Ha! Harry Connick Jr.. talking on the
TV about 24 Billion Selfies taken
a year and making
Face.. so
i figured why not
make a close uP oF iT..
After wearing my Homer
Simpson Last Perfect Man
T-shirt While Forest Bathing..
yes.. totally Clothed in a State Park
As PaRT of Black Water River Forest..
nah.. the Forest
don’t care ’bout
Selfies but it does
as Nature presents its
Best Face Naturally to
Survive.. Humans do this
too.. no surprise.. aided in
trans-humanist ways of
sMaRt PhOne Selfies
and ‘work’ as ‘they’
also do as a third of
Tax Refunds this
year as studied
and allocated for some
kind of Cosmetic Surgery..
Hey.. i’ve earned every grey hair
and a few extra inches that are still
hard to pinch around the middle as
the wife Katrina so aptly reports iN
discrepancies turned to the profile
side of my Modern New Age
Renaissance And Egyptian
MiN Michelangelo
SoUL Flesh way
oF sPiriTed
Homer Simpson
Art per DancE anD
SinG oF ThAT toTaLLy
free and footloose no longer
uptight as they say.. hanging loose
now more as Art gRows at any age when FReED..
@LeAst for Me.. A Picture tales a story and So much more..
wRite on
cOUrse oF YeS…;)

And coming across
the TV Waves NoW..
three types of selfies
reported as such on
the Harry Connick Jr. show
as the wife reports to me too..;)

Self Publicist

It’s all art to me..
yes.. Communication arts
yes.. Personal Story arts
yes.. Non-Verbal Language arts
it’s what normal humans do.. NoW2..
even online.. iT WiLL Be rather strange to suggest
we don’t like to share our face and get feedback..;)

Seriously NoW don’t be
afraid to express yoursELf
all of what you can and WiLL Be
jusT for A Playground of Fun.. even if you
are the only player iN iMaGiNaTioN and CreATiVity
too.. in ways of flesh and blood physical art too.. NoW
iT’s what healthy humans do.. move.. connect and create..
and yah..
reAlly healthy
ones stay that way
longer in grace of age
if and when they make
liFE the same AmaZinG
WondRous plAy Ground
oF LiFE wHo any modern
aGe Curious George CaN
AnD WiLL Do as ART oF
LiFe.. set totAlly Free
and it’s trUe We DO
liVe iN A New
Brave age..
wHeRE the First
Amendment RiGhtS
Allow total Freedom of
Expression as LonG as it
harms no one else.. and online
the solution is simple.. turn of Freedom
iF iT Offends the Measure of Freedom one sees..
Few limits HeaR Baby..
as i create a different
oF all of wHo
i Can Be.. liGht to
dARk.. SHades oF
Grey.. beYOnd RainBow
CoLor of MoVinG.. .CoNnecTinG
And CreATinG juST ’cause i CaN
And WiLL and on top of thAT iT iS Simply FuN..:)

sMiLes.. Good NiGht.. mY Dear FriEnd.. i’M
GuesSinG iN Egypt for you by now.. and i am
very happy that our talk makes you happy as inspired
by what you give and share heAR.. And jusT back from
HiKinG iN NaTuRe aLL Day..
ReFresHinG thAT iS anD
NeXt for Public
Free Style
WiTh some
wRiTing to Go aLonG wiTh
thaT StiLL Word Counting too
aT 1,438,120 Long Form Personal
Poetry Bible words since Memorial Day
of 2016.. and StiLL eXSeeDinG 4 Million
Words in Long Form Poem way iM what i aM
wRiTinG heAR NoW pLuS iN 96th/767th MacroVerse
way too.. along with eXceeding 7200 Miles of that Public
Dance in the 44th Month of doing that WiTh Long Form Poem..
Ocean wHole “SonG oF mY soUL”.. to go along with the
sMaLLer close to 11 month effort of what i name
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. per the 96th Macro
Verse stARTinG NoW too.. heHe.. but that’s
what i’Ve been DoinG.. How have i been..
it’s all Heaven.. mY FriEnd.. sure.. A
challenge but life’s like that
too.. and i continue to
hold you in my
prayers for
success iN your
Graduate Studies.. NoW too..
All the best my FriEnd.. alWays
all the best to you and your children..
family and friEnds too.. Hopes Like thaT
for the rest of Creation Too as Equal pArtS
oF goD whOle WiTh NeVeR SePaRatioN As BlanKet whOle..
all is covered..
aS Allah coVers…
Essence God alWays
ReAL HoLY WHOle.. mY FriEnd.. SOHEIR..:)

sMiLes.. mY FriEnd.. Xenia..
As GeM iS FriEnD..
Sun shines
afTer HiKinG
tHeiR thiS Morning
through afternoon..
how relaxed i am
curRenTly NoW
iN A SpiRiT heART
And soUL of Creativity
Free.. wHErE TRuLY nOw
WiTh MoVinG.. ConNectinG
And CreATinG waY NoW Lives
forever iN beYond what science can
say is HuMaN PoTenTiAL eXpreSSinG Bliss..
can attend
A pARTy likE
ThiS mY FriEnd..
never.. the less.. and alWays
more.. so .. thanks.. for joining iN oN mY Bliss..:)



Powerful Stories about life.. they surround us every
day on Facebook.. they really do.. and it is the outliers
that i appreciate the most as most often they are having
a grand time at life.. Like the Gentleman.. a Puppeteer
in a Big City with a TwerKinG Skeleton Puppet..
as shared with me by Second Cousin Monica..
whose efforts eventually earned
37M Views on Facebook..
whether the originator
of the effort shared
that art electronically
or not.. the human impact
is the same.. a little more hUman
liGht in way of EmoTioNs and SenSEs
for the day.. And then.. Dance Friend Maggie
silly and fun as she can be.. sharing a Disco Tits
story about glittering the ‘girls’ up for Festivals and
all around town as Maggie makes for a silly wish now..
as the Homer Simpson last perfect ‘immortal’ man in Xanadu
way might say.. don’t take life too serious.. death will come soon
enough or never now for those who play instead of fret.. And A
Powerful Story About Life heAR.. And encouraging to me in how
Poetry as of Elite Renaissance ages is making a comeback and
even making the YouTube Trending list for efforts like this of
a minute or so to last through the modern age human
attention span of less than a Gold Fish as science
says but never the less and actually more.. A
Powerful Story that in short says the
Kingdom of Nature as Happiness
lives in the UniVerse Within
as continuing Bliss
in miNd and BoDy
BaLanCinG ForCe iN
A Satisfaction that one
already has it all.. even Naked
and Free with enough to eat.. enough
to drink.. shelter.. and most importantly..
the ArmS and eYes and Hips of Love.. to
Share NoW WiTh otHeRs who also See.. SeNse
And FeeL this LiFE to Be A Wonderful Adventure
Now.. And it’s true while my long form poetry WiLL
likely never be shared in whole on Facebook.. as its
evident that its time and place is not now in this way
at LeASt.. however.. not a word… do i need to entertain
juST the heaRT StringS of LiFE i Pull NoW wherever i go
wiTh DAncE.. and you KNoW its hilarious and truly
sad when folks have to ask me why i do it..
in terms of basically you are crazy for
doing it as it earns no money
and you are just wasting
your life.. and that’s
a big part of the
why we
are closer
to Nuclear war
since the Bay of Pig’s
incident in the 60’s now..
people are not happy with what
they have.. it’s not enough so they
want the World to end instead by not
Giving a FucK.. iF our Dear Leader Shoots
the World in the Foot and it never walks again
as far
live.. root cause…
conservatism.. never
have enough.. religion per
heaven and hell is somewhere
else but here.. and sure.. politics
that is the above mentioned and the
way of the Tribal Nature that sees separate
and not enough in scarCityway.. instead of
W H O L E..
Now in rich
with have instead
of poor with have not..
with the greaTest poverty
always of the soUL that dies within..:)

So.. i DancE..
So.. i SinG MorE..
‘HeaVeN NoW ALWayS HeAR’..:)

And iT Appears now.. i have preSenTly..
A TiTle for A 96th/767th MacroVerse too..
As “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. And “SonG
oF My SoUL” aS trUly NeVeR EnDinG
NeVeR LanD Stories And
A Hotel California..
NoW on one’s
iNk Blot View of LiFe..
Hehe.. endless rabbit holes
too.. sure.. check iN.. if you like..
and whatever you do.. leave and NoW
get back to Nature and God the sAMe.. nOw..:)


Hotel California.. and the place NoW i was
and am raised NoW.. STiLL.. Yes.. Heaven..
nice metaphor NoW alWays for
the ‘normal’
Human place
oF iNheritance..
forAGinG all day
close to naked for what’s
to eat for today and ‘morrow
way.. most imporTantly.. hand
to hand and hip to hip eYes wiTh
ComMoN HoLy and SaCred Meaning
and Purpose in continUinG survive and
thrive in Moonlit Naked Furry Dance under
Moonlit Skies of campFire Love.. work of the
niGht wHere the child
was/is the prize
to be
by a Village
of Love where
each oTHeR is the
only answer to LiFE
as continuing LiVing..
yes.. survive and thrive and
how far we go and how far we
come away from all that is like this
Holy and Sacred.. Full of Meaning and
Purpose in Survive in Eat and Drink and
Shelter and DancE and SinG and Drum
Beat a Bliss
in Trance then
LiFe wiTH
NatuRe GoD
sAMe WhoLe
pArT uS MoRe
GoD all that is so..
it’s true.. i for one am not only
NoW A 56 soon to be 57 on 6.6.17
Divine MasculiNe WiLL and StrenGth
Divine FemiNine LoVe and GRace PoSinG
Man with Last Perfect Man Homer Simpson TheMeD
T-ShiRt HeAR on the River.. i Am the River.. i am the Magnolia
Tree.. i am the Grass… i am the Clouds and Blue Sky.. i am
the Tracks and Trains of Rail Road Trestle Bridge Soon
to connect wHole and one.. i am the Forest aCross
to Shore.. i AM thaT sAMe and DiFFeREnt
3 year old boy.. Standing on the
sAMe Bank in ’63 iN/oN
Down Town
Street Milton..
FL.. i AM God and
so is all the rest.. yes..
sAMe God that/wHo spoke
to me within at age 3 before
i learned to talk.. with words
in vocal way.. at age 4.. yes..
born with what ‘they’ name as
Autism and on the so-called Bi-polar
Merry Go ’round and Roller Coaster too..
thing is.. i was and am hard wired for Heaven in
more than one way too.. born with the luxury of only
A Shotgun Home on the River.. no Air Conditioning..
No Central Heat or Heat at all in Bathroom for Cold
Winter Baths.. but Moreover.. Mother Nature GoD as River.. Grass..
Sky.. Clouds.. yes.. NoWdid i mention i am the Birds and Bees too.. to
Do Nurture me thenow.. sure.. Mother and Grandmother too.. and Sister too..
Poor kids down the Street.. who only shared RiCH Love and Play and Nature/GoD SamE..
And while Heaven
lasted long
enough then..
sure.. a little
Hot in the
and Cold
in the Humid
Winter on River Front too..
A School Beckoned on top of the
Hill waiting to trap me behind a Desk..
as for a Grandfather long lost in Death before
i lived was a real PHD too.. in piled higher and yes..
S deeper as that school stuff can/will grow.. sure.. even
had Dinner With Einstein last Century in the Socialist
Circles of New York, New York too.. ex-communicated
from Catholic Church.. once Legal Counsel at the Vatican..
And yes.. sure.. Horny enough for desire of a Cajun
17 year old Girl theN iN thE Pews of HiS Church
And Parish at age 36.. to eventuaLLy maKe
NoW the reaLiTy of my
Love isREAL
NOW too..
Yes.. God.. Love
and FucK the rules..
sure.. Go Grand Dad
too and Do her too.. hey..
it’s the Work of the niGht that does
make Heaven/Hell for just another 3 year
old Boy.. Eventually NoW on a River on the Blue
and Green and.. Brown Planet Heaven.. and then
to school for 19 years along with work for 33 years..
separated from Creativity ways of Art and Life overall
for 40 years and eventually Landing sQuAre in isREaL
HeLL on eARTh for 66 months after a couple of years
or so stints in College Age years too.. but you see/feeL
iT was/iS the place i is/was born and the perSon
i was and am then born sTiLL NoW aS and the
Love by family and friends
then that is still
the man
i am
now reborn
at the end then/now of
July of 2013 on a Free
Beach again now then..
and heHe.. even though i do
not seek fortune or fame for writing
the longest long form poem at over 4 million
words as i celebrate 77 months of writing since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. without a break today
for 12 Million or so words.. sure.. over 7200 miles too
NoW of Public Dance in the 44 month effort of Longest Long
Form Poem.. ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” too.. as mY.. “Nether Land
Bible 2017”.. latest permanent titled Version is coming to exceed
that old Kings James Version all antiquated as such by double at
close to 1.6 MiLLioN words by little old me.. Close to one year oF
WritinG oN Memorial Day of this year.. 2017.. as that effort stARTed
oN.. Memorial Day of Last year.. heHe.. ‘they’ have already made
mY RaiSinG Fred Place.. the Down Town Festival Park.. in fAcT..
‘they’ have erected a stone place ground in my old
yard of play for Bands on
The River.. fresh
sod covering
the Sand too..
where then Shot Gun
home once stood.. Roses
on the River Banks where Briars
once bloodied folk’s ankles who came to this
place long before i am born.. yes.. then.. they called
this place Hell for that issue long before i come to Heaven
then and now too.. And eventually out of Hell too.. And it’s true..
all ‘they’ know and feel and sense about me now.. is i’m the DanCinG
Guy and
for me for i had
it all at age 3 and still
do.. i am God and so are you..
trUe iT FeeLs and SenSEs Better
iN HeaVeN NoW STiLL.. heHe… And
that reminds me.. the DVerse Poet’s Pub
Online Poetry Club has a Prompt on Monday
about the word ‘still’ as muse of prompt.. sAdly hmm..
all of me is too much for them to see.. at a 44 Quadrille NoW
Word Modern Twitter Length poetry restriction.. sAMe thing with
Milton but STiLL thAT is Okay too.. STiLL juSt STiLL iN Hotel California
version NoW.. STiLL..

1053 Word..

And neVer
away from
hoMe.. @1057..

According to MicroSoft Word @1061..
And i Do Love Number 1066..:)

And as a side note heAR.. mY
New Hobby is WRiTing thiS
Continuing “Nether Land
Bible 2017” And
“SonG oF mY
the Description
paRT oF aLL mY
Facebook Profile Pics
too.. sure.. 130K words iN
Profile pics a Month too..1111..:)


MeaSure MakeXpectations
BEat limITaTioNs and
uP.. for those
wHo travEL fartHeR
thAn SeeN
noW or
thaN longeR
or whateVerS waYS
NoW DoEs GroW OR ShriNK..
iT’s thE insIDes thaT coUnT NoW
ouT when the flesh hiTs the mattRess
And NoW
cOMe FRuiTioN isReAL..
moRe Than meaSuRE ‘ForE..
Other than thaT2..
Hi.. Candice.. STiLL2
trying now how to get
Notifications for yoUr
Blog as tiMe sure gETs
aWay wHen thAT neVer exisTs now By,.:)

HeHe.. and Candice.. your comment
above about the Middle Aged Pot
Bellied Men… LeaRinG at the 17
year old girls in their shortie shorts
when they come into StarBucks
made me giggle..
i lOOk
but not at shorts..
iT’s what mAMmals do.. suRe..
And bEhind my sHades.. i NoW too..
Catch Women oF aLL ages LeaRinG
aT mY Legs.. every wHeRe i go in Public..
approaching age 57 oN A DEViL’s
style NoW 6660
’cause ‘they’ move..
and ‘them’ too.. tHeRe is
morE to forM as esSenCe..
And A FloWer says more than
WorD NoW
iNFiNiTy NoW..
ProbAbly.. the
reAson i don’t
lear is i don’t do Caffeine..

SuRe.. BlaMe
thE CoFFee..;)


TRutH and the LiGht oF iT
is as side note heAR.. is..Healthy
Human beings set Freed are eXtreMely
sEXual and SeNSual iN Nature.. Head to toe..
suRe.. it’s the saMe
way WiTh
and more
as our closest
Primate Cousin
as proven through
Science uses sex as
a greaTesT tool to avoid
aggression.. violence with
no talk of World War III.. And
yes.. Bonobos are as Queer as
Male Swording can get as
A Pleasure Dome
of Relax don’t
get in a fight
it’s Nature..
nah.. don’t Blame
the hiGh on the Coffee Beans
alone.. no.. i do not lear at Women’s
Legs… at LeASt not when they are LooKing
as that can and will make a woman who is not
interested in ‘you’ in that way very uncomfortable
per the ethical rationale in Altruism of doing
no harm.. but on the other hand.. some
Women get mad if you don’t look
too.. it’s a mix in ethics
of morality of
or wrong..
mileage varies
accordingly with the
culture at hand.. ever been
to a MagiC Mike XXL Movie with
your Wife and heard the Cougars roar
at the end of the Movie in DAncE and SonG
of someone’s gonna get something when they get
home.. sure.. this in the most conservative area per
Patriarchal rule as Social Scientists say too.. butt Truth
beHold and TrUe and LiGht.. Nature rules.. Nature rules
when FReED and particularly when no one is LooKinG
Lears do come as thAT is what HeaLthy Humans
Do they lOOK
and Do.. hmm.. i’ve
seen both sides of the
coin.. ugly duckling as a boy
called skank and whatever as
a measure of my unworthiness
to live by the opposite and the
same gender too.. thick
four eYe Glasses
thin as a rail
and a
Full Blonde
Hair with Androgynous
Look.. sure.. the Sheldon
Cooper look and more Nerdy than that..
The teachers loved me for my Grades and that was
enough.. then.. a Gold Star got me through as the
Apple on the Desk of the Teacher’s eYeS.. True..
TrUth Be nowthen
tOld i would then
rather be HoLdinG
Hands with that cute
girl in the desk ahead..
no matter if i even knew
what sex was.. or how to
do it until 16 and 18 years
old respectively as back
in those days fur was
as far as Penthouse
went and online
porn was
a relative
lifetime away but never the
less i was hot for every pretty
girl that came my way.. sure.. more hot
for eYes of HoLDinG HanDs and FeeLinGS
but never the less.. a fire beLow lived as DancE and SonG too..
what to do with that without a clue.. sure.. those were the days
of ignorance
And then
i grew in stature
and girth a little bit
through school.. thick
glasses still an issue
but when contact lens
came as the green to blue
eYes shone through a new
world opened up to me at 22
years of AGe.. Girls started looKing
at me too.. Happy days are heAR aGAIn then..
sure.. A girl friend before that somewhat attracted
by my dance in early disco days.. enough for a
10 month relationship at 18 years old first
Love eventual Blues.. too..
ButT iT was the
eYes that
to me.. And i guess
the Furry Chest back
in the Travolta and Magnum
PI days helped a little bit too as
a hint of virility of what could coMe..
so.. yeah.. i’ve lived in the Desert of no Women
or Girls attracting to me.. and by the time i stARTed
then.. worKinG at a Bowling Center at about 180LBs oF
Runner.. Body and Spirit then.. oh.. how things changed
with or without money.. suddenly the outlook on me was much
different then before.. And is it just middle aged men that look at
younger women.. nah.. much older women do it too.. but the difference
is they can get away with groping you when it’s your turn to work the Women’s
League per do.. sure.. pinned up to a column that held up a ceiling that first day
by A wHole Group of Women
at Work then..
it’s okay when
A Group of Women then Do
it to a man.. as it’s just for fun..
and true it made me uncomfortable
as i was interested in none of those women
that way any more than the 17 year old girl
in the StarBucks is interested in the Old Pot
Bellied Men Learing at her.. thing is..
they go to jail if they go
further and the
in the
Bowling Center then..
do not.. and nah.. i suffer
no lasting emotional or physical
maLadies from that Groping encounter
then.. but if you think it ended then or now
you would be mistaken too.. For i have had
Young Women at Old Seville Quarter
totally strange to me.. get
hand fulls of
my ass
chest too..
just passing
by or to check
the fullness and the
freshness i guess of my
butt from dancing too.. And the
Bootie Dancing aggressively rubbing
the front of me without ask and i do literally
mean aggressively aS Such2.. uP and dOwN have
come too.. thing is.. don’t blame it on the Coffee as it is
not only Human Nature for Men.. it is the Similar for Free
Spirited Women too.. And of course.. i understand it is different
as tHeRe ain’t anyone gonna get me pregnant without my consent this way..
but still.. the drift and the riff is.. Humans are sexy beasts.. men and women too..:)

Candice comes back from
my last response on her
Blog with a nice comment
that says what i do on Facebook
Encourages Happiness and Smiles..

And i go on to say..

SMiLes my FriEnd..
i wish i knew why i wasn’t
getting your posts.. but it could
have something to do with how similar
this blog name is to the other one if i am
guessing correct that it has something to do
with who the Algorithm sorts
through what is or
is not shared
in terms
of spam
and stuff like
that.. perhaps the
Word Press team could
help.. but they usually help
better i understand if someone pays
for a Premium way.. of Word Press too..
but other than that i get Facebook Memories
of our Discussions past
and like an
Oven timer
i come
and catch up.. so..
there is always a work
around it seems no matter
how long it takes to get back..
alWays worth it mY FriEnd staYinG
iN the Flow of Creativity as RiverS anD
Ocean wHOle STuFF shorEs even more..
hmm.. i make some folks
happy but it’s
also true
that the
more closed
minded folks.. including
so-called Family Friends
have FB de-friended me basically
for the reason of religion and how ironic that is…
considering.. even turn the other cheek and love your
enemy.. just an underwear photo for fun can scare the
out of
literAlly so..
as i expose the
Hypocrisy far and narrow
ass that’s the way the human story
goeS and growS in LiGht and DArk.. mY FriEnd..:)

Candice Also returns in Discussion way
to affirm that i am a nice
Guy and not like
those Learing
Old men..

i go on to say..

SMiLes.. mY FriEnd as
i may have noted beFoRE
in our Conversations.. i am
Diagnosed With Bi-Polar
not other wise specified
as i tend not to
even fit
of so-called
labels.. And yes..
with the intense focus
on one thing like writing 12
million words total online since
2010.. talking a whole lot about some
Kind of God even if that God equates to
Nature plUs way out of old timey books..
And.. of course.. spending 66 months
in Hell in the bottom floors
oF Dante Bi-Polar ways..
i Have enough love
to control lust
and being
close to
57 years old
and being married
to someone as beautiful
as my wife has kept me all out
of the headaches of potential uncontrolled
lust.. however.. i understand how powerful the
actual FeeLinG and SenSinG oF LuSt can GroW
as iT IS A Neuro-Chemical and Neuro-Hormone
reaLity of the BeASt we are as BeinG hUman
and Mileage varies from soft most
of the time to bore on hard
core as you know
what i mean..
thing is
Do you FeeL
whAt i mean in Libido
BeYonD RAinBoW Colors
Shooting aCross the Moon
without a Drop.. It’s LiterAlly True..
it’s Harder for some folks not to look than
it is for other folks like me to not look now.. no matter
HoW HiGh SuN LiVes boRE HaRd iNside.. eVen More.. NoW..
THeRe is an EntiRE UniVerSE of LuSt and LoVe and no doubt
FoLks on the Bi-Polar spectrum have eXploReD all ends of ThAT
Place and all around more than most folks.. so.. in other words.. i have
a great deal of sympathy and empathy for those who have difficulty controlling
their looks and more than that.. as it is both an innate issue and an environmental
continuing issue as Lust can be none or a ticking time bomb of destruction now too..
in even
sex addiction
ways too.. although
i conquer that poTenTiaL
Monster with eases these days..
Advancing Age and A Beautiful Wife
does hELp but mostly the experience of Love
my FriEnd.. LuSt is GreaT but Love is better when iSreal..
and for those folks with hiGh OcTAne LusT and LiTtle Love there
are few
not to
at least.. my FriEnd..
and sadly.. yes.. to lear
even unashamedly so as
folks are looking.. and it’s true
both myself and my wife are
products of requited
Bore oN HaRd
luSt somewhere
done the
Line as we all are
my FriEnd.. Her Mother
And a Pacific Islander Sailor
off a boat.. My Catholic Priest 36
year old Grandfather and a 17 year old
Cajun Girl out of Priestly Parish Pews.. if not for
Long Hard Looks few of us would be here for the value
of luSt.. LoVe.. and LiFE no matter how we got here is StiLL HoW we Be..
oN the other hand.. coNsideRing.. my Facebook Page goes by my Wife’s
name Katrina in variation of Katie Mia name shared.. whenever i get A
Facebook Request that says Hi Gorgeous or Hi Beautiful when her Face
is LiT uP.. it makes my sKin Crawl and reminds me of all the White Middle Aged
Law Enforcement LooKing Martial Arts Privilege i have in 1020 LB Leg Pressing
Ass Kicking Potential too.. when i walk the Bar Parking Lot nights lone and fearless..
ain’t easy
a Woman..
never has been..
never will be for
we humans
animals and some
of us don’t have control of our Beast..
juST a FaCt and not much room for Alternative ones.. now
but never the less.. i alWays try to understand.. why.. why why why..:)


For what it’s worth.. to ‘you’.. my FriEnd..
your work is worth following and reading
and liking too.. sorry.. i have nothing else to
offer you.. for the
Best Poetry NoW..
i FeeL and SeNse
is that of Dance
with no words
as written
limits.. as
Air flows
Water sKin
Flesh rich
more without
Gravity NoW..
never wants..
butt of course
i’m Rich..
i can
poe E try
Dance with
Cheap thrills
WiTh no dollar ills..
As aLways.. thanks for
the inspiRaTioN as that
pARt is Free as lonG aS it’s Public..
And as alWays.. i’M writing this to W-Ever..:)

Hmm.. so.. how rich am i.. not so rich i must pay
taxes in terms of Green BLack Dollar BiLLs and Lincoln Sents..
but Rich enough where if something happens to me.. per my wife’s rather
Meager Epilepsy Disability Income.. she will have enough money to last the
rest of her life if she does not go overboard on the spending as retail
therapy sometimes does.. And that took the JOB of Job to sAve that
when i worked at a raise that eventually allowed me to do that
in the last 7 years or so in the Miracle of a Nest
Egg to get that JOB done.. as most of my career
after earning three college degrees i was
interested in and not to make money
alone.. was at close to Minimum
Wage as the Service Industry
does pay even in Military
related Options in the Civilian
World as Such.. finally appropriated
to more Money in ’93 with the Purchase
of a New Home Mortgage and Car Loan to
go with that soon enough too.. as the Loan
Game paid on for years to come.. truly.. a Miracle
that Next egg ever was and is although the Katrina was
Held close to an almost unbelievable 75 dollars of spending
a week for close to a couple of decades until i went down
iLL and the Dollar Faucet came on as free for all for
Katrina spending.. sure.. she earned it and
now what’s left is saved.. and nah..
i won’t be purchasing any poetry
books to reduce her slush
fund for survival
if anything
me as
anything could
happen to any of us
at any moment and if you
Love someone you take care of
them in whatever it takes to do that
same thing as i write poetry too.. to whatever
it is that i do now Free.. as sure.. technically now
i can’t do what i used to do for much bigger bucks
toward the end of my career.. as i’m yes.. A kind of complicated
and as complicated things do.. they break down.. if not provided
enough care and maintenance along the way of life.. and the wife surely
does that for me.. in enough ways for me to pay that back.. so.. nah.. while
it’s true that
i’m rich
in the
seNse and
FeeL that i have
all i need to survive
and continue to rise and
thrive as Katy Perry Loves
to Dance and SinG too.. i ain’t
Giving Katrina’s potential Livelihood
away for some Poetry book now to make someone
happy far
far away
on the
other hand what
i do heaR is Free..
you won’t even see any
copyrights as what i do
is the SiGNaTuRE oF mY soUL..
iN oTheR Words.. an original in
every SPiRiT Word that coMes
neXt.. sTeaL mY soUL and
you juST Spread
the Form
of the heART
Essence oF thAT
MoRe.. sad to me that
anyone must lower themselves
to the level of selling tHeir soUL
as thAt iS whaT PuRE ArT is.. PoeTry..
or whatever the else EsCaPES aS SoUL..
suRE.. Nude art too.. why not.. as it
eXpressees MoRE of the HuMan Element
oF soUL too.. iN iTs most
BaSiC BeinG aS
TemPle of GoD
for SuRe2.. and surE3
we give Five Bucks to
the homeless person whoever
and wherever he is on the street
NoW iN the Metro Area of HOme.. but on
the other Hand.. the Church Money Changing
Tables don’t get five bucks from us the neXT
Week and quite Frankly they wouldn’t get money
at all if it was uP
to mE for as fAR
as i AM concerned
the SonG i SinG tHeir
as the SpiRiT oF LiFE i BRinG
is MoRE than enough to pay
for the heat and
cool thaT
i share
Electric BiLLs tHeRe..
Same thing with The Church
Group Casino Trip.. as thAT
Fee is considered a Church Donation
too.. the pass around Basket is lighter
without our Five Bucks the Day After Casino Trip
too.. and sure.. all we use is the Free Play Money
for the Casino Trip.. and i drink the Free Root Beer
as i entertain the City Folk and Tourists Dancing all Day
on the Board
Side Walk
Road.. Spinning
and Twirling like
A Tasmanian Devil oF LiGht..
so.. in other words.. yes.. i’m the
man with a Financial Plan too.. but nah..
ain’t no sales technique ever gonna work on
me online.. words i trade and photos and my SoUL
for Free.. butt bucks.. i FucKinG Hate Money.. butt
on the other butt
hand the
reaLiTy iS
it is a necessity
to liVe.. as they say
when in Rome and GiVing
BacK to CaesAR and all oF thAT too..
except for taxes of course as that is beyond
now.. hehe..
Rich is the SoUL
that Needs no hole..:)

Yep.. not having enough
is like A BLacK wHole soUL..
a little spot heAR and theRe
and neXt thing yA kNow the heART
GRoWs eMptY of SpiRit of EMOTioNs
and SeNses too.. Lowest Level of Maslow’s
Hierarchy in Pyramid way too.. and as Far as
getting Up on Fowler’s Mountain of Faith IN all aGaPe
way as Love for all creation.. much harder to do.. sTiLL
STucK iN Maslow’s Lowest Level of never feeling and sensing
like one has enough.. and next thing yA kNow.. Trump is the President
and any
thing evil
goes iF the
oThEr FoLKs LeT iT
And it doesn’t appear
tHey WiLL to any GreAt
Extent as fortunately the
folks with the power are no
Evangelical Christians at this point.. much..
yep.. the folks in suits are away from Church
in other Branches of Government way for now..
and nah..
ain’t no
body as cray
cray as TrUmP ToDay @LeASt
it Seems.. rule makers are rule
makers are rule makers.. not usually Trump insane..
but sure.. as Einstein’s Def of insanity as same GridLock
is a sure
And as far as the subject the Poet Dude
too.. expressing a little dissatisfaction
in how he graded poetry online in free
style at large.. hmm.. i suppose if i was
trying to make a living out of something that is
practically free now to anyone who goes anywhere
with an online button now.. it would be a little frustrating
too.. but hey.. Freedom of Expression rules and Poetry.. REAL
NO RULES AT ALL.. straight
from the empty ripped out pages of
the Dead Poet Society.. including
Robin Williams too.. And that’s how
i for one stand on the Desk of liFE too..
And in
this FieLd
of Dreams
i make
only he
thAT is CoMiNG for sURE is mE..
And that’s how i roll FReED join
me if you like as everyone is welcome..
with zero Bucks needed in FredLand NoW2..;)


Fellow Poet Blogger and
Facebook Friend Rafiah
From Pakistan.. shares a slide
show on Muhammad’s reported
one night stay in Heaven and Hell
as referencing a Verse 17:1 out of
the Koran too.. in slide show too..

So.. i return again with this..

Yep.. i can relate.. went to
The three letter H place
for 66 months and AM
Still Living in
The second six
Letter H place now
for 45 months.. makes
for a 111 Month journey
aCross both places now.. And
Sure.. i have the Longest Long
Form Free Verse.. Fully Illustrated Poem at
over 4 Million words and closing in on a 1.6 Million Word
Bible in just a year wRite on Memorial Day too.. it is true..
ReAL Miracles never cease with the Power of God within and
i have that proof for those with eyeS and ears to BE..NoW2..:)

And i’LL add heAr as the Story Book isreAL iN the new World
of the USA in New Age Jerusalem Milltown iN front of the Taco
Town Sign heAR.. adding that yes.. i also have the proof that i did
A King David Praise Dance extending all around the Metro area
and as far in the SouthEastern RedState Gulf Trump Red State
Area as far as Biloxi Mississippi.. wHere i am noted as a regular
in that Tourist City too.. as Public Dance tends to do that
Brave and Free in any
Trump State or
in Direct
opposition to
A Anti-Christ Reign
against everything Matthew
Chapter 5.. verses 1 though 11
portend to say and do on A Sermon
on the Mount in BeAtiTude ways..
dARKness.. PuRe Darkness
our ‘dear leader’
over HeAR
iN Funky way too..
anyWaY aS previouSly
related in this 96th/767th MacroVerse
HeAr.. that meaSures in at a Miraculous
44 Month Dance of 7200 miles like a Forrest Gump
run back and forth and back about the distance
from sea to sea of North America now too.. at
about the shortest width too.. as i avoid
exaggerating any of this @ALL Cost2..
Anyway.. Taco Town sits wRitE neXT
to Locklin Insurance Agency
woRKinG so hard to
reduce my House
per year at
a massive 25 percent
as every buck for the Katrina’s
long term slush fund IS A Dollar
saved and doNe for her.. And a nice
Agent named Sarah Rambo.. and yes
it’s true.. her Husband’s middle name is John..
so nice this Angel-like woman was.. as i can spot
’em even before i see ’em as i FeeL and SeNSe tHeir
presence even over phone lines too.. sure.. as usual an
Angel Sent by God.. one of many to give little old me a helping
hand and continue to provide a way per say and do too.. anyWAy..
Sarah admits she is a bit shy and introverted like the Katrina too..
of course as one might guess her Rambo significant other half is
way extroverted like me.. as extraverted as me.. not
likely even Rambo
would be Brave
to do
all that i do..
Per Sylvester Sly Stone
and Nude Art too.. fully
engaged as Rambos do go..
and Min’s of Ancient Egypt
in Fertility way Rock and Roll too..
anyWay.. that’s juST anoThEr Miracle
to do to tomorrow too.. iF i keep what
it takes to do thaT Miracle too.. yes..
God WiLLinG WiThiN and all thAT iS too..
Anyway.. Mrs. Rambo.. had a very long and
fundamentalist looking dress on too.. similar to
what Angel Rafiah Friend in fundamentalist Muslim
wear.. does wear too.. and that’s Okay.. NoW as at Least
Angel eYes.. come through on both sides of the Atlantic
Pond too.. all covered up in rest of way or even no physical
presence at all per phone and web words same.. anyWay.. Mrs.
Rambo.. listened to even more than what i witnessed to Angel Rafiah
above in New Testament by me iN new age way all fresh and liGht and True too..
anyWay.. the Key i gave Mrs. Rambo about liFE in General is the aBiLiTy to LIGht
a SMiLe for anyone
or even have
NoW isREaL..
And it’s true.. after
7200 miles of Dance
Discounting all these words
as no one much heaR KNoWs
oF all i do and wHo i CuRRenTly AM2..
most every wHeRE i go NoW.. juSt my presence
is enough to curl a LiP Up.. kinda like Funky ToWn by
iN FunkY
ToWn MiLLtowN
Jerusalem isreaL USA NoW..;)

And Mrs. Rambo said
in short(s).. next time
i see you
in Walmart
i am gonna say
Hi.. Directly to you..:)

Mission Accomplished…
Love SMiLes NoW..
AKA Heaven NoW2..:)

Well.. there’s sTiLL some time
as times is alWays NoW on the Funky
Town SonG.. and i am alWays aMused to
see deeper Holy and Sacred Meaning and Purpose
in the afTer DAncE and SonG of all i do iN expreSsinG
HeART as SpiRiT as a MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG soUL oF arT..
sure.. iN
a Load of me
as sELf otherwise
actualizing known
as soUL all online
juST for FuN and sHiTs
and GiGgles to perUse if
for no one but the he that
is me and God WithiN as a KinGdom
of BeinG HuMan And NatuRe plUS aLso
KnoWn as A Kingdom of GoD as HeaVen NoW
within too.. more about that NoW in a coming
MicroVeRse Memory toward the end of soMe
Facebook Recollections of given and
shared MacroVerses too.. but
for now.. i muSt say
or am InsPiRed
by the
of the
SkY witHIn..
(note: reminder
to change the theMe
SonG to thaT iN a FeW too Now..;)

And Now.. sure iNsiDe.. outSiDE..
aBoVe.. so BeLow and allaRouNd
as ‘they’ DancE and SinG SoNG
too.. from Zero 0riGiN/SourcE
Now STiLL alltheways to 8 StanDinG
TaLL InfinitY H.. two ones as
11K.. yes.. k iN G stAnDinG tALL
NoW as BeinG HUman WiTh
two ones as
lefT reaSon
of BraiN
uP and
jOiNs RiGht
Social Empathic
GoD AwAre as allthAT
too.. yeS NoW iN OperaTioNal
Hours per the Taco Town and
MiLLToWn and KinGdOM of GoD
as NATuRe withIN hUman
NaTuRE as FractAL
wHOle as
unto 0-8H
itsELF as even
the GreaT LefT BrAIn
Dude CArL SagaN somEwhAT
RoboticAlly DanceS and SinGS
in Systemizing ScriBe oF GOD
And NATuRE sAMe SciEnce InSpiRinG
whAt ‘they’ SinG NoW iN Secular way too..
yeS.. as we beinG HUMans ConneCT as Neurons
oF BrAIN iN BoTh HeMiSPheRe’s oF eArTh iN
LonGiTudE and LaTTiTudE wAY too online as we
can and WiLL as anyWaY it’s rather Hard to keep
up with 5,000 Facebook Friends in reAL LiFE as BeinG
HUmaN means you only comfortably sPiLL all YOuR Beans
in flesh and blood to aRouND 5 Close FriEnds and are acquaintances
WiTh around 150 to 200 sets of hips and eYes even comfortably close
to Naked in a ForAGiNG ViLLaGE thaT also CoNNecTS in Flesh and Blood
Hips and eYes don’t lie Dance and Sing with Drum Beats of the NiGht
Moonlit among cAMfiRe Disco LiGhts as i for one WiLL be doing
tonight on the 158th Week of DoiNg JuST that with all the
Cool STiLL Free SpiriTEd College Age Folks at
Old Seville Quarter to reMaiN TrUe to mY
STiLL Free spiRiTed eVolVinG NaTuRe
iN juSt oNe liFeTiMe too through
EpiGeNeTic and NeurOPlaSTiC NoW
continuing #John1412 Advancements
aS anyONe who BeliEves in TrUE liGhT
and WhiTE MaGiC in UniSON WiTh AllthaTiS
AKA GOD iN SynchronCiTy WaY iN ABunDanCE
of the KinGdOM of BeinG HUMan NaTuRe within..
PeR #Luke1721.. and i’LL get to more aBout thaT
Taco Town issue and Funky Town way within after
while iN a MicroVerse Facebook Algorithm Provided
Memory too.. this is how you do Oral Tradition old timey
New age way in the wriTten tyPe oF Free Verse oNLinE EpIc
Poetic way too.. as you FloW as StreAMs To RiVers to wAves
of OceaN WhOle hUman PotenTiaL sHORinG iN and Out exPaNsinG
BouNdAries oF Ocean ShoRE wHOle PoTenTiaL aS oNe DanceS and SinGS
MoRE and MoRe beCoMes too.. A Wonderful AdVenTurE as JuST anoTher
VoiCE iN DAncE and SonG oF GoD whOle huWoMaNiFeST aS HUman eYes
and eArs wHo and thaT see and heAR more than orgAns aLoNe
AlOnG aLLoNE iN a Symphony oF ART iN uPLoaDinG
sOULs oNline NoW.. and the MoRE we
connect and join H Hands of 11 K
yes K 11
G 7
iN BeYOnD so
CalLeD Normal
oNly J10 Digits
of Hand and Feat
of Feet in ages gOne by
STiLL as NOW.. the MoRE the GloBe
BeCOMeS wHOle and less SeparATe as
HUMaNs HOLd Hands liKe this online..
NoW as the HiVe of reALity BeCoMeS moRE
Cooperative iN HUmaN Eu-SoCiaL Bee ways
and wax on and wax off Skills too.. and neXT
thing you KNoW and FeeL and SeNSe.. we avoid
World War III and EnJOy the KinGdOM of GoD WiThIN..
yes.. Sing and DancE iT NoW.. iNSiDE.. outSide.. aBoVe..
so BeLow and aLL aRoUNd.. iN a DancE and SoNG of Not Only
butt thrive
iN SmILes and
Laughs and HiPs
and eYes don’t Lie
iN A MoonliT ForeVer
DaY oF LiGht.. aNYway
thAT’s wHeRe i Staycation
as 8 H sTanding TaLL InFinity
NoW and i inVite you to DancE
and SinG with me as Free as the
Kingdom of Heaven Stands TaLL iN
and as YoU NOW too.. as GoD verily
i DAncE and Sing WiLL bE Happy huWoMaNiFeST as you too..
And now every little thing is gonna Be alRiGht as that is how
it’s been A WoRkInG out for mE iN a PracticE oF LiGht thAT
NeVEr EveR
eNdS iN a
NetHeR Land
NeVeR enDinG
SToRy BooK NOW too..
otheRwiSe KnOwn and fELT
And SENSeD as a HoLY and
SacRED Bible FuLL oF Meaning
and Purpose reflecting mY soUl
uPLoADinG to GiVE and shAre @LeAST..
And NoW surE iT WiLL BE my PleAsure to
sEE yOur soUL of NaTurE and GoD sAMe
And DiFfeREnt all onLiNe too.. uNless
yoU wanna make me the oNly one like
they did to that last
Epic Dude.. yes
Dudes and
Go wHere
No OthER hUman
dAreS to Go NoW iN
John 14:12 ways NoW too..
Spirit of the sKY within  NoW aS
i DancE and Sing MOrE NoW too..
iN MacroVerse and MicroVerse all
free Provided Facebook Algorithm way..:)

Recently.. Angel Rafiah was speaKing about her Girl
Crush earlier today on Facebook.. so NoW perHaps too
this SonG is one that both Genders/eTc.. can relate too 2..
anyWay.. i Need somEthing to keep going oN and thiS WiLL mUse tHis2..;)


“Autism and Social Animal Acceptance”.. Four Year.. Pre-MacroVerse Memory in older Blog
ways of BlogspoT STiLL per Katie Mia Aghogday predating NoW
STiLL KATiE MiA FredericK!iI.. although Carbon
Dated is not necessary
iN matters
the SonG remains someWhat
the DancE of tens of thousands
of Years ago.. theN iN similar Sapien
Sapiens Homo way of BeinG.. the Trans
Humanist tools we Have make the Potential
of spReading a MessAGe even further iN real
TiMe NoW of 2000 years ago and much more iN
NoW tiMe
as tHeRE
is relATiVeLy
speAKinG no such
thIng as HUmaN tiMe..
siMply CLock iLLusioNs
that we creaTE for DeadLiNes
to KiLL Life as DreaM TiMe alwAys NoW..
and naH.. it took me 12 MillioN or so words
of practice practice wax on and wax off to get to
this point of oral tradition iN type NoW.. Evolution
iN juST oNe LiFE Baby is wHeRe wE arE AT NoW joIN thaT or
iN mY FiELd
of dreAMs BaLL FiEld
@LeASt and STiLL GroWinG NoW2..:)


Poetic Letter in MacroVerse Form heAR
to Long term Blogger friEnd
from Pakistan.. Lala Rukh..
per.. “Allah NOW Flows”..

As i’m sure ya know..

Allah creates a Universe of ALL matter that dances together..

from the Milky Way that swirls the stars together in orbit of golden spiral..

To the Hurricane in wind and moisture droplets that swirl this way..

To the human fetus and sleeping cat that is curled this way…


as small as we see technology aided..

watching the electrons flow around the nucleus of an atom..

But ya see..
humans are similar creation of Allah still..

but still they should be moving in Sacred Love of Allah like this…

INSTEAD OF still or imprisoned movement only in a straight line of hell…

When the body moves in balance in golden spiral..

with arms and legs moving in tandem in a Universe of own..

360 degrees in all dimension of human space..

We become one with Allah as true UNI VERSE with ‘H i’m”

H i Am
Two ones joined as ONE
Mind and body becomes complete
as ONE with ALLAH!

i am always in bliss in mind and body..
as this is how i move ALL WAYS through now..

In ballet..

TAI CHI like movement..

instead of prison of sidewalks as illusion in prison..

designed by others to imprison Allah in us..

instead of being FREE instinctuALLy..


letting IT ALL GO..



Youtube roadblocks are sometimes severe..

in restricted countries..

as there are many teachers tHere..

waiting to show ya how to do this..




again ONE NOW..!

which is fear other than falling or loud noises…

as such…

But in my opinion..

the best structured way to start..

if ya haven’t already tried it..


if there isn’t a teacher..

perhaps there is a DVD ya can buy to watch..

and practice at home when ya are cleaning around your home..

or cooking..

or such as that..

One can incorporate this as a way of life..

But don’t know if ya could get away with it in general public..

like i do as i can tell folks it’s part of my religion..

or accommodation for back problems..

and they legALLy MUST..

reasonably accommodate my freedom..

to do this when i am shopping with my wife…

But now as it seems you are probably taking care of a home..

instead of in school in static position working on a computer..

which is probably the worst thing in the world..

to gain this balance of mind and body with Allah..

Ya may have more freedom at home..

to do this in your spare time to pursue it..

if ya decide to do so…

i truly think it can heal so much..

of any discord and even disease..

in almost anyone…

As ya know i had 19 medical disorders..

and people see me as martial artist..

professional dancer..

and all of that now…

i never had a lesson though..

It is instinctuALLY a gift that Allah..

gives to US ALL..

just forgotten..

in the illusion of culture…

th@IS ALL….

And the other thing..



Allah creates dance first of matter in Golden Spiral..

but sound and music follows to inspire and FUEL DANCE..

as sound is energy like LIGHT!

And then finally..

there is the written word..

recorded to help ALL folks find middle way of balance..

of light and dark and positive and negative..

for eternal flow of BLISS in letting Allah..

and human go as ONE IN BLISS…



So that is what we do here..


we share a way to BLISS with ALLAH..

in poetry of SACRED LOVE..





the dream becomes…


Love you more for inspiring these words..

Lovely friend..

yOurs too..

flowing with Allah…



And yes of course this will be my next blog post..;)

thanks again to you dear..

my messenger friend…

as ONE


And in reviewing the comments
section from that a memory
from a man named Bill GNC
in poetic user name then too..
who suggested that after experiencing
Tao Chi one should feel no emotions.. happy
or sad.. just Be.. hmm.. anything that moves
us StiLL or Run is EmoTiOn and sure.. Mileage
Varies on the experience of Bliss as Eastern
Philosophies have different labELs that we do
not have in Materialistic Western ways wHere
we make cars the Lover and Homes the God
uP to Trump Towers and
voting for
away now
from God
within in the
Kingdom of thaT
instead of Trump Towers
TaLL and the Pearl and Emerald
and Gold some folks hope to be
tHeirS iN somewhere in tHeir given
and made Imagination and Creativity too.. after liFE..
And that’s oKay to each hiS Own Reap oF WhaTeVEr NoW..
anYway.. for mE at LeASt Bliss iS iNfiniTE iN BeYond A Word
oF Beauty in the nuance thereof aS EmotioNs and SenSory
expErienCe wHole.. thing is.. it don’t coMe DirT iN A PiLL
alone.. one muSt practice an ascent of mindful
AwAReness iN BoDyfuL way too.. to liGht
uP a
of BeinG
HUman in literAlly
Quadrillions of Connections
in Neuron and Peptide way as
Vagal Kundalini Nerve spreads
OuT PosiTiVe NeuroChemicals
and NeurOHorMOne ways frOM
Head to toe MorE.. yeS..
iMAGiNe yOurSelF as
a christ
liT uP
iN beYOnd
ineffable wAys
NoW of BeIng HUMan
FeeLinG and SeNSinG
NoW BeyOnd RainBow
Colors more.. and
perHaps an
or reLate
to this plaCE
oF HeaVen as KingdOM
of God wHo thAT LiVes
WitHIn as We HOld Hands
toGeTher.. yes.. inSide..
outsiDe.. aBoVe.. So BeLow
and aLL aRouNd.. and iF you thiNk
the tiny hand of science can meaSure
this in antiquated one step two step
five or whatever.. you ain’t been to
the Heaven
and SenSinG
WriTe NoW
and WheN
i DancE A
TaI Chi-Like
Free Style FloW..
the Bliss is boTh EmoTiONs
and SeNSEs and BeYoNd EmoTiOns
and seNsEs.. if you are juST RepreSsinG
all YouR EmoTioNs and SeNSEs iN delegated
and authoritatively instituted moves of Tai
and FeeLinG
and SeNSing
Close to Nothing..
enJoy youR NoThinG for
i for oNe WiLL Fly as DAncE
Without a Sensation of Gravity
FloaTinG HiGher and HiGher Baby
as any isrEaL LIFE Jonathan Livingston Seagull NoW2..:)


“Dark IS Challenge”..
very short MacroVerse
from three years ago too
as the last one was now too..
And short enough to quote too.. without
the fully illustrated YinY and YangY thingies
in the full MacroVerse LiNk exPanDinG ouT aS Such now2..:)

Dark IS challenge..


Light IS accommodation..


to challenge..


IS change..


















“Autism: Finding Mind and Body Balance”.. back again to four
years ago.. and much research before by me to get to that
point too.. as if you wanna help the entire coal
mine you talk
to the
first on
the Wrong
Planet as i did
for about 8006 posts
and about 8 Million words
there and associated other
Autism Communities online too..
StiLL a substantial paRt of thaT
record in the type written carbon
way of being hUman STiLL on the
Online Wrong PlaneT too.. stiLL
more of a Science project
it was heAR in Pre-
in systemizing
left Brain way of thinking
until the fast and furious
greaTer paRT of RiGht BrAIN
cAMe into the PicTuRe wHole
iN More than juST DeTALe View..
as 11K to 7G to H8 StanDinG tALL
inFiniTY BEYOnd as Rihanna’s DancE
and SinG to WiLL juST dO NoW for MoRe
of John
and similar
for Lucy-Like
hUman PoTenTiaL too..
yeS.. LiGhtLiKE PoTenTiAL MoRE2..:)

(note: to sELf aGaiN to maKe thaT Rihanna Song HapPen aGaiN..;)


“Autism and the Nautilus”

Pre-MacroVerse from four
years ago.. partiAlly
repeated her as
i StART to
space then..:)


of Autism

and farther out


Broader Autism Phenotype

seems to be

a disconnect

and Language.




and Autism is one.

The drive



social communication

Social Animals

is so

one cannot help

but think




“Creation Activity”

in all
its forms


driven in


who look to find
that connection

in Reciprocal
Social Communication






“expressionless face”


social communication

in messages


“Creation Activity”


Poets, Writers,
Painters, Musicians,
Mechanics, Carpenters,
Architects, Software Engineers,

and anyone else

wHo spends
their life


The End Result


we see
around us,


by the









and Galaxies.

School Logo
is a Nautilus Shell,

which by Synchronicity



one was
born with
three at birth,

later graduating


three at twenty-three.
One also spent life
in a “Nautilus” Shell

in an attempt
to become stronger

aided by
that advantage

in Exercise
by culture


who are

born weaker

than others are.

One’s school

coming from

Oliver Wendell Holmes

and his poem about the Nautilus


“Build Thee
More Stately Mansions”

It took one longer

to Build one

than most

but one started

linked below,

in music

that has finally



One note

led to

one note

led to







Years after,

there was a word,

a sentence, a paragraph,





grow. It

to one


the Human

and all that comes from it

is “man-I-fest”

of when



fully aware

of “AM” that “IS”.

Shell becomes ONE
with Nautilus.
One could not identify
an emotion

in one’sMusic,

one thinks one
a word


one perceives,

to it,

a spiraling


no end


AnyWay Greatly
inspiRed by all the
Canaries in the Coal
Mine of the Wrong Planet..
Yes.. Affectionately described
as Hell to me now  too.. A last
resort for the unwanted toys
of culture.. and truly sad too..
that they
LiGht BrinGer tHeir
to raISe tHeM uP juST
a little ouT oF dArK oN A
much GreateR Path to and BeinG LiGht..
yes.. of course in secular word way fully
reguLaTiNG and InteGRaTiNG EmOTiONs NoW anD
SeNSes wHole iN H*8 stAR sTanDinG TaLL aLL NoW
INFiniTy+ NoW aLL FracTAL WhOle2 DuSt SenTient
PluS frOM CruCiBlE StAR DeATh Resurrection tHeN
BurST FiRE oN PlanET HeAveN eARTh NoW off the
IN WronG PlaNET WaY2..
sure.. easier dONE than sAId
but i cry i try it’s noW STiLL thE
LEast NoW A LuciFReED caN/WiLL.. jusT DO..:)


“LIGHT of Darth Vaders and Storm Trooper LOVERS”.. MacroVerse Memory from
two years ago.. as i change the tune heAR a little bit too.. and a lot too..
BeYONd as ‘they’ say too..
iN Spock and going
wHeRe no HUman
DaRes to go
too trUE iN
StAR TreK Ways too..
a bit of a stress two years
was too.. as two communities.. one
of so-called reaSon on the Wrong Planet
and so-called Poetry in the dVerse Poetry
Community World online too.. were both of course
Emotionally Driven places of so-called rationality
of what fit in the squares and circles of life in ink
blot way too..
let’s.. juSt say..
as they say about
certain dudes who have
no place to rest tHeir weary
heads to be pART oF A Community WHole..
yep.. NoW it’s that way for me too.. as HiStory NoW
GoeS STiLL and hUman NaTuRe too.. the MaVericK
by very Definition exceeds the boundaries of the
heaRd of Herd beForE.. and is often not welcome
as one must go
tHeir own
way.. as an ant
eater as greater
way2 of Eu-Social
Cooperation Pioneering
way.. iN other words.. not
every one understands the Queen
Bee well.. but thanks for doing yoUR
Jobs weLL to prepare ye a way for little old
me.. iN kInG and QuEEn BaLanCinG StaR Peace NoW aS
Guardians of the GaLAXy juST Do iN NiKe Goddess Victory2..
anyWaY as the records sHow iN Doctor way the social stress of
staying tough in places that didn’t want me.. in my usual record
of outcast way.. no matter how hard it is to be human that is me too..
and yeS
went down to
a minuscule
181 then..
that of a 75 year
old man but now thAT i aM
once aGaIn StAnDinG TaLL H*8
INFiniTy wHole as i was back
oN JulY 22nd of 2013.. at
a rate of precisely
666 as Doctor
rates sHoW2..
last count
was a little over
800.. as soMe LiOns
are meant to roAM anD
neVER sTAY A foot iN pLaces
moRe Like for Roar.. as feaT MoRE..
It’s trUe.. somETiMEs onE muST beCOMe a HerMiT MoRE
MercuRy Roar MoRe
And leave a note BeHind.. BeYOnd anD
or MoRe of CourSE as SinG and DancE2..
AnyWaY2 aS ‘they’ aLways say what would Jesus Do..
and soMe folks say i reAlly wanna kNoW/FeeL/SeNSe want he Aaid
MoRe iN MeANinG ways too.. so.. yES..bY GoD yeS!..!..!..!..
i juST
do thaT
thE beST
i CaN and
WiLL iN metaphor MoRE
oF BeyOnd hUman Archetypes waYs2..
SuRE by God by Buddha.. Lao Tzu and
yeS even NoW2..
Krishna and
DancerS too..
WitH a little Muhammad Bruce Lee
Ali Added in for Float and Sting too..
be the water be the air walk on land..
eTc2..2 and Much moRE than 3.. NoW2..
Hey!.. if i aM to coMe iN Glory and Judge
the liVinG and the Dead too.. that’s a lot
of Work Baby.. as this World now is much
bigger iN PracTiCaL InTeNTs and PurPose
HoLy and Sacred
a Dead
Dirt in the Middle eASt NoW..
it’s FucKinG BeYond A UNiVerSe NoW..
no wonder it took 53 Years for mY Seagull Isaiah Chapter 53
Jonathan Livingston to rise uP out of flAMes.. Phoenix as ‘they’
DancE and SinG too.. but hey.. i’M a FucKinG oriGinaL aS Change2..;)

Oh Lord.. WeLL thaT does it NoW for all the cuRRenT Pre-MacroVerses
and Regular Unleaded MacroVerse from years to date Memories too.. now to all
the MicroVerses from a year ago.. with anoTHeR oNe of Rihanna and Calvin efforts too..;)

Hmm.. it’s 12 Noon and
i forgot to eaT Break
fAST alWays tiMe
NoW for bRuNch
now to
the MicroVerses
moRE from a year aGo Go Now..:)

i StiLL owe gigoid.. Frank.. and
Xenia a Visit too beFore Holy
and SacRED R and R Thursday
wiTh Brunch
and A Sand and
Sun Dance and
Much Much more
comInG to UltiMaTeLy
A Free Dance Rave at Old
Seville Quarter tonight too..
with more fun Dance photos coMinG
to thiS MacroVerse and the neXT oNe too..:)
as that was just
a note to sELf
aS you can ignore
ThaT NoW
2.. heHe..
but it’s pretty
clear that without
my mostly outcast
status in online way..
i would never get all this CoMinG
aLL iN glory and judging the LiVinG
and the Dead sHit JusT dONe.. as hey!..
i am a Loyal Wookiee FRiEnD to the Very eNd sTART NoW2..
for anyone wHo Can/WiLL juST DO.. the Heavy Deep liFTinG to Hang With me RiSinG2..
STiLL2.. CoMinG
to A
Tree as
they say2..
you KNoW/FeeL/SenSe the
one NoW2 thAt’s aLL liT uP..
juSt a reMiNder for anotHeR
MocKinG BiRd SonG too iN leFt arRow Street Ways2.. NoW..:)


As the MicroVerse Memories from a year ago commence2..:)

“If a cat spoke, it would say things like
“Hey, I don’t see a problem here.” — Smart Bee”

At the bottom of my many
illnesses.. in perhaps the
of my life.. 2008..
our cat Arthur.. a
brown tabby.. then
15 LBS of power.. just
14 years old.. young..
alWays strived to
enter the home..
but no go..
as cat
closed air
ways for me then..
but it didn’t matter
as i had become so
weak that my calves
of legs withered away
and Arthur the Noble
Wild one passed
right through
my shins
for a
warm day
in shelter way..
and since i was
already long past
ready to die.. i said
fuck it.. and gave in to him..
but the strangest thing happened..
i did not sneeze.. and perhaps
it was more ’cause
i was already
at the
point and no
longer cared enough
to sneeze.. hehe.. but anyWay..
perhaps that cat actuAlly strengthened
my immune system.. or better yet worked
it away from destroying my own body
in auto immune system
disease way..
i will always
have a
cat and F iT
i’ll bE oNE too..!
Da miT as they don’t
need a book to survive!
and they don’t need any
fucks..! they just do it.. and move on..
but anyway.. when i try to explain to the
dudes at the gym.. that my gorilla sounds
are just me unleashing.. releasing..
mY inner beast
as i cannot make those
kind of LOUD decibels
bY the
with the ‘alpha’
head in the general
public.. iN fAct.. i tale them
i am mild mannered.. more
easy to believe when i do the
ballet act in moving grace..
and then i ask
them.. have
you ever
seen a
Lion walk or
measured the size
of their testicles.. weLL yes..
they walk very gracefully like
a ballerina with a heavy chest too..
and let’s just say the weaker parts
are easier to rip off in a fight with
claws and
for sure..
Adapt to challenge..
change.. or perish..
the laws
of the
do remain
for those who
are smARt enough
to remember the Art noW
oF the animal kingdom within..
oH.. the sanitary napkin of culture
you do take.. Wild and Free.. Grace
and Strength.. Compassion.. Sharing
Giving.. Moving.. Connecting.. and Creating
Away.. oh.. to forget you is bliss.. oh.. to live
is to remember and JUST DO iT noW OG! yeS!
to bE
aNd Free aGaiN..
BEast i was.. BEaSt i am..
Beast i WilL bE iN hAIR oF Y i..:)

Katrina decided today..
if i could do “women’s
work” of writing a one
to two hundred thousand
word F iN EpiC Free
Verse Novel..
she could dam
sure do
my other
job that
only she and
the gardener do now..
yes.. barefoot and
armED wiTh

(And as i sPeak
from the preSent
quickly heAR.. that
then/now MacroVerse oF
ending up beinG
338,630 words
at the end
of April
trivia side
note only heAr2..
and i juST like thaT
photo of Katrina too.. share2..;)

And surE.. i’LL Give
and shARe me too.. Ynot

As i sAid
a year ago2..

i seriouSly never F iN reaLizED..
i have green eyes.. until the selfies
came along.. and in some photos
blue.. some green.. and science
says only green eyes change
colors.. so the stARt/
final eye color
verdict is green..
and my
DL is a lying
card for that piece
of trivia today.. and that
reminds me.. my Mother.. an
actual published print poet..
unlike me.. who is
just hanging
the E-World sphere..
wrote a poem about my
Father named “Green Eyes”..
about how she working for the
County judge.. spotted his bearded
beverage agent style for yes.. the ATF
way of catching moonshiners and all
that ‘deliverance’ kinda stuff back
then in the backwoods
of the Northern
parts of
Florida Counties
then.. anyway.. she
was attracted by his looks
to reader’s digest her poem..
but he didn’t say a dam
thing.. after the
marriage until
i’m gonna
divorce ya now
@3yrs… ’cause ya
wanna stay home
and raise those kids
instead of making the
big bucks.. like my other
relatives are doing now..
hmm.. i got
the good pART..
from my mother..
in a way oF Love
then bride to be
of A Devil in blue
jean law enforcement clothes..
yes.. the Love pArt and the
green eyes too.. mesmerizing
the most beautiful woman2now..
in the world now too at 46..
and no.. not much
talking for me in
23 years of marriage..
but now.. haha.. shut uP!
Fred! is what i hear most..
if ya can imagine that.. hehe..
when the Devil’s spawn finAlly
to speak..
as metaphor
only please..
as you do know
that the really feminine
women.. are most always attracted
to the most masculine man around..
often named as bad boys Devils
IF THeY are not
taking birth control..
as that makes women
seek the beta males according
to modern science.. and that
my friends.. is why we have
so many battles of the
sexes going on now..
at least in part..
as opposites
are no
attracting as much..
and the balance of
human nature and culture
is changing.. all around us..
as the Aeon of the me generation
comes to forefront over strong armed
patriarchy.. and even the Matriarchal
leaning ways of distant 10K to 12K
so-called primitive cultures.. and
some that still exist in
Rain forests
and other
areas today..
A Me generation..
is one who even loses
interest in reproducing as
as is already evidenced in
Japan.. along with the
cosmetics revolution..
in South Korea.. for
young males..
and metro-sexual
ways of being.. wHere
gender lines are blurred
heRe.. as well.. but here’s the
thing.. iT’s juSt NatUre and
CultUre hOlding hands
as God wiLL do free..
to reduce the
over populating
killing machine out
of balance with the rest
of Nature.. to get the job
of Balance better done iN
the fUtUre.. when aLL iS sAid
and dONE.. iT miGht bE a tough
road to go.. for we humans but
oF wherE we go
as a species
next in the Aeon
of the child.. the me
generation.. arriving
now.. ironicAlly enough..
to save the F iN Balance
of Nature.. in lesser reproductive way..
tRuSt mE.. if i had gained my inner
beast when much younger..
more than likely there
would be few words..
and chances are
i would be
supporting a family
like my father did from
far away.. as what comes
in the genes stays in the human
when set free.. away from the chains of culture..
but i for one am just fine with how iT aLL tURNed ouT..
iN fAct i aAm
so dam happy
mY father left.. as
i am not stuck in a polarized
view of what iT F iN means to
be hUman.. Living can
be much more than
just reproducing..
iT can be
other stuff that
will give more than
take away from limited
resources of human and other liFeNoW..:)

SMiLes.. my friend.. Candice.. oh.. the Neurodiveristy of
humanity.. a term i might ADD.. or ADHD..
created in the online Autism Communities..
WitH an extreme propensity for numbers..
but without a social cue
to say what to
feel next
from grade
school to college
to work and on until
my 40’s.. yes.. adversity
comes for those who are
different.. particularly when
they are so odd and there is
no label for it..
other than
with danger
for getting
before adulthood
for simply being
S T R A N G E..
or NOW the ones
who moved from Asperger’s
to So-Called Higher Functioning
Autism.. but not really fitting
my Autism still.. in terms
of United States
away from
Gillberg criteria..
as i did not speak
until age 4.. then..
and often sat iN
an office in my 40’s
at work wondering
if i would know what
to say at all in a conversation
as i rose through the ranks from
three college degrees at the top of the
class.. no expressive writing skills or coherent
paragraph speaking skills.. until decades later..
after passing out shoes at a Bowling Center..
ruling Computers.. Supervising and
Managing.. Administrating
in paint by numbers
micro SYSTEM
IZING manage way..
additionally.. the last
kid picked on sports teams
in grade school.. eventually
becomes the overall strongest
dude in an elite military gym
at age 55.. the boy the other boys
called the F word and Queer..
marries perhaps the
most beautiful
46 year woman in the
world.. and the one who folks
made fun of in expressing themselves
as the quiet one with no words is finishing
up close to a 200K word all free verse poetry
Novel.. in the next day or so..
but you kNow who i Love
most.. all the folks who
told me i did not
deserve to
for my ‘short’ comings..
the one’s who said you have
bird legs.. your hair is so full
and your lips or so full you should
have been a girl.. even in my Frigging
40’s.. albeit less hair on the crown
of my head then.. hehe..
anyway.. my friend
i too wear
the crown CROSS
of adversity.. but here’s
the thing.. i took the blows
and chose victory over vengeance..
refuSinG to become a bully
let Love
die even when
it did after all the
stress took it away..
SO survive and never look
back.. a new now will come…
hold your head high.. and dance
the game of life.. oh yeah and they
told me you don’t even know how
to walk.. now named a dance legend
by the
of then..
the human condition
is one of miracle for those
who continue to
and that my friend
is the SonG oF mY SoUL
theRe is
no sky of limits
when imagination
and creativity come
on board in awakening
and enlightening way..
liFe is more
than a numbers
game.. of likes..
followers and
shares.. and sadly
the systemizing
ways of the
Zombie Apocalypse
is creating a world
of left brain only thinkers..
Art is the answer to a fuller life
my friend.. so continue the inspiration
as Art WiLL be the savior of humankind
and the rest of liFe on this planET overALL..
mY Neuroextraterrestrialdiversity WORlD..;)

“in the attic
voices scream
nothin’ seen
real’s the dream
leaving the things that are real behind
leaving the things that you love from mind
all of the things that you learned from fears
nothin’ is left for the years

[repeat chorus]

toys, toys, toys
in the attic”


THeRe are two ways of liFe iN bEinG..
one relative will that we mosT aLL share
and can continue to perfect as practice
over the course of liFe
from A to
B alWays
A for ALiVenoW..
Positive thoughts.. feelings.. senses..
as that relates to all receptors in all
cells of human body as mind and body
interrelate and become
oNe force of positive
and neurohormonal
iON energy.. no less
tRuLy than metaphor
oF Sun shining
above as
as US..
or the other way oF heLL..
negative thoughts.. feelings.. and senses..
so how to regulate.. for emotions.. integrate..
for senses.. WeLL trUly iT is not rocket
science iT iS noW to Now a practice
of MoVinG the hUman body as
Art to reinforce regulaTion
of emoTions and inteGraTion
of seNses.. connecTinG wiTh
others to increase neuroHormone
connections oF social bonding
as oxytocin touch.. and
Serotonin Trust..
iN neurochemical
and the
iNherent iN
lEArning and or
creating something
new.. sadly though.. wE
live in a world of pre-planned
input output data garbage of
remembering step by step
word by word
of what
is spoon-fed
to us to fit the
COGs of a society
that has grown from
tools of comfort for survival
to instant gratification sources
that take away the adversity.. challenge..
and adaptation to do MORE MORE MORE than
‘THEY’ CALL IT Neuroplasticity
for groWinG new connections in
the wiring of the bRain.. and Epigenetics
for unpacking dormant DNA and becoming
strong and smart as our ancestor apes..
when facing environmental challenge..
in successful adaptation and change..
but that’s not all as all
cells of the body have
receptors for correct
pleaSure that says now
you are doing things
in A positive way..
or discontent
of negative
feeling.. sensing
ways.. with or without
thoughts as associations
for feelings to guide us
on the way to liGht away
from dARk.. theRe iS
rhYme and reaSon to
ARt.. oF uS..
and a science
Of LiVinG pleaSure
iN Balance that WiLL
work when tailoRed In
each iNdividuAL preference
oF liFe.. however.. withOut
the practice.. the worK
oF EnHanCinG
reLative free
WiLL.. in ACTUaL
OFF OF F iN 2 dimensional
dopamine enhancing light
box screens of screams
that leaves out
the fully social..
the neurohormone
and yes.. estrogen
and androgen
of Being
feminine and
masculine whole..
in yes.. oxytocin
social flesh and
blood.. and
fluid Loving
ways of free
floWinG iN Stars
oF eYes that
meet and
do more
than hear
and see.. theRe are
smells.. therE are tastes..
tHere iS touch.. therE
Is propRiocepTion oF
FeeLinG mother
in a dance of moving
wHere one connects without
the other five senses aT
aLL to Mother
so above..
below.. inside..
outside.. and all around..
Toys are in the attic
true but they are also
all around the body
just waiting
to be
and practiCED
as Superhuman Real
the way we were meant
to be..
we become
2D liGht box
screens away
more fully human..
oh.. intelligence of Standard
IQ.. you mEasure so little oF
whAT humaNiTy even means as ISreAL
vibrant star six pointED bEinG
A TriAnglic oF Male
and V TriAnglic
oF fEmale
As sTar
oF David
oh Art..
you expand
on UniVerse oF
i’s in myriad
the only
thing thaT iS
stopping uS from
groWing iS ironicAlly
the science that says
less than
Science IS A way
buT ART iS FReEDom..:)

For a Beaver
theRe iS alWays
a dam to make..
for a human
there can
be dams
not to give..
Ah.. but the Busy
Beaver of the ‘Turing
Machine’ wITh heARt
i choose to WiLL.. and i’m
fAIRly sure that when the
Beaver is on the path and
journey to building dams
the beAver both gives
and shares and
just does a dam…
The Beaver.. one of the largest
Rodents shares a Rodent
ancestor wITh mosT aLL
DNA hUmans.. 75
MilLions oF years a
go too.. the Beaver
never kNows what the
end result of the new Dam
Will bE path and journey.. beGinninG..
enDing.. fiNish.. stARt.. NowOnoW..
AnyWay.. see ya later friend.. wITh MaKinG
more dAMs alWays SharRinG.. GiVinGnoW..:)

Gospel of Thomas


3) Jesus said, “If those who lead you say, ‘See, the Kingdom is
in the sky,’ then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they
say to you, ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish will precede you.
Rather, the Kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you.
When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and
you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living
Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty
and it is you who are that poverty.”

113) His disciples said to Him, “When will the Kingdom come?”
“It will not come by waiting for it. It will
not be a matter of saying ‘Here it is’ or ‘There it is.’ Rather,
the Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and men
do not see it.”

Luke 17:21 King James Version (KJV)

21 “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.”

John 14:12 King James Version (KJV)

12 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”

Problem with most all Sacred Texts is folks
cherry pick what they like
and leave out the
rest.. and yes..
often the same
applies to ‘religious’
text in science abstracts…

For me.. i go by what i experience..
by what i taste.. touch.. hear.. smell..
see.. propriocept.. and feel through emotional
heARt.. and eXpreSsinG/Interpreting/Mirror Neuroning
those emoTioNs/senses/kNoWinG wayS
of i and otHeRs
what science
describes noW as
cognitive and affective empathy
and associated sympathy and
compassion in “Layman’s”
terms as iS sTiLL
iN/aS A ‘common’
human way..
some folks
do not experience
empathy in this way..
either by choice or innate
reality.. in brain structure
and other body way..
and then tHere
iS soUl iN miNd
and boDy BaLanCinG
MaKinG the arcHetYpe
of feminine and masculine
iN innate human being one
aGaiN.. after separatED by the
language of culture if indeed that
language separates the innate unITy
of what can be a BalanCinG hUman
animal.. anyway.. LiFe is Good when
real and natural as evolVING FREE AT
the heiGht oF ALL experience
we kNoW.. SeNse.. and FeeL
that CAN be the human
one in the KinGdoM
oF NatuRe
noW God
oNe and sAMe
as aLL.. but yes..
the tool of written language
IS A bRain washing tool iN both
mind and body way whEtheR or not
wE reFuse to see thiS reaLITy from
cultUre to religion to politics
to philosophy
or not..
NatUre has
all the answers
iN uS.. outside Us..
above us.. aLL around
US as by GOD.. GOD iS
God oF dArk of LiGht..
Of Moving Dance
and InsPiRinG
SoUndD oF
thaT iS real LiVinG noW
as pLay of liFE… so noW
when i want to view/sense/feel MORe
of God iN action than dead words Now
oF Print.. and Walls.. and Ceilings that
do not breathe and bleed.. or eat..
sleep.. sense.. feel.. and
MoVe and SinG A SonG
oF LiVinGkNoWinGnoW..
i leave the Condos
of the Beach behind..
the Buildings in front
of Forests gone..
and Breathe..
Dance and
SinG wITh
Fly WinGS that
can flow WitH God
at 60 miles per hour
wITh WinGs of Magic
more than any hUman
has ever seen senSed or fELt..
i can only imaGine thiS experience
and eXpreSS whaT those of NaTure
do so much more than i.. but anyone
with half a FucKinG ‘iF yoU sEEk iN God’ bRaiN..
sees/feels/kNoWs the star duSt oF
God they are and worships
the God oF Nature STANDING
FROM WinGs oF Dragons Flying
to the
spiny legs
of cockroaches
StiLL surviving after
300 to 400 million years
before we ARE an after
Dance and SonG
oF the
Seed oF aLL
of NatUre that iS
God.. sTiLL BLooMinG
STiLL FloWeRinG iN poTenTiaL
when WiLd and Free and wITH
all thAT said.. friEnd gigoid.. i’m
up to 123K words of my
newest Nautilus
SHeLL or so..
through August
of 2015.. 7 more
months to go.. over
200K.. before the now
of that milestone comes..
but by God i am more inspiRed
by the WinGs of 300 to 380
million year old
sETs oF
Fly WinGs
that can flY
60 MPH.. at
tHeir minuscule size..
than sky scrapers that
takes billions of humans
in collective intelligence to
produce as many humans
cooperating together now..
the Dragon Fly is already
without any
written language..
culture.. religion..
politics.. or philosophy
in collective so-called
F iN Intelligence that is
raping the resources of the
Earth.. wHiLE God SPeeds aWay
Dragon WinGs..
wHere the Love oF wE
iS the God dAM thing
that makes uS advanced over
the Dragon.. who cannot hug
and feel
the clouds
oF comfort iN
noW SinG SonG
oF heARt iN SpiRit
waY.. but by God thAT
Dragon fly has perhaps
tHe greATest LonGest proVen
MiNd and BoDy soUL iN Balance
oF aLL tHe
creaTioN oF iS
wE FLY foR NoW..
wHom has alReaDy
iNheRitED thE Earth
aS MeeK WitH
oF SuperGodFReED..:)

SMiLes.. i’m into
Nature.. all the rest
is illusion and
Nature as
No Real
Unless we
Create that
Of Real..:)

A long
No beginning
Or end but now..
Now.. What a breather

i do not thInk i would have experiencED
almost complete dissolution of ego..
if not for life threatening illnesses..
over a period of 66 months..
Emotions Drive ego..
in terms of
social conforming
for most all social
animals.. in terms
of hierarchy.. in dominance
and submission… for gaining
reproductive rights.. and subsistence..
including Food.. Water.. and Shelter..
The tool of those who dominate
others is shame and
fear.. and Lord
knows i for one..
was truly dominated
most of my life.. in that
hierarchy as i neither was
comfortable in my own skin..
in ways of regulating emotions
or integrating senses.. in a life spent input
more in Books.. Lectures.. Electronic Media
and Entertainment.. more than moving.. connecting
and creating output of something new.. Pain taught
me the silliness of staying with the same.. and change
was the best solution oF aLL.. in new.. however.. how
to lose the shame of the hunch back of Notre
Dame.. locked in a bedroom for
66 months.. without contact
with humanity
whole in flesh and
blood.. weLL.. i decided
i WiLL Survive.. at all
costs.. according to
Donna Summer..
folks like
Miley Cyrus
and other artists who finally
go out on the branch oF a TaLLer
tree and take a chance at bEinG
so much more free without
shame and fear
of what others
might think
or feel about
one’s different freedom than
they.. but truly the ability to gain
a Zen Art of Changing Ego to suit
one’s self esteem of feeling good..
in Serotonin comfort.. is also an illusion
away from Nature that technology provides
for we who no longer depend on others
as much for the
Relationship for survival
now.. i’m truly not impressed
with the Zen and Buddhist
leaning goal
Ego Dissolution
as a way of being..
sure it can work in a bed
room closed in or a monastery
but Social Survival for an animal
in the Wild or Work World Working
with other folks requires it in the
pecking order of Social
animal hierarchy of
dominance and
and all the ‘tween
for subsistence and survival..
all the Ivory Tower talk of Monasteries
and Basements of Mom and Dad’s living
arrangements.. will not change
the fAct of Nature
when social
is pARt of
the Social Animal Game..
So.. i’m Financially Independent
and can sWinG the gAMe of Zen
Ego.. howEver which way oF loose
i choose to go.. but i have no
illusions of what would
have to be
if i entered
the Government
Work World of tightly
white collarRed ways
of Social Norm BeInG..
so.. truly this aberration of
liFe of free makes folks like Eckart
Tolle.. Miley Cyrus.. and Lady Gaga..
and yes me.. and so many other folks..
N0W possible.. but this aberration is coming
real greater as another illusion of reaLITy
REAL.. AS WE no longer depend
on each other as much
for subsistence
and survival
but oh no..
we ‘normal’ hUman
beings.. per se.. STiLL have
the innate.. instinctual.. and
intuitive need of acceptance
for the human touch.. And that
my friend is part of the reason.. at
least that suicide rates.. are much higher
in so-called technologically advanced first
world countries.. One can think they escape
Mother Nature in submission to what is tHeir
Nature.. but Nature is the Realist Deal of aLL..
one can balance this Nature within with relative
free will.. but when one thinks they can
escape iT with
like total
of ego.. aWay
from emotional and
sensory needs.. desires
and all the sweet stuff that
drives life.. usually tHeir is a
REAL Karma iN Now of Action
Consequence In terms of Sweet
and SoUr LiFe.. trUly what is good
and what is bad is all relative
to nature..
to master
iT iS juSt
an ongoing
practice of what
Maslow describes
as self-actualization.. it seems..
and that my friend.. that balance
of what Nature iS iN me.. iS an ongoing
education oF Art and Science that is getting
fUn more aS i lEarn to master iT iN a balance
of Dancing with the PLaY as WiNd and
Water and
Zen Art of Ego
in feeLinG and senSinG
all the healthy Social Animal
Will do in a liFE WiLd and Free too..
My God iS Free and so i am.. but sure
i have a healthy respect for that God of Nature
wHere iN mY opinion the true ego would be to
that no
ego is a goal aT aLL..
iT’s much more fun to walk
with head held high in the gyms
of life and jungle sidewalks too..
than to live life in submission
of false
humility too..
To give and share
is humility to me..
and pARt of that is to
walk tall and fearless with
close to zero shame of what one
is at core.. free and balanced..
it was very hard for me..
to finAlly
lose those laughs
that were at me.. as silent
utterances of someone who
likely would never feel or sense
the Freedom i have now.. but sure
once one becomes truly free in Loving
Fearless Balance oF aLL oF liFe.. including Zen
Ego.. as metaphor of course not to offend
the so-called Zen officials
of this
way or
that way
of bEinG now..
one tries to help raise
others up no matter who
they are or what they’ve done
as one understands they are just
duSt in the wind too.. whether Floating..
Sinking.. Soaring up.. or even Epic like ME..
but i earned iT friend.. every FucKinG grey hair..
word.. step.. smile.. laugh.. so
i have zero
for what
i am now..
and truly that
advice for whomever
wrote the Gospel of Thomas
about treading on one’s clothes
and getting back to Nature.. iS the
best advice for me.. butT after
i already
did it..
all innately..
and intuitively
too.. Culture is complicated..
Being a social animal in a very
complex culture is even more complicated
but returning back to Nature after escaping
is not that
hard if one..
sTiLL to me.. at least..
moves.. connects.. and creates..
now leave any pARt ouT iN Flesh
and Blood liFe.. including healthy
self esteem and Ego.. and theRe
is a price i for one.. see.. to pay to the
oF uS likely
wiLL ever escape..
at least for what i kNow
and FeeL oF iT noW.. in tHis
little illusion.. and sliver of Heaven
that iS REAl.. and more real than these
2-D letters and words.. that ends as FriEnD noW…:)

Now back to
the FutuRE
as PreSenT
alWays NoW..

A few words inspired
By Candice in the
midst of doing
all that othER
sTuFF.. too..

YeaH BEinG HuMan
tHe ChALLenGe oF
A LifetiMe.. heHe..;)

Ha!.. i LovE DoinG FRedKU2..;)

And now to the gigoid place..
the Frank place and the Xenia
place and then for HoLy and
SacRed Thursday
R and
R activities..
oh yeaH and
note to
sELf agAIn..
don’t forget to eat..;)

Telling curious tales, in situ….

Hello gigoid.. great!
work you are doing
heAR latELy.. Very
inSpiRinG and i
am HoPinG
for a little
R and
R aWay
from this
KeyBoard ScreAM
today too.. and while
this is quite enough perfect
in practice on itS oWn i WiLL
aTTempt to reaP a little more for fun..
other than that.. nice to see you Breezing
through as Wind and Air too.. as i go oN oF course MoRe2 noW..;)

“In’I no expect to be justified by the laws of men.”

~~ Bob Marley ~~

Men and Women
and eTc.. aren’t
so bad..
it’s usually
the written stuff..
the collective intelligence
cultures and religions aS Such
as the
Foot Prints
oF HuMans
are suReLy
A Cancer from
SpaCE viEW oN
eARTH thiS WaY toDaY..
that’s why i avoid these clothes aT aLL Costs..
and on
top of
is TotALLy FReED..;)

“To live only for some future goal is shallow.
It’s the sides of the mountain that sustain life, not the top.”

~~ Robert M. Pirsig, “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” ~~

Yes.. i leArned
that iN Zen Tennis..
FucK the Competition
for points and rewards
like Trophies.. and Bucks
and STuFF LikE thAT..
juST be the
bacK BoarD
the BaLL
RacquEt w OnE..:)

“Do you have the patience to wait
till your mud settles and the water is clear?
Can you remain unmoving
till the right actions arises by itself?”

~~ Lao Tzu ~~


“Happiness depends upon ourselves.”

~~ Aristotle ~~

WiThiN.. iNsiDe..
outsiDe.. ABoVe..
So BeLoW and

“Between the vision and the act lies the shadow.”

~~T. S. Eliot ~~


“Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.”

~~ Albert Camus ~~

No take
all give
no loss

“Doubt is not a pleasant condition but certainty is an absurd one.”

~~ Voltaire ~~

Question Positive
or Negative
Negative.. so
as is is dePends
oN A FeeLinG
And SenSinG oF iS..:)

“Why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed,
and in such desperate enterprises?
If a man does not keep pace with his companions,
perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears,
however measured or far away.”

~~ Henry David Thoreau, “Walden” ~~

A Sun
With no instruction..:)

“There are worlds out there
where the sky is burning and the sea’s asleep and the rivers dream;
people made of smoke and cities made of song.
Somewhere there’s danger, somewhere there’s injustice,
somewhere else the tea’s getting cold.
Come on Ace, we’ve got work to do…”

~~ The Doctor, “Survival” [Last lines of last episode] ~~

iS/aS Standing..:)

Thanks gigoid..
as alWays.. mY FriEnd..:)

SMiLes mY
fRiEnd.. tHeRe
aRe no OLd
wHo have
forgotten pAws..:)

OtHeR nOw thaN
thAT NoW Hi Love
aS eYes thAT wHo
DanCE and SinG HiGheR.. FriEnD.. Xenia..:)

All thaT iS
waS misSinG
oN eARTh
iS waS
Far iN LonELy ToWers
aWaY FroM FloWerS NoW wATer..:)

Miracle of liFe NoW
A Seed an Egg noW
sUrE Now thE othEr
StAR DuST SenTiEnt
pArTS.. oF CreaTiON
alWays NoW too.. tHe
Gift.. noT all gET soMe
Suffer only as my Son
did for 51 Days
never the
or alWays Lost
Bitter Sweet LiFe..:)

wHOle MoRe
MeaNinG noW
PurpoSe aLL aS
dArK cOMEs LiGht
DancE CoMeS SoNG
MuSicK SouND Now
ForEveR iNSpiRinG
NoW toGeThEr
mY FriEnd
thaN thaT Thanks
For shArinG anoTheR
Wonderful inSpirinG
toGeThERNess Science
Aided Project by Jonathan Ted Talk Haidt..
WiLL most DefiniTely shARe too.. mY FriEnd..:)

ThaT About wRaps
hEr uP foR NoW..
hmm.. what SonG
to go ON WitH the
CoMinG DancE Photos
aS Such toNiGht
and more..
and more
hmm.. hmmm..
ugh.. yeah.. that’s
the way i LikE it a huh
a heh a huh a heh and MoRe..
WiTh Wonder WoMan Ways too MoRe..LOVE..;)








BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

4 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

Book oF Ten Sixteen..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)


Grand Cross Bible 2016

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)


CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)


VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)


CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)


Nether Land Bible 2017

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)


7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)





The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)


MesSage iN A Bible Bottle as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked



MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+ as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)


About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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19 Responses to HeaVeN NoW ALWayS HeAR

  1. Long Long Long Day of WRiTE and DancE..
    all that’s misSinG NOW IS A SonG to Finish
    the laTesT MacroVerse Number 96.. hmm.. what
    is the title CoMinG.. yeS.. ‘HeaveN NoW ALWayS HeAR”..
    STiLL Waiting on the
    Book for that though..
    hehe.. perHaps
    publish tonight
    or.. tomorrow
    morning.. wait!..
    it is already tomorrow
    morning so it’s a matter
    of How Late Today Morning..
    wHaT i do kNow for suRe iS.. iT iS
    16,674 words that NoW BRinGS “Nether
    Land Bible 2017”.. all the way NoW.. uP to
    1,454,794 words.. too.. since Memorial Day
    oF 2016.. WiTh Ocean WhoLe PoeM.. NoW.. “SonG
    of mY soUL”.. STiLL.. TopPinG 4 Million words
    since 44 months ago.. end of August.. 2013..2..
    what else.. oh yes.. 158th DancE WeeK NoW aT Old
    SeVille Quarter with all the Cool College age Folks..
    including these two pictured Lovely Ladies is dONe
    for the NiGht and noW EventuAlly to add all the Fun
    Dance photos as the work continues on MacroVerse 96..
    With MacroVerse 97/768 stARTiNG NoW HeAr aS WeLL too..:)

    SMiLes.. mY FriEnd.. Frank..
    First of All.. thanks for the kind wishes
    for my wife and i.. and secondly.. thanks to
    you for sharing that Jonathan Haidt Ted
    Talk on the Ecstasy of Transcendence
    common to the Human
    Condition across
    ages NoW
    and cultures/religions
    i just had the opportunity
    to watch the entire Video and yes..
    it affirmed the Gold i FeLT and SenSEd NoW
    iT Would Intuitively BRinG.. as i had watched
    Jonathan Haidt’s Ted Talk.. on the “Moral Roots
    of Liberals and Conservatives” and although.. yes..
    i intuitively sensed and felt that Conservatives were/
    are more innately closed minded and patriarchal than
    Liberals in more Open minded and Egalitarian ways..
    the Science of
    it confirmed
    why some
    kNow noW
    not what they
    Do as they simply
    View the World through
    Different Conservative and
    Liberal ways by Environment
    and Birth.. Hehe.. i could write a
    Novel on it and i have already several
    times over.. at least in Free Verse Poetic
    Expression of word size.. anyway.. as Serendipity
    or Synchronicity WiLL Have iT iN Heaven NoW.. heHe..
    when i arrived at your Blog Site Yesterday Afternoon.. i finally
    was finishing my current last MacroVerse Number 96 of NoWtHeN what
    i nAMe A “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. in one year effort approaching
    1.6 Million words.. this Memorial Day.. in a MacroVerse Title of
    “HeaVeN NoW ALWayS HeAR”.. And as usual it’s 15K to 16K
    words as is required to write a New Age Personal Bible
    twice the sizes of the Old King James Version..
    yes.. twice a week.. usually on Thursdays
    and Mondays but i’ve been falling
    behind as the River Flows
    latELy.. NoW on Tuesdays
    and Fridays as to not
    fall off
    cliffs of
    human potential
    mYsELf.. NoW iN terms
    of R and R for hUman
    Basic Wellbeing of
    more out into
    other special interests too..
    NoW.. like the 7200 Miles of Public
    Dance in 44 months.. anyWay.. it’s really
    interesting as Social Scientists also assess
    the place where i live in NorthWest Florida..
    also kNown NoW as Lower Alabama Panhandle
    State of Flowers way.. as the worst place
    to attempt to be different from the
    Norm in the United States..
    overall.. per..
    ideals.. factors cited
    are major to minor military
    stations and bases ranging from
    Navy to Air Force in the extended
    Metro Living area.. as well as the most
    Churches per Square mile as in the Southern
    Baptist variety.. once at least.. in the record books for that…
    i often refer to it as New Jerusalem as that Gospel of Thomas
    Version of Jesus out of the realm of the Roman Empire designed
    Soldier Sun God.. wouldn’t be very much accepted here as he more
    less comes aCross as juSt anotHeR accomplished Yogi per that Gospel
    of Thomas Sacred Text.. and yes.. as you say.. regarding Commentaries.. it’s
    reAlly Deep Free Verse Poetry too.. and truly hard to understand unlesS oNe
    has experienced the Ecstasy of Transcendence that Jonathan Haidt refers to
    now as Ted Talk Standard Science.. where a very small percentage of the listening
    audience considers themselves religious but yes.. Overwhelming Majority SpiRiTuaL as
    Normal Healthy Humans do..
    who intuit at least
    the Potential
    of the
    Ecstasy of
    even if.. only experiencing
    it after 911 where the Group
    Collective Consciousness became
    real and empirically assessable as such
    where the group mind was talked easily into
    going to war with a Country that had little to nothing
    to do with the attack.. yes.. Group think is powerful stuff but
    NoW iT iS the group FeeL and SenSe as EmoTiOns and SeNses NoW
    that Drives the Human Automobile to greater heights or straight
    Cliff.. not.. so..
    ‘hehe’.. these days
    as at first i thought it was
    a joke when someone told me
    he was ahead in the polls.. as No Drama
    Obama.. made Politics something not even
    necessary to worry about.. so much.. for years..
    in terms of nothing much ever changes but the
    standard grid-lock of banging heads on walls..
    Anyway.. the book you are reading by
    Haidt.. named the “Righteous Mind”..
    i scanned at Barnes and Nobles
    some months ago and
    it very much
    Ted Talk You Tube
    Video i referenced above..
    that i will include for you iN
    this Comment along with the other
    one as this whole thing of course will
    be another part of my Current 97th MacroVerse
    that i am Stream to River to Waves of Ocean
    WRiTing aWay in Free Verse now too..
    continuing of course
    to get to the
    CoMinG SooN too.. 1.6
    Million Word Milestone
    by Memorial Day.. however..
    it’s just A Milestone.. ReallY as
    when i add in the link to mY MacroVerse
    from last year titled “GodsUniVerseNovel3”..
    as finished last year as Facebook Memory.. NoW
    on this day2.. And i’ll put that liNk heAR to kill
    another two birds alive with oNe sTONe
    of Pen.. considering that it iS
    comprised of 338,630
    words of Micro
    responses to
    every prompt and link
    for an entire year ranging
    from April of 2015 to March
    31st of 2016.. that fills in the rest
    of close to a Two Million Word Bible NoW
    as i could easily call that “Fred’s Psalmlets”
    of Nature as analogy to the Old Testament Psalms
    too.. in close to half a wHOle old timey Bible on iTs OWn..
    And sure.. with all the otHeR MacroVerse links shared from the
    4 Million Word Longest Long Form Poem.. NoW as Ocean Whole
    Poem.. “SonG oF mY soUL”.. it more or less is already NoW A
    4 MiLion Word Bible2 at this very moment2.. NoW anyWay.. heHe..
    if one were to do the almost impossible
    task of pursuing every
    link if they even
    wanted too..
    me.. as i’ve written
    so much in a State of
    Mindful Awareness that is
    Transcendent in Ecstasy way..
    i rarely can tale you what i just
    wrote as i am basicAlly on Auto-Pilot
    like Driving an incredibly complicated Car by now..
    where every once in a while.. i look back to what i did before
    and say
    i ever
    theRe and
    how did i get
    tHere.. ah.. the
    Ecstasy and True
    MaGiC of Transcendence
    and interestingly.. i’ve fELt it NoW in almost
    all the ways that Haidt.. in the Video.. you recently
    shared provides as avenues to get therE.. iNcluding
    Trance Rave-like Dance.. every Thursday Night
    with a Huge Collectively Dancing And FeeLinG
    And SenSinG and yes.. often inebriated
    Bunch of College Age Folks and
    Spiraling Free Verse Dance
    like the Sufi Dervishes Do
    iT as more in Unison
    with others..
    i don’t do drugs..
    whereas i go solo
    and free for all.. Moving
    Meditation at least as i am
    way too ADHD to Sit StiLL other
    than Poetic Writing Meditation with
    mY Mind and Fingers Dancing Free in Bliss..
    in Transcendent Ecstasy of FeeLinG SenSinG
    way.. and sure.. somewhat of a Transcendent
    Feel and Sense after 911.. but it was a bit
    scary too.. to see how most everyone
    in the Country left and
    right were falling
    in line like
    for whatever was
    Directed by the Country
    Leaders then.. and yes.. Nature
    Bathing as recent dVerse Prompt too..
    and even from College Age i could identify
    that as A hiGher too.. Human Transcendent Avenue
    to attain Ecstasy With Nature oNe on Pristine Beaches
    where Condos and other Human Foot Prints of stress
    and worry.. including my own of course.. faded away
    into oneness with all as Love.. all as Peace.. yes..
    all aS Fowler’s top of the Pyramid with
    Maslow too.. in Agape Love for
    ALL of Creation.. wHeRE
    ALL is Holy and Sacred
    And Full of Meaning and Purpose
    too.. and that’s the thing.. in some countries
    and in some small to larger groups.. Dance is not
    allowed.. And Music as a very important element of
    the Ecstasy of Transcendence NoW iN Human Potential but
    is also considered the work of the Devil and actually the State
    aS BeinG oF Transcendence as A MaGiCaL-like way of Human Potential
    is often considered evil unto itself.. truly taking away an inheritance of
    Human Potential that i do believe most people possess if they can find
    an Avenue that works.. all types of Creativity are surely an aveNue noW
    for Zen-like Focus that can and will take one there too.. butt sAdly
    it seems.. as sure.. even tantric-liKe sex can take one there
    too.. THaT is considered only for baby making purposes
    in someways of thinking/doing per culture and religious
    ideology away from A PoTenTial
    aS AN Ecstasy of Transcendence
    too.. really only leaving
    the Meditation
    of Prayer
    and War as any way
    to the transcendence of oneness
    at all.. but at least it helps those of us
    NoW as better cognitive empathy and sympathy
    and compassion too for those who think and feel
    differently than we do.. when we truly come to find
    they don’t know what they do.. mostly.. and sadly enough
    for the Environment they are raised in away from this great
    “Re-Born” of Being Human.. climbing the “Stairway to Heaven”..
    as ‘they’ say too.. and hey.. even writing a 4 Million Word Bible
    to prove to the more conservative audience members
    of my Walmart Dance that
    John 14:12 is possible
    for those
    do transcend
    the Human Limitations
    Before.. A Dance of Naked
    from the Binds of Religion and
    Culture in Environmental Way too
    NoW that take us away from the Gift
    of Inheritance of our Human Potential..
    And when no matter what i say or do it is clear
    they have no clue.. i cannot get mad.. as i once too
    swam in those waters of less that Second Floor Human
    Existence.. sparks here and theRe but no FuLL FliGht until age 53..
    and sure
    it takes
    to stay
    in this State oF Heaven
    iN A Red State now.. hehe..
    but so far it’s WorKing mY FriENd..
    and to be clear i don’t expect you to have
    the time to read these lengthy friendship Poetic
    Letters as just another form of Poetry that came to
    me long before i saw someone reference a Form on
    the dVerse Site.. but hey.. if i am going to continue to prove
    to my Walmart Audience that John 14:12 is possible.. i write for
    the Potential
    that just
    Person maY iN LiGht
    beCoMe EnliGhtened
    IN the Wisdom of Truth
    thAT is the Ecstasy of the
    Transcendence of NoW alWays
    Heaven iN NoW thaT BringS a FruiT
    of liFE that is Holy and Sacred Full of
    Meaning and Purpose AgApe Love For aLL
    oF Creation wHole wiTh NO Separation NoW..
    AS the BlankET of lifE finALLY comes with nary
    A thought of War3.. as an avenue again heaR NoW..
    not as easy in Desert Lands with little Music and Dance..
    but hey.. the cALL is Out online coming from many Avenues
    of hELp.. and people are becoming more educated in more
    overall avenues of liFe as Freedom of Expression SingS Liberty
    moRE mY
    friEnd as A
    Way oF LiFe WhOle
    thaT SpELLs LoVe MoRE NoW..
    Oh yeaH and i noted in your recent
    Discussion with Sabio that also now..
    you identify more with Panentheism
    and if had to choose a well known
    title form for about wHeRe i’M at
    as Form of Essence thaT CaN
    And WiLL Probably do WeLL enough too..
    as i do go much deeper than regular unleaded Pantheism2.. heHe..;)


    Yes.. my FriEnd.. Frank.. of course..
    Mr. Haidt as a Social Scientist
    has to keep somewhere in the
    realm of empirical analysis..
    And the deeper
    of intuiting
    a much Greater
    Actual Creative Force
    than the fractal pARts oF uS
    when we reach the highest Maslow
    and Fowler Pyramid Levels of Agape
    Love and Self Actualization with
    the Spontaneity of Creativity
    that comes as one
    might metaphor
    as a Quantum
    uNleash and reLease
    of HUman Potential in
    A miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG
    Synergy oF A Lifetime as cumulative
    leap of logic experience.. sure.. now what
    i also look to objectify as soul in subjective
    ways too.. is simply beyond the tool of science
    yet as ‘they’ say at least ever since the Gnostic
    Gospels of Thomas and before in other Eastern
    Philosophies and even clear in the Archaeological
    Artifacts of the being human.. “as above so below”..
    and now science shows inside.. outside.. all around
    in Detail View but the Picture remains for those who see more
    or less oF iT.. sure.. what some folks like to cALL GoD WhOle pLus
    or less of one chained in texts oF olD all alone groWing stagnant even
    more as a God of no potential of change.. of course that reflects the Poet(S)
    of those
    Texts too..
    and the ones like
    whoever wrote the Gnostic
    Gospel Sacred Texts get censored
    out by the more conservative closed minded
    potential folks.. anyWay to me @LEast it is as clear as blue sKeYes
    Above and Below thAT tHeRe IS A much greater miNd than we now..
    if one cares now to use that metaphor for something so much larger than
    most folks either can or care to see.. it’s MaGiC and the more i grow with
    of all
    ThAt iS NoW
    plUs.. the more
    i Glow iN liGht NoW
    like juSt A bulb aRound
    thaT Christmas Tree wHOle…
    anyWay.. some folks are material
    reductionists and some folks siMply
    fly on terrestrial land.. one of my favorite
    You Tube Videos by Pink Floyd spells that
    ineffable way of Being more than A common strAnd of Science dUSt..:)

    • frankhubeny says:

      Yes, I agree with this:
      “anyWay to me @LEast it is as clear as blue sKeYes
      Above and Below thAT tHeRe IS A much greater miNd than we now”.

      • Hi.. Frank.. thanks again for stopping by and per…
        “anyWay to me @LEast it is as clear as blue sKeYes
        Above and Below thAT tHeRe IS A much greater miNd than we now”..
        as you kindly come hear to repeat part of our discussion with me
        from the last MacroVerse too.. It’s like a
        Nautilus Shell..
        this God thingy..
        bigger in totem
        than the UniVerse
        Nautilus we see with
        Science eYes that are STiLL
        NaKeD.. faR aBoVe aLL and beLow
        aLL from smaLLest thingie to BiGGeST
        thingies now.. but hey.. as Neurons Star
        through Brain in connections of two Hemispheres
        of Brain as huMans CoNNecT around the Global
        Hive of Online NoW.. juSt ANoTheR SteP HiGher
        thaT NoT all FeeL and SenSe in InHeriTed HuMan
        archetypal way.. as some folks say.. if English was good
        enough for Jesus we don’t need no Spanish heAR.. hmm..
        but that’s not how the SonG iN Oral Tradition of Aramaic originally
        went.. out of sight out of touch.. Lock Up Newton.. and Dark Ages come..
        a mix
        oF science
        and effAble art
        WiLL SuRely SeT uS
        Freer iN TrutH and LIGht..
        but hey.. not everyone speaks this English..;)

  2. Anyway.. as per the continuing Discussions
    heaR on the poTential of Heaven
    and the reaLiTy of More..
    not everyone can now
    be the Director..
    Producer.. Actor..
    Photographer.. and
    Dancer of one’S owN PLay..
    tHeRE is the Audience and otheR
    Folks more on a sideline of life who
    more Spectate than play in what Science
    names as the Human Capacity to virtuAlly
    enjoy what other folks are doing through
    the mirror neuron process.. some folks
    really get off on watching other
    folks do stuff.. need i
    say porn and more..
    anyway.. these very
    nice two women came
    up to me on the Dance Floor
    and the immediate one behind
    me.. says.. you are my favorite person
    to Watch Dance at Old Seville Quarter..
    can we get a photo together and of course
    i say yes and reciprocate the favor by asking
    her for one two.. as common bond of human
    selfies as the Modern Age Pictures
    Friendship Acquaintance
    between two folks
    on the
    Dance Floor
    and more for
    other places too
    of course.. and it’s true..
    for Decades mostly.. away from
    Work at leAST.. i too stood on the sidelines
    of Life as a Virtually Vicarious Audience Member
    of someone else’s play of liFe to joy and misery too..
    mostly on TV and on the Internet.. eventuALLy i did and
    do say too.. now stuff is different.. i am on the other side
    of the life screen.. and i Roving Auto-Biography
    much of what i do.. in that flesh and
    blood play of life as i continue
    to upload my soUL oNLine
    as yes.. Screen Play
    writer iN FB
    Real Time too..
    Jack of all art trades
    and only master of my own
    personal relative free will now with
    Nature wHOle PluS AKA GoD NoW2..
    So.. sure i am the Director as little i of
    Ego Capital I NoW with plenty
    oF eXclamation point!
    SpiRit of HeART
    and MiNd
    and BoDy BaLanCinG
    soUL MoVinG.. ConNecTinG
    and Co-Creating too.. FReEd..
    And i no longer watch College Ball games..
    play video games.. mostly all i do is some kind
    of human being ART.. every.. once in a while.. i act as
    Consultant on Paper Work.. if the Home Accountant Katrina
    has an issue with that as she continues to increase her expertise
    in all stuff home MaKinG noW.. as some folks enjoy doing that now too..
    yes.. noW to
    each hiS Own
    and HeRs OWN
    too.. and eventuAlly
    the Audience Members..
    yeS eVEnTuALLy tHey LIKely
    CaN and WiLL BecOmE DiRecTors
    and Producers and AcTors and Photographers..
    And Screen Writers and sure.. even Nude Artists now too..
    of tHeiR owN sELfiE aRT NoW too.. but until then// enjoy the view..
    thAT otHerS BrinG to sHoW yA A Bigger viEw OF LiFe And Do aS iS.. reALity too..:)

  3. So.. i went to Dance Last Night
    as Diana.. also known as Daughter
    of Zeus in the Hellenistic (Pagan)
    Tradition of Greek Gods
    and such as that
    for Human
    not really any
    Different thaN whaT
    the Modern Christian
    Church does With Jesus
    the Man in Making what one
    would Hope is the God of Love
    but in Effect the folks who worship
    that God Vote for Trump so it’s all
    mixed uP.. in other words.. whatever
    they are teaching in them Modern
    Christian Churches ain’t
    Spelling Love in
    the voting
    per Matthew.. Chapter
    5.. BeAttiTudes.. Verses
    1 through 11.. WeLL.. Wonder
    Woman is what Patriachal Leaning
    Men fear the most in ways of Fundamentalist
    Good old Bad timey Abrahamic Religions.. A woman
    who rules her own roost with Strength and WiLL Free yeS..
    EveN Driving a car if she likes and voting and determining
    if she is gonna have sex or not and who it will be with and
    whether or not she bores children or goes the Super Hero
    route in Human Archetype way too.. you see.. back in
    the Hellenistic Age as Wiccans and other
    Modern Pagans are offering this
    ending April Month through
    May the 1st as usual
    with their creative
    stuff up to their
    of Divine Masculine
    WiLL and Strength in
    Base Animal way.. there was
    no such thing as the Word Pagan
    back in the then Crusade Killing
    so-Called Hellenistic folk ways who
    didn’t agree with all the tenants of a Soldier
    Sun God in three parts as constructed by Roman
    Emperor Constantine in Back Board Room ways
    oF Fat Cat Catholic Leaders too.. to make iT A Church
    Enterprise as Roman Spreading Empire by Force too..
    sure.. at Catholic
    Church.. you
    hear all
    about how
    the Christians were
    Persecuted by the
    Romans but they
    don’t get around to the
    parts of around 40,00 so-called
    non-Christian Naturist Healers aka
    Witches using their Placebo White Magic ways
    of Healing or if one has the Condition of Epilepsy
    and gets burned at the Stake too.. hung or whatever
    too.. yes.. just plain killed for not going along with the
    Christian and Muslim Sheet Music as well.. chopping
    heads off and burying Lesbians in Iran to their Chest
    Presently.. and stoning them where they cannot
    even cover their face.. as cruel empathy
    less and compassionless raised
    males will do with just
    Will And
    and no True
    Strength now of
    Divine Feminine way of
    Love and Grace to back
    uP the normal Altruistic
    Cooperating Human Race..
    AnyWay.. the Trump Fiasco does bRinG
    to liGht that this hate Tradition of the
    different among us sTiLL liVes
    Strong.. sure with will
    of some truly
    Trump men
    lacking Divine
    Feminine Love and
    Grace in Law Making ways too..
    and what we get for that is a potential
    for World War III.. as Woman in that divine
    feminine grace and love better understand how
    to diplomat relations than to spill blood.. yes.. now.. really
    Dangerous voting Trump over Clinton to the entire potential
    Human Race in World War III First World Problems in trickle
    down death to Third World Lands too.. so yah.. the hypocrisy
    of the whole shooting match for those in the KNoW results in
    some frustration and down uP righteous indignation in how the rights
    of oppressed and repressed individuals have been taken away.. so..
    one gets the Wiccan Religion.. Luciferian Religion and the so-called
    Satanist Religion that is Atheist and is just spitting in the face of
    Hypocrisy as Modern Satanists believe in no supernatural
    anything but mostly making fun of the Hypocrisies
    Rampant more than ever in Trump
    Christian lands of USA..
    Anyway.. i continue to
    cultivate the Divine Feminine
    Grace and Love of me.. even with
    Body Builder Chicks like the Modern
    Wonder Woman in her tights… with sTiLL
    quite a curvy figure like me too.. hehe in the
    more revealing SpiRiT of HeARt and Mind and
    Body soUL aRT FReED.. i do in all Red.. White
    and Blue way too. and on top of that.. sadly.. out of 21 Super
    Heroes on my Desk.. including the Sun With Shades on too..
    Wonder Woman is the only totAlly Developed Hero Woman on my DesK..
    So.. i’m DraWinG Attention to her and plUs her Movie comes out in June 2017.. too..
    and what i find too at Dance.. Wear anything with Divine Feminine Flavor of Love and
    Grace and the Women go more Wild wanting to Dance with you.. wear something
    like the Incredible Hulk and ugh.. just get high Fives from the Guys..
    Perhaps next Week i’ll be beyond a Rainbow.. whatever
    works at night and
    ‘they’ Dance
    and SinG too..;)

  4. Hmm.. As peR my lasT
    Profile Pic.. Per Wonder
    Woman Ways.. Diana..
    BarELy VisiblE HeaR
    iN A
    oF mY ShirT..:)

  5. 3700 Words of output in a Day after a fully consumed Day of Writing to the tune of
    about 10K words.. yes.. fully flesh photographic output of about three hours to
    go along with that and three hours of Marathon Dance at Good Old
    Seville Quarter to top that off and night night at about 4 am
    Before finishing what is stARTed Before in way
    of MacroVerse by around noon on
    Friday the 28th of April
    Yesterday.. And then
    came 3700 words..
    some Sun and Sand
    Dance and a very intense
    workout including eXXtreme
    Strength Training… Ballet and
    Martial Arts Dance at my favorite
    Military Gym.. a little “Big Bang Theory”
    as that is currently the only little 30 Minute
    Show i watch as i greatly admire the work of
    the creators of that show.. along with the skills
    of the actors too.. but anyway.. sly foxes the creators
    are in bringing Social Critic Messages to the Trump
    Masses as what some folks name as Minions too..
    or Minions Three or Despicable Deplorable
    them or whatever Pagan Terms
    are used for the non-
    believers of
    and compassion
    and other Jesus BeAttitude
    Ways common in all altruistic
    Leaning Natural discussions of
    how humans Behave when in
    Balance of MiNd and BoDy SoUL
    isReAL in relatively small groups
    of 150 to 200 sets of Naked and Furry
    eye to eye and hip to hip contact in a Dance
    under the Moonlit sKeYes oF aLL ThAT iS iN
    Broad DayliGht aWaKeNing and EnLiGhtEninG
    Way of Transcendental EcTsasy as the fLavor of the
    Color oF Dreamtime NoW wheRE Lucid WaKinG DreAMs
    are put into action iN A Successful forAge for the Daily alWays
    NoW JoB too.. iN pLaY.. sure.. ‘work of the night’ too.. to keep all
    hands on deck groWinG in human terms.. to be clear “FucKinG”
    iF yoU SeeK iN GoD within as ‘they’ say too.. once one finishes
    with the necessary reproductive pARt of the JOB to do DO too..
    AnyWay.. “Pagan Monday”.. yes.. hell yes.. “Pagan Monday”
    is the title of this 97th MacroVerse NoW “Nether Land
    Bible 2017” still aRisinG toward 1.6 Million words
    in a year of writing a New aGe Personal Bible
    by little old me.. WiTh Dancer DreAMs too
    come to fruition as Dance Legend
    as titled by the Metro Area
    Audience as anoTheR
    ParT of “SoNG oF
    mY soUL”.. 44 month
    Longest Long Form Poem
    at over 4 MiLLioN words.. wHo
    kNoWs.. could be 4.2 Million words
    for the Meaning of LiFE aT LeASt as
    FaR As mY FiEld of dreAMs CoMinG to
    FruiTioN NoW.. iN oTheR words.. i for one
    can prove my MaGiC iN Real TiMe.. NoW ’bout
    you “Harry Potter”.. HoW.. heHe.. for aT LeASt
    the ReaL Actor too.. it’s not enough to be JuST
    the Director.. Producer.. the Photographer..
    the Writer.. the Actor And the Stripper of
    A Play.. to maKe iT isREAL and as ReaL
    LiFe NoW IS A greater challenge NoW
    of the sAGeS and the DiRectors
    who wanna moVe
    STilL NoW..
    WeLL iF thAT
    SouNds Grandiose
    as uS Folks on the
    Pagan Bi-Polar Spectrum
    Away from the ‘normal’ heard
    oF HeRd goes.. must be careful
    wiTh Logic and ReaSoN to appropriately
    assess within the realms of what is truly
    great or not.. i usuAlly rely on other folks
    to name me Legend first before i report
    that humbly in my report card heAr..
    as far as poEtry goes..
    hey.. it is
    what it is
    and i do
    what i do and
    it is FucKinG FuN
    and as a photo selfie
    will soon illustrate.. so what!
    if not everyone.. can be me..
    i am.. i can.. i will.. i juST Do iT
    Nike Goddess of VicTory More.. And
    Keeping in miNd this MacroVerse is about
    the Pagans of past and present too.. don’t take
    me too serious when i compare myself to Hermes..
    Apollo.. the other Roman Form as Archetypal essence
    as Mercury.. and who kNows maybe Ford too.. for a better
    idea with lightbulb Creativity too.. in other words NoW A Newer
    Age Renaissance.. ain’t too far off ..while i keep the language
    not all the way in Grey PooH Pawn Mustard LifE.. in other
    words not too prissy and all of that.. Dandy Dudes
    and thAT STuFf too.. keep mY ShadoW
    anima and animus close
    aT Hand
    aT Least
    in AdulT Restricted
    LiNks juST for Grounding
    Force of Pan Horned God
    as WiLd and FReED too.. NoW2..
    anyway.. it’s a bit ironic that Trump now
    has brought a new age of Pagans named
    Christians now who are all for Lies and tRuly
    Despicable behavior in guise of their Dear Leader
    Trump NoW.. and it can be so easy to persecute these
    New Pagans if we do not do our best to turn the other cheek
    now.. yes.. Love the Pagans as a New age Jesus miGht and
    WiLL STiLL say.. did i just intimate i am a New Age Jesus.. well
    in the SpiRiT of the Current MacroVerse.. sure i did.. as the Old
    Timey Jesus in at LeASt Flesh and Blood Gnostic way would surely
    be considered a Pagan then.. and hey.. in modern representations of him
    all androgynous in female and male balanced way of bearded effete man..
    with.. OH My God..! Long hair! that was not allowed even as much in the 50’s
    back then in old Jewish Days of around the dates of Jesus’ real life.. if he did wear
    his hair long.. he surely would be considered a Pagan then.. as really Pagan just means
    not conforming with the current norms of culture and or religion as the flavor of Belief of the
    in some
    African countries..
    Women who have
    not been Female
    Genitally Mutilated
    are considered Pagan
    too.. and Jesus F iN Christ..
    boys who haven’t had their foreskins
    ripped off at Birth were considered pagan
    then too.. and still are in some countries and
    cultures and religions too.. call ’em infidels too..
    just another word for non-believer of the standard
    group think of culture and or religion too now.. so in other
    words Pagan is a totally moral relativist term.. in human terms
    there is no Universal Pagan.. only Deviation from the Bell Curve
    of what folks currently believe except for child molesters.. ugh
    unless you live in a time with a 9 year old wife or so.. where
    that shit is culturally acceptable and less ‘odd’ and
    harmful than current Female Genital
    Mutilation.. as hey.. it still is
    common for a 60 year
    old Dude to
    a Dowry
    12 year old
    Victim now for
    institutionalized Rape..
    Pagan-like acts of crucifying
    folks with Different Beliefs where
    it used to be that those folks Crucified
    folks with Different Beliefs too.. Jesus F iN
    Christ.. why can’t we just go back to the Jesus
    way of Gentile.. Jew.. Servant or Free.. Woman or
    man No more.. where even Homosexuals get to
    be married in the Sacrament of Marriage
    but wait! that won’t work in old
    Jesus way either as
    he said the Kingdom
    of Heaven is within
    and in that place there won’t
    be any marriage.. more like
    a Modern WoodStock Festival
    with the Beatles Singing
    the theme song
    of all you
    need is Love and
    every little thing is gonna
    be alright too.. and next thing
    you know you have a bunch of naked
    humans or close to naked at least dancing
    naked in a Field of Love and Dreams too.. or perhaps
    call it a Rave-like atmosphere at Old Seville Quarter with
    Appropriate Dress code where Women are Bootie
    Grinding fronts and butts away with males
    as well.. for whatever makes
    their shortie
    FeeL and
    SensE waves
    of Bliss ongoing too..
    in a tantric like clothed
    sensual sexual way of transcendent
    Ecstasy too.. Oh Lord.. the Pagans are
    everywhere these days.. Sexting each other
    as Teens too.. doing what any Free New Age
    Bonobos WiLL Do too.. to increase their levels
    of Creativity and Productivity too.. i mean reAlly.. have
    you seen the output levels of out of the box Creativity in
    online Areas of Social Media these days.. it’s out of control
    and that is what it means to live out of the box.. yes.. out of control..
    in other words Free for LifE LiBerty and the Pursuit of Happiness with
    do no harm.. yes.. just don’t click on ‘that’ link or visit that page if you
    don’t wanna be offended by some other person’s first amendment Pagan
    Rights for Freedom of Expression NoW.. Believe what ya wanna believe
    but don’t harm the WiLL of othERs by FoRcinG laws to make folks
    comply with what you believe when they are not harming
    another human soUL now.. in terms of just turn
    me off if you don’t wanna be turned
    on by me now..
    yes.. no
    one wants
    their creative
    ‘Juices’ Flowing
    if they don’t wanna be
    Naturally turned on in a cognitive
    dissonant way other than the way
    they were raised in Victorian ways
    before Vickie’s Secret was allowed to
    be aired out.. before as Gynecologists
    did the tedious Manual
    method of
    Female Patients
    who were repressed
    that way.. way back then..
    yes.. it’s true.. it went down for
    real.. Google it if you like.. this shit
    did go down.. as crazy as it might seem
    before Spencer Gifts came to town with all
    the tools of self service ways of appropriate vib
    rating ways of stimulation and fuller relief with the pleasures
    FReED NoW of being human NoW iN the grace and gift of
    Sexual and Sensual Expression per that Declaration
    of Independence Providing Freedom of Expression
    in First Amendment ways that allows Miley
    Cyrus to Art her more furry pARTs..
    Before someone else does
    a simulation of it
    on some
    that’s not
    even real.. to turn
    old “pot bellied’.. men on..
    who don’t dance 7200 miles
    or so in 44 months like me..
    and attract Bar Maidens
    all for free with
    with free smiles
    all consensual in Happiness
    in the thrill of the Dance of all of
    liFE NoW too.. and sure if they care
    too.. they are welcome to peruse all my
    art.. just don’t get me killed.. doing that in
    front of your Boy Friend please.. hehe.. anyWay..
    it is what it is.. lie to yourself if you like.. but in most
    cases we are all a little bit pagan to at least someone
    else who
    see things
    the way we do..
    or perhaps sees with
    a thousand eYes of me..
    where all of it seems rather
    normal by now.. and that is key..
    to bliss always now.. no longer seeing
    Pagan.. as much as possible and seeing
    One Team Human Being now.. not easy of
    course.. takes a lot of Cognitive Reasoning
    Control of Base Instincts as yes.. we
    do have an all Natural instinct
    of Tribalism that says
    fear the different
    to survive..
    but hey..
    get to know
    the other tribe..
    tolerate them.. or turn
    the other cheek in terms of
    turning their websites off..
    or even accept
    visit them..
    and you might learn
    something new or even
    become a Miley Cyrus
    Nude Artist in your spare time too..
    in an all appropriate and legal Freedom
    Of Expression as allowed by the United
    States Constitution too.. yes.. in First Amendment
    ways.. as the Wiccans say.. do they WiLL and do
    no other Harm.. easier to do online with an off
    button than public dancing and
    always veering
    same to not offend
    them.. in Trump Town
    US oF A.. Aka MiLLtown now2..
    or New Jerusalem where they would
    give ya a crown of thorns and make fun of
    ya.. butt thanks God in the New Zion
    Matrix Rave of ISREaL USA..
    it’s against the law
    to crucify
    in any
    of those ways
    now.. and if Jesus
    is fearless enough he
    can even get away with it
    like Hermes.. Mercury.. Ford
    and Apollo and Lucifer too.. seriously
    lighten up a bit and remember you are
    God too.. in huWoManiFeSt Form as
    Essence Star Wars Peace Force too..
    Love Baby Love where no Pagans exist with God eYes NoW..
    Okay that’s 2025 more words.. to add to the last four Profile Pics
    on Facebook too.. need a song for this.. too.. and note to self
    as usual.. can’t go over about 11K words in a single
    description of a Profile Pic on Facebook now
    and before i get to that point.. need
    another Inspirational photo
    to stARt a New
    Drawer to store
    away all my letters
    to the World.. in a place
    where at least 68 friends
    on Facebook Will be able
    to open and also provide witness
    and testimony that yes.. this shit
    did go down.. iSReaL hehe.. ah the
    joy of being a modern
    and etc.. avoiding
    the loony Bin.. and
    jobs of mundane and
    such as that to FloWeR out Free NoW..
    whether anyone picks aFlowEr or not.. i lived.. 2166 more words..:)

    And Kilroy iS heAr NoW2..:) 2171

  6. Yes.. as promised per Current tHeMe
    SonG.. yeS.. i’M heAR..
    And iN regard to
    paRts made
    in Japan
    and Modern
    Men per man
    me too.. oh.. the
    Facebook Algorithm
    Roboto.. you do deliver
    Macro and MicroVerse
    Memories from yeaRs ago..
    without fail.. so.. sure.. i have
    A Jack and JiLL Pail uP the hiLL
    FuLL to shaRe NoW all For FReED..
    yes.. for me..
    nah.. not reAlly A
    Secret.. i am a Modern
    Transhumanist Son of Man..
    in other words.. i’ve soaked that
    human stuff up and am currently
    spitting it out as any trans
    humanist of the
    as SoN..
    eTC.. of not
    only Man butt
    WomaN and eTC..
    WiLL Do too.. just to
    esCaPe and Be as free
    as possible aT LeASt online
    out of cruel Pagan ways of localities
    as such.. either over heAR or oVer THeRe.. yeP.. sTiLL
    similar essence.. similar challenge.. similar victories…
    form as alWays varieS iN terms of houSinG VeHicles
    and VessELs as EiTher TrUth and LiGhT or as
    predictAbly LieS and dARk sAMe as Different
    CoMes in various forms as Language
    and oThER hUmanly constructed
    Abstract Symbols that one
    can only hope will not
    become form
    in oThER words..
    keeping ‘it isreaL’.. as
    they do DancE and SinG
    too.. in Mr. Roboto and KilRoy
    ways NoW aS WeLL.. in Styx
    ways too.. could be A River to
    Hades if one gets all
    stuck in
    the guise
    of dARK and
    LIEs away from TrutH and
    LiGht too.. NoW.. anyWay.. Oh G..
    it’s only 10:30 am.. Central Standard
    Daylights Savings time and i feel like
    a nap.. as this Ecstasy of Transcendence
    CrEATiVE Experience.. of Bliss thingy can
    somEtimes Drift down through Alpha through
    Theta waves of neAR DreAMTiMe Sleep too..
    As DreAms continUe to beCoMe Lucid WaKinG
    FruiTioN NoW oN aT LeASt A Page for whaT iS..
    AnyWay.. BeFore Katrina puts me down for a Nap..
    and tucks me in.. if i can convince her to pause
    heR Favorite of about a hundred TV shows
    for that WifELy AssUmeD Duty too.. yes
    all consensual aS Such.. soMe
    MacroVerse Memories
    and MicroVerse
    ways coming
    yes.. for
    free by Mr.
    Roboto FaceBook please..:)

    Wall Flowers of ALLOVE

    “Wall Flowers of ALLOVE”.. MacroVerse from two years
    ago.. as i continued to struggle to continue my Freest Art
    in Free Verse poetry sharing on the dVerse Website online
    as place of sharing what was a place for that much more free for
    all when Claudia and Brian.. the originators of that site.. who were also
    very Free Verse Writers too.. eventually left the place to the hands of
    more ‘science’
    oriented poet
    as rule makers in
    more closed minded ways
    naturally do.. to be expected
    of course.. as they had no choice
    but to tolerate my Freedom.. mostly
    at least when Brian and Claudia were
    top dogs then.. although they curbed my
    Artistic freedom in underwear photos while
    Nude Women in topless fashion were nothing
    at all to be offended at.. hypocrisy at its best
    but hey.. the Founder Brian was actually
    the person in celebrating the Dead
    Poet’s Society way of standing
    on a Desk.. inspiring me to
    move into
    that area of
    with zero
    shame or regret
    with some of my art
    posts in that male way
    of art reaching 300K or so
    likes as witnessed and evidenced
    in Blog Statistic Screen Shot ways here2..
    there is a really big target audience now.. once
    the Globe is at hand away from rather Victorian
    audiences who have not stepped more fully into
    a New Age Renaissance of Michelangelo.. another
    Dude speculated in armchair Diagnosis of Asperger’s
    too.. but hey.. something drives a Sistine Chapel Painting
    And David
    they BecoMe
    Flesh as ArT NoW
    iN SelFiE New aGE
    ways closing in on age
    57 as any trULY MaTuRe
    Hercules WiLL do.. Natural
    without the aid of Lizard
    Skin anabolic
    as furry as born.. yes..
    when i was born.. i was
    even a ball of fur then as
    my Daddy told my Mama
    that boy sure is Fuzzy.. Helen.. in
    new age Hellenistic ways.. per Aphrodite
    MoTher of Love.. and Father who left early
    as happens in most all Super Hero archetype Son of Man Lives..
    Anyway.. as the established poets at dVerse way in all Science
    of Poetry way.. get several options to fix their poems if there
    is a typo or a mistake or whatever before they are deleted..
    all i had to do in rushing to a Doctor’s appointment
    was leave out the word ‘from’.. as i ‘am from
    one’ as ‘i am one’.. per deeper
    Bible Writing
    in old
    new age
    ways too.. and
    they just severed and
    deleted me.. like they did
    once before.. after i justified
    how i met a prompt in five different
    ways.. when they gave either an option
    of a photo from the muse or in the spirit
    of the muse itself in terms of an Artist’s life then..
    and for me.. instead.. cut the other option off instead of listening
    to my justification to even be in their world of science poetry.. then..
    Sorry.. i don’t see too much art in the contrived area of rhyming poems..
    but i still read them all for an entire year and got inspired for thousand
    of poems on hundreds of sites.. in poetic expression of response to every
    single one.. and that’s the thing about a Sistine Chapel.. it doesn’t come
    from Haiku Painting either.. it takes years of perseverance in never giving
    up.. and true.. in the olden days.. ‘they’ could have kept ‘their’ muse hidden from
    me.. but NO.. there is no way anyone can stop me from being inspired by ‘their’ art..
    even if they block or delete whatever else i would do to share my personal essence
    and form of art with them all free.. so.. sure.. i persevered and eventually wrote the Longest
    Long From Free Verse Poem ever.. and this was just another MacroVerse Drop in the Bucket
    oF aLL of that.. anyWay.. they asked in the prompt to talk all about “i am From”.. and i initially
    shortened it to ‘i am One’.. in other words from and parT and GoD whOle ONe all thAT is too..
    a little deep.. sure.. but when one is writing oral tradition in old new timey way.. it gets
    deep baby.. really deep sometimes in the original spirit of what it takes to
    recite an entire hiStory in one talk of whatever culture and or religion
    iS oN personal topic during A Fred Talk… now/then it wasn’t
    enough to just let me be.. and happily and kindly
    poetically respond to all of their stuff.. wasn’t
    enough for me to always clarify and
    validate the meanings and
    purpose of my Free
    Verse Poetic ways..
    but that’s
    it attempts
    to close the Door..on ArT..
    hehe.. it only opened it up for
    me.. and by the time they deleted
    me the third time for not having the eyes
    and ears to even see me when i gave them
    full justification in clarifications and validations
    for being there.. strike 3.. i was gone.. from linking..
    and then.. they deleted my comments.. on their end too..
    but they never stopped the muse and they never stopped
    the art of me and all of that is juSt parT of MY History and Long Form
    Poem and Now ‘Nether Land Bible 2017’.. all Good for print for Now MorE@Least..
    Anyway.. the stress of that and the other similar crap on the Wrong Planet in what
    was supposed to be a place for Neurodiversity that was just as Card Board Plain
    overall.. and same.. it took a toll on the middle spare tire.. and a Haggard
    Look on my Face in the span of 2015 too.. up to 237.6 Lbs here..
    sitting way too much.. in spreading muse over two full
    online communities in reason and art too.. Cholesterol
    way up.. Blood Pressure going up.. and yes as
    mentioned earlier too.. Testosterone
    down to a minuscule 181.. less
    than an average 75 year old
    man at age 55 then..
    Up to around 800
    at last
    Free Baby..
    all meaSures
    better of Life now
    iN Health and WeLL Being
    With Free no longer anyone
    tugging at ‘Superman’s Cape’..;)

  7. Ah.. FinAlly A thEme DancESonG
    Long enough to last
    the rest of this
    And FucK iT..
    i miGht juST
    Keep the SonG
    sAMe as DifFerEnt
    as you can’t imagine
    peHaps how hard it is juSt
    to be happy.. give that happy..
    share that happy.. and juSt to be lET bE
    NoW.. iT’S
    what God does
    to be Happy
    and nah.. no one
    BRinGs me DOwn
    anymore.. as i juST duSt
    my sandals off and move NoW to
    Greener Meadows NoW as i understand
    the concrete place of the Minion home now..
    and if they wanna join me in DancE and SonG..
    Great! iF not.. to each one’S own Sown
    while i reap
    of FReED.. !HAPPY!
    DancE and SonG LoVe..
    AnYWaY it’s what A TriNiTy
    of Apollo and Lucifer and Pan
    WiLL jUSt DO as a neW aGE Jesus oF FReED..
    SPeaKinG of Kilroy iS HeAR NoW too.. yes NoW2..;)

    MesSage of Dance and Song

    “MesSage of Dance and Song”.. FucK iT.. i’LL do it aGaIN
    with note that Brian from dVerse is the only one .. 3 years
    ago.. who visited this one too..
    tHeRe are
    Modern New
    Age Yeshuas
    around.. you
    just gotta
    uP.. they DO Live..:)




    God creates!

    movement in dance first..

    then sound as musicK


    then poetry of lyrics






    So how sad can it be

    that i am the



    in a Metro Area of

    around 300K


    dances with


    that is music and lyrics















    AS WORD TERM rolling off my

    tongue and roof of mouth

    in golden spiral!










    IN A WORLD..

    so large and varied as ours..

    with so many languages

    in tongue

    and complex cultures

    that are inspired by so many



    collective knowledge











    The barrier to sacred love is only











    THE MesSAge
















    SO YAH..
























    going ON!


    all over the










    OF US!











    CAN YA



























    1200 miles..

    to spread tHis



    sacred LOVE!


    my metro


    since September..2013…




    to do


    foot or TWO.. too..!



    of Sacred LOVE!














































    Oh by A way..
    Thanks Pharrell WiLLiAMs
    for hELpinG to Prepare A way..
    iN “iamOTHER(1aM)” ways too..;)

    Imagine Dance of LORD in Heaven IS OnLY NOW!

    “Imagine Dance of LORD in Heaven IS OnLY NOW!” as One of my First
    Poetry Letter Poetry Science Form ways of MacroVerse back 3 years
    ago.. to Brian.. too.. long before i knew that was a Poetry
    i’M going
    by the HAiR
    oF the doG’s Essence heAr.. sTiLL..
    iN otHeR words.. ReVerse dOG oKay..;)

    Hi Brian..

    i live in a red state oriented..

    oppressed and

    repressed fundamentalist Christian area…

    The category of the old movie ‘Footloose’..

    wHere not too long ago..

    Rock and Roll and Dance is considered..

    the work of the Devil..

    still lives here among the older folks….


    What i come to find..


    that the younger people are open to it..

    so the times are a changing..

    and sooner or later..

    perhaps there will be the metaphorical..

    ‘Apostle’ or two or more..

    to spread this lovely message of movement..






    and hope..!

    to truly connect others together…

    ALONG WITH me..

    in my local metro area..

    of locked up Sacred Chakra number two..

    among the older folks…

    in this red state fundamentalist leaning area…


    i’m so happy you are free enough to do this..

    and happy your wife finds it entertaining..


    my wife raised in that fundamentalist way of life..

    neither dances..

    can stand to watch me dance..

    or is willing to videotape the antics..

    out in public..

    to share with others…



    my ‘little’ message of hope..

    i SPREAD in REAL life..

    as an older middle aged dude..

    is being vicariously duplicated..

    by the freer younger folks..

    in my area..

    by way of Smartphone Videos..


    and all of that…

    And HAHA!

    the biggest dance club in the metro area..

    SEVILLE QUARTER..Pensacola FL..

    is the best place to spread the message..

    of totAlly free feminine and masculine mixed dance..

    as a captive audience watches…

    coming up on week 6 now on Thursday night…

    And with pop culture..

    leading a way!

    to inspire the herd to dance again together!

    as our indigenous SO CALLED primitive ancestors did..


    there is hope the world will one day..



    AND SO many other dreamers like him..

    and John Lennon…

    AND ETC…

    folks walking AS LIGHT like this….








    AT LEAST..





    I think that IT IS some thing..


    that most of






    in DANCE












    i’ll do my ‘little’ part..
    to spread the age OLD mesSage

    i did 40 miles in the last 3 days..
    and am averaging 7 miles a day now..
    in stores all over the metro


    1244 miles


    September 2013..

    not to mention the dance floor..


    military gym..
    and all of those areas..
    wHere my NIKE GPS SPORTS watch doesn’t
    measure it..;)

    yes.. i’ll do IT..!

    JUST DO IT!:)


    IN ONE
    AND inanimate


    Happy Cat.. Yellow Boy
    also provided
    FReED oF CharGe..;)

    As ‘the Boss’//
    gives me eXtra CreDiT2..;)

    i WiLL I BE!

    “i WiLL I BE!”

    CoMinG Back with
    my Poetry prizes
    from getting Muse
    after the dVerse incident
    where i was truncated aS Such
    and left to kinda hang out on the
    streets aS Such.. hey.. one
    step ahead
    step ahead
    always happy
    when MoVinG ahead..;)

    Autistic And Awesome Month

    Autistic and Awesome Month

    Nah.. not my Blog MacroVerse
    but never the less with a HyperLexic
    Woman of the Asperger’s Variety that
    i definitely could relate to.. Blogging way
    beFore i ever thought i could.. but a big
    inspiration to
    me as no
    she did
    her thingie
    and was Happy for it..
    she isn’t blogging anymore..
    but i sure do remember the inspiration of her..:)

    So of course.. i leave a modern note..
    in terms of i’ve really changed since back then..;)

    Hmm.. Doubting you come back
    to your blog now.. but this was
    A Memory as shared now on
    FB from four years
    and just
    saying hi..
    today.. my friend.. smuggybunny..
    yep.. your old friend Aghogday..;)

    Also note.. this is Autism Awareness
    Month and i have been celebrating that
    too.. with Autism Related Pre-MacroVerses
    from four years ago.. when i was more or less
    the resident Autism online expert.. even mistaken
    by Autistic Conspiracy theorists as a paid Employee
    by the dreaded Conspiracy theories of the so-called
    of the Non-
    Profit organization
    “Autism Speaks” STiLL
    that helps those more
    severely impacted by
    Autism who don’t
    have soap
    online to
    complain that the
    Disorder is extremely
    A Difficult.. yes.. DisEAse
    to Deal with that does need
    some kind of cure.. even iF iT
    iS FucKinG DanCinG Happy
    everywHeRe one goes like me!..
    yeS iN the Science World of Autism they call this
    Stimming and yes.. it’s what ‘normal’ DiSeASe free
    Mammals do to regulate emotions and integrate
    senses yes..! they simply Happy Dance out of FucKinG Straight
    Line Sidewalks and Super Walmart Aisles.. tHeRE.. i said it..!.. juST DancE..
    Happy iF yA
    CaN and WiLL..;)

    That does it for
    the MacroVerses
    now off to Happy
    MicroVerses and
    related photos too..
    from a year ago close to when
    i finished my 338,630 word MacroVerse
    titled GodSuniVerseNovel3.. long form poetry.. baby..;)

    “Not every soil can bear all things.”

    ~~ Virgil ~~

    SMiLes gigoid.. i’ll take
    this for the Wisdom of the
    Day.. plus all the lEarning lesSons
    that tHere are limits in life.. perhaps
    not for me.. hehe.. but yes for the
    state of E-Land.. potential.. as
    what was once thought
    by me to be
    a 100K
    turns out
    to be 338.63K
    that just barely meets
    the constraints of WordPress
    and didn’t come close to fitting
    into the Blogger Blogs.. but write
    and expand.. lEarn and narrow..
    i guess..
    and it’s
    just as WeLL..
    ’cause it’s jUst for Fun..
    and the fun iS iN the dam creating..
    the putting the pieces together that
    are already created.. is what i used
    to do over and over.. noW
    at least allowing
    me to visit a
    little of the
    hell i used
    to live in
    and appreciate even MORE..
    the creating free environment
    thaT iS the mainstay now.. oF
    my heArt.. mY SpiRit.. mY soUl..
    as trUly iT iS easier for me to halt
    that pARt.. than the systemizing
    sTuFF that will go on for waking
    hours until the job
    is done..
    without any
    to bE FREE.. iN MoVinG..Connecting
    CreaTinG.. and i’m gonna wash that
    systemizing science RIGHT out
    of my hair in the
    of NiGht..
    with all
    the cool
    age folks
    my 108th week
    of doing just
    that at Old
    hope you are
    doing WeLL and
    the issues that arose
    have aLL Fallen aWay uP to Peace..:)

    Yes.. now.. i can say i did..
    have fun dancing tonight
    i also can say.. i should have
    never stopped at age 29 when
    i got married.. truly i lost
    quite a bit of the
    skip in my
    step that
    i own again..
    albeit a little
    stiffer in the
    morning and
    closer to the ground..
    no hopping and running
    for me.. just flowing.. floWinG..:)

    Oh.. Latin.. Dancers..
    have rhythm.. perhaps
    a stereotype.. but true..
    and yes.. my paternal
    Grandmother.. was as
    Cajun as they do come
    and that and the Sioux
    And Cherokee.. is why
    even with pale green
    eyes.. i do tan brown..
    yes.. free in sand/sun..
    without the cloudies..
    oh yeah.. and they
    had zero idea they
    were celebrating
    an After Novel
    of a third
    of a million
    words of Epic
    Free Verse style..
    in blog way all free..
    but it was too loud in
    there to spread the link..;)

    And yes..
    tonight’s dance..
    brought on by
    the pale green eyes
    of a wolf shirt.. kinda on fire..
    i had a ‘nightmare’ last night
    that i was heading to dance
    in a flannel looking shirt and
    long slacks.. ugh.. something
    i probably would have done
    ‘back then’.. in the nerd days..
    now i’m crazy cool like Fonzie Einstein..;)

    Okay.. yeah.. enough Happy perHaps
    never enough Happy but now for a tHeMe
    SonG chAnge with “We’ve Only Just Begun”..
    haha.. more.. NoW with or without Bi-Polar..
    with more memories from a year ago HeAr..;)

    Ha! perhaps the best thing about ‘this
    memory’ from a year ago is it is possible
    to open up with the average computer..

    i WiLL I BE!

    whereas.. my ‘last blog post’
    only on Word Press iS EPIC..
    as it melts the
    capaCity of Google
    Blogger Blogs that
    are usuAlly much faster
    to open than Word Press..
    But beyond that ‘this post’ is
    part of the dArk Fire that inspired
    an entire journey of responding to all
    links and all prompts on the dVerse website
    over the course of an entire year in poetic
    micro to macro expression response then as
    well.. as well as direct named interaction
    with poets on the journey in real time
    then.. so yes.. perHaps the first
    reaLITy sHow Super Epic
    Poem in Three Hundred
    Thirty-Eight Thousand
    Six-Hundred and Thirty
    words with over 300 photos
    from perhaps the most beautiful
    beaches from my Katman Beach..

    kATman BEach

    Cyberian Tiger Beach

    And Cyberian Tiger Beach Blog
    posts.. respectively from
    And Navarre
    Beach.. most all
    of which are suitable
    for framing as a frigGinG
    giVe aWay.. so yes i credIT
    the folks at dVerse who put
    out a prompt that was supposed
    to have the specific words “I am
    From”.. where i wrote “i am One”
    as metaphor that i am both
    from and One with God
    as well as a place of
    overcoming bullying..
    and they could not
    F iN understand
    what something
    like that
    as apparently
    they see God as something
    separate from them and Nature..
    example given.. the man
    Jesus.. in a frigging
    literal supernatural
    way.. if that makes
    sense and no it does
    not so tHeRe.. why “i am
    ONE”.. works even better
    than “i am from” in this
    way of providing
    a clear message
    for those folks like
    Jesus said.. who see and
    hear it.. and so they
    deleted my
    Blog post
    without even
    waiting on me to
    stick the word “from”
    in as i even did to appease
    tHeir nit picky poetry form..
    and instead of getting angry..
    i got inspiRed and ended up doing
    even more.. as truly theiR real complaint
    was the FaCT THAT I DO ePiC POETRY
    LiVES iN AND
    i and God only liVe
    now so we are ONeNOW
    so free.. so F in Epic.. and
    not afraid to BoldLY Go
    as God wheRe no
    pARt of God here
    has gONe before
    as Art
    of NoW..
    at least
    oN EartH
    iN Epic way..
    so this WiLL be the opening
    oF mY Epic but much easier
    to open up bLoG posT titLED
    “BEfore and After Novel PartY”..
    a Celebration of Going wHeRe
    no poET has gONE before on
    the fAce oF thE eARTh noW..
    and like my wife sAid..
    no body wants to
    go tHere but
    wELL thE fACt
    iS.. iT IS A refLecTion
    oF mY heARt.. mY SpiRit
    eXpreSsinG aLL the
    emoTioNs noW and
    seNses oF mY bEinG
    iN mInD and BoDy BaLanCinG soUl
    iN whaT iS termED very loosely
    and FReED as Free Verse Free
    Writing.. Stream.. of Conscious
    poeTry that has the tiGhTest most
    meaning impact oF brevity iN poetry
    aS small little piEces and a tapEStry
    oF aLL of a year’s eXperience of JuSt
    Doing iT thAT iS a reflecTion oF an epiC
    miNd and BoDy BalanCinG exPerience
    Of a perSon literaLLy liVing iN HEaven
    oN Earth.. noW.. so iN otHeR words iF a
    Real EarTH Angel could sPeak
    hE or sHe
    would liKelY
    speaK somEthing
    siMilar anD as EpiC
    as GodsUniVerseNovel3
    aLL FReED iN HaPPy UNcoNdiTionaL
    Fearless Loving waY expLoRinG aLL
    oF tHe pleaSurAble pArts iN liGht
    OF God liVinG iN uS wITh
    a feW oF thE dArk pArts
    iN Heaven as yeS..
    thAT little or
    BiG doT oF
    YinG and
    dArk iS
    aT least
    a sMaLL
    pARt oF thE
    experience oF wE
    HUmans liVing wITh
    tHe God of NatUre
    dArk and liGht
    iN SonG and
    DanCe oF wE..
    heARt.. SpiRit
    and creATinG
    miNd and BoDY
    soUl noW iN
    Epic God
    So yes..!..:)!
    noW i..:)!
    i WiLL I
    no.. my friEnd(s)
    i did noT write like
    normal human bEinGs..
    338,630 words in one
    F iN Novel.. i wrote an entirely
    new way of sPeaKinG iN LaYman’s
    terms.. and yoU WiLL gET thE iroNy
    of that if you kNow mY real last nAMe
    as an epic keeper of the land in feudal
    gerMAN meaNinG
    imaGiNe no heaVen
    anywHere else but
    heRe.. it’s not hard
    to do iF yA
    live inside..
    outside.. above
    so below.. and aLL
    arOUnd liKe wE mE
    And God do kNow
    FeeLnOW.. hehe..
    and haha.. someone
    anonymous.. of course..
    with no face tOld mE to
    quit typing ‘retarded’ and
    ‘kill myself’.. sorry baby.. i’ve
    only jUst
    beGun to
    liVe noWiN
    EpiC wAy aS
    alWays noW..
    but no.. i just
    ignorED him/HER
    as for some duSt..
    the dArk Force
    iS where
    ‘they’ choose
    to stay and
    yes that iS pARt
    oF God too.. the uNhappy
    pArt iN hUman form that
    only seeks the dArk
    in discontent..
    and hate
    as both fearing
    the dArk.. and cynical oF the LiGht..
    many journeys.. many patHs.. but noW
    trUly the poTenTial of never ending
    liGht wiTh only tiny sPecks of dArk
    and tHere
    as only duSt
    iN the WinD
    that falls
    so lost..
    of Now..
    so sad
    so sad..
    beyond even
    words oF Y i…
    but on a positive
    note!.. yes..!! tHeRe iS
    tHeR otHeR plaCeNoW..!!..:)!
    And i will be providing the first 8928 words
    and eight photos in this next blog post
    that will be now titled.. “BeforE and
    after Blog pARTy” at the end
    of the post before my fun
    dancing photos come
    iN dance celebration
    of the the new Epic
    FuLL Novel titLED
    per this


    aLong with
    the first and
    only American
    Indian 6 hours
    of flute music
    in YouTube way
    and the first 8
    and Beach
    photos flYinG
    Free.. as yes..
    this WiLL be much
    easier to open..
    and a small cLip
    of what i do in the
    Novel.. as yes.. per
    full perspective.. the
    entire Epic Free
    Verse Poetry
    is 38 times
    larger than
    8928 words..
    Go wHere no pARt
    of God Goes before
    here on EARtH.. after
    aLL isAid and dOneNoW
    thAT my friends iS N0W what
    the reported man Jesus then
    sAid and Do iS possible for
    other hUmans wHo juSt do iT
    wITh tHe Help Of God oF ALLnOW..
    oh yeah.. and for the record.. of lINks
    here are the linKs to the first two Novels




    i ain’t doin’ this
    for money.. but a
    ‘little’ birDiE
    and or sEaGuLL
    mE tales
    Me to promote
    aLL tHree lInks
    plus ‘this one’ at
    the bottom of all
    my posts as KinGdoM
    coMes NoW aS ReaLiTy..
    ObtW.. thE ‘Long Poem Form’ is nothing
    new.. and to date before i came along
    the longest one was/is.. “Mahabharata” at 1.8
    million words.. well in fAct.. now.. at 662 lonG
    chapters.. the epic poem KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
    now at 662 chapters.. including this coming one on Word
    Press noW is almost twice as long at over 3 million
    wordS now.. written in a style that has
    i CAN wITh
    the help oF
    God.. end and
    beginning oF EpicNoW..:)


    And here’s the lInk to the longest
    poem in recorded human history
    once again.. nOW..
    “SonG oF mY SoUl”..
    and trUly bY N0W
    thAt shOuLd bE heIR
    apParent.. to those
    who ‘see’
    FeeL and
    ALLthATiS.. wHeRE
    and thaT’S aLL
    i for ONE
    coMe to bRinG..
    wITh steps
    oF Dance
    oN course..
    as without
    dance.. words
    are DEAD..
    aLiVe mY
    iN fEAT
    oF steps
    and words..
    aS i WiTh GODonE
    noW KinGdoM CoMe..
    And yes.. i have hope..
    faith.. and belief that technology
    wiLL finAlly catch up with mE..yes..
    perhaps before i die.. the sooner
    the better certainly to give
    and share aLL of i as and
    wITh God and y O U
    miGht ask
    wHy i have
    thiS hope..
    this faith..
    tHis beLief..
    iN hUMaN
    WeLL thAT iS
    simple YOU are
    the greAtest poTenTial
    of God expreSsinG as God’s
    eYes and ears.. FeeLinG
    SeNsinG and kNoWinGnoWoN
    planEt eARTh noW..
    i oNly have
    five words
    for you..
    LOSE iT’..
    in other
    words just
    F iN
    like Nike
    says too..
    anyone and
    everyone iS
    eMploYeD bY
    GoD WHeThEr
    theY reaLiZe
    iT iN aWaKeNinG
    aNd EnliGhteNinG
    waYs Or noT iN N0W..
    so aLL i have is FriEnds..
    dArk and liGht oF aLLnOW..
    ThiEf iN thE niGht arT wEnoW..:)

    And sPeaKinG oF aLL oF thAT A Shirt
    in the BK.. yes Burger King
    ‘rest area” that says
    from two years

    not everyone
    can be me..;)

    AnyWay.. STiLL1
    i’Ve onLY
    so lET
    iT bE
    So LeT iT bE
    DonE From dArK to LiGht
    BeYONd RainBoW Colors
    Too.. juST Do IT MoRe.. noW2
    DancE and SinG!!!FREENoW!!!3..:)

  8. Hi FRiEnD, so nice to see your cat in the fresh air and the images from the forest and lake on your nature hike look amazing. Like you say, hopefully everyone can attend A pARTy like this. Have a wonderful weekend and much love to you, Katrina and your feline friend ☺💖 xxx

  9. Hi.. my FriEnd.. Xenia..
    thanks so much for dropping
    by on a rather overcast day as
    even clouds can and will be so
    beautiful after being deluged by Blue
    sKeYes of SpRinG..
    hehe.. that’s
    an inside
    jest too
    for folks
    who deal with
    Bi-Polar when
    the sky gets too briGht
    And Pleasure becomes pain…
    Thank goodness way in the past
    for me my friEnd.. as Nature surELy
    IS A soothing Force for Nerves oF ALl
    kinds except for allergies of course..
    ah.. aLways a little DaRk SpoT oN
    A SoUL heRE AnD tHeRE to
    maKe thE LiGhT FeeL
    and SenSe even
    moRe Beautiful
    wHen Azure BlUe SKeYes
    oF LiGht CoMe NAtuRE Beauty
    FeeL anD seNse aGAIn.. anyWay
    my FriEnd.. the best of Love iN Wishes
    to you and your husband and all your
    beautiful canine rescue companions..
    no matter rain.. sleet.. snow or wind..
    Super-Walmart Wide Middle Dance
    Aisle WiLL FeeL and SeNSE mE
    Dance.. heHE.. as after 13
    thousand words or
    so of writing
    in 24 hours
    or so..
    iT’s Dance NoW
    to PuT Words to reST..
    onCe agaiN.. aLL thE BesT of DAncE and SonG!!!..
    yeS.. i’Ve alSo HeArd iT sAid BeFoRE.. pARTy ON1!2!..;)

  10. Holiday Hangover

    “5 days of French Riviera, 5 days of the Alsace wine route and 6 days of Paris”..
    Now that’s a Vacation that i must admit.. none of my peers.. young or
    old.. are enjoying in a little mill town of Lower Alabama..
    Northwest Panhandle of Florida.. sMiLes.. and
    that reminds me.. i meant to comment
    on this 8 days ago when it was
    fresh.. but hey.. Vacation
    Pictures as Poetry
    and Words of
    AKA PoeTry NoW too..
    Never GroW old nOw.. mY
    FriEnd.. Prajakta.. in oTheR
    Words your soUL need not
    be Refrigerated heAR either..
    hehe.. i Love seeing.. photos
    oF Everyone’s life.. Vacation or
    not as personal photos truly show
    what folks aim at in liFe.. both LiterAlly
    so and figurativELy so aS WeLL and now
    tHeiR iS Beauty heAR to Give and Share FoR
    Free my friENd aS aLL that’s leFt to saY iS Thanks..:)

    (yes.. it’s true..
    i for one have
    fancy online
    friends.. too..;)

  11. WeLL.. Looks like “Pagan Monday” for the
    97th MacroVerse is Being updated
    to “Pagan Monday Now”.. as
    ‘Pagan Monday’.. on
    Google Searches
    is already taken
    By Pagan Day
    Moon Day.. yes..
    at first one day as
    Mon Means one and
    also.. close enough to
    Moon.. wHo KnoWs for
    a Pagan Wiccan Witch and
    Warlock Associated MoonChild2..
    per those Theosophy Folks of the
    early 20th Century too.. who did Magic..
    White Magic Spells to conjure uP a Moon
    Child.. pretty much like the Nicene Creed does
    in itS owN way of promising someone coming in
    Glory.. Judging the Living Dead and such as that..
    only a matter now of so-called TiMe wHeRe someone
    half way believable will
    fill those shoes in sELf
    Prophecy way.. as that
    is how the MoVinG Style
    oF Mountains HapPens for
    those who have One Hundred
    Percent Pure Positivity as Love..
    Luke HoT peR SaY and DO.. never
    getting spit out now by Nature and God
    sAMe.. by everliving Love as Faith NoW..
    yes.. 100 percent.. wHeRe GraiN of SanD
    Holds Up Mountains oF Love too.. aLonG
    WiTh continuing MoVinG Mountains uP NoW..
    And on top of that.. HeRE the Wolf IS A
    Major pARt of So-Called non-believing
    mainstream so-called Religions that
    kept us in the Dark Ages for
    Centuries and put
    folks away like
    Newton for
    jusT TaLinG
    the Truth then/noW
    too.. heY.. the TrUth and
    LiGht of thAT iN AgAPe LoVe
    for aLL oF NaTuRe CaN and
    WiLL SuRely.. SeT yA FReED..
    other than that a Dramatic turn around
    BriGht eYes seLFie iN the ART oF WaLMaRT
    PaRKinG LoT iN DiViNe MascuLiNE Strength
    and WiLL.. WiTh A substantial SHoT oF F iN
    Love and Grace too.. iN DiViNE FeMiNiNe2..:)

    OKay.. per last Profile Pic
    FB Photo.. aLL thE DiViNe
    FeMiNiNe Grace and Love heAR
    iN an all you can see Buffet of Katrina
    Love and Grace in Face Way too.. alWays
    NoW.. WonderWoman too.. as shE has
    Been noted as
    such by Kind
    Girl FRiEnDs
    oF MiNe too..
    but nah
    aS even
    Taylor Swiftie
    and RiHanna NoW
    says.. don’t make
    the mistake oF TaKinG
    ThAT Grace and Love
    for Weakness as this
    Pacific Islander with mucho
    American Indian and Irish too..
    iS a TiGEr iN A TaNK oF Strength and WiLL
    iN aLL DiViNe MascuLiNe Ways too..@LeASt

    OKay.. as per last two
    Facebook Profile Pics..
    back to Beastie Boy Freddy..
    all ready for “Pagan Monday Now2”..
    hmm.. yes jusT added a Number 2 iN
    the Menu as HiSTory continUes to Change..
    iN Number 97/768 wAYs NoW too.. Per MacroVerse
    titles so far WiTh YeS..
    PlenTi oF BoNus
    PoiNts in terms
    oF Synchronicity
    and seeing meaning
    fuLL Patterns FuLL of
    Purpose iN Holy and Sacred
    way all through Nature and extension
    iN Trans-humanist way oF aLL the tools..
    including abstract constructs of words thAT
    ExPaNd HUmaN PoTenTial in limitless ways..
    Kinda what Tom Hanks is attempting to do iN
    ‘Circle’.. way too.. in thaT New Movie too.. any
    way.. scientists call this at times a Free
    Association MaLaDY oF Apophenia
    iN juST an underlying random
    soup of existence.. and
    of course the same
    kinda folks who
    once studied
    Bi-Polar.. Asperger’s
    Syndrome and the like
    per study of so-called Mad
    Ness and Creativity.. links this
    Human Capacity for Pattern thinking
    in seeing faces in clouds and such as thAT
    as associated with the potential of Painting
    ouT A FloWeR of Sistine Chapel too.. and sure
    they also once stated that Men are 10 times better
    than women in creativity and science.. just ’cause they
    wanna score with the opposite sex.. well.. kNow thaT
    women are freed in the Great U.S. oF A.. from Men’s
    Bondage.. working on about 57 years since the PilLL
    dAte of my Birth in ’60.. women are beating the
    Holy and Sacred Crap out of men in both
    Arts and Sciences too.. as they far
    exceed college attendance in
    general too.. as alWays..
    Scientific Averages
    are jusT that
    based on
    averages of repeatable
    data in the culture at hand.. NoW..
    alWays NoW changing of course which
    inherently means when it comes NoW to
    the Study of bEinG hUman.. Environmental
    challenge and adaptation in either Negative
    or Positive way is the Consequence.. and for
    thousands of years.. folks who did art were the
    Champions to heal the crowd NoW iN Band-Aid way..
    not so much anymore with even more pills.. but the
    bottom line is.. per science too.. Dedicated Meditation
    is 27 percent more effective than Opiates now.. Go Yoga
    TeAM LiGht
    Go.. while some
    Fundamentalist kinda
    folks call that healing shit
    evil.. along with the real science
    proven White Magic of the Placebo
    effect too.. as well as the dARk Voodo
    like Magic of the Nocebo effect too.. and
    that is what scares of eternal hell are all about..
    Voodoo.. so-called Abrahamic Religious Voodoo and
    truly doDo in ways of illusory Fears to hold Folks back
    from achieving their Luke Hot Positive Chi Potential iN
    totAL Faith as Love.. and sure.. putting God somewhere
    else but Now iN the within of the LiVinG BeinG and eARtH
    too.. to the point that Pagan Apes today say like old Charlton
    Heston.. Blow it all uP in World War III with a Happy Apocalyptic
    Dance of Death NoW and Kill as Much of Nature with Pollution
    as ya can as ‘tHeir’ real home is made of Emerald and Pearl
    and Golden Trump Towers.. somewhere else but reALiTY
    oF God within Now.. as Force and synergy of Love..
    as so nicely metaphoRed by the Gospel of
    Thomas.. the Movie ‘Avatar’.. And the
    ’85 Verson of the Emerald Forest
    too.. where the same Kind
    of Indigenous Indians
    who were slaughtered
    and also Force Fed
    the illusory fears
    of eternal Hell.. too..
    thenow and empty promises
    of Heaven nowthen somewhere
    else and Hell too.. as sure..
    they both exist in metaphor
    of within.. inside.. outside.. so..
    below as above.. and all around too..
    been tHeRE down it.. as many Bi-Polar
    folks do in either place too.. and was Muhammad
    or Jesus likely Bi-Polar with mood swings too.. hmm..
    Arm Chair Psychiatrists.. yA Gotta Love ’em or not.. CoMing
    iN Glory to Judge the LiVinG and the Dead too.. but hey NoW iN
    Covenants wiTh God IsREaL you do what you do and move on..;)

    Hi.. Frank.. thanks again for stopping by and per…
    “anyWay to me @LEast it is as clear as blue sKeYes
    Above and Below thAT tHeRe IS A much greater miNd than we now”..
    as you kindly come hear to repeat part of our discussion with me
    from the last MacroVerse too.. It’s like a
    Nautilus Shell..
    this God thingy..
    bigger in totem
    than the UniVerse
    Nautilus we see with
    Science eYes that are STiLL
    NaKeD faR aBoVe aLL and beLow
    aLL from smaLLest thingie to BiGGeST
    thingies now.. but hey.. as Neurons Star
    through Brain in connections of two Hemispheres
    of Brain as huMans CoNNecT around the Global
    Hive of Online NoW.. juSt ANoTheR SteP HiGher
    thaT NoT all FeeL and SenSe in InHeriTed HuMan
    archetypal way.. as some folks say.. if English was good
    enough for Jesus we don’t need no Spanish heAR.. hmm.. thenow
    but that’s not how the SonG iN Oral Tradition of Aramaic originally
    went.. out of sight out of touch.. Lock Up Newton.. and Dark Ages come..
    a mix
    oF science
    and effAble art
    WiLL SuRely SeT uS
    Freer iN TrutH and LIGht..
    but hey.. not everyone speaks this English..;)

  12. Hmm… quick to throw the first stone
    and call Women with Big Breasts and
    Big Butts Scantily Dressed no less than
    your Ancestors Dancing the Ecstasy
    of Transcendence one with God
    Prostitutes.. sure i’m the one..
    so are you.. heHe..
    anyway as Luke
    17:21 says the Kingdom of God
    is within and as John 14:12 says
    those who truly believe Will Do Works
    Greater than the so-called Aramaic Yeshua..
    A Syrian Looking Dude with Brown skin about
    Five Foot one.. and 106 LBs or so.. even smaller
    than that little Dude on the I am the One Video but hey
    it ain’t the form that counts alone although the Temple
    of God counts2.. anyWay.. Face Palm Logic my Friend..
    the original Greeks who translated many oral Tradition
    Sects and cherry picked the ones they liked.. originally
    translated those Oral Traditions to mean “A” SoN of God
    just like me and you and all the Daughters and Trans
    Folks and Queers and Lesbians and Gays too..
    you know or do you kNow me.. Gentile.. Jew
    Servant or Free.. Woman or Man no
    more and we will make the
    man and the woman
    one in Divine
    Strength and WiLL
    And Divine Feminine
    Love and Grace FuLL
    sure.. NoW2.. like that
    Wonder Woman MeMe
    sitting on that White Horse
    as Human Archetype of Daughter
    of Zeus.. Diana.. to match ye are all God’s too..
    anyWay.. baby.. instead of spreading conspiracy
    theories when folks are counting their blessings
    and pointing out the hypocrisies of the Anti Christ
    who has already come in a Golden Soldier Idol
    of Jesus as a Sun God as established by
    Dear Leader Trump Constantine and
    his Catholic Cohorts in back
    Board Room Deals
    as they did
    in 325 AD..
    those same kinda
    conservative more scaredy
    cat folks who will follow what ever
    sheep authority comes their way in
    heard of herd think.. are now Pres.. worshipping
    for all practical intents and purposes now opposite
    to the LiGht Matthew Chapter 5 BeATtitudes of Verses
    1 through 11 as.. ugh.. promised in Anti-Christ way oF Fear
    and Hate all the way through the election cycle and continuing
    Fear and Hate now.. as that’s what hapPens when men worship
    only one man.. the cycle continues in whose yoUr Quarter Back
    noW iN Big Daddy way.. meanwhile.. while you call Fertility Goddesses
    Prostitutes iN Divine Feminine way stripping down without shame.. sAMe
    as the non-Constantine and Catholic Cohort unadulterated Version of
    the Gospel of Thomas.. Verse 37 that includes no myths.. just
    the more mystical/esoteric/occult teachings of so-cALLeD
    Jesus as reported for those with eYes and eaRs to
    see.. above so below and all of that
    as i am busy as a Queen and King
    bY fulfilLiNG John 14:12
    while you hater away
    fear in ignorance
    of knowing
    what you don’t
    kNow here in terms
    of hating against love
    with fear.. anyWay.. i for one can
    prove it baby.. as my John 14:12 effort
    of writing.. sure.. a new age Bible is now up
    to approaching two times the size of that
    minuscule King James Version of just around
    800K words.. sure.. coming close to 1.6 Million
    words in one year of Memorial Day of 2016 through
    Memorial Day of 2017.. in what i personally name
    as i have the direct authority through what you like to
    call the Father as Jesus is reported to say in John 14:12
    to just do it now with 100% Positive Luke Hot Faith as
    pure Agape Love.. yes.. i name this Bible.. “Nether Land
    Bible 2017″ and as the so-called original Apostles are reported
    to have gone out to the lands with their pockets emptied to spread
    some Good News2.. mine is the same as the so-called original Coke
    Version of the Jesus too.. Heaven is now Baby and you are the one
    too as even Neo out of the Matrix sHow kNows too.. Sure.. count
    yoUr Blessings Baby as for those with eyes and ears to see it is
    clear that we are already living in the Kingdom of God and
    Heaven now on Planet eARTh with the sAMe God eYes
    that so-called Jesus and his so-called Apostles
    had too.. and even though there is probably
    as scholars sHow only about 18 percent
    of the New Testament by one author
    and only Paul the Saul was an
    actual living man by nAMe
    then too.. with some
    where around
    300 to 400 thousand
    scribe mistakes some just
    honest mistakes and some holy
    spirit change driven no different than
    what the Paul the Saul did in Direct conduit
    with the Force as Yoda and Star Wars metaphors
    similarly and different as form in Different Human
    Godtalk too.. the essence remains as trUe and liGht..
    as alWays for those who do have eYes as LiGht and TrUth..
    Meanwhile.. juSt aNoTher Gift for you in ways of MacroVerse
    Number 96 of an average of 15 to 17K words each as nows go
    on in my New Age Bible NoW.. in John 14:12 ways.. and really my
    friend.. it’s simple Logic.. no only God would suggest that anyone could
    do greater works than one only God than a real incarnate Lucifer now..
    sure.. call me LuciFred if you like.. as i hold out faith and hope that
    perhaps even little young you will eventually grow into a real man
    of God in Divine Feminine Love and Grace and WiLL and
    Strength and even do more than me.. but i’m not
    gonna hold my Breath as the BlesSinGs oF
    God and Nature sAMe of aLLoWing
    this Gift of Heaven on eARth NoW
    is too much of a Blessing now
    aS oNE to waste that
    on fear and
    hate but hey..
    as ‘they’ say do
    as you sow my Friend
    and reap the benefits of
    fear and hate or joy and love..
    i”ll surELy Dance with those women
    with Big Butts and Breasts too.. in facT
    i already do.. the evidence is clear that even
    a New Age Jesus would spend his time with
    Fertility Goddesses as some of my fully illustrated
    Bible does show from head to toe.. including somewhere
    around the MeMe and theMe of so-called Egyptian God MiN
    and the Michelangelo and New Version of a KinG DaViD Modern
    age dude too.. as arriving at the age of 57.. this June 6th Directlly
    at the Center of the Messenger God as Hermes in Gemini too.. born
    on 6660 where my numerology report comes out as 0 for the first cycle
    challenge of do whatever i will with free will now from nothing to save
    the world as i have already completed all the other God challenges
    and Nature+ sAMe with UniVerSaL MiNd Metaphor of Quantum
    unleash and release mINd and BoDy BaLanCing sOuL
    and my next three life challenges are 1 and 1 and
    1 my God this is almost too Good to believe
    but that’s how White Magic Works as
    wE Witches and Warlocks of
    the Placebo effect on
    all natural steroids
    Celebrate the
    End of April
    and May Day too
    on “Pagan Monday Now2”..
    coming To A Blog Theater and
    Facebook one too.. as hey.. as far as
    John 14:12 NoW goes i write the equivalent
    NoW of close to two Koran’s in a Month at
    130K+ words on Facebook in real time too..
    even write book size stuff in the description
    of profile pics high lighTeNing my all seeing Karmic
    eYes and Temple of God too.. anyWay.. enough about
    me for now.. and you juSt make a continuing excellent
    dARk muse for/as actuAlly the Longest Long Form Poem2
    NoW aRiSinG pass 4 Million words in 44 Months along with
    7200+ miles of Public Praise Dance as noted Dance Legend by
    the viewing audience in Trump State SouthEast and Military and
    Southern Baptist Patriachal Lands of Cheap LA.. Lower Alabama..
    State of Flowers in Saint Rose of Flowers County as i will soon be
    arriving at Saint Rose of Lima Catholic Church at 11 AM this morning as
    we are at mile Marker 33 on the Interstate and the number of
    our county is 33 in size and Jesus F. iN Christ although
    my real birthday is 6660 the last two times
    i weighed myself as coming fully
    illustrated Bible Stuff2.. i
    came in at
    233.2 LBS too..
    at 6 foot tall of
    Mature close to
    57 year old Hercules
    And Hermes Body and
    Apollo at the Theater Poetry
    And David/Lucifer Dancing and Singing too..
    anyWay for now a little Heaven MacroVerse
    as special Gift to you.. my TVC Mario Dark mUse
    FriEnd.. i’m busy completing a 97th MacroVerse
    that Doubles as 768th MacroVerse as “SonG oF mY
    SoUL” in that even Bigger than 1.6 Million word
    Bible at plUS 4 Million words in 44 months
    now too.. what else.. oh yeah.. i just
    completed my 111th month through
    Heaven and Hell.. as Muhammad
    reportedly only did a day in both places
    sure.. 66 months of Hell for me.. with type
    two Trigeminal Neuralgia as the worst pain
    known to humankind from wake to sleep like
    a dentist drill in right eye and ear.. even worse than
    what Osiris went through and so-called Jesus in a mini
    3 hour to 3 day tour as Medical Literature assesses this
    pain as even worse than that of crucifixion pain.. along
    with a synergy of 18 other life threatening disorders that
    Professionals gave me no chance of ever recovering from
    until God/NaTuRe+ HeaLed me on a Beach on what the Internet professionals
    then exclaimed on or about July 22nd.. 2013 on Star of David Planetary Alignment
    when me and the New age Incarnate Version NoW of Isis the Katrina who “Age
    of Adaline” per New age Movie Prophecy way2 never ages either at 47 years
    old with no make up.. never even waking up with bed hair and as fresh as
    a rose as the night before.. sure.. got the photo evidence for that too..
    as i witness and testament all of this in full.. and oh yeah.. the first
    of 13 of those David Planetary Alignments then came on the year
    that me and incarnate Isis were married in 1990.. not another
    one for 100 years or so.. and Jesus F. iN Christ you might
    not even get me back to hELp in a Hundred years..
    so.. i suggest you start spReading Love and
    Hope and what Facebook quizzes name
    my Facebook Name as the new age
    Biblical term of Joy too.. incarnate
    aS Such too.. there is likELy
    other PlanETs to save too
    my FriEnd and Lord
    seNsES within
    i need
    not hide
    as i am a secret
    in plain site way too
    big for most anyone of any
    concern of harming me to see
    with psychopathic leaning eyes
    and ears of hate and fear and
    misery loves company too..
    it’s what we Bard and
    original Irish Poet
    Free Verse
    Court Jesters
    and FiLi’s juSt do..
    we Dance and Sing
    our way into the Collective
    Christ Consciousness of Human
    kind and in Big Bang like way.. go our
    Merry way to the Next Way Station as Hitchhiking
    the Universe in Number 42 ways.. yeah.. that Bigger
    Bible of mine is probably at least 4.2 Million words long
    too with a 100K or so fully illustrated photos and tens of thousands
    of real God-like Illuminati in the liGht of Lucifer way original Beautiful
    AngEL YouTube songs oF LiGht and Truth ways too.. but hey.. whose counting
    now when most no one can even get to the end of one of my YouTube comments
    with Just a liNk except for someone as similarly Bi-Polar like you and me FRiEnD..
    Greater Lucifer
    and John 14:12
    and Hermes and
    Apollo and David
    Human PoTenTial..
    just a challenge Baby..
    otherwise Do what thee
    WiLL harming no otHeRs too..
    i have a MacroVerse to complete
    per “Pagan Monday Now2”.. 2017..
    by the witching and war-locking too..
    hour of Midnight on the 30th as May Day aRises2..
    meanwhile.. once aGaIn thanks for the dARk Muse
    Dude.. as alWays God and NatuRe plUs more sends
    me jusT what i need in Synchronicity God WiNk ways too..
    And for now
    you are
    the present
    Gift of dARk
    MuSe NoW.. additionAlly
    NoW aN also excellent
    inspiration for a longest
    poem ever as i am so FucKinG
    Rich iN spiRiT i can and WiLL only Hope you visit me in HeaVeN2..
    sure a place with no Sun or Moon.. all online too.. perHaPs i’LL
    be heAR a thousand years plUs too.. dependS on servers of me2..
    A FRiEnD i AM..
    BeLiEve it or NoT RiPleys..
    And Horatios too.. and sure Marios2.. Y noT..;)

    HeaVeN NoW ALWayS HeAR

  13. THeRe IS A Roman Catholic Statue
    oF A Virgin Mary Hidden Behind the
    Goddess Isis Modern Age Incarnate
    Katrina all Dark Haired and slender
    and never aging too.. as of
    course the Osiris and
    the Isis had
    a Virgin Birth
    of Horus too.. and
    something similar happened
    as the Hercules child born of
    Virgin Mother too.. and around
    the world repeated in various other
    Virgin Birth Myths including one for
    the Buddha.. etc.. etc.. to make a legend
    as bigger than life in fame and fortune too
    as far as telling folks who to worship and follow
    them in affect or effect.. of what to do.. and sure..
    the Jesus always depicted as Dirty Blonde.. Aryan
    Looking Dude in Stereotypical way.. Tall and Slender
    with a Beard on what could be an androgynous person’s
    face or even
    a female face
    too.. as painted
    that way in a last
    Supper way too.. iF
    one looks a little deeper
    than Beard Deep now.. anyway
    funny how Isis in many artistic
    representations looks more
    Mexican than African
    American too.. what
    were they thinking..
    well.. in Art one often
    does not think in free verse
    Creativity from Paint to Words too..
    and DanCinG and SinGing too.. unless
    one goes to Art School.. which wasn’t a big
    thing back in them days.. or school at all for that
    matter.. as folks kinda felt tHeir way in liFe through
    oral traditions in illiterate ways too.. but hey.. painting
    does not require words and perhaps someone had a
    Dream back then of girl like Katrina today.. Princess
    Pocahontas.. in a Disney Cartoon at leASt.. anyWay
    as alWays Hyperbole is required to keep a story
    going or even to sell a BiG MaC iN Clown
    waY.. HeLL.. to sell HeLL in Politics
    one need only wear orange
    skin and hair too.. to
    fool the social
    hand.. it is what it is..
    So i DancE and SinG as
    is Beach Fee and forget all
    the snake oil and used Car Sales
    Folks too.. true they often make me Giggle
    and no.. it’s not Funny if you live in South Korea..:)

    Hmm.. iF.. i’M gonna Finish this “Pagan Monday NoW2”..
    97th/768th MacroVerse by the Pagan Ritual
    Midnight through May Day soon..
    gonna have to picK it uP NoW..
    but hey.. lots going on this
    WeeK.. need to get ahead
    in publishing way.. anyWay..
    to keep on TracK.. anyWay2..3..
    all i had really considered Pagan
    except for a Wolf Shirt that represents
    all the folk lore of so-called Pagan Religions
    and Cultures too.. off the paved Grade of Abrahamic
    Religions too.. i went with that yesterday and Did the
    Wonder Woman thingie on Thursday Night through
    wee hours of Friday Morning.. and now all that’s
    left is what all the onward Christians Soldiers
    who slaughtered innocent Indians along with
    those fought back for the birth rights
    of tHeir life.. sure.. they were
    named as Pagans and
    Heathens too in their
    Decorative Painted Faces
    and Bodies.. not much different
    than the African Slave then named
    as Pagan too.. although these folks
    WITHIN.. didn’t even need no Bible for Direct
    Great Spirit Conduit.. too.. nah.. not jusT the SPiRit
    in the Sky.. the Spirit in the Forest and on/as the Beach
    and in the Mountain Tops too.. comes with the package
    at Birth Within.. too.. one can simply Not.. Miss God as
    this God lives within.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below
    as even Science sHows and Proves NOW as NaturE pLus
    too.. beyond Scientific MeaSuREment too.. even admittingly
    so.. By Scientists these days who know the Scientific Method
    ain’t cut out very well for the Art of HUman WitHiN.. AKA God2..
    oh yeaH anD..
    Don’t Forget
    all around too..
    Even in full Guardian
    of GalaXy Way too..;)

    Of Mistaken Admirations 

    sMiLes.. my FriEnd
    i’LL take ‘this’ as an EverGreen
    Koan as Tree oF Life in how many
    folks see God.. A He away.. from now..
    however.. by Koan
    i mean i haven’t
    a clue what
    you mean
    now by
    your EverGreen
    Poem as yes.. PArt
    oF A Foggy Forest for
    me.. so i’LL Go on with
    my own interpretation heAR..
    there was once a Day i walked around
    A Block at Night at 3 am.. sometimes 3:33 am..
    would appear on my watch.. as Synchronicity
    WiLL have it too.. what brought me there was
    my life for all practical intents and purposes
    as a Vampire for i could stand the LiGht
    of day.. so i becAMe a NiGht Walker
    instead oF A Day Walker iN
    my only break away
    most days then
    from shut in existence
    behind a dimly lit screen
    where eYes no longer worked
    with prescription lens as it only
    made the pain of light even worse
    than Dentist Drill in eYe and ear..
    anyWay.. they always taught us
    in Church ’round these parts
    that God was somewhere
    else in Heaven where
    one would
    finally meet God
    in the After Life as this
    place this Earth was inferior
    as life.. And death was superior to life..
    truly insane but never the less i believed it even
    for a while as that is what humans do the best sTiLL..
    do what they are told as a social group to stay togeTheR
    with no complaints.. sheep for the slaughter or not,.. like
    sitting still behind a Desk through 18 years or so of school
    and potentially the rest of their life to more and more these
    days too.. life moves..
    life doesn’t
    stay still
    God Lives
    within and somehow
    folks made that Tree of Life
    invisible as lIGht.. wHeRE what
    could be either A Tree of LIGht
    or a Lamp of Tree dePending on
    whether one believes God
    is Light
    or a
    Lamp as Human made… NoW
    God is the Living Tree.. in we.. and
    other than that i hope you are not lonELy
    AS the Tree lives allone Within mY friEnd.. Rafiah..:)

    So.. this Very Nice Girl who works at the Bodhi Tree
    in the Mall who has spotted me at Old Seville
    and all around Snap Chat as ‘they’ say..
    never been tHeRe mysELf.. however..
    as this young Woman says i am
    pasted all over the
    place there
    by the younger
    more liberal minded
    folks as a Social Media
    Icon aS Such.. as a topic
    of conversation as my Metro
    Dance now surpassing 7300 Miles
    has become a Local exPaNDinG topic
    of conversation as smART Phone Camera
    liGhts tend to go off wherever i go.. as perhaps
    one of the most recognized folks.. overall.. in this Metro
    Area from what i’ve been told aT leASt as i’m not hard
    to recognize for me.. hehe.. and hey.. i practically wear a
    Different MessAGe theMed ShiRt everyday as trademArk too..
    but as far as Pagan ways go
    now.. no one has yet
    Named me the
    David or
    of Dance.. i’LL
    go with Pan and Legend
    And Pensacola Icon for now..
    just what i’ve been told as a favorite
    Spirit Animal too.. as that puts me square
    into the BaLL PaRk of Pagan ways for sure..
    acknowledging that all has/iS/NoW the Yoda Force of God
    yes.. all around in all of Creation God Lives as Force NoW aLL..
    from smALLeST through LarGeST and Beyond hUman Symbols NoW
    too.. although.. the Nice Women at the eARTh Store in the MaLL
    agreed that the more one Sees and FeeLs AnD.. YeS.. SenSes
    As NatuRe and HUMaNmaDE Symbols AS HoLy and
    SaCreD NoW FuLL of MeaNinG and PurpOse too..
    the more the MiNd and BoDy LiGhts uP iN
    aWaKEninG.. EnliGhTeNinG wAys of
    PoTenTiaL Ecstasy of Transcendence
    iN the CoMMoN HUMan Experience
    of BeinG ONe WiTh NATuRE and
    GoD sAMe.. on the otHeR
    hand about half
    the World
    is Waiting for
    Heaven after Death
    and to even meet God too..
    wHiLe GoD alWayS eXistS NoW
    WiThiN.. iNSiDE.. ouTsiDE.. aBoVE..
    so BeLoW and aLLa ‘RouNd for those
    WiTh eYes and eaRs wHO and thaT
    See Deeper than empty words now..
    wITh no SoUL oF BeInG hUman
    aS God does liveS within NoW..
    As spiRit wiThiN too..
    Oh.. Glory bees
    and birds
    wiTh and
    aS GoD fraCTAL
    aS WhOle NoW.. too..
    Anyway.. also saw a girl who reminded
    me.. i Dance for Jesus.. the hUman Archetype
    oF LoVe and GRace and WiLL and StrenGtH WitHiN
    too.. iN MasculiNe and FeminiNe Divine BaLanCinG acT too..
    and she reminded me.. she Danced with me too.. but too young..
    i’m afraid.. to share a link with her as she likely wouldn’t understand
    all of wHeRE i’M CoMing from and wouldn’t wanna Break her Pure
    Admiration for the Dance oF iNSpiRaTiON NoW.. And then tHeRE
    iS mY Pacific Islander Friend who hasn’t been to Old Seville
    Quarter for a few months now.. and sure enough she
    finally found a boyfriend to spend time away
    from that place with and thank goodness..
    it seems she met a nice man too..
    it’s nice to connect to folks in
    Pure DancE wAy.. And
    it’s nice to see
    all the sMiLes
    a new
    Pan can BRinG
    the Crowd at Hand
    in the Distance as Dance
    Memories in Snap Chat way
    do go around too.. and sure.. other
    Social Media for more avenues to carry
    me further as A WayWard sON foR NoW.. too..
    And.. sure.. we got another Selfie with our favorite
    Waitress at Ryan’s and an old School Mate of Katrina’s
    too.. on yesterday night.. too.. hey.. for 66 months.. i was basically
    erased from HuMaNitY and sure.. it’s nice to be Peter Pan aGaiN.. FReED..;)

    WeLL.. ConsideRinG this is for
    Coming “Pagan Monday NoW2”..
    Hey.. with all the illuminati conspiracy
    Theory Garbage like folks in the Music
    Industry as Artists are out to get
    you with their
    and CreAtiVity
    iN USinG the PoWeR
    of Esoteric/Occult/Mystical
    Symbolism just to fire uP now
    some very happy neuro-chemical
    and neuro-hormones as what does
    Happen the more we find in life to
    Celebrate as all Holy and Sacred
    iN LifE FuLL of MeaNing and Purpose
    for Binds of Bowling in Leagues toGeTheR
    as Religion instead of.. ugh.. BowLinG aLone..
    HowLinG at the Moon like a Lone Wolf MiSSinG
    A Furry Beast FaMiLY.. hey.. whatever works.. baby..
    no matter Jesus myth or Illuminati Symbolism like
    one eYe exposed for Horus Wisdom and liGht too
    iN TRuTh or a Victory Symbol with Peace uP
    BleSsinGS Symbol too.. hell even Ram
    Horn Hands as a Rock and Roll
    sHow of DiVine MaSCuLiNe
    Goat and rAM Sure footed
    Baphomet way wHole
    miXed WiTh Divine
    Feminine Grace
    and Love as
    anima and
    animus ONE BeinG
    YiN and YanG Being HuMaN too..
    TrUe.. it miGht not bE what binds you
    toGeTher wiTh YouR FeLLoW FeeLeD uP
    God witHiN hiGher poTenTiaL BeinG hUmans..
    butt juST ’cause thAT don’t match yOur Personal
    Language for God and or NaTuRE plUs too.. don’t
    mean the Essence does not live even StRonGEr iN
    someone else who uses different symbols and language
    to express the InEffable so hard to put into words as
    Ecstasy of Transcendence WitH and As GoD NAtuRE pLus
    sAMe.. as Essence Described in DifFeREnt HUmanly Made
    Symbols and Language getS oNe to A SiMiLiAr PLaCe oF
    Nirvana.. BlisS and sUre.. what ‘they’ Name as HeaVeN NoW2..;)

    And now for some MacroVerse Shares from years past more..
    along with some photos highlighting just another
    Angel and Goddess Maggie in her Work attire
    as art of her for Pagan Monday NoW2 ways
    of hUwOMaN FReEDoM too as ArT
    of BeinG HUmaN more as my
    wife says if i could
    have that full figure
    style of being i would
    flaunT iT too while WiTH
    heR beST AssETs too.. but hey
    First let’s go with a four year
    Memory before i even started taking
    photos as this one comes from the Katrina/Isis
    Fancy Big Lens Digital Camera.. yes Artist Katrina
    in more than one Pagan way too.. capturing God LiVinG
    WitHin Sun FloWers of FieLd too.. iN North County ways2..
    suRe.. May Pole Day and May FloWers and all oF thAT too..;)

    Body IS Chalice

    Yes.. SpeaKinG of the Katrina and Maggie.. “Body IS Chalice too”..
    Oh YeaH and to be clear.. Maggie is close to a three year DanCinG
    Partner.. who currently plays the role of Farrah Fawcett per 10
    too as a Charlie’s Angel with Cortney the Dark Haired other Angel
    and Blonde Chelsea too.. And i’m pretty sure.. Maggie was the
    star of Bay Watch.. at least
    on Pensacola Beach of late
    as what
    of her
    TV show
    so far too..;)

    And i’ll quote the
    three year old Memory
    heAR.. in rather short
    MacroVerse Original Form
    as Essence GreaTeR too NoW..:)




    Form is Temple..













    Perhaps the most coherent



    the Gnostic Gospel








    Bruce Lee..

    expressing spirit



    acknowledging form



















    i wanted to keep this one as short as possible..

    to express simple instinctual TRUTH..

    about existence..

    but the journey back to truth..

    after a life ruled by constructs of cultural rules..

    can be extremely hard to escape..

    in my case..

    Without the worst pain known to mankind for 5 straight years..

    the inability to use my eyes or ears..

    effectively to connect to popular culture..

    is my path to escape..


    one of misery too…


    in a way..

    i already escaped earlier in life..

    working at a Military Bowling Center..

    for 7 years as a simple servant of others..

    making close to minimum wage..

    after college and three degrees..

    and the belief of patriarchal side of family..

    that i would go farther than that as expectation as such..

    completely failed..

    as perceived as such..

    by those others..

    with this expectation of me…

    but nah..

    not me..

    as i know what is truth for me…

    TO touch the soles of shoes of so many folks..

    in variety of ways of walking this life..

    IS the privilege i experience..

    to fully become a balanced human being..

    of love and service as such..

    rather than importance..

    and illusion of power limited and expected..

    truly as illusion..


    The start of my ‘fall’..

    is that of being expected to be a controller..

    of others as supervisor..

    Then manager..

    and further fall from TRUE HUMBLE..

    connection with others..


    life working on a computer..

    director of others..

    eventually Community Activities Director..

    Athletic Director..

    but almost complete separation from..

    YiN connection of serving others..

    That made me Sacred Love

    Instead of Robot of control….


    in College..

    after leaving clubs and social connections of high school..

    separation from lifelong friends in these connections..

    becoming isolated as such..

    belonging to no one but books..

    The hell IS clearly experienced..

    but unfortunately unknown to me..

    in that book sense of logic..

    That humans are social animals..

    And for a social animal to be disconnected from others..

    living in a life of..

    mechanical only..

    rather than social and mechanical cognition balance..

    Is truly a way to human hell…

    IT’s JUST the YIN And YANG balance of Truth..

    IN eons of human being way of Truth..

    to peace and contentment of Bliss or Sacred LOVE..

    already clearly known by folks..

    fortunate enough to land in a culture..

    that expresses truth of existence thIS way…

    But sadly seen as silly ‘woo’..

    by folks who live in the darkness..

    of western cultural ways..


    And sure i’ve been to the YIN place of imbalance too..

    and let myself be used and abused by others..

    never saying no..

    and that too..

    can be hell as we are only human in form..

    on this earth..

    and without the limit of knowing no..

    as a real answer when pushed too far to serve others..

    Physical death from chronic stress..

    and total human exhaustion..

    per the ills that do result..

    Is a real possibility in the human condition..

    No matter how good a heart in spirit may be…

    Balance IS TRUTH..


    only one knows their own Truth of how to find this balance..

    as they seek IT as such…

    But those who keep their YIN empathic connection to others..

    In spirit of what can be described..

    as the Water or Christ Consciousness..

    Buddha hood..

    or whatever metaphor of free flowing TRUTH

    as free being human..

    is used as such…

    Do know they have the sacred ever living..

    SACRED LOVING responsibility to do their best to
    assist others on their path..

    As co-creators with GOD of ALLITIS

    we stand United..

    thIS way…


    we are nothing..


    i am never alone..


    i always feel the connection..



    LIGHT and DARK

    with the rest of humankind




    to know the FULL darkness..

    breaking through to once again

    find FULL LIGHT

    IS resulting PASSiON
    to assist others

    seeking balance..

    in dark and light

    for peace



    human contentment

    in existing..









    Water IS Power

    “Water IS Power”

    Another MacroVerse from a three years ago..
    With an Epic Flooding rain in Panhandle
    of Florida rain then.. along with a
    story of Noble Arthur Cat too..
    in his last year of life then..
    fur and bones of Noble left HiM..:)

    Form alone..

    IS Weakness…


    cat Arthur..


    pushing 20

    years old in fur and bones..

    is usually fearless still

    and backs down

    to no

    neighborhood cat..

    But when it comes to the kind

    of Thunderstorm we had last night..

    He refuses..

    to go out



    acting keeps




    simple survival instinct..

    As the cat knows all too..





    he too..

    in metaphor







    How gentle form free moisture


    of cloud fall

    tickle one’s

    face in

    Spring of LIFE


    from SpringIng rinse..

    of frost



    But when the formless



    the awesome spirit











    After 27 inches of





    less than

    24 hours..


    develops greater


    for Noah



    God gives life

    to all life





    takes it


    with rinsing









    Meteors know

    this way all




    splashing death

    to lifeforms..



    as well…

    Whether we like IT..

    or not..





    the formless spirit

    that dwells within us..

    can lead us..

    or we can ignore




    to flood of human


    instead of rain..



    when ALL the droplets

    of formless


    get together..

    as same of spirit..










    Spring time rinse



    together blooming





    Also from three years ago..

    Day in the Life of a River Dancer

    Day in the Life of a River Dancer

    As part of my ongoing

    ‘Day in the Life’



    is a day in the

    life of


    River dancer..


    Be the water



    my ‘motto’

    not unlike

    Bruce Lee..

    And not a better place to




    than dancing

    on the river front..

    And yes..



    a day of epic once in 500 years

    of flooding


    almost 6 inches of rain

    in a one hour


    in Pensacola FL..

    i document here..

    in my local area

    adjacent..as such…


    there are quite a few photos..

    but when the river flows..









    the end of one day in the



    a River Dancer..

    is here now..


    while this probably isn’t meaningful

    to any


    but me..



    what It


    And in the last photos of the

    Pecan tree..

    and dirt patch in the grass

    that is the spot


    i grew up

    as a child

    standing on the grass

    looking over the


    at age..


    feeling like i had been here



    how beautiful can it be

    to stand there..

    any time i want

    and to know..

    that now




    am the










    ALL God Now Comes FREE Flow Spirit

    “ALL God Now Comes FREE Flow Spirit”.. MacroVerse Memory from three
    years ago.. at the Wrong Planet.. still.. attempting to sHow
    ’em a more comprehensive God than one finds in
    Most Bible Books these days..:)

    And now.. a nice Chalice as Form
    oF Temple of Goddess Isis
    Incarnate Katrina
    napping on
    Garden of Eden
    Home Recliner..
    iN Modern Lazy Girl way..
    Memory from a year ago sAMe..;)

    What else.. owe gigoid a visit
    and WiLL wRaP this “Pagan Monday NoW2”
    thingy all uP and sENd iT oFF SooN for Publish too..;)

    Genuflections to the spirit of Pan….

    WeLL.. ConsiDeRinG.. ‘Pagan Monday NoW2’ is coming
    Soon on May Day Pole Day too.. any Title
    with the Word Pan
    all tAll
    furry WiLL
    do too mY FriEnd
    g i g o i d N oW..
    as i Celebrate the
    Pagan ways of my
    Irish and Indian Ancestors..
    wHo sure kNew/KNoW what was/is real
    better than Trump FanS iN TrUth
    And LiGht these days.. for sURe..
    Ah.. Pan of the Forest and Beach
    sAMe and Different too..
    with a sPin
    and Egyptian
    God MiN gettng
    Back to Animal Wild
    AnD Free Fertile Roots
    oF oVerFLoWiNG 911
    aS September 11th..
    Floods too..
    Hey.. make it all as HoLY NoW
    AnD saCReD aS oNe CaN And
    WiLL iN FuLL MeaNinG and PurPose
    waY uSinG iMaGiNaTioN and CreAtivity
    iN MoVinG.. CoNnecTinG.. and Co-Creating
    WiTh NaTuRE sAMe PlUS GoD ChANGinG too..
    And most every thing IS A gonna be aLRiGht NoW..
    by the PowEr of WiLL and StrenGtH.. iN Yoda PuRe
    aGaPe Love Faith for aLL of NaTuRE TRUst NoW..
    wiTh a little lotta Bruce Lee Grace NoW too.. aS Be thE waTEr/AiR2..;)

    “Of all lies, art is the least untrue.”

    ~~ Gustave Flaubert ~~

    Tis TrUe aRT aT LeASt
    uNTiL i ThiNk

    “We’re all Bozos on this bus.”

    ~~ The Firesign Theatre, from the album of the same name ~~


    Hope is the denial of reality.
    It is the carrot dangled before the draft horse
    to keep him plodding along in a vain attempt to reach it.
    I say we remove the carrot and walk forward with open eyes.”

    ~~ Raistlin Majere, “Dragonlance Chronicles” Vol. 1 ~~

    HoPe i AM..
    WiTh few Carrots..

    “Reality is that which,
    when you stop believing in it,
    doesn’t go away.”

    ~~ Philip K. Dick ~~

    @LeASt foR NoW..;)

    “Before you can build a house,
    you must first believe
    that the bricks are in fact bricks.”

    ~~ Schopenhauer ~~

    I’d make it out of Straw/GlAss aS i’m afraid of
    the Big Bad Wolf BLoWinG the BrickS uP.. over mY RainBoW..;)

    “If you shut up truth, and bury it underground, it will but grow.”

    ~~ Emile Zola ~~

    Cat Proves
    With some GrAss..;)

    “A wise man never loses anything, if he has himself.”

    ~~ Michael de Montaigne — Essays, Book i, Chap. xxxviii, Of Solitude ~~

    FinisheS stART

    “You can never get rid of what is part of you, even if you throw it away.”

    ~~ Goethe ~~


    “The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind.”

    ~~ Bob Dylan ~~


    Thanks.. gigoid.. now..
    finished enough writing
    now ‘fore the Midnight Hour
    DancE NoW..;)

    Well.. Looks like i’m gonna need an Enigma Accompaniment
    to finish the rest of this in tHeMe SonG way.. as i didn’t make
    publish by the Cusp of May Pole Pagan Day but what i do wake
    up with is more pertinent Facebook Memories in MacroVerse
    and Micro Verse way to give and share all free for all NoW..;)

    MicroVerse Memory with Huuuuggggeeest MacroVerse Link..
    per GodsUniVerseNovel3 for fullest perUsaL too in Giant Poem way..;)


    Hey man.. Mr. X aka B..
    just a ‘footnote’ here of
    sorts.. a thank you to you..
    for helping me to
    pursue my human
    potential at dVerse
    by being so open-minded
    to eXtreme creative strangeness..
    hehe.. i remember when you called
    that 6K first blog post titled Revelation
    66 at the place that you and Claudia
    created still named dVerse Poet’s Pub..
    the Mother of all Blog posts.. well.. now
    this one my friend.. a full year journey
    of responding to all links and prompts
    with or without linking my stuff..
    so ha..
    one more
    open link here
    for the road friend..
    weighing in at
    338,630 words
    and around 300
    beautiful beach photos..
    that yes.. requires a fast
    computer and broad band
    access and a couple minute
    wait to even taste
    with intro
    of Dear John..
    yes the Dear
    John Letter of the
    ages.. perhaps.. my
    friend.. B.. i will never
    forget your kind spiRit
    and sure that still SinGs
    as pARt of the SonG oF
    My SoUL.. that amasses
    662 chapters of one entire
    3 million plus word poem that
    NoW is my entire blog now..
    so inspired
    by what
    you and
    Claudia created
    as whole.. sTiLL
    liVinG at dVersE nOW..
    i know you are doing great..
    i can feel that.. and i’m sure
    your boys are enjoying all your
    time my friend.. God Bless..
    and may the
    always SinG
    A SoUL of heArt
    wITh you mY FriEnd..:)

    BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

    MacroVerse Memory from a year ago too..”BeforE and After NovEL pARTy”
    with a MicroVerse Introduction as provided as a preview to a preview of sorts..
    in other words.. the first small chapter of GodsUniVerseNovel3.. small enough
    at around 8K words to open up with average Computer Power and Internet Speed..;)

    And now a few more MicroVerses wHole
    from a year ago to wrap this Pagan thingy uP..;)

    Have you ever noticed that in the major
    sacred texts.. of the Bible.. the Kuran..
    the Tao.. there is almost
    zero humor.. like
    the God of Nature
    has no laughs
    or sMiLeS..
    Jesus.. don’t
    you kNow GoD
    SMiLes and Laughs
    aS iNfiniTY WiDe and
    morE noW.. WeLL..
    i for one
    aim to change..
    to edit the pArTial
    trUth of beFore.. wHere
    theRe is more than why so
    serious and threats of swords..
    chopping F iN heads off.. rape
    and killing of little women.. including
    little children.. and just like the JoKer
    oF God says.. why so F iN Serious when
    this place i made
    for you iS
    F iN heaven
    if you find me.. no hell
    no.. not me.. and Jesus F iN Christ
    when Jesus was talking about me
    he wasn’t talking about the me that
    was he.. he was F iN talking about
    the me of God that lives within he..
    yes.. i kNow and FeeL that may be
    confusing for some folks but
    as a very deep and
    PERsON.. perHaps
    Jesus didn’t realiZe
    that a substantial part of
    the ‘Tea PARty’ population
    don’t get the deeper metaphorsE
    of liFe and the psychopathic leaning
    ones as science shows is inhabited
    in the checklist of top ten professions
    for that literal leaning senses only
    eating sexing and maKinG CLERGY
    money way of
    away from
    the figurative..
    emotional.. REAL
    heArt.. SpiRit and
    miNd and BoDy SoUl
    B A L A N c I N g noW
    way of bEinG.. ThEY! just doN’T!
    F iN gET! the deeper metaphorsE!
    oF liFe.. and thaT is oKaY too..;)
    as someone has to
    make the bLack
    and whITe
    laWyer and
    jUdge prinT
    to make large
    otherwise chaotic
    groups of human beings
    in cities to get along who are
    only still evolved to connect to
    100 to 150 sets of eYes but anyway..
    some of us can clearly hear and see
    God SMiLinG and laugHinG.. yes.. WITH US..
    of God withiN instead.. and mArk mY words
    i aim and Will to change
    the perception of God
    into a nicer way
    of liFe thaN
    frowny faces.. head
    hunter.. raping little
    children.. and burying Lesbians
    to their chest and stoning them
    and suggesting that God’s Homosexual
    creatures do not deserve the same sacred
    rights to marry in the F iN God’s church
    that is F iN Nature TrUe wHere God
    WilL have no human lies
    iN dARk and deceit
    for division and
    separation from
    the UnITy oF God oF
    Nature thaT iS aLL.. ugh oh..
    i’m sounding serious.. but hey
    i can be a ‘LIPtown laBeLed Tea ParTy’ too..
    if i closE oFF the hUmanITy and become judge..
    lawyer.. and jury too.. but hell no..
    i’m gonna DancE and SinG unTiL
    the Cow of God comes home
    to all in real fur away
    from the Golden
    calves of words
    in books that have
    made God into Grinch..
    instead of Jolly old soUl
    within his children free..
    So with that.. giggles of Google
    baby.. as i continue to spRead God’s Good Cheer..
    away from the cLouds oF FrOwnS oN stiFF leG feAT..;)
    god wInks..
    God reAlly DO..:)

    1981.. a cALL to the beach.. away
    from 16 years of school.. including
    third year of college.. with still 3 more
    to come.. a three month break from
    the matrix as it were and
    still is.. walking the
    beach.. needing
    nothing.. wanting
    nothing but to feel the
    peace of living now then
    now.. dead for a year in living
    feelings exploding back.. mechanical
    cognition takes it away and the art
    of Nature bRinGs iT back
    wITh the power
    of within..
    still walking..
    buildings distant
    in only footsteps of i..
    at the beginning.. and
    end aLwayS noW.. the Force
    of aLL iS All Force but missing
    awareness of Force.. a UniVerse
    of mostly dark matter.. but a liGht
    on places like Earth.. not just Sun
    LiGht but blue azure color of
    atmosphere and
    finAlly eYes.
    and ears.. touch..
    taste.. proprioception..
    smelling.. inside.. outside..
    above.. so below.. and all around..
    So.. no longer is the Force Devoid
    of sentience.. the Force
    iS alive and GroWinG
    All around WitH aLL the
    other sentience of
    awareness oF
    what iS..
    for that
    awareness noW..
    LiFe IS A gift.. i can noT
    imaGiNe anytHing better
    than thiS.. wRite n0w..
    and that
    my friEnd
    iS all i need
    to kNow about
    death.. the gift oF
    liFe i have.. and to
    make the mosT oF iT
    noW.. iS the gift oF noW..
    eXpreSsinG the blesSinG
    oF iS of oZ.. a truly magical
    place when viewed from the
    coLd hard desert sands
    of the moon..
    and a little
    sliver of Heaven..
    no doubt that few
    of what exists iN the UniVErse
    overAll and beYond can enjoy
    as Heaven now.. i’m not asking for
    anything else.. but what i find iS if one
    believes in magic.. magic becomes real..
    so i’m gonna go all out and believe that
    i will help to make life better on this plaNet
    and the neXt adventure WiLL bE even more
    awesome than now as now iSreal.. Faith.. Hope..
    Belief in magic sTuFF.. calL iTGod.. the Force.. or WTF
    just so it’s more than card board boxes without preSent
    inside.. trUly.. Hope.. Faith.. Belief.. changes
    the way the brain works iN Frontal Lobe
    enriching blood way..
    use it or lose it.. yes..
    applies to Faith.. Hope..
    Belief.. as long as those eMoTioNs
    are MoVinG the blood of hUman bEinG
    to the reward centers of MovinG fronTal
    Lobe BRain.. so yes.. for all practical
    intents and purposes..
    the reward
    of God
    is believing..
    having faith.. hope
    in something larger than
    common mundane life..
    and yes.. if nothing
    else.. it’s worth
    the blood flow
    now.. to the Frontal
    Lobe.. as Neuro-science
    now shows.. for greater
    cognitive executive
    functioning in short
    term working memory
    and better focus..
    and yes
    feeling good
    away from living
    dead in depression
    and pain associated feelings
    as well.. related to depression..
    Call it whatever.. but as long as one
    has faith.. hope.. and belief in magic..
    it makes
    a difference
    bottom of line..
    iN noW.. for those
    who have the ability as
    science shows truly not everyone
    does.. as even a person who believes
    in no ‘magic’ in life.. can meditate and get
    almost no benefit at all or even less blood
    to the frontal
    Real iS
    Real.. beginning
    and end of story now..
    but yes.. i will be a super
    hero in the next lifetime too..
    i can have
    hope.. faith and
    belief in it.. and
    do iT noW too..
    relatively speaking..
    all natural of course..
    in human potential wHere
    folks tOld me ‘you’ are crazy
    you will never do what you
    say you are gonna do.. just do it..
    oF My
    LiFe too.. noW
    and yes.. may the
    metaphorse.. continue..
    to be with you.. my friend.. too..
    as truly the symbols are as good
    as the emotions of faith.. hope.. and
    belief.. to get that Frontal Lobe FloWinG
    a Seagull
    spiraling around
    greater human
    potential named

    i like ‘these’
    two poems as
    some of the best i’ve
    read from you so
    far as trUly they
    are maGic to me iN the
    mYsterY oF NatUre iN aLL
    Of wE wHo SinG free as
    NatUre uS..
    and trUlY.. mY
    FriEnd.. when oNe
    dances as the wind
    and water in sand of Free
    there is no gravity.. no time..
    only noW as bliss of
    now.. as my niece
    asks me today
    dancing with my great
    niece of several years old
    if i aM a swan.. and i tOld
    her.. yes.. perhaps an ugly
    ducKLinG iN form butt
    oF aLL 230 LBs iN
    fLoaTinG featHeRs..
    never the
    a graceful
    Swan oF Force…
    iN essence.. mY friend..
    Angels come in all colors..
    shapes.. sizes.. and even
    beasts when
    GravitY oF
    one water..
    wind.. sand
    and Sun oF ForceNoW..
    Time no longer froZen..
    WinD.. WateR..

    SMiLes.. my friEnd.. Prajakta..
    yoUr poem ‘here’ is quite
    inspiRing.. second one
    from last
    and after
    writing a
    third of a million
    words.. in perhaps
    the longest Dear
    John Letter
    in recorded
    i can relate..
    wITh wINks..
    aS trUly wE frEE
    thInkers.. feelErs..
    kNoWers.. can
    maKe a
    anY reaLiTy
    wE WiLL to reAl..
    aS BeautY oF poEtry
    iS iN tHe ShaRinG..
    GiVinG.. heARt
    iN balanCinG
    soUl.. wHeRe mUse
    iS juSt anotHeR woRd foR
    liFe mY friEnd.. so.. thanks
    for the muSe as the crediTs
    roLLinG foR inSpiRAtiOn oF
    LifE noW iS mUseDom…..:)

    Per Story of
    and what iS
    God.. most religions
    agree that the divine
    spark that is the force
    of all stuff.. lives alive
    in human being..
    and the whole
    oF aLLthATiS
    iS beyond
    the scope
    of human alone..
    allone is aLL.. end
    and beGinNinG noW
    of story ALLONEnoW..
    so now that most folks
    iN the World.. WeLL..
    at lEast a suBstantial
    porTioN understand
    aLL UniVerse
    moves beYonD
    the borders of some
    patches of land in mountainous
    deserts.. and caves of smaller than
    aLL.. what would trUly be the New Age
    Bible.. a third of a million
    Dear John words to
    3 Million Words..
    by one human in one
    book.. better yet.. aLL miNds
    and boDies conNecTinG iN
    aN Emerald City.. so above
    and below.. inside.. outside
    all around.. without
    the Sun providing
    to screens
    of hUmans MoVinG
    ConnecTing creaTinG
    iN virtuAL InterNet way..
    relatively forever as long
    as servers bRinG tHeiR
    heArts.. thEiR spiRiTs..
    yeS in miNd
    and boDy BalanCinG
    soUl.. online.. wHeRe the
    number of new age Bible
    writers are as limitless
    as the number
    Of gRains oF
    sAnd oN ShoRes
    oF Ocean trUe toGeTher..
    WeLL.. yes.. the Force oF
    God WiLL have God’s
    way.. no more books
    of chains.. in hard
    cover priSon noW..
    no instructing
    God on what
    God can and
    cannot do as Free
    as We.. it’s a brand
    new frontier of God
    WiLd and Free liVinG
    iN Human eYes of FeeLinG..
    SenSinG.. kNoWinG more
    than ever before.. and
    the painting of
    God’s hUmans
    aRe EverYwHeRe
    one browses thiS New
    Age Bible fULL oF iNterNet
    noW.. wHere God HOlds
    hands aNew wITh wE..
    wHo bRinG Free
    back to
    last and
    first supper
    oF GoD iN noW..
    TheRe ain’t no stopping
    God.. juSt iMaGiNe what
    WiLL continue to come in
    greater hUman God potential
    as within.. if little old me can
    do all of this.. with only
    a ‘little’ help from
    aLL my FriEnds..
    tHere is not enough
    space here to list all the
    names wHo help me on tHis
    jourNey so iT iS safe to say..
    to feel.. to sense.. and kNow
    thAT ALLONE iS help for mE..

    “iF YOU Build iT,

    -FiEld oF DreAMs..:)

    Every Picture taLes
    A Story as ‘they’ say
    and there are nows with
    Children of Vision co<Me to
    say more than a Country aS wHOle..
    Hyperlexic Children..
    Natural Decoders
    of Nature
    all aRound uS..
    A Rather Materialistic
    Country too thE FucKinG
    Huuuuggggeee eXtreMe.. hmm..
    Ships outside a country from a Country
    that invaded another Country and killed
    well over 100K otherwise innocent folks..
    in the name of an evil present religion named
    Fundamentalist Tea Party Anti Trump Christianity..
    Karma NOW sees above.. so below.. inside.. outside..
    all a Round.. in OTheR Words GoD whOle iN AcTioN plUs
    Consequence.. Positive or Negative.. yes.. of course
    Reap what you sow.. have you seen in the Fields yET
    wHEre the Wheat is ready for blade.. seems like these
    are the days that Break Fast in America Forecasts with
    that Child
    of Vision
    in more
    of a logical
    song aS now
    Ecstasy of Transcendence..
    can you FeeL iT.. can you SenSE
    iT.. WiLL you let it be or WiLL you
    turn yoUr eYes and eaRS awAy
    from liGht
    DEEPER or whisky
    Breath of Hardees
    in a Hunt for something
    more than a glass of Orange
    Juice and a Biscuit of Life that
    feels and senses more than kicking
    the wife and dog when you get home..
    or see that old and lonely man in the corner
    with his crossword puzzle never looking up to
    smiles of the Piano Man or his Beautiful Young
    wife who doesn't dance or seems to never age at all or
    how about that man in the
    corner.. half shaven..
    lost.. perhaps
    no job..
    no social
    role.. no feeling
    of status.. lost achievements..
    dreams never coming to fruition..
    giving up slowly.. now what was that
    number to the suicide prevention line..
    sadly they put you on hold while a machine
    answers and you continue to swallow pill by
    slow tortuous pill of life.. sure.. Break Fast
    in America and where are the wild and free
    indigenous peoples
    to Pagan
    free again..
    i am big i am fast
    in dance i am Bruce
    Lee smART in Physical
    and yes emotional intelligence..
    i have the Moves of Michael Jackson
    and more and by the Love of Jesus i also
    have without a sword to swallow peace or
    a hate for family and friends and to slay those
    who do not agree but most of all what i am LooKinG
    for is a few good men and women..etc.. who have the BAlls
    or no Balls@ALL THAT work for change.. WiLd and Free aGAIn
    as the only
    i kNow
    and FeeL
    iS thE WiLd
    and Free that is Me..
    and sure.. God within..:)

    So.. i’LL end begin with three Videos
    wHO/thaT say more thaN pictures
    or words
    NoW more
    of course for
    those with attention
    and focus further
    than Gold
    eYes of ice
    cold death as life..
    but hey.. i love my minions
    as whY would i want them
    to live eternAlly
    in hell on
    a million
    more lifetimes
    stuck in a box of death alive..
    What are yoU waiting.. for.. juSt do it.. LiVE..
    And a
    and SonG
    oF HeaVEn NoW..
    whY not.. children
    of vision.. See pLEAse..:)

  14. Pingback: PaGaN MoNDaY NoW2 | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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