from one of the most popular.. apologists
for Islam.. Dr Zakir Naik… who attempts to say it isn’t fact..
so in other words.. is this really true.. does Islam evolve
with scientific discoveries or stay stagnant…
and of course there are still now in the U.S..
a substantial number of Fundamentalist
Christians who deny it.. but thankfully..
at least the Pope of the Catholic
Church has evolved on this
and come into the
modern age..
but of course
he was a Chemistry Major.. smiles..
Education is the key to ending conflicts
misery.. suffering.. and useless killing..
Anyway.. i watched Dr. Zakir.. yell angrily
at a Medical Student who questioned his
authority and eventually the medical student
was censored from speaking further.. in debates
over here.. Dr. Zakir would have immediately
been disqualified for just being a bully…
it disgusts me.. i must say..:)

And now i go on to say..
the fact that we share
a majority of our DNA
with a common ancestor
Rodent from 75 million years
ago.. the mouse today.. and
of course almost entirely all of it
with Bonobos and Chimps too..
and we are born with vestigial gills
in fetus form within the mother’s womb
is evidence enough that we all came together
in a mix of Star dust soup.. and some of us even
continue to evolve epigenetically in one lifetime or
become functionally disabled by not using our human
potential and unlocking our DNA potential through environmental
challenge… adaptation.. and change.. finAlly the Pope says that
the God of Nature doesn’t have to do magic tricks.. to test
us on our human potential.. it comes naturally
or does not come at all.. but sadly
he still stands by the side of
folks who would take
away a right
for marriage
still stuck
on the hypocritical
rules in paraphrasing a
Leviticus of a 3500 year
old middle east oral tradition
and scribe copied and mistaken
book.. as history shows now true and
liGht too.. with just frigging common sense..
who would call Jesus a God.. instead of just a
humble teacher.. ’cause someone said it was so
in the beginning of the fourth century after 40 years
of round table oral illiterate Aramaic language of beliefs
and myths for educated Greeks to determine which sects
that came and come to be in the 1st Century so-called now..
after death of Jesus then.. true or false.. of what was named
something similar to Christianity too..
and sure.. people use their
creative minds in
caves to
up with whatever
human archetypes
and symbols deep down
for that.. along with plagiarism
and paraphrasing of what already
has been said and written down every
which way and loose too.. including raping
and pillaging spoils of wars.. including wives
of soldiers yA killed by the sword and chopping
off heads too.. hmm.. yeah.. education
is important.. as ignorance..
the veils of ignorance
still reign the world
closed in
and needless
killings supported
by ancient myths
and beliefs that have
no natural credence any
more as science shows..
not expecting s single word
from Rafiah back on this.. as nah..
i am not a person to get in a debate noW on
this.. obviously with.. but anyway.. it’s something
in Rafiah’s education that she has been enlightened
and changed with.. and sure other stuff is harder to let go
of.. as she lives there in that culture and i do not.. as Lord
knows and feels in me.. some of the most ignorant stuff
propagated in my culture has darkened my life too..
namely the ignorance of the Catholic Religion
i was raised in.. it’s a long way to go..
and Islam religions are still
stuck in the place
of women
who have
voice in the
culture now.. no different
than women before in the U.S.
too.. but as sociology suggests.. in
those Muslim countries the minorities
that sadly still include half of the population
of women.. too.. will gain the same basic human
rights in the U.S.. as women and other minorities like homosexuals
have.. in underprivileged countries ‘over there’.. by 2050.. but surely
the fact of science now.. that all is connected and interrelated
and we are made of star dust.. from the Cosmos whole no
different than a Grain of Sand.. is just ’cause to dance
naked from the veils of ignorance coming into
the original DEF of Apocalypse in
Greek terms that
means lifting
those veils
of ignorance
true.. and perhaps
then.. Muslim women who
want too.. will be able to dance
naked and free in sands with sun
and God free.. or if they want to..
they can stay covered up still.. and
even stagnate and go functionally disabled
from their fuller human potential too.. but
as the Matrix reloaded scene says too..
and do the
Wild thing Free..
for who wants to unplug..
while the rest can do their
too.. free
or not.. in dance
or song or stagnate same..
as relative free will Sings
or does not sing and dance
of Free verse
uNiVerse added
as God verse too..:)








BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels


41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat of Feet in 3 years..:)


Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 23 Comments

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

img_0796 img_0797 img_0799 img_0800 img_0802 img_0803 img_0804 img_0805 img_0806 img_0807 img_0808 img_0809 img_0810 img_0811 img_0813 img_0814 img_0815 img_0816 img_0817 img_0818 img_0820 img_0823 img_0824 img_0825 img_0829 img_0830 img_0834 img_0835 img_0836 img_0837 img_0838 img_0839 img_0840 img_0841 img_0842img_0844img_0849 img_0850 img_0851 img_0852 img_0853 img_0859 img_0860 img_0861 img_0862 img_0864 img_0865 img_0867 img_0868 img_0871 img_0873 img_0874 img_0875 img_0876 img_0881 img_0883 img_0884img_0887 img_0888 img_0889 img_0890 img_0891 img_0892 img_0893 img_0894 img_0895 img_0896 img_0897 img_0898 img_0899 img_0900 img_0901 img_0902 img_0903 img_0904 img_0905 img_0906 img_0907 img_0908 img_0911 img_0912 img_0913 img_0914 img_0915 img_0916 img_0917 img_0918 img_0919 img_0921 img_0922 img_0923 img_0925 img_0926 img_0927 img_0928 img_0929 img_0930 img_0931

The best pArts.. actuAlly.. aLL of liFe
is Best Art but the best pARts oF
Sunsets can be found close to
the Spring and Fall Equinox..
and this year is no
exception for sure..
as in this next 705th
post i celebrate 6000 miles
of dancing a mix of martial
arts and ballet-like free style
Public Dance in three years of
doing jUST that.. yes.. at about
166 miles average every
month over the
full course of
all three years..
6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
coming soon on Equinox Day of 2016.. the
22nd of September.. but first i gotta publish
Super Fly oF liGht coming now.. just press
a button is all i gotta do for just this noW..
Okay.. published the last Macro Verse of
Longest Long Form Ocean Whole Poem
now.. and off to document 6000 miles of
Dance Walking now i arrive to do.. juST that..
and sure a history oF iT iS in FuLL order here
now too..:)

5000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

4000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

3000 miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

2000 miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

PAN FReED Dancer

666 Months of Dance

GOD’s muse of dance

And the bottom three posts illustrate somewhere around
a thousand ear to ear smiling selfies in total smiles
with fun dance Friends from Seville Quarter
as this too.. will be my 127th dance
week on Thursday Night at
the scheduled
date for
the publish
here for that..
i am about 5 months
behind on documenting
those selfies in the post
Pan Freed Dancer but
hopefully i will
by the publish
of this on Thursday
Equinox day of 2016..:)

i will certainly get back to celebrating
6000 Miles of Dance Walking Now..
but sure.. my fingers have been
steadily dancing for close to
12 Million words of
writing since
Thanks Giving
day of 2010..
and 3.3 plus million
words in total with this
now 705th macro Free Verse
Poetry of Ocean Whole Poem..
aka SonG oF mY SoUL.. sAMe
as full blog KATiE MiA FredericK!iI..
aS weLL too.. as the Ocean Grows WhoLe..
with no limits or expectations of culture now2..:)

So off to dVerse i go.. with a Haibun theme of Change..
hmm.. kinda like the one i talked to on the theme
of Desert i’LL Change on the last Macro
Verse too.. but of course free agent
of poEtry i go.. and Fredbun
and Fredku will be the
free of form style
i’LL Change
as Desert
isle view too..:)

Inspiring my friend Lillian.. and i will
go on to say.. baby cannot breathe..
born that way.. Charge Association..
Transposed Great Vessels of the
heart.. and DiGeorge syndrome..
the sign on the
crib just
and the Baby’s
name was Ryan..
to be my only Son
for 51 days.. only
pain is what came
his way.. sometimes medicine
is beneficial and sometimes you
wish it would not extend pain like it
can and will too.. anyway.. in this life
one must make the best of what comes
if they expect to honor those who never had
a chance at anything but pain at all.. So i held
this only Son.. until his last heartbeat faded
out of pain.. eyes that only wanted
love but could only feel
and sure
some folks
cannot believe
that small infants
like this can feel pain..
but if not they are blind
to grimaces and cries that
spell that misery and suffering
clear for angel empath eYes..real..
little did i know then.. thaT experience
would help me survive the worst pain
assessed in medical literature as Trigeminal
Neuralgia for 66 months from wake to sleep..
my perspective
was always
i could
Love first
and lived even
one second without
constant pain of life..
a gift of an only son who
would help save my life.. only
by his suffering.. only by his suffering
sitting by his crib over 51 days seeing
and feeling
seconds of
that in what
lasted forever then..

Life IS A
worth suffering for..:)

Indian Summers of record stay..
one last Winter ’till January
break of finally
of Sleeping
Hibiscus then
that refused to sleep..
and this year it is resting
and flowering late.. all give out
in Winter that refuses cold as the tropics
seem to be rising to Panhandle of Florida North..

Signs of
Caution too..:)

To see life.. as
privilege.. gift..
ones.. is to
live with Natureone..
and appreciate the
fAct that when one
leaves there will be
room for others to come..

FaLL leaves
BRinGS room for
New liFe SpRinGS..:)

For when a Parent
leaves close or distant
those eYes of parent
in some ways go on in eYes
of child.. as every pARt of
connection becomes
Art of whole
Fillng with
Love as Lost
can prepare us
to Love more than less
as nows of lost and found come..

Lost and
Found Loves
a way of more..:)

i suppose it’s time
for a Dinner break and if
all else fails i guess i
might eventually get a job
Hallmark too..
just with a record
of what is..

5:23 pm


The Facebook Video Slide Production
Assistant presents juST anoTheR
Afternoon in Paradise..
as photo
through as River
to Ocean WholE Poem too..;)


Dude.. you are so full of hate.. it ain’t even
funny.. hmm.. a little maybe.. hehe..
and sure.. ignorance too..
and sure.. remember
the original
of Apocalypse
means lifting the
veils of ignorance
but never the less..
you are kinda
as a dark
muse for me..
as i continue to
write the longest
long form poem
in the history of
human kind just
finishing up
42 months
for the
God of
all that is.. too.
so i must thank you
for turning me on to
this newer Video by Shakira
and be a little happy that your
amusing and sadly hate filled
videos continue to arrive in the
super cool Google Algorithm
supplied play list
of muse..
dArk and
liGht.. wHeRe Freedom
of Information rings..
both trUth and liGht for
uS iSREAL illuminati folks
who walk aS liGht with the iSREAL
God of allthatis.. and this Shakira SonG
WiLL be almost perfect as perfection as
practice continues on for me.. at lEast.. exceeding
3.3 million words in a poem that may last.. let’s just
say a very long human time.. hehe.. as clocks go.. as you
may or may not KnoW2.. in God’s time there is no time.. only
now.. no distance or space.. juST Eternal noW in heaven
for those of us who have fulfilled the prophecy of
Luke 17:21.. and sure.. John 14:12.. too.. and
just do it more Like Nike says too
in heaven now.. hehe.. so haha..
it’s really not funny that
so many folks like
you my
live in
what could
be Heaven now
in your generation.. same
as promised in Jesus’ generation
per the words of that book.. that i myself
have exceeded in total words of close to
12 million since Thanks Giving day 2010..
as documented all online to the tune
of what would be over 14 bibles
in comparable size..
provides all for
we Ravens
who fly for GoD..
but we can just
count the current
3.3+ million words
of longest Ocean
Whole Poem in the
history of humankind free
verse and parable style.. at
4 times the size of the King’s James
Version of what all those folks did..
and the measly effort of the Kuran
at 40 times smaller than what
little old me at age 56 can
do now.. sure.. leg
pressing half
a ton 33 times..2..
yes.. i said 33 times..
and remember that
poem i wrote is moving
over 3.3 million words and
i happen to live at mile marker
33 in Florida.. getting of the I-10
Road there.. in the Saint Rose of
Flowers County named Santa Rosa
as tag identifier for county size goes
at 33 too.. and sure i also go to Saint
Rose of Lima Catholic Church.. but you
kNow my friEnd.. i don’t have to hide who
i am in real life.. as God.. you kNow and FeeL..
thE iSREAL God who gifts us with the hiGhest
power of fearless Love.. has got my
back as liGht attracts light
as Love.. Hope.. and Joy..
and dARk attracts dARk
as Hate.. Fear..and Despair..
anyWay.. i’Ve also been
witnessing for God
in Free Verse dance..
and from a distance it could
be a mix of ballet and martial arts
too.. and let’s just say.. you can make fun
of warriors with grace all ya want on this channel
but face to face with me.. nah.. babe.. not likely
you could even face up to Michelle Obama as what
you fail to understand is true power comes from
Fearless Graceful smArT Love that need not raise
its voice unless it feels like roaRing
like a Lion to let the otHeR
caTs understand wHo
has jaws babe..
to get
voice of
God through.. hehe..
again.. and 2.. all i can
say babe.. is be careful who you
wish for.. ’cause in God’s World
as inherent in human.. anything is
possible with TRUE ISREAL FAITH
but you see.. it never works under
the guise of fear.. and hate..
not even in the New
Testament in the
dArk pARt of
17 that
says you must
hate your mommy and
daddy.. and brothers and sisters..
and even children to follow the
teachings of Jesus.. whereas the
other pArt says Love your enemy..
hmm.. obviously the Bible is FucKeD
uP in many ways.. and that is what
happens when psychopathic leaning individuals
who pull the heArt stRings of the ignorant with illusory
fears.. and all stuff related to hate get involved.. perfect
example of your youtube channel that i will use as an
example of muse for free verse poetry here.. as you
provide more fuel for the liGht of Fire with God’s
Creativity as co-creator pARt mE.. anyway..
anyway2.. 6000 miles is what i celebrate
continuing into the equinox of Fall 2016..
in public dance praising
the God aLL oF Nature
that is as i go.. both
seen and unseen..
felt and not felt..
for humans
to smaller
eYes.. with
A vice of ignorance
that knows not what it does..
or just lies for Google Pennies
and does not show its eYes as
i will you tale you this my friEnd..
no one can hide tHeir soul from
me if i see their eYes.. and let’s
just say i’Ve gotten fairly proficient
in seeing a soul in words2… as sure..
while i’Ve written 12 million words
in about 6 years now.. as the sacred
and holy numbers keep popping up
here and now.. after i got out of hell
for 66 months too.. as detailed thoroughly
in that longest witness for God to date too..
in 42 months of doing that Ending in 9/16 too..
starting in 3/13.. Before.. sure.. numbers are sacred..
letters are sacred.. and here’s the thing.. when you make
all of God Sacred and Holy including even shit like this.. now..
as the dARk is an Ark to the liGht aS WeLL.. Heaven becomes
now as tHeir simply is no better place than now my friEnd..
so sure.. while you keep siNking most everything you see in
existence to dArk now.. yOur soUL Follows pace and
the dArk comes to youR voice.. yoUr heARt..
yOur spiRiT and next the yA knoW and
FeeL yoU becOME the dARk my
FriEnd.. but never the less
the liGhts wins
alWays noW..
ilLuMinati ways
oF GoD iSReAL noW..
have a nice day.. and once
aGain.. thanks my FriEnd.. so much
for BrinGinG thiS Shakira SonGnow to
my Attention as some can WiLL FeeL..
the HOpE and LiGht and Joy of Heaven
within.. and sure i can have Hope even for
you.. as we haven’t seen anything else dARk
from Mario have we now.. since i visited his channel..
hey.. but there’s the thing.. remember that little kitty
he hugged at the end of the video.. it was proof he had
a hEart my FriEnD.. i’Ve yet to see one hEar but let’s juSt
say i have a patience greater than JOB even.. with a worsT
pain as assessed by modern science than even crucifixion
in 66 months of type two Trigeminal Neuralgia from
wake to sleep.. and sure.. the Devil of Before
is noT afraid to show his Angel
Face as iF ONE reAlly reAlly
REaLLy loVeS God
you too
Devil For
isREAL if that
iS what it took..
to come to understand
S E N S E and F E E L..
that God is all that is
BOTTOM FucKinG line..
per.. iF yoU seeK iN GoD my Friend..
so sure.. have a holy and sacred now..
for me @leASt.. it’s all i kNow and FeeL noW..
as that mY FriEnd is the Reward for serving
God of Nature wiTh aLL yoUR heARt spiRiT and SoUL..
per that
verse in
Luke 17:21..
within my FriEnd..
no wHere else you
WiLL find Heaven but
noW within as the Kingdom
oF God as all oF yOur UniVerse
you see StarTS thEre within mY FriEnd..
remember.. i AM the TrUth.. liGht.. and way..
is the i AM within.. the farHeR.. the motHeR.. noW
or whatever the FucKinG metaphor ya wanna uSE..
for the Essesnce of God that lives within you.. either dArk..
oR liGht..
iSreaL NoW..
once again.. remember
Form matters not..
thanks again..
and liGht to yA
with Fearless LovE..
if you can.. if you WiLL.. wiTh GODnoW..:)

Super Fly oF liGht

PS.. Oh yeah.. and a special gift of LiNk
for you.. as remember..over hEar..
iN thE liGht.. tHe Door
iS alWays
aS liGht..mY FRiEnD..:)


Of course.. i AM only
hUman too..
so i cAMe
down with
a little cold today..
so long ago.. i hardly could
remember what feeling a little
ill was before.. the last time a
a bug interrupted my flow of
Creativity enough to skip a week
of Dance in 2014.. as documented
jusT yesterday in a Macro Verse
from then.. so now.. i move to
Macro Verse memories of today..
a little under the weather.. but still
moving in words.. and likely a celebration
sTiLL of that 6000 miles of dance a little
later today too.. hopefully some video plays
to go along with that too.. juSt for the record
yA kNoW and perHaps FeeL foR noW too..

Yeah.. Macro-Verse.. the Yin and Yang of
fire and water.. from two years ago..
recovering sTiLL from my bug
of then.. for the short term
of course as i did the
long hell
term of
66 months
ending in July
of 2013.. starting
in January of 2008..
as nowS go ON wHere
all is heaven and tHere
is no perception of time aT aLL
only Love.. and Joy fulfills the liGht..
of iSREAL Heaven now as Hope GroWs oN isREAL2..
and Yin and Yang of Love and Reason.. of Limbic
Brain and Neo-Cortical Brain of BaLAnCinG hUman
Now iN MoVinG ConNecTinG CreATinG waYs of
heARt expreSsinG SpiRit oF EmoTioNs.. iN
miNd and BoDy BaLanCing waYs noW..
TrUe and liGht increaSinG
miNd and BoDy fuLL
awareness in
laser focus
of Now
as Cognitive
Executive Functioning
increases in Epigenetic
and Neuroplastic change
for RiSinG greAter and GreaTEr
as LoVinG FeaRLess smArt
HuMan BeinGs NOW..
and sure.. don’t
Forget the
bRain.. the
Brain of Reptile
that StIll exists
that even in the dArkest
iN days of limbic and neocortical
mind.. survives at all costs for the
benefit of this GreATest GifT oF
liFE noW.. sure.. some folks
are crippled in ways
of all three
pArtS oF
BRaIns and
sure.. i was too..
for so long.. so long.. dArk..
ago.. back then too.. so trUe2..
but yes.. resurrection.. iSREaL
Resurrection in the dead of liFe..
iS tRUE RiSinG foR LlFe aWay
from Zombie Apocalypse liFE
in ignorance now.. as lifting the
veils of ignorance iN all three bRains
BRinGS a liGht oF ISReaL SpiRit as
of God within
iSREaL noW
TrUE liGht Freedom’S Way..:)

Yin and Yang of fire and water

And this next MacroVerse memory from a year ago..
moves further celebrating the liGht with
a memory of there’s always tomorrow
as truly that is what the dARk of
liFe in all ways reminds me oF
now.. that even when all faith..
hope.. and belief is gone..
there is still the Serpent
Brain that holds on for one
more chance now to BrinG the
rest of hUman PotenTial back.. and
sure.. Gloria Estefan in that named song
of metaphor too.. had a horrible bus accident
and made her way back too.. that seemed very empty
at the emptiest pARt of My life where in my late forties..
i felt like i was as old as a even a HUman isREaL Vampire
could be like the newest Dracula movie.. where the warrior hero
is willing to become the Devil in the sense of FeelinG iN SaVinG
the ones he loved for Love.. and that is the ultimate sacrifice
realizing that Love is inDeed the hiGhest power in
fearless way gifted to hUman bEinGS..
and while iF you thiNk that laying
your life down for your
loved ones is a difficult
price of Love.. iSREAL
NoW..i can and WiLL
tale you personAlly now.. tHere
are somethings worse as living than
death itself.. and sure.. living as devil in
hell on this earthly terRain iSREAL
as such A thing like that for those
who retain tHeir JOB
for however
long it takes to
escape hell and come
back as Hero Angel Archetype
once aGAIn.. and sure that is why
i’M quite fond of the Lucifer show.. as
it highlights the struggles of the Human Archetypes
as expressed in myths and religions same across global
history of human all oF aRT noW.. these struggles are
ISReaL StUFF that trUly Happens in DArk and potenTial
Greater liFE of HUman liGht.. to be cynical of the liGht
or Fearfull of
the dARk.. can
be equAlly limiTinG
iN SeeKinG FinDinG
the KingDoM oF GoD Free
within.. to give and share.. unlimited..
inside.. outside.. above.. so below
and all around now.. yes..
tHeRe’s aLways noW for
change and for what
i kNoW anD FeeL
iT can Get better
beyond belief as the
next NoW GoeS ON..
bottom line.. never
ever.. never give up.. on the nExt noW Now..:)

Rave of dance with GOD


Yes.. my FriEnd.. Zee..
God is dArk and liGht
obviously as one looks to
the niGht sky it’s impossible
to miss that tHeRe can be no liGht
without dArk and no dArk with
no liGht.. and surely..
the DaRk makes
its preSents
kNown in no
unclear terms
of hUman niGht..
but as i like to say..
those who either fear the
dARk or are cynical of the liGht
miss out on half of life.. more and less..
And while.. it’s so important..
to feel and understand
pain.. both for
the pain and
feelings of
for both we and
oThErs.. iF we do not
beComE A liGht for the
challenge of DaRk.. we miss
out on half of lifE aGain as those
who only walk in liGht and can never
understand the dArk of tHeir
fellow human beings..
who fall
fire of any
human imagined
HeLL but for those
who go tHere iSReAL
mY friEnd.. When the Devil
gets of hell.. the Devil WiLL surely
wanna try something new rather than
the dARk that took the Devil tHeRe.. in the
First place my FriEnd.. so may that mountain
of Walls become an Ocean more of shine my
friENd.. may your love Reign.. Rain.. WiTh
Reins so gREat oF sHIne more
thaT yOUr Ocean of
Sunshine more
than the Sun that
gives life as wE and morE..:)


The Super Cool..
somewhat helpful
Free Facebook Positive
ThinKinG/FeeLinG Therapist..
The English
Name test
my FB Profile
and says..

“If you need an
answer you simply
have to pose
the right

And note.. the message
is incorporated with
my night pose
on the big
of Target..
and Facebook
FriEnd Himali Responds..

Awesome !

And i saY in return..

Hi.. my FriEnd.. Himali.. been
thinking about you and
missing you too..
but sure.. life gets busy..
but i will never forget you..
and alWays keep in touch..
someway.. as long as you are
around mY.. FriEnd.. WitH sMiLes..
as you are my aweSome FriEnd.. too..:)

And now i say more in reference to this motto
provided here by the En Name Test thingie
all for free as it encourages the
power of suggestion.. prayer
and belief to folks around
the FB world..
Placebo or
not.. this
power works
as essence
prayer same
or wishes.. or hopes..
and faith/belief aS sAMe..
when i was a small child while
other boys wished for toy trucks
and guns.. i wished for a machine
with a button.. wHere i could get all
my answers to questions i sOught…
Now true.. we have that machine of
soUL juST waiting inside sTiLL to
be reached by uS..
but i cannot
the power of
all SoULs woRkinG
ToGeThEr OnlinE isREAL..
noW in A greATest Unabridged
Bible of God now through hUman
eYes and eARs and FeeLinG heARt..
SpiRiT.. SoUL iN miNd and Body
MoVinG.. CreaTinG ways so much
more alWays noW aS this hUman
new unabridged Bible with no limits
or expectations of BeFore continues
to emerge more as God with we sAMe
and Different so much more with no limits
or expectations of before.. God granted me
two wishes.. to find God within.. and for a machine
that collects all the SensES.. FeeLInGs.. KnoWledge
and hell yes.. even SenNsualiTy as SeXuality oF all
HuMans to express that Free in a pArT of Heaven that
has no sun.. no moon.. no pearly gates oF Golden
Floors.. trUly.. the MoTher Sophia of Wisdom comes
to liGht in what we come to kNow.. FeeL
and SeNSe morE of GoD wHo
SinGS a SonG and DAnCE
of Steps/Words free as more
oF aLL of We
RisE and
Emerge aS
liGht morE noW..
And sure.. all of that
IS A third wish come to FruiTioN noW2..
as tRuE and liGht iSReaL Illuminati noW..
iN Apocalypse.. way oF lifting the veils of ignorance more as We
continue to sPeak and FeeL.. Art and Science noW..
and HeArt wHole..
beCoME liGht oF liFE Now..:)


SMILes.. my FriEnd.. gigoid..
the ignorant.. and the closed minded
will always live as long as human nature
stays true to what it is.. some folks are
born for sitting and caution
and even
extreme fear..
otHers are born for
roving.. and dare
joy.. simply for
the adventure of the journey..
paths come.. paths go.. but human
Nature in all its stagnate and potential
moves or stays StiLL.. Cave or open
Beach.. iN dARk or liGht.. i for
one have no illusions
to change hUman
natuRe for NatuRe
for me AT lEAst.. is
God In aLL dARk and
liGht and ‘tween and
beYond of allthatis..
however.. what i do kNOw..
FeeL is.. been to HeLL and liVe iN
Heaven now.. vacationed in
purgatory in grey
REAL.. too..
and what is
left of the dRAgon
is now furry and warm..
what is leFT of Hell beYond Despair
is aLL Joy BeyONd Heaven too.. tHeRE is
the reaLITy we livE and the ReaLiTy we Make..
sadly.. some folks are stuck in below first gear..
i’LL do Ferrari noW with no fears as Long
as Fearless Love
for i KNow
and FeeL the
oTher Place iS
as iSREAL as this2..
iF i cannot take my own
wife out of a cave of fear..
tHeRe is no cookie cutter solution
mY FriEnd..
Free is without
FEar.. 100% strength
in the moment of now.
no guarantees of
fair or free…
but never
the less
for mE aT lEAst
exists for now.. i’LL share
it.. but nah.. i too.. was once
the horse who could find no water aT ALL..
and once one becomes Love it’s ALL MaGiC iSREaL2..
noW @lEast..
as PS goeS oN2..:)

Biggest WiNks my friEnd.. gigoid..
all my pleaSure..
as alWays thanks
for all you do here
to bring
for what i do..:)


When BoDy and miNd beCoMe onE ForCe
oF Energy one trULy reFlects in liGht
B A L A N C iNG moving.. connecting
AS HiGheR poWer of God..
And suRE.. iN Celebrating
6003 miles of Dance
in this
nExt 705th Macro
Verse to be titLed
6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!..
as i have done in milestone increments
of each millennial of Dance StARting
with 2000 MiLes at the first year
Mark of dance in the Summer
of 2014.. i’ve got juST the
SonG that accompanied
all Six Dances as WiLL
bE coMing next in
Facebook Video
and YouTube way
to Celebrate a Dance
for every 1000 miLes
so far.. more than across
the distance of the United States
west and east and east and west.. twice..
sure.. like a modern iSREAL Forrest Gump2..
aS weLL.. it’s been a great journey of so many
public store paths and dance hall ways of martial
arts and ballet-like free style without a lesSon yEt..
but here’s the thing.. the water and the air as huMan
beinG needs no LesSonS but the greAter poWer and Force
oF God within.. in inNate.. inNSinCt and INuitive way.. no
different reAlly than the Holy SpiRit of hUman bEinG
inside me.. Now that travels noW wiTh no distance..
space or time.. in GoD’s noW.. at ease.. at FloW iN
ZonE of never ending never landing story
alWays FlYing hiGher and higher now..
as Boston says too.. mY hiGher poWEr
come to Fruition as God iN i for FReED..
iN DancE and SonG oF Y i sEt Free foR noW..
tHere is no experience like flYing on
terrestrial Earth.. sure.. anyone
can charter a boat for the
sea.. ride a wave of
surf on board too..
but to traverse
land in
Nike Shox
sHoEs for
mE.. truLy as
oF Feat iN Feet for mE..
IS A Butterfly.. a Phoenix.
no longer sinKing to ashes or
trapped in caves of cocoon now..
i rise.. i rise as A HiGHeR poWer oF
God as F Y i.. once AgaIN.. iSREAL..:)

The EN Name Test Thingie oN FB says
in Profile Analysis that my Life Quote
is.. “I don’t regret my past, I just
regret the time I spent with the
Wrong People”.. and then i say..

NaH.. EN NaMe Test thingie..
i regret n0thing.. including
no one who has crossed
paths with me in life.. as all oF iT and tHey..
iS whAt makes A miracle of mY liFE TrUE liGht
but anyWay
Thanks for thaT tRuLy
cool graphic you did iN
maKing me noW part of thE
Harvest oF FiEld foR Now..;)

Facebook Benny
Friend and FriEnd
from College days2..
responds to one
of the Facebook
Shares of Celebrating
6000 MILes of Dance Walk now..

Hey, I notice you are circling counterclockwise the majority of the time.
My sensei would suggest you circle clockwise as well so you
can balance yourself both ways. Keep on trucking!!..
Dollar Sign Emoticon.

And i say
in explaining respond..

i do with control.. But in this flow
IS A right brain left path way of intuition
and interpretive mind and body balance..
At the gym more.. often i go a right
path and control where i am
aiming at objects by
decision rather than

And then Benny says..

Myself, I can’t circle like that due to my vertigo.
I would be crashing into everything, lol

And finAlly i say..

Yeah.. i can relate to that too..
As when my Dysautonomia was so bad..
i was constantly faint.. Driving in a car
made me horribly dizzy.. But as ‘they’ said..
All along the way.. i was always a little dizzy.. Hehe2..;)


Well.. Taylor S.. although i must
admit.. as i date my self
fully here..
my first thought
was Taylor from
the Planet of the Apes..
hehe.. yeah.. the Twins
from the Club.. aren’t they
just two Angels in disguise..
and hey..
it brings me
great pleasure
that we have the
same taste in women..
friend Shawna baby.. i mean
Jesus F. in Christ.. if this was
the Beatles 60’s and Woodstock
and we were both single and everything
we could do a three some thing..
hehe.. of course
when i wasn’t almost
old enough to be your
father hehe.. by 13 years
your Senior as i clearly remember
you have my Mom’s birthday.. ewwww..
that word doesn’t quite fit in this flow
that is still coming as every time you
come around it is truly an online
play date2.. hehex2..
what else..
oh yeah.. Shawna
Baby.. thanks for the nice
comment of support on De’s
site the other day.. i’m more strange
than genius and that’s the way i like it
aHa!.. and oh.. those last two prompts on
dVerse are so inspiring.. the Katzen whatever
her name is.. Haibun thingie too that i make Fredbun
and Fredku.. that i started off with in this new 705th
MacroVerse Flow celebrating 6000 miles of dance walking
accomplished this week.. and oh yes.. i’ve already checked
out the links to your three blogs temporary in cyberspace and
haha!.. as you know and feel and read.. reading one of my
entire blog posts at around 15k words average is the equivalent
of an entire year’s posts @once a week.. meeting the limits of Katzen
whatever her name is of no more than 200
words per poem.. hehe.. until
i left the linking thingie..
and they could
relax the
my long
thing had
been exorcized from
the place.. haha.. it’s all
in good fun ya know.. and made
an excellent additional story line then
for my ocean poem flow… getting kicked
off the poetry world like a Whitman and such
as that as history shows goes with the stranger
and stranger of we as years of freedom and looser
rules on censorship becomes a new age rule of greater
Free Verse life in all the ways that comes.. well anyWay..
tit for tat as they say.. you don’t come that often or maybe you
do and i just don’t see you do it.. hehe.. so i am coming over to
your three blogs to read them from back to front.. as then we might
be even.. if you finish all the words on this one.. just one time hehex3..
i cannot pass up a Shawna play date.. whenever she comes.. and oh
God.. oh God yes.. i hope no one has a dirty mind when i talk poetry to you
too… and what else.. yeah.. i think i’LL do all of dVerse after i do all of you..;)

Isn’t technology great.. put a song
in.. the Google Wash get the lyrics and
finish it in less
than 10 seconds..
getting the deeper
meanings for folks
who see that way.. fuel
for the fire.. Ani DiFranco
hits on the study that says the
Average American now has about
the literal attention span of a Gold Fish..
however.. we visit more places than the Aquarium..
hehe.. at least virtually
these days.. and
deep.. sadly.. i find not..
and songs.. all about base
instincts of adrenaline and
seXuaLiTy.. music these days
it seems.. as escape from
hum drum machine cognition
life like the check-out line
of Walmart
scanning one
by one by one
by more soulless
lives without fuel
for fire coming through
worry more.. filling up
Garages more
boo wHo..
not me..
i dance instead
hehe.. oKay.. and
i Love the Songs of
the 70’s more.. and
in yoUR whole poem
i was imagining you lusting
after my wife in her tattoo and cat pose..
sure.. i could give you
other links to
her butt
kill me..
i wanna live..
i will
to do
Free noW..Shawna Baby.. Kool..;)

Hmm.. Shawna.. baby..
for some reaSon/
F e e L i N G..
i am seeing
to Loving
one’s children
years later as innocence
here.. and that is
quiet a challenge
my FriEnd.. Loud..
that has no equal..:)

i seriously have
to get out and
watch TV more..
so much
i miss
oF art
tHeRE too..
man.. i mean woman..
tHeRe is so much inspiRaTiOn
of Art
days iN
all the ways
that comes bEyOnd
A to Z oF lesSon plaNs too..:)


A step up
for morE liGht2..:)

from the
witH thE Stars..
for the heARt..
the spiRit.. the
soUL BaLanCinG
as miNd and BoDy..
hEart.. is
the i
As fire is fueLed..
And we are A StAR for FRee..
BiG BanG
Multi-Verses more!..!..!..:)

Haha!.. are
you mesSinG
with my
head as
the Songs
and Months
are changing now..
and my wife always
talks about Twitch
off of Ellen
being a
so i get
to see for real..
so it was meant to be..
anywayS.. oNe blog
down.. two more to go..;)

Haha! you are
an adult
rated blog
to show some thin..
i went down
on this
and now
i’ll go back
up to
the bra thingy second..
and that reminds me of
first love days.. where ‘they’
maKe pet names for the pARts of the body too..
like mediocre so and so and little so and so.. 2..;)

But first.. i must be
the first to comment
on your adult link blog..
as no one
has been
to do that
on mine first..
so i’ll go first.. heHe..
anyway thanks for showing
too.. all
thin and such..
and i was guessing
perhaps some breasts..
FF or

Oh.. by the way..
if this isn’t Shawna’s
Blog.. this is like.. totally
an error of mine..
but Shawna
Baby is
the only
one funny
enough i know..
who would show
absolutely no
to do just that..
and also
helpful wellness information too..
on how
to gain
and if you did
this in pARt to
make me laugh..
Mission F in accomplished.. for iSREAL..
okay.. now
back up
to the
and bra thingie..;)

Okay back to this..
one and you are
getting faster
than me..
as i swear
i remember
the deal about
bras.. and as science
shows now.. wearing
bras teaches
the tits
as perky
as they would
without tit catchers..
and i am talking about birds..;)

i can dig deeper..
i cry
and DancE too..;)

This reminds
me.. you know the
wife and all.. seriously..
she watches TV with that
yellow cat in
her lap
and still
ends the
day with
a six pack..
and Jesus F. in Christ..
i dance walk literally 166.66 miles
(with rarely a ripple ‘tween)..
a month.. but perhaps
the secret to
her success
is all the
she does
i dance..
hehe.. but
still a six pack
with no crunches
that shit ain’t fair..
but hey.. it’s
and Pacific Islander
advantage in struggle
for survival and the fit
to reproduce..
sorry.. i cannot
a lie..
but perhaps
i should have just
said the trick for reproductive success!..:)

Okay.. now i know/FeeL..
i wasn’t seeing
burn the
bra to keep
the birds perky..;)

See what happened is
i went to Bell
curve first..
to see the
burn the bra
i saw before..
and ended
up here
panties.. got a secret
for you Shawna baby..
when i go to the bar at
night.. and sometimes a very
Curvy African American Girl
with you know
is wiggling
toward me..
something inside
of me wants to wiggle
back.. but i hold it back..
in its place.. hmm.. thin
is not what its all cracked
out to be.. ‘real men’ LOVE CURVES..
but if i was a girl with curves.. sure..
i might
go for
a thin
juST for Fun..;)

Okay.. this
finishes 2
blogs now
to your third..;)

OH shit.. you went easy
on me on those first
two.. there’s thirty
five liNks on this
one.. and
see how
long it takes
for me to consume
them all starting
9:51 am
and oh
by the way
i AM
in a way
and that’s
kind of a secret
and a made up thing
come to fruition too..
of mind
and creativity..;)

HAhA.. you
called Al..
the Yankster..
if my wife hears
that i swear she’ll
probably call
me that
me a man whore..
just for
fun of
the sheets..
of creativity more..;)

Utilizing my quick
lyrics references..
this reminds me of
Nights in White
Satin by the
Moody Blues
imagining it as
a coffin laced as such
never ending when i was
in the dead zone..
and an
of feathered
sex.. (reminds
me.. must go
to dVerse next)..
and do some
stuff tHeRE too..;)

A thousand
years.. i know
this one by
heARt.. no
and interestingly
when the other song said
Perry.. i was thinking about
the meaning for that as Rock..
in name defs and how
that goes with
Pure for Christina
a form of Katie
too.. and
Perry too..
that is also
a form of
when everything
in life has meaning and
purpose.. all is holy and
sacred and heaven comes now..
but wait..! your husband
is a Baptist
i’m sure
heRe enough
of that in Sunday
School.. and imagining
Shawna teaching Sunday
school.. seems kinda fun now..
but you
are too
your own
childrens to do that..
but maybe in a thousand years.. hehe..;)

Oh man/Shawna/baby.. this song
is gonna
in my
head for
the rest
of the
give up..
it won’t give up..
Jason Mraz with
i won’t give up..
but wait!..
i think
that is a different
song but it matters
not.. the ear bug has
already taken oldie..;)

This is what i cAme
for.. serIOUuSly..
this is
i came
for.. with or
without Conor
and Sam
and Calvin
and Rihanna..
this is what i came
for.. and man.. i mean
Shawna baby.. tHeRe is
so much Esoteric meaning
and ‘Quantum’ meaning too.. in
that official video too.. with the
cube.. as both with Occult and Roger
Penrose science meaning theories..
of the entire Universe
as a Hologram
a geometric
kinda cube..
that is inherently intelligent as such..
in a way that humans cannot even touch..
of course..
i mean duh..
‘they’ determined
that eons and aeons
all was
sAid and
dONe then
for now too..
like A
box of
who dances across
the U.S twice in
it too..
my Cube
i AM just
a RAving on here2..
like in that official video
too.. wHere we create our lives
as we go.. out of restraints of
mechanical cognition back into
dreAm time flow of our ancestors
rain dances
and being
one with
and naked
around the
fire.. where an
individual can get
coordinated enough
to do the FucKinG WiLD thing
while dancing hehe.. where
all semen and stuff like that
is holy
and sacred
too.. whether
they are sailors or not..
in case you thought i said
in deed
i do
kinda like
an extended
version of that
big bang always
now cube too.. forest
or desert.. we create as life
cave or beach.. i’ll be beach..
are you getting a miNd
orgasm yET..
i AM
as seX
last nearly LonG..
enough for me..
for that
matter beyond
matter of fAct..;)

i AM
so into
you Shawna
B A B Y..
in a cyber space
bRain kinda way..
Ariana aint’ nearly
complicated enough
a way
for a Brain
orgasm for me..;)

of Cool for the
Summer.. i Am
such a frigging Lesbian
trapped in a 233 LB
and yeah..
i kNow/FeeL you are
kinda like A someWhAT..
complement of that
too.. hehe.. in even a
more interesting way than
me.. as i can’t imagine any
thing more
than a Woman’s
Paradise.. of course..
that is like the sexiest song
ever.. but seriously.. it’s like one
of the hardest things ever to find
girl friends for real Lesbian girls.. of course..
and male
really get
the best of
Paradise true..
but i do feel for
all Lesbians too.. as
everyone needs someone
to love.. as love is unconditional
and fuzzy
and warm
as life goeS on..
okay.. i’m moving
towards sentimental
70’s songs again..
D A N C Ewords..
as Shawna IS A
only poet i can
do this with..
so back..
as the
go on..
while it
can and will
and does for go! go! go!..
a go
Rave Poetry..
a new form..
of Free Association
Grey Poohpom PoETry
me and Shawna
juST invented.. but
as alWays.. someone else
probably did it first..
and FucKinG ownS iT..
is alWays FuN..
Free.. no matter wUT..;)

SerIOUsly.. Fearless
and Confident is like
the best thing ever.. and
you kNow and FeeL.. it is so
dAm nice cOMing here and
kNoWing it ain’t possible
to get you
my creativity
says.. as dAm
i AM
and i stripped
it all the way down
to F in Earn it iSREAL2..;)

Focus.. hell yes..
Focus.. and Ariana
she is a little sexy
bullet ain’t she..
but still
when the
T and A
at the Rave
is all over the
place shaking its
wild thing in front
of your face.. and you
still fly like a winged Angel
in the
T and
A lust
seriously it’s like
the Buddhist folks say
expose yourself to temptation
all over the place.. gain amazing
self control.. and FucKinG Focus
no matter
how much
giggling and
shaking T and
A super fly comes
your way.. and it’s like
now.. i go to the gym.. and
all the yoga pants don’t even
phase me..
the sheets of FoCus..;)

PerUsing this song list..
i am finding a lot
of lust
in these
songs as i
go.. S in Jessie
J and Ariana and
Nickie Minja a trio..
goes heRe.. it’s all about
the good girl loSing her wings
back to
of understanding
there is no guilt in
being human being full..
wHere lust and Love Balances..
to make Productivity and Creativty
iN Zone
as Heaven now..:)

ps.. i just checked
in with the wife
to see if
i ate
and sure enough
it is still sitting tHeRE..
but i ain’t leaving ’till
i finish this

i’M down
to worth it..
just checked
back up here
to say
hi and
to the
songs i go..
Shawna Baby..;)

Fifth harmony is so worth
it.. Love an all
reaAsons hehe..

this Limp
song reminds
me why.. even if
i was a woman
i would
and more
hmm.. i’m so
glad i’m a man
who loves girls..
more than
the moist
ugh huh..:)

This Fiona girl’s
eYes.. make
me wanna
a big
bear hug
of hairy love..
like the Teddy she never
and seriously
too.. Shawna Baby.. she
really needs a hug.. so tight..:)

In the GAF General
Adult Functioning
Assessment used
iN Psychiatry..
A suicidal
state of mind/heARt..
no matter what Socio-
Economic.. Love.. or
Health status..
one down
to the lowest
scale of functioning..
and it really shows.. that
it’s not the money.. or the status..
or the looks.. but the health and
well being that counts
in life..
in hOlding
hands wArm
inStead of cold..
everyone needs a
fREE school of love and A
exercise of the ART/Love muscle..
so much more than dRained
braiN of comfort
in worries
moRe hEArt
and less science
of worry liFe.. a goal
to meet.. and a hard
one at that..
of course..
in a society
gone sane
from a sitting
state of school..
to a scream behind
a screen.. wHere only
and steps
out with a box oF art..
with no wAlls
to fuel a SoUL..
hmm.. that
Song by Perri
coming to feeling now2..
Of Love..
seT uS Free..:)

Yeah.. T’s all about
loving what yA
already have..
i’ve heard stories
of girls who are so pretty
at the bar.. who never feel they
are enough.. sure.. it’s a well known
issue.. but that doesn’t make it any
less sad when one hears the stories..
make me
happy just
for being weed..
no smoke necessary..
just weed me to the fields of free..
meadows of happy briars..
yeah.. i used
to keep
the bricks
in line
oh so
neat and
tidy.. until i threw
them all into A chaos
of space and found a tapestry
of beauty
as the
SinGS free froM
thE FucKinG clothes
of cultural hell that
to nihl..walls
of PriSon hoLd..
and Walmart
Garbage Garages..
that seek perfection
iN A Zombie..Robot..
dumP of closEd iM soUL..:)

So.. so true.. the lies
we tale our
loved ones
to make
the bones
of our soul..:)

So much pain
iN A world
when some
of us..
a fire
like monkeys
do in the Zoo
when the clothed
humans invade
of flesh
and blood comfort..:)

Just A tattoo..
on the back
of A
as it IS A
message mostly

“I just wanted to eat whole,
with a side of cucumber salad,
if you know what I mean”

Hmm.. i love
you are
sTiLL hilarious

That AZ lyrics
thingie really
comes in handy..
i am getting
so much
by doing this..
as the Google YouTube
Algorithm alone.. usually
only serves up stuff we
already like..
and hmm..
me feel
so lucky
that for
so many
years.. mostly
my wife and i only
play argue..
at least
i do..
as life is too
short not to love
if one
can.. of course
take the strife light too..
it’s really hard to make me
even if
i look mad..
it’s almost
always an act..
too much to be happy
about.. out of literal hell i guess..
eYeS of bliss..
no matter what
winds look like on
through hard

i can already
spoon hugs at night..
but sure he could
be a
inside too..;)

Hmm.. unless
i missed it..
i haven’t
you actually
try this out
Face.. i’LL
remember this
one if and when you do..;)

Seriously.. i cannot
remember you
the first
of anything..
you always seem
so 60’s floWordy

Yeah.. that’s a Moon
rise or set in pastel
oF light
that i will
not easily
rise or sink too…:)

ahmm.. the plight again
of the modern girl.. man.. Shawna baby..
my Grandmother wore pants and
sold parts at the auto parts
store during world
War II..
i don’t think
she ever gave
a fuck about how
she looked but she
picked cotton first in
the fields.. for years raising
her sisters. hot sun.. breasts
only for sweat.. crooked back..
brown soiLed nails..
and man
hands in
older age
from getting
so strong as
women can too..
and hehe.. even
so-called domesticated
men could today.. if they
picked some cotton too..
ugly is the
most beautiful
pARt of
as beautiful..
and nah.. my grandmother
wasn’t ugly.. she just didn’t
give a FucK if she was pretty..
we need more examples like that..
sell magazines
with a quick jack
off of mind
to sell
a product..:)

Oh God.. this is no lie..
i was so far without a concept
of self outside of working
for the government for
almost 25 years..
when i could
no longer
i looked
up my name
on the Internet
to see if i existed..
hmm.. now that i dance
everywhere i go.. in public..
they know
my name
of Strange
again.. Cheers
to FucKinG
Feel each
other’s beat..:)

“Talk to me now..
Make me stay..
She says..

Pure unadulterated
Synchronicity creativity
in titles
too.. for
proper attribution
of course too.. Humans
are meaning and purpose machines..
no Art when fully humming.. Bees..
of Creativity.. with ImAginATion
set so Free..
we fill in the
and CREaTivity.. but
the sad trUth is.. for
non-visual thiNkers
this can be very difficult for
them to do.. even recognizing
family member’s faces.. believing
in a God with no way to interpret
the signs of God that so
many folks
so freely
as a tapestry
iN synchronicity
of God’s reaLiTy
that most of us are
equipped to see deeper
than with eYes and ears alone..
some folks aren’t.. and surely one
can tale.. just
by the literal
way they
write and
talk and even
move.. without
the substance
from the
paint of God..
i wish there were a way
to spark them back to
the etheReal of
God’s World
Canvas wHOler..
i have hope.. noW..
faith and belief
tHere is.. but the
i can
and WiLL
and some
folks can’t
and don’t as
trUly they kNow
and FeeL noT what i do..
and of course otHeRs.. too..
Cognitive Empathy
along with
the road
to understanding..
tolerance and acceptance
of what one miGht
see as
blessed too..
to BrinG them uP…
iF aT
aLL possible
in depth
of MiNdFuL
AwAreness more..
with boDy too.. of course..:)

Brad Pitt
i understand
it’ll never last
but yes..
those lips..
so succulent
and rich.. hmm..
juniper jones jolie..
and Google tales me
that has absolutely nothing
to do with Angelina Jolie..
lips.. those
succulent lips..
a Flowers Breeze
to come through of course..
and that is a rather delicious name2..
that you
uP.. hehe..
for the next lifetime too..

This reminds me..
you know and feel..
i never get tired of
my wife.. seriously
gets old..
and that touch
beneath the beauty
is so wonderful and
warm.. so kitty purr true..:)

I think i finally
saw the piNk
or the
as it iS
and were…
as Goddess Isis goes too… hehe…;)

Just a thOught bEfore
i swim on.. teacher..
do i get
credit for
two comments..
per Song

Just to prove
i’m not cheating..
sleep paralysis
so does
life in
dead zone way..
but AZ lyrics

you’re exhausting..
as SonGs
and DancEs..
speediE on…;)

Ugh.. oh.. reverse
illuminati with
the upside
and or pyramid..
but it don’t matter
as Golden Spiral Phi
comes up or down
in Ocean
view teRrains..
upon a Sea of Rock..
as Love is written in the pyramid
Triangles too..
as liFE and Existence
in Parallel
fun oF noW
UniVerse moRe..;)

Just dOUble
checked A to
Z.. to see iF
Ophelia, drOwned-in clouds
oF white pink rose
petals.. oF seNsuous
lips and laced
dress is a
a skirt..
of flowRed
beauty pOuting
for love as heArt beAt tOuch..:)

Okay.. this rounds out three at 12 noon..
high wHere breaKfast beComes
Lunch or bRunch..
and sand and sun
dance comes neXt..
all naked of course
with as usual more
information than
you need.. heHE..
and for my tastes
i enjoy
more than
socks.. as naked
toes with pose like
thaT IS A siGn for more to coMe..
Shawna baby.. love ya doll fAce..
and when ever you come.. neXt..
as usual
i’LL be bacK..
you can count
on me.. hehe.. and
now if i can find a Song
Long enough to accompany
all of this..
as oNe
and liGht..
for the heavy
and fun of deep
and laughs of all that is.. now..
tHis.. but most oF aLL i’m LooKinG
forward to see all of what juST came
in FloW
iN ZonE..
oF one
oF Macro-Verse wHole..
RoWinG Ocean PoeM WhOle LongEr2..;)

And that’s like..
totally delicious..
the Google Alogrithm
Hall Monitor just made
me do a captcha to prove
i’M human
doing this
35 times long
on one blog..
cRap.. doesn’t
an algorithm KNoW/FeeL..
that Human Altruism exists..
not likely
that much
these days anymore..
as i say.. see ya later.. finAlly
now more later.. Shawna Babe..;)

My PleaSure.. Shawna Baby and
Micro-Soft Word
4,370 words
as i put almost
a third of
a Macro-Verse
on you today..
for 3 hOurs..
allWays nice to
see you.. FriEnd.. Shawna..
Haha.. when you said you’d
be by in a bit to read the
to you
in reAms
oF all that is..:)


Okay.. quick break here..
and more on Facebook
Provided Macro-Verse
Memories from years
ago to date.. noW
staRting here..
with.. then
3 years ago.. Now..

Back to the Future Freddy..Rainman and Sunshine…

As an eclectic Flow of Art staRts coMing
more in words.. photos.. and music videos
more.. truly tHeRE is no easy way to get better
aT aRT except for practice of creativity..
and that doesn’t come the
way science
does in
study.. Free Association
is key.. to increasing Creativity..
and that means.. not everything one
practices may meet the grade of
symphony.. and it bears
reminding that all
of existence
is tapestry
of ARt..
as the
dARK ParTs
color sHades of
more to come in floWers
not seen or fElT bEfoRe..
and here.. a hint of what will
eventually come in January
of 2014.. in my first foray into
male new age straight renaissance
nude art.. not only for art but for sharing
and giving of what we are core of BeinG too..
for survival of course.. at base is lust of all
our creativity and productivity as science
shows too.. and nah.. i didn’t start out
Dance.. or taKinG photos.. or wriTinG
poEetry or doing nude life in general
free verse.. at best of anything out of anyone
then.. and i still don’t do the competition game..
as the only one i have to please is the God who
lives within me.. free.. to pleasure life as Art more
without restraint of those who would chain God unhappy
within us without a bird to escape the chains of thousands of
years ago.. where no air can reach our sKin of free floW liFE away from
border lies.. walls.. folks build walls.. otHerS give and shARe aLL.. Love
is all that is.. when one becomes Love is all that is bottom line.. Freedom
and Love as Fearless
SaME as BeinG noW fuLLy
aliVe and Free
Be aLive..
as all of star
dust existence
strives to be and
we with gloWinG cheeks
of red.. as blood flows from
top to bottom.. we and all the ‘tween..
So sure.. perHaps in the Nursing home one day
God Forbid if i make it to that place.. i’d rather be
free like my Father and live fully until i die..
but anyWay.. in my mid 50’s.. i can
say and still see/feel how far
i came with 100% Hope
Faith and Belief from
a Dead Zone
fo 66 months
from January
of 2008 through
July end,, near 22nd of 2013..
and then i can go to January and
see how far i went from naked free in 2014..
at stArt.. in a blog titled Free Lance Stripping
that was a satirical name.. that i changed to Free
Verse Nude Poetry.. and set to private as Google
was recommending then and was to enforce in January
of 2015.. they changed their mind and let freedom ring liGht
still naked and trUe.. in public give and share of the greATest
art of Michelangelo and all the greats of God’s greATest form now
of Temple of God in God’s Nature within us as naked free form as
WELL unchained
as we
no shame..
in how we are
born as long as we live
in a culture that makes it
legal.. and fit as ARt..
it is art..
is no
in any human
function or pARt of skIN..
And i’ve come a long way in
that art from age 53 to 56 as
the record clearly shows.. sometimes
buff.. sometimes a little on the heavy side..
but alWays free as we can be as God makes us Nature FREE..:)

Back to the Future Freddy..Rainman and Sunshine…

NaturAlly difficult am i..
a shorter Macro-Verse from
two years ago.. but
still well worth
it to see some
candid Love
photos of our
Big Grey Cat Moby..
as maKing a Truman Show
of LiFe in Blog way has many
Love Memory advantages to reminisce
each year with Facebook Memories along the
way.. juST imagine if someone did this tHeir entire liFe..
sure.. it’s happening with blogs now as we speak in many
forms of art.. they come in.. as difficult as me.. hmm..
not likely but theiRS
for hUman
BeinGS to gRoW
MorE as folks take fuller
advantage of both tHeir
innate human potential and
what technology adds in potential
of BeinG hUman as well as tool.. instead
of weapons of
per se.. as
LoVE oF lIFe..
for mE noW..:)

Naturally difficult am i

Fountain of Youth ROARS

Fountain of Youth ROARS

WeLL.. a photo journey of a family
trip to Ponce De Leon Springs
here and if tHeiR is any
fountain of youth
to roar
it is associated
with the wife.. Katrina’s
Bikini of course.. and yes,,
Shawna babe.. if you come this
far in the future soon.. this is the all
G-Rated butt of Katrina for sure..
as great
as butts
come as
you surely say.. heheR2..;)

Yeah.. as the beginning
photo clearly
one hell
of a Wishbone
to break.. yeah..;)


“Everything is simpler than you think
and at the same time more complex than you imagine.”

~~ Goethe ~~

RuleS OF
ExistS in less
A gRain oF SanD
And moRe beYond
ASUniVerse ‘RouNd..:)

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little death that brings total oblivion.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me
and turn my inner eye to follow its path.
When the fear is gone, there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.”

~~ The Litany Against Fear ~~

~~ Frank Herbert, “Dune”, 1965 ~~

Fear is
a stress
that kills..
Stress that heals
all change is stress..
All Love iS Great..
for those
A stress
oF Fear..:)

He that feareth is a slave, were he never so rich, were he never so
powerful. But he that is without fear is king of all the world.”

~~ E. R. Eddison, The Worm Ouroboros ~~

Says A Fearless
dude/tte to
A Trumper
and A HiLL
Ary.. aFraid
of only
flesh and blood alive…
To walk naked noW and
WHoLe.. iS to bE A LioN FReED..
oN CouRSe noW..:)

“Because the name is the thing, and the truename is the true thing.
To speak the name is to control the thing.”

~~ Mr. Underhill, The Rule of Names, Ursula K. Le Guin, 1964 ~~

As alWays..
Essence rules
form and tools

“All things are to be examined and called into question.
There are no limits set on thought.”

~~ Rational Bee ~~

rules without

“Down in their hearts, wise men know this truth:
the only way to help yourself is to help others.”

~~ Elbert Hubbard ~~

Yes.. A hUman
aWay from
written language..
collective intelligence..
and complex cultures with
less than 150 to 200 sets oF
eYes wHere naked hUman
NaTure.. once aGain rules tools..noW..
wiTh ShArinG and GiVinG foRAge LiFe..:)

“The best helping hand that you will ever receive
is the one at the end of your own arm.”

~~ Fred Dehner ~~

As mY FriEnd RAfiah..
Once said.. give
A paT
oN thE bacK..:)

“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet
and the winds long to play with your hair.”

~~ Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet ~~

Let the air breathe you..
the wind fly you..
the water drink you..
and the River
Ocean wHOle
Paradise oF LiVinG
with no regard to pre-planned
existence now.. FReED @lEast

“Too much of a good thing is WONDERFUL.”

~~ Mae West ~~

Someone nearly
every week tales
me i am too high
and or happy..
i’LL get even hiGher..
happier and FReED..
iN fAct i’LL juST do ThaT noW..:)


Life is a full plate of Breakfast Club..
sadly.. some folks.. choose
and adhere to rigid
roles assigned
by culture
touch the
other Breakfast Foods of life..
the Jock.. the Rebel Bad Boy..
the Outcast who does not belong
anywhere.. the Princess with model looks..
and sure.. the Introvert nerd with a Book and Straight A’s..
and sure in some ways all of these
exist in wE.. the desire
to excel.. to compete
in tribal instinct..
giving up..
in books..
and rebelling
’cause you are sick
and tired of how life life
works.. in your life.. at least..
and all of what can separate and
stratify folks into social cliques for support
of the fire.. desire.. or dark for the
day that comes next..
or even
fearless love
to love it all for only the
sake of being Love.. hmm…
there usually are no peacemakers
in detention.. as diplomacy is most often their
forte.. and sure.. in my case.. i was
most definitely the bookish
nerd in school.. the
perfectionist who
wanted the
social roles too..
just to taste life.. just to
escape fear and anxiety
just to escape the
box of what
i expected
of myself
too much.. as restriction
to be all of what society expected me
to be.. and sure the paternal side expected more
of a young man with three college degrees than to work
at a Bowling Center.. but no matter Love.. or Intellect.. without
a fearless ability to calmly interact with others with success… in
moving.. connecting.. and creating ways.. it’s not so hard to see why
the bookish nerd in the Breakfast Club was willing to end it all after earning
a bad grade or two.. as he had all his eggs to hatch in one basket without the
affordance of one egg going bad out of the whole to spoil his entire FucKinG liFe..
Perfectionist thinking was my downfall in life.. but sure that most always comes
from anxiety and the fear of not being in control of one’s life.. and
just FucKinG letting go.. as some folks can
do.. to breeze through
life without
too many
scare the
joy out of breathe..
breathe.. breathe joy..
dance.. sing.. to FucK with
limits and expectations and worry
over failure.. or why folks FucKinG think
and feel about how you express yourself
originally.. is.. why i dance.. is the adventure that
says.. i will move and yes speak.. a different way
in ways of art i feel and sense.. without a FucKinG rule of School..
and nah.. i cannot speak for anyone else.. nah.. i cannot feel and
sense for anyone else.. as there are many different foods and
drinks on the Breakfast Plate of life.. that i have not
tasted and neither have you.. as of course
each human is a Multi-Universe of
Breakfast food.. with yes
similarities but
no one
else has gone
of course.. WRite on..
Dance and Sing way..
or no Sing and Dance @ALL..
anyway.. as my wife says.. there
is no role that fits me now.. i exceed
all the roles and other human archetypes
she has seen on TV.. and Real LifE too..
and that’s okay.. as if nothing else
i will not be erased from life again..
as the one who
said yes
to all
that others
expected of me..
a horrible limit of
life that is.. a self
imposed detention
of human Freedom..:)


So.. it was Monday Night..
and i dance up to the nice
Pacific Islander Gym Attendant.. Vida..
and also Step-Daughter of one of the long
term Bowling Center patrons of decades i knew
since ’84.. yeah.. the year the Breakfast Club played
first and we had the newest thing in Bowling Alley’s funded
by the Military to support the fighters.. as a VHS
player attached to all the
computer screens over
the lanes.. and by the
way.. the only
reason i got hired
is.. i had a computer class
in college and the monkey wrenches
of the Bowling World were hands on
wrenches visual spatial folks where
the left brain analytical
was not
their forte..
anyway.. we played
the Breakfast club on all
the screens for the patrons.. and
oh God.. i’ve seen that movie way too
many times as somewhat of an icon
fixed in my brain.. so anyway.. i dance
up to Vida and say in generalized terms..
you know there are two ways of life..
however i did not tale her one
is common and one
is fairly rare..
as to
not make
the answer seem so
hard to get one from her..
and she says the most common
one that is yes.. right and wrong and
then i go on to say.. nah.. there are few
moral absolutes.. cross culturally.. easy to see
for one who studies social science and anthropology
and they are the taboos of sexually abusing children and
incest of course.. and i went further to say.. when Innate human
nature is repressed as in the case of countries where men and women
are not allowed to touch.. other than family members until marriage age..
the results can be as horrific in perversion away from human nature
as Arabian physician clinical studies that suggest 60 to 80 percent
of little girls from age 3 to 6 in homes are sexually abused
by either a close family member that ironically
society allows a member of the opposite
sex to touch.. or an intimate
family friend
of the
as such..
so i say nah.. what
i came to say.. is.. there are
the spectators of life.. and they
are minion.. and then there are the
ones who act.. produce.. and direct their
own plays of life that others most often follow..
and i say then.. but you know Vida.. things are
perhaps changing a little for the better through artful
creative leaning social media outlets where folks become
individuals instead of more as the group think of the spectators
of what other folks do in tribal leaning and following ways.. you know..
like folks who sit and watch sports instead of getting out to act and
produce and direct their own game of life too.. and nah.. it’s
no wonder it’s rare.. as rarely is someone out
in the wild supported by going their
own way.. unless their own
way is copied
of course
no one will
copy me.. as not even
i copy me.. i act and produce
and direct my play by heARt.. and
heARt continuously feels and senses different..
somedays i move to the left.. and some days i move
to the wRite.. yes in both steps and words.. but all days
i wRite and MoVe and Speak a little different
as that is what Nature does..
every free action
and consequence
of Nature.. IS A free Dance
and Song that has no script
set in stone.. it doesn’t take a rocket
scientist to figure that out.. who spends their
time replicating observable phenomenon.. all
it takes is to watch a feather float through the air
at least resistance and most movement to winds of change..
iN Dance And Song oF Multi-UniVersal liFe.. and nah.. i ain’t
gonna make it back to dVerse for any of their regularly scheduled
poetry prompts.. for this Dance Song.. now at 9:11 am on the Equinox
day.. Shawna.. was the free dance and song of poetry that was so fitting
for this 6000 mile celebration of free verse dance everywhere i have gone
in public now for three years.. off the cuff of the traveled path..
on the Wing
of God
iN mE.. i DancE
and SinG.. A Feather Speaks..
in Forrest Gump talk @lEASt..;)

Yeah.. and poetry concrete
heads.. yA can call that a
Giant Fredbun.. with the last
three lines as Fredku.. to replace
your Oriental Haibun and Haiku..
FucKing American Style.. Native
as such in
as sure.. i aM2
hUman and i2
can SinG tribal too..
as any free moNkey..
can and STiLL WilL do..;)


To once again..
become an Instrument
of Art and Love.. for the
Nature oF God as wE..
A Device
instead of strife..
Lord kNows.. by the time i
ended 32 years or so of work..
including 25 years of Federal
Government Service.. and
before that it was.. yes..
Archaeology Research
Associate.. Book Store
Stocking Clerk.. and
Janitor for
6 long
years in combo
with the other two
part time jobs for a
short stint too.. during
6 years of College supporting
a diet that consisted of Peanut
Butter Sandwiches to afford school
for that long and the three college
degrees of Social Sciences Interdisciplinary..
Health Science and Anthropology as preparation
for a much longer trial and error study of the human
condition starting at a Military Bowling Center for almost
two decades.. ending as Manager there.. Administrative
Support Assistant for a Captain of the NAS Pensacola
Navy Station for three months during reductions
and reassignments of Force.. and
back to Community Activities
Director and finally
Director thaT
i retired early
after 25 years
of service with
a synergy of 19 medical
disorders life threatening
as such in total.. particularly
the suicide disease.. type two
Trigeminal Neuralgia.. from wake
to sleep.. losing effective use of my
eyesight and hearing for 66 months with
this dentist drill-like pain with no novocain
for what science assesses as a pain worse now
than crucifixion.. yes.. the worst understood pain
now of humankind in empirical understood ways.. of
science yet.. in the literature on this i have read so
far.. of course.. some folks call it Sluder’s Headache
and other’s call it a generalized term as atypical
facepain.. as sure hell is atypical for those
who have not experienced it
first face as it
were for
me for
66 months..
along with Dysautonomia..
where blood pressure and heart
rate would no long synch.. making
me faint most all hours of the day
and my heart would speed so fast
to get the blood to my brain.. when
attempting to fall asleep.. that i could not
sleep.. but only 1 hour each of 35 days then
as start of hell in 2008.. and none for the
last 5 of 40 during the lent spring period
of 2008.. and that hour of very shallow
cardboard sleep the first 35 days was
only allowed by a powerful alpha
blocker slowing my heart
down enough
to do
from the hell of the
face pain.. plus my eyes
quit making tears.. for the
autoimmune disorder named too..
Sjogren’s Syndrome.. along with
Fibromyalgia pain from head to toe..
Spinal Stenosis and Severe Degenerative
Arthritis pain along with coat hanger pain
in shoulders and neck associated with
Dysautonomia.. too.. rounding out
a full plate of hell starting
at age 47 all the
way through
age 53..
as the
phoenix oF Y i..
rose again.. on the
Beach of the week end of
July 22nd 2013.. yeah.. so happy
to say bye to beyond ashes of fire
i was then.. and hmm.. i guess too..
i thought the Asperger’s Syndrome..
and not speaking until i was age
4 and stuttering my way and not
always making sense when i talked..
making straight A’s.. as my rote memory
for multiple choice tests.. that was basically
the only test given in those days.. was extreme..
and i still can play movies in my head of my entire
life now.. sure.. that seemed like a challenge along
with my androgynous morphological look that brought
me guesses of can i help you Miss.. around age 12 or
so at McDonalds before i hit puberty.. and suddenly
found some facial hair to accompany the pretty
long eyelashes and green to blue eyes..
and long blonde hair as such in
the still somewhat hippy
days of the
hip hugger
male pants of
the 70’s flower
bus Partridge Family
and Brady Bunch Days then..
and sure i dream of Jeanie’s hidden
belly button.. praying for a porn magazine
to fall from the sky to learn something about
sex.. all hidden from me until age 16-18.. too..
those were the days.. of sure.. challenge
too.. and sure.. i got a weight set..
as ‘they’ told me i was not
worth it for this world..
did not deserve
to survive
as weak
and androgynous
looking boy back then..
in my somewhat red state
still patriarchal fundamentalist
most churches then per square mile
town too.. i suppose i owe much of the
freedom of my success now.. to the first
fish in the Aquarium who told the weak looking
fish of me i did not deserve to live then as they
continually were nipping at my gills.. and that can
be A worst torture oF all.. no different really than
the young homosexual children in the Catholic Church
who sit quietly and obediently as the Priest continually
says.. well.. love the sinner.. hate the sin of what they
do as gifted by god as different as human nature
does.. you are good enough to be here..
but not good enough for a sacrament
of marriage for the monogamous
same sex person you love..
good cop.. bad cop
Jesus sings now
from the
pulpit true
and yes..
false too
as cognitive dissonance
reigns still in the hypocrisies
of even the biggest most well organized
so-called Christian Church in the world.. that
sings songs that still stay gentile.. jew.. servant
or free.. woman or man no more.. except for the.. ugh..
fine print at the end of the labyrinth contract in hell
of church you must sign to be part of the
ongoing social accepted group
of limitations as terms
so finely
below too..
and don’t forget..
the 10 commandments that
say honor thy mother and father
until you get to Luke 17.. where it says
to follow me.. ya gotta hate the ways of your
Mommy.. Daddy.. and Brother and Sister.. and
children too.. if you are lucky enough to figure out
that part of the metaphor as of course it literally says
you must hate your mother.. father.. sister.. brother
and children to follow what i teach.. and pick up
a stick/sword of hate too.. to come along with me..
is it any wonder.. Christian Churches
are closing doors on Sunday
Nights and Wednesday
Nights across the
nation now..
no.. of course it isn’t
we have this thing named
as the Internet now.. that exposes
all the cognitive dissonance as what they
are.. hypocritical lies that make no FucKinG
Human decency sense at all.. as far as fearless
Unconditional Love goes.. as my fingers powered
by a holy spirit Now of fearless unconditional love
speed way past the theme song now.. as God oF Nature
empowers me within.. to spread fearless love in
liGht and TrUth way.. with sure.. even the
limited empirical tool of modern
science to FucKinG back
me uP as i continue
and you may aS weLL
too.. iF yoU SeeK iN God too..
and hell yes that includes the
science of God’s Nature too..
to cut the bullshit in out too..
for all the thousands of years..
of psychopathic leaning and or
ignorant leaning folks who strive to
control and subjugate others.. repressing
and oppressing human nature.. for selfish
material gains and reproductive control as such
too.. so yeah.. sure.. it’s now for the Katy Perry
inspiring SonG Rise again.. as yes i rise
again.. and do more than i ever did
before.. as i simply can and
WiLL with the gift of
relative free will
from the God
oF Nature
that makes
it possible
for me to
act.. produce
and co-direct my
own true will with the
will of God’s Nature in
Human nature i.. too.. and sure..
the ability to do this in iSREAL liFE now..
still in a New Jerusalem-like Red state town
of Milton.. Florida sTiLL too.. so yeah.. God Bless
America.. ’cause here’s the thing.. a Good Cop Jesus
like me and oTherS.. can eXpreSS miNd and Body BaLanCinG
of SoUL.. through Holy SpiRit.. and Free heARt too.. moVinG..
conNecting. and CreaTinG all Free noW.. so TruE and lighT iSREAL2..:)

And yes.. ending this 705th Macro Verse now..
with Katy Perry and rise.. and hell no..
i won’t just survive.. i thrive.. and
i am writing my story now.. so
far beyond the archetype of
before.. that you
may not even
see or
feel all
of me now..
and i continue
to rise hiGher and
HiGher now with transformation
through 100% hope.. faith and belief
and an unlimited other number of nuances
of human emotions and senses that you may
not feel and sense now.. as there are no
limits or expectations of human potential
when the angel i oF Y i becomes sAMe noW as
wE in liGht iN liGht yes iSREAL illuminati
as God given HUman potenTially more fully
Apollo and Lucifer realized with both
right and left hands of God myths
as vehicles and vessels housing
fully in play alive as
we act and
and co-create
directing with
God our owN
FucKinG plaYs
of Life.. nah..
shouldn’t have been
a surprise.. i alWays
cAMe up smelling like a rose
like my co-employee Dolores said
at the Bowling Center then.. no matter
how far the tar oil bird of hell i got myself
into in the future too.. from then.. as not well @aLL..
separated from the interrelating.. interconnecting Force
of God of all that is.. as gifted to us.. through emotions
and senses that allow us to feel and give the highest power of
Love to us and others same as Golden Rule that never consumes
others further than food or drink.. of nature required to
Serpent Brain Senses live.. with limbic of emotions and
neocortical of reason as trinity of mINd and
BoDy BaLancing soUL realized hiGher and
Higher RiSinG as hUman God given
potential now.. with all
of the extension
of God given
technology that
assists for positive
stress named change
for trUth and liGht too..
i AM jUSt a messenger of
DancE and SonG as Myth and
iSREAL no different really and
different in archetype way of bEfore too..
it doesn’t matter if you listen to me or not
as the anonymous voices of God all across global
online are legion now.. in both dARk and liGht.. and
all the colors and sHades of grey and black that exist
in liGht and dArk colors now.. of HUman Rainbow beyond
and less liFe STiLL.. and sure.. i can do a manifesto of
liGht every day.. every now.. for the reaSon and
FeeLinG and sensing of Human Potential
Gifted by
and this is just
another sTart of
anoThEr Holy
and Sacred
R and R
by me and
God too.. we
literally rise..
sure.. in more
ways than one.. as
above.. so below..
inside.. outside..
all around.. the trUths
and liGhts are no longer
hidden they are in plain
site for those with eYes
and eArs to see and
and liGht Now
illuminati iSREAL Shines..
aS God’s eYes of Wisdom as wE noW..:)

So.. my 127th week of Dancing with all the
cool college age folks.. coming tonight..
Thursday night.. with more fun
dancing photos coming to the
current Macro-Verse
around 3 am on
Friday morn..
6000 miles
of public
dance in
three years..
and continuing on
in the longest long
form poem ever.. as 42
months plus now sings..
in 3.3 million words
plus in the 36
month old
as ‘SonG oF MY
SoUL’2.. so
yes.. as alWays
be back aGain later..
with more to come.. oN Course.. noW..
as i continue to rise with no limits.. Now.. FReED..:)








BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels


41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)


img_1081 img_1082 img_1083 img_1084 img_1085 img_1086 img_1087 img_1089 img_1090 img_1091 img_1092 img_1093 img_1094 img_1095 img_1096 img_1097 img_1098 img_1099 img_1100 img_1101 img_1102 img_1103 img_1104 img_1105 img_1106 img_1107 img_1108 img_1110 img_1111

 img_1112 img_1113 img_1114 img_1115 img_1116 img_1117 img_1118 img_1119 img_1120 img_1121 img_1122

Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 20 Comments

Super Fly oF liGht




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“Individuality seems to be Nature’s whole aim —
and she cares nothing for individuals.” — Goethe

Fallacy number one
of modern civilizations..

Human is separate
from Nature.. hmm…

FAct.. SoMe HUmans Care..
PArt oF Nature does inDeed care..

All of Nature is surely more than care..
and less than care too.. and for hUmans
wHo care that makes pArt oF Nature God sAMe Great..

Caring is Great..
Love is Great..
in this way
iS Great too..:)


Fellow Poet Blogger MotherWinterMoon expresses
concern that she is unable to open up my Word
Press Blog.. and she is very nice to
ask this question..
as most people
likely never try again..
as sure.. as i suggest below..
life can be kinda busy in the first world today..

And i go on to say..

Hi Friend.. Thanks for asking..

That’s the URL of one of two blogspot blogs that people with this issue use as an alternative…

The Word Press Version does not handle.. well.. the intense use of visual poetry that i use to complement what is currently technically the longest long form poem ever at 703 Macro-verses and over 3.3 Million words long.. If in print.. In terms of paper.. Over 30K pages long..

It’s a hobby just for fun and the Word Press Version takes a very powerful computer and really BROAD band access to open up..

Winks.. Technology has almost caught up with me.. But i continue to challenge Moore’s Law and cultural norms in general.. Even in the poetry world.. But ha! History proves i’m in good company with the ‘craayyyyzzy ones’.. i don’t use sidewalks..;)

And that comment doesn’t go through as her blog doesn’t accept
links without moderation so i go on to spell the link out
and replay it back again.. as she still expresses
concern as her internet is never slow
and she hasn’t had this problem
with other blogs..
in doing so i
copy the comment
above again and
say additionally..

i cannot open the
Word Press Version
of my blog with my iPhone5s..
but no problem with my iPhone6s
with an LTE connection.. and with
my wife’s Micro-Soft based HP computer
i cannot open up any of it.. and it is the
same year.. 2013.. of my iMAC computer..
it’s more of an issue likely that your
Computer and Internet access
hasn’t met a blog
of close to
the Nature of
what i present there..
And as my wife tries to
come up with a label for
me as a person.. all she
can say is “you’re something”..
haha.. but you know this is the
poetry world.. and that shouldn’t
be a surprise i thought.. but i often
find as in the old days of Whitman and
others.. some folks are still on guard with
of we..
anyway.. thanks
for asking.. life is busy..
and Lord Knows if i still
worked.. wouldn’t have time
to even write 300 words on the
Internet vs.. the 12 million words
i’ve done since ThanksGiving Day
of 2010.. i was never a word person
but with the loss of my eyesight and
hearing.. effectively with what is
termed as type two Trigeminal
Neuralgia.. the worst pain
known to humankind
from wake to
sleep for
66 months like
a dentist drill without
Novocaine.. that yes.. in
my case was in my right
eye and ear.. i had to find
a hobby in hell.. and i had
no other choice but to
become words
my friend…
as no drug
would touch
that pain..
along the line my
soul came back and the
pain went away.. and now
i am just a dam of Love
of hell..
and a dancing one too..
anyway.. i’m thinking
the other link will likely
work.. particularly if you
have an iPhone6s or later..
and with the new 7 it should be
a breeze as it is with a Samsung
7 too.. as Moore’s Law finally
catches up to all i do..
my friend..
Have a great day..
for me at least Life
is the gift that has no limit
in sharing and giving.. my FriEnd..
somehow visiting hell for 66 months
made it that way for me.. an adaptation i guess.. to Heaven..
no.. i reAlly don’t
have to guess..
there is no
doubt.. in faCt..
as i live it now..
a much better place in liGht..:)

Motherwintermoon responds
back eloquently in
sympathy for
the history
of my pain..
in anew
of why i like to write.. SO MUCH..

and i return.. by saying poeticAlly too..

SAdly.. my friend..
not many people
have sympathy
for the
me and
it seems you too..
thank you.. there IS
A place for folks like
it’s a place
we make or break noW mY friEnd..
i have zero pain now.. and
i am not going back to hell..
of this..
as i make it happen..
every now without fail
in giving and sharing all..
in a beauty of effortless flow..
it’s nice in heaven.. best oF all.. it’s real now
and that my
friend can be
An ultimate message of poEtry..
sAdly.. somehow that pArt of
Luke 17:21 got lost along
i brought
it back and
so have many
otHeRs.. sAdly2..
it is almost impossible
to convince someone
else heaven exists
now until
perHaps by the
time i write 80 million words
i’ll find a way to put Heaven into words..
and perhaps that IS A reason for hell.. my friEnd..


Back on the ‘Wrong Planet’.. an Internet site
for outcasts who are far from what this
Autistic Online Community whole
termed as Neurotypical..
which of course there is
no typical in human nows that always
change but sure.. relatively speaking
in generalized ways.. anyWay.. E-Scaping
life as a visual thinker.. a necessity of a pain
disorder that changed eye vision to something
that could not be utilized effectively without almost
intolerable pain.. and any pain where you can
avoid committing suicide is somewhat
tolerable.. as there is pain
that is not tolerable..
as at first
i was willing
to jump off into
shallow water off
a boardwalk or even
lay flat in a puddle of
4 inches of water and
drown myself.. but sure..
autonomic reflexes and all
of that.. even though.. were mostly
shot with another disorder.. i couldn’t
do that or more aptly put my instincts
would not allow it.. as i found out the wild
of the reptilian brain aka as the Serpent
WiLL live at all costs.. at a price of life
that has always had its peaks iN
struggle for all animals
per se.. of the
on Earth..
anyway.. escaping
the synergy of life threatening
disorders of as you say Murphy’s
Law and i say now in hell.. words were
shallow with little substance of the full feelings
of Emotions.. and Affective Empathy that move us
to do more in life than sitting still and stagnating as such..
and what they oft said on that Wrong Planet when something
came trUe and liGht and blUe as sKeYes of sPark of Wisdom..
QFT.. Quoted For Truth.. and today.. that’s all i can say about
the pearls you say plus even more below with the quotes
for truth
once again..
and sure.. i’ll be
using this ‘elsewhere’..
no need to read any further.. hehe..
as i understand life’s limitations
all too
in literal hell
as you’ve likely
heard many times by
now.. my Friend.. gigoid..

“I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together!”

~~ (The Beatles) I Am The Walrus ~~

If only folks knew that The Walrus IS A real Good Cop Jesus..

“The only people for me are the mad ones,
the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved,
desirous of everything at the same time,
the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing,
but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles
exploding like spiders across the stars…”

~~ Jack Kerouac, “On the Road” ~~

If only folks knew that Jack Kerouac IS A real Good Cop Jesus..

“Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.”

~~ Seneca ~~

If only folks knew that Seneca iS A real Good Cop Jesus..

“”I say that a man must be certain of his morality
for the simple reason that he has to suffer for it.”

~~ G. K. Chesterton, Illustrated London News, 8/4/06 ~

If only folks knew that G.K Chesterton IS A real Good Cop Jesus..

“The question was put to him, what hope is;
and his answer was, “The dream of a waking man.”

~~ Diogenes Laertius — Aristotle, xi ~~

If only folks knew that Diogenes Laertius IS A real Good Cop Jesus..

“Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future,
you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way in the answer.”

~~ Rainer Maria Rilke ~~

If Only folks knew that Rainer Maria Rike IS A real Good Cop Jesus..

“All virtue is summed up in dealing justly.”

~~ Aristotle ~~

If only folks knew that Aristotle IS A real Good Cop Jesus..

And now i say..

If only folks knew as history clearly shows now in empirical
way that this Biblical concept of Jesus is a human archetype of
the hero who struggles as a potential good and bad cop too..
and sure that is clearly evidenced in what exists
as the current story in the
New Testament too
for Bi-polar
in both liGht and DArk..
yeah.. as i’ve said many times
before.. the Luke 17 part that
says hate your mommy.. daddy..
siblings and children.. if that they
don’t believe precisely what i say..
to Love your enemy.. oh the irony
of the bi-polar good cop and
bad cop of all of that
as sure..
many folks
in law enforcement
start out wanting to help
everyone.. and eventually
their empathy and compassion
can get drained too.. as sure they
are only human too.. and they breakdown
too as the story told in many words of different
humans as science now shows too in the Jesus
Meme of the New World too.. oh a wish
for the Greek Definition of
Apocalypse where
we finally
lift the veils
of ignorance..
figure out
Love and
Nature is great
and worship the whole
enchilada as sacred and
holy and live in that pArt
of Luke 17:21 that says
the Kingdom of Heaven
is within as Nature iSREAL NoW..
Kingdom of God.. yeah.. when the
Love flu
in interconnecting
interrelating way..
so fare a travel
when one let’s
tHeir Love Flow iSREAL..
Love is Great.. Love is Great.. Love
iSREAL.. why not do iSREAL Love and
Worship that while maintaining a semblance
of respects for the myths that house the vehicles
and vessels of TruTh and LiGht.. anyway.. i ain’t writing
this for the poor front porch folks who are already doing the love flu..
i’m writing it for
the big
and hate..
the eye of the
needle and the
fact cat camels who
i have sympathy for as
the deVil lost iN iSREAL
HeLL too.. and sure to
get through that’s a JOB
For JOB.. meanwhile i’ll
enjoy Love on the Front Porch of GodNoW..:)

Thanks my friend.. i was kinda floating
through today on the gas fumes left
of the night of last dance..
bordering on the
of Lewis
hehe.. as
the wonderland
continues heRE and
tHeRe for now @lEast..;)


WeLL.. back now to
last night and
as i said then..
in regard to two beautiful young
women from the University of
West Florida.. who could easily
be models and likely more beautiful
too than what most folks see of models
these days.. and sure all women are
beautiful in their own way.. but these
women are going somewhere.. they
are not at the dance for drinks
and pick up per se.. they
are there to let
loose from
the mechanical cognition of
University Life .. where as i know
and feel all too well from my history
there.. there are some days where if
you don’t have a beer your mind may explode
out of balance per se.. as yes.. mechanical
cognition activities or as Johnny from the
Shining says.. all work and no play
can make Cindy Sue
a very unhappy
girl too..
and i have no idea if the twins
in the dance photos are named Cindy
or Sue.. either.. hehe.. as i’ve never been
much of a label person.. easily able to
see the soul of anyone in the eyes that
are truly the window to God inside..
My Father was an Identical Twin..
and per these happy Smiley
Seville Quarter Dance
photos.. celebrating
my 127th week
of dance there..
i must say.. these
Seville twins are
identical too.. in beauty
of course too.. and niceness ..
as i find all the other girls at Seville
who have become dance friends with me..
the regularly scheduled Macro-verse for
Thursday as one can see now.. got pushed
to 9162016.. it seems it was just meant to be..
couldn’t be too late for dance.. for R and R Holy and Sacred Thursday..
and sure for the specific meaning of that significance 91616 is all nines
and sixes and ones kinda like my birthday 06061960 but sure today’s
date has a two in it for second as well.. there will always be second
or there can be no first.. it’s truly as simple as that.. and there
will always be first as there can be no first without last
either for logic purposes only in concrete thinking
as truly reality doesn’t have to fit the
order of human made math..
or symbols of letters
and words
to even
scratch the
surface of the essence of
all that is.. anyway..

the profile pic according
to the latest Facebook bug
or change or whatever they are
doing with the software at present ain’t
likely to stick in the comments section of
my blog working on the 704th Macro-Verse of
Longest Long Form Poem now.. so sure.. i carefully
made sure those twins were included in the Facebook
provided Video Slide show for last night.. plan B and beyond
always in my back pocket.. per se too.. in systemizing old Fred..
the Robot ways of being.. that i can pull up at will with the devil and
hell too..
if need
be for survival
and thriving art of course too..:)

And now we move on to Facebook Algorithm
Provided as every good secretary will do to help
‘the boss’ get the job done of numbers or art..
or both as it were and is.. a MacroVerse
memory shared here too.. of..
Ojoy THE DEAD ZONE.. and
i’ve probably already
spoken enough
about that today..
but sure there are always
more ways to share than what i say now..
here in a memory of two years ago.. where
i continue to get stronger as the record shows
there as well as moving on in potential oF art..
where age is only a number and heArt is everything more..:)


And now.. finAlly from a year ago.. a hallmark post named Desert
i’LL Change as the prompt of that day from a year ago at
dVerse would sever my further attempts to link there
that had already somewhat stifled part of
my creativity in fitting the less
of expectations and limits
of others..
a short poem
to meet their expectations
of rules by the letter.. for
a prompt on change..
but a denial by the
administrators that
the change in rebirth of life
as Island escaping cultural rules
was enough for what the true Jesus
could metaphor of reborn too.. you know
the Good Cop Jesus.. who was just a flesh
and blood dude.. who went out in the desert
away from his sidewalk cardboard patriarchal
culture repressing emotions and senses and
sexuality too of course.. to find God innately
instinctually and intuitively inside as free
animal of God’s Kingdom
on Earth will do
in animal
Heaven too..
i suppose.. i couldn’t
really expect anyone who
would go by the book of a promise
of reborn in a heaven after life..
after all that is a source
of domination
of Nature..
and each other
in old patriarchal ways
in all that runs a red state way..
but i for one will not hide my own
personal trUth and liGht in what sTiLL
is the greATest aWaKeNinG oF my Life
as Phoenix rising from the ashes of all the
illusory fears and promises of culture and religion
today.. and of course.. transparently.. the administrators
just wanted to me to do less as they wouldn’t be held
up loading my blog on slower computers.. and that’s
okay as i told them they didn’t even have to come by..
but that wasn’t enough.. and that’s okay too..
as since then.. i’ve been able to more
fully find my personal potential
of art without restraint from others
and since then in empirical measure
the viewership of the my blogs that are
much easier to open.. that sure.. the
administrators could have used
with a little effort too.. have
skyrocketed with 655 views
as the picture tales the story
in blogspot in a hour’s time
yesterday and 1395 views for one
day too.. it’s a big world.. and not
everyone has a slower computer or too
much other stuff to do.. to get inspired by
much more of what i do.. and this is the potential
inspiration that could bring the next Beethoven
or Mozart or even Einstein to the forefront
of modern culture again.. as Lord
knows everyone needs
a hand
along the
way.. at least a few..
if one is human at all..
i enjoy running up A Hill..
not a Hill of Likes.. Follows..
and brown nosing for prizes now..
but a hill of love that never ends.. uP as Free arT..
and that reminds me of the two lovely young ladies i
met on the sidewalk.. at the end of the night.. at
Old Seville.. excited to meet me in the voice..
as they had been viewing my free dance
from a distance for a long time..
up to then.. they said
what they were
afraid of in life
as they had seen happen
to older folks is they would lose
their heaRt.. and of course as i tale everyone..
the answer is free.. dance.. naked without rules of culture
now.. to bRinG yOur heARt down.. but sure i used another
metaphor than naked.. and told ’em i was 56.. showed
’em photos on Facebook of the wife who never ages
and they sang to me in Unison as i walked off
in the Full Moon parking lot.. WE Love you..
We Love you.. twice.. somehow that
tasted better than all the
Facebook And
Word Press
likes i’ll ever
get as i could
see it in their eyes
in the photo i took then..
before they ever said it..
Nah.. Hips and eYes don’t lie
on the free dance floors of LiFe..
and sure God told me to write it all
down.. and keep a record of my miracles
that iSREAL to come.. so i wRite/DancE on in simple
and complex Covenant of Love with all that is GOD noW..
for truly in both dance and words God iS poetry at GreATest LiGht..
keeping in
mind.. essence
oF poeTry and not
human words or steps alone..
God IS A Verb oF BEinG noW aLLoNe..:)

Desert i’LL Change


Fellow Blogger Friend Zee shares
a open mic poet speak about
the state of when
boys say
they love
the girls
in their life..

And i say..

Lovely Poetry in the spoken word
my friend.. but what is Love..
a password to own
or key to free..
all that owns
is away from free..
all that frees lacks ownership
of others.. as the village instinctually
raises the child and we are all brothers
and sisters.. but as science shows the
limit there is a village of around 150
to 200 sets of eYes that fight
for Love
and Survival
fearlessly day
to day toGeTHer..
as One Force oF huMan
beings as the monkeys huddle
together in the zoo arm in arm
when intruder humans
come inside..
or the
that huddle for
warm in polar way..
Love is the Force that
glues us toGeTher beyond
all obstacles of Environmental
Stress but those were the eyes
of the
the written
word my friEnd..
as synchronicity will have
it.. i just wrote somewhat of
a poetic thank you.. honoring two
girls who were strangers exclaiming
i love you for nothing and everything
of the free dance of me.. i told ’em i wrote
poetry.. but did that matter.. they had never
heard me speak before that moment.. no it
didn’t.. ’cause the love song was in body language
and eyes that say we are togeTher in this game before
those feelings
fall or rise
to shells
that may or may
not hold eYes of Love..
Wild Wolves Love more than
domesticated ones ever will.. the
answer is simple.. they need each other
for the hunt and survival of life.. wHere togETher
and Social
liVing to
survive and thrive
alWays now Free..
when a person is truly
free it is truly hard to
do less than love my friEnd..
that is what
my experience
teaches me to
date of life and
death before
of life
from that..
other than that as
i go into the modern dance
hall and hear the rape language
of the men in the men’s room away
from ears of women.. i often find my
self falling into similar poetic words about
the state of males.. but i quickly come to
my reasoning mind that says it’s
culture mostly that makes
them that way..
so far
from a
village of love my friend..
they (many) truly are the unlucky
ones to be born into cOld sHeLLs of Words..
where flesh is only a tool to be consumed…


SMiLes.. Thanks Hank as
always for stopping by and taking
the time and effort to leave a comment..
and it’s safe to say that every blog post here
in total as you comment here to my last
comment on my blog post
that in the ‘ordinary world’
is an entire blog post to itself
as each Micro Verse or even
Micro Micro Verse can be viewed
from smaller level of the entire Macro
Verse SigNature sUn arE onE here
as 703rd Macro Verse of entire Ocean
Poem of Longest Long Form total Poem
in the history of humankind.. hehe.. as i say
to let folks know WTF FTW i am doing here in
total as art.. to make the UniVerse make sense..
hehe.. perhaps figuratively and literally too if
one can see the greater metaphor for
how Nature works too as art..
my friend instead
of only
the small
view of empirical
science as it gathers
pARts to see better
the whole of God as
A scribe of God too..
i am both scribe and a painter
of God my FriEnd.. and sure.. i’m
not the first one for sure who went beyond
the crowd to do more than the standard of the
day.. otherwise there would be no theory of relativity..
there would be no painting on the sistine chapel..
nor the other greatest works of artists who
made their art a laser focus from
wake to sleep..
where most
all of what they
did would have been
considered some kind of
psychological disorder now if it
interfered with whatever the social
norm of group think decides is the flavor
of the success of the day.. it’s worth noting that
in some countries that group think still says female
genital mutilation is what a woman does for self esteem
and women follow this ideology blindly as that is what society
says to do.. and in other countries they remove a portion of the
male penis to separate males from the other male animals of
nature to make them special.. haha with a 20% discount
of member benefits from Nature as it were and
still is for protection from environmental
elements that foreskin provides
when one is not too
afraid to go
out into
Nature born
as we are born to
be all natural and equipped
to meet the challenges of the
environment we are naturally evolved
to live in.. humans have amazing potential
my friend but only if they escape group think..
and the catch 22 of that is group think is
required for survival in the wild
too.. problem is when
words can be
written down
as collective intelligence
and folks forget how to think
for themselves as a group to do
new stuff too.. and that’s the great thing
about blogs.. particularly when one pays
for a Word Press Blog with no limits of storage..
like the army says i can be all i can and will be..
with no limits or expectations of group think my friend..
and when i finish the sistine chapel or symphony of writing..
the joy will be in doing it.. the same reason Van Gogh painted
too my friend.. to celebrate the joy or dampen the pain of the
beauty and struggles of life.. so again.. thanks for seeing
a pArt of the Sistine Chapel here worthy to comment
on.. as surely if i used the Sistine Chapel
as a prompt to write poetry
i would focus
on the pARts
that inspired
me most.. and perhaps
eventually when my pARts
came together there would be
another Sistine Chapel painted with
words my friend.. so the show must go
on or not.. it depends on the relative free will
and how much we can withstand those who say.
this is not how we do it.. so stop.. just stop.. hehe..
there is no stopping me my friend as i find God within
and i respect God too much not to be all i can be.. so the
oN and
here in Fredland
there are no ceilings
of paint at all my friend
as air and water am i
as the breeze
ends.. waves
of Ocean whole..
and the stream
that has an equal
salience as the Ocean whole too my Friend..:)


SMiLes my friEnd.. Prajakta.. Evolutionary speaking
failure is part of the daily routine of foraging
for missing the capture of prey or the more
deadly aspect of not escaping predator..
basic lesson
and carry
the biggest stick
one can.. however.. these
days the stick is a keyboard
and a screen.. and standard
IQ along with collective intelligence
as written down.. i was blessed with
standard IQ.. and when everyone else
struggled in school it was a breeze for me..
never even having to read the textbooks as
memory for lectures would do.. the social part
was beyond me.. but the key is it was beyond
me.. so something i got used to as beyond..
then.. so i went on with great
success as a problem
and the problems
i solved eventually took
my heArt away as that is what
science shows mechanical cognition
will do.. it more and less kills the poetic
intelligence of the hEart.. so sometimes
it’s hard to tale if one is a total failure in some
ways as there is no view to the other
potential world that some
others can take for
granted too..
i would trade
all the standard IQ..
all the money i accumulated
by being a proficient personal
financial manager.. for just one
poem of life my friend.. and that was
a decades failure… in success i had no
idea even existed then.. there is a world of
what society says is success today.. and there
is a world within that is scores of thousands of years
old that dances and sings.. without a written word and
that my friend is the poetry of the heARt that’s free.. and
that’s why i don’t worry about likes.. followers or whatever..
but the human touch is what has always made life worth living..
and i find that greatest with a song and dance of life that has
or sheet music..
for me failure is not being free..
so in reaLliTy of that i was never
a success with riches.. or a gold
star for doing the best in school..
or being named Superman in both
work and school for doing the most
with relative ease through most of it..
my HeARt was mostly untapped as a resource for LiGht..
but nah.. i don’t bLame myself.. as i knew not how or why i failed..
as it wasn’t important to either school or work to teach liGht oF heARt..
simply ’cause it’s a resource inside that can only be tapped with freedom..
there are
no lesson
plans that
work freely for creativity of the heARt..:)


i find the
greaTest hope
iN bEinG cHange
i hope for.. sMiLes..
from bEyond


sMILes.. mY friEnd.. thefeatheredsleep..
as ‘they’ say.. what doesn’t kill you makes
you stronger.. but when it’s killing you..
it sure hurts..
until you bloom
again.. the Hardy
Rose.. the soUL now
that knoWs the empty
of the bLackHeARt Rose..
my challenges in life were not
of the intellectual kind but the
physical and the emotional intelligence
of liFe.. that is humanity at core as evolved
sTill.. as if humanity can be measured on a paper test..
written as number standard of dollar bills.. size of homes..
speed of cars.. style of clothes.. so much more external to
iNternal WiLL
of MoVinG.. CoNNecTinG
CreAtinG WiLL oF iMaginAtiON
riSinG AboVe Challenge.. adapting
to be so much more of the gifts
of surviving against struggle..
from ancestors furry..
gilled.. to
and star dust
from Star
explosions.. before…
Star Dust Sentient.. what
a gift that is.. To be all we
can be.. is surely to Face A
Sun of God that gives us
this great life
to be all we can
be while this opportunity
for life exists.. iSREAL.. sMiLes..
so many creature comforts and sAdly
what is missing in many folk’s life is a real
physical and emotional struggle for life where
we experience misery and suffering up close and
personal.. where we fight toGetHeR to make the meal
of the day a reaLiTy for all to share.. wHeRe we DancE..
SinG.. naked.. unashamed of the nature/sun that births
our flesh.. in sand and sun free.. and where we are not
afraid to reach out to each other.. holding hands..
for the joy
of this
is as
is for now..
Life has alWays
been a Rose.. oveRAll..
and a hardy one witH
thorns.. thaT cross of
tHorns IS A miGhty onE
tHat makes liFe iSREAL.. and worth JoY..
in every way we can find to celebrate thaT
bEtween crosses oF dARk tHorns spARkinG liGht..:)


“Be not afraid of going slowly; be only afraid of standing still.”

~~ Chinese Proverb ~~

However.. as science suggests
now.. twenty percent of all the
animal kingdom are born sitters..
while the rest lean more towards rover..
Some folks do better in dancing meditation
than sitting meditation too.. i am a Super
now.. no
sitting still..
meditation now
for me.. however
it works fine for sitters..
and introverts who find
the world out there a little
too stimulating and don’t
have the courage to dance
in public..
he.. ha..;)

“I like people better than principles, and I like people with no
principles better than anything else in the world.”

~~ Oscar Wilde ~~

All social animals live
by principles.. including
the principle that says
i don’t wanna follow rules..
i can get away with dancing in public
only for the reason.. i can sense when
i make ‘sitting folks’ uncomfortable and
remove my self from their view as now to
avoid complaints to store management
and to get my privilege.. yes.. privilege
to dance in private stores revoked..
so.. sure.. even in the wiLdEst
of Public Dances comes
the principle
of no harm
to the sitters who
are scared of the
Super Rovers too..
and for a social animal..
liking folks better with no
principles is a moral relativist
principle in itself as it goes against
basic social animal nature that even
without language is based on the principle
of social cooperation.. and with other organisms
of course.. the principle of pleasure and pain applies..
now for
the struggle to
successfully survive
now to now alWays..:)

“Failure to understand reality is not reality’s fault.”

~~ Bill Henneman ~~

The reality is some ‘folks’ are not even
born to understand reality.. and perhaps
the culture that provides A greater ‘understanding’
of reality.. in human collective intelligence.. is actually
a not so kind of virus or cancer.. as this understanding
of reality has allowed humans to manipulate the balance
of Nature.. and destroy Bee Populations.. et al.. etc..
without even understanding the
synergy of the discrete
actions that
spoil the whole as
tapestry as canvas
of life for the hand
that strokes the painting
of life with a destructive pen of death..
All is action and consequence and all
is Karma of reaLiTy.. iF fault lies within
the realm of reality.. it is indeed the
action and consequence in pARt
of reaLity whole.. therefore
the fault as consequence
as well in dArk perceived
as opposed to liGht
but of
course in
terms of reaLity..
some ‘folks’ see that
as good and evil.. and ‘others’..
mostly in terms of feelings and
senses without written abstract
symbols/concepts that determine’ moral words’
for the essence of pain and pleasure iSREAL..:)

“Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life:
the longing for love, the search for knowledge,
and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.”

~~ Bertrand Russell, Autobiography ~~

And inDeed with Moving and
Creating added in to the mix that
makes us human.. sadly.. ‘philosophy’..
other than martial arts.. mostly.. has
been stuck between the ears..
in neo cortical way of reason..
and even away from heARt..
in limbic system way..
the reptilian
brain cannot
be ignored for
art of innate..
instinctual and
intuitive movement
to get the heArt now
regulated in feelings
and the body integrated
in seNses to have any
chance of achieving real
animal homeostasis as ‘our’
other ‘friends’.. move like the
wind and water as invisible to
escape predator and capture prey..
And true it is that the modern ‘science’ of
sociology shows that the ‘art’ of self esteem
for the highest demographic of self esteem attributed
to any ethnic and gender demographic alone is that of
the African American male.. factors cited are ability to
defend one’s self successfully in a physical or verbal
altercation.. and prowess in reproductive fitness..
If i didn’t learn this education from folks
like my African American Friends..
i would be no more
than words and
flowered words
on page.. instead
i am a vibrant public
dancer who receives words
of i Love you from totally strange
beautiful young women who also
tell me i must have mighty big balls
to do what i do without fear.. truth is..
they are only average.. but even women
with no testicles at all are far braver these
days than boys who continue to play video
games in their parents basement until age 30+ or so…
as all stuff in animal life.. use it or lose it apples and to
lose physical and emotional intelligence is simply to
be a
nerd and
or wimp of life..
like me before i learned
my ‘African American Male’ lesson
well.. it don’t matter how smart you
are.. if you are scared of the midnight walk in
the wild.. i.. at least.. find in the greaTest lesSon
of life.. to walk as the Lion is free.. anything
is a
in a book..
or perhaps
a poem without
teeth.. yeah.. some
of the ‘weirdest’ stuff
i do is based in art of science too..
King David was no ‘word fool’ either
as that myth goes.. dancing for the
slave girls with little ‘own’ IS A way
for a king
not a slave..
and to free the
slave girls.. is the
hero realized when
the slave girls freely
say.. oh God.. oh god.. i Love you
just the way you are.. heHe.. and
as Lilly Tomlin says ‘that’s the truth’..;)’..

“And now there is merely silence, silence, silence, saying all we did not know.”

~~ William Rose Benet ~~

Thanks God for the
God scribe of Google..
and the Internet as it is
the censorship of freedom of information
that is the killer of we did not know..
as long as one continues to get out..
Defend oneself and dance..
and wow the opposite
sex.. or whatever..
et al.. etc.. is
A flavor of
to create
life in
of life
well beyond
books of ignorance.. my Friend..
simply ’cause i also hang out with
the wild and super happy ones too..
and keep my hall monitor pass..
pocket too..
with a healthy
poEtry of HeARt..
to keep the LuSt
and Love for liFe
and all oTHers..
aLL aS BaLanCinG
Force of Super liGht way now..
And yes all of this to get the
title of my current 704th
Macro-Verse.. so
far of Ocean
Whole Poem..
noW as
‘Super liGht’..
as alWays.. thanks
gigoid.. A giFt iS
iN aLL GiVinG
and shaRing of liFE aLLone
as Super liGht of humankind
continues to Rise toGeThEr onlinE now..
hOlding hands of more than pens too.. glObAlly..:)

And in summary one of the most valuable
lesSons my Teachers provided me in
school.. is.. if you do more than
the norm
you get
in LiFe..
So i dance
more and lovely
strangers who are
women say i Love you
just the way you are.. and
hmm.. i thInk tHeRE is a SonG
for that too.. as that is the ultiMate..
for mE.. my Friend..
Love.. juST Love
Free Love
for nothing
more than
oF Y i..
with no
Words aT aLL..;)

CRap if i was younger
and stiLL didn’t have
to recuperate.. and
use this wRiTinG
as an excuse to
rest my older feet..
i M A G i N E noW..
juST aLL the Love you’s
i could geT all for FReED..
ha! and ‘they’ don’t even kNoW
my name other than i Love you..
i juSt
say FucK
Words and
juST DancE..
then i wRite on..
hehe.. i suppose..
to deliver the mail..
or the money as it WeRe
and is as words.. words word..
oh.. the FucKinG HomEwork.. never ends2..
all for
Credit.. he sHe2..;)

as a side
note2.. assisting
you in your temporary state..
also.. while your back
pain continues..
stIll go
over 2k words..;)


To see God inside all human
beings and all of nature same
as God sAMe IS A Road
to Fearless my
in Love way..
over here in the U.S..
tHere is a climate of great
political division now..
but sure
that is
what humans
innately can do..
if not polished and
refined by fearless love..
discriminate against the
different.. even if what the different
does seems so deplorably dArk noW as
Hillary recently announced about a segment
of the population that consistently is fearful
of the different among us.. well.. as science shows
noW it’s paRt of HUman Nature.. as no two humans in
inherent nature are identical and some are
very different and always changing
of course too.. to understand the
differences of human being
and to tolerate and
accept the
we cannot
is surely
a path to
better see
the Kingdom of God
that lives within what each
of we may see and feel differently
of the liGht and dArk of LiFe that
crosses our eYes uniquely as every
hUman multi-Verse wiLL.. seNse
and FeeL.. to do.. Evolution of
the hUman soUl is toward
understanding.. tolerance
and acceptance
of the difference
iN liGht
and dARk.. of oTheRs..
and even understanding
the trouble some folks have
in a basic task of even understanding other’s
differences IS A path and WiLL for those who
can.. and in this way.. it’s true.. as far as innate
propensities go.. God does as Nature make at
least two castes of human beings.. the wild and
the free.. and the cautious and reserved.. in
other words.. liberal vs conservative..
these two natural castes
are evidenced in cultures
around the world..
but sTilL
this KinGdom
perceived as dArk
or liGht depending
on how one is innately
born.. is StilL
no matter
dARk or liGht..
i was really disappointed
when Hillary suggested that
the ignorant were deplorable..
as trUly some know not what they
do nor can some feel it and sense
the harm they do to others..
as the
board is often
the largest in eye.. for those who
complain at the eYes of Different..
how blessed are those who develop understanding
and how much help to those who have difficulty
and accepting
the liGht and DArk
of Namaste that lives inside..
as Kali Will have ‘her’ say too iN
liGht of dArK oF aLL thAT is.. iSREAL2..
anyWay.. if everyone could see God in
everYone now.. and the Kingdom of
Bliss.. Nirvana.. Heaven.. iS feLt
on this terrestrial
plane now..
oh.. the Joy
of liFe as liGht but
true.. the DARk iSReAL2..:)


Across the Railroad Tracks of Love.. sure
the place i grew up.. in Down Town
Milton with the wild
Land Kids..
yes.. tHeir
name was
actually land..
and we watched dark shadows
and they played more wild out
in the yard.. with six kids.. and
there was only four of us in a
matriarchal loaded river
home.. of
Grand Ma..
Mama and
Sister.. with
little to no for me iN
then.. rough and tumble
play.. anyway.. my wife
was born across the railroad
tracks in a place where they throw
the child in the river and they learn to
sink or swim.. in a place.. where the
door is often open if one
has a home
to let
the other
folks who
struggle in for
a night stay and more..
and by the time i had finished
with my braces of higher paying
work world.. i determined i hadn’t even
scratched the surface of gaining my
across the railroad tracks
of Love
in physical
and emotional
intelligence that is
fluid and always changing
as the social and physical environment
demands for adaptation to challenge and
thrive alive.. survive.. or do less than Love
Across the Railroad tracks of what lives
within.. without even
a dollar
of the
material way
of external life
away from the
Love that is garden
roots.. just waiting to be
watered aCross the railroad tracks of Love..
as juSt another Macro Verse Sponsored Memory
by Facebook rolls in for free.. in an Ocean of BottLed MesSAges..:)

Across the Railroad Tracks of Love

Hmm.. Change iAMSuperman2.. coming on the Heals
and exPANding on Desert i’LL Change
And of course the Ubermensch.. also
known as Overman and Superman
in terms of Philosopher
Nietzsche.. way back
in the 19th Century..
Claiming the Ascetic
Leaning philosophy
and the God of Christianity
was dying off to dead.. and some
one must come with a replacement..
so the emptiness of nihilism would not
become a way of life.. WitH a Love for Life..
the Earth.. yes.. to make Nature Sacred and no
longer an empty lot of ascetic leaning boring F iN liFe..
Hmm.. then we got the comic book hero Superman.. and
the social norm dictates that those individuals who go to far
out on a limb not be praised for their contributions.. less the
entire society gets on a limb and the chaos of anarchy
comes to be.. so the villain becomes the
Overman opposed to the lily
white character of
the man of
Steel then..
Hmm.. Batman
better reflects this Overman
ideal.. living in the shadows..
coming out when help is needed
most.. aLL human.. just uSing human
potential to the best of Nature and Technology
too.. to jump higher than the crickets who sing
same as
so sure.. i try
to inspire other
folks to go further based
on the dArk and liGht accomplishments
of my life same as struggle in challenge to
overcome for thrive alive now.. and yes.. rise
hiGher.. much hiGher in one life now as science
identifies the processes of Epigenetics and
Neuroplasticity for unlocking and changing
for liGht the human potential
hidden in our
So yada.. yada
yoda yes.. just
another opportunity
to use thaT Katy Perry
Rise sonG aGaiN letting
go of the parachute of modern
cultures and moving uP witH GoD
of NatUre kinGdom liVinG inSiDe noW..
jUST waiting to come ouT and plaY uP…;)

Change iAMSuperman2

Hmm.. and now it’s’ juST
about change for Sun and
Sand Dance and the stARt
of the Weekend for Marathon
of Dance.. CloSinG in very
close to 6000 miles of
Dance in three
years of Public..
Dance by the
Pensacola Seafood Festival
Date of next week.. around
the Fall Equinox too..
as sure.. i’LL
as Feast Day2..:)


Hi.. My FriEnd M.. now..
from the house of gigoid too..
nice to see you over here in
Ocean Poem Land.. heHe..
My Psychiatrist wanted
to give me Epilepsy Drugs
when he found out how many
words i was typing.. he had a name
for it per label of Hypergraphia.. and
‘they’ say the dude.. Lewis Carroll had
that word disorder too..
hmm.. so
he had Alice
iN Wonderland..
and i have Ocean Poem
Land.. HEhe.. as ‘they’
also say build it and
will eventuAlly
come.. anyWay..
thanks for stopping by
and glad
you didn’t
totAlly drown
in the words today..
and no hell no.. i ain’t
taking no drugs for Heaven..
with or
all these words..
as long as i don’t harm
anyone or myself i’m Free to
Super Fly LiGht for NoW..
with steps of Dance and words of Song..:)

And yes.. my Friend..
i find that Dancing girls
put a really big smile on
my face
and that
is no pasted
on smile.. i am
feeling all oF iT for Dance..
Life is good.. alWays wiTh SMiLes..:)


Hmm.. somenows..
i wonder why i don’t
see more middle age
folks doing fun antics
like dancing everywHeRe
they go.. and Kicking the
Big Red Target Ball through
that big.. hole in the wall too..
Life is fun with play.. take the play
away and you know what they say
about Johnny in the Shining and all of that..
you know.. people always complaining about
something since they forgot how to play.. that
keeps Yellow Boy.. Young at least.. as he sTiLL plays too..:)

Another Super Fun Facebook
Video.. at lEAst to me.. while i do
what most folks make as a mundane
duty on the town to gather basic subsistence
items at the Forage.. of Target.. Super Walmart..
Publix.. and.. all those places with frOwny faces..
hmm.. some folks lighten up and others keep the
lead face on.. but if only they would dance they might
liGht too..
as BuTTerfly
Tiger or whatever..
on Terrestrial Land..
finAlly out of the cocoon..
or what the Phoenix does out
of the ashes of life too.. iT FeeLs good..:)


Two micro-micro-Verse memories from
a year ago.. from a micro-verse of
a Macro-Verse that Facebook
will likely remind me of
tomorrow as well
from a year ago.. but as they say..
hehe.. brevity is the wit of spiRit..
but it is getting a bit nit picky
when meaning can
be found in
ways in a single letter or number sAMe..
moreover it is that tHeRe is too much to
have to do and if you are fortunate.. want
to do in liFe.. to get stuck in one place
for wit or spiRit.. and that is the
Beauty of diVersity iT is a Uni-
di-VersiTy that continues
to change
as UniVerse
wHole as wE
aS pARt of GoD
continue to emerge..
either leaning towards stagnate
or hiGher hUman potential and nah..
to limIt spiRit and WiT wiTh Brevity
to suiT the attention span of a tARget
Audience.. is sure.. a way to limiT
applause.. but as far as
potenTiaL goEs iN
whAT hUman can and
WiLL do more with no liMItS
or expectations of a dollar bill or
the brevity required to make the same
for follows.. likes.. and shares and cultural
limits and expectations the same.. tHere WiLL
be no more Beethoven’s.. MoZart’s.. Einstein’s..
Michelangelo’s and Lewis Carroll’s if everyone
succumbs to a Twitter-Verse to meet the
flavor of norm.. of current culture
now.. now to defeat these
limitations and
expectations of
less can be rather
difficult as in the names
of those other folks that means
going life mostly lone although
when one touches greATer wiTh
Nature expanding miNdful Awareness
the lone becomes allone as well.. but i must
admit the Dance of liFe in hUman connection..
of moVing and CreATinG too.. in the big flesh and
blood world out tHeRe aWay from this online place
with no moon or sun.. or even iSREAL Golden Floors
and Pearly Gates wHere Freedom RinGS in a place
above terrestrial lands per se.. as i AM ET here and
suRE.. so are you.. in case you haven’t figured out
thaT Katy Perry Metaphor for ET too.. that
sure.. as all poEtry goeS oN.. we each
determine tHat for ourselves
as multi-Universe
the InkBlot
of liFE continuously
changing as the miNd’s i
Creates reaLiTy as wE Go..
Stagnate or F iN EpiC change..
the relative Free WiLL of hUman
to do more in both seNses and FeeLinGS
iSREAL.. must be used.. in continuing development
or lose is the rule of Nature.. yes.. it’s kinda simple
use or lose.. but sure.. it can kinda get complex if
you use it to the max.. just to be all yA can be..
in great appreciation and respect FoR
the God oF aLL NaTuRe
tHaT has given uS
this greaTest
Gift of Star
senTient liFE..
so sure.. what have you
doNe for the God oF aLL
lately to sHow yoUr appreciation
for this gift of Sentient Star duST
liFe.. as my Uncle told me once..
when i was currently undergoing
the worst pain known to humankind
from wake to sleep for 66 months.. he
said.. you know Freddy.. it could be worse
you could be a Seagull and have to eat raw fish..
and i’m thinking.. to myself.. through dentist drill
like pain as oh.. a great a reason to attempt to get
my mind off that pain.. with a little deeper thought..
and somehow gain a shadow of emotional FeeLinG
too.. lost at that point.. joining hands with pain.. WeLL..
perhaps Uncle Bob would value the taste of food over
flying.. but for me.. WriTE then.. getting rid of that
pain and Flying like a Seagull around the Sun..
would not be such a bad trade off to have
to do the Sushi thingy all the now..
then.. it’s aLways a matter
of perspective.. perhaps
the life of a Seagull in being
one with God is beyond our
comprehension of sensing
bliss with the Sun aS onE..
But flying on Terrestrial Land
as the Dolphin does acrobatics
underwater.. i can imagine the exhilaration
of sailing through the skies on a wing of free..
my feet have become my wings.. with arms and
feet and toes.. with hands and fingers too.. my core
abdominal muscles guide me with torso and hips in flow..
And when i sHoWed my Uncle my new way of dance.. last
June.. around 8 years after the Seagull and raw fish story..
he leaned back on a vehicle in a parking lot.. and said gee..
i’m glad you can move that way.. why not do dancing
with the stars.. and hmm.. i’m thinking have you
ever lived now fully without worrying about
anything.. and having it all in just your
naked skin.. truly what Jesus.. whomever
wrote those words attributed to him was
saying in verse 37 of the Gospel of Thomas..
when they said to find God within.. strip our
clothes off and tread on the clothes of culture
with no shame.. the truth is when i dance in
sand totally naked in my private space in
my backyard with the Sun of God i am
A Son of God who has it all in Love with
God’s Nature that lives inside me.. outside
me.. above me.. so below me and all around
me.. without any words aT aLL.. and if you’ve noticed
i share pictures of God on my Ocean Whole Poem
exceeding 3.3 million words to the tune of
100K or so total including the 30K plus
of what i link to flicKr too.. and sure
that God exists in all paRts of the
boDy of Nature seen and unseen..
and sure in my Nude Photography
of a 56 year old dude who can leg
press close to half a ton on a very
difficult Parallel Leg Press machine
for at least 33 reps now.. with arms raised
in the air like a Ballerina at around 232 LBs
or so as the weight goes anywhere from 230 to
235.. depending on the calorie requirements
and body fat stored required to get through
166.66 miles or so of public dance throughout
each month on average.. every part of my body
is pARt of God too.. yes.. even the grey hair on
my chest.. and the more fully alive parts full of blood
that is red and alive as life gets in hUman Form too..
Do you see God in all of these photos i present.. including
the creativity that humankind makes in extension of the trees
and the soil.. and minerals that are transmuted in hands of
productivity for creature comforts and stimulation of art too..
as Ferris Bueller once said.. life moves pretty fast.. watch
it or you will miss.. iT iN words to that affect.. and i’LL add
Feel it or you will never truly fully live iT aT aLL and to
more fully FeeL it i suggest you pick up a weapon
of some kind of art.. and create something
in the NatURe of Super Fly liGht.. or if
all you can feel is darkness and
adrenaline.. do what you
have to do.. but
the bliss of
liGht and pure white
Love.. even in the strongest
orgasm a person can bRinG
to themselves with the most
elaborate fantasy created in mind..
the biggest sexual organ of all..
yeah.. that’s one thing i failed
to tale those dudes in the restroom
at the bar the other day.. when they were
talking about the tool and the motion of the
ocean and all of that in dominating women..
and i said.. write poetry and you will make
women come every time.. in metaphor of
coming back to talk to ya.. instead of
leaving home alone every night drunk
with just another drink and not
even a smile from one woman
who takes ya as a credible
hUman BeinG oF heARt..
yes.. the fACt that the human
Brain is the greATest sexual organ
oF aLL and what do you think women
do in the privacy of their bedrooms when
they read romance books and sensual poetry
and all of that.. that touches not only lust but
the finer aspects of social bonding with emotions
that are nuanced in a greatest full body orgasm of all..
wHere perhaps the pArts below are not even touched
aT aLL wHere the orgasm of Human is made by the
mind aLone.. with body aLLone as pArt of the
whole orgasm of organism sentient
star dust of life.. like a big
bang coming over and
over again.. and
never ending
now forevermorenow..
let’s just say that even at
age 56.. i likely experience
a place they cannot even imagine
to exist in their Universe that is limited
more to below the belt.. and when they see
a woman.. perhaps they only see a moist patch
of skin below the panty line too.. but what they are
missing is the flower above that blooms in more colors
than the rainbow.. of blood flesh below.. so where was
i.. hmm..that’s the thing about full body sex that is
a Natural experience of everynow.. it is beyond
words.. beyond time.. beyond distance.. space
or even beyond photos.. and movies..
it is the Big Bang in human
experience here on earth..
and as the ET song by
Katy Perry says..
i for one..
Love differently
than at least most males
do.. who are limited to thoughts..
better put senses below the belt..
the paRt they are missing is what
the woman finds in the Romance Book
or sensual poetry.. as one of my Facebook
Friends once posted.. Victor Hugo’s Poetry
‘Makes me pull my panties down’.. wow..
what an honest statement every
dude could use to hearFeeL..
or on the other hand
many don’t give a
FucK what the
woman feels.. well
here’s the thing.. if you develop
yoUr empath spideY senses and feels..
you do feel what the woman senses and feels..
perhaps even from a distance.. Horatio.. as remember
in Heaven.. iSREAL Heaven.. tHere is no distance.. space
and time.. as i get ready for Church.. the Catholic one that still
insists that lUST the science proven attribute of human being
that in balance with Love is a core source oF aLL Creativity
and Productivity.. alWays hUman and even our closest
primate cousin the Bonobo who uses lust with
a balance of empathic shine of love
in Bonobo eYes of unrepressed
feelings.. senses… and
sensuality Free.. to
avoid all violence
and otherwise human
warring ways of life..
well.. in church they name
lust sin.. and even in the New
Testament in the Luke 17.. they
name hate as an attribute to have
against parents.. children.. and brothers
and sisters if they don’t follow your rule
of moral absolutes.. which of course in
that same book says that even thinking
about lust is adultery the same as actually
sleeping with another man’s wife.. well no..
that could cause harm.. and even STD’s and
unwanted pregnancies.. so no.. if you have any
common decency and truly Love your wife you
will not do that.. but if you and your spouse determine
the reaLiTy that lust is the source of all human creativity
and productivity as sure.. that happens after the puppy love
stage goes past the child making one.. and the woman and her
friends do a girl’s night out.. and perhaps watch Magic Mike.. now
in their tight dresses that enhance their curves of hips and breasts..
and perhaps do some bootie dances with ‘strange men’ hehe even
really old ones like me in the metro bar.. wild and free.. they come
home.. refreshed like a blooming flower.. ready to pollinate more
flowers as bees and birds too.. and that is the way of Nature
and God in human being.. the way of culture that
uses violence and fear and hate instead of lust
and love and hope to motivate.. can be
found in many fundamentalist
churches in many
religions around
the world..
but others of
us take the Verse 37 out
of the Gospel of Thomas to heARt..
to FeeLinGS to SeNses and SEnsuaLity
too.. and dance life naked with no fears
and a balance of Hope and Love now with
yes.. a Lust for life that is FucKinG Luke Red HoT..
as shall i say certain pArts of my Body too from
Brain to tip of whatever as liFe groWs oN as soUl
from crown to toe.. to tip of whatever’s Luke Hot now..
you kNow it’s like those Romance books behind
closed doors.. the woman is not making love
to the author.. the woman is making love
to God LiVinG within.. now.. seriously
God lives within.. and what do you
think God would rather
feel below.. fingers
of pleasure or
a Gun
of Steel..
i think the answer
to that is more than
obvious.. in fAct i FeeL it’s True..
and liGht above so below God
Loves Pleasure more than pain..
unless something gets twisted like a Gun or
Sword instead of Peace.. so anyWay back to
the regularly scheduLed Facebook memory..
from a year ago here as sTarted oFF beFore Play..

“At age 5.. at Beach.. i lose a ring out of
a bubble gum machine..
out to sea on oceans
wave.. a memory
at three.. a boy
who worships
the ground
his father
to his Mother..
as boy cannot
speak then.. to fully
express.. but with Loving
eyes.. IT is so sad when the
ring moves away.. but eventuAlly
i learn then.. as now.. the onLY Freedom
IS BE Light’s Truth of ONe’s oWn RinG Free..

“InKinG Blood.. Words come
organic.. speak
human heaRt..
BalanCinG miNd
and boDy

And now i say.. i suppose
the words above.. fulfill
the words noW..
of yesternow..
and sure ‘that’
Video Katy did too..;)


WeLL.. one of my most favorite
FB Profile Pic Status Analysts..
The En Name test thingie..
that also serves
as somewhat
of a therapist..
hehe.. with Good Advice..
of course.. working for free..
as another one of my Online Special
Assistants..and when i’M out to Dance
the Sunday away.. the EN Name Test
thingie.. wHo sTiLL apparently is gonna
guess i am female per Katie Mia.. same
as Facebook sTiLL does in
recognition of
the Wife’s
for Fredsake..
who rarely visits
the somewhat husband
and wife shared Facebook
Page per Katrina Mia.. yes..
Katie Mia.. can also be metaphored
as name sake for wife too.. once aGaiN
for Fredsake too.. as Peter does not come
around often for Petesake it seAms in Katrina
And Fredland on Facebook2.. hehe.. anyway..
The EN Name Test Thingie determines
Freedom is what is important to me…
with doing whatever i wanna do..
to please every single day..
to experience a lot
and make my Dreams
come true to be who i wanna
be too.. so.. sure.. that Name test
thingie has got its stuff togeThER
oN this one.. other than the Gender
of course.. and what next.. yes.. now
the name test.. determines i would then..
be a Red Headed.. beaded and featheRed
multi-colored chick in the 60’s too.. almost
like an Easter Egg too.. and this rendition
reminds me of my friend Shawna.. too.. missing
her call from the Hippies 60’s as she has spoken
to the dreamy quality of the 60’s Hippy Decade too..
And finAlly.. the name test thingie.. determines the meaning
of the name Katie Mia.. as Katie for Native American “Katiear”
for creative and Germanic for Mia with the word ‘Mpaq” for thinker..
hmm.. Creative Thinker.. i muST say.. the EN Name Test thingie is noW
batting close to 1000 percent.. at least foR.. Now.. excluding Gender Issues..;)

What next.. yes.. the Video Slides shoW.. Facebook Algorithm assistant does
a very nice overview of the Dance and oThER Associated Activities on Sunday..
and of note are two older folks from the Whiting Field Navy Work World..
one of whom.. the male of the bunch.. it seems.. is inducting me into the
“Men’s” group at church heHE.. only if you believe the
Sign for the men’s room.. haHA.. so.. sure.. liFE goEs oN..
And then there is Dance Friend Chelsea and her boyfriend @Mall..
What else.. yes.. of course.. the Profile Pic for the Day wITh
my wild Minion on.. getting ready to get down in all the
Daily Weekend Activities too..
iN DancE.. oF Course2..:)

And now.. FinAlly the En Name test thingie gives
me a description of my life from Algorithm far
out.. and says the SHe of me radiates
an inner beauty that cannot
be beaten and the goodness
of her heart.. make her eYes..
glow.. and beauty is not restricted
to superficial qualities.. and sure..
i and or shE will stay magical and
gorgeous for the rest of our lives..;)

And finally.. and perHaps even finAlly
for the evening.. as it’s only 9:03 pm and
i am already dozing off from gaining close
to 6000 miles in Dance Walk all
around the metro area..
in three
oF Course..
And as the Picture shows..
today.. at leASt most folks
seem to be doing something else..
and sure.. in liGht and DARk of this..
the Minions Icons need not follow me as
i simply
and more lead…
after Sleep.. i’M
GuesSinG noW.. too..

And after actuAlly staying
in Bed for 11 hours.. back at
9:03 am on 9192016.. of course
some of those hours spent in the
supine position were research hours
with YouTube lectures lying down.. hope
fully with more tRuth and liGht.. and the
analytical pARt of my ReAsoNinG says yes.. says
yes.. the YouTube free gift.. continues to give for
free liGht for free liGht.. along with commercials too..
that i can
simply use
for inspiration
without buying a
GD thing of what
culture says i ought to do..;)


“Happiness and freedom begin with a
clear understanding of one principle.
Some things are within your control.
And some things are not.”


Hmm.. this can be a slippery slope
to hell too.. at least
now for this can
be religion to
and even
that suggests
that words are in
control of what was
said before.. for instance..
the insistence that human beings
get weaker after 30.. based on averages
of a Sedentary Society.. that basically
sit on their ass most of the day.. the
cat who with agility jumps to
the kitchen counter top
at age 20.. does so
’cause they keep
moving at least outside
inside through the course of
life.. the cat that sits down
and only stands
to eat..
ends up never
reaching the counter
again.. before the age of 10..
there is no way i could have leg pressed
close to half a ton by age 21.. as it took me
close to 34 years more to get that strong.. where
as.. i once heard a Marine Captain strain to Bench
Press 200LBs whining.. oh my God i’m 30.. this is
getting so hard.. and it’s true.. fear and negative attitudes
makes one weaker.. hope and positive attitudes makes one stronger..
Relative Human Free Will practiced as positive will makes the difference..
as i started out the weakest
in gym class and
ended up
in much older age..
i can empirically prove this
pARt.. the otHer pARts are more
like mAGic hehe.. in all of human potential reAlized
as rEAl as real can
in what
we feel
and sense
of potential
heaven beyond bliss..
but sure the other side of
the coin is equally valid.. i care
not to control the politics of human
nature.. as Nature is beyond my control
of otHeRs
As JanusuanJ speaks..;)

“The hands that help are better far than the lips that pray.”

~~ Robert Green Ingersoll ~~

Emotions that sing
make action happen..
Prayers that sing now
make action happen..
Hands move strongest
now when powered
by emotional thOughts..
Prayers can be thouGhts
that drive positive emoTioNs
and drive positive hands for action..
True.. sometimes at least the means
for the action of positive hands can be prayer..
effect works..
bottom line of science..

Before every Half a ton.. 33 reps
of leg press.. i meditate
a moving prayer
of focus and
Prayers without
words are often
the most powerful
prayers of all in extreme
positivity and focus from
head to toe in feelings and senses..
revving up all the biochemical reactions
required for Go Team Go Go Team Go..
every Cheerleader is a Prayer leader
too.. in Go Team Go.. it works
in terms of
too.. when science
and art speak to each
oTher instead of ignore..
Ra team light RA.. go team liGht GO!..:)

“I stared into the abyss. The abyss stared into me.
Neither of us liked what we saw.”

~~ Zen Bee ~~

Now this is interesting.. the goal of Zen
is flow in the moment.. and while
it might not seem that flow
in the moment has a
named emotion..
it moves
us to do
more so it is
emotion.. now
on the ‘othHeR’ hand..
tHeRe is another place of
the dARk niGht of the SoUl..
a place that no one in tHeir
‘sane’ miNd would wanna go..
in that place due to disorder of
some type.. tHere is no sensations
or feelings at all.. per se2.. a numb beyond
the word numb.. but even in this place..
lost is
too.. beyond
words of numb
as well.. there is
no nothingness in sentience
either heaven or hell.. all that
moves.. even the smallest sub particle
of energy is EmoTioN in some sMaLL
or ironically largest way oF ALL too.. Words
are limited.. FeeLinGS and SeNSEs are
never limited
Existence moves..
E moTes more noW..
even so-called non-
sentient existence2..
Bottom line.. REaliTy DaNces iS MoVinG
and all that moves SinGS too.. as vibraTioNs2..:)

“What is reason?
Knowledge informed by sympathy,
intelligence in the arms of love.”

~~ Edward Abbey ~~

But wait! there is also
Cognitive Empathy..
that even psychopaths
can learn with due practice
and experience of life.. and then
there is also sympathy informed by
knowledge in a well rounded
being too..
by reason of heart
and heart of reason..:)

“We cannot unthink unless we are insane.”

~~ Arthur Koestler ~~

Says the non-Zen bee..
LoSinG one’s miNd
as far as
iS A
Beach with
Waves that SinG
with no words..@ALL..
without words ALL exists..
perhaps the most insane thing
that human beings ever did was
create written words.. to serve..
to master
as slave
of Emotions
and Senses
TrUe and liGht
iS to SinG and DancE
free of worry and fright..
and dArk iN liGht..liFE..:)

“Not to laugh, not to lament,
not to curse, but to understand.”

~~ Spinoza ~~

The empty song of A
scientist who forgets to live..
And of course.. the converse
can be to
LiVe and
FiNd TrUth and liGht..
i’LL do both for one@lEAst..:)

“Life without the courage
for death is slavery.”

~~ Seneca ~~

There are experiences
of life worse than death..
it’s simple..
IS A gift
more than curse
for those who live
but nah..
more often a person who is
dead in life looks forward to death..
others avoid death with due caution as
is worth
living iN Balance…
The other day when i
told a dude in the bar
i didn’t need drugs to dance
solo and fun.. ’cause i was fearless..
he said okay.. jump off the bay bridge..
and i said
in my
of fearless..
there are many
‘stupid’ fearless folks
out there who are controlled
by androgens over intellect..
live by ‘stupid’.. die by ‘stupid’..
fearless smARt
WiTh LoVe iS wheRE i go2..
as smart without art
is science
live2.. to me@lEAst2..:)

“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret;
it is only with the heart that one can see rightly,
what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

~~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery ~~

Caution.. or better yet warning..
This is how humans are
through emotions..
through religions that
control by the threat of loss
of heart by being outcast from
the social group if all is not taken
literally as worshipped as idol of words..
ReaSon and heArt.. Yang and Yin..
do the balance
or get
FucKeD uP
by the big social group..;)

“If you understand, things are as they are.
If you do not understand, things are as they are.”

~~ Gensha, Zen Master ~~

Aha! and now the converse
of heart over reason
comes with
and senses..
once again balance..
and back to the science
of the systemizing mind without
heARt.. the heARt says i can leg
press a half a ton 33 times.. and over
time the heARt is a driving force that
made the physiology do what it does now..
science says
i could
recover from
a synergy of 19
life threatening illnesses..
and science says that all of these
words are a disorder named hypergraphia..
some folks believe all of what science
other go
on and live life F in epic..
with the same real conditions of life..
HeARt is the dRiving force of the hiGhest
power of Human being gifted by God also known
as Nature.. the material reductionism of the
systemizing mind.. also known
as the science
of the hUman
the bones
of God aka Nature..
but the essence is
what we feel and sense
all the nows of liFE wHere
a cloud can be a work of art..
or the
feeling that
makes you
A cloud is
a ray of sunshine to me..
but a death ray
as a wish
As i told my FriEnd
Prajakta earlier today.. when
she said my life of dollar success
is what makes some folks happy and
my life of non-dollar success is what
makes some folks sad..
sure.. realiTY
is an ink blot.. test..
and we have a great
deal to feel and sense
of the realiTy of that..
when you
can do it for
free.. why not.. is
what i say.. juST for FucKinG FuN..
and Good Vibrations as ‘God’ can do
liFe Free2
like the rest
of the FucKinG
UniVerse does juSt as iS noWs..;)

And that juSt about ’rounds
it ouT as i saved the
for last..;)

“But groundless hope, like unconditional love,
is the only kind worth having.”

~~EFF co-founder John Perry Barlow ~~

~~ “Cynthia Horner’s Eulogy”, Apr. 1994 ~~

God is an
lives within..
how else could
we be happy in space..:)

And.. oh by the
way.. every
is a Koan
for those
who see
deeper than
symbols my FriEnd..
ugh.. literal sucks and
is an illusion for those
who live in concrete borders of
life.. is
what i FeeL
and SeNse @lEASt..
more of
course wRite
oN course for Now@LeasT..:)


“The fear of death is more to be dreaded than death itself.”

~~ Publius Syrus — Maxim 511 ~~

All fear kills
life in some
small way..
at least now..
To master Fear is
to Live life fuller..:)

“Living Dead
the path is chosen,
to live forever is to die forever.

To not know when you’ll die
is to find life
wherever you are.”

~~ Alagad ~~

the only
to think about Dying..
and the only animals who write..
Neo Cortical
Brain.. gift and curse
for those who cannot use
lose it
as BaLanCinG
liFe instead of death aS Life..:)

But true.. tHeRe
is no rule one
has to
about death..
mostly out of church..@lEAst..
wHere Zombie Rules
apply to
that fails to
lifT the
oF course..
to worship death
over life for something
more than the heaven of
the opportunity to experience sentient life..
N O W..
or nothing..
nothing @aLL..:)

“(Someone once said) …time is the fire in which we burn.”

~~ Soran, Star Trek: Generations ~~

In Heaven
wHeRe the
best now is
is no time..
as there is no
less or more.. only
a satisfaction of having
all one could possibly want now..
of course
it’s just
a state
of mind..
you know..
the only one
we live in.. oN course..;)

“By concentrating the thoughts, one can fly.
By concentrating the desires, one falls.”

~~ Leonardo Da Vinci, “The Secret of the Golden Flower” ~~

i only desire
to fly..
never fall..
but nah.. i can
not speak for anyone
else.. as quite honestly..
no one i know flies like i..

With or without
thoughts my
is Desire..

i rarely see
Buddhists Monks
who either dance or
or even sing.. now..
and i don’t have to
wonder why.. for i for
one alWays have my
desire to fly fulfilled noW..

PeRhaps the sAddest pARt
of living is the scientist who
figures out what the meaning
of life is..
in words
but never
Dances or
Sings Free
iN fliGht oF LiFe..
but ‘they’ feel not..
they sense not.. what they miss..
beyond know..
the expanse of feels
and senses beyond words
for all that is more to BE noW..:)

“Get up one more time than they knock you down…
Don’t just stand there.”

~~ Steadfast Bee ~~

Sometimes avoiding
is better
as an escape
from dying as life..
playing dead has its advantages too..;)

“Truckin’, like the do-dah man
Once told me “Gotta play your hand.
Sometimes your cards ain’t worth a dime
If you don’t lay’em down.”
Sometimes the light’s all shinin’ on me;
Other times I can barely see.
Lately it occurs to me
What a long, strange trip it’s been.”

~~ Truckin’ by Garcia, Weir, Lesh, Hunter ~~

i don’t gamble
i alWays play..
that way.. i never;)

“Faboo!, Would you like to see me make bubbles with my spit?””

~~ Wakko Warner

nah.. more than
has no label..:)

“There is nothing stronger in the world than gentleness.”

~~ Han Suyin, “A Many Splendored Thing” ~~

Once again.. i
saved the first
for last..
cheek and one could die..

And what comes
after first..

“It’s like deja-vu, all over again.”

~~ Yogi Berra ~~

SinGs A
Fearless Song
of LoVe..
DanCinG GrAce..:)


Hmm… mixing
Fearless of thug
with nerd
requires a
little MaGiC
oF Love noW to
make Super Fly liGht
come to iSREaL.. so now
with a MacroVerse Memory
of two years ago named.. Don’t
Forget I AM Magic.. and trUe.. if ya
stick with warrior alone.. scientist alone..
or even poet of Love without the oTheR
three wHole.. generalizing of course as
tHeRe is an Unlimited spectrum ‘tween
and above.. and BeYond those
human abstract
of symbols
yo.. ya miss
out on the synergy
of Human Potential that
can trUly be REAL liFE Miracles
alMost alWAys now.. branch out..
exercise those neurons.. and
bio-chemicals that flow
to all peptide
and neurochemicals
brinGinG Good Cheer from
head to toe.. spReaDinG as liGht
for all otHers and the rest oF naTure
as God TruE and liGht too.. out of DARk
of course too.. sure.. i get tired once in a while..
233LBS or so.. feels like an anchor of sorts too..
but as soon as i stARt DanCinG from heaD to toe..
put on my earbuds and defeat entropy more from
positive electronic musicK inFuSinG mE with
Force of positive EmoTioNs from head
to toe.. the feather comes aGaiN
in Butterfly float on
of Savannah
same on Beach
close home.. in the
Panhandle of Florida too..
and next thing ya kNow.. yA
SenSe.. yA FeeL.. ya juST complete
6000 miles of public Dance everywheRe
ya go in public for three years now.. 3.3 million
words of longest long form poem ever in Ocean
Whole way.. with a thousand lovely young dance
friend women.. sMILinG from ear to ear with
BriGht and sHiny LoVinG eYes aS WeLL.
the empirical evidence is also clear..
welcome to my heaven.. i
wish I can share the
same MaGiC for
you.. and
sure after
this two year
Macro-Verse memory
shared so freely by the
Facebook Algorithm secretary..
i’LL BrinG a couple more
year long
to end
this ‘Super Fly liGht’
Macro-Verse whole.. number
704 on 9192016 too.. the Magic
of sure.. smARt and FearLess LoVe
GoEs oN2.. iT’s Real and is going doWn foR iSREaL
for mE..:)

Don’t Forget I AM Magic

Oh.. eyes of beauty
you look so deep
Oh.. eyes of beauty
you look so long..
Oh.. eyes of beauty
you always care..
Oh.. eyes of beauty
Light’s TRUE Love
Oh.. eyes of beauty
only belong
to the one
and no
one no
no one
can take
that away
when eYes tRuLY
Lives as i.. after i
that i onLY LOVES..:)

Oh.. signs of God sing
like butterfly winds
effect of GOD
into LIGHT..:)








BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels


41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)




Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 18 Comments

sigNature sUn arE onE


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Facebook Friend Rafiah..
from Sialkot Pakistan says..

You miss your passed away relatives
the most on Eids. Always. Everytime.

And i say in return..

Yes.. and that reminds me today.. September 13th is my
Grandmother’s Birthday.. born in 1903.. which means
you are just ninety years younger than her..
if she were alive today at 113 years old..
and of course that makes Rafiah..
a very young Spring woman
sTiLL at 23..
so Happy
23rd birthday
from Guess wHo..
and i suppose that’s
pArt of why i was past
the 12th to the 13th of September..
Getting my ‘After Book oF Fred’ Book Published..
just in honor of you two.. and a few more.. i guess..;)

Rafiah responds..

If zero in 1903 is replaced by 9, that’s my birth year..:)

So.. i say.. also in return..

The other reason.. i can never forget Rafiah’s
Birthday.. is 1993.. is when we
built our home..
and purchased
that swing with
the two hearts..
and sometimes
i wish i had a daughter
juSt like Rafiah.. to Love at home..
so.. i suppose you will more than do..
Happy Birthday SweetHeARt.. alWays..:)

Rafiah comes back again too.. with..

I like your home, your bedroom side with the window having a view of garden outside, and your garden. It feels so full of life. After all it’s your home. It has to be that..:) Thank you, Freddy for the consistent love. You, Kat and your cat, are all my extended family..:)
Heart Emoticon

And finAlly i
saY in welcome..

SMiLes my FriEnd..
you are AlWays Welcome..
And like i said on the other
Birthday wish.. i am off a day..
for your Birthday is the 14th but
my wish for you is rebirth alWayS noW iN Love oF liGht..:)

And now.. Rafiah shares
a status of Self Love
that i am very proud
to hear her
say for
as this is the
road to Loving
all others fearlessly too..

So.. Rafiah says..

Happy Birthday, Rafiah.
You have been a good girl and not
everybody can manage it that well.
That is some achievement worth celebrating.
You go, girl. *pats self*

And i say in return..

Is Very
Give yourself
Another round
Of Birthday Applause
Air Mail
Me some
Cake to eat..;)

And in real time
just a minute ago..
Rafiah responds..

Seriously.. there should be some way
of air mailing cake asap.
Two tears of laughter

And i say..
in real time
now too.. on her
Facebook page as well..

Haha.. i was just
copying the
of this
Fred and Rafiah
Friendship story
to the continuing
saga of all that is..
in Ocean Poem WhoLe..
You are cake enough for
me.. my dear.. as i pat myself too..;)


SMiLes.. mY FriEnd
to FeeL
the rhYme
to see the reaSon..
to kNoW we are hUman
and that is enough to
be the Wings and
aS onE
liGhT.. noW..
oTher than that
my favorite track
from Ammonia Avenue
by Alan Parson’s is ‘You
Don’t Believe’.. Believe is
the essence of Emotional
power to make
along with
Emotions of Faith..
Hope.. etc.. as all pro-social
emoTioNs too.. sadly folks get
attached to the reAsons forgetting
the FeeLinG that moves us.. connects us..
allows us to Create more for liFe noW the BeinG thaT is
HuMan.. both to expand mindful awareness and sure..
to be fully aware of the animal we are to
master regulations of EmoTioNs
and Integration of seNses sAMe..
with relative free will Stronger..
noW.. aS
Be Happy..
don’t worry
liNe.. but
more than words..
FeeLinGs.. SenSes beYond
the shells of what are often empty
words that feel no rhyme under reaSons..
anyWay.. thanks for dropping by my blog..
it’s a alWays nice to see humans come by..
And Alan Parsons has alWays been one group
who touched my soul alWays.. and you my Friend
are the first person online to ever share a song by them..
beyond YouTube that i have
seen.. besides
me.. so
sure.. i’m happy
to see Alan Parson’s here.. too..
iN fAct/FeeLinG/RhYme.. i got
excited when i saw them here..:)


Stories of boys who never loved her..
are truly sadder stories for boys
who cannot love..
and truly with
of abundance
or scarcity promoting tribal
wars has much to do with
the heart of couRage and
the womb of liFe.. and aS in
all stuff.. to balance dualiTy is
A task of God whole
in wE.. noW.. as
Our soUL
liGht or
dARk.. empathy
and compassion are
not bedfellows that sleep
well with the sword that must
strike the brother and sister for
continued subsistence.. Abundance
or even enough BrinGs a much greater
Womb of Love.. as Long as there is balance
in abundance too.. case given.. first world problems..
of course.. as the stuff becomes the human over the
loving touch of what can be a balance of Fearless
love… how to..
hard to do..
day to
day subsistence
is scarce.. how to.. when
day to day abundance.. hard
to do with excess.. moderation
and balance the key in all great
religions.. art thOught in balance
as there are no cookie cutter
human beings.. ever
now as iSreal..
sure in books
but books
must make
sense where liFe
is art of always now
changing toward dARk
or liGht.. anyWay that doesn’t
leSson the pain of the womb of
love who seeks to nurture with
nurture back.. and as far as what
can be true of some cultural ways
in what Khaled Hosseini says in
‘A Thousand Spendid Suns’..
the Son who fearless
loves IS A hUman..
A son who
has little to no
shine of man now..:)

“A man’s heart is a wretched, wretched thing.
It isn’t like a mother’s womb. It won’t bleed.
It won’t stretch to make room for you.”

True.. many men could use a
Cesarean section of the
heArt to birth A whole
spiRit oF EMpathy..
CoMpasSion of
fully feeling pro-social
emoTions.. like the rooms
where men never crack a smile..
or the book that never laughs.. the
shine of Love iS iN sMiLes of EYes..
MiNd and BoDy soUL BalanCinG
will never live whole without Fearless sMiLes
and laughs for Love.. iN DancE and SonG iSREAL..:)

Other than that.. nice to see you today.. friend Zee.. in
yoUr life regardless if this is fiction or non-fiction.. it IS
A TrUth and liGht of Dark for many hUman males..
may the liGht of males find you..
no matter what it was or is..
and may the liGht
of YoUr eYes
to shine as
Love.. no matter dArk..
storm of other.. ones.. mY FriEnd..:)


LiFe IS A Dance..
and sure that includes..
lips that Dance a sMiLe..
and fingers that
sTiLL MoVinG
ConNecTinG and
Creating and you’ve
probably heard.. i for one
can find the meaning of liFe..
in almost every letter and number too..

For what is life without meaning and purpose..
that’s kinda simple.. life without meaning and purpose..
that we as humans do not have to wait for others to make..

That is what sets us apart from the Rats in Calhoun’s ‘The Beautiful
Ones Experiment’.. where Social Roles go away.. and all a Rat
can eat is provided in limited space.. and community dies
as no rat can break out and create a different life.. sadly..
folks continue to be the audience in the
plays of other folks..
and never find
the WiLL
and sure..
courAGe.. iN
Love of MoVinG..
ConNecTinG creAtinG
to act and produce a play
of social role themselves..
where they are the directors
of Now mY FriEnd.. the play
that never ends now.. whether
we direct it or only spectate it..
from the mall seats of NFL Foot
ball games.. and nah.. one does
not have to be fleet footed in dance
like i am now.. for i too.. was once a shut
in with extreme pain too.. stumbling.. not even
able to make a TV Dinner without falling to my knees..
if i could even play tic tac toe.. as there was a day where
i literally could not play a game of tic tac toe.. the ‘Anti-Christ’
of relative
free will
mY Friend.. with
keyboard dance first..
for metaphor of course..
as all is metaphor that we
as humans can in relative terms
act.. produce and direct.. if only one
letter can be typed in dance to express
that for me at LeASt as the letter H wHOle mY FriEnd..
as two
of brain become one..
two hemispheres of earth
connect in joining online hands2..
bEcoMes one H..
or alpha numerical
8 for standing tAll iNfiniTy
as hUman being becomes
UniVerse sAMe As wHole..:)

A sAddest pARt oF aLL
is when humans put
in chains
and no longer
allow the never
changing reality of Change..
per yoUr axiom two that can be one too..:)

Bottom line..
is the country
that can conquer
most every country
from within.. people say
where i live.. the sky is falling..
the sky is falling.. ’cause of the
potential results of a political election..
i say FucK it.. no matter.. what the laws
protect me enough to alWays be Free.. Now..
at least wHere i for one livE.. within.. mY FriEnd..
A place
i act..
and Play..
other than
that nice to see
you gigoid.. and
anything is better than
nothing.. been there
did/done nothing
and something
is alWays the
Rose that
God kNows2
without any words @aLL..:)


Social Roles.. and the slow dance
vs. Bootie Dancing sway..
twerk now.. arms
of love
and eYes
oF liGht more
distant now than
what was once innocent
Love.. as sure.. a cultural invention..
Patriarchal social roles of innocent
women and white knight men..
i’m glad i had the
to live a
place in a time
to live that cultural
created innocence..
true.. the environment now
better reflects the wild of human
Nature.. interdependent wHere every
one plays a courage and love for existence..
but still the innocence
of the slow dance..
the eYes oF LiGht
that sinG hiGher
i’m glad i had
a slow dance of LiFE first..
iN A world now wHere making
your own social role is becoming
increasingly the Nature of the Game..
the slow dance is fading away.. in
someways i Stil find it at
home still with
a wife
still lives
in that place..
but nah.. no public
dance for the too shy of that
even now.. and that’s okay.. now..
as sure.. i like home base that stays..
And sure.. it reminds me of my first Love
as i can still see the innocent liGht of those fifteen
year old eYes in a place where i wanted to live forever
then.. but forever now alWays changes in liGht and DARk..
and a slow dance of Romance innocent in now surely still lasts
in dreAms
that stiLL liGht
in eYes oF i.. now..
i must say.. i feel sorry
for those folks who never
fELt/FeeL the slow dance days of Love..:)

AnyWay ‘that’ Orleans song reminded me
of this Orleans song and that’s how the
song continues
to play
for me
@lEast iSREAL..:)


Now.. off to dVerse.. a little late from Yesterday
of course.. as an extremely busy
weekend and writing the usual
15 to 20K words in three
days.. wHere the
Quadrille of exactly
writing 44 words for the
day mixed with a prompt
theme for the word ‘Open’
is the required social role play
of the day from dVerse.. ‘Open’.. i’LL
surely go with.. as that could be my middle
name.. hehe.. but 44 words.. nah.. that takes
the spiRit away from the heARt oF art of miNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG soUl in pre-planning
every word.. sure.. i could do it.. but i ain’t
in art for form.. essence of meaning
and purpose is the no rule
of the day other
than fearless
Love for me..
so i moVe on with
fearless Love fully in tow..
and a pen iS my only sWord..
hehe in more than words too haha..
that only gives poEtry that comes.. yes..
from.. head to toe.. as spiRit MoRE Now
warm and tRue with an innocence for Give..
Give.. more.. hmm.. and sure.. i like a few hellos
or hi nice to see ya.. along the way.. or even
just a like that says.. Kilroy.. i saw you..
you are now here.. but again.. giving
more than taking IS A greAtest
privilege and gift
to have
and give..
so off to give more
i WiLL.. particularly..
with no restrictions oF mY SoUL..
as is open.. with no dams to hOld
A River of Ocean wHole Back for me@leASt noW..:)

And yeah.. this is Micro-Verse comment 60,606.. could be lucky..
in fAct iT WiLL be lucky.. as ye of little faith
is not
in my
hehe.. @lEast for mE Now..
as this 703rd Macro-Verse of
longest Long Form Poem continues..
as i continue to surpass now.. my 42
months in witness for all of God of Nature..
i see.. sense more
and feel now
now open
to all that iS
comes morE noW..:)

One of my favorite pArts of
seaSonS noW and the garden
i helped plant with Nature that
surrounds my yard.. is a different
color flower for everyday of the year
to capture and share around the world..
juSt ’cause i can and will..
and sure.. a flower
colors the
same of
can and will..
only humans now
limit the colors
iN Nature of God’s paint..
a Mountain of Love has no fearless
summit for the colors of Love Open..:)

SMiLes my friend.. Glenn..
no word(s) now is big enough
to paint the colors of the
rainbow inside.. not God..
not Existentialism and
not even the
as some folks
suggest the word
came first.. haha..
just do
is the
way it’s
alWays been
dOne @lEast foR noW..
only humans attempt to
capture that in words.. and
that’s fine as long as words beCome
and not
rigid science..
as only dreams
open words to more
of what iMAginAtiOn
MoVes.. coNnecTS and
Creates MoRE.. NoW..:)

giFt of liFe
from birth
to death
open from
my friend.. whetHeR
during or otHeR..
for LiFe..
Grace of Gift
my FriEnd.. noW no
greaTer than liFE..:)

God lives in open blue skies
of clouds.. eYes of any
sKeyes too..
open iS A
to ALL GOD thAT iS..
only ways do not exist
in open of GodSkEYes..:)

ps.. that’s common sense
that religion and cultures
take away with chains
of tribal
that say
do it our
way are get the FucK out..
from delete me.. to ban me..
to FucKinG Crucify me closed too..
hmm.. oh what a day
of finALLy
an oPen pLay
for God to E-Scape
the chain of books
for lesser Gods than ALL that iS..
STiLL juSt waiting to E-Scape Open from within2..:)

Pens extensions of opening fingers that
scratch in sand with sticks
of alphabets
that symbol
an essence more
of what is than can
be said with non-verbal
language of dance.. open too..
but ugh oh.. when the pen replaces
dance.. and finger replaces toes to
move the body whole.. separation of
mind and body BaLanCinG comes more
and the essence
fAdes from
pen as
pen moves
to form more
than essence whole..
and that my friEnd is why
we grow short sighted in ways
of pen.. as the dance of life fades
further from toes that flow more
than lines
of pages..
meadow liGht
briGht meadow
opens.. sky more
than words who line..
as sidewalk way less..:)

Smoke of clouds
cover eYes with
paint of God
ever will..
open or closed..
as clouds always
change as smoke
more than pens
wield.. no..

with Tears..
Pain iS A
death noW
without tears..
Tears are A
Strength ever
more than none..
Sadness better than
nothing aT all.. FeeL iT..
alWays FeeL.. lEt iT aLL Be..:)

Well with that said..
now for lunch and
perHaps a sand
and sun dance..
@12:15 pm..

Off of break here
until i go to visit
my Mother with wife..
a little later but foR noW
more poEtry comes for sure..

Interestingly.. a newest
therapy for PTSD.. is
adventure therapy..
to open a door
for greater
of positivity
over fear to retrain
every peptide memory
of trillions of connections
across all cells to feel liGht
rather than all associated
with the dARk of FEAr..
the body leads
the mind
body is the
mind.. body electric
or whatever Whitman
said is more than poetic
now.. we are beings oF liGht
in everY ceLL of chemical reaction
for positive emotion of neurochemical..
neurohormone.. peptide receptorS in trilLions
of connections singing sharps instead of flats..
And sure.. it works
as i for one.. once shut
in for 66 months can SinG
and DancE solo noW without even
a blink or hesitation of NO that Now
is only fear when it comes to ExpreSsinG
SpiRit oF ARt.. but ha..!.. my aDventures
haven’t been easy.. at first.. buT aLL
well worth it now..
as fear kills every
thing liGht when
and negative @aLL..
Neuroplasticity and EpigeneticS noW
from head to toe A SonG i’LL sinG iSReAL SoUL noW2..
Imagine if the UniVerse could DancE and SinG..
What a gift.. for we caN
with relative
Free WiLL noW
and Fearless Love..
platitudes only.. nah.. we
are connected and all is interrelated
from head to toe.. inside.. outside.. all
around above to stars to neurons
and all peptide
Cells iSREAL..
Sorry that’s several
Quadrille’s.. WiNks but
it’s leg quarters.. they
all joined up and were hard to cut..
as they continued to open up.. see yA.. Freya..:)

i did it before
i read the science..
That happens
A lot
No reaSon but HeArt
The power to heal..
Innate iNstinct
And iNtuition
Yogi and
Other ways..:)

Fear IS A source of all weakness..
stress.. and human diSease..
Fear.. IS A enemy oF aLL
that is oPen liGht..
and without
lighT we
live weakness
iN DArk.. as liGht
iS pro-social emoTions
and seNses and dArK is
An adversary oF liGht.. Now..
Vs.. alWays Strength noW for more…
No regrets wiTh free as liGhT is Home..
for LIFE as liVinG up now rather than down..
and yes.. the first step is to take another now..
in a different
to create
liGht over once
what was dARk
iN Straight lines of priSon..:)

Mary Poppins..
finAlly reLeased
her umbrEllA and let iT aLL go..
just a stand
iN for
Frozen girl..
And Katy Perry..
with a song for
parachute.. too..
samE as RiSinG
FoR All..:)

Breath oF LiGht
LiGht oF noW..
SinG oF
DancE oF FeaT..
what else is tHeRE..
yeS.. Now
Fearless Love
aLL ToGeTHeR..
rePeaT.. as FREE.:)

Clouds are words
Words thaT SinG..
And Sunshine
iS icinG oN
cloudS noW
that open
for even
than beauty oF
Clouds.. coloRed FReED..:)

SMiLes.. i nodded oFF..
yET perHaps dreAms WiLL
BrinG moRE oF iMaGiNaTioN
SinGs as DanCe oF liGht..:)

Pen iS
than the SWord
And oPen.. Dance.. eveN
more powerful than Word..
tRust me.. Women Love
or even
poEtry StiLL to coMe..
aT lEast that’s whaT all the
photos say on the Longest Long
form poem ever.. sMiLes beat liKes..
uP noW..
wiTh Dance
Peace too..;)

LiFe SMiLeS..
It juSt doEs
iT as FloWers
oPen PoLLinAtinG
otHers more for liGht
as DancE and SonG
Fear for JoY BriGht..
Open HeArt..
miNd and
BoDY BaLanCinG
soUL Awakes
iNG moRe noW..aTer
AiR We FloAtinG.. GrAviTy FReED..:)

Addiction noW of the
heArt.. A noose wrapped
loosely but not tight enough
for change..
the change
of empty
the place oF liGht
juSt out of grasp
an opaque
of empty
FiLLed Chalice oF WinE..
with no tears of respite for Love..
Been to this place where only Turkey
Feed off
of Hung..
no longer tHeRE
i sMiLe friEnd and
hope oTheRs can come
back from an addiction of numb..
no.. i don’t drink.. nothing workS in heLL..
wHeRE A thouSand years hang on i of Needle..:)

i’M not particularly
fond of worshipping religious
words.. but what i do find noW as
it is a special interest of mine to study
across the world IS A favorite
one from the
Gospel of Thomas
verse 37 that says
to open uP
to find
you kNow..
the free spirit
of unrepressing emotions
and senses of human beings
set Freed.. too.. and i quote
here.. as WeLL.. noW.. too..

“37) His disciples said to him, “When will you be visible to us,
and when shall we behold you?”
He said, “When you strip naked without being ashamed, and
take your garments and put them under your feet like little
children and tread upon them, then you will see the child of the
Living, and you will not be afraid.”

Hmm.. imagine how different the world
would be if the literal interpretation of
that replaced the same with
The Bonobo.. our
closets cousin.. ‘says’
it works to avoid all
violence.. where
war solves
of tribal instinct
when the joy is naked
and free with Love..
stArted storing
grain.. and the
rest is a history of fear
for having less than the Raven Sings.. Fly.. Free..:)

Other than that.. i find dancing like this in sand
and sun.. totAlly legal and private in my back yard..
frees iT aLL with music to drOwn
out all the lies
hmm.. so
simple to be free..
so difficult to escape.. naked aGain..
whoever wrote that vs 37 was F in Brilliant too..
and sure they were speaKinG of ALL cultural clothes2..:)

Ah.. yes.. my FriEnd.. sMiLes..
the Yang of Courage and
WiLL.. and the Yin oF
and Love..
the marriage
of both within..
eXploDes as LovE
outside.. above.. so below
and all around.. merry iT iS
to be complete as a painting iSReAL..:)

And wiNks that could
have been a Quadrille2
but i refuse
to separate
is from real..:)

LiGht resides in every
peptide receptor of
human cells..
so does DArk
in cells that
of fear and stress.. and sure
muscles tighten up as alternative
to experiencing uncomfortable
emotions.. the body
keeps score
in so many
to truly
open uP is
Free mastery over
body first.. regulating
emotions.. integrating senses
can be as easy as balancing one
foot with the other and perhaps
walking different backwards
than forward
to establish
new muscle
and cellular
memory for a
new day iN liGht
of EmoTions and all
bio-chemistry associated with liGht..
for me at least.. lessons.. hell no.. just
more fodder for did i get it right or wrong..
moving free is loving now.. with no restraints
of science one step two step five to limit FReED..
It’s sort of what Forrest Gump did to forget his Mother’s
Death and all the other stresses in daRk of memory then
of liFE..
i find free
dance is more
fun than pounding
road on 56 year old knees..
sMiLes.. may peace be with
you stArting within my FriEnd..
to open

Love an open
to ways
un done.. foR noW..:)

LiFe.. a chalice..
a drink with no
a wall..
often with
chalice of no HeARt..
open eYes.. clothes.. no
cover of isrEAL iNside..:)

i find ‘he’ never
coMes unless one
builds a field of dreAMs
first.. and finds ‘him’ within
as Father/Mother/Son/Daughter/Brother/Friend
aLL other ones/Nature and Holy SpiRit isreAL noW..onE but that’s
iN Heaven now..:)

4:47 pm.. off to
visit mother with
wife.. Store Dancing
and such fun as that..;)


Quick note to self..
Go to the beach.. Yes..
there’s no place like home..
there’s no place like home..
there’s no place like home..
for the
thaT iS mE.:)

Just came back from
Perusing GodsUniVerseNovel3
yeah.. that longest Macro-Verse of
Ocean wHolE Poem.. encompassing
338,630 words in juSt one Verse..
of over 3,300,000 words whole..
but for me the best
pArts are the
best of Beach
photos i took
over the course of
three years of doing
a total of 100K photos
or so.. with FlicKr too..
the rest of all from Summer
of 2014.. are on that Ocean
whole Poem.. at 60 to 70K
photos or so.. and the 300
could be called the creme of
the Crop.. free to be picked out
of that Macro-Verse lone of allone wHole…
We live in a world where we can share and
give greatly.. the only thing that’s holding us
back really.. is the fear of not owning the world
we live in.. to give and share free.. folks who
think they can make a living off of art.. mostly
fear something.. that could never happen
anyway.. so i say.. no matter what..
life is too short.. not to share and
give the best one lives as
life.. and surely
this photo that
if not 12 Million
words.. is worth sharing
over and over.. juST for
the Beauty of A Day in a liFe
of me.. that i do not care to hoard..
and whatever you give and share that
is left over for others to share and give
free after you die.. is simply an extension
of the soUl oF yOUr liFe isREAL that others
will touch for years.. perhaps thouSands of years
to come.. sure.. life can be much longer than live
if you simply
care to give and
share free.. i find it
more than sad how hard
it is to find some artists.. even
the Beatles.. whose records have
become too vintage to share for free..
every thank you and ever give of inspiration
is the potential spArk of Art of liFE that could
save a person’s life to inspire them to hold on
one more now for liGht.. but of course you
miGht not understand the gravity of that
unless you too.. go to hell.. the dARkest
place oF aLL.. NoW..
and again
and again
and again
that’s why i share
and give.. without worry
of who takes what of what
i give and share.. as only
Love grows after death of Life
when share and give IS A Rule of LiFe..:)


WeLL.. after perusing Beach Sunset
photos today.. that have already
been taken for art..
next stop.. reaLiTy.. this
evening and the sky was
on fireworks of clouds in
God’s aLL NaTuRe CreaTiVity..
oN evenings like this.. nothing
awes me like the
canvas of God’s
sKeYes aLiVe..
in ever changing
art of Clouds eYes..
to enjoy as evening
Masterpiece Theater..iSREAL.:)


And now.. for the MacroVerse Facebook Memory
Parade.. for two days here as i am
sTiLL plAying a bit of catch
uP from all the
activities that
continue to go on..
FReED… hehe.. iSReAL..
first from a year ago.. here is
Sweet 911 Dreams in poeTry
of frigging
terrorist attacks
and stuff like that..
as the River Nile exceeds
her banks for reproductive creativity
in all of fertile ways of giving and sharing FReED..:)

Sweet 911 Dreams

And here is a short quote Micro-Verse Memory from a year ago2..:)

When i am a little boy there is no question..
There is me and Nature and we are ONE..
When i go to school.. i become a lesson..
There is a lesson and me are separate..
When i become a man i go to work..
There is working working always..
Well.. all that almost
Kills me..
Now i am a little
boy again.. there is
no question.. there is
me.. there is nature and we
are ONE.. i live again AM FREE..
There are lessons.. there is working
and yes.. there is moving.. connecting
and Creating but without me.. ALL IS LOST..:)

Hi Zee..
and one should
never forget

Yeah… this one from 3 years ago..
is a might cryptic Macro-Verse but the
Navarre Beach photos are worth a spin.. and
sTIll a little rough around the edges recovering
from hell fresh out of that place here sTiLL.. relatively..
for a couple of months by September of 3 years ago.. to date..:)


Living in the September of Boogie Wonderland.. here.. a Macro-Verse
from two years ago.. speaking on the topic of my Conception Fall
Equinox Birthday of 660 months in 2014.. to.. soon
arrive at 666 months of existence on the Spring
Equinox and Solar Eclipse of 2015.. as well..
with more poetic thoughts of course..:)

Living in the September of Boogie Wonderland

Finding MY new tale here from two years
ago too.. and kinda sad.. as this documents
one of Moby’s last successful jumps to the kitchen
table.. at about 8 years old.. soon.. to succumb to
complications from Diabetes.. the next year at the
end of 2015.. at close to 10 years old.. not even able
to lift himself up to the extra low level litter box.. we
all have the potential for functional disability any now
of our life.. without even any fault of our own.. in responsibility
for these struggles of life.. life is worth living as healthy as we can
make it be.. as there is no escape living in one’s own skin of liFe..:)

Finding MY new tale

FoR the LOVE of Yoda.. Macro-Verse.. from a year ago..
And sure as Karen Carpenter says.. we’d like to make
a contact with you.. sure.. we are all star children..
young and old as one race of human beings
now.. some of we have FReED ourselves
as trUly Vehicles and Vessels of
most extraordinary interplanetary
craft of human flesh and blood housing
the reaLiTy of God inside.. as reflection oF
UniVerse wHole.. sure.. WE ARE YOUR FRIENDS..
those of us who have escaped lies of separation.. once
again.. finding unity within.. and a peace we beseech as
teaching oTheRs as Interstellar Policemen to give others
a messAge of Freedom iN Fearless Love.. hiGhest power
gifted by GoD aLL of naTuRe floWeR oF all as StIll Emerging
Beauty one.. here on this.. lovely PlAneT eArTh that we can
all share globAlly as Love.. we are here to prevent something
horrific in fear and hate from happening.. here now.. as.. star
seeds wE are hEart to protect Nature as GoD’sKeYes oNe noW..:)

FoR the LOVE of Yoda


Well i suppose after
calling Interplanetary Craft
for Interstellar flight.. i might
as well jump on over to dVerse noW
for their Tuesday prompt on Travel..
and perhaps
get back
to that
Prompt on Open..
later tomorrow..
and on top of that
only 11 links so
be somewhat
of a breeze to catch
up fully on that one now..:)

10:55 pm.. 9132016..:)

First oF aLL.. Lillian
in the September North
of Cape Cod relatively
speaking of course from
North Florida.. i enjoyed
your human description in
poetry of this lovely place..
and the photos
add so much
as of course
i for one was
never one for
words until
losing effective
use of my eye sight
for 66 months and hearing
as such as well.. making navigating
the world in words a necessity for one of before
illness.. as a mostly visual thinker.. interestingly too..
some folks have great difficultly thinking visually..
and it often comes out in somewhat more literal
ways of poetry too.. harder to understand with
the more interpretive right side of the human
brain.. as sure.. in metaphor.. as in many
ways.. both work together as one of
course.. anyway.. hoping
to see more travel
photos on the trail
today.. as i would
rather see the
of photos rather
than looking up the
places for stock photos
on Wiki and such as that..

Tourists traps of travel.. reminding
me of my recent Emerald Coast Destin
shores visit.. where that place
is a human zoo.. more than
a beach for
free foot
one with
Nature whOle..
yeah.. can’t imagine
visiting that beach for peace..
for public dance.. sure.. but for peace
noW.. i’ll dance on Sand beyond the stress
of culture ways where Condos are now.. sAdly the
foot prints that stay.. edifice of cultural cancer..:)

Hmm.. a trip to a Bordello as a 13 year old..
the closest i got there was when a girl’s
mother sat on my leg
in the parking lot
of a school dance..
still not quite sure
why she did that
but she said my
leg was too
and it
hurt her butt..
yeah.. i rode a bike
a lot.. and had no frigging
idea.. what sex was.. even at 15..
yeah.. not surprised all the so-called
cat houses closed down.. i understand
that strip clubs are having a difficult and
hard time finding paying customers too..
since the
72 Virgins
in Heaven Free
thing is online
24/7.. at least
it deters Terrorists
attacks.. i guess for
empty promises after
death fulfilled in Heaven U.S. oF A..;)

30 minute jaunt to Heaven.. a path
across sand to the west and out of view
of super tall condos.. a place without even
human foot-prints as sadly most folks don’t
even have it in them.. to walk five miles
to get to heaven..
nah.. it’s noT..
free.. like
they say an
and the Navarre Beach..
big camel of condo culture..:)

For some a tragedy
makes vengeance
a travel mate..
for otHeRs
As friEnd..
A UniVersal
waY noW oF
sayinG heLLo
wiTh eYes thaT
Love iN UniSonG’s
Home.. aWay from Lone.. to Love..:)

SMiLes.. i’m led to ‘her’
by prompt of your French
Exchange travel.. remembering
my Cajun Grandmother.. a business
lady with Foreign Exchange College age
French Students to stay at her home..
where it appears
she served
more than
dinner and a place
to stay.. as rumor goes.. sMiLes..
dying at 69 but living every day as youth..
i suppose we have
something in
common too..
mY Paternal Grandmother
and i.. only difference reAlly..
i kept the first spouse at home..
and never exchanged her as two twenties for a 40..
only.. as
of course..:)

Sigh.. this
reminds me..
i’ve only been
to Disney World
and Washington DC..
spoiLed by the most Beautiful
Beaches and River front
LandS in Panhandle
oF Florida
but StILL
the wanderlust
bites.. the steak and
ice cream served up
by Nature every day..
i can’t get
tired of
it.. iT is
jUsT too Good..;)

WorD tooL..
NatUre wE..
EsSence Tool..:)

SMiLes ..i too.. now avoid
straight lines and borders
and make my entire
life dream
of Emotional
Regulation and
Sensory Integration..
Science is just a scribe..:)

GreaTest heARt
oF hUman
thaT GroWs
morE iN
thaN Books..
SpiRiT moveS
conNecTinG.. CreaTinG
miNd And BoDy WhOle..
Ocean GroWs soUL
wE noW
oF nAtuRE

Interestingly.. for me at
lEast.. i can relate as i just
did a reunion with the only
four cousins on my Father’s
side complete since decades
juST a reminder now to me..
that each hUman connection
IS A unique one that has STiLL
A special FeeL oF anoThEr mulTi
UniVerse created witH FearLess
eYes of Unconditional
Love.. that can
never be
but alWays
liVEd oN as A
GreATer siZe oF soUl..
As Tree of LiFE FiLLs iN..:)

All caught uP
at 12:18 am..


Hmm.. another opportunity to use the
theMe SonG.. ‘Rise’ by Katy Perry..
worth noting when someone
who takes the bible
literally strays
into the Hurricane
of i of words.. like
a stray droplet of rain..
i will consume them and
add much more water to
the mix of the storm
of fearless
Love i AM
a repeat
of a comment here
and a stray drop of
water who entered
my Hurricane
i AM..;)

i’M not particularly
fond of worshipping religious
words.. but what i do find noW as
it is a special interest of mine to study
across the world IS A favorite
one from the
Gospel of Thomas
verse 37 that says
to open uP
to find
you kNow..
the free spirit
of unrepressing emotions
and senses of human beings
set Freed.. too.. and i quote
here.. as WeLL.. noW.. too..

“37) His disciples said to him, “When will you be visible to us,
and when shall we behold you?”
He said, “When you strip naked without being ashamed, and
take your garments and put them under your feet like little
children and tread upon them, then you will see the child of the
Living, and you will not be afraid.”

Hmm.. imagine how different the world
would be if the literal interpretation of
that replaced the same with
The Bonobo.. our
closest primate cousin.. ‘says’
it works to avoid all
violence.. where
war solves
of tribal instinct
when the joy is naked
and free with Love..
stArted storing
grain.. and the
rest is a history of fear
for having less than the Raven Sings.. Fly.. Free..:)

Other than that.. i find dancing like this in sand
and sun.. totAlly legal and private in my back yard..
frees iT aLL with music to drOwn
out all the lies
hmm.. so
simple to be free..
so difficult to escape.. naked aGain..
whoever wrote that vs 37 was F in Brilliant too..
and sure they were speaKinG of ALL cultural clothes2..:)

My Fundamentalist Christian Friend
from Iowa.. Lynn responds to me
on another poet’s site.. who
obviously isn’t a fundamentalist
Christian and a more open minded
believer in God.. as she don’t like it
that i gave credence to the Gospel of Thomas..
as it is not included in a book she feels is infallible..
as she says.. and i fully quote Lynn.. now here.. below..

“Gospel” of Thomas is apocryphal, not canonical…
naked is distracting and too cold in Iowa, Fred..;)”

And in preface here.. the major ruse of pastors of
fundamentalist churches is to say to the congregation
if the miracles attributed to Jesus are not 100% literally
true there can be no God..
that’s just plain silly
when words
God over
the Great I AM
oF all that is as we
are pARt and pARCel
of IAM too.. as even
science shows the
entire Cosmos
as reflection
of God
within we
pArt and pARCel too..:)

So i go on to respond to
Lynn.. hmm.. making the
nice poet’s site into a
religious debate.. hehe..

The Educated Greeks
Determined what sects
Of oral tradition illiterate
Armaic speaking folks in
The area exchanged over
Four Decades.. Ranging from
So-called Christian sects believing
in one to twelve Gods depending on
which sect one talked too.. And for 1500
years or so until the first English printed edition..
There were no copy machines but scribes where
biblical scholars teach budding pastors at Divinity
Schools that those scribes made any where from
three to four hundred thousand mistakes.. Some
minor and some major as all humans do copying
written material by hand with only two letters by
Paul to the Ephesians likely written by an
original author.. And of course the Trinity
Idea was Determined by the soon to
be expanded Roman Catholic Empire
four Centuries after Yeshua died..
Pastors who graduate from Divinity
Schools rarely tell the Congregation the Bible
is far from infallible but they clearly understand that
ye of little faith will never believe in God without myths..
i took the parts of Luke that promise Heaven comes in this
generation.. The Golden rule.. With consume no others with harm..
The parts where with Faith.. Belief and Hope can heal us as even
The Scribe of Science proves now.. And will to do more than Jesus
as that part by John makes sense too.. The rest.. i consider the
source by taking the advice of whomever wrote Luke and
the Gospel of Thomas and find God and the
KinGdoM within.. There was no cold
in the Desert my Friend.. And
the real ISreAL IS A place like
America where all children Of God can
pursue Life.. Liberty and Happiness aka Heaven now..
i for one live there but the original Greek definition of
Apocalypse.. In lifting the Many Veils of ignorance sure
does help along with discernment of truth and light as i
for one complete a full witness for the God.. I Am.. For
42 months with over 3.3 million words in the longest long
form poem in the history of humankind surpassing the previous
centuries long effort of 1.8 million words with a total of 12 million
words documented to this year in 6 years span too on Thanksgiving
Day along with Six thousand miles of public Dance in three years praising..
I AM… Just fully fulfilling what King David said he would Celebrate God on
the Naked part of the Dance too and that my friend Is what 100 percent Hope..
Faith.. And Belief WiLL juSt Do after escaping iSREAL Hell on Earth for 66 months
where one second in Hell is a thousand years with a pain in my right eye and ear
assessed by modern science worse than crucifixion.. That was the hardest part
by far of doing so much more than the myths attributed to Jesus.. But again
my faith

And now i say further..
Here’s the deal it’s
fear that holds people
back from realizing that
Heaven can and will be now
with 100% Hope.. Faith and
Belief now in juST doing a practice
of MoVinG.. ConNecTinG and CreAtinG
with fearless Love now.. in 100% positive
liGht.. what are they afraid of.. what happens
after death of course.. that they may never see
their loved ones from before.. as they cannot
handle the thought they may never
see them again after they
die.. well.. the truth is
they will never see them
the same again
in the next second
that comes as the reality
is we change every now over the
course of a lifetime.. life is all change..
now and even if Jesus could come back now..
he would change too.. as we all do as nows
go by.. and hopefully as the Verse of John says
do more as well.. in human potential continuing
to be set free as the great I AM continues to emerge
with uS as Greater liGht and tRuth now as WeLL.. this
requires much greater hope.. faith.. and belief than a whimpering
belief that all you have to do is say a magic incantation of John
3:16.. and you’ve got it made no matter what you do now..
well sure.. that’s what they say when you buy the
used car at the car lot with the slick
snake oil salesman there..
Religions are designed
to control and subjugate
folks with illusory promises
and fears overall.. including
the control of reproductive freedoms
to make life easy.. where men won’t have
to work to attract mates either.. you know
like doing something else rather than watching
sports on the weekend or reading the Newspaper
all night.. instead of paying attention to your lovely wife..
and sure even science shows that the clergy is in the top
10 checklist of professions for folks with Psychopathic
traits all out to control the heart strings of others for
sexual domination and greater material resources
to hoard some more grains over sharing and
giving.. TrUth and liGht in the now
of Heaven.. is jUSt about
the best we
ask for
in life.. and
this gift is beyond
amazing myths and miracles
for iT isREAL Heaven alWays now..
but to get tHeRe the longest way around
is after death.. and sadly that is the biggest
lie ever established by human beings as
insane as insane can possibly
be believed by the
sheep who follow
blindly afraid
if they
step out
off the sidewalks
of social approval that
they will be outcast and
starve to death.. which of course
is a real part of human instinct for survival
and why this camel is so huge.. and the escape
truly is an eYe of A needle.. that perhaps one has
to endure Hell 66 months to more fully escape.. the
veils of ignorance are legion.. oh.. but the sweet
honey and milk of TrUth and liGht iS alWays
now so soothing.. as the
greaTeST SonG
and DanCe oF aLL
as the gift of God aLL
oF Nature to us Free now..
as The Raven sings now his
or her song.. of abundance
in this iSREAL Land of Grapes of Joy..
where the parachute of culture no longer
holds wE down iN LiGht oF Truth iN practice noW..:)


Hmm.. sUre.. tHis iS worth
repeating and exPANanDinG oN too..

GreaTest heARt
oF hUman
thaT GroWs
morE iN
thaN Books..
SpiRiT moveS
conNecTinG.. CreaTinG
miNd And BoDy WhOle..
Ocean GroWs soUL
wE noW
oF nAtuRE

erbiage says.. in response to me
on Dee’s Poetry site from dVerse..

“Katie, i’m fascinated by your use of capitals.
what are you trying to do with that? is it random?
FARE of nature is interesting, so is the e-yes of eyes.”

Shawna Baby.. My FriEnd.. to my credit says..

“He’s a genius. He’s creating words inside of words,
telling secrets and stories, and most people are
probably missing it. You’ll never meet
anyone as smart as this man.”

And then/now.. i saY in
extended Micro-Verse wayS..

SMiLes.. my FriEnd.. erbiage.. i FeeL/
SeNse poEtry more than ReAson iT
but as Yin and Yang goes.. i do
both.. Standard IQ.. is rather new
and antiquated too.. as all standards
are.. all of
Nature aka
God iF one
can see a painting
even larger than that
in tapestry of finer strokes
as brush of we.. all is synchronicity
and all is ink blot wHere ultimately
our multi-UNiverse as perceived
becomes our own
and liGht
of all that is
aka God As well..
SMiLes.. the longer
answer is on my blog
to the tune of over 3.3 million
words as complex or more complex
than this in the longest long form poem
now arriving at 703 Macro-Verses of Ocean
Whole poem.. that can be titled many things
from that to a 42 month witness for God of all..
to ‘SonG oF mY SoUL’ iN the SpiRit of Whitman
too.. in his prophecy that the standard of before
will be the priests of the cosmos now..
wHere the greatest
Lover of the
iS the
PoEt who
SinGS a SonG
oF soUL Long and Free..
i am the Ocean.. i am a Field..
i am a wave.. a river.. a stream
and a droplet of water as particle
too.. i have no limits.. no expectations
and my dance in real life for 6 thousand
miles in praising all that is life of what i find
now.. in just three years.. iSreal MaGiC2 mY friEnd..
it stArted somewhere in the Renaissance age.. with
folks Like Leonardo.. Michelangelo.. Beethoven.. Mozart…
in darker lives of Van Gogh.. Poe.. Aleister Crowley in more
modern days.. and perhaps even with what remains of a
oral tradition of 40 years for a man who died on a
cross no less no more.. than the price of
free.. i am.. ’cause i can and will..
i do.. aS fearless love powers
all that i do do.. my
Friend.. and
there are others
like me in a new
age.. with no limits
or expectations like my
Friend Shawna here.. who
in her 40’s may do much more than
me stArting all of this at age 50.. and
you too my friEnd.. as you can see me..
more fully.. for most folks they miss the
who of i online.. but haha.. in real life believe or
not.. and sure i can prove it too.. as 1000 smiling
ear to ear dancing girls with me in that same Ocean
Whole Poem with close to 100K total photos and
scores of thousands of music videos tale too..
yes.. i am named Dance Legend at 233LBS of
Arnold looking middle age dude
who wears shades every where
he dances.. in all the public
stores where his
wife ‘Isis’.. let’s just
call her an Egyptian
Goddess for now.. shops.. never
aging either at 46 as the photos now
show too.. and yes.. sHades required
for a stint of Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia..
for 66 months from wake to sleep also known
as the worst pain known to mankind.. technically
assessed as worse than the pain of crucifixion..
3 hours would have been so much easier than
66 months but that and 18 other life threatening
disorders in synergy of total then effect/affectd of heLL
oN earth.. including losing all my emotions.. even
the memory of a smile.. or laugh..
as there is no reference point
for any of that when
emotions go..
where one second
is a thousand years
of hell where all is time
and in comparison.. in heaven
on earth there is no time at all..
only heaven which makes writing
a full 12 million words as documented
online since ThanksGiving day of 2010..
even in hell for 33 more months then until
the end of July of 2013.. a cakewalk of sorts
where i get to eat the cake and icing whole now..
anyWay.. this is the short version to your answer..
and sure i’ve already discussed the long one to date
now.. thanks for asking.. i’m sort of that dude or dudette
they speak of in the Gospel of John.. who will do works
greater than Jesus.. but nah.. i am just a grain of sand from hell..
or a
seed perhaps
with winds of a hurricane
with a totally calm center
relatively speaking
gets tired..
have a great now..
i find now as the
most delicious place
of milk and honey per that
poem titled Xanadu too.. my friend..
and sure you could call this Hypergraphia
too.. my psychiatrist wanted to give me Epilepsy
drugs to shut the flow down.. but there is no dam
for this River oF Ocean now.. nor shores to hold me back..
and by the way.. Lewis Carroll is said to be Hypergraphic too.. and
sure i can do greater non-sense than this.. as far as literal goes too..
bottom line..
the iNks bLot
for purpose and
meaning we all decide
differently with will and
sAMe too.. all pArt of Ocean
as this micro-verse here
as large.. it may seem
here will go along
with that
verse above of another
micro-verse noW iN a
Macro-Verse larger titled
‘iSREAL Land Grapes of Joy’..
that will comprise the 703rd Macro Verse
of Ocean Whole Poem that is KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
as pen name to date too.. and in that Pen name is
a micro-micro-micro Verse that has many meanings
as well.. and in each letter or number of the English
Language and Roman Numerals as well.. the
Essence of God and Universe whole may
be found.. in micro-micro-micro-micro verse
way as well.. AS above so below my
friend.. the English
on who arts it
can in many ways
reflect the whole enchilada
of all that is.. however.. still
only a form of the essence for all that is..
greater than any human will pen by hand
or digital keyboard as maestro of symphony
of God same.. in abstract symbols.. my FriEnd..
anyway.. Shawna baby.. my friEnd.. set
the standard for this Micro-Verse
my FriEnd.. and apologies
to De here.. for filling
up her blog..
as always
i copy
and paste
what i do as i go
aLong and as alWays
if anyone doesn’t feel
comfortable with a Hurricane
of Micro-Verse or Micro-Micro Verse
blowing through like this.. it doesn’t hurt
my feelings to be erased out in the field per se..
as Ocean Whole Poem retains back ups of all that is here
all over the Internet in many places too.. as i don’t plan now
on having to do this whole thing over.. at least not in one lifetime.. friEnd..
or 3 to 6
or so..;)

Yay for Yoga..
and i
with your poetry2..;)


“The laugh of a child will make the holiest day more sacred still.”
— Robert G. Ingersoll (American lawyer and orator 1833-1899)

“I exist as I am, that is enough.” — Walt Whitman

“One can endure sorrow alone, but it takes two to be glad.”
— Elbert Hubbard

In view of these three pArts of Wisdom..
it’s worth noting that some folks cannot
Feel the Laugh of a Child
nor the FeeLinG
of Sacred..

i exist as i AM
iS rarely enough
iF one can feel
neither the Laugh
of a Child or A
FeeLinG oF Sacred…

For one who can feel neither..
two alone will likely never be glad allone..:)


Facebook Friend Himali..
originally from India..
working in the
United Arab
shares a status
that says friend never
truly leave as they always
live within.. one’s heARt..

And i say.

Hello Himali..:)

Himali returns..

Hello dear friend

And then i say..

Dozing off..
To sleep.. Nice
To see you..:)

Himali shares another Facebook
photo slide and details on 40 places
and things to do in life.. well worth it and i say..

They are currently doing a dVerse Poetry
Prompt on travel.. and although i get out
quite a bit in my metro area.. To Biloxi
Casino’s and such as that.. this reminds
me i don’t get out nearly enough to enjoy all of this..:)

And then Himali shares a slide of Wisdom..
suggesting to tolerate everyone’s opinions about
how they wish to change your mode of operation..
and then just say in so many words that’s brilliant
and go on
about doing
whatever ya
wanna do..
creatively of course..

And i say in response..

Haha.. can’t count
how many times i’ve done that..;)

And finally for now.. Himali shares
a Facebook Status on annoying things
girls who do not wear make-up hear from others..

And i say..

Just another great reason..
i’m glad i’m not girl having
to reach all of cultural expectations
and surely the same for worrying about
any expectation for both males and females…
Free means
not worrying about
cultural limits or expectations..
at least for me.. beyond what is
required of local.. state.. federal..
and community rules for places where
one might like to participate online and
too of course..:)

And now i say in somewhat summary..
yeah.. blogs are nice.. as folks can say what
they want ya to do.. but they cannot make you
do anything.. as long as you please the overall
rules of blogs.. which are very very liberal these
days where as long as play by the laws of the land
you can
art almost
anything as
yes i’ve been
duly noted to do..
in excess of more than most..
hehe.. or perHaps all too.. foR noW haha..
anyway.. when i was linking to dVerse i had
suggestions from folks to sway me their way
of doing art.. frequently to down right rude..
until the administrators started
whittling away at my
creative potential..
no.. you can’t do art
for bucks.. likes.. shares..
followers.. or generally speaking
brown nosing.. if you expect to fulfill
the liGht poTenitAL of yoUr fuLL
creative aRt.. and how
many times in
as this
been proven out
but folks continue to
disregard what history
teaches about the outcasts
of human creativity.. who are not
understood more fully until perHaps even
Centuries later.. as they did not conform to
the standard IQ and grade of the Art Day..
the greaTest pARt iS suPport online
these days can be found in
so many ways
that local
towns could
never likely do before..
even if there was a law
as such for them to respect
the creatively different mavericks
among the other less creative sheep..
the key though still is developing the perseverance
and laser focus.. to by pass all the distractions of modern
life to truly create as free.. and without a continuing practice
of MiNd and BoDy Balance in martial arts and ballet-like
dance.. i could never have the focus to get all this
fun art dOne.. At LeASt for mE.. every element
of my practice of liFE works for the whOle
of allthatis.. aka God.. and this is
a ship that is an ocean
who will
not sink..
as i got this
shiT figuRed out
witH all that is hELp from GoD..;)


For the longest time..
i feared having pets..
and never had another dog
after the first one died.. and with
allergies inside to both cats and dogs..
the need to breathe superseded the need
to feel the
Love of another
mammal real..
yes.. i got
over that..
and of
Mama’s who
love unconditionally
give the same.. my Wife’s
greatest pain in losing her
mother is she never felt love
from her mother.. i suppose that
could be A dArkest place oF all..
fortunately for her..
her Grandmother gave
that to her.. and her death
was very hard on her..
but perhaps not as
hard as the
never felt love
from.. a Mother who
seemed like she needed
more from Wife.. than love
to give to her.. and when
my Father died.. a
couple of years
ago.. i was
unsure if
i could grieve
at all.. as he never
really could express
emotions enough to ever
even get too close to him as
those two ships that
pass in the night..
writing helps to get
it out.. and as long as i can get
it out.. the grieving can be a muse
to give more love as gift of writing from
what is received in life as love.. and of course
that applies to all of what can be A SpiRit
ExpReSsing as hUman heARt from a
Dance of a SMiLe.. to a Symphony
of miNd and BoDy soUl
BaLanCinG iN all
the ways that comes..
bottom line for me.. is my
Mother’s Love spArked the Love
oF i.. however.. we are human and when
we find ourselves outcast for whatever reason
from the social group.. we suffer in misery as
social animals by default are evolved
to do liFe toGeThEr in the touch
of LoVinG eYes.. hands and
sure hips and otHeR
pArts as weLL
of Ocean Whole Love..
with Fearless too.. noW
that liGht pARt of my MoTheR
LiVes within.. both nature and
nurture.. flowerS iN Garden oF liFe..
It seems my sister inherited more of
my Father’s brain as ‘they say’ that is Evolution’s
way for survival too.. as daughters who survive
infanticide over ages tend to look more like the father
in many ways.. including behavior.. and sons the same by
OF Love
spreads as WeLL..
Love grows.. bottom line..
and i’m sure my sister feels
the same way about my mother..
but i desire to spread the love of my
mother decades after she is gone.. the
gift that keeps giving.. in a room for oTHeRS..:)

AnyWay.. iT aLway’s
hard it seems to be
And art
is aT leASt
a spArk for allone..
my friEnd now.. the


WeLL.. 3:21 pm..
9142016.. sTiLL
and back to dVerse
for one Travel Prompt
link left iN
a sparse
of 12 liNkers so
far and back then
to the Quadrille week
Long prompt on the term
‘Open’ that seems to
continue to
draW iN
a crowd for now..
hmm.. makes me wonder..
as most poets seem introverted
if they are mostly homebodies who
rarely get out to Travel.. like me for
decades too and still limited to the
Southeast Gulf Coast Region.. as WeLL..:)

“Voyageur”.. a title for
your poem.. Sanaa..
and a lonely place
of traveler.. i sure..
can relate..
never having
girl friends in high school
rarely for even one date..
i traveled to the movies..
the shows of Romance
and couples holding
hands.. the fair
of loving
loud embraces
as Spring of Love
iN Winter’s Hot
Chocolate in
games of
homecoming too..
my High School football
Team won the state championship
in ’78.. and finally my ‘Voyageur” status
of Love found a first love that year.. 10
months later back to ‘Voyageur’ travel
again for Love.. quick stops here and
there for warmth.. but
never travel full for
love until
age 28 in ’89
and a river of life
of love from a wife who
never ages.. sure.. i can appreciate
that enough to love her.. where she
never will.. age.. smiles at least not yet at 46.. travels young..
as the photo evidence of the blesSing of that magic continues..
i always wished for
what ‘they’ named
as sweet sixteen
in highschool..
and as my cousin’s wife
said at a recent family reunion..
Katrina is “The Eternal Teenager”..
Be Happy for what yA wish for when dreAms iSREAL..
and by all means.. count those blesSinGS as they may never
happen again.. who kNows.. even in hiStory of 3.3 million words
and 100K photos.. my wife is quite a muse as travel of ‘Voyageur”
goeS on..
iN TrUman
sHow stYle..;)

Hmm.. that was/IS A Cool
Prompt.. i think the deadline
is midnight or so.. hope for more
voyeur travel opportunities to expand on later..
but yes.. as mentioned before.. now back to ‘Open’ Quadrilles now..;)

The giver..
the nurturer..
the people pleaser
too.. the Nurse who now
cannot separate emotions
from healing others whole..
but a caution
to the all
for rest
as the injured
loves are more than
few.. and bodies too..
White Knights
of Arcs
and even
Mother Teresa’s
have felled to long dARk
niGhts of the soUl as those
who love others more than
self of preservation now…
sad.. how much
love iS
iN the
history of those
eYes that cavern now..
And i think the clinical
term for that is Draining..
or the Hero Archetype who falls to dARk..
and in my opinion.. likely associated with
Fibromyalgia too.. as Angels are Human2..:)

Way back when i lost my
soul.. there were those
who said my words
were eloquent
and full
of feelings..
how opaque
that window was
into the eYes of soULs
who could still see and
feel the SpiRit in only
empty sheLLs of
words oF i..
left of
GRowN CoLd
from dead sea
Black Hole Soul..
sure.. a logical memory
of vehicles and vessels
that housed the essence
of my humanity and.. lesSon
for the rest of my eternity now..
Essence is what counts over Form..:)

sMiLes.. my FriEnd
i find ‘wildlife’
to be iN
A Longest Long Form Poem..
perHaps.. one IS A Robin too..
Unfortunately.. most Birds
cannot open the poem
up but that
will change..
then.. even if..
Robins.. never know..;)

Love folks..
who ride by seats
of Motorcycles so
free now.. air in hair
live now..
go for broke
stay fixed for Free..
oH.. Jack London.. your
changed dog to Wolf
lives as me.. but nah..
i’LL dance free and save-on helmets..:)

Bingo.. 44..
it’s like MonKey’s
typing.. sooner or later..
even free ones
iN Zoos..
hehe.. and twice..
i kinda cheat-ed to geT-iN..
That reminds me.. yes! Toy
Soldier..! i needed that Song..
Sorry.. no conText
a cAll….
from ET
phones home..44..2..;)

MecHanical Cognition
HeARt Cognition..
Free WiLL
to feed two miNds
in BaLanCinG for oNe Free SoUL..
and Body of course
as EmoTioNs
from head
to toe.. by way
of Vagal nerve
as some folks say..
Kundalini Serpent FReED2..
Emotional Regulation and
Integration of senses.. MoVinG..
ConNecTinG and creaTinG.. it’s
not enough tRuLy to open
A miNd and heARt
in BaLanCe with
as life is
more than
even poeTry of heARt..
HeARt moves from head to toe..
Abest way to close heARt is
to STiLL
A MoVinG
DancE oF liFe..
Children often FeeL better
as they DancE without reaSon..:)

of human nature
as science shows
half are leaning now
conservative and closed
minded mostly.. and now the other
half goes liberal and more progressively
open minded.. split
jury of everything..
most often..
as being human…
Order in the court
vs free
aLL.. both
sides have thEir
merits.. even stuck
in gears of going no wHere much..
sTanding more
STiLL in
aLL of both sides..:)

SMiLes.. it seems
tHat NatUre only
asks.. liKe
we spiral
Free iN BaLAnCinG..
And then hUman
and moves
one way oF liFE..
Lesson of Nature
Spiral FloW as noW FReED..:)

sMiLes my friEnd Sumana..
i thiNk all the problems
in the world can be
traced to one
three letter
word of ‘own’..
and then when folks
attempt to name Nature
God and ‘Own God’.. comes
stuff like destroying ‘Islands’
and so many otHeR species
along the way…
To Give Love
Freely in sharing
is trUly A greATest
evolved gift yeT.. And
this EARTh as home to do
thaT is Equal giFt oF Nature onE..
All of this is in plain site of FeeLinG..
but only for those who SenSe and FeeL iT..
Nature Deficit Disorder stArts wiTh a three letter
word of own.. and ends in a six letter phrase of GoD owN..:)

SMiLeS noW..
i used to watch
politics until
i determined
that both sides
alWays win..
then i lEarned
to Love it all open.. sacred
and holy and i won heaven now..
all IS A FeeLinGs and SeNses..
rest is an inkblot test.. i choose
to love iT all.. sImply
’cause i can..
the gift
of fearless
love with eXpanding
liGht and LoVe of DaRk
and struggles sAMe.. as
sure it is no surprise
that ark
iS iN dARk..
but nah.. not
much for smAll
talk but i Love it..
and all those kitty
kats on Facebook too.. as the
Internet is developed souly for ThAT..
thiS eNtire rUse is to showcase mY KAt..;)

5:11 pm..
eat now..
continue later
after all of that..;)

Back at 10:27 pm.. 9142016..
for more ‘Open’
themed liNks
from dVerse..
juSt liKe
all the way..;)

oF.. oPen..
alWays noW..
Now ways all
Penning thAT
aS Present day
ways.. Open doors
go both ways..
and liGht
vieWinG iT
from Distance
All is Masterpiece
taPestry wHole Paint..:)

Morning star memories
anew each day
oF liGht
distance of
moonLit reminders..
sleep peacefully
until day
Sunlit liFe..:)

Wow.. first.. amazing.. a poet shared Ammonia Avenue from
Alan Parson’s yesterday.. and now Kim is sharing
The Trees by the great deep deep band
Rush where every song is
a masterpiece of
poetry too..
same as
Alan Parson’s
too.. Led Zeppelin..
etc.. wHere the words
of the new age prophets
are written on concert hall
walls.. more and less.. as back
in the red state town i live in..
deeper ways of poetry
could only be
found then..
in Rock and
Roll.. so watered
down it is now.. compared
to what Geddy Lee and Rush
could do to bRing so much meaning
to Lyrics of a Song in the 70s back then..
most sadly nature deficit disorder rules the
world a cultural cancer upon the earth that
is erasing breathing from the Tree oF LiFE supplied
as oxygen
to the
of what
Mammal liFe
does best.. Breathe..
A Tree oF liFe iN liGht..:)

Faded Sunflowers lining
Open heArt
to BrinG
liGht back..
sure.. been to this
place too.. for a year
or so when young.. but
66 months later in the
middle of what life
in hell can be
as not
so well..
but surely
there is strength
in the smile so tired
of whining that’s all
that’s left to do..
to shield others
from the
one lives in
side.. i was
determined never
to say another negative
word.. never complain and
eventually imagine and create
a way for liGht to travel back real..
so let it be written so let it now be
done.. when the starlit connection
of words and emotion finAlly SinG
in Unison
a SonG
oF liGht..
tHere is no
mistaking the
oTheR place for
those who pen it
experiencing dARk isREAL..:)

i suppose the words came
first.. connecting emotions
to words.. and then a walk
every night at 3 AM..
the dark
woods no
longer to bring
a chill along my spine..
and then a dance.. with
never lessons.. and now
a spiraling balance
of all limbs
from head
to toe..
with emotional
regulation and sensory
integration never had before..
the body keeps score.. and
the score can be changed my
FriEnd.. never give up as the
next dance may be as youR liGht..:)

an open..
i sheD thE bubbLes..;)

Well.. i must
say one day.. my wife
and i may open a liNk or
too in an assisted living
home.. more than likely
she’ll be assisting
me like she
is now..
and i’LL
sTiLL be
then.. rarely
catching uP on
what i wrote.. as
wRiTing Goes oN peN iS
alWays.. reADy to pLay..
even iF.. the dance fades Away..:)

i find that
with an open heArt..:)

i’m entertaining
changing the title
of my current Macro-Verse
per.. iSREAL Land Grapes of Joy..
but grapes keep coming up every
where i go.. the other one is
sigNature sUn arE onE..
and i muSt
say folks
are ratHeR
odd about
sharing and giving
tHeir grapes.. sweet
iS in that taste.. unbridLed
by ownership as fruit of VinE..:)

And afteR All
‘thaT joY’..
i’M sUre
i’D oPen
uP iN joYous
unBridLed dAnce..:)

trUe hUman
Force of
Love.. rarely
seeks the Power
and Status required for Lead..
but of course they
the earth..
in who
and what they are..:)

Open Books of heARt
alWays free
to touch
for read..
are my favorite
ones to bridge
heArt and miNd
as no hOlds are barRed for Free..:)

Apocalypse oF Doors
as original Greek Definition
says.. lifting veils of ignorance..
inside more
one or the
LiGht SinGS
TruTh wiTh veils
flaiLed AWay…:)

SMiLes.. an opportunity
to keep brain waves
away from beta
worry to
of alpha
and theta
trance seems
to alWays keep my
fLow a Going.. but of
course even the possibility
for stress free makes that possible..
the reaSon
floWs as
A heARt iN liGht
wiLL.. tAkinG FliGht..:)

Ending the open prompt..
now one more Travel liNk
left and i’M donE
with dVerse
for noW..:)

Travel of food
aCross the globe..
spices.. and sweet
stuff along the way..
change iS alWays
as time
zones differ..
oh.. but the taste
buds.. do liGht uP
when a variety oF liGht
A CuLiNary deLiGht..:)

11:50 pm.. 9142016..:)


Scattered Love

Sure.. why not share every Facebook
Provided Macro-Verse Memory of
before.. aS oNe comeS noW
from one year ago..
as a title
IS A Poem..
and PoEtry iS all
that flows from heARt
in words of HUman from
the source of God oF Nature’s
GreaTest Gift to hUman and all
other animals that is sentience..
yes.. FeeLinG.. SeNSinG SeN
SualiTy too.. and in some..
ImAginAtioN.. iN MoVinG
ConNecTinG.. and
CreATinG more
to add a verse
in continuing
of All ThAT iS
AKA GoD oF NAtuRE noW..
in the interconnecting.. interdependent
relationship oF aLL.. every pARt of God
from the Dandelion that grows wild to
to the number 6 Developed along
with all other globally
now established
by the early
East Indians on the
South Asian Continent
later to be developed by
Arabians as the spirals of
the numeral 6 reflect the
Italian Scholar Fibonacci’s
Golden Phi Spiral mean of 1.618
as this scholar encountered these numbers
from Hindu-Arabian numerical system and spread
them in Europe where they would eventually become
the world standard of numbers in math.. as this Phi Spiral
reflects the patterns of how God of Nature moves in sentience
and every moving electron around nucleus to subatomic Quantum
particles to the curled fetus and cat.. Hurricanes.. Sun Flowers.. Nautilus
Shells.. Galaxies around Black Hole Suns and all around.. above.. so below..
inside.. outside all of what we are and see in and as our existence now..
even when the words flow with pen and voice as science can
measure now.. outside of pre-planned lines
that control the free of heARt
poETry.. PoEtry is the
free expression of liFE..
and all of existence noW..
it exists at the smallest of
particles to the all in all.. Poetry iS
God FReED.. sadly.. humans in their
sealed packages have attempted to
chain this freedom out of change of
flow than never ends.. however
God looks right through
them and
to change..
God is Free.. and so am
i and WE.. God plays no
games of hUman rules..
and all they are is
brown paper
we look wRitE
through and escape too..
as Words Seed Scattered Love..:)

Words Seed Scattered Love

Sure.. now.. why not continue to give.. share.. move on..
A place wHere everyOne kNows yOur Face
Macro Verse Memory here.. from
two years ago.. some folks
more extraverted who
gain energy from
the social connection
for sure what science shows
is among the 80% of the animal
Kingdom who are born rovers vs born
sitters.. for some the environment consumes..
scares.. and inhibits movement.. for others.. environmental
change drives movement seeking stimulation to create and
produce more that has never been seen before.. and sure the
one’s who sit out of greater fear become rule makers to angle
skyscrapers to make more sense where trees and
shrubs and even rain on sand becoming silt
is ever changing too.. a balance of
nature it is.. as those who
sit are less likely
to die in accidents
early than those who rove..
and take chances to make
progress grow.. in God emerging
more in all of wE as Team liGht over
team dARk in Fear of course.. anyWay..
the powerful play does go on.. as some
dead poets also say.. and some of wE add
verses and some of We stay stagnate and fear..
holding on to our feathered nests and the
safety for the children we spawn too..
and all of that is okay as it makes
the world go ’round and
’round in free and
guarded ways
in all species
as it were and still
is now.. and i’ve been blessed
to be in center of this.. the extreme
of the one who sits closed in as
bedroom sitter for 66 months
to now the Dancing Guy
all around metro way..
known mostly by
face of shades
and dance of Feet
with arms and torso
and hips that swirl as
Golden Spiral Mean
of Phi too.. and i must
say the Rover in mE or the
Good Cop Mr. Hyde has so much
more fun that the goody two shoes stiLL
of the Dr. Jekyll and Sheldon Cooper of Before..
sure.. Clark Kent too.. and Bruce Wayne in the
nerdier version of Adam West too.. all human
archetypes from domesticated to wild..
to the Jesus who turns over money
tables to the Good Cop Jesus who
turns the other cheek.. and Loves aLL..
and sure.. add in the unconditional
Love to WilD and one moves
beyond the archetype
of even Superman
and more..
as God continues
to emerge anew in we who move..
connect and never stop creating reneWed..:)

A place wHere everyOne kNows yOur Face

And sure.. the dArkest sides
of all the Isis headhunters..
so far away from the
Goddess ISIS protecting
all of Nature.. the ones who
who use a Penis for a spear
of raping little 12 years old girls..
the ones who crucify those who
believe different and if you think that
is attached to any specific religion.. nah..
it is psychopathic compassionless driven
with no affective empathy that feels only the
pain of others as pleasure.. the illness of the
heARt that is never born or dies as black whole soul..
Gun Black Boots that kill all of Love in tHeir way
of domination.. subjugation.. and rule by illusory
fears and promising the rape of little girls..
devils born.. devils bred.. devils
nourished by fear and hate..
Love will never either
tolerate or
accept this..
Love will if necessary
strike this down as the
Angel who steps on the
devil who iSREAL and
crushes the
breath of
the fear and
hate but nah..
words will do as
there are some words
much more powerful than
swords.. the words that come
from the Good Cop God in
all of We who Fearless Love..:)

Gun Black Boots

The Facebook Algorithm Video Slide
Production Assistant continues to serve
faithfully.. although the embedding feature
for profile photos both current and historical
in terms of sharing on blogs continues to go
a route of SNAFU for now.. and that’s okay..
as the my own trusty photo stream and
stored photos in Macro-Verse
way are plan B..
and i’ve got
plan C
and D
F for
alpha numerical
6 degrees of separation
that make Unity for
back uP as it were
and is still for now..
hehe.. so my
fingers can
keep on
in a
with no
worries of
and tHeRe as Murphy’s
Law is due challenge
than can be defeated
with a little human common sense..
for the longest run.. even after death..
as far as the KA of my SoUL liVinG oN..
with or without out me.. life goeS on..
but sure.. why not continue to love
after death but you will only
understand that for
free and
not for
big bucks
if Angel eYes
of Empath hUman
liVes as you kNow..
iN F E E L i n G noW..
where the needs of the
many outweigh the mortalLiTy of the one..
anyWay.. every letter.. hindu number..
word.. poem.. and photo
and all of extension
of God in culture
the interconnecting
interdependent relationship
of all that is.. GoD now.. i
juSt happen to gRoW aS i
continue to exPaNd the girTh
of sentient lens view.. and give
and share that as i continue to live onE..:)

And finAlly.. a share of
17 year old Fred in his
Graduation Annual photo
Suit for Senior year.. along
with a picture same of sister
a year ago.. for her special year
book day as Senior too.. and then
a smiling little boy.. who doesn’t try
to limit his smile.. and the smile that
lives again.. in the heARt of a boy who is Free again..
nah.. tHeRe ain’t much smile left by the time i reach
17 after 12 years of school.. but that is what
life spent in mechanical cognition
can and will do.. for those
smartY pants among
us who get
our gold
stars of life
from making
the grade the
teacher loves the
most validating tHeiR
accomplishment of meeting
the grade culture expects too..
and art goes missing from smart
and if you are lucky that doesn’t
end in S and M modern Isis ways..
anyWay when Science and Art
comes toGeTHer aS BaLaNCinG
in HuMan BeinGS it’s like splitting
an atom.. as Force more comes
in S times A of Fearless Love
to bE.. as a sMiLE
goes wide beYond..
aS iNfinITy noW..:)


First.. we had Christian Grey.. you know that
Billionaire or so.. from Shades of Grey..
with a drug addict mom.. who could
not provide him with
the empathic
and compassionate
connections in the brain
and rest of body that come
with touchy feely love from ages
0 to 3 and later as well.. if the pipe
of love gets all damned up by social
abuse in whatever form that comes as
outcast too.. so.. sure.. his brain gets twisted
in another way out of body balance and
Sado-Domination becomes his
way of gaining pleasure
over the pain of others..
sure.. no different really..
just legal in comparison
to the Isis bred soldiers
who rape little girls and can
feel pleasure from their pain as
they are missing what makes us human
fully as well.. and now.. not really surprising we
have Christian Wolff.. cute little word play.. as sure
the Jesus dude kinda made up his moral code as
he went that defied the rule
as law of the land
before.. at least
what we know
of the Good Cop
Jesus and Bad Cop
Jesus.. ranging from hate your
mama.. daddy.. brothers and sisters..
and children too.. if they do not follow
your new moral code.. or perhaps turn the
other cheek for another blow across the face
if that is the relative moral authority that the code
of the day makes for now.. it’s pretty easy to tale that
more than one person and probably a gridlock church council
meeting.. no different than the congress of today came up
with a health plan like that just enough to get it through
for final approval.. otherwise.. it would not be anywhere
near that contradictory if one person and one
person only wrote the story.. and sure..
there is.. i bring a sword and not
peace.. and Love your
neighbor as yourself
in consuming no others
with harm.. and live by the
sword and die by the sword..
not much integrity in that New Testament
in that Jesus dude if you really take the time
and effort to peruse it from back to front to
back again.. in a day.. not a year span.. of
forgetting what was said before.. amazed
i am that decades old pastors.. cannot
remember the cognitive dissonance
verses out of their killing and
loving book that tells a
tale of darkest dark
and lightest possible
light in old day terms so well..
but perhaps they are not accountants
like me that measure all of what comes
in empirical way.. and perhaps they are not
fluid intelligence makers of art new.. taking all
of rote memory and mixing it up and making something
brand new beyond.. of what they quote in crystalized
intelligence of the verses they care to remember from
their good book too.. sure.. it’s obvious that
Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne and
even Dr. Jekyll were all on
the autism spectrum
toward the
Asperger’s range
and surprisingly to some
but not to me at all now for sure..
came an epigenetic.. and neuroplastic
change.. no different really than the call
of the wild from that Good Book.. The Call of
the Wild.. yes that really good book that describes
so well the Nature Deficit Disorder than lives within
human being.. where the call may never be heard
and answered across a Clark Kent life sPan now..
and no doubt the literary agents who wrote
the books had a touch of the Asperger’s
too like Stephen Spielberg and the
eclectic Nature of
his movies
too.. then/now..
but here’s the thing..
if you are an Asperger’s
touched person and you find
a niche like the Accountant finally
did in the movie above.. you ain’t
functionally disabled in society as long
as you can make some dollar bills to live on the
niche you do.. and true.. it could take an entire
lifetime for a Mozart Opera to sell.. or a comic book
strip.. or whatever other niche one finds that might
not be in vogue yet
at the point in
culture where
fluid intelligence
explodes to do something
new.. but seriously.. those who
just copy what was done before..
basically go out of memory.. unless
they are someone like Muhammad
or the Isis folks who basically
paraphrase what was done
before.. and enforce it
by the power of the
sword.. and
promises of
raping whatever
is conquered next
by similarly inclined
warring psychopathic
leaning folks who come too..
yeah.. i can relate to this Accountant
movie in many ways.. but the guns shit
just don’t reflect the Empath Angel version
of the sorta Eros dude i am now.. hehe.. just waiting
for Sheldon Cooper to break out into joyous dance
and start writing poems around the world to give
up the crystalized limits of physics still today..
and this would have been a much
more fun movie in my eyes of
Fearless Love instead of the
of Navarone
or whatever bigger
guns come next instead
of my way of Sunsets of
Beautiful Navarre Beach sTiLL
now… yeah.. i’ll go the naked
version of King David way of
dance instead.. and the Good Cop
Christian Jesus dude way of Golden
rule ways too.. sure.. i could be the Bad
guy if that made sense in Vengeance way..
but i don’t have to.. as my niche is Fearless Love..
i N Coming IN Glory Victory now..
and poetry and dance and all that
artsy fartsy stuff that Red
State folks love to
make fun of too..
and that’s okay.. there
is room in the world for Bad
Cop Jesus’ and Good Cop Jesus’
too.. it’s the way of dARk and liGht..
that will likely always exist as long
as the propensity for the dArk knight
of the heARt continues to exist.. i’LL
go the White kNight route 66.. after all there are sTill
some women in the world looking for a hero.. like thaT..
oh yeah.. and this ends today’s eXploration iN poEtry
of HeARt.. and SpiRit eXpresSing thaT emoTioNal..
miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUl for now.. sure..
i’LL go with ‘sigNature sUn arE onE’ as titLed
Macro Verse 703.. and
iSREAL Land Grapes of Joy
is already in the mix foR noW
too.. anyWay.. mY Niche could
have been Mozart or Beethoven
too.. but Carpal Tunnel syndrome
etched a stop to that potential of piano
there.. back in ’07.. i wanna do iT all2..sure..
actor.. producer.. Director of my own GD play..
my niche is no limits.. no expectations and it’s
amazing what a person can do with two hands..
a body.. and a tool like an iPhone6s.. and iMac
Work Horse desk top computer too.. tHere is no
limits with fluid intelligence from head to toe..
and with trans-humanism benefit of
technology as slave of
art assistant..
with no
as helper
now.. there are
no limits.. and even if
Shawna.. my Friend gets
to the point of her Asperger’s
Flavor of not understanding what i do..
i understand.. i juST do it.. and i will never
enforce anyone else to my moral code by
the sword or the gun same more
than Love oF art..
it’s R and R
Sacred and Holy
Thursday for me..
i am at least cautious
enough not to go back to
the worst disorder oF all.. i had
before.. Nature Deficit Disorder.. the
one where the cAll of the wild goes
faint to lost.. sure.. Christian
Wolf Real iSREAL Wild
Good cop wolf
my pen
name too..
but sure noW..
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI..
speaks literAlly milLions of
words to.. all twelve of the apostles
of multi-verse numbers i for one create now
WiTh God Allone now.. as i ain’t gonna wait
for anyone else to pick up a ball that i for
one can lift over my head and
carry for steps and
words more
of PoEtry
to nowoneforevermore
come foR NoW.. so.. back
at 3 am with some fun dancing
photos from my 127th week of
dancing with all the cool college
age folks at Good Old Seville Quarter too.. Thursday night..
and perhaps this will get published later on today.. Thursday
9152016.. with ‘those photos’ on my own version of nine sixteen sixteen..:)


SMiLes.. my FriEnd.. Zee..
tHeRe IS A most beautiful
Flower in our yard named
as Passion Flower..
it’s almost
like a new
planet of color
in flower form
that could be
the home of
God and sure
in some ways it is
as pArt and parcel oF wHole
as we all are.. i particularly
appreciate the flower this year..
as few have bloomed in a
Summer of much rain
and fertile conditions
where the year
before was
more drought like
a desert.. and the
Blooms came even more
beautiful than ever before
in God’s co-Creation after
the struggle of desert before..
however.. the Winter came late..
and the flowers continued to bloom
through January.. and after all that
ease the blooms are not nearly
as much as that year of
struggle.. a flower
is God and a flower
is human.. the struggle
of dARk is what makes
liGht my friENd.. and
the powerful play of God
iSREAL goeS on for anoTher
now.. in all the sHades and hues
of color and grey to Kingdom come
that iS alWays now my FriEnd.. anyWay..
the great thing about writing poEtry.. iT allows
what Nature shows too as a dArk muse to bRing
a greATest liGht of Bloom in Flowers aS weLL..
and to continue the waves of muse from
low tide to high tide and the ‘tween
of all that is that balances..
we human
the sAMe..
you bRing back
memories of those
days of grief so long ago..
of my first love.. and that my
friEnd is enough to spaRk a greater
Bloom in Flower of i as WeLL.. bottom
line my FriEnd is we are all in this God’s
greaTEst play of liVinG liFE toGeTher…
To give and share is the greATest
Gift God gives uS in
both liGht
and dArk of
Struggle and
Joy.. to hold hands
up higher rather than
lower now.. mY FriEnd.. So
sure.. for today i’ll leave you with
a Desert Rose from Sting as you
kNow and FeeL MuSiC and SonG
and even photos of Nature’s SonG
Can BrinG a GreAtest HeaLinG Force too..:)


Nah.. i guess i wasn’t quite finished with
this 703rd Macro-Verse after
all i just said and did..
and the Facebook
Secretary just
me up a
small helping
of the Nature photos
i took this morning where
it was so easy to see God in
a Dandelion.. that most folks
pull up to discard or use pesticide
to slowly choke and kill.. to wilt
of golden Flower as God’s
Will to live in all stuff
alive.. oh.. for
the order
and purpose
of human that
is scared of stuff
stiff.. out of line.. as i too..
once had to have my garden
bricks in line or oh no.. OCD could
rule the scared and anxiety of me
temporarily in an illusion of control
over simple acceptance of what
iS in the beauty of the larger
picture that is
in sentience of life..
Free to live as Ocean Whole..
like my longest long form poem..
that so many folks have attempted
to talk me into pulling up to make more
presentable.. like a nicely trimmed sidewalk
to mansion of bricks.. nah.. my mansion will
be one oF art.. and Dandelions who refuse
to grow the way of human sheep shears..
just a reminder of the DandeLioN
of God who gRoWs on in GoD
arms of Free art as a
verse of UniVerse
that will not
be trimmed
and fearful
hands of control
of God’s art Free iN all oF uS noW..
yes.. i am a special snow fLake if
you see the more fuller Lake
of the F oF Y i.. FReED..
and sure you are
invited to
Paradise too..
for i am only
Luke Hot sTiLL for the Summer
in SpRinG oF eYes that liVE oN noW..
but in my case always going uP noW2..:)








BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels


41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)


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Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 29 Comments

After Book oF Fred




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i have an “After Book of Fred”
to write.. so i guess i’LL
get stArted..

Oh.. by A way.. my therapist
says i should give Ted Talks..
as i continue to
help her
her other
so.. sure.. i”LL
continue the Fred talk.. hehe..
And yes.. she literally did say
that yesterday.. as even my
atTest too..
Sure.. writing close to
12 million words crosses
over to the spoken world too..
and sure.. i fully express emotion..
and that my friends equals
what politicians
in Words and non-verbal
Langauge as Charismatic
and Magnetic.. sure.. the
Body Electric too..
if i could
Dance with
Hillary i could give her some more2..
or get in a room with Trump and make
his head explode.. as sure.. i have
a certain.. intellectual
and spiritual
now too.. hehe..

And first2.. i’LL stARt wITh one
of the nicest compliments i’Ve
ever received from a fellow blogger
Hailing from roots in Ghana..
but i..
‘long ago’..
living on
a virtual
world named
the Wrong Planet
wHere a deficit of
reciprocal social communication
was the diSease there.. i made much
effort to conTacT.. but with little ever response
from others.. and in the sea and ocean of all i do
in life.. as friend.. a very beautiful woman on Facebook
recently said.. when she opens doors for everyone.. she
rarely even gets acknowledgment for that and sure i’LL say
her name.. Sybil.. i don’t know her at all really.. but i do know
at Seville Quarter she shared a video of me.. saying that ‘this
is for our friend who never changes for anyone’.. in other
words my spirit of free gave her inspiration..
and sure that is enough reciprocation
in social communication
to inspire me as
well to do
much more too..
what i learned on the
Wrong Planet online.. is truly
the same off that online planet too..
we are a nation(s) of people in first
world way.. who in real life.. flesh and
blood way become more distant from
that flesh and blood as the virtual
world becomes more real
than the one that
tastes.. smells..
touches.. and
feels and senses
so much more than
screens of sight and sound
only will ever bring.. so i make
it a practice of recording a Garden
of Band-Aid for those who support me
in this journey of giving.. i treasure friends
and record them here in the Book oF Fred
in journey of witnessing for God of Nature all
that is as that will start a new chapter on 9112016..
where this “After Book oF Fred”.. will then be published
on Word Press and Blogger Blogs on 9122016.. and sure
the 911 meme and theme rings volumes of emergency light
like that last photo of me coming out of Seville and Seeing an
ambulance as potential Omen of sorts.. as sure.. for metaphor
too.. ‘those witnesses for God for 42 months’.. did not live long
after that… and what is the most dangerous thing
we humans in our first world countries
do on a day to day basis..
driving.. hell.. yes.. driving
is the most dangerous
shit of all where
we navigate
3 ton bullets
just waiting to
hit a brick wall..
of potential death..
it is no responsibility to
be taken lightly and one
that deserves our full attention
and focus.. as Lord knows even
paying the closest attention as possible
in my life to driving.. there were two incidences
where a cat and a dog darted underneath my car
from the side of the road.. lower than a deer in the
forest.. and even one time.. where an actual Lynx..
a wild cat.. ran into my Camaro front end.. across
the highway.. at incredible speed of trying
to save his or her life from oncoming
on the highway
to life or death..
as it were and still is..
yeah.. Road Kill is pARt
and parcel of creature comforts
of human being.. including human..
of course.. and from now on.. i am going
to put my frigging ‘smart’ phone.. in my glove
compartment.. as on that other seat those
notifications light that thing up bright and it
is hard to break a habit of getting notified
per se.. and glance over to see
what’s going
online.. well..
when it’s night
and there is an open
road.. and no cars.. it can
seem rather safe.. if one temporarily
forgets the danger to wild life.. and even
someone walking lonely in the middle of the
night on the side of the road.. and on a beautiful
calm half moonlit night.. full.. that phone lit up with
a notification.. i looked down.. just for a split second
and my practice of martial arts and quick reaction.. could
have saved my life too.. as a tree had fallen across the road..
as they do when they are ready to do.. even days after a storm
of rain comes through.. or just tree old age and sickness as
it were and is now with those struggles of environment too..
so.. i dodged it just in time.. before hitting it blindly
and going wherever
i might have
in a panic then..
perhaps in to a power
pole dead.. or another destination
like that.. even someone’s home off the
road.. anyway.. lesson learned for me..
and just a reminder that shit does
happen.. and its
best to be
on all your
toes and fingers
and senses and feelings
too.. when shit does go down..
in the dark of life too.. so anyway..
back to more ‘After Book of Fred’
stuff.. i count my blessings in witness for
God of Nature way too.. as a Garden oF
Band-Aid of support for those who do
come in Loving ways on my
hi-way liGht of liFe now..
away from
the lower-way
of life that IS A dARk
poTenTial and reAliTy too..
so here are the nice words
by Rytha Ephua.. who hails
in roots from Ghana in Africa..

“No, I do not live in U.S. either do I hail from South Africa but yes, my root can be traced in Africa, Ghana to be precise……..where love bridges and love for all is cherished. All Africans love regards and are resilience in spirit. We take it all, whether bitter, sour or sweet.

And yes, we are a global citizen of the world of one Race of human beings. That is how I see it too, regardless.

And ooh, you my Friend always make me sob inside anytime you write. You always manage to touch my very core with your words. Trust me, they are profound and ring volumes.

And in case I never tell you this before, I want to use this opportunity to voice it out, I Love You More. You are priceless, though we’ve never met, I’m fond of you. A lot. Thank you for being concern, I appreciate.”

And sure.. words like this from a Stranger
who is a friend the same with no distance..
space or time.. makes all 3.3 million plus words
worth it here.. and the total close to 12 million words..
since Thanks Giving day.. 2010.. when i started the
writing endeavor to escape illness and pain..
that no drugs would touch..
including the worst pain
known to humankind..
Type Two Trigeminal
Neuralgia.. from wake to
sleep for 66 months since 2008.. like
Dentist drill without novocaine.. except in
my case.. it was in my right eye and ear..
rendering my emotions lost for 66 months too..
and hearing and seeing effectively almost lost..
too.. that in that emptiness was the worse numb
nothing than all the pain in the world then.. could
be as me.. So.. “After Book oF Fred” GoeS oN..
and in the last of my discussion with
my Friend.. Rytha.. i ended
with these words
here.. below..
in response
to her final thank
you.. yesterday for
linking her poem to
my continuing
Ocean Whole
Poem here..
that sure can
be named ‘Song
oF mY SoUL’ or
the metaphor of
‘The Book oF Fred2’
and the after and continuing
‘The Book oF Fred’ now too..

And aS iN aLL paRts
Existence.. THeRe iS
LiGht and DaRk thaT
Serves to make uS
More Loving..
As A
Lioness iS..:)

And now i say..
one of my favorite movies..
i watched after recovering enough
to see TV.. was the Blu Ray Movie..
‘The Book of Eli’.. with Denzel
Washington.. a story of
Hope.. Faith.. Belief..
and beyond all Perseverance..
Strength.. Courage.. to get the
whole job done of Love in a Covenant
of Fearless Love with God to help the
rest of Humankind out.. like my story
of the little disabled boy who could not
speak.. and the watering of the sapling
tree that in full butterfly effect and affect
helped to save the human race from poTenTial
World War III.. destruction same.. as could be today..
As Caesar from the last Planet of the Apes movie says..
out in the village of Apes Wild.. “Apes Stronger Together’..
still rings true as naked and furry as it ever has before.. and
that reminds me.. before i talk more to “The Book oF Eli”.. with
perhaps an inspirational and meaningful video clip of that too..
i saw ‘this movie’.. when i was ill.. and lost without connection
to anyone.. as i could not feel human connection or
connection to God OF ALL of Nature either..
a truly lonely
and separate place…
anyway.. there was a city
and skyscraper buildings.. And
if you haven’t heard in one of the
most populous places.. in Tokyo.. Japan..
“Clean Up Crew Businesses” are booming
in cleaning up the remains of elders off of
apartment floors who have decayed beyond
easy recognition.. ’cause they lost all contact
with flesh and blood folks who cared enough
to check on them to see if they
were even still alive..
i remember that
story and always
return calls but in this other
movie.. the folks are younger
and separated.. and like what has
happened in Japan.. the Younger folks
have lost interest in even having sex with
each other.. and they have replaced the child
and even the dog.. with robot dogs.. as
companions as a lifeless
thing to have
as even
a friend..
as folks do that
with their cars and homes..
obviously as one can get attached
to material stuff.. and give up on the
human race altogether too.. well.. anyway
in ‘the movie’.. there was a strong and totally
sane professional man.. who just opens up the
blinds of his skyscraper apartment and started
‘making love to himself’ in the wide open as wide
as it can get in far away connection from other folks
in solitary apartments in lonely cities of skyscrapers
same as Tokyo and so many other places together..
sure.. even in rural
neighborhoods too..
where ya never even talk
to your neighbor.. unless a Hurricane
or other disaster comes through and knocks
off your electronic substitutes from the power
grid as it were and still can be today too..
where front porches and living
room couches once
again grow
a human touch..
so anyway.. there was
a women in visual distance
from the next skyscraper over
who started doing the same thing..
looking directly at his eyes.. and sure…
other parts too.. as he did with her..
and although they would
never meet
or talk
to each
other.. they shared
a human moment together
in pleasure way that naturally
rises the social bonding neurohormone
of oxytocin.. no matter if one is lone or with
someone else.. yes.. even just touching yourself
‘down there’ will increase the social bonding hormone..
so.. the next time you see an athlete ‘adjusting’ their self
perhaps deep deep down.. they are a little lonely
too.. just wanting to feel what the
Yogis name as some
genital healing..
that yes.. in biochemistry
has scientific credence.. in one
step.. two step.. five.. repeatable
scientific method measure of iSREAL..
now.. here’s the thing.. i am not lonely..
if you’ve seen my dance photos.. it’s obvious
that i connect in social oxytocin ways.. with not
even having to have sex with other folks.. and sure
sex addiction.. comes like other addictions both substance
and behavioral ones.. to feel the empty part of soul that can
sure.. be neurohormones of social bonding oxytocin.. if one
has the potential to feel that at all.. as some folks do not..
including some folks on the Autism Spectrum as science
shows.. too.. and then there is the trust neuro-chemical
of Serotonin and pleasure one that enhances
creativity in doing stuff new that
is Dopamine too..
and sure many other
influences like androgens
and estrogen associated
hormones.. and even potential
DMT for better connecting and feeling
all that is NATURE AKA God that some
folks speculate is produced in the Pineal
Gland as third eye as sorts in the head.. and
yes the head on top of shoulders.. haha.. but
sure.. don’t discount either the Penis or the Clitoris
as a substantial source of Genital Healing in many
ways that come..ha!.. yes literally and figuratively
too.. in whatever shape body ya have.. hehex2..
so.. okay.. no secrets here.. i am an empath..
and my nude art.. is a service
of sorts to lonely
hearts as such2..
as Love Service
in Lonely Skyscrapers
across the world.. there is
Science and Unconditional Fearless
Love to this.. and if you cannot see the
Fearless Love Value in all the flesh you see
in Art.. from Music Videos.. to theater.. to the
earliest nude and erotic art of human beings.. before
Written Language was even a thing.. on cave walls then.. perhaps
you should touch yourself and be reminded in band-aid way aGaiN..
that you are human and per science.. genital healing is a real deal now..
and sure that’s how ‘they’ have and still control masses of human beings
as sheep.. they take tHeiR humanity away.. and say don’t do pleasure.. the world sucks..
i say suck that
and suck this
if Ya
like of
course.. hehe..
and no i don’t mean
that literally of course… as
i am both monogamous.. and happily
married too.. when it comes to the flesh
of skin of doing that too.. so-called ‘sex workers’
who do it out of love.. and yes.. there are some totally
empathic folks who love strangers that much.. yes even
women too.. whether you wanna face fActs or not.. and there
are safer ways.. much safer ways to do that now.. than the brothel
per-se.. everything in moderation.. and repress.. and oppress no pARt
of Human Nature.. or go to the other place that is not Heaven now.. i hOld
no secrets.. ’cause i love fearlessly.. to hide the trUth in liGht iN DaRkness as above so below..
inside.. outside.. all around.. is to hide the Love of Human Being.. there is nothing hidden here..:)

So yeah.. as the beginning theme song says here.. i’ve got more notes to write to spread
around the world like a vortex of never ending winds.. of words and other stuff too.. Love..
And in “The Book of Eli”.. at the end of that movie.. i was happy to see them
shelf the bible in full sacred text.. with all the other sacred texts of human
kind in one big library.. like Google has a card
catalog for now..
as there is
DARk and
liGht in all sacred
text.. and all the colors
of grey and hues of bLack
and wHite that come as sHades
of all that is.. in all that text and
the unabridged version of online now too..
we have a new day and age.. where we have
the freedom to discern what is TrUth and liGht
for uS iN sampling all of that and creating our
own “Books of Eli” that are more than
an impressive
of the original creative
poem.. that Denzel.. known
as Eli in that movie created
on his death Bed.. knowing
in his last breath.. in FeeLinG
that his rest was due in duSt of God
all that is.. forgive me for the dArk i have
done.. and i did my best for liGht.. Thank
God all that
iS.. for my Life..
as Bottom Line..
i can do that now..
and that is the best
pARt oF aLL i do.. Peace
with God… with no shame.. no regret..
no doubts and literally no illusory fears..
Breathe easy into the last night’s breath
into God’s Arms.. and have faith and
hope that it is all worth iT..
to live
to LiVE NoW..:)

And yes.. i’LL do all
i can.. to share and give more..
including putting my FUCKING SMART

You see.. my friends.. what is written can be visualized after
the fact of wishes and dreams.. is more likely to materialize dONe..
words in
repeat of affirmation..
that one can visualize..
F ee L iN SpiRe noW.. for
more.. as wishes and dreAms
come to iSREAL Fruition.. iSREAL noW..:)

And sure.. as cognitive empathy goes..
not all folks have the ability to thiNk visually
either… as in all stuff diversity.. there is no
such thing
as cookie
cutter human
beings.. religions..
or even a FucKinG
Cookie Cutter God of chains
in abstract symbols of human
beings also known as Golden Calves and Words too..
and More than
all human creates
with hands of dArk and liGht..
as well as words of throat that SinG..
ah.. Dance
is liGht and TrUth..
the greAtest mesSAge.. i for
one continue to spread in
of Dance
around the world
in virtual way too..
beyond the floors of
metro public dance..
as Facebook Video
smArt pHone..
who continue
to assist me too.. like
the Facebook Algorithm
Video slide show assistant
does too.. hmm.. mostly without fail..:)

Hmm.. SMiLes.. my FriEnd..
Zee.. i guess.. i missed the
Word Press Notification.. on this
one.. and hmm..x2.. i see.. i am now..
the only male who came to the paRty..
but anyWay.. i fear no strong woman.. and
i fear no human who finds completion within
as sure that is wHere God lives wHole.. as once
one finds complete within.. all there is.. is to give
that Ocean
Love.. my friEnd..
And the sad trUth my FriENd
that some folks can only find
completion in a member of
the opposite sex.. is they
have not cultivated
both genders
now within
as divine feminine
love and grace.. and
divine masculine as
will and strength..
some women
think.. only
a man
can speak for
them.. and some
men feel.. only the
wife can take care of
the child with woman’s
work as well.. culture does
that.. human Nature as gifted
by God within.. is flexible enough
to do almost anything.. but as always
use or lose applies.. Nurture and Nature
balance or lose out in imbalance.. Kind now
and courAge.. my friEnd.. couRage and Kind..
as every Cinderella knows and feels as
And in the old story
of the Gnostic Jesus
in the Gospel of Thomas..
when confronted by his Apostles
on how Mary Magdalene could be
equal on a spiritual level to man.. Jesus
said we will make her man too.. and sure…
if they expected to Unconditionally Love in
Golden Rule way.. they would have to become
divine feminine as well.. sadly.. and now.. obviously
for the most part that change still hasn’t happened
with many Men.. Woman are in the lead for completion..
And truly..
this battle of the
sexes.. per Patriarchy
vs Matriarchy for A Balance
of potential Egalitarianism
is at the root cause
of much
conflict.. but
Sociologists.. suggest
Women’s freedoms will be
the rule of life in most every
North Latitude country by 2050..
Meanwhile.. it’s not too early for
balance and completion.. in all
of human potential.. un-repressed
un-oppressed.. set free.. noW aLL..:)


sMiLes.. my FriEnd.. Zee..
could be an ode to a single
Mother ‘here’.. who must be complete..
per my last comment in your last post
in divine male and female
to get the
whole job
of Nurture done..
that sure.. takes selfless
confidence and love to give
all of what love in nurturing way
can be to another one.. to be the
friend one would like to have in a time
of need.. is to also be the kind of friend
one would want to be to self.. as well
in personal time of need.. empathy
and compassion for one’s self
is the highway to Giving
all to others
as well..
as the core
becomes strong
as an atomic bomb..
poweRinG a Garden of Human Love..:)


WeLL.. my FriEnd.. so good..
to see your words today.. gigoid..
hopefully you are feeling much better
or better as it gets for now.. as now rides…
and that photo of
that Elephant balancing
itself on its Hind Legs is
proof in itself that Elephant
can leg press.. much more than
me.. hehe.. yeah.. the savory and
the sour.. i’ve come to make as
delightful mixed drink.. hehex2..
for me at least.. and you know
it’s kind of a miracle.. my fingers
still work after about 12 million
words in 6 years and
my feet
dance after
6K miles in
three years too..
but sure.. i credit
balance of the savory and
sour too.. as the light that wakes
eventually without pain as each day
goeS oN.. i view the darkness.. analyze
it.. but rarely ever does it find an entry way
to me.. seriously as i’m sure you feel.. there
is nothing better than fear free.. but as i’ve
probably mentioned before.. heights will
always bother me.. as i feel almost
practically gravity free.. so
it always
i could
float over the
side when drop-offs
come.. keeping the high
is doing away with negative
stress and fears that are sure
the same two birds with boulders
a millstone of parachute holding us
higher.. to build
those thousand sand
castles for those who fear
not reach.. to Ocean wHole..
bottom line.. the show must go on..:)


Hmm.. Facebook is always changing something..
and apparently it’s acting funny about
editing anything on a profile pic..
including embedding a profile pic
somewhere else.. but haha..
there’s always the comment
section.. and sure.. i’ve got my
own source of photo stream on
my blog to use there.. for proper
accreditation to whatever muse
i’m using for the moment to inspire
writings there.. from yesterday.. all
published and linkable to put into
comments section more.. anyway..
nice young dancing friend ‘here’..
smiling the way at Old
Seville Quarter
on Thursday
Night and speaking of
11:37 pm.. now September
9th of 2016.. as i write this
comment muse now.. the 10th
is soon to arrive.. in anniversary of
the 42 total blogging months from
the beginning of that endeavor to
Witness biggest time for the God of Nature
and on that 10th Day.. March 2013.. Mumford
and Sons released their You Tube video.. named
Whispers in the Dark.. that in interesting ways moves
along in Synchronicity ways.. of all the diverse hats
and journeys i have made along the way.. Since
March 10th 2013.. and sure.. all my life too..
as truly words i tap into.. bring back
more and more of all i can be
before and now.. too..
along with dance of
course.. photography..
and and all around wild one
and gentleman too.. who can
pull off that sophisticated air too..
on a drop of a hat..without even a suit
or tie.. as i have thrown down my clothes
and unashamedly tread on those cultural
clothes with all HeARt.. SpiRit and SoUL..
as the Good Cop Jesus out of the Gospel
of Thomas says do.. too.. vs 37 as such sTiLL..
i take the liGht paRts of all of philosophy and
mystical religion and run with it.. like a linebacker..
and sure.. God’s Cheerleader2.. moving wRite along
now.. with another play of Whisper’s in the dark2.. now..:)
And.. as i come to the next Facebook Profile Pic.. of Katrina
and Yellow Boy.. they are watching me carefully with smiling
faces as i download all my fun from Seville Quarter.. as yes..
i literally tale Katrina all of what i do.. and sure.. sometimes
she says i am exhausting.. and sure that’s even with
the readers digest condensed version of what i do..
if even
anyway.. like
i said before.. the show
must go on.. and perhaps
i’LL use another version of that
coming next.. at the midnight hour
of September 10th at 00:00 morn time in 6 minutes..:)


Ugh.. this Facebook Macro Verse Memory
from two years ago.. about 24 hours on the
Wrong Planet where typing 6 thousand words
a day or so.. was a common practice to escape
pain and now one to document joy.. thanks GoD..
and yes.. we are now
in the 10th day of September..
per this micro-micro verse comment
here of a micro verse.. of this current
Macro Verse titled.. “After Book oF Fred”..
as yes the 701st Macro Verse of Ocean
whole poem.. witness for God now for
42 months complete as blog way then..
stArting with the KATiE MiA Aghogday
Blogger Blog then.. as yes.. the
“After Book oF Fred” could also
be named as the Show must
Go On.. and i kNow and FeeL..
yes.. juSt the Freddie Mercury
Song for that going on2 noW..:)

24 Hours on the Wrong Planet

WeLL.. here.. a MacroVerse from two years ago.. for
an ode to a Passport.. and a smiling baby face avatar
placed on the Wrong Planet online
on Christmas Day of 2010..
who would finally
come back as me..
a Phoenix rising
from ashes.. then..
wiTH.. EmoTioNal
SpiRiT as SeNses
and SensuALiTy fully liT
uP.. on July 22nd of 2013..
and a 1999 Sports Utility Vehicle.. of
almost 16 years old Passport then.. as i kept
A 1994 Camaro for 14 years.. and a 1970
Maverick for 16 years.. first owned by
my mother.. when i paid her for it..
in 1976.. yes.. i take care of stuff..
and i don’t buy stuff very
much.. unless absolutely
necessary and moving to
2014 Civic.. was necessary
to help save the Earth from
Gas Guzzler Trucks and
Sports Utility Vehicles..
that still Guzzle Dinosaur Breath
in KA spiRit of what remains of them now..:)

all know is love in the darkness of life

The Highway to Dance here.. Macro-Verse from a year ago..
celebrating the benefits of expReSinG sPiRiT as EmoTions
SeNses.. and the Non-Verbal social reciprocal
communication of dance too..
Let it go..
Let it go.
Let it all go and
be free where the
Weekend is always the
beginning of celebrating this
greaTest GifT of LiFE as DanCinG
LiFe and SinGinG a SonG oF liFE FReED..:)

HIgH way to Dance

Quote from John Lennon..
and this Macro-Verse from
a year ago.. titled..

Jesus..John Lennon..Bruce Lee and BE the WATER not the chalice

“i believe in God,

but not as one thing,

not as an old man in the sky.

I believe that what people call God

is something in all of us.

I believe that what Jesus

and Mohammed

and Buddha

and all the rest said

was right.

It’s just that

the translations

have gone wrong.”

~John Lennon

Hmm.. apparently John didn’t do a whole lot of
research on the books.. or he could have
seen the “Jeffersonian” deficits..
however he did fulfill
one prophecy..
and that was
folks would come and
do greater works than Jesus..
and per direct impact during the life
of the Beatles.. as compared to
the patch of land in the
middle east in barren
way.. they did more..
with any common
sense per lifetimes
each.. however.. that
cost John his liFE.. as
folks take stuff too literally
to the point they will kill for literal thinking..
And sure i take all due Bard precautions..
as i am way too deep for folks without a fully
functional miNd and BoDy BaLance to even
hope to understand.. and pArt of what i do..
is for that precise reason.. i ain’t gonna say
it too simple in a Pop Song that everyone
hears.. as sure.. i’Ve been on the Wrong
Planet for a few years.. and done the hell
thing in real life too.. for 66 months..
yes.. i know the dark that
is out there..
and hmm..
i heard a new song
today that could compliment
who you might be standing next to..
too.. as far as psychopathic leaning individuals
and folks who are not thinking with reason.. in big time way..
i’LL dig it out of YouTube later.. thinking it’s Rihanna for now..
and yes.. Gaga has a new one.. and so does the Republic too..
and play
of God.. goeS oN..
oh yeah.. and per Bruce
Lee.. being the water is divine..
and being the air.. is ultra divine2..:)

Jesus..John Lennon..Bruce Lee and BE the WATER not the chalice

Ugh.. yeah.. computer
screens of all sizes..
shapes and colors
scream screens..
and this Macro-Verse Memory
from a year ago.. is the very short
version of what will be coming of more..
in Facebook Algorithm.. saving grace for
the Dinosaur Grave yard of Macro-Verse Fresh..
and Jesus F. iN Christ.. night night.. gotta go beddy
bye.. as tomorrow is gonna be.. i mean.. today now.. the
10th is gonna be a very long celebration of 42 months
of Witnessing for the God of Nature in blog way.. in
fAct there will be a party on the beach towards
Emerald Coast Panhandle way.. in a
restaurant there.. yes.. of course
named as something
different than a specific
celebration for me.. in
Uncle’s Birthday way..
but sure.. i can imagine..
and dream and create almost
anything iSREaL.. so sure.. it’LL
be a total family blast off for fun..
and then comes 911.. as the “After
Book oF Fred” Show.. goeS oN aGain..;)

Screams Screen



Ha! Lion King Memory of three years ago.. to date
on September 10th.. on what was 6 months
for blog witnessing for God from first
endeavor of posting my perspective
on life whole on that first
post.. on March 10.. 2013
that is also
the about section
of my Word Press
Ocean Whole Version Poem..
and sure.. it is the cat who is the Lion
King Wild and Free even with a mane
around his chin that is not so clear to
see in this Burger King photo from
three years ago.. additionally..
if one looks closer one could
see a Lion Face in the artificial
Lights behind the building and
sure.. even a Homunculus
in the bottom part
of the Burger
King Window
if one’s Brain searches
for those images from the
database within.. highly
affected by human emotions
of memories.. of course.. from
Disney shows to scary shows and
even beyond in Genetic Memories too..
and it is kinda interesting to keep a running
autobiographical journal of your life that includes
real life images from day to day.. as in this photo
from the records then.. i weigh 20 Lbs less than
i do today.. 210 Lbs then in the shirt and shorts
clothing here.. and sure.. the proven value
of dance.. a greater density of muscle
from head to toe.. balanced out
as Nature does with a cat
who moves freely for
foraging all around
the environment
with no sidewalks
of limits.. can’t say i’ve
ever met another Yellow
Cat with a busy tale.. and mane
on chin like this.. before or after this..
perhaps a harbinger.. and omen of what
would be to come.. and sure.. to see all of
what the mind’s eye sees in positive light..
is to be on a path to light.. as sure..
i could have seen the devil in those
lights if i wasn’t looking for
a Lion King instead..
and that’s the way
liGht and dArk
works.. sTiLL noW..
if our preconceived
notions are never challenged
and changed in the present.. one
may see dArk their entire life.. even in
making relative free will choices.. and changing
life to an outlook of liGht and Fearless Love.. one
may see the human flesh as evil.. and even all
of Nature same as God as well.. or one can
make life a much liGhter place with
with relative free will.. in moving..
connecting and creating..
a Lion King of Freedom
with no worries over
green bLack dollar bills
and Facebook Likes.. Shares..
Followers.. etc.. or ad sense pennies..
or E-Book dollars will be what i shed of
the clothes of this earth that are manmade..
including lies of religions.. same for illusory
fears and promises that death and what
is after is better than what is gifted as
potential Heaven now by God
oF aLL Nature.. much suffering
in the world.. comes by following
human made rules blindly..
and when the facts are
presented.. cognitive
painful dissonance..
of having one’s core
foundation of spoon fed paradigms
of belief can be shaken.. but truly.. the
trUth and liGht of God within.. in innate..
instinct and intuition can set yA free..
but only if one wills.. with relative
free will with God of Nature..
no less than a Lion King
or Lioness Queen
set free.. as it
and still is now..
so sure.. AN omen then
was.. IS.. this photo would be a muse
for more good news.. three years down
the road.. as 42 months of Witness for the
God of Nature comes to close for sure a
human being who is only a furry beast of
God.. who has found his wings in free..
free Nature
of God.. no
less or more than
the Lion King Cat
who roams for survival..
and the potential friendly Love
Pet as life moveS oN alWays noW..
so sure.. i embark after this in journey.. literally
then poetically responding to tens of thousands
of poet’s poems around the world for the next
three years from this.. some i documented and
many i did not from the get go.. and the thing is..
learning to like it all.. and eventually love it all..
in all the points of view i found in others
poetry from dArk to liGht.. changed
my entire world view.. from seeing
about evenly dArk and liGht.. to
mostly liGht now.. even when
the dARk.. is obviously
present.. to change
one’s world
view to liGht
most definitely takes
a continuous and intentional
positive liGht of Art as practice now..
as sure.. i am only hUman and could drift
back to the literal bi-polar place of dArk.. once
aGaIn.. if i did not continue to make those liGht
neural star-like BriGht connections in my brain..
and those peptide memories.. in every cell
of moving for positive neuro-chemicals..
in all the dance moves i make with
uplifting electronic MUSic from
wake to sleep.. i bring A way
to heaven now.. that is not only
a word witness for the higher power of
God within.. but shows the empirical results
in creative output and greater health in form
from head to toe.. as the whole FucKinG
Monty Truth of God within.. as expressed
as form of sPiRit as Vitality in Flesh full blown
as WeLL.. there have many folks who have spoken
to the potential.. but few who have come down from
the mountain.. the desert.. the cave.. and now the
Beach as an auto-biography rover.. to show what
is going down for iSREAL.. as my friEnd.. whose
name sounds like Florida on music videos does
also relate.. with just another Gemini Sage..
have a nice day.. as my celebration as
feast day continues.. as i make it that way..
and sure you can make everyday a banquet
and a feast and the weekend too.. with the higher
potential this of you too.. of God who lives within..
i am the truth.. the light and the way.. but that is
only the i am who lives within me.. and if you haven’t
figured out that is what the metaphor of what Jesus
really means.. perhaps.. it’s time to do some homework
and find the home of God who speaks within.. God
is Nature but yes.. God iSrEAL magic within.. when
sought.. found.. and practiced as REAL LIFE NOW..
SADLY.. many folks look somewhere else in imaginary
heavens beyond within.. and even worship
death more than this gift of LiFe..
why.. because
HE said
so… FucK thAt
shiT.. i wasn’t born yesterday
God lives within ME.. noW.. meOW..
And you know and feel what.. i don’t have
to promote these ideas.. or worry about making
money off my art.. as these truths and lights live within
most human beings.. readily accessible if they can just escape
the lies of culture and religion.. and the greatest thing now.. with
online and the gradual elimination of censorship of free flow information
globally.. all these ideas and truths and lights that work for me are available
for greater enlightenment and ways of awakening of the real Greek original..
definition of Apocalypse that means lifting the veil of Ignorance.. i am just another
one of many of God’s Court Reporters.. who discerns the truth and light for the i AM
who lives within.. sure.. i’ve got more words than most folks have.. more photos.. more
fun and i am Killing every second of time.. with an eternity of Heaven now.. but i am
neither the first or last to bring these truths and lights.. i am simply i am.. i dance and sing on..
and pass
the dArk with
flying colors oF liGht..:)

Renaissance Selfie Disrobing here as Macro-verse
Memory from two years ago.. sure.. still going strong
on this and as the photo journal continues to show
with empirical improvements as my dance
continues to evolve using
more and more of my
body parts.. with
greater relative free
will of mastery over each
fiber of muscle.. in continual
floW iN Zone.. in an ecstatic
fliGht of Dance on Terrestrial land..
and nah.. you will not see many 56 year
old men.. who weigh in at around 230 LBS..
at around 6 feet tall.. move and exhibit form
of flesh and blood like this.. many are lounging
with only mirror neurons engaged.. watching
other athletes play on screens.. whenever
i got to the mall.. one of my first stops
is among my peers.. some in their
early twenties.. lounging on
the benches watching
vicarious tribal
sports.. i find a place
to put my foot up to adjust
my shoe strings.. for what will
become literally hours of mall dance
in stores.. that welcome the art of my
free flow dance presence.. like Dick’s Sporting
Good’s.. my favorite place to do a free style
exhibition of public dance.. the Earth
Store.. Spencer Gifts.. Best Buy..
as sure.. Dick’s and Best Buy
have open dance floors for
me.. and the Earth
Store.. and Spencer Gifts
are small stores packed with
stuff.. a challenge for soft small
controlled moves and the same
with mastery over covering longer
distances of dance.. and Seville Quarter
has gotten so popular that there is rarely
room to express my human potential to dance
there like i used to do.. before they eliminated
smoking there.. and the participation on Thursday
nights is literally going through the roof.. oh yeah..
and that reminds me.. a cross dresser dude.. who
is there every Thursday too.. at age 52.. who actually
lives in backwards Milton like i do too.. told me he saw
me and my wife at Food Outlet.. and when i told him
my wife was 46.. he said.. oh God no.. she looks like
she is in her twenties.. and thought i was about
35.. and i told him.. sure.. Dance and Positive
energy is the liGht Fountain of youth.. as sure..
stress kills.. it literally shortens
the telomeres of your
Chromosomes.. and
if you don’t think they can
be regenerated.. perhaps you
have not seen the before and after
pictures of me in hell vs.. heaven..
and perhaps i’ll share them again..
like i did on my June 6th of 2016
56th Grand Cross 56 Macro
Verse this Summer
on this VERSE
too.. in case
folks are thinking
this is all talk and not
iSReAL trUth and liGht..
now.. you see.. when you get
all stressed out with negative fear
stress about anything in life.. you are
just not only killing your health but aging
yourself as you go.. it’s just not that worry does
no good.. it literally ages you and kills you toward a
premature death from heaven as you go.. i do selfies
much more than vain reasons.. i take photos to prove
that both God and the Higher power of God existS in
me as nows go on.. Jack LaLanne towing
boats across bays in his 60’s when
his peers were smoking cigars
and drinking beers.. couch
potato living their lives
away in office chairs too..
already proved this theory
of the fountain of relative youth
is real and obtainable across the
living life spans of human beings..
he simply moved all his life.. and
kept his muscles strong.. no less than
our Arthur Noble Golden Eyed Brown
Tabby who jumped with ease to the
counter for food.. almost until age 20..
when poor Moby.. who was raised as a domesticated
couch potato with all you can treats.. couldn’t lift himself
up with complications from type two cat diabetes at the
tender age of under 10.. nah.. couldn’t even lift himself
up to take a shit on the FucKinG Floor.. it was a habit
that his first owners gave to him.. when he was young..
before.. and it is well worth noting that it is a habit that
our culture as whole is giving to children now who are
at 33 percent assessed in clinical studies as
having pre-type two diabetes as metabolic
syndrome in FuckInG grade school..
use or lose.. Bottom Guide line..
all the dreams of heaven
after life ain’t gonna
change the hell
of not using
life on Earth..
and hell no.. neither
of my parents were thin..
both were overweight most of their
life.. and i would be too.. if i didn’t do
life like an Olympic athlete as ease.. in other
words.. i move freely.. not injuring myself in one
way of walk and no way of pounding my joints on
the road of run.. and at age 56.. i can provide the
empirical evidence as form.. head to toe.. that although
i don’t tow boats across the bay at age 60.. i do dance
230 LBS now.. close to 6 thousand miles in three years
as balance on terrestrial land.. books that don’t believe
that live is now.. can sure.. make heaven as hell on earth
now.. and they do.. and they do.. and they do.. in up to
crucifying life over dead lies of prophets of evil.. as
interpreted loosely as one can do when language..
is not crystal clear and concrete as it rarely is..
amazing that folks would look to words..
that are always somewhat vague
as proof for God.. that’s why
i take photos.. hips and
eYes and Flowers do not lie..
for at least those with an i am
discerning eye for TruTh and liGht..
one or the other.. riGht or lEfT WiLL do fine..
oh and that drag queen dude.. he is the only
one who has ever spoke to the Unconditional Love
of God as the highest power gifted in human as
any human.. spoken to.. at that dance club with
me yet.. so as Joni Mitchell says.. i will continue
to see God in the Church of Dance over
church of many truths in light..
but quiet a few that are
anything but quiet in loud
oF lies in dARk for
only dollars bills
and stuff of
tax free
And yeah.. the
Passion FlowerS as
presented in this Macro-
Verse Memory from two years
ago.. are in bloom full at my home now2..
in my Garden of Eden @Heavenow iSREaL2..:)

Grand Cross 56

Renaissance Selfie Disrobing

And yes ..finAlly Screens Scream Again.. as my continued
patronizing of the dVerse Poet’s Pub to do stuff
tHeir short ways.. expands to the next
Macro-Verse as my human potential
does too.. and this hinderance
to creativity will end soon
after this.. as i will
be deleted from
using the site.. after
i challenge the censorship of
mY creative poetic metaphors of
meaning for a theme of change from
escaping the lies of culture to a desert
Isle of TrUth and liGht away from those lies
as phoenix rising from the ashes change will do..
anyway.. they said it had to be about literal change
and not metaphorical change.. like it wasn’t real in poetic
words of real life experience and change i was speaking too..
anyway.. it went way over their head.. and they went as far
as suggesting they couldn’t figure out where my draft of comments
section and the my limited poem then started.. to appease them short as
of September 15th of 2015 last year then.. and sure.. the greatest
thing about witnessing for God in real time online.. is all there
is evidence of what happened in words.. it was really sad
that i had poetically took the time and effort to respond
to every single prompt and link in that online
club of poets.. and i was treated like
this when their main bitch
as far as administration
goes is they don’t get enough
likes and comments from visits
of other folks on their poems.. i FucKinG
liked them all.. i literally made it a practice to
like them and get inspired even if i had to read A
FucKinG poem 15 times to get inspired.. and i accomplished
that with Will over Unconditional and Fearless Love.. but i did
too much Fearless Love and they attempted to put their Dog collars
of limits and Domesticated Cats with all you can eat easy on me..
FucK no.. that Desert Isle Metaphor was just a prophecy of what
was to come.. just like the Wrong Planet where they banned
me for doing too much there.. too creatively.. i just used
that as inspiration to make even more FucKinG liGht
on my Desert Isle Ocean Whole Poem.. and
no.. did not let it stop me from commenting
then.. another 6 months on every FucKinG Prompt
and link.. and only a handful ever took the time
to visit me and even say hello.. as it was too hard
for them to do that.. if it wasn’t so easy to find me
among the other links.. anyway.. the thing about modern
cultures is.. it takes away our humanity and i have also empirically
measured that as witness for God too.. as you might see i was once weak
A WiNk ‘link as canary in the coal mine.. too.. but now i am the canary who
swallowed the Lion against Fear
came out
on the other
end of courAge
as the phoenix
rises from the ashes same..
and the cool thing is.. it reAlly aLL went down
down for real and i can FucKinG prove iT aLL
line by line.. word by word.. 12 million words
close to all.. and around 100K photos or so too..
with video accomplices to go along with all that TrUth and liGht..
so sure.. here is a link to the proof of that too.. in “Desert i’LL
Change” from 9152015.. and the link says 30347
as i was aways running in a hurry to meet their
demands to participate then..
i go my own way..
iT has alWays worked
out better when i don’t
try to fit myself into the
boxes of rules of smaller UniVerses
than what i see @least of all that is GoD iSREaL NOW..
iN my UniVerse at lEAst and most of i Am that is mE noW..:)

Desert i’LL Change

Yeah.. all good court reporters wRite all the evidence down.. as SonG..
but sTill.. suRe.. i enjoy being God’s Cheerleader WitH DancE.. even more..
as the photo documentation of ALL THAT IS continues to empiricAlly sHow..:)

Screen Screams Again


SMiLes.. my FriEnd thefeathered Candy
Sleep.. i thiNk a lot.. but i FeeL and seNse
more.. and no matter how the child comes..
the lust is worth the life..
and sure.. my wife
is proof of that
as she
was born
upon the Navy
as it sails from seas
of exotic countries that
mix with American Indians
and Irish.. and Pacific Islanders
of other lands there.. and surely
a blessing it was to know nothing of
sex until age 16.. as the lust was widely
dispersed.. and had no one destination to go..
and along that way.. i learned to love with eYes and
heARt.. a shine.. that would dim but come bacK iSreal
stronger than
ever before..
and now i finAlly
can make words thaT
reflect those eYes of liGht..
innocent with no lure for owner
ship of eYes or HeARt as more than
tHaT moistT place for sweLLs of urGent..
anyWay.. i truly feel sorry for those
folks who have never fELt the
Love that never ends of
heArt oF SpiRit
that FeeLs
and moves
with never leSs
BaLanCinG miNd
And.. BoDy soUL..
thaN giving.. more..
a Lamp of Love that
gives that gives more
as turn me on means
light you up more and more iSREAL..
in a day in the life of meaLL and more to come..:)


In all the dArk that comes..
iN all the liGht that goes..
dArk and liGht
live in both..
i suppose i am a little
liGht heavy in this verse.. so
i must pay some respect to the
dARk that can be ark to take
one to greater liGhts as they
understand better the dArk in otHeRs
all so trUe and false too.. hmm.. i’ve
been to A dArkest place of all wHere one
sees a beloved and most beloved relative choking
on a piece of bread and when the heARt.. the sPiRit..
is so dead.. there is no miNd and BoDy BaLanCe leFt aT
all as soUL.. and any pain in messed up broken down stressed
killed brain.. feels like pleasure.. as that is all that is
left is pain.. hmm.. watch it.. the dArk is
not a place ya wanna play..
a place wHere Serial
killer lust for pain..
and misery
of their
human beings
who are only a tool
and aid to help get them
by.. just one more moment of
hell of empty.. where cannibals
eat other humans just to feel and
fill anything of the emptiness of the
souL.. wHere food becomes love
and love is literally food
in human
and blood..
hmm.. i can smell
the psychopath from
so.. so far away.. as i can
sense and feel the soul that
no longer feels a heARt of anything
more than bLack.. than bLack and cOld..
Well.. it’s not easy stARting out as an Angel
as sure as my first Baby Avatar of Aghogday
does portray.. the one.. put uP on December 25th
Christmas day in hopes the liGht would come back
one day back then in 2010.. when the empty shells
of words without a feel of life for me started to come
in journey back from hell then.. and along the way..
spArks of the dArk.. once i rose back to humanity
as flower.. did appear here and there.. as
sudden rage over what
would not have
ever bothered
me before..
like someone
shooting me a bird..
me looking at them
with those devil eyes
of before.. them challenging
me with a head butt in a bar..
and me suddenly choking them
into submission before i said
the joker is just joking with
you.. years ago now this
happened.. and that
darK sparK
been extinguished
complete.. but until a
another dude who was a homophobe
then tried to bootie dance with me..
and i pushed him ‘lightly’ all the
way across the floor on HIS butt then..
per se.. not even realizing the strength
that would come from that moment then.. yes..
i am careful now to restrain.. i focus on Love
all the time.. that is always now of heaven now..
yet.. i aM human and i understand the dArk side all
too well thaT day i first could not feel anything of emotions
and i screamed to the ceiling like that portrait of Scream..
like a demon on Fire asking help from God that i could NOT..
no.. longer sense or feel at all either.. in a drain of sink
that never ends in bottom of darkness with not a Lazarus
drop to drink.. the thing is.. there are places
there are places.. there are places
that exist that you never ever
wanna go.. and never
ever dismiss
that can come
in real Evil from
a human soul
that has gone
away to the
Styx of
point so
dim that even
black hole suns
cannot enter dArk..
as dark as the human
heARt.. SpiRit and soUL
can die as liFe as dArk.. the
thing is.. i didn’t wanna go to hell..
and quite honestly i didn’t do anything
more than never saying no when the demands
of others as people pleaser me only said yes.. yes..
drive the stake in my heart more.. yes yes.. make
me a Vampire so cold in 3 am street lights like
liGht is dArk and deaTh the same as sunlight
hell of once liGht as only pleasure more..
where all is polar opposite of what
came before.. all is bLack
and bLack
is whitE.. iT
iS no wonder that
sacred texts speak of
devil’s and hell’s and angel’s
and heaven’s too.. weLL.. Here’s
the thing.. i’Ve done ’em all and that
makes me somewhat of an iSREAL specIal
Witness for God now.. when it’s iSREAL2..
the good news is.. there are iSREAL more ways
to stay out of heathen hell.. now too.. all i can do
is show
way through..
if you ever get
tHeir you’ll have to
likely find your own way
out.. preventative medicine
of SonG and DancE is the best
way for me with laughs and smiles.. hehe..
anyway.. the song i was looking for was not
and is not by Rihanna it was/is by 21 Pilots instead.. calling
out to me.. calling out to the devil and hell that was once me2..:)

So.. anyWay.. short story at the end of the longer
one.. at the bar on Thursday night..
as a Participant Observer
Anthropologist for God
of course.. i am in the
stall taking a
piss and installing
my ear plugs and putting
the plastic back.. they are
in.. back in my pocket and i over
hear two dudes at the other place
of latrine way talking about domination
of woman as they always do.. just for the
place between their legs.. and they start
talking about size and motion of the ocean
and stuff limited to that place of the
human pArt of life now..
so i come out and say
if you really wanna
make women
and ha.. it ain’t
like the old days of
timid Fred at 180 Lbs
at 2001 in the disco 80’s days
then.. wHere no.. i rarely said
anything to anyone then.. 230 Lbs
now.. dark shades and a body that moves
like a Black Panther/Batman.. late at night..
yeah.. they didn’t say anything.. not
a thing.. and when i was talking about
coming.. i was talking about coming
back to talk to you again..
as surely if any
of the women
out there
knew how
these dudes
truly felt about
them.. in there.. surely they
wouldn’t say much back again.. yes..
and truth be told they don’t as these
dudes just drink the night away mostly and
never even get a smile from the opposite sex..
women have feelers for this.. don’t you know..
F E E L..
best of
both worlds
liGht and dARk..

Sure.. i could switch back to devil and
hell in heart beat if need be.. only
difference now would be.. i would be
a strong
than a weak
one then.. when i was so sick..
i’ll keep the Angel for Good
MeaSure of liGht now for sure..
and keep the devil
and hell
iN my
juST iN cAse..
and if people could
really see and feel where
i’Ve been.. let’s juST.. say.. they
would alWays step away.. in fear.. to
beyond fear.. where even demons never tRead..:)


Celebrating my Uncle Bob’s Birthday..
with his two sons.. on the left..
Bobby and David.. and
My Uncle Ted.. who
is the Identical surviving
Twin Brother of my Father..
his son.. Teddy.. here next to me..
and of course i am the crazy/
eccentric/other cousin.. hehe..
And yes.. celebrating my
42 months of meaning
of LiFe.. 3.3 million plus
word longest
long form
poem ever
too.. and now moving
to the day after that on the
911 day.. with a publish of
‘After Book oF Fred’.. on
912.. 2016.. with much
more to come.. but i’M
kinda really sleepy now..
so nite nite now arrives..:)


Rise.. i haven’t used that song yet in this
Macro-Verse.. as i have in almost every one..
since the Song came out by Katy Perry..
WeLL.. trUly.. iT says iT aLL
for me..
iT could be the
bible of my entire
life.. so why.. would someone
write 12 million words in 6 years..
so.. why.. would someone write the
Longest Long Form Poem ever.. including
a pre-6 months of one blog expanding
to several more for 3 years writing
the Longest Long Form Poem for
36 more months
at 3.3M words
plus.. now..
ending with
42 months whole..
on September.. 10th 2016
and now the day after 911 in the
‘After Book oF Fred’ Macro-Verse
to journal.. to document.. to celebrate all
of that and more in giving ways.. so.. why the
FucK would any middle age happily married man
do Nude art in literally scores of thousands of photos
spread across the world.. in restricted adult links of course..
and dance 126 weeks now on college night with a 1000 or
so selfies with smiling ear to ear college age females with
some of their male friends.. accompanying them too..
and yeah.. why the FucK.. would someone dance
a free style of martial arts and ballet-like dance
in every public place they travel in their
metro area for 6 thousand miles
in three years..
iF you can’t understand
that.. chances are.. you haven’t been
to hell.. and sure.. i can understand why it
would be hard for most people to understand
why i do all of this.. for almost.. 6 years now..
for zero green bLack Dollar bills..
not even a FucKinG
Penny on the
as it were
and is still now..
Go back to March then..
of 2008.. in the middle
of lent with almost no sleep
for 40 days.. 1 hour each night
for the first 35.. with the help of
an Alpha Blocker to slow my heart
rate down enough to rest my head
in card-board shallow barely sleep
for that 1 hour each night.. and the last
5 of 40 days in deepest empty nothing
where a thousand years lasts one second
of hell.. no sleep at all.. well.. the world record
for no sleep at all is 264 hours aka 11 days exactly..
was what i did more hell of torture than that.. well.. now
considering all the disorders i had that were invisible to
others.. experienced inside.. it was a hell that only i could
share with the God left within.. that i could not even feel but pain..
and nothing at all at the bottom of that place.. of ISREaL HeLL then..
and for 66 months all to be.. Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia.. Dysautonomia..
Sjogren’s Syndrome.. where my eyes quit making tears all together.. Fibromyalgia..
Severe Degenerative Arthritis in my spine.. and Spinal stenosis.. Anhedonia and
associated Severe Depression.. PTSD.. Panic Attacks.. Severe Anxiety.. Mood
Lability.. Alexithymia.. a side helping of Asperger’s on the Side on the
Autism Spectrum too.. Coat Hanger Pain associated with
Dysautonomia.. where the blood pressure and heart
rate was no longer being properly
controlled by the
Autonomic Nervous
system.. and blood was
having problems getting to my
brain.. and i was having problems breathing
and my heart rate was up and down and out of
control with my blood pressure too.. keeping in
mind.. that most of this wasn’t diagnosed for
years until after the hell started back
then.. no one could understand why
i would gasp for breath every time
i nodded off to sleep.. or see
the dentist drill in my
eye and ear
no painkiller
or drugs to work
for type two Trigeminal
Neuralgia.. the worst pain..
assessed that pain worse than
crucifixion for 66 months from
wake to sleep in hell too.. all invisible
disabilities.. except eventually the measures
of my eyes making no tears.. still invisible to
others with the unaided medical tools of diagnosis
for all of this too.. and during that sleepless period
of total separation of mind and body soUL with
others and the rest of Nature
aka God whole..
as i only
for someway..
somehow.. someone.. then..
to just put me down as they
would do with a suffering animal
then too.. but you see.. folks.. most
folks thought it was just in my head..
pull your boot-straps up.. other folks have
it worse.. don’t you know.. you have plenty
of money to get you by.. you should be so happy
don’t you know.. don’t you know.. i am in hell.. haven’t
i told you in so many words.. i know you can’t see it but
hell is in here.. please.. please.. please just put me down
easy.. please.. please.. please.. and people wonder why i
spent the extra money.. on gas.. to put Moby to sleep.. so he
wouldn’t struggle with an injection to be put down then.. i know
the feel.. right before you die but you aren’t dead yet.. and all you
wanna do is get it over with please.. as death is the greatest blessing
ever.. thank you God for that.. please let me have it okay.. anyway.. at one of
the lowest points where i was suffocating and could not breathe.. my Uncle Bob..
who we just celebrated his birthday with us yesterday.. called me on the phone
while i was suffocating.. and we rarely received calls from him over
the years.. but when i broke down at age 21.. he was the only
one from that side of the family who reached out..
and wanted me to still be a part of the
family then.. in expressing
that at least.. and he
admitted to having some
problems of his own with
depression in his life.. said..
he would do anything to help me..
drive 80 miles and take me to the hospital..
whatever i needed and.. my father just told
me everything would be okay.. and that was it..
when i first got sick.. and somehow that show
of concern.. helped me to regain my breath and
perhaps in someway it saved my life then.. as
i was sure it was gone then.. and during
some panic attacks before that..
as this physiological issue
of Dysautonomia.. will
definitely make
panic attacks
come on that are
totally physiological
in nervous.. cardio.. and
respiratory in nature of
all FucKeD Up and broke
inside.. from head to toe
in body system way.. and by
the end of that 40 days with no sleep
a place where i could not pull another thought
out of my head.. a place where i went to beyond..
beyond so far.. where there are no words to describe that
place even if i had them.. then.. to describe them.. and i was
sure i died but i woke up in the hospital.. with a mega-shot of
Ativan.. in a trance state that somehow allowed me to control
the pain.. enough.. to finally heaven sleep.. sure.. 4 MG a day
of that stuff.. just to sleep with that pain for months to come.. then..
and a full 66 months to get off that drug for sleep.. and eventually
come back to life with no pain.. from the ashes like a Phoenix..
i rise again.. as rose of flower iSReAL LiVinG aGaIn.. at
the end of July 2013.. around the 22nd of that month
then.. so what would you do if you went to hell for 66
months.. and somehow God of Nature
showed you how to get out..
where modern
medicine said
we can’t do anything
for you.. like my rheumatologist..
there is no drug i have to help you..
so.. go home.. and don’t come back..
Psychiatrist the same.. no drug for hell..
General Practice Physician too.. nothing
for you.. and frigging Neurologist that said..
you have shaky hands.. they can give you something
for that looking at me like it was all in my head.. FucK..
it was in my head.. FucK.. don’t you even know there noW
is such a thing.. as.. Atypical Facial Pain.. also known
as Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia.. well.. let’s put it this
way.. i have little faith in the Medical Profession.. and sure..
thank God for that Ativan.. but i have 100% Faith.. Hope
and Belief in God that lives within.. the who of me
inside.. that is God same as the who of you
who is God same of you.. the innate..
instinct and intuition.. that heals
animals in the woods.. sTiLL..
and the pArt of me you see
when you see and hear me
DAncE and SinG.. and last night
i didn’t dance for my Uncle.. as i already
showed him that on my Grand Cross 56 birthday
last June.. i did something new.. THAT side of the
family has never heard.. my cousin Teddy.. who is a professional
musician.. played the guitar.. and most everyone was too shy to
sing but me.. but you see.. i have no fear now.. as perhaps all
that pain was as they say fear leaving my body with
the metaphor of Kundalini Rising too..
where all my emotions are
regulated.. all senses
and now sure i would
have a video of that to share..
but my wife was too shy to do it in
front of all the family last night.. i don’t need
anything.. i have everything.. that is my life..
if you don’t understand the value of your life..
perhaps.. you would.. if you went where i went..
and do i need anything.. other than a breath of life..
folks who can’t breathe.. understand what they need..
folks who cannot love.. may not understand what they
miss.. i loved before.. and i got that ability to love again..
when you lose it all.. you know you are God as PaRt as
WhOle when you come back aGaIN.. and perHaps as
dArk as heLL was for you then.. WiLL be as BriGht
as Heaven.. you do your God dam best to give to
others.. as God already Damned you to
hell and gave you the
WITH LOVE.. but please.. before you judge anyone..
from Adolph Hitler.. to a grain of sand.. remember
that all of that is God.. and all pArts.. dARk..
and liGht.. and ‘tween in hues of colors
and shades of grey.. are GoD
oNe AS WhOLe.. and the
worst pARt oF all
as aRt and
PArt.. is
separate now..
from God in beyond
dArkness truly iSREaL
DAMNED TO HELL.. and that
too is pARt of God.. like it or not..
tHeRe is no escape from the potential
of living both hell and heaven in one life..
as that gift of life.. and survival.. is the basic
tenant of both meaning and purpose in liFe ISReaL
all costs.. all benefits
LiFE iSREaL..:)


WeLL.. as alWays.. the river of
creativity that can be me.. is full
and exploding with stuff to say..
AnD.. i’ll start off now with another thanks
to the Facebook Video Production Assistant
in helping me construct a nice slide show.. highlighting
an extremely busy weekend of the 10th and 11th
of September.. 2016.. in celebrating everything..
all the time now.. and alWays Heaven noW..
just ’cause i Can and WiLL.. and of course
My Uncle Bob’s Birthday too.. with
highlights more..
coming in
the photo stream
photo book.. along with
the 702nd Macro-Verse titled
“After Fred Book”.. of Ocean Whole
Poem long and of course a full 42 months
of Witnessing for the God ALL of Nature..
for all i kNOw and SenSE and FeeL.. and
yes.. much.. much more to come.. in the
coming years too.. hmm.. no limits
of 42 for me.. for the meaning
of life as there is alWays
more to kNow and
FeeL and SeNSe
iN God’s
Nature per se of
what we flea humans
cannot see and feel and
sense of God all that is.. now
and for so long to come.. forevermore
now.. is a very long now.. now.. so i continue
to SinG the ‘SonG oF mY soUL’ here too.. and
sure.. i went with Alice and Wonderland themed shirt
today.. as last night was kinda the return of a prodigal
Son too.. for not seeing some of my relatives where like
Batman i kinda fell off the face of the Earth.. and disappeared
like a magic trick me.. for over 5 years.. yes.. precisely 66 months
then.. but you know what Batman’s mentor in those days told him too..
Fame Sucks.. Go for Legend Batman.. as Legends are never one hit
wonders.. hehe.. and sure i achieved that about two years into the
public dance routine at Old Seville Quarter.. named as such
by the viewing audience who only know me as the
fearless dancing dude guy.. as Spirit Animal too..
Legend.. Icon of Metro dAnce.. and one of
the nicest compliments of all.. from the
customer service lady at Super
Walmart.. who said…
she and her
Fellow Walmart
workers say.. whenever
i go in to dance.. no matter
what season of the year it is…
i Bring Spring with me.. hehe.. and
she doesn’t even know.. i am A iSReAL
Pan of the ForEst.. hehe.. and it sure was nice
to see the Good Cop Jesus come back to church again
today.. with that prodigal story in that form too.. as Loving
the child who goes away and comes back.. dam sure beats
last week’s Luke.. Chapter 17 story that says the polar
opposite.. in hating your children if they don’t
follow what i tale them to do.. anyway..
the danger of holding a book
to the sky and worshipping
every page of it.. is no
different than
the Golden
they are
both idols of human
beings that attempt to
approximate and represent
the essence of God all that is..
however.. Humans made symbols
named words.. and turned those words
into God after God already.. done ‘been here..
like Forevernow.. to worship words.. is not different
truly than to worship any other symbol.. in visual image..
make all stuff in life.. holy and sacred.. and heaven becomes
now.. say stuff like last prophet and only Son of God.. and you
get discontent.. doubt.. fear.. and all stuff related to separation
of hate.. the teachings of Jesus in Golden Rule way.. with
consuming no other with harm.. is Universal among
sages of the ages who came centuries
before he did.. and to worship
a man.. over what
works in teachings
to bring heaven now..
is to lose the wHOle FucKinG..
point of the meek shall inherit the
earth.. and the last will be first.. it’s
already happening now.. in case ya haven’t noticed..:)



Caution.. Prairie Tale coming..
with the word Edit only
hidden by
E.. for
Everything.. hehe..
sure.. poetic.. makes it more
interesting.. and truly same is boring
and different is interesting.. per even the
the tiny book.. i read from cover to cover in
a matter of super speed reading in a few minutes
aT the Big B and N.. while dancing Tai-Chi Like-Ballet..
and listening to my Alan Parson’s Best of Trance inducing
music too.. to get Laser.. Super Focused from head to toe..
in Super
Fly Brain
and Body as
it were and sure
is today.. as practice
brings more practice in
dance and steps and words
too.. in ‘Lucy’-like human potential..
from the furry me to the online version
too haha.. weLL.. got news for you.. Good
News in fAct.. 911 came and went without
any hitches and only the new fACT i’M fiXin’
to preSent.. juSt ’cause i can and WiLL as i live
in a new age now.. wHere yes! God yes! the meek
have finAlly and silently inherited the Earth and the
last is first.. and i AM juSt a FucKinG poster boy
for all of that
hehex2.. of sorts
as God’s Cheerleader2..
hmm.. it’s like the tumble weed
of the Big Lebowski Movie.. the
911 pArt even with 69 cents
on the check in the grocery
store of that movie..
and sure the
won.. Trump folks..
and while you gnash your
teeth and wring your hands
we are FucKinG sMiLinG every
wHeRE wE go.. truly rich.. no matter
dollar bills or not.. while you worry over
your FucKinG continued hoarding of stuff..
as ya might have to share some of ya grain
stowed up in your silos with the smiling homeless
dude.. or even A Jesus who has no place to rest wHeRe
you live.. thanks God.. yes.. the place of exclusion.. the
place limited to Southern Baptist church walls and i use that
example.. for the ex-Cheerleader Lady.. my wife went to school
with.. graduating in ’88.. still looking CheerLeader good.. with bleached
blonde hair and pancaked face.. and that’s okay.. as dress it up baby..
and those work-out shorts still looked truly fertile i must say.. only
in analytical way of course.. hehe.. so anyway.. the Alice in
Wonderland dude.. after already doing a Marathon
of Dance in public places across the weekend
long.. and i might add.. hitting the 5950
milestone mark.. that surely will
hit 6000 miles in three
years by the
Fall Equinox..
for the next big
celebration coming
in milestone blog way..
anyWays.. miss prim and
proper work-out shorts lady..
exclaims to her son as i am
passing by.. get here quick son..
to her child.. there are too many
weird folks in here.. now of course
i had my head phones on.. considering
DANCE ACTIVITIES.. which of course she
has no way of kNoWing how far and deep
and sometimes red hot.. my activities
do go online too.. hehe.. but
yes.. since she said there
are too many weird
folks in here..
i immediately
turned around as i had
passed her and heard her clearly
as i ain’t got no music on yet.. hehex2..
and as we kNow.. the iPhone ear buds
are designed well not to totally stuff your
ears up.. so.. you can hear cars coming
up on ya and stuff like that when you are
driving your bike and running and all of that..
So.. go i back quickly to the aisle her son was visiting
by the Halloween stuff.. and sure enough there are
a mix of Walmart customers.. who are dressed rather
differently.. and like totally relaxed in their night clothes
and other the Dude off the Big Lebowski Movie ways
of being.. kinda like the Love Version of Jesus who
truly is the Love Christ.. as opposed to the other
polar opposite anti-Christ Jesus who exists
in FucKinG plain site in the New Testament
for those with Love eyes and ears who
can see that hating your Parents
and Brothers and Sisters..
and Children in
Luke Chapter
17.. if they don’t
follow all of the contradictions
of the New Testament like it’s even
possible to Love your enemy and hate
your FucKinG Children.. Good cop bad
cop good cop.. what the FucK it’s like the
FucKinG Joker off the Batman Movie.. live by
the sword.. die by the sword.. why so serious..
i bring a sword not peace.. FucK.. people sit
in the pews and take this shit in.. not paying attention
of course.. as there are a zillion other problems swimming
around in the their head.. to meet the Trump money and other
materialistic goals in life of course.. not even to notice half the God
Dam time.. that the New Testament is a book of Love and Hate..
Hope and Fear.. no different than the Old Testament too..
but when you tale folks you have made a humble
and zealous carpenter as the good cop
bad cop Bi-Polar Jesus continues
into play as a FucKinG God
of the Universe.. that
is just a ploy
that does
not allow
you sTiLL
to question
the total hypocritical
Nature of the book from start
to finish.. however.. in mythology way..
like all other religions and myths.. there
is most often the ‘Kali’ part.. you know the
Angel of Destruction.. the potential devil archetype
without empathy and compassion that says in tribal
instinct way.. go team go.. we are the best team and
your team sucks.. fight team fight.. sit down stand
up..kneel.. go quarterback Jesus or Muhammad
go.. no.. it’s our Jesus and not your
Jesus or this Jesus
and not that
Jesus.. Good cop
bad cop Good cop
Jesus Merry go around
and some of us are still
crucifying others for being different
or perhaps we are just another bleached
blonde Babe from The Southern Baptist Church
with her tight gym shorts on.. making it now clear to
everyone else that she and her son are the chosen
ones and everyone else on the other team just plain
sucks.. anyway.. be careful who you wish for.. as sure.. i have
a Devil two and a Joker in my back pocket2.. per that song by
21 Pilots that i shared before1.. you will never ever wanna
see into the eyes of righteous indignation that live behind
these sHades.. THE eyes who have seen REAL FUCKING
HELL HERE ON EARTH.. but no.. when i slowly
approached her like a Black Panther..
as they always walk.. as a practice
of survival.. she would never
kNow what my eYes
were thinking..
but sure..
could FeeL
my presence
of strength and fearless..
and perHaps.. she’ll think twice
now before she condemns the weird
around her as anything but FucKinG
Clown Fun!.. anyWay.. this is human nature..
she knows not what she does.. and even science
documents and provides this too.. as the conservative
mind sees the world much differently in inhibitions and
fear than the liberal mind does.. in fearless and party time
all the relaxed Panther walk and Dance now!.. i would have
asked her for a dance.. and sure.. back in the old days at
Seville.. she probably would have gotten a selfie with
me.. just to show off to ‘some’ of her friends
the wild thing she saw
out of the zoo and
all of that..
i get
i understand
how and why the
human ticks and rocks..
i forgive her for what she kNows
and feels not of what she does..
i’ve been to hell.. but no.. some
of these others folks
who her child
will go on
to bully
in school..
per the example
this mother sets haven’t
weathered the storms i have..
coming out looking like the statue
of King David and all of that in the buff…
hehe.. as it were and is in all my art haha!..
so perhaps she will think twice.. before she blurts
out something to her son.. that a real Good Cop Jesus
might be hearing in the background.. ’cause you kNoW..
there IS A pArt of her book.. that speaks to coming back in
glory to judge the living and the dead.. well here’s the thing..
only God truly Judges as all that is in the end now.. in how we
iN liGht or DArk of Positive action and consequence
live our life per the rules and laws of NatUre..
as there are literally trillions of peptide
receptors in all the cells of the
body that are fed either liGht
or DArk by the relative
free will of our
thOughts and
actions as thoughts
are simply after effects
of the affect of how we feel
about the world in pro or con
social emotions.. live life in fear..
anger and hate.. and become the
dArk of that.. live life in Hope.. Peace
and Love and become the Dude from
the Big Lebowski show come back again..
perhaps in a grocery store.. writing a check
on 911 for 69 cents.. Remember Horatio.. God
is bigger than your book or the walls of your church..
God is the Force that lives in a grain of sand and quite
Frankly.. the red tip end of my penis.. to put it as FRANkly
as i can.. and will.. to separate anything as holy and sacred
as any pARt of the Body of God from head to toe.. to tip of that
in whatever colors it comes.. from seas to shining seas.. to the
farthest galaxy of mind and body and beyond space.. distance now
and time that has never been explored.. is to live less than we
can in the greatest grace that is the gift of life now..
use it or lose it..
i use it all
and i thrive..
no.. i don’t just survive
i thrive.. as what most folks
might refer to weird and a lazy
bum too.. but here’s the deal..


Let’s see..
wHeRe was i..
hmm.. i.. i wonder
which way i ought to
go.. yes.. Facebook..
Macro-Verse memories now
from years ago.. i haven’t
lost them.. after all.. hehe..
one moment.. please.. NOW while
i retrieve with second or third
chorus.. and.. that reminds me..
a lady i used to work with.. yes..
Dolores.. whose Spirit animal was
the Tasmanian Devil of course.. once
said.. dam.. Fred.. don’t matter what sHit
you get yourself into.. you always come out
smelling like Fresh Roses.. or other flowers
per se.. as i improvise as such as i continue to
go as Cheshire Cat.. Mad Hatter.. Alice And Wonderland..
hahahaha! you may have noticed.. i am not all of myself..
truly.. my smile reaches far on this E-Land never land.. never
ending story online all.. but remember.. beware the Jabberwocky2..
and sure.. i come as the March Hare2.. in the year of our Lord 2013..
so.. i’m here.. since E-Birth.. on Thanks Giving Day of 2010 too..
hmm.. what next.. oh.. God Yes!
yes.. back to the Facebook
Memories fully in Lewis
Carrol like
tow… too
as anything
goeS in
pArt of Pan’s
Woods.. you kNow
pan of pan
more more
to come of that
aLL iT is.. too..
so.. here comes some more
totAlly a-causal related
memories from a year ago..
toTally related to today too..
As Synchronicity continues to pAint
canvas alWayS now.. wHeRe no distance
space or time literally existS onlinE.. noW
as there is no entropy here of notice.. don’t
you see.. feel.. sense and know.. there is no
sun or moon.. to light these words.. no golden
floors.. or pearly gates.. perhaps you just stepped
into the iSREAL Twilight ZonE Heaven and are not fully aware
of the looKing gLass you see through if you have arrived here now..
anyWay.. it’s NoW for juSt anotHeR TeaM ligHT SonG noW.. iF you can
see and
hEart the
cAll of God
all that is yEt..
as the team liGht
members aLL continue to
ArT and sciEncE all thaT is out..
to the best of tHeir liGht and hmm..
somewhat dARk abilities now.. so.. go Lorde2.. at 1:11 pm2..:)

Jesus F. in Christ.. if i hear that FucKinG Trump commercial
one more paid commercial YouTube Advertisement about putting
Freedom in a waLLed lock box..
i am gonna have
to ignore it
even more.. hehe..

oKAy.. back to the
regularly unscheduLed program here..
as now goeS oN.. trUly iSREAL FReED..;)

Allah’s Karma

Allah’s Karma as fully titled here..
Doesn’t need
a book..
Positive action
makes Positive consequence..
Negative action makes Negative consequence..
Flow with God of Nature’s Nature as gifted
as being HUman.. in liGht or go the dArk
path of relative Free WiLL iSreAL noW..
Laws of Nature
God and sAMe
rule.. break them
as wave of dARk and
surf potential hell too..
hmm.. i’ll go for Ocean
liGht Heaven iSrEAL noW.. beats
the other place.. DancE and SonG uP..:)

Bowling Alley Doughnut Life

Bowling Alley Doughnut Life..
Bottom Line..

Dance Dreams MORE

Dance Dreams more..
and that
reminds me..
Facebook Friend
Cortney.. who is also
a Dancing Friend from
Seville Quarter shares
a Facebook Status on looking
for a job and potential prospects thereof..

i reply..

Good Luck..
i’D hire you
to Dance but as
Sia says in terms..
Of.. Dollar Bills..
The Pay kinda sucks..
But it can be thrilling..;)

And now i say heRe and tHeRe
anD everyWheRe noW oNE for noW
evermorenow.. hehe.. liVinG now..

Yeah.. it’s too bad we cannot
go back to the forAging of village
life.. small groups of warm and fuzzy
feeling humans dancing in the liGht
of ecstasy moves in connecting
and creating anew..
as the midnight
and full
around as
it goes around
too.. and we do too..
anyway.. i dream and
do what i can and will..
and trust me as Alice says
now.. sure.. go ask Alice.. hUman
ImAGinAtiOn.. beats Trump and Hillary
Paper cut dolls any day of the dance week now..
i can iMaGiNe anything.. and trUst me.. most oF iT coMes trUe..
or truSt..
me not..
yoUr will
over free love..
or not.. my wiLL
as fearless love.. alWays noW..:)


Now to a few of my
online friEnds
who i regularly
interAct with
in never
no fAiL..
as hey.. juST
‘C A U S E..
i can and WiLL
over Love as Fearless iSREAL..
as PerHaps i AM A Wizard oF oZ iSREAL2..;)

Hmm.. noW if i can just fit the
10 commandments
into one of
i WiLL have
coveRed all the
major memes iN hiStory
oF art SAges.. mostlY online trUe
and suRE Pentatonix can hELp NoW..
WiTh that too.. in modern culturE ways too..
as Jesus.. F iN Christ.. to geT iT aLL doNe
requires quite a brush to
cover the canvas
aS even
of 12 million
words of ZilLioNs
poTenTiaL more to
cOmE online iSREAL
iN aLL O’ Unabridged bible
through hUman eYes groWinG
moRE as wE sPEAk ‘tiLL more
folks reach a singularity of clarity
iF yoU sEEk iN GoD oF couRsE.. noW..:)

“The believer is happy. The doubter is wise.”

~~ Hungarian proverb ~~

Well.. gigoid… as promised i’m back
at 2:33 pm.. Central
Time on January
12th of 2016..
and surely
the happy
and wise
are truly
the one’s who believe
with 100% faith.. hope and belief..
my Friend.. in other words they
not only walK iN liGht
as Science says..
they literAlly
bEcoMe a
liGht FoRcE
of hUman BeinG
as all multi-trillion peptide
receptors in all cells of the hUman
body FucKinG ‘forgeT’ all about dArk..
and seNSE and FeeL.. A Way BeinG
liGht.. oh.. the science and art my friEnd..
oh.. the
thrive alive..
with fearless love

“I know a lot of people without brains who do an awful lot of talking.”

~~ The Scarecrow, Wizard of Oz ~~

Hmm.. Fitting in somE ways here too.. my friEnd..

The Scarecrow listens..
The Tin man speaks..
And the Lion Roars..
when all three beComE
onE Force of Fearless Love..
but sure.. without expreSsinG thAT
for all
potEnTiaLLy moRe oNE..
so.. that’s why i for one.. choose
A role of Cheerleader aS Fearless Love..
as that my friEnd is the hiGhest hUman Gift
oF aLL..
Instrument of
God oF aLL NaturE now..
Go.. Team liGht.. Go.. Team RA! Go..:)

“A human being is a part of the whole, called by us Universe,
a part limited in time and space.
He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings
as something separated from the rest
–a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison,
restricting us to our personal desires
and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.
Our task must be to free from this prison
by widening our circle of compassion
to embrace all living creatures and the whole nature in its beauty.”

~~ Albert Einstein ~~

Albert Einstein..
“The Anti-Trump”..

Need.. i say more..
sUre.. Y-NoT..
tHeRe ain’t no
Trump WallS noW
around mE..@lEAst
foR Now.. hehe.. hmm..

“The world, Govinda, is not imperfect or slowly evolving along a long path to perfection. No, it is perfect at every moment; every sin already carries grace within it, all small children are potential old men, all sucklings have death within them, all dying people — eternal life. It is not possible for one person to see how far another is on the way; the Buddha exists in the robber and the dice player; the robber exists in the Brahmin. During deep meditation it is possible to dispel time, to see simultaneously all the past, present and future, and then everything is good, everything is perfect, everything is Brahman. Therefore, it seems to me that everything that exists is good–death as well as life, sin as well as holiness, wisdom as well as folly. Everything is necessary, everything needs only my agreement, my assent, my loving understanding; then all is well with me and nothing can hurt me. I learned through my body and soul that it was necessary for me to sin, that I needed lust, that I had to strive for property and experience nausea and the depths of despair in order to learn not to resist them, in order to learn to love the world, and no longer compare it with some kind of desired imaginary world, some imaginary vision of perfection, but to leave it as it is, to love it and be glad to belong to it. These, Govinda, are some of the thoughts that are in my mind.”

— Hermann Hesse, _Siddartha_

FucKinG LoVe
FucKinG liNe
oF Existence..
as Fearless LoVe noW..:)

“To know that one has enough is to be rich.”
~~ Lao Tzu

IS A state of
miNd/boDy BaLanCinG
for scores more then..
iN thouSands of years..
people lived on the evening
Meal Alone and Love..
MoVinG.. ConNecTinG
And CreAtinG aNew
allone they sTarTed the
neXt day aLL
for Love Now
oF LiVinG noW..
juSt iMaGinE
oNly NoW
and group
greed rules..
Hmm.. i AM
the anti-rule..
LOVE.. FucK the rules of Greed..:)

“It’s All I have to bring to-day,
This, and my heart beside,
This, and my heart, and all the fields,
And all the meadows wide.
Be sure you count, should I forget, —
Some one the sum could tell, —
This, and my heart, and all the bees
Which in the clover dwell.”

~~ Emily Dickinson ~~

To do all of liFe
as poetry
is to live
as both
brush and
paint as God’s canvas iSREAL..:)

“I am an optimist. It does not seem too
much use being anything else.” — Winston Churchill

for me too..
When in hell do
not FucKinG do
as the Romans do..;)

Milton, Florida..
June 6th, 1960..
born in iSREaL U.S.A… heLL..
Also K A New Jerusalem..
on July
22nd, 2013..;)

My tombstone

And yes.. Milton,
Florida.. was named
Hell first.. ’cause oF aLL
the briars on the River
Banks of literAlly wHere i lived down town..

As alWays..
back uP
and beWitch
the ‘competition’..
oF DArk as darK..:)

All caught up to you
mY FriEnd.. gigoid.. at 3:16 p.m..
September 12th, 2016.. noW..
if tHeRe ever could be a Good
Cop Jesus.. you.. My FriEnd
would be one
of his


i roamed the neighborhood
bLock with sHades at 3:33 am..
every night for years.. the street lights
were not as briGht as my computer screen of
pain.. to E-Scape to Nature dArk each niGht.. then..
and one niGht.. a voice within spoke in a language
thaT was no words aT aLL.. FeeLinG SenSinG
within lived
liGht agAin..


desserts only kNow..


Hello.. my FriEnd.. Prajakta..
it can sometimes be lonely
to trUly have WinGs liGht..
but every once
in a while a
another bird
flies by now to
let you kNow/FeeL
you are not alone..
and through the last
several years.. trUly
in a storm of wings..
of writing..
you were
only one of
few to only you..
who consistently
dropped by my blog
site.. and let me know
you came by with at least
a like.. this writing adventure..
as far as the human touch goes..
has been truly a challenge.. while real
life.. is full of the human touch now.. i am
tempted to leave this all behind.. as i’ve created
milestones and completed them.. same as E-Scaping
pain with these words from the stARt.. but it is only a
few folks like you
who now convince
me to stay around
a little longer at lEast..
i appreciate you.. my FriEnd..
and this is a poem you write
that touches my soul
the most..
as i end
my pursuit
in writing foR Now..
for clarity as purpose..
for the meaning of liFe..
just to DancE and SinG mY
friEnd.. the thing is.. i can do that
in real life now.. and i’M not sure now
why i am not doing that more.. my neXt
stop to liGht a lamP.. perHaps morE.. noW.. outside..:)

And in conclusion i say now..



Oh.. yeah..
cRap.. aLmost
foRgET.. i dedicate
thiS.. to my moTher as noW
withouT her love tHeRe iS
no way i could have bEcome
A Love Flu.. hehe.. sUre..
iN most everyWay..
aS noW.. Anew.. Now
reNew.. So hEars
to HeLen.. this..
go ’round.. Merry..
at age 17.. coming out
of the Santa Rosa Sound..
And sure.. i’LL2 continue giving
somEway.. somEhow.. somEnoW anYWay i Go..;)







BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels


41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

Hmm.. more and less.. A Meaning oF liFe..;)




Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 23 Comments

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

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StArting off a 701st Macro Verse to Celebrate 42 months
of Blog Poem Witnessing for God.. as hey.. don’t yA like
A Meaning oF liFe.. likely only meaningful in totaLiTy
to mE.. and sUre.. 42.. is kinda related to thaT
iN sacred number cross many cultural ways..
so why not make meaning and purpose
iN MoVinG.. ConNecTing and creAtinG
in HoLy SacRed Way of HeARt and
SpiRiT exPreSsinG thaT heARt oF
EmoTioNs.. aS SpiRiT iN miNd
and boDy BaLanCinG soUL
to regulate EmoTions..
and inteGrATe seNses
like a finely tuned cognitive
executive functioning human
race car sports car.. iN super laser
focus and German Watch-like elegant
precision too.. and hmm.. got a Lucifer
Song by Alan Parsons that FiTs thiS theMe
oF the Meaning oF liFE to mE iN 42 months
aS a total of over 3.3 million words.. Ocean Poem
total SonG oF mY SoUL way.. too.. and it’s kinda nice
that the somewhat trusty Facebook Algorithm as Video
Slide Movie Production Assistant welcomes me with a
brief early Afternoon Labor Day workout-grind to come..
even if the embedding feature for blogs is hardly working
at all for the other photo muses from Facebook way.. but yes..
aGaiN iT’s aLL free so i’ll jUst go wiTh the Flow of River Waves
in Ocean Whole Poem Field of dreAMs waY as iF iT didn’t coMe
to the pARty.. aLL FrEEd as such.. it wouldn’t be nearly as much
fun Free.. hehe.. now.. as ’42 Fred Buffet oF aLL onE Can Eat Meaning
oF liFE’.. yes i kNow and FeeL thAT IS A very LonG title as such by hey..
what the heLL.. when the whole dam thing is sTiLL approaching 4.2 Million
words.. iF iT ain’t already tHeRE.. if yA eAT the wHoLe dAM thing.. including
comment snacks that eventuAlly make Novels out of Macro-Verses allone..;)

Hmm.. and now i say.. i’m saYinG moRe.. i’Ve fELt the meaning oF liFe all mY
liFE.. jUst haven’t been able to put iT into words and practice a meaning of LIFe
in mY liFE that makes Heaven noW unTiL the end of July 2013.. at age 53.. hmm..
better late than ever and never and now is alWays the best now oF aLL to geT the
practice of life done better and better iN all the HoLY and sAcred waYs liFE can go
and FeeL and SeNse and Be.. hehe.. so sure.. iT ain’t over ‘tiLL iT’s over so go ON..
and aLways do more while liFe lives long.. iN now forevermorenowmoreeverfor now..:)

And dVerse has a Haibun and Haiku prompt as one Force of Japanese strict Nature
Form to come for Monday poetry liNks now.. and i for oNe WiLL go with my usual..
Fredbun and Fredku Free verse way.. and sure mostly it will be about Nature but
yA see Nature is sAMe as GoD allthatis for mE.. so sure that could include
FucKinG everything.. anything.. and nothing at all in only metaphor of
course.. hmm.. sure.. i kNow and FeeL.. i’M way too complicated now
for most folks.. hmm.. but hey.. i for one lEarn thaT MakinG aLL
sacred and Fearlessly Loving Holy IS A continuing path(s) and
journey wHole getting better alWays noW aS
Heaven now.. per the iSREaL KinGdoM oF
God poTenTiAL.. in neuroplastic.. noW
and epigenetic wayS Now..
WiThiN.. DNA..
set free as
metaphor.. oF
Quantum unleashed
and reLeasED miNd and
BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL
ever more now.. NOW..
theRe ain’t no strict
juSt Do it
NoW as Victory
Nike symbol as Goddess
of VicTory too.. VictorY for the
WiN is WTF.. FTW i do.. how ’bout
yA.. fight team fight team team liGht NoW..
with words and paint and dAncE FeAT oF arT..:)


Hi.. Candice.. this makes me
wanna give you a hug.. so sure
tight online hugs as ‘the
women say’.. sMiLes..
i test as nurturer
sure.. not
a gift
from a father
but yes.. one from
Saint Mother as it
were and still is.. however..
it can’t last forever as the real
world calls for an outcast.. and add
in poor.. like eating peanut butter sandwiches
every day as an only staple of life afforded with
even three part time jobs.. and life is hard and lonely
same in a college where you no longer know anyone.. this
relates particularly to at least a lost year in college.. but
overall small towns have anchors for even some of
the most outcast oF all.. so i stayed for the
anchors as Lord knows immigrating
to Canada like you did would
have tested me in
the same way..
probably even
now.. as we are all social
animals who need that connection
and roles to live with each other.. nomadic
societies that moved as villages are normal still
evolving ways of human beings.. following subsistence
and shelter together away from harsh environmental elements
but anyone on their own moving to an entirely different country
is quite a challenge.. and many women of many different countries
do this today.. including my Friend Himali.. i readily admit i am not
that strong.. to uproot my former outcast status comfort
in my role now as town jester dancing guy as such..
much.. and i really had to earn that social
role in a fight at first for
a right to dance..
with folks
in charge then..
but ‘they’ got used to me..
instead of me getting used
to ‘them’ this go around.. and i
appreciate a social role i direct..
act.. and play as now.. instead of mastered
by the control of others through decades as
the modern slave world of work does over the
freedoms of so many folks.. but sure.. the social
connection is the meat of what makes life worth
living for most ‘regular’ folks in life.. and i am regular
enough to need a social role and that connection too
as much or even
more than
else.. as
the connection
of nurture is what
brought love to me and
keeps it that way all fuzzy
and warm.. like Bowling Alley
Cheers Life where Norm is Strange as Norm…
ironically so.. comfortable in my crazy own sKin.. Free..
Hope you live in a wonderful place now.. my friend.. i’M
thinKinG the U.K.. if i remember what you may have said before..
Yeah.. and i’LL use ‘Life in a Northern Town’ for this.. but wait..
nah.. i’LL use ‘Fast Car’.. working at the Bowling Center then..
close to minimum wage before they converted it into a
Federal Job.. living at home still at age 26.. still
with a 1970 Maverick with no AC or Heat..
dating a woman i met at the 2001 Club..
later to find out she was already
pregnant by someone else..
but i stayed as i was
so lonely..
she on welfare..
spent a few nights
at the projects.. ate
some welfare cheese
too.. as she had a little
girl too.. i bought my first
cheap apartment and had
the only second removed
four person family
i would
i’ve been
around my
friend.. and
it all ended up like this..
there is always room for
change.. there is ALWAYS
i Love you Friend..
with hugs of words..
as i know the place
of not only the lost
but the
poor in
spirit too..
waiting for a fast
car to escape in FliGht..
mine came in twinkle
toes of stars and fingers..
never ever would i have placed
myself here then.. beYond my wildest dreAms..
never give up.. and never stop dreaming.. my friend..:)

Smiles.. this didn’t make the comments section for
the post you just erased but i really liked it
and this is an additional benefit
of always
before post..
this one is for that one..;)


Hi.. again.. Candice.. A Baker’s dozen.. A Baker’s
mind.. 6 and a half
of brain
or more
of what
a soUl can
expand or retract
to be.. an act of mercy..
an act to restrain.. an
act to save.. a Baker’s
Act of prison for weeks
then days.. first @21
manic as expanded brain
can go.. and then at opposite
side of black hole soul brain..@47…
like i said..
been around
in that other comment
in that other place too..
and too.. both places of the mind that
wanders too far.. as sure.. all reaLiTy
that human constructs IS A Narrative story
of what they’ve been told and shown or what
they create for themselves.. the
rest is moving
and smaller
parts and tapestry
whole.. and then there
IS A inner UniVerse of hUman
soft and cozy.. wild and crazy now
and or dark and dim.. and a spectrum
oF aLL.. the inner Universe more complex
than any God Dam astronomer has ever seen
of space.. these stars of Neurons.. connected
as Stars above.. trillions of paths.. journeys of
memories that change at pace slow
and fast and
blur of
now.. to go places
where no one has gone
before.. still frontiers within
of Star Trek BRain
but now then..
the worst place
oF aLL is when it all
dies inside.. when the smiling
face of the schizophrenic looks like
heaven compared to a schizoid world..
when schizotypal magic thinking beats depersonalization
and dissociative identify disorder and beyond anhedonia
of no feeling at all.. where anxiety clamps down on
chest muscles and suffocates panic
attacks as death
as only
can do for false..
and real fears at
organic level of neuro-chemicals
and neuro-hormones the same..
where Alexithymia.. separates
language and emotion as well..
in empty place of hell..
where all of it is
an Invisible Universe
and sure.. pain disorders
the same that no one sees
but the person who lives in
an entire UniVerse of Hell within
now.. all trillions connections of
Neurons working as
a symphony
of devils eYes
real that view
flames that are
only cold and felt
by those who suffer
as the furniture and the
couches no more human
than the WALLS in the room..
where the sound of the AC vent
cannot be separated from self or
others different or same.. So how does
one paint the dark UniVerse of the soUL..
will labels from the APA do.. or will one have
to go to hell to see and feel it for oneself.. yes
you will.. yes you will.. as there are no windows in
hell.. there are no doors.. to get in or out..
all there is
is time
in hell
where a thousand
years is one second..
beyond any pain or feeling
or sensing of nothingness
that is nothing
at all
an electron..
a last one swirling
around a nucleus of life..

Ha.. and people ask me
why i am so happy.. been
there done it.. ain’t going back
to hell ever ever again.. once you’ve
been ThErE.. happiness IS A FucKinG Olympic
Sport you practice and never ever FucKinG GiVe uP..:)

And you know what.. when you get out.. you tale the entire
world in every way you can.. how to NOT go there the first time at
all.. and you only want to get a gift large enough to tale folks
what it’s like to be in hell.. only poetry can do the job..
or screams of paintings.. etc..
labels are just clothes
no sKin of HeLL..
and the most hilarious
part is folks think there is
a worst place than this after
life.. something as wimpy as
burning in fire for eternity or something
like that when you only wish someone would
douse you with flames to feel anything at all..
or at
to end
it all
the thing is
we are born to live.
we are born to live..
and this is what makes
hell the worst place ever
is you still have no choice but to live
without a trigger or another tool.. to an exit out..
and nah.. i didn’t mention the 19 medical disorders
including the worst pain known to humankind.. named
trigeminal neuralgia from wake to sleep.. for 66 months..
the dentist drill pain that never ended until i went to the
worst place of all in nothing.. and wished for
that pain to come
a feather
of heaven in hell..
there are places that people
go.. there are places that people
go.. that not even the bravest demon
of the soUL..
it has no label
but hell.. my friend..
nor does that gravity
of word do it justice for
what most folks think hell is..
and sure there IS A Song for this
named “Hail to the King’.. where
one has been both devil and hell
and there is no difference.. but Life..
and then one knows and feels who and
what God is..
all is connected..
all is interrelated
and the other place..
where there is no place
of that for either Devil AND Hell..
so.. I kiss the ground beneath me..
the sky above me.. the flesh that
moves in the night as dance.. and
the blood that warms my bones.. Hail
to the bones that feel my Friend.. ALIVE..
Stars oF eYes SuN that are no longer only duSt..
GoD sKeYes..


Now.. a happy change..
to Earth.. Wind and Fire..
Star.. and back to dVerse..
dOne the Fred Fu at the gym..
now for Fredbun and Fredku
and PoeTry witH
lInks to
about Stars..:)

And.. no more..
birds tarred in oiLed
in pits of HeLL
wE riSE.. We aLivE
We are Star BriGht.. HeAven nOW..
KinGdOm oF God WiThiN aLiVe weAre..:)

11:27 p.m…:)

Diatoms of Stars
in Moonlit waters
of Ocean spRay..
Lovers reflection
as salt water
skin.. gLows..

of eYes..
reflecting Love..:)

Fire fly
eYes stars
humans noW
love lit candles
wonders magic..

Fire Fly

Star liGht.. Star briGht..
so far aWay.. eYe viSion
too dull to see you..
sHades don’t hELp..
enough as seNsuaLitY
noW to be you inside..
outside.. above.. so
below and all aRound..
star stuff are wE.. eYes
Of LoVinG Star duSt.. every
star iF iT could.. Jealous
oF stars
aS oUr

God’s breaTh Now..
Stars.. DancE.. orbiT
HUmaN eYes..noW..:)

GreaTest star oF liGht NiTe..
Moon aBove.. ‘fore
science.. distances..

Love ‘gains
star moon

First of aLL..
Bioman aka Microman..
Hello.. i don’t think
the administrator(s)
had enough common ingenuity..
or perhaps technical ‘expertise’..
at dVerse.. to check your current post
here for the dVerse prompt.. to make
sure your last one didn’t post on the linkie..
by accident.. on the list as you don’t link often at dVerse…
‘They’ usually help newer folks with this…

Usually.. the last poem pasted..
remains there.. on the linkie list..
until it is changed to another link address..
this is the one they can’t find.. on the current linkie list…

Now.. back to your
nice Haibun about the
Southern Cross starry skies above…

People used
to treat folks like
stars enough to find/see them..
and allow them to fully clarify/verify..
and validate tHeir communication too..

i do Fredbun and Fredku
And Martial Arts Fred Fu..
the FucK aWay from
Form.. NoW..
Have a nice day..
with essence..
mY friEnd..:)

iS core
Star Force..:)

i worked for the Federal
Government for 25 years..
the form monster almost killed
me.. i left THAT so far bEhind…
noW.. i have
thE Yoda
Force bacK
as L i G H T..
aWay from the
dARk Force Form..

oF liGht
iS wHere it’S aT..;)

PerHaps.. the greAtest
star of hUman bEing
IS A star wHo shines
or not the
star of Love
comes back to them..

Star bright
Star Love
HUman Shines..:)

Cricket SinGs
SonGs of starliT
Voice.. WinGs
oFF SinG
lonEly fields
aS Night breaThes..

Rhythm.. beAT
and Song SinGs.. oN..
starliGht Cricket Bands..:)

SMiLes.. home far
enough away from
city liGhts to
see stARs
in Lone
skies away
from culture briGht…

PerHaps.. half the
magic is abSenT
ciTy liGht.. and Stress..:)

Star Nurturing
Star Monastery
sAme.. covers oF
Free rules oF led..
BrinGer oF
New noon nun
Freedom sAid..

Freedom SinGS
starlit moon
hAir reMains..:)

HUman sTars oF sHine
And absOrBinG liGht..
wiLd things shine..
morE LiGht..

Shy Stars
shy Stars..:)

Too far South for aurora sKies..
Gulf fire ceiLinG.. iN equinoX
Star Sun…
firE pasTel
coloRs oN sugaR
White Beach Love..

Emerald waters
fiRe bReath
Star oF SuN..:)

of Stars
vs.. Dreamtime
of hUman inner UniVerse..
form makes illusion of concrete
Stars form from DreAms of MiNd..
oh.. Horatio.. never visits a textbook..
or one step.. two step.. four+ step book
of methods to stay
on concrete
of beFoRe..
Miracles.. and
FruiT oF dreAms..
directly proportionate..
as Belief becomes iSREaL..

i would
be dead..;)

SMiLes.. thanks for this..
as i haven’t thOught about
my first kiss for perHaps a decade
or more.. and nah.. no first time
for the Alabama Girl
visiting a little
South in
for Virgin
boys who
only dreamed of Girls..

But only a kiss..
But only a kiss
and so much more FeeLinG..:)

Starry Starry
niGht.. as above
so beLow..;)

and the stars
oF sigNificance
aS 1 and 6 and 9
for one above.. below..
inside.. outside.. and all around
as 6 and 9 swirls Golden Spiral..
of Dancing
Feat wHo
Feats oF
UniVerse sWirL
iN BaLanCinG oF BeinG
OnE WiTh GoD oF NaTure
wHOle.. oh.. wHo new 42
iS in this
as liGht1..

sTiLL eVolVinG3
0ceAn wH0lE 4noW2..:)

Stars looKinG
Down uPon
EARTh sKeYes..
oh.. they eXclaim..
HUman eYes shiNe
BriGht HeArt too..
FeeL whAt
hUmans FeeL..
Star Children forGeT
thE BlesSinGs oF eYes
wHo FeeL.. more than sHine…

Starry Starry niGhts..
art without FeeLInG
iS oNly..

eARTh heARt..:)

MonKey arm
stay hiGh
aS liGht floaTs
hiGher BaLaNcinG
center of Gravity..
to moon

Sun says..
hiGher hiGheR
raise HoriZonS HiGheR..:)

Sooner hUmanS
reaLize NaturE
and God is onE
and sAMe.. sooner
humaNs are no longeR
doomed the do do bird
of duh
in harming
sKeYes oF
oNe and sAMe..

Apex fools
wHo kNoW
And FeeL no hoMe..:)

For those who
gRound the oxytocin
comfort receptors of feet
to Mother EartH and
see with
of sKeYes..
never are they
anywHeRe but
allone as
of HoMe..

Star liT
soils soUl Loves..:)

iN South Asia..
look up to imaginary
angles of connections
oF StarS in sky.. finding
sticks.. scratching sanskrit
alphabet copies of connections
oF sKy StarS.. iN sAnd..
and noW
wE sPeak
Star Language
as without Language
there are no Stars or
Skyscrapers of Angles
or even Angels.. aLL iS
lEft iS Essence oF GoD..
iT aLL stARs witH A prEhensile
thumb and digit oF FinGer.. noW
bits and bytes bEcoMe 10 fingers plaYinG
Keyboard oF SiGns thE sAMe.. wHeRe
iT aLL bEgan
as Digit of Finger
and Art of Thumb
comeS toGeTheR
Scratching Angels of skY..
iN sand.. now Digital Art aLiVe..

Star Language..

All caught
uP with
19 at 2:37
more when morn comes..;)



Hi.. Sherry Blue Sky.. and i muSt
say.. i sMiLe everynow.. i see/hear your
Username as when
wE so liberating
it can be.. and surely
the oTheR animals don’t spend
tHeiR lives over the worries
of hUman
are so illusory
and fabricated as social
glue of misery loves company..
in such a beautiful blue sky
gift that Nature is as God
sAMe to mE.. mY
to see
in A GRain of SAnd
sMile of a ChiLd..
purr of a cat..
and event
Lion who
captures a pARt
of the circle of liGht as LIFE..
and dArk with Pleasure and pain
to eAt.. to liVe…IS A kInG of NaTuRe..
aLL thIS gifT oF liFe moRE for
wE who come to see and feel
aLL aS sAcRed and HoLy
blood noW..
to pleAsure More..
sMiLes.. mY FriEnd..
Sherry BlUe skY.. liVe
iS PreSenT gifT for
those who
LoVe aLL liFe as Gift Now..:)


SMiLes.. perHaps.. noW..
my recent poEt exchange
with a new poet from
dVerse named
is in
order of Art here as rePeat..

HUman sTars oF sHine
And absOrBinG liGht..
wiLd things shine..
morE LiGht..

Shy Stars
shy Stars..:)

Brian replies..

I’m sure you’ve explained once upon a time,
but why write with parTIil CapS?

And i say in return..

Art of Free
Verse.. WiNks
With over
3.3 milLion
Words of LonGest
LonG Form Poem
Ever at the 701st
MacroVerse oF thaT
Ocean Whole
Poem wHerE
sEA LiFe at
Of the Ocean
Can gET
Lewis Carroll
Rabbit wHole
Strange and
Not everyone’s
Cup of tea but i’M
In iT for the Different
And never the SaMe
As i personAlly
Find inSame
A little

And now i say one line at a time
for what i currently feel my
literary device of changing
caps and little
letters mean
in a uniVerse
of a word
or the form
of a letter
or number
that hOlds the
essence of the UniVerse
wHole as weLL like the letter (meaning 42 too)
H.. that sure.. if one does the metaphor
work.. and cryptic meaSure.. could mean
two ones coming toGeTheR leFt and RiGht
HemisPheRe of the BraIN HoLdinG Hands
togeTheR for BaLanCinG miNd and boDy
H soUL.. 11 same symbol for east and west
hemispheRe oF GloBe coMinG toGeTheR
HOldinG hAnds toGeTher with North
and South Latitudes oNliNE
iN E-Ways noW..
sAMe for
two 11’s
22 sAme..
for fOur BaLaNcinG
all around the World as
Now.. but yA see iT iS a little
more than that iT is the reaLiTy
that all huMan siGn LanGuage is
metaphor iN only approximation of
the essence of GoD oF Nature reaLiTy
that lies beneath the TRuTh and liGht
and Dark and Lies of hUman symbols too
aWay from Greater lights of essence sTiLL
juSt waiting.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below
and all around.. to groW as OcEAn wHOle poEtry
oF aLL arT and sciEnce hOlding hands as H strong
noW for hUman poTenTiAl all as one big TenT to be
reAlized more and more and more and more.. and not
stuck in the literal dogma of poems interpreted this way
and not that way more.. for example..the F iN Bible/Kuran that of course
IS A tool(s) for social bonding more than actual essence oF TruTh and liGht..
and more on that in a while of course.. as the SonG oF mY SoUL moVeS oN..;)

And oh boy or girl.. etc.. and or whatever.. here is another here too..;)

Where Lady Nyo requests clarification
if i am writing a comment or a poem..
in response to her poetry..
so i say.. in return
to the comment
poem i
here as
repeated from earlier..

GreaTest star oF liGht NiTe..
Moon aBove.. ‘fore
science.. distances..

Love ‘gains
star moon

SMiLes my FriEnd.. Lady Nyo..
aLL i write is poEtry..
it’s kinda what iS
required when one
is currently wriTing the
Longest Long Form poEm
ever.. i find inspiration around
the world.. and you juSt happen
to be a current one on dVerse.. but
sure i alWays bRing deeper meanings on topic..
but you kNow/FeeL.. not all poeTry
is meant to be twitter
style and easy..
so when
i go this
deep iT
iS a meASure
of mY respect for
yOur poTential understanding..
and in this case.. i was seeing yOur
poem in a way wHere moon becomes
star and StiLL meets the requirement
of the prompt.. your paragraphs are
short.. it would be silly
for someone
to complain
about the total
length.. and they
will not ’cause you
are vanilla enough in form
of poetry to meet the overall grade..
sMiLes my FriEnd.. tHere IS A HiStory
bEhind different
and it
remembered more..
i already wrote the longest
long form poem in the history
of hUman Kind at over 3.3 million
words and in doing so witnessed
for the God of Nature.. and no..
no myths.. now for 42 months..
and have danced in public too..
3 years now for about 6K miles
at the ripe age.. 56.. i do things
most folks couldn’t imagine doing..
’cause i live noW as
aRt from fingers
to toes
of my liFe..
the deeper story
is i went to a literal
hell on earth for 66 months…
but the full story is actually about 12M
words online since Thanks Giving
day.. of November 26th 2010..
it could be safe now to
say that A “Beethoven..
or Einstein.. and
perhaps Whitman..
Blake and more”
crossed your path
today.. now..
per empirical
measure of course..
as i ain’t in this for likes..
shares.. followers.. or a dollar
bill.. i am in this for the heaven of now
as Art as liFe.. and that my friEnd IS
A continuing Epic liFe practice noW..
and no.. i’m not REALLy crazy..;)
25 years of retired Government
service.. 3 college degrees.. best..
a beautiful loving wife who never ages..
and all that i document in the longest
long form poem ever better named
as SonG oF mY SoUL.. key being
it is
in all the
ways that comes..
including selfies with
1000 plus dancing girls..
anyWay.. now.. i don’t miNd
explaining.. writers bLock noW
is not in mY uniVerse.. mY friEnd
as use or lose applies to all stuff
animal life.. and i make the most of
every second of liFE.. maKinG iT aLL
holy and sacred from head to toe..
i find your
poetry inspiring..
and as i as me now..
the greaTest compliment
i could receive is if someone
responded to my poeTry with
the greAtest art at the moment
they could do.. but haha.. some folks
are worried about copyrighting art.. as
sure they feel like they own art.. nah.. i can
not sell
my soUL
like that
iT is free
for the sharing
and giving everywHere i go..
and that is the secret
of the epic
success of
my liFe FReED as ArT NoW all ’round..
mY FriEnd.. Giving and Sharing FREE..
and if tHeRe is ever anything you don’t like
you see me write here as you come back on
the dVerse trail.. you are welcome to delete
or even moderate me out.. as sure i’ve
experienced that too.. even
by the leader
of the band
and his
RiGhT hand
Haibun friend..
in short.. i copy
and paste to my
longest long form
continuing free verse
poem every now before i
press the post
post comment
i go.. now
in the 701st
of around a half
a Novel now or so
size in three days…
this.. another micro-
verse of that Macro-
Verse of Ocean wHole Poem..

has no
limits.. FriEnd..

SAdly.. some folks

i can’t..

i’Ve been to iSREAL heLL..
where all is limit and
there is no art @aLL..

i CAN..
i WiLL..
Do aLL MORE..noW..
witH Fearless LOVE..
tHeRe is nothing Luke
Warm aBout me.. as i’Ve
aLready been to n0thing @aLL..:)


So.. what next.. sure..
Now that’s a very positive title for a first few of very symbolic and cryptic
Macro-Verses as shared by the more cooperating Facebook
Algorithm.. that is once again
giving me access
to edit
new words
for memories
from three years ago..
for some algorithm bug
reason.. it seems.. i couldn’t
get access to my year ago.. profile
pic photo.. as memory yesterday with
my Bart Simpson Last Perfect Man
T-Shirt.. with Katrina and
Dance Friend
just for fun..
of course.. to write
some more poetry in
small talk way too..
as sure it
kinda deeply
symbolic and
cryptic around
here too.. hehe..
just a reminder that this
is art.. and i am just another
dude sitting in his underwear behind
a keyboard.. currently fresh out of potato chips
to snack on.. haha.. in other words i have no
delusions i am THE savior of the world..
as it will take an entire army
of saviors to
get a job
of saving
folks from real
iSREaL heLL today..
but sure there are folks
who are so.. so different who
have come along the way who have
helped with much toil and trouble in a lonely
hearts club band of sorts.. to help set people free
in ways.. of emotions.. senses.. and sexuality too..
and yes.. oh God.. Dogma too.. the paRt of human nature
that says if you do not believe and act on what i literally
tale you in written and spoken words you will
lose face in the social
group and
never get
a job and F iN
Starve to death..
and this is where Aleister
Crowley.. played a part last
century as the so-called Wickedest
Man in the World.. who believed in following
a true will in accordance with Nature’s Will too
aka God iF you WiLL too.. but yes.. Mr. Crowley
was challenged emotionally and empathically
of course.. as torturing small animals
when young.. and leaving
fellow mountain climbers
to die on snowy
death trails
does sTiLL
now show..
as if you didn’t
kNow/FeeL some folks are
born without the ability to feel
other folks pleasure.. now for the
compassion and feeling empathy
of feeling the pain of others in averse
way.. in fact.. some folks brains in innate
and organic way are so fucked up that to then/now
see other folks in pain brings them organic pleasure..
and yes.. the brain can be re-wired by environment of
social stresses to go this S and M Way of being too.. as
a somewhat twisted practice of life where pain and pleasure
becomes one.. but let’s remember the animal Kingdom as whole
as Cat Sex is not as fun for female cats as human animal women
sure.. and yes.. there are gang cat rapes.. as nature shows
all who are ‘gifted’ with penises with barbed tips that stick..
too.. the undomesticated cat.. is a wild one.. there is
no doubt about that any less than
big cats sure..
and yes..
even in human
beings the aggression
and pleasure centers are
closely related.. and it doesn’t
take too much to get that all messed
up for more pain than pleasure.. aggression..
yes.. raping warring ways of being.. when the Garden
of Love as empathy and compassion is not continually
watered from birth there on.. wars on soils.. spells
less empathy and compassion for those
who enter into a pact
of spilling
live by love
or die by the sword
is deeper than just metal
of words.. empty feelings.. cold
ways of raping and warring beings..
gives an explanation still of why there
is so much misery and suffering still promoted
in sections of Kuran and Bible still for the fair
gender as woman of the human race still..
Aleister was born this way into
a pastoring Christian
and without
fear and regret
and worry over being
accepted or not in the social
group gave him a certain cold
advantage out of the group warm
and fuzzy social empathy of singing
off the same sheet music of church no
matter how craaazzzzy in illogical ways
of reality it was.. like Love your enemy
and hate your children.. in the same
New Testament whole.. live
by the sword.. die by
the sword.. and
i bring a
sword and
not peace for all..
sure folks over look the
bad parts.. but when it starts
out as if you don’t believe we will
burn you at the stake.. or imprison
you or crucify you.. as still happens in
some extremists Islam ways.. you tend
to cooperate no matter how illogical and
out of reason written words are just to get
basic subsistence and survival from
day to day.. Religion by Force
works for obvious
reasons of
fears and
punishments and
to suggest there is
no compulsion in Muslim
religions is to truly have
a huge board in one’s eYes
bigger than the Titanic perhaps now sTiLL
but yes.. i have been witness to online friends
saying there is no compulsion for religion and
on the other side of the mouth say.. i’m not gonna
condemn the burying of Lesbian women to their
Chest in Iran.. so they cannot cover their eyes
when stoned to death.. pushing homosexual
folks over roofs.. and prison for
adultery after
you’ve been
at age 12 by
a 60 year old
man.. and such
as that as cattle to breed..
Aleister’s advantage was.. he
inherited his Dad’s bucks and did not
have to conform to what society said to
live.. he went out on a vision quest.. true.. without
much empathy and compassion but never the less back then..
he experimented with his human potential and even science
is vindicating in part some of what he found to increase human
potential.. particularly what he named as sex magic.. increasing
intent of change.. which as science shows now.. lust increases
dopamine creativity in the brain.. and that makes productivity
and results a more happening thing for now.. as action
karma will make consequences in a life fully lived iN
BaLanCinG oF lust and love entirely across
the life span.. and something
that just doesn’t
quit all together
after a couple starts
and stops in act of
making children.. hmm..
prudish ways of being.. like
saying lust is only for the procreative
acts.. don’t even understand tHeir greatest
God Given potential as a balance of lust
and love from wake to sleep across the
life span.. to be all that we
can be all the
nows that go
on in a real BaLAnCinG
Act of Heaven isREAL now..
hmm.. sure.. Aleister was all about
Freedom.. but when he contacted his
inner creative voice that he gave some kind
of Egyptian God beings a name for.. instead of
seeing it the essence of creativity whole as generated
by nature and nurture same in genetic memory too..
it was rather harsh.. as a psychopathic
non-prosocially emotional feeling
dude might be.. and do.. and act oN..
was not good
and for weak folks
when science clearly shows
now that compassion and empathy
in the social cooperation of human being
is the pARt that even allowed us to develop
written language.. collective intelligence and
culture as complex and crazy and good as it can get
now too..anyway.. when i first heard Sting.. the Singer
from the Police say he studied this man’s writings..
i kNew there had to be something deeper
than just another psychic reading
in an old falling down
building on the
outskirts of
town to
make a buck
for another meal
as such for charlatans
too.. and true.. he saw love
as the greater perfection of
human potential set free with
True Will as BeinG BaLanCinG
with Nature aLL.. but he was missing
the soft and tender pArts.. of kitty purrs
and puppy smiles.. no less really in some
ways as John Nash and his social game theory
that did not take fully into account the human
heARt… yes.. Mr. Crowley had some liGht stuff
mixed with dArk.. and perHaps the Beatles
secret name for Him as Sargent Pepper
as metaphor for the Devil’s
Chief of staff this
man who named
himself as anti-christ
embraced as part of his
cold and unfeeling nature too..
struggling with addiction as these
folks with this brain issue that is broke
often do too.. he was just another human
with ups and downs finding his way.. and in
his own way he did try to help folks in the way
he saw life then.. sadly though his promotion
of substance drugs to enhance the creative
experience of life.. has in part
motivated the
demise of
Rock and Roll
Musicians like Jim
Morrison and others
along the way.. the key is
as even he and Buddha says..
don’t take anyone’s words as the
gospel truth and light for you.. as an
individual.. if for no other reason than
science shows we are not cookie cutter
humans and what applies for happiness for
one person.. is fifty shades of grey for the other
one that they really cannot help.. and sometimes
cannot change.. understanding in cognitive empathy
is the other part of love that most folks fail to pursue..
to understand what makes folks tick is so much easier to
have compassion and empathy for all.. as truly.. empirically
speaking.. Mr. Crowley was born into A hell.. either innately
or something perhaps refrigerator parents helped
to grow.. Love is the Drug that feels as
well as helps too.. Love is the
Feeling that Fills
one up
from wake
to last eye lid
close of a liFe
fully felt in MoVinG
CoNNecTinG ways with
otHeRs in Creation Activity FuN..
with of course the struggles and grief
of loss that is part and parcel of actuAlly FeeLinG Love..
And yes.. the Catholic Church and early leaders like
Saint Augustine.. promoted a way of life
away from nature real
and suggesting
have original
sin too.. truth
and light be told..
there is more original
sins in books than Nature
ever does when Free as US..
more on this in the attached Macro-
Verse link too.. and so much more all over
free net too..
that trUly iS beCoMinG
more and more the SonG oF the
Entire Human Race SoUL.. for an
unabridged almost InfiNite light of hUman Bible NoW…
We live
in very
and freer days..
the best of days are now..
for those who seek.. find
and practice Heaven NoW..
settling juSt for what some
folks sAid thouSands of years
ago.. iS tRuly weak aS God Given hUman NaturE Now..:)


Casino Royale Wolf.. a Macro Verse Memory
from two years ago.. a year into monthly
trips at Biloxi Casinos by then..
and utilizing more
my iPhone5s camera
then to capture
Nature’s beauty wHole..
Human Freedom lives wiLd
from head to toe to eArth wHole..:)

Casino Wolf Royale

And with all that said..
now for Sun and Sand
Dance and sure
for folks
as brave
as Sting..
i’m alWays
available to answer questions..
and hey.. i ain’t even effectively blind anymore..
and can hear music of beauty as well as seeing art oF liGht morE noW..
mY Way
more as
Heaven aLL NoW2..:)

Oh by the way..
per Ghost in the Machine..
and Sting’s 666 reference
to the great 666.. that Aleister
Crowley identified himself as such
that the Police and Sting show as
cover art on their.. album
in broken computer screen
symbols then now as such..
is likely at least
in reference
to Aleister
or someone
who teaches
very much like him..
perhaps like Captain Salt
of the future too.. remember..
Horatio.. liFe is more complicated
than science.. life IS A canvas and
tapestry of aRt.. wHere we are aLL actors
iN a play.. that has no iSREAL distance
space or time.. can i prove that.. nah..
it goes much much deeper into
a rabbit wHole
of Lewis
than i can
create foR Now..
i FeeL and SenSe
volumes more oF iNformation
deep deep within than i currently
can put into words.. but as ‘they’ say..
makes noW
more practice
and leaps of greater
understanding coMe as
aRt of HeARt.. SpiRiT
ExpresSinG sO muCh moRe
as miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG
soUL foR nOW more..
paths do
come paths
go and the
journeY of living
Loving Life fearlessly iS noW..
and 35 years ago to date on September
6th 1981.. 9061981.. is when my first
Vision Quest at age 21 was in full swing
then.. and sure that was the year this
song by
the police
came out
too.. Secret
Journey.. for mE
wide wake.. wiDe
open as Synchronicity now2..
i lived in a place and time
then wHere the only hope of finding
deeper meanings of liFe were through
musicians like the Police.. Rush.. Led
Zeppelin and Styx who not surprisingly
now most all had some connection
to the freer teachings
of Aleister
Crowley then..
God is an equal
opportunity employer..
God doesn’t discriminate
against folks based on
how God makes
noW as both dArk and liGht..
never discount anyone has having
trUth and liGht and to yoUr best
future.. never discount anyone from
having liEs and dArk.. wE are all hUman
dArk and
liGht as that
iS Nature and God2..
1 bottom liNe noW STiLL2..:)


Still haven’t made it
to sun and sand dance..
but dVerse has a newest
Tuesday prompt with
inspiration as wishing
as its theme.. wishing
is the verbal act of believing
in positive thoughts of let it
be written too and it shall be done
as Kingdom come iSREAL noW for
those who still remember how to click
tHeir golden
spiral slippers
noW of fearless
Love toGetHeR
to make magic iSReaL
and sure as science shows
the act of belief per prayer of
what they name as placebo
pill is as real as the same
Nocebo effect that
in literal
can make
one sick in ways
of thoughts.. actions
and consequences too..
bottom line.. we have a lot
of say/do about the reality of WE..
what we BrinG to reAliTy all liT
uP iSREaL as real geTS noW..
make it all sacred and holy and
believe in miracles.. magic same..
do it with 100% no doubt and fear..
and faith.. hope… and belief the same..
and juST see what happens when lucid
waking Dreams come iSREAL.. if you haven’t
seen enough of them on my blogs over the last
42 months as i witness in real time now for GOD
oF naTure aLL you missed the wHOle point of this
that the hiGher power of God of Nature gifted in
human nature in terms of let it be written as
art for positive action and consequence
same is the stuff of miracles
of incredible
and more
amazing sTiLL..
anyway.. a few folks
have linked and i’LL get
a little sTart for beLiEve thEre
as thiS i what i do every now.. with
yes.. once aGAiN 100% Hope.. Faith
and Belief.. with zero illusory doubts
and fears.. with FEARLESS LOVE iSReaL
under WiLL of focus in cognitive executive
functioning in emotional regulation
and sensory integration
that MoVinG
and ConnEcTinG
and creAting
with ImAginAtiOn
tooLs of Art is what
a never ending story
of juST anoTheR mOOn
chiLd is all a’Bout too noW..;)

Life blooms with
wishes of Fearless
Hopeful Love..
in FaLL
of doubt
and illusory
fears growing
to hate.. Wishes
dream with never
doubt.. fear.. and hate..
FloWers Rose kNowS and
FeeLs onLy liGht oF Tidal Wave..:)

The sun’s sTilL ouT be back with
more Wishes..oFearless iSREALoVE..:)

2:28 pm.. 09062016


Facebook Friend Rafiah.. shares a status that says..

The fragrance in your home when
you are making a garlic cheese bread.
Heart Emoticon

And i say in return..

You remind
Me to eat..

Then later when dancing in sun and sand.. i visit her blog in smart phone way…

And then i say..
after coming inside..
with 10 fingers to play..

WeLL.. my friEnd…
hmm.. no more elegantly
painted and adorned Mehndi
for feat oF art as hands or feet
today.. actuAlly
September 3rd..
as for some
reason i never
get notifications
for your posts as
sure.. Fred alWays
comes back.. usuAlly
iN somewhat full bloom..
ah.. and yes.. sure.. youR Flower
Wilts and Blooms.. after all is said
and done.. Dr. WHo after all has
done that 12 times too.. coming
back even with a different face2..
ah.. but the essence of Face
is heARt mY friEnd.. Rafiah..
aS SpiRit eXpreSsinG EmoTioNs
oF heArt and miNd and boDy soUL
BaLanCinG isREAL now.. and it’s trUe..
the greaTEst droughts for flowers of wilt
produce the greAtest Colors of beauty too..
And that is what i like and love about my Rafiah
FriEnd.. sure.. her wilts are somewhat predictable
but her flower.. alWays comes back too.. to me too…
And by now you are finishing a full plate of Garlic Bread..
Merry and Happy will Rafiah be with a full tummy of cheese
with that Garlic Bread too.. anyWay.. like i said.. i wiLL share some with you..:)


The somewhat trusty Facebook Algorithm..
Assistant Brings another record
slide show event of my
Afternoon prelude to
store dance.. as
well as some actual
Dance related activities
at Super Walmart.. of course..
all still photos coming to my Macro-Verse
as well as i am still writing thaT as i speak now.. hehe..
what else.. OMG.. it is always so much fun to dance free
ya go like
a Dancing
Beast Mode Dude..;)


Facebook Friend Greg.. and Decades co-worker at
the Good Old Military Bowling Center at
the local Navy Station here..
provides a share of a Super-Yoga
exercise that has been circulating online
since about 2008 from a CBS Local Broad
cast station.. that’s basically a bunch of squats
without weights and your fingers holding the opposite..
left and right ear lobes.. to stimulate and balance miNd
and BoDy toGether aS oNe.. touted as therapy for ADHD.. etc..
and Autism too.. as science is truly showing the realiTy now
that the body keeps score in terms of cognitive executive
functioning in laser focus and greater short term
working memory too.. when an art of moving
all around free style comes into
a practice of every day life..
no FucKinG duh.. why do ya
think and feel some autistic kids
are already stimming around and on and on
twirling in free style whirls.. as they
AND INTUITIVELY AS SUCH.. but nah.. for years parents and teachers
have said sit and stand still.. no fidgeting.. quiet hands please.. be a good
little robot in your chair at school for 6 hours or so.. before ya go home and
vegetate in front of screens until it is time to go to sleep.. and start the
zombie still living dead routine all over again.. like a TwiLiGht
ZonE that is FUCKING ISREAL TODAY.. in most
local homes of children who live in
this brave and really ignorant
world of once what was
an invisible peoples of human
beings who moved like the big
cats on the Savannah or smaller
primates to capture prey and escape
predator.. by foraging.. in making little
to no noise on ground left foot.. right
foot in FucKinG YoGA everyday
balance.. and conserving
life giving calories
too.. by.. expending
the least amount of energy
in moving with gravity to get the
job of life done before the end of the
day comes and goes again.. and hell no..
this don’t take lessons and strict routines..
animals set free including humans are all real FucKinG
Free Verse MoVinG DanCinG BaLanCinG creatures noW when
set free.. full of emotions not repressed or oppressed
same in pro-social ways.. expressing a balance of desire
of lust and love the same.. and hell yes.. and hell no.. you don’t
have to learn this metaphor of Kundalini in a book.. more like
the video wisely says above.. it is the essence of the emotions
and senses set free in grace that most gender role stuck males
and cardboard women folks think is a woman’s gender role only
in life to move like this in grace and balance free to express emotions
and senses like an Arabian veiled dancer grinding her hips and belly
in dance for why may surely come for the reproduction and creativity
and greater productivity in life before… during.. and after the belly
dance too.. anyway.. suggesting that desire.. and lust and love
and all stuff associated with human is sinful or evil
or even original sin too.. is simply not
to be human and live in books
and words ancient and
the fall of human
who was simply in touch
with the source of Mother Nature
TrUe God and Same toGeThEr oNe noW
iN BaLanCinG lust and love for life
and sure a warrior spirit
of defense for the
gift of life
free too..
yeah.. baby.. as Austin
Powers might say.. i live
this free Kundalini RiSinG
Risen thingie in the free dance
everywHeRe i go.. where every cell
and peptide receptor for neurochemicals
and neurohormones same flow free from the
brain to the real Kundalini serpent that is
the vagal nerve from brain to gut.. listening
to higher vibration positive music.. and song
and making my entire body a groWinG synching
instrument of liGht As SinG and SonG and DancE
of God one running as river current all around my body
free to shine that light out into the Universe too.. aS SonG oF mY SoUL
GRows louder and louder.. and never ends now.. as energetic Force FReED..:)


Facebook Friend.. Michael..
shares another
super cool
En Name
for others
to use to for personal views..
and i take the test with the following
test score results all automatic
of course.. as folks
these days
ain’t too
thinking deeper
in the moment and
stuff like that.. hehe..

Success for me is
not success
Modern Culture for that..
anyWay.. ‘this’ graphic provided
by the En Name test thingie on FB..
fully illustrating artistic success in Japan
as translating the pen name Katie into what
it means
in Japanese
truly has deeper
meaning iN the graphic
art wHeRe the eye of i and the
exclamation of spirit blends seamlessly
with the canvas and God of Nature brush
aS oNe..
or in other
words it can
be difficult to
snatch the pebble
from my hand.. Grasshopper..
hehe.. with humor and lust for life too..
desiring all that is human liGht and MoVinG
from all that is hUman DaRk.. in ways of senses
and emotions that are associated with all stuff doubt
and hate..
and some great
successful philosopher
for art of human heARt and
SpiRiT exPreSsinG that hUman
heArt as mINd and BoDy sOul
eXclaimed and ‘splained in
BaLanCinG YiN and YanG
way even
per say..
and pray..
Ameen.. i say..:)


Hello.. dude.. who keeps calling for
an uprising on You Tube.. first.. of
all.. someone as fearful and hateful
as you will probably read this.. as it is
just too unusual to pass up.. hehe.. but regardless..
today.. you are going to be a muse for me.. in dArk way..
as TVC Mario.. has turned over
a leaf for light
it seems..
and i will continue
to monitor this light..
as all good watchmen and
women do.. and God’s court
reporters too.. and eventually
personally laud him for his efforts
of liGht as paRt of the longest long form
poem in history.. SonG oF mY SoUL.. also
serving Witness for God of Nature now for
42 months.. as words surpass 3.3 million
words of Praise and given Glory to the
God of Nature whole
in Yin
way too..
so sure.. in a way
you might even be famous
as soon as folks get smart enough
in years to come to understand all of
what i do in life for now.. as i’m kinda like
superman in a way.. but a thief in the night
instead.. of superman fame in the
modern world sense
of material
of course..
anyway.. i’ll leave
a link to my current
700th MacroVerse as
when i saw Mario hug that
little kitty at the end of his videos..
i knew and fELt he was onE lost sheep
iN dARk who had the potential of moving
into the brilliant liGht of the Good Cop Jesus
as human archetype developed over the ages
from Sages in the old world.. and sure.. refined
by ways of three to four hundred thousand
minor to major mistakes.. including
old testament ways..
and of course
only likely
two books in
the New Testament
as authored by Paul
in letters to the Ephesians
that are even not forgeries per say
too.. although in bible scholarship they
use another word so it won’t sound so
criminal.. if you will.. hehe.. and sure..
every pastor that goes to
a REAL Divinity
Bart Ehrman
from Princeton.. gets
these real facts about the
bible.. but some folks are too
pure inside.. like Bart.. to continue
on and hide it from the congregations…
as every coach of every football team knows
and feels to give a pep talk that focuses on the
pluses and ignores the negatives of go team go..
like Vince Lombardi did.. oh.. so well.. in the spirit
of win team.. win.. second to none.. in the spirit
of excellence that lasts far far after the
last victory song of school..
hmm… so yes.. my friEnd..
who i cannot find any
light of love
here on
you tube
channel.. not even
a shadow of love.. only
illusory fears.. doubts and
hate.. which true.. represents
the Bad Cop Jesus as literally
received in the New Testament in
Luke.. Chapter 17.. who says to follow
me you must hate your father and mother
and sisters and brothers and children too..
if their beliefs differ from what i teach.. and
yes.. who also says.. i do not bring peace i bring a sword..
well as you always try to intimidate folks here with your
big man sword.. saying come to my home and say that
to my face and there will be some kind of consequence…
haha.. of course you don’t show your face here.. so maybe
ya got some big conservative guns that are metal
instead of arms to go along
with your angry
voice here..
but as
artists like
Bruce Lee and
me.. we know/feel power
comes from grace and love
and never ever wearing yourself
out with adrenaline associated neurohormones
that just makes ya weaker after they go away..
where ya would never last 4 rounds in a
real martial arts contest with
a Bruce Lee
as such..
in a real fight
for your life my friend..
that would come as grace
and power instead of fight
or flight fear.. i come with the
Golden Love of God as gifted to
Humans and Bonobos alike.. oh
yeah.. and saying human lust is evil..
is equally bad cop Jesus too.. as the Bonobo
is the most peaceful loving lusty primate who
almost never has to resort to violence to settle
disputes as they use all stuff associated with lust
to cure that part.. and that my friend.. is why folks
who don’t repress/oppress tHeir pro-social emotions
including.. lust that is associated with all pro-social
emotions when balanced with
love.. live most
like they
do at Hollywood
parties… haha.. in
real life now.. without
even any bucks.. fame
or success in the rave of
dance hall night.. any
way.. until you show
a spark of the Golden
Love of the Good Cop Jesus..
here.. perhaps you will stay as
a proven greatest lost sheep of all
in the modern age.. but no.. you are
far from alone.. like all the staunch supporters
of the Bad Cop Trump too.. as sure.. Misery STiLL
Loves FucKinG company.. conspiracy theories.. etc..
that means as long as you spread doubt..
fear.. and hate.. your you tube
pennies will keep
coming in..
but in case
you haven’t heard..
as ‘they’ recently spoke to
on Mario’s channel.. Youtube
is going to de-monetize
‘hater videos’ like this..
and sure the
is not
nearly as
popular in making
bucks in anything you
do.. for good reason.. the
reward is in the light itself
my friEnd.. for those with the
ability to see.. hear.. and feel
the most Brilliant liGht of all.. the
liGht oF Fearless Love of the Good Cop
Jesus who has finally come back to the
earth in millions of folks and more in a Rapture of Love
an invitation by me to the liGht is alWays open.. and let’s just
say.. you will likely never now who i am.. but sure.. i kNow who
you are.. mY FRiEnD.. oh yeah.. and you know the Verse in Saint
John.. that says there will be those who come to do greater
works than Jesus did.. let’s just say.. i did Moses..
in wandering 40 years the desert of patriarchal
lands from ages 13 to 53.. with little fearless
love and creativity
of life.. and the REAL
LIFE JOB.. and Jesus
life of living with a pain
worse than crucifixion named…
Trigeminal Neuralgia for 66 months
from wake to sleep.. among 18 or so
other medical hell disorders of the heARt..
the SPiRit.. and the SoUL too.. in the DarKer longer night
of the ISREAL HUMAN SOUL.. i did the dArk JOB my friend
and the liGht witness part.. that actually started in my own
hell as of Thanks Giving day.. on Nov.. 26th.. 2010 shortly
after that i put up my Baby photo avatar with the bright
blue eyes of hope and Love on Christmas day online..
and have written close to 12 million words.. mostly
still clearly documented online as well.. chances
are if there ever could be a real Jesus.. not
just oral tradition of 40 years.. after
what seems to be a Zealot’s death..
with all those mistakes..
it could be
me or even
you.. as it is never
too late to pick up a weapon
of Love as Art and spread good cheer now..
but got news for you.. it’s all about giving
and sharing.. as rarely does anyone
make money for spreading
fearless love
and liGht my
FriEnd.. saDly as
the devil green bLack
dollar has always shown
it is the root and art of darkness
of fear and hate.. my FRiEnD.. now don’t
get me wrong.. i was trapped in that cultural
greatest sin and necessity for that cultural mark
of the ‘beast’.. but as the good pArt of the book says..
God provides for the Ravens with Food and Drink.. i actually
have more from God than i could ever fathom asking for.. but
truly for one who trUly kNows and FeeLs the God oF Nature.. GoD
is Great and more mysterious than any word in any book forevermorenow.. mY FRIEND..
And as my FRiEnD.. Mark Twain says.. fiction has to make sense but reality doesn’t.. so
your own
iS alWays
A best
way to go..
with God as Co-Creator..
as actor.. producer and Director
as my other friend.. Nike says.. by Greek Goddess of VicTORY NOW!..:)

Macro-Verse 700 Love Labor


Back to the dVerse Prompt on Wishes..
and of course in my case the power
of DancE and SonG to
change the world
in whatever little
way i can..
but juST iMaGinE..
if i now can do the stuff
i do.. what the world would be
like if everyone tried their best now
to be a greatest fearless lover.. yes..
with the stamina that now makes
uS toGeTheR a greaTest Force
oF Star dust ashes come to
liFE as HuMan
and yES..
coME aliVe…
Stamina comes
from Fearless Love
when expreSsinG HeARt
as EmoTioNs/seNses.. unleashed
and released noW as spiRit comes
in greater liGhtEr ways of miNd and
BoDy BaLanCinG soUL For aLL toGetHer..
Hand iN Hand iN MoVinG
ConNecTinG and
ways now..
and with that
said.. onto some
more dVerse Wishes..
as poeTic lINks of course
and art as it comes back as LiGht..:)

SAdly an Earth that is glass left
less than half full.. but human sparks
around the world.. over floWinG as liGht
greater than dARk.. of doubt fear and all
emotions related to hate.. sure liGht is
the other place of over floWinG Chalice
oF Love.. words are not enough.. Now..
Love Dances
as flesh
and blood
when iSREAL
greaTesT from
head to toe.. as
alWays the history
of humanKinD showS noW
toGeTheR we Are as FlesH
and blood whOle.. words
are empty without
a dAncE
of juST
DoinG liFE isREAL..:)

And as a side note here.. note more..
the greatest cultures of humankind
from smaller to larger have always
Danced toGether with uplifting SonG
oF liFe IsREAl hand and feet
toGEther touching each
other allone..
the power of
Dance exceeds words
as words are only symbols
of isReaL liFE noW.. dAncE
and SonG of Voice are what
touch greatest when feLt and
seen more than shells of words one..
Words try.. they really try.. but never
ever will exceed the SonG and DancE oF Fearless LoVe isREAL
toGeTheR in a dAncE and SonG of HumaNity globAlly now..
when the clothes of words
are taken
more than
text of chalice
less that overflowing ReAL
of the human touch that isREaL..:)

There IS A road lined with
trees on both sides.. a distant
place of dreams new each
now.. a day
of present
that never
as fruition
more as wishes
become more than
arrears of yesteryearsnows..
and there was a day of great
darkness for me.. a hypnotherapist
psychologist attempting to trance me
believing that my pain would go away..
i looked in her fish tank and
saw those aquarium
walls of pain..
i looked to
the painting
of that road without
even a distant spark of hope..
and she told me about Milton Erickson..
in a wheel chair who said humans can
do whatever they believe to do next real..
basically the father of medical hypnosis
as insurance will pay for this therapy
as a proven one to work.. but
not without emotions as
i had lost mine..
there was
no way
for it to work..
as emotions are the glue
of iSREaL magic… the powers of human
that spark the impossible into miracles
iSREAL.. and trance is to let go of the
beta wave worry mind to go deeper
in letting unconscious positive
emotions nuanced rise
to closer
from alpha
to theta brain
wave mind now
guide and master
of what inspires next..
to be as what is fELt
comes to
be isReAL..
N o W as liFE..
i’ve lEarned now to
master trance by just
moving my body in flow
for seconds.. and the reason
i can leg press close to half a ton
for 33 times at my gym.. and write
all these words.. in flow with never
thinking at all.. is the deeper parT fearless as
me rises to fruition.. as this dream trance rises
the cream to the top of my existence.. fearless
love.. my friend.. comes deep deep deep from within..
thatT painting of those trees and that road now iS onE
that goes to inFinity more of MoVinG strength and creativity now..
as Stamina CreaTinG
for fearless
Love mY FriEnd..
never ever to be less than more now..
thanks for this prompt.. Mish.. it IS A gifT..:)

sMiLes.. my friEnd.. Glenn..
i never wished for material
success in ways of money or fame..
and now likes.. shares.. followers
or even youtube pennies..
all i wished
for is love
as art of liFE..
then now..
and all
my wishes
coMe true.. now..
and with never ever
worrying about gaining
stuff in ways of newest cars
and bigger homes..
the money
i wanted
to use it or not..
what i did wish for
was one day to create..
i never worried if someone
would like it or not.. just the
joy for making something new
beyond the same of all the books
i read before.. and the paintings that
seemed to only gain dust as pages as such..
i paint
a new world
everyday now..
one that most folks
have no way to fully see..
but that is life my friend.. we
all view our UniVerses different
in what we value and come to love or hate..
all i control
is the Fearless Art oF Love
i make and do.. and truly
what else could i wanna make
or do.. but fearless love.. and yes..
that is only the liGht of mY UniVerse..
i look to the wishes of my dad who bought
a lottery ticket everyday.. and never won his dream
of another bigger material thing.. for me.. the lottery
win is in the doing now and never ever any other wish than
best that
noW can be more..
as FeeLinG and SeNSinG
more as mindfully aware..
and sure.. the Nautilus who does
now all.. leaves a shell of more behind..
iSReaL NOW best iS my Prayer and Wish for ALL..:)

Well.. while a world where all the children could be
loved and free is a beautiful wish.. how ’bout the
folks who live in dArkness..
what about the man/woman..etc..
who is born
with no empathy
and compassion as
far as organic brain
disorder too.. wHo will
have compassion.. empathy
and unconditional fearless love..
even for Adolph Hitler too.. who likely
was born as God Given dark too.. sMiLes my
friend.. life is liGht and dArk.. and until we
learn to understand.. have compassion and empathy
for the darkest ones of us.. we will never rise higher
Hitler himself..
so the next time you
visit someone who is obviously
troubled.. try to help them more..
if they seem to be confused.. don’t
chastise them.. find a way to look deeper
and help them if you can.. like looking to your
right and seeing their current poetic link
and helping them along their way.. the
same as the difficulty you used
to have when you
had problems
linking too..
and sure..
i did too much..
and your wish was for
me to do as little as you..
to live inside the circle of
your UniVerse my Friend.. some of
us do less and some of do more.. but those
of us who would chop the Sycamore tree down
before it can reach its potential height.. are destroyers
of life
no less
no more
Hitler too..
it’s not as apparent
from the short term view
but from the top of a Sycamore
it is as clear as 6 million or more Jews..
and no.. i cannot post this on your site.. nor
would i identify you by name.. as i am just using
you as a parable of sorts without a name to show that
those who
rule creativity
smaller than
what it
can grow
are the
ax of the
Sycamore Tree..
my current friend
now of Dark muse too..
it’s okay.. you kNow and
feel not what you do.. tHeRe
is nothing new about that my friend..
as human nature is limited and expansive too..
history repeats itself again.. as a wash cycle with dArk and liGht clothes..
i prefer
to go
my FriEnd..
and i jusT
do it isREAL
now.. as reported
and suggested as words
of the humble human Jesus
in the Gospel of Thomas
vs. 37 wHere
the Good
cop pARt
of Jesus said
to see God living
within.. take one’s
cultural clothes off..
and tread on them totally
unashamed. so yes.. my friEnd..
what i bRinG here IS A Naked
TrUth and liGht with
Pocahontas at
mY side..
with ALL THE
and i do greater
my friend.. just
as Jesus forecast
of others who would
come after him too.. JUST DO..
who become Sycamore taller than
before.. by never giving up..
and never
to those
cut tHeir
trees of creativity down now.. too..
blessed are those.. who never give up..
of God
as Tree oF liFE noW..
and pyramid capstone same
as a somewhat perfect practice
as storm oF Fearless love now..
rising.. riSinG.. sTill ever more..
with all the faith and zero
of ye
faith less..
my FriEnd of
dArk muse foR noW2..:)

SMiLes.. the greaTest wishes
and prayers the same for
homeless Jesus’ i have met
on the side of the road are simply
to be fed and give/share love.. and as the
raven flew
there are
still humans
who gift the wish
and prayer the same
for food.. the essence is
the light and truth where
wishes and prayers are only
forms for
the essence
of the greatest
gifts of charity
empathy and
compassion that
sees neither gentile..
jew.. servant or free..
woman or man no more..
as wishes and prayers become
essence of God’s of Nature’s higher
potential in all of us.. now.. smiles.. all my wishes
come true as i have 100% faith.. hope.. and belief..
never less than luke hot.. per se.. noW more true..
a wish
that has
no name
my friend but
God who lives within..
where ye of little faith never ever exists now..
where Happy anniversary is always now for
brothers and sisters who share the root and vine
of love
my friEnd..
as essence of TrUth and liGht..
but yes.. sure2.. Happy Anniversary in terms
of numbers to both you and your husband too..:)

Oh Lord.. a rabbit hole(s) without
a directory.. i’m kinda in
serious commenting
poetic mode..
so tHeRe
is the
i will go off course
here.. hehe.. as far
as free wishes do go..
anyWay.. my favorite
parts were the
Hiney God
for the
like the
Katrina one..
and then in a Wiccan
minute in the bible belt..
i could have gone much much
farther and much much deeper but
i am currently finishing the number 42
meaning for all stuff UniVerse.. etc..
so i must get back
do do
do dah
dah don’t
you love
that song
by the Police/Sting..
anYway.. hi.. Shawna
baby just ‘GodsUniVerse 42
HiTcHiKinG’ my way for a better
title for my 701st MacroVerse
thanks.. you aLways
inspiRe mY
You give great
creativity medicine jusT for me..
yeah.. and that thingie about your
husband saddling up or something like
that was asshat head way..
i never
miss the good
pArts of movies either..
i should have known by the
way that joon was the only
other one smart enough to
figure out
Bio and
or Micro man’s
post was but you first..
i am getting too serious4
i am slipping into A rational world2.. anY
waY.. see ya later when i finish that 42 thingie..;)

Hmm.. you juSt noW.. De..
reminded me of something
hEar.. i read A book.. don’t sweat
the small stuff but i didn’t have nearly
enough mastery
over mind
and body balance
to do that then..
hmm.. perHaps
fulfilling just A simple
wish of being wHoly iN
control within is truly
the meaning
of liFe
iN Mastery oF
control with relative trUe
Free WiLL oVer Fearless Love..
Thanks.. you just
me write
the meaning
of A liFe.. too..
aLL.. now.. A
in The Life..
i guess.. oh My
God.. i finAlly get
the answer to the question..
posed in that SonG.. by the Beatles
iN what they were reAlly trying to turn us on.. too..
In A
of E-Long Wish..;)

Wishes.. Prayers.. Hopes.. Dreams..
all these things and more.. then.. now..
and light
change over
nows never same..
hmm.. a path within..
tolerating different as all
is change.. open minds free..
a wish upon
A Star of sKeYes
alWays seeing different
neXt embRacEnoW FReED..:)

A carnival of life..
A cruise of happy
a life of storms
that float
a party of breeze
a wind secure of
please.. a place
where a feast
of rest
too.. living
as an Indian
on the Beach..
And Being Beach Free..:)

Every symbol
Every star.. now..
every gRain of sand..
potential muse for miracles..
Inside of human..
a liGht of
in more than
stuff.. essence
of muse as symbol
same.. hope.. faith
and belief.. emoTioNs
moving within.. inside..
outside.. above so below
and all around globe wE..
starry night iSreAL MaGiC
shooting star of LiFe Now..:)

Pererrations of wander
ease.. UniVerse pARts
wonder through
galaxy same..
BaLanCinG Planets
around Suns.. and Stars
of Galaxies swirling around
black hole Suns.. there are
no sidewalks in space..
only spiral
no straight line
angles of sky scraper
buildings aLL FloWinG FloWeRinG
MoTioNs aLL.. and what.. hUmans
reflections of all that is..
walk on sidewalks
and rarely
leaves wind
Grass sWaying
Spring Breeze..
A sourcE noW..
perHaps.. most aLL diSeAse..
hUman sidewalks.. no move with ease..
i wish for moRe floWers
oF MoVinG DancE..:)

if life were paint
by numbers.. all would
be a school.. all would be
pre-defined instructions for work..
all would
be a form
to fill
out from
A to Z and
only other symbols
too.. on pages of books..
and numbers
1 through
10 and
thru F
to grade results
already known and felt..
truly.. an iSReAL Zombie Apocalypse..
come to pre-determined random soup oF liFe..:)

In A dArkest
night of void..
one lEarns
the gift of knowledge..
the gift of those who love one long..
the gift of loving those the
same.. and the
gift of loss
oF all
of that..
IS A gift
to treasure
A greatest
wish.. to feel and
sense the gift of liFe..
all pales as nothing..
all lives as something..
Humans are blessed beyond wishes..
Humans live.. Humans live.. and can treaSure
a gift
of Life…
as long as
thaT gift IS A FeeLinG
SenSinG liFe iSREAL noW..:)

Now back.. after midnight on September.. 8th.. to
do some more wishes of poEtry at dVerse again..:)

i guess.. i never noticed
your age.. my friend.. as
22 seems so young for these
problems but i too.. remember 21
and endless more problems than this too..
what i will tale you.. this at age 56.. as sure each
human UniVerse perceived
is different too..
for me at least
and for the lesson
taught by many other
elders of mine then.. life
has limitless potential.. when
one finds their groove and niche
that works in life.. for me 53 years of
trials and tribulations on the Autism Spectrum
with bi-polar and up to 18 other life threatening
synergy of disorders including a real stint in hell
for 66 months with the worst assessed pain in
science known as type two trigeminal neuralgia
like a dentist drill without novocaine.. in my
case rendering sight and hearing ineffective
for anything for 33 months until each
word as a mountain of pain on
Thanksgiving day of 2010
starting one word
that is arriving
at 12 million
now 6 years in what
started as words to escape
pain that no drug would touch
to words of joy.. pain free at the
end of July 2013.. at age 53.. since
then i’ve written the longest long form
poem ever at over 3.3 million words.. but
sure.. i worked for the government for a quarter
of a century and am financially independent which
allows me to art free and dance too.. now 6K miles
everywhere i go in public too.. life can truly be limitless
once the material expectations of worldly success in
terms.. of dollar bills.. new age of likes.. follows..
shares.. the same.. in traps of perfectionist
thinking that sure as a straight
A student with three college
degrees.. i remember all
too well the
of not a blade
of grass out of place
too.. but now i revel at
imperfection and in the freedom
of that my form of essence is one
and same as elegant as planets orbit
suns my friEnd.. to be free one must find
a way first to be free of fear.. there are so
many ways to do that.. but now mind and body
balance in the first step of dance is what eventually
set me free in total emotional regulation.. sensory
integration.. as when the body becomes balanced
the mind naturally flows as two
hemispheres BaLaNCinG..
like a race-car
that is
finely tuned
for laser focus and
extreme short-term
working memory as cognitive
executive functioning super charged..
so sure.. when i see someone who has now been
in the anxiety of life.. that used to be so severe
that my Air Force Major Psychiatrist dealing with
combat fatigue veterans from the middle east said
he had never seen a worst case than mine.. ha.. i dance
in public now.. in front of hundreds of folks solo.. gone
from the days of fear.. to noted metro area dance
legend starting
that art
a grandpa
moses of dance
at age 53 then..
the poetry my friend
and 12 million words or so
now.. is just an excuse to rest
the Love of Dancing with real stars Feat..:)

SMiLes.. now..
my FriEnd.. then..
Emily self-published
all her poems in her
drawer.. lone..
now poetry allone..
is free and everywHeRe..
hmm.. i thiNk i’ll do it for free..
wish fulfilled always now.. online..
and sure.. i’LL save
30,000 printed
pages.. and
lots of trees..
that no
one would
buy.. anyWay..;)

i alWays love to say too..
life was/iS better before
the apple
of cultural
modern ways..
no luddite am i..
but stuff i never
need i’ll never
i’LL be
free from
consuming and
save the planet
more along the way..
a gift this life is.. Beauty
rings in aLL of NatuRe’s sKeYes
as Love in eYes that seem home in all of hEr.. ONE..:)

The wish
is granted..
on the first
green day
of life on earth..
the wish expanded
now with creature comforts
spilling over land filled mines..
The wish taken for granted.. the gift
is being raped more as creature comforts
spill over land filled mines of more.. the wish
can be taken back..
and grey
death with
only electrons
swirling star dust gain..
Life is the wish i love to keep..
the wish of before.. the gift of alWays now..:)

And now.. i say.. for the religions and political ideologies
that say raping the earth is okay for now.. and some who
say that now is curse
and death
is only
wake up
and smell life..
cherish it and never
look back to less than living now..
some folks will not listen.. but what i kNow/FeeL
for sure.. is folks in India.. more than anyone
else.. overALL it seems
as life
as living now..
Indians of all lands
are my kinda folks who love the Earth as
God as nature sAMe and one as self of Love..
they are
simply iSREaL folks
God’s flower children
as Nature GOD
sAMe wE Love
liGht liFe

sMiLes.. mY FriEnd..
in my life per science too..
i find that life spent in beta
worrying mind
is no
to power
the emotion of
belief.. moving
into alpha.. to theta
trance.. most anything
worthwhile as free art
comes achievable..
and material
and sure in that
way the battle is almost
A L W A Y S N O W more..
won for human happiness..
in MoVinG.. ConNecTing AnD
CreAtinG Free For aLL giving shaRinG now..:)

Hmm.. i’ve heard
that old English
proverb lots today..
about beggars/horsies..
and i must wonder iF it
came in the middle of the
bubonic plague or something..
as my
even science
shows the placebo
effect makes positive ThinKinG..
E M O T iONs oF Belief/hope/faith..
into action then consequence as reaLiTy..
and the opposite
voodoo nocebo
power can
make folks literally
sick from not wishing
better stuff come to be..
So let it be written.. perhaps even
more powerful.. as visual images become
not only set in mind but page.. of positive intent..
purpose and meaning.. chalice over flowing with
substance of belief as meaning.. or empty chalice
with nothing much inside but vacant ghost townS oLd..:)

WeLL.. a respite of beach
for me all the way through
school.. and early twenties..
until work and marriage
came and more
and more..
car loans..
and more dependence
as slave on more worries of
work.. until finally i escaped
back to that beach that was
no longer home until
my soUl recovered..
66 months later…
i am
now.. and
i ain’t going
anywHeRe but home now..
beach as i free sand.. sun
and fresh water flows in
veins now FReED..:)

Ah.. yes.. noW..
greaTest wish
alWays fulfilled..
prEsent oF now..
fully seen
and felt
Heaven now..
for me too.. alWays..
MoVinG.. CoNneCtinG
CreaTinG FReED.. most
everything else in culture is
only free muse for that to use
the devil you already kNow for pleaSure too..
iS Victory iN dArkESt liGht oF oTheRs.. sAdly STiLL..:)

What a world of heaven
could be when meaning
and purpose iS MoVinG
ConNecTinG CreaTinG
the only
cheap thrills
never include
a dollar bill.. wHere
social roles and Happiness
hOld hands as primitive folks
still do in the 20 most peaceful
small communities.. where give
and share is the only rule
of fearless love..
back dollar
bills have no devil life tHeRe..
i for one.. create my own life tHeRe..
and yes..
the evidence
all suggests as
documented as such..
it works.. it works.. juST liKe tHis..
with never work and only practice LiVinG arT..:)

Wishes have wings
of human
seNses.. STronG
and Free.. hUmans
practice these powers
as liGht over dArkness..
in all of life kind as couRAge..
don’t believe..
often fearful of the
dArk and cynical of the
liGht.. the essence kNows
and FeeLs no
liGht is liGht
dArk is Dark..
positive thoughts..
actions and consequences
and the reverse for the dARk
of liFe..
liGht hALL up SaME.. evernowmore.. LiGht..:)

Wishes Love Wisdom..
yes.. no..
rest as
and fortune..
NoW.. YeS..
Free begins
no.. yes..
Wisdom Love Wishes..:)
the first
poem to
make me
giggle.. yes..
now.. my only
day wish.. WiNks..
granted.. thanks..
it took about 15K..
or so words.. to find this place..;)

for every
wise genie..
wishes are heard..
equAlly.. dark and liGht For lEarn..:)

And that’s that
at 1:58 am.. 09082016..:)


So.. the En name test thingy..
assesses my percentage of
psychopath checklist traits at
50 percent and says i am in the normal
range.. and it’s true.. according to modern
pop psychology.. the only difference between
an X-Altruist or the archetype of super hero
and psychopath is the psychopath has no
pro-social empathy and compassion for
other living beings.. whereas the
X-Altruistic.. per archetype of
sure.. we’ll shorten that
to hero for now.. has
so much empathy and
compassion for others they
have problems separating that
from themselves.. and they end
up sometimes wearing themselves
down ’till they drain that love to the
very last giving drop.. with yes.. a potential
danger of changing from hero to villain too..
a common theme and meme in TV shows
and movies and books and other art too.. as
Human archetypes are real deals as seen in
mythology.. art.. and religions across the ages
and sAges too.. As Super Heroes iSREAL too..:)

“Give to the world
the best that you
have and the best
will come back to
Magnet art..
and Sunset
Beach.. along with
a photo of me and Katrina
as part of a Facebook Algorithm
Video Production Assistant seconds
short Wednesday After-noon pre-workout
video memory.. and the photo of Katrina and
i.. as Refrigerator Magnet art.. is taken.. me at
at age 37 and she at 27.. around 19 years
ago or so.. ago.. on the day of a 20th class
reunion for my high school.. and
nowhere near the confidence i
have now in mind and body
balance.. i had
quite a few drinks
to get up the social
courage to see my old
classmates.. some of who
were a little bit bully too..
and sure.. they said..
Fred.. you haven’t
changed and
i haven’t been
to another one
since then.. but sure..
i’ll go to the next one and
perhaps do a solo dance
at age 57 or 58 depending
on what month of May or later..
in ’18 they hold our 40th class
reunion.. amazing.. i thought before..
i would be feeling so old by now/then..
but no.. inside i feel younger and stronger
than ever before in my life as i have Yoga
Yogi Union with God of Nature alWays now..
and surely as far as i know and feel yet.. there
ain’t nothing near like that in life.. noW in terms
of anything else.. including all the FucKinG money
and material shit in the world.. that truly becomes
just shit when you at one in Yoga Union with God as
Modern Yogi or Yogiette man or woman can and will
be in the modern age.. come down from the Mountain..
out of the F iN Cave.. or off the Beach where the other
folks be and live..
so sure.. i gave my best then..
and got all the best back.. now
for free for free with GoD aLLonE..
and no.. my only son did not make it past
51 days.. but he will never be forgotten for
years to years to come.. as whose ever name
i put into my book of Ryan’s.. too.. will live ‘forever’
on servers in photos and words juST like this.. as
sure.. if ya wanna be remembered and teach some
good news to folks.. juST writE the longest long form
poem ever.. and someone will eventually count the words
one by one
as that is
what scribes
do.. who no longer
copy old sacred text..;)


Love sMiLES.. Macro-Verse Memory
from a year ago.. as the Facebook Algorithm
does its daily duty as super assistant for me too..
hmm.. 14,777 words.. seemed like a lot then as
most to that date in one blog post.. but 41K and 51K
would come after that in combo posts of Novel size..
and then a years worth of responding to every dVerse
prompt and link would make a 338,630 word Macro
Verse Novel named GodsUniVerseNovel 3 as
complements to 1 and 2 respectively
of 41 and 51K words as mentioned
above/below.. anyway.. this is
one of my
Macro-Verses too..
particularly.. a threesome
photo of Maggie.. Cortney and
Chelsea left to right.. as highlighted
and lauded as dance friends in last post too..
but i cannot honor them enough for making me
feel accepted in the Big Seville Quarter club first
in the Summer of 2014.. after doing that for just
3 months.. Chelsea the first regular dancing friend
and then Maggie.. and then Cortney.. i still
remember the first time i saw
her in the mall store
she worked and
they already
seen then..
and heard about
my public mall dance..
as Cortney exclaimed she
was so excited to see me there..
like i was somebody.. but i was
a dude who enjoyed dancing free..
and sure i have done ‘some stuff’ along
the way that is surely strange and far far
out of most any cultural box.. but they are
still dance friends to me in real life.. and every
time i see them.. they make me smile.. and OMG..
Maggie.. if she is Irish or something.. that girl can
dance so fast.. the last two times.. i had difficulty
making that first press of close to half a ton
in leg press way.. after dancing with
her on the previous night..
anyway.. so fun
it is to have
friends that
keep coming back
as love smiles as dance
as humans have always done
toGeTheR for non-verbal innocent
human love toGeThEr as one emotional
and sensory force of dance hall liGht.. hmm..
what else.. life is good.. life is good with SonG and DancE
and folks to move.. connect and create with free.. hmm.. the
meaning of life is to DancE and SinG toGetHEr with fun like this..:)


You kNow/FeeL if Jesus really said those words that folks would come and
do greater works then he.. sure.. Katy Perry has done it and many
others too.. in spreading unconditional love for all others too..
in fearless ways of billions of youtube inspirational views..
but i like to think.. if all people could come back
after being crucified in so many ways
after promoting gentile.. jew..
servant.. or free.. woman
or man.. disabled person..
or homosexual or what ever
difference that sets folks apart..
as fearless love gone away and
toGethER One.. that they could come
back in another life and just dance for fun..
and spread all the love they like for iSREAL
noW.. 2.. anyway.. i am here.. i am different
and i am juST doing iT no matter what..bottom
and top line
sAMe noW..
i AM FReED..:)


Human Nature.. so diVerse
and so unfair as to the lots
given in life and earned
as well..
glad i’ve
worn many shoes
dArk and liGht as it gives
me so much patience for the lot
of other folks.. and what i kNow/
FeeL for me.. is dreams come
true.. what
i FeeL/kNow
for me is beyond
nightmares can be
pARt of rEality too..
there is heaven here on
earth and beyond any imagination
worse of hell too.. and i was weak when
young and stronger than ever at 56.. with
more dances than ever in the dance halls of life..
Happily Married.. so sure.. even when i was dead
in life.. i couldn’t get mad at Nature for the gift of liFE..
in all the liGht and dArk that comes.. oh yeah.. and for Bi-polar
folks on the Autism Spectrum too.. and all those other functional
disabilities too.. but yes.. what i do know and feel.. no matter how
ye of little faith i had for a better day then.. it all changed like ice-cream
and steak all free every day.. but you see.. i didn’t forget the value of the
daRk niGht of the soUL either of challenge in life.. and that
is the secret of my happiness too..
to challenge myself in
dArk sTiLL as
weLL as liGht..
where i for one can
say.. on my death bed
kingdom come now iSREAL..
i lived.. i lived and what would i do iSREaL now
if ‘you’ lived like ‘you. were dying everyday now..
after you came back to life while living dead..
i think there is a song for that.. yes there is..
and everynow.. i fulfill the prophecy of that
SonG iN ReAL TiMe iSREaL NoW for sure…
bottom line..
change can
be the greATest
gift of aLL.. where a chalice
with no substance aT all
can overflow
liFe more..
what i thought was
literally impossible before..
is miracles every day now more..
but sure.. a friendly turn of a card has become
my life too.. flowing in a current of liGht one way.. home..
anyWay.. friEnd.. gigoid.. i hope home more.. becomes a light for you too..:)


WeLL.. noW.. mY forever
friend.. Lala Rukh.. liGht Love..
is in the MoVinG.. CoNnecTinG
and CreaTinG of LiFe and you speak
to all these qualities of life in the reminisce
you provide here from your youthful days of family..
and surely the warm and fuzzy feeling
of family is what we want
to retain from birth
to death
ah.. extended
villages of the human
history.. where all raised
the child as prize over ownership
of human slavery.. oh.. the days of
human nomads.. where once the village
traveled to escape the negative environmental
elements that would take the village away from
subsistence and survival.. now.. the days of nuclear
families even less than two to one.. living
in apartments of AC with
porches never
and couches
that have become
places where electronic
screens sing beyond
the lost voices
of humans
to each other
in SonG of Voice
and DancE of non-verbal
communication as even a flesh
and blood smile IS A hUman Dance..
mY friEnd.. so we reach out on these electronic
devices in prayer.. hopes.. wishes.. dreams.. and reminiscing
to days of old.. we wish to reclaim as liGht and Love once again
for the warm and fuzzy touch of the human village dancing
’round campfires of moon-lit nights.. hand-in-hand.. with
each oTheR and aLL that iS as anature beyond
as God all.. deep deep.. inside.. outside..
above.. so below and all around..
sMiLes mY FriEnd.. online..
visual images..
and words that
make the warm and fuzzy
human connection in all the
pro-social emotions that spRing
forth from art of hUman iMagiNation
and creatiVity is all liGht and Love that
refuses to yield to entropy as liGht moveS on…
timeless.. ageless.. no matter worn of flesh against
environmental elements.. the soul can grow unlimited
younger my friend no matter how old it is.. as bathed in liGhT
of the greaTesT gifts of hUman Love.. so sure.. liGht goes and
comes back.. and it makes me so happy.. to see you come back
again in jUST the span of a few days to spread some more force
as Love..
Happy liGht
my fRieNd Love
travels far.. far far.. to another
galaxy of hUman heARt.. spiRit
and SoUL groWing Ocean whOle with GoD onE..
Oh.. yeah..
and i hope
you enjoy
the liGht Force
SonG by J. Lo..
with Love..
and F as an..
alpha numerical
number 6 of golden
spiraling sixes forevermorenow..:)


sMiLes.. my FriEnd.. Rytha Ephua..
from South Africa.. if my memory
serves me correct.. or perhaps
it is another pArt of
Africa or perhaps
i am totAlly
and you
live in the U.S.
but never the less
you are a global citizen
of the world of one Race
of human beings.. and i am
wondering here why i did not
at the poetry prompt on wishes..
@dVerse.. see this beautiful poem..
aS ‘Hallucination’ that we all will never
be unhappy again.. and yes.. my friEnd..
this is my wish and dream for all too.. and
i could not have written the words any better
than you.. so i will link this poem to my Newest
Macro-Verse number 701.. that i am naming
as part of the longest long form poem
ever still surpassing 3.3 million
words as ocean whole
for this
particular one at number 701..
as ‘GodsUniVerse 42 HiTcHiKinG’..
and at the very bottom.. i am going
to liNk your poem here.. as the meaning
of life.. For my friEnd.. The Meaning of liFe..
is truly the empathy and compassion that says
humans can have.. fearlessly and unconditionally
as Love for their fellow human beings.. it is in the
contact of Love that makes life worth living in flesh
and blood holds of hands… and words and visual images
online that attempt to approximate the beauty of all human
Love toGetHer..
i Love you FriEnd..
i don’t have to know you
well at all to Love you.. all
i have to kNow and FeeL is your
humanity.. the same DNA that i share
as gifted by God as all that is.. that we all
share at core.. of loving hands that say..
no separation.. from all that is..
we are all friends
and we all can
wish others
the best of
happiness as liGht and Love now..
so.. Spring forth a new light each now
my friEnd.. and may the liGht of yoUr Love
never dim any less than brilliant as A sMiLe
now from GOD’s Lamp gRoWinG briGhter as wE..:)



Ask God and
your wishes shAll
be granted.. but first
eliminate all illusory
AsK God
as liGht
for Love
as the only
wish and Love
WiLL Live as you..
and when any two human
beings connect as friEnds..
another Multi-Universe of God
is born.. no different reAlly than
when each human becomes
incarnate living
as paRt
of God wHOle2..
Clarity is in the Loving
all whole as LiFE.. Tragedy
iS in the separation from God whOle..
the first step iS in letting go of fear.. and
hOlding each oThers hands as Love.. and
perHaps a Happy Dance then.. free style as
God Flows in GolDen SpiRal Sixes as surely
the Golden mean found in essence of
Pyramids is what lives longer
than just a pharaoh here
or there.. who
wanted to
tHeiR KA spiRit
for ages to come..
no longer must we be
slaves to construct the KA..
as the actor.. from Producers
and Directors of other
a new age
has arisen..
where we are
the actors.. the producers
and co-creators WiTh God
to Direct our plays toGeTheR
like never beFore in this Greater
liGht wHere our culture and technology
brings the liGht of Nature hOlding hands
globAlly as Love groWs oN as floWers
iN all new ways as extension of
God’s hands
as greAtest
gift of hUman
Fearless Love..
so sure.. the meaning
of liFe can be also be found
noW in a Chinese Restaurant..
on a bathroom stall.. named
as King Buffet.. and sure..
A Buffet of Love that
to die..
can be
found as pyramid
of 42 now.. ALIVE

And with that said.. this
draws to a close.. for now..
this number 701 Macro-Verse…
Now.. it’s Sacred R and R Holy
Thursday for me.. with some
other responsibilities to come..
but soon.. a Holy and Sacred Dance
with all the cool college age folks at
Good Old Seville Quarter for the 126th
week of doing that tonight.. Thursday night..
i spread liGht in all the ways i can.. simply ’cause i Love..
i Love fearlessly as liGht inside continues to shine brighter
as days go on and gRow as Love.. and sure.. you can too..
not easy in this modern age of so many worries of day
to day living.. but the wick is inside.. just
waiting for a spark
to liGht
Like a Hurricane FLamE..
of Love with cAlm center peAce..
more fun dance photos coming
on 09092016 around 3 am..:)


“Nifty,” he said. “Does it divide, or, multiply?”….

“Nifty,” he said. “Does it divide, or, multiply?”

“Nifty,” he said. “Does it divide, or, multiply?”
SMiLes.. interestingly per metaphor
of occult and Aleister Crowley’s
Book of the
Law that
is a puzzle to
be solved for truth
and light too.. about
a certain number.. let’s
just say.. ah.. the mysteries
of symbols untold aS KeYes
to the mysteries and secrets of
liFE but alWays an invitation to find
the trUths and liGhts alWays gifted
within.. in our DNA evolved as such
as all existence goeS oN for now..
hmm.. and when one is taling
stories this day one must
be ‘sexy’ in terms
of pushing
of cultural
norms to get
focus and attention
these days.. ha.. even
to write 12 million words per
se in close to 6 years now..
as one might divide and
multiply that
too.. like
6 K dance
miles in three
years that
comes out
to be
166.66 miles
per month.. oh my
God.. liGhTeNinG and thunder
comes and be’s that must mean
i AM iLLumiNatI.. hehe.. WeLL trUth
be told the iSREAL illuminati don’t work
for the green bLacK dollar bills nor for fame
or other illusory culture made substitutes for
the village that raises the child in giving sharing
ways.. with never owner ship of other human beings
in slavery ways of repressing and oppressing emoTioNs..
SenSuaLiTy and SexuAliTy Free.. well.. then as you kNow
came the storing of the grains.. populations wHeRe humans
are not evolved to connect to more STiLL than 150 to 200 sets or
so of friendly naked hips and eYes of unconditional Fearless love..
so.. Houston we have a problem even if we landed on the moon in
a tin can in ’69.. invaded countries to kill over 100K innocent folks
and now rebuild and fight new wars on blood of soil we initiate
for greed of storing Grain.. but haha.. not just the U.S.. any land.. out
of balance with our God of Nature given Human Nature balance..
so what to do.. tHeir will always be two wolves to feed
of pro-social vs con-social emotions as this
is the wolf of human too.. domesticated
or not.. wild to survive of reptilian
serpent brain is alive
waiting to
as no holds barred
when Nature as human
Nature moves out of BaLAnCinG
way of mInd and BoDy soUL holding
hands TogeThER or in blood shed to expand
territory and reproductive resources for survival..
even if that means the snake of war and rape to
go on.. it’s dirty business.. the dArk wolf pArt
of life.. but never the less dArk
and liGht are iSREAL aLL
as TrUth and liGht noW
too.. no need to
veil the ignorance
of the real Zombie
Apocalypse aS in IsREAL
original Greek terms to lift
the veil of ignorance from words
that no longer groW and evolve.. to
greater liGhts of empathy and compassion
in MoVinG.. ConNecTinG.. CreAtinG ways
of Fearless Love groWinG noW forevermore now..
Stronger as flAMe of LaMps shine bRighter than ever
before.. and sure.. i am currently enListinG global wide
assistance to determine the grand 42 meaning of
all that is existence.. and the SonG above seemed
even more appropriate in my Cherokee ancestors
legend of a Grandfather Chief’s Legend of two wolves
that once again.. is as real as the domesticated wolf of human..
but sure.. i must
add in my more
than two cents of senses
and emotions and sensuality
and other stuff at the end of
core inspiration to move
on to even greater
liGhts of Love..
and the next
quote inspires
the neXt part of
the continuing close
of 701st Macro Verse
of Ocean Whole poem..
as you’ve probably heard
oh.. my God.. over and over again..
is surpassing 3.3 million words.. GroWinG
more to 4 MilLion and more as nows go on..
but each micro-verse of that stands alone as
spread online in other avenues.. besides blogs..
so each micro-verse of total verse must provide
close to the whole to tale a story of wHole now..
wherever the mesSAge continues to grow..
mY Friend.. as inspired by lovely
people like you aLL
the world..
as hey.. i got
back uP of what i do
everyWheRe i go.. as
tHere is no Raid large enough
to get rid of the roach of i.. as sure..
they tend to last over Aeons as they say..
of more more more.. survival now.. alive..
as existence somehow more always now..
So to the
and more..

“The true meaning of life is to plant trees,
under whose shade you do not expect to sit.”

~~ Nelson Henderson ~~

And yeah.. you’ve heard versions of what’s to come..
but like the verses left from all the revisions.. scribe
mistakes on purpose and added in even
still two wolf version of the dude
named Jesus.. where
the bad Jesus cop will
make ya hate
ya mommy..
daddy.. children
and brothers and sisters
if they veer away from the
teacher’s thoughts.. to
forcing pigs off of
cliff’s with
of demons
inside.. To FucK
with Peace.. i come
with a sword and the
Good Wolf Jesus that says
love each other same as self
consuming each other no more
than food and drink.. love your
enemy ..and those who live by the
sword die by the sword.. voila.. the
two wolf story of the Cherokee Chief
come to fruition in New Testament dARk
and liGht.. clear as day.. but of course we
as huMan beings aspire the greATest light
all naturally and instinctually in our DNA if At
all possible to feed the Good Wolf inside alWays
and the fact that people can overlook the bad wolf
Jesus.. some people at least.. is evidence of the
greater liGht of HUman Good Wolf.. heARt..
SpiRit and SoUL as evidence
in pulpits
that only
Sing Hope
and Love from
the Good Wolf Jesus..
praise that white sHe wolf
of peace and harmony for all
to Kingdom come in the heaven
of now WhOle never ever separated
from eAch other with DanCinG.. SinGinG
Fearless Love.. oh my GOD.. i will now break
out in joYous DancE and SonG.. as soon as i
E-Scape this Keyboard and screen priSon as
Messenger of God StiLL visiting hell off and
on.. hehe.. but Love as Fearless is alWays
heaven now.. sure.. i can ignore the
bad wolf.. even in me..
as liGht
as Love
as Fearless now..
and continue on Feeding..
Feeding more Love as i go as Love..
now.. hmm.. this is getting long but
a 42 month witness of God of Nature
is kinda big.. considering how large
and diverse the world is in
and differences
of liGht and DArk
perceptions both
as TrUth and liGht
varies with mileAge
and wear and tear too..
yeah.. abundant environments
for resources as compared to barren
ones as far as naked and free goes..
compared to clothed in hell
of repression.. oppression
of human FeeLinGs
seNSEs.. and
oh.. the bloody hell of that
dARk realiTy iSReaL of the
God of Nature paRt of HUman..
not so kind too.. hmm.. only if
we can hOld hands toGEther
with our Good Wolf parTS
and give and share more
in abundance as metaphor
of course.. dancing naked holding
hands as fearless love around a
fire of midnight love that needs no
moonlight to liGht us up as Good Wolf wHole..
holy and sacred as greATest Gift of fearless Love
can live as WE Good Wolves wHOle.. hmm.. gotta
appt.. coming in P’Cola.. in 65 minutes must get moving
faster now to the next quote to say.. coming now.. NoW..

“The true meaning of life is to plant trees,
under whose shade you do not expect to sit.”

~~ Nelson Henderson ~~

oH.. cRap.. i ain’t got time to tale the story
better so i’ll have to quote my own
self from before of what
i said before here
just for
and giggles..
before i hit the
FriGGinG iNterstate
to the ‘hell’ out there..

“Stars are born to output and share liGht..
at least for as long
as they live..
and as dim as i once
was.. almost bLack
of liGht..
the saving
grace then was
to water a plant
to make
grow made
my life still
a star
matter how
dArk the candle
i felt iN bLack
then.. and
oh.. the saviors of the world..
and a story i love to tale a little
different as parables do.. when free
and not imprisoned by books.. pages..
paragraphs.. lines or words of print
of yesternows.. bound
by past authority
that no
longer should
exist.. for free..
so.. anyway.. sorry iF
you already heard it but
it will be different anyway..
hehe.. as free WiLL be
when unleashed
and released
as being
starliGht oF eYes
within.. a dusty road..
a little boy with no words..
disabled from birth without
the ability to speak.. but a lover
of growth.. in shape of trees..
a sapling brought home
by loving mother
then.. placed
on a counter
by a lamp that shines..
the boys sees green and
wants to see more.. so he
nurtures this PLANeT
the ability
to speak..
water he does..
fertilizing Love..
Sunshine hope
iN eYes of Loving
Kind.. fertile ground
outside.. dig a hole
to comfort roots..
spend time
and effort
caring Love
and the Tree rises
broad and sTrong..
and soon provides shade
for the front porch home..
Sidewalks come.. but tree
sTill bRanches out.. Flowers
come more beautiful than before..
Students from the local school who
study trees are amazed by the beauty
of this tree.. photos are taken.. shared..
and the boys eYes shine to see what his
Love inspires.. tree no longer needs boy
to grow strong now.. and the little
boy becomes ill and his life
goes dark..
Years later..
a shy young man iS
walking this sidewalk
of the boy’s home.. and
a most beautiful dark haired
girl approaches him.. with smiling
face.. the boys eyes liGht up but what
to say.. ah.. the center piece of conversation
iS standing tAll and floweRinG more beautiful
iT seems than ever before on this March Spring
day.. a spark of instant Love is in the air..
and that begins a Love that
will last ’till death..
the shy boy becomes
confident with the Love of
his wife.. joins the Military..
and even rises to the ranks
of politics then.. Love grows
and fearless Lives..
the boy is
now a
Strong man..
and makes a decision
as a leader of the world
that prevents World War III…
Life on the PlanT now iS saved..
So who is the savior.. the boy..
the man.. the girl.. the Loving
wife.. the parents.. the schools
providing education.. the tree
or the little disabled boy
and all the
from around the
world.. well the truth
iS aLL they are.. as theRe
is no i.. me but us and we
oF Life..
Moral of the
story.. water a tree
Of Life and see wHere
iN ocean
eYes free..:)”

Google.. is such an excellent
mesSage assistant.. less than
a second with keyword
of sapling
and the message
comes back again..
Namaste.. gigoid..:)


Of Naked
oF light
To shed the
Clothes of
Manmade culture..
Be one with God
Of all that is Nature
Allone Beauty Now..:)


SMiLes.. my friEnd.. Rytha..
YoUr Kind and Loving
Words inSpiRe me…
Sadly.. To me at
Least.. Some
Folks see liFe..
Mostly as
Numbers.. Others
Do Life Free Verse
For Love.. like
You and i..
And sure..
Those who
Rule over art..
Bring order
To potential
Anarchy and
My Spirit that
Will not be censored
Was Deleted and Banned
From linking at dVerse.. Too..
But.. i am A.. iSREAL Love flu that
Will not be cured by
The prison of
Ha! In
The online world..
THeRe is now always
Alternatives of ways
Away.. that chain
A Free Art of
Love.. i’D rather
Be allone with
Fearless Love than
To be
By rules..
Sure.. Love
Is the only
Law of A
i as I..
Like the
Of winds..
Calm Center
FLamE as a
HurriCanE noW..
My Lovely.. Kind FriEnd..:)







BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels


41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)


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Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 19 Comments

Macro-Verse 700 Love Labor





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i wore my new psychedilic swirling colored shirt..
with the word trippin.. spelled.. just like that
and with an S.. i told Katrina.. i would
either be Superman or Strippin.. hehe..
anyway.. duo of trio of Charlie’s Angels..
up for the dance of tonight..
with Maggie and Chelsea..
left to right.. and another
dude who wanted to be
in the photo with us..
like he knew us forever..
and sure.. friendly people
frequent dance halls.. as
that is what friendly people do..
they DancE and SinG.. as alWays
liveNed uP folks do.. we got spiRit..
we do..
how ’bout yoU..
When i was in high school..
i truly had spiRit for the teAM..
a powerful voice but one that had
not gRoWn poetic yet.. and no.. i had
no moves of Grace to get the JOB dONe
then.. but it’s safe to say.. that sure.. i AM
now.. whether you
can hear and or see me or not..:)


Starting off this 700th Macro Verse of longest long form poem
ever Ocean Whole Poem as SonG oF mY soUL.. with
a Facebook Algorithm provided Macro-Verse memory
From 3 years ago.. named KroarK.. sTiLL
bRinGinG mySelF out of the ashes oF
a Dark Night of the Soul that lasted
66 months total.. and sure.. a
little rough around the edges
as anyone might be
after living in a
literal Earth Hell
for that long..
shut-in mostly
in a four-walled Bedroom
and even smaller in a computer
screen with mostly text.. a few inches
away without prescription lenses.. with
screen turned all the way down.. as any
focus or light made the dentist drill like pain
in my right eye that much more intolerable
than it already was with those environmental
measures taken to feel the pain in another
Ring of a Real Dante’s Hell then in
those dead zone days and
months.. yes.. all 66
that were all seconds
where can i make another
second became i will make
another second.. and now there
is no feeling of time at all.. as truly
all there ever is is now.. once one
escapes the illusions of culture and
the pain that can come from the social
stresses of doing what is expected
and fitting the mold.. the cog
in the machine of culture
one is dutifully assigned
to.. mostly from birth
to death..
in a meal of
culture served up
on a full plate from
birth as well.. as soon
as one is birthed under
bright and florescent
lights of away from
sun-lit existence..
anyway.. the documentation
finally of more than words.. photos..
the beauty of Nature returns for me..
without words.. and i share them.. just
’cause i can and will then same as now..
and yes.. this journey GroWinG steadily
larger then for Ocean Whole Poem in
Macro-Verse way requires a few expenditures
to get a message across.. including the Dance
of 6,000 miles all public that will ensue as of this
month too.. a purchase of Nike Shox shoes.. the
first of 12 pair.. for around a RE-tire change of shoes
every three months.. as every three months averages
500 miles across the terrain of all public across the way..
so sure.. over twelve hundred dollars in shoes.. over 500
tattooed shirts that change another message of
metaphorical meaning everyday.. for around
hmm.. four thousand dollars or so.. yeah i
write it out.. ’cause that dollar symbol
is kinda evil to me.. hehe.. yeah.. look
whose counting.. All Apple equipment..
’cause Micro-Soft ain’t gonna be
reliable enough to keep me
in a constant flow of art..
every mechanical cognition
duty including crappy update
waits.. crappy blue screen deaths
and bloated software just to get to
where i need to go.. will not be enough
to get an over 3 Million word Ocean Whole
Poem done in 3 years.. and adding.. 60 to
70,000 photos.. along the way and another
30,000 or so in the FlickR liNk aS WeLL..
so sure.. along the way of iMac big screen
at 27 inches.. a couple of Tablets.. a Notebook
and iPod.. and a couple to three iPhones too..
along the way.. if ya count the iPhone 5s that
replaced the iPhone5.. as it flew out of my
hand dancing and broke on the hard
floor in screen way then.. yeah..
about four thousand dollars there..
and if all the labor.. i put in over a
total of close to 6 years doing this
now arriving at the 70th month
specifically.. sure.. approaching
close to Two Hundred Thousand
Dollars of total effort in stuff
and even minimum
wage labor
rates all put in
for a Labor of Love iN
Fearless ways that cannot
be measured truly in terms of
Dollar Bills as there is a very empty
God WHO lives in Dollar Bills.. as an
external.. illusory source of happiness still..
all in day of a life of me.. a now that goeS oN
in Free Verse way.. giving is the joy.. oF liGht
liFE noW.. taking is a despair and dARkness
now too.. so sure.. i focus on giving.. as that
is the iSREAL way to Heaven constantly NOW..
a gift of grace is to give.. the greaTeSt GiFt oF aLL..
and to suggest that humans would not give if they
had their basic subsistence needs met and sure they
were healthy and happy in a BaLanCinG acT oF
hUman BEinG.. noW.. is perHaps never to have
kNowN what hUman BeinG iS eVen isREal
at core now bEinG.. a creature of God
who at the hiGheST liGht iS a MoVinG..
ConNecTinG and CreaTinG ChiLd
of God.. uSinG iMAginAtiOn.. to
make briGht liGht dreAMs
come to fruiTioN.. noW..
in heARt.. SpiRiT eXpreSsinG
thAT heARt iN miNd and
BoDy BaLanCinG way..
as A soUl thAT iS WhOle..
and MiCrocosm of GOD
as MiCro miNi-mAcro
mE.. yeah baby..
as Austin
or the
12 MilLioN
WoRd man miGht.. wiLL
say.. DO.. thiS sHiT iSReAL..
and it’s going down NoW iSREAL..
and how deliciously synchronous
on Labor Day Weekend that this
is the Weekend.. the earliest pARts
of a 42 moNth witness for the Meaning
oF LiFE would be Celebrated noW oNE..
yeah.. and this was the weekend of three
years ago that i purchased the first of
three Nike GPS Sports Watches that
would stARt to soon meaSure
what is arriving at 6,000 miles
of Public Dance this month..
yep.. just another Five Hundred
Dollars here and there.. to make
iT iSREAL thaT much more as
hey.. there are so many folks
who need evidence
to see that
Miracles liGhT..
sure.. ye of little FaiTh
and more than that ye of
little juST doinG iT and
getting A F iN Epic Labor of Love doNe..
as i roar on.. as any lIoN of God WiLL KroarK do Now2..:)


And as promised yesterday.. Matchbox Catches
Fire from a year ago… Facebook Macro-Verse
memory too.. and that reminds me too..
sTiLL haven’t posted the full text
version on Facebook..
on my personal
page and Nature
and Blog pages yet
too.. of the Macro-Verse
before the last Macro-Verse..
as sure.. if you are gonna do something
this big.. friends.. you not only liGht the
Match Box for an incredible Fire.. you
back it uP in many ways.. in case
anyone ever has the balls
to say it did not
go down
nah.. put all your
eggs in one basket
and you feel the archetype
of that realiTy all too well too..
diVERSiFy is my Fucking middle
name along with Arthur of just another
fun pun name for what i FucKinG EpiC AM i..
that means
strong or could
mean in metaphor
way author and art too
as Synchronicity helped
to build this city with Rock and
so what theme song
shall i use.. Katy Perry’s
Roar SonG or we built
this city as a Jefferson
Airplane or Starship WiLL
do.. hmm.. i’M FeeLinG liKe
wE built this city as after all tHeRe
IS A alWayS an ePiC City in aLL Synchronicity2..;)

Matchbox Catches Fire


Well.. my friEnd.. you kNow what they say about
all the Lost sheep and all of that.. you have served
as somewhat of a great dArk muse for me.. noW..
so as a free lance and i do mean FREE EMPLOYEE
oF God.. in other words.. i don’t spRead fear and hate
for you tube pennies.. if you really wanna look for the
iSREAL Illuminati.. you might look in places where thieves
in the night would come..
hmmm.. i really do use
you for a poetic muse
for the technically longest
witness for God in 42 months
of doing that in over 3.3 Million
words now.. that just so happens to
be the longest long form poem in human
history.. around twice as large as the previous
effort of 1.8 million words that took centuries
in Sanskrit writings of India and a multi-tide
of free verse poets then.. anyWay.. i really
didn’t think you would ever read anything
i wrote here.. but it seems like you
are working that alpha male
thingy.. better now with
a new hair cut..
and a view with
the camera lenses
that makes you look more
like the alpha male than the omega
male.. and sure.. if you wanna really
get so-called real men to listen to you..
and not those boys that live in their Mom’s
Basement.. and sure my mom didn’t have a basement
but i didn’t buy my first home until age 33.. so sure i can
relate to that as many young men who haven’t escaped
the parents apron strings yet.. these days.. as social
roles have become hard to find as you well do know..
judging from the praise you give for buying
your first car after the age of 30 as well..
well.. the other news is YouTube has
caught on to the ruse of
fear and hate based
videos that folks
come to
first when
a SonG by Kanye.. etc..
about the more extreme
sensual freedoms of expression
is not available in Vevo way yet..
sure.. everyone looking for ‘fade’ and
and some may end up here.. to listen to
your fear.. hate.. and general discontent..
coming from a book that even pastors who
have been to actual Divinity schools firmly know
that three to four hundred thousand scribe copied
minor to major mistakes iS in that so-called good book
today.. and nah.. just perhaps two letters by Paul to
the Ephesians are actually by a real author in the
New Testament too.. and some of the other ones
being forgeries of course too.. ya know the
Roman Catholic Church controlled that
stuff for years too.. do you really
trust the kind folks that
run that church..
hmm.. well.. my friEnd..
i for one wasn’t born yesterday..
i for one live now.. and i for one am
a turn of a friendly card carrying ISREAL
we are easy to spot.. we do love fearlessly and unconditionally
always now.. sure we use satire.. and other literary and eTc.. artistic
devices to get the deeper meanings of God aCross to those who
have been led astray by the psychopathic leaning individuals who
only want power and status in life.. and stuff like the next best
car.. and bigger 10 Million dollar Osteen homes that take
the trUth and liGht and use it for the almighty
God that can be the dollar bill.. the car
as lover.. and the god as home
the same.. God is bigger
my friEnd.. much bigger and
there is no human who can
Judge the God oF ALL eYes
for anyone greater than
the lesser of
a gRain
of Sand
that is God too..
so sure.. just another
poetic muse.. but you seem
a little lost still trying still to be
a trUe and liGht iLLuminati member
of the God allthatis teAM now.. so sure..
i have the pity of Archangel Human Archetype
of Uriel.. the Healing of Rafael.. and am protector Mike
of the TrUth and liGht with DancE and WorDS instead
of violence and swords now.. mY Friend.. and there is
another Archangel that is Gabriel as Messenger of HUman
Archetype too.. but no my friend.. i AM not just a messenger
i am
if you can read between
the trUth and liGht of that
wiTh seeing and hearing eYes
my friEnd.. anyWay this is like
the 6th Invitation i’ve provided you
as way out of all this dArk.. fear.. hate
and discontent you continue to spread here
piggy backing on Pop Artist Songs when they
first come out and are not found in Vevo way yet..
with all these truly paranoid things you are seeing as
dArk that surely are as liGht as a naked woman’s hips
and breasts seen as the bread and water of hUman liFE
mY friEnd
other than
what the evil your
fear and hate sees..
Some folks see Hope and Love
my friend.. others see.. fear and hate..
trUly theRe IS A better way.. and when
YouTube takes away the money part of
what you are doing here.. as another one
of your commenters just said they are
doing now.. perhaps there will not be
as much temptation from the real
Satan in Hell and evil now my
friend.. and that is fear now
and hate propagated
for the green
bill of
hell as well..
connect to God
allthatis or connect
to stuff.. your choice
as alWays mY friEnd now
and more about that here..
all for free.. AS God provides
his Ravens always a bite to eat
and drink for free.. have a great
day.. please.. if You WiLL iN trUth and liGht noW…

Cyberian Tiger River Leaves

Sure a little gift.. just for you.. anD anyone else jUSt for the Free of Doing liFE noW..
Love.. mY FriEnd..
sure.. i’LL be back later..
heHe.. i alWays come back
and haven’t broke that promise yet..;)

Oh by the way.. when a Lamp appears
in left Justification.. way.. in what i write
alWays heRe and tHeRE.. iT’s probably A
sign that it is meant juSt for
you and everyone
else too
trUst mE
Horatio.. you
ain’t seen nothing
yet of God until you
escape your little bLack book..
noW tHeRe is some liGht2 in thAT
BLack book.. as that is the way
YiN and YanG and KarmA
iN thE
and Hues
of GoD.. MyFRiEnD..;)

Oh yeah.. PS2..
WATCH for thE
Trees of LIFe iN
Left Justification
way too.. and you
can juSt call mE..
God’s Left Hand man2..;)


The state of human being..
IS A State with no boundaries
of what can be Universe of FeeLinG
liT ways noW.. or the darkest space gONe
that Now
never ends2..
the best thing oF aLL
iS aLL of UniVerse eventuAlly
changes.. from gRain of sand to
largest Galaxy sAme.. to insame now
oF uS in DArk too.. mY friEnd named Zee..
and tHeRe are addictions.. neither substance
or behavioral that will replace the human heARt..
FeeLinGs SeNses aLL of what moves uS to greater
liGht.. and all the rest that is dArker than liGht to come..
liGht to come
liGht to come..
sure.. i pray
for you for liGht
to stay.. but trUly
oNly thAT stays IS A
liGht from Within.. and
that mY friEnd IS A liGht
that no outside Force WiLL GiVe
but the Force oF aLL within.. creates.. given
enough looking and finding and practicing iSREAL..:)

And.. yeah.. i remember when every water drop was dArkest
hell of depression.. so cold inside.. and now all there is.. IS A
Sparkling Rainbow oF liGht with or without colors now @ALL..
Within.. mY FriEnd.. the greAteST changes.. are alWAys wiThiN..:)


WeLL.. Hello the featheredsleep..
ain’t life grand and deep and shallow
and narrow with waves that ravage now
and streams that soothe.. Ain’t iT an Ocean
with horizons wide and sparRow that comes
with little yield and field to change when
something obstructs an
Ocean View
of turbulence
unsettling view oF
LiFe so BrighT
and Lovely
liGht for more..
even iN dArkness wHole..

YoU knoW aNd feeL iT’s magic..
the synchronicities oF liFe when
one lets go .. oF aLL the shame and
all the regret.. and all of everything and
everything else is lefT and RiGht oF liGht..
and the next thing ya.. no.. ya got a Lamp now
in left hand justification view way.. perhaps now
it’s like the practice of taling yourself that getting
uP.. aT 6 AM is the way to be.. and every morning at
1 second ’till Six.. yoUr eYes are opening wide alive.. or
that special occasion when you notice a glow on your face
that truly actuAlly you made by believing a special occasion is
today.. weLL mY FriEnd.. as cynical of anything but fActs of liFE
i was beFore.. but sure.. facing a death in life as death as life.. made
me go for broke
i don’t give a FucK what
anyone else thInks of me
anymore.. often accused of
being more woman than man..
i blocked something creative inside..
and surely when i said what the FucK and
posted a Frigging Facebook profile photo of
me in my grandpa grey man panties per se.. truly
something inside said juSt do that then.. and since
then.. i’Ve been FReED to do everything.. sometimes
my friEnd.. you do juSt have to be the Fool.. in the number
Zero Trump.. card.. at the edge of a cliff with a little yellow
tiger nipping at your calves.. and that reminds me.. as i hadn’t
brushed my hair this morning.. had two different sandals on..
and had them on in reverse.. had just eaten taco salad and
hadn’t even brushed the teeth yet.. took me a while to get
to the door.. but an elegantly dressed insurance lady was
there who was our insurance lady.. associated with
investments and not really selling us anything..
i came outside in my Big Lebowski.. Jeff
Bridges costume of wrinkled shorts/
undershirt.. in vagabond.. james
way.. as at ease as any
Yogi.. come
down from uP
the mountain now
free.. and said.. sorry..
my wife and i are nudists
and it takes us awhile to get
to the door.. and said nah.. just
kidding.. (in a way i waS and hmm..
in a way i wasn’t.. hehe2 then.. haha..
too).. and i said.. floating.. on the grass
as dancing 6000 miles in 3 years will allow
one to do.. sorry.. for my appearance.. i am
still kinda drunk with dance from last night’s
125th week escapade of doing that with a bunch
of folks 35 plus years my Junior.. truth be told too..
i was as sober as they come in a trip of fearless trust
in all of what is is.. and that my friend is what i kNow as
the Love that never goes away or can be bOught or sOld..
and from where i come..
if i can do this.. i
cannot see
why others
can’t potentially
do this too.. A tree
with roots that says i just
don’t give a FucK what anyone
else thinks or feels about me anymore
now.. and since then.. i feel more like a
man.. and more folks in the flesh world
show me respect and love than ever
before and sure.. i write about it too..
just to give the Dancing Feet a Rest..
in short.. life is too short not to dance
it naked without fear.. and life is way
too long to watch it go by.. without saying FucK iT..
what else is there to lose but life free in tRust NoW2..
and sure.. easier said and done by a middle-aged law
enforcement looking dude with $700 dollar sun
glasses than the reality.. tHeRe are predators
who prey on the freedom of others..
perceived as weaker in many ways..
but perHaps tHeRe is some
mix that will
i sure hope so..
bottom line aLL..:)

Facebook FriEnd.. Candice..
also kNown as noted
and Albinophoenix
in blog way..
the Candice
name in published
books way..

asks in regard
to the photo of the
blonde haired gentleman
that i shared on Facebook too..

Sir Gerwain?

And i go on to
explain who the photo is of..

The Fool From Aleister Crowley’s
Thoth Tarot Cards..
my favorite.. as
the cat kinda
looks like
Yellow Boy..;)

And then i say..

Wiki’ed Gawain..
hadn’t heard of him
before.. but he actually
would be sort of an
opposite archetype..
as he followed
the rules
instead of
the heARt of Spirit..:)

And then i add.. confusingly.. as such..

Oh Lord.. i spelled it different..
i couldn’t find a a photo of that
character from a Video game
named Thunderblade..
if that was what
you are referring
too.. anyway..
love myths
and fantasy
stuff.. really
expanded my creativity
by not just sticking to the fActs..;)



Nice to see you back friEnd
gigoid.. and true.. Pain
but as long
as one adapts
life goeS oN.. in some
semblance of essence of all that is..
hmm.. i aM lagging a little behind here
myself.. and perhaps i’ll take a 42 month
break after writing 3.3 million words or so..
as pain killed
all bEfoRE and
sure pain and functional
disability can come in any
pARt of liFe so hUman poTenTial
Squandered is life squandered
away in
aT lEAst
the way
i Look at liFe
as a grey poupon
liver of greaTest pain
and pleasure too.. on the
sunny side of that egg of being
for now.. what else.. yes.. your
pearls of wisdoms to choose
from of course..
liked the
beginning one..

“It is not worth an intelligent man’s time to be in the majority.
By definition, there are already enough people to do that.”

~~ G. H. Hardy ~~

as being born intelligent
by that very word as definition..
means the mix besides thaT iF iT iS
the majority as those who will naturAlly now
fit in togeTher with most all stuff of life over the
life span.. of course.. most humans are comfortable
with homogenous.. even in earlier Scandinavian way
where a child can be left on a side walk by their selves
in a Stroller.. and nefarious actions are almost unheard
of.. as sure.. naturAlly in this way the village raises the
child in
trust and
comfort too..:)

What else..

“Practice Random Acts of Kindness and Senseless Beauty.”

~~ Ancient Hippie proverb ~~

Yes.. and Hippies are not
the only ones who say and
do/be this.. in proverb way…
hehe.. of course.. noW/then
noW and when i first recovered
and could use my eYes and eArs
aGAin.. this reminds me of a Seafood
Festival.. where i was randomly shooting
photos of limbs of trees above and so below
me.. for the intense pleasure of capturing the beauty
oF aLL thAT iS by iPhone5.. smArt phone camera then…
and a woman asked someone beside her.. what is that guy
doing.. sure.. with the pretense of he’s craaaazzzy
don’t you know and feel as nooooo one just
takes pictures of limbs on a tree..
HEr problem waS
i saw and fELt
God as then/now
that tree.. and iT
was likely juSt only
sHade and not that
iNtense liGht for her iN TrUth..
yes.. beFore that i missed God
for 66 months.. and this was
just a gift card of sorts to share..
noW.. FReED..;)

Reasons to move deftly….

“Few people have the imagination for reality.”

~~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ~~

“Belief is the death of intelligence.”

~~ Robert Anton Wilson ~~

Aint that the truth noW..
my FriEnd.. i did my best
to put a nail in the heARt
of my intelligence and break
through to the other side of luCid
waKing dreAms come to Fruition..
as miNd and Body bALance SoUl
through imaGination and beLieF..
same as EmoTioNs noW and
seNses run free aNew..
and neVer
agAin.. Now
yes.. the first
one is true.. now
the.. second one
iS spoken by a man
with a coldEr heARt..
no different than the priests/
religions/churches/politics wHo/
tHAt killed/kill God oF Nature sAMe..
but only in their iMagiNations sTiLL..

HUmans look to understand and
change for sAMe and diffeRent.. otHeRs
look one way and mostly one way only..:);


gigoid responds..

I always enjoy whatever response my posts stimulate in you,
my friend, even if I am not currently able to answer them all,
or even read them all these days…. But, I am still here, & still your friend….


And i say..

My FriEnd..
There is
No need of
Take in the
Word FriEnd
Gives is


My Love is aLiVe and it’S onLine.. haHa.. My soUl is like
a wheel that’s tUrning and it’s sWirling in
lines of words.. my drift if you
catch iT.. iS miracles
are real
are iSREAL
too.. with aLL A
Miracle oF LoVe and
no.. not juSt puppy LoVe
A Love that sPrinGs aLiVe
even hiGher than the Sun comes
back on December 21st and stAlls
in hemisphere death way for three days
and continues to return iN alive again way
on December 25th.. reborn as liGht until the
SpRinG Equinox of Pan Flowers come born Easter Fresh
Eggs and Teats of Mammals will say too in first birth
and reoccurring births too.. until the Summer Solstice
through Sirius Dog Days of August and now cloSing FaLL
Equinox BaLanCinG uS for death of Winter and rebirth
oF SuN as WiNter is Born.. ya see.. iF you look much
deeper one will see that Miracles are dead and alive
all around uS noW sTiLL.. and worth celebrating
always noW aS a Love of Allthatis sacred and
Holy of Theist of all one can see and
feel and sensualize too.. inside..
outside.. above.. so below
and all around the
beat goeS oN
and we
co-create the
SonG and DancE
oF God sAMe and
different in DiVerRsiTy
of God all thAT iS.. as
wE as uS.. wHo go farther
and farther than father and
mother BeFore.. giving thanks
now giving alWays noW foR this
GiFt oF Love.. CoMinG bacK Now
alWays foR nOW.. my love iSreaL
is alive.. yeah.. ooh.. Baby.. mY
LoVe is alive noW.. sure.. yeah.. let
me take you tHeRe
like Led Zeppelin
says sTiLL2..
aLiVe oNline..:)


Ah.. the 70’s Songs of mysticK..
Songs of hope.. Songs of Sad..
and Songs of what seemed like
more slow dances than ever before
or would be after those days of Romance
eYes.. in school dances.. where face to face
of Loving eYes are now replaced by bootie dances
where eYes need never meet.. wHeRe breast never
meets fur of man’s chest.. things have changed.. and
i must say.. i’M glad i lived in heArtland.. where Families
ruled with Love.. and couches talked more than
electronic screens beyond a world NoW..
of talk and touch..
a twilight zone show..
so many folks live in now..
and are not even aware of what
went down before.. more imagination..
more emotions.. more creativity.. more
magic when humans reached out and
touched each other in the flesh more
than text of LoL.. a smiLiE Con..
or and a carnival of never
ending cold
and shares
and followers2..
without any blood
to feel living organs
of Love.. playing a Song that
says we are Still human.. we FeeL..
A Dream Weaver Lamp STiLL aLiVe as i..:)

Bottom line is this though.. God remembers and
acts as Nature’s eYes.. we humans have abused this
Earth’s Nature rather than being stewards who never take
more than they give in BaLanCinG waY noW.. the Karma has
come around as the snake of human swallows its tales whole..
THeRe IS A pleAsuRE and HOldinG arms and hands in
a Village of flesh and blood that a smart phone
cannot possibly replace as even science
shows now.. as hUman Nature
and Nature at core sTiLL
rules our happiness..
either art and free
as LoVe fearlessly
or fear and doubt..
and hate and cold
hard screens without the
smells.. the human touch..
of flesh.. the tastes of human
skin as sweet as cheeks as lips
WiLL taste.. as kisses trUe and liGht..
bottom line.. all this means less human
children.. population reduction.. NaTuRe
fights back as any Godzilla wHole WiLL2..
wE become God oF Nature’s answer
by no longer doing humanity
of what once was before..
in both love and
of the
rest of Nature
then and now.. as the
Piper is beinG pAiD the
PiPeR’s due oF BaLanCinG waY2..:)


Alive and kicking she comes back..
and i kinda made you into a moon
maiden of sorts of lost the
other day.. as hey..
muse comes
and goes
and comes
again.. and
this reminds me
how hilarious it is
when the young women folks
put their hand on my shoulder
at the dance club.. not realizing
how soak sweaty i am in fully
male way.. in smiley selfies..
spider fingers
just touching
my shoulder with
the tips of their fingers..
to quickly get rid of the
wetter of me from head to toe..
this has really been a hot summer for
that.. looking forward to the fall and
palm shoulder
more than
finger places..
anyway.. i was just
about to fall asleep before
i saw that girl from frozen wake me up..
hi lo

All i kNow.. and
FeeL mostly of this..
hehe.. is anything
associated with sixes
and nines is super sixy
and niney to me.. and
three quarters of that
Train Station from
as magic
9 and
3 for
93..2.. it’s all
M A G i C K..
as every number
is sacred.. particularly
Holy 96.. as truly no way to
get into trouble by doing 96 noW2..
bOnes and Tramposexalines..
it’s all in the
as a window
to secret woRlds
nite nite.. Shawna
baby.. i’M in one of those
moods.. yeah.. good thing
there ain’t 41 more poems
to do this with now.. i
beddy bYes now42..;)


sMiLes.. my FriEnd Lala Rukh.. i was truly exhausted
and just about to go to bed.. when i got your call..
in Word Press notification way.. and so strange
it is.. as sure it’s been a little over three years
since i met you.. but i was looking today..
at one of my Facebook memories..
of one of my Macro Verses of
what i name as an Ocean
whole Poem started
with you on
Word Press
three years
ago.. that you
suggested i start
in new way then..
that has now exceeded
3.3 million words.. since
the first.. of my blogging
all together 42 months ago..
too.. anyWay.. i saw your face
on a like on that Macro-Verse there..
in what i call 700 total of those for the
current one i am working on now.. wHere
this will be jusT another Micro-Verse of that
Macro-verse of Ocean whole poem there and
yeah.. i was even thinking about you and just for
fun looked to see if i could find a Lala Rukh like you
on Facebook.. just to know you are okay friend.. as it is
the Love that gives that is truly alWays the Love that makes
our soUl.. and as you say the uniVerse Created for this gift now
of Love.. makes us reflections of God when we Give Love Free..
your writings helped inspire me to Love like this my FriEnd through
the Love you gave freely to so many folks that i witnessed too and that
my friEnd
is something
i WiLL never be
able to repay you for
as it IS A forwarding now to
otHers sAMe as you did then..
you seem well.. and that makes me
happy.. and all i wish for you FriEnd..
iS Love is Love that you alWays give now2..:)

Lala returns with..

I am truly, truly honored.
Keep spreading love and smiles like that forever.
Honestly, you are the most positive person I’ve known so far.
Love xx

i return..

SMiLes my
friEnd.. Lala..
Is My
But never
Never Land
Of Never
Of the Medicine
Love you..:)

Lala additionally says
in response to another
comment of mine..
per the
Song by
Katy Perry
i shared for
your inspiration..

Love this Ketty Perry song.
So motivational plus the music is amazing.

i respond..

Her new Song
Rise.. Is
New theme
Song too..:)

And additionally
Lala responds
to another comment..

Your words, beautiful
as always ! Love xx

And finally i say..



Facebook Friend Rafiah shares a Dr. Who
Parody that is OMG.. her current favorite
TV show and source of online
social talk on FB..

And i say..

Rock Horror Picture Show Parody too..:)

And ugh..
Dr. Who is
not on in the
U.S.. on PBS
Tonight.. But I’m
Understanding this
Better as Archetype for
The Real Human Experience
For The Dark night of the Soul..
When one is sure they are now
going to die and they transform
and are born again in life.. And
This comes From the most extreme
struggles in Life.. Cross cultures there
are many examples of this including the
Who who transforms many
Series here…
And Neo
Use a phone
Booth too as
From Dr. Who..
Small world.. Mate.. and the Rocky Horror
Picture Show has artful elements of this.. Similarly2.. And
Yes.. This artful human archetype in literature has deep roots..
even in
And the Sun
that dies for 3 days
on December 21st in
stalled ‘movement’ and
comes back to life on
December 25th.. reaching for Spring
and reneWED liFe on Earth around Easter2..
Rafiah Baby..
Science now
lives iN Art.. alWays
including religion2..
as the rabbit hole
grows deeper and
continues to make common sense..
for those with eyes and ears to see it..:)

And now i say.. the Hans Selye.. General Adaptation
Syndrome.. otherwise known as animal exhaustion
from never ending physical and or emotional
stress is also similar across cultures.. of course..
and particularly in modern days of non-ending
real and illusory fears in every day life..
and the more intelligent a person is
in terms of remembering.. feeling
emotions and senses the more
likely they are going to experience
one day.. life like a cat caught in
a never ending lightening storm in
a cage in the middle of a F iN
never ending wind of
a life threatening
Tornado of
Jesus F.. in Christ..
even potentially worse
than crucifixion pain for
66 months from wake to sleep
like me with type two Trigeminal Neuralgia..
the Dark night of the soul is a real deal and
for those who have gone to the darkest places
of General Adaptation Syndrome.. they have
most definitely seen this place up close and
personal in devastating human disordered
way.. and when my legs started getting
cold in the Summer.. and a breeze
chilled me in 100 degree Temperatures
of July.. it was my body taling me to escape
never ending stress.. but i had lost contact
with mind and body balance.. years before..
and now i was lost then in a head of
stress and empty of dreAMs
of imagination.. and creativity
renewing in RE-cReATioN way
naturally in personally guided
within activities to achieve
continued animal
homeostasis in
miNd and BoDy
BaLanCe and hears
the deal.. there is weakness
always in fear.. there are stress chemicals
within produced.. over the long term that
act like battery acid on the brain and body
kinda like drinking a very slow burn of drano..
Stress kills.. yes.. even science shows stress
in these ways of acid like stress hormones..
will break down all parts of the human
vital bodily systems.. from nervous..
to respiratory.. to endocrine.. to
cardio-vascular.. yes.. the
list goes on and on..
and no.. ‘they’ have
no idea what causes
or what stops the
Trigeminal Neuralgia..
worse than crucifixion pain
that in my case was like a dentist
drill in my right eye and ear.. beyond
FucKinG what most people understand
as possible for human pain.. unless the
Dentist forgets to numb your FucKinG
mouth first before he starts to drill
deep.. deep down to the roots
of the pain receptors of your
teeth.. worst thing of all
is like me..
even with
a huge team of
doctors.. this worst
of most all human functional
disabilities is totally invisible except
for the grimace one may make on face..
when any light at all is shined in their face..
and some folks are perhaps luckier as most
folks don’t experience this in their eye and ear..
so sure.. my task of JOB.. was met by pull up
your boot straps my chap.. even by the ass whole
neurologist who told me basically get out of hear..
you are just anxious.. not even thinking that what
i have could be the worst pain known to mankind then..
before a pain specialist two years later diagnosed it
by process of elimination.. sticking some lidocaine
way up my sinuses.. that made the pain go away
for a FucKinG split second where some folks
got relief for frigging hours or more
from this procedure then.. and
now still.. anyway.. that
wasn’t all that came
from two years
of flight or fight stress..
there was Sjogren’s Syndrome
that a full two years before this
started attacking the blood vessels
in my feet.. where about the time i watched
the movie happy feet in ’06 or so.. having no
idea i would one day be the human version of
that blue eyed penguin then.. my feet hurt so
bad even touching something with them..
was incredible nerve pain.. and i
was so hard headed.. i didn’t
even go to the Doctor then..
but it took a rheumatologist
to finally figure out what that
was years later.. when my
eyes quit making tears per
Sjogren’s autoimmune system
disorder too.. and yes.. all autoimmune
system disorders can be associated with
chronic high levels of human social/emotional/
physical stress over extended periods of time..
along with Fibromyalgia.. and Dysautonomia
that it took a Rheumatologist to diagnose as
well.. Severe Degenerative Arthritis and
Stenosis of Spine where these are
structural issues but the extreme
pain internal management of
pain is disrupted by long
term chronic stress as i have
the same issues with almost
zero pain now.. per MRI’s
and other measuring
ways of
infirmities as
such that the body
finds a way to compensate
for in both pain management and
collateral strengths when mind and
body animal homeostasis also named
as balance is the natural way of life to
survive and thrive alive.. like most animals
do in every day life.. without all the FucKinG
inSane illusory and real fears that modern so-
called Advanced technological societies bring
in first world fucking problems… where in third
worlds in terrestrial way.. folks can at least fucking
smile with so much less to stress them out in
FucKinG culture and TV made.. etc.. illusory
fears.. sure and even religious too.. some
folks are thinking the end of the world
is always around the corner..
FucKinG American Indians
were so much FucKinG
smArter in the most important
intelligence of Emotional.. Physical
and Existential Intelligences over what
we currently define Standard IQ as a measure
of how well you will perform in school to be good
little non-human robots.. as cogs in a machine to
keep the creature comforts coming.. overall that
are shooting ourselves in the human animal
foot for balance in life in the same Twilight
Zone show of human in a never ending
nightmare of hell on earth for many
folks as the World Health Organization
suggests the greatest cause of human
disability world-wide is depression and
depression is just another symptom of
general adaptation syndrome of the burnt
out human in emotional and physical way..
we are FucKinG hUmans.. we are not machines
and the Terminator metaphor is an excellent metaphor
for we as human beings made more into machines than
flesh and blood hooked up to a terminal of a flat box
screen for hours on end.. and on my KATiE MiA
Aghogday Blog.. perhaps the most important
blog post is the one on Autism Spectrum
Burn-Out.. a very simple post but a vital
one to understand.. even if a person
is not a Canary in a coal mine of
who i was then.. with super
empath-like feelings and
spidey senses.. that made
me an almost perfect human
candidate.. to go to the dark place
of the soul and come transformed back
out to help teach the world to get back in
balance.. rise.. and once again thrive as
human being animal.. in what truly can be
a metaphor of a peaceful harmonious place
of heaven on this terrestrial plane like the
five year old.. before screens of screams
came along to take the five year old
away from nature to a place
of lifelong nature deficit
disorder as is common
now and a Global
Spreading iSREAL
Disease that continues
to lead to much misery and
suffering.. folks.. this is real deal..
this ain’t no potential path to a metaphor
of hell.. this is the highway to hell.. the
iSreal highway to hell now.. straight
to the slow burn that
never ends
the pit and
rise again
from Tardis
phone booth of life
in transformations light
to a free and wild child of
God once again.. literature and
all of art has been ahead of science
on these real human hardships at
root of problem of many centuries
where folks scoffed at terms like Neurasthenia
and Nervous Break Downs as all psychological
without the real physical breakdown of the human
mind and body.. live and learn.. do preventative
medicine measures for lifestyle balance..
or suffer the consequences of
action in iSREAL Karmic
misery in life..
fortunately.. there
are ways out.. but to do
that one may have to give up
the dollar bill as God and replace
aN iSREAL God of Nature for that
to truly be a success in God’s Balance
of Nature in uS.. in thriving alive survive..
now on this terrestrial plane of Heaven iSREAL..:)

Rafiah responds..

Religion, philosophy, science, arts and other disciples of
knowledge make the life of mankind worthwhile in so many ways..:)

And i say in return aGain..

Yes.. mY DEar friEnd.. Rafiah.. put
iT aLL toGetHer and
you geT Dr. wHo2
iN yoUr bacKyard2..
Fearless LoVe..;)


So.. what would the call of God Be..
Wild and Free with human same
as with any other domesticated animal..
Jack London taught this
lesson long ago..
so did the reported
Gnostic Jesus.. at least..
in Verse 37 of the Gnostic
Gospel of Thomas where he
says to find the living God within
one must shed tHeRe clothes of culture
and tread on them without shame.. done
it.. how about you.. shame is fear of rejection
from other human beings.. regret should only
be in harming other human beings at core of
what it means to be humans with relative free
will.. to do as their God given Natures in True
WiLL intimates within to do.. without consuming
others with harm.. other than the food and drink..
that is necessary of life.. and sure it’s true that
in many ways sex is consuming others.. ask
a spider about that and sure the Penis
is at core a weapon for the domination
of reproductive success.. as a spear
to go inside and leave something
behind to make life.. however
humans and other primates
like Bonobos have something
greater named empathy and
compassion for each other that
shines in eyes.. and iT says i’ll share
your pleasure i feel your pain and i do
not want to harm you in anyway.. so sure
any religion that does not condemn human
slavery in all the forms that comes from no
matter war or rape that comes from non-conSenSuaL
Dowry institutionalized religion.. is no religion oF God
aT all.. it is only a religion of human that wants to
control other humans through fear to advance tHeRe
own selfish and social causes like expanding territories
for truly subsistence and reproductive resources
required.. just to continue to survive now in life..
yes.. religions are made for borders of control
and illusory fears to make those borders
of control expand for more material
success to gain subsistence
then still and now..
and sure that
is part of
God given
Nature in
Dark of fear
too.. but where tHeRe
is abundance of resources
where share and give is the
rule there are no needs for illusory
fears that we still see in desert lands
of barren still today far and wide.. around
global reality still.. but truly the only way humans
will survive and thrive in balance.. is if all the illusory
fears that are human made beyond.. the only two
innate fears of falling and loud noises from birth
that when per example if someone with
a large enough in decibel growl
like i can make now into
a roar to let that
go in a dark
lot to spark
the genetic memories
in others of the sound of
the jaws with teeth that could
spell tHeRe IS A predator that can
eat you from close or thunder and
coming lightening that can strike you
dead if you do not seek shelter soon..
illusory fears kill what Maslow names
as the ascent to higher pyramid rise
of human now.. bottom line.. there is
no heaven now with illusory fears..
and those illusory fears
most definitely as
even Jesus
reports are the
real highway to hell
now and never finding
heaven in the only place
that is in this generation always
now juST noW.. the RX is simple..
Fearless Love.. cultures and religions
are still the camel.. and the Call of the
Wild and Free is Gods’ Voice still pleading..
come through an eye of a needle of Fearless
Love now.. sure there is plenty of water and bread… but
only you can drink/eat it with trUe and relative Free WiLL..:)

As Bang Bang Bang.. big Bang way still in “700 MacroVerse
dreAM” that is the new name of this 700th verse of Ocean
Whole Poem and pre-blog way too in 74 Verses there
that just so happens will start 777 after 911 hits.. yes..
total for public God blog witness.. 42 months then..
three small but powerful Macro Verse memories
from two years ago.. very much inspired by one
of my first heARt and sPiRit and soUL forever
friends online whether i ever hear back
from a couple of them ever again..
they were the muse.. the fuel
that started the match of
all of this..
a very logical girl..
a very heart lost girl..
and a very soulful girl.. Lala.. too
three muses of iSREAL from stART..
with many thouSands more that came
from all walks of life now.. as the paths
of journeys whole and the Rabbit hole
goes deeper and deeper sTiLL isREaL..
a Wonder Land in never ever ending
story of never land OZ now.. hidden
from plain view in a rather simple
looking blog face still now..
but oh so deep as
3.3 Million plus words
and around 100 thousand
photos and thousands of videos
and music can go.. go go go.. sTiLL..
hahahahahe.. and sure i’ve made
it so a never ending story goeS oN
iSREaLtime now on Facebook
too.. where over 100K words
in every month comes now..
and so many visual illustrations
come2 almost 24 FucKinG hours
a day.. hehe.. like a Storm alert
of PoeTry goeS oN iN somewhat
perfect practice of Storm noW.. oN..;)

Call of Allah TRUE

Short story here of video
expanded in words.. Nature
has balance until humans FucKeD
the balance uP by running over it with
a tractor of culture now.. the chicken has
always been here.. it’s only humans stupid
enough to ask about the egg that is now..
life is
living now..
lose it by living
in either the past
or future of this
most beautiful
blue.. green..
brown.. and
white snow
capped diamond
of liFe.. can you see
the liGht yeT.. Jesus F.
iN Christ.. it’s everyWheReNOw..:)

Allah’s Genie

Perfect storm of Love..
the practice oF it continues
to repeat as hiStory says so too..
in all the dARk and liGht and hUes
and sHades of colors and bLack and
whitE too.. bEyond
the human rainbow
oF iMaGinAtioN and
creativity sAMe.. and
sure.. the prophetess Katy
Perry and her cohorts get
it Deep as the same
of past
and PreSent
tale the sAME Jesus
F iN Christ human archetypes
as God within continues to break
free and rise to the top of the pyramid
in self actualization of human all seeing
eYes of what they see for noW iSREaL..
and if you do not understand that this
Love will make you flOat with Gravity
now.. perHaps you haven’t danced
with mE yET.. as thiS sHit iSrEaL..:)

Perfect Storm of LOVE

So sure.. in terms of Neo.. Buddha.. Jesus..
sure.. in someways Muhammad too..
myths of Krishna..
Lao Tzu.. and
many millions
of others more who
are soldiers of God
as a horse with no name..
we all seek to help the human
race progress in total harmony
and peace.. i mean.. Jesus F.
In Christ.. even coke
Fearless Love..
MoVinG.. CoNecTinG
CreATinG an iSREAL
Heaven noW thaT is
no wHere but now..
as now is
all tHeRe
is as
even science
shows now..
and yes..
with iMaGiNation
as DreAms of inventions
like Dragon Wings of Leonardo
become helicopters iSREAL now Fruition
too.. tHeRE are no limits or expectations noW
that cannot be exceeded iN hUman poTenTial
as LonG as wE hOld hands iN Balance WiTh
GoD aLL of NatURE too.. but as always
the first step is eliminating all illusory
fears as all illusory fears are one
path only and that my
i choose Fearless Love.. we got
spirit.. how ’bout you.. GO.. GO GO


OKAy.. quick commercial
break of smAll talk heRe..

AS the EN name test thingy
provides a very nice video
summary of fun profile pics
over the course of years.. i
continue on here by saying2..

WeLL.. the EN name test thingy..
now is not nearly as cool as the
Facebook Algorithm Robot Video
Slide Show Production Assistant..
as the EN name test thingy people..
i mean.. Computer Robot Algorithm..
doesn’t let you
store the
Video.. for
later use..
surely.. they
will improve though..
as technology continues
to expand in transhumanist way..;)

back to
the regularly
scheduLed proGram
oF DeeP sHiT noW PHD’s
piled higher deeper sTiLL..
a hit
aS SOMeThiNG..;)


sMiles.. thanks Marilyn.. most every time
someone compares what i do here to someone
else in the poetry world.. i get my trusty Wiki tool..
out to see who they are and what they do in the poetry
world.. poetry.. ha.. i am diagnosed on the Autism
Spectrum.. with Asperger’s syndrome
in middle age..
and my style
of thinking and
speaking was often
metaphorRed as computer..
mY Friend.. wHere my social
butterfly friends flew circles around
the analytical miNd oF Y i.. and truly
from a young man with three college degrees
and little ability to creatively express my self
in social success ways.. from writing to even
speaking.. my greatest desire in life was
to create original art.. and in college
ha.. burdened with ADHD too..
until the light of
made the
focus of reading
10 to 15 times faster
than the average human
possible with the super focus
of light required for me to expand
my word view then.. hehe.. the piano
lifetime hobby helped too.. to bring speeds of
130 words a minute or about as fast as the
mechanical limits of a keyboard
can go and yes here i go
in sometimes painful
detail of analytical
details.. that
can make
for many folks
who do not go as
fast as i can go now..
anyway.. truth be told..
i never saw the value in poetry
earlier in life.. totally retarded in
poetic knowledge.. i was then.. except
for a strange breakthrough in middle school
one time where emotions and language suddenly
glued to win a Christmas Story in two homerooms then.
a short stint.. in a philosophy class early on in college but
later after.. my brain was already further drown in analytical
years of making A’s to restrict my brain that way.. anyway
later in college i checked out a book on creativity in
hopes of learning it in book way analysis then..
and i checked that dam book out more
than 20 times.. but my brain was
so worn out by analytical
activity.. that i had
no emotions
and senses
left in what
could have been
miNd and BoDy BalaNce
to even read that book then..
when i shed school and culture
for enough years.. in the heavy
regulations of law like culture
of 25 years of Government
work too.. there was
that spark
deep within..
just waiting
to come back..
at age 53.. true..
but first i had to
escape the heavy drown
of the analytical mind.. my friend..
i free associate it all now.. and the more
i go in different paths the more i do and
the more i change.. and sure.. after reading
about Blake that is a nicest compliment.. too my
friend.. i didn’t like being a cardboard box.. i am
so FucKinG proud to be crazy now.. most everyone
in the DanCinG world think i do drugs or something to
dance as free verse as i do too.. oh.. the wild and free my
friEnd there is no label for this but free.. but free mY FriEnd..;)


SMiLes.. my Friend
as you share yoUr
Love in all the artful
ways that comes.. its
true no one will ever forget
you.. i just have lots of time
on my hands to tale you these things..
and photography..
the capture
of the now.. the
moment wHeRe
we capture beauty
as practice all of more
life as existence becomes
deeper beauty.. as trUly mY
friEnd.. wE are only as alive as
the moment is full of deep admiration
and thanks for all the beauty of life that is
possible now.. expanding heaven now is
through the art of life..
in all ways that
and creAtinG coMes
now.. i love visual images
as truly after even 12 million
words since November Thanks
Giving Day since 2010.. online now
created as such.. i was never a word
person.. until i lost effective use of eYes
and ears.. from my pain disorder of type
two Trigeminal Neuralgia that started in 2008
with other autoimmune issue foot pain in 2006
that has evaporated with DancE and SonG noW iN
many ways.. including art of photography.. noW mY
FriEnd.. a picture tales an iNfinite number of words of
beauty.. dArkness and liGht the sAme.. and even fLaws
mY friEnd can bRing hidden meaning Rise to the top
of the parachute of dArkness for ascension of huMan
heARt.. SpiRit oF expreSsinG EmoTiOns raw and
trUe.. and BaLanCinG miNd and BoDy soUL
isReAL noW for aLL who lose
illusionary fears..
and sure
the mesSages
of liGht and dARk..
and aLL hUes and sHades
oF colors bLack and wHitE..
can be found in the reflections of
even jUst one photo my friEnd or
even the
one that
can bE aLL
oF liFe aLL too..
i have a powerful computer
and Broad Band Internet access..
show me a thousand pictures and
i will make 12 million more words to
tale you anoTher lalaby sTory of Life noW
mY FriEnd.. Lala Rukh.. WiNks or perHaps i already did..
as life iS alWays worth SavinG and LIVinG foR noW no
reflections pain..
iN shadows of the Divine..
shall i say i love you.. sure..
i will paint that picture for you..
and all otHers with words and photos sAMe
and.. if you could dance with me as many otHeRs do…
could feel
it more too..
as love is white
and briGht wHeRe
even shadows now no
longer hide.. riSinG as LiGht..:)


SMILes my friend.. gigoid..
i Now have 100% faith
and hope and belief
in Love oF noW..
tHeRe is
any waiting
or time in Heaven
now.. iSREAL iT iS
but only of course for
my style now.. can anyone
prove me wrong with empirical
analysis.. sure.. if they can meaSure
a sMiLe of INfiniTy NoW juSt now.. heaven
is not a book.. not a page.. nor a word or
number too.. Heaven iS FeeLinG iS A
SeNSatiOn oF Real Eternity noW..
How to put Eternity into a word..
T h R E E…
mY friEnd..
i kNow.. no thing
but iSREaL NoW2..
IT doesn’t take a rocket
scientist NOW to understand
this.. just a dog that now sMiLes
And humans NOW who are too stupid
to realize thaT DOG is reAlly sMiLinG
noW iN
Now.. onLY
folks who live
iN Heaven truLY
understand this mY FriEnd AFAIK..
and for anYone who calls dog less
than God.. they live in at least a broad
spectrum of HeLL noW.. hmm.. Heaven
is rather narrow in terms of no time NOW..:)


WeLL.. according to Microsoft
Word.. i’ve written over 10K words
in a 26 hour period of one day..
now it’s a go for a Marathon now
of public store dance for 26 miles
iN two days.. for a half a marathon
or so each day.. and sure 5 or 6+
thousand more words somewhere
between now and when i publish
this next 700th Macro-Verse oF
Ocean Whole Poem then..
on Monday the 5th of
September 2016..
how do i do it..
Fearless Love..
With 100% Faith.. Hope
and BeliEf in alWays thE
experience of FeeLinG Now
And SenSinG Heaven noW..Now..
iN MoVinG.. Connecting.. CreaTinG
ways.. the Sistine Chapel.. Leonardo
sketches.. the theory of relatively
and Einstein iMagiNary Flow as
100% laser focus in cognitive
executive functioning now..
with 6000 miles.. or so of
dance for me to go along
with 3.3 million words in
3 years of Witnessing
for God of Nature
allone noW iN
42.. months
777 total
pre and after
Ocean whole view poem
on 9112016.. more to come then..
as longest long form poem ever..
hmm.. so wHo am i but me noW
juST mE… F iN FReED Now noW2..:)


Ah.. the Nostalgia.. of the Facebook
Algorithm.. video slide show-maker..
a full pre-store dance nature display
free.. with a pre-lude to a Sith
inspiRinG store dance..
in all of Katrina’s
Favorite stores..;)

Yeah.. i guess ‘you’ are correct..
better to vote for the devil you
know vs.. the one you don’t kNow..
And speaKinG of thAT someone has taken
down the liFe size card-board cut-out of the
Hillary at the Toy Store in the Mall..
can you believe that..
the only choice left
to vote for is this
hmm.. at least
the other guy could
make an original pose..
after all this is the funny age..
Don’t Ya kNow and feeL for aLLs aGEs2..;)

So.. i’m dancing in Starbucks.. ya kNow.. with
fancy foot work and really slow leg turns..
Katrina says.. they are all watching your
legs and feet.. and next thing ya kNow..
the nice Starbucks Lady tales
’em who owns me..
hehe.. with
my all caffeine
free totally over priced
Star multi-bucks drink..
marked as Katrina’s Fred
hmm.. that we get free as we
use our credit card interest
free just to get free Starbucks points..
haha.. trust me.. if you were as cheap
a date as me.. you would get rich no
matter what.. in terms of legs and feats.. too..;)


Only one Facebook Algorithm Memory from two years ago..
per look at you and remember me.. provided by the
hmm.. mostly trusty robot of Facebook.. but
not always and as any free service..
one cannot really complain
too much in how that
free service changes
freely as well.. to keep
it free.. and for some reason
my muse of profile pics are no
longer embedding on Word Press..
and if there are faces in the profile pics
the embed function is no longer working
properly.. so i’m getting the error message
in the comments section on my blog for the
photos that say.. this post pic not available
anymore.. but as i recently said.. for one
who massively creates.. don’t put all
your eggs in line basket iN
free platform of sharing..
as sure.. they are not
always reliable.. and
those photos are shared
on my blog in the main post
on a website i pay for.. in terms
of Word Press dollars at 299 of them
per year.. to ensure i can download
a zillion photos.. and too much is
never enough hehe.. anyway this
has happened to me before.. too..
the speed and massive volume
of information i put out as well
as word play style has been
confused in the past..
by both the Google
Search Engine
Algorithm and
the Google Blogger
Algorithm Policeman
and the Facebook Hall
Automatic Monitor as a bot
Fred instead of A real iFred..
and that is the price of human
potential.. being confused as something
beyond human in transhumanist way these
days as hey.. i’m moving forward not backwards
and technology is certainly an assistant in that way..
and as far as the paths and journey i go as a social
animal in a nature reality that says you must belong
and conform to the social group to survive.. this
‘normal’ nature requirement is somewhat
replaced by they online world.. in at
least text and photo and video
human interface for social
support that can be found
in nooks and crannies all around
the global place now.. so a person can
still fill and feel a part of a somewhat
cyber space society now.. as created
along the way.. for those who see
somewhat eye to eye and face
to face with ya.. so in other
words.. one must understand
human nature as God of Nature
given Nature.. to accommodate the
challenges of life.. adapt and move
on for greatest Neuroplastic and Epigenetic
human potential.. or nah.. they don’t have to
do it.. per relative free will.. they can do what
everyone else does and everyone else tales
them to do for the traditions of culture no matter
how illusory and truly insane they become even
away from basic human nature in animal homeostasis
way.. we create our realties as actors in plays that other
folks have created long in the past or continuing now..
some of us follow the scripts closely and never vary
hardly at all.. but others of us figure more of the
play and actors and production of it.. and go our
own way.. not forgetting our human nature
but using it to our greatest advantage
along with technology in the
positive aspects of that now..
so i am as i the director
of my own play.. and
producer same.. the
capital I of i is the
actor that i direct
to be and do whatever
i wanna do and be now..
and the exclamation point!
is the SpiRit oF i as expressed
by I.. all the nows i create now..
as my own dam acted.. produced
and directed play of liFE noW.. and
the narrative you read is the reaLiTy
thAT iS.. and sure in the modern day of
Heaven is now.. we can make this place
iSREAL or not.. aGain the eye of the needle
and the camel of the other place.. i is the needle now..:)

look at you and remember me


So.. today.. we have the other polar opposite Jesus.. at Catholic
Church.. in Luke 14:25-33.. you know.. the one that says “If anyone
comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children,
brothers, and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my

And yes.. full stop.. this is where the Bad Cop Jesus.. and
me at least.. totally separate paths like a fork in the road..

Sure.. turn the other cheek is a mighty noble suggestion
for not harming others after one is harmed by others..
but sure.. a little much.. as this great gift of life
is worth defending.. and to suggest that
life is to be hated.. is truly insane..
bottom line.. and sure..
this is quite honestly
what cult leaders
do to indoctrinate
folks.. make them
hate their loved ones
before the brain washing
starts.. and it was quite amusing
to see the priest today in church
side step the FOUR LETTER WORD
in a world that is diverse.. where there
are solid reasons why folks have different
opinions about life.. and that is where understanding
comes into play.. sure dissension and standing up for
your beliefs even if that means being hated by those who
used to love you.. before you stand up for folks not in their
‘social circles’.. like the slaves as black folks before.. the
right for a woman to vote.. and now homosexual
folks and transgender folks too.. who are finally
getting their rights to be human as God
makes them different.. yes.. the God
of Nature of course.. and science
even proves the innate
factors of this now
too.. now..
hmm.. oh yeah..
and there is that other
Bad Cop Jesus.. part that
says i did not come to bring
Peace.. i come with a sword..
anyway.. it’s a well known fact..
from most all the current biblical scholars
that most all the books in the new testament
except for two now.. are written by someone else
yes.. other than the so-called labeled apostles there..
including Luke as well.. too… Whoever the real Jesus
Dude was.. where nothing was written down about his
life until around 4 decades after his life.. was over..
after many different sects and some ideas
about 12 Gods and other Christianity
sects that said one God.. the
Educated Greeks decided
what to include of what
was orally transmitted
or not.. and scholarly studies
show from then on.. scribes that
copied the writings by hand.. made
three to four hundred thousand minor
to major mistakes along the way.. sometimes
adding in stuff they liked or taking stuff out.. Jesus
F. iN Christ.. even in a 30 minute round table of passing
a phrase around a table.. it will change by the time it gets
to the speaker again.. human memory is fallible.. A well known
scientific fact that what we think is what happened is most
always different if there is a video that can show what
really happened in life.. so who is to blame for
something as divisive as these statements..
truth is.. we will never kNow.. could be
this or could have changed in the first
40 years of oral tradition.. and after..
but surely.. with understanding
in Cognitive empathy way we
can agree to disagree without
FucKinG hating our loved ones..
and never speaking to them again..
as that is literally what that means..
or who knows.. even using a sword
against them.. instead of going the
St. Francis of Assisi ways of make
me a channel of your peace.. whose
peace.. the peace of hating your loved ones
if they don’t agree with what you believe.. nah..
that’s just plain ignorant and an ancient way of
viewing the world.. and no.. there is no way to defend
this.. there is great stuff in the New Testament.. particularly
the part of Luke Chapter 17.. that says the Kingdom of God noW
is within.. but there is a better way than hating loved ones over
disagreements that are gonna happen ’cause humans are diverse
in innate propensity for progressive thinking and accepting differences
of others same.. and today when i was visiting some Fundamentalist
Baptist folks on a farm.. the issue of Transgender bathrooms
that in our county are mandatory in some elementary schools
now.. came up and was blamed on Obama.. and i went
on to say.. hey.. you might not believe it now by looking
at me.. but i was viewed as a girl when i was in middle
school.. cause i was thin.. had long eyelashes.. green
changing to blue eyes.. a pretty boy yes.. and verbally
abused like hell about it too.. and if you think that
was my fault that God made me look like that
no it wasn’t.. God made me that way.. when
young.. and sure.. i am all the literal ‘rave’
still with some women.. still at age 56 now..
and stronger than any man at the military
gym in at least one exercise there..
even too.. but no.. it wasn’t always
that way.. but let me tell you…
this is a science and
physician manner
not a matter
of just someone’s
opinion.. and the highest
rates of suicide are among folks
with gender identify disorder.. and then
the person i talked too.. said yes.. maybe
the parents don’t want their children to commit
suicide.. sure that makes sense.. i’m thinking duh
with a smile.. and sure we got the abortion speech
today at Church as Mother Teresa was being canonized..
but what about.. the fact it’s illegal in Mexico.. and there now
are still as many unsafe abortions.. resulting in permanent
disability.. and even infanticide and
such as that.. for even more
human misery and
suffering.. why
the FucK
don’t you
support effective
birth control if you
want to reduce abortions..
as unwanted pregnancies never
have to happen in the first FucKinG
place with effective and safe birth control
as educated.. as science shows abstinence
just doesn’t work ’cause we are human and
humans.. are one of the highest reproducing
innate and instinctual as such creatures oF aLL..
common.. sense.. lifting the veil of ignorance..
as the original meaning of the Greek word
Apocalypse is really defined as such too..
and here’s the thing.. it doesn’t
do any good at all to hate
ignorant folks..
will bring about
change if done face
to face and in school..
in a tactful peaceful manner..
the Golden Rule rules and i have
to say.. i mostly agree with the teachings
of the old Kung Fu TV show.. as they
do not contradict themselves like
the Good Cop Bad Cop Jesus in
the New Testament does.. folks
will over look the biggest boards
in the eYes of hate.. as sure
cognitive dissonance hurts..
and the human brain will
naturally see and
feel what it
wants to
but hell no..
no one is gonna
make me ever hate
anyone.. i am a free child
of God and a member of no
cult that hates.. hates.. hates.. hates..
i do not agree with a lot of what my family
believes in and i do not expect them to believe
in all of what i do.. even if they could.. as some
folks are just not cut out for some of the freest spirited
things i do and say.. thanks God for a Country with separation
of church and state.. as humans are never cookie cutter pieces
of God.. they change.. they grow.. and yes.. they stay stagnate too..
anyway.. i am not afraid to criticize what is evil at core.. and yes..
hating your loved ones.. over differences in beliefs is evil at
core.. greAtesT change
alWays comes
from Love..
and sure
art too..
as pARt of HEArt
away from fear and hate..
oh.. yeah.. and the other thing..
the priest said love wasn’t a feeling..
sure that is what Mother Teresa Lost..
the feeling of connectedness with God and
all others too.. and there are solid scientific reasons
this happens too.. like doing too much and never getting
any rest.. as Mother Teresa was as zealous as they come
in a good way too.. we are human.. we are not robots and
the TruE WiLL over Fearless Love one can feel makes
the most love oF all.. all over the world now.. feelings
of empathy and compassion that are part and
parcel of love can be watered and grown
stronger as a muscle of heArt Love..
yes.. DancE and SonG.. and
even poetry and other
forms of MoVinG..
conNecTing and
CreaTing increases
the Muscle of Love..
as heARt.. SpiRit and
MINd and BoDy soUL.. Now
B A L A N C i N G iN LiGht
noW science even shows this
as evidentiary trUe now too..
wE CAN groW iN Love.. and as Saint
John was reported to say.. back then..
too.. wE CAN do greater works now than
are reported from Jesus and Love more..
as of course as the original Greek text of
the New Testament clearly relates.. Jesus was
just a man.. a son and child of God.. suggesting
he was humble.. and in the Kingdom of God.. the
last would be first.. and the meek would inherit
the Kingdom oF God on Earth in the current..
generation as promise with no wait after
death.. that parts rings trUe and LIGht
to me.. whomever made those
statements that is
my own personal
discernment i make
and everyone is allowed
to make in free church and state
separation countries.. now finally
in the U.S.. the right to LiFe.. LiBerty
And the Pursuit of Happiness.. was/iS 240
years coming Now fully for homosexual
and transgender folks.. finally noW the
original.. Declaration of Independence
is being fulfilled for all American Citizens..
there is nothing perfect about any word
or book of God.. history shows this over
and over again.. but those quotes from
the old Kung Fu TV show.. sure do ring
TrUth and liGht to me as a practice of
Fearless Love as trUe gentlemen strong
as well might do and say.. but to bow.. no..
nah.. Lions don’t do that.. and no.. neither will
i.. i’LL nod my head iN respect of everyone.. sure.. Y not..
and i’ll even call them yes sir and ma’am2.. Y noT.. iT FeeLs liKe
Fearless Love..
to me..@lEast..:)

Hmm.. weLL.. the Algorithm Video Assistant
Producer from Facebook.. left today.. now..
and went back yesterday.. to do a rehash
of Saturday in longer reminiscing form..
and sure that’s okay too..
as yes.. the Robot..
giveth and taketh
away and giveth different
same too.. hmm.. so just
wHo iS this Robot anyWay2..;)

Yeah.. so when the Monsignor
says love is not something you
feel.. it just goes to show.. that my
X-Catholic Priest Grandaddy did the
right.. yes.. the right.. thing.. getting married..
having children and experiencing this thing NoW..
cAlled Unconditional Love.. that sure IS A feeling..
a feeling greater than any other feeling ever in
fearless way.. and perhaps something..
some priests.. and ‘normal’ men..
never feel until they have
a child of their
own.. or
lose one too..
or perhaps even
worse.. they could live
in hell now.. either on the
street or in the pulpit and
and never experience the feelings
and the sensing of heaven now.. heaven
is in the kiss of a child’s eYes.. and if you
can’t FeeL it live in hell.. you live in hell..
BeLLs you live
iN HeLL and i’Ve
been tHeRe too.. for
66 months long.. wHere
i couldn’t even remember what
a sMiLe of Love fElt like oN mY
RoBoT FucKinG zombie dead face…
then.. look back at some of the photos
of Popes.. the look is clear.. dead clear…
and the saddest paRt of all is it is like
being behind an opaque window
that some
may never
even near.. NoW..
Love SingS uNconditional
FeeLinG and SenSinG Love..
and sure.. iF you give iT and can’t
FeeL iT.. give yoUr self now a healthy
’round of applause.. as sure.. even
folkS iN HeLL can give Love and
yes.. the Monsignor does a fine
job of that no matter if he FeeLs iT or
not.. giving Love without feeling iT is quite
a miracle too.. that we humans can do.. now..
and oh yeah.. when My Grandaddy decided
to pave a path for me to exist.. by getting ex-
communicated by the Catholic Church.. the rest
of his family excommunicated him too with hate..
when the price of love is hate.. the religion is insane..
line.. and
that’s changing
as wE speak..
LOUD.. and
Dogma sucks..
but not Dogs as God..;)

So.. as the
second.. Katrina
and Sister and Child
Profile Pic Comes
again now..
Love.. Loves..:)

And yeah.. i dreAMed of a place
called hell last.. night.. true..
i literally dreamed of a place called
hell last night.. just guns.. fear..
and hate.. just swords.. fear and
hate.. and for some..
that story
goES oN
iN heLL noW….
where sinner Now
is saint and saint is sinner…
Funny little Synchronicities..
and how God works toGetHer
as canvas of All thaT is
noW.. wHere the
is only
beAT aWay
from TrUth
and liGht as LiFe..
as Fearless LovE.. wITh
sUre.. WiLL over aLL that iS too..:)


BLack.. T-Shirt
that says.. with
an exclamation point..
i Should Have Come With A Warning..
Oh WeLL.. aS iN ElecTriCity.. LiGhTeNinG..
AC/DC.. KarMiC eYe wayS.. too..
Hells Bells..
and A store
closed too..;)


Cato said, “I had rather men should ask why my statue is not set up, than why it is.”

~~ Plutarch — Political Precepts ~~

Yes.. why wait when
one can do it themselves online.. hehe..;)

“I’m sitting on my SPEED QUEEN.. To me, it’s ENJOYABLE..

~~ Zippy the Pinhead ~~

What ever
works works..;)


“No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness.”

~~ Aristotle ~~

Any thing other
than madness is normal
and normal is insane..


“In the carriages of the past you can’t go anywhere.”

~~ Maxim Gorky ~~

This is true..
in general..
that’s why i
write more than
i read @lEASt.. now..;)


“We fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them.”
~~ Titus Livius ~~

why i still
read.. and
ignore ignorance..:)


“Nothing is worth more than this day.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ~~

Day is okay..


Have a nice
day gigoid.. with pain free.. now..
just the power of suggestion.. hehe..;)

A Holiday
But Life..
Nothing @All..
A Labor oF Love..:)


sMiLes.. and Hello Himali.. Memories..
Teachers.. and i remember a similar
post from you last year at this time on
Teacher’s day.. i mentioned you were a
Teacher then to me too and that i appreciated you..
So since i have already honored you.. i will move on
to the next teacher.. hmm…
some of the greatest teachers
to me are those who i kNew/fELt with
much smaller standard IQ’s than most
of my acquaintances who had a gift of
Loving everyone without regard to innate
or environmental/material differences.. real
Saints were they who had a smile for everyone
regardless of who.. what.. where.. or how they
do life.. so sure.. they are gifted greatest by God
for this smile that never ends from birth to death..
in many cases too.. and sure some of these folks
are Downs children.. the worst teacher i can think
of now is Richard Dawkins as he said as advice to
a woman considering abortion that it would be a disservice
to humanity not to abort a Downs child.. as this child would not
produce enough material things for society.. hmm.. not understanding
the value of one smile.. this ignorant man of course.. who i also learn from
that Standard IQ is weak without much real meaning in the Love of Life that
feels the most and talks the least at times too.. my friend.. blessed with this
so-called cultural derived and propagated Standard IQ.. i was too.. but cursed away
from love off on and on in life.. for falling into this trap as labyrinth of culture more.. more..
and more.. so smiles.. i learn to love the most from those who will never stand lecturing
from a class room podium at all.. just the sincere smiles of a child.. of God who has not
been ravaged in school/work my friend.. a child of God who will smile from Birth to death
for the only reason
of feeling a smile
of Love continuing
with others my friend..
and sure.. the other teacher
is the voice within.. the voice
that speaks through my pen now
these days.. my friend.. the God
who lives within.. the God who Sings
in Einstein Equations.. and the young
woman who had a standard IQ of less than
or about 70.. who was the only one who kept
in touch with my wife and i.. after i fell ill at work
after all my years there.. where sure.. i was as nice
to everyone as i am online.. and soon as i got sick and
could not help anyone anymore.. i was forgotten and erased
from the earth.. as far as folks reaching out to me.. but this one
woman from work who was not ‘smart enough’ to finish loving us.. then..
And sure.. that is my teacher.. the one who taught me to always call back..
And yes.. she is much
greater than Jesus as
Jesus said in Luke 17 that
to follow me you must hate
your mother and father.. your
brothers and sisters and your
children too.. our friend was
not holy enough to do that
my friend.. our
God incarnate
in flesh and blood
and only human too..
but sure i forgive Jesus
for his failings and praise
my friend for fulfilling the prophecy
by Saint John or whomever said the
words in his chapter that there will be
those who do much greater works than
Jesus.. sure Tina and her friends have already
come back again.. to do just that.. not many folks
noticed them.. but i did.. and God tOld me to write about them..NOW..
in how God speaks with no Standard IQ at all2.. as God is not trapped
in human work/schools.. not then.. not now.. not ever when Free Verse..:)

Other than that my friend.. when you said your dream
is to be a writer.. YOU ARE A WRITER NOW.. otherwise
how could you inspire all these words by a reader.. what
you do here has no price of dollars.. what you do here my friend
is Love.. i highly encourage you to do it.. even if it is only you and
God one
here as
the writer
within is the
always NOW..
greaTest writer oF aLL..
and this God is a multi-
Universe in every pen and iS i..
too precious not to share with all..
and when two humans
connect in reciprocal
whether that
be verbal
or totally
like Dance..
another multi-Universe
of God is born when two
or more come toGetHer like this..
and a blog.. is a global phone of many
now coming togetHeR potentially aS onE
in real time reciprocal social communication.. now..
the value of these connections my friend are greater
than any book ever written.. including any sacred text..
So let us write the Book of Himali and the Book of Fred
with everyone and share with never an expectation of
other now
than giving..
S H A r I N G..
iF we care to.. of
course with WiLL..
and sure.. have the
capacity to do it with
the other responsibilities
of life.. but you my friend
have the gift of brevity.. in
only a few short lines of Love..
all of that is love.. put it out there if you can and will..
and never worry if Love is smart enough or good enough
without any
words but perfect..
as practice mY FriEnd..:)


SMiLes my friEnd.. Lala..
noW as my wife could tale
ya.. and most of the folks
who see my joy up close
and personal in real life..
i live in a dimension
of Freedom
of Joy
that not
many folks
can fathom..
and i know and
feel this as i lived
in that other dimension
before.. not just the illness
and pain.. but the shallow
of heARt.. spiRit and
miNd and
BaLanCinG SoUl..
and sure.. there IS A
difference in remembering
someone and reaching out
when the other person is silent
or ill in all the ways that comes..
and surely i realize online that i am now..
as politically incorrect as they come.. i sleep
now with everyone as metaphor.. but i follow
no cultural or religious rules by the book.. if one
wants to have likes and shares and follows one
must now follow the political rules my friend.. and
i have enough support in real life.. not to have worry
about that at all and the greatest support is the God
who lives fully live within me.. anyWay.. now the folks
who are my friends.. almost by default are the greatest
Lovers of all online.. as they can over-look my freedoms..
expressed at the highest human levels that most folks can
not fathom now as expressed online in F iN Epic way.. and sure..
the other person who reached out to you here when you were silent
and as well to my friend Himali when she was silent.. is Zee.. in August..
as sure i catch every detail every where i go.. hehe.. without my head exploding
too.. WiNks.. anyWay.. Zee reached out to me.. you did.. and Rafiah did.. and Himali
did too.. and does too.. no matter the distance.. the space and the time my friend..
Love remembers
and reaches out…
and sure.. not all folks
are gifted this way now or
even close to it.. but in the
longest of runs in God terms
those who love the most by reaching
out are the greAtest gifted ones oF aLL..
and i for one alWays honor them and
cherish them as i Write and Dance on..
sure.. love my friend.. friend is Love..
you never owe me any words
my friend.. as the gift
is all in
S H aRinG..
bottom line..
to me.. @least..
a long bottom line.. and
Smiles.. the nicest people
in the world are Desi women..
perhaps.. i came here to help them all..
in some
small way..
as after all
is said and done now
there are many dark
and sad brown eyes..
still and that makes
my green
blue.. StiLL..:)


As i just mentioned to another person.. Zee..
you know.. Lala Rukh.. who has come
back from almost a year of silence
online.. and similar
words to
Himali now..
who has also
come back to blogging
from months of silence..
the thing you have in common
with both of them.. is you are the
only other one who reached out to
them in their absence just since
August to see how
they were
doing and
that my friend
makes you special
in the most important
way.. you not only love..
you reach out to the silent
ones as well..
and truly
back in the
‘old days’.. there
would be those who would
fall away from Society but then
as my Great Aunt who was 94
at the time said.. in the old days..
people would travel far to check on
them to make sure they are still okay..
those were the human days my friend..
you still live in the human days.. and that my friend.. even online..
too.. is the greatest gift that God gives us.. to live the human days…
aT the last breathe.. at the last rise of chest for heart beat what
you and others..
will likely
remember then..
is the Love you give..
and that my friend is all
one will take with them at that
point.. stay blessed in giving friend..
As Giving and Sharing is the higher power
of God that lives as spark.. fire.. and Hurricane
of WindS iN Fearless love that are fELt as Lightening
to connect..
the hUman
oF LifE noW..:)


WeLL.. for fAiir and balanced coverage..
as iSreal news miGht like to do2..
the last song named
‘My Sweet Lord’
Harrison of the
Beatles as oft confused
by folks who do not listen
carefully enough to the end of
the Song.. is about the Supreme Lord
of Krishna.. and not unlike the other major
religions.. the sacred text attributed to Krishna
does not have much to any room for laughs and lust..
hmm.. and sure.. the Jesus dude is very very zealous if
hating your parents.. children.. and brothers and sisters
alike to adequately become his student is any reflection of
that.. it’s serious do do.. do that it is.. hmm..
Love your enemy and
hate your children..
oh.. the
bi-polar of
the dArk and liGht
of liFe.. but truly.. bottom
lines are.. hells bells and shit
happens.. what you do with hell
and shit has a great deal more to say
’bout yA than what you have received as gifts..
the greaTEst Grace is to make hells bells and shit
into good do do.. and not bad voodoo.. anything associated
with harming otHeRs is bad voodoo.. and bringing happiness and
pleasure in meaSure BaLanCinG is generAlly and basicAlly speaKing
good do do.. and sure that meaSureS in balance of laughs and luSt
sAMe.. and this more Big Lebowski Movie cool easy peaceful going
Jesus Dude in the Giver Music Video here by Duke Dumont to give
fuller credit where credit is due too.. provides the fAct that
getting material stuff.. ain’t gonna stop the seagull
shit from flying down from darker sKeYes of God
too.. might aS WeLL do the best ya can
with what ya got.. and enjoy now.
a little stroll of liFe that includes
a balance of lust and laughs
and belly to belly love
too.. and if you
are into
sure that
beats frOwny
face any day today
of now i kNow for sure2..
Give a little love if ya can..
and sUre.. Give iT aLL ya can
WORkING.. stuff is the stuff that sooner or
later goes away.. Love lives forever within when it lives now..
and that my friEnds.. IS A end for noW.. to continue later AS
‘Macro-Verse 700 Love Labor”.. as the labELs NOW continue
to change but the essence of all that is as Love REMAINS noW..
And sure.. in trying to determine the next name of the 701st Verse
Of Longest Long Form Poem ever close to twice as long as that
previous record holder from India that contained notes about
the Krishna dude too.. if you were finishing up 42 months
of witnessing for God of Nature per the Supreme
Being oF all that is what would you call
yoUr 701st verse of over 3.3
plus million words
of Ocean
whole poem..
would you make
it dire and serious..
or go all casual like when
we eat at the Sunday Dinner
place of Ryan’s on Sunday afternoon..
i’ll go casual and come up with just anotHeR
phrase of fun to eat or take out to go.. sure..
‘Fred’s All You Can Eat Buffet of Love’ the
701st Verse of Ocean Whole Poem Long2..
to be published soon online on 9082016..2
to celebrate the whole dam thing.. that
will continue on in that comments
section too.. through
9112016.. with
an after party
of thOughts
to come
after that
on 9122016..
as hey.. i’ll make
a feast and a holiday
for every now and day..
juSt cause i can and WiLL iSREAL..
juST ‘tween me and God2.. ALLNOW1..:)



Well.. i suppose i should honor at least a couple
more real flesh and blood friends here.. hehe..
a Memory Facebook photo from a year ago..
before i end this 700th Macro-Verse blog
post.. with a dance friend Cortney..
i really do not kNow that well..
and of course the
Wife Katrina..
but hey..
all folks in life
who inspire are worth
honoring.. and there now
ain’t too many folks who
are brave enough in real life
to truly to get to know me.. anyWay.. hehe..
and that’s oKAy.. the price of strange has benefits too..
that greatLY exceed any negative aspects oF liFe to mE..:)








BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels


41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)



Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 25 Comments

Cyberian Tiger River Leaves

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SMiLes.. my FriEnd Zee..
i have a favorite tree.. in my
backyard.. named as Dogwood..
and yoUr poem reminds me here..
that the leaves are so green and uniForm
oF liFe in thriving way.. that i come to
notice it hardly at all in the Summer..
until a leave of life drifts to
the floor of Fall and
coming Winter
ground.. as staRt..
and sure enough
i take photos from
then on.. watching the
leaves in nostalgia way
with hope and faith and
of course 100% Nature belief
that sure.. leaves will come back again..
and the Beauty of that Love.. once
aGain can be taken for trust
and granted as the
leaves hOld
hands green
with hardly any
separation at all to
see the Sun Behind the tree
of life that truly was still living
when leaves of Love left in Trust way..
and strangely enough the human IS A Tree
in this way too.. sure.. as metaphor of poeTry
and pardon me if i have provided this science
story to you before.. but yes.. when love leaves..
the oxytocin neurohormone of social bonding goes
way way down.. and the Sun of Dopamine feelings rises
uP.. and drives the heARt.. the SpiRit and the mINd and
BoDy soUl forward to regain the Serotonin trust of
Neurochemical to go along with Dopamine as
social bonding warm and fuzzy
Neurohormone of oxytocin
rises once again..
the key here..
in understanding how
leaves go.. is to trust and
know as hope.. even if one
can feel neither of these or that
warm and cozy baby feeling of being
attached to love so fuzzy as cats purr
when making biscuits that are truly love now
that anyone can share.. without fear.. my friEnd..
sAdly though.. the human way has turned a card of
nomad.. where without a nuclear family of two.. one
can be the loneliest number oF aLL.. my FriEnd.. iN
Winter that never seems to end.. and yes.. that is
human nature my FriEnd.. and many human
beings who have said goodbye
to the hugs of village whole..
no longer can
on that
Tree of Love
that Dogwood..
that smiles a touch
of comfort.. of warm and
fuzzy that heals even romance
when romance comes and goes..
anyWay.. obviously you have both reason
and art.. and for some folks reaSon does hELp
a heARt to understand what may come of Full Dogwood
Trees with leaves that hold together where even the Sun
is forgotten
as LoVes
so warm
and fuzzy sweet..:)

i forgot the
theme SonG to
this as SonGs as
you do kNoW and
FeeL have a miGhty poWer
to heal.. even beyond words
of poEtry.. bilLions oF viewS on
YouTube do not lie to that HEALING POWER..
and.. oh yeah..
by the way..
cruX of
the story..
my wife is the
Dogwood Tree who
never sheds a leave oF aLL..
and i AM juST a lucky oNe..noW
as that allows me to blow leaves
oF Love everywHeRe i go.. noW..
aS the Dog
is behind
my SoUL.. heARt..
SpiRiT alWAys as LoVE noW…:)


WeLL.. the trUth and liGht iS.. i tend
to stay in a sweet mood most of the now..
a little to a lot focused.. but the emoTioNs
generated bY aLL thE DancE and poEtic eXpreS
SioNs i come to say and play as WorDs and SonG noW
oF DancE.. do deLiGht the hands and feat oF Y i.. from
toes to fingers that candy man bE.. Now glUes
oF sweet love truE.. with leaves of tree thaT
kNow no bounds of FeeLing se
aWay from Fearless
Love as i continue
to hand out
this candy
freely and
sure.. also in
a small tribute
here by A
way to
Chocolate Factory
and Gene Wilder..
and a promise i made
long ago for an unending
supply aS candy oF Love iN PoEtiC noteS
and stePs of SonG and WorDs.. aS total DanCinG FeaT..:)

So yes.. off to dVerse for a few liNks before eat and work-out comes
for night.. as a Quadrille prompt for the term ‘Leaves’ arrives
tHeir too.. in official restriction of 44 words.. wHole but
wHeRe i go WitH thaT.. at tHis point i.. have
no clue.. as the sweetS iN mE
of free continues
to drive

Leave notes..
duSty gRow..
parched fAll

With every leave
ThaT fAlls..
DrEaM GreeN iSREAL..:)

oF Leaves..
4 inch
oF misSinG LoVE..:)

Rest of liFE
IS A Fall
Trees.. GroWinG
bAck.. to born aGaiN..:)

Hope you are doing well
Victoria.. and sMiLes.. leaVinG
my comment on the next one
heAr.. as work-arounds
do come..
when finding
after searching
long enough it seems..:)

With every leave..
coveRinG twigs.. branches..
limbs and trunks thaT die as trees..
the sky
more.. blUes
of lifE StiLL
crisp azure

And iF i don’t
leave this keyboard
now.. i’LL be late
for the
and blood
work out
in Tree oF
ReaL liFE whOle
as my temple of iSReaL
spRinGS yeaR ’round iN alWays
LiVinG Leaves oF NoW i DancE FReED..:)

5:55 pm..

Back at 12:23 am..
8302016.. for
some more
oF poeTry SonGs..:)

RiSing leaves of faLL…
Holidays soon fall too..
Costumes of Halloween
smiling children’s tricks for
treats.. and sure when the last
leave is
in snow..
and leaves aGaiN..
perHaps for iSREAL2..:)

Leaves of school dance
bouquets pressed ‘tween
annual pages.. ugh.. oh!
Facebook pAges.. oh..
that hOld no flowerS olD..
Facebook has no memory
smeLLs oF Love goNe byE..:)

sheLLs as fossils leave
iMprints of liFe..
oF poeTry..
sAMe.. mY friEnd..:)

Leaves oF

the best
FaLL color liFe more..:)

Bring the
leaves.. faLL..
as cOld
hugs to me..:)

Whispering pine leaves
roaring louder through
of Love
that warms
a heArt of chocoLate..:)

sMiLes.. i
often tale
the young men
folk to win the art
of woman is way
of feat as steps
and fingers..
words of
warm the
heARt.. of Love..
as SonG and DancE.. leaves oF
original mating ritual beyond
stone.. trees..:)

SMiLes.. my friEnd..
a soUl never leaves
a hEaRtH.. oF sonG..
and i’m guessing
the way your
flow noW
that you
have perfect
pitch and rhythm
and are a lovely singer too..
A iSREAL SonG neVer lieS liGht..:)

Side note.. i write
in many sublime
hidden meanings..
and i muST wonder
noW.. how many of the LOL
generation can understand
much of all thaT iS sublime..
far beyond
thE words oF
F Y i.. noW..
trUe.. without
perceiving more of
GoD iSREAL.. ya miGht
as well wrap/press a word named
God in a book.. no different.. three letters..
now then.. than an old stale bouquet
flower iN
a 3500
year old book..
and never even open
it up again.. if you
cannot see the fLoWer oF
God alive and Still GroWing
more beautiful than ever bEfore..
sad of how many
may never
see a much
fuller Flower face of
God than words.. so
stale and old in
books of
white.. BeYond
Words.. God Does LIVe.. flowS oN
iSREAL.. noW alWays aLL thaT iS..:)

Ah.. leaves
are changing
as we gRow older..
nah.. my knees are
no longer leaving a
place to run..
but i adapt
to struggle..
and dance
6000 miles.. smoothly..
closely to earth.. in 3 yrs..
a feather i could have never
been before leaves of run left..
and what comes nexT may be the
most epic dance oF aLL.. iSREAL..:)

Green leaves
of love
to BrOwn
oF old..
in a word
or book..:)

A place where
leaves never
fall.. a place
wHeRe no one
ever leaves..
a place
a fortress
of Love that
no one can break away..
diffiCult.. yes.. but possible
for soMe..
and perHaps
it stARTs as a slow
dance for OnE..
foR one..
as two hemispheres
of bRain join and
beComE friEnds
for ever.. noW…
hemiSpHeres Now..
of eARTh not withstanding2..:)

SMiLes.. the reptile
bRain.. sustains
uS aliVe..
when aLL
but the
wiLL to survivE oN MoRE..:)

1:33 am..
nite nite
and FoReSt
in morn..

Back at 2:38 pm..
on 8302016.. Soon..
New Moon approaching
on September 1st.. and more
on that approaching too..
and truly it
is always
a cool
to get
back to Nature
as Nature Deficit
Disorder is the misery
and suffering globAlly
as such taken aWay from
the Unity of God of NatuRe
noW.. sAdly iT may be forevernow
until the entire tribe of hUman BeinG
DancEs and SinGS NakEd hOlding hands
toGeTher aRound thE eARTh and perHaps
if wE KA’ed the Ki and Chi.. and averted
a meteor destroying all of Nature then
we once aGaiN would not be ashamed to
stand beFore God and allthatis sAMe
NatUre naKed children inNocent
in allthat
is to bEhOlD
aLiVe of ThaT is aLL..
however.. changes stArt
witH wE and smaLLer wiTh
mE and the cool change i’LL
be staring at the Full or New
moon like a lover wiLL all Free bE..
yes.. time for a cool.. change oF
Free in the Kingdom of Heaven now..
no longer is my life pre-arranged..
i for one heAR and are heRe..
thE CaLL of THe Wild
of GoD
and noW back
to dVerse as sure..
i’Ve been surrounded by
Leaves and Trees and River
sAMe.. as any Little River
Band of the Cyberian
Tiger River
for more
as GiVing
and Sharing NoW..:)

To wait for leaves..
Bliss when first twig breeds
a Bud to open Beauty..
ah.. but to
the Twig
as home
of liFe dArk..
Green to come..
is to never be alone..
as DArk of TwiG beComes
FriEnd of liGht and liFE sAMeallone..
and sure this could be a Budweiser
commercial too.. but wHo cares as
of NatUre
Twig and Leave…
liGht and dARk..
SHades of Grey
Full and New moon SAMe..
Hues of color.. never land forever more
oF TWiGliGht
NoW.. sAMe..:)

Quick side note..
give and share more..
i would Love somEone..
anYone.. to respond to
anYthing i say wIth full
creativity unLeashed and relEased
like this in Quantum Metaphor of miNd
and BoDy SoUL BaLanCinG come to words..
what would i do then..
i for one.. would
bEcome tHeir
FriEnd.. and
never leave tHeir
Side returning comments
sAMe.. and you KNOw what.. the
TrUth iS.. iT already Happened
and that FriEnd is the Father.. the
Goddess.. or even the Blue Turtle of God
inSide come out to pLay as Lover sAMe.. the
Universal Archetype of God iN hUman Christ
Consciousness.. Super Consciousness..
Stream of Consciousness writing..
Self Actualization.. the ZeN
oF Art in Mind FuLL AwAreness..
the FloW iN ZonE.. the vision
quest realized.. no matter what MeTaPhoR..
the essence iS aLiVE iN mE and thriViNG heARt..
iN SpiRit of DAncE and SonG in words oF poEtry
aS WinGS of NUde photoGraphy.. in new age renaissance
FULLEST PASSioNaTE Style.. and fEat of Dance to share with
all otHeRs clothed by law and or naked Free by God aLL ThAT iS
iNside.. outSide..
aBove.. so Below
and all aRound
am i the
oNly oNe
like tHis..
i hope is all
i say.. i’LL meet
more along the trail
of God and i OnE co-creator FReED..:)

SMiLes.. the greAtest Art may be.. when
one sit beFore the Canvas of God and
the Brush
of God@Hand..

As second brief
side note ends and
noW back to thE
originAlly scheduLed
poEtry proGram foR Now..;)

SMiLes.. now..
of course i have
no idea who you
are.. but at 50 when..
i thOught my youth was
over.. something as simple
for the literal minded me then..
as a new science of Neuroplasticity
and Epigenetics convinced me that now
the limits set by averages were the averages
of statistics set by a culture of lEarned functional
disability in aging early vs.. beyond the cat who leaps
long distances now at age twenty.. simply ’cause he or
her has met the challenges of the call of the wild now to
than the
cats of bEfore..
Youth Never leaves
my friEnd with the now
power of Believe and yes..
more importantLy the realiTy
oF jUSt doing iT moRE and
waiting on no one
ya for
And trUe this
miGht be heARd as
BS.. iF i did not document
the whole entire journey
of 3 years.. 60 to 70K
photos.. and still
4 million
42 months
total for witness
of this hiGher poWer
oF NatUre gifted in US
for HUman potenTial that
iS real as 1000 beautiful girls
simply smiling ear to ear wiTh
a Dance oF i.. @56 with more energy
in Empirical reaLiTy noW as evidenced
than a 16 year old school kid.. mY FriEnd..
the Heaven and the Fountain of YoutH lives
within.. sure.. with Human skIN.. but far from
of Old
FiElds of DreAMs
cAMe to liFE for at
lEast one as i..
and sure
noW of
i oF mE..
mY FriEnd..
perHaps i aM
mistaken but i heARd
an old lament here that
i once Sang and almost
believed to the detriment
of Human poTential Leaves of Tree never
even imagined then.. Miracles iSREAL iS Tree oF LiFe WitH RooTs..:)

sMiLes.. hmm..
yeah.. Orange
is the new bLack
and all of that..
and nah..
leaves of
to Apples of FReED..
and i take it the Apple
is now Free.. not
thInKing too many
folks iN A grey poupon
world have this now..
hmm.. larger orange
perspective.. heHe…
but tHere are a few..
anyWay.. i found work
to be even worse for
me at least and more deadly2..
as slave
as prisoner
comes more
than bars.. wherEver leaves
noW.. A SoUl iS hELd captive..:)

are sexier as they
Breathe fALL air..
to air that Breathes
Free iN Leaves that Tree..
DreaMs oF moRe CoRe.. gOld..:)

Leave oF thOughts
scatteRed ADHD
one MoRe..
poEtry heals
more than words..:)

SMiLes.. Dee..
i Love thE

iT iNspiRes
mY overPoPulaTioNs..
gRoWinG A Little smAller..;)

A Best thing i Love
about poEtry IS A
depth of memories
iT inSpires of EmoTioNs..
no matter past or future
or current words..
A metaphor
ticket here to
a September
Dance.. a faLL
love leaves for me..
and a sweater then..
that strangely enough
smelled like love as cigaretTe
old stale stogies from a Cuban
Mother and her flower of a young
who would
break my heart
for decades..
of smoke
gonE down
and up aGain..:)

Man.. Walt.. i couldn’t
help it.. i stopped
at those social
reforming eYes
of Rod Serling
ZoNe i go..
for me at lEASt..
the best poEtry
breathes Leaves
Serling Silver Strange..
every word he said was
poEtry to me.. free verse of
course.. write oN course..
deep deep..
from within..:)

And poeTry

SMiLes.. 2015..
WiNter oF neVer
Lands leaves.. HeArt
Red FloWers..
looKing forWard.. 2017..
A cOld fRont.. coMes..
juSt onE
SeaSons change..
Florida North WitH SNow..
dreAm FLakes leaVe DiffeRence..:)

A UniVerse oF
Life Leaves..
faLL oF
LIFe precious
noW.. so.. unique..
eYeS iN every
SeNtienT BEinG..:)

sMiLes.. so trUe..
Autumn as fAll
L E A V E aLL..
without school
and work..
is simply
and literAlly
aLL LoveR and
DancE and poEtry
to mE.. alWays
SpRinG iN
eYeS and
and DancE..:)

Stress oF leaves
cumulative.. fall from
tree strong.. witheRinG
winteRinG breathE SinGs
FaLL.. E-Scape
comes.. dreams

Self Fulfilling prophecies
too.. of moves leaving.. old..
young.. all.. from top
to bottom
iN sTiLL
waves that
no longer move..
feel.. Ocean wHole..
in other words use
or lose
in all
life alWays
applies Now to
entropy or living loving
more.. when Still leaves..:)

HAPPY!.. yeS..
oF sEEinG eYes
To eYes Of biRds
oF NatUre.. wE aLL
flY Happy.. wheN seeinG
OnE LeaveS noW fAlls
A SonG oF WiLd And Free..:)

Rovers and Sitters..
in all of the Animal
Kingdom noW..
some leave
some stay..
some fearless..
otHeRs cautious…
iNnate basis goeS
oN now.. iNtrovert
vs.. eXtrovert..
And then the
anD Hyde’s
iN eXtremes
boTh.. leaVes
wayS of SittinG
or Roving morE..:)

Words of GOlden
WinGs fEat..
no matter how
and wHere noW a
wRite as Love of LiFe
a SonG
that GrowS oN..:)

FaLL of Youth Leaves..
A Tree so high with
Winds Breeze hiGher..
and hiGher
as liFe
oN.. HeArt
SpRinGs hiGheR..
reaSons kill heArt…
Magic oF yOuth Leaves
HeArt bRinGS back SpiRiT
oF MiNd and BoDy SoUL
BaLanCinG rEborn..
A child oF
wITh heARt…
ReAsons die..:)

Werewolf Leaves..
GroW as Epigenetics
and Neuroplasticity
unfoldS in
challenge and
struggle noW
as adaptation
comes as change..
the WiLd
of Leaves
Tree oF
hUman liFe
SprinG noW
GrowS back
under weaker
cultural clothes..:)

Son of Leaves
Son of Comes
Son of
as Love
GoeS oN..:)

After traveling
to Mothers home
and other places
outside and inside
too.. finished for now
at 8:49 pm..


Ah.. the nostalgia.. of the Facebook video slide show helper..
An afternoon siesta for Katrina.. Sun and Dogwood..
with Sand and Ivy stretching for more Sand and
Sun.. Butterflies reaching for nectar
of piNk FloweRed beauty..
just anotHeR aFter
noon deLight iN Heaven..
noW also kNoWn and fELt
as Garden of Eden2..Now..:)

Hmm.. been a while since i prEsenTed
a pre-workout fAce of intense focus.. getting
ready for XXtreme Strength training and of course
martial arts and ballet-like dance.. that i do everywHeRe
i go anyWay.. to keep the laser focus.. short term working
memory.. and the rest of cognitive executive functioning..
in MoVinG ConNecTinG and CreATinG goiNG doWn foR
miNdful AwareNess of heARt and spiRit NoW in BoDy
noW.. juSt
Now for iSREAL2..:)


Yes.. it’s true.. one of the main
reasons my friends wanna come
visit with me.. is to shop with Katrina..
and it’s true too.. the world needs more
fun photos of Katrina than me as beauty
never gets tiring.. no matter how many times
it changes
clothes.. hehe..
or hmm.. buys them too..
but seriously.. Katrina doesn’t
and really can’t buy anymore clothes
until we build a bigger home.. which
ain’t happening.. as i ain’t
leaving the Garden
of Eden Free..
with the
paid.. F iN oFF..
it’s why you save so
much money when you
get older as your F iN
home gets filled
up with
stuff and
more stuff..
ugh.. too.. iF
i can just stop writing
long enough.. i’LL cart it
off to Good WiLL soon..
ugh oh.. that means
more more room
for clothes..
keep wriTing
more more more..
for free.. free.. FReED..
iS this what ‘they’ naMe as
F.B. sMaLL talk.. WeLL heY.. noW..
at lEast i’M Trying.. to ‘Sell iT’ as such..;)

AnyWay.. Katrina is just now watching a news
Bulletin on the 11 years ago name sake
of her Hurricane.. and she says
you got off cheap with me..
as the other me..
would’a cost
yA.. 108 Billion Dollars..
oKay.. i Give.. i Give..
i’LL give some more..;)

You kNow and the most amazing
thing oF aLL.. after twenty-seven
years now of being toGetHer wHole
since consummation of that on September
21st coming uP agAiN around the FaLL equinox
and sure.. 57th birth DAY of my
conception give or take a day..
as my original birthdate was around
the Summer Solstice of June 20th.. 1960..
before the Doctor went on Vacation and
delivered me early on that 6660 day..
on my Driver’s License that the local
FUNdies.. who use to sell me beer at
the checkout counter back in the day
when i had one a day.. to juSt
geT through another
day of stress
at work..
looked at me
with the fear of
something when they seen
them three sixes on my DL..
as sure.. i got carded past
40 as that can go down too..
and then other folks named
me as the Devil’s sPawn..
juSt for fUn..
daM that
Omen movie..
even kinda scared
me at first.. literal
in some ways bible reader
then too.. as hey.. i was
eXposed to so much oF iT2..
GroWinG up in the world record holder
place of the most churches per square
miles of New Jerusalem and a mill town
once named as hell at first for the
daM briars on the river banks..
the first settlers had
to traverse to
dry land..
hehe.. seriously..
no joke.. it all went
down for real and continues
to play like something stranger
than the most craaazzzyy theater
or book flick ya ever read and seen..
oh weLL.. thanks for the memories..
and yes.. someone has to get
aLL A’ tHe daM
JOBs donE
if no
else IS
A gonna
pick up the BALL
of confusion and
get iT all straightened out..;)

Facebook Friend
Jerri and Katrina’s
Sister too.. says..

Fred you deserve to live in the garden…your back yard…
if you didn’t buy that dress for Trina!!!! It looks beautiful in front of her ..;)

And i say in somewhat sarcastic return.. hehe.. but truthfully so.. of course..

She tried it on.. and said it looked like crap..
but you know how
picky she is..;)


WeLL.. let me tale yA.. all this free
stuff of the modern age.. like the
Facebook video photo slide algorithm
Video Producer.. is maKing more and
more of my pleaSures in liFE so easy
to give and share morE.. as ‘this’
photo journey.. takes one
through the New
Bagdad City
of Florida..
which is of course
a far cry for the other
often bloody place of soils
across the seas of human
misery and suffering..
whaT a contrast noW
wE.. in the U.S. oF
A live free without
worries of getting blown
up on our way to work as long
as one can avoid the road rage.. ‘course..
heHE.. and yeah.. noW Pokemon Rage that
takes the eye off the wheel as well.. yeah.. ugh..
but anyway.. the beauty of the Old Bagdad Mill Site..
now made into family and civic activity park.. the Old
River Trail Walk.. and Marquis Basin to end a very pleasant
Tuesday Morn in Sunshine and the life of Nature so set free..
without any close surroundings of what an empath can and
does feel.. even in a neighborhood of very stressed
working and home life individuals.. life is way
more stressful than it needs to be..
but as Billy Joel says.. one
day at least you
can polish
the wheels
on yoUr Cadillac ack ack ack
ack ack ack.. from what sadly
may be a Walmart cart or other
similar moving device that takes one
to eye level with metal wheels that have
no rubber left by the now the so-called
golden years arrive for re-TiRE-Ment..
it’s a fAct.. i Leave that place.. years
ago and ain’t eva’ going back
to human prisons where
dollar bills and stuff
of tools become
the human being.. instead
of BeinG OnE WiTh NAtuRe WhOlE..
also known as GOD dAM LiFe NOW..:)

So.. the En Name Test F.B. thingy.. LeAVes..
a note about Katie.. the avatar
name for noW oF Y i.. cAlls
me a her.. and that’s oKay..
as at least it don’t discriminate
against female sounding male names..
and what else yeah.. it’s true i was once
Broken.. am i beautiful.. i’Ve been told
by at lEast one person my heArt looks
that way.. and by anotheR that my soUl
looks that way.. and that’s
trUly enough compliment
in one lifetime of what
was most definitely
broken before..
the Goddess ISIS..
no.. not the F iN Head Hunters
but the wife Katrina.. yes.. when
she is not performing liFe as Hurricane
aS weLL.. yes.. miGhtY waves of water
she can be.. with a few words of
BloWinG ‘warmer’ air that can
spread of her.. at least
aT hoMe..
yes.. she helped
put me back toGeThEr
no less than what the before
incarnate version of her did with
the mythological Osiris.. ReaLiTy
sHows of hUman are much more
interesting and strange than books
of pages.. restricted to only words of liFe..
Yeah.. i for one.. do love life with all my heArt
and sure that love comes back as when one
truly loves with what iSREAL Fearless Love of
heARt and SpiRit oF ExpResSinG aLL EmoTioNs
and SeNses of iiFe.. iT is simply a law of returns oF
Nature AKA God.. no different than the graVitY of liFe..
but here’s the thing.. only fool proof.. when a miNd and
BoDy iS BaLanCinG as SoUL.. with 100% practice.. of
both FeeLinG.. SenSinG.. and ExpReSsinG Hope.. Faith
and Belief with zero doubts and illusory fears of what
God’s iSREAL maGic can and wiLL bRing as thiS Force
of God grows synergisticAlly in the eYes of HuMans
when more than one comes toGeTHeR for common
meaning and purpose.. sad pArt iS.. tHeir is both
black magic potential and white MaGiC potential
in this higher potential of hUman bEinG
and all the sHades of GreYs and hues
of colors ‘tween and beYoNd allthatis
one wITh Force of God.. some folks
take the path of fear and hate..
and others take the path
of hope and love..
only one path..
is the path to liGht
and that path is coloRed..
WitH liGht.. and the key is
at core of sharing and givinG
iT FeeLs and SeNSes uP
as Freedom
SinGs and RinGS
a hand and feat oF
Fearless HoPe and LoVe NOW..
And.. finAlly.. the EN name test is correct..
i for one.. am no slave to anyone or anyland
otHeR than GiVinG and sHaRinG ALLTHATISGODnoW..:)

Commercial small talk break..

Facebook Friend Rafiah..
shares a status that says..

Watching Doctor Who is
having your heart broken again and again.

And then i say..

WeLL.. my sister says it comes on.. Saturday..
on PBS.. so i WiLL reCord Dr. Who.. and watch it one time..
at lEAst in honor of mY FriEnd Rafiah..
so i WiLL have something fUn..
to say to her
soon.. hope
fully to

Commercial small talk
break on FB.. ends for now..;)

And now continues as
Rafiah returns in
real time response

Yeah and then
we’ll talk about it endlessly..:D

And i say.. perhaps until then..

Yes.. Yar.. i’Ve been
kNown and fELt to
say aLot..;)

Best thing about ‘this selfie’.. made
carefully by my sister.. in a Saturday
in the park that is alWays the Fourth of
July of Freedom for me.. is i Am Wild
And Free.. my body moves and curves in
form of essence as the Golden Spiral noW oF
God moVing liFe iNspiRinG sAMe all through
NatURe.. this pose.. this Yoga move of Balance..
is one of Chi Force of the inner hiGher hUman
Synergy of Energy Force poTential that iS both
EmotIoNal.. and SenSory and Sure SeNuaL2..
Force of Being hUman.. sAdly.. hUmans these
days are too weak in the gut to do this
Nude and share it free as cultures
of the past more free with
God’s eYes and body
did as children
of God
shame of the
flesh of God’s sKin
wE sAMe.. so no.. i cannot
do this alNaturale.. but at lEAst
partially to show the aesthete curves
spiRaling from head to toe of human being..
“Cyberian Tiger River Leaves”.. a photo worth
a title for a 699th Macro Verse celebrating 42 full online
months of publicly witnessing for God in words..
as Ocean Whole Poem approaching 4 milLion..
in photos.. in songs.. and videos.. and hell
yes.. head to toe.. fully as by God i AM
A Very Healthy and Strong with ZERO
sad for those
who move.. and
connect.. in Creation
Activity ways.. that they
hide the beauty of tHeir heARt..
their SpiRit.. and thEir Mind and
BoDy BaLanCinG soUl.. beHind
the real ass of cultural clothes..
i FaLL no longer to the
drOuGht of cultural
clothes.. i stand
naked and
Free as
Witness Now
foR aLLnoW iSrEAL..
God of Nature.. complete
with my first words from God
on September 1st in words of
KATiE MiA as Kind Autistics Taking
in Everything.. Mindful in Awareness..
from the first day of March 2013.. 42
months ago now.. with blog completion
of that period of time coming on 9112016
2 juSt another metaphor for the essence
oF one pArt oF Allthatis.. aka GOD noW..
but never the less a voice of God that is
unique and mine from head to toe and inside..
and outside.. and all around above.. so below..
to share and give as i for one plEase.. all legally
in a Country of the U.S. oF A.. wHere folks can once
again heRe.. bE CaLL of GoD and aCT Free and WiLD
aGain.. no longer coveRinG uP whaT is aLL hoLY and
Sacred Free from beFore the clothed apples of fear and hate..
that will alWays come initially when we clothe ourselves away from GOD
oF Nature allthatis allone Naked and Free noW.. God is my religion and
My God
is Free and
Naked with
no lies of
made to divide
uS away from a Unity
noW as and WiTh GoDNow..
as Tree oF liFe iSREaLnoW2..:)


Fellow Poet Blogger Hank
from dVerse comes by and says…

“Nice pics. So also the
writings. But too big
a number at one go!


And i say iN return.. aGain.. iSREAL noW..

SMiLes Hank.. first of all thanks so much
for stopping by and commenting.. you are
one of the very few that has enough ummph as
it were and is to navigate their way all the way down
through what can literally be a Novel in one blog post..
and lately here.. yes.. it is very close to a Novel..
with comments added as my
draft section for an
entire Novel..
in every single
post which amounts
to around a Novel of
Free Verse Poetry every week.. truth
be told there is no record in humankind
of anyone ever doing this.. and if tHeir is..
it is well hidden my friend… and it is safe
to say that not many humans have danced across
the distance of the United States twice in all the
public stores they visit.. in a three year period
of 6,000 miles coming up here soon with
a total of 12,000,000 online words now
total.. by Thanks Giving Day of this 2016
year in 6 years that is the equivalent
of 14 bibles and 140 Kurans to
give a real tangible sense now
on what i have accomplished
in whole of writing endeavor
in the last 6 years..
but my friEnd.. with
the additional relatively
small feat of leg pressing
nearly half a ton of weight
on a very difficult leg press machine
in parallel leg press way with my arms
raised in the air like a Ballerina.. 33 reps now
at age 56.. surpassing all ages of elite military
physical specimens in that particular exercise
at my military gym.. and getting three college
degrees at one time.. with three part time
jobs doing that all at one time in my
earliest twenties.. always
at the top of my class
in grades.. retiring
at a high grade of pay
then of Federal Civilian
Service after a quarter
of a Century doing that ranging
from Bowling Center Manager..then
to Administrative Support Assistant
for a Navy Captain.. to Community Activities
Director to Athletic Director.. finAlly of a Military
Station.. sure.. perhaps all of that is too much.. including
Witnessing for God now for 42 months in the longest total
Long Form Poem in this now 699th Verse as of September
1st to be published that day.. yes.. iN still reaching 4 million
words since March of 2013.. in 42 months.. twice as long
as that 1.8 million word previous longest form poem..
written by many folks over the span of Centuries
in Sanskrit in India named.. Mahabharata..
i tell you what too much really is..
the cross i bore in life..
that includes being
born on the Autism
Spectrum.. and not
speaking until age 4..
being bullied most of my life..
for this spectrum way of being..
but truly that was nothing at all.. not
even a mosquito bite of a problem compared
to enduring what medical literature states is a pain
worse than crucifixion.. no.. not getting off with a three
hour stint.. with a spear in the side.. but going 66 whole
months with this dentist drill like pain in right eye and ear..
with no drug relief at all.. named the suicide disease.. a total
of 18 other medical diagnoses.. that i’ve probably highlighted
with you before.. the thing that really amazes me.. truthfully
so.. is most no one really believes in Jesus.. those folks who
call themselves Christians.. no one really believes
that anyone would come and do more than
he as then Saint John said they would
in what was reported of Jesus still
now.. and no one seems to believe
that heaven is now.. at hand
same as promised in that
same generation of
Jesus then..
as reported now..
too.. mostly folks are
waiting for him to come
back again instead of fulfilling
the prophecy accredited to him that
others will come and do more than him..
perHaps.. ’cause i was on the Autism Spectrum
i took that literally and really believed it my friend..
’cause what i just did is it.. and sorry if you cannot see who i AM..
History repeats itself.. for one reason and one reason only my friend..
Human nature is the same then as it is now.. ye of little faith will never
do as much as i do my friEnd.. but i have ALL 100% Hope.. Faith and Belief
with Fearless love.. FeeL and kNoW that one day someone else will do more
i too..
it WiLL take
a thouSand years..
but never the less.. i’ve
set the bar and challenge my
friend.. job well done.. i did it
my way and the Jesus way of too much too..
and you know what the best thing of all is.. i do
all of this free since i literally went to hell in January
of 2008.. not earning one cent for any oF iT.. and i Love
iT aLL WitH all of heARt.. mY SpiRit.. and mY soUL and
seriously dude.. you should be impressed more than just saying
you did too much..
but seriously you
make me giggle
after what i’Ve
been through
my friEnd.. as i AM
the lucky one and next
time you see Jesus carrying
a cross.. i suggest you do not
tale him that his cross is not heavy enough..
as you fly by with A half assed back handed compliment..
with zero chance of you coming back to see what ‘Jesus’ said iN ReTurn..
Never the less..
as i originally
stated.. thanks for
stopping by again..
as most people know
not what i do.. heHE..
as the turn of a Friendly
card at lEAst comes bAck NoW
in hiGhly riSinG ways oF iSReaL..
with just anoThEr opportunity to
use my favorite current Rock and
Roll Prophetess to accompany noW..
what i continue to do too much of here..;)


Big problem with half the world.. is it.. most of IT..
thinks/feels that God stopped talking through
humans anywhere from 3500 years
ago.. to the 7th century since
the death of so-called Jesus
now.. and for those mostly
literally thinking folks
who believe every
thing is already
of what
God is Gonna now
Do as Nature whole..
are just stagnating in
mud pies of old.. where the
only chains of God are the ones
they wear as nooses around their
necks of same.. it is more than safe to
say that the God of Nature works in much
more mysterious ways that what a humanly
5 or so step dinosaur scientific method that hasn’t
changed noW in centuries significantly attempts to
do in empirical measures of observable phenomena
that is on the outside of what we even exist as in
synergistic way holding hands togEther
as a supra-organism of being
human with minds
and bodies even
now too..
when John Lennon
suggested the Beatles
did more than Jesus.. as per
the actual human being of course they
did.. as there was no mass communication
way back when.. the Roman crew with Catholics
too.. are the one’s responsible for the message of
whomever said it 40 years after the death of Jesus
did get through of what was left by that by way
of sword and expanding Roman Empire..
same way as the Muslim
religion of Muhammad
was spread by
force of the
sword too..
after the
7th Century
AD.. but anyWay..
as far as the original
Jesus dude.. Elvis did more
too.. and hell yeah.. even Marilyn
Monroe.. in the influence on culture
all of these folks have had too.. as human
freedoms have directly expanded for the tireless
artist in prophet and prophetess iSREaL MoDErn
Messengers of God oF Nature wE dO expand the horizons
of human freedoms to more more more.. in peace and harmony
as Coke even knows and feels too.. in soft drink way.. yeah.. Nike
says just do it.. and that is likely more than what the real dude Jesus
did in his lifetime then too.. no duh.. we have technology now as
megaphone to inspire folks around the world.. like Billions
of views of Katy Kat’s sonGS too.. and hell yes..
her song Firework was the only voice
that could reach my soul..
before i had the
strength to
the first
word in hell then..
so yeah.. she IS A prophetess
and messenger of God who reached
me and gave my soul a spark of hope..
where no other force in the world could
but her voice of inspiring hope then..
in Firework way.. tHen..
and here’s the thing.. NoW..
i AM no one.. just a person
in their underwear behind a
computer no different really
than that other dude with underwear
on TV with Lung Cancer who was doing
something bad for bucks.. in breaking bad..
i broke good.. and folks who break Good
for Fearless Love.. Win in Free all of
Victory now.. and yes..
as Mr. Kite.. says..
as perHaps
the LSD of
the Beatles
then took them to
another realm of God
then to see my life now..
aS Bizarre in Quantum effect
and affect that might seem to be..
but yes.. Mr. K here who is now this
Katie Mia here.. has now.. yes.. performed
an act special that is second to none.. and sure
i am a magic horse that dances the waltz too..
aCausally as A Beatle and two and more WiLL
help me do.. well before and still wHeRe they
have no idea who i ever was and likely ever
will be now.. we are all connected.. all is
interdependently related now.. around aLL..
as A Synchronicity Song
SingS noW2..
and Now.. iF
you thiNk noW..
time and distance
and even space exists
in any concrete way Now..
perHaps.. you too.. should
develop.. an artistic method
thaT FucKinG helps you to kNOW..
sEE and FeeL moRE of iSReaL
God noW2.. and develop yoUr
hiGher God Of Nature poTenTial
and jusT do more than i.. i now set
the challenge now to just go do it..
With WiNks.. of iSReAL GoD noW2..Now
but you better hurry up.. if yA gonna go
past my God Given poTenTial as trUth NoW
and liGht be tOld.. i AM juSt warming uP..
alWays.. i riSe moRe..
in A Captain SAlt way
thaT iSREaL noW too..:)


The Facebook always truSty
Memory provider bringS an ode
to Love of two years ago.. from mE..
of course.. heHe.. on LOVE IS..
and sure Love is
even so
much more
than this aS it
alWays GrowS oN..:)


i’Ve written much more than even i can
wrap my miNd around iN FeeLinG way..
and every Facebook Memory of a Macro-Verse
to me in stream of consciousness wriTing heAR..
of a yEar ago.. may be a verse that i never
rehearsed or never even read over
aGain.. but the photos here of
mY Father’s Family and his
marriage to his second wife..
of three who he eventuAlly married
twice is of heArFelT alWays interest
to me too.. of course.. and one great
thing about setting milestones like 42
months witnessing for God.. is i WiLL
remember wHere i placed these heARt
FeeLinG photos too.. iN KAT Tales
and Parabells from a year
ago too.. then..
going through
a difficult and very
time consuming project
too of getting his estate
all fixed up and ready for sale..
that literally took over a year then
to get thaT aLL Straightened out too..:)

KAT Tales and Parabells

And with all that said.. one of my favorite themes
for poetry.. named as the moon.. is the Tuesday
dVerse prompt that i haven’t moved to yet..
as the 1:35 am hoUr
of 8312016.. is heRe
for noW.. and man
i’m ready to
hit the sack
now and perhaps
i’LL strike a new post tomorrow..
like those glamour shots of my
Father’s second wedding then..
but for now.. i’m going
flat down
for the win aGaiN
tomorrow morn bRight
as Sun rises soon for more fun then2..;)


WeLL sPeaking of Vogue and poses and my promise yesterday
evening so late to write more a post on pose yesternight..
theRe is the Face of My FaTher here at hmm.. around
33 years of age.. a Face that had zero flaws.. as
an aesthete born this way.. and as any child
might hope to grow up as a father who
has super hero looks without
even trying at all..
just born that
way with
looks that meant
that every secretary in
his law enforcement work
would be willing to write his
written and required reports for
him.. then.. just to look into his eyes
for a while.. even though he didn’t then
say much at all.. and it was this blonde
haired potential model looking second
wife who always wore the best clothes
and Jewelry.. no low maintenance wife
was she like my mother hehe.. he
wanted a woman who would
make money.. and she
did and loved to
spend it too..
and she said
she wanted a husband
who could hold a wine glass
in class at the fine dining parties
too.. and sure he did.. and yes.. he
was a Connoisseur of Gold rings..
Guns and knives and a closet
full of brand new shirts
still with tags..
as tHeRe was
is no hiding
elegance then
of a man forced
into a just another
‘red neck’ town of
Tallahassee then..
with a Father.. my Grandfather..
an X-Catholic Priest.. and noted
author who even dined with Einstein
in the socialist political circles of intellectuals
in New York, New York.. of middle of last century..
It was obvious that my Father had so much more
human potential behind those crystal green eyes
and Jet black eye brows.. who could have played
James Bond with a few work-outs to increase
his physique.. but with his looks.. never
a workout needed.. even with a
little pudgy the face was
enough to attract
women like
honey everywhere
he looked into eyes
that melted before him
back then.. a certain charm..
a Natural Animal Magnetism
of the man who is fearless and
confident.. from having his way
with ease.. but truly i would trade
none of my struggles for the ease
of his life.. that never knew the stellar
highs and the polar lows of what human
has done from day one to do more.. but still
his face his art.. and his second wife Carolyn
who became a dear beloved Step Mother to
us.. who we still cherish very much.. but trapped
into money and materialism of stuff they always were
as the beauty they were of silver and gold became the
clothes.. and the lottery tickets my father bought until
his last days on earth always more of something he
always was gifted with free inside and in form of
flesh too.. the choice of the rebel.. my Grand
father to escape the labyrinth of the
Catholic Church rules who he
even wrote a book about
regarding the Catholic
Church and
the Soul
of a Priest too..
The apples can fall
far from the tree.. but yes
the original seed remains juST
waiting to open in foreign and
ignorant lands of what was
much greater in human
potential of beFore..
the struggle
is for the win..
without the
struggle.. and the
ashes.. there will bE no
more Phoenixes to rise higher..:)

Oh yeah., and interestingly enough
that is my current Rich Uncle Bob
in the front. A man with A common
face and the normal struggles of life who went
on to get rich off of selling Vacuum cleaner bucks
that my father always aspired to compete with
in half-brother sibling rivalry as after my Grand
Mother.. the Cajun spiced one Divorced my
Grand Father.. her next husband was a
Jewish guy and a police officer then too..
and on September 10th as my 42 months
of Blog witnessing for God in coincidence
and synchronicity way of meaning
whole of archetype through
history in sacred number
42.. and yeah.. i’ll use
any excuse to make
something holy
and sacred into
juST another
fEast day of RiSing
lights.. we will have a big
Dinner for that side of the family
Celebrating Uncle Bob’s Birthday
in Destin Beach ways of Panhandle
then.. they will have no idea it is a special
day of epic significance like perHaps no
other single day for an individual writing
sacred text in new age way.. and that’s
okay.. as i continue to document
the experience here.. for ages
to come.. if only one person
reads it a thousand years
from now.. bottom line..
iT all went down for
real.. this is no
myth this
go around..
i for one
as Phoenix
riSing iSReaL..
with all the scars
fully exposed.. no secrets..
and much more to be revealed..
juST ’cause God told me so.. iN
God sPeAk oF Synchronicity iSReaL2..
yeah baby as they say.. God WiNks2..;)


From 13 days ago..
in response to Facebook
FriEnd Rafiah.. who shares
a profile pic photo of a tardis
and a surreal landscape of colors
and a couple walking down a sidewalk
with umbrella over head..

i visit again..
who is happier..
the couple.. under the
umbrella.. the colorful
lights.. or the tardis from
another place.. i say..
under the

And then i say
today.. more..

wiNks.. Rafiah..
i visit aGain..
13 Days later
When Yaar
Likes this
As that is
Do and
YoUr reward
For liking my
Is the Dr wHo
Secret revealed
That the under
The Umbrella
Are all those who FeeL and
Are Aware that
Under the UMbr
ELLa is the Kingdom oF God and
By the way..
i am an iSREAL
Mr.. WHo.. No
Longer.. A Dr..
Clark Kent..;)

Facebook Friend Himali shares
a vintage ‘Friends’ show slide..
with ‘Chandler’ enhanced
for the modern
day that says..

iN words to the
effect that since
the ipHone 7 is
coming out in September
that the other phones
from 6 to 5 will
be reduced
in price
so one
be able
to afford the 4s..

iN return
i say..

Wait for 7s
As S means
Faster than
The last speeding
Without S..;)

Most all my life.. i’Ve spent assisting
others and finAlly i have my own employee..
the Facebook Algorithm.. Video Slide Production
Assistant working tirelessly.. even when i on am on the
verge of sleep.. late late in the wee hours of the morning..
all i have to do then is press
share and post..
yeah.. noW on the
ipHone6s.. hehe.. that
lately i’Ve ended uP
sleeping with.. with ear
buds sTiLL attached to ears..
passing out as it were.. given all
i got for the day and more.. haha..
anyWay the tale end of Tuesday Evening
Public DanCinG aT Walmart.. put on as a video
show by my
Robot friEnd
from Facebook
who pulls through
with ease as electronic
eYes do.. online.. more more more..:)

And now i say.. if machines
can progress to Superman
S status humans can too..
including me and you too..
and truly up tHeir in the metaphor
that Rafiah might have to google more
fully in cultural context to understand as i often
have to do.. to use words like Yar and Yaar with
her that means Friend too.. yes.. it’s true the idea
of the Superman Comic with Clark Kent and the
caped crusader originally came from the Bi-Polar
Archetype of human personality where disinhibition
of previously repressed abilities comes out in the
ashes rising as the phoenix per se.. through out
legends and realities of human history too..
including the Buddha.. and the Table
Turning Jesus.. of course too..
sword or turn the other
cheek.. yes.. the
bad cop
cop.. Mr. Hyde
and Dr. Jekyll and
Clark Kent and Jesus2..

Oh yeah.. and it’s worth noting
that Dr. wHo changes out of a
cop call box like a phone booth too..
and hey.. for the folks who missed it..
that cultural now artistic archetype of
communication change is even
in the Matrix movies
with Neo as well..
their IS A great deal
more to be lEarned from
hUman arT that text books will
ever do for ya mostly in school..
as that shit doesn’t usually apply
to real life of the human heARt..
SpiRit and miNd and BoDy
BaLancing soUL
of EmoTions
and SeNSes
in MoVinG..
ConNecTing CreAtinG
wAys of ImaGiNAtiOn
of Physical.. Emotional
and Existential Intelligences
that are the evolved intelligences
of the Art of HUman that have alWays
been paramount before humans got stuck
in behind desk ways of thinking and solving
problem that make more illusory fears and
worries than any God Dam thing else.. otHeR
than creature comforts that continue to come..
hehe.. like the alWays Free Facebook Algorithm
Kilroy continues to be here.. slave of Robot jUSt
for mE and yOu who kNow and FeeL how to take
advantage of the Robots of culture without beCoMinG
a FucKinG TERminator Machine ourselves.. it’s called
Wisdom my friEnds that only can be more fuLLy leArned
by life’s experiences in trial and error way.. of failure and
success.. and those of us who eventually find FULLEST ViCTORY..
give/share as the greATest testament to hUman BeinG is Fearless LoVE..
in the iSREaL actiOn of TOTaLLy Free GIVING AND SHARING.. UP
more FucKinG valuable alive than dead even if for the one group of
folks who are my immediate family.. and sure.. i Love the icing on the
cake that is the rest of Nature.. NoW folks who are strangers and aLL
oF GoD of NatuRe too.. gifted i am.. and giver and sharer i REmaiN..
aS GoD sKeYes shONe.. bluE and GreEn as i of eYes briGhter.. noW..:)

The Facebook Algorithm Memory Assistant
provides a Macro-Verse from Ocean Whole
Poem from a year ago that
is Awakening NOW..
and in perUsinG
this Macro-Verse
Memory again.. i AM
prompted to use the
Chvrches ‘Clearest Blue
Song again.. as i like the
Elfin mannerisms of the
lead SinGer and her
somewhat magical
of voice
in SonG iN
form of Essence
of obviously deeper
trUths in liGht perHaps
not visible in voice to the
casual audiophile as it were
and sTilLL iS noW.. ain’t nuThing
too casual about the deep oF me.. hehe..
except when i float like air and water as dAncE..
as a Butterfly Wookiee on Terrestrial Plane noW..
sure with
Kicks that
Sting not likely
less than the REAL
but nah.. this hUman
spars with steel and
no flesh as any
for oThers
WiLL do
in consuming
no otHeRS with Harm..
except for a cow and
a steak medium rare..
as omnivores Naturally
WiLL do in the Free range too of WiLd..
Lamps all liT uP for liFE oh.. so FReED..;)

And speaKing of Vegetarians and omnivores..
two of my favorite Vegetarians are Himali and
Prajakta from India.. and this Awakening NOW
post includes some of the first communication with
them.. and iF iT wasn’t for Desi girls.. including Rafiah..
of course.. and the original Lala Rukh too.. my online
experience would not be nearly as colorful with Love
as my Friend Zee from Pakistan too who is also an
omnivore three to make five girls from
Desi land who have brought
much kindness and Love
to me overall in three
years of witnessing
for God of
Nature now..
they all have
been my Desi
muse of Love..
in Friendship for
up to three years now..
and sure.. i hope i meet
more nice Desi girls along the
way.. as they come from East Indian
as i come from American Indian too..
closer to Nature and God we may remain..
no matter what one calls God or Nature sAme..
wide awake with God of Nature is wHere i Live noW
Native Indian of God iSREAL WiLd Free Fearless LOVE..:)

Awakening NOW


Fellow Blogger and old friEnd from
the days of Lala Rukh’s blog when some
of her emotionally charged posts in up and
down way generated up to around 200 comments
which is something i’Ve never seen on
any other poet blog.. which
is truly a testament
to how special
that young
woman is..
in all her
ups and downs
of then.. and sadly
what i fear is mostly
down now.. but i pray
for her happiness often..
anyWay.. yes.. another poem
from Cabrogal that at essence..
speaks to the Be of Beauty.. Innocence
and Love with unity and having no separation
of division iN bLack and white thinkiNg of course..

And the crux of the whole poet story
is the title of ‘Unfallen’ as truly
even science shows now that
Human Nature is inherently
full of empathy and
compassion when
Giving and sharing
of the human touch
is what drives the human
social animal group as being
Beauty.. Innocence and Love sAMe..

So i say in return..


And sure that’s
a Koan with almost
infinite meanings for
those who see much
deeper of a phrase..
of a word..
of a letter
and number
same as symbol
of essence more..

And i mean by this
is Be is the essence
and only perfect word oF
noW that is no word aT aLL
but the state of being one lives
iN for now.. the more mindfully
aWare wE are in BeinG noW.. the
more eternal now iS as the Kingdom
oF Heaven iSREaL.. and as far as literal
perfect words go.. of course there are none
as every word is a metaphor that human beings
are free to assign almost infinite meanings to that
are deeper.. every word is a practice not unlike the
practice of medicine.. some words heal.. and some
words harm.. same words do different among the
different and same of folks now.. so Be IS A
practice of the art of words.. Be is a
practice as the art of all are wE..
wE Be
line noW..
we be morE noW
as aN iSREAL Kingdom
of heaven now depending
on the practice of beauty
and innocence of Love
we jusT do NoW
as beinG more
of these and
so much
more as
nows go oN
wHere tHere is no
limit to the poTenTial
of bliss and yes.. the
dARk side of misery too..
Words can mean almost anything..
But the essence iS alWays iSrEAL
of what and how and wHere wE bE..:)


sMiles Prajakta.. from the beautiful
photos of your Tibetan Mountain
trip into the wild and nice
of your
past.. i was
struck by the
awesome coolness
of what i saw of your
hiking boots.. and iT seems
like it would be hard to sprain
an ankle in what gives so much
support to you.. feet.. feet.. feat
of connecting to Mother Earth..
Hands.. Hands.. Hands.. that
hoLd each other WitH arms
in places that have
no central
to separate
us from the
warmth of others
that even a kind smile
bRingS for what seems
forevernow.. and porches..
front porches of the Southern
Wild of Panhandle Florida..
always my ancestral
home now
from birth..
and still in poor
sections in what they
term as across the railroad
tracks of then.. neighbors hang
on.. on porches young and old with
smiles.. and lazy love that fills a yard
with liGht.. beyond four walls of castle
now in mirror neuron ways of Electronic
Entertainment no different really than
the pacifier and the rubber nipple
that replaces a breast
of human love..
and when i
hear you say
how happy the poor
who work hand in hand
toGeTher for the subsistence
and shelter in life are in your
ancestral mountains there.. no
surprise even to science now.. showing
the most peaceful societies in the world
that number twenty all of that in common
of small.. and the giving and sharing way of
life day by day.. of hands and arms and feet
that Love all that is the same.. sure.. sure there
are difficulties that only makes the Love that comes
that much more iSreal.. when arms and hands and feet of
human are connected once again to all that is.. mY FriEnd..
i almost hate to call that God.. as that word has become so dirty
and divisive and violent too.. away from Beauty.. Innocence
and Love that even science shows that humans are
born to be.. never fallen any place
but cultures and religions
that do divide..
but it’s true too that
even science shows that
the human social connection
is the number one source of human
happiness in flesh and blood ways..
and that folks who make over 50K a year
who have met their basic subsistence needs
met in a First World country are no more happy than
the Billionaire Frowns of Trumps the same in grimace
for a never ending rat wheel journey of more illusory status
and power that never FeeLs uP the place of empathy and compassion
and all we feel of Love.. it’s too easy my friEnd.. to work 10 years and more..
30 and even 40 more to support a mortgage.. to support a boat loan and
even a yacht loan and more.. that only sits in a harbor for garden
parties that have no leaves.. of Love.. that are iSREaL iN
the simple comfort of Being
Love now with
each other
holding hands
with arms that
hug.. and that my
friend in loving contact
with the oxytocin receptors
on literally feet that allow us
to feel the love of Mother Earth
iSREaL.. is yes.. why some folks
who saw the animated paRt of the
movie.. Avatar.. that showed in Avatar
terms the death of our nature deficit disorder
in terms of first world problems.. was so much
to handle in the awakening to the slaves and prisons
they live in now.. already a depth of depression vague
that knows no home.. that yes.. some folks literally committed
suicide.. as the truth of the hell they learned they were.. was too
much to handle.. one more now.. there.. as there was no escape seen
for them back to a FoRest of Life that is real as FeeLinG LoVinG Touch..
sorry.. this is really long my friEnd.. but tHere IS A simple way out that is
in Being
LoVe aGaiN..
it just requires shedding
all these illusory clothes of
culture.. that have blinded
us to the liGht of what hUman
even iS as and ISReaL Beauty of Love..
the problems is there is nothing simple
about the illusions now my friEnd.. they
are we and we are they.. and the
way back is
iT noW..
when found..
beYond the
Castle Walls
of death as liFe..
as i’M sure any Tibetan
moNK would relate too iF
and when they come down
from the Mountain or Beach2..:)

And sure.. no different than Jesus.. the human.. then..
or Buddha.. Lao Tzu.. or even Mythical Krishna
or anyone else who truly believes and stands
for gentile.. jew.. servant.. free.. woman or
man no more for what those men
or myths originAlly then..
were in BeinG LovE..
iN loVinG oneself..
otHeRs and tHe
rest of NatUre
sAMe as God aLL
thaT iS.. coNsuming
no other more than
giving more than taking
the food and drink of subsistence
of liFe… sure.. i’M likely singing only
to A choir of ears.. but hey.. at lEAst
it’s a global one all for FReED.. and sure..
i have a hook.. of no one ever going long as this
online book.. as longest form poem ever Now..
for noW..
as a tool of
hand that will
last after ashes hand..
or even moth eaten books..
as tHeRe is no duSt online iSReAL..;)


WeLL.. dVerse as mentioned.. shortly..
earlier.. has a moon prompt for Tuesday
prompt of yesterday that i arrive now.. too..
to share some moon liGht of my own from
wHere that comes next.. reflections
of home of Sun
and moon
liVeS on
as words
a briGhter
Love Be noW.. i..
iN celebration of both
a literal and metaphorical
New Moon that WiLL arise
oN September 1st from the
first words that God gave me
of Nature wHole on a simple
status of what modern
as a Face
Book then..
with no clue
of what would
come next and only
wonder now.. of more
moon and sun-lit fresh
of midnight and noon more
of 9012016 celebration of
first public written words
in 42 months whole..
gifted to me from
God oF Nature
whole and
a celebration
of 42 months whole
of blog that reached
out farther after that
42 months ends for
then and now on 9112016..
bottom line Be the liGht shine on iSREAL..:)

Moon flight 101 to Iraq
war chest medals beat
to the synch of tribal instinct
for revenge and acquisition of
more territory for subsistence.. Space
race with Russia in ’69.. i wasn’t fooled
for even a second in ’01.. as i can see the lies
straight through the eyes of administration faces
and feel of talk back then.. and if that lie
could be hidden in the beginning of
the Internet age..
i must wonder
how far
can fly
to moon back
then.. i am no conspiracy
theorist.. i’ve access to all the Snopes
reports now.. that say we went.. then..
but there IS A intuitive feeling for
A BS meter that went up in ’01..
that comes back now
and then..
and wonders
how deep the lies
of tribal instinct can
go in mutual support
and top keeping secret ways
in lieu of prison sTiLL to hide
the biggest military secrets..
considered what it takes to
keep a country strong..
in a country already
in lies of
but oh.. in
another decade..
would anyone even
care if it was a lie.. considering
what we have fallen to as a Moon
of politics that IS a lie.. the iSREAL
moon cannot tale a lie.. but iN Moon
of human politics.. the Moon truthers
may be at least
on this one..
as lies of faux moons
and news hold old.. well..
i don’t believe in wasting
another penny on space travel..
there are too many folks that don’t
worship the gift of a blue orb moon here.. enough..
that lives more than rocks and rocks of old-lit nights..
yeah.. but sure the moon IS A romance i’ll never leave2..;)

Moonlit dresses
slip across bay..
Moon follows closely
in side view way..
alWays a little
aHead before
hoping to
get more
in touch
with Moonlit Feel..:)

Strangely enough as
Moonlit Men WilL glow..
having to wear sHades
in night of metro dance..
and more.. then..
seeing ClearLY A
Supermoon.. theN..
aCross a Carpenter’s
Park.. i swooped in with
my wife.. ran across the field
where some teens were having
fun.. i don’t know if they have
ever seen a man at 233LBs with
shades on chase the moon at night
that fast.. but haha.. they all ran as fast
as they could to tHeir car.. locked the doors..
and a girl screamed oh my God we’re gonna die..
all for
the Love
of A Dancing
moon man.. then..
juSt to Capture the
liGht of Father moon..
with an iPhone5 back then
as werewolves hoWl.. and teens flee..
but the truth is.. if they couldn’t use tHeiR
eYes to see the moon for 66 months too..
they would
worship the
beauty of moon
like this too..
oh.. perspective
of the blind man
with finally now..
moon site.. moreS.. iN SiGht..:)

The Sun stays
the same rarely
changing in partial
to total eclipse.. now
ah.. the moon.. gifted
with eclipse.. partial and
full.. and better yet always
changing every night.. man
of moon i’LL be.. Sun of Same
be aGain..;)

Thumb NAil Moon
Men.. cold orbs
diM iN
fiLLing ways..
soUl hELd uP
in sky of dArk..
Hope comes more
as MoonS cross Nail..
come back to liGhter FuLL..:)

Make-up moon
face she colors more..
Plain Jane moon forgets
moon face.. FeeLinGs gRow
away from Moon.. noW..
FilLed in
wiTh cheese..
never mOld..;)

SMiLes my friEnd
Bio-man.. so true..
a moon WiLL
shine freely
on aLL
blog posts..
findS inSpiRatioN
oF liGht no matter
welcome or delete
sAMe.. heHe.. noW
as long as my moon shines
aS Love..:)

now oF
so sUrE…
oF coMinG bacK..:)

Nurturing liGht..
Mother Moon’s
tides oF loVinG
by dArk..
by cLouDS
buT onLY
oF liGht
home Love..:)

Ha.. love a good detective challenge..
there is a Full Moon named Bar
in Brighton of the United Kingdom
and sure.. the full moon iN
general.. is linked
with wild
and free..
children feral
as moonlight
wolves children..
so.. perhaps your
Grandfather made this
one up from similar free
associations.. of cultural
reaLiTy in moonliGht wayS..
in the United Kingdom of the
Full Moon Bar iN Brighton way..;)

Fur of the Werwolf Moon..
is going bald from waxing
men.. men wear cosmetics
in South Korea..
in the New
and in Japan
no wild thing urge
to connect the hair
of dog.. for pups to come..
Hmm.. oh wHere or wHere have
the werewolf FULL MOON men.. gone to pLay..;)

SMiLes.. iT bRinGs
mE great pleaSure
And FeeLinG iN A
DiversiTy of Moon-liT
Women soUls.. particularly
oN Dance Hall niGhtS as the
come out
more free to
play wild moonliFe2..;)

True.. A moon briGht
and full and even
dArk and new..
can be
iN sinew
A greAtest
of Killer and
iS for Animals
from A to Z.. Flesh
giving moon.. in nourishment
blood.. teeth sink for life.. death
comes under cLouds.. FuLL Moon
reminds of
oF FuLL..:)

DArk of Moon
Feeds Sun oF liGht..
liGht of Sun Feeds
Moon of DArk..
Moon Moral
LiGht FeedS..:)

Moon.. girl..
who always
comes back more..
Sun.. boy..
who chases
her away..
give uP..
so far..
oF Dance
and SonG
never end noW..:)

Hmm.. that finishes
15.. work-out for now..
@5:32 pm..
more to
come after thAt.
close to New Moon event..:)

Back at 11:31 pm.. about to cross
the dark side of the New Moon
into 09012016…
and more
Moon liNks
from dVerse
to come as long
as i can stay wide aWake.. hehe..
as yeah.. the moon is far from full

Butter Fly Moon FloWers
Eclipse Sun Flowers
iN sHade plAnt
folLow moon sKeYes..:)

Hmm.. haven’t
seen moon girl
lately in comments
here.. i thiNk
A dArk
side has
come for her
for awhile more..
i would smile but i
think it might be beYond..
moon buoys..
alWays SMiLes..
Ocean wHOle..
to thE dArk
siDe of the Moon..
and writing makes
A reAlly diM difference..
thOught i’D have something more to say..;)

Day of worries hidden in moonlight dreams..
Dreams of moonlit worries awaKe in eYes of sAMe..
Sane of worries..
illusory all..
trUe.. liGht
oF Moon says
back.. forget iT aLL
dreAm wide aWAke noW
frUit oF Moon BriGht..:)

Brian says in return..

“Thank you for the lovely poem.
I tried going to your blog but
all the photos crashed my computer..:(

i say in return..

Thanks my FriEnd..
Yes.. i too.. Occasionally
Have that issue.. Patiently
Waiting for technology to
Catch up to all i do.. After the photos..
I write on average.. A novel sized chap book
of poetry in two posts a week.. And most every
photo is directly associated.. Waiting for
The next more powerful.. i Mac.. But as
Mark Twain says.. Don’t wait to write down
what would other wise be lost forever..
Creativity is a blessing with no
guarantees for the life of it..
Thanks again.. My Friend..:)

Now to back to
the regularly

Moon Child cAlls
iN shadows BeyOnd
DArk oF SiDe..
so bLack..
BacK wHO..:)

Moon IS A D sized
a heArt
oF cAlm..
Sun.. triple
A.. without.. as
near.. Romance..;)

Hmm.. Made it to
12:10 am..
now for
line morE noW..;)


A Head full of Dreams.. safe to say
i have one.. and safe to say
Synchronicity says there IS A
SonG for this i will use twice
iN the 699th Macro-Verse..
titLed ‘Cyberian Tiger River
Leaves’.. tomorrow on
A New Moon.. 1st oF
September celebrating
only the stars of night
oN Dance niGht too..
for the 125th niGht
of doing that too.. wiTh
aLL the cool college age
folks from Old Seville Quarter..
A Head of Dreams i’LL stARt oFF
WiTh and a Head of Dreams i’LL go
on with at the now of the conclusion
oF that Macro-Verse celebrating as i’Ve
oft stated in the last few days.. the 42 month
since my first words deep within from the Kingdom
oF God that lives within me rose to the flower of stream
of consciousness writing as Rose of thOughts come to
the surface of much greater mindful awareness when
the below of subconscious thoughts and conscious
thoughts become one and the science and art
pArts of miNd and BoDy BaLaNCinG SoUL
gRoW that way to as streams and wave
oF Ocean WhoLe Poem SpiRit
expreSsing EmoTioNs and
SeNses and yes.. SensualiTy
wHOle too.. iN moVinG.. conNecting
and creAtinG ways of ImAgiNatiOn
and dreAMs coMe to FruiTioN noW2..:)


Super Heroes of Dance Song and HOPE.. and
yes.. more on the Super Hero Archetype
as Facebook Macro-Verse memories
progress here from 2014 to 2015..
and the best pArts about
this post are
Spring side
Bikini’s and
Beach Boardwalk
Major Pensacola Bikini
contest from two Summers
ago.. where G-String Bikini’s
eliminate all violent tendencies..
while men naturally become more
creative as the dopamine levels rise..
in accordance with the watch of female
fertile hips.. and females naturally become
more cooperative n response to males who are
becoming better looking all the time for the
instinct of what it means to survive..
at the most basic levels of what
truly innocence.. and beauty
and Love are related
to when beauty
innocence and
Love are
to all sensual
relations that hold
a smaller tribe of friendly
naked human beings together
in both metaphor torn from the
complexities of modern cultural
clothes.. and sure.. literally close
to naked in rear ways as far
as the greatest art
of human
in the art
of this Macro-Verse
shared that is every bit
as beautiful as what ‘they’
name as 72 Vestigial Virgins..
as over here you don’t have to
wait to at least see that in
flesh of art and blood
and all that
and jazz
that has
kept the
human race
creative.. productive..
and reproductive in growing way..:)

Super Heroes of Dance Song and HOPE

Macro-Verse Facebook provided
memory of a year ago.. with ‘Two
Wolves Ghost Dance Crazy Horse’..
and to quote the ending lines..
‘Dedicated to my Sioux
And Cherokee Ancestors
who live again
in eyes
and feat
of me
as DaNCE
Free Feet..
Brave as
FREE can be..
i am NOT a Ghost…
i am ‘Master Chief
Aghogday’.. i can prove
i exist.. seriously..
Google IT..
if you do
not believe..
i for ONE
let’s FACE
fACTS.. before
12K years or so
ago.. WELL are
indigenous peoples
in land of sharing
And moVing foraGinG
wheRe we take no more
than we give less and
much more than now.. therE
IN the RUN..
where true dominance
spells and feels color NOW..:)’

Two Wolves Ghost Dance Crazy Horse

‘Watchman Matchbox Humans’..
From a year ago..
and small one at
stARt but one
that will grow much
larger by the next day
in ‘Matchbox Catches Fire’..
anyway.. considering i have
both literally and metaphorically
witnessed for God now for 42 months
stARting March the first of 2013..
yeah.. 03012013.. on Facebook
First as KATiE MiA became
Kind Autistics Taking in
Everything.. Mindful iN
Awareness where my
first blog post to come
on March 10, 2013..
would be the perspective
that the Holy Spirit driven
creativity of the father metaphor
or Goddess or as i say to get the
point across in metaphor.. even..
Blue Turtle.. as it is the essence
of this creative energy in higher
potential of God of Nature as
Human Nature that trUly
counts.. not the frigging
label to be worshipped
and hoarded by one
culture alone.. like
putting the essence
of God within.. in chains
and prisons of cultural words..
outside of what iSReaL inside
aLive.. jUsT waiting to come out
and play with the rest of humans
and God of nature outside.. above..
so below and all around too.. that truly
goes along well with that introduction of
the actor Charlie Chaplin.. per Cold Play.. from the movie..
The Great Dictator too that is worth quoting verbatim here.. too..

The Great Dictator’s Speech..

“I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be an emperor. That’s not my business. I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone – if possible – Jew, Gentile – black man – white. We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other’s happiness – not by each other’s misery. We don’t want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone. And the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way.

Greed has poisoned men’s souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost….

The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men – cries out for universal brotherhood – for the unity of us all. Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world – millions of despairing men, women, and little children – victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people.

To those who can hear me, I say – do not despair. The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed – the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish. …..

Soldiers! don’t give yourselves to brutes – men who despise you – enslave you – who regiment your lives – tell you what to do – what to think and what to feel! Who drill you – diet you – treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder. Don’t give yourselves to these unnatural men – machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men! You have the love of humanity in your hearts! You don’t hate! Only the unloved hate – the unloved and the unnatural! Soldiers! Don’t fight for slavery! Fight for liberty!

In the 17th Chapter of St Luke it is written: “the Kingdom of God is within man” – not one man nor a group of men, but in all men! In you! You, the people have the power – the power to create machines. The power to create happiness! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure.

Then – in the name of democracy – let us use that power – let us all unite. Let us fight for a new world – a decent world that will give men a chance to work – that will give youth a future and old age a security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power. But they lie! They do not fulfil that promise. They never will!

Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people! Now let us fight to fulfil that promise! Let us fight to free the world – to do away with national barriers – to do away with greed, with hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men’s happiness. Soldiers! in the name of democracy, let us all unite!”

And now i say.. amazing how many times ‘Jesus’
has come back to make this speech.. but the opposite
in words of Trumps are still held as truth and light
by Anti-Christ Christians still.. for his message
and not for his Dictatorship as created
by the Roman Empire Constantine
Dictators then and now..
and others of that
machine man
creed of
again.. yes.. then and
still now who would/will create walls against human freedoms)

Sadly the Kingdom of God has become a monarchy
in most religions.. wHere what is free in our
nature becomes chained in words
of books from thousands of years
ago.. to create is anew and
to renew.. not to stay
stagnate.. in
who attempt
to dictate the will
of God in Books that
lives within we juSt wanting
to come out and play to make
a better life for all with fearless Love..
anyway.. problem is when men become
the only and last prophets and men become
the only and last son of God.. when those are
tribal words for war to separate.. and no longer
unifying words by true men of God of Free that
lives within wE free.. so sure.. there is a test
in the old testament from Isiah 53.. for
how one will know when the
anointed one also
known as messiah
as messenger of
God will come to
set folks free..
well.. truth be told
as modern literature shows
in cross cultural ways around the
world.. it is only the human archetype
of hero.. expressed there in words as well..
the struggles and the light to come in the
much fuller human potential expressed
in both women and men to kingdom
come always now.. of bettering
the lot of human ways..
and sure i fit the mold
and so do many more
from then and now..
and just to make
the point to
one of my
friends who is a blogger
who thinks as close to half
the world does that Jesus is
not just a humble teacher who
says per Saint John’s reported
words that others will come to
do much greater works than
he.. as any empathic
and compassionate
humble trUe
and liGht
Man of
Love WiLL
relate.. the political
ways of the day in warring
ways to expand empires.. for taKing
subsistence and greater reproductive
rights and controls made Humble Jesus into
then a Soldier God.. that is totally ludicrous
as even words left in the New Testament
of a Son of man defy that to the very core
of what it means as last is first and first is
last and the humble ones shall inherit the
Kingdom of God.. as that simply means
back to Nature of God within without
the separation of cultural clothes
that take us away from the
God of Nature
within we
as human
Nature Free..
anyway.. me saying
i have witnessed for God
for 42 months fulfills no prophecy
except a self-fulfilled one by i.. taken
as a grain of salt.. or however one may
see that now.. but truth be told i’ve written
more than the equivalent of 14 bibles.. noW
in 6 years as of 12 million words this Thanks giving
day as my testament to witness of God equals at
least 4 Bibles and 140 Kurans in the last
42 months of… at 3.3 Million words that
would take 30,000 pages to print
as of estimate by Micro-Soft
Word.. i have come with
no sword.. i have come
with no myths of
miracles but what
i have and do come with
POTENTIAL.. God doesn’t need to do magic
tricks to prove that God iSREAL within.. it is
as FucKinG plain as 3.3 Million words written
in a little over three years now.. in a poem
in long form free verse style that is
longer than ones done before by
multitudes of folks over
centuries of effort..
laser focus
to keep
the story
going then
with multiple
human hands with
sanskrit markers of
way back when.. sure..
i have technology to help
me write.. as with a marker
and sand i can do a fraction of
this in centuries earlier.. however..
and this my Friends is a only a testament truly of what
amazing real life miracles are still to come as long as
we humans hold hands and unify for Balance and
anyWay.. truly that stuff of the old testament and
new is poetic.. but it was just a breath of a
Hurricane wind to come.. as Herme’s
wife Hermine breezes on in on
the Panhandle today too..
of the state of Florida..
and the state of
affairs of
hands as messengers
of God from day one to day
now and so much more to come..
sure you can stay left behind if ya like..
or you can continue a trip in the Kingdom
of Heaven of now.. if you pick up a weapon
of art and science.. and grow in Fearless Love..
and CouRAGE!..:)

So a quote from a year ago here..
about the Super heroes then and now STiLL..:)

“Oh Lynn! finAlly! you beat me to the
starting line.. and i am so appreciative
of this prompt.. and while i only
can come up with
15 words.. sorta
wayYYY short oF
Novella.. hehe!..
since i am the
only ‘Novella’
person here.. haha!..:)
yeah 40K words equals a
Novel and i’ve already done
24K in one day.. including
comments… but only 14K
GoLD in the main body.. AND
i am going to go a little ‘deeper’
here.. simply out of appreciation
that your prompt guides me tHere
and again.. please.. if it is too long..
since it may interrupt the flow of
shorter stuff.. do delete.. as you
know i lose nothing.. i believe
words in a certain way
are sacred so this

A quote(S):

Isaiah 53King James Version (KJV)

53 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?

2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

‘OH.. i am told i am an ugly worm.. before and in no certain terms that i do not deserve to exist.’

3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

‘Yeah.. i did that for five years.. pariah from society.. and more or less before too.. here and thEre..’

4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

‘If it’s associated with pain.. grief.. and suffering.. been there done it.. in fAct i have the empathy.. both cognitive and affective.. of around 14.5 billion years.. and i am dead dam ALIVE serious about THAT.. now.. SMILES..;)’

5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

‘Yeah.. this modern culture STUFf almost kills me.. literally.. in waves of misery and suffering.. 66 months from waking to sleeping.’

6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

‘True dAT…’

7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

‘I did not speak until i am four.. and for 66 months i rarely speak aGain.. and the slaughter IS close at MY hand.. as some pain is worse than death as life..’

8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.

‘Yeah.. two times.. and worse than prison…’

9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.

‘Yeah.. i mix with both.. and continue to do so.. done deal…’

10 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.

‘My seed is creativity.. and it spreads in Novella form each day.. smiles..:)’

11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.


12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.

‘I never ask for that.. and do not care to have it.. but sometimes one gets what one asks for without asking.. and that’s how GOD works.’

The bible is a wonderful book of poetry..

and these fables in the bible do reflect reality.. this IS A story for all superheroes.. similar.. that number in untold numbers of servants/soldiers only known to GOD.. unfortunately.. literally thinking folks have assigned this Truth and Light to ONLY ONE PERSON.. AND RESTRICTED IT AS SUCH… instead of remembering the hidden meaning.. that this IS A path that is a common GOD GIVEN human archetype.. to helping other human beings.. OUT OF MISERY AND SUFFERING.. and sadly it takes away from the path.. when one only says onE person has been there done it.. and that is precisely what Jesus IS speaking TO.. too.. when he says the Kingdom of Heaven IS NOW all around us for those with GOD eyes and ears to see and hear it AND many will come after him wHo will do greater Will and Deeds with Faith.. Hope.. and most importantly Belief in Just Doing IT NOW.. sadly many people are waiting for one man to come back from the dead.. when the real man Jesus is just hoping then.. before he gives his Life for SPREAD OF Truth and Light TO HELP ALL OTHERS.. that othErs will FULFILL HIS PROPHECY IN SELF FULFILLING WAY BY FINDING THIS INNER LIGHT OF GOD’S TRUTH INSIDE AND SHINING IT BRIGHTER THAN ANY ONE BEFORE.. and yes.. my dear friend Lynn.. that takes effort.. FOCUS.. AND THE job of JOB.. and sometimes a novELla
or two.. or MORE TOO..
and i say this with Love
as there is something
in your eyes that
you will
hear AND
SEE more
than most..:)

AND i will tale you this for sure.. from experience in
walking every now in HIS SHOES.. if ‘the REAL
JESUS’ COMES BACK NOW.. he will have
his messages deleted.. BANNED..
place he will find to speak
is on a solitary
isolated blog
but HA! after
one has
been crucified
in flesh and blood
life more than once
ha!X2 that is a piece
AND OTHERS.. i feel
you just miGHt
do it.. but not
can carry THAT


And i say.. sure enough two weeks
from this date.. the dVerse team would
delete me from that website.. for only
doing more and for only
itself once more..
where others could
not understand that
the Kingdom of Heaven
is now.. even on a deserted
Isle out of the cave from before..
of Plato and so many more who simply
escaped the chains and prisons of modern
cultural clothes.. it’s just nature friends.. and
nature is both science and art.. and this play
of actors we will repeat of course.. as human
nature stays.. and our potential grows or not..
i go..
i grow..
i juST do it
MoRe.. like Jesus said..
whomever reported that TrUth and liGht..
that is Nature too.. the Nature of God within..:)

Watchman Matchbox Humans


AS i self-fulfill another prophecy for myself..
i owe my life to the God within of my
ancestors from the origin and
continuing now of
allthatis God
Now of
wRite on course..
my paternal grandmother
here.. Louise.. who did automatic
writing in bed.. reaching deep down
to the God within.. sure her prophecies
came true.. as we connect to the deeper
of our human potential that have no distance
time or space.. that is as much science as the
art of human being.. in Kingdom of God
within always exploring
more.. in ImAgiNaTiOn
and MoVinG.. coNnecting
and creaTing ways noW..
HOldinG Hands toGeTher
and never forgetting the gifts
and sacrifices our ancestors
have made to create the we
that is.. and in the photo stream
of my now coming Cyberian Tiger
River Leaves post heRe.. tHere
is a River Railroad Trestle
and a dirt white patch..
of the place of
land of
my Grandmother’s
100 year old shot gun
home that i was raised in
then to first see God face to
face in God speak to me before
i gained language to speak at age
three across the River then.. as God
came to me early as i had been here
forever and all was iSREaL.. sTiLL..
and i aM tHeRe aGain iN this Kingdom
of God within that never ends noW..
eternAlly now a drop of water..
a stream.. a River
to a Ocean
God whole
Field oF dreAM..
allthatis.. within..
inside.. outside.. above..
so below and all around..
as far as words will say and
so much more than that words will
never say.. the lesSon of A non-verbal
child of God ’till age 4.. who understands
that no words at all are required to see
to FeeL
God within


Facebook and Blogger Friend
Rafiah says in return
to a response
on one of
her previous
blog posts..

Angel Rafael is supposed to blow
trumpet on Judgement Day.
So what do it tell about
me I wonder..;)

And i say in thoughtful
and coming

Sand and
Sun DanCinG
Will come back
iN wiTh 9
One Finger
On SmArt
Deep within
WiLL let you
KNow FeeL

Okay.. i’m back and i have
to admit that your newest post
has made me lose some focus
’cause sure..
even Saints
have earthly pleasures
when the feet are adorned
as God’s Treasures.. but
truly in my eYes that
makes yoUr
and holy
as you shine
your God Given
liGht of woman’s
beauty that IS A greaTest
even scientific named force for
the creativity of male and the social
cooperation of female to make society
and a mix of lust and love work for Heaven now..
and even in the Bible the Jesus then was reported
to say that heaven would be on earth in his generation
and in that heaven then every one would be as friends
and there would be no marriage there.. as marriage
is for ownership and friends and love are for free..
as the village as alWays raised the child
as the prize with nothing
to own but
Love my Friend..
now back to Archangels
before i go visit some of the
most exotic feet i’ve ever seen
as what is adorned with beauty
is painted with a balance of love
and lust for more human progress..
only second perhaps to dark brown
eyes that are as deep as the ocean
blue my friend.. as love as love iSREAL..
Okay.. the Angel Rafael in my study of the
Quran is not noted there as to blow a trumpet
on Judgement day so my trusty wiki source says..

Israfil (Arabic: إسرافيل‎, translit. Isrāfīl, lit. ‘The Burning One’‎, alternate spellings: Israfel, Esrafil),[1] is the angel of the trumpet in Islam[2] though unnamed in the Qur’an and is the alternative name of the archangel Uriel for the Jewish people.[3] Along with Mikhail, Jibrail and Azrael, he is one of the four Islamic archangels.[1] Israfil will blow the trumpet from a holy rock in Jerusalem to announce the Day of Resurrection.[4] The trumpet is constantly poised at his lips, ready to be blown when God so orders. In Judeo-Christian biblical literature, Raphael is the counterpart of Isrāfīl.[4] Isrāfīl is usually shown as having a huge, hairy body; that is covered with mouths and tongues, and reaches from the seventh heaven to the throne of God. One wing protects his body, another shields him from God, while the other two extend east and west. He is overcome by sorrow and tears three times every day and every night at the sight of Hell.

Considering how hairy my body is and sure.. rather large compared to
Rafiah.. and how i use my left arm wing as a sign
of feral
as my own
body guard per se..
at least online hehe..
and sure my mouth and tongue
reaches far and wide.. both long
and fast my friend.. hmm.. this
archangel sounds a little
more like me than
you.. so that
must mean
you are my
assistant to
hold the
horn with my left
hand and give it a hard
blow at least in metaphor my friend..

Okay.. and interestingly enough in fundamentalist
lands of Southern Baptist religions they often talk
prejudice talk about black folks still on farms i visit..
and in the next sentence look forward to Gabriel’s trumpet
sounding for judgement day too.. when historically speaking
that’s not in the bible.. and in fact.. it originates in Negro spiritual
folk tradition.. closer to the slave days that fundamentalist Christians
supported by taking the old testament literally then.. same they do with
Homosexuals today.. but sure.. wearing different fiber clothes is allowed
and not allowed in the old Torah 613 commandments then for Jewish Law..
from old
good old
book of before..
anyway.. i Love all
religions as they address
the Inner Universe of human being
that can only be described adequately with
art.. like poetry.. dance.. song.. and paintings too..
all art in fAct.. as to take away the art of God’s heart..
is to only be left with he of patriarchal rules that make
others slaves of men.. my friend.. Repression of God Given
Human Nature.. Oppression of God Given Emotions.. Senses..
and yes.. of course.. sensuality too.. to control reproductive freedoms
that benefit the he of culture most without the art of female free.. my friend..
the divine feminine of love that can thrive in all human beings as Fearless love..
unless that
is trapped
in a ball
of chains
and prisons of now..
what else.. yes.. human
archetypes are real.. and
the Jungian human archetypes
have now gained credence even in
modern science.. in the Christian Religion
Archangel Michael is the protector.. Gabriel
is the messenger.. per poets.. and other artist
like that who give more of what living is all about..
in balance with God of course.. Uriel is pity of human..
and Rafael is healer my friend.. and sure you are what
they would call as pure as virgin.. in soul no matter what
male might defile you with even rape.. my friend.. as you
seek understanding and loving.. and that is the touch that heals my Angel
and Assistant friend.. Rafiah.. and sure i was 99 percent sure of that with your
words until i saw the love bright in your eyes.. and that sealed the deal
for me friend.. plus you haven’t left my side as friend online for two
and truly
in this grand
feat.. you are
the only one for me..
as far as really consistently
reaching out and touching my
heARt.. my spiRit.. and my SoUL..
and yeah.. those feet are touching
me in ways now.. that i didn’t expect
i must
but i have
nothing to
hide as you
might guess by now..
pretty delicate feet you have..
adorned with the beauty you
now feel inside.. and that my
friend will have you shining into
oldest of age eYes.. that say.. i Am
Woman.. hEar me roar i AM Free a child of GOD..;)

And now i move on to her next blog post..
that asks the question and i quote her..


Is prohibited

That’s what’s preached

What about saints then?


First i will tale.. you likely have
already heard at least once..
a longer second toe like
that means.. it seems now..

‘You are a leader and are
dynamic and resourceful’..
hehe.. and to ask a question
like ‘this’ is direct evidence of that..
smiles.. in every painted woman’s eYes
and every adorned woman’s foot with Mehndi
is the allure of the reproductive touch my friend..
that leads as science even shows to more creativity
and social cooperation among both genders.. and it
doesn’t matter what is clothed whatever is provided as
beauty and art has the same effect and amazingly even more..
smiles my friend.. what becomes taboo… and hidden but slightly
shown and adorned is the sexiest pArts of woman oF all.. well before
i met any of you women from countries over ‘here’ online.. the Arabian
veiled dancer.. in mystery and taboo.. was the sexiest thing ever..
there is no way for a ‘normal’ woman not to seduce men.. my
friend.. even when they are friends.. but it is love that
prevents anything to go on that is not consensual..
and that my friend is the balance of life..
it is okay to feel..
it is not okay to harm..
and you know what the
happiest parts of my life
were that i wished more than
ever could come back when i lost
all my emotions at age 47.. i screamed
to the ceiling in a voice of a demon.. so lost so
lost in a pit of dark that would never have light
for another 5 years or so.. until at least one tear
came back.. all i wanted to do.. was be back in my
Mother’s home.. and watch Alfred Hitchcock late at
night with my sister and her.. and feel the warm comfort
of unconditional and fearless love.. and my mother let me
have coffee.. it helped me focus then with ADHD that was no
diagnosis then.. and sure.. if you ever visited me that is the thing
i would love to do the most with you.. just watch a TV show and
know that you are there with me.. as friend.. sex is okay my friend but Love
now @lEast..
and you know/feel..
the most thing i would
love to have is a ‘normal’
family of children.. but that
was not in the play of cards for
me this go around.. no.. there is
nothing greater than a loving
family my friend.. and that
is where i for one
shine most one day
as wife.. as friend.. and mother too..
and when women want to do that now..
i can’t see any higher calling than Mother..
but it is a role that should never ever be
forced on any woman.. labor of love only..:)

You seem happy for now.. and that is
all i pray for you my friend.. Happy Angel/Saint Rafiah..
with her very pretty and Mehndi ADORned feat of Feet..:)


Facebook Friend Ned AKA gigoid.. who
is currently taking respite from Blogging..
says and i quote
his quote aGain..

“… But when he [the people’s champion] has disposed of foreign
enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing to fear from them,
then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people
may require a leader.” — Plato (428-348? B.C.), “The Republic”

AdditionAlly Ned says..


And i go on to say in
meaSuRed poetic
free verse

And a hell and or a heaven
from anywhere else
but earth comes
place as this..
illusory plus fears = Hate..
best bed buddies in iSreal hell..;)

However.. humans are not evolved
to live in anything but small villages..
the hook for heaven is to stay small..
moving.. connecting.. and creating
toGetHer.. sharing and giving
as most.. every Facebook
page hopes to be
a vicarious
deep down like
that in avatar lands
approximating human life at
core of what’s even lost of all of that..:)

And now i say.. on to
Thursday Holy and Sacred
R and R activities as i am
already mused enough
for the day
to continue
on with
a dance
of liFe..
including.. more fun
dance photos coming to
this Macro-Verse post..
after the 125th dance week
is celebrated with all the cool
college age folks at Good Old
Seville Quarter.. while the wife of
Hermes in Wind Form Hermine blows
ashore.. close to where my Father’s side
of the Family lives in Tallahassee Florida..
and yes.. a year ago to date.. Hurricane
Fred.. namesake of both i and my father
was spinning off in the Atlantic too..
blow on as notes
As Mercury in fleet
footed Golden mesSage
way wiLL as weLL by foot and or
electronic lines of E-air mail2.. hehE..
in somewhat global reach now.. hAha..;)


Well.. it seems at this point.. E-scaping a life of stress in school..
and work.. Enduring 66 months of literal hell on earth.. writing now
yes.. 12 million words now online during 33 months of what i endured
in hell too.. approaching that many words on Thanks Giving day now too..
for 6 years.. and 33 months before that when i could not do a God dam thing
but think stuck in a head where too much dentist drill like pain was
in right eye and ear to do another dam thing but sit on
my patio and look out into space..
all day all day aghogday..
another ground hog day..
anyway.. this new testament
that i do always now for God..
of Nature all that is now.. and this
Ocean Whole Poem of at least 3.3 million
words that continues to grow.. and close to 5900 miles
of dancing every where i go in the general public.. soon
to meet A 6000 milestone this month in 3 years of doing that.. aS
WeLL.. is truly proof that i am great at Staying Alive and after Facing
the prospect of death every second for 66 months.. where every second
of life was worse than the prospect of life.. i must say than i am a tidal wave..
a tsunami.. and a Hurricane Fred of current Hermes Hermine way that will not
give up no matter what anyone else says or does.. and i must say after reviewing
my health records and Nude art of last year compared to this year.. being banned
from places i was never wanted ’cause of what i said or what i did or what i do and say
that is way too much for most folks to understand.. to accept.. or even F iN tolerate to
this point.. this Desert Isle of mind and body balance.. that i hold at home and online
too of Freedom’s SonG and DancE.. is truly a Garden of Eden and Heaven now
that is simply the freedom to be all of who i am no matter what the
FucK anyone else thinks or feels about that..
and it has been to my person.. great
benefit in increasing the
human potential
of my art from writing
to head to toe in dance
in all the ways that comes
too.. as SonG too.. thAT i have
been dismissed from communities online
ranging from Poetry Clubs to Online Autism
Communities the same.. ’cause what remains
now and then and forevermore now.. as long
as online lasts.. is this Nautilus Shell of more
and more that i continue to create as
stately mansions
for art as any
Oliver Wendell
Holmes.. Whitman
and other inspired artists
will do for free.. free is fearless
love.. unleashed and released..
staying alive is what i did and do
now iN F iN Epic Free way.. sure
i’M tripping baby.. but i master this
trip now.. with or without the approval
of anyone else now.. except for God
who has my back.. my front.. my insides..
outsides.. above so below and all around..
no fear baby.. no fear and love of freedom RinGS..
alWays LiVinG A
DancE and SonG FReED..
September 1st 2016 a day
to alWays remember like
every other day of Now FReED..:)










BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels


41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)


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Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 30 Comments

CocksComB deLiGht oF SciEnce And arT







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124 weeks noW oF Super Fun
Dance at Old Seville Quarter
in the can.. but not wasted..
hehe.. fully documented
for years to come.. like the
photo of me and my sister at
somewhere around the age of
middle school.. wHere nah.. i wasn’t
the kid picked as most likely to be named
a Dance Icon in my Pensacola Metro Area..
hehe.. i looked more like i would be collecting
bugs or butterflies or who knows even selfies with
a thousand pretty girls at Old Seville Quarter once i grew up..
much further than after puberty in my mid 50’s hehe.. FREE…
Bottom Line.. yes..
FREE.. anyWay..
nice of the Facebook
Video Production Algorithm
to keep the
video slide documentation..
just going DOWN FOR iSREAL..:)

Eureka.. finAlly aLL oF Charlie’s
Angels back toGeThEr for a
Dance Hall Reunion..
with Charlie2..
with Maggie..
and Cortney..
pictured left to RiGht!..
OMG.. it’s so so now to sleep..
after i add all the fun dance photos
that are more than the Facebook Video
Algorithmically decided to include in slide show way..
anyWay coming to
my latest post..
iN MacroVerse
of Ocean WHole Poem View Now..:)


sMiLes.. My FriEnd.. Cabrogal..
first oF all.. to get the empathy and
compassion paRt out of the way.. now..
yes.. nice to you see you blogging again
after around 5 months.. hope you
are doing well.. Oh.. the Asperger’s..
now.. back to what your blog post..
post inspireS in me now..
as EW=F.. Emotions
times Words=Force…
Words that inspire
E M O T i O N S
make change..
in terms of
and Creativity..
Give and take.. we give
and take in terms of Energy..
And when we enslave other species
and domesticate them as is the plight
of the Chicken in the walls of grey prisons
we really FucK uP.. per se.. as we domesticate
ourselves.. and perHapS.. end up using Super-Walmart
carts to move our Fried Chicken eating bodies instead
of Free Ranging the lands of FoRaging in Hunting and
Gathering in the bliss that comes with miNd and BoDy
Balance.. as to be domesticated is to lose one’s BoDy
and miNd in the process in Human way too.. OFTen..
iN Dysregulation oF Emotions and
Disintegration of senses
from the time we sit
in school to
small work
now to get the
all you can eat fats
and sugars that oh.. feel
so.. so good.. for an animal
wHo is hUman who is evolved
for Intermittent Gratification and
not the instant gratification that comes
from the Human who has lost the call of
the wild.. no different than the wolf-dog from
that Jack London Book.. To no longer have
a luSt for the HUnt of liFe.. yeS.. in all the ways
that comes.. is to die a chicken’s life in a slow
torture of a grey walled prison that truly most
humans today are no more aware of than
the chicken with his/her free grains in her
or his chicken/human grey cAge.. anyWay..
the Good news is..
iF wE understand
that we too
are born to
be wild..
we do something about it.. now.. all nows..
and that my friend is why.. pArtLY.. every Thursday
Night now.. i make it a religious ceremony.. at age 56
to Dance Wildly and oh God.. full of lust/love with women
whose hips and breasts taste of the reproduction of liFe..
always out of my grasp of course.. as a happily married
man who FucKinG hasn’t forgot his Wild thing and uses
the science of his human nature to keep the productivity
and creativity going ..oh God…so strong the day after dance…
As you may remember.. Aleister Crowley was all in to this
thing called sex magic and sure.. sex magic
wasn’t well understood from a scientific
point of view then.. as it wasn’t then
something that was appropriate
to study.. Queen Victoria
and all of that.. you know..
but science shows now
that a balance
of lust and
love is at
the core sTilL of
human productivity
and creativity.. so sure..
enhance the lust part of
life without having the instant
gratification for it.. in other words..
the hUnt of liFe iNstead of visiting a
brothel.. makes the Karma of action
and consequence always of human libido
where LL=P+C.. yes.. Lust times Love
equals Productivity plus Creativity
and of course when that comes
in a positive way.. the science
of Karma says the positive
come in more
than one
way.. now
and to make
it into an instant
gratification game
of the domesticated all
one can eat grains chicken..
or the domesticated all you
can eat Fried Chicken or the
Domesticated all you can do
porn.. is to shoot oneself in
the chicken’s foot.. also
iT caN bE to understand
our Natures
in LiVinG iN
NoW giving
as much noW
as taking and for
humans with their
cognitive reasoning
discipline with a healthy
mix of empathy and compassion..
and no.. don’t forget the hunt for life
in Moving.. Connecting and Creating that
for human spells a Balance of lust and love
in life.. and yes.. killing animals reduces empathy
and compassion for flesh and blood all around..
that is one part of domestication.. i care not to
change.. as it is my empathy and compassion
in terms of love.. that makes me a gentleman
no matter how much the blood sinks
to the lower part of
my body
in the
free range
dance of life..
but i have to admit
when the sexiest breasts..
and hips move before me even
when they are my long term dance
friendS it can be a little hard to do this..
a balance though.. in the luSt and loVe of liFe in this
case giVing much more than taKing makes liFe fUn..
@least to me.. and all i know/feel is.. the girls are smiling..
a LoT so they must be enjoYiNg it a little bit too.. @ least… NoW
bottom line.. iS..
to lose the
Libido for
the hunt of life
is to die aS iN life.. no
matter iF iT is a chicken
or a human who has lost
tHeir free range of MoVinG
CoNecTinG and CreAtinG..
beHind desks and cubicles ..
mY FriEnd.. oh to live.. FREE..
tHeRe’s noThing liKe iT..
in animal terms..
oF humans sAMe as
chickens for the most pArt..
are most definitely SLAVES…
NEO.. sAdly sees and feels tHeir
pain most everywhere he goes..
except for the active danCeRs/SinGeRs in
the hAlls of Free Range HUman LiFe..
for those who don’t drink..
and pretty much
NEO.. now
My FriEnd..
to watcH as the
others slaveS to their addictions..
to instant gratification in all
the ways that comes
in behavioral
and substance
priSons aS well..
i’M addicted to lUst
and loVe but in BaLanCinG..
my friEnd.. FOR FREEsT LIfE..
as NEO SinGS and DanceS on
and aS alWays.. thanks
for the
DS=a lot of words..2..
DANCE times SOnG..
and no.. ‘the word’ didn’t come
first.. always dance then song..
and whatever comes after Movement
then Sound.. MS equals all that is and GOD.. sAMe..
and perHaps
distance.. space
and time is all illusion..
is Real too..
SeriouSly.. my friEnd(s)
last night.. who was/were the
sexiest wom(e)an(S) in a cRoWd
of hundreds of girls.. at least then
from what i could see and feel with
shadeS on.. probably had no idea
how much she(they) would inspire all of this.. (LL=P+C) the next
day.. the advantage my friend.. oF ALwAYS GoinG.. hoMe.. ALLONE..
And SinGinG WiTh
ALL that is iN BaLanCinG
ForCE.. NoW.. AKA GOD..:)


WeLL.. iT’s TrUe as this Facebook
MacroVerse Memory of two years ago
say..s Out of my mind..anything! is possible!..
in terms of productivity
and creativity wHere
innate instinct and
intuition come in to
play and of course of out
ones’ mind means/FeeLs.. to move
now past mechanical cognition state
of miNd and to FloW iN ZonE iN
miNd and BoDy BaLAnCinG FoRce
iSREAL also kNoWn as Super Consciousness
miND and BoDy BaLanCinG or Christ Conciousness
or yes.. the cALL of the WiLd oF GoD sOught.. FoUnd
and pracTiCinG jUst thAt for an eXpanDinG view/FeeL oF
miNd and BoDy Total awareness iN noW thAt has
no equal in the written words.. pages.. and books
of hUman alone.. suRe.. a pArt of thiS hUman
collective intelligence may be but the
Father.. the Goddess.. or whatever
yA wanna metaphor for it.. sure..
even a Blue Turtle too.. is
the poTenTiaL.. the DNA
gift of GoD oF aLL NaTuRe..
An iNheritance of a iSREAL..
Heaven and Bliss and
Nirvana same in
of animal homeostasis ..
WiLd and FReED aS BaLAnCinG
Force noW of the ExisTenTiaL InTeLLiGenCe..
oF BeinG all one can be in the greAtesT GiFT
and oNly iSREAL gifT of the PreSenT oF NoW
noW.. aLLoNE WiTh GoD WiLd and FRee iN
A DancE oF liFe nowoneforevermoreeverforonenow..:)

Out of my mind..anything! is possible!

‘Celosia cristata is a member of the genus Celosia, and is commonly known as cockscomb, since the flower looks like the head on a rooster (cock).’ Quick Wiki description and definition of the
head liner thumbnail muse of photo for
the Facebook provided Macroverse
Memory of Kat Year Secrets from
a year ago.. and of course many
more Kat Year Secrets have been
revealed now.. but of course if they
were all revealed that would be instant
gratification and humans are evolved to
juST do intermittent gratification and that is
why in stuff of Romance things like one night
stands and all you can eat buffets without a hunt
of/for life can leave one feeling rather empty and never
ever filled/FeeLeD up as a slow romantic burn of FeeLinG is what
keeps life hot and never luke warm in all the work of GoD NoW
sAMe iN Interdependent InterrelaTinG Connecting Force oF
LiFe.. and this flower that has a white dusting on top
of what might look like a multi-colored brain if one
metaphors it that way.. aS in much stuff
Nature like Mushrooms.. and the
longer top oF reproductive pArts
of male Sego Palms that
lived about 300 million
years ago2.. before the
first human peNis appeaRed..
is sure kind of what the name of
the flower suggests2.. particularly
when red and full.. with a little white
dusting on top.. let’s face it.. life is full
of lust/love to get the job of survival and
reproduction done.. and more coming
on that soon.. in a another micro verse
that could be dedicated to a sexiest dress
i’ve ever seen a woman wear on a dance floor
too.. we naturally aim to please each other.. whether
we consciously do this or not.. wE are creATuREs of luSt
and love that inspire the productivity and creativity Now oF
liFe to gEt iT aLL dONe.. this is no secret but a lie that noW
has been forced on us to say that lUst/LoVe for life in all the
ways that comes in intermittent gratification is no less
than holy and sacred as it brings subsistence with
social cooperation in productivity and creativity
from birth to life.. as aLL of liFe is FeeLinG and
SenSinG weLL beFore words even are
a dreAm in a child’s beauty of FeeLinG
and seNSinG liFe Free from head
to toe.. seriouSly.. some folks
spend all tHeir lives in
misery and suffering
from repressing
the FeeLinGs
and SeNSes.. yes
including lust of and for
liFe too.. and this is the way
folks have been controlled through
cultures with religions.. etc.. that suggest that
the earthy reaLiTy oF FeeLinG.. and seNsinG
liFe noW iS somEhow evil and less than worthy
oF liVinG liFe iSREaL.. WeLL.. heRe’s thE Deal..
Nature and Human Nature is alwayS in control..
we have the abilLiTy to liVe a life full of luSt and
loVe in Happy balance holding each otHeRs
hands or live in the other place of fear
and hate.. and when i first stArted
dancing my very sensual free
dance in public.. when the
First Baptist Lady in her
60’s came up to me
in her bleached blonde
hair.. with bra pointing breasts
straight ahead in a bright yellow
dress to tale me that i was evil then
and just drawing attention to my self
no less that her blonde hair.. her brightly
colored cockscomb dress or bra pointing
her breasts to a direction that says i am fertile..
i am fertile.. i am woman and i am a sexy beast too..
i almost stARted to seriouSly giggle.. when she said
i shouldn’t be shinning my liGht oF MuSe for LiFe iN
LusT and LoVe BaLanCe as trUly mY dance was
attracting much more attention from the opposite
sex a few years younger than her brightly colored
cock’s comb dress.. yellow hair.. too.. and push
up bra that says i am woman heRe mE roar..
humans are funny.. and there are no
secrets for someone who kNows
and FeeLs all of mY human
nature as God’s trUth and
liGht in wE.. i would have
given her a liNk to my
cockscomb art too..
but to be honest..
like dance i was juST
stARting that muse of aRt
then.. and the wife tales me..
yeah.. babe.. i thInk that does
the female trick and treat now..
as who better to ask if you are
sexy now than the wife who has
seen ya.. for 26 years now..
if you can do something
new to turn the world
on.. by all means..
wear the brightest
cockscomb dress ya can
fiNd with Yellow hair and
push ’em up bra.. because honestly..
a briGhtly coloRed cockscomb bRain
as metaphor is the biggest sexual organ
oF aLL and to let the fantasies ecstasy oF iMaGination
run free creativeLY makeS iMaginary Lovers the hottest feaTure
oF LiFe’s poteTenTial oF aLL anyWay.. NoW.. anD got an
ARS theme Song out of the end of this SonG now..2..
as a hint iN DancE
of More to coMe..
in KAt YEar SeCrets
moRe REveaLeD.. noW2..;)

Kat Year Secrets


Hi Zee.. oh.. the pleAsure.. is
all mY mine and miNd and
emoTioNs of BoDy
and SeNses too
oF liFe.. as
heLps uS
iN BaLaNCinG and
procesSinG all these..
as i eNjoy them and cry
the sAme.. and beFore
my moTher dies.. as sure..
she is 81 and we all must
make room for those who come
neXt to pArTake iN/oF thiS grEaTEst
God Given GiFt oF LiFe oN this Warm
and trUe liGht blUe orB pLanEt.. In a UniVerse so
full of space without nearly as much liGht oF
Sentient liFe.. what a gift iT iS to bE
able to experience liFe to the mAx
as when we do we cherish iT aS
We are
God’s ONE
as wE.. noW..
i wiLL share this
with her and it
will make her
happy and ease
the grieving process
as a memory more
when she leaves..
i go wHere i AM now
weLcOme.. mY friEnd..
and tHerE has been no community
whole that has ever welcomed the all
of mE.. and that is oKAy.. as sure.. free
verse in all stuff liFe is what i do.. noW..
no matter
iF tHere
is ever
a community
whole that allows
a place to rest the free of BE..
thaT is me.. in other words.. i have
been deleted and banned out of
every online community no matter
iF iT is folks with disabilities or ‘grey poupon’
Poets.. it is the price of free my friEnd.. Vagabond
Wanderer.. i’LL continue to bE.. best oF aLL FREE..
rarely does any group of individuals understand me
at the administrative level of that.. but those who do.. i cherish..
and trUly people seem to understand
me better when i dance and
keep my mouth totAlly shut..
and perHaps that is the
reAson i am named
now as Dance
icon and
by the
general public
in doing that now
almost 6000 miles
everyWheRE i go..
in three years since 2013..
juST for fUn in a MoVinG
Ballet and martial arts-like
way of a dance oF liFe FReED..
trUly mY FriEnd.. the greAtest art
has been produced by those who
have to work hardest to have a connection
of some kind with others.. as trUly the hUman
connection is what drives every social animal
to even live at the most basic levels of survival..
At the heARt of every masterpiece IS A heArt that
never gave uP the SpiRit oF Human Love iN
miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG
souL.. and that my
i AM.. oh what
a lonely boy who
literAlly works miracles will do..
juSt for the sMiLe of a friEndly hUman..
the human connection.. is what moves
uS.. mY FriEnd.. Zee.. as long as we are
HUman and Create Free as Fearless Love does2..
i don’t need no chocolate bars.. or no dollar bills..
a smile will do for now.. or a word of
kind.. it’s all i ever wanted..
a tEar
thaT iSREAL.. iS
FucKinG iSREAL..:)..


WeLL.. anyWay.. per reference
of last Micro-verse.. in poetic
discussion wiTh Zee..
noW in this Micro-Verse
thaT wiLL soon enTale..
Micro-Micro Verses from
Thursday open liNk niGht
from dVerse as i Free Lance
Free Verse poetic expresSioNs
in response to muse of inspiRaTioNs
i fiNd tHere.. i will say heRE iN larger wHOle
of this 698th Macro-Verse.. yeT to bE named.. but
perhaps ‘CocksComB deLiGht oF SciEnce and arT’..
wiLL Do.. as a SeNsuAL FeeLinG CocksComB coloRed
brAiN more than RainBow way continues to DancE anD SinG
FReED NoW iN Bliss.. Nirvana.. that reborn thinGie of Super Consciousness
of Father Son and Holy Spirit.. Goddess.. Daughter and great ancestral
DNA SpiRit liGht oF liFe.. the metaphors matter noT as lonGeR as the
EssEnce GeTs dOnE.. and the metaphor of Autism and the Nautilus
does come into older pre-Ocean Poem of pre-Macro-Verse
in the 6 months of 42 wHole months noW as WiTness for
GoD oF aLL oF NatURe that sure even this approaching
FuLL Ocean Poem personal bible does little to
no JuSTice foR GoD oF aLL.. or even the
8 million words i wrote wHOle
bEfore thAT.. soon to maKe
around 12 Million wHOle..
in the 6 yeArs of BeGinninG
on ThanksGiVinG DaY.. 2010
through noW 2016 as TsuNami
oF words oF poEtry and steps of
DanCe do continue to gRoW soMe MoRe..:)

AnyWay.. the so-called Autism Spectrum as put
toGeTheR Behavioral deficits in Reciprocal hUman
Social Communication.. is a catch all diagnosis
for many potential underlying physiological
and environmentally produced
disorders of reciprocal
social communication
and restricted repetitive
behaviors now beYond Social
Empathic Cognition overt Behaviors..
And in general.. the systemizing science miNd
in 10 to 15 percent of the population leaning this
way.. have similar behavioral deficits in reciprocal
Social Communication.. and poTenTiaL restricted
and repetitive ‘special interests’.. biggest difference
is some unusual folks find a niche in life that works
WeLL to Super ways in finding and maintaining subsistence
needs fully.. and others don’t and are considered functionAlly
disabled.. we all have potential hidden talents.. and the fAct is
one reason some folks never change from Autistic to Artistic.. noW
is.. it doesn’t bRing iN Bucks much now.. particularly.. as sources
oF Art online are offered freely all over the Internet now.. i have a
feathered nest so that doesn’t hurt.. but sure.. a boy or girl now when
they grow up do have to eat at least.. and that don’t come free usuAlly
without ways of modern robot like machine iN A Cog of society to keep
the creature comforts.. and extravagant luxuries always increaSinG…
i got off that boat.. Thanks God and am roWinG oN my On NoW..
And speAKinG oF the all night Dance i jUST gotta geT a nap..
if thaT SonG does not inspiRe a greATer liT oF LamP
iN Creation
Activity noW
as servers
so free
Serve iT
aLL uP for
mE FReED..
@ lEast and
west and etc..
et al oF aLL oF thAT..
for mE noW aLL FREE..:;)

WeLL the SonG is found and the
Sun just came back from behind a
napping FeeLinG cloud to a BriGhter light
noW of wide aWAke inspiration and
with that sAid.. Facebook
Friend Ned of Blogger
lore as gigoid
who continues
to take somewhat
of a social media break
shares two quotes on Faceboook
each that i like in yin and yang of liGht
and dARk ways of wisdom and EnliGhtenment..
that the alien or outcasts of LiFe who walk or jog
the late niGht sidewalks of liFe spiRaLinG ouT in Flow
beYond the sidewalks come to finD.. more and more in liFe..
as once aGaiN the greATest masterpieces of new are often
Created by the Nautilus who never givES uP on a SHell for
mansions of stately per Oliver Wendell Holmes that never
cease to gRow oN as Ocean Poems larger.. the only
question now is who will play mY pArt in my
own Pee Wee HerMes MoVie noW.. WeLL NoW..
trUth iS.. this sheLL oF Nautilus F Y i..
is too big for any movie screen or
actor other than the FloWer
oF Y i.. WitH zero limits
or expectations
of culture now..
and sure
many folks have
intimateD iN artful ways
that individuals like mE and more
WiLL come from in future days wHeRe
folks come without fears of illusions of
yesternows of culture and or religion..
Free with God aS oNe WiTh God..
the way has been prepared by
many otHers for this opportunity
through both religion and technology
and now to to share the two quotes of like
in dArk and liGht aSone by Ned now.. from Facebook..

“Religions are the great fairy tales of conscience.” — George Santayana

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” — Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

WeLL.. the tRuth and liGht iS.. prepare ye a way for the HUman potEnTial of mE has
been provided by the myths and religions same.. in human archetypes
explained in metaphor therein that often material reductionists or
folks that haven’t looked deeper beyond the literal
myths fail to see.. as sure.. the folks
who wrote the Jesus story were
not him.. but who they
were.. iS REAL outcast
then Scribes and Catholic
Priests.. who were inherently
lacking in social graces and reproductive
success enough.. to go the metaphorical
monk route for a social role.. these folks ..
many of them.. kNew and fELt the hurt
of outcast.. many were Androgynous
Mama’s boys.. and sadly few were
females.. and that is why the
lean is all patriarchal
in what is left
of the good
old book
but what did survive
is human wisdom in addition
to the human dArk politics of
illusory fears.. empty promises
to control reproductive freedoms
in all ways subjugation and control..
including slavery.. violence and even
rape too.. that continues on in institutionalized
non-consensual ways of Dowry marriage in the old
Muslim way of Abrahamic origin of religion there..
well.. these dudes that wrote the New Testament
were mostly not warrior dudes.. as the created archetype
of the Jesus dude by effort of many folks toGeTheR is mostly
Love.. with the Roman Empire Political stuff added in to expand
that by the sword of course.. in territorial disputes to gain the more
fertile lands and hips and breasts for continuing subsistence and
reproductive success.. as all hands on board were needed as a
TogeTheR effort then to get the job of life dOne.. and heRe
comes the other pArt of sMarT that is important
for a truly free human being NoW
to arise.. and that IS TECHNOLOGY
THAT does not happen when one
must conform for hands on support
from the tribe alone.. so sure.. i love
both religion and technology/science
as they have prepared a path for me
to GroW to BeCoMe aLL of what i do/AM NoW..
all i have to do is discern the dARk pARts out
and focus on the StAR oF Y i FReED for NOW..
Sure.. Nietzsche’s supermen.. Whitman’s
priests of the cosmos.. the dudes then..
whomever.. created Jesus said would
do more than he noW.. including
females of course
who were
less than men
then same as females
in Muslim countries now..
overall.. with some exceptions
of course as in all stuff liFe as
Yin in DArk and YanG in LiGht.. NoW..
and the converse of that iN BaLAnCinG
GreaTer ForcE.. and yeah.. Buddhists have
predicted this person(s) after the balance is
lost of Buddhism too.. we rise.. i rise as
the path has been prepared by art and
science sAMe noW.. and sure.. iT is
the HeLL i am from for those 66
months of A iSreal JOB challenge
that fuels me on in InspiRaTion
greaTest no different reAlly
than a bLack wHole
SuN that a galaxy
whole spirals
so when you find
that the dArkest place
oF aLL of Hell on eArth is
the greATest inspiRation oF aLL
what is tHeRe to Fear.. NOTHING..
AS me.. yes..
Bottom line.. tHeRe is
no way reAlly to fully overcome
the lies of culture/religion’s parachuteS unless one sheds
most of the dependence on a parachute of culture/religions oF
acceptance in it to make a living..
a culture that provides a
more independent
option like
the U.S.. for
those who find
iT.. trUly can rise
iN the dREam of whomever
created Jesus ALL.. and the oTheR
TruEr liGhte now.. paRts of Myths..
Religions and SciEnces sAMe Now..
AS Total Art oF liFE FReED noW..
for mE
i say.. i RiSE..
iN juSt DoinG iT NoW
as Victory does fLow
through these veins oF
TruTh and LiGht iSREAL..:)


i just came here to see your
underroos.. well.. not reAlly..
i came here to see Shawna
as i find her first before she
goes away again for days..
for weeks.. for months
whatever she pleases..
which everyone should
do for free.. yes.. i
came to see
the human
being Shawna..
FucK the rest
oF dVerse i’ll
maybe do it
later on and no..
and not even
for her poetry..
all though that
is always interesting
and inSpiRinG to me..
oF course.. i could go on
but i have a hangover of this
amazing dress that my dance friend
wore last night.. i suppose that is why
i went straight to the underoos as i still
have a dress on that moved in so many ways..
i don’t kNow.. i FeeL.. i SenSe
i am man.. heRe me roar..
yes lust moves
me in
so much
more.. and you
are only a person of few..
in the entire world online
i can be free enough to talk
with about stuff like this.. and
that is why i like the Shawna
as Shawna Banahna alWays
tales it iS as sHe
sees iT
100 thouSand
words here and tHere
and what seems like a BilLion
steps of dance.. i move on too..
shed the dresses of lust and it is now
for warrior work out at military gym…
before i snuggle in with love
as i always
do when
i come home
from the luSt of/for
dance and life all day
fighting.. lusting
Loving.. that’s life my
friEnd.. and sure i can
let it all out on you.. like
a breeze that is fully honest
and never
back as
Hurricane oF Y i..
with the creme and calm
Center of a DArk Storm too..:)

Yeah.. i’m pretty sure i mentioned
it before but not only am i
diagnosed with the
Gillberg style
of verbally
delayed Asperger’s
that is also literally
known in some circles
as Einstein Syndrome..
per the hyperlexic part..
as more than a pun.. i got
the Bi-polar too.. which sure.. explains
extended runs of hypergraphia.. yeah..
and all my nude art.. wild dance and stuFF..
and my doctor wanted to give me Epilepsy
drugs to stop my Lewis Carroll stuff…
as he was said to be
Hypergraphic too..
Lewis and not the Doctor..
but Alice and WondeRinG
i’LL stay.. in my case my
highs can last for decades and
my lows can last for years as now
66 months rates for the longest
of no emotions at all for me..
but it’s true.. emotions are
the glue of cognitive
executive functioning
and in times of extreme
stress humans tend to
repress those emotions
that exacerbates issues
of both emotional regulation…
and sensory integration which impacts
both focus and short term working memory as
again emotions are the glue of both of that..
and sure.. emotions are located in our body…
Balance that body from head to toe
with the exercise of art as body
moving balance and ergo.. the
mind follows suit.. as
the body was always
in charge naked to
begin with
in moving
ways then..
before we
it with all the
stresses of culture.. my
FriEnd.. Shawna.. anyWay my
high or what Doctors describe
as constant hypomania… is now
going on past three years.. and sure
iF it lasts 4 more decades i will have
lived oveRAll a very sunsHiney..
very very
in the park my
friend.. oh the lows..
but ah.. the high that never ends
in Alice and Wonder Land oF Y i..
sure.. if my spouse was a Baptist preacher..
although i don’t think that’s allowed the last
time i checked.. for females.. And i was locked
uP in a church environment like that
with homeschooling four
kids.. and not having
a wife who does
it all for
Pan me
in Peter style
too.. sure i might
be in the opposite polar
way too.. as the social stresses
of life are always what flipped
the switch of liGht to off for me..
in other words.. Pan works for me..
sMiles.. i’LL keep you in my thOughts and
prayers my friEnd.. but tHeRe does seem
to be practical reasons too…
why the
go off in the
other way too..:)


Did you feel that 60% of Smart and heart is art..
WeLL.. Zee.. see literAlly iT is.. and
Evil spelled backwards is Live..
and Devil spelled backwards is
Lived and Stressed spelled backwards
is Desserts and yes Desserts Lived Live..
is a greater pLease of life than Evil Devil
Lived and oh yeah.. even in the word
HeLL.. in fact 50% of HeLL iS God
as EL does mean God in
some of the first
of Abrahamic
Religious words
for GoD and
in early
Religion Tradition..
of course translated into
English as all these words exist now..
And in the Christian New Testament Heaven
is addressed as on earth in this generation..
and in the Quran.. Muhammad addressees
Hell as near too as he journeyed to this
place while in life.. and true
there is only one person
who kNows the full
extent of both
Heaven and
Hell my friEnd
and that is what
psychiatry names
as the Bi-Polar soul..
and before Psychiatry
it is thought that these folks
range from Leonardo to Michelangelo..
to Beethoven.. to Vincent Van Gogh..
to so many more folks who have
done so much in the Heaven
pArts and even Hell parts
of tHeir life on this
earth my friend..
and there is no doubt
from what is left of the words
of the man Yeshua.. and what
is written of the man Muhammad
by those who actually knew him that
both these men existed on this Bi-polar
spectrum of high and low at least.. to
have as much love and discontent with
the way things were to make a change
and a change they both made no matter how
one may disagree or agree with the details that ensued..
so in other words.. many of the folks i have met in the poetry
world are on this spectrum of greatest liGht and greatest dArk of
heaven and hell too.. and sure.. i am technically diagnosed as both
on the Autism Spectrum with Asperger’s Syndrome and with Bi-Polar
disOrder too.. but the thing with me.. is.. i have a super logical mind from
the Asperger’s that i got from my father’s side mostly and a super art mind
from my mother’s side mostly that the Bi-Polar came from that is heavy
in folks in my family who have became very successful and the
opposite Van Gogh.. as the Dark Black hole soul of life that
can come with the Bright Yellow Sun way of
bEinG.. anyWay.. iN putting it in much shorter
terms than this.. poeTicAlly i can relate to the
dArk niGht of the
soul where
all is time
moves or feels
or senses at all.. this
place of dArk tarRed and OiLed
bird who iS in a place that is cold
inside.. year round in a day where spring
never comes nor even winter nor even
any change at all in a place i once
named as aghogday..
for another ground
hog day..
never ever
comes in a heart
that has lost art.. in
a smart that has lost art..
in a live that feels evil as it
has no heARt.. to lived that
has become Devil of who i felt
as nothing but nothing as piece of
paper existence then.. kNowing that
a fire of hell in dowsing oneself with
gasoline would be preferable to feeling
and sensing nothing.. nothing.. @ALL mY
friEnd.. and in that place i understand precisely what
God was and is.. the Interconnecting.. Interdependent
relationship of all that is.. and when one becomes separated
from God like this.. there is no tear for a drop of Lazarus in that
place here.. it is the place that likely all true prophets of God have
gone too.. a place beyond all fears.. all tears.. a place where even
mythological demons and creatures dare not tread.. and when a person
goes here.. they will report this place does exist.. if they ever make it out..
and perhaps they will become a great artist in SonG.. DancE.. Poetry.. Theater..
Paint.. and even Inventor too.. to BrinG the HUman race up to a place far far from
hell hEar on eARTh.. my friend.. as even Earth is comprised of 60% Art.. so are all
these 60% statistics from the hUman who sPeaks with language of God’s SKeYeS
as God Sees KeY trYinG to tale uS something that IS A secret plain in our siGht
that most people miss in every day language who are not hEaRinG
and SeeInG/FeeLinG the Deeper meanings of Life that God
places even in the way we wRitE.. sure.. it’s
safe to say it IS A caution from God in
plain siTe.. to make life more
art and less science
my FriEnd.. soUl
iN miNd and
for the path
to heaven is Art
of HeARt and SpiRiT
ExprESsinG tHat ARt
as alWAys has been dONE
iN DancE and SonG ever sinCe
the MoVinG Big Bang and the SonG
thaT STiLL makes as the background noise
as God sTiLL DanceS and SinGs Free.. wE are
God mY FriEnd.. no different than the smAllest GRAin
of sand that spirals at subatomic flow at Golden Mean
Spiral of 1.618.. all is holy and sacred from EL to HELL..
and ALL iS a TeSt from GoD to Be like God in DancE and
SonG.. my therapist asked me once.. advice on how to help
her client as he had never ever experienced emotions in
his life.. all his heart was was he with no art attached
to that amputation of soul my FriEnd.. WeLL.. i
tOld her the only way i could see out for
him.. would be to go somewhere
legal and private and dance
with God all naked
with feet attached
to the mother of
Earth bare
as foot
and feat
of dance sAMe..
Well.. you kNow.. that’s really
not even considered socially acceptable
over here in the U.S… as only a fool for God
would do that.. well the thing is.. even in the
Gospel of Thomas.. Jesus was reported then as
saying in vs. 37 to see the living one inside
that was the father as they referred to God
living inside then.. one must strip
their clothes
and tread
on them unashamed
in front of God.. WeLL my
friend.. if they did that then..
sure.. they could be stoned too..
for being insane as nothing more
than a Holy Fool then.. but those who
Love God most and want to feel God from
head to toe.. will find a way.. to sense and feel
all of what God offers as Gift on this earth in an inheritance
of heaven now.. and those clothes include culture.. school and
work.. as truly the heart IS A muscle of Love that must be exercised
full time all of life to be strong as Muscle of Love can come to be.. and
my friEnd.. after going to hell.. several times in life.. with the last stint..
lasting 66 months tHeRe wHeRe tHeRe was no memory of emotions..
as with the total loss of emotions.. memories that are emotions
do not exist there.. even as a tear.. a smile.. or the most
distant faint water drop of a laugh in hell..
it’s impossible to color the bLack
of each individual hell my
friend.. but only
through poetry
and other forms
of Art now FuLL
is it possible truly
in words and art..
back to art..
the smart back to art..
the devil back to lived..
the evil back to live.. and
as whole the Earth back to art..
wHeRe is desserts all of everYwhere
F R O M S T R E S S E D I N H E L L..
TO we see and feel.. wHere we hold hands
again and say i Love you My friEnd no matter
who is looking or listening noW.. mY FriEnd..
there are no coincidences in life my friEnd..
theRe is no random.. not even in the
God who exists in HeLL.. every
moMent God is hOlding
uS toGeTheR whether
we feel or see
thiS noW..
all is synchronicity
iN aLL dARk to liGht
to sHades of Grey to
hues beyond the bRightest
Rainbow uNiCorn Blue mOon..
all IS A canvas.. all IS A stage all
are we as actors and paint of the masterpiece of God..
and one day my friEnd.. i aM going to paint God in words as brush..
in a way that most everyone will see and feel both God and heaven now..
mY friEnd..
and you are helping
me as just anotHeR messenger of God.. FReED..
and yes.. that makes you special.. a very special woman inDeeD wiTh LOVE..:)

SigNeD.. jusT
anotHeR Holy FooL for God..
wHere aLL is Luke Hot mY FriEnd..
aWay from the other place of CoLD..:)

And these are my passwords to Heaven for you..
and no.. i expect nOthing in return.. not even a password from you..
the gift
is what
you have
aLready inspiRed heRe..
as a friEnd to


Facebook and Dear FriEnd
Himali.. from India currently
residing in the United Arab
Emirates responds to the
headliner sky photo of
SasQuatch LoVe Feat sKeYes

in saying..

Beautiful day !!

i say in return..

Thanks Himali..
In these clouds.. i
An Angel
Child birthed
Below the Sun..
Magic is in
sKeYes of
God when
We see the
Key to open
God’s HeArt
iN uS In FeeLiNg
Ways wiTh
And CreatiVity
oF SpiRiT eXpreSsinG
God’s HeArt
iN uS iN
MinD and
So nice to
See yOuR

Himali says
in Kind and Creative Return..

Beautiful imagination Fred !
I love the beauty and the sunshine..
gives much light
and positivity

And then i say..
Creatively too..

Thanks my
Friend.. i was
Reminded about
the years ..then..
i was so Depressed..
In a Blog post by
Zee.. who was
How the world
Looks and FeeLs
iN that
Of Life and
In leSS one
FeeLs it..
It’s impossible
To More Fully
Understand… I
Am so Blessed
To Find A way
Out and Will
Do anything
To Help
See and
FeeL the
Of Life
My FriEnD
Many people
Like My Mother
Most all their
Life.. The
Lucky ones..
i work like
An Olympic
Athlete not
To Go Back
WHeRe tHeir
iS no MaGiC
In sKeYes oF
God that does
FeeL liKe MaGiC
Of the otHeR
Place.. NoW..:)

And now as i share a Facebook algorithm 2 year..
Macro-Verse Memory that is more reflective of
the more vertical ways my words flowed down
the page instead of all around as they tend to do
more.. as pecking that message with one finger on
my smArt phone finger in bed at 5:55 am.. takes away
a full concert of 10 fingers on Keyboard
of Digital bits and bytes as
technology becomes
art of piano no less
and even more
in how words
can flow
and go so
many more places
in essence as form than
before technology came along
to assist someone like me with
dysgraphia and chicken scratch
pen and quill writing that has turned
into flow of hypergraphia now… oh how
we humans really are “i’m reAlly special now”
as i say in the blog Macro-Verse way wHere all
is art from head to toe.. in the essence of the 10
fingers and toes.. and all the pARts as Holy and Sacred
‘tween that yes.. quite frankly.. including full view of human
penis and vagina too.. no different than the more protruding
parts of flowers and plants and the receptive butterfly parts now
that come with buzzing bees for life too.. truly sad that something
so beautiful and innocent when only the child of that was the prize
of the village to be raised with love no matter how many fathers added
a gift of semen to the mix of butterfly receptacle for life in busy bee way..
of work
of the night
or day.. for life..
for life.. for holy
and sacred life in
a Universe mostly full of space
now and rocks with no life.. and
Suns that burn hell fire.. without
soft butterflies and SinGinG Buzzing
Bees to get the job of bRinGing more sentience
of life to be.. just to be alive.. as how could anything
be more sacred than the flower of Vagina.. the bee of penis..
and the sacred semen of life that BrinG Holy and Sacred HUmans to life..
no less
than the
roSe that
SinGS of Breath
more to be in colors
of Love more than illusory
fears.. and hate of humans who
cover this beauty up with clothes
and illusionary words of illusory fear
and hate so dark.. well the truth is..
i can’t really tell my Muslim friends
that a big part of why they are
unhappy is because
they are often
in ways
of covering
this free love
up from head to
toe.. by a culture that
says boys and girls cannot
even hold hands until they are
married.. and sure that is a way
to control the financial flow of resources
in a barren land that is short of fertile subsistence
and understandable too.. life is a struggle in these
infertile places.. and sure the bottom line
is survival either happy or sad..
but to be naked and
free and hold hands
with the opposite sex
all of one’s life.. is always
the way of God set Free in wE..
hard to see behind the covers of
culture still across the globe from
places first world to three too.. yes
sadly we are far removed in the clothes
of culture in many places even from the
essence of what it means to be human in literally
holding the hands of the opposite and sure as they
still do freely in even Saudia Arabia the same sex
too.. which is very very sad to me.. that they are
not allowed to do that with the opposite sex..
and no wonder really at the number
of closet homosexuals from
that place when the
records were opened
up in that online dating
place world wide.. truly a
country that does not support
the interaction in physical ways of
the opposite sex and only allows that
among family members and the same
sex in common sense terms.. is truly
a homosexual country in practice
in every day terms of life..
and sadly as at least
one online source
shows in Arabian
Doctor’s practice over
their open to case-study
public purview.. up to 80%
percent of 3 to 6 year old little
girls are molested in the home in
sexual ways by either family members
or intimate friends of home.. to go against
the God of nature FReED in us naked from
head to toe in holding hands in all the ways
that comes.. is to pay a Karmic price of
action and consequence therein
and what becomes so called
holy in human so-called
good books.. produces
the greatest evils
of all
in harming
other human beings
at core of what it even means
as human as when what is taboo..
as far as God’s Nature in incestual
relations and generally speaking homosexual
behavior.. where one is born for heterosexual inclinations
all through and through.. becomes a fetish of life that often
brings much total human suffering and misery too.. better to
Love the God you FeeL/SensE than the God who is made in idols
of words
in subjugating
illusory fears.. empty
promises of a heaven after
life for suffering in the real poTenTial
Heaven on earth in this generation as
promised in the New T by Jesus even too..
as reports of scribes and priests relate that too..
but truly.. if you are hEaring me from ‘over there’..
the way that God is killed as Nature free in
us.. is only by Force.. by threat of
punishment in controlling
human nature in
sTiLL repressing
it and oppressing
it iSREAL noW..
otherwise those
parts of religion
would never still
even come to be or
exist now.. as when humans
are set free they return to empathy
and compassion and a free lust for all
of life from head to toe.. to inside to outside..
to above.. so below and all around now.. God
iSREAL.. it is only human lies of words that
take us Away from GoD iSREAL as wE..
naked and free and holding hands
across the lifespan
once again
AND NAH.. we live in populations
more than we are evolved in to live
this free way again.. in flesh and blood
everyday life.. as we are only evolved to
connect to about 150 to 200 sets of naked
eyes and hips in everyday work and play of life..
But when Miley Cyrus shows the art of her below
and breasts that are made to feed the life of lust for Loving
life whole.. if you make fun of her.. you are simply making fun
of God
Free when
you see all
of her online now..
i hold hands with her
in symbolic way by setting
God free in metaphor and iSREAL
naked and FReED too.. and if you
dare not look at my body from head
to toe as Holy and Sacred as Miley’s
body is the same way.. when you
search her out on Google
or however you
come across
the Temple
of God as she..
she is Brave enough
to be God as all that is
and stand before God as
witness that no one owns
her but
the who
free in her
naked flesh
and blood as
Temple of God from
head to toe.. the holiest
and most sacred of all art i
do is my nude art.. very few people
will understand that but the children
oF God who have truly set God
free in they.. treading
on the illusory
fears of
and religion
same feeling that
they are i am special from head to
toe as holy and sacred iSREAL..
the fAct that a person can
truly get back
to this way
of Nature’s
art at its highest
level of what is Temple
of God from head to toe..
means that whatever we symbol
and metaphor as Jesus can finally
come back now.. at last on restricted
Google links.. and places where Miley
is shared all over as God comes to
and free
as wE once aGAin..
before the lies of the Apple..:)

i’m reAlly special now

And as synchronicity will have it.. a year later
in this MacroVerse Memory from a year
ago.. “i AM2”.. as the i AM
theme continues here
a year later too..
in a dVerse inspired
prompt where the
administrator of the
poetry site that is
already sounding
a little too much
like an
man-made government
as that goes too.. asks the
poets to use modifiers to change
the meanings of what they say.. in
grammar ways of doing that in literal
way.. to break the rules as they say..
well.. i went a step farther and
still modify words
too.. by using
inG to mean in God
in many words there.. in
fAct 13 times in the first
paragraph alone.. and of
course i had to explain this
to the very literally thinking
Swedish physicist as in even that
native language its mostly concrete
and hard.. and sure even my ancestors
in Black Forest of Germany per the father
of my Native Ireland Grandfather are known
for their concrete and precise ways of language too..
yes.. kinda stiff.. living in cold places the human can come
to be.. its nature.. reflected in language too.. as cold dark grey
days do affect human nature in all the ways that comes too.. anyway..
there is enough crazy horse and ghost dancer American Migratory
Sioux and Cherokee in me.. to talk and move in ways that
come from essence over form still now.. the gift
of my ancestors who moved away from
the cold Siberian North
across the Bering
to an
and free new world
of fertile life in the Americas
of teaming fish in creeks to the
buffalo who roamed Strong and
proud.. sure i am a wild one in
many ways and perHaps i owe
that gift to my ancestors
who made the
sacrifice to
travel to a place
where a Naked SonG
and Dance toGeTheR under
the warm moonlit fires of SoUls
eYes free in heARt and SpiRit noW
eXpreSsinG wayS once aGain became
the reaLity of the Ocean view home of
Beach once again Naked.. Free and Holding hands Again..
i AM
all Free
to be DanCinG
SinGinG Naked and
free.. and sure all the twerking..
all the bootie dancing.. and all the
breasts and hips moving wildly in the
rave dance of night.. is reflective of that
human indigenous spirit once again set
free as the Firework of we shoot
up instead
in hell
of human
made prisons
of culture and
religion same who
would cover up the flesh
and blood of God’s TrUth and liGht as US..;)

i AM2


SMiLes.. thefeatheredsleep.. obviously l can relate to this
story about a little Autistic boy.. as i was
him2.. who couldn’t speak until age 4..
wHere thank God the Doctor
told my mother.. as he
could feel
the intelligence
underneath my
bright eyes that
obviously were full
of emotional affect
and receiving a whole lot
of information from the
environment at hand that
yes.. he will speak when he
gets ready to speak.. you give
him everything he needs.. and sure
that was Love my FriEnd.. perHaps that
is the biggest Temple Grandin difference
where she eventually not only survived but
thrived in the real world too.. really making
a difference in the way animals are eventually cooked..
but truly.. when one has met one so-called labeled autistic
person there is no us vs them.. as this condition is a spectrum
with no one inherent condition that creates the social reciprocal
behavioral deficits that create functional disabilities in the so
called optimum functioning of society today.. and sure.. noW the
repetitive restrictive special interests that could eventually
be a full opera by Mozart or so much more now.. hmm..
i would have been Beethoven but Carpal Tunnel
Syndrome cut that potential somewhat away..
hehe.. i couldn’t write anything really longer
than a cut and paste page of technical
information until age 50 and a little
after that but sooner or later
all those heightened internal
experiences of senses and feelings
that when positive are still truly the experience
of the pot of beYond gold at the end of the rainbow came OUT..
that only the pot of Gold knows/feels in internal alchemical metallurgy
noW sTiLL oF lyrical flow.. so.. wHere to go neXt.. i AM a Forrest
Gump Feather Floating in the wind.. my friEnd..
close to 12 million words of miles since
2010 and 33 months before that
in losing speech once with pain..
again.. and after that
33 more months until
the pain went away at the
end of July 2013.. and 3 years
from then and 1 month now as
my 42nd month of Blogging is coming
to an end now.. the longest long form poem
ever that will never be published in print.. as sure
MicroSoft Word says at even 3.3 million words that
are still approaching 4 million words now.. that 30,000
worded pages and 60 to 70,000 photo pages would fill the
mArk oF that at 100,00+ pages for the poem and book or what
ever it is online i did just for fun… the feather knows and feels
no limits when free my friEnd.. and trUly no one usually
notices it and that is A-okay.. as if they did.. they might
get a net
and capture
it and it would
no longer float free..
Moral of the story..
i be
Thanks for recognizing
me along the way.. my nice
author and poet friEnd Candice..
and oh sHit.. almost forgot the close to 6,000 miles
in 3 years now across the U.S.A in twice the distance
of DanCinG everywhere inside and
outside in public i go.. cRap..
no sHit PARADE..
i am
forget how F iN Epic
i keep groWinG
to BE..
and no.. i’M certainly
not the only one.. how
many folks are doing the same
thing underneath the so-called
optimal functioning level of the
Twitter verse now.. just doin’
it.. just doin’ it.. ’cause
it’s joy
carNate mY FriEnd.. noW..
seriously though.. A favorite
pARt is the Selfie Dance Photos
of the 1000+ girls with smiles from ear to
ear smiling with me.. as i say FUCK YOU TO
as i dance on by
them with their
Beer Bellies watching
NFL on mall benches now..
and all of this was breWing way
back when before age 4.. where my
mother told my Father.. there is something
about my boy.. it’s like he knows something and
he is not telling us like an adult in that crib.. and then
my father says.. well yeah.. one day you’ll come in here
and he’ll be leaning back with a cigarette in hand.. in crib..
i never picked up that habit.. and sure.. i put off FULLY talking for close
to 47 more years AND LOOK WHOSE TALKING NOW.. WITH NO END ‘TILL NOW.. goeS oN..;)

P.S.. in highschool.. when i was the first human to be picked by teachers in 10th grade..
to get inducted into the National Honor Society then.. at that local school..
the teachers thought it was great but the girls and boys were not impressed..
And at the end of earning three college degrees with still little ability to
speak fully and coherently in either vocal or written social
reciprocal interaction ways of creativity then..
they still referred to me as superman doing
that and three part time jobs too..
and after 30 years of work
before it almost
killed me at
the end..
my fellow
workers referred
to me as superman2..
since then.. online i’ve been
named Yoda.. the perfect definition
of God.. which was way more than i asked..
heHE.. Buddha.. and back at work they called
me the living example of Jesus2.. at the Bowling
Center i managed too.. and now in dance.. inspiring
to legend.. to icon of dance too in the metro area..
spirit animal.. boss of dance.. most valuable player
for the boy who was picked last in teams at
school.. at church.. the singer who
i want to sit next to just to hear..
and yeah.. i married ‘this’ girl
who never ages..
and who lived
through 66 months
of real iSREAL hell with me..
enduring the worst pain known
to humankind with type two trigeminal
neuralgia assessed as a pain worse than
crucifixion like someone drilling one’s teeth
without novocaine but it is in one’s right eye
and ear instead.. making effective use of sight
and hearing almost intolerable for 66 months
from wake to sleep.. with 19 medical diagnoses..
including Fibromyalgia.. Sjogren’s Syndrome…
Severe Degenerative Arthritis in spine..
Spinal Stenosis.. Congenitally
Fused Vertebra in Spine..
Nasal Passages almost
closed up in sinus
way from
and Dysautonomia
where blood pressure and
heart rate no longer synched
where at the beginning of that real
JOB hell of that 66 months i could
not sleep for 40 days of lent in Spring
of 2008.. except for one hour of very
shallow sleep.. with aid of alpha blocker
to slow my out of control heart rate
for cardboard box-like sleep for the
first 35 days and none the last
5 of 40.. where suicide
became my only
goal as savior then..
and sure at age 21.. they
almost locked me away in a mental
institution as they had never come
across a case like me.. in a mania no
sleep episode of that continuing cycle
of decades of up.. and years of down
in Bi-Polar souL way too.. bottom
line x2
lived it all my
friend and lasted
long enough to tale
the story in just one comment
to a friEnd’S online poem..
and sure.. there is much
more to it than this..
as close to 12 milLion
words do tale.. noW..
as mY FriEnd. reaLiTy
is much more
DOWN for someone still considered
totally and permanently too disabled to
optimally function in society today.. by
written reports of professionals still
now my
as the
truth of the
matter is
was not made
for this world.. and
nah.. i wouldn’t say that
but hey.. i cannot deny and tale a lie as Abe says2..
the fActs speak more than volumes on thaT.. noW
and if i come back again.. if i could come back
again.. yeah.. i’d do it forever juSt
to see
one smile
from my wife now..
all the rest oF it was
just icing on that wedding
cake my friend.. as the
feather goeS oN
and yeah.. sure.. i leg press
close to half a ton on a very difficult
parallel leg press machine with my stretching
arms raised to the sky like a ballerina2… 33 times
at age 56..2.. wiTh a sample of 14 times of that on
YouTube too.. but hey.. the truth is.. other folks
could do more than me too.. if they just believed
more than what the optimal functioning of society says they can be..
and juST Do…
FucK thaT
i do
liFe my
way friEnd.. so..
what in summary.. does the
clever fox say.. Victory..!..iNOW…;)


The Facebook Video Production Assistant
continues an almost never ending
opera of my metro area dance
walk and even
a pre-game
work-out show..
complete with Karmic
All seeing Bear eye..
and this Bear
teeth.. heHE..;)

And as fortune WiLL have it..
Facebook Algorithms never
ever give uP iT seems as.. yes..
the video slide show continued
all the way until the end of the
night in part two of inspiration road..;)

Coming back full circle here..
as Karma action and consequence
Can and WiLL do of course..
with the Karmic
All Seeing
Bear eye
with teeth
fully exposed iN
and WitH the CaLL
oF the Wild heARd and
acted uPon for consequence way..:)

WeLL iT’s TRUe.. i reAlly do Love
hUman Faces so Facebook is eXtra
Cool to me.. but yes.. we have Bodies
too.. and even Brains and hearts three
in one per se.. of heARt.. and SpiRit
aS Essence oF HeARt.. exPresSinG
miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG soUL
as oNe force oF
GoD wHOle as
wE iN syNergy
of MoVinG.. ConNecTinG
anD creAtinG wiTh each oTHeR..
hOlding hands too.. and man.. i do
my best to describe what i AM fully
doing in terms of enhanced cognitive
executive functioning in focus and
short term working memory that
DancE does bRing Free style
in reguLating EmoTioNs
and inteGrating SeNses
thAT FloW iN OuR Body
from Vagal Nerve.. also
kNown and FelT as
Kundalini riSinG too..
from bRain to GuT
and swirling all around
cells to peptide receptors
that remember positive neurochemicals
and neurohormones in cells from head to
toe too.. but sure the Milton Folks seem to
have a hard time understanding this as i
even had one fairly young person state
they’ve never heard of mind and body
balancing so perHaps the old
legend of the Buddhists is true
too.. suggesting that when this
basic art of life for noW iN
gaining and maintaining
simple Animal Homeostasis is lost..
in neurohormone and neurochemcial
BaLanCinG from Head to toe3.. thereby
reGulaTing emoTiOns and InteGrating
seNses for fully body inteLLigence iN
MoVinG.. ConNecTing and creAtinG
With OtHeRs toGeTheR.. too.. yeah..
Baby.. the world needs more teachers..
to humbly help folks bRing tHeir innate
instinct and intuition back from the brink
of mechanical cognition death of being
imprisoned in one’s head out of full body InTeLLiGence
from head to toe.. as they say.. baby makes her blUe geNes talk..;)

And sPeaKinG of that SonG yA kNoW and FeeL especiAlly if you are
a male who hasn’t forgot to FeeL and SeNse the eNvironment of female
around them in reproductive innate instinct and intuition that says
the hips are a signal and the butt too of course in a way
a woman walks in poTenTiaL for reproductive success
in Birthing large headed babies like me..
with super potential intelligence too..
hmm.. yeah.. baby’s got butt for me
too.. and breasts.. well interestingly
enough.. in most primitive cultures.. breasts
are not idealized as much as hips.. as it’s kind
of secondary you know to the initial ACT.. per se too..
in FAct.. the science of breasts and hips in this reproductive
way says that breasts become more idolized and treasured when
subsistence resources are low… as the toddler can nurse too..
when the foraging is sparse.. so hmm.. what about all the Breast
worship in the U.S. oF A.. wHeRe every which way ya look in big
banners of mall advertisement and on the road too.. hmm..
to be honest i have always been fond of hips and breasts..
so sure.. i don’t mind it all as baby can let more
of her blUe geNes talk in tightly fitted
dance dresses from top to bottom
too.. hey.. i may be older
but i ain’t dead yet..
and until
then baby
can sing
a song from
head to toe..
free as free can be..:)


Oh.. the Public Dance Walking Memories.. and
about wHeRe iT all started here on August 28.. 2013..
as far as Video and or Ocean Whole Poem
Documentation oF iT goes.. at this
point.. no Nike GPS Sports Watch to
Measure it yet.. but
at Best Buy.. i give it
a somewhat crude spin
then.. as sure.. after sitting
in my bedroom for 66 months then..
with the worst pain known to humankind
as a shut-in of course.. yeah.. i was like
an animal who finally escaped out of a cage..
or better yet a human who escaped out of the
big one of culture and religions then too.. after
47 years of doing that before the pain said
get the FucK out oF all of that and
eventuAlly find God within and
in doing so all innately..
instinctually and
intuitively finDinG
miNd and boDy balance..
thaT iS moving as art.. connecting
with other human beings noW and the
rest of Nature and creating something
new alWaYs now bRinGS all naturAlly
with the power of emotional regulation
and sensory integration for much greater
potential fulfilled in cognitive executive
functioning through enhanced super
laser focus.. and even short term
working memory too.. in other
words.. getting yoUr shit
all togeThEr.. and
seeking and finding
the heARt of YoUr human
potential.. eXpresSinG that
HuMan potEntial as heARt of SpiRit
art in all the ways creativity comes
in a BaLanCinG Art and Science oF
life that should be at least 60% heARt
and Art as by God of Nature trUe and liGht
BE Now sTiLL over the course of hundreds of
thousands of years before school and books and
the mechanical cognition rules A life now down to
key strokes of data entry in routines and rituals
of 8 hours a day of analytical reasoning duties
stuck in the head.. wHeRe the hUman heARt
dies an isolated way away from Art and
SpiRit of ExpreSsinG Art and Creativity
sAMe in a body that has become lost
in emotions dysregulated.. and
senses disintegrated.. from
BaLanCinG with miNd one
as wHOle soUl of much
greater poTenTial
hUman intelligences
fulfilled instead of just what
they measure oF F iN Standard IQ
tests that measure what ya need to
kNow and do to be a good little cog
in the machine of society to keep the
creature comforts and greater instant
gratification luxuries coming that defeat
the balance of life of intermittent gratification..
with all you can eat sugars and fats.. all you
can drink beers.. wines.. alcohols.. and other
varieties of substance addiction associated drugs..
to take a shortcut to happiness that becomes more
often misery and suffering too.. yes.. as even those
who made a dude named Jesus in a book.. as role then
model of human archetype to aspire to be.. the answers
are within.. Nature AKA as the Kingdom of God does..
live within.. as even science now shows we are
made of the cosmos star stuff too.. as star dust
of Great potential we have become.. as the
miracle of life when expressing that in
all of evolved God of Nature given
human potential most definitely
does show.. anyway..
i still grow
this way
as the
most definitely
clearly shows2.. as there
was no doubt i would do things
not reported that others have done
specifically.. per se.. in my own created
art of liFe to come three years ago at
the time of this video.. same date noW
of month then.. in fact.. i documented
thaT on the Wrong Planet when
i told them on that website..
there was no sky for limit..
of what i would do next..
then that i have
what the therapist
named as miraculously
recovered like a real religious
miracle then.. going from not even
being able to go into a Whataburger
for even 15 FucKinG minutes to
dancing solo in front of crowds
of hundreds in public stores
and eventually much more
refined.. in dance hall way..
to yes.. the tune of
around 1000 girls as
documented in selfie autographed
smiling dance photos with me too..
as documented too.. in 124 full weeks
of doing that now.. that yes.. still exist
in Ocean Whole Poem way now.. anyway.. NoW..
it’s just proof that this higher potential of God
exists.. and God does too.. and more about that
in a few.. per the next Macro-Verse shared from
a year ago.. since this one too.. as Ocean Poem FlowS oN..:)

Yeah.. sure.. WTF IS GOD!.. this big question
that is easy peacey as piece of peach cobbler
to me.. as i have zero problem with the
fAct that science now proves God
to exist 100% with proof..
in what all the sages
of the ages have pointed
to God as being noW as an
allthatis interconnecting
and interrelating Force of
life with no one name but the
essence of all that is.. as science
shows this cosmos of Nature.. aLL iS
one force living within wE too.. just as
the folks who wrote the Gnostic and other
New Testament Gospels do relate if you can
see and hear the deeper meanings of the
way poetry is written in biblical sacred
text too.. folks seem to be butt hurt
that it took science to prove it..
not understanding that
science is the
scribe that
is God’s best
friEnd.. so far.. in
proving God’s existence
without a doubt.. but you kNow
and feel the tribal instinct.. huh.. people
worship the words they use to describe God
over what the FucKinG essence of God alWays
has been and alWays WiLL be as interconnecting
and interrelating force ALL aS ONE NoW.. no shit..
God is FucKinG iSREAL and every wHere as noW one
Force of existence.. sorry.. if you missed iT in a book..
in a three or five letter idol as form of word.. without
this essence realized and
fELt iN yoUr liFe..
tHeRe iS no
God but
an idol
of a word for you or none..
noW ironically enough from
the view point of the reported
dude Yeshua as such.. yoUr small
words for God have bEcoMe.. yeS..
Anti-Christ now.. as they have now
lost the essence of thE TruTh and
liGht of God that is all that is that
lives equAlly within uS.. the rest of
the UniVerse.. iNFiniTy and more
to the smallest Quantum subatomic
particle in a grain of sand too.. i don’t
kNow about you.. but that makes me feel as warm
and cozy As an iSREAL God blankET oF onE noW..:)


How refreshing.. yes.. DrinKing Kool Aid Dance..
one of the best pARts of this macro-verse iS.. iT sHows
one of my first dance ‘dates’ with
my nice Hispanic dance friend
from two years ago.. and
two of Charlie’s
Angels.. Chelsea
and Cortney from
two years ago.. wHere
Chelsea came first.. then
Maggie accompanied her and
highly spirited Cortney came next..
who was kinda the social organizer then
and spokes person for Charlie’s Angel’s2..
as she was sorta the only one i really got to know
in-depth oF verbal language then beyond the dance
of life2.. i kNow a little bit about Chelsea.. and
only the dance of Maggie.. and the Hispanic
girl.. just pleasantries on the dance floor..
and i don’t even know her name
after two years of intermittent
dance.. but i do feel the
way she dances..
next to me
for sure.. and
yes.. from a distance
too.. as every human’s
dance when set free is like
a finger print too.. truly iT iS lovEly
art.. and a treasure to experience
first hand in the greatest
evolving reciprocal
social communication
of human that has/iS always
been the body language of dance
from the mating ritual to the warrior dance
to the simple and complex spiritual ecstasy of
not only connecting to each oTheR but to Nature
one and God sAMe.. yeah.. baby.. the Dance Hall
is my real church and Nature too.. but sure..
i like SinGinG..
iN the Catholic
Church too.. to
balance the verbal
spiritual pARt oF connecting
to each oTheR and God aS WeLL..
iT all coMes out in the DancE and SonG
oF liFE and trUe to fact of act and FeeLinG..
iF you don’t DancE and SinG iN eXpresXing your
Spirit inside of God this way.. or at least express
it in the poetry of wordS.. it would reAlly be sad to
never find God within and Express God as HOly
spiRit of DancE and SonG and poEtic words now…
prophets without all these three as iSREAL messengers
of God NoW are missing something that King David
seemed to have.. along with the warrior spirit
for defense of survival too.. hmm..
yeah.. i’M more like King David
in many ways2.. except i can
control my warrior and lust
side in a disciplined way
without going the
dArk route
of harming
others in all
of God of Nature
in my greater hUman
poTenTial expresSing hoLy
spiRit of miNd and boDy BaLanCinG
SoUL noW as FREE Tree of liFe and kNowLedge
are noW ONEFORCE noW as me.. oF course2..NoW..
Bottom line.. a sacred New Testament text goeS oN..
the Messianic Kingdom of Heaven was promised then..
in the generation of Jesus.. perHapS.. it came
for some human beings who survived a liFe
like i do now Free with God and otHeRs
who share these freedoms of God
Given potential as human Nature
sAMe as Nature Free.. and
across the Globe now..
the real living rapture
is more possible than ever..
for those who escape the traps
of religion and culture and Fly
FReED wITh God as the evidence
certainly relates that i do in liFE NoW..
No.. fairly tale.. is this Kingdom of Heaven..
NoW.. achievable.. iT iS iN Cheap Thrills iSREaL NOW2..
and sure.. SiA is A messenger free oF god noW2..noW iF
you haven’t noticed.. hEr Holy and Sacred Angel Nature2..:)

DrinKing Kool Aid Dance


The Facebook Autobiographical..
Filming assistant in video slide show
way.. continues to deliver.. and any short
slide show video that stARts out with a
Orange Flower.. is kinda nice
in my opinion..
for one..


My Uncle and
Aunt.. Both now
With older age
Memory issues
In their eighties
But still dancing
With Aunt playing
The Piano for a
Band.. And as i
Understand it..
My Father’s identical
Twin Brother Ted..
Recently asked if
My Father.. Who passed
Away.. Two years ago..
Had any children.. And
i can’t say we had many
Conversations.. the decades
he remembered me.. Oh..
The joy of the Autism
Spectrum.. Passed
Down in Broader
Phenotype at
And at
Least.. i
Why now and
Myself.. Better too..
And yeah.. He’s 84
And Dances with the
Younger Ladies while
The Aunt plays.. Dance
Is at least pArt of A Fountain
Of Youth.. yes.. i’ll do it ’till 96..
Mark 80 more million words
Of poetry by 40 more years
Too.. And 80 thousand more
Miles of Public Dance unless
i pick up the pace more.. noW2..
And no.. i’M NOT kidding..NOw1..;)

Yes.. Yoda goes to church..
in the longer view of this..
And Dance walks every
wHere he goeS iN
public view too..
even with
ducks and fish
two and morE noW2..;)

Hmm.. wondering
here.. iF i can loosen
uP Hillary enough for
a bootie dance ‘here’.. heHE..;)

True Story.. as alWays
of course.. at least.. in metaphor..
Two Farm Boy Heavy Weights.. seemed
to be perusing the value of my dance at Walmart
yesterday.. and within 15 minutes.. after i gave them..
The Fred
talK.. they suggested
that i should run for President.. and
then i quickly provided the metaphor
of Jesus in the Desert wHere the metaphorical
Devil inside suggested he aspire to worldly status
and power.. and i said.. hell no.. status and power
are human cultural illusory developed ways of
life when humans started storing grains
when folks started getting jealous
of the haves and others
started getting angry
at the have nots
for wanting what
the haves stored up..
it was better when we all
foraged toGeTher for the day..
shared what was gatHeRred and forAged
and hELd hands again the next day to gEt
the Job of Basic Subsistence and Survival
done for the now.. dancing togeTheR.. mostly
naked around the campfire and midnight
moonlit way of Free liFe.. ONE WitH God
oF NatUre and each oTheR.. then FREE..
and then today.. another dude suggested
that Yoda would defeat both Hillary
and Trump.. in a fair race..
but course they have
no idea of the
extent of
in Yoda’s closet
that are paraded for
all to see.. if they like..
of course.. noW.. heHE..;)

Yeah.. it’s gonna take
A wHole lot more than
2-six packs of Heavy
Duty Scott’s Paper towels
to clean up all the shiT in the
world but.. i gotta SonG.. and
a DancE and ten fingers and toes
to stArt a maTch.. and A waVe for a FiRe
oF Ocean Poem way and a DancE and SonG
for more too..
as metaphorS
MoreS of CoursE Now.. GO..;)

WeLL.. i read a very interesting book.. yes.. from front to
back while i did my slower TAI CHI-like dance at
Barnes and Nobles this evening.. while yes..
listening to A Best of Alan Parsons Project
Album.. as of course it’s kinda spacey
and relaxing too.. for a book named
‘A God That Could Be Real’.. and iF
they said iSREAL as i pun that
jusT for fun off iSraEL too..
to make a point.. God
is real too.. anyWay..
they didn’t get the
idea directly from me..
hehe.. a famous scientist’s
wife.. now.. wrote this book..
and some of her ideas mirrored
some of mine.. but nah.. i ain’t gonna
restrict God to what Physics thiNks iT kNows
and doesn’t feel at all through the scientific method..
and don’t get me wrong.. it’s nice to know and feel..
that we don’t live on a flat earth too.. but there IS A
Magic about God beyond any bible or fiction.. i’VE..
ever read that reAlly cannot be described any better
that the word Magic to me.. as it defies all systemizing
ways of explanation.. in scientific method terms.. of course..
the key is.. if you don’t believe tHeRE IS A MaGiC in life.. you
will find none.. and if you do.. even iF iT IS A placebo effect..
never the less.. the positive consequences that come
from positive beliefs and actions are iSREAL..
and as far as the magnitude of the
MaGiC that comes as consequence..
tHeRE could be an aRtFuL formula
for that that iS simply Luke Red Hot
100% faith.. hope.. and belief with
zero doubts and fears.. it works
for me.. 100%.. i cannot promise
it will work that way for anyone else..
as it is an inner force that is not completely
quantifiable or even qualifiable either as it can
and will come in depths that empirical means.. including
words.. we cannot touch.. at least fully.. in much fuller human
potential of the higher power and Force of God noW wiThin
PRACTiCE THiS FORCE NOW.. anyWay.. Yoda understands
and FeeLs the trUth and LIGht oF all thaT is.. this.. and does
his best..
to give aT
lEast a spARk oF
how he experiences A
iSREAL Heaven oF liFE noW..:)


Both the Bible and Kuran.. taken literal.. are obviously misogynistic..
it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that part out..
but sure you have to be able to read.. and the
truth is many folks in Muslim cultures
are still illiterate and take
what ever they are
given by the ruling
class in interpretation as
Gospel truth that cannot be
questioned.. and where religion
cannot be questioned comes the
prison part.. the acid thrown on female
faces.. the stove top burnings.. the raping
of twelve year old girls in what they name as
Dowry as nonconsensual means rape.. bottom line..
whether that is little twelve year old girls.. or the
abomination of doing that to a 9 year old girl..
as such that does still sadly occur as well..
as in the 7th century too.. or even after
marriage.. as is still not a crime in
some Muslim countries now..
and folks who are
Homosexuals.. well..
when the Christian religion
was in charge of state.. as it still
was in reality of holding slaves and
imprisoning adulterers and homosexuals
until the real gentile or jew.. servant or free..
woman or man.. no more.. was finally promoted
and justified as correct in the secular part of the
world by Majority rule of Supreme Court Justices..
who ended being more ethical then the so-called
Christian rules before.. with no votes or even
voices of women allowed in life.. those
changes are coming in Muslim countries
too.. as here’s the thing.. the real God of
Nature lives free in us to be who we
REALLY ARE.. and this voice is
singing louder and louder as
information and voices
is no longer
censored by
threats up to
death as much and
CAN BE found in the New Testament is that
Sociologists.. suggest that the same freedoms
that women and homosexual folks here and the
other oppressed folks of the United States of
America once did not have also.. will be the
reality.. in at least Middle Eastern Muslim
countries in the coming decades.. equaling
those Freedoms in the U.S.. by 2050..
and sure.. some countries in Africa
will lag behind.. as they have
less to offer to first world
countries in terms
of dollar bills..
like the oil of the
middle east.. but sure..
perhaps one day.. Female
Genital Mutilation will be
an ignorance of the past..
COMES to pass in these countries too.. as the
Kindgom of Heaven is simply a place
where folks can live free
in a state of peace
and harmony
where they
can be
full gift that
God of Nature
evolves them to
be now.. in MoVinG..
ConNecTinG and CreAtinG WAY..:)

A woman’s opinion on GOD

sMiLes.. And Hello.. my FriEnd.. thefeatheredsleep.. AKA Candice
and nice Facebook Friend and author too..
who is not afraid of different..
and that my friend
is the prize
of different..
rubbing noses
with those who
are different.. and sure..
somewhat same too.. i saw
the movie.. about Alan Turing.. named
the Imitation Game.. and sure this could
be as much about Asperger’s Syndrome as
that new movie.. named the Accountant with
Ben Affleck coming out soon.. of course fiction
doesn’t grab the same tears that reality can as
reality is often magic and harsh too.. too harsh
for even words it seems.. religions are created
to control.. religions are created to bond..
and yes.. religions are part of liFe..
as human’s seek purpose
and meaning and
go on..
of course
as nows go on..
ah.. but to lift the ignorance
and still go on.. and yes it is happening
incrementally as nows go on.. where even
in the Catholic Church the truth that what
they name as revelation is just a metaphor of
the Nero that was oppressing the so-called
Christians at that time of so-called Saint John..
is assessed now in the Catholic Church as
just a metaphor for that point in time…
sure.. there is a long way
to the reaLiTy
coming out that
who ever Jesus was..
there is no proof of miracles
or resurrection of death and
3 to 4 hundred thousand scribe
mistakes of small to major in what
makes a bible now that 2.2 million folks
ascribe to now.. and as oft promise of a brighter
day.. sociologists suggest that Muslim folks in the
middle east will have the same freedoms that women..
homosexuals.. folks with disabilities.. and other previously
much more oppressed folks in the USA.. did not have before..
before sanity
of reaSon rules
insanity of before..
there are no Elton John’s in the
middle east.. and likely no Alan Turings..
as the more harsh the culture flushes out
different the more culture kills itself in the
process of achieving more as whole.. and
the rule of nature will always be adapt and
change and survive and thrive or don’t.. simple
as that.. and true.. when resources are shared more..
a culture becomes less patriarchal and warring and
more leaning towards matriarchal and loving.. the Yang
and Yin of War vs Saturday in the Park with less clothes
of culture to cover up human freedoms.. it’s predictable and
truly as Atheist countries show.. religion of oppression comes
in many clothes of politics of controlling and directing human nature
for the cause of survival for the day.. China.. BiG case in point..
oh.. to live in abundance
is to live free.. the rule of nature
as long as social roles for social animals
survive.. and instant gratification doesn’t
kill folks by the time they reach middle age..
but to live in scarcity is always a place for
human misery and suffering.. the
infertile lands of deserts…
the ice of the Siberian north..
but on beaches with bikinis.. rarely
a fist is displayed.. as passion of Free rules
the human heARt.. the SpiRit.. and the SoUL oF FREEDOM
MY FriEnd.. Bottom Bikini line.. FREE RULES WHEN POSSIBLE..
when no longer are DicKiNsoN Poems hidden in drawers.. oF dArk..;)


The EN name test thingie..
provides a test of which bible
verse reflects me
and the

Joshua 1:9

“Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and of good courage;
do not be afraid, nor be dismayed,
for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

And i say..

Bottom Line..
i ain’t scared..;)

And sure.. as it is our human
nature to be fearless with love
but how to do that.. as words are
empty without living examples of trUth
and liGht.. well.. truth is.. when my psychiatrist
who i inspired to go teach movement therapy
as proven.. my way works more than
the pill way he attempted
to help me with
when i first
went there
with total
human exhaustion..
also known as General
Adaptation Syndrome as
nicely described by Hans Selye
and even worth providing a Wiki Link
for it.. if you haven’t heard of him and or his theory yet..

Bottom line.. recovery of the consequences of living through 2 years of flight
or fight stress at work.. took 66 months.. STRESS ISN’T WORTH IT..
DO ESCAPE.. as stress most definitely
will break down every body system
of the human body..
as stress hormones..
are like acid on the brain
and body.. if you wanna drink
the drano.. of a slow burn of death…
ANYWAY.. still.. the psychiatrist and
medical profession all together is
truly a practice of medicine..
and promoted as
a way of
money.. of
course too.. over
natural healing like rest..
long term rest.. healing the
body.. building it back up slowly
and surely and finding what works
to keep life in animal homeostasis
as BaLanCinG Force like all
smART animals do
with innate..
and intuition
too.. as when the cat
gets enough stimulation..
even pets.. the cats moves
out of the way.. and if he or she
is pursued.. a scratch or more than
love bite will most often come next..
Cats are yes.. smARTer than humans
as they NO when to say no.. and no means
no.. when their capacity for environmental stimulus
exceeds their ability to simply withstand it in reasonable
innate.. instinctual and intuitive way of FeeLinG what
works and what is dangerous to tHeir
well being outside of the
comfort zone of
animal homeostasis..
humans.. on the other
hand.. sit motionless as far
as big muscle movements go
to help the blood flow and burn
off stress chemicals for 8 hours and
more a day.. and humans don’t say no..
as the insanity of culture has no idea what
it means to be human for a FucKinG Dollar Bill..
when a FucKinG Dollar Bill becomes the God
BeinG of HuMaN BeinG.. problem.. truly
established by religions to suggest
that this world isn’t real and
dying is preferable to living
as the height of cultural and
religious ignorance in reaLiTy
noW.. by the logical fallacy of
appeal to authority of before.. no
FucKinG how old it is.. or FucKinG
how craaayyyyzzzyy.. or violent it
came to be.. in the beginning of human
ignorance away from the truly simple trUths
of human nature in liGht of what it even means
to be a human animal set free again.. ANYWAY…
WHEN i told my psychiatrist how much i write.. he
called it Hypergraphia.. as sure every human behavior
has a label.. except since believing in lies of before in religion
is considered socially acceptable in culture.. that’s not considered
insane.. that’s considered within the norm of human behavior.. however..
if one becomes all about God.. or what the psychiatry world names as
Hyper-Religious even though that is kinda the opposite of luke warm
that has a bi-polar label too.. Love God a little but
a lot is craaaayyyyzyyy.. is what the Doctors still
say.. in Bi-polar way..
and worship the human
body as the flesh of God as
Temple same.. like nude art..
and that can be labeled even in
the church as craaaayyyzzzzzy too..
well guess what.. i AM the Happy one..
and sure the psychiatrist in his continued
pill pusher practice suggested epilepsy
drugs to bring me back down
to luke warm
about everything
in life.. and just shuffle
by like a Robot in Super
Walmart in Zombie Apocalypse
way with dead britches OWN too..
well no.. i said no.. and if you wonder
why there haven’t been too many Leonardo’s..
Mozart’s.. Beethoven’s and Michelangelo’s too..
is the drugs came along.. and not until
recently could a person.. even
say no.. when beyond
the norm.. way beyond
the norm came visible
and fear of the beyond
was medicated by institutions
and drugs that were mandatory to
kill this pArt of the human soul more..
well.. sure.. there are those who do need
this kinda help.. but there are others who are
just different and must fly free to be alive.. or die
in the lies of priSons bEfore.. in a slow torture away
from heaven now.. and on top of that.. duh.. getting in the
floW iN the ZonE of creating art.. no different than Michelangelo..
Mozart.. Leonardo.. Beethoven and more feels good.. of course..
as Brain waves change from Beta worry.. to Alpha focus to theta
creative pleasure in the Good Cop TwiLiGht Zone of guiding
lucid waKinG dreAMs of metaphor of Holy Spirit Flow
comeS iSREAL.. in a metaphor of Quantum hUman
miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG soUL.. UNLEashEd..
ReLeasEd.. for poTenTiaL incredible works Now
of arts to form.. in essence.. free relative FREE
WiLL noW as this
Ocean whole Macro
Verse of Poem GroWs
more and more in places
too large for juSt one perSon
to eXploRe.. i am A drop of water..
i am A streAm that flows as RiVer
as Ocean WhoLe PoEm i AM iSREAL..
i AM juST another Wave of God iSraEL AM i..:)

Facebook Friend Himali shares two consecutive
statuses.. the first one says..

“I’ve learned that home
isn’t a place;
it’s a feeling.”

And i simply say..

Home iNside..:)

And secondly she

“Everyone needs a
friend who will
call and
Get Dressed
We are going
on an Adventure.”

And i simply say..

Home ouTside..:)

The trUth and liGht is..
some folks are more introverted..
and some of those are more closed
minded.. and some of those.. are averse
to change.. and some of those are rather
homebodies who sit at home and read
and watch TV to see and hear
the actors in another
Director’s play..
and truly that’s
Okay.. and sure
tHeRe IS A spectrum
of ALL of that as no human
is a cookie cutter copy of anotHeR
human or label.. or book that describes
human being.. and there are others who
see joy everywhere.. inside.. outside.. above..
so below and all around.. who pursue adventure..
change.. in a progressive way.. and sure they are
liberal as compared to conservative otHeRs
in generalized way.. and yes.. of course..
i thrill some folks with my progressive
antics and scare the BeJesus
out of
other folks
now.. and sure if
you cannot see how liberal
a person like Jesus would be..
you cannot see me at all..
as i wear
too.. gentile or
jew.. servant or
free.. woman or man no more.. different
is same and same is different now
and no.. i’M
not the only one
but sure i AM a RARE
SPaRoW FReED.. and as every
day goeS oN its anotHeR FiGht
SonG for mE to bE thIs way..
i AM what i Am
‘CAUSE i can in the
U.S. oF A at LeASt..
the Kingdom
of Heaven
hAS/iS COMe..
and sure.. in somEways
i COMe aGain in glory to
literAlly judge the living and
the dead.. as the 42nd literal
month mARk of this Witness for God
comes to a close in a way on September
1st when my nExt 699th Macro Verse iS published
as that was the first day on Facebook that my Katie
Mia name came to mean more as Kind Autistics
Taking iN Everything Mindful iN Awareness
floating to my mind like a feather
from within.. and
i put it on Facebook
along with a sky of
blurry clouds that i had
captured on a Winter day
from bEfore that i will share
here too.. from March 1st of 2013
then.. and sure on September 11th..
after 42 whole months.. iN Blog ways
comes.. i’LL make that sacred and holy
for mYself.. as when the eYes shut wHole
in the last float of breath.. we become Star duSt
with GoD aS oNE aGain.. and in every field of
Dreams.. at the end it is only wE who comes as
Star Dust to liVE noW..
or never
live much
aT all.. and i wiLL
sleep in Star DuST
comfort then.. wHOLe
knoWinG and FeeLinG
that this go aRound i juST
DiD iT.. no matter what cAMe neXt..
and sure.. i left some mArks oF thaT
iSREAL to stay a long the way oF LIFe iSREAL2 Now2..:)









BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels


41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)


Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 18 Comments

SasQuatch LoVe Feat sKeYes

IMG_8238 IMG_8239 IMG_8240 IMG_8241 IMG_8242 IMG_8243 IMG_8244 IMG_8247 IMG_8248 IMG_8249 IMG_8250 IMG_8251 IMG_8252 IMG_8253 IMG_8254 IMG_8255 IMG_8259 IMG_8260 IMG_8264 IMG_8265 IMG_8268 IMG_8269 IMG_8270 IMG_8271 IMG_8275 IMG_8278 IMG_8281 IMG_8284 IMG_8285 IMG_8288 IMG_8290 IMG_8297 IMG_8299 IMG_8301 IMG_8303 IMG_8306 IMG_8307 IMG_8310 IMG_8311 IMG_8312 IMG_8313 IMG_8314 IMG_8315 IMG_8316 IMG_8317 IMG_8318 IMG_8319 IMG_8320 IMG_8321 IMG_8322 IMG_8323 IMG_8325 IMG_8326 IMG_8327 IMG_8328 IMG_8329 IMG_8330 IMG_8332 IMG_8333 IMG_8337 IMG_8339 IMG_8340 IMG_8342 IMG_8343 IMG_8344 IMG_8345 IMG_8346 IMG_8347 IMG_8350 IMG_8351 IMG_8352 IMG_8353 IMG_8354 IMG_8356 IMG_8357 IMG_8358 IMG_8359 IMG_8360 IMG_8364 IMG_8366 IMG_8367 IMG_8368 IMG_8369 IMG_8370 IMG_8371 IMG_8372 IMG_8373 IMG_8374 IMG_8377 IMG_8378 IMG_8380 IMG_8381 IMG_8382 IMG_8383 IMG_8384 IMG_8385 IMG_8386 IMG_8387 IMG_8389 IMG_8390 IMG_8391 IMG_8393 IMG_8396 IMG_8398 IMG_8399 IMG_8400 IMG_8401 IMG_8402 IMG_8403

He HE..
no comment..
YeTi.. noW yes Now..
oKay.. more comment from ‘then’..
noW.. i mean.. Jesus F. iN Christ..
this online publishing stuff can get
very mechanically oriented in cognition..
once one copies and pasties all of this
sTuFF i create to many different places..
hmm.. and have you ever noticed..
that in the forms of art
iN iMaGiNaTioN and
creativity.. for
example iN A
Wookiee shirt
i wore last year
to date.. all white
except for Wookiee T-
shirted tattoo.. sayin’ FREE
HUGS at the Catholic Church
celebratory event for a new wing
in education building of sorts last
year.. pictured with the Catholic Monsignor
tHeRe i do.. kinda look like a White Clothed
Wookiee.. i guess.. weLL at least compared
to the Monsignor in the photo.. heHe.. as
stereotypes of beast vs human goes.. haha..
as WeLL.. mY FriendS.. in Sasquatch waYaass WeLL..;)


WeLL.. the En name test thingy on Facebook..
celebrates my current then.. Cardinal Climber
hybrid mix of vine and red morning glory.. pro
file pic.. and says no.. the type of Flower
i Am iS SunFloWeR.. and
suRe i FloW iN ZonE too..
at ease.. at ease..
as Golden
SpiRal Sun FloWer
pArts toGeTheR aLL
oNe for NoW..
aT leAst
mE now..;)

WeLL.. i understand tHeRe IS A
dVerse prompt all about daytime
skies in classic Haibun and Haiku
form available now for me to poeticAlly
respond to in my own style of Fredbun and
Fred Ku.. but for noW iT’s noW for work-out
at my favorite and only military Gym.. for a little
Fred Fu Martial arts.. aS iN the case of this foot
feat oF aRt tHeRe iS no conFORMiTy for mE WiTH
Art as yA can caLL
mE Free Verse
Fred in aLL i do
FloWinG iN A ZonE
oF onLY noW iN
wHatEver Now
i care to FLY..
Free jUST foR
Money as Art oF aLL
i do iS SonG oF mY SouL
FuLLy alWays For FReED anD
never for sale for Green bLack Bucks..
or likes and shares and follows per.. ugh..
the equivalent of modern bucks2.. noW..;)

WeLL i reAlly gotta go BeFore the gym closes in a few hours
heRe.. but juSt to gEt warmed uP here.. surE.. this IS
A birth of Angel in skies oF day.. and heLL
yes.. it’s kinda ficTion/fACt as poetry
IS AlWays a miX noW ofF
reAlity and iMAginatTiON
sAme for what wECreate iN
the reaL World TrUe too.. noW
as A child of Skies iS
iN Our eYes as skeYes too..
for eTernal liFe oF noW iN A
ReaL eARth HeaVen foR those
who rise.. ascend.. AgAin.. if noW
they lived iN this HeaVen BeFore
noW in or noT in liFe beFore.. as
rEborn in lucid DreAming waYs now
wHere Goddess/Father/Kundalini
riSinG Chakra SpiRit.. Satori..
the great ancestral SpiRit.. eTc..
or as science says witH
self actualization noW iN
potenTiaL iNFiniTe
numBers of otHeR
for what some
nAMe as A Christ
Consciousness noW2
as Co-Creator WitH GoD
as leFT haNd and RighT
Hand woman/man/etc..
teAM liGht wE hoPe
for noW as wE
lucid guide
ouR dReams
toGether to
FruiTion iN aWakinG
stylE of RiSinG aScenDinG
Re-Born noW as Buttefly
from niGhtmares drOwning
uP to dArk niGht oF soUL
oF beFore.. wE Breathe
God of Nature’s Air
more fully Free
once aGain
we fLoW iN ZoNe
as air and water GoD sAme..
in silent to Explosive Lucidity noW..:)

Oh.. how.. deliciously sweet..
the Facebook Slide show/Video
maker algorithm.. provides a sentimental
shoWing of late August afternoon to evening
in Garden and pre-workout Face way
too.. in yes.. Karmic eYe2.. aS wELL
for noW at LEast and wEst yeye..
i mean hehe.. haha.. oKay..
Well.. even catching
butterflies in the
maTinG act
aS Jesus
F. iN Christ
even cocooned
butterflies of beFore..
do some kindA Wild thing
noW too.. what else.. yeah..
more blue skies too.. i’M kinda
sleepy and blUe sKeYes of God
are very inspirational to mE TrUe
and liGht sAMe duRinG aLL day NoW2..
i could fall asleep now and wake uP early
and stArt then.. but oh no.. i have an ophthalmologist
test tomorrow.. and it is gonna be too hard to see those
letters on the screen if do not get in some horizon scanning
before that appointment comes.. in early afternoon way..
and oh no.. if they put those drops in my eye.. i will
jUST have to take even more of a break from
writing with dilated wide pupils..
until after i visit my Mother..
on Tuesday visiting
Mother day
as a routine
there too.. anyWay..
as far as i kNow and FeeL
blue skies are forecast for tomorrow..
so sure.. juST more for InspiRatiON iF
then i do not get around to that day sky prompt
until even after a Tuesday prompt may come
too.. yes.. StiLL.. noWs to spRead soMe Love..
coMinG soon enough.. to a Facebook Theater
some more2.. even iF onlY iN more Fun Face
Book Algorithm slide show videos to document
some fun out of these four walls of somEwhat priSon
stuck in this 27 inch iMaC Desk toP work-horse
robot too.. assisting me aS WeLL as creAtioN
GroWs oN
iN this noW
697th VersE..
i’M worKing anD
pracTiCinG oN aS
noW GoeS oN for NoW..;)


With a second WiNd of BlUe skeYes
within i’M off to spRead some
sUnshine oF
at dVerse
prompt for day
skies now.. at
11:47 pm on 8222016..;)

Skies of Nature for
Love.. beach grains
of Free in Love that
takes no hold from Free..

Love Sings

Far north skies burn a little
bright in summer days.. dimming
in fall to drought lights
of Winter
days so
in warming hearts
for happy hope of Love..

Southern skies
Love noW..:)

sMiLes.. immediately
with talk of Grasshopper
and Guru within.. i’M taken
back to the Old Kung Fu TV series..
wHeRe all the most important answers
come iN miNd and boDy
BaLanCe wHOle
of BLuE
no matter
color of eYe
of skY above.. so
below.. inside.. outside..
all around.. the color of
Heaven skeYes withiN
alWays Blue Free noW
And Sun BriGht wiTh liGht..

There muSt be an
Invisible Sun
inSide.. by Sting2..:)

Oh.. the quiet fathers…
with the green
of sunshine eyes
that sparkle in lake
day memories for
me.. and
one day on
his dock.. a
father drown
off a boat only
yards from uS..
and sadly i had to
wonder would i miss
a daddy.. i never got to
kNow/feeL.. from lips that
could not express
that one
now when
his decades old
cat died that he
called Son.. anyway..
decades later as we all
do with parents if the child does
live long enough.. i did miss him..
particularly.. the fAct he wouldn’t
let me feel who he was inside ever
no matter how hard i tried.. and sure
enough.. eventuAlly.. i figured out.. i too..
could be like him.. too.. if enough stress
came like his in law enforcement for 46
years to take
the feelings
away.. later..
oh.. the environment
of love.. makes or breaks
a word of Love..
lesSon lEarned
for/by me.. my
to always
say i Love.
and so much more..
no longer speechless at
age 4.. no longer stuttering
in middle school.. and no longer
dead and mute from stress in middle


Thanks my friEnd..
Even science shows now..
The heart IS A Love muscle
That can grow like the
Grinch HeArt and more..
Perhaps.. than 10 x 10
More with a practice
Of PoEtry..
With words
And Dance
Music of
From head
To toe in mind
And body balancing
Spirit that SinGs a Recipe
For Fearless Loving SoUL
And for
Now that’s
aLL i
TrUly FeeL
As LiGht oF
LiFe Of LoVe..
Thanks Lillian..
WiTh sMiLes More

Hurricane skies
of mid-2000’s
Gulf Coast
swirLing water..
iN billoWing omens
of floods to come.. Sun
is gone.. Wind as come..
Battering hatches uP..
as Shingles fly.. gone..
Roofs go bare..
StiLL a home
aT lEast for
uS.. to west
to south..
Floods drOwn
so many steads
of homes.. under fLow..

line.. everyone
lived.. anotHeR sKy oF BlUe..:)

sMILes.. A pAint
with never numbers..
God skeYeS on FiRe…
oF breathinG
Canvas.. blue
skieS old.. Colors FLow..
c l O U D S BLoom.. morE..

Even Michelangelo..
would never
sculpt.. God skeYes change..:)

Toward Equinox.. of FaLL
and rise of SpRing.. Gulf
skies sinG
set the
color red..
so deep in Love
of beauty hOld..
so give oF
never seLL..

Beach skies
Beauty’s Blood..:)

Nature hOlds
atmoSphere BriGht
skies so bRoad..
yes.. a secret
tHeRE wE FeeL
the suffering and
misery of each other
as far as miles connect
us withdrawn inside..
in wither
Nature kNows/FeeLs
no sound of footprintS iN
doors so closed of heARt
SpiRit young and cOld..

no SonG of sad..:)

Hi Nan..
just in case
no one has come
by to let you kNow..
the link’s not working
on dVerse.. but typing
your name in Google is
not hard to do..
for me..

Oh skies

Now to your poem..
and number two.. hmm..
can’t help but to think of the
Beautiful Escambia bay here
iN Florida west panhandle
by smoke
stacks and
once polluted
as F.. as a place
you didn’t wanna
Bring your date..
it stink
stank.. stunk..

of Panhandle..
Monsanto.. Chemstrand..
Paper Mills.. the F iN List
oF old Yellow smoke goeS oN
and on a Fall day.. Jesus F.
iN Christ iT sTiLL stInks
in what they
oh cRap..

My Fredbun
and Fredku
is polluting your Blog..;)

God IS A Rorschach test.. noW..
you kNOw and FeeL the wHole
thing noW.. aka allthatis too..
and cLouds and sKy thaT too..
and all aRound tHat ThREE..
but trUly all IS A
Rorschach test..
even words
are metaphor
for essence more..
of course.. wRiTe oN course.. but don’t
tale that to chains outside
that never see more
within now more..
of whatever
now oF
and Love
or Fear

Wins FEarless..
iF wE beLieve and maKe iT So..:)

My first loss..
of the human
kind.. was an
Uncle too.. but
not a blood relative..
and the closest thing
to a Father then.. sad
when blood feels less..
yet truth
is tHeRe
are no
coffins for Love..
for mE @lEast..
and west..
WitH no

EYes oF Love Linger FeeLed FilLed..
kNows no distance.. space..
Blood.. or death..:)

Mirror beauty
Pond eYes Water..
Clouds above so below..
trees shape birds inside
outside.. all around symmetry
swirls.. Nature whole reflectS ouR LiFe..

EyEs oF sKeYes
Nature Love echoes..
LiVe iN i..:)

Dog day afternoons
of abuse never
spell a blue sky..


Not alWays easy
being a weathered
branch human
as often
the cOldest
of disabilities..
are in the able

to judge..
some skY perspectives..:)

SMiles.. i suppose
that tales a tall
of arid
as clouds less
high.. noW..


i understand
it works the sAMe
with drOught and floWers..

from Struggle..

Beauty TaLLs
noW off

Ah.. to lEArn
to Love Deeper
As Nature and wE
change on.. FeeLinGs
more noW
iF E-scaping
iN Golden
yEars oF Beauty..

sKeYes SonGs SinG
re-Tired wheels coveRed..:)

So truE.. no E-scaping
NatUre iN liFe.. and
sAdly the end sits
oF life iN liFe.. noW..
theN.. comes too short
from even
to move
away from
chairs of priSons
thaT bEcome carts
at WalmaRt to
Freedom’s open skeyes..

Elder care
ain’t gonna be
easy on/for generations of sitters.. who forget/ot to move..:)

Finished for noW @lEast
and west around the World..
@2:09 am


sMiLes.. i think this ‘one’ is
worth repeating aGain..
with a few more
iN side
note longer narration..
as prose and poEtry
and trUth and
a little
than same
stories one has
heard before.. now..:)

Oh.. the quiet fathers…
with the green
of sunshine eyes
that sparkle in lake
day memories for
me.. and
one day on
his dock.. a
father drown
off a boat only
yards from uS..
and sadly i had to
wonder would i miss
a daddy.. i never got to
kNow/feeL.. from lips that
could not express
that one
now when
his decades old
cat died that he
called Son.. anyway..
decades later as we all
do with parents if the child does
live long enough.. i did miss him..
particularly.. the fAct he wouldn’t
let me feel who he was inside ever
no matter how hard i tried.. and sure
enough.. eventuAlly.. i figured out.. i too..
could be like him.. too.. if enough stress
came like his in law enforcement for 46
years to take
the feelings
away.. later…
Oh.. the environment
of love.. makes or breaks
a word of Love..
lesSon lEarned
for/by me.. my
to always
say i Love.
and so much more..
no longer speechless at
age 4.. no longer stuttering
in middle school.. and no longer
dead and mute from stress in middle


Thanks my friEnd..
Even science shows now..
The heart IS A Love muscle
That can grow like the
Grinch HeArt and more..
Perhaps.. than 10 x 10
More with a practice
Of PoEtry..
With words
And Dance
Music of
From head
To toe in mind
And body balancing
Spirit that SinGs a Recipe
For Fearless Loving SoUL
And for
Now that’s
aLL i
TrUly FeeL
As LiGht oF
LiFe Of LoVe..
Thanks Lillian..
WiTh sMiLes More

i listen to the voices of discontent.. of
misery and suffering around the world..
i have no pills to solve the root ’cause of tHeir
illness but i feel it from before.. in all the shoes
i for one have won and lost in the battle field for
FearLess Love..
Experience in ways
of human emotions and
senses is the only way to
earn a progress of human heARt
and SpiRit and sOul that are simply
and sadly often vague metaphors for
the human emotional.. sensory and
yes sensual within life of being that
extends out as shine of our emotions
senses and sensuality to inspire
others and to bRinG them
uP for greater social
cooperation and
peace and
in interactions
for the survive in
human subsistence and
the play of Life for SMiLes
laughter and yes.. adult games
for fun too.. as the naked tribe of
hUmans DancE around a moonlit
fire of midnight liGht naked and
toGetHer free with each oTheR
and NatUre oNe as inter
connecting inter
oF all thaT iS
also known as being
one with God as Nature
and wE sAMe aS oNE
FoRce toGeThER
to gEt the
joB dONe
A oKaY for a survive
to thrive in work and play
and love and lust BaLanCinG
in MoVinG.. CoNnecTinG and
creAtinG liFE as co-CreaTors witH
NatuRe GoD oNe as FoRce of LiVinG
onE all within… inside.. outside.. so above..
below and all around.. regulating emotions
and integrating senses and sensuality sAMe
from birth to death hOlding hands and never letting
go From GoD toGeTHeR oNe.. so what does modern
cultures have to say about this in first world schools and
work and all stuff related to the tools we make and extend
of our selves to become as pARt of Brick Houses.. metal cars..
guns.. knives.. tools that become a pArt of we to gain greater creature
comforts for subsistence in day to day liFE.. including shelter from environmental
elements.. of course too.. sure.. it comforts us.. but in many ways disables use from
MoVinG… ConnecTinG CreAtinG with Others as AC takes the place of front porch neighbors
in Summer days.. and TV and Radio.. etc.. etc.. etc.. now in Electronic Entertainment
replaces couches of conversation in Living Rooms with Great Room mirror neuron
ways of vicariously and virtually experiencing life.. in a play with actors and
directors in someone else’s life.. and in work instead of foraging in
hunt and gather toGether in MoVinG.. ConneCting.. CreaTinG
ways with each otHer iN toGETher ways in flesh and
blood wHere most of our social reciprocal social
communication innately tells the truth
in flesh and blood
non-verbal language..
we become keystrokes and
flat screen boxes.. parts of
machines no more no less
than cogs of Robot
of a big
machine that
once just sought
food and shelter and
toGeTheRness with each
other and NaTure sAMe.. weLL..
the TRUth is with human imagination
and creativity we can create great dreams
come to fruition but in the opposite twilight
zone end of that as means.. we can create
LiVinG hells that snowball and never
melt and just keep getting
in covering
up what beFore we
once were as children
of God who could Feel the
God of Nature in naked skin
of feelings and touch
with each
and God
as Nature ONE
with never even any
need to question an existence
of God as all that is is God then..
as God oF all was then something
we alWays could touch and feel with
the comfort of fearless Love that kNows/
FeeLs no boundaries and chains of the human
that are
now us…
Anyway.. as ‘they’
say Holy shit i escaped
all that cRap and live in
the iSREAL Kingdom of God
thAT is simply noW and no.. never
again..complexly that.. i can SinG a
SonG about Hell but i know longer feel
tHeRe.. a place of cOld and distant theN
so far aWay from the God AS Nature iSREAL..
it’s simple.. if you are missing something it is likely
this God
thAT is ALL
and iSREAL NoW..
and if one wonders what all
the sages of the ages were
attempting to get at and out of
as they continued to become aware
vaguely and more saliently that they
were missing a paRt of liFE as wHOle..
we now have more plain language than theN
the metaphors of beFore and complex parables
as well.. to rise aGain bEfore the rise of machines
that have
become now
we as tools
of illusion living dead..
wHeRe no flesh and Blood
of God.. no longer Free to Be..
more than A Zombie Apocalypse iSrael…

Signed F Now STiL..L..
A Yellow Canary iN
A coal mine noW
wHo literAlly
E-scaped thiS
heLL of
and boDy soUl
aS WeLL noW in HeaRt
oF liVinG SpiRiT Water..
oF God NoW FReED onE..:)


sMiLes .. mY FriEnd
Hank.. thanks so much for
stopping by today.. and yes.. so
happy you enjoyed the pics.. and
as you say.. particularly the cat pics..
as of course all the cat pics are pics of Yellow
Boy.. and yes they are all new in photo stream way..
unless i highlight a memory
photo from years gone by..
and did you know.. my FriEnd
that God Created Humans just
to be caretakers of cats.. hehe
as they don’t seem to be able
to handle the job of being
stewards of the
Earth.. and
then God
tOld human do
go and co-create the
Internet to House
the beauty and
affection for God’s
Favorite oF aLL animals..
who truly FeeL the secret of
Being Tai-Chi Masters ONE WitH
GoD oF aLL NatuRe.. anyWay.. aT
lEast thaT iS.. what Yellow Boy has
tOld me in his non-verbal Language of
Animal Superiority over We Humans who
now continue to Masterfully Serve our Cats..
With Equitable attention online Worthy of Thanks and Cat Praise..:)


Lullaby view..
as presented by
the Facebook Algorithm
Video Voyeur..:)

Beauty and..
Drum Roll Please..
And next Facebook Profile
photo.. oKAy..;)

Drumroll over.. and..
yes.. who would yoU
ratHeR meet in a dArk ALLey.. he..HE..;)

Yes.. per Drumroll..
And Drumstick too..
And last two Profile Pics
on Facebook too.. Yes..

Special K.. in honor now of
ALpha K in many languages
and stArt of KinG oF course..
and KA for the spirit continuing
iN Form of Nautilus sheLL aFter
liFe aS WeLL in KinG Tut’s Tomb
of Form.. or a SonG on YouTube
by Elvis Presley gyrating his hips
for a male first in
the 50’s to show
more SpiRit in SenSes..
EmoTioNs and SeNsuaLiTy Now
oF beinG hUman FReED iN noW
like mE heHe.. in how i Dance so
Brave and Free in all the places i
for one go neXt too.. anyWay.. the
Letter K.. hOlds.. a Very SpeCiaL
place.. in mY heARt.. as THere
were so many days.. wHeRe
leTters and words were the
only place i could fiNd A
friEnd with never an
end of Holy SpiRit
Father oNe and
mE as surely
wE aLL
can FiNd
this trinity within
to express outside
and shine wiTh otHers
wHoLe as heArt noW and
SpiRit.. ExpresSinG heARt
as miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG
soUl aS oNE.. noW.. Force WiTh
GoD.. iN MoVinG ConNecTinG now
Co-CreAtinG ways noW of EmoTioNal
Regulation and SeNsoRy InTeGrAtioN
the sAme noW.. iN Honor and Glory.. And
Praise to this GreaT GiFt oF liFe bEsToWed
to uS By MotHer NaTuRe wHOle also kNoWn
aS GoD aLLThAtiS ONE FoRce WiThin.. inSiDe..
outSide.. AboVe.. so beLow and All aRounD noW..:)


And MoVinG here.. from Special K in 2013..
as Facebook Algorithm generated Macro-
Verse memory as truly first and somewhat
very abstract original Macro-Verse on
my Ocean whole poem.. SonG oF
mY soUL.. as the first three were
basicAlly copy and paste oF
Macro-Verses i had
already written
on my blogger blog
beFore moVinG over
to Word Press too.. and
now hEre 4000 Miles of DANCE
to date.. celebrating title same.. with
now surpassing 5800 miles today and
moVinG on to a 6000 miles of DANCE
WALKING! NOW!.. potentiAlly celebrating
thAT Gala event toward the end of September
2016.. shortly after i celebrate my Witness for
God all that is.. on 9112016 for a full 42 months
as my witness for God all started on March 10, 2013
and that day will complete the 42 months whole for a
SonG of My soUL wHole StiLL Approaching 4 million words
then.. and also approaching 12 million words whole.. including
the prelude of analytical writing to poetry on the Wrong Planet
there in somewhere around 8 million words too.. as sure.. i con-
tinue to meAsure mileStoNes to empiricAlly meaSure hUman
poTenTial achieved in case-Fred-study here as it looks like
hehe.. no one could be qualified in quantifiable way to
accomplish that but me.. heheX2.. even if someone
gave a crap now to even care about all i do as
arT oF i.. iN SonG oF mY SoUL floWs oN
iN RiVer’s i View as Waves SinG
Ocean wHole poem
oF Y i.. juST
For FuN
as Y not
liVe liFE as F iN
Epic as yA can.. a
trULy no bRainer for
mE hE heX3.. just foR noW..:)

4000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

And more here from a year ago..
on my favorite and ever eXpaNdinG
toPiC sAMe
oF Thou SAND
MiL LioNs Love…
Through Sickness and
do us part..
and the rest
iS uP to GoD aLL
thAt iS of Course
as alWays gifT oF noW..:)

Thou SAND MiL LiONs Love

WeLL.. A very long day.. of Dance to Haircut to ophthalmologist and
visit with beautiful ducks on manmade PondS and Hospital
way too.. a photo-op with Sasquatch.. to follow
uP on the beginning of this Micro-Verse
in Wookiee way and Yeti too as
basic metaphor same for
wild and FreeSt BiPed
hAiry.. unLeAshED
and reLeaSed too..
iN Verse oF SonG.. poEtry
DanCe as Free as Free RinGs on..
noW of courSe sTiLL wRite oN couRSe FoR NoW..:)

WeLL thAT sayS it aLL buT
more interesting iS iN all the dVerse
ways that otHeRs see/feel a hUman bEinG
as WiLd and Free as mE.. some folks heRE
even in the WiLd of Seville Quarter in DancE hALL
ways say i am the nicest Dance Legend and Icon sAme
of the Pensacola Area they’ve ever met.. while others
try to convince me of what kinda drug i AM on.. to
the nice Customer Service Lady at Walmart
who said she always defends me sTiLL
wiTh the ‘Deliverance’ kinda characters
who inhabit the Lower Alabama LA
section of Florida Panhandle same..
ugh.. let’s juSt say a little too
uptight and conservative
for me.. and she tales
folks i dance like i
am skating with
only Nike Shox
shoes.. without
a care and free too..
while a tobacco spittin’
image of the ‘Large Marge’
Truck Driver Character looks
at me with daggers in her eyes
tonight while 233 LB me is ballet
a spinning in the Middle Aisle as
approved by the Super-Walmart
Management extra cool team
since Fall of 2013.. and i
kinda wanna invite her
to take a photo or
a video like
everyone else
does to peruse me
in her spare time too..
and share me on Facebook..
more iF that iS what floats her
boat too.. to be free.. to share and
give her little liGht too.. yes.. ii hate
to stereotype but sure.. there is
a kinda person.. who is Funda-
mentalist Religious.. who
wears a truck driver T-
shirt with long dress
too.. iF you remember
fully the Large Marge
Character on Pee Wee
Herman too.. trying to
convince me.. like some
of the similar flavor of young
folks at Old Seville who haven’t
a clue about the ‘higher’ pARts of
HuMan NatuRe sEt Free.. iN noW hoW
to reach and be with God.. is not explained
very well at all in the New T.. to juSt F iN Do iT
noW in the Heaven at Hand that Can and WiLL bE
noW for those who seeK and FiNd and Practice A
liFE of Heaven noW iN the Real Kingdom iSREAL
of God oF Nature as hUman NatuRe sEt free noW
as Goddess.. or Father deeper super-conciousness
or whatever the F.. other metaphor YA wanna use
for this hiGher poweR.. AnD Force oF GoD oF aLL
oF Nature coMes to Fruition as an iSREAL reaLiTy
oF liFe noW.. and then.. tHere are those who WilL
never visit me as a friEnd no matter how nice
i Am to poetiCaLLy respond to tHeir d-
Verse offeRinGS.. and anoThEr
very special friEnd who fELt
comfortable enough with
me to ask to stay
with me and
Katrina for
two to four weeks..
where unfortunately
that goes beyond Katrina’s
comfort zone as she doesn’t
even invite her own relatives to
spend the night over.. as it is an
OCD thing.. associated with folks
breaking into their home and folks
with knives standing over beds.. where
she has difficulty sTiLL trusting most anyone
now in more intimate connections that allowing
someone to stay over at your home demands
in being comfortable enough in your own skin
and environment to let someone you don’t kNow
too WeLL iN.. or perHaps even someone close.. too..
aNyway.. mY friEnd.. she understood.. and Katrina
understands too.. in way of her comfort Zone.. and
no.. Katrina is never jealous of another woman
as the history certainly shows here.. but
she is still rather shy when it comes
to all of her personal space..
and that is what different
means.. tolerate.. accept
and live in Peace and
Harmony.. where my
Friend can visit..
and we will go out
on the town and beach
and celebrate liFE Free
as aLL can be as free as they
care to be for now.. in FreeDoM’s liGht..:)

And finAlly as just anoTher
Lullaby comes here for sweet
slEep.. ‘tiLL the neXt SonG anD
DanCe iN words Of PoEtry and
steps oF Feet comE in FeAT oF aRT..
fully circLinG back to the Terminator series..
of Movies and Salvation as associated with
CAN YOU SEE ME NOW?.. WeLL.. the same
dam Allegory from the Camel that is very large
and the tools of culture same.. to the Matrix that
is that same Camel.. to the Machines of the IT Revolution
OF the Terminator Movie series.. to the Zombie Apocalypse
THAT iS beCominG iSREAL more as wE SpEak as even science
shows that in empirical meaSures of Empathy college age adults
have lost about 30% of previous meaSuRed empirical ways oF HU-
man nature iN the last several decades REAL too.. so the Bibles..
and the other books of Literature.. and Movies and Plays and
aLL oTHer arts of millennia on end.. have seen and felt
the problems of culture of Environment VS God GiVeN
Free GiFT of HuMan at odds in terms of who
is Free or imprisoned in culture of old
and antiquated now.. in whAT
cAn bE much Greater Human
eMoTioNs.. seNses and seNsuALiTy
sET FreE from oPresSinG and rePreSsinG
CulTurAL.. and REligous ways
of old timey FundAmenTalist
waYs of yeArs GoNe so fAR
in the preSent aS weLL as
pASt.. sAdly enough
noW iN a self-
made prison
and challenge
HeLL.. iN SepAration from
GoD whOle as ArT and SciEnce
oF liFe noW and many many more InTelligences
to break free and FinALLy EnjOY the iNheRiTance
more from GoD of NaTuRe aLL WitH zero guilt and
Sin for Golden Rule with consuming others with no
harm in a oneness with GoD anD NAtuRe sAME..
the FooD
anD DriNk
and necessary
ShelTers oF liFe
to RiSE and ThriVe
ReBorn.. in all the metaphors
and more for that.. ranGinG
from Holy Ascension in SpiRit
Ways.. to Father inside revealed
moRE fuLLy as We.. to Satori..
to Kundalini RiSinG.. to the
Great SpiRit more fully
BeinG oNe iN uS
iSREaL.. to
the self-actualization
of BeinG hUman as described
in Maslow’s Hierarchy of BeinG
HUMAn PoTenTial in And As The
potentiAl oF hUman BeinG onE WiTh GoD noW..:)

Yes.. WiNks..
bottom line..

Yes.. i would
most likely
be more than
lost now.. without

Facebook FriEnd Glenn.. says..
then.. in return.. to the Profile
Pic of Katrina standing proudly
with SasQuatch aT Feed and Grain store..

she likes muscular men, Fred.

And i say in return to Glenn too..

This.. Glenn.. to
Be true as
One of my Facebook
Friends who
Was and is
A Body Builder
Introduced me to her first
As her Boy
Of Love
All that is..:)


Facebook Friend.. Nicole..
shares a Faceboook
Status acknowledging
the consequences of
reading comments on
a Hank William’s You Tube
Video per Country and Western
Music of Good Old boy ways..
highlighting the normal
conservative red
state way..
of anything
different than
we see and say
just plain sucks..
so then i say..

In this way
You are lucky..
You don’t live
iN Milton.. noW..
Wait.. oh.. You
Do.. Ignorance
Is bred in Red
State Spread..
And science
Way of
Roots too..
That not all
Share.. Credit
Of social peers
And family most
as culture..
People are
Alike and Different
Everywhere Now..
On Earth.. Sadly
Some places are
hide or die noW..
And or do or die.. NoW
Culture can be the greatest
Shared virus and
Or Gift
oF aLL..:)

And as added note here..
of course this reminds me of
my Large Marge Experience while
free style dancing martial arts and
ballet last night in the Center Aisle of
Super Walmart as i’Ve been doing now
for close to three years next month approaching
6,000 miles in all the deep South Pensacola Metro
Area Red State spread.. and it is quite an adventure
but the fAct that i can also pass for Yeti.. per Sasquatch
and Big Foot Wookiee too.. lends a certain white middle
age.. Military and Law Enforcement privilege where let’s just
say.. the Matriarchs who think men will not hit women are usually
the only one’s who act in defiance of my Freedoms as allowed by
Store management for F. iN Jesus Christ exercise.. just a little more
advanced than the 50’s something other early retirees do in their power
walking in the Mall when they no longer after to go to Navy Bases or
Chemical plants to punch in from 9 to 5 as their Golden Feathered
nest retirements have finAlly come in to play in their
power walking mall time.. and dining
in fine cuisine of Fried
Seafood restaurants
during the day..
when everyone else
is still busy punching punching
the clocks of modern cultural
robot prisons to fill up the
garage with more
junk from
WalmARt that
is only a FucKinG
Place of Art of Dance
for mE.. he HE.. where i
even take their ads free
to muse the free stuff i do
Free for ALL in poEtry in LOngest
Long Form ever poeTry contest in the
hiStory of HuMan now.. that i already woN
as tHere ain’t no competition noW in Fred Land
that sure.. is kinda like Pee Wee HeRmaN Land
too.. iN so.. so many play land ways of Pan and Apollo
More human noW.. in never land never ending story now..
anyway.. BEEN studying Anthropology in degree way of college
and free style after that in a perfect FucKinG American work environment
to do that and get paid a little bit too.. up to Manager in a Military Bowling Center
too.. for close to 2 decades and somewhere around 100K folks per direct social
reciprocal interaction where somedays that numbered literally over 100’s in an
8 hour work day for me.. that was oh my God.. so much fun for me.. as human
is my special interest to study now for 56 years whole in holy and sacred
fun too.. wHere now approaching 6 years of online wordy wordy ways
of close to 12 million words spells a lot of God Dam Human Interaction
too.. definitely rising in the scores of thousands in
connecting at least one way in human
interaction to potentially
over 100K points
of contact
there too..
and sure
close to 1.5 million
views on my Kate
Mia clearing house
on Google Plus.. juST
there for the reach of
my LioN pawS of Pen iS
goNe noW oH so.. LonG.. he HE..
sure in so many Free and WiLd ChIld of God
WiN ways noW for Heaven’s reign online too..;)


God iS alWays
iNside noW
Now To Be
As no more
No less
NoW Than
Peace and
The FoRage
Of the day noW
Is Done foR Now..
Humans are one of
The few animals who
Do not live this Heaven’s
Inheritance of being as
Only rare in the case
Of clothed culture
Separated NoW
From God
Of Nature
Credit Modern
CultureS noW and
All.. the Byproducts..
IF.. tools wE become
NoW As Machine and
Words noW iNstead
Of BeinG NoW onE
Alive Allnow Allone AllthaTiS
The way of NatUre GoD oNe Now..:)


SMILes as alWays.. mY FriEnd.. Zee.. take a wonderful dArk tint of
what male oF liGhter colors miGht
intice to see iN a girl oF dArker
sHades of Grey..
so i will turn the
tAbles heRe and
try my poetic
hand iN
oF Verse
iN TaKing
the opposite
Gender role too..
and say.. yes.. that
juSt happens to be the
prompt at dVerse too that
i may peruse juSt for fun later
on.. so yOuR muSe heAR.. too..
mY FriEnd from Pakistan.. noW
wHere Dark Haired girls eYes2
with often
dARk sKin2
can rule the
eYes of men..
and sure.. i am
a Pacific Islander Girl dArk2
wandering in a Bowling place..
and i have had such a hard life..
from knives standing over beds
to thieves breaking into home..
to Step Father’s and same
as Mom’s boyfriend who
knew the Queen of
England and
for the
FBI or
whatever..i then
kNew.. and tHeRe
is this man with bright
eyes handing out shoes
the ocean green or blue
i am not sure.. but what i
know and feel for sure is
he always smiles as all
he do.. and how
could anyone
be as
happy as
that i cannot
fathom.. from
my beautiful place
of dark.. that longs
for innocence lost in
places with no water or
even anything other than
wash cloths for that time of
month.. one in a million he must
be as he has no predator dark in
eyes of Love.. so much want those
eyes of Love.. so deep the ache for
Love i FeeL.. heARt Strings pleASe
play for me a Love forever
more now
that never
hurts now
please take
me away to
heaven noW..
dear.. please.. so..
she got more than
she asked for mY fRiend..
but i am
bottom line..
Love Survives..
iN Storms and Ocean eyes..
Fire and Ice too.. tHere WiLL
never be anOther girl like that for mE.. too..:)

Thank you
Now my
FriEnd.. Zee..
for the mEmory
And tEars oF LifE noW iSReAL..:)


Well.. i have to say
that Sarah Song brinGs
tears to me freely without any
of my words to accompany it at all..
and how lucky and fortunate i am for
the vicious circle of my Father’s coldness
bred too he.. as culture
whole in Love for
stuff more
than hUman
heArt.. in all
the bLack Dollar
green back ways that
came way back when he
decided that a Mother who
would stay home to Nurture is
less than his mother who said put
that child down when he is crying
or he will never be able
to stand his
ground in
ways of being..
well.. he left and
she stayed and she
my mother was with me
for free without work for
those three years from 0
to 3.. wHere now even
science shows is
the make
or break
of Loving
Empathic HUman
BeinGS attached to
breast more than
cold and
nipples of
stuff of stuff of
stuff away from
breast and hugs of Love..
it always makes me smile when
i see these women who carry their
children like the Indians when they picked
corn close to the body.. and even modern
child birth ways know and feel to have the
father take his shirt off and hold that babies skin
to breast of man too.. to release the neurohormone
oxytocin for the loving bond to change the diapers of
Love comes inspiring ways of Love with nothing more
great of Art to do then raise a child oF Love.. the FACT THAT
God dam
this words
exist aT aLL..
and even FucKinG
Science says this is True
and liGht as wELL that refrigerator
parents do FucKinG KiLL eYes of LoVe..
but true it is often a vicious cycle wHere no
one is at fault trUly but culture wHOle aS onE..
that says people are tools and machines of dead eYes SoUl..
anyway.. the briGht noTe of sMILes iS mY MOtHers Love LiVes
Forever online.. and the relatively small amount of money.. my
Father the big time consumer left compared to me who never
needed retail therapy.. as my soUL was/is FuLL of the
Unconditional Love of a Mother who holds
Love above
all stuff
and religion
now.. was nothing
compared to what i saved
both in the bank and in eYes
of Love that went aWay with
Pain and eventuAlly came
Back as
iN OrGAnic
eYes of SpiRit
oF SoUL Words..
woman is sacred to me..
Thanks to a Mother who Loves
beYond all stuff of green bLack
dollars of oiLed TarREd Bird.. the
Star of Love aBove lives bEyond
of Hell


sMiLes.. my Friend.. Prajakta..
welcome back from your
vacation iN ancestral
Lands of HeARt
FeLt iSREAL now..
in old Tibet too..
the first name for
God that Humans
create is Lahmu and
Lahamn for Water and
Earth miXed as SiLT then
and perHaps iF they kepT
God as original Nature before
‘Sin’ of Abstract Written Language..
Collective Intelligence and Complex
Cultures.. NDD or Nature Deficit Disorder
also kNown as GDD.. GoD DaM Disorder
too hehe.. as NatURe OnE whOle too..
hUman.. would not be eating aWay @
eARTh iN footprints
of hUman
tools.. as
space ships
show IS A cancer
of the PlaneT eArth
on re-entry to the air
we breathe FReED.. oh..
the world of NDD.. but what
iF everyone suddenly grew a
SpiRit.. a HeARt.. a SoUL.. a MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG way of empathy
and hugs and eYes of Unconditional Love
for each other all around the Globe now like
a Love Virus FReED.. WeLL.. the other thing is
then other folks came along and created a God for
them.. yes.. a tribal one that would expand the human
domination of Nature from Sea to Sea.. the destroyer
of God iF yOu WiLL or they WiLL of course.. from
continents East.. West.. South and North all.. but
perHaps they don’t see as Godzilla clearly
FeeLs aLL innately.. instinctually and
even ‘Blue Oyster Cult’ by
intuition now2.. yes..
sAMe nAMe of
Godzilla too..
Nature and or
God depending on
semantics of the silt
of the day.. is alWayS in control
as Nature lives from subatomic
spiraling flow allone to galaxies
and UniVerses BeYond.. as Free
WiLL DanCe and SinG in moVinG..
ConNecTing InteRdependent CreAtinG
ways.. so.. all the pain and suffering around
uS humans wE do feel and see as iSREAL noW..
is juSt Karma my friEnd.. the action and consequence
of getting out of BaLancE wiTh Nature God samE now..
as alWays Force that seeks Balance over all otHeR opposing
Forces now.. Nature has no nAMe but Balance.. and mosT aLL
oF hUman Suffering and Misery can be attributed to GDD mY FriEnd..
TrUly sorry you had to go back to work.. but sure.. that IS A way of a world..
that says.. there is enough human beings destroying We rest oF Nature
NOw.. so get back to work you humans and do anything but making
of misery
and suffering
for the reST of wE
oF NaTuRe noW.. from
STD’s to Mosquito DisEases
to all the rest of God OF Nature
checks and Balances my FriEnd noW
iN Karma’s eYes of NatuRE God SamE..
only the individual can possibly escape now
in tHeir own way of TrUth and liGht iN BaLanCinG Force..
the taste
of your
in silt
of Mountain
Lake mirror flows view..
as oPen mY friEnd.. a Vacation
worth more than a stones throw oF work..
WiNkS in jUST my opinion of course as
when i re-TiRed work.. somehow i wanted
to go back then if i ever could… noW
oh.. no one
is immune
the way
of the World.. mY FriEnd..
so.. so.. hard to E-sCapE noW..:)


HeHE.. i’ll juSt Steal these quotes from mE.. haHA!
and otHeRs too of course.. namely Michelangelo..
and Wiki.. and Gospel oF Thomas2.. from
Dead Sea Scrolls.. and online Sacred
Text resource as WeLL..
as a great
clearing house
too of all stuff sacred
text from cultures around
the world then.. and yes noW2..
anD my source too.. haHE2..
from Donald Duck Lost in a
a family mini-
Vacation with
photos too..
from Ponce
De Leon FL..
wHere Jesus F. iN Christ
that water is so dAM Cold2..;)

“What spirit is so empty and blind,
that it cannot recognize the fact that the
foot is more noble than the shoe, and skin
more beautiful than the garment with which it is clothed?”


37) His disciples said to him, “When will you be visible to us,
and when shall we behold you?”
He said, “When you strip naked without being ashamed, and
take your garments and put them under your feet like little
children and tread upon them, then you will see the child of the
Living, and you will not be afraid.”


“I dare do all that may become a man;
he who dares do more is none.”

-My Father’s identical twin Brother

“Never do today what
you can put off tomorrow”

-My Father

AnyWay.. with Katrina Bikini photos to
BooTie too.. Beautiful Nature photos
and BEast of me too..
to go along
with the
Beauty of
all the rest of all that is
God tHeRe from Head to toe
and BEyond iN Temples of God TrUE
all through out Nature FormS noW eSsEnCE
of GoD iSREAL noW
worth re-visiting
for mE
and west too..
hmm.. and don’t
forget North and
too.. FReED noW..
iN wonderful Facebook
Algorithm Memory ways
BRinGinG back to liFE
anotHeR Macro Verse
oF Ocean WHole Poem
noW from two yEars ago.. StiLL FReED noW..:)

Donald Duck Lost in a VORTEX!

I Am amazed and mystified how
the science iN God oF Nature’s
Synchronicity works in A-Causal
connecting principle ways from simple
all shared mostly human phenomenon..
like the consistent coincidence where a
person tales themselves before bed to wake
up at 6 am.. and as soon as that second hand hits
6 am.. no matter if the clock is correct or not..
the numbers and dreams of let it
be sAid or written first
and let it be done
by then the power of
suggestion.. prayer..
placebo.. WTF yA wanna
caLL this Synchronicity in terms
of Science or Art.. iT iSREAL..and
wE moST all acknowledge the reAliTy oF iT
as wE FeeL eYes up on uS across distances
too far from sight or sound sAMe iN a ForCe thaT
science simply has no tools to meaSuRe noW..
WeLL aGaIn.. noW out of close to 500 themed T-shirts
hanging in my closet a theme shirt oF Can
You See Me noW cAMe heRe too.. two years
ago in poetic Macro-Verse way too.. and the
best pARt to me is the SupER F iN Epic
Sunset hEre that i WiLL add aGain.. that
reAlly says a lot about the dVerse
current Macro Verse used prompt
on Daytime left skies of Sunset too..
as parKinG lots angle on.. noW iN
straight square.. lines.. of buildings..
concrete floors of asphalt..
light poles and metal cars too..
But GoD’s ArT in SkEYes WiLL
never be fingerprinted or copyrighted
by Humans with their tiny flea BrAins that
sadly most often.. have lost the paint of GoD
in Eyes that see stuff they make over the Beauty
oF GoD oF Nature
FReED.. and i wonder
iF i was the only person Re-Tired
enough with rubber added back to
mY hEarT and Spirit and miNd and
BoDy reNeWinG StiLL reBorn mE..
then.. to snap a photo and share then
iT wiTh the rest of the world.. for perHaps
a thouSand years to cOme or when
servers die first then.. whenever
then is.. in SpiRit lEft KA oF i..
as my King TuT tomb
IS An Art as HeARt and
spiRiT of the SonG oF mY
soUL noW then StilL noW.. eTched
iN Love iS Written in the StoNe of a Heaven
with no moon or Sun of Day that shines 24/7 as
Art of online can and will do to defeat the Entropy
of Things
fALL apARt
oF BefoRE in relative
HUman terms forever noW
oF course as Love goeS oN
iN StArs oF eYeS of TwiLiGht iSREAL noW..;)

Can U C me beyond the clouds..of words



WeLL iT’so trUe.. aLonG
the liNes of DarkNess and liGht
are one when dReams are guided
in Lucid Waking days aLiVe in TwiliGht’s FruiTioN
SonGs that Never ends in ever more story oF noW..
So.. perHaps iF i had liNked a poem to
dVerse oF TwiLiGht it would have
been deleted on the basis
that iT was
neither Day
or not.. weLL the
trUth is tHerE iS nuThinG
in BeTweeN for mE as allThAtiS
iS Free FoR All haha.. juST noW..
aliVe.. so yes.. i’ve provided a way for
oTHeRs to Steal mY miNd and moRE noW impoRT
anTly mY SoUL aLL for FReED as i say Y
LiFe is NoW.. maKe the mosT oF iT and FucKinG sHare
it or sure.. copyright it.. sell it and buy it for dEvil Green bLack
bucks that have little.. to no.. hUman heARt.. SpiRit eXpreSsinG
tHat HeARt.. as MiNd and BoDy SoUl beCoMeS BaLanCinG FoRcE Now
of wE wiTh GoD wHole as NatURe sAMe oNe foRcE of liFe noW.. and
sad sad SonG folks value a destination of money.. or likes.. or shares or
followers.. or publishing in print.. to motivate juST more KillinG of Life giVing
Breathe of Air Trees.. for sure.. tHeir Kilroy way of KA of HUman
sPiRit ForCe energy to liVe on after they die too..
or maybe they have been told
God and stuff is money
all theiR lives and
Heaven is a place
of pearly gates and Jaded
Emerald Floors same with old
Gold linings for reaLiTy beYond
a DiaMonD OnE hUman heArt.. WitH
SpiRit and miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG
SoUL noW juSt Now.. anyWay.. it’s nice to
be totAlly FReED as all of whAT mY God Given
HUman NatuRe Can and Will bRing Free without
haVing to FucKinG jusTiFY the aRt oF Y i.. to otHeR
folks who simply have noT traveled the full journey oF
Y i and paths of tHat with no hOlds given in repression
and oppression iN all oF hUman
poTenTial NOW..
and that’s
oF course iT iS oKay.. And
thaT iS pARt oF mY mesSage Now
to new SAges oF heARtists sAMe..
JuSt do iT aLL.. yA cannot change
the literal thinking conservative
miNds among uS.. iN most
everYday standardized
occurrence.. but yA
can juST duSt Ya
oFF and
go wHeRe Greater
FreeDoms are aT lEast
toleRated and even accepted
as free Can and WiLL coMe to Be noW..
aNYway.. mY LAmp oF FeARless LoVe noW
liVeS on without any clear beGinninG or End..
And now for more Day liGht prompts from the
Quadrille iNspiration on MoNday aT dVerse noW..
hehe.. as i continue to giVe mY BRain and soUL
aWay for free.. never noW FucKinG for Sale.. BAbe..
aS iN mY.. liFe noW.. Fredbuns and FredkuS and
Martial Arts FredFu’s Rule.. noW
For FReED..:)


DRoWSinG oFF to sleep
second wiNd coMes aGain..
off to dVerse noW iN Daylight..
waYs of FiNding muSe moRe noW..
@3:59 pm..

FindinG neW in memories trUe..
spReading dayliGht noW.. traveLinG
further aS hiGhlights thaT groW oN Now..
SinGinG NatURe SonGs oF RiSinG sunsHine
Tides.. RiVers StreAms oF FiRe
waTeRs dreAms to Air
oF Stars as SuN sHiNes RiSe..

noW oF
LoVinG AiR..:)

Rorschach Tests
oF Sunrise Sunset
Clouds.. sAme reflecting
inner clouds and sunshine
saMe.. environment within
pasted on
Paint of Nature..
but sure.. either
way of liFe iS equAlly
ReaL for those who paint
EmoTions sky wide noW iN
shadEs of GreY beComing
coloRed hues of Rain
sAMe as
sHadE Sun Blooms..

Body bReathE
oF liGht sKeyeS SonG..
SinGs.. sunsetrise.. BluE..:)

A FaLL Fair
Ferris Wheel
Day is cooLinG
to a Panhandle Air
In Florida now heRE..
oF heat cLoud grey..
As Hurricane
spinS uP
iN Atlantic
speLLs cooLinG
EarTh iN bLasting Fashion..

Forboding skies
oF Ferris WheeL Hermine
eYe.. pLayS SonG CooLinG..:)

Winter cLouds of separation..
Snows of Winter BRing Love..
cold and
arms oF Love
WiNter FeeLs
as wE LoVe
moRe than
Winter Leaves oF FaLL..

reaL as SnoW..:)

Oh.. the pain
of needing
practice for
necks gOne straighTer..
years of pain.. but trUly
none now.. since noW..

i too..
as Galaxy..
noW.. pain Free..

of human
arms and legs..


Ya kNow.. i watched
those Sea Gulls for
decades with a ‘tween
of vacate in work of decades
too.. and youth came back more..
as i fiNally leArned
i too Now
can fly A
DancE oF seaGull
iN deep white sands
with sure.. a lot more effort
thaT Took but so much more
noW in Flying
on Terrestrial
shoreS onE..
i create noW
as Ocean
sketching shores
of Beach.. even noW..
odd on concrete floors..

SMiLes.. Seagulls
never ever never noW
complain.. FlYinG’s FuN FReED..:)

Quick side note here..
The fun oF Love iS in
the Labor..
no different..
as work of Birthing Babies..
WiNkS..iT can be a thankless
effort but so what.. LiFE noW
is AlWays worTH iT when NeW..:)

sMIles.. i couldn’t
help but to notice
your antenna.. if that
is yours.. suggests you
are off the pay for views..
and if i for one lived alone..
i wouldn’t have pay for views either..
ugh.. nothing on TV worth watching much..

are bRighter above
antenna eYes of Love..:)

Clouds noW..
God’s ParAdise
PaiNt SonG foR hUmans
wHo peRuse FiNger
oF GoD
Free withiN..
From huMan..
NewS.. ImAgiNation
SinGs Co-Creation
iN pasTels

pAint cLouds..
WitH.. GoDs eYes..:)

and arT
iN hUman
eYes oF iMAginATioN
In moVinG.. ConNecTinG
CreAtinG waYs seems to sTArt
WiTh sKies of Day SuN and niGhts
oF Moon.. Stars.. iN NatURe Art AS SamE
and ever changing more.. even bEyond
hUman made
sTuFF Of NoW
careful not to
Lose sPrinG..
NatURE goiNG
BeYond BookS
thAt GreenS a LiVinG SonG..:)

SonGs SinG aS
NaTUre’s sPawn..:)

iF i could do aWay
with all words.. witH
all collective intelligence..
with all culture.. and what
is left of me
the rest..
mY friEnd..
iS juSt iCinG
oN A Cake of GoD FReED..
i paint freely as onLY arT
beYond science wiLL

LiFe.. GoD
As NaTuRe oNE..:)

Clouds of Romance in
fertile lands of more..
Clouds of ominous
in midwest twister
lore of real..
Oh.. the Hurricanes..
they spread cLouds of Flood..
Winds of fluffy ones.. harmless
oF FiRes as
Harmless SuN..

DrOught of Hurricanes
iN Florida noW.. WinD oF
HerMiNE iS BreWinG noW..:)

Clouds toleRate Sun..
Sun accepts cLouds
and we humans
can be yes..
samE now
in heated
reins undone
iN cLouds bEfore
rains come again..
cooLinG Sun down..
as clouds
no longer reign..

SuN cLouds
liVe toGetHeR
FReED noW..:)

So trUe..
iF wE weren’T
heRe.. nOne oF ouRs
eXist.. as this unique
world painted by i.. wE
is only
BeYond uniQue
oF Finger prints ash..
A UniVerse multi-
iN aLL
eYes oF sKeYes..

Precious stOnE
oF FeeLinG
Star duST noW..:)

And that’s all
Day liGht skies
bRing foR noW..
as Dinner and
work-out E-scape
from words so FReED..:)

5:47 pm..:)


WeLL.. the best thing to mE about Witnessing for God
Three and a half Years now.. per this 42nd month of
doing jUSt thAT online in New Age E-World Online
Kingdom of Heaven way in a place with no
moon or Sun iSREAL.. iS my little..
personal Bible effort sTiLL
pushing 4 Million words..
that WiLL go way
past any prophecy
of two folks witnessing
for God for 42 months..
and hell no.. just getting
ignored.. deleted and banned
for me.. no hanging in the streets
as i AM a prophet of God who2 iS
clever as a FucKinG FoX too.. hehe..
who appreciates the Gift oF LiFE and
kNowS oNly real fools squander this Gift oF
liFe for words of weaker men and or women
etc.. who would subjugate and dominate others
through illusory fears and promises empty same..
sure.. this is a tidal wave.. a TSuNaMi in lEft Hand
JuStifCaTioN waY continuing heRe.. but i dare say..
no one ever has coMe thiS fAR in aN iSREAL parable
and poEtry sAMe for GOD iSReAL noW.. and nah.. i
had plenty of hELp aLonG the wAy thaT inCreAses aS
i go As tHiS FronTier of Heaven has no measure of liMits
of what humans dreAMed bEFoRe.. bottom liNe.. i JuSt did iT..
hEard the cALL of goD on February 28.. 2013.. gave my microcosm
Macro Verse Perspective first to be published on March 10th that now
makes that public witness sTArt tHere of course but yes.. the witness
wHole sTarts with the new name GoD Gave mE on February
28.. 2013.. as KATiE MiA.. ain’t no gender nAMe aT aLL for iT..
means pure and close to God as that goes noW iN books
that Metaphor meanings for NEW baby names.. and yes..
the Frederick paRt came iN this month oF August
oF 2013 replacing the Aghogday Blur
of no day but hell day noW
for 66 months of a pain
as assessed by
science as
Type Two.. Trigeminal
Neuralgia.. worse than F iN
Crucifixion wHere my JOB
trial lasted 66 months wHole
from wake to sleep with Dentist
Drill like pain with no novocaine
in right eye and ear loss as pain..
from wake to sleep that no pill pain
killer could touch.. and only eventually
close to 6 million words would take away
in prelude for 6 million more to come.. as of
Thanks GiVing in estimate thereof to this point
then in 2016.. 6 years to date when all these words
sTArted then.. 2010.. as the only out that God gave me
to F in Survive.. this went down for iSREAL Baby.. and
tHere was no one available to write it all down but me..
Bible doer and Bible bEer and Bible WriTer GoD cALLed
me to be.. after 50 years of school.. work.. and real life Education
until that point then.. and hehe.. it doesn’t matter who said what or
when said that or this.. once aGaiN tHis sHit IS Going Down foR iSREaL..
and when 911 goes down of 2016.. whatever was prepared ye a way for
someone got done by me.. ’cause i juST sAid FucK iT iF no one else has got
what iT taKes then..
i’LL FucKinG picK
up the FucKinG iF yOu
sEeK in God for iSREaL
BaLL and geT the joB dOne..
no matter iF anyone else giVes
a FucK abouT.. thAT or NOT..
and here’s the thing about thaT
Thief in the night thingy.. no one
WiLL believe iT anyWay even iF iT
did Go down for real.. as hiStory sHows
OnCe aGaIn.. And the greAtesT paRt of
tHis story oF ALL iS no one tOld mE whaT
the FucK i could make my own perSonAL Bible
to Be.. incluDinG Humor.. and even FucKinG seX
aS God is Free and i AM FReED from lies of Culture
by weaker
men.. particularly
oF beFore who were
AFraidy Cat to WaLk Naked
IN FronT oF GoD with no hOlds
TaKen fRoM beFore.. anyWay iT
Works out for those who tRuLy Love
mE so what else is tHeir but Love iN iT
aLL for mE.. trULy noThing but LiVing F iN Epic NoW..
which means i can put up FucKinG sAsquatch photos
of Katrina and her FriEnd heRe by named species NEW..
1000 times.. with no need to GiVe a FucKinG FucK buT mE and GOD iSReaL
wHere God is more than
a Pain in the FucK.. GoD
IS A Laugh for iSREaL2
going down noW
and uP doWn uP..
For iSREALNOW.. yes..
best pARt2 oF aLL noW
no trees are harmed iN
JuSt doing a 30,000 plus
page Bible with 70,000 or
so photo pages.. ugh.. i can’t
think about all the Tree Pain
and ergo O2 gone.. in 100K
pages from tHis sHit Baby.. Goin’ DOwn
in Print.. haha..
hehe.. juSt Fun
iS GoD foR ISREaL..
alReady Got the HeLL
pArt over first this go’
Merry round NoW..
iT aka GOD aLL
BaLaNceS ouT.. any WAY..;)


WeLL.. it’s 11 0’clock pm..
STiLL noW 8242016..
perHaps noW i’LL
dVerse wHere
as mentioned earlier
there is a Poetic prompt
to take the gender bender role
of the spouse behind the man.. per se..
in describing the efforts of the man of the hour..
hmm.. already did it with Katrina in how she saw me..
so.. perhaps
i’LL go all mythological
and make the prospective Hurricane
Hermine the Messenger Wife of Hermes
AKA Mercury the Universal Messenger of
all God is.. in form of feminine
messenger as Hermine
too.. so sure.. i blow
iN as Hurricane HerMine
miNd yA kNoW iN Winds of Fury
coming more.. that Hermes iS in
town again.. you kNow Jesus F. iN
Christ that Hermes gets around.. yes..
it’s like he’s in bed with all sides and
no sides at all.. almost like he has no place
to place his head for rest in total social acceptance
by any
tribe on
Earth.. except
for a few women he
meets along his path
of laying down stones
of wisdom as he goes as
Messenger of GoD or Gods
WiLL do all one.. to gEt
the Job down in Global
Messenger way
of coming
to town
all around
again.. as note
keeper and giver to
spread some news all around
now2.. in E-Land3 too.. as sure
noWs change.. and no matter how
gold and fleet footed ya may be..
tHere is only so far that Hermes
can travel on foot.. when online
provides such a sweet avenue of
mass communication today..
anyway.. i’Ve
come to town
and around to
Let you kNoW the
Hermes iS on the Loose
again.. as yes.. unleashed
and released i’Ve let him
go to do what he does
best noW in dance
of messenger NoW..
anyway.. got winds to blow..
see ya later.. and gotta catch
up to Hermes
for noW..
bye BlowwwWW..;)

Somewhat coincidentally..
Adam’s first wife Lilith.. no..
not Lillian but Lilith
IS portrayed
as a Demon
woman.. but
i’LL take her place
now and say that’s just
another dam patriarchal lie..
as i forged my way as first women’s
rights champion as matriarch of more
primitive free days.. when human was in
charge instead of Culture with ribbons in my hair..
i Am
hEar me roar..
and if you F WiTh
AdAM i’LL have yA GoLd
nuggets iF yA gEt mY DriFt…;)

Hello.. i Am Einstein’s wife but i will
not tale you which one.. it’s a secret.. hehe..
but dam that man was something else.. seriously..
something entirely else.. laid all these rules and
regulations in the marriage home.. had to go by his
book.. dam the man was just like Sheldon Cooper too..
as future form of that dude in essence back then2..
hmm.. wonder what became of
him after
i took
prize money
to the bank
for free hehe..
whatever iT takes.. yA kNoW noW2..;)

i must say.. the
wife was/iS Humpty
Dumpty’s wife and
Osiris’ too as Isis
now incarnate
as such
as Katrina
too or iS it
tHree by noW
buT anyWay..
Osiris and Humpty
were so hard to put toGetHeR
that noT only did Isis.. Humpty’s
wiFe.. me.. get no help from all the
King’s Men and Horsies.. not even
the King’s royal court of Psychiatrists
could budge or glue a piece ToGether
AgaIn as iSis and i the sAMe had
to do the
allone as
best as alone doES2..
ugH..and that gOld pArt
was so hard to fiNd aGain..;)

Ugh gotta get
some sleep.. see ya
later on Sacred and
Holy Thursday and NiGht
@ 11:37 pm..;)


So.. Facebook FriEnd Kim shares
a free numerology link and i say..
There used to be a site that gave
aLL the information for free and
required no E-mail information..
and i haven’t been able to
find another one like
it but i must say there
are too many coincidences
in my full report already done..
not to suggest that there is something
going on here more than so-called woo..
Positive suggestions believed and taken
action on for positive consequences is always iSREAL..
And not to believe in positive beliefs in thoughts that
lead to positive actions and consequences and
go the other direction of cynicism of the light
or fear of the dark is a sure way
to darker beliefs as default
and darker actions
and consequences
as well..
no less than
the electron that
swirls consistently around
the nucleus of life.. tHeRe are
laws of human nature no less
than laws
of electrons
atoms.. planets
and stars of life as
above so below and
for those material reductionists
who think that all of life is a random
glob of dust making life.. they are not
seeing the bigger picture of life that is
and art..
yes.. the art
we co-create with
Nature God the sAme
or the stagnate wayS now
of disbelief.. anyway.. my
life challenges are also full
of three ones that start with a zero
that says i can do what ever i want
in life with relative free will that not every
one now exercises strong in life.. and after
that there are the three ones that just say
affirm and amplify your chosen challenges
of life.. and that is what i do now with the art of
journey and paths of life.. and i am fortunate
enough to escape the normal demands of
a life that revolves around earning
money where money and houses
and cars and other bank loans
become the master
instead of the
freedom of we
or oh yeah.. affirmation
from others is required in ways
of fame.. including more and more
and always more money.. and likes
and shares and followers in new
age ways of money online that
says you are good enough
you are good enough
haha.. i am Good
for God
of Nature
allthatis and
that is good enough
for me without falling to
be a slave to others.. whether
that be what they give or what
material culture suggests you have
to have.. there is an abundance of what
we do have in the United States that is far
more than i for one will ever need at the most
basic levels of what society provides with little
resources of mine extended at all other than
what i give.. give.. give.. and share share
share.. simply ’cause i have the
heARt.. the SpiRit and the
SoUl wHo enjoys doing
that as the all the
joy is in the
with God no matter
how it is received by others…
and sure if someone names me
a dance icon of the area.. a legend..
inspiring.. amazing.. or whatever that
is nice as it means i am inspiring them
and that is what humans do when they
give and share the most.. they liGht folks
uP iN positive belief.. action and poTenTial
Consequence as well.. no dollars needed
for my cheap thrills.. just the DancE of liFe
and hEaRinG the heARt beat of God noWin
co-creativity oF SonG.. iS enough for ME..
with a ‘little’ help from those i meet noW..
and being self sufficient
means i can tale the
trUth and the wHole
trUth without being
afraid of getting
outcast as
i’Ve already
been tHere down
the outcast pARt
way too many times
to be afraid to live one
with God without the approval
oF oTHers.. mY Strength noW
iS GoD oF NatURE allone with
and as me as Father oF super
consciousness miNd and
BoDy BaLanCinG soUL
or iF ya wanna call iT
Kundalini Rising..
Goddess miNd
the Great
or even Maslow’s
scientific explanation
of self actualization
the father inside is
me and God the same..
call it Goddess or a Blue
turtle.. the form matters noT
the i of Director oF I as actor
mE with exclamation point!
SpiRit expresses that heARt
tHat is the miNd and BoDy
BaLancing soUL that iS mE
allone with Nature GoD sAMe..
same experience and vision
quest’s fruition as described
cross culturally and easily studied now
in almost unlimited separate and validated
sources online now.. across history and even
in the artifacts of prehistory too before so-called
human written words.. and the archetypes from
Jesus to Buddha to Krishna to Shiva to Kali to
Lucifer to Apollo to Hercules and so many more
all liVe in We who remember the archetypes of
more of our human potential as written in the
stone of our DNA.. Fearless Love rules noW
remembered after being sought and found
and practiced self affirming self actualizing
the rest of life.. i put my science yearS iN
and visit them often.. but art of LiFE
oF SoUl and the SonG of that iS
mY liFe’s
practice noW
on a Journey of
Never ending noW
in a Never Land i for
one create allone with God
that is no less realiTy than
the home and car you may Love
More than the potential heaven found
within.. but as numerology goes the electrons
and planets spiral iN balance with the nucleus
and stars of God that too will exist in Balance
as Nature Dances and Sings on iN sKeYes of GoD FReED..
@lEAst and west and north and south noW and inside.. outside..
above so below and all around.. MaGiC.. yES.. @least for mE noW..:)


Dutifully consistent.. the
Facebook Algorithm provides
a Macro Verse memory of allasLIGHT
from two years ago.. as i continue to
see cross-cultural similarities in the
ways some folks see and feel
God as a more mysterious
Force than a literal
man in a book..
that has become
myth instead of
the more of magic
of iSREAL liFe noW..
and while the violent
rapey pArts of all Abrahamic
core religions leave a very sour
and nasty taste in my mouth.. sure
they include liGht too.. that we as Humans
can eliminate with relative free will the dark
violent and rapey parts that harm other folks
through illusory fears and empty promises
of subjugation and dominance in authority
that no one truly has but the God oF nature
that exist as our hUman NatUre within that
‘normally’ seeks to bE free in fearless LoVe
WitH all otHeRS inCluDinG NatURe all
as empire of God’s eYes seT free aS
hUman eYes trUe and allasLIGHT noW2..:)

Culture is the Virus

And yes as the 2 year Macro Verse memories continue..
Culture/religion is definitely A virus of
harm to other humans and
the rest oF Nature in
the dArk pArts
that rape and
kill.. the innate
hUman NatURE when
liVinG in relatively smAll
groups of hUmans who forage..
give and SHARE toGeTHEr for subsistence
and shelter in survival for liFe.. survive and thrive in
fearless LovE noW.. sAdly most folks liVe
out of thiS BaLancE of GoD
Given sTiLL evolving
hUman Nature that
IS A core cause
StiLL of HuMan
suffERinG noW..
E-Scape toGetHer
wHole Unified or suffer
in misery in divided way of
hUman BeinG as Caesar noW
of the New edition of the Planet
of the Apes movie series says..
yes!.. APES STRONGER TOGeTheR noW!!..:)

Emerald Forest Reigns

And now here.. a Macro-Verse of
a year ago… as God of NatUre’s
Synchronicity will have it flows with
what i’Ve already been saying
evidenced with words aCross
the yeARs of hUmanity..
as the unabridged Bible
oF humaNiTy SinGinG
the eYes of God in huWoManiFest
Form comes in all forms of human art..
and never ever limited to just this book that
book that one cloud up tHeRe.. or Song down
here.. and the Emerald Forest movie from 1985..
in my most favorite and eye opening scene is
where the children of God who wear loin cloth
are kidnapped and forced as sex slaves in
Modern African culture.. and when they
escape they tear the clothes off given
them like they are the disgust of
modern man away from the
flesh of Freedom
as God’s
free from
head to toe..
we have a sick culture
as i’ve said before.. that
honors headless bloody violence
ridden religions in the evil that comes
with that and says that a mother feeding
a child with breast is obscene and should
be censored.. and that my friEnds is why
i take it one FULL STEP FURTHER IN
MY OWN freest fullest nude art..
to highlight the hypocrisy of
modern cultures that
has made a God
of innocent
flesh in us
evil.. and
violence the
God that deserves
all the attention.. sorry
i call ’em as i see ’em and
that is just pure FucKinG
evil when humans make
a Violent warring God of EVIL..:)


WeLL.. my FriEnd Rafiah.. you have
beautiful words here and they do now
speak your heARt youR SpiRit youR groWinG
soUl as youR body2 in feet here as heARt SinGinG
BaLanCinG miNd out too.. as fuller soUl mY FriEnd..
and i was happy to see YoUr freedom in doing that
as i was so happy to see your beautiful dArk eYes
when you finAlly revealed them a year and a half
after your shared my seagull as your avatar
of you on your Facebook when you first
suggested i had a beautiful
heart then.. you see
my FriEnd i remember
a FriEnd so deeply and
Love so deeply that i scare
most people away as they seem
to think i want something now other
than the EmoTiOn of Love Free as birds
with WinGs fly in Unison spiraLIng With
SuN.. and sure.. i miss you too.. and have
often come back here waiting for a heARt felT
response as that iS what Feeds our soUls MoSt
mY FriEnd.. the HeARt of BeinG Human this Gift
that God gives HUman that HUman has the poTenTial
of doing real miracles with.. even saving the rest of NaTURe..

So that is my gift to you.. as Dr. wHo.. aS an RX iN prescription
for your soUl Dear and HeARt and SpiRit more and yes.. noW in
left hand jusTification the letter R for Angel Rafiah in female
form as you know/feel the male form for that is Rafael.. they
didn’t have female Angels back in the old days..
but that is only ’cause they hid them then..
as they were the most powerful
Angels of all
and they still are
my friEnd as you were
the only one brave and kind
enough to reach.. out to me..
when most everyone else left then..
whatever side they shared with me.. Now
you never have to miss me.. as i am noW
alWays here for you.. just a text away
and of course if you lived here just
a touch a way in
kiss of HeArt..
and art the sAMe mY
FriEnd noW iN a tear
the hUman soUl..:)

Other than that school noW and
work kills the heart.. the spirit
and the soul.. i wandered that
desert for 40 years of culture
and religion the same..
and i will
to wait 40 more
years if that is what
it takes for your soul
to more fully come back
to you my friEnd.. as hey..
you keep coming back and
there are others who don’t come back at all..:)

Bottom line.. my FriEnd.. is the soUl when GroWing
never ages.. as wrinkled as i may be then.. crippled
with no longer Sasquatch fearless HeARt.. the soUL
for you
bE in the
shine iN the
SpiRit of My eYes..
and wiNks.. hopefully
my Fingers WiLL StiLL work..
to say that in words of poEtry.. mY FriEnd..:)


Facebook Friend
Candice and
very nice
noted author
shares a status
and thoughts on
life before it all became
public online in the 90’s
of last Century
and i say
in return..

SMiLes.. i
Must admit
i miss the days
Of Bowling together but
in aLL oF liGht and dArk
Exists the other yin and yang pArt..
And with great social positive empathy..
Can bRing
The dArk
To save
The Tribe
From different..
Heartless folks tend to
ignore me and let me BE
Free.. Oh the ironies now of
what some folks name Love..
Love is Brave..
Love kNows and
Feels Real Hell
of Separation..
Love earns
noW and
Free of
Different noW..:)

And now i say.. it’s
all worth it as i meet
nice folks like Rafiah..
Himali and Candice.. yes..
and gigoid.. Zee.. etc.. too..
and no i haven’t forgot you
either.. Leah.. and Lala too..
and more others than i can count now2..
and yes.. they are mostly women but sure
most men don’t do poetry.. and i do what
most males don’t Do in terms oF Love.. i Give iT
Share iT. And..
yes.. get iT
And with that said.. Now..
for some Sacred and Holy
Thursday R and R activities for
me.. along with Dance later tonight..
Celebrating my 124th dance week night
at Old Seville Quarter with all the cool college
age folks.. yes.. of course.. mostly women as
i kinda like to dance more than mostly men do too..
and more fun Dance photos from that coming in the
wee hours of August 26.. after the Dance of Rave has
ended somewhere around 3 AM.. added to this 697th
Macro Verse Here of Ocean Whole poem.. to be named..
hmm.. yes! oF course.. wRite oN CouRSE..
‘Sasquatch Love Feat sKeYes’
iT aLL cAMe toGeTheR
liKe maGiC
FeeT.. iT


the way..
the name of the
Sasquatch is Manning..
according to the Feed and
Seed store that told me.. Manning..
the Sasquatch is not for sale.. and
whether or not people can see me now
or not.. i
for sale
either.. no
dollar bills
required for me
to jUST dO iT aLL4FuN..;)








BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels


41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)


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