Well.. oh my Goodness.. i’m kinda glad
now i’m late to the second round of response
as it made me backtrack to see that i missed
this Wonderful Canine Sentiment of
Seeing God
as LiGht
iN HuMaN
eYes too..
Love IS A
little abused
these days and
so is the Word
God it seems
and some
change but mine
iS sTill GroWinG.. Hehe..
iN terms of “Netherland Bible 2017”..
as i stART a Celebration of continuing anew with A
“Longest Long Form Poem Bible coMes aGaiN”
as Number 117/788 MacroVerse for 7.17.17..
another milestone of ‘Beyond’ 1.8 Million
Words in 13.6 Months IN Namaste end
of continuing mean iN ‘Mahābhārata’
size my friEnd and so Happy to
be cutting that ribbon with
Scissors oF LiGHt
i Love to
WitH.. Xenia.. oKaY..
NoW off to share poetic
Sentiments more in Second
Round of response and as
i Love to Dance and Sing
Nothing iS Random iN Life
When We Dance and Sing mY
FriEnd.. so.. i give thanks to
BotH LiGHT and dARk for
miSsing this
the first
aRound in whaT
miGht be tinted
As dARk MisTake
But a Treasure iN LiGht to FiNd NoW
mY FriEnd of course continuing with
you too as tHeRe is no higher mean than FriEnd to me..:)

Bridge Of Love

TrUe mY friEnd ToGeTHeR!
We HoWL MoonLiT
WisDOm LiGHT..:)

sMiLes.. mY FriEnD..
CaLLs Of The WiLd
Free NoW iN HuMaN
Canine Animals too
DanceSinGs BeST
aCross the MiLes
oF Love thaT iS no
Distance Space Or TiMe oF LiGHT
Feline Purrs Paws WArMinG SoULs..:)

WeLL.. mY FRiEnD.. i HunG
aRouNd LonG enouGH iN
Second Wave of Poetic
Response to coMe
to see and hear
A Crow’s BlesSinG
aGaiN HeAr..
NexT.. too.. yes..
BreaThiNG Fresh
AiR oF LiGht as i Love
to Do at Xenia’s Place
oF Wonderful CaNiNe
HuMaN WinGs oF LoVe iN LiGht..
i HaVe A FeeLinG
thiS iS wHaT
iN HeaVeN NoW..
i SeeM to reMeMber
A PropHecY aBouT thaT2..:)

Haiku: A Crow Blessing


i AM NoW
you us me
we i and
Rest oF
ArT iS
aS GRacE oF LoVE
PoiNtS oF HuMaN
As NeuRoNS
Do from
to Toe
thaN tHaT aLWays
A PleaSuRE to See
HeaR mY FriEnD Xenia
HeRE and YouR PoeTiC
yeaH it’s True the Word
Dog has been AbUsed too..;)

sMiLes.. mY FriEnD
aS epiphanies
ConTiNUE to
Pen ‘Divine
Matrix’ of
SpiRiT as
Matrix of
ReaSoN iN
CulTuRaL ByProducts
too as Red Pill and Blue
Pill ComBiNe iN both
Literal and
And SoUL oF
MiNd and
Force of ReAsoN too..
As Green PiLL oF Force
aS BaLanCinG LiGHT
YiN YaNG and dARK
aLL oF ThIS as wHole
iS MaGiC mY FriEnd thaT
sImply Means and Ends
tHat Science WiLL NeVeR
Be aBle to RePeaT iT aGaiN..
NaH.. Big Blue oF IBM WiLL
NeVeR FeeL and SenSE
the BLuE
oF GoD
As hUMaN
LiGHT of Quantum
Metaphor oF MiND
And BoDY BaLanCinG
alone as
As GoD aLLOnE LiT uP aS uS NoW
And WitH aLL of thAT and ThiS sAID
i’LL LeaVe yoU Be NoW.. mY FriEnD
Xenia.. WiTH YouR oTheR FriEnDs
HuH..eH BeForE HuRRiCANE WinDs
oF CreaTiViTY BReaTHe
A resT oF
Air out of YouR RooM…
Thanks so much for all YouR
InSpiRaTioN HeAR mY FriEnD aS
YoU hAve veriLY and surELy hELped
me make a rATheR SpECiaL Intro for
A “Longest Long Form Poem Bible coMes aGaiN”..


And with that said off to finish/publish the 116th/787th MacroVerse
titled “LOnE WoLF sKeYes oF LoVE” at 20,369 words that BRinGs NoW
the total Words of this new 117/788th ‘Child’ of “Nether Land Bible 2017”
and “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. now aT 1,795,212 words at about the point of 13.5 Months
of WriTinG thaT.. and ConSideRinG you hELped me write 796 words on your Blog today
BRinGinG a New Grand Total of 1,796,008 words so far
for an intro iN
this 117th
i am only
away from
MaKinG the
‘Mahabharata’ As LonG FoRM
PoeM Milestone of 1.8 Million Words..
So.. aGaiN.. thank you.. Xenia.. as all of the
iNsPiRaTioN YoU BRinG is INstrumental too
iN Attaining this Milestone Publish by 7.17.17..
And JusT liKe thE ResT oF CReatTiViTY
i have no ‘reason’ reAlly for
DoinG any of thiS
i rEally
wHat i’M
DoinG but
ThiS MaGiC
oF CreaTiViTy
FeeLs and SenSes
So SuBliMe A Reward
iS iNtRinSic iN JuST DoinG MaGiC NoW..:)


First of all.. Helloooo Himali..
Second of all.. “Silence is Golden”..
Third of all.. more than likely that phrase
of Wisdom was/is written by an Introvert as
in General Writers are much more
Introverted than
So Called Talkers..
(Wisdom is Biased)
Dancers and Singers..
as the Movie.. Guardians
of the Galaxy pART two clearly
relates too.. there are two General
Categories of Folks.. those
who Dance and those
who do not.. and as
far as those general
Personality Traits
go in terms of
“Dr. Jekyll and
the Good Cop Mr. Hyde..
as the before of me as INTJ
and the After me at age 53 as
ENFP.. i’ve seen both sides and
i continue to visit both sides but
when i’m out and about around people
i’m Loud.. not just a little Loud but really
Loud in terms of 7700 Miles of Public
Dance in this 47th month of doing that..
1.8 Million Words oNline in 13.6 Months
Free Verse Poetry as ENFP..
too.. and then there is
Stress and Information
Overload with
Modern Technology
as Science Shows there
are two types of cognition.. the
reason/worry mind of before and
after now solving problems of Mechanical
Cognition and the Social Empathic Cognition
of let’s get together and party on now for fun
and make some noise and yes.. Dance and
Sing Life NoW in the Present of the Moment
as a Dreamtime Way oF Lucid Guiding GifT
DreAMs NoW oF INTuiTiVE ART instead of
Systemizing Science worrying over the future
and past of solving
problems.. and yes in
Epigenetic and Neuroplastic
affect and effect as in all stuff
existence.. use or lose it applies.. And
that my friend is why i am no longer just
an INTJ.. i came out of a Cocoon finAlly
And my Butterfly eYe of the Tiger WinGS in
Fearless ways stay in Fire of PaSSioN..
Sure.. unless i move on
to the other way
of BeinG.. NoW.. Human
Potential says we can do more
and Science says we do less and it’s
true tHeRe are Limits as Humans are evolved
to live together Happy where everyone knows
one’s name in a Norm of about 150 to 200 sets
of friendly eyes and Hips NoW in DancE and SonG..
but still as far as really close friends.. only now about
5 at most we as humans can deal with.. with yes.. all the
other stuff of hunting and gathering our subsistence now..
Overload it as i am.. hehe.. doing to you at this very moment
and we get stressed and shut down.. for i am Peter Pan.. i have
no responsibilities really of worry or stress.. i fly wherever i land NoW
in Beyond Rainbow Colors of Troll Land NoW and OMG it’s so fun
to live over on the other side oF HeAveN NoW.. trUe.. Loud can be
kinda lonely too at times.. unless one has Big enough Elephant
Ears to keep uP wiTh a Speed oF LoVe oN FiRE aS LiGht..
anyWay.. ‘this’ Troll SonG kinda says it all in words of
Silence and LiT uP LoUd oF LoVe as LiGht..
See you later FriEnd as Peter Pan WiLL
LiGht BriGht wHeReVer
DancE and
SinG nexT..;)


Hmm… i’m guesSing
you are a Cat
and your
is a Dog
per metaphor
of Course as more
Extraverted verses
more Introverted for
i Understand my friEnd
Rafiah is a bit shy
in Body
i have seen
and if this is
the sista i’m thinking
of there seems to be a
little edge at least more
of Extroversion.. anyway.. i used
to thiNk in generaLiTy speak one could
at core say the World’s Problems NoW IS A
Battle of the Sexes in terms of Patriarchy
IN WiLL and Strength verses more
against the Matriarchy of Love
and Grace ideally
A BaLanCinG
Force of Both
iN each HuMaN
BeinG to Promote
World peace among all
but now i’m fairly sure it is
More an issue of Dog Humans
Verses Cat Humans and the Converse
of that of course on course as the Nomads
are HeaR for Greener Pastures who are more
Excited by Different and not nearly as focused on
same.. and surely these Nomad Cats Will Find New
Territory and Move on wherever the Subsistence
iS iN Abundance away from ScarCities same..
As Verses the Home Dogs who follow
more a Conservative
Group think of
as ‘Apes’ per
Say and DancE
and SinG Stronger
togEthER sAMe in
ritual and tradition
in what
Comfort over the
Focus the Nomad Cat
Gains in the Novelty oF LifE
that BRinGS excitement more..
oTheR than thaT.. yeS tHeRE is AlWays
A Workable option in change of challenge
for each Human BeinG to Become a Hybrid
of Cat and Dog and sure while they are at it
A Hybrid of WiLL and Strength and Grace and Love..
MoVinG Far away from the Misery and Company that
to a Plate
Fuller of Hate
anyway woof woof
and a purr from me..
My Kitty Kat Friend Rafiah..
And it’s true Dog Humans seem
to have an edge as they are more
often Rule Makers and Enforcers
in what
of BiG
Cities as
Such out of anarchy
And chaos even more.:)

Back over to Himali’s FB Page
for some small and long talk too..;)

Himali updates her Status with..

i wish my laptop had a backlit keyboard..:(

i come over to say..

Mac Book is good
in this Apple way..;)

Himali Responds..

hehe..:D I own no apple products as of now..:p

i return with..

Seriously they are the best
overall as they never slow down
with viruses and malware and
stuff like that and oh yes..
the Mac Book
Key Board
is Beautifully
all lit up for ART..:)

Himali adds..

I shall consider gifting myself one in few more years to come..:D

Quickly i return again with..

Promise.. you will be very pleased..:)

Himali adds again..

Thank you for the recommendation..;)

Back again i think..

Welcome.. i think
i could probably sell
them at ‘Best Buy’ too hehe..;)

And quickly add..

But they are pricey..:)

Himali Laughs..


Moving a little deeper i sing..

i like the pattern of all
the Emoticons
reminds me
of Constellations
of Heavens above
in Dreamtime now of course..:)

And i continue to add..

Hehe.. i had to do that
as talking about Computers
makes me feel and sense
more like Science

Himali Winks back..

you are a techno geek..;)

And i go on to elaBoRate..

This is true in every job i had
up to Athletic Director for the
Military Station i worked at
i was promoted to every
job only for my
Solving and
Ability to figure
out everything about
How to use the Computers
to make everyone’s job easier
even in the Bowling Center for
the Customers as the only reason
i got that Job is no one else could
figure out the Computers at that
point in 1984.. and oh my Good
ness.. People also suggested
My mind works just like
a Computer
than a Human
Being but it’s true
we become what we do..
and that is why i became
a Dancer and Singer and Poet
as i didn’t wanna be a Robot anymore..
Human Potential is amazing as we create
our lives depending on Environmental Challenges
and how we react to those Challenges for Positive
or Negative Change in dARk or LIGht or hehe.. beyond
too of
and CreaTiVity iN arT
NoW too.. yes.. Painting
WitH BeyOnd the Colors of Breathe..:)

Himali returns with a quick stellar compliment..

FRED = Genius…. Human computer..:D

i fish for added compliment..

Hey.. what about the art..;)

Himali provides an even nicer compliment..

lol… that is inevitably engraved in you !!!!

To insure i don’t get a bigger Head.. hehe.. i say..

My Psychotherapist says
i am a Fountain of Knowledge
and Katrina says you are giving
me a Fredache..
Now.. hehe..;)

It seems to work as Himali says..

hahaha :p My sympathies with Kat..;)

i go on to compliment the Katrina..

Yes.. that makes
Her Saint Katrina..
oF FacT
and ArT too.. haha..:)

And quickly add in terms
of not wearing out my visit..

And now i will
allow you to go
to sleep or perhaps
to wake up..;)

Himali returns with a traditional Indian Word..

Namaskar to Saint Katrina and Human Artly computer Fred _/\_

And thankfully she adds.. with Razz..

Yesss…. let me take your leave.. 2:24 AM..:p

And after using the trusty Google Search
Function to fully define Namaskar
i return again in affirmation

Okay A Bow.. with hands in prayer
and i will leave you with
Namaste too in
respect of
LiGht i See/FeeL
iN/aS you.. yes.. see
ya later too.. Dear
FriEnd HiMaLi..
NoW iN
MoonLiT DreAMs
oF EveN morE LiGHT..:)

Himali provides two quick
returns as Quadruple
Varying Smilie
in total..

And like the end of a Heavenly Fire
Works show of Friendship i ‘end’ with..

OKay.. the Constellations as EmoTiCoN
StaRs oF Heaven are complete for now..:)



2456.. Hehe.. my FriEnD
Victoria.. WitH reAlly
Nice Words of ‘LOvE iT!”
You BRinG for an effort
of “LOnE WoLF sKeYes oF LoVE”
hehe.. and in short it’s always nice
when someone trends off your style
of writing as approximation of that
is a Highest compliment of all too
in somewhat
too.. hehe..
hmm.. back to
2456 that is the
Number of Words starting
after i wrote that Number Above
to meet a 1.8 Million Word Milestone
Matching the Indian Long Form ‘Mahābhārata’
Poem in 13.6 Months in this MacroVerse Number
117 and 788 Doubling more too as “Nether Land Bible
2017”.. where the ‘Child’ of that as this MacroVerse coming
117/788 NoW.. “Longest Long Form Poem Bible coMes aGaiN”
as also ‘Child’ of “SonG of mY SoUL”.. the Entire 788 MacroVerses
that make up my entire Blog.. in Free Verse style Writing of Longest
Long Form continuing style in around 5 Million Words in 47 Months
along with 7700 Miles of Public Dance in that Same Period of time
as i continue to document my own style of self-actualizing
in Human Potential more as nows go on.. as i do also
Love to Be inspired by the Accomplishments
of other folks growing older like on
a Show my Wife Watches
as started
by Ellen
of the Ellen
Show about Older
Big Shots to complement
her stART of Show on Little
Big Shots too.. where most recently
an 81 year old Lady proves she is
a wonderfully fit Body Builder and
earlier last week on that
show.. a 103 year
old Gospel Singing
Man Still Belting out a
Spiritual tune oF LiGht..
and also a 91 year old
Female Gymnast doing
Hand Stands on Parallel
Bars and Finally a Show Girl
Still doing her fabulous revue
of Dance at 93 years old.. sadly
i’ve heard some young folks say they’d
rather die than turn 50 as life is over by then..
hmm.. perhaps it was for their parents for whatever
they noticed of that age of them then.. as surely my
Father spent his Leisure time as most folks who are so
stressed out from work and all other responsibilities chilling
out the best they can.. but the Golden years say so much more
in Human Potential when one finally discards the Worries and
Fears and overall now to now stress if they can really re-Tire
to put new rubber on wheels of LiFE and LiGht.. surely
harder to do as jobs with retirement benefits go
away but surely and verily some folks
Love their Jobs too.. hmm..
sure.. i vegetated after
work for 33 years
or so of doing
that for
pay too
hehe.. NoW2
anyway.. if it seems
like i am attempting to
fulfill that 2456 words as
i run on in what normally
would be usually a much shorter
comment by ‘normal’ commenters
hehe.. unlike me.. never the less and
a few words more.. not gonna make
2456 in this comment heAR but sure
again never the less and always more
thanks to you my FriEnd for dropping by
and saying a nice hi of “LOvE iT!’ too for
mY Wolf SonG heAR tears That Jack London
Book about the ‘Call of the Wild’ brought to me
when a young child then.. not realizing the true sad
ness was the fact then that i too was already a Domesticated
Human Half Wolf and Dog too.. many Decades would come
before i set myself free with the Call of the WiLd FReED iN Me..
other than that i’ll stop now in case hehe.. you’ve got something
else to do.. which of course most ‘normal’ people do who are not
thanks again
my friEnd.. as
i fly on wherever
i go away from Captain Hooks2..;)631..;)


Is More
Play by
Rules of Black
And Whit
As Classic
Would Love
To Box
With E..
Takes more
Classes than
PhilosopherS Do..;)

And in Human
Terms the reAlly
smART Husband
over heAR at Least
who wants to enjoy a
LifeLong Marriage responds
to His Wife when she asks.. Do
you Like Her Favorite Dress with
yes dear
no matter
how much
he dislikes or
even hates the
color of the dress
he sees as obviously
the wife sees it different
so what use is telling the wife
truth when it will hurt her feelings
so very bad as some women Love
their dresses as much as some men
Love their Hunting Guns that the wives
will often refrain from complaining about too..
if they
Wild Deer Meat.. in regard
to your Status Quote that
says “Truth has to be said like
the truth – plain and simple..
without any deceit.. without
any lies surrounding them.”
hmm.. bet the philosopher
who said that was single..
maybe an Autistic
Catholic Priest ’cause’..
One of the first signs that
a child may either through a
lack of nurture or through nature
be developing the signs of Autism
is when the child does not learn to lie
to get out of trouble.. as the first sign that
a child is developing cognitive empathy to
put his or her feet in the shoes of the other
person’s different perspective is that it
will bring personal Harm to them in
the future per getting a spanking
or being told to sit in the
corner for the fear
of losing the
warm and
fuzzy feeling
of the Neurohormone
Oxytocin when Mommy is
Angry and not giving Touches
and Hugs that say i love you now..
Of course for the child who is not loved
in touchy feely ways they may never even
develop the wiring in the Brain to turn the
Oxytocin on.. and that can be a first
Developing step that interferes with
the Development of Cognitive
Empathy for successful
Social Interaction
to Kiss the Bosses
Butts in order not to get
fired when disagreeing when
not socially appropriate to keep a job..
hmm.. although i am diagnosed on the Autism
Spectrum my issue is opposite from that as i usually
take all the perspectives and wear people out like i am
doing to you now hehe.. but i have Faith in My Friend
and i like
her very much
as she doesn’t get
too angry at me and
tell me to shut up
’cause i am
a Fredache
as she would likely
have to do for her sanity
if she was our adopted daughter
or something like that in the same home.. hehe..;)

Rafiah comes in the door of her Facebook Page and
comments words of “Freddy’s Words of Wisdom”
with a sweet kiss emoticon

i end for now with saying..

OKay i’m finished for now..
with kisses for you too..

As i was writing the second
elaBoRating pARt long after
she finished her
sweet kiss

Part of the reason Katrina is
never jealous of my Loving Relationships
With Female Friends is she knows no one this
side of
hell could
ever put up with
all of what she puts up
with as that takes nearly
28 years of steady practice
to get use
Whole Fred Package..;)


(572 + 621=1142 )
Simple Addition
and Math is all that
tales the Truth in Pure
Philosophy Black and White
way as now i only have 1314
More Words to go to reach the
Wiki Worded Size of the Indian
Mahābhārata in 13.6 Months by
Publish Date of “Longest Long Form Poem Bible coMes aGaiN”
as pART
oF Nether Land Bible 2017
started as Publish Date of Memorial Day.. 2016.. for
that First MacroVerse of what i am currently writing of this 117th
MacroVerse of “NetherLand Bible 2017” and 788th MacroVerse
oF “SonG oF mY SoUL” in this 47th Month of Writing Around
5 Million Words in an original Long Form Poem that
only needs about 400K words more to
Exceed the Mahabharata Long
Form Poem by
almost 3 times
that epic size..
of course Public
Dancing too for
7700 miles in the
Metro Pensacola
Area in the same
‘time’ period NoW of
47 Months and bet even
if you live on the other
side of the World and
call up most anyone
under the age of 30
in this Metro area
and say have you
seen the Dancing
Guy and they will
say oh yeah.. that
Big Dude with dark
Sunglasses in/at
both night and day
who wears all those
cool shirts i saw
on my Friend’s Face
Book Page that i
shared with all my
other friendS.. hehe..
that dude is F iN NoW
Famous.. Although
they only know me
by the name of
Dancing Man or
Dancing Guy or
as Fundmentalist
Christians say at
(whispering to
their friends)
times that dude is
possessed theNow by a
Dancing Demon hehe.. Har..D
anyWay.. hears another couple
of things to SinG as i come even
closer for update of words complete
by the end of what i SinG next for those
less informed poets who do not understand
that any words thaT/wHo follow the Melody of a SonG
DancE by literary device including free verse concrete form
of the shapes that come with the all natural breath
of oral tradition
of DancE
and SonG
in the WRiTiNG
FloWinG iN ZoNe
Zen way of God sPeak
in the oldest free verse way
oF PoEtry now from deep deep within
too in how most all the holy and sacred
full of meaning and purpose ‘Prophets’
have done the similar through the all the
ages of the sAges too.. as tHeir is truly more
rhyme than reasons in reaLiTy once one gets NoW
Fuller in touch NoW with the LiVinG ForCe of ALL LoVe
within more aka God aGaIn as three letter metaphors or so
go Go for the HIGheR ForcE of hUMaN CreaTivity unleaShed
And relEased with no longer black and white concrete forms NoW
that have come before and are less River like Waves in Ocean
Flow that
No Big Blue
IBM computer will
ever accomplish more than
an approximation of God within
NoW iN TrUly Original God Creativity
Magic that comes in FLoW NoW.. that
only makes real feel and sense once one
sees a much Bigger ‘Quantum’ Photo of Life
iN FeeL and SenSe Metaphor ways more than
just the bland colors
of black
empirical measure
of the one step two step
repeat and confirm scientific
method that will Never FucKinG
Do the ArT of ‘me’ as this whole
God i AM thing in my Human
SeT oF eYes is no different
than a Unique Finger
Print that is
NoW iN
Never Ending
Story iN my own
God Version in HUmaN
(no copyrights needed)
sET of eYes in ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ way Running on NoW
STiLL elaBoRaTinG iN Poetic Words
oF DancE and Song even more now..
okay.. back to Systemizing Science iRobot
Computer miNd do the word count with
MicroSoft Word IN Big Blue IBM way
to see where i stand or fall in
terms of Word
Count Size
of Mahābhārata
size in just 13.6 Months..
Give or take a day or too..
hehe as i am a hair’s breadth
ahead of Systemizing Science
Milestone Forecast too as
Art in the original
no SoUL
HeaRT and
SPiRit to rules set
in advance NoW too..
hehe… unless ‘it’ (God i AM
within iN HUmaN eYes) cares to..;)


“Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind,
but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart.”

From the Movie “A Beautiful Mind”
whether or not John Nash actually
ever found it or more fully exercised
it could be beyond what the
Movie had
to say..
as of course
Actors have heARTs
to employ otherwise
they could not act..
not sure if
ever employed
the full Zen Art
of PersonaLiTy
iN terms oF
i Creating
I to
Fit the Environment oF NoW..
and No.. not something you think
about really in terms of words more
reaLITy you See and FeeL and SenSe
iN Quantum way as ELephant and
CamEL of Subconscious
to Play
WiTh OtHeRs
iN JoY oF BaLanCinG
LoVe.. i suppose one would
have to reAlly FeeL thiS and
SeNSe it to say more than
alone.. as
one of the most
LiGht FiTTinG Days
of my days beFoRE and
aFTeR SPeNt iN HeLL for
66 Months with little to no
FeeL and SenSe of HeArT
and SpiRiT and MiNd
And BoDy BaLanCing
SoUL is wHeRe
mY Words
becAMe Organic
Enough iN Love oN
Lala Rukh from Pakistan’s
Blog for Rafiah to see as a visitor
there viewing the words of my discussions
of HeART and ReAsON with Lala as not only
a Beautiful Mind but as she said on her original
Facebook Page when i then accepted her Friendship
offer about three years ago now around the time
of her Celebration of EID in 2014 after her
Ramadan ended then.. as i couldn’t
help but note that she was using
one of my Seagulls from
Navarre Beach as
A Photo on
Profile pic then..
she said.. Sir you have
a Beautiful Heart.. and that
was quite a touching compliment
to me for all the times people referred
to my existence as a computer like mind..
as FriEnd Himali recently acknowledged as
Fred equals Genius equals Computer Brain
although i remember her first compliment
as she said you are so poetic your wife
is so fortunate to be married to
you.. hehe.. in the
too now as she
more fully sees with
a greater load of me.. hehe..
anyway.. chaos scares folks and
that is why we humans are so attached
to reasons to make sense out of reality
that truly at core is more art than science
as even science shows at the core of what
hUman is in FeeLinG and SeNsinG way STiLL
since our common Rodent Ancestor evolved from around
66 Million Years ago when an iron fist of Asteroid
CAMe dOwn as theorized as such to then make the Gulf
of Mexico and kill off the giant Dragon Lizards with
mostly reptilian brains named Dinosaurs then.. allowing
the Warm and Fuzzy Creatures of Love to arise next.. first
in Rodent way.. yes.. 66 Million years ago too.. Evolution has moved
the stages of our brain from Reptilian Survive to Mammalian Touchy
Feely Nurturing Breast of Love now to the Neo Cortical Third Brain
most recent advance of remembering the past to make the best
guess of what will happen next.. two edged swords as it were
and still is as reason can free us and trap us away
from Dreamtime ArT NoW iN the PresEnt
oF ANimal Homeostasis Heaven
Of Bliss when the
simple and
more complex
fight or flight tasks
theNoW to escape predator
and capture prey are done
for the Carnivore Day NoW2..
fAcT is as Science NoW3 sHows
and it only makes common sense
as our ancestors were much more
Mammalian and Reptilian Brained Creatures
’till evolving this new time cLock illusory Brain
that makes Discrete stops of bits and bytes of
Seconds out of the River of NoW into a Watch
of past and future.. as our ancestral past
Naked and Felt and Sensed
so much as
gRain of
and sKeYes
of Patterns spiraling
Golden Ratio Meaning eARTh
as Ends uPoN the Existence
of REaLiTy NoW Free is now fit
into words as small as a three letter
one named God to represent what we
STiLL cannot even See and FeeL and seNse and
possibly kNoW now more of the ReaLiTy of
what we cannot humanly feel and sense
and know now.. although some
creatures on
may make
us look more like
Plankton than An Apex
Predator who is steadily
Killing the Circle and BaLanCinG
ForCE oF aLL LiFE slowly and faster
and verily as the current overall dumbest
in total Survival affect and effect for the
REaLiTy to coMe hehe.. assuming NoW we are
really rational animals but we are sTiLL NoT
Rational Animals otherwise we would have figured
out that it is totally idiotic to pursue this irrational path
NoW of destroying the only home we have ’cause some 3500
to 2000 years or so ago another dude
wrote down some words they had in
a dream
that suggests
the destruction
of the entire world
is a good thing for Heaven
next.. no.. humans are not overall
rational.. not even just a little bit of that..
they group think to FeeL the Oxytocin Neurohormone
of togetherness and a substantial part of the females
sense a feel of self esteem in this way when their pleasure
organs for sex are mutilated off too if anyone thinks nowthat
sexual pleasure alone is overall more important than the Warm Greater
Longer and Fuzzy pleasure and survival of being part of group think and FeeL
and SenSE NoW sTiLL.. yes.. much deeper than between the legs in
terms of basic survival and thrive toGeTher NoW wHeRE the
Work of the NiGht is a necessity to bring new
helping hands for the village
in as prize
the Child
for all the
Village no matter
who the Father is way back
then in more Matriarchal so
called Primitive small groups
of humans who lived in BaLanCinG
ForcE with the rest of Nature somewhat
Naked and Happily evermorenow then with
appropriate environmental struggle as intermittent
reinforcement STiLL brings a much greater sense and
feel of overall happiness as instant gratification dulls
what our HUmaN Potential can or will not be without the
Challenge of
DArk and
‘tween sHades
of Grey and BeYond
Rainbow Colors to make
LIFE more Flavorful NoW
than ice cream and steak
every night until the joy of
Food disappears as Instant
Gratification comes to Roost no
Different really than constant addiction
of on demand porn taking away the Joy of Sex
too.. true.. there is more than one way to remove
Pleasure organs by Force as some folks just do it
Differently and Willfully STiLL through the Disease of
Addiction too away from the Human Mammalian Nature of Touchy
Feely Love with the Reptilian Brain Reality of Life
is a B88tch too in DARK STRuggle for Survive that
makes the joyful
LiFe thriving seem
more like Fine Cuisine
from an original Gay Paris..
with the fancier pronunciation hehex2..
okay// it’s safe to say i’ve exceeded the
608 words previously required NoW to surpass
1.8 Million Words for my second Match in Size
oF Free Verse Poetry Words for the Longest Long
Form Epic Previous Poem of #Mahābhārata NoW..LonGeR
turn the Song on Fred read this and see if it makes
any real feel and sense of rational mind too as i come back in a few….
at 11:03 AM on 7.15.2017 NoW Good enough for Government work hehe.. i’ll take a Break at 11:21 aM..;)


Great Saturday to you.. my FriEnd
Xenia from a Warm and Rainy
Scotland today
from the
refreshing Crisp Green
Blue Air of Polar Winters
that arise the levels of our
Thinking Minds and also
arise Testosterone
levels.. just
tid bit
of trivia
too.. as my
Doctor didn’t even
know that hehe.. always
fun to have the time to explore
my friend as Lord Knows we live
in a world that adheres to specialization
of jobs yet continues to lose common elements
of culture to share and live hands held in hands
in tradition of history real more now in the places
of HeART SpeaK of third places away from
Work and School and
even Church as a
of commonly
shared traditions
of beliefs is perhaps
what a Globe as whole
needs most but we are
Human we are snowflakes
we see the world so differently
too falling through beyond iNfiNiTy
and some of uS RiSinG uP trUe iN
LiGht more as we perceive
our Colors of Life
Seen and
yeS uNseen
as the winds of
Colors Beyond Rainbow
Paints of Masterpiece life more
in relative free will of emotional
regulation and sensory integration
of the art of that too.. anyway.. met
the 1.8M Word Milestone earlier at an
M and M Green Pill of 8 mile Stop
of ArT MORE NoW too.. at
11:21 AM.. if NoW you
are familiar with that
Rap theme
too.. hehe..
Leave no Stone NoW
oF ArT uNturned NoW and
Science too and Grow NoW
more my friend is my personal
Philosophy of LiFE and hehe with
Google all the context of what i do
is mostly just a half a mile and word
Away in Billy Joel’s Got it’s all about Soul
in Google Algorithm Search too.. may you
live in interesting times that we do for sure
for the Cats of us who play with Dogs too..
thanks so much for dropping by.. Xenia..
alWays nice as the presents
of you
as GiFT
NoW HeAR mY FriEnd..
and with that sAid gotta
Dance off this Keyboard
And screAM oF Screen noW hEhe..;)



“Jordan Peterson Psychological Significance Of The Biblical Stories”..
You ever wonder why so many folks study this for thousands
of years and never embark on a journey to do even more than
was done before. Two edged Sword of Group think, my friend;
hehe, of and to only a very few who might see enough of me to see what I have
and am still all on about as far as what you understand is the pursuit of “the Great Works”
of Life. Well, Writing a Long Form Poem twice the Size of the Mahābhārata and more now in 47
Months at 5 Million words as “SonG oF mY SoUL”, wasn’t nearly enough for me as a real ‘Autistic
Superman’ as the stereotypes go on about that too in “Nietzsche Overman’ way when just
one man and more to come in women way too and who have already been break the
mold with a metaphor of “John 14:12” as i keep this on topic too in original and
antiquated Bible Story way of Centuries ago as developed over Centuries by
innumerable round table discussions on desert roads of Iliterate
Aramaic Oral Tradition as Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning and
Purpose Written Words are developed as Sanskrit in the India of
Many years ago too to house the Wisdom and Myths of the Indian Sages
and Scribes of Oral Tradition then in what was originally bound in pages and
described as all books were then as Bibles as only the top elite in ‘Renaissance’
age way of then had the knowledge, skills, and abilities to put into written words what
came from the depths of innate, instinct, and intuition of the much Greater Elephant
and Camel Subconscious Mind as the Rider Ego of that Brings symbols to the Surface
then in Written Abstruct Constructs of Words to share that Wisdom of Knowledge and
Emotional and Sensory Common Sense with others to both lift them up in Light and control
them in the Darkness of Illusory Fears; ironically to restore order out of perceived chaos as is
still done now in literal ways of interpreting Sacred and Holy Full of Meaning and Purpose text
to whatever fits the mold of controlling others with illusory fears and empty promises to keep those
in power and status happy while others are under subjugation as the so-called elite then and now can enjoy their
freer ride of manipulating the heart strings of others through reason that doesn’t have to make any logical
sense as we still see today in Politics in the so-called most Logical Nation of all; big joke; haha, huh;
but not really, just an expression of Human Nature at core for the Minions and Masses same
who will follow a most despicable leader for a common bind of dark or a more light leader
too; if they are charismatic in emotions and senses to spark them to move to pull a voting
lever still of you are my dear leader now as the Ball of Confusion continues to seek order,
my friend.

Anyway; hehe and haha; to make a much longer story of 1,800,646 words shorter;
just came here today too to share that I reached that ‘Great Work’ as ‘they’ say
in milestone today, 7.14.2017 at 11:21 am the detail Lover as
well as big picture finder and seeker, I am in balance too now
as left and right brain thinker and art maker in metaphor too.

Yes; I’ve long past matched the Old King James Effort of around
800K words as a “Phi Bible”, as titled in exactly 1 years time
at 1.618 Million Words from Memorial Day of 2016 through
Memorial Day of 2017. That was kind of a ‘peace’ of cake
where I ate the Icing too; haha, if you will of course under-
stand the Deeper Meaning of that Metaphor phrase too.

1.8 Million Words in 13.6 Months was a little bigger “Great
Work” too; but as I’ve said before many times here; human potential
has no limits or expectations in much greater ways when fuller used over a loss
in all potential intelligences still to come so far away from Standard IQ Measures
that it makes that text look like ABC and 123 without a Michael Jackson Song if you
understand the Art metaphor over Science there as after all, Smart is comprised
of literally 60 percent of Art; I find that to be self evident now; hehe. Okay, not
everyone gets my Dry Humor either as Super Intelligent people tend to appreciate
more in terms of greater than Standard Wet IQ. And hey; i used to be stuck in the other
box of Mechanical Cognition of Word Speak and described more as a computer than a Human
for literally close to Four Decades, then.

Bottom line of this “Great Work” of Art and Science in Balance, my Friend is not really Different than
Bruce Lee or Jack Lalanne or anyone else who has accomplished the metaphor of “John 14:12”. I am
a real man; I am no myth and in Empirical Measure I have accomplished something in one life that no
no one else as done. But in terms of Bruce Lee and Jack Lanne there are many folks now who have broken
the 4 Minute Mile. Will anyone else match what I’ve done again now. Will anyone ever paint a Mona Lisa
again. Will anyone ever have the same finger prints as someone else; even an identical twin. No question
marks really needed my friend; for anyone who truly understands that all Humans are original snowflakes
along with the rest of the Living and Breathing and Moving Natural World now in both detail and big picture view too.

And that’s the best News of all; no one has to do what I do and I do not have to do what anyone else does
in ‘Overman’ View to be Happy now; no matter what as I master the Happiness of my Emotional Regulation
and Sensory Integration through a 7700 Mile 47 Month practice of Public Free Style Dance as even Science
shows now that’s A Best way to Naturally do this in every day life. No lessons required; just left foot with
right foot balance that the old Bible almost totally leaves out other than the Joy of a King
David Dance and such as that with no scientific details as to how it actually works from
head to toe in making Bliss real as the Eastern Philsophies of Movement
Art have already done in Centuries past in practice of course, in ‘real life’.

That’s the difference now my friend and what makes my personal way of viewing and experiencing
life much different as ‘Overman’ of now. I am a Son of Man in literal and metaphorical way and
no of course I am not saying I am anyone but me. The entire History of Human Science
and Arts are now just a touch away online in view and read and experience more of
what countless others have done before. That is the foundation of the Pyramid
Now of Human Potential virtually freely offered to others who have access to
this real Gold of Human Nature now in Synergy way of Art and Science that
has never been seen/done before this point in this Human Species Experiment now.

And in that Know and Sense and Feel of one Human Being looking down on that Pyramid
from a Virtual Heaven Now Online with no Sun or Moon free to Eat Now like an all one
can Eat and Feel and Sense and Know Buffet of Science and Art; sure, I am Virtually
in Metaphor way a Capstone now and so are those others who will self-actualize
now in this “Great Works” way of achieving all of their Human Potential and not
just in one specialized Field; my friend. Anyway, considering that this Internet
Site with all the Knowledge and Art and Science as shared here helped provide
a Foundation to go higher than I ever imagined before; it would be a little selfish
for me not to take the time and effort and sure, a continuing small MicroVerse of
another MacroVerse of my own personal Style of Epic Poetry in Free Verse
Bible style not to report this accomplishment here in thanks to anyone who
can possibly understand the entire breadth of what I attempt to relate now.

If anyone can; it is probably you.
Smiles my friend, I think and feel
you can do even more now later.
As at least you are not held back
by any one definition of Life now.

Anyway, my next milestone is to write around
two ‘old bible’ sizes of Free Verse Poetry in around
1.618 Million words as that is how my arts seems to
Naturally Flow in Words in a year now; yes, to write all those
words to the tune of my Facebook Profile Pics now too in the Description
Section of each of those Profile Pics and when I finish that perhaps I will
come back to document that here too with thanks to what this place and the
folks brought here in preparing me a foundation to go this high now in Capstone way;
but hey; I kinda like the post number 8014; perhaps I’ll leave it that way for some time to come again..:)


LovE DancE SinGs oN


A Song

Tiny Bug and Me

Colors of BuG
Colors of LovE
Colors of KNoW
Feel and sense and morE
More and sense and feeL
KNoW of Colors
LovE of Colors
BuG of Colors

Message — #writephoto Messenger

Bird BRains FlY
Human BRains SiT
Flies Fly
Fire Fly
iN Summer
FeeLs MaGiC oF LiGHT..
Other than thaT Happy
Fire Fly Weekend
awAke Frank..
Summer Diatoms
iN HuMaN GulF
Dark Waters
iN LoVe WiTH LiGHT..:)


Dying without really
Living for ’cause
more than
been there
done that moment
three times greatest
Lesson to start Living
without Fear as to Live
With Fear
is to
to Live.. sure
easier said than
done to drop the
bill and avoid ‘picking’ it up..;)


SMiLes.. i find in the Flesh and
Blood World that Looking
up from a screen
a place
of what used
to be Dialogues
of Interest and even
at Work Years ago an
Email across the Hall
replaces a Foot
to Face
i’m pretty
sure it started
with a Remote
Control to a Big
Wooden Console TV..
Engage in Life or fall
Silent as a Remote
No User..
Avatar Life
as ‘they’ no longer
Dance and Sing too..
Anyway.. keep sPeaking
uP Prajakta.. Feeds the soUL
with more than Silent Remote Controls..;)


SMiLes.. mY FriEnd.. Frank..
thanks so much for stopping
by at the end of 10K or so
words in a comments
20K words
of an original body of words iN
“LOnE WoLF sKeYes oF LoVE”
along with 400 photos.. or so..
And getting a Green Pill
out oF iT.. Hehe.. True
we need more
in the so-called
Professional Arts
And Sciences of the
Human Mind and all its
Children of Culture as is
As By Products of that too.
who for common metaphor are
not afraid to get into everyone’s bed
to find out more about the whole human
condition than just once side of pre-determined
WaYs in Liberal and Conservative Cat and Dog
Human Ways with the real potential of being
somewhat outcast by both sides as
a rebel of sorts.. as Human
Archetypes go too
for the
who comes
back NoW to share
what he or she learns
about ‘the other side’ too..
i particularly enjoyed the first
‘Planet of the Apes’ Movies back
in the 60’s through early 70’s
as with Rod Serling and
other Social
Critics who
helped Write
and Produce and
Direct those Movies
they provided satires of
the issues in the World then
that still exist today that separate
us in ways that are more prohibitive
in providing potential avenues for “Apes
Stronger Together”.. yes.. when they are better
able to work ToGeTheR NoW for common Holy
and Sacred Full of Meaning Purposes iN Great
Works of Life to Improve the Human Condition
Unconditionally in Fearless smaRT Love For ALL
the Human Species and the Rest of Nature in do
not take more than give in greater ways of overall
BaLanCinG ForCE oF LIFE as above so below more
inside.. outside. and all around as yes.. a Green Pill
for LifE NoW that GroWs more with fewer Binds in dArk
that Make Separation over “Apes Stronger Together”
as always with Yin and Yang in Blue and Red
Ways of that it is the BaLanCinG AcT iN
Affect and Effect of GroWinG Green
NoW iN Terms of LiVinG iN
Peace and Harmony
Green PiLL
to take of course
is on the individual
Level as Yin and Yang
of Red and Blue turns Green in each hUman..
then the “Great Works” to BRinG understanding
to others through Science and Art is neXt For
the Masses to become Believers out of Pain
for a Better way.. iN Green LIGht.. Meanwhile..
Work goes on in what will most definitely
take real human magic as real miracles
for change.. seen the magic and
miracles in real life up
close and personal
on an
level Basis
and after
being at
the furthest place
of Rock Bottom Abyss
of the soUL in shallow deep..
I Have Hope Faith and Love
as well as JoY iN A Company
that many otHeRS WiLL cOmE
to this Place of HuMaN FriEnds
soon enough to make the changes necessary
for us Apes to work ToGeTheR at LeaSt Better..
Great WorK
goeS oN
NoW iN
BeinG HuMaNs NoW..:)


My friEnd
GreaT nAMe yoU


Hello.. Three Year
old Blogger Poet
and Facebook Friend
Now Coming in July
of 2017 since July or so
of 2014.. see.. as i told you
Rafiah.. NoW Your iPhone7 Plus
BRinGS you
a key
a Powerful
Enough Processor
in Memory way to open
up 400 or so photos.. 20K
words and enough scroll
power with your fingers to
get down through around 10K
words or so.. in the comment
section heAR.. hehex2 in what
the Average Blogger
and Poet
less with Facebook
User puts out in an entire
year of output now.. in other
words it will take a long time to
return the favor of your visit HeAR
today.. iN tit for tat way as ‘they’ say..
as you surely have never overwhelmed me with
output and the most important pART is you are still
heAR by mY Side as FriEnD online now for 3 years too
as one of oldest and of course steadiest Friendships i acquire
online as i haven’t scared you away yet.. NoW thank Goodness as
this is a rather open minded and bodied home heAr online and surely
not everyone’s cup of Tea.. but never the less and always more i do try
to make it a home away from home for special Friends.. like my Friend
Rafiah.. Always open always alive with Colors of Life beyond Rainbow too
in terms of uploading my entire soul as persona too.. including the Shadow
Side too.. in my personal Covenant with God who and that lives within me..
with no holds barred of open freedom even more iN LiGht and dARk and
sHades of Grey beyond those Rainbow Colors as a Wizard oF oZ with
a Live
PoT oF
Gold within
and Lucky to
sTiLL Have FriEnds
who travel with him
on a Yellow Brick Road
that never ends for NoW..
in other words.. thanks for coming
by.. i do also miss you from time to time.. too..
Remember.. the Doors are alWays oPen.. for you.. mY FriEnd..:)


Hi.. Xenia.. thanks for stopping by again..
Back after completing the 7700th Mile
of Public Dance in this 47th Month
to go along with the
Milestone of
1.8M words
of Free Verse
Poetry in 13.6 Months
and hehe.. miracles do
Happen as i got my taste
back today.. kinda amazing
when one loses taste for
several months and
gets it back
after already
similar issues
in those 66 Dead
Zone Months Without
Effective use of eye sight
or hearing either without almost
intolerable pain.. losing emotions
then too and surely today a Sublime
Day of Beauty too above as coming out
of the “War For the Planet of the Apes’
Movie on the Big Screen.. Clouds like
i’ve never seen before with Katrina
immediately seeing an Angel
in the Clouds when
i showed her
the photo
at home
as she is no Fan
of the Planet of the Apes
but me a big fan back in ’68 at
8 years old in third grade or so..
remembering coming out of that original
Movie a little dazed.. questioning
how solid my view of reality
was then as a red light
was flashing on the
technology of
a Radio
Tower then thinking
about technology on
other Planets in how that
might be different then too..
anyway.. those movies really
made me think which can be kinda good too..
anyWay2.. it’s nice to sense and feel and think too..
a great
rest of the
Weekend Xenia..:)

Hi Xenia again.. Artist.. i suppose i am
born beginning with extreme affective empathy
then and tactile sensitivity so powerful that
i can hardly bear to touch man-made
stuff including even the texture of my
pants.. about all i can bear is the touch of
silk and glass as smooth as that comes and almost
anything in Nature that comes that way before humans
get here is fine too.. now.. as i move back to the realm
of artist after being scientist for nearly 4 decades in
systemizing way of think.. i still travel in the realm
of thinking that way in INTJ way of personality
at times with my reformed Personality
of ENFP as a small very sensitive
Feeling and Sensing Child too
from birth so intuitive
too then as
i come
to be again too..
anyway.. the thinking and
sensing and judging.. And
introspective and intuitive
perceiving and feeling parts
of my MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL
iN terms of extroversion too in relating
what i feel and sense with others was and
still is fascinated with the experience of having
no taste as well as i was without the experience
of effective use of eyesight and seeing along with
loss of emotions too in logical ways of thinking and
judging back in the dead zone days too in exploring
the depths of the liGht and dARk of how Human Nature
works in tick tock way to develop so much more empathy
and sympathy and compassion too for others who
experience similar extremes in both
sensitivity.. Pain and Numb in Life
as Heaven and
Hell can and
Will and
may come and
go to be in just one LiFE
of Dark to ‘tween of SHades
of Grey from the Abyss of the
dArk NiGhts of the SoUL to BeyOnd
RainBoW Colors.. oF FeeLinGs anD
SeNsES actuAlly ExperienCinG too
Beyond Logical and Reasoning Brain
as so much longer evolved to be as a
mammal and a being of existence overall too
since Reptilian brain through Mammalian brain
through Neo-Cortical Brain ways of remembering
past and forecasting future as educated by experience as best
guess too.. and if not then for the effective loss of my eyesight
and hearing and emotions for 66 Months.. i would have never become
the writer.. the dancer.. the photographer.. the singer.. and now overall
poet iN as art i am today as CoMinG iN Epigenetic and Neuroplastic
ways as all those losses are all these gains NoW iN more ways
ways of Hidden Intelligences CoMinG Visible verses Standard
IQ ways as measured before.. the iPhone5 Retina
Display Screen as fostered by technology
brought the first colors i could bear to
look at with the pain of before
and Sound too.. with the
of those
Apple ear buds too
as well as the special
patented technology that
relaxes my ocular nerve by
my Maui Jim Sunglasses that
allows me to see close up NoW and
far away too.. i looked at the photos
of past griefs and the music then of before
and gained my emotions back in writing about
those memories too iN connecting Language with
Emotions again too.. and this time i looked at the Food
/Drink and imagined what it tasted like before and with
the fight or flight experience of taking the side of Nature
in that ‘War for the Planet of the Apes’.. Movie.. yesterday..
Against Weaker and non-feeling humans in ways of empathy
And compassion as that heightened all those core feelings and
senses even more to help bring taste back and Nature Won.. more..
lines NoW
hUmans have
Become so Slow with
Emotional and Physical
Intelligences that i bring back now..
thanks Xenia.. off to church i go.. A Church
thaT/wHo Dances and Sings Nature even more now..:)


LiFE HaPPens
CoMe As

Just a note i made
as a Facebook Status
Colored with Orange
Background with
Trees and
Curling Dying
Leaves too.. while
waiting for Church to
stARt in Back Pew
way still very
attached to
online still..

then.. earlier..

Rafiah notifies me on the
previously written aBout
Cats and Dogs Comment on
Introversion and
on her
Blog Post
Per reference.. “Sista”..

You know me so well, Freddy.
Rosie Cheek Smile Emoticon

i return with..

i aM
SeeEr CLuB..;)

Rafiah kindly returns again2 with..

Only good and pure person can be a
member of a soul seeEr club like you.
Rosie Cheeks Smile Emoticon.

And finally i say
for now.. earlier on
Rafiah’s Blog..


NoW i say on my own
home turf With Katrina
alone online
an invitation
for friends and
potential foes to
come over as ‘they’ say2..
i feel more comfortable with
the Apes on the Planet of the Apes
Movie overall than ‘those’ humans heAR..
but never the less ‘they’ too are my brothers
and sisters and the ‘tween of that so who would
‘you’ save from falling off-board A ‘the’ Ship of Love..
those already saved with Hope in Joy Loves Company
or would you just ignore those who live by Fear
and Hate in the company of Misery and
Suffering for the Love and
Hope and Joy that is
A Dead God within..
A God who so much
does want to come
back again.. alive
away from
in A TarRed Bird
Dungeon where A Star
of MotHeR eARTh and God’s
Love of Above cannot come
down to Free the Wings
of STar without
an S of
and Joy
of Love ToGeTheR NOW
as Apes Stronger with
Grace And WiLL NoW aLiVe
God Happy LiVinG WiThIN
WiTh sMILes of ArT LoVe
beYOnd A Word iNFiNiTy NoW..:)

Early on.. back in 60’s and
70’s it was clear that in the
Planet of Apes series there were
three kinds of Apes.. the Orangutans..
the Priests if you will.. the Pedantic
Philosophers if you will do2.. sure.. the
Red Haired Irish Poets too.. with
Artsy Fartsy Quotes of
the Protectors..
yes.. the Patriachs
the Gorillas of War
and Law Enforcement
in General.. and then the
Chimpanzees.. the Rational
Science thiNkers with a Bleeding
Heart Liberal FeeL/SenSE that one might
get when hugging and saving the Life
of a Tree of Life AKA Nature PlUS
with or without a real feel
and sense of God
that in this
Case.. the
Mute Humans
in Cages might
Feel and Sense
better without the
Neo-Cortical Trap too..
of Words to stay stuck
in the past or guessing the
Future with Fear leading to Hate..
Nova as they called her.. the Mute
Most Beautiful Woman on the Planet
who rides with an Astronaut Scientist
and Warrior Protector from the past..
but wise.. perhaps not even in
a common sense feel
as he could
not fuller
that he had
the Whole Horse
of Freedom in Travel..
the Whole Woman in Beauty
and Love and the Whole Beach
in Abundance of a Place to Live
Free but Cursing the Fact that the Dirty
Stinking Technology that eventually
killed the Speech of Human Being
was long gone and now
he could make
Love to
Life Naked
and Free as his
Ape Ancestors once
did too as Humans
on the Planet
of Apes
also did include
Speaking Humans when
he was back Home.. And
Written Words and Collective
Intelligence and Atomic Bombs
and just another target of North
Korea for the Military Industrial
Warrior and Protector Patriarchy to
make a Buck off Deaths again.. but the
stakes are higher for the
stakes are Nuclear
and the
death for
those ‘they’
see from a Greater
God than the one who
lives in Browner ‘Mud
Mix’ Skin as one of my
more Trump State relatives
once said that God doesn’t
like it when Black and
White Mixes
a Black
and White
Jesus with
no colors of God of Course
and most ironically i thought
to myself as the down home boys
in a Green Pick ’em uP Truck
Proudly Waving a Trump
Flag from the
of there
Truck in colors
less than the original
intent of Red.. White
and Blue were
to the Boom
Boom of Hip
Hop Rap
another culture
other than tHeir
own relating the fActs
of LiFE in the struggles
of Scarcity now same as rural
Men and Boys do with no more Social
Roles of Jobs to get one to make a decent
living wage to raise a family in the Animal
Dream all of Survive and Thrive in Harmony
and Peace now.. with as little conflict as possible..
People are ‘funny’ but kinda easy to understand in generalities
Abundance Loves ScaRcity Hates.. it’s kinda what you see through
out the Animal Kingdom Tempered with a struggle of life away from
instant Gratification that will spoil the Hunger of Life for any
a lever
for cocaine
sugar or all
one can do fats
in sitting still
Behind Screens
and all the
other Behavioral
Addictions that stray away
from the work we are evolved to
still do to earn Happiness now..
still when there are no more social
roles for one left what does one do..
but become a part of whatever culture
‘they’ can.. no matter what ‘they’ started out believing
as that is what social animals do STiLL find a bind toGeThER
whether it is rap music or building an atomic Bomb or Dance
way too..
Mileage Varies
Mileage Varies
in Heaven
or Hell
by Human eYes
oF Green to Blue to Brown too..
We stand ToGeTher or yes we do
Sky Fall ToGeThER as Chicken
Big in
way in
a Game
of Chicken might blow
as that goes.. up or down..
MEowL MEoWL MeoWL three times
as ‘they’ say NoW as the Harvest
is ready for what has Been SowN to this point iN ReaP.

12:22 AM



Well.. somehow i missed the
notification on your post
here about words for
friends.. Himali..
and for me
at least
Mother showed
me that Love was
all about Giving no matter
what comes next as Dark
or Light from me in deed too
as receiving.. as true i was
a child who lacked attention
to the every day things of life
to please those.. namely
my Mother who
in the home..
hehe.. out of the
chaos of what i brought
in a mind and body that
never rested and rarely slept..
anyway.. as i grow older that message
of give without restraint.. now never worrying
what will be provided back in terms of receive
or LiGht
BRinGS that
LiGHT that even
Means my Mother’s
Name Helen in original
Greek Goddess way means
not only LiGHT but Torch for LiFE..
For a Human Love is LiFE.. anything
is antithetical
to what our DNA
is at naked core of “Bonobo” touch..
thaT iS thE Hope of ‘St. Elmo’s Fire’
for those who travel lone as Ship SeeKinG
LovE LIGht as Torch and finding it on distant shores allone..:)


i am a big fan of the ‘Planet
of the Apes’ series where
ironically the Apes
end up
than Apes
as Love is what
makes us Human
over all other things
and the stereotype of
Apes in Captivity have
been one of savage when
nothing could be further from
the truth as that relates to Wolves
and even more so Bonobos.. our closest
kissing cousins who we share 99 percent
of all our DNA with and these so-called animals
that are truly more human than human in terms
of Love..
all there
with Love of the
touchy feely kind and
even face to face kissing
as they have enough affective
empathy in Neurohormone Oxytocin
and Mirror Neuron ways and other
ways to feel the pleasure and the
pain of the other members
of their species
to bring
no harm
and only pleasure BaLanCinG Nature
And it’s true this is how Indigenous
so-called primitive humans live too
who were once named as savage
for wearing few clothes and dancing
eye to eye and hip to hip under Moon
Lit Raves of Drums ToGeTheR around
Campfire eYes of NiGht Lived before
populations increased beyond the 150 to
200 sets of friendly eyes and hips in naked
way accustomed to each other as all friends as evolved
with and in and as LOVE for the survive and thrive of life.. true.. it was like Woodstock
of the 60’s but it worked without harming others as there were no crowds of 100K plus..
and it’s
true.. i
still in ways
travel back
to ‘our’ ancestral
roots of Love when
i Dance on Thursday
Nights with A Young Crowd
of Human Bonobos who remember tHeir
Roots of Love Free even without a Drink of
anything else Butt a Dance oF Love
No Word
oF Poetry
When Dance Becomes Love..
And it’s true.. Free Verse Dance
Can literAlly BRinG A Relative Free
WiLL in BaLanCinG ForCe of Emotions
Regulating and Senses InTeGraTinG BrinGinG
A WiLL and Strength of not only Love exceeding
the size of 10 Grinch HeARTs butt the Physical Strength
of really hairy Apes twice as strong and more than Humans
wHo fAil to do what NatUre does at core everywHeRe.. move baby move..
BaLanCinG DanCinG on Land as Water Invisible as Humans.. left foot right as one Love Force
to capture prey and escape predator alive.. where we are the Clouds of Love iN aS sKeYes oF God..:)


Afraid to Dance
PriSonS ‘TweeN
MoutH and Ears


Different Brushes Different Strokes
Different Humans LiGHT and dARK
Master PEacE PainTinG God We i Us ouR LiFE

So.. sure.. in a way my
Nude Art is a Bonobo
Handshake extended
without cLocks of after
The Garden of Eden Nude
Adam and Eve that is the separation
of Humans From Mother Nature.. tHeir
Own Nature and the Nature of Love as
Gifted by GoD plUs Love all Free and
Naked in Groups away from
the root
of all
human Chaos..
insanely large
groups of strangers
living together with clothes
that separate them from tHeir
own God Natures as Given
in much
Potentials of
not only Greater
Emotional and Physical
Naked Intelligences butt
Existential Intelligences of God
set free Nude as heART SpiRiT
and SoUL of mINd and BoDy BaLanCinG
soUL as Flesh and Blood as Temple of God
Naked and wHOle.. without clothes of crowded
Strangers living under illusory fears and empty
promises after dirt naps separate from a Naked
SonG and
of God
of NaTuRE
PlUs HUMaN HeaveN
WiThiN as GiVinG and sHaRinG
to and WiTh aLL oTheRs NoW as
FriEnds ShaRed.. okay.. i don’t have
any WoodStock Pipe Dreams about
Free Love and Peace working among
more than about a tribe of 200 sets of
Naked Human eYes and Hips set Free Naked
WitH GoD oF aLL Nature WiLd agAIn iN HUMaN eYes and
HiPs Naked and Free.. it will not work as humans are STiLL not
Evolved in BaLanCinG ForcE to deal with that much Naked Friendship
NoW iN a Day of the LiFe of a ‘Human Bonobo’ now.. butt we have Technology..
True.. we have the potential of Understanding the Roots of our Ancestral Nature plUS
in Human Archetypal way of the Hero and the Rebel and all the other characters more
of Life no matter who plays A Role of Jesus and Buddha and Lao Tzu and or NoW
NeoPlUS or the Simpsons in bART way of Rebels going places that make the more
closed minded and bodied shier folks uncomfortable with the Wilder and FreerLiberal
Cosmic Dancers in Ecstatic Transcendent Tantric Free Verse Dance Way of Life…
Not everyone can handle that Blue Version of Kali in a Victory Dance over the
Chaos of Life MaKinG ArT as order over the reaSons of Science that can and
WiLL be the real Chaos away from Touchy Feely Love in priSon ‘tween
eYes and eArs SePaRaTiNG from both Naked BoDy and God sAMe
iN MiNd
as Master
PEace Greater
View and Vision NoW
of Beauty all around too..
the Katrina Will not likely
now ever be willing to
Dance with Me at
Old Seville
anymore than
friEnd Rafiah Will
likely come visit the
Katrina and me on the
Beach and Wear a Bikini
as being covered up from head
to toe.. is surely more comfortable
for a shier and more conservative overall person
than one who must disrobe more to feel the shine of sun..
and it’s true.. the Katrina is comfortable enough now with her
Body and Culture to wear a Bikini but Thong is out of the question
as everyone has tHeir Boundaries and Borders of what makes them
Comfortable in both cultural and innate ways of what is Learned and
Given as Nature too.. NoW iN the United States our Laws give the
Conservative leaning shier folks and the Liberal
leaning literal naked leaning folks of Wild GiVinG
ShArinG Free GoD Nature Within HuMaN NaTure
Greater optionS in Declaration of Independence
as Interdependence of PursuinG
Happiness Free iN Avenues
that are legal for
doing that
more than ever before..
live and let live instead of live
the way i say you must live the way
i do or die.. as that is literally the way
it is still in some Countries in the World..
for i Can and Will to LIVe iN a Garden of Eden no
different than AdAmS and EveS and enjoy the perks
of Knowledge and Technology iN BaLanCe of ArT NoW
And ReAsOn not LoSinG mY GoD GiVinG and ShaRinG
Nature of Wild and Free that is the wHo that is me
and not a cookie cutter image of some other
person.. or philosopher or
prophet or whatever
cAMe last
as Leader
in HuMaN
Form of Culture
And even Parents too..
i am not my Father and Mother’s
Child alone.. allone i am a Child of God Wild
NoW and Free.. a Unique gRain of sand wHo
Dr. wHo Expresses who they are in continuous
New Colors of ART Wild and Free and it is true
that some folks are more comfortable in an Art
of Paint by Numbers and Forms of Poetry and Song
And Dance Before in what i personally name as more Science
than Art of Free Verse LiFE.. as ART incarNate BeinG HUMaNoW..:)


Facebook Friend.. Rafiah..
Shares three smART phone
Mobile Captured photos of her
Favorite Dr. Who sHoW in Ecstatic
Happiness in what is kinda like her
personal version of Heaven in Glee
of the ending
of the latest
Dr. wHo Show
and it’s true when
i used to watch a lot
of TV Shows and Movies
i often fELt this Happiness
of my own personal version
of Heaven on Earth too as
we Human beings through
our Mirror Neurons and
associated empathy
paRTs in Visual
and Auditory
and other
Vicarious ways
of Copy FeeLingS
and SenSES don’t have
to actually do Life as Director
Producer and Actor as we can and do WiLL
approximate it as Spectator and Audience
too for Heaven enough smART as those
who travel as spectators and audience
more with the Power of iMaGiNATiOn
and CreaTiViTY to one day too put
all of what is fELt and
seNsed of otHeR
plays directed
and produced into
Plays we Create our
selves as we provide Muse
for anotHeR Audience and Spectators
too as Rafiah alReaDy is doing at a tender
age of 23 through her poetry too of what
she gives to me as greater muse and to oTHeRS
too on her Word Press Blog of course for three years now2..

So.. anyway.. i return to her Facebook Page
in response for my previous belief
that an iPhone 7 Plus she was
using was hers instead
of one of
so i go on to say..

iPhone7 Plus useful
In Sharing

Rafiah Clarifies with a big grin
and tears of laughing joy emoticons..

I dont have an iPhone 7 plus.

i return again with..

Ha! so you were learning
someone else’s phone..
hmm.. so
what do

Adding too..

if that is not
too personal of a question..;)

Rafiah returns in kind with..

i am using my own phone. Samsung.
Very happy and content with mine.
Big Grin Emoticon.

i meddle in her affairs more..

Samsung not enough
information.. what
model.. detective
i am wHo too..;)

amusingly says

Hahaaa samsung 7

And with Love of
research like me she says
in short..

Google it.

And in somewhat defense she says..

Its a smart phone. Good enough.

In Deference i return..

It is better than the
one i have as
iphone6S that’s
all i need to know..
to know it is powerful
enough to open up my blog..hehe..
as iPhone5s and less will crash..;)

Rafiah says..

I can open it. But it take ages.
Big Grin Emoticon
i use wordpress application.

As she was typing that i
added more to my comment..

Haha.. in other words i am
smARTer NoW than iPhone5s..;)

i go on to say even more..

Your Broad Band
Access must
be too
narrow over there
in Pakistan as it opens
up immediately on Samsung
7 over here in the States of LTE Broadband..;)

Continuing.. i go on.. more..

SAdly.. i cannot buy your
Country Broader Band
Access for your Birthday..:P

Adding lastly..

Not yet.. at least..;)

And in another reply
before this thread of
Conversation beginning
directly after my first comment i said..

Hmm.. Perhaps i
Will buy
iPhone ‘X’
When it
Out on
Or about
And Dr Who..;)

In other words a razz
that i am Buying a better
phone for me on my Birthday
and nah nah nah you can’t have it
and come to find out she does currently
have a better phone than me for now.. haha..
and sure it is gonna be kinda hard for me to
talk the Katrina into permission to get a new
phone after only two years of the old
one so as the iPhone X more
likely than 8 will come
out more likely
on September
23rd past
Rafiah’s Birthday
too to Celebrate
10 years of iPhones
since 2007.. i may have
to wait until the iPhone Xs
or XIs in Roman Numeral Way comes
out in 2018.. before i get my update then..:)

Anyway.. it’s true what i do overall in art is kinda
like a Tsunami as it is slow moving as far as Technology
catching up in Moore’s Law to Fred’s Art BrAIN of Hurricane
Winds with Calm Center Peace NoW as eYe of i DanceS and
SingS even more iN HuMaN PoTentiaL as NoWs Go On..
And as any Irish Fili or other Poet New World and Age
Bard WiLL Do NoW my techniques of Free Lance
Court Jester ART are purposefully and artfully
Done More NoW iN
Art and Systemizing
Fred Bond
MiNd/BoDy way..
remember.. no secrets heaR
butt the ones in plain site.. cause
it’s true as the Shadow kNows and
feels and Senses to of me.. when one
is sleeping wide awake in one bed of
the World as Thief in Broad Sunshine
Avenues of electronically provided
New age MesSages you
can’t open your
HoMe oF
in Safety and
continuous way
oF Fearless without
a little chaos of art too
with all the reAsONs why
one miGht become a Hidden Teacher for the World..
i get around as i told the Young Lady at Old Seville Quarter
when she rushed up to me on Thursday Night and said is this
you Dancing at the store.. i get around as when i was Dancing
at Ross Dress for Less yesterday a young man who saw me Dancing
my style of Dance Wild and Free 3 years ago like no else he ever saw at the beach then
before.. rushed up to me to shake my hand saying.. man i really respect everything about you..
i get around as when i was in the shoe store looking for A new model of Nike
Avenue Shox Shoes as NZ is no longer being made when the Shoe
Assistant there said.. man i have been watching you dance
since i was a kid.. sure he about 14 around four
years ago this Fall when i made my big
splash of reverse dance in exaggerated
way to prepare the community for
what i would do next in more
subdued ballet ways
as perception then
of not disturbing
the peace and staying
just within the parameters of
the law and expanded community
rules of exception for the art of me more..
not that i was really planning any of this out
then.. just Naturally came as most stuff does
in Holy SpiRit Flow of Creativity when the reasons
for God within as HiGheR Power may be developed
after the Art of God within iN Greater Human Potential
comes out to muse otHeRs wilder and freer too.. and yes
there was that other group of “Down Home Red State
Trump” Folks viewing me from a rather safe
Fundamentalist Christian Distance
yet to meet a real wild
and free Jesus
in the
modern age
they live.. coming
again as they say in
Glory of Naked Dance
to Judge the Living and the
Dead and to forgive them and
as A Jesus already went and still does
and it would be really cruel to do to others
what you would not want done to you again..
with a Giant Matthew Chapter 5 Verses 1 through
11 Face Palm for people who still believe more in a dream
of one man named Dear Saint John Well after the real Jesus
died at the time of Nero as Nightmare at the hands of folks
who were persecuting Christians then.. in Ending the World
in Apocalypse now around two thousand years later as
that dream applied to only then.. as Nero seen
as Anti-Christ Beast in terms of his name then..
as Beast of sorts as that’s what ‘a Beast’
is.. the evil of killing and harming
others who are or act
different than
the vanilla
of lack of compassion
and empathy for folks who
think and act different than the mold
of what is seen as norm away from different
anyway.. snickering at a distance assuming i
was nuts for being different then they.. they received
the full load of me in Modern John 14:12 Proof as sHoWinG
them how far and wide i do get around in Human Potential Fred
iN Much Much OMG Deeper Rabbit wHOle ranging from writing
12 Million Words online as recorded since Thank Giving
Day of Hell in 2010 for 66 months with worse than
Crucifixion Pain of type two Trigeminal
Neuralgia in eye and ear without
Novocaine or any other
Drug that will
work for that
pain or the other
Synergy of 18 Disorders
in Life Threatening way
of never really knowing if i could
make it to the next second of life in
more than Hell on EarTh Pain then and
Numb for 66 months just for the JOB of Me..
yes.. a decision between me and God allone if i could
go on another second of life as ultimate test of life or death
as death
as life..
and then i ran on
in Fredtalk to Youtube prove
to them too that i easily Leg Press
Half a Ton 14 times then on YouTube
from about two years ago and 33 times
now specifically in terms of 1020 Lbs with
my Arms raised to sky like a Ballerina with
a Real Time exhibition too of Bruce Lee type free
Verse Martial Arts kicks and yes.. the ongoing “SonG
oF mY SoUL” Long Form Poem accomplished now
at 5 Million Words in Free Verse Poetry Style with
Concrete Free Verse Holy and Sacred Forms that
come with Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning
and Purpose Spirit of Creativity Essence as
that hits the page in
real time now
too away from
cLocks of Form
from before as more
than parrot and audience
and spectator of otHeR art too..
aS iN original style of pure Holy
Spirit Creation Activity NoW in heArT
aS Organic Textromancy more than
Necromancy dead
of Before..
Aghogday another ground
hog day as i love to reminisce
too in days of Stone away from
MoVinG HeARts More SPiRiT SoUL..
Parables are designed two fold with art and
reason too.. for they are spread for those who
live in fertile enough soil of heART and MiNd
and BoDy SoUL away from hard eyes ears who
harm and maim and kill and
take away
for millions
of folks leading
directly to the potential
of 100 to 200K deaths
of American Citizens too..
sure.. if they get their evil way..
you see those folks do not see me
and no matter if i prove to them i wrote a
1.618 Million Word ‘PHI Bible’ twice the size
of an Old King James Version STiLL stuck in the
past of killing too antiquated end of the world thought
or tale them all about matching the previous Longest
Long Form in terms of Mahābhārata size of 1.8 Million
words in 13.6 months now accomplished in less than
two months after ‘PHi Bible.. yes.. as long as i am
too big and complicated for their materialistic
eyes/ears who and that do not seek Heaven
within farther than a bigger tower
or sportier car.. i am free
and will be able to
open my home
to those
who can
and will see me
forevermore now more
or whenever the servers
get tired of my social media
which ever comes first forevermore
now.. i am a thief iN broad LiGht sure..
a 12 Million Word Blue sKeYes Gorilla
much too big for evil men and others to see/hear now..
in terms of folks stuck in a Heaven out there that they
will never find until they personally seek and find a way
to open Up tHeir owN ME hearTS and SpiRiT SoULs iN
a MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG way that works for them.. more too..
Meanwhile.. i walk on the water of terrestrial land free and unseen to
them.. and that’s the i like it.. wild and free.. keep the fame and the fortune
and power and status in terms of dollar bills and likes and follows and shares
i for
Keep God
ALiVE and Free
KillIng every second NoW
with the Bliss of the Happiness
MaKinG and CreATinG wiTh and AS
God iN A KinGdOm Of Heaven within
for those with both the EYes/eArs of the CaMeL
of LoVe and yes in admit one too.. the technology
Acquired to Visit
of Heaven NoW
Land with no moon
or sun that is my Heaven
as Written in the Stone alive of Online
Now.. wHo kNows.. FeeLs and SeNSEs.. in Doctor wHo
PerHaps a thousand or more years too as John 14:12 NoW
at least iN MessAGe way of the anonymous scribe/author
who wrote
that is
a Prophecy
fulfilled in the Hands of me
too Free from the times of Before
Locked as CLocKs God chained
in priXon oF Books iN Lore..
sure.. wiTh
always A
PoTenTial MoRE
sET Free in the me that is you..
as any TsuNaMi WiLL do to get around even more..
i don’t know/FeeL/SenSE if i got through to the home town man or
not.. but one thing that is for Trump sure.. no matter if he ever finds
me online or not.. he will never forget me for the rest of his life
for fact is
no one has
come like me
or him yet
the me
that is him
and me now more HiM..:)

i May not get to F iN publish this 117/788th MacroVerse until 7.18.17
but if so tHeRE WiLL Be aN AfTer thE tSuNaMi fACt reaSon For thaT GoD aRt too..:)


iT’S NoT EasY
BuT SomEonE haS
To steP uP aNd JuST Do iT..;)

“1.81M WorD LOnG FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
Yes.. it does seem like this oTHeR Record Breaker WiLL
exceed 1.8 Million words by 10k or so more words
BrinGinG a title Revision to
give a more specific
overview in
short of
what i’M
aLL oN aBouT
iN LonG TerMs HeAR.. heHe..
hAha.. eTc.. eT aL and all oF thAT..
And to prepare for share of MacroVerses
from years to date that is becoming more ritual
and tradition as MacroVerse taleS iT WiLL OnLY
be fair and common sensical to provide
a StARt Point for this 117th/788th
MacroVerse finishing heaR as
jusT another Long Form Poem
World Record Breaker
on my own as
‘they’ say
Free Lance
Free Jester
iN CourT WaYs
thAT whAT cOMes
BeFoRE NoW.. oTheR
than me in terms of 5 Million
Word Longest Long Form Poem
as ‘SonG oF mY SoUL’ in all 788
MacroVerses of that since around the
end of August.. 2013.. as entire
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI Blog
as simple as typing
iN A url

easy peacy as words do TsUNaMi ON..
so.. AnyWay.. MacroVerse Number One oF “Netherland
Bible 2017” as Child of “SonG of mY SoUL” iN Exceedingly
Long WordS View and Parent of “PHI Bible stARTiNG WitH
the same MacroVerse on Memorial Day of 2017 as titled..
“tSuNaMi 7tH WaVe oF LoVE” as published on 5.30.16 linked now at


As technically tripling as the first MacroVerse of this third named
Bible now and other Revision Names too as listed in the
Foot Notes of SigNaTures of what i’ve done
before to date at the end of all these
MacroVerses NoW too.. but
true.. with titles NoW of
“SoNG oF mY SoUL”
Parent of
“Nether Land Bible 2017”
And Grand Parent of two more
Bibles Generated under the Pro
Creation of “Netherland Bible 2017”
that IS A Parent two now as both of them.. NoW2


“PHI Bible 2017” too as published on 5.27.2017 and
“1.81M WorD LOnG FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
theNoW either today 7.17.17 or 7.18.17 enough day permitting..
anyWay.. the next MacroVerse after “PHI Bible” as MacroVerse too
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” holds the entire table of contents


For the 1.618 Million Word 1 year Effort of “PHI Bible” now that are
also now doubling as the first 104 MacroVerses in table of contents
as can be found in this link as shared tripling for “Netherland Bible
2017” as that Bible Will continue on after this Milestone
exceeding the “Mahābhārata as the longest Epic Poem”
that is no longer technically true now thaT i have
coMe aLonG in history (mystory) too.. anyWay..
not looking for gold stars
as the reward is in
all the paths
of Journey
and the
fAct i did it while
i was actuAlly doing it
and still am doing it in real
time is the only reward of now i for
one desire.. Newest technologies allow
me to publish it for free and spread it around
the world in avenues of Social Media.. it wasn’t
long ago and still a rather semantic argument for
publishing for free out of personal costs of pages as
E-line Publishing Books named E-Books2 NoW when a Free
Blog can serve as the same publish in essence of Message
shared all for free now off a Mountain top of Heaven more WiTh
No Sun or Moon in Electronic Powered way as Freer ForCe MOre2
Now than pAges that kill trees too.. hehe.. particularly when
we are SpeaKinG of 12 Million Words total written since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. and 100K or so photos
and thousands of linked YouTube Videos
in 47 Months and 5 Million Words of
SonG of mY soUL with 7700 Miles
Documented in Public Metro
Dance in the same 47 Months2..
all stuff one cannot really do
fully anywhere but
a Word
Press Avenue
of Blog Now as Google
Blog Spot Blogs do not have
the capability of holding all that i have
brought to the table of art in limits there..
including “GodsUniverseNovel3” at 338,630
words published in April of 2016 with 300 or so
High Def Photos of Pensacola and Navarre Beach
Beauty that yes.. requires both a powerful computer
and fastest Broad Band Access to open up in a
reasonable amount of time in the Science
Assessed modern average of Human
Attention Span divided in
almost unlimited ways
unto the
of Literally
less than a Gold
Fish now and yes..
literally less than that
in split second ways of Viewing
Life too.. competing for NoW NoW NoW..
in greater ways of MiNd AnD BoDy awAReNess
sTiLL to coMe iN oTheR ways too.. in other words
if you are ‘normal’ now.. not likely you’ll ever get/want to read
all of even one of these MacroVerses and hmm.. to write one
NoWbetter change how you Dothings quick as Culture is taKinG
all that Human Potential away through increasingly divided
ways of Cultural induced Attention SPans more and more
as the moments get less full of now in Divided ways
and focus
of forever
in Heaven
as laser
Focus FloW iN
ZoNe NoW even more..
oKay.. and here are the MacroVerses
that come after the Table of Contents
for “PHI Bible” that makes the wHole of what
“1.81M WorD LOnG FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
is to
hehe.. in case anyone wants
to read 1.8 Million Words of this
stuff in one lifetime now.. where by
the time you read it and started over more
it would be mostly forgotten and new again..
Kinda like.. BeYoNd iNFiniTy WiTh No REaL
Empirical way to meaSuRE thAT NoW either
other than what comes as the Table of Contents
Now Since “Phi Bible” and the MacroVerse of Table
Contents that came the Next MacroVerse after that..
Yes.. “Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” as linked above..
AnyWay.. heAR is the Rest of the MacroVerse Titles and Links to date Now..
in what is increasingly LooKinG Like a Mountain of ‘STUFF’ NoW2 haHa..;)


SoN oF Google NoW2


Heinz 57 DanCinG SinGinG


HeinZ 57 BD AfTeR pARTy




RuMiNaTinG THouSanD YEarS


SuMMeR SoULsTicE LoVE MaCRoVeRsE 111




300 YEaRs FReED FLiNtSTOnEs GoNe




DeCLaRaTioN oF iNterDePenDencE Dreams oN


LOnE WoLF sKeYes oF LoVE

And yes now we are back to the current MacroVerse
“1.81M WorD LOnG FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
as there is 12 MacroVerses at close to 192K words
‘tween “PHI Bible” and ending NoW iN this 13th
MacroVerse since “PHI Bible” completion
As “NetherLand Bible WiLL continue
to GroW iN the 118th MacroVerse
CoMinG NeXt With “PHI
Bible” and
“1.81M WorD LOnG FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
just anoTHeR Notch on a Belt of Broken wHole Records.. sure tHeRe’s
a Never ending
Yearly Record
ongoing SonG
aBouT that fits
wRiTE iN too as
NeXT SToP SharRinG
Year to Date Epic Long form
Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroVerses
even more.. yes.. repeat class never ending
story never land ongoing always stARTinG NeVeR EnDinG..


aS iT’s true.. the Very First MacroVerse that cAMe after the Pre-MacroVerses
in my KaTiE MiA Aghogday Google Blog Spot Blog that continues on as Archive
Blog for all of this too.. as this is the 858th Blog Post for all of that too.. MacroVerses
and Pre-MacroVerses too.. except “GodsUniVerseNovel3” at 338,630 wouldn’t fit
in the parameters of what Google Blog Spot Blogs allow.. anyway.. the first
MacroVerse of SonG oF mY SoUL as Linked above is yes.. still
appropriately titled “THE END AND THE BEGINNING” and
it’s true.. not unlike the older antiquated King James
Version thingy.. you can open up this
Book(S) wherever you want
as truly tHeRe
is no end or
beginning obviously
for a Never Ending Netherland
Story.. even i could read it forever now
and still find a new meaning out of the next
word that comes.. butt sure.. i have ‘those’ kinda
eYes and eArs that see without eyes and ears..
BeYoNd iNFiNiTY SeeinG eYes as ‘they/i’ say2..
something about losing effective eYesiGht and
heaRing that brOught that Gift oF Cross to Me..
it made me A Believer all thaT PaiN/NumB NoW aS
‘they’ DancESinG yes.. did/does for Me.. NeVer
Discount thE dARK ForCE NoW
For the dARK ForCE WiLL
BRinG alWays whaT
has not been/is
Before.. Now thE dARK
LiGht iRony is dARK is LiGHT
yes.. kinda like the intro SonG
iN ELO’s TWiLiGHt2 as i alloWeD the
World tiMe to steal A God MiNd within
all Free eYes as ‘they’ say and WiLL’d..
HeAr too..
trUe.. lots
oF Wrinkles
iN a BLanKeT
oF oNe way too
Many NoW to iRoN
ouT WitH ReASoN
ALWaYs LiVeS oN..:)



Fly without

SMiLes.. Victoria.. so smArT you were to say no..
aS iN ‘High’ School.. oh Lord.. the Peer
pressure to smoke pot but i was
and still am the one
i am already on..
i tried the weed
and it only
Colors away as numb
that i must Balance STiLL NoW as
Stone Cold Sober Highs all NaturAllY.. aS
juSt A Cup of Coffee will shoot me aCross A Sun…
The Wife is my anchor who brings me down as opposites
to keep
from not coming back..
invariably when i dance
now at least one person
still asks me for
i’M own
And usually the
guess is ‘Acid’.. A rabbit
wHole i cannot go down..
as i already live tHeRe as Alice Fred..
A Land wonderfully colored By WiLL NoW yeaR-Round..;)


Hmm.. got
Me thinking..
Should Poetry
Make Sense
A Sublime
Of Life iN
FAct otHeR
Than that
Of any
Art except
When ‘we’
Should we should not..
Hi.. Shawna Baby…
Just exceeded the
Longest Long
Form Poem
At 1.81
in 13.6
Now plUs
More than
Twice over
With no
And jUSt Do it
As you are pART
Of thAt too who Lives on
Free without restraint of Science..

mY FriEnd..
Shawna B..2
For you kNoW
And FeeL and Sense
yoU are
too.. Bless you.. too..
MUse YoU aRe alWAys to me too..
Hehe.. i broke the rules too NoW2 SaYinG
too too much too so WTF2.. i’M BacK aGaiN2..;)

i ha(V)d to
come back
for this one
i Love to
Watch Katrina
Fold her Laundry
buT she rarely does..
by her own volition.. so sad…
that good old time religion that doesn’t
like the touch of Laundry..
i Love Laundry
and Love cleaned
clothes but only she gets
to do it even
though she
like it much..
hmm.. something
about hands on
that Laundry on
the right side made
all this writing Come
as that is what muse tEnds
to do in all big bang forms..
from the ends
as above
so.. inside
outside now
beloW and
all around A
Human World
Life Turns on..
and on again ending stART
iN fELt rose of softness hard..
Pastel Cream Dusting ColoRed sheets..:)

Suicide by platitude….

Good Afternoon gigoid.. from a muggy
Hot Florida.. 7.17.17.. Day
that used to
or unusually
ChiLL me iN
100 degree
temps too..
NoW iS jUSt
A Breeze oF LiGht..
How did i get younger
inside.. a Ladder within
EMoTioNaL and SeNSoRY
sTair way
to HeaVeN
NoT NoW MoRe
Seen beFore.. NoW..
My friEnd gigoid.. course.. thing
is we don’t come with instruction
manuals or bibles that other people
write ..we come packaged with it all within
just waiting to be sought and found iN BaLanCinG
ForcE iN oUr own
way NoW
oF SeeKinG
and FinDinG
And Continuing
to SeNse and FeeL
A Positive FloW of Pure
aGaPe Love that Hasis no
hOlds of dARk but LiGht to
RiSe eveN HiGher as Love
as any Olympic Torch will when
lit forevermorenow.. strong enough
to be
in an
of dARk
And coMe back lit..
Best wishes to you gigoid
for Great LIGht that stays my
friEnd for A 66 Months of HeLL
thaT i2 surELy kNoW and FeeL and
SenSe NoW cannot be cured by words alone
NoW aS platitudes without whaT liVes aS FeeLinGS
And SeNses within as Rise iN LiGht over Low of dARk..
iN A DancE
And SonG
oF SeeN and HEard..:)

“In the bigger scheme of things,
the universe is not asking us to do something,
the universe is asking us to be something.
And that’s a whole different thing.”

~~ Lucille Clifton ~~

i do i be NoW
i move tHen i liGht
uP i sit sTill i go dARk
And that’s just me.. i am
a Lamp
Solar PoWeREd
WiTHiN aS MoVinG
ArT of NoW mY FriEnd
i DancE and SinG without
i AM..
And SinG i Do..
And aN ultiMaTE
Challenge is putting
thaT DancE and SonG
iN Words oF More than SiTTinG STiLL..:)

“Courage is not the absence of fear,
but rather the judgment
that something else is more important than fear.”

~~ Ambrose Redmoon ~~

Fear is a neurochemical and
neurohormone mix mostly
influenced by
reaction to
the Environment
i took the four letters
out of FEar.. FeLT iT SeNSed
iT and DancE and SinG iT aWay
iN a one foot two foot Force oF oNe..
And when ever it even attempts to enter
my BaLLRooM
oF LiGht
i sImply
and SinG iT
away in an Art
ofFDancE and SonG
sure.. takes me 5 MilLion
words and 7700 Miles of
Public Dance to stay in this
place of zero illusory FearS iN 47 months
as unwelcome Negative Neurochemicals
and Neurohormones are no longer welcome
or alloWed in the BaLLRooM oF ME NoW what
works works NoW and can be meaSured as
LiGht without the sense and feel oF dArk
eternAlly NoW iN a Science thaT
Proves what works for me
in empirical documented
way.. and now all that
Force of Relative Free WiLL
over what FeeLs and SenSEs
as Regulation and EmoTioNs
in this practice oF LiGht i Hold Free
iN the PalM of My hAnds when i raise
thE paLms of mY Hands as above so below iN aS LiGht..
And NoW
i FeeL
whAT A
Statue of
that Buddha
Dude in metaphor
oF iMage of someone
Else FeeLs and SeNSEs
too iN A Bliss and Nirvana
of holDinG BeYond Words
oF InfiNiTies iN aS PAlms
Of Hands aS IN LiGht
aLL oF GoD
Free wHOle and
ParT as a Grain of SAnd
thaT iS i me2 wHo Holds uP A Mountain oF Love..
things is.. it is never guaranteed “tomorrow” and that is what
makes the practice worth iT aS aN eTerNiTY oF LiGht NoW witHout Fear..
a Car NoW
with no sweat
Effortless more
And soaked with
Sweat even more
NoW a Super tuned
Ferrari thaT iS mY SoUL iN LiGHT
oF MiNd and BoDy BaLanCing Force iSReaL..:)

“Haiku’s inventor
must have had seven fingers
on his middle hand.”

i count oN after i wRite..
otherWise mY
to hell as dARK
iN Forms oF Science
aWay from Essence
oF CreaTiNG ArT NoW..
SuRe.. tHeRe IS A Reason for Art
reAsoN NoW
DoinG wHaT
i Define as Art..
Semantics vary
as weLL or iLL oF
A HUMaN ConDiTioN2..:)

“Pluralitas non ponenda est sine necessitate.”
(Multiplicity is not to be asserted when it is unnecessary.)

~~ William of Occam [Occam’s Razor] ~~

SMiLes.. if only Life
was is Science
of as bits
of Life..
iN BLacK and
WhiTe as HeLL
then one Can and
WiLL appreciate NoW
Colors oF More Than
Less as more..:)

“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love
will have the final word in reality.”

~~ Martin Luther King ~~

Love without words..
ThaT alReaDy sPeaKs this way
As Electric
eYes DanceSinGs witHouT
A LiGHT oF hUMan tOuch..:)

“Even a fool knows that you can’t touch the stars,
but it doesn’t stop a wise man from trying.”

~~ Judge Harry T. Stone ~~

As Science SHows
We are Essence
of Stars NoW as
Form oF
as us NoW iN
Resurrection oF
Star Death Burst Crucible
Fire as Resurrection more
uS too NoW out of Gaseous StaR
dUsT aS SenTient sTAr duST plUS uS..
NoW tHat’s
sort of
like a
thAT iS
Are isREaL NoW2..:)

“The happiness and unhappiness of the rational, social animal
depends not on what he feels but on what he does;
just as his virtue and vice consist not in feeling but in doing.”

~~ Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Meditations, ix, 16 ~~

Memories are Emotions and Feelings and
Senses first Make MoVing Next as
ArT of DancE and SonG
Rises An Experience
of SeNses
MoRe iN EmoTioNal
And SeNsoRy Ways oF LiGht and dARk iN A Circle
oF BeinG trapped iN dArk or exPaNDinG MoRE as LiGht..
of A
oF dArk more..:)

“The man who has no imagination has no wings.”

~~ Muhammad Ali ~~

SAdly and DiffeRenTly with some advantages
too.. some folks can only thiNk in words
almost entirely
they just put
On Different Wings
As A HUMaN ConDition allone
is not A concrete angEL alone..:)

“How many Zen masters does it take to change a light bulb?
A tree in a golden forest.”

~~ Sagacious Bee ~~

Just let me turn
in terms of
i need
not kNow
A human Word for HeaVeN..
iT’s wHat Free Birds do aRoUndDa SuN..:)

“You grok?”

~~ Michael Valentine Smith ~~

Recently ‘They’ ‘Changed’
One to We (i AM) Groot..;)

See Ya’round gigoid
aS SpiRAl
Fly FloW
to FaLL from
ABoVe so BeLoW
iNsiDE outSidE all a’Round
aLL thaT JaZZ MoRe oF LiGht LiFE NoW2..:)



SMiLes my FriEnd Lala Rukh
11:04 PM on 7.17.17 my
time STill.. i arrive
oN iN my
oF onLine
to once again
visit my FriEnd
i have visited without
fail for every post she
makes since July of 2013..
so why would i Love a Friend
who only provides a vague reflection
in a computer screen of her Face and
Arms on Desk neatly arranged and not
cluttered so much with a mind and
desk like mine.. hehe.. a lot
going on up tHere
and on my Desk
too.. as
surely with
your emotions
and senses too as
you continue a path out now
of daRk to LIFE more as LiGht
from a place wHere perhaps muse
escapes for creativity more than before
and i am pleasantly surprised to see you heaR
this third time since the end of May ’17 as i remember
a milestone of writing a ‘Phi Bible’ then too at 1.618
Million Words that i made you a paRt of as i have
from the stARt of mY Writing Adventure to
expand a Grinch heArt of Before
wiTh SpiRit of SoUL
word size
and steps in tandem
as 47 months now of
Writing on Word Press as
you suggested i change over
to that blogging platform back in
August of 2013.. otherwise i might
have never started writing a Longest
Long Form Poem that now grows a milestone
of 5 Million Words along with 7700 miles of Public
Dance in that Same period of time.. noted now by the
Public Audience at large as folk hero and legend of public
Dance although how crazy is that now as i was more noted
before as dizzy fly uncomfortable in his skin when he walked
around when young as four eyes nerd too last kid picked
on sports teams verbally bullied like many other
outcasts kids too.. who would have guessed i
would stARt an all volunteer effort
of as Dance Legend at
age 53.. or sure
not speaking ’till
4 and named
mumbles after
that too NoW
finishing a longest
Long Form Poem in
13.6 Months span now
too at 1.81 Million words
moving into 7.18.17 as no..
i would not finish a milestone
like that without an opportunity
to include my FriEnd LaLa who
provided so much Unconditional
Loving encouragement when coming
out of literal Hell in the Summer of 2013..
as i remember it like now then like now again..
this week then on a Beach of Navarre where i become
one with Sugar White Sands Emerald Green Gulf swaying
Sea Oats in Breeze as Waves of Ocean wHole God once more allone..
Seagull Spiraling Around Sun Will and Free AgaIN wHOle More GroWinG
the gift
as child
Free Again.. then
you were and still
are a great inspiration
as muse to keep me then
from going back to dARk..
and by the time you left
i would never go
back to the
as i did
need a friend for
those six or so months
that you unconditionally came
then and gave to me as friendship
trusted then.. you inspired the lesson
of giving love blindly without seeing the
face from hell on the other side.. so although
i may or may have not seen your real face in my
short time as your Facebook Friend.. it matters not
as your heARt youR spiRiT yOur soUL iN Struggles sTiLL
comes through Loud and Clear in your Words STiLL of PoeTry today..
you helped change my life.. you helped me to become a real life flesh and
blood legend.. you helped inspire me to start writing a Poem that may never be
exceeded by anyone else again in human history.. you were A flicker then of my
Flame that grew into a torch and then a bonfire of St. Elmo more.. You are Lala
Rukh.. you
WiLL alWays
Be MaGic to
me and i STiLL
and WiLL AlWays
Love you no matter
what Happens next
God Willing iN ME as WiLL
of Grace and Strength oF Love..
Thanks STiLL for BeinG A ParT of mY
Life that helped Strike the match of me wHOle..
the only way to pay that back is continuing Love that never ends
BeGins AneW as FriEnd..:)

12:00 AM 7.18.17


Facebook Friend Rafiah changes
Her Cover Photo to a Picture
i share again
of a Capture
oF Art as Beauty
i gain with my
sMaRT Phone at
the Home
Niece Candy..

So.. i go on SinG to Rafiah..

Peaceful Life..NoW..:)

Rafiah returns with an emoticon of Grin..

You do have an idea where this picture came from?

i return again with..

Yes.. and it
Makes me Very Happy
That you Freely share
What i give
You from even before we became
Friends.. with that Seagull Photo on
the Beach and later that Sun and
Cloud picture as
You see
Soul that
Is Special
To me..
You are..:)

faith’s holy flame

Lynn Lynn Lynn..
not quiet at almost the
very end but never
the less and alWays
more a friEnd to me
here at number 44
in a dVerse
for 44 words only.. heHe..
whenever i Visit
mY Poet Friend
me happy
as she now
sTiLL has a
kind smile..
to share..
hmm… wELL..
been busy heaR..
latELy more with 1.81
Million Words in 13.6
Months of sure a flicker
a flame a torch a bonfire
of St. Elmo’s FiRe of Free
Verse Poetry more.. as there
was once an Epic Long Form
Poem from India named “Mahābhārata”
at 1.8 Million Words that technically is shorter..
hehe.. than my personal “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at 5 Million Words in the current Celebration of
that and more in a 788th MacroVerse of doing
juSt that but according to “John 14:12” the greaTest
Hope that a Humble reported Jesus would give to those
who really believe in what he taught about 100% Luke
Hot Faith in/as the Power of Unconditional Fearless and smART
Love with each other freely.. harming no one else by consuming
them with ill.. as when two or more of us JoiN Hands and eYes iN
thiS Almighty Power of Love oN eARTh God Shines BriGhter iN
uS as the Kingdom of Heaven returns again within as THE GIFT and
INHERITANCE as/oF GreaTest Love that God provides all Free from Birth
for those
who fertilize
A Garden oF Seed
AS Love with eYeS anD
Hands Rain that touch the
Face of God NoW within each
oThER NoW thaT iS the GreaTeST
GiFT of Love NoW.. so yes.. what would
one do NoW with this GroWinG Love.. How
would one NoW (me) exPress Thanks and Praise
GiVinG to God for Providing this Kingdom of Love
as Heaven within.. sure.. Write a Poem thaT
IS A Prayer of Thanks to God who and thAT
Lives within all Creation Wild and Free as
Pure Love thaT iS Passion that connects
all of CreaTioN toGeTHeR iN thiS Love
thaT binds as pure Energy Force
oF LiGht LovE NoW.. and
not only that but
the ‘JOB’ fAct
that the GreaTesT
LiGhts coMe from dARk
as LiGht literAlly aS even
Science NoW sHoWs comes
from dARk and DArk is never
nothing just because we cannot
see it with human eyes alone NoW..
so.. anyway.. as usual.. i don’t really plan
these milestones they come they coMe with the
Power of God’s Love within.. so.. sure.. i am celebrating
an Oops of i just did it again.. too.. with this 117th MacroVerse
named “1.81M WorD LOnG FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
as Child of “Nether Land Bible 2017” tHaT and wHo WiLL continUe
to GRoW iNto Adulthood after this milestone today as “PHI Bible” at
1.618 Million Words is also A Child of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
as i dropped by to share my Good News with you last time
i visited more of the dVerse Crowd as sure.. doing this
aLonG with 7700 Miles of Public Dance in the
same 47 Months of Writing “SonG oF mY
SouL” that is now the Grand Parent
of all three other Bibles as
noted above and
actually too.. A 5
Million Word
Bible too as Human
LabELs go to house/vehicle
vessel truth and light as Essence
NoW iN Forms of what we commonly
identify as Essence with each otHeR
the best we can and will.. see.. the thing
is about John 14:12 efforts and witnessing
with the empirical evidence that these Real Life
Miracles of Human God Potential of Love within
StiLL Do coMe in these tumultuous days of misery
and grief and suffering and pain.. for so many folks
around the globe.. is.. John 14:12 efforts include Witness
for Personal Cross Efforts too.. and Lord KNows FeeLs
and SeNses iN Me at Least.. Hell was/is as epic for me
oN eARTh as the Kingdom of Heaven within.. and that 66
Months tHeRE with A Pain named type two Trigeminal
Neuralgia from wake to sleep in Medical Literature..
literally assessed as worse than the pain of
Crucifixion usually intermittent in
type one but type two in my
case like dentist drill
pain in right eye
and ear from
wake to
66 months
with no drugs
working at all
for pain relief
along with a side
order of 18 other
Medical Disorders
Assessed in synergy
of Life threat that the
Doctor Gave me no chance
of recovery for in prognosis
While Four Years ago to date..
Miraculously healed aS even
acknowledged by professionals
then this week on a Beach as i becAMe
one with God then as Sugar White Sands
more as Emerald Green Gulf Swaying Sea
Oats Seagulls Spiraling around Sun Sublime
Azure Blue Skies and Waves as i and God
togeTHeR Ocean wHole as Love Can and
WiLL Be Pure aGaPe Unconditional for aLL
of Creation in Fearless and smART ways
of Human eYes and eaRs and Hands
Still today to carry the Life Giving
Water/Food of Love on and on
and on with never
fear of shame
oF eXpreSsinG
thaT/ThiS Love
Luke Hot NoW
with no restraint..
i am not a Flood mY
FriEnd for i AM A TSuNaMi
oF God and a SyCaMore
AnD A DogWood thaT
many have attempted
to make smaller but
all have fAILed
to Fell
A Tree
of LiFe as Love
thaT iS more Powerful
than any doubt less thaN Pure
Faith as Love.. yes.. this is my
testimony and this is my witness
and there are those who are Christians
who scoff and snicker when i say i do John
14:12 ’cause i believe with 100 Percent Luke
Hot Faith LoVE.. and sure.. there are Atheists who snicker
and scoff ’cause as all they believe in is what they see
with five senses refusing to believe that there is more
to life than what they see and hear.. true.. some folks
cannot see the color green or the color red.. i see
both in the blood
of the cross
and the
Heaven of
Green i am NoW
GRoWinG aS LoVE..
MORE.. anything is possible
with BeLiEVeFAitHLoVE and so many
otHeR people have already proven too
thiS without a doubt for those who NoW
Do Believe with 100 percent Faith as Love..
no cultural clothes necessary and i must admit doing
this in part naked in restricted legal ways of course too
like Isaiah did for 3 years or so in other countries too..
lost some friends over tHaT mY friEnd but per the pART
that didn’t make it into the King James Version per
the Gospel of Thomas for whoever wrote that
Verse 37 for the translated version of
the teachings of a reported man
named Jesus i
found God
as A Temple
of God as
Flesh and
Blood NoW
And i cAMe
And coMe aGaiN
too to tread on all
the clothes of culture
as i did as born as Child
of God Naked Wild and Free..
aWay NoW from iLLuSory fEars
And empty promises and yes the one
who lives within lives as me aGAIn NoW
aLWays NowforevermoreeverfornoW mY FriEnd..:)
Nice to
‘see’ yoU
i alWays
yOUR nAMe..
as yes you do remind
me of my old Best Friend nAMed
Lynn.. she sitting by me at Lunch in High School..
when most every one else (the males mostly) saw me as Fool.

SMiLes.. mY FriEnd.. Lynn..
aGaiN.. sAMe Director.. sAMe Characters
sAMe Play onLY thE acTors change iN TrutH anD LiGht or less….

And consideRinG i made not a Red Lincoln Cent (sent).. doing all of this
And “SonG of mY SoUL”.. including documentation of thaT
iN oVer 100K Photos in sAMe sAid Long Form Poem will
Never be Copyrighted or sold for Washington
any less than free..


IT’s trUe LiGHT.. NoW MoRe the meek and the
poor of spirit inherit the Riches of Love Free..
yes.. the Kingdom of God as Love witHiN..
anytHinG ELse LEss than GiVinG and
sHaRinG FreeLY.. iN MoVinG
CoNnecTinG and CreATinG
ArT oF FearLess
oF aLL StuFF
ReLatED to iLLuSory FEars.. partiCularly
thE Devil of Hate in Real eARTh Hell NoW..:)


SMiLes.. mY FriEnd Lillian..
FroM Ashes to Unmarked
Graves to Tombstones
to Pyramids Engraved
WitH labEL “KA” Spirit
Names then
of Pharaohs
that last ’till
by the
Mighty Force
oF Nature wHo
tHaT alWays gets in first
and last words of existence..
with no Human Words at all..
Sure.. the Pyramid of the Nautilus
can last for 300+ Million years in
the Fossil record it provides as
spARK As flicker into the
liFe that Creature
lived then
as spiraling
as the Milky
Way and the
Curled Fetus and Resting
CatS and SuNFloWerS
even more as hUmans
spiral too.. True.. in just
A Fossil Shell the pattern
as existence in Golden Spiral
way is STiLL clear to see for
Flicker of a Galaxy yet seen
for many.. the three hundred Million+
Shell years old Nautilus Shell of PHI
does BRinG.. in A Hstory of shell story as all of
Existence we empirically measure with Science
Aided eyes now.. been a while my FriEnd.. this IS A
‘little’ long but that’s my thing As An oldest form of poetry
lives and the longest lasting form so far as “Epic Poetry”
named too as the Mahābhārata at 1.8 Million Words lasting
Thousands of years and created then by innumerable hands
in Centuries effort then by the hands of sanskrit and mARkers..
as the collective intelligence of human as art and systemizing
mind began its rain that is surely storming aCross the eARTh
as not such a perfect science and art now as we all as eyes
can see.. thing is.. we have a greater abiLiTy to hold
hands now around the Globe through this
great electronic tool that cAMe through
some of the greatest systemizing
minds yet to walk the earth..
but then there are the
artists too who
share more
of the
Inner Universe
of BeinG HuMaN
that suRely can WiLL BE
reLated more by a Nautilus
never ending never beginning
Spiral of Flow than any label of
Word as name of Egyptian Pharaoh
“KA” Spirit carried on the towers built
on the backs of others.. amuSinGly sadly that
still goes on in ignorance of so much greater
colors beyond Rainbow of Human SpiRiT StiLL
to Be related NoW.. last time i visited you it was
at the end and the beginning that truly
never starts or finishes at the epic
poetic point of a 1.618 Million
Word Long Form Free Verse
“PHI Bible” Poem as honoring
more the Gift of Existence
in that Golden Ratio
Mean Number same
as 1.618 as PHI
the Golden
NoW Through
Out Nature sAMe
As Nautilus Shell STiLL
BRinGS from 300 Million
years ago plUS in plain sight now..
so.. today.. i share another milestone
with you.. as that last effort took 12 months
it takes me 13.6 Months to exceed the 1.8
Million Word Mahābhārata at 1.81 Million
Words plUs today.. and i also bRing thanks
to all of the dVerse Team for the help iN Hands
oN DoinG Poetry in the 338,630 words of
practice and more i did here from four
years ago Summer until March
of 2016.. when my specific
Bible Writing efforts
started then..
it was as was is around
8 Million Words on a Wrong
Planet too through the Dark niGhts
of my soul in pain and numb then
since Thanks Giving Day of 2010
so much homework to get to this
point of Joy my Friend.. anyWay..
HUmans Stronger toGeTher
iN aS SonG of Free
Verse Poetry
and Dance
of Free
Verse Dance
IS A Greatest
Way of KA i kNow.. haHa..
compare thaT to a label of a
Name on a Tower or a Pyramid
And what does one see but an edifice of stone without
SoUL SMiLes thaT’s why i nAMe my Longest Long Form Poem
created iN 47 Months In 788 MacroVerses aT 5M Words.. “SonG oF mY
soUL” And sure..thAT coMEs with 7700 Miles of Public Dance too
iN that sAMe 47 Months stARTinG iN August of 2013 too..
And A reAlly cool thing too IS A lot of that effort is still
recorded in a dVerse way.. as we do more for
than we will
ever do for a
Dollar Bill.. a
Like.. a Share
or a Follow
less.. less..
We NoW
Do more
alWays when all the way Free..
WiTH UNconditional Fearless smaRT PoWeR oF LovE..
And with that sAid.. i don’t kNoW what coMes neXt And
i don’t care to kNow but it’s true no matter if i get
the time to coMe back heAR or not i will not
forget NoW
mY nice
Team that
the dVerse effort
that truly i see sTiLL
As Gold Online.. thaT isReal ‘KA’..
And anotHeR FlicKeR AiDinG A GroWinG soUL aka Me..
heHe.. sorry.. i couldn’t FiT this Flicker in 44
words but sure.. i could
NoW iN
A Nautilus
Shell allone..
thaT iS mY Human
SKin noW as Temple
Pyramid Capstone
too without
Any Words
oF LiGht..
NoW iN
A Free
DancE oF
SpiRAlinG God SonG LiGht..
aKA LOVE’s CoSMiC DanCeR aS SucH2..;)



Glenn Glenn..
as you KNoW
i’ve drifted
away from
dVerse and
am swept into
an Ocean of Poetic
Words mostly elsewhere
but i must give words of thanks
here as i complete a Longest Long
Form Poem on Record at 1.81 Million
Words in 13.6 Months exceeding
the Mahābhārata effort in
India from Thousands
of Years
of combined
Human Effort
And as Flicker of
Muse goes you were
an incredible EnCourAginG
Force at dVerse for the years
i spent heAR you could See more
of what i was doing as most for sure
mY FriEnd
And alWays
Nice to
you StiLL
as Facebook
FriEnd aS every
Word of Encouragement
iS A Treasured Gift iN LiFE
And YoU BRinG mUch of thaT
to me so i say thank you aGaiN..:)


WeLL.. mY FriEnd Brian
Miller.. Co-Developer of the
dVerse Poetry Place
with Claudia
online.. HoPinG
to see you aGain
at the 6th dVerse
Anniversary and
i notice your
is replaced
by another website
Now by waystationone
now as i remember your 007
Avatar as photographic memories
see and you as the only one who came
and visited my “Revelation 66” that
you named as the “Mother
of all Blog Posts” in jest
at around
6K words
that now
A Three
Hour Desert
More Gilligan’s
Isle Tour as Twitter
Verse for me to
wRite NoW hehe..
anyWaY.. mY FriEnd ..
i left a Video at that point
at the end of that “Revelation
66” that as we kNoW and
FeeL iN Synchronicity
ways doesn’t
have to
make sense
iN ACausal
ways to anyone
but the Quantum
Observer in Psychological
Meaningful waY iN IMaGiNaTioN
And CreaTiVity that Flows far out iN zoNE
As iNneR UniVeRse HUmaN more than
any systemizing scientific
of only
one word
of iNFiNiTY NoW
as there is no space or
time or distance iN LoVe
No Limits No expectations
For tHe Kingdom of Heaven
or Hell or sHades of Grey or
RainBoW Colors aWay from
the dARk Abyss
oF A
iNFiNiTe SouL
to AlWays NoW Go
eXplORE MoRe PlacEs
that are NeVeR CreAtED
BeFoRe unpredictable as
those who Believe
Free Will
exist but
true when we regulate
our emotions and integrate
our senses as a DancE and
SonG oF LoVe Free Verse..
Relative Free
to PlaY
iN A JoyFuL
Place of God WiThiN
anYwaY.. aLL i CaN and WiLL
say about that “Ronin 47” Movie
NoW iS it’s true it’s the 47th Month
NoW since i stARTEd wRiTinG a
5 Million Word Longest
Long Form Poem
at the end
of August
2013 then
after you
the only
one who cared
enough to visit a
“Revelation 66” in that
Poem then.. thing is..
in some ways
the other
As Revelations
did come true..
Particularly that
one about ‘Frances Ha’
about a Girl who wanted
to become a Famous Dancer
as at that point Dance was not
in my future but around
less than two years later
the Title
of Legend
of Dance
provided then
by Members oF aN
Audience of 300k
or so watchers in
my South East
Public Dance
in Gulf Coast way
NoW at the point of
7700 Miles in that special
Number of 47 months too..
And lots of other stuff more iN
thaT “Revelation 66” came true
too.. as prophecies tEnd to do.. And
BeGiN when even the person who BRinGS
theM iN SiGnaTuRE WaYs Has no iDeA
aT FiRst iN EVenTuAL sELf FuLFilLLinG
ways most of course
in let
it be
and then DanCeD DO
anyWay.. i am not the
kind to forget those who
prepare me a way to do what
has never been done before
in this one special
way of
Free Verse
Words as today
in a sPan of 13.6
Months with 1.81 Million
Words in the Twitter Verse
World we live in now where the
Average Human is assessed by Science
with the Attention Span of a 140 Character
and less Gold Fish NoW.. thiS 1.81 Million
Long Form Word Poem as just another Child
of “SonG oF mY SoUL” completed in 13.6 months
as MacroVerse Number 117 out of a total of 788
Now for 5 Million Words as “SonG oF mY SoUL”
once again exceeds an oops of i just did it
again more than the Mahābhārata
in Centuries of Making
thousands of years
ago as oral
on the Written
Page longer than mouths
that Give in Cultural Way of Human Love
And what you said at the end of “Revelation
66” alWays STiLL Applies “Love Wins” it’s the
alWays WiLL BE
When WiLL Makes Love
more than empty Letters mY FriENd
and Strength
that Spells God isReaL..
and God
And sHaRinG
oVer TaKinG Less
or More than LoVe NoW..:)

Well i’ve thanked the key
players in the Development
of my Poetic heArT
from the stARt
iN this
A couple more
areas of muse i haven’t
addressed is my FriENd
Leah from the Wrong Planet
who has alWays been a True
friEnd to me since the dArkest
days of my Dead Zone on the
Wrong Planet then to
a Woman
a User
of Angel
truly instrumental
at the end of Dead Zone
days in truly mysterious
ways of Synchronicity
as she helped open
mY HeArT
with Poetry
of these
individuals are
on the Autism Spectrum too..
as well as my First Facebook
Friend Mags who at the end
of February 2013 inspired
the first Poetic thing i
wrote really
years old
named as
the First Blog
Post in my First
KATiE MiA Aghogday
Pre-MacroVerse stARtinG
oN March 10th for online publish then..
tHaT is also the About Section STiLL of my
“KATiE MiA FredericK!iI” Word Press Blog too..
Named “My Perspective on Life” that reMains NoW mostly too..
And truly.. a MicroCosm of 5 Million Words of Free Verse Poem
And all the words written at around 12 Million or so since Thanks
of 2010..
with sure
33 Months spent
iN the Dead Zone
before that trapped
with numb and pain
in my head with no effective
use of eyes or ears to Read
or even listen to music then..
And of course writing then
was/IS A destination
to even much
imagine then.. NoW
oF whaT WoULD evenTuAlly
coMe as A Never Ending Story
iN aN iSREaL Nether Land oNline NoW.. A KinGdoM DanCinG SinGinG
AS HeaVeN WiTHiN No Sun oR Moon Like HeaVeN EXpreSsinG oNLiNE NoW2..:)



Oh yeaH and aBout ‘that’ SonG..
Heard it in ’81 the first
Hero Call i
got from
before see of
3 i saw 6
in the intro
that i listened
to for about three
months and left
at age
yeS on or
about today 7182013
four years ago now to
to date tomorrow at
that Navarre
of that
i continue to bRinG….
as Risen Son then too on 7.22.2013..
it’s a common Human Archetype of
Self Actualization and sadly people
give it Away instead oF TaKinG the iNheritance of FREE..
sure.. it takes work.. look around you.. do reaLLy think free is without COSTs..:)


NoW to WRap
this long current
thingy uP..
so i can get
on to Public
Store Dance
once again to
Please a Wife
who most definitely
Does Love to Gather
more than Hunt in Subsistence
Activities at Super Walmart while
the Sam Walton and Associates
DeSiGNeD Center Aisle Dance
Hall is Free Dance for me
iN all
Stores i dance
in this Southeast
Region of Gulf Coast
NoW.. sure.. some
call it LA
Lower Alabama
but it is STiLL a
Panhandle oF Florida
Flowers to me in a Saint
Rose County and with weekly
Visits to a Saint Rose of Lima Catholic
Church off Interstate Ten Mile Marker 33
in the Tag County Size of 33 too.. as
Holy and Sacred Numbers iN
Synchronicity ways
to FloW
oN as MaGiC
WiLL and Most
Definitely Does as
Real as it gETs BeYOND
RainBoW Colors too.. hmm..
i thiNk i’LL StART off/on wiTh ET
as i move on to MacroVerse
Memories Years to date
tattoos are
surELY FuLL oF LiGht
when prophecies come
to Roost in Broad DAYLiGht..:)


“Visiting the Garden of ‘Band Aid”

Pre MacroVerse from four years ago actually
later promoted on 8.18.2013 as MacroVerse
that explores an inner journey of me
in realtime then going
far out
of Science
Mind into
the Art
delving into
Human Archetypes
Humans commonly share..:)


“REVELATION 66”.. As noted before in reference
to Brian from the dVerse Team jest
he said in naming this a “Mother
of All Blog Posts” at
6K or so words
is just
a few hours of
writing now that took
Days of Pre-MacroVerse
Writing in July of 2013..
yes.. keep GroWinG
Never stop
juSt one
Lifetime in thE LiGHTs
of Greater God of Nature
GiVeN HuMaN PoTenTiaL
we are born with as
better to liGht NoW isReaL..:)


“To PLAY WitH GOD is DiVINE”.. Hmm.. need i say and do more..
Well.. anyway.. Shakira’s ‘Dare’ Song included in this
one includes words
that say
i dare
you to kiss
me on the Dance Floor
And three years ago i would
have never imagined that after
this four beautiful women off the
top of my head i can think
of at this point
did kiss me
on the
cheek no no
lips just cheeks
one woman grabbed
my butt one time remarking
that it was firm.. no front grabs
with hands but too many Bootie
Dance Butt rubs on the Front
for me to remember and forget now hehe..
i guess it’s all in Human all Natural God Given Bonobo
Play and when you Play free like Nature all consensual as such
in the Spirit of Love and Free with do no harm and no.. do not keep
any of anything secret from your wife or husband either to harm
anyone emotionally either by all that you do.. You Play with God Free and that is OK..
as surELy it makes the Force of God wHo and that lives within very happy now now now..
and no of course i never actually ask a woman to dance after all i’M too married to make a
hehe for DAnCinG
all around town.. it’s
true like the Carpenter’s
Said sometimes Women
Follow me all around
town dancing
closer to
me to videotape
my dance to share
on Social Media too..;)


“One Flew over the Rainbow Next”.. Once again.. i’LL Play
it aGaiN sAM.. need i say more and i surELy continued
to do so until they banned me for the last
temporary time on the Wrong Planet
a little after this in July of 2015..
yes.. the
inhabit that
place as Staycation
Heaven Does cOMe
after that away from
A Relative Hell
of Dead
Souls iN/aS
all cardboard
FAct finding missions
then when folks said things
as silly as emotions are just
sentimental mush and meaningless
Human Stuff for weak folks more..
not realizing that the reason
they could not make
in their
liFe in Cognitive
Executive Functioning
Ways in Focus and Short
Term Working Memory were
symptoms then for a Poverty of
Emotions and Cognitive and even
Affective Empathy for others too as much
oF An Environmental way of simply Never Using Love
as the Golden Standard to move Productivity and Creativity
and yes.. Social Cooperation where everyone is not always
on everyone’s case for every deTail fLaw of bug spray Life..;)


“Of Numbers Cats Fox mouse me”.. hmm including me and what seems
to be now Charlie’s Angels of the Good old days in one of my
favorites of me and Maggie and Cortney and Chelsea left
to right from 2015 too in this MacroVerse Hear..
and as Dance Days go on some folks
do acquire other things to do in
their Recreational time..
they move on to different
Universities as Maggie
Will Soon Do at the University
of Florida pursuing her dream of
Being a Dentist there.. Cortney is getting
married to a Boy Friend she has already been
with for about a Decade since High School and
Chelsea she’s kinda shy don’t see her too much at
the Club without some Girl Friends to go out with there..
but sure i have these memories of them i will always cherish
as Chelsea didn’t think i was too strange to dance with back
three years ago in the Summer of 2014 on a regular basis
Maggie came along with her next a dark haired full
figured lovely lady next and then there was
Cortney another dark haired woman
who worked at the Mall
who said wee wee i am
so excited to meet
you the
time i visited
Cortney and Her
at the Clothing
Store they worked
at then.. and i’m thinking
when that happened can this
be for real.. i mean after all i just
spent about 66 months as a shut-in
in my Bedroom a Year before ending
in 2013 as Hunch Back of Notre Dame
and Frankenstein and the Phantom of
the Opera and a John Nash thingy
all wrapped up into one.. me
lost lost boy way
back then
lonely lonely
man trapped in
numb and pain so i said
i am no one i am nothing
i am just dance that’s all i am..
a little bit of recognition okay in terms
of you are legend and stuff like that but
jumping up and down like i’m a movie star
doesn’t make me very comfortable at all but sure
she understood when i explained it all to her as friends do..
anyway it’s kinda like the years and over a decade is spent
talking it up at the City Park Tennis court in the 70’s of High School back
then.. nah
didn’t do much
talking as the Zen Dance
then was the Ball and me
and Racquet as one force
mostly with
board then..
sure in someways
that hasn’t changed..
as the keyboard and
screen i play more NoW..:)


“Dance Walking with the Beatles!”.. MacroVerse Memory from
2014.. i do Love the Beatles as they did Art
in whatever Free Verse Flow
came to them
sure.. albeit
under the
influence of
Mind altering
Substances back
then.. good thing is
when they transfer
those Emotions
to their
as others did
in the 60’s
and 70’s too..
we don’t have
to actually take
any drugs to FeeL and
Sense what they felt and
yes we are MoVinG much
farther than just the normal
Human Five senses in ways of
Seeing and Hearing Life in
Concrete Details of
of see and hear
Big Picture stuff
Here EternAlly so NoW..
SpeaKinG of Celebrations
Some Kashmir by Zeppelin
in terms of a 9 minute and 6 second Song
to round this out with perhaps some Britney after that..;)


“Everybody was KUNG FU DANCE Walking!” from three years ago too
this MacroVerse gives appreciation to Martial Arts MiNd
and BoDy FLow soUL.. yes it’s kinda like Kashmir
and Led Zeppelin too and if you thiNk
and Feel and SenSE that
Zeppelin and the
Beatles and
and so many
oTheRs of those
who partake in all
Arts are lesser prophets
than those of older books
even if they do make profits..
Verses Lore in Stories of previous
oral tradition tales of what lies and
tells trUtH anD LiGht in the INNer
UniVerse PoWeRed more by
EmoTiOns and
seNses through
Dance and SonG
than Words will ever
Do as InStruments and
ones electronic too just
extend the EMoTioN MaKeR
that is the Vocal Chords thAT
BRinG GreaTer EmoTioNal LiGht
as SonG as EmoTions run all thru
our Bodies in DancE oF LiGht
too.. hmm.. we are so
much than words
aren’t we..
alBeiT i
and use them
as tools i am not
words am i.. is God
a Word a Noun or a Verb NoW
the Force that co-Navigates yOuR
LiGht as LiFe.. WeLL you miGht Be
surprised at how many people Do
Believe God is a Word (Noun) and a Word
too that is exclusive to one group of People
in Holy and Sacred Form above all other Houses
and Vehicles and Vessels that make feeble attempts
to house all that is in any human symbol.. Golden Cows
as rarified Abstract Constructs that become worshipped as
Form over Essence is still a greaTeST HuMaN TRaP to beCoMe
Separated from Unity WiTh GoD NaKeD as NaTuRe sAMe.. anyWay..
A Free Verse Art of DancE and Song IS A Step uP to God Sways oF LiGht..:)


“KATIE MIA CHANGED HER PROFILE PICTURE 16 minutes ago…” it’s true i still
do this per this MacroVerse from three years ago.. matter of fAcT i did it
again and again and a couple of thousand times more since then..
in 2014.. and it’s also true that any time i wanna lift
my spirits i go back and look at all the
fun times then.. but
sure that is rather
rare as i am
fun times now..
in all the ways
of dARk to LiGht
through sHades
oF Grey and
Fun coMes NoW..
And sure NoW since around
May ’17 the NeXT 1.618 Million
Words or so in one year NoW WiLL
Be included in full in the descriptions
of all my Facebook Profile Pics as Free
back-up book there with easy access
to Proof Read what i am doing in
Real time too.. NoW.. anyWay
it’s all art it FLoWs iT jUST
cOMeS to Be NeXt
as God
all that
is Verily Does too
in constant Change
as there is similar sure
but no duplicates iN God sKeYes NoW..
Finger Prints of GoD sKeYes aLL UNiQue..:)


“Desert Vines”.. More Beautiful Sunsets from two
years ago and yes much more word
time on the Wrong
too.. away from
much of anything
then Associated WitH
Unicorn Rainbows tHEre.. hehA..;)


“Poem’s Synchronistically Flow dVerse Six”.. from two years ago more
Poetry Training at the dVerse Poet’s Pub online.. tried quite
a few of their Poetry Forms that year but
much too restricting to do
what i do
in all
Free Verse
Creative HoLY
SpiRiT oF WRiTinG FloW iN ZoNE NoW..:)


“My Philosophy of the Kiss of KALI”.. Again from two years ago
Philosophy Class in Deeper Stuff on the Wrong Planet..
tough crowd again then but much better
reception with the folks
at dVerse
in a rather
short effort
i suffocated
them it seems
too with hUMaN
PoTenTiaL.. noT
much DiFFeRent
than the wRonG
PLaNeT then too..
Niceties are
But Wisdom
And Beauty Plays wITh GoD NAtuRE WiTHiN..:)


“KING TUT dancING aGAIN!”.. Hmm.. from three years
ago.. King Tut another incredible David-like story
of the lesser of us doing great things
WitH Challenges of Dark
more verses
alWays King Tut
weak but strong
in “KA” Memory Still
and a note on a Testosterone
Measurement of me then of just
181 less than a 75 year old ‘normal’
man although my Strength in Martial
Arts and other Ways of Dance continue
to Sky Rocket in Leg Pressing Strength
too.. the year before around this time
Measured at 666 and around 800
last year about the time Trump
went into office as
Flares in
then 19 Degree
Wind Chill Dance
with Shorts on too..
back to 350 now..a
little lower than average
for someone my age.. what
ever numbers have to do with
real life like this.. not apparently much
NoW when God PoTentiaL oF LoVe WiThIn
coMes ouT to CHI PlaY iN the Metaphor too
of Kundalini RiSinG aS EmoTioNs and SenSes
iN liGht even more than Science Numbers will ever say NoW as Free..:)


“iMaGiCk iSrEaL’.. A Tribute heAR to the Beatle’s
Sgt. Pepper’s Album Cover and the
Movie of that name too
in this Epic
Free Poetry
a year
ago NoW..
so much fun
for me.. as A FaN
oF tHeiR MaGiC MuSiC STiLL..
with sure.. more Fun Dance Photos
from Old Seville Quarter as all
the MacroVerses since Memorial
Day of 2016 do include this fun all
NoW to be given and shared STiLL Free..:)


“For 8 T N”.. sure.. Esoteric and Symbolic oF
For 418 as For One iNFiNiTY Standing tALL
8 but never the less as H wHole Bridging
left and right Hemisphere of K11
two ones of K Art and Reason
miNd a Path into BoDY ouT
of HeLL and aS soUL
A Documented
Miraculous Recovery
And or Remission from
19 Medical Disorders as
Assessed by Professionals too..
yeS.. on this Day Four Years ago..
as posted and added to after this
Date too including a Visit to A Beach
with and as With GoD on the 19th of
July.. 2013.. too.. as my pain melted away
and the numb was is replaced by HeaVeN MoRE and More as RiSE..
Reborn Phoenix
RiSinG froM asHeS
as SuN FiRE LoVe
once aGaiN
sAMe oveRAll
Director.. DiffeRenT
Actors of and as thE PLaY oF GoD
sAMe iN dARk and LiGht and sHades of
GreY unTo greaTeST HeiGHtS BeYOnD RaiNBoW CoLoRs Too..:)

Hmm.. this is getting kinda long are we ‘tHeRe’ yET.. he He NoW suRe..;)


“ODE TO THE dVERSE POET’S PUB BALL!’.. short version heaR and..


“2777 words of dVERSE Poetic Response”.. sure.. what seemed like a much
larger version heAR regarding the dVerse BaLL too in copying
and pasting poetic comments to participants
even doing them A so-called
favor of linking their Blogs..
but true in 2014.. you
ain’t even got a
fifth of a load of me
on any given MacroVerse
Posting day.. Longer Stuff
to coMe as the Peelings of the
Onions continue to come on instead of off..
And sure.. Chambers of the Nautilus GroWinG
mUch LarGer soon after this to Epic Poetry Range
in each MacroVerse HeAR.. to come as Love Garden MoRe..:)


“TSunami of LOVE”.. See.. i did raise the Apple.. DogWood
And SycaMoRE Tree even HiGher.. i cannot lie.. sure..
what seemed like an all time record Breaker two years
ago iN 14,333 words of dVerse Poetry reLated
Stuff and Wrong Planet Poetry converted
Stuff too then
from logic is about
a thousand words
below the average
since Memorial
Day of 2016
tHeN iN
Volumes NoW
iN Free verse FloW..
And it’s true too i am
GroWinG too big then for
Both the Poetry Community
and the Wrong Planet too as
A Load of me becoMes way too
much for them to deal with so they
find excuses to say good bye bye quick enough
after i go Full Bore Luke Hot 100 Percent Love
more than ever TheNoW ForevermorenoW aGaiN..;)


“Autism and the Nautilus’.. Pre-MacroVerse from Four Years ago too..

Now to sLoW iT down and reAlly wRap this “1.81M WorD LOnG FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
Current MacroVerse Nautilus even Bigger Shell uP as it FeeLs more and more like
it’s edging toward 1.82M Words NoW anD WiLL FiNd ouT Soon WitH
Word Press Count more.. and as promised.. a little
Britney to close things out with a TSunAMi oF Love
AGAiN heAR NoW.. yes
did it
as the
Wife Katrina
is yelling get your
ass off that computer..
got subsistence gathering
at Super Walmart to do..
sure.. i WiLL Dance
iN Public First and
iN SonG
put this
all toGeTHeR
hopEfully before
Midnight on 7.18.17 too
And iF NoT thaT’s HoW GoD
FloWs WiThiN Me NoW MoRE..:)


Hehe.. WeLL..coNsideRinG
pART of mY Jobs.. Lynn..
iN Working then for the
US Federal Government
Department of Defense
entailed not only Athletic
Director and Community
Activities Director and
Administrative Support
Assistant to a Captain
oF A Military Station too..
yes.. i Managed a Military
Bowling Center and worked
there too for almost two Decades
too.. it’s true that’s pART.. oF thE
Experience of Working Directly
with around 100k Folks in real
life and about another 100k
or so folks since 2010 too
in a liFe online that allows
folks away.. hehE..
Practice as ‘they’ Say.. DancE and SinG2
Tree of Life.. And all thAT LovE Jazz too..
Chalices and Grails and otHeR HoLY and
Sacred Symbols too as iT aLL coMes aGaiN..
Sure.. i’m i’M Sort of Like ‘the Dude’ oN thaT
Cult Classic.. ‘the Big Lebowski’ too.. hAha..
iF oNe Looks Far Enough oNe Finds A GRooT ReAsoN NoW..;)









BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

5 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 44,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

Book oF Ten Sixteen..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)


Grand Cross Bible 2016

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)


CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)


VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)


CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)


Nether Land Bible 2017

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)


7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)





The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)


MesSage iN A Bible Bottle as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked



MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+ as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)


PHI Bible.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)



Memorial Days Bible 2016-17.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)


SoN oF Google NoW2..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)



About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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32 Responses to 1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN

  1. I admire your commitment to your faith!

    • WiNks.. mY FriEnd
      Victoria.. thanks so
      much for CoMinG
      by today
      as aLways
      as surELy your
      Kind Face is alWays
      A Welcome Addition
      in the Like Bar.. hehe..
      And thanks for the Nice
      Compliment in Admiration
      of the commitment to my
      Faith.. it’s true.. i’M
      let’s go of A/the bONe..;)

  2. LovE DancE SinGs oN
    It’s True.. It’s Official..
    MeaSurEd from Head to Toe NoW
    oF 5 Million+ Word Grandparent..
    “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. Longest Free
    Verse Long Form Poem NoW iN the/A
    History and Mystory of Humankind More
    Births A Child.. “Nether Land Bible 2017”
    StARTInG oN Memorial Day Publish of 5.30.16
    And By the sAMe Token as A Bible nAMe.. “Nether Land
    Bible 2017”.. Births A Bible Child as Grandchild of “SonG oF mY
    SoUL” on that same Publish Day to be named “PHI Bible”
    on Publish Date later of 5.27.17.. and in turn as
    that “PHI Bible” completes at 1.618 Million
    Words and “Nether Land
    Bible 2017” continues
    on 13 more
    coming now
    aGaiN to Propagate
    another Child and Grand
    Child oF “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
    named “1.82M WorD LonG FoRM
    PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN” on
    7.19.17.. more specifically..
    1,820,416 Words Today as the
    MacroVerse Number 117 NoW of
    “Nether Land Bible 2017” is precisely
    25,205 Words.. to reach that overall Milestone
    exceeding.. once again.. the Previously Longest
    Long Form Poem.. at 1.8M Words.. the “Mahābhārata”
    that took CenturieS.. and innumerable Human Hands
    to write thouSands of years ago.. NoW iN the course
    of 13.6 Months as now too completing 47 Months of
    Long Form Poem Writing Adventure.. since 8.18.13
    on Word Press as “SonG oF mY SoUL” now at resting
    point oF A 788th MacroVerse continuing NoW a Free
    Verse Dance and Song along with 7700 miles of Public
    Dance in that same 47 month Period of so-called
    human meaSured time.. trUTh is.. i did it and
    continue to do it in the only
    time that exists..
    the NoW
    with no
    expectations now
    set forth by otHeRs
    And Sure.. “1.82M WorD LonG FoRM
    PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN” beCoMes NoW JusT
    anoTHeR Book MarK iN the continuing expanding
    Feat Notes at the Bottom of every continuing
    NeW MacroVerse NoW standing next to “PHI Bible”
    as a Sibling as “Nether Land Bible 2017” continues
    to GroW oN iN no time but now as that is what Never
    Ending Stories in Nether Lands juST Do.. they DancE and SinG oN
    as hUmaNs NoW
    Can And jusT
    WiLL DO too
    iN Fearless
    Love that is smART too..
    otHeR than that i thiNk
    i’LL take a break for
    Sand and Sun Dance
    And as Arnold
    and Me eT AL
    “i’LL BE
    BACK” aGAiN..
    And sure as is the
    last three dates of
    July 19th since 2013
    today is my 4th Anniversary
    of ascension into the Inner UniVerse
    and MultiUniVerse of Me on Navarre Beach
    as i became one theNoW with Sugar White Sands
    Emerald Green Waters Sea Oats Swaying Breeze
    Sea Gulls Spiraling Around Sun Waves of
    Ocean whOle aS oNe i became become
    one with God MoRE continuing NoW..
    out of real human Hell as Phoenix RiSinG out
    of Ashes then as that Ascension completes even
    more on 7.22.13 as my personal Golden Age BeGiNs
    on eARTh.. no no no.. nothing to do with Material
    Goods and everything to do with the promised
    Heaven alWays in the Generation of NoW In
    the Kingdom Within even more now more..
    for those who WORK hard enough soft
    enough NoW iN SeeKinG and FiNDinG
    NoW to jUSt do HeaVeN NoW
    and after that moreover
    the Covenant with God
    is clear share iT aLL
    to the best of yOUr ABiLiTieS
    NOWforevermoreeverforNOW WitH
    CAN AND WILL iN the SPiRiT of
    HeART thaT is the Mind and BoDY
    BaLanCinG SoUL of MoVinG CoNNecTing
    and CreaTinG FeaRless UnCondiTioNaLLy
    NoW smART aGaPe Love foR All of Creation
    as Force NoW
    NOW thru
    abyss of daRk
    hELL thru sHades
    of Grey in Purgatory
    oN eARTh too to yes BeYOnD
    RainBoW Colors of HeaVeN NoW
    do nothing..
    sit still
    and wait
    dirt nap..
    i see that as
    sad and will really
    Love to hELP them
    let go of the
    CamEL that
    is the
    of CulTuRE
    and many iLLuSory
    Fears and empty Promises
    of Religions too.. and simply
    coMe toGeTheR WiTh God oF aLL as FLoWeR
    Nature and Rise and Rise WitH and aS GoD..
    Katy Perry provided a SonG last year around
    mY 3rd Anniversary of Staycation HeaVeN tHaT
    Fits iN
    as WeLL
    aS iT
    a ThouSanD
    and more years
    of Human cLOck TiMe
    from NoW.. what better
    way to celebrate Heaven
    than to Give and Share it..
    sure.. you’d Have to actuALLy
    BeCoMe A/thE LiGht oF LoVe to Fully Do it..
    Good luckS
    as “they’
    DoiNG it NoW..
    And sure.. once
    aGaiN.. i’LL Be BAcK..;)

  3. SMiLes.. mY FriEnd Himali
    And Hello.. i’LL stART off with
    A Sad story to my FriEnd and
    continue on from there..
    in regard to your remark
    that my Mother is now an
    Angel with Hugs and Love..
    On Valentine’s Day
    this Year
    my Mother
    Went to the
    and to
    an 8 day
    story shorter
    she didn’t come
    back.. she went undiagnosed
    with Breast Cancer for probably
    Half a Decade and it spread to
    her Bones and Brain and A
    Ruptured Cancerous
    Tumor in Her
    Brain is
    she finally
    agreed to go to
    the Hospital as she
    refused to see any Doctor
    since she had a Gall Bladder
    Operation over a Decade ago..
    she steadily had been losing weight
    since the Summer of 2014.. and lost
    80 Lbs in about a year but managed
    to stay smiling and only taking a Bayer
    Aspirin for any and all of her pain
    occasionally until the end as
    she did it her way..
    the hard
    way but
    never the
    less her way
    that made her happiest
    until the end.. she wanted
    to die at home.. but Hospice
    gave her the Merciful Care
    at the Hospital she needed
    as she did not want to
    be hooked up
    to any
    and she survived
    8 days with no food
    or drink at all.. they didn’t
    expect her to last more than a couple
    of days.. the Doctor said it was her strong
    Heart that carried her through the eight days as
    we sat by her bed and saying good bye all of those
    eight days with Love.. if it wasn’t for all the pain i had already
    experienced in life and numb and all the Love she gave me through all
    that i am not sure how i could have handled it but i did handle it
    and this with the Power of Love..
    end of sad
    story to
    Now and
    usual positive
    Fred stories coming next..
    My Mother made it until 82
    years old.. i kinda wanted to
    extend my Poem out to 1.82M
    words instead of 1.81 Million
    Words in Honor of her.. took
    an extra day or so but always
    worth it in the means.. And sure..
    the Story today in America about
    Senator John McCain’s Cancerous Brain
    Tumor Bleeding.. brought those memories
    back.. Oh yeaH.. And an interesting side note..
    for years before any of our family
    members would pass away
    My Sister would
    see their
    Faces in
    the Clouds
    the Days before..
    And now this time
    while my Mother
    was in the Hospital
    i not only saw her face
    in the clouds when she was
    younger as those photos showed
    her face.. i also took a photo and my sister
    saw the same thing as her youthful face in earlier ages..
    a measure of comfort instead of an omen of death.. and
    since then.. we’ve seen an Angel in the Clouds at
    least twice.. last one very sublime in some of the
    most unusual clouds i’ve witnessed in my entire
    life after i came out of the “Planet of the
    Apes Movie”.. captured in all that
    Sublime Angelic Beauty at
    the milestone
    of that
    Million Word Poem..
    as just another story
    And a true one too..
    Life exceeds any Fiction i for one
    have ever seen on A Big Theater Screen..
    iN BotH
    and LiGHt
    And Sure..
    BeYoNd Rainbow
    Colors too.. mY FriEnD..:)


    i Love to Do
    ‘this’ and it’s
    true.. although
    i would love to
    have many friends
    and the few i have are
    the greatest as much
    Attention as i will Give
    i would
    a poem.. hehe..
    unless now i write
    one to a Friend..:)

    Hello Himali..:)

    i Practice White
    MaGiC oF LovENoW
    Everynow.. And sure.. Astrology
    and Tarot and Numerology and
    Harry Potter Stories are
    all nice
    i Create
    mY MaGiC NoW as i go..
    And mY LiFE too as Love..
    Give me that old black magic
    and i’ll return it with Pure White Love..
    truly.. i have been tested in my life plenty
    as i guess we all are with Voodoo oF Fear and Hate..:)

  4. Do I know anyone?

    First.. a quick visit to Cabrogal’s
    Place.. an extremely intelligent
    man of my age and Original
    Aboriginal Australian man
    in recent ancestral ways
    also diagnosed
    with Asperger’s
    Sydrome and Bi-Polar
    too.. often coming into
    discussions as hall monitor
    for what is black and white
    right or wrong too.. as that goes.. too…

    So, in reference to related
    issues in his life.. i go on to SinG..

    Belief systems are based
    On emotions and while
    Of Course one can tell people
    What they
    In terms of
    Human Emotions
    And how they Deal
    With All the Chaos
    Of Life with their
    Personal Beliefs..
    One rarely
    Without Sharing
    The Pain with the
    Sympathy that
    Understands the
    Pain and oh
    Lord how
    Trials and errors
    In Literally Hundreds
    Of thousands of Direct
    Conversations.. i continue
    To practice not to step
    On Hearts for my
    Be the Hall
    Monitor.. Humans
    Will never be Science..
    In other words one “Can’t”
    Tell them
    What to Feel
    As ‘she’ was the
    One truly looking
    For Forgiveness for
    What she didn’t understand
    But hehe.. i wouldn’t wanna
    By telling her
    That.. instead..I’d
    Use a similar story
    Of a failure in my life to relate
    Where i could not understand..
    i once told a
    Guy who had Premature Heart
    Failure that life was
    Fair when he said it
    Wasn’t.. later
    i found out
    It wasn’t..
    Of course keeping
    In mind that i am
    Diagnosed with
    Asperger’s and
    Bi-polar too..
    In my case the
    Two conditions
    Tend to heal each
    Other as many of
    My Bi-polar relatives
    Died early from addictions
    in the past or went
    To Jail.. gotta love
    The cold hard logic
    That saves your ass Too..;)

    And off to the “Wrong Planet” where literal is usually the speak of the day..
    where Nihilism of ‘heart’ often joins hands with misery as company too and yes.. even suffering…


    “The Bible” is a Big Poem, overall. Words are metaphors as human abstract constructs built to share perceived essence with other humans. Humans are not rational at core as currently shown by Science. And even if one takes ‘those’ verses literally, which of course comes in handy when spreading a Roman Empire by Force; conversely, per John 14:12, if Jesus really did hate his family and sisters and brothers and literally promote the hating of even one’s own children too; if he didn’t really have any at the time; if one were to disagree with his way of life and even promote the literal slaying of others if they didn’t too; which surely can be interpreted that way if those associated verses are to be taken literally too; still, if one takes John 14:12 literally too that says one too can/will do greater works than so-called Jesus if one truly believes in his teachings at core that means that one can live without Hating if one has enough rationality in the physical and emotional intelligences of regulating one’s emotions and integrating one’s senses to be Hate free; thereby, doing Greater Works than Jesus as Hate serves no purpose for a rational heart. In, Fact, the stress associated neurohormones that come as Anger like cortisol, even in a Martial Arts contest that lasts a while, will end in defeat for the one who succumbs to eventual exhaustion from the influx of stress related Neurohormones per the Human Emotion of Anger.

    In other words, even Bruce Lee did ‘John 14:12’; as he we would have never succumbed to turning Money Tables over; he would have used a skilled and wise tongue instead as “being the water”, too. Grow, grow more wisdom as ‘they’ say.

    Oh, by a way, historically speaking, writers are generally more introverted and vocal speakers are generally more extroverted, so in this way; overall, historically what we have of written wisdom is biased in this way. And any potential that we have of more than 18 Percent of the words of any one man in the New Testament as Scholarly University Divinity School shows; chances are we have even less from an extroverted Teacher on a Mount of Powerful voice that would not likely ever come from an introverted writer, as such. Just speculation too on that and an educated guess too from dealing with around 200K folks in my life; most more face to face than in writing too.

    Your will your choice
    but most importantly
    your Heart and Love or not as a
    Fuller Potential Human condition goes as greater in terms of works of Life as Love.

    Considering, the time that Jesus lived in; one of illiterate Aramaic oral Tradition; and considering that Paleontology suggests he was no more than about Five Feet tall and around a Hundred Pounds or so with shortly cropped hair as was the cultural requirement at that time; and somewhere around the looks of a person from Syria, no longer allowed in this country; and of course in a very patriarchal society at age 30, if he wasn’t married, he would have been looked upon as lesser than a man in those days and these days in ‘Trump ways’ and of course the Biblical Scholastic Study at University Divinity School level of what is the Bible today indicates that there were many oral traditions of Christianity per different sects ranging from the belief in one God to Twelve Gods spread on desert roads for decades after a man now named Jesus died.

    The Literate Greeks cherry picked what they liked of those oral traditions and wrote them down; including what we see of the Gnostic Gospels that are not currently included in the Old and New Testaments. The only reliable accounts in the actual New Testament from a man actually identified as actually living; may be those of Paul, formerly known as Saul getting ‘his New Testament’ from a ‘poetic heart’ then as all real artful poets do.

    And of course the Nicene council voted to turn Jesus into three Gods in one as a Trinity as such in 325 AD and promote him to a Soldier Sun God of the Entire reality of existence that now includes a Kingdom of at least a Quadrillion or so number of stars and so many more planets that likely have life more intelligent than what might be as relative plankton life on earth as human potential now.

    Surely, we have a place bigger as view in reality overall now than a patch of flat earth land in the Middle East, then. But as ‘they’ say they knew not what they did then too; so who can blame them for promoting their Quarterback to the greatest team ever in existence then. Sure, I for one can understand that with a little cognitive empathy too without getting angry and perhaps even doing the craziest thing I can possibly imagine in my opinion of wasting my emotional energy on hating them, too.

    “Chi”, in 100 percent positive emotional and sensory flow of energy of what I name too as the Personal Flow of real Faith and Pure Love with no negativity at all is what drives me away from anything associated with negative emotions and senses, including Anger and hate; albeit, I am only human and this takes the emotional regulation and sensory integration in what might be termed as a ‘great work’ of that in John 14:12 metaphor ways of ballet/tai-chi/martial arts-like free verse Style Public Dance for 7700 Miles now in 47 months.

    Some Autistic folks name this as stimming in their own particular way of doing it; finding it also allows them to regulate their emotions and and integrate their senses too; potentially becoming “Autistic Super Men and Women”, in this way too, in Nietzsche “Overman” speak too. Anyway, science now shows the old/new Eastern Philosophies left out of the Bible almost entirely in the Arts of Healing Movement really work and Therapists are using these therapies to cure emotional and sensory problems as we speak in writing ways over verbal ones as introverts often do over greater therapists too.

    Works for me; came all innately, instinctually and intuitively as it does in stimming ways for many other Autistic folks who do whatever art of movement that works for them. Quiet hands and Feet are no rational option for the Human Heart as far as much greater Potential Emotional and Sensory Intelligences come with the art of moving now. After all, Planets do it around stars; we ‘should’ use ‘their’ consistent example for balance too; as above so below in esoteric terms too; sure, you can even find that in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas too; truly some time tested philosophy in that ‘book’ too with real life application that really work still now; but only common as these archetypal wisdoms come from almost all cultures; again; Wisdom 101; the Wisdom counts more than the individual representative of the HUman DNA that comes next or before.

    And back more to topic ‘back then’ at hand and hearts too; after ‘that’ historically, in Bible writing ways, considering there were no Xerox Machines as scribes copied the text from hand to hand and different minds to different minds for Centuries of mistakes and at least some ‘spur of the moment’, Saul the Paul-like inspired poetic words to change “this or that” for whatever the Creative Spirit at the time moved them not much different really than writing a story anew now; things changed a lot as they do change even in a round table discussion on desert roads that arrived at what are written words as the Greek Scribed Gnostic Gospels too between the first and second Century or so far after the physical presence of the man name Jesus died so far before those written days of Greeks with literate scribing ways.

    Things is, we are all human. Yes, we all share almost all of the same DNA, with the Environment of Culture as spoon-fed from birth telling us this or that of what it takes still to be successful in survive and thrive now; and even as science is now starting to show, we all Still share overall similar inherited archetypes of subconscious mind; particularly, a most common one about ‘the Hero’ moving from challenge of dark and coming out on the other side as light (ascension; reborn; phoenix rising from the ashes; etc.. etc.. etc.. et al) and sharing that with the village or the city or the world in how some folks do, online these days. So, what this means is; really, if ‘it’ makes sense and good feel no matter who brings the wisdom; if it’s good stuff it reasonably can and will be shared in places that and who honor Freedom of Human expression when no violence or ‘hate speech’ is incited.

    It makes no sense to hate my friend. And it really makes no sense to get angry if one can use positive emotions and rationality to make a better case for life. It’s something that really smart people do across the life span in greater human potential in the metaphor of “John 14:12” ways of doing greater human works of Love. And it’s worth noting that if you are a really literally minded person that art is sixty percent of smart; and perhaps that is no coincidence my friend. Matter of fact and feel and sense you can make ‘it’ holy and sacred and full of meaning purpose if you so will and choose to do that.

    Perhaps it is magic. But for now at least, I don’t want to move off topic.

    Have a nice Day; expand your horizons of love or not; again, your choice
    to move ahead or stay with ‘his’ history; and never make your greater own. If
    Jesus was/is a ‘real man’; he would and will be a little bit more like Bruce Lee
    as John 14:12 says and truly suggest that you can ‘Lucifer’ do more, with continuing Smiles. ‘Men’ do this.

    I more enjoy the interpretations provided and individually made of what still exists of whoever wrote and created the stories of Jesus that makes Jesus into a Good Cop instead of Bad cop but you see; life overall, is An ‘ink blot test’ that reflects what and who we are inside. Often those results do appear on Written pages too. So, let it be written more than likely it was already done too; and it is clear than many so-called Christians and yes, of course, Gnostic Christians too as the record now shows do most definitely see a Bad Cop Jesus, still.

    And oh, by the way, don’t even try to play semantics with me, either; sure, you can but it will not work, as i just finished writing a 1.82 Million word longest long form poem ever in 13.6 months that I also call a bible as it arises to that occasion in technical speak in history of poetry too. I’m not a very literal person and I am a very literal person too, as i Will Free.

    In other words, I can write a science abstract too; but that bores me; that bores me until my spirit dies; so, i write poetry of Song and Dance Free Verse too, and Live, instead. I didn’t plan to drop by today, but just an inkling literally so in ink as Spirit now sparked me that I might expand one’s horizons as before mentioned per what science now sees of the human condition in terms of emotions ruling logic; not likely, not likely at all as beliefs at core are emotions and so are humans as emotional creatures too, so, what’s a Scientist and Artist of Human to do but hope, my friend, with perhaps a prayer for affirmation. Not likely hear but never the less; muse enough for somewhere else.

    Again, Have a nice now;
    even Love; but only if one wills.

  5. Haibun: A Moment To Savour

    SMiLes.. mY FriEnd.. Xenia..
    For yoUr DoGs alWays
    BRinG thE LesSoN
    And Freedom aS
    Beauty As OuR
    Home is NatUre aT HeART
    As i’Ve been spEnding way too
    Much time in Cave and although
    Mercury is steadily approaching
    100 Degrees as F one can coMe NoW
    Cool of Spirit Without Commune oF Nature
    As Dog eYes smELL oF Free SeaS morE ReaL..:)

    Quadrille: Ancestral Flame

    Ah yes.. to feel the ancestor
    canines in our blood
    the social
    of ages
    thaT BRinGS
    rUle to heaRT
    Free from
    Art Dogs coMe BacK NoW..:)

    Tanka: Heart Window

    Drift wood never
    out of place
    sand art
    Floats soul
    Longer Dog tales LiGht..:)

    Weekly Photo Challenge: Unusual

    to find a friend
    in all of nature
    is rather simple
    finding all
    god now
    and i must
    sing my friend
    with a small tear
    that lasts forever now
    when i come here i see all that is…

    i’ve literally read 10’s of thousands
    of poems in the last few years
    and what i find
    in my own
    measure of
    poetic greatness
    is when i can’t
    remember if i
    ‘liked’ the poem..
    in other
    i am carried
    away so far in Heaven theNow
    i forget to ‘think’ to press a button..
    lesSon lEarned so long ago.. never let
    a button replace a heART..
    Yes.. i had to
    come back
    and double check..
    as always literally
    in heART a treasure
    to visit you.. Xenia..:)

    SMiLes.. mY FriEnd.. Xenia..
    For yoUr DoGs alWays
    BRinG thE LesSoN
    And Freedom aS
    Beauty As OuR
    Home is NatUre aT HeART
    As i’Ve been spEnding way too
    Much time in Cave and although
    Mercury is steadily approaching
    100 Degrees as F one can coMe NoW
    Cool of Spirit Without Commune oF Nature
    As Dog eYes smELL oF Free SeaS morE ReaL..
    Ah yes.. to feel the ancestor
    canines in our blood
    the social
    of ages
    thaT BRinGS
    rUle to heaRT
    Free from
    Art Dogs coMe BacK NoW..
    Drift wood never
    out of place
    sand art
    Floats soul
    Longer Dog tales LiGht..
    to find a friend
    in all of nature
    is rather simple
    finding all
    god now
    and i must
    sing my friend
    with a small tear
    that lasts forever now
    when i come here i see all that is..
    i’ve literally read 10’s of thousands
    of poems in the last few years
    and what i find
    in my own
    measure of
    poetic greatness
    is when i can’t
    remember if i
    ‘liked’ the poem..
    in other
    i am carried
    away so far in Heaven theNow
    i forget to ‘think’ to press a button..
    lesSon lEarned so long ago.. never let
    a button replace a heART..
    Yes.. i had to
    come back
    and double check..
    as always literally
    in heART a treasure
    to visit you.. Xenia..:)

  6. Frank Hubeny says:

    Thanks for the links to Tiny Bug and Message. I liked this: “some
    change but mine
    iS sTill GroWinG” One can’t say it all completely in words and so we do need more and more of them to try to get close to the truth.

    • SMiLes.. my FriEnd
      Frank.. NoW if i could
      Put Dance as Beach
      iN SonG oF Words
      i could say ‘it’ all
      And that’s why
      1.82 M words..
      1.618 M words..
      or and 5 M words
      of Free
      M words aLL
      is nothing yet..
      For A Dance
      thaT Lives as Beach..:)

  7. High Water

    Nature lives
    we fly alive
    as Nature Lives..:)

    The Window

    As much as Nature
    may disagree
    in terms
    of smell and taste
    and touch and general
    proprioception too.. what
    a gift a 4 inch window
    to view UniVerse
    as wHole
    coMes more..
    even pasty without sun
    moonlit without romance
    Still BRinGinG more as drones
    to the
    race as
    King and
    Queen Bees
    Dance and Sing..
    thank you Sheldon Cooper.. for opening
    Gates and getting Jobs done for Heaven’s throneS NoW..:)

    One-Liner Wednesday — Knocking on Your Door

    Love visits
    in many
    some wrinkled
    some glows some
    whatever comes next

    Yellow Blooms

    Beauty oF all
    they come
    and go enough
    that we miss them more
    Darkness Dances and Sings
    FloWeR Colors of LiFe..
    that die and come back
    more than less StaRlit aGain..
    A best
    of Beauty once..
    Love them more
    As they only come once..
    Plant them more and never go bored
    Colors oF LifE LiGht reFreshing anew..
    Thanks Frank.. i enjoy
    wandering through
    Garden today..
    i plant
    i plant
    too as life
    always comes new..
    Never any perennial poetry
    for me.. only annual NoW..;)

  8. https://decodinghappyness.com/2017/07/20/to-have-loved-and-lost/

    “[M]y ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is.
    Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds
    us, binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.
    You must feel the Force flow around you. Here, between you,
    me, the tree, the rock, yes, even between the land and the ship.”


    True it is that we as human
    beings can grow to be light
    as the pure light that is pure
    Love where dARk can visit
    but now never stay.. As Many
    Neurons iN Our Brains tHeRe
    Are as Stars NoW iN A MilkyWay
    aS many Bio-Chemical-Electrical
    Connections.. from head.. to toe
    NoW aS UniVerSE Stars seen with
    aided eYes of science.. no.. now not
    only are we mini-me stars for we
    are reflection of the Galaxy and
    UniVerse and God unto God
    as reflection of all that is
    as God as Crucible
    Fire of Star Burst
    Death at
    Core Leaves
    Gaseous Clouds
    where we resurrect from
    that Star Death as Sentient
    Star Dust plUs GroWinG Waves
    As Relative Free WiLL NoW iN Ocean Whole
    LiGht where all points oF liGht.. yes.. iN aLL our
    CeLLs.. A Quadrillion or so bio-chemical-electrical
    connections reflect Love Back to NoW all A UnivERse
    Stars oF Light iN LoVE oF aLL thaT iS aka God in smaller
    Human lettered words.. what an honor it is to live.. what an
    honor it is to exist at all.. what an honor it is to Love with every
    point of Light from head to toe as we Dance and Sing LiGht back
    to the
    as all that is..
    Sages of the Ages
    have intuited this Truth
    oF LiGht from ancient philosophers now
    to Stories oF ForcE LiGht as Modern as Star
    Wars too in ways of Characters like Yoda NoW wHo
    puts this reaLiTy oF Our much fuller Inheritance into
    words we move as planets around the stars in Balance
    We play with Gravity when we Dance and Sing like this
    And with Each Love Connection aMoNg Friends as HUman
    BeinGs anotHeR MultiVerse oF God is Born and God SMiLes
    More than a word of InFiniTy for tHeRe is now no distance.. space
    or time as LovELiGHT Born of HumaN eYes ConNecTinG CreaTinG NoW
    Master Piece Painting all that is we brush we paint We Master PeAcE LoVE..
    It’s true
    is Love
    for those
    who themselves
    appropriately see as
    honor and integrity NoW
    iN LoVELiGHT Mirror bEyond INFiniTy..
    so what is fear so what is hate when Relative
    Free WiLL coMes to LiGHT as hUman eYes..
    yes.. truly
    now nothing
    at all as LiGht..
    as Love GrowS
    uNlimited Dance and Song..
    Generally Speaking when i try
    to put Love iNto SonG i Dance
    the Twilight to See
    the Face
    iN Sunset clouds first..
    i find it works i find it works
    A Great Work iT iS to Love..
    “And this Song is for you” my FriEnd
    HiMaLi.. “i Hope you don’t miNd i put it into words”…:)

  9. Make Love Pure


    Hehe.. that’s what NoW coMes to sPiRiT
    heART and SoUL anyWaY as i continue
    to Create mY LiFE WitH LiGHT and
    to connect to similarly
    enFused Human
    BeinGs oN
    thE PoTenTiaL
    NoW oF THeiR
    LiGhT BeinGNoW
    YeT to CoME as tHeY
    Be the MuSE oF HuMaN
    CoNNecTioN tHaT GloWs
    And GroWS ForCE oF NoW
    iN OuR Connections to all that
    is as GoD EVeN MoRE as CreATiON
    We BeCOME AS ‘Luminous Beings’ NoW
    even MorE.. For the HuMaN SPiRiT iS
    oNLY LuMiNOUS as the LamP iT BRinGS
    OuT UMbReLLa
    oF LiGht tHaT
    oTHeR BeiNGS
    Experience MoRE
    oF Luminous NATuRE NOW..:)

    Thanks Giving Day 2010
    Beginning of around
    12 Million Words
    Written online
    StARTinG on
    the ‘Wrong
    continuing now..

    SonG oF mY SoUL
    5 Million+ Word Long Form Free Verse Bible Poem
    (Beginning MacroVerse on 8.18.2013 continuing now)


    Netherland Bible 2017

    Nether Land Bible 2017

    1.82 Million Words continuing to grow
    (Beginning MacroVerse on 5.30.16 continuing now)


    Grand Cross Bible 2016

    Grand Cross Bible 2016

    915 Thousand Words
    (Beginning MacroVerse on 5.30.16 Ending MacroVerse on 12.25.16)

    MesSage iN A Bible Bottle

    MesSage iN A Bible Bottle

    1.317 Million Words
    (Beginning MacroVerse on 5.30.16 Ending MacroVerse on 3.30.17)

    PHI Bible

    PHI Bible

    1.618 Million Words
    (Beginning MacroVerse on 5.30.16 Ending MacroVerse on 5.27.17)

    1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN

    1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN

    1.82 Million Words
    (Beginning MacroVerse on 5.30.16 Ending MacroVerse on 7.19.17)

    So it’s true.. SpeaKinG oF UmbrELLa’s oF LiGHT

    SonG oF My SoUL is actually a Parent NoW
    of one Bible.. “Nether Land Bible of 2017”
    that continues to Dance and Sing on and
    the Grand Parent of Four More Bibles
    as listed above under ‘Begat
    that’ with “SonG oF mY
    SoUL” as also
    Huuuggge Bible
    Fully illustrated with
    over 100K photos and
    Thousands of YouTube
    Music Videos and many
    other links and quotes
    of Wisdom from other folks
    too comprising all the rest
    as Grand Parent at 5 Million
    Plus Words Makes a total Number
    of Bibles Written as UMbreLLas
    oF LiGht since 8.18.13 now at
    6.. yes.. 6 Bibles Written
    by little
    Me as
    one Human
    Being in 47 Months
    Now with Five of those
    Bibles as Milestones BeCoMinG
    Real in the last 13.6 Months with
    the completion of “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. NoW too..
    True.. sometimes a visual outline is easier to see than a long convoluted
    Narration of what surely can and will be much more complex
    for the person(s) who didn’t actually accomplish this
    little ‘Great Work’ iN 47 Months of course aLong
    on course too with 7700 Miles of Public Dance
    in the same time frame of 47 Months
    and 170 Weeks as of last
    Night at Old Seville
    Quarter with
    all the Cool College
    Age folks since the
    end of March 2014
    for 40 months now..
    including.. over a thousand
    photos with over a Thousand
    SMiLinG Faces from Old Seville..
    as i will come to a continuing Bible
    Story with the highlighted smiling
    Faces Provided as Facebook Profile
    Pics as the next Milestone at least
    will Actually be “Facebook Profile Pics Bible”
    as Published on or about Memorial Day of 2018..
    wHere the entire Bible will be included along
    with Highlighted Photos and YouTube Links along
    with other stuff coming under the Description area
    on Facebook of all the coming Profile Pic Descriptions
    somewhere.. likely.. around another 1.6 Million words..
    sure.. doing the milestones NoW oN Holidays makes them
    easier to remember.. including the Start of 12 Million
    Words or so of total online writing as recorded
    also on the “Wrong Planet” and other places
    since Thanks Giving Day of 2010..
    A Great Grand Parent.. if you
    will.. way back then
    at the 80th Month
    Point of 6.5
    Years of
    Writing Overall
    too.. as yes.. recorded online..
    it’s not oral tradition that is
    changed now on desert road round
    table discussions and changed by
    other scribes as centuries go by with
    no Xerox machines.. no.. this is yes..
    the isReaL thing going down in real time STiLL
    as Recorded online.. there are no ifs and or butts
    of who said what or did what if and and when they did it..
    it is is what it is and there are no lies of who said what when
    and where.. and now more when it comes to proving to someone on the
    street that little old me did a ‘John 14:12″ ‘Great Work’ NoW as humble
    and meek now with empty pockets not attempting to make a Lincoln red
    cent sent or A Washington Green BLack Dollar Bill all i have to do is say
    Google “Long Bible” and voila all the proof is tHeRe.. including all this
    stuff in the comments section on that Word Press Blog Post that will surely
    exceed Novel Size in 40K Plus words by publish date of this next Comments
    Section Draft on or about 7.24.17 in honor of the 20th Year Date since my
    only son Ryan.. of 51 days.. passed away in my arms in promise to him that
    his life will count in eYes of my much greater human potential
    for knowing and feeling and sensing his struggle in life for
    51 days with only pain
    and no
    at all
    Thanks Giving
    for this one life
    this one life that is
    Holy and Sacred Enough
    Full of Meaning and Purpose
    to nAMe the entire experience God
    and mean it with all one’s MiNd and
    BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL WiTh 100
    Percent SPiRiT of HeART
    FaiTHLoVEXpreSsinG that
    iN an
    oF LovE thaT
    for all practical intents
    and purposes never begins
    and never ends as it is relatively
    too complex NoW for any human.. even me
    to fit in a FucKinG Box or Cover of Book
    away from anything else but ever changing
    as there are already beyond an infinite number
    of ways to see all of this for just one person forevermorenow..
    it’s a really big thing and it’s a really small thing as simple as change..

    This isn’t child stuff and not something that i would actually generally promote or even
    encourage the general public at large to read as it’s only for folks who care to fulfill tHeiR
    human potential in total open minded and bodied ways where one reaches the Capstone of the
    Pyramid iN how Maslow Relates that to self-actualization wHeRE one fulfills tHeiR human
    potential RiSinG to Fowler’s Capstone of what he describes as the Stages of Faith where
    folks move in range from Trusting Loving Parents to organized
    religions of shared cultural and community binds of myths
    as stories and truth and LiGht to the discernment and
    skepticism when one sees a much bigger
    world to see reality
    with much
    bigger eyes
    than what was
    spoon fed through
    youth and true with the
    Internet that potential is now
    higher than ever for open minded people
    to arise to the capstones of what will be Faith
    as Total Agape Love for All of Creation where one
    only cares to give and share back and take and receive
    is no longer a necessary pART of the LiFe Equation for one
    who lives both as Pure Love as Agape Love self-actualized NoW
    in both productivity and creativity as yes.. metaphor of Capstone
    as God eYes of Nature iN sure metaphor of all seeing eYes too for
    what can and will be Human Potential NoW.. aGaiN.. this isn’t for the
    First Baptist Church or the Catholic Church or Sunday School this goes
    beyond books of binds before.. and yes.. even science too.. as not only
    am i for one a scientist and artist for i am a mystic as in the case of Science
    there are too many miracles in life experienced for me to discount the Power of
    Belief of what is yet to come in Human Potential next that is truly MaGiC as Nature
    AS GoD forevermore now when one experiences LiFE this way through the effort of MaKinG
    DreAMs coMe TrUELiGHT as said and written and done as DanCinG and SinGinG LiFe and LoVe as LiGht
    even more
    sure.. call
    iT “John 14:12”
    or call it a ‘Blue
    Turtle’ or ‘WTF’ you like..
    Bottom lineS.. one cannot deny
    iT when it coMes in the evidence
    of photos and black and white text
    iN Beyond Rainbow Colors of an all Natural
    World and the all Natural God that is more MaGiC
    than any
    of the
    sure.. if one
    experiences it.. if not now
    it might as well be a fossil
    now of a bONE of long ago as
    old NoW as antiquated Bibles too
    now too that sure like humans who
    have sacrificed tHeir life for the
    Love of others still stands as Holy
    Texts of Bible before for the shoulders
    of Giants of Philosophy and Prophecy and
    Science too that i stand upon as meek and humble
    enough STiLL to understand the Heritage and Honor
    and Praise worthy oF all those who cAMe Before who and
    that prepare me a way as HUMaN BeinG PoTenTiaL to F iN
    Army Be all i can be and sure Jesus F. Christ live as Pure Love too..
    Anyway.. sure.. i find the entire experience of life and love Holy and Sacred
    Full of Meaning and Purpose with no member less than the other including
    my entire Human Body and all the functions that come as all Natural
    life.. i do nude art.. that’s out of the social norm way out
    for a 57 year old Heterosexual Dude who is Human and
    Loves the Ladies and who is Monogamous and
    Married too.. there are lots of
    ways to Love.. the Best oF
    i KNow and FeeL
    iS Dance
    of Dance
    and SonG
    of Poetry
    as thaT Can and
    WiLL coMe with no jealousy
    or Greed or attempted ownership
    of Love and or other people as property
    the Loves of MY Life in terms of friends and
    yes mostly women as i am not afraid to express
    all my heart as mostly men are afraid in Patriarchal
    cultures to do that and i am not afraid to express all
    the divine masculine will and strength of that side of
    me too along with divine feminine grace and Love as a BaLanCinG
    Force of entire HuMaN BeinG and not just bits and parts of what
    Society says is a Human Person NoW iN ways of expressing Personality too..
    Most people as Nature will have it too.. spend tHeiR lives fitting tHeiR sELf
    in labELs and boXes.. i do more as i can and will do more with 100 Percent PurELoVEFAiTH
    never ashamed
    to be what
    and who
    i am
    as all
    a HUMaN
    WiLL and
    Can BE when Free..
    anyway.. back to the photos
    at hand now.. a Nice Young
    Woman first.. i met in the Parking
    Lot of Old Seville Quarter who is open
    minded enough to want to be a 70th Facebook
    Friend of mine who have course i cautioned
    that i am no man to fit in any box as far as anyone
    who might be offended by what a truly Wild and Free Human
    of Love WiLL do as both science and art and mystical ways
    of seeing and expressing Life too.. and what i do in all i do
    i attempt to inspire folks to believe as the Ted Talk Video Proves
    that Belief in one’s greater Human Potential can and will come to FruiTioN
    if one stays positive out away from those who See fear of dArk and cynicism
    oF LiGht and also the fACT in the OtHER Ted Talk Video provided that we do
    create our lives and reality is not a fixed concrete thing as far as the
    reality we experience..
    it behooves us to
    Bath ourselves
    with LiGHT
    dARK Struggle to
    GroW iN DARk too to
    Greater LiGhts than BeFoRE
    MoVinG Mountains is surELy
    not out of the Question for those
    who understand what a Mountain built
    out of Pure Positive Love can and will
    Move in liFe neXT.. particularly.. if Material
    Goods are not the driving mix with the Washington
    Green BLack Dollar and Lincoln Sents along with Shinier
    Cars and Bigger Homes in Brick and mortar for status and
    power away from giving and sharing pure positive Love..
    as the Car Becomes the Lover and the Tower Becomes God
    in concrete
    way over
    the flesh
    and blood
    thaT LiGhts uP
    Love.. and then on
    to a spectator in the
    audience who was video taping
    me from a distance and then on
    to college women who see me as
    the interesting thing they saw at
    the zoo hehe.. less and more.. and
    a very out of the box African American
    Man in that photo too.. and then finally
    to a ‘Miley Cyrus’ local leaning Woman
    who always greets me with her bottom yes
    her form of saying hello is a bootie dance
    as she has a little more wild and free spirit
    than most anyone there.. as the Happiness of that
    liGhts her up obvious as free and sure in her artistic
    way of adorning her self with clothes and tongue jewelry too..
    i love it allNall the colors of life and those with closed minds
    i scare the FucK out of them to be honest and also to be honest
    for any Scientist of Social Sciences Interdisciplinary and
    Anthropology and Health Science that are my three
    University degrees ThaT is to be expected
    as that is part
    of the
    of the Human
    Pie too.. as closed
    minded folks are here
    to anchor rules and order
    And for groups of Human Beings
    over 150 to 200 sets now of Naked
    Furry Bonobo Hips and eYes sET NoW oN
    FiRe in a Bootie Dance oF Love as rules and
    regulations NoW are all that sets society away
    from anarchy now too of insanely large populations
    that cannot work any other way as when the population
    and density of humans goes higher even more rules come..
    particularly in areas of Scarcity and now that Machines
    are taking jobs and social roles away too.. yes.. one better
    develop tHeiR Divine Masculine Will and Strength too as the CoMinG
    Years are not gonna be for ‘sissies’ either and i understand this NoW
    as i was once a ‘little man’ syndrome dude too like Trump and others too..
    One Builds A Will and Strength with Love and Grace in Capstone Self actualization
    Way and nah.. no one will bring one down to the bottom level of the Pyramid again.. NoW
    as that is where ‘Trump folks’ live no matter rich or poor.. eYes oF LoVELiGHT see more iN TruTH..
    and that about covers the other two photos of Focus in Reason and Art of Mysticism too in Dreamtime NoW..
    i go both
    they say
    and all ways aS One
    ForcE WiTH anD aS GoD..
    NoW for what i sEE FeeL
    And SeNse OF ALL ThaT iS..;)

  10. Hi Fred, you are bringing back happy musical memories from my younger years when ELO and Alan Parsons Project where always on my record player 🎶 Your garden flowers are beautiful, those tall white lillies look as if they are waving at the sun 🌞 I enjoyed your special micro verse and send you sMiles across the miles and wish you, Katrina and Yellow Boy a wonderful weekend too ☺💖 xxx

  11. Ah.. yes.. Xenia.. Elo and Alan Parson’s Songs
    take us back to yesternows as nows now..
    what a Gift YouTube is to share those
    Songs that relay
    NoW oF
    from Youth but
    what is Youth but
    Growth but what is
    Youth but Living in the
    Light of Love and Happiness..
    Yellow Boy Understands this Play
    of life as he never settles down
    out of wild for Free
    He..and then.. me Standing
    on My University Grounds..
    iN ’84..After 6 years of University..
    Three Degrees.. having absolutely
    no idea of what i would do next
    in terms of Humble School
    Mascot as Nautilus and
    “Build thee more stately
    ‘Word’ Mansions” in Oliver
    Wendell Holmes then School
    Logo way too for a talent so far
    far away in silence then too..
    as i went to School to learn
    what i wanted to
    learn and not
    what others enforced then too..
    as ‘they’ did do in greater degrees
    as more restricted learning High School…
    Now.. tHeRe are unrestricted avenues of art
    and science giving sharing UniVersity of MiNd
    And BoDy continuing across the life span instead
    of stopping cold hard miles from a Library and Card
    Catalogs with Cable shows of bore.. to touch Art and Science
    Across the Life sPan to Dance on to Sing on without restraint too..
    surely.. we are greater blessed in our 50’s to see both sides now and
    greater appreciate what we do have and what we don’t have from before
    to create the lives that fit both sides best.. Jeff Lynn Created ‘Strange Magic’
    in his Music for he did it his way refusing to be directed by others with his Creative
    Freedoms and what came is an original so far beyond most others WitH his ART
    iN ITsELf
    iN fuller
    that no one
    else can
    New an
    as they DancE STiLL
    And SinG Strange Magic
    with all Cylinders of Human
    Potential Running on Growth
    and what is yet to be Imagined
    And Created Next as Fruition
    sMiLes.. WitH “1.82M WorD LOnG
    FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”..
    the next time at a Bus Stop when someone asks
    me if all i do is dance in public i can sit down on the
    Bench and SinG.. Google “Long Bible” or “Long Form Poem”
    and see how far i SinG as WeLL as DancE iN Strange Magic
    Ways.. No Director.. No Writer.. No Producer.. No Photographer..
    No Actor.. No Dancer.. No Singer or Body Artist but me and sure..
    with a little Help from my Friends as Jeff Lynne also helped produce some
    of the Beatles Songs as the Artists went their separate directions in ways
    of Individual art too.. anyway.. my friend.. the whole thing makes a talking
    point in Forrest Gump way in the Bus Stops of Life for what is a person now
    to do when money making is no longer a goal.. but play and PlaY NoW
    Some More.. iN Give and Share with wishes too
    For All A Happy Weekend
    to you My Friend..
    all i do NoW is Play
    Every Day..
    Perhaps i’ll write
    a shorter SonG NoW onE
    Day after i run on a little more with so
    Long and See you soon.. hehe with Cat purrs2.:)

  12. NaTUrE iS GoD
    We Don’t all see thaT
    SamE God and SurE
    i CaN ProVe tHaT WitH Ted TalK

    As the Ted Talks i provided earlier do show
    it’s true.. as far as Human Minds go and how
    we filter the World it is more Hallucination
    than objective reality
    as gibberish
    in audio
    can make
    perfect sense if
    translated in advance
    before the gibberish comes..
    our minds are evolved for constant
    change and at times we attempt
    to restrain those
    minds too
    in the
    order of Yang
    and alternatively without
    now enough order.. A Yin painting brush
    of reality that is both beauty and wise
    too can become more as chaos where all
    seems strange and scary as one becomes
    more afraid of the dark in what is yet to come
    in dark as well as cynical in hope of what could/can
    come in light to the rainbow colors of Pollyanna that
    and who sayS even beyond that that every little thing
    is gonna
    be all right and
    sure.. it helps to see
    hear and speak ‘no evil’
    as what feed our brains
    is what our mind
    acts on next
    whether Acts or
    and Words are Bliss
    in Nature BeinG or crap pie..
    anyway.. an older Gentleman
    at the Gym who i have known
    as a passing gym acquaintance
    probably much longer than he then
    recognized me as distinguished from
    the crowd that is almost impossible not
    to do.. hehe.. as i do A Ballet and Martial
    Arts All Free Verse Public Dance wherever i go
    including the Military Gym as a place where most
    folks attempt to act as strength more than grace
    although as Bruce Lee and others WiLL Tale you now
    past and present and future too.. True Strength now
    and Will Come from the Power of Love and Grace now
    as Root Core of what People with Rationality in Regulating
    Emotions and Integrating Senses do day in day out as wax on
    wax off alWays NoW as an Art of MoVinG Life so much further
    than currently overall what Western Civilizations tale us and show us
    and makes us do as standard data download life and ideals of success too
    tied in with owning things more than moving.. connecting.. and creating
    in giving and sharing ways as our ancestors have done/do for a Hundred
    to two Hundred thousand years or so.. depending on if one understands
    that just a Naked Dance without even a Vocal Word can accomplish all
    of that eye to eye and hip to hip now.. no artifacts necessary
    to leave
    particularly when
    there is real naked
    abundance in an environment
    that doubles more like a Garden
    of Eden than harsh and cruel desert
    life where humans rely on cups
    that gather water most
    of all
    a driving force
    to make tools to hold
    and store water longer
    in arid lands of less..
    Holy Grail as
    in the Hunt
    of Chalice to hold the
    Literal Water of Life too.. sure.. verily
    not hard to understand how ingrained fully STiLL
    the archetype of ‘the cup’ is as integral pARt NoW
    of our Subconscious miNds in Holy and Sacred Ways
    and when we see the green of meadows and the color
    of flowers ancient as genetic imprinted visual memories too
    of what it means to live in a place of abundance subsistence
    BaLanCinG LiFE day to day noW iN and noW out.. Paradise more
    aS oNe feels and senses then same as now.. just different actors
    wearing surely more clothes cluttered with collective intelligence
    for creature comforts in creating great cultural by-products for that
    that bring us now.. ultimately A-Bombs and Machines that replace human
    jobs and avenues for social roles where humans become more lost in life away
    from Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning Purpose Story Book Life more than this and
    that link of factoid shared on Facebook searching for that Meaning and Purpose NoW
    in someone else’s Acted and Produced and Directed Play of Life.. Passive life as ‘they’
    say.. couch potato life where the inner fire becomes fed by someone else’s fire more than
    inside iN MoVinG
    Connecting and Creating
    iN Flesh and Blood ways.. anyway..
    Body Art and the Scales don’t lie when
    the Numbers come in as 1.82 Million Words
    in an average of 13.6 Months Makes 133 Thousand
    Words a Month now shared on Blogs and Facebook Avenues
    of GiVinG too.. Body Art Feed Back and Objective Empirical
    view of weighing scales says 235 LBS is inching up into
    the 240’s for a 6 Foot or So Dude who while he still
    Public Dances 7800Miles by the 47 Months
    Anniversary Date for that at
    the end of July for
    166 Miles sTiLL
    A Month Average
    as what played
    out in 40 Months
    at the end of December
    ’16 at precisely 6666 Miles
    at 166.66 Miles per all month
    then.. it’s like tHeRe IS A Flow
    going on so far beyond what
    i consciously Plan in what
    numbers come when
    like ‘A Big
    In Heaven HeAR
    as metaphor too where
    Life is much more rhyme where
    the rhyme that has no causal
    connecting direction still comes
    out as reason too.. in other words.. no doubt to
    me that Life is More of a Story Book than a random
    soup of existence as some Scientists in reductionist
    view might say that guy is just twirling steps and
    words in random ways that makes no sense
    at all until they see the entire picture
    i BRinG if they have
    the natured and
    nurtured tools
    for the
    ability to do that
    in wax on wax off of life..
    true.. in other areas of specialties
    too that i surely have few to no clueS in context
    to see a bigger picture of what is going on either..
    yep.. this is the 47th Month where in precisely 40
    months 140 Dance Weeks came comes too.. with this
    “6th Bible Memorial”.. 118th/789th MacroVerse now as Child
    of 5M+ “SonG oF mY SoUL as “Nether Land Bible 2017” that will
    eventually hold the entire Table of Contents as complete 1.82M WorD
    LOnG FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN.. yes literally all Links More NoW
    and Titles of 117 MacroVerses accomplished in Precisely 13.6 Months
    at 1.82 Million Words.. is yes.. an average of 15,555 words
    per MacroVerse as the numbers flow on in interesting
    Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose
    Archetypal ways too.. with my 70th New
    Facebook Friend the same
    day as my 170th
    Dance Week Night
    in 40 months too..
    and this for Publish
    Date per “6th Bible Memorial”
    on 7.24.17 as the 20th Anniversary
    of my only Son Ryan is that Day as all of
    this in honor of him and my Mother too as i gained
    the Word Number 1.82 Million Words in honor of her life
    until 82 Years of Age too.. and sure as far as the Occult
    Goes and Numerology.. the number 93 for time of publish
    for both associated MacroVerses came to that Number
    as documented
    at the
    of Both
    of “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM
    PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN” NoW
    too clothed and not as ‘they’ say too..
    hmm.. namely me in restricted link way too..
    anyway.. in that regard more off my ass work to do
    to keep myself healthy as the last 25K Post and
    the 20K post before that in more than a Novel
    Size Writing in a little over a week.. brings
    the 235LB Caution on the Scale
    that says get out get out
    escape the screen
    as scream
    of keyboard
    too.. See Nature..
    Be Nature it’s as simple
    as that so that is what i did today
    and will do and sure that is Strange Magic too..
    NoW in ways of Beauty and Wisdom in all that i do
    too and when the older Gentleman related then that he
    was having trouble keeping his balance and He wondered
    where i learned my BaLanCinG Moves.. i had to tale him
    no one taught me how to move the way i do oTheR thaN
    InNaTe InSTinCT and iNTuiTioN for 47 Months of wax
    on wax off in 7700 plus Miles of doing that NoW..
    and really all i could tale him is left foot
    right foot balance until
    both feet
    one BaLanCinG
    ForCE of GoD
    iN HIGheR HuMaN
    PoTenTiaL.. sadly.. most people
    do not understand that their body
    is literally tHeiR mind too that one with
    relative free will can and will train.. yes.. to
    Be iN staycation NoW Heaven alWAys NoW.. heAR NoW
    for those who listen to tHeir Body and truly hear
    what thaT pART of oUR MiNds has to Say and Dance
    too from beYOnd RainBoW Colors oF FeeLinG and
    SenSinG LiFE to every cell almost dead inside as
    HeART wHeRe Energizer Bunnies no longer come out to play
    NoW.. yes.. when
    Tennessee the Cat
    left with his so-called
    Owners to Move away..
    the Rabbit was once
    more Wild
    Free iN Jack
    Ways to PlaY Free
    in our Meadow Green..
    once again.. when one Door
    of Nature is Closed another opens
    NoW for another pART of NaTuRE NoW
    And Then.. the Beauty of all that is
    is tHeRe is no separation.. we eventually
    consume each other back into light if we love
    if we love without all stuff associated with Fear and ultimately hate..
    oh yeah and sure.. i’m a Ninja and a Chameleon with a Peace sign of Red and Green..
    be too
    to view
    by NoW iN
    a little bit of
    Bigger Picture views NoW2/4/X..
    yes.. Photographer.. Rebel Rouser with
    Graceful Ballet and Martial Arts Dance
    of Death in Fredfu ways.. yes.. a little
    exhausted too.. almost asleep in the Parking
    Lot after Marathon Dance at Old Seville Quarter2..
    sure.. with Fredbun and Fredku in SonG of DancE too..
    i get around i get around.. the Jack Rabbit coMes NoW2..
    with sure.. a little scientist still built in behind a suit of reaSon
    and art too.. someone had/has to Blow the Horn on 3.10.13.. a Trump
    is not enough hehe more NoW too..;)

    So.. anYway.. aWaY aWaY FroM
    THiS scReAM aS sCreEN(S)
    For WeeKenD PLaY..;)

  13. “6th Bible Memorial”
    EverY DancE and SonG
    Tales more Stories in one Photo

    And sure that’s what makes
    “SonG oF mY SoUL” the Mother
    and Father of 5 Bibles at 5 Million
    Words Plus NoW iN 47 MonTHs NoW oF
    Creating Beyond Infinitely Longer..
    Over 100 Thousand Photos and
    Thousands of YouTube Video
    Dance And Songs
    to accompany
    all of that NoW
    Beyond Infinity
    as tHeRe is no
    in as Love..
    as that Dance
    And song continues

  14. A GreaTesT tHiNG aBouT HUman
    is we are art and not science if
    we live our lives according
    to Nature
    and not the
    that is
    the illusion NoW
    we create as abstract
    constructs that are tools
    away from flesh and blood
    and Nature SAMe.. as i Love
    to DancESinG when Shiny New Cars
    Become the Lover as well as Clothes
    and God Becomes the House.. the
    Vessel and yes.. the Vehicle too
    as the tools/idols we humans
    stArted CreaTiNG
    to make
    beyond Essence
    oF LoVE and not a place
    NoW aLone as that is what
    evenTually comes now too..
    without a face to face more flesh
    and blood touch NoWwHeRe we
    smell and taste each otHeR too
    beyond the eYeS and earS and
    beyond the five senses too
    as we coMe
    to feel
    iN BeYonD
    InFiNiTe moves
    of EmoTioNs
    too when
    sOld away NoW
    as the Tools of Cultures
    we make for creature comforts
    that suffocate the Love away from us..
    And that’s the tragedy when we make stuff and
    fear and hate our God instead of Love as surely as
    Bonobos and Human Beings too.. altruism is the highest
    ideal of life for both survive and thrive overall NoW.. sure.. ‘Clarity’
    as ‘they’ as saY iN DancE and Song for any Giver who shares too
    away from
    and even abstract
    constructs of written words
    where the touch NoW and the smELL
    and the tAste of LiFE FeeLs and SenSEs
    so much more than a Labyrinth with almost
    endless layers as onions that cover us up in less
    than a Tear of Love NOW.. face to face smell to smell
    touch to touch and yes taste to taste if it is only the cheek
    of a salty run from eye in one tear shed for Humanity NoW
    the way we were and still are evolved as GreATeST PoTenTiaL
    for UnConDiTioNaL Fearless and smART Love in Altruism DancE
    and SinG too.. sure.. resurrection in and as Love in a Kingdom oF HeaVeN
    iN MoVinG ConNecTinG CreaTiNG GiVinG SHaRinG waY aLWaYs NoW
    A Place that and who lives within inside outside above so below and all
    around in no distance space or time of Love alWaYs NoW with more
    to give
    for free..
    and as far as those
    photos and a lifetime of
    emotions and senses and
    experiences that go in-synch
    with them.. the first Photo of
    almost just what i needed
    to illustrate a 1.82M Word
    Long Form Poem
    in what
    are the clothes
    of letters and Numbers
    and Symbols overall clothed
    as the nice young Woman who
    volunteers to wear that shirt then
    and do a selfie with me.. and the
    next nice young woman who invited
    herself to my selfie and i of course said
    yes.. as two middle aged folks.. one a little
    red and one a little brown.. played
    together in the Old Navy
    Store on Saturday..
    as that is what
    Do In the Kingdom
    oF HeaVeN NoW when
    they meet for the first time
    with Unconditional eYes of Love
    iN PLaY of God Free.. yes.. A Higher NoW
    FeeLinG Human Potential of Altruistic LoVe..
    and then the Goddess Isis from Egypt NoW Incarnate
    as Katrina as our personal Tragedy and Resurrection
    of Life surely fits with the theMe SonG provided
    and the myth of Isis and Osiris and Horus too
    just that our wisdom is coming in the
    form of 6 Bibles so far
    in the
    of children
    from Parents
    and Grand Parent
    Love Form Poem.. “SonG
    oF mY SoUL” Bible.. surely more than
    a Label of a Towering Ego on a Skyscraper
    or a Pyramid For NOW.. with NoW.. none of the
    effort for even a penny earned NoW less than Love..
    A Chameleon on My Shirt in multi-colored actor as I
    of Director i as i Directs Actor I in my own created play
    you bet you bet you bet i do it more and more sTiLL NoW..
    and then A Piano.. A Roman Missal Blessed by a Pope Last
    Century as inheritance from an X-Catholic X-Communicated
    Priest as yes my Grandfather who once dined with Einstein
    in the intellectual circles of the Socialist Part in the early
    Decades of Last Century where the Paternal Grand
    Father.. Leo.. pictured in the next
    Facebook Profile photo
    a noted Author
    and Magazine
    Editor converting Catholics
    away from the Church in evangelical
    ways and writing a book Named “Out of
    the Labyrinth” in Brown Cover on the
    Piano too.. but not coming fully into
    the Divinity School of the
    20th Century where
    Jesus looks
    more like
    a humble
    Yogi than
    any so-called
    literal Soldier Son
    God alone in three
    part harmony of three
    God’s in one.. sure.. he strayed
    from the herd of heard in Catholic
    way and stayed with the ignorance
    of what he joined next.. live and learn as
    they say and the Internet provides unlimited
    ways to find truth and light now away from the
    binds of religion and culture in ways of illusory fears
    and empty promises designed to subjugate and control
    others and keep them in the church too.. to collect for
    building funds bigger and stuff like that too.. i bring
    my singing voice of heART iN HoLY SPiRiT WaY
    and the Wife Katrina bRinGS Five Bucks of her
    own volition for as far as i am
    concerned the effort
    i PersonAlly BRinG
    to liFT SoULs iN what is mostly
    tHeRE a mechanical cognition worry
    state of audience.. a little higher than
    robot mind is MaGiC enough NoW for me..
    and them too of those who appreciate my effort
    to rise to the occasion of Choirs of Angels too..
    no thought required.. just unleashing the miGhtY
    Power of Creativity Colored ART with Love ForcE
    IN Vocal Chord way of Love
    even more
    NoW.. too..
    and sure.. a Book
    on that Piano Named the
    “12th Insight” by James Redfield..
    one of the Leaders of the New age
    Movement in a way of LiFE based on LiGHT
    oF Love away from Fear and Hate.. sure.. what
    the Good Cop Jesus says to do for those who do not
    use a story interpreted another way for even greater subjugating
    folks in expanding empire way more by the sword and fear and hate
    less than words of Love in Fearless smART way STiLL NoW in Good
    Cop Jesus defeats his villain literal Bad Cop Persona when focused
    on that potential in literal ways in New Testament Verses about
    Hating and Slaying Folks too.. And yes.. an English Translated
    Version of the Koran as i read otHeR sacred and holy
    texts as generated in all Cultures of the World
    NoW.. And finally while floating
    my way around Barnes
    and Nobles
    oN Saturday Night
    iN DancE listening to my Favorite
    Meditation Music.. the book i was
    reading was one i special ordered per
    the Unabridged and English Translated
    out of Sanskrit Mahābhārata.. i rarely ever
    buy books there but considering i read anywhere
    from 4 to 8 in a Month there for free while Dancing
    and using their Air Conditioning Free.. the least i could
    do instead of reading it there and returning it like a Library
    Book for sale.. is to actually spend the 20 Bucks to at least
    grasp a fuller picture of the Unabridged Long Form Poem
    Bible of 1.8 Million Words in Sanskrit that i continue
    to exceed for the second time now soon to be
    around three times that in about 400 thousand
    words from NoW too when
    SonG oF mY SoUL reaches
    Around 5.4 Million Words then..
    And considering on average i’ve
    been writing 1.6 Million Words or so
    in Bible Size NoW per year that’s 40
    Novel Sizes of Poetry every year in Free
    Verse way.. so.. if i read 50 Books at the low
    end of estimation at Barnes and Nobles in a year
    and proof read what i write 3 times that’s another 120
    books sizes in Novel way read again.. and yes.. now too
    i put it all on Facebook with MacroVerse and MicRoVerse
    Memories.. years to date.. putting my Monthly Contribution NoW oF
    what i’ve written and i am writing somewhere around a Half A MilLioN
    Words of ouTpuT each month.. sure.. about 6 Million words a year
    counting repetitive posts too.. in different formats from Solo to
    accompanied with Song and Facebook Profile Pics too.. so..
    sure.. in this way i am A 6 Million Word Man each year
    on Facebook too NoW.. too.. once a person.. before..
    named me the 7 thousand Word Man then
    in exaggeration of how
    many Words
    i made
    in one
    Discussion Op Post
    on the “Wrong Planet” then
    and no.. it’s no joke or derisive
    comment now.. far far away from that
    in shorter ways too.. and yes.. “Vote
    for Pedro” along with some of the
    photos prove i was a lot more
    like “Napoleon Dynamite”
    than John Travolta
    in Saturday
    Night Fever
    every now of the now..
    and it also proves that since
    i first met Goddess Isis incarnate
    as Katrina i let myself go as what
    happens in the comfort of marriage away
    from potential individual fulfilling self actualizing
    ways now too.. some men and or women end up on couches
    and mall benches watching professional sports and i had
    my share at least too of FSU and College Football too as i
    distinctly remember then too before Computers came out.. oh
    My God what would i ever do if i retired from work then as
    the College Football Season only lasts about 4 months a year..
    sure.. i thought about watching another sport too.. use it or lose it applies
    in all stuff life.. either use it for an epic life or stagnate still and rot.. it’s
    JusT aBout as simple as that once one.. if they ever escape the rot of 9 to 5 Work
    in a Wash and Rinse cycle of Mundane that never ends as life is invariably
    wasted from what it can and could and would and will be now.. particularly
    with much greater free avenues to self-actualize with modern
    technology.. if one finds a way to BaLancE the YiN of
    HuMaN Nature Physical and Emotional
    And Existential Intelligences where
    an Alcoholic Beverage or
    a Cigarette or a Joint
    eTc.. is not necessary
    to either escape life NoW
    or better feel and sense it
    NoW when one regulates one’s
    own EMoTioNs and SenSes as
    anything otHeR than whaT
    we feel and sense
    is idols
    constructs from
    shiny cars to new houses
    to ‘Trump Tower’ ways of labELing
    stuff away from what lives inside..
    Namely God thE ForCE oF LiFE
    Free NoW WiTH WinGS of
    smART Fearless
    LoVE MoVinG
    and CreaTinG
    GiVinG and SHaRinG
    aLwaY NoW more than
    Reason Life of Steel trap door
    Hell pit.. in Mechanical Cognition
    way.. once again class.. use it or lose
    it in all stuff existence NoW.. Do Love
    or Lose
    an iRobot
    inStead oF A
    Beyond the End
    of the Rainbow Pot
    of Golden Love NoW..
    one thing for sure is.. it dAM
    sure will save you a lot of Money
    And a Freer way to earn the Heaven
    of Happiness within NoW.. no one can
    take Love away that way Free within as HeaVeN NoW..
    anYway.. Hopefully thaT BRinGS a little More ‘Clarity’ and if
    not.. no worries as the Katrina is still working on Earning hear ‘Letter Man Jacket’
    ‘F’ iN
    Jesus Christ..
    the Modern Good
    Cop Version NoW tHaT
    you can/WiLL be too once
    oNE NoW FucKinG earns
    yOUR F U SeeK iN NoW
    God thrOne
    too.. yeah.. Baby..
    this is not College Ball
    or Pro Ball.. NoW.. this is A
    Beyond INFiniTy BoWL and bALL oF LoVE..
    And YeS.. it’S Red Hot as Luke WiLL Do coveReD
    WiTh GRaiNs of Sand as Multi-Verse mOrE iN Love
    GolD FinGeR ConNectTioNs WiTh OTheRS aRouNd the GLoBe
    NoW yes.. LoVe iN EveRY PoRT oF GoD sKeYes LoVe as F
    SinGS too..
    Now at least NoW
    As A MeeK oNe continUes
    to InHeRiT the eARTh aS SucH NoW
    WitH Riches of Love As HeaVeN NoW too..
    And iF you hapPen to be a “Label on a Trump
    Tower”.. A personal engraved invitation from
    me alTerNativELy iN 5 MilLion PlUS words
    iN A Bible
    OF HeaVeN
    NoW AKA LoVE
    GoD eTc eTc..ET AL..
    ‘SonG oF mY SoUL’ NoW2..:)

  15. The Throne
    and Crown
    of Love
    any material
    of Ownership
    and Greed and
    Jealousy that will
    ever come pass Free
    ShaRinG and GiVinG
    not my choice
    only yOUR WiLL
    NoW iN FeeL and SenSe MoRE NoW
    Over Mechanical Cognition NoW more
    of thiNk.. witHout SPiriT NoW oF HeART
    EMoTioN and SeNSes eXPreSSinG NoW
    HeART oF EMoTioNaL FeeLinGs and SenSEs
    it’s trUe tHeRE IS A Good Cop Jesus in the New
    Testament when interpreted that way tHaT FuLFiLLs
    A Law for this Throne and Crown oF UnCONDiTioNaL
    smaRT and FearLess Love but only for those with eYes
    And eaRS thaT HeAR and See A FeeL and SeNSe of ThiS
    GiVinG and ShArinG LoVe NoW iN HuMaN all natural inherited
    Gift of Altruism NoW.. and is tHeRE any wailing and gnashing of
    teeth out tHeRE NoW.. Look no further than Trump Crowns and
    Thrones oF Fear and Hate NoW that takes that takes that takes
    whatever Bread and Water for Basic Subsistence the
    Meekest among us and richest in Kingdom
    of Love as Heaven NoW
    but as the Lips
    of Karma
    ice cold
    the only Hell
    that comes is for
    the gnashing and the
    wAiling of HeArts for those
    who take who take who take
    away from the Meek who inherit
    thE Love iN a Kingdom of eARTh LoVE
    NoW it’s trUe as ALwaYs the Harvest
    iS NoW we either sow love and reap
    Love in the end and Beginning
    AlWays NoW or we sow
    Fear and Hate in
    misery loves
    away from Hope
    and Love and Joy
    is all naked and free
    Holding Palms of Love uP
    WitH BeYonD InFiNiTy oF LoVE
    iN LoVinG Hands of God sKeYes
    only necessary as visible within within
    as Force of God Inheritance oF Love NoW..
    i Can/WiLL Move Literal Mountains of Love.. A Challenge
    iS noW iN A court of yOUR Love or Hate.. spRinkLed
    WitH Hope and Joy or Painted with fear and misery
    Loves company in the oTheR PLacE oF HeLL NoW..
    it’s easy to teLL wHo lives in each place isn’t
    it.. does one reAlly believe iN LoVE
    or is
    it just
    a myth
    oF A Man to one
    inStead of the Love
    that lives Free and WiLd WitHiN NoW..:)

    Sand Box Heaven

    And now a story to relate as often told in many
    different ways and in many different ages of
    sages of before.. as published by me iN A
    “Sand Box Heaven” on 3.31.16 of last
    year fully attired in Minion wear too..

    Stars are born to output and share liGht..
    at least for as long
    as they live.. NoW
    and as dim as i once
    was.. almost bLack
    of liGht..
    the saving
    grace then was
    to water a plant
    to make
    grow made
    my life still
    a star
    matter how
    dArk the candle
    i felt iN bLack
    then.. and
    oh.. the saviors of the world..
    and a story i love to tale a little
    different as parables do.. when free
    and not imprisoned by books.. pages..
    paragraphs.. lines or words of print
    of yesternows.. bound
    by past authority
    that no
    longer should
    exist.. for free..
    so.. anyway.. sorry iF
    you already heard it but
    it will be different anyway..
    hehe.. as free WiLL be
    when unleashed
    and released
    as being
    starliGht oF eYes
    within.. a dusty road..
    a little boy with no words..
    disabled from birth without
    the ability to speak.. but a lover
    of growth.. in shape of trees..
    a sapling brought home
    by loving mother
    then.. placed
    on a counter
    by a lamp that shines..
    the boys sees green and
    wants to see more.. so he
    nurtures this PLANeT
    the ability
    to speak..
    water he does..
    fertilizing Love..
    Sunshine hope
    iN eYes of Loving
    Kind.. fertile ground
    outside.. dig a hole
    to comfort roots..
    spend time
    and effort
    caring Love
    and the Tree rises
    broad and sTrong..
    and soon provides shade
    for the front porch home..
    Sidewalks come.. but tree
    sTill bRanches out.. Flowers
    come more beautiful than before..
    Students from the local school who
    study trees are amazed by the beauty
    of this tree.. photos are taken.. shared..
    and the boys eYes shine to see what his
    Love inspires.. tree no longer needs boy
    to grow strong now.. and the little
    boy becomes ill and his life
    goes dark..
    Years later..
    a shy young man iS
    walking this sidewalk
    of the boy’s home.. and
    a most beautiful dark haired
    girl approaches him.. with smiling
    face.. the boy’s eyes liGht up but what
    to say.. ah.. the center piece of conversation
    iS standing tAll and floweRinG more beautiful
    iT seems than ever before on this March Spring
    day.. a spark of instant Love is in the air..
    and that begins a Love that
    will last ’till death..
    the shy boy becomes
    confident with the Love of
    his wife.. joins the Military..
    and even rises to the ranks
    of politics then.. Love grows
    and fearless Lives..
    the boy is
    now a
    Strong man..
    and makes a decision
    as a leader of the world
    that prevents World War III…
    Life on the PlanT now iS saved..
    So who is the savior.. the boy..
    the man.. the girl.. the Loving
    wife.. the parents.. the schools
    providing education.. the tree
    or the little disabled boy
    and all the
    from around the
    world.. well.. the truth
    iS aLL they are.. as theRe
    is no i.. me but us and we
    oF Life..
    Moral of the
    story.. water a tree
    Of Life and see wHere
    iN Ocean
    eYes FReED..:)

  16. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUaVd-VXBCA?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=640&h=360] And now for a Comprehensive Table of Contents.. including Word Count of all 117 MacroVerses of 1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN that make just another Chapter too of “SonG of mY SoUL” as plus 5 Million Words Longest Long Form Poem at 788 MacroVerses too.. anyWay again.. this Chapter Below also exceeds the former Longest Long Form Poem as reported in Wiki at 1.8 Million Words from India Thousands of Years ago written in Sanskrit named the Mahābhārata that i recently paid 20 bucks for the abridged version of that hehe.. where “SonG oF mY SoUL” is provided now online all for free.. hehe as you see and feel and sense or not even if i am the only one to coMe in my Field of DreAMs Mission accomplished as i BRinG TrUTH and LiGHT with no sword of steel to enforce any of this.. the Laws of Love with Will in Golden Rule of Consuming no other with Harm are already arrived i’m heAR to sHow you what HeaVeN Looks like through mY eYes and sKin.. the rest NoW is uP to YoU as alWays thaT iS Between YoU and the Force oF LiVinG thaT LiVes within for me God for some oTheRS Random SouP.. tRuSt me Campbell’s Version of the Hero in Joseph way is a real thing going down for IsrEaL NoW2.. Human Love and Archetypes of Love are whAT i BRingS AGAiN NoW And sure as LonG as HUmaNs are all aRound this place tHeRe WiLL Be Plenty more LiKe me to sHoW yA a WaY to HeaVeN’s Gate to oPEn it too.. and to LiVE HeAR NoW EternALLy NoW as LoVe.. amaZinG reAlly HOW HarD it is for folks to HeAR this ratHeR simple mesSage of Love as the Work iS FeeLinG and SenSinG it every NoW iN GiVinG ShArinG Altruistic LoVE LiGht NoW.. but sure.. i for one understand change i for one have Hope for whoever you are too.. LesSoN from BeInG iN HeLL for 66 Months as A Devil BeFoRE AnGeLs WinGS Are aLwaYs LoVe NoW iN LiGHt wHeRe no dARk daREs to TReAd aS SiNKinG Pit aWay from LOVE NoW LiVinG aLWaYS NoW..:) tSuNaMi 7tH WaVe oF LoVE 19,004 words
    tSuNaMi 7tH WaVe oF LoVE
    HoLy SpiRit oF PoEtry 12,976 words
    HoLy SpiRit oF PoEtry
    Grand Cross 56 11,796 words
    Grand Cross 56
    SolDieR oF GoD2 FReED 12,028 words
    SolDieR oF GoD2 FReED
    wE ComE DowN FroM thE BeacH2 15,001 words
    wE ComE DowN FroM thE BeacH2
    iNto liGht dArKnesS 11,604 words
    iNto liGht dArKnesS
    i cAMe for eNliGhTeNinG NoW 13,798 words
    i cAMe for eNliGhTeNinG NoW
    UmBReLLa God People Rain 12,136 words
    UmBReLLa God People Rain
    Pan at the Apollo Theater2 18,313 words
    Pan at the Apollo Theater2
    RoSe BeYonD SuBliMe 11,963 words
    RoSe BeYonD SuBliMe
    INterDependence Day Heaven noW 14,812 words
    INterDependence Day Heaven noW
    HopE LoVE ISraEL 13,857 words
    HopE LoVE ISraEL
    God’s Love HandLe #ISREAL 13,510 words
    God’s Love HandLe #ISREAL
    iMaGiCk iSrEaL 14,310 words
    iMaGiCk iSrEaL
    iRise iSreal 12,793 words
    iRise iSreal
    mY LamP iSreaL 22,765 words
    mY LamP iSreaL
    HeRcULeS’ oF soUL 18,885 words
    HeRcULeS’ oF soUL
    wERisEToGeThEr aLLONewiThGOd 16,052 words
    wERisEToGeThEr aLLONewiThGOd
    i AM A JesuS2 HoW ‘bOuT yoU2 16,166 words
    i AM A JesuS2 HoW ‘bOuT yoU2
    000 SeCrET AGenT oF GoD 13,496 words
    000 SeCrET AGenT oF GoD
    SuPeR WoMeN oF GoDoH 17,532 words
    SuPeR WoMeN oF GoDoH
    i’M F*KinG A 0KAy 17,030 words
    i’M F*KinG A 0KAy
    Take the Wrong Planet Home 16,771 words
    Take the Wrong Planet Home
    Jar oF liGht AnD DArk heARts 20,719 words
    Jar oF liGht AnD DArk heARts
    Number 696 MacroVerse 16,243 words
    NUmber 696 MacroVerse
    SasQuatch LoVe Feat sKeYes 12,975 words
    SasQuatch LoVe Feat sKeYes
    CocksComB deLiGht oF SciEnce And arT 15,801 words
    CocksComB deLiGht oF SciEnce And arT
    Cyberian Tiger River Leaves 18,106 words
    Cyberian Tiger River Leaves
    Macro-Verse 700 Love Labor 15,519 words
    Macro-Verse 700 Love Labor
    GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG 18,212 words
    GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
    After Book oF Fred 15,893 words
    After Book oF Fred
    sigNature sUn arE onE 15,339 words
    sigNature sUn arE onE
    Super Fly oF liGht 13,529 words
    Super Fly oF liGht
    6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 13,799 words
    6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
    After Dance oF Fred 16,336 words
    After Dance oF Fred
    WaY uP HiGheR2 12,642 words
    WaY uP HiGheR2
    5302016 thru 9292016 551,711 words Black Moon Apocalypse Weekend! 15,155 words
    Black Moon Apocalypse Weekend!
    Golden Age reKneWeD 12,895 words
    Golden Age reKneWeD
    710th MacroVerse oF Faith 17,340 words
    710th MacroVerse oF Faith
    711 MaCroVerse BeYonD 17,179 words
    711 MaCroVerse BeYonD
    ‘LiGhTeNinG sTriKeS 712 11,190 words
    ‘LiGhTeNinG sTriKeS 712
    World War 111 DreAMs 13,480 words
    World War 111 DreAMs
    SoN oF Man MoRe NoW 19,147 words
    SoN oF Man MoRe NoW
    ArT oF tHe hUman HeArt SpiRiT SoUL 17,298 words
    ArT oF tHe hUman HeArt SpiRiT SoUL
    Book oF Ten Sixteen 17,560 words
    Book oF Ten Sixteen
    BRidge to noW SinG 11,552 words
    BRidge to noW SinG
    DeStiNaTioN 718 12,429 words
    DeStiNaTioN 718
    New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen 15,996 words
    New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen
    10032016 thru 11112016 181,221 words Moon Child Closes iN 13,256 words
    Moon Child Closes iN
    RocK oN noW iN LovE 16,690 words
    RocK oN noW iN LovE
    Fried Forgiving Turkeys 11,595 words
    Fried Forgiving Turkeys
    12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016 14,047 words
    12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016
    OVengate 2016 10,580 words
    OVengate 2016
    New Moon Reign 13,355 words
    New Moon Reign
    STar RAin LiGht 14,432 words
    STar RAin LiGht
    Torn ViNes oF Love 16,147 words
    Torn ViNes oF Love
    NOT THE invisible man 12,013 words
    NOT THE invisible man
    Supermoon Trinity Christmas 2016 14,595 words
    Supermoon Trinity Christmas 2016
    i’LL bE hoMe For xMas DanCinG 18,081 words
    i’LL bE hoMe For xMas DanCinG
    WiNteR SoUlSticE CLoseS iN 2016 14,056 words
    WiNteR SoUlSticE CLoseS iN 2016
    Grand Cross Bible 2016/2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen 12,444 words
    Grand Cross Bible 2016
    11142016 thru Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..
    KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A year in Review
    KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A year in Review 17,283 Words
    FLoW iN ZoNe 2017
    FLoW iN ZoNe 2017 13,901 Words
    FuLL HouSe FLows
    FuLL HouSe FLows 11,387 Words
    GOld FiSH HeaVeN PartY
    GOld FiSH HeaVeN PartY 16,496 Words
    CoLoRs oF HeAVeN Bible 2017
    CoLoRs oF HeAVeN Bible 2017 16,872 Words
    VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017
    VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017 19,306 Words
    CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn
    CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn 14,069 Words
    Nether Land Bible 2017
    Nether Land Bible 2017 25,869 Words
    DiViSioN bELLs oF uNiTy
    DiViSioN bELLs oF uNiTy 10,042 Words
    SonG oF mY SoUL LonGeR
    SonG oF mY SoUL LonGeR 19,072 Words
    rEVoLuTiOn orAngE LoVE 2017
    rEVoLuTiOn orAngE LoVE 2017 11,515 Words
    iLIGhtsX! 16,570 Words
    SuPerTRamP2 16,975 Words
    USLOVE NoW 18,461 Words
    Mother’s Gift Now
    Mother’s Gift Now 8784 Words
    Sun oF Love
    Sun oF Love 15,572 Words
    Dogwood Winter Blooms
    Dogwood Winter Blooms 7497 Words
    Heaven is aLike aLL Over sTiLL noW
    Heaven is aLike aLL Over sTiLL noW 12,205 Words
    MoMenTos From Mother Helen
    MoMenTos From Mother Helen 14,235 Words
    Serenity Garden Within
    Serenity Garden Within 12,050 Words
    LuX A BeacH
    LuX A BeacH 14,677 Words
    7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
    7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 14,584 Words
    Leprechaun Pan Dance 2017
    Leprechaun Pan Dance 2017 11,313 Words
    EQuinoX SpRings VernaLLy noW
    EQuinoX SpRings VernaLLy noW 15,588 Words
    Dance Sings Rivers Rise Green
    Dance Sings Rivers Rise Green 9923 Words
    Road to Green sKeYes
    Road to Green sKeYes 20,937 Words
    MesSage iN A Bible Bottle
    MesSage iN A Bible Bottle 14,913 Words
    BeYonD April Fred’s Day
    BeYonD April Fred’s Day 14,770 Words
    CHilD’S PLaY@HanD
    CHilD’S PLaY@HanD 13,088 Words
    Age oF Katrina NoW
    Age oF Katrina NoW 17,944 Words
    sPArK oF NaTuRE
    sPArK oF NaTuRE 16,383 Words
    MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+
    MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+ 22,801 Words
    CLowN KinG NoW isREaL
    CLowN KinG NoW isREaL 19,347 Words
    eARTh DaY hUMaN PoTeNTiaL oVE
    eARTh DaY hUMaN PoTeNTiaL oVE 16,477 Words
    HeaVeN NoW ALWayS HeAR
    HeaVeN NoW ALWayS HeAR 16,674 Words
    PaGaN MoNDaY NoW2
    PaGaN MoNDaY NoW2 22,060 Words
    MaY MiNioNs BLooM
    MaY MiNioNs BLooM 18,166 Words
    GarDeN oF LoVe NoW2
    GarDeN oF LoVe NoW2 26,232 Words
    LuCiFreD’s MoM’s DaY
    LuCiFreD’s MoM’s DaY 28,623 Words
    BigGer BRitCHeS WORlD SiZe PlEAse
    BigGer BRitCHeS WORlD SiZe PlEAse 30,003 Words
    WiNDoW SEaT BiBLE 8602 Words
    DaRtHFReEDNoW 18,429 Words
    PHI Bible
    PHI Bible 11,091 Words 1,618,000 Words total for all 104 MacroVerses of “PHI Bible” from stART of Writing Date oN May 27th 2016
    Memorial Days Bible 2016-17
    Memorial Days Bible 2016-2017 9402 Words
    SoN oF Google NoW2
    SoN oF Google NoW2 12,875 Words
    Heinz 57 DanCinG SinGinG
    Heinz 57 DanCinG SinGinG 17,560 Words
    HeinZ 57 BD AfTeR pARTy
    HeinZ 57 BD AfTeR pARTy 15,627 Words
    SuPeRMaN VeRSeS BaTMaN NoW2
    SuPeRMaN VeRSeS BaTMaN NoW2 14,281 Words
    RuMiNaTinG THouSanD YEarS
    RuMiNaTinG THouSanD YEarS 14,807 Words
    SuMMeR SoULsTicE LoVE MaCRoVeRsE 111
    SuMMeR SoULsTicE LoVE MaCRoVeRsE 111 13,698 Words
    TeNNeSSee SAnDs FREeDOMs DReAMs 13,429 Words
    300 YEaRs FReED FLiNtSTOnEs GoNe
    300 YEaRs FReED FLiNtSTOnEs GoNe 15,219 Words
    SOldieR oF LiGHT FLoWeRS
    SOldieR oF LiGHT FLoWeRS 15,883 Words
    DeCLaRaTioN oF iNterDePenDencE DReAMs oN
    DeCLaRaTioN oF iNterDePenDencE Dreams oN 13,033 Words
    LOnE WoLF sKeYes oF LoVE
    LOnE WoLF sKeYes oF LoVE 20,369 Words
    1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN
    “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN” 25,205 Words 1,820,416 Words total for all 117 MacroVerses of “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN” from stART of Writing Date oN May 27th 2016 SuRe.. Challenges and aLL oF tHaT Second to None STuFF Mrs. and Mr. ‘Kite’ tWo aGaiN K TO H 11 TO 8 WH0LE NoW2
  17. It’s sort of like “the Book of Eli”..
    And the thing about Creativity..
    it often comes after one
    Dreams at night
    like a Seed
    NeW LiGHT
    so wheRE do
    we go in our dreAMs
    do we go toGeTher as a HuMaN
    Species and do it allone as Synchronicity
    comes in so-called a-causal connecting
    principle that reAlly JuST Means Humans
    do not have the intelligence to understand
    all of REaLiTy more than JusT Seeing
    Patterns at times
    with no
    time at all..
    nah.. i didn’t
    have to just
    remember verbatim
    what was already written
    of close to a 800K King
    James Version of a
    Old Testament
    and new
    glued together
    as written pages..
    stARTing on 8.18.2013..
    yah.. the Movie was Fiction
    this is going down for IsReaL
    my task as assigned by Lucid
    WaKinG DreAMs of HoLy and
    SacRed SpiRiT oF Creativity
    from wake to sleep in Dreams
    and WaKinG Dance in Ecstatic
    Trance for 7700 Miles in
    the sAMe Period
    of TiMe
    in so
    human measure
    way would and WiLL
    iS NoW the accomplishment
    of Creating a Mother and Father of
    Five Bibles starting on Memorial
    Publish.. the first MacroVerse
    then.. in 2016.. thing is too..
    all of “SonG oF mY
    SoUL” at 5 Million
    Words also
    comes in
    with a number
    6 as 6 times longer
    than the King James Version
    of original Creativity in just 47
    Months too along with that 7700 Miles
    of Public Dance now approaching 7800 Miles
    too by the end of this July 2017 Month.. NoW..
    anyWay2.. it’s true i met a few FriEnds aLong
    the way and it seems that as far as Facebook
    Friends who come by and regularly let me know
    they are there in providing me a connection to
    remember i am still human doing this on the
    way as of recent is Himali from India wHo
    comes with an open heART
    And spiRiT SoUL to mY
    of liFe
    most now
    and perHaps
    it is the Religion
    of Jainism she is from..
    A religion NoW STiLL so loving it wouldn’t
    hurt a fly and only seeks oneness with God..
    so yeah.. i suppose if a Religion of Love lives it
    is that one as she walks the Dance and Song oF
    Pure Love Pure Love jUSt Pure Love and Angel
    as some spoke of in olden ages too.. gentle
    hands gentle touch gentle Love
    SpiRit Warm and true
    that would
    not raise
    a hand
    to hurt
    no matter
    how different they are..
    sure.. it’s true the real Jesus
    lives in eyes like that.. don’t
    often see them but when i do
    i do i do i do i just do it’s how i see..:)

  18. Just another Manic Monday.. hmm.. appropriate words
    i guesS hehe for someone wHo Masters a Lamborghini
    oF FeeLinGS and SenSEs on Fire iN Lamb/Bull Horns
    Hurricane Winds
    of eYe
    Force 10 NoW
    Oh Lord the Practice
    of 10 thousands Hours
    to master any one field
    of endeavor well can you
    see 37,690 Hours in
    6.5 years of
    and Dancing
    for 47 months
    and not making
    a red scent reward
    of Lincoln Penny or
    Washington Green BLack
    Dollar ills.. sure.. if i was paid the
    going rate of Seven Dollars and
    Twenty-Five Cents for 16 Hours
    of constant practice on average from
    wake to sleep for 6 and a Half Years
    since Thanks Giving Day of 2010
    in the Dead Zone then too
    of around
    33 Months
    before that
    Locked in
    a Hell
    of Pain
    and Numb
    within for this
    113th Month of total
    endeavor of Heaven and
    Hell but with zero out put
    and plenty of just thinking thinking
    thinking locked in my mind in those
    first 33 Months.. anyway.. empirically
    per say/do per dollar amount at minimum
    wage for hours actually spent for productive
    output in creativity that comes out at 275,210
    Green BLack Dollar BiLLs at minimum wage
    of practice work in play of input and output for
    80 Months now of 16 hour on average work
    in practice of Art and Science days
    every day non-stop.. sure.. Love
    what you practice
    and work
    is Love
    and sure empirical
    costs of tools for the play
    i continue online 300 dollars
    a year for an Internet Site with
    no limits of photo storage for two
    years now at 600 bucks and
    around 500 shirts or so
    somewhere on
    10 bucks or
    so and more than
    500 shirts stored in
    two closets now for
    another 5000 bucks and
    oh Lord Apple Technical products
    and SamSung SmART TV’s for about
    another 6 thousand bucks with a 60 Dollar
    Yearly Membership to Old Seville Quarter
    each year for 4 years for 240 Bucks..
    Gas Mileage not bad for a
    Honda Civic eX CouPe now..
    3 thousand
    bucks to get
    me to and fro to
    Public Dance and related
    activities.. and miscellaneous
    expenses at around 5 thousand bucks..
    oh Lord.. don’t forget.. 16 pairs of Nike Shox Shoes size 11.5 at
    around 125 bucks a pair at 2000 Bucks and Nike GPS Sports Watches
    at a Quantity of three at around 160 bucks a watch for 480 Bucks and
    sure shorts shorts shorts and more holey crotches in wear and tear
    50 pair at 15 bucks for another 750 Bucks and Socks socks
    socks at around 100 Bucks too.. true i need i need some
    new ones hehe.. a few holes here and there and the
    subtotal comes to 292,980 bucks but what
    about art and what about words
    what are they worth
    at even
    a penny
    a piece
    for 12 Million
    since Thanks Giving
    Day of 2010.. sure.. at a penny
    a piece that would be 120,000 bucks
    and that makes a Grand Total conservatively
    speaking in dollar amounts of related costs and
    fees at 412,980 Dollars but remember no fee at
    all assessed for the first 33 Months or so in hell..
    so what is the price of hell.. giving and sharing all of this..
    it’s like reverse Karma.. first you are tortured then you give back..

    And this
    NoW.. mY
    IS A
    of Love Now..
    at/oF how i personAlly
    rate what it reAlly takes NoW
    to do ‘John 14:12’.. A Half a Million
    Dollars out of your Hide for 33 Months
    and approaching that figure again Giving
    Back in 80 Months of Hell and Heaven too..
    true these 48 Months in Heaven are a Reward
    beYond MeaSure.. but now for those who feel like
    people who are legally and medically assessed
    as permanently disabled are unworthy in my
    case the Genetically inherited tandem of
    Bi-Polar from my Maternal
    Side and Asperger’s
    from my
    side.. NoW
    there is no measure
    of what Love can’t do..
    no measure at all for Love
    is the Mountain that rules forevermorenow
    over a Lincoln Red Cent of sent.. and on top of
    that relatively SpeaKiinG considering i saved enough
    dollar bills to last me and the Katrina for the rest of our
    life in retirement funds no matter what happens now.. it was
    simply the rule of LiVinG for Free with Nature and doing art for no
    pay at all and when one doesn’t buy a new car but every 15 years now
    on average and one only buys one home and leaves debt behind now
    forevermorenow and one only gets married once to the same spouse
    and one decides after having one child to go the childless route
    and create for others in productivity and generatively
    in the realm of Art and or Science instead of flesh
    and blood children after
    that in terms of
    only sons and
    daughters who
    might come after
    the first child passed away..
    it’s true.. i saved about as many
    dollar bills by not falling to the consumer
    dream of what has become MoRe of the United
    States now.. an illusion we create NoW when one NoW
    puts value on ‘things’ more than Art of Love iN HUMaN
    eYes NoW.. it’s up to US to determine what we value in
    life.. some folks value stuff and other folks value Art
    and Love and or Science and as always the Child is
    the greatest prize of the
    for that
    is the future
    of the Human
    Species alWays
    but don’t neglect what
    minds that come wrapped up
    in different packages and bodies
    too will do for the rest of humankind
    too.. i don’t know.. can you put a price tag
    on the Longest Long Form Poem ever created
    by a human being to this point in ‘mystory’.. of course
    not as tHeRe is no target audience for free for free with
    no restraints of reaching the farthest star now that is THE Art of Love..
    some folks
    this ART
    Love God
    surELy it is the
    only ‘thing’ i FeeL and
    SenSE trUly Worth of Praise
    And thanks iN HuMaN sKeYes NoW..
    for others it is a car or a tower so be tHeir will and
    choice in Heaven or a Cave still Now oF Vehicle and
    Vessel oF Form over Essence oF LoVE NoW i WiLL LoVE..
    on sure.. just another Manic Monday and if i am to complete
    this by the end of the 20th anniversary of my only Son Ryan’s
    Death Date and in honor of my Mother too and her life and his
    life too.. i WiLL move fast in Manic Monday ways as i still
    have year to date MacroVerse Memories
    to share too before i reach
    that farthest
    NoW MoRE
    i had a dreAM
    about that A SurELy
    Horrible dream as a child
    and a repeated one that
    is more than as feeling of
    Tarred Bird BLack
    other Dead
    aLlVE NOW
    Tarred Bird
    uP to a STar
    where tar
    that is
    below as dARk
    and Love LiVes as
    Star Above iN and
    as a Mother’s Love..
    i reach for that sTar NoW anD
    LIVE UniVersE WhOLE aS GOD As LOVE..
    HoLDing Palms oF Hands uP aBoVE NoW aS
    So BeLoW iNFiNiTiES BeYoNd oF LoVe as WinGS

  19. https://decodinghappyness.com/2017/07/23/two-kinds-of-people/

    SMiLes.. mY friEnd.. HImali..
    And then tHeRE
    are those
    who hide
    ‘it’ so well
    that no one
    even notices..
    And true sometimes
    that seems like A Price
    for Survival.. i’ve reAlly
    never heard/seen NoW
    but i am
    all ears my
    friEnd as well as words..
    alWays A Friend is to lEnd more than words..
    otHeR than that i noticed your Face Disappeared
    off oF Facebook again.. i expect it will return one day..
    Good Luck
    on your
    it’s kinda sad
    that work often comes
    first for bucks but sure that is the
    part of sadness of a culture more
    than about Love.. NoW aS
    Surviving liGht over stuff..
    to art to art as
    Closest Star to GaiN..:)

  20. And now the Waves of MacroVerses Roll in
    as Ocean WhOle Poem “SonG oF mY
    SoUL”.. years to date MacroVerse
    Memories as Algorithm
    Facebook Provided
    Free as reAlly
    Assistant continues
    to do that iRoBot Job
    all Free for me hehe..
    without FAiL sure..
    in soMe
    wayS it
    LiKE Face
    Book Robots
    even care about me..;)

    Hmm.. 19 MacroVerses to share..
    including some PreMacroVerses..
    years to date get stARTeD Keep
    GoinG as tHeRE is no quitting NoW..;)


    “HERE me ROAR! SACREDLOVE!”.. Need i DancE and SinG
    even more heHe.. surELy three years ago to date
    iN stARt oF A Celebration in aS onE year
    Anniversary of Staycation
    KinGDoM WiThiN aS
    HeaVeN Plenty
    then to Celebrate
    for this Gift oF Love
    PurE LiGht as LiFe..
    that GroWs oN eVeN MoRe
    NoW iN YeS LiON RoAr
    aS eYe oF the TigeR
    FearLesS and
    aS SacReD aGaPE LoVe More..
    Building More Chambers oF ArT
    oN ToP oF Me HehE as ArT GroWs oN..:)

    MacroVerse break..

    Rafiah provides a quick FB statUs while i have 20 or so tabs
    oPen aCross my iMac 27.1 inch scream of screen computer..

    The unpleasant mood after you see unpleasant story/movie.

    i return again with..

    FeeD youRsELf
    WitH LiGht..
    More Tasty..
    TruE MiLeAGe Varies..;)

    The Wifey Katrina watches unpleasant
    Murder stories all day and i attempt to
    reMinD her about the “parable” of
    Monkey see hear and speak
    No Dark..
    anyway.. i never
    have nightmares as
    i rarely eat anything
    dARk oF tHE HuMaN heART..
    but agaiN TrUE MileAGe Varies iN LiGHT as DARk too..;)

    Moral of A short story.. FriEnds come first..;)

    MacroVerses continue..

    Now that i finished taling Maggie
    who is was an integral pART of the
    Dance Squad of Charlie’s Angels that
    i will miss her after she just shared
    another one of her
    as Model
    now doing that..
    i promised her more
    than 15 minutes of fame
    as i already have photo shoots
    of her by the scores as provided
    in this Longest Long Form Poem NoW2..;)

    MacroVerses continue now.. if no more Friends on FB come by..
    not likely as i probably have about three now that come by at all now that Himali is gone..
    such is life when one is building an overwhelming TSuNaMI of Words on Facebook NoW too..
    truly it
    HeArs to stay
    around a Lion oF Roar..;)

    18 more MacroVerses/Pre-MacroVerses STiLL to go..
    as i’ve only noted one and the First SonG is almost over already NoW too..
    sure.. “build thee more stately ‘word’ mansions” in endless Nautilus Chamber FLoW oN NoW too..:)

    i’m gonna need a Fight SonG to Finish this Dance NoW.. hehe.. haha.. even More hoHo..;)

    i come in like a Wrecking Ball! heHE!

    “i come in like a Wrecking Ball! heHE!” also from three years ago and
    hehex2 need i say even more once again.. sure that MaGiCaL
    FeeLing and SenSinG and PerceiVinG SynchroniCity PlaCE
    HeaR when ‘eveR thing makes sense even
    if it
    is not
    supposed to
    by the systemizing
    science mind that
    is more like
    than beyond
    RainBoW Colors of HeaVeN NoW..
    truly sad that some folks haven’t NoW seen
    ‘this place’ yET at lEast in this Lifetime NoW..
    it’s true as a side note you never reAlly
    die but try to tale that to Horatio’s
    and those with
    no Ripley’s
    it or
    aS WinGS oF LiGht..:)

    TSunami of LOVE

    “TSunami of LOVE”.. MacroVerse Memory from two years
    ago and sure you guessed it it’s sTiLL TrUE NoW eVeN MoRE as Waters oF LoVe FLoW oN..;)


    changes really the Golden
    rule without
    otHeRS WitH
    HaRM that surELy
    with the Iraq Fiasco
    in disabling order over
    tHeRE and over 100K innocents
    dead.. the US surely has earned its
    Trump Karma NoW..
    is alWays
    MotHeR NaTuRE
    as HuMaN NaTuRE
    NoW TruE LiGht too
    iN dARkeST
    BLacK wHole SoULs too..:)

    MacroVerse Memories Break..

    So.. Rafiah returns to FB with a reply to the reCent Discussion
    over Monkey See Do and Hear in Watching Movies and TV..

    Rafiah says..

    True, need less of unpleasant stuff.
    Next its going to be something joyous and positive for sure.
    Rosie Cheek emoticon and Big Grin Emoticon too.

    And i razz with no emoticon but a smile with..

    It already hapPened hehe..
    as i already visited you.. haha..:)

    Rafiah comes again with..

    Hahaa it sure did. A boost of happy vibes.
    Rosie Cheek Colored Smile Emoticon.

    And finAlly i DancE and SinG..

    mY aiM
    is plEase..:)

    MacroVerse Memories continue..

    My LOVE! of the Way of KUNG FU!

    “My LOVE! of the Way of KUNG FU!”.. from three years ago..


    “Originally, to practice kung fu did not just mean to practice Chinese martial arts.
    Instead, it referred to the process of one’s training – the strengthening of the body and the mind,
    the learning and the perfection of one’s skills – rather than to what was being trained. It refers to
    excellence achieved through long practice in any endeavor. This meaning can be traced to classical writings,
    especially those of Neo-Confucianism, which emphasize the importance of effort in education.”

    True i do Fred Fu too in all ART i DancE and SinG2..;)

    JUST some thoughts about YESHUA AKA JESUS…

    “JUST some thoughts about YESHUA AKA JESUS…”.. It’s true it’s not enough
    to write a 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Bible Named “SonG oF mY SoUL”
    in just 47 Months.. at most it will sing to a choir this way on the
    same sheet of music with elephant ears
    and Eagle
    eyes even
    to see the
    size of that
    Song of mY SoUL
    NoW too.. i ain’t scared
    i am 100 Percent Sure in Faith
    oF Love and when i see anyone
    from top to bottom bullying anyone
    else with intent or not knowing ways
    too.. i sPeaK uP.. the Gift of 12 Million
    Words of Practice LioN Words CoME ReAL as LoVE NoW2..
    And for those of wHo who scoff at how much religion still rules the
    world.. it does overall still rule the Western World and if you want
    to effect the affect the Change of Real Love you StART from within
    those Church Walls with words of Love as Wisdom TrUtH LiGht too..
    three years ago HeaR..
    it’s true
    i never
    a reply back
    from the Old Tennis
    Buddy Monsignor on this.. Email becoming MacRoVerse
    but never the less i made LiGht oF LovE HeaRd..MoRE
    not ignoring illusory fears of hate for me away from LoVE..
    oF Sacred UNconditonal Fearless smART WaY ALiVE NoW..
    And sure.. no way even A Pope Could Defend dARKs of the Catholic Church NoW with me..
    i do
    from to top
    to bottom inside
    outside and all a’Round AkA GoD..
    Direct conduit.. no fancy human clothes needed aT aLL..:)

    Bowling University and Curious Ted Forrest

    “Bowling University and Curious Ted Forrest”.. MacroVerse Memory
    from Two Years ago continuing to explore the Inner UniVerse WithiN
    of GoD
    LiVinG NoW
    We FeeL and
    SenSe Within
    as HiGhER
    oF aS SacReD LoVE..:)

    And now for a SonG Change..;)

    iRise iSreal

    “iRise iSreal”.. from just a year
    ago wheRE all MacroVerse
    MeMories coMe WitH
    oh.. so Happy
    Dance Photos
    at Old Seville
    Quarter wHeRe
    MusE STiLL
    LiVeS iN aS LiGht
    oF SMILeS and EYes..
    And sure as the record
    continues to sHoW iN over
    113 MacroVerses now each
    MacroVerse oN Average MeaSures since 5.30.16..
    15,555 words.. ah the Four Fives.. ah.. the one.. And SiX.. BeyONd 3..:)



    So.. what doeS OnE do when one rises uP iN Ascension
    And stARTS tHeiR Personal GoldEn Age of HeaVeN
    NOW as
    of this Pre-
    MacroVerse From
    Four years ago then
    to date more on 7.22.13
    wHen tHeRE is more than
    oNE GolDeN WaY oF LoVE
    BoRN aGaIN oF CouRSE
    tHeN MoRE


    “EvilivE’.. Sure.. pART two too.. from Four Years Ago.. then..;)

    KmF 509 Train of Being

    “KmF 509 Train of Being”.. Hmm.. Keeping it so much shorter for
    dVerse Poetry Pub.. two years ago.. was/iS Worth the change later as
    more they couldn’t understand my Size Larger iN
    A HoLY
    And Purpose of LiFE then THeRe..:)

    F** fun you haters..i’m gonna dance my life in NOW!

    “F** fun you haters..i’m gonna dance my life in NOW!”.. as Return to the “Wrong Planet..
    Three Years ago after a forced Vacation of three months by the folks
    who still live on that Place of metaphorical Human Hell overall
    NoW.. sure.. i stayed another year before i left
    mostly for the Good of me
    in Greater
    LiGHT NoW
    even if i must
    do that going
    my own way NoW..:)

    So Fires below so Fires Above

    “So Fires below so Fires Above”.. Two Years Ago in 2015 MacroVerse then
    Memory and last few days spending my time on the “Wrong Planet” then.. overall2..:)

    KmF 5236 Runaway Train

    “KmF 5236 Runaway Train”.. Lord KNows going to the
    trouble to do it shorter for
    dVerse and much freer
    in the practice
    of mY Creativity
    More.. and it’s worth
    noting.. per the TeN Thousand
    Hours of really Mastering an
    ArT to Do iT WeLL With aLmoSt
    No FAil wHeRe even Perceived
    Mistakes in Subconscious
    RiSinG FLoW oF
    BeFoRE RiSinG
    to the Surface oF
    Closer to Genius NoW
    iN terms of reAlly Doing
    something original CoMinG
    More from WithiN noW too..:)


    OREO THE MEANING OF LIFE.. Anniversary of the Death of my only Child Ryan
    Remembered in Deep DaRK WaYs LeaDinG to MoRE LiGht
    As Phoenix RiSinG from the Ashes iN
    Pre-MacroVerse way from
    Four years ago to date
    in 2013.. then.. too..
    and it all comes down
    to a 6LB or So Tabby
    Mix of Tuxedo Cat who
    injured a Cat Named Sunny
    Boy as Son of Yellow Boy then
    CoMinG uP From the Back woods
    too.. having to put him down then2
    with Kitty Aids and finAlly2 after
    5 years2.. a tear for me.. MaKinG ME
    FeeL Stronger inside at the Gym than Five years of
    Before.. Emotions Move uS NoW and without them we are basically
    aLive.. don’t
    lose ‘eM uSE ‘eM
    WitH eVery TooL oF Culture
    aT Hand oF LiGht aS LoVE..:)


    “My CAT! IS! A MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE2!”.. this is true from three years ago too..
    And sure i’ll use the photos at the end of this to also dedicate this “SonG
    oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form Poem Comes again as Bible Chapter too..
    yes.. to my Father.. My Mother.. the Katrina.. and my
    Sister who doesn’t like her photo taken much
    now.. although it is surely
    included in other places NoW
    in this “6th Bible Memorial”
    already and yes.. Cats
    who have passed..
    as Big Gray Moby
    and the Noble
    Brown Tabby 20
    year old Cat Arthur
    too and sure.. last
    but not least.. Yellow Boy too!..
    And yes.. the rest of Creation too aka GOD oN CourSe wHoLE..:)

    Golden Mean of Body Mind and Soul

    “Golden Mean of Body Mind and Soul”.. with a Memory of compliment from Glenn Back then..
    in the comments section.. the rest is an ongoing Spiral of LiVinG LoVe oN Course oF CouRse..:)

    “You always remind me of the Zorba quote; “We all need a little madness,
    for without it we are afraid to cut the rope & be free.” You simply overwhelm us,
    suck all the air out of a room, and as a Dynamo of a poet & person, you become like
    that red dwarf star; so very unique. yes, nothing is linear, for the gravity of spirals,
    or curves, of circles captures the line sooner or later; universes within universes ad infinitum.”

    Confession of Muse

    “Confession of Muse” and a quote from me from two years ago too..:)


    sometimes i’m like the Nautilus

    that works steadily all hours of the day..

    and wakes up bright eyed and slimy tailed.. and with a surprised look

    like Steve Erkel says ‘DID I DO THAT’.. WOW THAT’S A reAlly KOOL SHELL..;)

    My philosophy is..

    just keep walking..

    look back and enjoy

    the moment..

    for a moment..

    but just keep walking..

    one step forward at a time..

    and know NOW you made your mark…

    and a difference in the world.. when the shell is finished..

    for others to enjoy.. resting easy on the shores of eternity.. for NOW..:)

    When the shells we make.. are the shells for others.. the life we live

    can be bliss.. when we spend it creating.. instead of waiting..

    or following the pattern of someone else’s shell..

    oh the world.. will be such a beautiful place..

    if we all create shells rather than then

    just following patterns of before..

    the tapestry is in the flow..

    and when all is said and done

    the pattern is the meaning

    and purpose of life.. as SHELL..

    as tRuly Well of Life as Living Water..

    Earth.. Wind.. and Fiery Passion

    that makes

    a heArt.. a spiRit..



    Kiss Your Baby Goodbye

    “Kiss Your Baby Goodbye”
    Letters of Dedication
    in order of ART..MorE..

    Hoses.. wires.. PASTED bandages..
    painFuLL deep brown eyes.. blood stained skin..
    an ominous pasted on notice in front of crib bed
    No way to breathe.. born without sinus passages..
    Transposition of great blood vessels.. open heart surgery
    required on 30 day born heart.. no immune system.. extra digits
    for six on each hand.. with two thumbs instead of one.. respectively…

    It is the day of the open heart surgery.. surgeon in his sixties.. huge hands
    tell me at 37.. don’t worry it’s just like when your grandfather gets a bypass..

    and the nice nurses say don’t worry you are still young there is plenty of time
    for more children.. your wife is beautiful.. you will have beautiful children to come..

    Baby is wheeled toward operating room.. surgeon says.. kiss your baby goodbye..
    So wife and i bend down.. and after 30 days at the hospital are shell shocked for
    whatever comes next.. father sits beside me in waiting room.. and offers advice..

    Son make sure you raise him as a man…

    My mother didn’t do a good enough job for him…

    he bails after 3 years.. when my mother doesn’t work..

    Oh.. the values we place on humanity.. gender roles

    here or there.. a do or die proposition of static

    roles for patriarchal minds of being..

    i sit back quietly at this point

    and almost giggle

    at a reality


    strange as this…

    And truly feel sorry for my

    father who thinks raising a boy is

    all about being him.. baby survives the

    surgery and as really expected from birth by

    doctors and nurses.. veterans of this show..

    passes away in my arms.. not afraid

    to cry.. i call my father.. and he just

    says oh no.. i don’t wanna

    hear any bad


    A 500 mile trip back home..

    ashes will be sent in cardboard box

    by postal service.. the lesson of life is..

    how lucky i am just to be a human

    alive for now.. never ever will

    i doubt my blessings

    in life again..

    and truly a lesson

    i need for five years..

    10 and a half years later

    at the start of my challenge

    of JOB.. but i have the blessing

    of knowing my son survived much

    worse.. with never a smile.. never

    a laugh.. and only pain for

    51 days.. and yes..

    more than

    likely he




  21. ArT IS A Place
    We Exercise
    Our HeART

    SMiLeS mY
    FriEnd.. Himali..
    And while ‘they’
    say the meek inherit
    the eARTh and those
    who are empty and poor
    in spirit inherit the Kingdom
    oF LiGHT it is also true that tHeRe
    Are two general ‘kinds’ of folks wheRe
    those wHo are Poor of SpiRiT
    turn inStead to Vengeance of
    dARk rather
    of Kindness oF
    LiGHT toward all
    oTHeRs Still in the
    Altruism that is Human and
    otHeR Apes on this Planet’s GreaTesT
    Attribute of Love for tHeRe is no selfishness
    in GiVinG when one cannot feel thE LiGHT
    iN return.. But it’s true.. not only
    do the greaTest LiGHTS shining
    rise out of dARk.. Yes..
    that LiGht does
    most often
    the PerSon
    wHo Gives LiGHT
    as then they bathe
    forevemorenow iN thE LiGHT oF GiVinG
    And ShaRinG LoVe witHout reTurn to dARk..
    i am Happy for You mY FriEnD Himali that through
    the rigors of your CPA Study you WiLL continue
    to eXercise yOUr heART HeaR on Word Press
    And Most
    As FriEnds
    is wHeRE the H in Happy comes from
    as two ones as K11 Bridge toGeTHeR as H8
    iN A Place NoW
    WiTH No DisTance
    SPace or tiMe thaT We
    Can and WiLL LiVE
    NoW iN
    YeS AGAiN
    A KinGDoM
    oF Love WitHiN
    HoLDiNG Hands ToGeThER
    STanDinG TaLL BeYOnD iNFiNiTY

    i See You As AngEL
    mY FriEnD onE
    wHo eTernAlly
    GiVeS LiGHT
    Out oF dARK

    SMiLes.. thanks..
    And NoW i have
    An Ending and
    A Beginning Poem
    From A FriEND wHo Gives..:)

    FRiEnD IS A

  22. Pingback: 6th Bible Memorial | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

  23. Prajakta says:

    I use Centuries – Fall Out Boy to get my groove back. I hope you are doing well – sounds like an eventful time, my friend.

    • Hi Prjakta.. Hope you are doing well in the
      Recovery of the injury to your hand.. i’ve missed
      your writings as always a source of inspiration as it
      seems i’ve pretty much been on that journey with you close
      to three years ago when you started as i celebrate my
      4 Year Anniversary of Writing on Word Press now
      in the MacroVerse i am putting
      together as i am currently
      downloading a
      ‘mass’ of photos
      for that hehe..
      and hey
      as far
      as Fall Out Boy
      and Centuries go and
      all the Music Available through
      Google and YouTube and Vevo
      that are all part of an umbrella and
      new wave of sharing art and science
      online we in many ways live in the best
      of times for those of us who can find a balance
      iN RiDinG what can and will be a very exciting wave
      and perhaps a little scary to a lot scary for those of we
      who are not open to change as change is really accelerating
      now.. it’s hard to put the brakes on progress and there are some
      folks stomping on that peddle but as long as progress is led by love it wins
      it’s just
      the science
      of Human Nature
      Love Will keep us toGeThER
      as Bind of LIGht as Social Animal
      Best.. hmm.. i think there is an old
      Song for that thaT is so joyful in
      optimism that
      i will use it
      heaR now too..
      as i am currently
      also emBarking
      on Celebrating the
      “SOLaR ECliPSE FoR LoVE 2017”
      JuST ‘Cause i Can and WiLL NoW
      Make it that WiTh LoVE.. Joy Loves
      Company iN mY WoRLD and sAdly
      there is that oTHeR Place but the invitation
      is always oPen in this PLacE NoW hehe haha
      and all those laughs and giggles and overall joy and smiles that go with that..;)

      Send Love out
      to the UniVerse
      And ‘iT’ reTurNs as LoVE..:)

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