iRise iSreal




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Facebook Friend.. Rafiah.. shares
a photo of she and her young sister
dancing in the heavy rain on their Roof
Terrace in Pakistan..
and she says..


And.. although i AM positive
Rafiah’s spirited younger sister
is dancing in the photo as she has
done that in clear dry weather in photos
before.. Rafiah in the somewhat distance
appears to have let her dark hair down and
i swear she looks like Jennifer Beal from that
movie.. Flash Dance.. as she appears to be swinging
a container of water with it splashing all around her..
and she seems to have that shorter athletic body type..
but you know what ‘they’ say.. you see what you have seen before
that is enjoyable.. of course.. at least in some small way and
other folks tend to see the glass closer to half scared and
more often see shadows as scary rather than
adventure more.. bottom line.. we create
our own realities from our
experiences of before..
and what we dare
to create anew
So for now..
yes.. Bestie Muslim
Rafiah.. Friend Girl
Will be the Joyous
‘maniac dancer girl’..
on the rooftop terrace
of her Monsoon Dance
home in Pakistan for
REAL and creatiVity too..
and my only response to
Rafiah was/is.. sTiLL..


with a ending
smile emoticon
after that Facebook
comment alone allone..
as Dancing in the Rain frees
us from our worries as Gene Kelly
will certainly sTiLL say iF he
has his DanCinG RaiN shoeS on
noW and yes.. a loveLY RaiN
DancE SonG to go
with this.. but
sadly.. Gene was a little
bit of a Patriarch too.. as he
got pissed off when male dancers
did feminine moves.. as he felt it would
scare other male members from the ballet
play of male.. but you see.. Gene was like me..
all square and stuff in build.. and other males are
more androgynous.. perhaps like Fred Astaire..
i’ll never be as graceful as Fred Astaire or
Gene Kelly as i go with no lesSons.. either
masculine or feminine.. so they
both naturally come into
play wHeRe what you see
is what you dancing get..
from me.. mE and
God onE as naturE noW
as Taylor swift says too..
but i’m not sure she does
in her videos as they are
probably choreographed
by the big art machine.. of
school as such.. but anyway..
at least she does SAY I MAKE
MOVES UP AS i go.. and i’M liGhtning fast..
and in my case.. sure.. some thunder thighs
and hips too.. with sure2.. very broad uncharacteristic
ballet shoulders that swing wide and stronger than
Graceful schools say that should be.. buTT aGaiN
it is what it is.. and my creation activity
in Dance SonG and PoEtry sAMe
FlowS iN zONe and trUly
the word sin for most
religions and cultures
is what the norm says
one cannot do to keep social
status in outcast way clear and
belonging still.. hehe.. we over here
in the U.S.. have a melting pot of both
looks and doing culture sAMe.. and tHeRe
are as many directions to go in freedom
of creativity.. as therE are also.. sadly
coherent cultural connecting factors
that bind the tribe/society together
as it is now truly too insanely
large and heterogenous for that
noW in reaLiTY
way of doing
liFE now..not
much more now
than Pokemon
street plays
and mass shooting
as folks do live these
days in tHeiR aLOne little
cultural worlds.. and i am
no exception to this new.. and
what it does mean as talked to
in my last 685th Macro Wave Verse of
NoW Longest Long Form Ocean Field poem
with micro verses of particles like this..
beginning a new wAve SonG here of
686th verse now.. with some remnants
that will start the photo show of last
night’s 118th week of Rave Dance
as Lord KnoWs my liFe does MovE
fast and full of liFe.. and if
i do not stop a few
seconds to state
the autobiographical
metric facts.. i may lose
track.. hehe.. and have to
think again.. i’d rather
do it while God and i
are maKing up the
words toGeTheR
pluS StePS
NaturE one..
just SinGinG anoThEr
SonG and DanCinG
iT too.. come what may
in rain or shine God and
i are dAM suRe Free aS OnE..
And yes iNDeed iT iS fAir to
say from wHeRe i stand no
matter rain or monsoon..
the joy of thE SuN
iS ShiNinG aLL
over the place
in DanCe
and SonG
oF Y i..
just SinGinG
in the Rain
a gloRious
at Darker
and the
SUN iS my HeArt
SpiRit and SoUL
in MiNd and Body
BaLanCe oNe WitH
God OF NatUre now..:)

A day or so later.. Rafiah replies..

Lol Fred that’s not me in black. She’s Hadia.
I was taking the picture..:D It was so much fun.
It was scorching day, and rain felt so liberating then.
It was like we could finally breathe after gasping for
air for long. I like the song. I love the movie as well..:)
it has sweet memories associated with it. So yeah, the song
and the movie is special for me. Heart Emoticon

And then i say..

i must admit..
Hehe.. That
Crossed my
Mind but never the less
i will SinG and DancE a poem for
my bestie Friend.. Rafiah.. And yes..
Lovely SonG and Movie with heArt and tEar emoticons..:)


Chelsea.. of Charlie’s
Angels.. present at
dance hall fun
Thursday NiGht!..:)

Latino’s.. not to stereotype..
but it seems to be a rule that
‘they’ all have excellent
rhythm in moving hips..
in the dance of night..
like my African American
dance friends who are girls
as well.. anyway.. great dancing
by these two girls for sure.. and
their friends were very nice too…:)

Hmm.. one of those Facebook
algorithm profile
shows me
what i would
look like if
i went to
the gym
and i
Trust me
Thingy.. My
Biceps are Bigger
Than that and no
i Am not my Hispanic
Dance friends but yes
One has Abs like that
And the other has oh..
So what evolution says
Are bootieoutrageous
Child bearing dancing
Hips.. At least that is what
my God Given siring instinct
feels of that surrounding environmental
Dance Hall Feminine Factor and yes..
Promise i’LL keep going to the gym
and perhaps one day you will
not stereo type my pen
name and
make me
a male aGaiN..;)


So the smaLL talk
of LIFe iN Joy
to rain
and now off
to see the gigoid
for some deeper stuff2..;)

Intricately crafted examples of metaphoric paradox….

Google is
my friend..
and i lEarned
a new knackered
word.. hehe.. as the
energizer bunny moves
on in words of fun and bliss..;)


Still Knackered!

And i say..

You magick
Power now
But only
He wiTh
Winks of
E-Bunny NoW..:)

Now i say.. heRe..

And i went one post too far
that i already responded
too.. so the small
talk ends
and now
i start for sure..
in deeper ways of talk..
in poetry more too..

More than hope, less than despair….

OH Lord.. who moved
the cheese.. ain’t that the
truth of the flower who
never learns
to SinG
and DancE
in tHe Rain
and SnoW
free as

“Iyam what Iyam.”

~~ Popeye ~~


“The worst fear is the fear of living.”

~~ Theodore Rosevelt ~~


“Courage is not the towering oak that sees storms come and go;
it is the fragile blossom that opens in the snow.”

~~ Alice M. Swaim ~~

And these three wise phrases
that perhaps start and end best
with Popeye and God sAMe
that always beginS noW
anew aGain real..
wHo sPeaks no
sAMe Language
of what official
that stales
as old as not
so well.. WiLL
otherwise Love to
do all fresh.. in new
horizons of fearless
living now.. so how
to do.. how to do..
as instruction
say beyond
walls of Standard
IQ.. hmm.. so who are
the humans per ethnic
demographic who have
the highest levels of self esteem
which means they are all innately..
instinctually and intuitively filled to
the brim with human confidence beyond
socio-economic status of standard IQ
bucks developed relatively
recently in
of humans
all too.. yes.. it is
the African American male..
who has the highest levels of
self esteem and confidence
in fearless living free
now.. in ways
of innate.
and intuitive
self esteem.. two
factors cited no different
than Tom Cat and Warrior
reproducer too.. yes in ability
to defend one’s territory and
reproductive prowess
in real time now true..
and of course
feral Tom cats
like Yellow Boy
as the Vet will
tale ya too.. are among
the most friendly of all cats
who visit the strange and new
of vet true too.. sure.. they are
wilderness tested.. and stand
their ground.. and also tend
to get the job of reproduction
done with or without the
cooperation of
other cats too..
is it no wonder
that female cats who
live in a nature rape culture
are not nearly as fearless friendly
as Tom Cats now.. of course not.. it is
cat nature.. in the wild.. to just get the
job of living done.. and of course what
sets humans apart.. is altruism and empathy
too.. as we humans can feel the pleasure and
pain of others.. and sure cats can do this too..
but not nearly as much when they are in
the wild as rough Tom boys will have
to do.. but fearless yes.. with
just another adventure
to pLay as life..
and sAdly
some males
lose this empathy too..
and fall to A culture of rape2..
ugh.. no less than stray cats too..
anyway.. still the ability to defend
oneself and the ability to attract the
opposite sex.. true.. or whatever works
as sometimes that goes too.. is the path
of Nature.. that lEts us stand tall.. and Lord
kNows.. the cat who doesn’t expand its territory
for new cheese.. will starve to death.. so.. no..
not much chance of that happening in ways of
variety of reproduction as well..
i am a very nice Yellow
boy now.. sTiLL
with altruism
E M P A T H2..
and let’s just
say my self
esteem is healthy
as understatements
may dream in a life of
lEarning skills from both
my African American Friends..
and in the spirit of Bruce Lee
Yellow Boy2..
with a little of the
teachings of Buddha..
Jesus.. and the Kung Fu
TV show mixed in just
for sugar and spice
and all
good meaSure
of couRAge and Kind2..
in Fearless Love of course..
wRite on course foR NoW2..;)

Billions and billions of bogus bargains….

“It’s silly to go on pretending that under the skin we are all brothers. The truth is more likely that under the skin we are all cannibals, assassins, traitors, liars, hypocrites, poltroons.” — Henry Miller

Hi gigoid.. as i’Ve often stated..
in many other words..
hehe.. the best
pARt of your
blog posts..
poetry.. quotes..
videos.. photos.. etc..
are the eclectic nature of
what you bRing that IS A
perfect Garden for a wild
and creative mind that holds
no bars or is barred no longer
by old phrases and way of
past in dogma
told and sold
to mold..
just God
dam old
where the mind
and emoTions that
groW iN MoVing..
ConnEcTinG Creativity
as Miller stated can thank
God of Nature all with my
soft Nature words added in
for consolidating what we all
can see of God.. on our knees
as BlesSinGs of an Old age that
comes Gracefully wHerE liFE STiLL
has meaning and purpose.. and the
heARt.. SpiRit and MiNd and BoDy
soUL stays young a core of
what even FucKinG
matters in liFe
when ya shed
the clothes
of culture
sAMe.. that truly
is the cannibal part..
the assassin.. the traitor.
liars.. hypocrites and poltroon
let me Google that quick.. oh yeah
an archaic noun that refers to those
folks who pay more mind to differences
in division that unity true.. hmm.. well that’s
the issue.. Human Beings as science shows are
none of these con-social overall negatives at nature
core.. when they live as sociology shows in the 20 most
peaceful societies in the world.. that are all small.. homogenous
in both looks and culture in giving sharing ways.. where like even
in the pre-immigration filled scandinavian countries one could leave
their child out in the street.. unattended without fear of bad bad
stuff happening as chaos of human clothed cultures can
often bring.. so no.. and yes.. Miller is correct and
incorrect depending on the Environmental
oh my GOD huge factor of human
written language.. in collective
recorded intelligence and
the true innate human
insanity of
cultures and morphological
features.. as truly humans are
just not currently still evolved to
do that in what Pepsi says is living
in Peace and Harmony.. if i remember
the old true adage attributed properly
to that Corporation too.. it’s kinda sad
when ya have get to get your culture
from a pair of Shoes like Nike
that says Just do it..
and lots of the
general public’s
other inspiration
with forms of material
stuff over the inner hUman
EmoTioNaL HEart.. SpiRit
and MiNd and boDy bAlanCinG
way of MoVinG ConNecTinG and
CreaTinG neW nowS.. in nature wHere
Nature in teaming abundance alWays changes..
and never is snow and desert same when life
lives in balance with we naturally living
small homogenous somewhat
naked dancing groups
of hUman around
campfires of night
Free one with God
oF NatRre.. wHere we
share the sAMe God dAM
ways of Being that most everyone
can agree upon.. as the group is
sMaLL enough wHere most everyone
gets a social role.. and it is the
the one without altruism
and empathy that
gets pushed
off the cliff..
and sure that’s
kinda sad.. as some
of those folks as science
shows were simply born
that way.. as
will come..
and when
it’s warrior
fearless time
with no empathy
at all they serve as
great CEO’s.. Stock Brokers.. Surgeons..
and other Presidential.. and
Priest ways of being.. where
Emotions and Empathy
only get in
a way
of Control
and more
Control now
to get the sometimes
darker jobs done.. like sewing
hearts up.. making big green back
money deals.. and making people
believe to keep the pew ’tills filled
for just one more social
role to make
a living
day to day
of whatever God
dAM works no matter
how insane we angels
see the devils of the
dark side
of reaLiTy
oF Nature
and God same..
in dArk and liGht..
sHades of colors
and hues
of ‘Tween
of allthatis..
Oh Kali.. you do
look A lot like God overall
just sticking your tongue out
at uS as destruction leads still
to creativity
now.. now..
dam head
hunter.. Jesus
F. In Christ..
this life
can get
awful messy..
but those of uS who
WiN WilL find a way
with WiLL and when that
WiLL rules Fearless Love..
the Monarch of Wings WiLL
once again flutter free.. heHE..
as mE..
and yes..
i’ve seen both
sides now.. and
i do play the
rules of
all free
from A
to seX like
Miller too..
and beyond
of course as liFe..
is way to boring for
me without beYond
oF aLL of thaT iS
noW let me
look back uP
and see iF any
of this of what
‘WE” did
FTW sENse..
iN FeeLinG KNoWinG noW..;)


So.. you say Katrina is not the Goddess Isis.. come
to human form.. the Healing of Mother Nature
noW iN ReaL hUman form.. WeLL.. Yellow
Boy WiLL disagree as the Vet records
do sTiLL state that Yellow boy
of 8 years old sTiLL lives..
Healthy and robust as
ever as diagnosed
with Feline Leukemia..
but what does he and i who
survived a real life synergy
of 19 medical disorders that
would lead most humans to
an early suffering suicidal
grave.. including the worst
pain known to man’kind’..
Type 2 Trigeminal Neuralgia..
as assessed medically worse
than three puny
hours of crucifixion
pain that lasted for
66 months of wake
to sleep hell and worse..
Well.. perhaps jesus didn’t
have the touch of Isis.. to prevent
him from dying.. but in real life i did
as this Osiris.. was put back together
no different than Humpty Dumpty broken
off of a Wall of Culture’s Fangs aCross
a River Styx that has no end but
True Love’s
tOuch.. oF LiFe..
the best myths are
ones that are documented
from head to toe.. and sure Isis..
WiLL never age as long as Angel
lives.. in flesh of Katrina True.. mArk
my words
or not.. as
i said it when
she was 19.. and WiLL
ya tale a difference now
at 46.. her.. after a long day
of living with me.. hehe.. at
4 am.. with no make up on
but the Angel Hair of her alive..
AnyWayS funny how some folks
give myths more credence than the
as Love
WiLLs to do
with zero bucks.. and material
goods as myths necessary to
juSt do IT


Well.. when one is
writing the Longest
Long Form poem ever
they find inspiration..
in Loving
like Himali
and Rafiah..
so here i go
aGain with
Himali as
Friends will
do in small
talk to more..:)

i say..

Helloooo HImali..
i miss talking to you..🙂

Himali says..


i say again..

Hey back with
bigger smiles
and winks..🙂

Himali expresses concern..

Hey there is some issue with this messenger
Can’t see name of the person
Can u text me your name..

And i say..

Yes.. it is Fred..🙂

Himali says
in happier return..

Oh hellllloooooo
I was just thinking of texting you today
I am in India for a mini break 🙂

i then say..

That’s great.. can you see
my name yet..?

Himali responds..

This phone is ugh emoticon
Are you on WhatsApp ???
Can you add me ? My no. Is (so and so)

i say..

Hmm.. that’s weird.. oh so
it may be your phone..
and i kept wondering
why Facebook
was greying out
your comments..
the algorithm
they use is not always
smart.. what is Whatsapp..
and i will definitely add your
number when i find out what
app is.. smiles.. wink emoticon

Himali exclaims..

I guess so !!
Oh my God !
Fred !!
You don’t know about WhatsApp ??
That’s surprising
It’s also like messenger
And why is FB greying out my comments !
dejected emoticon.. that’s so unfair

i return with..

SMiLes.. i just looked it up..
on Google.. will have to get
the iPhone app.. and my
number is (so and so)

exclaims again..

I’ll save it.. joy emoticon..

i say.. in analytical way..

The only thing i can think of is
perhaps it was because you
were writing from the
Arab Emirates..
hmm.. i wonder
if it would do that
now in India..
that might
the answer if
you just test
a comment on
one of the facebook
likes you have recently
done.. i am so controversial
i wouldn’t be surprised if
i could get censored
over there..🙂

Himali says
in kidding disbelief..

Lol.. come on!!!
Let me try posting a comment
I don’t think you are controversial
You are God’s pure and innocent child

i say seriously..

SMiLes.. it’s funny as
more Muslims can
accept me than
Christians.. even
though i feel like
i truly know and
feel the real jesus..🙂

Himali clarifies..

I’m not a Muslim
I follow jainism

i clarify too..

Oh yes.. i know you
were raised jainism..
and i love that religion2..🙂

Himali explains

But I love Christianity
as I studied in a convent school

i FeeL..

And i love you ’cause
i know and feel you accept me
for all of who i am..🙂

Himali questions..

How do you know I am a Jain ???
Yeaah of course you are a
wonderful wonderful
and super amazing

i further explain..

You told me before..
and it is still on
my blog.. hehe..
i have close to
memory for
text.. and
that is paRt
of wHere all
all.. all these
words come from..🙂

excitingly says..

You’re brilliant !!

i return in thanks..

Too sweet of you.. and yes the
message is clearly showing.. and as
i say there… hehe.. perhaps there is
some merit in my problem solving guess..
wInk emoticon..

says in assurance..

Don’t worry
I will keep you posted through messenger
You have a wonderful family and friends

In thanks i say again..

Thanks so much.. and even though your
messages were greyed out.. i still got them
on my notifications.. just had to
unhide them from my page..🙂

Himali responds..

That’s good then at least
the messages came through

i say..

okay.. but i will still get the whatsapp app..
and you will be my only whatsapp friend..🙂

Himali says in kind return..

You’re the sweetest !

i say in part..

But when i looked it up it said that
Android would be stopping the
support for it.. so hopefully
you have iPhone…🙂

Himali worryingly

I have an android..
frown emoticon..

She continues..

That’s bad news
May be good news

i say..

yes.. if you
have a newer android
they are still offering support..

Himali says..

Then I can upgrade to iPhone
smile emoticon..
and Android and iPhone is best!..🙂

i continue on..

My sister cannot open my blog posts
on her old Android but iphone6s is fast
fast fast and powerful.. and yes.. Samsung7 works too…🙂

Himali responds..

Oh yes iPhone is great ! All your pictures are also superb

i continue on…

Hehe.. and no.. i cannot open up my blog posts on iPhone5s
so i don’t wanna sound like i am discriminating against Android..
but iphone6s is so so streamlined and takes photos so fast and easy..🙂

Himali exclaims..

Wow wow
You’re in line with all latest IT trends

i return in exclamation too..

OMG… my sister has a digital camera with
about a foot long lens.. my sister’s photos are
100 times better than mine.. she has Asperger’s syndrome..
and photography is her big special
interest along with
collecting buttons..
believe it or not..🙂

Himali interestingly says..

Collecting buttons ? Wow that’s interesting.
I love all the pretty ones too
Do share some of her pics too

i return..

i like photography.. dance.. writing.. singing..
and nice people like Himali all around the world..🙂

She says..

And say my hello to her
Do show me a snap of you and your sister

i continue to say..

No.. i don’t share any of her
photos but she does have a
website at
and wife Katrina has inherited one
of her super big digital cameras
and i shared those photos on
my Facebook Nature page..
that is linked on the right
side of my WordPress
blog page..
and i have
a photo of my
sister and i
in my facebook
photos that i will share
here momentarily when
i get the link from

Himali returns..

Sure sure.. I will visit her blog tooooo

And i say in return..

Isn’t technology great!..🙂

Himali says..

Your sister is so pretty and sweet

i say..

i just went to her website.. and what it is..
is a slide show of 175 gorgeous nature photos..🙂

Himali says..

She is so talented

i respond..

Thanks.. i will relay that nice
compliment to my sister..🙂

Smiles i just got a call from you..
but unfortunately the iMac
safari browser doesn’t
support that..🙂

HImali returns..

Hehe.. No worries
we will talk on Skype sometime

i say..

Hehe.. and no i don’t have Skype
so i’ll have to get that too.. sometime…

Himali says..

Thank you so much
I did so much shopping today
smile emoticon

i further say..

Actually.. i never used any smartphone until 2013..
i was always too busy at work to do anything social at all..
after work.. and that was indeed very sad.. and am glad you
got your Indian shopping done and hope it was fun..🙂

Himali says..

It was super fun

i exclaim..


Himali wishes..

I wish we can meet soon sometime

i respond..

i do too..

Me too.. for sure
if you move to
that will
be fun..
we will show
you the beautiful
beach and dance dance dance!..🙂

HImali agrees..

Sure ! I’d love to dance with you
on the beach smile emoticon..

i amplify..

Smiles.. i will dance anywhere
and everywhere and just do it
as Nike says..🙂

Himali details..

I’m planning a trip in 2017 for sure.
And will book my tickets for Florida 🙂

i Happily respond..

Smiles.. great.. is your prospect
for working with your company
here still on the horizon..?

Himali affirms..


i re-affirm..

Great.. continued
prayers for you on that..🙂.

Himali additionally says..

They can move me from dubai to US
Just hope once I do my CPA I am able to move to the States

i detail..

Yes.. it is so wonderful that you have have a working skill
that is marketable global wide.. as everyone must have
an accountant.. in some way.. either personal
or professional to get the money job of life done..🙂

Himali shares a dream..

That’s true
You know what
I have a dream
To become a writer

i affirm her dream..

That is the best dream..
anything associated with
writing.. and to be proficient
one must always have all the
inspiration in muse one can..
i believe.. and leave no potential
inspirational stone unturned.. most
all great writers.. are super liberal
in open minded view.. per the
ones who are remembered
as truly doing something
new and not
staying with
the crowd
of past..🙂

i clarify my
affirmation with..

*meant everything
associated with art..🙂

Himali shares her goal..

Someday I will do things I love..
painting writing making art
But all these things are not
so valuable here in India
So I need to be an accountant to
make a living and then do things I love

i detail again..

Yes.. you know.. i was really good at financial stuff too..
and a valued commodity for my computer skills at work..
and in a way my mind became a computer too.. i am
so happy i no longer have to do that as even science
shows that the mind must be free of mechanical
cognition thinking to truly create free.. and
yes.. i had to make a living too..
took me over 30 years of
working to get here freed..🙂
You know.. and no.. art
is not that valuable here either..
as far as making a living at it.. it is
almost impossible.. and even if you do..
one must fall to the whims of those in charge
and that takes creativity away in my opinion..
as when stuff is for money.. money rules heart over art..🙂
It is probably time for you to go to sleep.. i must always
remember that not everyone types about 5K words a day..
so i do not won’t to wear you out.. hehe.. Wink Emoticon

Himali explains..

No no
I was on a call with my brother
I know making a living with art is very difficult
So we need a reliable profession to make good money 🙂
We share many similar thoughts

i affirm and further say..

Yes.. and accounting is one of the best!..🙂
And true we do..
as you are my
soul sister too..🙂

Himali poetically says…

And yes indeed art gives
us a lot of freedom
to express our hearts

i affirm… poetically too..

Amen.. on expressing our hearts..
in art.. so free we taste life and see it too..🙂

Himali affirms as well..

Yes.. amen to that beautiful thought

And i further say..

And with Love
it flows freest
with sMiLes..
of courAge too..🙂

Himali provides
a Rainbow emoticon..

And i in muse do say..

SMILes.. your heARt
inspires me as muse too..
in Rainbow colors beyond of course..🙂

iN nice return Himali says..

You’re the best my dearest friend

And i echo..

you too1..🙂

And she says..

You too inspire me so much !

And i say..


And she says..

I will wait for you on WhatsApp my dear friend
okay and sleep tight!!!..🙂


Sweet dreams to me and good day to you !!

And i return.. again..

oh yes.. still just starting
and never truly ending..🙂

She questions..

What ???

i poetically

My day friend..
always a day in now..🙂

She laughs..


i say..

i love now..🙂

She says..

Yes every moment is a day for you
I wish it us filled with smiles and love and happiness

And in ending i return..

And now
is forevermore
in heaven2..
and yes the
sAMe to you2..
my FriEnd as
we end this
Lovely conversation
now that will continue
to begin now soon again..🙂

she returns..


i return again..


She provides a
good bye emoticon..

And i finAlly say..

With smiles
for long..
and i never
say bye.. i only
say see ya later
now with sMiLes..
Wink Emoticon..

And as footnote..
various other smiles
were exchanged in
emoticon way..
of non
in online way..;)


Dance Walking with the Beatles!

Well.. in terms of
‘My day friend..
always a day in now..🙂’
yes.. what i just related to
Himali in another place.. yes2.
history does tend to repeat itself..
as just two years ago.. almost to
date of day.. i paid tribute to
a Day in the Life.. of NOW..
and the Beatles and
associated SGT..
Pepper’s Lonely
Heart’s Club
Band then.. in way oF
Dance Walking with the Beatles!..:)


Oh.. Lord.. tHeRe iT iS noW
aGain.. the Turkish Evil eYe
and the first time i noted it
there was a terrorist attack
in Turkey.. and yesterday..
in that Blog post.. and
today what appears
to be now a failed
Military Coupe
iN Turkey..
so perhaps
aS WHole.. thE
Turkish Evil eYe
that stands for equal
justice among human
beings iS noW hOlDinG
itS oN.. iN whaT iS iS.. NoW..
And hmm.. that reminds mE
of whAT ‘they’ name as prophetic
writings.. and while i free write with
digital keyboard.. my Grandmother
actually did it laying in her bed in
a semi-trance like sleep.. hmm2..
kinda what i do in front of a key
board sitting up straight for
OMG.. aT somenows..
hours at a time..
and even a few
nows of 24 hours
or so straight.
WiTh zero
of time as what
is time but a River..
streaming to an Ocean
that is Now.. and aLways
noW.. where human linear
ideas of Time come from
mechanical and now
digital clocks..
wHere trUly
it’s aLL
relative iN how
hUman BeinGs
experience time wHere
one second can be a thousand
years of HeLL And tHeRe are no
seconds aT aLL as aLL tHere
iS iS NoW iN Heaven WiTH
Zer0 perception oF whaT
‘they’ nAMe aS
A tick tock
oF reAliTy
Now… WeLL..
yeS.. Mileage varies
iN thE hUman condition
and soMe of my Grandmother’s
prophecies came true and some
did not.. as the radio signal has
some interference it appears
but otherwise CAN work
as clear as the God
Language aS
Principle oF
SingS its MaGiC
SonG.. both dARk..
and greATer LiGht.. Now..
AnyWay.. the Evil American
eYe heaR standS for World Peace..:)


WiNks my friEnd
The Bioman
per your
quote here
‘Sea Horse tattoos
are as rare as hen’s teeth’..
and when i tale some folks
my wife is proof of God
they kinda
anyWay.. thanks
so much for stopping
by and wading down
all the way to the bottom
of this ocean poem with
an equally
valid comment..
my friend.. oh.. the
deep i Love to swim..
and nice to hear an ocean wave
echo back in refrain of what is greater
than SonGs

Sea Horse..
has its privilege..
and true.. the fewer..
the more fUn iT is..
stopping by..:)


” Our strings are tuned to the same pitch as the earth,our rhythms are as graceful and ineluctable as the four quaters of the moon”
An elemental journey..
~Jay Griffiths ~:

‘Bugger…Quartets…..bugger…Moon Quartets…’

Pennie Windfall..
that’s inspiring..
As above.. so below..
inside.. outside.. all around
the earth.. the stars.. the galaxies
the UniVerse
we are..
we are
linE now..
we are wild
and so is God
top line.. bottom
line one.. and this
undomesticated thingy
is what happens when
culture comes along..
FucK culture is
what i say..
wHere the
Wild things
are iS A way
for me that works
as sure you can have
the wild thing with love
for survival.. it FucKinG
works for the Bonobo
just fine
iN miXinG
and sure killing
small mammals and
reptiles as omnivores
will do.. and put ’em into
captivity and try to domesticate
them.. and sure they will turn into
cannibals too.. as the wild things have
their benefits all built in to live in balance
all so free.. anyway.. this hertz of the Earth
is how i guttural growl immediately after i do
my balancing act of Martial arts looking ballet
moves at the gym.. where the mix of feminine
and masculine advanced Bonobo style of Wild
innate.. instinct and intuition.. turns into the
potential killer in me for survival too..
i play with my animal spirit
for greater strength
to press close
to half a ton
33 times
now and
sure it works
as folks with
Tourettes syndrome
do the same to increase
dopamine levels with spontaneous
grunts to offset their imbalance of
dopamine… Do what works.. the
SonG of nature wild in us
that SinGs until
now lives
now.. hmm.. ohm..
the best compliment
above and beyond the
legend one.. i’ve received
from the watcher audience
at the ‘club’ now for 118 weeks
is ‘you are my spirit animal’..
from both female and male..
the longing in human
being to be
Wild is strong
and an intelligence
that is all innate.. instinctual
and intuitive.. and sure Yogis
hum.. om.. a SonG like this
too.. to match the SonG
of Earth.. as the child
WilLL copy the
iN Love
oF all that iS..
plus.. when dopamine
is naturally increased ..Focus
and WiLL and determination
to get the job of life done is
why the Lion growls
and the Loudest
i FucKinG
mean business..
hehe.. it’s FucKinG
hilarious when i move
from Ballerina to Lion
in a spin of
my throat
that spells
a dance of death..
and yes.. Kali
is wild..
i AM
so is GoD..
and the wild ones
WiLL shed tHeir weak
cultural clothes whenever they
get a chance.. as even science
shows pain and pleasure mix
at the core of
it means
to survive..
iN thrive alive..
so sure.. tHeRe is
that demon per reptile
brain that fuels survival..
particularly when resources
are low in the desert or the
Neanderthal snow capped mountains
iN the Irish eYes
Y i.. that
A SonG noW
oF God’s
WiLd Love
So FReED..
A L i VE NOW..
And sure that iS
why at the liNk oF aLL
my lovely prose and poetry
IS A bottom core of whaT aLL
i AM.. furry.. eYes.. of Naked WiLL..
no one has to tale me A KinG has no clothes..
ReaL KinGs
of the
do.. WitH..
sMiLes and WiNks..
So sure.. as Henry Miller
says.. cannibals live in cities
it is what primates do when cAged..
and why they long for Vampire movies..
as the Lizard escapes tHeir fangs for liFe..
iN TwiLiGht
of what was
once liFe
and the ET
wHo lives beYond
thE echoing foRest FReED..:)


Funny how the Facebook
Algorithm can reflect
Synchronicity in us
and God too..
as the memory
of two years ago..
matches what i just
said a few minutes ago
in God Fashion of WAve
of Poetry Ocean FloW iN
zonE oF particle water..
as Field of DreAms
iN Ocean wHolE
wHere noW iS
oH.. So FReED..:)

Everybody was KUNG FU DANCE Walking!

minutes ago..
it happens..;)


Desert Vines..
oh.. they strive
to survive like
of Macro-Verses
as More of Ocean God..:)

Desert Vines

Poem’s Synchronistically Flow..
dVerse Six.. need
i say more..
do iT..
IS All i do..;)

Poem’s Synchronistically Flow dVerse Six

My Philosophy of the Kiss of KALI..
as destruction and creation become
one now.. of beginning and ending
never ending or starting more
than now..
where pain
and pleasure
mix for all that is..
where big bangs and
orgasms.. create anew..
wHeRe aBove.. So beLow..
inside.. outside.. all
around iS Always
oNe Force oF
God that
some hEar..
sEE.. FeeL.. and
other seNse.. more
or less than others do..
bottom/top line it
is what
is now..
inside.. outside..
and all around now..:)

My Philosophy of the Kiss of KALI


We are the spider men and women.. etc..
and the web we weave with GoD oNe..
is what we see all around us
as culture too..
sure.. i say
FucK culture..
but i enjoy culture
very much.. one must
understand that all human
cultures are full of moral relativism
without all that many absolutes as
absolutes are as hard to find as
the psychopath born without
the innate propensity
for feeling the
pain and
pleasure of
others over
feeling pleasure
for the pain of others
in opposite and yes strange
way as the bell curve of humanity
goes.. anyway.. i woke up to 7:11
and my wife just recently reminded
me it was 9:11.. so the
of LiFe continue
to flOW in micro-verse..
to macro-verse to Ocean
wave water whole in fiElds
of dReAms of anointed
ones by hand
of Creativity
that is goD one
aLL oUrs to give
and share free when
we do escape the dArk
pARts of culture that would
otherwise oppress and repress
that Free and Wild Nature of God
that Loves to co-create toGeTheR as
US.. when yes.. set FReED from the
restrictions as cogs in mechanical
cognition machine
away from
free wE
from within
to outside.. above
so below and all around..
where as my great Aunt Jettie
said in joyful glee of someone born
in the day of imagination on a wilderness
Beach of the Navarre Peninsula in sugar white
sands.. with a grin on her face as wide as a UniVerse
@94.. that gains conscious relative will with environment
@hands.. juSt sayin’.. i can have juice or water.. as
close as ice cold as the
refrigerator SinGS
a SonG of human
creature comforts
as built no less than
Nautilus shell of beauty
that bRinGS subsistence..
oh.. so much easier now then
the toils and troubles of forager
and farmer in the wild.. but no.. do
not forget the challenge as humans
are built for intermittent reinforcement
in a home of pleasure AND PAIN.. AND
SOUL AS FAR AS HUMANS GO.. and true there
are those.. who are born that way too.. no absolutes
in God’s Wild Kingdom.. wHERE ALL IS CHANGE
iN free of ocean whole poem2..
Hmm.. ‘Webs sPin Genesis’
so far a Macro Verse
title in number
686 of this
so far
of Whole
Poem2 more..
as SonG oF mY
SoUL Now2 iSREALWEBBed..;)


Facebook and Blogger
Friend Ned aka gigoid
shares A Facebook
share by an
like me
‘Lies don’t
end relationships,
usually the Truth Does’..
and i saY noW..
hiT noW
butt not for
mE as i AM
neither afraid
oF lies or TruTh..
as both are pArt oF
thE hUman ConDiTioN FRee..
And thaT is the reAson as my
online history shows.. i Am most
alWays the last man
or woman who
stands in
any of
hundreds to
thouSands of
human interactions
i have been in wHere
i AM most alWays the last
person to leave
the last
Alive.. and haha..
‘they’ say i have
a condition named
Autism.. WeLL.. i have
lots of relative hUman
Free WiLL as any ISREAL
HUman LioN for LovE WiLLs..:)


Blogger Friend Prajakta
from India says..
in return from
a comment
i made on
her blog
as earlier
copied and
pasted whole
noW on my blog..
and i quote her here2..

“You have totally nailed how our
thoughts and brain waves transition
through different stages!..:)
Thank you for being
a steady support!

And i respond..

My friEnd..
Job now
Who requires
No thing iN
Return.. All
My pleaSure
So.. Thank yoU..
And as alWays

And she has a new
post that i WilL comment
on now.. and see wHere that
goes in synchronicity way..
and copy and paste
that here
to continue
this poem play..
in real now now


Oh.. of second chances..
mY fRiEnd Prjakta.. and
an epic second chance
of tale i have to tell and share..
as when i was 13.. and performing
Andrew Lloyd Webber’s SonG
Jesus Christ Super Star as the
young Autistic boy i was then..
like a cat in a cAge
in a lightening
storm of
that my nervous
system back then
in sight and sound
and even touch was
bloWing me up.. anyWay..
i played it on the piano in
a talent show.. and stumbled
my way off stage and the crowd
erupted in laughter over my
obvious motor coordination
difficulties.. and sure
i could make this
into an entire
epic SUPER
novel.. but to
fast forward when
i was over the age of
30 and we went to my
Niece Candie’s.. talent show at
her middle school too.. oh.. decades
later.. i was still as frightened inside
just to watch it then as i was as a timid
boy way back when.. fast forward to
now.. and you kNow and FeeL the
rest of the HiStory as throughly
deTailed already on
my blog..
i can public speak
now.. with no problem..
Public Dance cured me
of all
of fear..
Funny how
liFe can change
my friEnd.. for liGhter LiFe..
and as Jack LaLanne SanG2
when he toWed 60 plus boats
across the bay just by the power
of his swimming.. at
yes.. age 60 plus..
trUly NOW iT’s
never too late
and say i can
i can i can and
jUSt F iN do IT..
iT worked for mE.. heHe..;)

And SpeaKinG oF MAlls and
other public stores.. it’s
time to sand and sun
dance.. and do
my public
dance of
liFe.. it’s
Saturday noW
and Freedom
SinGS briGhter
off work days
of hUman tOils
and trOUbleS aS even
reTiRed empaths can
FeeL aLL around the
world in ways
NOW.. ugh
i can sTiLL
FeeL Mondays
even though they
are Saturdays as
all days are 2 me
in Seventh SaTuRday
Heaven noW alWays FReED..
anyWay wITh aLL tHiS sAid..
see ya later.. as more pLay coMes 1!2!..:)


“No Compulsion iN Religion”
Just another lie i’ve hEard..
in bloody
of even
close family
members.. but of
courses as Arab
physician studies show.. uP to 4 out
of 5 Muslim LITTLE girls are suggested
to have been exposed to forced
masturbation and or fellatio FOR
male family members..
and other close
family male
just sayin’..
i’ll listen to
the lies but
truth is unspeakable..
and still trUe now sTiLL…
as per this link to this real
deal where one of 6 brothers
strangles their model sister..
in fashion way for having
a few words with a
Muslim cleric
in public
Holy Ramadan..
thing is.. God lives in
thAT girl no different free
than tHat brother who only
has fear and hate of FREE God WE..
and sorry.. tHeRe is no way to get a smile
emoticon out of this sad story of human ignorance…
No.. i lied.. i lied.. I FucKinG LIED..
i AM
i AM a FriEnd of
God and the sAME
God who livES in thaT
Dead girl’s breaThe oF liFe..
just more inspiration in dArk dEvil’s
Breath ISreal.. iN liGht oF AngEL Dance oF Y i..:)


SMiLes.. TVC Mario..
i come back the third
now here as promised..
but not expecting you to
take me up on an invitation..
so i will offer thanks instead..
as you see.. if you can and will
what sets me apArt from most folks
is i live in the middle.. thE BaLanCing..
and i see iT all and feel it all as
God.. dARk and liGht.. the
hues of colors.. sHades
of grey.. across
bLack and
whitE and
beYond any
rainBow oF
hUman eYes..
to put it poetically
of course.. and last
go around for whatever
reason Google took my
special flow of Universal
River Ocean poem as water
away into almost total chaos
of lines across the page.. without
my special spacing that moves
as waves as Field wHole
and particles sAMe
as WaVes oF
FloW iN
ZonE.. anY
way.. you kNow/FeeL
that Anti-Christ thingy
you keep attributing to
Katy Perry.. funny how you
say thaT when this Video Rise says
all it means for one to be like
the real Yogi-liked hUman
flesh and blood being
named Jesus and
sTiLL in essence
Now of what’s
foretold of tHat
in nows of then
in more original
Gnostic text than
two thousand years
of scribes and revisions
and literally 3 to 4 hundred
thousand scribe mistakes
ranging from minor to major
to more than that.. anyway..
anything associated with
fear and hate iS the
Anti-Christ my
friend.. any
thing associated
with division instead
of Unity of Human
hands holding each
other for thriving
survival noW..
is the same
emotional way
of life then and now..
sure.. i invite you over to
the pro-social Christ like
fearless love side.. but first
one must become fearless to
have that sacred unconditional
Love for iSREAL… anyWay this is just
the SonG God’s SinG of Synchronicity
in God’s True Language that some of
us hear so clearly and see as well
for you to bRinG my waY in
YouTube notification
style.. as sure..
has changed
much since
the old days of
scribes who got
the original oral
tradition all screwed up
with the addition of some even
potential stuff better as you KNow
or FeeL perHaps that the last WiLL
bE first and the meek shall inherit
AS ‘iRise iSREAL’ too..
and hopefully
in a prayer
oF Y I..
for you
too.. mY friEnd
as trust me or not..
my rise staRted back
on July 22nd 2013.. and
before on 3/1/13 too..
as i move into 42
months of Holy
SpiRit inspired PoEtry
iN wHOle beyond 3
million words of
Ocean WHOle Poem
at the end of August
to beginning of
September 2016.. noW
frame as the first poetic
Holy spirit inspired words
came as an informal Facebook
PM at the end of Feb 2013..
as is sTilLL moVinG wELL
BeYond Rihanna’s
SonG of thE
to be
released on
that sAMe day
riSinG out of
ashes from 2013
to 2016.. does it
matter that it make
no causal sense aT aLL
no.. of course noT.. as God iN
mY eYes does not have to make
seNse in yOurs.. or the converse
oF that as weLL.. anyWay.. as i stated
earlier.. i’LL take mY InspiRaTiOn from
aLL the dARk and liGht and ‘tween that
comes from God’s children as demons
and angels sAMe or the Luke warm of
wHo my friend.. who cannot further
come NOW out of literal to see the
deeper of wE
‘iRise iSREAL’..
and heLL no
me doesn’t mean
me.. me means WE
and or i and or US as
iN God’s Kingdom tHeRe
is no separation of mE
unless one
iS lost
NOW.. anyway thanks
again and have
a blessed now
as best you
Funny.. i leave here with a copy and paste of
something so much more valuable than the
Google Pennies you earn for fear..
and overall
from God..
the invitation
is aLways open
to the liGht BRinger
side.. mY friEnd.. yoUr
choice.. thE dARk Force
or the liGht but tRUst mE
as Tree
of LiVinG
WitH Never ending
Roots of vine that
never ever gives uP..
GroWinG so taLL ever
more Now and MOREnow..:)


Funny what a vine
can do with
roots that
give uP..:)

SomeNows God ‘says’
point yoUr iPhone 6s
aT thE sKy without
LooKinG and sUre
‘i’ WiLL GiVe
you a
NoW thAT
says Good ‘Job’..
And now by A way
that’s my favorite
onLY Dogwood Tree..:)

And my favorite pARt
oF sAMe heRe IS A
smALL insect
fLyinG above
the cLoud on
thE riGht now
and sure the
Rainbow colored
rayS of SuN
mY PasSioN
iN Love of allthatiS
sAMe as GoD oNE noW..:)


Butterfly Tiger
or iS iT Tiger Butterfly..
AnyWay.. iT iS whAt iT iS..;)

Some Graphic
pLay WiTH Edit..
aka Welcome to
Cordova MaLL..
better kNown aS
weLcomE to wHeRe
thE WiLd ThingS arE..
aT LEast when i greet folks
at BelKs liKe this.. all FReED uP..
anyWay.. after over a half-marathon
of Dance aT all of Katrina’s Favorite
Shopping pLaces.. perHaps.. i AM ready
to pass my Cholesterol.. Blood TesT oN
Monday with fLyInG LoWeR NumBeRs..;)

Facebook Friend Himali says..
in back for some more
social reciprocal
as friends
WiLL do in
smaLL talk
and deeper stuff too..
like what we all used to
do at the tennis court back
in the days when there was
no computers and people
actually played games
of sports with each
other outside
and once
the Tennis
Court was a great
place like the Bowling
Center to share philosophical
thoughts no less than my online
friends of Himali.. and Rafiah..
and my new friend gigoid
and more distant
from the
Wrong Planet
Friend Leah..
who lives
in Germany..
anyway.. those are
the few who regularly
communicate with me
and i appreciate all of them
very much.. and there are others
i appreciate too of course although
i do not hear from them nearly as
much and Love without expressing
Love.. is kind of hidden and sad to me..
AnyWay.. oh.. the ADHD again
back to what Himali
said now..
and sure..
i am not the
easiest reading
friend to be friends
with.. takes a powerful
brain to keep up with me..
like those who do of course..;)

Seems like a nice shopping place !..:)

i say..

Mall has
been here
now since i was
11 years old .. we
were so excited back
then when it opened up
in 1971.. and goodness it
has grown so much and at
one point there were three
malls in Pensacola.. but
the other two closed and
this one really
became huge..
i like the culture
oF iT but theRe
iS reAlly nothing
i desire to buy..
sMiles and WiNks..
as Katrina does ALL
the buying and i do
aLL the DancE WalKinG..;)

Himali responds
with laughs..

Haha haha… at least Katrina
has someone to help her with
the shopping bags plus you
get a good exercise too
two smile emotions..

And i say in return..

WiNks.. i cannot tale a lie..
she carries all the bags to
make her arms and legs stronger
as that is her substitute for going to the
to keep
her slender
‘Isis’-like figure2..:)

Himali exclaims..

Omg ! So finally I found someone similar to me. .
I also carry all my shopping bags and walk
tons when I go shopping as a gym substitute!.:D

i then say..

Hehe.. WeLL.. continuing on the
i cannot tale a lie theme.. she never
really buys much stuff at the mall..
and the other places
have big big grocery
carts like Walmart..
Target.. etc..
she is rather
thrifty using coupons
and all of that as i read
her my comment and she
said you are gonna make
folks think.. all i do is
spend money and
shop.. smiles..
lots of times..
she sits in the
car and reads or
beads making bracelets
when it is cool enough to do that..
and i think they call that retail therapy..;)

Himali says..

Awww.. She’s so cool ! Really..:)
so simple nice and adorable..:)
Convey my hugs to her please

in return i say..

WiLL do.. sweet friend Himali..
that is so kind of you.. and again..
hopefully we will all meet one day soon..
she is innocent and pure like you my friend..:)

Himali says..

Surely we shall meet up soon..:)
and no doubts how sweet she is..

P.S. I sent you
a message on “WhatsApp”..:D

i say..

Okay.. checking
that out now..:)

And that conversation
continued for about an hour
on many subjects.. ranging
from United States Social
norms.. to religion..
to philosophy..
in general..
to me saying
i wish tHere are
more nice Indian
folks like Himali
who are so open-minded
living here.. oh.. so free..
Truly our Indian
are a
to this country
of the U.S. of A..
as sure all immigrants
are who come here to spread
Freedom aS iSReal foR EVERyONE..:)

Hmm.. and now i say..
WeLL.. Beyonce has a new
album out.. Rihanna too..
and now Katy is closing
in with a new
SonG too..
noW all that’s
left is one from
Lady Gaga.. and
Lorde too..
and perHaps
Miley noW
and Britney
too.. etc..
2.. tHeRe iS
somethinG noW
very.. special
about all those
SinGeRs.. i can
jUSt FeeL iT Without
EVen kNOWinG whY.. SenSinG
such as IS A case for noW..
tHey are kind of like star
seeds.. crystal children..
indigo children.. etc..
let’s juSt
say they
i can spot folks
like thaT from
so far aWay..
hehe.. in anoThER
dimensioN.. so..
so HeRe NoW
And Rafiah.. Himali..
Leah.. gigoid.. some
of the girls i dance with
and some more folks i hang
with too.. yes.. you bET yOur
bottom dollar.. top one..
inside.. outside..
above so
one too..
aLL around..
wE are aLL
from thE sAMe
pLace.. soMe oF
uS juSt remember
more than others do
noW.. oH.. So NoW iSREAL..


Used car salesman..
yes.. mostly men..
and that makes
as mostly
men become
preachers to
mostly control
women.. number
one.. and mostly
control everyone else..
number two.. yeah
the pisses and
shits as
they come
our way.. WeLL..
today in New Jerusalem..
down South a few miles
in P’cola town.. a
full convention
of these skinny
tied males
and no vests..
as of course.. Jesus
F. iN Christ.. oh.. the pain
and misery of not wearing
shorts sleeves and shorts
in a Florida humid Summer
unlike me for those who do the
extremes of temps..
just for target
practice as
i like to
say now..
so tHeRe is..
Jesus F. in Christ..
yes2 liar Jesus'(s)2.. hell no..
not spReading good news
per a Gospel of so-called
Golden Rule of Buddha
fearless Love.. instead..
there is the gospel
of fear and hate of
if you do
not become
one of us you
are going somewhere
that we imagine you are
going to whether you like
it or not.. of course with all
the other non-ignorant humans
with tHeir windows raised up..
and perhaps they were listening
AND HATE.. anyway.. i could have some
real fun with those folks.. but i chatted with
another sidewalk Good Samaritan Homeless
woman.. gave her 5 bucks.. and she said none
of the homeless souls who call themselves
street light evangelists even gave
her the time of day..
does anyone really
know what time it is..
welL it’s never tiMe
NOW for God dam
bad news for mE noW..
i’LL take the homeless
woman over sidewalk
dEvils with bad news
any God dam day oF liGht oF Y i..:)


Ah.. short Facebook Memories.. and this one from a
year ago.. so easy to copy and paste
and repeat

To find the name within
that has no word no letter no thought..
To live the name within that lives eternal
without past without future.. eternally now..
to be or not to be.. a stupid question..
for an animal with life.. to live
or not to live.. a sad equation..
for an animal who forgets to live..
to embrace life with all
emotions.. senses
integrated in site..
to be now is life
is love is lighT noW..:)


And a Memory hEar 2 years too..
and the best thing about
mummies and now
uploading your
soUl online
is tHeir
is so much
more of a fossil
record now than a
small but artistic Nautilus
does still bring from so.. so..
long ago.. and a place.. far.. far
away.. hmm.. a new frontier on
line of course.. as never
kNowN.. seNsed.. feLt
before.. in some
ways less than
flesh and blood
and in someways
more in human heARt..
SpiRit and SoUL.. as focus
on the symbolic expression of
words alone.. without extraneous
environmental distractions can bRinG
a greater way of communicating more more
more as laser focus can do when narrow becomes
broader and broader in alternative intelligence way..
per much greater soUL of existential intelligence
as can be expressed with almost infinite
creative potential in mixing all the
letters and words of the alphabet
now in every which way and
loose.. in flow.. in stream..
in river.. ocean whole
iN ZonE oF hUman
and God oF Nature
Play of one producer..
noW.. and one
i director of I
actor iN
action in photos..
videos and such as that..
anyway.. back to KING TUT
thAT somewhat severely disabled
young man who is so much remembered
in what they name as KA ways.. so now..
so far.. from then now.. Human Potential
is almost alWays realized greater
from human challenge and
epigenetic and neuroplastic
change as adaptation now
and then.. and as i
challenge myself
greater.. the results
in empirical way.. can
certainly be measured
from now to now.. day to
day.. and now with the Facebook Memories
by Algorithm.. how the stately mansions
of Oliver Wendell Holme’s Nautilus
as organic shell words as i continue
to spread out in greater growth as
my experience of life in now
continues to be
fuller in the
moment of now
that is the only heaven
tHeRE ever iS now as the
only now that exists
that is obviously now..
when one flows as
anyway.. there was a day
where i used too much reasoning
brain and not enough art and
social cognition.. the freedom
of blogs allow both..
where i am no longer
full of happy social fun
working at a Bowling Center
with little reasoning intellectual
stimulation or no longer just
a valuable input and
solving commodity
behind an IT screen
and scream away
from social
cognition and
becoming a robot
computer head at work..
ah.. the balance.. the balance..
noW and the artful and empirical
feed back one gains by documenting
the whole God dam thing in art and science
one.. where the Archetype of architect
and oracle balance is exceeded in
a new age of human potential
in trans-humanist way.. kinda
what Katy Perry speaks to
in her New Olympic
Video named
Rise.. as SonG..
Human Fearless
LovE and ReaSon
in art and science
NoW of HuMaN poTenTial
to get iT aLL toGeTheR in
Peace and Harmony.. like
Pepsi and Catholic Church
sayS in Good Cop Jesus way..
as neurons and all the rest.. eTc..
noW iN both hemispheres of hUman
Brain Join Hands in toGeTherNess
wHOle.. same as east and west hemispheres
of global human earth.. and north and south
latitudes of God’s Big BRain and BoDy EartH..
yes.. within.. without.. inside.. outside.. above..
so below and all around we are aLL pARts oF
God wHole and when we hOld hands
toGeThEr in online web potential
Super God in we as transhumanist
way comes togEtHer like the
say toGeThEr
too if someone didn’t
get crazed over the Jesus
prophecy that more folks would
come to do more than whatever
he REALLY DID THEN.. and sure
they are.. as anyone with common
Nature sense WiLL kNOW.. FeeL..
and SeNse.. of this little sliver
of Heaven poTenTiaL..
that hUmans
have worked
toGeThEr for
two thousands years
and more now.. since
King Tut to make KA a
real thing for potentially
forevernow.. in a relative
human way.. in temporal
space of reaLiTy noW..
continues.. or whatever
replaces servers in the
future to keep the
essence of
sOUL liVinG
on in symbols
reflecting that Nautilus
flesh essence for years to
come and perhaps Eons/Aeon aS weLL..:)


Tarzan saved my life.. sort of..
no.. no.. not the movie i just
saw at the Ridge Theater…
the Johnny Weissmuller..
born in Romania.. who played
the legendary and famous role
of Tarzan on the big screen of the
30’s and 40’s of last century.. WeLL..
one might say how in the world did that
happen as i was not born until ’60..
WeLL2.. my Grandmother was
swimming at Wakulla Springs
where Johnny was filming
his show close to
Tallahassee.. FL..
she went into
and Johnny
did the life guard
thingy to help her
out of the water..
so yes.. that is my
Grandmother’s claim to
fame on the paternal side
of family and it just so happens..
that her X-Cathollic Priest Husband..
my Grandaddy.. dined with Einstein
in New York.. New York.. while both
swam in socialist party circles way
back then.. with my Grand
Dad a noted Author
per sTiLL
copy book
available online
for free.. named
‘Behind the Dictators’…
His scathing Criticism
of the Catholic Church..
including Jesuit sponsored
gossip that the Jews were behind
the same God dam conspiracy Illuminati
Theories.. suggesting that a select few
rule the world.. hehe.. as if any one group
of folks in this big world can pull off something
that smart.. nah.. nah.. nah.. only God
is sMaRt enough to do the
AS WELL.. and some folks see and
hear more of it and some folks see little
to none.. and for psychopathic leaning folks
not much but mechanical cognition activities
that drown the more powerful essence of allthatis
per God out of poTenTiAL much greater hUman
EmoTioNs and SeNseS sAMe in incredible
hUman poTenTiaL.. wHeRe perHaps onLY
reached by the REAL PRIMITIVES
with all the sHades ‘tween..
and hues of colors
and less and
more from
to white..
and more
than Rainbow
colors reaL nOW..
but anyWay.. human
epigenetic and neuroplastic
potential is certainly much untapped
and while the new Tarzan show is about
as believable as a flying spaghetti monster..
hUman potential.. per Ripley’s Believe or Not..
has already been proven.. amazing without
and with a shadow of a doubt now
with more amazing hUmaN
Stuff coMinG to the
forefront as we
as thE
power of TogeThER
when does what Coca Cola..
and Nike say all toGeThER noW
too.. iN corporate selling sugar water
with caffeine and some Victory
in JuSt DoinG ShoE
SaLes in Athletic
and Olympic
ways as WeLL2..
in ways of “I’d
like the World to
SinG in Perfect
Harmony”.. in Coke
words with “it’s the
real thing”..2 as Coca
Cola saySin sugar
water and
caffeine too..
and like i do too..
with ‘iRise iSreal’2..
anyWay aGaiN.. thE ‘Avatar’
Movie.. ‘The Emerald Forest’ one
about the rain forest back in ’85..
and this movie all say the sAMe thing NoW..
we hUmans.. relatively speaKing.. are functionally
disabled by culture.. and have forgotten so much
of potential hUman iNteLLiGenCes that are not
even tOuched by Standard IQ meAsures of
modern cultures in the last several
centuries or so.. been here
much longer than that..
we humans in ancestral
genetic memory way..
to remember it
can be to
be Superman
and Tarzan more
with culture that provides
new tools for folks like me who
cannot see without glasses much
at all at Distance Horizon scan..
and whose Hand writing per
real pen and ink.. is
almost not
where Chicken
scratch marks
the X of a Dr’s
Prescription to
get some more drugs
to treat symptoms rather
than the alarming global
gRoWing Core disorder thaT
iS NDD.. Nature.. Deficit..
Disorder.. that is making
uS even weaker jelly fish..
where studies suggest that
90% of Chinese Children who
rarely ever scan the horizon are
now near sighted with four eyes
of glasses or contact lens same..
as tHeiR eYes rarely leave a space
longer than 2 feet from a square
Box screen of what should
be a little scream warning
to get back to
Nature.. while
the addiction
Centers for Video
games continue to
Grow in these Technological
rich Asian Countries.. as Pokemon
not so well aT all.. as while you can get
great at operating those 4 to 5 inch or so
screens and buttons and associated eye
candy just as a passing flow of fancy
to take yA mind off of world
problems including yOuRs.. hmm…
what yA stand/sit to lose.. is incredible
much greater potential in ways of
health and weLL noW in EmoTioNal..
and Physical Intelligences WitH
EmoTioNs and SeNses..
regulating and
by the power
of continually developing
aCross the life sPan from
birth to death.. iN MoVinG..
ConNeCTinG CreaTinG ways to
accommodate challenge with change
of JuSt doing iT now.. IS A SonG NOW
thAT SinGs a World iN Perfect Harmony
with a side of Coca Cola’s.. ‘It’s the REAL THING
NoW’ and how i for one
say ‘iSREAL’..
the bottom
line for
what iT is
thAt iS and
all we say and do..
and seNse and FeeL
tHat varieS iN KNoWinG
way depending on whose
multi-verse eYeS onE is lOOkinG
through iN JuST DoiNG liFe NoW
in Nike
iSREAL noW..
NiKE Possibilities2..:)

But first yoU WiLL have to find a way to get fearless
like G.W. Bush.. who didn’t blink when someone
threw a potential shoe bomb at him at a press
conference.. who just leisurely read
a children’s fairy tale while
the country was getting
and once he
retires from
being President
dances with the current
President’s wife.. holding hands
at a somber funeral for fallen
hero cops that he turns into
an Irish Wake with or without
Irish eYes like mE that i
inherited from my
Grand Dad too..
with a mix
of Black
Forest German
liGht eYes way too..
oh yeah.. and lead the
free world making speaking
snafus all the way through
and now paints pictures of puppy
dogs before and after he dances
at National featured somber
Funerals too..
i don’t agree
with Georgie on all
his politics but the
dude has nerves of sTiLL
and definitely did more than
anyone would have ever imagined
he would do.. while a spOiLed brat
with an addiction of a rich family
way back when.. anyWay.. that’S how
i DancE in church.. and sUre.. i get soMe
of the same looks too.. but quite honestly..
me and God are free.. and full of holy spiRit
one and son me too.. and wE don’t give a FucK
like Georgie Bush either as God is color blind when
it comes
to free
as WE.. iN
rich and poor ways..
and the Sins of the past..
no matter egregious they weRe..
up to killing several hundred
thousand innocent folks in an
unwarranted war.. yes.. he
and Dicky boy are missing
a certain element
of human
empathy and
compassion too..
but perhaps Georgie
has broken over to
the liGht ForcE SidE NoW..
as all tHere iS is NoW.. and
you kNow what they say about the
lost sheep getting more of hiGher
as poTenTiAl iSREAL..:)

the theme
SonG was
per Tarzan
and GW.. and
i just fELt liKe it..
as seriousLy.. no cad
with or without a mustache hiGh..
Oh Jesus.. F iN Christ that dude
on that Tarzan show.. the
devil incarnate
or perhaps
a ‘prophet’
i kNow
ugh.. juSt ugh…
wiTh sMiLeS oF hiGh..;)


Yes.. wow.. i just wore this shirt
a week ago Saturday
aT ALL the Casino’s
in Biloxi.. but man..
i Love this ShirT as
my old FriENd A Warrant Officer
retired salty Navy dude tOld
me at church today.. that shirt
iS perfect for you.. as he saw
me move from Dr.. Jekyll.. the
uptight colored school dude..
at work wHere i supervised
hiM tHeRe as employed.
to Good Cop Mr. Hyde
when i came back to
church after 66
months of
and hELL
ReAL noW..
iT’s so Good to
be WiLd oh iT
FeeLs noW like
WiLd Wolves
WilLL.. wITh
A BaLanCinG
oF lUSt
anD LoVe2
and more
noW oN thiS
IRL Concept
with a thEme
SonG oF Y i..
CoMinG NeXt!..;)


Funny little SynchroniCities.. thiS
SonG.. ‘WhisperS in the DArk’..
by Mumford and Sons
came out for
free on
on March 10th.. 2013..
same day i published
my first blog post.. on
KATiE MiA/Aghogday
Blogger Blog that
was just a copy
and past of
an informal
PM on Facebook
in response to my
very first and only
Facebook Friend.. where
my only photo was my avatar
of my noble inside outside
Cat.. the Brown Tabby
with Golden eYes..
who passed
away in 2014.. after
a long 20 year stint
of neighborhood super
alpha cat.. who never even
got a scratch.. and even could
intimidate the big total Feral
Wild boy.. Yellow boy.. Arthur
down to 7 Lbs
and Yellow
boy at a
cat body
builder aLL
WiLD physique
then before the
operation came
to keep him from
spraying all over the
furniture.. ugh.. and
to keep him inside
away from
other cats
anyWay.. the Arthur
cat had STILL the Alpha
look/posture… mattersnot
if he was a bag of bones
or not.. just a look of super
fearless with never a scratch
of injury from another cat is all
it took.. for Yellow Boy to back down
as sure they must have crossed paths
in the 15LB Arthur prize fighter days
back in the day of woods
this song was
pARt of the
CreAtinG soUp
iN juST doing liFe..
that helped with aLL
innate.. instinct.. and
God given intuition sAMe
to recover at least in remission
from 19 medically diagnosed
disorders then.. and get
to heaven from
literal hell
and purgatory
then.. as of around
this week or so.. on
July 22nd from 3 years
ago sAMe aS weLL wHere
as i say before.. at the Navarre
Beach with my wife and i stood tHeRe
beComInG one with water.. waves
and gulf ocean whole as one with
God and Nature sAMe aLL aS oNE..
And sure.. i could have just relaxed
after that and done nothing @all..
financially independent in
a state of mind and
body balance that
doctors perceive
as a bi-polar
hypomania to
manic high.. but
i decided to give back
to aLL of what God gave
to me as Nature Free and
funny little synchronicities
again.. my numerology
report in Ripley Believe
it or not.. comes out
as 0111 in challenges
of life which means
i can do whatever the
FucK i want as a village
idiot or a world wide hero true..
so i go the middle route in the
best oF aLL worlds.. and like the
SonG here i am a refined gentlemen
when need be.. a biker per se in rough
dude way.. a photographer who takeS
photoS oF it all.. and dAm sure dead dam tired
after a long night at old Seville Quarter Driving
my little blue car.. across the railroad tracks
to where the shipyard is too..
right across from the
Civic Center for
concerts too..
sure.. iT’s juSt synchronicity
in a-causal connecting principle
noW as i have three lovely friends
who are girls and more who have
helped dress me up as more of who
i am now.. but iT is God WiNkinG
at mE sTiLL for those who
do kNow thaT
WiNks from
God are no
God dAm joke
and helpS oNe on
a path to liFE that they
miGht not ordinarily see.. feel
and taste.. if they had not escaped
a dance with the dEvil thaT is our system
of overall society in working way now..
yes.. my spine is strong.. my spine
is God daM strong.. tRust me.. iF
you went/go to helL and purgatory
samE for 66 months
and you got /geT out..
you would/WiLL
do iT
aLL on
fOur screens
and more of liFE
aLL aT one now too..
as God is no god of free free
God IS A God of play of work
in practice of what True WiLL merit
in Fearless Love and kInd iN couRAge
dam sure
BrinG as
iRise iSreal..


AnyWay.. the original blog
post doesn’t format with
videos correctly on
my blogger blog
but i copied
and pasted
it and made
it my about
on Word Press
aS iT is my about
on Blogger Blogs
too.. yes.. about me
and what i AM doing as that
PASsAGE of prose and poem..
IS A microcosm and
meSsAGE sAMe
oF aLL of what
i do here..
noW iN
FAST Approaching
4 Million WordS noW..
and even the total approaching
number of words noW in 68 months
approaching 12 million words by the
6th year of this online journey since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010..
plus over 5600 miles
of dance walKinG
in 34 plus months
noW.. and sure
leg pressing
930LBS on
a parallel
leg press
33 times
with arms
raised to air
to now.. getting
stronger every
day at age
56 sTiLL.. no
different than
Jack LaLanne
in his older age2..
except.. hell no..
i don’t do the
i fly tiger
in float
acrosS oN
terrestrial one
lAnd FReED..
bottom line..
iT is what iT iS
iRise iSreal..:)2








BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels


41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)




About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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30 Responses to iRise iSreal

  1. Facebook Friend Himali says..

    Smiles, friend, winks..:)

    And i say in happy return..

    Hellooo.. Himali.. and the good news
    is Facebook is not greying out your words..
    yes.. both you and i sTiLL exist here in words..
    and likely WiLL a long long time more in now..
    as words WiLL surely tale a tell of more
    of SinG SonG DancE oF Words and
    Steps too.. ugh.. this Facebook
    commenting thingy wHere one
    must shift and press return
    keeps interrupting mY
    floW iN StreAM
    of Consciousness
    wriTing iN ZonE oF Y i..
    aliVe more now as words
    WiLL fly allone with Nature
    one aka God all too for ONE..
    and hmm.. Love this Most words
    used on Facebook.. and would Love
    to see yoUrs sAMe.. wHere my top
    ones here say.. HUMAN LOVE FRIEND
    FREE LIFE REAL WITH A secondary smaller
    used tier of words that say.. WORD DANCE
    FOLKS NATURE WAYS amazing what one
    of these run off the mill algorithm profile
    analyzers can say in ways of hUman
    FeeLinGS and SeNses iN heArt
    of HUMAN EmoTioNs.. aS
    SpiRiT eXpresSinG mINd
    and boDy BaLanCinG soUL
    as sAMe as Real ‪#‎iSreal‬
    Now.. and oH
    Lordy i have a new
    title for this 687th Macro
    Verse of Longest Long Form
    Free Verse Poem ‘eva in
    history of humankind
    already in tHis first
    micro-verse oF
    Macro and
    Ocean wHole
    UniVerse Poem
    iSreal noW
    as words
    do continue
    to path a way anew..
    ha! thanks for the Monday
    Morning Muse.. my sweet
    fRiend Himali.. wHo sParks..
    the fist micro-verse of juST
    another Day in the liFe oF Y i..;)

    Himali says in response..

    Glad to know my comments
    are no more greyed !!
    Wish you a happy
    Monday morning..:)

    And i say
    in final happy
    for now..

    Yes!.. my friEnd
    and Happy Monday to
    you too.. HiMali NoW!..:)

  2. Celebrating a year hEar at dVerse
    Online PoEtry Pub.. as a two year
    Facebook Algorithm Milestone..
    as the dVerse PoEtry Pub was
    celebrating tHeir online
    milestone of existence
    full online as well..
    and as the Nautilus sHell
    WiLL Geometrically gRoW iN
    fossil record of animal gRowth..
    what staRted as rather overall
    smAll spirAling ways of words
    oF SonG of PoeTry and
    DancE sAme continues
    iN UniVersal fLoW Now..
    as i go on more with
    mEmoRy milestOnes
    along with
    Scores of thouSands
    oF photos and thouSands
    of YouTube Videos and otHer
    hUman symbols to express more
    oF Physical INteLLiGence.. EmoTional
    INtelligence.. ExisTenTial InTelligence
    and etc.. etc.. beYond iN thE TrUe
    MaGiC oF HUman existence far..
    far.. BEyond what Standard
    IQ and school teXt books
    WiLL say alone..
    iN noW oF..
    allone wHoLe..
    iN Ocean poem Wave
    Flow aGaIn in F Y iSreaL..;)


    And fast forward/reverse heRe to October of 2014..
    wheRe one of my first long macro verse
    copy and paste of micro verse inspirations
    comes from dVerse in 2777 words
    oF real time NoW
    Poetic response iN
    SpirituaL EmoTioNal
    and SeNsory expresSinG
    sonG of poEtry noW iSREAL..:)

    2777 words of dVERSE Poetic Response

    And yes.. here.. jUst a year ago..
    with a TSunami of LOVE..
    almost a Facebook
    Memory but
    here first..
    from online record
    poEm.. on 7182015..
    wHere 14,333 words seemed
    like an amazing accomplishment
    of MacroVerse Ocean Whole Poem..
    in so many micro verse of macro verse
    ways of free verse style poetic words..
    but seriAlly noW iT’s juSt another day
    iN the lifE of F Y i.. wHere every
    three to four days.. i spit out
    close to this many eXpreSsinG
    words here.. and now without
    even the inspiration of dVerse..
    or the Wrong Planet oF bEfore..
    as use it or lose it applies to
    use it a lot and give so much
    more.. so sure now iT’s juSt
    another 3 or 4 days in the
    liFe of F Y i..
    Real as iSREal
    can be jUst DoinG
    iT in Peace and HarmonY
    Love and fearless style iN
    and couRage
    way for reaL noW..
    oF Oliver Wendell Holmes
    more stately word mansions
    oF oNline PoEtry FREE VERSeReAL..;)

    TSunami of LOVE

    Here.. April 27th of 2013.. sTiLL in incredible
    pain with a synergy of 19 life threatening
    medical disorders real.. where every
    second of life.. i was unsure i could
    make it one more now.. with
    the worst pain known to
    humankind.. Type
    Two Trigeminal
    Neuralgia.. for a
    total life lap of 66 months
    from wake to sleep ending
    this week to date.. three years
    ago around July 22nd.. 2013
    then.. and i was aLready amazed
    that i reached the online mArk of
    writing 5 Million to 6 million words
    then.. in poetic words or not..
    as before i started writing
    on Thanks Giving Day..
    2010.. writing or reading
    was the las thing i wanted
    or even could do.. from
    January of 2008 until
    that Thanks Giving day oF 2010..
    Yes.. the Nautilus oF F Y i proves
    now in the record book of Online
    iSREAL THAT F Y i.. never gives
    up like the Turtle totem and
    Elephant animal totem oF Y
    i Wild Wolf2
    REaL Now aLiVE..
    iN WeLL BeinG wHole..:)

  3. Back to the flesh and blood world heAR.. as heRe’s the thing..
    i live in heaven.. i reAlly do.. i have unlimited energy.. write
    4 to 5 thousand words a day.. with little to no effort..
    am approaching 6 thousand miles of public dance
    walking every wHere i go per the 3 year
    September time frAmE of this year
    since 2013.. and am moving in
    on 4 million words of the
    longest long form
    poem ever..
    and also
    12 million total
    words at this speed
    of distance and space
    in words of DanCe iN
    SinGinG SonG way
    aT the 6 year mArk
    this ThanksGiving day
    or so.. of 2016.. REAL..
    and look at those hands..
    those are a lover and artist
    hands that will never make
    a fist to harm another human being..
    but look at those elbows thaT curl..
    well over 200 LBS in Nautilus Machine
    ways.. the over 17inch neck that
    lifts over 200 LBs in Nautilus
    Machine way in neck way
    as well as arms.. and sure
    the hips and legs
    that leg press
    close to half
    a toN.. noW..
    33 times.. and
    why don’t you see
    more 6 foot or so
    233 LB men..
    making and
    holding selfie
    moves like this
    just for artful Statue
    of David moves both
    clothed and nude.. well..
    i don’t sit on mall benches
    at the mall.. and watch Bball..
    and Fball and Sball same..
    i FucKinG work B**tch iS
    what i do in DancE and
    Martial Arts and Ballet
    Free Verse too..
    like Britney say..
    and sure.. i attract
    a few dance girls
    at halls in steps of
    dancing with the stars
    of love and lust balanCinG
    aS well.. but you see.. i Am
    here to show you something perhaps
    you have never seen now.. i went to heaven
    at the end of July 2013.. and have lived there
    for 3 years now sAMe.. in what the medical field
    describes as Bi-Polar Mania to hypomania..
    in hypergraphia.. hypersexual/ sensual.. and
    hyper religiosity ways of GoD oNe noW 2..
    Jesus through reports of Luke 17:21 and
    Buddha.. and others did most definitely
    say that the heaven of Nirvana..
    and purgatory and hell
    on earth is real here
    now inside.. outside..
    above.. so below and
    all around in hUman
    poTential NOW..
    but sadly they were
    not here to document tHeir
    experiences in first record real..
    and sure there have been many more
    who have done more than they and likely
    do much more than i do in so many more
    potentials of human spiritual Intelligence
    and physical Intelligence sAMe.. but now
    the difference is through the science
    and art/science oF trans-humanism
    i can show folks how heaven
    works and what heaven looks
    like in my own multi-Verse of
    Uni-Verse REaL nOw..
    i cannot and will not
    tale you what you
    must believe or do..
    you can follow others
    for that.. but i only hope
    thaT anything.. oF everything
    i do iRise iSreal Now WiLL yes…
    heLP you on YoUr never ending
    story and land of BeinG oNe
    WitH God iN the iSREAL
    Kingdom of Heaven
    Journey pATH noW..
    as.. oh yes..
    noW.. iT iS
    hUman super
    heroes do.. wITh
    thE iSreal HUman
    hiGher God oF NatUre
    sAMe Force of Fearless
    Love in CourAge and kInd wAy NoW..:)

  4. Fifty days to grieve in color….

    “Adventure is not outside a man; it is within.”

    ~~ David Grayson ~~

    Oh.. Lord.. trUe.. never
    judge heaven
    by the clothes
    it does or does not
    wear.. and every good
    Ninja lEarns to
    bLend iN to
    noW make
    the mission..
    real.. efficient
    and with results
    that last more than
    just bandaids
    for symptoms..
    tHere WiLL alWay
    bE dArk and liGht as
    thAt iS how NatUre worKs
    in deaTh of fAll.. dArk of wiNter
    liFe that IS A spARk in dArk
    as bLack as WhiTe that BrinGs
    back SprinG of FaLL to Summer’s
    liGht.. it could be over noW.. so i never
    worry about what i WiLL never change
    and thaT mY FriEnd IS A dArk of hUman
    NatUre that InspiRes tHe LiGht bRinGers
    contiNuiNG to liGht
    uP.. as thE dArk Force
    is not to be underestimated
    REALTOO.. as i often say.. been to
    real hell.. real purgatory.. real heaven
    iS wHere i Live now that i easily prove
    without a court case now in self study way..
    and sure.. i got the FucKinG Doctor records
    in reams of 100 pAges of Medical documents
    that more than real proves that other place exists
    too.. as two places of Heaven and Hell that almost
    never intersect
    except in a perfect
    Storm of Real.. in both
    liGht and DArk.. but hehe..
    i’M rAmBling again and thaT iS
    what nomads wHo never ever give
    uP the poTenTiaL oF life do in liVinG gRace..:)

    As Paul McCartney.. eT aL..
    sayS iN ebony and
    a Piano
    pLay WitH
    juSt ivory
    or ebony alone… ALLoNE..
    IS A symphony oF reaLiTdARK..
    IS Instruments oF liFe oNE noW..:)

  5. Motivation, denigration, invocation, potato….

    “I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together!”

    ~~ The Beatles, “I Am The Walrus ~~

    i AM
    thE Walrus..
    bottoM liNe..
    WitH WiNks
    and sMiLes..
    and a mustache
    since i was in middle
    school 2…. and W/big teeth too..;)

    But speaKinG of SGT Pepper..
    Devil’s Chief of Staff and such
    as thaT in mythical mystical
    magicK toUrs sAMe..
    Captain sAlt2..
    as anY Good Cop Stone
    Statue.. in stoic long
    faced mustache look
    WiLL rise uP out of
    law enforcement
    burial ground
    B E a T l e S
    Land and dO
    FrEE iN
    eYeS One.. noW..;)

    WiNks as i
    to roLe
    so ABove
    to the riGht to
    the leFt.. stand uP
    sit down fight fiGht
    fiGht.. go teAM liGht..1!!..;)1
    don’t tale anyone
    hehe.. or do NatUre
    i AM
    as Wolves hoWL
    Free iN cALL oF thE
    WiLd toGeTheRneSS
    MorE nOW..;)

    PS.. in a new age..
    write like you do from
    bottom to top to right
    to left.. wHere anyone
    can come in at any Twitter
    point and come back
    with something
    in twitter way
    sort of and sure longer
    too.. are a new wave of
    an ADHD Nation..
    wHere most people
    just do not have much
    more than a Pokemon
    of attention
    span left..
    pick a
    and play
    wHere pOkemon
    microverses pop out
    of Ocean Whole Poems2..;)

    Some wHo
    so much
    God dAM
    wHoLe too..
    as Humpty Dumpty SMiLes
    in an American Garden oF sAnd and sUN..

  6. And here.. a more ‘true to form’ version
    of the “I am the Walrus’ SonG which
    is rather oxymoron.. as the
    Walrus SonG trUly SinGs
    a Free Style of Folks
    like Jim Carrey..
    Robin Williams
    and you kNow the
    ‘crazy’ other dopamine
    and other natural neurochemical
    and neurohormone folks full of
    Dopamine Creativity.. Serotonin
    Trust and ‘DMT’.. etc.. fullness..
    of God’s Beauty.. and sure
    some may have oxytocin
    warm and fuzzies..
    and drug enhanced
    get it more stuff..
    but chances are
    there is some empty
    darkness in that Bi-polar
    human nuanced lighter
    and sHaded liGht that
    inspireS the greater creativity
    too.. and sure adrenaline excitement..
    androgen lusty waves of sensual deliGht
    with the groupies as inspiration too.. all i can
    relate to at lEast a little bit now.. except for
    any God dam enhanced drug use.. as i have enjoyed
    noW three years of ‘legend’ with no fame money along the
    way of a public dancer in New Jerusalem style.. hehe.. and
    dVerse comes back from vacation.. a place i have been mostly
    away from a month too.. with a 5 day celebration of prompts..
    to celebrate a 5 year anniversary there too.. where my
    first two links three years ago.. were my Revelation
    66.. 6 thousand word free verse abstract free for
    all.. that took me over a week to do.. where
    that is like a one day floating flighting
    word play for me now..
    and i provided my
    ‘About’ link on ‘Blogger’..
    and hehe.. Brian Miller
    the founder.. along with
    a lady called Claudia
    who have quit the
    rigors and roles of more
    strict ruling administrative poetry
    upper brow classes and school too..
    diD get a short interview by way of
    Brian Miller today.. who was the
    only Brave soul out of the dVerse
    link group to respond to my
    super abstract flow
    of stuff and words
    then.. so a nice a guy
    he was who made sure he
    got around to every poet’s place
    to give them love and encouragement
    unconditionally as he teaches in a Christian
    Church way as well.. in real life.. a missionary
    in India.. helping heroin addicts and other troubled
    youth.. a real super doUper trouBle shooter to
    heLp other human beings in Jesus Good cop
    Golden rule way.. anyway.. he really provided
    a thriving environment for freer verse away
    from the rules poetry for advanced
    enhanced nomad
    ways of going
    beyond the
    norm of
    poetry before..
    but not every one has
    an open mind like him.. it’s
    nature and the conservative
    vs liberal human beast that
    keeps the world in a duality
    of continuing yin and yang
    Karmic flow of dArker
    more conserving
    scared energy
    and liGhter
    more liberal
    giving and trying
    new stuff in open
    ways of doing stuff..
    and as science shows now..
    these ways of being are both
    written in our DNA differently
    in functional affect and effect..
    with environment playing a huge
    role and rule in who goes the way
    of Dr. Jekyll or towards the more
    wild side of Mr. Hyde2.. and in my
    case a good cop Hyde with empathy
    instead of the bad cop psychopathic
    Hyde.. with a cold soul who gets pleasure
    out of power and status over others and
    even potentially their real emotional and
    physical pain in life as well.. yes.. the world
    is a many splendored and splintered reality
    of dARk and LiGht.. the environment there now
    is great for rule followers but for the non-conformist
    nomads.. and super liberal ones like me.. just hell no..
    just hell no.. i already worked for the Federal Government
    for a quarter of a century and felt with their OCD rules too dam
    long that made my mind eventually into a computer pARt too
    without the
    art of heARt..
    stuff changes..
    and today’s first prompt
    of five that will make their
    self present through Friday
    POETRY ABOUT a theme of a journey..
    and sure i am rested and refreshed from getting
    away from that place after literally responding to every
    prompt and every link for an entire year from April of
    2015 to March of 2016.. as nicely illustrated in my
    Blog Macro Verse Novel named
    GodsUniVerseNovel3.. of the
    338,600 words it took to
    copy and paste that entire
    year of effort in free verse
    style poetry and prose same..
    but my definition for both same
    is poEtry as both prose and poetry
    is one writing from the heARt wHere
    iT floWs like a river over the banks oF
    what was and is before.. to Ocean Waves
    Whole that kNOw no Boundaries of either
    spiRit bank or shore in miNd and boDy
    BaLanCinG soUl noW
    sAMe.. i fill and FeeL
    iN the rest as i paint
    the winds in color
    oF Y i..
    and juSt go
    and go as far
    as Oceans juST do.. FReED..
    like i sAid.. i AM the Walrus..
    Captain sAlt.. make oF iT
    what yoU WiLL or WiLL noT..
    i’M just in it for the NoW of
    Journey with no God daM
    destination but noW iN/
    oF Heaven
    iRise iSreal uP.. Up more..
    and juSt KeeP goinG noW..:)

    And sPeaKinG of That hEar i go..
    to do dVerse soMe moRe.. with WiNks..

    SMiles.. my friEnd Lillian..
    been on about a month
    break from dVerse too..
    and so sorry to hear about
    Viv.. stopped by tHeRe.. too..
    but these days a heARt can stay
    in ways of spiRit expreSsing
    words of what a miNd and
    yes body Part or two or
    more has to say
    in this brave
    new singularity
    of hUman souL
    when uploaded
    to a new unabridged
    hUman bible named
    online and sure.. so much more..
    hehe.. sTiLL wrote a hundred thousand
    plus words of my style of poetry in the last
    month.. a novel every two weeks is my
    own personal style
    of free i

    A play in middle school..
    a poem of Christmas SonG
    that won an award among
    80 home room students in
    8th grade too.. at age 13..
    but after that for 40 years..
    little to no poetic
    eYes in hands
    of finger
    a short stint
    of philosophic
    flow in Philosophy
    class at Junior College..
    and a play of piano keys
    in free verse SonG of Electric
    keys as well in composition fLow
    iN Zone of free creativity finAlly
    away from sheet music prison..
    as still recorded in digital
    device on YouTube
    now from 2007..
    but not until
    a full forty years
    of DeserT iN Creativity
    eYes come noW in
    2013 from ’73
    way back when..
    wHere the promised
    land is found within
    and expressed without..
    as inside.. outside.. above..
    so below.. and all around more..:)

    Journey of aging
    a sure way for those
    who survive life.. noW
    lost from emotions
    death at
    1.. 2.. 3
    from social
    abuse.. and
    be oh..
    so young too…
    as nicely played by
    my crippled 94 year old
    great aunt who could just
    tell her pain to go away with a
    a life of spiritual strength
    in relative free will..
    while i at 47
    then.. had
    no spirit at
    all or Emotions
    to speak of even
    dark.. to escape
    any pain @aLL..
    yes.. there
    are so many worse
    things in life than
    a death as living..
    young too and
    oR A
    Ray briGht
    heArt @94
    no matter
    crippled feet
    a hEart as
    never age
    and iN fACt
    ONlY GrOW..
    God.. i’M glad
    i have that perspective
    as i never ever worry about
    aging as i’ve already been dead in life..
    for oh
    a thousand
    years in a second
    even too… as
    there is
    no time
    in life as dead…
    so i CELEBRATE
    my way
    ‘JoB’.. FeeLs
    better than know..
    in form of wiLted
    Rose thAt sTilL SinGs..:)

    Note here.. i FeeL it is
    ridiculous to have to
    include the word
    journey in
    a poem
    i mean.. duh..
    why get hooked on labels..
    anyWay.. i ain’t gotta do it..
    ’cause i gave up that linking habit..
    and won’t.. unless the word
    comes before i think
    about it..
    greater than
    labels without soUl..:)

    note ends.. back
    to regularly

    You kNow Victoria..
    a little bit of Viv lives
    on in my words.. jack
    henry.. don.. jill or jane..
    perhaps i have forgotten
    their names.. but the greatest
    thing about living them all in
    sharing words
    IS A
    pArt of
    of heARt
    never dies
    as our hands
    Write a pArt
    of tHeir
    eYes soUl
    back to life
    as yes.. the
    journey goeS oN..:)

    Funny how my words
    turn in to lamps all oN
    tHeir own.. true poEtry
    is proof of God too..
    a nice pLace oF liGht
    to visit

    WeLL i thiNk
    it so sweet
    all but two
    so far now…
    have freely
    dedicated tHeir
    journeys to Viv who
    passed away in France
    here recently.. certainly
    a beloved member of dVerse
    and more who will be missed
    whose word do sTiLL livE oN..:)

    Working with the military
    for close to a quarter
    of a century.. i got
    to see the
    fresh faces
    go to war
    and the
    faces and bodies
    come back from what
    they named as sand box
    life.. and truly when they
    say like my father used
    to say the military
    will make you
    into a strong
    man.. there
    is even
    change in super
    man-like way among
    many fresh faces and
    worm like bodies that
    come back off
    i wasn’t strong
    enough to do it
    when i was young
    but i finally learned the
    secret to success in life
    is never leaving bootcamp
    even if you never went..
    as yes what
    my elders
    said is true..
    male or female..
    getting old is not
    a nice game for so-
    called smart phone
    sissies.. and i was
    the biggest nerd
    usually in
    the room
    in techspectacular
    sitting jelly fish way..;)

    sMiLes Freya.. have written
    close to 120K words in the
    last month.. without
    even the
    that doing this
    for a full year
    last year and
    responding to
    every single
    link and every
    single prompt
    brought then..
    my other
    lesson in life
    use it or lose it
    applies to all stuff
    nature.. and never trying
    IT.. IS A sure way never to
    be all you can be.. per what
    the army says.. i was a very
    fragile child and young adult
    in many ways of Emotional
    Intelligence even though
    i made straight A’s
    and graduated
    with a triple
    three degrees..
    sad to say in reality
    i had to face the fact at
    the end of all of that and a
    25 yrs upper ending pay grade
    level of Federal employment
    that i had gained hardly any
    of the Emotional.. Physical..
    and Existential Intelligence
    that could really lead
    to a life not
    but truly
    and if i went
    that long in the
    dark.. i’m sure there
    are many more who now
    do the same.. as Lord
    knows i tried hard to find
    the answers.. but i could
    never truly find them anywhere
    else but deep within.. i have never
    been happier.. or even physically
    stronger at 56.. and i will not pay attention
    to any limitations noW or expectations that
    the 6 o’clock news or school/work bRings again..
    as the bell
    for mE now..
    smiles and thank
    you.. you alWays
    make me feel welcome
    i truly am in this for the journey
    alone.. no likes.. no follows..
    and the money
    i left behind
    in the bank..
    hehe.. then..
    long long
    long ago..
    ugh.. a society
    without money
    if it could happen
    could really be heaven
    now.. for so many folks
    who could make their social
    roles in moving.. connecting
    creating ways.. like our distant
    ancestors did too.. anyway.. i Am
    from a month
    break from
    dVerse and
    surely AM
    NOW.. HEHE..
    AS hurricane
    Fred in rain of words..;)

    THeRe was a day when all my memories
    were dark and negative.. and all my
    feelings were pain and bLack..
    and surELy a bLack
    wHole soUl liKe
    thaT WiLL
    dAnCe and
    SinG a SonG
    rekneWed aS
    liGht life bright
    the finish now
    journey never
    ending starting
    as phoenix rising beginning
    from ashes ‘fore in death oF Life..:)

    What i love now about
    a bus is it IS A wonderland
    in tour of new hUman
    heARts when they
    come separate
    to be
    as travel lust..
    but i am a people
    person.. and miss
    that bus of life
    when it
    is not
    of new
    heARts to explore..
    and sure of course..
    this is a bus too..
    and i am
    the words
    of your bus too..;)

    Ttrue.. my friEnd
    thaT A bLackest
    wHole of perspective
    can bRing A bRightest
    bulb of hUman Hope and Love..
    for when one has gOne
    tHere and escapes
    as hUman
    iN us as far
    as i FeeL a way
    out mUst bE
    shaRed as Love
    oF liVing liFE aS liGht..:)

    Train whistles sounds of
    past or hopes for rides
    to future destinations
    past of Love
    or past of
    or now
    of pain
    that whistles
    by.. funny how
    all i heard was
    train whistles so
    far away.. when my
    heart no longer SanG
    a SonG of NoW.. and
    now my SoUl whistles
    in SpiRit FreED..
    the train
    is now
    i always
    board in FloW
    in ZOne of Tracks
    oF liGht of never more less
    thaT i can and will do more..:)

    Ah.. the canopied
    road that shows a future..
    a place of hope of roads
    untold.. but sure.. a place
    of DArk that
    some can
    no longer
    go.. what once
    looked ike despair
    for so long is nothing
    imaginable but hope..
    a secret IS A reaLiTy
    of alWays
    a path
    for more
    than less before..
    for oh the places
    oNe WiLL GO iN briGht
    on roads unwinding tOld..:)

    Oh God.. way back then for
    a whole decade it took
    me a six pack of beer
    to dance in my twenties
    and now i am the only
    one out of crowds
    of hundreds
    that wakes
    up with no
    headache at all..
    and a full wallet that
    never needs the first
    dollar for the alcohol shot
    of fearless legs.. hehe.. the
    best way to lose all fear is
    to dance in public..
    at least for me..
    and sure to
    be a general
    public named
    legenT of dance2..
    hehe.. i never need
    a beer for fears..
    As FeeT SinG DancE FReED..
    iN Happy Feat of 56 year old PeN
    Grin iS DanCinG
    noW aLiVe..:)

    That’s interesting..
    i never thought about it
    but neither Grandmother
    offered any insight at
    all about father or
    in personal
    way away from
    them.. surely
    that is a nice
    to know
    what one’s parents
    parents fElt of Them..
    and i never met either
    Grandfather.. but fortunately
    one was an author and an
    X-Catholic priest who literally
    left a published book behind
    named a ‘Soul of a Priest’..
    it was good to get to
    know and feel
    him.. as he
    died some
    10 years before
    i was born.. the power
    of words that last can
    never be underestimated
    in human terms lasting longer
    than even deaths of days before..:)

    Not to just lessOn the grief
    but even in the dArkest
    days of loss
    as now science
    even shows.. what
    can be lost in oxytocin
    warm and fuzzy social
    comfort feelings.. and
    serotonin neuro-chemical
    ways of trust can generate
    liGht in greater ways of
    dopamine seeking
    in the
    science of
    grief relieved..
    as sure.. the dArk
    can bRinG liGht
    even in neuro-chemical
    and neuro-hormone way..
    as the creativity is what drives
    new friends aS liGht of art STiLL to come..:)

    All caught up at 6 0’clock pm.. 7182016
    now for dinner/gym work-out
    and perHaps
    more later
    in words to coMe..:)

    The greatest changes we humans experience and
    journeys are those epic to everyday mohumanments
    (haha.. have no idea where that word came from)
    of life that are always MoVinG.. ConNecting
    and creaTinG anew.. even IF we are not
    mindfully aware of the reaLiTy of thAt..
    in a world filled with ruleS.. in
    both limitations and
    expectations we do
    become as my friend Katy
    Perry says.. people of’Ye
    of so little faith’.. we are sons and
    daughters.. etc.. as the Sun that
    shines and gives uS energy.. we
    radiate emoTioNal energy to inspire
    we that includes me.. i.. you.. and us..
    and in a world that focuses all on the
    material reductionism of life.. we miss the
    big picture that we are mini-me’s of God.. you
    see.. some are the lucky ones.. the ones who have
    escaped this material reductionism of life.. the Buddha
    and the Jesus per what has been scribed of those men
    off of oral traditions of many years that may or may not
    fairly represent the life of these men..
    perhaps.. it is the scribes themselves
    who transmit both truths and
    lies of what remain
    in sacred text as books..
    however.. we humans are all
    one family that share the same
    DNA and much of the same DNA
    that the common rodent ancestor
    way back from 75 million years ago..
    shares with many of our mammal and
    more closely related primate ancestors
    and still cousins today.. in ape ways…
    to deny the real potential power of
    human emotions and senses
    as mini-me’s of God oF all
    Nature way.. is to
    deny the potential
    journey of life in light
    of sun of we… to
    explore it fully
    is to potentially
    go BEyond.. wHeRe no
    human has gone before
    and with that said i will quote
    the best part of my journey of life
    so far that was coming out of a hell
    of within to a heaven of within.. without..
    inside.. outside.. above.. so below and
    all around from July 19th of 2013
    standing on a beach with
    my wife Katrina..
    with an even
    fuller recovery
    coming on July 22nd..
    2013.. and a journey of
    eXpanding MoVinG ConnecTinG
    CreaTinG.. heaRt expreSsinG emoTioNs
    in regulating way and senses in integrating
    way as SpiRit with a miNd and BoDy soUL NoW
    that is constantly balancing no different thaN
    thE planets revolving around the Sun and the
    Sun/Solar System revolving around the Galaxy
    and the Galaxy revolving around the black
    hole center that in my case was
    the middle of my life at ages
    47 to 53 for 66 months
    in bLack wHole
    helL.. so
    sure i am
    ‘super star’
    with humble
    black hole middle
    endings and beginnings
    that continue to go on in
    mindful and bodily awareness
    of now in emotional and sensory
    Force of human being.. iRise iSreal..
    and yes.. no doubt i WiLL use this
    Katy Perry theme SonG many more
    noWs in the future.. as Lord kNows
    heR song ‘Firework’ back in 2010..
    before i started writing was the
    one spark of liGht my soUl
    could see.. like an
    Angel calling
    out to me
    to say
    there is
    hope somewhere
    for you.. where you
    no longer be a piece
    of pain paper floating
    aimlessly in the wind..
    yeah.. i get upset when
    folks suggest that Katy Perry
    is some kind of Fucking illuminati
    demon when she has the voice of
    a real Katy Christ and a tattoo of
    on her arm
    that remains
    of the part of
    she has
    not given
    up for dArk
    wHeRe thEre is
    liGht of the memory
    of a man who still lives ‪#‎iSreal‬..:)

    July 19, 2013..

    “Today was a wonderful day of
    celebration for me.
    I have risen from the ashes
    like a Phoenix
    since 2006
    started a path of
    human exhaustion
    leading to many health
    problems culminating in
    a place I can only describe as
    ‘Hell’ on earth at the bottom of
    a span of 1 hour of sleep each night
    for 35 days and 5 at the end of 40 with
    no sleep at all.
    In beginning of March 2008 I developed
    a type of atypical nerve pain behind my
    right eye that was like someone stabbing
    me in the eye 24/7 for 5 years until I started
    this spiritual journey March 1, 2013, with
    this blog starting on March 10, 2013.
    I played the song
    above in 2007 creating
    the music to attempt to
    re-attach my emotions that
    were lost to severe and unrelenting
    stress as an Athletic Director of
    a military installation.
    There was a Female Captain
    that no one could please, who
    took me and many others through
    a metaphorical journey of hell at work.
    There is no drug that will
    touch the type of nerve pain I experienced.
    The only solution was to kill the
    nerve in my face; which
    I could not face as
    there could be
    From March 2008
    until November 26th 2010
    my eyes also would not
    make tears which
    was the equivalent
    of swimming
    in salt
    eyes open.
    I spent many days, months..
    eventually 2 and a half years..
    thinking..I could not
    read..listen to music
    watch TV; there was
    only thinking.
    I was
    not able
    to listen to music
    until I started this
    journey too, as the
    nerve pain affected my
    ears too.
    At the start of this journey
    my goal was to once again
    be able to visit and enjoy the
    beautiful Gulf Island National
    Seashore that is one of the most
    beautiful paradises that exist on this
    In my journey of typing on the internet
    starting in November 2010 I find
    the ability to withstand the pain
    of the light of the screen
    taking the mind off the
    pain exploring logical
    discussions with many
    people on the internet.
    I spent years of roaming that beach
    as a young man and child.
    It is the same beach that
    is recorded in the video
    ‘Captain of Her Heart’ I link
    in the Revelation 66 post.
    This journey of blog
    works to reconnect my
    emotions, and love both
    spiritual and human affection.
    I uploaded the piano music I created
    from a dictation device, that started
    my ability to listen to music again
    in March of this year.
    The music that is favorite for my younger
    years re-attached the emotion with
    mind and language allowing me
    to ultimately connect to my family again.
    Along the way I found my spiritual life
    again, finding the ecstasy of
    spirit at a level I have
    never experienced
    before in my life.
    At the start of
    rise out of
    ashes I was
    having to take
    4 MG of Ativan
    to sleep at night
    with the eye pain.
    My pain is at a low enough
    level where I finally celebrated
    a night without any Ativan last
    night after a slow and painful
    weaning of this most powerful
    anti-anxiety medication.
    It saved my life to
    sleep but almost
    destroyed my
    ability to
    feel or
    I am diagnosed
    with a form of Autism
    where I was a non-verbal
    child until age 4.
    I have always had difficulty
    with emotion and language,
    but I did not ever
    think I would
    get them
    with that pain
    that lasted
    only pain
    and empty discussions
    of rationality on the internet.
    In this spiritual journey
    that went into full speed
    on 4/27/2013 with
    a post called Autism
    and the Nautilus
    I lost most of
    the pain
    and regained
    as much strength
    in body and spirit
    as I have had all my life.
    That picture of the beach
    is were I landed at the end of this
    day with my wife and I again
    enjoying this wonderful
    paradise of beach.
    I looked at it in pictures so long
    but being there with eyes without
    pain was pure bliss.
    I stood trancing at the
    waves coming in
    matching the
    waves I feel
    in mind
    as now
    I connect
    to a place
    that is almost
    magical with
    connection of
    one and all
    in mind.
    If God had
    took me then
    my life would be
    not time
    to go yet..:)
    My wife is 43 and
    she is as beautiful as she
    ever was at 19 when I met her
    at age 29.
    I marveled at her
    beauty as she walked the
    beach and found a nautilus
    type shell for me with
    my favorite shape
    of 6 of golden
    When we
    capture it
    with photo I am
    going to link it here
    at the top of this topic
    to represent this pure white
    shell I find myself in soul now.
    I went to the doctor today and the
    health is wonderful again.
    My testosterone was a problem
    when there was pain but is
    now measured at 666 the patterns
    of 6 I like so much because
    there are three in my birthday.
    Feeling as this number represents
    the golden spiral along with 9 for life.
    I recently find that there is a pattern
    of flow of words of speech and typing
    that match this ratio of life too.
    One can see it in the shapes
    that form in my typing throughout
    this blog as the songs
    of Nautilus Golden Ratio sing in
    the archetype of mind and
    Universe with me one and all.
    My song I created on the
    piano was at the start of this
    struggle to keep my soul.
    It is interesting to
    me too, as close
    to midpoint in my
    music the mood changes
    to uplifting instead of pensive.
    I explore these many archetypes of
    mind and culture in this blog.
    In linking the you tube videos
    it brought me to this
    wonderful dark haired woman
    and stallion of black on the desert.
    The Woman favors my
    wife very much.
    I feel that she is like this
    woman taking the black
    horse that was soul
    carrying across the desert
    to meet it’s life again on the beach
    that always was so much of soul to me.
    I experience great joy, deep sadness,
    true light spirit love and true will, with
    the love of affection for my wife again
    today all in one; once again
    proving my soul and heart
    of humanity.
    The tears of joy stream down
    my face
    when I come to
    this video and see the
    whole of my wife who is
    the guardian angel in this many
    colored dresses taking me through
    life guarding my soul no matter how
    black it becomes after this pain that
    is worse than any death I imagine
    except for that death at the bottoms
    of those last 5 of 40 days of no sleep;
    a literal place of hell that is a thousand
    years! in one moment!
    I am thankful for every experience in life
    as it takes me to this full
    place of humanity and soul!
    There is no possible way to
    describe the happiness of
    bliss I feel to be alive
    on that beach again!
    For anyone traveling
    on this journey with me
    in the background not speaking
    I hope you feel my joy and can share
    a part of it!
    I am not sure what comes next but I am
    ready for it!
    Love and blessing true will to
    all of you my friends!
    KATiE MiA FredericK!”

    And a couple of more
    memories here in
    Macro verse way
    of continuing


    i come in like a Wrecking Ball! heHE!

  7. Hmm.. WeLL.. perhaps
    that Turkish Evil eYe bit..
    is a little bit not what i expected
    as instead of protection for everyone..
    after the shooting of innocent police
    officers in Louisiana.. the U.S.. environment
    for domestic terrorism continues to grow more..
    yes at home..
    and all sides
    of the human
    coin.. now.. ugh..
    from those who
    protect to those who
    kill and or do both.. a
    sad state of affairs that
    iS far from UniTed Now..
    and oh my God.. the world
    oF politics.. a free fall of human
    deceit.. lies.. and bully boys are us
    they for sure now.. anyWay.. iF yA thiNk
    wE got it bad here.. perHaps you haven’t
    studied current events and history same of
    the rest of the world now.. it ain’t
    exactly A piece of apple
    pie.. a Summer Game
    oF Baseball.. or
    a pool party
    over there..
    over all over there
    either.. as we do have
    a pretty nice overall whole
    pie over here.. as Jesus F.
    iN Christ.. according to some
    books there was a son of
    God who was crucified
    just for professing
    the Golden rule
    true and that
    we are all children
    of God deserving the
    same God dAM treatment
    dArk to liGht.. in all the colors
    and shades of grey from white
    to bLack that comes in too.. the
    Golden rule is rather simple as the
    dude Jesus said that just one commandment
    of Love the God oF Nature all with all ya heARt..
    SpiRit and SoUl.. and yA neighbor as ya self as
    pAft of aLL of thAT in consuming no harm to
    yOur neighbor too.. fulfills all laws of
    before.. as they FucKinG are not
    needed as long as folks treat
    other folks in fearless
    courageous love
    in kiNd real..
    yeS.. iNcLudinG
    Nature wHole too..
    wHere even Love
    yA so called enemy
    and help ’em out instead
    of stoning them.. cutting of tHeir
    hands or strangling them in honor
    killings same.. or anything else besides
    this unconditional Love real as highest
    hiGher God Given Altruistic Fearless
    Love as all FReED inheritance gift
    from God oF Nature sTilL now to
    wE homo sapiens sapiens iSREAL
    NoW.. this ain’t rocket science..
    iT’s God oF NATURE AND
    HUWOMANITY 101..
    UGH.. as the world turns..
    can be a nasty dirty place..
    but sure tHere IS A way
    out in Golden Rule simple
    Heaven now for those who
    see a team effort rather than
    a divisive way aWay from Unity
    now.. but true.. once again.. human
    diversity as great as iT iS for overall
    survival speLLs potential conflicts in
    both Nature and Nuture way.. a BaLanCinG
    act more than ever for the camel making iTs
    way through the smallest needle eYe of a culture
    and cultures trULy grown too large for their Trump Britches..;)

  8. WeLL yes.. this pARt of the
    story of the 686th Macro
    Verse.. iRise ISreal..
    per Yellow Boy’s
    Visit to the shower
    was quite clear to me..
    and sure.. everynow Katrina
    puts on the latest World and National
    News Dirty Events in politics.. domestic
    terrorism.. bad cops and stuff like that..
    he runs to the shower to grab a bar
    of soap to clean the shit all up
    no less than a covered up
    litter box of STUFF..
    yes.. he’s quite brave
    only armed with
    a bar
    not clearly
    visible in this photo
    too.. hehe.. Katrina
    said i was weird wearing
    my green sandals on the
    opposite foot while i got
    my knickers down as
    the Walrus

    And finAlly heRe beFore i hit the
    sack and bed the same..
    Goddess Isis in full
    personal style
    of Egyptian
    head dress..
    with Sea Horse
    thigh tattoo fully
    displayed for humble
    praise.. for beauty as
    such the Queen and i.. yes..
    sure per iSiS REAL NoW2..;)

    Facebook Friend Himali says..

    Katrina looks soo pretty while
    drying her hair..:D beautiful she is !

    And i return with..

    Katie Mia sMILes my friend.. Himali..
    will relate your sweet
    words to her!..:)

  9. Yes.. Hashtag..
    ‪#‎iRise‬ ‪#‎ISreal‬ ..
    for inspiration
    ‘porn’ at lEast..
    and by the way..
    have ya seen that Kia
    we toGeTheR soUl YouTube
    extended Video about unity and
    differences among humans and
    culture coming toGeTheR and DanCing
    and SinGinG.. and plaYinG instruments
    togeTheR as weLL.. WeLL.. Ki means
    coming out or arising as well out of
    the east which is short for Easter
    as such for rebirth when yA add
    the A.. which of course translates
    into another symbol totAlly..
    iN South Korean Language
    oF course.. and sure.. i’LL
    leave a YouTube
    liNk as i WiLL
    use that as the
    headliner theme musiCk
    to go along with all the Nature
    pics in my next Macro Verse
    oF Longest Long Poem form
    Poem ‘eva pushing that
    4M wordS iN no limits..
    no expectations.. for
    the different of My
    Human potenTiaL
    fuller explored as
    nows go by..
    and rise aGain..
    yes.. in thaT coming
    687th Macro Verse
    titled.. wErise iSreal
    yes.. sure.. hashtag..
    ‪#‎wErise‬ #iSreal ..
    whatever hash tags
    care to do as it’s
    just another cultural
    meme as nows go by..
    as the ‘SonG oF mY
    soUL’.. also web site
    titled as KATiE MiA FredericK!iI..
    continues to gRow and shine like
    no form Ocean Poem of beForE.. so FReED..:)

    So.. i checked to see the results of last Facebook Profile
    pic Turkish Evil eye.. and i’ll just call it the Karmic eYe
    now as i do like to be somewhat original in creaTioN
    activity @lEast.. so anyWay.. ha! whether it was done
    on purpose or not.. Trump’s wife’s speech
    per the opening so-called ‘gay’ mans
    song in way of ‘We are the
    Champions’ that would
    have Freddie Mercury
    rolling in his grave
    if he kNew the Trump
    fame stained his greAT!
    creative and inspirational
    SonG.. so yeah.. as the Karmic
    eYe WiLL have it.. the Trump wife’s
    speech came out sounding like a Black
    Democratic President’s Wife as such..
    and sure both speeches were
    equally inspirational as the
    story of any immigrant
    coming over here..
    by ancestor
    way of wish
    or even more
    struggle to get free
    here.. once yA get here
    as an historical Black slave
    too.. anyway.. careful what stones
    yA throw aT Hillary glass houses or
    the shattered glass my end up falling
    on Trump and Trump’s own by the end
    of last night’s convention events that did happen..
    Oh.. the Karmic eYe.. no matter what happens yA
    get the last look.. and say/do.. and with Yoda at thE
    hELm.. yA are surE to maKe more poSitive liGht iSreal..:)

    No matter how much camouflage..
    Yoda Guise.. or very hairy human
    legs.. it is almost impossible
    to hide and blend in on
    NorthWest Florida
    Beaches… Rivers
    and StreAMs oN
    sugar white
    oF LiFe..
    so.. aLiVe..;)

    Ah.. yes..
    finAlly a place
    wHeRe Yoda BLends
    iN and can jUSt be himsELf..;)

    Facebook Friend
    Himali says in response..
    to me as Yoda in the Garden..

    What a pose with the beautiful garden. .
    You truly seem to blend in..:)

    i say in Happy return..

    SMiLes.. and Hellooo.. my friEnd Himali…
    Good to see your smile AND text this morning.. hehe..
    and yes.. a beautiful Black Water River Forest bench
    here in small park by that River.. Downtown that i grew up on..
    the Water and FoRest is Healing no matter wHere i go i blend in
    WitH God when NatUre is near.. and sMiLes2.. you are Nature too
    my FriEnd.. hope you are having a wonderful evening in
    India.. as i AM guessing your mini-vacation there
    away from the Emirates of Arabia..
    is still going on..:)

    Himali says..

    Hehe.. yes still on vacation mode !
    And yes nature is so soothing and peaceful.
    You’re lucky to have grown up with such natural
    beauty around and we all melt into nature as we belong there 🙂

    i say in on hashtag of bliss..

    #Bliss ..:)

    Facebook Friend..
    Rafiah says..

    I love the garden and the bench.
    I would want to drink a cup of tea
    with my favourite chocolate chip cookies..:)

    Thanks my FriEnd Rafiah.. a lovely day it was..
    i am currently watching the video you shared
    and will be there soon to comment..:)

  10. Facebook Friend Rafiah shares
    a version of Sharia law that suggests
    that it is non-violent and humane..
    which of course is not at all
    what one hears
    about it in the
    west as there
    are horror stories
    right and left..
    yes in
    and religion ways of discussion..
    So i say in return for clarification..
    in context with the recent honor killing
    in Pakistan of a famous fashion model..
    I’m hoping your Sharia law does not
    support this.. as it does in some Muslim

    Rafiah responds..

    Islam does not even allow hitting a woman,
    killing her for any reason is out of the question.
    Sharia forbid any such activity. In fact sharia is
    very pro woman. It is the society that is misogynist.
    His brother is caught by the cops and hopefully
    he’ll be punished for what he did.

    i say..

    Good to hear my friend..
    thanks for letting me know..
    sadly it doesn’t operate that
    way in many other Muslim countries..
    but i am happy it works better where you live..
    sadly.. the teaching from the Koran and similar
    teachings from the Old Testament now in the
    the still revised version in the U.S.. has been
    used in fundamentalist ways for all types
    of abuse against women.. Jesus came
    to perfect those old imperfect laws
    by reducing 613 Torah
    Commandments into
    one of Love one’s neighbor
    as themselves and God with
    all their heart without consuming
    each other with harm.. if one does
    that with empathy and compassion
    there is never even any light beating
    of wives that according to the secular
    laws of Pakistan is still allowed..
    that’s sad.. but countries
    will evolve as the U.S.
    has steadily done too..
    for women’s.. minority’s
    and disabled people’s rights..
    as God lives in all of Nature..
    not just a select few as more valuable
    than others from mountain to human
    to less than a grain of sand and more and less..:)

    “Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great. [Quran Verse 4:34]”

    And i say here now.. sadly a so-called Jesus
    hasn’t come to correct verses that harm other
    folks in the Koran.. and happily one was reported
    to do that in the Christian New Testament but no
    matter that when the Jesus says gentile.. jew.. servant
    or free.. woman or man no more.. the old antiquated verses
    in the Old Testament that were supposed to be perfected with
    the Golden rule are still used as a heavy hand to at least ostracize
    those who are the woman or man no more.. per everyone is children
    of God no matter inborn nature or cultural associated differences as nurture..
    so sure a verse out of Leviticus is still cherry picked to oppress God of Nature
    born homosexuals as sexual orientation.. but thank God they don’t support raping
    women per the verses in Deuteronomy that do just that.. but sure they could
    again.. if the heads of churches same as clerics in Pakistan still allow
    light beating of wives..
    sure they could
    spit in their
    face and not
    hurt them
    but they
    are not dogs
    and even dogs
    are children of God
    same that deserve neither
    spit on the face or a light beating as such..
    to treat a human or dog less than a child of
    God and the rest of Nature is just not what God
    WiLL do when truly fully human in human form..
    with or without lies and or truths of black
    books of
    there’s a better
    way.. and it is
    the Golden Rule
    with consuming
    no pARt of Nature
    the bread
    and water oF LiFe..:)

    Rafiah’s Facebook Friend Saad says..

    Islam is peace for every one for every relation.
    BUt we r not perfect followers.we need
    to mend our ways through education.

    And i say..

    SAMe is true in the U.S.. my friend..
    not many people accept me.. for the
    fact that i WiLL not put Jesus on the
    only level as A God.. any greater
    than any human as pArt oF God
    when history clearly
    shows now that IS A lie..
    one then orchestrated by
    Roman Emperor Constantine
    and innumerable scribes and
    scholarly suggested numbers
    of 3 to 4 hundred thousand
    copy and revised mistakes..
    God lives now end and
    beginning of never
    ending story..
    but that is not
    something even
    taught in most religions
    or schools as paRt of US..
    no books.. no schools.. no
    religions needed when God
    speaks through aLL of we
    as Golden Rule
    Love.. God’s
    greAtest giFt
    to wE.. noW..
    the world is no
    longer a patch of
    dirt in the middle east
    or even only earth.. God’s
    territory extends bEyond Infinity
    much too far for any human tongue
    or eYes to fully relate unless they think
    they are God FULL incarnate.. we speak a very
    limited Language noW of God but wE muSt alWays
    seek to see/speak more oF God.. or we give uP God..:)

    Saad responds..

    Oh I am happy to read this.
    spread peace every where..:)

    i say..

    Amen.. my friend..
    Peace and Harmony
    Is God’s Language
    iN all of Nature
    wiTh Balance..:)

    Rafiah.. shares a Islam
    Scholarly video that
    suggests that God
    actually allows
    light beating
    in some cases..
    of women straying…

    as Rafiah says..

    the explanation and right interpretation of the ayat you mentioned here is explained by Nouman Ali Khan. See one need proper understanding of all aspects necessary to know exactly what the ayat is telling. Glancing through the translations, which sometimes are very poor in conveying the whole and main message, it does not help much. Anyways Noman Ali has tried opening the reality and meaning of the ayah here.

    And i say
    in somewhat
    analytical science and
    FeeLinG Poetic terms..

    Hi.. Rafiah.. no matter how many scholarly degrees a person has in science..
    religion.. or philosophy as in the case of the New Testament when Jesus says
    who is the one who has not sinned who will throw the first stone.. at the
    so-called evil prostitute.. which after all is the world’s oldest
    profession and a far CRY better.. that what is reported of
    up to 80% of young girls sexually abused in the home..
    in Saudia Arabia by physician studies there..
    as the young men are not allowed ‘normal’
    relationships with females when they hit puberty..
    and that natural frustration can go to evil deeds of child abuse..
    as a horrible alternative.. there is no excuse for violence..
    and there are better ways to live life..
    and there are reasons that human
    beings stray when they live in
    oppressive societies..
    light beating.. is in part
    a symptom of an overall lie that
    seeks to subjugate and control women..
    by timid men.. who are afraid their wives
    will stray.. well.. the REAL news is many
    women do not like timid men.. and God makes
    them free to stray to seek stronger men.. and
    that is the rule of nature.. and only the weakest
    man will strike the straying woman.. rather than
    defeating the man who defeated them..
    in getting stronger and making
    a better way for themselves
    with someone else that is
    the way nature works..
    weak men will most always lose
    in the end.. and those who fearless
    love will win now.. it’s how it goes..
    my friend.. i have been listening to a
    barrage of news stories on the abuse of women
    in Pakistan and the whole thing disgusts me..
    but i know the reason for it.. it is
    both culture and the interpretation
    of a book that is honestly confusing
    as hell to most people but not
    confusing to me at all..
    as i know who is writing
    it is just a man.. no more or
    less than any other human being.. we
    all have voices of God.. some stronger
    and some weaker but any man who would suggest
    that a man should beat a woman.. even lightly..
    over her freedom to seek a stronger man is just a
    weak man.. period.. with a sword or not.. and i am
    free to speak for God no different than Mohammad or you..
    i’m sorry.. and no.. i’m not sorry.. there are many women
    in many Muslim countries.. Many homosexuals same and many other
    people who are dying because of that book.. and ALL THE
    interpretations of it.. and sooner or later..
    as folks did with the Old Testament that
    does the same thing and even worse
    than the Kuran when literally interpreted..
    change will come.. and eventually people who
    are perceived as weaker will NOT die at the
    hands of fear and hate.. there are no perfect
    books anywhere any place any time.. AS GOD SPEAKS
    not just a patch of sand in the middle east.. no.. not
    just a rock named Earth.. an Infinity greater now than
    any of us will ever be able to relate with tongue or eye..
    and the weakest of all humans will solve any problem with lightly beating..
    humans are smArter than that.. when they exercise theIR gifts from God free..
    and some are not.. and that is why the state of affairs are what they are for
    many people in many countries in the dark of what life can bring too..
    over here if a man lightly beats a woman no matter what..
    he can go to prison.. and if she strays he can
    see if he can attract another wife..
    if he shows he is strong enough to
    even do that.. otherwise.. he will fall
    to dust as we all will with the love we make
    or the hate we take.. in ways of lightly beating
    or strongly beating.. better yet kissing God in all of uS..
    anyway.. all this is very inspiring.. i tend to be fearful
    that i will say something like i have with so many other people
    in truth and light that will turn them away.. as i am only human
    and do need friends too.. as all we social animal humans do.. but i
    will never stand tall for anyone to be beat lightly or strongly as God
    lives in those humans too.. NO MATTER WHAT.. and yes i am strongly
    against all forms of capital punishment from paddling kids in school..
    to the electric chair too.. all those folks would be better off visiting
    a prostitute than hurting another human.. but only if the prostitute was
    helping that situation out of their own will.. Love wins.. bottom line..
    Nature proves it without a doubt.. and i do not visit prostitutes
    or hit women who would stray as i am much stronger
    than that of what weak men are.. but some are
    not and that is reality too… anyway.. thanks
    for sharing.. i’M always up to lEarn something
    new and to give and share a little more of what i come to lEArN..
    i’ve written close to 12 million words.. sorry.. NO.. not sorry..
    a 80K word Koran of a limited vocabulary of 2000 words that i’ve
    read about a hundred times and scoured it from front page to back..
    doesn’t impress me that much… we humans are evolving still..
    and i aim to move forward with everyone else as God’s
    children and what Jesus was reported to say about
    folks doing more than he.. is coming true
    all around us for those who have eyes and
    ears that see and hear more of God Given Human
    potential now.. the first clue for me that there
    would be problems with the Koran was a human being
    who insisted that he had the last word of God.. WeLL..
    my friend as science shows now.. as it did not show then..
    God’s world is much bigger than a patch of dirt in the middle east..
    and i cannot fault Mohammad for ignorance of what he did know then..
    we know more now.. bottom line of all that is God now.. and we continue
    to grow.. or stay stagnate and beat other humans lightly when we no longer
    tolerate their behavior that we do not think should be done.. God rules..
    free bottom
    bottom line..
    with no humans
    books @ALL.. my FriEnd..
    And i’m listening for what
    God WiLL say neXt to mE2..:)

    Saad responds back suggesting i don’t understand
    Islam and the culture they have and they don’t fully
    understand other cultures with no reference points.. and
    sure he is correct.. as no two people will read any poem the
    same and that is what all sacred text is as poetry that expresses
    more than concrete labels for stuff like the sky is blue in color
    way.. and the sand is brown and grass is green.. of course all those
    are metaphors too that can be described for other pArts of liFE in almost
    infinite ways of human imagination and creativity same.. noW all metaphors
    are art.. there is no science alone for God.. and sadly that is what folks
    attempt to literally do to religious poems.. and it will not work any better
    than the so-called ‘novice’ that stumbles across my words play no different
    in parables.. and almost unlimited style and yes of creative word play too..
    that comes deep within human archetypes that is written in my DNA no different
    than any other human at core of expression but with different metaphors of course..
    so anyway.. he asks that i talk more about the Universal aspect of Allah God.. and
    i do what i do..
    i do what comes
    next freely with
    God i and sAme
    at the
    of the
    soUl oF Y i.. and say..

    Thanks my friend.. Muslim
    people i meet along my Internet
    travels are among the nicest folks i meet online..
    and true examples of what we call Golden Rules Christians
    over here in the U.S.. i have seen much pain and suffering
    in your culture and it hurts me to see that as i am human
    and i do not separate myself in empathy and compassion
    from or for no other human beings.. i have
    studied all religions deeply and the
    thing that sets humans apart as
    special from all other animals
    except for perhaps.. Bonobos..
    is their capacity for fearless and
    unconditional love which means zero violence..
    this is the way the primate Bonobo lives its life
    in a healthy balance of lust and love that drives
    we all beings to survive and love when that capacity
    exists too.. and no.. it is no one’s fault alone..
    not Muhammad’s fault directly.. nor Islam.. nor
    Judaism.. nor Christianity or Buddhism same
    and other religions for their imperfections
    that i have studied for decades.. it is
    the Environment and challenges of insanely
    large groups of human beings living in close quarters
    in places of non-abundance that leads to all this strife no
    matter religion or not.. God lives in all of us and sure the
    term Allah is a beautiful metaphor perhaps more than the three
    letter word metaphor GOD for same.. however.. God has existed
    long before human beings construct abstract language.. put that
    into words.. collect abstract intelligence to approximate the
    essence of God.. but only God can speak God’s language
    no less than any man alone can be God… this is basic
    logic my friend and common sense that we humans
    are gifted with who escape the illusions of
    culture and religions same.. God breathes
    in us and as us and all things else seen..
    unseen.. felt.. not felt and unkNOwn sAMe
    and so much more.. we humble specks of sand
    can only blasphemy God in suggesting we are or
    know all of God’s language whole.. as the truth
    of the matter is we only speak human and are only
    a speck of dust in God’s eyes whole as you say Allah same..
    the meek who take no more than they give will always inherit
    the Earth.. and as humans travel now.. they live out of balance
    with God.. so no.. of course humans are not God’s favorite creature
    now.. as humans Destroy God’s home here.. and each other.. who God
    lives in and so many other God eYes and ears in sensing and feeling
    ways in the rest of the Animal Kingdom and more in the world as whole..
    either we humans shape up or we will eventually ship out and not
    come back for potentially infinity more.. and more of what
    God directs as creator and liver of all stuff creation now..
    in both animate.. inanimate and other ways.. that no
    humans words will ever capture alone.. anyway..
    in human eye..s unconditional fearless love
    that will harm no other.. including violence..
    light beating.. or spitting on the face of a woman
    that way.. may save the world.. for human beings species
    all.. or not.. it depends on us.. action.. consequence of light..
    or moving towards.. dark.. death and destruction.. God will always
    have the last word.. that says whether or not this human species
    will continue.. or something greater will take humans place..
    as in some cases that already is the case.. as with the
    Bonobo primate who lives in Peace and Harmony with
    both each other and nature whole.. tHeir
    advantage my friend.. is they have no
    written words.. no bound books in chains..
    no cultures of oppression and repression
    they speak directly to God as humans used
    to do in the forest too.. before chains to words..
    of writing.. to cultures/religions of oppression
    and repression.. they hear the call of the wild of God Free..
    and they simply fearless love in passion of living now in balance..
    sadly.. humans are the dirty violent apes of real now..
    as the movie series planet of the apes
    nicely illustrates.. in new human
    prophecy way.. anyway.. you are
    very nice friend as is Rafiah..
    none of my dissension here is ever
    directed at you good and nice people
    as nice as anyone at least where i live here
    in the U.S… have a nice day my friend.. with
    pEace and harmony.. loving fearless eyes that live
    in balance with God wild and free now.. as God’s
    children will be when unchained from darkness.. now..:)

  11. So i just finish writing a poetic expression to
    my Bestie Muslim Girl Friend Rafiah.. about the
    merits of the Golden Rule of Fearless Harmless
    Love for God of and as of all of wE.. from the mountain
    to the grain of sand of less and more..
    So i go outside to do my sand
    and sun dance free with
    God.. i look down
    without my
    corrective lenses
    on my face.. in shades
    way.. and the sun is reflecting
    brightly on shiny looking mineral
    specks in the sugar white sandy loam soil..
    and nah.. first noW onE has ever spArked
    my interest or is ever even noticed by me in
    three years of doing this now.. with God of
    Nature one and sAMe.. so i pick a fleck
    of the shiny mineral looking substance
    up.. iT is gold metallic looking in color
    and makes the shape of a heArt and
    leaf the sAMe.. except iT is like
    a heArt penDent
    of Nature one..
    now with me..
    so sure.. God
    is both Winking at
    me.. smiling at me
    and perhaps
    or 3
    and infinity
    more now..noW..
    and the messAge
    is only for me but perhaps
    for giving and sharing for
    others too.. as of
    course the God
    of Nature
    all too
    iN Force
    as sAMe
    thaT mY Voice..
    heARt.. SpiRit
    soUl wholE noW
    WilLL carry further
    a while longer than
    that shiny moment
    with God in Heaven..
    seriously.. if the sand
    shit gold bricks.. i would
    be less happy than getting
    now oF
    as Tree
    oF LiFE anD

  12. Not only the penitent are forgiven….

    Face pain in all shapes and sizes
    ugh.. and intensities.. i can relate..
    hope it ends soon..
    and thank
    tHeRe IS
    and i have to
    go get my fangs
    cleaned on Thursday..
    just a got a friendly
    Dental Hygienist
    now off
    to your archived
    post without pain..;)

    Not only the penitent are forgiven….

    Sadly.. the English
    Language has
    reduced heArt
    more to semi-colons
    and periods when Art
    is speLLed as heARt
    and River sane..
    HA! iNsanity
    stops and goes
    and rarely changes..
    Nature goes and goes
    and rarely stays the same
    even in patterns of sand
    as positioned
    in a desert..
    as the wind comes
    without semi-colons
    and periods to change
    all of that whether
    we wish
    or stARt
    the WiND for
    more liFe different
    than what the SuN
    broUght oF Now
    never sAme
    as bEfore..
    a hUman cHoice
    oF heARt flows with
    or without the symbols
    that can be written text..
    the human spiRit SinGS
    without restraint when emoTions
    Flow without specks of periods to cut off
    breath.. from MoVinG.. ConNecTinG
    CreaTinG iN Zone of StreAM noW
    wHeRe mINd and BoDy soUl
    iS BaLanCinG upon a
    now with
    no labELs
    of whaT
    was bEfore
    in priSon of hEart
    no lonGer SuNG..:)

  13. The SonG ‘Kýrie, eléison means “Lord, have mercy” in Greek, and is a part of many liturgical rites in Eastern and Western Christianity. Kýrie, eléison; Christé, eléison; Kýrie, eléison is a prayer that asks “Lord, have mercy; Christ, have mercy; Lord, have mercy”.[3] According to Page the entire song is, essentially, a prayer.[4]’
    as per Wiki research as before
    the Tune came into my bRain
    directly after i wrote the passage
    above about the fleck of God’s HeArt..
    i already fElt the essence of the SonG
    from the 80’s as remembered noW saMe
    as Christ SpiRit for metaphor of
    Golden Mercy rule of hUman
    being.. all innate…
    instinctual and
    as we
    at core..
    kind apes..
    no less and even
    poTenTiaLLy more
    than Peaceful Easy
    Loving Bonobo Balances
    Love and Lust for Peace
    and Harmony iN Life NOW as
    empirically assessed by science
    now with no doubt.. NO.. nO No NO..
    hUman BeinGs are not cruel at Nature
    given by God aLL of Nature when FReED
    to be WiLd as any Child of God WiLLs to bE
    iN Balance no less than all the rest of NaTure Free..
    and sure tHeir is a burning fire of Love in Christ-like
    metaphor for Golden rule as heArt but yes.. aS iN other
    metaphors of symbols tHeRe IS A serpent of WiLL that wraps
    around thaT heARt of Golden Rule for survival tRue tHat WiLL noW
    ultimately do whatever it takes to survive as sure.. Cold Andes Mountain
    Plane wrecks show when the most civilized of hUman beings WiLL turn
    to Cannibalism.. no different than Bonobo.. when stresses of domesticated
    liFe priSons become too much out of BaLancE wiTh Nature.. and sure.. culture
    in aLL itS liGht and dArk ways can be pArtly either the dArk Nightmare inspiration
    or dreAmy Heaven of NoW inspiring way of LiFe.. tHere is the Jedi Christ-like
    spiRit but it is tempered in a way of tribal Sith sword as metaphor when
    necessary.. as sure.. retaining a Wild and Free Loving Life
    in Liberty for the pursuit of happiness is worth fighting
    for.. and this Tribal Instinct of competition
    for subsistence is aTiLL Ruled
    by reptilian serpent brain
    for basic survival…
    Sports.. like
    the coming
    Global Olympic
    games IS A much better
    way to express the hUman
    tribal instinct.. world-wide
    soccer competitions..
    eTc.. than Bloody
    that have
    Now no
    end.. noW..
    A Golden Rule
    without an end

  14. Ah.. the color red.. the lady in red..
    the Ape who is ready to mate..
    the Sith who is pissed..
    the blood that colors
    our hate..
    and lust..
    lips that say Now
    Romance is soft.. LoVinG
    and hot.. cheeks flushed
    and warming up for Love..
    Upper chest colored same..
    in eYes of brEast.. male and
    female sAMe.. sports cars
    for folks who make up
    for all of that
    in less than
    of human
    LiFE.. noW..
    the color of blood that
    runs hot and cold and
    sadly just Luke
    iN some oF
    aLL of wE..
    who FeeL Blood Red..
    and sAMe iN all ThAt is
    LiVinG noW foR Now oF LiFE..:)

  15. OKay.. iF oNE reAlly thInKs… about thiS
    and FeeLs iT toO.. thiS iS reaLLy epiC..
    Superman.. Batman.. Wonder Woman..
    the Joker.. Lois Lane.. and
    somEone elsE

    Trick or Treat..
    YoUr choice..
    when me and
    the Cookie Pool
    Monster get TogeTheR2..
    butt anyWay..
    at lEast
    i’M no
    a 98 cents

    So oKay.. the 687th Macro Verse
    title changes again from
    #wErise #iSreal

    iRose iSraEL..

    as tHeir IS A sentient
    intelligence of God wholE so
    far beYond hUman intelligence
    that trUly rUles and judges in God’s
    own way thAt most folks misS it AlToGeTHer..
    and the closer i geT to God in ways of Synchronicity
    it becomes more incredible by the second.. more amazing
    thaN i ever thOught i could experience liFe without thiS hiGher
    power as A REAL NATURAL PART OF MY LIFE that cannot even NoW
    be fully described in words.. as iT is often so far BeYond words..
    i’M not sure i WiLL ever come close to describing
    God iN Words.. so far beYond any scientific
    definition.. any Jewish or even Occult
    Definition.. Bible or Kuran
    or any human symbol
    i kNow of or FeeL
    and SeNSe NoW
    jUst beYond books
    is what i AM oF God
    allone.. riSinG hiGher
    by thE second.. iN a
    BaLanCinG way thaT iS
    cAlm and as easy as Hurricane
    eYe oF Y i.. i cannot hope to take many
    folks to tHis place WiTh God i eXist but
    a few perHaps can come WiTh me for
    wHere i’Ve been and places thAt even
    i cannot fathom in Hands of God
    and so.. noW.. so much
    more.. iRose iSraEL..
    as those words
    from so far
    for the LuST
    and Love oF LiFe
    in FigHt of wHat iT
    means to FULLY LiVE
    WitH GoD FReED.. i say
    BRinG God back and
    share God
    Free for
    who can
    and Do
    WiLL thAt iSreal
    sure in wERise2..:)

    iN Short and tALL..
    BLessed BeYond
    NoW oNE
    to DancE WitH GOD..:)

  16. WeLL.. i slept with the Lady in Red on my miNd and heARt
    last niGht.. in DreaMs of One with God as God
    for metaphor for Lady in Red too..
    as the fire at the middle
    of Sun that gives
    us life to
    the blood
    in our veins
    that pumps oUr
    heaRt.. as without
    the core of liFE we no longer
    Flow.. we no longer eat and
    drink.. and no.. we no longer
    reproduce and carry on the
    human race.. and i will say
    now.. this micro verse
    is dedicated to the
    young woman
    in Pakistan
    who was strangled
    by her brother as he thought
    her free and wild woman in red
    behavior was intolerable and as
    the laws of Pakistan say.. if the family
    forgives.. the murderer.. he could get off free..
    in what they call honor killing in the
    Sharia rule for not following the rule of
    Mohammad and his patriarchal female
    ruling friends now same as in
    632 AD when a 6 year old
    girl could be purchased
    and bedded at age 9
    with her dolls
    in tow..
    or ‘lightly’ beating
    ‘disobedient’ wives..
    i’M sorry.. i MEAN..
    NO I’M NOT NOW..
    but to lie means
    more womEn will die..
    at the hands of men who
    think they can control the free
    God of all pArts of huMan Nature
    who do live less or more wild in however
    God manifests as hUman being.. yes.. as science
    shows.. the human species is not even FucKinG aT
    core a monogamous species as the Kinsey reports
    and others have clearly shown.. some are monogamous
    but the majority are not.. of course males naturally leading
    that human.. nature and God reality same.. some folks will
    never feel comfortable parading tHeir bodies around naked
    and for others who ARE more wild and free with God Nature eXposed
    they do it noW like second air as i GOD DaM SuRE WiLL TOO WITHIN
    DO ALLOW.. anyWay.. the truth is for males who are too afraid that they are too
    weak to hold the interest of their girlfriends or wives.. their method of control
    is to execute it with force.. and sure the converse applies.. as well as within the
    realm of legal papers named marriage where there are consequences for
    straying.. including divorce and splitting up the marital assets
    and starting again for those who lives revolve around
    temporal material success..

    SO ANYWAY.. here are the facts
    about honor killing in Pakistan
    and other related information..

    “On the morning Qandeel was murdered,
    she shared a picture of herself staring
    defiantly into the camera, wearing a pair
    of leopard print pants and a black tank top.”

    i say.. YOU GO GIRL..

    On the list of 145 countries featured in the World
    Economic Forum’s 2015 Gender Gap Report,
    Pakistan is second to last with regards to gender disparity.
    According to the Independent Human Rights Commission of
    Pakistan, violence against women is rampant, with as many
    as 212 women being killed in the name of ‘honor’ in the
    first five months of 2016. Pakistan’s Prime Minister,
    Nawaz Sharif, has vowed to tackle the problem
    but critics say few concrete
    steps have been taken.

    i say..

    IT.. at least in part.

    “Despite reports that she was scared for her life,
    she wrote that she was a fighter.
    “I will bounce back,” she said,
    adding that she wanted to
    inspire women who have been
    “treated badly and dominated by society.”

    i say.. go girl again..

    And now i say.. God is
    listening and watching
    in Karmic eYes of God

    And this is what
    the Killer said..

    “The brother of Pakistani social media star,
    Qandeel Baloch, says he’s proud he killed his
    sister, claiming he did it because “girls are born to stay home.”

    And this is what the other Killer
    and rapist Mohammad said..
    as i already said
    it above..
    and now i say..

    Muslim countries
    are comprised of Human
    Beings and no matter what
    he or she said before.. human
    beings will strive to take care of
    each other.. and gloss over the
    injustices of before..
    but the truth
    is sometimes
    the obvious
    be said
    clearly with
    no ifs ands or buts..
    as when i saw that Tarzan
    movie.. that man with the mustache
    and the hat who was in charge of the killing
    and enslaving of the black folks was Mohammad
    incarnate again on screen.. i’Ve seen ‘the horse’
    up close
    and personal
    and the horse
    is very dark
    and dangerous
    as the horse knows
    how to mix love with
    hate and get his way..
    but true Angels of God
    are not deterred at all
    or fooled by the lies
    of psychopathic
    And here is what the
    Gnostic Jesus had to say
    about it in sacred texts attributed
    to Jesus long before Constantine
    or Mohammad had the opportunity
    to twist what was left of these earlier
    pristine texts un-convered in original
    form as late as 1959 in Egypt and
    to be clear.. there are still no
    written words of the man named Yeshua
    and Jesus.. as scribed from oral mixed
    tradition the 40 years after he died
    as records suggest that this was written
    100 years after he died.. no suggestion of the
    myths of a virgin birth.. resurrection or any non-human
    natural human miracles.. and no.. i do not agree with all
    of it either.. as i will Love my Mother and Father no matter
    how much i disagree with them.. and yes.. i will offer dissent
    to great extent.. but i refuse to even hate Mohammad or
    Adolf Hitler same.. as over 200 Million deaths have
    been attributed to the rise of Mohammad’s empire
    as human warrior ways will do with or without
    a so-called religious hand of God..
    to secure territory and subsistence
    resources including reproductive
    controls for mating
    and making
    more children
    to replace those
    who have fallen in wars..
    it’s not a pretty picture.. in fact
    it is horrifying but it is part of
    human nature when
    there is competition
    for resources no less
    and more than the rest
    of the animal kingdom too..
    but yes.. with WILL over fearless

    Jesus as reported in the
    Gnostic Gospel of Thomas says..

    “37) His disciples said to him,
    “When will you be visible to us,
    and when shall we behold you?”

    He said, “When you strip naked
    without being ashamed, and
    take your garments and
    put them
    under your feet like little
    children and tread upon them,
    then you will see the child of the
    Living, and you will not be afraid.”

    Does that remind you of anything
    i do.. WeLL the truth is it works..
    when a person loses the
    guilt that has been
    instilled upon
    them by the
    lies of Abrahamic
    Religious myths
    that the lady in red
    who is naked from
    head to toe no
    less than
    and a LOT more
    by the bravery of
    this hero woman
    in Pakistan.. or
    and the Penis of the
    even uncircumcised
    human being now..
    is anything less
    than Now noW..
    holy and sacred
    they are simply lying
    to themselves and
    lying to and as God
    the same as God is
    Wild and free and sure..
    somenows/then in arid lands
    God wants to keep the moisture
    in and not die of thirst by covering
    up with light.. light colored clothing.. that works..
    fine.. but in places like Florida where the humidity
    is high.. and not evaporating sweat on the skin
    to cool the body in the free air of God could
    mean heat stroke and death.. it is only a fool
    who would cover tHeir Body from head to toe
    and die in disrespect of God’s Greatest gift
    of liFe.. Jesus was a Naturist.. a Yogi-like
    Dude eerily similar to me..
    it’s easy to see if you
    read that sacred text..
    down to almost
    say and Do iF
    one reads
    than the
    lies of Constantine
    and his Catholic Cohorts..
    and like i say.. the Karmic
    eYe oF God huwomanifest
    in all “wErise” human
    iS watching
    as the title of this
    687th Macro Verse goes
    and changes iN the longest long form
    poem personal bible.. now approaching
    4 million words.. at least four times longer
    than the old bible.. both.. old testament
    and new testament put toGeTHer.. and
    40 times longer than the Kuran
    as only a flea of what
    Mohammad could
    do then.. as
    compared to
    mE.. except for
    purchasing little
    girls for sex and marriage..
    and being a war lord and
    raping and pillaging the opposing
    teams material goods and mothers
    and sisters and wives.. i’d rather
    be a writer with words/dance as
    my only sWords are feat of feet and
    hands of PeN
    iS what i do
    2.. noW Now
    Free as God
    can be maNiFest
    in hUman being and
    if nothing else i AM
    jUst fulfilling that Saint
    John Verse that says
    that Jesus reports tHeRe
    WilL be those who come and
    do more works through hope..
    faith.. and belief than he did then..
    and hell no.. he was handicapped..
    as he had no iPhone6s.. iMac desktop
    silver workhorse.. or a pair of earbuds to
    pick and choose his prophets and angels
    from around the world and share them in
    Google and Youtube and overall web
    ways of a new age of freedom of
    speech and all other forms
    of human expression
    from head to
    sure there
    IS A photo(S) that
    goe(S) along with this..
    As someone i heard somewhere
    said something about someone
    somewhere coming in glory
    to judge
    the living
    and the dead..
    and a Kingdom
    that has no end..
    i’M not waiting
    around for anyone
    else to do it.. as Jesus
    said Just do it.. and DO IT MORE..
    as the latest Superman Movie as the
    writer said IS A metaphor for the
    return of Jesus.. when Jesus
    would say i cannot
    do it alone
    we must
    rise aLL
    and do iT aLL..
    #iSreal #wErise ..
    And if Jesus were to
    come back now..
    i’m quite
    sure tHeRe
    would be a hug
    and a shake of hands..
    and that would be enough
    reward for me to serve like this NOW
    as a soldier of Love/God with NO FEAR..:)


    And yes.. i kNow i’M juSt a needle in a haYstack..
    a tiny wave in an ocean of world-wide web..
    a hUman with many huMan weaknesses
    and functional disabilities..
    but the bottom
    line is for those
    iN ThE #iSreAl
    #wErise REAL
    KnoW anD FeeL
    anYthing iS possible
    WiTH GoDHeaRt@HanD..
    as the TITLE
    but my words
    are set in online SToNE..
    and Love iS written iN THiS SToNE..
    MaKinG room for anOTheR SonG noW..:)

  17. Yes.. the eye is back..
    and again.. the new
    and improved Karmic eYe..
    in left way

  18. piano warm says:

    Your wife has very sexy shoulders.

    That is so funny that you were taking pictures of that girl’s butt on TV … the one rescuing the sea turtle. 🙂

    This is an awesome photo:

    This one too:

    And this:

    … all your sky images

    Ooh, I love this:

    I like this:

    I love that Francine Rivers book, Redeeming Love. Really good.


    Now, for the writing.

    This is awesome: “other folks tend to see the glass closer to half scared”

    “we create
    our own realities from our
    experiences of before..
    and what we dare
    to create anew” … True.

    “‘they’ all have excellent
    rhythm in moving hips” … Truer.

    “i am a very nice Yellow
    boy” … I love this. 🙂

    “It’s silly to go on pretending that under the skin we are all brothers. The truth is more likely that under the skin we are all cannibals, assassins, traitors, liars, hypocrites, poltroons.” — Henry Miller

    Great quote.

    I love the word “mutations” for some reason.

    “Oh Kali.. you do
    look A lot like God overall
    just sticking your tongue out
    at uS” … I hope so. 🙂

    “i FucKinG
    mean business..
    hehe.. it’s FucKinG
    hilarious when i move
    from Ballerina to Lion
    in a spin of
    my throat” … Hee hee.

    “cannibals live in cities
    it is what primates do when cAged..
    and why they long for Vampire movies” … Right?!

    That is really sad about the little Muslim girls.

    “Funny what a vine
    can do with
    roots that
    give uP” … I heart this.

    I still can’t get enough of that Lorde song, “Royals,” either.

    “we hUmans.. relatively speaKing.. are functionally
    disabled by culture.. and have forgotten so much
    of potential hUman iNteLLiGenCes that are not
    even tOuched by Standard IQ meAsures” … Yup.

    “find a way to get fearless” … Great advice.

    I LOVE Mumford and Sons.

    Nice to see you again, Fred. Sorry it’s been so long.


    • WeLL.. Shawna.. so nice of you to come by.. and hehe..
      no need ever to say you are sorry to me or it has been
      so long.. as in my terms of time.. all is now..
      and you never left.. and after all..
      oh my God.. you had to travel
      probably close to 30,000
      words and 200 or so photos
      to get down to even say
      hello on this 20th day of
      July.. yeah.. sure i’Ve missed
      you but yes.. you have four children
      and are home schooling and this is
      an Ocean Poem.. and not just a fly
      by night verse of words and yes a
      fly night verse of words too.. hehe..
      in broads day light of course too..
      and haha.. actually i didn’t
      notice that girl’s
      butt on the
      Turtle photo..
      as not only are
      Katrina’s shoulder
      lovely hehe.. so sure..
      i’ve seen better butt days
      than that too.. but i do love
      all female butts as they do provide
      a fertile way for human growth.. as
      the scientist.. man speaks uP for me..
      what else.. oh Lord.. i was just gonna
      go outside and sand dance before i got
      yoUr notification.. but i AM alWays pleased
      to hear from another Super Creative individual
      who home schools all four of her kids2.. and hope
      all is going great on the home front there.. have spotted
      your footprint here and there across dVerse trails but ugh..
      no linkie to hook up with your poetic words yet.. been sitting
      in this chair way too long today.. do have to sand dance in the
      Sun but if that hyperlink is still working for a place you stay..
      be by
      to check
      the latest
      version of Shawna
      and all of her poetic word
      play and see wHeRe we can go
      neXt.. yes.. Lovely seeing your text
      here and perhaps i’LL catch a smile
      of your glimpse of whatever you are
      doing now.. after i sweat a little bit
      and work on my artful
      head to

      *Update.. went
      back and looked at
      that butt you are talking
      about and the girl’s butt up
      there is covered by a WEAR TV
      Channel 3 news banner.. ugh that other
      one is a man’s butt.. you had me a little
      worried i missed a great girl’s butt..
      but the dude’s
      tattoo on
      his leg
      is okay i guess..
      i suppose he needs
      to get to the gym
      and grow some hair on
      his legs.. funny isn’t it
      how women no longer like men
      with hairy chests compared to the
      70’s where my fur was one of my
      main selling points back then..
      now it’s ooh a hairy man..
      instead of oh lala or
      whatever excited
      women say
      that way..
      i remember
      one super
      girl say
      at a outdoor
      festival looking
      at my dark chest
      forest then..
      oh Fred
      that looks
      so good..
      i blushed
      i blushed
      and blushed
      some more…
      any way.. Ape
      i’ll be
      Ape i Am
      proud Ape
      to be hairy
      handed or not..
      oh.. and that reminds
      me.. another Pacific Islander
      Virgin Catholic Girl told me
      when i was playing Volley ball
      with her at school or rather
      she asked me.. Fred is the
      Color of your
      hair Golden..
      i said i guess
      and blushed
      very red
      and for some
      reason my pants
      got tighter too..
      oh the joys of
      living back then..
      in NEW Jerusalem
      wHere even bad boys
      respected women oh so true..
      unless they were not virgins
      and oh boy that was so truly sad..
      but stuff changes.. from head to toe and MORE..;)


    oKay.. i have to go play
    in the sand and sun..
    but will be back
    in a bit to
    play more
    with you..
    just to
    hold you
    over ’till
    the neXt
    play of
    wE comes..;)

    Yes.. i’M back and oh Lordy
    it’s so so hot outside..
    and of course after
    doing that
    i AM
    with an excellent
    shaped butt.. with
    some blue jeans on..
    and just to be honest..
    she looks like she is ready
    for anything that comes next..
    Oh Lord i’M sTiLL dripping with
    sweat and my feet are still half
    coated with sand on top..
    okay.. off now to
    see what
    of fun
    and play
    in creation
    activity i kind find
    next.. as Lord kNows
    today and yesterday i got
    i might bit top serious in play
    now to let it all go an duSt have fUn..;)

    i just stArted to say i will
    now ravish your poetry from
    top to bottom.. except for
    the pARts i have
    already filled
    iN.. but
    i look down
    and see your
    bottom has gotten
    much longer than
    beFore so sTiLL
    wE wiLL
    see what
    comes neXt..
    as Lord kNows2..
    a Girl with a cowboy
    hat with a quick release skirt
    is super

    note here..
    i’m starting
    to fiLL like i
    AM the Walrus aGain..;)

    as note ends.. with
    Shawna now fully in toes..
    and feat of hands..
    in poETry
    FTW.. as
    Walruses and
    egg men sAMe
    WiLL do to WiLL
    when sEt FReED..;)

    First oF aLL Love to be
    able to fully play
    with a highly
    creative skeLeton
    BRain and a key
    of 11:50 a
    or pm
    28 seconds
    and sTiLL counting
    more.. hmm.. the
    key has pink laces
    and the pInk shoes
    have grey laces..
    and very
    maY bE
    a Deeper
    meaning for
    that as sure..
    what is written
    will be dOne
    onLY in
    iT Can
    be interpreted
    by creative minds..
    and yes.. bodies too
    all iN BaLaNCe sOUL..;)
    (ps.. a zillion youtube
    sonGS are running through
    my head.. juSt great to accompany
    all these spRead oUt tHoughts
    sTiLL to come)
    as free
    is the key
    to all creativity..
    prophecy.. Wholy
    Spirit stuff and
    the all
    wax that
    starts us
    all aLivE.. as
    Big Bangs wE..;)

    First of all one time
    you said thank you for
    the privilege of Carouseling
    your eYes.. Jesus F. In Christ
    imagine what it would be like
    to visualize almost every word
    ya saw.. after you read oh God..
    100 million or so..
    i can’t totally
    do that
    but 4some
    reason i can
    sure remember
    purple eyes
    and pink and
    blue everything else..
    sounds like a chick flick
    to me.. i’m pretty sure you
    would eventually want to see
    an ax
    movie again..hehe..;)

    Okay.. i’ve heard of getting
    kicked out of bed for
    eating crackers
    but eating
    is like
    in bed.. so
    i can’t say
    that is
    too mean
    of you to eat toast
    on your husband’s side..
    as long as you eat the crumbs..
    and don’t break the bread too much..
    oh Lord.. iF Katrina isn’t mad at me at
    least once
    a day..
    i take
    her pulse..
    but she is way
    too OCD to eat
    anything in bed..
    ugh.. the things
    i miss out on in life..
    seriously.. i wouldn’t
    get mad at all if she ate cake on bed..
    as long as she licked the icing
    and didn’t
    get the
    too sugary
    and sticky..;)

    WiLL is so important..
    and Oh Lord society
    takes it away by providing
    all the instructions before
    we almost
    live and leave
    the crib..
    where to go..
    what to study..
    what to write..
    how to sit still
    all day moving on
    from one class to
    another 7 or 8 times
    a day.. and now the screens
    are a new 4 to 27 inch domain..
    with 60 inches or so of HDTV reality
    beyond the
    smells of
    and mosquito
    bite itches..
    to feel
    ya skin..
    hmm.. yes..
    wHere did WiLL
    go.. to School.. to Work..
    only Free play liFe trUly bRinGS
    back what we WiLL to wAnt..
    i want iT all now.. i found
    now.. and i need
    but now..
    it was
    so simple
    aLL alongG
    now.. iS
    was and
    is all that is
    now.. so i savor
    now.. like a lollipop of God..
    and should i say i suck on it..
    that would BE
    PC incorrect..
    butT i surely enjoy
    every last drop of God

    Oh.. Devil yes.. been
    tHeRe done the skeleton
    hAir dance.. that never moves..
    with cLouded eYe lids of dArkness
    blUes thaT fAde to grey.. SinKinG
    as dead..
    oh.. the bones
    so cold.. the bones
    so lone.. where split
    ends become dead branches gone..
    and all the leaves have wept to sleep..
    just looking
    uP waiting
    for the
    Sun to
    SpRing liGht
    iN Winter Skeleton greys…
    in wait of skeleton white reflections liGht..:)

    the heARt
    gRow wander..
    Ravens store
    no eat

    Yes.. PS.. eTc..
    That woman’s
    right hand
    is maKinG
    me kinda
    i skipped
    her skeleton
    right half..
    funny how the
    mind moves to
    even with
    holey eye..;)

    ps2 play
    left hand
    or i will
    my prompt..
    ugh.. no mistakes
    alloWed.. bonies or not..;)

    This makes
    on one Shawna
    prompt.. oh teacher
    oh teacher.. i wanna
    another gold star now..
    or at least
    they do
    in home school2..;)

    Now to move on
    4 step

    And here is
    six and oh God
    you’ve caught up..
    as i now move on
    with my
    6 in fuller under tow..;)

    um Yum
    is an om
    for me
    as i sit
    my dog wood
    tree.. oh.. but i cannot
    sit still so i fidget.. get up
    and lift my toes.. next is
    a side swing of soul of foot
    to the left and right.. hips slowly
    sway.. thighs and knees move
    in waving
    lines.. fingers
    raise to sun.. clouds
    and dogwood tree top too..
    whirling twirling i go.. me
    and God never
    get Dizzy
    as gravity
    our friEnd sAMe..
    we fly we fly on terrestrial
    plane.. cRap.. walKing on water
    is boRing
    to this fun
    or even breakfast
    in bread with extra
    crumbs of toast
    but that
    was delicious
    when the wife
    swallowed the last bite..
    the cake is all finished
    what wiLL

    ugh oh..
    i feel like
    i just walked
    naked out my
    private back yard
    into the
    and now
    i’LL move
    of hillabillaritrUmpway..;)

    Ah spread
    open places
    love the clear
    view here..
    and did you
    say naked and nude
    as noodles come soft and hard..;)

    Oh Lord that reminds me
    of what stays at the Sim
    Soc and Las Vegas stays
    at Las Vegas.. yeah..
    Jesus F in Christ..
    a leadership class
    where folks had the
    opportunity free to cheat
    on their wives.. everyone was
    drinking at the bar tables.. and
    i was still Autistic shy as hell.. good
    thing.. i guess.. as i remember catching
    the tale end of someone
    saying they
    walked in
    the room
    and saw
    or her on
    top of her
    or him and
    by the end
    of that class her
    or him or the other
    person was pregnant too..
    people can
    be such rascals
    when they think
    no one is looking..
    that’s Y i do it all out
    in the open.. as my
    scarlet letter is what it is
    on top..
    with no
    one else..;)

    Lord.. this
    makes me
    glad my

    I was just
    going to your
    bottom and
    now i’m back
    up to your top..
    and truly the
    makes the
    top and

    Oh God yes..
    dancing on the
    table top..
    the earth
    is definitely
    mY table
    haul overall..
    it’S like the world
    IS A strip joint and
    i’MfuLLy clothed
    with Bliss..;)

    Now.. i’m thInking what’s
    easier.. all this fun
    or approving
    all my comments
    to see what comes
    next.. oh Jesus
    in Christ..
    my handwriting
    is a wreck of chicken
    scratch worse that Kurt
    Cobain.. and i can’t even
    play guitar..
    for Dance..
    yeah.. it’s crazy
    but i remember
    the way Kurt Cobain
    writes.. and i like Nirvana
    but tHeir songs are just ok to me..
    but i do Love
    teen spirit
    still over
    the age of
    18 in dance hall way..
    to be clear just the spirit..
    as shy Autistic boys sTill do now..;)

    Yay.. up top
    again with
    more Coyote Ugly..;)

    So now i’m down
    at Songs.. and
    this reminds me
    of a girl i once knew
    who talked dirty to me..
    she said.. never mind
    keep your
    head here..
    while i keep it clean..;)

    Man.. i mean
    Woman.. i mean
    Shawna.. i mean
    that stringed instrument
    there is a great Yo YO play..;)

    Oh God ..i knew if i cLicked
    on that liNk i would go straight
    to Angel
    but yes..
    it was tastefully
    done as the super
    masculine Angel
    will mix
    as fallen
    do with
    Angels.. too..;)

    Too much
    skip to
    the next
    one and perhaps
    be back in official ‘form’..;)

    Word be
    tOld i am
    a lips
    and eyes man..
    and this is pleasing..
    very pleaSinG..
    and yes of
    done right of course..;)

    Ugh.. looks
    likes a
    Love without
    emotion only sucks..;)

    Some how
    this reminds
    me of what i just
    said in reverse of
    6 form..;)

    There is
    i Love better
    than a 32 string
    guitar with

    This reminds me
    to perHaps go back
    and finish up on that
    Journey prompt..
    as i continue
    to cover
    you in
    commentaries noW
    in real time journey flow..;)

    This reminds me of what
    it looks like when a butterfly
    enters a black Whole soul
    and loses
    all its
    until it
    comes out
    on the other
    side 66 months
    later.. and finds
    out human
    are a
    real deal now..
    iN 8.. 9.. 10
    1 start again..;)

    Hmm.. back
    out of Wonderland
    back in Wonderland
    but still
    back to
    work and
    i’LL keep Playing..
    on all fours

    i like
    the suck
    version better..
    it has more
    to it..

    CRap.. how did
    i miss Kid
    Rock way
    up here..
    and i wanna
    be a Cowboy..
    it’s like
    i felt someone
    wondering why
    i left
    kid’s rock out..;)

    WeLL cRap again..
    i just looked at
    that previous poem
    verse too.. and come to
    find out it sucked too..;)

    a great
    dance position..
    very comfy and cozy looking..
    like holding a Teddy bear.. etc..;)

    Man.. i mean
    Shawna.. it can
    be difficult to have
    some names from other
    countries and live here
    in the
    U.S. of A..
    unless it’s
    of course..
    or Kida Rock.;)

    SonGs are the best..
    there was a really
    cool one about
    the Lady in Red
    last night
    but i
    the female
    free form..;)

    Window pane flowers
    of artificial
    nah.. i’d
    rather be
    real too and
    never be like that2..;)

    Well okay.. i end here
    with a multi-colored
    on the
    line.. perhaps
    a Beatle Walrus..
    a Yellow Submarine
    play and am Egg man
    too with Easter Colors here
    smILing.. and to free associate like
    the Beatles do as well.. BRinGs
    different interpretations of
    what could
    and might
    fly.. truly
    no different
    than abstract
    thoughts in revelation2..
    hmm.. now it’s time to work
    out.. i guess i celebrated the
    dVerse celebration at your
    place.. now
    you said hi..
    wInks.. Love
    ya Friend.. fair
    wishes and following
    sees on your re-reTirement
    into wheels that alWays have
    new rubber
    of Shawna

  20. WE are aLL going to have to iSreal wErise
    up to get this job dONe of peace
    for East and West..
    stArting witH the
    balance of our
    own hemisphere’s
    of miNd and Body way..
    and then the two hemisphere’s
    of Earth.. and Latitudes and Longitude
    of hUmans WiLL Follow neXt as particles of H20 streaM
    ZoNes whole as Rivers to Field and Ocean sAMe..
    but will all that sAid.. herE IS A Facebook quoted
    meMory from mE from three years ago here..:)

    ‘Peace Prayer for East and West’

    IT is All for Love.

    IT rings true backword or forward Center Balance of One and All.

    The fight of west against east is Prayer Peace.

    ALL One Sees Passion Life Sees One aLL

    IS Experiences Ones

    Neither an Answer

    OR Question

    Neither IS Question

    an Answer Neither

    Ones Experiences IS







    Ones IS







    IS Experiences Ones…

    Ones Experiences IS…

    aLL One Sees Life Passion Sees One ALL

    Love for All is IT.

  21. SMiLes came back long
    enough to say hi
    and catch
    the last five
    for a total of
    41.. night
    night.. Shawna Baby..;)

    Ok.. i’LL go
    five to top one..
    and that’s quite
    a selection of wine
    that rap dude has..
    a silver cross with
    pp.. a stick
    and star
    and a
    ya don’t
    mess with big
    bad jim sneer..
    anyway.. lean back
    is what ya do with ya ride..
    when ya are super fly cool..
    and yes.. i too have advanced
    to the Tiger on the Savannah

    Glad to the
    twins are
    still doing

    Man.. i mean Shawna..
    i Love eclectic Album
    Covers and oh my God
    i have an ear bug from
    i Am the Walrus
    and Jim
    the SonG
    that i don’t
    wanna get
    rid of as Jesus
    F. in Christ..
    is so much
    more fun than
    serious.. a clown
    i’LL stay and the
    to play for free..
    even without
    and grins..;)

    resurrection th/igh
    parallels rootless
    legs my die refuse i but
    plagues with me scalds
    still scripture quiche
    Spanish my rim
    quiet along
    hunger called wish
    tracing stag
    became Grey
    Sebastien day
    room b(re)aking
    the heart—
    my lost I
    this: know but
    bed the jib and
    up it back just
    know you didn’t
    servants have i
    penetrations eight-
    figure about prophecy
    continues music Irish
    while brackets gloomy
    cortico castrated our
    guarding i(nsi)dicy
    mischievous this
    through stumbling
    keep goo button-belly
    sticks licorice
    in written-notes
    ransom block-half
    around Pagan-wearing
    Mansion almost cremating
    decay and slaughter of horrors
    here in hot
    frigging it’s
    me breathes.”
    Hehe.. i just
    Palindromed you..
    with a Trumpwriter..;)
    (note: this means
    this IS A quote
    of Shawna’s
    Poem in
    told ya..
    you would
    be desiring
    an ax-like

    Oh.. Lord.. got
    confused.. didn’t
    realize Sebastien
    was a tailored suit
    boy.. thought
    we were
    50 shades
    of grey.. but
    never the less..
    dear as
    and red
    sith devils might say…;)

  22. ‘Tis easier to blame the indigenous population….

    “Few are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of the colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change. Each time a person stands up for an idea, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” — Robert F. Kennedy Speech, South Africa, 1966

    it’s a tough road fighting ingrained culture..
    it’s a culture that keeps human life going..
    It’s a catch
    22 that
    both ways..
    and yes.. Kennedy
    iS correcT noW
    has to
    An effort..
    one word.. one
    step at a now or the cave
    art remains.. alWayS iNsaMe..:)

  23. Thanks to you my friend.. Shawna..
    i’Ve been discussing some really
    sad/sick and disgusting stuff
    the last couple of days..
    and it was heArt
    in our
    little poem
    play yesterday..
    And ha!.. poEtry
    with another person
    is like sex.. with another
    person you Love.. the more
    you hold
    more you
    have to give..
    hehe.. and sometimes
    that’s equally true when
    ya would kinda like to punch
    the person
    and they
    don’t strike
    oh.. the dARk
    and liGht oF liFe
    you move me both
    ways and sides now..;)

    Ha! sorry..
    no i’m not
    sorry.. in fAct
    even when i wanna
    be sorry.. i’m usually
    not sorry.. as i base my
    philosophy of liFe on unconditional
    Fearless Love.. and sometimes it’s true it
    hurts the feelings of other’s ignorance when one
    strives on with Love..
    you kNow the kind
    that says
    in front
    of the world totally
    naked and unashamed
    like the Gnostic Gospel
    of Jesus
    said to
    set ya free..
    i find these truths
    self evident.. and truly
    what is self evident in my
    eYes is the trUth and liGht
    of what God SinGs to mY
    heARt.. SpiRit and SoUL..
    and i cannot help
    but to repeat
    this SonG
    to 12 million words..
    God inspires me so much
    as all free spirited animate
    and inanimate paRts of God do..
    tHere are lots
    of preconceived
    notions of protestant
    preachers in my mind
    as my life goes by and what
    i have experienced of that in
    both dArk and liGht.. including
    moments with my tennis buddy
    Catholic Monsignor from high
    school.. i kNow
    and feel
    the secrets
    the cloth.. and
    i cannot help but
    to expose those too..
    in each and every way..
    kNowing you
    and FeeLinG you
    the way i do..
    i don’t
    see how
    it could
    be easy
    for you to
    be truly you
    and fully you..
    married to a man
    of the cloth down south
    in Alabama lands..
    but i’m sure you
    do your best as you
    do here.. my friEnd..
    alWays best wishes to
    you.. and your husband and
    four Lovely children.. see you down
    the trail.. as Shawna never gets old to me
    iN aLL yOUr
    my FriEnd..:)

  24. Facebook Friend Himali shares
    a link that sings to a woman’s
    desire for Romance in books..
    and the
    men of life.. so i say..
    SMiLes.. my friEnd Himali..
    we are all born on this rock named
    earth.. some folks see all the
    colors of the stone
    and romance
    it and others
    tend to rape
    it without much
    FeeLinG of Beauty
    oF all the Colors oF Love…
    Romancing this stone
    iS what i do
    as pLay
    oF liFe..
    the Earth
    is my Lover
    in all it gives
    and takes as well..
    as truLy Love is Written in the Stone..
    And then tHere are the stars and all of God
    to give
    and take
    as Fearless Love..:)

    Facebook Friend Himali returns..

    So true.. We come from the earth
    and belong to it… No better
    lover than the nature..:)

    And i say..

    Yes.. my friend Himali..
    sad when folks separate
    themselves from Nature and
    surely in work life i did that for
    decades with Nature finAlly taling
    me in Nature’s own way to come back
    home and home
    is wHere i live
    now.. no longer
    a Wrong planet of culture..
    the cAll of the Wild SinGs God’s
    SonG unmistakable in book ways..
    when one hearS it noW as HeARt
    spiRit SunG soUL SonG SO-FReED..:)

  25. My LOVE! of the Way of KUNG FU!

    WeLL.. as i’ve mentioned before..
    in longest long form style
    poetic expressions
    now.. to
    free associate
    and art in eclectic
    ways is to Force 10
    as Rush says in SonG
    too.. and go further than
    the tribe before..
    it’s what
    through all nows
    have done.. the nomads..
    the crazy ones.. hell yes of course
    the dopamine filled somewhat to
    extremely manic one’s
    with dark lows
    like Jim
    Carrey.. Robin
    Williams.. and
    his dead
    come to life
    in me as wELL
    iN all ways that comeS now2..
    ThE more colors we feel as heARt
    oF liFE the more we Sense and sex
    and all the rest.. in ExpresSinG those
    FeeLinGs and Senses and sure sexual
    intelligence as pArt of the core libido
    that drives life in general
    in most all living
    species of
    the animal
    and fishes..
    and other
    stuff too2..
    and sure even
    at the smallest particles
    that join togeTher in INterdependent
    relationship with all that is aka God too..
    Life is sexy.. very very sexy.. to eXpress a
    it up like a book and never open it up until
    you are of marrying age or never at all
    like a priest.. or monk.. can be to
    never fully live and love
    at all.. in this spiRiT
    oF God and hUman
    togeTher ONE more
    fully alive..
    as miNd
    and BoDy
    Balance soUL
    ‪#‎iSreal‬ as real can be
    ‪#‎wErise‬ toGeTher Free
    in MoVinG ConnEcTinG
    cReating liGht ways or we
    fAll to the non-moving.. non-
    connecting ways of non-creativity
    that sets much of the world sTiLL
    iN DarKness way.. sad thing is it’s
    hard to change the titanic around when
    all it’s ever seen and done and felt in life
    is more or less like an iceberg always waiting
    i’ve seen
    the iceberg through
    the eyes of my friends here
    and those who consider me an
    enemy or those who simply do not
    have the ability to understand me
    hardly at all.. the iceberg is
    ominous for those who
    live in this dark
    titanic way..
    they are
    from God allthatis
    and the pain sings a horribly
    dark SonG to eYes and eARs
    that would love to heal.. so i
    try.. i cry..
    i continue
    to try..
    i want give up
    as i have been both
    titanic and iceberg one
    in the dArk way of liFe that
    is Evil without even FeeLinG
    or SenSinG or SeXinG liFe @ALL..
    oh the balance.. oh the KUNG FU BALANCE
    more than a kick or punch.. the Balance liveS now..

    JUST some thoughts about YESHUA AKA JESUS…

    As mentioned earlier i will easily go toe to
    toe with any man or woman of the so-called cloth
    as i kNow and FeeL the so-called secrets
    underneath a cloth of lies and truth
    trUe in both dArk and liGht..
    and while i might not win
    a battle with Bruce Lee..
    just try me.. i cry..
    just try me..
    with words
    as sWords.. as
    i’ve been around the
    block of 11 to 12 million or
    so now written.. and i can whirl
    and twirl a tongue of liGhTENing
    and thunder vocal chordS aS weLL..
    as the Lion SinGS a SonG that
    WiLL not easily be missed when
    as Roar
    as Roar
    does FloW
    iN liVinG zonE
    oF liFE as Free to bE..
    Yeah.. i kNow and FeeL like
    they say.. take a picture it lasts
    longer and that is why i type to
    take a picture as symbol iN
    essence oF
    a Lion’s
    or as Long as Servers
    oF iT in Robot way serve
    me up some more in web ways..;)

    Bowling University and Curious Ted Forrest

    WeLL.. those two memories are from a year ago..
    this one comes into more so-called secular ways
    of liFE out of Church and Martial Arts sAMe..
    but the samE prophetic spiRit that can
    SinG in SonGS of church RinG
    trUe in all other art forms too..
    even in commercial ads
    as they play to
    human archetypes
    that run no less deep..
    if someone is selling panty
    hose or filling up the
    golden bowls
    at tithing
    nows of church..;)


    WeLL.. as the scientists
    say.. most all humans are
    born innate with ability to
    eventually speak and do non-verbal
    language.. mine was delayed but eventually
    will not stop.. hehe.. and sure there is the
    non-verbal language that has always been
    the primate way to dance and speak..
    and that is the language over
    here in so-called
    First problem
    that is endangered
    the most along with
    vocal speak..
    as in all
    stuff in life
    use it or lose it
    applies.. and yes.. this
    comes with empathy and
    FeeLinG too that has alWays
    been related more in non-verbal
    FeeLinG communication.. touch
    and face and all the rest
    of dancing
    body too..
    these truths and
    liGhts are self-evident
    and tHeRe is great innate
    science as to why the non-verbal
    dance of life along with SonG of Voice
    is what makes us human.. and noW heals
    us from head to toe to heArT.. in the west
    we are losing that.. and sure
    in the big
    of India
    they are
    not to lose
    it too.. the breath
    of a child in SonG
    says more
    my Friend..
    Brian Miller.. to
    Breathe Free.. i..2
    to Love and
    Live Fearless
    Nice to see you
    friEnd hope yoUr
    journey continues aLive2..;)

  27. Allah(our God)

    Blogger Friend SOHEIR
    shares a photo that says..

    ALLAH can mend a broken
    heart, but you have to
    give him
    all the

    And i saY in
    trUthful liGht

    True.. To
    Hide any of
    The pieces of we
    From God is
    Pain…. Hope
    You are doing
    WeLL.. Friend

    SOHEIR says..

    Hello Fred!
    Have a great day and thanks!!

    i say..

    You too..
    And SMiLes..:)

    SOHEIR says..


    And i say
    like with
    the like
    Word Press function..

    And now i say heRE noW..

    The measure of humanity
    iS reciprocal social communication..
    whether that comes in vocal speak..
    non verbal language of body or sign
    language in text.. videos.. photos..
    and or other symbolic
    sign language
    to approximate
    the essence of
    social reciprocal
    hUman communication
    IS A way oF all social mammal
    animals in the animal kingdom….
    iF one was blind and deaf like Helen
    Keller they might find a typewriter way
    of symbolic communication to type as well..
    but what i have found in my vast Internet
    travels as the words do report in
    68 months all around online as
    empirical evidence in all
    11 to 12 million words
    or so still documented
    between my blogs and
    the Wrong Planet etc.. sTill..
    is that the human who reciprocates
    text communication without fail is the
    human who touches human the most
    in text online.. and sure.. not every
    one even has time to hardly
    communicate at all
    WitH love iN the
    human touch
    as school and work
    can exhaust in ways of
    mechanical cognition with
    little left for huMan heARt..
    expreSsinG of thaT heARt
    oF EmotiONs.. SenSes.. and
    yes.. SeXuality too.. by way
    of Reciprocal Social hUman
    communication in Social
    Empathic ways of Mind and
    Body cognition in KnoWinG
    and FeeLinG wayS in metaphor
    oF ReaL soUL of hUman bEinG
    when in balance as creating art and systemizing
    ways science of the overall human touch that
    connects us as one race of Life with the
    rest of Nature God aLL one as WeLL..
    problem is.. we restrict pArts of our
    God Given as Nature human
    nature through the nuts
    and bolts of
    and religion..
    This Allah and
    God sAMe wears no
    cultural clothes beyond what
    we are born with.. as we co-create
    with God one as us.. sAMe as wE pro-create
    the hUman Race as species sAMe.. we have
    a reasoning neo-corticall newest mammal way
    of being that remembers the past and attempts
    to predict the fuTure in what can be a trap
    of the illusion that tHere is sTiLL anything
    but noW.. and we have the EmoTioNal
    BRain to give and share with otHeRs..
    and the Reptilian brain
    for basic
    survival that
    needs no think
    or feel much at
    all to simply survive
    when nows get tough..
    so.. sure the innate part is
    the Father and Mother we will
    never escape although many folks
    try to do that through oppression and
    repression of our God given Natures
    in all forms of human EmoTioNs..
    SeNsory Intelligences and
    seXuaLiTy too..
    and then we have
    this reasoning mind
    of mechanical cognition
    that can restrict the liFE of
    God within us too without us too..
    and that can be the saddest paRt
    as the board in the eYe of very Loving
    Folks like my Friend SOHEIR who is as
    overALL Loving as anyone i meet on the Internet
    and actually told me to my face in text that she loves
    me too.. would be lost enough in religion to not condemn
    the stoning of a Lesbian woman covered up to her breast
    in dirt in Iran.. not able to cover her eyes while she was stoned
    to death by a crowd of devil dark haters lost.. lost.. lost in the
    so-called reason that is no part of God but what humans
    have created as so-called religious associated
    rules to control.. to oppress.. to restrict
    God Given nature.. to hide it
    from God when it is
    God incarnate
    in all of us real
    for now.. in all the
    biodiversity that God
    makes as human being
    same as us.. as gRains of sand
    same and unique in beach of LIFE FREE..
    iN US.. a feeling that can come back to free those
    of us who are hidden from God through the lies
    of Books over the Nature
    of God
    as gift to us..
    and yes.. just recently
    a woman going to court to
    be sentenced for adultery.. was
    stoned in the street in front of
    cops and the judgement building
    same.. and no one stopped
    that in a big city in
    Pakistan.. NO..
    as Jesus was
    dead there..
    in so-called
    Allah land of lies
    of they know
    not what they
    do of the most evil acts
    imaginable for humanity vs
    when free and wild with GoD..
    the real apocalypse as i’ve said
    before is the original Greek meaning
    in lifting the veil of ignorance in the world
    that can be human co-created nightmares
    of both culture and religion in destroying both
    human being individuals and Nature as whole
    to by taking more Nature GoD oNe than
    giving back in restoration
    of this greatest
    gift of earth
    and life same
    from God aLL..
    and sure.. i know the
    difficulty in doing this as i
    cannot even convince my own
    mother of this.. as her eYes are
    blinded by the lies of both religion
    and culture associated with that
    religion not much different
    than the lies of
    in the middle
    east.. however at
    lEast here the stoning
    has gone away and yes..
    perhaps Jesus could live
    here and at least avoid physical
    crucifixion but would his online presence
    be banned in some places along with comments
    that suggest gentile.. jew.. servant or free.. woman
    or man no more.. as a unity of the human race whole..
    i can tell you yes..
    i can cry yes..
    but i will
    never give
    up that
    of Fearless Love..
    even if i go out of this life
    with no one at my funeral but
    the words that live on as Truth
    and liGht Free.. as Brian Miller
    recently suggested as advice as
    a writer.. don’t get too caught up
    in pleasing the limitations and
    expectations of what
    the audience
    wants.. to get
    all those likes
    and followers of group
    think.. well.. the same applies
    to a real life prophet.. a real life
    messenger of God and Nature sAMe..
    the prescription.. for life.. yes the RX is
    the TrUth and liGht of God oF Nature ONE
    WiLL set yA Free iN Heaven now iFyoU WiLL..
    It’s not alWays easy
    being mE but trust
    Me iT
    Super Epic..
    wiTh sMiles
    and WiNks.
    as i for one
    WiLL to be FREE..
    in Fearless LovE noW
    WiLL to liVe naked in front
    of God hiding no pArts of wHole..
    And trUst me tHere iS noW no REAL
    iN faCT tHere IS A Bliss
    no heLL and alWays
    HeaVen noW wHeRE
    i for one live.. as i didn’t
    shut God of Nature out
    of mY life once aGain
    when i heard God’s
    CaLL of the Wild
    and juST
    and intuitively
    within.. inside..
    outside.. above.. and
    so below and all-round
    continue to do JuST
    wHat God tales
    mE to do in
    God sPeak
    and no life
    of cultures or
    eViL sTiLL choKing
    books of fear and hate..
    no matter what the source..
    secular or religious sAMe..
    i guarantee you.. i have made
    many folks very angry.. and
    others ecstatically happy..
    butT i guRan God dAM
    tale yoU.. noW theY
    WiLL never forget
    here.. as
    long as
    live now
    or in dance
    oF liFe fRee
    as sure.. tHere
    is no one like me
    and the sAMe applies
    for you once you set youR
    gRain of Beach free from
    of DiRT
    in original
    Adam way..
    you knoW.. like
    Batman and Bruce West..
    Clark Kent and Superman..
    Wonder woman and whoever
    she was before when she too
    escaped the cocoon lies of culture2..
    and yes.. the original characters
    who these characters are based
    on of Dr. Jekyll and what can be
    the Good Cop Mr. Hyde with
    empathy and compassion
    and mercy
    for the
    us like
    the Jesus
    of before and
    the REAL JESUS’
    WHO liVe as wE and
    Superman sAMe noW..
    human archetypes are they
    aLL as printed in the Stone
    sTiLL of our DNA
    in Epigenetic
    and Neuroplastic
    way.. as sure science
    rates in limited empirical way2..
    as just another hemisphere of
    bRain and Earth Free to Be NoW..
    oh Lord.. manifestomomentous
    juSt another noW
    iN sUper
    i.. F Y i..
    DeePest 6 liFe..
    and now as Taylor
    Swiftie baby says..
    gotta get out
    in the Sun
    and Sand
    in front
    of God
    and shake it all off..
    as yes.. baby.. Thursday
    iS Holy R and R day for Me..
    ugh.. but gotta go to the Dentist
    to get me fangs cleaned before
    the rest of dance stARts.. never
    the less.. hehe.. NO.. never the
    less wiTh mE.. aT lEast
    so far.. far away
    beyond the
    and Pokemon
    World today..
    and yes..
    God daM
    killers too..
    bully boys..
    and lies lies and
    more dirty God dAm
    lies.. i dance.. i dance
    with God free and naked
    more.. i SinG a SonG oF
    mY soUL Free in the Great
    U.S. of A.. wHeRe GoD iN WE
    liVeS free.. with more 119th dance
    week At Seville with aLL A
    thE KooL college age folks..
    fun dance photos coming
    around the July 22nd.. 3 am
    time frame now.. in this
    new post here.. of the
    third year anniversary
    of the resurrection
    of my soUl from
    the dArk dead
    i once
    waS in HeLL
    for 66 months..
    oh.. the ashes.. but
    oH.. the WinGs of FiRe
    as the Phoenix continues
    to iRise.. and wErise hiGher ONE..
    too.. iN iSraEL iSreal NOW toGeTheR..
    No.. these are more than words.. thOughts
    are and distance is energy
    too.. in hUman EmoTioNal way
    with Zero limits or expectations..
    iN SpiRit as UniVersal prayer..
    and truST or not
    me.. iF you thiNk
    voices carry.. yes..
    SpiRits do to for REAL
    NExT STeP uP
    oF HUMAN
    TOgETHeRnESS N0W..
    one canvas one brush one painting WHOLEGOD..
    Yes.. SOHEIR is juSt anotHER
    AngEL sent from God..
    and one day noW
    when she
    worship A
    book and A
    man who writes A
    book.. shE WiLL fINd
    that out noW for herself
    within.. inside.. outside..
    below and above..
    and all around
    And yes.. WiNks
    it took me about allahour
    to write all of this.. it
    was trUly
    aT aLL..
    i’m not impressed
    with men who are too
    weak and so weak they
    have to BEAT their wives lightly
    to keep
    straying away..
    but sure they are
    from a culture someNOWS
    wHere they kNow not what they
    do.. i offer the trUth and liGht but
    i cannot make anyone come to it
    or drink iT in
    Heaven flow iNZonE now..
    Fearless Love wins..
    FearfuLL Hate
    Loses.. i don’t
    have to tale you
    that iT is action consequence
    and a rule of God all nature
    as gifted or cursed to us
    in pArt per culture..
    religion and
    our free or
    so free WiLL..
    so live in hell or
    live in heaven.. yoU
    really do have a lot of action
    and consequence in liGht to
    avoid the dARk of pain
    that chokes the
    liFe of God
    yes YOu..
    and of course
    mE too.. i KNoW
    and FeeL and SeNsE
    better now.. and i exercise
    that gift of hUman Relative Free WiLL
    in regulating EmoTions.. Integrating SeNses..
    for extreme focus and short term working memory
    in cognitive executive functioning too.. as the trUth
    and LiGht of the Karmic eYe action.. consequence
    of the science and art of Nature God sAMe iS
    iT iS the Law of God and Nature
    sAMe and tHeRe
    is no
    but pain..
    pain sucks
    don’t you think..
    A ND GodaM FeeL..
    See and heAr.. eTc..
    butt you are the only
    one who WiLL do the work
    to SeeK.. FinD and LiVe in Heaven
    now.. or live in that other painful place
    of fear and hate.. and all human EmoTioNs
    and SenSEs and SeXuality sAMe as related
    to that dArk place of negativity too.. oh Nature..
    you SinG a SonG of GoD sAMe aLL
    aH.. you are beautiful
    when wE SinG
    God’s SonG oF aLL..:)

    Now.. i say..
    Thank you
    SOHEIR.. you
    inspire me.. so
    much mY God
    Sent Sweet AngEL..
    from good old Egypt..
    hopefully.. she’LL geT
    thE RinG of PinG back
    to heAR that prayer of thanks2..
    i could put this on her blog site now..
    but it’s pretty safe to say i’ve blown
    her mind in more than one ways..
    she gets
    a break now
    and a pass from
    me.. as she has no
    idea of the gravity
    of how much
    she has
    me with
    this overall
    mesSage of tRuth
    and liGht iN noW..
    as LaMp oF #iSreaL ..:)

  28. WeLL.. this is my 59,960th comment
    on my KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
    Word Press Blog in around
    35 months now..
    and of course
    most are my
    as comments
    are one and
    same as my
    for paint
    and canvas
    draft same..
    as the end
    of August makes
    three years for that
    as my Friend LaLa Rukh
    talked me into starTing this
    Word Press Blog then at the
    end of August 2013.. as i was
    gaTherinG the basket of mY humanity
    all in sHades of Egg whole after being
    lost in hell for 66 months from the end
    of January 2008.. as the pain
    was accelerating from type
    two Trigeminal Neuralgia..
    actually starting.. Winter
    of 2006 wHere colors
    started hurting my
    eYes.. oh.. so
    strange.. along
    with horrifying foot
    pain then spreading
    from the beginnings
    of Sjogren’s Syndrome
    Immune System Disorder that
    started at my feet and eventually
    dried up my tears like swimming
    in salt water with eyes-wide open..
    oh.. so much time spent in a dark
    room to save my eYes.. with all that
    heavy eye goo eye drop stuff to keep
    some moisture in.. any air on the eyes
    was tremendously painful and it didn’t help
    that the Dysautonomia.. where nervous system
    no longer properly synched my heart rate and
    blood pressure properly.. MaKinG it oh.. so difficult
    for the blood to get to my brain.. and equally difficult
    to breathe with effort as simple as walking around the block..
    so sure.. a ceiling fan would have ‘helped’ that iN air with more
    pain for eyes.. And yes.. by the way.. if you haven’t heard.. Type Two
    Trigeminal Neuralgia is the worst pain known to mankind assessed in some
    literature.. as worse than the pain of crucifixion but in my case
    i didn’t get off in three hours to three days of tortuous death
    with this pain like a dentist drill in right eye and ear
    without novocaine as in my case it was
    from wake to sleep for 66 months
    full.. starting with a 40 day sleep
    less stay.. around March of 2008 with
    only 1 hour per night of alpha
    blocker aid to slow
    my Dysautonomia heart
    rate down so i could
    sleep that cardboard
    box shallow hour of sleep
    the first 35 of 40 days and
    the last 5 of 40 where it stopped
    working.. and i did everything i couldn’t
    do to kill my self.. and finally agreed to go to
    the Hospital to get a large shot of Ativan in my
    arm to put me finally down for a little relief
    in hell of life.. oh sleep.. you were my only
    relief.. but i could not dream much at
    all and all the Ativan brought to
    me when i did.. was the weirdest
    ass dreams ya could imagine
    in dark ways of
    then.. ugh.. ugh oh..
    Hell sucks and on top
    of that and the Fibromyalgia Pain
    i was diagnosed with and associated
    coat hanger pain across the shoulders
    associated with Dysautonomia too..
    along with Severe Degenerative
    Arthritis in my spine.. spinal
    stenosis.. and a newly found
    fact of congenitally fused
    vertebra that helped
    to onset the
    early rise
    of Arthritis
    spine pain..
    oh yeah.. and when
    they were searching for the
    source of that Dentist drill pain
    in eye and ear.. the extra discovery
    that my sinuses were so closed up
    in congenitally deviated septum way
    that the ENT asked me.. man.. how
    do you breathe.. after i had been
    breathing almost 50 years
    with that limitation
    already.. it
    was kind
    of a dum
    question i guess..
    as sure somewhat of
    A mouth breather i must be..
    of no duh.. way.. face palm
    moment too.. anyWay.. perhaps
    it was Doctor humor.. but it wasn’t
    very funny to the Dentist Drill pain
    he couldn’t see in my eye and ear then
    that was desperately and pain STAKE
    TO GET OUT OF HELL FREE.. hmm.. it took
    ’em two years to diagnosis that by sticking
    a stick up my sinuses with Lidocaine that
    gave me about a second of relief where
    some folks get hours relief with the
    condition i had.. they offered
    to burn the nerve in my face
    with the potential of
    permanent numbness
    of my face but by that point
    i could feel no emotions and the
    pain of dentist drill was actually preferable
    to that as piece of paper existence is the
    worst pain of all.. where all is numb like
    just dust in the wind with humanity NOT
    attached alive.. hmm.. what else
    as i write my hell poem here..
    to go with LamP iSreaL..
    the likely ending name
    of this 687th macro
    verse here in
    now.. oh yeah.. the
    Autism and there was a total
    of 19 medial disorders but honestly
    stuff like Anhedonia.. Alexithymia..
    Severe Depression.. Severe Anxiety..
    Panic Attacks.. PTSD.. Tactile Sensitivity
    Disintegration Disorder.. Mood Lability
    before i got the most recent diagnosis
    of Bi-Polar high after all of that
    low.. low low.. part of that
    then.. as all the doctors
    got to see of me
    by the time i gave
    in and went was low
    low low super low
    of the
    black whole
    soUl way of death
    in life in hell then..
    well.. all oF iT worked
    together to make an almost
    perfect storm of hell for me..
    the real story of Human JOB..
    and all the bullying i got for
    the Autism Asperger’s thingy
    in life was a far distant icing
    on a piece of relative heaven cake compared
    to hell.. yes.. i have perspective of what hell
    and heaven real in life is.. i have a story tale
    of bliss to report now.. from head to toe and
    more.. and a reality as documented in over
    100 medical pages of documentation of
    hell way back when.. anyway.. as you
    might guess by now.. i count
    my FucKinG BleSsinGs
    second by second
    and LamP iSreaL..
    ain’t no pisser
    now.. and that
    reminds me when i first
    stArted DanCinG free style
    ballet and martial arts waY in
    Super Walmart.. a yellow dressed
    bleach blonde 60 something year old
    Southern Baptist Baby.. came up to me
    and heckled what i was doing.. and so i found
    her and asked her.. what do you think i am doing..
    and she said drawing attention to yourself through
    her bright yellow hair and dress as she was taling me this..
    she said you really think you are something.. well you look
    ridiculous dancing in public and should be ashamed of yourself..
    and i said.. well my friend.. you never heard the story of King David
    celebrating God in dancing in close to what we name underwear to
    day and promising to celebrate God in more Vile ways.. and by the
    way this was awhile before my nude art came.. in restricted link
    public way online.. so she said.. well.. you are not King David..
    and then i told her about Jesus and shining the light
    of your lamp.. and she told me your are not Jesus..
    and then i said.. if i walk on water will
    you FeeL my liGht is good then..
    and for the third time she denied
    me and said you are not Jesus..2..
    and then i told her i Will do more
    than Jesus as that is what he prophecy’s
    in Verse of Saint John too.. along with
    Luke’s verse that says that heaven is
    at hand now all around us and soMe
    folks just don’t see it and FeeL iT
    as such like a Katy
    Perry ET
    of reaLiTy NoW..
    anyWay.. i could have
    told her the story of JOB
    for 66 months or the story of
    Moses wandering the desert of
    New Jerusalem with the bully boys
    that said boys are not allowed to
    smile or do art OR ELSE.. for
    a total of 40 years.. beFore
    i got my Art and Creativity
    MOJO after age 13.. fully
    when i recovered more
    on July 22nd of 2013..
    eXpanding in liGht
    after that with now
    56 hundred plus lAMp
    miles of dance to
    match my age of
    56 now.. leg pressing
    close to half a ton
    33 times now strongly
    in parallel leg press
    way with arms stretched
    in the air.. Dancing now 119 weeks
    as of tonight with all the cool college
    age folks at Old Seville Quarter.. and
    as i play this Katy Perry iRise theme
    SonG aGain to celebrate my rise
    above any human archetype
    of pain and heaven
    of beFoRe..
    yes.. i tale
    the story of
    mY LamP iSreaL
    completE noW.. as i tOld
    that Lady i would do more than
    she ever dreams then now and i as well
    as the total close to 4 million longest
    long form word poem noW in Ocean Poem
    Field say continues to groW iN micro-verse
    here to Macro Verse LamP iSreaL NoW
    687th wave verse now.. in the water
    and air particles oF Y i aS oNe with
    GoD now.. yes.. the iRise iSreal
    continues and tHere is noW
    no limit or expectations for
    of beYond within.. inside.
    outside.. so below.. above..
    all around that this
    shine oF light
    LamP iSreaL
    WiLL Go neXt
    as i WiLL continue
    to shine my little liGht
    wHerever God guides liGht
    of Truth of F Y i.. neXt for iSREaL..
    meanwhile.. i’ll kill ’em with Kindness
    as the last pARt of my pen name miGht noW
    suggest.. with a SonG for that to accompany
    the photos to come after 3 am on that record
    three 3 year iRise oF Y i.. July 22nd 2016.. soon to BE..:)

  29. Pingback: Grand Cross Bible 2016 | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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