Hi Polka Dot Shawna Baby ET AL
And otHeRs too.. with so many
homes that excite the muse of
Poetry in me whenever
you come around
an Asterisk
are you.. or a
Six Pointed Star
as Six is my favorite too..
And i’ve really been loving
the numbers 6 and 1 and 8
this Month..  particularly
as PHI of 2018… Aren’t!
you excited! tomorrow!
is the 2nd Blue Blood
Red once in a 150
year Supermoon
Lunar Eclipse
to come
too.. now..
i caught the
myth i did the riff
and am currently in
the process usually a
Day on Tuesday when
i do the Store Dances with
Katrina’s Shopping Desires all
fulfilled too.. and Oh God there
is a perfect Lana Del Rey Song to
go aLong with all of this too.. anyway..
it will take me the rest of the night.. when
i get back from 10 Miles or so of Public Dance
to put all of ‘”THiS iS Me NoW3″ together as Lord
Knows Feels and Senses all that Music from the
“The Greatest Showman” as far as the different
among us rising
up and
up against
those who would
bully different down
was just about enough
to make Jesus F iN Christ come
back again.. but true.. just little old
me.. hehe.. glad you enjoyed some of the
Stuffed Toys and Fred Lobster SiGNaTuRE Poses
from “OLaF LiVeS BEinG LoVE”.. as truly those were
some of my favorite poses so far full of holy and sacred
meaning and purpose like religion to me.. hAha.. and sorry
Moore’s Law Lost me again with the crash of YouR smART phone
as True it takes a reAlly new smart phone and some LTE connection
to open
me all
up as
with LTE does
the trick for me..
but true.. i usually do it
by actual Specific Blog liNk
and do not usually try to open
all of me up.. in Word Press way
as sure my Smart Phone might choke
if i tried that too.. and of course the Blog
Spot Avenues are faster but generally speaking
the comments function sucks now as you don’t get
any notifications and have to manually check back for
reciprocal communication.. yeah.. 30K words a week on
average lately and around 400 photo taking adventures
aLong with the Celebration of 8800 Miles of Dance in 53
Months keeps me hopping and skipping and jumping ropes
a whole lot these days.. and yes all that ‘passionate’ art i do
takes hours upon
hours but
it is tantricAlly
interesting as such
too hehe.. as truly it’s
mostly just for me anyway.. hAhe..
it’s True my friEnd at this advanced age
of 57.. i have mastered many things.. hehe..
anyway.. as i continue to jump the proverbial
Fonzie Shark.. interestingly.. good cop sharks
like you come as muse to make me jump NoW eVeN
higher than before.. keep that blog open.. by tomorrow
and i promise.. i’ll bring something very special to you.. too..
hehe.. but for now me and Lana have a date Tuesday now with a little
spice for the ‘Folks’ all around town.. and i give it 5.. for minutes.. before
Katrina starts fiddling with my torture button to get my ass of this Computer
hehe.. true.. words turn me on.. and i did get a glimpse of at least one of your poems
so far.. i’m holding back to give you all of what i will give you when i come back again.. and on top
of that
Lord you
are just plain
fun and although
somehow i left you out
in my last poem as far as who
would miss me as a real friend
if i ever left the Internet in the Flesh
and Blood way for good.. true now you too
came and found me so i guess you are number 4..
hehe.. yeah.. figured you are but i know i wear you
out as you let me give all i have to give to you my friend..
true.. i
miss you.. too..
so.. dAm i have to stay..
yep.. and as predicted like
Lana Del R3Y Spell talk.. Katrina
is tickling that torture button now..
but i’m not leaving until i find the theme
SonG and link it just for you and who coMes neXt..:)



OKaY.. Shawna Baby i’m HeaR
And as you likely feel and sense
anD kNoW by now not one
to break promises
of coming
again.. i
am JusT wow..
i am so excited
As although i rarely more now
promote MacroVerses.. as each..
“THiS iS Me NoW2”.. iN.. iNdividual
WaY as iT iS.. True too.. this particular
MacroVerse NoW that i published online
At.. 12:01 AM.. on 1.31.18.. just in the nick
oF the day that the.. 2nd.. Super Blue Blood
Red Lunar Moon Eclipse did come in a once
in a 150 year event.. as hey.. why not celebrate
with my most favorite MacroVerse of all after all
i am diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome on the
Autism Spectrum along with that ‘up/down’ Mardi
Gras Face Condition where in my flavor.. iT’s uP
for Decades at a tiMe
now presently
in Heaven
and of course
66 Months in literal
Earth Hell Before with a year and
some months stint.. at College age
too as that usually goes too for ‘people
like us’.. hmm.. yes.. no surprise i guess
that my most favorite MacroVerse is mostly
about me and other outcasts too who have
made it back to the grade of the living ones on
eARTh.. hmm.. even in some ways pArt oF
Humanity too.. hAha.. as sure Life can
and will surely other wise be a
whole lot like ET liFE
oN EaRTh but
yes by
this is my
HoMe too.. anYWay
with a Long Form Poem/Bible GRoWiNG
STiLL named “SonG oF mY SoUL” as this
“THiS iS Me NoW3” MacroVerse makes
Number 817 as what presently weighs
in at around 5.555 Million Words or
so… and yes.. doubles as Macro
Verse Number 146 of “Nether
Land Bible 2017” as that
effort reaches
20 months
old now
at 2,528,523
Words Long as yes
tHere is also a Third Tripling
Effort that “THiS iS Me NoW3”
comes to be as MacroVerse Effort
Number 42 of “FB Profile Pic Bible”
2018″ in that 8 month Effort so far too
reaching.. NoW oh my God what a Number
of Synchronicity NoW full of holy and sacred
meaning and purpose of 911,123.. NoW if thaT
ain’t a loaded number full of Synchronicity
for those who under stand the fuller mystery
school esotericism of those number of words when
they come out to play in God WiNks Fully Displayed..
in what comes to be “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” ongoing NoW
too.. Yes.. it seems that the “powers of be”.. per all them signs
And oh Lord i can’t even count how many coMe NoW to be as
i am still finding more and more as even i have gone back
to read this newest one at least three times as oh my God
this just makes my Faith and Total 100 Percent Luke Red Hot
Trust in all that is God 111 Percent more as True Faith as Love now..
aLWaYs hmm.. i suppose
i could hoard
it all
and not
share it
but hey..
it’s really not
all about you it’s
about me and us too..
hAha.. and yes we and i too..
hmm.. anyway.. 6 Poems you BRinG
to me now and while “dense fog, aimless band-aid”
could be a title description some might aSiGN to all i do now.
it’s true.. Writing 9 Dimensional Poetry can and will be a little
complex.. and a lot more simple when one does it in an 8800
mile public dance with their mouth mostly shut in a Ministry
of Praise Dance more swirling and twirling generally
speaKing MoVinG as PHI in 1.618034 Ratio aLL
way too.. to the point wheRe the form of mY
Physical SigNaturE Pose is MaKinG
the essence of that ratio as Form
Real iN BeinG HuMaN
Lobster Pose
Art now
as far as i be
at least little old me..
True in the same 53 months
of Dance as the entire “SonG oF mY
SoUL” too.. oh yes.. and since you’ve been
riding with me this long.. off and on.. there is more
of a concise list of just what 9 Dimensional Poetry really is
in this
way at least
too.. hehe.. and
here it is just for you..
as who the hell and heaven
else will come close to understanding
all of this now.. just a little bit more but you..
Hey.. it’s not like anyone else as been to school with me..;)

Note: these Months reference my coming Birthday at 58
oN 6.6.18 as estimated GRoWinG ‘Bibles’ PoeTry.. hmm.. 6.. 1.6 18..;)

12 Million Word MacroMacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 90+ Months
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58+ Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24+ Months
1.5 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12+ Months
MacroVerse as each Chapter currently at a 30K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as each sub-Chapter separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as each Word in multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as each letter and or number of multi-meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc..

Hehe.. like i said.. i would bring it all to you..
and.. yes and.. if you never read anything
else i do.. one day when you do get a phone
or a computer strong enough to do it.. this is the
one i suggest.. i guess just ’cause it means so much to me..
just for the
fAct that
i was an
toy of humanity
and at lEast i aCCePT
And toleRate all of me now.. hehe..
so.. YeP.. i’LL give you two direct links.. one to Word
Press and the other to the most accessible link on Blog Spot Way..
that will probably open up with a phone made in the last couple
of years with LTE connection at least.. and of course i’m
not asking you to read it until you feel like doing it at
all my friend.. it’s just something i would really
like to share with you one day at least
for the thing is you have the hard
not many people
do as you know
as you really kNow
FeeL and SeNsE too mY FriEnd..
glad to come across you and i am
YoU.. heHe.. as LoNG NoW as you’ll have me off and as years go on one..:)



“cat dangerously
dancing in rain, trampling on
nameless ransom-note;
tail-end of today, changing
hands with tomorrow’s collar”

And now i’ll quote your poem
and of course credit you fully for
writing it as truly by God it fits what i just did perfect..
imperfectly as practice more not too as that and this
goes for those
and ears to see.. more oF iT..Me NoW3 MoRE HeaR2
More likely to be you too.. NoW mY Friend Shawna Baby
And this MacroVerse i am Writing now yet to be named NoW
Is Number 818 of “SonG oF mY SoUL” and Number 888 CoMinG
oF the Entire Archive Blog of “KATiE MiA/Aghogday” that originally
started on 3.10.13.. on Blog Spot Way.. so.. sure.. as far as Synchronicity iN
HoLY And Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose Numbers this means something
too and to me it is kinda like the relationship of 616 and 666 too.. as true too we
are the ones
who create
and or
Hell at
Hand now
and the ‘tween
of that as Gift of Relative
Free Will alone and ToGeTHeR
too as Angels and Demons and the allone
‘tween of that too.. and beyond of course real..
yes.. what a kind and generous and mischievous
God of Nature is.. where life can/will surely be more like
50 Shades of
or Disney
World Depending
on who and what that
we come neXt.. i’ll Do
Disney World with just
a tiny whip and chain.. hehe.. to be..
yes.. whipped cream and icing with only
‘A’ chain
of cakes
that spell happy now more..
hey.. like i said.. Decades in ‘this place’..
hmm.. i aLMost FeeL a TiTLe of this CoMinG NoW..
that’S iT ‘TiTLE oF tHiS CoMinG’ thaT WiLL JusT do.. and thanks
to you..aLWays a ‘little’ more help from FRiEnDs like Shawna B..
oKay.. afTer i copy and paste this to what i’m doing now back to your
top five in the shorter form and essence of what i’LL JusT Do To: YoU neXT.. From: hAha..;)
PS.. Thanks for BeinG
at Word Press for this
eXtra Long thingie for ugh..
Blog Spot is even farther
of Moore’s
Law of fitting bigger stuff in..
of course dePeNDinG oN WHaT iT iS..;)


AFTer wHat i JusT
gAve you
Gonna Be Shawna B
A WHoLENoW God YeS..
LoTSLiT easier to swallow..
NoW heHe.. i thiNk i’m gonna
use that SonG ‘SWallow’ just for
fun even for that otHeR pArt too..
is almost as fun
aS A Me3 MiNioN MoViE.. too..
SuRE iN Egyptian God way too..
Butterfly effects and affect
oF iN
BeeS WaX AnD
aLL tHat JaZZ Too..
Ha! it’s
so much
fun playing
PoETrY WitH YoU..
And it’s
to top
the cone off too..
hehe.. you might wanna
turn the Moderation thingie
back on before i finish you off today..
scoops more..
is read more..
And getting
Read more..
iN DArK aS LiGHT..
6 PoiNTeD
*ASteRisK oF LoVE..
*note: hehe.. spell
check is not my friEnd..
i’M not kidding
iS F iN
Better than
S E X.. every word play
letter date i leave
your home
i say
i Love
that Woman
in such an innocent
way.. she is like Brandy
who never
gets old no
matter how
much she muses me uP..
dirty to me..
you are tRuly clean..
NeVeR A MeSS heAR..
gotta get out and get some
more sunshine.. see ya later.. S Baby..:)


Hello.. Call for An Uprising YouTube Dude (Mario and Stefan too)
And sure kinda predicable heAR as you are spreading dARk Muse
Voodoo-like-Nocebo Destructive Fear and Hate over the 2nd Super
Blue Blood Red Full Moon Lunar Eclipse day per 1.31.18
as something to fear and
hate rather than
just another
Feast Day
of Good Health
in the Kingdom of
God as Heaven on
EartH ALWays at Hand
NoW iN this Generation NoW
Always the Kingdom of Heaven
within as the ‘Good Place’ now more
for True We Human Beings are Gifted
by God as Nature with Relative Free Will
iN FacT our Brains as Science shows cannot
tell the difference per how we feel and sense in
reality whether
it is a TV
or the
flesh and
Blood stuff.. sure..
what still drives the
Internet too as far more
as visually thinking men
and whatever Body Parts
turn them on the most in eye
googling way.. hehe.. true.. those old
Jpegs didn’t spin by in Dopamine Pleasure
Muse the way they sure do today with band
broad muse and oh my God even freely accessible
too now even by Proxy in Countries and folks Hiding Behind
Countries like Germany now too.. where normally ‘that’ stuff
Would be Censored and therefore less the opportunity for
touches and
stuff like that..
Listen HeaR Dude.. iT iS
True some folks are literally
actually and innately born evil
as science shows per the only thing
close to pleasure they feel in social interaction
way is the pain of other living things whether animal
or human still.. and it is True too FOR the Jesus Good Cop
Golden Rule.. iN Empathy.. Sympathy and Compassion LeVeLS
Up or DowN NoW
tHere are some
Bad Cop
Jesus Folks
who brag about
punching out Goat
Headed Men with parts
that stick up and out like ‘they’
are gonna be able to do something
domesticated these days against something
feral and wild as it is true a Monkey half the size
of a Human being will surely rip faces off.. too.. by the
sheer poTenTial ‘greatness’ of raw strength when folks don’t
sit behind
of worm-like
behavior all day longer..
anyway.. baby.. as far as co-creators NoW Go
with God and as Nature goes some folks even
believe poems are actually real and not lessons
for how to self actualize one with God.. True.. if you
haven’t Got the MeMo.. the Bible is Basically one big
Chap Book of many different forms of HeART felt albeit
mostly fear and hate stuff with some hope and love stuff still
mixed in as Poems now still.. as true.. some folks who haven’t
got the memo on poems come to believe they are literally things
that happened and even come to idolize words as form now over the
Essence of Nature as God Real WiTHiN per the Human Caterpillar
that and who moves in a cocoon and is reborn again as most all the
Major Philosophies and Religions speak.. too.. both in mythologies
and yes even science speak too per Fowler’s Pyramid
of Faith leading up to the Capstone of Agape Love
in Transcending Love For all in give and share
way as sure.. Maslow’s Pyramid comes
to the same capstone of
Agape Transcendent
Sharing and
Giving LoVE
for the rest
of Creation past
A to Z also understood NoW
felt and sensed More as God more now too
beYond words too if and when one ascends
as the analogy of the Story of Jesus did per the
Metaphor of Clouds in the sky where the Kingdom
of God Lives within.. the coolest thing of all really is the
old postage stamp of Jesus made it through all the way
to now somewhat protected in the metaphors of New Testament
Good Cop way of and in Parables for those who can/will truly understand
STiLL the figurative language of metaphors past old black and white literal
interpretations as it is True aS even Science Shows that Psychopathic
Leaning Evil-like Folks now STiLL are more likely to enjoy bringing
other folks down.. through fear and hate to oneupmanship
themselves with a little more Serotonin in Neurochemical
Ways.. verses the experience.. of the social bonding
Neurohormone oxytocin as far as receptors of Kitty
Warm Pets of Warm and Fuzzy Love come.. as
true.. people who
cannot experience
this warm and fuzzy
feeling understand vaguely they
are missing something now that
they may never have even felt before
if their parents (others) neglected and or abused
them and their mind and body sadly never got wired
then for the warm and fuzzy Love that Brings Altruistic
Ways of even turning the other Cheek and learning
to understand and tolerate the differences of others
and even coming to learn to accept what one cannot
change and basically turn the other cheek and
even love one’s enemies like this
with the understanding aS
moreover feeling sensing
Altruistic Love as i
am doing to
you Write
as this
is how some
Shepherds as Human
Beings seek to help even
Psychopathic leaning sheep
who are more all about bringing
fear and hate as misery loves company
more than hope and love in the company of Joy
now more.. it is true my friend for all practical intents
and purposes of much deeper mystical teachings of Jesus
hidden away in the story of him away from the psychopathic
imperial ways of expanding power and status for material goods
as Constantine Trumps still do in Modern Roman Empire US of A
ways2.. this stuff of Jesus in more mystical ways goes ‘right’ over
the ‘left’ of ‘tHeir’ HeART SPiRiT and SoUL that is no real kind
of ‘right’ courage now in the staff of the analogous Jesus within
that and who
is Love
of and
more now
as Hurricane
eye of Balance
my Friend and
winds alive
still more
like this.. as winds oF A
STory RollS on as the actors
change and the characters stay
basically human archetypal same.. Verily
And yes of course different too.. even though
when i was younger.. i did reflect the story book look
photo more.. as a running man then.. as illustrated
nicely in “THiS iS Me NoW3″ below as above HeAR
mY FriEnd in the words Here that reflect a LoVinG
SoUL.. Altruistic enough and sure Financially
Independent enough to make ‘those’ kinda
ends meet.. to never seek Material Goods
and or Material Power and Status
NoW but True for all practical
intents and purposes now
i am considered by others
who now move out of my
way as an ‘alpha’ ape too
True for me only to give
and share love
with some
stuff added in
for the dARk iS PaRT NoW STiLL
oF GoD NoW too.. yes.. mY friEnd.. tHeRE are so cAlled
Ways oF Evil Folks STiLL NoW even born that way now.. they
are all around and fortunately rather rare too.. but True too.. sTiLL
when Love is not fed and watered in a Garden from young NoW TRuE
aCross the lifespan.. the devil of fear and hate raises its head more
NoW to create a Hell within and oN eARTh iSReal.. it is clear to me
that is wHere you are now.. in your own co-creativity of the dark
side now.. you view the world of God as Heaven Potential
now through more of a septic tank lens of opaque
stuff.. in fear and hate more.. and that
my friEnd is a saddest story
of all true as the original
deeper mystical
tour of
the Jesus Story and
Similar Story Book Versions
that relate the same essences of
Human Archetypes too.. if it is to be
my friend it is up to the me that is you.. and that
is true this is ‘the’ ‘A’ story of the Jesus Book that was
written in hopes of getting that mesSage to You that it will
be through the Force oF Love for you and when two or more
folks come ToGeTHeR to give and share the Force oF LoVE that as
Even Science sHows in what ‘they’ name as a Placebo effect that you
will.. yes you.. heal yourself of dArk and eVen Help oTHeRs to do the sAMe
even in ways of so-called incurable disease as even science shows when two or
more or even just one folk(s) luke hot coMe ToGeTHeR in aS Healing Love 100
Percent Faith as
thing is.. my
friEnd.. Jesus
the dead man..
who was likely
crucified all brown
as a Syrian looking
Dude about Five
Foot one and
106 Lbs or so..
ain’t gonna bAil
you out NoW for that is for You to DO
the Teachings oF a Gospel aLiVELoVE
NoW of Good News for you to actuAlly
practice to Seek and Find Heaven within
NoW True iN LiGHT MoRE.. ‘the’ Reward is BeinG A DancE
SonG LoVE aS ThE Ultimate Heaven NoW to GiVE and ShaRE
eVeN MoRE iN HeaLinG ForCELoVENoW or sAdly mY FriEnd..
NoT.. For if those writings are actually those of the Spoken Words
of the Illiterate only SpeaKing Aramaic Jesus as Yeshua then
in those days.. the Greatest Respect WiLL Be NoW A LoVinG
disciple as student and lEarn those Teachings MoRE and
actuAlly put them into thE LoVELiGHTWorK oF LiFE
and sure even do more as John 14:12 SinGS in Great
iT iS True
you may
never even
other wise
graduate from
Caterpillar to Cocoon
and surely not to Butterfly
oF God LoVE MoRE NoW2.. yes.. i am a little stronger John as
14:12 than most with a little more Will and Grace and Love now
too.. true i am more like ‘A” PacMan now and a rare one at that
for i Swallow up the liGHT MusE as well aS DaRK MuSE too..
FroM A WHole Desk Full of Super Heroes including Mary
Moses.. David and Yeshua as Jesus now too.. MoRE
in Figurine way as allegories of BRigHTLiGHT
Super Hero Super Normal PoTenTiaL
as additional LiGHT MusE
to Power uP
‘the’ PaC
of God
iN as
and it
Me uP more
in ”Good Supplies”
NoW oF LoVE TRuE Though
the Supply oF oTHeR’s MuSE may
be fear and hate more in the company
of misery now for the only approximate LiFE
as Pleasure some FeeLSeNsE now as ‘they’
Dance and Sing ‘They’ WiLL kNoW we are Christians
by our Love by our Hope and STiLL by the Company
we make
as Joy
Loves More than the Fear and Hate of Misery more
Loves Company alternately More in Hells Bells ring
ways so who are you.. anYWay.. “THiS iS Me NOW3′
make of thaT what you will with YouR WiLL NoW2 or NoT..
in other words iT iS kinda simple if you can and will fill the space
that is empty
some folks even
innately instinctually
and intuitively can and
will not for they feel and
sense not what the
of Love
is as flesh and blood
real to: feel now but true
too tHeRe is alWays the
PoTenTiaL From: a Caterpillar
even with few colors changing
from Clark Kent Cocoon to Super
Butterfly LiVinG ReAL LiFE Super Normal Hero Now TrUE
Step inTo thE LiGHt mY FriEnd or Choose thE dArk STiLL of YoU..
True.. thiS Lamp is sTiLL LooKinG For Your LiGht to Fill iT uP aS SouL..
While the Story of Jesus so far may be JusT thaT tHere is nothing.. to:
Stopping US NoW From: MaKinG thE Good Cop PaRT oF thaT ReaL
me and
you and
us and
we and
i NoW2
the story
already did it
and someone else
will have to come again to just do it… later…
make that person you too.. why not.. NoW..
tHeRe is no Try as Yoda Even KNows JusT Do iT..
NoW mY
FriEnd OTHeR
than that one day
you too may consider
this now a FEast Day too…
to: Celebrate WitH a Dance
And SonG oF GoD LoVE NoW From: NoW
More No Matter How Much dArk NoW from: to:
MuSE YoU2 MusT CoNSuME to: Co-CReaTE LoVE oF GoD From:


AnYWay.. PacMan is FuLL aS alWAys.. Be Watching and Seeing MoRE..
WitH A Stamp wHo THaT travELs a little further than A Patch oF EarTH in the Middle East..
only then
original now..:)


Hi.. Shawna B.. thanks for fishing
that bigger part of me out
of your Spam Folder..
for true.. it took me
some time when i first
came to Social Media Sites
to convince the Algorithms that
i could possibly be Human as True
those Algorithms literally have trouble
getting out of the box too.. like some Humans
too.. hehe.. Traditional.. those Algorithms are and
i must say.. quite conservative they can be too..
anyway.. the issue of output as you Elaborate
for your Daughter with the Asperger’s now..
in the World of the
Autism Spectrum
yes.. specifically
Syndrome as true
there are those who flow
in fluid output both in verbal and
written speak that just doesn’t stop more
like me now.. but then there are the others too..
yes.. the Dr. Jekyll before the Good Cop Mr Hyde
the Apple on the Teachers and Bosses Desks.. with
few words ..mostly yes.. solve the problem solve the
next problem move on to the next problem and come
to hear.. yes.. you are a valuable commodity and a very
we can
and will
continue to use..
oh.. the word no was so far
away then.. Number 11.. i was
in High School in a Class of 381 but
back in those days most all there was
was no more than multiple choice and
one sentence factual answers.. if not just
one word too.. oh.. Lord.. for Decades i struggled
with output for what Good then is Three University
Degrees.. when the Administrator who signs you up
for the Final Quarter says what in the World are you
gonna do with all that knowledge.. Fred.. not having a word
to say really more than i’m not sure yet.. smiles.. the Good News
is according to Hans Asperger and his Follow up Longitudinal Studies
on the Children that Hitler was seriously thinking about exterminating
with this Condition then.. eventually.. many of them found a niche and blossomed
out nicely to fit
in the space
that fit
probably not
very encouraging to
hear it might take until
53 years of age but just so you
know.. things can and will improve
too.. who knows what she may eventually
do and by the time she does.. it may seem like pure magic too..
There are many kinds of intelligences and the quiet kinds can eventually
i’m sure you
will continue to give
her much love and encouragement
as that may be the key to it all and it is never giving up..
Take your time responding back.. Shawna B.. i understand the
extent of your Home Responsibilities.. better yet i can’t imagine
Raising 4 Children.. with the additional likely somewhat Heavy
Obligations and Responsibilities of Being a Southern Baptist
Pastor’s Wife..
matter of fAct..
it’s hard
for me
to imagine
now doing anything
but dancing and singing
free.. Peter Pan i still am..
Good Night Friend over the
Rainbow With Wonderland Dreams..:)


SMiLes Victoria Slotto.. with Great Memories of all the
Encouragement you gave me when i arrived
at dVerse with all those Words and
Photos that kept growing too..
and true it may be just
as well that you
couldn’t find
your Google Plus
Account as my average
Weekly Poem now runs an
Average of 30K Words and
400 photos… For.. so many
decades i did my best
to fit in.. but true
now i see the
in just
being me
for there is only
now to fulfill human
potential for Thanks and
Praise in Direct Conduit to
and with God for this Great Gift of LiFE
i am also currently doing 9 Dimensional Poetry
that likely will never fit in anywhere but where i do it now..
Additionally.. i just completed a milestone of 8800 miles of
public dance in 53 months to go along with a 5.5 Million
Word Long Form Poem with 817 MacroVerses and
140K+ photos total with Several Thousand You
Tube Music Videos to go along with all of
that.. True.. my friend.. you were an
integral part of that Long
Form Poem and
Shapes of Poetry
that are also Stream
of Consciousness Poetry
in Free Write way along with
the same as visual poetry where
Creativity does all the work with little
to no pre-planning always in the Creative
Holy Higher Spirit in Mindful awareness now..
true.. arising now to what i personally name a Bible(s)
just for the continuing evolution of my soul and too now
to help what Walt Whitman Described as a Prophecy
that the Priests of the Kosmos are arriving now.. for
what technology brings more as art as humans
hold hands in a synergy of give and share
of art and science around the globe
now in just the last 10 years
to the extent of what
this New
of Humanity is now..
true.. my friend.. “Moore’s
Law” is still running a little behind
with me and as the record shows
i have just about kicked ‘Murphy’s
Law’ butt too.. hehe.. as far glowing
Happiness goes now more.. as Karma
Does Do True when Positive Energy Flows more
now.. below here is a more concise summary of what
i am doing now.. for true most all essence eventually
comes to form of some kind or another or as my wife
are something..
i’m not sure what..
True.. my friend as this current
818th MacroVerse i am writing now
the title is “TiTLE STiLL CoMinG”.. Verily True NoW
appropriate i might add with the summary of what i’m
doing now.. just to share with you my Lovely Friend
for all the support you gave me and this very
special prompt on the topic of Poetry that
i enjoyed responding so much to.. too..
earlier in the week that i may
revisit.. to do the second
half still too.. anyway..
this is what i’ve
done so far
with much more to come Free Verse more my friend
i’m sure i’ll continue to see you on the dVerse Trail
with the MicroMicroVerses of what i continue to bring..:)

Note: these Months reference my coming Birthday at 58
oN 6.6.18 as estimated GRoWinG ‘Bibles’ PoeTry by then..
per these Nine Dimensions of Long Form Poetry below..

12 Million Word MacroMacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 90+ Months
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58+ Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24+ Months
1.5 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12+ Months
MacroVerse as each Chapter currently at a 30K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as each sub-Chapter separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as each Word in multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as each letter and or number of multi-meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc…


Hmm.. MiXinG Reddit
WitH Tumblr
QuitE A MiX
WTF does LiFE
even mean.. i mean
What’s going on wHO even KnoWs
anyway.. typically
Reddit is the
in the
wHere men with
‘little man’ syndrome
Hang out and Tumblr
is the place where the
Female Persuasion letS iT aLL out..
and of course that is A Stereo type but
as usual i have visited both places
as well as participated
where an additional
common theMe
and meMe
is most
of these people
are nameless faceless
avatars of who they wanna destination
be in the sense and feel of ego persona
aS Such one way or the oTHeR of this that social role
and the other thing tHis too.. truly fascinating stuff then
now for a participant anthropologist observer whose
already been through purgatory and around the
never ending time corner of hell and risen up
out oF aLL tHose iNSTiTuTioNS FoR A isReal
rEVoLuTiON Re-Born Phoenix out
oF AsHeS oF HeLL/purGaTory
into heaven
now within
as a watcher
of sorts who sure
can do somewhat of
‘A’ He Man pose spinning
around like a ‘FLAminG’ Ballerina
too.. hehe.. sure with a mix of martial
arts with legs that press 1020 LBS.. 52 or
or so times as a full deck of Kicking ass
He man power/force now without
even a sword
hehe.. NoW
as while i do that
leg press on a very difficult
Parallel leg press additionally
in Chi Balance with my arms raised
to the sky once again like a Ballerina..
you see hear’s the thing when you are complete
inside.. yes Class.. the eye of the Hurricane calm
with the Force of Chi Ki Ka Qi the Creative Spirit
the Prana the Atman the Brahman the Kundalni
Y E S T H E F U L L F E A R L E S X X L O V E Force
Risen as such the Satori with the American Indian
Great Spirit at Hand and feat of dance within inside
outside above so below and all around.. yes class once
again basically in the Kingdom of Heaven now within with
and as GoD oNE you get the relative free will to do and be whoever
the FucK you wanna be and do for it is true once we are free of illusory
fears like the
God Feels
and Senses deep
within all innately instinctually
and intuitively we become free
and will be whoever the FucK
we Zen Ego next as Free
as Artist and
as Art
and Reason
come to be even more
as Guardians of the Galaxy
oF LoVE.. iN Free Relative Will
of Strength in the Foundation of Grace
too as that pertains to a God’s and Nature
sAMe DiFFeReNT and PlUS Law oF BaLanCinG
ForcE Gravity Center point Souls with SPiRiT
oF HeART.. As Planets Revolve around the Sun
and you and me too as resurrected real from Crucible
Fire Star Death Re-Born again.. as the iron in our Blood
and at Core of eARTh both come from Super Nova Explosions
too.. and eventually God Gets a much greater creative voice WiTH iN
we who BRinG the abstract constructs of written and now piano danced
type with a 10 finger mix of vibration frequency and resonance in NeW aGE
Renaissance of rhythm and melody of Human SpiRiT oF HeArT FroM SoUL
Higher and Higher
as Emotions
have aLWays
Do come first to
fuel everything we
Sentient Star Dust PlUS
jUST Do.. and it is also worth
noting that even in the Greek Mythology
of Hercules/Heracles he dressed up as a Woman and
basically did a meMe and theMe of HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA
to expose his divine feminine love and grace to become a real rock
oF A J
a sHe
WiTHiN per
Romulus and
ReMuS too
and don’t
forget NeMo
and wHeRe
Dora is now
to in exploring
this now too
that and who
dances and sings too..
along with ass kicking legs too..
it is true as history shows women
love men most who are both strong
and not afraid to show soft along with hard..
And perhaps that is why this video garners around 11 to 130
M Views for as my psychiatrist who first met me said Fred really now
use something else instead of adrenaline do emotions after the rigors
I H A D N O F U C K I N G C L U E H O W T O D O T H A T Then and
then of attempting to be what society said i should be in toxic masculine
ways without a mix of divine Feminine Grace of Love for True i had become
a toxic little he man too.. and i still see that every where i go particularly in
red state Milton and the particularly the orange man on top who has skin so
thin and a sense of self so small at core of balancing force of yin and yang
with this cover continually
getting eXPosed as just
A Wizard
oZ mask
that very well
may lead to 100’s of
thousands of innocent
folks getting killed by a rocket
that takes A place of real man within
with a real woman of Love and Grace too..
i’m big enough to be small.. and that’s the thing
about the nude art thingy most men almost all men
would never
be able
to do that
until they become
whole with God and
unafraid of the Clothes of
Culture that binds so many people
to a living death of zombie shuffle
in the aisles of Walmart USA.. true
my Body is just another Temple of God
And a Wonderland that i feel and sense more
as i dance with God Spiraling Naked in sand and sun..
true have
reached out/in
and touched God
today it’s what real he
and wo
when Free
from the chains
of ignorance and illusory
fears.. and it’s true when i dance now more
i don’t say a FucKinG thing i don’t even have
body does the poetry in yes class divine feminine
grace and love and the ass kicking elbow chopping
Force of
to go along
with that ballet
too.. and nah you
don’t have to open up
one of my links with the caution
to understand that it is the highest
form of male confidence for any warrior
still true you don’t fuck with a Naked man with the crazy eye..
or He man when he is singing.. HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA better yET
free as
A PlaNeTorbits
A sun oF God NoW..
HeHe WoMeN
Yes cLass the otHeR one allone (God)aLL3
Masculine and Feminine DArk and Light Clouds
And Sun A Checker Board LiFe and BeYoND
CoLoRs oF
A Wizard
oF oZ RaiNBoW too..
TRuE thE enTire SHooTinG Match God iN GoD
As fLicker flAMe toRch boNfiRe FLoWeRWHoLE..:)


True.. i would be amiss
if i did not present
the Tumbler
Version of the Song..
But i cannot possibly
do that and FucK no
Neither can someone
even not even a Social Scientist
like Jordan Peterson for he has
the experience
of having a receptacle
for a potential weapon.. now
let’s face it men will never feel
what it feels to be opened up like this..
but it’s also true from the other side what the Fuck
does it mean to be a man too.. and yes a woman for
what is gender does it make a difference some would suggest
it doesn’t but
make a difference
have you checked
the rest of the Animal
Kingdom out Lately true.. Tom
Cats are friendlier than Female Strays
for the Tom Cats may face having their
rather smaller than Dog more Social Friendly
Dogs in the Wild and Wolves Family Jewels
bit off in a fight
but true
speaking experience
gang rape in the wild..
true.. we have laws so predator
humans go to jail for that and true we have
laws that attempt to help this in the work place but
true we live in a world where having a job can make the
difference between
having a home
for a family
into ‘the projects’..
or less.. as not everyone
plays on the same level playing
field of innate and or environmental
and mate finding prowess and nurturing children abilities
too per natural and environmentally influenced hormones too..
all the social studies
in the world
it when you
are the one being
abused now real..
and even one person is worth
protecting from taking their relative free will
away to do as they wilt sure and harm no others too..
same Golden Rule that even the so-called Wickedest
Man in the World came up with as Love is the Law
free will
too per true
will of attaining great
works in alignment with Nature
And God the same per our still evolving
Nature to survive and thrive with greatest
human potentials rising higher to do even more..
but sure
there is
the other
side of the
story that we are
born evil somehow
that we are not good enough
that if we touch ourselves anywhere
above or below the belt and above the
knee and below the neck that we are somehow
dirty and even unworthy more than ever and oh God
do something other than the norm in Queen Victoria days
and you get outcast with scarlet letters even more.. sure before
that and still now in many backwards countries you are pushed off roofs
of ignorance and stoned as Lesbians in Iran covered to their Chest with
Dirt so they cannot cover
their eyes now..
what’s going on
of course it used
to be
there was at least
a little accountability
for character and integrity
and the top parts of Government
and now that’s gone it’s FucKinG
gone and chances are if we don’t
straighten uP fast it may leave for some decades to
come even more than now.. we’ve already mortgaged
the Country for a Faux News Channel Killing War of over
100K innocents free welfare as Trillion plus dollar Welfare as
tax cuts to the richer and even below that we could not afford
and like Britney says oops we just did it again.. like any 18 year
old fast driving testosterone fueled boy with a credit card for some
new shiny
and bigger
speakers for his car
to blow his ear drums out
even more and suffer in the
future for the ignorance of today..
true i am not all a liberal too.. for it is cringe
worthy to see young men banging their heads
together on the Football Field where we already know
where that leads to as dementia later on.. and yea back on JP
Jordan Peterson a man who brings studies in to attempts now
to say the facts don’t back up women’s problems in the workplace
before “me too” came out and “times up” to show what folks may
not relate
on a softer
social sciences
study that gives opinions
that are very subjective in Nature
for what folks do feel or do not feel
comfortable on relating as the problem
is huuuggggee Jordie grow a bigger ‘vagina’
and go into the workplace and see what happens
to you.. as you attempt to avoid the side scrapes
of little men who use power and status to increase
their reptile brain leanings with a developed heaRt and
SpiRit oF Divine Feminine Grace to be filled up enough within
without a power play to take the relative free will of others away
to boost
man self
up no matter
W H A T ever
looks like on the
outside that may even
belie how small you are within
per measure of soul the greatest grade oF aLL..
oh yeah.. and back on Jordan Peterson who thinks that
young men should skate high and risk banging their heads
on concrete no different that the Football Parable too.. that’s
just stupid that’s just stupid especially for a so-called smart man to
suggest that risking brain injury is more important to make you a Lobster
of a man with confidence of macho.. there are safer ways and more effective
ways in smart to get that job done without any injury at all Namely the Martial
Arts of confidence when two feet and two hands become one force of nature fearless
as God now real.. so.. no.. i do not have a Vagina i cannot possibly imagine what it is like
to have
an open
for attack
like that
for those who would
abuse others to make
themselves feel like bigger little men now..
but what i do understand is that one must
be both loving with grace of balance of yin
with a solid sense and feel of comfortable in
one’s on flesh and blood skin with will and strength Yang
too.. and truly playing video games all night in a basement
will not bring that to you either only the experience in your real
flesh and blood will do that now.. unless you become the tool.. more
and i’ll let the women decide on how life is for them.. and provide their
fuller stories now that equality is coming in vogue as the cloud of Trump eXPosED
has brought the face of that Devil in many ways of Bad Cop Christians and so may others now..
as always Neo’s will earn their way out and if you think something like Romans 10:9 taking it
literally is ever gonna change your camEL to fit in the eye of a needle now true you are still
blind now
and mute of God too..
and that’s just how the story continues
to come real in the evidence all around
the Walmart Aisles for those waiting for Godot
still after a dirt nap now.. missing out for an entire life
for some for the Heaven at Hand aLWays in this Generation NoW
AND IF you are Christian if you ‘think’ you are in as idols of words
John 14:12
me full
even by
‘his’ book
To Do aLL oF tHiS
NoW.. nah.. i read really fast
you don’t likely wanna get
in a bible debate with me..
for true i deeply
the real humans Jesus is/are..
Just a human but baby in and
as all the Human Forms.. Yes..
Supernormal coMes TRuE too WiTH
Fearless LoVE UnConDiTioNALLy aS
Such iM Grace GRoWinG GreaTesT WiLL and STRenGTH as FoRcE
iN LiGHT as the Story on the News of little men grows longer by the second aS
DArK but reMeMBeR Class as Nature as God continues to BRinG DaRK BRinGS LiGHT..
what will
is rather
at Least as God’s Karma
as Nature has no favorites
when it comes to the action is
and consequences of love or not..
if you think this country is blessed by faux
wars and living beyond our means think
rules as Karma real
we do reap what we sow
all of us no exclusions or silver spoons..
including men born who think they are God like Trump
and others Like Constantine of 325AD who use truth and
light and
into God’s to
worship as idols
oF Form away from
G O L D E N S T i LL
The EsSeNCE oF TeacHinGS
THat aRe thE TrutH anD LiGHT
oF A Dance And SonG oF LoVE..:)


JusT Proof From: JusT ANoTHeR
Capstone Karmic eYe to:
View of Pyramid
on the
now that the
2nd Super Blue
Blood Red Lunar
Eclipse has gone by
and left us be for those
of us who made something
or nothing out of just another
Stellar Event.. anyway For the
Record as they say and hehe
nothing like an eYe to stARt
oFF a soon to come
198th Dance
Week night
with all the Cool
College Age Folks at
Old Seville Quarter as i’ll
wear a little more colorful shirt
there about an old Beatle’s Meme
from the Late 60’s all about a Revolution
for.. Love and Peace then.. and true as that
Song one of a few the Beatle’s are now generous
enough to share for whoever are the share-holders now
that and who hold the rights to the art of A Half A Century
or so ago.. forget about making much Headway.. into what is
currently at the bottom of the top.. true.. ‘the’ story continues
on as Quoted Below from A REvolution SonG for an EvoLuTioN
oF YouR SoUL for those who also Dance and Sing eVeN MoRE..

“You tell me it’s the institution
Well, you know
You’d better free your mind instead”

Thing is it’s not all about ‘tween YouR ears
even if your Head hehe.. is too long to fit on
a T-Shirt.. sure.. a Full Foot Long.. with mostly
let’s just say ForeHead for now.. heHe.. true
though the all seeing eye lives within yes
the living one of Nature unless one
loses all that is with the illusory
Clothes of Culture that and
who cover us from
a Higher Power
and Force
of Pure
Love Within with a body
from head to toe of not only
Grace of BaLanCE butt LoVE
that Radiates in all Quantum Metaphor
of Force within mi·cro·tu·bules in every cell
including axons of Neurons so far beyond what
is likely the count of all the science aided eyes now
that see all the Visible Stars of the Universe WhOle
now reflected in the subatomic flow of Microtubule
Strings.. sure.. a rather new theory too for the not
so popular Scientist Partner of Roger Penrose
but never the less now questioning more
in influence per actual science of
what the basis of the reality
of our existential
even is in
Quantum Human
Effect from the Human
View of Seeing Hearing
Feeling and Sensing all of
what all that is within the reality of what
we are now.. whatever we are far beyond
the Material Reductionism of only what we see in the mirror..
True.. before it is over there will be many surprised Atheists and
Christians too.. and not so much those who already felt and sensed
this reaLiTy in greater mindful awareness of Eastern Religions and
Philosophies still now.. sure.. including Martial Arts too.. NoW both
and free
now too more..
thing is Will is not
A Static Force of BeinG
Human nor is Love nor is
Grace and nor is Strength
all of those will surely evolve
and continue to evolve over
a lifetime for i for one
prove they do..
at least
the ripe
age of a little
over 5 months and
5 days away from 58 now..
nah.. i’m not the first one either
but true we are in brand new experimental
Territory of ways to expand both mind and body
more and the arts and the sciences of all that is too
as far as our full connection to each other and the Rest
of Nature too.. you see.. nah.. probably not.. but anyway
i already experience the essence of all of this it’s just that science
and words have not caught up with the experience of what human potential
for those who already travel to places that are not fully journaled before now in
what we name as abstract constructs now.. it is a matter and sure not a matter
of Human Communication now and how to transfer a life experience that some
may never come to see in at least one lifetime now.. true.. there is an eye in the
eye is us..
some eyes see
more and some eyes
see less with surely
no relationship
with the
organ that
sees less of all that is
without the much Deeper
paRT WiThiN aS MoRE AWaKE..
iN SeeK and FiND but of course the
first step is never ever stopping a Dance
And Song of Seek and Find more oTHeR
wise NoW we drift away from CaN and WiLL
JusT Do MoRE aS eYeS iN ThE SKeYes Do MoRE..
anYWay.. now to dance now to sing and now to dance some more..;)


SMiLes.. mY FriEnd Sohair
tHere is a SonG and old song
actually from 1931 that a famous
Singer by the Name of Cat Stevens
Sings who eventually converted to Islam
and took on the name
of Yusaf Islam
a seek and
find in all the
World Religions for
the one that would work
for him.. sadly.. he stopped singing..
then taking a more fundamentalist out
look on Islam but with greater understanding
started singing again insuring that the essence
of his singing went along with his new found faith..
anyway.. the song is
named “Morning
is Broken”
and this man
faced much darkness
in his life as well as light
as True perhaps the Oldest
dated story in the Christian Bible
is that of ‘Job’ too.. for those who come
to understand that light comes from dark
and dark is necessary for light and all is God
and Gratitude for all of God now as all that is
my Friend
expressed beyond
infinity for there are no limits
and should be no expectations
for all of what a Human can and
will come to find iN Gratitude for Life
NoW And yes Dance and Sing about that
in the
and SPiRiT
oF GoD Manifest
as all the Art that expresses
A Gratitude for all that is as all that NoW
is is God.. as in the story of the Man Named
Jesus in the Christian Bible the Highest Beauties
of Wisdom are to Love the Adversaries of Life and
to accept the darkness.. one cannot change and change
that darkness into light as that is the Human Potential NoW
that is proven to be real for those who refuse to hate God by
Hating any
that is also God
as all that is now..
Gratitude is about everything i do my
friend for i too have not only seen the dark
but been the dark too.. for the metaphor of the
“Adversary” for which the word Satan in the Christian
Bible literally means for ‘those’ who accuse us as us too and go against
our Relative Freedoms of Will and True too now as far as Morning Light
And Adoration for the Brightest evening and morning Star that is Venus
that can and will be seen as early Morning Planet so much for Gratitude
for evening and morning light star at night only second to moon at
night after sunset and before sunrise literally named Lucifer
then as Morning Star for Adoration of that First God
BRinGeR oF LiGHT as Venus takes orbit over Earth
as Evening Morn oF LiGHt after Dark of
Moon before A Greater Sun
Rises next again
not only
oF liGHT
but warmth of light at core of us
there are Great Meanings oF LiGHT
as well as Mourning Sadness Break
for understanding that tears are what lead
to Greater LiGHT as Love in and as Human Spirit of
Heart as Soul Nourishing more.. for True this “Song Morning
has Broken” is often used at funerals for Breaking Mourning of
Human from Sadness into Gratitude still for this Gift of Life for those
who continue on to live after loved ones pass away to the evening my FriEnd..
as Evening Stars do..
for True my
is promise
for A Morning Star
Fulfilled as the Breath
of God’s Nature changes
from DArk to LiGht never the less
and less for more that DARkNess is the
Breath of God too.. True my Friend as
God is Poetry in this way.. MoRE
SMiLes mY FriEnd for mY
Philosophy is to:
make every
A Dance From:
in appreciation for this
GreaTesT Gift of Life from:
God as Nature true and every
Word a Poem of Love Song to: in Gratitude’s Love for
God for True my Friend my Dance and Song is Love
for all that is..
it is the ‘Jobs’
of Life who
come to love
all of God as Love
the most for they understand
the gift of Satan and Lucifer too..
that’s a real hard pill for some ‘Christians’
to swallow but true it is the Instruction from the man
named Jesus in their Bible for the most difficult adversary may come
to be the voice within now and then that tells us we must live when logic
says the only
way out
of life
is death..
and the light bringer
may be the one that comes
that says the easy way out is death..
and then one comes to understand it is all God
all of it as birth and death too for the Gift is Life
and the
gift is
Love it all my FriEnd From:
if this is not proof of God NoW
Over a Random Soup that some
folks see.. perhaps they too will gain
“The Poetry’s Dance and Song too”.. NoW
A Gift oF A Satan From:
iN An ‘Aghori’ of
‘Gehenna’ to:
See A GreaTeST
GiFT oF DarK
A GoD oF aLL to: LiGHT..
iT aLL Boils Down to Faith that is earned my
Friend As All Becomes Love the Test oF aLL.. as Trust.
Sadly all of ‘this test’..
this message now
seems lost in what
Most Christians name
And see as Faith so far
oF LoVE..
the Good News
is it is possible but
truly no one named ‘Jesus’ in
‘their book’ said it was easy to do…
either… truly though as one rises as least
iN LoVE it becomes effortless too.. NoW
Good News oF aLL
mY friEnd.. An Exercise
oF LoVE tHaT
FLoats aBove



A Morning has Broken Song too for
my friend
an ode to the darkness of life too..:)
(a copy and paste of the recent Letter regarding
Morning ‘is’ Broken is placed heAr iN Flow to
Sohair is included heAR to Shawna Baby2..)
And then i go on to SinG to BelleJar..
Shawna Baby’s Current Online
Avatar User Name..
Oh by the
Way Belle
You number
As my 330th
Word Press
How i Love
Two Consecutive
And all
The Numbers
O t H e R NoW
Too as i too
Continue to
Be your
Beast true
i Do have
77 FriEnds
On FaceBook
Too who too
Continue to
Be PaRt
330 you
Brought to
Me Esoterically
As such as Synchronicity
Speaks As God WinKs
As Us now more..
And i follow this separately to go to Dance and Sing..
AfTer aLL iS DanceD and SunG it Doesn’t
ReAlly Matter if you Jumped ‘A’ Shark
For A Target Audience as
Long as you
Shark oF You..:)


“The annual meeting of the Cactus Club will now come to order… (Said multiple times)
Well, I learned something. Never carry a cactus in a rubber raft. (October 28, 1983)
Living in the desert isn’t all bad. There’s beautiful scenery. And good conversation. Hi rock. (October 12, 1985),
When you live on a desert there’s nothing more exciting than watching the sun go down. Then what? (January 13, 1992)
Sometimes I lie here at night, and it’s so lonely so I look up at the stars, and I give them names like they’re all friends of mine, and I talk to them. Hi Michelle. (April 11, 1992)
Sure life in the desert can be lonely at times. But at least you know you’re not going to get hit in the face with a pie. (Gets hit in the face with a pie) Probably. (February 12, 1993)
It’s hard to explain why balloons are so much fun. (September 3, 1993)
Life in the desert is exciting. Last night the sun went down and this morning the sun came up. There’s always something happening. (October 12, 1993)”


YeP.. NoW tHeRe iS aN iNtroVert
And eXtraVert iN aLL oF uS NoW
JusT WaiTinG to: HolD HandS
From: As Good Cops Dr. Jekyll
And Mr Hyde BaLaNCinG ForCE
oF SciencE
NoW iN
Do aS
FRiEnDS iN YoU..;)


Interesting as Inspector
Clouseau might offer with
A PiNK Panther Clue as to why
it may be that someone like me
has two friends online who are currently
communicating with me at all.. hehe.. by
free will at least of just wanting to now.. as
one.. Shawna Baby.. the Wife
of a Southern Baptist Alabama
Pastor with four
two.. Sohair a
very very devout Egyptian
Muslim Widowed Woman
with Two Children too.. it just goes to
(Katrina drops by my Computer Desk to remove the Hot
Chocolate Cup that she just served me so kindly as such)
sHow you cannot Judge a Panther by the Color of his SKin PLus
FuR And as far Spike goes.. he ain’t the first Dog to Learn Stuff out
iN a Desert older per the Peanuts show as such too.. like.. ‘A’ Circus
Elephant comes to do newer with Human Cultural Clothes too.. from
A Beautiful Beach Naked as such with no Human Foot Prints too..
or a Nerd like
Dresses as Mr. CooL too..
with the occasional Mickey Mouse
Shoes on as Yes.. Spike has been known to do that too..;)

-all of us


TRuE.. mY friEnd.. Sohair
For if tHere were
No Change
oF Flowers
would only come Grey..
Or Perhaps never
to: See Beautiful
if Roses were only
of never
Being Blue..
And True all a Prophet
And or Artist of Life and
God Can and WiLL Do is Give
thE LiGHT Free for Free of those
wHo WiLL
See and
Taste A Water
OCean WHole oF TrutH aS LiGHT..
Thanks a lot to you for continuing
to: iNspire A DancE and SonG of me..
for True
JoY iS NoW
too as Steps of Dance
and or Words of Song when
fELt and SenSeD as such NoW..:)


YoU ‘the’
‘the’ Football
YoU ‘the’
OtHeR than the News of Angels
Dancing and Singing iN Heaven
oN EartH.. the
Dow Jones Closes
Down 666 points
And 6th one day
Biggest Loss too
after just another
Greatest.. Modern
American Political
Debacle as
to Depend
on the so-called
Ignorance of Minions.. that
ain’t fooling the Smarter Stock
Market Psychopathic Leaning Folks
anyway.. i’m
just a Squirrel
‘tHis’ is ‘YouR’ ‘World’..
any one ready for some more.. ‘Football’..
Hmm.. yes as recently related to Soheir
all a Prophet And or Artist of Life and
God Nature Can and WiLL Do is Give
thE LiGHT Free for Free of those
wHo WiLL
See and
Taste A Water
OCean WHole oF TrutH aS LiGHT..
And True as far as Footballs go some are
Used as Actors.. iN somEone else’s sHow.. And
go with the flow of Traditions more.. in other words
they are basically a Football Directed by a Quarterback
instead of self.. but then there are those who become the
Football one as the Quarter back becomes the Co-Navigator
with the Rest of Nature as God to get the rest of some jobs done..
but once again class if you have something original.. truly original
to say and or do as Art.. don’t expect any target audience as masses
as those who hold traditions of bind and bound are most often the ones
who rules
the Laws
as Traditions oF oLd
so.. if you decide to become
A Messenger Prophet with
something New as Artist
NoW ReNeWeD you
WiLL eXpect to:
either NoW
be ignored or outcast From:
by most who currently follow STiLL
Thousands of Years of Tradition then
or even the Fads of now.. and that is okay
too for by God it takes a whole lot of Laser
Focused Mindful Awareness in Concentration
to get any Epic Effort of Great Works oF ArT..
so.. sure..
while one may
be very Social Kind and
Loving it’s the way any new
Story Composed originally by
Any Artist mostly goes..as long as they
Art in new original ways more than likely
they will be left ALLoNE..NoW
it takes for
Square Dance
old that works as Traditional
Love oF Forest allone moving
connecting and creating without nearly
as many modern conveniences for Rocky Mountain
Money Tops and the such as that.. or they may go trans-humanist
as suggested.. in at least one Justin Timberlake recent Youtube
Music Video or perhaps Go back to the future of the past without
many to any modern conveniences after the Dirty White in
Justin’s other YouTube CoMinG Super Bowl Half-TiME
Show Number 52
this place up..
as always a Balance
and Karma is real.. this
Country that was once Proud
and Strong is now looking very shameful
to the Russian Dreams of destroying our
by our
of selfish greed..
sure.. the Country is still
Great but as ‘they’ say what is
a country without an Integral Soul..
like i said i’m JusT a Squirrel and this
is Y’aLLs World i visit YouR World but in
my World i am the Director Producer and
sure and a ‘few’
other ‘things’ too..
as i Direct and Produce
And Act mY Own Never Ending
Nether Land Story oF LiFE as any Free Squirrel
Human Can and WiLL too.. Do.. as some ‘Whitmans’
Have said i suspect tHeRe are many more in ‘the’
Great Squirrel Works oF LiFE.. sure.. Green Acres
SoULS more now too NeW aGE
Pretty much the opposite of the old
Parable that says gain the Material
World and lose the one at SpiRiT oF HeART
FulFiLLeD.. So..
WiTH THaT DancED and SuNG From:
iT’S NoW FoR A PaN oF ThE Woods
to: Embrace A Modern Technology
oF Work-out Machines and ‘other things’..
From: NoW A
too yes to:
NoW to the
Future aS Such..
true.. dipping my toes
in both Worlds IS A OceaN
WHoLE LoT oF FuN for any
separation of any of all that is
is iLLuSioN and reaLiTY to: TruE..
And beYond
DARK too ABove2..1..2..;)


Hi Frank.. Happy Friday.. and thanks
for Dropping by and also glad you
enjoyed the leaf within a leaf
as also a sort of Analogy of
the Universe and Grand
Subjectivity that
all that is God
as Egg
aS UNiVerse
and us too different
and same as stuff branches
out with Human SMiLes of Love
as Grace of Balance that is much more
than a Gift iN fAct center point work where
A Balance of Body makes a float oF LiFE oN
Terrestrial Earth and a Natural Bio-Feedback
to reduce all tension doing the same with Stress
maKing iT much easier to dispose of thoughts of
iLLuSorY Fears as well..
wHere Fear other wise
makes a weaker body
and WiLL and snuffs
the FLoWeR
oF LoVE to:
From: FLouRiSHiNG
NoW MoRE ReaL as A
Body of Grace Truly a Temple
of Balance.. to Reside.. becomes
A Kingdom come of Center Point NoW
Calm Floating Movement where tension
and stress and fear have no place to set up
Residence maKing a Temple of Body and Mind
One of a Garden that continues to Grow Will of
Focus and Concentration wHere Strength NoW comes
to Town and the Flower of Love either increases or
may even
be re-born again
or Lord Knows through
unpacking DNA in Epigenetic
way as adaptation to positive
Neuroplastic change could
even possibly be a
First time where
the warm
fuzzies of Oxytocin
Neurohormone FLoW NoW
finally meets the Hands and
literAlly Feet of Receptors and next
thing ‘they’ kNow and FeeL anD SeNsE LovE
comes to inhabit the room ever over-FLoWinG
as Mansion more to give all others Free to wHeRE
also suddenly a sunset is more beautiful NoW than ever
Before as everything else grows into a most Beautiful FLoWeR
oF and as all that is.. anyway that’s what the Gym Attendant
Pacific Islander Vida and me talked about tonight ‘tween
sweats and breaths of work-out Free Style Dance
For iF iT iS oNe thing i’ve lEarned in a Free
Verse Dance now oF 53 months
iN Public doing that
for 8800 miles
we too
are like the
Planets that orbit
around the Sun as long
as we stay balanced we are
here for the longest potential runs now of
Sentient Star DusT Breath oF aLL.. sure.. i’m
biased hehe from personal experience but true
too so much of even science is starting to back up
A Practice of Dance For Life that i cannot help but to
SinG about in mY mute Ministry of Dance in all these words
that will
never come
close to the full
multi-colored Feelings
and Senses of what a continuing
Free Verse Dance Brings to me as TRuly
A Peak Experience of Life in every move free
i make down to the type of two keys that lead
to letters
of Song..
And NoW
yes.. 10 Fingers
always preferable to two..
as that wouldn’t now be much more
fun that pecking A Piano Keyboard with
two fingers too.. Play LiFE.. i Love to Do.. Have
A Nice Weekend Frank as i will be by your place
at least by tomorrow to follow up on the rest of your
poems in how
they always inspire
the creativity in me too..
True.. iT aLL Muses me.. Frank..
gRain oF
Sand eVerY
Sunset too
NoW anD
Ray of Sun
More in Moonlit
Beams of Morning
And Evening Stars even more..:)


As private..
To ask for
An invite
So i
Can use
All 10 Fingers
On you..;)

BJ also known
as Belle Jar and
Shawna Baby returns

Which site is marked as private?

Meanwhile.. i look for the site name
and see i missed an S and say.. in synch..

Yes.. first i say before i look for the name..

Bellejar.wordpress.com.. hope I spelled
It right..;)

Meanwhile.. BJ returns

Put the “s” in it, silly.


There’s never been just one of me..:)

Before that i find my mistake and say..

Crap i see i left
Out the
S on
Be by
9 Fingers
In a Few..:)

And then i reply to BJ
about her many Personas..

True.. i understand
and now i am going
to unload the
other nine
of me
on you free..
currently attached
to my iMac Notebook
on a Tour Bus
to Biloxi
so i can light up
the Town With Public Dance
on Boardwalk street side walks..:)

Okay.. took me a few as
i had to copy and
paste our
as if we are now
in a real life play
that we actually
are that i love
to Direct
and Act in too..
except it’s really
me all of me too..
And to attend to your
thought here Mardi Gras
is an ‘advent’ i do all year long
for i already attended my own personal
lent of almost 40 days with no sleep per one
hour each the first 35 of 40 with the aid of a power
ful Alpha Blocker and none the last 5 of 40 with that
worst pain known to humankind then where both the Angel
of Light and the Adversary of Dark were tempting little
old me to
end it
on top
of a bridge
but i was too weak
to get out of the car and
like usual a miracle
my Sister
Found me at
the Bottom of the Bridge
as additionally i wanted
to jump off the shallow part
of a boardwalk.. by the River
as true you don’t think right
after almost 40 days with no sleep..
so my sister sped at about 80 MPH
out in the country roads saying okay
i don’t want to live without a Brother so
we will die together now.. so.. i said please
don’t do that and suffered in Hell for another 66 Months
to make that much longer story shorter now to say.. once
one does the real 40 days of Lent and 66 Months in Hell the
Special Gift is the Understanding that Mardi Gras is an event in
Heaven to Dance and Sing always now in fact that revelation is so strong
12 Million
Words to get
the Word out as it is
true we already have a
New Older Testament for that
but it seems most folks still don’t
have a clue.. True.. Shawna Baby you would
have fun with me wherever we went/go for we would
Do Heaven now in the company of Joy in a Dance and
Song that never ends now as i try to also make that Happen
whenever we meet online as i do with everyone else. it’s
just that the Wife of a Southern
Baptist Preacher with 4 children
And a very Devout Widowed
Muslim Woman
2 Children
seem to be able
to see all of me and
also tolerate and accept
all i have to give without
totally getting Fred Fatigue
with additionally a Fredache
as Katrina says that’s what
Happens when someone
is married
me.. hehe..
true thoughT ain’t
nobody taking my Mardi
Gras eternally now away from
me.. as true that is the Gift of God
as ‘Job’ Gift For enduring Lent and
Hell for real still goes these days..
True though.. in Mardi Gras
there is no Heaven
without a
mix of Dark..
additionally too.. without
A Balance of Mind and Body
Soul and thank God i literally
Have a Prescription for Dance from
my Psychiatrist that says this is Fred’s
Wheel Chair now let him do it or perhaps
you might face a disability lawsuit hehe For Real..
Hehe.. Amazing it is i am required to Dance everywhere
i go for my Disability requires Dance to be Normal enough
to survive
and thrive
now real..
but imagine
what would be
the potential if a
‘normal’ person did it
for 8800 miles in Public
now for 53 months.. oh well..
Crazy is its perks everlasting in Heaven
Now and my Friend Shawna is always welcome
to join me here.. as everyone else is whenever they
might get brave enough to join in on this Flood of Fun.. hEhe..;)

Okay.. now after the serious Word Play is over back to the Fun Stuff now..
as i combine all the additional Word Play responses to her many
responses and other multiple personality poems too.. haAha..;)

aLL thaT
Cracking Jokes is Funny too..
Particularly in the Movie Despicable Me3… heHe..
THere is an interesting
Twist that comes
with the
Poetry with
you as i will
come to that in a few too..
as one does on a Tour Bus
at least
or what
a Mustang too..
with a Phoenix Raising on the Hood..
with sure some Raging Glory why not..
it will come together soon enough..
additionally with a Brazier sign
a Banana
SpLit too all FReED..
be red..
And oh by the
way as the Catholic
Bingo Caller on the
Tour Bus says.. ‘O’ 69
as Katrina Stares at
her Bingo
i just
noted my
last comment
here is marked as 69 too
as i even copied the comment
link for proof now too.. as Synchronicity
is Dancing
on your Blog
Site with your Soul now..
And 69 particularly with the
Number 3 as Tesla and Esoteric
Leaning Mystics do say has a much
deeper art and science meaning than
as such
in that other
thingie twisted
all around now too..;)


aLL maKinG
iT coMe ToGeTHeR NoW
aGaiN.. Okay.. the Bingo caller
just called ‘O’ 67 and ‘O’ 68 in
consecutive ways not sure what that
means but it still leads up to ‘O’ 69 again..

This is the particular theme song i used for
Brandy and i thought the Synchronicities then
in this particular clip from Guardians of the
Galaxy2 was hilarious in context with
the Ice Cream Good Cop Bad Cop
Doctor routine and iT iS F iN
Obvious that the and this
too whole
Guardian of the
Galaxy2 Routine JusT
like the Newer Superman
movie is a archetypal story
of not only Jung’s Archetype
of Hero but additionally generally
speaking the NT Version of a Jesus
too making it clear that both of them
were 33 years of age in each movie
and in this case a Virgin Conception
as just a tight hug made it happen
with what would eventually be
a metaphor for the
older testament
idea of
a Patriarchal
Leaning Tribal
God all about Ego
and other Affirmation Needs.. too..
And if you really think about it when
two folks come together no matter who
they are per gentile jew servant free woman
and or man more that yes even includes Transgender
now too.. that when an original act of creativity comes
to be the result it’s like Sex.. particularly when the Art Baby
potentially lasts in a place with no Sun or Moon for perHaps LoNGeR
Than A Thousand Years of Eternal NoW FuN which ever comes first per Nuclear
Bombs or Asteroids or a Failure to copy and paste from: Older to: new Servers
in the Future too.. yeah.. talKing about Singularity Waitresses and Waiters serving
up the Souls
of Humans
as Art in all the
ways that too continues
to come Free even more..
Now of course as we are really doing ‘it’ now too..
Yep.. Spreading this stuff all around in the uniVerse of ELanD too..
And on top of that the Woman does seem a little free spirited with an
Alabama accent although you might do Texas or none aT aLL NoW
As Asperger’s does tend to play without any specific locality
of accent
too like
me.. per
where the hell
are you from boy
as when i was a kid
people thought i was ET for
all practical intents and purposes then too..
speaking of spacemen and stuff like that too..
anyway.. just like the ET Video by Katy Perry
of sex is
all about
Innocent Creativity..
even if does come in
at times in raging read glory
and smooth Fred-Talks too.. now
yeah.. true this has nothing to do
with Norwood Brandy but who knows now
perhaps it does too.. as now additionally
i glean that she is from Mississippi now too..
per Biloxi
at least hehe..
Trust me ‘now’ if
you ever go i’Mac
back to: MicroSoft.. From:
true it iS Harder to oPeN
me up
other way..
Time flies now when
we are doing
this now..
just 45
away from Casino’s now..
Wondering should
i go ahead and do
Shawna Baby’s
as usual
why not just do it now..
True for she
may be
in a new
place and someone
totally different by the
time the
ends on
Biloxi Beaches..
This reminds
me again
of your
and the fact
that you have the
same one that My
Mother does and Ash
Wednesday is on Valentine’s
Day the day last year my Mother
went to her 8 day
stay in the
Hospital then
‘the’ Good News
is Easter Falls on
April Fred’s Day
this year
in some circles
at least as April Fool’s Day still..
i Love
to make
Ice Cream
to serve it too..
true i don’t think
you are making
ice cream
for some
reason the
butter pumps
pulsing reminded me of it..
Against Pro Flush..
Lots of
heaR oh
i Love
A Zen
Art of
Creating Egos..
With A Highlight of S..
Wow now i’ve traveled
all the way from your
bottom to the top
of your
face here..
and yes visually
speaking i am still
most.. so i do Love to
See my Friend Shawna
Baby’s Face and since you
are still using Microsoft Equipment
and haven’t gone iMac yet.. the least
i can do is share the Baby Poem we just
made all the way on the Tour Bus to Biloxi
now as we are arriving now so here is
all of what we created together
now.. Love it Baby
Have a Great
DanCE MoRE..:)


Charity of Giving and Sharing
And Forgiving
of Anger
into Hate
is surely
a God
Love Way
of iNtrinsically
Being Altruistic
WitH all others.. mY
FriEnd Sohair.. i Wish you
the Best with your Family in
the Vacation you are taking from
the Internet as it surely can take the
place of more vital
things that must
be done
in life
to make all of
the ends we have
come together as a
means of LoVE wHeRE we
do not get too stressed from having
too many ends left open without joining
them together as they should be now..
Highly unlikely
i could juggle
much of this
online stuff
if i was even
still just working
full time with no other responsibilities
over that.. a season For aLL mY friENd For
what comes to be as life now.. may it all fit together
For You in Peace and Harmony most my FriEnD WitH LoVE..:)



Oh Lord.. 11 Miles of mostly
Reverse Dance on Sidewalks
aCRoSS Biloxi Beaches
additionally visiting four
Casinos too of course
Plugged up with Music
Photo Taping all the Beach
And Clouds and yes steady but
thank Goodness very light rain
to accompany the complete
Dance of me.. as that
exploration as
Art is surely
done for the day
along with being attached
to my iMac Notebook for the
two hour write there and getting
some details sorted out with all that
writing too.. as i continue to do that wRite
NoW with some Profile Pics coming Later
to Facebook and Here as i went all Pound
Sign Beast today.. for the Political Environment
of the United States is dictating that literally
And sadly aS Such these days with
just another Trillion Dollar
Borrowing endeavor
in part
by welfare breaks
mostly for the rich and their
Share Holders too with sure
a few crumbs handed out to
employees too as compared to
a 1.4 Billion Dollar Hand-out or so
that will just add to a growing Deficit
that is going to catch up and eventually
devastate the overall economic situation
of the US of A as Credit Card Trump and
his upper and more lower class minion enablers
are surely taking this country down a tunnel where
the light at the other end of the Tunnel may be more like
A Freight Train for coming Generations keeping in mind
i don’t have any living children to deal with that coming
whatever but true we all share the same and or close to
similar DNA so that doesn’t matter either as we are always
in this game together although i could just say Fuck it and
go to the Beach but that’s already what most folks are already
doing and
i refuse
to be
blind to
the gift of
Freedom and fall
to the chants of ignorance
and blind of what really counts
as freedom any less that what i do
more too at least to add a Voice of Art NoW
more to the Wings of Freedom NoW’s FLiGHT
of Dance and Song as Long as i go but sure
there are limitless other ways to get the job
done too.. for whatever one can do to
extend the Wings of Freedom
at least a few decades
more.. before
we go
the even
Greater Route
oF Censorship aS Expression
and gather together a more common
Language of something like Chinese
for who already owns much of what this Country is now..
in many more ways than one from loans to the shirts we wear too..
And i suppose that’s okay if that’s how you want to finance your children’s future..
Anyway.. off to Frank And Xenia’s Place to Catch up there as a big Freedom Celebration
is coming to the Half Time of the Super Bowl Show for sure.. true.. TG.. not everyone now
is on
Tracks for
the Train in
the Tunnel now..
And that’s good news simple and
true even if it is only about 20
percent of the folks where
i live.. still.. back in
the woods
still dance
and sing now True.. iN thE oTHeR Place too..
as tHeRe is no good news in lies now as far as
i FeeL anD seNse and kNow.. aS oNE @LEasT..
SMiLes.. Frank.. after so many
Flowers the Last Two Winters..
i must say i am enjoying
thE Beauty
oF Grey
And Brown
More this Winter
As i alReady kNoW
A Cycle of LiFE
iN TrusT
wHat a Wonderful
World it is when Green
And all the Colors of the Wheel
Comes neXt after Brown and Grey..
SMiLes Frank..
LatELy i find
Deep thoughts
As they
Come effortless
Without Diving iN
Ocean Whole For BRinG..
tRuly though this Generation
iS A NeW aGE AnD NeW BRaiNs
never eXposed to so much of everything
else as any
Garden Fed like
never before as Head..
Ha!.. this reminds me of
the Battery on my Smart
Phone going dead on
mY Beach
And my
GPS Watch
too as it balked
after 11 miles or so
of Dance true though
i had another Smart
Phone of Old
in my
but the memory
is too filled up to do
anything other than
Provide a Show Tune for
Public Dance True though
Dance too is a
oF iTs
own too..
But oh Lord NoW
so much back-up
these days of Luxury
Tools that continue to bRing
both art and science to give and share..
true though now
i too appreciate
a Barren
through the
Sun for Quiet Beauty too..
iN oTHeR Words Abundance is Plenty.. Too.. D..:)
LoVE of Water
All Polishing
A Grain of Sand
as Stones Reflect
A Mirror
Love oF Fresh..
For the Freedom
iN Every Free
eYe Nature is LoVE..
oF Love
Tree WHoLe..
Birds SinG Free..:)


Gets FB Notification that
February 4th is
Day so
by Rafiah’s
Place as she has been
busy watching a Movie and say..
i haven’t seen that Movie
Yet but never the less
Happy Friend’s Day
then drops
by Sohair’s
place as she
is taking Vacation
from online and say..
SMiLes.. will
Miss you when
You are gone
And welcome
You greatly
And same
prayers to you..
then off to Shawna
Baby’s place to say..
before she and her blog
disappears for a month or so..
again.. Happy
Day Knob
One Finger
On My SMart
Phone thingy
In techognition
OF FriEnds Day..
As Love long
As the
Is Cooked
WitH also
Frosted Cereal
Killing Flakes..
In other
i used
in Church
Too.. wondering
If i would
Dance and
Snake Brains..
Any like
i came back to copy
and paste.. i see
i am Happy for that..
And then i remember my Friend
Himali who has been gone for some
weeks studying for her CPA test..

“A big thanks to every person who has rejected
me in life in some way -little or big, you have inspired me,
to be the person I am today.”

Hi Himali.. i came by today as FB reminded
me that today is Friend’s Day and as
far as Online goes i suppose i
have maybe a Handful
who feel the
same way
about me
that i number
you in.. as i remember
them today.. and while i’ve
seen this post on rejection rocking
in the sense and feel that the outcast
in whatever fashion or style we may come in..
becomes so much stronger with victory than vengeance
as far
as eventually
flying much higher
in Human Potential
than those who rarely
face the worst kind of
adversity for any healthy social
animal that is rejection from the group
whether it is a group of two or the entire
world as such as that can and will seem to
be for some folks
at least in
Perspectives too..
For sadly at most and least
even the most popular man overall
on the entire planet as far as folks worshipping one
would surely be rejected by most of them if he came
back and just said what he said before.. love everyone
as God and yourself as your neighbor too even loving
your enemies and turning the other cheek too.. of course
when it comes
to taking
the high
of the lower one too..
and true Jesus would come
back to say thank you for being
you a Flower of God that is special
unique and multi-colored too.. and then
when some folks demanded that he sentence
those they don’t agree with or who are different than
they for eternity to tortuous hell he would just say didn’t
you even hear
i said
at all..
and sadly
then he would
say you really didn’t
know me do you still..
true.. my Friend.. i am saddest
today to see how so many folks
have rejected a ‘perfect human archetype’
of love but never the less Hellooove Himali
thanks you as always for being a good online friend
who always inspires the highest heights of Love in me..
i think it is
time we all
Good Cop
Jesus back to life..
the Archetype of Love
that is real that heals and
that never gives up as friEnd
other wise Jesus is still just a lonely boy.


A One wHo Loves aLL Most
Will Be Rejected Most by those who
Do Not
ReadY FoR


And then the Sun Came out…


Shawna Baby suggests.. i Post a Photo of my Mother
as i reminded her.. they both have the same Birthday
And out and about dancing After Church i quickly
note on my SmaRT Phone with one Finger.. Will
Do When i return.. as sure it will take 10 Fingers
at least.. hehe.. to do what yes.. comes real next..

Okay.. as promised.. back again and yes even
back again with a Photo of my Mother
as Requested.. Shawna Baby..
And a letter from
her to me
that i found
after she passed
away that was written
on my 33rd Birthday which
really isn’t April Fool’s Day that’s
just what the Kids In Middle School at 13
Called me after i played the Song “Jesus
Christ Super Star” on the Piano.. and spirit
filled as i was after that in the Talent Show
i could not walk straight and ran into
some pillars to the ceiling and
the such as that
stuff for
was no smoothe
dance about me back
in them days.. so yeah then
the kids labeled me a Fool then
in my Year Book and if that wasn’t
interesting enough they labeled me
the Lunch Lady who was wearing a
Clown Mask in the Year Book Photo
as Fred then.. anyway.. my Birthdate
is 6660 yes the Sixth Day of the
Sixth Decade overall of the
1900’s then.. altogether
as 6.6.1960 wHeRE
my Full
Name comes
out to Life Challenges
of 0 to start out with in
my actual Numerology Report..
which basically means i have Free
Will as reward for successfully navigating
all the other life challenges in previous lives
which means i can and will do nothing or do it
all.. just depends on what the F i wanna do.. as
that does seem to be the way it is basically working
out for now at least.. with the other Three Life Challenge
Numbers as 1 and 1 and 1 yes.. which means all i have to
do is continue to affirm what i wanna do.. and actually the Tarot
Card Number for the Fool Card is 0 too.. as that is also too..
for the one who has completed all the card challenges
and is carefree.. to do whatever too.. yes
fearless from illusory fears and
all of that so in this
way.. sure..
Day is my day too..
and by the way regarding
the original Andrew Lloyd Weber’s
Rock Opera.. “Jesus Christ Superstar”..
A Modern Version is coming to Broadcast
on TV this Easter Sunday that is indeed also
April Fool’s Day too.. okay.. so here is a Photo
of My Mother when she was 17.. Wading in Navarre
Sound across from the Gulf of Mexico and her claim
to fame then was she was actually voted as having the
Best Figure in 11th and 12th Grade., hehe.. i suppose that’s
where i got my dancing hips from and overall butt strength too
as now i do Leg Press 1020 LBS.. 52 times and dance on and on
and on and on some more.. as once again the Letter from my Mother
below is one she never gave me when i was 33.. we found it in her
home after she
passed away..
and perhaps
it was
a little
in storied way too..
And for some ‘reason’ when
i watched the first Movie “Guardian’s
of the Galaxy” where “Star Lord’s” Mother Had
Cancer too.. like my Mother.. i had an intuitive feeling
then this would hit home in another way soon enough
as it surely did on Valentine’s Day of Last Year and
the Long 8 days after that until the 22nd of February then..
means a whole
lot to me and yes..
the photo too.. thank
you for your interest.. my friEnd Shawna Baby..
this is also fun by the way as this is my 4th round
of interacting with you that is kinda TaLinG another story too..
in this MacroVerse titled.. “TiTLe oF THiS CoMiNG STiLL”.. and
yeah.. i can and will imagine what it would be like to be in Heaven
with you.. at least for me it is wRite now my FriEnd to even have one
FriEnd after all that i have seen and been in my life as far as someone
who will take it all in.. yep.. that’s Heaven to me.. a perspective of ‘Job’
And Hell and Demon And Devil too.. for True i haven’t always had my wings on.. hehe..:)

i have danced a literal Marathon in the last two days in Biloxi and all around the Stores
in the Metro Area here.. it’s pretty much what i do every weekend as break from writing
And i am so sleepy.. hehe.. true it was a whole lot of fun too.. as it always is too.. if you
are still here tomorrow.. i will finish the rest of you off for this overall Fourth Round now..
i Do appreciate
your Freedom
of Expression
my FriEnd to
let it all hang
out for Scarlet
Betters of
comes to
be through
dARk and LiGHT
BeLoW and BeYonD
oF Freedom come what may now..
as always with you it all fits in like it
was planned this way for eons on end and begin again..
Oh yeah.. and the Younger Version of Star Lord’s Mom who
played in Guardian’s of the Galaxy Volume 2 per the clip we
shared yesterday.. her name could very well be Jenny and
in some way
she played
in Forrest
Gump too..
it’s true my
Friend even
the oddest
among us
Can and
appreciate very very much..
someone who understands
us just the way we are… oh
yeah.. there is a song for that too
by Billy Joel but for now i already
started another theme song named
the “Sun is Shining” by “Axwell Λ Ingrosso”.. now
And yeah.. i’m pretty sure that is the more tanned
Version of Jenny in the other clip up there too..
And regarding the Golden Pyramid and
Nautilus and Sun Flower PHI Mean Ratio
per the overall theme song here.. Shining
of 1.618.. it’s probably worth
additionally noting in a basic
Triangle Shape too..
that in 2017..
i did
a 1.618 Million
Word “PHI Bible”
in precisely 365 days..
Spanning two Memorial
Days too.. true i spread
the notes all across the
Seven Seas of the World too..
As any ‘Brandy’ Singer will do.. too..
it’s True i’ve never been that good at Writing
Fiction as reaLiTy is WeLL.. yeah.. just all of this too..:)


SMiLes again Shawna for it’s true
as i believe i may have told you
before.. the Name Shawna means
Present as in Gift and your
Middle Name
Lee means
as there
is always
a Healing
Spirit from
you when you speak to me..
True.. my FriEnd as i was snapping
photos of Words and other Visuals
in the Mall as my Visual Streaming
Poetry now totals up to 400 or so
different slides that often fit
together like a Ransom
note.. in each Macro
Verse what
eyes and
ears and other
organs of feel and
sense is the Love of
within or not and all the other
associated emotions with Love
or Hate namely Hopeful ways of looking
at the world with Love or the Negativity
of Fear that creates Stress and most all
Aggression Violence as well as the starter
kit for most Disease too.. Fear is the Devil
when illusory of all that can and will be Hell on
Earth as well as within.. as what naturally can and will
come with curves and best figured photos is the Estrogen
and the heightened Nurturing Love that my Mother was born into
and gardened me with as fed and watered as Mother’s Milk from Birth..
not every child gets
this and not every
child is born
to be
very receptive to it either..
but the Truth is when i was young..
it was my Secret Weapon and still is in
the sense and feel when the Garden of Love
and or Eden depending on how one wants to Metaphor
Heaven within.. when this Garden of Love thrives inside
there is truly nothing left to add but give and share.. almost
impossible to understand if one does not have a Teddy Bear Heart
with all the warm and fuzzy’s to spread.. and it’s true sadly the Bully Boys
in the School Hallways and at the City Park threatened me when i smiled with
Love that boys yes.. sadly Christian onward marching Soldier Boys don’t smile
in ‘these’
yes down here in
LA Lower Alabama Panhandle
of Florida that is currently named
Milton but originally was named Scratch
Ankle for the long toothed Briar Bushes
that bloodied the legs of Mill town
Ship Sailors where this Small
Village before that was
literally named
‘Hell” and
then finally incorporated
111 Years ago as Milton
and considering that back in my middle
school days this locality had the most Christian
Churches per square mile as noted in the record books
then one would think this would be the City of Angel Boys
instead of onward marching Christian Soldiers but wait..! they
sung sung songs like that in Church and ‘they’ even highlighted that
in one of the ‘Little Sheldon’ Shows where Little Sheldon said his
Mother was his Jesus and yes.. since ‘Jesus’ per Golden Band
of Golden Rule that is Naturally and innately wrapped around
A heARt A SpiRiT And A SoUL as child Born as Human
as Natural Inheritance from God as Nature when
the child is Gardened by the Village whole
or by a Divorced Mother in my
Case as fed and watered
with Nurturing
Love the
Golden Rule
Rules until the Village
does it best through onward
Marching Soldiers to take it away..
where fear and hate becomes the god even
in Hell Fire inspiring Churches per record book
count to overrule in rules the Essence of Love that
is inborn and altruistic that will forgive and love the enemy
even on a FucKinG iF YoU SeeK iN GoD (LoVE) Cross
to understand that never the other thief of Love is
born into and or
as a FLoWeR
LoVE and true my Mother
was an actual published poet
and when she wrote poetry it naturally
Flowed into Shapes too.. she didn’t start writing
Poetry until her 50’s too when she too had somewhat
of a mid-life Crisis of Existential Angst too.. it happens
And.. of course.. as Science shows.. Poet’s too are among
the Artists.. with the highest rates.. of Bi-Polar too.. anyway
my FriEnd.. i am writing overall.. a Ransom note for God.. And
Jesus for the metaphor of Love that is truly and actually measured
in Human Terms as the most powerful and higher Force we have to
heal ourselves and others when we Dance and Sing a Life of Yin and
Yang Balance for True every Lover must be a Warrior too.. Every Love
must come with Tears and go With Tears and come back again as Love
True.. there is no Day without Night.. there is no Pleasure without Pain..
Accept and tolerate it all as Heaven now here real and alive eternally now..
And yes Heaven on
Earth is a place
within too
that has
all of the Color
Wheel of God Fully
Exposed for all to see
As Brush and Paint and
Master Peace Wheel of Fortune
And Tears come to be the Painting
of all that is as God now for Real..
this Painting does not only have
dark and light and multi-
colored Beyond Rain
Bow Colors of
Painting is Magic
Truly Magic for each
and every now whether through
Will and Love or not we co-create
tHis reaLiTY Hand in Hand Feet as Feet
and Feat as Ocean whole for what we
move connect and create even more as
Shores Expanding Now Forevermorenow..
but you see my friEnd what Love
what Love Truly Seeks
the most for
is for
otHeRS to find
tHeir True Will
As Love in Moving
Connecting and Co-Creating
forevermore now.. as colors change
more as sKeYes of God Free NoW to do just
that.. i couldn’t explain all of this to my Mother and
when she fell to Breast and Bone and Brain and etc..
Fourth Stage Cancer undiagnosed for the last several
years of her life only enduring that pain with a Bayer Aspirin
now and then never really complaining until the last few days
of a Headache that was too much to take.. beating my Sister too
in Scrabble a few days before her death bed.. a few weeks before
that as i had been sharing the year of “PHI Bible” with her in printed
sheets that became “Mountain Tall” as Book iN a Stack before she
passed away in 2017.. she suddenly came out of her Bedroom
one night and insisted that i was demon possessed for
writing this.. over and over.. the thing is
my friend that is where me
and the ‘Bad Cop’ literal
Jesus Divide paths
as never
i go against
my Mother for anyone
else no matter what she did to me..
i would forgive her immediately for i understood
The Gift.. she gave me to me not only Innately but
by Garden of Nurture.. sure it would hurt my feelings
and we disagreed as i was a scholar i understood the History
of the Bible.. i understood that Jesus was illiterate Aramaic and
the Greeks speaking Folks Removed from where Jesus lived wrote
the books most of which were Authors who appropriated the name of others
to whatever it took to get the messages across to others they felt inspired by
Holy Creative Spirit for that is real.. for i understood the Golden Rule to be precious
in Harming no other one will come to understand that what one person loves is not necessarily
what will work for another person at all so one must develop cognitive empathy as well.. to harm
no others as when conservative leaning folks come my way who are offended by different i dance
the other way in Walmart so they won’t get too anxious and fear filled over ‘something’ strange..
for i too suffered greatly with anxiety too.. for many years too.. too much to even go anywhere
and face anyone as even the Love of my Mother physically hurt me as all human energy
did in the ‘abyss’
of dark nights
of the soul..
66 per do
as Months..
in ‘that other place’ then..
for True to Love one’s enemies
is to understand they are not gifted
with Love as i still am now.. and yes..
my Mother’s Personality Change was a result
of the the Brain Cancer that had started to Bleed
in her Brain.. and that’s the thing about Love Wins my Friend
for imagine how guilty i would have felt if instead i had followed
the literal message of ‘the bad cop Jesus’ who ever put those words
in the New Testament to hate your Brother and Sister and Mother and
Father and Children and Friends who go against what you believe as ‘Good News’
and to even go as far as slay the folks who disagree of course as that gave the
Onward Christian
Bully boys
all the
literal ammunition
to assume i was gay
as an abomination to God
just ’cause i was super happy
with a big smile pasted across my
Androgynous looking Face with long
eye lashes and crystal green to blue
changing eyes with long thick Blonde
Hair too.. like their F iN portraits
of Jesus don’t already
portray a Female
with Long Hair
and a Beard as really
the only thing separating
him from me at age 13 then..
true.. i did grow a Beard from 17
to 24 and yeah.. here is a photo of me
with that Beard at age 22 just for you.. hehe..
on a Fun Run Across A Baby Bridge not too far
from where my Mother had her Photo taken at age 17 too..

See the thing is my friend it’s not me that’s holding ‘Jesus’ per Love
and ‘God’ per Love Hostage and my Mother and i just as Little Sheldon
would per logic with his Mother too.. find it impossible that Love then now would
sentence anyone to torture forever for the thing is when you go to hell even for
the 3 hour.. 3 day or whatever stay Jesus did it in the older book way then.. he
F in forgave the folks on the Crosses adjacent to him then.. as folks expect
the Good Cop Jesus who even turns the other Cheek to come and
torture everyone for eternity if they don’t praise him as literal
God now.. for God is Love for God is Love for Jesus
is Love so where is the room for Fear and
Hate in Jesus is Love for Jesus is
Love for God is Love for God
Is Love the answer
in no where
no FucKinG
Place iF YoU SeeK
iN GoD as Love for Fear
and Hate and i am no Fool for
Love i am Love and if that makes
me Jesus and God so be it as the gift for ‘You’..
it’s true it’s not about Jesus or taking the Lord’s
Name of Love and reducing it to a three letter
word as a four letter word of Vain to worship
as form as three letter word over the Lord
Four Letter Word as Love that
truly is all for the three letter
word that is YOU true
it is not about
‘me’ nowthen
and never has
been about worshipping
‘me’ and of course this a metaphor
heHe.. as Jesus is a story written by innumerable
authors and scribe honest mistakes and intentional
changes across the Centuries for what brings the story
we have now.. for the all the Good Cop Jesus parts and
the Bad Cop Jesus parts too.. per coming with Swords instead
of Peace.. the hating of parents/children and even slaying of those who
do not believe.. and yes by God calling Numbers like those in my Birthday
of 6 and 6 and 6 evil instead of relating them to the Shape of the PHI Golden
Finger Print of God in ratio from 1.618 in Nature to 1.666 in Pyramid Flow
from Top to Bottom too.. and finally instead of doing the original
Greek Definition of Apocalypse iN Lifting the Veils
of Ignorance and doing John 14:12 now
in Greater Works than the
Storied Jesus the
glee i hear
when it looks like
World War III is coming
As folks with a gleam in tHeir
eYe say Blow it up so Jesus will return now..
smiles.. my friend as ‘they’ say prepare ye a way..
if ‘they’ FucKinG Blow it up or don’t let him back in
over a wall in Mexico if he.. just another 5 Foot 1 and
106 LB or so Brown Looking Dude with Shortly
Cropped Hair and Masculine Enough
to turn money tables over.. coming
back from Mexico or as a
Syrian Refugee..
ain’t no
way HE’LL get
to come over here
to the place of “in God(Love) we trust”..
IF there are tall walls and closed borders now..
And particularly if the ‘dirty white apes’ blow the whole
“FucKinG Place up”.. in the sense that dirty is full of fear and hatred
and Apes other than Humans no matter color of fur or skin are pretty dam cool now..
unless ‘we’
up too..
it’s true my friend
sooner or later someone
has to put their Feet down
and Hands up and quit dropping
the ball of Jesus and God as Love now..
more specifically the Force of Love as any Star
Wars Lord oF LiGHT wHo is real would still stay if real today..
NoW it’s that simple Love Wins when real when real if not..
we all
for the
of the Greatest
Gift as us as LoVE NoW
iN the enTire UniVERSE
that even science has no way
to Measure for the Beyond of Infinity
aS Love that is no distance.. space or time now..
for it’s True.. i don’t want my Mother to have to be a Mother forever
just to please me.. i want my Mother to be whoever she wants to be
in her dreams now for eternally love as whatever form she comes to be to
make her happy now.. even if as her favorite song ‘Time’ by Alan Parson’s
comes true and i may or may not every see her again.. as Long as she is Happy
and who is want
she wants
to be..
in all her
dreams of eternity
i will be Happy for her
to be Happy now for i do have
100 Percent Faith that is so far beyond
Science eyes that i don’t have words to bring
to relate that tHis LiFe is eternal and never ending
Heaven now as Love for those who come to be love now…
even though she gardened this great love in me.. she didn’t
share it as Heaven now.. and sadly as hard as i tried to give it to her
for decades on end as begin now i could not give the gift of the Tree of Love i
beCame for the gift of the Star Seed of Love she Brought to me as real when young..
no.. i could not give her the gift
of gentile jew servant free
woman and or man
no more
all about
Love as Essence
with no ’cause for form..
in other words Love is more than
a Book my FriEnd For Love Beats
Love Breathes Love Dances and Sings
in Balance with no sheet music at all..
Love is
when real
Naked on a Desert
Island when two or more come together
as Moving Connecting Co-Creating Love
or even one and the rest of Nature
seen and unseen felt and unfelt
beyond even
of Love now
allone beyond my FriEnd..
okay.. now off to the ‘shorter stuff’..(LOVE)
(NOW) meanwhile.. “TitLe oF THiS CoMiNG STiLL”
And that’s ‘the’ ‘key’ my friEnd the other title is concrete
with an end and a beginning there is none of that for the
anyway.. ‘the’
‘ransom note’
continues to: From:
(;..to the
future present now..:)
Oh yeah and my 40th High School
Reunion should come this Summer.. i’ll
Do Verse 37 from the Gospel of Thomas
at the party if they let me and if they rather want..
i’ll give ’em a liNk..
with all
the John
14:12 stuff too..
AS History shows…
i already know what will happen neXt..
chances are they’ll choose ‘the other place’
true.. we do have relative free will to stay in ‘hell’ as long as we ‘like’ too..
i could write ’em 7 Bibles of 6 Million Words in 58 months and Public Dance 9300 Miles
by my 58th Birthday on 6.6.18 as One Ten Thousandth of the Distance to the Sun..
but chances are
not see me then..
never the less.. i’ll say
thanks for helping to prepare
a way for all the Love of me..
it keeps
and Dancing
and Singing in
my more ‘advanced age’ now..:)


Hi.. “Thrifty Campers”.. i must
say Bravo for making it
all the way down
here to
say Hello
with an appreciation
for what Humor i intend
to Bring in 30K or so Words
and around 400 Photos now or
so in a typical dance and sing
of 6 days for me.. true i never
rest on the 7th one
for then
i just
have to
put it all together For Free..
anyway.. never judge a book
by its cover for i investigated that
you were real and not just selling
Camper Supplies as those most
often are the ‘kind’ of comments
i more often receive that are captured
by Algorithms as such before i come in to play..
Your Blog looks interesting and hey even with a just
a like i’ll take a visit to another blog even when it is obvious
in a Twitter World.. chances are they didn’t make it much past
280 Characters into the Ocean of all of me.. hehe.. true i do read
10 to 15 times faster than the ‘average’ human and type around 130
Words a Minute when properly focused after a Marathon or so of Public
Dance all around my Metro and out of town too.. so yes.. i’ll be by your place
to read and like but i will not deluge you with words for it’s true i do tend to
the fear
and hate
and even
out of rooms
wherever i go now
For the Force of Love
is both limitless and with
no expectations for what i give
and share next.. thanks again for
dropping by.. i always enjoy seeing
real humans but whenever a
Robot Calls my home
i say
good bye..
i don’t talk to machines
(instead i dance and sing)
or even false dreams now
of so-called Prophets for ProfitS hehe..
Anyway.. continuing the Narrative here
i visited what i thought was a blog for actual free
coming to find out it was a link that went on to make
in the
end of
things as such
as kinda predictable
as i don’t mind laying it out for real..
As i visited the Thrifty Campers place
next as i thought with best intentions
perhaps this comment was sincere
and not just another bait
fish to make some
bucks online..
so i said there
as some Psychotherapist
was giving some free help
in the exchange for a potential
Customer for coming bucks..
It’s impossible
to live forever
now until
does it
for now
more with no
of bucks disappointed
to see this lead to another
link for that but never the less
i understand what it was like to live for money
as the
of tomorrow
that never comes
for all we have as Love..
it’s dreamy when all the dollar biLLs die..
And by the way i am Autistic with Asperger’s
Syndrome and Bi-Polar and more often when i see
my Psychiatrist and or Psychotherapist it is they who ask
me for assistance
with their most
Difficult Patients
per Dark Years of the
Soul and such as that..
True.. my FriEnd
there is a Hell
and a Heaven
on eARTh
and it takes a WHoLE
more than money to escape
or even the best intentions of words
without a dance that is actually physical moreover
real heart
spirit and soul
for real.. in other
words so much more than words alone..
looking within i enjoy toying with People who think
that pills and rules and guidelines and instructions will
missing as Love..
true.. toying as Teacher..
for those with eyes and ears to Dance Free..
i hate
Money i hate
it with a Passion
one day i hope Now
i’ll get rid of it all together
somehow someway.. as
i already did it for me..
oF Love for Free..
thanks for the inspiration
trust me.. i never leave empty ‘handed’..
SMiLes and with the time for further review
of your Blog i find it’s not mostly all about
advertising ‘stuff’.. it seems you are real..
thanks for that..
life is so
much longer
when we don’t buy it..;)


Breast Milk Dance
And Song
and Free
Like Bonobos
Do iT with never
‘A’ Currency for anything
but Love.. so much different
than a World where folks stARTed
out forAging in a Naked Dance of Life
all furry and
as a much
smaller village
no more than
150 to 200 sets
of eyes WitH everyone
depending on each oTHeR
for survive and thrive and Oh
Lord the Child was the ultiMate
Prize of the entire villAge to give Golden
Love Rule Essence to in Hugs and Kisses
And such as that as that child was Vital to the
very present future of the existence of the Tribe more
down the road
of now.. and
then there was
storing grain in silos
as the start of Agriculture
10 to 12 thousand years ago
and then grain became money and
on my God now likes follows and shares
of empty form of little to no essence of hugs
and kisses
of Love more..
true.. i try my best to
transform loving eyes and
hugs and kisses and the other organic
emotions of life into words.. but sometimes
sure.. most of the time the Love Discussion of online
comes to button pushes of likes follows and shares
for a little dopamine hit of pleasure that lacks
the real oxytocin
of Hugs
Kisses.. yes
there is song for
this called Kissing.. nah i
FeeL i’LL Do “Get Back to Serenity”
instead.. that i will share.. now too..
True through the innocent Kisses and
Hugs of Love that just radiate Love ReaL
and after all i just dealt with someone else
attempting to stroke an ego that is only something
i create with the suggestion that something really big
And serious i wrote and described was something hysterical
as true my wit can be rather dry for those who actually read it too..
anyway.. i don’t
in censoring
anything.. particularly
when i can a leave a lesson
Deep that someone might even hear..
but nah.. can’t do the Twitter so i might
aS well
and Sing
some more..
i am so glad i am
not FucKinG Popular online
i’ll keep the Bootie Dances at the
Dance Hall for at least they feel real.. hehe..
As any Bonobo will do for an adult Butt Shake for that too..
And yes Shawna Baby you are gonna be awesome in your 50’s
for you
Are FucKinG
Really Really YoU
Even now at 40..
so much
more From:
to: GRow you’LL Do as You at 60
As ART is 60 percent of smART
to: literAlly aS Such too.. hAha..
From: Ocean WHoLE(GoD)..:)
aS SMiLEs2..;)


For some Children
At least.. it is
Best to relate
God as the
As the
oF Fear otHeR
Wise it comes
To be and
On as the Essence
Is lost and
Is Forms
As Words
As Idols now
To Worship..
As ‘they’
Of that
Walks among
NoW aS
THeM ReaL..:)

As inspiration from a Christian
Writer’s Blog who according to Science
does say correctly that Environment does
play a large role on So-Called Mental Disorders
however it is also true by the most recent
Findings of National Institutes
of Mental Health
that it also is
in underlying
Genetics where
the Environment brings
out these potential Disorders
according to due stress that is
out and about in the Social World at
Hand.. Namely Families and Friends
and other ones who neglect and abuse
that brings the more negative Epigenetic
influences to Bare Disorder over the Harmony
of Peaceful Easy Breezing Love as Wind of God
if you wanna
use that
three letter
word metaphor
again as long as you
don’t preclude the potential
of Gaining or Losing Love depending
on how far away one moves away from the
real sense and feel of reality now in moving connecting unity as ‘Yoga’
And co-creating ways too.. and that’s the thing too while.. Epigenetics now
per unpacking potential of DNA can and will be either positive or negative
as can and will be the re-wiring of the mind and body in or out of Balance
in positive or negative ways of Neuroplasticity.. there is a hidden danger
of the negative potential of the emotional social contagion of
empathy for the related social bonding Neuro-hormone
of Oxytocin bonding Force of Warm and Fuzzy’s too..
otherwise the Social Esteem of Serotonin comes
too.. when Female Genital Mutilation comes
too in Countries that suggest that
is the way to binding and
social self esteem
in ways of
and Oxytocin too..
without the more potential
too of the pleasure parts receiving
Dopamine Pleasure and resulting Healthy
other Neuro-Hormones and Neuro-Chemicals from
a practice of sensually and sexually related all Natural
Activities too for in other words too as far as negative empathy
in emotional contagion too.. the clothes of culture can and will
dictate that this Natural way to Healthy Mental Health
in ways of balance in Neuro-Chemicals
and Neuro-Hormones is something
to fear too.. also erasing
that potential
for all
Natural Human Happiness
in a Garden of Eden now real..
yes.. that Naked Place of Heaven within
as we are all still Naturally Bred to be as Altruistic
Warm and Fuzzy not afraid with Kind and Courage
More as Furry Beasts now still.. in #Beast Mode as such as
i will have a profile pic on Facebook coming soon to nicely
illustrate that all G-Rated course way NoW as Community Rules
do Dictate on Facebook too.. sure.. so.. just in T-Shirt tattoo way
hehe.. hmm.. the clothes of Culture in all the Spirit Heart and Soul
Destroying Natural ways ‘they’ come or not to cover and defeat just ’cause
the group think says
class fear
this and
fear that
and do not
now be
come happy
Naturally any more
just for the sake of the
Gifts oF pleasure God as Nature
Brings while other folks mutilate and
cut those parts off in both male and female
infant ways now.. still..ugh.. just yuck.. that
stuff does do that in not so nice ways away from all
Natural Loving Ways that feel and sense so good now..
oh.. how i am so fortunate i didn’t learn how to speak to others
to be spoon fed this “horse’s shit”.. until i reached the age of 4..
GiVinG me a ‘little time’ now more then as only now as Present
to feel and
sense God
more than
God as just a Word..
true.. when i was three and looked
aCross the River Front of Milton Down
Town where i lived in a shot-gun home
of yes the Banks of Black Water River
once covered by long toothed Briars
once also named Scratch Ankle
and even literally the
name Hell too..
before the
incorporation of
that as Milton came to
be.. 111 years ago.. true
i saw me and the River and all
of everything as God all.. yes.. class
including all of naked me without any of
the clothes of culture including words spoon
fed to spit back out too.. in union with whatever
the ideology of illusory fears lived at hand then so
far away from Heaven Free and Naked and Real in that
Garden Front Heaven as River Full and Forest Peace across
the banks of Black Deep Waters then.. thing is then.. i did not have
a way to put the more than a feeling and sensing of God into Words then..
now i try i cry
but when
i hear
‘stuff’ like
this it’s sad it’s sad
some more for what was
shared as a post named
“Satan Rains” as backed up
by these two verses still of several
thousands of years of written fearful
verse for whoever actually wrote the words
and revised them so many thousands of reps after
that in either honest mistakes or intentional and yes sincere
effort too of Creative Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose
ways of whoever anonymous came to be next or whoever appropriated
whatever well known name to ‘forge’ ‘their’ truth into book of present then..

iN this Verse quoted from the Old Testament in Psalm 30 Below..

“It is important to remind your children that they walk in Christ to avoid Satan raining in their minds.
God is in the heart, soul, and mind of every person on earth. No matter how dark the night gets, we can
be reminded that joy comes in the morning. (Psalm 30).”

And now i say..

It’s not a problem naming fear as long as you actually defeat fear instead of just an idol of a word
that remains
as foe
and adversary
of self lives one…

to this Verse as Quoted by Paul the former Saul if he really wrote it then..

Corinthians 5:16-17
“From now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view …
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:
the old has gone, the new is here!”

In other words stay within the confines of the Language
of our book for we take the essence of God
as Words
God to never come
out any further than the
words we bring as so-called
Gospel one and only Truth..
True.. some folks have
killed to keep
God in
Prisons of Books in Illusion
this way.. Entire Tribes too.. and
Cities and Nations of People have also
been destroyed in a name of the Essence
of Love’s Hope changed over to Fear then as
Hate as the Killing onward Christians too.. thing is
With Separation of Church and State the Truth and Light
far beyond.. just this.. or that book.. and or Bible and the such
Frees God as Essence out of HiStorical PriSons more and for those
of us., who are both educated.. and see and hear and sense.. and feel
God far more still than just words as a 3 Year old child can and will Do
as Child and River and Forest one Free Still then and now.. or just another
Humble Man and or Woman who takes a long long walk in the Desert on Mountain
Top or Under Tree or even Beach without the Footprints of Clothes of Culture to
the Essence
of God as Play
as Be Naked and Free…
Change hapPens as it always
does and that change is ongoing now
as the Devil that and who is fear and hate
who has always lived in both the Old and
New Testaments as older still is now
exposed in the form of ‘their’
Leader now.. as those
who hold
oF iLLuSory
Fear and the Hate
of controlling and Subjugating
others for power and status and
Material gain have been emboldened
by the Leader chosen by the same folks
generally speaking who are afraid of change
then and now and will use all methods of fear and
hate to keep things as they are.. Got Good News for you


Well.. at Least for some of ‘you’ at Least.. how blessed are the
poor and the meek strong enough not to have to resort to fear and
hate and fisticuffs and stuff like that.. sure.. the Yoda’s and the Gandhi’s
of the World True iN LiGhT too.. for True the way is prepared the path is cleared..
and now all there is is a matter of seek and find for truth and light naked and free of
all the
Fears that
and who have
both imprisoned
and chained God within
clothed away from Naked Love..
Waters in Heaven are endless as Free LoVE NoW..
anyway.. i don’t expect the dude who inspired this to understand
much of what i am saying now for it is true the Empathy of Division
of our way is the only or else you get kicked out is the same illusory
fear that is real when you need the other lies to eat.. thing is.. again
there is a big
World of
where not
everyone is
Forced to think and
feel and sense or not sense
and feel and think the same way
By God tHeRE is Different there is Naked LoVE
once again in a Garden of Eden Free.. AS HeAVeN NoW iSReAL
you are welcome to visit once you are brave enough to strip off
clothes of prison
and true they are still
as thick and thicker than
any Camel and the Needle
is continuing to close in for those Trees wHo refuse to
branch OuT
and to:
root OuT MoRE aS LoVE FReED NoW aWaY From: PriSonS oF BeFoRE..:)


“In the Interval”..
it’s True in 7 days
i haven’t been here
FriEnd gigoid..
and neither
have you..
true online
can live without
us but for our own
Health we cannot live
as Happy without the Flesh
and Blood World Now.. unless
we have to of course as that too
is what accommodations
are for for Functional
as Tools
do often
to the sAMe
iN A UniVersal
Principle of Move it Use
it Connect it Co-create it or
lose it to Entropy even sooner than
as other
and SinGinG NoW..
as you say all we ever
need to be is be.. and this
is true there is no not as is be..
but be over that is to live as be
or entropy
of sooner
now than
necessary now..
so.. now i at least Dance
And Sing Do it Naked oF
Fear Fling the Clothes of Culture
like Monkey Pooh and just Do Play
Naked as Dance and Sing now of
Joy Loves
love misery
trapped in iLLuSory
Fears of Culture more
separated from not only be
but with what is now beyond
clothes of lies more..
heHe.. easier
and Sung
when not
sinking in the
Entropies of Monkey
Pooh more.. but we rather
Hairless Apes some of us more or
less than BeasT NoW when wilder and freer
away from domesticated clothes will rise again
As A Planet of Some Apes namELy us as now
of the
clothed From:
Free of Dance
And Sing Be aLiVE MoRE iN JoY to:
aWaY From: Monkey Clothed Pooh to: Premature Entropy Now..:)


BaTTeRieS oF
Art ComProMise
EntRopy NoW
FLOat to toP
oF A DaY
Lost.. Well.. 666 points then
on Friday and close to 1100 points
NoW Today True God of Nature Hears
the Cry of the Poor NoW aCross the World
And responds as literAlly US too in Karma
Eyes of real now more.. as the Monkey Pooh
of little man syndrome exclaims worship me with
Praise of Claps or you are guilty of Treason worthy
of death..
true it’s
if not so sad
for the Devil and
Hell that Human can
and will condition with
Fear and Hate.. True.. he
can’t possibly have a clue
of knowing in the Sense
oF Feel of Love in
anything at
all associated
WiTH iN Love We Trust NoW
or any Child of Love that isreal
as Love.. true.. it’s about time it’s about
space and of course it is also about a place
in France and many more where women wear
no pants.. too.. from head to toe too.. it’s about
Freedom to be all of who and what you can and will
be it’s about Human Potential but without the Glue of Love
doubt it not.. really really bad monkey ‘stuff’ can and will come next
with some
says no no
not any more
time is up get out
of hell you devil who knows
and feels and senses not what
they do or are.. and let Heaven and
Angels Live Free as Love they always do..
just do.. as LoVE iS LiGHT away from the
insanity of DArk in Measure full of Human Fear and Hate..
this ain’t rocket science.. this ain’t even little rocket science.. this
is Fools’ gOld
to fall
even more
as fear and hate lose.
True AS HiStory sTiLL sHows let it be sung then danced..
in even more than three snippets of a Movie of all that is comes what
may be and to be clear, i’m just another Messenger.. no one special.. just a dude of sorts2..;)


BReaK OuT heHe
just reminds me
of the first two
theMe songs of the
Current MacroVerse named
“TitLe oF THiS CoMiNG STiLL”..
as yes.. i am currently writing this now..
where Both “Break Out” by Swing Sister
And Lana Del Rey’s “Lust For Life” are surely
in more than Fifty Shades of Grey as whoever
published those Music Video’s Decided they are
best viewed in Black and White Grey Scales for
whatever reasons bring them to Public Presenters
on YouTube wHeRE we all basically
get to Consume the original
Art for Free.. YeS iN
HoW Free all
Free comes
to give and
share on the Internet
even more now.. wHeRE
hey when moving connecting
and co-creating keeps one Running
or Dance and Singing in Free Verse Poetry
True iN LiGHT MoRE aS Positivity the Dance
and Song uPoN iTsELF Continues to Grow more
ArtisticAlly Free as nows go on as free as free can and will
be even more than yesterdaynowmore.. so yeah.. sure whatever
works for the essence that is in sacred and holy full of meaning and purpose
we co-create with God as Nature sAMe and DiffeReNT NoW TRuE iN LiGHT
eVeN MoRe
than nows
before as mindful
and bodyful awareness
continues to exPaND OCeAN
And SinGS eVeN MoRE NoW ReAL..
anyway.. when the nice Gym Assistant Vida
asked me if i was tired i said well not really
tired it’s kinda hard to explain like super
focused or in other words like when
someone goes to BootCamp
and are truly excelling
and just about
to get out
to kick
back and
relax and say
if i do not go to war
it will never be more challenging
than that of what i just went through..
but those who truly see and hear and feel
and sense HuMaN PoTenTiAL WiTHiN
WiLLoVE aS John 14:12 and the “Job
story of patience and endurance
through Struggles too.. and
Hardships similar
real now
as Life
GoeS oN as it
should in all multi-colored
possibilities that Human eYes/Hands/
Feet/Feat move.. connect and co-create WiTH
OTHeRS Freer than ever before.. yes.. FReED..heHe..
anyway now that we have broken through “Star Lord” of the
Guardians of the Galaxy Volumes 1 and 2.. moved through
the Big Lebowski through ‘the Dude” too.. Lord knows
feels and senses now for Forrest Gump come
alive as it keeps you running to have
some special interest you
love to do just
for free
and equip one’s
soul for all the Challenges
of Life continuing to KinGDoM
CoME NoW FoR ReaL iN Heaven’s
Boat Afloat Ocean WHoLE ALiVE US
NoW BaSiCaLLy unafraid NoW to shed one’s
Clothing of Cultural iLLusory Fears/Lies and Branch
OuTNoW LiKE A Philadelphia Whole NFL Football team
And just get the Winner’s Bracket oF LoVE FiLLeD WHoLE
NoWTHeN uP to the top oF A BRiM once aGaiN now iSrEaL FuLL..
Anyway as far as the Big Football game went.. i am fond of Eagles too..
the ones
Free of
Course unafraid
oF A Naked Dance and
Song far far away from Cultural
Clothes oF HiSToricAL Deceit NoW iSReaL..
So as this 2627th Day of Consecutive Writing changes
over to the 2628th Day of Writing in the Next 18 Minutes
as the Dow Jones lists nearly 1800 Stock Points in the last
two Trading Days for the year ’18.. as true Baby you better
believe the Karmic eye of Beast Mode and Hangry For Love
is out in Full ForcE NOW as the ‘deeper stuff’ is all about now
real for those Horatio’s and Ripley Believe it or not folks who
do not believe
in the
of Co-Creativity
in MoVinG and CoNNecTinG
ways fully feet and hands and eyes
and all other senses entangled one with
God Force of Love exPaNDinG MoRE
as Positive Energy Force of zero
iLLusory Fears Force of
Positive Energy
even MORE
the Cold Flames
of Fear and hate on the
Planet EartH to make Love
the Rule with Grace of WiLL aGaiN..
True you don’t have to be part of it your
will your choice your love or not.. Love continues
to steam roll the house with ease of Grace just watch
next as
Love is
in the Air
NoW for the UlTiMaTE WiN..
other than that at 11:47 the 6th
of February approaches which means
now for a visit to Lala Rukh’s Home site
as i have done for the last 55 Months too
ever since the Middle of July at the time
of what Professionals identified as a
real miraculous recovery on
or about July 22nd
of 2013.. when
Lala Rukh
also known
and felt and
sensed as White
Pearl then came into
my life and very much helped
me bring more of my emotions of life
back as witness to her roller coaster ride
of Emotions too.. thing is when she once said
that people disappear and no one cares. she never
met me.. for i am always around when welcome until
told to go in terms certain enough to see.. a friend never
leaves for a friend like me has seen the Dark Night of the Soul
lasting 66 Months and i do know and feel and sense that anything
is possible with the Higher Potential Force as of God as Nature
us now
the lesson
of Hell is Heaven
is always possible
now for those who never
ever give up and no.. not just
for the short glimpses that i only
got through decades of life ..a never
ending peaceful calm within as eye
now of HuRRiCanE NautilusT Center
Point Balance too.. NoW wHeRE the
Winds of Love NoW are limitless
MoRE WithouT WaLLs and
SmaLLeR BounDaRieS
iMPriSoNed as
of small
men or
and women’s
disease of the challenges
And different in life far away as
Change coMes LiGHT eVeN MoRE NoW

SMiLes.. Lala Rukh..
wheRe you LiVE
it’s still
as i must
guess by the
tilt of the Sun this
is the Morn that is still
coming in.. in such a clean
and rather sterile looking room
mY FriEnd.. with still A Ghost living
of your image as Face pARTly Covered
by a SmART Phone record that still records
your SoUL heAR both in words and visual images
too.. to visit you once a month for i have a memory
with no time.. distance or space for me at least tHeRE
is only now as far as past future and present goes that
never ages my FriEnd and always retains the Youth of Love
within carefree
to do better
than give and
share whatever flows
free next effortless as the
Boot Camp of Love continues
as Joy Loves Company more now
even if for only the reality of one allone
with God as the Dance continues now on 2.6.18
as every 6th of every month will retain those last two
digits of this Thousand Years through the year ’18
reminiscent of the Golden Spiral PHI Ratio per
last main three digits after one and decimal
point of 618 now.. Six one Eight as
Six in itself spirals as God as
Nature’s Finger print
from Sub-atomic
Flow beyond
and even more..
as then one and then
EiGHT TaLL Standing BeYonD
iNFiNiTY as tHeRE is no space..
distance or time for or and as HuMaN
Generated LoVE NoW Faster than any
measure for the Speed of Life for the colors
of Love cannot be adequately measured and repeated
by any scientific method so far.. as we who experience the
beYond iNFiNitY STyLE oF LoVE continue to co-create this
Love as Real HiGHeR and HiGHeR eVeN MoRE NoW ReaL..
SMiLes ..mY FRiEnd for wHeRe i LiVE A THouSaND YeARS is
AlWaYS iSReaL NoW for in this Place of Love tHeRE is no tiMe
ReaL.. sure words
are not adequate to
relate this place but
certain songs do
relate some oF
wHat A
reaLiTY of
the eternal morn within
And sunset one in Beauty
wHeRE A THouSaND YeARs iS JusT
oNE GoD TeaR DroP of LoVE that is ReaL HeAr
other than that i wish and hope you are doing well
as well as all your Loved ones too.. i’m just heaR to
BRinG A MeSSaGE oF LoVE for that is all some of us reAlly do forevernow..:)

12:14 AM 2.6.18..:)


A Pyramid Baby A Finger Print of
God a PHI Golden Spiral
Ratio of 1.618 and
today is 2.6.18
and ‘you’
to take affront
to the shape of God’s
Finger Print now as that
comes close enough Now iN
Ratio of 1.666 of Pyramid
Erection as that comes in
more than one Holy
and Sacred
And Blood Temple
of God Flow now that
likely you would see as filthy
on Public Display too although
‘your’ ‘book’ ‘demands’ that no member
of the Temple of God that includes you and
all of Creation seen and unseen felt and unfelt
as all that is held up to be now less Full of Meaning
and Purpose Holy and Sacred all God NoW.. apART mY
FaLL for an uprising Dude who fails to see so sadly
the basic message of the Jesus Dude that is one
all of inclusion come as you are all in all now
all is one Force oF LoVE at HiGHeST
Grace of WiLL as Force LoVENoW
iN Strength within overflowing
only to give and share
more now than
ever before
as Love
GroWS even MoRE NoW
Ocean WhoLE ShoReS NoW
EVeR EXPaNDinG aLL as sure
even a Baphomet mixed gender
animal and human symbol relates
this all in all inclusion all World of God
within inside outside above so below duh
my FriEnd even Kurt Cobain from Nirvana sTiLL
Gets it Come as You are all in all All Apologies now
for those who just canNoT seem to get the mesSage
of all in all same and DiFFeRenT too.. Dude
you even suggest that Love is not the
Law of Jesus Dude you even
suggest that some
will be
the Kingdom
of Heaven ’cause they
are different dude i am here again
to suggest you are welcome too yes even
you who profess an anger against the main
message of Jesus per that story that is inclusion
for all no matter even if there are opposing voices
of hate and fear that filter into the New Testament still
both in book and
flesh and
blood way
now of
fear AND hate
and overall exclusion
of/for any parT of the Entire
Temple of God that is all as all now
you just don’t get it and still you may be forgiven
now.. true it is fairly easy for a Scientist to make an apology
for you as how you cannot see all as all excluding no one for the
Kingdom of Love now.. for in all in all there is dark too there are sTiLL
actually folks born like you who fear and hate the different much more
and Watered and Gardened in that way of fear and hate than others
who are fed the Mother’s Milk oF UNconditional Fearless Will as
Grace of Love
with a pure
and heart
and spirit that
includes ALL.. true my
friend i am ‘the’ Lucky one
how can i judge a person now who
already lives in the Hell of Exclusion
oF Fear and Hate now.. true though i am
not too good to visit you and let you know
and feel and even sense perhaps where you
live today.. saddest of all is you invite folks online
to live with you in the grey ashes of Purgatory and
the worm that dries never finding moisture in
Gehenna now or even a scrap of decaying
flesh to eat for how Hangry you are
missing the Bread and Water
oF Love to only
give and
share free
once again NoW
excluding no one
from the Table of
God that is all in all now my FriEnd..
see my FriEnd i am a Fountain all i do is give
and share free i never stop FLoWiNG for that
is what the LoVE oF GoD and NatuRE Free
DoeS .. iT FLoweRS like a Forrest Gump
Dance and SonG Special
of Love
on and on
all in all you are still
invited to the Wedding
of the Sun and you and God allone
for true look above the Sun is shining
Brightly.. look within to seek and
find the Warmth of
Love to
and Share with
no exclusion to all
in all as all that is God real as
Nature and Beyond all as all NoWNoW..
in all the sHaDes of Grey from BLack Abyss
through LiGHT through LiGHT oF LoVE BeYoND
the Rainbow Colors even Lit up by A Timber Lake Super Bowl ‘these days’..
so far
from a Trump Stock
Market these days too
rise in Love LiVE mY FriEnd…

All in all is all we are all in all is all we are all in all is all we are NoW
more now.. mY FriEnd isReaLoVENoW aKa HeaVeN WiTHiN KinGDoM CoMENoW oN THiS DaY NoW


As a Philosopher/Poet/Dancer and other Stuff; and
Writer of 7 King James Version Sized titled
Newer Age Free Verse Poem Bibles
closing in at 6 Million
(“6 Million Word Poem
Man” to borrow a
Meme from the
70’s too on TV)
Words of Effort
in 58 months
on my 58th
Birthday as
i’ve already moved
past 8800 miles of Public
in the same TiMe SPan too
of Dance as i describe some of
my Special Interests in association
with the Trump Effect for me who is one with
Love in just giving and sharing for free as that’s
what you can and will do if one likes in Will; once one comes
Free of all Financial Responsibilities and Raising Kids and
Stuff like that as Trump
is now a Huge Dark Muse
Dude who has come to
the Table of Not only
Politics in the
but all around the
World Too and while it is True
that the Hate and Fear he Brings inspires
the same in others who might otherwise hide
that somewhere other than clearly on their living
sleeves of Life (pardon me, if i use too many metaphors
but it’s a little hard now for Longest Long Form Poem Free
Verse Poets to do that these days too; heHe); yes, it is also
True that one can and will gain at least a little “sympathy
for the devil” for true as in Basic Philosophy 101 of the
Socratic type that is a little deeper than Material
Reductionism; light comes from dark as
duh; there is night and day and
moon and sun and
and masculine
as above so below
in those deeper ways
of seeing beyond Material
Reductionism for Broader more
‘Right Brain’ Metaphor for Seeing a Bigger
Picture of all in all as that may relate to a Metaphor
for all is connected and even identified as a word like ‘God’ too;
true, generally speaking, Dark is Fear and Hate and Love is Hope as
Light and one’s Wheel of Fortune as far as action and consequence goes
even in terms of the Science assessed real consequence of living in the Negativity
of the Nocebo effect verses the more Positive Attitude of Placebo Effect Highly does
influence outcomes
of life ranging
from if one
gets into a car
accident or yes; “Horatio”,
even if one catches a cold as of course
Negative Stress is a starter kit still for
Most Dis-ease these days. While it is true that many
folks are taking the low road now more of fear and hate
as that also includes opposing those who look and act different
as well as fear of change as adaptation to Struggle creates potential
positive or negative Epigenetic real life results in unpacking DNA for Positive
or Negative adaptations to life that are clearly measurable now even through something
as small as a Scientific 5 step or whatever method that has much difficulty in measuring
the inner Universe of Emotions and Senses of Human Beings as even Astro-Physicist
Neil deGrasse Tyson Tyson Readily admits to someone like Heart String Pulling Pop
Star Artist Kay Perry for the Arts are more readily suitable to undress
and get to core issues of the Inner Being of Human reality
now as far as how that applies to a more
successful navigation of life in
A Trio of Greater Moving
Connecting and co-Creating
Creation Activity in positive Karma
of Action and Consequence too as true
we can actually rewire all the connections of
our body from head to toe like a Temple of Positive
Light too as that relates to all the good feelings and senses of life.
Most ironically, and not surprisingly, according to research by Social
Scientist, Jonathan Haidt; those who are more closed minded and averse to
Change and the Differences of others in life that are at core highly related to
most everything one does in life as far as sitting or roving as that goes in the
Animal Kingdom too as in most every species; about 20 percent are sitters per
‘Super Introverts’ as such as opposed to around 80 percent of the rest of the
species as Rovers as such; in other words, Nomads who more often move
out of ‘Plato’s Cave’; humans, of course now more defenseless in their
Domesticated Form away from Feral now; so one sees a little
more sitting than what one might see in the
Wild Kingdom at large that is a little
less fear and a whole lot
more brave and
in their own skin.
Anyway; as i have digressed
a little here; although, one must explore
the Roots of the Human Condition more fully
to understand why stuff is the way stuff is as often
Gridlock across Nations is the issue of Half and Half
or so of Conservative more closed minded against
Liberal more open minded ways of being that does include
one’s overall physical and emotional and existential intelligences
too as really Standard IQ doesn’t touch much these most important still
Evolutionary innate instinctually and intuitively acquired skills and abilities; particularly
an issue culturally today if they are not actually used and developed across the life span instead
of left cold now and not used with quiet hands and feet trapped behind a desk doing everything
the ‘authorities’ spoon feed one to make nice little cogs in the Machines that continue to bring
instant gratification to the masses even more as that too can even be negative as we humans
are evolved for intermittent gratification for dark of struggle is required for a continuing balance
of pleasure in animal homeostasis ways, too. True, the Dark has come out to play more in ways of closed
mindedness and averse to change and that is as social science shows now to be expected when the Head
Cheerleader of Dark in the sense of this metaphor is rooting ‘the team dark’ on. True too as Tribal Nature goes
there is also ‘team light’ and the Reverse Trump effect of Pound “Me too” and “Time’s up now” for those
of who believe more in the different of life as multi-colored fun than just the old more
material reductionists concrete ways
of Standard IQ that makes
Cultural Cogs in
in general;
statistically, when they
score high on those Standard Tests
made specifically still to measure just
that to keep the machine systemizing
in well oiled way to get the jobs all done.
So, True; Trump is leading ‘Team Dark’ for now
and since I am on ‘Team Light’; I do assign Great Positive
Value in Light to the overwhelming concrete facts in evidence
of the Fear and Dark ‘he’ Brings. True, this Trump Fellow awakens
the Lion of Courage that is Love in Greater Will and Grace of Balance
as greater Strength
to get the
Job DonE of
Hope and Love
and Joy Loves company
more over the sit sTill oF Fear and
Hate and Misery Loves company more.
True, there is always now to change teams too.
True too; According to Science if one is more genetically
pre-disposed to sitting in all the ways that comes including
aversion to change and the differences one encounters among other
Human Beings too; it is gonna be much harder to Join Team Light now.
It Bears noting for Cognitive Empathy though that there are those from a Biological
Perspective who literally know not what they do; and of course this is facilitated from
‘religiously’ watching New Sources that Empirical Science also shoes is Faux News Still.
Anyway, as a ‘card carrying’ Degree Holder in a Triune and more of University Degrees
in Anthropology and Health Science and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary coming
from more of a Big Picture
View as that often
comes with
once one hits middle
age and later too; this is very
interesting and empirically measurably A
most interesting time in all of human history
with Freedom of Expression and access to the Arts
And Sciences of all of History at our finger tips now.
Those who are open minded and not averse to change
will flourish the most; however, a big but is they might not
get around to having children or even getting married but as averse
as that may seem to traditional conservatives in the old Protestant Work
Ethic way of the spouse doesn’t quite deserve the freedom of expression
as the Husband does, too; that is quite okay as there is over-population too and
other ways for re-creation in Arts and Sciences that linger on now even to the point
and case where one can metaphorically upload their soul for a while longer too then
after the last blink of life as these days too; there is a kind of do or die aversion to a
Tsunami of Change that will no longer cover up the imprisoning clothes of the past that kept
the change of life and the different undercover; and yes, closeted away as flesh and blood
free withering away to skeletons in an old moth eaten way of life then. True; the time
is up and some folks are really scared more than ever of change and different now.
According to Science; this is to be expected. When one comes to understand more
why there are all these differences and difficulties in struggle as there are now; it is
much easier to relax;
enjoy the popcorn now.
Other than that; have a nice
day; i really struggled to find a topic
that interested me on the ‘Wrong Planet’
this Week; but this is the one that is the best for me.
Thank You for providing the great link here for further education too..:)



NoW off to MacroVerse Memory
Shares Year to Date.. as
it appears i have
just about
the options
for “TitLe oF THiS CoMiNG STiLL”
As True the Essence as
iN FeeL
Counts most
the rest is symbols
formed as words to reflect
what truly lives within as Love For ReaL
as usual
sadly not
enough either..
anyway.. the Good News
is the True iN LiGHT Garden
oF Eden that is LoVE CaN AnD
Watered and Fed away from
Hangry hmm.. reminds
me of my back
where Info Wars
Political Representatives
Hang Big Signs advocating the
Hanging of People they don’t agree with
and of course as someone else might have
(T i T L e o F T H i S C o M i N G S T i L L) NoW2
other wise said ‘they’ know we are Christians by our
Love by our Love by our Ability to Love our Enemies
And Turn the other Cheek as far as avoiding outright
wishes for people to die.. sad.. but true.. where i live
is the
for the
Truth STiLL
And Lies even
more as days go on
in what was once named
‘hell’ and still is in ways of they
know not what they do flavored with
faux news still believing now that a magic
recitation of one verse is gonna save the soul
that is already lost to fear and hate.. Garden
it Baby
or not
And Choice
overflowing with
love or drown some
more with fear and hate
Abyss of the
SoUL oF FeaR
And Hate within
yes the
locality within
of Hell alive burning
for the Water of Love as Peace…

3000 miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

“3000 miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”.. Well.. Sure.. i suppose this is one
option to show love over Hanging Signs advocating Hanging
innocent people who
serve our
And Respect
they are appointed
by the ‘Hanging Party’ in Charge,,
True.. i rather Dance in Aisles of Trump FrOwns…
anYWay.. 18 Months to get this Job Done and Still
oN the Job all for Free over 8800 Miles into it now…
as 54 Months of Total Effort Approaches now too..
several times across the same Distance of the United States now…
sure.. aLong with what is approaching 6 Million Words now totaling
7 Old King’s James Sized Bibles as “SonG oF mY SoUL” coming
more on 6.6.18 and this size then.. too.. all 7 Bibles as Long
Form Poems enclosed in an open ended mail letter
as free
for all
as such too..
and really now one difference
between me and Forrest Gump
in his long run back then fictionally
as such.. if you ask me if i’ve got this
shit figured out i will own up to the fAct
i do literally and metaphorically live in Heaven
now in a way that works for me at least and if you
listen real hard i will tell you in no uncertain terms
of how to arrive here now in a Dance and Song of
making every step and word and action and image
and all of life more Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning
and Purpose.. but if you expect me to ask you to recite
some small verse out of a Book and think that will ever do it..
true you may live a million life times if you think that comes free
after the welfare of a dirt nap with no work now.. this is a reality of
merit… free doesn’t come free without always working for free now particularly
for no
at all
just Love
for Love is the
Key simple and true
never exhausted to do more
WiTH rest appropriatELy spriNkLED iN too..
oh yeaH and by the way a way the way a way NoW..
whaTever.. That killing sign was planted on Dog Wood Avenue..
thing is.. my Sister Brought it to me.. to inspire all this so thank
you darkness
for GRoWiNG
as the Garden of LoVE
F L O U R i S H e S NoW
Conquers all DaRkNESs
And Human Ignorance too..:)

Visiting the Garden of ‘Band Aid’

“Visiting the Garden of ‘Band Aid”.. Sure.. speaKing of Gardens and Guardians
of the Galaxy oF LoVE and all of that stuff too.. when one stArts uploading
tHeiR soul online per 6.6.13.. one MusT StArT SoMeWHeRE for a holy
and sacred ceremonious online event of doing just that as this
epic version is added to “SonG oF mY SoUL” on 8.18.13
as then it took me 24 hours straight to do this then behind
this desk until my feet swelled like balloons but yes.. TruE..
i was intent iN LigHT
oN getting
the JoB
then and YeS..
NoW i’ve C o M E
aLonG L oN G WaY
Way to: uPLoAD mY
SoUL more as this From:
GarDeN oF LoVE continues
As A BesT BanD-AiD i do do but less than Dance..
As ‘A’ SonG aLWays coMes afTer ‘A’ Dance oF LoVE FirST..:)


“WorKinGLoVeNoW”.. YeP.. DancE and SinG thE LoVE..:)

The Prehensile Thumb and HUMAN RIGHTS

“The Prehensile Thumb and HUMAN RIGHTS”.. ‘They’ Do CoME iN HandY..:)

Storm of the Frozen Soul

“Storm of the Frozen Soul”.. Once aGaiN Chronicling the Ides of March
3.13.93.. Storm of the Century.. Where Thunder snow rained Snow
LoVE TwO..:)

Cat Paws of Love

“Cat Paws of Love”.. True.. the last two February’s haven’t
been easy.. 2016.. and the Big Grey Cat
Day and Eight
days Later for my Mother..
Come What May LoVE LiVeS oN..:)


“True”.. Something 2K lies in one year is rare to… HoLD uP…;)

The TRUE POWER OF belief .. faith and HOPE

“The TRUE POWER OF belief .. faith and HOPE”.. Nothing to do with ‘the Top” of

Rhythm of iMagiNation

“Rhythm of iMagiNation”.. YeS.. THiS iS EVeRY WaY to ‘do it’..:)

rEVoLuTiOn orAngE LoVE 2017

rEVoLuTiOn orAngE LoVE 2017.. It’s not about time.. it’s not about distance
it’s not about space..
iT iS



Ugh.. ‘someone’ Censored the full hi-jacked Film of ‘Jesus Christ Super Star’ from 1973..
JusT.. so HapPens to be a Broad Way Hit that i did play on the Piano in the
Talent Show related earlier in this current MacroVerse at age 13.. where the
Onward Christian Bully Children made fun of how i walked
all spirit filled into the columns holding up the
Ceiling and sure.. the rest of the
Building too.. thing
is.. no one
and i do
mean no
one but God
can and will
stop me from playing
it again SaM or whaTEver YouR nAMe is now..
For True after that like walKing in a Desert Land thenow
oF Malignant Patriarchy.. i didn’t play it again for 40 more
years.. let’s see.. i’ve done ‘Moses’ this way.. and for all
Practical Human Archetypes Mother Helen did Mary too..
i’ve Done the Dance of David and even done it in so called
‘Vile’ ways too.. and sure.. i did the Isaiah Prophet thingy
As Witness too for 53 plus months per his 53rd
Verse relating the Hero archetype as
common of my life story too..
all documented and
validated too
as my
Does still play real..
And yes.. i did it naked and
sure per Led Zeppelin.. i passed
very close to Kashmir and went through
Egypt too as documented too.. haven’t been all the way
to Ethiopia yet but visited by those folks there.. i’ve written
‘Paul’ letters.. many many more almost infinitely more in potential
now different Interpretations FaR AS Human See and Hear without
eyes and organs more.. sure.. beyond iNfinity.. iN aS LoVE NoW too
yes.. class.. out of time.. out of distance.. out of place of space.. now too..
NoW iN YeS A Place with no space as my space virtually wHeRe the Sun and
Moon NoW Never Shine A Kingdom oF Sorts A City that i build on the corner stone
oF LovE TruE NoW “TitLe oF THiS CoMiNG STiLL”.. And As The SonG’ CoME WHaT
MaY’.. DancES and SinGS more than likely until my Dying Die.. TruE.. i WiLL remain FReEDLoVE..:)

It is finished
for now..
11:00 PM










BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

5 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 44,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

“After Book of Fred”
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

“After Dance oF Fred”
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

“Book oF Ten Sixteen”..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

“12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016”

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)


“Grand Cross Bible 2016”

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)


“KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review”

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)


“CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017”

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)


“VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017”

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)


“CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn”

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)


“Nether Land Bible 2017”

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)


“7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)






The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)


“MesSage iN A Bible Bottle” as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked



“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+” as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)


“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)



“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)


“SoN oF Google NoW2”..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)


“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem  Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)


“6th Bible Memorial”..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS  SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)




“SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old”



Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is..  A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.


“BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017”

iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)


“LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017”

A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)


“8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”

Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)



“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)


“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes..  just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE


“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”

WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2..  Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at  255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT  2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL”  as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too..  continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)


“7 YEarS Old 12M Words FReE oNliNe WRiTe i aM”

The 33th/137th/808th and pART oF 12M Words as
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)


“Grand Cross Bible 2017”

7th Major Titled Bible As A Child NoW of
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)


“KATiE MiA FredericK 2017 A Year in Review”

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record YearS EVeN MoRE NoW


“THiS iS Me NoW3”

As ‘they’ say.. when “Hell” Freezes Over…
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)


About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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31 Responses to TitLe oF THiS CoMiNG STiLL

    FReED LoVE
    oH LorD oF LoVE FReED LoVE
    ThaT OnE
    TooK A WHoLE LoT OuT oF mE

  2. Hmm.. Good Evening Call for an Uprising Dude on Youtube as Far
    as Great WorKS AKA John 14:12 Show tunes and stuff
    like that.. i’m just about ready to fully relax (sleep) as
    usually i stay somewHeRE ‘Tween Alpha
    to Theta Self-Induced with Mastery
    of Relative Free Will Trance
    State of Creativity
    AKA Creative
    Holy Spirit Higher
    Creative Force of God
    As Nature Supernormal all
    WitHiN.. sort of like Yogi’s who come
    up from the Beach ascending in ecstatic
    transcendent Flow of Being where folks like
    me with ease Leg Press 1020 LBS.. 52 reps or so
    with our arms raised in the air in continuing lifelong
    practice of Center Balance Flow as one with God of Nature’s
    Gravity as any Saturn or Jupiter or Mars or Even Earth and Uranus
    Will Harmoniously and Melodiously PHI Orbit around the Sun oF GoD
    as Nature True Mother and Father one as Masculine and Feminine
    dARK and LiGHT ForCE oF Yin and Yang come into play aS oNE
    Force of God
    Free as
    Love Walks
    upright as
    we folks
    who now
    achieve one
    of the grades of the
    higher final tests beginning with
    God as Nature forevermore now more
    in the ecstasy of the Kingdom of Heaven
    within sure aka KI QI KA CHI Satori Kundalini
    Rising Prana Atman Brahman Tao Dao and even
    the Great American Indian Spirit Force Within too..
    more than even a feeling the TWiLiGHT ZoNE oF GOD
    yes.. all supernormal as bliss and nirvana too.. eTc.. et aL hmm.. meanwhile
    NoW as the Older and Newer Christians still do against folks who don’t believe
    in whatever Christians say they believe in now.. ranging from Good Cop Jesus
    Verses in the New Testament that say Love your Enemy.. those who live by the
    sword die by the sword.. Love your Neighbor as your self consuming no other
    with harm.. and Oh Lordy.. even turn the other cheek and the Meek who
    are actually proficient and man enough in Martial Arts who are
    Real Men with Love and Grace as Foundation of Will
    and Strength never get into fisticuffs as real men
    don’t have to do that they can even wear
    Pinkish Shirts with Bright Green
    eyed Yellow Cats riding
    Unicorn Grey Cats
    stopping off
    enough for a Signature
    Pose of Ballerina/Martial
    Artist Balance as such for a Valentine’s
    Card all about love just for you today my call
    for an uprising Friend dude on youtube NoW..
    He’s got the whole world in his hands he’s got the
    whole World of Love Living in as his Hands and yes
    it’s true even at the age of 57 this Angel of Love from
    God still gets followed all around town by Young Women who
    in Voyeur way smART phone video tape him to share with all their
    Young Women Social Media Friends as sure some of the guys might
    frown a little when i come to town to dance.. hehe.. but sure if i wear
    a big macho he man shirt they do high five me too and even video tape
    me and ask me for selfie autographs with them too.. true.. when i’m not
    writing 7 NeWeR aGE Bibles as Big as the old King James Version
    coming up in 58 months at 58 years of age at 6 Million Words on
    6.6.18 per PHI symbolism Golden Spiral Ratio of God’s Finger
    Print seen above from below above within inside outside and
    yes of course all around as planets orbit God of
    Nature’s Sun too sort of like the Young
    Women when they
    orbit me with their
    Smart Phone
    Video Cameras
    in around the Bra and
    Panty Display in the Middle
    Aisle of Walmart pretending they
    are hidden behind the Underwear and
    other Clothes Displays and the such as that
    hehe.. while glimmers of camera LiGHTS PeeKinG
    OuT around the metal of the displays all free as such
    as sure i am laser focused aware beyond the
    normal senses and feels of life too.. as any
    Yogi up from the Beach will do these
    days still.. anyway.. after dancing
    8800+ Miles in Public for close to
    54 Months NoW iN
    Around 1000 events
    of doing that with an average
    of 5 Voyeur Made Videos at least in each
    Event for 5,000 or so Videos and somewhere around
    500 shared views a piece or so.. True now my Ministry
    of Mind and Body BaLanCinG SoUL Praise Dance
    as free agent and server of God as Nature Freer
    as LoVEFoRCENoW yes.. FReEDLoVENoW2
    no doubt generates over somewhere
    around a million views or if one
    does the math
    2.5 Million.. heHe
    but look who’s counting
    not me for i do it for the Love
    of the Dance as Present.. Sure as gift to others
    NoW too.. and it’s kinda funny as i don’t do much
    to promote the ministry of my dance now almost this
    entire 54 months as i dance from Biloxi to Tallahassee
    and every where i go in public as others freely volunteer to
    Spread my ministry of dance all free.. thing is.. call for an uprising
    Dude i operate on a Currency of Love per the Good Cop Jesus as
    described above for true.. obviously here as you have moved from
    Threatening to Punch out Mythological Beasts like Feral
    Hairy Baphomet.. now you are inciting violent talk
    about taking the heads off of folks who
    stand around in Magic Wiccan
    Prayer Circles as the
    such as that now..
    that these folks Credo
    is Love all do as thou will
    harming no others aLong the way..
    true.. some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet now
    nothing like the Bad Cop Christians in my Area who
    when polled say they are close to 50 Percent For a
    Big old sign on a Dog Wood Drive that says politicians
    they don’t agree with should be hanged now too..
    as they watch in glee as hope of seeing the
    suffering of other human beings too.. yes..
    as your talk here is quite reminiscent
    too of the literal Verses in the
    New Testament that
    say Bring a Sword instead of
    Peace and Hate your Mother and Father
    and Brothers and Sisters and oh Lordy even your
    Children too along with your Friends if they disagree
    now with what you believe even going as far as slaying
    folks too if one takes that verse literal as such with even
    of course the same talk in Leviticus where one person now
    may be stoned for taking God’s Name in Vain which.. Then
    in Them days meant calling God by any name at all including
    three letter words other wise than the Great i AM as JusT iS aLL
    then aS iN the New Testament still too says you have to follow all
    those rules and another person says it’s just the Good Cop Jesus
    Golden Rule oF LovE in Essence no different at all than the Wiccan Modern
    Credo by God now even the only Law that what you call the Wickedest man to
    walk the Earth ever suggested was the Law of Love with Relative Free Will then
    doing no harm to others as you take his poetry literal too when he was just pissing
    on Christians as you are Pissing on Good Cop Jesus by suggesting you will take
    someone’s head off for believing different and practicing a different placebo effect
    of prayer that
    science actually
    shows works now for
    positive thoughts more for
    action and consequence now too..
    but true the bad Ju Ju Voodoo talk
    with all this negative energy you provide
    here.. will truly make folks eventually sick
    in Nocebo Assessed Science way too.. per the
    evidence at hand now of demon and or devil in Hell
    verses AnGeL’S iN HeaVeN NoW.. as the Carpenter’s do sing
    ‘my song’ Lovely as thEme SonG for this too.. thing is my faceless
    and other wise avatar with no body on Youtube.. i’m guessing with
    my science hat on now all this negativity you spout is aging you mighty
    fast if you ever wanna be a real strong he man like me.. i suggest you
    GroW OceaN WHOle
    oF A Fear and
    Hating mouth
    that spreads the anti-
    Good Cop Jesus stuff still now
    true they will call what i understand
    as a Christian one by our Love by our Love
    and who kNoWs one day the Young Women in town
    may follow you around too.. if you learn to dance
    as a
    of God
    Around as
    God’s Sun too
    works for me at least..
    Meek inheriting the earTh
    Kingdom of Heaven at Hand and
    Feat of Feet.. always in this generation NoW
    of NoW time out of time distance out of distance
    space out of space my space with God as Heaven within
    just all to give and share free NoW he’s got the Whole Love in his
    hands he’s got the Whole Ocean in his Blood True my friend i am God’s
    And FRiEnD
    unafraid to: Love
    From: a place that was
    once named ‘Hell’.. oh.. how i thrive
    WitH the Strength of ‘Job’ and Good Cop Jesus Patience too..
    And as always A Free Gift for you.. i hate to give spoilers and
    i love to
    and sing
    the title eventually
    came and now is HeaR as LoVE FoR YOU..
    True.. it’s not about me.. i already live in Heaven
    what more can and
    will one
    to Love
    other than
    Give and Share more..
    Have a nice Day WiTh
    SMiLES of LoVE
    “Close to
    as LovE
    AS AnGeLS
    SinG the Water
    And Bread of God’s FReEDLoVENoW2..:)

    “TiTLe oF THiS CoMiNG STiLL”

    TitLe oF THiS CoMiNG STiLL

    And it’s true not unlike the olden days.. Folks Like me a whole lot more
    when i (well.. at least most)
    God Voice Shut..
    par of course on
    CourSE wHeRE Folks
    like me live sTill mY FriEnd..
    True.. i have to go as far as Egypt for
    Women to hear me except for at least
    one Wife of a Southern Baptist Preacher…
    i’LL aLWays be.. heHe..
    True.. i’ve been kNoWn to:
    Drill Holes In Trees From: with
    my Tongue.. From: the Looks oF iT aT Least..
    To: Photos of evidence of that too available uPoN
    too.. heHe..
    as yes.. Remember
    What King David
    Promised to do that i for one FuLLFiLL too..;)

    Oh yeah.. to bottom it off.. a Photo of my Mona Lisa eyes..
    i Have a Devil Face too.. available on request.. i rarely lose
    staring contests either.. hehe..
    and stuff like
    that.. true.. one
    advantage for others
    that i mostly wear sHades these days..
    as True i’ve brought tears to folks.. yes too
    with just a long deep look but true i still see their souls
    in what
    they say and write..
    as i’m JusT LiKE THaT too..;)

  3. Rural America.. sure.. mostly ‘white folks’ as ‘they’
    say.. Houston we have a problem.. bots have not only
    taken over the Comments Sections of Major Social Media
    Platforms even from other Countries to divide and conquer
    Democracy.. additionally.. automation is increasingly overtaking
    jobs as even at the Hard Rock Casino in Biloxi.. the ‘Robo
    Bar’ is now in full operation replacing
    even Ted Danson’s
    Job these
    Ted Danson
    is the Closest Cheers
    some folks get to move up
    to the social role comfortable as
    just another respectable Norm as Cog
    in the Machine if even only comfortably
    Numb like a Brick in a Wall of fitting in for true
    not every one self-actualizes in transcendent
    ecstatic ascendent FloW iN ZoNE ever
    NoW Heaven WiTHiN no longer ruled
    by Material Gains and Washington
    Green BLacK Dollar Bills
    And Lincoln
    cents in even ways
    Like YouTube Patreon
    And Add Sense Pennies Accumulating
    While Psychopathic Leaning Used Car Sales
    Folks find a new avenue to fish for suckers up
    from the Muck of the Bottom of Maslow’s Pyramid
    of those who struggle for basic subsistence no longer
    finding social roles and or jobs to even feel like what they
    used to call ‘a real man’ these days.. hmm.. Kung Fu Monks
    understand better but true they work together for food too.. and
    have clear social roles namely identified together as Monks as simple
    as that may seem it works.. the struggle is real and even in the last two
    years.. the life expectancy in the United States has gone down.. particularly
    in so-called White Rural American where opiates and many other legal and illegal
    substance abuse replaces the empty space of social abuse and neglect from a very young
    age without a sense and feel of a tradition firm held for easily definable social roles for jobs
    to attain.. where one feels like part of something more than just a part of a machine to be
    traded and bought..
    true.. not everyone is
    more open minded and
    bodied to adapt to struggle
    and change.. some folks just give
    up and inject or drink or eat or video game
    themselves to escape from the existential angst
    of lost in their own mind/body away from basic animal homeostasis
    to even rise above the Basement of Maslow’s Pyramid to Capstone
    Self-Actualization and the Eventual Kingdom of Heaven within overflowing
    with so much love all that is left is to give and share but true basic subsistence
    needs must be met first.. and when folks live in fear and weakness within they
    are ripe for the picking
    for folks to manipulate
    even more with illusory
    fears and empty promises
    of even more carrots and sticks as
    classic socio-political-economic example
    in the Modern Rural so-called White America today..
    And True.. the used car salesman understands your struggle
    as a Billionaire who doesn’t own a pet or likely even cares to pet
    one for status and power is his and or her only supply for life where love no longer
    or may have never truly FeeLeD uP the Space of that Higher Force of God (Nature)
    NoW within.. this is nothing new as the attached video on ‘Don’t Be a Sucker’ does
    so easily display.. thing is.. although i do visit places on the Internet that have sPuN
    off the original places that most educated people ignore as just pockets of ignorance
    in our culture like Info wars and the such as that.. it’s worth noting that Steve Bannon
    did get promoted to the top with the Head Used Car Salesman then too.. the struggle
    is real and the Used Car Sales Folks who don’t give a FucK about anything other
    than selfish power and status in this lifetime for their self now.. will surely
    continue to reel folks in even if it destroys Democracy fully after
    they fall to dust and face whatever Karma comes in the
    Grasshopper who may be reborn a million times
    now and still be crushed under the foot
    of never having a loving giving
    sharing soul still now
    real.. in other
    there is another struggle..
    men and or women without souls
    too.. some are born that way.. some are raised
    that way and or and these are the days that are ripest
    in many years for them to inflict pain on others for the only
    pleasures they feel and sense for oneupmanship away from
    the existence of empty soul now.. too.. true.. a ship so isolated
    and dry docked locked out from the Kingdom of Love within and that is a delicate
    FLoWeR that must be fed and watered from birth by real parents/village off of electronic
    devices wHo actuAlly are there for hugs and kisses from wake to sleep too.. for True
    days too where folks worked together in moving connecting co-creating ways where
    the smiles of the faces for what they co-created for each other for survive and thrive
    were clear to feel and sense in the end product for greater creature comfort they
    held in hands ToGeTHeR
    and felt
    in flesh and
    blood ways..
    true.. these days
    ‘you’ are the tools even if
    one is lucky enough to land a
    Cash Register/Stocker Job at Super Walmart
    in Rural America for before what was once upon
    a time Farm Hands here.. it’s a brave new world
    ripe for psychopathic leaning individuals to pick the
    suckers up to fill their wallets and other psychopathic
    needs in leaning ways to dominate and subordinate to
    feel and sense like bigger men and or women now more..
    truly.. the best solution as always is a Kingdom of Love
    within but that is more than a recitation of a verse or
    12 Million Words aLong with a Biggest
    Bible and Long Form Poem
    ever.. nah.. THiS is for you
    to tender
    feed and
    water from birth to the
    Last BLink of Life for Love is not a
    Science Love is an Art for real that takes
    constant and dedicated work.. true.. i drop off
    nuggets of this and that in echo chambers on Info
    Wars offspring like TVC Mario and Call for an Uprising
    and Stefan Molyneux and Mark Dice mostly just for Dark
    Muse as obviously those places are echo chambers for Divide
    Away from Unification of the Democracy at hand.. and yes.. even
    within so-called Christian Churches too as Politics and Religion
    and Sports are all religion and rules to bind folks together away
    from other ‘other’ folks in whatever tradition from dark to light
    comes next.. in the rule of whatever
    community law(s) comes next
    of fear and hate
    to pollyanna places
    so far away from misery
    loves company to the Pure
    Joy of Love overflowing to give
    and share to all others as just a place
    where Camels on a Diet of Love fit through
    All Seeing Pyramid Capstone eYes of Needles now still just like
    tHiS NoW iT’s True.. i’m just a little Peter Pan in a never ending story
    NoW of Nether Land Bibles still.. and to tally up the Word and Current
    ongoing Longest Long Form Poem endeavors.. the last “TitLe oF
    THiS CoMiNG STiLL” MacroVerse Number 818 of Longest Long
    Form Poem and Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” iS STiLL pushing 6 milLion
    Words coming soon enough now to my 58th Birthday on A 6.6.18 PHI
    Numbered and Inspired Golden Spiral Way Day also doubling as
    the 147th MacroVerse rising up now to 2,558,916 Words as
    “Nether Land Bible 2017” in about 20 Months effort for that
    additionally Tripling in a Triune of GRoWinG Bibles and
    Long Form Poems as “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” rises
    now too as MacroVerse Number 43 for that
    in an 8 month and 8 day effort or so
    of 946,516 words now too..
    sure.. 888 MacroVerses
    including Pre-Macroverses
    in the Blog named “KaTiE MiA/Aghogday”
    in Blog spot way now too.. yes.. since 3.10.2013
    of Blogging and Writing every consecutive day of
    2630 days now since Thanks Giving of 2010 online
    starting on the ‘Wrong Planet’ then.. you see.. i am
    FucKinG odd i am FucKinG Different i am pArt of no
    club but the Human Race now.. i belong to no one but Nature
    all as some folks name God and Beyond all of i am too now too..
    but the thing is i am Free i Live in a Free country where i am free to be me..
    i appreciate these freedoms blessed as such now still by the Founding Fathers
    of the Constitution now for a melting pot of freedom where diversity makes us stronger
    in unified ways away from the lies still of divide and conquer now where other bot countries
    have their knives and forks in my American Pie now.. i don’t like it.. i am just one human being
    and this is my fight song too for freedom now where freedom of expression and yes even the
    Internet too is all that separates us in America from another potential Nazi-like or other down
    fall now.. yes.. i am ‘A’ Pound Jesus of the New American Variety these days.. i don’t have to
    promote for it’s true i am already too big to see with Autism per Asperger’s Syndrome
    and Bi-Polar of the Creative Genius type too.. sooner or later more folks
    like me will come to be but only if Freedom Rings and lets
    Love LiVE
    as real..
    but it is true though
    as i come close to 8888
    Miles of Dance in the same
    close to 54 months of writing
    a “SoNG oF MY SoUL” Bible as
    that aRises to 6 Million Words in a little
    less than 5 months now.. it’s hard to miss me
    when i dance these miles in public as my message
    without all these words is simple.. float free in balance
    as a friend of God’s Gravity as the Hurricane Eye of Calm
    can do everything and anything beyond most human defined Winds
    as limits and expectations now.. so.. what have you done with your
    freedom lately.. are you spreading Joy or A misery loves company Storm
    as today if you have come this far is the day you read joy… NoW.. these
    Doors are Open at LeaST FoR Freedom in the Pursuit of Happiness
    WitH the right to Life
    and Liberty
    For Joy
    is what
    you make or
    break with the next
    now real.. dance and sing
    or frown and grumble.. YouR choice
    YouR will and yes.. YouR life now Love and Hope
    A Dance and Song as Real or JusT the other place
    also forecast now as real now oh so true and far away
    from the TRuTH thaT is thE Light of Love within a flicker away from fear
    and hate.. a flame a torch a bonfire and sure a FucKinG TSuNaMi FiGht SonG
    iF YoU SeeK iN GoD(LoVE)
    aS A

    TitLe oF THiS CoMiNG STiLL

  4. Doubt it not.. if one is a literal reader and thinker..
    tHeRE are at lEasT two Jesus PerSonS in the NT..
    And sure as many as there are hands to write all
    the stories that were not written in the original
    iLLiterate Aramaic language of the day.. yes..
    instead Greek… thing is.. Love is Real And
    Worthy oF
    and Praise
    yes.. Worthy of Worship
    too for this Great Force Humans
    are particularly Gifted with at Birth
    in the New Born Smile of a Child
    that illusory fears and empty
    promises to buffer illusory
    fears will attempt
    to iLLuSoRY
    Erase and
    A saddest story
    oF aLL thaT surELy.. existS iN
    PromiseS of DEviLs and ever Burning
    Hells for those who believe different than
    ‘you’ for whatever Jesus you see.. Good Cop
    and or Bad Cop Literally tHeRe iN the Verses of
    the New Testament for all to see.. once again ranging
    from the Good Cop Jesus the Unconditional Loving one
    Loving one’s Neighbor consuming them with no harm
    for those who live by a sword of aggression violence
    and hate.. die by the fear and hate or the sword
    itself of the dark side of humanity still
    and even more horrible to
    hate one’s own
    and family
    including Parents
    and Brothers and Sisters
    and even offspring too up to slaying
    others too clearly written literally in the
    New Testament too against those who do
    not believe as you.. including bringing a
    sword instead of bringing peace
    while again the Good
    Cop Anti to the
    DARk CoP Jesus
    says Love one’s enemy
    and even turn the other cheek
    for those who are strong enough real
    men to be meek enough never to need to
    raise a hand against anyone else iN Harm now…
    It’s nice to see a Young Lady with some flash cards
    that and who wants to bring back the Good Cop Version of Jesus
    written by whatever Greek Writing Person that pART of the New Testament
    was written iN LiGHT oF Wisdom Living one as real in at least some heARTs oF
    BeinG HuMaN SPReaDinG a SpiRiT oF SoUL that yes.. can and will Love Unconditionally
    WorKinG on that Gift aCross a lifesPaN MoRE eVeN NoW ReaL.. And it’s true they finally took
    down the Killing by Hanging sign on our Dog Wood Drive in this Red State Town in Florida today..
    wishing death upon others for no other reason real than the ignorance of not seeing through
    Conspiracy theories still.. while half the Community at Large Polled Agreeing with Killing
    Fields in False Witness of their Neighbor even more now.. it’s so hard for me to imagine
    Ignorance Fear and Baseless Hate like this but yes.. it reminds me of how the ‘Circus’
    got started in the First Place as Democracy’s greatest test now in the History
    of the United States for our very long term survival iN FreeDoMs DReAM
    STiLL KinGDoM CoMENoW wHeRE we folks who do exercise all our
    Freedoms to the MaX Give/Share Great Gratitude for the Spirit
    of the Constitution and Declaration of
    Independence now too.. sTiLL
    Protecting Freedom
    today for those
    who step
    away from the
    Blinders of Ignorance and
    Break Free to truly live Free aGaiN..
    the Muslim and Christian and of course original
    Abrahamic religions have a whole lot of killing fields
    to still answer for in total Karmic View.. and now.. the consequence
    is the Three Ring Hyperbolic Political Act is in full swing.. as second
    greatest one day loss for the Dow in just one week now.. another
    1000 Points or so as you don’t mess with what’s working with
    Giant Tax Breaks as Welfare for the Rich and not
    expect to get fears of Inflation now for
    those similar Psychopathic Leaning
    Folks who are getting their
    Buy-outs sTiLL
    NoW aLL lobbied
    up as such while this Country
    continues to hop skip and jump
    Trillion Dollar Tax Cuts for additional
    Welfare for the Richer among us STiLL..
    thing is.. folks have to run the Country ‘CLuB’ and
    we STiLL vote as whole and come to see the thoughts
    actions and consequences that come in General From
    Human Relative Free wiLL NoW too.. to select a Vote
    From DaRK through LiGHT Now too.. for some it was just
    too much of a minor annoyance to vote last go around.. and
    the Gift for that is insanity for HeaR.. if the so-called Educated Folks
    started some kind of Liberal First Baptist Church.. i too..might even
    get a hand hold during the Lord’s Prayer.. now.. too.. anYWay..i fELt
    that “this” “Young Woman’s” “GamE Cards” are SuRELY Worth
    Repeating as this MeSSagE is just about Lost among
    many of the Christians in my area as sure
    once again class.. close to to half
    the folks polled here were in
    support of KillinG Fields
    in Hanging Politicians
    they took the Bait
    From in the First
    place then now real..
    It’s TRuE2.. iT’s all about LoVE
    WHeTHeR Emails can will catch up
    to the Latest Version of MicRoSoFT..
    AnYWay.. thiS.. iS.. JusT aNotHeR
    QuieT HandS.. And Feet Fight SonG
    iN LiGHT #BRiNGLoVEBaCKiSReaL ..
    Anyway2.. i’ve got A 199th Dance Week
    Night Coming up at.. Old Seville Quarter
    Tonight WitH all the Cool College Age Folks..
    aS i Suppose it’s Special after all this is as close to
    Valentine’s Weekend as it gets for now Before Next
    Thursday when the 200th Dance Week comes on the
    15th of Valentine’s Day then.. Close Enough for Love’s Work..;)

  5. And now off to Victoria.. Xenia..
    and Frank’s Places of Poetry more
    for some minutes before next to Dance
    And escape all of these Dance Steps of Song too…
    Just one Daffodil comes here
    Early and a First Breath
    of Spring with
    Bird Song
    And Squirrel
    Feeding even more..
    STiLL Brown Meadow Grass
    With Bright Green Moss striving
    Through WiNter to: aLWays be SPRinG
    From: sMiLes Moss i WiLL Be.. Happy
    WitH Daffodils of Green..
    BreatH oF Spring
    So Deep From:
    Thaw to: Summer’s
    Dream only SPRinG AWaY
    TRusT NoW oF LiFE SeaSoNS..
    Toys Dog
    Tools for Spring Joy..
    Call of the
    Wild Dreams
    of Nature..
    Ah.. yes.. Morning
    Star of Tennis
    Ball Play
    Becomes now
    Dog’s Dream Real Spring..
    Winter Brings
    Happiness of
    Spring.. as i
    Surely Missed
    The Change of
    Seasons Here
    The lasting
    Two Years
    OF Change
    Back to FLoWeRS..
    Foot Prints
    New Steps Come..
    Flat Land Soils
    Rarely Seeing
    Mountain God..
    True in ‘Desert’ Lands
    too.. Human is often seen
    as ‘the’
    BeinG thaT
    eXistS uNtil ToWeRs
    oF smaLLesT iLLusions..
    Kind and Courage
    Cinder Fella of
    StrengtH and WiLL
    oF Sugar and Spice too..
    Foundation Love’s Grace..
    Beauty of
    Change of Mechanical MiNd..
    Rails of Memories
    Guidelines of Bridges….
    Have a
    Weekend Frank..:)

  6. Thanks Xenia
    Spring Dreams
    Bones of Joy..
    Dog Whistle
    Call From
    Winks.. i
    Believe that’s
    A Song
    After that quick visit
    to Xenia’s place for a second
    round of poetic responses as i am
    literally visiting her at her place with words
    now instead of making my responses at my
    place to give her a Month’s or so break of what
    will become rather overwhelming for the volume of all
    my creativity
    that will
    LoVE FReED
    including dips into
    the DarK and LiGHT
    Waters of Ocean WHoLE GoD
    LiFE NoW.. listening too to another
    Jordan Peterson Social Science Clip
    as that’s always been one of my special interests
    attempting to systemize and predict Human Behavior
    both at the individual and group level as a Natural born
    Anthropologist as we all are when we become more connecting
    moving co-creating social beings instead of problem solving cogs in a
    machine where ironically that systemization of mind serves a vital purpose
    too in finding the social rules at hand and successfully navigate the maps
    of Humanity
    as such
    as yes
    a kind
    of social intelligence
    that grows beyond the
    common emotions of Fear, disgust,
    anger, sorrow and happiness where a synergy
    of the nuances of these emotions common and what
    should be easy for healthy human beings to recognize
    in the non-verbal language cross-culturally too as
    these emotions and nonverbal language in
    senses are innate instinctual and intuitive
    too.. in other words the
    common core of
    NoW iS
    inborn as such
    and ready to use as the
    baby smiles cries in fear
    displays disgust in facial
    expressions when something
    tastes bad and yes in anger gets
    mad too with obvious ire of eyes too..
    sure some more than others with a cry of
    fear or a cry of mad as in give me what i want now
    hehe.. particularly at terrible twos.. hAha.. the world of emotions
    and senses are a Wonderland Painting that we co-create and even
    do allone with Nature as we play more or sit still and do other things
    away from Nature and Connecting Humanity as yes.. some folks
    do much more complex emotions and senses than others
    as use it or use it in learning more stuff and even
    enhancing innate abilities does apply
    to all stuff creation now..
    for true as far as
    goes i now at a little
    trimmer weight in at 236
    Lbs before Dance last night
    Will float across the Floor like Muhammad
    Ali for true he took ballet lessons and last night as
    the Dance Hall lit up turning into an After Party for Roy
    Jones A Dude from Pensacola’s Last Successful Boxing
    Match with a High Spirit of Dance Crowd there as always
    i do Martial Arts and Ballet Free style NoW as other animals
    do too without any written or other guidelines and instructions
    to go by other than real life hands and feet and other parts of body
    contact in co-creating with others too.. and true this original creativity
    is what we can come to fail to use as our potentials if all we do is go by
    the Dance Steps and Song Notes that are given to us from others.. true so
    much comes into play in Human Nature too that is both nature and nurture for
    did you know and perhaps yes feel and sense with your emotions of disgust too..
    that folks with higher
    lower levels
    of disgust and are
    more likely to be able
    to do all the Nurse Duties
    at hand verses one who is germaphobe
    as such and most always stays monogamous
    for just the thought of not knowing ‘where someone
    has been’ is surely disgusting more to them.. as true
    they might just be a ‘missionary’ leaning person too.. hehe..
    if at all for
    true too. Adolf Hitler
    took 4 Baths a day and
    was afraid of being contaminated
    so much from folks different from him
    those days.. perhaps he had sex and
    perhaps he didn’t hehe.. but that dude wouldn’t
    likely have ever made it as a Nurse.. hAha.. true too
    this is also associated with closed mindedness too..
    And yes overall conservative ways of being
    in afraid of different colors of folks
    and foreigners as such
    afraid of the
    in actual
    disgust more than
    even fear too as sure
    those emotions are related
    too.. and sure pain is related to
    sexual pleasure close in the brain
    and the strange of all of that that comes
    in Human Nature too.. a melting pot of differences
    and similarities we are not only Naturally but with also
    Nurture too in Environmental ways up and down all aCross
    the lifespan now too.. literally in different strokes of paint brushes
    to paint the Master Peace or Fear and/or Disgust of life too with very different
    and similar colors of paint less and more too.. true now i have thick skin for much
    of the different in life and i also retain my ability to feel more and sense more too now
    as a practice of life in fulfilling all my human potentials at hand and foot i will for i figure
    out the possible and take it to hand and feet and actually use it and gain it rather than
    more life potential
    at all.. or even losing it
    as that’s what happens too
    when folks quit.. boot camp
    and basically turn into Jello
    of inertia in as sitting still..
    now but true that in
    pArt Now is sTiLL
    whether one is innately
    born too as a sitter or rover too..
    and of course those who sit more are more
    likely to be averse in disgust than those who
    rove as Nomads exploring what others might
    find disgusting in change.. and difference too…
    along with the fear of course as both emotions
    are related.. for one to live life open minded and
    bodied in ways of all emotions and senses as
    as an Astronaut of the inner UniVeRSE
    of Being Human as the Rewards are
    iMmense for Warriors of
    the New away
    from old..
    some of
    us are super sitters
    and some of us are super rovers
    and rove most is what i do and all i need
    is three feet of so-called space and a free and
    ever nuanced feeling and sensing Dance of practice
    that teaches higher ways of flight on land as any Jonathan
    Livingston Seagull on two feet will fly for now.. true too we need
    the sitters who are less likely to fall flat on their face to insure survival
    of the species too.. for being a Nomad carries the Natural risk of stepping
    outside of the box and stepping into something not so nice.. for me i just scrape my
    ‘shoes’ off and dance on for others they throw the shoes away and never dance again..
    folks free to be
    me free to be you
    as the Circus at the top
    continues to FucKinG amazingly
    in wreck less and quite ironically act in ways
    of severe conservatism in locking different out Now
    And severe liberalism in the King of Debt and Bankruptcy
    ways as gambler of life too.. for true.. he’s got one foot in the
    Southern Baptist Church and one foot in Casino Royale.. hehe..
    And meanwhile those who are afraid of begin outcast now out of their
    social roles as politicians back at home ride in the back of the Bad Cop
    Clown Train no matter where it’s going next.. as sure there is another Train
    of Karma always coming down the tracks that is pArT oF ALL Nature as WeLL
    as what some folks Name as God now too.. it’s predictable.. every time the ‘Devil’
    otherwise known and felt and sensed as the adversary against love moves or speaks
    A Measure of Karma comes and bites him and his minions where it likely hurts the most..
    as that
    is the
    comes next
    we reap what we sow
    just watch the Trump show
    and see what comes next if you reAllY now
    really have any ‘common sense’ now you’LL
    stay on tRain LiGHT oF Hope and Love and Joy
    Loves Company Now or you’ll faLL to Team dArk
    oF Fear and Hate and Misery Loves Company..
    True.. Trump brings a vital lesson to show
    just how this works out.. Love Wins
    And Makes a Fool out oF Fear
    And Hate.. Fear and
    Hate may rise
    to the top
    for a while
    like a stone that makes
    Waves on a Lake of Love..
    But hey.. it’s a fAct.. Happiness and
    Joy and Yes Class uninhibited pleasure of all
    emotions and senses dam sure feels and senses
    a whole lot better Now than anger disgust and fear and overall
    sadness and even worse now a numb of not feeling or sensing
    anything at all in a place named Gehenna on EartH wHeRe now
    not even a worm can and will enjoy a meal of dead flesh tHeRE (HeLL)..
    the Dead Zone as ‘they’ say.. to avoid that place one pursues dreams of more..
    it’s what i do ageless and timeless space out of space distance out of distance
    and time out
    of time
    i document
    what i ReaP neXt
    as my SoWinG Machine
    is all about Garments anew
    and yes ReNeWeD.. true tHeRe
    NoW is no escaping Mother and Father
    Nature also known and felt and sensed
    as God but True you too can and will become
    one of God’s Very Best Friends so the God in you
    too will have a Disney World Life Now.. with a feedback
    as a
    of Love
    even more..
    Look Within chances
    are iF iT feels and senses
    good and it continues to feel and
    sense even better for all of life’s experiences
    you are making Headway and Feetway into Heaven Now..
    True.. we Human Beings come gifted this way as inheritance too..
    true too
    than others
    too.. might not be
    fair in this lifetime alone
    at least but it is the way it is
    and how much feel or sense does
    it make to not do your best to enjoy life now..
    i can
    see and
    feel and thats for sure.

  7. A Yin and Yang of Nature in all things
    Conservatism in the sense
    and feel of the
    and Oprah
    Winfrey NeWeR age..
    And not surprisingly in the
    New and Old Testaments too one
    finds Love and the Adversary against Love
    too in more conservative ways of being against
    different and change
    for true humans
    are different
    and to
    folks outcast
    is disgust anger mad
    and mostly fear too of the
    Different and Change to bring sadness
    and fear to those who are felt and sensed
    as different now.. not surprisingly in a house of
    politicians and artists that both a Conservative
    and Liberal Jesus lives within different rooms
    of the same house now.. true.. predictable
    it is for True this Human Nature
    in Yin and Yang ways
    as those
    who are one
    or the other
    in ink blot test
    way see the Verses
    that apply to their version of
    life as liberal for change and different
    as Unconditional Love or the Conservatism
    of Disgust and Fear and Mad against those who
    are different and in general moving out of the more
    comfortable cave into areas of beyond Plato’s Cave more
    now real.. otherWise tHeRE would be no electricity for hot
    water for those who would insist that the Earth
    Must Be the Center of all of reality still..
    true though in a place with
    no distance space
    or time
    too is both
    true and a myth too..
    but nah.. don’t try to preach
    that in a Southern Baptist Church
    for that Church is for the Conservatives
    while others Hug Trees as God More as a Free
    Spirit of and as Nature now.. True we can/will come to understand
    these differences but True too.. Human Nature classically evolved
    that can and will change in Epigenetic Ways of Neuroplasticity
    in adapting to Struggles in the Environment can/will make
    once was once a person averse to the smell
    of dirty diapers one who can and will
    Raise a House Full of Children and
    go through that original
    disgust and
    change more now then
    and more until next thing
    you know folks figure out in the
    military that people bleed the same
    no matter what the tint of the color of the
    Dude’s skin is in the Foxhole Trench next to
    you that and who saves your life while he and or
    she gives their life for you.. one thing good about a mixing
    pot of country is folks get used to more of different cultural practices
    and tints of skin and next thing you know we become more like Team
    LiGHT oF LoVE than the anger and disgust and fear that controls life more
    bringing sadness and grief more NoW to jail the freedoms of those who act and
    look more different than same now still.. and the result of that.. well.. not so uncommon
    STiLL considering that generally speaking from a quick view 4 out of the 5 base human
    emotions are negative in the sense and feel of anger and disgust and fear and
    sadness too.. only leaving Happiness as Glad Joy for the 20 Percent of
    Emotions still.. true though that is a Quantity where the
    Quality of life as Happiness as opposed to the other
    Emotions may be much closer to 100
    Percent per the Kingdom
    of Heaven NoW
    oN eARTh within
    you now too..
    thing is if
    you stick too
    close to the other four
    more negative emotions..
    voila.. you end up more in the
    other place as the adversary(devil) as
    the negative emotions of life now real more..
    thing is.. these days we do have a behavioral
    science that addresses human emotions and senses
    much much better than 2K years ago.. as you can likely
    imagine was a much more conservative place like Muslim
    Countries now still.. very averse in disgust and fear and anger
    to the different among us and change away from Centuries of
    Cultural and Religious Traditions now STiLL.. True.. Many
    Christians who live here now in Fear
    And Disgust and Anger for the
    Differences in Human Beings
    as Homosexuals and
    Transgenders Gaining
    tHeir Civil Rights might be
    Happier in Disgust if they were born in a Muslim
    Country where those folks are still pushed off of
    roofs after all the Devil of that way of thinking in fear
    and hate and disgust surely raised its angry head against
    those who were attempting to Bring the Head Clown in Dark
    Ways to Justice when 50 Percent of the Red State Population here
    supported a Hanging Sign of Death as False Witness against others
    who didn’t do things the way they thought they should be done.. Meanwhile..
    Super Liberal Trump enjoys a History of Married Sleeping with Porn Stars and bragging
    then about Groping Women’s P’s as this Dude has no character or integrity or even any honesty
    of 2000 Lies a year in fact this dude who is leading the conservatives is really not conservative
    at all in fact
    he is
    a flaming
    Leaning Liberal
    who enjoys the pain
    of others without a pet
    of cat or dog.. sure.. he
    doles it out in Twitter
    rants of anger
    to bring
    to others
    and of course fear NoW ReaL
    too.. but what it boils down to.. NoW
    is fear too.. fear of not having enough Now
    And someone different in looks or acts getting
    something they think they are entitled too now by
    Nature now over others who look and act different now..
    And true too it is about fear and disgust of the different and
    wanting somehow to exterminate that from their life in terms of
    Adolph Hitlers-lite in the sense and feel of just taking the rights of the
    different among us away or making sure they never get the right for a Sacred
    Sacrament of Marriage in a Catholic Church now still.. for you see those who protect
    the rights of life and liberty and yes class the pursuit of Happiness of others who are different
    play the role of the Good Cop Jesus in the New Testament still in those who bring a Sword
    Die by the Sword those who are Meek and Strong enough in Self Esteem need not bRing
    ire toward others still particularly in raising a hand to harm.. in even Loving one’s Enemy
    And Turning the other Cheek from Vengeance far beyond the Gold Standard even
    oF LoVinG OtHeRS and Nature plUS as God SamE as self after accomplishing
    Loving Self first of course unconditionally fearlessly too.. and yeS oNce
    aGain.. consuming no others with harm but again class that
    is not the only literal version of Jesus in the
    New Testament still for still there
    is that other anti-Jesus
    Against Unconditional
    Love that
    of Diplomatic
    Means of Communication
    turns over money tables in ire of
    uncontrolled anger too.. who yes in addition to
    Sending Saint Francis Pigs off cliffs to their death
    yes ‘he’ Brings a Sword of Discord instead of Harmony
    of Peace now then.. and yes also says through whoever
    wrote all those words amongst different hands and different
    authors taking up the names of others to get their particular
    message out in eventual print too.. to Hate one’s own
    Mother and Father and Friends and Even
    Children too if they don’t follow
    along with the teachings
    up to slaying other
    folks too..
    for True for the Politicians
    to Expand a Roman Empire in Imperial
    ways how in the hell are you gonna kill others
    to do that with God of Love ALLONE without Fear
    and Anger and Disgust and bringing Sadness to others
    in Grief Stricken Sword ways now too.. true what you do is insert
    a Literal Anti-Love Jesus of Fear and Hate too.. with Anger
    and Disgust of Different and Change too.. otherWise
    you do Love.. the oTHeR 20 Percent Unconditional
    Way of as the Quantified Core
    Innate as Human
    and thaT
    my friEnds takes WiLLConStanTWorK
    thE Will oF LoVE thaT/wHo coMes morE
    NoW WitH A Strength oF A Foundation oF
    Grace that Naturally comes too as iNdividual
    Loving SELf First iN A Free Dance that bRings
    Center Point Balance NoW of Innate Instinctual
    And Intuitive ways of Mastering the negative emotions
    of life oF Fear and anger and disgust and sadness now more too raising LoVEuP…
    What’s Left NoW iN Center Point Balance.. True a Root and Leaf of ever expanding
    Shores of God’s Ocean Whole Waves of Heaven WiTHiN NoW.. this is JusT a SonG
    And so is the Old Testament and the Old New Testament too.. for without the Do NoW oF
    Dance tHat wHo erases fear and anger and disgust and even sadness too.. what’s Left is
    much less than
    Love in fAct
    what can
    be left
    Is A/thE
    Pure Gehenna
    oF A Fire of Hate within
    now.. sure.. i could take you to
    the Call for an Uprising Dude’s Youtube
    site and you could hear him Preach Against
    Love and do the other 80 Percent quantifiable
    emotions now to erase Love with Fear and Anger
    and Disgust even more against the Different of Love now
    real.. or i could leave him another Valentine’s Day Love note..
    for at least one commenter to open up as Free F-Mail tHeRE.. heHe..
    it’s True the other 80 Percent of Quantifiable Human Emotions do exist
    still in each individual in Negativity and in Misery Loves Company Clear to
    see in Youtube Communities now as any Participant Anthropologist
    Free Lance Watcher as Observer and Participant will now
    just be thrilled to do.. to learn more about what
    makes ‘the other side’ tick inside..
    for even the remote
    and real
    coMe HoMe to Love NoW isReaL NoW
    to the Good Cop Jesus too.. NoW WiTHiN
    thing is sadness while it may be hard in the
    form of tears is not really a negative emotion
    all the way for True Tears bRing comfort and grief
    takes away the Neurohormonal response for
    the Kitty Cat Pet Warm and Fuzzy Feel
    And Sense of Love now but what
    Grief does is raise Dopamine
    Levels in a search
    and find NoW for
    Love.. and Keeps
    the Love TRain Going HuRRicANE
    too in Fuel of WiND TearS more now too..
    So True.. in this way Tears of Grief are in the
    Arena of Good Cop Jesus too.. for True i use this
    grief and tears for fuel of greater love more now too..
    And yes.. anger and disgust and fear in some small dark
    Spot Yang way Dots the Yin of my Pure Love with a struggle
    of that dArk as struggle is pArt of what make Love Feel and Sense
    real now still never taken for granted until the feel and sense of Love Disappears..
    And sure.. it disgusts me when i see folks auctioning off the future of our Country
    for Welfare to the Rich and even makes me a little Angry too for i am Human
    too.. and sure it is just a tinge oF Fear that i could feel for sure if
    my Freedoms were taken away from me
    for the
    Way of
    Life to Disappear
    wHeRe Freedom of Expression
    was Censored back to how iT iS iN
    Countries STiLL of the Middle East and
    China ways too.. for now i’m Free and
    Fearless oF iLLuSory Fears.. Anger i turn
    into the iNspiration of Loving Words now and
    Disgust i change into acceptance of what i cannot
    change.. this inner Universe of Human is complicated enough
    where many myths and even bibles were/are created to help to understand
    it more.. i am an extreme Artist and Systemizing Scientist now too.. i do what
    i can/will do to put it into words to create a World of Love for me and spread that way
    of Life at least for the non-verbal life of me that doesn’t make up 2K words or so
    in my size
    oF A
    Tweet NoW
    Hehe.. True i’m
    just a voice in the Wilderness
    but i am a TSunAmi too.. ‘we’ don’t
    coMe ofTen but when we do we do..
    i for one will stick to the Good Cop Jesus way
    of life.. but if i see you bully someone else you can
    me turning
    the other cheek
    for i will stand up
    for those who are different
    And outcast still for that is what
    Unconditional Love Does as Warrior sTill for Love..
    nah.. i’m more like a fox.. no need for bigger men to use fists..
    for the
    use wit
    and Inherit the
    e A R T h ReaL
    and other methods
    you’ll never reAlly FuLLeR unDeRstanD
    unTil YoU coMe to: the fuller ‘place’ wHeRE
    ‘we’ live From: KNoWnAMeLoVEFReEDNoW..:)

    TitLe oF THiS CoMiNG STiLL

  8. CoMeSLiKeWaVeS
    Life is Love LiKE this when
    one seeks and finds and actually
    practices A FLoW iN ZoNE of Total Laser
    Focus Concentrating in a way of never ending
    story never landing MoViNG CoNNecTinG
    DancE AnD SoNG oF LiFE SoUL
    BReD FoR
    aS i
    DancE and SinG NoW
    WitH the Addition of a Valentine’s
    Card of me still with Grey Unicorn
    Kitty with Yellow Green eyed
    Kitty Riding above
    with Multi
    Teddy Bears and other
    Valentine’s Season Stuffed
    Animals now as we Humans surely
    can and will generate our own internal
    warm and fuzzy neurohormonal oxytocin
    way of an Invisible Sun in terms of what other
    folks may or not be able to see from the outside
    in of the Warm Comfort of Love and yes the Bliss Above
    And Nirvana of the Kingdom of HeaVeNReAL WiTHIN
    more than some words in a book.. matter of fact
    a real human experience that will never
    ever fully be colored by text as
    words as surely
    A Painting
    might do Heaven
    more justice than words
    yes.. even a Grain of Sand that
    Holds us a Tree as Mountain oF LovE NoW FReED..
    yep it was the After Party of the Boxer Roy Jone’s last
    fight at Seville Quarter and hehe.. he didn’t make it over for
    a selfie autograph with me.. not really sure if he was even there
    hAha.. for me every person i meet is a Celebrity in the sense and feel
    that Namaste yes eyes and ears and temple of God whole Ocean pART
    Standing or Dancing or whatever before me now.. whether that comes in Flesh
    and Blood or works of art past and present too always living now for those who do
    upload their souls in works of art too.. true the Human Experience of Dance and Song
    has and is no limits
    of the art we
    make and
    the Love
    we are
    as the art we
    continue to co-create
    with all aka God even more
    now too.. evolution of soul expressing
    art no before mentioned limits or expectations
    just do FloW oN NoW FoR BeautY and Wisdom
    WitH KinD aS CouRaGE EVeR EXiSTiNG NOW
    LoVE KinGDoM CoME NoW @LeaST For
    WHeRe i LiVE NoW TiMe out oF TimE
    DisTanCE OuT oF DiSTancE and
    SPaCE oUT oF SPacE iN
    Me and GoD SPacE
    WiTHiN NoW
    So.. i guess this will make a fine
    Word Break as i transition over to dVerSE
    to entertain some free verse poetic responses
    to tHeir Current oPen LiNK of everything goes eXcept
    well.. for someone as voluminous as me in Free Flow Poetry
    And Visual Streaming Poetry sAMe as Free verSE that in MoRE
    than overall NoVEL Efforts every 7 days with somewhere now around
    400 Live Photos taken by little old me in the Adventures of the Week True
    in the Dance of the Flesh and Blood World that goes aLong with somewhere
    around 30 Thousand Words in a 6 Day Effort or so and about the 7th day
    where there is never rest of a Free FLoW and Mostly Effortless Joy of
    Creating ART aLWaYS NoW as the rest is in the work and the work
    is in the rest.. truly Heaven now for a state of being achieved
    of what some folks have named now still as an ongoing
    Great Work of ART ‘TiLL Last BLiNK oF LiFE
    To: Carry on From: As the Records stand
    now and then.. true.. the old days
    of tombstones are
    drifting away
    Ashes transform
    from Dust into flesh and
    blood and remain Long After
    as the Work of ArT tHaT iS SoUl NoW
    ReLeASED from the CAgeS oF LiFE NoW..
    it’s True as i ponder over my Mother’s Life as the first
    anniversary of her Valentine’s Death Bed Stay for 8 days way
    at our Local Hospital came after undiagnosed Starting Breast Cancer
    to Bone to eventual Bleeding Brain Cancer for at the end the escape
    from a Cage of Physical Misery lost within a Brain no longer Functioning
    and a Body Suddenly Failing too at the end thing is she lived it until the end
    days before with a win in a Scrabble Game against my Sister in other words she lived
    and did not go quietly into the last blinks of her life.. for some the memory of death is death
    for me the memory of death is life to appreciate even more what is only a gift to give and share
    after all that is what my Mother did For us.. my target audience is much larger for my Target
    Audience is the Namaste of all for i may be too big for most folks to see online these days
    but true i’m not too small to see most folks now same as Namaste even more..
    for true
    is a Temple
    of God to me..
    worthy yes.. class of thanks
    and praise and sure in Layman’s
    Terms even Worship too for the gift
    of life we share and give.. but to no one
    person no.. i exclude no one for i have been
    excluded much in life for the sympathy of how that
    feels through many challenges and struggles.. some too
    much for me to bear but withstand i did as the Snake Brain
    of Survival will kick in in places you might never imagine of going
    in Hell now.. birth and death makes us equal it is the give and share
    of life
    us something
    more than alone
    it is to feel and sense
    each other in moving and
    connecting and co-creating ways of LiVinG
    thaT makes the Force of Nature pLuS as GoD
    MoRE NoW tHaN EVeR BeFoRE to Exclude anyone
    is simply to experience a smaller God to worship anyone
    anymore than the other is to take God apart instead of putting
    God ToGeTHeR for the SoUL CaGeS we aRe and the SoUL CaGeS
    We Do No ParT LesS HoLY and SaCReD FuLL oF MeaNinG aNd Purpose
    integral to all that is God as Ocean WHoLE eVeR EXPaNDinG SHoReS EvEN MoRE
    what a world it would WiLL
    be if we finally
    that yes
    Class we are
    Children of God
    and we are our Parents
    and Brothers and Sisters and
    Friends and yes even so-called Enemies
    too.. So.. true when you see Trump Give him a kiss for me..
    A Big Teddy Bear Kiss in hopes to Break his HeART oPeN iN LiGHT
    wHaT A DaY tHaT WiLL BE wHeN FeAR aND HaTE and SElFiSHNeSS
    BeCoMeS HoPE and LoVE aND GiVE aND SHaRE FoR ALL FoR trUE
    AnD WiLL Do iT NoW 2
    NoW no LonGeR CaGeD aS SoUL
    A Bird oF GoD SoUL FReED aGaiN
    @LeasT the Dance and SonG oF WHaT Works for me..:)

  9. Frank Hubeny says:

    The song “Morning Has Broken” brings back memories from long ago. I also noticed a photo of Masaru Emoto’s “The Hidden Messages in Water”. I read this long ago. It is somewhere among my books. I should read it again. It gave me the idea that water might be alive in some way which I think is possible.

    • Happy Friday Frank.. a Good one it is
      True for while some folks might not think
      the Universe Cares or we as the
      Universe do not care or are able
      to Make Water
      A Greater
      Holy and Sacred
      Meaning and Purpose
      than just H20 of Material
      Reductionism.. perhaps they are
      missing the way of the (A) Candy Man
      Can And Will for We Co-Create our Realities
      with Nature plUS as is.. True.. we Make Morning has
      Broken a Poem a Dance and a Song Longer with the
      Greater Nuanced Emotions and Senses we Bring to
      the Sun and Flowers and yes even Grass and
      other Plants Dormant ready to Spring
      Back as the Seasons
      of reality
      for the
      Art we potentially
      Bring to that and the
      moving connecting co-creations
      we make with others.. particularly Pets
      and People and Birds and Bees and yes all
      the rest of FLoWeRiNG Nature as Dance and Song
      of Poem or just H20 on another Grey Day of Existence
      without a
      Hope of
      true.. the Material
      Reductionism of Science
      Refuted a Confirmation of Masaru
      Emoto’s Findings that Human Emotions
      and Intentions and even Words that Humans
      Speak Actually Change the Frozen Crystallized
      Geometric and other Shapes of Patterns in Water
      Frozen as Such.. However.. never the less Science shows
      now more just how powerful a positive attitude personally and
      shared with others can and will be as an incredible Force of Healing
      so.. never the less per Material Reductionism.. now the Essence of what
      Mr. Emoto’s Findings were per the Force of Positive Human Thoughts
      And Intentions of Emotions are still validated by Science Overall True
      the UniVerse
      when we
      as paRT oF it
      Do Best what we are
      evolved to do in ink blot
      art of Seeing a World of Love
      in MaKinG iT that way in every SonG
      oF Word and Step of Dance ToGeTHeR
      Joining Hands even more.. i find some folks who
      do this and some folks who do not for true some folks
      dance.. generally speaking and some folks do not but true
      the one’s
      that do
      now are
      most often
      smiling with
      Non-Verbal Language
      that lifts one up.. We have
      the Power and The Force to
      Dance and Sing True BeinGS oF LiGHT iN PoTeNTiaL
      We are to Be when the Gift of Life becomes a Poem..
      And we become the Candy People that Spread Love
      WitH some Butter of Understanding Better too.. a way
      to be.. as
      LoVE too
      in Candy Folks ways..
      And True these Days per the
      Band Bread as far as Guitar Folks
      Go we live in a World now Full of Inspiration
      where there are limitless avenues of inspiration for
      muse now.. where YouTube itself is the Magic of Imagination
      of what Human would/will ever come together to give and share more..
      as Song of HeART’s SPiRiT iN A SoUL EVoLViNG WiTH a Never ending
      to Enjoy
      even more
      as tunes of life
      GRowS eVeN HiGHeR
      OceaN WHoLE PoTeNTiaL
      oF ArT Never Ending now and
      to think.. where was a Day that all i thought
      i would have to do after i retired is watch Football
      in the Fall Season of the Year.. Oh.. Lord.. the Beauty of Change
      now if ‘they’ can just find Jobs for Folks to Do with Meaning for
      in a World where
      technology both gives
      and takes away too.. glad.. i got
      the Job part done when the going was good
      for that.. Now it’s a Big Art Project with Borders never in sight now..
      True.. tHeRE is aLWays a new place these days for a Guitar Man to go for
      Art Muse but for paid work that’s the Catch 22 that continues to Grow
      in a Change
      that sadly
      not fully
      Help Humanity
      Evolve for the most
      basic of subsistence now..
      sooner or later those with all
      the bucks are gonna have to cough up some more
      now to make things work as they remove all the jobs..
      or else there won’t be any body left with any money
      to consume
      from Play..
      Wow.. so much to
      do practically for Free
      as long as someone has
      a little Food and Drink
      and a Shelter
      Head with
      Some Love to
      Give and Share.. yes..
      Frank.. A Good Friday it stays
      where i live over here in Candy Land now@LEasT..:)

  10. Hehe WHaT pART
    oF WiLL Do YoU
    NoT JuST Do ReaLoVE
    as i actually add the Guitar Song
    by Bread to make a little more context
    for that MicroVerse.. i just wrote to Frank
    hehe.. Ah.. Art.. the Freedom of Entertaining others
    NoW for Free a Golden Age
    of ReTirEment
    Art for Pay..
    yes.. to come to town
    with Spring in Winter of
    Dance always folks Happy to
    see me.. well.. at least the Liberal
    Folks at least.. the smiling ones now the
    laughing ones yes by God the Living Dancing
    Singing ones too with deeper eyes and ears that
    and who feel and see more than Material Concrete Literal
    Materialistic Reductionism Gains of life ironically as Towers
    of ownership
    Grow Higher
    counts within
    as Love in Moving
    Connecting Co-Creating
    ways descends to just Tears
    of Clouds no longer sensed and
    felt as Child.. Yes.. of real smiles and
    giggles in wonder and amazement over
    just the green IN A LeaF of Grass that is God
    Whole as Nature and never ever separate..
    Meanwhile.. Towers Rise and Souls Fall
    but true where there is great dark NoW
    there is also great light additionally
    now to make
    Even more
    Real as a Dance
    Song that comes to be
    US as LoVE at least for those
    who have awakened to the Call of Love
    in all the Art that brings Flowers over Tears and
    BiLL Tears
    A Currency oF LoVE MoRE
    Art of LoVE to: GiVE and SHaRE From:
    more now than just likes shares and follows
    And Dollar iLLs.. Freedom from slavery away from Love
    ArT BRiNGS
    DancESoNG ReaL to BeNoW..:)

  11. True.. i haven’t got over to dVerse yet but tHeRe’s
    AlWays A Place for Muse as Facebook Friend
    Cris BRinGS A Version of Let’s Do the
    Time Warp By Glee and to
    be Clear
    this isn’t
    but on the other
    Hand it’s always
    Halloween with
    Trump in
    Hehe.. Macabre
    as they speLL iT i Believe
    True though although it might
    scare the Stiffer Couples at the
    Time Warp Party it doesn’t scare me
    at all for i do live in that dimension of
    no distance time or space,. LoViNG aLWaYS
    NoW Free iN A DancE and SonG oF HeaveN WiTHiN
    For True one is only as Young as they are fearless and free
    with a Float
    of life
    above so below
    and all around not bound
    by the Gravity of past and future
    Floating Free.. as a Free BaLanCinG
    Dance close to 8888 Miles in close to
    54 Months now verily and surely and
    Truly does the Trick and Treat Real
    For me.. once again class “Let’s
    Do the Time Warp Again”
    for all the giggles
    And SMiLEs
    Now oF
    Heaven alWays
    forevermore nownow..
    True this is more than talk this
    is feeling and sensing of Life that
    is Never Ending Float of Bliss inside..
    but if you think it’s free think again for the
    rest of your life you will have to do the time
    warp again.. hard to explain in words in how to
    get to now forever in Heaven now.. but i do suggest
    a Never Ending Free Dance where every move becomes
    holy and sacred full of ever changing meaning and purpose
    as each move changes and a new emotion and sense of
    Novelty’s Youth is Experienced Forevermore now more
    a little bit
    at least
    FoR NoW
    MoRE.. in other
    Words life stays delicious
    rather than cardboard stale
    aS even Hell as Piece
    of Paper
    of feeling and sensing
    nothing.. just nothing at all at all at all..
    in a place of almost total disintegration
    which they speak to clearly in this song all
    about being reborn from dark forevermore now
    that most folks other than real modern Jesus folks
    totally miss in the Wedding Party within.. yes.. the
    Husband and Wife of Balance when ToGeTHeR
    comes from the separation of before
    in all the Black and White of
    Life that becomes
    a flicker flame
    torch bonfire
    Colored pARTy oF LiFE
    True.. i don’t often find these
    Dance partners in the Middle
    Aisle of Super-Walmart but occasionally
    an attempt to do a Time Warp real forevermore
    now at least tries tries until perhaps they will be reborn
    in the
    of Now
    an Epigenetics
    and Neuroplastic
    Fire Work that even
    Science can and will not
    deny other than call it other
    and put it in the Miscellaneous
    File of ReaL LiFe HUMaN BEinG
    Miracles NoW.. YeP iT HaPPeNS
    Re-born.. Let’s do the Time
    Warp again only
    iN The BLiSS
    oF NoW aS A DancE
    And SonG tHaT and wHo
    reAlly reAlly CoMeS aLiVE..
    And with that said.. listen closely
    not for very much longer for i’m going
    to bed and as far as being in control Goes
    i’ll LeT GoD ArT FLoW Through ME Free iN
    Mastery of another Time Warp of Co-Creativity
    when i wake up to aNoTHeR DreaM’s Fruition of Heaven
    in DreAM TiME Nowthen that is no distance and or space in
    the Morn of thaT aGaiN Repeat Class alWays Reborn NoW..
    True.. the primitives more advanced than suit and tied humans
    did it before and
    do do it NoW
    how to
    Make Heaven
    ReaL NoW takes work
    endless seek and find to make
    it all real from head to toe hands
    on Hips to Dance Steps Left and
    Right Foot Become one Force with
    And as GoD WiTH Hands and Fingers
    And Tap DanCinG oF JoY iN A SoNG thAT
    Counts and is no count at all but Free BE..:)

  12. ‘FReEDLoVENoW’
    ‘Fifty Shades Freed’
    Hmm.. could i be appropriating
    Another Cultural Meme for my FReED
    Verse Poetry.. hmm.. let’s see
    what about ‘TiTLE oF THiS
    CoMiNG STiLL’
    as reAlly
    all Freed
    Fred is E..Hehe..
    An interesting Phenomenon
    the “Fifty Shades of Grey” Series is for
    this third Valentine’s Weekend in three
    Years of Movie Production Wildly Successful
    Among the Female Novel and Movie Watching
    Audience at Hand and Whips and Chains
    (not unlike Magic Mike XXL and Me2/3)
    And a Billionaire with a somewhat
    troubled closeted heart and
    spirit and soul but
    never the
    in ways of Charitable
    Philanthropy for The Needy
    and yes very very orderly and OCD
    for Control as yes this is what happens
    when the Emotional Cognitive Abilities
    of Humans are neglected and abused
    when young and sure after that too..
    And then there is the other end..
    sure.. Victoria’s Secret
    of Women
    as the other Version
    of Thelma and Louise
    Sings an Ode to the Creature
    of the Night.. sure.. the desire for pleasure
    the lust that creates great productivity and creativity
    and overall social cooperation among cultures that are free this
    way to be all that Nature Wild Calls them to (hint: God the real Natural
    God not a made up word that’s only three letter words or one man in a book
    to worship over all others) yes.. that spark inside that lust AND love that balances
    out Valentine’s
    Day and Victoria’s
    Secret oF A Dance to live
    yes.. touch me touch me touch me
    i’ve seen it happen in real time after the
    long dressed Girl who went to Christian school
    ends up in the back of several pick-up trucks in
    Public Junior College as what happens
    in Fraternities these days too..
    for the opportunity to
    have a drink
    the ages of
    18 and 21 in more private
    parties out of bars too that end up
    more like a Rocky Horror Picture show
    orgy in some cases at least.. and true to form the Bootie
    Dances these days in Bars that sweetly actually include most
    of all same sex females getting close like this reminiscent of the
    onlookers in this clip from the ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’ that addresses
    more of the Human Archetypes of Wild and Free that are not repressed into
    Chastity Belts
    and the such as that
    yes.. this is the weekend to
    start the Celebration of ’50 Shades
    Freed’ not only FReEDLoVENoW for
    true 50 Shades Freed can and will lead to
    FReEDLoVENow too at least in the case study
    evidence continuing to be documented still for little
    old me for Trust me Trump and other Domesticated Female
    Abusers when you come to be a real Creature of the Night it is much more
    likely that it will be the Women who impose a somewhat aggressive stroke up and
    down with a rear on the front of you with a Bootie Dance Free.. yes.. be a real man
    get beat
    up and
    by a
    real woman
    instead.. hehe..
    Wild and Free as they
    Dance and Sing too but true
    with LoVEFReEDNoW2.. i keep
    the Bootie Dances clothed and while a
    Woman or two or so at the Bar Have Grabbed
    my Buns moving into my Middle 50’s and above no matter
    how disgusting that may sound to some.. as i continue to do
    Nude Art and i might say the Aesthetic Quality of my latest effort
    coming to this new Valentine’s Day post is potentially the best yet..
    as far as the Surrounding Statues in the Gallery of Art Displayed in
    the Media Clip here.. hehe.. it’s true i’ve had my Chest Stroked
    as such on more than one occasion too by passerby’s as such
    too.. hit and run like this with the Bootie Dances too..
    while Jordan Peterson is suggesting that
    young men learn to ‘clean their
    rooms’ and get ‘their house
    in order’ first he is
    leaving out
    the most
    important and vital
    aspect of life to not only be all
    naturally loved by women in many
    many ways but also to gain mind and body
    Balance for true no lessons or guidelines in orderly
    Peterson 12 step methods are required to be a man now
    just dance just dance and next thing you know all shadow high
    aspects Wild and Free of Your Personality escape and you finally
    become comfortable in your own skin and walk more like a F iN KiNG
    than a covered up noodle as such.. yes.. no longer do you just have one foot
    and the other as two feet become one Force aS BaLanCinG ForcE oF Fearless NoW
    CHI.. yes class.. all CHI really is is the absence of all Fear.. you’d surprised how much
    Fear you hold within you from head to toe tension making you so much weaker than
    a Lion on a Savannah Floating through the Grass conserving every ounce of Energy
    for the next Capture of Prey for a King of the Jungle need not worry about Predators
    this way.. hehe.. yes Creature of the Night
    i be and while Jordan Peterson may
    suggest he is Dangerous for he
    presents a real tough
    Hermit the Frog
    Talk Truth
    is he
    hasn’t dropped
    his voice yet for he hasn’t
    really got rid of the fear.. Dance
    (NO.. not Ballroom Dance with Lessons)
    Jordan Dance Dance Jordan Dance Dance
    get out of the ivory tower.. and Sing too now now
    Strip off the Preppy Canadian Clothes More More
    too for True mY friEnd i have been you too yes me2
    as well as the members of your Echo Chambers too..
    true when you too do nude art and are not afraid to walk
    in Front of the World totally naked and exposed trust me then
    your voice will drop and you won’t even need a microphone
    or even
    a word
    be heard..
    thing is.. this isn’t standard ‘stuff’
    IQ.. this is real God IQ.. the Natural Stuff
    deep inside our genetics.. yes the shadow
    stuff locked out through rules and regulations
    that keep much more than 50 Shades of Grey and
    Victoria’s Secret in old age ironically less advanced
    Ways of Human Freedom including Pleasure and Spirituality
    that in affect and effect rise and fall and rise again from toes
    to head across the life span always now.. and it’s not like Victoria’s
    Secret and the Creature of the Night’s Secret is no longer exposed
    as real
    as Fifty Shades Freed
    And FReEDLoVENoW..
    truly one cannot fully do one
    without the other.. the Creature
    of the Night Freed in all of my restricted
    links is what drives all the fear away allowing LoVE’SReaLFLiGHT
    sadly that part was still missing from Christian Grey’s conclusion
    and Christian Wolf’s Conclusion in that ‘Accountant’ Movie too…
    True life isn’t fair.. at least not in one life but at least there
    is reason and
    For A
    Code that is
    be·nef·i·cent.. even
    if Billions of Dollars won’t
    Bring ‘the Feeling’ Back or if it
    never existed from Birth as that happens
    too as Nature’s Dark for Warrior Birth and
    Killing Machines for Tribal Wars too..
    And yes.. Politicians.. Surgeons
    Ceo’s.. Trumps and the other
    Men wHo
    would love to change
    When Mother and Father
    Nature make different plans real..
    i AM tamed first.. my issue was/is to become the NiGHT
    Creature truly in the opposite end of the beginning of fully Free..
    again.. it takes both.. not too many people get through the needle of two..
    aMaZinGwHere Creativity WiLL take one neXt.. i discount NO muse and de-friend NO
    one based on opposite views as i visit non-sense online too in the darkest shades
    of Grey too.. as far as preaching hate over love too but i always come back more
    for my
    God is all NoW
    no exclusions @aLL
    yes class.. just NoW onE
    God NoW aS ALL that is NoW
    try ALLNoW you might LoVEaLL
    NoW but as far as i kNOW to fully
    appreciate ALLNoW you’ll have to face
    the World of Clothes first Naked and Free
    as to truly appreciate ALL iS most definitely to Be NoW
    FREE when one touches God fully one touches ALL without
    Fear of the Dark or Cynicism oF ALL THE LIGHT including
    ‘the’ Bootie Dances oF LiFE or A Bootie Dance of LiFE and
    to be clear i am far from the first one to suggest to find
    the living one within (YeS.. cLass.. All Natural God oF
    aLL LiViNG WiTHiN) one will strip one’s clothes
    off and tread on them (yes.. dance naked on
    the cultural clothes you PeeLeD off) most
    importantly without shame for who
    can control your will when
    you stand in front
    of the World
    as you
    born naked
    and free with a need
    to move… connect and co-create
    sure.. attached to a naked breast too of LovE per
    Verse 37 of the Gospel of Thomas that at least
    came back in the 1800’s finally translated into
    English in ’59 Fully from Greek untainted by
    Roman Latin back then.. from
    the Dead Sea Scrolls
    of Egypt
    for the Gnostic
    Gospels still.. relating
    much of what is still in the New Testament
    too.. yes.. including some of the literal verses of the
    Bad Cop Family Hating and Sword Carrying Table Turning over Jesus too..
    true though.. this verse 37 from ‘Thomas’ is both shallow and deep for true
    culture is clothes and for true we are born naked without those cultural
    clothes to be as free as we will to be with the Assistance and Force of a
    of Life too..
    We are Warriors and
    Lovers at Core of as the Creature
    of the Night wHo Dances and Sings
    Most Survive Do Live Survive Do Thrive..
    And most importantly… don’t go through life dead..
    just shuffling through A WaL-MarT LiFE of buying/owning nothing at all..
    And by ‘A’ way.. although the title of this “FReEDLoVENoW” thingy has officially yet
    to come into full title play it is already a ‘little known’ Internet Meme that one can
    already actually Google to see images of “FReEDLoVENoW” that include Snow
    on Tropical Plants..
    in other
    said it and as
    usual i’m just
    about the first one
    to make up this word.. heHe..
    True.. Words like FRiEND are real these days STiLL2..;)


  13. WeLL.. anyway.. it’s a cloudy day
    with three more coming i understand
    with the additional ingredient of Rain
    that changes my back yard
    Beach Spot of Sandy
    Loam Soil Sun
    Darker clouds
    Silt Mix of Mud..
    And speaking of mixes now more.,
    particularly Middle Aged American
    Batman Shirted Dancer and an entire
    Group of South Korean Dancers numbering
    three in the weekend of Joy Last year before as
    the foreshadowing of Dark Mammary Clouds also
    related as Mama Clouds did come a week to date
    from Valentine’s Day of my Mother’s Eight Day
    Death Bed Hospice Stay as a Chemotherapy
    Routine for Breast Cancer to Bone Cancer
    and Brain Cancer was no parT then of
    Her plan to live as she wished
    from first to last blink of
    life so that is what
    she did as
    My Father did the same
    And shortly before he died my Sister
    Spotted the same Mammary Clouds in the sky
    before the 5.22.14 Day as my Mother would do a passing
    on the 22nd too on 2.14.17.. my Mother Making it to a little
    over 82 and my Father making it to a little before 82. with
    my Father basically dropping dead at home one day
    with his last words to my First Cousin Laura
    as said i don’t think i’m gonna make it as
    he always said before looks
    like i’m gonna make it
    true.. he didn’t
    show too
    emotions but
    an honest man he was
    other than rarely fulfilling promises
    to come see us through the years too.. including
    Marriages and University Graduations and the such as that too..
    Expecting me to go the Materialistic Money Man route of life that
    was no part of my diet other than saving about 6 times more than he
    did in around half his life age at death for the simple fact that i was not a
    money spender and a one wife keeper and yes class one home keeper too..
    i was free..
    Moving up
    was already
    where i was AM
    Having it all is BeinG
    Love JusT in a Humble way
    of Serving Shoes in a Bowling
    Center After three University Degrees
    and some Graduate work as the University
    of Bowling Center taught me much more about
    Physical and Emotional And Existential intelligences
    of at least connecting to other folks with smiling teeth and
    eyes and running down the middle of the lanes gutter humps to gather up
    dead wood out of the gutters for that took balance and agility too.. with sure..
    some strength and grace for will mixed in too.. just a place for re
    creation that 10 pin 12 Lane Bowling Center was then now
    closed as Home Entertainment more often takes
    the place of the Human Moving Connecting
    Co-Creating in Flesh and Blood ways
    reduced to a 4 to
    5 inch screen
    as the
    Cheers and High
    Fives together of Bowling
    Leagues drift away to a memory
    of those who remain still as League
    Older Bowlers of the past and for those of
    course who moved onto other Pastures of Lanes
    where the Bowling Ball Still Turns in ways of Social
    Connections more in League Hand in Hand in High Five ways
    of real life where the touch of souls is more than text.. buy hey.. i do
    my best to make organic words to come to play in an E-Land of
    A New Way of Bowling Leagues too.. Blogging down the lanes
    as ‘they’ still Dance and Sing in a place with no sun and or
    moon.. that with Love Still Will Bring a sugar and spice
    of Love more with sure some of the other
    stuff too.. just for some Yang
    in the Yin
    as the
    Bowling BaLL NoW
    all Natural continues to
    roll and turn around back again…

    Yes.. a Theater of Mammary Clouds Lit up in ominous
    way and a Dance of Joy to Balance it out in a Video and
    A Photograph still dominating ominous 3 to 1 at 66.666
    Percent to 33.333 Percent of LiGHT to daRK to
    keep it smART as Day goes by eternAlly
    now.. so much tragic and heart
    felt holy and sacred
    meaning and
    purpose when one
    finds out their Mother
    is on her Death Bed on Valentine’s
    Day.. so many words of dark and light
    muse to continue to come for true to change
    the dark to life to the light of life even more.. as
    initially i planned the Olivia Newton John Video of
    “Let’s get Physical” Song to go on some more about
    how our minds live in our bodies as equal to head
    ways of life away from feelings and senses more
    to bring the potential practice of a free style
    dance for the bio-feed back of where
    is what as far as Loving flowing
    emotions to fear filled tension
    where a Balancing Dance of Feedback
    Bring Mastery of emotional regulation and
    sensory integration as we become Free Seagulls
    Spiraling around the sun in center point calm Balance
    as Float FLigHT on Terrestrial Land for it is true there was
    a Day when my Mother Danced closer to a decade and a decade
    she wrote Poetry too in her 50’s long after she did her last dance ‘fore
    marriage and a few times in relative youth after that.. true.. i stopped dancing
    at age 29 when i got married too for true Katrina doesn’t Dance so i did what
    she does instead of what i did and the dance went away except for the
    occasional office party with work friends who danced.. as true too
    when i did dance with addition of alcoholic drinks then that
    i do none at all now for a sober dance Drunk on and
    WiTH God.. i realized then that deep down
    A Dance of Balance and a Song
    of Nature Deep within
    was and is the Verb
    of God
    did over
    any song
    of Words alone..
    for true at the Beach i became
    Beach and one with God i was and
    am of a foot print of is.. with or without
    any other foot prints of Humankind including
    this or that book that claims to be an only voice of God
    including Humans too of course as all Humans do this Voice
    whether they are aware of it or not.. yes class a Naked Dance
    Hand in Hand And Feet to Sand with GoD and NaTuRE pLuS sAMe..
    nah.. this ain’t rocket science or even fancy poetry or Bible verse the DiffeReNT..
    this is do.. yes.. just do dance.. do it naked if you can and will in and as the Sands of
    God Free.. sure even if it is raining for true naked clothes of culture never get soaked..
    spiral the Sun and Feel the Sun on every square inch of beyond infinity Love as come
    as you
    are now..
    needing nothing
    more than feel and
    sense as Nature real as GoD ONE
    understanding in real feel and sense
    what it’s like to float life with Zero uncomfortable now
    of Worries and Fears.. sure.. of course so much easier
    to do when the Heavier bottom part of Maslow’s path to
    this Self-Actualization and Transcending Ascendent
    Ecstatic Agape Giving and Sharing
    Unconditional Love comes
    at the Capstone of
    that Pyramid
    real.. over
    the basement of all
    basic and yes often very
    Heavy work and stress required to
    make subsistence and social acceptance
    Needs met.. for yes.. basic survival whether
    one moves up to the more thrive as life levels of
    the Pyramid or not.. for shelter from the elements
    and food for the stomach to continue to survive as alive..
    so many paths to go to get lost from living life but true a
    of Free
    a Kiss
    of Keep iT Simple
    Stupid in the Arms of
    Nature GoD.. yes as the
    Dance and Song of God FReED
    WiTHIN Youthful SpiRiT of heART
    SoUL DancE and SunG Forevermore
    now Naked with God as real.. all Human
    Cultural Clothes stand and bind to take this
    Freedom’s Love away.. it is for us to seek and
    find a
    to Love again Free
    and for me at least
    it is a Free Dance and Song
    that BRings me to continuing

  14. After somewhat of a late start in the
    Start of the Celebration of Writing
    now after “TitLe oF THiS CoMinG
    STiLL” MacroVerse Number 818 of
    “SonG oF mY SoUL” as “FReEDLoVENoW”
    Returns as this New Title comes to be with the
    Bulk of the Writing Started on 2.8.18.. hmm.. as the
    Numbers in Fashion of 1 and 8 and 2 do continue to
    Freshly Enter the Door of all this DanCinG and SinGinG
    eVeN MoRE now for even the last 7 deepest Dow Stock
    Market Drops all occurred in either ’08 or ’18 too as last
    two Digits of this New Century 2K too.. what will i Dance and
    Sing as any Natural Born Detective Lawyer and Judge and Jury
    too i notice patterns and gather up the evidence for whatever may come
    to be for potential
    analysis later
    even if
    little old me..
    sure.. in eloquent
    and elegant shapeS UNiVerSe
    NoW oF Organic Writing Concrete
    Poetry but truly.. these shapes are
    not concrete at all for they are never
    pre-planned as in all other pure efforts
    of Holy and Creative Spirit the FLoW iN
    ZoNE not only BRinGs the nexT Word oF
    Poetry but the Dance and Song of the Steps
    and Photos and yes Words Free for all of that
    sAMe thing with my Nude Art it just Happens
    as it comes to be.. The River Flows the Butter
    Fly Ocean Whole the Wave Be’s in
    EveR exPaNDinG Shores
    of HuMan PoTenTiaL
    no limits or
    expectations of
    before for True tHeRE is
    no Try HeAr JusT Do and
    See what comes neXT as the
    Quantum Metaphor of a MiNd and
    BoDY MoRE Fully Unleashed and released
    without iLLuSTory Fears from an all Freeing Dance
    comes now as the action and consequence of Positive
    Synergy Energy Force of kaRMA as Thunder comes now
    After LiGHteNinG TrUE iN LiGHT NoW too.. true do for the
    All Natural Flow oF Art that coMes more ofTen than not Lamps
    eXist Lit uP iN all i Dance and Sing and Photo CoMinG MoRE NoW
    than ever bEfoRE at LeaSt for little old me.. hehe.. as i told the nice
    Gym Assistant Pacific Islander Vida as we discussed the high energy
    of the Dance Hall after Roy Jones’ Fight.. for she did not come that night
    and prefers it a little more mellow as Wife Katrina ain’t up for no kinda dance
    hall or dancing at all.. hehe.. anyway.. i said.. you know in two years and around
    Five Months i’ll be 60 in the Boogie Nights all around then a nice Grandfatherly age
    more to Dance with all the Nice College Age Folks at Seville Quarter as true too.. there
    may one day be a day.. too.. hehe.. i live to that age when no longer is a Bootie Dance
    by a more Undomesticated Female Forced upon me aS Such then in Willing Play Dance..
    but true.. i will still
    be the dancing
    guy as true
    too as Science
    does show now moving
    meditation is the actual empirically
    assessed fountain of youth still.. true
    even in brain scans of folks who do still
    meditation.. the 50 year-old brain more
    reflects that of a 25 year-old brain for
    DuH it’s common sense and feel
    already that it is chronic
    and acute stress
    that age
    Beings still even
    at the level of Telomere
    Strands at the Genetic Coded
    DNA ways of life.. part of what kept
    Chuck Norris and his Martial arts looking young
    well into his 60’s and Jack LaLanne Pumping iron into
    his 90’s and of course Charles Atlas into his 70’s as Body
    Builder too.. for true them too were before Steroids were too widespread
    but still potentially a little pArt of their mix for they did come out in the early
    30’s as such in anabolic illegal steroid manufactured ways.. and sure.. Sylvester
    Stallone get all pumped up with Human Growth Hormone when Science already
    shows a simple alternative to that is listening to electronic trance music and
    moving meditation too.. amazing too with the placebo impact of sharing
    caring love that yes.. class.. even incurable disease may go away
    too.. just stuffed in the back files of the medical files for
    real human miracles still.. for True Love that Force
    that Folks still Name God and some Jesus too..
    is the pill.. the cure all that really works all
    Natural when real.. to get it NoW Fear
    iN iLLuSory ways
    go out
    the back door
    and never come back
    and that can and will take
    A Meditative Dance and Song
    From the first to last blink of life now real real..
    anyway.. i’m up to about 15 thousand words in a little
    over two days.. coming close to filling up another Facebook
    Profile Pic Description area approaching 7 thousand words now too..
    to continue to expand the shores of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” as per
    the last 42nd MacroVerse MaKinG a Total Word count of 946,516 words
    in a little over 8 Months of Writing that which will continue to GroW oN NoW
    indefinitely to come aLong with “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 20th Month
    plus effort of that last..147th MacroVerse Word Count at 2,558,915 Words
    Marching Steadily toward 3 Million Words by my
    58th Birthday on 6.6.18.. with the last 3 digits
    of that looking a whole lot like the
    PHI Golden Spiral Ratio of
    1.618.. too.. per
    God’s Finger and Foot
    Prints seen all through as Nature
    NoW as we know and feel and sense
    Nature as God EVeN MoRE NoW.. too.. yes..
    anYWay.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. approaching
    in close to a 54 Month Effort of Writing NoW at
    6 Million Words on my Birthday too aLong with
    that 53 Plus Month Effort now in total Words too
    aT A Potential coming 1.5 Million Words on that day
    for “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”.. too.. as once again it’s
    true.. i do do 9 Dimensional Poetry too as detailed below once again..
    along with what is approaching close to 8888 Miles of Public Dance when 54
    Months comes now True and plus 8900 toward the end of this Month Now.. too..

    With all Word Counts below likely coming close to my 58th Birthday on 6.6.18

    12 Million Word MacroMacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 90+ Months
    6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58+ Months
    3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24+ Months
    1.5 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018 MacroMacroVerse 12+ Months
    MacroVerse as each Chapter currently at a 30K Average Word Count
    MicroVerse as each sub-Chapter separated by Word Count
    MicroMicroVerse as each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
    MicroMicroMicroVerse as each Word in multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
    MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as each letter and or number of multi-meaning
    per H8/K11 and eTc..

    Anyway.. although i feel and sense alpha brain waves being soaked a little more
    With Theta Zone Brain Waves For Creativity that is almost spelling a NaP NoW
    BuT NoT Quite RiGht.. as finally dVerse comes and their version online of a Poetry
    International Link Fest of Poetry for all to join but true in a current Twitter Verse
    World.. hehe.. not a place to live WiTH Multi-Media Poetry rising to around 30K
    Words a MacroVerse in both SupraConsciousness Writing per Cosmic
    Christ Consciousness and other Terms like Holy and Creative
    Spirit Flow Make Dreams coMe to Fruition
    in Imagination of Creativity unleashed
    and released as Quantum Mind
    and Body Metaphor even
    more as free as
    the same applies
    to the Art of Photos taken
    in 400 or so per Poetic effort
    in Flow and RiSinG Memories
    of and New Found YouTube Videos
    for Multi-Media complete much NeWeR AGE
    Poetry JusT StaRTiNG in the Last Decade or so as truly
    this wasn’t even fully possible until YouTube came online..
    12 Years ago on April 23rd of 2005.. along with all the efforts
    of that for folks to share a World History of Music online for all for free..
    at least where there are no copyright strikes.. hehe.. true.. my “SonG of My
    SoUL” has a few dead song links too.. but that’s okay as that is pArt of Human
    Recorded History off and on too.. where the word MacroVerse have been used
    for other stuff too like really really Big UniVerses too.. but true.. when you get to
    MicroMicroVerse and MacroMacroVerse and beyond in larger and smaller
    ways of 9 Dimensional Poetry by me.. sure.. to coin a term(S) AGAiN by
    little old me.. hehe.. some folks get highly offended in the
    science of art quite ironically if one doesn’t go
    strictly by the Books oF Forms oF ‘fore.. As
    Mr. William Shakespeare sure
    didn’t go by the old
    rules of words
    as he created
    1700 new Words for the
    English Language then new true.. and
    of course some of the ‘elite’ question his authorship
    then for he was a man with humble origins and not part
    of the Ivory Tower ways of guidelines and instructions to
    follow as a science of art rather than art as original art
    comes to be deep deep within exposed more as free
    does come to be now as you and me.. sure.. if
    you just do it too.. as Yoda says no try
    wax on
    and wax off
    without a think..
    true.. in terms of
    Karate Kids and Adults
    in Free Verse Martial Arts too..
    and yes class.. just about anything
    else truly creative comes in flow out
    of the books of ‘fore as oTHeR.. hmm.. just do it..
    And sure appropriate whatever literary devices come to Spirit..:)

  15. WeLL.. 41 LiNks at dVerse of which 2 at Frank and Xenia’s Places of Poetry
    have already been knocked out as Lovingly Done as they say
    40 lashes will do you in as surely close to 40 days with
    no sleep will do the same.. but 39 linKs
    of Poetry sitting sTill with DaNCinG
    Fingers the most
    that will
    do is
    my butt
    fat but still now
    there is Public Store
    Dance to come too as the
    Katrina is off doing beading now
    with her more elderly female friends too..
    she still relative spring chick at 47 coming now
    up to 48 soon enough in Early April too.. true now
    though she’s not aging well not hardly at all not one
    of those kind to get jealous of Undomesticated Female
    Bootie Dances touching the Front of me.. something about
    A REaL Egyptian Goddess like Isis incarnate NoW oN EartH somEthing
    aBout putting the pieces back toGeTHeR oF A Humpty Dumpty with eye problems
    too.. true.. stranger than fiction as this Adam’s and Munster show is now for REaLNoW
    and strangely
    And magicAlly
    Fingers as
    Member as such
    is now rising with more
    Poetry true as words go by and hello again for sing
    as sKeYes FaLL aS Rise as James Fred Bond 006 will do neXT..
    YeaH i’M A Class act and all that means is tHeRe is no one but
    me in this school..

    OPeN LiNK NiGHT 213

    It’s True i tried to: Tale YoU thenow iT WaSn’t
    About the comments or the followers/likes
    or the shares or adhering to the Science
    of what some folks nAMe as art as PoEtrY
    thenow it wasis aLLNoW From:
    As tHaT CoMes TRuENoW
    Poetry is like Love it doesn’t
    have to be Worshipped iT iS ART
    so much bigger as FReEDLoVENoW..:)

    A LivingsTone
    PoeM A FliGHT
    oF LoVE A DanCE
    oF MoRE..
    SoaRS OCeaN
    WHoLE SHoReS

    MirRorS oF TruTH
    Lies coMe to: REal
    CulTurE RiseS To See
    A coiN
    Are ReaL FRoM..:)

    A Dance to:
    A FaLL
    No more
    STAir ways
    Clouds From:
    A DreAm to SPrinG..:)

    DeatH A DistanT
    Breath Waves
    ComeS AGAiN
    Life Longs Free

    LovE a smaLL
    DeaL That’S ReaL..;)

    i SaW A ShaMaN
    i WAnDeR WhY..;)

    ToNeS CoLoRS DancE
    ReaLiTY SinGS Practice
    PerFecT PaiNTiNG
    PainT BRusH CoLoR MoRE..:)

    SMiLes.. interestingly
    Grief loses Comfort
    of Oxytocin
    And rises
    Pleasure of
    Dopamine hint..
    Bitter Sweet life is
    And Science sHows why..;)

    SMiLes.. whenever a machine
    answers a call i
    say come
    are Human
    and i will make your day..
    but true that has little to do with
    taken.. hehe..;)

    SMiLeS.. aS i gRoW
    OldeR In aN OceaN
    WHole i FinD
    iN otHeRs
    Easier to: CrosS and DoT From: i..:)

    Breath oF A Baby
    A World’s
    For wHat
    Comes ReNeWeD..:)

    SMiLes.. ScarCities Breed Gods of Death STiLL
    CoNVersELy Abundance BRinGS Gods of LiFENoW
    is it any wonder
    is it any wander
    yes far off on
    to: NoW From:
    Greener Places
    wHeRe God Lives
    As those of Abundant
    LandS oFTeN See NoW
    A God
    oF aLL
    As LoVE
    No Longer
    WarS NoW
    oF STaRVinG
    little men DeatH as GodS LiVE..:)

    Cheers.. Yes.. Cups of Coffee
    to: folks who take us From:
    we are
    when the coffee tastes good
    for now.. funny little sad places to:
    So cOld Bitter Sweet
    From: now..
    And it’s True..
    i don’t drink coffee..
    well done..:)

    WeLL as Lashes go.. From:
    tHiS iS oNLY 14 out oF 39 NoW
    But Beading iS ended and Katrina
    Calls.. get ready to dance i’m ShoppinG it’s now to: Go..
    For me i
    rarELy buY
    but true i
    empty handed
    EiTHeR.. WeaTHeR iT iS SMiLeS
    oF OTHeRS.. Photos of Art
    i See and mayBe oTHeRS
    Do NoT
    Or Words
    oN FoR MusE
    wHeTHeR eVeR
    CusToMeR ReTurnS coMe aGain2..;)

  16. Moving back to dVerse.. somewhat of
    a dream comes to fruition for me
    at least.. hehe.. as someone
    actually interacts
    in kind
    as first i respond
    to Jane’s poem with..

    ToNeS CoLoRS DancE
    ReaLiTY SinGS Practice
    PerFecT PaiNTiNG
    PainT BRusH CoLoR MoRE..:)

    returns with

    lies only in our dreams,
    perhaps because
    they live in another world.

    i continue with..


    Jane then
    asks the

    Is perfection
    the fruit of practice
    or will practice
    the fruition
    of the dream?

    Then i answer with ‘A’

    A FRuiTioN
    Of DreaMs
    Is Art
    NoW aS
    And Dead..
    As there
    Is A..:)

    Now as an aside
    to an interaction with
    Jane i continue with..

    Hope’s Love
    is Change

    And old Books of Religion
    Are both Art of Change
    And Science
    NoW of
    there is no
    ‘the’ in Change
    And Let’s Face it class
    this thingy called ‘IS’ is Change..
    No.. never just this or that book
    as ‘the’ and never just this or that
    human as ‘the’.. As all is ‘A’ and Never ‘the’ alone
    other wise all would be science and we wouldn’t breathe…
    ArT as LoVE..
    AS God is..
    But not everyone
    sees art as science and science as art
    And true not everyone recognizes God as A..
    but look around just look around at all the sects of
    Christianity and Islam and Judaism and this or that
    Chakra rather than taking the body and mind as whole
    as reality in flux of Change that will be defined by seven
    points alone as 7 Visible Bodies of Light in skies of
    Night only
    as reality
    is so much
    bigger than a desert
    in the middle east and
    a man standing taller than
    grains of sand that hold up potential
    Mountains of Love even higher than before..
    true though.. some folks who wrote ‘the’ Bible saw
    that and made a John 14:12 and some fancy sandals
    that folks in the past and not yet in someone else’s present
    as Life would have difficulty undoing at that point of reality then..
    in reality the limits
    and expectations
    are prison
    comfort and
    order where Fruition’s
    Dreams come closer to the size of God..
    thing is there aren’t many folks like Jane who can untie
    my shoes simply for the greatest art that my Mother gave
    me of no expectations or limits to continue to grow wherever
    i WiLL
    thaT And
    wHo is paRT
    oF GoD aS WHolE
    Ocean Waves aLWays
    exPanDinG Shores more
    never ending always beginning..
    so far out of book covers and titles and yes
    for idols as
    prisons that limit
    so much more and
    expect so much less NoW as iS LiGHT (God)
    Rules Are Matrix deSigned to:
    BRinG Comfort to those who
    Fear Change From: ‘LiGHT’ iS as God (LiGHT)

    I will ride my dreams

  17. SMiLes.. Sohair.. thanks for coming online
    And wishing Friends Happy Saint
    Valentine’s Day away from
    your Vacation
    from the
    And for me Saint Valentine’s
    Day is a particularly Loaded Day
    of Holy and Sacred Meaning and
    Purpose unique to me for this day
    My Mother Fell to Her Death Bed
    in the Hospital last year with
    news she would not
    be leaving
    for this Day this
    year is Also Ash Wednesday
    as ritual that Catholics Do similar
    to what Muslim’s Do in the month
    of Ramadan as this is more than a month for sacrificing
    some kind of instant Gratification for those namely celebrating
    Jesus’ Sacrifice in their Book until what they name as a Resurrection
    from a Tomb on Easter Sunday that ironically this year also
    falls on April Fool’s Day too for true according to the story in
    the Christian Bible Jesus was presented as a Fool as the
    King of Jews for all he was is a Messenger
    And Servant of Love for the Good
    Cop Message of that
    story that
    is still
    told.. where
    the original Greek Writings
    of the message were changed from
    ‘A’ son of God to ‘the’ son of God for an amazing
    ‘typo’ that surely benefited the imperialistic expansion
    of the Roman Empire by Forcing folks to Worship a God Man
    instead of learning
    from a
    of Love in
    Giving and Sharing
    Loving one’s Neighbor
    as God and self consuming
    no others with Harm Loving one’s
    enemy and even now turning the other
    Cheek as Meek with enough self esteem
    as Woman and or Man Gentile Jew Servant
    Free no more as all are part and parcel of God
    to all that
    is God now as
    we are no greater
    than a grain of sand
    that holds up Mountains
    of Love that come to be Human Love..
    Smiles my FriEnd for i am not afraid of the Truths
    that be for all the struggles it took for all the Messengers
    of Love to Bring a Golden Rule like this alive for true too.. for
    anyone who actually lives as Love they are a fountain overflowing
    never needing affirmation or worship from others for when one lives
    here in this place of Love one understands who and what is as Love and
    God as
    Well beyond
    all human flesh
    and blood living
    within now too.. for true
    10 Years ago i also experienced
    A Spring of 40 days of Lent with 19 Medical
    Disorders including the ones i have related to you
    before.. including Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia as
    a pain actually assessed as worse than crucifixion pain
    for a total of 66 months along with Dysautonomia as other
    Major Health Challenge out of a synergy of life threatening
    disorders where my Blood Pressure no longer synched with
    my Heart rate and the Blood would find it hard to reach my
    brain and every time i attempted to sleep my heart
    would race to take the blood to my head
    and wake me up with a pain so
    horrifying that it is
    literally described
    as the
    disease too….
    1 hour of shallow card
    board sleep through the aid
    of a powerful alpha blocker drug
    to slow my heart while my brain still
    starved for Blood.. for the first 35 of 40
    days and the last 5 where that drug no longer
    would work with no sleep at all.. every day another
    ring deeper as what some might describe as Dante’s
    Hell.. for true this was beyond any word’s imaginable
    beyond pain as eventually all feelings and senses
    went away to a place where A Second was is a
    Thousand years of separation from
    feel and sense from yes what
    one comes to understand
    is God for one
    who and
    God is
    when one is
    separated from God’s
    Nature within Human like this..
    And then Hell fire is a dream instead
    of punishment for to be doused with gasoline
    and lit up is a preferable place than to be separated
    from God as Nature dead as alive for Death is the Greatest
    Pleasure of
    all in
    of Living Hell..
    thing is my friend it was the fear the stress
    the worry the chronic and acute fight or flight stress
    from Work from a Chronic 11 years of stress to an acute
    2 year period of fight or flight constant stress that took me on
    a path to hell truly mostly for i came to believe that what Culture
    decided for me to survive was more important than a Nature of Love
    within in Peace and Harmony for it was me who did not have the courage
    to say
    move on
    to Greener
    Pastures of Love then..
    trapped in iLLuSoRY Fears
    was i and also trapped in the
    Material things i came to believe
    as in Homes and Cars and Stuff
    more important than retaining
    Loving eyes and a Loving
    Touch of Life to give
    it away for a dollar
    bill and some
    to lose my spirit
    heart and soul as servant
    to job instead of Love.. smiles my Friend..
    some lesSons come easier than others.. School
    didn’t teach about this nor were there any warnings
    at work other than physical signs of disorder to come..
    that i refused to listen to and suffered the consequences thereof..
    there is no Life without Love lesson lEarned the Hard way as a consequence
    of the actions of Negativity’s Fear then.. as fruition of hell on Earth for me..
    And true there is no escaping God once one Truly Sees God Face to Face
    by Facing Separation From God in a place for A thousand years in one
    second.. alive as dead.. We all come into this world and go out
    of this world as equals of Born and Dying.. all that matters
    here is
    the love
    we are and
    the love we bring
    for true if that is what
    we do we will take solace
    in that last blink of life that Breathes
    Love into the Peace of Night.. all i care to know
    is Love my Friend and every now is Valentine’s to me..
    in A place with no space no time no distance opposite to
    that other place
    God as Love
    ALL A Highest
    Force Alive..NoW
    no one in this place
    would ever lower themselves
    to be worshipped my friend NoW
    for Love is A Worshipping Force NoW
    of Life to Give and Share to OTHeRS..
    NoW mY FriEnd Sohair..:)

  18. Oh Lord.. tHeRe are so many Young Men
    Online who have rabid hate for Strong
    Women these days.. And Women
    in General per say and
    yes.. sadly..
    do for
    they have lost
    the ability to play a fiddle
    of heART strings that and will
    touch a woman’s heart and
    a certain masculinity
    of will and strength
    to go along
    a Foundation
    of Grace and Love..
    sure.. i understand.. i too went
    through some what of a stage and a little
    bit of a rage when my First Love Broke
    up with me for the immaturity of me in
    ways of emotions and even strength and will
    too.. sure.. lots of love i did.. but rather stiff and
    short on the Balance of Grace too.. of course i had no
    social clues like this then.. And sure.. the good ‘ole Asperger’s
    thingy on the Autism Spectrum was surely a challenge of this.. then..
    but True.. an Environment of the Apple on the Teacher’s Desk was/is a far far
    away Galaxy of Intelligence for what it means to have a fully successful relationship
    that lasts with the fairer gender as such as that and who is gaining miles and miles ahead
    of the Male (hint: females)
    of the species for as
    females bond
    together more than
    males do with each other
    so.. they have more folks to fall
    back on for support for matters of the heART…
    True.. i understand this now through many years more now
    of experience.. but.. oh Lord.. so far out in the cold of exercising
    the School Intelligences then.. over the more alive Human Intelligences
    in Moving Connecting Co-Creating ways of my Fellow Human Beings.. then2..
    particularly.. until.. i went to the University of Bowling Center and handed out
    so many thousands of shoes.. likely directly connecting to over 100K Folk in close
    to two decades of doing that then.. a little flabbergasted at hearing Jordan Peterson
    who offers valuable information on myths and religion but when it comes to common
    sense of the work-place in suggesting that Men and Women haven’t had enough time
    to understand ‘the rules’ of working together and women are intentionally provoking
    Men with their Make-up to turn their turn on buttons up when sure it feels good
    to be smart and sexy too.. but you see.. we live in a civilized society where
    Sexual Assault.. including Verbal Assault in this way is just not allowed
    And coming out of the closet now even more.. i sense the
    Asperger’s Syndrome Force is strong with this
    Man.. JP.. but it’s true Women can and do
    Work well with men.. it’s just the
    little men who cannot feel
    big unless they exert
    some kind
    of dominance
    over Women and they
    sure don’t get to do that with
    Men.. for any Man who would do such
    a thing against women now.. spineless as such..
    And upset for being rejected and the such as that..
    And turning to forcing one’s will on the Opposite Gender too..
    thing.. is.. if you wanna have a target audience now for any money
    making adventure to stroke some self-esteem into folks who do not
    have it.. Young Disenfranchised men.. and yes.. Disenfranchised
    Christians too.. are surely some of the best places/folks online
    to make a mob happen in the streets all
    around a spider web online of i hate
    Women and Hope and Love
    and Joy and
    knows even with the
    Call for an Uprising Dude on
    YouTube that and who Preaches
    against the Force of Love afraid that
    a One World order (Art) oF LoVE will take the place
    of the current us verses them that runs so high
    at the top of the United States Capital Now
    as far as Presidential Sway fully on
    Display does now dance and sing
    A devil dance song per ‘anti’
    now against most all
    A Good
    Cop J
    DudE TeaCHiNGS STiLL..
    Anyway.. Jordy’s Video all about
    Women using make-up and wearing high HeaLS
    And lip-Stick as a sexual weapon against men in the
    Work-Place makes no sense for those out of the ivory tower
    for it’s true in reality Women compete more against other Women
    for who’s better looking all around now still.. true.. it is that these
    make-up devices replicate Rosy Red Cheeks and Lips And Heels Tilt up
    a Rear for ‘an oil change as such”.. at the shop too.. but A
    thing is as science shows.. generally speaking.. a
    stimulus like this for men in the Workplace
    actually increases Creativity and
    Productivity too.. sure.. there
    are plenty of ‘bad’
    and unbalanced
    apples that and who cannot
    and will not keep their hands and other
    parts away from Women who are just not interested
    in ‘bedding’ ‘you’.. and that’s why A Society STiLL Makes
    Laws for those with money and illusory power and status..
    who would otherWise use those devices to push their will on
    OTHeRS.. Harming others too.. No.. Jordan.. the sky is not falling
    yet.. and those outcast for so many years deserve the protection they’ve earned..:)

  19. THeRe’s a SonG that goes
    To the LEasT of my people
    And So oN
    iS oNe of
    My Favorites..
    True.. in the ‘Good
    Book’.. John predicted
    ‘HiM’ iN A Letter to rule
    A quick note i wrote to a Preacher Man
    in an echo chamber who is highly unlikely
    to approve of tHis mesSage hehe.. amongst a group
    of folks who have Written the Good Cop Jesus a ‘Dear
    John Letter’ that goes something like this.. Dear Good Cop
    Jesus.. it’s true i (we) have met someone new.. he’s not like you
    for he is about 6 Feet tall and sometimes says he is about 6 Foot 3..
    true he is not Brown and around 5 Foot 1 and 106LBS like you in fact
    he is Blonde with somewhat of an interesting looking tan.. different.. much
    different is he than you.. in fact he weighs closer to 240LBS and now says he
    is a healthiest specimen of a man you’ll ever meet and the thing is he says
    that no one loves women more than him and no one loves minorities
    like he does in fact he says he is the (a) best one of every one and
    he is the only Savior in the World that can save me (us)
    from a life of Scarcity in a Very Scary Place
    where no longer can we find jobs
    to make more money
    and no longer
    can we
    depend that the
    Outcasts among us.. namely
    Homosexuals and Transgender folks
    will stay that way for in this land of equality
    and freedom of expression and the right to life and
    liberty and justice terrifyingly as such these outcasts
    are now allowed to even pursue their Happiness too..
    and are becoming equal with us as gentile jew servant
    and free woman and man including even Queers
    and other folks with different gender labels
    as such.. and oh Lord for what we
    once loved in outcast
    Woman too
    to take care of children
    or mentally ill who succumbed
    to the reality of coat hanger abortions
    and dumping unborn children in the woods
    for fear that their Protestant families would disown
    them for they were not allowed birth control and had to
    hide their pregnancies as the Star Southern Baptist Quarter
    Back had his way with them in the back of his pick’em-up truck
    promising he would marry them and take care of them forever
    until after the act as such got done.. and it’s true now that
    medically safe abortions are allowed.. no longer is
    our prayer of this place we live more like
    a third world country now that
    we would love to live in
    where permanent
    disability and much greater
    suffering among the newly born
    would occur as it is currently happening
    in Mexico that we love for abortion is illegal
    there but it’s true those brown folks we hate over there
    ’cause they might get some of what we have over here as
    we refuse to clothe the naked among them.. and take care of
    the sick and poor among them.. for we’ve got ours and ‘FucK’ ’em
    we won’t share.. hell no.. get ’em outta here now.. and it’s true that’s why
    not only do we support our new savior we love him too.. for he will destroy
    all our enemies while you say we should love ’em instead.. yes.. Good Cop Jesus you
    are not our man any more.. we have a new Savior and Lover and he is tops to us..:)

    *Line Break.. Change the Camera View to First (second;third;last) Person please..

    It’s True.. some nights i lay in bed fantasizing about being the Good Cop Jesus coming
    Back and writing 7 Bibles 7 times and more the size of the old King James Version NoW
    And setting all this ‘stuff’ ‘straight’.. in fAct.. even doing a King David Dance in Public
    for 8869 Miles as of last night in close to 54 Months of doing all of that in
    facT some times i DReAM aBout doing it all naked like Isaiah did it
    for 3 years as sure.. Doing it more for close to 54 months now too..
    And True in a place where 61 percent of Evangelistic
    Christians see their top dog as a Savior as
    Such.. i too.. fantasize about going
    as far as Egypt and
    even India
    too.. to at least
    find a ‘Mary’ or two or
    ever three or maybe even
    just one now in Egypt who really
    listens to me and perhaps a Southern
    Baptist Preacher’s Wife too who doesn’t
    quite get to express all of who she is in her
    current church these dayS hehe.. and what
    else.. oh yeah.. starting all of this at age 53
    after playing the song “Jesus Christ
    Super Star” in Middle Schol
    at age 13.. 40 years
    Before that
    laughed at
    called a fool
    and Moses wandering
    a lost love in a Desert
    Land of Beach in Malignant
    Patriarchy Land then.. sure in a place
    ironically with the most so-called Christian churches
    per square mile in a place that was once called Scratch
    Ankle and Literally Hell too for sure with the most churches
    and all of that one more would expect it to be called a “New Jerusalem”
    in a place where God’s People were finally truly set free in a “New Israel”
    named the United States of America where someone who looks a whole
    lot like that Statue of King David stands proudly in a Harbor in what surely
    looks like ‘Drag’ per a foundation of love and grace with the will and strength
    standing tall and erect with the ‘Torch of Liberty’ lit uP high to the Heavens
    below in this land is your land for free now too.. sure.. your huddled
    masses.. bring ’em on too.. so it’s true this is my anti-Dear
    John Letter coming back to ‘you’.. make of it what you
    will.. i am just born a poor boy and sort of a
    Bohemian Writing a Freddy
    Mercury-like Rhapsody
    Letter now real..
    true too
    i am just
    a legally and medically
    assessed permanently disabled
    Dude too.. assessed by professionals
    by letter as someone who cannot ‘optimally’
    fit into Society as Society stands now.. true and
    (Specifically with Asperger’s Syndrome and Bi Polar)
    i am so FucKinG Happy that no one pays me much ‘mind’
    past the Public Dance and all of that for True without a word
    i am ‘A’ hero to those who can truly see the (a) ‘FReEDLoVENoW’
    iN the Dance i BRinG and it is very true some of those people are
    even members of the Christian Church too amongst
    even those who support their newest Savior
    now true.. thing is.. if the others..
    yes.. the others.. some
    of the others
    at least
    ever took
    what i am doing serious..
    now like this is not just a Poem
    And A 7XBible and a 8869 Mile
    Public Dance in Close to 54 Months
    Doing that Naked too.. as a Project of
    Sorts to test the waters around here to see
    iF iT iS even possible that anyone ‘like’ ‘them’ would
    recognize a real Good Cop Jesus Now if he and or him
    came tHeir ways these days.. it’s true in someways i am
    an adversary and an accuser too.. in some ways i am a prosecutor
    and judge and a jury too.. but the thing is i can come and i can go NoW iN
    broad daylight foR iT’s true according to ‘YouR Book’ by Words as they now
    Stand by your other man John.. the chapter 14 and the verse 12 gives
    me all the authority i need by ‘the book’ as any ‘Good’ Defense Lawyer
    would say to do all of this now with no offense by you but it’s
    true.. you cannot be trusted.. you’ve proven that now you’ve
    also proven that you don’t know who Good Cop Jesus is
    still no different than the olden days you remain
    the same/different as the actors change and
    the characters in the
    “Me3” movie
    the different
    and same now too..
    and yes.. so do i who is you too..
    as we are all pArts Whole as Ocean aLL
    as God Play now isreaL.. you see.. i’ve figured
    out the actors and the directors and the producers too
    for true they are me and you too now real.. thing is.. i direct
    and produce and act my play and you too are welcome to do
    the same/different with relative free will too.. My God is Love and you too
    are welcome
    to choose
    You Love too..
    i saved myself
    now.. you save you.. if you will…
    A shout-out goes to Iggy providing
    aNotHeR theMe SonG here.. its’ true
    by the time you ‘find’ ‘me’.. (Love) i’ll more than
    likely be helping another planet by then.. heHe..
    And if you want to.. after i am gone you can make a movie
    out of
    i already did.. hAha..
    it’s not like i’m predicting anything.. huh..
    And Ha.. it’s not like i have to hide any of this (Love) either NoW
    or KeeP iT Secret and tHat for now thaT is the most delicious pART oF aLL
    i get to have FuN JusT doing iT aLL NoW and Love to the end of the stART aGaiNoW..
    But SERiouSLY.. iF God (Love) were to actuAlly come back in ‘the flesh’ NoW DO YoU
    reAlly thiNk ‘you’ WiLL tell Love (God) what or what not to do.. if you do.. NOW i AiN’T
    ‘the fool’ for LOVE
    that’s for sure… From:
    JusT CrazY As ‘A’ FoX..
    WitH NO FauX NeWS NoW FoR LOVE ISREAL.. to: me.

    TitLe oF THiS CoMiNG STiLL

    Oh YeaH it’s also true.. thaT Piano SonG i played 44 years ago is CoMinG
    Back to Television on April Fool’s Day.. yep IT’s TRuE ‘Jesus Christ
    Super Star’ is coming this Easter SuNDaY.. SoW MakE oF tHaT
    wHaT YoU
    WitH LoVE2 as
    YoU Reap iF YoU WiLL2..:)

    i’ll be watching….

    *pan out to ‘the’ scene wHere A stranger
    moves two fingers from his eYes to you.

  20. SMiLES AGAiN Sohair
    And thankS agAin For
    A HeART Shaped Box
    oF Red Roses as A
    Dozen you
    Bring to me
    And Katrina for
    Valentine’s Day
    two days early
    For too.. it’s
    TruE iN LiGHT
    we may now not
    receive any FLoWeRS
    like this from anywhere else
    in our World for it is true to: you
    mY friEnd
    Are From:
    Enough For Love….
    A World We aLL BeLong..
    iN God’s Play thaT iS ReaL anD
    ALiVinGNoW Tree oF LiFE Shedding
    ‘Leaves’ as LoVE LiVES FReEDNoW..:)
    Very Positive Interpretation
    And outlook on Islam
    Sohair.. thanks
    Love Wins..
    SMiLEs so
    Much and
    Thanks to Love..:)


  21. Hehe.. wiNkS agAin too my FriEnd
    Sohair.. as technology continues
    to do its best to catch up on all
    i bring to the table in
    terms of Mega
    of photos
    and such as that..
    the door is always
    open to you as i’m sure
    you know feel and sense..
    And it’s true in this play for
    God that i am curRently involved
    in it has/is been necessary that i remain
    invisible to most to get the job as is done..
    NoW at least in
    words as
    i am only
    one person
    as we all
    are and too
    allone with God too..
    And for every friend that comes
    my way they will always get the most
    of my attention first.. it’s true my friend
    most folks can’t handle fully unconditional
    love and for that reason and feeling and sense
    the Land we live in is a small eye of a Needle still
    for the
    rest to come in
    for true no one is
    Excluded from: Love
    when Fully to: isReaLNoW2..:)

  22. Practice
    ToNeS CoLoRS DancE
    ReaLiTY SinGS Practice
    PerFecT PaiNTiNG
    PainT BRusH CoLoR MoRE..
    lies only in our dreams,
    perhaps because
    they live in another world.
    Is perfection
    the fruit of practice
    or will practice
    the fruition
    of the dream?
    A FRuiTioN
    Of DreaMs
    Is Art
    NoW aS
    And Dead..
    As there
    Is A..
    who needs
    The Night
    The blue horses
    All bring sweet dreams.
    oF WinGS..

    The rest of Jane’s interaction
    with the poem we bring with
    my input followed
    with ellipses
    as such
    and her input
    followed by
    punctuation as ‘they’
    sTill DancE and SinG2..
    AdditionAlly.. Jane lives in France as far as i can see and is
    Irish and it seems she is a real poet of the ones i FeeL anD SeNSE2..
    And A Pantheist and no doubt pART of why she sees and hears me wHOLe2..:)

    I will ride my dreams

  23. Oh Lord.. i missed the all free
    Provided MacroVerse Memories
    that Facebook Provides year to
    date yesterday so i had to manually
    do it myself as i do appreciate all the
    Free Help.. A Facebook Algorithm Server
    does give to me to prepare a
    way as such in Avenues
    for Free art like
    this as hey
    are good for
    something to serve humans
    as long as we do not become
    Tools as the Robots no more less too..
    For True tHeRe ain’t still quite been nuThing
    Like Human invented by Science yet not even
    really getting too close to the Uncanny Valley yet
    though ‘they’
    keep striving
    to do just that
    but science
    will never
    be able
    to duplicate
    the original make
    and model of the Holy
    Creative Spirit (aka God2)
    for that Force is ever changing
    within in moving connecting and
    co-creating from the depths of pure
    iMaGInATioN sAMe and DiFFeREnT
    too.. so.. sorry science and robots
    that and this is ouTTa YouR
    League forevermore
    noW at Least
    as ReaLiTY
    DanceS anD SinGS NoW
    HeR DreAM DancE AnD
    SonG iN HoLY CreATiVE
    SpiRiT eVen MoRE
    for those wHo
    are open
    all the ways
    around to see and
    hear and do iT aLL EvEn MoRE NoW2..
    Now off to the weekly visit at the gigoid’s place as this
    Third Round of Filling up Facebook Profile Pics at close
    to 7 to 8K Words each or so is getting very full wHeRe
    iT’s alMosT NoW too to BRinG ouT aNoTHeR
    FaceBooK Profile Pic to Fill and Feel
    And Sense the rest oF iT iN and
    out too
    FoR FReE
    oN CourSE.
    But first a rather muddy
    silt dance awaits me out
    doors in clouds of Free at
    2:20 PM on 2.12.2018.. NoW
    So yeah.. this is like a Public
    Diary too as most all Blogs
    And Bibles are too.. BRinGinG
    iT aLL iN WitH A Mud MiX oF sTuFF NoW to:.. OuT… From:
    Gotta Love aLL A MiX of the existential experience of being
    or not..
    i For One JusT
    WiLL Do aLL of Do DoinG iT
    And SuRe,. LoVE iT aLL.. Too..
    Better Than An alternative of down
    to fear of the
    dArk and cynicism
    oF (A) tHE LiGHTNoW2..:)

    Hmm.. Clouds.. Zero Percent Chance
    of Rain with Floating Fog Drizzle so off to gigoid’s place now…

    “Food, sleep, fear, propagation;
    each is the common property of men with brutes.
    Virtue is really their additional distinction;
    devoid of virtue, they are equal with brutes.”

    ~~ The Hitopadesa (600?-1100? A.D.) ~~

    SMiLes gigoid and Happy Big Blue Room NoW
    Good Will Hunting to you with Love as i’ll stART
    off with this one above to Dance and Sing i most
    often come here for SHiNoLA and predictably
    find it and also go to some places
    of SHiToldYa and predictably
    find it tHeiR too so
    sure.. i appreciate
    YouR SHiNoLA
    Very much..
    But True in a World
    that Love might Dictate is a great
    thing that the SHiToldYa is finally getting
    censored out.. i’m not sure that is a good thing
    for you know what they say about roaches.. when
    the light’s not on ‘they’ survive just as well in dark places
    too and true they work twice as hard to get food.. whatever
    that takes.. and
    sure to Breed
    Roach Folks too..
    it’s true my friEnd there
    are plenty of Shadow Roaches
    out and about in online light now2 and
    True as far as SHiToldYa’s.. the KinG Roach
    is BRinGinG even more dARk out into the LiGHT
    unafraid of
    RaiD these
    days.. hehe..
    embOLDened as
    ‘they’ say on the Dining
    Room TABLE oF LoVE too..
    the thing about it is i really have
    no choice but to respect roaches in the
    light and in the dark for true that shadow
    brute force of survival in Finding Food and
    Propagating more is the Shadow Force
    thaT also is the Grain of Sand
    that Mountains of Love
    Fly uPoN NoW
    too.. True
    the least i can hope
    and will to do is to raise the
    ‘dirt’ up beneath my feet to LiVInG
    LoVE for the dirt that brought my ancestors
    all to the potential of a Kingdom Come oF LoVE
    aLWaYs NoW to appreciate and JuST Do Do Do NoW..
    i am not afraid of the dark for as always that dark is core
    to all the light i am.. as Love.. i am not afraid of my shadow
    nor my propensities to get Mused over the fairer and lightly
    cladded other gender.. i am not afraid of Anger for i understand
    how to turn Anger into a weapon of Loving Hands.. i am not afraid
    of Jealousy for i understand now how to have it all in just three feet
    of sand and a spiraling dance Naked with the (a) Sun of eARTh and a bite
    to eat.. some water and a roof over my head for true i am the one who has it
    all in just
    a naked
    dance of life
    who once thought
    there was more than Love
    and Dance and Song and a few
    crumbs and water and shelter to make life all
    it truly needs to be as LoVinG FReED NoW to be..
    true.. for in this sense and feel how can i not feel sorry
    for those who are envious of what they cannot see at naked hand..
    for they are already
    have it all just
    like me
    if they
    will just open
    up a Real heART oF
    SpiRiT as a SoUL that
    and who Dances and Sings
    as a Leaf of Grass in a Whitman Garden
    of LoVinG
    iT aLL
    as any Kosmic Priest
    will simply do forevermore
    NoW iN a City of LiGHt that
    And who Lives WiTHiN..
    And it’s true.. i am not
    afraid to fight
    but i am
    enough not to ever
    feel less or more than
    a grain of sand the same
    and different too.. in other words..
    there is no compelling reason for offense
    and good reason to walk away as far as turning
    other cheeks too.. but true fearless carries a defense on itS oWN
    And a ReaP of Peace NoW as WiLL’s GracE oF LoVEFReEDNoW..
    As far as gluttony goes.. sometimes i have to be reminded to eat.. as
    Far as vanity goes you bet i love myself as much as i love you and everything else..
    hehe.. have i left anything out of Brute Force too.. sure likely i have for words are limits
    and essence
    is everything
    i do
    LoVE too..
    True.. i don’t like
    everything but accepting
    what i cannot change is enough
    to Love all For me.. True.. my FriEnd
    i am A Brute2 as i Love me some Minions too
    sure or 3 as true i am A connoisseur of Minions where i live2..
    i don’t want them to hide.. they work hard enough in the light..;)

    “Just being weird is enough.”

    ~~ Truthful Bee ~~

    iN short.. Amen.. with some
    food.. some drink.. some
    shelter and
    a little
    my friends..
    Sure.. RaMeN noodles
    will do with hot water too
    and or some ‘Lucy’ crackers
    with some KeTCHuP too..
    sure.. as i give the
    Katrina mostly
    free reins
    to spending
    sprees on every
    day as Valentine’s Day now
    and the such as that.. don’t
    worry dear if we run out.. there’s
    always Condiments Free at Burger
    King and some Hot Water in Public
    Bathrooms for remember a Roach
    will do what he and or her has to do..
    And if we can scrounge up enough money
    for the Church Casino Trip ‘they’ have Free Food
    on the Tour Bus and Free RootBeer at the Hard Rock Cafe..
    as long as i have love and health and Jesus F in Christ a Free
    Dance and Song and Free Wi-Fi at Burger King too.. and if all my
    computers die.. free computers at the Public Library to Write on too..
    And Free Books to Read at Barnes and Nobles if we can catch a ride
    there when all our cars die from old age too.. and true as far as electricity
    goes it never
    gets too
    cold to
    bundle up
    and hug wHere i live..
    and on top of that even if i die NoW
    in that last breath i will say i FucKinG LiVED with a Good
    bye… heHe.. what eLse.. yep that’s enough for NoW hAHA..
    my friEnd..
    like that dude
    says who is the
    most powerful man
    in the World in that Booze commercial hehe..
    Oh God i am so fucking fortunate i was born
    Poor to feeL anD
    oF Hungry
    LoVE aLL FReEDNoW..
    Hehe.. other folks build towers
    and threaten and hope for the end
    of the world and never find Heaven now.

    -sad but true.

    “It is in changing that things find repose”

    ~~ Heraclitus ~~

    “Anyone can hate. It costs to love.”

    ~~ John Williamson ~~

    “If you want to be happy, be.”

    ~~ Leo Tolstoy ~~

    “Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.”

    ~~ Anne Sexton ~~

    “The Soul is born old, but it grows young;
    that is the comedy of life.
    The Body is born young and grows old;
    that is life’s tragedy.”

    ~~ Oscar Wilde ~~

    “Be not anxious about what you have,
    but about what you are.”

    ~~ Pope St. Gregory I ~~

    “How admirable,
    he who thinks not,
    ‘Life is fleeting’,
    When he sees
    the lightning!”

    ~~ Basho ~~

    YeP.. LiKE
    i sAid2..:)

    Exquisitely intricate twine….

  24. Titillating topic and word on topic; I must say here two days before
    Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday on the same day per “Are Female
    Nipples Honestly That “Bad” To Be Shown”; for it is true on Fat
    Tuesday in open streets and with open Containers still in New
    Orleans Parades one may come across one or two of these things; hehe.
    But of course as logic will have it and Science too away from Art and with
    Science and Art too; Social Scientist, Jonathan Haidt, per great Ted Talk Sermons
    enlightens us more on the Nature of Conservative More Closed Minded Folks who more
    often see fear and moreover disgust in what is different; and what they don’t ‘normally’ see as often
    literally opposed to, too; to those who enjoy an Art Show of ‘David on Display’ with relatively tiny lower parts
    now fully displayed, below now too; YeS, iN other words ‘those liberals’ ‘over there’ who lift their Shirts up with
    no cares with open containers too on the Sides of Streets by Parades; for true, just the act of that for a more open
    minded liberal person looking for a thrill to go with a potential Variant in Dopamine Reward System Genetics will
    do more for stimulation than someone other wise who is not looking for Dopamine Stimulation that yes can and
    will come from Titillating events, just like this. Yes, I will provide the evidence below and also a timely Educational
    Video on the ‘Science of Lust’ and Love to learn much more about this among those with credentials much more
    than what I remember about everything I read and see/saw like an Elephant Regurgitating a highly Asperger’s
    Syndrome influenced Monologue too. True, on this website according to informal and highly generally
    populated polls; the level of introversion as far as personality trait often associated with more
    closed minded ways of being is around 95 Percent; if my Elephant Memory for text serves
    me ‘write’ now, in terms of almost photographic accuracy as such, still now. So, true;
    don’t be surprised if one sees a little more disgust over Human Naked
    Parts that are more usually covered up here than more open
    minded and bodied folks among us surely in the extreme
    like me; For I do Nude Art myself close to 58 years old and have
    found some Young Woman in their early twenties don’t mind it at all and
    true i wouldn’t even bring it up with the Southern Baptist Crowd where i live as
    a Natural Environmental Habitat that naturally attracts and keeps more conservative
    minds and bodies aCross the life span too; as yes, just a generality but one that can
    be empirically measured too; As far as Anthropology and the study of the Human condition
    that is also another almost full time hobby of mine since earning a University Degree in that area
    of Education close to 35 Years ago as i continue to further my education in autodidact ways too; as the
    years continue to roll by in bliss and that’s another subject too that can and will be associated with
    Body Parts and the such as that too more fully exposed and yes used too in tantric ways and the
    such as that; but anyway, per say and do, per the history of Human; Breasts are usually
    worshipped more in times of scarcity for ‘that’ may be even more important in
    ample way to Feed the Village of Children then; and yes, always Hips are
    generally speaking worshipped more for overall fertility bringing
    ways too; and, yes, larger hips and larger breasts are also
    associated of course with Fertility too; for it’s true it takes ample
    Subcutaneous Fat to get through Long and often Hairy Breasted Winters
    among the entire Animal Kingdom, too. True, as Science and observations show
    there is still residual hair left on some female chests too and with males some are more
    gifted like me with a Forest now too up there and all around too; hmm, but that Hair Crown
    on the top is going rather more bare these days for the rest of the bear of me; haha. For true
    too, an interesting phenomon is happening now too where the Old John Travolta and Magnum PI
    and James Garner pictures of sexually attractive men in hairy chested way drifts off to waxing the chest;
    And gross! A man with hair on his chest as that is gross for many more likely younger woman now too more.
    Fortunately, my wife doesn’t mind it, so I got married too. In Fact, as yes I was born in the right period of time
    as far as younger days go as I cannot remember a single female saying it was gross back then; quite the contrary
    in fact; and in almost Movie Memory ways too, then. In Japan, among the Youth, and regarding the overall level of Social
    Stress related items in life; of course, including over-population too; disgust is more prevalent in seeing all human
    sexually related body parts much more; in fact, many more youth as on average are now disgusted even at
    the thought of having sexual relations at all. More folks are pushing around dogs in Baby Carriages and
    even Robo-Dogs too. True; Mother Nature will have her interesting input now in all that goes on in human
    input and output always still, ‘these days’. Nature, is having ‘Heart Burn’ over Humans for they have grown
    way out of Balance now and the Rest of Nature is saying no, no, and no; it’s now to get back in balance
    and or all naturally the all natural consequences will come next now to put ‘us’
    in a place of the worm feeding garden once again more than even before
    out of Balance as such as that comes and goes now. When Teenage
    Pregnancies go down; Mother and or Father Nature Dances and
    Sings a Joy of Balance once again as True Naturally fewer Humans will impact
    less as a By Product of Culture that from Mid Moon to Earth Distance looks very much
    like a Cancer on the Earth of Eating life away. For True; the living ‘sphere of this Earth
    strives to survive to continue to eat and drink and breathe free now. As Liberal as I am
    and as much as I love the Aesthetics fully from Head to Toe of the Female Form of Essence
    in all the shapes it comes that way or not; now clothed or naked; I understand the Voice of Nature
    all for what I Love to Hold Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning And Purpose to Elevate to a three letter
    Word ‘God’ that and who means all and more than all of what humans feel and sense now. For true; what escape
    is there but life and doing the best we can and will now; Living Free with Love is the best way for me now; the Breast
    Feeds; it is holy and sacred and full of meaning and purpose to me now; nothing grosses me out much but true i am
    a flaming
    liberal too;
    except for money;
    money disgusts me and
    particularly when folks love it so
    much they spend more than they have;
    But Breasts and more particularly the female
    nipples; they never S**K to me; I Love ’em all as they Give Life and Love;
    true though; not everyone looks at life like this; and they deserve to be Happy
    and not exposed to those usually covered up body parts now, still; true, there are alternatives
    to use now where folks can expose themselves or stay clothed (plus look). What a Wonderful World it will
    be if we Nipple
    and those
    who are disgusted
    by Naked Body Parts can/will
    all just get along in both Dance
    and Sitting Still. True; it’s easier for a
    open minded and bodied person unless
    they get ‘tied down’ and ‘covered up’ too.
    Anyway, as always; thanks Wrong Planet for the interesting
    topic for Science and Art muse for me, at least. And as promised
    here is that Valentine’s Day and General Church and State related stuff
    as that applies
    to Body
    too; yes on topic
    per Nipples and other stuff too.
    Sure, and I’ll toss in a Video Link about
    Bonobos too. True; they make a great case
    for Love over War and raving Promiscuity too.
    True too; reminds me very much of the Dance Hall
    and all the very aggressive Bootie Dance rituals too; now.
    True too; down here where I live close to the Beach people
    seem happiest; at least those who enjoy a Frankie Avalon Beach Party
    with as few
    clothes on
    as possible
    all legal as such
    for it’s true; Breasts do normally
    sag as days go by; Butts rather drop/droop too
    and the such as that too; True, it is actually clothes
    like Bras that keep stuff up the most in titillating fertile
    ways as far as instinct goes along with the rouge of Make-up
    on Cheeks and a certain tilt that comes with high heels too. The
    Truth is as the video on Lust and Lust as far as Scientific Documentary
    goes too; humans are a whole lot more like Bonobos than ‘we’ would like to admit
    now, overall, too; but not everyone; for some folks, just the thought of any thing related
    to sex disgusts them severely now; true; for A-Sexuality is a real non-sexual orientation too.
    Additionally, as Science Shows, now; folks who have Naturally Occurring Lower Libidos are
    on average much more disgusted by stuff; particularly, sex related stuff; more than
    others with much higher innate libidos; like i do naturally have too.
    The more we understand our differences
    and similarities the more we will get along.
    But true that takes a whole lot of Heavy lifting
    per the original Greek Definition of Apocalypse that
    means lifting the veils of ignorance now more; The catch
    22 is all Naturally some folks simply do not want to see more now;
    As usual it is the Artists, over the ‘rule makers’ who are also naturally more
    conservative; as Artists, tend to move out of the cave art now more; like that should
    be hard to figure out now; hehe; but it is for some still with little correlation to Standard
    IQ now. True; as ‘they’ say in General; Conservative folks who might be more averse to seeing
    a nipple on the Street have higher Standard Measures of IQ now. True too; Standard IQ doesn’t
    touch much of anything
    associated with
    the other
    Full Continent
    and Metaphor of Art Hemisphere
    Intelligence of Mind. Right and Left as ‘they’ say;
    True; some of us are both and the ‘tween of that too.
    And I must admit there are some nipples, I enjoy looking
    at more than others. My wife’s are the best; I am gonna stick
    with them like a Baby with a Pacifer latched; heHe; now still more for years to come too..:)


  25. A Voice oF GoD iS
    ALL VOiCeS NoW
    ParTiCuLaRLY ART

    WeLL.. as i stART to WinD.. “TitLe oF THiS CoMiNG STiLL” now fulfilling the
    ‘Prophecy’ of that and more of course with what will soon be a
    conclusion of “FReEDLoVENoW”.. it is now for another
    FB Profile pic.. a couple per a matter of fAct
    and art too for the Karmic eye
    of me before my work-out
    tonight and yes
    the Photography
    Art work of Katrina
    as she puts me in sort
    of a Lilliputian scenario
    with two young Models in
    Dillard’s in the Mall butt remember
    class as Yoda does still teach per gentile
    jew servant free woman and or man no more
    it is true.. size matters not too and it is very refreshing
    that the Wife Katrina doesn’t call these two women the proverbial
    “skinny bitch” line hehe.. for the Katrina is far far from the ‘paranoid’
    Jealous type.. for true she has healthy self-esteem.. not too much just
    right for me as the three care bears do appreciate aesthetic beauty of
    the entire human species too in all the sizes and shapes that comes
    and or may not come in from head to toe too.. true.. per the Ted
    Talks and the such as that on the ‘Wrong Planet’ there
    are some folks who think that every covered body
    part is gross and on the “Call for an Uprising”
    youtube website per conspiracy theories
    too it was suggested
    that Justin
    wife is so bad bad for
    teaching who has what body
    parts and who does not to her young
    son nearing age 3 that some of the folks
    were literally saying in the comments that they
    need to actually uprise and kill these more liberal
    and all Natural American-Indian-like folks from back
    in the old days where two spirit humans per androgynous
    acceptance of both divine feminine and masculine in then just
    one balanced human was A-okay and even cause to Celebrate
    these folks per as other folks who were a little more touched in the
    spiritual ways of life that might be named a disorder of the mental type
    today.. were also cherished for their deeper insights about the iNner UniVerse
    of being human per quantum metaphor of unleashed and released per so much
    more innate instinctual and intuitive human spiritual intelligences in the ways of
    very artful emotions and senses that science has little clue to how these greater
    inner human sources as forces work in a synergy of Synchronicity And all Natural
    healing forces too per the interaction with all that is aka God within inside outside
    above so below and all around now too.. for true too iN LiGHT iN tHIS DreAM
    ‘Time’ state of Mindful Awareness in Ascendent Transcendent and Ecstatic
    Trance states of Mindful Awareness and the such as that more.. for
    true too.. for some experiences class.. ya just have to drop
    the words and join in on all the naked dance
    of life and just feel and sense more
    than you ever have before
    and true if you
    think any
    member and
    or part of your body
    is bad bad evil evil or something
    you must hide and or be ashamed of too..
    that truly is gonna be a huge roadblock for you
    to get to the Kingdom of Heaven now per the similar
    advice in the 37th Verse of the Gospel of Thomas that does
    say to meet the living one within also understood as the higher
    Force as God now too.. one must strip their clothes off.. tread (dance) on them now
    with no shame.. naked per the cultural ones that yes class can and will include now
    idols as words below the essence of all that is God More NoW aS Force of Agape
    And Unconditional Fearless Love for all iN smART ways now of
    innate skills and abilities all built in as gift as inheritance
    in our DNA earned now through all the struggles of
    our ancestors from beyond A to Z too.. through
    all the eons of ages per God stuff more
    now too.. true now tHeRE is nothing
    to be afraid of your
    body but the
    fear of
    your body itself to
    quote the President of
    Naked also known as the Jesus
    Dude back in the days of the Gospel
    of Thomas Verse 37 still now too.. but true
    it is worth noting that more of a scaredy cat
    fearful Jesus who brings a sword instead
    of peace is clearly visible in the
    New Testament Bad Cop
    Version reserved for
    more conservative
    literal thinking leaning hate
    and fear and disgust filled misery
    loves company Folks more than joyful
    folks.. Who Do Go to more conservative
    leaning churches that dress them up to the
    top with the longest dresses and tightest and
    longest Red Neck ties too.. and that’s okay too.. different
    strokes and or no strokes for some folks and other methods
    of do or not do but true as Yoda Says there is no try just do.. IT…
    do what you will harming no others using cognitive empathy that
    says there are multi-colored bio-diverse and neuro-diverse
    Humans all around now still.. change/same who ever you
    wanna be but remember you don’t make the
    rules for others on whims of who
    said what whenever whoever
    said it before or now..
    for true those who
    live by the
    usually end
    up in jail or worse than that.. for TRuTH IN LiGHT
    too.. shall i pull out statistics.. true.. i have more of
    that skill too NoW but in the less advanced modern
    ways of knowledge in crystalized ways away from
    more advanced fluid changing innate instinctual
    and intuitive intelligences now.. let’s face it ‘kids’
    as adults per all natural speak.. if you are afraid
    of Naked NoW you are afraid of the Big God the
    sAMe and diffeRent now too.. if you thiNk More
    that God Nature makes a Big mistake bringing
    you into this world naked now then.. now too
    perhaps you need to make-up more a furry fury
    long toothed monster like a devil now to explain
    all of that too.. some of us believe in a real god now
    true.. a real God that and who lives in all our body pArts
    from head to toe no part less or more sacred than any other
    part now.. with yes.. a healthy respect for other human beings that
    wHo says do not harm anyone and or force your will on others now true..
    and if you think that strict measures of keeping the ‘opposite sexes’ separated
    as they do in some countries to prevent promiscuity and stuff like thaT iT iS worth
    noting that per Arabic clinical Studies there are reports by actual children that indicate
    anywhere from 60 to 80 percent of young girls and yes some little boys too have been
    sexually molested by parents in the home.. yes.. namely Fathers the Most and other male
    relatives and folks who visit the family home too.. for true what stays hidden is still real
    now too.. best for healthy outlets for sexual behavior that do not harm little children like
    this now real.. education teaches an openness to report bad stuff happening too..
    for what is what and what normally goes where.. keeping children still now in the
    dark is a best way
    for them to keep
    secrets too when
    they face abuse then
    now still particularly when
    that come from homes of shame
    that say their body parts are bad and
    some things in ways of regret having at all
    NoW and to be afraid to even touch in ways of
    pleasure too now.. true.. even in middle age+ now too..
    ignorance starts more at home and flourishes thereafter as
    tHeRE is no fear to understand life but the fear itself of ourselves…
    we have a whole more to worry about as my Friends.. and i too will
    add beautiful ones as already show-cased from South Korea already
    in this MacroVerse now too.. for true how would you like to live in a country
    where someone across the Ocean could inflict a bloody nose action where
    around a million of your country folks and many more could potentially die
    from other worries than Nuclear Bombs or even Conventional Weapons
    per Biological Agents and Nerve gas and the such as those
    Weapons of Mass Destruction now too.. keeping in
    mind all the nerves that are frayed around
    the world when there is good
    cause to believe we
    have a leader
    who is both
    a liar and a potential
    killer of many many people
    through legal action of war now too..
    things is.. don’t count your confidence too soon..
    for true the sky is not falling yet but the head orange
    Bad Cop Clown has already intimated he hopes something
    ‘bad’ doesn’t have to happen to unify folks under his thumb
    as he has surely steadily been losing his grip up until now..
    or true one day someone and not likely human
    may be riding something like a horse
    noting ‘those dirty dam’ mostly
    hairless apes blew all of their
    cultural byproduct cancer
    up and look all we
    have now
    is green
    and beaches of paradise as
    we born away from those dum
    ass humans so ignorant of the Heaven
    they had then.. true.. we may not be around
    to see it per our species but give it 300 Million
    Years or so if we Trump Fuck up.. and it will be a really
    deep dig for any coming Standing Tall Racoon or whatever
    then to figure out we were ever even here to blow anything up..
    at all.. chances are.. ‘those Raccoons’ will be naked and warm
    in a nice tropical environment more.. just
    living in A Paradise away from all
    the other lifeless rock
    heads then2..
    true then too..
    tHere won’t be
    any Super Walmart’s..
    just plenty of lush land to dance
    on with the Sun.. Spiraling as free true
    you can do it now too if you are not afraid
    of God LiVinG in you Naked and Free Now2..
    True.. you can actually save yourself and keep
    your fingers crossed that no one blows up Heaven
    while you are having fun now2.. works for me at lEast
    and the Woman on the back of my horse.. she doesn’t
    talk nearly as much as i do.. but she is alive and warm as a hug will come..now..
    it’s true God has sent some of us to say no.. if you listen you win if you don’t come
    still come next..
    Karma is Real Horatio BiG
    NoW and Believe it or not Ripley
    mArk what happens neXt as you will
    see the reap of what has/is been sown all ‘fore
    or if you are ‘lucky’.. it will just be YouR
    ‘own’ off-spring who witness it next….
    meanwhile.. some folks online
    are attempting to
    schedule a
    against those who
    are just following the
    Verse 37 from the Gospel
    of Thomas and Jesus.. witting or not..
    trust me.. chances are they have read
    it and understand it now too.. as LiGHT
    (‘the’ Good Cop Jesus Folks who are now)
    TRuE.. tHeRE
    is no
    just do NoW
    Naked WiTH FReDLOVENoW2..:)

  26. Surprisingly.. i get several bits of second
    hand reciprocal communication as the
    folks on the ‘Wrong Planet’ discuss
    my writing style as if i am not
    in the Room hehe.. true
    i came back to put some more ‘cents’ in..

    Kraftiekortie wrote:
    A cross between Walt Whitman and James Joyce.

    i return to him by saying..

    Thanks my friend Kraftie Kortie for the nice compliment;
    as you know poetry is not everyone’s cup of me; hehe;
    overflowing as such never ending free verse 6 Million
    Words by my Birthday on 6.6.18 per one “SonG oF
    mY SoUL” Poem finished at the 818th MacroVerse
    so far as a nice way still coming more too,
    to celebrate my version of human
    potential along with
    close to 9300
    Miles of
    Public Dance
    in 58 Months
    on my 58th Birthday then too.
    True; I did spend 66 Months of my
    Life as a Shut-in with 19 Medical Disorders
    before; with 33 Months of that on this Website
    too. No limits now my Friend; No expectations; Just
    Free Dance
    And Song
    For aLL (me2)..;)

    Aunt Blabby suggests to just read
    one line at a time of what i write.. to ‘others’…

    I return with a smile in his defense of my ‘style’..:)

    Pepe Writes..

    Yes, an impressive commitment in presenting/formatting
    a comprehensive view… Though a little intimidating to read…

    i return by simply saying.. Thanks..:)

    Vegetableman writes..

    That may be the best post I’ve ever seen on WP.
    I’m not talking about the content, because I didn’t read it.
    But the shape was magnificent!

    And then he responds
    to Pepe’s response
    by going on to say further..

    I just couldn’t find a way in.

    Excited to find so much muse at the
    Wrong Planet in some fathom
    of reciprocal communication..
    even if not directed to me i go on to Sing
    With ‘a little’ Dance Music of “All the way Up”..

    No Problem for me at least; hehe. Never
    the Less i’m glad you enjoyed the shape;
    that pArt comes all naturally; never planned at all.
    And the words are effortless now as they just flow too.
    True; I was never a word person until i Lost effective use
    of my hearing and sight with type Two-Trigeminal Neuralgia;
    also, understood in Medical Literature as the worst pain known to
    Humankind; technically, also determined as worse than the actual
    torture of the old style of crucifixion too. True; that with the other
    18 synergy of life threatening disorders; and what the Professionals
    taking care of me with no idea how to help me called a Miraculous partial recovery
    after dealing with that pain from wake to sleep for the full 66 months on or about
    7.22.2013; i decided then that
    hell was no fun and i would
    do Heaven in all the ways
    that can and will literally
    come above and beyond
    hell on earth of where i went
    within, before. It works as my Long
    Form Poem, “SonG oF mY SoUL”, entails
    what i name as 6 other NeweR age King James
    sized version ‘Bibles’ too, by title as well. Additionally,
    with Thousands of Youtube Videos accompanying all the
    Verse selected for emotional accompaniment and sensual
    accompaniment too; as well as over 140 thousand fully illustrated
    ways of photography, personally accomplished by me and my wife too.
    We are financially independent; so we put out about a half a million dollars
    of effort in supplies and equipment and labor to get the job done just for fun; Yes;
    for fun;
    Just for Free;
    Human potential
    is basically unlimited as it’s
    True Aunt Blabby was here to witness it
    when I first got well as I predicted I would
    go where no one has ‘literally’ gone before.
    True ‘Dat’ as the next longest Long Form Poem
    took literally Centuries and innumerable folks to do
    in India at 1.8 Million Words of a non-fuller-illlustrated effort
    then named the Mahābhārata; true, too; my ‘Message’ is literally a record breaker for the
    ages. People are Different; they can get a little uptight when someone goes overboard blessed
    as ‘they’ say;
    I’ll probably use that
    Rap song, “I’m all the way up”, for this too;
    The fact that not everyone can ride with me
    is expected my friEnd;
    and par
    A case study
    for newer stuff
    still done these days too;
    there are very few folks who
    have the actual focus and concentration
    and sure; financial freedom to paint a Sistine
    Chapel of Words these days or ‘those’ days too.
    My Mamma
    never gave
    me any limits
    or expectations
    and assured me
    I was as special as a
    Box of Chocolates too.
    But unlike Forest Gump; I did
    cross the width of the United States several
    times in Stores in a “Red State Place” in a Mix
    of Martial Arts and Ballet-like Free Verse Dance too;
    True, amazingly too; as any ape that and who constantly
    moves; my legs got really strong; in fact, i leg press 1020
    Lbs up to 52 reps now; stronger than every elite Marine in my Military
    Gym; on that exercise; over 30 years younger than me too. Like I told
    Aunt Blabby
    back in the
    Summer of 2013; no limits my
    friend; no expectations; and sure, i have
    the Youtube video to prove the poundage too; back
    when I was only at 930 Lbs and 14 reps three years ago.
    The Doctors had no cure for me and told me there was no
    chance for recovery; ironically they say the same thing still.
    For it’s
    true my
    friend; where
    i live is the best
    kind of ‘crazy’ of all.
    It’s True, Heaven exists
    for those who find it within now.
    What one does with it is what comes
    next as history continues to show now. Oh yeah
    and one of the nicest perks is over a thousand photos
    with over two thousand beautiful young College Age Women
    at the Big Metro Dance Hall in Pensacola named Seville Quarter.
    Sure; of course, I have easy links for all the proof of that too as part
    of the entire ‘bible(S)’ too. Thing is my friend, commonly now I hear the name
    Legend for not saying a word but dance. For true, this Thursday Night coming
    up I am doing my 200th Dance Week of just that Since March of 2014. True; it took
    about 9 more months until folks started naming me a Dance Legend then. All those
    66 months I didn’t even have it in me as far as emotions go to remember if I had before
    ever felt or sensed a smile or laugh for it is also true too, pain like that will take all emotions
    away and when emotions go as memories are emotions there is no reference point out of Hell
    to make it back to even a memory of the feeling and sense of Joy and Happy or even sadness before.
    I become very
    logical then
    with death of that;
    Hell was all that was left.
    I’m still just as logical as I ever
    was; i’m just living now as art whole with science
    and no longer dead as only science as I used to be here.
    Perspective brings one the understanding that both hell and heaven
    exists and the ‘tween of that in Different Human Dimensions in every set of Multi-UniVerse eyes
    that live on Earth now. The Good Place is nice; oh so nice; true, and it can be like an eye of
    a needle
    and a
    or so Muscular
    Dude at my age of
    57 now to get through
    that hole; true too; it’s worth
    documenting every square inch now;
    At Least for me first and last always now..
    Thanks for the muse; I find it everywhere and make use of it now;
    as Yoda says too; dark or light; it matters not; there is no try just do now.
    Things is, if i make one person smile with just the Dance of me my whole life is worth all the rest of the work. The lesson of Hell’ and who some folks still name “Job” too; true, some ‘Bible’ stories do come true; more than one time; True too, even for Real..:)

  27. So.. just exactly.. how does one get to this Heaven at
    Hand thingy always in this generation now within as
    Kingdom come now promised two thousand years ago
    to the folks who lived in that era
    then for true using common
    sense of logic if it is true
    then it must be true
    now and before
    and always
    now too..
    some folks say
    just believe that Jesus
    is actually a Supernatural Man
    God no different really than Zeus
    With a Sword over Peace as a Bad Cop
    God and a Loving Hand for all on the other
    hand as such.. it’s true i’ve read many stories
    and mythologies too and yes they all look like this
    when any political state adds the bind of religious symbols
    for a series of carrots and sticks to rule over other folks with
    empty promises and illusory fears for material gains for Trump
    like additional power and status gains for truly little men who attempt
    to exercise will and strength without a foundation of a LoViNG BaLaNCE
    of Grace as the eye of the Hurricane and or the Needle of the eye comes to
    be more through
    in Moving Connecting
    Co-Creating all naturally gifted
    innate instinctual and intuitive intelligence
    where the Dance come first in a Zen Art of Trance
    and Center Balance comes real and is practiced as
    an exercise of Heaven forevermore now more as every
    move becomes sacred and holy full of meaning and purpose
    much more than the human word will ever fully tale for this is
    real this is feel this is senses this is Heaven now beyond
    all human words as the biggest lie of all is the Song
    comes before Dance of God Sings Free as per
    the all seeing eye of Nature that and
    who lives within Naked and FReED
    LoVE NoW FoR ReaL.. it’s
    true my Father’s
    wish for me
    that did not come to fruition
    for him during his life was for my
    Mother to raise me to be what he thought
    a quiet and strong man should be without
    a foundation of love and grace unafraid of
    expressing the divine feminine that is the
    true foundation of strength and will that
    makes the difference between a
    Law Enforcement officer
    serving 46 years
    and one
    is free enough all around
    to be named a legend for saying not
    a word but a dance that inspires hundreds
    in an every day event of dance that never ends now..
    true.. we need law enforcement officers too but true we also
    need real men who are not afraid to express the divine feminine
    of love and grace to mix a little ballet with the martial arts too.. the
    day before Valentine’s day a day to exercise and remember loves of a lifetime
    too.. a day always for me to do the same now in a Dance and Song of Life that
    never ends but true also for me and from now on in this lifetime at least a day NoW to
    reflect all the Love my Mother Freely and Unconditionally with no restraints gardened
    as me from before i can even remember being born on this EartH for it’s true before
    i put it into words i felt the love i sensed the love the trust that comes with pure
    unconditional love.. and the true blessing as my Mother went to her death
    bed at the Hospital a year ago 2017 on Valentine’s Day night as
    we got the News from the Doctor of no feeding tubes or
    water that would extend as a will to live for eight days
    after that until the 22nd.. the greatest blessing
    of all as she did not fear death for she lived
    a life of love and had total
    Trust in God as all
    that is..
    yes although she passed
    away the Love of her stayed
    within me that is still identified her as more
    than a feeling within as heart and spirit and soul
    within to give and share as freely as she did with my
    sister and me but true her love was more restricted to us..
    i take it farther to spread for the Rest of the World unrestricted
    unconditional from head to toe and so much more for all i will
    give and share to carry that spirit and heart and soul beyond..
    true though life is a tragi-comedy too.. with the relief of
    tears and smiles and laughs to accept and give and
    share even more as the stories of life continue
    to come and go.. as all ‘super heroes’
    i had difficulties understanding
    the Fatherly and Malignant
    Patriarchy that wasn’t
    really for i
    only visited that
    place with my Father about
    twice a year obviously concerned he
    was of the gentle touch of Love i provided
    to everyone i met.. be a man as it goes around
    these parts look tough don’t smile don’t laugh and
    whatever you do you don’t talk too much around me
    if you expect me to pay any real attention to you..
    And sure as differences in gender in generalities
    go for the male verses the female brain
    there are some hormonally
    inspired differences
    from the first beat
    of life
    in the womb that
    do come to be in more or less
    words later in life.. the Asperger’s
    Syndrome and as far as a broader Autism
    Phenotype more associate with the male of
    the species easy to pick out if you’ve been there
    and done it too among the general populace as such..
    emotional spark of expressing the art of life missing and more
    dark inside on a fact finding mission of life over the finer Humanities
    and Endowments of the Art of the Human Soul for those who say never
    expect help from others and always pull your bootstraps up even those who
    inherited millions who now seek to take food and shelter away from poor folks
    after already providing an over a trillion dollar welfare give out to the rich as any
    bad cop Jesus would do and worse than that.. as the song goes to the least of my
    people that you do unto me.. it’s true this is no Christian electable country this
    country is ruled by those who call themselves Christians who elected the
    Anti-Christ usual flavor of leader through the ages promoted by so-
    called onward marching swords over peace and love and
    harmony now still.. this is no Jesus of Love this
    is the Reverse Robin Hood who gives to
    the rich first in ways of welfare
    and steals from the
    poor next
    for the
    of welfare already
    provided to them..
    with promises of dry milk
    to babies away from fresh milk to drink..
    commodities as they continue to take us closer
    to World War III as the current Anti-Christ is soon to
    be accused of crimes against his Country that will likely
    give him a trigger itchy finger for the biggest bombs of all
    to carelessly set of a chain reaction of killing that has no take
    back for the destruction of human more.. it’s true i do not like
    Malignant Patriarchy for true it even comes in what some folks
    namely my Father thought was kind advice to what he thought it meant
    to be a man who was too afraid to express grace and love with truly i ain’t scared
    over little man clothes of smaller men no matter how big or small their body parts are..
    anyway eventually i had to become my own father to get the fearless part mixed in with
    the rest for in this eye of the needle of heaven that requires a continuous dance of
    Balancing Force at center point calm that point of calm that eye of the Hurricane
    is a place where no fear dares to enter.. thing iS. it’s like driving a car.. when
    you do it long enough fearless becomes effortless and no longer has
    a door to enter in illusory ways any more.. and true a writing
    effort of art like this does the same with flow of loving
    and fearless words.. life is practice there isno try
    just do it once again as Yoda says and
    one day you too will
    become the
    real man
    and or
    Woman now
    who becomes
    the essence of the middle
    of the eye of the Hurricane with
    accompanying winds that know and feel
    and sense no limits or expectations of others now..
    this Hurricane eye and winds just does just do dos life
    as Love in Fearless will of strength in never ending grace of balance now..
    as true from an original memory from reality in the darker pArts of lEarning
    back in the June of 1997 this memory repeated again on 6.25.15.. then..
    then once again on 7.25.17.. it is appropriate and A ‘timely’ manner for
    me to repeat it once again on 2.13.18.. on the Eve of Valentine’s
    Day and my Mother’s Death Bed stay.. for it is true it was the
    love of her that would make take me not only through the
    ability to hold my child through his dying breath
    but also to just smile inside with pity at
    my Father’s ‘encouraging words’ he
    gave me when my child was
    in a room for open
    at less
    than 50 days old..
    Love wins Love defeats all odds and according to scientific study
    Love even Heals incurable disease particularly when shared as God’s
    real higher force of love shared between more than one person in what
    can and will be described either as prayer or somewhat of an empty sugar
    pill word by science that means more than all the ‘magic’ potential Placebo
    of every Bible in the World combined as this essence is real
    in both feel and sense expanding forevermorenow in
    a real metaphor of a quantum force of healing
    that i really do hold in the real palm of
    my hands and feet and toes
    and fingers and
    all around
    too as a living force of
    God of no not what it means to be a man
    for i will never be the man my Father wanted me to
    be moreover what it means to be human one word LoVE..
    it’s true my Mother Still Lives in my HeArt and so does my Son
    and what my Father never gave to me as far as fearless i earned
    not on my own but with the innate instinctual and instructions and
    struggles of all my ancestors in my DNA unpacked in epigenetic released
    ways more through a boot camp of dancing and singing achievements that
    are always now for more fearless love as nows go on.. my message
    is clear Heaven is real but my other message is don’t think for
    ever later that Heaven comes next and all you have
    to do is do the other kind of magic rabbit
    in a Harry Potter Hat that says all
    you have to do is recite one
    Romans 10:9
    pasted in Bathrooms
    in wet cloth pamphlets
    less than wet dreams still..
    sure.. any hopeful thought can and will bring temporal
    solace but it takes real work in a dance of song life to bring
    fearless forevermorenow to fruition as Love as our American
    and at least my Sioux and Cherokee Ancestors fully understood
    and danced close to Naked with God of Nature from youngest to
    oldest still then and in some cultural ways now still closer to a flight
    of God that is real now more on Terrestrial Earth of Fearless LoVe
    Away from the man of Trumps and Big Daddy’s that i’ll never be.

    And it’s true as Yoda provides proof and my son still does too
    the lessons of life and saviors come in the smallest packages of
    all for i also purchased the Minions Blue ray Movie ‘Me3’ as well as i
    now own all three movies and i must admit i’ve still never gotten around
    to watching one yet for i see the story unfold still as i have in a Desert
    of Malignant Patriarchy as the life of Art was sucked out of me for
    40 years where i wandered aimlessly in Trump Land heAR.. yes
    then and now somethings don’t change so much from ‘that’.. i
    had that movie in a bag for it’s true Minions are bought and
    sold and thrown away in ignorance for they know not what
    they do for it’s true the ones who will suffer the most
    are the ones who voted this current Anti-Christ
    into office.. true that’s already been
    predicted per gnashing of
    teeth and stuff
    like that..
    meanwhile.. some of us work so dAm hard out of Hell and we do HeaVeN NoW
    WitH a ‘little’ help from the Smallest of Saviors who teach us what it really means to
    be human and live FeaRlesS uNCoNDiTioNaL Love in a Valentine’s now that never
    ends for real.. you can and will find Heaven now but if you think it’s just a grace that is
    gift alone rather than a work of grace.. chances are you could come back and live an
    infinite number of times now less than beyond infinity and never even see the eye of
    the Needle NoW (LOVE/GOD) don’t take my Word FoR iT.. Allone JusT Do A Dance
    FeeL and Sense ‘the’ Heaven (GOD/LOVE) evenTuaLLy CoMiNG NexT.. For YOU..
    WiTHIN iNSiDE OuTSiDE ABoVE So BeLOW and All Spiraling Around NoW oN
    Terrestrial eARTh ReaL as YoU2.. Do Take this Dance JusT for YOUNoWoNE..
    Every thing i and God/Love Gives is Free Advice for it’s for you to decide what
    Costs you NeXT iN FReEDLoVENoW oR ANoTHeR PRiSoN FoR iT’s True in
    soMe ways i aM An anti-Father for all of who my Father suggested that
    was/is to me to be as Man. Thanks God/Nature/Love i was/am able
    to say no to that for True tHeRE are Worse Places for be iN dARk
    Verses LiGHT For Kisses ALiVENoW.. NamELy HeLL NoW heaR.

    Kiss Your Baby Goodbye

    6th Bible Memorial

    “Kiss Your Baby Goodbye”
    Letters of Dedication
    in order of ART..MorE..
    Hoses.. wires.. PASTED bandages..
    painFuLL deep brown eyes.. blood stained skin..
    an ominous pasted on notice in front of crib bed
    No way to breathe.. born without sinus passages..
    Transposition of great blood vessels.. open heart surgery
    required on 30 day born heart.. no immune system.. extra digits
    for six on each hand.. with two thumbs instead of one.. respectively…
    It is the day of the open heart surgery.. surgeon in his sixties.. huge hands
    tell me at 37.. don’t worry it’s just like when your grandfather gets a bypass..
    and the nice nurses say don’t worry you are still young there is plenty of time
    for more children.. your wife is beautiful.. you will have beautiful children to come..
    Baby is wheeled toward operating room.. surgeon says.. kiss your baby goodbye..
    So wife and i bend down.. and after 30 days at the hospital are shell shocked for
    whatever comes next.. father sits beside me in waiting room.. and offers advice..
    Son make sure you raise him as a man…
    My mother didn’t do a good enough job for him…
    he bails after 3 years.. when my mother doesn’t work..
    Oh.. the values we place on humanity.. gender roles
    here or there.. a do or die proposition of static
    roles for patriarchal minds of being..
    i sit back quietly at this point
    and almost giggle
    at a reality
    strange as this…
    And truly feel sorry for my
    father who thinks raising a boy is
    all about being him.. baby survives the
    surgery and as really expected from birth by
    doctors and nurses.. veterans of this show..
    passes away in my arms.. not afraid
    to cry.. i call my father.. and he just
    says oh no.. i don’t wanna
    hear any bad
    A 500 mile trip back home..
    ashes will be sent in cardboard box
    by postal service.. the lesson of life is..
    how lucky i am just to be a human
    alive for now.. never ever will
    i doubt my blessings
    in life again..
    and truly a lesson
    i need for five years..
    10 and a half years later
    at the start of my challenge
    of JOB.. but i have the blessing
    of knowing my son survived much
    worse.. with never a smile.. never
    a laugh.. and only pain for
    51 days.. and yes..
    more than
    likely he

    It seems next Macroverse Memories Years to date will come more..;)

  28. ALWaYS AnD ForEveRMoRENoW
    LoVE WortHY oF ThankS AnD PRaisE
    aS A GLorY oFHeaveNoWorShiPHehe2
    Prove Me Wrong OkaY iDoubleGodDareYa
    Oh Lord Bibles something of HiStory yes class
    mostly just His Story per the male side of God that
    tends to come out more as swords when discussing
    the softer as art and farther way from Science to Art
    oF HuMaN BeinG LoVE.. YeS iT iS True as a Free Lance
    Free Verse Participant Observer Anthropologist i LoVE
    to study all of Human Kind
    with an emphasis
    on the Kind pARt
    but i do
    object moreundermoreover to the study
    and yes the participant Anthropologist
    Part of actually participation per Art and
    Science on the so-named Darker Side
    of the Shadow Art of being Human
    that lives within as vital for
    our long term survival
    of the species
    as ‘ThE LiGHT..
    yes.. the kind loving
    paRT of HuMaN BeinG tHaT
    and wHo can and will be so far away
    removed from both the Snake Brain and
    Reason Brain that fails to flow in Dance and
    Sing as H20 parTS STReAMiNG MoRE to River
    to Bays and Gulfs and yes Class.. to Ocean Whole
    as we become waves of moving connecting co-creating
    With Shores EvER eXPaNDinG wHoLE as WaVeS of LoVE
    MoViNG CoNNecTinG Co-Creating WitH OTHeRS all ever MoRe
    NoW Perhaps you should come out to dance with me and the others
    NoW iN what feels and senses like a Rave of Dance on my 200th Week
    Anniversary on Thursday Night of Doing just that all Free NoW not unlike
    what my Sioux And Cherokee Ancestors used to do with almost as few
    clothes as the Female of our Species usually wears to the Dance on Spring
    Break Days aS UNiVerSitY Women from around the Nation come to Pensacola
    Beach and stop off
    long enough to
    Dance with
    me and
    of course all the
    others as truly in a Free
    Dance it is one wave of Being
    Humans who move connect and
    co-create ToGeTHeR an Energy
    of Pure Love that is not necessarily
    of the glue of affection and direct
    sexual sorta contact with others
    in flesh and blood touch
    way.. yes.. clASS
    thE Heights NoWTHeN
    of the feeling and sensory
    experience of Human LiGHT
    And LoVE can and will Go Far aBove
    thaT iN MoVInG CoNNecTiNG Co-Creating
    ways when a bunch of folks vibrate in resonance
    and frequency for the higher Power and Force of Love..
    hmm.. tempting to use the song Higher Power by Boston
    and in FAct i will do just that and drop the song Always and
    Forever Below this for what comes after the Higher Power SonG NoW..
    As yes it appears i sufficiently lit up that lamp above beyond the sweet
    and sugary affectionate social bonding love of oxytocin wHeRE it is
    true.. other more exotic mixes of Human BodyMind Juice come into
    Play iN a Rave Dance as such wHere an ascendent
    transcendent ecstatic Mindful and Bodyful PLaY
    Of LiFE comes into much fuller view as
    Awareness now more.. sure..
    inTenSified toGeTHeR
    WiTH OtHeRS
    Vibrating in Frequency
    And Harmony and Melody
    As Resonance HiGHeR FoR aLLToGeTHeR
    oN A Crowded Dance HaLL oF HiGHeR FoRCE
    LoVE ToGETHeR Like this but true too one can and wiLL
    do this allone as well in a Dance of Valentine’s aLWaYs now
    Higher Force Power of Love as a solo allone Dance God LoVE aLL

    Hehe.. okay Hopefully you took a break got naked and
    spiraled around in A Dance with the Sun of God Nature
    before i slow it down here for real with a little more always
    and forever now per another older song younger now too..
    For it is true it is not hard to imagine the early founders of the
    Church with the more extraverted Bi-Polar Leaning Liberal Artist folks generating
    words in a feeble attempt to put into words the Higher Force of God within..
    and then the more conservative smarty pants Greek Speaking Folks
    more along the lines of the Broader and more introverted
    Autism Phenotype suggested to cross over in
    10 to 15 Percent of our population and
    even more now that
    we continue
    to be
    more text
    and screen
    than frigging flesh
    and blood dance and
    song moving connecting
    and co-Creating toGeTHeR
    in a Forage for Subsistence and
    Shelter and close to a naked Dance
    with no more than 150 to 200 sets of Human
    eyes that close to fulfill the Human Social Capacity
    to keep acquaintances by personal identity and perhaps
    5 close friends or so outside of immediate family to share
    all the village secrets with.. more.. and other personal stuff too..
    true.. i have limits too.. i love friends but part of the reason i get to do all
    of this is the more i do it the less folks can and will keep up with me and
    the less long term friendships i keep and the more i write and do other art
    so thanks God for the 200th Week of Dance and all the Store Dance for even
    without any words i connect to much more than what i might normally be able
    to do in speak rather than non-verbal Language of Dance to Spread some Good
    News of Freedom’s Dance and Song of Balance in the Communication of Body
    and sure some Hilarious messages on a T-Shirt too while the FBI or Cop or
    whatever they call me these days as undercover Secret Service looking
    guy or military guy too.. goes into a Ballet Mix of Martial arts
    Free Dance too.. hehe.. anyway the thing is i stay
    connected with others.. many others in non
    verbal ways of moving and co-creating
    too.. particularly on Thursday night
    Dance with all the Cool
    College aGe Folks
    but true too the super introverted
    Greek folks who could actually pen and
    scribe words down were much more likely
    to be stuck inside with ‘quill and ink’.. not getting
    out much which actually means it is very likely that
    all older more sacred texts are created and kept going
    in scribe record by the bias of more introverted closed minded
    folks than what one sees in a more open minded liberal view that
    and who might do most of the Vocal SinGinG and Body DaNCinG
    leaving write it down stuff to the dude crouched down
    close to something that looked like a Piece of
    Paper then too.. in general.. considering
    that mostly men did the bulk
    oF aLL oF iT.. oh Lord are
    Religious so-called Holy
    And Sacred Text missing about
    Half the Potential it otHeR wise surely
    would/will be with All Human Bio-Diversity
    chipping in to make a finished product that
    reflects most all human eyes instead of half or less
    in that sampling pond of all that is or is not human now too..
    Okay.. i’ve got to keep this under 3000 words or so.. lest i break
    another Facebook Profile Pic Description area limit of 8000 or so
    words and have to enter into a Fifth Round of Facebook Profile Pics
    just for that with the real potential of finishing closer to 40K words in
    6 days instead of the usual close to 30K size of the Work Week of 6 days
    for me with of course no rest on the 7th as it takes a 7th one to Polish all the
    Edges out transferred to a MacroVerse for Publish as the 818th MacroVerse
    advances to the 819th MacroVerse NexT.. as yes.. LoVEFReEDNoW by little
    old me.. is still slowly concluding as now i move to MaCroVerSE
    Memory Shares years to Date leading into Valentine’s WeeK DaY..:)

  29. Or shall i Dance and Sing “FReEDLoVENoW”
    For the 819th MacroVerse still running up to 6 Million
    Words of SonG oF my SoUL by 6.18.18.. yes.. okay..

    Okay.. now to the MacroVerse Years to Date Memories first with


    “DOG IS GOD IS DOG”.. like i said i double dog dare ya..
    to prove this is not so.. no problem for those who are of the
    PaNTHeisTiC PuRSuASiON as God is all that is all N all NoW2..:)

    FREE VERSE Living

    “FREE VERSE Living”.. TRuE THiS iS WHeN aLL PaRTS
    oF YoU JusT Do coME ouT to PLaY.. yes.. class this includes
    the so called Shadow Parts that may gross some folks out
    and limit
    as less to JusT
    Do FREE VERSE LiVinG NoW..:)

    ilLUMiNAti Dance Walking

    AS far as “ilLUMiNAti Dance Walking” goes.. theTarot Card above Number 11
    is enough to get my SHaDoW PaRTS MoRE FuLLY OuT FReED aS iS2..:)

    GOD IS inappropriate

    “GOD IS inappropriate”.. yeP.. too.. somEwhat Aesthetically
    PleaSinG BLacK UNDiE WorK WiTH Britney doing some ‘Work’ thenow too..:)

    Super BOwL oF Love

    “Super BOwL oF Love”.. Hmm.. the advantage of fully illustrating
    it all on a Website you personally pay for instead of doing the free avenues
    alone.. Photographs last much Longer as art when one does them themselves
    And uploads them as YouTube Accompaniment for Media Productions continue to come and
    go.. i’ve learned to use stuff either by Vevo or stuff directly appropriated by YouTube Topic


    “QUANTUM MIND UNLEASHED”.. while i continue to use this Metaphor
    as reLeased too.. and caLL iT tHat for the woo cheering folks who are still
    Stuck at Scientist Level of the Human Pyramid far below Capstones of
    LoVinG ArTs… Reputable Scientists of the Quantum Physics kind are
    getting closer
    to the
    TrUE iN LiGHT
    Higher Human
    Force Intelligence
    thaT is Co-Creating WitH
    And aS thE ALL-n-ALLNoW…:)


    “GodsUniVerseNovel2”.. my second titled Novel Effort in 2016 at
    the size of 51K words that was actually the addition of several other
    MacroVerses in title name then just for the Milestone of Writing Novel
    Sizes Poetry efforts then before i went on to do “GodsUniVerseNoVeL3”
    that is by far the longest MacroVerse as Novel that i’ve ever done in just
    one full title from head to toe per 338,630 words and 300 photos of Gorgeous
    Navarre and Pensacola Beach Sunset Photos too.. then went on after compiling
    that one MacroVerse effort of an entire year from April of 2015 through March
    of 2013 of poetically responding to literally over a Thousand dVerse Poet
    Pub online International Poetry links and overall prompts doing all of the
    them for a year as continuing practice of free verse poetry
    then.. sure// getting ready to go on and title 7 Bibles
    7 times overall the size of the Old King James
    effort too.. after than for Three titled
    Effort Bibles now exceeding
    once was the
    Longest Long
    Form Poem at 1.8
    Million Words per the
    “Mahābhārata” done over the
    span of Centuries by Innumerable Authors then..
    anyway what’s priceless to me about the second Novel
    is it documents the photos of Moby the Big Cat’s last days
    with us in February of 2016.. then comes next my Mother
    in 2017.. in that 8 day window of 2.14.2017 thru
    2.22.2017.. then.. but that’s what happens
    when you grow older you have
    learn to say see you later
    as the LoVE
    NoW aS Me/
    You.. and that’s
    how the Better
    Half Story of Human
    Being Continues to: be LoVE FRoM:
    LonGeR now away from ‘the other stuff’..:)

    sANDs of LOVE

    “sANDs of LOVE”.. For me at least i remember the visual memories
    most celebrating the Visitor Cat Tennessee.. the Darker Orange outside
    inside Cat from two doors down who belonged to the Neighbors then
    but made our home his more second place to be in peace away
    from other loud dogs and smaller children there too..
    they ended up moving away with him some
    months later but true he too stayed with
    us for most of his 18 year-old
    life until that point..
    nice to be able to tale
    a story along with the Petting Photos now real..
    it’s true we can and will still Love from Photos too for
    it is also true we most are fully able and capable of Generating our
    own Sun as Warmth of Love Within per oxytocin Neurohormonal response
    real now too.. it’s real.. love is real.. but never the less MaGiC oF LoVE iS ReaL
    And somEthing
    STiLL for
    Generate it
    they can and will
    do as touch it within every day now
    real now too.. too precious to lose
    and worthy of thanks and praise and
    glory of worship within now too.. do love do love make it be..:)

    Upside Down Jesus FAN

    “Upside Down Jesus FAN”.. Straight to the Issue of Christianity
    And directly to the only point that counts per the word Jesus
    and God meaning Love for real.. rarely and sadly
    do i ever come Across so-called Christians
    who make their
    One of God
    And Jesus Same
    as Love A ReaL ForcE WiTHINoW
    but verily it is true there are as many
    Definitions for the Pure Positive Fearless
    Unconditional Agape Force oF LoVinG iT aLL aKa GOD..
    As tHeRE are individual Definitions for the Word Love too..
    thing is
    you live wHeRE
    i do iN the Kingdom
    of Real LoVE HeaVeN
    WiTHIN tHeRe iS No room(s) for fear
    and hate and misery loves company heAR..:)


    “SuPerTRamP2”.. YeP Emptying ALL Pockets and LoVinG FReED..:)

    GOD ain’t dead

    “GOD ain’t dead”

    -Famous Last Words


    The day before Valentine’s Day…

    “The day before Valentine’s Day…” AGAiN

    2.13.18 5:05 PM

  30. Pingback: FReEDLoVENoW | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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