All Gifts of Nature Friends Color

Inner Force
A Free Dance

iSMiLes HeLLoVE HiMaLi On This Crisp Cool Day
And Now Cold Fall Full Moon Night
iN the United States For A
Celebration of Thanks
Giving Day Where
Going A Much
Higher Grade
Country Now
to Practice Finding
Meaning And Purpose
iN Tiniest to Biggest Pictures
oF LiFE GiVinG Thanks And Praise
to All Of LiFENoW BRings iNcreaSingly
As Holy And Sacred Within MaKinG all
oF Life Truly Divine in much more than
Just a Six Letter Word And More Like A
Six Pointed Star Within.. for me at least
i’ve come to ‘See’ every minute Move and every
minute Word a Dance And Song of LiFE That WiLL
Always Become A More Beautiful Work of Art Where
Focus Becomes
Light True
Within Shines Brighter
Where Love Lives Alive iNside
Outside Above So Below And All Around
As Over Flowing Chalice WHere THere is nothing
to Lose from A Never Ending Fountain Flow of Forgiveness
And Even Greater Unconditional Love to Give and Share More
for what
is filled
A Fountain of Love..

“Once you Give
You Receive Back
Multiples of 7 More..
Love IS A Light House
iN Those We CaLL Our Home
And That LiGHT House Continues aS ouR Soul
Long after the Candle Has Gone DArk And the Flicker LiveS on..”

Thanks for the Share of What my Fingers Birthed and iN Deed mY SouL
too For When Our Soul Speaks The Reward Is Eternally Now Within to Seek
And Find more
The Journey Never
Ends And Life Is Good As LoVE
When We All Co-Create iN/As LiGHT
to Hold Hands With Hugs
DanCinG And SinGinG ToGeTHeR Free..:)


HeLLoVE HiMaLI And Happy
Friday Afternoon to Evening
in the United Arab Emirates
As the Experience of Synchronicity
When Seemingly An A-Causal Connecting
Principle Brings Meaning and Purpose in what
Surely Feels in So Many Sublime Ways Divine When a
A Holy and Sacred Sense of Feel iN KNoW Comes to Fruition
in our Life More Often Now When
We Are iN A Flow yes mY
FriEnd A Walk on the
Beach Both
allone with
All of Nature A Dance
A Song either as Spectator
Of Or DancinGSinginG iN Direct Divine
Intervention NoW as these Enlightening
Psychologically Meaningful and Purposeful
Divine Holy and Sacred Feels and Senses of
Life come attached With Our Inner and Outer Environments
Continuing to Come With what Jung and Jesus Describes as
A More Holistic Holy and Sacred Divine Reality We come to see
for those who Develop These Eyes iN Flow to See so much more of
the Poetry
And Art
of Reality
as is but it’s True
the Modern World Subtracts where
Multi-Tasking takes away from Uni-Tasking
Flow of Attention removing potential for these eyes and
ears to see and hear so much more as the Painting sees
and hears Fibers of the Painting While the Fibers See the entire
Masterpiece hearing more of the Painting as Brush Painting the
Masterpeace Painting even more in Harmony as we then become
all the Colors and Shades of the Painting more From Black and
White to Beyond Colors of the Rainbow even more.. as True
in this way we Re-Tire our Minds as Wheels that have
Grown Bare in Tread of Rubber to Feel More of
the Roads of Life no longer as exposed
Metal as only Machine of someone
Else’s Mind as Cog in their
Machine as many
through the ages
have given their best
stabs at the potential to relay
this larger and smaller experience
of Life to others but it is true until one experiences
more of Synchronicity in Flow one may be a Wheel Bare
of Tread and Rubber to Feel and Grasp more Roads together
as an Entire
Reality now
Sublime in Beauty
Holy and Sacred Divine
in both Feeling and Sensing
More of Life now.. Where True the
Answers become the Questions and
the Questions become the Answers as
We become Branches and Leaves and the Root of the
Tree too no longer categorizing ourselves into Oaks and Maples any more..:)

But anyway away from the Nay Sayers of the Deeper Poetries and Synchronicities
of Life for it is also true what i just wrote may also be mostly Word Salad for one who
has not Visited the Deeper Places of life or even Fathomed Seeking and Finding more now;

Yes, Science through Brain Scans does Show How the Brain Lights up when Human
Beings Enter the state of ‘Transient Hypo-Frontality’, which is Just a Fancy Way of
Saying Flow as typically the way Humans Experience Flow is when they
Come to Focus on one Activity in increasingly complex ways of actions
Where Fight and Flight Anxiety doesn’t ruin the Flow in overly
Complex ways of Activity; as it’s true even a Walk on the
Beach can and will fulfill this as Nature is always
Changing as we come to feel and sense
more of Nature Focused away
from all the other
Distractions of
Life as Science
Also Shows when one goes
into a State of Flow, Creativity
is Boosted Four to Five Hundred Percent
And Feel Good Neurohormones and Neurochemicals
Are Generated to Light us up From Head to toe more now
in General Health and Well Being too; and if one does this enough
they enter in to an ‘Autotelic’ State of Being Within through the Bio-Feedback
of Generating, Through Relative Free Will, Our own Feel Good Neurochemicals
And Neurohormones on Demand as any Tibetan Monk Will come to Do in Higher
Human Potentials as Scientists will measure the similar Empirical Effective results
Through Brain Scans of Yogis too; Yoga, the Unity of Reality as Whole and yes the
KingQueendom of Heaven
within for
who achieve
this Ascending Transcending
Holistic View of Being as the
KingQueenDom of God is always Meant to
Be NoW For those who Do find the Essence of what it is to be.

A Greatest thing of all now is none
of these words are needed; nor any
technology at all; Just what We are Born
With Naked and the Beach we Both Walk
On and Come to Be Within as Divine Holy Sacred Sense and Feel of Is.

i did this when i was Younger and
Wiser away from School; Walking the Beauty of the Beach Allone with the guise
That School and Work was Reality Then When the Beach Was/Is Already me as God Free.

This iS MaGiC
mY FRiEnd
All Natural
MaGiC And
Sadly Mostly Forgotten By Those
Who Are Dead Inside By All the Tools
of Cultural Clothes
They Come to
From Human
Love Agape; Both Real And
iNcaRNaTE NoW As BEacH iSMiLes..:)


Himali Sings.. Fully Illustrating
A Feeling and Sense
As Well.. With..

“Walking by the sea……

i return with..

Or Synchronicity..;)

In Poetic Word Play Himali continues..

“iSynchronicity of the iUniverse of iSmiles..:)”

iELaBoRaTE the SamE PincH With..

Yes And This is my Favorite Photo of Himali
Out of All Your Photos That are Favorite
HiMaLi iSMiLes oF the iUNiVerSE iNDeeD..:)

Himali Reciprocates with..

“Thank you, Fred..:) iHugs and iFlowers 🌼🌺🌷🌹”

In Multiples of 7 and more i continue with..

iWarm iWelcoming iHugs From iFlorida iFLoWeRinG iSMiLes too.. iFor iYou..:)

As the Discussion continues on Her Blog As HiMaLi Relates Synchronicities more..

“iLoved the iSynchronicity of the beach walk!! Hence proves my point that if
ipeople are connected by hearts, everything is just magic 🙂 Helllloooooove,
iSmiles and iHugs your way!”

As i continue on with..

Yes.. mY FriEnd iHiMaLi WiTh iSMiLEs putting the
Calculator of Mind Away And FLoWinG
A Dance Of SoUL
EVeN Deeper
to the
Connecting inside
outside above so below
and all around to Souls
Connecting as Stars Do
When Free FLoWinG Even More..
And True i Captured A Twilight Photo
of the Thanks Giving Full Moon Last Night
And True
All that
And Found
Now IS A iUNiVerSaL
iFRiEnDSHiP iOcean iSea iN
LoVinG Hugs oF HiMaLi’s eYes..
And You KNow i Appreciate the Photos of
the Beauty of Your Soul You Share That Will
Not Be Mistaken by the iLiGHT of Your Eyes for when
i showed that Nice Poem You Wrote to me Last Week
to some extended Relatives At A Thanks Giving Feast Yesterday
Those folks had
A Hard time
You Are
Real until i
Showed them Your
Ice Cream Parlor Photos And then They Believed.. Hehe..
And Now i Have A Real Live Photo of An iAngel by the iSea..
iLights iN iEyes Much iBrighter Than All the City Lights of the United Arab Emirates..
HuMaN BeinG HiMaLI..:)

And Now A Sidenote And Personal Message to all the
‘Haters’ who call my Poetry Word Salad and Non-Sense
to Even Do.. Yes.. in the Words and Song of Demi Lovato
‘It’ ‘Gets’ even ‘Worse’ from this point on NoW..Hehe..
And No
i’M “Sorry Not
Sorry”.. i’M Never
Sorry NoW For Writing
Never Ending Story Nether
Land Free Verse Poetry Now..

As Himali goes on to further relate..

“If I may dedicate lines of one of my fav. songs to you:

“I have met an angel, IN PERSON and He looks PERFECT”.

Thank you for all the iSMiles and iHugs, Fred. I am truly
blessed to have known you. Please do say my hello to your relatives too..:)”

After Clicking the Like Button Sincerely i go on to say..

SMiLes.. mY iFRiEnd HiMaLi
As iHumbly iSay iOkay
And iYes
to Have
An iFriEnd iAnGeL
HiMaLi iFRiEnD too..
As Yes You are Always
An iPerfect iAngel iAlways
iPerfecting the iArt of YouR iWings iMore..:)


SMiLes HiMali Thanks For Visiting “96 Months oF Thanks Giving Wishes”
And so Happy am i in #FriendswithoutBorders to Meet and Establish
A Forever Friendship Now With a Person From India
As Nice as HiMaLI NoW And Yes.. i had to Google
the Lyrics of that Song From Ed Sheeran to
Find out Which one it was and is and that
is Such a Sweet and
Innocent Loving
Song that Should
Apply to Friends
too.. as truly
Of Friendship
is the core of Loving Colors
More WHere Love Never Leaves
the Room and only has More Space
to Visit mY FriEnd as the Kindness of a Grand
Mother’s Arms to go to visit Her one more time long
After Her Earthly Body is Gone Soul Living Within.. Cheers
mY FriENd And EverLasting Toasts of Hot Chocolate Within
Always Home NoW
For the
thE Light
House is FRiEnd For iReaL
iMy iFRiEnd iHiMaLi iDance iSing iJoy iMore.:)



Well.. Just two more Days After already making a Celebratory
Post of “96 Months oF Thanks Giving Wishes”.. yes Sunday
the 25th of November is actually the Official 96
Month-Old Date since when i started 11.25.10
Posting on the ‘Wrong Planet’
Website.. a Place with
Mostly Monologues
Cold away from Friendly
Social Reciprocal Social Communication
as yes this can and will be the very Inherent
And Environmental Condition of the Autism Spectrum
Part and Parcel of it as Those who Professionally Study
and Label the Condition With Definitions too that have
Changed Across the Years as remember there is no
Actual Physiological Test like an X-Ray or a
Blood Test to assess the Specific Condition
of Autism Spectrum Disorder
as Usually it is assessed
Purely on the Basis
of Behavior and
Answers to
Verbal and or Written
Tests too by Diagnosing
Professionals who have the
Actual Credentials to do this..
for yes the Spectrum moves Across
Individuals with very little Felt Empathy
for other Folks to those who are Overwhelmed
With Feelings and Senses Both Emotional And
Sensory too including Extremely Strong Abilities
to Feel and Sense the Pain and Pleasure of other
Folks where they tend to Withdraw more for the Overwhelming
Experience of what they Experience now as a Very Intense World of
Feeling and Sensing it more than most folks can and will imagine now
and that’s the part i fit in most through Most of my Life Span now although
the Meditation of Dance in Free Verse steps as well as Free Write Poetry now
has helped me to Regulate my Emotions and Integrate my Senses in a lifelong
Effort to Find ways to do that that likely puts me Head and Shoulders Above
what most ‘Normal’ Folks are
Able to Accomplish
now in Mind
and Body
Balancing Soul
Moving and Connecting
And Co-Creating with others
Where Play and Overall Re-Creation
With Rest and Relaxation is a part of all
of what i do outside of Fear as Fear is the Poison
of Life that literally Puts Destructive Neurohormones
in our Blood Stream now yes Stress Associated Hormones
Namely Cortisol at core of what Breaks down Bodily Systems
And Fear in General that Makes all of us more Weak inherently
over a span of Chronically Experiencing Stress to Acute Flight and
Fight Stress as one can and will eventually Break down to Total Human
Exhaustion in General Adaptation Syndrome that particularly impacts folks
on the Autism Spectrum who are the Canaries in the Coal Mine who Feel and Sense
So much more of an already Toxic Environment of Extremely Complex Stress that We
Are Fed almost from Birth
in an Environment
of Constant
For Consuming
More Resources from
the Environment than we are
Normally able to Give Back.. including
the Inner Environment of a Mind and Body
Balancing Soul of Human Potential almost Lost
for the other wise Self-Actualized Agape Love For
All Human Beings we can and will also come to be now
in the Capstone of the Pyramid of what Humans Really
Can and Will Be Moving.. Connecting.. Co-Creating
And Re-Creating themselves every day in ways
of Rest and Relaxation and the Play that
Keeps us Balancing Fresh in New
Mind and Body Connections as
We Dance And
New Ways
of Life each and
Every Day as Well Being
Continues to Evolve as all
Natural Soul and SPiRiT oF HeART
in ways of Feeling and Sensing our Realities
in Action of Peace and Harmony more in a “Force
Ten Reality” of life where we become A Calm Eye
Center Force of the Hurricane Potential in Winds of
iMaGiNaTioN And Creativity Moving.. Connecting and
Co-Creating Even More With Healthy Play ToGeTHeR
in all the Ways We Can and Will Dance and Sing Together More now too..
True.. it’s Much Better to be assessed by the Super-Walmart Customer Service
Representatives as the Dancing Man who Brings Spring into the Store like a Postman
Bringing Mail of Joy no Matter Sleet or Snow or Real Hail on Earth now too.. heHe.. sure
Much Better than being a Shut-in in one’s Bedroom With 19 Mostly Chronic to Acute Stress
Related Illnesses 66 Months as it’s True that Chronic to Acute Stress is Sadly A Most Destructive Force of Humanity now more than ever where one has to stay stuck in Traffic Even Going Home
Giving where
Nomads Live so Far
Away from the Village that
Raises the Child Together as
the Prize as that Child is Gardened
in the Feeding and Watering of Love
Where if a Father is lost from the
Family Photo Album there are
other Male Relatives and
Friends to step in and
as this Occurs in
Religions for those who
Can and Will Fit into all the
Structural Requirements not to get outcast
from that but it is true there are many more ways
to be a Nomad of Life when one is Different.. so much
Different from the Rest of the Village and or Church or other
Social Group Unit to help Humans not only Survive but Thrive
in Moving.. Connecting.. Co-Creating Ways of Life in all the Ways
Humans Play Across the Lifespan Comes with Rest And Relaxation
To Charge up our Inner Battery Even more Yes ‘Life Force 10’ as the
Eye of the Hurricane Generates Greater Band Widths of Life Wind Now.. at ease..
10 Human Soul..:)


This Week’s ‘Gift’ Somewhat on Topic:

Politicians are Elected to Influence Change to the Will of Those Folks Who Elect the Politicians;

So, in other Words, Trump is not the Problem so much as the Will of those Folks who continue to Support him.

Politics is all about Influence. Human Beings at core are not Rational as Science continues to illustrate as the
Neo-Cortex is Servant to the Limbic System; even for ‘those’ who ‘think’ they are ‘Smarter’ than their Emotions.

Point in Case, the Folks on ‘this Internet Site’ who insist they are so rational but lead off most every Conversation
with some kind of Personal Attack that is entirely derivative of “Little Person” Syndrome; in other words, an
Emptiness inside seeking some kind of oneupmanship to Derive a little Shot of Serotonin to ‘feel’ up what
‘Fills’ Empty inside.

People who are ‘Feeled’ up inside, is the “Typical Politician’s” Worst Nightmare for they are the ones who
are least likely to fall to an Emotional Charged Promise to Lift them up, when their Natural State of Being is
Already Filled up; which means there is nothing the Politician has to offer them they don’t already have now.
This is Typical Used Car Sales Lot Politics; the Folks on the Bottom of Maslow’s Pyramid come in Desperate now
For Transportation; As an Easy Mark for the Trump Sales Manager; And Used Car Sales Lot Trump Sales Person;
And Yes, the Financial Manager with a Trump Suit on too, now; to take advantage of General Human Weaknesses.

My Mama Loved me; i’m filled up with Love, Still; so, I am no Mark for a Politician or someone with
‘Little Man’ and or ‘Little Woman Syndrome’; who ‘thinks’ they can Bring me Down or Sell me a Lemon
With an ‘Orange Suit’ on.

Sadly, not everyone is Filled up with Love; Sadly, not everyone is Financially Independent; Sadly, not
Everyone is Self Actualized; And Sadly not Everyone Enjoys Agape Love for all of Nature; Additionally, with
Loads of Empathy, Sympathy, Compassion; and enough Cognitive Empathy to See Plain as Day how Tortured
of A Soul A Trump Politician or otherwise Trump Human Being is; obviously, Shipped off to Military School with
A Bunch of Dudes; and Probably bullied for being rather Effete as that still comes through Loud and Clear through
Trump’s no Different than the ‘Jordan Peterson Meme’; Really Big Hips and Doesn’t exercise; sure, go ‘figure’ that out.

Anyway, Politicians; Many of the Most ‘Famous’ Politicians came from and still come from a place of Human
Darkness; Just Read a Biography of the Presidents; including the Most Famous President’s and that comes
through Crystal Clear that their Lust For Power comes from a Place of Existential Dark Angst and Emptiness.

Obama was about the Closest President to someone with actual Self-Esteem as truly the only one lately who
isn’t seriously Character Flawed, in some way. In Fact, an outlier for sure for a Politician at the Top who
was/is actually Self-Actualized no Matter what His Actual Physical Strength; for He was/is Obviously A
Real Man’; Self-Assured, who no one could take down to their smaller size. Sure; The other side Tried
But He Never Cried Uncle or Wet His Pants or Set His Hair on Fire Orange/Blonde like the Little Dude in
Charge now.

Little Dudes appeal to ‘Little Dudes’
as that applies and or to Women too.

We have a lot of ‘little Dudes’ in this Country
now who live at the Bottom of Maslow’s Pyramid;
and when it comes to ‘Little Dudes; size matters not;
as Yoda’s/Obama’s Still Tower over Trump’s no matter How Much Trump’s Exaggerate.

Meanwhile; the ‘World is on Fire’; and ‘Little Dudes’ are worried all about Big Transexual Folks
who aren’t afraid to be who they are inside, Serving in the Military; as Big Folks Still actually Do;
Never Complaining about “Temporary Bone Spurs” or about a “Bad Hair Day in the Rain”; if it wasn’t
So Dangerous for the Human Species; the Whole “Entired” Scenario would be Straight out of “Mad Magazine”
it is.
Regulate Your own Emotions;
Integrate your own Senses Now;
Yeah, ‘Baby’; Tower Over Any ‘Trump’ now.
And Yes, Sure; Do The Math too on your own.

Oh yeah; Go Figure, too; Popes/Politicians Have even Convinced
Some Folks as Paleontologists Suggest, Still that A Five Foot or one
or so Little Brown Dude with Shortly Cropped Hair, Around 106 Lbs; not Much Bigger
Than Yoda with His Philosophy too; Now Looks Just Like ‘Conchita’; And ironically, is God’s Only ‘Son’. It’s True;
People at the Bottom of the Food Chain will Take the Hook, Bait, and Sinker while ‘Those’ ‘in Charge’ Laugh AT them, too,
to sink
Sadly as is Reality Still.

The Politics of the Governmental
Process; the Constitution, Developed
by Real Forefathers Worth their Title as Men Chiseled on Granite Mountain Stone
Are All that/who separate Us from Trump/Pope Supported And Driven Politics, now.

Actually, we have a Much Bigger Problem Than
Politics as it stands still is Directly Related to, too.

Humans are not evolved to Live Peacefully with more than about 150 to 200
Sets of Eyes they are well Acquainted with. Humans Live in Balance in Nature when
they live as Evolved as Most Animals do until they get out Balance and the Herd is culled
Naturally as such.

Human Culture Sets Humans apart from all other Animals ranging from Language to Nuclear Bombs;
And a dream of Escaping the Planet to A Place we are not evolved to Live on after we screw this one up.

In this way, Human alone is not the Virus but Culture is. It is self evident by the Way we Rule Ourselves
at the Top that our Entire Process is a Best Bet Endeavor Against the Truly Natural Insanity we continue
to impose on the Rest of the Environment. But hey; We are driven by what Feels Good Most; So, we continue to
Add Layers and Layers of Icing on a “MacArthur’s Park” (reference to a 70’s Disco Song by Donna Summer) that
is Getting So Heavy It is Smothering the Cake of Nature in Balance that is the Home we continue to Depend on now.

The Answer is the Same as it is for all the other Animals; we get balanced with the Rest of Nature Now or we go away; So, How Smart is Human;
Not Very
so far
at ALL;
ALL stuff considered.

An only hope really is if enough
Folks hold hands together again in Balance with Nature.
The Fact that we do have the Ability to do that Globally now is really an only hope in synergy
of what may still be to come; on just how much Folks appreciate the Gift of Human Life now; and for those still to come.

Meanwhile; I’m Enjoying Every Second of Life to the Max; for this Country is still Free enough for That For Those Folks Who are Truly Free; And Actually Do Something With that Freedom to Make Some Kind of Real Difference in the World Now.

I don’t have any Living Children and my Wife and i have a Few Decades left of Potential Good Health; And Heaven on Earth That Is Real Is A Tiny Sliver of what any Species of Life anywhere in the Universe has Likely experienced as an Existence of
Relative Free Will; in Enjoying all the Colors of Life and the Dark that Brings Light too. These are Still the Best of
Days for Some Folks who continue to Enjoy a “Macarthur’s Park” that still thrives; smiles, like my Back Yard of
Living Beauty Beyond
of Money
And A
off home.
A First Step in Saving the
Human Species is appreciating the Gift of Life At ALL, now; JusT NoW;
as ‘they’ (me) say(s); Change Starts Best With The Happy Satisfied Still Striving Version of “me”..;)

A Greatest Challenge of Life is Being a Successful Politician of one’s Inner Life. After that; Willfully Relatively
speaKing; the Rest of Life IS A Piece of Cake As LonG as one Doesn’t Gorge Themselves on Frosting; With SMiLes..:)


SMiLes Frank.. Thanks For Coming By on what is once
Again a Beautiful Sunny Day in Florida as the Temperatures
Once Again exceed 70 Degrees in F Fashion And Additionally
Thanks You for Quoting
“Pet Rocks
With Pictures
Touches Senses
All Mixed as Emotions
WheN oPen
to Pet Rocks”.. as hey
perhaps one day i’ll look through
These Comments to Find Shells on
The Beach as Well mY FriEnd and
Interestingly the Afternoon Sun so
Low in the Sky was Responsible
for the way that Turtle’s
Shadow was on
Display Half
Lit Shell and
Half Shaded Shell
And Sadly After i took
the Photo i recognized the
Rather Healthy Young Turtle
Could Not Move No Doubt Suffering
From the Pollution of that Part of the
Biloxi Shore so Sadly As So.. or Perhaps
Some other Natural Environmental Oppressor..
PerHaps.. Hooked by a Fishing Line.. Or Other Ways
Naturally Leading to the Demise of that Young Turtle then
but true Turtle Shells Don’t Age like Human Skin now so who
am i to say for sure and sadly there was another Critter Trapped
Underneath the Sand for i had to get the Nature Skill of Identifying
Beach Creatures to Determine it was a Wild Rabbit by the Means of
My Sister who is a Much Better Nature Photographer than me with Real
Photo Equipment beyond Smart Phone Tools.. Who knows all the Zoology
of Nature Around these Parts but sadly too overall it seems to be somewhat
of an Omen For the Sad State of Affairs of How Humans Continue to get out
of Balance With Nature for a ‘MacArthur Park’ that is our only Home that we
Depend on to Survive as well as enjoying Fall Sunsets of Ever Changing
Colors of Beauty From Sky Blue to Orange Pink and Red Fire on
Horizon Ends so in this Case Considering the Recent
Environmental Report in Dire Warnings of
Climate Change Released on a Day
in Hopes of not notifying the
Public as much as
possible on
BLack Friday
When folks might not
notice as Much That Science Proves
More Than Ever that we are not only Killing
Our Natural Environment with Climate Change but
that we are also Bringing our Demise as well Both
in Terms of Economics.. Livelihood.. as Well As
Actual Early Demise of Humans too yes as
Far as Pet Rocks Go it would be so
much Better if Folks Loved the
Pet Rock Earth as once
again i Sing
the Song
Dance it too..
“Pet Rocks
With Pictures
Touching Senses
All Mixed as Emotions
WheN oPen
to “Pet Rocks”..
As the Living Earth
We Depend on for all that
Brings Beauty and Wellness to Life in Balance
Yes.. my FriEnd.. “96 Months of Thanks Giving Wishes”
Perhaps too spoken all in one Poem as A Voice of Nature..
And Yes By God A Woman As Mother Nature Sings to Dance heART..
“MacArthur ParK”
Only hOMe NoW..:)


Oh no.. you won’t believe what i just did.. i Wrote a Comment
All about Synchronicity Two too.. and i Had the Song “Synchronicity
II” on one of my Tabs and Accidentally Closed the Tab that Housed
HiMaLi’s Synchronicity II.. so.. now.. i have to Write this Comment Again
but that’s okay for it is probably Synchronicity too that in A-Causal Connecting
Principle Way As Sign of Nature Said Fred Now You have something else Entirely
Different to Say to HiMaLI.. So.. WeLL.. HeLLovE For StARTers.. And i am So Impressed
that you Walked 17.3984 Miles in One Day as you surely already then had my 13 Mile
Public Dancing Effort Beat Last Sunday.. hehe.. and i bet Your Legs Were Throbbing
as there are days
that i surely
can hardly
Get out
of the
Car in a Long
Day’s Dance Effort..
And True.. tHere is a Higher
Force Guiding our ways in a
Very Personal Way almost Like
A Story we are involved in as Stories
Are Our ReaLiTies More than any Material
Reductionist View of LiFE NoW As Any
Random Soup but a Meaningful
Narration of LiFE Now That We
Do Help Co-Create in Moving
And Connecting Ways
With other eYes of
God Now With
True mY
FriEnd No Borders
or Walls or in some cases
hehe.. it seems.. even Clothes these
days.. hAha.. but anyway.. HiMaLI.. too
i Know and Feel for Sure is a Sign From God
Who Says Thank You Fred for all of what you Do…
You’ve Worked Hard Enough and Now You Have Some Real
Friends Also to Always stay by Your Side through thick and thin..
And it’s okay.. if you get busy.. and must focus on.. what you have
to do for months without a Word for Just one Day as Friend with
HiMaLi has surely made my Year mY FriEnd as this Post Will be Titled
“All Gifts of Nature Friends Color”.. Yes.. Dedicated to mY friEnd HiMaLi
Close enough to Her Birthday.. Hopefully.. if i finish by the 27th for my FriEnd’s
Birthday then with sure.. you guessed it.. A Photo of Her Flying On A Sea of MoonLit Soul..
As Thumbnail Header Photo
And yes i am
Glad to Hear
Above that
Your Parts 3 and
4 of Your Synchronicity
Adventure have Come to God’s Fruition Within
mY friEnd As That’s A Way it Does Seem to Go in Relaxing Flow..:)


Ghosts.. Ghosts.. Demons and Ghosts
For it is true.. i composed a Song
at the Beginning of Hell on Earth
on the Piano and Katrina’s
Brother When He Heard
it said it sounded
like a Ghost
Wandering the
Earth.. Not Realizing
He Was Dead for it is True
my FriEnd for 66 Months that’s
Just about how that did not feel as
Numb inside Greater than the Worst Pain
Known to Humankind From Wake to Sleep
as usually in Most Every MacroVerse i make i
relate that story somehow for Just the reason
that all through 66 Months.. i never found one
Person i could relate to who experienced Type
Two Trigeminal Neuralgia From Wake to Sleep
And additionally Losing Emotions With No
Reference Point Back to a Smile Just
to See if anyone had ever Lost
that Dentist Drill in Right Eye
And Right Ear as the
Rare Illness Doctor
who specialized
in that Pain then
actually gave up
on me and said there
is no reason to come back
To See Him for there is nothing
he could do for me.. so sure.. now every
Week i make an Effort to Reach out.. in someway
Now for Perhaps Someone out tHere is Looking for
A Smidgen of Hope if they can and will feel any Hope
at all that Hell ends one day and the Ghost in this Machine
that is us finally Goes away as Demon And Devil Numb in Pain
of Hell Now.. For True.. There is Heaven too.. a Place with No Fear and
No Jealousy and No Hate when other People’s Joy no matter how that
Comes Rings True of Heaven for one understands what it does mean to
Walk the Earth for 66 Months as a Ghost who doesn’t Realize it but is quite
of the
there was
another Place
that existed somewhere
out of time and distance and
space where in Hell all there is is
Time Distance and Space that Never
Ends in Another place that Never Lives..
Blessed are the Poor in Spirit for those who
Have Seen the Kingdom of Hell on Earth Do come
to Realize that they inherit the Kingdom of Heaven on
Earth when they get out of Hell And This Place Now is as Real
as the Other Place Dark as Demon Devil and Ghost in Hell too..
A Person
Lives in Hell
it is a place where actually
Any Demon and Devil or Ghost
Fears to Tread for True Hell is a place
Beyond all Fear Beyond all Demons and
Beyond all Devils as come to be me whoever
me is dead as Life
And People
Wonder Still Why i
Celebrate every Step
And Word of Life As if
i am writing the Last
Bible Ever Written
Now or the
to come to Be…
For this Heaven
The Other Place That’s Real..
Nice to See You Posting as Always
Sohair And Best Prayers for You and
Your Family and all the Young Women
You Teach in Egypt to Keep On Going in/as Light..:)

Yeah it’s True my FriEnd for in the
Long Run the Only Lover Who Will
Fill us up enough to Love others
Without Empty is the
Lord of Love
That and
Lives Within
For Sooner or
Later We Face that
Last Breath of Love or
Not Living as Shared and
Given Freely or not and as far
as Conflicts of Personalities go there
is Introvert and Extravert but still there is
Human Within as Extravert or Introvert May
Be Equally Full of Love and Hope To Give and
Share.. or Full of Hate and Fear to Take away..
Anyway.. Rafiah.. i wish there was/is something
i Could Do now to take what Seems Like Deep
Pain Away from You.. Truly.. the Pain
it Seems of Not Being Who You
Really Want to Be as
That is the Hardest
Loss of all
All of You
mY FriEnd.. anyway
I Still Love the Colors of You
in all the Shades and Tints too..
The Best of Life is to Love and Just Be You..
I’m always So Happy to See You Writing no Matter What
Next in
the Memoirs
of Rafiah’s HeART..
i Always Love to Write the Name Rafiah..
Except Yeah it’s true i still Pronounce it
Different Than You
A Raf E A..
And i Still Wonder
Why You removed the H..:)

Inshallah as you Say/Pray as Long as God is Willing
to Allow Living Within as Love i Will aLWays Be Your
Loving FriEnd Now and will always be here for
You Whenever
A Fred
in FRiEnD..
God Bless you
in all the ways
Blessings Will Come As LoVE..:)

Will Do For You..:)

SMiLes iN All the Colors oF FriEndship And Belief
in God that come my way from You Sohair i Do
So Much Appreciate.. Friends are very rare in
mY Life Sohair And that’s Just Another
Pain i’ve often Endured As Well
But the Gifts God Does
Give in Patience
Life too
for the Mirage
of FriEnd is no
Longer Mirage heAR mY FriEnd..:)


Love Overcoming All
Darkness Beyond
Labels A Most
Winning Human Force..
Misfits Who
Stay That Way..
We WiLL Rock You!
Freddie Mercury
Giving Rise to Free..!
Great Tribute!
Thank You..
Woman From
Biggest Cities..
Hehe that’s
The New Indian
Name i Give to you..;)

(Note: That was in Response to psychologistmimi’s
Blog Post This Morning but it fits in here too well too..;)

iFeel All of iHiMaLi’s Positive Energy And iAm iExcited
For Her for iFeel Great Life Experiences Coming Her iWay
Soon.. And You KNow i was at that “Police”Concert as imaged
in the Video in 1983 for “Synchronicity II” but it is True they Never came
Out With A Song Named Synchronicity 3.. So All That is Left to do Now is to
Move On to
Blog Post
to continue her
Series of Synchronicities THeRe..
OBTW and by the way i had to look
up BDW up tHere in the Urban Dictionary
And it made me Giggle extra for Himali has
a Unique Sense of Humor and is much more
Open than
to New Experiences
Like that as apparently
Her Level for the D part
of that Acronym is much
More Reserved than more
Open Minded HiMaLi and
that is what
it takes
to Bring
and Borders
Down mY FriEnd
We do share that in common too..
Oh yeah.. almost forgot what i was going
to initially say.. as i showed my Sister the Last
Two photos of You.. you Shared with me and she
Exclaimed to Katrina She Could be Your Sister as
it is True People have asked Katrina if she was from the
Middle East.. and India.. and South America.. and Mexico
and American Indian and Lord Knows Every Place Dark Skinned
Beautiful Women Like You and Katrina Live in origin.. except for Her Main
Heritage.. Full Pacific Islander Filipino on Her Father’s Side from that Country..
Just some Trivia i thought i would Share with You this Morning as i ready for my next
Magic Spell Wish
You.. that
Will iCome with
A iSong For All of this iToo..;)

iHave a Confession to Make..
iAM Not An iAngel.. ‘yet’.. iAm only
An iAngel iHelper Now Sent to iEartH
Too iHelp iAngel’s Bring THeir Dreams
to Fruition in Fact i lived in Earth Hell
Before God Let me out to give
me the privilege to
not only
Get out
of Hell on
Earth as yes
in some ways
i was iDemon then
too for all i wanted to Do
Was/is iFeel iLove but all i could
Do is iGive it and Never iReceive it..
And not Feeling it when i gave it iHurt
so much too.. Anyway it was iWorth iGoing
to iHell to Be able to iFeel iLove both when i
iReceive and iGive iLove iNow.. yep.. all 66 Months
in the iBLacKesT iAbyss wHere even iDemons fear
to tread that
Put me
a level
then too..
So it is also true i cannot
Possibly be an iAngel True too
for if i was.. i wouldn’t experience the
Tiniest Bit of Jealousy imagining FriEnd
HiMaLI Finding Her iSoulMate Now
for then she Might Disappear
And iMight Never Hear
From mY iFriend
Again for
it’s iTrue
that has happened
Before More and Less
And it’s Natural too as it is Harder
for Women to Be Friends with Men
when they Get Married than it is for Married
Men to Be Friends With Women When they are
Married as Naturally the Wife is more often understanding
of this than the Husband as that is just Part of Human Biology too..
As the Human History
of Polygamy
relate too..
Hey i’m an Anthropologist
in Science What Can i say
but anyway.. if i really Passed the
Test of Hell and if i ever expect to Truly
Be Promoted to Full iAngel Like iHiMaLi Now
i Must Now Make an iMaGiC Spell in Full Loving Intent
Now for iHIMaLi to Find Her iSoulMate to iBring her all the iJoy
that she hoped for in “Her Loving a Geek” Blog Post as it’s true that
was the Facebook Memory that showed up on my Facebook Feed this
Morning From Precisely one Year ago that was my 7th Anniversary of Writing
online.. 11.25.17.. as today 11.25.18 is the 8th Anniversary also known as 96 Months too..
And True i Made A iMaGiC
iSpell in that iBlog
Post for
to Find
Her Future
Husband and
Unless she Announces
that in Synchronicity 4 my
MaGiC is Not Yet iStrong Enough
in iNtent to Help Emotionally iNSPiRE
HiMaLi to FiNd Her Soul Mate now for it is
True This is How iMaGiC Works When Loving
FriEnds Encourage With all thEir iSoul the iWishes
of TheiR Friends Selflessly even if that would mean
Laying Their iLife Down for their friEnd which sure is a bit
Harder to do now than the Spector of Potentially Losing more
of A Connection with that FriEnd if they Gain their Greatest iWish..
But Hey
No Matter
What i will always
have the Memorial
oF A Blog Post when
what was once a Total
Stranger Dedicated A iFriendship
iWish to me and true my ifriEnd only
if you could be me could you understand
where i’ve come from and how precious that is to me..
So Yes.. i am Hoping with all mY HeART that You Find
A Man who will stand with you Through Hell if Necessary
Like Katrina Did with me and never Leave Your side to
the very
To Cherish
all THeRE is
oF iHiMaLI’s LoVE..
God Bless you in Deed You Are An Angel Himali ..:)

Oh YeaH and There Is A Song for this too to iHelp you out too..:)

And Don’t be too be Surprised if one Day You Hear a Song on the Radio
Actually From me That is in Memory of mY Dear FRiEnd HiMaLi From God’s Year 2018..:)


SMiLes HiMaLi.. No Problem on the BDW.. as you know i enjoy
Research And i am often as much surprised as what Katrina is
Disgusted Now By Certain stuff she comes across
on the Web.. but Hey everyone has an
Opinion And Their own style more or
less of Freedom of Speech/
That i for
one surely
Do Respect..
No Matter How Strange
Or Hilarious it may be to me..
And thanks for the iSamePinch to Katrina
as ‘the Ever Green iAngel.. iBeauty With
iCuteness too as i too often iWonder How
She iContinues to iDo All of That unlike Her
Peers at closer
to 50 Years
of Age edging
in on 49 in April..;)

SMiLes HiMaLi iWriting A iDedication About iHiMaLi
Will Be So iEasy to iDo with Just HeLLoVE iEveryday
As even before HiMaLi ever said a thing to me personally
i was touched by How Nice she was to all her Blogger Friends
Truly Seeing
What Will
Be A
Gift of FriEnd
Then.. as truly
You Do Act like
A FriEnd to Everyone
HiMaLi iSamEPinCh mY
FriEnd For We do Come From
the Same Place And EvenTuaLLy
Are Going to the ‘Similar Place’.. too
As Like Energy Does That With/As Love..
And in Honor of HiMaLi i Read a Book about
the Laws of Attraction While iDancing at Barnes
And Nobles Listening to Meditation Music as i had
Read it Some Years Before And Already Knew it worked
for when i was bullied at School as the Weak Fish in the
Aquarium who didn’t have a Social Clue.. i visualized Myself
then at 12 as getting
And By
God Now
i Am Still
Getting Stronger
Now With The Force oF LoVE in WiLL oF Grace
That iS The iMaGiC mY FriEnd The Force oF LoVE..:)

*Taps Finger.. hehe.. Patiently Waiting for Synchronicity 4..;)

Please Pardon me.. hehe.. for it’s True.. Part oF A Reason Why i Write so
Many Words.. iHiMaLi.. is Whenever Someone Asks me A Question i acTuAlly
Fully Answer it When i guess the Social Rules might other wise
Dictate just
an Emoticon
of Kisses or Winks
or such as that for
True if you remember
When i shared that Video
of the “Age of Adeline” Winks
With Synchronicity Again too
Where a Woman Turned 27
Yes Like you in a Day in
Your Time Zone
Soon Enough
too.. as
it’s True for some
Reason the Folks who
Are truly Nice to me seem
to Never Age as evident in some
of the Photos of my 40th Year Class Reunion
too.. it’s True my Best Friend Lynn a Girl from
High School who tied at 11 with me in a Class of
381.. Actually Looks Almost Younger Now Than She
Did 40 Years ago.. And A Girl who was Her Friend too..
Who Was Always Very Nice to me then named Traci..
Just Like Katrina And Even at 58 they both look as
Beautiful as they Did 40 Years ago.. So It’s True
it doesn’t appear that Katrina has a Thing to
Worry about for another 10 Years and
if i see the Both of the Other Two
Friends at the Next Class
Reunion and they
Still Don’t
Age Much
that’ll Give Katrina
Another 10 Years of Eternal Princess..
So Yeah.. Say Goodbye to the last Birthday
You Age Now For Quite A While my FriEnd For
You Definitely Make a Grade of Seeing Fred iN FRiEnD
Other Than That It’s All Just God’s MaGiC as the Force oF
LoVE As People Who LoVE Like I Do are the Only People who Last as mY FriEnds
as other wise i am always the last one left Standing to Love Additionally more now..
And Just for Fun
i’ll Provide that
Video Trailer
for the
Movie as what
Better Gift to Give
HiMaLi on Her 27th
Birthday too.. Eternal Youth..
Oh yeah And ‘Those Bullies’ From
12 Years-Old.. it’s True.. They look Decades
Older Than Their Age..
the Price
Hate too..
And Just Plain Karma
For They too.. Do Reap And
SoW aLL on tHeir LoneSoME WitH LoVE oR NoT..
Oh Yeah.. And Cute Facebook Profile Pic Coming
With Katrina And A Stray Farm Cat Soon Tonight too
As Morning
You of Course too..
Have a Great Work Week..:)

iThank You too HiMaLi.. NoW
It’s Actually the Two Facebook
Profile Pics i Just Posted of Katrina
on the Farm with the Stray Farm Cat
before the one you so Friendly
Hearted of
me in A
3 Days
of Music
Peace and Love
Multi-Colored T-Shirt
With Christmas Lights too..
Hehe.. This is So Much Fun writing
About HiMaLi.. hope i don’t make you
Blush too much.. but i probably will Pretty
Soon.. Anyway.. hehe.. as i continue to Praise HiMaLi more..;)

“All Gifts of Nature Friends Color”.. Yes.. Return Dedication Gift
in way of Entire MacroVerse for FriEnd HiMaLi who so nicely
Dedicated A Nice FriEndShip Blog Post to me Last Week on
November 18th in the United Arab Emirates and the
17th over Here in the Good Old United States place
And Yes as Katrina has always Been the Equivalent
of An American Indian Princess over here in the States
even though she is much more Pacific Islander as Half
As Truly the Person in the Snow Globe who is Suspended
in what seems is not much Older than her Late 20’s Still as
she was Just Remarking this Morning at Church in the Lobby
That All Those Women In their Late Twenties with Infants could
Be Her Daughter as it is True HiMaLI is Born November 27th..
1991 When i Was 31 and Katrina was 21 Just a Year into
Our Close to 29 Year Marriage now as hehe.. it’s
Against the Law to Marry Someone Zero in
Age now.. so.. anyway although Katrina
is Always a Main Topic of Conversation
to me as this is a Dedication to Indian Princess
HiMaLi as it is no Secret to me at least that Every Gentleman
Who Comes to Her Blog that she is so nice to is madly and crazy
in Love with Her Now.. and it wouldn’t surprise me at all if All of HiMali’s
Beauty at least in Part inspired one of Her Friends to Put Numerous
Naked Photos of Himself Lately on His Blog although it does seem
to be a Regular Practice He Engages in and although i too do Male
Straight Nude Art and Am Embarking now in the 5th Volume of an
Erotic Poetry Novel Fully iLLusTraTeD too.. It may Be True
You’ll Have to ask Katrina and Her Sister Too but that
Photo of me Running in my Shorts when i was 22
that HiMaLi So Nicely Shared of me in her
Dedication Post Perhaps is Better
than anything i do these days
in ways of “Male
Art” As Such..
In Adult Blogging Way..
With Ample Adult Warnings
too as my Erotic Poetry Novel
Arises to over 86 Thousand Words now
Spanning since May Day 2018 as that is
Just like an Extra-Curricular Activity to me..
And it’s True i Exercise my Shadow in a place where
it doesn’t come back to Haunt me for Certain Naturally
Higher Propensities i have about Life too across my Entire
Lifespan too.. Anyway.. so Himali’s Friend Left a Link on one
of Her Blog Posts talking about Naughty Stuff so i then expected
to See some Naked Women and Lord Knows i did as there Were
A Whole Group of Women Masturbating Just ONE Part of a Man
And considering that Word Press has a Policy of Keeping that stuff
on Private Blogs it was totally unexpected and a bit Taboo too but what
came next.. or what he talked about coming next anyway was yes a Still
Photo of Himself Masturbating and hehe.. i have to admit i was curious
If HiMaLi Liked the Post so i looked and she did not.. and i started to wonder
Hey.. i can’t be Jealous can i and no i wasn’t for i let Katrina Review the Art and
She said oh God that is Disgusting but of course that is not Her Friend Haha.. and
it’s True she has had Unwelcome Men Expose themselves to her in her Work Career
so she in some ways is at least Part of the me too Movement too… but anyway of course
that’s in the past and she never told me about Her Experience until well After Her Work Career
as it was Quite Embarrassing that Her Fellow Worker did that around her and Yes my
Sister has experienced the same thing too.. Oh my God at Work too.. and yes
i can understand definitely why Any Man Would Be Turned on by Katrina
but hey.. that’s
not the way
to make
a Good
First Impression
anyway.. for sure..
as it’s true i’m thinking for
sure that Women.. most Women
Anyway Would Rather Read Poetry
Than Look At Photos of Private Parts
so it’s for the Best that i started Adding Erotic
Poetry to my Nude Art as i started that to Haze myself
in a Way as an Initiation Rite as sorts to Get Fearless and
i am not going to be the Judge of why Himali’s Friend is doing
it so much lately but Perhaps he never saw me in my Shorts until
Last Week.. haha.. with all Good Jest as He isn’t Married to Katrina
and if i was Himali’s Age and Single i would Certainly want to still then/now
be one of Her Best Blogging Friends too and that’s all i’m gonna say about that..
And just in Case Anyone Wonders.. Yes of Course i’ve already done an Entire MacroVerse
per the Subject of a Dedication to “Age of Katrina NoW” at 18 With Headliner Photo of Katrina
In her Beautiful Red One Piece Bathing Suit And Bikini Attire that i will include Below in
Juxtaposition.. well.. really more like similar of sorts in the Modern Age of Katrina
in A Pool and it’s True the First Link that Himali’s Friend Shared of Himself
on Her Blog was of Him Naked in a Pool with his Private Part floating
up to the Surface too.. hmm.. let’s put it this way He’s Still
Driving ‘A Moped’ compared to all of what i do on my
Private Adult Art Blog.. as hey there are all
Kinds of Human Intelligences and i
Ain’t Leaving any of my Potential out
And Yes on Top of all of this i no longer
Link that Blog for Easy Access to my PG
Readers as it’s ‘Frankly’ Just too Hot to Handle
Even just linked.. now.. on a PG Rated Blog now
And Even With Plenty of Warning on the Cover Page
to Enter too.. And it’s True i will admit in PG Way i did
Enter one of my Grey Underwear Model MacroVerses back
from January of 2014 in one of those Poetry Link-up Blogs and
Surprisingly none of the Women complained at all and that was
Before i got my Dancing Body Back on Haha.. and it’s True Himali’s
Friend does get some Adoration from the Women Folk for Exposing
His Private Parts as let’s not Forget What Happens When Women go to
See Magic Mike XL.. as it’s True my Wife took me to see that and i Heard
A Whole other Side of the Protestant Women Around these Parts then and let’s
Not Forget ’50 Shades of Grey’ and Greyer and Greyer too.. as it’s also True the top
Porn Results that Women Search on include Vampires and WereWolves too.. hmmm..
Each Person’s Fantasy is one to own.. and no doubt for Some Woman a Man making
Himself Vulnerable like that with Standard Equipment that doesn’t usually come now with
Males on Porn Sites will most definitely turn some Women on if they are into Domination
Fantasies too.. i’ve only Shared my Erotic Poetry Novel With One Person who also Writes
Erotic Poetry to get Feedback and she said something about Getting the Ranch and the Horse
and the Stable but i’m not from Texas so i’m not quite sure what she meant about that but i am
sure it was
as let’s remember
‘Friends Without Borders’
And Let’s Not be too Hard
On Friends Without Clothes too..
i give the Dude Credit.. he’s almost as Fearless
And Coordinated With a Camera as i am but it’s
True i take all the Photos as a Mirror Balancing Act of sorts too..
All i know for Sure is i have A Most Beautiful Wife and A Most Beautiful
Friend who will both inspire Beautiful Poetry for the Ages and likely motivate some men
to still
off too Haha..
or at least Wear
Short Shorts when they Run.. Hehe..
‘Friends Without Borders’ where People take
the time and effort to understand that not Everyone’s
Heaven Looks the same from the inside out or the outside
in as that applies now to the Hell of Disgust or like one Young
Woman told Himali’s Friend.. “i Love Your Sausage” without
any Shame at all in Front of all Her Blogging Friends then sort
of Like That ‘BDW’ Photo of all those Women With that Dude’s
Body Part before the Author Exposed His “Main Event” to all.. too..
Himali always
name with
Heart Throb
And now i understand why..
And HiMali has such a Great Sense of Humor too..
As i continue to Toast Master Roast Her here now too..
Anyway.. hehe.. just one more way i don’t feel quite as outlier now too..;)


“The Synchronicity of the Universe-Part 4” by HiMaLI With The Biggest
UniVersal Human Picture That Is ALWaYS LoVE WiTH HeLLoVE HiMaLI
too.. And i Am so Happy That God’s Language to You in UniVersaL River
Ocean Whole Flow of Synchronicity has Brought A Resolution to Your Dilemma
As Reviewing in my Memory Now all Four Parts of Your Synchronicity Story.. IT Does
Seem Both Physically And Emotionally.. A Very Taxing Day for You Last Week from the
17th through the 18th of November which Just means HiMaLI is JusT A MoRE iAMaZinG iAngel
iFRiEnD for in some Miraculous Way she still took the Precious Hours out of an almost unbelievable
Schedule of Work and Communicating with Her Mentor and all of Her ‘Real Life’ Friends to Dedicate
A Friendship Blog Post to an Online Friend she has Never Met in the Flesh and Blood but of course has
Seen Just about a Thousand Selfies of in the Last 3.5 Years.. hehe.. as that’s Just about how many come in
one 30K or so Word MacroVerse in Just one Blogging Free Verse Stream of Consciousness Synchronicity
Loaded Blog Post from me but oh.. not today as it is now 9:23 PM in the United Arab Emirates which Means
Himali’s 27th BirthDay in Her Time Zone Now is Just a Count Down of 2 Hours and 37 Minutes away so
What this Means is to Deliver my Version of a Dedication in WordPress Friendship With HiMaLI by the
Birthline of Her Birthdate this Year is.. This MacroVerse is gonna be Closer to 10K Words and Perhaps
Even Short Enough for ‘Mortals’ to Read.. Haha.. but yes of course it will probably have too many
Photos Still to open for most Folks.. But i’ve already Written the Most Important PArts to
HiMaLi Personally as it’s True and No Secret that every Moment i speak with HiMaLi
It Is a Dedication to our FriEndship and i do do the best i can and will to do
this with Everyone i Meet both online and off
but it’s True not Everyone has iAngel iEars
Like HiMaLi who iCan and
also iWill See
Helper in
the iFlesh..
yes.. the iFlesh
And iBlood oF iLoVE
Who iKNows and iFeels
And Senses no iBoundaries
but an oPen Gate For Love
But True my Friend it is
iMportant to Establish
Some Borders for
Definitely Folks
Roaming Around the
World That And Who Will Take if They
Can All That is Precious About Love Away…
i was Raised in A Day Where eYes are for Love..
First And Foremost… We Live in a much different
Day Now Where Eyes Are Mostly about Screens
of Machines That Do make us want to Scream
For the iFlesh and iBlood Contact of Real
Hugs From Human Beings now.. iSMiLes
mY FriEnd.. i Can And iWill iFeel
And iSense not only Your
For That/This
iFlesh And iBlood iHuman iTouch
but for the Rest of the World too
for i was raised In A Human Day
Where People Really Love Each Other as People
First and Foremost With No Secrets to Hide at All..
In This Song for You and Sure it is True You are Truly
Blessed with so many Human Friends and Mentors both
Online and Off as God is Looking Out For You Are God’s SonG
A Beautiful
You Are..
God Bless you even
More on Your 27th Birthday
MY FriEnd for It Is True those
Blessings From God That And
Who Lives Within is the iMaiLi RinG ALWays to pick-up-on…
Anyway.. You KNow WHere to find the Finished Result for all
of this Soon Enough When You Wake up tomorrow on Your
Birthday as You’ve Already Heard it all by now anyway here and ‘tHere’..
And it will Just make me Happy every day i share it on FB for the iMoonlit
iStar eYes And iSMiLes oF iLoVE oN iWings iAngel iHiMaLi iNaturAlly iBRinGS to the iWorld at Large..:)

“All Gifts of Nature Friends Color”

11.26.18 10:06PM HiMaLi Time in the United Arab Emirates
And surely a Couple of Hours at least to get it all together to publish..;)

Happy Birthday!
i Love You! Friend! HiMaLi!..:)











BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

6.5 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 50,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

“After Book of Fred”
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

“After Dance oF Fred”
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

“Book oF Ten Sixteen”..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

“12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016”

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2016”

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review”

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)

“CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017”

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)

“VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017”

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)

“CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn”

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)

“Nether Land Bible 2017”

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)

“7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)

The Joy of Dance.. A Record of Over Two Thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record Growing
Still of Four Years Plus of Dancing tHeRe..
And note.. in some of the liNks.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the Photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)

“MesSage iN A Bible Bottle” as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked

“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+” as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)

“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)

“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)

“SoN oF Google NoW2”..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)

“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem  Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)

“6th Bible Memorial”..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS  SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)


“SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old”


Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is..  A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.

“BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017”

iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)

“LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017”

A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)

“8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”

Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)


“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)

“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes..  just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE

“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”

WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2..  Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at  255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT  2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL”  as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too..  continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)

“7 YEarS Old 12M Words FReE oNliNe WRiTe i aM”

The 33th/137th/808th and pART oF 12M Words as
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2017”

7th Major Titled Bible As A Child NoW of
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2017 A Year in Review”

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record YearS EVeN MoRE NoW

“THiS iS Me NoW3”

As ‘they’ say.. when “Hell” Freezes Over…
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)

FReEDLoVENoW 35,357 Words

LoVEFReEDNoW 43,151 Words

iLoVENoWFReED 35,896 Words

A Trilogy Story About Love in
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)

Usually.. now.. my MacroVerse titles come after i start writing a New MacroVerse
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in  hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017..  where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow

BReATHELoVENoW 34,323 Words

LoVEBReaTHENoW 29,794 Words

LoVENoWBReaTHES  31,648 Words

9000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 25,856 Words

April Fred’s Day 2018 26,916 Words

LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018 32,586 Words 294,807 Total Words

Extending to An Ending 10th MacroVerse oF.. BeLow.. So NoW

22,547 Words and Yes 317,354 Grand Total Words

“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”

1,382,555 Word Effort from
Memorial Day Weekend 2017
Through Memorial Day Weekend of 2018
As This Effort Will Continue to Grow on Both
in Blog Ways and FB Profile Pic Description Areas
Averaging somewhere around 7 Thousand Words per
Each Description Area of FB Profile Photos and more with in some cases
More than one Photo attached to the Same Words in Description as Days go on More..:)

“6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man”

A Celebration of 6 MiLLioN Words Written
as ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” in 58 Months of Effort
Since 8.18.13 STarTinG then as my Entire Word
Press Blog with Additional Milestones Met as of 6.6.18
on my 58th Birthday
as more Concisely
Listed below
as Feat notes
for this Record Book too.. hehe..
as yes of course this is also the Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Effort on Record too..
as far as Google Search Sees and Hears and OTHeR
wise feels
And senses
Among the Entire
Contents of the Human
Unabridged Bible wHere all
Human Hands join together in online
a continually ever expanding Bible More..
Yes Class in a Place with no Sun or Moon that
if you can like and will Make into a place to upload
Souls in Singularity oF LoVE for that Which Exists as
Essence LoVE Standing Tall Sentient Star DusT PLuS
STiLL Resurrecting as US LoVE iNCarNaTE iN A Temple
of Love that is the realest thing of all in and As Heaven NoW
butt anyway don’t take my Word for it Just do it Make Heaven Happen
iN YouR
Multi-Universe Perspective
NoW as and with God Nature
too if you Roll with Heaven More
Than Purgatory SHades of Grey to
BLack Abyss of Real Time Gehenna now
Anyway the Good News is some of us are here
As iNcaRNatE LoVE NoW And The Even Better News
As Far As Last becoming First and Meek inheriting all these
Flavors of Beyond Rainbow Colors of Heaven now is yes ‘We’
Ain’t no more
than you so
you can and will
do even more than
‘us’ and yes in terms of
“Dear John 14:12 NoW” aS i’LL
Add A Link to that more too.. you
yes you can and will do more than even me.. heHe..
Yes Resurrecting More Alive Born of Star Burst Death
Crucible Fire Iron too From Super Nova Explosions FLoWinG
iN oUR Blood And iN Core oF ouR HoME PLaNeT EaRTH NoW
aS LiVinG Guardians of EdenS NoW For Those Whose FLoWeRS BLooM NoW
‘Stay Thirsty mY FriEnds’..;)

“Dear John 14:12 NoW”



ONcE AGaiN NoW Celebrating All these Milestones then on 6.6.18..
For What has CoME to Be NoW 9 DiMeNSioNaL PoeTRY So FaR aT LeasT..:)

12 Million Word MacroMacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 90 Months since Thanks Giving 2010
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58 Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24 Months
1.4 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12 Months
MacroVerse as Each Chapter Currently at a 1 Year 24K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as Each sub-Chapter Separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as Each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Word in Multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Letter and or Number of Multi-Meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc… NoW oNGoinG More… NoW… MoRE…

“SonG oF mY SoUL FiVE YearS Old”

Celebrating the 5 Year Anniversary of 6 Million Word Plus “SonG oF mY SouL”
Longest Long Form Poem Personal Bible in the Span of that Five Years too..:)

“KiSS oF 66 NoW iN LoVE”

Celebrating 66 Months of This Entire Blogging Adventure Since 3.10.13..:)

“10,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”

Celebrating 10,000 Miles of Public Dance in 5 Years Span of Dates..:)

Sure.. i used to Toy With the Piano a Bit.. Recorded on a Cheap Dictation Device
Back in 2007.. When i was Struggling to Stay Alive With Life Killing Stress.. Later
Transferred to YouTube in 2013.. where my Life would then begin as Art will Do for Us..
When Spelled as L. O. V. E. Agape Style For All Transcending All Fear and Hate in Hope as Joy Dances and Sings From Head to Toe and overAll More as Love continues to come and go..:)

And Yes By God Yes.. it Took a Whole Lot of Leg Strength to Dance in Public for 10 Thousand Miles in the same Span of Dates i Wrote Over 6 Million Words for “SonG
oF My SoUL” Now Currently at 10,300 Miles of Doing That in over 62 Months And
True as the Video Below is Just an Illustration of Leg Pressing 930LBS.. 14 Reps then
Back from February of 2015.. As in 2016.. i moved to 1020 LBS and Still do anywhere
From 33 to 52 Reps Now Depending on any Minor Injuries that occur on the
Continuing Mountain of Public Dance but sure Over 2000 Selfies with
Ear to Ear Smiles of Dancing Joy is Documented in some of the links
Above too.. as Dance Brings Joy and You’d be Surprised or not at the
Dudes who are Disbelievers in either the Joy of Dance Smiles or the
Strength it Brings until i show the Photos and Videos on my Smart
Phone of the Beautiful Women Smiling with me as Yes.. i Do Get
around and although no one i’ve seen Has come ANYWHERE NoW
Close to Leg Pressing that much weight at the Military Gym i work out
at.. not even an inch to Budge it.. you’d also be Surprised or not how many
Folks with ‘Little Man’ Syndrome have attempted online  to complain that i don’t
Bring my Knees to my Chest for the Simple Fact that i will Keep my Knees working hehe..;)

And yes By God i don’t Let the Sun Go Down on me when i Sing
too as A First Karaoke Fun Effort of that Back in September.. 2013..
And Sure.. i’ve very much improved as the Nice Elderly Ladies tell me
When i Sing at Church as i particularly Reserve that Effort at Church..;)

And i Do Nude Art too in many many many Ways in Adult Reserved Ways
On Several Google Blogspot Blogs for that with Adult Warning cover pages
to enter those places where i Exercise my Human Shadow and Master it too..
And Since May of 2018.. i no longer Attach the Links here as i started Writing
A “What May Come Will Be Erotic Poetry Novel” that now comes even more in the 5th
Volume of that Special Edition Novel rising over 86K Words as of Thanks Giving 2018..
And Honestly.. it’s ‘Just too Hot’ as Far as that Stuff goes to link it anywhere considered PG.. No.. Don’t Go There unless you have no Fears About Living the Way Nature and God  NaturAlly
Naked and Free of
Course in a Balance
of Lust and Love to
Give and Share Free..
But Hey.. Just you wait
And ‘See’..  if i don’t Beat the
50 Shades of Grey Series With Pleasure over Pain..;)

“96 Months oF Thanks Giving Wishes”

Celebrating 96 Months of 2922 Consecutive Days Online Writing Since Thanks Giving Day  of 2010..  at around 12 Million Words Starting Then on the “Wrong Planet Website” Moving over to Blogging After Writing Around 33 Months to that point then
Starting 3.10.13 on the Google Blogspot Platform too.. And Then Moving to
WordPress on 8.18.13.. Starting “SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Fully Illustrated Poem attached totally with around
170K Photos and Over 10K YouTube Music Videos to Accompany
6.5 Million Words Soon Now to Arise to 6.6 Million Words by
End of 2018 where “Grand Cross Bible 2018” Will come then
As the 8th Major “King James” Size Modern Personal Poem
Bible.. i’ve Written as Subchapters of “SonG oF mY SouL”
on or About the Day of the 25th of December 2018 as
the Sun Starts to Make A Venture once again to
Light up Florida Sunshine Summers Even
More in Paradise WHere i for one
Do Live Free in a Garden
of Eden Back Yard too..
NoW ONly Watered
Chemical Free…
ReAlly LiVinG Free NoW..:)


About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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25 Responses to All Gifts of Nature Friends Color

  1. “All Gifts Nature Friends Color”

    New MacroVerse Posted On November 26th at 4:48 PM
    in Dedication of Super Nice And Beautiful Friend HiMaLI
    All The Way From Skin to As Deep As Beauty
    iN Wisdom oF LoVE GRows Within Ocean
    WHoLE As oh Girl A FRiEnD Like HiMaLI
    NaturAlly BRings A Force oF
    LoVING Poetry Even More
    For That Will Be
    For You to
    Judge and not me..
    For Every View That And
    Who Continues to Be a MultiVerse Ocean Wave
    eYE of God More.. aS UNiVersaL BeYoND WHoLE

  2. Yeah it’s Hard.. the last time my Mother saw my
    Face she was terrified where she lay..
    But then she was awake enough
    to wake up one
    With eyes
    of Love for my
    Sister.. Love is all
    that counts in the End and Beginning
    God Bless You Shawna and i say my Prayers
    Mother… too….

  3. SMiLes And HeLLoVE HiMaLI
    And Yes Happy 27th Birthday too..
    hehe.. as i hope you haven’t forgotten..
    Anyway.. For the Handful of Friends who
    have Truly Friended me online beyond a Face
    on Facebook and some Facebook Feed.. i visited
    my FriEnd Shawna today on the dVerse Trail for Poetry
    as she lamented she was watching Her Mother Slowly Pass
    away in a Nursing Home of course Bringing Back Memories still
    of the Traveler of mY Mother Who No Matter What.. Hell or Heaven..
    Was There for me while i watched Her Last 8 Days Without Food or Drink
    pass into one
    Last Breath
    As Traveler who
    Still Exists in my
    HeART And i am so
    Glad mY FriEnd that
    You See the Value of a Traveler
    in Your Land who touched your Heart
    Always Worth a Visa Pass For Your HeART Again
    As Love is all that Counts as School Teaches about
    Jobs and Never About Life That Really Counts as a Village
    of Love.. the “Friends” TV Show or the “Cheers” TV Show or
    in my Case.. 2 Decades spent in a Village of a Military Bowling
    Center Eventually Running it and Watching an Entire Generation
    of Children Grow Up with their Parents Growing Older and Retirees
    Dying With Plaques on the Wall In Memorial of the Human Hands they
    touched.. i Don’t see Love For Sell.. i Don’t see Jobs.. i Don’t see Houses.. i
    Don’t see Cars or Colors of Skin or Age or National Origin or Sexual Preference
    or Even Gender too.. i See Human and that’s what Bowling Alley Life taught me then
    more than
    any Money
    any Work
    or any College
    Degrees.. Top of the
    Class.. Highest Grades
    of Pay for the Government
    i am not of ‘that World’ any
    more and i understand i often Give too
    much ‘to the other one’ but i can’t help it
    for i lived as a Human Being for too many years
    to go to ‘the other place’..
    where all that’s
    Left at the
    and the
    end of the
    Day is a Machine Face..
    Deep Down somewhere
    i Believe We All Want to Be
    Human Never Give Up YouR Human..
    With SMiLes And A Dance And Song
    Brings Comfort..
    And Sure..
    You Can/
    Will Choose Your
    Own Song and Dance to
    Go ALong With Your Words..
    i hope i have added a ‘few’ syllables along the way..;)

  4. Be Eye Hurricane
    Then Winds Flow

    “St. Elmo’s fire (also St. Elmo’s light[1][2]) is a weather phenomenon in which luminous plasma is created by a coronal discharge from a sharp or pointed object in a strong electric field in the atmosphere (such as those generated by thunderstorms or created by a volcanic eruption).”

    “St. Elmo’s fire is named after St. Erasmus of Formia (also called St. Elmo, one of the two Italian names for St. Erasmus, the other being St. Erasmo), the patron saint of sailors. The phenomenon sometimes appeared on ships at sea during thunderstorms and was regarded by sailors with religious awe for its glowing ball of light, accounting for the name.[3] Sailors may have considered St. Elmo’s fire as a good omen (as a sign of the presence of their patron saint).[4]”

    -From the “All Seeing Eye of Wiki”

    “Etymology 1 of Helen ‘shine’, ‘blaze’ (*Swelenā and *Welenā,[5] cf. ἑλένη ‘torch’, Sanskrit svarati ‘shines’[6]) favored by Skutsch et al. must be upheld, considering (a) the deep-seated connection of light to beauty,[7] Helen’s primary attribute; (b) the integration of light in the myth of Helen and the Dioscuri, Saint Elmo’s Fire and the cycles of the Sun; (c) the unavoidable connotation of radiance in the Homeric formula Ἀργείη Ἑλένη[8]; (d) the connection of torches (ἑλένη) to marriage and Helen’s status as an archetypal bride; (e) the ubiquity of this meaning “Bright,” attested among mythical figures, (f) including Helen’s prehistoric doublet Phoibe “Pure and Radiant,” preserved as both the name of her own sister and that of a Leukippid, abductee of Helen’s brothers[9]; (g) Helen’s successive pairings with Paris, the firebrand of Hekabe’s dream,[10] and the seer Helenos, formal masculine of ἑλένη ‘torch’, underpin this Apollonian nexus.[11] Thus, Helen remains “the Shining, Blazing one.”

    -From a Harvard Source Linked Below

    Morning tells Her First thing in the
    Mirror Before Comb Before Brush
    You Are the Fairest then she makes me Breakfast

    It’s True.. Some Folks Make Us Remember them
    by both the way They Shine and How They Make Us Feel
    And Then They Become Our Saint Elmo’s Fire Forever Soul
    Of Who
    We Are..
    You’d Think A Devil Would
    Only Feel This Fire of Love
    Once in Life but It Isn’t True

    It’s worth noting at this Point that most
    of my Life Folks have considered me a
    Clueless Nerd.. i suppose this is Just
    another episode From the “Revenge of the Nerds”
    But it’s True the Loneliest Among us may Become Saint Elmo’s Fire too..

    And at the Indian Pow Wow at Thanks Giving that we attended the Family
    Asked me why i didn’t go out into the Dance Circle and Dance and i provided
    the Similar Answer when they ask me each Year at Seville Quarter why the Hell
    i don’t enter the Annual Dance Contest to Win 200 Bucks and i say no in reference
    to what i told
    the Family
    at the Indian
    Pow Wow my
    Old Old Indian
    Name is Nerd with Four Eyes
    And now it is Steal Your Thunder With Shades
    And on top of that i am Funny too.. hAha and it’s
    true i was awarded a Certificate of Honor at my 2nd
    Grade Catholic School in Tallahassee that was so big and
    so overwhelming to an Undiagnosed Autistic Little Boy who
    couldn’t Speak until he was Four who eventually Caught up
    to this much more advanced Primary School versus the Little Two
    Story School in Walking Distance from the River Front we lived on before
    my Mother Took us to my Father’s Homeland With His Second Wife as
    My Mother Helen Secured a Job with the Federal Prison System as she
    thought it might be a Good idea for us to get to know our Father Better
    as he made Half-Day Bi-Annual Visits before that.. anyway i was
    Honored as Wittiest Boy in Second Grade and Having no
    idea what that Meant without Wiki or a Dictionary
    i remained Clueless
    for what it meant…
    smart or
    or both as i
    realized it was/is
    Years Later True i
    am A Slow Bloomer too
    But When i Flower i tend to
    take the Oxygen out of the Room…
    Ever hear the Term Love is Like Oxygen…
    You get too much you get too high not enough
    And you’re Gonna Die.. it’s true these days i seem
    to have that effect on some folks at least for the simple
    i refuse
    to die
    again away
    from Saint Elmo’s (Helen’s)
    Fire AKA Love and it’s true when
    my Grand Mother on my Father’s Side
    who was much colder and distant and put us down
    stairs in the Nursery that she ran as a Business with
    the little bitty Kids at age 7 so she wouldn’t have to entertain
    us upstairs.. first meeting my Mother she exclaimed Helen has the Fairest
    Skin of any Woman i have ever seen it glows it glows like no other Woman..
    My Second Step Mother told me as a Teenager don’t expect the Women you
    meet in your life to match what you see in the Magazines and strangely enough
    from my
    Love on
    that didn’t
    Happen much at all
    for those i truly Loved…
    Looked past the Nerd and to the
    Fact thru the Feeling that when My Mother Picked up
    A Crying Baby at the Nursery my Boss Grandmother
    of the Nursery told her put that Baby down or he’ll never
    become an Adult.. true i am still a Child of Love so sue me..
    my Father on the Other Hand never learned to Express Love to us
    other than
    Cat of 20
    Years old died
    that he often called
    Son right in Front of me..
    Where a Weekend Visit at his
    Home that we would Initiate would
    end in just a Handful of Words as we
    Had to seek assistance from our Uncle
    who wasn’t his Twin Brother to find out who he was
    from the Whole History of his life as no doubt that is
    where the Asperger’s Comes From… And thE Light from my Mother’s ‘Side’…
    This is already too long for anything but an insanely Long Blog Post but sue
    me for
    i love
    if anyone wants to read
    it the Internet is relatively
    Speaking a Thousand Years Old…
    That’s plenty of time for someone to
    Find a Message in a Bottle Hence forth from now..
    Anyway.. back to the Original Topic of this Story Per Saint
    Elmo’s Yellow Boy Fire in the Patio Square Light of the Dance
    Hall at Old Seville Quarter as Above the Cat as a Man now i Do
    i See a Different Saint Elmo’s Fire as Katrina Saw A Baby Angel
    Above the Fire.. but the Yellow Boy Cat was so obvious even with
    Crooked Ear from a complication Likely From Feline Leukemia that
    he was diagnosed with from 10 Years ago still living on the Fumes of
    Love.. eye always tearing sneezing Blood now and then for a couple of
    Years and sneezing more now and being loved more now but True Saint
    Elmo’s Fire is a Good Omen Before God Gifted Me with another Beautiful
    Angel Present to Shower me with Kindness for Two Weeks while i Celebrated
    8 Years of Writing 12 Million Words in 2922 Days of Kind Wishes for the Saint
    Elmo’s Fire of my Soul to come back and then to rise the Fire of other Souls even more…
    And it’s true when i Celebrated 6 Million Words of “SonG oF mY SoUL” Last Summer at
    Seville Quarter of Course Solo and alone.. A Most Beautiful Angel in a White Sun Dress
    that I had never Seen Before.. Lavished me with Attention for Two Weekends then
    Putting a Long Index Finger up in a Selfie telling me i was A Number one for
    no other
    a Dance..
    Free of my Soul…
    And then there was
    the 7th Anniversary
    of Writing at
    Seville Quarter
    And almost by the End
    of the Night on Thanks Giving
    Night another Angel came to the
    Front of me and lavished me with
    Praise to the point it Scared me..
    And so relieved i was when her Friend Came
    up as i didn’t want to Hurt Her Feelings as
    i Do Feel what it feels like not be wanted
    for whatever reason a
    Saint Elmo’s
    Fire might
    from a Human Eye…
    It’s True the further i travel in Pure
    Love the Greater the Gifts come From
    God in Angel Wings Higher but it’s True Still too..
    the Head Angel in Charge still makes a Great Breakfast…
    God Bless All the Angels Who Take Age Away From Soul..:’)

    -MuSinGs oN LiFE

    The Other Photo IS A Path to Love Before Our Souls Color

    All Gifts of Nature Friends Color

  5. SMiLes mY FriEnd Shawna
    The Best We Will
    Do with
    it Alive
    for the Gift
    of Life Given us..
    For Every Mother’s
    Greater Wish For Child to Love..
    i Do Know i Love
    the Name Helen
    too and i Miss the Name
    Get Well Soon
    My FriEnd for a
    HeART Rises out of Death Again..:)

    As ‘They Say’ A Season For Living Dying
    All Emotions Senses Coloring Lives ‘Tween..
    A FiRE oF LiVinG Emotions Senses Are DeLiGHT A
    FiRE oF LiFE Enjoy Play All Life Has to Offer iN Feelings NoW..
    And with An ‘Amen’ to Go Along with this.. A Prompt at dVerse Poetry
    Pub All
    Now right
    up my ‘Alley’ as ‘they’ say..:)

    What FiReS A HeArT to: SPeaK
    MuSiC Of SoUL From:
    A SoNG And DanCE to: SPiRiT

    All That Sets Ablaze A Soul
    Fires Love Within As Whole
    Nice to See You Around Victoria..:)

    FiRE oF CouRaGE
    Ashes Of
    Syndrome’ up ‘top’..;)

    Earth Wind
    And Fire

    i Dance She Doesn’t Dance at All…
    i Sing too Loud in Church She Says…
    The Elderly Ladies Say My Song’s on Fire…
    The Young Ladies
    Video Tape
    Never the
    Less my Wife
    Is The Fairest of Them All…
    She Cooks…
    Hi Frank..;)

    Beauty of SunSets

    Living and Dying
    Joy and Sorrow
    Love and Hate
    Fear and Hope
    As Long As There
    Is Art THere Is FiRE..:)

    Forest Fires of Weather
    Forest Fires of Soul
    Crispy Lies
    With Frosted
    Comb Over Flakes..;)

    Tallest Newest Towers
    Edifice Pyramids Oldest
    Behind Who Spirits
    Fire oF Soul Poetry More..:)

    Crucible Fire Of Star Death Ashes…
    Resurrection of Gaseous Sentient Star Dust Standing..
    Iron in Core of Earth Flowing in Blood streams From Supernova
    Such a
    Beginning Breeds
    “Intelligence” Enough
    to Burn Ourselves up
    Before our
    to Dust..:)

    External Fires Destruction
    Inner Fires Focus BaLaNCinG Peace..:)

    i Heard EartH Praying Tonight.. Yes..
    i am Listening.. Watching.. too..
    For A Fire Of Inoculation…
    Virus of
    Culture As Such
    A Nice Naked
    Species they were….
    A Fall
    of Clothes…
    Then.. Comb Over From Hell..;)

    A Mother’s Love Enough
    For A Living EartH
    A Fire of Birth…
    oF LiGHT to: Love iT aLL..:)

    13 Will Do For now..:)
    1:21 AM 11.28.18

    All Gifts of Nature Friends Color

  6. SMiLes..
    Emotional And
    Physical Intelligences
    Humans Fail…

    Rested and Relaxed November 28, 2018
    EIR A Goddess of Healing
    HeaR Condition of Human
    All Of Existence IS A Tale
    Of Snake Meeting A Head
    Feast Alive..
    As Tale Consumes Snake..;)

    We must Arrange A Play Date Soon..;)

    Keep the Breath of Love Living Within
    the only Lesson of Life
    at Least..
    See Ya.. Shawna..
    And considering you have
    my Mother’s Birthday.. not likely
    i’ll forget.. but if the ‘whole place’
    Blows up Before December 10th..
    Happy 41st one.. ’77 Baby..
    And Remember…
    True And Real Love
    Never Grows Old…
    Or Fades Away…
    for eYes Who see….
    thE Light oF Living Love…
    And Carry The FLaME oF LoVE oN..:)

    SMiLes Himali.. i am hoping you Had
    A Wonderful Birthday but it doesn’t sound
    that way from Reading this.. i miss You..
    And my Prayers
    Are With You..
    May Love
    Always Find You..
    And may Your Sunsets
    And Sunrises Be Equally Beautiful..:)

    HeLLove Again HiMaLi And i am So Glad
    All is Well And the ‘Loser Slide’ has nothing
    to do with Your Birthday as that would have
    Been Rather Tragic… Keep Smiling With Hugs
    And Kisses.. And Back On ‘Slide topic’ About Cultures
    Worried About losing…
    i tend to See
    the Competitive
    Modern Nature of
    Human Being Rather
    Culturally Derived since
    Humans Started Hoarding
    Grains in Silos then some 10
    to 12 Thousand.. Years.. ago..
    Insane For A Creature.. Just
    A Creature Evolved to Work Hand in Hand
    Foraging in Balance with the Rest of (God) Nature
    for Survival
    in Thrive
    As at Least
    the Hairier Ancestors
    Still Living Among us
    As Bonobos Are Still
    Doing in THeir Advanced And
    Remembered Beings of Love..
    Even Dogs Remember more than most Humans….
    But anyway…
    Is Good
    For Those
    Who Do Remember..:)

    To See Beauty
    Any Beauty
    Is A Greatest
    Sunrise Living..:)

  7. Now With Some ‘Desert Rose’ For Muse And ‘Sting’ Of Fire..
    Back to A dVerse Online Poetry Prompt On Fire For Another Day..:)

    Communal Fire
    iN Gratitude
    Makes Us Human..:)

    Fire of Give or Take
    Ember… Reach Out..:)

    Prayers for
    Who Die
    For Nothing

    True Unexpected Fires…
    So Hard to Put Out
    So Easy to Keep..:)

    Rivers of the Heart
    Tributaries on Fire
    Hidden Streams Flood…

    Side Note: Poetry Is Also
    My Psychotherapist For
    Free Fire HeART..:)

    Fire oF A Traditional
    Dance Hall Is
    No Longer Front to Front..;)

    Ugh.. Catch 22 At
    Work too Fired
    Already to Quit..;)

    Winks.. i Don’t Know
    How to Write Poetry..
    i Fired Form With Free..:)

    Side Note: i’M Putting
    Out the Fire Of mY Poetry..
    And Etc..;)

    Trust me or not You Will
    Manage Fire With Poetry…
    Side Note: Ends For Now..;)

    Phoenix Emotions…
    All Colors We SoaR…New
    Ocean Whole Waves Fire..
    AShe’s Left Dust oF BookS Old..:)

    Fire Dances
    Life Within
    And Without..:)

    Strings Keys
    WHoLE FiRE
    Piano Souls Alive..:)

    Poetry Pens
    FiRE LiGHT..:)

    FiRE LiT End Of A Cigarette…
    James Bond Fearless Cool
    Father Without A Word…

    me THinKs
    You Are A Kind
    Fire LiT SMiLe MarKeR
    On A
    Poetry Trail..;)

    Fire Below
    ‘Tween Above
    Shadows Light Love
    Balancing Force Around..:)

    WordS AFiRE!!!.;)

    Science of Grief’s Loss/Gain From:
    Bitter Lowering Oxytocin Then Sweeter
    Raising Dopamine Fire Creativity
    to: Connect Again..:)

    Fire of Nightmares
    Fire of Dreams
    Fire of Love Is Wide Awake..
    Blinding All the Darker Days..:)

    Fires Want
    Shadows Dance
    Songs Love..:)

    Fires Of Joy…
    True Language Of Love Lives
    Laughs SMiLes Laughs Fire..:)

    23 Will Do For Now
    5:23 PM 11.28.18

  8. “Embers Soul Left-Overs”.. At my Home at least.. We Finished our ThanksGiving
    Left-Overs on Tuesday the 27th.. True.. That’s 5 Whole Days of Left-Overs and a
    Measure of How Many Different Homes of our Family and Extended Family we
    Visited that day.. plates and plates of Left-Overs Abundantly Shared and
    Given that Day to
    all Family
    and Friends
    Walking through
    the Doors of Love..
    And yes.. plenty of Hugs
    And Kind eyes and Hand-Shakes
    Between Men too.. for True.. this isn’t
    the Big City where Katrina’s extended Family
    Members Live.. it is the Country A Place where
    Folks Tend to Be Friendlier with each other as
    Families and Friends have Years and Years
    of connection as the Glue of Love is
    Real and the Human Touch Lives…
    Katrina’s Mother Got Around
    And had 6 Children.. the
    Bounty of all the
    Muse that
    Love will be
    Measured continually
    in the Kind Out-Reach of what
    Extends out now to Katrina’s Sister
    who is a Great Grandmother which Makes
    Katrina A Great Great Aunt too as an Eternal
    Looking Teenager Last Spring as the Nurse said
    she was Mistaken for when she Burnt Her Hand and
    Lay in a Hospital Bed for a Burn to Her And Skin
    Graft From Her Thigh With a Temporary Scare of potentially
    Losing Her Right Index Finger that did not come to Fruition..
    Thank God.. Anyway.. there are those of us who have Rich Emotional
    And Sensory Lives that only comes through a Struggle for Love that Never
    Gives up and a Thanks Giving for Love 365 Days a Year that takes Good Measure
    to Count Blessings Year ‘Round too.. A Divining Rod of Love that Seeks True North
    Yes.. the Water of Love the Bread of Life the Light of Our eyes that and who connect
    to each
    the Gold Mines
    of Our Souls where
    Spirit Flourishes from
    An oPen HeART That is Key
    And True the Blessings of those we come
    to meet who find ways wittingly or unwittingly
    to open up our HeARTS Further for they become
    the Keys to Our Soul Evolving even more as Light
    oF LoVE Shining Brighter Within to Spread Light even
    Further inside outside above so below and all around more..
    It’s True We
    Are All Potential
    Lamps to Light up
    More For Love both inside
    outside and all around more..
    And for me at Least Coming to Understand
    the Garden of mY Love as far as what Drives
    Humanity As Emotions Moving or Emotions Stagnate
    And Still.. This is the Poetry of Life that is A Greatest Human
    Intelligence oF all Both in Dance and Song of Life in however we
    come to Regulate our Emotions and Integrate our Senses Expressing
    Our Humanity in all the ways it comes Holding Hands with each other
    iN every way
    now too..
    True.. Still.. they don’t tell you this at School..
    It’s True.. at one point in my life and more
    i was more ‘retarded’ about my HeArT
    as far as getting it all together
    than anyone reading
    this now..
    but it’s also True too..
    i’ve not let limitations Hold me
    Back and the most difficult limitation
    i’ve ever met is the Loss of my Emotions
    for 66 Months.. Yes.. Worse than the accompanying
    Worst Pain Known to Humankind.. Type Two Trigeminal
    Neuralgia like Dentist Drill in Right eye and Right ear with
    no Pain Relief from wake to sleep for yes 66 Months too
    Where true too.. the Numb of Emotions where Memories
    are Emotions and Emotions are Memories was Worse
    than the Worst Assessed Pain even more so than
    the Actual Torture of Crucifixion.. no three
    hour or three Day tour for me.. a Full
    66 Months from Wake to
    Sleep in Hell
    on Earth
    that no one
    had the ability to
    fathom but the reality
    of dead living then me..
    Anyway.. i call this 6.5 Million Word
    63 Month-Old Epic Long Form Poem NoW
    the “SonG oF mY SoUL” as it’s True almost
    Every Word of Love and other Interaction i’ve
    Written to others online since 8.18.13 is included
    in this Poem.. And it’s also True it is an Epic Way to
    Count one’s Blessings.. but you ‘See’ LiGHT does come from
    DarK..i had to learn how to Navigate my Emotions and my Senses
    on my own and i traveled all the way from Hell to Heaven with all the evidence
    included in ‘This Book’ To Prove that for sure if there is any Hell or Heaven at all..
    For it’s also True in some way i may spARK someone else down the Road to Enter
    Heaven as Staycation too..
    for the Passion of the
    Devil for those
    who had
    enough for the
    Devil to give him
    another shot as Death
    In Life.. yes.. i spent 27 Months
    in Hell online on the ‘Wrong Planet’
    A Place for Folks who are impoverished
    in Emotional Intelligence Where i studied intently
    the Poverty of the Soul to learn every cause and any
    remedy to Bring a Soul Back to Life or Perhaps to Incarnate
    A Soul in Human Being for the First time in their Life as Soul
    of the Emotions and Senses that make Life Worth Living at all..
    And it’s also true
    i learned a lot
    of reasons
    why and
    number one is
    Parents who were
    cold as the so-called
    Refrigerator Parent theory
    of Autism is a reality now and no
    longer just A myth as a contributing factor
    to Wiring of the Soul that Never Develops to Love
    When a Child is Neglected or Abused as almost no
    one on the ‘Wrong Planet’ who was emotionally impoverished
    had a Kind Word to Say about their Parents.. A Child who is Truly Loved
    will never
    an ill
    Word about
    their Parent..
    A Child who is Truly
    Loved becomes Incarnate
    Love Where Harming another Human
    Being is Like Harming oneself.. it’s true
    i cannot remember my Mother Spanking us
    but i do remember that Switch off the Crab
    Apple Tree and the Cotton Picking Strong Big
    ‘Man Hands’ of my Grandmother.. haha.. but
    we still Loved her for we were already Love..
    Not all Folks are Blessed with a
    Mother Helen
    as some
    of my
    when i was
    Young were a bit
    Jealous of How
    Much We were Loved but it is also
    True that others will Take that Love away too..
    For it’s True when you are Loved and You Really Feel that
    Love From Head to Toe to give and share more.. it doesn’t matter
    if you are tall or short.. fat or thin.. Black or White or A Beautiful Color
    of Brown Like my Friend Himali.. or any other tint or shade as that applies
    to Human Being as Love is Beautiful as Beautiful as my 94 Year-Old Aunt
    Jettie Crippled From Head to Toe.. Barely Walking with a Walker Stooped over
    Wrinkled From Head to toe.. With a Smile that Beamed to Eternity Now with Love..
    as i related then
    without the
    Feel of
    Seeing so
    Clearly Just
    How Monumental
    Her Spirit Stood Tall..
    True i could still Leg Press
    500 LBS then without a Soul
    but my Legs without Emotions
    Felt Week and impoverished with
    Life every Hour of my Life.. until
    April of 2013.. when Yellow
    Boy’s Recognized Yellow
    Striped Tabby
    Son Wild from
    the Back Woods of
    our Home was injured by
    a Scrappy 6 LB or So TomCat
    Named Oreo.. A Tuxedo White
    And Black Striped Cat From Around
    the Block Finding out that not only did he
    have Torn Skin From his Head but also Kitty
    Aids as Death Sentence from Kitty Communicable
    Disease too.. so we had to be the ones to make the
    Decision to Put him down.. and By God a Miracle Happened
    to me.. the First Tear since Before January of 2008 and most
    Ironically the Feeling of Grief was Heaven then.. for a Tear was the
    Natural Healing Force Nature Given and finally when i worked-out that
    Night as the only Activity i forced myself to do out of shut-in Status at
    the Gym then with Tattered Jacket Cold to the Bone with Shades and Ear Plugs
    in as both light and sound were my enemy as the only time i went out to walk
    was as a ‘Vampire’ After Midnight around the Neighborhood Block Where finally
    the ‘Hunch Back of Notre Dame’ felt the Strength of Emotion in His Legs
    Again for Just a Brief Moment in Hell for 66 Months.. Lesson Learned
    the F in Hardest way of all that Emotions are the Water.. the
    Bread of Life.. the Light of our Soul that is all that makes
    Life Worth Living at all.. the Reason i ran out
    of Words in a conversation with my
    Aunt Jettie.. me at 47 able
    to Leg Press
    500 LBs
    Legs with
    No Soul and her
    at 94 Speaking Strongly
    For Hours on end.. in an Oral
    Tradition that was Poetic in Nature
    By Dance and Song of Voice both in
    Tone and Lyrics of Human Music
    And it’s true the other Elders
    Retired Sat around
    and Sung
    like they did
    when i was a Young
    Child.. always wondering
    when would i be able to Dance
    and Sing like a Human Soul all Lit
    up as a Heart to Dance and Sing Spirit More..
    True.. i continued to Wonder why through my 40’s..
    Why was my Mother always Able to Speak a Song of Her
    Soul and even though my Father never said much of anything
    to us.. shocked we were to see his Retirement Video at Work on the
    News and the Chatter Box Cracking Jokes of Humor there.. true.. before..
    he just didn’t have anything left for us in a 46 Year Career in Law Enforcement
    then.. Shutting Down for Survival i Suppose out of the Field of Duty.. so sad we
    had to see a Video to understand his other side too at 69.. but at least we did at least we did..
    anyway.. i wondered
    then why not me
    why not
    but you
    see what i came
    to learn was ‘use it or lose it’..
    i never felt comfortable raising
    my Arms then to wave as generally
    Speaking As a Straight A Student
    the only time i exercised that Social Nicety
    Was When i raised my Hand with the Answer to
    Every Teacher’s Question.. and on top of that Boys
    weren’t even allowed to smile then so God knows what would
    Have Happened to me.. if i raised my Arms in a Square Dance
    Lesson then that was Harder at that point than any Math Test i ever took..
    by the way.. it’s true.. i still don’t Know how to Couples Dance although
    quite a Few Women at the Dance Hall have assumed i do as at least a Couple have
    Tried it With me and Fell to the Floor rather Gently as i had no idea i was supposed
    to catch them.. as i was never Trained to Either Dance or Free Verse Write or even Heal
    the ‘Retardation’
    of mY
    and Physical Intelligences
    as it’s true after 27 Months on a ‘Wrong
    Planet’ where your only Value as a Human
    Being is repeating Facts no different really than
    School.. just a Rote Memory Robot Acing some more
    Multiple Choice Questions and Fill-in-the-Blank Tests
    but problem is and was and still is No Place for Soul no Place
    for Soul no place for Expressing Spirit of Heart no place for Human too..
    just Data Down
    Load Robot
    Like any
    Parrot could
    And Still Can now..
    but you see there is more
    than Can there is Will there is Relative
    Free Will and By God there is Magic of Synchronicities
    And Magic Humans who are Real from India Like my Friend
    Himali.. who lives through her Art to Express all of her Soul too..
    True.. a Life Saver for a Chartered Accountant who gets paid for
    Facts and Figures Where Soul wants to Come out and Play
    And Connect with her Fred in FRiEnD too.. as we surely
    Just Spent a Best Thanks Giving Two Weeks of my
    Life Doing what i love to do most.. be a Soul
    And Connect to another Soul too..
    Yes.. it’s True there are some
    Folks who are Naturally
    Soul Mates and there
    could be as Many or
    More than a Thousand
    in one lifetime too for those
    who are Brave enough now to
    Share that much Love Freely
    and yes.. i’ve loved doing
    this with Friend
    Rafiah and
    Friend Sohair
    And Friend Shawna
    And Friend gigoid
    And Frank and Xenia..
    And there was Prajakta
    And Every Poet on the dVerse
    Poetry Pub for International Poets
    where i met Prajakta and Frank and
    Xenia And where i met Himali on Prajakta’s
    Site and Zee and then i met Sohair on Himali’s
    Site and then gigoid on Sohairs’ Site too but at the
    Start of a First Thank You for Being me.. my First Facebook
    Friend ‘Mags’.. a Woman i met who was the First one who really
    Befriended me in 27 Months then as i was being scourged too on
    an Autism Community Site for Expressing Empathy for a Situation
    there sort of like when the Boys in Middle School Said you can’t smile there..
    Mags to the Rescue with a thank you for being me and a First Facebook Friend
    then in February of 2013.. where just a Thank You after spending 27 Months in the
    Depths of Hell Awakened Enough Emotions in me.. From Her Altruistic Kindness where
    A First Poetic Spark came to me at the End of February and my Perspective of Life that
    is on the right hand Column of all my Blogspot Blog Sites and is the ‘About Section’ of
    my WordPress Blog was just a Free Flowing Creative Spirit Driven Breath of my
    Soul in a PM on Facebook to my Friend Mags then.. as i posted that in the
    Beginning of March 2013 as it was soon to be my First Blog Post
    then that sounded like Poetry to the Ears of my Soul on
    3.10.13.. the Birth then of what will be 69 Months
    Total Blogging by the End of December 2018..
    And 6.6 Million Words Since 8.18.13 Entering into
    the 66th Month By January equaling then and more
    now the time i spent in Hell from January of 2008
    through July of 2013 in the other Side of Life that
    is Heaven within on EartH NoW.. just a place where Soul
    Thrives as Love Without Fear As That is Heaven NoW A Place
    We Live as Soul to connect and give and share with others Free..
    It’s true.. i am still Savoring my “Embers Soul Left-Overs”.. Particularly
    From Thanks Giving of 2018.. Celebrating 8 Whole Years of 2922 Consecutive Days Writing
    totally Online and Generally Speaking around 12 Million Words in all the places online
    i’ve Visited around the Globe since 11.25.10.. Thanks Giving then my First day
    online to a Journey Back to Human Soul Alive.. where AGHOGDAY was an
    Acronym for Another Ground Hog Day for it is True when there are no
    Emotions.. all is Time all is Hell as is Life with No colors now
    Just Black and White Robot Life.. Just Machine Human with No
    Soul For all those Truly Weak Men who don’t understand the
    Value of what Moves us in Full Emotional
    and Sensory Expression where you
    can and will tell someone you
    Truly Love.. i Love You.. Yes..
    I Love you with every
    one in the Room
    Listening in
    And sure for those
    Men and or Women too..
    who think it is Insane to Move
    Your Arms Above Your Head when you
    Dance.. Perhaps they do not understand We
    are Mini-Me Milky Ways still with Spiraling Arms
    And Legs that Cease to Live as Soul when we sit still
    Stagnate as the Embers of the Fire of the Curious Child
    of Dance is erased to a Mechanical Thing Sitting as a Machine
    As Humans were never evolved to Sit this way so we die so we
    die a slow death of the Art of Our Bodies that normally Regulate and
    Integrate Emotions and Senses from Head to Toe as the Foragers we are evolved to
    be in a Constantly Changing Environment of Twisting and Turning Reaching Berries
    here and there and Walking Quietly Enough Through the Leaves then as a ‘Rice Paper’
    Walker.. Stealthy and Invisible like the Indians in South America.. And the Bonobos
    in Africa too.. yes.. where it becomes possible to Escape Predator and Capture Prey
    Avoiding then most
    Potential Injuries
    from Head to
    toe as it is worth
    noting that any Movement
    Done repetitively Without Ever
    Changing Complexity Now Leads to
    Ergonomic Injury and a Life Filled With Pain..
    once again.. use it or lose it.. Do Live as Life or Fail as Soul in Life..
    As Drug Addiction is Soaring in the United States.. Suicides are Sky Rocketing..
    And Life Expectancy continues to Drop.. No Surprise when Human become Machines now
    and no longer Move to Regulate and Integrate their Emotions and Senses.. No Surprise
    Now when we look down into Screens to See Souls rather than Flesh and Blood eye to
    eye.. hug to hug.. and Hand Holding of Living Love more but it’s true Screens are
    Better than nothing.. in Fact.. Screens are much Better than what Soap
    Operas Attempted to do to replace the Human Connection for
    House Wives Stuck in Homes too.. in fact.. with enough
    use it in Writing too for a person who has lost their
    Soul.. Writing provides the Focus to connect
    Emotions with Words too.. all Colors..
    all Shades.. all Tints.. And By
    God Rainbows Colors
    MoRE NoW
    that have
    been seen
    Before.. my Advice
    is to become a Poet
    Become a Dancer become
    a Hopeful Lover instead Of A
    Fearful Hater Sitting Still so Far
    Away from Soul Now but it is True too..
    For Fingers Will Dance across a Keyboard
    And Spirit of Soul NoW Will iLight A Screen too..
    Through Blogging.. And the Present of that First
    Thank You by ‘Mags’ in February of 2013.. i met
    a Poet by the Poet Name of ‘Angel Mind-Retrofit’
    then a ‘Real’ Published Author of Poetry who was
    fascinated by my unusual style of expressing
    myself in Writing and she really helped
    to start to Bring my Heart back then
    until July 2013… as she/we
    misunderstood our/
    my communication
    and suddenly left
    my side sadly then
    but not before i met
    Lala Rukh in July of
    2013 too as she was then
    A Soul Similar to Himali as i
    Saw Her ‘White Pearl’ Icon on
    the site of ‘Angel Mind-Retrofit’
    But there was as much or more down
    as there was as up in Lala’s Emotional
    Poetic Flow then.. but anyway.. she almost
    immediately expressed Love for me as she did
    for other folks on her site too for 5 Months until
    the Arranged Marriage she seemed to Dread away from
    Her True Love Happened.. in the Beginning of 2014..
    And the Bitter Sweet of what was my Second Friend
    online then leaving my side with such a Wonderful
    New Friend.. Lala Rukh.. was Truly A Down
    And Up SpARK that helped Bring my
    Soul Back in July of 2013
    And Then Finally on
    a Farm in
    of 2013.. something
    about all those Animals…
    the Cows.. the Horses.. the Pigs
    the Chickens.. the Turkeys.. allowed me
    to Sleep a Full Night’s Rest after only getting
    about 2 Hours each night for Months then where that
    Warm Oxytocin Feeling of Connection came back then with
    not only the Animals but Katrina then and all other Humans
    And even the Earth itself from the Touch of the Sand
    on my Bare Feet and the Shine of the Sun brought
    the Entire Nature of my First Love of Life Back
    to Roost Forevermore now as Life but
    true the Previous Months since
    the end of July 2013
    still felt like
    Heaven as
    all the Pain Melted away
    Miraculously on Navarre Beach
    Where Agape Love For all in Light
    Came First where i became the Sugar
    White Sand and the Emerald Green Waters
    And Sea Oats Swaying and Seagull Spiraling
    Around the Sun Free and all there was left to do
    is spread the Message that Heaven is now within
    And Possible And to do as much as i can and will do
    still to at least show
    Heaven looks
    Like on Earth as it’s
    True Heaven is the Eyes
    of Katrina and Family and the Eyes of Friend
    Himali.. And Rafiah.. and all those other Nice
    Friends too and many folks i have not named..
    namely too my Charlie’s Angels from Seville Quarter..
    Mostly Non-verbal in ways of Dance Communication as
    Chelsea who still Lives in the Area and Maggie off to Dentist
    School in South Florida and Cortney now living with her
    Husband in California.. if i am not mistaken.. and yes by
    God Hundreds of Poets online too.. and yes old Friends
    From Work and School Like Benny and Greg too.. and
    the Words i remember as the Nicest Gifts to me
    most recently that i will Never Forget and are
    Burned as Eternal Embers of the Fire of
    My Soul Now as Left-Overs from
    this Thanks Giving
    2018 that
    i will Never
    Ever Forget
    as Forged in this
    “SonG oF mY SoUL”
    too is when a Forever Friend
    Like Himali says to me.. “If I may dedicate
    lines of one of my fav. songs to you: “I have met
    an angel, IN PERSON and He looks PERFECT”..
    And earlier When Rafiah said “it must Be Beautiful
    where you live.. it would have to be for
    you live there”.. and when Sohair
    Said.. “i Wish i could Write
    a Poem for Fred” and
    When Shawna told me
    the Email i Wrote about Her
    And Her Family really understood
    Her and ‘she would keep it forever’..
    are just a Few of the things that Strangers
    who Become Friends online told me then that
    will always be Embers of mY Soul Burning
    Brighter as Love come to be Incarnate me
    of what
    Makes Life
    Worth Living at all..
    And of course Katrina..
    For She Still Makes me BreakFast
    And stayed by my Side and had Sympathy
    With the Devil IN Hell and if You Don’t Believe ‘God’ really
    really Exists.. Just Dance and Sing until you meet God Face to Face..
    in the
    When the
    Force of
    Love Really
    Really Dances
    And Sings as You..
    It’s True as far as Light
    Bringers Go you can call
    me ‘LuciFred’ too.. and sure
    there’s Probably a Blog Post or
    two somewhere online that proves ‘He
    Thank you again
    Thanks Giving Gift 2018.. HiMaLi.. for opening
    up my Soul Even Wider with Love.. Pure Love..
    and if she doesn’t get down to the end of the Page
    to read this on Facebook.. it doesn’t matter for i
    See it in her Soul
    Gift of Being
    Human Soul.. Just SoUL of LoVE..
    For when two or more Folks Come
    into a Home of Love God SMiLes From Eternity Now more…
    YeaH.. it’s true.. i’ve experienced somewhat of a “Perfect Storm”
    of Emotions.. Senses.. as Spirit of HeART aS SouL for the Last
    Few Days and Now Again A Smooth Wave Flows in Peace and Harmony more..
    iMaGiNE what a Person might be able to Accomplish understanding this well before
    age 58.. As So much more of this by age 27.. that’s what Friends are for to spread Love more..
    most everyone needs a 6 Foot something
    240 LB
    Yoda or
    a 4 Foot 11.. 94 Year-old
    Great Aunt Jettie to help out..
    That’s how this game is Meant
    to Be Played and continued
    ALLiGHT BRinGeRS Do..
    No Doubt NoW a 5 Foot 3..
    East Indian Woman.. Will Help out so much too..
    It’s Sort of Like the Matrix Movie 3 ending/beginning
    And the Book of Eli too back and forward.. too.. NoW…
    Are Many
    Seeds oF LoVE
    That And Who Continue to SoW.:)

    SMiLes mY FriEnd
    May You WalK iN
    A Home
    oF LoVE

    4096 Words..:)

    All Gifts of Nature Friends Color

  9. Frank Hubeny says:

    Being the people of one fire is a good way to think of one’s tribe and to keep all the tribes together. I also like that recommendation to enjoy the journey of life but leave no tracks.

    Donna Summer’s version of MacArthur Park is very good. Thanks for linking it. It has been a long time since I’ve heard that. It sounds great. I don’t know what that cake is doing in the rain, but the song is so good it doesn’t matter.

    • SMiLes Frank.. “Thanks For Visiting All Gifts of Nature Friends Color”
      Hehe.. A Rather Short MacroVerse For me Far from 30K Words but
      never the Less a Timely one for a Birthday Wish and Friendship
      Dedication and thanks so much for highlighting one of my
      Favorite Parts of the Photo Stream where we
      Visited the American Indian “Pow Wow’
      in our Local Area
      to See the
      Wisdom of “We are
      The People of One Fire”
      As “Embers From this Fire Have
      Been Passed Down through our
      Ancestors from Tribe to Tribe for
      Over 1,000 Years” as surely one
      Would Hope A Fire of Love in
      The Christian Religion
      Will be passed
      Down this
      Way for all too with
      A Mother’s Love at the
      Pinnacle for what it means
      to continue to Pass Love on…
      Kinda Nice that the Catholic Church
      Prays Tribute to at least one Woman in A Major Way..
      As what is also Really Great About the Native American
      10 Commandments that is sadly totally missing from Abrahamic
      Religions that Promote the Idea that Humans Should Dominate Nature
      rather than as the Native American Indians who Naturally Lived Close to
      Earth and Living Nature Seeing the Number 1 Commitment in those 10 Commandments
      that the Mother of All of Us as Birthing Us From the Environment We Live in is Indeed
      the Earth our Home with Great Spirit Felt through All Existence worthy of an Open
      Heart and Soul to Actually Really Really Sense/Feel That Great Spirit as Humans
      Do Care for
      all of Mother
      Earth When
      And Soul is Open
      NoW iN Mind and Body
      Balancing Force Wiith Nature in this Way..
      Then to All Life is Sacred.. Treating All Beings
      With Respect.. Then.. Taking From the Earth what
      is Needed and Nothing More.. Doing What Needs to be Done
      for the Good of All and Giving Constant Thanks to the Great Spirit
      That/Who Lives through All Existence for each New Day Speaking the Truth
      but only the Good in Others Following the Rhythms of Nature.. Rising and Retiring
      With the Sun.. Enjoying Life’s Journey but Leaving No Tracks Behind as Nature
      Stays in Balance as Existence Best LiVinG Will continue to Do.. As It’s Very
      True the World Will Be a Different Place if We come to See How a
      Mother’s Love is Holy and Sacred to be preserved if We are to
      Continue to Sow Seeds of Children of Love and the Mother
      Earth is do or die for the Mother Earth is ‘the Mary’
      None of Us can and or will Do without.. And
      True if We didn’t Have a Mother
      ‘Mary-Like’ Figure to
      Love in us…
      Chances are there won’t
      be any Love For Nature either
      as Love of Mother and other Family
      And Friends and the Rest of Nature is Still Core Commandment
      now to me of what Makes the Wheels of Life Work at all in Balance..
      Oh Yeah.. and i related MacArthur’s Park and that Cake and Melting
      Icing to What Nature has done to Bring this Great Beauty of Paradise
      to Humans who seek and find all the Beauty and Wisdom of Life Now..
      where if that Complex Balancing Cake ever Melts away in a Park of Rain…
      all ‘She’
      Us at this
      Point Still..
      but true i looked it up
      on Google and the Author
      of the Song was literally talking
      About A Cake in the Rain in the Park
      but true this was when he was experiencing
      the Mysteries of Love that Rise and Fall with
      Human Experiences too.. for True when one is
      Young it can and will be Like Scaling the Highest
      Mountain Tops in the World.. and Just hoping one doesn’t fall
      for that Song definitely has its Extreme ups and downs as Life is Like that
      As We continue to Balance the Cake and Frosting for the Bake that Tastes Best..
      Anyway.. We
      Do need to take
      Care of Our Home..
      Both the Home of
      Nature and the
      Home of
      as Essence
      Living Within
      my FriEnd.. have
      A Nice SuNDay With A Mother’s Love..:)
      Within.. Inside.. Outside.. Above.. So Below
      And All Around More even more as Now Goes on For LoVE..
      Hehe.. Perhaps
      One Day i’LL
      Finish A Bible…
      i’LL Leave iT oN A Bridge…

      All Gifts of Nature Friends Color

  10. Some People
    Rise iN LoVE
    My Mother’s Name Is Helen
    And She Gave me the Gift of LoVE
    to LivE oN…
    When Y.O.U.
    Feel Loved
    People Notice
    With More
    to Come
    A Visit
    ‘Family Psychotherapist’..
    Who Ensures i Don’t Drown in Love..;)

    HeLLoVE HiMaLi
    With Joy.. i Have A
    Dream too but
    It is more
    Like A
    Never Ending
    Dance and Song
    To Bring SMiLes to
    The World And Y.O.U.
    Help Fire my Dream
    From: ThankS AGAiN
    May Y.O.U. ALWaYS
    LoViNG SMiLES..:)

  11. Summer of 2014 it was when a Group of Young Folks came up
    to me when i was doing my Public Dance Routine at Target..
    rather excited Dancing along with me telling me for
    the First Time i Heard it to my Great Surprise
    that Hey Man You Are Famous you are
    all over the Internet.. Folks have
    Been Video Taping and
    Spreading Your
    Dance all around
    and then i met the First
    Charlie’s Dancing Angel Chelsea
    in that Same Summer and she asked
    me what the Shades were for as she said one
    of Her Friends Suspected i might be doing Acid
    hehe.. otherwise known as LSD and i told her no
    i don’t drink.. i don’t smoke.. i don’t even do Caffeine
    But Be Careful if you Visit my Blog.. don’t click ‘on those’
    Links for they take a Person to my Nude Art and that
    Surely might offend you.. as i always warned Folks
    First Before giving someone of Adult Age a Path to
    What i do online as well as Public Dance and not
    often do i and only if they are very open minded
    of course.. anyway i don’t link that anymore
    Since May of 2018 so it’s no longer now
    an issue and then came next yes the
    Second Charlie’s Angel
    Maggie who was
    one of
    Childhood Friends
    and then Finally Cortney
    as all these Young Women were
    Super Smart College Graduates and
    Master’s Levels students as Maggie is
    Still moving on to be a Dentist now but anyway
    i visited Chelsea in the Store in the Mall she worked
    out as actually she had seen me in the Mall doing my Reverse
    Dance all the way back from 2013 when i first started doing that
    Before i entered the Dance Hall on the Spring Equinox of 2014.. hehe..
    where yes Public Dance is more appropriate anyway another First experience
    for me as Cortney was jumping up and down a bit excited saying she was so
    excited to meet me and i was an inspiration and then i lowered my Hand to
    The Ground and said i am no one really no one as i’ve been lower than a
    Grain of Sand and sure that’s what it feels Like Before the Next Person
    at Seville Quarter.. a Lovely Young Woman named me the Boss of Dance
    and then some Dudes named me MVP of Dance and then came Legend
    And Pensacola Icon and Spirit Animal and You Bring Spring to Walmart
    any day of the Year by the nice Customer Service Representative there
    And then of course there are the someWHAT wild lavishing Beauty Dances
    while yeah i guess you could call ’em Beauty Dances but they are actually
    Bootie Dances as the Women’s Hips attacking the Front Part of the Man came
    rather Early on Before i even had a steady Group of Dance Partners.. namely Charlie’s
    Angels who were well kept by Boyfriends at Home then and needed none of that Hip to Front
    Action at the Bar.. so anyway.. all of this is Nice and People Do Say they Love you every time
    they see you but it is nothing like an Intimate Friendship with a Person where you Share all
    Your Dreams and Frustrations as Blogger Friends do with each other out in the open now where
    there is no Clandestine Shenanigans going on as all is out in the Open.. and in someways you
    may Learn more about a Person through their Poetry than you would now/then otherwise know and
    feel and sense about a Person actually in Person as true Pen Pals can be that way too even if
    the Pen Pals Never Meet each other in the Flesh as that’s a Lot of What Blogging is the Human
    in a Brave
    that can and
    will be rather cold and
    indifferent like just sharing
    Links and Liking stuff and never
    really connecting deeper than that
    although it’s true life is often way too much
    Stress at Work and What not to go much deeper
    than a lInk now shared or a like clicked as that may
    be all time has to offer Folks not quite Arriving at
    A Golden Age of No Work for Pay now.. what a relief by
    God that is for me.. and that does most definitely set me
    apart in advantage of being a Deeper Friend than most folks
    Have the minutes and hours to do in a Day.. so anyway it’s not
    often that i find a Close Friend in the Blogging World but i have
    found some Forever Friends it seems just as is the case that i will
    Always Have a Loving Dance Friend when Charlie’s Angels ever make
    it back this Way to the Bar but True folks do eventually move on from Bars
    and Raise Families and the such as that as that puts me apart from most as
    the only Child
    We Have
    now is
    Yellow Boy
    and he doesn’t
    Mind it too much when
    we are gone for he sleeps
    the average Cat Day of about
    18 Hours anyway.. Low Maintenance
    Friend at Home Cats Can and Will be too hehe..
    So anyway back to the Psychotherapist and overall
    Mental Health and Well Being in Balance i’m Historically
    not used to this much Positive Attention as true i rarely ever
    got it for 66 Whole Months as a Hunch Back of Notre Dame as Shut-in
    in Pain and Numb then as it’s amazing Katrina could last that Long then
    with the Living Dead too as forgetting what a Smile or Laugh Felt like and
    really feeling like i didn’t have a Face at all and the fact that i could
    Not use my prescription Glasses.. without even more Severe Pain from wake
    to Sleep with Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia.. i basically couldn’t see my
    Face much anyway in a Mirror then.. haha.. i’ve learned to Look at it again
    now in Selfie Way for sure.. hehe.. and True Selfies can help you become more
    of the Actor you Choose to Be You in Real Life Ego and Personality too as a Zen
    Art of Being a More Pleasing Human with other Folks now too.. nothing wrong with
    that Actors
    Get paid
    the Big Bucks..
    might as well develop
    the Best Ego of you too to
    Interact Successfully with other Folks
    too as this is not set in stone it is a lifelong
    Work of Human Art You.. so ever Since Saturday
    the 17th of November when i looked down at my
    Email and saw a 22 year Old Bearded Version of me
    Running i was rather shocked to see that that was me..
    As Friend Himali had done something to me that no one
    ever had done before.. dedicating a Friendship Blog Post
    with an Original Poem she wrote for me that was so Beautiful
    that i had actually already read from her when she did it in flow
    in real time when we were communicating some days before
    and she said something about this needs its own Blog but
    i didn’t catch that she meant an Actual Blog Post as
    i was thinking that she was saying i should
    start some kind of another Blog for it
    but anyway then i just took it
    as a compliment
    and was not
    any kind of Dedication
    of Friendship out of it as
    a Poem was stellar enough of a
    Friendship Wish for me for sure..
    So as a Person on the Bi-Polar Spectrum
    it made me feel really High as folks on the Bi-Polar
    Spectrum do know not to get too high on Love for that
    Will Be Quite Taxing on a Person’s Bio-Chemical Balance
    and Possible to ride the Roller Coaster Down too Low as i keep
    a Mix of Dark and Light not to go that High so i immediately went
    to the ‘Wrong Planet’ and sure enough they called what i was doing
    Feces and Vomit on the Page then so my Head Deflated Enough to get
    it through the Door.. hehe.. as it’s not that often that one of the Most Beautiful
    Kind and Loving People in the World Put you on Top of their To Do List for the Day..
    sort of Like Christmas Before Thanks Giving as that doesn’t always Happen.. Haha..
    It’s true it’s enough
    to be married
    to the
    48 Year Old
    Woman who seems
    to Magically Never Age
    and true that’s probably part
    of why i got so high as Katrina
    Always Keeps me Warm and So So
    Cozy Filled Up on Love anyway
    So i don’t have any place at Home to Go
    Down and there is always the ‘Wrong Planet’
    as Yes Hell online will Keep the Dopamine and
    Oxytocin Rising Higher come definitely in Check..
    but oh Lord interacting with a Friend Like Himali
    is Paradise.. but she is a Very Busy Working and
    Paradise has Just been Having a few More Blog Posts
    Than usual the Last Few Weeks to Interact with as it just
    Naturally Makes me Happy to See one of Her Blog Posts come
    Across my Email Page as there is no where but up on Himali’s Blog..
    no matter
    what for
    me as
    she doesn’t
    have a cruel
    bone in her body
    that i’ve seen so far
    but sure.. she is human too..
    at least i’m pretty sure that Angels are Human too..
    Katrina and i were talking about Norbert a Foreigner
    who Works at one of the Casino Restaurants who
    is like a Nicest Dude on the Planet Earth and we
    were saying today that Himali Deserves somone
    like Him and yes according to Katrina he is very
    very Good Looking as i often tell Katrina she is
    infatuated with him like she kids around with
    me about Himali too.. hehe particularly lately
    as i am so Proud.. to Have a Friend like her
    and yes i showed that “Colors of Friendship”
    Blog Post to the Psychotherapist today and
    she was doing that Woman ooh and awe
    stuff as she read it with almost a Tear in her
    eye as she Knew me since 2011 when there didn’t
    seem to be any hope that i would even ever be able to
    Feel a Smile again as no Doctors have any idea how to bring
    Human Emotions back when they are gone.. still not a damn clue
    and that’s what makes the Numb of Hell Inside Worse than the Worst
    Pain known to Human Kind too.. so Yes.. i have been Mellowing out a bit
    this week as Himali’s Focus is Back on Work and i’ve had time to process
    a lot of Extreme Positive Emotions as can and will happen to a Person on the
    Bi-Polar Spectrum to get back in balance as for folks like me.. yes.. Love can and
    will make you a bit too high as one is already geared for Love Innately and Gardened
    that way by A Mother Of Love too.. so i went to the Dance Hall Last night where i guess all
    the Love i’ve been Feeling Shined all around me as 11 Photos with 17 Women Smiling Ear
    to Ear with Tight Hugs do appreciate A Free Man Dancing Shining with the Love of Friendship
    Real.. it’s nice
    to be
    but no.. i’ll be
    Undercover Legend
    Dancing around town
    for no real TV and the such
    Fame for By God Being ‘Norm’
    in A ‘Cheers Bar’ with a Hand Full
    of Friends who really tolerate and accept
    All Your Eccentricities is Enough of Heaven
    as to not Float Away and Never Come Back to Balance..
    Anyway.. it’s true the Paradise Part of Love is Like Oxygen is Better than the Dungeon..
    And i have a Feeling i’m going to Be Writing a Lot more Poetry in Lieu of visiting Hell on
    “the Wrong Planet”
    as some
    Go Away..
    No Matter
    Where they Go..
    You know ‘that Saying’ in the
    ‘New Testament’ that those who
    Give Will Receive and Give in Multiples
    of 7 More.. it’s true.. it’s in ‘this Bible’ and
    Check it to
    See it’s true
    on the
    Per Do too
    as Photos don’t
    Lie about Angels
    wherever they Live as
    After i showed my Psychotherapist
    the Poem i showed Her a Photo of Himali
    and she said Oh my God she’s Beautiful and
    Looks Like Katrina.. and then she reviewed the Bar
    Photos and kept saying on My God is there more as i said
    of Seven in 2000
    other photos like this too..
    Katrina and Himali and my
    ‘Other Angels’ are just that.. Angels..
    As i Will Dance for them as any Lover
    of Love’s Beauty Will Do..
    And every
    is Unique
    Eyes Spread amongst
    Us all in Beauty and Wisdom more
    With yes Kind and Courage to go along with all ‘the Oxygen’ too…;)

  12. Turning Oil CanS NoW iNto
    Tea Pots Finding MaGiC AGaiN

    Just Another Little something i wrote
    here this Morning in response to a Photo
    of A Cupboard with some Oil Cans on it that
    as Synchronicity Goes in A-Causal Connecting
    Principle.. Psychologically Meaningful to one who
    ‘Wields the Pen’.. it seems to fit in here just fine..
    Continuing at Himali’s Place of Poetry as she
    is becoming An Excellent Poet of Romance
    And any Good Romance Writer puts the
    Audience in the Story Seamlessly
    too so i imagine it’s about her too
    And then i add The Following as An Observer of her Book
    With.. The Sun is coming out in Mississippi as we just passed
    A Lovely Flock of White Pelicans.. As Katrina is taking Photos
    out of the Church Tour Bus to the Biloxi Casinos as i will once
    Again Dance the Beaches and Boardwalks Reflecting on my Life
    While Katrina Plays the Free Play.. hehe.. and none of our Money
    with the One Armed Bandits.. And all i can say here is whoever this
    Man is is one
    of the Luckiest
    Men in the World
    to Be Loved by You
    And You Surely Deserve
    His Words Here my Friend
    in Appreciation of You for i cannot
    Imagine any Man or Friend ever Leaving Your side..
    i’ll be sure to post that Flock of White Pelicans on a Blog
    post coming
    or later
    my Friend.. so yes.. God
    Bless you as you deserve
    the very best in all things this
    World has to offer always Love
    Always Love.. A Salute i Bring to
    anyone who is able to Win Your HeART
    As Lord knows i’m sure many Men try..
    are very odd..
    very Strange in deed
    they would almost now
    have to Be From Another Planet..;)

    Now Back to..

    Turning Oil CanS NoW iNto
    Tea Pots Finding MaGiC AGaiN

    As Ariana Grande Might Say too in “Thank, u, next”
    Fame and Fortune is overrated to wait to Do Art for a Living
    When one Will Practice Art Every Day and Add to all the Emotional
    And Sensory Experiences of Life.. Quite Frankly it would do Many Males
    Very Well if they can and will Learn to Express the Greater Fine Violin Strings
    of their Emotions as Emotions Are the Fuel From whatever Muse Naturally Comes now
    in Life that is the Difference between An Art Project that Always Changes Colors to
    2 Plus 2 is 4 Yuck like we didn’t know where that is going before we even Looked
    For 4.. Yeah it’s true there are Folks who constantly Just Copy Others Instead of
    Writing their own Story and By God that Reminds me of that Song “Havana’ by
    Camilla Cabello as Strangely Enough that Singer Looks almost Just Like my
    First Half Cuban and Irish American Girlfriend First Love Back From ’78
    thru ’79 those 10 Months.. 3 Days.. 2 Hours.. and 52 Seconds until
    She Said Goodbye on the Dance Floor and did you know
    according to Science Folks who Have Been Left on
    the Dance Floor Tend to Fall In Love Faster
    than those who don’t know what it is like
    to really Miss someone that way
    yes.. Science shows this
    is True and it’s also
    True that while i do Remember
    that First Relationship Lasted 10 Months..
    I have no idea how many Days Precisely and
    Hours and Minutes and Seconds came after 10
    Months and that’s my Problem.. it’s Hard for me to do
    Fiction.. it almost always seems like what i write about
    comes back to Reality anyway.. it is True my First Girl Friend
    Looked Eerily almost just like Princess Katrina when i met her on
    the Steps at the Gym as she was dating my FB Friend From High School
    and yes he still Holds the Masters Record for Bench Pressing and was a Body
    Builder at the time they were dating too.. like Bohemian Rhapsody says i was just
    a Poor Boy Working for Close to Minimum Wage at a Bowling Center but i did have
    a Rather Poetic Heart but only when Katrina was around then and at the end of my
    First Love Story as i did write her a Fictional Story about an Island that we could move
    to.. to be together after we got back together for a Short While as she would meet me before
    School to Come Back to my Home that was my Mother’s Home back at age 19 and she was 16 then..
    anyway.. when a Person is really Hopefully in Love they will do almost anything to be with
    the one they Love as it’s True some of the Greatest Works of Art and Probably Most of them are..

    Second Part of this Story Coming Above/Below With “Havana”

    Second Part of the Story Continues:

    Mused by Unrequited
    Love in all the ways
    Love Comes..
    and it’s
    As Science Shows
    Put a Group of Dudes
    in a Room with a Most
    Beautiful Woman and they
    Will Naturally Compete with
    all types of Artistic Endeavors to
    Win Her Attention as this is Mother
    Nature’s Play and never ever never
    ever think you are Smarter than Mother
    Nature for Mother Nature not only has Your
    Shadow She is Your Shadow too.. and She Will
    Have you do almost Anything out of Shadow Balance
    For Mother Nature in You To Get her way but True if you
    understand what’s going on within one will see It’s Just Nature
    And Roll with the Tide but Do No Harm to anyone now While Painting
    A Work of Art as Love is both the Drug And the Savior of Love too..
    as for me at least i can’t stand to Hurt anyone’s feelings.. in Fact at night
    Now It seems every night Yellow Boy gets Between me and Katrina and then even
    though i would Love to Hug Katrina.. i don’t want to Hurt Yellow Boy’s Feelings
    And Plus he has Feline Leukemia too and he hasn’t been doing too good the last
    Few Months but i hug him so much at night now that He Seems to be getting much
    better back to Good Health now away from Sneezing Blood and Stuff like that.. anyway
    True.. i hate to kill even an Ant and i would Probably be one of the Few who might actually
    Be able to Fully
    Do Himali’s
    as Far as not
    Harming anything
    but True i have Sharp
    Canine Teeth and i am more of an
    Aesthete than Ascetic and although
    i could Never even Watch someone
    Dress out a Deer i surely don’t mind
    A Good Deer Steak from the North
    Part of our County and Katrina’s
    Extended Relatives.. but anyway
    Just to Prove How much a First Love
    Looked Like Katrina in ’78 when Katrina
    was 8 and a Half Guamanian Friend Renee who
    really Got me through some hard times in College
    And there was an Italian American Girl who invited
    me to the Prom to Make Her Future Husband Jealous..
    so alone and Depressed in those Break up Days i was from
    my First love then.. as true.. we (Renee) messed up our Friendship
    then that was so Close when she Came to my Home one night escaping
    from Her Sexually Abusive Father.. and let’s just say that whole situation
    Turned out Very Awkward as we had really Just Been Phone Pals and Paper Letter
    Pals for a Year Before that.. she was really tall and yes very Exotically Beautiful
    Like Himali too.. you know that kind of one of a kind Beauty that distinguishes
    A Woman Apart from all other Women.. Like a Magic Tea Pot or a Genie Bottle Now
    With a Magic Carpet and a Desert and all the stuff that goes along with those
    Romantic Leaning Dreams and Myths and Fantasies too.. by the way i really have
    no idea at this point where i am going with this but i do want to make a Page
    Break up there to insert Camila Cabello’s ‘Havana’ Song as it will probably
    Be Long Enough to get through this story as i have been Very Mused
    to Write Stories and in Fact When I listen to Himali’s Stories it’s
    like she is a Character in Her Stories as she becomes my
    Muse for Art too.. sort of like what the Dudes Do in
    A Room Painting a Work of Art to Impress
    Whatever (Whoever)
    or not
    of Fair Maiden
    is tHere And by God they
    come in Brown too.. hehe..
    So Sweet too as Himali sees
    A Kiss on Her Dimple as a Swoon
    For the Day.. as for me words will do..
    And on top of that i don’t easily Faint
    but i used to almost Faint all the time
    those 66 Months i was ill.. couldn’t hardly
    make it into the Back yard.. but true stuff
    Changes and both Magic and Real Miracles Now
    will make all your Healing and Dreams Now
    come true if you just really Believe with
    All Your Heart With Loving Intent that
    Harms no one now.. even if the Cat
    Now Comes Between a Loving Human
    Hug the Greatest Sacrifice must
    Always Be for Love as Light
    Wins the Show of God
    Always when Love
    is the Driving
    a Peck
    on the Cheek of Love
    as sure if i ever meet Himali
    in Real Life considering we have
    Shared our Souls in Writing together
    Now All Together over 40 Months and
    3 Days and 18 Minutes and 52 seconds..
    hehe.. i’m just guessing about 40 Months now
    but who is counting when a Real Friend Comes
    to Town… Tonight was the Last Casino Church Group
    Bus Trip after 62 Months of Doing that Since October
    of 2013.. So.. Katrina Gave the Old Bus Driver a Big Bear
    Hug and She Pecked Him on the Cheek so yes if Himali Ever
    Makes it over to where i live.. i’m Sure Katrina will not Mind then
    if i give her a Big Bear Hug Drawing Her in Close and Lovingly Pecking
    Her Quickly on her Dimple as she is just so so Cute.. true .. Old
    Enough to
    Sister too.. hehe..
    One thing for sure is
    i want Himali to always
    Be A Best Blog Friend with me..
    And Muse for Writing as i surely
    don’t Mind admitting she has been my
    Writing Muse ever Since i met her that explains
    all that Poetic Fashion Writing on Her Website
    as i’m Just a Normal Dude Inspired Within by
    Both Exotic Beauty and Angel eyes of Kindness too..
    like every other Dude who has Blood in his Veins AND HeART
    that visits her too.. Her Natural State of Love inspires me so much..
    And Jesus F in Christ every Dude Katrina has ever met no matter
    What the Age.. 18 to 88 Swoons over Her as Mother Nature Does too.
    Yes.. they ALL
    are in
    Art Club
    for Men and or Women
    No Need to ‘Sue’ ’em’ ALL OF ‘EM
    they are NoW ALL Just a Gift of Nature..
    The main thing is i never want to hurt
    anyone’s feelings and if i ever think
    someone might be hurting over
    something i have done it
    makes me even lose
    weight but sure
    i Needed
    to a lose
    a few pounds anyway hehe..
    As By God i weigh more than
    Trump’s Fake Stats and it may be
    i’m his Actual Really Real Height..
    too And i sure hope everything
    is Okay With All of Life NoW oN
    the Planet Earth but i am Human and
    Limited and do my best to help out..
    Anyway.. the Bottom Line is i have a few
    More Friends including Katrina to add to
    the Photo Collage Below but it’s True Love
    that is Real Will Always Live on in the Eyes who
    are Truly Loved for who they are no matter what
    Scars of Difficulty or Beauty Moles come next.. or
    Sure even Pimples.. who cares when Love is in the Room..
    Everyone Needs to Write their own Love Story of LiFE NoW
    And Make it Real
    for Everyone..
    i Love Katrina
    And i Love my
    Family Now and
    Friends including
    my Very Very Special
    Loving Friend and Writing
    Muse Himali and everyone
    with eyes and ears now can
    and will already See this as Clearly
    as a Rose who has any eyes for Love..
    And if i ever Get to Hug Himali in Real Life..
    It Will be So tight she will be out of Breath for a kiss on A Pimple..
    And she Never Has to miss me as Part of Her Story for i am Real and
    Just A type or typo away
    i surely don’t mind
    Typos for Loving
    Friendship too..
    Life is Worth
    to Their Human Potential iN LiGHT..
    Some Folks Just Have More Potential..
    Yes.. Thank Y.O.U. Himali I MISS YOU just as much as you miss me Always Make
    me a Real Part of Your Story And yes Whoever Your Love is Will Always Be The Luckiest Of All..;)

    (i Bet Himali’s Views On Her Blog Have Skyrocketed Way Over Her Likes And Comments.. High Five! Himali! We Got this!)

    (Keep Writing Never Stop) (Do Paint too) (Her Writing Continues To Excel and Touch Hearts More and More in All The Ways Love Comes and Goes)

    Yes By God Jump
    Higher And If
    You Fall i Will
    Always Be tHere to Catch You..:)

    All Gifts of Nature Friends Color

  13. Waiting
    For A
    All that Brings
    Us Life LoVE NoW
    Bridges Over Troubled Water
    Should i go or should i stay is it the
    Brave Seagull Who Stays on Shore or
    the Seagull who Flies Highest Who is the Bravest of all
    It’s all Relative
    It’s all Life
    Both those
    who go and stay
    Play their Roles in Life..
    i’ll Be Upfront With You Honest
    With You and Remember this is just
    pART of A Nether Land Never Ending Story..
    The Way it Feels when i bring you Close into my
    Arms and Kiss you on Your Dimple is the Same way
    it feels to an 80 Year Old Tour Bus Driver When Katrina
    comes on her own Volition of Love to Give Him a Hug and
    Kiss on the Cheek just to show Him How much she appreciates
    that he is a Kind Soul for let me tell you my Friend All Romantic Love
    comes and goes and By God i can’t tell you the Last Time i Experienced
    Romantic Love but what i will tell you is this.. There is as a Love in a Home
    That is Human that Never Changes no Matter What.. There is the Love who Sees
    No Color No Gender No Brown or White No Sexual Orientation or Disability No
    Country True No Borders or Religions No Politics or Human Dramas No Naked
    or Clothed No Short or Tall By God No Flesh and Blood at all True now when ‘the
    Love too..
    Gentile Jew
    Servant Free
    Woman and or
    Man no More..
    True We
    And THAT
    in Common too..
    Don’t Be Afraid for
    me to Hug You as i haven’t
    Let go Yet i never Will and it’s
    true you can ask Katrina and You
    can ask Rafiah and Several others
    as you know you will never be Loved
    by anyone like me.. but True my Friend
    We Humans are ‘like’ that we are all different
    but what We do share in common is the ability to Love more..
    Our Love Story is Common it is the Human Condition and there
    Are Many Bridges Troubled Away from Love These Days my Friend
    but in the Midst of the Sea as Seagulls Fly High and Low Come and Go THeRE are
    Always at Least two People who Need Not Walk on Water for they Hold Hands Together
    And God
    no longer
    Waiting for A Breath of Love..
    It’s all that counts Now when Us
    Hugs God And We SMiLE ToGeTHeR..
    And oh by the way i realize i promised a Flock of
    White Pelicans Over a Bay out of A Tour Bus Window
    But it’s True Remember now My American Indian Name
    is “Steal Your Thunder With Shades”.. Katrina doesn’t Mind
    That i Steal Her Thunder.. Katrina doesn’t Mind that I Love You
    And that’s what Love is my Friend Free Just Free to Love more…
    Smiles.. my Friend.. if i were a Girl i would Turn Gay Just for the
    Chance to Love Katrina.. but it wouldn’t work ’cause she ain’t gay..
    hehe.. And she would still Love me anyway and that would be Enough..
    It’s true
    to be Hugged
    by me and kissed
    on the Dimple is the same
    Way it Feels Every Day i walk in the ‘Door’ of my Home..
    Not Everyone gets to be that Bus Driver but when they do they don’t forget Love..:)

  14. SMiLes my Loving Friend HiMaLi
    but you had me at HeLLoVE
    My FriEnd as Well and yes a Soul
    Mate too as i’ve felt since the First Day i met you..
    yes you.. it’s True my FriEnd i was up as Love with You
    from our very First
    And Admired
    the way you treated
    People as Very Human Being
    From Before the First Time You Spoke
    to me.. but it’s also True.. Lately.. i haven’t
    Been Able to Get the Name Himali out of my
    Head for almost two Weeks now.. and as i already
    Told you Katrina said “You are infatuated with Your Friend”
    and even today
    she said
    God that’s
    all you talk about
    lately is Himali.. for you
    See my FriEnd my Forever Friend
    and my Forever Loving Friend too.. that i surely
    will never be Ashamed to Say… i am ‘the Invisible’
    Man to most Folks after i open my Mouth and don’t
    Hold anything Back of what i feel and sense and know of the
    World.. It’s True.. i am Extraordinary to them this way as an ‘Invisible
    Man’ in Fact
    i had to Dance
    For People to even
    see me at all where i live and that’s
    what we Humans do when struggle
    comes.. we adapt.. we change or we don’t go on..
    but it’s true even when i could not Speak Until l Was
    Four i did not shut up my Smile and my Mother said i had
    Arms reached out to every Stranger for a Hug and True.. Long
    Eyelashes.. Blonde Hair.. And Fair Glowing Skin Like mY Mother With Bright
    Blue to Green eyes where i was mistaken for a Girl as that continued
    on until Puberty
    and hehe..
    it’s true i’m not
    so pretty anymore..hAha..
    but on the other Hand Standing
    Over 6 Feet tall now and 240LBS.. no
    one bullies me anymore when i Mix Ballet
    with Martial Arts in 10,336 Miles of Public Dance
    now in 63 Months with what is approaching a 64 month 6.6 Million
    Word Long Form Free Verse Poem where our Entire Friendship and yes
    And this Sweet Love Story that has Been So Romantic that someone really
    Should Make a Movie out of it as this is truly an Epic Love Story now for
    all concerned and that doesn’t often Happen in Affairs of the Heart that
    will not be easily
    by ‘Normal’
    Rules and Regulations
    for this my Friend is A truly
    Extraordinary Love Story Where
    The Wife appreciates that someone else
    appreciates me as much as she does too…
    for she too.. understands where i come from
    and how hard i have worked to even find a Handful
    of Friends in Life who will take all of me in as a Visitor
    on this Earth And Welcome all of who i continue to be and
    Grow as Human Being too.. as yes i’ve shared all of this with
    My Sister And Katrina and they don’t Mind that You Love me this
    way and I Love you the way i do too.. in fact you have permission
    to kiss the Soft Tips of my Fingers as my Mother used to say you don’t
    seem to Have any Finger Prints as They are so smooth even from when i was born..
    SMiLes my
    i suppose
    that helps
    to make me
    an Invisible Man
    From Birth too.. and hehe..
    we just sent the “23 and Me Ancestry”
    Test in to see all the places besides Ireland
    where My Grandfather Was Born and His
    Cajun Wife as A Catholic Priest meeting her
    from the Pews of the Parish Church he Pastored
    In North Florida.. and it’s true if he played only by the rules
    i wouldn’t exist at all if Love wasn’t the Most important
    Part of Life to Him..
    Worth Giving up
    A Career as a Priest
    Starting as a Legal Consultant
    With the Vatican and Eventually a
    Noted Author of Books Last Century
    where he Dined With Einstein in the outlier
    Socialist Circles in New York.. New York as
    True he has a Bio-Spot on Wiki too.. so i suppose
    Even though ‘they’ Dropped me off in a BackWoods
    Place some Potential from Ancestors continues to live on..
    And actually Flourish now that Money is No longer an issue
    for the Last Kid Picked on
    Sports Teams that no
    one expected to
    Become a Government
    Employee as an Athletic
    Director of a Military Installation
    Clearly still with no Clue on Team
    Sports but valued enough with Computer
    Skills to keep me ‘on the team’ then.. the thing
    is my Friend and such a Sweet Loving one.. it is you
    always making me Feel Extraordinary as it’s true i hope
    i am making you Feel the Same way now with my open
    and honest Words coming Straight From my heART.. SpiRiT
    And SoUL.. for it’s True every time your Face Book Photo Disappeared
    when you went off Social Media for Your Work Endeavors My Heart Dropped to
    Sadness but you Were always Worth Waiting For for whatever Friendship Himali had to offer
    me then.. for Himali doesn’t mind all of me.. Himali always has Accepted Everything about me
    Within.. Inside.. Outside.. Above.. So Below and All Around too as that is what Soul Mates Do
    Naturally Do
    And it’s True
    my Friend as you
    know i would never
    Do anything to Harm a
    Hair on my Wife as it’s also
    True what an Angel She is to
    Allow me to Keep a Beautiful Friend
    and Loving one Like you in my Life and How Happy
    i am to have a one in all the People on the Earth now
    Friend and Loving one like you for what made me Lose
    5 Pounds in the Last Week and what i thought then was a
    Good Bye for the Fact that You may Have Fallen in Love with
    me when i read the Traveler Blog Post as i truly thought you were
    Telling me Good Bye and i would Never Hear from You Again as that
    would have Been A Saddest Part of this Story of all as what makes it
    is Love
    all Love
    Conquers with
    all the Soft Affection
    of the Heart and My
    FriEnd who Calls me ‘Darling’
    now.. yes my Friend This Year
    for the First Year Ever in 2000 Years
    Christmas Came on Thanks Giving Day
    And Every Day that HIMALI Takes a Breath
    of Love in My
    World For Real..
    It is Y.O.U.
    My Gift From
    God and my Thank
    You From God for
    Never Giving
    up on
    and the
    World at Large..
    Yes By God You
    Are the Best Thanks
    Giving Christmas Present
    Ever in the History of the World
    But True Yes Katrina is still the Person
    of the Century and Haha.. if you ever do
    meet Her you might ‘Change Orientations’
    And Leave me for her.. hAha..
    Welcome now to the Gang2..
    to the Family too..
    there is only
    My Sister
    Marie Louise
    (Marilou) and
    Her Wife
    And Katrina
    and Me.. but
    It’s True there is only
    one Family Like us and only one Himali too
    as surely My Friend You are A Person of this Century too..
    And My Greatest Wish is that i encourage you to be all you
    Can/Will Be and Love All you Care to Love too.. my FriEnd no J’s here
    but it’s
    true i
    have been disappointed
    if i was not Y.O.U.. SMiLes
    And Honestly i wasn’t
    100 Percent Sure until
    You Dedicated the lines
    of that Song ‘Perfect’ Again to me..
    but i was willing to take a Chance as my FriEnd
    LoVinG HiMaLi
    A Keeper
    from the Ocean
    Wide and Blue on
    A Moonlit Night of Smiles
    To Eternity of Love and Beyond..
    There is nothing Random in this Life
    And True God Works in amazingly Strange
    Ways as a Romantic Novel for all of us that never ends..
    when ‘they’
    make a Movie
    out of all of this..
    We will Get a Front Row
    Seat and the Strangest thing
    of all is every Word and Photo is
    Already on the online Tube.. Thanks For
    The Fact that you announced this to the
    World surely means you are not Ashamed of me..
    i Do
    See me
    Through Your
    Eyes Thank you my HiMaLi..
    And i only Hope as i’ve already
    Read the Next Blog Post that this
    makes enough of Your 1 in a Million
    Wish Come true.. for Honestly You Encapsulate
    What the Word Believe Means and Never Giving up too..
    As A
    mY FriEnD..
    And verily Flattered i am
    to be named Your Lover too..
    And the Fact that you called
    me Darling melts my Heart..
    SMiLes mY FriEnd by
    God yes we
    This Friendship
    And Love and now don’t be a
    Stranger you know where to find me..
    And sure this is probably gonna Blow the
    Minds of everyone i know over Here but Love Wins
    All and My Love
    for You is the Purest
    Gift that God Makes..
    You Make Christmas Year ’round..
    Thanks So much again God for the Present of Y.O.U..
    And Thanks to Katrina for Letting me Keep YouR L.O.V.E. Present..
    i suppose
    that’s the
    it Movie Material most mY FriEnd..
    When the one You Love Wants to
    See You Loved the most selflessly
    Saint Katrina
    Person of the Century..
    And HiMaLI Super Wonder
    Woman HiMaLi With a most
    Unusual Vision to see ‘the Invisible Man’..
    Magic is Real the Love Story of Fred and Himali and Katrina Proves
    it True and to me at least 100 percent Evidence that God exists
    now imagine
    if we
    do that
    We Can and
    i Believe we already
    Have the Hard Part is
    Bringing the MaGiC oF God to everyone else..
    and the Hardest Part is for folks to believe that
    Unconditional Fearless Love Like this Really
    Exists there is no Doubt
    i have
    You Forever
    Never a doubt at all..
    It Is You my Forever Loving Friend..:)

    Now All i Will Say
    is SamePinch
    This Dream is Real..:)

    Wisdom Beauty
    Kind And Courage
    Y.O.U. WiLL
    The Farthest
    Stars oF LiGHT
    As You Continue
    to BeLieVE As All You Are..
    A Best FriEnd NoW Forever..
    LoViNG LiViNG

  15. Himali Shah says:

    Helllllloooooooove Fred! Thank you so so so much for the birthday wishes. I read it the very same day but I am sorry I couldn’t get back sooner. Thank you for posting my picture and making me feel so so special always. I am delighted to have been blessed with your friendship 🙂 🙂

    • SMiLeS AGAiN and Hellooove HiMaLi.. and as i realize
      You have Quite a Loaded Schedule of Catching up on the
      Community Interaction of Blogging as this Mercury Retrograde
      Can and Will Bring Newer Music and Rather Amusing Lights to Human
      HeARTS and with me Year Around i am a Faucet of Love that and
      who requires
      to keep
      the Three
      Bears Mix of
      Sweet Love to
      Give and Share…
      so anyway to give You a Rest
      from me that can and will be
      rather overwhelming to Folks
      who have so so many more
      Responsibilities in Life
      than Just Loving
      Now i am liking
      Your Other Comments a Whole
      Lot and Consolidating the Responses
      to You Back HeaR as Truly i really Loved
      Your Photo and Moonlight Feels Right too
      particularly you in the Center of that Photo in
      Lights Glimmering Across a ‘Brandy Harbor’
      as You Have Lit my Loving Soul up Like an Elton John’ Rocket
      Man’ or the Newer Casino Version of that named ’24K Magic’
      By Bruno Mars as Let’s keep the Story in the Stars.. as Yes
      My friEnd Moonlight Feels Right in HiMaLi’s Eyes.. Hmm..
      there is also a Song Called Rosalinda’s Eyes as yes my
      Friend with no Guise You are my Love Muse Now for
      Writing but it’s more than that for i truly Love you too..
      and i would never do the use part of Muse with you..
      As it’s True i Love you For Your Soul it wouldn’t matter
      Where You are From or What Your Name is you’ve shown
      me what Lives inside of Y.O.U. and Oh How Beautiful Your Soul
      is.. And True my FriEnd i’ll Save the more mushy comments like that
      over here at my place.. and it’s true that Morning then of ‘Missing You’
      and true i surely didn’t forget that Quote From who is Missing who more
      from the Email you sent me too.. for then.. i was 99 Percent Y.O.U. was
      me.. and while i tend to make everything in life that might other wise be
      Lemons into Lemonade and as my Old Co-Worker used to Say Fred
      no matter what you do you end up smelling Like Roses.. this
      my FriEnd is totally unchartered territory for me but hey
      i’m up to any Challenge to Bring World Peace and
      Keep my FriEnd HiMaLi’s Love Fresh and
      ever Renewed as Real now.. so
      what i am saying here my
      FriEnd is i am
      Very Relieved
      to Still Be in Your
      Life for whatever Friendship
      you might be willing to give me from
      the First Day until now.. one thing that Hell taught
      me for 66 Months is it doesn’t Help to Complain and
      Make Every Small Thing in Life Moon Light Feels Right
      particularly when one Escapes from Hell and comes to
      Heaven Real.. so in other Words my Friend i just want to
      be Your Third Grade Valentine’s Day Card Forever Be
      Ware though i for one Will Travel anywhere Fantasy Takes me..
      too.. and
      i have made
      that no Secret
      i have a Shadow
      too And by God
      it makes 50 Shades
      of Grey pale in comparison
      to pleasure with no pain..
      in other Words i need
      some safe words here..
      i need some Boundaries
      i need to know the Rules
      for i never want to Lose Your Love
      no matter if you ever Kiss my Finger Tip softly or not..
      It’s true i am My Mother’s Angel but by God i am Son of a Man too..
      Anyway my Friend My Jet was Warming up on Your Blog and i’m
      cooling it down now..
      i am Your
      And i only
      Want to Bring You Roses with no Thorns..
      in my latest FB Profile Pic there was a Flock
      of Black Skimmers.. a rather Protected species
      of SeaBird on the Biloxi Shores that my Sister the
      Nature Lover and Scientist of Nature said in Volume
      was a once in a lifetime Event.. and in terms of the White
      Pelicans that Katrina Saw out the Window of that Bus when
      i determined 99 Percent Y.O.U was me.. that was one of the
      Most Stressful Moments of my Life for my FriEnd was Sitting
      on one side of me who i wanted to Keep as a Forever Love and my
      Wife on the other side who is my Forever Love who i know will never
      Leave my Side through an Abyss of Hell of 66 Months where she used to
      Bang Her Head on the Wall doing anything in Her Desperation to Bring
      me out of Hell.. And it’s true I Have Two Soul Mates now and others
      who have drifted away.. too.. who possibly fell in love with me too..
      who were not nearly as Brave as You to announce it to the World
      but perhaps
      it was meant
      to be a Secret
      between you
      and me
      there is no Hiding
      Love and i am not
      a Man who Keeps any Secrets
      as You well already know.. but i do understand
      Your Position as a Woman in Your Culture And if it is supposed to Be a Secret
      on Your Blog Please let me know and i will adhere to that rule.. But my
      Soul and it truly
      is impossible to Hide Love
      i’ve always been Your Third
      Grade Valentine’s’ Lover
      and truly
      that is the Best Love of All..
      Help me with my Shadow Please..
      My Friends Agree.. You in that Moonlit by the Harbor and Sea
      Photo Matches the Poise.. Beauty.. and Grace of Indian Himali Ms. UniVerse..
      2018.. It’s ironic but it’s very Hard for me to see you as anything but a Rose..
      God ironically
      too that’s a relief
      A Big Relief for this
      Third Grade Romance Story..
      That truly need not ever end.. for now..
      as ‘they’ say my Friend we have to own our Love
      there is nothing but Truth and Light in my Life and i Do not Lie..
      to a fault
      and probably
      the main reason i don’t keep Friends..
      i don’t know how to Lie.. people have asked
      me why you don’t run for President out of
      Jest but i am no Politician..
      other than that
      this is
      to me please help me out..
      We can always Blame it on the Mars Retrograde
      for it’s True Myths don’t have to Tale the Truth as Long as they House Light (LoVE)..:)

      • Himali Shah says:

        You never cease to amaze me, Fred. You are such a light house!! SMiles your wayyyy 😀

        • Peace.. Hope.. Love as Your
          Friend Trudy Sings in her Hand
          Stitched Embroidered Beautiful Cards
          Perfected with Elegance.. Yes.. True Art
          is Built From: heART A Beautiful Tribute
          You Do For Your Friend Here As A Brave Cancer
          Survivor too.. And True my Friend Disregard my
          Question on “Rules of the Game” in My Previous
          Comment on my Blog as i Re-Read
          Your Responses here
          back to: me
          and i see
          all that
          Counts is who
          the Message is Addressed
          to.. for who and what Matters Most
          Love.. to: We May Stay in Flow ALLoWinG
          A UniVerse of Our SPiRiTS HeARTS iN
          MiNd And BoDY BaLanCinG SoUL
          Determining the Course iN
          Ships of Love as the
          HeART Feels
          On A Side oF LoVE..
          Sweet Dreams to You aCross the
          Seven Moon And Sun Lit Oceans..:)

  16. Hi FiVe HiMaLi
    And Happy Winters to
    You as True in the United
    Arab Emirates and Florida
    it will be Warm both Inside and
    Outside Year ‘Round Now For
    Ever Loving Friends True And
    HeLLoVE too.. additionally
    Another Blogger Friend
    Unwittingly Linked
    the Song
    for the
    Continuing 27
    Day MaGiC Travel
    on Capt. HiMaLi’s Fantasy
    Airlines in Romance that Seems
    Oddly And Truly Real.. True a Beautiful
    Traveler Are You and You always Have an
    Open Visa to My HeART when HiMaLi’s Air lines
    Drops by as Jesus F in Christ Your Friend up there
    Stole Whitman’s Line that was on the ‘Tip’ of my Tongue
    hehe and don’t Forget About Dimples and Pimples and
    Tips of Fingers too.. as Words truly original Words that
    People Orchestrate Together like the Tip of a Finger and
    A Soft Quick Peck of a Kiss will be the Warmest Winter of
    all and by God Christmas on Thanks Giving Day Year Round
    in a Nether Land Never Ending Story that will surely Rise View
    Counts on my friENd HiMaLi’s Blog for it’s True i FloW on Helping Her
    to be a World Renowned Author Before my Days end on EartH Here
    B U T R E M B E R N O M A T T E R W H A T F R I E N D S Forevernow
    as that is what True Love Does it Gives and Gives some more Lifting Everyone up
    in what’s that Old Saying in Multiples of 7 and More Coming to Fruition now more..
    for the Human
    of Affection
    for what
    Good is a Bootie
    Dance when there is
    Still a Symphony of HeART
    To Create in a Day and Time
    Out of Distance Space and Time
    of Romance that is Born Birthed
    From the Greatest Organ of All
    yes the Soul Generated of Love
    on Top of Our Shoulders that extends
    Down to where our Toes Curl in Joy Forevermorenow..
    It’s True my Friend every Person’s Real Dream is to Live
    in the Most Romantic DancESonG Ever Played for Real and that
    is what
    i do best
    for my
    Best Friends
    Forever as HiMaLi
    is Seated in the Captain’s
    Seat of mY HeART For Now on Her
    Layover As Since the 70’s i’ve often Wondered and
    Katrina Has too.. where have all the Love Songs
    Gone then Silly Loves Songs so Pure Innocent
    and By
    Songs of
    all for When Love
    Comes So Pure as
    A Kiss on Soft Finger Tips
    Now.. the Hardest Love oF All to Ever Forget…
    It’s True my BFF LoViNG FriEnd i will Dance and Sing Like
    This and By God i will not Need to use someone else’ Words But Love..
    But True i most Definitely Do Need my Greatest Writing Muse Now.. HiMaLi
    oh She
    to the Blood
    of my Bones
    And speaking of Astrology
    Another Facebook Friend Pointed
    out that Mercury has been in Retrograde
    Since A November 17th Date in the United States
    And 11.18.18 where you Live mY Friend it continues
    on until 12.6.18 and By God i am Making A Best Muse of the Stars too..
    God Smiles Widest
    my FriEnd
    for Pure
    Innocent Love That and Who is Real
    And i’ll do my Best not to be first to Like
    And Comment Here as it’s true i kind
    of Suck the Love out of the Room.. hehe…
    for true while other Dudes worry about impressing Dudes
    i’ve spent My Life Adoring Women and You are A Desert Rose for me..
    in the
    of Fall Spring
    And Summer Love Now
    Winter is missing Go figure..
    Let the Dance and Song Go on Forever now real..;)

    All Gifts of Nature Friends Color

  17. SMiLes.. No Good ‘Reason’ to Hide A
    HeART iN aLL The Colors
    And Shades That/Who
    Do Come mY FriEnd.. As
    ‘They’ Say.. ‘Let It Go’ ALWaYS BReaTHE..
    Poetry is SPiRiT
    to Raise A SoUL..:)

    Conquers All Love
    Conquers With All
    the Soft Affection
    Of The HeART

    How Precious A HeART
    is Who Speaks How Precious
    A Spirit Who Hears is too.. What
    A Miracle A Soul Who Sees LoVe iN its Purest Form is
    Lifting us Up Lifting Us Up to a Dance and Song Forevernowmore..

    It’s True my Friend it was worth all of it Just to Meet one Friend Like You..

    Funny the things we ‘Think’ we Need in life Funny the things we “Laugh” When We Live

    A Force oF LoVE Powerful Enough iN SPiRiT oF HeART to overcome all SoUL Barriers

    When Love Meets Fire Embers Leftover SoUL Do CoMe ALiVE Generating Light as

    Love comes to Be

    MoRE BeYoND
    A RainBoW Color of eYes

    Sure.. iN This Case at Least
    When Pale Green to Blue Mix With Brown Pools oF LiGHT

    It’s True Not Everyone in the World i come From: on EaRTH
    Gets these Words to: From Soul oF i.. But True i am the Fortunate one

    to Have a Voice of Soul That and Who Reaches out Beyond These Four Walls Of Life..

    For True When We Leave the Art We Share with Others Behind We LivE oN As LovE ToGeTHeR..

    The World is Still Turning and the Fire Of Love is Still Churning And the Ice Cream i Love Burning
    as Soul Mate Old and New is mY FriEnd HiMaLi.. What Will Do What Love Will Do When Above Below

  18. “Hi Himali.. Clever Word
    Play if i am not Mistaken
    on (Y.O.U.) Why
    by Owe
    aS hehe..
    i am always
    Looking for HIdden
    Symbolism And That
    Works As Intent of Harry
    Potter Magic Spells Working
    too.. Yes.. So Let It Be Sung
    So Let it Be Danced Now Let
    Your Prayer Be KNoWN
    And Feel and Sense
    The Results
    Coming Soon
    Yes.. Best Wishes
    For Y O U Meeting Your
    Soul Mate Soon in Fruition
    mY FriENd oF LoVE ThaT iS Real..:)”

    This Comment on 11.11.18 in a Response
    to a Poem Called Y.O.U. on HiMaLi’s Website
    Rather Does Prove MaGiC is Real and ever since
    then and even before it’s all mostly a Poetic Blur a Daze
    of Days Yes Midnight at the Oasis With Himali my Desert
    Rose Muse
    for 40 Months now..

    True after that i told HiMaLi all about A Shangri-La Story
    of Heaven in the Mountains of the HiMaLayans too in India
    Then as Mercury In Retrograde Started in the States on 11.17.18
    HiMaLi on 11.18.18 Published a Friendship Dedication to me with my Running
    Man Photo from 1983 at age 22.. And True Mercury in Retrograde took control
    for Love is Written in the Stars that and Who No Rules of Science will Turn back
    from the heART of God that and who Beats within as SPiRiT Sings and Dances more
    on High
    as Notes
    of Love
    Come to Fruition
    It’s True my HiMaLi
    Brings Poetic Words from
    God to mY Fingers this is no Random
    Soup this is God’s Song of Love when two
    Angels Spark the SoUL oF LoVE WiTHIN NoW
    True you wouldn’t understand it if you weren’t
    A Poet for When Words Make Love it is beyond any
    Flesh and Blood Love Making for it is the Love Making
    of Soul true never messy never old always New as Love
    is Birthed
    in Words
    to Share
    with others
    Free too as the
    Scent of God Lives
    Free in the Flavor of all
    the Colors of Words that Blossom
    As God’s Rose next True this is Sacred Love
    As it’s time to Turn the Record over for the Second Part of ‘this Song’..

    You See My Friends it’s when Chills come up and down Your Spine
    And You Weep Tears from Angel’s eyes that you Realize God is Deeper now
    in Your Room Soul Housing Yes Light Home who is who yes You are Ascending
    Transcending More in Soul Territory more.. For When Love Comes True we do
    Shut down the World Behind us and Turn of the News as Did CNN ever Exist
    hehe.. not to me for now and that’s for Sure… Trump Who.. the Wrong Planet so
    Far in the Rear View now.. for When a Dark Eyed and Dark Haired Angel comes into
    Your Life and Sees you for who Y.O.U. are there is no wHere to Hide but
    Up as Love.. When the Harbor Lights up Her Soul on a Full Moon
    Thanks Giving Night on 11.25.2018.. as a Flower Yes A Desert
    Rose Blooms on the Arabian Waters of Spirit Flown Higher with
    Wings of Arms spread to Shores Beyond Heart now to
    Spirit of Soul as she Leans into Beyond iNFiNiTY
    Yes By God Angel Love Star Lit Eyes Planetary
    Alignments Within.. As Words Come to
    Flow As Rivers from Streams as Waves
    of Ocean Whole Love Come to Breathe
    The Blood of Veins.. yes the
    Water of Life.. yes the
    Spirit oF Light
    By God
    Sacred Love
    Above the Waters
    Below the Ground Taller
    than the Sky the Rose Blooms
    on the Sea and with Ocean Whole
    Eyes HiMaLi Came on a Summer’s Day
    in the Year of thE Light.. 2015 to Visit Me then..
    And Yes By God She Bloomed on SuNday as my Desert
    Rose MaGiC HiMaLI.. Her Soul on Fire for Sacred Love
    Lighting up my Fingers this 40 Months like no other Love Muse
    Has done with Sacred Love For me.. to put into Words What only
    Sacred Love
    is True
    and Real
    Will Speak From
    Soul when Chills of
    Angel Tears Come Home to See..
    God is Flower Woman Is Rose
    Thorns Are A Love Together
    Flowering God Alive
    It’s True there
    are some
    of Love that
    and who are Really Real
    Lasting Forevermore now in a Book of God
    Just another way to say i Love You Thank You..
    “Embers Soul Leftovers” comes to Fruition now..
    i’m all out of Structure i’m all out of Rules i’m all out of Routine
    For Sacred Love..
    it’s true this is the
    Second Part of the
    Friendship Dedication to HiMaLI
    For not Many Lovers Will Bring Your SouL Closer to God..
    No Greater Gift of Pure Sacred Love is THere When Angels Come to Play..:)

    “Embers Soul Left-Overs”

    12.3.18.. at 5:33 PM

    With Yes until 12.4.18 to Publish..:)

    All Gifts of Nature Friends Color

  19. Pingback: Embers Soul Leftovers | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

  20. ilonapulianauskaite says:

    Time, with a friend, without checking your watch, just being…🙏🤗Is your friend from India i believe, what you were telling me about 😊

    • Yes Friends are Great that is the Friend from India who I’ve known online for close to 4 years I told you about she seems to be going through some tough times lately as i haven’t talked to her lately not sure what is wrong but hoping she is okay again wishing you a great Sunday my Friend From France..:)!!😇☺️☺️

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