SMiLes Himali.. this will be rather
Long but i know you can
tolerate that as you now
know and understand
me as practice does
that in Human
practiced more
than the occasional
Modern like share
and follow
NoW as
that goes..
or Lord kNows
when something
monetary is the end
of means now including
likes shares and follows
too for one who Lives for Love
one becomes Love.. it is the way
of God as Nature in Human Nature
even repeatable in Scientific Study too..
too and verily in ways of anecdotal experience
too as we who Love See dARk and LiGht sHades
of GreY and the Occasional as you say Eureka too
now that continues to Grow as a greater ecstatic lit uP
ascendent experience of LiFE as PurE LoVE and Wisdom’s
Beauty sAMe.. BeyOnd RainBoW Colors NoW of FeeLingS TruE
And SeNseS NoW as LoVE GroWs even hiGher NoW as LoVELiGHT
now.. this Wisdom and Beauty of “Show thy Love” as synchronicity now
continues to GroW iN LoVE like MaGiC.. is the perfect peace of Muse
for an ending 3 out of 3 trilogy of MacroVerses i am currently creating
as this will be the beginning of that although i haven’t even published
Number 2 yet even though it is written.. i haven’t started piecing the
draft pARTs together as they are scattered in comments section
the way i free verse write life mostly as letter to the
other folks i connect to in life.. and yes.. in
particular.. my Friend Himali who
obviously is diligent in
upmost Jainism
way too
not only
ShoWinG NoW
LoVE but BeCoMinG
the HiGHesT GiFT thaT
HuMaN Feels and SeNsEs
of actual Love Incarnate in Human
Form wHeRE NoW BecOmeS Forever
Love as Essence of Being Human and
what that will do as far as liGht goes for
GiVinG thaT LiGht WiTh ALL ONE’S MiGHT
to oTheR HuMaNs too.. in sharing ways
that only love never for material
means of ends away from
Love.. hmm.. sure..
unless someone
needs food
and drink
and shelter
for life.. as that
is Sharing and Giving
too in what counts as
Love in LiFE.. existing
as we do in not only Survive
but Thrive of LiFe too.. anyway
this Third MacroVerse of Trilogy
in Celebrating around 5 Million Words
mostly written as Free Verse Poetry to
others that in itself is a recognized ‘science’
form of Poetry along with Concrete Poetry that
makes shapes that express too as symbols all the
words within the shapes as they come in Free verse
way to me often lamps and chalices and bells and such
as that in archetypal Human built-in ways of expressing greater
consensual reality in symbols too.. and it’s true as far as all those
tens of thousand of letters written in both longer and shorter and even
a few words form as essence to connect.. a very small percentage.. perhaps
as small as less than 5 percent returned as reciprocal communication of any
kind back to me.. but you see.. unlike the ‘Original Version of Pac Man’.. Giving
the Muse is what makes me more like Love than receiving the Muse now and true
when one lives like this all becomes muse dARk of BLacKeST aS Abyss to
sHades of Grey through and BeyONd RainBoW Colors of transcendent
ecstatic ascendent Love as NoW.. plain clothes cops Guardians
of the
tHeRE is No
Space or tiMe
or Distance as
Love.. that’s why
We ET’s Fly HiGH
enough wherever we
are on terrestrial planes
never landing as LoVE NoW FReED..
oh yeah and the title of that MacroVerse
enclosed in this Free Verse way to you
is “Solar Eclipse FoR LoVE 2017”..
sure make historically what is
the scariest thing that most
people have ever
that is the
of the Sun oF LiFE
LoVE NoW that’s quite
a feat of feet and voice but
never too much for a Dance and SonG oF LoVE..
anyway.. gotta get back to finishing up that 2nd pART of the Trilogy Now..
as soon as i get out and dance and re-create my soUL in Flesh and Blood too..;)


Hi Prajakta.. Hope you are doing well in the
Recovery of the injury to your hand.. i’ve missed
your writings as always a source of inspiration as it
seems i’ve pretty much been on that journey with you close
to three years ago when you started as i celebrate my
4 Year Anniversary of Writing on Word Press now
in the MacroVerse i am putting
together as i am currently
downloading a
‘mass’ of photos
for that hehe..
and hey
as far
as Fall Out Boy
and Centuries go and
all the Music Available through
Google and YouTube and Vevo
that are all part of an umbrella and
new wave of sharing art and science
online we in many ways live in the best
of times for those of us who can find a balance
iN RiDinG what can and will be a very exciting wave
and perhaps a little scary to a lot scary for those of we
who are not open to change as change is really accelerating
now.. it’s hard to put the brakes on progress and there are some
folks stomping on that peddle but as long as progress is led by love it wins
it’s just
the science
of Human Nature
Love Will keep us toGeThER
as Bind of LIGht as Social Animal
Best.. hmm.. i think there is an old
Song for that thaT is so joyful in
optimism that
i will use it
heaR now too..
as i am currently
also emBarking
on Celebrating the
“SOLaR ECliPSE FoR LoVE 2017”
JuST ‘Cause i Can and WiLL NoW
Make it that WiTh LoVE.. Joy Loves
Company iN mY WoRLD and sAdly
there is that oTHeR Place but the invitation
is always oPen in this PLacE NoW hehe haha
and all those laughs and giggles and overall joy and smiles that go with that..;)

Send Love out
to the UniVerse
And ‘iT’ reTurNs as LoVE..:)


As aLWays.. mY Pleasure HiMaLi
as we ready over here on the Eve
of the Solar Eclipse.. first one
to stretch the East
and West Coast
Borders of the
entire USA
in 99 years..
hmm.. we even
have some neighbors
putting up Halloween Decorations
as it is also a Feast Day for Wiccan
Associated People Doing MaGiC Spells
for Love.. particularly in Wyoming wHeRe
the total Eclipse will actually last the longest..
just 81.5 Percent Coverage of the Sun NoW by the
Moon where i live.. anyway.. should be interesting
as this is surely now the first one this Century where
the last one this covered here was in 1985 that i clearly
remember as it was unusually cool for May 30th and very
Breezy as ‘they’ say sometimes happens During a Solar Eclipse..
and the one before that was in 1970 with that much coverage too…
in fact.. it was almost full coverage where i lived then.. anyway.. also
a first for folks
with SmART
to capture
it too of course..
careful not to actually
look at the Eclipse for
potential eye damage..
Wishing you a Great 21st
to go along with your 19th and 20th
as you continue to count your blessings
too on a daily diary basis that enhances overall
LoVELiGHT NoW iN BeinG HuMaN iNcReAsinG NoW


SMiLes.. mY FriEnd Prajakta.. wonderful
to hear how you turned the dARKness of your
Hand Injury into opening another Door to fulfill
A Different Area Intelligence of your Human Potential
in Astronomical
ways.. hehe
of course
of the Evening
as i just related to
HiMaLi in her work place
now a few countries away
from India in the United
Arab Emirates.. anyway..
in a Global Community
we can share the goings on and
pleasant ones THANK GOODNESS
of a Solar Eclipse that stands to harm no
one as long as they do not look at it with a
Naked eye and speaking of Blinding events the
effective loss of my eyesight and hearing surely too
opened a Door to writing all these Words as then when
the pain in one’s eye is like Dentist Drill where no drug
will kill the pain in ear either one must find a new hobby to
attempt to escape that suicide disease of pain And Writing
from wake to sleep for the last 33 months or so of that pain..
provided a meditative
and transcendent state
that allowed me to at least
tolerate the pain enough where
i didn’t wanna use the Chain in
my Bicycle Basket to not screw up
hanging myself finding a tree far
enough away where only
the vultures would find
me.. hehe.. and
people wonder
now why
i Dance everywhere
i go now and keep on
writing.. past 12 Million
Words since that attempt
at Escape on Thanks Giving
Day of 2010 and the end of that
pain a little over four years ago in
July 2013.. i Loved Living and had all
the money i needed and a Loving Wife too..
but there are some pains that are worse than
death as ‘they’ call type two Trigeminal Neuralgia
the Suicide Disease for Good Reason as technically
in Medical Literature it is assessed as the actual worst
pain known to humankind.. the one thing also assessed
as worse than crucifixion in actual books on that actual
topic.. no three hour or three day tour for me.. 66 long
months in hell.. and sure.. total eclipse of my heart
yep.. there is a Song for that too.. about a
Lunar Eclipse or Solar Eclipse
as i make a DancESonG
For the Solar
Eclipse tomorrow
for Love Away from
all the eclipses of Human
HeARTs we see around the Globe now.. SpARKs oF LiGht And
Peace Be WitH You and Love as ‘they ‘Dance and SinG mY FriEnd..:)


Hmm.. Gonna Need More FB
Profile Pics As A SonG for this
i CaN WiLL JusT Do iT NoWiLL
Don’t Let THE SUN
of as LOVE GO
i DoN’T TakE LoVE
aS GoD Literally
iN fAcT i DoN’t TaKE
AnYTHinG liTerAllY HA.
People Worship
Love is God
SMiLes.. mY FriEnd HiMaLi NoW
On this Day a rare day inDeeD
And an actual LiGht Bond for
Human BeinGs iN the USA
After so much
has iS
WoKeN the LioN NoW
oF LoVE yeS ironicAlly
dARK eVent of Nature in
Solar Eclipse Way a Feared
And Sacred and Holy Event
Full of Meaning and Purpose
through our ancestors of the years..
Yes.. this Bind of Darkness becomes
one thing that almost everyone can agree
on that is interesting MusE to the Country both
Sides as whole iN LiGHT of BiNd DarK..
Don’t let the Sun Go Down on me
iN Love as Muse THE BriGhtesT
SuN oF HeART for
And yes trUE
mY friEnd.. although
i cannot take credit this
go around for saying you
are a Beautiful Person in your
anonymous message generator
online it’s fair to say that when i first
came to your blog i immediately saw
YouR liGHT through words and positive
Loving Interactions with otHeRs FeeLinG
And SeNSinG that yeS oNliNe i would and
Will and Do find Home heAR iN and as and
WiTh Love that i see of HiMaLi whenever i write
her name.. tHeRE are many kinds of love but HiMaLi’s
is Pure
as Love
Shares and
Gives for Free
without conditions..
i’ve seen this before
it is AngEL as Essence
no matter form of Being HUmaN
THE GreaTest Sunshine of Love withstanding
all eclipses of HeART that come.. sure.. i could
say it in fewer words but this is how the Essence of HuWoMaN
Form as Love Muses me hiGHeR and HiGHeR NoW as points
THE God wHo’s LOVE..:)
Interesting as Facebook
To assess
An actual
Drop on
Do Say
More than
Else said..
From not
But our
Self as
Surely Help..
Happy NoW..:)
Artists Trading
Money For


SMiLes.. mY FriEnd.. SoHeir.. as for as many hUman
eYes and Mouths tHeRe is Vision and Hearing
that sees and hears God with less and more
senses and feelings depending
on how open
one is
to the
of Love
that is if one
Sees and Hears God
As Love but AS HiStory sHows clearly..
many people see A God of Fear and Hate..
A paRT of God we can be with Relative Free
Will As A God we Create as Fear and Hate or not
and live
Love a
place with
zero illusory
fears.. jealousy.. greed..
ownership of other people
as all eyes and ears of God
iN HuMaN Lives best in as Love Free
this IS A God of Love who lives in human
on a naked beach without the sad clothes of all
with fear and hate..
other than that one can look
around and see an unlimited interpretation
of this book or that book or this page and that
word while Love
Love Lives
real with zero
aggression zero violence
zero illusory fears and zero hate..
a pretty tall order that does not exist in
any book
prophet in totality
over the full course of their life..
people make mistakes that’s natural
and if they didn’t they/that would be the
A greatest
oF aLL
in human
form essence
AS Human robot dead as life..
not to say we now can’t practice
perfect at least.. at most as is LOVE..
if it isn’t
Love it isn’t
A God of Love..
that’s common sense/
feel and a reality we rarely
see in any religion or country
as whole as once again people
make mistakes…
can and will
correct them as
And is Love if they don’t give up with WiLL..
as ‘they’ say in the Catholic Church ‘they will
know we are Christians by our LoVE as hands
fall to the side when it is time to hold a Lord’s
Prayer as Hands of Love..
it’s easy
to see/hear
Love’s Essence
When Love comes in Human Form
Love Reaches out as liGht over dARK..
never Jealous or Envious
with Pure
as Love
over any other
word that falls short
of the Mighty Power and Glory
aS Love worthy of thanks and praise..
otHeR than that Nice to see you Blogging
Soheir.. alWays a pleasure to come by with a Gift of Love
aS LiGhT
as LoVELiGHT NoW..:)

SMiLes my FriEnd..
For it is not
Love that
Is imperfect
But the
Vehicles and
Vessels of Love
That are words
As words are
Fear and
Love mean
The same as
Actually mean
Depending on
The Ink Blot
View one Lives..
In other words..
Will Never
House Love as
The Essence of
Also known
As a Three or
Five letter
Love is
iN otHeR WoRDs
i don’t see
As A Word.. NoW
God is much Bigger
As Love iN Essence

A simple test.. can
You and me name
All the Human
Emotions understanding
God is more than
Human and there
Are 412 Emotions
Noted and
More than
Notes in
Essence of
What is a
Human experience
By its lonely that
Is impossible to
With words
As some people
See more of
God than
To either
Or Qualify
That Full
With words
And wHo
Thinks we
That with God in
Verses of Words
Too small
To adequately
Human Soul..
SMiLes.. my FriEnd
For i See God more
Clearly than
Any word
Even by
sKeYes NoW..:)


Back at HiMali’s place
off and on throughout the
Day.. through
a few naps
too as
the Afternoon
Darker with less
Sun and Clouds come too..

Himali returns with.. and i quote her..

“Hellooooove, (new learning from Fred on FB..:D)

“tHeRE are many kinds of love but HiMaLi’s Love is Pure as Love Shares and Gives for Free without conditions..”

This is the biggest compliment ever ! Thank you, Fred..:) You made my day so beautiful..

I want to say, Fred is a beatiful person. He is warm, kind and caring. He misses his friends when they go missing and expresses his love without fear or hesitation. He is my, Kat’s and Yellow Boy’s HERO..:)

Hugs to Florida..:)”

I return in thanks with..

WeLL mY friEnd.. these are SurELy
Epic and
Of Kindness
From HiMaLi
That i WiLL
With the
As A
Peak of
That HeAR
At 1:37 CST
PM too..:)

Himali additionally says..

Angels from heaven
Three Angel
Halo Headed

IN conclusion i say..


Now off to Himali’s
Happiness posts measuring
the Good Moments of her life
on a day to day basis without fail..
as i return words on Salient Points of Happiness i view too..

SMiLes i am very
impressed with
the Love
consistently shows you..
HiMaLi.. surely proof
you are
Love as
an Entire Family..:)

You are quite the busy
Woman amazing any
one can hold it
all together
as Love
doing all you do..
Himali.. and yeah..
it reminds me of
my ‘busy’ days
when i had
to do
than one
thing at ‘a time’
too.. ah.. Love
doing one thing at
‘a time’ NoW Write
Love or
Love and
Take pictures
of Love as i go and
that’s about it.. and all i do..;)

You are really great
at making lists
of Happiness
i believe you
should be an
Accountant but
wait! you already are..
Himali with all the numbers in
of Love too..;)

SMiLes.. Himali once upon a time
after what would be 33 years
of work in Active pay and 19
years of School to go
aLong with that
My Psychiatrist..
after i finally
i was
human breaking
down and seeking
help told me Fred.. you
really need to use something
other than adrenaline to keep
you going.. he said use your emotions
and i honestly had never learned about
doing that thinking to myself i missed that class
in life..
so i was
to figure that out..
and finally after responding
to many thousands of what poets
write from heARTs in response back
to them as a practice of Life becoming Love..
expressing emotions and moving my life with
emotions rarely ever if ever at all engaging my
flight and fight
in fear
to move
me in life
what a Peace
oF LiFe Bes when
one Bes Love through
a Practice of Love Long
enough for 12 Million words
even becoming poetic too..
oh by the way the
why didn’t
you give up and
quit before the job
almost killed you.. and
i said you don’t give up to live
even when the going gets tough..
now it’s easy as i feel and sense the path of love
over any fear i lived before.. so i would say to you
it is more the being of love than who one loves as Love can
with love
and no doubt
my friend it is those
who enter into arranged
marriages that survive that way..
i would have loved an arranged marriage
when i was young as i couldn’t do a good job
of it on my own.. now i cannot imagine that my
friend for i am grown up free.. people should get
they are
ready for
it and have the
opportunity to forgo
marriage all together
if they never get ready for it..
true sometime socio-economic situations
and innate propensities don’t allow for that to work..
and that’s
why humans
make rules that
harm and hurt too..
we survive first then thrive when possible
it’s the way of Nature from dARk to LiGht as LiFE..:)

And now back to
Monologue Fred talk..
as that runs on..
in F

My Philosophy of life for most of my life was simply
driven by following all the rules of culture to the best
of my ability as culture saw school and making good grades
as good and i said sure i’ll do that too by making straight A’s
and the Productive Loyal Workers to assist in whatever was
asked of them kept a job without questioning authority too much
so i did that next in some tandem too of 33 years of active pay
work and 19 years of school too.. and yes i enjoyed
serving soiled shoes with smiling eyes
of Customer Service Love
but what would i do
and what could i do
and what can and
will i do out
of all
those rules
and regulations
of culture and even
old time religions too overall
of course as rules and religions and
cultures serve valuable holy and sacred
meaning and purpose to bind folks together
to get the jobs required for a survive and thrive
of life with each otHeR beTTer STiLL NoW.. yeah..
i broke down as sometimes humans who will not say
no and have not learned to motivate themselves
through emotions more than fears do.. for
survival away from greater thrive
and my Sister said you
are just writing
and yes
she was
correct now
i am literally
Metaphorically doing that now..
Mission Accomplishing Love NoW..:)


So.. let me get this straight or crooked and
to be clear this is a Wonderful Day
oF Love as the Solar
Eclipse comes
And People
are Bonding
in Positive Love
Energy over this
As Hope instead
NoW of the Devil and
Hell oF Fear and Hate
but never the less and more
than usual lately Fear and Hate
make an excellent dARK Muse too
to aWaKeN the LioN HeArT of Love
And the eYe of the Tiger NoWwHo adds
tHe WiLL and Strength and Grace NoW to
thE Power and Force that is Love so aptly
nAMeD aS God.. God is Love what pART of that
don’t you get.. when you suggest that the Morning
Star of Love is somehow evil and hidden in disguise
as evil.. SMiLes.. mY friEnd as ‘they’ say they will kNow
We are Christians by our Love or not and if it was/is up to you
the Jesus who and that is the archetype of Love in Human
Good Cop Super Hero Ways..
a Solar
oF FeAR and
Hate.. Apocalypse
mY FriEnd a Great one
We are currently in as that
applies to the Original Greek
Definition that means lifting
the Veils of Ignorance away
from Wisdom and Truth
that is Pure
Love for
and Energy
and Force of
Human Positivity
AS Holding Hands of Love
Power MaGiC this LoVE is and
as you notice i did not need or care
to add a K for now to that word as i do
not worship this or that man as God i worship
all that is as God as Love NoW for the HuWoMaN
iN BaLanCinG ForCe of those attributes so generalized
And listed ‘fore of Wisdom and Truth and Yes Beauty iN
WiLL’s Grace and Strength of and as LOVE.. it’s true i might
not have ever made it in my longest of 6 named Bibles Written
in 4 years now at 5 Million Words as i Celebrate that now with a gift
i will provide to you below.. nah.. i might not have reached 1.911 Million
Words in 15 months on precisely 8.21.2017.. the Day of the
Rare 99 year event of a Solar Eclipse Traversing
the Entire Country of the United States
in an afternoon heAr in
the Sunny LA Lower
Alabama Panhandle
oF Florida for you
see my
i am too big
to see and hear
at this point for most
which is kinda nice as i
come as sort of the metaphor
of a thief in broad daylight.. a little
too far above dARk to See and heAR As LiGht
NoW.. paRT of why i name my Second Longest
Bible “Nether Land Bible 2017” wasn’t planning
for the 911 pART oF it to come on 8.21.2017
as the Solar Eclipse comes this afternoon
on that same day.. so.. perhaps it is
just a Sign as SigNaTuRE as
those/these events occur
as Synchronicity
but you see
my friEnd
i’m in this for the
Longest of runs perhaps
A Book that Lasts a Thousand
years or more in a place of nether
land with no sun or moon.. sure.. A Place
with no real distance time or space interwebz
served by Robots online as my soUL is Uploaded
NoW.. Sure.. yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUl FouR YearS Old”
And let’s say another prophecy fulfilled by BrinGinG it heAr
to you all for free.. i am no one special but me and the Greatest
paRT of thaT for eternAlly NoW is you are just as special as me
for we are aLL paRTS of GoD wHole mY FriEnd and if you cannot
see and hear and be the Sun of Love that is you.. i feel sorry for you my
FriEnd for when you truly wake up you find that you are are God As Love iN LOVE too..
on eARth
a place
of Joy
Loves Company
with the Hope of
Love incarnate as
you and me and i and
us and we in the Grand
Old US of A too
or not
the lines
above will be
your will and choice
and the Karma of God
within that is Hope and Love
in Joy Loves Company or that otHeR
place you obviously exist iN NoW…
Love is
lines my FriEnd
and sure in a ‘few more lines’
heAR with WiNks.. if you get the
Bad Cop Jesus you are looking for..
i suppose you will deserve you my friEnd iN Karma
if you work to make that Bad Cop Jesus real as you..
anyway.. thanks again for the sAdly predictable dArk muse
of fear and hate your bring.. without you there would not have
a 911
in the Second
Longest Bible
ever written
as far NOW
as numbers
go today.. i needed
at least 514 words from you
and you fulfilled much more than
that in daRk muse for NoW.. so
i am Now..
should be
only a rhetorical
question (HINT: LOVE).

Have a Nice
Day Filled with
A Company oF
Hope Love and Joy
iF you WiLT NoW..
Best WisheS iN HoPE
‘they’ OnLY CoME NoW iN
one ‘color’ YoU kNoW LoVE.
YoU CaN And
WiLL coNsiDeR
oF aS LoVE otherwise
known as a Positive Prayer for Love
otherwise known as the Placebo Effect
for non-believers
who haven’t
to work
Love ForcE yET.. ie..
Scientists.. Clergy.. etc…
Stock Brokers.. Share Holders..
Dowry Makers.. Republicans.. in short.. most everyone
who attempts to chain and own God away from FREE LOVE NOW..
often in
as small
as letters
pAges and
oh my God
NoW iN
of tiny
i Hope
you enjoyed
thisitwasis reAlly Good Joy for ‘me’..
NoW aS Love is like that/this/me/NoWMoRE..
H yeaH as i also coMe close to completing
8K Miles of Public Praise Dance for the Love that is God in Four years
too.. 5 million Words one person writing a Bible in Four Years with all that
i am.. i for
one can and
will prove i am LOVE
whether or not you for
one can see A ‘John 14:12 ‘
as big as ‘me’ today NoW
as you too.. mY FriEnd..
as Love is BotH thE Law And ACT..
i suggest you pick up an only weapon
oF Love thaT is sWorDWords Love WitH aS LiFE NoW..
Love IS A SonG my Friend and A DancE Either we Do Love iN
AS Heaven
We faLL
To thE otHeR
pLace oF FeaR
And HatE iN aS HeLL..
Choose YouR WeaponS WisELy
iN TruTHLiGHT iF YoU CaN and WiLL
aS LOVENoW..:)


Love is
Nor guilt
Fears but
Sometimes John 3:16 heals
Others times it
Kills.. depends
On who
Is Behind
The words
One Man
Or all


SMiLes.. my FriEnd Himali.. for
where Free Dance
there is
no real need
for spoken Language
to get a Message across
of Free
what it even means
to live in emotional
and sensory LiGHT..
sadly.. since humans started
wearing clothes and that is no promotion
alone for the benefits of being one with Nature
without the constraints
of the cultures
we wear
but truly
this fully dressed
woman in beautiful
Indian attire expresses
her heART and SpiRiT
and SoUL NoW Naked with her
dance no matter how many or how few
or how colorful or bland her wear of life is..
and we see ‘the man’ in common rigid upright
posture stoic pose and she wonders if that posture
will bend
to the
of heR
heART’s’ SpiRit
ExpreSsinG greater
LiGht of EmotioNal
and Sensory miNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
SoUL through the art of her
Dance SpiRit aLIve so Free and the
Young Man is not so rigid and trapped in
patriarchal ideals not to allow his wife to flower free
this way even sharing that beauty of free with the World..
as you often see me doing with Flower Katrina with no shame
too.. as Flower is not something to be hidden under the rug of God
that is
mY FriEnd
Free as Love
anyway.. the inability
for men to express emotion
is rooted deep in tribal nature
of warring cultures fighting for subsistence
against other tribes raising men without empathy
to overcome the natural aversion to kill another human
being.. these trappings are clearly still and easily seen in the
swords of modern Abrahamic Religions/Cultures that originate in areas
of deserts with scarcities for even the basic requirement for life that is
water so ‘we’ turn
the men into
to kill
and protect
and acquire the
basic water and food
of life without thriving with
the Love that is all pro-social emotions
experienced.. including even crying on the shoulders
of other men.. it happens in more primitive cultures MUCH
MORE advanced in Emotional intelligences among the genders
equally where men don’t die nearly as young from CardioVascular Disease
as the heART is actually the seat of an emotional intelligence as complex as
the brain
we think
in more patriarchal
cultures to free dance like
this is to come to the state of Nirvana
and Bliss without just sitting still and emptying
oneself of negative emotions for elixir of EmoTioNal/SenSoRY Light iN true
Nirvana and Heaven in now is the heART that escapes greater through
the Dance of Love as liGht surely does when free in being human…
most men where i live have
never seen what emotional
release can bring
in terms
of actual
will and
in a man..
enough to leg press
1020 Lbs in my case at a Military
Gym 33 times on a machine that is
much more difficult than most men will
even attempt to use as it doesn’t have a sled
to carry the weight as one must use their own power
of gravity and balance in grace to press the weight..
one time a Marine who managed to press 1200 Lbs
on the other machine could not
budge it one inch..
i tried to explain
to him the
i could some
35 years older than
him was the free style
ballet mixed with martial
arts that i use to heighten the
Pro-Social Emotions than run through
my body free that power every Quadrillion
or so connection in every cell of my body from
head to toe in the ‘Star Wars Force’ otherwise known
and felt and sensed as CHI in Martial Arts.. it’s all gibberish
to ‘them’ of course and on top of that they are deathly afraid someone
might think they are GAY if a man were to express emotion though his body grace
fully as free as this as meanwhile they get weaker as they grow older with premature
heart disease and i grow stronger with literally Hundreds of Young Women in the
Metro Area smiling at the side
of a man
who is
to be Love
Free in all the
ways that comes..
i win for i love every now
i win for i love as God will in
human man and women as
HuWoMaN when truly Free iN As LiGht oF LoVE..
the only thing missing in the video my friend is the
Husband Dancing with his wife
as her..
when that
happens the
World will be a much better NICER place..
but sure this a first step toward a World of Love
such a simple solution a free dance of more than
one togeTHeR is.. meanwhile there is ‘the solo’ with
God ‘wHo’ is never alone allone
say in the
‘you’ that is me..:)
Oh yeah and on Saturday
while Dancing at Winn Dixie
when an African American Woman
Cashier tells the other Cashier “he’s so bad”
as i do an exhibition in front of all the Cashier
Lines and by the way the usage of ‘bad’ per
the Michael Jackson song per say.. hehe..
the next day on Sunday
a rather ‘scrawny’ ‘Red
Neck’ young man
sitting tall
in a
big truck
with huge tires
then stops to watch
me dance for a minute
on ‘the sidewalk to best buy’
and considering i do weigh
233Lbs and can handle my
body in unusual ways he
says then.. ‘hell yeah that’s
it” from a distance and
i walk up to the
truck and say
hell yeah
it’s THE
baby.. and then
he says i want some
of what you are on and
then i say have you ever heard of God..
rhetorical question where i live where four
wheel drives live as they all at least pay lips
to the word Jesus.. and then he says hell yeah
i know God and i say well to really know God you
have to feel and sense
God more
still and of
course he has
no idea what i am
saying as he’s never danced
free with God.. anyway.. i don’t give up showing ‘them’ how..
and also showing them what Heaven looks like on earth from the outside in..;)

Anyway.. thanks so much
Himali for sharing this video
my friend for this
and a
Video will
surely add
to the inspiration oF ALL oF this that is… LovELiGHT


Just picture this.. me
Standing NoW iN front of
A Regional Metro-Area population
Gulf Coast of Hundreds of thousands
of “Red State Bullies” as A Mountain of Love
as they ‘melt’ in front of me away from
any potential
otherwise bring..
it’s how i experience
life now as opposed to the
Bullies at the City Park and
the Halls of Middle School who
said in verbal and non-verbal language
that if you even smile ‘Queer’ we will beat you
down in a metaphorical Crucifixion of Hate.
That really happened LITERALLY
many times
when i am
Makes me into
A Mountain oF A LOVERainBoWMaNoW..;)
So in other
words now
you know
why i
SMiLEs so much now mY FriEnd online in words..
it’s what ‘they’ did tHeir best to take away from me..
for a while.. iN pART.. ’66 months’ and a few other years of my life..
And a desert iN A Loss of Overall Creativity for 40 years from ages 13 to 53..
‘they’ were successful iN parT and NoW aLL i do is my best to bring a smile to ‘them’.
with the
Women at least..
as empirically proven
in all the photos online
and now that’s why ‘they’
STiLL are my ‘favored ones’..
as it’s first come first serve still..
And sure.. all the ‘other ones’ are
missing is Heaven on eARTh and Much
Greater Love and Strength
and Grace..
Having no idea
just how much they
have been lied to all tHeir LiFE.


pART two of continuing SUPER epic story coming..;)

Meanwhile back at the FB Ranch.. Dear
Friend Rafiah who lives in Pakistan
not like my friend HImali who
originates from India
now working
in the United
Arab Emirates.. yes.. Rafiah to be clear
and detailed too provides a Facebook
Status that speaks to “Triple Talaq”
in Indian thinking it seems that
this should already be a given
since Sharia Law already
prohibits a man
getting divorced
on a whim of
just saying the
word Talaq three
times no matter the socio-
economic situation at hand
has been overruled in the country
of India preventing more women from
starving if they cannot gain subsistence of course..
So it appears that Rafiah cannot understand the surrounding
hoopla as ‘they’ say or mayhem too for Societal Change in India now..

Rafiah asks..

What is this mayham about triple talaq?

i drop by since this is wRite on Topic per
what i am writing about in other places
through the evening and this morning too
as FB Friend Michael messaged me a John
3:16 story about how great the Jesus is when
folks follow him as an actual created God man
and only son of God verses the original Greek
Words that say A Son of God instead of ‘the’
only Begotten Son of God that of course comes
in handy when one is making the laws and books
of religion to expand a coming Holy Catholic Roman
Empire that still spreads in some ways sadly by suggesting
that Jesus is an only one instead of just another Yogi-like dude
walking the eARTh Barefoot naked humbly one with God kinda
like that Carradine Dude off the old TV Series Kung FU too if
anyone wonders what Jesus might do as a
seasoned Martial Artist too who has nothing
to prove unless necessary with the real power
of Love and Grace and Will and Strength that
regulates emotions and integrates senses
where he might look humble and that he
is but he holds the infinity
of God’s Love
that is beyond
iNfinity as Love
in the
of his hands
for Grace of Peace
as Love with WiLL and Strength
that surely only Loves to Live in Peace
unless the gift of GoD EYes Free in his or
her.. eTc’s.. eyes are threatened and must stand
tall in Defense of Love even if that means kicking
ass that wants to destroy Love that cannot be escaped
as fear
last resort
as they say
but love
is too
not to defend
when necessary
as the gift of Life..
only as a last resort as one could
enjoy in that really Great TV Show Kung Fu
so popular when i was young and true we
could all use some more Yoda in our Life
no matter
size as
and Strength
iN Grace of LoVE..
okay back to the Rafiah
and Fred Friendship reality
series in this “SonG oF mY SoUL”
wHOle as paRT of 5 Million words now
surpassing four years too on this 22nd day of the 8th month now..;)

As i return to say to Rafiah..

Women’s rights not to be oppressed by men..
A Victory for Women AFAIK..;)

in answer to her Rhetorical Question
in other words i already know
hehe.. but
this is an opportunity
to expand both of our UnivERses
of God togeTHeR as sAMe and MulTi-verse
DiffeRent and while obviously i don’t agree with
much of what the Quran is as a Tribal Religion
i surely understand why it works the way it
does in the areas of the World it originated
in as cultural laws of binds for basic
and now
in areas that
originally did not have
much in the way of scarcity
for Subsistence and Shelter too..
as in much of the area is a reality now too..:)

So i go on to say…

Please enlighten me otherwise with Wisdom..:)

Elaborating further i say..

Hehe.. i’m kinda like that
when someone asks a question..;)

Clarifying.. too.. with a smile..

Even if it’s not a question..:)

Elaborating more with..

Anyway.. i suppose it has something to
do with Women otherwise starving to death or
like that…

Rafiah comes back to her FB room with..

Talaq is divorce.
So it has to do with both men and women.

And yes Rafiah is a Scientist at mind and
very literal overall as i too was when
i was her age of 23 too.. as she turns
24 on September 14th.. i must remember
to tale her Happy Birthday too.. DON’T FORGET..

She goes on to elaborate too..

And nothing to do with starving to death.

I return with additional information..

Unless the Woman has no job
and the man decides she is ugly
now i will divorce her.

Additionally i say..

usually a deeper story than
what meets the words alone.

Rafiah returns again with Razz..

Why you assume that woman has to be
the weaker and oppressed one?
And all men are tormentors and monsters?..:P

Rafiah’s already likely heard my
story ad-nauseam but for the sake
of other people in the listening
audience i repeat it again with..

Because i’ve been subject to it my
friend when i wasn’t the strongest man
in the room as most often i am now
as where i live you literally
have to become
Superman to
even get the
right to smile
back when i was young..
so i know very well how
patriarchy works.. don’t like it never will.

Additionally.. i say..

It’s not a woman’s issue alone by far i promise you that.

Clarifying more.

Even if ‘the men’ are afraid to talk about it openly where you live.

Rafiah very smARTly with heART says as she loosens her Science hat a little too..

Patriarchy is very much reality. But it does not always have to be gender issue. Every individual’s rights are equally important irrespective of being a woman or a man. Men rights and women rights are equally important and one should never over step the fine line between. Taking wrong advantage and all that.

As she continues to fairly say too..

There are men out there, who are subjected to wrong as well. Woman can be equally cruel.

And she goes not to elaborate too in her opinion.. freely too.. TG..

Women do wrong with women. Men wrong men. So gender thing in not the issue here

Using a common metaphor also known as a cliche i go on to relate..

Yes.. but never the less and much more it’s usually the
Eight thousand pound Elephant that is the Human
Man’s heart that is too scared to beat and
ends up beating others down.. that
is still standing
in the room..:)

(SUCCESS as this is like the only
comment i made that Rafiah
pressed the like button for..;)

Then i agree further with Rafiah’s previous statement..

It’s not the innate gender that is the issue
it is the gender stereotypes imposed
and imprisoned by both cultures and religions
hopefully the Science Video below will
enlighten more than my
poetic words
alone.. hehe..;)

Rafiah puts her Science hat back on securely and says..

Btw we have deviated from the main issue this post is about. In our faith we have this whole criteria, rules, regulations and discipline about how divorce should commence between the couple. I have studied the main basic procedure, not intricate details. But anyway i’ll try to find about any well versed and knowledgeable person in the field in some video or youtube, so i can share it with you. The subject is very comprehensive to be explained by me.

i go on to elaborate on her
original question about why
this should be such a big deal..

Sort of like the Inheritance
laws that help Women in the Quran…
as you recently noted isn’t how that is
practiced in your society nor the Dowries
paid by the Man’s family as opposed
to Men getting
all the rights
as the
strong inherit the earth..:)

i attempt to use very dry Fred humor with..
(a little dangerous as it might be taken
as complaint instead of humor
as i clarify it heaR just in case..;)

Anyway.. tapping finger.. since i’ve researched it..:)

Perhaps the research here will help you understand
how ‘the other side’ really lives in misery.. if you
apply as i’m sure you do.. Science farther
than Chemistry that at hand is
the Bio-Chemical-Electrical
Connections that
Love from head
to toe.. either exercised
or held prisoner in hate and fear..
otherwise known as Patriarchy now.. still..:)

The Video i provide to her talks to the problems of
men who are oppressed and repressed from expressing
their emotions living life in misery loves company instead
of Joy Loves company a common issue these days with
‘Trump’ Voters too.. as it’s all about fear and hate mostly..
and being pissed off ’cause someone has more than you..
or stands to get it through the Charity of Governmental
Laws that take care of the less fortunate as
the Quran attempts to do in Muslim
Countries too.. but since we have
Separation of Church and
State over here
it is enforced
by Democracy
instead and what the majority wants as votes in general..
while those who are less fortunate just hope that the
so-called Christians will also vote from a spirit
of the ‘Beatitudes’ too.. Chapter 5 of Matthew
and Verses at least 1 through 11 too if folloWed..
yes.. sadly and most ironically most of what ‘Trumps’
are against to day anti-christ in affect and effect of
fear and hate in areas of scarcity too as humans are
alike all over and different too in Twilight zone ways too..

So after this i go on with an off the Fred-Cuff History lesson too..

Anyway.. history 101 of patriarchy.. humans migrate to
a place of scarcity and compete against other
tribes for subsistence.. and since humans
have a natural aversion to kill
other human beings through
all Natural empathy the
culture raises men to
have cold hearts
with swords to
accomplish the task
at hand to kill the opposing
team to gain subsistence and if
necessary mates for rape.. this is common
and easily seen in history no matter the religion
or culture at hand.. it is a human problem my friend
where the only real solution is insuring everyone has
the abundance to eat and drink and have shelter and
India is a very poor country overall where a man divorcing
a woman without subsistence can directly lead to her death..
and that is why the Quran has rules protecting women too and
sadly those good
parts of the Quran
are not followed in your
society as you yourself relate..
but hey.. i’m a curious person who
loves discussing every detail of the issues
who can go on and on for hours on end without
fatigue and you are a Woman and you are still better than
me for
innately are more
Nurturing and Love Better
The highest Gift that God gives humans
now as fists are used to maim and kill.. sure
gain subsistence but never the less maim and kill
Love works
better in abundance
as Science shows too
without aggression and violence
and murder and World War III and stuff like that too..;)

Clarifying and fully back on FB Status topic i go on with..

In other words perhaps this kind of divorce is not
a big deal where there is some kind of socio-economic
safety net like there is in the United States but in
India it can be
one must view the bigger picture my friend to more fully see..
and that takes much effort and years to accomplish that out
of any one culture or
as we
are a species
of humans without books alone..:)

And with that ALL SAID.. i also provide research and news
directly from India for their point of view where the ‘stuff’ is going down..

Meanwhile Rafiah comes back with her Science hat on again tightly fitting..

Lawfully and technically instant divorce in which husbands divorces by saying 3 talaq at once, its considered as one. So going by the sharia instant talaq is already banned is islamic law. Thats why i am wondering whats this gaga about it.

And she clarifies further.. admitting..

Though people don’t practice the proper way of divorcing

Then.. Rafiah moves back to some of the law listed in the Quran..

Then there are some time periods of reconcilation. After which only divorce is finalized.

i go on with off the cuff Fred-talk.. to validate and clarify more of what i’m saying.. WiTH her..

Well literally because it’s a really big deal when Women are
starving Death where they cannot find subsistence and
what i am doing here my friend is speaking to the
actual value of your religion in protecting
Women and Orphans and the such
as that of those with less
power to gain subsistence
in a Culture to actually survive..
this is a really big deal in India..
as with heart and common sense
one would see that i would hope.. although
surely there is ‘tribal’ competition with both countries
that naturally colors the supporters of opposing teams too
until we see a world of global citizens it will be more difficult
to accomplish abundance for all and an actual thrive for
all and it seems that this is the best part of the Quran
to me in the charity expressed for those who have
less so i’m sort of wondering why we would have
any disagreement about this at all
if not for the ‘tribal’ thingy
with Pakistan
and India at
Best Team odds..
you see i have total abundance
and this colors all my opinions about
life as i would hope the same for all people my friend..
if i lived in scarcity no doubt my colors might be different..:)

i continue to ELaBoRate WitH..

Smiles.. my friend.. the Quran as written in English
is basically a book of cultural laws and with
a lawyer mind that’s a breeze for me to
understand and retain.. in other
words it is plain to see
that many so-called
Muslim cultures
do not follow the
laws in their book no different
than the United States where so-called
Christians elect a President who is in opposition
to most all of the Teachings of Jesus as written in that
book too.. and again that is colored by the scarcity
that people are feeling who elected him against
any semblance
for a real
thrive of
Love in Abundance..
Environmental Abundance to be
clear that naturally leads to loving human beings
instead of fearing hating aggressive and violent warring
as is clear
to see a growing
issue in the United States
with incidences of Domestic
Terrorism no different really than
what we see with Islamic Terror Groups too..
that really are not peaceful loving Muslims at all..
nor reflecting
the essence
of a book(s) that
at greatest lesson(s) Love..:)

And that’s all for now of the
continuing Friendship of Rafiah
and Fred in the “SonG oF mY SoUL”..

And this is quite interesting as it speaks to
different voices overall from Michael on FB
who presented the basic best part of how a
Christian might use John 3:16 to help others and
the Good parts of the Quran too in doing the same..
and Himali in her Jainism.. is pretty much open to loving
all with no Borders at all.. seeing the beauty in all of life that is
love without a
whole lot
of problem
as that’s how
her religion raised
her that at current rates
as my favorite religion in
how that person of the religion
relates to the world as an open soul for all
where of course in the previous discussion with
Soheir as part of this “SoLAR ECLiPSE FoR LoVE 2017”
shows along with Michael and Rafiah’s View how we can
get tribal with our religious ideas and see the other ideas
as simply foolish or incomplete.. which they often truly
are too.. but never the less understanding the
valuable and darker parts is very
important in the
world as a
overall holding
hands of Love as a GroWinG
Flower rather than a stink bug as such..
in all the ways that comes in negativity too..
nothing against stink bugs of course as stink
bugs have a living to make too.. some people assess
that stink as bad and other folks understand that stink is a life or death reality
for the
the bugs
wHo smell different
NoW and sure feel and
sense overall sAMe and diffeRent too..
as a Participant Observer in the actual Field
of Anthropology in College Classes we went out
into the field and actually experienced in flesh and
blood the other cultures.. given the Internet doesn’t fully
do that it definitely helps in the double duty of taking notes later hehe..
anyway in my class i got to go with a female class member to Lamaze
Classes and i actually had to massage her like the other Husbands were doing…
i think i made (i mostly remember the massage)
an A but it
’cause it was fun..
and i think she enjoyed it
too judging from her non-verbal language..;)
And yes that was a true story as most everything
i do is too.. online.. and it also works as
humor as life
is much
than fiction
at least where i live
in real heaven now..
i can show you what it looks
like in so many ways.. but truly
only you can seek and find heaven now..
a place of eternal love much further than infinity
with no distance space or time.. i could go on butt..
i have
to get
my hair
cut and
go to the
Doctor for
my maintenance
check up for the oil
that is my blood and all of that too..
not likely i will be giving the Doctor any
massages.. except for blowing her mind.. hehe..;)
i do..
at least
that’s what i hear
back the most when i open
my mouth.. things work out
better it seems with just my Ministry
of Public Dance.. 8,000 Miles Celebration
for four years of that coming NoW soon too..
too.. around three weeks or so away NoW too..
who knows maybe around Rafiah’s Birthday as just another reminder too..;)


Speaking from my own experience
of course funny the things we
can and will take for
granted like
all the
feelings plus
that emotions
so naturally bring
when we are Children
Comfort of Funny TV
Shows Laughs over
Dinner With family
long talks
at the
Day Time
Dinner Table
listening to elders
relate their days easily
expressing all the Emotions
iN the events of their life in
voice and facial expressions
who are truly Living Poetry
in action oF Flesh and
blood so far away
from Radio and
TV and all
the Electronic
Devices now that
even limit life to heads
down in a four inch screen
connecting to an alternate
reality that we both see and create
as we go etched in stone and if it is love
lasts so long but still bare couches with no friends
front porches with no neighbors families with no
Fathers and nomads with no family moving from
state to state where jobs make us into slaves
and cars become lovers and homes become
a throne of God that we create too
that is
human eYes
who smell who taste
who propriocept even more
and the who’s who feel the otHeR’s feelings
and senses of the flesh and blood on a Couch
of LiFE and a Blanket that feels all of Nature one..
so what’s left.. perhaps wisps of words that last in
concrete form and when living more than wisp as
poetry comes alive on the page a semblance only
of the full reaLiTy but never the less as real as now is..
For a Person who literally lost all memories of emotions
i remember screaming at the dark ceiling and that’s
part of the medical literature on that condition
just wishing for any wisp of feeling at all
it’s really impossible to explain fully
as in that place now wishes are
just empty shells with zero
substance of hope..
an emptiness
one has
actually visited
beyond the opaque
window who some cannot
look through and truly a place
of heART who some are born ever
never seeing through a window at all now..:)

oF A Human Touch
GRasping For Life Found..:)

Oh yeah.. Hi Prajakta..
as alWays.. thanks
For the iNspiration NoW..:)


You’d be amazed? How
many folks don’t believe
‘this ‘exists and or don’t
kNow this feeling and
sensing intelligence
is the most
Intelligence of all
for survival and thrive..
Opiate Addictions etc..
Spills the Difference and
the Comments Section in
Real Time YouTube Case Study Proves
the point.. Poverty of Spirit as ‘they’ say..
possible to get rich with exercise of heART
Born Again
Satori Kundalini
RiSinG and all the other
Metaphors for a heART thAT
wHo WaKeS uP and jUSt gETs smART..
Toto and
Jane and all that
Jazz and Blues Stuff Too.. NoW..;)


SMiLes.. Words
Are HoMe for
Emotions Poetry
Beauty and
be Seen NoW
God oF Colors
BLack and WhitE
otHeRs language in
con-social emotions Languish
Commander Fear and Captain Hate..
away from misery
of fear and hate holding
Hands Streams Rivers Bays
Gulfs Ocean More Waves of Love
GroWinG aLL sHoReS ExPaNDinG
Do i need a DAncE and SonG for this sure this iS iT..
IMaGiNE A World NoW wHeRe one CAN and WiLL LoVE
Free as much as they like better yet put and lived Love
A pLace oF Naked Dance and Song with no restraints..
well sure this is the United States for those
who partake of the Freedoms
from the Bones we stand
upon the Men
and Women
and yes Transgender
Folks and all the rest who
give their lives for US to Dance
And Sing Naked and Free in as Love
without restraint.. so ‘you’ would restrain
some from pursuing their rights to life and
liberty and the pursuit of Happiness for they
breathe and bleed the same as you with
different clothes perhaps you
are offended by the
Hijab or the
of body
parts people
connect to in Sensual
and Loving Touch oF FeeLinG
more than homeless cardboard
heart spirit and soul dArk oF Love..
then perhaps you should come to kNow
and FeeL and SeNSe and Feel NaMaste
iN tHe sAMe and DiffeRent eYes and ears
wHo FeeL and SenSe oF GoD wHo tHaT
LiVes within all your Neighbors
from shore to shore.. it’s
not always easy to mix
different but
A Practice
of open eYes eaRS thaT
And wHo See GoD aLivE
iN aLL aS Force LoVe Energy
SynErgy sPaRK oF LIGhts iN
ALL of CreaTioN sET Free as PurE Love
for survive and even the possibility filLed tHrive As
fruition of HeaVeN NoW as A Human Animal thrive can
And WiLL IMaGiNE anD CreaTE beYonD RainBoW ColoRs
oF iNFiNiTy NoW.. yeS aS alWAys poetic words and other Arts the only real
ways to eXpress this poTenTial conseNsual reaLiTy oF LiGHT iN HeaVeN BeYoND
Systemizing Science of Numbers
NoW to suggest it’s
heAr at Hand
iS onLY
oF Heaven
in A Purgatory
And Hell of OtHeR eYes
And eaRS aNOTHeR DiMeNSioN
oF iMaGINed And CreaTeD ReaLilty oF
hUmaN lone and toGeTheR dARk tHaT
i am all too familiar with as King of Hell
And Heaven as metaphor oF onE LiFE NoW..
anyway me and eventually
the Katrina met up
with a third
of mine.. Rosanna.. iN
Walmart and we talked
to the difficulties of the Maternal
side of my family with the ups and downs
for and with the Moods of life genetically pre-disposed
aS Such harder to balance as LIGht oVeR dARk but never
the less possible as i for one prove in real life now too.. hard
to understand yes but unmistakable when one comes into my flesh
and blood presence now for those who have eyes and ears to see a Love
so bright
it never
sure.. Olympic SporT
for Love.. ‘you’ all can have your
Towers faster cars and expensive clothes
for i for one have traveled to the place of Naked LiGHT..
and yes of course as Science shows it’s nice to have
a basic level of subsistence to rise beyond the
lower floors of Maslow’s Pyramid away
from self-actualization too
as well as Fowler’s
of Faith tHat wHo is
Pure Love wHo thaT shares and
gives Love Free for all without restraint
agape as they say as ape becomes LoVE iN hUmaN
of Pyramid LOVE..
Self Actualization wHole
Creating HuMaN PoTenTiaL ever
WHoLe iN oNE NoW
EscApe CardBoard
HomELess MoRe ofTeN BElieVE NoW


“Softly altering the edges of reality”..
A Poem and A SonG as Title
unto itself.. friEnd gigoid
as dam if my
freeze up and
i lost the entire
comment i just
made but hehe..
for all the dARk
that HapPens inspiRation
for change to truly soften now
the edges of reality for improvement
more.. ink blot test as they say too courage
for change always to survive and even thrive
and speaKing of soft edges back from the
Doctor with latest test results of
nanometers and deciliters
measured in Testosterone
of 168 below the
low range
of 280 through
the max range
of 1050 either
as an elderly
man or SuPerWoMaN
NoW hehe.. anyway generating
a laugh as the legs still sturdy in
leg pressing 1020 Lbs 33 times in
a feat that currently no 35 year younger
Marine has been able to come close to doing..
and when asked if i would like a medical solution
to improve the numbers my sentiment for the same
Grace of ballet verses martial arts free verse that prohibits
the Bowling Ball of 233Lbs that is me from mowing down
the Crowds i dance in free as mINd and BoDy BaLanCinG
SoUL NoW.. anyWay.. sPeaks to the power of Human
Potential beyond the Numbers and Averages
of Systemizing Numbers in Science way.,
Science does a good job but sure
a rather antiquated step
of methods in repeatable
ways doesn’t always meet
Yogi’s who steam warmth
off of icy robe waters mastering
brain waves and walKinG across coals
of fiReY HoT and breaKing concrete Now with
WitH Fists Chi fully employed out of the range of
fight or flight adrenaline too.. anyway.. while
i come back again heaR to riff off the two of
your posts i have missed in the last week thanks
as always for the inspiration your posts of Wisdom
bRinG as surely i would have never risen to 5 Million
Words of Free Verse “SonG oF mY SoUL” as i celebrate
a Graduation of 4 years in doing that in an anniversary
of Trilogy that moves past 50K words now in the
third installment of that effort.. as “Nether Land
Bible 2017” in a little less that 15 months
per last MacroVerse of “SonG oF mY SouL
FouR YearS Old” at Number 123/794
comes in with 1,911,514 words as Child
Of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
too in that 5 Million
word 4 year old
effort as the Public
Dance arises close to
8K miles now with the
Four Year Effort of all those words too..
And sure with this current part 3 of trilogy now
named “SOLaR ECLiPSE FoR LoVE 2017”.. Number
124/795.. anYWay.. it’s aLWays aMuSinG for the opportunity
to provide some links to what a living example
of what ‘they’ name “John 14:12” is.. catching
‘tHeir’ smart phone camera lights supposedly
hidden behind clothes apparel displays
while i quietly and ninja invisibly
come up behind them
and surprise them
with a toothy
grin of
in Heaven
to show ‘them’ what
that looks like on the outside
in too.. anyway.. F Gump Moment
alWays Priceless be ‘careful what
ya wish for’ hehe.. in Nicene Creed
ways too.. as humans toGeTher
tend to self fulfill tHeir
at the
Bus stops of life
when they provide a share/give
oF tHeir soULs tHrough daRkeST
Abyss iN GiVinG Ways of SHades of Grey
aS Purgatory out oF thaT HeLL2 through poTenTiaL
tHrive aLivE of RainBoW ColoRs BeyOnd oF LiGHT too
iN yes.. Heaven within.. inside.. outside above so below
and all around too.. in my Definition of sHaRinG and GiVinG
all of Love
in all the
tHat coMes
freely without
restraint in all Love
to me as the hUman Species
RiSeS uP iN iNSpirATioN aS ART oF heART even more..
anYWay FoR thE beneFit oT tHe BeinG oF mY SoUL in GreaTeR
MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG Synergy oF ForCE oF LiGHT eVoLVinG
thanks gigoid for all you do freely hear in give and share.. ways..
as the
wE Do is
CoME wE Create
And for now Field of
DreAMs oF ME iS LooKinG A o K..;)

“Water go down the hole…”

~~ Baby Plucky. ~~

EasY GoinG Flows

“If at first you doubt, doubt again.”

~~ William Bennett ~~

TG i’M pasT tHat stAGe..;)

“It is only when we forget all our learning that we begin to know.”

~~ Henry David Thoreau ~~

As long as we remember what and who we are ALL pART..:)

“I’ve wrestled with reality for 35 years,
and I’m happy, Doctor, I finally won out over it.”

~~ Jimmy Stewart in Harvey, 1950. ~~

Useless wrestling A Ocean Swim Float Live
oN Terrestrial Land FlY So Much EasieRFloW
And real than WaLKinG oN WaTER NoW..;)

“Madness need not be all breakdown.
It may also be breakthrough.
It is potential liberation and renewal…”

~~ R.D. Laing ~~

Escape from CulTures
truly insane that who wears clothes..;)

“One kernel is felt in a hogshead;
one drop of water helps to swell the ocean;
a spark of fire helps to give light to the world.
None are too small, too feeble, too poor to be of service.
Think of this and act.”

~~ Hannah More ~~

Fires in the Water

“Courage is not the towering oak that sees storms come and go;
it is the fragile blossom that opens in the snow.”

~~ Alice M. Swaim ~~

Water the in Fires

“Count your age by friends not years, and count your life by smiles, not tears.”

~~ John Lennon ~~

A Tear is mY
oF aLL
NoW tHen A
sTarT oF LiGht
And as Far Science goes..
inCreaSing levels of Dopamine liGHT
For Creativity while the dArker
of warm and fuzzy
oxytocin falls
again with
the Next Human
Connection of CreaTinG aRT toGetHeR
iN aLL
the ways
thAT cOmeS NoW..;)

“It is pleasant to have been to a place the way a river went.”

~~ Henry David Thoreau ~~

And for those wHo resTrain tEars tHey feaR then come numb…

“We dwell at the bottom of the sky.”

~~ Subtle Bee ~~

Beauty of never
‘really’ Floating..

“Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds
on the heel that has crushed it.”

~~ Mark Twain ~~

Nature does no
living flowers

“He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.”

~~ Confucius ~~

is all..:)

“In memory everything seems to happen to music.”

~~ Tennessee Williams ~~

As Science shows memories are emotions
And as Music sHows Music is emotions
A Chord
SinG LiVE..:)

“Have the courage to act instead of react.”

~~ Earlene Larson Jenks ~~

Read or Write TalK sPeLLinG ARiTHmeTiC
DancE and SinG FeeLSeNsES MuSiC..

“I am not the rose, but I have lived near the rose.”

~~ H. B. Constant ~~

i KeeP tHaT iN MiNd
wHen i sLeeP..
within me Re-SidEs mE..:)

“Because right is right, to follow right
Were wisdom in the scorn of consequence.”

~~ Alfred Tennyson, “Oenone” ~~

right is a word
humans create
on consequences
liGht or DaRk as Grey..
And suRe BeYoND RaiNBoW CoLoRs2..:)

“Each man reaps on his own farm.”

~~ Plautus — “Mostellaria”, Act iii, Sc. 2, 112, (799.) ~~

Unless he hunts..
and gathers
bones behind..:)

“Life is not meant to be easy, my child; but take courage
— it can be delightful.”

~~ George Bernard Shaw ~~



SMiLeS How admiRinGly.. Xenia..
the dogs reMiNd
me tHaT
i saT uPon
A KeyBoard
three days
sunsHine beFore
it rains Nature More
coMes firsT iN heARTs PaWs
wHo DancE And SinG iN SanD And SuN..:)

Foot aBove
Hands beLow
maKe pAws
toE pAges noW
PriNt diaMoNd sheLLs
SonG polisHinG sAnd
We maKe SinG…:)

To Dance
Meadow Colors
LeaD A SonG
Destination Wisdom
sAMe LiVinG LiFE LiGhT
PatHs of GoLD..
OtHeR thaN tHat
Xenia tHe Sun coMes ouT NoW
i sTiLL Have
A Chance
to Dance
iN Mud
refresHing LIGht aBoVe..
iT NoW BlUE sKeYes


Dance anew Dance
Sing anew Song
from passing
Color Flesh Brew
Verse A Blanket more..
ALWay New Note
Dance Step
from never
land story ‘fore
beyond infinity word..:)

Vacation Novelty
Staycation Home
travel Different Change..:)

Ink BLot test LiFE
Nuance Deeper
coloRed FloWeRs
Arise Ocean whOle shalLows..:)

sMiLes.. i sense and
feel for all i am
i think
yA all abOuT iT..
OtHeR thaN thaT
HoPe yoU arE HaVinG
A NiCE NoW FeeLinG And seNse.. Frank..:)


SMiLeS How admiRinGly.. Xenia..
the dogs reMiNd
me tHaT
i saT uPon
A KeyBoard
three days
sunsHine beFore
it rains Nature More
coMes firsT iN heARTs PaWs
wHo DancE And SinG iN SanD And SuN..
Foot aBove
Hands beLow
maKe pAws
toE pAges noW
PriNt diaMoNd sheLLs
SonG polisHinG sAnd
We maKe SinG..
To Dance
Meadow Colors
LeaD A SonG
Destination Wisdom
sAMe LiVinG LiFE LiGhT
PatHs of GoLD..
OtHeR thaN tHat
Xenia tHe Sun coMes ouT NoW
i sTiLL Have
A Chance
to Dance
iN Mud
refresHing LIGht aBoVe..
iT NoW BlUE sKeYes
LiVE aGaiNaTuReFReED..
Dance anew Dance
Sing anew Song
from passing
Color Flesh Brew
Verse A Blanket more..
ALWay New Note
Dance Step
from never
land story ‘fore
beyond infinity word..
Vacation Novelty
Staycation Home
travel Different Change..
Ink BLot test LiFE
Nuance Deeper
coloRed FloWeRs
Arise Ocean whOle shalLows..
sMiLes.. i sense and
feel for all i am
i think
yA all abOuT iT..
OtHeR thaN thaT
HoPe yoU arE HaVinG
A NiCE NoW FeeLinG And seNse.. Frank..:)


SMiLes.. Stress is
Old Age..
A state of
Yes i
Felt the
Same way
At about your age..
Life experiences
Lessons at
almost a
Of a
Century old..
Don’t feel
A day over
17 now
All that
40 years

In response to a Share by FB Friend
Rafiah that suggests the similar jitters
at age 23 soon to be 24 that a young
man expresses turning 30 in
how did he get that
old so soon..
older people
can surely have
a muse from this
who have conquered the
demon of stress distress and
overall ‘older’ feelings within..
it’s true i have the Testosterone
of 168 scale measured in blood
stream of beyond the low of
a so-called elderly man
but that is just a
number and
androgen hormone
where there are less
measured Neurochemicals
and Neurohormones ranging from
DMT through HGH the Human Growth
Hormone too that science shows in part
is raised by activities like Ecstatic and Ascendent
Free Verse and as they say at Church Praise Dance
with Electronic Positive exPaNding Emotion Music that
enhances all Neurochemicals and Neurohormones from
Head to toe in a Quadrillion or so Bio-Chemical-Electrical
Connections through all cells head to toe and that is just
what the tiny mind of the scientific method can show
so far in a very old too to measure the
observable Universe that is far
from all there is in
Reality and
Beyond of our
Realities now that
we feel and sense.. yes..
some of of less and some of us
more and just ’cause your reality
is not all inclusive of my inner Universe
and the converse with yours doesn’t mean mine
or yours now is any less valid or real than each other
different and sAMe in similar too.. and true my language
for God within may look completely different than what you
see of yours in a book for i meet God face to face within and
not all people express an experience like that in life in fact some
folks are restricted to thousands of years old verses in a book written
by someone else they name God than the God i meet in complete within
in my experience of life.. so sure.. you may scoff at the potential that i feel about
17 years old within.. but you won’t scoff if you come to the gym and watch my ballet
and martial arts exhibition when i calmly continue to add plates of weights until i leg press
1020 Lbs 33 times.. although you might say i do not move through a full range of movement
bringing my knees totally to my chest but you see i am a Health Science Degree Holding
Major and i understand what could and would bring destruction to the knees of a
57 year old Dude if i did not exercise intelligently too for the entire parameter
of my potentials now.. and that’s how i keep dancing on average 166.66
miles a month in public still on course in 48 months too.. with 5 Million
word of Free Verse Poetry to accompany that iN a balance with
center point gravity where i never get winded dancing smooth
for three hour marathons as i will do in
my 175th Dance Week Night tonight
celebrating that with
all the cool college
age folks at Old Seville Quarter
some who will mistake my movement
closer to a thirty year old man and less
rather than the 57 year old man i am where
my peers potbellied sit dozing off in middle age
to older age stress on mall benches snoozing
through NBA NFL and the old pastime now
of Apple Pie and American Baseball too
when they could surely keep their
youthful feelings in side
too if they found
a balance
of Dance
and Song as
Metaphor to escape all
illusory fears in other words
the stress that culture and we make
for ourselves on a now to now basis and
the traps we get ourselves into for the next
loan for a newer faster bigger car or the next
step up in a bigger home and mortgage too perhaps
a Boat and a Camper in the back yard that never gets used
or even a Yacht parked at the Bay that gets used for maybe
a Dinner Party a year still anchored in port… but sure the TV
Said that will make you happy and even a big man or a pretty
woman too with the newest purse and wardrobe and shoes
too.. but until one finds all their happiness naked and
free.. sure it’s hard to return to the youth
of 17 years old.. anyway.. mileage
varies depending on models
and makes of cars and
this applies as apples
and oranges to humans too..
but in general we share the same DNA
and in fact i am more the canary in the coal mine
on the Bi-Polar and Autism Spectrum than the so-called
‘normal’ folks in the World but you see that is the advantage of
inherited functional disabilities.. some of us ‘freaks’ as seen when
young turn out in to flowers you never thought possible before simply
’cause we find new ways of doing stuff.. as ‘they’ told us when we were
young that we were the trash in the Aquarium that and who didn’t deserve our
very existence.. and it is true some folks turn to vengeance instead of victory when
this happens in youth and older ages too.. and it is true some of us win as the turtle
does for the entire race of life over the hare who has it easy with faster feet.. Physical
Emotional and Existential Intelligences were the most important intelligences that i was
lacking in my Youth and now i find for sure that they are the most important kinds of intelligences
in at least my own purview and to gain excellence in these three areas are the difference of saying
a bitch
of beach
at age 57
or even in one’s
20’s or even in one’s
teens or even younger now
than that too as current shows
for small children on psychotropic
drugs sitting pasty fingered behind
video games instead of free sunshine
and sand in a playground of flesh and
blood humanity now moving connecting
creating with other children too as free..
we have lost our humanity more
for what we do not do than
what we do.. for what
we are molded
into by
the fears and
the lies of culture
and religion mostly to take
us away from Nature and the
Naked God who lives within us free
as the God of Hope and Love and Pleasure
over the God of Fear and Hate and Pain so who
do you worship.. it’s kinda simple Pain or Pleasure Hope
or Fear or Love or Hate words are not enough now nor is
even song one must learn how to create a Dance of Life
to keep God Happy within.. how you do that is up to you..
all i can show and prove to you is what works for me as
far as never aging a SPiriT oF HeART iN and NoW aS
A MiNd and BoDy SoUL WitH As iN God Breathes NoW BaLanCinG
Ease within Ascendent Ecstatic Joy for all Creation iN Love oF NOW aLL..
i feel the saddest for the Human who has never been naked and free in the
Sun of God Sands FoR ThE GRaiN oF SanD iS FreeR THaN tHe hUman CLoTheD iN LieS
Anyway.. it seems tHeRe is a New Katy Perry Song that speaks to those of us
who are discarded and outcast until we come back roaring as the eye of the
Tiger Fearless
the Lion
Heart oF Love within as God Free
as me as YOU as we as us as i only iF
you kNew fELt and seNsed ‘this God’ now NAKED FREE..:)


To Synchronize with
God to feel and sense
God iN every connection
within inside outside
above so below
trUe thE kNoWinG
FeeLinG SeNSinG
Experience one
iN God’s
when we
Play Love
for all that is more
as all that is my FriEnd..
Hello.. Rythaephua.. my smART
Phone iPhone Safari will no
longer allow me to like Blog
posts but the good pART of thaT
while i rarely comment with only
one finger on that phone i have ten
fingers now free to share your blesSings
and bliSsings in synch with God today..
Synchronicity as ‘they’ Dance
And Sing too.. a-causal
tHaT wHOGod
sHAreS uNiquELy
WitH each and every
Child of God who trUly beLieves
feaRing no dArk.. cyNical of no liGHT
thaT wHo coMes WitHiN and iN aLL those otHeR places too..
anyWay.. i’m glad mY smART Phone Safari broke in this way
Providing ten fingers to share God more fully with you today..
As yeaH tHe ‘Big iMac’ Desktop is still A Much Bigger phone ‘wHo’ Fully works for now..;)


It’s ‘Really’ simple and complex.
God Is The Big Picture.
Some see less;
Some see more;
in terms of more
and less of Knowing Sensing and Feeling Now
God is not something one can measure by science/words alone;
Poetry/Art tries but still God is Bigger and Smaller depending on ‘who’ is ‘looking’.
A three letter
word not
justice in
‘thine eyes allone’.

It’s kinda like this too; Life is an ink blot
test; fill in two numbers of Be88H with either
Beach or ‘other’ ‘words’ that/who are not Happy now.

Meanwhile; ‘people’ continue to wonder ‘what’ ‘God’ ‘is’.

Other Animals are not cursed with illusions of pass and future in words.

‘They’ Do God.

It’s as simple as that now; too.

God is Do. ‘Nike’ has/is the answer already; hehe, in Goddess of Victory way.

God Moves Connects and Creates; so, ‘what’ ‘do’ ‘you’ ‘do’; Smiles; Have a Nice Day.


SMiLes.. my FriEnd.. Rhthaephua.. for every human
being i dance with and yes there are thousands
in the last four years and for every human
i connect to in words and yes
there are tens of thousands
and likely over a Hundred
Thousand in the last 81 months
through 12 million words written online
since Thanks Giving day of 2010.. every human
connection iS uNique as a new multi-verse of God
comes alive to expand a verse of the UniVerse plus WhoLe
so what this means is Rhthaephua is a unique star of God
and when the star of Fred first met rhthaephua in
symbol of words as rhthaephua also shows
Her Noble Face in Countenance as
A Lioness online in user avatar
in this way a multi-star of God
is born and in
this case
to die
online in a place
with no sun or moon
(as long as servers
continue to work..;)
that if we make it will
be heaven forever now..
but sure.. i’m an optimist glass
always full in Heaven after escaping
Hell for 66 months in a place that has/is no connections
at all even with empty shells of words; true, it takes 12 million words
to make
‘this’ what
i am now..
other than
that whenever
i read your words
i feel this Holy and
Sacred Full of Meaning
And Purpose Unique NeW God Creation NoW
‘that’ we make as Children of God as Unconditional Friends..
i’m pretty
sure and
that is what
Love is my friEnd..
WiTh SMiLes.. see ya later always now..:)


SMiLes.. my friEnd Xenia..
for we are the
tHat and
wHo explore
Forest meadow
runS oNline maKing
New conNections SHiNinG uP thE World
WitH LovELigHt and hehe with
me at at least a little
to BaLanCe
ouT my LiGht
for one who
otherwise miGht
fly too high and never
Land Peter Pan BacK To LiGHT H eARtH uP..;)


Hehe.. swooping in for a second
round of words shorter i’m
DanCinG SinGinG for now hehe..
oh yeah..
after this
i’ll play with
Exclamation points..
or even get creative..
ugh the words are
no longer
haha.. hehuh..
hehe.. now i fly on..
iN PoeTry Land online..;)

Beauty is as
comes first..;)

It’s not surprising really
as soon as i left this
post the rain
came back
and now
the sun is shining
again so still i have
another chance and
to confess i’m still
binging on
my trilogy
series of MacroVerses
finishing up the third part
with you now in Celebrating
my Fourth Year Graduation
from writing poetry at High School
level.. free verse ways.. has/is become rather
multi-media epic as it appears both the second
and third installments will approach 500 photos
total with associated links arising to somewhere
around 2000 photos overall.. 20K words for each trilogy
segment making around 60K words for all of the trilogy
in part one published on 8.14.2017 and part three coming
tomorrow on 8.25.2017.. but it’s not everyday i graduate
from Poetry High School and move on to UniVersity forevermorenow..
so i’ll make the best of all of this and i’m dam sure gonna take advantage
of that sand and sun before the Thunder Heads come again.. this afternoon..
ugh.. i have like
18 tabs
on top
that i am gonna
leave for a little while.. staycation soon
And will be Dancing out of my head tonight too..
If it wasn’t for Dance truly i might never land and die out early..
from the potential of creating an even larger Poetry tree free..;)

land now..
for heAr at least..;)


Hi Soheir and Happy
Coming Friday.. Sorry
Your Laptop broke
As i find it
To type on
SmART Phones
As i am doing
Now.. anyWay.. i
Also Love your
New Egyptian
As you
Likely kNow
She is one
Of my
Too at Home..;)


Now on to share MacroVerse Memories years to date
and yes.. a start with “Dark bird of Anxiety” and
a Song by Alan Parson’s Project that speaks
to the difficulty of what
is invisible in
and often
so hard to
put into words
so many invisible
disabilities that and who
people suffer with quietly
but so loudly in every cell
of their body in ‘quiet’ the
opposite place of Beyond Rainbow
Colors heaven more often sHades
of Grey in nuance of fear vague
one often may not even be able
to touch with words or fingers
too.. wHere all the colors
grow dimmer
and sometimes
brighter too bright
where even colors and
light starts to hurt one’s
eyes same with sounds
that make a heart beat
erratic drum rolls
of chaos
all of life becomes
so difficult there is only
hope for escape yet no where
of sanctity to go to next.. as they
say unless you have walked in the
shoes of purgatory through and up to
never ending time that is hell of numb
please don’t judge as tHeRe surELy are people
who need so bad the patience to rest for what it takes
to get up and leave fear for flowers beyond rainbow color Heaven now..
as my Psychiatrist once said at the pit of my fall in to numb and pain and
fear as well as PTSD and all that Panic Attack Jazz too with Anhedonia..
Severe Anxiety.. Mood Lability.. Alexithymia just to complement
the Autism Spectrum Issues.. ADHD and Bi-Polar stuff from long
ago.. Tactile Sensitivity extreme discomfort from
touching anything man-made insomnia
from hell for close to 40 days
anyway he said as
i lost the ability
to even
a game
of tic tac toe and
struggled to even write
a list of what i did consisting
of brushing my teeth and eating
each day on my way back to cognitive
executive functioning as when one’s emotions
go so does that along with short term working memory
and even the memory of a smile or a laugh as our memories
at core are emotions too.. no reference point of even a memory
out of hell then.. anyway.. the Psychiatrist and Air Force Major
Specializing in Combat Fatigue Syndrome for Veterans
Returning from War Torn Countries said i was
his worst case ever and gave me no
chance for recovery and by the
end when i was happy
again and sure
a little
in hypomania
two hour each night
sleep for several months
after that never the less he saw the
all natural healing value of movement
therapy in free verse dance in public way
that brought me back to life as any Phoenix
rising from the ashes of eARTh Hell and what he
did then was quit his private practice and go down
to South Florida to teach movement therapy at a
Hospital as he said i inspired him to do that.. it’s
true i’ve experienced all natural miracles in
my life and other attending professionals
who were religious in Catholic
ways named my sudden
recovery at least
in remission
19 medical
disorders on a Beach
at or around 7.22.2013
a Real Life Human All Natural
Miracle then.. yes.. i went from
then not even being able to walk into
a Whataburger as that was my therapist
long term goal for me.. to Dancing everywhere
i went in public a month or so later at the end of
August four years ago then as that 8 Thousand mile
Public Dance Land mark nears soon as celebration
too.. a little over 7900 miles at this point now..and sure
to be named by random metro area audience members then
around a year and half after that not just someone who escaped
as shut-in in their bedroom for 66 months but Public Dance Legend
too.. Hero.. Boss of dance.. Pensacola Icon.. Famous.. Spirit Animal..
MVP of Dance.. recently Ballerina Lion and perhaps the best compliment
of all by the Customer Service Lady in SuperWalmart at the returns desk..
the person who brings spring in here year ’round.. sure that could sound
a little bit like delusions of grandeur if it really didn’t happen and often my
wife wasn’t there to witness the words in real time now too.. it is what is is
i for one
what miracles
are and yes what
genius of heart and
spirit and soul mean so
far beyond what ‘they’ name
as standard IQ and Fame and Fortune
for money as nothing i have done in these
four years has earned a Lincoln Sent Cent or
Washington Dollar bill and in terms of Minimum
Wage Labor rates and supplies and stuff like that
for the joy i bring to others i’ve calculated that out
at well over 400k dollars in these last 81 months
total of what it has taken to get to this point free
not to mention the hell of 33 months before
that with no effective use of eyes
and ears at all locked
between my
ears in
numb and pain
and sure the 606 months
before i started writing on Thanks
Giving Day.. 81 months ago in 2010..
33 years of work along with 19 years
and three college degrees just a little
kindergarden and preschool compared
to the grade school of the Wrong Planet
in Writing and the most recent four years
of High School Graduation now in poetry school
of writing a 5 Million Word Long Form Poem as my
thesis as sorts in free verse poetry as dedicated to God
who lives free within me.. inside.. outside.. above so below
and all around.. and sure this God includes all of creation too..
no one
in this
now.. and yes
i finally let it all show now
nothing to hide for love with no fears..:)


“2000 miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Well.. for the next MacroVerse Memory
an oldest Dance Song is in order
i supPose
yet put
free in
of God
as Free Verse
Dance and a little
Poetry added in for muse…
anyway.. the first of 6 month increments
of Thousand Mile increases for the first
land mark and milestone same of 2000
new free lands of US of A
and all that Blues
and Jazz
Free sTuFF too.. whatever
coMes neXt Dances and Sings Free
as alWays nether land never ending
story etched on the Edge of Black
Holes in 2d of 3d us or whoEver
wHaTeVeR God does reaLiTy best
in and as us
for now
view of
Dance and Song
Freer or less than more..
as ‘they’ say in Quantum Physics Information
is the core of all reality NoW never destroying
that which at core is reality and sure what we
BRinG to the Table of real encoded in our DNA
too when set free from the noise of the tools we make to be i
yes irobot
unto the culture
that becomes our existence as tools
less that what free can WiLL Be unclothed..:)

“i’m a SMELLY CAT2 and that’s OK”.. Well the price of ‘smelling’ different
as metaphor for doing different yet another issue currently losing
my sense of smell literally too since a cold of months ago as smell
comes from one’s nose and this happens
to folks randomly too as Nature
goes not so bad not
being able
to nuance
taste and
it starting to coming
back but ever since the
eclipse everything smells
rather strange not sure why
probably part of the Autism
Spectrum sensitivities or
who knows what
fresh hell
for everything
smells a little bit
like doomsday but i’m
not giving into it aS everYtHinG
Smells like roses those colored
glasses and all that Peter Pan Pollyanna
stuff in other words i’ve been through worse
but anything to some folks might smell better than doomsday now..
hey it’s a/was a Solar Eclipse for Love 2017.. ain’t giving up no matter how much it stinks..;)

“Purgatory MILTON School STUFF”.. Ah Memories of School Bullying
and all the lessons lEarned as Victory over Vengeance too.. and a
Song by Jessie J that and who i’ll use soon enough again.. as
hey this could be my theme song too in just another part
of my life as memories too.. this MacroVerse
Memory from two years ago while the
three Memories before from three
years ago more.. anyway we/i shall over
come as always wherever i/we land nexT..;)

“BIG BANG! of ENLIGHTENMENT” Back to three years ago with
this memory and surely appropriate with Jessie J’s promised
Song Change too.. looking through the years traveling
farther than before with constraints that no
longer exist three years ago or now
naked free no more
bind me down
in prison cells of dARk..:)

“i AM F**King Maria Von Trapp”.. yes i’ve learned to Sing and
Dance from the Hills are alive with the sound of music
and all my favorite things as a blogging adventure
in both words and photos additionally
songs and links
and stuff
Decoded with
my Friend Himali
from India too and all
my other new and old
online friends and people
out of my past life i honor too
and in this MacroVerse from two
years ago and the two before many
childhood and youth photos for memories
too.. glad to make this part of my new Free Verse
5 Million word 4 year High School in the Field real
life Graduation from Poetry School moving on to
different avenues of art too still to come as
Art always changes or grows
stale to what has and
is and was written
in stone
and sand
and stuff like that..
anyway.. me in my
17 year old Senior
High School Blue Suit
first girl friend and Katrina
doing Summersaults too and
strangely enough you might confuse
Katrina with some of my other youthful
Girl Friends too but back then she wasn’t
the one as she was only 8 years old or so
when those other pictures with young dark
haired exotic foreign women with Bette Davis eyes
lived then.. sad memories of my Friend Girl Renee
committing Suicide in her twenties married with two
children but the memory of abuse by her father ending
her life in
not much
for that kind
of Patriarchy
i am for Lot
lies of
Blaming the women
as daughters for the
weakness of patriarchy stILL
seen in the family home of abuse..
when there would be better outlets
than the closest of relatives to use…

“Jar oF liGht AnD DArk heARts”.. now moving from two year old
MacroVerse Memory through last year and hmm.. i did see the same
Woman in the clouds that came before my Mother Died with clear
eye looking down and it seems that as that photo came one of the
last photos too coming in this new MacroVerse was/is an Angel
Male in the Clouds sort of looKing down like a Savior i’ve seen
iN fAct so i must not take the dARk Road NoW too far.. more..
as obviously in years past
this has/is been a
time for
darker memories..
so i will use Christina
Perri to BRinG me back
from DaRker Memories to take
me to a place that smells a little
better than Doomsday for sure now
like a Goat who ate that day and
BRinGs a flAMe oF LiGHT
to a type
says live ChristiNa
LiGht oVer dARk NoW..
hmm.. this writing is an incredible
emotional tool for liGht now ain’t it..
As i stArted feeling some chills running
up and down my spine and by the way
that Woman in the clouds with the
highly defined eye is my
Grandmother the
Elder of them all
doing automatic writing as my sister agreed..
and stuff like that not too far away iN my heART
above so below inside outside and all around as ‘they’ say too..;)

‘SPECIAL K’ from Four Years ago.. and a memory
of the Wife Katrina Losing her Memory altogether
as this surely brings another dark August memory
actually current then.. as we were in the office of our
Psychotherapist Licensed Social Worker having a rather
in depth Emotional Discussion over some of the coming back
to life issues i was still having then adapting to life and Katrina had
a seizure that erased all her memories for about two weeks where she
thought someone had broken into our home and put the new TV and Furniture
there for it was no longer part of her memory and TG her Memories did come back
and where this special K thingie came is kinda coded and deep as the Letter K became
Very Holy and Sacred to me better yet put KA of sPiRiT to extend my SoUL to HeLp otHeRs
too something
only Meaningful
in Holy and
to me
as what
comes more
often now are lamps
as my fingers speed aCross
the Keyboard at focused intent of
up to 130 words a minute having
really no cognizant rational
planning of where my
fingers will
go next
but most often
fine designs of Lamp Lit
NeXt for in those previous
days it was often the shape of the
Letter K that came in words too for
K is the alpha letter first in ancient languages most..
genetic memories human archetypes riSinG then iN ME FREE..:)

4000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!.. Celebrating this milestone
And land mArk two years ago and Lordie lord Lorde and
Christina too and other names for purE Light here
comes that Christina Perri.. “The Lonely”
Song to head line this MacroVerse
again.. hmm.. it’s
kinda piling
on but
the good
news is the
story is breathing
like a fire eating dragon hehe..
And i’m seeing the one Word Press
like from Soheir and it’s kinda comforting
seeing that/her in the Egyptian Wonder Woman Goddess Isis Attire Avatar..:)

“Thou SAND MiL LiONs Love”.. Well.. Thanks God things in August
of 2016 reAlly StARTed Looking up as compared to the previous
three years with Christina Perri’s Thousand Years Song to
Headline that and use as song change heAR too..
and no doubt the issue from 2013 with
coming back to light and Katrina’s
epilepsy issue and
the challenges
of getting
outcast again
for being a little too
different in the coming
next two years from both
the Wrong Planet and the
dVerse Poetry Community Crowd
and heAR i am on my own Desert isle
of Love wHeRe i can make my own Community
of Love with A Free Spirit WitH no limits or expectations
to gRow wherever i wanna go next for perhaps a thousand
years to upload my soUL to hELp oTHeR folks come to
tHeir own place of HeaVen oN eARTh for that is why
God sends folks to Hell on eARth to coMe back
to HeLP and i dam sure ain’t the first
or last to do this now too..
just more tools available
for the previous poor
of spirit and
to inherit
enough eARTh
to share Love with
oTHeRs forevermorenow
or at leASt a thousand years
first what coMes ever coMes nexT
Forevermore now now.. as that is
what Angel Born Empaths do when
they coMe BacK aGaiN
No matter
what labEL
is asSiGneD
to them as nAMe Now..:)

“Donald Duck Lost in a VORTEX!”.. three years ago MacroVerse
at Vortex Springs celebrating another event dark tinted
in the sense that Katrina’s Sister Michelle is also
slowly dying of Cancer too.. hmm.. lot
of family members and pets
too leaving this eARTh on
the course of this
Full “SonG oF
My SoUL”..
as my Father
once said that’s the way ‘it’ goes
eventually so make the best of Now..
sure my Father passing away about
three months before this date too on 5.22.2014…
Husband of my First Step Mother passing on the
Christmas before that and Michele the Christmas
of 2014.. Arthur the Cat shortly after my Father Died
in 2014.. and then Moby in around February of 2016
and the my Mother on 2.22.2017.. falling to her
Death Bed on Valentine’s Day in the
Hospital as that
rounds out
Death count
for now thank Goodness
and i may have left someone
out but hopefully i did not and it stays that
way for some time to come more as LiFE..:)

“Can U C me beyond the clouds..of words”.. perhaps still a little hard to do.. hehe..
but this MacroVerse never the less and interestingly more if for no other reason
than the sublime in Beautiful Sunset Captured that day three years ago to date..
So this ends the MacroVerse memories as i also conclude it seems
this Trilogy of MacroVerses currently too and hopefully
Publish this latest and last installment of Trilogy
with even more photos after tonight’s 175th
Dance Week Night with all the Cool
College Age Folks from
Old Seville Quarter Dancing so
Free in DeLiGHTof Joy Free Verse
Style too.. and hmm.. need a song
to inspire that all of what comes next
as surely i will need to put some of all
the photos for this at the ending too
and so.. i’LL Go WiTh Bonnie Tyler
in Social Justice Ways NoW of
White Knight Warrior
too.. hehe.. on
a ‘White
Horse’ as they
say wHeRE the closest
thing i had was a 1970 White
Maverick that was/is pictured with
that first love Sonia.. if i remember correctly
with the Blue Suit at 17 years old too.. oh true all
the memories but what’s a hero but someone who tries a
little harder and never ever gives uP iN SeARch FoR LiGHT
Fiery as such sweeping folks off tHeiR Feet to FlY iN HeAveN NoW2..
or as my ‘old friend’.. “Angel Mind Retrofit” once said.. a Red Skinned Witch..
i’ll take
that as
An Indian
Shaman aS Such..
NO Cowboy heAr..
and no i haven’t forgotten ‘you’ ‘either’ ‘Angel’..
yes.. Sonia was an Angel too she broke my heART
so bad but on the other hand her memory in grief helped save my soUL
i truly
her most just
like the other ‘Angels’ too
namELy Goddess Isis Katrina incarnate too..
and yes of course my Sister and Mother too..
surrounded by Angels.. perHaps i’ll meet some
New Angels tonight too..
as the
to Rose oF LiGht aGaiN..
so let it be written as Poetry
So let it be SinGinG and DanCinG as ReALiTy NoW..
“SoLAR ECLiPSE FoR LoVE 2017” as KinGDoM CoME LoVE NoW BRinGS..:)


Hi Frank.. thanks so much for stopping by..
i find your comments and poetry and the
comments on your poetry site
so interesting as you
enjoy mixing art
with science
as i love
to do too..
and yes the current
State of Quantum Physics
is fascinating in the wide ranging
theories that move from a HoloGraphic
Universe similar to the Pensacola Beach
Created in the ‘Contact’ Movie with Jodie
Foster as inspired by a Book Written by
Carl Sagan.. a Scientist who was
very ‘left brain’ thinking
as metaphor
by Nature
who dabbled
in Hallucinogenic Drugs..
where that experience allowed
him to question the Nature of
all reality where Science truly
has little clue as even Neil
deGrasse Tyson readily
admits the Inner
of Emotions
and Senses actually
experienced is far harder to measure
than what we can empirically measure and
confirm in scientific method experimental way..
while it’s not so-called ‘politically’ correct to even talk
about religion and politics in an open forum if one wants
to have so-called friendS it’s true.. the greatest force of evil
currently threatening the Planet Earth is the man in the White
House as he already has another World Leader talking to the
Reality of a Nuclear War or a conventional one likely killing
at least over a million people in a day or so if that
ever happens in a school yard bully playground
game of chicken of who is
gonna strike
first biggest stick
blow and of course now
what it boils down and up to
is the human HeART as people who
Learn to Love and Have that Garden of
Love watered except for the rare cases where
people are born without the ability to Love in the
sense and feel of empathy and compassion would never
ever never ever vote for someone like Trump now no matter
how FucKinG Poor they are/where understanding that Love is the Law
that and who counts most.. but it’s true for all practical intents and purposes
for the Most Important realities of all.. some folks live in an Entirely Different Universe
within where
Love for
all practical
intents and purposes
is meaningless to ‘them.. it’s like a
‘small’ problem i’ve had for the last several
months ever since a cold took away my smell
and my ability to experience the nuances of taste..
that’s a place that most people haven’t been yet unless
they are in advanced age or have Parkinson’s Disease..
and even more strange is for a person to lose almost all
their emotions for 66 months or even experience
the worst pain known to humankind for
those same 66 months too.. my
psychiatrist who specializes
in neuro-psychiatry
assured me
this human
experience is usually
limited to folks with advanced
Dementia or the Autism Spectrum..
hehe.. just another curse of that disorder
along with what is also a tactile sensitivity
where if i even touch most man-made materials
the level of discomfort is not even a feeling
and sense that i can adequately put
into words.. well.. my smell/taste
came back as it has been off and
on and this time strong
on Solar Eclipse day
but it is an
altered smell/taste
that i name a pet name
of a Dooms Day Smell/Taste sick
and sweet and a little like Chinese
Water Torture but not unlike the Type Two Trigeminal
Neuralgia.. Free Dance and Stream of Consciousness Writing
allows me to transcend pain and in this case a very odd altered
sense of smell/taste.. just like the pain no doctor can tell me why it actually
started or if and when it will actually stop but change is the reality
so i maintain the real hope that i will once again smell
normally.. and then there is the possibility
that it is just an ongoing olfactory
‘hallucination’ of sorts but
the fact is as science suggests..
at least.. our minds create our entire
reality NoW as Carl Sagan was guessing
then in his experience with hallucinogenic
drugs as the underlying reality of our minds
is a whole lot more like a painting we create with
imagination and creativity than a FucKinG Computer
Program that says everything can be reduced to basic
bits and bytes of information.. thing is that theory is missing
the Glue of Love and Emotions that in our smaller fractal purview
is what glues the entirety of Cognitive Executive Functioning together
that in the rare case of me per specific case study with both the pain
and the numb i’ve experienced first hand in what truly is a Black Hole
Experience of the metaphor of human heart and spirit and soul and
to go to that black hole as below and potentially above if those
Black Holes really can be empirically measured by
Science really is a moot point for me for if they
really exist above for the fact is in the human
experience per me in case study
way then.. these Black Holes
come reality at
times of so-called
time where all there is
is the perception of time where
Hell lasts a thousand years in one second.. now.. And
For all practical intents and purposes in our human experiences
and sadly what we teach the less in our grade schools and expect
‘the home’ and ‘the church’ to take care of with the same verses
of thousands of yearS old is the science of love that is truly
art core and culture that makes a Do of love and
currently the Terminator series movie
view of the world is coming
true where humans
more than a Painting
of God that wHo cares as sentient
standing star dust as resurrection
of gaseous left overs of crucible of
Star Burst Death as Science Suggests
is where we came from and come to now for
the possibility of moving connecting and creating
Beautiful Love fELt DreAms of Human IMaGiNaTioN Free
or the FucKinG Nightmare(s)elected in the potential Form
of a DoomsDay man ’cause some folks are too FucKinG ignorant
to understand that Homosexuality is just another variant of Nature
along with Genders that are not polar this one way or that one way
alone or that Human Beings are going to abort children whether it is
legal or not as the same rates of abortion and more exist in Old
Mexico comprised mostly of Catholics where it is illegal
there along with the fact that where there is
no legal abortion or effective birth control..
a major cause of permanent
disability up to death
is the lack
of safe
and effective
abortions in those
places like Mexico now..
yes.. those two ‘moral’ imperatives
are more important than FucKinG Doomsday
to those folks and of course whether or not they
have a job that is the only thing out of that that
makes any real ethical sense.. and feel.. but again
we create our realities.. paintings as ‘they’ say incredible
nightmares of ‘Apocalypse’ in so-called Christian and Muslim
way of think or the original Greek Definition of ‘Apollo’ same that means
lifting the veils of ignorance.. we need a little less political correct science
and a lot
more common
sense of Love
and Science
to save the entire
human species now as future
from the ignorance of minds/heARTS
that wHo are retarded in the most important
kinds of intelligence that move connect and create with
the spirit of Hope/Love/Joy.. what glues us together in light or fails
us and fires us in the spirit of fear and hate and misery loves company
but as a left brain metaphor of thinking person might say too that’s all mushy
stuff get a job son OR daughter buy a fancier car a bigger home a boat and
a camper
the American
Delusion we create next..
Happiness was/is the goal of the
Declaration of Independence and
Life and Liberty Free without Love
is all just a Black Hole Country Globe and Human
Species that we make or break with
Physical Emotional And Existential
IntelligenceS NoW aLL
tHat WHO Loves and
Loves more than
a light
of Stone..
But what do you do
with Humans without
Souls perhaps we need
the Good Cop Terminator again..
But it’s true it’s gonna take many more than one..
anyWay.. thanks Frank i guess i’ll make this the ending of the
Current Trilogy i am finishing.. thanks again for the Muse my FriEnd..:)








BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

5 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 44,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

Book oF Ten Sixteen..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)

Grand Cross Bible 2016

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)

CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)

VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)

CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)

Nether Land Bible 2017

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)

7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)

The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)

MesSage iN A Bible Bottle as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked

MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+ as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)

PHI Bible.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)

Memorial Days Bible 2016-17.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)

SoN oF Google NoW2..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)

1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem  Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)

6th Bible Memorial..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS  SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)


SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old

Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it any official record books as that’s what the Internet is..  the
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.


About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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27 Responses to SOLaR ECLiPSE FoR LoVE 2017

  1. You got out

    Hi.. Candice.. been a while since
    i’ve visited you in your words
    of Poetry.. i still can’t
    get your
    but i still haven’t
    forgotten the impact
    your words make on my
    style of writing as i’ve read so
    many of your words and i feel your
    soul still to date heAR.. one of pain
    surely for those who receive what
    others should not take.. the
    World still is overall a
    Pussy Grabbing place..
    Something i didn’t even see until
    18 years old.. i suppose i was and am still
    Lucky for i learned to love a face and eyes
    missing more of what feels below.. it’s true there
    are few love songs left and face to face slow dances
    empathy and compassion is a fading tradition and sometimes
    i miss the old days of innocent that i recreate with seeing more
    than i saw
    i see these
    girls you speak of
    on the sidewalk of the
    Bar when i leave each night
    mostly in tears and yes curled
    in the fetal position at times
    victim to faces with
    no heART of eYe..
    almost every woman i have known
    in my life has been abused by a man
    and often by a family member too.. not likely
    it’s a fluke and just case study anecdote for so many
    more truths that are kept quiet that are no longer kept quiet now..
    and that’s good that the truth gets out but if a world of rape can advance
    to highest positions of office not much has changed at core of eyes with no heart..
    anyway as always a Battle of the sexes and sexists my Friend a power struggle for love so ironically
    Love Heals
    as you Heal heaR..
    it’s true no matter how
    much it hurts it’s what we give that counts..:)

  2. HiMaLi sweetly drops
    by on Facebook to say
    in the comments section
    of my latest Word Press
    add with Solar Eclipse Branded
    selfie photo as thumbnail illustration ..

    Helloooooove Fred,
    On a small blogging break..
    so glad to see your and Kats
    smiling faces greeting me here.
    Hugs xoxo

    i return her kind words with..

    Hi HiMaLi.. yes.. hellooooove.. and i am glad you
    (hEhe.. spell check thinks your name is ‘Homily’
    that talk the Priest gives in Catholic Mass.. hAha)
    are taking it as easy as possible as you have
    so many responsibilities and goals to
    achieve as best to pace oneself
    hehe.. as i am currently
    reviewing the 20K words
    as part of a 60K word trilogy..
    maybe 61K.. haven’t determined
    the fine accounting details yet hehe..
    but it’s true i suppose i could take a little
    more of the advice i give to others to take it
    easy but i guess i was/am born with a fire in my
    heart and eyes that doesn’t naturally stop as soul
    as that goes on.. my friEnd.. anyway Lovely it is to
    be able to say HiMaLi is truly my friEnd for it is true
    my friend not many have really stuck around but
    isn’t that true these days for everyone worth all
    the effort it is to make and continue friendships
    my friEnd for tHeir is no GoLd better i kNow..
    particularly the Gold of Himali’s Friendship..
    anyway.. thanks so much for dropping
    by you always light up my day
    for you are a fine brandy and
    wine of friendship as
    ‘they’ say now too..
    hehe.. a favorite
    song of mine
    from youth
    i will
    use soon
    as this helps
    begin the next
    MacroVerse for
    whaT may and WiLL coMes next Free..:)

  3. Brief moments of rationality….

    God is Change
    thank Change for God
    is Change imagine a World
    where God is same not hard to
    do when God IS A Book and no
    yeah.. galaxies
    curled fetuses the
    cats who finds comfort
    in this position and the
    arms and legs and toes
    and fingers driven
    by the Center
    Muscles and
    Vagal Nerve alive
    wHo rises as the Tides
    Fall Emotions Flow Senses
    Feel L.I.B.E.R.T.Y Life is better
    everywhere re-creation takes you
    us we i am eTc eT aL and all that labeling
    and sorting Jazz.. Naked FucKinG Free where
    FucKinG iS iF YoU SeeK iN GoD aS Change and
    recreate anew destroying the old in a Dance now over
    Death as any Kali Dancer will do never discounting now
    all of Nature as that applies to our current Human Condition
    of Change.. very inspiring gigoid.. and i do wish you could have
    seen the Matrix Movie Series as of course they are fictional but the
    metaphors are clear as derived from all World Cultures and Mythologies
    and Religions same the only Danger really is staying the same for same
    is not
    same in its
    purest form without a life full iN NoW
    Moving Connecting and Creating NoW
    and all the Naked Human Feelings and
    Senses that and who go with all that is yes
    aka God in what we potentially perceive as the
    verb opposed to past nouns of life in sorts and labels
    too.. yes.. not only is same insanity in its purest form
    of sitting still without feeling more of our potential
    Free Natures it is a perfect storm of Hell with
    no winds and a Center eye that and
    who serves no holy and
    sacred meaning
    and purpose
    in life
    that we
    create anew or
    delude as same..
    but the never the less
    yes sadly less there are those
    who dance and those who do not
    but i for one feel that is mostly a cultural
    sin than an innate one as metaphor of course
    as Kali Dances on without restraint for what is real
    is change my friend never ending and the greatest mercy
    of life is death for it means that change is guaranteed no matter
    how far we move into insanity of same.. of course experiencing 66
    months of almost no emotions and the assessed worse pain from wake to sleep
    makes me one of many Kings and Queens of Pain where the same of no emotions
    is the worst
    of all
    i for one
    can imagine
    from actual experience
    now as there is no going back
    to hell when one does not live there now
    nor is there any going back to Heaven when
    Lives in Hell of course as assessed by science
    too now as emotions are memories and memories
    are emotions too.. and without those emotions
    iRobot becomes a reality of hell imprisoned
    within a shell that is a sHeLL with no
    living within forevernow.. worse
    than any fiery devil
    in that
    of literal same hell of Numb Shell SouL
    with spirit of soul a wandering ghost on earth
    forevermore now having no real idea they are dead..
    sure.. the stuff of Poe and the Ravens of the other place..
    it’s what makes most poets really really visiting the other side
    and even more so if they make tHeiR way back from the underworld to light of change..
    Anyway.. thanks gigoid for when i write like this the winds of my Hurricane eYe Dance
    and Sing More with inspiration like this as Neo just does it with no restraint destroying ‘then’..:)

    “Boredom is the feeling that everything is a waste of time;
    serenity, that nothing is.”

    ~~ Thomas Szasz ~~

    It’s true
    it’s all
    in the ‘hood

    -F Rogers that..;)

    Yes.. F- grade of failing same.

    “Rock gives reality to the otherwise
    abstract notion of transhuman time.”

    ~~ Edward Abbey ~~

    The FAct that a Human Being can make a Rock a Pet
    IS A real MaGiC
    that makes

    And it’s only as foolish
    as the empty some folks feel inside.

    (Keeping in my mind that i am too lazy
    now to Google 100%.. for what the original intent of Mr. Ed
    Abbey was is for now i make ‘him’ my pet Rock.. 99%.. Real..;)

    “I have thought many times since that if poets
    when they get discouraged
    would blow their brains out,
    they could write very much better when they got well.”

    ~~ Mark Twain

    Before ‘you’ do that try
    dancing naked in/as the
    Sun and Sand at ‘times’
    that has is been kNoWn to
    generate LiFE out of deatH NoW..
    kiiLLinG NoW..:)

    “Do not be angry with me if I tell you the truth.”

    ~~ Socrates ~~

    Ha! the Truth.. an
    Ink Blot solution at
    best.. like when i lost my
    sense of smell and nuance of
    taste a few months back and now it
    came back in spurts of sweet and sick
    smell of doomsday death and of course
    the doomsday death would be smelling
    that same smell and tasting that same
    taste of sick and sweet for the
    rest of one’s life
    if one lived
    lives forever..
    but anyway the
    ultimate truth is change
    and in a reality that is an ink
    blot test that we create as we go
    one truth is as good as another lie
    depending on what one feels and senses
    as life for example some folks only feel pain
    as pleasure and their only desire for all that they
    understand as pleasure is inflicting harm to other people
    too true
    now by the
    truth of change
    that is not always
    kind as truth is neither
    fair nor consistent as truth
    depending on the eyes of changing truth..
    and that can be where the eyes of empathy
    for 14.5 billion years or so enters the room
    understanding that both truth and reality
    are relative to eyes who see or not to be..
    that comes best
    for/iN understanding
    change and different
    so thanks God for the
    Change of Facebook for if we
    brave it we are exposed to what
    we do not want to believe as someone else’s truth..
    i consume all the evil and good with the pleasure of the
    reality of change that is God as THE best God who that guarantees
    death of same truth
    with God there is the
    Guarantee of no ultimate hell for the reality of death
    unless one creates hell now as tHeir truth of now and
    that’s the REAL Danger.. our ability and potential of
    into hell..
    lasting forever
    now with no change..
    might as well be forever
    as now is forever always now without change..
    For example children forced to sit in desks still for
    the course of most of the sunlit day in cave
    like structures forced to download same
    data in a being
    connect and
    create all for the
    sake of bringing so
    called greater creature
    comforts as a staple of
    bread and water
    in the
    they create
    as human becomes
    the tools of culture they create..
    catch 22 as ‘they’ say away from
    both sanity and FucKinG ComMoN
    HuMaN NaTuRE SenSE and FeeL
    oF A Little more than created Hell on
    eARth as cogs iN As Machine..
    A World where it is
    seen as insane to
    Dance Naked and Free
    And thanks God a Country
    where one brave enough can
    still do this within the parameters
    of local.. state and federal laws allowing
    now this freedom of expression aS Simply BeinG FucKinG aLiVe..
    that iN a relative sense and feel is Heaven.. hehe.. if the climate NoW..
    is warm enough.. considering mostly what we see of space is lifeless rocks
    way too hot and cold for Naked DanCinG and SinGinG NoW
    that some
    and will
    make pet rocks too.. such potential ..
    such human potential for Heaven NoW..
    for those
    who are
    not afraid
    to move connect
    and create naked of restraints
    that who say life is anything else
    less than a naked beach.. NoW..
    It’s true if one
    exposes the
    naked truth out of the
    parameters of local and
    state and federal laws.. it’s illegal to be free
    but never the less the truth is legal too.. how ironic and
    delicious.. particularly if the truth of one’s smell and taste is good..
    It’s really sad that we can’t
    say for sure if we have any
    of Socrates original writings
    or the Jesus or even the Buddha
    for that matter and as far as what even
    got written down from the Muhammad as his
    closest live-in housemate disagreed with the consistency
    of what was in the final printed edition at that time.. and
    of course Krishna is myth but what remains as truth is
    some human sharing DNA
    all of what
    we did write
    back then true
    or false yes and
    and someone else
    at least can relate
    to it.. as real.. and
    even establish
    their own
    of a Kingdom
    of Heaven on Earth
    at Least in the US of A
    if a personal truth and light works out..
    no guarantees and that too is the beauty of change..
    for the worst possible outcome could be living forever here..
    yeah.. a magic
    pill that does
    that and the
    next day
    ‘smells like shit’
    and it never goes away..
    as ‘they’.. say be careful what
    ‘you’ wish for roll with the punches ride the wave..
    and die for eternal life now at least in bliss.. NoW aS mileAge varies..:)

    “Everyone who becomes conscious of
    even a fraction of his unconscious
    gets outside his own time and social stratum
    into a kind of solitude.”

    ~~ Carl Jung ~~

    Ha! just two words
    FucKinG PLaYGRoUnD..
    perhaps four in bed..
    need i say ’round more..;)

    Yes… as ‘they’ say2.. don’t forget to embrace yOUr SHaDoW..;)

    “When a thing is funny, search it carefully for a hidden truth.”

    ~~ George Bernard Shaw ~~

    GoD wiNks.

    “Ever notice how some folks
    talk about it but never do it”


    Do God Change.

    “No man is free who is not master of himself.”

    ~~ Epictetus ~~

    And remember A quickest way
    to get to mastery F A MiNd
    is to master
    A Body
    As a Llfe
    oF A
    Body MasTeRinG A Mind
    As A Body IS A GreaTesT
    MiNd of LiFE.. in EmoTioNaL
    SenSoRy HeART SPiRiT
    from head to toe..
    below so
    that wHo
    iS ART..
    hard to do this
    fully in as the restraint of
    human made cultural clothes
    and true
    And greater fun without
    them too.. like A Bull with
    Horns no longer chopped off..;)

    “If there is a sin against life,
    it consists perhaps not so much in despairing of life
    as in hoping for another life
    and in eluding the implacable grandeur of this life.”

    ~~ Albert Camus ~~

    A Realization.. Epiphany too if ‘YoU’ WiLL tHat Delusions
    oF Grandeur iS Also Control Code For God LiVES soMewHeRe ELse..;)

    The UniVerse
    Studying itself
    NoW that’s soMe
    awEsoMe shit tHat
    smELLs GooD to
    me all the timE NoW..
    Seriously for the reaLiTy of Change
    it’s so exciting not to kNoW what i will smell next..
    it’s even worth the sickening sweet temporary smells.. NoW
    sure.. to feel and sense too.. much more than smell..
    PiLL oF Nature God Change..
    And Best of those who see life
    see death As A greatest potential
    aDvenTuRe oF aLL..
    i’m not
    limit it to
    Boring Fucking
    Golden Walls
    And Pearly Gates and Emerald Floors
    as that don’t bring me no naked cheap
    thrills born A best way for now.. totAlly FReED..:)

    “The road uphill and the road
    downhill are one and the same.”

    ~~ Heraclitus ~~


    “There are as many nights as days,
    and the one is just as long as the other in the year’s course.
    Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness,
    and the word ‘happy’ would lose its meaning
    if it were not balanced by sadness.”

    ~~ Carl Jung ~~

    As Stefani Joanne
    Angelina Germanotta
    Marry the Night
    Do Lady Gaga..;)

    “Don’t hit me!! I’m in the Twilight Zone!!!”

    ~~ Zippy the Pinhead ~~

    Seriously NoW iF A Richest person
    in A World really kNeW what it feels
    and senses like to have BE A Freedom
    oF A REAL NEO.. NoW.. they would WiLL give uP
    aLL tHeir
    one second
    of eternal now Free..
    as anything that is clothes
    takes that naked freedom away..
    as every
    bill Washington Lincoln
    sent made is a prison of same.
    But that’s
    just my
    A GRain of
    SAnd i worship as God.. within..
    inside.. outside.. above so below
    and all around yada yada yada blah blah blah
    are just
    A living God within Free as Change..;)


    A only Bible i trust
    never ending story of is as change
    A DifferRenT iS Applicable to BE A EmPloYeR aS God iN ME..:)

    God is Free NoW
    Most Humans pretend
    they are not.. gotta ‘love’ the free will that makes hell or not NoW..;)

  4. SMiLes.. my friEnd Xenia.. for i will say too that
    “SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YeaRS Old” with over
    20K Words and well over 500 photos
    even made my Word
    Press in tandem
    with 30MB per
    Second Broad
    Band Download Speed
    burp a little bit as this is no
    easy baby to deliver however as
    always on my mirror Blog Spot sites
    they are much faster for views there
    where i copy and paste what will fit
    there that in the case of this trilogy
    of MacroVerses have not been all of
    what Word Press Business
    Edition allows full bore
    but also much slower bore
    than what the Google Blog Spot
    Platform is capable of delivering as difference
    of several tens of thousands of views here on
    Word Press and Hundreds of thousands of views
    on the other Google Blog Spot Platforms.. as Google
    has all the bucks to make information flow faster.. surely
    too pressing even my own human potential with this Trilogy
    here approaching 61K words and close to 2000 photos as
    i mentioned as sort of a cautionary note of the problems you
    might encounter if you ventured over to my Word Press Ocean Whole
    Poem over the weekend but never the less my friend and truly more
    with an ongoing average of writing 1.6 Million Words a year with and
    an average of 30K photos on all of my blogs as copy and paste too
    i am totally amazed that you lasted this long with always encouraging
    words of kindness.. particularly.. considering that it seems your area
    may be somewhat disadvantaged in Broad Band Speed.. it
    would be asking too much really to expect anyone
    to reciprocate a read here for usually
    what is the average non-long form poem
    output of under 200 words for the thousands
    of poems i have visited in the last few years and
    sadly even with that expectation kindly delivered
    with never failing participation in poetic response
    it wasn’t even enough to ignore me for me to participate/link
    in the dVerse crowd that i did do non-fail for a couple of years..
    along with not even linking there for the third year as the biggest overall crowd
    complaint is usually ‘someone didn’t visit their poem’.. anyway.. these things are to
    be expected when one moves way out of the box as i do for as the Gravatar Caption
    says on the right hand side of my Word Press Blog “Wherevertheinternettakesme…
    I like to Write.”.. is surely the truth as i continue to write on more in more ways than
    i stArted.. then.. anyway.. hehe.. if i could send you a trophy as i know you are
    not the kind of person looking for awards.. i probably wouldn’t do it.. hehe..
    out of respect of that as surely all the joy is in the art of doing for me
    too.. and it is enough in itself that i am a traveling blog with
    ‘normal’.. well.. almost normal output wherever i do
    go as the Internet continues to take me
    in many different fun and unusual
    places.. So.. anyway.. as a numbers
    game in the last 6 Months you have traveled
    through about 800K words with me heaR NoW and
    (about the size of 20 Novels fully plus illustrated)
    yes.. about 15k photos.. so.. at that reciprocation rate
    it will take me several lifetimes it appears to reciprocate
    the same amount of read words/photos at your place my friend..
    but as i said before when my Mother Passed away and all of that
    you were the kind human angel who did come into my life here to share
    those days of challenge with me that i will appreciate too as you for the rest
    of my life.. for if there were to be any time in my life that a new Angel friend then
    would be appreciated it was surely in the month of February 2017.. particularly
    on Valentine’s Day and After.. but anyWay.. my FriEnd.. one of the highlights of
    every week is visiting what you bring a light to in your blog that
    always spreads light to my eyes and creativity too.. as you are
    one of ‘those’ people who really cares about people and
    gives each and every person your full attention
    of light and that’s really important as
    truly there are many people
    who need that kind of
    kindness in their
    life and
    in that sense
    and feel i would not like to
    think anyWay that i was taking too much
    of your time away from those other endeavors
    my friend for you seem to be the kind of person
    who probably reciprocates maybe over 100 poetry
    sites in a week judging from the responses you also
    respond to in each and every of many comments on your blog..
    and that’s the way i am too.. and it’s true if i had a whole lot of traffic
    here as far a comments go.. there would be many fewer other areas NoW of the
    World i might travel to too.. i like being a portable blog.. it’s what i do.. mobile as ‘they’
    say and as Mark Twain says write it down while you are experiencing the gift of
    and let
    the others
    figure out the
    good parts later
    on if they care to or not
    bottom line.. the journey is all the fun..
    And as always.. thanks for dropping by NoW
    and opening your home blog to me in kindness there..:)

    MoMenTos From Mother Helen

    And now i say with a couple of pages lettered free in verse poem
    from my Mother for my 33rd Birthday on June 6th 1993 for words
    for whatever reason in a letter my Mother didn’t deliver to
    me then and i did not find in her Apartment until after
    she passed away this year while we were going through
    her things.. as that would have been a letter
    she wrote in her and our older family
    home.. where she was encountering
    a few problems of her own
    in the issues
    of mind
    that run
    through the
    Maternal Side of
    my family.. that she
    persevered in a way not many
    people probably could without
    any outside professional help
    including surviving Cancer over
    her entire body for the last several
    years with just a bayer aspirin at most
    and rarely ever a complaint then about
    what was bothering her to me at least
    although she would share a little
    more with Katrina as i suppose
    she didn’t wanna worry
    what was often
    the tender
    of me not even
    really as assertive as her then..
    as i didn’t have the gift of words
    to express myself fully as i saw the
    people around me doing in reciprocal
    social communication everyday i mostly
    listened.. known more for a person with few
    words where about all i could say if i wasn’t
    relating facts and someone asked me what i have
    i been doing lately was two words.. ‘working working’
    and other cliche’s of small talk rehearsed.. too..
    and that’s
    all i had
    so sure
    i understand
    as a non-verbal
    child until age four
    too what it’s like to be
    quiet in a very loud world
    only wishing one could be a
    part of the party a little more
    than quiet.. there were times when
    i was a child and did learn to talk a little
    bit where i would get anxious in church that if i stayed
    too quiet i might not be able to talk anymore at all and times
    at work in my 40’s where i just couldn’t muster anything to say..
    no doubt an issue of Mechanical thinking robot mind as i understand
    better how to flow the emotions in moving dance that brings a sing of
    so to be able
    to speak at all
    and the gift of writing
    is one i refuse to inhibit
    at all.. for i have been
    to the other place
    where the
    of communication
    is all the way turned
    off as far as words do go..
    and as far as a Mother’s Prophecy
    might go in a letter never delivered
    to a son while she is alive.. i am not going
    to even literally let her down when she suggested
    that “When your life is over on Earth a Grand Story
    it will tell” for the fact is when i did lose the ability
    to speak and feel she didn’t leave me behind as a Mother’s love
    will do.. and sooner or later technology will catch up to what my
    human potential will do next potentially even more or less or perhaps
    enough now which.. haha.. is highly unlikely too.. but never the less and
    always more
    i am not
    to waste
    this gift of
    life to be all
    i can be as not
    only a child of my
    Mother but a child of
    God who awakens more as that inheritance isreal..
    God sees the way God sees through thine eyes of real too..
    yeah.. i know that sounds like my britches might be getting a little
    too big
    it is
    what it is..
    and i be what i am..
    as all that is as me..
    And with the rather dark problems
    lately with my sense of smell and
    taste it was good to get this out as
    the healing power of emotional expression in Dance and Sing
    Free verse will heal as much Faith as one brings to the table of LiFE..
    as reaLiTy as science finally is beginning to show now too finally catching
    up to HuWoMaN SoUL as THE reality of LiFE thaT iS the most ReaL pART oF aLL..
    That’s something
    my Mother always
    understood and
    most real
    Mother’s Do..
    if one never experiences
    it sadly one may never fully live as is Love..
    oh yeaH.. and that reminds me when going through
    the list of family members and pets who passed
    away through the last four years of “SonG oF mY
    SoUL” as sTiLL Documented heAR i left out my
    Mother’s Sister.. my Aunt Christine who
    died at Christmas in 2016
    a few months before
    my Mother did and
    her Grand Child
    my Second
    Cousin who
    died after an
    overdose shortly
    after my Mother did too..
    it’s never to late NoW to set
    a record straighter as art.. although
    True art spirals as LiGHT and is not a linear delusion..:)

  5. Frank Hubeny says:

    I noticed the book by Haidt and the one by Andrew Neuberg. In his “How God Changes Your Brain” he recommended smiling as yawning as two or eight practices that help the brain. They both surprised me, especially yawning. I liked that saying about being thankful for the dirty socks in the laundry basket because soon they will be gone and then they will be missed. We missed the eclipse because of it being overcast, but we did see the day get temporarily darker through the clouds.

    • Hi Frank.. thanks so much for dropping
      by and aLong the lines of ‘intelligence
      for life’ and additionally the i-heart
      radio show with Piano
      Player John Tesh
      that show brings
      many interesting
      tid-bits to enhance
      an intelligence
      and heART
      oF Life
      through measures
      of Scientific Study too..
      a recent one is spiraling
      doodles by pencil increases
      the potential for human creativity
      as of course spiraling in general
      moves out of the metaphor of
      square boxes too.. hehe..
      and they also
      Hula Hooping too
      as a way to establish
      new brain connections
      for additional creative potential too..
      so.. just imagine one could SensE and
      FeeL what Dance and Song in Free
      Verse style in continuous Hurricane
      Harvey-like spirals will do for Human Creativity
      now as boxes of ‘fore continue to be unboxed more..
      and yes.. it was also overcast where i live here in the
      Panhandle State of Flowers where a little darker
      tint of clouds was the 99 year Solar Eclipse
      shore to shore USA event
      of a lifetime haHa.. but with
      HDTV all comes
      as real as real
      gets and with the
      newest fangled HDTV’s and
      newer technology the technology
      becomes more surreal than real
      as i think i’ll stick with Nature and Sublime Beauty more..
      still i do love science and technology as Facebook went
      down this morning and i must admit i missed the portable
      note pad
      i take
      i go to jot
      down whatever
      might creatively
      come next while i am
      spiraling circles wherever i go in
      public dance but true usually i wait until i get home
      as one finger doesn’t do the trick that 10 fingers treat..
      as one digit of thumb in prehensile way truly and eventually
      to all
      and bytes now as digital art
      comes to all screen sizes beyond eyes..
      and as i type here prisoner at home until
      the AC repairman comes to repair our
      AC soon i really appreciate that
      cool air in home more..
      bringing back
      all those
      Panhandle Hurricane
      Memories as weeks of
      hot and humid Summer air too
      but it’s true it was the first time the
      neighbors not only had a cook-out together
      but took the time to say hello and what’s your name..
      trade-offs of human comfort and comfortable humanity are surely many..
      as it’s
      front porch
      and patio still
      aren’t getting any company..
      still.. let the Hurricanes stay away..
      as at least there is online too and some friendly words too..;)

  6. “A record of life in our World Today”.. sMiLes.. mY friEnd Xenia that’s one of the
    nicest compliments i’ve received as a ‘watcher’ per say and Dancer and
    Singer and as a Degree Holder in Actual Anthropology Per do now
    who once told the Metro-Newspaper while my Mother and My
    Sister and me all graduated in ’83 from the UWF
    University that my ultimate
    Goal was/is to study
    as Anthropologist
    although what was holding
    me back was the inability to
    output what i learned in
    verbal or written
    speech.. a
    problem of
    Autism and Asperger’s
    Syndrome at the time and
    my interest in the other two
    degrees i received in Social Sciences
    Interdisciplinary and Health Science were
    spurred on by my very unusual propensity not
    to be able to touch any manmade materials with
    extreme tactile sensitivity that didn’t have a medical
    definition then or even a resource anywhere to find out
    why my neurology was this way for touch and it actually
    took me until my mid 40’s to find someone who related
    the same experience of not being able to stand
    touching towels out of a dryer with a
    really horrible uncomfortable
    feeling that brings.. and
    in my case
    extreme and one
    of my first touch memories
    before i could speak as a very
    young child was the ability to even
    imagine how touching a manmade
    material might feel in aversion
    then from that sensory
    view of intelligence
    at age three or so..
    but of course i didn’t
    have the words to describe
    this until several years ago.. to relate
    the unique human experience that i found many
    more people experiencing on the ‘Wrong Planet’
    Website for folks with atypical neurology there
    mainly for folks with Asperger’s syndrome
    and as you likely can imagine through
    19 years of school and almost
    two decades working
    at a “Cheers” Like environment
    of a Bowling Center the opportunity
    to be a Free Lance Anthropologist/Shoe Server as Hobby
    was a staple of my life for those years and also the University
    of Bowling Center on a Military Station open to the general public
    for many years to not only study other people but to learn social skills
    on the Autism Spectrum through many trial and error experiences.. many
    of which were quite embarrassing too.. as i could probably knock out a Novel
    Size Work in a week or so on that.. hehe.. thing is my friend when one is studying
    the World now as i am on a CROSS-cultural way divorcing myself the best i can
    in cultural bias which is always hard to do.. getting in bed with everyone
    like that is not just difficult but also doesn’t always make good
    bed fellows either as of course politics and philosophy
    and religion are very divisive issues but for one
    to really study culture in broad perspective
    like this requires the sacrifice of
    moving out of the box
    in a way that
    people understandably
    feel very averse too and
    even find offensive too
    but of course
    it helps
    to better now fuller
    understand the Human
    Condition as i continue to learn
    so much more by taking all these
    free verse style poetic notes together
    NoW iN what truly has become an ongoing
    “Mahabharata”-like Free Verse Poem American
    New World Style away from the origins of that in India
    style.. except in this case technology allows one person to write
    it and truly a Bible and a Quran is very much like a Work of Anthropology
    too as it captures the spirit of the changing culture in a period of human
    history too.. anyway.. as my first and only philosophy instructor Mr. Hunt
    said in a very enlightening class on comparative religions and another
    one on the problems of Humanity living in a technological society
    specialization reduces human potential and in many ways
    in realtime and in retrospect of my difficulties on
    the Autism Spectrum and even on the
    Bi-Polar Spectrum too.. specialization
    in Narrow views of life
    are what
    to my
    actual physical
    illness downfall too
    eventually moving up the
    ladder at work in Administrating
    Programs trapped behind a computer
    at work with chronic severe stress.. also
    Supervising people and solving an extensive
    range of complex Business issues in mechanical
    cognition ways at the same time.. but in the sense
    of specialization what really led to my demise in the
    Health of Chronic disabling and destructive stress was
    that i was tied down to a desk in front of a computer not
    able to burn off the harmful stress chemicals circulating
    through my body 8 hours a day.. not something my
    Philosophy Instructor specifically identified
    but hints surely available in my
    Health Science Degree
    but still rather
    to the state of the
    art of Health Science
    now in Holistic Wellness ways
    for a scientist and a philosopher
    and an artist my friend and when one
    puts all that together in one human being
    as i continue to do here as a practice each
    day that is sometimes a little challenging but
    overall fun as i get to be a Public Dancer too
    and a Nude Selfie Artist in the Artistic Spirit
    of Petroglyphs as some of the
    first art created on
    cave walls
    that served
    to increase human
    libido for creativity
    to eventually
    out of the
    caves in what
    drives human nature
    and Nature at core that for
    many years would have never been
    legal to do in any avenue of the art world of modern
    days but a very valued art for those ancestrally who were not clothed
    too high low and constrained from what human innate Nature is at core
    hehe as quite literally the very existence of Google was generated and
    the Internet in general by the male species searching out erotic pictures
    of the opposite sex as quite frankly as much as certain elements of culture
    would love to deny it this is the animal we are as males overall as driving force
    of much of what we do at base core Nature.. not politically/religiously correct to
    talk about it where i’m from my friend but never the less part of the
    big human pie that i not only attempt to capture through
    Free Verse Poetry and Free Verse Photography
    for the Cosmopolitan Area of Malls
    and Nation Wide Chains
    of Stores but never
    the less
    the human
    condition as it currently
    stands and surely a watcher
    of it i am who documents a much
    bigger picture than most people have
    the time and or effort to do in just one lifetime
    that technology provides a brand new advantage
    and frontier in the ability for many people in avenues
    online to bypass the middle man of record companies
    to become Singers.. Book Publishing companies
    to become Novelists and Poets where some
    rare folks are even able to make
    a living at it bypassing
    the middle men
    and women
    money handlers too now
    to fulfill their human potential greater
    now.. just the opportunity to even have
    the legal right to do this is amazing considering
    the overall history and continuing history now in some
    areas of the world.. i’m taking full advantage of it and of
    course there are sacrifices that also come always with
    fulfilling human potential and in general that is
    part of the altruism of human being
    in seeing a bigger life than
    one’S own iN FeeLinG
    A future
    NoW of the
    Human Species
    and trying to add a
    verse of something new
    to the entire Universe Plus
    that is reality now.. anyway.. my current
    participant observer special opportunity comes
    with how my recent change in smell and taste since
    the Eclipse that hopefully will be temporary in everything tasting
    and smelling rather awful in a sick and sweet way of what
    i name a doomsday smell if one had to experience this
    new sensory aberration for the rest of their life.. and
    the rather early demise of our Air Conditioning
    System while we wait for a company to
    install a new one hopefully soon
    while i measure how
    the averse environmental
    conditions inside the home impact
    my creative output either negative or positive
    where i see the positive of studying both human
    conditions as i did in a rather doomsday like way
    when i lost my ability to feel emotions and experienced
    the worst known pain known to humankind that was rather dArkly
    ironically a most rare opportunity for a Free Lance Anthropologist
    who also specializes in Human Health and Recreation and the study
    of the Philosophy of Sports and the Social Sciences of not only Anthropology
    and Archaeology but Psychology and Sociology too as Lord KNows the Internet
    allows me to get around the World to visit different Cultures and Lord KnoWs
    my unique mind allows me to get around into the dArkest Abyss and
    furthest reaches of beyond Rainbow Colors of the Inner
    Universe of my Being Human in Both Case Study
    and participant observer ways that it is
    safe to say not many
    Anthropologists would
    volunteer for
    if they
    could hehe..
    for high pay..
    bottom lines now more..
    i’m curious George George
    without now quite as much
    fur with some Forrest Gump
    Added in and Neo from the Matrix too..
    sure.. a little Yoda.. some Bruce Lee.. and
    the list goes on as this is all A pART now of the
    Anthropology and Long Form Writing Game my FriEnd..
    and of course someone like you who can actually see the
    bigger picture of what i am doing here is very inspiring to me..
    as it surely is hard to find anyone currently who is specializing in me.. haha..
    much Love to you my friEnd Xenia and to your Husband and dogs.. you surely
    are a treasure
    of a human
    being to
    me on
    this terrestrial
    plane and sure now more
    i am interested in real MaGiC too..
    no frontier of the Inner Human Universe
    too strange for me to travel to now my friend.. and
    all those 3 hour Marathons of Dance with no water at all
    in Dance Halls/Stores and Deep Sand Beaches with 109 degree
    heat index was/is just the preparation i need now to continue writing
    in comfort as the temperature inside is a gentle 84 degrees.. hehe..
    the wife Katrina
    but my glass
    is always full
    with perspective of
    darker places my friend
    as if we live long enough we all
    become Epic Anthropologists in
    participant observer way iN much
    more of human potential from dArk to LiGHT ways..
    SMiLes.. just the
    Gift of Free AC
    And Water
    Fountain Drinking
    in all those stores
    i will dance in today..
    no matter what always
    something to look forward to now my friEnd to just do ‘it’ now..:)

  7. Katie is Brave and she is a fighter..
    The Struggles she has faced should
    have made her weak and killed her
    but her resilience is remarkable
    and she kicked it down
    with her power
    and might
    she rose
    above it all
    like a Phoenix
    from the ashes now
    just another one of those
    Ego Booster gimmick tests
    off of Facebook as a Commercial
    Business to raise money for Corporate
    Subsistence but never the less A archetypal
    experience recorded deep in our DNA for future
    reference for both survive and thrive in real time now..
    it’s kinda like the Shape of the Pattern of these words that
    and who Flow through real time now this is a Wave Baby and
    i am riding it so below so above.. inside.. outside and all around..
    and the largest size of the wave so far as the Force of Emotions
    and Senses rises and falls as the Tides of the Ocean do
    Live within now as Force dARk to LiGHT LiFe
    occasionally visiting the dARk Abyss
    and oh my God yes the more
    ecstatic transcendental
    pArts of life that
    than ever before
    as yes a Phoenix rises
    beyond rainbow colors now
    from the Ashes of the deepest
    of Abyss and the SonG and DAncE
    comes to life organic alive on the written
    page of life as soUL beCoMeS uploading
    even More online now never ending
    story never nether land always
    StARTinG NoW.. anyWay
    SHaDE otherwise
    KNoWN as
    SHaME it’s
    wHat HuWoMaN’s
    Do to control the crowd..
    yes.. social group unit as the
    Sociologists DancE and SinG too..
    with intellect in what ‘they’ hope is
    Divorced from EmoTioN but wait
    that is what the ForCE
    iS iN SeNSoRy
    PoWeR sYnerGY
    ENerGy of HuWoMaN
    SunShiNE RayS OF LiGht
    oF LiFE aLiVe NoW hmm.. not
    as sharp when the temperatures
    rise into the mid-eighties in the home
    with AC replacement coming on Wednesday
    still a little bit of that Dooms Day Shade of Smell
    left since Eclipse Day and sadly yes a real Doomsday
    in Epic Doomsday Flood as the Environment of the Planet
    Earth continues to move out of Balance at the Hands of ignorant
    Folks who do not believe this is the only Home we have and sure
    a very small little man in office whose only Hope of being
    is power and status no matter who is left
    beneath his feet of fear and
    hate pardoning
    hate and
    the dreams
    of those who
    are different than he
    only to appeal to those who
    say they believe in a Jesus now
    who says gentile jew servant or free
    and we will make Mary into a male like
    us to deserve the Keys to Heaven within now..
    yes.. it’s true a little Taylor Swift-like Strength and
    Will is a necessary element of life aLong with the
    Root of Love and Grace as Divine Feminine
    aLong with Divine Masculine too.. but if
    you see the mystical parables of
    the Bible are about one
    man you’ve totally
    missed the message
    and are giving major Shade
    to Heaven for any potential for
    the Keys to the Kingdom of Love
    that is fearless smART and Unconditional
    in ecstatic transcendent experience that for even
    base 101 requirement to the stairway of Heaven requires
    leaving all the shade behind both given and taken in malicious
    ways now.. sure.. a story of discernment helps if one removes themselves
    from the con-social soul sucking emotions of life that include greed.. envy
    jealousy.. pride of the i am better than you when we are all pARTs of the
    Painting integral to the entire Painting of God that we are
    brush and paint and painting too.. it’s true there
    are a whole lot of people who are
    “Hangry’ in life one can
    walk through
    the aisles
    of Super Walmart
    and it’s obvious what is
    missing by just the non-verbal
    language and their countenance sAMe
    and DiFFeRent too.. for they have made the
    story and the parables of Jesus into an inkblot test
    life as reality of fear and jealousy and envy and greed
    and pride and status heavy for a material goods valued
    life where naked free is the place where God Dances and
    Sings as an overall masterpiece painting of and as DancE
    and SonG NoW reALiTy LiGhT thAT and wHO HOlds no
    Chains on Naked God within in other words God
    is already LiVinG WiThiN whether or not
    one believes in this word or that page
    or the other letter or hidden
    book.. in other words
    no Human
    for God
    lives in Dog
    Freer without words
    or lies of dARK.. in other
    words as far as the Mystical
    more Esoteric and even what
    some might term as occult story
    of Jesus in Hidden meaning ways
    for those who do not get metaphors
    very easily in interpreted ways
    all there is left is a shell
    of barely breathing
    Story that
    get crucified
    now away from all that
    makes the Keys to the Kingdom
    of Heaven jUsT aBouT WriTE NoW
    iF one receives the MesSage from God NoW
    within without locking God out as Force of real Love NoW..
    with once again a little Taylor Swift Divine Masculine Will and Strength..
    it really doesn’t matter that the Song is kinda the same because it is all
    same characters just different actors in the Human Play of God
    in millstone
    of soul long gone…
    it’s getting kinda hot in here..
    yes but where i live clothes of
    fit so i shed
    them freely no
    matter sHadE oF
    dARK thAT and wHO
    CoMes NexT yeS eVeN
    Me as this is a lifelong always
    NoW practice of life and these Keys are fitting WeLL aS LoVE..
    as Facebook Friend HImali comes by with a heART for Beautiful People who still
    CoME LoVE..
    and i simply
    as she is the
    same character of God too
    the Character of Love that and
    who excludes no other yes they
    will we are real Christians by our Love
    end and beginning of the story always wHeRE we exclude
    no OtHeR for the PoWeR and The ForCE oF LOVE LIVinG as HuMaN
    soUL more
    aLiVe from Head to toe isREaL..
    Temple of God as ‘they’ say on Fire with LoVE..
    Bottom Lines Growing More.. Trumps and Republicans
    and Christians moreover as whole for what is heard
    now in the Media are continuing to destroy both a
    God of Love and Jesus of Love story core to human survive and thrive..
    no matter who wears the clothes and words next of Love that and who reAlly lives NoW..
    true as
    as Love or
    go to the other place now..
    there is no escape other than Love for real.. that’s really ‘good’..
    believe it or not Ripley for all Horatio’s who have lost tHeir souls of Child’s LiGHT..
    in other words
    no matter
    who coMes
    neXt yeS iN
    otHeR words two and
    three and more the Story remains
    the sAMe and it is you wHo chooses
    Character to play..
    with yeah.. a ‘little’
    ‘hELp’ from ‘yOUr’ FriEnds.. NoW..
    that’s the best thing about God oF aLL
    there is no FooLinG God as God is Nature..
    run as fast as you can to fear and hate and
    millstone sink even more.. it’s how the story

    SOLaR ECLiPSE FoR LoVE 2017

    WeLL.. considering i wrote this ‘parable’ in another Avenue for Light
    yeah.. Facebook that allows one to record tHeiR continuing path
    to Self Actualization as that is a Human and Existence
    in General Story thAt and wHo Never ends it’s
    probably possible to figure all of this
    out for those with eyes and
    ears to see but
    you come
    to my Facebook
    Page it will be impossible
    for you to Determine who
    Himali is.. as a Friend
    originating from
    India as i have a few
    more around the world but
    i must admit not many people
    even come close to see all oF
    wHo i am in the Local Red State
    LA Lower Alabama Trump overall
    Panhandle of Florida Place
    yes.. PaNHanDle
    Place and tHeiR
    is a Hidden PaRaBLE
    MeaNinG in that for those
    who have eYes and eaRs to see
    but you heAR i take it a step further
    or two and three and even more as tHeRE
    could/can/will be infinite numbers of meanings to
    i bRinG
    as PaNaLL
    Let’s JusT
    DAncE and SinG
    MoRE foR NoW heHE..
    the World’s a bigGeR place my friEnd
    and to stay stuck now in a sliver of one
    book one page or word or even one man
    you worship as idol and God alone as one letters
    away from aLL as PaN.. iN juSt a very small human place
    to live
    from PotEnTiaL
    GreATeR LiGHT as
    HuWoMaN StronGeR iN
    WiLL anD GracE aS LoVE eVeN MoRE NoW..
    anyWay i see YouTube HoLds hostage your
    latest and most ironic sHade of Taylor Swift as
    any for profit modern online Community has every right
    to do particularly if advertisers don’t like to be pART
    of ignorance in fear and hate and as any Free Community has the
    right to pick and choose the Community Rules now as long as it is
    privately ruled and not a Government institution per say with greater
    overall freedoms
    possible depending
    on the Community you
    choose and it’s true my
    friend there are very few
    to no Communities that and who
    totally welcome me.. but heARS the
    thing.. you give up Freedoms to be pART
    of Community rules that’s the way the Social
    Coin spirals or stays locked in boxes now..
    i give up very
    few freedoms
    i go it
    lone but those
    who do stick around
    me are the Gold worth
    more than billions of hate and fear..
    and considering in Human Nature we are
    are only evolved for around 150 to 200
    social connections and 5 really close friends
    to share all tHeir liFe with one doesn’t have
    to become very popular no matter what they do away
    from rules that steal freedoms in a world as big as the one
    we live in now thaT iS truly a small world online now.. smiles
    it’s the
    best of all
    times for Real
    Prophets of Nature
    wHo live who bRinG
    GreaTer LiGhts
    to the crowds
    at hand..
    even a real prophet
    of Nature’s Love can
    find a friend and even five now..
    don’t fool yourself.. Jesus is not welcome in your
    home.. not the Jesus of Love as you still believe
    iN A Jesus who throws punches more than LiGht..
    sure.. i CaN kick ass too but i’M a
    DancE and SonG oF HuWoMeN..
    i don’t have to..
    Have a Nice
    Day.. 2.. iF F Gump
    CaN and WiLL Do iT you can too.. WitH LoVE..
    yeS it’s true.. NoW.. i tHrew you a little sHade too
    but remember the Story of YiN and YanG aS NOW
    aLL works toGeTHeR For thE GLoRY oF GoD ALiVE..:)

  8. Fear of God in Islam !!

    SMiLes.. mY FriEnd Soheir.. for
    Beauty is in the eye
    of the
    and the Beholder’s
    eye of the Painting
    and surely God is both
    all and more as God is all..
    as you say Allah my friEnd..
    Words are Paintings and metaphors
    same as words attempt to express essence
    now of all that is.. Arabic is a more nuanced
    Language for fear for the Quran by itself now
    with a total of about 2000 words of Vocabulary
    held in about 80K words has 10 Arabic words for fear
    that mean very different essences of the Emotional
    And more Concrete World at Hand.. Words include
    as translated from Arabic.. Wajf that is a fear mixed
    with discomfort.. Shaq as a fear someone else will
    harm someone one loves.. Ru’b.. where someone
    is so terrified they lose their reason.. Rahb.. where
    one stays vigilant and does their best
    not to harm someone they love.. Wajl..
    a fear that penetrates the heart
    that makes one tremble..
    Wajas.. when one hears
    news that makes
    them scared
    that they
    also hide now from
    others.. Raa’a.. when
    one startles someone
    out of nowhere and also
    respect combined with fear..
    Hadthr.. to escape a danger
    that alarms one where
    one is aware of
    potential harm..
    Taqwa.. to do good to
    protect oneself from harm..
    Khushoo.. where a scare not only
    penetrates the heart but one through
    body language non-verbally becomes still
    And bows/cowers in as submission for harm they see..
    Khashyah is when one is reverent for the consequences
    of potential harm and uses a priori knowledge to avoid
    that harm in consequence ways.. Khawf as a final example
    of fear as when one sees the potential consequences of harm
    in physical ways and protects themselves from that
    harm.. and consequences now.. and smiles it’s not
    surprising that you see fear as Reverence
    for what you Love and Respect as that
    kind of fear surely fits the parameters
    of several of the Arabic words
    for fear here my Dear
    FriEnd Soheir.. thing
    is my friend.. not everyone
    sees the painting of words as you
    do and of course the same applies to
    me and us and we and them and i too..
    for again Words are Paintings and Beauty
    Lives in the eYe of the Beholder of as Love and
    Hope or the other more common English Definition
    in modern days that is literally trembling and frozen
    limbs of weak.. sure.. generalized anxiety too.. panic attacks..
    PTSD and many more terms ‘they’ use in the Field of Psychiatry
    and talk therapy in Psychology too away from drugs mainly Anxiety
    ones enhanced the same way as alcohol to take stress and fears
    away in hopes of
    again to
    more Pro-Social
    Human Happy Emotions
    NoW whEre God OF Nature
    is pleased within us Naked Free from
    the illusions of fears that culture often
    brings.. thing is my friend too.. An idea of original
    sin is a myth as science surely shows for those who
    are born healthy at least with human empathy now..
    as the baby sees the other baby crying and gets sad
    and the baby sees the other baby and smiles in symphony
    and orchestra way if there is more than one baby involved
    in this happy state of being human now holding
    Hands that say Love and Hope more
    than Fear and Hate where
    the scared of potential
    Harm we are born
    with is largely
    limited to
    loud sounds
    and falling from
    heights.. the rest of the
    fears are largely learned and
    with potential to be unlearned too..
    for those of we who live in a constant
    state of weaker fear being.. somewhere between
    fight of fists in anger to trembling and cowering to
    the floor inside and outside above so below and all around
    too where some folks can hide the fear from others too and just
    in the
    pain of
    a misery
    now loves
    company soup.. within..
    Fear is the Father of Anger
    and namely hate.. for those who see
    a God of Fear by very Nature it is an illusion my friend..
    sadly some folks see their entire lives like that and in doing
    so they
    as fear as the
    same kind of
    fear that makes us
    frozen.. the kinda fear
    that requires a six pack of
    beer to even feel something
    normal oF Fearless Happy Child again..
    but when we are in balance God Lives Happy
    within as a tear is a gift too.. in grief to generate Happy
    Connecting FeeLinGs in connection with otHerS AGAin.. too..
    And a laugh and a smile between each other makes another and
    another Happy Connection of God coMe to be as real.. at Church
    this last Sunday.. i wore a shirt that is a Very Big Angry Red Emoticon
    that says “Hangry’.. the anger one has when one is very Hungry and
    there is no food anywhere to gain.. and this is true when folks live
    in real life scarcity like this for survival purposes they are more ready
    to fight to gain a little bit of a bite to even eat.. but you see when i wore the
    shirt already known as the only always Happy Metro Public Dancer in this entire
    area it becomes a funny shirt ’cause Fred never gets angry as Fred has no illusory
    fears about life any more and Dancing is what little children who are fearless
    do too..
    NoW iN
    front of
    as God Dances
    within too.. and sure
    you can hear them often
    cooing in song too babbling
    in Happiness and everyone knows
    what they mean if they are even normal
    human beings now nice and healthy within
    the bounds of Joy Loves Company Life.. thing
    is no matter what the words say in any book
    my Friend
    iT TiS
    A Child
    who Dances
    and Sings wHo
    is and has the NoW
    Most favor with God
    And that’s why i do what i do my
    friend for it simply works.. while
    this writing provides my Happy Feet
    an opportunity to rest until Fearless Love Dances aGaiN..
    if everyone dances and sings rarely will there be any illusory
    fears as
    and hate..
    but still misery
    particularly loves
    company when sitting still..
    Move Connect Create.. it’s what hUmans and God
    do as above so below inside outside and all around now FEARLESS..:)


    To Honor Cherish
    in Health and Sickness
    wealth and or poverty too
    until the day we die the most
    common of Marriage vows that
    wHo lasts at least through and more
    oF A Very
    wedding my
    friend once upon
    a time on a farm
    perhaps more for
    survive and thrive
    over the course
    of an entire
    family and village same
    this comfort of love that exists
    side by side without words that
    stays the same no time no distance
    no space and the kind of Love thaT wHo
    CaN WiLL watch another Loved one live through
    Hell and even if nothing is left stays for the Price
    Of Love
    is work
    and the
    Prize of
    Love stays
    my friend no matter what..
    this Love is Life without it all is
    empty and the tallest building will not
    replace the heART that Breathes now as
    life moving connecting creating but most
    important of all the snake deep within that
    and who never ever gives up for the Truth
    of warm and fuzzy BeinG Love Comfort Arms oF LiGHT..
    SMiLes.. mY FriEnd Zee.. for i did get married until the age of 29
    then for i would have to find that one person who could live with
    in Hell
    for 66 months..
    and the only thing
    she would receive in
    return is to never age..
    ha.. and they say fairy tales aren’t real..
    i for one prove they are at least forevernow.. GroWinG MoRE..
    this IS A Love wHo is never jealous and never Fears A Spread of Love..
    LesSons oF
    HeLL DeviliveD
    EvilivE LovE MorE NowoN StressedessertS..:)

  10. Doors

    LoVE LiGHT
    HiGHeR sKeYes
    HoPE DoorS SPReaD
    SonG oF LovE NoW
    SPRinGs Free
    OPen WiNds SinG
    FoRest wHole LiFe Tree


    Okay.. i’m sitting here determining
    whether to press the red
    button or the white
    button and as
    as it may
    on Solar
    Eclipse Day
    i wrote a MacroVerse
    named ‘SOLaR ECLiPSE FoR LoVE 2017’
    true i had the best of intentions and by
    the end of the day and now as the
    next MacroVerse comes
    “Doomsday Smells”
    as yes by the end
    of the
    Day of
    the Solar
    Eclipse and
    after intermittently
    mostly losing all my
    nuanced smell and tastes
    since a Bad Cold most everything
    started smelling sweet and sick
    like Doomsday
    Eclipse Day
    and as much as i tried
    to fight that sinking smell
    oh Lord it was seriously trying
    to drown me as you might imagine
    a smell like that forevermore now
    could be
    Smells for real..
    anyway after that
    our AC Broke waiting
    to put another one in
    now as i gently embrace 86F
    degrees typing away the heat..
    and meanwhile probably the worst
    Flood In US History as Doomsday
    for those folks
    is smelling
    a little like that now
    too.. anyway one of the
    best parts of life is grasshopper
    SpasmS liGht.. in all the ways that comes my friEnd
    Shawna Baby as alWayS A Diamond Treasure as rougH as pleaSure..
    Flood is here
    and when the
    rain is over it will be cool again..
    and hoping the best for ‘that smell’ STiLL
    Doomsday Smells..:)

  12. This is good really good i love this..
    so many
    colors so
    many lights me up..:)

    And i’M
    for ‘the’ record..
    so inSpiRinG NoW..:)

    your little
    boy inherited
    before you
    became so
    in the photoS heAr..;)

    Art of Hand(s)..:)

    out of time.. grasshopper..;)

    deep leaves
    brains tree

    This would
    have been
    IS A Great
    Eclipse DancE
    SonG CoMinG..;)

    hard brushes
    and all of that
    rising higher
    don’t you
    Love that
    New Taylor
    Swift Song and Video..;)

    Yes this
    yes this
    oh god
    yes this
    is what
    DoinG NoW..;)

    CRap i closed the tab
    and had to find
    my book
    bring it all back again..;)

    It’s okay
    as long
    as your
    in A
    comfortable place..;)

    This is
    a tEary
    eyed place my friEnd
    RiSinG JoY ouT oF dARk..:)


    old days
    when it is newfree..:)


    i bLushed
    at the
    nervous spasms
    Mint Fresh School Days Fun..;)

    oh i get
    iT it’s
    a diet..;)

    Really i must get
    going or i am
    going to
    be late
    to work
    out but what
    i love most about
    Shawna Baby is
    i never
    to expect next..
    i’ll be back to finish
    you off as a reminder
    i’m in the Month of May for now..:)

    sMiLes i bet
    you are A
    best mommy
    ever you’d
    to be
    considering your
    Birthday.. and yes
    it’s obvious you are..
    nice to see you Shawna
    Baby.. Mother’s Love is the
    Greatest Prize of all
    all my
    friend thanks
    for sharing you..
    and it’s true i made it
    through all of you..
    and i didn’t
    even wait
    come back later..
    see you later nothing is random..
    And that’s what makes the Chaos Painting Ocean wHole..:)

    Thanks Shawna as always visiting you is so much
    fun.. i’ve been missing my visits with you lately
    and i have had my eye out for your aliases
    and yes you made it easy
    to find you
    this go
    with the
    name as no
    Secret in Plain
    sight.. now nothing
    plain about you of course
    and always a great now to you too..
    and all the strange smells and lack
    of AC is a peAce of Cake compared
    to the Hell
    i already
    for 66 months..
    ah.. the beauty of perspective..
    when what looks dark to many people
    smells/tastes/feels/senses/eTc. et AL like
    no sOur Doomsday
    LiFE LeMoNsHeAR hEhe..;)

    No doubt we originate
    from ‘that’ same planet..;)

    Yes.. i am very
    in the 50 shades
    of Grey Darker stuff too..;)

    Never draw
    haha hmm hehe..;)

    53 was
    i turned 53..:)

    Oh i Love it when you call
    me Sir.. Shawna Baby..
    it’s true i’m old
    to be
    but not
    your Daddy.. hehe..
    anyway.. i have an eye
    test tomorrow and i have
    to study for it away from computer screens..
    so until the next play date Happy trails of dry days..
    floody stuff
    and Dooms Day
    to ya..
    LiGHT.. as
    a Rose Bud oPens..
    without that ‘other smell’..;)


    mY sKeYes

  13. GoD
    iN aM
    SoMeWHeRE SeeiNG
    Thanks.. so much..
    Totally free verse
    As flows..
    No rules..

  14. Fear of God in Islam !!

    sMiLes my FriEnd Soheir.. in any communication
    it helps to clarify and validate what
    is being said for all language
    once again is metaphor
    colored by the
    in all of what
    people do.. i don’t
    hate anything namely
    for i fear nothing illusory and experience
    very rarely any anger at all therefore
    i do not hate Islam nor do i hate
    the Prophet Muhammad for
    one to learn and understand
    other differences of
    opinions one
    the best they can now all
    in reciprocal communication..
    there is no anger here expressed
    or fear or hate expressed no exclamation
    points no accusations for what you do feel
    or do not feel for i clearly am agreeing with
    your statement on now how you see fear in the Koran
    and if all did like you do that would be a wonderful thing..
    as far as fear goes.. and a book is and a prophet is only as good
    as the absence of fear and hate
    and unconditional smart
    and fearless love in
    the spirit
    and hope
    the book and
    the prophet will
    actually bring in terms
    of acts of love far reaching
    beyond words alone that’s why i dance
    my friend for Dance cannot be confused
    for fear and hate.. and anger too.. just peace
    here my friend and no i am no Catholic by books..
    i practice my religion of Love in Dance everywhere
    i go.. if you do not understand the metaphors i bring
    of Peace and Hope and Love and due discernment as
    naturally required to reach understanding all i can do is
    try if you
    care to
    if not
    that is your
    will my friend
    for i will not to change
    anything at all about you..
    as i have consistently showed
    you great love in words and if it is
    a page or a word or a man or a book
    of old that is more important than love than that is your will
    my friend and nothing i can do to change that as that is all
    you and
    God and
    whatever other
    pages or people
    intercede and join
    hands with you for that
    otherwise best wishes my
    friend.. i came here to understand
    how you feel.. i already understand books of history
    and quite frankly i far from hate them after reading
    them so many times they get boring.. so i join hands with God and do more..:)

  15. Late Night Jitters

    SMiLes.. mY FriEnd Rafiah..
    for in some ways i am sad
    when i see you as it seems
    you are surrounded more
    by concrete than
    flesh that
    and who
    Loves as
    Nature Green..
    but of course i am
    very Happy to see
    all of Rafiah here
    so far away
    so close
    to eYeS wHo
    see God in everyone..
    i feel and sense then in past worst
    fears possible in human experience and pain
    yes.. technically.. one could name me a KinG2..
    beyond in life than what most people can likely
    imagine you already KNoW as i have expressed
    that to you time and time again.. fear is what takes
    life away fear is the real devil within many names
    for this devil from Satan incarnate to words in
    Arabic too same but never the more
    and always
    life away
    fear often too
    leads to frustration
    and then anger and then
    even violence as humans are
    born as babies when healthy to
    Love and share pain and joy
    and bring greater joy
    to the other
    when free now
    of illusory fears as the
    only fears as science shows
    humans are born with are falling
    and loud noises for all other fears now
    are taught by culture and scarcity more less
    and yes my friend concrete walls with no green
    life to breathe as leaves of trees we come to Dance
    and Sing Moving Connecting and Creating where the best
    of Human Nature is when we need each other not only to thrive
    but to survive too as the recent Disaster in the United States not
    far from where i live as the Winds and Rains of Harvey reach where
    i am tonight.. there is no republican or democrat or muslim or catholic black
    or white or protestant or atheist when it comes to a neighbor who is FuCKinG Drowning
    no.. no transgender gay or politically correct named gentile jew servant or free there is flesh and breathing blood that only reaches out for help and to hold life up and it is times like this NoW more
    that i
    now all
    human made
    cultures and iLLuSory
    words could ‘go to hell’
    as with the fear the shell
    and the tools we come to be
    are often just not worth it my
    friend as those words do
    become the essence
    of hell yes Fear
    my friEnd
    the DEvil
    Father of all discontent NoW
    misery suffering malcontent jealousy envy pride
    greed malice aggression violence and overall hate..
    NoW other that my Friend Rafiah.. i only wish you could
    walk/dance/sing with me miles in Green Nature where only Nature
    lives forest creeks rivers trees flowers wild life and moreover beach of life..
    other than that i am your friend and i will never give up on reaching out to you A Hand oF Love..:)

  16. DaNCEDOS
    DowN IsreaL
    Babylon A People
    Jerusalem A People
    No Place
    Katrina Reading A Bible As She
    Does Every Day At Jeremiah 51
    College Football a Tribal Sport
    for sure that fulfills the need for
    a common bind to compete against
    opposing tribes still for the prize of win..
    when there is no longer a common village
    working hard every day naked for survive and
    thrive in smaller social groups who need not war
    against opposing tribes in ways of abudance out of
    scarCity in oTheR words NoW tHeRE is plenty of food
    drink and shelter to work toGetHeR And not enough to hoard
    to sit still and make idols for what comes as essence Love.. hmm..
    all the religions of the world i see as College Football teams continuously
    recruiting new players only difference really is many of them keep the same
    old binding quarterbacks refusing to see any new plays but what has been brought
    before and
    in idol
    of never
    changing God
    as any Golden
    Calf will stand
    away from
    of God
    Free.. that’s truly
    sad to me as far as
    HuWoMaN and NoW God of
    Nature Potential more but never ever
    the less and sadly more of what happens
    when insanely large populations of humans
    get together particularly in areas of SCarCiTiEs
    when young men are taught to set aside empathy
    and compassion to kill the opposing tribe in all the
    ways that comes and sure women too and eTc.. ET
    al too.. for Nature is alike and different all over too
    for the origin that we share aLToGeThER saMe
    And DiFFeRent one too as more than
    one and one too.. anyway the
    light is on A ‘perfect
    storm’ is still crossing
    the country in the opposite
    general direction to intersect
    the red state path oF A Solar Eclipse too..
    a once in a Country Flood and a once in a
    Century Solar Eclipse.. thing is all is connected
    for the painting whole to discount that connection
    is what prevents the weaker ones from GroWinG STRoNGeR.
    in arms of Karma dARk or liGHT Choose your PoiSoN or MaGiC NoW..
    anyway.. what was once a trilogy gains a fourth arm of Karma now as change rules..
    who kNows
    by the
    these days
    80K words
    or so of this
    about the size
    of a Koran
    iN A
    end of 8.2017 exTeNDinG
    as Dog Days of Sirius DancESinG too..:)

    It’s worth noting that humans are Nature alWays be now is
    it’s worth noting that many humans have forgotten this core truth
    it’s worth noting that what we think we kNow is far from our potentials
    and if
    tap into
    the God
    oF Nature LiGHT
    LiVinG WitHiN NoW
    You too WiLL understand
    in terms of do..
    But first
    you will
    to Dance
    Free iN
    A SonG
    oF LiGHT
    iF you NoW
    WiLL GracE LoVE
    STReNGTH iSReAL..:)

  17. Strings of Love

    For Strings now
    are connections
    wHo see and
    hear more than
    linear projections..
    funny squares and
    angles when
    so smooth
    out of
    oPen More touch now
    Strings evermore now alive..
    OTHeR than that
    Prajakta.. your
    me.. thank
    you very much..:)

  18. A series of crippling platitudes….

    SMiLes.. my FriEnd gigoid
    although the arms of Harvey
    are reaching around A LA Panhandle
    iN FL Heat and Humidity Sun is Shining
    too.. soon to be cool as the Trane
    Installers are putting our new
    Heat Pump in almost
    done.. as
    Boy visits
    my Bedroom
    to inhibit any
    front door left
    open by installers
    leading to potential Nature escape..
    anyway.. it’s his usual nap time soon
    to a bigger room as the installation comes
    close to finish.. funny how life moves form
    dARk to LiGht often turning my pillow over
    and over in River Front home as child
    only window fans and that was
    it then and only black
    and white TV with
    three channels
    not even
    7 years old..
    but truth is if i had all
    those conveniences in
    multi-input way i might
    have never learned
    to say
    the pillow
    over for any
    potential to cool next..
    and of course the Deep River
    Floods of Summer Hurricanes and
    the Black Water River Black Mud left
    on floors and walls to scrape up.. yes
    i understand the power of water and the
    lessons that Nature aims to share of the
    Mighty Forces beyond technology
    that Humans will likely
    never fully
    in fact they will
    not as we just don’t
    have eyes and or aided
    technology eyes to see behind
    what is our current fuller realities but anyway
    now temperatures are rising in both Air and Gulf
    and its true i live on some of the highest draining
    well sandy loam land but still this go around i went
    with more of Cadillac Brand as AC iN Trane way..
    and after providing a witness of the story of
    my life.. hehe.. in Freader’s Condense
    Version so inspired was
    the sales man i went
    to high school with
    that he
    gave us a
    700 Dollar
    Discount on the Trane..
    anyway.. matters not.. need a little
    more engine power for the Summer Heat yet to rise..
    no water thanks Goodness but Heat a growing potential
    for folks
    later older ages..
    So that makes a Stove and a Drain
    Field for a Septic tank.. a Water Leak
    from a Hot Water Heater the
    Siding around the
    Eaves of our home..
    And Now a Heat Pump
    in less than a year of needing
    replacement and repairs together..
    never the less and always more my body
    is working better than ever so bring it on ‘Murphy’..
    and sure later my sense of smell and taste but as long
    as i am Happy.. BrinG the challenges on more now with varying mileage
    but everyday
    maintenance of dance and song..:)

    Truth is sacred;
    and if you tell the truth too often
    nobody will believe it.”

    ~~ G. K. Chesterton, ILN, 2/24/06 ~~

    Lip Service
    Dance Helps
    When Lips FAiL.:)

    And that reminds me as i met up in S Walmart with
    An Old Girlfriend before in my mid-twenties
    who had two children then and 13
    Grandchildren now with
    another child to
    add to the
    two before..
    she lived in the
    Projects so poor on
    Food Stamps too.. and
    i spent time with her there
    as it’s true i’ve seen and felt
    much of what the ‘other side’
    feels and senses too.. there
    is a song from that day
    and time where
    dance was
    stiffer than
    it is today the way
    it is a piano song that
    i will use for this Dance
    and SonG too.. yes the
    ‘red neck’ days i was part of too..
    Alabama Girl living in a fancy apartment
    with someone else pregnant by someone
    else kept secret from me driving a fancy
    car from someone else other than
    the other two then.. it doesn’t
    really matter as she
    loved her children
    and now
    line goes on
    and mine ends in words..
    and that’s the way it is my friend
    and the only thing that makes it bearable
    is love as i told her i was sorry for not being me now
    then.. so much the journey so much more potential for Love when real.

    “To make up a great action there are no subordinate mean ones.”

    ~~ Thoreau ~~

    Life is too
    fear and hate long..
    Life is forevernow as LoVE
    i live
    iN and as NoW..:)

    “An it harms none, do what thou will.”

    ~~ Wiccan Credo ~~

    And Love is the glue of all that is..:)

    “Man shall not live by bread alone.”

    ~~ New Testament, Matthew iv, 4; Deuteronomy viii, 3 ~~

    See above..:)

    “Forget the cake, go for the icing.”

    ~~ from Observations on Life From Children ~~

    See above..:)

    “All’s fair in love and war – What a contemptible lie.”

    ~~ Lazarus Long ~~

    See above..:)

    “We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves;
    otherwise we harden.”

    ~~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    And don’t Forget Love and Just Do It..:)

    “It is a fundamental law of nature that nothing ever quite works out.”

    ~~ Murphy’s Seventh Law ~~

    A best pART of Life is change that works out that we make no matter what Murphy says..:)

    “Sure, understanding today’s complex world of the future
    is a little like having bees live in your head.
    But there they are . . .”

    ~~ The Firesign Theater, “I Think We’re All Bozos On This Bus!” ~~

    I dance and sing NoW
    just enjoying the bees wax on and off..
    as A smell of Honey comes back more
    like Winnie
    other place..

    Tennessee’s fifteen tons….

    “Every ordinary moment, every little detail should be
    a celebration of your personal understanding.
    Your smallest act should be permeated with reverence.”

    ~~ Deng Ming-Dao ~~

    When every word becomes a SonG
    When every step becomes a DancE
    When every eye received as LoVE
    iS NeXt
    aT lEast
    iN thiS
    Case Study Poem NoW..:)

    “A time to mourn, and a time to dance.”

    ~~ Ecclesiastes 3:4 ~~

    FoR NoW i DancE i SinG LiFE NaKED FReED..:)

    And truly like Verse 37 in the Gospel of Thomas
    who ever wrote it is “The Secret” to all my successes
    A pART
    ‘The Secret’
    as that’s one
    truth and light
    thaT/wHo scares most
    ‘everybody’ but an ’emperor freed’ NoW..
    of course i was already doing by the now i read that verse..
    no books
    no organized
    deceit clothed
    no pages
    not even A Letter as idol NoW..:)

    Too many random corpuscles….

    “Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do.”

    ~~ Bertrand Russell (1872-1967) ~~

    i’d rather DancE but
    feet only travel so far..
    Song is the option i use..:)

    “A man begins cutting his wisdom teeth
    the first time he bites off more than he can chew.”

    ~~ Herb Caen ~~

    Careful not to chew tobacco..;)

    “If I have any beliefs about immortality,
    it is that certain dogs I have known will go
    to heaven, and very, very few persons.”

    — James Thurber

    Sure as ‘they’ always live tHeRE NoW..
    as all animals but the human one tEnds to do
    after ‘the meal’
    is served
    before the dirt nap..:)

    The only real failure in life is the failure to try.

    Life’s do it

    “It is a misconception that spirituality brings everlasting happiness. There is no such thing. Sadness still comes to the wise, but, unlike most
    people, their clarity of mind allows them to see beyond the temporal emotionalism of the moment. They are farseeing, and so happiness and sorrow become the same to them.”

    — Deng Ming-Dao

    Without Clouds and all that Jazz WitH BLues wHo tOucH aS SoUL..:)

    Down, down, down into the darkness of the grave Gently they go,
    the beautiful, the tender, the kind;
    Quietly they go, the intelligent, the witty, the brave.
    I know.
    But I do not approve.
    And I am not resigned.

    ~~ Edna St. Vincent Millay, “Dirge Without Music” ~~

    Value of living over thinking ThiNKinG LiViNG

    “Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed
    of–but do it in private and wash you hands afterwards.” — Lazarus Long

    No shade within inside.. outside above so below and all around but clouds..:)

    “We turn not older with years,
    but newer every day.” — Emily Dickinson

    iNNeR doughnut stays wet beyond hard ICinG

    Trust yourselves, my friends,
    so that ye may trust one another…..
    y’all take care out there…..

    – gigoid

    no doubt..:)

    WitH aLL tHaT/tHiS sAiD
    thE Air ReTurns aT 3:16 PM..
    HappY aGAiN..
    OncE aGaiN HeaR..
    TRanE CoMeS NeW..;)

  19. A trilogy of 60,750 words with first part published on my
    Sister’s Birthday on August 14th.. yes.. the one
    about a Prophecy as linked below again and
    the one about some pictures numerically
    as a thousand that has now increased
    two fold over the course of
    what is now not only
    a trilogy but a
    inspired by
    a Hurricane event
    of Harvey whose arms
    and calm center eye brings
    a once in a country inspired flood
    and a return now to human kindness to
    save other lives just proving that we are still
    human it is the culture that is the virus and yes
    the byproducts thereof that are sick and yes also
    adding warmth to the atmosphere and oceans that
    once was not there in the last Several Hundred years
    either as Mother Nature’s arms of Karma will not be
    fooled by human cultures and those
    byproducts as Mother Nature’s
    calm eye is Balance and
    interrupt that Balance
    and what you
    see is
    you get in positive
    or negative action consequence
    way as those consequences can surely
    be calm beach or stormy seas and sky too..
    anyway.. i’m sort of a glass half full better yet
    put Overflowing Chalice kinda dude and since
    the Dooms Days Smells are now almost faded
    from my senses and the heart wrenching and touching
    recovery efforts and rescues continue across the Texas
    Lands of what are the actual lands of origin of many of my
    Maternal ancestors and the Fourth part of somewhat doomsday
    tales beyond the Myths of Solar Eclipses the Strange Smells and
    tastes fading away from my being the 5 day breakage of our Air
    Conditioning System and the truly Dooms Day-like epic event
    of a thousand year or so flood to hit our Country the last
    leg of this epic three week writing adventure sees the
    closing of a cultural tradition in third place
    social way of meeting over common
    Bond of Bowling where over
    Half a Century Folks
    came together
    to join
    hands and roll
    Bowling Balls together too
    for a common full of meaning
    and purpose and trust me might as
    well have been church for all practical
    holy and sacred purposes unto the 10 pin
    ‘Gods’ to knock them all down in this sport
    that the Egyptians first enjoyed too.. as of course
    the 10 pins are arranged in a pyramid like pattern too..
    5000 years ago.. well yes.. “End of Bowling Alley Days 2017”
    comes today in synchronicity way too as 8.28.2017 was
    also precisely 33 years since i started working there
    in 1984.. as the building is closing for demolition
    with new construction of a Community Center
    without Bowling in its place in more of
    a check out stuff and do your own
    thing way.. and it just so
    happens that the
    in memorial for
    all those Bowling Center
    days are being held there today
    from 10 am to 2 pm of which i will be
    attending and what will be added as a
    photographic stream of memories for this
    also epic event in surely my life at least for
    all of what that means to me in purpose and
    holy and sacred ways and a potential opportunity
    to connect to some folks from the past there including
    Greg who has already been a part of the trilogy that has now
    come so far as the fourth arm of this Fred Story will be published
    it appears on 9.1.2017 after the 175th Dance Week Night with all the
    Cool College Age folks from Old Seville Quarter tonight with photos more
    from that too as yes they will reach close to the 400 or so total photos now
    allowed in a Google Blog Spot way of writing platform too as i have actually
    had to truncate the Word Press Edition in size of total photos from all the trilogy
    parts so far that will likely be the case for this fourth part too keeping in short term
    tradition too.. here.. hehe too.. anyway to keep the record going now in full numerical
    and precise ways… as systemizing science mind away from poetic mind goes where
    often science and art hold hands to make greater ways of meaning too in synchronicity
    ways where numbers themselves literally become organic art in metaphorical ways too..
    as i drift a little deeper here from common narration story taling ways.. ‘SoLaR ECLiPSE
    FoR LoVE 2017’.. the third arm of the trilogy that now grows to four parts is the 124th
    MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. arising in total number of words with
    that MacroVerse to 1.93 Million words more precisely 1,931,875 words and
    that MacroVerse also doubles as number 795 of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
    as pART of that Longest Long Form Poem too in both efforts as
    total effort of 5 Million Words Writing in the last Four Years
    beginning 8.18.2013 on Word Press where
    “Nether Land Bible 2017” is at the
    15th Month point of
    Writing since
    Publish of the
    first MacroVerse
    on 5.30.2016 as
    today starts the 16th month
    of doing that too since first
    MacroVerse Publish Day then..
    and in this 16th Month i will surely
    pass the 2 Million Word Mark of “Nether Land
    Bible 2017” as well as with this Current MacroVerse
    added in that now changes to “End of Bowling Alley Days 2017”..
    as MacroVerse Number 125 of “Nether Land Bible 2017” and MacroVerse
    Number 796 of “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. still surpassing 5 Million words with
    this MacroVerse Writing now.. so yes.. many psychologically holy and
    sacred full of meaning and purpose events in DaRK and LIGHT
    ways surely coming to what started as a trilogy of “EVeRY
    PRoPHeCY TaLeS A THoUSAnD PiCtUrES” then
    to “SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old” then
    “SOLaR ECLiPSE FoR LoVE 2017” as linked
    below again and now “End of Bowling Alley
    Days 2017” to be published
    on 9.1.2017.. yes about
    2 weeks of publish
    dates for
    to a Koran
    Size Four Chapter
    Book in MacroVerse
    way close to 80K total
    words or so but yes close
    to a week of writing to get that
    first MacroVerse published on my
    Sister’s Birthday on 8.14.2017 too
    but hey this is only par for the course
    as i have been writing an average of
    130K words a Month since Memorial
    Day of 2016 at around 1.6 Million
    Words a year more specifically
    then precisely the size of the
    Golden Spiral Numerical
    Mean Ratio Number
    of PHI.. 1.618 Million
    Words in 365 Days
    of Writing “PHI Bible” that
    just so happens to be the
    Fifth Longest Long Form Poem
    behind the ‘Mahabharata’ at 1.8
    Million Words and first and second
    and third place that now belongs to me
    as far as efforts go as documented on Google
    search recorded ways with yes “SonG of My SoUL”
    Coming in at first place still at over 5 Million Words
    “NetherLand Bible 2017” coming in second place
    at 1.93 Million Words and yes third place now
    “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS
    AGAiN” as that title is a prophecy
    unto itself.. hehe.. sure if
    you get the deeper
    meaning of
    all that i am
    doing writing
    all this stuff now too..
    hAha.. anyway.. if i don’t keep
    track of it who could who would
    or who would even give a crap heHe
    if i just did not DO IT NOW.. as i ain’t waiting
    around for any Twitter Writers or Facebook Linkers
    and Sharers to do it next.. as my Philosophy teacher
    said once again.. living in a Modern Technological society
    spells specialization where according to science the actual
    human being’s attention span now is less than an actual gold fish
    and now humans voluntarily and happily censor their communication
    to 140 characters or less per every brief gold fish breath so thing is who
    is gonna
    put it
    again as humpty
    dumpty continues to fall
    and what that really means
    is the glue of society is coming
    apart in common and holy sacred
    meaning and purpose way.. and
    that’s ‘okay’ too as it’s just
    the way Karma works
    get out of balance
    and the art
    of life
    is replaced
    by order and even
    the insanity of order
    where few even remembe
    who the FucK they are as far
    as kind human beings who risk their lives to save others..
    and that’s the bright side of the ‘entire prophecy’ here.. the Love
    that is still real as human when human really needs human to be
    now if they will just stand up too and call out Trump for what he is anti toward that..

    *’tap’s finger(S)…



    SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old

    SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old

    SOLaR ECLiPSE FoR LoVE 2017

    SOLaR ECLiPSE FoR LoVE 2017

  20. Quadrille: August Blessing

    C to F Conversions
    22 through 72
    thank God for Google
    translating number
    of understanding
    wHeRE Dog Paws kNoW iT aLL..;)

    Tuesday Photo Challenge: Blue

    ThermoStat NoW oF
    eARTh as a temperature
    tHeMe continues in words
    oF cooling clouds as Dog
    aLL SiGNaTuRe NoW..:)

    Weekly Photo Challenge: Structure

    MaKinG SeNsE out of the
    World.. Dogs and otHeR
    Animals even potentiAlly
    We Human Animals uSing
    aLL OuR
    and seNsES
    so far out of
    the structure of
    human abstract concepts as
    photos do say so much more
    of all that is what MaGiC that
    first human created camera bRings
    to all the SiGNaTuReS we see iN
    the Now
    now that
    we color with
    the unique brush
    that is every multi-Verse eye of God..
    SMiLes Xenia.. once in a lifetime events
    iN a Blessing of August that travels through
    dArKeSt Solar Eclipses and Floods to altered
    Dooms Day Smells the end of an era of a Bowling
    Center Tradition Closing approaching a Century too..
    and to top it off a new Trane HVAC System for us now
    as the other one broke for 5 days in the middle of all of this..
    so in other words there’s still a storm warning out for a flood of photos on my Poem..
    hehe.. anyWay.. alWays a pleasure as for whatever art what you do heAr alWays fits in..
    Yes.. what stArted out as a trilogy of EVeRY PRoPHeCY TaLeS A THoUSAnD PiCtUrES
    now has a Fourth HErriCANe arm too as “End of Bowling Alley Days 2017”.. i was
    thinking about calling it “Doomsdays Smells” but Human Nature
    in search
    recovery ways
    changes the climate of that..
    as it’s true we do need to bRing
    back the warm and cozy places now
    STiLL that Bowling Alley Days DancESinG
    anyWay as far as i go that horrible smell and
    taste has left me that started on Solar Eclipse Day..
    i’ll take that as a positive Sign for Love my friEnd Xenia..
    as a SiGNaTuRE STiLL For a Prophecy yet to be fulfilled as LOVE..:)

  21. And note.. the Older two photos at Naval Air Station Whiting Field Bowling
    Center.. Christmas of 1989.. Me at 28 and Katrina at 18 about two
    months before we are married on 2.21.90.. And Greg at 29 along
    with Bowling Center Worker Manny and his daughter Graciel..
    And also Derrick from Jamaica on the far right as what
    i have come to understand now is the end of this
    Bowling Alley’s Days and instead of total
    Demolition they will be renovating
    the Center as a Community
    Center with many different
    activities as the Bowling
    Activity that started
    in 1943.. 74 years
    ago does
    come to
    and end now
    with Hundreds of Thousands
    of folks coming through these
    doors through the years of Bowling time now then..:)

  22. Second Round of Poetic
    Responses at Xenia’s Poetry place..

    Dogs with Happy
    Feet never
    needing measure..:)
    SMiLes my FriEnd
    Xenia so glad you
    are breathing in
    all the Mountain Breeze..
    Much Love to you and your
    Husband and winning running dogs too..:)
    SMiLes my Friend
    Xenia now that Harvey’s
    Last arms of wind and rain
    have left us all that’s left
    is a prayer that
    will go
    out to sea
    and never
    be seen again..
    ’cause if she comes here
    i will definitely get a screen break too..
    with a not so hehe.. but hey.. at least the
    neighbors would get to know each other
    a little better as they are doing in Texas
    Speed there..
    hmm.. i see you
    have another poem
    off to say see ya later there..:)
    Ah.. yes my friend
    to be clothed
    is the place
    i love to be the
    most simply free
    as water flows too..
    as promised..;)

    And now what has become
    a weekly routine of visiting
    all of Xenia and Frank’s Poetry
    around the middle of the week
    running a little late to Frank’s place
    as that comes next heAR iN poetic floWinG RiVeR OceAN wHOle..
    And considering that the Facebook Algorithm has been lately
    questioning my humanity over how fast i perform operations
    there in Frequency more than Quantity i will be consolidating
    all of this in one Facebook MicroVerse Post as well as
    one MicroVerse word count numbered section
    on my blogs
    as well
    as DancE
    and SonG go on
    unfettered adjusting
    to obstacles as they
    come no different
    really than
    a wave
    high or low
    and tides in and out too..:)

    Passion FLoWers LiFE
    some red some blue
    some crown
    aLL musE LiFE..:)

    SMiLes.. after experiencing historically first
    hand the Devastation of Infrastructure
    Loss from Hurricane Ivan in ’04 and
    Many River Floods in Youth
    Growing up there iN
    from Black
    Water River
    on walls on floors
    changing even the climate
    of human smells and emotions too..
    what is perhaps most amazing is how
    humanity steps up when needed most
    as predictable weather changes
    the course of human politics
    most as human politics boil
    up and
    to mostly
    haves and have nots..
    And the empathy and sympathy compassions
    that come more when the haves becomes nots
    other than that it’s nice not to see the head
    clown on TV and hear his bird tweets from
    the Computer Bedroom while the
    Katrina checks NoW iN
    oN Weather Channel
    aGaiN Frank
    Running a
    this week as our
    HVAC system broke
    in tandem with Harvey’s Winds
    And Rains although all we got is a tale end arm..
    anyWay.. we have a new ‘Trane’ and all is cool now..
    as the best news of all this morning is it looks like Irma may go lost out to sea..
    Gallons of Rain Water is enough…
    to change the course of politics forevernow….
    perhaps ‘just enough’ to prevent a much more deadly war….
    Blood of SeOULs…
    Silver linings and all of that
    that applies to all in apples and orange.

    Hmm.. speaking of shoes i caught
    a quick YouTube Home Algorithm
    produced blurb on Human Fetishes
    to find out that sex organs and
    feet are closely
    in the
    brain but
    the part they
    left out are the
    oxytocin receptors
    that are associated
    as Athletes adjust
    in the
    anxiety of an
    actual sport for
    warm and cozy
    oxytocin mammal
    comfort as yes the feet
    also have these same oxytocin
    receptors that even can/will bring
    us love when we touch the Mother who
    is eARTh in both flesh and sands as ‘they’ say all is connected..;)

    And no…
    i don’t care for ‘baseball’..
    it’s boring to me in personal preference..;)

    But it’s true in mirror
    neuron way many
    find motor activity
    cerebellum stimulation
    on mall benches while
    i whizz by in realtime Dance NoW my FriEnd..
    engaging all senses and feelings and intellect
    from head to toe beyond….

    And a tire change
    of 125 bucks shoes
    every three months
    like a human oil change that pays life so much more as real..:)

    Hmm.. Frank..
    i thiNk this NoW
    is a ‘FredbunHaibunFredkuHaikuwithoutfredfukungfu’ but i don’t care to ‘know’..;)

    Oh MG Frank this is surely
    excellent wisdom that
    arguing is fun
    the greatest
    win in never
    expecting to change
    minds on politics religion
    and philosophy for the mental
    masturbation in specifically the
    dopamine pleasure that comes from
    that intellectual activity as astrocyte
    waves direct neurons on this Happy Debating
    activity and it’s true it’s part of what enhanced
    my brain chemistry on the Wrong Planet debating
    the idiocy that an actual Non-Profit Fund Raising
    Business of “Autism Speaks” was actually
    A Eugenics Organization in Nazi way
    attempting to eliminate Autistic folks
    as a conspiracy comes alive on that
    website too for ‘high functioning
    autistic folks’ who were
    even less logical
    in many
    than what was
    assigned to them stereotypical
    in Spock behavior of rationality..
    anyway.. people are different/alike all over and
    back to silver linings if i could have then convinced
    them of the idiocy of their beliefs i would have had
    nothing in any pleasure way left to take my mind off the
    numb and pain.. in ways of rational feeling
    sensing debate..
    and truly
    this sTiLL
    is mostly why
    people argue
    as that simply
    stimulates their mind/body
    no matter who is right or wrong
    the body feels and senses what’s real..
    but surely dancing and singing is more
    fun as long as one keeps A Yang dARK sPot on of arguing too..
    parAbles of money changing tAbles and all of thaT as without some dARK tHeRE is no LiGHT…
    Seem Like
    A Real ‘DriNking’ friend..;)

    SMiLes my FriEnd
    Frank for when
    A Hole
    A Cave
    A fAiry tale we are real..
    You are truly a man with
    A heART my friend in
    what i rarely
    where i ‘live’..
    but i do
    when i do
    i hope
    to find me too..:)


    YeaH iT’s true
    i capitalize
    small case
    but not in every
    case as that WiLL be bOrIng2..
    True.. not everyone loves
    change aS usuAlly i
    am A
    lItmUs cAsE for that..;)

    SMiLes.. no one tell
    tales flowers how to flower either..
    never the less flowers are A ultiMate fairy tale more when real.



    Walking with the Aid of Shoes and Fairy Tales

    One-Liner Wednesday — It’s Entertaining

    The Opening — #writephoto Sight

    From Noon to Moon


  24. Now to better put that
    last one line Heinz 57
    word mixed small
    and upper
    case poetry
    in just another
    form created by
    me or one that i make
    that someone else says
    already has a label as often
    was and is the case on the dVerse
    Online Poetry Pub before i graduated
    from all the former and formal rules tHeir..
    l truly feel
    sad for folks
    who have never
    felt the ultimate
    feeling and sensing
    experience of tears
    of Ecstasy that
    make Euphoria
    real when one binds
    with Real God as Nature
    NoW.. as servant who hears
    a thank you in sychronicity kingdom come..
    yes.. Heaven beyond words as if you haven’t
    experienced contact with God of Nature
    these words are no less gibberish
    than what might first meet
    the eye of below
    outside and
    all around beyond too..
    as this MacroVerse moves
    as fourth arm moving far side past as more
    trilogy changes again now to NEW “Beginning
    of Bowling Alley Days 2017” as what Human Being
    Natural Disasters particularly of once in a history now
    so far of a country do come kingdom come now.. for real
    so as Joel Osteen who might be a little OCD about his newer
    Castles recently said so easily scoffed by Atheists that God NoW
    is in control well yes God is Nature and y’ALL better NOT FucK with
    Fire Breathing Nuclear Godzilla if you don’t wanna get burnt now worse
    than drowning too.. it’s no one’s fault really it just is what it is and to make
    things better you work them in positive way and you get the consequence
    you make mostly in LiGHT or oTheR DaRK ways of reaLiTY NoW.. and true
    this applies to whole team species too particularly if tHeiR shit is like a cancer
    the eARTh
    that is alive as
    any rock in space
    can be and hehe as intimated
    on the Emerald Forest Movie i recently
    shared from 1985 a year past ’84 when
    i started my own Bowling Alley Days then
    in warm and cozy Cheers Norm way too
    that i often find at Old Seville Quarter
    now too and occasionally
    in the mostly introverted
    writing world
    of poetry
    but as one would
    expect with so-called
    introverts who are little
    more closed in ways of outgoing
    social empathic nature not so much
    but never the less happy poets do still live
    as some of the evidence heAr most definitely
    indicates in case study way.. and although i forced
    my self to get mused by literally thousands of dArker
    Poets at dVerse Poetry Pub Online for several years
    resulting in “GodsUniVerseNovel3” at 338,630
    words always linked in my rather lengthy
    short story like Signature line(S) and
    feat notes same on all my
    MacroVerses now
    as a slowly
    and yes changing
    story too kind of like
    when i slow dance a tai-chi-
    like style of Dance at old Seville
    Quarter and in the Shopping stores
    check-out lines too.. yes it is part of
    a changing story too that albeit much
    slower than the rest of the story
    can be empirically measured
    with a fine comb too
    for any naysayers
    who might say i am cheating
    on word count for some of the words are the
    same.. kinda like the Kuran that only uses ~2000
    words in a book the size of just ~80K words where the
    impact is clear twitter feeds reach more than the shit i do.. BuTT
    What counts is how one’s SoUL continues to evolve now or not
    but never the less and more as i was taLinG my newly met Facebook
    Friend Ashley who i find quite amazing that someone like her
    lives in this area of the country at all which of course they do
    it’s just a matter of running in to them.. yes.. a published
    poet enthusiastically as any ancestral town crier
    as an employee of who i used to work
    for.. For the Navy as a civilian too
    from and with Joy seeing a reAlly live human being
    in modern customer service where the standard
    is more like eyes down on a screen or overall
    eyes not used to looking at other eyes now..
    hAha.. and i am the one with yes..
    “Autism”.. no.. it don’t matter
    wHeRe you stART out it’s
    how your soul evolves now
    as Ashley in synchronicity
    way just so happens to be A
    nice young Woman who in Walmart
    also video taped me a couple of weeks
    ago with my ‘little mermaid shirt’ on and
    shared me with her friends with several hundred
    views as many thousands of folks from the local
    area have done in my last four years of public dance
    that literally makes me just about as recognizable NoW iN public
    as the local weather man who forecasts all the rain and really big floods
    yes.. now if you do the math and the views and the shares on many different
    areas of social media for that in a metro area now of several hundred thousand
    folks where haha.. anyone but me if they were brave enough to dance everywhere
    they go in public for four years could be recognized as ‘famous’ too without making
    a fucking
    off of
    anything they
    do.. but see.. here’s
    the thing.. if i ever really
    get famous which i won’t and if i
    did realistically i would have cut
    down some of the public freedoms
    i currently enjoy as total art now for
    the rumor that i helped spread that
    is somewhat true too that yes i do and
    am still diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum
    so the ‘higher ups’ keep tHeiR distance hehe..
    and as Ashley’s friend commented on the
    video that guy has some kind of mental
    handicap but he’s pretty nice if you
    take the time to talk to him
    which Ashley did then
    and i reciprocated
    and acknowledged
    her humanity too and she has an
    open heart and spirit and soul that is poetic too..
    birds of a feather and all of that Old Irish stuff for
    Bards and Filis too as that is where she gets her
    McCormick Last name too.. Celtic Wisdom and all of that
    Part Indian German French and English like me too although
    i can’t remember her mentioning Spanish as my Paternal Grandmother
    was full Cajun too and sure she has an ancestral tale like i do of someone
    up the line marrying an Indian Princess too where of course the Indians now
    will tale you that is kinda a myth as in that culture all women are princesses
    to be cherished in original so-called primitive way.. and yes i am speaking
    of the American Indian ways as that was more of smaller populations
    of humans in areas of abundance where over-population
    and dire socio-economic scenarios leads to stuff
    like castes and arranged marriages and
    even somewhat raping the
    women of the
    opposing tribes
    too.. and true in South
    America with the huge
    more ancient populations with
    tHeiR versions of pyramids too not
    always so nice they were to each other
    either as humans just don’t do too well
    in bigger groups than a village or so per say and do..
    where Dance and Song leave the room more for rules for control
    and people tend to wear more clothes as yes more than about 150
    penises and vaginas can be a little too much to deal with particularly
    if one isn’t used to seeing them all more like a Doctor than porn as that goes too..
    or just plain
    embarrassing for
    not being physically
    and emotionally comfortable
    in one’s naked skin exposed to
    reality and other folks in really what
    it means to be alive more fully connecting
    to Nature as all of God now.. yes class above
    so below.. inside outside and all around as yes
    this is our Temple of God clothed by skin that some
    folks cover
    up and
    for the
    fear of living
    among strangers
    not sure fully of foe or friend.
    yes too.. the tribal instinct that spells fear
    and aggression and violence and hate and even World War
    III for those not yet finding comfort in the human naked touch of free
    but true you’ll likely have no clue until you get as naked as me.. hehe.. or not.. Free..,
    AnyWay.. this is a really long introduction to MacroVerse Shares from previous years
    to date that will come next and will be included in what i hope fits in all the
    social media avenues as the size of my MicroVerses often reach close
    to LIGHTiNG uP
    words trUe.. too..
    just consider it all
    paRt of a Continuing UmbrELLa
    as surELy A rain man forEcast is coMe for NoW..
    and to be clear up there about loss of freedoms although
    it would be legal for me to keep my Nude Art still in Google
    Warning way of adult only expression if i was ever interviewed
    by the actual news for what i do.. butt i would set it to private and
    keep it that way as it is simply not appropriate in our
    culture as i never share anything i do with
    anyone under 18 years of age..
    for that very reason..
    except for the
    dance of course
    what i do is way too complicated
    in ways of words to ever get any more money
    famous than Vincent Van Gogh in his lifetime too..
    and on top of that it’s a dog eat dog world too in the
    world of introverted artists not usually happy folks when someone
    does more.. same thing in work and school no one really likes the
    or the
    princess too..
    sure.. you can
    ask Katrina about that too..
    John 14:12/Assistants can/will be too overall lonely
    places/folks but this world is now bigger than crosses TG and
    the Nerds/Geeks(including me in Dr. Jekyll and Good Cop Hyde ways)..
    who/that freer
    larger avenues
    of online real too..:)

  25. NoW the MacroVerse Memories from years to
    date gathered up all free by the Facebook Algorithm
    coMes to Play.. and yes with 19 tabs open as such
    gathered up from my Personal Facebook
    Page a little bit epic this may
    be by
    the very
    end and
    stARt to come
    tHeRe too as
    Now goes on
    as a delicious stew
    of broad brand Poetry
    with really no real label
    at all but free verse now liGHT
    and sure the Yang of dArk spots too..


    ‘allasLiGHT’ and interestingly while i will refrain from now
    until if and when Soheir can forgive me for my differences
    of opinions from commenting on her Blog but that doesn’t
    mean i can’t get inspired by what i read whether it gives
    me a warm and fuzzy feeling or not and like the
    opportunity for visiting there with the usual
    check box for thanks and sure i would
    provide a voice but if someone
    tells me i am not a friend
    i will take them
    at their
    until they
    come back to love
    if at ever in this lifetime now..
    as they say don’t discuss religion
    politics and philosophy if ya wanna keep
    the warm and fuzzies of friendship among
    otherwise strangers however if things aren’t
    hashed outside of the cave the hole for liGHT
    grows dimmer still.. and quite pleased
    i was to see a reblog there all about
    human equality of respect for
    different beliefs sorry
    i will never
    the parts
    of any
    religion that will
    disrespect any human
    being for God of Nature Given Differences
    specifically including gender and sexual
    orientation differences where in the past
    i have broke in mutual belief of Love from
    friends who follow most all religions
    that still profess ignorance
    for what God of Nature
    Human Nature even
    is just ’cause they
    haven’t witnessed
    the so-called differences yet..
    it’s true per genetics in some tribes
    of humans where interbreeding takes place
    some children actually change sexes when they
    naturally hit puberty in actual biological gender way
    devil didn’t do that God does as God don’t play by A book
    and if one lives long enough one will find who the Master
    of Free is
    and it
    be in
    a book
    unless one is sooner
    of course than later finding out
    or even seeking more answers
    than when God’s Free Nature
    is chained and clothed in
    pages and word idols
    of books when
    pages become
    and people
    as Words..
    currently i am A
    “King of Words” as word
    count moves in poetry as searchable
    on Google for the last four years running..
    And 80K word and 800K or so word books
    that name themselves only words of God
    used to interest me when i read them
    the 100th or 200th time or so..
    and all the other stuff
    i read in the
    world too
    when that’s
    all i did and writing
    during my stay in hell
    before recovered out into heaven from shut-in
    kinda like a metaphor for what ‘little people’ attempt
    to do to holding God in chains of books to promote the survival
    of their culture in common bonds that is surely understandable
    but anyway i escaped the walls of the cover of the books that
    had become my bedroom overall for 66 months to not only sing
    but to dance alive again free too.. and perhaps one can’t see God Dancing
    everywhere in reality now but that’s what God is doing when one attempts to
    Chain God in any kind of book away from Dance too.. and sure that’s why i care
    not to follow any strict copy cat rules of poetry before even if imitation is the greatest
    compliment creating something no one can copy is the Greatest compliment TO GOD..
    God ain’t
    the same
    thing over and
    over again and if that
    is how folks see Allah that
    is no God of mine either who
    Buries Lesbian Women to their chest
    and stones them where they cannot cover
    their eyes the act that Soheir refused to condemn
    even after i told her some of my closest relatives don’t
    fit her polar black and white requirements for existence and
    hoping for a change of heart i was until i went to the original blog
    to see it was a man defending Muslim Folks who had acid thrown
    on them in a hate
    crime now..
    thing is
    a huge
    veil of ignorance
    it is to see that children
    of God and God who lives
    within are those Lesbians enduring
    a fate just as bad as this with no one ‘official’
    i’ve ever seen in the Muslim World condemning
    all acts of discrimination against children of God now
    who are freely Loving and expressing their Natural Behavior
    but of course ignorance is at fault heaR and if everyone is afraid
    someone will make a huge public display of de-friending them as they
    used to do it or just simply clicking a button on Facebook without attempting
    to validate or clarify or just ignore differences of opinions as when people don’t
    really need
    becomes cheap
    so cheap that it cannot
    tolerate differences of opinions
    as that too is the tribal nature of human
    beings when a free God within becomes a prison of a book..
    or misunderstood all natural bio and neuro-diverse Different..
    Anyway.. live and let
    die as life where that
    comes to love for we
    are animals with relative free
    will to do just that death as life if we will to do fear and hate..
    of what is all Natural and Different whether we can see those two things or not..:)

    Culture is the Virus

    “Culture is the Virus”.. not people and this is a long standing
    notion that is backed up by science now as we can water and
    fertilize love from birth or choke the vine that SMiLes LigHT and reAlly Loves all of Life..
    and sure poison and deface our only home that is eARTh through the veils of ignorance
    and who
    don’t even
    recognize the life
    of reality as standing GoD uP inStead of dOWN..:)

    Emerald Forest Reigns

    “Emerald Forest Reigns”.. Hmm.. Speaking of Bi-polar
    and Bi-Sexual tendencies Demi Lovato is still
    cool for the Summer and yes the
    “Emerald Forest’ Still continues
    to reign within but as
    far as the male
    gender of
    the world
    in how that continues
    to be practiced in patriarchal
    ways away from Divine Grace and Love
    i wouldn’t wanna be anything like ‘you’
    in fact ‘you’ can call me “WoNDeR
    WoMaN” again like you did when
    i was 12 if you like as i ain’t
    scared of the divine
    feminine will
    and grace
    within that is surely
    A true root of Will and Strength also know as sHe GoD NoW..
    And yeah blah blah blah yada yada yada yeah empirically NoW2
    measurable in terms of Dancing in Public Fearlessly for 8 Thousand
    Miles in around 4 years soon.. Leg pressing 1020 LBS 33 times
    at age 57 now if not more infused for even 50 reps now
    arms raised to the sky like a ballerina on the
    most difficult leg press machine in
    the military gym all parallel
    as such with no
    sled to
    with Gravity now..
    what else.. oh yeah.. the ongoing
    130K words a month that are now
    becoming a “Facebook Profile Pic Bible 2018”..
    as soon as that milestone comes on Memorial Day or so of 2018 then..
    with 1.6 Million or so words all written in all the Facebook Profile Pic Descriptions
    as that is already ongoing and complete at least since Memorial Day of 2017 as “PHI
    of 1.618
    Million words
    and 365 days
    comes complete then too..:)

    Stripe of thirteen words

    “Stripe of thirteen words”

    An oldest of human archetypal
    prophecies shared by abstract
    construct of many varying languages
    And words ‘fore heaR noW quoted as13 words.
    STiLL aGaiN NoW..:)

    National Anthem
    IS sunG IS pLaYed
    WiLL makes
    AnThem go



    NUmber 696 MacroVerse

    “Number 696 MacroVerse” from a year ago as yes i really do love the
    Number 696 enough to use it for a land mArk MacroVerse Title
    too in milestones ways.. and considering the one i am
    writing and concluding soon enough is number
    796 in Total Number of MacroVerses
    aS ‘SonG oF mY SoUL’ 5 Million
    Word Longest Form Poem it tales
    me i am a couple of weeks behind
    now on what used to be publishing
    a MacroVerse religiously twice a week
    since Memorial Day of 2016 then for the
    “PHI Bible” coming by Memorial Day of 2017..
    this was 100 MacroVerses ago instead of 104.. per 52 times 2..
    be too
    predictable for free..:)

    Out of my mind..anything! is possible!

    “Out of my mind..anything! is possible!”.. hmm.. thing about getting out of
    chains that sometime also hOld us Back in between our ears..
    Body is Brilliant when we learn to free verse dance
    no different
    all spirals
    within mind
    As Body Spirals first
    iN BaLanCinG ForCE NoW
    MoVinG ConNecTinG CreaTinG WhOle..:)

    Kat Year Secrets

    “Kat Year Secrets” from two years ago too as these MacroVerses
    range from 2013 now through 2016 as far as memories go and truly
    it is no secret that i will never be a paid ballerina boo who not even
    for free as volunteer in theater way as my neck is too thick and short
    and my Head is too Big and my Shoulders are square
    and Ballerinas don’t get to weigh 233LBS
    same thing with Martial Arts
    and Haibun Poetry
    and Haiku Poetry
    with Sonnets too.. i play
    by no rules i’m in it for the thrill
    and the joy of living now and if you
    think i need any affirmation of any kind
    for joy you haven’t lived naked Free in God skin yet
    as far as i can see that’s free with no restraints or feedback necessary
    now other
    Lives within
    sMiLiNG BeyONd
    InFInITy wHeRe the Children
    of God who are God’s eYes and
    eaRs live free without the restraints of owning free..
    or having to pay for it in some way Boo Who2.. ain’t no worries heAR..
    sure.. it helps to be financially independent so sad that art comes for any kind of external
    at all
    other than
    giving and sharing
    free with receipt or not of
    anotHeR person’s relative free will too..
    a nice place
    to win now i always
    win for i only compete for/WiTh God..
    Free within me freer and freest i can and will bE NoW2..:)

    i’m reAlly special now

    “i’m reAlly special now”.. Yepper Dr. Pepper and Captain Salt
    away from Sgt Pepper Devil’s Chief of Staff and all that Jazz
    as i continue to remain just another Captain Salt of the
    eARTh and yes of course i step out of the straight
    male 57 year old box doing Nude art now
    even full blown with super
    low “SuPeR WoMaN”
    Testosterone of 168
    one more point and i get
    169.. yeah like the Curled Cat and
    the Universe every which way in Galaxies
    of Golden Spiral Mean along with that 696
    number honored already in MacroVerse way
    with 796 heaR Although i did get up to about 236 and
    some odd or even fraction ounces of a Pound when the
    AC got broke.. a little less sculpting for my current effort
    but never the
    less all paRTs
    of my Temple
    of God
    to be functioning
    properly as this case
    study evidence of Human
    Potential hides behind no OZ curtains..
    In other words in that heat
    i took too many Siestas
    but sure still
    kept up my 130K word
    count average a month and
    166 miles average of Public Dancing too..
    lots of
    to STiLL run
    an iron man sHow now2..:)

    i AM2

    “i AM2” once again two years ago as threes come in twos and ones too..;)


    “WTF IS GOD!”.. WiLL two break one down in threes
    TruE.. LiGHT through dARK SoMe See soMe SoMe See MoRE SoMe See Less
    And Some are truly either too far or nEar sided and see none.. oR And sHades of Grey
    And Rainbow Colors BeYond too..
    forget what
    God is as all Natural
    Connecting Binding Force
    that and who needs no book to live within..
    in what is fuller of feeling and sensing now out of kNow..:)

    DrinKing Kool Aid Dance

    “DrinKing Kool Aid Dance”.. Just God Juice iN Human Potential
    yes J God J for cool time phrase now.. and with that said seems
    about A LiGHT BrinGeR NoW too to play a little Alan Parson’s
    Lucifer too out of the Album titled Eve so appropriately
    i might add as men who rule by will and strength
    outside of love and grace die prematurely
    mostly from the stress of not
    using Emotions to move
    life in other words
    they live
    off of fear
    and hate cortisol chemicals instead of
    Hope and NoW all the wonderful Positive
    Emotionally Fueling FeeLingS and SenSEs oF LoVE LiGHT
    so what did ‘they’ do in the spirit of Milton’s Paradise Lost
    making an Angel of LiGHT as the rebellious archetype
    of human being into what they named as Satan for
    the Devil now but sure how ya gonna
    retain your church robed power
    totally bypassing perhaps
    the most important
    verse of the
    New Testament
    of Hope and Love
    as John 14:12 while everyone
    else goes with the misinterpretation
    of the original Greek translation that says
    A son of God and never the son of God at all
    or how else would Jesus say ye are all God’s like
    it is said in the Book of Daniel too..did Jesus lie.. well
    if so that ain’t a story with much integrity now.. anyway
    the truth comes
    out in
    real now
    to play FuLL
    time away from
    time that CLocKs GoD Locked
    in forevermore yesterday in molded and
    reproduced pages of over and over again idols
    statue of God STiLL NoW idol abstract construct words
    never changing
    as Free
    to do within
    inside outside above
    so below and all around too..
    anyway.. the Sandman Character
    in American Comic Book Venture
    and now translated TV show of
    Lucifer puts the entire BrinGeR
    oF LiGHT
    in more
    appropriate meaning
    of humans fall from grace
    and love and rise back up to will
    and strength through anew reneWeD Foundation
    of Love and Grace Now..
    the other
    are falling
    early from Heart
    Attacks and stuff like that..:)

    A woman’s opinion on GOD

    “A woman’s opinion on GOD”.. SpeaKinG oF EvE God iF this
    iS not
    oN ToPiC
    Equal Employer
    God Is tHaT wHo WiThiN..;)

    SasQuatch LoVe Feat sKeYes

    “SasQuatch LoVe Feat sKeYes’.. True sTiLL A Year aGo aWay
    but never the less quiet a loud ominous prophecy too this is then too..:)


    “LOVE IS”
    juSTicE iS..:)

    KAT Tales and Parabells

    “KAT Tales and Parabells”.. Visiting my First Step Mother in Tallahassee
    finally getting paper work ready to sell my Father’s Real Estate after he
    Passes Away and Poetry and Stuff continuing on like that and this too STiLL CoMinG..:)

    Awakening NOW

    “Awakening NOW”.. as Forrest G sayS iT hapPens
    iT reAlly
    JuST NoW HapPens2..:)

    Super Heroes of Dance Song and HOPE

    “Super Heroes of Dance Song and HOPE”
    what Real
    hUmans do
    WitH Roses oVer Guns..aRiSinG NoW sTiLL aLiVE..
    And the Beach Photos And Beautiful Young Women Are notable too..:)

    Two Wolves Ghost Dance Crazy Horse

    “Two Wolves Ghost Dance Crazy Horse”..
    TruE.. GoT Cherokee and
    too.. and
    A Dance
    And SonG that
    beCoMeS mE too..:)

    Watchman Matchbox Humans

    Okay.. gonna move to
    A Last full quote NoW of
    “Watchman Matchbox Humans”
    that is kinda prophetic too in Human
    Archetypal ways from three years ago too..
    And end and stART for all the CoMinG
    Photography NoW after all these
    words too with a little
    RainMan too..;)


    Matchbox Humans
    Waiting caTch FiRE









    aRM oF a ‘FoRe/aFTeR NaMeD

  26. Pingback: BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017 | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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