THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 DReaMS oN

You.. hehe..
I lost
From what
i’ve watched
Big Noise
Night Sing
Day Sing
Way Sing
They Sing
Burn i Dance Luke Hot..
Making Church Humor Roast..
Ruler of
Inches 12
Fucks they…
Touches Me
Oh my the way
If i forget
To press
Like button
It’s cause I’m
Not use to seeing it
i really should be
Busy be publishing that
Last 30,766 word MacroVerse
But I’m in A
S T o r M Y
Shawna Sea
A one
Finger SmART Phone
And my Left Arm is Going to Sleep
With Science Shoes
High Libido
Low Disgust
Hornier Nurses
And Rhinos
Ink Blot test
Poetry Beats
Correct inside
Outside Above
So Below
Blow Globe..
Darker Screen Play
It’s true
life is a onesee
Smaller picture..
With Shawna BRain
Be back for your
Newer Stuff
Later if
Stay Behind
As to not Blow
Any other Minds
But yours truly..
Crap lost my place in
the past and commented on 2008..
anyway it fit in well enough with the rest of this..
Upright and back with 10 Fingers
as this Comment didn’t really
adDress your Poem..
As a just for fun
Participant Anthropologist
Observer i find your freedom of
expression always enCouraging
for true it is all of Human that Naturally
Loves to be stimulated and unclothed from
the Prisons of Cultural Lies and not really
surprising that you are a Preacher’s
Wife as sure there are many
open minded folks
Pews to date..
what a Blessing online
is For Freedom of Human
Naked Spirit.. the Call of the
Wild underneath the God
Cover of Words.. and
other Abstract
of Human Inventions
in other words i prize your
mind and of course as you know i
don’t need a date.. hehe.. just the Call
of the Wild my Dear Friend Shawna Baby..
i appreciate your existence for you are the prize of Unique..
With a name like Katie Mia on Facebook and the Face of Katrina
i’ve learned just how slimy the male of our species is by the Nature of
hehe.. seriously
if they wanna see me..
naked they can.. hAha..
57 year old White Male
Martial Arts privilege
Kicking down
Door of
Little Men Privilege..
Lions don’t care about ‘size’
just the prize of the Jungle..
that’s where God is for me… NoW
Okay.. i’ll keep my distance.. a little behind..
but NoW if you stay around i’ll keep talKing you.
And really if one wants to really really learn how to be
creative there is no learning it is just free associating and doing
it with no instructions at all.. letting go of all the Book Covers my friend
Yellow Submarines and Walruses and Mr. Kite too.. upstairs with a smoke
with no pAges butt free..
hell not even any drugs
for the Mind that’s
free follows a Body that Dances
and the UniVerse Works best free
of Bloody Periods where ellipses rule the spirals..
hmm.. that makes me thiNk.. toilet paper was only
invented last Century or So before that it was Sears
and Roebuck these are the best of times to be my friend with toilet paper too..
it hapPens too..
First Love
i added that in as the last line..
And nah.. i didn’t really forget it First…


Hi.. Frank.. welcome to the end
of what i name now a Third New Testament
Written Since Summer 2016.. and with this 11th MacroVerse
that is also now named the Entire 11 MacroVerse Endeavor
of Third New Testament is yes..’ SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SON’..
clever word play
in tow
in plain sight
And all that HeaRinG Jazz too..
NoW AnyWay.. Final Word Tally on
This Third New Testament
from mine
is 205,270
Words in a 69 Day
Effort.. actually starting
on 7.19.2017.. with Macro-Verse
“6th Memorial Bible” as published
First MacroVerse on 7.25.2017.. anyway.. now
around a couple of months to get that JoB done
as now “Nether Land Bible 2017” in precisely
16 Months finishes up to date NoW aT aLL
2,025,686 Words.. easily passing.. 2
Million Words now too.. anyway..
with what surely seemed
after a Once in a Century
Solar Eclipse traversing
the East and West Coast
of the United States..
Like some Doomsday
Day Hurricanes..
yes.. namely
three.. a couple
of Once in a Century
or So Epic Floods or up
to a Thousand Years or so
depending on the Hurricane
of Course.. Record Wild Fires
in the West and a Couple of Massive
Mexico EarthQuakes with Strength and Destruction
not seen recently in many lifetimes too.. there is NoW
surely some Revelation of real time now dARk events
in this New Testament aLong with Cosmological Love as
that stands to be now beyond iNfinity now as far as Science
Measuring tools can and will go now too.. it’s true.. it’s MaGiC
And i’m Glad you enjoy that old and new song too my friEnd..
Best part of my night is when a ‘pack’ of Young Women
came up to me in Public Dance and said they
are thrilled to watch me dance as they
have caught me with their
eYes at 4 Stores lately
hehe.. as i went on in SonG
Longer to tale them my Philosophy
oF A DancE And SonG of LiFE WitH
Feminine Divine Grace and Love
that is a Source and Foundation
of Human Masculine Divine Will
and Strength too.. as ‘they’ SinG
DancE Star Wars-Like
Force in BaLaNCinG
MiNd and BoDy SoUL
NoW aGreed all the
way with me and
we shared also too..
some common weaknesseses
these days.. moreover.. the male human
species who refuses to touch Love’s Grace
as the Heaven within.. and sure.. as a six
shooter does with words of say.. in SonG NoW
and DancE too.. the Katrina caught a ‘good old
boy’ dude discussing me with these Young Women.. he
scoffing at my style behind my back of course while the
Young Women Defended my Dance all the way as all A Rave to
them.. heHe.. and yes.. seeing it as an opportunity to Educate the then 53
year old ‘Little Debbie Man’ (his delivery job).. i found him and gave him a
Sermon on the Walmart Aisle for about 44 minutes or so.. hehe.. as he admitted
he was so stressed out.. life was no Good.. i did my best to LiGHTeN ThunDeR HiM
A PoTenTial
For DanceSonG HeaLinG.. then too..
my friEnd.. anyWay.. one doesn’t
have to be famous with money
to be considered Legend by
at least the Female
at hand
hehe.. and it just so
hapPens.. i had my smART
Phone and was able to show
him the Handy Leg Press Video
and over 350 photos of groups
of Smiling Women With Me in that
6 Month Record in this ‘SiGNaTuRE CoMeS
BeFoRE A SoN’ MacroVerse’ HeaR.. hehe.. as
i still haven’t gotten around to read the finished
product myself.. will catch up as i provide the Final
Table of Contents heaR my FriEnd to keep track oF iT
aLL.. so.. i can continue to provide Sermons to the “Good
Old Boys” in the Walmart Aisles.. oF Educational Opportunities
too.. Spitting out Data Like a Witness and Evidence Machine.. too..
anyway.. not thinking of any new milestones at this point.. just free
write as i prepare to DanCESinG.. see ya later to this Third New Testament
Soon now as “800th MacroVerse New World Love” begins again for now.. MoRE..
AnyWay.. i heard a very encouraging and inspiring new SonG From the Trending
and it
seems to
fit it (life) for me
at lEast for now.. hehe.
WitH that Table of Contents
as just a Flag Letter to whoever
comes down the reading road
in Back to the Future
Present past
as isreal
fun now play MoREReAL..:)

6th Bible Memorial 19,777 Words

WiLL i WAiT 11,906 Words

1HuRRiCaNESoUL96 9,108 Words

SeCrETS NoW iN BRoaD BAnDSiGHT 10,188 Words

EVeRY PRoPHeCY TaLeS A THoUSAnD PiCtUrES 19,750 Words

SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old 20,369 Words

SOLaR ECLiPSE FoR LoVE 2017 20,631 Words

BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017 22,553 Words

LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017 19,626 Words

8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 19,966 Words

SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN 30,766 Words

AnyWay.. considerRing
just the Last MacroVerse
had over 900 photos and
30,766 Words as the 11th
MacroVerse of this so named
Third New Testament now.. including
linked and somewhat restricted photos too..
i’m surely… so happy to sign seal and deliver this newer
Baby now and say see ya Later for even Better Good News to come..
anyway.. way too many photos for BlogSpot Blogs so many of the photos
on the copy
of this in those Blogs
to Comply with the General
Rule oF LaW too..
Meanwhile.. i’m Happy to pass.. (out)
(Sleep).. now too as this is also a Thanks
Giving Day in 2010 writing anniversary now at 82
Months as this whole Son of Words Project (NO.. Trump
Cannot Call the Mother of this a Bitch as i am the REAL
Father of it and he better leave my Lady Friend(s) ALoNE
who helped Birth what will soon be 7 years old on Thanks Giving
Day STiLL somewhere Around 12 Million or so words on LinE TruELiGHT
AnD “Nether Land Bible 2017” writing that too since Memorial Day 2016..
AnD “SonG oF My SouL” into the 50th Month Retains 5 Million smaller
or so words of a SoUL too.. over Head Hunting at least.. as
lesser men
with no
do for
a Violent God..
or trying to end
Health Care for Disabled
Poor and Old Folks same potent
eventual impact as the Killing
Fields of lack of SoUL in Men
and Women too.. even if i leave
this Plane of Terrestrial Earth
A child of my SoUL Lives on in Words and photos too.. soon to be
7 years old.. anyway.. task master and all that Covenant Jazz Faith that sees Love


Hello.. my friEnd Xenia.. so Happy to see you heAR
today at “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
And with over 600 Photos/eTc.. to share in the
Main Body of this MacroVerse
And 30,766 Words i must
DAncESinG this is likely
A Mountain
Top.. So to
DancE and
SinG oF MacroVerses FoR NoW
and what i term as 11 MacroVerses
as New Testament 3 too as it has taken
just about everything out of me now to get
this job done as calling within my friEnd..
so hard to put into words fully but real
never the less and more in my
reAliTy as MulTi-Verse
as Child of
for real now..
and to be clearer about
A 9.21.2017 Anniversary
Date of the Me and Katrina
get together as a couple that is
when she started fully living with me
as actual Marriage came 5 months later..
but sure in actuality the hinge of two came one
then as ‘they’ say.. with SMiLes too for our Wedding
was is rather Nature too on the River Board Walk all for
free with just a Notary of the Public doing the Paper Work
Duties and a Reception at the Military Bowling Center i worked
at for free too showered with Gifts
from all the nice customers
there remembering
a man named
Ernie saying
if he had
the money
he would buy a house
for us.. it’s true people
have always wondered how
we could be so nice after all we’ve
been through my friend and mostly
how she stuck with me and continues
to be with me now considering the magnitude
of what it has taken to get this call done to this point now..
anyway.. i’m going to meander around the Mountain side
for time to come now as far as i can innately instinctually
intuit for the time being now.. but true change is change
and things change my friend.. happy to DO alive and dance and sing free
for Love
is always
Giving even more..
hehe.. the coming MacroVerses
should be easier to open by far my
friend.. Sea Food Festivals.. Mullet Festivals
and Interstate Fairs to come as they do in still hot Fall Weather
here starting this weekend hoping to take it a little easier my friend
sharing some photos and other words more to come of course..
to give
a little more too
as of course a human
must Do too.. to avoid A candle flAMe lower
GroWinG iNto A Chalice aLone aGaiN mY friEnd..:)


Just a copy and paste of what i sent
over to your old CFAU Friend.. no
more fear and hate mongering
over ‘hear’ no probs with you
my friEnd.. just the regular run of the Milltown
Church stuff you are relating and that’s okay..
anyWay.. as much dARk muse for Writing 6
Bibles and 3 New Testaments aRiSinG now
past 5 Million Words in 4 Years aLonG
WitH 8 thousand miles of Public Praise
Barefeet of ‘Jesus’ A ‘Real Jesus”
no myth Jesus for noW aT LeaSt..
mY Covenant to share with this you too
as surely what you have done hear in the
past has been some of the dArkest muse..
but hey.. i can forgive that ‘i’ alWAys Do.. heHe..;)

And heAr’s that copy and paste..;)

Hmm.. neVer lEarn do you mY friEnd..
anyWay.. it seems.. as i just skipped
through your fear of symbols
other than the letters
you worship
as Idol
Calves Over
Finger Print Nautilus
of God that Spirals everywhere
wHeRe God Dances and Sings with
no words at all.. anyWay.. it doesn’t look
like you’ll ever believe in someone like ‘me’..
but never the less and a little more.. i’m dropping
by a Free liNk so yoU WiLL noT eVeR say i didn’t CoME back to viSit YOU.. hehe..;)

Yes.. Lost Sheep
And all that other
Letter and Book Jazz my
fRiEnd.. Meanwhile.. God Dances THE DANCE
As God Finger Prints iN SinGSonG everywHeRe
God Lives outside of restricted letters and words
aS Chains oF Golden Calves wHeRE silly little humans
to hOld
in words that alWays
cHanGe no matter what
as words are JusT HouSinG Essence NoW More
For thE DeeP BeYOnd InFiNiTY aS God LiveS isReaL..
Child’s Play
mY FriEnd
to LiVE..:)


First.. some small talk among Facebook FriEnds.. first.. Sherri
in regard to my bATMan T-Shirt with the ‘cool abs’.. as Sherri says..

I love the t-shirt! My daughter’s boyfriend would soo wear one like it!!

i Return with..

Me too.. heHe.. always wanted
Abs like that too.. hAha.. still working on them..;)

Sherri further asks and by the way Sherri is a
Dancing Partner back from the mid-80’s at the
Old 2001 Club then as illustrated nicely in
Fever too..
So.. yes.. Sherri asks..

Did you order it? He is a Batman fanatic!…LOL

And i return again with..

Just picked it up from Walmart
a few years ago in their T-Shirt
Section for Seven and a half
Dollars.. Haven’t seen it
since.. as i’d like to
Have a Spare when this one
wears out.. one of my favorites
out over 500 themed shirts hanging
now in our closets just for fun.. rarely
do i wear one twice but this is definitely an exception..;)

Meanwhile.. Rafiah is putting up a Facebook Status in Pakistan
that relates as

This is twitter 280 character limit celebration post.
(with three cool shades emoticons)

i literally respond and numerically too..

You are 135 Characters short of your full potential…;)

In a rather small attempt to add some more Characters
Rafiah Sings back..


So.. i give her even more with..


And Speaking of more i go on to Sing/Dance..

Still Waiting for Facebook to expand the
Sixty Three Thousand or so character limit..
on Statuses and Profile Pic Descriptions..:)

In conclusion..

It gets all full tight..

And speaKing now away from her
Facebook Page in terms of milestones
that might otherwise get lost in all the
strands in the old Duder’s head that is mine
now.. yes.. “Facebook Profile Pic Bible 2018”
is still tentatively scheduled for publish date
on Memorial Day or so of 2018.. as yes.. all that i write
and link beyond the restricted ‘stuff’.. is now part of all the
Profile Pics since Memorial Day of 2017.. did it part of the way
before that now all the way of what will likely be a Facebook Profile
Pics Bible in 2018 on Memorial Day of somewhere over a Million Words too..
as true all this
copy and
and photo
linking and
YouTube Stuff
and other stuff
in multi-media way
does take hours on end
to get the foot work done
that normally any writer would
farm out to other folks and yes pay
them too.. in all the infrastructure required
to get the Job done.. but you see i do this for free..
yes.. in terms of minimum wage labor rates since i started
this entire online endeavor on Thanks Giving Day in the thankless
place online named the ‘Wrong Planet’ in 2010 and all the costs for the
Technology and other miscellaneous supplies to DO this entire Bible Writing
New Testament Writing in terms of 6 of the Bibles and 3 of the New Testaments
and other miscellaneous titles of Books and other stuff too.. aLong with 8,000
Miles of Public Dance in the last 50 months or so and in writing 5 out of the 12
Million Words total too.. the price of all that is somewhere over Four Hundred Thousand
Dollars.. albeit most of that figure is an estimate of all my everyday labor without a Break
sometimes 16 hours a day and even over that for 82 Months now.. as no i never earned a penny
for doing any of this.. but as you might imagine.. the Heaven i’ve been experiencing in so many
F iN ways STiLL NoW is worth more than any imagination of material goods now for Heaven is within and you
you do your
me.. i’ve shared some love.. don’t
always get it back full but i live it
so it’s real alWays NoW iN Being Love
as LiGht real just now.. nah.. most people
who are looking for Heaven someplace other than now..
can’t imagine what Heaven’s like and sadly most people
will never find it now as the original Book Story of Jesus
even in the New Testament says for Heaven is at hand always
in this Generation Now as promised then before that and after
always NoW Heaven is the Kingdom of Feeling and Sensing Heaven within..
And when you really have it ARE IT.. tHeRe is no way you will not do your best to share
it as
it is
simply the
Law of God
And UniVerse sAMe
people don’t sell love they give it..
it’s as simple as that they give for free
and they will give the shirt off their back
for they understand fully Heaven is Naked with
no Cultural Clothes necessary at all in all the
materialistic ways that comes.. but it’s true
i wore my bAtMan Shirt in my last Nude
Art at LeaST for i understand what that
can and will bring
to Women
in their
too as liGht..
okay.. i’ll stoP Hear..
nuFF Said as ‘they’ Do..;)

Back to the FaceBook Ranch as
the Fred and Sherri Discussion continues..

As Sherry continues to eNcouragely SinG..

I wish I had your energy and writing ability! You really should write major novels!
Blessed to have known you for so many years! Ms. KatieMia must have a ton of energy
too to follow you and your superb dance maneuvers all over town!…LOL….Hugs to her too!

And yet again i return in response with..

SMiLes.. Sherri.. thanks so much for the
encouraging words now.. when i was Young
i always wanted to create.. wasn’t really
ever worried about status or money..
the gift is beyond any ‘official’
recognition i could
not much for
all the rules and regulations
that come with all the money games
my friend.. so glad i’m not in the position
like most people are of course of having
no choice but to make money.. and smiles..
will relay the sweet wishes to Katrina
too.. being married to me is a lot
like being married to a real
Batman.. heHe.. it
Drives her
Nuts out of our
Bat cave haHa.. i stay in
my man cave and write while she does TV
resting from all the Public Dance Maneuvers.. hehe..
and yeah.. i must always be careful to rest my brain
when i dance and rest my feet while i ‘sing’.. in other
words wRite.. it works well as a Yin and Yang of
Hands and
Feet in total Feat
my FriEnd Sherri..
alWays Great to be your FriEnd..:)

With even more amazing Words of Encouragement on Facebook Sherri Sings.. and Dances..

You do have an amazing gift and talent! There is nothing wrong with expressing what gifts you have been given! I can’t wait to begin taking classes again in January! I actually miss writing papers and the challenges of school! I had to put things off for a while. Too much going on in my life with taking care of my Mom, but now that things are settling down (they never really settle down all the way…always something), but anyhow, time to get back to my mode and finish my degree. I was so close! Bethany graduates in December. I am darn determined to finish mine! I love creating too and teaching! I love the challenge of planning lessons and finding ways to teach people. I’ve been bored way too long!…LOL

And finally with empathy sympathy and compassion i also DancE And SinG to Sherri..
oh Sherri.. hmm.. just a reminder of a Song at the Disco when me and Sherri
were friends way back then by Journey at age 25 or so as were good friends then..
anyway back to the future and present again as i do
have a movie maker memory of all the places and
folks i have been with in life as friends in Dance
and Song
so now
i SinG..

We experienced similar stuff to what you’ve talked
about with your Mother’s aging but not as long
term as what you’ve been going through for
my Mother passed before she had
to go to an Assisted or Full
Nursing Home Facility
that was her worst fear in life..
and she got her wish not to have to do that
in the end.. Best hopes and prayers and wishes
for you my friend in that situation and of course best
of fortune in finishing your degree and fulfilling all your
teaching dreams
too as the role of
Teacher is a best
Giving way to be..
And Congratulation to your
Daughter for her Graduation
as both of your Children and Husband
Seem Very nice to me.. nice attracts as ‘they’ say too..:)


Just a copy and paste of what i sent
over to your old CFAU Friend.. no
more fear and hate mongering
over ‘hear’ no probs with you
my friEnd.. just the regular run of the Milltown
Church stuff you are relating and that’s okay..
anyWay.. as much dARk muse for Writing 6
Bibles and 3 New Testaments aRiSinG now
past 5 Million Words in 4 Years aLonG
WitH 8 thousand miles of Public Praise
Barefeet of ‘Jesus’ A ‘Real Jesus”
no myth Jesus for noW aT LeaSt..
mY Covenant to share with this you too
as surely what you have done hear in the
past has been some of the dArkest muse..
but hey.. i can forgive that ‘i’ alWAys Do.. heHe..;)

And heAr’s that copy and paste..;)

Hmm.. neVer lEarn do you mY friEnd..
anyWay.. it seems.. as i just skipped
through your fear of symbols
other than the letters
you worship
as Idol
Calves Over
Finger Print Nautilus
of God that Spirals everywhere
wHeRe God Dances and Sings with
no words at all.. anyWay.. it doesn’t look
like you’ll ever believe in someone like ‘me’..
but never the less and a little more.. i’m dropping
by a Free liNk so yoU WiLL noT eVeR say i didn’t CoME back to viSit YOU.. hehe..;)

Yes.. Lost Sheep
And all that other
Letter and Book Jazz my
fRiEnd.. Meanwhile.. God Dances THE DANCE
As God Finger Prints iN SinGSonG everywHeRe
God Lives outside of restricted letters and words
aS Chains oF Golden Calves wHeRE silly little humans
to hOld
in words that alWays
cHanGe no matter what
as words are JusT HouSinG Essence NoW More
For thE DeeP BeYOnd InFiNiTY aS God LiveS isReaL..
Child’s Play
mY FriEnd
to LiVE.. NoW


To me at least, it’s really not that complicated as far as “Based on Physics, What Insights Do you
Make About Reality?” Actions Speak Louder than Words and Words Lead to Actions
And the Universe is a Dance that Leads to a Song.
I could Leave it at that and call myself a Poet
and Create my own Reality and Name
it Heaven up on top of a Mountain;
but on the other Hand, I Will to come down with an iPhone 6s and some
Words of Poetry and Show you what Heaven looks like in realtime now and all the
Benefits therein. But it’s true, more People are interested in talking about this in terms
of Science and Religion, overall, than Just Doing Heaven now and enjoying Bliss and Nirvana
and what makes life ‘count’ most; namely Love, the Actual Force and the Experience of that Pure Force Now.
In other words, if you don’t Dance you Don’t Live; Look at the Quadrillion or So Stars that light the Universe up.
Are they sitting Still and Singing a Song or are they moving and where do we come from for we are born now from
Crucible Fire of Star Death where Gaseous dust eventually resurrects and becomes Sentient us plus standing tall and Creating our Realities with words that only house the essence that is real in Moving, Connecting, And Creating with
Emotions Regulating and Senses Integrating in all the Quadrillion or so Connections in all the Cells and all the
Neuro-Chemicals and Neuro-Hormones that light up as metaphor as those connections in all our Cells
and in remembering how life feels now beyond all words that house the
Reality of whatever Dark Abyss through Shades of Grey though
Beyond Rainbow Colors of Emotions and Senses we experience now;
in other words, a Reality that Science currently has neither tool or method
to analyze completely now. Anyway, after this thing that some folks call “Autistic
Burn-out”; where fight and flight stress burns one out after 33 years or so of Working
with the challenge thereof; I decided to screw the Science and become the light of the bulb instead.
It Worked, as empirically measurable, I am twice as Strong at age 57 than I was at 28 in actual empirical
terms of Leg Pressing 1020 Pounds, 33 times now. I’ve written 5 Million Words of Poetry in 50 Months
in what I Informally Name as Six Bibles and Three New Testaments in what some folks in religion metaphor
as a “John 14:12” effort too. Here’s the thing; if you discount Real Magic in Life; if you discount even the
Placebo Effect in creating your Reality now you will never see the kind of change that is possible with that.
And yes that’s clearly a metaphor from Abrahamic Religions too. Things is; Actions do speak Louder than
words. I can prove those things as I Documented them all through the Last 50 Months too. And true too;
the Boy With Autism who most everyone Made Fun of who couldn’t Speak until Four or Walk Straight in his
Local Metro Area has been named a legend by ‘these same audience members’, who video tape and
observe 8000 Miles of Public Dance in Four years as documented by Nike GPS Sports Watch Measure
too, along the way. But you see, it’s what you value in life that counts;
I wanted to connect to people and now I have over one thousand
Smiling and Beautiful Young Women Faces in the act of Dance now
in Photo way. It’s true; it’s one thing to Sing the Song
but it’s another thing to Dance Life and make it real.
But nah, If I couldn’t prove what Happened every
Day of all of this you’d probably Scoff. Thing is,
i Do prove it too
in empirical
way that cannot be refuted.
Not many ‘folks’ like ‘this’ have
come down from ‘this’ Mountain; but
after going to a Real Hell on Earth and that’s
another Story; this Place now is a Piece of Cake and all of life is Icing now.
People have said they’ve done ‘it’ before but no one has ever recorded it real time now.

Anyway; Prove
me wrong if you can;
other than that I Bring A ‘real money’ of Life.

Have a nice Day, my Older Monologue friends on the Wrong Planet;
Just Breezing through, Marking Milestones in Heaven not forgetting the Darker Places i’ve been.

It’s what Folks who live on top of Mountains do; just for the Love of Life and all others now; no matter what;

‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull’ and all that Jazz come to fruition in reality now; at least for me it works and i prove it now.


Hehe.. the first 18
Months or so..
A Brown
Named Arthur
As Profile Pic
With Boo who
Zero Friends..
Anyway.. finally
A Human
Changing Face
And Body for this
Is what you do when
Your Face
From Humanity
You rebuild from
The Ashes through Fire
To Live Again.. As Phoenix
RosE.. AnyWaY A MusE MorE FroM
A 6 year Faceversary.. NoW GroWinG
as the Nice Creative Folks at Facebook
Do some Word Play now and market me as
special to continue Growing Facebook as a Viable
Commercial Enterprise but it’s true the Leader Mark
has developed a heART as that often happens once the
Money Making reaLiTy says you’ve got enough of the Green
Stuff and now you can finally live and actually start being human
again or even for the first time in what was named your life before..
So.. considering that Facebook is supposed to be a Face way now to keep
up with Friends and New Acquaintances in the Stories of their life where most
of the deficiencies for folks with Reciprocal Social Communication Difficulties are
structured as such
that they are literally
the Concrete Frame work
of Likes Shares and technology
Provided Non-Verbal Communication
for anyone who actually provides Changing
Faces as time goes by but of course it could be
a Brown Tabby Cat or as the Poets go online for years
without a name or a face as their words of Poetry
become their Souls online.. i like a mix for there
was a time before lit up Computer Screens
that reading books most always bored
me to sleep and it wasn’t quite
that way when i was a much
smaller child at 7 before
overwhelmed with
TV in getting used to Dopamine LiT uP HigHer
Stimulation and didn’t wanna go back then down
to more dimly lit screen ways of life.. and so.. why
not.. it feels good so you do it and true you might miss
out on other Human Potentials but it’s true there are worse
places in life than just squandering Human Potential.. namely
Hell that comes from Chronic Flight and Fight stress that breaks
down all Bodily Systems until becoming walking ashes without a face
of Emotions and Senses much at all.. in other words.. now a real Zombie
Apocalypse where you are the star walking dead character.. it happens now
you can find these Zombies as i used to be too.. so many of them.. particularly
in the Aisles of Super Walmart while i whizz around them stealthy as a Ninja
Dancer bright lights within shining all over A place A UniVerse MoVinG am i
iN Dance
NoW i am alive.. DanCinG
And oh my God now you can
see it in the Language too.. the
‘Wrong Planet’ a place where the
Mechanical Cognition of Brainiac
Data Download Sitting Still School
has made otherwise shy human
beings a little introverted into
eyes without a face in
other words
as labels
for rote facts more.. DE A D
without the substance A Greater
Essence of Emotions and Senses
that DancE and SinG a Story of Life
FloWinG aS a RiVeR OceaN WhOLe
Waves more than millstone sunk
to the Bottom of an Ocean
Zombie Apocalypse
raw.. without
a heArt
SpiRiT BRinGinG
EmoTioNs oF thAT HeArT
Back iNto a MiND wHo FlowS
From EmotiONs ReguLaTinG
And InTegrATiNG iN A Body thaT
MoVEs aLL of That First in a Dance of Life isREaL..
ONce again.. it’s not enough to say or even sing AS Dance
iS wHat BRinGs A ForcE oF LiGHT aLiVe WiThiN.. so.. yeah..
every once in a while i go back to that dead place of rote facts
without words that move emotions and senses that are poetry named
the Wrong Planet online.. a place where systemizing science mind has
is all but
Spirit of and
that Loves eYes
wHo twinkle Stars..
thing is.. ‘they’ can’t ‘see’
beyond the rainbow for i have
a whole mind and body now and not just
or less
in Zombie Clothes..
True.. Naked Rainbow Beyond
Dances Colors aLiVe A SonG of HeaVeN isReal..
as i share just a little bit of Heaven in words of Song i dance i will.
Seriously.. Physical.. Emotional and Existential Intelligences are the most important
kinds of Intelligences as School teaches us abstract constructs as eyes without a Face more
than anything for what once started as a cultural drive to bring basic creature comforts
to A rest of the tribe.. now.. it’s out of control we work and work and work and never Fucking
and Live
hand in hand
cheek to cheek
and even naked hip
to hip as friends who
are not afraid of their
human condition will do fearlessly
too.. so.. how far have we advanced.. nothing
at all
from flesh and blood
and the bare of feet
that touch Sands of Mother
Earth with Oxytocin receptors
that feel the comfort of Home
as any Mother brings with eyes
wHo live
i’m not waiting
around for times to change
for humans have become the tools
they make and lost the core creature
one with Earth
and each other too..
for true those who wear
clothes have lost the reason
that suns shine come shade or rain..
Feel Sense
out of your
head and FucKinG LiVE..
and don’t listen now to the
Zombies when they threaten
you with sitting
kneeling still..
in otHeR words.. if you
Wanna Praise God do what
God Does Spirals everywHeRe God Dos..
thaT is if yoU WiLL See reaLiTy as is as is now.


Well.. Considering i’ve already picked the
Song for these coming words as “Closer
to the Heart” by Rush and i’m looking
at them in the last comment heAR..
and the Royal Purple Morning
Glories Above i see too that
i captured in
photo way
coming out
of a McDonald’s
on Sunday after
A Filipino Covered Banquet
Dish Celebration in a Banquet
Hall as yes the McDonald’s only
served as a rest room then.. hehe.. anyway
‘Distant Signs of Wonder’ i arrive and then
as usual now ‘Dancing with Infinite Patience’
NoW too as a BalanCinG
aLiVe.. for puzzles..
tHwEe are no pieces
When Imagination and
Creativity Makes all of Life
A Cake of Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose and if
one has time after dance NoW the
Icing comes next just to Celebrate more..
And even if Twitter comes to 280 Characters
more surely short of a UniVerse More my friend with grin
nice to see you
gigoid as alWays
For A waVe sMILes
RivEr HiGH anD Lo
Ocean WhoLe Blue SkeYes More..
Only shores iF eVen morE lefT beHiNd aS LiFE.:)

“All nature is but art unknown to thee.”

~~ Alexander Pope ~~


“Experience is not what happens to you.
It is what you do with what happens to you.”

~~ Aldous Huxley, in “Reader’s Digest”, 1956 ~~

i RatHeR DancE
WitH eYes
FaLLinG SonG
alWays RiSinG HigHer
Falling JusT foR Fun
RiSinG eVen hiGHeR

“If you really knew me,
you would know that all your assumptions are wrong.”

~~ Ann Muir Thomas ~~

And if you
Feel me
i will be real.

“Do good by stealth, and blush to find it fame.”

~~ Alexander Pope — Epilogue to the Satires, Dialogue i, Line 136 ~~

It’s true
Fame Stays.

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever.”

~~ Mohandas K. Gandhi ~~

i rather live
With just A DO of life..:)

“Integrity is when
what you say,
what you do,
what you think,
and who you ARE
all come from the same place.”

~~ Madelyn Griffith-Haynie ~~


“Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them.”

~~ Aristotle (384-322BC) ~~

doesn’t worry.

“It is impossible for a man to be cheated by anyone but himself.”

~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~~

Depends on if Water gets to Puerto Rico.. too.

“Look back on time with kindly eyes,
He doubtless did his best;
How softly sinks his trembling son
In human nature’s west!”

~~ Emily Dickinson ~~

West without East
‘fore Birth.

“For the Snark was a Boojum, you see.”

~~ Lewis Carroll ~~

Many lettered Clowns
Trick and Trick TRump Year
Round Oh
twice as
much with 280 Characters now
funny not.. No Character aT all…;)

“All I kin say is
when you finds yo’self wanderin’ in a peach orchard,
ya don’t go lookin’ for rutabagas.”

~~ Kingfish ~~

Oh God
IT’z aLL tUrned ruTaBaga oRanGe..;)

“Study the past if you would divine the future.”

~~ Confucius (B.C. 551-479) ~~


“The best years of your life
are the ones in which you decide
your problems are your own.
You do not blame them on your mother,
the ecology, or the president.
You realize that you control your own destiny.”

~~ Albert Ellis ~~

Puerto Rico
Some Water..;)

“Gli arcobaleni d’altri mondi
hanno colori che non so.
Ma lungo i fiumi d’altri mondi
nascono fiori che non ho.”

[The rainbows of other worlds
have colors I don’t know.
But along the rivers of other worlds
flowers are born that I don’t have.]

~~ Fabrizio De Andre ~~

People Gods
Most often come
Little Water
Life as all..:)

“We turn not older with years, but newer every day.”

~~ Emily Dickinson ~~

True though Sitting Still makes rust…
Even as Science now shows
even more
of Cigarettes now..
in not so Lucky Fortune Strikes..:)

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.”

~~ Plutarch ~~

heART FilLeD NeVeR ouT oF GiVeS..
Or DrOwNinG iN TakE NoW..:)

“Doing it the hard way is always easier.”

~~ Murphy’s Paradox ~~

Busy Be

“We live as we dream. Alone.”

~~ Joseph Conrad ~~

i supPose JoE didn’T FeeL
A JoY oF MirroR NeuronS
ViCaRiouSly ConnecTinG oR

“Do not eat your heart.”

~~ Pythagoras ~~

Unless one is deficient at Iron.

“Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns.
I am thankful thorns have roses.”

~~ Alphonse Karr ~~

Humans are Universe
Some of God
Than God Don’T..;)

“When the night has been too lonely,
and the road has been too long,
And you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong,

Just remember in the winter
far beneath the bitter snows,
Lies the seed, that with the sun’s love,
in the spring becomes The Rose.”

~~ Amanda McBroom, “The Rose” ~~



i came her
with a job
and i’m
to geterdone..
Trust me when
both of y’all
do it for 28
years ya’ll
seek some spice..
if you wanna keep doing it..
so sure
the good works..
view mirror..
hmm.. give me more..;)

**tapS fingerS


Dance Comes First.



Pine of
Lonely Roads
Without connecting
Paths so long away
from being lone..
iT iS
ConnectinG ONe..
FisH ScalE WateR
DreAMs oF BLuE
tiltinG sKeYes
Shallow Shores
For Sure to plEase
HoLLoW HowL so far Complete..
Fall Lights Cool
Evening Shade
Tints Leaves
FoRest Sings..
RaiNs liTeRate
God sPeaks
NaTuRe Means
Water’s Life For
all come
eYes more
Dog Paws
Grass Life Longs..
Hi.. Xenia.. so nice to breeze
by today.. must admit.. greater
F in Degrees is a little too close
to 100 Degrees for lifting Heat from Big
i’ll steal some
Scotland Highland
AiR.. iWiND iSpRinG..:)


Colors oF Life
Plant Light
Front Porch Companions
FloWerS even more..
Light oF thOughts
UniVerse SepaRate
Little Birds
care not for stores
Sing Pecks
Wings too and 3
A Number 23
oF PlEase
ButterflY NoW..
September 28th
Back Porch Big
Face F Thermometer
Says 98
true it’s
Hot as Human
ouT tHeRe NoW iN
AS Humans
Lose tHeir Cool..
It’s True FaLL FloWeRs
iN scAlDinG HeaT LesS iN BLooms..
HurriCanes BLeed..
Once More A Song of Summers Long..
Hi.. Frank.. we live in iNterestinG
cLOck tiMes
noThing iS iN seaSon..
Indian Summer DreAMs RuLE NoW BeYonD..:)


Hermits.. Outcasts.. Yogi’s as in Tibetan
Monks A riSinG iN Mountains.. Tops
for real they climb down
to Dance and Sing
tHeIR Secrets
of LiFE
uPoN tHEiR
SpIRit MiNd Mastery
SinG eVen HiGHeR MoRE..
heART FiRE oPENs MiNd And
BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL MoVinG
ConNecTinG CreaTiNG eVeN MoRE
So.. do they need any thing from you.. Hell
no for they live in the other place with all respite..
for what they BRinG is more a story real eternal now.
ReacH BacK
Up ABoVe
BeLoW Rises
inside outside above
so below all around LiFE’s
Tree beyONd KNoWLedGE NoW
coMeS to LiGHT transcendent
ascendent HoLY SpiRiT Rises
eVeN MoRe BRinGs to
SenSEs RainBoWs
eVeN MoRE trance dance
lessons free no guidelines instructions
left foot right foot coMe toGeTHeR ONE ForcELiGHT
NoW LiVes forevermore unto all now ‘fore.. and anyway.. now..
it’s just about.. now.. to get reaDy to Celebrate the 180th Dance
Week Celebration with all the Cool College Age Folks at Old Seville
Quarter and Mr. Alan Watts can probably BRinG what i said down to
eArTh a little bit more.. iF yA cARE to liSten to him too.. as this 800th
MacroVerse of “SonG oF My SoUL” rates an 8 MaRK of Synchronicity now
too as ‘SonG of mY SoUL’.. continues on in this 800th MacroVerse New
World LoVENoW way of Longest Long Form Poem too.. at over 5 Million
Words with “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Now at the 2.025 Million Word
MArk too as both efforts exceeding the Previous Long Form Poem
Record at 1.8 Million Words as reported by Wiki named the Indian
“Mahabharata”.. anyway.. After A All Night Marathon Rave-Like
Trance Dance in even greater transcending and ascending newer
ways WiLL BRinG thE Words that coMe neXt NoW oN Friday
Morning.. after that soMe MacroVerse shares to go aLong
with at least AnotHeR Facebook Profile Pic as “Facebook
Profile Pic Bible 2018” now arises to over 400K words too
since the Publish of 1.618 Million Word.. “PHI
Bible” on Memorial Day 2017 too.. yes.. more
specifically 407,686 words all included in
Facebook Profile Pic Descriptions
for the coming Bible of that on
Memorial Day or so iN 2018..
since that Memorial Day
2017 date too.. it’s kinda
easy.. yA juSt subtract
1,618,000.. ‘PHI Bible’
Words from ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ to get a New Sub
Grand Total.. from the current
‘Nether land Bible 2017’.. total
of 2,025,686 words.. now.. not fuller
counting all the words in this new 800th
MacroVerse yet.. as that will come later after
the finish of all of this.. including those years to
date MacroVerse Memories and considerable numbers
of photos including the Celebration of Dance tonight too..
anyway.. my average words per month in that Facebook Profile
Pic Bible effort are down to only about 100K Words a Month from
what once was 130K words or so a month in the last year of ‘Phi Bible’..
Writing content without all the Clerical Copy and Paste downloads of that
and the other Profile Pic Photos on Facebook to keep all the peas iN soMe
FB Profile Pic Pods
as an
of Vegetable Soup too..
And Emily D’s Drawers too..
yeah.. now.. kinda like Tom
Cambell’s ToMaTo SoUP..
hehe or is that Andy
Warhol.. Timothy
Leary or
Hermits and
Outcasts who do tHeiR
owN Vincent Van Gogh Paintings
oF LiFE beYOnd RainboW ColoRs TrUE..
no matter
group think
says don’t do..;)


God Never Lived God Lives
HiMaLi Never Lived HiMaLi Lives
So WHeRe is God thAt’s a rhetorical question
that no Child
with the Love
of Family and
Friends Naked
on an Island without
Books has to ask what
God is for God is the Experience
of Moving Connecting Creating Love
in other
is a Verb
when we are young we
learn what feels and senses
Good in life unless we are punished
for doing so and told no.. and of course
that is what Humans do in larger than 150 to 200
sets of eyes and hips naked as we are simply not evolved
in social capacity to
deal with more
humans than
this one
on one
in flesh and blood connection STiLLNoW
and that’s why ‘they’ invented Facebook
hehe.. so we could pretend to do 5000 if
we are really good about collecting Faces..
i only
do that
now on
if i dance in
connection with
the person.. hehe..
of course unless someone
asks to collect my face online
on Facebook too as it doesn’t hurt me
unless they wanna try to talk me into buying
waste my
Life is God (good)
clock time.. hAha.. smiles
my friEnd.. Culture says we have to
Do a lot in life and God says within know
and feel and sense yourself and do Happy NoW after
the Natural Flowing Spiraling Forage for subsistence
is done for the day.. Homework is Happy.. and also
in other words..
sure.. life is work too
but life and all creation is
Based on the Force of Life/
aLL CreaTioN iN Harmony and Peace after the
fight and the flight of the moment is done for now
is Good..
it’s easy to See
An animal other than hUman
in life is good mode for they are not
going anywhere but now in be in just be
at peace
and the fAct
that we do not do
that everyday when we
are not foraging for subsistence
Quite Frankly means we are not rational animals
for we never were and even science shows this now..
we are feeling and sensing human animals saddled with a Neo-Cortical
Brain that can be used as a tool to remember what didn’t work and what works
or remember
what doesn’t
work and
do it again for that
is what an insane Culture does too..
in effect as that is the natural response
for a species out of balance in over-population my friend..
yes.. ‘perversions’ out of Balance do happen when we are not playing
with ourselves and others in a Life that is not only work but fun too.. in as Love..
in other
have fun now
and when one has
fun and truly loves the
experience of life like a little
child spiraling freely like the UniVerse
and Galaxies Free in and as a Joyous Positive Dancing
Flow of Energy also known as Love it is almost impossible
not to spread that love with those who are receptive to it and
A Life God is Good
Song too of Free.. NoW..
they never taught me this
in school/church but God did/does in me then now
LooKinG aCross the River at age 3 before i lEarned
to say some words at age 4.. it’s true.. i am so blessed
i did not
to speak
Before age four
for i had the opportunity
to find God somewhere else instead of a book my friend…
same as all the original indigenous Naked Peoples as Nature Named Indians
in all lands my friend For a God of Love is the God of all in peace and harmony
that wHo connects in positive energy also known as this Love is real the Love we Feel
as a metaphor
oF LiGht out of the
dArkness other than a
Grace of Peace and Harmony
of Hugs of Hugs and eyes that say
your soul
and not just
a nut shell.. hehe..
funny little synchronicities
and funny little life lessons that prolific
sit-com writers who are really concerned about the
Real Human Condition of Love insert into moving pictures..
two of my favorite pictures my friend.. Young Sheldon Cooper
off of the original “Big Bang Theory” most popular Sit-com show
for almost a decade now in the USA.. yes.. in an actual new show
where he is actually young in the 80’s then knows FEELS SENSES who
God is the
Love of his
Mother while he
rests his head on her shoulder..
meanwhile the rest of the Church is
Singing onward Christian Soldiers.. true
my Mother
me this
Lesson before
i could speak too..
she was looking for her keys
one morning before i could speak
and i tugged on her dress and took her to
them underneath her bed for my friend i couldn’t
speak but i then WiLL look and listen and feel her sense of distress
all i wanted
to do was
her pain
for that my friend
is what real humans
do when Love becomes the real
Force of God who and that lives within
the AgApe Love that we are born with for all
of Nature as Love that sadly is as Metaphor of Modern
IS that
that away from
uS NoW and replaces LoVE with
data download and makes us tools.. So..
You look within Himali as you find your answers
but again as you say your parents are Angels and
not controllers NoW
as any Modern
of Control
whether Family or and Culture
and or Religion tends to do now
away from the free and living
force within that just says
love and love some
play with
a best friend
within named now
as Love (Life is Good) sure ‘you’
Can call IT God or even Jesus too..
but just remember and of course not you
as you already know feel and sense this God
is real and was is always here moreover alWays
before now aLways NoW as LiVinG Force within
inside outside above so below and all around NoW
beyond the written word and or oral speak…SMiLes
too.. other than that i hope you find a nice guy who
sees your soul..if God exists they must too.. Now.. hmm..
AdditionAlly.. Yeah.. i realize NoW thaT’s a whole lot of
Fred talk head words but i do tend to go in tSUnaMi
LoVE Mode after a long night of moving connecting
and creating
a real
of Life my friEnd
for that is how Love
spReads Best through Dance
without even any words at all now..
FeeLing SeNSinG LoVE isReaLNoW
And sure too when there’s rest there is
A Burning Midnight Campfire Song now that
never ends.. too.. as Moonlight STiLL NoW
Feels so right as Love.. NoW gRowS NoW
OcEaN WhoLe sMiLes bRinGs to MiNd
aNoTHeR AlbuM Cover oF YouTube
yEars gONE Past alWays sTiLL
LiVinG NoW as yeah there are
a few good things about Modern
Cultures.. too..Songs that never
go aWay aBout LovELiVinG Records
Love..Oh yeah.. beForE NoW aGaiN
iGo.. Helloooove.. Himali aGaiN..
As alWays.. be bacK
to see ya soon..
jUSt consider if you WiLL..
This a Dance iN LiVinG Love Record mY friEnd
JusT for you and of course some other folks too..;)


How Deep is your Faith depends on how deep
is your Love at least according to Fowler’s
Secular States of Faith as studying
this Human Existential
Experience from
a Science
point of
view too as Maslow
does with His Pyramid
Hierarchy of Needs in Human
way all the way from afraid Trump
Voters without jobs to yes the Self
Transcendence that both Fowler and
Maslow Agree is the Capstone now of the
Pyramid of Human Existential Intelligence
more fully revealed.. meanwhile some folks
are worried about making money hehe.. and no
of course that’s not funny as i was a slave to that
system of both delusion and illusion from the Nature
of Human as slave to someone else’s true will from 9
to 5 as that exists as Government Infrastructure in
Federal Service for the Military more specifically
the Navy too.. in the last 25 years of that 33
years of slave work as most of us do so
far away from what otherwise might
be our Human Potentials more
fully sought found and
delivered now real..
in other words
instead of writing
Bibles and New Testaments
in my own Personal way and Dancing
in Public in 4 Years starting at age 53 after
recovering or at least going into remission from
19 Medically Diagnosed Disorders as that recovery
and remission took 66 Months from age 47 through 53
and it’s true both the Autism Spectrum and Bi-Polar Condition
are considered life long permanently disabling disorders for i have
a literal prescription for dancing everywhere i go to remedy my entirely
stellar sensitive soul in Balance so the Hurricane eye in the Center of me
will not get Dis-organized and rage against the machine as slave again..
you see the human condition is almost impossible to understand with
science alone and that’s why the writing teams create Characters
like Jesus and Sheldon Cooper too.. neither are really real
but you get the message anyway as the writers do an
overall fabulous job to get the message through
to you if not only in subliminal and sublime
ways as both word and visual poetry
in signs as Parables both too
often do.. in other
words you go
away with
at a lower level
than most people
recognize on the surface
of the elephant and camel
that is their subconscious mind
where all our ancestral memories
in evolution of 14.5 Billion or so and
Beyond Big Bang Memory years reside
and yes do occasionally as the Ice Princess
on the Movie Frozen sings come out come out
to play let ‘it go a’s our Shadow becomes Free and mixes
with the tiny rider that is our conscious mind as the Elephant
And Camel becomes one with the rider more.. true.. as Fowler says
if you haven’t lived a long life of hell and heaven chances are you
might not understand the real core mesSages of this until a later
date but when you do as they say with the Character Jesus and
Buddha and Lao Tzo and even mythological Krishna too then
you will say OH OH OH.. now i understand what that Krazy
two spirit Shaman Like Yogi Dude Free Spiraling word
and step dancer was all on about way back then..
in other words.. i understand how FucKinG smaLL
any target audience iS heAR.. thing is that’s
why they have the other books
as the babes of life grow
into agaPe Love in
and transcendence
as Love for our souls
evolve and wHo FeeLsENsES potentially through
Beyond infinite lifetimes too where most everyone
gets to ride in shoes like mine and others too.. but hey
it’s the modern age.. a NeW age potential of a new World NoW
of Love and what to do what to do what would God do as Love
Living in you.. sure.. you might do what i’m doing in your lifetime
then now too.. do everything you can before you disappear
for the final stage play to relate the Good Life potential
for all now for all Now real in real Heaven now.. but
again class.. i understand how small my potential
class is now.. true now as i watch politics it’s
obvious there is not a lot of potential
for a class at all in Trump
Red State places
where i live in
in fact
i might only dance
and not say a God dam
word of enlightenment heAR but
hey! it’s an Internet Globe Now wHeRe
anyone can hold anyone’s hands with life LoVE
that truly reach out now.. and believe me when i tale
you not unlike the Fantasy Song by Earth Wind and Fire
you might search through thousand and thousand of folks online
until you meet a very few who will be open to someone with God eyes
are oPen
Wide now real..
am i finished evolving
as a soul jest me not
for i am still just a grain
of Sand Holding up an Atlas
of Love the Best i can and will
but you see i am only A human and
what this means is i am not only saddled
with the challenge of a NeoCortical Brain
that can and will worry with needless illusions
and delusions of illusory worries too for i have very
complex feelings and senses and yes that will that strives
to survive and mate named a Reptilian Brain too.. yes the old
Dragon the oldest Reptilian Brain Dragon the Shadow self STiLL thaT
lives within.. the part that will if necessary fight to the death to survive
and always be on the outlook for a new mate in case the old one goes
away or the children who lived or never lived die as Reptilian instinct
in shadow way still lives and it’s true if you don’t let your shadow out..
yes the aggression and all the sexual stuff too.. all naked and
reptilian as such too.. if you don’t play with it and tame it
one day it may rule you instead of you.. and that my
friends is why my Nude Art in selfie full sensual
way with aggressive tendencies fully
displayed as raw art is also
a core of my own new
age religion
as a rather
and transcendent
Poet Singer and Free Verse
Martial Artist and Ballet-like Public
Dancer too.. for it’s true i would have never
become totally fearless away from illusory fears
if my shadow didn’t come out and play.. true that shadow
lives in restricted adult warning links.. but true if i wanna teach
all about how to see God now.. i cannot hide where the Dragon sTiLL
lives for if you do not Master your Dragon your Dragon will master you..
and of course what better time to tame that Dragon than before a night
full of Beautiful Women where it is not too rare for a Strange Women’s
to invite
my Dragon
to play in Bootie
Dances as ‘they’ say..
thing is i already tamed it at home hehe..
and that is both my Religion of Love and
taming the shadow that Feels
now.. yeah
sure cliche’s
and all that jazz
only the shadow knows
beyond restricted links
where that Old Dragon lives..
just in case you wondered if you ever
get to this point of ascendence and transcendence
why that was a pART and yes a biggest pART core to Heaven now..
How deep is your Love is it only as deep as the clothes of culture
and religion
now or is
it as deep
as the innate
instinct and intuition
that God as Nature provides
for free.. no.. you don’t have to walk in front
of the rest of the somewhat smaller target naked
audience per the still coming Priests of the Cosmos
to necessarily get this mesSage eventuAlly aCross
but it doesn’t
hurt to
if you
are not afraid
of Freer being as Love Free now..
the Dragon Lives Beneath Love and
Love Frees the Will and Strength in ultimate
Peace and Harmony BeYoND oF aS Grace when aLL that
Yin and Yang cliche stuff floats on CLoud 10 now free..
sure.. you’ll escape your beast when you’RE DusT you miGht
as well face reaLiTy now and cope with all of what God Gifts
to survive
and mate too..
meanwhile.. i am not
maKinG this lifetime way
now to mate this go around
now.. but it’s true there are
enough people in the world
to go around now we share the
similar DNA no matter children or
not we are all related sTiLL Now..
And even STiLL if you have the kind of eXtreme
Libido ‘fore i’ve alWays been gifted with NoW
Rock and Rolling
Harder Fiercely
on.. still now..
tHere are lots
of things to do
with Imagination
and other Creativity
too.. instead of reproducing
now.. true.. God plays as Creativity too..
Other than that here’s the Science pART2..
thing is some folks with ‘half a brain’ have
the illusion/
a body
they never
fully get in touch with now..
and that body yes is God too now..
of Love
Mind set free Now aS Such..;)

Fowler’s Stages of Faith
As taken directly heRE
From Wiki as preSented here on the topic of Faith..

“James W. Fowler (1940-2015) proposes a series of stages of faith-development (or spiritual development) across the human life-span. His stages relate closely to the work of Piaget, Erikson, and Kohlberg regarding aspects of psychological development in children and adults. Fowler defines faith as an activity of trusting, committing, and relating to the world based on a set of assumptions of how one is related to others and the world.

Stages of faith

Intuitive-Projective: a stage of confusion and of high impressionability through stories and rituals. (Pre-school period)

Mythic-Literal: a stage where provided information is accepted in order to conform with social norms. (School-going period)

Synthetic-Conventional: In this stage the faith acquired is concreted in the belief system with the forgoing of personification and replacement with authority in individuals or groups that represent one’s beliefs. (Early-late adolescence)

Individuative-Reflective: In this stage the individual critically analyzes adopted and accepted faith with existing systems of faith. Disillusion or strengthening of faith happens in this stage. Based on needs, experiences and paradoxes. (Early adulthood)

Conjunctive faith: In this stage people realize the limits of logic and, facing the paradoxes or transcendence of life, accept the “mystery of life” and often return to the sacred stories and symbols of the pre-acquired or re-adopted faith system. This stage is called negotiated settling in life. (Mid-life)

Universalizing faith: This is the “enlightenment” stage where the individual comes out of all the existing systems of faith and lives life with universal principles of compassion and love and in service to others for upliftment, without worries and doubt. (Middle – late adulthood (45-65yrs and plus)”

And also quoted from Wiki in Terms
And Definitions of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs from the base of the Pyramid
up to the Capstone of Pyramid as a Pyramid like this can also be applied
as Metaphor for Fowler’s Stages of faith..

“Physiological needs
Physiological needs are the physical requirements for human survival. If these requirements are not met, the human body cannot function properly and will ultimately fail. Physiological needs are thought to be the most important; they should be met first.

Air, water, and food are metabolic requirements for survival in all animals, including humans. Clothing and shelter provide necessary protection from the elements. While maintaining an adequate birth rate shapes the intensity of the human sexual instinct, sexual competition may also shape said instinct.

Safety needs
Once a person’s physiological needs are relatively satisfied, their safety needs take precedence and dominate behavior. In the absence of physical safety – due to war, natural disaster, family violence, childhood abuse, etc. – people may (re-)experience post-traumatic stress disorder or transgenerational trauma. In the absence of economic safety – due to economic crisis and lack of work opportunities – these safety needs manifest themselves in ways such as a preference for job security, grievance procedures for protecting the individual from unilateral authority, savings accounts, insurance policies, disability accommodations, etc. This level is more likely to be found in children as they generally have a greater need to feel safe.

Safety and Security needs include:

Personal security
Financial security
Health and well-being
Safety net against accidents/illness and their adverse impacts
Social belonging
After physiological and safety needs are fulfilled, the third level of human needs is interpersonal and involves feelings of belongingness. This need is especially strong in childhood and it can override the need for safety as witnessed in children who cling to abusive parents. Deficiencies within this level of Maslow’s hierarchy – due to hospitalism, neglect, shunning, ostracism, etc. – can adversely affect the individual’s ability to form and maintain emotionally significant relationships in general, such as:

According to Maslow, humans need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance among their social groups, regardless whether these groups are large or small. For example, some large social groups may include clubs, co-workers, religious groups, professional organizations, sports teams, and gangs. Some examples of small social connections include family members, intimate partners, mentors, colleagues, and confidants. Humans need to love and be loved – both sexually and non-sexually – by others. Many people become susceptible to loneliness, social anxiety, and clinical depression in the absence of this love or belonging element. This need for belonging may overcome the physiological and security needs, depending on the strength of the peer pressure.

All humans have a need to feel respected; this includes the need to have self-esteem and self-respect. Esteem presents the typical human desire to be accepted and valued by others. People often engage in a profession or hobby to gain recognition. These activities give the person a sense of contribution or value. Low self-esteem or an inferiority complex may result from imbalances during this level in the hierarchy. People with low self-esteem often need respect from others; they may feel the need to seek fame or glory. However, fame or glory will not help the person to build their self-esteem until they accept who they are internally. Psychological imbalances such as depression can hinder the person from obtaining a higher level of self-esteem or self-respect.

Most people have a need for stable self-respect and self-esteem. Maslow noted two versions of esteem needs: a “lower” version and a “higher” version. The “lower” version of esteem is the need for respect from others. This may include a need for status, recognition, fame, prestige, and attention. The “higher” version manifests itself as the need for self-respect. For example, the person may have a need for strength, competence, mastery, self-confidence, independence, and freedom. This “higher” version takes precedence over the “lower” version because it relies on an inner competence established through experience. Deprivation of these needs may lead to an inferiority complex, weakness, and helplessness.

Maslow states that while he originally thought the needs of humans had strict guidelines, the “hierarchies are interrelated rather than sharply separated”. This means that esteem and the subsequent levels are not strictly separated; instead, the levels are closely related.

Main article: Self-actualization
“What a man can be, he must be.” This quotation forms the basis of the perceived need for self-actualization. This level of need refers to what a person’s full potential is and the realization of that potential. Maslow describes this level as the desire to accomplish everything that one can, to become the most that one can be. Individuals may perceive or focus on this need very specifically. For example, one individual may have the strong desire to become an ideal parent. In another, the desire may be expressed athletically. For others, it may be expressed in paintings, pictures, or inventions. As previously mentioned, Maslow believed that to understand this level of need, the person must not only achieve the previous needs, but master them.

In his later years, Abraham Maslow explored a further dimension of needs, while criticizing his own vision on self-actualization.The self only finds its actualization in giving itself to some higher goal outside oneself, in altruism and spirituality, which is essentially the desire to reach infinite. “Transcendence refers to the very highest and most inclusive or holistic levels of human consciousness, behaving and relating, as ends rather than means, to oneself, to significant others, to human beings in general, to other species, to nature, and to the cosmos” (Farther Reaches of Human Nature, New York 1971, p. 269).”

Oh yeaH and about that last photo with the two really
nice folks from old Seville Quarter as the X on the
two hands of the sweet dark haired female
indicates she is somewhere between
the ages of 18 and 21.. not quite
old enough to drink but
still legal enough
to get in the
door hehe..
and dance
just dance and she
has become quite the
reliable weekly twirler with me..
her friend here about 22.. i’m guessing
as he said he remembers me from age 18 that
fits within the parameters of the 42 months and
180 Dance night Weeks on Thursday College Nights now
i’ve been Doing Seville since then.. same question as i always
get per Drug Use and sure i can understand why as dancing solo anywhere
solo now is beyond and to the point of most human illusory fears now
as it’s true i couldn’t even muster the courage to even walk into
a Public Bar and Dance Hall into my upper 20’s without close
to 4 Beers before i went in.. sure.. it was cheaper to drink
Cheap Beer First as i often see empty containers
outside in the Parking lot too hehe.. and no..
there were no open container laws
when the Cops used to sit out
in the Piggly Wiggly
Parking Lot with
us when we drank Beer
in public in Young Man way
through the early eighties too..
so in other words.. sure.. considering i’ve
done it for 8000 miles in 4 years now i can
understand why they might think i am on drugs
or crazy or both of that now.. thing too is i am on the
Autism Spectrum and the Bi-Polar Spectrum so i get the
best and the worst of both of those science and art worlds
in ways of reason and art too.. and as far as coordination goes..
Lordy.. i had to watch my wife walk next to me to even be comfortable
enough to go into Walmart for Decades Before as you’d rarely ever find me
in that place
around a bunch
of people at least now
you have some idea what it
took me to get to this level of
fearless now.. nah.. i wasn’t fucking
born fearless and what’s Good about the
New “Young Sheldon” Show and that new “Good
Good Doctor” Show is they provide the sensory visual
and auditory experience in the show to show YOU what
it’s like for some folks with extreme sensory and feeling sensitivities
to all the Human Made Cultural By products around them now.. on the Autism Spectrum most of my
life i was living like a Cat in a Lightening Storm Cage with no way to get out.. thing too
is.. if you are like
me and if you ever
find a way to escape all
the illusory fears and anxiety
like i’ve done and yes through
actually hazing myself to be a clown
on purpose to develop a thicker skin now..
perhaps you too will become a ‘Jesus’2.. takes
a lot of work and true not every one is born like me either..
i’m not
sure you
get to do it
go to hell first..
oN Earth though i like to think
and feel and sense otherWise Now
and that’s why i’ve written 6 Bibles
and 3 New Testaments and taken over
100K Photos too.. in 4 years true.. still not everyone
is Now a word thinker now there are pattern thinkers
and visual
and almost
an unlimited
number of Intelligences
in life that some folks never use..
iN seek find and practice alWays Now..
Too.. hiGHeR PowEr of GoD/NaTuRe/Chi/
Qi/Ki and all that Potential Jazz within
NoW too..
i do
what i can
and i will
and yes
believe it
or not Ripley
and Horatio i AM A real deal now..
Another Young Woman who will be pictured
with Glasses in the rest of the Dance Night
MacroVerse Photos when An opposite approach
of the Young Man who asked me if i was on
drugs and said i gave him Hope as he was
actually once on drugs and is sobering
up now.. and yeah when he found
out and the nice Young Woman
with X’s on her hands did
too that i’ve
been married
to Beautiful Katrina
and she is not Jealous
of either my Dance with Beautiful
Women or my Nude Art too he said it
gave him hope too that Love is real now..
you see my friends that is what i intend to
do and i told the other Young Woman that i wasn’t
a City Cop or a County cop or a State Cop when she
insisted i am i said.. nah.. i worked for the Department
of the Defense.. i didn’t go on to tale her i am one of the Newer
Guardians’ of the Galaxy
of Love
for she did say she
worked for the Government
which means she might have
taken iT a little too literal than
seeing A bigger picture of AM.. i NoW..
so.. yeah.. i cut off the words and we just danced
same messenger
same defender
dance just dance love now..
like they said in ‘the movied’ there are
two kind of folks.. those who dance and those
who do not.. i stArted in front of a Mirror like
Napoleon Dynamite and it’s true i often find myself
tHeRe again
actors of i..
was on wax off
as ‘they’ still say now..
Bottom line.. i FucKinG DancE Free
and so does God in me.. Now
moreover too we SinGNoW2..
oN VolUMe II.. Roots viNes eXtending….


Now.. Back to the Facebook Ranch
in communicate
with Facebook
Friend Benny
and Rafiah too
but secondly i will
stARt first with the
Rafiah Mused Discussion first..
as Rafiah Provides a Status that says..

Each freaking time I listen to this song called Never let me go by Judy Bridgewater, I so desperately want to crush Juwairyah into a tight hug and choking her to death. Each freaking time. Tag Pound Sign suddenoutburstofemotions
Four Green Heart Emoticons

i return in disjointed misspelling fashion with

Heah wher

and then i
refrain more..

‘s my hug..;)
(note the Facebook
Name Label Katie Mia
sits behind the apostrophe S
as that relates to Katie in this scenario being me)

Quickly.. i return again with some word
and additional letter play with the following..

ActuAlly i mean wHeRe’s mY Hug..;)

And with quick wit Rafiah returns..
literally with words of..

With Katrina
Tears of Laughter Emoticon
Cherry Red Cheek Smile Emoticon
Wink Emoticon

(parenthetical note here.. Women do not greet
non-family member men in Pakistan with literal
flesh and blood hugs nor do they usually shake
hands but the culture is slowly allowing non-family
members of the opposite sex to at least shake hands
but anyway Rafiah occasionally will invite an online hug at least..;)

AnyWay.. i return aGaiN with more complicated wit/friendly banter singing..

True and i remember you played that song before..:)

i continue on with..

And if you got the here of where i am giving you a hug n
never expecting one from you.. hehe.. as i am a realist too..;)

And then i go beyond small talk in this way and add Social Sciences in too..

True though.. Women will be soon driving in Saudia
Arabia so perhaps one day we all will greet each other with hugs of joy..:)

In other words times are changing..
And as Social Scientists do say Women
in Muslim Countries and Men will have these
Same Social Freedoms that we have in the U.S.
(yes.. i’ll be 90 by then but i already related to
Rafiah i’ll probably live to be 137 so that
means 47 years of Hugs if she lives
to be age 104 when we visit her then)
{parenthetical statement
ends as i continue heaR}
as far as Interpersonal
relationships go
by the
year 2050
in a little over a generation now..
and sure immigration to countries of greater
freedom and the Internet plays a Huuuge Role
in increasing the relative free will of the
in hugs
and hands
that say love the
greatest still in non-verbal expression all Natural
as Nature and God intended of course same where
restrictions come in ways of cultures and religions
who/that tend
to hold
God back
in us from being freer..
God don’t like chains in as
us and the real cLock time result of Chaining
God in as us Away from Touchy Feely Love results in all kinds of increased
human suffering and misery whether expressed or hidden now in dArk from
to aggression
to violence to
wishes for total
Apocalypse Destruction now
as seriously who wants the world
to end when opposite genders and even same genders hug..
Now off to Facebook Benny’s Page as i am kinda treading probably
in some shaky water with Rafiah as she doesn’t seem to like folks saying
much about
rules of
her religion still now.
In other words it’s beyond reproach..
a common theme as far as that stuff goes where i live too..
just a housing of a different named religion basic dogma same as humans
do naturally
too in
bonds of whatever
it takes to survive number one before truly thrive as freer..
in areas of scarcity in deserts and snowy mountain tops as such..:)

Now to the Benny Discussion as Benny a really big Miami
Dolphins Football Fan publicly commits to the
NFL Football Boycot saying no more
NFL Football this season for
him as of course
the players
are siding
with First Amendment
Rights as the Flag most definitely
represents Constitutional Rights
namely Freedom of Expression Number one
in other words if you are a real American in Constitution
way you respect the right to Freedom of Expression now
and suck up your disagreements or of course do your Freedom
of Expression and Boycott the protests as just another protest
and Freedom of Expression.. meanwhile Trump keeps the shit
eating grin as it was predictable what would happen next
as this was not much of an issue until he made
patriots of all the teams hehe as kind
of a pun now too owners players
and all teams as true Patriot
now as of course
the Constitution
and true meaning
of the Flag Trumps
Trump now..
but sure
Freedom of
Expression in the
Culture Wars continue
on in ignorance too..
anyway i go on to
say now too
in that discussion
too with Benny..

I’d rather do
Than watch..
For me
To just
But yeah..
Hehe.. Back
In ’72 and ’73
When i watched
The Dolphins..
They are
High in
’78 and
FSU in
’93.. after
i quit watching
The teams
Sucked but
It’s true i
FSU again
In ’13 and
As the

TRusT me NoW when i DancE
SinG i’M A God’s Cheerleader NoW iT’s
TRuE iN NiGHtLiGht “you want me on your side you
need me on your side” but it’s true too you might NOT
be able to ‘handle this truth’ STiLL NOW.. in other words
been around the block more than once
as a witness testament maker and
messenger as such.. 5 Million words
sure.. NoW iN terms of 6 Bibles..
3 New Testaments and 8000
Miles of Public Dance in 4 years
as the Witness and Dance Sings on..
Going Down isReaLNoW.. NoW MoRE
a half years
now but true 42
Months of Dance at Old Seville..
iN otHeR Words i Graduated from Spectator
And now i’m Director Producer and Actor and Player too..;)

Now back to another Facebook Status by Rafiah too..

When you are so committed with fictional characters that it affects your mental state.
Tag Pound Sign fangirlingforshivika

iN depth i add..

Truly our minds cannot taLe the difference according to Science..;)

In Real Life experience Rafiah Dances and Sings..

Fictional or not, they are very much real.
Green Heart Emoticon

i go on to clarify and validate our point of agreement..

True.. my FriEnd Rafiah and that’s my point too..
Deeper meaning too my friEnd is We have the
Potential to Create our own Happiness as
Greatest Gift from God isreal..
iN HUmaN IMaGiNaTiOn NoW
And CreaTiVity Driven by Love..
true it helps to get
up and
Dance too in Moving
Connecting and Creating too..:)

i continue on heAR NoW adding..

i Believe NoW that Rafiah has
Great Potential to be Happy in Life..
is her
M A iN
Guide.. in Grace and
You can’t go wrong with Love That’s Real..
But Sure a little Jack Nicholson don’t hurt
too much either heHe.. NoW too more
and Strength too.. NoW TrUE LiGhT
too Don’t Forget Once aGaiN God is
Dragon in you too.. i’m pretty sure
Rafiah HaS IS A
PoTenTial Fully too..;)


Hmm.. i tend to read stuff literally
first so i will do my best to answer
how the Lover in you is so passionate
that it amuses
you and it’s
true where i had
extremely strong
emotions and senses
when i was young they were
much too overpowering to figure
out with words and on top of that
in my culture there
was/is little to no
talk about
Male Emotions
too as Emotions and even
smiles back in those old School Days
were not something considered appropriate
for males to do and tears.. hell no.. no way unless
you are playing
and the
hit where
they really hurt.. hehe..
yeah that’s my only Memory
from Little League Baseball when
i played for the Pelicans at about 8 years
old.. when the Catcher got hit without protection
it really
hurts hehe..
anyway.. where i live
you mostly have to become
Superman to be a man for in terms
of mystical teachings from a Man Named
Jesus in the parts of the Gnostic Gospels that
were censored out for Heavens kNOw men were
not allowed to be real men back in them days for they
were trained to kill the opposing tribes when men are only
men without
the Divine other
paRT as the Teacher
in the Gnostic Gospels
ascribed to the female kind when
the other men said Mary Magdalene
in the Verse 114 of that Gospel of Thomas
and all other Women were not Spiritual enough
beings to enter
the Kingdom
of Heaven of
course they didn’t
even understand what
Jesus was saying as that
Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand
then still now in this Generation now still
for those who arrive in divine feminine grace
and love as foundation of Will and Strength and
of course those last two were and still are all of what
some men value as Life Loving Guns and Stuff like that
too Hunting
and other
making sure
their little boys
lose their empathy
and sympathy and compassion
too so they can surely muster the
Will to Kill Bambi’s Mother one day too..
hmm.. that’s a Young Deer’s Mother in case
you haven’t heard that Disney story either.. guessing you have
as you seem
to be up
on HeART
Felt stuff..
it’s true i cried
when i saw that movie
but if you are a boy you are
suppose to be thrilled to kill Bambi’s Mother
or maybe it was/is the Father.. could Google it but
writing in a flow for now.. anyway.. you probably get the
point as you too could shed tears over the Love of Nature
all too for
it’s true
are very attached
to their Mother’s with
the neurohormone oxytocin
in receptors therein tHeir physical body
emotions too.. in other words while they might
not have the words for all their complex emotions
never the less they experience them with the same
receptors for Neurohormones in that warm and fuzzy feeling
of Mammal
Bonding Love..
yes.. Feral Yellow Boy used
to be a killer 24/7 in the back
woods too.. there was a time before
that he was suckling his Mama Cat
like Bambi does too.. making kitty biscuits
of Love on Mama Cat Breasts too.. and now what
does he do
is his Mama Kat Now true..
nah.. he’s not sharpening his claws
on her soft belly now he is feeling love
Kat love as even reformed Cat Killers in Nature
do now true..
and hey even
Lions as Documentaries
Show can remember their
Domesticated Human Lovers in the
Wild too years removed for they remember
the scent of emotions of warm and fuzzy true
in the unique smell of their master same now true..
thing is i understood this before i read or saw any documentaries
or had any spoken words my
my Friend
for i Feel
Nature i Sense
Nature i Love all
Nature now true yes i have
spidey senses and feelings that love all now true..
and it’s True Culture did its damnedest down here
in Trump Fundamentalist Onward Christian Soldiers
ways to take that Love away from me and all my Creativity
too.. and
yes after
a long hard fight
of 19 years
of school
in Tandem
with 25 years of
active status in pay
working for the Military too..
they took my heART away in the cumulative
combined effort of all the stress i endured to keep
Love Real all those 33 years of work and 19 Years of school too..
And it’s true now when i think back at it i suppose i could get angry
at all of that but i won’t for you see they are the ones who lack A Prize of
Heaven’s LovENoW
i sHow
how to do
it most every
day when i Public Dance
in Feeling Emotions through
every cell of my body as regulating
a fine tuned Ferrari Engine of God’s Love
in Beyond iNFiniTy of just 12 Short Cylinders
Now WiTH Senses Integrating as a Feather
Floats through air to as i play with God’s
Gravity same
as Pure
i surf the air and water
my friend as i dance through God
meanwhile other folks they sit in the other place now..:)

Anyway.. A short answer
mY friEnd to how is the Lover
in you so passionate that Lover Amuses you now is..

TruTH iN LiGHTThaT LoVeR iS God NeVeR Send LoVE aWay.. Play.

Anyway.. Rafiah you make me Smile for in the first of the
last three of your posts you talked about a flat face
and sort of a distance from being
here and then about
penning pain
and that is
what we do
to our Dragon when
our Dragon Sprouts Wings with the Fire of Love
some people name it Saint Elmo’s Fire as Elmo
is just another name for Helen like my Mother’s
name that means BrinGeR oF LiGht TruENoW2
anyWay.. i have a SonG NoW
for this
And as alWays NoW More
Thanks for MuSinG God in Me
for God is thE Lover thaT wHo aRises
When Face
is Flat
And Feels
Love you.
Love me.
Love God.
Love ALL mY FRiEnD..
Yes.. You Have A FRED in FRiEnD
And it’s true if that God pArt wasn’t
bulging out this would even be a F now..
iN Left Justification View Different When Centered of course..:)

Oh by A way.. in case you didn’t
feel it this is that online Hug i promised you earlier on Facebook.. hehe..
and true back when i lost my emotions and desperately tried to get them
back for those Real 66 months of just Dragon Existence in Hell back then..
i couldn’t connect to anyone in the flesh and blood world.. i lost the feeling
and the sense and it literally even hurt every cell in my body to be around
anyone then..
it was
and gone
then.. so logically
i tried to remember love
and eventually make words
organic so they Love True2..
and that was so hard to do then..
in fAct i screamed at God to the top
of my Lungs at my Mother’s home and sure
you heard the story we used to watch Alfred Hitchcock
late at night in warm and fuzzies and she even gave me
Coffee to help with my ADHD then.. i was at her home and
i said Mama please help me bring that feeling back again
and i FucKinG Swear
i am so
i got
back so i could
Feel Her again before her Light went away..
Truth is that Light lives now doesn’t iT
Hear oN Rafiahs Blog now
to my Mother
And God they
have the NaMELoVe..:)



Second Poetic
Response visit
at Xenia’s place now..

Scents of
Life to
mY friEnd..
Dolphins Live to
Swim Dance Humans
LiFE MoveS oN..
Rain BrinGs
LEaves SpRing
SummeR FaLL it’s
Been rather dry HoT
as we water our Lawn noW
Refreshed iN A bacKyard NoW..
It’s coMe to my Attention Now
Sort of Like a Kmart Blue Light..
WeLL.. reAlly Not A First cLock
Special tiMe.. heHe NoW
but anyWay..
LiVinG LiFe
Art Verses
suReLY Seems to me
More Beautiful aS A DancE
SonG LonG PoeM NeVeR EnDinG STorY
BeYoNd iNFiNiTY alWays ChaNGiNG NoW
Space or Time
no cost no fee but free..
Wonderful Weekend to
you.. Dear FriEnd Xenia..
With Two Whippet
Tale Wags from
And Hand Shakes
of Love to Your Husband too..:)


Jesus F in Christ..
It’s not that hard
To understand..
Might seem
Like the
End of
World but
Turn the
Other Cheek
And don’t give
Up on Love and
Hehe.. Don’t Forget
The Bebe is
For ‘U2’..;)

Reference.. Justin
Bieber’s new 2U
David Guetta
None of
Had A Clue..;)

Being on the Alex
Jones show says
A lot about your
Overall Intelligence
And the Average
Mexican runs
Circles around
Your Standard
IQ.. Life is
More than
Words Dude
In other words
You are
And find
The Essence
Of Soul..

Poetry is about expressing what’s
Real.. you know that ‘thing’
‘named’ Human
Emotions true
it’s not A thing
As Far as Hard Angles
And Edges go of Words now
it’s more like AngELs and SonG
Emotions are Waves of Ocean that
move us even sitting still.. And Science
is Concrete where’s Cliffs can be the end
of the WiLL line
or the bottom
of a wave in left
justification view
True.. Poetry is also
about expressing Senses
And Dance is about Regulating
Emotions and Integrating Senses
for that of course is where Emotions
and Senses live in the Life of the Dance
that who moves within.. i’m not much for rhymes
unless they come with time and true i’m not much
for time as i tend to let my River Flow where sHe wants
to go.. so yeah.. the River is God and the Cliff is the stone
to a bottom of
an Ocean Lower in
Overall Human Intelligences..
Nah.. it’s not the stuff of systemizing..
not real poetry at least for when one stops
to visit numbers of syllables and or structure of
words the
Song stops
and the heART
Dies a little bit away from Free..
True.. i checked out a book on Creativity
in College as i wanted to Generate some Color
in my Black And White School Mind of Data Down
Load then.. but you see that’s not how Creativity works it
comes when it is Good and God Dam ready to Flow
And that’s MaGiC as it’s not predictable it is the
stuff that is Muse of deeper down as
millstone aRiSinG to the surface
and colors of life come
again.. so yeah..
one day then
uP as FLoweR
in me again since
perhaps at age 5 fully
before i entered Kindergarten
then.. it’s true i’m 5 years old again now
And the TrutH and liGht is i’m home with God
Living within Free again.. and it’s true God needs
no guidelines or instructions from anyone else for
God is the Force
of Love
that colors life more
than stones of words without feeling
and senses more so what are we working for
or even going to school for.. for decades on in
(hint: money mostly)
what’s real
letters of stone..
true though even in
Stone God moves at smallest details..
Seeing the Bigger Picture is born again..
And here’s the deal for those of us who travel now
to more of God’s Colors we never say we have the
last word for God alWays is the First
before any
at all
and it’s
True God is
Nature and Nature is Divine..
And that’s not hard to see when
Creativity becomes life once again as Free..
that’s A ‘thing’ about ‘John 14:12’ too as metaphor
repeated time out of time Cross Cultures that are Free..
is Free limitless
with no expectations
possible to truly imprison
either and or God when Free now
you might ask yourself why are some
folks born with characteristics of both so
named genders as far as even down to the
details of sexual organs.. you might ask yourself
why are some folks born different in general and why
do some folks like this or that body part more to touch
than the other one
perhaps and you might
ask why does that person
have different color skin and
why does that person walk with
a limp and why does the day have
to end now after a beautiful Twilight
Sunset with darkness without
sight well it’s true you can
Create in dArk and when
you tell God God is
Evil for being
Night and
God puts you back in
your place eventually
as dust again.. thing is while
you are living you have the opportunity
to Dance and Sing or sit still and stagnate
and become the millstone that dies at the bottom
of the Ocean Alive.. Meanwhile.. Don’t tell God what to do..
For Nature NoW is the Master who never dies within.. alive..:)

Got a Secret for you..
Deep Down we are all
Sluts.. Healthy Humans
in Healthy Environments
at least mostly as
even shows
with our closest
Polyamorous Ape
Cousin the Bonobo living
in small Tribes like other so
named primitive humans do in
small homogenous societies
using sex for all that is great
pleasure together freely instead
of living on frustration discontent
aggression violence and apocalyptic
so far out of the realm of the Original
Dreams of that Greek word that
means lifting the Veils
of Ignorance
iN LIGht
one must be brave
enough to admit they
are human to see God of as Love
over frustration discontent aggression
violence and dreams of ending the FucKinG World..
‘thing’ is it just won’t work with Humans now.. we’ve ruined
our potential for being Happy Loving Sluts for the fact that
we developed tools to separate us in illusions of Cultural Clothes
and by God and really heterogenous and overpopulated too for
it’s true humans do naturally shy away from different let’s not lie
to ourselves about that reality of our Nature true no matter
how not politically correct the Truth can be.. deep down..
we have become
the idols of those
Clothed tools
in the Words
we speak so divorced
from emotions and senses
for it’s true all other animals
live poetry in every dance of life..
and it’s true some of those other animals
are monogamous too like some humans true..
never the less it is the libido that seals our fate..
it grows
or dries up
so sure.. slut on
at least a little bit hehe..
just call me Pan of the Forest
every once in a while i come out
of hiding and Shawna baby is one
Best Friends
in the paNhanDle over hear..
Seriously there is Sexual Intelligence too..
Hey.. CNN is doing a special on it with Lisa Ling
so the reality of a lack of rise and dried up Forests is coming to attention..
in a larger
being too
namely the United States too..
but true AS History and all Societies
show now a Country that loses its
rise and becomes a dry forest
to truly
thrive over
just survive if they end up making
it in the longest of runs of
Lust.. Lust is what NoW
powers now STiLL most all
creativity and productivity
rise it down kill it off and
FucKinG dry up..
yeah.. slut on
a *little” bit at least..;)

*Still Providing Bonobo Handshakes all for free..;)

just sET
your ‘Vagina’
(quotes added
so it won’t seem
really real hehe)..
Free the Heaven
WiLL Naturally Follow
as the Spirit aRises Free..
Dr. Ruth (Fred) Suggests that
you and your Husband do a Sex
Tape Video and check how many
views you get.. as ‘time’ goes long..
it’s like
that movie
‘Sex Tape’
but it’s all
anonymous really
as about a Billion or
so folks have already ‘added stuff
to the pot’.. as they do hehe.. naturally
now don’t get me wrong ‘i don’t know if this
really works’ hehe.. umm.. but chances are
(REAL consensual porn is the FucKinG best)
you and your husband might get rid of
all your illusory
fears and
go to Heaven
now if you leave
your fears about
Your Nature behind as ‘they do’ too.. hehe..
And no.. don’t ask me for any links as you already
you wanna
see my wife’s butt..
just kidding you kNow
i couldn’t talk Katrina into
doing that (giving you a link like that)..;)
(:* Shawna scratching head thinking do i really
wanna leave this Blog up.. what if ‘they’ find out i’m
talking to that
Shorts on.. true i’m
not all that impressive..;)
anyway.. just remember
both of us have Beautiful
Voices in the Church Choir
on SuN Days.. Morn
Venus Star Bright..
for it’s true
Director alWays
eNjoys Sex most)..;)
Seriously.. mY 6 Bibles and 3 New Testaments..
All FucKinG 5 Million Words in 4 years and that
8000 Miles of Women Desired Public Dance.. yes..
(it’s true some women like the poetry better true2)
And my newest “MacroVerse 800 New World Love”
After a metaphor of some destruction and a new rapture
of Love as remember it’s just a play and i’m not really doing
it now.. nah.. it’s not really going up is it.. anyway you are what
Love ya Doll Face Shawna Baby..
but it’s true i rarely ever have the
Bill Clinton Definition of Sex.. ugh
the Definition
of Modern
works over hear..
explains a lot huh..
sure.. i’m not perfect.. i am just a ‘little’ human being..
And don’t worry NoW i’ll stay at least two posts behind
no one will ever really notice me.. Thief’s in Broad daylight and
that hehe..
i’m like a time bomb..
i won’t go off until
my next
on the
neXt planet
hehe.. it tEnds
to work that way..
on the other hand
maybe i’ll just do Bonobo
neXt and totAlly FucKinG relaX
in Heaven now.. (the truth FinALLy comes out)…;)

What a relief it is
to get all that out.

relax don’t do it do it etc….

Keeping in mind of course i am
old enough to be your Father
as you approach the age of 40..
advice.. no
Daddy heaR..;)

True though.. it’s never too late.

Anyway.. who do you think i Play
best the Devil or the Angel Character in this Play
at hand as ‘they’ say do it all no restraints FucKinG LiVE
as life
it’s worth it all to me.
Life is the only Miracle NoW that’s Real
Make it Heaven and or Hell or and LiVE iT aLL isReaL..:)

Oh yeah.. Sorry
about your
Strep.. you know
i always read the
comments next
to all those
in your household
currently experiencing
communicable disease..
hmm.. perhaps i should
just give up and be Sheldon Cooper..
Clark Kent.. Bruce Wayne.. ETc.. ET aL..
the truth comes out..;)


HoTTesT SeaFooD FeSTiVaL
iN ReCoRDeD HiStorY THaT
NeW ‘TRaNe’ EXceLLeNT InvestmenT.

Good Morning Call for an Uprising
YouTube Dude WWJD as ‘they’ STiLL
say What Would Jesus Do..NoW as that
relates to the Teachings in a New Testament
This morning i am bringing you A Parable
of the Kneeling and Standing men on a
Field.. noW it’s not directly On Topic
As Parables Dance and Sing
but on the other hand NoW
for those who follow
in certain footsteps
in a story it
still can
relate to what’s
overall going on.. Happy reading
and it’s true.. while i rarely agree with
almost anything you say here.. i haven’t
Totally dusted off my sandals and left
for you haven’t told me i’m not welcome..
hehe.. in other words.. you haven’t deleted
my comments so that makes you least a
Gentleman in terms of Humanity
in this way my friend.. so in other
word.. this is your Sunday
Morning Gift on
10.1.17.. just
me to you but true this is far from the
only Social Media Avenue for this for
you or any of your other commenters
here too who have A Attention sPan to
take me in..
all in
say too.. heHe.. Have A Nice Sun Day..
696th Comment Coming heAr now too..;)

Still Working on ‘800th New World Love MacroVerse’
But in case you didn’t get the link to what preceded
thaT heaR iT iS AGAiN jUSt for you and otHeRs too..;)


OtherWise.. you can if you will nAMe this just another October Surprise.. Hehe..;)

Facebook Friend Ashley provides
A very respectful opinion on the
FB (Football not Facebook but
sure Facebook Controversy too)
by suggesting that in her opinion kneeling
is defiance and standing together is unity in
her personal preference for protest as that relates
to the NFL FB Newest Administration sworded
Controversy so i go on to respond in kind..

“(of an argument or reaction)
directed against a person rather
than the position they are maintaining.”

Otherwise known as “ad hominem”

When discussing differences of opinions gentlemen
and gentlewomen do not lower themselves to the
lowest level of human communication.. otherwise
also known as the cesspool of personal
attacks. SMiLes.. in other words if one
doesn’t have the words to make
a point of opposition in
opinion that makes
sense one avoids
saying things
like that person or person(s)
over there is an SOB.. Back visiting on the
‘Wrong Planet’.. a place where the common
standard IQ for debating was/is 140 to 160 and
all anyone cared to do in a particular forum was
debate differences of opinions on Philosophy
Religion and Politics that are actually
all religion and including sports
in the sense that the broadest
definition of Religion is
that which binds
together with
common meaning and
purpose and moreover in religion
and philosophy.. terms like Holy and
Sacred are used to describe that bond..
And if a person really wants to come into most
any human group way of thinking as at core.. group
thinking is a bind that can be named religion too at basic
definition that person otherwise commonly known now on the
Internet as a Troll comes in with an emotionally driving Personal
Attack and of course those who bind together over a common
purpose and meaning or even basic caring about their
brother or sister or friend or just a person seen
as a fellow human being come to their
defense and as metaphor hold
hands against that too.. and
‘real men and women’
avoid lowering themselves
to the level of the ‘troll’ who provides
the emotionally driven personal attack and
respond in unity to be the bigger person.. hard
for some folks to do as they move from turn the
other cheek to an eye for an eye.. so you now present
your opinion with grace and quite Frankly people who
cannot handle respectfully provided differences of opinions
are not secure in their own opinions and that works the same
way with what we call A term as Faith.. If Faith is real and if Friends
are real they are not afraid of different opinions and if a man is real
and a woman is real as humanity
they don’t resort to personal
attacks against their
fellow humanity
they treat
them as what they
are pARTS of God who
are all equally important..
There are two ways of ruling and really
living life in general.. Hope and Love in Harmony Unity
and Peace NoW per the rules of the story of Jesus according
to those people who developed that story through their personal
Holy Spirit Accounts or go the other way of so-called Satan and
Rule through Fear and Hate in Discord and Division per Chaos
per the rules of Human Devils and Demons.. smiles.. notice
i didn’t mention any names.. now..
like that Woman over in Puerto Rico
who in desperation issued a plea to
hurry up someone help us now to survive…
i will never protest anything in this country in
refusing to stand up for the Flag for i understand clearly
that the only reason i am alive with my differences is i live in
a country with a Constitution that protects people who are different..
in other words.. if i lived in a Muslim Country i’d probably be dead
NoW for they don’t have separation of church and State and i don’t
believe God puts any man above another man or Woman either..
in other words.. i will never say Muhammad is the last or first
of anything for God is all.. always now.. so.. sure.. they
could kill me for that.. but on the other hand
if anyone talks about my Mama by
calling me a Son of a Bitch.. trust
me they wouldn’t want to
see what is behind
my shades..
but on the other hand
i would use words instead of swords.
wisdom instead of ignorance and wit now
instead of personal attacks but you see not every
one is gifted like that so other folks use other ways
to protest.. as ‘they’ say.. ‘who i am to judge’ as long as they
don’t break any local.. state or federal laws and who i am i to even
say as their ain’t no way
anyone in the USA
is gonna limit me
to 280 Characters except
for the 63 Thousand or so character limit in
a Facebook Status.. in other words.. hehe..
it’s harder to Fuck with a Hurricane of Words and
if someone now can’t handle your respectfully driven
difference of opinion here on FB they don’t fall within the
parameters of what i would name a friend.. Have a great day..
Ashley.. every once in a while i actually talk to friends.. SMiLes with Love..:)


Planet very much like ours it is..
Planet temperate in temperature with a true Paradise
abundant resources of natural
foraging and hunting food..
in complete
the name of this planet
from the constellation
On this Planet.. A peaceful easy loving
species of upright
and amazing
flourish together as ONE
it is not always this way..
at one point there are clans of males and females
who fight against each other
The females are the stronger part of Raccunis Society..
so they keep the Kits
after birth and through maturity at this time in
Raccunis history..
but as the Art of Love flourishes..
amazing abilities of Telepathy come..
along with the Raccunis way of chatter as voice and song..
but something else happens..
the Raccunis
Peoples learn balance and increasing balance in everything they do..
as they live by instinct and intuition with never the need to create
collect materialistic goods..
they begin to live a Culture of True Unconditional Sacred Love..
and in doing so they find the feminine and masculine spirit lives in all
and finally the warring clans of males and females
accept that they are truly similar
The change in consciousness is AMAZING and then Love really takes off..
through the art of Dance and Song..
they find through
looking within
powering their subconsciousness through
instinct and intuition NoW then that at core..
they can create their own reality through
the atomic energy that is they
at core of Raccunis being…
At will they can
shape shift
into whatever it is in their environment that is alive
At this time they develop greater and greater powers of empathy and
they become so loving that they can feel pain and suffering on
other planets with no limits of space.. distance..or time…
So they yearn to help others
and yes..!
they finally find a way to escape time.. distance.. space.. and travel
in spirit and shape themselves into the form of beings that need their help…
They hear a call.. a struggling call.. a desperate call for help…
There are peoples on a planet very much like Raccunis
with mostly ocean and about a quarter land..
much more volatile planet it still is.. though…
The Ghost Dance of the American Indians call to them..
they are praying to the Great Spirit that help will come to
save their loving way of living with Nature from
The Raccunis come and tell them that they will help but it will not be easy..
they must dance together as two different peoples at core of heart..
and yes.. they must love each other to produce a spiritual
hybrid Human/Raccunis at atomic core of being..
with LOVE naturally at genetic core..
to awake when the time of
change comes
a ONE world order of LOVE…
Then the Raccunis Telepathic..
will awake in humans of all colors..
as the Raccunis gene is spread all over the world..
instinctually and intuitively they will
know they are different but yet the same..
as all others.. and they will teach others..
through dance and words of Raccunis Love..
this is not the first time the Raccunis people come to earth..
they also come in the time of Pyramids..
both in Egypt and Mayan peoples time
in India and China.. too
and yes..
they come around 2000 years ago..
and attempt a Revolution of Love then..
it is time
for all
Dance and Sing



Yeah..  true ‘the’ story changes in human cLock time but not much..;)


Gilligan’s Island.. Challenge
to play all 7 roles
folks.. hehe..
could be difficult.. likely
challenging but yes.. possible
yes.. with the Power and Force
oF Creating our own reaLiTies now..
yeaH as they say.. live laugh and love
what else do you do on a Raptured Island
as Such.. hehe.. in Heaven now.. where all
is beach
so are you..
Child’s Play as
‘they’ Dance and Sing
too.. jUSt.. AnotHeR Day
in Paradise as the Hottest
Seafood Festival Days drop
from closer to 100 Degrees F
to Eighties then Seventies and
then Sixties as after all the best
music with timbre texture and
diversity is created then
for that is when
a Song
on its
own without the
dressing it up with glitter
more than substance.. but
sure.. there are still songs and
dance like this one must just YT
seek and find until Gilligan’s Island
comes real.. in other words.. don’t be the
Tool as even A Musical Instrument.. BE Deeper the
Dance and Song that creates without vessels of sold..
anyWay.. works for me(us) and in a really long day as we
aGaiN.. well.. yeah..
i was gonna publish ‘first’
this “October ’17 Surprise”
but otHeR Surprises came
first on Gilligan’s Island that
is actually mine and hers..
as the story goes on
timeless no
or distance
as this Island iS forevernow
as Beach.. Whether Forest Yellow
StreAMs as ‘they’ Sing in “Kashmir”
or Gulf Beach where ‘those’ who are
Erased are born again as Beach Again too..
yeaH.. Lighten Up.. don’t just be the Bulb.. Be thE LIGht
Laugh and Love..
no Trump TowerS heAr
Baby but this is Heaven..
And Heaven Trumps it all.. now
at least that is what ‘Jesus’ does/dos NoW
unlesS he broke his promise now as us.. NOW


CoMe TogEtHeR..
RhYme coMes BeforE
ReaSon when Life FLows
As A River of God beCoMes
Ocean Whole
heHe.. NoW
in otHeR
Words.. Gilligan’s
Island is Illuminati Certified
hAha.. ’cause it predicts the
Future not much different really
than ‘The “Great” Dictator’ speech delivered
by Adolph Hitler Charlie Chaplin Mussolini
Stalin Trump Same in terms of Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Lower Levels of Pyramid
Populist Leaning worries in lack
of subsistence and basic
safety needs.. forget
about self-esteem
and the transcendence
of the ‘Jesus Hero’ way of Life
when one lives on the bottom levels
Trumps become the ‘anti-christ’ saviors in promising
this and that as Gilligan so nicely illustrates
in that role too.. and oh my God! ILLUMINITI!
words simply God Meme’s otherwise known as
Human Archetypes time out of time no distance
space either that travel through the ages.. Horus
the Virgin Birth.. Hercules the Virgin Birth
And even in some circles.. Buddha
the Virgin Birth too and oh
yeah.. Jesus around
the 25th of December
same as the other Mediterranean
area Hero Stories.. just so happens in
Human Archetype experience way STiLL to
be the three days after the Winter Solstice
when in the Northern Hemisphere the Days
actually Grow Longer toward the Summer Solstice
of June in other words a Sun oF LIGht is born again
and oh yeah.. just a coincidence but the 25th of December
in 2010 also the day through a Mountain of eye and ear pain
i mustered up the Christmas Spirit to sCan/put up (upload) my Baby Avatar on
the ‘Wrong Planet’ then.. with a really weird inWard thOught heHe.. maybe
this is just another
Birth of an
Jesus lasting
a thousand years or so..
as just an iNsiDe joKe aS Such Hehe..
of course that was/is well before i wrote 6 Bibles..
3 New Testaments and a Longest in History Long Form
Poem in 4 years at 5 Million Words Named “SonG oF mY SoUL”
including 12 Million or so words as the 7th Birthday of that
online existence does come on Thanks Giving Day of 2017 too..
wRiTE ABout when the Justice League Movie comes out too for real too..
aLong with 8 Thousand Miles oF Public Dance in the same period of 4 years..
thing iS is.. ‘i Ain’t Lisa’.. i’m just doing John 14:12 and be all you aLL
can/WiLL be as the Army and Justice League of Heroes through all ages STiLL NoW
oF God/Nature meMes and theMes in Humankind and fearless couRaGE comes nexT.. hehe..
so seriouSly NoW as far as sigNatures beforE reaSons and Hurricanes too.. A Matthew
Came First in 9.16 per the Beatitudes too and a ‘Dear Leader’ too in terms of running
against in political ways of this and that of all Verses 1 through 11 in Chapter 5 Of Matthew
and did anyone pay attention to Hurricane Matthew in ways of the Bottom of Maslow’s Pyramid
well.. hell no..
they were more
worried about themselves
and immediate families then
than The State of Love as that
is how survive over Love Thrive
goes in the bottom Floors of
Maslow’s Pyramid RiSinG
Greater toward
Heaven PoTenTiaLs
Love Laugh Life and sure
the Fowler Rise of Faith
as Agape Love too.. and it’s
true the Newest Superman as admitted
by his Creator.. yes.. a Comic Creator for the Big
Screen Dude and pART of God as Illuminati TruTH LiGHT NoW
iN Real Life SinGs oN A ReaL TrutH and LiGHT as she and
he and us Do Dance and Sing.. MaKinG this Superman
as A MeMe of ‘the’ Historical Storied Jesus too..
and yes.. the Beatle’s Song used as theMe
for this Movie MeMe too coMe togetHeR
for the Cover Song i am
is surely
AJesus story
meMe NoW and
thEme too for sure tHeRe
Are dARk Joker Clowns off of
BAtman and the such and LiGHT
Joker Clowns like me and oTheRs too
who don’t go by the sword rather the Fili and
Bard Poet Parable Wit as such in Wisdom and
LiGht and Naked Fearless Grace and Strength
Beauty dePending heHesHe on the eYes
of the Beholders of even my
Male Victory
Secrets CoMinG iN Glory
LiVinG and Dead JuDGiNG2
HaHa.. so yeah.. ‘then’2
Category 5 Matthew came
Last September as an “October ’16
Surprise” and perHaps a few saw some
symbolism and synchronicity to that a-causal
connecting principle all Natural event as Normal
Rather Super Normal as such for all is Nature all is
God cALL ALL Super Nature or CaLL iT aLL Nature iT iS aLL
Now bottom/top lineS of reaLiTy NoW.. And wHen Synchronicity
MaGiC iSReaL MaGiC coMes in the river that replaces Human MiN
NoW CLock tiMe as far as disTance and sPace goes too.. iN FerTiLiTY WRiTEs too
aS SeASoNS it surely seems like A Night Before Christmas alWays Now wheN in
Synch with God’s wHOle Ocean as Rhyme beCoMes liFe MoreOVeR JoYouS PlaY over
ReAson more.. anyWay.. a choice to make.. ‘New World Love 800th MacroVerse’..
or “New World Love October ’17 Surprise”.. WeLL.. Considering that Hurricane
Mary and Joseph CoMes iN the Atlantic with smaller Hurricane Katia in the Gulf
in September ’17.. perhaps this is an October ’17 Surprise or not but
the Second
to Create
iT aLL CoMinG
toGeTher a little
more than the first
so WE’LL go with this
Second as that First as
A final countdown continues more alWAys NoW..:)

And yes.. Years to Date MacroVerse Shares coming soon..
and while in this New “Facebook Profile Pic Bible 2018”
Coming title for just another Million Plus Word Bible
likely published on or about Memorial Day of ’18
as far as noting the title officially as such by then
too out of close to 6 Million Words of overall
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” and New
Testament.. Revelation2.. as every
word of every now of every
do of every life experience
of everyone and all of creation
now is always a New Testament
of existence anyWay NoW.. yes..
a witness too.. duh.. as that is what
all human reciprocal and other animal
communication both non-verbal and verbal
is anyWay.. a Witness of Consensually understood
or misunderstood.. Reciprocal Social Communication
heHe.. reaLiTy NoW.. Animals.. the fuzzier ones too..
Tend to Dance more than Talk so there is less Trump
Bullshit as far as dARk Joker Hyena Animals now per
Circle of Life MeMe’s too.. or was that the Haggard
Looking Lion perHaps you get the overall point..
AnWay yes yes back to the stARting point
now i don’t usually include MacroVerse
quotes in this New Bible year
like the Raccunis Story
Short.. or MicroVerses
either.. did that more with
PHI Bible for up to date then/now
posterity purposes but will go a little
with my MicroVerses to date of past here for in the
Facebook Memories that came to day in MicroVerse years to date
way now they just seem to fit in so i am including this and that now too..
NO.. i am not promising it like a Trump Lie i am including it juST Now.. too..
It’s True.. Trump is making anotHeR Disturbance in the Karmic eye by his reckless
Actions threatening my South Korean Beautiful Dance Girls Home of origin still too..
And perhaps
if there is
room heaR
i will provide a Song
symbolizing all my Love
for their Delicate Innocent Domesticated Nature True too..
perHaps with a Yellow Cat of Warm and Fuzzy True too..
tRust me the Human Karmic eye is more powerful than
any Trump Nuclear Bomb ever conceived simply ’cause
it is driven by THE most powerful Existence Force in the
UniVerse NoW LoVE trUSt me or not Doubt me not..
to lift
a finger more than eYe..
nah.. no Swords heAR NoW..
JusT iS God jUSt God eMpoWeReD NoWiN..;)

The Father
of all
doubt.. envy..
jealousy.. pride..
anger.. collecting
and most sadly
of all
Father of
of ALL
While the world
is busy worrying
about fiscal
in a new government
year.. others of
us totally don’t
give an
F and
in abundant
Health and Love..
sure.. tHeRe are
two paths
of Heaven
and Hell..
Hell is paved
with green print
and Heaven
is paved
hearT and
miNd and
SoUl jUSt
Truly it is about
naked balance..
hide the fruit
and trees
to reproduce
more.. when
fruit is
it’s time
to get
and dance
my friend..
can see
the simple
Truth and Light
in that eternal
this time
and time
again.. NoW
only the real
devils clothe humans
in ways of fear
Ah.. the Moon and
We.. eARTh.. slOwLy dRift
apArt.. 2 inches a yEar..
oh.. bIRTh
and deATh
Oh.. N0w
N0W.. aLL iS
Home.. a place
we search
lost it seems
forgotten NoW
in childhood
for those
and close
enough.. Nature
sTiLL cAlls..
oh.. culTurAL
noise you
out GOD
so lie
i A
Funny.. how true
that story about
can be
gaining ALL
NoW iN hUman
heArt expresSinG
spiRit.. as emoTiOns
Art… iN MiNd and body
BaLanCinG a SoUl aLiVe..
A greaTest
priSon my
is prisoN
of mind and
body out of BaLanCinG
in only pain.. always NOW..
where Jail is respite
for at least
could be..
anything.. now
i have no idea
how you feel..
but do kNow
what IS to
of human
HeLL.. all I can
say friend.. is when
all feeling is gone..
worse than the worst
pain known to mankind
yes.. worse than crucifixion
that i for one survive named
atypical trigeminal neuralgia
from wake to sleep from wake
to sleep.. for 66 months..
mine NoW are words.. NOW
this.. yoUrs.. then.. that
now.. you speak.. more
less now..
tHeRe is
pain.. then..
but miracles
do happen..
yes they
to the
of humans
as the
i for one am
then.. yes..
an angEL NoW
can be a dEvil
and then angel
again.. and i WiLL
gladly experience this
again and again.. in hopes
of preventing just one person
but that’s
what happens
when a person
gains the empathy
of BeYoND
A WiLL to
Live is A
Gift of ALL..
the serpent
rules ALL
NoW from
to end my
or not..
STiLL our
greaTesT aLL
friend.. the
snake my friEnd..
the means to life LusT and LovE ThrivE ALiVE..:)
Oh yeah and by A way tHeRe are 7 folks
on Gilligan’s Island.. 7 Original
Justice League Members
in that comic
in November of 1960..
(me born on 6.6.60)
And 7 Women in AoA
in other words
3.. 7’s
And the Gospel
of Thomas Favorite
Verse of MiNne is 37
and 114 ranks up tHeiR
aS WeLL as “115” for MaLes
that i am writing now too.. heHe..
just the converse of 114 as the story moVeS oN eVen MORE..
anyWay.. it’s trUe.. i aM IlluMiNaTi CerTiFiED too and iF you
look up a Picture of the Egyptian God of Fertility MiN perHaps
tHat wHo WiLL make
of Feel
For what
dRives most
‘snakes’ to survive..
Remember the New Testament
And all that stuff no member of all less Holy
and Sacred
waVe OcEaN wHOle
aS it’s the Motion
of the overall Ocean
(hint: spiraling ‘9’/’6′ force
more specificAlly 1.618 PHI)
tHat/wHo counts most as
RhYme over reaSon
in otHeR
is correct..
size matters not
it is the HeART of the
Ocean that GroWs MoST and
Women are more into heART words
than photos anyWay heHE..NoW
i aim
to plEase
who i love most..
yes.. Love is an Ocean
With Waves that vary
From Still to Raging Red HoT
LuKe..not just a FucKinG Word..
And it’s true while i don’t usuAlly
touch ‘them’ much these eARTh WoMeN are so Beautiful to See
Even more than a Sunset of Colors that feel and sense so much more.:)


On this day i modified
A story (10.1.2017)
about ET
that came
3 years earlier..
True.. Time Stamps don’t lie
iN Draft Comment Sections either.. hehe..
anyWay.. reAlly
see ya
later Shawna
Baby.. just dropping
by some lines while i continue stARTinG
FiNiShInG an ever changing never ending nether landing title too as
MacroVerse Bible Story now to date as “New World Love October ’17 Surprise”..:)
So.. the Wife Katrina currently enjoying and dismayed too in TV Land.. sadly true..
just notifies me alternately in UniVerSe toTaL LiGht and dARk sPeak.. NoW more..
that another
very dArk ’17
October Surprise
is evident this morning
in record terms of Rampage
Killing in Las Vegas numbers of
Carnage to date measure 58 Deaths
and 515 Injuries rating as just another
Country Record in terms of Mass shooting
now.. so.. true.. Doomsday Stories continue on and
the Doomsday Smells haven’t left yet.. now as altered
smells after losing smells go too.. still hoping for that
Love Surprise and even Trump says that’s what the US
is all about so sure let’s see what happens next and in terms
of Major Factors
with Rampage
Killings already studied
in detail by me and the other egg
head folks on the Wrong Planet too..
sure.. in terms of views over 80 thousand
folks as Google Searchable still atop of the
list results in Google Word Search terms too..
it’s true i get around all over the place.. heHe
And no topic of Humanity is off topic for ‘A’
UltiMate Anthropologist now as far as words
go in total measurement too.. sure.. views in terms
of Amateur Voyeur Public Dancer Facebook Captures too..;)

True.. now.. i kid you not this is another one of my fine detailed
(And as always as Scientist and Artist got the proof now too)
Studies in the Anthropological Study of Human now.. and the
profile here is the standard one since the 60’s of Older Middle
Age men or so who have lost most of their Social Roles if they
ever had ones to begin with.. yes.. like Religion and Political affiliation
too now as those are parts of religion and social binds as religion same..
isolated..perhaps a Girl Friend who went away.. a Divorce perhaps too
and empty feelings of eventual powerless and disenfranchisement
from Society even if with money and gambling to boot.. the empty
‘small man’ syndrome too.. add in a machine
gun mix and voila doomsday
comes for those
anyway.. ‘the number one factor’ studied in
details on the Wrong Planet too.. the importance
STiLL NoW oF Social Roles Number one in humankind
and particularly mankind roles moreover as women
more often bind together and men more often go
in lone wolf roles.. if you don’t think church
and state is important for social roles
perhaps you should
think again..
we all
now and
A Social
glue that keeps us
from coming unhinged..
particularly when there are
clues of close relatives who have
gone down similar criminal roles for
money and power and status in all the
ways that comes from the soul that has lost
(yes biology/genetics do count too as well)
the glue
social glue love more..
nah don’t get rid
of church as it is one of the only
things now along with closer political
affiliation.. eTc.. left and right for man
human and of course that helps prevent
A potential human man bomb from going off..
and OMG.. don’t get rid of NFL NASCAR EtC that too..
And True.. Machine Guns like Global Warming does not
Create Hurricanes or Mass Killers but the destruction and
kill counts come higher with either the Fuel of Ocean Heat
or simply the delivery of bullets more per second as more folks die..
Truly sad..
but not at all
unexpected.. take
care of the Social
Glue in Society or suffer
the anarchy even more that comes next..
just pArT of KArma the LiGHT and sadly dARK too..
leArn some LesSons and support the social glue or
the other
in both
human and
Nature consequences coming next..
seriously.. it’s like one plus two is three.. it’s common sense..
true.. though.. some folks don’t understand math or common logic same.,
in other
they kNow
NoT what they are doing totAlly NoW..
And yeah.. after modifying and updating
that story about Raccunis Love i really wanted
to wear a Racoon Shirt out to Dance but the only
one i had was Guardian’s of the Galaxy with a Machine
Gun Weapon Strapped around his fur.. now.. don’t get me
wrong i fully understand why women and ‘little men’ who are
afraid of the unknown seek to carry and own guns as equalizers
too.. not everyone can do something like Aikido to easily disarm
an attacker
too.. but on
the other hand
if i had owned a
gun of any kind that i could
operate during the real suicide
disease as named in medical literature
yes too as Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
Worse than A Pain of Crucifixion from wake
to sleep.. if you can imagine dentist drill like
pain in your right eye and ear for 66 months from
wake to sleep with no other break but sleep.. it’s
not that hard if you can really imagine pain that
extreme what would have become of me if
i had any gun at all to shoot bullets
then in my head as i hoped
to be even doused
with gasoline
and set on fire
as that pain was preferable
of hell fire too than worse than
Crucifixion Pain then as Death
as end and its then ever lasting Hell on
Earth and if you don’t understand what it’s
like to be Jesus/Job and really go to hell than
you possibly understand why Jesus would never
ever sentence.. a real Jesus at least.. anyone tHeRE
for even one
that lasts
a thousand years as hell on Earth
so.. before you condemn somebody
spend some time in hell like i did on eARTH and
perhaps you too will earn yOuR AngEL WinGs too..
oF turn the Other Cheek Empathy Sympathy and
Compassion For what we all have in common is the
and grace
of death
to erase
the thousand
years of hell that
lasts that many years in one second on earth now..
but you see.. even so.. i’m happy i didn’t have a gun..
and trust me when i say you or one of you other family
members is much more likely to die from your gun than
any one that comes to harm you now.. statistics show the truth of this
believe it
or not
and Horatio too..
never the less i support
your Second Ammendment
rights as not everyone is a Real Big man of Love now
Fearless as such Dancing Singing Naked without Guns
Verse 37 of Tom
coMe to reaLITy NOW TrUE2..;)


As far as official New Testaments..
Jesus gives us all the authority now
to do greater works than him simply
by doing the Essence of his Teachings
now real. Sadly.. very
in the Teachings
of Jesus this way
as go out into the
pews and ask
done John 14:12 or even heard it
lately.. so i did.. still do.. prove me
wrong for where my authority coMes..
And Here’s another Clue.. the Original Greek
Writing of that New T never truly indicated ‘the’ Son
of God in alignment with Psalms.. the original writings
indicate ‘A’ Son of God in complete alignment still with
the Psalm that sung the same song way back then even
in “Official” Old Testament Days and moreover in Common
Sense how in the World Would ‘God in Three Persons’ above
all other humans humbly say you can do anymore than ‘me’
unless ‘me’ is truly
love and wishes
even more for
tHeir Children
in the Kingdom
of Heaven always
promised in this and
every generation now..
within we all now always
Sadly.. very few people
understand these self
evident truths provided
all by God that/who lives within
same authority same character
God is us all Free when escaping
from the prisons of Words Fundamental
Twisted from ‘The Original God’ with no Cultural clothes at all…
The first Show of the Fox Network ‘Lucifer’ Season in Fall comes
tonight.. it’s really a Great show for it shows a Merciful God who
forgives living in that metaphor that John Milton Created as a Devil
as Lucifer that was never even in the Bible in the first place like that..
And it’s also true// the old Story about Gabriel’s Trumpet is an old Negro
Folk Spiritual Song that the KKK stole as their own Biblical story too among
many others of course.. too.. My Question is.. does anyone actually read
(rhetorical one)
‘the Bible’
today other
than what they
hear in pews now
true it’s beyond now
even the new standard
of 280 Characters but also
some of us do our homework
more and finish our God Greater Works true too..
it’s amazing how butt hurt some folks get when the truth comes out..
but the most amusing thing is if they really insist Jesus is ‘the’ God now
above all other humans what this means is in John 14:12.. ‘he’ is promoting
that ‘you’ can be that Actual Metaphor of the Lucifer Satan by John Milton now.

How Haiku
Haibun Now..;)

(note: to the owner
of this blog just using
this for a muse for ‘the’
Longest Long Poetry Bible.. “SonG oF mY SoUL’
NoW iN Form as Essence in ‘the’ World at 5 Million
words.. Please feel free to delete this if it makes you
at all uncomfortable too.. copy and paste is enough for me..;)

And while i rarely comment heaR.. ‘the’ Muse you provide in
Poetry aLong the way IS also been Instrumental in ‘A Great
Work’ from the overall muse from God i do too.. so thank you
Morgan.. i take all that i do very seriously with Thank You too…;)

And i would go to the
original place for this re-blog but
why raise a stir that no one will see..
so easy to be A second ‘thief’ in broad band day way ‘these nights’..;)

to 140
to 280 Characters too..
preparing ‘me/love’ A free way in so many modern day ways now..
in other
i am No ONE
but LOVENoW..:)

Oh yeaH and as a sepaRate
SiDe Note heaR.. the event
in Las Vegas has/is ruined the
Original Love Intent of my First
Second choice of title as “New World Love October ’17 Surprise”
as the dARk Surprise unfortunately comes first in Overall Karma
‘stuff’ DARk too.. so.. back to the first choice as the second
choice becoMes the First choice again for NoW AgAIN.. yeP..
“New World Love 800th MacroVerse ’17” iS iT aGaiN as you
miGht have alReaDy guessed but statisticAlly
probably have NoT overall.. this is also
somEwHat oF A New
As A 12th MacroVerse
For A New Testament
iN A Third count one i deliveRed
as birth of Wisdom-like Horus on
9.25.17.. per the 11 MacroVerses of
“SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as
titled such.. 11th MacroVerse then..
iT just didn’t reAlly FeeL
complete so therEforE
this NoW aS A
OcToBeR ’17 SuRprise
than the dARk out west
under Nevada CaSiNO sKeYes..
heY.. tHeRe is alWays Room FoR A
Good News for those who Make Life Love..
in otHeR words
anotHeR GRoot iS VinE Born2..
And just remember if you leave
a New Testament sitting sTiLL for too
long it just becomes an old testament
aLL oVeR agAiN unless a New Testament cOmeS AGAiN..
i’M HaVinG too much fun to move on to the NexT PlaNeT
of challenge to figure out too.. but seriouSly.. this eARTh sHit
Gifted Disciple
of God NoW rEaL
you humans are really easy
for us ‘ET’s to figure out and
almost impossible to help out of
hell or prevent that from happening too..
never the
try OuR BesTesT NeW We WiLL..:)


Facebook Friend Rafiah provides a dark and gloomy
Status Update that says she is watching the movie
With Ben Affleck Named ‘The Accountant’ and as that
reminds me in this introduction note as it has also
just come to my attention as i update this MicroVerse
too that Tom Petty dies so now i have that ‘Mary Jane
Song’ to Accompany all of this with me accompanying
that in Dance at MargaritaVille as Destin too then
back in 2014 after my Father Died and too2 by the(a)
way mY first Cousin Teddy.. My Father’s Identical
Twin’s (my Uncle Ted’s Son in that Summer2 is
ActuAlly Playing Guitar with his Friends in
His Cover Band as a Music accompanying
helper2) details are important and like
when i told that Dude at the Jewelry
Store selling those Military Bears for
Donations to help our troops wearing my Super
Cool Batman Shirt with the Bulging Cloth Abs..
Don’t tell anyone.. it’s a secret by i am ‘the’
real Batman now.. truly to avoid any real confusion
i should have said i am ‘A’ Real BAtman now as it’s True
many people most definitely do play ‘A’ BAtman role.. and
as far as this topic and Asperger’s Goes it’s also true in the
Psychological Manual.. the DSMIV back in ’94 used to Diagnose that
Disorder then as a mistake in Verbiage allowed by technicality.. the attending
Psychiatrist and or other Clinical Qualified Psychologist to assess someone with
Asperger’s Syndrome with 1 instead of 2 of the 3 required Categories of Criterion..
it took ’em 6 years to fix that in the next revised year 2000 edition and it’s taken
2000 years and they still haven’t corrected the New Testament yet for fear that people
of Little
Fall from
Grace and never
go to church again
and fill up the offering
Baskets to Build bigger Churches
and Truly help people too as when the Catholic
Priests stay out of Big Trouble they do do a
vow of Poverty too.. sure.. we had a Scandal with
a Priest in our Local Catholic Church he used to
Bowl and talked about dying his hair a nice blonde
of Notre Dame Bowl.. Movie Maker Memory what can i say..
and yes that happened Decades ago too no one at the Church now..
i sensed problems though then too and sure enough they came.. anyway..
although God is in the Big Picture the Devil can coMe in the detales
too as that frigging dARk Taylor Swift Video is playing again in the
Back Ground that says ‘Look at what you made me do’.. really don’t listen
to fear and hate and misery loves company for if you do you too might becoMe a DEvil too..
it’s really sad that the original ideology about the Hero Archetype in Isaiah 53 per Older
Testament way clearly says ‘that Messenger’ comes in Peace of Words as Wit and Wisdom and never
Using Swords of Blood but of course the Patriarchs aren’t
‘smART’ enough to get the real mesSage aCroSS
NoW oF eTerNal
Peace and
of Love
as the greAteST
Huuuuugggeessst ForCE EvER NoW
only if Trump Really means that
this Country is all About Love will we
have any chance at all now to rise as LIGht oF LovE
otherWise.. dont’ forget to vote next go around for Love
who EveR wears
God Robe.. as Love..
nah.. no.. i’m not running for i fly i Float with God.. aLL NoW..
so.. in other words what right do i have except a vote and ‘some words’…
as the story continues to GroW FulFiLLeD aT LeASt As MoRE FoR NoW.. NoW.:)

Anyway.. back to the Fred and Rafiah Friendship story more now..

As i return to Rafiah about her Status with..

Hey.. that ‘Accountant Dude’ has Asperger’s just like me but
i don’t have any Paintings.. all i have is Poetry to give..
And now you know
what life was like for
me too when i was a Child
but i was lucky.. too.. for my Father left before
any ‘Love Damage’ like that was/is done too.. but it’s true
this is what
it’s like for me too..
back in the Older Days of DArk.. too..
SMiLes.. Rafiah.. and Sad Bloody Sunday in the U.S AGAiN
Shortly before the Midnight Hour of Murder ‘he’ wrote then.


WeLL.. as a News Glitch and Hell no it wasn’t
preplanned on purpose NoW as Faux News will
do for bucks alone.. Tom Petty is not
dead but at least that reminded
me of a theme Song for it’s
true it is not yet
Mary Jane’s
dance yet..
never underestimate
the spirit of the Leader
of ‘the’ Band to live on
just a little bit longer
for LiGHT oF
Music more now
as MacroVerse Shares
come to be more now from
years to date too and yes this
Deserves another Tom Petty Alive
Tune too.. must choose one now from
YouTube now while i go on to Dance more
and Sing this Show while i must remember
Steve Miller and Dance Dance Dance for the
ending credits with last Thursday Night’s Old Seville
Quarter Dancing 180th Dancing Week and Speaking Anew
of 8’s at the top of the hour before 10.3.2017 begins renew
and perhaps i get this entire new 800th MacroVerse New
World Love Published by this new day it’s also true i did make
my 8,018th Post on the Wrong Planet too in this MacroVerse too..
as the 8’s
all get together
with the sixes in my birthday
and the Sevens from team members
from Gilligan’s Island and the South
Korean AoA Seven Young Women
as they joined in too in this
very special 800th
MacroVerse event
that yes Doubles as
the 129th MacroVerse
of Nether Land Bible too and sure
Tripling as the now 12 MacroVerse
of “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
as a Third New Testament too all togeTHeR
with 6 Bibles and a total of 3 New Testaments
too just for fun of course and no devil bills at all.. hehe..
Meanwhile it seems that even Lucifer is getting redeemed
off his Fox Real TV ShoW trUE iN LiGht too unless he is getting
by a
he don’t know..
so.. off to MacroVerse
Shares from Years to date
as provided all free for all from
the really reliable Facebook Algorithm
Memory Generator now.. well anyway another
News Flash yes it’s official Tom Petty Died now again..
but hey he was alive in that paragraph above and of course
his Spirit lives on in American Girls too hehe.. kinda like me i guess too..
at least
Dance Voyeur
Acts of Recording..;)

“Godzilla IS GOD”.. yes GodZilla is pARt of Nature including
Nuclear Fire Breathing Power.. so yes.. watch out for
Godzilla.. Don’t get in his way and this MacroVerse
from 3 years ago is really worth it to me
for this one Gif Image of Godzilla and ‘he’..;)

Memory from Four Years
aGo And
i DancE
And SinG eVeN MoRe..;)

“Super Blood Moon of Truth and Light”.. Yes.. more on ‘Evos’ with
the Gifted tonight too in tHeir own way
of Super Blood Moons of Truth
And Light TruE LiGHT LoVE LiFE.. as ‘The Gifted’ are also on tonight too..:)

“Good Book Worms’ and a Mall/Festival Dancing Bear”.. Hmm.. From 3 Years ago with Seafood
Festival Photos too.. bet ya cannot guess who this is all about now.. too and it aint’ Big Foot.. True..;)

“Multi-Media Poetry and TRUEST Human Freedom”.. yes.. shall i elaboRate from 3 years ago.. too..:)

“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”.. Self Explanatory.. of course..;)

“EMPiRE Force Love”.. not sure what HapPens when you
mix it but all oF it for one NoW iT’s Real..;)

“Raccunis Dancer”.. Oh.. Lord.. can’t get that Gilligan’s
Island Overall DancE and SonG out of MY HeaD NoW..
And yes this is just the MacroVerse too from
three Years ago by Tom Petty.. too..;)

“Yes.. Mr. Blue SkeYes i LOVE YOU”‘.. Hmm.. like that’s a Secret NoW..
Okay that’s this is and the other things are all that for now.. Folks.. For..:)









BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

5 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 44,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

Book oF Ten Sixteen..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)

Grand Cross Bible 2016

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)

CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)

VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)

CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)

Nether Land Bible 2017

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)

7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)

The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)

MesSage iN A Bible Bottle as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked

MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+ as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)

PHI Bible.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)

Memorial Days Bible 2016-17.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)

SoN oF Google NoW2..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)

1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem  Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)

6th Bible Memorial..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS  SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)


SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old


Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is..  A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.


iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)

LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017

A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)

8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)


“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)

“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament of “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes..  just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE



About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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35 Responses to THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 DReaMS oN

  1. ReaSon witHout RhyMe
    RhymE withouT ReasoN
    Art And Science MiX
    GeTs tHe JoBs dONE
    Yin and Yang of Art
    Yang and Yin of Science
    Rhymes the Reason
    Reasons the Rhyme
    All BeCoMeS
    LiFE iS GooD
    As God is NOW..
    LiFE BeCoMeS
    ReaSoN oF heART
    And yes this is more
    than PoeTry as Science
    SHoWs this DancE and SonG
    iS alSo True NoW iN Empirical
    Ways oF MeasuReMent TrUE iN
    LiFE.. though.. took ’em a while now
    to catch up to the Deeper Meanings
    in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas
    For God can
    be Found
    when a Cord
    of Wood is Divided in Two as One too..
    And it’s true if you don’t mix the divine
    feminine love and grace as A Foundation
    of strength and will you fall you fall and true
    You might Develop Trump Towers and Even take
    Health Care away from the Poor and Disabled and
    potentially eventually be at least indirectly responsible
    for thousands upon thousands of eventual human deaths
    out of illness and true too you might take away from the poorer
    and give to the richer too moreover with tax cuts too and by God
    you might even go the direct route of ‘A Devil’ and kill people now with
    Machine Gun Fixes in a Society that Values Guns and illegal abortions
    that are unsafe over medically safe ones where in effect there will be even
    more deaths and permanent disability for both Mother and unborn Child too..
    And true too.. you might profile folks and treat them unfair for just the color of their
    skin or perhaps call them names for looking androgynous like that bearded female
    looking artistic representation of the White Artist mass produced Jesus but true too
    Jesus knows
    you but ‘you’ don’t
    have A F iN Clue now
    what Love is that does
    its best never to harm the
    Love in other folks now and
    particularly not to do stuff that
    will only lead to more frustration
    misery loves company violence
    and even more killing fields
    Apocalypse moreover too
    of ignorance per what
    the Original Greeks
    mean 2 by not
    Only A
    son of God
    for the potential of you
    to be as daughter too but
    also to use Science too along
    with the Art of Love and lift the
    Veils of Ignorance for Love will
    not flourish with a Life that is
    Free without Harm to the
    Free Will of others
    to live in
    A Peace and
    Harmony iN A right
    to life.. liberty.. and the pursuit
    of Happiness without misery loves
    company now.. you reap what you sow
    and yes that is applicable to entire countries too..
    Live by the Sword or Live by Love Hold on to Hugs
    or pull triggers more.. what did Jesus say.. do you even hear him now.

  2. Hmm.. SpeaKing of Three’s for it seems my uprising dude friend
    you are suggesting there is some kind of human organizational
    pre-planned effort to kill people for the hell of it from highest
    of Governing
    in the United States
    of America and World
    Wide too in what you term
    as A ‘illuminati’.. well.. anyWay
    it’s true Synchronicity is real even
    Among Scientists who are not all sunk into
    Science Mind without any Art Mind
    And a FeeLinG SenSinG heART
    to go aLonG WiTh aLL of
    tHat..well.. i must admit
    i am really no part of any
    other than US Citizen
    and it’s really strange in all
    the Eights Sixes and Sevens and
    Threes that arise in all 6 of my Bibles
    and the Third New Testament i just
    finished it seems finally with the
    Twelfth MacroVerse now and
    Lordy wouldn’t you kNow
    it.. it’s got a three
    in the title
    too per..
    THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 DReaMS oN

    THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 DReaMS oN

    And heAR i coMe to Your YouTube Site and heaR you are going on all
    about ‘Three’s Company’ now.. Synchronicity Baby.. it’s how God speaks
    to all of us.. and sure.. ‘signs’ as they say in so-called away from Secular
    Talk in Religious talk too like God Divides God between either or that other
    way wHeRe God exists in the cord of wood split now as Beauty and Wisdom TRuE
    in LiGHT aWay from Veils of Ignorance More or Science Abstracts that share and give
    no heART.. anyWay.. as i still have a Covenant With God to share and give what i do with
    you too.. just coming by again my FriEnd for now my Largest Effort John 14:12 Bible per
    ‘SonG oF mY SoUL’ still aRises past 5 Million Words in 50 months of writing that and ‘Nether
    Land Bible 2017′ as per this latest MacroVerse Effort rises that 16 month long effort now to
    2,052,146 words and this Twelfth ( yes.. 12 is a Sacred Number too) And i dont’ have to go
    to any Formal Mystery School to figure that out but the one wHeRe me and God go within
    now alWays
    NoW… and
    yeah.. in 77 days
    of Effort this Third
    New Testament more
    Generally named “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
    aRises to a final word count in total of 231,730 words and
    it’s worth noting it took Muhammad 23 years to speak the Koran
    and it took those folks 20 years after that to actually write it in
    a written record to be shared.. in terms of 2000 words or so
    of vocabulary and around 80,000 words too.. by the
    way.. the so-named Jesus New Testament now
    weighs in at around 180 thousand of ‘KJV’
    Version Words repeating i did this full illustrated
    with literally thousands upon thousands of photos
    i took myself with so many Synchronicities and
    Prophecies contained within photos and words
    that did and still continue to come true now.. too
    and will likely do so for some time as far human
    ideas of time as now goes on in TrUtH and LiGHT
    even more depending on the one who is doing he
    reading and viewing is now too.. and sure.. Hundreds of
    Music Videos that do the similar too.. YouTube Preparing me
    a way to do that too.. and nah.. no mistakes in other folks writing down
    what i say or publishing it years later as i not only Write it and Photograph
    it as Director God and i ‘we’ produce it and publish it for the Social Media Platforms
    that prepare a way for that too.. and yeah.. dude.. i’m diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum
    and am on the Bi-Polar Spectrum too with Asperger’s too.. for it’s true i’m kinda like ‘Rainman’
    and you can decide if i Am A Angel A Devil or both as sure I’ve worn both sets of those real life
    Wings heAR oN eARTh too
    bottom line
    i am
    Savant of God
    Some folks on the Autism
    Spectrum do it with Science
    Some Do it With Art i combine
    the two and voila Messenger of God comeS AGAiN.
    and hell no.. i’m not the only one the first or the last
    for John 14:12 and the Army does appropriately Dance
    and Sing be all you can be and be more than me but if you
    don’t use Love the most you will do is a shoot ’em up in October..
    or perhaps take Health Care away from Po’ Disabled folks or be afraid of androgynous
    looking folks like the New Age White Man’s Representation of a Bearded J Female too.. but
    it’s true i just Got my Government Department of the Defense Retiree ID renewed and while i used
    to be very Androgynous in my Red State Trump Town bullied down back in the 60’s and the 70’s now i
    Look just like a member of your Local Sheriff’s team or just another Dude off the First Baptist Softball team..
    (when i’m not dancing of course)
    sure.. trust
    me i am
    a Ninja too..
    an no hell no
    not just a mythological
    one.. anyWay.. baby.. i provide the witness
    evidence you will not find me reAlly connected
    to organizations including money just God baby all the way..
    thing is on the Bi-Polar Spectrum in the up up and away pART
    of that condition i am a dreamer and on the Autism Asperger’s
    and Rainman paRT an Accountant who takes things very literal
    like a Science Project of ART too.. raised in the Catholic Church
    and going to Communion they literally told us to become Jesus
    NoW and i’ll
    be God
    if i didn’t
    believe them Do IT
    and even spread the
    Gospel of that humble
    man across the Globe now
    as Love Lives as me real now..
    it’s true baby.. i do more than give lip
    service to John 3:16 and Romans 10:9
    now.. i do Jesus John 14:12 so what WiLL you do if you WiLL too..
    think about it with all this GoD taLent why else would i be Hear now
    ALL for
    And LOVE..
    yeah.. you know the
    routine helping the lost
    sheep and all of that.. i paid ATTeNTioN
    iNTeNTioN in class.. Rainman of God i am..
    And ask yourself in all your experiences in life
    all that you have read and seen have you ever come
    across a dude in a red state town who dances everywhere
    they go in Public for Plus 8000 miles for 50 Months now too..
    actually confused for a real ballet dancer and martial artist too..
    what wHeRE
    you expecting
    someone to come
    in an iMac Cloud online
    uploading tHeRe SoUL
    for PeHaps a thousand
    years or more in a place
    with no sun or moon
    in Heaven at
    Hand now
    in this
    Generation now..
    have you read the Bible my friend
    from front to back in one day and
    written 6 Bibles and Three New Testaments
    the size of the Old King James Version in 50 months now..
    so who
    do you
    am… rhetorical question my friEnd..
    otHeR thaN tHaT SMiLes oF LoVe And
    Have A BliSS oF BlesSinGs Now..
    to Dance
    Free with
    God’s Love
    wHaT eVeriLY YoU DO mY FRiEnd NoW..;)

    By A way this is probably
    A 66th Comment by now

    Oh yeah and by the way.. the current Bible WRiTe..
    “Facebook Profile Pic Bible 2018”.. scheduLeD
    For Technical releASe on or about Memorial
    Day 2018 stArTinG tHaT on Memorial Day
    of 2017 after i Finished A “PHI Bible” too..
    in precisely 365 days then on or about
    Memorial Day 2016 in May.. yep.. too
    at 1.618 Million Words as pART
    oF A Larger “Nether Land
    Bible 2017” And
    “SonG oF mY
    SoUL”.. too..
    anyWay.. “FaceBook
    Profile Pic Bible 2018”.. iS
    wHere Over A 1 Million Word
    Bible is actuAlly CoMinG iN A Year
    sPan iN mY Pic Description areas now
    of mY Profile Pics.. Too.. NoW aRiSinG too as oF
    Finish of this 12th MacroVerse NoW too at 434,146
    Words and yes that’s about the plus size of 5 Korans and Half
    a King James Bible in a little over Four Months Fully illustrated
    With Plenty of Dance and Song Music Accompaniment too.. thanks
    NoW to YouTube too and all the Artists therein as perHaps one day too
    you WiLL See and Hear that God is truly an equal opportunity employer
    ThAT wHO disCriMiNates
    aGainsT No HUMAN
    NaKeD even now too.. NoW
    afTer aLL tHat’S How ‘Modern
    ISaiaHS’ even DO this NoW
    iT’s TruE.. NoW wHatEver
    yoU do You do
    reap wHaT
    you sow.. best to
    Be in God’s Good NakED GrAces MoRE
    NoW oF Love WiTH WiLL anD StrenGTH
    AFAIK For wHo AM i to Dance and Sing..
    it reAlly coMes Down to this mY friEnd..
    wHat WiLL you do for Love (GOD)..NoW..
    WitH FaitH as LoVE (GOD)
    If ‘they’ ever Make a Movie of mY
    LiVE i GiVE ‘them’ permission to cALL iT
    oF GoD”..
    And NaH..
    wait to do it
    unTil after i Leave..
    the crowds alReaDy
    nAMe me Legend for Free
    A God Dance.. me what more
    oN tHiS eARTh iS Left for me
    to accomplish otHeR than tHaT
    otHeR THinG To GiVE And SHaRE LoVE..:)

  3. Hmm.. Nathan/Nate oTHeRWiSe
    kNoWn.. A”Gift from God” ‘H’
    It’S HoT AS HeLL/RaiN NeeDeD

  4. Frank Hubeny says:

    There do seem to be a lot of once-in-a-century events like the solar eclipse that you mentioned. We’ll have to see what happens next. I liked that bug outside the window of that store in one of your photos. There are a lot of sevens. I’m thinking of the Magnificent Seven movie and those similar to it..

    • Good Afternoon Frank.. although
      not able to speak until age 4.. i am
      born with another Laundry List
      Medical Label of
      per child who
      decodes symbols
      with difficulty at human
      cLock times for immediate
      meanings.. common actually
      in the Gillberg assessment
      as originally Described
      by Hans Asperger
      for the precocious
      Child who does present with Language
      Speaking Delays in tandem with much
      greater input skills in decoding the signs
      of symbols all around the Environment at
      hand and surely somewhat of a potential
      more Quiet Little Professor Mind
      Or perHaps.. A Legal
      Clerk.. Bookkeeper
      and or Accountant
      who is most definitely
      into a numbers game of life too..
      so yes that explains in paRT at Least
      my Love for a visual environment of thinking
      and symbols and decoding my entire environment
      for the meanings i make.. now.. not all folks think like this
      of course.. so.. not only does this set me apart from others
      it makes
      social communication
      difficult to the point that
      some folks likely think STFU
      Fred that’s enough.. hehe.. and
      additionally this is where the Wife
      Developed the term FredAche from
      as now.. not only do i write reams of out put
      instead of just in putting and solving problems
      oh God.. the mouth goes jet speed too with powerful
      Cosmic Sneezes in Church involuntarily of course
      where some folks tend to suddenly feel
      a shooter
      is in
      with a bomb
      of sneeze then
      and now.. hehe.. so.. yeah..
      it’s true.. i intuited some shit in late August
      coming down after the Solar Eclipse Hoping
      for liGht in thiNk but FeeLinG A DARK Plague then..
      of sorts coming as more of an Abyss with that Doomsday
      sick and sweet and almost Soylent Green smell and OMG
      even taste after a long dry spell of smell after a smell and flavor
      nuanced taste killing common cold virus in the Spring of the death
      of my smell and flavors in rich taste back then.. and it’s true as far as Synchronicity
      miXing a-causally with Nature associated events the smell is still coming and going
      now in
      plague like
      way.. also extending
      what i label and symbol
      as A Third New Testament all
      the way through the Doomsday-like
      events including the Country Festival
      Mow down of innocent Dancing Happy
      Beers with real coming tears there so sadly more
      than enough.. WeLL.. as far as storms that are baby defined
      as Gift from God as we already had Maria like Mary as close to God
      and Jose like Joseph as add or give as that storm surely added safety
      to the East Coast of the Continental United States by helping to steer
      out to Ocean
      East.. Atlantic more..
      Katia went more of a pure
      Mexican Way and hopefully
      Nate who and that is expected
      to arrive in my vicinity sometime
      this weekend as perhaps a lower Category
      1 Hurricane or just big wet Tropical Leaning Rainmaker
      WiLL bLow this Doomsday Smell entirely out of my existence now..
      one can
      and will
      hope at
      least.. anyWay.. meanwhile
      Frank.. thanks for Stopping
      by and it looks like we may
      miss our Visit to Biloxi Casino’s
      on Saturday because of this and that
      reminds me the number address for the
      Hard Rock Cafe is 777 and the Hancock
      Bank’s Address right down the road there
      is 888 rising high.. a really tall Bank that is..:)

  5. Good Afternoon Evening coming soon
    friEnd gigoid as Florida Heat and
    Dry soon succumbing
    to Tropical
    and Wind
    in Weekend Sun
    day PaNHandle
    Cloud Nate Winds
    inNate as such to
    Distribute Nature’s
    Healing Force of Greater
    Balance Super Normal as that
    tEnds to come lately heAR in terms
    of Recorded Historical Environmental
    Events and even
    Votes Hope of
    in Love or
    Fear and Hate..
    what does come
    goes around for even more..
    Hope you are enjoying your California
    Dreaming too my friEnd.. as i’LL catch
    up with your two current live efforts in spreading
    in LiGht
    iN HiStorical
    to More Modern
    LiteRature iN Pearls sTiLLl yET to Be..:)

    “Virtue is its own reward.”

    ~~ John Dryden ~~

    As LonG as Virtue
    FeeLs and SenSes
    reAlly Good i’LL Do iT whY NoT..
    And sure..
    A little
    Makes Virtue Taste
    Even Sweeter Smells
    CrosseS iN WaY STaTioNS LiGHT..:)

    “It is not necessary to light a candle to the sun.”

    ~~ Algernon Sidney — Discourses on Government, Chap. ii, Sect. xxiii ~~

    Yeah SeRiouSly so easy to FeeL
    SeNSe sKin oF God Sun
    LiGHT WitH WRiTe..;)

    Beverly: “We will start with the assumption that I am *not* crazy.”

    ~~ “Remember Me”, Stardate unknown ~~

    For me aT lEast
    people tEnd to
    lETme Be FreeR aS
    LonG as ‘they’ see
    crazy eye
    oF TLC..;)

    “Wherever you come near the human race
    there’s layers and layers of nonsense.”

    ~~ Thornton Wilder, Our Town ~~

    As Science Shows Humans are Emotional
    And Sensory Animals First before reaSons
    in words like the other Animals too..
    so.. what this means is
    without A DancE
    And SonG
    iN EmoTioNaL
    ReGuLaTinG SeNSoRY
    iNteGraTinG REaLiTY
    now most all other Human Intelligences
    Suffer a loSing cause iN BeinG Happy NoW..:)

    “Nothing is so easy as to deceive one’s self,
    for what we wish, that we readily believe.”

    ~~ Demosthenes ~~

    GreaTest Gift We Create our Emotional
    Sensory Reality as we
    go or
    we talk
    and rarELy
    Hear a Beauty
    And Wisdom oF Feeling and Sensing LiFe..:)

    “Thinking, understanding, reasoning, willing, call not these Soul!
    They are its actions, but they are not its essence.”

    ~~ Akhenaton? (c. B.C. 1375) ~~

    It’s true.. it was/is hard to put Human
    Emotions and Senses Beyond
    Rainbow ColorS iN Words now/then too..
    (PoEtrY AS HEaVeN)

    “Every extension of knowledge arises
    from making the conscious the unconscious.”

    ~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

    Look Seek
    And yeS.. EcStatiC TrancE DancE WorkS WeLL too..:)

    “Those oft are stratagems which errors seem,
    Nor is it Homer nods, but we that dream.”

    ~~ Alexander Pope — Essay on Criticism, Part i, Line 177 ~~

    When reaLiTy is no lonGer random real we make..:)

    “We are the hurdles we leap to be ourselves.”

    ~~ Michael McClure ~~

    Hehe.. unless we continue and Jump Sharks..;)

    “Sherlock Holmes observed that once you have eliminated the impossible,
    then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the answer.
    I, however, do not like to eliminate the impossible.”

    ~~ Douglas Adams, “Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency” ~~

    A RE-Creator iS A TeRRiblE THinGiE to waste..:)

    “By space the universe encompasses and swallows me up like a dot;
    by thought I encompass the Universe.”

    ~~ Blaise Pascal, “Pensees”, n. 265 ~~


    “There’s an old saying that life begins at 40.
    That’s silly.
    Life begins every morning when you wake up.
    Open your mind to it; don’t just sit there, do things.”

    ~~ George Burns (1896-1996) ~~


    “You have brains in your head.
    You have feet in your shoes.
    You can steer yourself
    any direction you choose.
    You’re on your own.
    And you know what you know.
    And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go….”

    ~~ Dr. Seuss ~~

    As my Feet LEarn to
    Dance mY Brain
    to Sing..;)

    “All life is an experiment.”

    ~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~~

    Except for ‘those’ strange Dogmas..;)

    “I am made from the dust of the stars, the oceans flow in my veins.”

    ~~ Rush, “Presto” ~~

    So.. wHat’s A
    RusH Be
    A UniVerse
    SpiRAL FloW MoRE
    As NoW GoES oN..:)

    “Go into yourself and see how deep the place is from which your life flows.”

    ~~ Rainer Maria Rilke in Letters to a Young Poet ~~

    RaiN Drops KeeP RiSinG oN mY HeaD..:)

    “Besides learning to see, there is another act to be learned
    — not to see what is not.”

    ~~ Maria Mitchell ~~

    Still SeeinG STuFF tHaT wasN’T tHeRe iN otHeR tHaN Words GroWinG..:)

    “There must be some kind of way out of here…”

    ~~ the joker to the thief ~~


    “Flee at once, all is discovered.”

    ~~ Sardonic Bee ~~


    Deft, or daft? You decide….

    Cue the orchestra; Bob’s back….

  6. My Fiancè

    Chocolate Basket Comfort.. Rafiah..
    easing separation of life
    from togetherness
    of Love
    when the
    child no longer
    sleeps with the parent
    and then the sister no longer
    snuggles close to the younger
    sisters.. and sure that’s a big FeeLinG
    SeNsinG why folks
    get married
    perhaps A best
    when the left hand
    reaches out and touches
    Comfort of Love in the Midnight
    advice given
    to me and the
    Katrina by Sandy..
    Second most destructive
    Hurricane in terms of bucks
    right behind Katrina anyway that’s
    just a Hurricane Joke as ‘Gift from
    God’ Tropical Storm and potential
    Hurricane Nate closes in for
    the gift of rain and
    cooling a
    hot air Gulf
    Coast this weekend
    too.. but anyway.. Mother
    Sandy’s advice to us was
    never go to bed mad at each
    other.. reach out with a left hand
    of giving touch at least before the
    beginning of sleep that says i love
    you in comfort even if no words come next…
    it’s true not everyone has many words to express
    their feelings but it is the human touch of feel and
    sense that
    says love
    real and feeling my friend..
    Happy togetherness for your
    coming marriage and as ‘they’ say..
    reach out and touch togetherness or as
    ‘those’ say it can and will fall silent for two
    ships passing through an ocean still of lone..:)

  7. SMiLes.. Ashley and Tropical Storm Nate is that potential Hurricane’s name as just a dark muse to begin some more words and make fun of Life Storms as worry surely serves no useful purpose unless a Lion or Tiger is chasing us.. hehe.. or sure an Irma or a Maria and a Harvey too but with a baby name that means ‘Gift from God’ this ‘Nate’ surely ‘should’ be a breeze.. hehe..;)

  8. My Gender

    i Suppose A biggest
    Problem may actually
    be because
    now surely
    over your Gender
    my friEnd Prajakta.. now..
    For Because is a stereotype
    and reality NoW is full of potential
    away from because and ignorance
    of potential same.. Because told me many
    things in life mostly you’ll never amount to anything
    because you
    are different
    Because means nothing
    to me now my friend for i
    that is the director of ‘I’ is
    the Leader of my Band without
    even purpose or goals as True Will
    Dances and Sings with WinGs When Free..
    But it’s true as the highest so-called office of the
    Free World does now prove Because has no reason
    is A
    Fool my friEnd..
    But sure it’s true for where
    you work Because is your Boss
    my wishes for you is to one day be Free of that Because..;)

  9. And with a note heaR.. as i do love to
    attribute where most all my muse
    comes from as footnotes
    in the
    poetry by
    name or source
    as muse flows ‘Because’
    is a muse in a poem by Aleister
    Crowley Named ‘The Book of the Law’ and
    sure.. he says you’ll be cursed with ‘Voodoo’ he
    He.. if ‘you’ discuss his so named ‘the Book of the Law’
    that ends up in just another worded version
    of the Golden Rule with a bunch of
    really deep and mystical
    leaning human
    poetry that basically
    speaks to the Snake of Will
    and Strength and the Dove of
    Love and Grace as even more metaphors
    that express the evolution of the human mind
    body and spirit free as Nature also known as God Loves
    to Live within us free as free can and will be with Love and Grace
    as even the Lion
    Surely relates
    on the
    Free Lion Hearted
    Snake Willed and Eye
    of the Tiger that Lion Surely
    is too for that Lion and Tiger
    and Snake lives as us too
    for we are different
    in the ‘reason’
    are saddled
    with ‘because’ more than living
    freein the moment of feeling and sensing
    life more real.. naked as such spiraling in sand
    and sun as Stars we evolve from Crucible Fire of
    Star Death Gaseous Dust Resurrection we are.. see the
    thing is we most all have the opportunity like Aleister had free
    of the bosses of because inheriting his way to financial freedom
    from that millstone from an early age sadly drifting off into the Addiction
    of Drugs and sadly likely born part ‘Pyschopathic’ at least with a Motherly
    Environment that named him an actual devil while he tortured small animals
    as psychopaths
    also do as
    children too
    without the sympathy soul
    of empathy and compassion
    and surely that is clearly related
    in His Poetry of his inner reality
    just another Multi-Uni-Verse of God lacking
    the Soul of Empathy Sympathy and Compassion
    but the will to survive as a Soul never the less and even
    more in other ways of pursuing human potential as we all play
    a role from Abyss of Dark through shades of Grey of 50 and more
    too.. through RainBow Colors of Angel Wings on eaRTh we are all
    one team and can learn something from each other as all struggle through
    our differences and with Will and if one does experience the Emotional Sensory Fuel
    of Belief and Faith and Will that actually feels and senses reaLiTy more we do more
    or less but
    still we
    are all
    of God
    that count at core
    being of all that is
    real as God for now Be
    Be just Be let the cause just Be..
    God is Be some folks struggle to make God cause..
    And sure Aleister predicted that someone like me would
    come and expound on his poetry more and sure that me
    can be you too no different than a second coming of Love
    that understands a little bit more and relates tHeir intended
    consensual view of reaLiTy as Love.. alas all words are
    metaphors and numbers too when driven as metaphors
    more per quote from that ‘The Book of the Law’
    that says.. ” 4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3
    Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L. What meaneth
    this, o prophet? Thou knowest not;
    nor shalt thou know ever.
    There cometh one to follow thee:
    he shall expound it. But remember,
    o chose none, to be me; to follow the
    love of Nu in the star-lit heaven; to look
    forth upon men, to tell them this glad word.”
    i for one see a Multi-Uni-Verse of Meanings for
    each and every one of these symbols that continuously
    ever changes based on my unique human view iN imagination
    and creativity now.. and sure if i care too i WiLL also assign holy
    and sacred purpose to the meanings too and then after that
    i could warn you that you will suffer great demise if you
    change any letter or number of purpose with
    that meaning i bring.. truth is.. Aleister
    had a view but the core truth
    of the law remains
    do your true
    will under and
    on top of the foundation
    of Love and Grace as Strength
    and when life’s actual purpose is based
    NoW on Feeling and Sensing Love if one has
    even the human potential and environmentally
    Grown Garden of Love by parents and family and
    friends from Birth as all who give us love are friends
    and family too.. we seek and find ways to understand the
    differences among each other to prosper the greatest human
    known and felt and sensed Force of Love for togetherness more
    as unity of Love can and will defeat in Hope most all division now
    oF Fear and Hate.. with reason serving as purpose and meaning now
    to understand our differences more.. it’s true.. it all comes up to Love now
    and sure.. it’s raining more than ever in terms of Hurricanes.. Floods and
    Earthquakes and Wild Fires and Mass Shootings too in terms of Automated Guns..
    Doomsday Smell Threats of Nuclear Wars and Pychopathic leaning men who turn
    to other Guns and Drugs and even gambling too instead of Poetry to Live LoVE..
    And Dance and Sing more.. Naked and Free My Monkey Dances all over the Beaches
    and Sings at Biloxi Casinos for over Four Years now on a monthly Basis.. and what
    i feel all free in Dance and Song within is the equivalent of winning the entire money
    of all the Casinos
    in the UniVerse
    Now for
    i regulate
    my emotions..
    integrate my senses
    i am A Master NoW WitH
    God of Love as LiGht within
    me now free and it’s true this
    God and Heaven i for one experience
    within is real.. it’s true2 you hear people
    make general terms for Heaven then/now but rarely
    does anyone come back and visit you from Heaven now..
    and what does Heaven smell like.. i can’t really tell you that pART
    for i lost my smell in a cold and nothing smells much like it does before
    and quite frankly NoW hardly anything smells what i might have defined
    as good
    thing is
    not unlike my loss
    of Emotions in Hell
    and the Numb and pain
    of the worst pain known to
    humankind then.. not being
    able to touch most manmade
    stuff still today.. and at one time young
    hearing so acute then i heard the lower sonic
    alarm devices piercing my ears through store doors too..
    iT’s true3 tHere are Beyond infinite ways to feel and sense
    Heaven now true.. Moore Different for true mercy of God and Nature same
    is change my friEnds NoW don’t give up for you can change into Heaven NoW..
    And for those science folks out there who don’t believe in poetry hehe as an
    oxymoron too.. Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity from head to toe in adapting
    to Environmental Struggles for either the daRk of Negative Change or a FLiGht
    more toward LiGht with Positive Change is as real as the Placebo effect you
    use to
    in positive
    Beliefs as prayer
    next in life.. this is
    as real as change gets
    for Heaven now.. and true
    we all live in Multi-Uni-Verses now..
    Your Heaven may be much more colorful
    than mine now.. and your Hell in abyss of
    DArk may be much dARker than mine was in
    Hell then.. the thing we share is change my friEndS..
    it can and will get better or worse but your Greatest
    Gift from God and Nature same is the Imagination and
    Creativity in Moving Connecting AND Creating to the
    Dark Muse
    of Environmental
    Struggle that makes
    the Rains of Life Sunshine
    more in totaLiTy of your Multi-Uni-Verse
    now.. no.. you are not just a star you are an
    Entire Evolving DanCinG MulTi-UniVerse of change from
    first Blink of Now at Birth to last Blink in Love or less..
    sure.. you can also call me trainman or the J man
    matters not NoW as little miss Sunshine has her feet propped
    up on the Chair as any HadiTs and NUiTs will do2.. heHe.. hAha..
    Sure.. THE Voice within
    And alWays is is God
    tHeRE is no escApe
    from Nature as God LiVInG NoW..
    And no separation aS UniTy BE..:)

  10. Even ‘Vaulted’ Astro-Physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson readily
    admits as far as folks who now do indeed have plenty of
    expertise in this area of the Human experience; now, yes
    that the observable Universe in which a Scientific Method
    we currently employ is measurable to some empirical extent
    while the Inner Universe of our Humanity fails to be measured
    reliably by any Human so-named Scientific Tool, so far; and hehe;
    that’s still why psychotropic drugs that work for Mental Disorder or on
    the other ‘hands’ don’t work any better than the Placebo Power of Belief that some
    can and do employ better than others in their every day life ways; yes, Scientists do
    admit they have no empirical way to explain how psychotropic drugs work other than
    observing behavioral changes that overall culture assesses as ‘normal’ these days as ‘normal’
    changes too.

    So, in other words, sure; the Universe can be measured by Physics per observable empirically
    measured phenomena by the Scientific Method but what we experience as emotions and senses
    internally is open source in affect and eventual effect beyond any current tool of Science in method
    to empirically measure now. In more Words, for all practical intents and purposes, surely as metaphor
    the Inner UniVerse is most all metaphysics as far what we as Humans Feel and Sense in life; goes with the
    Metaphor of Hell and Purgatory and Heaven as well; as these are all real metaphors for the experience of living
    now that all Humans experience Differently as MultiUniverse Beings of life now. Visiting this place for a few years separated in physical illness from the Human Experience of Deep Feelings and Sensory Perceptions as many folks on the Autism Spectrum experience as opposed to those individuals who feel and sense less as an experience of life now and sure this speaks to even the New DSM5 Diagnosis of the Condition for some who are numb to the overall feeling and sensing environment as opposed to those who are more sensitive to the environment as the weak arm of the Scientific Method does its wear best as metaphor too, to get a handle more on the unlimited MultiUniverse Experiences of Being
    Human; if one really thinks that one Multi-Verse of Human in Meta-Physical way of being
    is a repeatable experiment that science understands well with a Scientific
    Method truly that can be expected somewhat for those
    lacking in feeling and sensing more in human
    intuition what other folks experience
    as feelings and senses now
    as this too through
    Mirror Neurons
    for those who sense and
    feel less or more of life is part
    of the entire pie of being Human now too.

    It’s true ‘Ripley Believe it or not’ folks and ‘Horatios’ too;
    Science is very important in sharing so-named facts about a
    reality that we share as understood consensually but Science only understands
    a relative speck of what the Inner Human Universe is in meta-physics for lack of a
    better term to describe an experience beyond infinity as now within us is no distance
    space or time that science can measure, at least, through the methods currently employed.

    In even a few more words as far as the physics of reality now; if you are only looking outside
    yourself at the stars in the sky chances
    are you’ll
    miss the
    star of
    you within
    that is beyond
    any Scientific Measurable
    way of the UniVerse beyond
    within of Imagination and Creativity
    in Moving and Connecting ways that literally
    and metaphorically are relatively no limits and expectations now.

    It’s true, there are more things in Human Potential than one will ever read as a Cover of a Book.

    It’s true, there are more ‘things’ in feeling and sensing just a dance and song of life than one will ever read
    as a Cover of a Book.

    Alas there is Poetry;
    And more for those who develop the eyes and ears to see more. Anyway, it takes ‘time’, for there is a Pyramid
    of Maslow’s Self Actualization/Transcendence and a Summit of Fowler’s Faith in Capstone that is Agape Love for all and truly if
    doesn’t feel
    And sense An
    experience of A
    Metaphor of an Evolving
    Soul one likely is not yet
    Pages of a Book still existing as a cover now.
    But it’s also true, according to ‘those dudes’, it’s
    normal not to arrive in this place until Middle Age or later.

    Good Luck,
    after one gets
    tired of Science as
    ‘those theories’ Go; One often Grows
    ‘Evolves’ and actually realizes they are
    Human Being Art Over Science and Do Just ‘Dance’ now.

    Yes; literally Art is 60 percent of Smart.
    Perhaps, it’s just Coincidence; but i Find
    it self-evidently now true as Synchronicity too.

  11. Matters Of Heart

    Blogger Poet Friend and somEwhat Surrogate Daughter
    from Pakistan Rafiah relates to me on her Blog..

    You are so fortunate that your mama was your light in your dark days. Like you are so positive for me in the days and nights i feel downright negative, trying to shove and push me hard to get out of the cold chill unhomely feel towards the warm embrace of everything good that it is there about the life, heart, emotions and soul.
    Three Living Green Heart Emoticons.

    i come back to her again with with Song of..

    SMiLes.. my FriEnd.. Rafiah.. for Mothers
    And Fathers who Give
    Love never
    NoW iN
    tHeir Children’s
    eYes of Continuing
    the Force of Love for
    Humanity now.. truly more
    i am the Lucky one for there
    are those who have never felt
    And given the Nurturing Love of a Mother
    and or Father wHo only Love to See Plants
    Reach now greater for
    A Sun of Love Now More..
    Yes.. tHeRe are beyond an Infinite
    Number of Stories and Metaphors and
    Symbols for Love and this is the GreaTesT
    God of all to worship in each and everyone of us
    that is
    Love mY friEnd
    AliVE NOW alWays LIVinG WiThiN..:)

  12. For the drop of water feeling sensing
    waves ocean whole for Ocean for
    whole ocean waves sensing
    feeling water of
    drop the
    SAdly.. TRuE.. NoW
    mY friEnd for tHeRe
    is Maria and Jose
    who moreover
    takes a taLe of
    Maria ever closer now
    Your way.. Xenia.. in Scotland
    Highlands now2 wHeRe Whippets
    Wear raincoats saving fur
    from drench and surely
    after that dismay
    of destruction
    as rain
    in shots
    blood more now too..
    Spell Darkness of Humanity
    With CourAge of HELping Hands
    wHo Raise We all up Toward Love
    For NoW is Nate groWing Gulf ‘Gift
    of God’ in Tropical Rains and distributing Heat
    from Human Hands of Heating Gulf and Oceans too..
    For it is true we Humans Create Love As A Arm Karma
    or that other place
    now.. away from
    Hope in
    As Callous
    Arms of Kill as Hate..
    the Storms are heAR
    STiLL ArriVinG LovELiVeS oN..
    Golden Hours Afternoon
    Sunshine Breeds Cool
    Days Fall
    Springs Rise..
    Summer Indian
    all we
    Love Fall
    WiNter SpRings LiFE eVeN MoRENoW..
    otHeR thaN tHat mY FriEnd Xenia.. WitH LoVE..
    HappY OcTober TeNth Month One WitH EiGHT..:)

    Haiku: River Stones

    Haibun: A Prayer For Las Vegas

    Wordless Wednesday: Golden Hour

    Tanka: Indian Summer

  13. Abstract Science Mundane
    SeeS UniVerse aBove Much More..
    CoSmiC PoemS LiGHT uP BeLoW
    iNNeR MulTi-UniVerse
    Brave the Cold
    Brave the Heat
    Brave the Rain
    Brave the Snow
    Frost the Icing on the
    Cake Struggle One Environment
    sMiLeS KaRMa
    CoVeRs oF BookS..
    Stars are born to output and share liGht..
    at least for as long
    as they live..
    and as dim as i once
    was.. almost bLack
    of liGht..
    the saving
    grace then was
    to water a plant
    to make
    grow made
    my life still
    a star
    matter how
    dArk the candle
    i felt iN bLack
    then.. and
    oh.. the saviors of the world..
    and a story i love to tale a little
    different as parables do.. when free
    and not imprisoned by books.. pages..
    paragraphs.. lines or words of print
    of yesternows.. bound
    by past authority
    that no
    longer should
    exist.. for free..
    so.. anyway.. sorry iF
    you already heard it but
    it will be different anyway..
    hehe.. as free WiLL be
    when unleashed
    and released
    as being
    starliGht oF eYes
    within.. a dusty road..
    a little boy with no words..
    disabled from birth without
    the ability to speak.. but a lover
    of growth.. in shape of trees..
    a sapling brought home
    by loving mother
    then.. placed
    on a counter
    by a lamp that shines..
    the boys sees green and
    wants to see more.. so he
    nurtures this PLANeT
    the ability
    to speak..
    water he does..
    fertilizing Love..
    Sunshine hope
    iN eYes of Loving
    Kind.. fertile ground
    outside.. dig a hole
    to comfort roots..
    spend time
    and effort
    caring Love
    and the Tree rises
    broad and sTrong..
    and soon provides shade
    for the front porch home..
    Sidewalks come.. but tree
    sTill bRanches out.. Flowers
    come more beautiful than before..
    Students from the local school who
    study trees are amazed by the beauty
    of this tree.. photos are taken.. shared..
    and the boys eYes shine to see what his
    Love inspires.. tree no longer needs boy
    to grow strong now.. and the little
    boy becomes ill and his life
    goes dark..
    Years later..
    a shy young man iS
    walking this sidewalk
    of the boy’s home.. and
    a most beautiful dark haired
    girl approaches him.. with smiling
    face.. the boys eyes liGht up but what
    to say.. ah.. the center piece of conversation
    iS standing tAll and floweRinG more beautiful
    iT seems than ever before on this March Spring
    day.. a spark of instant Love is in the air..
    and that begins a Love that
    will last ’till death..
    the shy boy becomes
    confident with the Love of
    his wife.. joins the Military..
    and even rises to the ranks
    of politics then.. Love grows
    and fearless Lives..
    the boy is
    now a
    Strong man..
    and makes a decision
    as a leader of the world
    that prevents World War III…
    Life on the PlanT now iS saved..
    So who is the savior.. the boy..
    the man.. the girl.. the Loving
    wife.. the parents.. the schools
    providing education.. the tree
    or the little disabled boy
    and all the
    from around the
    world.. well the truth
    iS aLL they are.. as theRe
    is no i.. me but us and we
    oF Life..
    Moral of the
    story.. water a tree
    Of Life and see wHere
    iN ocean
    eYes free..
    True.. i already make ‘this
    story’ but as stories grow meanings change..
    A key is never ever to cut them down for every Tree is Life..
    Even when all is left for stump to rest higher resurrecting sprig anew..:)

    iN SuMMaRY.. SMiLes Frank..:)

    Autumn: Cosmic and Mundane

    First Frost’s Voice

    One-Liner Wednesday — Karma

    Park Shade

  14. SMiLes.. Xenia.. Back to Toss
    A Second Round beforE
    Nouveau Emoticons
    come additionally
    NoW A Few More
    poetic stones
    your way as
    SMiLes of
    Love carry
    on wayward
    ways of Peace
    And Harmony more..
    Prayers rain
    oF CAlMinG WiNDs..
    PaWS fELt
    OCeAN SPRinGSDancE
    DRoPS oF LoVE SinG..
    OctobeR A Festival
    Month iN HopeS for
    Clear Azure oPeNinG
    SKeYeS NoW iN
    DreAMs without
    too much
    of that
    Hurricane Wind..
    Thanks Xenia.. A Beautiful
    CoMinG WeeKEnd to you
    And aLL oF y’aLL iN LiFE PawS and Hands
    iN FeeT oF SinGinG DanCinG LoVELiGHT NexT..:)

  15. WeLL iT SeeMs
    i’M Floating heAR
    On thE ToP NoW MoRE
    AnD aS SyNCHroNiCiTY
    SinGs hear ToGeTHeRNoW
    SonG oFF To DancE i SinG
    MoRE WiTH An ET ShirT yeS
    aLreadY HaNGiNG aBoVE
    mY BeD..OTHeR tHaN
    tHaT S
    B HoPE
    thE FaMiLY
    iS ComplETeLY
    HeaLeD FroM
    A SPReADiNG STreP..
    Oh Lord2.. thE WifE
    K jusT tooK A WalK
    aRound ThE blocK
    inForMinG NoW
    oH yeaH.. HappY FriDaY
    thE 13tH anD 31tH
    iN CasE i
    BacK To gHouLyoUMoRE..;)

  16. “33 Million Gods, but tHeRe’s alWays
    RooM for one more” true Indian
    religion has more
    than one
    than colors
    more has religion
    IndianTrue more one for room
    always there’s but God Million 33 More..
    perHaps iT iS A RatHeR pollYannisH VieW
    FoR SeNSinG and FeeLinG aLL dARk
    Abyss THrouGH sHaDes oF
    Grey Beyond all Colors
    Of Rainbow too as
    Holy and
    Life aS
    iS NoW
    Makes good at lEast
    For me for through Alpha
    And Omega beYond Human
    Abstract Construct Symbols IS A
    reaLiTy oF FeeL anD SenSE NoW
    FoR iT WiLL Be FooLisH NoT To liVE
    NoW aS DRoPS aS WaVes OCeaN WhOLE NoW aLiVE
    Sure.. iN Physics
    talk particles
    and waves
    A Field oF DreAMSoNE..
    in other words the Kingdom of Heaven
    is alive and WeLL WiTHiN heAR mELTiNG PoT oF LoVE..:)

    Why is Hinduism like an Indian railway carriage?

  17. While Modern Science through Empirical Analysis will tell you that the Full
    Moon has no actual Physical Measurable Impact on Behavior the
    Door Men.. Bar Tenders.. Waitresses.. and Bouncers
    will tell you different in places like Old
    Seville Quarter in Pensacola
    Florida and sure..
    ‘the Scientists’ cannot
    in Reliable Scientific Method
    Determine the Reasons behind
    Human Emotional Behavior for as
    far as Science shows most ironically
    for anyone who has any real human common
    sense.. Humans are ruled by Emotions more over
    Reason by far far far Horatio in ways that make
    absolutely no ‘reason sense’ (like the overall
    results of the last election for those who
    now name themselves Mathew 5 Chapters
    1 through 11.. Christians.. who voted
    for a ‘man’ who ran a campaign then
    directly against Christianity per
    yes.. the teachings within for
    those who voted for him
    and name themselves
    Christians then/now..
    and no this is nothing
    really new for Centuries
    uPon Centuries now too.
    ending this Parenthetical
    Statement now to say)
    but plenty of common
    sense otherwise
    as Emotional
    Physical and Existential
    Intelligence in courses of life
    that often become Ignorant to Scientists
    as in their Environments they are simply more
    attuned to Mechanical Cognition of Facts and Figures
    more over the Social Empathic Human Cognition that is the
    stuff of Physical and Emotional and other Wise Existential
    Intelligences in the Realm of Moving Connecting Creating
    Intelligences in Verbs like God and Love that we
    actually sense and feel over Covers and
    Even literally Pages of Books too
    for it’s true Science Binds
    folks together and
    in basic
    Religious Definition
    that fits A Core Definition
    of Religion too.. not unlike Sports
    that Bind and even Conspiracy theories
    too like hAha.. all those people who suffered
    and died in Las Vegas are just part of a Government
    False Flag hoax or even worse now a Government Conspiracy
    to actually kill folks and of course if that was/is really true it would
    will be rather foolish to be in any public place discussing it for your life would/will
    be in danger too but only of course if it was is really true so exercise your Freedom
    of Expression.. just no speech inciting Hate and Violence please or violating Private
    Business Community Rules like Facebook and YouTube and other places like that
    or surely too now
    ‘you’ face a potential greater
    consequence of being removed
    or perhaps worse with legal ramifications
    if it is actually determined you are inciting now an
    actual criminal offense with what you call your freedom
    of speech.. no.. hate speech and inciting violence is not
    a freedom legally allowed in the United States according to
    the laws at hand if you wanna live in the U.S. of A.. true.. though.
    most of it is overlooked on the Internet as there are just not enough real
    Live Hall Monitors to go around and friends don’t rat on friends even when
    they do bad things as that is part of Human Behavior albeit potentially very
    dark in terms
    of Human
    Being Harmed
    sure.. as Spock says
    ‘sometimes’ the deaths of the
    many outweigh the views of the few
    too.. to paraphrase of course using my
    Freedom of Expression now too within the
    Realm of Facebook Community rules as i use
    that avenue to currently write what i term is a New
    Age Bible(s) of my own in personal way as that effort now
    continues to approach 1 Million Plus Words Soon by Memorial
    Day of 2018.. fully included with Multi-Media links in the Description
    Section of my Profile Pics that will be named “Facebook Profile Pic Bible
    2018” and you might ask like my New Facebook Friend Cameron and isn’t
    that a Beautiful Name for a Woman who asked me why i Dance every week as
    last night was my 181st Week Night too of Doing that since around the Spring
    Equinox of 2014 and my answer will be the same as Forrest Gump’s was when
    they asked him why he traversed the United States a few times in Running in
    3 and a half years while i myself have completed over 8,000 Miles of Public
    Dance now in about 50 months Human Clock Time too.. i just felt like doing
    it and started with one word way back on Thanks Giving Day of 2010 on
    the ‘Wrong Planet’.. albeit at first i was escaping the Worst Pain as
    Assessed for Being Human Named Type Two Trigeminal
    Neuralgia from wake to sleep for 66 months
    as part of a total of 19 Medical
    Mostly Stressed induced
    Disorders from flight
    and fight Chronic
    Never ending Stress
    then at my place of Government
    Work in the last couple of years of that
    25 years as active pay Federal Civil Servant and i do
    emphasize the Word Servant that eventually became
    more like Slave in undesirable overall Health and
    Well Being impact.. and while Athletic Director
    might seem like a Dream to many Dudes..
    Truth is in the Slave Labor of the
    Government now cut back
    to bare bone computers
    and a few flesh and
    blood humans
    did i actually
    do that Job for there
    were many more to do then and now
    more where Computersand Humans become
    one now2.. to replace many human flesh and
    Blood Beings at work as we all go more the
    route of Mechanical Cognition ways of being
    even in the Field of Health Welfare and Recreation
    and oh yeah.. your Doctor with their Lap Top too as
    they may forget to ask you how are you feeling today
    Ma’m or Sir while they finish all their keyboard type..
    anyway that pain i had was like a dentist drill in
    my right eye and ear with no drug made then
    that would reduce the pain.. only relief
    was sleep and that took a
    ‘Healthy’ dose of
    Ativan then
    to get
    anywhere close
    out of real life Earth
    Hell into the escape of Sleep..
    so then 12 Million Words came now too
    in just about 83 months as the 7 anniversary
    of my online wordy Fred Existence with my Pen
    Name Katie Mia Frederick among yes a few others too
    With Wife’s Name Katrina Mia as part of the symbolism too..
    there.. although too.. there are several other more hidden now
    and coded acronym meanings too.. as yes.. i love mystery
    and exploration as i am a nomad at heART enslaved in the
    Matrix of Government and other Work for 33 years back in
    tandem when Young with 19 years of School culminating
    in three College Degrees from the University of West
    Florida.. and it’s true.. albeit far from the social norm
    but yes.. legal according to Federal and
    Local Google Blogger Community
    Rules i do full blown Nude
    Art basically cause
    i feel like doing
    that too
    for unlike
    some folks complaining
    these days about Freedom of
    Expression.. i for one serve those who
    Died for my Freedom of Expression no useful
    Gratitude by not using those rights afforded by the
    bones and blood of those folks i stand upon not to fully MoRE
    express everything about me and about the world and existence
    in existential ways i care and feel to do now.. for i am finished with
    the matrix of being a slave to some else’s group think.. i exercise
    my freedom of expression fully where i can with will as it’s true
    at the end of my Road on my Tombstone as this is my
    Tombstone now in terms of build thee more stately
    Mansions of Words as paraphrase of Oliver
    Wendell Holmes as if you like you
    can call all 12 Million Words
    online Since Thanks Giving
    Day of 2010 now a Nautilus Shell
    in metaphor too as FucK the straight
    lines of life God as Finger Print and Nature
    Same Different Spirals well beyond any Human
    Notion of linear sidewalk ways of life in concrete
    hell of matrix slave life.. and yes.. basically when one
    Locks God up in any book and says God you cannot change NoW
    As Nature without any common sense of actual Art of Reality now..
    aS A MasterPiece Painting wHeRe we are the brush and paint and
    MasterPiece Painting too.. as Drop of Water Wave of Ocean WhOle
    in other words
    as metaphor NoW
    of three letter
    word we are pART
    oF GoD WHOle now thru
    Dark Abyss thru SHadES of Grey
    And Beyond the KinD of Rainbow Colors
    MoRE of Human FeeLinG SenSinG PoTenTiaL
    in Beauty and Wisdom as metaphors of our
    HeARTs SpiRiTS of HeArt of EmoTioNs and
    SenSEs do continue to evolve in just one lifetime MiNd
    and BoDy BaLanCinG MetaPhoR of HUmaN SoUL NoW too MoRE
    NoW through the Real Science assessed even Quantifiable
    Features of Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity too.. and by the
    way of anyone wHo is possibly BreaKinG through the New Twitter
    Limit of 280 Characters.. it’s worth noting that any word i use someone
    might not understand.. well yeah.. same as me and anyone else if yes.. you
    wanna know and understand now most anything better in life now Google is
    your friend but watch out for the Conspiracy Theorists.. hehe.. and other
    Tin Foil Hat Wearers but to be clear i see a MaGiC of Life that is Super
    Normal.. yes.. ReaLiTY and Nature too that not many obviously see as when i relate
    it to most folks it might as well be Sanskrit and that other Longest Long Form Poem
    the Mahābhārata at 1.8 Million Words as my ‘SonG of mY SoUL’ Long Form Poem
    and also termed by me as Bible too now exceeds 5 Million Words of 50 months
    of write too.. along with the Public 8000 Miles of Dance During that period of
    time too.. and my “Nether Land Bible 2017” as smaller Chapter of that
    and the overall 12 Million Words written online since Thanks
    Giving Day is also now up to.. 2,052,146 Words.. in a little
    over 16 Months NoW as i’ve actually written 6 named
    Bibles NoW iN 50 Months too as part of that
    5 Million Word “Song oF SoUL” and
    what i personally name as Three
    New Testaments as a Play
    on Words too.. and
    the latest one now..
    i thought i finished with
    A 12th MacroVerse in 77 days
    at 231,730 Words.. appears to still be going
    MoRE HeAR with this 13th MacroVerse now named
    as i am currently writing iT aS “A SaVanT oF LoVE”
    for it is true too.. if you saw “The Accountant” Movie
    then/now with Ben Affleck or perhaps the “Good Doctor’
    New TV Show NoW or even Sheldon Cooper when he was
    a Young Adult and now Young Child in that newest show
    too.. i am diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum with Asperger’s
    Syndrome as it’s true i used to think more like a Computer after
    School got a hold of my more Bi-Polar part of my mind as inherited
    from the Maternal Side of the family as one who has been to BoTH REaL HeLL
    And HeaVeN in one life time.. too.. and it’s true also that’s wHeRE the flow of
    mY Van Gogh Multi-Colored River of Poetry coMes from too.. And sure.. the
    Nude Art as any totally oPen Miley and Madonna and rarely man will do..
    and yes when i was in Middle
    School the McDonald’s Cashier
    confused me for a girl and that
    was difficult as i felt like a total
    boy with crushes on girls ever since
    Kindergarten.. albeit then for holding hands
    over that other stuff.. then.. and yes.. i couldn’t
    speak until age 4.. made fun of for stuttering after
    that at school and called strange and oh yes worse F words
    per the Autism Spectrum Thingy challenges too and it really
    pisses me off when i see folks bullied for being different and that
    is a major focus of what i do now too in Victory over any potential
    ever Vengeance then or now too.. i do words now.. not swords now i have plenty
    of Martial Arts Potential in real live art i don’t have to use.. for sure i can
    show ‘you’ a crazy eye that you’ve likely never seen before too upon command too..
    that i rarely have to use
    but sometimes i showcase this Karmic eYe
    just for defense is better than offense now too..
    And the teachings of Jesus just the man and not
    the obvious Hyperbole of myth that’s part of most all
    Marketing 101 still as schooling to promote a product
    for sale in onward Christian Soldier way of killing field Patriarchal
    Roman Expanding Empires Still.. YeS iN Muslim ways of doing that so
    named tribal instinct thingie too to secure the best subsistence and
    use reproductive control for mates up to rape too.. i understand why
    folks do what they do for one of my Degrees was Anthropology aLong
    with Health Science and the third one of Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
    too.. but it’s true i learned more about Humans in the University of Military
    Bowling Center Worker and Manager for the Government too.. sure.. Community
    Activities Director and Athletic Director too.. and the way warriors think by working
    with the Military and how the Fundamentalist to Charismatic Mystical Folks think
    across religions and other myths and truths and lights too.. i like the Teachings
    of Jesus Best for they Center around Love mostly although they are not
    perfect as Humans are more like art than Computers still now
    but our bugs or more like art than computer science minds
    still.. anyway.. while it’s true that i am writing just another
    1 Million plus word Bible in a year as “PHI
    Bible was written and completed in
    365 days finishing that
    Epic Long Form
    Poem and
    Bible effort
    at 1.618 Million Words
    around Memorial Day of 2017
    usually.. my actual words come in three
    ways on Facebook under Youtube Videos.. also
    too as Words with No associated links and under
    Profile Pics too in replicate too.. so yeah.. it’s true..
    now by the end of this year as far as actual written copied
    and pasted words there will be around 3 or 4 million words
    Shared by me on Facebook Directly with that “Facebook Profile
    Pic Bible 2018″.. and around another 2 or 3 million Words Shared
    as Facebook Memories from years to date too.. so.. sure.. if you ever
    hear of the 6 Million Dollar Man.. i am the (A) 6 Million Word now per year
    Man just on Facebook alone.. oh.. but yes too.. add all the words i put all over
    the Internet now.. in a year and it is surely over 12 Million Words or so a year
    that matches the Direct 12 Million Words Written in close to 7 years now.. so in
    other words as mostly i am writing this to my New Friend From Seville as i rarely
    have anyone venturing out who even wants to be my Facebook Friend after now they
    find out how much of an outlier i am in terms of both Human as more like an Extra
    Terrestrial than anyone who lives on this Planet NoW and Avant Garde Art that exceeds
    what most any artist… particularly Male has ever dared to do.. i let folks know all of who
    i am.. NoW and my Freedom has cost me many potential acquaintances and friends but truth NoW
    is.. i do not need friends who i have to lie to for all of what i am.. just a free dude on the
    planet i am
    noW of LoVE
    fully expresSinG LoVE
    with no limits or otherwise
    expectations less than Luke Hot
    Love now.. i have enough money
    to last the rest of my life i live rather
    modestly and care not to make any more now
    for if i did or even if any larger than a few people
    could see monetary value in anything i did.. i would give
    up my valued freedoms of Love more and that is not something
    i am willing to sacrifice now.. for it’s true too.. i lived as a shut-
    in.. in my bedroom numb of emotions and full of pain for those 66 months
    of hell and that lesson taught me one thing.. Love is Free and so is Heaven now..
    And for all the acquaintances and so-called friends and family who have drifted away
    from me from this free.. that’s okay too.. i was the ‘gifted child’ in school and nah.. i don’t
    expect anyone
    but me
    to be
    ‘A SaVAnT oF LoVE”
    but it’s True HeaVeN is
    a mighty fine place to live.. NoW
    the invitation is oPen still friend or foe same..
    and oh yeah.. the other New Friend who already
    knows or has heard about all i do now through 3 years
    and 3 months or so as A Reliable Dancer PARTner at Old Seville Quarter
    now too and really the first one there who started dancing regularly with
    me.. as she just recently came back on Facebook and yes.. Chelsea is her
    name as i have often written about her here.. you see.. i care not for any
    record books for anything i do.. for it is friends.. the few i have that are worth
    the Entire
    to me..
    and sure
    obviously the Egyptian
    Isis-like Goddess the
    Wife Katrina Wonder
    Woman too aS Such
    and of course
    the remaining
    Loving Members
    oF mY Family too
    as Love..sure.. the records come…
    NoW that’s what hapPens when you put
    the Music on 10 and don’t stop DanCinG and
    SinGing life Hard on and never quit.. and while
    ‘you’ were and are DanCinG and SinGinG like this
    all that matters is one person smiled along the way of
    life with you.. so.. sure.. you can erase me from the Internet
    and feed me to the Worms when i die but what will be left
    is that
    Cat smile
    and Mad Hats
    i shared with others
    for the sake of Love iN Free now..
    you see now those entire 66 Months in hell
    for when emotions go as memories are emotions
    even the memory of what a real smile felt like goes
    with no reference point of memory out of hell.. trust
    me that’s worse than what science assesses as actual
    worse that Crucifixion pain of type two Trigeminal Neuralgia
    and no three hour or three day tour in Hell for me a full 66
    to learn
    the value
    of a Human
    Smile just one
    SMiLE that you can
    even remember as real…
    the Absence of Love is Hell
    in all the colors Love comes and
    Heaven is when Love is so many Colors
    there are not enough numbers or words to
    even measure Love now.. in other words Love IS
    beyond distance space or time now Love Beyond Infinity isreal..
    is it any
    i really
    see God as Love
    that’s the only literal pART of God i see..
    although true the Struggle of DArk is what
    makes love as real as Night is Day too.. all is God
    is the

    “A SaVanT oF LoVE”..
    A Thirteenth MacroVerse of
    a Third New Testament named
    overall as SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN
    so.. sure.. this means an Updated Table of Contents as the Record continues to spin..;)

    6th Bible Memorial 19,777 Words

    6th Bible Memorial

    WiLL i WAiT 11,906 Words

    WiLL i WAiT

    1HuRRiCaNESoUL96 9,108 Words


    SeCrETS NoW iN BRoaD BAnDSiGHT 10,188 Words


    EVeRY PRoPHeCY TaLeS A THoUSAnD PiCtUrES 19,750 Words


    SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old 20,369 Words

    SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old

    SOLaR ECLiPSE FoR LoVE 2017 20,631 Words

    SOLaR ECLiPSE FoR LoVE 2017

    BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017 22,553 Words

    BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017

    LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017 19,626 Words

    LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017

    8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 19,966 Words

    8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

    SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN 30,766 Words

    SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN

    THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 DReaMS oN 26,460 Words

    THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 DReaMS oN

    A SaVanT oF LoVE

    LiNk coming soon enough..:)


    i suppose if life is love
    life is resurrected
    when heART
    iN aRT
    i FeeL i SenSe
    i KNoW NoThInG
    MoRe FoR this my FriENd
    Lala Rukh.. from years ago GroWinG
    Forevernow Longer if Love doesn’t really exist
    For i Feel
    For i Sense
    For i Do Love Does
    it’s true God Doesn’t
    Exist as Human without Love
    otHeR Than NiGHT is DaY aS DArk beCoMes LiGHT..:)

    51 Months i’ve been coming here
    only thing that’s left is Love 51 Days
    My only Child and only Son Ryan Lived
    And he never smiled once in only pain and will to live.. my friend.. so..
    it’s not Hard to see the value of hell for anything else is Heaven now..:)

    Just waiting for A Smile of a FRiEnD to Do whatever it takes to live as that is what life does
    sMiLes or
    Son.. JusT Live oN BesT oNE CaN WiLL anD iF LovE coMes wELcoMe LoVE as GoDNoW..:)

  19. “9.. The known universe has one complete lover and that is the greatest poet. He consumes an eternal passion and is indifferent which chance happens and which possible contingency of fortune or misfortune and persuades daily and hourly his delicious pay. What baulks or breaks others is fuel for his burning progress to contact and amorous joy. Other proportions of the reception of pleasure dwindle to nothing to his proportions. All expected from heaven or from the highest he is rapport with in the sight of the daybreak or a scene of the winter woods or the presence of children playing or with his arm round the neck of a man or woman. His love above all love has leisure and expanse … he leaves room ahead of himself. He is no irresolute or suspicious lover … he is sure … he scorns intervals. His experience and the showers and thrills are not for nothing. Nothing can jar him … suffering and darkness cannot—death and fear cannot. to him complaint and jealousy and envy are corpses buried and rotten in the earth … he saw them buried. The sea is not surer of the shore or the shore of the sea than he is of the fruition of his love and of all perfection and beauty.”

    “27.. There will soon be no more priests. Their work is done. They may wait awhile … perhaps a generation or two … dropping off by degrees. A superior breed shall take their place … the gangs of kosmos and prophets en masse shall take their place. A new order shall arise and they shall be the priests of man, and every man shall be his own priest. The churches built under their umbrage shall be the churches of men and women. Through the divinity of themselves shall the kosmos and the new breed of poets be interpreters of men and women and of all events and things. They shall find their inspiration in real objects to-day, symptoms of the past and future… . They shall not deign to defend immortality or God or the perfection of things or liberty or the exquisite beauty and reality of the soul. They shall arise in America and be responded to from the remainder of the earth.”

    -Walt Whitman
    ~Leaves of Grass~

    Walt.. a rather rare breed of poet..
    optimistic about life
    all of free and
    what truly life
    liberty and the pursuit
    of Happiness can be achieving
    one’s true will under Love that is
    no doubt.. no fear.. no shame.. no guilt.. no envy.
    no hate.. LoVE unconditionally for all of Nature
    that Frees in Life as Paradise now in other
    words he too… speaKing from a place
    that is reliably Heaven on eARTh
    whether others are raptured
    or not into A place
    of Joy
    GreaTer LiGht
    eYes shining brighter
    in Wisdom Truth’s Beauty iN
    Foundation Love and Grace
    WitH Will and Strength Towering
    over edifice of Human Tools other
    than the Hands of Love spiriting heart
    from a Mind and Body Balance Soul as truly
    we are leaves of grass as one Force of Love
    now when we grow as Love Higher as Greatest Force
    of GoD oNE
    NoW iN
    LiFE ReaL
    no illusory fears
    no empty promises or
    threats about a dirt nap
    separated from all that is now
    as Life this Heaven is real and these
    Priests and Priestesses for whatever labels
    are attached to the agape love that brings more
    Colors oF aRt to LiFELiGHT are surely worth LiVInG NoW..
    so was Whitman
    a Prophet
    of the
    Ages to come..
    well in pART yes and in
    pART no for to understand a Green
    Pill of Human Nature is to understand that
    both biologically and environmentally natured
    and nurtured some human beings cling more to
    closed minded ways of thinking and caution ways of
    being than the more Whitman Nomad leaning explorers
    in change for progress more than sitting still in deserts covered
    up for Naked
    free to
    God now
    in sands and sun
    of lavish meadows and
    flowers more as nomads do
    explore and find environments of
    Heaven more.. it’s true.. some folks live life
    naked and free open to new experiences and other
    folks glue to older clothes clinging to traditions for feelings
    of warm and comfort even if that means freedom goes away
    in naked
    of Life in
    Joy even more..
    no.. people who adhere to group
    think are far from irrational for the most
    irrational ways of being move into isolationism
    without any human comfort of friends to be but you
    see in terms of serial killers and at least one rampage killer
    of note lately some people are born without a conscious to feel
    and sympathize with the pain of others and true if they gain a moral
    code in a religion
    that does that
    or a culture or
    other clubs if they
    are basically forced into
    joining through childhood more
    they can go in another direction than
    torturing small animals or perhaps making
    fun of an entire way of speaking to cater in the
    pulling of heart strings of core closed mindedness
    in opposition to change more too.. but then there ARE
    THAT WAY AS DARK BREEDS DARK TOO.. making excellent
    killing machines of warring tribes to kill the opposing tribe.. kept in
    the gene pool in part for this very reason of Abrahamic Religion Cultures
    too.. who fight against each other for territory.. subsistence and mates still now
    yes. uP to
    sex slaves
    still now too
    for a force of
    rape or ‘just’ P
    Grabbing too.. NoW..
    so.. yeah.. life in general
    as far as cultures and peoples
    and individuals go in terms of systemizing
    science of the human condition it is a lot more
    complex than poetry that appeals to the mavericks
    the wanderers and nomads now with dopamine variant
    genes more as obviously Whitman lived his life according
    to an internal creed of free.. and it’s also true.. ‘Caesar’.. ‘Apes Stronger
    together’ still matter if it is a group of people binding around a ‘theology’
    still of ensuring other languages don’t come in to compete with the traditional
    languages in all the metaphors for traditions of cultures light through dark that
    bind people together still now.. so.. yes.. the Neo Metaphor from the Matrix series
    does apply.. not everyone will unplug and enter into the Kingdom of Heaven as
    the Camel And Needle Series of Stories in the New Testament equally relay
    in truth then as now as Human Nature in accord
    with Classical Evolution hasn’t changed
    much in around 100 thousand
    years or so and surely
    not innately
    in the
    last 2000 years
    or so as the similar
    archetypal myths and
    stories housed in vehicles
    and vessels the same and
    different in essences of Human
    Truths and Lights in Wisdom and
    Beauty through the ages still now.. true
    overall in the lights and darks of life that
    create unity and division too in basic terms
    of Conservatives and Liberals still.. take away
    Shelter and Subsistence and Mates and Houston
    we have a problem.. ‘Trumps’ come next for divide more
    and conquer.. and for those who are open minded and more
    loving in embracing different.. very hard for it is for them to understand
    the other side same as any conservative who is totally disgusted when
    Victoria’s Secrets and her Boy Friend’s Secrets come online as free now
    too naked
    and freer
    to experience
    all of what life has and is more even
    now to offer in bliss bless of feelings
    and senses too from head to toe springs
    and all around more.. but you see now too
    conservative and liberal Will also get together
    and love for i am about as liberal as ‘they’ come
    and the wife as metaphor for incarnate Egyptian
    Isis Goddess Katrina is rather conservative and the
    opposite as shy and at least partially clothed hehe than
    me.. it’s true.. the fire needs ice the sky needs ground the
    sun needs clouds and nights need days for any of these colors
    of God to exist as Nature Free in Diversity that adds salt and spice
    to the earth as honey do or honey don’t now too.. hehe.. i do love me some
    minions too as ‘they’
    just add spice
    ironically and true
    to every thing i do..
    not every one will dance
    some folks will not.. including
    my Goddess wife too as she relaxes
    and watches TV through her afternoons
    as my fingers dance and sing across the online
    Screens of Joy and Screams of Life now.. it’s true
    i am a sun
    my wife
    is some clouds
    but it’s also true
    without my clouds this
    sun could burn out to
    a black hole soul more..
    Love needs anchors too..
    For Love to carry on as Art
    and sure we all need muse ..some
    darker some lighter as life moves on
    now for what life continues to be.. tides
    that rise and fall.. shores that expand and narrow.. more
    it’s all good when you understand the entire neighborhood now..
    in other words.. it’s not enough to treat your neighbor as you would
    like to be treated.. you must understand the differences of your neighbor too
    and create boundaries for everyone to enjoy at least somethings in life now..
    truly loving
    someone the way
    you would want to
    be loved becomes harm
    instead and sure this is just
    common sense for some folks but
    as the same general gist of this story
    goes there are few rules that work for everyone now same..
    but there are rules to protect the potential for most everyone to
    have a right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness too so
    politics.. law..
    is are reality too..
    you can ignore it now
    but if you do not embrace
    it to do your best to take care
    of everyone the Karma that comes
    next is as predictable as pronouncing
    the name of a different country wrong
    to mock differences of others as a way of life too..
    no use in hiding the truth and light for surely truth is dark too..
    not so beautiful and not so wise too but never the less reality now true..
    Meanwhile.. i dance and sing but that’s me again not every dances and sings and
    ok too..
    maybe not
    as happy but
    never the less.. okay too.
    Dedicated too all the folks at
    the Dance Hall who couldn’t
    believe i do not do any drugs
    no alcohol no cigarettes.. only God
    as real life Nature Heaven within and
    the rather shorter Very Happy Blonde Haired
    Woman.. a ‘little’ older than the College Crew who
    had a shirt on that said all day drinker who kept coming
    back for bootie dances however her butt could only reach my kneeS hehe..
    but sure
    a back too..
    And as always
    the obvious angels
    in female human form
    who dance with me there too..
    butt it’s true.. ‘Witchy Women’ are okay too..
    And no.. Katrina Incarnate Egyptian Goddess Isis is not jealous for we hold
    no secrets in love now as life.. and no no No.. she doesn’t bootie dance at all..
    i always show her all my new dance friends and she estimates the New Bootie Dancer at
    30 but
    of course
    as beautiful as ever
    like the Katrina too at 47..
    perhaps if ‘she’ aged ‘she’ might get jealous too..
    butt that’s how Goddess life goes in terms of Hebe with Apollo too..
    Anyway.. they didn’t Cancel the Biloxi Casino Trip for Nate for it’s true
    (by the way Nate is a once in a Century Hurricane too as it is the
    first time in over a Century we’ve had 9 Consecutive Hurricanes)
    people who gamble are risk takers.. duh.. anyway.. and they
    weren’t afraid of potential tropical storm force winds
    like the Winds of January Cold Fronts on the
    Tour Bus back home in the Rain.. more
    nor was i but it’s
    true too iN
    Love you
    compromise too..
    MARRIED 28 YEARS 2..
    so sure.. we’ll go a little later to the
    Cordova Mall now instead as after
    aLL iT is most definitely gonna rain
    in Biloxi all afternoon Long and i Sure
    Don’t wanna be stuck inside without the
    Dance of Beaches there now.. particularly
    with all that cigarette smoke as my altered
    Sense of Smell for now is not liking cigarettes at all..
    And gambling.. Jesus F in ChrisT it bores the hell out of me
    i rather
    be a dancing
    ‘devil’ on the beach..
    bootie dancers coming or not..;)
    PS.. Katrina got a little upset
    when i compared her to clouds but
    i reminded her there would be no
    truly beautiful
    clouds and then
    she smiled (“Mission
    Accomplished”) of course..
    i mainly wrote this for her..
    whether ‘you’ like it or not.. hehe..
    no.. hell no.. you don’t bite the hands that feed you either..
    And now she says too.. those three loads of laundry are
    not getting done on their own..
    And now i say too..
    i’m just
    a ‘Normal’
    Middle Aged ‘Traditionally’
    Married dude after all is danced and sung..
    so it’s true too.. i do do both Conservative
    and Liberal.. True.. Too..
    butt what you do
    you expect from
    A Dr Jekyll
    And Good Cop Mr.
    Hyde.. When the Asperger’s
    And Bi-Polar Spectrums NoW
    miX for A storm of ‘something’ to coMe..;)

  20. Niece Megan
    Chain letters
    A Prayer
    ‘Or Else’..
    So.. i
    As ‘they’ say..
    Your Father
    In Heaven
    Before you
    Pray.. Works
    For Me
    As Good
    Stuff Always
    Now A
    Is Love..
    Nuff Said
    For me
    At Least
    Like this..
    So as this 13th MacroVerse
    of Third New Testament of Two
    Longest Long Form Poem Bibles
    and more from 2 to 5 Million Words
    as Records and Consecutive Hurricanes
    continue to Grow in Apocalypse Destructions
    Seasons since once in Century Solar Eclipse
    from east to west Coast US thru so many Once in
    A Century Hurricanes.. Wild.. Fires.. Earth Quakes..
    Floods in up to a once in a Thousand Years event.. too..
    And yes.. psychopathic shoot ’em ups in even more death
    and injuries and ‘Dear Leaders’ who play with words for
    Nuclear Destroying the Environment on top of Climate
    Change Health Care Reform in taking away
    Insurance from the Disabled and Poor
    that failed at least with all
    the Nuclear threats
    so far for
    veiled threats
    of Nuclear October
    Surprises and then the
    take away of funding Insurance
    for Birth Control as a requirement
    to assist Women in their Health
    to actually increase unwanted
    pregnancies more
    suffering and
    including more
    Abortion too as prevented
    Pregnancies do not end in abortion
    when safe and effective birth control
    is used in lieu of unwanted pregnancies
    and more abortions to come as abstinence
    is already proven with anyone with common
    sense NOT TO FUCKING WORK.. as that
    Human Story of Horny 365 days of
    Year for folks who are normal
    and overall healthy
    human beings
    and not even more
    repressed and oppressed
    in sexuality ways decreasing
    libido creativity and productivity
    too as naked means human free NoW aLL
    the way around the block of being human..
    leading to frustrations more misery loves
    company thru Aggression and Violence
    and Apocalyptic Dreams of world War III
    And Chopping Heads off and raping
    little children too and praising
    a God of Violence while
    doing that too.. anyway..
    oh where.. oh where did does do the
    Original Greek Definition of Apocalypse
    now that simply and complexly means lifting
    the veils of ignorance and now where do people
    who read the Bible do when they have not a clue
    what the greater parables and mysteries even say
    for those with eyes and ears to see and hear a little
    deeper than a surface of Fundamentalist Fed Stuff..
    Once again.. to be expected.. some folks shallow.. some
    Folks Luke reaD and some folks deeper than Big Blue IBM too..
    Anyway.. my Country tis of thee you continue to Build Bad Blood
    With God otherwise known as the Karma of Nature and while every’time’
    Nature more evens the Natural Score you continue to build Veils of Ignorance
    ‘tween the God liGhT of Common Sense that Loves in Hope over Fear and Hate..
    so.. what am i going to do with you.. you incorrigible Childs as i imagine
    now what God might say as Niece Megan sent me a message supposedly
    from God too to copy something to get something from God
    like those who have love fulfilled need anything
    more other than basic shelter subsistence
    and loving friends family and mates
    if one is into that kinda
    thing as most
    and so-named
    ‘Normal’ Beings are
    all up into Nature’s
    Wild Thing too.. so.. how many
    FuckingTowers now do you need
    and golf clubs and bags and Hotels
    too.. when are you going to realize that
    you use 40% of the Human Driven Effort of
    Draining the Earth of Life Giving Resources..
    Don’t you think you owe the Earth and its Peoples
    a little something for your selfish ways of being that
    once was a Nation under God and Now a Nation under taking
    and all about money and other stuff as humans become tools
    than flesh
    and blood
    moving.. connecting
    and creating children of
    GoD AnD Nature.. same and different..
    too.. in all of reality that can and will
    be more like Super Normal Nature too when
    liFe beCoMeS all MaGiC of Heaven Now within..
    no Hotels required no take of Women’s and Disabled
    and Older Folks ways of gaining basic subsistence
    with a Healthy way of doing business in life..
    anyway.. bottom lines we are in dire need of
    more children with vision becoming
    American too.. yes.. when they
    already live in this
    all Legal
    and corn fed
    good old boys too..
    well.. if you haven’t heard
    overall Nature speaking since
    the Solar Eclipse including the
    Human Race it might be best that
    one opens up their ears and eyes too see..
    what might come next unless Love and Hope now
    Becomes the rule of Happiness over fear and hate..
    at least
    Nate is almost
    finished with his Breeze
    iN North West Florida now over
    Tropical Storm Force at least..
    And yes.. as Baby Definitions Go Now too..
    Nate Brings needed Rain to the PaNHanDLE
    oF Florida now.. just.. sounds like another
    Cold Front or so coming through heAR.. some
    flickers oF Light but i lite this place up anyway
    as mY
    continuing out
    of ignorance at least for now..:)

  21. Unsaved

    Let it go and
    Break Free..
    Sounds like
    A Real bEcause mY friEnd..
    Precious memories more and less
    Emotions of the past still living now
    as memories and emotions same..
    when we die a little bit in
    the present those
    are emotions
    are indeed what
    can and will also
    bRinG uS Back to LiFE NoW..
    Thing is if one can remember the emotions
    of past memories those emotions are as real
    and youthful as they ever were are for now my FriEnd..
    there was/is a day of oral traditions where all of life is memories
    and other fictional stories about emotions to be related to others
    who perhaps have not
    yet embarked
    in a potential of
    consensual realities
    of emotions and senses that
    do exist.. and sure Blogs are just
    the Modern online version of that as
    the World’s peoples stART to come toGeTHeR
    to see that as alWays it is hope and love that glues
    a unity of peace and harmony in life in joy loves company
    and fear and hate that separates a division of discord
    and discontent in death as life as misery loves
    company more than the place of
    Joy that is truly a real
    Super Normal reality
    of a Heaven
    my friEnd..
    Golden Years
    always live in joy
    and Karma loves Loving
    Company and sure there are
    other kinds of Companies and Towers too
    so much lower than a power of love that feels
    and senses life as real Heaven now.. Heals with enough
    stories of emotions as memories that spell unity of love
    will come
    to the other good
    place my friend and live..
    A Dance and Song at least
    For that ‘other thing’..isREaL2.. anYWaY..
    Have a Nice Day Prajakta NoW with sMiLes if you will..
    heHe as i reAlly don’t like telling people what they ‘must’ do..;)

  22. Black and White exclusive colors of Nike Shox Shoes in
    varying models i’ve been wearing to Public Dance since
    around September of 2013.. a lot of Nike Shox Shoes..
    about 17 pairs and oh God around 2K Dollars
    worth of keeping my feet in good
    shape all around the 400K folks
    or so Metro population Metro area
    in 50 plus months of
    8000 plus miles too..
    that also extends to
    Hurricane Nate
    Landed Biloxi
    as the Golden Nugget
    Hotel that is likely our next
    Biloxi Casino Church Driven
    Tour Bus excursion next month..
    yes.. the Golden Nugget Flooded
    and it’s probably great that we didn’t
    go on the Tour yesterday to Biloxi
    as the Casinos Closed early
    and the Causeway
    Across Mobile
    Bay Closed
    Surge too..
    but you know what
    ‘they’ say.. some folks
    just love to take risks now
    and now sure the accompanying
    dopamine hits too but trust me
    Dancing in Public from Biloxi Gulf
    Coast Beaches all the way to Tallahassee
    Town where the Seminoles still try to play Football
    now is a much cheaper way to do it to just have fun even more
    And Lordy knows about a year into it or so the participating
    Smart Phone Video Voyeur Audience may soon come up to you from
    Old Seville Quarter and or Target and say hey man did you know
    you are famous and yes you are a Legend for you are everywhere
    on Facebook as folks continue to share your dance in social media..
    and then you
    say well that’s
    nice but bottom
    line is the Joy of
    Dance NoW and
    yes.. ‘other’ stuff
    now too is enough for me
    to be Happy with no affirmation
    or accolades in Social Media Fame at
    all but if it inspires hope in you as Forrest Gump
    might say.. i wasn’t paying that much attention to what
    you were and are still doing with me.. hehe.. on Social Media
    So.. more Will Power to ya Baby to Come Happier no matter what works
    best for you next for you too can be naked and Free in Dance with
    God as Nature Free like me too.. if you too Dance and Sing a Holy
    and Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose in the moment of Joy
    life now just dancing aWay a Moving Meditation Love more
    as life lives now to be close to Love
    more now.. you see/hear.. i don’t
    play games that
    restrict human
    freedoms as long
    as no one is harmed
    in non-consensual ways of
    doing stuff life.. anything goes now as
    far as me and God of Nature are concerned
    as Long as God lives Happy in you as Nature
    and other folks too.. and that takes a little art with
    the science of life too in ways of empathy.. sympathy
    and compassion that not all folks are born with or are
    Gardened with Love by parents and peers and other family
    members and friends in a Village that raises the children as
    a Prize of Love and what will be needed as helping hands for
    the overall village to survive and even thrive together in Naked
    Dance and Song with God free eye to eye face to face and sure still
    too Cheek to Cheek including hip to hip in a naked and free loVELiGHT
    DancE and SonG of LiFe.. butt true we live life more like small single
    to nuclear to small group units of human nomads as we travel the Country
    to less hospitable environments of snow freeze and hot desert places too..
    trust me there is not much
    frustration and aggression
    and violence for those who
    more fully understand how
    to love themselves on a mostly
    Naked Sunny Florida Panhandle Beach
    of life for it is true there is Bikini Bliss there
    and alWays free ways to take care of love whether
    coupled up or not after or staying on the Beach too..
    and of course we pay the price of Hurricanes for the
    benefit of mostly naked free sensual and loving Beaches
    with Naked God Beaches too.. full now of free sugary white
    sands emerald green gulf waters seagulls spiraling around
    the Sun and if you have never been with your American Indian
    Looking Half Pacific Islander Princess in the ‘Biblical way’ all Naked
    and Free on a Beach like this well let’s just say you may not have fully
    explored Heaven now.. for sure.. i fully understand my blessings and blissings
    of life through the trials and tribulations struggle and ultimate bliss after hell
    too for 66 months in that other place too.. and year or two or so stays at College age
    or so too.. i see a lot of joy when i dance at Old Seville Quarter but i also see a whole
    lot of confusion and stress and lost young men and women in a place of life that often feels
    little to no soul in the data download years of College too.. anyway.. key is.. if you can and
    will don’t stop dancing and singing now.. i’m pretty sure that is the main non-verbal ministry
    of message i bring to the Gulf Coast area now including the online cloud of dance i come in
    on Social Media too.. if you don’t think a person who was a shut-in in their home starting
    at middle age at 47 years old staying in a cave of a bedroom for 66 months can’t
    adapt to hell to make hell heaven and make some kind of a difference in the
    world thingie again.. better yet feel and sense the Love of God that is
    God within as light and come out come out and play wherever
    you are now as you can and will to make a difference
    of liGht as Love in the World thingie too.. i for
    one don’t care how you do it as long as
    you care how you do it as
    you understand the
    positive impact
    your efforts will
    have on others..
    sure.. you could work
    for the Water Front Mission
    or you and your significant other
    could share naked art with the world
    too as parts of my family do still now too..
    sure.. i believe in spreading light.. i understand
    the science and art of nature NoW and being human
    too in most all the ways that coMe to light being us
    up NoW iN general of course as mileage
    varies among conservative
    and more liberal open
    minded natures too
    as far as this
    human thingy
    still comes and
    goes all around the
    globe now.. thing is as i come
    to a conclusion for this 13th MacroVerse
    of a Third New Testament now as next i will
    share some MacroVerse Memories years to date
    as usual now.. too.. my only Revelation is Love is
    the key to all stuff good and don’t forget you do reap
    what you sow in terms of entire countries too the eyes of
    Karma are a force we all employ in action and consequence now
    negative to positive Force energy from fear and hate to love and
    joy but for those folks who cannot feel/sense the real human force love
    of empathy and sympathy and compassion more who instill
    fear and hate through the entire world now these
    eyes of Karma in action and consequence
    of sow and reap are becoming
    ever present more
    the Environment
    within as any material reductionist
    will tell you that the observer effect of
    Humans on the Environment of Photons presently
    now is really just a tiny change that Humans make
    in the reality around them now.. well let me tale you
    for those who are cynical of thE light and MaGiC more
    like Harry Potter different and same the Horatio stories
    continue to grow more than you may feel and sense now less
    but the/A Force of Karma does come in negative and positive
    ways too.. and there are folks at the very top that and who continue
    to bring
    that old
    dARK Dragon
    of Karma out
    more than ever before..
    so it’s true the red pART
    on my Nike Shox Shoes came
    around the Solar Eclipse too.. i had
    a feeling.. yes.. i had a doomsday new more
    sweet and sick smell that yes coincidentally
    came too but it’s worth noting at least to me
    that nothing in life is random and all pArTS
    impact affect and effect the WhOle thingie
    too.. for those who are callous and full
    of malice you do impact the
    World when you scare
    the innocents among
    us the poor and the
    disabled you too
    change the
    world thingie
    in what comes around
    does eventually come back
    to haunt you believe it or not
    Ripley’s and Horatio’s a little more now
    if you will.. i not only watch.. i record his
    story and herstory too and Karma as God always
    Comes NoW iN NatuRe all of reaLiTy ways more
    liGht and dARk of the reality we imagine and
    create next in terms of nightmares of fear and
    hate or love more as hope and joy loves company
    Dreams Fruition more than the misery loves company that may come
    next more in an alternate reality dARk more approximating now
    heaven now..
    so what comes neXT..
    i can only provide my
    trutH and LiGht and if you
    think anyone has the answer but
    YOU think again better yet feel and sense love
    AFAIK better
    yet feel and sense iT
    tHeRE is no better way
    than Love thE Pure Positive
    Force that DanceS and SinGS
    LiGHT oF LiGHT aWay from dark
    now in all pro-social human
    emotions and senses
    that do
    other than that
    you live in a Democracy
    and you get what you vote
    for as the Karma continues to gRow
    OCeaN wHoLE and yes be fulfilled as dArk will Displace
    liGht NoW if that is what you continue to vote for now..
    so yeah.. it’s up to you.. you reap too what you sow in terms of votes
    in a
    Developed and
    Agreed upon by the
    Majority of opinion too..
    sure.. get rid of birth control
    in affordable and assessable ways
    more abortions will come safe or unsafe
    next.. even if you get rid of safe abortions
    too.. get rid of health care for the poor give tax
    breaks more to the rich away from the disabled too..
    and what will come next as desperation more for folks
    surely anarchy and greater chaos away from peace and harmony
    is possible for what you reap after that.. live by love or die by the sword
    of hate even
    one does
    less than
    an approximation
    of life in joy now..
    meanwhile. others of us
    are raptured into the Heaven
    of Love now with sad eyes we wish
    you were here but we can’t make you come that is up to you..
    but if you really listen/see.. ‘we’ will do our best to provide some doors for you..
    for no.. hope and love never sentences fear and hate to hell for the reality is that is already hell now..
    those of us
    in love
    see this fAct
    FeeLinG SeNSe more
    now and just wish
    to help you out NoW to
    the otHeR place of life is good now..:)

  23. Facebook Friend Ned’s Brother
    Chris.. who is also a Facebook Friend
    shares a status asking how do we keep
    killing guns out of the Hands of what he
    names as ‘Crazy’ Folks.. so i go on to say..
    The only real
    Clue at this
    Point per why
    ‘He’ did it per
    Of a Psychopathic
    Dad.. Freely
    And very
    Birth Control
    Is not a
    Bad idea
    But if you
    Want to
    Get rid
    Of A
    Of Being
    Like this
    A potential
    Of erasing
    now Health
    Care options
    NoW From the
    Poor.. Disabled
    And Elderly
    Folks.. you’ll
    Have to send
    Most Republican
    Back to
    In killing slower the
    Folks The Jesus Dude
    Was all
    With A
    Love in Giving
    And Sharing
    Even More

    And since i pecked that response
    out on a Smart Phone.. Public Dancing
    Around Winn Dixie with the Katrina and
    her Sister Kim while listening to ‘Child
    of Vision’ again by “Supertramp” if
    you get the gist by that
    group name
    as that
    to a storied
    individual who emptied
    his pockets with some apostles
    and went barefoot and accepted the
    kindness of neighbors for food to eat
    while spreading some Good News also still
    known NoW as the Gospel of Love to spread
    a little to a whole lot oF LiGHT acRoss
    the Country side then as this tradition
    carries on NoW among homeless
    people still who have
    turned against
    the World aka the culture still now
    at hand at the advice of the So-named
    Jesus too.. to spread some more Love all for
    Free and where one is not wanted and or fed
    one just dusts their sandals or old shoes off and
    moves on to pastures where people do see the ‘other’
    folks in life as their family too without any pedigrees of
    Blood ties as such on paper legally as family ties are drawn
    too.. anyway.. i’m back now with broader band with 10 fingers too..
    And here’s the thing.. psychopaths are fearless and have zero degrees
    of conscience feelings for if they actually harm others but they can will now their
    own moral codes too and while it’s true this shooter dude wasn’t officially diagnosed as such
    there are indicators that this is his lifelong issue like his dear old Robber Dad who escaped
    from Prison and talked his way out of another Jail Term by suggesting he had Cancer too as
    ‘they’ say he lived another 11 years after that as free and you add Millionaire and Extremely
    analytical in accountant ways to all of that and it’s a combustible Mixture of Human doing
    whatever the Fuck they want.. come hell and high waters to others or not.. yes.. this was
    a perfect storm of so-named evil.. the money.. the psychopath likely and the very smart
    psychopath likely too and whatever reason he so chose to do the dirty deed he did
    do just do it and it’s true while guns are surely nothing i want out of life this
    Dude as smart as he appears to be could have used a
    homemade bomb with instructions off the
    Interwebz to do much greater
    destruction than
    he even
    did here..
    truth is.. this kinda evil does
    live and once again like i said
    before.. if folks like this do get all hooked
    up still with the First Baptist Church and other
    ways of fundamentalist ways of looking at life.. more
    they might not shoot or blow up other folks in callous
    non-feeling human way.. but yes.. once again.. there are
    many slower totally legal ways to make the less fortunate
    among US As Bleeders again too.. And Republican Politicians over
    history have made an art out of providing new rules and exclusions
    to help
    bleed along
    the trails of Life more
    or less if they are born again in love
    or for the first ever feeling love is real..
    hmm.. i believe there is a song for this..:)

  24. “The strong man is strongest when alone.”
    ―Friedrich Schiller

    Interesting Note for it is truth and light
    in General that this note better reflects
    a philosophy of a Jesus verses the World
    and a Superman too greater verses a Caesar
    of a Planet of the Apes leading apes stronger together
    as a group effort to get Societies needs done now for better
    or worse for what comes next in dArK to LiGHT Actions and
    Consequences same and it’s true some heroes go on their own
    reflected in Recent Modern Movies like the most recent Prometheus
    and Frankenstein story same and even A Count Dracula one too and of course
    it’s hard to
    get a bunch
    of Avengers
    together on
    the same
    of page
    at least as
    the Movie Theater
    play shows to date now
    for there are others in art too
    like Jeff Lynn as ELO Director
    Producer and Singer of his Songs
    with the rest of his Orchestra led too..
    yes.. for A Lone Artist to truly drive in a direction
    oF oRiGiNaL CreaTiViTY.. Now one must move past group
    think efforts more and become a lone Juke Box Hero now..
    as that applies to liGHT but of course.. yes ..there are dArk
    Juke Box Heroes too as Lone Wolves who are no so nice as
    Wild Wolves tend to friend each other better when domestication
    is not part of the subsistence and shelter pie same applies in general
    to the Human Condition of our Social Mammal too in warm and fuzzy
    ways of connection that do say stronger we are together to get the jobs
    of survive
    and even
    thrive done now..
    so.. sure.. there are
    Lovers and Hermits more
    and Warriors and Magicians
    and Kingdom Come Kings and
    Queens who even attempt to wear
    all hats of a play lone and together
    in introverted and extroverted ways
    as history and art and science
    continues to show this
    now.. more obviously
    in the Justice League
    some heroes are going to supersede
    the Lone Hero Meme.. and it’s true the deeper
    message here is it will take an Army of Jesus Dudes
    and Dudettes.. eTc.. Air Force.. Marines and Beyond
    Navy to get the jobs done of saving our species for the longer
    runs of go and many other species on the Earth too in Peace
    and Harmony more.. meanwhile.. i for on go it lone and together too..
    sure.. who says
    you can’t
    do it all
    i will
    i do
    it is i am
    what i do now more..:)

  25. Semantics.. now..
    Literal or Figurative..
    Conservative or Liberal
    Heaven Above or on Earth
    Now or Later
    or After
    Death.. oh.. so
    much confusion
    when the inner Universe
    cannot be explained away
    by facts
    alone by little
    men who lose the
    sPiriT oF heArT A MiNd
    And BoDy Greater BaLanCinG
    SoUL that moves now off sidewalks
    girdles and bras and lives a little bit more
    free discarding clothes now in fear of naked
    cooperation where competition comes in chains
    of fear and doubt and jealousy and greed and envy
    where silos store grain instead of giving and sharing the
    bread and drink and flesh and blood spirit of life free survive
    and thrive
    a dance
    of love
    that knows
    no grief butt joy now..
    the answers to the meanings
    and purposes of life that we make
    holy and sacred are always in Nature
    Namely our Nature’s when set free free
    for us to seek and find when clothes
    of cultural chains in control
    also for survive
    potentially thrive
    are BaLanCinG into a
    Green Pill of life that works
    for you and them and us and i too
    as the me that is you who lights up light
    a fall
    loves company now
    more than joy inspires LiGHT
    now wHERe God of Nature within
    You sMiLES beyond infinity in the
    pallet of art that is you with no limits
    or expectations but life now.. hEhe.. but sure
    as soon as humans started storing grains and fear
    of losing grains and envy and greed over having less
    grain stored and wanting more grain stored became the tool
    of rule over free life as Foragers together as Love doubt came next
    to what we
    even are
    as Love
    when wild
    and free.. sure.. the
    potential still lives to be Hybrid Green..
    meanwhile the spirit is alWays heRe NoW
    for if you look to the sky alone you will likely now never find it within..
    it’s kinda sad and ironic as Jesus per the original story of the man was
    just trying to help lift the veils of ignorance in a real original Greek Definition
    of Apocalypse to see that God and Nature and Heaven are real deals now
    in this Generation now same basic story that most all other common sense
    of God
    and Sages and
    Yogis and the such
    experience in the hard
    knocks and updrafts of life
    and share with those who
    continue to wear the
    girdle and
    in veils
    of ignorance
    now for little men who
    have forgotten that Grace
    and Love are the true fearless
    companions of Will and Strength’s Foundation
    for it is true even in empirical terms of Science
    all fear and hate does in the long run is make you
    weak with less will than ever before for a real positive
    impact of joy in life now.. and on top of that for one who controls
    their emotions including fear and associated adrenaline as any Kung
    Fu Monk will show in the art of the necessary fight those who regulate
    their emotions and integrate their senses as the calm eye of the Hurricane
    Winds the eye of the Tiger with no fear and the Heart of the Lion who only fights
    for Survive and the Love of LiVinG are the ones left standing at the end of the cross
    now.. it’s
    true life is a cross
    but moreover for those
    who learn all about Heaven
    within and Just Do Heaven within
    now as Nike Swoosh Victory and Wonder WoMaN
    DreAMs they simply conquer the devils and demons within
    and live
    as Fearless
    Wonder WoMeN
    NoW.. so are you afraid
    of Love and Grace truth is if you are you afraid
    simple as that
    Do WonDeR WoMaN
    and be a real He man
    works for me at
    WoMeN at my side.
    Truth is.. is if you have
    lost the WoMaN within
    you are
    aT aLL For Love And Grace Rules ALL..
    Doubt me not or do ‘that’ other ‘thing’.. NoW..
    And it’s true there is also a man in WoMaN too..
    i mean
    DuH iSn’T iT oBvIOUs
    Sadly it’s true
    ‘little men’ are
    shooting themselves
    in the foot A Root of
    Grace and Love
    i LooK..
    All tHaT DOiNG JaZz too..;)

  26. ‘Real Men’ ain’t scared of protests and don’t need guns to be men..
    Nor are they afraid of Guns either in my opinion only.. NoW..
    Problem with our country based on the Rights to Life Liberty
    and the Pursuit of Happiness is the Free and the Brave Dress
    with Dollar Bills and other Tools instead of Blood Sweat and
    Tears and the Real Force of Love.. My country tis of thee who
    is currently me now is not based on money or tools My Country
    is Free and Brave Full of Life Liberty and Happiness but it’s also true..
    In a Democracy you can have it either way..
    i for one choose naked with no guns but
    the ones between my shoulders and elbows..
    All Powered with
    A Force of Love and
    Grace.. Powering WiLL
    and Strength that is Empirically
    Measurable and quite frankly phenomenal
    for someone my age and with the challenges
    in life i have faced and conquered with blood
    sweat and tears iN Naked Force of God Nature
    within.. meanwhile
    tools rule.. my friend..
    and until people learn
    to stand firm on their own
    two naked feet.. there will always
    be fear of the loss of what they
    already lose within..
    Free my friend to
    Be.. without tools of less..
    Meanwhile.. the reality is Money is the
    God in this Country Now and People Buy guns..
    for me there is no common sense in that God but THAT God
    rules the
    With Green Print and Numbers and other tools for now..
    but hey.. as ‘they’ say.. it’s a free country and ‘we the people’
    strong or weak brave or fearful hate filled or love filled..
    misery loves company or jumping for joy next choose
    the country
    we live in now
    by our votes for
    the changes we want or do not
    want in the Country now.. for those who
    Are Secure in their own Beliefs with Real
    Naked Faith they are neither
    scared of change or
    in other
    opinions/protests now for this life is only a Gift NoW..
    So.. in other words.. thanks for the discussion.. Chris..
    i rather Dance but writing helps to rest my Feet/eTc..;)

  27. Now with some older version oF A Spirit in the Sky..
    yes.. a little removed from the God who always lives
    within as Nature Love and Grace and
    Foundation of Will and Strength
    but never the less
    the Music
    no matter
    less than LuciD
    lyrics for what is.. now.. more
    A ReAL PoTeNTiaL For HeaVeN
    NoW and HeaR.. for those
    with eYes and eaRS to see
    in other words feelings
    and senses
    the shells
    of empty words
    with little heaRT SpiRiT
    from and with and IS A
    MiNd and BoDy
    BaLanCinG SouL NoW iN LiGHT oF LoVE..
    so.. sure.. heAR coMe soMe MacroVerse Shares
    from years to Date as provided all for free in
    preparing me a way to do even more in
    a shorter period of human
    cLock time as
    the Facebook
    never fAils for
    NoW as Free Assistant
    And somewhat of some
    book keepers too.. hehe..;)

    !IS IT OK TO LUV luciFER?

    “!IS IT OK TO LUV luciFER?”.. Well that depends of course on which
    Light Bringer you make a Symbol of Lucifer to Be a Light Bringer
    of Human Potential or a tale by John Milton in “Paradise
    Lost” that was never in an Official Version of
    A Bible in the First place making
    an Angel that fell
    from Heaven
    to Earth
    as that is
    also part of the
    Hero Archetype of
    Being Human too into
    a Devil and Gatekeeper of
    a Fiery made up Hell by folks
    And books too as recorded still too..
    we create our devils of fear and our Angels more
    of Hope.. NoW.. Hate in Hell and Love in Heaven too..
    Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to live in fear and hate
    NoW but true to bind two or more people together.. sadly the
    dArk of Fear and Hate works quite so Loud Well NoW as the
    Leader of Division and Fear and Hate and Overall Discontent2
    aMplifying alReady A God of Fear and Hate that people worship
    in this Country already now for Centuries on end for if you want to
    Control people.. step one.. put them in a state of fear and tale them
    you own the only way out to a reward after what ‘they’ name as
    Earth as Hell and Death as Life.. it’s true as so many people
    have so often said there is a fool born every moment
    too afraid to look within and Trust God and Nature
    Same for the Truth now away from controls
    that control and subjugate folks
    through illusory promises
    and fears and truly
    that just plain suck even more..
    YouR God Given Potential higher
    power as Such Love Force with Hope
    lives within as you alone and altogether
    too can and will use A Real Force oF
    Positive Energy of Belief and
    Faith to make YouR own
    real super normal
    miracles come to fruition
    now as you co-create.. the Nature NoW MorE
    you exist as Multi-Uni-Verse eYes of GoD NOW..
    some people use all of their positive epigenetic and
    neuroplastic potential but truth is they do not that’s just
    A Myth as tHeRE is alWays more TrUth and LIGht to FiNd
    BeYOnd iNFiniTY NoW iN hUmaN iMaGiNaTioN MoRE
    Co-CReATiNG WitH anD iS Nature and God sAMe NoW
    MoVinG ConNecTiNG ToGeTHeR CreATiNG MoRE
    NoW oR THeRe iS thE oTHeR Sleeping
    Place oF DaRK iN NiGHT
    wHo and ThAT
    Sees and
    No GreaTeR
    LiGHT iN NiGhT NoW as DaY..
    iF you are either Afraid of tHe DARk or
    Cynical oF ThE LiGHT you live less now
    it’s as simple as that too as LiGHT BRinGeRS oR NoT Do2..
    other than that tHeRE are a bunch of reAlly great Beach Sunsets
    in this MacroVerse from 4 years ago.. and lots of cryptic stuff too..;)

    EMPiRE Force Love STRiKEs BAcK

    “EMPiRE Force Love STRiKEs BAcK”.. General AccounTinG Duties heAR in this
    MacroVerse from two years ago.. some similarities in what i am doing
    now as always and some words about Creeds as MaGiC Incantations
    as surely chanting the same thing around the
    World for Centuries and more will
    lead to something
    more but
    sure be
    careful about
    what you wish
    for.. for it might come neXT..:)

    After Dance oF Fred

    “After Dance oF Fred”.. WeLL..LiT’s trUe iT Does coMe neXT..;)

    i of Inspiration

    “i of Inspiration”.. MacroVerse from 2014 and just
    another reminder for me that not unlike
    a Nautilus Shell and First
    Arms of a Hurricane
    they are more
    as wrapped around
    an eye of calm with
    more Broad Band Winds
    of Art CoMinG as Art Creates more..:)

    LOVE IS and Casino Dance Walking

    “LOVE IS and Casino Dance Walking”,, And in actually the 50th overall Month
    of writing “SonG oF mY SoUL” Five Million plUS Words now fully illustrated
    Longest Long Form Poem and Duo as Longest Bible too.. with over 100K
    Photos and Thousands of YouTube Videos.. so many other Links
    and other sTuff2.. surely if i stopped now i will
    have enough to share for the rest of my
    life without ever doing art again
    originally per dance and
    sing more but
    that is
    not what
    Nature Free
    Does Nature does
    Even More as Nature’s
    Move Connect
    Create Move Baby
    Move alWays MoRE NoW..:)

    Bottom Bridge WinGs

    “Bottom Bridge WinGs”.. See heARs A thing.. as a shut-in
    escaping all that type two Trigeminal Neuralgia pain
    wake to sleep 66 months and dealing
    with 19 Disorders total
    in a synergy of a real
    life threatening
    coming on a “Wrong Planet”
    online on Thanks Giving Day 2010..
    without an avatar face no drug to
    help the Dentist Drill-like worst
    pain known to Humankind in my right
    eye and ear for that wake to sleep..
    a word a Mountain of Pain in
    Hopes to do whatever
    it takes then
    to transcend
    a coming 12
    Million words
    or so after all
    the pain enough
    not to want to
    die every second of the day
    locked between my ears in pain/
    numb with nothing to do at all but play
    word riddles in my head like evil spelled
    backwards is lived and lived spelled backwards
    was the Devil i numbed and pained then.. in emotional
    and sensory ways eventually gathering enough Christmas
    Spirit Motivation on Christmas Day of 2010 to put my
    Baby Photo up with the Bright eyes of Emotional
    Affect of Joy that was long past my
    memory of emotions grasp
    even what a smile
    felt like
    or if
    i had
    ever felt
    a laugh at all
    as memories are emotions
    and emotions are actually memories too..
    catch 22.. no reference point back out of hell
    into any chance for Heaven felt then for sure now then..
    i would have never imagined then i would be the man i am now
    and free
    side by side
    in thousands of photos
    now with over a thousand
    beautiful dancing young woman
    some of who have named me a dancing
    legend.. boss of dance.. hero and even
    spirit animal too.. yes.. Pensacola Icon
    the list goes on and the nice lady from
    Walmart who works at the returns desk at
    Customer Service who said when ever you
    come in with your free style dance
    just your presence
    brings Spring
    in here
    remembering again
    that i was a shut in
    for 66 months and when
    i shared my blog and warned
    some of the women i do nude art
    don’t click on that they did say
    yes we will look at that yes we will..
    and back to the Wrong Planet as Heaven
    tends to forget Hell now.. there was one or
    two older people.. well.. actually just one who
    was around 60 years old as i am 57 now too who
    said they fell way down like me and are happier
    than they’ve ever been before in fact that one dude
    said he was more like Peter Pan as i am now too.. but the
    rest of them.. well.. some of them said they’d rather die than
    reach the stale stagnant old age of 50 plus years thing is i was looking
    for someone.. anyone to tale me that it is possible to move from Hell to Heaven
    now.. some Yogi Monks and as such do it alone up in the Mountains Naked and stuff..
    but as far as
    coming down
    from the
    other than
    rather short non-illustrated
    accounts of Heaven now.. perhaps
    just vague talk about the potential
    with no real instructions or illustrations
    more presented to make it really real now..
    i decided once i came back to Heaven on a Beach
    and the surrounding area on or about July 22nd of 2013..
    i wasn’t gonna just enjoy my Heaven with a small number then
    of people in immediate contact as Heaven goes on.. my Covenant
    with God of Nature was and still is to show what Heaven looks like
    inside.. outside.. above.. so below and all around.. it’s a comprehensive
    look.. nothing hidden really and more than most people are ready to see and hear
    in deeper
    ways too..
    but this sTiLL
    is my Covenant
    with God if only
    a Soldier only known
    to God of Nature in me now..
    i’m writing this for more than
    a thousand years for a book that most
    no one could possibly finish in one lifetime
    now you see i wanna be the friend relatively speaking
    to a
    that never
    ends back
    to the future
    present of heaven
    always now more.. it’s
    not what would you do for
    love it’s what do you do for love..
    and this is my ‘little’ gift to you and you..
    It’s not enough that God’s Not Dead and Heaven is real..
    God Lives now within
    and Heaven
    HeAR NoW
    alWays for
    those who seek
    and find and LivE thiS
    KinGDoM oF HeAvEN NoW..
    things is and are you have
    to be Naked enough from Culture
    and Free enough to Find and Seek HeaVeN
    now.. yes.. for Money Rich People and those who are
    afraid of the dArk and Cynical of thE LiGHT
    this is also
    a needle
    and it is
    possible that
    you are a Camel too..
    but you see.. so was i.. a
    bigger Camel likely than you.. may ever be..
    So tHERE is HoPE for you and you even if you
    feel no
    is possible
    at all now..
    don’t give up
    for the snake of
    will is what carries
    through as foot prints
    of God’s Beach STiLL aLiVE NoW
    even in the worst of pain and numb Hell NoW..:)

    A Thousand Years of Sacred Love

    “A Thousand Years of Sacred Love”.. yes it was and is still a MacroVerse
    from three years ago in 2014.. the effort is still young and
    willing to grow
    and evolve
    into even
    a longer
    Story fully
    illustrated of Heaven
    now and to be clear as in
    Yin and Yang there are always
    dark spots in light or light dies
    as dark makes light without dArk there is no LiGHT..:)

    Blood Moon on the Asphalt

    “Blood Moon on the Asphalt”.. and if you really wanna know what my
    biggest turn around in hell to the reality of Heaven then it was
    pain of a Heart that could finally hurt again.. someone
    hurt me and
    Love again..
    and this song was
    playing and a new friend
    came and no longer would hell be the place
    i lived for Love became me and only me to give after that..
    and to be clear that was in July of 2013.. this MacroVerse in title
    that ‘time’ then..:)

    2777 words of dVERSE Poetic Response

    “2777 words of dVERSE Poetic Response”.. A primer as one might Dance and
    or Sing in 2777 words of dVerse Poetic Response as a practice of love
    and light as on hands poetry school 6 months ahead in preparation
    of what would come to start in April of 2015 in 12 Months
    Full of poetic response to all prompts and links
    to literally thousands of poems on the
    DvErse Poet’s Pub online site for
    International sharing
    of poetry.. fruition
    A “GodsUniVerseNovel3”
    in Micro Verse and new
    Age Psalm like way in one
    Epic MacroVerse of 338,630 words
    as liNked in the Signature lines
    And FeatNotes Section at the end
    of all my New MacroVerses now.. finishing
    that effort of write then in the 3rd Month
    of ’16 on the 31st day.. illustrated
    Beautifully with 300 or so
    Sunset and Day set photos
    from Navarre and
    of Paradise then
    With Flight of Seagulls
    Sea Oats Emerald Green Waves
    Ocean Whole with words of i to
    accompany the bliss of paradise then..
    but me in poet land a little too much then..
    not any different really than the reception
    at the Wrong Planet when i moved to Heaven2..
    and mostly ignored and or banned or deleted
    for the
    effort of
    love that
    a Luke Hot
    test real then and now..
    but hey.. then2 there is copy and paste
    hehe.. and no crucifixions or burnings
    at the stake for embracing Love full
    on these days at least still now.. and
    sure.. shortly after the finish of that in 2016
    Around Memorial Day Bible and New Testament Writing
    Days started and now for all the training in Logic Land
    on the ‘Wrong Planet’ and Poetry Land online oF aRT too..
    6 Bibles come and 3 New Testaments too and the Holy
    Creative Spirit in Sacred ways of Writing full of
    meaning and purpose continue on in Bible writing
    ways now.. more..
    only difference
    really is this is
    a one man show of
    writing with sure…
    a ‘little’ help from
    all my old and newer friends..
    again as the story moves connects
    and creates on God sKeYes i.. what do
    you do for LoVENoW.. that reAlly NoW
    counts in
    aT LeASt for Me..
    Meek inheriting the
    Earth with no further
    Washington Dollar bILLS
    and Lincoln Sent Cents
    for the earn of
    LoVE isREaL
    to GiVE
    and ShArE
    aLL FoR Free NoW..
    and sure.. the 8000 plus miles
    of Dance where i let the audience
    at Public Hand do the foot work of
    spreading my Ministry of Dance as far
    as Facebook/eTc.. Goes Around the World
    in terms of Smart Phone
    Video Voyeurs
    who do
    all for free..
    like i said.. a ‘little’
    help from my friends and
    acquaintances same from a far
    who only know and feel and sense
    A Non-Verbal Ministry of Dance from me..
    as perhaps the most important lesSons i BRinG..
    you how
    i do it..
    the SinG
    Do the DancE..;)

    Diamond eYes Life

    “Diamond eYes Life”.. from 2015.. MacroVerse then.. with
    some Gospel Singing Event photos and plenty of
    MicroVerse Poetry as the Effort Sings on then..:)

    Golden Age reKneWeD

    “Golden Age reKneWeD”.. WeLL iF you wanna see this literally..
    the visit to a SunFlower Farm on its own should be worth a visit..
    with of course all the Lovely Young Smiling Faces of
    the Women from Old Seville Quarter in the act of
    too as
    SpiRiT FloWs Free..:)

    R U Autistic or Artistic

    “R U Autistic or Artistic” surely a play on Words and letters
    in Human Label way where R and U makes a big difference
    and actually live in one person as me..
    and it reminds me in my youth
    at about age 13 or so..
    Jenny from around
    the Block
    at age 16
    or so.. me
    a middle schooler
    and her a high schooler
    then.. puberty starting for
    me.. she and me walking down
    the dirt road to play Tennis
    at the City Park.. and sure
    as a young man then couldn’t
    help to notice the loose shirt
    and no bra too.. oh.. the Photographic
    Movie Memories that seem to never go away
    with this even more visual thinking mind than
    the words that came as Flood Decades later.. anyway
    i’ll never forget that day for some of the school girls didn’t
    like me very much at my age then.. some did as they said i was nice..
    and Jenny said Fred you look like an Artist to me.. quite a compliment
    from all
    the other
    four eye
    comments of then..
    and even worse too..
    and it’s true i didn’t
    really feel like an artist
    ’till age 53 and in the June before
    i arose out of my Cocoon of 2013..2
    i wrote a little about Jenny then too..
    you see a muse at age 53 from 40 years before
    at age 13 can live again in words of story true..
    her folks and her and her brother moved down here
    in Trump Red State place from a more progressive area
    of life
    as free..
    there was no
    Internet then
    and people like
    her who saw life
    with deeper eyes
    than red state
    literal or
    even a
    Young Woman then
    brave enough to play
    Tennis without a Bra..
    yes.. she was Helen Reddy
    Jenny Real and me.. i was ready
    but i wasn’t sure then for what
    as that would come too.. years later..
    but not fully until age 18.. much later than that..
    and really while it might not be Nature Normal for
    a Young Man to stay celibate like that for 5 years
    past Puberty it surely gave me time to Love Women for their
    eYes and
    than what
    the main focus
    of young men’s eyes
    seem to be only on now..
    sure.. i’m sure there are still
    exceptions like me then too.. but
    the age of that kind of innocence fully
    is mostly gone for no longer is Victoria’s Secret Hidden now..:)

  28. Hi my friend, it still looks like Summer in your garden with those beautiful flowers and bright blue skies! Thank for a trip down memory lane with Steve Miller and Billy Idol videos that reminded me of the dance hall days 💃🎶 and I enjoyed what you said about ‘waves of ocean that move us even sitting still’💦Sending you sMiles across the miles and wishing you, Katrina and Yellow Boy a wonderful rest of the week ☺💖 xxx

  29. SMiLes.. my FriEnd Xenia.. Memories
    of allstress work when moWing
    the grass was my favorite
    part of the month
    in minutes then
    just to escape
    in Nature
    and transcend
    the anxiety of life
    just a little bit in a zillion
    mechanical cognition problems
    that always needed a solution now
    at work and of course when supervising
    dozens of folks one never knows what problem
    will arise next.. and another memory of my Wife
    with her hard pregnancy labor taking a break
    from the Hospital sitting in my backyard and
    noticing flowers and how
    green the grass
    was the
    first time
    in a decade or so..
    just glimpses through all of
    life through fall of life at age 47
    just moments of transcendence
    from all the worries of life
    small windows
    into the
    of a real place
    worthy of the name
    Heaven now.. KinGDoM with zero
    anxiety NoW after a Doctor then once
    said that i had the worst case he had
    ever seen and no Doctor gave me a chance
    for recovery.. change is wonderful and now the greaTest
    Attributes of Life are the Neuroplasticity of the mind and body
    to adapt to struggle in dArk and the Genetic Potential of
    Epigenetics to unpack paRts of DNA as gifted by all
    Ancestral struggles just waiting for the necessary
    Environmental Challenges
    to come out and play
    more in Human
    LiGHT NoW..
    it’s not getting
    old that is the real
    challenge of life it is growing
    younger in emotional regulation
    sensory integration and BRinGinG LiGHT
    NoW to all Quadrillion or so bio-neuro-electrical-
    chemical connections from head to toe that can and
    will remember life is good if we teach the stars in our
    UniVerse that Life Feels and Senses good.. thing is..
    none of my Doctor’s understood the healing power
    of not only free verse poetry connecting Words
    Back to Emotions but a Free Verse Dance
    Regulating all those Multi-Universe
    Connections of emotions
    and integrating
    for laser
    focus in moving
    connecting and creating
    bringing greater short term
    working memory now more..
    where truly the number of Channels
    on Satellite TV pale in comparison to
    the Beyond Infinity Number of Channels now
    within to feel and sense so many more Colors
    of Life as our entire BEiNG BeCoMes a FloWeR Blooming
    now more of never ending more channels in imagination
    and creativity ever to feel and sense even more.. now
    the Multi-Uni-Verses we are as reflection even more
    of all that is Resurrected from
    Gaseous dust of
    Crucible Fire
    of Star
    Birth again as sentient
    standing tall pLus us.. so yeah..
    this afternoon working out at the
    Military Gym.. the 75 year old X-Commodore
    of the Station who still squats around 400 Lbs..
    enlisted in the Vietnam War.. hand to hand combat
    in special forces through the pinnacle of what they
    named a Maverick in the Military then.. he tells me at Rep
    31 or so of my 1020 Leg press now.. don’t let it defeat you push
    it even more.. as i tend to rumble like a Lion in a guttural way
    when i get to that point or perhaps it is a Crocodile.. could
    be either one.. and i said it’s just an act.. tHeRe’s no
    weight here you feel sense not even any gravity
    now this is just all a Forrest Gump
    Feather that’s all
    and before
    i left.. i told him
    the story from the Mall again
    with my bAtman Shirt on telling
    the Young Man Selling Bears to
    Raise Money for Veterans in the
    Jewelry Shop.. it’s a Secret.. don’t tell
    anyone but i’m not ‘the bAtman’.. i am
    ‘A bAtman now.’. as i told the X-Commodore
    for.. the present story today.. isReal bATman’s
    aren’t born that way they evolve from birth as
    of who
    they are
    and as i passed through
    World Market and saw the People’s
    of the World’s Paintings of tHeir Faces
    by the exit door from around the world.. i
    thought about how
    great it is
    out of this
    tOwn and finAlly LiVE mY friEnd..
    reAlly nice that people can use the
    Internet these days to get out of their Towns
    And Visit Back Yards with floWers that people like me can finAlly see.. too..
    it’s true.. this.. ‘A SaVaNT oF LoVE’.. thing.. has/is been a faucet of on and off in my LiFE
    for sure
    for now
    And i’m Living Free..
    other than that thanks
    for the visit.. i needed a
    Conclusion like this for something bigger..
    And it’s true.. i have a Song for this too..
    iNDancE2LoVE mY FriEnd..
    Xenia.. aGaiN..
    Thanks so much
    For The Welcoming..:)

  30. Thank you for this my friend, the music from your heart and the music videos – all so beautiful. I am glad you have had this guidance to do what you are doing and not everyone will understand. Katrina understands and she has been there with you throughout and your were meant to walk this journey together. Through the online world you will also find friendships and people who understand – it is one of the greatest gifts from living in this modern era. There is a piece of music by Tim Wheater you may know, from his album ‘Heartland’ which was very popular in those corners of London where therapists would meet and share ideas. We all felt this piece resonate with the landscape of the inner heart and it was performed life at a festival I attended in the late ninetees. I have not been able to find a video of a life performance so here is a link to the studio version with an image of the album cover. The piece lasts 25 mins and is called ‘The Warrior’s Return’ (First Movement). Much love to you, Katrina and Yellow Boy and here is the link:

    • SMiLes.. my FriEnd Xenia For the
      Kind Visit at what i name as a ‘Third
      New Testament’ as Word Play too..
      finally does come to a
      conclusion at
      13 MacroVerse
      named ‘A SaVaNT oF LoVE’
      aRiSinG to 255,823 words
      in 84 days.. otherwise known
      as 12 Weeks with the addition
      of that 130th MacroVerse too
      of ‘Nether Land Bible 2017’..
      now reaching 2,076,239 words
      in a little over 16 months as still
      pArT of Larger MacroVerse Effort
      Number 801 too as ‘SonG of mY
      SoUL’ on Word Press at over 5 Million
      Words continuing to spiral.. hehe.. out
      of control of sorts.. haHa in a little over
      50 Months that really started too on
      3.10.13 in the online birth of
      my Blogging effort too..
      precisely 55 months
      today with
      of course
      all online
      Efforts of Writing
      Words somewhere around
      12 Million Words.. since Thanks
      Giving Day of 2010 as that 84th
      Months of Entire Writing Effort
      online comes to fruition soon
      as my online existence will grow
      to 7 years… this Thanks Giving Day.. 2017..
      stARTinG that effort at about 50 years and 6
      months old otherwise known as 606 months too..
      and yes.. this New Memorial Day Year since that day
      of this year ’17.. marks a continuing ‘Facebook Profile Pic
      Bible 2018’ as that effort now arises in a little over 4 months
      now at 458,239 Words as of the Full Facebook Profile Pics Description
      areas effort of that too.. anyway as you might see.. using this opportunity
      to introduce the next MacroVerse to be named at a later now as soon as
      the muse comes for that then as you always do bring an open minded
      and hearted muse to me my friend that is wider than the UniVerse and
      inFiNiTY to me for i feel no Inertia with the Love you Bring Free to
      my Blog for me.. sort of like when i leg press that 1020 LBs
      my friend.. with arms raised to the air like a Ballerina.. hehe..
      as after all Superman and Batman wear man panties
      and tights.. hehe.. Secrets in Plain Site in Comic
      Book way as the Foundation of all
      REAL MEN Will and Strength
      is at the Root of
      Love and
      Grace my friEnd..
      and thanks too so much
      for the Time Wheater Song..
      ‘The Warriors Return’ for i will
      add that to my Smart Phone in
      Meditation Songs for use while reading
      and doing my Tai-Chi/Aikido-like dance
      at Barnes at Nobles for at least that’s what
      a Couple of the Patrons suggested i was doing
      when i told them i am not thinking about this at all
      it’s just happening as i am ‘the’ River now as just
      another Branch
      of the
      of Life
      and these
      are my leaves
      friend.. thanks for
      catching them and
      sharing them in the
      Unique way you view them now..
      Best of Love to you and the Beautiful
      Dashing Whippets and your Husband too my
      friEnd.. that ‘Third New Testament’ was quite ‘A’
      Cross to carry.. nice to get that off my chest. i am
      breathing so
      mY friEnd
      DaNCinG To aS
      StaRs iN A SonG
      NeVeR EndinG NoW..:)

  31. Pingback: A SaVaNT oF LoVE | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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