Good Friday April Fool Moon RiSinG

SMiles my Friend.. 4.9.19.. it is
my Wife Katrina’s 49th
Birthday today she is
Going off Beading i
Am Home alone yep
Still finishing
And putting
The Next Mammoth
Blog Post Together
Best Wishes to
You in Your
Coming Career
Of Architecture
i understand a
Better Design
Is Needed for
A New Eiffel
Tower and Sistine
Chapel meanwhile
i’ll Paint
The Ceiling
With Words
And Photos
And YouTube Videos
While you continue
Your Career in
Architecture as
My Indian Friend
Tells me just
Relax and the
Universe Will
Provide the
Time Now
And Way
Passes Now..🙏😇🤗😁
My Best Friend Gave me Words of Wisdom Last
Night i Will share here Today Relax Give it all whatever
it is You desire to the Universe and a Time And Way Will
Come With No Words in a Flow of Dance and Song i Find
this Wisdom Self evident that the Core of Reality is Meaning
and Purpose for those who connect to the Ethereal Mind of
Art Creating
Make like
my New Name
For ‘God’ ‘Magic
Blue Turtle’ Wilt Do too..
SMiLes Frank Another
Black Crow Visited
My Window At a
Most Interesting
Moment Yesterday
Morning Yes Synchronicity is
Karma True what Comes Around
Goes Around in Dark And Light SaMe ReaLiTy
Helloooove HiMaLi as i just
Sang on FB no more
than seconds ago..
‘As We Marry the
Night We May
the Day’ Smiles
my Friend You
Make me iSMiLe too..
iThank You For Your Day And Night…
We All Breathe First And Last Breaths
of Life Some of Us Breathe Deeper And
Are Happier For Deep End Beginnings of
Life than Fear in Shallow Breaths Now Fearing
To Ever Live… NoW
Smiles my Friend
i used to be Very
Cautious Risk
Of Culture
To the Wind
Now i Dance
And Sing on
Water i Am Air
i Am Breath i Live..
Smiles my Friend thanks for
inspiring opening Lines of my Next
Blog Post Until the Last is First.. heHe..
Hehe one Day i am gonna Finish that
Older Blog Post And Check
Out these New
Wonderful Lists
of Recommended
Bloggers Keep
Among Blogger
Friends my Friend🤗
Yes.. Never Never Fall Backwards Failing And as The ‘Greatest Showman’ Movie Dances And Sings Never Never Enough Advancing Human Creative Achievements in Greater Potentials.. True Friends Help Us Do This Most.. Lifting Us Up No Matter What it takes With Fearless Unconditional Love🕺😊😁😇🤗

Hehe.. i am building the next Mammoth Blog Post before finishing the last as i Dance and Sing with you now.. hehe as hey mostly i tell stories that are true in real time like the Beatles Dance and Sing ‘With a Little Help From Friends’ And ‘Love is All you Need’ Money is the Virus Love is the only Cure to that Ill..🙏😇🤗🕺

Thanks for the tip on Yellow Fruits and Vegetables bringing extra Doses of Serotonin and it is True like my Indian Friend who regularly Greets me With 7 Tulips.. a creative act of Friendship Kindness Like inserting 7 Roses or Hug Emoticons ‘tween the Letters of the Word ☺️s😁m☺️i😁l😊e☺️s😇 as gifted to me For Free by you is sure to raise the Neurochemicals Dopamine and Serotonin
And yes the Neurohormone Social Bonding Blessing Oxytocin these Little acts of kindness like for example my Indian Friend who also sends real smiling photos to her Friends too verily makes a Friend remembered most for all these Happiness Boosters are the Glue of not only Memory but Focus too and Greater overall Cognitive Executive Functioning Quite Literally this is why Angel Geniuses are not only so Creative but SmARTesT too and Happiest True..🤗

You are Very Organized and Efficient.. Sign of a Budding Great Architect To Be Hey i Build more Stately Word Mansions too Like A Oliver Wendell Holmes Hotel California With So Many Nautilus Chambered Rooms one Might get in get Lost and Never Get out and Be a Friend for Life Trust me when i say there are Days my Indian Friend Feels That way too yep i can Make Words a Disney Ride Like Dance too.. hehe🕺🕺😂🕺 but I think she might not Get as Dizzy as Katrina But she is almost as Shy..;)

Good Morning Kind Friend iLona all the way across the Ocean From the Nice Place on the French Riviera the Wife’s BD went Great as you might imagine where i Live Every Day is a Party and a Disney Ride and Some Days Katrina Gets a Bit Disney Dizzy And Needs a Break From the Main Oldest Attraction as it spins a Bit too much for her Grounded on Earth..hehe🕺😂🕺🕺

Helloooove HiMaLi.. so Good to See You Blogging again as well
as engaging Your ‘Happiness Project’ again as i surely remember it from last
Year and enjoyed viewing what made you happy then.. counting our Blessings
for this Gift of Life is so important and it is true Medical Science Shows each time
we do this we get a Boost of the Neurochemical Serotonin.. Yes.. the Core part of Brain
Chemistry that Psychotropic Drugs aim to increase to Bring Comfort to folks who are all
Stressed and Down about
life as i’ve mentioned before
in my Dark Days that finally
ended in the Summer of 2013 on
my Birthday i wrote a post Called
“Visiting the Garden of Band-Aid’ i was bound
and determined to bring my Emotions back so i listed
every nice thing anyone has said to me my entire life
as i was in a place online where everyone was negative then..
no Meaning
no Purpose
no Holy and
Sacred Feelings
of Life expressed so i decided to blog then
to create my own Light out of that darkness
so for 24 Hours straight i wrote that blog post
haha.. really small at about 6 Thousand Words
still what i easily output in the Morning of a Day.. these
days as practice makes practice makes so many ways to
collect the Blessings of Life as Happiness accumulates beyond
all beliefs before
so wired
we become
for Happiness
that no one will take
it away true we become
beings of light this way i wish
you great success in all your days of
counting your Blessings my Friend.. haha..
i would love to finish my blog post that i have been
trying to finish the last few days but friends i have the
most gratitude for and i will never see as distractions in my life..
i take
effort to
please friends
in everyway i can and will
for true i used to be in a place
where almost no one even cared that i existed at all
i care that i exist and i love all of this life dearly so i
Collect Happiness my Favorites always as a favorite
Hobby too..
BDW.. i
had a
Hair day too..:)


Oh Lord it took a lot longer than
Four Hours to get that post
Finished but haha
it’s finally
done so now
to catch up here with smiles…
And after that i’m gonna
finally get Dinner hehe..
SMiLes Paradise is the Place
you get to stay in Flow and almost
Always Meditate Even Reverses Effects
of Aging even if done regularly Like You are
Suggesting here 15 Minutes a Day hehe.. wonder
what will
if someone
Maintains that
Flow Always now
i guess that remains to
be seen with More Smiles..
My God you are up to 6 Lists
of around 15 Bloggers for around
90 Blogs in Just 3 Days truly Amazing
Selfless Effort to get other People involved
in this
Team Player
you continue to excel..
Okay Throwback Photo Time.. you may have already seen this on
my Blog but it is from my Vintage Days of Running 5K and 10K Races
in the Local Area and hehe.. from at least this view it appears i am ahead..
hmm.. i ran and ran and ran almost just Like Forest Gump before it was even
popular to run and run and run it’s a Secret don’t tell anyone i am the Real
Forrest Gump hehe.. just did the Dance 11,070 Miles now in Public
Stores instead of running across the USA in 67 Months Several
times too… anyway i ran for around a Decade and a Half
Yep just like the Wind as Christopher Cross Sings too
Run Fred Run Like the Wind like Forest Gump Runs
too.. true Running is an excellent way to burn
off Stress Hormones get some fresh air
but one must be careful of doing
any activity the same
way repetitively or
Ergonomic Injuries may
Occur with the same movement over
and over again.. same applies to running
on Treadmills Same Applies to Climbing Ellipticals
Same Applies to almost everything in Life Same Same
Change Change
Fly Like
A Seagull
Spiral Around the Sun..
And if you are not a Bird
A Free Dance Will Work too with Smiles..
Hehe but it’s not like i’m selling anything at all haha..
Hehe.. Repeat after me you are not your thoughts
you are not your thoughts you are not your thoughts
doesn’t work does it.. haha.. true we are our thoughts our
thoughts are attached core to our Emotions and Senses to
help us Navigate Life
We Co-Create our
Words with
to attach
and associate
like tools with our
Emotions and Senses
Words are tools Words are tools
that we use to Navigate the World
Practice as many Pleasant associations
with words as you like and voila everything
will taste and smell and see and hear and yes
even touch and become more of a proprioception
of Life
All Lit=up Heaven
now with so many
more Feelings and Senses
that Flow with Words that Feel and Sense so Good..
hmm.. running away from words is really no different
that running away from Emotions Pleasant Words makes
A Dance of Life Feel So Great within inside outside above
so below and all around as every Word Becomes a Song oF Light
And next thing ya Know the Dance and Song of Life become one Force of Love..
my View
Point that
Always Changes
too Just now too..
as getting in just one
Groove usually becomes a really Deep Rut
Run Run Run like the Wind Dance Dance
Fly Like a Jonathan F.L. Seagull Spiraling around
the Sun Sleep Sleep Sleep i think i really need some
i eat eat
first ain’t life Ariana Grande..;)


Haha.. iLona seriously i was so serious when i was in College way way way too
serious to smile much even running hehe.. Triple Major and Three Jobs but hey..
you are super busy and you still smile always Kudos to you at such a young age
of 27 by the time some folks start School and Work they rarely to ever smile until they
retire like me and move into the Golden
Age of Life where all is fun and all
is Joy haha.. not many
people living here
but me and you
and a a few others hehe..
Smiles my Friend you are a breath
of fresh air and sort of like me if someone
tells me hello i must drop whatever i am
doing and say hi back same i’ve been
since the day i was born no matter
if i was smiling or not even when
i was so so sick i would
always reply
to everyone
no matter if they
said hi back or not..
maybe it’s the Computer age
but it seems to most people these
days people do not come first smiles
my friend that’s why it took me so long to finish
my blog post cause people come first people come first
hehe.. if i had a lot of friends i would never get anything done
and that’s okay cause people come first people come first people come first
hehe.. i sing my self a lullaby like that every night people come first and that
is why i smile
so much
my friend
now is i no longer
have to work so people
will always come first for me now..
you are amazing for you work and go to school
and for you people still come first the Human way my friend..
i am very happy to have the honor of being called your friend cause people come first..:)


Oh my gosh again.. 105 Bloggers
that or about and still counting
my my People come first for you..
Oh my gosh again.. 105 Bloggers
that or about and still counting now
my my “People Come First” for you..
You know what i think we need to start
a Business.. me and you.. and put signs all over
that say
‘People Come First”..
hehe you are already doing
it by Sharing 105 or so bloggers
So.. people will get to know each
other better so People will come First
You are a one Woman the Show must go on..
hmm.. i have a Theme Song for all these Words
by Queen now.. will edit my Last Comment on my
Blog in return there to you as i continue to Write another
Verse Poem
Just for Fun with
all the ‘Secrets’ to Get
to Heaven for those who
care to Join us way up here..
All.. in my.. 6.7 Million Word
Bible Poem with all that 11,070
Miles of Public Dance in 67 Months
don’t tell anyone it’s a Secret but i am
also an Angel Sent to Heaven to help others
get on the Highway to Heaven Jesus F in Christ
this is
the Hardest
Job ever in Hell hehe..
even ‘Lucifer’ Will Agree
rising up from from the Living Dead too..
Haha.. Yes Yes yes.. i may have mentioned
this before now too but no no no never leave
Boot Camp even if you are not in the Military
Make Your own Bootcamp Challenges for you Mind
Body and by God Soul too.. Climb a Mountain of Love
Scale a Valley of giving and sharing to the Needy do something
no one else has ever
done before
to your Face
Book Neighbor too..
hmm.. don’t ever give
up Keep Smiling.. too..
True hey! we could make
a List of all the Different Challenges
We will do in one day.. take your Smart
Phone and Capture as many Flowers as you can
in one day.. i bet that will make you so happy by the
end of the day.. Look in the Sky take as many photos as
birds that you find.. take a new stroll through Nature you
have never been to before.. hey you could walk in reverse
it’s true it makes your back feel so good.. and true you could
just spin and spin and spin until you no longer get dizzy people
will imagine you must be on drugs to do something so strange like that..
oh my
Gosh i could
think of a Zillion
and one challenges for
that is why i smile every day
if there are no friends around to
talk to i just make challenges up and play!!..
My Pleasure..
i like variety
In Life hehe
And Probably
Talk just about
More than anyone
In one Day
For Maybe you..😇🤗🕺
Hmm.. This Sounds
Yummy almost like
A Star Bucks Drink
without IceCream
true though
much rather
do it without Caffeine
too And Ice Cream is Just
A Downer to me too.. hehe..
Yes! i am
up enough already
in the ALLDayALLNight..
i kid you not Wife
Katrina just said
Your Oatmeal
is ready!
get your
butt off that
Computer! and Eat!!!
if it wasn’t for all those
Big Seafood Dinners and
Katrina reminding me to
eat poor me i’d be all skin and bones..
but i’d
be happy
for i would
still be making
challenges up
And Playing Just to LIVENOW..
Ever Notice Being too Smart
or too Creative is a Functional
Disability in Reciprocal
Communication Way (Autism)
“i aint got time to read all
Your Stuff being Your
Secretary and Maid!”
How Come There is No Tear Option
Background on this FB Status…
Anyway Bring in the Clowns
And All That Jazz…
The Show Must Go on….
He had no idea how to make Friends….
but he tried really really Hard.. so Hard….
And Never
gave up….
never gives up….


Lovely Photo of you my apologies for getting a Bit out of Meditative Balance earlier today in the Message History a Bit confused earlier but all is A OK now been missing some sleep and have been a Bit too emotional hehe as you may have noticed just something about you that makes me nuts a bit like no other Human
Ever has but i do know how to surf and get up really quick when i fall off no worries here my Friend all is Peaceful after Dance..!!..🙂
Anyway always very happy to see you bring some words he he whenever you are in the Mood🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🤗
7:12 AM
Happy 3rd HappYness Project Day Good Morning i am Happy already this Morning From Florida to Hear just one Bird Sweetly
Singing in my ear hmm haha imagine how happy i would be
if you called me on my
Cell Phone and said Helloooove oh Lord you might even
Seem Real And No Longer a Heavenly Apparition
i Create with the Same Voice i’ve heard in my
Head since we met
Hmm.. in the Second
Photo the Camera Angle makes you
Look 10 Feet Tall so
Motherly indeed too
Beautiful of Course
By the Way That makes me
Happy too have you noticed all
Your Blogger Friends
Amazed by your
Mesmerizing Glowing
Midnight Full Moon
Eyes just like me that
Makes them wanna be
Closer to you like me
hehe maybe you don’t have to talk at
all each day to Be Loved just open your
Eyes and
Others each
Day that
Way You
Continue to
Do without
A Word my
Friend but wonder
Why I’ve known you
This long and never
Heard your voice
Or seen you
Move one
That’s really so
Easy to do just a
Thought wonder
Why if both of us really
Wanna meet each other why if we pray
And relax and let the
Universe do all the work and this does
Apply to both of
Us if we want to really meet and Greet
each other why haven’t
Has always been
Here so easy to
Do it just a finger
Click away are we
Both just enjoying
This as Fantasy
Or Do we ever
Really want
To meet each
Other cause
If we wanted
To we could right
Now we wouldn’t even
Have to ask permission
From the Universe i’ll be honest with
you for me i am sure you would like Me in person
every one Does as long as i don’t talk too much like
I’m doing right now hehe
Matter fact when i
Wore contact lens
Looking at
My eyes was
Enough for
Probably like
You when people
In real life meet you
Too honestly that doesn’t really look
Like the same person
In the second photo
As the Camera angle
Does that haha I’m
Afraid the Web cam
Would make my
Head too big
And you
Would never
Call me adorable
Again i bet if you
Met me in Flesh and
Blood you would like
Me a whole lot more
People say i lift
Them up
When i
Enter the room
And nope i don’t have
To even pick them
Up and hug them
To do it but you’ve already seen literally Hundreds of Women
Whose smile says yes Himali He’s telling the Truth Trust
me when i say The wait to Meet all
Of me Will be Worth
your Wait just felt like
Telling you a story
Today where both
Of us stayed clothed..
i will Love you no matter what
your voice sounds like that’s just
How i am..🙂
Smiles you are either too
mysterious too shy or too busy
To say hi
This morning
i say all of the above.. hehe 🌷🙌🤗😃

Thanks that’s okay i am so crazy crazy missing you
always i have an Himali addiction and i’m not quite
sure what i will have to do about this.. hehe.. as i
really do understand how busy busy busy you
are.. if i was young and rich and so much
better looking again i would just take you
to a desert Island and finally really get to
know you with smiles.. smiles.. i am just
Crazy about Your Glowing eyes.. i really do
want to just get to know you one day my friend..🙂

Okay when you promise me something i always
believe you with smiles.. seriously Himali i just like people i just want a friend..🙂


ALWAYS effortless NoW
Work Dreaming only Rest
The Journey
Best Enjoyed
Hehe Dreaming
Is for Sleep Waking
Is For Fruition’s Keep
Hehe.. What’s A Break
Art Never Stops Now
Breathes Dreams Now
Hmm… Hmm.. It Seems Like a Blog Might
Be A Versatile Jacket With Inside Pockets
Embarking on a Night of Dance still lacking a bit
of Sleep but some Energizer Bunnies go and go for
this is the 257th Dance Week Night of Spreading Positive
Joy to the Metro Area College Age Folks Just to show them
there is nothing to be afraid of Numbers of Age as long as
one’s Soul is still Evolving Now
Such a Sweet Young Woman
You Are such a Multi-Colored
Chameleon i will come to Be
True there are not many
Roles in Life i haven’t
seen that i have
in my Brain
to repeat when necessary
as the Environment Merits and
Demands as well so who in the Hell am
i now deep Down Heaven i believe i be
Bringing the Colors of Life and Love i
Pray with Hope Belief Yes Faith to Be..
to the Very Best i see to Lift other Folks up and
yes those who are most dear to me most
just because just because i feel that
Way.. it’s true i am only Human
and truly i am not sure if
i have made a mistake
Lately in Bringing
all the Colors
of Love i Seek and
Find to Dance And Sing
Do Know Please Feel and
Sense that i do my Best to Feel and
Sense and Know all of You to do the best
i can and will for every spoken and unspoken
Wish i Intuit to Be Real true though again there are
Some Decisions so Hard to make sometimes you just
Have to Feel the Wind and Fly Free the best we can to
Soar up
of Down
Strange Magic
How Avenues of Life come
to be how factors expected and
unexpected may influence so many
Things in Life where what seems Dark
and Confusing may be precisely what was/is
meant to be every detail every part of the Story
Free in God’s Hands to Be in Our Spirit of Heart
yes Soul of Being too.. the Hardest Part of Giving and
Sharing Love for me is insuring no one is harmed at all
truly though my Friend both in War and Love it is impossible
to avoid Thorns if one expects to See Flowers of the Rose come to Be
Fully as how
life flows
around through
Dark and Light
as we Marry the Night
Thorns And Flower the Honey
Moon of Day.. Some Days Are
Flowers and Thorns too Some Nights
Are Thorns and Flowers too what we can count
on is the Rose of Love Stands Tallest when never
up the
Force of Love
to be yes to be
Higher Mountain Flowers to
Climb out of Scaling Valleys Low of Thorns
Smiles my Friend Every HappYness Project
Truly Should Celebrate Thorns Overcome along
with Flowers to Behold In Beauty Smiles of Love
i felt like you deserved something beautiful from me
as You are too far Away for a Dance tonight but true
it doesn’t stop these fingers from Dancing on this Keyboard
for you now as truly you are the First Dance for me tonight
please fall
up into Love..
As it’s True there is Strange
Magic all around us now Still come to Be..
There is a Corniche Moon Flower A Never Ending Night
And A Prayer of Universe Ways and Times forevernow
Come to Be a Song Sublime of Moon as Well as Strange
Magic Dwelling in Eyes of Stars so far away from Home to Home..:)


WaKinG Up DReaMS
Spring Dreams
Bomb Cyclones Roar
Role Over Beethoven

SMiLes.. HiMaLi So Happppyyy And Surprised
To see you here this Morning 4 Places in
One Morning SMiLes
That’s a New World
Record of Friendship
For me.. Hehe.. and you
Are A Record Breaker
Of Kindness for me…
Never Ever anything
No matter what but
Kind Words God
i Thank you
For Creating such an
iAngel Friend Companion
In my Life Hellooove Truly
Blessed to be part of
Life Smiles
Love Hugs and
The Best Life Will
Have to offer to
My Dearest Friend🙏😇☺️🤗🌷
As always my Best Pleasure Dearest
Friend Hellooove
Says it
All For me..
Nerds/Geeks turned into Movie Stars..
haha my Sister is Still Working on the
Movie Star Part Honestly you two truly
do Look like a Couple Made in Heaven
but darn
he’s your
Brother what
Luck.. haha.. Truly
it is lucky for i too am
Blessed to Have A Sister
she lives just next door
for with a Brother and Sister
and there is always unconditional
Love.. hehe.. we probably scuffled a bit
more than you two as you are both
Truly Angels from Heaven anyway
You both Look Like you are out to
make a Newest Bollywood Movie
i hope you find a Significant
other Just Like Your
Brother someone
who will
Always Love
You Unconditionally
no matter what you two
are the sweetest honestly
the sweetest siblings i’ve ever seen
so Lovely the both of you are and i rarely
say that about any Man but i can tell he is
an Angel just like You.. Your Parents must be adorable and
Wonderful so True.. smiles my Mother was Adorable and
my Father
was just
the best
looking man
my Mother said
she ever met and
that’s about the size of
that relationship haha.. Love
is so much deeper than the Superficials
of Life but Angels show through in eyes
of perfection to be kind all Life is Good..
Hehe.. i’m just going by the photos.. haha..
i have no idea if either one of you can act….
It’s true my Sister living next door has literally
been a life saver to me.. and i do mean literally…
not likely
i would
be living
if she wasn’t
there at the
very Bottom my
Friend i’ll never
forget that place and or
the Meaning of Life only
Love the Place of Home
that is the only Home that is Real..
she was the last person then i could
feel that from until i lost it for 66 months..
there are Days that Speak All the Truth
in both Dark and Light where one second
becomes beyond Infinity Now a turning
Point of Existence… there is no way for
Anyone to fathom that place.. Now.. until
they visit and are fortunate to come back
to help others not to go my Friend..
Every Thing else IS A Piece of
Cake And Love is the only
Icing and the Cake..
WHO counts..
“Never Grow Up Never”
Haha.. you already know
we are in 100 Percent agreement
here.. so Nice to See You Blogging Again
Himali.. whenever i meet a nice Person online
who is truly Friendly and Brave enough to actually
Visit my “Mother and Father” of all Blogs in Size and Scope
(note: once is enough considering one of my Blog Posts is as
large as what most folks write in 7 Years hehe.. yes multiples of
7 Years of Blogs in just one Blog Post by little old me.. haha.. hehe)
i make a pledge to visit them ‘religiously’ as long as i am welcome now…
i think i may have missed one or two of your Posts but that was entirely
A Mistake when i set a Promise to do something ain’t much gonna stop me
from eventually
Following through
hehe and that too is
why today is my 3060th
Consecutive Day of Writing too..
i never give up not even in the 66
Months i was in Hell on Earth for that
is all that kept me Here on Earth then..
when i started 33 Months into Hell Writing on
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. Thanksgiving truly to
me that was and still is everyday still now..We/
Are Wise to keep Habits Long that keep /Us
Alive and Happy and when i was your age
truly my only goal as far as work life goes
was to afford somewhere always in the Forest
Where a Nature Home would/will always be
my best Friend for True i found
God in Nature when
the Humans told
me in no
terms that
i did belong
when i was a Baby
Bird and odd Duckling
Seen as both Ugly and Weak
Smiles Pets Don’t See Ugly ever
or Weak or Disabilities or any other
Human Superficial Difference and neither
Does the rest of Nature as far as Unconditional
Love that is in Abundance for us to seek now and
find for Free.. i find this in Nature i find this in the
very few Family Members less than a handful who
express an interest in Family ties still.. and true i find
it online where it doesn’t matter what we look like or how we
sound when we talk how we walk hehe or even if we sweat too
much when we dance and come back from an exhausting work-out too..
that way too..
online is
a haven for
people who may
have problems finding
friends for people who have
problems being extraverted in real
life too..this writing Journey of mine
not only helped me to Escape Hell connecting
Words with Emotions helping me to feel so much more
Human Being again.. Words bring me out of my Shell
they make me friendly with everyone i meet they even
brought a Dance to me that never ends in 67 Months
and 11,080 Miles of doing that Dance in Public Now
along with 6.7 Million Words of Long Form Free Verse
Poem Effort in 67 Months now too.. thing is HiMaLi People
used to say Fred Fred always has smiling eyes before i had
eye problems and people could see my eyes but Fred is always
The Man of Few Words who can solve all the Problems with Kind
Smiling eyes and that is just about all we know about Fred except
even all i said when anyone asked me how have been doing all those
Decades the only two words i had for anyone even on the Phone was
just been working just been working yes that is three words repeated
twice.. i said it so fast it seemed like two words.. i was just about the most
Introverted Person anyone knew particularly when Computers came along
as just using Computers as Spread Sheets for Facts made me even less Human
True my
Friend it felt
like i never fully
lived and now i dance
and sing i am so happy to see
you regularly blogging again i see
you as a dearest friend i was so happy
to see you each day here on Your Birthday
Month for it felt like i had a real friend every day
then.. truly it’s not easy for some of us to find friends
but when
we do
them like
the most precious
Gold ever to cherish..
smiles it won’t be too hard
to come back here each day
and say some words to you even
if you do this the rest of your life
for that is what dearest friends are for side by side..
We are Nature we are Pets we treat each other Nice we are
always kind it’s like writing 3060 Consecutive Days we never
give up being Kind..
even when people
make us
like we
are not
one of their kind..
Some People may say
i am trying to steal your Thunder
with all these Words but true my Friend
i only seek to give you Lightening… Smiles…
there is a Song by Imagine Dragons set in the
United Arab Emirates called ‘Thunder’ that speaks to this well in Dubai too..
The Last Four Letters in the YouTube Link for that Song are WeUs for the Five Before
FKopy… Smiles at least for me i don’t see any thing in Life as a Coincidence
for those who
See And Hear
God’s Face
my Friend…
i See that in You..
God will always find
A Time And Way for WeUs to Be Friends..:)

i Feel Very relaxed…

i am SMiLinG Always Now.. Now..:)

SMiLes my Friend so pleased to see you making
Close to your Record of 4 Posts in one day might
as well wait to beat it for another day..haha.. this
is so True the Tender and Warm Affection of the Heart
IS What even makes Human Human but you see my Friend
there is a Science for tHe Art of being human With Warmth and Tenderness
this is not a Guarantee
for this Heart to Pump
even from the
of Warmth where
a Nurturing Presence of a Mother
or others Brings this Home alive in
Terms of Spirit that truly reaches out and
touches not only is the Love of a Mother Required
but the Love of a Village to make Life Home other wise
Love goes cold and reasons become all the rules.. smiles
my Friend my Home is Dance and Song.. i never see borders
walls or ceilings Just Home a Dance and Song that and who is
Free to
reach out
to a Stranger
or less than a Grain
of Sand and feel i am Home
to give and share for free.. i understand
how to make the Grinch Heart Stronger you
Love Every Blink and Breath of Life
Yes… honestly i suggest you write always
every day for the rest of your life come hell or high
water or too many words from Fred.. haha.. it’s never
worth it to lose your soul to have that dark night of the soul
when there are ways to never have to go there again.. writing is one of them
and so are all these Friends you make on the path to life as ‘Significant others’
come and
but you
will carry
your heart
with you to the
Grave and beyond as Spirit..
Write for Your Soul Write for Your Life
Never Run away from who are deep down..
Move Connect and Co-Create As Your Fingers Dance And
Sing This way Free With Global Tools Humans have created
to Love without Borders..
It’s truly
the most
Job you Do or Money you’ll ever
make hehe.. at least in my
Experience my Friend..
in terms
of the
of our Souls..:)

SMiLes my Nice Friend From Across the Ocean
On the Beautiful French Riviera in a City called
Nice.. Nice of you
To Visit the
Run on and on
Sentences of my
Mammoth Blog…
Last Night was Dance Night And After Operating
A Dance Awake almost
24 Hours Back i am
To Dance and Sing
This Keyboard And
Catch up with
Your Blog
Later this
Morning my
Friend while
My Dancing Feet
Rest after a Real
Marathon of
SMiLes i was wondering when you were going to become
Human and set some Human Limits on what you do.. smiles
many people would Just let the comments come
with no Response but you are a bit like
me You Serve Everyone Love ’em all
hehe.. there are signs
like that all
over the
Hard Rock Cafe
Casinos.. i used to go
to Casinos’ once a Month
for almost 5 Years still have
about 60 Blog Posts with all
the photos of that too.. Love
the Look of the Buddha Bar in Monte
Carlo if that is what you are showing in this
Blog Post about Motivation Lord knows to me
i get Motivation from every thing in life i’ve willed
my Life that way to be.. go go go in flow flow flow…
true when Positive Muse comes
from Dark and Light
i Marry the
Night and
Honey Moon the Day
as Lord i’ve said that a few
times in the last few days..
and yes i’ve done it too as i always do..
catching up on the Comments from your
other Blog Posts as that is more efficient for me
too.. hehe.. just open up another Window with the
Reliable Big Desk Top iMac and Voila there they still are
to read and comment on this Window now.. it’s additionally
Efficient as Your Blog Posts are concise and meaningful and fit
on the Preview Window of the Entire Blog haha.. one day i think
i’ll try that i’ll
get more
visits hehe..
but no no no..
no way to write 40,000 Words
in a Week if i am making small talk
with a Thousand People a Week yes there
Are Human Limits and only so many Hours in a Day
And Week.. True sometimes 86,400 Seconds in a day is just
not enough.. and on top of that my Indian Friend got motivated
to Blog again and she has already done 3 today too.. oh Lord being
A Group Auditor Manager of the Biggest Airlines in the United Arab
Emirates.. i am just a poor boy retired from a small town such important
and smart friends i have who are so productive too.. just a Handful but the
way i Friend people how in the World could i handle more than 2 or so.. hehe..
Smiles my Friend
i Adore Deep Words
Meaningless Words in this
Age We Live in are as Few as
Many as there are Likes on Blogs
And Follows that are only Trades for Follows..
this is no surprise either we use our muscles to move
connect and co-create or they wither away and all that is
left is fog and mush.. and maybe a Job where we are more
Machine than Human.. smiles my Friend if you even have
one friend
in this world
who is more
deep than
Shallow you are beyond
blessed and truly a friend
who really cares and doesn’t
only have some kind of agenda with you..
it’s nice to know and feel folks like that
they are surely worth visiting and so
motivating for Loving Life too.
Thank You..
You are on the
Right Track for Balance.. UNiTY
Yoga Keep Life Yoga and Meditate in
Peace and Harmony and yes Party with
‘Purple Rain’ Like it is 1999 that’s what i did
last night as Thursday Night is always Dance Night
with Hundreds and Hundreds of People and you know
what so many people high five me every night and say
i am Awesome just because i am reliable i’m always there
away still for
5 years now..
hehe and truly
not too big to see
like i am online haha..
let’s face it a little bit of me
goes a long long way..
one word
Once Dance and Song ALL..
And a lot of you is all over this place too.. haha..
even too much for even you to do.. hehe.. Some Walls necessary too..:)

“Yes smiles, you are wonderful soul, i just notice,
that i always call you smiles, is it your nick name?😂🤗”

Haha.. ‘They’ only call me Awesome At the Dance Hall
For my Feet Are No Run on Sentence and i Keep my Mouth Closed

SMiLes.. Coming out of the Dark allows Us to appreciate Light
More and also makes us Stronger for others who are in a Dark
Place now too.. Smiles i’ve spent about 7 and a Half Years of
my Life in the Dark Place and no Treatment Options helped…
i had to learn how to Navigate the Dark Place myself by looking
within and finding the Answers there
that finally came to
the Fruition of
A Never ending
Dance And Song Now…
Smiles.. most every Night
i go to the Dance Hall as i did
Last Night and Marathon Solo Dance
for 3 Hours Straight always welcoming nice
people to dance with me if they approach me for
that.. someone most always asks me on the sidelines
Of Dance mostly Male Folks what i am on ‘Now Big Time’
as Far as Drugs to be that Happy.. it’s Hard to convince
them i am not.. but haha.. what i do now is show them
me Leg pressing 1340 LBS 12 times on YouTube and tell
them Dance
and you will
Become a ‘Real Man’
of both Heart and Spirit
of Mind and Body Balancing
Soul Force Love.. It’s True You’ll become
the Grinch now but the Reformed Grinch
With a Heart 10 Times as strong as before
And Multiples of 7 in all Human Potentials..
Anyway Ilona you surely are a Versatile Human
Being and Deserve this Word Press Nomination..
i’ve come across Thousands of People online in Writing
the last 3060 consecutive Days and literally around 12 Million
words as Recorded too.. literally.. i have probably come across
100,000 People hehe that’s Just an Average Blog Post Size of
120 Words per all 12 Million Words..
Every Person who
has had what
it takes to
catch up
to what i do..
is beyond belief a
Stellar Star Human i always
see who never changes that way
smiles.. there have only been as many
as there are Fingers on my Hands and
it seems you are Number 11 my Friend
not in terms of who is greater just in terms
of Numbers
of People
who have
time to be
A Friend with someone
in Words literally too big to see..
i didn’t go to Hell not to come back Epically
my Mother told me my Life would tell A
Grand Tale but she never told me i would
do it solo.. haha..
it hasn’t
been solo..
i honor the
Brave souls
who have flown higher with me..:)


“Jonathan Livingston Fredenstein Seagull”

that’s a Good Enough Nickname for me.. hehe..

but as usual

it is

bits and bytes too long to fit in most Blog Homes..;)

If you haven’t read the Book “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”
it describes you well too my Friend just a Prophecy of what
it means to meet all Your Human Potentials and Self-Actualize..
is someone
on their way
as Young as You
and my Indian Friend..
i was a late Bloomer you
two are truly blessed at 27..
i suppose 1991 was a Good Year
as that is close to the Age of my
3 Best Dancing Friends too of 27 too..
one might be 28 one might be 26 but it all averages out..;)

Hehe i call those three “Charlie’s Angels”.. Chelsea.. Cortney.. Maggie…
in that ‘Sense’ i am the Old Dude who is hard to see on that show too..
smiles… some folks recognize me almost immediately and it’s Magic..
few but
still that’s what
makes it Magic..
Meanwhile i Do A
Lightening Dance after
A Thunderstorm of Song my way..
When we LiVE iN Dark Many Years No one will Blind us in Light..:)



The State Where
Every Vote Counts

Saturday the 13th April 2K 19

HahahahAha! It’s Not Like No one has Ever Called me a Fool Before.. i SWear i will find it on this PagE Too…. Fruition Now HeaR Forgive me Have Mercy i have Warrior Blood in me my Mother did her Best to hide it there are Just somedays now Where the Powerful Discard the Less Fortunate Where the Warrior Wants to Come Out And Play Perhaps Turns Some Tables over Perhaps make those Tables Words Better Yet Dance.. Ha! i already have a stealthy plan Yes in Plain Sight/Site
Tables Fall….
MarK my Words
if you see them hear them now….
Jesus F iN Christ Lord Have Mercy Okay
Inspired by Someone More Merciful than
from where iLive yes even underneath my own iSkin
It’s Just A Choice
Not Is that Complicated No It Is Not Do No Harm It is as Complicated
As You Harm Others or Not So Who Do You Follow Who Do You Like
Who Do You Share Most With Your Friends
Interesting Choice For Christians:
Choose the Teachings of Jesus or the ‘Other God Trump’…
i Breathe Today i’ll Prepare my Taxes on Monday.. it’ll take all of 15 Minutes..
i Breathe Today ETernAlly NoW Seriously Who Worries About Little Things
When A Mother Or A Child Is Taking Their Last Breath
Or PerHaps We Should JusT LEarN to BReaTHE
Perhaps We Should All Watch Our Loved ones more Die Slowly Taking
Their Last Precious Breath Realizing Value of Breathing Now SMiLes.. Good Morning From Florida.. hehe i can relate to this Spawn Fellow as even though i didn’t make A
Deal with the Devil the ‘Flat Earther’ Cashiers at the Grocery Store Back In ‘97 when i occasionally purchased a Beer or two thought i was the Spawn of the Devil just ’cause my Birthdate said 6660 on my Driver’s License.. ‘Flat Earthers’ make me Giggle but it is Rather Sad to go through life so full of Illusory Fears and Hating People Just because someone in Church says God don’t like some of God’s Creation.. Yes Snakes are Magnificent Children Of God too
like Flat Earther’s just a bit mixed
Up like those Church Cashiers..
i Like Your
Spawn Statue
Hope your
Day is Stellar!!😇🤗🙏✌️
Squirrels Dance Sing
Humans Sit Think
It’s A Human World
Par for the Course…
A New Day Will Be Different
In Other World News ‘Anti-Christ Folks’
Are Discriminating And Harming Folks
Who Are Different…
More You Dance More Liberal You Get
It’s Brain Science It Opens
Up YouR Love Brain/Heart/Spirit/Soul For All…
It Isn’t like i was sitting in my
Bedroom Silent With Quiet Feet for 66 Months
MaKinG PlanS hAha… huh… hehe
Ha! i Will even announce it to the
World in Public and no one will Believe
me.. Just Priceless Priceless to me…
“Devil and the deep blue sea behind me
Vanish in the air you’ll never find me
I will turn your face to alabaster
When you’ll find your servant is your master”
What the Most Hilarious Thing of
All is i Am Like the Invisible Ninja
No one ever sees me Really coming
Let’s Just Put it This Way Florida is the Shape of A Gun
the Panhandle is the Barrel And i am A Speeding Dance Bullet Firing
Yeah it’s Not Like the Course of History Has Not already been
Changed by A Few Votes that Sway this or that way in Florida
Let’s Just Say (Dance and Sing)
i Am A BuTTerFly Effect too or
As Katrina SayS A Whole Fool
And Y’ALL Thought i am
Just Dancing in Circles…
Never Dismiss A Fool For Love..
No Matter What Day or Month It Is
My Agenda is to Influence the Youth of this Metro Area Enough to
Change Them into Flaming Liberals Voting Anew For World Change
Perhaps Eventually Public Dancing And
i Wear my Cheap Sunglasses at Night Will Catch on..
(Note: They Ain’t Cheap)
“Imitation is the sincerest form
of flattery that mediocrity
can pay to greatness.”

-Oscar Wilde..
heh.. hmm……

A Twitter World isn’t exactly
A kinda place where (most) Folks
Figure Deeper Stuff out.. hAha.. Par for A New/Old Course….
Let’s Face it ‘they’ saw ‘me’ coming so many times but they Still don’t have a ‘Clue’


i’m really sleepy.. i was gonna finish what i was writing about earlier today before i went
to church but what i really wanna do is Write You an Email A FreeVerse Poem Cause
You got me feeling Nostalgia for all the Feelings i experienced at Sweet Sixteen True
Honorable i was even selected as a Sophomore as the First Student along with
Another Student from our Large School inducted into the National Honor
Society as a Sophomore then for they changed the rules for us
two then.. smiles.. someone noticed we were ‘good’.. hmm..
Always Apple of the Teacher’s eye always Laser
Focused on all of what the Teacher’s had to say
taking it all in spitting it all out Acing all the Multiple
Choice tests with yes a Memory Like Mine that is not perfect but
Gets the General Picture with most of the Details correct anyway..
Old Days.. Days i remember for the Feelings the Emotions the Senses
when even though one may make the Best Grades in almost any Class
How A Sweet Sixteen Year-Old Boy who Folks think is sweet but not suitable
for Dating Material so longs to have their very first Girlfriend Just to Hold Hands
With and Drink Hot Chocolate With at the Football Games in the Stands on Friday Night…
Just a Dream
to sit close to
someone who has
a Warm Heart who thinks
you are cute.. “oh Gosh Your
Sweet Sixteen Picture is so cute”
do you know what i would have given
if any Girl Said that to me in those days..
True.. i would have given her my heart and hoped
so much that she would sit close to me and Hold my
Hand one day.. how Beautiful it was not to understand
About Sex.. how Naive i was then.. and such Beautiful Colorful
Emotions of Hope to sit so close and to hold Hands with a Warm Heart
for me so
true to
be then..
Smiles i’m Glad
i’ve come to realize that
Himali is the Girl i’ve always
felt her to be.. She loves with Heart
she does not lust that much.. she loves
with heart most she connects with the warmth
of Her eyes.. She Loves the Most with Her Soul..
Her Spirit connects even across the Ocean Blue
including Sadness away from Loved ones so far..
so far to be to meet and greet again sure or the
First time too.. Old Days.. Old Days that i
Remember New Days Now for the
Pure Heart the Spirit the
Soul of Sweet
Sixteen eyes
ever now still
more the touch
of Himali’s Hand Just
Reaching out to make some
one feel so Whole NoW so Holy and
Sacred with Love.. It Feels good to know
if you could You would Just Love to Hold my
Hand at most.. perhaps a Hug and a Light Kiss
On Your Dimple too.. how sweet it is so Pure it is..
So Many Colors of Closeness there are in Warmth to be now..
How fortunate am i to Feel and Sense the Innocence of those Old
Days now.. Just Living again.. still dreaming of a Hug when someone
sits close to
you and
feel like home..
Helloooove Home always nice to see You..
Now On your 7th HappYness Project Day Yes.. this May Sound A Bit Odd
But i am Happy for Missing You Now Longing Still to Hear the Voice of
A Friend i’ve Never Heard Just Standing by Her Side Once NoW in a Photo
ShaRinG Smiles Longings that may Exist that are Natural For the Rest of my Life
Yet A Gift From God A Hungry Space of Pure Love for Another Human Now when Distance
Someway.. Where two Fingers Never Quite Meet to Hear a HeART Beat Fully.. Smiles a Bit of
Location So Far-away…
Yet even closer in Some
Ways Beyond Infinity
Essence of
Love Forming
Flesh and Blood
Sound of a loved
One’s Voice Feel
HeART Beat comes
Alive in Form of Art Now All
Those Words All These Smiles all
Sounds of
Voice never
Heard Touch
Never Felt
Of View
Flesh And Blood
Love Essence come
To Form of Art Love
Lives No Distance
Space or time Place
of Art
SMiLes Remedy For MiSSinG
SeeKinG Finding Giving
Sharing Beauty Now..🙂
Finds A
Way Now
God Bless You
You are Beauty in
Front and Behind
Present 💝
Muse Creates
Beauty to Behold..🙂
SMiLes my Friend it is so iLovely to have an
iAngel iMuse behind so much of the ‘extra
punch’ NoW iN Dance And Song
iBring to An iWorld
iJust iFun…
Hehe.. it Hurts so good
to Miss you every Fiber
Colors RiSinG from my Bones..
iSMiLeS..hAHa.. Truly THere is no MiSSinG
As LonG as tHere is Art to Dance And Sing
iThanks my iFull iMoon iMuse…
Everything You
Do is iPerfect
for the iArt of iMe..
Hehe and i am so iHappy
so far so good i am Being a Good
Boy this Week.. Hehe.. maybe ‘iSanta’ will
me Next…;)


ShaRinG Smiles Longings that may Exist that are Natural For the Rest of my Life
Yet A Gift From God A Hungry Space of Pure Love
Another Human Now when Distance
Someway.. Where two Fingers Never
Quite Meet to Hear a HeART Beat Fully…
Side Note 5: All Eyes All Is God
Have ‘You’ Seen ‘That’ Yet Now Back From:
to: A Love Story Before After Side Notes Be…
Side Note 4: i’ve Seen God’s
Face Heard God’s Words Still i am Yet
to Hold God’s Hand Now Still so far away…
Side Note 3: Evidence Given Now i’ve Written 6.7
Million Words in Bible Poetry and Public Danced
11,090 Miles in 67 Months…
Side Note 2: God is “IT” IF ‘You’ Think IF You
Human Can Fit ALLGod in Word(S)
Truly You are A FucKinG (iF YoU SeeK iN God) Fool
Side Note: Beyond Infinity Means
Science Ain’t Got No Way to Measure ‘IT’
Location So Far-away…
Yet even closer in Some
Ways Beyond Infinity
Essence of
Love Forming
Flesh and Blood
Sound of a loved
One’s Voice Feel
HeART Beat comes
Alive in Form of Art Now All
Those Words All
These Smiles all
Sounds of
Voice never
Heard Touch
Never Felt
Of View
Love Essence come
To Form of Art Love
Lives No Distance
Space or time Place
of Art
God Bless You
You are Beauty in
Front and Behind
Present 💝
Muse Creates
Beauty to Behold
SMiLes Remedy For
MiSSinG SeeKinG Finding
Giving Sharing Beauty Now
Caution iS A WinD at Face And Behind Us
SMiLes ‘Surety’
Golden Age Now
Spawn of Trial
Hehe in other
Words Try IT
You might like
IT but if They
They Can’t…
Caution iS A Wind
At Face And Behind Us
Place of Art HoMe Of HeART
SMiLes Giving is
Caring Sharing those
Who Do Not are Left
Is no
IT is Always
Now Work
Kiss Life and
Life Will Naturally
Kiss Us Back.. Kick
Down Love IT
All Rise Above Dark..
Stay Hungry
Marry Dark
HoneyMoon Light
Sea Blue Sky Blue
My Favorite too
Rhymes Blue Gold Fire
SMiLes Good Morning!
Loving Life Best in Flow
A Dance of Present
Is Surely Worth A
Dance Now
To Stay
Positive to
Each Our Own
Hey got 29 More Minutes
of the Weekend Namely
Sunday and there is no
Day after
that at
for me
that is not Saturday…
In the Park.. CELEBRATE…
SMiLeS Did You
Know there is literally
A Fred in Friend
IT is Simple
To Prove See
Okay Now that
That’s out of the
Way Congrats
On another
Word Press
For An Award..
If i were to answer all
Questions Concisely
as 8 except For 7 all
Answers are Love.. 7
is at Best Technology
Provides More
Avenues to
Spread.. Yes
Give and Share
Love with less Walls
Of Human Cultural
Environmental and
Innate Human Differences
As Well Now And Years Now
To come as the World Grows to Be More…
A Global Hive of Love.. Yes.. Busy
Bee Human Beings Holding Hands
All Around A
Place with no
Sun or Moon…
Distance Space
Or Time…
Now online too
Of Course Within First..
The Archetype of Hulk sort of Like Mr. Hyde after Dr. Jekyll..
Release Your Shadow Beast… Yes.. ‘Mr. Venom’ and in General
Our Reptile Brain.. Integrate Senses Now That Eye of the Tiger..
Lion Heart And Courage Regulating Emotions Of Limbic System
Brain Come to Be in
Flow We Dance and
Sing Free to Be All
Of Who We are to Be
Yes.. A Lion(ess)
Free Will
Of Neo-Cortex
Brain.. Efficient
Servant.. Conductor
Self Springs Orchestra
Symphony of Kingdom
Of Heaven Within
Real as Myths
And Bibles.. Words
And other Abstract
Construct Symbols
In Song We Co-Create
As Form becomes A
Dance transfiguring
Flesh and
Essence Full
Force Higher
Power Re-Born
Be Love
Unconditional Free
i Am
To Be
Okay.. i Verily And
Surely Admit A ‘Lion King’ (Intro)(middle)
THeMe SonG Now is JusT A BiT MeloDramatic…
If That Is Not ReaLiTy What Worth is LiFE NoW..
Melodrama Equals Music oF Life FeeL iT Or Do Not.


TiMe to Pay ‘ThE Taxes’ oF CourSe AgaiN

Trust me This is Gonna Be a Good Story but i’ll be Back to tell it.. as ‘The Message’ came at 10:08 AM.
i Have 18 Minutes to post these Photos and Words for this Story Before Katrina says Get Your Ass off ‘that Box’ It’s CHURCH TIME!
It’s Palm Sunday Moral oF A STory Every Time if You Tell the Truth one way or another you get Crucified….
i Have 18 Minutes to post these Photos and Words for this Story Before Katrina says Get Your Ass off that Box It’s CHURCH TIME!
Disorder of Telling the Truth Truly Functionally Disabling it Can and Will Be Story First and Last…
Honesty is not always what it is Cracked up to be.. so hard to lie but yes if ya wanna survive…. and yes.. get married.. Etc….
i met Katrina at the Bowling Center Providing Size 9 Shoes to her i said
Wow it’s Amazing Your Feet are this Big.. i kid you Not.
As Always i have the Proof in Photos Just Wait Her Toes
are As Long as Most Folk’s Fingers. i overlooked that then too.
Limiting God to
Structures of Stone
And Stone of Books
Step off A Path
Climb A Tree in
Distant Horizon…

Okay Now it’s 1:35 PM on Mondaaaayy.. 4.15.19.. Quite a Ways from
10:08 AM Sundayyyy when i left this particular story off to complete later
but Other Nice Distractions did come so Now i am Back Again to finish
this Palm Sunday Story on Monday Why Not ‘You’ Do Know.. Feel.. Sense
That all Distance Space and Time are Illusion Created as Abstract Constructs
from Human so-Called Rationality no.. huh.. yes.. hAha.. Well.. if you are in the Know
And Feel/Sense of that Surely and Verily it is also True you may be in the Best oF aLL Places
iF You LivE in a Dreamtime WaKinG Flow of so much Greater Human Potential FulfiLLeD too..
Anyway.. i am sort of in the Middle of the Story where it came and took off and comes again..
so do understand this is also a Sandwich of Sorts too.. hAha.. so that Sunday Came and
Went but what it was really about was Saturday and a Trip to where the Rich and
Famous Go to Play in Yes SanDestin the Equivalent of the French Riviera in
Yes the Emerald Cost Way in the Panhandle of Florida where my Rich
Uncle believe it or not Ripley and Horatio too.. went from Sears
Appliances Salesman Dude to owning Franchises
of Vacuum Stores where His Vacuum Cleaner
Store is located Square in the Middle
of as Close to what God as Nature
Provides as Paradise On Earth
Seriously.. did you See the Movie ‘Contact’…
Some folks Dream of visiting this Paradise even
in somewhat DownScale Pensacola Beach for their
Entire Life.. Note.. to include a Clip from the ‘Contact’ Movie
as hey i come armed with all the Evidence and Plus PLuS ups too
Even though Google PLusT has disappeared now too.. hmm.. okay
i don’t have a Multi-Million Dollar Home Surrounding me Located where
Mosts Folks See the Place as Paradise IF AND A BIG IF.. IF YOU CAN SEE
the Architects just cannot build anything Like God as Nature can and will now
true.. and true part of the reason i am including the ‘Contact’ Clip is so you
will have some feel and sense of What Real Paradise Feels in Nuance on
Earth but Truly there is no replicating the Isolated parts away from Man
Made Civilization where Dunes Rise High and are far and few in
between now in Paradise real.. yes.. Midnight Cool Moist
Air Diatoms Glow in Shores where all that is Love
Truly Glows and that’s all i have to say about
that as i’ve pretty much had all my Dance and
Sing about that too.. Truly relaxing Waves the
Place to lift yourself out of Your Neo Cortex which can
be a major Lift-up Operation for some but this is a place to take
A Great Stab of Lifting off the Neo-Cortical Beast for what is Truly
Real in Life the Dreamtime of Flow KISS yes Keep It Simple ‘Stupid’
Flow Fully Focus on one area of focus all together or spread your seeds
so far away you may never see the FLoWeR oF YoU Come to be NoW aS Rose..
So… back to SanDestin ‘The Beach Club’.. where the Rich and Famous come to Play..
It’s True when my Uncle Built His Multi-Million Dollar Home in the Middle of Paradise Real..
And true my Grandmother who was French Cajun Married a Catholic Priest Reeling him in
from the Pews.. 17 ‘Verses’ 36 not much of a chance of avoiding that it seems then at least for
A Catholic Priest.. Oh!.. by A way did you know there are no Verse Numbers or Book Names to
Put the Old ‘Timer’ Bible in Order.. Nope.. just a bunch of Notes by Innumerable ‘Ghost Authors’
All Put Together and Numbers and Chapters and Named Sub-Books Determined not until the
13th Century.. Well.. True.. there will Always Be Flat-Earthers and Folks who Even think Jesus’s
Real Name is Jesus as Reported Originally Yeshua and the Such illiterate who never wrote A
Word During his Lifetime then not much Different than so-Called Muhammad too.. Oh Lord
Some Folks Feel and Sense through Artistic Representations that Jesus is about 6 Foot
tall with Sandy Blonde Hair with a Nicely Trimmed Beard.. in a Thin enough way where
it is hard to see him being able to really turn any Money Tables over in a Very
Patriarchal and yes a very Toxic Area then as Tribal Warfare in ‘killing’ those
who are seen as different and resources that we need as we become the
Enemy to Kill our Same Species Dead might as well Cannibalize
YourSelf as that same species through this Dark Empathy of Us
Versus them yep ‘you’ could have voted for Trump then too
Just another Form of Similar Essence True.. as Dark
Will come and Go and if Life is Real Life Will Save
Itself as
Love to Be
Even More as Real..
When Empathy Rules in Giving
Sharing Above Dark and Light Away in Dominance Hierarchies
Where it’s Lots of Fun Watching my Uncle Do that wherever he
goes.. making sure everyone knows that the once 6 Foot 4.. 310
Dude is Still an Alpha Male Around Town.. he’s in his Middle 70’s now
down to 218.. hehe.. and just for fun doing it with me but ha! how in the World
will someone like him find an Achilles Heel in someone like me… Been to Hell
Whatcha gonna do when she is gone.. Save the World why not just part time.. of
course while she is not around.. it’s not like i’ve never done more than one job in a day
haha… not sure where that came from but the Song seems to fit in or you might Lose
it all and sometimes you are called a fool cause folks don’t understand all of what you have
in your hands.. so anyway.. my Rich Uncle showed how the Rich and Famous Do it he always
does.. oh Lord my Poor Dad was always trying to measure up with what he did and he was always
trying to measure up competing with the Wealth of all my other Rich and Distant Relatives hmm..
haha.. i was raised on Love that Crap is just Crapola too me the only shine there is is in Warm
and Loving eyes.. the rest is Just Salad Dressing and quite Frankly what i see at least as
Raunchy Clothes of Culture.. so lost in Neo-Cortex in Illusions of distance space and
time where Dreamtime the Flow of Heaven within is Lost so so far away in a Ball
of Confusion Hairless Ape Humans continue to cover up God as Nature with
the Freedom to Fly Be the Water and the Air yes let the Water Swim
you and the Air Breathe and Dance you too.. hmm.. true when
i am in Heaven many folks ask for the Drugs i am on.. but
no no no this is no Welfare Free Recitation of John
3:16 or Romans 10:9 if the Reported Jesus
Yeshua Dude who was Illiterate thought
he could have completed the Job
why the Hell do you think in
Heaven that John 14:12 has
already come so many many times
meanwhile Folks are still waiting for someone
who admitted they did less to come again and square
things away killing all your Enemies for You Torturing them
forever in Hell.. oh God if so Jesus is a Liar for he said Turn
the other Cheek Love Your Enemy and those who live by the
Sword Die by the Sword and on Top off that he made it totally
Clear that the Kingdom of Heaven is within always in this Generation
now if you Look For it only Above or Below the Fish of the Sea will Precede
you in all Natural Flow out of the Prison of Your Neo-Cortex who never LEarns
A Meditative Movement as Fish are Swum by Water and true if you only look above
the Birds will Precede you too.. as the Air in Flow Flies them too a Sail Free they are to
Be their Ships
as Birds
Fly as
Heaven in
Balance Real now True..
Yes.. Above the Birds will Precede you too..
in other words they didn’t have the Scientific
Terms for it then but you would have never attained
Transient Autotelic Flow yes Generating your own Happy
Neurochemicals and Neurohormones along with the PLusT
uP of all the other Electro-Bio-Synergy of Energies in Higher
Frequencies of Loving Vibrations too.. anyway.. my Uncle went on
all about the Trump so-called Christian Tirade about Homosexual
Folks are just too Strange and African American Folks are stereotyped
the way he wants to see them less than Beautiful and Black.. Just about
makes ya wanna face palm but true the Dinner Was tasty too i informed
him that Katrina has African American Relatives and had to explain to
him again that my ring that is not a wedding ring goes on my Right hand
for my other Class Ring from University of West Florida 1983 will not
fit on that Hand.. anyway he couldn’t find an Achilles Heel with me
i am
‘The Lion
King’ of the
Family now with Bigger WinKs..
oh yeah.. typical Trump thingie too saying my
1340LB Leg Press is just not correct form as me and
my Aunt and Katrina then talked and talked about all my
Lovely ‘Girl’ ‘Friends’ too.. even shared some photos now
of the Dance Hall and my Lovely Best Friend too.. and
then he said i heard all the Bull let me talk about your
Ring again.. little does he know a Real ‘Lord of the
Rings’ Ring when he comes aCross one
All is fair
in Love and War..
No Thanks you can
have all the Power and
Riches and Status you
‘Think’ you have i’ll
Key of
Love and
All the Doors
of HeaVeN for me ‘at least’.. inHeRiting what is Real..
but yeah.. my Uncle i really Love him he was the only
one around from my Patriarchal Toxic Family who
didn’t give up on me when i was down.. you Love
What You Will and you Live with the Rest ha! yes
if Folks only know ‘everything’ about me then you
understand why i stay Married 29 Years and his
Wife and he Stay married for 55 Years Life is
no Piece of Cake and Icing alone you Marry the
Night and HoneyMoon the Day or you never truly
last one Now of Paradise Real.. Hell Makes Heaven it does..
Hell just give me little tickles in my Throat and Feet and Now
i LEarn i Practice Always i Dance And Sing iT aLL Away as Light..
Anyway.. back to the so-called Jesus Story if i was gonna make that
come real i explained to my Uncle how i am influencing the Youth to
Become Liberal Voters for the last 11,090 Miles of Public Dance Celebrity
all for Free as the Meek of me inherits the EartTH that way too.. and then
they said oh NO! We Want Trump! and i said it’s just Nature Love makes folks Liberal..
they Dance Sing NoW
LiVinG Fully at Least ReaL
i said i don’t have to plan Any of
This God (LoVE) IS/ARE mY Wings oF Flight


Hey hey You.. iLona Smiles too.. gonna catch you
While You are live haha.. before You Move on to
Another Cool Adventure too.. to say Thank You.. Your
Ideas continue to inspire some words from me as true
inspiration will bring us ideas that we are not able to more
Fully Articulate before.. as we continue to improve to share more
Existential Intelligences that we Humans Hold Hands around the Globe
now to Create perhaps
to raise this Species
up more like Love
than old Stained
Money in
Coins.. yuck..
Love is so much Better
smiles my Friend i went to
Our Version of the French Riviera
Where my Rich Uncle Lives in somewhat
oF A Palace In Paradise there.. haha.. Secret
Unfolding True is Paradise only is Born Within..
hehe.. we spent about half the time in Traffic and
the Beach Buildings all but covered up what used to
Be Paradise all covered up now with a Proverbial Human
Parking Lot as Cancers rise about the Shores whoops you
are a Budding Architect but hey.. the Notre Dame Cathedral may
use a more
for there
are Sacred Symbols
And then there is just
‘stuff’ to complicate life turning
IT mostly Green in US Dollars at
Least and taking all the Joy away
Where the Evening Gowns are all
Frowns with turned down lips underneath
Mustaches too.. haha.. i ain’t “Blinded by the Light”
i LiVELoVE and True that ‘Whatcha Gonna Do’ Song that i was
gonna use is just too short hehe.. as usual for what i am currently
still evolving to do.. thanks iLona.. i don’t believe in coincidences
i AM i
in Art Now
hAha.. i came
ACross that figure
you shared recently
in the Book Store where
i Dance and Read a Free Book
or two each week and took a Free
Artistic Picture of that F Yes F (FuN) Money
it just sucks i ‘Borrow’ Art from the rich and give it to the poor..
those who
are Meek
And Fearless
enough to inherit
the Joy of Heaven now..
(L. O. V. E. N. O. W.)
Ain’t got no Emoticons
on my Desktop to fill
all the Spaces in but
okay got my Ilona Fix back
to work for Free as Love as Art i go..!
hAha!.. Have a great Night!!.. i Wish for you too my FRiEnD..
Smiles the Video was Funny too.. haha.. i love the Music of Melodrama too..
BTW Love the way my Apple Watch Vibrates when i receive Notifications don’t
usually have it on.. hehe.. always something new to experience with Technology hAha..
It is an Okay Device but i would not have bought it.. if not for the compatibility with the
Nike Running App to
Measure All the Distances
of my Public Dance.. just another
tool Just another tool of my Dance Trade haha..
Again The Vibration
On the Wrist Feels
Best From Word Press
Notifications but if
Not for exclusive
Compatibility With
The Nike App then
i would have Gone
Much Cheaper.. i
Only Buy Tools
For the Art
i do Wife
Takes care
Of everything
But The Tax Return.. note
To Self Do that Before
Hehe.. i
Off except Joy…
Yep.. the Real Peter
Pan Never Ever
No No
No This
Is Heaven
Ain’t Leaving LoVeNoW✌️😀✌️😇🤗👌😁😂

Haha see your right hand by your hip now
with a second look guess my Photographic
Memory isn’t
Perfect but still
i Dream of the Kind
Touch of HiMaLi’s
Hand on my Back..
It’s Late at night after a long day softer feelings
Come after 13 Miles of Dance or so.. always back to HiMaLi’s Smile..🙂
Speaking of Himali’s Right Hand How about those Cute Small Feet True HiMaLi’s Fingers are Long but her Feet are just so small and cute.. i’m thinking Size 5.. True.. remember i used to hand-out Shoes as A Humble Shoe Server spraying those Rental Shoes down after Earning Three College Degrees Yep that was my path to Fame and Fortune after Tops in School for close to 19 Years.. of Doing that for no Pay at all sort of like all the ‘Fund’ i have now too.. Money no Longer part of any of my Life of concern that’s quite a reward at any point of lIfe unto the Joy of Just to be.. it’s funny how A Person Will Come to Cherish a Pair of Feet in
Sandals Like that they could be
anyone’s Feet but when they are seen
as a Loved one’s Feet there comes a Warm
Feeling of Comfort Like Home.. hmm.. to continue this story i am doing i have
several more Facebook Profile Pics to
illustrate the Story but oh my Gosh those
Cute and Sweet Toes.. seriously i am looking at them now and it is really
sort of Beautiful as they make me feel
almost the warmth of a HImali Smile
Directed Just at me.. Smiles.. Your Feet
Don’t Have eyes or ears but they are still
Speaking and Seeing me.. how much warmth they do bring.. especially
when you Autographed them for me
there are some folks who are lovable
yes and there are just other folks where
You Treasure every last detail of them
sort of like sipping the Finest Wine ever
even if you are like
me and
do not Drink..
Smiles that’s what made
me Happy Yesterday and Today
Himali’s Toes and Feet in Her Sandals
so precious
those Toes
Are Golden Gems to me..🙂
Good Night From Florida HiMaLi.. You made me feel
a whole lot of Nostalgia for my Sweet Sixteen Days so much that i had
to Honor those Feelings with you in
an innocent Nostalgic Poem with You
in an Email too.. really sleepy but i got
it done sent to you and now i will
sleep so sweetly hoping to dream
of Nostalgia of Old Days New
Now True..🙂
SMiLes Good Morning!
Loving Life Best in Flow
My Gosh it’s already time to Wish You a
Good NighT AGaiN heHe.. OKay Tag You are IT..😉


SMiLes Leah.. Dear Friend Nice to Hear from you on this
Tax Day in the United States where the World Sheds Tears
for a Magnificent Work of Art in Architecture.. my Favorites were
Always the Gargoyles Sadly Now Reminiscent of What LIES UnderNeath all the
Crown Robes of the Catholic Church.. Totem Poles of Status and Power and sure
covering up the worst
of Human
the Vulnerable
And Innocent Protecting
Prostitutes from Stones Yet
Still Stoning Homosexual Members
of the Congregation too suggesting they
are not Sacred enough for Marriage
to Marry their Loved ones no
different than all the
Support for Trump
i hear from
the Pulpit suggesting
Walls are the Best Way
to keep the Unwanted and Sinners
out too.. for what they see as right or wrong..
Par for A Course A Beautiful Work of Art the Historical Building
is.. i am quite sure.. If the Story of Jesus could be real he would
just ask them who and what are they praying for/to here.. an Idol
Or Bringing the Love the Light the Bread the Grapes of Love Within
to give and share Now more to the Least of us as truly everyone is a Temple
of Nature ‘This thing’ folks limit to three Letters that i would never speak of..
of course except for the Language necessary for a context that can and will be
Shared in Mutual consideration of the Realities we all share.. hehe.. i will never
Dance or Sing in Church for the Support of the Reality of what it is.. it’s a Club.. it’s a Members
only place but haha..
they are a bit too
for an Audience
to ‘kick anyone out’ these
days for being a bit ‘strange’.. hAha..
Smiles.. my Friend i go there every Sunday
for a Group Sing when the song is about Love
i Love it.. i just replace the Word God and Jesus with Love
And when they talk about Idol Worshipping in Glory of a
Human i just Change the Word to King of Joy that i relate to
Well and i’m Dancing Singing about all that really counts at all in life..
Where Katrina the Wife says.. you are Just Like a 7 Year-Old Child NoW
MaKinG a F iN King of Glory
into Joy heHe..
i’m A REaLisT
but i’ve also
experienced what
i cannot explain with
Any Science Books available…
what i do FEEL is i’d rather Find
That Three Letter Word in a Six Letter
Word in my Back Yard yes Nature no matter
how high the Spires go or how Beautiful the Cathedral
is none equal the Sunsets and Sunrises i have been privy
to.. smiles.. Nature (God) Paints a Love i Love to live.. the rest of
of it All the Cultural
it always has
gone most to Hell my Friend..
Still.. hehe.. there are some nice
exceptions in Human Friends and mostly my other Furry Friends
the Trees.. the Plants.. the Water.. the Air and Less than Grains of Sand…
What Humans make generally speaking consume What Nature Brings
it back out
as Garbage Lesser
Hiding the Beauty of
Nature that is Living now above
so below.. within.. inside.. outside and
all around.. hehe.. already been the Hunch
Back of Notre Dame in my Home for 66 Months…
in that place i LEarned that Material Goods are Dead as
Dead as i was
on the
i Love Art
And that is all i see
as lost here the Spirit bits and
pieces of the Souls of the Artisans
who put it together for Beauty to Behold..
if those folks are praying to the Loss of Beauty i am right
there with them if they are praying to any other God but Love
they can have that God to themselves.. as i Marry the Dark and
Honeymoon the Light True in Light too best i can and will now
as ‘they’
to create it now
still as just another
Extension of what Nature
continues to come to be as change….
Smiles.. Humans Need Symbols to Bond
with.. Humans are Not Rational.. it is a pretty place to
see always room for improvement my Friend sure i would
have loved
to have
Sung underneath
the Acoustics of that
Building and Same as when
i Cosmic Sneeze in the Little
Temple i Sing in now.. the shot Gun
Blast of that sound wouldn’t be much different
than little old me NoW in the Flower State of Florida
Shaped Like a Gun Fire of Public Dance just aiming every
Where.. in the Barrel of that… haha.. my Latest Blog Post
is gonna be something about influencing the Youth of the
Area with my Public Dance for the last 67 Months and 11,090
Miles to turn just enough folks liberal to protect what is So far still
Free as a Republic for the Liberty and Justice for All to enjoy Life
And their
of Happiness
now.. hehe.. like any ‘real hero’ whatever the
Hell and heaven that is.. i’m smART enough
now not to get injured half-way through
And leave the job undone for Centuries
(maybe i’ve finished i’ll go on Vacation)
And the crazier people see me the more
i’ll have time to finish the Job
finished before.. that is finished now…
hehe.. at leave i’ll give my Two Cents
worth of what was only One Cent Before..
but it damn Sure Will Not be at the Church Offerings
to Set folks free who were never True Scotsmen to begin with hAha..
it’s so crazy if you didn’t laugh you’d cry some days i do that too ‘Empaths’ are like that..
of the
Just another
part of Human
Nature as ‘Trumps’
do to protect Love by Keeping Love
Awake from Falling Asleep.. Apathy
will come without a bit of Hell Fire too for Real…
i’m smelling
the Florida Flowers this life is
a tiny sliver of Human Potential
to really experience Heaven now it’s like
YouTube.. hAha.. the Youth have no reference
point now to see the full Nature of even that Heaven..
Back of
Notre Dame
Never forgets
Recovering from that Hell
is as Important as Heaven
to avoid being Blinded (Cynical)
by the Light (Hope/Love)
or afraid
of the Dark (Fear/Hate).. hmm..
not gonna be hard to find a song for this…
Anyway you have Enough Culture to see through
all the ‘Pompous Ass and Circumstance’ for the blessings of the Art and Beauty..
That’s nice.. Thanks for Sharing this Momentous Point in History as We
are Free
enough to
make our own
Meanings and Purposes
And Make it Feel Holy and
Sacred to Give and Share Love
More Unconditionally and Freely
Without Fear the Good News is that
directive is already in that Book.. it’s just
a matter of really doing it for all.. Good Luck in
Your Move to Germany as the Netherlands and
Finland and of course Romania for Sure just doesn’t
Do it for
You Like Berlin
and Germany Does..
Smiles those Prayers are
definitely worth IT for you for Life to
Come up More as Flower Smells for You..:)

Your Dear FRiEnD Fred..:)


Hehe.. i wish i catch up to all Your Nice Comments
And New Blog Posts i am Sorry i missed this one
Dear Sohair as every Blog Post of Yours is Precious
as i Love to See my Friend Sohair.. hehe.. finishing
up my Taxes and other Chores and Will be Back to
a Lengthy
and Wordy
Group of Fred
Talks with you
haha.. if i do not finish
now first in Record Time too haha..
SMiLes Sohair Culture
Can Be So Nuts Even
Squirrels outside of
that World
A Great
Laugh in
Poetry too hehe..
SMiLes my Friend in my Older Ages
i see the Necessity of Dark with Light..
Smiles the Dark
Keeps the
Light from
Going to Sleep
Voila Politics
Whether i pay
Attention or not it
is just the continuing
Balance of all that.. hehe
i don’t worry when it is not necessary
that’s a Bit Foolish and even less Gratitude
for the Blessings of Life in Abundance i surely
Share and
Give as
Well the
Fortunate are those
who Walk in Light those
who have Never Danced and
Sung in Light really do need the
Most Prayers out of Dark my Friend
Trump is no Less than me just a Lost
Soul my
been there
done it like many
of the Folks are doing
it now in some shade of
Greys of Purgatory too.. Mercy
me Mercy You Mercy them and Us..
We are in this Boat Together we might
as well all swim
one way
or the
We are
ALL Blessed
to Be here now at All..
i was there for my Mother’s
Last Breath all that’s Left is
LoVENoW as Me NoW ReaL
in Hopes
for Life is as both
Great and Good my
Dear Friend SoHaiR With
Thanks Giving For All that is God As LoVE..
SMiLes my Friend
Sohair it’s Like
Dancing And
Singing Do
Charity as
if You See
No one when
you give it but
the Love You Feel Within
Just to Give and Share for LoVE FREE..
SMiLes my Friend at least
in the Bars Where Fists
may come
i offer
A oPen
Hand lately
IT Works hooray..
This Love is Always
A Practice Always A
Love to Be to Do..
And true if
i have my Feet
that Oh by the
Way Now Leg Press 1340
American Pounds 12 reps
And 100 Seconds of doing that..
hehe.. who needs fists or feet when
i say come here my Friend Let me show you
what these Ballet Feet will Do in Martial Arts true..
may be
than a Sword
This way ‘at least’..
SMiLes my Friend every now every second
every minute every hour every Day and Night
Every Month Every Year Always now there is
Always Room For More Sacred and
Holy Meaning
and Purpose
in Life for
in the Abundance
We Create to be as
Us to Give and Share even
more now.. smiles my Dear Friend
Sohair.. i enjoyed all you give and share
today.. yes.. i read this and found it interesting too..
Smiles the taxes can wait (till Midnight) Friends always
come first and on top of that ha! i am smART enough never to have
to pay taxes and hAha.. i don’t even have to hide my Tax Returns
to do
about the
only time
i do anything
using anything
but a Soul for Art…
Just a Reminder of the
Much Darker Place i lived
as Truly a Computer A Robot
Mind to be.. i was called the List
Maker a Valuable Commodity as
Employee to own.. smiles i waited
to be Free
my Friend and
i hehe do not look
back now except
for when the Tax
Man cometh and then He lives for Free..:)


Hi Frank.. Thanks so much for dropping by haha.. as i often
do i waited to the last Hour or So Before Midnight to Complete
my Tax Form and Get it to the Post Office as i am always looking
for a Challenge to meet either that or i just Procrastinate as who
Needs Predictable
Results of Zero
Tax Owed
When Creativity
Dances and Sings
With Fingers now Free
Thanks for Quoting me with..
“You/me are simply the Center Point
of God as We All are as when we Rise
to the Occasion (reborn) to Hold Hands with God”
hmm.. that reminds me of the “Contact” Movie Clip i provided
Earlier with Jody Foster and an Alien ET in the Form of Her Deceased
Father Basically saying Life is Best as it gets Hand in Hand with the Force of Love
the Flow yes the Transient Hypo-Frontality Autotelic State of Being where we Generate
our own Happy Bio-Neuro-Hormonal-Electro-Chemistry from Head to toe and all around
in Synergies of Energies.. Frequencies of Vibrations of Love Rising Higher we are Fractals
of the Whole of Nature All (God) Center Point Balance in us reflections of Balance (God) All
that is how Blessed are we to reflect all that is this way when in Balance when all is humming
Along fine
at ease
What A Beautiful
Wonderful Word it is like
that.. without restraint so Free
Fearless to Be and Share and Give Love Now..
Christina Perri Expresses Extreme Emotions in Her
Vocals very Moving it is for those of Us who are receptive
in both Joy and Distress of all the Colors of Art now come to Be..
other than that i’m really really really tired now next for Sleep Center
Point Existence
in Night
of Blissful
Nirvana too.. Rest True..:)


Songs come Dull or Brilliant…
Words come Colored or Grey…
Human Emotions and Senses are Energy
We Give and Share or Take and Hoard the
Circle of Life.. Yes.. the Golden Spiral of Love
Is Either Lit up with Positive Energy of Song
Frequencies of Vibrations High
or pulled
Energy of Words
Frequency of Low
in Vibrations too..
So Far Away.. from an
Uplifting Song of Emotions to
Flow.. but only as Close as a Word
Becomes Poetry of Song to Play..
to carry
on a
SMiLes We see that
Light some folks do
they carry on Energies
Synergies of Human LoVinG
LiVinG on Free to Give and Share even more…
Smiles my Friend These days Super Heroes will be words
That and
to Dance
and Sing as Play
aS Even Text Becomes Organic
Living Poetry All of Us continue Dancing
And Singing to Light the Words up Color
The Love Now for Free…
SMiLES too..
Hehe i F E E L i’m a
Bit Extra Happy today
As i turned my ‘Income
Taxes’ in Traveling to the
Local Post Office Right before
Midnight and Set my self Free..
Smiles.. Your Prophecy might come true
i may end up a Bit Brilliant Like a Shooting
Star Dancing in Public Before the Night is out..
hey.. yep..
it happens
all the time
now but i never
get tired now of
Steak and Ice Cream this way
of Constant Challenge Now and
Struggle Light Wins over Dark to Be Free NoW..
Trust when i say
i have a Thousand
Hehe just
Comes With
Hehe Plenty
Of Years
To Catch
Up HeHe
It’s crazy i can like your comments but i have
to go back to my iPhone to like Your Post hehe..
got plenty of time..
matter of fact i own time
it doesn’t exist for me hehe at All..
Hehe.. well i’m
an Empath with
A Thousand and
one Shades of Grey
And a Beyond Infinite Number
of Colors to Make Folks Happy
as they can possibly be..
Hulk the Nice
one in deed..
Hehe I have a Hulk
Shirt will wear it
Some Time i
Kid You
Not i ripped the
Back Katrina Sewed
It Up Happens with the
Shorts too Tread wear not
Great in 22 Pairs of Shoes
Hehe if i count All Tools and Total Labor output to
Reach 6.7 Million Words of
Poetry and 11,090 Miles
Of Public Dance at Minimum Wage
Equivalent my
Hobby Cost me
Half a Million
My only
Reward Heaven now
Smiles i Will Always
Owe the World Thanks
For Providing All the
Avenues for that/this
And You
Know What
If Jesus Does
Really come He
Will Torture no
One Just say thanks
For Heaven Now People
Will be so angry with Him
For not destroying their
Enemies OMG they
Would wanna
Him Again
On A Good Friday
Full Moon.. Hehe Real
Jesus Would Follow
No Rules
But as
Not expected
Would Come Maybe
Even Dance Like
At Night
Believe i
Saw A Movie
Like That Wow
It seemed so Real👌🧠😂
What Do Buffy and Tiger have in common and oh God
how the HELL does Trump do what he Does too yes
through Dark and Light they all Engage the Higher Human Potential
Flow accessible for slaying
Ballet.. Golf.. Vampires and
Even Democracy so who
Will Rise and Flow Higher
In Positive Flow of Light
For Yes By God Both
The Dark and
Light Force Wear
The Human Colors
Of Flow The Nuclear
Ingredient is Agape
Love Beyond
Distance Space
And Time
Become both
Magic And Real
The Science is
Young the Art
Is Timeless Ageless
The Spirit of OverCome
The Spirit of SuperHuman
In Us
The Turn
Key To MaGiC Love
Hehe Like when FSU
Came back in a 31 point
Come Back in the
Fourth Quarter
Years ago..
To Defeat
The Gators
And all
i Did is
Watch in
Flow Smiles
Distance Space
And Time is Erased..
Golf is only the Beginning
i started With Tennis At
12 now
i Dance
And Sing
Note: Don’t
Follow FSU anymore but
Did Catch Tiger 🐅 on
Just for a Second..
While we were having
Dinner at the Marina Bay..
Thanks for the Feedback Hehe..
Thank you my Friend.. Night yes at 5:05 AM
but not for long.. been up since 3:30 AM.. Tuesday
Is Public Dance Afternoon
After Writing
Long too
Forward to
Both Dance and Song
Hehe my Star Wars
Light Saber is Hand
Of Pen as Type
And Feet
Dance and
Song in Flow
Too.. ever Notice
A Shortage of Peacemaker
SuperHeroes Hehe iAim to Change that
With Love as We all should Do after that
There are endless other Planets to save Hehe this
Is why i am eternally
Now Happy
Master Key
Is Give And
Share Love as Thorns
And Flowers Make Roses
Guns are For Lesser Beings Through our
Universe And
Beyond As is
Fear and Hate
Too but Light
Will Always come
From Dark Always
Gives me something
Fun and Challenging In
Dark and Light to Do
The Dawn
Is Breaking
Thanks for
Sharing this
Sunrise With
Me A New Day
Now Always Worth
Celebrating my Young Friend🕺🕺🕺😁🕺🕺☺️🕺
SMiLes For me as Science shows too we are Most Efficient And Productive in a State of Flow More often attained in the Early Morning And Late At night as Far as Creativity Flows Productivity And Efficiency too.. Why is Because in Flow our NeoCortex is Quieter allowing our Subconscious
Mind to come awake as that comprises the other 95 percent of Human Potential when in
Flow and of Course Both still And Moving Meditation Will Bring this Higher Force of
Human Being as You May Gain more of the other 95 Percent of your Human
Potential instead of Being Stuck in a
Rut so
Far Below
Above.. Hehe
Hi.. ILona.. thanks for putting me on A List of
Brilliant Bloggers this Morning Dear New Young
Lady Friend.. i Am Up too early.. so I start early…
perhaps a nice nap Later.. anyway.. thanks again
you are a Kind Soul i appreciate
Very much… enjoy
You can have me for the rest of your night
as long as you want just say the word no Mountain
too High to Climb No Valley to Low to Scale back up
i will always be here for my Dearest Friend HiMaLi.. as long as she cares
to connect to me in whatever way she likes.. okay.. i will share a Song as a
link here that illustrates that well let me go get it and you can listen to it and hear what Fred’s Spirit Sounds like Singing for You for yes i could sing it the same way.. i Will just about copy any
Voice but no
one will
ever copy Mine..🙂


“Deeper than being just fading rays..
We are old stars that takes light from God(Allah)…creator of all…”
SMiLes Sohair.. Love this Quote You Provide Here.. you know we are
Like Christmas Trees.. so many Potential Bulbs to light up in a Life..
so much light to
Spread if we
do not
it all in one place..
But True Life can and will
Put us in only one place if
we are not careful to keep our
Wings opening up continuing Flying
Higher than Lower my Friend.. it’s really
not Life that puts us in this Narrow place that
in deed will Exhaust A Soul Evolving Higher
More Light..
it is more Culture
And Culture we restrict
ourselves to as reducing our Potential
not only to Light up but Spreading more Light
God Bless Your Rays my Friend God Bless All Our Rays
May Sunshine Replenish in Us as Love and Spread More Rays
to everyone
we meet less
Life Tears our Hearts
out taking our Spirits
Lower than what Souls Will Come to Be…
Dancing Singing Higher With Love and Joy..:)
SMiLes my Friend for me at least Now
i feel Fortunate for God most always
Sends me some Angel(s) to help
me Avoid
i Strive for
Light but We are all
Human as Creatures of Dark too..
The Balance is Climbing out of Falling..
Smiles again that is a nice comment you
left me i wanted to make sure i replied.. to it..
And Smiles i finally got motivated to finish those
last 4 Dance Videos in ‘my Religion’ that says make
A Video for every thousand miles as i progress.. i appreciate
your interest in my Hobby.. that makes you feel like a friend to me..
Thanks for inspiring
me a bit to get the
Job completely
done yesterday..
still have to upload
them and get that all
squared away and catch
up with everything from Yesterday
smiles.. it’s a beautiful Life to be able
to catch up with friends too a rather
Transient Experience these days but
still Real enough my Friend..
Anyway.. i’m up to 11,101 Miles
Now.. Smiles i Love
the way those
Numbers Rise..:)
Climbing Every Mountain With
Gradually Increasing Complexity
Without Fear Gaining Flow as Steps
Become Bounds And Leaps over Before..
Scaling Valleys
Back up
and Love
in Will of
Never Giving
Up A New Friend A New
Star Above Below a New
Breath and Blink of God
for the Universe to Feel More..
Nature and Night a Best Friend
A Moon Above Still is to Be.. Smiles
only one thing left to Wonder all these
you not yet
once have you Pulled my Leg.. hehe..
Smiles SMiLes Don’t Be Afraid i will not bite..
Smiles and now i realize how this HappYness
Project Works it’s not consecutive Days it is only
the Days You are Happy.. Smiles Sweet Success
is no matter how dark it gets finding at least one thing
a Day
even in
Darkness that
Brings you Light to Celebrate..
Smiles my Friend Lesson in Hell
never forgotten new..
Smiles my Friend
it is always nice
to find
And Sing
Our Language
And Best of all
to Appreciate
Where we are..
Another Beautiful Morning I’ll send A Photo from it
when i rise out of Bed but i can already hear the Birds
Are Happy about it Before i see it Through Dark Curtains
and i Both Think And Feel to Myself.. Not all Folks Can
And or Will See Beauty In Darkness and For those Folks
i Dance to Express A Free
Love for Life Now
Life is Beautiful Now
My Dearest Friend
HiMaLi You are Beautiful..
Kind and Nice you Bring Flowers
Of Friendship to me.. God Bless
You More On this Day
Of HappYness Now…
May Beauty.. Truth
And Wisdom
Shine on
You and From
Within For the Rest
Of Your Life With Love
A Wednesday Prayer
Helloooove Good
Morning From
A State
Of FLoWeRS🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
Divided Always Falling Always Rising Hungry
Smiles i just wrote this trying to Remember Life Before You Emotions Are Memories
are Emotions Make Memories Now Almost All my Memories of Himali now Are intense
Falling to Rising Emotions Keeping me on my Toes so Hungry For Life Like when i
Look at Your Sweet Photo With Shades and Feel Zero Passion With Your ‘Killer’
Eyes Hidden Just Pure Innocent Love with a Fire of only Longing to
Reach out and Hug you As any Longing for
a Loved one so close yet So Far out of Reach
What A Beautiful And Intense Feel of Divided
Love That So Powerful
A Force of Division so
Hungry Within to
Branch That
Always Hungry
Tearing out a
Heart Without
Or With Someone
Same Hungry
HeART Rebuilding
Same Stormy Waves
Of Ocean Body
More as
Art to Feel
And Fill Division
More the Balance
Reaching Unity
Forevermore Now
Always Hungry
Of Living
Comes True
Before HiMaLi
There were Colors
But Life is Beyond
Rainbow Light
Yes Marrying
Moon Day
Hungry Now
Falling Rising
Never Destination
Always Loving
Dark and Light
Now Reflecting (God)
Janus ReaLiTy Now..🙂
Peace of Mind is Accepting Life is
Not Fair Yet Marrying
Dark Honeymooning
Light Journey
Loving Life
SMiLes GrasShopper
You Teach me much
Life Smiles
And How
It More Creatively
Hehe.. the
Feelings inspire
A Higher Force of
Love Always Rebuilding
Spirit of Heart And
Soul Cathedral
Home Within
Real Always
Dearest Friend..🙂
You Know What’s
Really Beautiful to
Be Free no need for
Secrets own all of who
We Are Carefree Now to Express All of Who We Are With Zero
Shame Surrounding Ourselves No Matter How Far or Close We
Are From With Those Who Support Us At Least Tolerate
All of Who We
Care to Be
The Right to
Life.. Liberty
And Pursuit of
Happiness Doing
Our Best to Harm no
One Else Living an
Authentic Life
With Zero
Fear or Shame
Or any Regrets
For All We are as
Free.. Smiles my
Friend This Place
This Ideal.. Yes this
American Dream
Takes Much
More than
Freedom to
Establish A
Of Heaven Within
What It Takes is
Brave Without
Brave There is
No Free Without
Free There is
With Wings
Deep Down All
Creatures Small
And Large Seek
Their Wings
There is
No Life
Free it doesn’t
Matter Dead Or
Alive Give me
This iLiberty
iNow iLive iFree iLove
Not Unlike A Dance of Shiva
And Kali Existence is
Magic Chaos
We Either
Free Magic
With Art
Or Tame
Magic With
Science at Best
We Color Life More….
With Science and Art..🙂
SMiLes my Friend i am surely not ashamed
to discuss my issues with Depression in the Past
for i am mildly diagnosed with Bi-Polar in the sense and
feel that i literally have a Prescription from my Doctor for
Free Dance as the only Remedy necessary for me to Regulate
my Emotions and Integrate my Senses as this has set me free from
Potential Negative Symptoms socially from a Higher Functioning
Form of Autism Called Asperger’s Syndrome too.. in fact my First
Attending Psychiatrist who traveled all 66 Months with me
in Hell on Earth was so inspired by my personal cure
for all my ills he quit his practice and
then went down to South
Florida to teach
Movement therapy
to folks in a Teaching Hospital
for Budding New Psychiatrists..
Smiles.. my Friend my Cure helped
him get inspired to get out of a Practice
he didn’t like so much too.. Writing expressing
all my Emotions with Words in Song is a remedy for
me too.. for True my Feet and Hands Dance in Balance
Regulating my Emotions and Integrating my Senses now
True in LiGHT SMiLes Ativan through all that Pain and
Numb is the only Drug that would put me down to sleep
for the rest of that 66 Months with not one only Numb of
Emotion in severest of Depressions and Severest Anxieties
but the Suicide Disease too
like a Dentist Drill in my
Right eye and ear for
a Pain literally assessed
Worse than the Torture of
Modern Day Crucifixions but
in my Case lasting for 66 Months
From Wake to Sleep that no drug would
touch except sure for the Fact that Ativan put
me down to sleep.. ugh.. i also lost my Feelings for
Beauty even more Dead inside.. in my Case Chronic Work
Related Fight or Flight Stress Syndrome for 11 Years the last
2 of that directly spent in Fight or Flight stress alone as Emotions
Drained Drained away.. they don’t teach ya how to deal with this in
even the University Health Science Degree i received then… if we are really
Lucky we seek to find Workarounds like the Current Issues with Word Press..
Hehe as you know likely feel and sense Graphic
Art Shirts are a big inspiration and inspire the Dance
of me as i kind of take on the ideas that are expressed
on the T-Shirts as Zen Ego at Play as a Practice of Fun
And hAha..
Other Folks as
Any Court Jester
might still do broadening
Horizons as folks some at least
might wonder why don’t they ever Dance
it’s totally free He looks like he is really having
fun in
Joy too..
Smiles my Friend
some days the most
complicated of problems
may be solved almost with
No words at all just a Happy
Dance Feat for Free!!!..!..:)
Rarely Do Political
Leaders Seek And Find
the Currency of Love the Greatest Pay Rate And Pay
Grade Intrinsic Love Now Fearlessly Unconditionally
To Give and
Share Free
to Be
iAm LoVE

Adrenaline and all associated Stress
Hormones in response to Fear either
Real like a Boa Constrictor or the Illusory
Fears that Swallow us Whole all the way through
Night and Day.. in the rest of the ‘normal’ Animal
Kingdom Restricted for a Fight or Flight for Survival
for Basic Animal
Subsistence.. In
the Human
A Way of Life
many Folks Find
And do Create for themselves..
Stress Kills Fight or Flight is reserved
as Evolving Still for Millions of Years just
for that a Physical Flesh and Blood Fight or
Flight from it.. Smiles we Create Mind Fights day in day
out.. Those Mind Fights Reduce the Colors of Emotions
that will Normally Take us through the Day Safely
Fight or
Adrenaline working
us up breaking us down
without a Break for all the
Illusory Fears we bring as fight and flight..
Where the Only real Enemy Becomes our self..
And the Way the Rest of Culture becomes Poison
too.. Smiles.. Adrenaline will eventually kill us slowly
faster if we don’t find a way to Regulate our Emotions and
Integrate our Senses away from that as there is a much higher
Force for Strength and Endurance the Pure Love of ‘Chi’ Yes Life
without Fear In Flow
Life without
and Soul
and the Rest of
our Body Out to Fumes
With Ashes Left.. Adrenaline
Burns us up ‘Chi’ Powers us Ahead..
And quite Honestly some folks Never
Experience ‘Chi’ at all i too rarely to ever did before…
Smiles.. hehe.. i’ve been experiencing a bit too much
no one
is exempt
A practice of
A Life toward Light..
i Felt it a bit when i danced
last night while some folks may
enjoy it i only see it as poison now..
even in a fight.. ‘Water’ Flows A most Powerful Force..:)


11,101 Miles of Public Dancing in 67 Months Now With Videos
8 thru 11 As the 11,000 Mile Milestone Continues a Celebration
For Fun in Flow.. yes.. Influencing Folks to become more
Liberal as i continue the Dance all over the Lower Bible
Belt yes the Gulf Coast namely mostly the State Shaped
Like a Gun.. yes.. Florida where i just happened to be Loaded
in the Barrel yes Like a Barrel of Monkeys except let’s Just
say i am the Only one Spreading A Ministry of Flow Just
a Transient Hypo-Frontality Way of Flow in Dance
Generating in Relative Free Will Way
All the Neurohormones and
Neurochemicals Within
Through all 67 Months
of Public Dance that Provide
A Moving Meditation in Flow to
do just that yes Master an Autotelic
State of Being Center Point Balance of
the Universe for All Practical Intents and
Purposes.. Where instead of Suffering Life
Becomes Relative Free Will Where the Neo-Cortex
is an Excellent Servant of the Limbic System and Reptile
Brain too.. rather than being Just a Slave and never finding
Heaven within now.. there are many ways to achieve this Flow
This Bliss This Nirvana but hey this way works great as it
requires no Lessons other than the Feelings and Senses
that Light us Up Like a Real Christmas Tree from head
to toe.. and if you worry too much about the form the
benefit may be erased if you worry too much about
any instruction or other form of how you should
Do it versus the Feeling of Heaven Within
Yes the Balance of Mind and Body
Soul yes you may miss out too
letting it go just dancing
Free Spiraling around
attaining Heaven
that real
Within.. yes of course it takes
practice this ain’t Yours Ancestors
Roman’s 10:9 or John 3:16 as Just some
Words you Believe in and never actually attain
the Essence of Heaven within.. the Path is Feeling
And Sensing Moving then connecting to others and
Co-Creating too.. sure with Fearless Unconditional
Love yes with this Balance of Grace that is more than
just a Gift but a Lifelong practice of moving Meditation
a Free Dance of Grace.. and then stands taller the Relative
Free Will and Strength of a Mind and Body Balancing Soul
Center Point Balance Universe within as God no time
distance and or space..
Just Forevermore
of Universe
Whole Within inside
outside above so below
and all around Spiraling More..
Increasing Complexity in Movements
Slower to Faster to Slower to Spiraling more
and less.. without Fear without even any need for
thoughts just the feeling and sensing in improvement
of Flow and Greater Human Potential Where Thoughts
become more Positive Feelings in accord With this
Experience of Heaven now.. Human Potential
comes in measures of 400 to 500 Percent
More.. in Human Creativity where finally
Your Body Becomes Smart Enough
to Help all Your Human Potentials
More yes the Feelings and Senses
We Feel Head to toe in Balance where
no longer is there Tension from Blocked Feelings
of Before.. Agency.. Freedom yes Relative Free Will
Increasing Within.. more and more.. Suffering becomes
Erased as your Neo Cortex is no longer just Slave of the
Rest of Your
Being now..
All of Mind and Body
Soul Spirit Rising from
HeART coloring life evermore now..;)

Note: the Theme Song for this Dance is
“Tearin’ Up My Heart” As Oh Yes this Free
Meditative Moving Dance Will be even a Remedy for that.. hehe..;)


Lots of Paths to get ‘there’ but tHere seems to be an ‘element’ of ‘flow’ that is common; Basically, getting out of our
Heads; more specifically all the ‘time’ that is illusion of the Neo-Cortex that arranges reality like that in terms of
Clocks and Tape Measurers for Distance and Generally the concept of Space too; in other words, many other
Words what we go to School for most. other Words. Hmm; there must be more to life than words and of course
there is as the Written Word is not innate; it is Constructed as an origin of Culture; Symbol by Symbol as letter
or other Symbol For Symbol; the list goes on.

Getting so lost in Abstract Constructs lends less time developing Emotional and Sensory Intelligences and
Overall Existential Intelligences Comfortable Moving in our own skin; Often a Disconnect will Happen when
Innate Evolving Emotional And Sensory Intelligences in just one Lifetime go awry the way of Symbols that
We Attach our Feeling and Senses too as well if we are proficient in a Figurative Language too; either Learned
or Created; why not, for Self-Actualizing Purposes, mostly of course too.

I Enjoyed the Video here; it appears that Basic Emotions and Senses were not included in the Terminology
in an Agency of Free in Regulating Emotions and Integrating Senses where the Neo-Cortex Makes Good
Servant to the Limbic System Brain and Reptile Brain too; otherwise, yes, the Parasite of the Neo-Cortex
May Eventually Become Slave in both Substance and Non-Substance Behavioral Addictions too; yuck, just yuck.

My Philosophy is if you can’t find it on a Beach with one Free Spirited Person out of Condominium Life; Chances
are other than Basic Subsistence, it’s really not that important in regard to What Makes Life Good or not so Good
at all. Free Agency is Regulating Emotions and Integrating Senses through a Bio-FeedBack of Relative Free Will;
Free Dance Works for me; some folks Meditate Sitting Still; and yet other Folks Label Body Parts as Chakras
And with a Mantra of Frequencies of Vibrations made by Vocal Chords or other Musical Instruments that
Expand Frequencies of Vibrations more Positive Generating Greater Feelings and Senses Bringing More of
A Transient Auto-Frontality Flow even going as far as Generating Happy Neurohormones and
Neurochemicals within at Relative Free Will of Bio-Feedback too; as sure, Focusing on Parts of
the Body will get ya a bit more out of the ‘Neo-Cortex’ perhaps; but Moving is a Bit more Comprehensive
As an Activity in ‘Dance’ to Get Lit up in Greater Connections and Greater Colors of Emotional and Sensory
Experiences of Life coming together to make Bliss and Nirvana Eternally Real Now Within to Make Life Best.

Hehe; other Animals Do this Innately, Instinctually, and Intuitively Bending Toward a Golden Spiral Dance
Like the Rest of Creation too; meanwhile, many folks are stuck on Side-Walks, downloading Data into a Life
that Reflects the Machines we make more than the potential agency of Relative Free Will in Bio-Feedback
of Regulating Emotions and Integrating Senses where Happiness May Yield to Relative Free Will too.

It Works for me, continually in advancing Skills of Existential Intelligence even by Leaps and Bounds at
some points as i come to 11,101 Miles of Public Moving Meditation Dance; otherwise, perhaps seen by many
folks; yes, as A Very Out of the Box Activity in the Gulf Coast Region Bible Belt Lower as our ‘Trump’ Flavored and
Extremely Flavored Panhandle of Florida Goes too. Now i can raise my Arm Slowly and Change my Mood Almost
Instantly to the Flavor i Like; practice doesn’t make for perfect but it comes dam sure close, at Least where i’m at now.

Being Able to Co-Create Our Emotions/Senses almost instantly the way you like ’em is surely ‘That’s the Way i Like It’ Life.

Again; Works for me; no lessons required; not even any words; it is Heaven; got the Reference Point of Hell to tell that.

Just an Example Here; and again it’s not the Form that Counts it is the Essence of Within that can and will be a Heaven
We Create through Bio-Feedback Of Moving and Still Meditation; sure, Yoga too as that is also Moving Meditation Now
in the Sense that Any Position Held Fires off Muscle Fibers to stay close to that way still, too, sitting in Chairs Now, too.

My Favorite Way is Free Style; for using the Neo-Cortex to get there Just Slows the Journey to an Agency of Relative Free Will to be; and on top of that haven’t seen anyone yet copying this Style of Dance Now for a Solid Three Hour Ascending
Transcending Méditation Like i Will Do on Thursday Night at the Metro Dance Hall for the 258th Week Instance of that in the Last 5 years; Every Single Event Away from there in Public too, improves the Complexity of the Movement as well as the Flow and Autotelic Experience; best thing of all is, it makes me extremely Creative and Productive improving every area of my Life Outside of Within too.

As Far as Holy and Sacred Meaning and Purpose; i Co-Create that tailored for ‘that’s the way i like it’ too;

We Can and We Will; Those of Us Who Breakthrough and actually do; Believing in a bunch of Words alone
is like the Longest Path on the Journey, i surely can and will imagine now; hehe; for sure, as yes Writing may
become a Meditative Dance in Flow too; so many ways to Breakthrough to the other Side Within of Heaven now..:)


“An intensity
of salamander orange
and caterpillar yellow

quelled beneath
everlasting rainless skies;

a playground of easy living
and high art

in a variable framework

amidst trillions
of meaningless rainbows

and vast emoticons
spewing unchallenged

of spherical harmony.

(and sometimes
you’ll be with me
for untold durations

and at other times
you’ll be forgotten
for candlelit millennia.)”

Ugh.. You almost made me
Cry the Photo of Your Cat…
Sitting on Your Laptop.. i miss
my Yellow Boy so much We will
Always Miss Cats Like THiS HAHa..
And Even a Wife or A Friend(s) who is
always by our side.. heHe.. whether
‘They’ notice
Us Now
or not
all the
other ‘Furniture’
or not WiTH SMiLeS..
Hehe let’s not forget Bees and
i Wrote And Did A Somewhat
Longer Cool Story Above/Below this too
A Bird
A Rose
A Weed
Love All
Four Letter
Words Alive
For Change
Ugh.. my Wife’s Instagram Account would not allow me to see your Dance Video..
it says it is private too.. so.. anyway.. in appreciation.. for you trying to share that
with me i am going to share a little story i wrote earlier this morning hehe..
And wrote and did earlier than that too.. about the Good We ALL
Can and Will
ALL Do in Life
Try And Do
Not Give Up..:)
Uh oh.. i was always the Teacher and the Student’s Pest in School punching my Hand into the Air At Every Question asked.. Well.. for me at Least.. Changing the World.. A SMiLe..
A Dance.. And Even a Word That May count as Song is of Paramount Purpose for i was raised on Superman and Batman but way too shy to wear tights and bear guns and fists
to save the World.. So.. as i stood back mostly serving Rental Shoes at a Military Bowling Center as A Government Employee watching the razor thin Election in Florida with Gore And Bush change the course of History i thought to myself if only i could find a way to significantly Influence A Coming Generation of Youth to become more liberal in voting ways.. perhaps i could not only change the course of History but perhaps even Save the World but i needed a plan a way to do it for Smiling Eyes then Behind the Counter Serving Sanitized Rental Shoes.. might not be enough.. Well.. To make a 6.7 Million Word Poem And 11,101 Mile Public Dance like a Trickster in my Trump State Metro Area in Florida stealthily in Plain Sight shorter
i am
In Advance announcing Now
my Public Dance in 67 Months of Doing that along with the long Long Form ‘Bible’ Poem Documented as such already saved the World in the Future.. hehe.. and hey if A Mild Mannered Shoe Server Behind a Bowling Alley Shoe Counter for a Couple of Decades who Graduated with
3 College Degrees Can Do this Now When assessed as Permanently Disabled With Bi-Polar And Autism Spectrum Condition too.. the Challenge is already out for everyone to do it for if someone like me can do it WHY NOT YOU TOO.. the reason i can/will announce i did this in Public and Trump Lovers not get mad is it is too late for them to Stop me now Before the ‘Good Friday April Full Moon’.. anyway.. ’cause the Task is already done like a Real Never Ending Moon Child Story now.. ha! They’ve all seen the Dance with no F in Clue what i was up to And Ha! As Far as all these Words Go i am way too big and deep like the Ocean Blue to get to the Bottom of the Story.. the most interesting part of this Story is it is Real and i did it like a Ninja.. like an Invisible Man..
Like a Batman Dancer in the Night ‘they’ will never really see for all of
what i Did but me..
True Though the 6.7
Million Word
‘Bible’ Poem
The Truth That it
Happened.. Hehe..
Saving the World doesn’t
Have to mean Blood Shed…
Loving SMiLes.. Dance.. and Song..
Yes.. Love.. is the only
That is
Possible to
Save the Species of US..
True.. i really could use
Some Help already wore
Out 22 Pairs of Nike Shox
Shoes and if they wanna
Name a Shoe after me the
proceeds will go to Poor
Immigrants or perhaps
Just an incentive to trade
Money for a Soul….
On top of that
Science already
Shows Moving
Meditation is
The Fountain of
Youth as
An Avenue
For A Flowing
Happy Heaven
Within that is
Contagious Like
A Love Flu too..
As i Continue to
Help Produce a
Generation of Hopers and
Lovers Away From Fearers
And Haters.. ugh.. need some
Help in the Deep South Gulf Coast Bible Belt
Tired of
Only one
To Do this
Feels Like Forever
Eternally Now Now
In a Flower State Shaped
Like a Gun Florida with me
Loaded in the PaNHandle Barrel
Spraying Bullets now of
Loving Dance all over
This Place of
HeHe.. For Sure..
It’s True though i
Did get some help
From people who
Inspired me along
the Way and did
Not Kick me out of
Their Blogs or Stores
as hey.. We already know
Now That not only are all
Super Heroes Eccentric..
So are the Comic Book
Writers.. Real Or Fiction.. anyway..
the ‘Big Book’ is already out in Electronic
Free Publish And Before you are recognized
in the coming Movie I’ll make Sure it is Okay With
And Others
For them to
Be Recognized
In the Movie for
Obviously Now
She (and others) is
Already a Mysterious
Inspiring Character Now
In the ‘Big Book’.. hehe..
Oh yeah.. it’s interesting this Week i Celebrated
the accomplishment as even though my Rich Uncle
Doesn’t realize it he takes A ‘Prodigal Son’ out to
A Feasty Dinner whenever i’ve passed a ‘Featnote’
Milestone in this Endeavor Ranging from the 6 Million
Word Point to the 66 Months completed in Heaven within
out of hell for the 66 Months before that as a somewhat
Phantom of the Opera/Hunch Back of Notre Dame/John
Nash Shut-in as Fictional Real Character as such as yes
that was a really big feast he provided us too Last week
at/in the Panhandle Riveria on the Emerald Gulf Coast hehe..
They were not too Happy when i announced the achievement
to them in the Future too.. but hey
not everyone is a Liberal where i am
from in Heaven
and that’s
for Damn Sure..
Anyway.. oh boy-girl that Fire
at the Notre Dame Cathedral that
was/is seemingly Apocalyptic in Nature
This Week coinciding with my small effort
to help out too.. it’s note worth noting that the
Original Greek Definition of Apocalypse is not
Destroying the World.. Quite the opposite in Fact
And Art it is lifting the Veils of Ignorance Away from
Love to Bring Love of Wisdom Beauty and Truth to
Save the World to a Better Place of Heaven for all
yes.. the Right to Life Liberty and Justice for All
to pursue one’s own Free Agency Now in their
Colors of the Pursuit of Happiness tailored
to their Perspective of Life doing our best
Now not to Harm others their right and
Privilege to do the same Now.. Yes.
so i Dance
and Sing
other Folks
do it all a different
way as it is true Bees Birds
Roses and Weeds Love All Four Letter Words here
same for Change and So is God i am to be Within NoW
Us A Pure Force of Fearless and Sacred Unconditional
Love to Give and Share in Sacred and Holy Ways of
Meaning and Purpose for All Ages to come now for those
With enough Relative Free Will practicing it to get the Job(s)
DonE.. meaNwhile.. Do stay WRapped ARound the Force oF LoVE..
f You


Hi Shawna Baby.. Thanks for Celebrating this “Good Friday April Fool Moon” Post coming tomorrow
hehe.. God Willing of course.. as at least in the Deeper Parts of me it is a Momentous Occasion as it’s
true it’s Still Documented back in the Summer of 2013.. where i told the Folks then there in no sky for limit
for me i’ve come from the living dead and Voila i’m Alive again.. anyway.. hehe.. the Locals Recognize me
as a Dance Legend at least the ones who don’t think i am Dangerous and up to no Good which of course
considering the Voting Patterns around here.. if they really took me serious or understood all the Sociological
Variables in this Endeavor which they never will for all practical intents and purposes they might not appreciate
my Dance even less than they do at least the more Closed Minded Folks who tend to Gravitate still to my Hometown
But the Internet and all the Avenues to Experience Different Naturally Makes folks more open minded for we are what
we feed our minds.. get a variety and you get used to a variety Versus close it all down under a Button Up Dress and ya might have
to Wait until ya Graduate
from Christian High School
before one pursues more open
ways of doing stuff too.. sure in
Public Junior College seen what happens
when Freedom comes Freedom is delicious
in so many ways to come.. of course that applies
too All Stuff Life even Apples and Oranges and
in Some Cases Bananas too.. speaking of Monkey
Business here is Video 9 Below from the Current Selection
of 11 Videos Celebrating 11,101 Miles of Dance.. i spread it out
a bit for Katrina really Hates taking those Videos as she Hates anyone
putting focus on her in Public.. sure there are many years i would have
felt the same way but no no no not anymore it’s like the Audience isn’t
there except for their Energy when it is good and i let it enter the Force
Field of Light around my Body that i create as i Dance and Flow the Empath
Shield to the Stresses of the Walmart and Larger World at Hand.. it’s true i may
not work but i can still feel a Monday before i open up the Blinds to the Living Dead World.. oh..
the Blessings
of getting far far
into Nature where
No Human’s Dead Alive
Energy can reach me as much
there.. far away from all Man Made
Stuff.. my Back Yard is Nice but not nearly
far enough away from the Neighbors. hehe..
true many people live in Hell like a Frog that has
Been Slowly Boiled over years and decades they just
can’t see the Purgatory Shades of Grey and the Black the
Black Abyss of their Soul so far down.. i don’t live in that place
anymore but i Dance to keep my Force Field Shield of Positivity now
in place to generate more light for the darkness as i meet it as my Dance
Moves on so Free.. a couple of things that are Hilarious about my Number 9
11,101 Miles Video is the Security Shirt that Katrina bought for me in Walmart
for $7.50 as they surely cannot complain i’m wearing it.. hehe considering they sold
it to me.. haha.. but hmm.. one thing i’ve noticed as i’ve grown a bit more Mature like
Hell Boy when he reached 53 in his Comic Book Series and started his ‘Super Hero from
Hell’ Story.. is that OMG i look just like Dear Old Stoic Dad the 46 Year Veteran of Law Enforcement
always Looking so cool and relaxed with a Cigarette in his Hand like James Bond.. just no fear oh God how
Much i wanted to get that Quality of Life from Him at Ease in any Situation never Breaking a Sweat never even
Changing his Expression on his face that part likely had something to do with the so-called Asperger’s Syndrome
that me and my Sister Definitely inherited from him… sure.. my Mother’s Side is Riddled with Bi-Polar.. including my
Mother but the Asperger’s Leveled that out most of my life and the Bi-Polar gave me a Personality too bright and Sunny
as a little Professor too.. Oh God still having trouble Feeling like i have a Regular Friend i’m just so deep.. hehe.. even when
i write Romantic Poetry too.. it seems.. i just can’t get to anything small damn it.. an Every Day Friend of mine would just get
worn out too much
in Every Fredache
Way as Katrina says…
i’d love to be Your Facebook
Friend but i would surely blow your
Southern Baptist Pastor Wife’s Cover the
Free Spirit you are deep down under all those
Traditional Colors.. and on top of that yes a little
of me goes just about a Chapter of a Novel in Just
one Email.. no Joke having an every day friend for the
first time in my life has resulted in well over 100K maybe
200K maybe 300K words in the Last 5 Months or so.. my Indian
Friend says she never gets any Fredaches but more often it seems
i leave her a bit Speechless as hey.. not much energy left to even speak
when someone reads a text this long from me.. anyway.. that Friendship
Seems to be Balancing out now.. as the word count has been moving more
toward Still Lake Size.. but hey.. just excited to have the first every day friend i
ever have or maybe that’s not a thing.. and i am really screwing it all up by not just
Corresponding every Month or so like i do with you.. but she is an empath she will never
hurt me no matter how uncomfortable i may make her when she tells me every word is like
Magic.. sure.. likely some of it is Black Magic too.. haha.. not that i intend it that way but the River
Will Flow differently depending on the Shores of Free Seas too.. anyway the other thing i like about
the Video is the “Car Wash” Song in the Background.. meanwhile i look more like i should be speeding
Away in a Cop Car or perhaps on a Swat Team.. just
makes the Whole Experience more Entertaining as
With A Poker Face Smile my Eyes are Still Laughing Hysterically
through Miles underneath Shades.. Yes.. i read your Entire New
Blog from cover to cover Selfies are very nice of you.. Noticed
all the Pink Flowers we have some that are from a Very
Tiny Butterfly Bush Lasting Year-Round in Pink View..
it appears it is because they are next to a Warm
Brick Home… sorry i cannot comment there but
i do have it open in a Another Window as 27inch
iMac Will easily allow.. a few comments Harem
Frenzy sounds stimulating but yes already had 8
Girls Dancing around me at the Club.. 3 is enough
8 is a bit too much for me.. and in fact i’ve recently
Found out that 2 will be a bit overwhelming passing
out an equal amount of Peas in just plain old attention..
as an empath i hate to hurt anyone’s feelings and that can
potentially be a good way to Whatcha Gonna Do when everyone
gets pissed at you and Just F in ‘Crucifies’ ya.. one more Day now to stay
Real Scotsman Free as ‘Good Friday April Fool Moon’ comes too.. true i’m still
Swimming like a Swan Song Now haha.. but that’s only in Public Announcing i
Saved the Species from Going extinct in the Future no one is likely gonna take
This Swan Song serious it’s like the First of 8 King James Sized Subchapter Long
Form Free Verse Epic Size Bible Poems close to Christmas Day ’16 already wrote Two New
Testaments in the Fall of ’16 That Year over 180K Words the Size of the Older Newer one
as labeled too.. reaching over 360K Words too.. per those two.. anyway i finished it as a Subchapter
of 6.7 MiLLioN Word Long Form Poem Epic Bible ‘SonG oF mY SoUL .. and who would wanna catch up
with something like
that anyway
Continuing Epic
Saga of my own Human
Potential Unleashed Released Set Free..
You know a French Accent just Naturally
Alluring as they come and go.. my New Young
Friend also 27.. did a video of her Talking and Katrina
said oh oh oh oh.. that Voice is gonna Entice all the
Old Internet Men.. smiles the voice did surprise me
And so did yours when i heard it i was expecting a Grand
Old Opera Voice and instead it sounded like an Intelligent Angel Singing..
Funny how we make the Voices Sound of People online we’ve never met..
And although Himali’s Selfie’s Make Her Face and Head seem much larger
and her mesmerizing big eyes too.. she is a tiny little Woman from a longer view
just like a little doll.. but when you never hear anyone’s voice or actually see them
in real life and see them move you can imagine them to be almost anyone in life and
i’ve surely down that with the depth of how i color the World both Living and Virtual too..
i neither look like i would Dance or Write Poetry or be Friends really with any of the Folks i am
Friends with online.. in fact if it wasn’t for online outside of my Mother.. Sister.. and Katrina i might
never have felt like i had a real Friend at all after School Ages at least.. and sure Work Friends too..
the chances
of me making
a lasting Friend
where i live in the
Flesh and Blood World
seems just about nil these
Days but Famous and Legend and
Pensacola Icon and Spirit Animal so
Inspiring the World Needs More folks
like you let us take a Selfie with you and
we will be Instagram and Snap Chat Famous
too.. i have more friends than i can count Stars
in the Skies that way.. but it is mostly me lighting them up..
every once in a while i feel a bit drained but move my Arm
A Bit in Dance And no matter what Hour of the Day it is
the Energizer
Easter Bunny is Back..
hehe.. i’ll probably remember
those Socks For a While too.. hehe..
And there was one prospective song
i was gonna take a look at you shared as
i say see ya later for now Shawna Baby..
i don’t think the 6.7 Million Word Bible
would have happened if it wasn’t for
you Encouraging me to be as big
as i wanna be as a Sycamore
Tree back in the Summer
of 2015.. as i was writing
my Year Long “GodsUniVerseNovel3”
MacroVerse with a Year’s Worth of responding
to every prompt and link at dVerse from April 2015
to March of 2016.. 338,630 Words and 300 Beautiful
Beach Photos.. too big still for most folks to even open it
up.. little did i know then.. that a 6.7 MiLLion Word Bible
Poem and 8 King James Size Subchapter Long Form Poem
Bibles.. Housed in that and 4 New New Testaments as large
and much Larger than the Older one too was still coming.. Smiles Shawna Baby
God Knows what’s next.. the ‘Swan Song’ Never Ends and just continues to Grow
as a Never Ending Story and for what i can see that iS how Our ReaLiTes at largest View go on
Now some
folks never find
Heaven as it is always
waiting within as God Holding
Our Hands as Loving Force within
NoW.. JusT.. Pure Positivity in Flow..
anyway all that’s left to do is Report this Good News..
OBTW.. since you started off your link with ‘First of all’
i continued to look for a Second of all and i guess THis iS iT..heHe..;)


Hi Again.. Sohair Very Fortunate i was to meet You on Himali’s Site and in
Turn Meet gigoid on Your Site Three People.. one Jainist.. one Muslim and
one Atheist but all three who have taught me Valuable Lessons in
Life as You and Himali continue to do.. it is rare that i come
across people like you but when i do i will stay close
as i will do with anyone but it is more that
you all endured all the size of my Fred
Talks hehe.. as strange as they
will come to be
too.. in
Flow where
honestly little
planning goes into
What comes next it is more
Gestalt and Holistic haha.. like
a Hologram of Spirit of the UniVerse True..
hehe.. whatever that means.. i usually figure it out
after i write it as often the Song and The Dance comes
from a
than this
Mouth Alone..
Subconscious mind
yes a Collection of Years
and Years of Arts and Sciences
as collected but the Synergy of that and
more ever present and still growing too my Friend..
Thanks a lot..
SMiLes Indeed Sohair
We All Come from Star Dust
And Return that way too.. Dust
to Dust as ‘they’ Dance And Sing too..
but True
Sentient Star
Dust plus we are
Resurrecting Light From:
Crucible Fire of Star Death
Who We Dance Sing Closer to: LoVE NoW..
Welcoming Someone with Full Attention And
Respecting them As they Leave our Attention even
with a ‘Proper Greeting like Hello and Goodbye’ is such
a lost Art of Humanity of Tradition in our Modern Age..
even just a look
up from a Phone
when Folks are Getting
Paid to do a Job in Customer
Service but a way of Life that
has become acceptable in a World
of Divided Attention as we become
More Tools than Humans Connecting
With Each other caring and respecting
of our Humanity with each other.. i
noticed when i first started
dancing with ‘Millenials’
as opposed to Newer
Generations even
close friends
will come
and go
without a so long
or even see ya later
or yes even Good Bye too..
it is truly Wonderful to even get
a Hello and Good Bye in one conversation
in our Modern Age but it is simply a New Tradition
just not enough attention to give our Full Being to
another Human Being.. smiles my Friend it literally
Hurts me inside not to respond to people who meet and
Greet me.. can’t say i’ve never made that mistake but when
i do and recognize it it hurts me to think i would be so cold
as to not greet with a hello and see you later full of respect
of the
i am
with Odd it is that
i am the one Diagnosed
with an Autism Spectrum
condition.. but of course mine
is one of Super Empath rather
than no Empath at all my Friend..
it does appear that our lifestyles either
plus up our empathy or drain it depending
on if we interact with Humans or Machines more
and of course it is easy to discard the Human Condition
when all that is left is text of it to begin with my Friend..
i too notice and have always noticed how you provide each
And every person with the Greatest of Hospitality as if you
were Greeting God as the Indian Cultures say in a Namaste
Way as even our Atheist Friend gigoid would say God in Person
of God
A Child of
God Within my Friend..
all i can say is i feel sad for
the darkness within when Humanity is lost this way…
And honestly it is usually stress just stress that takes it away…
where sometimes folks just don’t feel human at all as i surely
can relate
to 66 Months
of Feeling that way
never the less i always
returned every call no matter
what that took even in the depths
of pain and numb of Emptiness my Friend..
just because i knew deep down it was the only
to do..:)

SMiLes Ilona those of us Blessed enough to Love
other Folks with Kindness and Respect Lifting others
up are surely most Blessed now for this Fortune may be
both an Innate Propensity now as well as a Garden of Love
Hugged and Kissed well by both Family and Friends and
even the Village Whole as We Travel the Journey of Life
More With Hugs
or Empty
Negative consequence
is Living in a World with
Folks who are more fully
Receptive to loving care
and kindness is that we
too start to take the
Lower Ground
Watering and
Feeding our own
Mountain of Love that is
Truly all we can and will
expect to Master in Emotional
Regulation and Sensory Integration
in a Bio-Feedback of Life as all forms
of Meditation Essence in Mind and Body
Balance helps to Feed and Strengthen the
Endurance and Resilience of our Humanity too..
i’ve been a bit more tired than usual and i caught
myself going aboard the Military Station i retired
from to Work out with not much Left in me to wish
the Gate Guard a Good Night.. but i forced the Breath
out of me and immediately came more to life recharged
so i guess
the metaphor
here may be
Every Breath
of Kindness makes
our Heart our Love
Muscle Within Grow
Both Stronger and More
Endurable in Resilience to
the Darkness We may encounter
in Life surely refreshing to even
see someone responding back to all
the comments on a Blog if i couldn’t do
that hehe.. even though folks rarely visit me..
i’d have to close the Comments on Posts too..
i like to be fair to everyone as it is obvious that
is what helps you sleep well at night to my Friend
don’t matter much if people harm me but if i harm them
me with SMiLes..:)


Anchors Are Necessary But Without Sails The Ship Goes No Where Now
True in the Animal Kingdom ‘Normally’ There are both Sitters And Rovers
However ‘Normally’ the Ratio is 80/20 Rovers/Dancers Humans Danced
Their Way Through/As Culture Until A Modern Age of Living Dead
On Sidewalks Steps And Words Away From Dance And Song
As The Guardian’s of the Galaxy Make it Clear There Are
Two Kinds of Human Those Who Dance And Those
Who Do Not…
Politics/Religion ATTempts to Rule
Love Frees God Is Love THiS WaY
Again Love Is Both Flowers And Thorns of Rose(GoD)
Pain is Only Fear Leaving Our Souls to Be Freer Stronger in Will’s Grace
Those Who Do Not Embrace Thorns Never Fully See The Flower oF A Rose
Pain of Unrequited Love.. SMiLes Muse That Still
Creates Greatest Arts Through History
And Or Herstory
Bitter Sweet
Art Best Now
Giving And Sharing
Blessings Understandings
What it even means to be Human
Out Touching
What Home Even Means
More Often Those who Transform
A Bitter Sweet Crucifying Rising Torture
into Art
up on
Love Now…
SMiLes my Young Friend..
one thing my Life has taught
me Most is Pain is Only Fear Leaving Our Souls to Be Freer Stronger in Will’s Grace
NoW As Those Who Do Not Embrace Thorns Never Fully See The Flower oF A Rose..
A Huge Hawk JusT Landed On A Frame That No Longer Supports A Two Heart Swing
Not Long After A Huge Black Crow Landed on April 9th…
Religion Is Politics Politics Is Religion If You Don’t Understand The Difference
You Understand…
After 53 Years of Study i Determined That Politics Could Not Resolve
‘The Issue’ Not Even Words So i Dance And Sing Now
Being Born/Resurrected Again ReAlly Is Getting Out
of Your NeoCortex/Head Becoming A Heart Spirit Soul
Nurtured Child Free Again
Okay.. So i didn’t take the Full Lawyer
or Judge Route i Desired i AM Colors
of Life i Wanted i AM Heart Spirit Soul Dance Song
Haha.. Hey You
Hi! High As
Usual With
Happy Weekend
To Ya Party with
Purple Rain Like
1999 Another
Thousand Years of Joy!!!
Note: i had to import this
From A Country Providing
Her From Being
Raped by LieS NOW
In Other News The Constitution Is
Weeping Who Is Gonna Step up to
Truth Before Freedom Becomes Kingdom
It’s Like Saying God Hates Sex
Tell The *FucKinG Truth or LIE
(*iF YoU SeeK iN GoD)
In Other News The Scales of Justice
Are Disgusted as Politicians on Both
Sides of the ‘Aisle’ ATTempt
To Take the Blindfold Off…
Men ARE Different Than Women
An Asexual Priest/Man Has No REAL Idea of
What This Other Challenge Is For ~95 Percent of Men
“Eros, Affection, And Agape Love”.. My Priest Said Oh No ‘Jesus Didn’t
Do Eros Love’ He Was ‘Better’ Than ‘That’ Only Incel Ghost Writers/
Priests Would
Create A
‘Fixed’ Jesus AFAIK…
Ha Shawna Baby.. long long
Night of Stormy PaNHandle
Florida Dance thanks for all
The Encouraging Words
As always as you are
approaching a 4 Year
Anniversary of that
And Yes.. Happy
‘Good Friday
April Fool
Moon’ as it
Appears i am
Publishing that
Today after Some
Finishing Touches
Before i Turn into
Just another Charlie
Brown Great Pumpkin
On the opposite Side
And Season of Equinox
Years.. heHe.. my Grandmother
Was French probably explains now
The Reactions of the Elder Ladies
In Catholic Church when i sing
And even poetically Muse parts
At least i will stomach of the
So-Called Niceness Creed..
True i
Am A
Brick Wall
Homie Where
i live Tan i am
Almost like an
American Indian
But hehe.. note to
Self Considering i
Yawned Several times
During Dance Last Night
Perhaps i might need more
Than 4 Hours of Sleep but
You Know What Happens to
Pan and Peter and Fred after
The Equinox
But i must
Admit i Felt a
Bit Human last
Night but still
Kept My Goat
Feet Dance.. Hehe..
Happy Easter to You
Too Shawna Baby enjoy
Painting all the Eggs for
To Hunt
Say Hello
To Jesus for me
It Will get lonely
On a Cross and
In A Living Dead Tomb too..
Side note: Fortune Cookies
Or Hallmark Cards Still
Working Past Career
Smiles those who Play With
their Dragon (Shadow) Master
Fear With That Danced and Sung
The “Good Friday April Fool Moon” Storm
Has Passed through the Panhandle of Florida
Blue SKeYeS Are Arriving Again.. The Air Is Crisp
And Cool as Any Fall Day In Spring CLoSinG iN oN WinTeR
However This is not True It is Still Spring But Mother Nature Obeys
No Human Calculated Averages alone.. it’s Like My Rich Uncle’s Father
The Jewish Dude then who did 2700 Abdominal Crunches at the Gym until
the Day he Died at 86.. Just Fell Asleep at the Wheel His Car Hit an Immovable Object..
While Some Folks thought he was Just Bragging about it i felt it to be inspiring even
though i was a Book Worm very much Trapped in my Neo-Cortex even gaining a Label
of a Condition Functionally Disabling so far out off Mind and Body Balance yep use it or lose
it applies to the Functioning Disabling Parts of Life when you Forget To Dance And Sing or
no one
Art in You
AS Human
Being Real..
Not all Autism
in other Words Extreme
Empathy and other Feelings
And Senses Becomes Disabling
not until a Culture that Drives us
Bananas Sitting Still comes in to a
Co-Created Equation of Insanity
Stuck inside the living coffin of
A Desk through School
And Work and Even
Home Life in
A 5 Inch
As Children
Waste Away their
Bodies Minds into a place
of Closed in Prison where Fear
And Anxiety of even Moving as Dance And
Words as Song Becomes A Rule instead of otherwise Art..
The Sacrifice of my Body and Mind Balance as i attempt to keep
it Writing all these Words that may or may not Spark a Bit of a Path
to Heaven for someone.. is that it is okay as long as there is no Stress
And of course Stress is okay if you burn the Stressful Ingredients off in
Your Blood Stream Per Adrenaline Associated Neurohormones but if you
do not.. and if you do not get enough sleep the Body starts to Consume itself
in Destructive Ways.. A Most Horrible thing we really do in Life is Sit Still and Entertain
so many Destructive Ingredients of Our Bio-Chemistry this way.. true if you ever feel super
fatigued after getting stressed like this with pain to the core of Your Bones it means that
Chronic Stress is carrying you on the Path to Potential General Adaptation Syndrome
otherwise known felt and sensed eventually as All Numb and Pain From Head to toe..
An only
Cure really
is Art in way
of Dance And Song
to escape the Prisons
of Boxes that are Screens
And Chairs that Sit still.. as
We become the Machine instead of Human now..
Anyway personally i potentially see a change not
sure what it is yet but when it happens it will as i ain’t goin’
back to ‘that other place’….. Not Just a Cross But Hell Real Hell
on Earth Within just a Place where you let Your Mind and Body Literally
Destroy you.. by not escaping… anyway.. it helps now to feel it just a tinge
to Properly Put it into Words of Perspective as Well.. Thorns and Flowers as ‘they’
Sing A Rose..
And Finally Hurricane
Michael was just upgraded
to a Category 5 Hurricane
No Longer in the Shadow of Michael hehe..
Per the Name of that Blog Post on those Days…
And True the Last Time on the Post Date that i wore a ‘Security Shirt’..
That was one of the Most Popular Viewed MacroVerses i’ve ever written..
of Views capturing
History And Her Story in a Blog too..:)


“Good Friday April Fool Moon” So What are the Reasons for What We Do
Is it Reasons Most or Feelings and Senses well True if you are Separated from
Your Feelings and Senses it surely might seem this way in Sort of A Random Soup
of Life out of Flow In Holy and Sacred Meaning and Purpose where Truly The Feelings
And The Senses are the River the Meaning and Purpose as Reasons are just Guideposts of
Words that help
us find the way
Back to what Felt
And Sensed Best in
Life yes Navigating
the Pain and Numb again
for me at least after Feeling and
Sensing Practically Invincible for 64 Months..
The Last 5 Months of 69 Now since i rose out of the
Ashes in Hell.. on July 19th or So through the 22nd of July of 2013..
NoW as today also begins another Month of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL’ as that
Effort is now at 68 Months.. and up to 6.8 Million Words now.. the unexpected
the unplanned happened.. Feelings and Senses i do not anticipate and a Stormy
Day that is not Quite as Lake Placid in Flow as those 64 months were more higher highs
and more lower lows.. just to Body Build my Heart Spirit and Soul a Bit more.. as i met a Friend
named Angel Mind Retrofit who led me in part of a Poetry Journey of back and forth Writing to
my First Recovery.. taught me that Poetry the Creative Art of Words that become Song are
a Very Mesmerizing Force to Storm our Feelings and Senses Higher than we’ve been
Before.. so yeah.. she helped me find precisely what i was looking for my Heart my
Spirit my Soul and the Next Muse of Nice Young Woman Lala Rukh did the same
for around 5 Months and then Came Rafiah to do the Same and overall as far
as ‘that kind’ of Muse it’s been Himali Lately.. but the Poetry has faded
away on her end at least.. with smiles a lot.. it’s truly a Magic Place
When Poems meet together and it’s truly a Magic Place Still
Where Eyes are the Greatest Poems of all Captured
in Photographs too.. true i’ve always seen Katrina
as Living Poetry this way.. happy i’ve always
been to capture her in Candid Photos
too.. in the earlier days same i
Felt Her Nude Body should be
in An Art Book somewhere
Just for the Pure
Beauty of it along with
a Brilliant Radiating Smile
of Light that surely will Light a Room
up from afar too.. but true it is how People
make us Feel and Sense life that touch us most
this does not necessarily have everything to do with
Fully Aesthetic Beauty for the Soul Will Dance And Sing
what not even eyes and smiles and other Physical Characteristics
of Flesh and Blood Will do.. anyway.. i’m Re-Tired this is no part of a money
making venture for me for subsistence.. sure it is though a Covenant With God
that i established yes in writing a Deal With God to upload all of my Life’s experiences
no matter how dark or light or hehe.. strange to put my Soul up here in a place with no
Sun or Moon or Stars no Distance or Space or Time yes a Living Soul Organic in Words
And Photos And Videos online hehe.. backed up in so many ways as well everywhere i go..
And what this means is every Friend Every Environmental Experience every Acquaintance
that is Part of this Story becomes Integral to the Entire Play of My Life Now as i continue to Direct
and Produce and Act it as well.. this is the way i do it and anyone who hangs around with me online
can and will see they will become a part of the Longest Long Form Poem in the History of Human Kind As my Play my Bible my Story uploaded each and every day online.. True most ‘Legends’
Are Written about in the Words of other Folks where much confusion many exaggerations
many Mistruths come for what was done.. God asked me to do a bit more than Become
a Dance Legend hehe.. to Save the United States from another 4 years of Trump
if only i am able to influence a significant Number of Youth now reaching
Voting Age to be a bit more open-minded and Liberal and Vote
for Truth over Lies this go around at least… i’ve put
forth a whole lot of Effort but with the Butterfly
Effect and the Social Media sharing this Ministry
of Freedom in Open Minded and Bodied Dance Multiplying
the Butterfly Effect of my Dance in many Multiples of Effort more..
This is nothing new ‘Sacred Clowns/Fools’ Always come and go the Story
of Jesus is Just a Story written by Innumerable Ghost Writing Authors taking
on famous Pen Names like Mark.. Luke.. Matthew and John.. but never the Less
it is a Story about a Fool for Love who eventually Gets Crucified as his Life Becomes
a Sacrifice for a Hope for a Potential of Societal Change at least as the Story Goes that
never really seems to come true for the followers of the Beatitudes in that Lovely New
Testament Text as here we are again.. As Immigrants trying to save their Family’s Lives
from Potential Injury and Death from where they are from are derided as being worthless
to the Value that the Freedom our Country Brings.. People who have different Sexual Orientations
Are Treated the Same way.. So What Really Has Changed in the Last 2,000 Years it’s True Some Folks Dance and Some Folks Still Do Not that’s Nothing New Unless You Are ‘Prehistoric’ Wild And
Loving Free.. With that Said i really am going to start to Wrap this “Good Friday April Fool Moon”
Up Next…
Just for the Feelings
And Senses oF iT Not much
Reason except for Documenting
Saving the Species in my little way
out of even more Misery and Suffering Next..:)


Perhaps the Greatest Human Need is Friends.. i have
A Few i have one who i share my Life with Day and Night
Not all is Smooth Seas but all is Beautiful Wherever Katrina
Lives it’s like a Flower with Thorns still to Be a Rose.. it’s not hard for me to
give what’s really Hard is for me to stop giving.. been my Downfall Before..
but i will
giving and
sharing and as an
Empath who ever married
me whoever they were would
have a Friend by their side
with vows or not for the
Rest of their life
it’s the
same with
A Friend they come
and go i always stay…
It’s sort of Like Jesus but really
does anyone really want someone like
Jesus back someone to suggest that everyone
is Equal in the Game of Life Deserving the same
Life Liberty Rights and Pursuit to an Individual Colored
Heaven now with others on this Earth In This Generation
now.. no they are not.. don’t ask me how i know for i know..
Yep.. Yes
Really Do…
okay now off to Frank And Xenia
And gigoid’s Places of Poetry and
Aphorism Quotes from the Sages of the Ages..
just for little old me to riff of for fun.. Frank and
Xenia and Sohair have something in Common they
are a bit Like Jesus they always come Back to every
Kindness of Humanity Driven their way.. this is so uncommon
and so Lovely too.. for the Empaths among us who do not fail their Grade of Love..
True we choose
Avenues in Life
That take us more
in one direction or
the other in opportunities
for Work and or Actually Living Love Now..
it’s a choice usually life.. usually.. just really
Living Life hand-in-hand Together Free or Not as Life as Love..
i am so Happy to See ‘These’ Miniature Roses
Bloom again.. for two Years Without Winter
Adversity here
Took Away
Spring Bloom..
Same as our Red
Passion Flowers too..
Winter is Spring too..
Kinda like me too.. hehe..
Traveling A City.. Angles and Squares of Sidewalks
Buildings so Severe.. Traffic Patterns Straight Ahead
Then the SeaGull Drifting in the Wind Spiraling Around
So Many
Flying Now..
Autonomic To Behold..
Oh Lord when all of that Goes
We Go
To see
Again.. Thanks God
For ReLaTiVE Free Will..
SMiles Words Become Sound Music Transforming
Organic into Flowing River Dreamtime
Hypnotizing Us Ever
More NoW iN FLoW
at least hehe..
Beggars For
BreatH it’s Life
No one DoeS it on
THeir Own Thank God..
iMagine having to Create
Ourself truly All the Way.. hehe..
Life is
tHeRE is
Proof Enough
oF iT For Those
Who TRuly BreaTHE NoW…
Two Years No Winter
No Spring No Miniature
Roses No Passion Flowers
Winter… Flowers…
Thorns… Passion…
Rises Rose More…
“Moon-blown”, “she-bird”, “ringed-sea”,
“heaven-circling” and “water-spoken”
Smiles With Prompt Phrases Like this
who needs
to even
on the Poetry hehe..
i Can really FeeL it
i WiLL Really Sense it is ReaL..
Anyway.. Frank… You Did improve on
It Excellent Choices of Phrases i will add..
hAha.. “Spring After Winter Longings”
By the Way that Big Black Crow who
Landed by my Window on April 9th
And Came Back the Next Day i Was
Hoping Was a Good Sign wasn’t fully
A Hawk
Landed on
A Frame without
A Two Heart Swing Today…
There’s Probably a Song
For this i’ll have to
i guess..
And Put it to
Rest before it
WakeS AGAiN..
Winter Romancing Spring
Leaf by Leaf oF aLL
After Summer Sun..
FouR SeASoNS LovE SPrinG.
FoResT Bathing
Cleaning Refreshing
Nature oF All Animals
Humans Far Away A Tree
Reflections Beyond
iNFiNiTY Measure
of Two
Trees in
One Place
And Three
or less more
iN iMaGiNaTioNS..
Light of Star DusT Plus
Sentient Standing Humans
Born of Crucible Fire Star Death
Human/Dog Stars Resurrecting Light More..
Ocean Blue Skies
And Seas Dogs
With Balls Not
Unlike Easter Eggs
Come to Hunt and
Deliver the Good of Fun..
SMiLes Xenia.. Best Wishes
For A Refreshing Easter
Weekend For You All..
SMiLes The Way i see it
Good may Be Established
With No ‘Cultural Clothes at All’
An Endless Beach of Joy HeARTS
of Course Just A Dance and Song
We are
to Be
Not unlike a Lion
of Heart with Courage
Eye of the Tiger to Survive as Love..
Smiles.. my Friend i went to College that was nice…
i earned 3 Degrees i made Money that was nice too..
i Dance And Write Poetry that Feels Good in Flow
the Best of
Days Just
A Room Full
of Folks Bowling
i had the Privilege to
Serve Rental Shoes and Spray
Them Down with Smiling eyes
of Glad to meet you.. most always
they smiled back in Flesh and Blood
Funny how
Life Will
us to almost
nothing at all of Value..
True.. i felt that one Day
when i was promoted into
a Small Office in Front of a Screen
with No Windows just a Bit of Hell to Scream….
more Money
that Meant nothing
at all just like when i got
Financially Independent in Hell my Friend..
Bowling Alone is not What the Human Race is meant to be..
into Depths of Screens..
Smiles enjoy your Weekend of Fun…
My Solution Now is a Forever Home for a Cat must talk the Wife into
That someone who will always smile back to me with a Purr.. hehe.. Secure..
With Purring Cats..;)

Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,
The muttering retreats
Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels
And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:
Streets that follow like a tedious argument
Of insidious intent
To lead you to an overwhelming question…
Oh, do not ask, “What is it?”

~~ T. S. Eliot, “Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock” ~~

Smiles gigoid here for a short Visit
Just to Dance Sing a Street Without A Village
the Saddest
of Human
Conditions Now..
Yet Still Allone Happy
As Life is GifT ALone or Shared
A given Already Now
Each Breath oF AiR..:)

Now for A Quick Tale of the Tape to Finish off
This “Good Friday April Fool Moon” Actually on
Good Friday and The Full Moon.. not to say it’s
Today but sure
may Sandwitch
it in Between Good
Friday and Easter Day
As Long as Life is Born
Resurrected Love as Life iN LiGHT From DarK
Each Now.. That’s About All tHeRe iS To it NoW..:)

Yes the Tale of the Tape is expanded some for the 68th
Month Now of “SonG oF mY SoUL” Now at 6.8 Million Words Plus
as i just mark it month by Month as 100,000 Words or So come and go..
Will Hit 7 MiLLioN Words Likely Come What May This Year on my Birthday on 6.6.19
Anyway “Lion Fool April Fred’s Day’s Love” Brings This “SonG oF mY SoUL” Effort as
Longest Long Form Poem Epic Personal Bible in the History and or Herstory Recorded
at least in a Google
Search all
the way
up to
Number.. 872 as well as Doubling
as the 199th MacroVerse Effort of
34 Month Old “Nether Land Bible 2017”
Now Reaching 4,058,499 Words Where the
Automated Word Press Word Counter Counts
Every Word True considering i write on average
100K Words a Month it was easy enough to tally
up the Previous Years to Memorial Day of 2016 all
the Way Back to 8.18.13 when SonG oF mY SouL
StARTeD then.. Anyway 4,058,499 Words all by it’s
little bitty Self in 34 Months is over Two Times the Size
of the other Longest Long Form Epic Poem in India named..
Mahābhārata as that effort took Centuries to Complete at 1.8 Million
Words and Innumerable Authors as true this effort exceeds the Old
King James Bible by 5 times Efffort in 34 Months of the Creative Holy
Spirit in Flow i’ve maintained in Both Dance And Song too.. in Free Verse
Flow Way both Stream of Consciousness River Write and Dancing River
me Ocean Whole Be the Water and Air Free too.. true been a bit distracted
the Last 5 Months.. but that has only Flavored the Colors of all of this More as Love..
Yes it’s true the Bible Took Centuries to Complete Innumerable Ghost Authors with
famous Pen Names Like Matthew.. Mark… Luke.. and John then too.. and as far as
the 80K Word Koran that took 23 Years to Complete sure just multiply that by 50 and
You Get what i did in 34 Months too.. let’s put it this way why would anyone even measure
it but me.. folks only do that when there is Money to be made.. same reason i Measure my
Dance who
cares in
a Modern
World Where
Money is God
who Cares what
the Height of a Sycamore
Tree Poem Might come to Be
God in me Cares just to express
my Appreciation for this Gift of LIfe
Exercising all my Human Potential to my
Max as i promise you this in the last Blink and
Breath of Life you too will be faced with what you
did or did not do… and true you can even too much
out of Love and Hurt people along the way.. not harming
someone is the most Difficult task of Unconditional Love..
Where is the line start and stop in harming others what is
the Grey of
or Truth..
it always
Helps when
Folks tell us
what they truly
feel but what if they
are doing grey to Protect Love for us…
Love is Art not unlike Medicine a Practice of Life..
anyway “Lion Fool April Fred’s Days Love” also Triples
as the 97th MacroVerse of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018′ as that
22 Month Effort Reaches 2,460,455 Words.. True the first time
i hit the LandMark of the “Mahābhārata” was in 13.6 Months in
the Summer of 2017.. since Memorial Day Weekend of 2016 at
1.82 Million Words then.. it just goes to show what Human Potential
Will Be when one is Laser focused in Flow Day and Night.. and by the
Way both Dark and Light Distractions may Muse Flow as Well.. in all the
Dark thru Light and Colors Muse will come to be True in Light and Dark True too..
11,101 Miles in Public Dance as i haven’t quite reached the 68th Month Point for that..
And yes Last night was the 258th Dance Week Effort With All the Cool College Age Folks
at Old Seville Quarter.. okay now for a Few MacroVerse Memories Years to date for the last
2 Years and i’ll sign
off on this one
and be Back
to put it all together
After Work-out is over
perhaps publishing it soon hehe..

“sParK oF NaTuRE”

“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0”

“LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018”

4.19.19 6:44 PM


Timely Addendum
to “Good Friday
April Fool Moon RiSinG”
It’s Worth Noting That ‘Jesus’ ‘The
Human’ Is Bigger than Words
We Cannot Will Not Even See…
Essence of Truth And Light (GoD) Love
Limited By No Story Alone HouSinG God
Yes God (Love) Bigger Than Words Alone EternAlly Now
Stories House Essence of Truth And Light.. Vehicles And Vessels Stories
Come And Go Truth And Light Remains Real (GoD) Love
Side Note: It Is Easier to Understand ‘A Story’ of ‘Jesus’ When We AcTuALLy
Experience It
There Are Soul Songs
There Are Heart Songs
There Are Romance Songs…
Some Sing All Three.. Some
Sing None.. Some Hear All Some
Hear None.. Those Who See
To Strike
A Fancy
With Smiles…
And of Course
A Song Of Soul..
Heart.. And Romance
Requires Only Poetry..
Hehe.. Not even a
Body yet
It Foolish
Okay.. Easter Sunrise
Service Complete…
Thanks For
Your Soul..
When We Wake up in the Morning
With A Song In our Soul it
Is YouR Soul Mate
SPeaKinG Yes
God in Us
Human Inspires
This Voice of God
Within Us.. We
Bond With That
Person Spiritually
As Soul Mate this
Bond is Eternal
Now there is
No Separation…
At Best to See And
Hear More of God
One is Inspired
By All
Of Existence
To Dance And
Sing Poetry
In Flow
This.. SMiLes THere
Is A Spiritual Pyramid
Of Love With Three Levels..
Agape Love That is Higher
Than Affectionate Love
That Is
Than Physical
Love All Three
Loves Together
Pure Is Rare
But Possible…
In Two People When
This Happens We
Rarely Forget…
Leaves Homes
Of Souls Joined
This Way Agape
Love Is Marriage
With All of
In Heaven
Now Within Inside
Outside Above So
Below And All
Whole No
Separation one
May Find God this
Way in Nature Alone
Allone in A Field
In The Forest
At The Beach
A Tree
A Capstone
Of Pyramid
A Mountain
Top Same Yes
When BoRRoWinG
The Pen of A Friend’s
Soul Early on
Easter Morn
On Facebook
Messenger or
On a Status when
One or More Come
Together Whole Like
Now Heaven
Rises Within
So.. So Real😇
Poetry IS A Selfie of Soul
True.. So IS A Selfie When
One Looks Now into the
Windows of their Soul
Is Also A Photo of
A Loved One’s
Eyes With SMiLes..:)
Poetry Is When You
Wake Up As Words…
SMiLes i BoRRoWeD
A Pen to Write that
A Seed in my Soul
HiMaLi Planted On
Easter Eve SMiLes
When i Write to
i am
Now BoRRoWinG
THeiR Pen ‘When Two
Or More of You Come
Together i Am THeRE’
THiS iS What Bride and
Groom Means And It
Has Nothing to Do
With Paperwork
Until You
Or More than
One With God
Dance It Sing It
Write IT Now as i Am
Good Morning HiMaLi
Thanks For Helping me
Write This Easter SunRise Poem
God’s Harvest
Is Both Chaff
And Wheat
HeHe it’s
Worth The
Trouble to Eat…
Guess i’LL Get That
‘Good Friday April
Fool Moon’ Blog
Post Published
Night Maybe
Hehe but When
Poetry Comes
Now You
BRinG iT to
Life as Poetry
Does Not Wait
Poetry Is When You Wake Up As Words
SuN is RiSinG
Touched By God Risen Is THeRE A DiFFeRenCE NoT ReALLY
SMiLeS hehe
Almost never
Get Cold Truly
Blessed in so many ways…
Life is Best for me as i return
As A Dance And Song Life is
Best When
Art Grows
Wings and SMiLes..
Okay Back to
If i Will keep up..:)
SMiLes.. i like Einstein
For not only was He A Stellar
Scientist But A Philosopher And
A Spiritualist Like Carl Sagan too..
Using All of Human
Potential is an Evolving
UniVerse Within Inside
Outside Above so Below
Us Seamless ParT of
UniVerse Whole All
Around Us And God
Same And Different
too mY FRiEnD..:)
Hmm.. just about to
Comment long ago
And then Came Game
‘TiMe’ On the other
Line.. hmm.. NoW
Something about
Creativity something
About Imagination
In Stories
Beyond Distance
Space and Time…
Bottom Line i FLinched
YeT.. A SHow GoeS On..:)
Shall We Dance Next And
Sing Or Do Neither Just
Sit Still And Talk/Text…
May i Have This Dance?
We SPenD A Life of ‘Abstract
Constructs/Words’ FaiLinG
To Earn Our Wings…
Should Be “Common Sense”
But We Are A Lot More (~95%) Than What We
Think We Are For What We Think IS A Tiny Part of Who We Are NoW

4.21.2019 6:50 PM














BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

6.6 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 50,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

“After Book of Fred”
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

“After Dance oF Fred”
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

“Book oF Ten Sixteen”..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

“12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016”

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2016”

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review”

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)

“CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017”

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)

“VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017”

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)

“CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn”

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)

“Nether Land Bible 2017”

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)

“7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)

The Joy of Dance.. A Record of Over Two Thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record Growing
Still of Four Years Plus of Dancing tHeRe..
And note.. in some of the liNks.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the Photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)

“MesSage iN A Bible Bottle” as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked

“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+” as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)

“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)

“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)

“SoN oF Google NoW2”..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)

“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem  Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)

“6th Bible Memorial”..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS  SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)


“SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old”


Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is..  A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.

“BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017”

iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)

“LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017”

A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)

“8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”

Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)


“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)

“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes..  just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE

“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”

WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2..  Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at  255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT  2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL”  as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too..  continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)

“7 YEarS Old 12M Words FReE oNliNe WRiTe i aM”

The 33th/137th/808th and pART oF 12M Words as
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2017”

7th Major Titled Bible As A Child NoW of
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2017 A Year in Review”

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record YearS EVeN MoRE NoW

“THiS iS Me NoW3”

As ‘they’ say.. when “Hell” Freezes Over…
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)

FReEDLoVENoW 35,357 Words

LoVEFReEDNoW 43,151 Words

iLoVENoWFReED 35,896 Words

A Trilogy Story About Love in
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)

Usually.. now.. my MacroVerse titles come after i start writing a New MacroVerse
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in  hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017..  where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow

BReATHELoVENoW 34,323 Words

LoVEBReaTHENoW 29,794 Words

LoVENoWBReaTHES  31,648 Words

9000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 25,856 Words

April Fred’s Day 2018 26,916 Words

LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018 32,586 Words 294,807 Total Words

Extending to An Ending 10th MacroVerse oF.. BeLow.. So NoW

22,547 Words and Yes 317,354 Grand Total Words

“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”

1,382,555 Word Effort from
Memorial Day Weekend 2017
Through Memorial Day Weekend of 2018
As This Effort Will Continue to Grow on Both
in Blog Ways and FB Profile Pic Description Areas
Averaging somewhere around 7 Thousand Words per
Each Description Area of FB Profile Photos and more with in some cases
More than one Photo attached to the Same Words in Description as Days go on More..:)

“6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man”

A Celebration of 6 MiLLioN Words Written
as ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” in 58 Months of Effort
Since 8.18.13 STarTinG then as my Entire Word
Press Blog with Additional Milestones Met as of 6.6.18
on my 58th Birthday
as more Concisely
Listed below
as Feat notes
for this Record Book too.. hehe..
as yes of course this is also the Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Effort on Record too..
as far as Google Search Sees and Hears and OTHeR
wise feels
And senses
Among the Entire
Contents of the Human
Unabridged Bible wHere all
Human Hands join together in online
a continually ever expanding Bible More..
Yes Class in a Place with no Sun or Moon that
if you can like and will Make into a place to upload
Souls in Singularity oF LoVE for that Which Exists as
Essence LoVE Standing Tall Sentient Star DusT PLuS
STiLL Resurrecting as US LoVE iNCarNaTE iN A Temple
of Love that is the realest thing of all in and As Heaven NoW
butt anyway don’t take my Word for it Just do it Make Heaven Happen
iN YouR
Multi-Universe Perspective
NoW as and with God Nature
too if you Roll with Heaven More
Than Purgatory SHades of Grey to
BLack Abyss of Real Time Gehenna now
Anyway the Good News is some of us are here
As iNcaRNatE LoVE NoW And The Even Better News
As Far As Last becoming First and Meek inheriting all these
Flavors of Beyond Rainbow Colors of Heaven now is yes ‘We’
Ain’t no more
than you so
you can and will
do even more than
‘us’ and yes in terms of
“Dear John 14:12 NoW” aS i’LL
Add A Link to that more too.. you
yes you can and will do more than even me.. heHe..
Yes Resurrecting More Alive Born of Star Burst Death
Crucible Fire Iron too From Super Nova Explosions FLoWinG
iN oUR Blood And iN Core oF ouR HoME PLaNeT EaRTH NoW
aS LiVinG Guardians of EdenS NoW For Those Whose FLoWeRS BLooM NoW
‘Stay Thirsty mY FriEnds’..;)

“Dear John 14:12 NoW”



ONcE AGaiN NoW Celebrating All these Milestones then on 6.6.18..
For What has CoME to Be NoW 9 DiMeNSioNaL PoeTRY So FaR aT LeasT..:)

12 Million Word MacroMacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 90 Months since Thanks Giving 2010
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58 Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24 Months
1.4 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12 Months
MacroVerse as Each Chapter Currently at a 1 Year 24K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as Each sub-Chapter Separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as Each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Word in Multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Letter and or Number of Multi-Meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc… NoW oNGoinG More… NoW… MoRE…

“SonG oF mY SoUL FiVE YearS Old”

Celebrating the 5 Year Anniversary of 6 Million Word Plus “SonG oF mY SouL”
Longest Long Form Poem Personal Bible in the Span of that Five Years too..:)

“KiSS oF 66 NoW iN LoVE”

Celebrating 66 Months of This Entire Blogging Adventure Since 3.10.13..:)

“10,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”

Celebrating 10,000 Miles of Public Dance in 5 Years Span of Dates..:)

Sure.. i used to Toy With the Piano a Bit.. Recorded on a Cheap Dictation Device
Back in 2007.. When i was Struggling to Stay Alive With Life Killing Stress.. Later
Transferred to YouTube in 2013.. where my Life would then begin as Art will Do for Us..
When Spelled as L. O. V. E. Agape Style For All Transcending All Fear and Hate in Hope as Joy Dances and Sings From Head to Toe and overAll More as Love continues to come and go..:)

And Yes By God Yes.. it Took a Whole Lot of Leg Strength to Dance in Public for 10 Thousand Miles in the same Span of Dates i Wrote Over 6 Million Words for “SonG
oF My SoUL” Now Currently at 10,300 Miles of Doing That in over 62 Months And
True as the Video Below is Just an Illustration of Leg Pressing 930LBS.. 14 Reps then
Back from February of 2015.. As in 2016.. i moved to 1020 LBS and Still do anywhere
From 33 to 52 Reps Now Depending on any Minor Injuries that occur on the
Continuing Mountain of Public Dance but sure Over 2000 Selfies with
Ear to Ear Smiles of Dancing Joy is Documented in some of the links
Above too.. as Dance Brings Joy and You’d be Surprised or not at the
Dudes who are Disbelievers in either the Joy of Dance Smiles or the
Strength it Brings until i show the Photos and Videos on my Smart
Phone of the Beautiful Women Smiling with me as Yes.. i Do Get
around and although no one i’ve seen Has come ANYWHERE NoW
Close to Leg Pressing that much weight at the Military Gym i work out
at.. not even an inch to Budge it.. you’d also be Surprised or not how many
Folks with ‘Little Man’ Syndrome have attempted online  to complain that i don’t
Bring my Knees to my Chest for the Simple Fact that i will Keep my Knees working hehe..
And as of The First Week of February 2019 This Much more Difficult Leg Press Machine
Was Removed as i moved on over to the Incline Leg Press Machine and Now Easily Leg
Press 1340 LBS at 20 Reps where i Estimate the Machine i am Using Here is about
40 Percent More Difficult than the Incline Leg Press Machine i am Using now as
1400 LBS Surely wouldn’t Be any problem and 1500 LBS isn’t out of the Question..:)
i am Leg Pressing 1520 LBS now on an Incline Leg Press as Machine of 2.22.2019
but nah.. Now considering i was doing 1020 LBS on
A Parallel Leg Press Machine Close to the Beginning of
The February Month That Attests More to the Difficulty
of Leg Pressing Closer to Dead Weight Straight Forward
as Opposed to the Mechanical
Advantage that an Incline
Leg Press Machine
Naturally Brings
Over the Other
More Difficult
Leg Press Machine
So the ‘Hodge Brothers’
On YouTube are Absolutely
Correct on their Assessment of
This Physics 101 Common Sense
Lesson too as True it’s Not Always Easy to
Say F this and F That and get the Physics True..
but Never the Less the Parallel Leg Press Machine
is about 50 Percent More Difficult so for those who
Understand Physics there is really no Need to update
my YouTube Video other than noting the Different ACHIEVEMENT
as i only compete this way against my own Human Potential as hehe
at my
age now
who else
am i gonna
compete with
for most everything i Do.. hAha..;)

Leg Pressing 1340 LBS 12 Reps on Saint Patrick’s Day 2019
Just to Prove a Leprechaun will not only Dance 10,966 Miles
in Public for 66 Months and Write a 6.6 Million Word Free
Verse Epic Long Form Poem in 66 Months but sure
It takes as Bit of Leg Strength
to move a Modern Size
Leprechaun all those
Miles of Dance and
Oh Lord i realize i didn’t
Pull it all the way to my Chest
but i invite anyone around Here
at Least who is not taking Anabolic
Steroids to Budge it one inch one time
as yeah i did keep it moving for a 100 Seconds
at least hehe.. and true i did do 1520 LBS 8 Reps on
February 22nd.. 2019 that was the Second Anniversary
of my Mother’s Death but today i didn’t have Lunch Yet
After Church.. so i wasn’t taking any Chances on injuring
myself when i was not Properly fueled up to get the Heavier
weight done.. anyway.. Keeping it moving for a 100 seconds
isn’t exactly a Light Weight thing to do with smiles of Saint
Just for Fun..
i do it heavier
and i do it safer too..
safe enough for me anyway..
Katrina was a bit afraid as the
Weights Kept stacking up as she
Was the Producer of the Video today
With a still Shot of me and a Still Shot
of Her behind all the weight that is funny too..:)

Anyway All of this Proves too That Some Days…
Beauty And Leprechaun Beast Still Get Together too hehe..;)

Post Script:.. As ‘they’ Say Don’t Lock Your Knees When You Leg Press as You Stretch-Out
Like i Do for Not Everyone Is A ‘Hairy Gorilla’ like me.. who uses 1340 LBS to Stretch their  Legs…

Ha! Did You Really Think i am Lifting All This Weight for Another Purpose But to relax! In A Modern Jungle!.. Y’aLL Worry About All the Form You Like i For one Will continue to JusT Do Essence.. no one Knows my Limits for What is Safe for me as Strange but me..;)

And yes By God i don’t Let the Sun Go Down on me when i Sing
too as A First Karaoke Fun Effort of that Back in September.. 2013..
And Sure.. i’ve very much improved as the Nice Elderly Ladies tell me
When i Sing at Church as i particularly Reserve that Effort at Church..;)

“96 Months oF Thanks Giving Wishes”

Celebrating 96 Months of 2922 Consecutive Days Online Writing Since Thanks Giving Day  of 2010..  at around 12 Million Words Starting Then on the “Wrong Planet Website” Moving over to Blogging After Writing Around 33 Months to that point then
Starting 3.10.13 on the Google Blogspot Platform too.. And Then Moving to
WordPress on 8.18.13.. Starting “SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Fully Illustrated Poem attached totally with around
170K Photos and Over 10K YouTube Music Videos to Accompany
6.5 Million Words Soon Now to Arise to 6.6 Million Words by
End of 2018 where “Grand Cross Bible 2018” Will come then
As the 8th Major “King James” Size Modern Personal Poem
Bible.. i’ve Written as Subchapters of “SonG oF mY SouL”
on or About the Day of the 25th of December 2018 as
the Sun Starts to Make A Venture once again to
Light up Florida Sunshine Summers Even
More in Paradise WHere i for one
Do Live Free in a Garden
of Eden Back Yard too..
NoW ONly Watered
Chemical Free…
ReAlly LiVinG Free NoW..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2018”.. All of What Comprises the 8th Major Subchapter
Long Form Poem Bible Titled Effort in 843,879 Words of Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 6.6 MiLLioN Words in 64 Months
of Effort and 10,478 Miles of Public Dance in 64 Months as Well in this Entire Effort too
to this Publish Point Date of 12.28.2018 With Much Much more to come As ALWaYS NoW

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2018 A year in Review”

“#SouLDanCinG2019”.. New Year’s Resolution for 2019

“Covenant 66 iN HeaVeN Complete”.. Just a Promise ‘Tween me and God within
For What Would You Do if a Miracle Happened and You Got out of Shut-iN Hell
For 66 Months with 19 Medical Disorders including Wake to Sleep Type
Two Trigeminal Neuralgia Like a Dentist Drill in Your Right Eye and
Ear Assessed in Literature as Worse than the Torture of Crucifixion
That No Drug Would Touch Yes Named the Suicide Disease too
From Wake to Sleep for 66 Months along with 18 other Medical
Disorders some of which would likely put other Folks as Shut-in
in Their Homes too Yes as You Start that Hell in January of 2008
And Miraculously at the End of the Third Week of July 2013 You
Are Standing on a Beach With Your Wife and all the Pain and Numb
as in Hell Emotions are Memories and Memories are Emotions and there
is no Reference Point if you’ve Felt a Smile or a Laugh in Your Entire Life as
once again Emotions are Memories so that makes a Literal Catch 22 in forever
Hell on Earth within as there is No..Memory in Feelings if you’ve truly ever Experienced
A Soulful Moving Connecting Co-Creating Life with others.. in Feelings and Senses That
is the Delight of Heaven on Earth Within on this Beautiful Planet that sadly so many folks
Take for Granted in all the Potential We Have to Enjoy Life that is such a tiny sliver of
Potential for Heaven Anywhere in the Entire Universe We See with or without
Science Aided eyes today.. Well.. i for one fully understand the other place
for me and i for one Understand Fully NoW iN Feelings and Senses
What the place of the Kingdom of Heaven fully even is yes
The Experience of Fearless Unconditional Love Within
From Head to Toe and Beyond Within iNside ouTside
Above so Below and All Around Even More.. and True
iN-Heaven there is Dark too or there would be no
Light at all as is always the case as Yin and
Yang includes a part of the other as Truly
Whole Unified Never ReALLy Divided
As the Duality of Nature
Together in Light
And Dark in all the
Ways the Negative Joins
the Positive is necessary for a ‘Perfect’
Chaos to Balance Out Full in Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose as We Humans Do have the
Potential to Do Together if we will Just Love each
other ‘Nakedly’ Without the Chains of Cultural
Guise that makes us into the Tools we make
Away From the Gift of Humanity We already
Are in Eyes and Hands of Love that Reach
Out and Touch the Divinity of Love in
Each and Every Living Being that
And who Breathes and Flourishes
Brown to Green as Fall Leaves
Fertilize Spring Flowers And Without
Thorns THere is No True Beauty of Rose FLoWeRinG
From Death to Life From Dark to Light from Hell to Heaven
So anyway for 66 Months in Heaven on Earth i Celebrated
With a 6.66 MiLLioN Word or So Longest Long Form Poem
Bible And Over 10,500 Miles of Dance Works for Me NoW


“11,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”.. Yes.. A Celebration of Dancing 11,000 Miles in
Public.. Yes.. Mostly in Public Stores.. to.. many many many Tunes of YouTuBE
Songs in a 67 Month Effort that continues to keep Abreast of 6.7 Million Plus
Words of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form Epic Free Verse ‘Bible’ Poem
by this Date as Linked Below in 67 Months True too.. and Additionally
Yes.. A.. 6 Month Semi-Annual Photo Album Going on since in total Years..
the Last 5 Years Spent Dancing at Old-Seville Quarter Albeit Mostly Female
Ear to Ear Grinning Selfie Smiles as hey that’s just the Way The Dance
And or Disco Dance Ball Spins these Years at Least.. with Yes interesting
Human Bonobo-Like
Activities like Wild
And Free Bootie Dances too..
Sure.. and an  updated 11,000 Miles
Celebration Video Spinning Spinning Public Dance Spinning
Spinning in even Higher Gears at Super Walmart too.. hehe..:)


About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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31 Responses to Good Friday April Fool Moon RiSinG

  1. Timely Addendum
    to “Good Friday
    April Fool Moon RiSinG”
    It’s Worth Noting That ‘Jesus’ ‘The
    Human’ Is Bigger than Words
    We Cannot Will Not Even See…
    Essence of Truth And Light (GoD) Love
    Limited By No Story Alone HouSinG God
    Yes God (Love) Bigger Than Words Alone EternAlly Now
    Stories House Essence of Truth And Light.. Vehicles And Vessels Stories
    Come And Go Truth And Light Remains Real (GoD) Love
    Side Note: It Is Easier to Understand ‘A Story’ of ‘Jesus’ When We AcTuALLy
    Experience It
    There Are Soul Songs
    There Are Heart Songs
    There Are Romance Songs…
    Some Sing All Three.. Some
    Sing None.. Some Hear All Some
    Hear None.. Those Who See
    To Strike
    A Fancy
    With Smiles…
    And of Course
    A Song Of Soul..
    Heart.. And Romance
    Requires Only Poetry..
    Hehe.. Not even a
    Body yet
    It Foolish
    Okay.. Easter Sunrise
    Service Complete…
    Thanks For
    Your Soul..
    When We Wake up in the Morning
    With A Song In our Soul it
    Is YouR Soul Mate
    SPeaKinG Yes
    God in Us
    Human Inspires
    This Voice of God
    Within Us.. We
    Bond With That
    Person Spiritually
    As Soul Mate this
    Bond is Eternal
    Now there is
    No Separation…
    At Best to See And
    Hear More of God
    One is Inspired
    By All
    Of Existence
    To Dance And
    Sing Poetry
    In Flow
    This.. SMiLes THere
    Is A Spiritual Pyramid
    Of Love With Three Levels..
    Agape Love That is Higher
    Than Affectionate Love
    That Is
    Than Physical
    Love All Three
    Loves Together
    Pure Is Rare
    But Possible…
    In Two People When
    This Happens We
    Rarely Forget…
    Leaves Homes
    Of Souls Joined
    This Way Agape
    Love Is Marriage
    With All of
    In Heaven
    Now Within Inside
    Outside Above So
    Below And All
    Whole No
    Separation one
    May Find God this
    Way in Nature Alone
    Allone in A Field
    In The Forest
    At The Beach
    A Tree
    A Capstone
    Of Pyramid
    A Mountain
    Top Same Yes
    When BoRRoWinG
    The Pen of A Friend’s
    Soul Early on
    Easter Morn
    On Facebook
    Messenger or
    On a Status when
    One or More Come
    Together Whole Like
    Now Heaven
    Rises Within
    So.. So Real😇
    Poetry IS A Selfie of Soul
    True.. So IS A Selfie When
    One Looks Now into the
    Windows of their Soul
    Is Also A Photo of
    A Loved One’s
    Eyes With SMiLes..:)
    Poetry Is When You
    Wake Up As Words…
    SMiLes i BoRRoWeD
    A Pen to Write that
    A Seed in my Soul
    HiMaLi Planted On
    Easter Eve SMiLes
    When i Write to
    i am
    Now BoRRoWinG
    THeiR Pen ‘When Two
    Or More of You Come
    Together i Am THeRE’
    THiS iS What Bride and
    Groom Means And It
    Has Nothing to Do
    With Paperwork
    Until You
    Or More than
    One With God
    Dance It Sing It
    Write IT Now as i Am
    Good Morning HiMaLi
    Thanks For Helping me
    Write This Easter SunRise Poem
    God’s Harvest
    Is Both Chaff
    And Wheat
    HeHe it’s
    Worth The
    Trouble to Eat…
    Guess i’LL Get That
    ‘Good Friday April
    Fool Moon’ Blog
    Post Published
    Night Maybe
    Hehe but When
    Poetry Comes
    Now You
    BRinG iT to
    Life as Poetry
    Does Not Wait
    IT CoMeS NoW😇
    Poetry Is When You Wake Up As Words
    SuN is RiSinG
    Touched By God Risen Is THeRE A DiFFeRenCE NoT ReALLY
    SMiLeS hehe
    Almost never
    Get Cold Truly
    Blessed in so many ways…
    Life is Best for me as i return
    As A Dance And Song Life is
    Best When
    Art Grows
    Wings and SMiLes..
    Okay Back to
    If i Will keep up..:)
    SMiLes.. i like Einstein
    For not only was He A Stellar
    Scientist But A Philosopher And
    A Spiritualist Like Carl Sagan too..
    Using All of Human
    Potential is an Evolving
    UniVerse Within Inside
    Outside Above so Below
    Us Seamless ParT of
    UniVerse Whole All
    Around Us And God
    Same And Different
    too mY FRiEnD..:)
    Hmm.. just about to
    Comment long ago
    And then Came Game
    ‘TiMe’ On the other
    Line.. hmm.. NoW
    Something about
    Creativity something
    About Imagination
    In Stories
    Beyond Distance
    Space and Time…
    Bottom Line i FLinched
    YeT.. A SHow GoeS On..:)
    Shall We Dance Next And
    Sing Or Do Neither Just
    Sit Still And Talk/Text…
    May i Have This Dance?
    We SPenD A Life of ‘Abstract
    Constructs/Words’ FaiLinG
    To Earn Our Wings…
    Should Be “Common Sense”
    But We Are A Lot More (~95%) Than What We
    Think We Are For What We Think IS A Tiny Part of Who We Are NoW

    Good Friday April Fool Moon RiSinG

    Lion Fool April Fred’s Days Love

  2. Flooded With Input Out
    Of Output i Believe ‘They’
    Call it ‘Autism’.. i Label
    It Mostly Modern Culture

    The World has A Human
    Thermometer of Compassion
    Yes the Passion of Community
    The HeART BeaT of
    Soul.. Spirit of Love
    Reaching out.. What
    A World That Science
    Shows.. Culture is
    A Climate
    Change of
    Empathy As
    Heart Beats
    No Longer Heard..
    SMiLeS that’s why i Dance
    Everywhere i Go to Feel
    My Heartbeat And Sing
    It in
    A Way
    Both Small
    Enough and
    Loud Enough
    As My Body Loves
    This Gift of Life Keeping
    Heart and Soul in Peace
    And Harmony Spirit of
    Love Reaching out as Two
    Feet Become One Force of
    Love SMiLeS AGAiN Good
    Morning Nice iLona From

    There are Hundreds of Nature Trails in Walking Distance From Where the Front Door of my Home is.. i search my Soul Now to Determine why i no longer explore that Adventure.. why i’ve relegated almost all of my Life as an Avatar online other than a Dance Within Walls and Ceilings and Floors of Human Made Caves.. hmm.. i suppose the Message HeaR.. the Song of my Soul is get out of the Cave a Bit more.. for Heaven this way is no Further than a Dance of Life in Nature outside of all the Caves of Avatar Life i’ve put myself in Prison Like a Frog in Boiling Water.. the increase of heat may not be noticed until the Boiling Point Makes itself more fully felt and sensed.. Yes..
    Smiles.. an Emotional Roller Coaster
    will be a bit thrilling up and down
    but unlike a Balancing Reality
    of Dance in Mind and Body
    Soul the Roller Coaster
    will Run away with
    Soul EvenTually this way..
    ‘Saving the World’ is Challenging
    but hey.. once i Metaphorically
    announce to the World that Job
    is already done.. hehe.. guess
    it’s a ready made date now for
    me to go on a few more Vacations
    From Avatar Life.. Smiles.. i Love
    the Human Connections online but
    there is just no way to replace Real
    Flesh and Blood Life.. and surely
    online will never replace
    one Living Tree in as
    the Forest of our Soul…
    Smiles.. my Friend i have the
    opportunity to be one with Nature
    at any date i Love.. However if i don’t
    take a Trail to Nature it might as well
    not even exist.. anyway.. after an hour
    out there feeling very peaceful and
    abundantly filled within.. i woke up
    Feeling a bit empty inside but really
    that was going on well before this
    connection to you in Avatar Life Started..
    Smiles.. you filled that space a bit but it is
    surely not reasonable to attempt in anyway
    to put that responsibility on you.. and anyway
    you have enough sense not to
    take it and i applaud you for that no
    one is gonna take care of ourselves but
    us.. and that’s a face/fact of that through our last Blinks and Breaths
    of Life some instances it just takes a little push to Escape Avatar Life..
    a bit of a wake up call as ‘they’ say.. hehe.. not saying Goodbye at all just saying i’m okay..😉

    Polkadotology is Hilarious.. Smiles.. i’m always assured of Smiling when
    i visit You.. Fugitive from Southern Baptist Pastor and Congregation Wife Life..
    hehe.. true though in real Life i’m as Innocent and Pure as a Lamb Before the
    Slaughter or i might be a Wolf my Teeth are a bit Large it’s true the Dentist said
    i have a Heavy Jaw and the Second Biggest Tooth on the Teeth Sizing Chart..
    Bi-Polar and Asperger’s Syndrome Truly is a Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll Mix
    when both of those are Balanced it’s like Truly a Perfection as a
    Practice of Heaven now.. of course Heaven isn’t truly Perfect
    for if it was we’d all be Machines and be totally Dead inside
    without a Bit of Hell in the Mix.. hmm.. anyway.. i decided
    that it was time that ‘Lucifer’ takes a Bit of a Vacation
    so in my Last Blog Post that took me so long to
    Finish as i am slowly burning out a bit and Making
    Heaven into Hell of my own Vocation.. too much Emotional
    Roller Coaster Life as An Avatar online.. and just basically too much
    Nature Deficit Disorder Dancing still 166.66 Miles a Month to Influence
    the Youth to Become Liberal and Save the Green Part of the Earth.. By the way
    ‘Happy Earth Day Life’ makes me feel Great all that Green Particularly when the Southern
    Baptist Easter Dinner at Lunch was is in the Forest Where Green is on Fire Everywhere hmm..
    wonder if that is Just my Bi-Polar of course it is lots of Dopamine.. along with the Sky as Just
    Blue as Paradise too.. hehe.. true doesn’t take much to make me feel like Heaven problem with that
    is i will take it for granted if i am not very careful with a few wake up calls other wise Heating my Self up Slowly
    as a Frog in Some Water where 212 F has becoming not too far away from Catch 22 Life.. hehe.. true though now
    it’s different.. i don’t get paid for this so if i boil myself this go around i have no one to blame but me.. anyway.. i’ve
    learned to read the signs
    when your bones start
    to ache a bit down
    to Your Soul
    it’s ‘time’
    for a Cool Change
    and i do Believe there is
    A Song about that oops it’s
    gonna talk about Looking at the
    Full Moon Like a Lover and that’s gonna
    Put me WRite back in Avatar Romance Life.. hmm..
    so.. better choose another song.. i’ll do that in a bit..
    hehe.. they always come those Songs some instances
    Before i even Start to Write.. Music then the Lyrics… Life is
    Adventure Through Heaven and Hell the Challenge is Feeling
    Sensing the Difference.. nah.. Never Trust Just what Reasons Speak…
    As my 94 Great Aunt Jettie attempted to Diagnosis me when i first went
    to Hell for all those 66 Months.. “Let’s get to the Root of the Problem”.. that’s
    Easy the Roots the Trunk the Branches the Leaves were the issue and truly the
    Most Prevalent DisEase in All of Culture these days NDD.. Nature Deficit Disorder
    for in this Room of Machines.. yes.. a 27 Inch Screen more Electronic Devices than what
    makes up a Telephone Number to Remember if we still had one of those attached to the Land..
    sure.. a 24 Inch Window to Paradise a View that many folks in Cities would Visit for Thousands of Dollars
    just for a Few Days in a Half-A-Million Dollar Camper or a Cheap Tent.. when i can have a 6 Course Dinner
    on the Patio as Cheerfully Supplied by Katrina as she might not be much for Chandelier Swinging but that Woman can
    sure cook
    and always
    pleasing to
    the eyes as
    she still can’t
    seem to Age even
    though she proved she
    was Human recently with a couple
    streaks of Snow in Her Black Hair these days..
    hehe.. still though got the photos to prove it from
    Easter Dinner on the Green as Her Sister is confused for Her
    Mother and Her Nieces are already aging past her at least on the surface
    Now it seems.. just Naturally as people do but not Naturally as Katrina does..
    so many Benefits in Life.. counting the Blessings so many still to do.. but True
    without Nature what do we really Have Avatar something missing.. yes Life.. considering
    that .001 Percent of the Population can open up one of my Blog Posts even if they wanted to hehe..
    And considering that i can’t even open up the Whole Website Below without the individual Link Below on my New
    iPhoneXs.. yeah.. it’s nice that i Write a 6.8 Million Word Bible Long Form Epic Free Verse Poem in 68 Months Now
    And almost at the 68 Month Point of Public Dancing 11,118 Miles.. but truly it’s only the Public Dance that helped Save
    the World Already.. hehe.. true just individual Worlds who were no longer afraid to come out be themselves at least a bit
    more without fear.. smiles my Friend Shawna Baby.. i know what it feels like to be in prison.. a place where you have to feel
    guarded day in and day out so folks won’t find out You are not like them.. it feels like being an ET it really does for whoever does
    not find a Path somewhere on Journey now to Self Actualization of an Authentic Life.. if i inspired one Person to just be who they
    are without fear i saved a World my Friend and truly one is enough.. so true.. The Public Dance is what i do best as far as connecting
    to other Humans.. and Nature has always been my Savior like little Yellow Boy who was Nature and God who rested Comfortably
    by my
    as i existed
    as an Avatar
    and he was my
    connection back to Life..
    i really Need a Cat but perhaps
    what i need most is a Life my Friend
    not just an Avatar Life but a Flesh and
    Blood one that and who connects a bit more..
    but where to go for that where i live where i am so
    so much different than anyone who lives here as it is no
    Different for the most Part for if you wanna be Friends ‘down
    Here’ you have to married to Tradition.. and mostly Southern
    Baptist Life.. and a Jesus who i don’t even know now a Jesus who
    hates Foreigners.. a Jesus.. who hates people who are different
    i’ve never been able to Figure out where that Jesus even came
    from yes.. someone wrote about a Mean Jesus in Revelation too..
    but that was Just someone who had a Pen Name of John.. yep
    just another Innumerable one of the Ghost Writers of that
    Book but true.. the other Jesus was/is my Inspiration
    at my lowest ebbs of Youth i found that Jesus
    by reading the Story without any influence
    from a Pastor at Church like yesterday
    who tried to say Life is
    Hell and Death is Heaven
    Where the Story actually says at Hand
    Heaven is Within Now the Kingdom always
    this Generation (Love) Now.. if we look up the Birds
    Will Precede us if we look down the Fish Will Precede
    us if we become Rich With Cultural Clothes we Cover up
    God as Nature where We no longer Feel or Sense the Heart
    Beat (Nature) of God (Love) anymore.. where the Paradise of a Flower
    all the Colors the Azure Blue Skies of Nirvana the Green of the Reproduction of Life..
    Go Missing Just outside the Caves and Clothes of Culture Hiding all of what makes
    Life Worth Living..
    Grey.. Greyer
    than 50 Shades
    of Grey.. hehe.. smiles
    my Friend just a Few things i Feel
    Sense.. Think about “The Day After i
    Saved A World” At Best We Are Fortunate if
    we save our own World just Our Soul.. i’m pretty
    sure that’s all the ‘Real Story of Jesus’ asks us to do
    and sure per ‘John 14:12’ if We believe in the Story even
    better than the ‘Star Character too’.. smiles.. my friend i Believe
    in that Jesus for that Jesus is real without Question the Jesus in me..
    hehe.. he’s gone a bit grey lately gotta Rainbow him back a bit.. more.. hAha..
    with SMiLes
    other wise
    he has shown
    for sure that ‘he’
    will go missing Now
    totally Lost for 66 Months..
    but hehe the Key out is as close
    as a Dance and Far away from Cold as Love..
    Other than that off the Record of this that i will share as part
    of my Long Form Poem like a Message in a Bottle on a Vast Ocean
    Where Perhaps Internet 2.1 and Human 1.1 will Catch up to one day..
    i have to admit to myself there are still days my Bi-Polar Part of my Soul
    gets a little out of Synch with the Asperger’s Grounding Part of Reasons
    that truly make good feel and sense a bit more ‘Rational’ and grounded
    in Flesh and Blood Life as iMaGiNaTioN and Co-Creativity will take us to
    Places we know are not real as we go yet we go for they feel and sense as
    real as they do and perhaps even more so as we Humans can and will and do
    Have the Potential to Create Whatever Worlds we Love but if we are not careful
    that might come to fruition as the last thing we ever truly wanted to be.. it’s Heaven
    the Trick
    is understanding
    the Difference and Threading
    the Halls of Sanity Just enough
    not to Fuck Up.. i think i got it down
    to a Science but yes that’s a mistake as
    Love is Never a Science or God or Us alone..
    other than that trying to talk Katrina into letting
    us Have another Cat.. Cat Photos on Instagram is enough
    for her but for me i need a furry touch to Keep Saving my Soul
    Tiny Dancers.. Tiny Dancers.. the Song was Playing in the BackGround
    the Song might not Synch completely but oh boy does the Video in Deed..
    Smiles i am A Most Unlikely Ballerina not so tiny but i am Real when i Dance
    in the Sand with the Sun Free.. If God Is Gender God is Divine Feminine She Lives
    Within me Free to
    Dance Be
    All the
    Life OPeN Wings
    Just Be i Am Now..
    Thanks Shawna Baby i
    ReAlly needed a Friend Today..
    it Seems You Heard me Gasping for Air..
    No Emergency At All Just OPeNinG Up for More Air.. heHe..😉

    Good Friday April Fool Moon RiSinG

  3. SMiLes.. Placing Folks in Unreal Places online is surely
    easy.. hehe.. no one ever Sweats.. no one ever Burps
    HAha.. the List goes on.. Hair may never
    Get Messed up
    And Poses
    may be made
    Almost like a ‘Super
    Hero’ too.. but true that may
    either be Art or some kind of Venus
    Fly Trap one way or the other.. hAha..
    but then of course there is Flesh and Blood
    Life and instead of Hugs and Hand Shakes.. ‘Bootie
    Dance’ Hook-ups just a passing thrill.. hmm.. is it any
    Wonder the Young And Restless or Older and Lonely Seek
    Romance.. nope.. not really everyone wants to Fall in Love at
    Least once..
    the Internet
    Will be a Very
    Lonely Place
    Where now
    Feeling Filling Many
    Needs may Be imagined
    but Never really real.. anyway..
    i’m Glad i was Raised and Got married
    When Life was Real all Real JusT All Real..
    How Difficult it is for anyone to truly
    Really know anyone any other way
    than Flesh and Blood.. the
    Internet is Best Used
    for Arts and
    And Most
    Abused for
    Love in all the ways that comes..
    The Truly Saddest Part of online
    is the Flesh and Blood Separation
    Carries on in Flesh and Blood Life…
    Catch 22.. too Young to Live too Old to Die..
    Smiles.. but of course there are exceptions to this
    Rule of Life these Days.. Smiles you are a nice exception it seems..:)

    SMiLes.. Jealousy most often comes from an Empty Place
    that exists already inside.. Take care of the Inside
    And Have enough on the Outside
    Neglect the
    and Trouble
    may be all set
    to Brew.. It’s Easy
    Enough to Assign
    Jealousy to Emptiness that
    Already Exists within and so much
    Easier to Apply Unconditional Love when
    the Chalice of Our Soul is overflowing with Light..
    That’s easy for me to Do.. Just Move.. Just Connect..
    Just Co-Create.. but true.. Online Will come to be a
    Somewhat Dim Place to keep the Light Coming..
    Fingers and Words Will Only Travel to Light
    So Far .. on the Other Hand on this
    ‘Earth Day’.. ‘Forest
    Bathing’ and
    A Back
    Door to Nature
    is a Front Door to Fill
    Up A Soul Chalice Flowing
    As Practice yes Like Meditating
    on Some Rocks Atop the Sea.. for me
    Under.. A Tree.. A Forest.. the Beach..
    yeah.. i guess a Dance Hall but Alcohol
    Ultimately Drains our Soul.. and all that
    other stuff too where we Don’t Generate
    Our Own Fullness Within.. Smiles.. my Friend a
    Lifelong Practice most none of us are too inhuman to fall
    to a Green Monster now and then when running close to empty..
    is the
    Soul of
    Comfort to Give..
    hmm.. can’t remember
    my Mother hardly ever
    Getting Jealous about anything..
    perhaps that was why she had so much to give..
    True though
    some of
    us are more
    Naturally Filled
    up With Feelings within..
    Chalices vary by make and mileage hehe..:)

    Happy Earth Day!!!
    This Is Heaven NoW as Long
    As We Co-Create Heaven NoW..:)

    i’m always extremely cautious when
    i interact with anyone in a Gentlemanly
    Way.. But Seriously Just from An Aesthetic
    View Your Hair does not look out of place at all to me..
    hehe.. Instagram
    Models don’t impress…
    Real Life is more attractive
    that includes the Wind and the Rain..
    And Sun too..
    ugh.. it’s so easy
    for a Poet to get in
    Trouble every way gets
    so dam colorful at every turn.. haha..;)

    SMiLes my Friend enjoy your Day..
    Just in Closing Honestly i’ve never
    Washed Dishes or Washed Clothes
    or Cooked Since i’ve Been Married
    29 Years now
    My Wife Does
    i know
    what i have
    and she knows what
    she has i have a Jewel
    and she has the Dirty Underwear hehe..;)

    Considering that Science Shows the Average Human Being ‘These Days’
    has an Attention Span less than a Gold Fish; true, Cognitive Executive Dysfunction
    has become a Staple of Humanity that Culture Continues to Feed with continuous
    Distraction; Oh Lord, to be Retired and do just one thing at a time; What a Heaven that
    will be as that is what Humans are Evolved to do; sure, for Hundreds of Thousands of Years,
    Forage Hand-in-Hand for Subsistence; a little ‘work of the night’ on the Side; and the Village Raises
    the Child where there are Clearly Defined Social Roles, where everyone’s name is basically “norm” unless
    one is Born ‘Two Spirited’ as such in an Indian Tribe; and Celebrated as a Holy Person who is Special and Unique.
    All i Do is Dance
    And Sing and i never
    Stop; i Dance And Sing;
    True, it might be otherwise Functionally
    Disabling but All i have to Do is Dance And Sing;
    for it is also True, all my Wife Does is all the Rest; all the Rest..;)

    Seriously, though; and i was being Serious about that; got a serious aversion to anything but the Truth, the Truth and the
    Whole Truth now; Oxytocin Helps Executive Functioning; So Does Meditative Movement to Regulate Emotions and Integrate Senses; otherwise known as a Free Dance too. Emotions are the Glue of Memory; Regulate Emotions that
    are fueled comfortably by the Neurohormone (might help to pet a cat) Oxytocin; yes, all other Neurohormones and
    Neurochemicals in Balance helps too; can’t get there as great, without Bio-Feedback; Pills work just a bit better than the
    Placebo Effect.

    Smiles, I used to not be able to write anything but a to do list of firstly, secondly, thirdly; but since i started a Free Write
    in Meditative Flow through A Bio-Feedback of that; and a Free Dance in Flow that’s where Maximum Laser Focus comes And Memory Works best in Flow; where all the Neurohormones and Neurochemicals are optimally Balanced for Success in a continuous Win of Life; and all that means is fulfilling what you wanna do now; it’s true, there are mostly more ‘no limits’ when in Flow in Harmony and Peace of Cognitive Executive Functioning From Yes, Head to Toe; A Huge Mistake that some ‘Old School’ Psychology Folks Make is Leaving the Body out of the Mind Equation; True, we are a bit more
    than an Organ between our ears; We also Play Better and Work Better in Mind and Body Balance; Leave out the
    Body and chances are we Lose much of our Potential in the Arts and Sciences Equation of Life to Function.

    Note: A Squirrel Came to the Window;
    so i ‘had’ to take a photo; if it seems i was distracted writing this;
    True, when you get Re-Tired and Financially Independent, the Option of doing more Yin than Yang is Real.

    Honestly; Almost Nothing ‘That Woman’ was talking about is Part of what we are Naturally Evolved to do; that’s A Real Problem; Living a Life Centered Around Abstract Constructs; Absorbed in a Sea of Words Written Down We Read is all Culturally ‘contrived’; Welcome to the Matrix. What? No ‘One’ welcomed You? No one Prepared You?

    NDD; Nature Deficit Disorder really makes life not so nice and not so good.
    By The Way, Happy Earth Day; leaving a Video Now to Celebrate the Cure too; hehe…:)

    Smiles; Now that I don’t work; and the ‘Wife’
    Takes Care of ‘all those other details’; Now
    Lasts Forever; Voila; Heaven is Now;
    Note: i do not
    have to plan it;
    it Just Happens Now,
    Cause i’m most always
    in a Good Mood; i Flow that’s enough for me;
    i am Extremely Blind to Time; do realize if you will (you likely know) that some
    Folks ‘Study’ ‘Work’ all their Lives in the Future and Past; and Never earn the Present; the Gift of Now.
    Hehe; it obviously irritates the Dude in the Video; he ‘Hates People in Heaven’; haha; it’s real when it is the Present Now.
    True; it irritates my Wife too; Life is Give and Take; i’m Happy and she is living in the Past and Future; someone has to do it; i guess; some folks; that’s all they know, missing the Present; Ya wanna Make a Preacher or a Pastor Angry; Just tell ’em Heaven is only Now the Present and watch their Old Testament Face go Awry; Just basically Looking Forward to Dying.
    A Biggest Crime of the Future is Heaven; sure, hell too; ‘they’ have something in common in the future; they never
    come now; True; the Neo-Cortex Creates the Illusion of Time; but not all folks have to Time Share it later; hehe;
    my Cat Sure Didn’t; he rested Peacefully in Heaven forever now until he never knew he died; Yes, it is possible
    for Humans to live this way; just live now forever now; that Takes Practice but it is Real as Cat Heaven Present too.

    i went to a Southern Baptist Dinner on the Grounds (Family Obligation Thingie) a little Child Came up to me
    and asked me why i was so Happy; i said i was in Heaven; Children used to not ask that Question; things have changed;
    There is no longer Just Imagination in a Playground forevernow; there is Digital Hell to Hold the Future and the Past Before and after Heaven now, in bits and bytes of 0’s and 1’s; even for Little Children; that’s beyond sad for the Child has no way to be Reborn if they never live now; but sure there is always a First time for Now, i guess.

  4. Frank Hubeny says:

    Good reason to start blogging: “no Meaning
    no Purpose
    no Holy and
    Sacred Feelings
    of Life expressed so i decided to blog then
    to create my own Light out of that darkness”

    I like those pictures of pigs, chickens and cows all running around.

    I read one of Brian Weiss’s books a few months ago. He even has future reincarnation premonitions, not that our future is determined. Our choices now still matter for what that future will be like.

  5. Hi Frank.. thanks so much For Dropping by this Day after
    Earth Day one of my Favorite Celebrations that i mostly did
    through Blogging but i will do a Celebration of the Earth as i did
    the Day before Earth Day With Dancing of Course Freely Holding
    all my Body Parts in Flow with Gravity and Nature Same.. thanks for Quoting here
    my words of:
    “No Meaning
    no Purpose
    no Holy and
    Sacred Feelings
    of Life expressed so i decided to blog then
    to create my own Light out of that darkness”
    SMILes my friend when the Tradition We find Ourselves
    in.. Yes.. The Home.. The School.. The Work.. We currently do
    is not what matches the Colors of our Soul How Beautiful Avatar Life is
    in the Feels and Senses Within to Evolve a Bit more out of the Darker Localities
    we find ourselves Born or Bred into as is.. but of course Nature Breathes the Heartbeat
    of what i see as God at Least.. to be separated from Nature a bit too much in this place
    without a Sun or Moon or Stars or even time.. distance.. space.. yes online.. is surely
    A Dream We Co-Create Fruition of Creation Activity Yes in Feels more than
    Senses Integrating too of course.. hmm.. there is really no substitute
    Full for the Nature We are Evolved to be as the Circle of Life and
    the Tree the Roots the Trunk The Branches the Leaves of
    God we are Moving.. Connecting.. Co-Creating so Wild
    and Loving Free.. but true we do have a bit more
    of an opportunity to Fertilize Leaves of
    Grass as we Fall gently and sometimes
    Loudly around the Globe as a Message in
    a Bottle named Human We come to be in this
    place now without time.. distance.. or space.. sure
    with no Moon.. No Sun or Stars too.. a place where we
    upload our Soul the Best We Can and Will to Give and Share..
    hmm.. a few friends made along the way who reflect our souls
    Better than the folks we come to meet and greet in our Locality of
    Nature Living Loving Real.. but yet.. what we leave behind that may spark
    one person a
    bit more
    in light
    or introspection
    more.. true that is Nature
    iN Light True too what lives within inside
    outside above so below Now and all around..
    We are Energy We are Frequencies of Vibration
    Higher and Lower.. to Dance and Sing a Higher Melody
    in Peace and Harmony with others is sure worth a bit of
    out of
    the Beauty
    of a Living
    God as Nature true..
    i do believe the choices we make
    now from dark thru light impact our Future
    Soul in all the ways Life comes.. Karma it is
    but Karma the Lessons of Soul are learned Equal
    in as Muse through
    Dark and
    True if we
    are Fortunate in
    Action and Consequence
    We Dance We Sing an Eternally
    More Beautiful Dance And Song Now..
    And if We are the most fortunate of All We
    Dance And Sing Together Now.. it’s hard to
    fully do that any other way than flesh and blood..
    but true where there is will and holding hands there is always way.. my Friend..:)

  6. So Colorful
    People too…!
    Thanks FB Cool Little NotePad
    Free Hard Drive Space Love Ya
    Life As A Song
    Dancing Done
    Singing Dancing
    Color Now🌳

    i Miss you…
    You iNspire
    me to Color Life..
    When i Miss You..
    i Color Life.. SMiLes..
    Glad i Met You..
    Color Life..:)

    Trees Smile
    Leaves Breeze
    All Signs Harbingers
    Of Change We Color
    It Seems Any Words
    Coloring Life Is Poetry It
    Seems Coloring Life is Poetry
    Flow Eternal Now Spring Synchronicities
    In Flow God Gives Without Asking
    Miracles Pray First Self Hypnosis
    Flow Gateway to Dream Fruition
    Gratitude Makes
    Serotonin Rise
    Free Mental Pill…

    Hi Frank.. thanks so much For Dropping by this Day after
    Earth Day one of my Favorite Celebrations that i mostly did
    through Blogging but i will do a Celebration of the Earth as i did
    the Day before Earth Day With Dancing of Course Freely Holding
    All my Body Parts in Flow with Gravity and Nature Same.. thanks for Quoting here
    my words of:
    “No Meaning
    no Purpose
    no Holy and
    Sacred Feelings
    of Life expressed so i decided to blog then
    to create my own Light out of that darkness”…
    SMILes my friend when the Tradition We find Ourselves
    in.. Yes.. The Home.. The School.. The Work.. We currently do
    is not what matches the Colors of our Soul How Beautiful Avatar Life is
    in the Feels and Senses Within to Evolve a Bit more out of the Darker Localities
    we find ourselves Born or Bred into as is.. but of course Nature Breathes the Heartbeat
    of what i see as God at Least.. to be separated from Nature a bit too much in this place
    without a Sun or Moon or Stars or even time.. distance.. space.. yes online.. is surely
    A Dream We Co-Create Fruition of Creation Activity Yes in Feels more than
    Senses Integrating too of course.. hmm.. there is really no substitute
    Full for the Nature We are Evolved to be as the Circle of Life and
    the Tree the Roots the Trunk The Branches the Leaves of
    God we are Moving.. Connecting.. Co-Creating so Wild
    And Loving Free.. but true we do have a bit more
    of an opportunity to Fertilize Leaves of
    Grass as we Fall gently and sometimes
    Loudly around the Globe as a Message in
    A Bottle named Human We come to be in this
    place now without time.. distance.. or space.. sure
    with no Moon.. No Sun or Stars too.. a place where we
    upload our Soul the Best We Can and Will to Give and Share..
    hmm.. a few friends made along the way who reflect our souls
    Better than the folks we come to meet and greet in our Locality of
    Nature Living Loving Real.. but yet.. what we leave behind that may spark
    one person a
    bit more
    in light
    or introspection
    more.. true that is Nature
    iN Light True too what lives within inside
    outside above so below Now and all around..
    We are Energy We are Frequencies of Vibration
    Higher and Lower.. to Dance and Sing a Higher Melody
    in Peace and Harmony with others is sure worth a bit of
    out of
    the Beauty
    of a Living
    God as Nature true..
    i do believe the choices we make
    now from dark thru light impact our Future
    Soul in all the ways Life comes.. Karma it is
    but Karma the Lessons of Soul are learned Equal
    in as Muse through
    Dark and
    True if we
    are Fortunate in
    Action and Consequence
    We Dance We Sing an Eternally
    More Beautiful Dance And Song Now..
    And if We are the most fortunate of All We
    Dance And Sing Together Now.. it’s hard to
    fully do that any other way than flesh and blood..
    but true where there is will and holding hands there is always way.. my Friend..:)

    Hehe.. lived both sides of the coin..
    named an ugly Boy who looks like a Girl
    when i was young who didn’t deserve to exist..
    and that went all the way through High School
    hmm.. something the Contact
    Lens helped and never giving
    up on getting in better physical
    shape to combat Stress and potential
    Depression and sure to attract someone
    to hold hands with and Hug at night and
    sure other stuff too.. then when i was in my
    Twenties even though i was poor and still not
    comfortable in my own skin hehe then folks
    called me the Ken Doll the Gi Joe.. Magnum PI
    oh the compliments just kept on coming in only
    if i had Money i would have got married so early
    and had Kids then but thanks God i didn’t i.. met
    Katrina who was surely looking like an Indian Princess
    but who was raised without food or drink.. yep.. practically
    Starving to Death in our So-called Civilized World lending
    out Scraps to a Single Mother with 6 Children… hehe.. there
    is no doubt though
    Katrina’s Beauty
    Saved her
    from what may
    befall those who
    are not chosen first
    with a Golden Slipper
    from the Poor Folk’s Homes..
    you know what i love about growing
    old the most.. all that crap about competing
    for a mate was gone for decades for me in Peace..
    hmm.. thought i wasn’t even mate Material at all until
    i went to the Dance Hall and totally Surprised just cause i
    expressed a Free and Wild Me that became so much more
    intoxicating to the Women than just Good Looking Fred who
    was uncomfortable in his own skin and had to drink 4 Beers
    just to get Brave enough to stay a Wall Flower in the Bar haha..
    true if only
    i had the fearless
    part when i was Young
    i would have been captured
    Young and Married with a whole
    lot of Kids.. i am pleased with the
    Way it all worked out as there is the
    Side Benefit of Struggle to meet your Human
    Potential in Self-Actualizing Ways too.. Social Science
    Shows that the Number one Attractive aspect of a Man
    to a Woman is Confidence and Fearlessness as such by 60
    Percent over all the Variables actually the Size of the Wallet
    is in the single digits of Attraction.. doesn’t mean though folks
    get married
    to what
    they are
    attracted to
    most obviously
    as such for Culture
    says God is Money Money is God..
    hmm.. anyway.. i could color the bit of gray
    that is coming in and ha! cover up my Bald spot too..
    i could Lie about my Age and Lie about Being Married
    in the Bar in hopes of empty conquests too.. but i’ve lived
    without Emotions the Internal Heaven of Life and that my
    friend is actually worse than the worst Pain known to Humankind
    for 66 Months.. true i would have rather have had that pain than the
    of the
    Living Dead
    our Life our True
    Life Our Soul is what Lives within
    Now.. true.. for some folks it would
    be worth going to Hell now too to LEarn
    the Real Reality that
    just a place
    (Love) to really live NoW
    and give and share for free NoW…
    Cats and Dogs don’t See the way NoW
    we look when they Love us they haven’t
    become ‘retarded’ in Feeling Love yet.. smiles
    my Friend i see People’s Souls the most when all
    that’s left is looks i don’t see much at all but a passing fancy a corpse..:)

    Hmm.. the Majority of Headaches are tension related and basically
    Tension comes from Emotions that are not expressed Freely in other
    Words someone may be treating you poorly but you may not be in
    a Situation to express Your Anger like if a Customer Disrespects
    you at Your Job so you Hold it in and where does it go.. voila
    Tension most always in the Neck that will Strangle a
    Head and cause a Headache that does not go away
    until the Tension goes away.. hmm.. how to do that
    Express Repressed Emotions.. particularly the Emotion
    of Anger.. hmm.. there is another cure in part that you already
    do as Yoga Brings us a Bio-Feedback to gain a Greater Physical
    Intelligence to Actually Combine Feeling and Sensing to understand
    just how Connected the Senses of our Body are to the Emotions we
    Experience Day to Day..
    The Biggest Cause of Headaches
    and all other Somatic Pains that are
    caused by Emotional Imbalance and the
    Pain that is Subconsciously Expressed that
    way that may be from Head to toe in the case
    of conditions like Fibromyalgia too.. is that yes
    Welcome to the ‘Matrix’ Square Root one problem
    of most all Disease is we are not living in Balance
    as Evolved.. Humans are Evolved to Forage in Small
    Groups Hand-in-Hand not more than in a Village of
    about 150 to 200 Folks who are Well Acquainted with
    Each other Bonding for Holy and Sacred Meaning and Purpose
    in Life in a Predictable Tradition Day to Day Moving Connecting
    Creating not only Surviving but Thriving yes Dancing Singing together
    Playing With Each other through the Campfire Moonlit Night all Refreshed
    for another Day.. hmm.. if you really can relate to how
    that might feel just that in itself might be enough to make a
    Stress Induced Tension Headache go away.. yes of course
    there are other Medical Diseases Associated with
    Headaches but every day most every day
    it is the result of tension that comes
    from Repressed and or not
    Expressed Emotions
    basically ‘fight or flight’ stress
    it is totally insane to be Stuck
    Behind a Desk behind a Screen
    Never Getting away to move… connect
    and co-Create with other Humans as we are
    simply Evolved to do.. but instead ‘Capitalism Rules’
    in other Words God is Money Money is God Buildings get
    Bigger and
    Soul as Whole
    becomes Smaller
    and Pain even Bigger as
    Stress Becomes the Real
    God at Essence yes Fear.. Fear
    Anger Road Rage all about life that
    may be repressed within expressed as a Headache
    day in
    day out
    and so many
    other of the Ills
    of Life that folks
    take Pills for a prescription
    for what has become the
    insanity of every day life….
    but try to convince
    someone of
    this good luck haha!.
    for it is true we all co-Create our
    realities through Culture most.. it doesn’t
    have to make a bit of sense.. Humans are really
    good at two things and the Spectrum Between
    Creating Dreams to Nightmares.. and these days
    most everyone is a on a Slow Boil as a Frog in a Pot..
    us of this
    other aches and
    pains and fatigues and
    weaknesses but all the body
    can do is call on us to change for
    the Feels the Body Senses the Body
    is the Scorekeeper gatekeeper for Heaven and or Hell..
    Thing about Yoga and Tai Chi and every other Science
    of Stress Relief is the Body yes our Feelings and Senses Seek
    to Be Free Subconsciously as such.. in other Words all these Instructions
    all these Guidelines we ‘go to school’ to learn to relieve our stress
    are in part anti-thetical to what our Spirit.. our Heart.. our Soul
    Seek most from within and that is to escape the Time Keeper
    the Instruction Maker the Reason Maker the Prison
    INN-Keeper yes the Neo-Cortex the Deadline Maker
    the Fear Monger who we come to make the King of
    our Life the Son of the Father the Mother the
    Holy Spirit of the rest of our Brain under lock
    and key the Son (the Nature of) who has stolen
    control of our Freedom Within.. smiles yet only Slave
    and no longer Great Servant to Orchestrate Heaven Within now..
    as our Entire Mind and Body in Balance plays the Symphony of
    Heaven now Within inside outside above so below and all around
    and ha!
    think i am
    just spiraling
    in Meaningless Circles
    my Friend.. when we move
    Like the Milky Way we set our
    Self Free in Flow.. true.. some folks just
    don’t see the Bigger Picture of Heaven Within..
    i had a Headache for a solid 66 Months.. part of it
    was most definitely constantly tension induced.. my
    Mind was almost totally separated from my Body in Bio-Feedback
    way i had become a Computer of reason more than even human then..
    smiles.. the
    only time i get
    a headache now
    is right before i tell it to go away now
    and that is just a metaphor my friend
    for the Real Soul the Real Spirit the Real
    Heart does not Speak Verbally at Essence in a Bio-Feedback
    of Feeling and Sensing every Nuance of Living and Breathing now..
    There is an Entire other Dimension of Experience that has nothing
    words at
    all (Heaven)
    Truly hard to
    describe what i am
    even talking about my
    Friend for when it is experienced
    when truly experienced it (GoDNaTuREoNE) is ineffable to fully Speak..
    Meanwhile Humans in all their True insanity Create A God and a Hell
    and a Heaven somewhere else that is really
    us now
    to be Heaven
    to hell now real..
    Smiles that message is already
    in ‘the New Testament’ but people
    take other parts literally instead and make Hell now..
    No Doubt if Jesus will come back now He is an icon of a face palm.
    Hope this Helps truly it’s not as simple as just a Spiral Dance it really
    takes Years of practice to Develop the Bio-Feedback from the body
    it takes to
    make a Headache
    and almost any other
    pain go away immediately
    and honestly the only to know
    when it works is when it works through the Intelligence
    of Feeling and Sensing More than what the Neo-Cortex does..
    if a person thinks a spiral dance is silly it will never work.. whatever
    we do in life takes belief for it to work…
    true they
    another way too..
    Smiles my Friend you know i literally
    Survived the Suicide Pain for 66 Months
    Like a Dentist Drill in my Right eye and ear
    that no Drug would touch but that wasn’t all
    there was 18 other mostly Stress induced disorders
    then.. i have the Power now to make every Discomfort
    go away.. i still Feel the Little Hells of Life now and then
    but i have Mastered them.. i see them only as Temporal never
    forevernow again..
    and it’s true
    this is what
    Heaven is all
    about not only
    curing yourself of the
    ills of ‘this World’ but doing
    whatever you can and will to help
    others too.. whether they hear you and see you or not..
    that’s nothing new people do this every day still forever now..
    not always easy to come down from ‘A Mountain’ but those
    who have
    gone below and above
    understand how to climb back up..:)

    SMiLes.. i Respect a Roach
    Enough not to Kill it all things
    ConsidereD i Guess
    It’s Good Katrina is the
    Terminator this
    Way for true
    Carry Disease
    Hmm.. So Hard it
    Is For me To Harm
    Someone and if i
    Lose Respect
    Low Enough
    To strike out
    What’s the use of
    Even Doing that
    For Anger that
    Comes From
    Slighted is
    Only Fear too
    Afraid to Admit
    The Weakness the
    Emptiness i own
    Myself.. hmm..
    Life takes
    Practice.. With
    Apologies and Growing
    Stronger to understand
    even the Serial Killer
    May be born with
    No Soul as Even
    Science Shows
    Now Relatively
    Speaking of Course…
    True.. the Greatest
    Respect may
    Come From
    Developing Cognitive
    Empathy to understand
    Why others may not
    Meet our Current
    For you
    Know what the
    Descendants of that
    Roach Katrina
    Gets the Last
    Laugh for the Roach
    Will Live much Longer
    As A Species if Humans
    Cannot Bond as an
    Entire Species With
    Love and Give
    More than
    We Take
    From the Rest of
    Nature as We Do
    When We Give And
    Share A Hand reaching
    Out still to others
    We Feel
    By them as it’s True
    The Roach is only a
    Vector of Disease
    For what
    Is Left Behind…
    Hmm.. yet We
    Blame the Roach for
    What the Roach cannot
    Help but still survival
    Come First
    And nah..
    i for one
    Am not a
    Big Enough
    Sucker to drink
    Some Kool-Aid to literally
    Turn a Physical Cheek
    Or be
    A Martyr
    For someone
    Else’s Ideal…
    Last part
    Will be hard
    Too for an
    To Do..
    Hmm.. Life is
    Art much more
    Complex than Science
    Alone My Nice Friend🙏😇🤗✌️😁

    Good Friday April Fool Moon RiSinG

  7. A Next Free Dance
    Move Changes
    Attitudes Releasing
    Expressing Emotions
    Freeing our Soul to Be Love Now…
    Free Dance Precedes Attitude
    Change Hehe.. i’ve come
    to A point
    i change
    Quotes from Before..
    From What i’ve LEarned in Life With SMiLes..
    HAha.. as you likely know and surely feel and sense by
    Now my only Real Religion is Dancing Singing Loving Free..
    And most
    of my
    is Derived
    these Days
    at least from a Free Dance
    A Song Just to Be LoVE NoW..
    SMiLes.. don’t think I’ve
    Met a Truly Happy And
    Loving Empathic
    And Sympathetic
    Soul Who hasn’t
    Spent Long Days
    In An Ocean
    Of Tears
    Of Hell Below
    For True Tears
    Will Become Love
    Out of Emptiness and
    Fear too and a Plus
    This is
    A HeART
    Felt Song
    Yes Poetry
    Avoiding Abyss
    Poetry is only
    As Deep
    Long as the
    Nights and Days
    Of the Darkness of
    Soul it’s like the Entire
    UniVerse Generated
    From Dark and
    Our Whole
    Milky Way
    Spiraling around
    A Black Hole Sun
    Tears Are Heaven
    In Hell.. Flow
    Savior From Below..
    Nice Poem by the Way🤗
    SMiLes Shawna Baby.. off and on from 19 to 22 when i fell to my First Major
    Depression i felt like i was as old as my Grandmother at close to 80 Years Old she
    suffered from a bit of Depression too.. ha! got over that and felt younger than
    ever but what i’ve come to find now that i feel Younger than i did when i was
    Sixteen after Feeling a Thousand and one Beyond From Ages 47 to 53.. is Real
    Age is no Number at all.. Real Age is Fear Away from Love.. the Closer We Get to
    Love the Younger We are..
    Smiles.. Loving Life
    has no Label but
    the Essence oF LiGHT
    Within as We Dance and
    Sing Toward Light or go the
    other Path of Journey Darker..
    When i was 47.. without even the Memory
    of what a smile felt like as memories are emotions
    and emotions are memories without that there is no
    Reference point back.. that Emotions are what Drives
    all of Life.. i could lift 500 LBs with my Legs but couldn’t
    finish a Paragraph of a Heart Felt conversation with no HeARTFelT left..
    Smiles.. my great Aunt Jettie then at 94 barely walking stooped over on
    a Walker Smiled with Brilliant Light in her Eyes Grinning Radiantly her
    Spirit was
    A Thousand
    Feet Tall Speaking like
    Poetry and Song than
    That Walker then for Hours on
    End.. Yes then i knew that all those
    Bullies were truly lying out their Ass
    when they said Full Emotions are only
    for Girls true they are for Girls but most
    all Emotions are For Living Heaven now..
    all the Colors.. all the Nuances.. yep.. all the
    Dark thru Light and so much less and even more..
    i’ll cry.. i’ll laugh.. i’ll smile.. i’ll frown.. hAha.. sure i’ll
    do a Ballet Routine at the Gym like a Nut Cracker Suite
    right before i leg Press 1340 Pounds now around 18 times..
    Slowly.. oh.. so Slowly and then i get up very Slowly ever so Slowly
    as i Work my Legs to total Fatigue and yep.. i’ll rise back up to Ballet
    and Dance with my Gym Towel as that Towel Floats through the air as all
    240 LBS of me becomes the Towel and Air the same for True when We are Friends
    With Gravity
    is nothing
    to Bring us Down..
    And Quite honestly once
    Science gets the Physics of that
    Spirituality all Figured out in the
    Future i might not be the only once Dancing
    on Air With A Gym Towel in the Whole Wide
    World Some Nows the Greatest Solutions to Make Heaven
    Real only as Far away as a Gym Towel Floating in Air… hAha..
    would like to get Katrina to Video Tape that but too shy when folks
    are looking her way.. Anyway i got Some Help i needed today..
    Just knowing that some Friends will Never
    Never Go Away
    they are
    for US
    Now No matter
    What that’s truly all i wanted to see..
    Smiles… Rafiah.. my Oldest Online Active
    Friend maybe Best Friends will be found online anyway..
    hehe.. at least where the FredTalks have an on and off switch too..
    Hmm.. Right When i said that the Big Black Crow Landed by my
    Since April 9th.. 2019..
    Katrina Alerted and Notified me
    to the Big Black Crow this go around..
    The Crow was Very Shiny Black Feathered and
    Majestic i pulled my iPhoneXS Camera out to Capture
    the Big Black Crow and the Crow just got away again.. hmm…..

  8. Sohair says:

    Hi r u?
    I will be back to your comments in my blog and the comments of the other friends God willing..later on..I am so tired these days because of the exams..
    Accept my apology..
    Send my love and respect to Katrina..
    Best regards dear Fred..

    • Hi Sohair.. so Nice of You to Drop by “Good Friday April Fool Moon RiSinG
      SMiLes as Always i Remember what it was like to Work the Wash And Rinse
      And Dry Cycle Never Ending.. yes for 33 Years of getting Paid for that.. Nice
      to Be Free my Friend and haha.. i do Work Harder than i ever Did then 24/7/365
      Every Minute of the Day even when i Dream it seems.. but mostly it is all about
      Love and Love is Fuel unto Itself and Yes it helps to Stay in a Meditative Prayer-
      Like Flow Almost Always Touched by the Holy Spirit of Creativity as Christians
      Relate and there are so Many Cross-Cultural Metaphors that Speak the Same
      Beauty when we become one With God and there is no Separation Whole We Are
      Now Where Human Potential Increases Exponentially in Everything We do True the
      Working World Will Be Antithetical Still to the More Holy And Sacred Full of Meaning
      And Purposes Of Life
      As You may be able to
      Relate to the more Mystical
      Sufi Aspect of Islam that is more
      Related to other Mystical Traditions
      of The Religions that Seek and Find
      Heaven now one with God Without
      Waiting one Second Longer to be
      With God now as a Force of
      Pure LoVE iN Flow Within
      That Creates in
      A Human
      FLoWeR CoME ALiVE…
      SMiLes my FriEnd i’ve Fallen
      Off that Path a Bit Lately True of
      course i am only Human and Fallible
      too.. but We LEarn from the Struggles
      of Life as much as We Do From A Pure
      Light of Love.. already been to the Dark
      Learned more there than i learned in what
      i thought was the kind of Success that modern
      Western Civilization Promotes.. i keep learning
      Smiles my Friend so Many Thorns and Flowers
      Bloom of the Rose we come to Rise or Fall.. i fall i rise
      we all do now and then.. keeps a Taste for Heaven Real
      Grounded in the Lower Aspects of Shadow Life that do make Heaven Taste Real Now
      And as i’ve often stated not sure if anyone can fully taste Heaven without Living Hell First
      i am
      Not Afraid
      Be Not Afraid
      as ‘they’ say there
      is a nice Song for that
      i will Share now as Work-out
      in a Meditative Way is coming Next..
      God is Not a Man God Is Love Within Pure
      Agape Love to Give and Share.. i am a bit lost
      from that Path for now but i will be found again now
      Again for i Seek for i Do for i Find Love Now the Higher Force of Love to Give and Share..
      Thanks for coming By You Do Always Navigate me in this way.. True Soul Mates do that..
      From Pets to
      nothing about
      Romance and
      Everything About Pure Love..
      i am no Good At Romance Never was….
      Haha.. i suppose those Kinda People end
      up being Priests Prophets Poets and Monks
      If We Work Hard enough We all find our Niche…
      in Life Where We Come To Be Truly Free as What We are As Deepest Now..
      And it’s True All Vocations that Help Other People are Valuable… Money Making
      for the
      of Money
      Making is just
      A Room of Hell
      i’ve Seen Come Ago as Corpse..
      Thanks for the Roses (Red Tulips)
      Dear Friend Sohair They Feel Living Real my Friend..:)

      Good Friday April Fool Moon RiSinG

  9. HAha.. Choose A Side Rug Or Hate
    (‘Big Lebowski’ Reference) Rug In This
    Context Is Love Humans Most Always Choose A Side
    All of This Is Just A Poem Like On The ’10 Commandments’ Movie Where ‘They’ Say So Let It Be Written So Let It Be Done
    Keeping in Mind of Course the dVerse International Poetry Pub Online Prompt on Re-Writing Myths is Still Open Now
    If You Think i Am Gonna Sacrifice Myself For You.. You Gotta Another ‘Thing’ Coming He’s Your President Enjoy It You Asked For It
    Making My SelF A Legend Was/Is Easy A Dance A Spiraling Breeze (Hurricane) The Next Part Is Totally Up to God (You)
    The Movie (The Big Lebowski) ‘The Myth’ Has Already Been Made i Just Made It Real And No One Noticed But Me Hehe….
    Oh Lord What Would It Look Like If ‘Jesus’ Had A Meeting With ‘Trumps’ About Pissing On His ‘Rug of Love’…
    THeRE Is No Swan Song
    As Long As MoNKeYS Dance
    Common Eyes
    Common Love
    Common Being
    Human Love Tradition All
    No NOT Sorry All Resurrection IS IS RiSinG To The Occasion oF LoVinG NoW
    It’s Simple And There Is Always Time To Do It Now Put Love First Or Die Inside A Little Always Now Sorry Folks All Resurrection Is
    JusT MorE ThoughtS oN “The Day After i Saved A World”
    iF A Real Jesus.. A 5 Foot 1 or So Loving Brown Dude Without A Dime With Shortly Cropped Hair Came Again Who Would Vote For Love
    It’s Ugly Obvious Why So Many ‘Christians’ See ‘Trumps’ Sent From ‘Their God’.. ‘Jesus’ Never Truly Lived For Them Within As Love
    Yep ‘Jesus’ Had the Right Idea Empty Your Pockets And Live For Love The Way Humans Always Did Until They Went Insane
    Minus Body Parts
    We Live In A Civilization of Prostitutes And If You Think The Slave Trade Is Different The Only Difference Is Soul For Sale
    If You Enjoy IT That’s Great More ‘Power’.. ‘Status’.. And ‘Money’ to You.. And Basically Subsistence
    Got Paid to Do IT For 33 YearS UNderstand What It Means to Get Paid For Someone Else’s Desires.. Most Folks ‘Sin’ That Way Now
    PoETrY LoVE DanCE SonGS CoME MorE NO LongeR SlavE WoRKinG FoR BucKS FucK MaTRiX BuCKS i LoVE FReeLY
    Gets A Bit Tiring Surely
    Holding All ‘These Super Heroes’ Up
    I’m Counting 10 maybe 11
    Haha.. I don’t care what kind of
    Fish you are all i know is you are
    A Stranger who became a
    Friend almost immediately
    Who brightens
    Up the Life of
    Each and Every
    Person She meets
    You are the Einstein
    Genius of Niceness
    i am Both
    Married and
    Too Old for you
    So i can also say
    That not only is
    Your Greatest Beauty
    Your Kindness that will
    Shine into old age but
    Aesthetically Speaking
    You are Physically
    Beautiful see your
    Self for all the
    Beauty you
    Are my
    Friend never
    Doubt that and
    You will stay
    Beautiful just
    The Way you are
    And hey your voice
    Is divine haha you
    Can’t help it you
    France SMiLes
    My Friend You
    Always lift me
    Up without
    It’s your turn Now🤗
    After Close to 33 years of Work Like a Falling
    Star Almost reaching Hans Selye’s ‘General
    Adaptation Syndrome’ then
    On the edge of
    A Bottomless
    Pit.. the Wife
    Me to watch
    The Movie ‘Curious
    George’ and if my
    Tears were not
    Already Dried
    Up i would have
    Cried the Monkey
    Of Wonder went
    Missing inside…
    Oh where
    Oh where
    Do IntroSpections
    Of Life Go when
    All is Fight or
    Flight Survival…
    Hehe.. Now That
    Monkey of
    Me Flows
    Floats and
    i don’t even
    Have to know..
    Yet i Feel why…
    Business is
    Good and
    Ever Better as i
    Play A Practice
    Of it always Now..:)
    Been Visiting off and on and enjoying all of your Posts wish i could comment
    but not only ‘Blogger’ but Word Press has been Whacky on the Comments Lately
    too probably has something to do with Using Safari And Apple Products i’m only guessing..
    Ugh.. it seems getting rid of Google Plus is really screwing stuff up on the ‘Blogger’ Side.. hmm..
    also was a major source of Linking my Blog Posts in smaller bite size portions too.. heHe.. hAha…
    it’s the
    that counts and
    all the Fun Paths
    that come with it too…
    the Hell with the Destination
    and even who is looking at either
    A Dance or Song for it is the Feeling and
    Sense of it so far out of Empty Money.. Likes
    Shares.. Follows.. and All the Modern Age of Idols over
    Just Loving
    Life as is
    A Playground
    of Survive and
    Thrive too just for Free
    to be actually touching the Product
    of Love instead of Making Love Shallower
    And Shallower Just a Passing Fancy That Comes no Deeper
    And Goes and Hooks Up Shallower Discarding Love As Trash in
    the morning..
    ugh.. well
    Dance and
    Song Rocks in
    the Moment the
    Present Heaven of now.. Speaking
    of Hard Rock Cafe’s too Now Yes Then..
    i miss the Casino Trips where We Monthly
    Went on 60 of those Visits with the Church Tour
    Bus not that i give a crap about Gambling but just
    Getting out all by myself And Loving Dance With
    Nature and sure Entertaining the Tourists Driving
    By The Beach Road never even noticing they exist
    until they Hoot and Holler out the Window for the Joy
    i Just brought them..
    True they are not
    from this
    they are from Free..
    You know You Feel You
    Sense the ‘Jesus Home’ Where
    Folks JusT Work for Love.. JusT
    Dance And Sing to Thrive so Happy
    and Free hehe.. who even needs ‘Weed’..
    Ha! That’s A Good one when folks ask me what
    i am on all i’m gonna say is i am a Weed i Flower Wild i am Free And even Learn
    to appreciate the Thorns of Life too.. True i am a Wild Rose Weed i Flow i FLoWeRTHoRN
    Love Ya Shawna Baby A Best Love IS A Love Free Wild Free JusT Be LoVE NoW aS ART..:)
    HAha.. If i tell ’em i’m On ‘DandeLion Weed’ they’ll ask me to sell them some and then All
    i’ll be able to Say is Let’s Dance and Sing Glad to See You around Shawna.. It’s True You
    Have A Lot of Joy to Give And the ‘Random Acts’ of Your Creativity Light Folks up As ‘They’ DanceSing a Lamp Will Not Hide Its Light… No Reason/Art for Humans to either.. And It’s Also True Now Still the Smallest Acts
    of Art/Kindness will not
    Only Save Lives
    Save the
    Most Important
    oF All Save Love Save G O D
    From: Just An Empty PLatitude
    An Acronym Short oF ALLoVESMiLES..:)

    “under us,
    not above us —
    from the dirt,
    tickling the flowers’ feet?”

    Yes Soaking up God From Each Grain of Sand
    Yes Not Above us From the Dirt Tickling FLoWeRS Feet
    it’s no Surprise that Rose is Thorns and Flowers too Just
    Your Bare
    Feet in Sand
    Dance Free With
    Sun Voila God is in the Home
    Again Barefoot And Free.. SMiLes
    Online can be and the Writing World Will
    Be Not So Happy If there is not a WayStation
    Somewhere that Colors the Experience With Unexpected
    Creativity It’s nice for someone else to be doing the Coloring
    For a Change as My Palette is getting a Bit Dry and Needs some Paint
    To Fire up the Creativity of my Soul done did life without the Curious George
    don’t wanna
    go Back
    to Pale
    Grey Skies
    with no Colors of Life..
    True.. So Many Paint Brushes
    online to find.. True.. so many Niches
    of Free Doors Yet to open and See.. It’s Nice
    to Love Someone’s Art Yes their Positive Energy Yes
    their Soul.. hehe.. you do have kinda witchy looking eyes too..
    like my Sister Said.. but hey.. the only Magic Spell here is the Art of Creativity set free..
    i need a
    for the
    Key it’s
    been nice
    opening up your door again..😉

  10. You Know it’s True The World Teaches A Whole Lot About
    Understanding the World but at least where i Live almost
    nothing about understanding ourselves.. that is left up
    to Parents And Church and Sadly More and More Just
    Electronic Devices and Google Searches if they
    go that way.. Truly 3 College Degrees all the Knowledge
    Available at my Finger Tips taught me nothing of Real substance
    about the Unique Me Within.. that was a Journey i would have to take
    alone.. smiles.. our more so-called Primitive Ancestors Named it a Vision
    Quest.. smiles.. there is a name of a Movie about that and a song i will
    include here too.. there is the Shadow part of us the part of us willing
    to fight to run away and yes to Reproduce too.. the Oldest Part
    of us inside that we either friend or the Part that may Master
    Us most in ways of anxiety from Head to toe.. yeah..
    Wrestling will surely get Us in touch with the
    fight or flight part.. and there are other
    ways to deal with the other stuff that
    are not appropriate to discuss here..
    but the main deal is getting comfortable in
    our own skin coming to understand the mind
    and body connection that our body does keep score
    from Head to toe in every cell we have for the way we view
    Life either embracing it or shivering in fear.. sure and all the
    Spectrum ‘tween that.. Smiles my Friend my Psychiatrist told me in 2008
    As he was an Air Force Major Dealing with Combat Fatigue Veterans
    that he had never come across a Case of Anxiety as Severe as what i
    had then.. there is no Life Living in Fear there is no life at all living in
    Fear that is real other than Fear.. everything i did in my Vision Quest
    on my own for 66 Months and Months after that was all worth the pain
    and numb to extinguish all fears from my life.. i became so Strong that
    no one could penetrate the shield of Light around me.. that shield is a
    bit weaker than it’s been lately but i have the ways to become stronger
    without fear than ever before.. haha… before it’s over i’ll be holding
    all 10 ‘Avengers’ on my Shoulders i do believe there is already a
    of that
    Circling online too.. hehe..
    We Visualize who we wanna be
    We Write it Down We Sing it and Voila We Dance
    It the Dream comes to Fruition as Us to Be.. just
    need a bit more alone time to get the Job done better
    i refuse to be a normal man i refuse to be just another
    Fearful Deer stuck in the Headlights of the Crowd around me..
    i fly
    i will to fly..
    and i don’t have
    to leave the ground to do it..
    hehe.. Thanks For Your Inspiring
    Lines that help me now to give myself a Big
    Peptalk this Morning You Bring Some Great Words to Share..:)

    Good Friday April Fool Moon RiSinG

  11. Thanks Shawna Your Kind Support And Encouragement
    Through the Years has only been uplifting
    what a breath of Fresh Air it is…
    Katrina went to an Estate Sell
    Early this Morning that you would have
    loved to go to i think to see what comes out
    of a life well spent.. hehe.. i stayed home and wrote
    really need to get out and about a bit more but yep..
    been doing this Writing Adventure for 3073 Consecutive
    Days Since Thanks Giving Day of 2010 the First Day i started
    to attempt to escape pain/numb.. and it really helps me to regulate
    my Emotions.. Connecting Words With Emotions truly keeps my Mind
    Organized and Unwanted thoughts out too.. ha.. it’s Free Psychotherapy
    one day
    i’ll get
    an Honorary
    Degree for just
    surviving life as i suppose
    we all deserve these days..
    but yeah i do have a Social Sciences
    Interdisciplinary Degree that includes
    Psychology with the Health Science and
    Anthropology Degree but hehe.. what about
    an Honorary
    Doctorate Degree
    for everyone these days
    who successfully reaches age 60..
    haha.. when i’m dancing in Public on my
    60th Birthday Yes.. i’m gonna be playing this
    song here.. and laughing all the way to Happiness nowthen
    i wouldn’t trade any other year of my life even with the bits
    of darkness i have experienced this year.. i do believe those
    who come to appreciate all the dark thru light will feel that way to their very
    last day.. too many people are afraid of getting older one can measure it in
    terms of Jobs.. Lips and Buttocks and Chests And Breasts and Face Lifts and yes..
    Filters on Instagram too.. Bless Every Gray Hair that is coming in let the Bald Spot
    get as big as it likes up top but still by God i am the Strongest Dude on the Leg Press
    at my Military Gym at 1340 Lbs and 18 reps now and nope.. no Young Person will stay up
    with me at the Dance Hall for Three Hours without even a Water Break (note: got Gatorade
    in the Honda Civic for before and after dance.. hehe).. my Rich Uncle’s Father was doing 2700
    Crunches you know those Abdominal Crunches you love to do.. at the Gym the Day he died at
    86 Years Old.. some folks thought he was just bragging back then when he told folks what he could
    do.. nah.. his Hero was Jack LaLanne who proved the Couch Potato Average incorrect as Jack LaLanne
    towed 70 boats as he was a bit tied up swimming across a Bay in his 60’s.. anyway Jack lasted ’till 96 in Great
    Health and Shape and my Rich Uncle’s Father lasted with his 2700 Abdominal Crunches ’till his dying die at 86..
    he just fell asleep at the Wheel and Hit a Tree.. Life is Quality not Quantity and sometimes Quantity in one day does
    a life
    and appreciated
    as Gift instead of Curse
    the Story of Jack Lalanne
    And my Rich Uncle’s Jewish
    Once Cop on the Street Dad
    shows a life Less Lived is for a Soul Less Spent..
    Everywhere i go as i keep going and doing more i brag
    about each year i get older just to let folks know don’t be afraid to live longer really live…
    Our Bodies were made to Survive and thrive not sit still not to Never Dance And Sing Again like a Child..
    And You know what sure i am rather Proud that a Beautiful Young Super Educated and Super Employed
    Woman wrote me a Love Poem one day at age 58.. i never came on to her once always treated her with respect
    no different than i do with anyone i meet.. smiles.. all i was was nice.. that my Friend is a Greatest accomplishment
    in my Book..
    and sure
    in an Epic Poem Forever… now
    It was never meant to last but a gift it will always be like that…
    we shouldn’t be sad when folks see the light in us and love it..
    after all that’s how i met Katrina she connected with the smile
    in my eyes and couldn’t get away from the Bowling Alley Counter
    those weren’t eyes of lust those were just eyes of you are Human i am Happy to see you..
    those eyes became covered with shades i turned them into words of light.. every once in a
    while some folks see those
    for what
    they truly are.
    as always mostly
    just Women hehe..
    anyway.. i keep ’em covered up
    at the Dance Hall too of course and i joke that
    that is my Birth Control hehe.. just to be funny..
    when the Dudes ask me why i wear Dark Shades at night…
    The Story of Jesus says the Secret of Heaven is to become 7
    Years Old become Reborn that way again.. i am still 7 my Friend
    i am Free i am Loved.. and i am Free to Love more.. Katrina isn’t
    always nice to me but she wears her Heart on Her Sleeve i don’t
    have to ever wonder what she feels she always tells me the Truth
    i Trust her completely 100 Percent and she trusts me the Same Way..
    Yes.. She is pretty too.. so what if she doesn’t swing from the Chandelier..
    And i don’t give a
    She can
    even beat me up
    if she wants to too..
    cause i always know
    who she is and where
    she is coming from.. Life
    teaches us how Beautiful Pain is
    how Beautiful it is Just to Be Free and Never Afraid
    no matter all the thorns that come our way i am not afraid to
    be 60 Years Old.. i am not afraid to be 80.. i Love the Number 90
    and i Look Forward to 93.. and i better say 111.. if i wanna live that long..
    isn’t the Record 122 years, 164 days.. Yes… i’ll do at least 123 Remember
    i’ve already written the Longest Long Form Poem in History in Free Verse at
    6.8 Million Words in 68 Months and yep let me check my Nike GPS Apple Sports
    Watch App up to 11,133 Miles of Public Dance in 68 Months of that same duration of effort too..
    i am not
    afraid to
    Die and just
    Thank God for the Gift of Living Life
    on the Last Breath of my Lips.. i don’t
    Give a Fuck What Happens after that it’s above my Paygrade of Love even beyond my Currency and
    Rate of Pay as Love.. That’s totally up to God.. Whatever Happens i will do the best i can and will and never give up..
    if God
    Sends me
    To Hell again..
    Perhaps we get to
    go for what we do next..
    Lesson Learned Back to the Future my Friend..
    oh yeah.. i don’t have any Living Children Left i believe
    My Shadow was calling out for a Mid-Life Crisis that way..
    but it’s true haha.. the Young Folks i have inspired to Dance
    and perhaps even really really live are more than i can Number of the Stars..
    it’s not that i wanna
    Dance with the Stars
    i wanna inspire Stars to Dance..
    And Shine all of their light even more..
    A Huge Hawk Just landed on our Swing Frame the
    Second in two Weeks.. captured Him like the last
    one with my iPhoneXs.. 3 Huge Black Crows Have Landed
    by my Bedroom Window first time ever in the last Two Weeks
    i couldn’t capture any of them with my Phone i take that as a sign
    a lesson

  12. Re-Writing Words
    Re-Writing Myths
    Creating Religions
    Out of MindS Hehe
    Just More AndoR JusTonE..
    Anyway Now to Move onto dVerse
    And the Prompt About Re-Writing Myths
    in which way and Loose.. it’s fun to do but
    of course Myths Just House Truth and Light in
    all the Vehicles and Vessels they come in.. including
    Religions of Old and No Limit of Religions to come but
    What Remains Now
    is the Essence of IS
    And that of course
    Depends on Make
    And Model of
    And Senses that
    And Who Perceive Reality as is..
    Not sure how i know this but i does..
    Note: God is i Within I is Actor i Creates
    And Exclamation Spirit! Connects Separate
    As Whole One God UniVersE NoW FoR REaL IS..:)

    Dance Desires Love
    Songs Dance Desire
    Side Note: It’s Nice While
    it Lasts Muse for Dance And Song..:)

    SMiLes as Every Human
    Becomes God Who
    is Left
    to Worship
    Who Made Who
    UniVerse Out of Spirals..:)

    Where does Narcissus
    Go After Echo Flies Away..
    Echo Echo..:)

    Adorned Adored
    So Bored
    What’s Appie
    Inside Losing its Way
    Forgets to come out From
    What is Never Remembered Today..:)

    Flowers Blooming
    Blooming Blooming
    Never To Be Picked
    Wilting Gone….
    Looming still Looming..:)

    Pandora Polarizing
    Polarizing Pandora
    Back into Her Box Come
    Out Come Out And Play
    Catch 22 of Boxes Within Boxes
    Pandora Breaks..;)

    So Happy for You Himali
    Surely Looks All is Falling
    in Place For You for Happiness..:)

    Feeling is the Best..:)

    SMiLes my Friend
    it was only a matter
    of the Journey for
    Dreamy Roads to find
    You may they all come true..:)

    Ah.. Yes Love
    What You
    Do Be
    What You
    Love Always
    Do Love as Much
    As You Can and Will..:)

    Ah.. Love in All the Colors Love Comes
    to be How Refreshing When Young and New
    Yet a Higher Love that and who Loves all no Matter
    What A Love All Conquering Fear.. a Love that and who resists
    All Calls to Fall.. A Love Rising no Matter What a Love That Will
    Never miss a Call.. Smiles Those of us who Love no matter what
    Will Always Rise Higher Do our Best Not to Harm Others Always Forgive
    No matter what.. Love of Friends Love of Family Love of All the Greatest Love to Love..
    Smiles no need for After the Love is Gone When Love is Real and Love Never Gives up to Love..:)

  13. A Breath Away To Live
    A Breath Away to Die
    Learning How
    to Breathe Alive…
    It’s really Amazing the
    Range of Experiences We Will
    Come to Perceive Differently now
    in Just one Life.. How Different the
    Clouds Will Look on a Low Day How
    Angel Wings Will Appear on a High Day
    So Clear
    to See
    Distant Fog
    Clouds all the
    Happy Eyes ‘Fore..
    Yeah.. i’ve Seen Between Life
    And Death in a Physical Way
    And the Border Between Seeing
    Colors And When All Turns Grey..
    For Years and Years in Separate
    Human Dimensions Breathing
    How We Forget
    the Grey
    in the Depth
    of Colors more…
    Smiles my Friend..
    Some Days it’s Good to have
    A Reminder for those who have been
    to the Dark Night of the Soul.. Problem
    is with the Human Condition Emotions are
    Memories and Memories are Emotions it may
    Seem Like the Darkness never existed at all in the
    Light and the Vice and Versa of the other.. somedays
    it’s good
    just to
    our toes
    into the Dark
    to More Fully Enjoy the Light Again..
    A Greatest Gift is Change yet Change is Both Curse and Gift..
    Thorns and Flowers Yada Yada Yada Blah Blah Blah who cares
    when we Are
    Cares at all..
    Sympathy for those who
    have fallen and have lost hope to get back up..
    Never Give up Change will Move Back up too.. Now…
    Smiles.. i tend to be more Careful when i’m not as Happy..
    Something about Inhibitions that become a bit too removed..
    what we
    Really Should
    Care about most
    Those who Love us Most….
    Smiles my Friend such is in A Day of Bi-Polar..
    Enough to
    Be… Appreciating all
    Dimensions of Being Less and More..
    There is a Place Where Darkest Clouds
    Will Never Bring Us Down and yes the other place
    Where Sunshine Flowers
    As Rose at all..
    Just Thorns is all
    And Back Again as FLoWeR..
    i Swear to God the only thing that
    keeps me up some days is the Blessing
    of a Free Dance of Soul..
    rare those days
    are but sure
    come and
    Thanks God Do Go..
    It’s Storming Outside and i feel
    it Rather Nostalgic Rumbling Dark it is..
    Until Dance Springs Back to Breath oF LiGHT..
    As that Light Sparks Joy in Others Smiles my Friend Gifts are Free..
    Amazing iN LiGHT..:)

  14. “If you could stop expecting
    things from other people, your
    life would become much easier.”

    My My Ilona How Your Current Blog
    Post Currently meets Synchroncities
    in my Life for Sure now.. We Are Human We Survive
    Based on Expectations if We did not Learn now to stay
    Away from a Poisonous Snake Based on the Expectation
    they would Harm us we would potentially get bit and die..
    on the other
    Hand the
    i just captured
    in the Sweet Smelling
    Jasmine Vine Reaching up to
    then Blue Azure Skies will surely
    not harm me just to keep the Balance
    of Nature and Capture some insects before
    they get out of control on the Jasmine Vine..
    Snakes Don’t Scare me and i let the Poison ones go on
    their way.. and i appreciate their gift for the Circle/Balance of Life
    as is.. we have to have expectations otherwise we won’t survive
    We have to understand people’s
    needs and wants and reply
    in Kind if we wanna stay
    in Balance unrealistic
    Expectations is where
    we get in troubles
    and communicating
    in a way that is both
    reciprocal and validating
    in Clarification of what we
    mean is of upmost importance
    in relationships that last.. for instance
    i have a Wife.. i have Friends my wife allows
    me to be much closer to as some of those Friends
    that are females than most Wives will and that includes
    the Occasional Bootie dance at the Dance Hall not initiated by
    me but by the Young Women out to sow some very wild oats and
    as you know.. haha.. it doesn’t get much freer or wild looking at least
    than me.. but it is true.. i am a Gentleman and i never approach a
    Woman to Dance for i am Married but on the other Hand if
    A Woman does that to me Katrina doesn’t expect me to
    knock them out of the way or even hurt their feelings
    by saying get away from me.. that really hurts
    A Woman and there is not much harm she
    can do by rubbing her butt up against me..
    true though not many wives would even
    approve of their Husband going out to
    Dance but my Wife 100 Percent Trusts
    me and i do my Best to share every detail
    of that with her to keep her expectations of
    me in alignment with what i actually do in life..
    True.. not many men are that fortunate as i do love to dance
    hehe.. with or without any Bootie Dance Attacks… coming from
    the 80’s and Dancing Disco into 80’s Music then the Dance Hall
    Was all about Face to Face Dances you have no idea how shocked
    i was the First time a Young Woman Forced her self on me that way..
    anyway.. expectations both exercised and fulfilled realistically that
    are mutually approved by any two members or more in any relationship
    is very important but openness now in Reciprocating Needs And Wants
    And Requirements even if it is an Employee and Employer Relationship
    are Paramount if that Relationship Yes.. even a Job is gonna last..
    hehe.. i’ve gotten better at it as i grow older.. it’s much harder
    until you get lots and lots of practice and Smiles That’s Life…
    Experience Makes Wisdom the most.. for those of us who
    Actually Exercise the Wisdom we Learn We Move on
    And have a Much More Peaceful Life instead
    Where Self-Esteem Naturally Flourishes too..
    it is not always easy to express and
    cooperate all of our feelings to
    someone else to make all
    expectations mutual
    as possible both given.. shared
    as received and potentially given more..
    but without Honesty in the Light of Day and
    Night Honesty of Feelings Wants Needs and Desires
    out in the open that Snake in the Jasmine becomes more
    foe than friend.. and that’s how Relationships even Jobs
    fall Apart into the Distance Fading away.. i feel Love is
    important enough to reach my heart out and touch someone
    to fulfill their expectations whether they are more or less than what
    i expect and that my Friend is the Game of Love Real whether Friend
    Whether Nature and Whether Snake Foe or Friend to make Jasmine
    a Bit
    each and
    every day
    and yes night too with smiles..
    what else.. thanks for all the Nice Comments
    you have taken the effort to bring me and all
    the nice compliments you have taken the time
    to say to me before you close the Comments Section
    of Your Blog.. You are a Kind and Considerate Friend
    you let others know the parameters of your Changing
    Conditions in Your Environment where you can give less
    or more of Yourself there is no guessing with you for what
    you want or do not want from others.. smiles my Friend you
    are doing a good job and like me at my Age there is always room
    for improvement for the worst and most dangerous expectations of
    all is that we should feel perfect not willing to improve and not willing
    to forgive others when they fall of a bit from what we expect of them
    this Human Condition with the Complexity of Culture is more
    complicated than ever before but when we put People First
    we tend to win at the only Game of Life that truly counts
    yes.. the only Pay Grade And Pay Rate And Currency that
    is Even Real in Life Love my Friend Love is a Verb Love
    is Beauty Truth and Wisdom Come What May and
    i do believe there is a timely song about that and
    it is for my Heart to share now as you have helped
    me much in a totally different area of my Life and
    i thank you
    for that
    for i needed
    A Friend to share
    A bit of Life Experiences
    with today.. as when we share
    Truth and Beauty and Wisdom
    In Life we lift each other up through
    both Tears and Laughs the same… Thank
    You my Nice Friend Ilona Across the Ocean
    my Wife is having a bit of a Health Scare and
    i am very Worried Feels like i might lose another
    Friend i am very worried.. but come what may i will always Love..
    that my
    is one
    i will always be
    able to Master and
    Control the Love i Give..
    the Love i Give Freely without Regret..
    And that too takes Wisdom Beauty and Truth
    Always Learning
    Most importantly
    Sensing And Feeling..
    Other Than That It’s A
    Beautiful Day i Will
    Always Romance
    Nature my Friend..
    Hehe.. even
    A Snake
    In the
    Sweet Smell
    Of Jasmine i
    Do Believe We ALL
    Share That Love… hehe..
    i Took A photo oF both the
    Sweet Snake And Jasmine to EverLast my HeART NoW..:)

    Good Friday April Fool Moon RiSinG

  15. Expectations Yes Next Truth and Trust
    Expectations Set the precedent for Trust When
    Expectations Set Do Come True.. ooh We Do have
    A Problem in the World Today as even at the So-Called
    Top of the Free World in Leadership Truth is no Longer Viewed
    As a Valuable Commodity and When Any Entity is Governed that
    Way at the
    Macro Level
    of Society Trust
    is Stolen Away..
    What are the Effects of
    this Mostly on Youth for
    they Determine one of two things
    You get ahead by Lying or the other
    Basically that the way of Life that Governs
    is nothing to be Trusted.. Chaos will Ensue
    And Not so Magically as Art next in Discord
    And Disengagement From Cooperation
    Where Trust in Expectations that
    Are Fulfilled Honestly Binds
    the Social Unit together
    Whether that is
    2 People or
    300 Million People
    And Yep even over 7 Billion
    too.. A World Where Expectations
    Are Set by Lies Lies Lies that Masquerade
    As Truth Truth Truth Falls apart like any other
    Cooperative Unit Will as Chaos Does Ensue Discord
    Discontentment Yes as who Wants to Be Sailing through
    A Pile of Rocks Jagged on the Edges of Truth each day Where
    Rocks Become Mistruths and the Boat No longer Sails in Peace and
    Harmony of Trust Trust Trust Yes Beauty Wisdom And Honor in Truth..
    What to Do about
    This State This Nation
    This Increasingly World
    of Affairs don’t give up
    Dance And Sing Your
    Truth No Matter
    What not
    to do but
    possible most of the Day..
    And it’s Worth Noting that
    of course Truth may be relative
    as i sure ain’t gonna tell my Wife
    Her Hair doesn’t Look Pretty in any
    Given Day.. True.. Harm No one when
    Possible a Best Truth of All when Possible..
    but it’s True i met her Serving out Shoes at
    a Military Bowling Center She’s only 5 Foot 6
    with Size Nine Feet.. i said Wow you Really Have
    Big Feet for Your Size.. hehe.. not always good at starting a Romance…
    i was
    just being honest…
    And Seriously the Reason
    She Trusts me so much at
    100 Percent is yes i am most always Honest
    to a Fault and in some instances that is definitely my Fault….:)
    Hehe.. Ya think we can save the World on Your Blog…
    i don’t give up and there have been instances where
    That is
    All my Fault too..;)
    i’d Get A ‘Real’ Job but i’m just too Lazy……for that at least..;)
    SMiLes.. Last Night at the Dance Hall
    A Young Woman Came up to me and
    Told me i should Couples Dance with her..
    i told her i didn’t know how as i’ve never taken any
    Lessons in either Dance or Martial Arts.. she said
    i was Dancing Weird and that if i continued to do so..
    None of the Women
    Would Wanna Dance
    With me i then said
    i am approaching 30
    Years of Marriage
    And i don’t
    Give an
    F hehe
    Fred if anyone
    wants to Dance with
    me or not.. i love To Dance
    Solo i am not here to Steal a Kiss..
    i did not get to the point to tell her i was
    old enough to be Her Grand-Dad but the close
    to 30 Years of Marriage got the point across i can
    be Very Very Happy as Long as i am alone in Nature..
    A Screen and a Keyboard is just not Natural of course
    my Feelings and my Hands and my Heart yes Spirit of
    Soul is Natural Within but to connect to Nature is always
    the Way all of Animal Nature has been except for Humans
    Who Build Caves and Stay inside Rocks of Cold Walls.. as
    far as Living Nature Breathes in Synch with our Souls..
    Nature is the Beach yes Nature is the Dance Hall
    for all the Flesh and Blood there i will Dance
    Alone in my Backyard with Nature the
    Sand and Sun Allone or i will Dance
    Alone Solo also Allone with
    Hundreds of Intoxicated
    Young Folks if someone
    wants to Join by my Side
    they are always welcome but
    never ever will they dictate now
    no matter how my dance looks weird to
    them to Conform to their expected Vanilla of Life..
    Hehe.. i don’t make a lot of Friends that way but i am Honest…
    i have to be Honest and i have to Return Kindness it is the Nature
    of my Soul the Benefit of Moving past Group Think is Wisdom my Friend
    As Life
    And Does
    Not Stay Stagnant
    It is rare to ever when original
    Art Comes from Group Think Dance or Song..:)

  16. HoLY SPiRiT
    oF EmoTioNS
    oF HeaRT As MiND
    And BoDY HoLDS Hands
    Beauty of Art Truth
    Wisdom of HeART
    FLiGHT of SPiRiT
    How Intense Emotions Be Within
    How Bottled Up by Moon They Get
    HeARTS Lost in Moon Beam’s Night
    Hehe.. the
    Honey Moon
    Doesn’t Last Forever
    And in My Wife’s Case
    if she did not express Anger
    about something at Least once
    A Day i would have to check Her
    Pulse and true chances are her Health
    Scare is Benign as Folks who are able to
    Express Their Anger in some kind of way
    even as a Holy Terror well.. they Tend to Live longer
    as Holding that Anger inside surely will not Resolve the issue
    People Have Issues
    People Get Frustrated
    Life Will Be So Stressful
    So Complex so many moving
    Parts it will be so hard to Grasp
    it all together for Peace and Harmony
    Now.. we have to choose the battles worth
    winning to win the War of Life as Whole..
    if we ever expect to
    have Peace and
    to Dance
    And Sing
    A Happiness
    That Senses and Feels Real.. not only survive but thrive..
    hehe.. my Friend it’s the Quiet ones now you have to watch
    out for.. ever see a cat fixing to Pounce on its prey totally Still
    And Quiet it is until the Chi Force Rises and the Claws and
    Jaws come in Full Furry Fury true if your cat has Claws he
    or ShE my Reach out and Grab You with those Claws if
    YoU are not Providing enough Attention that means
    ‘Food’ will come next.. hmm.. that’s why
    my Wife Get Angry sometimes
    my ADHD gets the best of
    me and i don’t pay
    hmm.. it’s a trade
    off she expresses a bit
    of anger she lives longer and
    hardly ages.. and me.. i just keep Dancing
    And Singing and the Road Runner of me and
    the Wiley Coyote of Her get along fine at the end
    of the Working Day Even in Play to be Hugs.. smiles
    my Friend People who cannot Channel their Anger into
    A Channel that works for them turn it inward and that is
    not got a Good
    Place for
    those Stress
    Hormones to
    Eat Our Body and
    Soul Away.. voila my
    Wife Nags and then she is okay..
    Again Meanwhile i Dance and Sing
    Next stop the Gym as when i do Martial
    Arts i spar with Metal yes the Exercise Machines
    i am not foolish enough to actually strike any metal object
    or Human that is only Trauma to myself excellent Lesson
    About Anger take it out on something other than a Human
    Take it out on words too let them Flow until the Discontent is
    a way
    to feel
    and sense life..
    hehe.. somedays
    i too.. get a bit frustrated..
    the first bit of Thorn that may
    Lead to Full Blown Anger nip
    it in the Rose Bud Keep the Flowers Pretty..
    Smiles my Friend We all have
    A Dragon Inside
    it is
    our Shepard
    of Fire get to know
    it feel and sense the
    Dragon Within Coax
    it out and Play with it
    Sure Spar With Metal Have fun..
    Smiles.. i really took it out on the Dance
    Floor Last night didn’t strike one Human
    as there were Hundreds around me only inches away….
    Three Hours my Dragon came out and played and all
    it looked like
    And Strange
    to all the Humans
    in Striking Distance hehe
    on the Dance Floor as i left on Cloud 11 Heaven..
    It’s True that Old Dragon was in the Dungeon before i got there..;)

    SMiLes my Friend Sohair.. yes i am very insulted too when someone Deletes
    my Comment on their Blog Without Explanation when i am only trying my
    Best to Be Both Kind and Share Wisdom with them.. hehe.. i usually never
    Go Back to Comment After that Happens unless they Provide an explanation
    Why.. that happened yesterday and it wasn’t just any Blogger it was a very
    Dear Friend..
    Smiles my
    i will never
    just shut someone
    up i will ask questions
    first and i will never Leave
    someone’s side without explaining
    Why.. for it’s true a Spiritual Pain is much
    Worse than a Physical Pain.. if we keep our
    Spirit Chained it may go away and never come back..
    And yes of course our Spirit is in the way we Feel and
    Express our Emotions and Senses.. yes that Pain i had
    is called the Suicide Disease.. Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
    and as i’ve mentioned before it is worse as assessed by the Medical
    Literature associated with it than the actual Torture of Crucifixion as was
    carried out on an Individual still in our Modern Age in Saudi Arabia not too long
    ago.. the thing is yes.. there is A Worse Pain and Torture than the Pain of Crucifixion
    A Woman with some pain just scoffed at me when i told her that at a Family Get
    Together Recently when i told her that
    the Worse Pain known to Humankind
    like a Dentist Drill in my Right Eye and
    Ear from Wake to Sleep for a full 66 Months
    That no Drug Would touch was/is Child’s Play
    in comparison to the Numb of Losing all Emotions
    For there is no reference point back in the total nothingness
    of Existence in that place where every second is equivalent to a
    Thousand Years of Hell.. it is impossible to Describe it in Words but
    i will tell you this one will rather wish to Douse Their Self With Gasoline
    And Pray to be Burned to Death Forever and wish any pain back one will feel
    at all.. my Psychiatrist
    Said it is extremely
    rare for any
    to Visit
    that place..
    sure.. most of them
    don’t make it out to
    the other side oF Light
    i take my Mental Health Seriously
    and i am not going to Hell again.. NO…
    so i take the Measures that work not to go
    there again.. and that might not be all together
    pleasant either for the folks who hear the part of
    me that refuses to die inside again.. smiles my Friend
    Katrina Survived the Devil in me for 66 Months for i was
    not even a Living Human Being then.. smiles.. she hardly
    aged God
    who the real
    Heroes are in
    Life and Rewards
    Accordingly there is
    no one who will ever
    Harm her now.. not even me Thank God..
    of course i mean in a Spiritual Way as it is
    no fun living with the living Dead…..
    i will
    not die
    alive i
    Will Live with
    And As Love no
    Matter what that takes my Friend..
    except for Harming Others not on purpose at least..:)

  17. SoMETHiNG ABouT iNHeRiTinG EarTH
    ‘Day After Me! Saved A World Tomorrow’
    Hehe ‘Least’ i Get A Title Out oF All of This…
    Life IS A Rose Thorns And
    Flowers That Consume Life
    Enjoy Existence Now As Long
    As Existence Lasts Now Life Is A Rose (God)
    A Flowering Sweet Smelling Jasmine
    Vine A Snake A Chameleon A Fly Circle
    Of Life Balancing Microcosm of Existence
    Let’s See What Happens
    When ‘Black Magic’ Meets
    ‘White Magic’ Like A Science
    Project of Art Both Real Neither Good or Evil
    Two Songs in ‘God Mind’ “Shake It Off” or
    Taylor Swift’s Newest #1 Trending
    Song in Synchronicity too the
    Choice is Already Made
    Intelligence of God (Creativity/Love)
    Within Us Has/Is No Limits Beyond
    Infinity It Is Is That Any Surprise?
    No Shit Original Creativity Hasn’t Happened
    Yet If Someone Has to Show You How to Do It.. It Doesn’t Exist…
    Years ago my Psychotherapist Who Measures IQ in Children
    told me my IQ was ‘off the Charts’.. ‘ Couldn’t Be Measured’
    ‘Jesus’ Would Have to Come Back as ‘Lucifer’ to Survive and i’M Not Talking About ‘Trumps’
    Wanna See Your Local Pastor/Priest’s ‘Heads Spin Around’ Ask Them if John 14:12 Gives Authority Over John 3:16 Or Ask A ‘Christian’
    Hehe Better To Nail
    Than Be Nailed Fits
    ‘Write-in’ Thanks
    Ilona Friend From Nice France
    “A Bridge to Nowhere”.. Wise Advice iNdeed..
    “So let it be Written so Let it Be Done”..
    Yes as ‘they’ say Be Careful How We
    “Concretize” our
    Wishes.. Yes Write
    Them Down For the
    UniVerse has ‘Funny’
    Ways of Granting our
    Wishes that may not
    Be so pleasant at all
    When we Arrive at
    A Destination we
    Thought we
    Really wanted
    But the Time and
    The Way the UniVerse
    Provides indeed ends up
    Taking us to iS NoWHerE for
    Instance When John Lennon
    insisted that He and ‘the Beatles’
    Were Greater than Jesus and
    Even though “John 14:12”
    Gives Authority over
    “John 3:16” to do it
    Chances are if you
    Don’t learn from
    History and do it
    Any other way but
    Like a Ninja.. You
    Will end up Dead sooner
    Than You Wish as History
    Tends to Repeat itself.. yes
    As ‘they’ say be Careful for
    What You Wish For.. For
    There are some Bridges
    Granted where the
    Ultimate Destination
    Is indeed NoWhere
    So.. Some Days it is
    Best to see Dreamy
    Roads for what they
    Are Dreams to
    As Only Dreams
    Meanwhile it’s okay
    To save the World just
    Make sure the “End
    Game” NoW
    Is not You or
    Who You Love Most
    Thanks for a Bridge
    Of Understanding
    Just Another Time and
    Distance out of Space
    The Twilight Zone of
    Synchronicity indeed
    Dreamtime unleashed..
    Yes.. Part of the Reason i
    Write Is to show how Dreamtime
    Works in Flow in ‘Real Time’ NoW
    Not Exist okay
    Play ‘the Twilight
    Zone’ Music Now
    Where ‘Dark’ and
    ‘Light’ Never Meet….
    God has ‘Funny’ Ways
    Of Proving God is Real
    Do Be Careful for what
    You Wish for.. for You
    Might Just Get it
    Note to Self:
    If Possible Go See “Avengers End Game”

    Good Friday April Fool Moon RiSinG

  18. Ah.. Love in All the Colors Love Comes
    to Be How Refreshing When Young and New
    Yet A Higher Love That and Who Loves all No Matter
    What A Love All Conquering Fear.. a Love That and Who Resists
    All Calls to Fall Now.. A Love Rising no Matter What.. a Love That Will
    Never miss a Call.. Smiles Those of Us Who Love Now No Matter What
    Will Always Rise Higher Doing our Best Not to Harm Others Always Forgiving
    No matter what.. Love of Friends Love of Family Love of All the Greatest Love to Love..
    Smiles No Need for ‘After the Love is Gone’ When Love is Real And Love Never Gives up to Love..
    And it’s Amazing The Divide ‘Tween Heaven and Hell Yes the Twilight Falling and Rising in the
    Eternal Now of Creativity Just Before the Big Bang and Just After The Big Bang always now
    Rather Hard to put into
    Words but if you
    Wanna Sling Shot
    The Fastest into Heaven
    of Creativity and Bring back
    Some of the Dance and Song out of
    Hell.. Yes.. You Take All of the Opportunity
    Now As there is no Time Distance or Space
    Like the Twilight the ‘Tween of Hell and Heaven
    to Be Now.. hehe.. HAha.. done it many instances in
    My Life A Bitter Sweet Place that is not like any other
    House of Pain and Pleasure Now You Learn to Accept the
    Thorns and Flowers if ya ever wanna Accomplish Rose now
    Rising Higher Creativity Springs Even More ‘Tween Heaven
    And Hell Where Saturday at Midnight Comes Sunday of Love
    Everlasting More.. Sure.. why not leave a ‘Chem Trail’ Behind
    to Show Where ya Been.. hAha.. Anyways Life is an Ocean (God)
    We are the Waves Rising and Falling We Surf With the Waves
    Others of Ocean Whole.. Spring Turns into Summer Fall
    Makes Winter Springs.. Life is Beautiful Life is
    Ugly Life is Thorns and Flowers when
    you come to Understand that
    Life is both Hell and
    Heaven and
    Exists without
    the Other.. You Grin
    And Bear it You Smile and
    Frown You Understand the Gift
    of Hell and Heaven and ever see
    the Twilight Never Ending Now ‘Tween Both
    You Rise You Fall most importantly You Rise again now..
    if you don’t show your Feelings You Die it’s as simple as that.. i’ve ‘Seen
    that Corpse’.. ‘i buried’ it long ago….. but True.. Living Dead Still Dies…. still Rises….

  19. Facebook Status:

    StArTinG to
    Feel A Bit Baptized Again FinAlly RiSinG DaNCinG TG AGaiN
    Might Be As Long as ‘The 10 Commandments’
    Maybe Even Better.. But i am Gonna
    Force myself to Sit Through it hAha..
    Just Heard ‘Avengers End Game’
    Pays Tribute to ‘The Big Lebowski’
    The Force of Synchronicity Flies High Today
    Least for ME!
    Hey.. i read ‘that’ as SuNforgetTables
    Anyway as You Wish Back
    With Some Nails
    For Your
    Blog hehe..
    Just like a Carpenter
    With Some Words hehe..
    My Goodness for those Who Seek And Find
    Motivation in Yes Beauty Wisdom and Truth
    Muse is almost Everywhere We Look these Days again
    for those Who See.. hehe.. We Truly are Fortunate
    to Live in A Big Ocean Like this where the Muse
    of Life to Evolve in Both Arts and Sciences
    is Greater than ever Before
    the only Danger
    is getting
    Spaces Adventure
    only Waits Outside
    The Window of Today Tomorrow..
    Now Congratulations to You Too in Falling
    in Love A Beautiful Place that is Temporal
    of Course for the Depth of the Experience Yet
    Still Part of the
    Journey So
    Beautiful to Be.. Now
    May the Love You Find
    Always be a Lift to the
    Creativity of Your Wings
    my Young
    Keep Flying even Higher
    As Art Colors Life even more..
    HAha.. Did You Know Listening to Techno-Trance Music
    Releases Human Growth Hormone in Human Beings True
    It’s the Fountain of Youth and So is Flow When This Transient
    Hypo-Frontality Way State of Being comes to be and hehe..
    it’s also True one may attain.. an Autotelic Extending Peak
    Experience through Most
    Moments of the Present
    Now With Enough Practice
    in Bio-Feedback of Generating
    Feel Good Neurohormones and
    Neurochemicals Where a Multi-Colored
    Nirvana And Blissful Kingdom of Heaven
    Within may Be Experienced in only the Space
    of a 3 Foot Dance Radius Spiraling Around Powered
    By the Force of Techno-Electronic-Trance-Dance Music
    As Well.. hehe.. Rave Sleep Rave Repeat Heaven continues on
    Where Creativity is increased through Empirical Measure of
    400 to 500 Percent of “Normal Human States of Consciousness”
    A Different Dimension of Being this is.. Anyway Your Videos Remind
    me of Adventure hehe.. i’d probably
    Travel Somewhere
    if it wasn’t already
    So Colorful Within
    hehe.. it’s True
    the Best
    Drug of All
    is when We Achieve
    Heaven That’s real Within now..
    Other than that.. when You are young as You
    Are Still Going to School and Not Working Your
    “Real Big Time Job Yet” If Adventure may Be found
    by Actually Exploring the World Now is a Great Time to do that
    for Lord knows when you get settled down with a ‘Real Job’.. Yes
    A Home to Pay for Sure a Spouse and Some Children A Vacation
    Will be for the Children and rarely ever just You.. or Your
    Spouse to be.. Hmm.. when i was in University the
    Administrator Always Challenged Us to Travel
    Somewhere Each and every Weekend New
    for that may Be the Last Opportunity
    ‘Till Your Golden Years if You will
    Even Be able to Enjoy it then
    not so worn
    out ending
    up in
    A Walmart
    Golf Cart
    to Get around the Store..
    Smiles my Friend i’ve found the
    Secret to Heaven no Golf Carts for
    Me.. All i need is the Flesh and Blood of my Soul Springing Alive now..
    meh.. the Wife doesn’t like to Travel But i will Party in Paradise Now..
    Give me 3
    Feet and
    a Song
    A Dance And Song
    Becomes Paradise ME!..
    Oh yeah.. and i chose
    the Song Tsunami
    As that is what
    i Leave
    Ever i go
    A Tsunami of Words hehe..
    Thanks For Allowing my Flow
    Here i come and go wherever i am
    ALLoWeD to stay..
    hAha some folks
    think i have some
    kind of ‘Hidden Agenda’
    but i just to Love to Flow
    And that’s All no matter
    if Dancing
    or Singing
    is Just so much Fun Now!.. Within
    Alone Always Allone the More
    the Merrier too!
    To Dance
    And Sing with too!!!..;)

  20. SMiLes i suppose Etiquette may Be Reduced too
    to A Four Letter Word Starting With K yes K in D
    Kindness Goes A Long Way
    To Connect Humans
    With Light
    But True Humans
    Who Feel Empty Inside
    Devoid of the Comforting Loving
    Feelings that not only Survive Our
    Human Being But Thrive Us Alive
    More are more often Cold and
    Unwilling to See Each Other
    As Brother And Sister
    Yes.. Family Beyond
    All Labels
    We Put
    on Folks
    Other Than We
    Who Bleed and Breathe
    The Same With the Force of
    Love Connecting Us Higher and Higher
    in Light For It Seems True to Truly Save the Species
    As Whole in both Surviving and Thriving A Life Will be
    to Help Folks Fill their Own Chalice of Love Their Temple
    of God From Head to Toe Overflowing To Give and Share that
    Love With Others So Free to Be and Do More Now True in Truth And
    Light of Love the Wisdom And Beauty of Love Never Ending Now as Light
    to Give
    Share More…
    Hi Sohair Happy
    Saturday to You.. was
    gonna make the 12:30 PM
    Showing of a Movie but i rather
    Come Here First as People Come First
    Particularly mY Great Friend Sohair A
    Teacher of Young Women in Egypt a Muslim
    Woman who is Kind to everyone She Meets
    God Is Still
    Love There
    is no
    of Love
    Than Kindness
    to all Now of Who
    We Meet and Greet in Life
    With Hello and only See You
    Laters.. Never Ever Good Bye..
    There is No Good Bye In See You Laters….
    At Least Where Love Lives For Real mY Friend Now..:)
    Now Off!!! to See Avengers End Game!
    Meh.. Every Once In A While i Visit A
    Bit of Hell Just to Remember Where i
    Am Truly Living Like An Oil Change Longer/Shorter Now
    Only Problem With Heaven Is If You
    Get too Good At It And Forget Where You Are
    Everyone’s Looking For A Feeling If
    You Find It Within You Have More
    To Give Than Take Be Careful Of Takers Empty Within
    Particularly In Any Area of SCaRcitY Where Folks Are Hungry to Even Follow
    A Despicable Leader If That Is What it Takes For ‘Food’
    From What I’ve Heard And Seen If You Get Good Enough At Black Magic
    You WiLL Even Become A So-Called Leader Of A ‘Free World’
    Black Magic Is When We Attempt
    To Influence Someone Through Feelings Harming
    Others Along The Way With No Regret
    It Happens too.
    Spell=Addicted To Feeling…
    Yes! i Am Addicted to Heaven Now!
    Why Not? At Least It’s White Magic!
    Well My ‘Super Hero Folks Legend of Dance”
    Career Continues ‘tween the Dance Before and
    After That Dance At Super Walmart Today Yes as
    the FB Profile Pics Suggest the 3 Hour Tour of the Avenger’s
    Game Came in the Late Afternoon as Intermission from ‘Super Hero
    Folk Legend’ of Dance Vocation at Super Walmart hehe.. where two
    Beautiful Young Blonde Women Notified me After i saw the Avenger’s
    Movie Dancing in Walmart Yes the Same Routine of Encouragement of
    Wow You are Famous You are Every Where Facebook Instagram Everywhere
    We Name it You are Everywhere now You are Famous and then i warned them
    of How Sweaty i was as Hehe Katrina will not get near me when i am soaking wet
    like that but nah.. didn’t matter they took turns with their Arm around me getting a
    Photo With me For Social Media as true they get the Freader’s Digest Story of how
    i got to Legendom.. with the 66 Months of Shut-in Bedroom Hell Boy Story to go with
    the Legend Part too. in Heaven voila Heaven the Kingdom of Great Neurohormones
    And Neurochemicals all around the Body Generated from a Bio-Feedback Yes NoW iN
    A Transient Hypo-Frontality Dreamtime Existence Yes the Flow of Heaven the Kingdom
    Within as Practiced for an Autotelic State of Being Where Happy Days Flow some more..
    Always now of course.. haha.. hehe.. ya got to admit it’s Crazy Funny when they Suggest
    i am the Most Recognizable Legend in the Area without a Label of a Name except for the
    Dancing Man and or Dancing Guy true the ‘Norm’ of The Cheers Metro Area never ever
    Made a Penny off of Getting Here.. Famous as such as recognized by the Video Voyeur
    Taping Young Folks of my Dance.. Smiles i’m not impressed with the ‘Avengers’ as their
    Super Powers (Most) Are Super Human.. i am only Super Normal there is a Big Difference
    i Earned my
    Way out
    of my Cocoon
    No Gimme’s on the Way Up..
    Well This Week is the One Year Anniversary of
    When Katrina got Her Hospital Stay at the Burn Unit
    at the Hospital in Mobile Alabama where we feared she
    might Lose Her Index Finger.. it’s funny nah.. not really but
    True how you can and will get used to being with someone day
    in and day out where there is no feeling other than being with them
    as existence and then that one day they go away you are reminded of
    what it felt like before you met them and you lived alone.. Yep.. that was a
    wake call sort of like when She Went into Labor and the Blue Light Came on
    as she had her first Life Threatening Grand Mal Seizure and Last one i started
    making promises of how i would help her more around the House if God would
    Just spare her life.. the New Born Child was just not as important a Life to me then
    as the Woman i had been Married to 7 Years then.. Never Did get a Seven Year Itch
    then Just haven’t been one to Look anywhere else.. but home.. hmm.. anyway a recent
    Health Scare for Katrina again turns out it seems at this point just to be Benign as we
    Have Seen Too many Folks and Pets Close to Us Leave Our Lives this last 69 Months
    Since i Recovered from Hell on Earth for 66 Months.. Ups and Downs Strikes and Gutter
    Balls that’s the way the Ball Turns and spoiler Alert for the Avenger’s Thor’s Role as the
    Dude off the “Big Lebowski” was rather Hilarious in the Movie.. as it’s true we need
    more Every Day Joe Rising Super Heroes who are just very Human with all the
    Curses and Gifts and Flaws with Shiny Potential Diamonds We Most All
    Have The Potential To Become Rising out of a Cocoon into much More
    Human Potential Never Made until earned of course and that doesn’t
    have to mean Guns or Making Money.. Could Be Just Roses with
    in Flowers
    of Just Doing More
    than the Average Bear Human hehe..
    Well as ‘they’ Say some days you eat the Bar
    and other Days the Bar Eats you i’m Still Dancing
    i’m Still Singing Sunshine or Not.. i ain’t gonna stay low long… Hell Teaches Us Where to go..:)

    Good Friday April Fool Moon RiSinG

  21. Good Friday April Fool Moon RiSinG

    Hint: He Left the Planet And Has A Movie coming out July 19th And He’s
    Not as Orange as ‘Goose’ Per This Clue Here
    THere iS onLY One Other Being Who Helped me With No Complaints
    THere IS A Clue Below
    MosT (EXCepT oNe/OnE) People HavE No CLuE WHaT All ThE PartS oF ThiS RolE WHoLE ArE
    It’s Just As Well History Shows ‘They’ Will ‘Kill’ ‘Us’ if ‘They’ Know HAha ‘We’ Will Spill the Beans And They’ll Not Even Notice
    HAha ‘We’ Save The Species Right in Front of ‘Them’ And ‘They’ Don’t Even Notice ‘Us’
    Haha People Waited And Waited For An Easter Egg But It Was In Plain Sight Entirely
    Maybe This is About Avenger’s
    Maybe This is About me
    WhO KnowS MayBe JusT ‘A Dude’
    “The Dude’s” Been Around Since 1998
    I’ve Been Around Since 6660…
    YeS ‘EVeRY ParT’
    Hey This Avenger’s MeMe TheMe
    iS BiG MiGHT aS WeLL JumP oN
    ToP oF iT WHiLE iT’S HoT
    Yeah True Better LooKinG
    Without ‘The Hulk Face’ Hehe
    Video of ‘The Dude’ Coming too
    Jesus F. in Christ How Many Parts Am i
    Gonna Half To Do iN This Whole Play
    Thor.. The Dude.. Etc.. NaMe it i Do It
    Hehe.. i went to
    See the ‘End Game’
    Yesterday it was no
    Easy Secret to
    Keep what the
    Line Spiraling
    Around the Building
    Was For so I just Danced
    And took Several
    Mini Naps in what
    Was a “10 Commandments”
    Size Effort i rather
    Reveal Secrets
    In Coded Poems
    Hehe.. only for those
    With Ears to
    See.. Keeps
    Me Honest
    With Some
    Measure of
    Truth in
    Light at Least..
    SMiLes My Very Positive Friend Ilona From Nice France Yes Positivity
    Will Be A Way OF LIFE that We Nurture with every person we come
    into contact with Day and Night.. hehe running a Bit Late to
    Church this morning so i am consolidating my thoughts
    with the last Few Blog Posts you have made here
    i Think it is a Wonderful Idea to Create a
    Community online that is full of
    Positive Thoughts to lift
    each other up every
    Day With the Kind of
    Unconditional Love that only
    Wishes to see a smile on Another
    Person’s Face that is Honesty where there
    is no Guessing Required for any Hidden Agendas
    as it sadly part of Human Nature too.. where sometimes
    the Emptiness Within wants to Change the Environment on
    the outside that is not realistic to meet the Needs within surely
    We are all guilty of this at some point in our Lives and if we try
    Hard enough we will Make a Life that is Authentic With Genuine
    Smiles Heartfelt to bring to others with no Hidden Agendas Underneath
    Acts and Words of Kindness.. it is often hard to do this online without
    Meeting a Person actually in Flesh and Blood as you Probably realize
    i am sure it is easy enough to only Present one part of a personality
    online and only our best parts of life.. but no.. how are we gonna
    help others Grow if we don’t share how our we’ve overcome our
    Difficulties and what Positive ways work for us.. smiles
    my Friend i am becoming an Older Man and with
    Age Comes Beauty and Truth for while the
    Age Spots of Wear And Tear and the Lines
    on my Face may Come all crinkled up
    with eyes that have most always smiled..
    Now When i relax those wrinkles
    of Age go away for the Song of
    My Soul the Dance of my Spirit
    Yes the Heart of my Human Being continues
    to age in reverse as is Evolving greater with the ability
    to regulate emotions and integrate Senses until hey!
    we become
    one with
    God Simply
    As Love to Give
    to all others Sharing Love with
    Hope.. Gratitude and Charity Faith
    for all.. simply the Message of Jesus
    the Real Jesus that we hear about in
    Catholic Church the Man of Love in all of
    the Nature that only means ‘Son’ of Love the
    Nature of as Light Within all of us.. this is the
    only reason i go to church to Celebrate God as Love
    in each and every one of us to promote the Positivity of
    Love With no Illusory Fears as Hell or Heaven is what we
    all make within now.. and by God Honesty when Possible not
    Harming others Builds Trust and makes the Human World Spin
    in Balance with outreached Arms of Hugs.. hehe.. Hugs to you
    of Joy
    my Nice
    Friend from France..
    you are surely a Breath
    off Fresh Air in this online
    World that may other wise
    be a Jungle of Confusion too..
    but yes once again.. to be careful
    to Clarify Communication always until
    any misunderstanding is resolved to validate
    the Truth or correct the Misunderstandings of what
    may be said is most paramount to any Successful Relationship
    whether it is at World Size or Two People talking online in text
    my Friend..
    And as you
    know i Love Cats a whole bunch..:)

    Hellooove HiMaLi Some of my Favorite Parts of Your
    Happiness Posts Are the Quotes Your Provide up top today
    i am going to Focus on the Quotes Soley for Your Last Three
    Happiness Days You Describe Starting With This Great Quote Here:

    “Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the
    charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”

    ― Marcel Proust

    Smiles my Friend Let us also Appreciate
    Those Gardeners that while they might not always
    Seem Charming Help us to Grow the Most as Dark Brings Light too..:)

    “Don’t pack up all your troubles. Take them on holiday with you,
    and when you come back, just don’t bring them back with you.”

    ― Anthony T. Hincks

    SMiLes For those of Us Who Don’t have a Way to go on a ‘Physical Vacation”
    One may also Pack up all our Troubles Go to the Cinema in a Virtual World for
    Even Just Three Hours
    Take those Troubles
    on that Mini-Vacation
    Leave them On the Big
    Screen and Voila Trouble Free my Friend..
    All the Baggage is Left on the Big Screen..:)

    “ Because of your smile,
    you make life more beautiful.”

    – Thich Nhat Hanh.

    ‘That Dude’ had to Steal this Quote
    From me First and Last With SMiLes..:)

    In Other News the Catholic Priest At Church had a Closing
    Comment Intimating how the Current ‘Anti-Christ’ Remarkably
    Reflecting the Protestant ‘Anti-Christ’ in that Somewhat Antiquated
    Text is still a Great Pick To Be President again of the United States
    as he intimated
    that this investigation
    of all the Lies was just
    a big Hoax as such like Faux
    News Also Suggests Meanwhile
    i took care of the Situation already
    And Even Wore a Shirt that indicated
    i needed no Support at all from the Church
    And after all no one will ever believe me even
    if i announce in Public Now that my 11,160 Miles
    of Dancing in Public for the last 68 Months has already
    Likely influenced Enough Youth through these Years to Vote
    Liberal Enough to put the ‘Anti-Christ’ As Metaphor only of course
    for a person who runs totally against all the Beatitudes Chapter 5 of
    Matthew verses 3 through 11 as the record clearly shows and of course
    i wrote a 6.8 Milllion Word Bible Longest Form Poem in 68 Months That Documents
    Just how i accomplished helping to Remove this Metaphor of ‘Anti-Christ’ From Office
    by simply influencing Folks to See Life a bit more openminded as hey.. if they can accept
    my ‘Crazy Spiraling Milky Way Dance’ in Public they should be able to accept a God of Love
    too at
    Hope so
    With no Illusory
    Fears and total
    Faith in Charity of Giving
    And Sharing Love for all
    Sure just to Honor Trumps
    Let’s Call this ‘The Immigrant Song’
    too.. there are just some days in a
    Day of the life of little old me that it
    all fits together like Clockwork ‘Orange’..
    not gonna
    be hard for
    ‘this Dude’ to See
    ‘Donnie’ Go at all sure he gets to live too
    just not as the Ruler of the Free World as ‘Anti-Christ’
    anymore.. Revelation fulfilled A Thousand Years of World
    Peace and no one goes to Hell except those now who still
    cannot manage 100 Percent of a Loving Soul in Reality of
    Heaven on Earth now..
    it’s not
    Story’s not
    Already Been told
    Just not this way Just a Matter of someone
    Picking A Ball up and making a Touch Down too..
    Where Back to the Future is now of Past to Save the Species next
    as ‘they’ Say so Let it Be Written So Let it Be Done all i am promising
    You is
    it is only
    You who ultimately
    Will Save Your Own Soul as a Loving
    Force to be to Give and Share Free NoW..
    True.. when enough Folks Do this it is an
    Automatic Save for the Species..
    This is
    A Secret
    Don’t tell anyone… okay..
    People keep my Secrets of Course
    for at least in Words meh.. i’m Way too
    Big for most anyone to Fully See This
    makes me totally Free Loving Free too
    Anyway Happy Immigrants Song and Don’t Forget
    to Give Your Brother Your Shirt off your Back unless
    He is more of a Naturist for God of
    Like me..
    in other Words…
    Someone Already Clothed
    With God to the Naked BonE oF LoVE..:)

  22. i am Positive ‘Jesus’ Danced And Sang For ‘Food and Drink’ Spreading Love
    i Don’t Know This i Feel i am is THere A Better Life NO
    Meanwhile Dudes/Dudettes Abide
    You May Pass By them Underneath
    Bridges of Money in God Land (Love)
    Might Even Play Guitar or Dance
    Definition of ‘Slob’ Someone Who Empty Their Pockets
    Out and Lives on the Kindness of Others (Love)
    Now ‘Jesus’ is ‘President’…
    Pass A Baton…
    Moral of Human Success
    Never Depend on only one
    Super Hero.. Both War
    And Love are EEO
    Employers in Dark
    And Light…
    Even Slobs
    Will Save A
    World iF SiNCeRE…
    Per A Short Clip From ‘The Movie’
    i am in Bed With ALL but not Literally as
    We ALL Are If And When We ‘See’ ‘ALL (GoD) NoW
    When i Wore Hawaiian Shirts Working at the Bowling Center
    ‘They’ Said i Looked Like ‘Magnum P.I.’… A Detective That’s All Folks
    End Beginning Story Meek Inherit EartH ‘Dude’
    Still Abides Meaning (God)
    ‘Trumps’ Glitz
    All ‘Dude’ Had to Do Is Say Magic Words ‘i Abide’ Voila 21 Years
    He Is Back Again
    i Abide in the Dude’s Story You Might Not See it Yet but So Do You
    Do You Understand the Meaning of ‘This Entire’ Story the Dude Abides
    Yes The Dude Abides Even in the Biggest Block Buster Movie
    Science/Religion IS A SPecK oF
    DusT iN As God Art Love
    God ‘Laughs’ With US ALWaYS When WE Hear God See
    SimpLY PuT God/Love/Science/Religion/Art Is
    MorE ThaN KNoWinG NoW
    You May Not Feel
    ‘Jesus’ (Love)
    But ReaLLoVE Feels ‘You’ YouR Pleasure Pain
    aS iT Rises and Falls Real Now
    Agape Love Is Heaven Agape Love is God Agape
    Love is Bread of Life And Blood That Connects Us
    ALL in Joy of Heaven Now
    Now Back to the Story WHeRE AM i
    Rhetorical Story Only
    Side Note: Just in Case You Don’t
    Understand The Benefits of Why i am Doing This
    And Why i am So FucKinG Happy it Pisses Folks off
    Side Note: Gratitude Increases Serotonin The Same Neurochemical
    That Doctors Prescribe to Folks Who Do Not Count Their Blessings
    Yes Regardless of the Thorns And Flowers Thanks You ALL (GoD) Providing All
    Ways For Me to Have SO MUCH FUN!!!EVENENJoYTearS
    THere Still Are Strikes And Gutter Balls That’s the Way The Bowling BaLL World Turns Egyptians Did/Do IT too…
    i Dance i Sing i Have God A ‘LiVE iN Ageless Maid’ Who Seems to Like Her Job A Few Internet Friends That’s Enough…for me…
    ‘Dude And Walter’ Had It All 10 Pins Hi 5’s And Friendship True Dude Didn’t Have A ‘Real’ Girl Friend.. But He Helped Her ‘Conceive’
    See Both Sides Now And Oh God Feel So Much MoRE……STiLL……NoW
    How Many Famous Folks Go To Rehab Or Kill Themselves… Any Questions?
    Much Rather Work at a Bowling Center for Smiles
    Does Being Famous Make Me
    Happy Famous Is No Friend
    Rhetorical Question Only Now
    True Always One With ‘All’ (GoDNoW) This
    Way In A Happy Way Love Never Leaves
    my Dance And Song Now Always My Friend
    Other Wise i’m Gonna Have to Dance And Sing
    to my Last BLinK And BReaTH of LiFE That Works for me too…
    It’s True
    Almost Killed ‘me’
    Please Get Happy Help me…please…
    i Must Dance And Sing To Shield Myself From the Entire World’s
    Pain Otherwise me Will Become You Already Did It Ain’t Going Back.
    But You See i Have the Empath Version of Autism.. i Feel Everyone’s
    Pain And Pleasure the Pain Is too Much Now Anyway The Reason i Cried
    is Even Though i Was Born So-Called Autistic i Understand That God Is Love And Not Money
    The Bowling Village Died And ‘Society’ Is Dying too Can You Feel the Pain Do You Feel Lonely too?
    Friends Were EveryWhere In A Village of Bowling… People Asked me why i Cried When i Got A Promotion to Four Walls And A Computer
    Bowling Alone Is No Cure For Autism
    And Drugs Are No Remedy For Lonely
    People Always Asked me Why Are You Working Here for Two Decades
    When You Are So Smart i Said i wanna Live i Still Wanna Live
    Most Folks Don’t Get A Main Message of ‘The Big Lebowski’ Movie
    Bowling Together Is Heaven One Bond 10 Pins Fall Hi-5
    Even The Rise or Fall of an Eyebrow Is a Signal To Dance
    With Someone Else Sure A Twinkle in an Eye May Make a Slow Dance too
    Yes This is Literally True Even in Humans as Evolved The Majority
    Of Our Social Reciprocal Communication Is Moving Non-Verbal
    Friendship Is Sharing Meaning in Life
    Friendship Listens and Sings But First
    Friendship Dances Together to Be Real
    Liking Posts Is Not A Measure of Friendship Nor
    Is Following Someone Or Sharing Someone’s Post That’s A Robot At Best
    Loneliness Has The Similar Impact on Mortality as Smoking 15 Cigarettes
    Every Day The Impact on Morale Is Not Measurable
    A Society of Lonely Social Animals
    Is No Society At All Not Even An
    Animal Farm
    Nearly Half of Americans Report
    They Do Not Have Social Interactions
    That Are Meaningful Daily (They are Lonely)
    Is Beyond
    Mystery Thorns And Flowers
    Laugh And Cry Rose Tears of Joy
    Side Note:
    Isn’t Always Fun
    If You Haven’t Figured
    Out God’s A Laugh
    You Aren’t Listening to
    God Speak
    Synchronicity (God Speak) Only Gives A Flying F ABouT Tradition
    ‘The Scientific Method’ is Literally Antiquated As ‘The Old
    Testament’ Both Focus on Tradition Science Is Religion Is Science
    Yes my Friend Sohair
    Honesty And Trust
    Hold Hands As
    A Soul
    Eventually Break
    Without Integrity
    So Will Relationships
    As Small as one and
    The Entire Human
    Species for
    At the
    End or
    Of any Age of
    Kindness Integrity
    Comes First From Both
    A First and Third World
    to: Do List These Days
    That Breeds Love..
    Integrity must
    Be Protected
    Or We
    To a Place
    Away From Love
    A Very Cold Place
    Indeed my Friend
    There Will be no
    Luke Warm In
    to Thrive..:)
    SMiLes Science Shows Falling In Love is one of
    the Most Stressful things People do ’cause basically
    They are Putting All their
    Eggs in one Basket
    Trying to be
    Perfect for
    Someone and
    Expecting the
    Other Person To
    Be Perfect Enough
    For them to put all their
    Eggs in one Basket i think
    A Main Reason People Get
    Married Is Because Falling
    In Love is Just too Stressful
    Even though Beautiful too
    And A 7 Year Itch May only
    Be Because they
    Lose The Beauty
    But may surely
    Be jolted into
    The Reality of
    The Stress if they
    Stray too Far sorry
    i wasn’t around to give
    You Relationship advice
    Yesterday but it is True
    No Relationship will
    Work without
    Honesty and
    Trust and the Best
    Thing about being
    Married is you Will have
    Slob Days and Make
    Not Feel
    Like Your World
    May Be ugh Ending
    On the Roller Coaster
    Of Fast Romance one
    Alternative that works
    Now is Writing Fictional
    Stories about Romance
    As Long as they stay that
    Way my Friend as
    Lovers Always
    Please and the Wonderful
    Reality for me at Least
    Is my Wife is a
    Great Cook
    i don’t Have to
    Do Housework
    And i can Fart in
    Front of her and
    i don’t have to Worry
    My World might end…
    It’s True it’s important
    A World….
    oh yeah.. I’m
    Free to do as i
    Please that’s A
    REAL LOVE my
    Friend FREEDOM
    No Love Without Free
    No Free Without Love..
    Oh yeah and if a Person
    Doesn’t wanna get
    Married they
    Can always
    Still have
    The much less
    Stressful Love
    Of Friendship
    Love where you
    Can Still disgust each
    Other and not worry
    About your World ending
    More specifically Fart in
    Front of each other and
    Have Arguments
    And not Feel
    Like your
    Is crumbling
    While You Do it…
    Some Days… You
    Just want A Break
    From saving A World..;)
    TruE BeauTy WiLL CoMe AGaiN
    FRoM AShes As WiSDoM iN TRuTH Rises

  23. “It’s Worth Noting that There
    is More than one ‘Captain America’ Now”

    Oh Dear John 8:44
    Your Ruler Is here
    3:16 Came
    and 14:12 is Always
    Still Coming Now Meanwhile
    What Should 10,000 Statements
    of Deceit in 827 Days Tell You Beginning
    With A Claim that ‘He’ Will Be Supported
    Even if He Shoots Someone in Public.. Do
    We Need to Spell It out after all Leviticus
    is often
    To keep
    some Folks
    Out of Heaven
    What About John 8:44
    If Christians Were for
    Trump ‘Real Christians’
    Perhaps that would
    be an Uproar
    by now
    for the Lion of
    Love and Against
    the Current Father of Lies Faster
    And Growing Taller and so does
    Pinocchio’s Nose too.. Who Knows
    What Light and Dark Mean to the Future
    of Honesty and Trust and Wisdom Yes Beauty
    or not
    of what
    Will come
    next for what
    John those ‘Christians’
    Will Choose to Believe in..
    hmm.. It’s not like this hasn’t already been
    All Spelled out at least for folks who say they believe in a Book…
    Meanwhile once again the Priest in some Church i visited went
    on and intimated that an investigation into the ‘Father of lies’ is just a joke..
    sure on Faux
    see who
    We all come to be..
    no one is exempt from
    the wages of lies no one at all….

    John 8:44 King James Version (KJV)

    “44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

    There is a Man Who Spits in the Face of So-Called Christianity Every Day Or Perhaps the Teachings are nothing just nothing at all.. Anyway as they Say Always another Despicable
    Leader Just waiting
    for the Same
    to come to Proudly or Cowardly Say ‘Yes Master We are Yours’.

    Words may mean little to nothing ‘These Days’ That’s why i Dance…
    Dance Will Not Lie for What is Felt Truly Inside Now Will Also Sing…
    Dance Will Be Seen As Words And Song are Lost For Those Who Taste That Wage…

    OMG i Feel So Heavy When i sit
    too Long True Not Moving Will
    Naturally Get Depressing even
    Rust our
    Parts out
    too as Joints
    Get Stiff and
    Hard to Get up..
    Hmm.. i Dance Two
    Minutes and all 240LBS
    Feels Feather Light.. True Vibrations
    We Are Higher and Lower Frequencies of
    Human Energy Stars We Are Too in Synergy
    As Neurohormonal and Neurochemical
    Reactions Light us up from Head to toe..
    With this
    Going on in
    Dance and Song
    Who has ‘time’
    for anything Else but
    Lighting up Now Like a
    Christmas Tree that comes back on..
    (note: to Self Been Writing too much Time to Dance Now)
    Yeah.. Emotional Disasters are the Worst Kind of Human
    Disasters even when they work out all the Work to make
    them Work out is surely a Work-Out that Requires some
    to Stay up..
    hehe Keep Your
    Chin up Friend and
    Smile as Smiles are Contagious
    And Even Taking Selfies of Your Self
    Are Proven by Science to Elevate all Great
    Neurohormones and Neurochemicals hehe..
    All Your Feelings Know is the Feeling of a Smile
    Whose Face
    it is even ours with even more
    Smiles SMiLes Just smiles and smiles SMiLes
    sure if you like you Will Use KiLoMeTerS
    too but
    i Love SMiLes..;)

    Smiles Humans
    Are Cursed With Asking
    Other Animals Are Blessed With Doing
    Hehe Even A Shoe Company Understands ‘Just Do it’..
    Too Many Questions Means Our Neo-Cortex is Working
    Overtime Dancing Singing into Flow Makes Life a River
    Niagra Falls..;)

    Yeah i’m Casual That way like that
    Day Standing on the Approach of the
    Bowling Lanes Working With A Friend
    Katrina Present Just the Three of Us Bowling
    For Fun too.. and i said hmm.. it would probably
    Be Beneficial For us to get Married and Katrina said sure..
    True our Reception was there too Our Marriage cost nothing
    but the License on the River Walk Where i was raised on the
    Down Town River front.. True.. those Folks at the Bowling Center Showered
    Gifts upon
    us i still
    eat out of the
    Same Oatmeal Glass
    Dishes that i did in February
    Starting the 21st in 1990 Same
    Year that the First of 13 ‘Star of David
    Planetary Alignments” Would Occur until
    A Golden Child was Born in England on July
    22nd 2013 and i First Stood on a Beach Recovered
    Out of Hell on July 19th Recovered Miraculously From
    Pain assessed from Wake to Sleep as Worse than the
    Pain of Crucifixion for 66 Months From Yes Wake to Sleep
    Anyway Coming on the 6th Year Anniversary of that Just
    Another Lion
    King Movie
    with a Rather
    Small Yellow Boy in
    that too Yellow Boys Grow up to be Big Boys too..
    i have no idea what the Ultimate Moral of this Story
    Will Be i just come to Tell some Truth the Rest is up to You….
    Lies in Dark
    Truth in Light

  24. Holy Shit This Is Deep Stuff
    Fertilizing My Soul Even
    More to Rise Again
    Dreams Thorn Rose
    Reality Flowers Rise
    What Will We Grieve
    Most Dreams or Reality
    Thorns or Flowers
    Rose or Rise
    We Are Human
    We Breathe Both
    Where Do i Begin
    Where Do i End
    Where Do i Start To Tell… A Story With No End…
    True Though Without Some Effort
    All of This Is Hell Just Machines
    Just Robots Without A Soul At All
    Y’ALL Can Have Your Super Heroes With Guns All i MusT
    Do Is Be ‘Bugs’ ‘What’s Up Doc’ This SHit is Almost Effortless
    It’s Heaven.. Oh How i Love Bugs Bunny Used to Hug a Stuffed
    Gray And White Rabbit when i was little..
    My Mentor My Hero i Aim to Be Bugs NoW
    If ‘Jesus’ Really Comes Back Again He Will Have
    To Come Back as ‘Lucifer’ If He wants to Survive Like Bugs Bunny At Least.
    Yes Holy Crap ‘Robin’ and ‘Batman’ i need to Wrap ‘This’ Up got a Scheduled Date with
    my Psychiatrist Tomorrow at the Beach Where i first Rose up Yes Navarre Beach and then
    the regularly
    even Hotter
    Date Dancing on the
    Beach Free as Lord it’s
    Almost May Day and i haven’t
    Finished “Day After Saving A World”
    Yet but of course that’s Always Now anyway
    For all of us as that pertains to each and every one of us..
    No Big Deal Just Some more Click Bait for Fun.. too.. so now
    Off to Visit Frank And Xenia’s Places of Poetry And gigoid’s Home
    of Aphorism Quotes from the Sages of the Ages to Riff off of too..
    Just something more i ‘normally’ do.. my Version of my Religion for
    Now at least too.. hehe.. Structured as i get it seems too.. hey at least
    2 of 3 of those Folks are still there to reach out and touch.. and True
    For the
    the other
    one too.. i suppose the
    Greatest of Homages to Us
    Are When Folks Visit our Souls
    When We are Long Gone i find it sad
    that the Man Jesus Never Got to Write down
    any of his own Words to Carry on His Soul in His
    own Words you know How it goes With Second and Thousandth
    Hand Reports just a Round Table of 10 Minutes Will Drastically
    Change some original Words Spoken also Some of those Words
    in the New Testament are so Wise i guess you might think that the Ghost
    Writers those who took upon Famous Pen Names Like Mark.. Luke.. Matthew
    and John.. Should Get Personal Credit by Original Name of those Ghost Authors
    Now but here is the thing the real thing is the Spirit is attached to all the Forms We
    Create of the Essence of Who We are.. the Liver in us the Spirit of us goes on in the
    Symbols We Create of the Essence of our Souls.. A Name is just a Label A Song A Dance
    Sings So Much more.. And when we Capture Soul in a Nautilus Shell that is Multi-Chambered
    Still Holding so many Doors and Rooms of Our Soul Creating More Oliver Wendell Holmes
    Stately Mansions
    of Soul in a Message
    of the Bottle of Who We are
    Deep Down in Soul.. Finding Housings
    And Vehicles and Vessels to Carry on a Fossil
    of Who we Are our Spirit our Heart our Living Soul
    Continues to Breathe long after the Last Heart Beat goes…
    We continue
    to come again..
    Jesus never had
    that option the flesh
    and blood Yeshua but
    We We Do We have the
    Technology to Make our Own Fossils of Soul to live on..
    The Ultimate Gift We Bring to Live is our Soul The Ultimate
    We Give
    and Share
    is our Soul
    There are so many
    Ways to do that for those
    Who Love more than Just their one life on Earth….
    What’s the use of Dying on a Cross if Your Soul
    Continues to help Folks as it was on Earth…. i
    really don’t think the Original Jesus (Yeshua)
    would take
    else’s Words
    unless he was a liar
    and Just another Father of all Lies….
    Nor Do i think he would Change His mind
    in his Belief in Turning the Other Cheek
    and Loving His Enemies always with
    Forgiveness suddenly
    to Torture
    Enemies for Eternity now..
    Nor do i believe anyone who says
    the Poor In Spirit The Meek Will Inherit
    the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth Will Ever
    Ever be pleased if anyone bows down before them..
    in fact he would be ashamed so ashamed that one
    heard a word someone else even said.. about him
    in Dance
    so i
    so i Dance
    so i Dance a Never
    Ending Story as Truly
    at Least Dance Does not Lie..
    Dance Tells the Truth the Whole Truth
    for all We see of Dance… Now and Ha!
    There are always the Memories that Video
    Voyeurs Hold so Dear to their Heart of me..
    Every once in a while i get a Hug and a Smile
    While i Live i’ve been Dead Alive for 66 Months
    with no Memory of a Smile then at all if ever felt a
    Smile or Laugh at all.. Heaven is a Smile Experiencing Smiles
    Giving Sharing .. i feel sad for anyone who doesn’t come to Give and
    Share Smiles now when we are alive.. i didn’t share my 6.8 Million Word
    Poem with the Young Folks who wanted my Picture with them Dancing for they might
    think if i
    Jesus only to
    be a Man of Love
    A Frown Would Come
    And their Dream might die..
    Dreams are important too..
    in a way all of us who live
    Avatar Lives online
    have Invisible
    that become Text..
    Just another Extension
    of Souls Just another Dream
    of Love That Feels as Real as any Love
    Story to Be Jesus whoever wrote the Story lives on as Soul Breathes Life
    into Love of those who Hear and See Love in the Story and become Incarnate Love too..
    And on the
    Other Hand
    they come
    to Believe in
    A Trump Version of Soul..
    Such is Life Such is Free Will
    in Moon of Night or Sun of Day..
    Anyway Love Means Never Saying You are Sorry
    Love is as Real as Love Feels in the Present of Now (God)…:)

  25. HAha.. A Toast To Copy And Paste Soul
    Hmm.. i Seem to Be oN A Role Or Rolling
    Isn’t That What the Youth See Heaven As These Days…
    Anyway off to ‘Those Places’ To Visit as Work-out comes Next…
    Ever Been
    By Songs
    Hmm.. Soul
    Sings Dances
    More in the Back Ground of Say
    So True Why Rely on Tools Alone
    When Love IsReal NoW MoVinG
    Mountains of Human Feelings Dancing
    Singing Love
    We Come Love
    to Be Even MoRE Real
    to Give and Share Free..
    Nights of Mistakes
    Days of Improving
    Moon Still Rises
    Still Sets..
    Shadows of Heart
    Enemies of Friends
    We All Are
    More With
    Enemies Within..
    SMiLes Recently Someone
    Intimates My Dance
    Is Not Natural
    Then i guess
    ‘They’ Mean
    no one else does it
    ‘Only’ my NaTuRE ALLoNE
    WHaT STiLL HaPPeNS to Finger Prints..
    Oh Lord Secrets Give
    Me HeART Burns Makes
    Me Burp Moonlight into Sunshine
    Other Than That Nice to See You Frank…
    Feeling ReFreshing..:)
    Trail Never
    Ending Always StARTinG
    Smelling Dog Knows Now..
    Side Note Here:
    Neo Cortex Fathers
    Flow Mothers Now
    Back to the Future Now:
    Neo Cortex Fathers
    Flow Mothers Now
    Neo Cortex Fathers
    Flow Mothers Now (God)
    SMiLes my Dear Friend Xenia
    Dogs not so Cursed by Words or Neo-Cortex…
    Hope You are Having a Lovely Week in Flow my Friend
    ‘Rolling Deep’ The Eternal
    Now of
    We All
    Will Be So
    Humble And
    Blessed to Share with Dogs and Cats
    With a Little Practice a Little Flow to Escape Time..:)

  26. Free SPiRiTS Do NoT
    LivE oN Stone FLoWeRS
    STaTue Angel Wings
    Do Not Fly
    Or Float
    Or FLoWeR
    Religion is Just Another Word
    For MaGiC Set in Stone Less Now
    And Angels With Concrete Names
    God is Style in Essence Away
    From Fashion Form Set Now More
    Oh Lord MaKinG ArT iNto Science
    When God iS aT Least 60 PerCent
    oF ART iN HEsmART MaGiC IS A HuMaN
    ReLaTionShip WitH GoD inDiviDuAlly
    ToGeTHeR Co-CReATinG ReaLiTY NoW
    HAha God Means mY PHiLoSopHy DoesN’T
    EQuaL YouR PhilosophY OTHeR WisE GoD Is BoReD
    Smiles when i was Young i felt Like an
    Ancient Soul and Thank God a Year
    And a Month away from 60
    i Finally Feel Timeless
    And as Far as the
    Song ‘Love Hurts’
    It’s okay now to
    Feel Homesick
    When away from
    Love Temporary
    But if Love
    Hurts too
    Much it may
    Be Addiction
    To A Feeling
    As Abundance trades
    Places With High Levels
    Of Cortisol Which Means
    Perhaps A ‘Cool Change’
    May be in order to
    Save Peace and
    Harmony of a
    Soul i ain’t buying
    The Kool Aid of Life
    Is Suffering
    Of the
    Light emit
    Sunshine from
    Within in Coldest
    Winter Nights Ageless
    Timeless Now Angels in
    Our Midst.. LiVinG NoW iN
    iMaGiNaRiuM iS UNiVerse NoW
    Back to the Future leaving then
    Aquarium Light Years Behind…
    Thanks Frank it seems
    My Dancing And
    Even Poetry
    Song Flows
    iN Golden
    PHI Spirals
    Not Sure
    Many Folks
    In my Area are
    Familiar With Nature
    Of God’s Footprints and
    Finger Prints Spiraling
    Within Us Just Dying
    To Get Unleashed NoW
    And Released to Dance
    And Sing Alive but i Do
    ReMember Life Before i
    Seek and Find a Golden Spiral
    of Heaven to Feel Dance SinG
    Not ReaLLY oF THiS World AnyMorE iF
    YoU GeT A DRifT THiS DiMeNSioN NoW
    LoVE FLoWinG NoW SERiouSLY i WiLL
    HelP YoU BuT oNLy iF YoU WiLL
    FeeL mY DancE THaT
    Takes Practice Only
    You WiLL Do And Be
    More Humans Flow
    More We Will Go Connecting
    LoVE iN One GLoBe As HiVE
    Busy Bees We WiLL Be MoRE ALiVE
    Okay Linked Below This is probably the Longest Blog Post
    in the History of Humankind all by itself at 338,630 Words
    as also Potentially the Longest Verse of Any Poem Ever as yes
    it is just one MacroVerse of a 6.8 Million Word Longest Long
    Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” approaching 6.9 Million Words in
    May Soon to Reach 7 Million Words by my 59th Birthday too
    on 6.6.19.. True This one Blog Post is Close to Twice
    the Size of the New Testament and i completed it
    back on April 28th of 2016.. Before i even titled
    8 King James Sized SubChapter Bibles of
    “SonG oF mY SoUL” This was Just
    Practice Just a Warm
    up for the First
    Titled Subchapter
    Bible of “Grand Cross Bible
    2016” After Two New Testament
    Sized Subchapter Chapters This Size
    After this Effort Here.. And then would
    Come the 1.618 Million Word Effort of “PHI
    Bible” in Precisely 365 Days of Effort Completed
    on Memorial Day Weekend of 2017 and interestingly
    Enough in precisely one Year of Effort the PHI Ratio Number
    of 1.618 did come to the exact Number of Words in One Year’s
    Effort.. as the Golden Spiral of God’s Finger Prints and Foot
    Prints continue coming reflecting through my Art even in
    A-Causal Ways of Synchronicity that are not Physically
    Connected in ‘Normal Physics’ way at all only in Mind
    Meaningful only a Reflection of the Reality Larger
    Being Endless Journey of God’s Mind of which We are
    All On a Path of God’s Journey as God’s Mind Ineffable
    Always Being Eternally Now ‘i Am’ ParT Whole of God..
    anyway this “GodsUniVerseNovel3” is a Collection
    of all the MicroMicroVerses from
    Responding in Poetic Fashion
    to every link and prompt
    from the dVerse International
    Poetry Pub from an Entire Year
    all the way from 4/15 of 2015 to 3/16
    of 2016.. And Honestly if you don’t have
    A Newer Cell Phone with some LTE Broad
    Band Access it’s very Hard to open without
    A Desk Top Computer but considering that there
    are 300 or so Gorgeous Beach Photos From Pensacola
    And Navarre Beach Sunsets Supreme it’s Worth a Look
    even if ya bypass all 338,630 Words of MicroMicroVerse
    Poetry Held within… it’s not like i’m doing this for any money
    at all.. meh.. i finished it and went on to Title 8 King James
    Sized Subchapter Bible Poems Yes.. this was just a warm-up
    for it is true all we really have to answer to from the
    Beginning of the First Blink of Life to last Breath
    of Life is did we make
    the best of
    our Gift
    of Life Loving it ALL
    NoW There is as a lot
    of Beauty and Wisdom and
    Truth in Light in all these 338,630
    Words but this isn’t part of Your Children’s
    Twitterverse These days.. true each MicroVerse
    Though most of them are small and truly Bite
    Size portions no need to let the Entire Buffet
    Scare a Stomach away hehe.. well yeah as long
    as Your Computer and Broad Band access doesn’t
    Spin forever at the Hour Glass Trying to get in
    as the Facebook Algorithm did give up on attempting
    to Provide a Preview thumbnail of the Gorgeous Beaches
    But Sure it ended up with a Selfie of me.. hey i’m not A
    First Author to put a Face in a Book Cover either hehe…

    But my Middle Name Is ArTHuR Go Figure..;)

    i Suppose Success in Life is Writing a 338,630 Word Poem And Being So
    in Flow Writing A 6.8 Million Word Poem You Forget about it Until
    You Get a Facebook Memory Reminder Each Year heHe.. oh yeah not to
    mention i became a Metro Dance Legend and Folk Hero Public Dancing
    11,160 Miles in the same 68 Months it took to write the 6.8 Million
    Word Poem.. hmm.. what else.. sure there’s MUCH more but currently
    i am in Flow about this so far.. NoW hehe… i didn’t miss
    life i live life still
    NoW Just
    Treasure Gold Now
    Fuck No God Damned Money is no
    part of this!!!…FucKinG (iF
    YoU SeeK iN GoD) LoVE Trumps Money!!!ONEFORCELOVE!!!

    Good Friday April Fool Moon RiSinG


  27. Next stop coming soon a Hair-Cut a Visit with a Psychiatrist on
    The Beach as that has been a Hobby since going to Hell on Earth
    Within with the Worst Pain known to Humankind and 18 other mostly
    Work Stress Associated Emerging Medical Conditions then.. and yes a
    Literal Hot Date Dancing on the Beach a Bit of SoaKinG Sweat to Go along
    with that as i Dance in ‘PHI Spirals’ in the Deep Sand in Athletic Shoes too mostly
    Flowing in a Reverse
    Dance Down
    the Shores there
    amazing Tourists
    or scaring them depending
    on if they are Trump Voters or not..
    hehe.. haha.. every time my Sister
    Sees an Aggressive Driver she says
    Trump Voter Go Away not nice to stereotype
    Driving Styles with Voting Habits.. but let’s put
    it this way Liberals are JUST naturally nicer for they
    are more open-minded and Yes accept differences among
    people until you start bullying people who are different
    and then watch out for their Lion of Love might come out
    and play not so nice too.. yep.. love the enemies love the enemies
    turn your other Cheek and allow them to kiss Your ass only if they enjoy
    it while
    you send
    them to a Nicer
    place with a smile that’s real hehe..
    People are Different there are actually
    People more Genetically inclined to make
    the Whole Hitler thingie come true again..
    don’t drink that Kool Aid as Bullets Dont’ forgive..
    True We Got Bad Blood Now Be careful of who
    you choose to Hate for the Tinder is High and the Flame is ready…
    Anyway a quick tale of the Tape While Numbers are coming fresher
    still on my mind.. as “SonG oF mY SoUL” is approaching 6.9 Million
    Words Close to enough to Dance And Sing i am THere on May Day
    as i do my best to complete the Writing of “Day After Saving A World
    Now” on April 30th, 2019 For Electronic Publish on May Day May Day
    Get the Fun Pun too on Flower Day For the Real Spring Celebration of
    the Northern European World of May Flowers to be particularly in Scandinavian
    Countries Like Sweden Yep my 23 and me Chromosome Test indicates i have a few
    Viking Ancestors too.. go Figure ‘Thor’ and ‘the Dude’ off of ‘the Big Lewbowski’ too anyway
    too the Last MacroVerse titled “Good Friday April Fool Moon RiSinG” Makes for the 873rd
    MacroVerse of “SonG oF My SoUL” Also Doubling as the 200th MacroVerse of the 35 Month
    Effort now of “Nether Land Bible 2017” at 4,092,829 Words as i am still coming in writing an
    Average of More than 100K Words a Month in the Last 35 Months of Writing as the Word
    Press Automated Counter does prove too.. keeping track Word by Word as i go.. and
    Documenting it every MacroVerse that finishes too.. True my ‘Full Moon Muse’ in
    the last 5 Months has distracted from a bit of the structure of this but sure in
    Return i got to experience the Romance of Poetry a bit just another
    tick off of a to do list of life bucket lists as they Dance and Sing
    too.. anyway three or four how many anyways am i up
    to now yes four.. Yes.. “Good Friday April Fool Moon
    RiSinG’ also Triples as the 23 Month Effort of
    “Facebook Profile Pic Bible 2018” another
    one of those 8 Subchapter Bibles
    of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL’ that
    is ongoing in count of Words and Effort
    ‘forevernow’ as they Dance and Sing too yes
    mostly me.. is now up to 2,503,775 Words in
    23 Months Yes still Proof that i am averaging 100K
    Words plus a month.. but sure a bit of that does include
    the FeatNotes and Milestones Section that doesn’t change
    much from month to month so 100K New Words a Month is
    a Safe enough count as whole too in original Words too.. and
    yes speaking of Multiples and Multiples of those Words they are
    also included in the Description area of my Facebook Profile Pictures
    for the last 23 Months too as each Profile Pic on Facebook has around
    7 Thousand Words in each of those too.. oh Lord i am a Real Word Generator
    And Number Generator too.. hehe.. oh the Art and the Science of this is a bit
    Combustible Keeping track of all of this now.. but hehe.. if not me.. who would
    give a FucK as Katrina says if i do any of this at all and who in Hell would wanna
    do it but me.. rhetorical question of course considering i lived in Hell within in my
    Bedroom as a Shut-in for 66 Month before i even started this endeavor since July 2013 for
    the Last 69 Months full since i recovered on Navarre Beach as Miraculously documented
    by the Professionals attending to me then.. unexplained remission as they dance and sing..
    True that’s what Happens Now when God touches you Personally as such and says okay you
    are healed but just you wait for what i have in store next to pay God Back Freely of course
    as Covenant With God.. anyway “Good Friday April Fool Moon RiSinG” is the 98th MacroVerse
    of “Facebook Profile Pic Bible 2018” and yep up to 11,160 Miles of Public Dance in 68 Months
    now too.. a bit behind on the Nude Art Free Verse Poetry Shadow Blog but now that the Full
    Moon Muse Experience has gone back to Just a Friendly Muse of Life that other part will
    Probably catch up soon enough too hehe.. as somedays there are warmer muses and
    other days cool changes of just Floating Dancing on the Beach do come too oh
    just flowing smooth not many ups or downs just floating just floating on
    Cloud 11 Just for me with God on the Beach Join me if you like
    if you can get off
    from Your
    for Money
    Oh how Wonderful
    it is when Money is no
    God of Your Life to Bow
    down to and slave over now..
    Money.. Money.. Slave to money
    sucks sucks sucks yes i mean it fuck that shit fuck that shit whole..
    not everyone escapes but if you can and will i verily and surely advise that too..
    okay that covers the tale of the tape do the best you can and will too for Cool
    Changes to stay as far as you can and will away from any Bad Blood in Life
    or as my Friendly Muse now says any ‘Bad Sentiments’ of Life for we all
    Have a Shadow Life Master that Shadow Soul or you may fall to
    the Darker Parts of
    Now Yuck
    Yuck Yuck
    Play with your
    Dark Shadows don’t
    let them rule Your Sunshine Soul Now..
    Okay now off to visit gigoid’s place and end with
    a Few MacroVerse Memories from two Years to Date..:)

    “A stitch in crime saves time….
    Posted on September 3, 2015

    “I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody
    to go to hell in his own way.”

    ~~ Robert Frost ~~”

    Haha This is Perfect gigoid
    don’t even need to add a word.

    Be back to like Your Post later..
    Word Press is all F’ed up on Safari for likes..
    Google is the Savior again hehe.. whatever it takes Hell or Heaven
    and Sing now..;)

    CLowN KinG NoW isREaL

    eARTh DaY hUMaN PoTeNTiaL oVE

    HeaVeN NoW ALWayS HeAR


    FLoWeRS CoLoRiNG HeaVeN MoReNoW

    Writing of “Day After Saving A World Now” Finished
    at 10:42AM On 4.30.2019 May Day May Day for Electronic Publish…;)

    CLowN KinG NoW isREaL

    eARTh DaY hUMaN PoTeNTiaL oVE

    HeaVeN NoW ALWayS HeAR


    FLoWeRS CoLoRiNG HeaVeN MoReNoW

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