Are So Many
Ways to BRinG JoY to OTHeRS
NoW For Free as i Continue to Pursue
Every Avenue Possible as any FLoWeR
Will Color the Best it Will before it wilts and
dies and runs out of Breath to Color the World and Wind
but you see i am free i love and all is left to do is to Celebrate
The Joy of Fearless Free Love to Give and Share no longer needing
else but
to fly higher
whether you lose
sight of my wings or not
i Will to be True i Love Fear Free..
theRe are days of dArkness tHere are Days
oF LiGht thEre is Muse in LiFELiGHT and yes tHeRe is
friGht beYond horror night.. for what i Love for what
i free for what i will to be.. a flow a wave a surf i be
Ocean is never waiting for the Ocean is i and you we be..
FLoWN by Air
SWuM by Water
And no i am no longer
waiting to meet or greet you
for i am you too for Love is
The Law of Truth as Grace
Brings Strength in Balance
And Will to Love All Even
More as Land of The
Free Home
of the
Brave yes
The Flesh And Blood Of We..
Social Justice is only
For people Gardened
For Empathy
Deaf Ears
Blind eyes
Neither Hear
Or See the cry of
Children.. if you ‘live’
You too
May See and
Hear the Cry
Of all Children
If you ever
Child with
Tears and it
Is worth
Love is
No Hair Color…
SMiLes Sohair.. i aLWays
Appreciate The SMiLES
YoU BRinG And
iT’s True
A World
oF Humans iS iN
reAlly Big Trouble
iF MosT aLL of us cannot
W i L L NoT NoW MoRE
SPiRaL aRounD A GoD oF
Love As A Love oF LoVE FReED..
Hi Zee.. Nice to see you back online and writing and
before i forget.. i Understand you Collaborated
With Another Blogger to Write a Novel
So Congratulations to you
in Branching out and
doing that too..
And it’s
Good to Hear that
You and Your Friend Truly
Let it all go as Emotions do Flow
through our Bodies out of HeadS iN Mechanical
Cognition in a Dance FinAlly wHere tHere were/are
no Worries for others to judge Your Free Style of Dance
what ‘normally’
Society often doesn’t
let us AdultS uNleash and reLease
as most any Child will spin around
Just for the Joy of Life with no reasons
necessary at all.. nope.. no expectations.. no limits
in Clothes of Culture and or Religion JusT FreeDNoW
as we
to be..
And tHere
Lies and Tales
the Truth of the Issue iN LiGHT
my friEnd for Either we are Freed
NoW for Joy or we are not and to Truly
Be Free requires the couRage to Be All of You
With Nary a Worry of those who View Life Differently
And that may be a hard
thing to do
for we are also
Social Animals
Who Follow Reams and
Reams of Rules and Instructions
And Schools to get through A LiFE We
Are just sTill Evolved to Nurture each oTHeR
For Basic Subsistence in a Hug of Life wheRe
Love is the Greatest Shelter and the Tools of Life
Are Secondary wHere we do not become Tools over Love..
Dance but
not just once
if you can and will..
And then Yes Hug Life
not JusT A pArt of iT aLL oF iT as Art and then
it’s Easy Enough to See God everywHeRe NoW
And for all the naysayers of LiFE who insist that
Happiness is just an illusion and not possible all the
time (now) that JusT dePends on how much they Dance
FReED mY FRiEnD NoW iN HeaVeN reAlly ReaL NoW
And how
They Dance with too iN HeaVeN
NoW and of CourSE Dance is JusT
A metaphor NoW2 for all that moves
US connects us and co-creates us aLL
iN A
Over Misery Loves Company NoW iN
one Way of Group Think and ANoTHeR
Way of Group Dance.. And yes both may
be done but only one is Done alone now
Oh yeaH and not to forget Science it’s
Worth noting as i’ve probably mentioned
it already more than once that i am Diagnosed
with Both Bi-Polar and Asperger’s Syndrome on
the Autism Spectrum and the only Prescription i have
from my Psychiatrist to effectively remedy all the Negative Symptoms
is Dance.. yes Dance.. and No.. Doctor’s do not hand out Prescriptions
for Dance without Empirical Studies that prove it works.. and it does as
both agree as both of these Disorders at Core are issues of Emotional
Regulation and Sensory Integration as Dance Remedies both issues..
And That YeS.. i’ve
done the
Impossible and
cured my self in effect/affect
aLWayS NoW iN Being Happy NoW
without any negative symptoms aT
all except for talking/sining too much and good
thing about online is anyone can ignore me or turn me off.. hehe..
but that is what enough Dance will do yes Write/Sing what is now a 6 Million Word
Long Form Poem Bible (Prayer) and Public Dancing close to 9600 Miles too now
in almost 59 Months and if you do go away soon from Blogging thanks so much
for all the
You bRing for
helping with All
these Milestones of Life for metoo..
A Key is LoVinG JusT LoVinG aLL oF Life mY friEnd Yes Dance too..
NoW As Then God is Happy ALLWiTHiN And All Goes Better NoW..
*Singing* not ‘Sining’ too much.. hehe..
but it’s True there are
Some Folks
Do see
AnD SonG as Sinful..
And That’s A Saddest Art oF aLL away from LiFE…
Oh Goodness Sohair.. almost forgot
NoW iN Speaking of
your Interests
in Dates
And Star Sites..
today is 7.7.18
And i Really Love
The Entire Month of
7.18 as a Symbol for the
Farthest Largest Celestial
Object in the Night/Day
Sky Saturn in View
the Sun
the Moon
for this 6th Planet
From the Sun is the
7th Largest Most Visible
Celestial Sky Object for the
Human Eye without Science Tools
And then there is the number 1 for
aLL and 8 for Standing Tall iNFiNiTY
And Beyond as Hidden Alphanumerical
Human Also Made Abstract Construct of
H as two 1’s as Alphanumerical K11 join Hands
together like the Reason and Art of our Minds when
they come
together in
Metaphor of
Left and
oF MiND too along
with the Latitudinal
areas of our Existence
From Head to toe too as
well as the East And West
Hemisphere’s of the GLobe
as we all join Hands online
too in Longitudinal ways of
Earth From Head to toe too..
And yes it’s Worth Noting that 7 is
Alphanumerical Symbol For G too as
Many Folks Relate G as a Symbol For God too..
But True the 1 ‘tween 7 and 8 is eVEn BeYoND
iNFiNiTY for a God so Big ineffable to be determined fully
by all Human Symbols and Science and even Feelings and Senses
in Humans
some who see
And hear a God
Larger than others may
depending on what they
can and will see beyond
the organs of just eyes and ears sTILL
For it’s True it doesn’t matter who is right
with Symbols we make so much as more in Essence of what
We may come to See and Hear of what Some Folks Name God and Allah too..
Born we are resurrecting STiLL as Sentient Star DusT PLusT from Star Death
Burst Crucible Fire as the Iron that Flows through our Blood and at Core of our
OnLY HoME NoW EartH coMes from Super Nova Explosions too.. true sadly
some folks feel disconnected from all that God is living all we see and do and
so much more.. but yes
even more
of us
Hands of Love
for it is True
wHere two
or more
People CoMeeT
thE Star oF God
Shines Brighter As uS iN LoVE..:)


The only LiViNG LaW
And Paygrade
Covers All PAges LoVE..
Invariably SpeaKinG
The Heaviest
Weight in
Life is
To Lift
Oneself up
And those who
Do who Carry
The Heaviest
The Kingdom
Of Giving Sharing
Love Most for
First Poor
In Spirit and
Understand Hell most
Never going Back Now
Love.. it
Might take
Decades but
Can and Will Come..
Well as i said invariably speaking
as all the variables are Key in Both
Love and Carrying Millstones from
Purgatory Grey SHaDes of Being
Thru Bottom oF BLack dARk Abyss
through sure VeRiLY BeYoND
too NoW iN
FRuiTioN CoME To
Be MoViNG CoNNecTinG
Co-Creating ways or verily sure
NoW JusT iMaGiNation ‘tween the
Ears Without a Body And Half a Soul..
For Sooner or later a Soul Must Dance now
the Song too or risk being Incel without the Touch
of Mate and or Significant Other You KNow Flesh and Blood
or do you.. nah.. for without Flesh and Blood all of life is mostly
A Misery and Suffering Loves Company as when you are Drowning
in Life it’s not Such a Good Feeling Watching Folks Surf on Highest
Waves and BaLanCiNG A Dance oN Terrestrial Land that just Floats Ocean
WHoLE wHere tHere is aLWays a Woman just Waiting For the Next Dance or a Sway
of Hips Bent up for you to Connect or Attack Hips on the Run up and down of you..
As Incels
can will have do NoW whoever
they want and Incels get no one for
Love is not what you Demand Love is
What you Make.. And yes it’s True Love
And Millstones in Life From Heaven to Hell
are unlimited beYond iNfinity for this is a Science
that is an Art that no Scientific Small Method can will even touch
When Living
As Ocean
CoNNecTinG Co-CReaTiNG
iN A MiND And BoDY BaLanCinG
SoUL thaT Is Flesh and Blood Touch and
not just a Robot ‘tween the Ears Lost From LoVE
Anyway Celebrating the 218th Dance Week at Old
Seville Quarter and as always Honoring those Free and
Brave Souls with enough Liberty to Dance Wild with me..
And it’s True as Long as Human Beings are connecting in flesh
and blood whether that is a Dance Wave or an Aggressively Stroked Bootie
Dance to come we are now not falling apart for we are CoMinG Apes Stronger
and no my
is not
it’s Just Fred
butt i am a Hairy
Bonobo Ape too when
it Comes to God’s Wild Freedom
Set LiVInG iN aS me.. And True tHere
Are Kindred OTHeR Wild and Living Souls too
who greet me in so many ways of Loving Wild and Freed too..
for it’s True these ‘Angies’ Don’t sit home alone they go out and play
Out and
Do Human
At Core of what
We Naked even are.. LoVENoW
More Fully Alive as Breathing Free
Touching others in all the Ways Love Comes as
Incel is just another reaLiTy oF A Word CaLLeD Nerd
for those who are missing the Body pARTs of Life iN Moving
Emotion Regulating Integrating Senses for the Social Animal we are to be
From CuLTurES
And or ReLiGioNS
That Who Takes Our Wild Things Away..:)


So in Love.. No.. not JusT LoVE WitH
one Person butt with iT aLLNoW
So what’s the First Step.. Being
Ruled by No iLLuSory Fears
Being Slave to no Human
Tool… No.. not dollar
Bills.. No
for a Modern
‘David’ PoSe even
in Clothes WiLL sHow
uNafraid to be Wild and
Free And most importantLY
oF aLL Fearless too for Fear Kills
aLL iN LiFE that is Good so it’s No
Wonder that Fearless is the most
Attractive Quality as preferred by
most Women at over 60 Percent
of those Scientifically Surveyed
where the Fat Wallet only
Brings in Single
as all
this Technology
is Brand New in the same
Old Classic Evolution that’s all
About the Female Bootie as far
As Divine Feminine Fertility and the
ones who are Fearless Males who won’t
Melt Under Survival Struggles of Life in other Words
those Nomads who Survive Find the Garden of Eden
in Abundance with all the Food and Shelter and All the
Mates for An All you can Eat Buffet of Life tHat Requires an
aLL YoU CaN And WiLL do Struggle to iNcrease Human Potential too..
in Creativity Productivity And Overall Social Cooperation too.. STiLLNoW
And That’s
thE WaY aLL
oF Nature NoW
also known and
felt and sensed as
Wild and Free God as
Force for Survive and Thrive
Living in all Healthy Organisms
on Earth.. butt when We Domesticate
That We Go iS aS Functionally Disabled aS OuR
Technology And the Tools Associated becoMe NoW
More we than the God We are born as Wild and Free
And yes particularly in Human’s Case Loving and Nurturing
With Hugs wHere the Child is the Most Valuable assET oF aLL For
Future Generations and Today Now so the Entire Village puts in all
the Effort
it takes
Hugs to come
even more and eventually
for the Work of the Night too to
successfully reproduce too as the
Strongest LoViNG most often get to do most
STiLL as to not Water Down the Human Pool
oF Potential As such too.. yes being civilized has
Its Perks for Hot Showers on Cold Nights and Soft
Beds for Comfort Sleep and Hot Stoves now to rid the
World of Potential Communicable Disease to the same
For Running Water and Sewage too but i’ll be God DaM
and so will you in may ways of anxiety and fearful days
now if you forget the
Wild and
are and iNStead
BecoMe a Video
GamE and JusT
Vicarious Porn too..
And yes another Brick
in the Wall in a Desk in
Data Download School
Where Quiet Hands/Feet Away
From A Free and Original Dance
And SonG oF Life Kills the Regulation
of our Emotions and Integration of our Senses
And Basically Makes Us More Worm than Human
aS Incels incessantly cry online make Women have
Sex with them through a ‘Jordan Peterson Rule’ of ‘Forced
Monogamy’ too by Slut Shaming and the Such by Social Rule..
Sorry Jordan
this isn’t an
Equal Outcome
Society for Sex This
Is the United States of America
A Place WHeRe Women Will Twerk if they
God Dam Feel like it now and no one has to
Have any Children at all but sure it’s gonna
Happen particularly among Hispanics Catholics
as the Nation turns Browner every day for those
who refuse abortions too.. as Nature has his and or her
Way for those who just get the Nature job done in repetition too..
Anyway Nature is in Charge and when there is Mucho Stress in the
Environment to make a Basic Bottom of the Pyramid Maslow Living now
Males become Drones and no longer reproduce in metaphor of Nature’s now
coming or not coming balance.. Jesus F in Christ i Love BeinG A Fearless Man
‘the’ A Alpha Metaphor as ‘they’ say where even the Big African American Dude’s
in the Dance Hall offer up the Rear Ends of their New White Girl Friends to me and Don’t
Mind if their Girl Friends Grab my Butt and to top it off nAMe me Legend of Dance too.. it’s
True i didn’t ask for any of this it just comes Free as Nature Does Wild and Free too and oh
Lord when you
are not
God of
Dollar Bill
And you Master
the Shadows of Your
Lusts and Aggressions
NoW Through A Tai-Chi Like
Ballet and Free Style Martial
Arts Dance.. You Rule the Love
You Live in Yes God as Co-creator
oF LoVinG EVeN MoRE As HuMaN
PoTenTiaL Now so Yes my SiGNaTuRE
Pose that i continue to Work on for my God
Given Gift of Human Potential That is Work Work
Work and More Work iN A Practice of Love that Works
Works Works and Works some More to becoMe an Original
Work of God Art iN Fearless And Unconditional Love From Head
to Toe and even more to Ascend and Transcend in Mind and Body
BaLanCinG ForcE iN SPiRiT oF HeART eVen More for ‘the Jimi Hendrix
Experience’ at core is an Original Flow of River to Wave Ocean WHOLE oF and
as ArT to
to be
More Wild and
Free where in this
Bold Axis of LoVe iN A
Case of Human Potential
the only Drug required NoW iS A
DancE and SonG NoW to Be LoVENoW
Frankly/Fredly the Female Divine FertiLiTy
Rite of Twerking Hips does help too
And When the Young Woman at the
Dance Hall told me to do it to her.. nah..
i Said 58 Year Old Male HipS ain’T gonna
WorK to GeT iT aS eVeN i AM HuMaN too While
i was ShoWinG A Picture of my Gorgeous Wife in Her Pool Bikini
to Her Boyfriend WiTH Enough HumiLiTy to Accept the FAct NoW
that i am JusT ANoTHeR ANimal oF aS iN
God LoVE FeaRLeSS ForTuNate enough
to get this shit
at least enough
to iNheRit thE EartH
for me to Experience
the Kingdom oF Fearless
And Unconditional Love up
Close and Personal iN A
SiGNaTuRE PosE too..
Alpha Love is verily
the Best Nation
in a STaTeNoW
oF Soul to ALWaYS LiVE
NoW2 And iF you THiNK ToTaLLy
LiViNG iN LoVE iS WeaK and TiMiD
i suggest you Lose YouR FucKinG Words
And get in Touch with God as Fearless Love
in Positive Force Energy of what the ‘Eastern’ Folks
Name as “Chi” and “Qi” And Rise to the Top of the Pyramid Capstone Wisdom Beauty
eYe Human God Ladder NoW aS thE Force oF UNConDiTioNaL LoVE NoW Yes..
VeriLY And SureLY if Iggy can and will ever leave all the Dollar Bills Behind She
WiLL enjoy more than just the Fruits of Her Behind for Mastering One’s Shadow
SelF iN LusT and Aggression is JusT A First step NoW iN ENteRinG A Key WHoLE
oF HeaVeNLoVE..
So So God YeS
But Oh God
What Fertility
Rite of Divine
Female Hips
Iggy Does BRinG
to Touch the Male
Shadow SelF Even More.. heHE..
anYWay Do you Understand what
A Tesla Lion is True me and Lions
Roar to iNcrease the Frequency
And Vibrations oF our Animal
Energy And iF tHat iNTimiDates You at the Gym or WHaTever.. hAha2..
i Suggest You Roar Louder Deeper Longer Than me.. HEhex2.. NoW So iN LoVE6SiX..;)


It’s been a Long Weekend and as aLWays
Saturday and Sunday are days to Connect
to the Rest of the Metro Area Flesh and Blood
Community Through Dance everYwhere i Do Go..
as sure what i do too Monday Wednesday and Friday
at the Local Military Gym.. Tuesday in Local Area Shopping
Stores and then there is Marathon Dance at Good Old Seville
Quarter as the 219th Dance Week Night Comes up this Thursday
as that is a Thursday Routine for Connecting to the Flesh and Blood
Arena in the Metro Area too.. and when i’m not doing that Generally Speaking
i am doing reSearch aRound the Globe and continuing the Writing of the Longest
Long Form Poem/Bible in the History of Humankind that is truly so long at over 6 Million
Words it’s not something
that ‘Normal’ Human
Beings’ can even
Wrap their ‘Normal’
Human Being Minds around
particularly considering that the
Twitter Standard is still 280 Characters
for a Concise Trump Tweet and the such as that
and it’s also worth noting and totally understandable
that there is so much information to consume these days
that Science Shows the Average Human Being has the attention
Span of less than a Gold Fish no Joke that’s a Science Study supported
Evidential Finding.. so what use is there in Dancing Close to 9600 Miles now
in close to 59 Months aLong with Writing a 6 Million World Long Form Bible/Poem
consideRing that’s not within the Bell Curve curRently of Human ThiNk and Art
And Do or even within the Current Parameters of Actual Science
Studied Phenoms too.. well Really just i can and will now
JusT Do it.. For i See LiFE As A Gift to Explore all of one’s
Human Potentials.. aLWays have even with
very low and ironically
high expectations
of me too
low in
the Area
of Physical and
Emotional Intelligences
And C R E A T I V I T Y
And High in the ironicAlly
Sense of Standard IQ Points
And Making Money as Smart
Folks are usually supposed to
do that in life too as scores show
in School and Number of College Degrees
and the such as that too yeah yeah i worked in
Close to a Minimum Wage Non-Appropriated
Government Job in a Military Bowling Center for
Close.. to a Decade that got changed over.. to an
Appropriated Job to Double my Pay for doing the
same job then tax payer supported by Executive Order
Direction of Bill Clinton who loosened up Tax Payer Dollars
to Pay Double to Folks Supporting the Morale Recreation and
Welfare Support of the Military then.. eventually rising to Equivalent
Pay Banding Size of GS-9 to 11 Athletic Director and Supervisory
Recreation Specialist too for the Military too.. yeah at one point
my Official Title per Government Label of Athletic Director was
Sports Science Specialist hehe.. even though i still didn’t care
and didn’t have a clue about Team Sports then other
than an Audience Member of FSU while i
watched their Winning Streak and
National Championships too..
and True i
was the
Last Kid
Picked on
Team Sports Teams
in School too and i wasn’t
Comfortable enough in my own
sKin to Navigate myself alone then through
in Shopping Stores but i sure could Ace Multiple
Choice Tests and Make Good Grades on Standard
IQ Tests too.. but what i was really afraid of most was
getting lost in Mechanical Cognition and losing the Spirit
of mY HeART aS even more out of Mind and Body BaLanCinG SoUL..
True there is more to LiFE than being a Systemizing Science Lawyer and
While Bi-Polar will surely Color a Life with Extreme Emotions and Senses too..
Asperger’s will clamp everything down to a Math Equation Logic of Life now where
Black And White and Purgatory Grey of Soul will also come although as i only intuited
this when young as it’s hard to put the Inner Life of Being Human Even into Words.. as
an Increasing Difficulty for the General Population too as ‘they’ become more Machine
than Human too.. so anyway there is a tale of two photos above… group photos as ‘they’
say and do too.. but on Saturday for continuing Weekend Review we did the Second
Birthday of Katrina’s Great Great Niece that yes does make her a Great Great Aunt
too in Mermaid way.. hehe.. as it’s true Mermaid’s rarely age too.. and the most
Interesting Point of the Party to me at a BayView Park was an African American
Youngish Adult Male Wearing Head Phones in a Track Suit doing
Max Sprints back and Forth Across the Lawn and for me it
was obvious he was exploring his Human Potential
Just for him in the Zone as it were for him Singing
With Head Phone Music too doing more than
two things at one time too..
yes.. like when i Dance
at the Book Store
the Barnes and Nobles
one as i did on Sunday
Reading and Listening to
Music too as a Trifecta exploring
my Human Potential out of what Group
think says is the Bell Curve Norm yes Folks
the Bell Curve of Human Being no matter what
the Activity is is Highly maNipulated by the Group
Think ever changing of what Society says is Kosher
or not Kosher for you to do.. unless you just don’t give
A FucK about what other folks think and become a Dance
Legend in the eyes of the Durrounding Beautiful Young Women
even if the Rather Rotund and Bearded Good Old Boys can’t understand
what you are doing and you can see that by their disbelieving looks on their
Face like the Dude in ‘Target’ on Sunday who i slowly approached after a mid-
Spin of Middle Aisle Store Twirls.. yes Stalking Closer to him hehe.. like a Lion
on the Savannah too.. anyway.. to finish the other part of the BayView Park Story some
of the folks in the Birthday Party Group Think thought that dude should be embarrassed
of himself.. and just couldn’t figure out why he obviously didn’t give a Fuck.. what they thought
as he continued to explore his version of Human Potential wherever he was out with no concern
about folks either stuck in a rut or stuck in the mud too.. or perhaps barely able to run at all.. as
my Knees don’t like running so i do what i will do dance yes dance.. okay back to the Good Old
White Boy Young Man.. i said what do you think i’m doing and he lied straight face to my face
and said oh no i wasn’t looking at you.. like i don’t see everything when i’m totally Laser
Focused in Dance too.. Mindful Awareness from Head to Toe as Eastern Philosophies
Do For Tibetan Monks and KunG Fu Martial Arts School too.. hAha.. and then
i Said have you ever done Martial Arts Dude and he said no and then
i cut to the Chase and said Do you like the Jesus Dude and he said
with a Big Toothed Grin yes i do.. and then i said okay so tell
me something where is Heaven and then he stumbled
a bit with the God and Jesus Football and said
well i don’t know where Heaven
is but i am going there
after Death and
then i said no actually
Heaven the Kingdom of God
is at Hand always in this Generation
now pointing to my Chest Living Within..
and then i said well that’s what the New Testament
says and now Jesus isn’t lying to us then is he or not..
and nah he couldn’t deny what i said as he probably heard those
Words in Church at one point or another whether or not he’s ever
really paid much attention to Reading the Bible or not.. and then i said
Okay.. so how do you Get to Heaven and what is the Law and Pay Grade
of Jesus and he said words to the effect and facial gestures too of i don’t know..
and then i said Love is the Law and the Pay-Grade of Jesus and for us Christians
if we follow those Good Cop Jesus Teachings is and are Just Love too.. in Fearless
Way too.. and then he started to shake his Head with a no of Hell and then i said well
wait now for in that Good Cop Jesus part of the New Testament it says God is Love and
Jesus combined all 613 Old Torah Old Testament Commandments into Just Two Love
Your Neighbor as Yourself and all of God too.. so yeah Dude it’s all about Love that’s
the MeMo and that’s what you Do so let me ask you are you going to Follow the
Law of Jesus and God that is both literally and Metaphorically Love and
only worry about the Paygrade of Love and are you going to be
a Witness for the Good Cop Jesus and Stand up for Love
and Exclude no one From Love.. hehe.. at this point
i guess he started to think i was preaching
at him while i was really only
trying to give him a different
point of common sense
And feel of Life
that is
all about
Fearless Love
so he said i don’t know
and then i said how do you
think you Get to the Kingdom of Love
NoW and he said he didn’t know and i said
Well the First Dance Step and Word Song is
to Leave all iLLuSory Fears Behind and then i said
how do you think you do that and he said he didn’t
know again and then i said well Dancing in Public is Surely
one way to do it and there are many more ways to face the
Demons of Fear and Fear that Lead to Anger and Jealously
And Greed and Envy and Trump-like Pride that is not really
warranted by any Love you give and share now real.. yes
the Con-Social Human Emotions of Hate that can and will
make you a Bad Cop Trump Jesus too that and
who Demands Worship and Praise
even after trying to scare
you into Firing you
into some
kind of
Hell if you don’t
Bend down and kiss
his Ring and basically
Trump Name him the one
and only most important God
Trump oF all.. yes it’s True Trumps
back then wrote a Substantial Part of the
Bible with all the other Anonymous Authors
And Scribes with their Copy Mistakes over Centuries
And Intentional Changes too for they were the ones in control
of the Text and what came to Copy Paper next.. nope.. no Xerox
Machines back then with the first Written Version of the New Testament
in Greek then too and let’s remember that the Dude Jesus originally then
Yeshua if that was even his name was then an Illiterate Aramaic Speaking
Dude where none of the Words Were Writen Down until SmARTy Pants
Greek Writing Literate Folks did it around 4 Decades alter Picking
And Choosing many-multiple Sects of Oral Tradition in So-called
Modern Christianity then in old TiMeY Military
Victory of what Greek “Gospel” originally
Meant then yep Religion
can and will
be Spiritual
as Love or it can will
just be a way to Control
Folks with Poems interpreted
As Carrots and Sticks too but here’s the
Thing Dude if you Study the Philosophies and
Religions of the Entire World you will find the Golden
Rule doing Your best not to consume others with Harm
that takes a life long practice of Developing Cognitive Empathy
aS Well as some kind of Mind and Body BaLanCinG Meditation
that Regulates YouR Emotions and Integrates your Senses NoW As
A Meditation of in the Zone Flow of Free Style BaLanCinG Public Dance
And Song of Free Verse Writing Poetry does just that for me for i also have
Total Control of my thoughts close to 100 Percent after writing a 6 Million Word
Long Form Bible Poem as you know what they say about Practice it just leads to Greater
Fruition of Human Potential no matter what you are laser focusing to do in Practice now True..
anYWay Dude you
might do
Working in
A FLoW iN ZonE on Your
Harley Davidson if that’s
what you Zen Do too.. for it’s
True i even Played Tennis alone
with the Back Board After School
where Ball and Back Board and
Racquet and me came to
be FouR iN one
Force for
Mind and
Body BaLance
For the Kingdom of
Heaven at the Tennis Court too..
within as ‘they’ say and do now too..
yeah Dude God is Love and Heaven is a
Mind and Body Totally Balancing and still evolving
in Fearless Love BaLaNCiNG Force now.. yep like
that Star Wars thingie too just it then and just it now
God is Love and so are you and me when we find
A Grace iN BaLanCinG MiNd and BoDy SoUL
iN WiLL on Top of LoVE NoW too.. And Yes
mY FriEnd this State of being will
Bring incredible even
Physical Strength
of Will now too
and if you need some
Proof i’m 58 would you like
to see a YouTube Video of me
Leg Pressing A Half A Ton of Iron..
Yep.. it’s as close as this Smart Phone
too.. in my Hand now for real too.. this is no
myth this is no fiction and it doesn’t matter who
wrote what for what counts is what feels and sense
right now within for Your Conscious Reality of what
you Perceive of Life in all the ways life comes even unseen
with your Sub-Conscious Mind Now and the Collective Experiences
of Life through Struggles and Successes as encoded in YouR DNA too
for the Evolution of all that exists we share now too.. and then after that
i said i’m sure you have other things to do.. shook his hand with a Gorilla Grip
and said
you Have
a Nice Day
as i returned his Toothy
Bearded Grin then with an even
Bigger one then.. hAha.. hmm.. this
is a kind of long story now but that’s what i like
to do so here is the Rest of the Story as i haven’t
really totally got to the Three Photos as the one in
Between Gives the Fuller Context off where the 6 Lovely
Young Women Were in the Restaurant me and my Sister
and Her Friend Visited with our Child Hood Friend from dates
that started almost 50 Years ago.. in ’69 and what all the Four Older
Folks in the Photo do have in Common now even the one who is 48 as
Katrina who stays mostly the same as Eternal Teenager.. now too.. is
That we are all retired before age 60 and me in my Photos as that goes
too.. and Katrina in her 30’s more specifically at 33.. except for the Child
Hood Friend at close to 61 now.. for all of us were outcasts in School and
that’s what we have most in common too for some of us were Androgynous
Looking in a Trump Red State Place and Katrina well she was just poor as
Poor folks go.. but sure OMG Princess Beauty will take you places you’ve
never been before.. hehe.. True ask Cinderella she will tell you about
Kind and Courage too.. as with those two you will definitely go
places other folks without that never go too.. namely
Heaven the Kingdom of GodLoVE Within now too..
And our friend who still works well
he really does work hard
supervising 60 General
Attorneys on Capital Hill
for the SEC no not the South
Eastern Conference of the Bible
Belt Football Teams.. the Securities
Exchange Commission in the Paygrade
of SK17 Assistant Director of Two Divisions
with a Publicly Released Salary as much as
the Vice President of the United States as Tax
Payer Supported Pay does come and go real too..
Yeah my Sister has Two Master’s Degrees and her
Friend has one and was a Black Belt in Karate and
A Jet Mechanic for the Military too.. and just to think
that me and my Sister and our Friend came from
a Leave it to Beaver Small 50’s Neighborhood
Named Oakhurst then too.. ha! so you
think a Mustard Seed can do
Great Works in Life in Faith
of JuST DoinG LiFE NoW
an acorn will
do.. hehe.. anyway
as we sat down to Dinner
to discuss what we’ve done in Life
the nice Waitress came over and said
are you Him are you the Dancing Guy of the Town
and i said well sure that is what i am now still now..
and she said my Boss Loves you will you Dance for
us now.. keeping in Mind that Country Music was Playing
in this Trump Red State Town as over 80 Percent of the
Folks voted for him in the Entire County and much
closer to 100 Percent in the Northern area of
The Country Where i still live now..
yes.. for all practical intents
and purposes these
Open Minded
Young Waitresses
all said they’ve either
seen me or danced with
me at Old Seville Quarter as it’s
true after Thousands of Photos with
All Beautiful Young Women i am only
Human so i have to ask were you one of
the ones who danced with me.. and one said
yes.. yes i did.. and she was the Manager of all these
Young Women now.. so i got up to Dance to fulfill the favor
they asked as they turned the Country Music Up Louder and
the First Baptist Church Crowd just looked in disbelief then like
i can’t believe that Dude is Dancing in Public now but the Young
Women that was a Different Story for they had their Social Media
Tools all Focused on me then.. and after i finished one of the Young
Women said you are the Best.. i never told them my Real Name as
is enough
i guess hehe..
anyway this sort of
put in a Nutshell of Acorn
to our Old Friend for what
i’ve been up to since the last
time he visited us in around 2011
when i was still a shut-in in my Bedroom
for A 66 Months stint in hell back then.. it’s
really Hilarious it really is that my Paygrade
is actually zero now and the Loveliest Women
in Town say i am Best Just for A Free Dance of Life now..
meanwhile our friend since the Trump Hiring Freeze who used
to have to supervise Thirty Lawyers and now is overall responsible
for 60 to take charge of another entire Division of the SEC without
any pay raise for doing twice as much is really looking forward to retiring
in less than two years now and more enjoying his Hobby of Collecting Pottery
And Perhaps even selling some of his Art Collection too meanwhile i showed
him some of my close to 3000 FB Profile Pics Spiced with Beautiful Smiles of
the Metro Dancing Women and Special Audience Members of Public Dance
too and said
yes my
i collect
it’s What i Do..
For the Kingdom
of Heaven is Beyond
iNFiNiTY of any Paygrade
NoW for the Rule oF Love is a Smile
on God’s Face WiTHIN Beyond any thing
Dollar BiLLs WiLL other wise Do.. Love iSReaL.
Is ReaL
So You’LL
FeeL and
SeNSE Who’s
ReaLLy RicH and PooR aS
LiFE GoeS oN aS SoUL oR NoT NoW ALiVE..:)


Hi Frank.. and as always thanks
For Swinging by on this
Continuing Hot
With Hints
of Tropical
Weather coming
More Often Now to
Re-Distribute the
Heat of EarTH
For MoRE
oF Being to
Survive and
Even Thrive more..
And as Far aS “ONcE onE TranSCenDS
As thaT naturAlly cAMe to me iN FLoW iN ZonE as Creativity Dances
And Sings When ToTaLLy Free.. i Love to Dance and Sing Love And
Beauty And Even Courage And Kind in Wisdom is BeYoND iNFIniTY
of these
are in the
eYes of the
Beholders yes
the Relative Free Will
as all of us ToGeTHeR
And DiFFeRENT too in Multi-Views
of Existence too.. so Yes in other Words
Beyond iNFIniTY is whatever Science does
not currently have tools to empirically Measure
And Confirm as Reliably.. the same and with all
Stuff Love iNcluding Beauty and Kind and Courage
And Even Wisdom too.. Relative Free Will Speaks to
aN Ever Change of Existence NoW iN aLL Views
NoW DiFFeRenT and SiMiLaR NoW too for the
Art oF aLL we do that is an
Art of ever
StarT NeVeR
All Systemizing Science
TreeSeeD YeT SeeN bY eYeSTReELoVE..:)
Hmm.. we live in a World where NoT MaKinG
Money is often seen as wasting one’s ‘time’
no matter what one does if and or when
too.. hehe.. as there is a Hispanic
Immigrant Family at our Local
Target and Publix
Strip Mall
where the Husband
Plays the Accordion for
Gifts from the General Public
to support his Family as he suggests
that this is his only Job.. and we donated
to the Cause Overall of Keeping his Family
Fed and he was Really Good and my Wife was
in a Hurry and didn’t want to endure a Fred Talk
with the Accordion Player but what i wonder was/is
would he still be as Rich in Art if Financially Independent
to just come out with no Dollar Can at all to Generate Smiles in others
as he did that
While he
Played for Money too..
Humans did that for Hundreds
of Thousands of Year and We are
here proving that it worked then if
Only a Dance in the Moonlit Sun
Shine WiTHiN oF A Campfire
when love
thrives for Love
for Love for all mY friEnd..
Yes.. my friEnd truly i am
the Lucky one to Dance and Sing
Life This Freest Way oF LoVE ArT NoW..
If Katrina was here i’d be able to give you the
‘Official’ Scientific Label for the Flower you identified as Liking
but to me its God and the way i See God is Beauty that is Worth
Getting Inspired by in Muse to aLWays Write And Sing a New Song
to.. And Step a New Dance to aS well.. FoR iT aLL of God A LiVinG GRoWiNG BeiNG
No longer
Words oF oLD..
True How all of God
Will Be Praised as Worship
iF aLL oF Life BeCoMeS a continuAlly
ReNeWeD DancE And SonG but no matter what we still
Do it whether we realize it or not every now we Make
God Greater aS
Art eYEs ReaL..
True aLL
Are BeYonD
iNFiNiTY too..
When coMe to Be Art ever Changing too..:)
Hmm.. Love American Style tHat’s A DreAm
This Country and the Rest of the World can and
Will ReAlly LivE oN iN Give And Share Free Ways
by one aLL MoRE..
to share and give to all NoWoNE
No DreSSinGs oF ForeigN Exchange..:)


SMiLes my
In LiFe Worse
And it’s
Really not fair
To make
It’s all Relative
And Different
And Same
Life lives or dies now..:)
One of the Hardest things one may
Do is Seek Help particularly when
Any Disorder of Our Feelings
or Thoughts is
Taboo to
even exist..
Meanwhile folks
suffer in silence
While Reality Sings
A Song Without a Dance
in other Words yes Action
to Make Life Better.. Anyway
Zee.. the Emotional and Sensory
Life is SureLY an Art over Science but
There are Those Versed Enough in the Art
of Inner DaRk and LiGHT to Raise you up
But Still
A Lifelong
And Sensory Lives
Are still from first to last
BLink of Life.. Good on you
for seeking answers from those
who may truly be able to help you
on this Particular Path iN Life Journey wHere
What You Change to Be NoW May Be A Greatest
Soul Grace oF aLL..
to Truly Make the Flowers of
Life Color For the Will of Your
LoVE iN LifELiGHT TRuE NoW..:)
Hi FriEnd Sohair True tHeRe
iS LiGht in Every HuMan
that Glows with
Love Day
and NiGht
as Love
is the
LivES aS LiGht
EiTHeR Day or NiGht
Love is the INViSiBlE
SuN inside only for those
who cannot and will not see it
only for those who will not and
cannot give and share it.. only for
Oil is
no WicK no
FlickeR no FLamE
no Torch no Bonfire From:
oF LoVE oN LiGHT iN FLiGHT to: GLoW..:)
THere’s A Lot of Life in the World and a Whole
Lot of LiViNG Death as Folks Struggle Day to day
to Find any Light at all out of life as Their Wick
is just
nothing aT aLL NoW..
And When A Fire (LoVE)
oF aLL that is Good in Life
Burns that Low all that’s left
that’s even possible for relight
is Rest Just Rest to Re-Tire
Wheels gone Bone
to Metal with
little to
Tread Left iN LoVE oF LiFE..
Anyway Life Goes on From Hell
to Heaven within oN EartH For A
Test to See iF WiLLl Rise again..
to: Love’s BReaTH oF LiGHT From:
iN Synch oF What Makes LiFe Worth
Living as Gift more than to take what is Good in
Life Away from others for the Slight we FeeL and Sense as Small iN LiFE..
Anyway from the Looks of the Two Photos and 2 Great Great Nieces and
1 Great Great Nephew with one at 2 so far and Katrina at 48 Looking just about
the way she did at the ‘Age of Adaline’ still.. yes.. 27 or so going on now or so..
It appears before she Hits 70 she may be a Great Great Great Aunt too and
sure me too as far as Uncle in-law in Great Great Great Way then too..
And there are some who have less that would like it even better
if others have even less than they as far as ways to Life goes
oN For it’s most always the empty inside that wants
to take whatever someone else has to
a lower level to feel raised up
in fear and hate ways
but you
Love is no Money
Love is no Trump Tower
Love is Real and Flesh and Blood
ReaL and Love is More than Words For
Love Feels and Senses yes Love Keeps
Us Running in Tune more than any other Human
Force Real no myth no religion alone Just Just Just LoVEALLoNE..:)


It’s True Katzilla iS unLeashed And reLeased in the Metro
Area for Dance on Sunday and he is moving through
the Local Area Stores Later today on
Tuesday too.. heHe..
it was funny
at Target
For Katrina
had to go back
in after we left
and a little Girl
Said.. Mommy there
is that Mad CaT aGain..
and well before that as Katrina
was Perusing another area of the
Store while i am ministering a Love
oF God the God as Love to the Good Old
Boy Man with a Beard from likely the more
Northern Part of the County too as it’s True
it’s Hard for some folks to Picture what
makes all of life Great Namely
Love for it can and will
be Difficult
does not
fully Experience
an Agape Feel and
Sense of Love yes
Being iNCaRNaTE as LoVE
as little Children Dance together
throwing up the Balloons of Life with
Nary a Forest Gump Feather Care for
Trust in wHere Love Floats NeXT Through
All of LiFE LiGHT and DaRK NoW Too For
A Dance and Song oF LoVE LiGHTS uP
Dull eYes and SMiLES inTo BRiGHT
SMiLeS and eYes MoRE NoW
As a Dance and SonG
Most as the
Most Powerful Force
for Moving Connecting
Co-Creating.. NoW.. the
ForcE oF LovE ReaL GoD As
iN the EmoTioNaL Centers oF uS
to GiVE and SHaRE WHeN HoLDiNG
HanDS For Free in Beauty Wisdom and
Kind Courage even more Fearlessly NoW True..
And True too as the Inner UniVerSE oF BeiNG HUMaN
can and will be so hard to put into Words Without Greater
Symbols Than only Words That BRinG MoRE LiGHT OuT
oF OuR EmoTioNaL SeNSoRY MuLTi-ViEW UniVerses
of Nature NoW GoDLoVE ReaL WiTHIN to be i am NoW
So it’s not Hard to understand really that
Stories Including Deeper Mythologies
that relate the Inner UniVerSE
Multi-Views of Human
Feelings and
Senses too
are yes in Hopes
of Mutual and Consensual
For those who SeeK and FiND this
HeavEN LoVE NoW So Free that yes
iN Hopes that We WiLL BRinG SoME KiND
Of Symbols to relate to OTHeRS A HiGHeR
ForCE as GoD LoVE NaturE WiThIN to DancE
And SinG MorE SunG And DancED BeFoRE.. And as the
World Overall Becomes More Machine Like As Humans coMe
to Be More Mechanical Cognition in Robot way too.. For those who
Exercise a True Flesh and Blood DancE and SonG oF LoVE iT CaN
And WiLL Be a little Disconcerting that so much of the Rest of the World
is on an Auto-Play Routine of Machine Mechanical yes Class more Robot
Way of Problem Solving Life as Bones of LoVE Replace what can and will
Flesh and Blood
Co-Creating Hugging LovE
NoW THaT LiGHtS A Stone
GRowN WicK LeSS oF LiFE iN A
DancE and SonG oF LiFE Original
that and who truly more fully reaches
out to others LiFTiNG them up wHere They too
May See themselves as LoVE iNCarNaTE NoW
CoME iNTo Much Fuller Human LoVE PoTeNTiaL
Burying the Barriers of Walls iN all Associated with
Fear and Hate to Gehenna these days as a Garbage
Dump to leave the Dropping of Fear and Hate yes so
far as From: Behind to: LoViNG aLL oF LiFE ReNeWeD ANeW NoW
uP FroM Ashes for the Older fASHioN oF aLL yes LoVE JusT uS LoVENoW..
Yep some days yes most Sundays i must pinch myself in Church to Remember
that not every one is risen as LoVE iNCaRNaTE NoW aS LoVE LiGHT ReaL.. for
it’s True i have no problem replacing all Human Symbols as Edifice for LoVE Directly
with the LoVE that Lives as Essence Me NoW for i must remind myself that not everyone
i am LoVE
the GReaTesT
ForCE oF HuMaN
And yes tHeRe’S iNFiNiTE
Symbols oF Art that Help
Folks on tHeir Way to
at the
oF A Child
As Essence FoRM to Be..
So Which Wolf Do You Feed..
ReLaTiVE Free WiLL aT BesT
SeeKs Finds LoVE WiTHIN to Be LoVENoW..:)


Share Holders of Soul
the Reality every
Child no Matter
Male or Female
Faces through
Culture and Religion
Coming More Complex
as years go by where truly
many people Struggle Through
Life with little to no compass of
the Simple Fact that Humans
are born
to Love
and sure
that requires
both Survive
and Thrive Holding
Hands together but question
is who gets to Hold hands my
friEnd and the Answer is that
Depends on who the Slave
Lords are.. God as Love
only Culture
and Religion
is Proficient to that Cause still..
However Humans are only evolved
to Efficiently and Reliably connect to
Homogenous Looking and Acting others
in Numbers no more than 150 to 200 or so
in Flesh and Blood Hand to Hand and eye
to eye contact with Perhaps as few as 5 really
Close Friends in more intimate ways of connections
as far as actually spending most of the day through together
to play in all the ways life plays in survive and thrive and Joy
Love Company
over the binds
and bonds of
Misery Loves Company
that many folks do as the Bread
And Water and Body and Blood of Life
so far away from Love.. sadly my FriEnd Male and
or Female even supposedly in the so-called Free Country
i Live in as has been the case for Centuries Now Number One
Folks are slave to the Dollar Bill and Number Two Folks are Slaves
to a Job and if there is any thing left after that there is Love in a Play
of LIfe
over Prison
now.. and at least
where i live as long as one can
live within small enough means and
free themselves from the Master of Both
Dollar Bills and Work for Pay the Freedom that comes
is almost without limits or expectations from others now
for it’s True God doesn’t Give Freedom away we still have to earn it
if we
not to born
in a Prison
with Doors that never
open even until the last blink of Life..
It’s True Life is all Worth LiVinG EternAlly
Now Free in a Fearless Kingdom of Love wHere
Making anyone into a slave is a common sense sin
mY FriEnd
And that’s mostly
A Very Local ‘Neo Endeavor’
that is if you do the Movie for Real…
i saw the Poster Board on your FB Page
where the Men who Loved to Look at Women
No Different than Women who Love to Look at
Women as i remember you speaking of that Before..
Do exercise their God Given Natural Freedoms to do that
as long
as Women
have no
to Freedom
to be all of who
they are set Free…
Truly my FriEnd it is a Wonderful
Place my Wife and i live Free but it’s
True we were Far from Free for Decades
in the Same Place many Folks call Free..
rarely do i ever see anyone truly
A Freedom
that Truly Spells
A Love oF LiFE ToGeTHeR
Truly just about the only place
i sense and feel that is in a ‘Neo Dance’ of me..
with some folks who are not afraid who are distant
from me but close as close comes to Freedom of Soul..
other than that Where i Live.. Women from what i see are actually
getting much more evolved than Men as Free as that relates to a Foundation
oF Love in Feeling and Sensing Moving Connecting And Co-Creating LiFE with
OTHeRS iN A Grace oF MiNd and BoDY BaLanCinG Force that With and as Love
Supports the Highest Levels of True Will and Strength as that comes with Fearless
And Unconditional Love when FReED.. but hey.. at least it is possible where i live
that says
A Lot about
Government that
continues working that way
too as long as it continues
as there are many Weak Souled
Men who would Love to put this
Country Back in the dArk Ages of
Women More in Prison too and anyone else
Who is not White Male and Mostly Old and Angry like
i said Misery Loves Company and even thrives with its ‘Devil’ at the top..
Anyway.. Neo Flows Neo Free Neo Loves it Works for me and if i could givE onE
of the
i am to
the Very
Top That Hate
And Fear would
Crumble into the Ocean of Love and Finally Live Whole
For it’s True my friEnd Rafiah.. at LeasT tHeRE is AlWays
the PoTenTiaL of Setting YourSeLF Free no matter wHere you live now..
W iT Hi N
yes hard
With Enough Love WiTHIN..
You KNow the Good Thing about Your
Culture is very Nurturing Women like my Mother
whose only wish was to Raise a Family Staying Home
still are granted that Wish and there is no doubt in my Mind
that she would Have been Satisfied with that even if she was held
Mostly Prisoner in her Home to do just that but not everyone is like
My Mother
to be Wild
and Free for it’s
True God is not Cookie
Cutter and neither Is God’s
Family either some Religions and
Cultures work Fine as Heaven for some
Folks and the Same Religions and Cultures
are Hell on Earth for others and we are very
Fortunate to live in a place that allows Multi-Colored
Souls to Survive and Thrive if they Rise Enough to JusT Do It..:)


Well some Space Left in mY SPace
KaT6 WiNDS of Calm
Center eYe
Do as NauTiLusT
ReLeaSeD YeS So Free
as Love with oPeN Nautilus
Chamber Doors to continuing
Poems oF LoVE iN DancE And SonG
Freer than ever BeFoRE NoW ALWaYS
RiSinG MoRE and if you don’t understand
that Prayers like this.. that Dance and Sing
Aren’t the sAMe as a WHiTE MaGiC Very Effective
SPeLL oF LoVE PerHaPS you haven’t recently TaKeN
Fuller Advantage
oF Spells.. A LoVE
THaT and Who SPeLLS
JoYSoWS iN Company FuLLeR
MoVinG CoNNecTinG Co-Creating
NoW aS NoW off to Frank’s Place of
Poetry and Xenia’s too aLong with
gigoid’s Place of Sharing
Aphorisms From the
The Free Ages too..
SMiLes tHeRe was/is a Day i Both
Made Lists and am Ruled by
Lists and i find
in soMe
ways soMe
days trying
to go back to lists..
True ProcrastiNaTioN
May Be so much better
than Sphincter of OCD
Closing in butt of course
i’m just a perfectionist
About Perfect heHe..
Buttons of Love
Flowers of Love
With Tools
to Extend
Souls oF LoVE..
Nature Rains..
SMiLes Frank
Every one should
Be Gifted With Living
Younger Older to Appreciate
aT Least
From: mY View to:
Younger Older NoW2..:)
Water Drops
ReLieVE NoW..
Green View
LiViNG NoW..
Water Found From:
Drink oF LiGHT to: Seek..
Ocean Waves
hi-low-hi Xenia..
Recycles LiFE
Summer Waves continue…
Hmm.. Well Katrina’s therapy
Appointment to gain further Usage
Recovering Still from Her March Spring
Burn is over and so am i for now Starting
Back Later after Store Dance Next back at gigoid’s Place
then as i continue to Escape ALiVE iN LoVE NoW Band of LoVE
MoRE as me.. heHE..
Laptop Now To Rest
As i Dance the Poem as Song..:)


As the Band on the Run
Continues.. Now That
quick Stop Over
at the
of Aphorisms
to riff off of some
MoRE NoW FReED too..
Well.. gigoid.. what a Surprise to see you in your
online home away from home as such
at the Library after such
an unfortunate
your Lap Top
With Coffee but i suppose
if you did not burn your Lap
that is something good that
came out of that Sadly
of Reality
come to what
Pain in the Asses
come to be too all around
our World.. anyway i was just
Fixing to reload one of your Posts
From January as of Last Count that’s
as far as i’ve gotten in the Record Book to Riff..
And God yes.. Losing Prescription Lenses and Id’s
is practically
to the
Stone Age
without any
of the niceties
that allow us to Supersede
the Functional Disabilities of Historical
Before.. as even people like me now tend to thrive
hAha.. anyway nice to find you’re HeAr LiVE and PreSenT
at the Library at least for when i lost my Home Internet Access
i was willing
to suffer
the out
of Florida
Hell of some Humidity
to get a connection to the
Globe.. it’s True the Blue Room
over here so far in the State of
Florida has been the usual Wet
Scorcher in Clothes of Soak From
Head to toe too.. anyway mY FriEnd
the best news of all is change and not even
Murphy can and will make Change Go Away
As Change will
Change anything
As Change continues to LoVE Change.. heHe..
And See ya Later as oh Lord the Date is Set Now to hit the Bed…:)


Hellooove Again Himali and
i’m Glad i found You aGain
A JeweL
oF LiGht
oNLinE NoW..
SMiLes mY friEnd
for we are more Essence
oF UniVerse than the Forms
We Create that sadly these days
seem to more often lose our way
to be
to the
of the Essence
We Are aS UniVerse
Whole Truly a Fractal
And a MicroCosm as the
MacroCosm Whole of all that is
Namaste as you Dance And Sing
too.. for the God in you Too that is
the Whole of all that is.. never separate
never divided always NoW Within alive inside
outside above so below and all around the Breath
STaRTinG NoW..
SMiLes Culture in General
Is A Mighty Heavy Garment to Shed
to Go back to Love my FriEnd thE LoVE
That is thE LigHT oF all that is We Within
Come Reborn Again in Awareness More
We Are NoW
A Touch
of Love
is all that is
sadly so far from
Reach for Those who
Have Lost tHeiR way from all that is..
in other Words my FriEnd that Majority
oF smART That is Art unleashed and released
As Art in heART the eARTh we Inherit the Art oF LoVE
For Love
Wins as We
Namaste is Love Never
Needing Even A Word for
eYes Who See Love without a Chalice..
The World Will Benefit so much more now
JusT From Silly Love SonGS Who See NoW As LoVE
Doors to: oPen..:)


Wait Love..
Making Life
SMiLes.. as ‘they’
Say.. follow
SMiLes.. Welcome
And thank you NoW
Smiles welcome and thank you now
is a reality that seems to be fading from
Modernized Cultures as Humans become
Machine Buttons more than Touchy Feely Love
for what just a Smile in Flesh and Blood Proximity
Will Bring
so real
of Love Freeing..
SMiLes mY FriEnd Live a little
Longer and you may
Find that
the Most Light
oF aLL Before You Decide
to Turn the Entire Universe off
Just to
A Man and More
Generally SpeaKing a Living ‘Thing’…
A Human who understands best
We are here to feel and sense all
through LiGHT
it’s True i am an expert
on Real Heaven and real
Hell WithiN as empirically
Documented too and i too used
to be Lost in an Ocean of Rationality
oF i Free
to Be enJoYing
all the Pains and
Pleasures of Life as
Equal Contributors to Existence as is..
it is what it is Dude ‘God’ as all that is..
And the fAct
that as
far as i can will
see you have some
points left on your
Canine Teeth now is Rationality
Enough in Nature as is to eat Meat if
You are Animal Enough Wild and Free to
Consume Nature as Nature like it or not
Will Eventually Consume you.. in other words
And Eat
Life for
Life will
do that
to you too eventually
mY friEnd.. too.. who knows
perhaps when you get older and have all the
Money you need you may Dance and Sing
For a Living
and Feel
And Pleasure
aS onE Source oF LoVE
that my friEnd is A Challenge
oF A Real Man and or Woman underStanding
that the Lion Eats the Lamb and the Lamb Eats the Lion
Lying Together and
Telling the Truth
as we
are born
and die
and no
matter what
in the Longest of Runs of Now it all makes us equals..
Anyway.. i’m using you as a JusT another Global Muse
Yes.. i am consuming you this way too for i’ve Written the
Longest Long Form Poem in the History of Humankind at over
6 Million Words in a 59 Month Effort of Doing JusT THaT For Free FuN iNcluding Close
to 9600 Miles of Public Dance in the Same Period of Dates as Documented Below too..
if anyone gets Past the First 280 Characters of this Flow.. but you see my FriEnd
i am A King of Pain First for i Endured the Worst Pain known to Humankind the
type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia like a dentist drill with no drug that would
touch that Pain in my right eye and ear for 66 Months from wake to
sleep.. it’s True i also once wished to Turn the Entire Universe
off from the My Space of Hell too.. to erase all that pain
but now i understand
that the
Lights as
far as what
Art may come
out of smART in LiFE
Are Generated from the
DaRKesT.. You are one of the
Most Rational people i have ever
come aCross online and trust me
i’ve come across thousands of the
same.. but you see my FriEnd the same
was said of me for years before i found
an entire other Hemisphere of Existence in
to Dance and
Sing A Life that’s so much
more real than the tiny antiquated
tool of form over essence come to be..
anyway.. so hard to do if one is not divorced
as slave to money or work.. so easy to do when TruLY Free
Love iNcarnate
mY FriEnd
For A wish
You Make
is to
Erase Love
For Love Feels
And Senses Best when Real..
FLESH and BLOOD other than that thanks for alloWing
me to Consume you as a Muse NoW JusT For what You Give and Share
Free online For the Path of NoW is Heaven For Those Who See What the Art oF Love is..
Oh Yeah and by the way if You Trust Science Averages Typically Males at age 58 don’t get
Twice as Strong as they were when they are your age now but that too is Documented below
too as i leg Press Half a Ton now easily twice as much at your age then.. but you see Science
is based
on the
Human Manufactured
Bell Curve of what Human is noW aS
you may be missing about 99 percent
of Your Human Potential Within A Realm of Reasons..
For you ‘normally’ go to
to find out
more of what
You may be one day too..
You seem to have potential
And it may take decades for it to find you..
Then it will not be likely you’ll hope to turn the
UniVerse off in fAct overAll then You may help to
Turn it back on relatively speaKing of course.. oN CourSE
iN Terms of
YouR Relative
Free will then and now too..
Dude.. Don’t expect to Find all
Your Wisdom in Books where
iT iS Approved by Group Think
As like it or not both Religion
And Science
Do have
thiS in common
No escaping iT uNtil
YoU JusT Do iT
YoU WiLL NoWTHeN..;)


5 Years Pain Free From
A REaL Living Hell
of the
Pain known
to Humankind
Type Two Trigeminal
Neuralgia from Wake to
Sleep for 66 Months for me
as that ended Close enough
to the Third Week of July in 2013..
A Step
out oF HeLL
To see Truly
that so-called
‘Normal’ is HeaVeN WHeN ReaL..
Yes this Hell and Heaven thingie
WiTHiN is all about Life Experience
Fully From First to Last BLiNK oF LiFE
No Holds
for all
the dARk
and LiGHT
that all Natural
God as Nature
May and WiLL BRinG
to you ‘fore the last Breath
Divine of Life as is comes with
the Last BLiNK oF LiFE too for True
so many Folks Never realize it’s Heaven all aLonG
MaKing Heaven
more of
and Work
for Pay
than Flesh
And Blood LiViNG
Touch JusT DiViNE
aS EXisTencE to Be NoW
Truly to be or not to be is a moot point
Fully Be’s
as JusT the
WaY We Are
to LoVE iT aLL in OTHeR
Words Survive First and Yes
then Dance and Sing a Thriving PoeTry oF LiFELoNG
NoW ETeRNaLLY NoW ReaL so long so long without
iS NoW
When totAlly
Freed From all From all
iLLuSoRY Fears that hold
us down so far down
Hate comes to Rule
aLL thaT iL Love DeSeRVinG
Free to be JusT NoW ALiVE
So LonG to Be..
Anyway what Pain taught me most for those 66 Months
From Wake to Sleep is Fear is what Brought the Pain and
Fear is what Killed the Love in me not just Emotionally and
Sensorily But totAlly Physically too For tHeRE is no SePeRaTioN
in the
oF LoVE NoW ReaL to be..
anYWay 5 years ago to Date
still over a week away from the Anniversary
of Pain FReED.. my Psychotherapist had a Goal
for me.. fight through the Pain to go into a WhataBurger
Restaurant to be around Strangers for Just 15 Minutes then..
And True that was A Mountain of a Goal i never thought i would
complete at that Human Set Date and Goal 5 years ago.. but something
Happened yes something changed in me yes.. Love Came Back to Roost For ReaL..
And if you doubt
the Force of
Love and
all that’s
Worth in a Poetry
And Dance and Song
of Life to BRinG iT aLL Back
And to KeeP iT too perHaps you
Don’t Understand Even the Pragmatic
Value of the Real Scientifically Evidenced
Impact of the Force oF Love unleashed in Human
Emotional and Sensory way with Symbols like Words
We Associate with all the Nuances of Positive Force Love
in Being HuMaN too.. and True don’t forget a Physical Free Dance
of LiFE iN MoViNG CoNNecTinG and Co-CreaTiNG WaYS NoW of SoWinG MoRE
LoVE WiTH LiGhT Minded and Bodied Similar Folks as well and no do not
Efforts to
Only LiGHT Minded
And Bodied Folks now
for it is those who are the
Most Lost From the LiGHT
oF LoVE LiFE who do need
Folks like us who never Give
up for them to Gain A Share
And Give of LoVE NoW
MorE but sure
that’s uP
to you
and Never
me alone whoever i am
considering we are allone
as one Blanket of God as NaturE oNe..
it doesn’t Hurt to try to Help YouR KiN FoLK too..
For it’s True one Day soon you may Will YouR Lamp
oF LiGHT to SHiNE the SpiRiT oF HeaRT oF You too..
Anyway my life
of pain and
and exhilaration
Beyond Measure
Beyond the Colors of
Rainbows too.. has made
me a Believer the Truth of Human
PoTenTiaL For all so much more than
imagined By Religion and Current Group
Think Science too.. for again that’s based on
the ‘normies’.. Not the Super Men and or Real Super
Women of LiFE Now FReED to do so much more as ReaL
aLL Natural
so it’s true
as Katrina and i were
Cruising Down the Road
to Visit the Physical Therapy
to regain more usage of Her Hand..
and to visit our Psychotherapist we both
Visit now since 2011 too as it’s true before
i withstood enough Pain to Write on Thanks
Giving Day of 2010.. for the 33 Months Before
that i was totally separated from the Rest of Humanity
even my Closest Family then for the King and Queen
of Pain
will Bring
that loneliest
to Fruition to then.. too..
so yeah.. a spark of something
anything in loss of hope all yes pure
Logic why not nothing else has helped..
True it would take another 33 Months full
from Date-on Writing to totally go Back to Humanity
to become a Writer Full of Poetry in Song and Public Dance
too as a Month Transition From Pain to what would come to be
a Title of Legend a little over a Year of that in Dance by the Viewing
General Public.. so yeah.. Miracles do happen and don’t think it’s too late
for you
to sTarT
for don’t
forget Grand Ma
Moses and even Colonel
Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken
just about to Commit Suicide Reaching
Earliest Social Security Age then still to
make a Fried Chicken Empire come to Light
and oh yeah.. if you think Life is over at 30 as far as Getting
Stronger don’t just listen to the Story of me for Don’t forget
About Jack LaLanne as he swam Towing Boats Across Bays Then
Many Boats in Tow of Swim in his 60’s then Difference being
that these
the Science
Assessed Averages
in Bell Curve of Human
Couch Potato Elders of NFL
Bencher Group Think.. and it’s the
way of Religion too even the Catholic
one i still visit without Fail Every Weekend
of Church since September of 2013.. too.. and most
other Christian Religions too as far as Sizes of Bibles and
New Paths to God of Nature all for more Folks to take to be
Reborn in LoVE iNCaRNaTE NoW for there is the John 14:12
Verse that Proves that Jesus all by himself is no God alone as begotten
Child of God any more important than you for he says if you really believe
in what he teaches now you will do even more than him.. it’s true i listened to
Jack LaLanne and Sorry Colonel Sanders for i’m not interested in making any
more money even if what i do was Marketable to sell which of course it is not
in a World
a limited
of Mind Set
so far below 6 Million
Words as 280 Character Blows
as Breath of Focus now aS even upper
limit of what Humans will do in even short
spurts of shallow for deeper thinking feeling and sensing now..
And it’s true Jack LaLanne all Five Foot 6 of him did Nude Art
Poses too.. just a Google Search Away if you don’t believe it now
did he do that
at 58 no..
but of
you don’t see
me towing any Fleet
of Boats across a Bay for
Swimming’s not my Thing and
as folks who Stop Breathing and die to
potentially actually Bring them back to LiFE
i write Bibles i don’t do Magic Tricks or Myths
now but what i do is Write Erotic Poetic Novels well
at least the First one so far now.. you’d be surprised at
what Human Potential that most folks never even considered
Fulfilling you might now Do so far beyond something i never imagine
to do now.. aT aLL
and NoW if You
don’t think you
can yes if you
don’t believe
you can will
Trust me you
won’t but on the other
Hand what i do Proves the
Force of Faith as Believe as Love
coMes inCaRNaTE Will do what NoW
no one else has done before now in my little/big
Ways of Pioneering what i originally Create to be..
now real for it’s True Stories are Nice and Myths Provide
Great Lessons oF LiGhT too if you can move past the Hyperbole
of the Housing of the Vehicles and Vessels of Human Abstract Constructs
that and who carry the Essence of the Human LesSons Time out of Time as
all we
to be for now..
in other words apply
the LesSons to NoW oF LiFE
to overcome Challenges of LiFE
made by others or Wholly Constructed
by you to Epigenetically reach so much more
of what YouR HuMaN Greater Potential may come
to be through a Great Work of Life in MoVinG CoNNecTinG
Co-CreaTiNG Ways oF LiFE BeCoMiNG all you can and will BeCoME
NoW for it’s TruE iN LiGHT THiS WaY tHeRE are no Practical LiMiTS
the Force
of Faith of
Belief as LoVE
or Even Expectations
as how would even the Story
of Jesus come to know what will
do more than that Story Book oF oLD
and the thing is when you do fulfill a John 14:12
or other metaphor of Greater Efforts of what comes before..
And that Story iN paRt iNSPiRED you to do that now.. this makes
the Story of Jesus even better than before for you will do more and
to Dance and
Sing Close to you
may do even more..
for it’s True We aRe aLL ToGeTHeR
As Family whether we see iT aLL or not..
for the Young Couple having Problems having
Children for perhaps a lack of Desire and the Super
Hot Woman in the Mall that Lights the Husband up
just enough
the job
done for
another Super
Hero of LoVE to
be born.. it’s true
the Young Women
in the Hot Pants
might not
any Credit
but that matters
not for we are all one
Happy Family when we realize
all that is of God as Nature holds
Hands in so many beneficial ways
that folks continue to call Evil for they feel and
sense and truly don’t have the common sense/feel
to see how
iT all
as a Painting
a Master Peace
one as we are
the Paint
the Painter
and God is
the Canvas All too..
sadly some folks see
The dArk Strokes of the Painting
As Evil as Dark wheRE Truly those
Strokes of Beauty in Clouds that Cover
Sun.. Are What Makes Beauty And Love
All Real to Be still NoW WHoLE.. THeRE is No
Doubt this is all HeaVeN NoW From: dARKesT
BLack Abyss through Purgatory SHades of Grey
And Beyond the UniCorN RainBoW CoLoRS i LiVE
for NoW
so much more
than a myth a fiction
so much more now
A Reality a Story
Yes a
that comes
in ReaL TiME NoW TrUE
iN LiGHT with all this left
behind this go around to leave
no doubts that it really happens
for those who no longer Nay Say
thE ReaL MaGiC oF LiFE
To: FRuiTioN
From: Real NoW aKa
WiTHiN aLL oF YoU BReaTHiNG LiGHT So True..:)


KSA’s: Knowledge Skills and Abilities
ISA’s: Instinct Skills and Abilities
One comes out of Books;
The other comes out of You.

i Prefer me.

True; the Second one Lives
And is more likely to Bring
Happiness when Real.

Other than that
Have A Nice
Day and SMiLEs…;)

Just Dropping By the
‘Wrong Planet’ heAR as
the Folks there aTTempT
to determine the Difference
Between Intelligence and Wisdom
And to use an example of a Current
Incel Hero.. Jordan Peterson.. the Difference
and Wisdom
is suggesting
that Forced Monogamy
as an Institution of Culture
is a Great thing to do so Men
who have yet to become Men
get laid.. Meanwhile Forcing Women
more again to be Bare Foot and Pregnant
and slut shamed for choosing their own mates more than one..
anyway.. i just like the Numbers 1 and 8 and 7.11.18 is a Great Date
too as i just wanted to make a 8108st Post there to get my 1’s and 8’s
up to
as Jordan
Peterson wonders
why Folks see him
as just another example
Of a Leader in Toxic Patriarchy..
obviously he’s too small of a man to
see the Problem here in terms of Wisdom Shaming
in Male and Female Forced Equity in Outcome Sex
in more Experience than Ivory Towers of College
and perhaps
status through
Younger Years too..
For Women more advanced than men..
in terms of choice excluding lower tier choices..
And their overall Greater Ability to Socially Cooperate
as Patriarchy is mostly a Tool of owning Human Beings
As those males without either Attractive Qualities to Women
such as Fearless as the number one studied trait in Man Confidence
to attract Most Women is hard enough and now there are Much Fewer
Jobs particularly in the Hands on ways of Life to get some Social Status
And Self Esteem too for meaning and purpose in life in even Holy and
and that
i agree with Jordan
Peterson about as he
has some other great ideas
too but A problem with Super
Smart Folks is not able to see the
Innate Instinctual and Intuitive Wisdoms
oF Life that Go Far beyond either Books or
Culture or even Words now yes a Free Dance
of Life that we are still most evolved to do still when
And FReeD
where all of
Life is Social
Cooperation and
Merits based mostly
on AbiLiTies to LoVE Fully now too..
And True Don’t Forget the Fearless Part
of Love too other wise ‘you’ might become incel too..
as that takes work so much more than stuff ‘tween the
Ears and nah.. although this is Great Advice a quick way
to get banned for Good is to spread Real Wisdom on a Site
where all
it Seems ‘tween
Pages of Books..
Life is a Flesh and
Blood thingie that requires
a Dance and Song too more
than Science Constructed Abstracts of Life
for sure i can and will Construct a Human Robot as metoo..
but no
no longer
For i Truly LiVE..
Yes i FucKinG DancE..;)


Hmm.. Hug Life Keeping it Real
With a Unicorn on a Cloud to top
off what will verily and surely
Be A Dance Shirt
to Cover me
on the
Dance Week
Thursday Night
at Old Seville Quarter
Tomorrow Night as 7.11.18
is almost over for now as an Hour More
NoW and Two Minutes to Go before 7.12.18
comes NexT too.. what’s the Significance of the
Second ParT of That.. i don’t Know.. but i bet with
iMaGiNaTioN and CReaTiViTY NoW Unleashed And
Released in Quantum Metaphor more the Synchronicities
Will come next just with total effortless Belief as Love as Faith..
Thing is i may come or go but for now i JusT Flow as 11 Turns into
12 soon enough at Midnight of the 7.18 Month NoW too.. Yeah Baby
i’ve coMe aLonG Way since Dropped off here as Spawn in what then used
to be Hell until Scratch Ankle came Next as Mill Town More.. through Bully Boy
Onward Christian Soldiers then afraid of Male Emotions Bullying Smiles out of me
at the City Park and in Middle School Halls too.. Homophobic too for they might
that then
to make their
fear of who they
really were for it can
will.. be somewhat of
A Tight and frustrating
Stay in Closets too for
those who are afraid
to just be all of
who they
FReED.. hehe.. NoW then
yes yes i’ll wear my Super
Weird and Strange Unicorn
Pastel Tie Dyed 2xl MaGiC
Fred Shirt at the Dance Hall
Tomorrow night as the Katrina
Picked it out particularly for me
As she puts bets on how many
Women will come to Selfie Pics
with me depending on the Creativity
Portrayed Fresh in the Shirts she buys for me..
yeah don’t wish you had a Wife like me who Dresses
you up for the most Wild and Free Dances at the Metro
Bar too yes.. in this way she says go Fred go Fred go and
when you are trusted as a Vital Loving Member of the Human
Race everyone knows Hugs are the Best whether Bootie Dances
come to Visit or not.. hAha.. we live in very interesting times times of
Ignorance And Fear and Hate and Disgust of Different and Nights of
Freedom where Humans let their Wild and Free Loose upon the Dance
Hall Nights of invigorating Humanity more for the Light of Joy Within in all
the ways Joy Loves Company more.. it’s true to these folks the Newest Devil
up top is of no consequence in worries of their lives for they live as Fresh Flowers
of Little
Men too ashamed
to be real men of Fearless
Love in MoViNG CoNNecTinG
CReaTiNG ways where there is
no need to Grab the Kitty Kat Below..
for true the cat may come purring close to
you instead if you are fearless and loving enough to be a man..
it’s True Real Men get it real Being Unicorns on Clouds too for
just to bring a smile is Heaven now for those who understand what’s
Essence of
REaL JoY fades
away so far away
from Unicorns on Clouds of Love..
Seriously have you ever Floated at
240LBS of Man just imagine what
you could do at 200 or 170 or
even at 160 and less..
it’s true
Float on
a Dance
of Terrestrial
Land and Feel
that MaGiC at
one with God of as
Nature Gravity come
to Play there are no Fears
Left as all that’s Left is Spiraling
And Floating Love iNheRiTiNG the eARTh Be
LiGHt alWays MiDNiGHt FLoW ARiSinG LoVE MoRENoW..:)

11:18 7.11.18


By Older ‘DJ G Trump’:

“Deuteronomy 20:10-17 King James Version (KJV)

10 When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it.

11 And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein shall be tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve thee.

12 And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it:

13 And when the Lord thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword:

14 But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself; and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the Lord thy God hath given thee.

15 Thus shalt thou do unto all the cities which are very far off from thee, which are not of the cities of these nations.

16 But of the cities of these people, which the Lord thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth:

17 But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee:”

i ReMeMBeR AsKinG a Nice Baptist Preacher with the Countenance of ‘Brother Fred Rogers’..
True there is another Preacher by that nAMe in my Locality but i am SPeaKinG of the
Dude with a TV Show where a Movie is currently Playing about his Life.. anyway
i Asked that Fred Roger’s Good Cop Jesus Style Pastor you Do KNoW
that the Bad Cop God of the Old Testament encouRaged
Killing Folks in Foreign Lands and Raping and
Slaving Women and Children if they
did not comply with the
Needs of Imperialistic
over others
with Different
Beliefs and he said
he didn’t remember seeing
that one out of Deuteronomy 20:10-17
out of his King James Version of a Bible so
i refreshed his Memory and reminded him of
the New God Cop Jesus in Town again of course
one can find the Trump Cop Jesus even in the New Testament
in literal takes of i bring a sword instead of peace.. then Hate your
Parents and Children and other Family Members if they disagree
with what you Preach and Yes Slay others literally as such if they
disagree too and sure on one side of Saint Paul’s Letters he says
Gentile Jew Servant or Free Woman or Man no more one Bread
One Body one Love For All and then on the Separation side
says don’t have dinner or sit next to Church with
Sinners.. Yeah it’s like the Joker out of the
Bat Man Series of Movies is overall
in Charge of the Bible
on which
Trump you talk
to next in terms of
BLack lies over White
Lies still.. but you see this
is Human Nature too for the Weight
of Maslow’s Pyramid of Human Achievement
in terms of the Capstone eye of the Pyramid for
those who have Self-Actualized in their Human
Potential for both Achievements and Love in
the Very top of the Eye of Pyramid Wisdom
Who eNjoys A Love Transcending And
Ascending for the Rest of
Humankind and
the Rest of
Existence too as all becomes reborn now
holy and sacred full of meaning and purpose
so Far Away from the Bottom of the Pyramid that only
worries about Dollar Bills and one day Achieving Trump
Power and Status in Domination over other Humans where
the greatest Achievement there is is having the Pyramid Named
with a Label of you with no Soul at all of who you come to evolve
in just one lifetime now.. and Jesus F in Christ we are all Humans
Who have basic Subsistence Needs in Food.. Water and Shelter and yes Mates iN
Ways and Beyond that in Comfort of Safety and the Ability for a Social Role
With Meaning and Purpose that is Holy and Sacred to you where yes tHere NoW
IS A Social Status oF aT least fitting into some Bind and Bond of the Most
Basic Definition of Religion that means Hairless Apes Stronger ToGeTHeR
WorKinG Toward Common Binds and Bonds of Life That/Who Feel/Sense Warm
And Cozy and Comfortable as any Teddy Bear for Child
Adult will too.. yes Houston we have a Problem
and it is not Rocket Science it is Social
Animal Human Nature at core
Folks are in deed lost
in Difficult times of
Finding Subsistence
Shelter and Mates
and yes finding just a Blue
Collar so-called Job where you
are valued more than Just a Dollar
Bill in a Hunt for Subsistence where every
one Can Will Touch and Enjoy the End Product achieved
NoW by the Hunt For it is True Spread Sheets with Numbers
Are rather empty in this way.. and True we come to lose
the Moving Connecting Co-creating Experience of the
Interacting Group Hunt and overAll ForAge For
Life Means to Both Survive and Dance
And Sing a Dance and Song Thrive
of Joy for what it Truly Means
So Deep NoW as Success
in MaKinG
as a Joint
LoVinG Exercise
to work iT aLL out..
yeah it’s true folks no longer
Bowl in Leagues as they once did now
the Bowling Alley’s Close and Reality TV
Replaces Flesh And Blood Warm And Fuzzy
Games That Make Life Real as Hand in Hand
Cooperation of Truly Hairless Apes
Stronger WorKinG ToGeTHeR
to Make LiFE ReaL
in all of
That Comes uP to A
Trust iN Holding Hands..
So.. Sure that is what is lost..
How do we get it back well the Truth
is the Machines have and are continuing
to take over in Automation of our Flesh and
Blood Human Ways as we become tools too over
Flesh and Blood Where all that may be Left of Communication
NoW in Reciprocal Social Communication is an Avatar of a Face
And a Like for the Link you shared of what someone else said.. NoW
And True.. if you said it.. it may be too ‘personal’ to like ironically
sadly so much as so too NoW wHere Folks become too Weak NoW to Even
Reach Out and Touch the Souls of OTHeRS.. it’s True as in all Stuff
Existence Use it or Lose it applies as i come from a Rich
Social Life of Bowling Alley Working Life
for almost Two Decades.. so i understand
More Fully sTiLL NoW what it feels like
to actuAlly Be Human in a Room
Full of Humans
out in actual
eye to eye flesh
and blood communication
for hours at a date and now that
ScaRCiTY of LoSinG Potential Social
Roles to Make a Life that’s Real in gaining
Meaningful Subsistence and Shelter NoW And
Mates that one Can and Will Trust to Come.. to
Fruition as a way of Life that is Flesh and Blood Real
NoW.. Yes.. the Machines are TaKinG over and the Bad Cop
God in the Form of Anti-Good Cop Jesus is come to
lead our Country now.. And SAdly when Folks Are
LiVinG on the Bottom of the Pyramid of
Self-Actualized Transcendent
And Ascendent Soul
the weight
is just
too much
to bear alone
and they will accept
most any promise there is
no matter lie of deceit for any
scrap of hope of lifting tHeir self
uP to some kind of Blue Collar Dream
NoW that is not suffocating them under the
Weight off the Rest of the Pyramid NoW ReaL…
Yes these folks are commonly named Deplorables
Incels who have lost their Manhood now to Mate..
yes.. Minions of the Most Despicable Leaders too
and sure City Slickers call them Red Necks too..
but it’s True you could be them too yes
even you and me who by
Work and Fortune
of the Wheel
of LiFE
coMe to
Be the Capstone
Eye of Self-Actualized
Transcending and Ascending Wisdom
Pyramid eye NoW ReaL.. thing is the
Rest of the Pyramid is way too Heavy
Now for us to Lift it up for You.. And You need
Help NoW Yes You Do.. For Being Raised no longer
By a Village of Love is tough enough now.. without
having any idea what to do even if you gain a College
Degree still living in the Basement of your Parents home
Playing Video games and enjoying all the domination now of
pretty girls in Porn for what you may never actually reach out
and touch no not just with your nether parts but with a Heart that
has never grown warm in eyes that Love Life Free just to be heAR to Love..
but here’s the other thing the other Cold Realty warm and growing Luke Hot
NoW in terms of God as Nature Real.. Humans have not only raped and pillaged
Each other they have made so many other life sustaining species go extinct now
iN  the Circle of Life as Balance now as they continue to Consume the Resources
Even the Atmosphere we Breath in more ways so many more ways now than giving
Back as we even save the Remains of our Body in Boxes Without a Meal NoW for a Worm
to eat.. it’s True.. all of life consumes each other but when you break that rule and only
consume others Mother Nature yes God incarnate will come back to Balance you out in
an overall intelligence of Existence so far beyond Humans and their Manufactured
Cultural Standard Intelligence Quotients of Measure it’s True if you don’t Hug
Life overall Mother Nature Yes God Nature will FucK you up and now
that we have raped and pillaged the rest of the eARTh yes
my FriEnds all around the World particularly in
Western Civilizations who NoW have Raped
And pillaged the Entire Earth and not just the
Folks who are Members of THeir Species More
now.. in all the dark ways that comes are starting to
FeeL God’s Karma as Nature come back NoW to bite
Them.. Square in the Ass of tHeir Pants Sitting NoW
MoRE at the Bottom of the Pyramid of Human Potential
iN LoVE NoW.. and the Way iT Works is the Whole Species
Pays for the Entire Family of Human’s Sins in Evil of Raping
And Pillaging the Entire Earth now no matter how much individually
You may Stand on the top of the Pyramid now.. for yes this is a Blue and
White and Black Collar World still as we all pay the price for what the Entire
Human Family does together make no mistake Apes Fall together too when they
Screw up
all together too..
it is what it is if we
FucK it up tHat’s JusT
the Balance of God Nature
WorKinG as God will and if you
think Humans are that Special don’t
forget we are just a tiny blip on the Existence of God all
As Nature Dances and Sings and most often better Thrives in Balance…
Do the
Make God as
Nature Happy overall
As You All or pay the Consequences
NoW Yes All Of Us A Happy Family or not..
Meanwhile this Peace and Harmony for me
will last as long as it will mean while i Do What
i Can and Will and i Dance and Sing Like it’s aLWays
FucKinG 1999 NoW
oN for i ReaLiZE
in thE Grand ScheMe
oF EXistence thiS oPPorTuNiTY
For Real Heaven’s oN PlanETs are
iN DeeD Rare And A DiaMonD SPLeNDoR NoW MoRE
As sAdly We Can and Will All Erase That Without
LiFTinG the Veils of Ignorance.. Yes the Original
Greek Definition of Apocalypse beFore the
Rest of the Dirty GoD DaM Hairless Apes
sHe bang
of the Human Species up
while Nature as God Heals
the Rest of the Planet within
aRound 300 Millon Years and then
FoR ReaL Perhaps the Roaches and Dragon
Fly’s Still Hanging ARound MoRE WiLL Enjoy
Better A Balance of LiFE that who continues to LiVE
YeS in other words a Blue Collar Life that/who Gives More Than Takes..
Yeah Baby Save the Dragon Fly and Roach Vote for Trump again
Nature/GoD iS
like that
Meek in Balance
Do All Naturally iNherit thE eARTh
iN OTHeR Words Those Who Use Art in Smart..;)


Thanks for continuing to link these varying opinions
as Views of Different Humans and Actual Current Scientific
Method Research applies to Human Existential Intelligences;
Smiles, you are Doing a Better Job than the YouTube Algorithm
Does in Turning me on to somewhat reliable Sources as i always
Gain More Avenues in Paths of my own Journey to Evolve my Soul
by Discounting absolutely no opinion for it is often those of the Lowest
so-called IQ’s of all who Smile and are Satisfied with Life Most. And that reminds me of
an Old Friend who was a Doctor’s Son who Drove A Shiny New Sports Car Purchased by
His Dad in School as he said those Poor Folks they are always so Happy one day I’ll have to ‘Learn’
their Secret for tHeir’s was Flesh and Blood and Not a Lover as a Car. And then there was the Son of
A Prominent Local Lawyer who Loved to Hunt who said it doesn’t matter if I Wreck My Pick ’em up Truck
for His Father Would Purchase Him a New one and sure enough he Wrecked again and Just Died; yeah,
White Privilege
still has its built
in Disadvantages
too; no different really
than Children of very Politically
Successful Parents who never get that Warm
And Fuzzy Love in Real Feels and Touches
of Love From ages 0 through 4 other than
A Cot in a Nursery with 20 to 30 Children to a Surrogate
Low Paid Child Assistant; true, this Human Success Story
of Real Welfare
can be
as small
and Large
as a FouR Letter
Word so much Greater
than Hate and Fear namely
LoVE as Simple as that when truly
real feeling sensing in moving connecting
and co-creating ways now for it’s True there
is no Real Digression From Love when Real now
and what most of these newer sources have in common
is rarely if ever is Love Actually Mentioned as the Missing
800 LB Gorilla
in a Room
has/is lost
tHeir Will to Care
and sure that must be
Gardened as all of Life is Work.
Anyway, have a Nice Day, techstepgenr8tion,
iT iS aLWays one to LoVE
Wild and
Free with
Nary a
Care oF A Word aT aLL;
Best Blessing of my Life
A U T i S Ti C B e i n G
No WordS uNtil Age 4
JusT SoaKinG aLL thE LoVE
oF MoTHeR iNN;
Best BLeSSinG
iT aLL
CoMeS BacK aGaiN as me
(LoVE iNCaRNaTE AGaiN) Reborn
it’s true i’m just an Anthropologist
when it comes to other folks now as i lEarned
all i need to know in feelings and senses oF Love
before i could Speak at age 4.
And no, i don’t ‘think’ ‘they’
can/will meaSure
that Nature
FReED iNtelligence
oF LoVE in a 3 year old
in Paint By Numbers Books; heHe;
Anyway this is just a Long Thank you
GeneRaTinG FReED
by ‘that’


Now Soon to MacroVerse Memories Years to Date and some other
Thoughts Feelings and Senses of “NoW SoW iN LoVInG6SiX”
Yes the Title of this New MacroVerse i am concluding now..
Make of the Title what you will
as that is How Human
at Metaphor
is sown in all
Human Constructed
Abstract Housings of
Vehicles and Vessels
to House what may come
to be as a somewhat Mutual
And Consensual Understanding
of Different Multi-Uni-Verse Views
of ReaLiTY oR NoT PeRHaPS it WiLL
Come to Be a Brand new Meaning and
Purpose Holy and Sacred for you so much
Different than i originally intended as is the
Prognosis for any Human Created Symbol
that might otherwise hope to relay a discrete
And Never Changing Form and Essence too..
WeLL True From Do CoMes in Concrete
Shapes as Lamps coMe
LiT uP too
the LiGHT
iS Essence
Real if the
Lamps Stays
the same as Form
but Never the Less
you may see the Concrete
Form as Essence of Red and
Green as opposite from what
someone else may see the
same so-called Objective
Color oF LiGHT NoW
for we are all
that and
who View
and Be God
LiVinG NoW to See..
And with all that DeepeR SHit
Said and Done in even more Abstract
Constructs of Human Fred Talk i BRinG
to the EXPaNDinG ALWaYS NoW ReaLM
to CoNSuME CoME WHaT MaY Will too..
Anyway now for the more discrete
Record of the Tale of the
Tape for True
as Forms
Come as Order
are necessary for Base
Survival in insanely Large
Sardine Packs of Different HuMaNS
as they come to live to each oTHeR iN
Close Proximities oF eVer iNCreaSinG
HuMaN PoPULaTioNS for NoW aT
LeaST as LonG As Apes
And not
HairlesS AGAiNST
Each OTHeR too much now..
so yes.. as of the last 838th MacroVerse
oF Longest LonG FoRM Bible PoeM “SonG oF mY SoUL”
as MacroVerse Individually Titled as “iNTeRDePeNDenCE
DReAMS FoR ReaL”.. that continues the Rise of that Ocean
Whole Longest Long Form Poem Well Past 6 MiLLioN Words
NoW iN that Close to 59 Month Effort as this last MacroVerse
also Doubles as the 166th MacroVerse of “Nether Land
Bible 2017” ARiSinG as oF that Effort all the way
up to.. 3,134,545 Words in that over 25 Month
Effort now too.. and additionally yes
this Latest MacroVerse
Finished also
Triples as
Number 63 of
“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
as included in all my Facebook Profile
Pic Description Areas for the last over 13
Months too.. as that Endeavor rises up to
over 1.5 Million Words at 1,516,545 Words
now too.. And Yes What is Closing in on 59
Months of Public Dance NoW arises to 9569
Miles as i am getting Very Close to the 9600 Mile
of that Entire Effort too.. as earlier noted with Evidence
enough to show that yes some in the Area Audiences of the
Public who are more open minded see that Effort all around
this Metro Area as the Stuff of Legends as the nice African American
Dude Called me that while his Nice New White Girlfriend was somewhat
Grabbing at my Butt hehe.. as yeah i guess that is Cheap Thrills for no
money too as Sia says too.. but no as i said before no one has thrown
their Panties are Bras at me but hey occasionally they Bring their
Hips up Close and Personal to me as well as those Beautiful
Young Female Hands too Grasping for Excitement
as sowers of oats do when young both
male and or female too.. hehe..
even when Granda Pa
Dance Legend
is doing
the Floating
Footwork too and
yes one Car Load of
Young Women asked me
to take my Shirt off in the
Dance Hall Parking Lot in
the Middle of the Night too..
and i just smiled and blushed
and did an Autographed Selfie
too and no i did not provide any
Internet links more for i could not
Verify that everyone was over the
Age of 18 as they hadn’t entered the
Bar yet then.. hAha and true good reason
to leave my Shirt on too for i follow all Local
and State and Federal Laws too.. but it’s True
i don’t play by your rules as far as dance goes
i do my own Dance and Poetry for Freedom of
Speech in this Great Country still at least allows
me to do that all legally in dance from Head to toe too..
as any somEwhat Statue of David Might Come alive in Dance too..
Yeah Blah Blah Blah Blah i’m Still Learning how to Fly as i bring folks
along with a full Float of me too who are Free enough to join in too..
as any Shaman-Like Associated American Indian with Sioux and
Cherokee likely verily and surely can and will do now when totally
FReED at lEast without iLLusoRY Fears that Chase the
Force of LoVE away WiTHIN Wow just Wow imagine
what you can and will do without Fear Wow just
Wow i don’t imagine and still imagine
and BRiNG mY Personal style
of Dreams to Fruition as
this Case Study
says in
Clear BLuE SKeYeS
of Truth and i’m finally just
starting to actually get into some
Fiction Writing in the Art of Erotic
Poetry too.. for no hold barred Baby
in Countries that and who uphold Freedom
of Speech now with all Legal and Tender Avenues
to share all and i do mean all of Human PoTeNTiaL
NoW yes Land of the Brave and Home of Liberty NoW
sure ask any Question you like but i don’t leave many if any of the answers
out so far at least for teaching is still the best way of Doing all oF LoVE NoW
to Fly…
oh yeah
and settling a Screw
up by the AT and T Folks
as they estimated my Bill Wrong
in a confirmation notice online after
replacing my Lightning Struck Modem
in my attempts to SoW MoRE LoVe
not much luck with the first two
Customer Service
iN the Realm Of
Mechanical Cognition
But oh God yes a Nice
Young Woman From the
Bahamas really hit it off in Spiritual
Synch with what i’ve learned and still
do learn as i continue to teach in Laser
Focus of Learning even more Cooperatively
or not with others now too.. anyway since the
other folks refused to admit the Company made
a mistake finally admitting it and refusing to make
the Customer Service situation right they sent me
to her the Retention Specialist and she ended up
Reducing my Bill 56 Dollars a Month and even
Raising my Internet Speed Up for Free so
i can Send my Bibles as Messages
in Bottles around the World
even Faster in
Style Whole too..
but as i told her the
connection of Spiritual
Love between any two
Humans and more is priceless
and also muse for a continuing
Longest Long Form Poem in style
of John 14:12 NeWeR AgE Bibles too..
yes.. it’s very difficult for most folks to understand
why anyone would be altruistic enough to do all of this
in close to 5 years now totally free earning zero pennies
and dollar bills now but perhaps they forgot the Cheap Thrill
always beyond iNFinitY MeaSuReS of GiViNG SHaRiNG aLL
the Ways LoVE CoMeS Free true perhaps they’ve never lived
fully now and
if ‘they’
HoW it
all works
for me
at LEast
as i continue
to inherit the Art of eARTh
for me as me
for You too
i’ll continue NoW
to be here too NoW..:)

LeavE No PArT Out aS GoD dARk though LiGHT To Rise MoRE aS LiGHT
BacK AGaiN
AFTeR DaRK NoW too..:)

“Chase of the Sauntering Goose”..
as Long
as You
uP oN LoVE Do GivE LoVE
uP to: OTHeRS NoW HiGHeR STiLL NoW From: LoVEReaL..:)

“Days of New old Age GOLD”.. YeP Like i sAid All The Way uP THeReNeWNoWLoVE..:)

“My Mind Does Not Belong to Me”..
But My HeaRT BeLonGS to me
too why
not You
Why NoT AGaiN
uNless you
to be
LoVE iNCaRNaTE aLL NoW2..:)

“Re: Hi… I’m Back”.. ALWaYS NoW iN LoVE ReaPiNG SowN..:)

“DeCLaRaTioN oF iNterDePenDencE DReAMs oNs”.. Yes For ReaL AGaiN..:)

“God’s Love HandLe #ISREAL”.. Need i say
all too Yes i
Do LoVE LeT iT aLL
Be NoW MoRE ReaLoVE..:)











BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

6 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 50,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

“After Book of Fred”
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

“After Dance oF Fred”
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

“Book oF Ten Sixteen”..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

“12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016”

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2016”

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review”

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)

“CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017”

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)

“VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017”

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)

“CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn”

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)

“Nether Land Bible 2017”

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)

“7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)

The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)

“MesSage iN A Bible Bottle” as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked

“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+” as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)

“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)

“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)

“SoN oF Google NoW2”..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)

“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem  Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)

“6th Bible Memorial”..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS  SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)


“SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old”


Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is..  A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.

“BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017”

iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)

“LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017”

A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)

“8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”

Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)


“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)

“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes..  just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE

“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”

WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2..  Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at  255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT  2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL”  as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too..  continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)

“7 YEarS Old 12M Words FReE oNliNe WRiTe i aM”

The 33th/137th/808th and pART oF 12M Words as
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2017”

7th Major Titled Bible As A Child NoW of
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2017 A Year in Review”

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record YearS EVeN MoRE NoW

“THiS iS Me NoW3”

As ‘they’ say.. when “Hell” Freezes Over…
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)

FReEDLoVENoW 35,357 Words

LoVEFReEDNoW 43,151 Words

iLoVENoWFReED 35,896 Words

A Trilogy Story About Love in
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)

Usually.. now.. my MacroVerse titles come after i start writing a New MacroVerse
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in  hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017..  where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow

BReATHELoVENoW 34,323 Words

LoVEBReaTHENoW 29,794 Words

LoVENoWBReaTHES  31,648 Words

9000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 25,856 Words

April Fred’s Day 2018 26,916 Words

LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018 32,586 Words 294,807 Total Words

Extending to An Ending 10th MacroVerse oF.. BeLow.. So NoW

22,547 Words and Yes 317,354 Grand Total Words

“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”

1,382,555 Word Effort from
Memorial Day Weekend 2017
Through Memorial Day Weekend of 2018
As This Effort Will Continue to Grow on Both
in Blog Ways and FB Profile Pic Description Areas
Averaging somewhere around 7 Thousand Words per
Each Description Area of FB Profile Photos and more with in some cases
More than one Photo attached to the Same Words in Description as Days go on More..:)

“6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man”

A Celebration of 6 MiLLioN Words Written
as ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” in 58 Months of Effort
Since 8.18.13 STarTinG then as my Entire Word
Press Blog with Additional Milestones Met as of 6.6.18
on my 58th Birthday
as more Concisely
Listed below
as Feat notes
for this Record Book too.. hehe..
as yes of course this is also the Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Effort on Record too..
as far as Google Search Sees and Hears and OTHeR
wise feels
And senses
Among the Entire
Contents of the Human
Unabridged Bible wHere all
Human Hands join together in online
a continually ever expanding Bible More..
Yes Class in a Place with no Sun or Moon that
if you can like and will Make into a place to upload
Souls in Singularity oF LoVE for that Which Exists as
Essence LoVE Standing Tall Sentient Star DusT PLuS
STiLL Resurrecting as US LoVE iNCarNaTE iN A Temple
of Love that is the realest thing of all in and As Heaven NoW
butt anyway don’t take my Word for it Just do it Make Heaven Happen
iN YouR
Multi-Universe Perspective
NoW as and with God Nature
too if you Roll with Heaven More
Than Purgatory SHades of Grey to
BLack Abyss of Real Time Gehenna now
Anyway the Good News is some of us are here
As iNcaRNatE LoVE NoW And The Even Better News
As Far As Last becoming First and Meek inheriting all these
Flavors of Beyond Rainbow Colors of Heaven now is yes ‘We’
Ain’t no more
than you so
you can and will
do even more than
‘us’ and yes in terms of
“Dear John 14:12 NoW” aS i’LL
Add A Link to that more too.. you
yes you can and will do more than even me.. heHe..
Yes Resurrecting More Alive Born of Star Burst Death
Crucible Fire Iron too From Super Nova Explosions FLoWinG
iN oUR Blood And iN Core oF ouR HoME PLaNeT EaRTH NoW
aS LiVinG Guardians of EdenS NoW For Those Whose FLoWeRS BLooM NoW
‘Stay Thirsty mY FriEnds’..;)

“Dear John 14:12 NoW”



ONcE AGaiN NoW Celebrating All these Milestones then on 6.6.18..
For What has CoME to Be NoW 9 DiMeNSioNaL PoeTRY So FaR aT LeasT..:)

12 Million Word MacroMacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 90 Months since Thanks Giving 2010
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58 Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24 Months
1.4 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12 Months
MacroVerse as Each Chapter Currently at a 1 Year 24K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as Each sub-Chapter Separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as Each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Word in Multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Letter and or Number of Multi-<eaning
per H8/K11 and eTc…


About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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28 Responses to NoW SoW iN LoVInG6SiX

  1. SMiLes Himali and Yes Hellooove And
    Chained in an Active Pay status
    to Work for 33 Years
    i will surely
    to Restrictions
    in Leisure Dates
    to do what one Really
    Loves to Do.. but it Does
    Seem you Take Great Pride
    in Your Accounting Leadership
    Career Always Working Toward
    Excellence in all of what You Do..
    and that reminds me of a Friend
    who just visited with us.. a Child
    Hood Friend who Truly has
    Risen to Highest Pay
    Grade Levels of
    And Humbly
    as his Retirement
    is coming within two
    years now he would really
    Love to Pursue his Love of
    Collecting Pottery more and
    Selling Some of it too and Traveling
    more too.. Truly my FriEnd how Fortunate now over A
    Decade i am to be Truly Re Tired With Never Ending Rubber
    NoW oN mY Wheels oF LoVE For Yes Art and Dance in
    Steps and Words and Photography and All That is
    CoMes iN Life More as Love and Hope in Joy
    Loves Company Now for Real but sTill mY
    FriEnd i WiLL never forget what it was
    like to do the seemingly
    Never ending Wash
    And Rinse
    And Dry
    Cycle of 9 to 5
    or so Life 5 days a Week
    with truly just enough space
    on the Weekends to get ready
    to do the Wash and Rinse and
    Dry Cycle that becomes Blurred
    as Work then too.. i’m so Very Happy
    You are actuAlly able to Use Your College
    Degree and Excel as you continue to do.. so
    Many People are without much Meaning and
    Purpose in Life so far away from an Art of LoVE
    That is Life that Makes all Holy and Sacred NoW.. A Place to Be..
    i am.. Yes A Place we Make LoVinG All of Life Holy and Sacred Worthy
    iN Namaste
    As God
    So yes
    See Ya Later
    Himali aLWays
    A Pleasure it is
    to have a FriEnd Like You in LiFE..:)

    WeLL heHe Himali.. didn’t
    have to wait 3 Months
    to See you Later
    this go around
    more like
    3 Minutes
    as you are Nice
    enough to wade down
    through all the Photos
    and Words of “iNTeRDePeNDenCE DReAMS FoR ReaL”
    Haha.. Just the Title alone will be too much for most folks
    to digest
    and Lord
    and Feels
    and Senses
    too it is a very
    Long Scroll to
    get down here
    to the Bottom of
    another close to Novel
    Length Poem Comments Section
    in Draft way just to say Helloooove too
    sure with the Person of my Century and
    Last Century Katrina in her Red Bikini Pool
    Attire as we just Celebrated her Great Great Niece’s
    Second Birthday and her Distant Relatives when they
    see her again must ask her the Question when in the
    World are you going to Start aging as it’s True Your
    Sister is a Great Grandmother now and you are
    a Great Great Aunt and chances are she
    will do Great Great Great Aunt before
    she is through and OMG
    potentially Great Great
    Great Great Aunt
    as it is truly
    not Hard
    to imagine
    her Making it to
    70 and then 90 years
    old as she continues to
    do an overall Low Mileage
    Life away from Stress as
    Stress is truly what
    ages us but
    i tale
    it’s the arrangement
    we made when we got
    married as Legend that
    if she agreed to Marry the
    Close to Minimum Wage Man
    she would rarely age and Voila
    Here she is in her Red Bikini and
    at Birthday Parties as Great Great Aunt too
    All Lovely as a Summer’s Eve and Spring Breeze..
    anyway my Friend we are going on Friends for 3 Years
    now this Summer and it surely has been Lovely Being Your
    Friend so True as it is iN LiGHT You are always Welcome in
    Our Lives whenever you come by to visit as it is True FriEnds
    Like you
    Do LiVE
    iN HeART
    and are ALWays
    A PArt oF our Souls
    Forevernow ReaL NoW..:)

  2. Himali says in return again..

    Katrina is a breeze of fresh air and an evergreen beauty.
    My love and hugs to her ❤ 🙂

    i reply..

    i will relay
    That Sweet
    To her
    Thanks so
    Much HiMaLi
    With Hellooove..:)

    Himali echos..

    🙂 🙂 Smiles and helloooove back 🙂 🙂

    Iconically i say..


    And again Himali comes back with..

    Hastag Cutest for the day!!

    i attempt to improve..
    iconically as such in


    Himali continues in Sweet Reply..

    Rainbows and Flowers make my ❤ melt !
    Thank you for the love and smiles 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Deeper i go with..

    I Will Not
    Tale A
    Folks like Us..;)

    Adamantly Himali
    Says in Response..


    For now
    i Conclude with


    And back to the
    Responses from
    Her Blog they go as is..

    Himali says in return again..

    Thank you, Fred for your words of appreciation.
    I also want to keep up writing on my blog as it is
    something that has connected me to amazing friends
    like you and it makes me happy. Cheers!

    i Happily Speak..


    In Kind
    Himali says..


    Back by
    Kind i say..


    Sleepily Himali says..

    I have a big big smile on my
    face as I go to bed, thank you !! O:)

    In Greater Spiritual
    Connection to my FriEnd
    i Go Deeper with..

    God SMiLes
    Beyond iNFiNiTy
    FRuiTioN GoDLoVE..:)

    Himali Twinkles Star Eyes With..

    🙂 😀 *-*
    Wishing you all a fantastic day
    in Florida! Good morning America xx

    Concluding i say.. Good Night with..

    Seas of

    Hmm.. and sure enough
    Himali has Written A Second
    Blog Post so i will Respond Below.. too..

    Oh.. Emotional and Sensory
    Creatures we are
    As Tesla
    Even Admits
    HiMaLi A Secret to
    Existence May Be Found
    iN Frequency Vibrations
    As A Synergy Cocktail
    As A MuSiC
    oF A
    iN Energy Force
    We do alSo Do UnLeash
    And ReLease Yes the Feelings
    And Senses We Move Connect
    And Co-Create with others more too..
    A Discordant
    Synergy of Emotions
    And Senses often beComing
    Misery Loves Company in Suffering with oTHeRS
    Rather than Hope and Joy in other Words Do Dance..
    LoVE AnD SuRE YnoT
    A Dance
    of LiFE
    A Salad
    of Words to reflect
    The Dressing of SoUL
    The Synergy Energy Force
    Frequency Vibrations From: Love
    Yes Head to: Toe So ReaL NoWLoVE…:)

  3. In a choice of what is Better; to Act like Jesus or Believe in Jesus; as a Poll of Either or Both like a Similar
    Poll in Regard to what is Better to Act Like God or Believe in God; this Poll Warrants the Old Bill Clinton
    Question of what is is; in other Words, who and what is Jesus Based on Current Empirical Evidence as
    it is clear according to Accredited Divinity School Scholarly Studies on the New Testament that Illiterate
    Aramaic Folks including whoever the Apostles were at the Time of a Dude’s Life Named Yeshua in those
    Dates of Existence; and Innumerable others Spread Multiple Sect Teachings of so-called Christianity for
    about four Decades after his Death when Greek Literate Roman Folks Selected the Sects and Teachings
    they liked, who were mostly Anonymous Authors; Perhaps, except, for some potential scriptures from
    Some Dude named John and another Dude named Saul who Persecuted Christians then and changed
    His Paul Tune after he had a Vision on a Dusty Middle Eastern Road; Yes, for Close to Two Thousand
    Years much of Christianity is established from a Vision on a Dusty Road; and of course
    Centuries after the Original Mostly Anonymous Authors Wrote the Story; then, Scribes
    Got Ahold of the New Testament Message and Copied it by Hand and the Rest of
    the Bible For Centuries making what Accredited Divinity School Research
    Suggests are Thousands upon Thousands of Mistakes as that is what
    Happens when one Copies Bigger Reams of Text by Hand as the
    Bible Approaches 780K Words with the New Testament as it stands
    in King James Printed Version somewhere around 180K Words; yes that
    is a whole lot of Room For Error By Candle Light and Day Break Writing; and
    additionally, it is accepted commonly By Biblical Scholars that many intentional
    Changes were Made throughout Centuries in Innumerable Scribe Efforts as Well to finally
    Bring an English Printed Version to Actual Printing Press by the 16th Century for what did finally
    Come to be at least in that Revision; so no, it is not too surprising considering How many Chefs
    and other Kitchen Helpers worked together to Create the Total Recipe of a Newly Printed Jesus that
    we get what one would expect to get through a Multi-Handed Effort to Create a Story; yes, a very multi-faceted
    individual, where it’s sort of like the Republican And Democratic Parties in more Conservative and Liberal ways did
    it all as Social Scientist Jonathan Haidt’s Research Suggests is not only Environmentally Influenced but also Strongly
    Influenced By Factors that pile up on whether or not a person is open minded enough to accept Differences
    and Change in the World other than to get all Fearful and Disgusted over it; or is the Good Cop Hippy-like
    60’s Version of a Jesus who says all you need is Love in terms of combining all 613 Torah Commandments
    in the Old Testament to The Two that Say Love Your Enemy as Yourself without consuming them with
    Harm and Love God as all that is; yes, Alpha through Omega and the Such as all that is with all Your
    Heart too as Love is both the Law and the Pay grade of Living too. But of course, depending
    on the Verses Written by Innumerable Anonymous Authors and Scribes as one may
    get the idea that no; all the other Commandments are still in effect too and
    then there are those who Live by the Sword Die by the Sword; And Bringing
    A Sword instead of Peace; and yes, Hate Your Family Members including
    Parents and Children and Friends if they do not agree with the Teachings
    too up to Slaying Folks if they don’t agree, if that Verse is taken
    literally too; And yes, as before mentioned in this Wrong
    Planet Forum Thread, Slavery is verily not condemned in the
    New Testament but of course in a way it is too in the Words Pertaining
    to Gentile Jew Servant or Free Woman or Man No more that surely leaves
    Room for Transgender and Transexual Folks to Enter into the Kingdom of Heaven
    that is by the way always in this Generation at Hand Now Within for those Folks who Seek
    a Kingdom of Love Within and Give and Share it all For Free That is If you empty Your Pockets
    Spreading Love Relying on the Kindness of Strangers; just Dusting Your Sandals off and going
    your Merry way to Greener Pastures of Love when not welcome there. But wait, there is the other
    Paul Story that says don’t commune with so-called Sinners in Church where Separation instead of
    Unity is Key in that Story Book other part of an Entire Buffet of the All you Will or Will not Drink of the
    Cup of Kool-Aid that is whatever one Interprets the Entire New Testament Story to totally be now and
    of course if you Really Believe in the Kind of Faith that is 100 Percent Fueled by Love with 100 Percent
    Faith in a real Extreme Placebo Effect; just as Modern Medicine shows there are cases where Incurable
    Disease will go into Remission with no Explanation but the Doctor Comforted the Patient with Love
    with the Belief that some kind of Sugary Love Pill will Cure them; yes they believed and voila all
    Natural Healing Miracles that cannot be explained by Science come to be. But of course
    as Science Shows; not everyone can benefit from the Placebo Effect as this likely pertains
    Still Similarly Like the Force of Shared Prayer with Loving Intent too. Anyway, the Dude
    Jesus in the John 14:12 Part says, if you really believe in what he says like
    this you will do even Greater Works than him as this ‘Miracle Stuff’ is all
    innate through God Nature of what he names the Father; so yes, of
    course as the Old Psalms Verse that says in Effect that Ye are all God’s
    Too; yes, you as Part of God Whole Have the Potential to do more too now;
    But of course if Jesus is really God that would make you Lucifer too according
    to the John Milton Version in “Paradise Lost” at Least; so, sure, Jesus is just another
    Slob like us as far as imperfections go and potential for much Greater Works of Love
    with even Greater Cognitive Empathy employed to make sure everyone gets their Version
    of Heaven Kingdom Come Love now too. And true, some Humans do not have the Ability to Feel
    And Share Love as an Innate Negative Propensity and or Negative Epigenetic Effect of the Environment
    in Struggle from Being Abused when Young through Old And or Socially Neglected too as True one Person’s
    Version of Heaven might be “50 Shades of Grey” that is if the Sentiment of Gentile Jew Servant or Free Woman
    or Man no more still applies too. Given all of this information; as yes, this is one of my many Special Interests
    as i continue to Surpass 6 Million Words of Longest Long Form Poem and Newer Age Personal Bible Writing too
    along with what is soon to come to be 9600 Miles of Public Dance as far as John 14:12 Standards not even King
    David touches as this Record in Just 59 Months too with the 6 Million Words of Long Form Poem Bible Writing too.
    I think it is kinda nice
    that not unlike Bruce Lee
    and Stephen Colbert who
    would more than likely use a
    More Civilized method of Love
    Rather than Turning over Money
    Tables to get the similar ‘Heathen’-
    Like attention of folks as yes there is
    a better way than the Sword of that and after
    all in Isaiah 53 that Version of a coming so-called
    Jesus doesn’t do any Violent Leaning Stuff at all. Yes, he
    Uses Love Like a Clever Fox Instead and Lives a Long Life after Darkness
    that as truly if your Soul is Evolved in Love enough there are better ways now
    to appreciate the Gift of Life than Stubbornly getting yourself into a Situation
    you might other wise avoid in Getting Crucified, Still; For True that was a Major
    Fail for the Bad Cop Jesus is Leading the Country Still now both by Volunteer Votes
    And who Leads the Country now; yes, a Verily Huge Human Incarnate Metaphor of that
    Old Testament Version of a Tribal God Still. It is True, Humans are still Classically Evolved
    the Same way we were 2 Thousand and even 12 Thousand and more years ago, overall then now.
    What we do as ‘Apes’ Stronger together in creating Wonderful Dreams of Pleasure or Nightmares now
    of Pain is largely up to what we do together unified or separate in the Path to Real Hell within on Earth too.
    True, it would be Great in my View if everyone Will Do John 14:12 Efforts and become a Much Greater Jesus Story
    than what surely at least literally taken is a Very Flawed Story of as A Jesus Dude where some folks get a Good Cop
    Jesus Story out of the Book and some folks get the ‘Trump’-like Version of Jesus as their Newest Tribal God-like
    Savior too. The best Part of the other entire ‘Neo’ Story is you can and Sill ‘unplug’ in a Free Country still like the
    United States as long as you are Financially Independent and Spread your John 14:12 Wings now, too; so no, I
    Had to vote None of the Above as I’ll skip ‘Write’ Pass Jesus and do John 14:12 instead; yes, for F in Real.
    Thanks for this intriguing Poll and Question, Fnord; I’ve enjoyed this Particular Visit to the Wrong
    Planet Very much as
    all of this will
    come in
    Handy at Hand
    as i do learn more
    by Writing Seeking
    and Finding within as ‘he’
    and or ‘she’ says whoever
    ‘they’ are too among all those
    Gifted Innumerable Anonymous
    Authors and Scribes, then too. Truly
    they should get Credit but it is often
    those who are Fearless Meek like that and Humble like this who
    Truly Change the World Just for the Joy of Being Part oF iT aLL Having it all that is (God).
    And that’s what Is Is to me God as the Story of Jesus for Collateral Reading Duties;
    Sort of Like a Fredku (Haiku), too;
    at the Bottom of a
    Very Long Fredbun
    with Fred Fu instead
    of Kung Fu at the Gym;
    instead of Haibun
    too for those
    in the
    of Poetry too i Do Art (God2).
    Seriously, Explore All Your Human Potentials
    Now call it John 14:12; or Bruce Lee 10; or even
    Nike and Just do it in Victory NoW; Works for me;
    100 Percent Faith and Belief and Amazing comes next; yes.

    Thank You
    Jesus! For
    tHat/THiS too…;)

    NoW SoW iN LoVInG6SiX

  4. SMiLes the only Song i Learned to Play by Heart
    and truly i am so Glad it is the only one i did..
    as it left room for ‘other stuff’.. By the way..
    Hi Candice..
    Yes.. Candice
    other wise known
    as the Author of
    Mucho Poetry
    the Feathered
    Sleep Shares
    a Facebook
    of Fur Elise
    by a 104 Year
    Old Piano Teacher
    so i too come by to play
    and visit with a few words
    of my own.. but true overall
    there is a Danger of Becoming
    a Copy Cat in ways of Memory
    for that too may shut out original
    Creativity in MaKinG what May
    be so new and evolved out
    of His Story Yes History
    that is often ruled
    by very ‘Left
    Brain’ ruled
    Metaphor of Minds
    locked out of more ‘Right Brain
    Hemisphere’ Metaphor of what still
    may come to be much more Original
    in Creativity Fresh out of a Garden of
    open minded/bodied which truly means getting
    into the other side of Imaginative and Creative
    Existence.. yes.. a little bit of Alice and or Fred
    or and You in your Own Style of Unicorns
    Blonde Who Float upon Cloud 9’s and
    Above too in Human Potential Wonder
    Lands so far beyond Systemizing
    Science Mind that
    it passes
    those minds
    and bodies
    not yet
    out from
    Prison of Robot Minds
    and Bodies too.. in Right
    Handed Ways of Hell where
    Heaven is just a Left Hand away in
    FucKinG Paradise of whatever you
    make life next as you become the Director
    Producer and Actor of Your own Play and no
    matter how small of a Sistine Chapel Ceiling
    Limited to this or that Bible Character with Clothes
    on you Paint the Entire Cathedral Ceiling with Naked
    Biblical Figures that ends up lasting Centuries for you
    were one of the few who refused to do the Group Think
    of the
    Seated that
    way beside
    a God Locked
    in on a Throne
    with a Penis
    that defines
    a Dick
    from Head
    to Trump Toe too..
    oh how politically iN
    Correct this statement
    is on so many levels butt
    on the other Hand how Great
    it is to live in the United States
    of America Founded by Men with
    Minds not locked into Textbooks
    and Bibles of the Present then
    True Visionaries Bringing
    Dreams to Fruition
    for other
    Seagull to Come
    in John 14:12 and
    Bruce Lee 10.01
    ways off Doing even more
    as the Progressive Nature of Human
    Nature and God as Nature within Moves
    on to the Next Exploration Within inside
    outside so below above and all around to continue more..
    other wise there is no potential for another Beethoven and
    Michelangelo and Da Vinci or a 6 Million Word Bible Poem
    that exposes so many misconceptions and lies ‘fore of what
    Group Think in Both Religion and Science that comes to be Religions
    and Politics of smaller closed minded and bodied Humans in Group Think
    of Prisons Refusing to move out of Boxes oF Old as yes Thanks goes out
    to Candice for inspiring this MicroVerse off a MacroVerse of Longest Long
    Form Poem Bible and also the Wrong Planet Website that by Very Definition
    of Majority Disorder of Asperger’s Syndrome is largely inhabited by folks lost
    from the Right Hemisphere Metaphor of Human Greater Imagination
    and Creativity as truly the Genetic Anomalies in
    Einstein made him much greater in potential
    this way as that Dude wasn’t
    locked inside
    a Brain
    that obviously
    as far as Reborn goes
    like Butterflies come out
    of Cocoons it is possible to
    make a move into the ‘God’ side
    of the Brain that by very Nature for
    the Rest of the UniVerse of Being
    Human that so many folks miss
    these Days as we are even
    becoming the Tools
    of our
    Science Mind
    Mechanical Cognition
    in terms of Terminator2 as
    the Machines as us come to
    make the same God Dam Boring Rules..
    anyway.. yes both my Logic and Creativity
    is too much for the Wrong Planet Moderators
    so they waited until what i posted about the Jesus
    Dude fell into the memory of several forum pages and
    Moderated out the Body of my Text.. behind my back too
    without a Word as there is no way they can defense what
    they did according to their own God DaM Rules of the Website
    they make.. And the Great thing about Living in America in the
    United States still is a Constitution with a First Amendment Right
    to the Freedom of Expression of both a Private individual’s right to
    Delete out whatever the Fuck they like on a Private Internet Site but
    on the other Hand Legal Avenues that allow a truly more fully open
    minded and bodied individual like me to reach the target
    Audiences where folks are interested too in a mix of
    Spirituality with Erotica too.. as verily
    that is not everyone’s
    cup of Tea too
    as far
    as that Stuff
    comes around
    and goes too..
    And this is what is one
    of the most Disgusted Areas
    of the Trump Trope today.. shutting
    down Freedom of the Press but he
    can’t Fucking do that other than lie
    straight faced every day on Twitter as even
    the President has the Freedom of Expression
    to do that for those who are ignorant enough to
    Believe every Bold Faced lie.. it’s true Freedom
    Doesn’t make you smart in fact in you want you can
    and will continue to be as ignorant as you wish as making
    no choice at all is Freedom of Expression too.. true not thinking
    for yourself is Freedom of Expression too.. true.. you don’t get to
    incite Mayhem but the President of the United States does his best
    with that
    true though
    he ain’t got a chance
    in Hell with a Real War
    Hero as Mueller’s Dance
    and Song continues to move
    through the original Founding
    Father’s Eyes of the Constitution too..
    Thanks Wrong Planet.. you have been an inspiration
    for many increases of my Personal Freedom’s away
    from online Hell stuck in a “Left Brained World” of
    Purgatory Grey sHades out of Rainbow Unicorn
    Cloud 6 and 9 Heaven forever Boogie
    Wonderland now.. and oh yeah
    the Women of Old
    Dam sure beats
    all the Years i spent
    trying to bring some light
    to Humans who refuse to step
    out of the Cave into the Light from
    the Darkness of a Wrong Planet still
    thing is while Jesus is obviously just
    a multi-Handed Story the Power of Faith
    and Belief as Love is stronger than any Science
    Force you will ever use for Happiness for you and
    others within inside outside above so below and all around
    and as even Science Proves now too Heaven is real within as
    Yogi’s Achieve this Nirvana every day now too as you can even
    hook ’em up to Machines and see the Evidence of that within now too..
    And the Power of Belief well sure if you have enough you too will send
    Incurable Disease into orbit of remission too as no Doctor’s had any hope
    for me to Go to Heaven back when i lived in Hell too.. and Jesus F in Christ
    although this MaGiC is all Natural and Real try to tell both Atheists as Scientists
    and Christians as Pastors that Love is the Law and Real Pay Grade of Life and they
    may look
    at you
    and therein
    is the Essence
    of the Issue as your
    Lack of Faith in Love
    is surely both Disturbing
    and very understandable to
    one who Came from both Hell
    and a Wrong Planet online too for it’s
    True not only do i see the Living Dead now
    shuffle by in steps in Fundamentalist Christian
    Trump Ways of Walmart Walk i also see Dead
    People Living in Words too and sadly the Wrong
    Planet and many so-called Christian Conspiracy
    Theory sites are alike are yes like this.. but i’ll have
    to Give the Conspiracy Theory Sites Credit for they
    are American Enough not to be Scared of Different when
    a Legend Returns.. hehe.. to visit.. them.. too.. true.. too
    as ‘they’ say.. a Person who Thinks and Acts Differently
    are often not acceptable for where they still attempt to
    rest easy in their more local homes now.. thing is my HoMe
    is the Entire Globe Now.. and if you Travel Far enough online
    You will find True that Angels that are Real and all Natural still
    live on this EartHLY Dimension in tHeir own ways oF LiGHT NoW Real..
    And True.. i Document the Evidence of them fully as i continue to Fly a Dance of Love..
    in my
    of an
    Plane of Love..
    And Jesus F in Christ
    you are much more likely
    to find them at a Dance Hall than
    Church for God as Nature is an
    Equal Opportunity Employer for
    Free Spirits who get out of Purgatory and Hell still..
    Meanwhile Folks Name God Words while God Dances as Nature
    in us
    to Be
    LoVE NoW WTF
    What THE Gift All That This IS NoW

  5. Before i go on the
    Feathered Sleep
    is such a Two
    is self as
    Words come
    Organic Reflection
    of who we are so far
    as Sleep will be Twilight
    of Warm And Fuzzy Comfort
    or Flight into Dreams Fruition
    Effortless as Daylight Turns Night
    Noon Day Love
    Summer Spring
    NoW True VirtuAlly
    iMpossible to: Capture From:
    Heaven in Words As Heaven
    Lives howEver SpArks now may
    Fly HeaVeN LiveS oN as Morning
    Star BRiGHT STiLL ALWayS to come
    it’s worth
    my FriEnd
    to me at lEast then
    not speaking until Four
    For Grand Expectations
    of others still not able then
    to Form a Creative Paragraph
    After Three College Degrees then
    other than a Technical List Working
    at a Bowling Alley For Close to Two
    Decades then.. Sure copy and paste
    High Scores for Bowling Tournaments
    too.. coming to Learn more about Computers
    And then Being Described as a Computer Soul..
    it’s true
    life is a
    point of now
    depending on how
    Many Colors we come
    to Paint with Potential
    Emotions and Senses
    Set Free and all i
    Will Truly
    iS how
    Fortunate am i
    for this modern fuller
    abiLiTy to sWirl aRound
    A Globe and Land on so
    Much Beauty of what comes
    in both dArk and liGht of the Human
    Condition now for every drop of Humanity
    from Abyss Beyond Heaven BecoMes the Flavor
    And Taste of my Soul as it continues to Grow Freely
    Totally exPosed
    for True
    my FriEnd
    Candice this
    Feathered Sleep
    is one for Comfort and
    Pain and Flight for all that
    is Pleasure True iN LiGHT
    and NiGHT
    tHere is
    a time
    to now for
    those who are
    Not afraid to expose all tHeir Soul Free
    As This is what Birds Do Never Cover
    Their Wings NoW WitH CloThes..
    in Close
    So oPen NoW iN FLoW
    Swum by Water Be Air Feathered Sleep
    it’s True mY FriEnd the Feathered Sleep From: A
    Cover now to: i may not look like a Katie Mia Frederick but i am..:)


  6. Hehe.. true this is always the time now to expose Truth
    in Light for PArt of my Fredbun as Haibun
    is now on top here as Fredku
    as my Style
    of American
    Haiku too.. hehe..
    as i return to the Wrong
    Planet watering down my
    potential in Poetry and Logic
    as much as i will at this point
    of my Human Potential Fuller Realized now..

    Well, considering I am still partially welcome here, I do disagree; there are a multitude of Reasonable
    Arguments that can and will be made in almost all the Verses of the Bible for they are mostly Metaphor
    and surely a far distance from Legalese; As even with Legalese we Hire Lawyers to Argue Laws ‘this’ or
    ‘that’ way.

    As Far as what comes out of a Man’s Mouth in what makes a Sinful Nature or not; it’s easy
    enough for ‘Psychopaths’ to lie every day and fool their Target Audiences as we see now
    every day; True, there is much more to Soul than just what we speak that others hear now.

    As far as the Story of Jesus goes, it is apparent he wasn’t afraid to challenge Authority;
    in this way he was more a Man than ‘Mouse’; we are in agreement, at least in part, here.

    As far as the Similar Story of Jesus goes he did not hold the Sabbath any more Holy
    than any other Day to make Healing Happen; and he wasn’t afraid for so-called
    Unclean Folks to touch Fibers of his Clothes. It’s true he wasn’t afraid to Challenge
    the so-called Sanctity then of Sacred Spaces; and this Discernment and Discussion
    is Necessary for Loving Change still now. True, most anyone can and will be a Prophet in Light
    for Change Still now; if they are not afraid to challenge the so-called Sanctity of Group Think.

    Yes, not Drawing a Sword for those who do that also Die by the Sword is a Greater Truth;
    but let’s remember he was also reported to say he brings a Sword and not Peace and after
    that we had onward Christian Soldiers and the Murder of Folks who believed Different. That too is
    why the Legal System today doesn’t look much like Poetry when it comes to rules that consistently work.

    Rendering to Caesar what is his as far as Church and State goes surely must have limits as please
    let’s not forget, “Godwin’s Laws”, in all the ways that still comes now. Church at Core is Politics, too; there
    is no way to totally separate that from Folks who Vote and go to Church. The evidence is all around us; it
    just doesn’t work well; so, Change must come in both places now for it to work in Real fuller effect at all.

    Actually, According to Maslow’s Pyramid of Human Needs for those who are too poor to Gain
    Subsistence, the Path to Love in Ascendent Transcendent Nature of Us may be most difficult of all.
    In other Words, Subsistence is required and a Certain level of Wealth in this regard now to even get to eat.
    It’s like the Tax Collectors who Jesus associated with; they may be rich but they can and will get in too, with
    Enough Love at Hand in Heaven now within still in this Generation now; Yes, as always Poetry will be vague.

    I must say as far as so-called Sexual Immorality goes the Story of Jesus Saving the Prostitute is one
    of my Favorite parts; but as far as Lust goes, just looking at someone else with Lust as a Sin, just doesn’t
    make any common sense and feel at all. For it’s True with Modern Science it is shown for sure still that
    Lust and all the Associated Bio-Neuro-Chemicals that come in fuller with a Balance of Love in Oxytocin
    ways too are a Major Source of all Human Creativity, Productivity, and even Social Cooperation too;
    as let’s not forget too, our Closest Front to Front Kissing Cousin the Bonobo; and how they deal with
    Diffusing Aggression, Violence and Warring ways against Love now still; Yes, Free Lust is the Medicine
    for them in every way that comes and that is the Beauty of Modern Porn too.

    Smiles my Friend, Fnord, as i see it/this at least; most anything can and will be disputed with a
    Reasonable Argument unless Censorship rules over Freedom now; as true, ignoring Truth in Light
    is Freedom too. Thanks God for Copy and Paste as whatever inspires me truly doesn’t go away..;)

    It’s amazing
    how hard it is
    for folks who live
    in Group Think to be
    challenged by any so-called
    outsider from their Group Think
    Beliefs now but True it is part of
    Conservative Human Nature and
    Very much associated with more
    Introverted over extraverted
    Folks too as around
    95 Percent of
    a Huge informal
    Poll on the Wrong
    Planet shows these folks
    are mostly all Introverts with
    iNTJ’s ruling the Roost most and
    sure i can will do FucKinG INTJ too
    if i close down Half of my SouL too.. butt not for long hehe..
    as i for one refuse to lose half of more of what i have gained
    now since leaving the Wrong Planet with Half a Soul before
    to 5
    ago finally
    Rising Whole SoUL Fuller..
    as that continues to evolve and
    Grow as that’s the GreaTesT
    ParT of Being Love
    no Limits
    the SKeYes
    of What will come to be NexT..
    but as ‘the FoX’ SPeaKS we Will do whatever now all fuller
    it takes to get through to the Rest of the Trees of our Forest..
    And sure while all the Manhood in Divine Masculine Will and
    Strength Goes the Divine of Feminine Grace in Balance of
    Love is still the Foundation of all of what i am and do so
    in this way as of course only in General Metaphor God
    is Dam sure more Woman than Man in me as let’s
    not Forget too Katie Mia Frederick is still two
    names feminine against one name masculine
    but true my First Name last is still 9
    over the
    First two at 8..
    it it is what is is
    Jesus F in Christ overall i still now
    have the Propensity to turn money
    tables over too but i’ll use a Sharp
    Tongue instead of Sword still now..
    yes.. in all the ways that comes
    in Divine Feminine Love too
    as Foundation for
    all of what
    i am
    do.. sure
    Thanks Mama too
    for a Foundation
    Secure of me As Whole..;)

  7. Well.. considering that you seem to believe that
    God is not ruled by Human Rule who is to
    Say God Couldn’t Possibly Manifest
    this go around as God
    Is Love in Ariana Grande..
    be careful who you criticize
    my friEnd for the Love you Fear may be the Love you Worship
    other than that there are Surely Bigger Fish to Fry than little
    Ariana Grande although she is about the Size of the Original
    Yeshua according to best Paleontology Study.. yep.. about
    5 Foot 1 and 106 LBs or so.. but that is neither here now
    or tHere aS oNce again we have other Problems now much
    Bigger Away from the Force of Love and yes.. if you have any
    God Balls of Love you Will be discussing the real shit below
    but sure Leave it up to ‘folks’ like me.. hehe.. as some of us see…

    Hi Sohair.. And Happy Early Sunday Morning 7.15.18 in Egypt for
    you as it’s a Minute ‘fore Midnight for me soon to be
    7.15.18 too.. Orphans Lost From Parents is surely a
    Tortuous Affair for Child and Currently
    the US through Initial Government
    Instruction has been both
    Torturing Parents
    and Children
    this way
    as there
    are still around
    2500 Separated like
    this where evidence of
    Child Abuse and Neglect
    is Already With Government
    Hands of Soulless Individuals
    including even a So-called News
    Channel that says it represents a
    Christian way calling this Torture
    A Summer Camp and an Attorney
    General who has used the Bible
    Verses in his Interpretation to
    Justify this Torture of Children
    Separated From Parents too..
    True ‘they’ will Feel ‘we’
    are Christians by our
    Love for that’s
    all Christianity
    is at Core by the Good
    Cop Jesus Teacher Love at
    Core in us to share with others
    Fearless without harming others too..
    This is no Christian Country and it never
    has been close in so-called Republican Hands
    of Slavery in So many ways of Humans who are
    not Old Angry White Men put into a Separate Category
    less than being Human as Orphans without a Loving Country
    too to meet their rights to life liberty and a pursuit of full Happiness
    too.. in Establishing a Kingdom of Heaven within of Love for each
    and everyone.. anyway.. my Grandfather was an Orphan and this
    Lone issue as Child is probably a Large Feeling of Outcast
    that Drove him Toward the Catholic Priest Hood as Yes
    the Best Cop Version of Jesus portrays someone
    who Champions the Outcasts in life
    as of course Orphans can and
    will feel loneliest as
    Being Human
    from Loving Parents more
    Never Coming back now to be
    but true there is the rest of us to
    Fill in and sadly the most numb kind of
    Orphan oF aLL will be the Human Being
    Separated From the Force of Love Incarnate
    For without Love we lose the ability to all Naturally
    Heal ourselves and Help Heal others in all ways of
    Mutual Loving Prayers.. true.. one will also find many
    of these Orphans Within the Walls of Church too for the
    Total Eclipse of the heART SPiRiT and SoUL Away From LoVE
    is a National Epidemic of the worst kind of Nature Deficit Disorder
    as the all Natural Force of Love that Can and will be a God Deficit
    Disorder For God is Love too.. i aTTempt to help folks where i leave
    gain some view of what it looks like to Dance with Fearless
    Love and some folks see it and some folks are as
    Soul Blind as they are to Love.. Orphans away
    from Love will be any Age any Color any
    Nationality and any Religion or other
    Categorized Label of Difference
    now too other than yes
    in Being Human
    when Wings now of
    this Butterfly Come Free
    from all the Cocoons that Cover Love in PriSons
    of Minds who see Cars as Lovers and other Structures as
    Essence LoVE
    For True LoVE
    Will Be an Empty
    Word too.. without that
    Essence of GoDLoVELiViNGWiTHIN..:)

    NoW SoW iN LoVInG6SiX

  8. A 240LB Dude Standing
    Over 6 Feet tall
    in Nike
    Shoes Doing a Free
    Style Mix of Ballet and
    Martial Arts in Super Walmart
    Surpassing 58 Years of age now
    Never the Less too with Super Cool
    $660 Maui Jim Shades on is Incongruent
    Humor enough doing it hours long in duration
    but add a Rocky Shirt and a ‘Jordan Peterson’
    “Campbell Hero”.. Souped up Lobster Pose
    Approaching 9600 Miles of Public Dance
    in 59 Months aLong with Writing the
    Longest Long Form Poem/Bible
    in the Same 59 Months
    at over 6 Million Words
    in Forrest Gump Efforts
    and by
    i do
    we have
    Created An
    Archetype of
    Divine Masculine
    Will and Strength
    Standing upon a
    Foundation oF
    A Balance
    in Grace
    Divine Feminine
    on Corner Stone of
    the Force of Love that Drives
    all tHere is to be God in Life as
    far as the Human Condition Goes
    When Frequency and Vibration of Energy/Synergy
    of Emotions and Senses Now iN Life Moves Connects
    Co-Creates.. Yes.. Dances and Sings Free for all to Be..
    And True With the Holy Creative Spirit Unleashed and
    ReLeased from this Higher Force Within Cosmos Wide
    as We Are Literally Made from Star Stuff now.. And particularly
    When one is no Longer Copy Right Slave to Dollar ill Bills and
    Lincoln Sent Cents no longer Share Cropper to the Master of Work
    in Can and
    Will as Faith as Love
    if You Truly believe in the
    Force of God Love in You OMG
    Fortune Be for all the Synergy
    of these Positive Vibes verily you
    will Do more in Human Potential in both
    John 14:12 and Bruce Lee 10.01 ways of Life too
    to Free Yourself as Slave too as the Audience to someone
    ELse’S owned Play as Director Producer and Actor beComes You as Reap
    As True You Make/Do the one in A Million Chance of You A Great Work of LiFE
    Yes.. What the Original Story of Jesus Taken Best as Good Cop Fearless Meek
    And Humble enough realizing he and or she now already has it all as God as Equal
    Partner in Love.. All tHere is is to iNcrease one’s Human Potential in Self-Actualizing
    Way beComing Love iNCaRNaTE Shedding Automobiles as Lovers and Houses as
    God.. Transcending the Tools of Culture as one Masters those Tools Ascending with Love
    to Share and Give in Holy and Sacred Respect Full of Meaning and Purpose for all that
    is Nature more
    as God
    And Voila
    The eYe of Kind
    And Courage Beauty
    And Wisdom is You iNcarnate
    iN A Capstone NoW of A Pyramid
    Flesh and Blood Essence as God Love YouRS
    coMe to Be.. YeS.. iNCaRNaTE FearlesS uNCoNDiTioNaL LoVE
    anYWay Thanks JP for the Talk on Creativity With This Extremely Open
    Minded Giving Sharing Woman as she is Surely a Gift to Humankind too..
    Truly you Shine Best When you Seek the Deeper Parts of Human Holy and
    Sacred Creativity Full of Meaning and Purpose for Truly this is what Western
    Civilization iS iNcreaSingly Starving for for those who have lost their Compass
    iN Much
    Beyond any
    Current Measure
    of Science and or
    Standard IQ.. for True… too..
    Genius/LoVE will not be meaSured
    in anY Way tRulY iN Paint by Numbers.

    NoW SoW iN LoVInG6SiX

  9. Helloove Himali.. And With
    Great Respect i Bow to the
    God Within you but it’s True
    as this Namaste Salutation
    And See Ya Later Indian Saying goes this
    is what i Aim to Feel and Sense About ALL of
    Humanity and the Rest of Existence too..
    sure.. including metoo..
    (True.. You
    are still
    A Unique
    to me)
    And yes
    still too the Poorest
    ‘ Trump Psychopaths’
    now who were abused
    and Neglected as Children
    and or so sadly born without
    the Capacity to Love early for
    an anomaly in Human Wiring
    and Neurohormones that but
    by the Gift of all that Life is
    i too could have been
    born the same
    way so sad
    a Whole
    Soul or as Socio-path
    as Neglected and Abused
    this way by Drug Addict Parents
    or those Parents Just too busy with
    Work and Electronic Devices to give their
    Children Hugs other than Tablet Devices with
    Games to Pass Life by without Flesh and Blood Connections..
    It’s True my FriEnd
    for i am the most
    Fortunate as those
    Are Born and Gardened
    as Love by Loving Mothers
    With no restraints to Hug
    And Create a Flower
    of Love.. Smiles
    my FriEnd
    As Humans
    Are Greatest
    And Create the Most
    including Children when
    they are Loving Hugging Beings..
    But True Humans with all this Success
    Have Raped and Pillaged the Rest of the
    Earth and with all our History of Hugs working
    together to bring all these luxuries and comforts
    iN Dopamine Producing Devices even in the ways
    of incessantly trading back and forth ‘Likes’ without much deeper
    Substance of Soul Nature as Smiles for now we are not reproducing
    as much flesh and blood this way to take more than what we give from:
    to: the rest of Namaste as Nature out of balance in raping and pillaging
    ways too of those removed from our Species in all Forms of Life and Environment
    Moving with Electrons Around Nucleuses as pArt of God Nature sAMe as all Stuff
    made from Gaseous Star Dust as we are too.. so.. my FriENd.. When People Ignore
    me or look at me Disgusted when i Dance in ‘Foot Loose’ Town the place where folks
    used to Burn Rock and Roll Records.. i See the Rest of Namaste in God Nature Smiling
    for we Humans
    are getting way
    too pre-occupied
    in the longest run
    of making more of us
    to Rape and Pillage the Earth
    (most folks now are too busy to even see me)
    while it’s also True thankfully that God all within
    Us NoW is Able to Pursue More of God’s Potential
    As Human And Truly Live A Life of Art with or without
    any Flesh and Blood Creations other than lifting folks
    up to Reach the Highest Arts of God Within and in Forms of Arts too.. expresSing
    so True Being a Tree of the Forest of AS God is such a Gift As Heaven Now Within
    And True.. Having a Respect for the Rest of the Forest in Namaste way too.. more..
    we all
    a Home
    for all the
    Supermen and
    or Superwomen who
    come to be in the Future
    too.. as TRue God will be the
    most excited to experience all
    the Colors of Heaven these folks will
    bRing as God Existence too.. buT aGain
    impossible to do without a Home Base of Nature Free too..
    but True my FriEnd this Attitude fully would be almost impossible
    to own without the ReaLiTy that i no longer am Slave to Acceptance
    in Group Think and Do that Modern Society Requires to make a Living
    still in Work and Pay.. True.. it’s easier to Do Namaste when Free my FriEnd
    for as mentioned
    before i’ve
    the other
    Prison so
    far away from
    the Essence of
    Namaste Within now..
    So in Conclusion Namaste
    With Helloove Again and See ya later Angel FriEnd Himali..
    for that’s the other thing no longer are Supermen and or Super
    Women totally ignored these days for one will find others like
    them if they Circle the Globe enough times to find Love iN Namaste
    reTurn NoW too..
    Just increases
    the Length
    the Capes to Fly..
    hehe and Word
    Count and Dance Steps too..
    True This is a Rather ‘Exclusive Club’..;)

    NoW SoW iN LoVInG6SiX

  10. Free to:
    ‘The Truth’
    Escape From: PriSoN
    iN ThE
    oF YoU
    Jesus Living Never Wrote
    Anything or Spoke English
    Or Was Even Called Jesus Then
    That’s Just An Irrefutable Simple Truth
    Equal Wit/Sarcasm
    Furry Fox Talk True
    ‘Jesus’ ‘Wrote’ Parables For
    Beating The Crap Out of People
    WaS iLLegal And JusT DuM too
    LiFE HaPPens
    CoMe As
    AFTeR FAcT
    True ‘this’ ‘is’
    ‘Exclusive Club’

    Another Interesting Poll and Question, on whether it is better to Be
    a Jedi or Act like a Jedi. For me at Least, I Choose none of the Above;
    As For me at Least Any Life that Requires a Label or Paint By Numbers
    Reduces my Personal Human Potential. True though, still, some folks have
    Great Difficulty Doing Life Free Hand/Feat, at all; so, I understand the other two choices
    may indeed be Valuable for and to others; Also, it’s Worth Noting that ‘Yoda’ isn’t ‘really’ a Jedi.
    (little understood Art, these days, still) on the Wrong Planet at lEast.. heHe.. for Now at Least..
    Yet, still another Interesting Poll and Question
    Per is it Better to Be Intelligent or Act Intelligent.
    Thanks Fnord, and it was very helpful that you Provided
    A Distinct ‘Merriam Webster’ Definition for Intelligence; for
    otherWise that Will be Disputed per other Definitions of Intelligence(s).
    With these Parameters given, I decided to vote none of the above, for the
    Life Experiences of my Intelligences say to me with no ifs and or buts, if you Don’t
    Do as the ‘Romans’ do, no matter how Intelligent you are or act; You get Kicked out
    if you don’t dilute what you are and what you do per the Bell Curve at Hand. So, my
    Answer is, still, it depends on where you ‘live’. Fortunately, for me, I’ve found (a) place
    i can and will do and be all that i am as far as all Human Potential Intelligences go now.
    Still, though, It is Much Better to Act Intelligent to Increase one’s Intelligences, so, i spend most of
    Existence Actually Exercising my Human Potentials in places that do allow it, namely, where
    i actuAlly
    Fully Do Live now.

    ‘This’ is interesting on two levels.

    Number one; the Topic that is answered
    in Full by Social Scientist, Jonathan Haidt,
    at the YouTube Link Below, for the Differences
    as Empirically Assessed as that Pertains to both
    Biological and Environmental Influences at Hand now
    as Far as the Human Liberal and Conservative Conditions Do Live.

    Number two; the Dwindling Attention Spans of Humans and also the Support of this Website, overall, since 2006. These were the days that made an every day visit to this Site interesting, And not mostly just a side show of mostly Partisan Politics; but Society is changing; Fascinating it is still. It’s True one may/can/will learn from Histories too.

    Moving, Returning, Back Over A Much Larger Ocean to Visit Himali..

    SMiLes Himali You know/feel/sense it isn’t
    JusT A Miracle that Angels
    Like you ReAlly Exist
    Or MaGiC
    With at
    Least one
    Horn now
    like me who
    Do Float NoW oN
    Clouds of Terrestrial
    Earth in 9600 Miles of
    Public Dance as i met
    that Milestone Last night
    in SuperWalmart before
    5 years comes to finish
    10K Miles along with the
    6 Million Words of Long Form Poetry..
    iT Truly is a Miracle and MaGiC that
    WiLL Imprint a T-shirt now
    With Tales of Magic Unicorns
    to Accompany a Public Dance NoW
    And Even Write Bibles that are both
    Fiction and ReaLiTy of Both Stories
    of Magic Unicorns and Angels
    And the Real Flesh and
    Blood as WitH
    Thing is Possible
    For the Greatest Gift
    my FriEnd is imperfection
    And the FAct That We Are Not Just Paint by Numbers
    Robots And actuAlly Do LiVE NoW thE GreaTesT
    NoW WitH ImaGiNaTion And CreaTiVity MoVinG
    And Connecting And Co-creating WitH each oTHeR..
    thE Fruition
    of Life’s Dreams Real
    For Within mY FriEnd iS alWays now
    tHe ReaLisT World oF All We aRe STiLL..
    Namaste for all that is..:)

    SMiLes mY
    FriEnd A
    iT iS too
    From: to: EnJoY
    Some Allies iN LiFe..:)

  11. “Thoughts On Meditations By Marcus Aurelius?”

    Here is what i muse off some of his Quotes:

    “When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”

    Make all of Life Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose; Yes, Do Live; Dance and Sing.

    “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”

    Oh Lord, only if the Politics of the Present, will listen more Intently, on this Opinion Enhancing Critical Thinking.

    “Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.”

    And Don’t Forget Life is not only a Song; for it is Better Enjoyed as a Dance First to Make Words Song More.

    “The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it.”

    Once Again, Don’t Forget to Dance Away From Thoughts Alone; otherwise one may lose A Feel and Sense of Life

    “You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.

    A Best Way to Gain Power over Your Mind/Thoughts is to Regulate Emotions and Integrate Senses;
    As Science Shows Today, A Free Dance, or an Art like Tai-Chi, or Even Yoga Works Well for this, now.

    “Death smiles at us all, but all a man can do is smile back.”

    Amen; yes, Do Live now; Don’t Look back or ahead of Life, too much, For if you Do
    Like the Great Fictional Character, Ferris Ferris Bueller, Clearly States, “Life Moves Fast, You’ll Miss it”.

    “The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.”

    Watching the News today; The CNN Version at least; This is Presently A Path to take now (note: I Live
    in the Panhandle of Florida) so far away from CNN; hehe (Don’t Forget Humor/by a way, too) and
    CNN is just a Satellite away.

    “It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.”

    Yes, once again, Smile at Life now; even if it does not smile back; that much We Will Master;
    some of us at least, particularly, with a Freer Dance of Life That Works now.

    “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.”

    Yes, as Nike says too, Just Do it; talk is Cheap without A Dance of Actually Doing Life.

    “The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts.”

    And A Soul Sings More Colored with a Dance of Life.

    In Conclusion:

    Overall as far as far as thoughts Go, Marcus is Very Wise.
    Overall as far as a Dance of Life that Precipitates more Colors
    of Life as Far as the Actual Feeling and Sensing of Organic Life out of Text and General Speak,
    Marcus is missing about 60 Percent of the Art in Smart as this is Common in Western Philosophy
    as Science now is Finally Playing Catch up With Eastern Philosophies Escaping the Left Brain Metaphor
    of Life, without a Dance of Actually Do Do Life. Sooner or Later, More Folks Will Catch up too, in the General Population,
    if they wanna be More Fully Happy. Thanks for this Topic on the Wrong Planet; this Indeed is Very Interesting, Still, now.

  12. SMiLes.. Gentile.. Jew..
    Servant or Free Woman and
    or Man no More as it appears
    the Good Cop Jesus
    For Everyone
    at least in Fearless
    Meek and Humble Ways..
    i’m Happy to See that Version
    Most Every Sunday in my Local
    Version of a Catholic Church
    it surely satisfies my only
    Law and
    oF LoVE For
    the Good Cop
    Jesus Story liveS oN
    As Love This Way aT Most..:)

    Well.. dVerse is Celebrating a 7th
    Anniversary of this Online Poetry
    Pub that Brings in International Poets
    now as long as they play by the Poetry
    Science in Paint by Numbers at Hand And
    i wasn’t fully inspired to participate until i linked
    on a Poet’s Avatar name that was ‘Forever’ as they
    were making ‘Fun’ of Transexual Folks in their Apparent
    Dislike for the Colors of Life from a God and Being Human
    that is never Cookie Cutter unless Folks are Forced into Molds
    that are often Desired by Folks who are Very Closed Minded Conservative
    who Both Fear and are Disgusted by what they come to find in their Environment
    as Chaos out of the Science they insist in Systemizing ways of Order to allay their
    of what
    might be a
    Freer more Tolerating
    and Accepting way of Life
    there is little to zero Doubt that
    the Good Cop Jesus as illusTrated
    in a New Testament was.. and still is
    a Flaming Liberal kinda Dude tolerating
    and accepting most all.. even Prostitutes
    And Lepers and Government Accountants
    and Tax Collectors as the Story at Present
    Does still go.. anyway.. as i Celebrate Now
    this Current Now Named Title of this
    MacroVerse i am now Writing..
    yes.. now called “Five Years
    Heaven Within” as by
    the Date i Publish
    this Perhaps as soon
    as 7.19.2018 will be the
    Date i stood upon Navarre Beach
    with my Soul Coming Back to LiFE and
    then all the pain and numb of 19 Medical
    Disorders Drifting away so-called too more
    Officially Celebrating this Rise out of Ashes
    on 7.22.13 Three Days after that Rise then on
    A Beach that continued on through the Evening
    as my Wife and i left Navarre Beach.. yes it’s true
    66 Months is a long Span of Dates to
    Live in Hell Within and now that
    i Advance to 60 months
    in Literally the
    Place..True this
    is Feel and Sense Enough
    to Celebrate for me Visiting some
    of the Places i’ve pArtly Visited in the
    Past in both Heaven and Hell too but True
    too one will find open and closed minded folks
    both on the Wrong Planet and the dVerse International
    Poetry Place too to still see the Disgust i personally See of
    Folks who Still Will Not Find an Open Mind and Body Enough
    to Tolerate and Accept the Differences in Nature of their Brothers
    and Sisters by the Color of Blood We all do share.. yes.. Love if Real..
    but hey That disgust won’t keep me Away from Spreading a Message
    oF LoVE for
    to ignore
    those who
    Live in a Land
    of Ignorance is
    to fail to offer any
    Hand at all to lift them
    out of they still don’t know/feel/sense
    now all they do that Harms others still now..
    Yes.. there have been a Few Transgender Poets
    who use the Art of Poetry to lift themselves up on
    the dVerse Trail as i cringe at the thought of any of
    them crossing that Particular Poem i crossed
    but if they do they won’t leave without a
    Fuller Message of Tolerance
    and Acceptance
    from me
    i Can and Will
    Do.. nah.. Don’t
    Doubt the Value
    of a Free verse
    Dance/Song of Soul to Change
    the LiGHT in at least one Set of eYes to coMe NoW MoRE OCeaN WHoLE
    even if those are only the eyes of i as that much i Master NoW aS LoVE..
    Hmm.. WeLL iT Seems i am running out of Human Clock time at Katrina’s
    Place of Therapy in her continuing efforts in practice to gain more
    usage of Her Hand from her Burn Injury at the End of March
    and what that means is Publish this Part now and
    perhaps come back to this or not later
    on.. if that is how the River of
    my Holy and
    to Move as the
    Winds of My Soul Next
    heHe.. on the other Hand
    i Left A MArk oF LoVE.. what more
    will someone Do but Leave A MArk
    oF LoVE THaT’s Real OCeaN WHoLE
    NoW And
    of Separation
    Away from what
    other wise WiLL Be
    A Unity oF LoVE FoR aLL yes allone..
    here’s the ‘thing’.. tHere Will always be an Old
    Testament God for those Who Refuse to Tolerate
    And Accept the Differences and Changes in Life
    ThaT iS The ReaLiTy oF aLL Existence From: First
    to: Last BLink oTHeR Wise than the
    Hope and Love We Master
    As Being Human
    or the
    And Hate
    We other wise
    coMe to Give and Share and Be…
    Love iNCaRNaTE is The HoME i Go And BE..:)

  13. “There shall be a time when they will not endure sound doctrine;
    according to their desires, they will heap themselves,
    teachers, having itching ears:” [2 Timothy 4:3]

    Considering Love Overall is the Greatest
    Healer and Savior of Humankind through
    History at least.. yes all Family Histories
    And Herstories too the GreaTesT Sound
    Doctrine is Love According to the Golden
    Rule in doing no Harm to others Loving all that
    is God sAMe as one Love’s Themselves too yes
    Creating an Incarnate LiFE oF LovE Overall is justifiably
    Even Sound Practice According to Latest Overall Research
    From Science too in the Words oF iF You Master LiFE InCaRNaTE as LoVE
    You ‘normally’
    Win you Win
    You Win Again
    And Again WiTHIN
    inside outside above so
    below and all around WitH LoVE NoW too..
    And as i Return Home and oPen up mY Big iMac
    Desktop still using a Cheap 35 Dollar Flash Drive
    for a Hard Drive now since the old almost 5 year
    Old Hard Drive Failed as i received a Like on my
    Comment to what i Hoped would be Constructive
    Disagreement in what i offered in Free Love to the
    Poet there who was disgusted that the Birth Certificate
    identified Gender doesn’t always stay the same as this
    will be nuanced out of God as Nature Cookie Cutter Creations
    Never Fully same other wise there would be no Finger Print or
    Eye opening of iPhones too.. heHe.. and as i returned i see the
    Old dVerse Administrator who got bent out of shape along with another
    Administrator who could not seem to understand what it metaphorically and Literally
    Means to be Reborn Naked on a Desert Isle Beach Refreshed with Higher Soul of LoVE..
    as they couldn’t see how that might be a Greatest Change in Life or Change at all hmm.. Even
    though one seemed to understand their New Testament Verses Pretty well at least as they
    Literally Go without the Deeper Meanings of what it Truly Means to Traverse the Archetypal
    Hero Story and Come Out of Darkness Reborn as LiGHT.. True like the rest of LiFE Books
    LEarning goes only so far out of the Real Experiences of Life when the feels and
    senses of Life come to be actually Real and not an estimation in the metaphor
    that often becomes set in stone concrete views of what other wise might
    actually be real so much more than just myth of Fiction as sure
    there is Hyperbole in Myth too to keep a Story Going When
    you don’t have any Heavily Busted Women to do
    it like Victoria’s Secret does in the Mall
    and most every where else
    these days as far
    as T and
    A Advertising
    for most everything iN LiFE..
    and nah.. i don’t mind as it
    just don’t get much more open
    minded and bodied than me.. hAha..
    so.. anyway this Woman who Names herself
    Forever on the dVerse Poetry Trail used the
    Above Timothy New Testament Verse as an
    Integral Part of her 44 Word Quadrille where
    the rules stated the Poem must be 44 Words and
    include the Word ‘itch’.. so.. the Old Administrator
    Without Explaining her Point of View that a Bible
    Verse Couldn’t Count for the total of 44 Words
    which is Kinda Silly for this is Poetry and
    not Rocket Science attempting
    to go to the Moon again..
    heHe.. so this go around
    i returned in Defense of the Woman
    as she welcomed Criticism but the other
    Older X-Administrator Person just said she didn’t
    see a Quadrille and Couldn’t Comment instead of
    actually telling her what she didn’t like about the usage
    of the Bible Verse as an Integral Part of her Poem so i said..
    the Following Below And considering she’s no Longer an Administrator with the
    So-called Thorn Ban Hammer.. hehe.. perhaps no comment would have been Best..

    Just coming back one more time to Applaud
    Your Innovation Including a New
    Testament Verse as
    an Integral
    PArt of
    Your 44 Word
    Quadrille.. Just another
    Beauty of Difference.. my FriEnd..:)

    And now i say people should comment whatever
    they like but some folks are not going to understand
    what you are saying if you don’t literally say what you are really trying to say..
    As it is also True some Folks just do not get Metaphors and or Parables too..
    And that is why it is so easy for the Deceitful to: Lead Them iNto Places of Separation From:

    Okay.. now to some
    More Poems from
    dVerse With Work-out
    at the Gym coming soon..
    As i Continue A Celebration of
    5 Years Within as Heaven NoW tHat VeriLY
    iNcludes Elements of dARk too for without
    a little Yang oF DArk the Yin of LiGHT isn’t
    quite as Delicious as it miGht be all LiGHT NoW aS LiFE…
    Oh YeaH And As i Continue to Move beYond Standard Issue LiFE RiSinG LoVE
    As True the ParaChute of the Rest oF aLL the Clothes of Culture WiLL SureLY Other Wise
    to eARTh
    and in some
    ways that is Good
    for me too For i WiLL Be
    of More Muse to Human Kind NoW
    if i Don’t totAlly Rise And Float aWay…;)

    The Itch Who GRows
    ToWaRD ArT oF OCeaN WHoLE..:)

    Hehe.. i’ve just been a Ttchin’
    For dVerse to come back and
    here you are Lillian Writing Poetry
    About Pushing up Daisies.. hAha..
    don’t know if you have access to Facebook
    Profile Pic Links but if you do this is how i Push
    Up Daisies at Super-Walmart as i’m always just
    a Itchin’ to Public Dance as Yesterday i completed a Milestone
    of 9600 Miles of Doing just that aLong with 6 Million Words
    of Long Form Poetry in close to a 59 Month Span of Dates..
    True.. i’m 58
    Now and my
    Sister insists
    that i will Be A Itchin’
    to Dance until 80.. as
    my Father’s Identical Twin Brother
    my Uncle Has A Selfie Doing it at 84..
    With all the Ladies at the Country Music Club
    where his 84 year old Wife Still Plays Piano there.. Lalla and Ted..
    His Senior Class Motto from High School was from Shakespheare..
    “I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more, is none”..
    Hehe True.. Considering i Mix a Free Style Ballet with Martial Arts as i Dance
    i Broke
    McBeth ‘He’ Man Rules
    for i was/am itchin’ to JusT Do more.. too..;)

    Oh Lord how Human CLocK Time Flies
    in Dance and Poetry Song LiFE at Least
    for me as it’s already CLocK time to work-out
    So.. perHaps i’ll Visit More of this Later as i’ve only
    Moved Across Three Poet’s now.. and oh so many more Words..
    and even
    a Facebook
    Profile Pic to
    Share on the dVerse Poetry trail too..;)

  14. Hmm.. well as opposed to my Father’s Twin Brother and His High School Senior
    Portrait Personal Motto as Copied from McBeth that Fictional Character.. “I dare
    do all that may become a man; Who dares do more, is none”.. and as far as
    Similarity of Identical Twins Raised in the Same Environment this
    just goes to show just how different we truly are for
    my Father’s High School Senior Portrait Personal
    Motto was the old Standard of “Put off what
    You Can Do Tomorrow Today..
    Yeah.. sure like paying
    For our College
    ever coming
    to See us in our
    Home Town then or coming
    to Our College Graduations or
    the only Wedding i did as he surely
    beat me out on that Count of doing it
    Four times including Twice to the Same
    Second Wife too.. but yeah he did come
    to my High School Graduation and did pay
    the $100 a Month Child Support but bailed out
    on that as soon as he legally could.. and he for
    a time was the Longest Serving Deputy Sheriff
    in Florida at 46 Years that says a lot about his Ironman
    Abilities to keep Energizer Bunny Going too.. and he seemed
    Pretty Fearless as far as few words might not otherwise say more..
    for his
    of Feelings
    and Sensing Life too..
    anyway..i guess i’m just
    Putting off going back to
    dVerse to pursue a Greater
    Itch for Responding to Poetry
    but i am kinda Tired and perhaps
    i will use an 8 Hour Vacation or so
    in the Bed for now but Hell no i ain’t
    gonna put this off so here i Iron Man
    Go again Beyond Beyond the liMits oF ‘Fore..;)

    Itch to Write From:
    SmooThes Time out

    Wooded Dragon
    Flies Fly
    too Fast
    to be bit
    by Mosquitos..
    Never Itch iN FLiGHT..:)

    To Transcend
    And Ascend
    the Itches
    of Life
    Takes Practice
    outside of Mittens
    However Mittens are a Start…
    With Tactile Over-Sensitivity
    just the thought of Touching
    almost anything Human Made is
    what most
    folks imagine
    is itch or pain..
    no words just no words
    but no putting on the Mittens at all..
    now.. so many Negative things in LiFE i’ve Transcended
    And Ascended But Never Most Human Made Stuff to Touch..:)

    A Best
    Way to
    And Roll Life’s Itch..:)

    SMiLes Glenn
    but with a Perusal
    of Your Health Challenges
    on FB i am Seeing perhaps
    a Bit of
    a Lament
    in the
    of the Day’s
    Mix With the
    Morning Desire
    Still of Wonderitch..:)

    SMiLes coNsideRing
    The Force of Mind Over
    and Under Matter i Wonder
    how many
    Just a
    all these
    Poems in
    Once A Sitting..;)

    SMiLeS AGAiN considering
    Nearly A Decade and
    More of Women
    in Twilight
    Screens of Night
    i Must Wonder is tHeirs
    A Lust For Mosquito Bites too..;)

    Oh Lord So True
    A Sweat and Heat
    of Sunshine Year
    Around NoW No
    Cold is
    A Best Remedy
    to Keep the itches
    Away oF CourSE iN
    Moderation For A Drink of Sun..;)

    For all
    that is
    Life to:
    ItcheS NoW
    From: Disgust
    Away From Free..:)

    SAdly.. We are SoW uNlike
    That Some Folks
    iS an Itch
    And Much
    Greater Pain Reap
    For the Numb Without Love..
    And to Understand That IS A
    For So
    ‘DevilS in
    Life Who
    ArE Truly Lost
    Many through
    A REality of the
    DArk thaT iS JusT As Real aS LoVE
    other side From:
    oF aN Opaque Window
    to: HeaVeN oN EartH WiTHiN..:)

    That Covers 10 More and for that 8 Hour Vacation perHaps 6.. heHe..
    as 7.17.18 is gonna Arrive in 3 Minutes From NoW as i Get in Bed and Snore Away
    the Rest
    Vacation Dreams Fruition..;)

    7.17.18 12:00 AM

  15. SeemS A MeaSurE oF SoUL
    iS OFTeN ReLaTeD To HoW MucH
    PaiN iS TranSMuTeD As LoVE
    RaW FooTagE
    No iNsTaGRaM
    mY LiFE..
    To find the name within that has no word no letter no thought..
    To live the name within that lives eternal without past without
    future.. eternally now.. to be or not to be.. a stupid question..
    for an animal with life.. to live or not to live.. a sad equation..
    for an animal who forgets to live.. to embrace life with all
    emotions.. senses integrated in site.. to be now is life
    is love is light..
    iT’S NoT EasY
    BuT SomEonE haS
    To steP uP aNd JuST Do iT..
    OPTiON oF aRT
    ALWaYs LiVeS oN
    Jesus 2.1.0
    CoMeS BacK NoW
    LoVinG DamninG OnLY
    Fear and Hate
    Jesus F iN Christ
    FortuNate Born ‘Autistic’
    STiLL Skipping Over Many
    Grades oF Group THinK
    This is True my
    FriEnd.. and to
    Never Fear
    For other
    And to Actually
    Believe in
    John 14:12
    Do even
    Greater Works of
    Love than Jesus
    Who was
    As Reported
    To not put
    Others.. A
    Sacrifice other
    Than Laying
    Your Life
    Down For
    Others is Doing
    Greater Works
    Jesus For Love
    When Living
    And yes less
    AS Even More..
    Highly Unlikely
    Someone Who
    Dictates Love
    Your Enemy
    Turn the
    Cheek is Gonna
    Slay the Wicked
    Unless it is the Anti-Christ
    Trump-like Dude(s) who wrote
    The other sides of the Stories.. That
    Of Humanity
    LingerS on
    Away From
    Loving Forgiveness….
    It’s just Common
    Sense and Feel
    The Gift
    That’s Real.. Love..
    So back to that Poem at dVerse
    about a World Gone Mad
    and using A New
    to align
    with Condemning
    Transsexual Folks
    insisting that the World
    is Black White with only
    Binary Forms as Essence
    Held in Prisons oF Forms now
    tHat Do not Align with Essence
    of Gender and or Sex.. including
    Sexual Orientations too of course
    as Life is much more than Material
    Reductionism of Biology although Hermaphrodites
    Do Happen A Fact of God Nature Whole too away from
    all the Ignorance of Cookie Cutter God and Humans
    in Group
    in Fear
    and Disgust
    of what is Different
    than Seen in Group Think
    too True while we can and will
    Measure Body Parts and Structures
    of the Brain Related to Gender Sex
    and Sexual Orientation what Science
    is not able to do is Measure the Synergy
    of all the Organic Reductionist Parts that
    Make the Whole of Human Consciousness
    As Mind and Body Psyche aLso STiLL FelT
    Sensed As Human SoUL the GreaTesT PaRT
    oF OuR Existence that and who Truly Puts US
    in Touch with anything at all we know feel and sense as all..
    True some folks see less some folks see more some folks are
    ignorant of different and some folks just refuse to see covering
    their eyes with the Veils oF iGnorance Away From the Original Greek Definition
    of Apocalypse STiLL NoW that Truly means lifting those Veils oF iGnorance
    in all the ways Naked Truth iN LiGHT Does CoME NoW REaL butt so True
    so many
    folks are
    both afraid
    of Literal
    And Metaphorical Naked
    TruTh iN LiGHT of Flesh and Blood
    us yes all of us as one Family NoW
    Standing ToGeTHeR iN ViCToRY oF UNiTY
    or that other Trump place noted so well as the
    DaRk Reigns with little Discernment in the 30 or so
    PerCent and a little bit more of the ‘other’ Population at Hand
    that is yes as Hard and Big oF A PiLL to SWaLLoW iS aS US too..
    So anYWay Back to dVerse as another one of the Administrators who
    Once Deleted one of the Poems i Wrote Then where a Prompt was Based
    on a Poet that required us to write to the Spirit of the Author or the Photography
    of the Author where i chose the Spirit instead of the Photography and Wrote Long
    and Deep instead of Short and Succinct And that Administrator came back to say
    she was going to have to Delete my Poem as i did not write to the Photograph as
    inspiration as i clearly did the other option and even provided a very detailed list
    of 5 Empirically And Metaphorically Ways of how i did just that and she didn’t come
    Back to Respond to the Defense of the Spirit of what i did.. and in this sense i
    Wrote my Disappointment to the Founder of the dVerse Online Poetry Pub
    thingie and all he could really say is she has control and can and
    will do whatever she likes and she is Good People too going
    on all about how we have to accept people who
    are different like no shit that was the
    issue in the First
    in Defense
    of other Folks
    she might run out
    of town too who are
    simply out of the Box
    in Poetry for what the Fuck
    is even the Meaning and Purpose
    of Poetry in Holy and Sacred way
    if one cannot move out of Boxes and
    Actually Do Original Creativity Different WRitE Now
    with no holds Barred for Creativity’s Dance and Song Set FReED iN US..
    anyway that was just a First Strike of dVerse against me the Second Strike
    came when an Administrator who is also not there anymore Deleted me
    For Accidentally Leaving a Word out of a Required Line in the Prompt as
    i was late to take my Wife to the Doctor and i just Fucked up and in this
    Case i wasn’t even allowed to correct is as the Truth is they just didn’t like
    the Fact
    that i do
    more instead of
    less as far as the Oldest
    Oral and Written Traditions
    of Poetry Go as Long Verse FLoWinG Free
    Verse CoMinG StraiGht From the HUMaN SPiRiT
    oF HeART as SoUL yes that ParT that Systemizing
    Science has no clue on how to Measure the Metaphor
    of Quantum Leaps over Systemizing Science Logic yes
    the FreeST
    PaRT oF WaTeR
    that Swims us and
    Air that Flies uS HiGHeR
    aS OuR SoULS Continue to Evolve
    but mean while tHere are other Humans
    in Various STaGES of Human SoUL EVoLUTiON NoW
    iN JusT oNE LiFETiME NoW too through Science Associated
    Given Terms in Material Reductionist Organic ways like unpacking
    DNA Potential in Either Positive or Negative Way to Challenge in
    Environments as Struggle Makes Positive or Negative Human Potential
    to coMe to Fruition dePending on whether that Struggle is Turned into
    the Vengeance of Fear and Hate or the Victory of Hope and Love Demons
    and or Angels as Metaphor Yes Humans Do Literally come True and in Lies
    through the Struggles of LiFE iN Either Fear and Hate or the other Place
    oF Hope and Love or even the Darkest Abyss of Just Numb so close to nothing
    at all
    felt sensed
    known as God all
    that is once one is Truly
    Separated from all that is
    in Hell within on EarTH NoW ReaL..
    Anyway Science Calls it Epigenetics…
    Yes class tHere is the other wise place
    too oF HeaVeN NoW too and those of us who
    have escaped Hell verily surely truly without
    Fail wanna Help Folks to either get out or never
    ever go in the First Place now but True if you can and
    Will not Love All and wHat it takes is Hell to Bring You
    to Love All for All that is God Nature PLUS NoW REaL PerHaPS
    YoU WiLL Go to Hell WiTHiN And iF You Get OuT You May Give
    Great Thanks and Praise For YouR Experiences oF HeLL oN EarTH
    Bringing you to Complete Empathy Sympathy and Compassion For OTHeRS
    in the other
    HuMaN LoVE
    EVoLuTiON too but
    True too as Far as Science
    Goes for those who refuse to
    Move out of the Box of Material
    Reductionism iN Neuroplasticity
    Rewiring the Mind and Body From
    Head to Toe and More in Either Positive
    or Negative ways in Struggle of Challenge
    in either Fear and Hate or Love and Hope as just
    A General Metaphor For Going in the Direction of Hell
    or Heaven NoW as True in Some ways that is just a Black
    and White Statement too for Life is Real so far beyond 50
    Shades of Grey and Rainbow Beyond Colors of Emotions and
    Senses and even Rationality too from BLacKesT Abyss to JusT
    Beyond and Beyond More as HeaVeN’s FRuiTioN WiTHiN inside
    outside above so below and all around too anyway a Male to Female
    Transexual Person liked one of my Responses that i made unrelated
    to Lillian’s Post and the Forever Post but i am sure this Person Heard
    mY Defense
    of them
    as i did
    make it in two
    Places.. once in a slightly
    Jesus Improved Parable where
    i included the words and or in Gentile
    Jew Servant or Free Woman and or Man
    no more but the Sentiment of that Verse
    is Clear Love is Essence SiTHout Materialistic
    Labels and Forms of Human Required STiLL NoW MoRE
    eXcept for those oTHeR anomalies of Nature that are
    all Natural too where Folks are born without the Material
    Reductionist Organic Ingredients or sAdly aRe Gardened that way
    Away from the Essentials Required for BeinG HuMaN LoVE iNCaRNaTE
    And those are the Poorest of Spirit oF all and one can and will even find them
    as Leaders of the Free and Prison of Soul Worlds Still away from Hope and Love
    that is
    and Blood
    Away from Lovers
    as Cars and Towers
    and Pyramids as forms
    only Labels Empty of LoVE..
    And so Sadly Human Beings too..
    Those are the Folks who truly Deserve
    Compassion but not when they are taking
    the Rest of the World to their Hell as far as
    saying no.. just no.. don’t do that to LoVE Don’t KiLL LoVE iN US..
    Well that JusT ’bout covers it and for folks who are not able to read between
    the Lines of the Story Book Folks who Wrote/Write the Good and Bad Cop Versions
    of Jesus in the New Testament that Facebook Profile Pic i Left as link on Lillian’s
    Page Close to the Beginning of the Links includes close to 7000 Words as all of
    my Facebook Profile Pic Description Areas Do ever since i started the 1.5 MiLLioN
    Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” 13 Months ago.. as Yes Baby i do go long and long soMe
    MoRE And YeaH long ago on this Planet i was a very Androgynous Looking Young Man with Long
    Sandy Blonde Hair Bright Blue eyes with a never ending smile as just a Slender Young Man
    Without much Muscle Tone until the Southern Baptist Christian Bully Boys told me i was
    not one of their ‘kind’ For Boys were not allowed to Smile at the City Park as
    they spit on me there.. and yes while i smiled from ear to ear with
    the Girls in the Middle School Aisles with the Joy
    oF A New Experience of Life as i was aLWays
    Eager to Learn something new the
    Southern Baptist Bully
    Boys there called
    me out loud
    as the F
    and not Fred
    even though i experienced
    Romantic Love For Girls From
    Kindergarten never wanting to Grab
    a So-called Pussy at all as little men like
    those Boys at the City Park and Middle School
    Hall still do in their Trump Ways of Fear and Hate..
    as True tHeir ideas of Love is Rape in all the ways Rape
    comes of Love that is non-consensual still now F iN ReaL..
    oh yeah and then there was Vicki in the Back of the Bus as
    we were driving by the Place where what seemed to be my only
    Friend outside of Family a Dachshund Mix with Striped Fur found
    his way out of the Fence to meet me in the School Yard a Few Blocks
    Away from the Elementary School i used to Attend and he met the
    Face of a Running Bus never to get up on the Side of the Road
    then as Vicki Taunted me with the other Students on the
    Back of the Box saying Look Look Look he has
    eyes just like a Girl and Long Eye Lashes
    too.. True my FucKinG SoUL Hurt
    so bad at school for Years
    but my Mama
    and My
    me Cry when
    Charlie Died and it’s
    also True as my Mother Grew
    Older the Faux Love News took her
    away from Loving People who are different
    and in some ways her Soul Went Dead too but
    the thing is she never stopped Loving me and i while
    it was extremely difficult i come to a place now still of Unconditional
    Love inCaRNaTE MoRE that Lives for i understand what the issue of those
    Bully Boys and Girls were for they lived in a Repressed Love without Full
    Freedom of both Mind and Body Love both Given and Nurtured too.. i did not
    Have a Father Raising A so-called Warrior to kill my Heart so one day i might
    Kill Foreign invaders in Scarcity oF Deserts with a Tribal God of Fear and Hate still
    for in my Youth my Mother Was my Jesus and God of Love too.. Before Faux News then
    of Hate and Fear Brain Washed her away from Love Later in Life of Darker as that
    comes to be too.. and it’s true i couldn’t possibly be mean to this Lady with
    the Veils of Ignorance Still Covered for she had a Beer Raised up
    to her Mouth in a Smiling Laugh of Life as Many Catholic
    Folks do and even Priests too.. i Don’t Drink i Don’t
    do Drugs i don’t Do Caffeine for i am the
    Fortunate one Drug Free on Love
    but not everyone lives
    in HeaVeN NoW ALiVE
    And Jesus
    F in Christ
    i am still A luckiest
    Boy on Earth Leg Pressing
    A Thousand and Twenty LBS
    52 Reps at the Gym beating out
    the other Military Men on a Free
    Weight Machine by Several Hundred
    Pounds 3 or so Decades younger than
    me and that Slender Sandy Long Haired
    Blonde Boy with Blue to Green Pale Bright
    eyes and Long eye Lashes then too.. hehe NoW
    and True i’m not as pretty as i used to be heHe..
    but True too Fearless is Truly the Quality Women
    Love the Most as my Empirical Evidence of Photos
    Does show in literally Thousands of Selfie Faces of
    Beautiful Young Women still with Grand Pa Dancer now
    haHa yeah my Great Grandfather had a Horse named Dancer
    too and
    now i
    am that
    Horse an
    Old Dancer too..
    Old Horses don’t
    Give up the Force
    of Love once they
    Lose it and Live iT AGaiN ReaL
    And like any Shepard Wolf of Compassion
    A sHe Wolf takes care of the Outcasts still..
    And yes i Did go to Hell a Year and a Half or so
    at 19 to 21 and got out at 22 and went again at
    47 and truly the 11 Years in a slow to faster fight
    and flight Burn the Last two years of that From 1996
    to 2008 too.. and that Hell lasted 66 Months as yes once
    again this is all about Celebrating 60 Months Now of Heaven
    WithiN oN EarTH no longer with all the pain and numb that came
    with 19 Medical Disorders too for if you don’t think Love will Cure Hell
    been there
    or Got out yet..
    FeeLinG SeN
    SinG LoVE ReaL
    then Writing Poetry
    with Music Helped
    to BRinG mY SoUL
    Back Beginning at
    the End of February 2013..
    and The Dance of 9600 Miles
    NoW with a 6 Million Word Long Form
    Poem and Bible adds in the Fearless MoRE NoW
    And Secures my Unconditional LoVE FoR ReaL Forevernow..
    Perhaps i’ll go back to dVerse but for Sure i will most definitely
    NoW Comment on that Person’s Poem who is of the Transexual Nature
    of Kingdom Come God LoVE too for Real.. for True those NoW who have
    Conquered Fear and Hate in Poor of Spirit for the Victory of Love and Hope
    oN EarTH who
    Give and Share
    the Freedoms of LoVE
    that CoMeS STronGesT NoW STiLL
    OuT oF the DaRKesT NiGHTs of SoUL oF aLL..
    Love is amazing and so are you when LoVE
    coMes to RoosT NoW ALiVE FoR ReaL..
    Yeah that’s what i’ll do to conclude
    this now go to that
    Male to Female
    Person now
    on a dVerse Positive
    Note of LoVE that’s Real
    for that Administrator the
    Second one then who deleted my
    Effort at dVerse who is a so-called
    Christian just agreed with the Woman
    and said the World is Bad this way as
    God’s Nature Change for Real as LoVE..
    i Forgive her but i’ll go next to the
    Rest of Xenia And Frank’s Poems and the
    gigoid PLace of Sages of the Ages iN Wisdom
    Quotes For A PlaCE NoW wHere Those of us who
    are different are not Defended
    in Discernment is a
    place i’ll go
    back to
    not for
    now as i need a few more
    Greener Pastures that and who
    Protect Love as i am only Human too..
    And Do Enjoy Greener Meadows Full oF LoVE..
    And of Course other Places wJere Discernment coMes now too..
    And on top of that looks like this is gonna come close to filling up
    the 240 LB 6 Foot or So ‘David’ Pose of a ‘Little Lion Man Now’.. heHe
    as ‘they’
    say yeah
    be careful
    what and who
    you wish for for if
    you wish for it for
    20 or so Centuries someone(S) Oh GoD YeS
    NoW MiGHT JusT Rise uP FRoM RocKY LoVE
    AnD actuAlly JusT F iN NoW
    Do it iN VicToRY oF LoVe
    NoW PusHinG uP
    oF LoVE NoW
    As Life MoRE AMonG those
    Who Are Dead iN LoVE aS LiFENoW
    Someone has to Pick up A WHoLE BaLL oF LoVE
    OCeaN WHoLE GoD NoW iN mE And YoU ReaL NoW
    FReEDoM ELiXiR
    oF LiGHT
    ITches FoR HoPE NoW
    BeCoMeS LoVE iNCaRNaTE..:)

    SMiLes mY FriEnd
    LiLLiaN LiVE
    LoVE’S iTCHiNG
    JoY FReEDoM oF LiGHT
    And Thank You
    Very Much it’s
    Nice to be Fully Accepted too..:)

  16. Frank Hubeny says:

    Nice song, “Dance with Me” by Orleans. Dancing through life.
    Good point: “Follow the
    Law of Jesus and God that is both literally and Metaphorically Love and
    only worry about the Paygrade of Love and are you going to be
    a Witness for the Good Cop Jesus and Stand up for Love
    and Exclude no one From Love”

    • Hi Frank.. once again thanks so much
      for coming by all the way down here to
      Comment on “NoW SoW iN LoVInG6SiX”
      For the Law of Love and the Pay Grade of Love
      is Verily one Delicious Brew of Do.. And True it’s almost
      Impossible to not Witness for Love when someone actually
      Engages in the Dance and Song of Love Do.. in Church whenever
      they say Worship Jesus i Worship Love for there is 100 Percent no
      Doubt in My Mind that
      Love is Real
      and the
      Healing Force
      of Human then and now..
      the rest of it i will not tale a lie
      for it’s almost impossible for me
      To Do when i Find an Actual Truth
      So.. i’ll GoD with LoVE i will not
      Go Wrong Doing that as Long
      as i Do Visit Love that is Real
      Smiles and i understand
      there is a dVerse Prompt
      now on the so-called
      7 Deadly Sins namely
      A Biggest Deceit that Lust is Evil
      And the Reason the Deceit is Propagated
      Historically Speaking has always been one
      of Subjugation and Control of Human Reproductive
      Freedoms as they still come and go Free Behind Closed
      Doors and Closets no matter What the Standard Religion of Group
      think says it does outside of Doors that Lead to Freer Ways of Life as
      is what
      makes all
      of Life Stronger
      than what same will
      Bring as Cousin Mating
      Does bring Socio-Economic
      Benefits but does lower the overall
      Potential of the Culture at Hand for
      what Diversity in all of Life Brings as
      Opposites of so many pArts do apply..
      And as Science Shows Lust is and always
      has been a Most Powerful Force underlying
      the Bio-Chemical and Neuro-Hormonal Aspects
      iNSPiRinG Human Creativity and Productivity along with
      the Greatest Oxytocin Benefits of Love to Make a Mutual
      and Consensually Happy Social-Cooperation for all.. other than
      that Gluttony Greed Sloth Wrath Envy are all Natural Parts of Life
      too and truly not negative as long as they are done in Moderation
      for Storing Fats Storing Grains Taking a Long Vacation and Getting
      Mad enough to get motivated to Change what is not Fair at Hand in
      a way that does the Least Harm to others now and True to understand
      one has it all already At Birth with just Basic Subsistence.. Shelter and
      Someone to Love is great for folks who are not actually Starving to Death
      in the Harsh Elements of Weather without Mates to Find for Basic Reproduction..
      can and
      will inspire
      those folks
      for the
      of Human Survival
      even if it means Envying
      what is in the Dumpster that
      the Fat and Happy Folks Left
      over to Eat and taking the Garbage
      out even if there is a Sign that says
      stay out of the Garbage Can now..
      True Rarely is either Life or
      and White
      as Reality Dances
      and Sings a Life of Living First..
      anyway.. will be coming by to see you
      later Frank but this also seems like an
      Introduction for the dVerse 7Sinning Prompt for now.. hehe..
      7.18.18 as Seven Eighteen is Generally Speaking an Historically
      Holy and Sacred Number Series in Full of Meaning and Purpose
      iN Numerology too.. oh how all of Cultures are Interesting in all
      the dark
      ways they
      still come
      as real of all that is
      for all i personally see as GoD NoW ReaL ALL..
      Oh Crap i missed the so-called Sin Pride yes
      there is the Pride of Give and there is the
      Pride of Take the more i Give the more
      i light up as Pride and however
      other folks view what
      i give is
      up to
      what they
      give and take in life too
      for what they find as Pride
      in what they give or take too
      in other Words Trump Pride is not the
      only Pride there is of Sin for there is Pride in
      Light too for no Lamp like this will Hide Love
      for all as Pride that
      out something
      at Least of moving
      others to some kind of change..
      yes there is other side of the Timid
      Soul the Lamp too afraid to Light up..
      those are the Lamps i wish to Help the
      Most as i too once
      oF mY
      FLaME’s Pride too..
      A Lion’s Pride is no sin aT aLL
      For A Lion’s Pride is actuAlly ALL (GoDNoW)..:)

  17. Hi.. Lona.. before i gathered much ability to
    Carry on a Conversation.. i grew up without
    TV where the only Entertainment the
    Elders did is actually Connect
    to Each Other in Words
    of Stories as
    that was
    the only Passing Activity
    of Time then the Connection
    of Human Beings in Verbal and
    Non-Verbal Speak where the Art
    of Moving each other’s Emotions
    was Truly all of the Excitement of the
    Day and After i Lost my Emotions in
    a Middle Age Burn out of Work i marveled
    at my Great Aunt Jettie at 94 and Twice my
    Age then in how every Word She Spoke Twinkled
    an eye and lit up her Smile as the Words Flowed
    Effortlessly and Truly Sounded Like Poetry as
    The Speak of Humans
    often does in
    TV came
    Aboard and became
    the National Pass Time replacing
    Radio then.. oh.. the Oral Tradition of
    Love always Changing as Love is the
    Ocean and the Ocean can and will be
    so Boring without Waves of all kinds
    And Colors to make our Life
    Brilliant in Continuous
    Change for
    while it is
    True that
    Now is Forever
    now there is always
    the Next now of Change
    too otherwise we would Just
    Be a Still Ocean Nothing Below
    or Above Much Happening NoW aS
    i look forward to all the Colors of Waves
    in Life for you are Correct if Love is aLWays
    the Same Love doesn’t even exist for it is the
    Dualities and more in Grey Scale and Color Wheels
    of Life beyond what we see today that make Love the
    Mystery that we continue to Paint as Brush and Master
    Peace Painting too.. And if not for the Shading as the Dark
    Fibers of Painting Still there would be little Depth to Love
    as True
    there is
    below and
    above of the
    Surface of the Ocean
    And we still continue to
    Find new Species of Marine
    Life Within at Deepest Venues
    to Still Explore and True the Inner
    Life of us is so much Bigger than
    that for we can and will IMaGINE and
    Create More Colors of LoVE Endlessly
    Now and Next Now too.. for a Dance and
    Song of Poetry that Never Ends and always
    Changes more..
    That’s what
    i Love
    Love i’ll
    never know it
    all now.. and no
    i don’t want to for
    The New Colors iS
    What Makes HeaVeN aLWays now
    now to me Now ReNeWeD ANeW For Another Flavor
    to Come And Be FoR NoW Evolving Anew LoVENoW..
    And Thanks so Much for the Kind Compliment that my
    Words Turn You About for surely yours are Unique too
    my friEnd and SPiRiT FeLT HeARt CoMinG FRoM
    the Deepest Oceans of an all Natural Soul that
    is you
    For ReaL
    But Always
    A New Exploration
    Coming as the Master
    Peace Painting NoW Is
    NeVeR OVeR Truly LiViNGLoViNGNoW..:)

    Same to You
    My FriEnd For i
    Find That Home
    Now of
    My Elders
    That is
    All Love Gifts..:)

    And now i say that’s one of the most
    Advanced Spiritually Wording Human
    as far as the Potential of Understanding
    More Colors of Love Goes to Mutually and
    Consensually Share with others for true the
    More different we are and the more outcast we
    May be the Better we are able to see more views of
    Life from the Outside in.. Just A Matter of How more
    opportunity to Watch Well left Excluded but Learning more about
    and not just
    the Confines of Group think..
    And it’s also True the American Indians
    had several Genders more than just a Binary
    too for those who were considered to have
    A Depth of Male and Female Spirituality
    were considered Priests and Prophets
    yes their version of a Shaman now
    too out of Group Think
    who only
    to keep
    life same and
    grey out of the
    Colors than can and will come more as Real..:)

    And then off to the Wrong Planet an online site for folks mostly stuck in the
    Left Brain Metaphor of Systemizing Science think in other words if they
    don’t find it in a book it may not be real.. hehe.. even if they Experience ‘it’
    that’s truly
    just another
    Definition more
    of Insanity now too..
    for true too.. staying stuck
    in the Systemizing Science Mind
    way of think through Pre-School
    and Post Graduate School too
    and even the Mechanical
    Cognition of Work
    now too will
    lead to a condition
    as that comes from
    use it or lose it life yes to
    lose the Empathy and Sympathy
    And Compassion of actually feeling
    and sensing the Warm and Fuzzy parts
    of Life so far out of books and so much Closer
    to the Moving Connecting Co-Creating ways of
    Life that we express with others as more Art in
    Smart than just a Purgatory Grey Shade Colder
    of only S and M left of the Empty Art of Smart..
    But as they say in Rome do as the Romans do and as far as this Poetic
    Talk a Big Art of why they Feel and Sense not what they actually Do is they
    are Lost in a Much Smaller Sea of Mechanical Cognition now even Sitting Still
    Failing to Move both Body and Much Larger Feelings and Sensing of Life.. yes even
    go of
    all the
    Cognition Clogged
    up Brain and actually
    Dancing on Terrestrial Earth
    Like Walking on Water Swum
    by Water and Flown By air too on Land..
    And as far as the new Pejorative of Incels as it’s
    True the Wrong Planet is a place majority comprised
    of Male Humans who are involuntarily celibate too well
    it’s true you bring an enticing Smile to most all Women who
    are Free at least within with a Dance that says Hello From Head to toe..
    and then you might even wanna start on a Work of Art that never ends
    for true don’t think i am getting much inspiration from the Wrong Planet
    except for a Few Hard Cold facts that really don’t matter to Love at all
    when real from Head to toe for sure a Best way to hold off an orgasm
    is to
    out of
    A Book
    of Statistics hehe..
    and sure to Write a Poem
    to Dance or Sing Creative
    as yes there are facts and there is Living Intelligence
    too Hearts Thumping alive from Head to toe more iN LiGHT oF LiGHT

    In Europe According to most Analysis there is a move to the Right as that relates to Jobs, Immigration, and a Shared Sense/Feel of Cultural Identity of course associated with Immigration too.

    In the United States the Latest Gallup Poll Indicates the overall Numbers of Democrat Leaning individuals is still Leading over Republican Leaning Individuals by 4 Percentage points; however, the Percentage of Folks who consider themselves Leaning either Republican or Democrat is as close to the Lowest Percentages, in the Last 14 Years of study. Independent Leaning Voters at 43 Percent, in Latest Survey, lead both Republicans and Democrats by over 10 Percentage Points now and this trend is steady since 2009, around the Dates that some Democrats Started to get unhappy about being Forced to Pay for Health Care.

    So, while it’s Clear what’s going on in Europe; there is a Still Growing ‘Independent’ Factor that cannot and will not be overlooked in the Next Election as the Clinton Campaign didn’t Measure the Gravitas of the Sanders Campaign for it is True Many Polls Suggested he would have been a better Candidate to Run against Trump than Clinton as there was a Healthy Number of Folks who moved away from Clinton who were Democrat, and of Course Independent too.

    A Huge Factor Next Election is the one of Health Care that is becoming increasingly unaffordable for the Majority of Americans. You will not find any Republican Candidate who runs on a Platform of Universal Health Care, most ironically, except for Trump and that was obviously just another Bold Face Lie.

    A Major Factor in the Religious/Republican Right Group think who Bind together over common Bonds to Vote as a Group Block was the New Right to Civil Marriage by Gay Folks as Led by what ‘they’ called in many Republican Circles an “Anti-Christ”, Obama (hehe; be careful ‘who’ you wish for) for Leading a Push for these New Rights for an excluded Group of Americans.

    In my Continuing Anthropological Study of the Entire Human Condition, When Trump Was Elected, even the Catholic Priest Admitted in that First Day of Trump’s Win that America could not even be Recognized as a ‘Christian Country’ anymore, so Thank God for Trump (hint: it wasn’t designed that way); since Gays Got the Right to Vote; Pretty disgusting to me considering Gentile Jew Servant Free Woman or Man no more (that by metaphor means Transgender and Transexual Folks get to go to Heaven too, now) but hey I am just there to analyze the Religion and Sing. And not unlike the recent Protest with the American Flag that day I refused to Stand for the Nicene Creed; but considering I am 240LBS now Full of Muscle From Head to toe; no one called me A Son of A B**ch; at least not to my Face in Flesh and Blood; hehe.

    Anyway, this Thread on the Wrong Planet per why the Left is so Unpopular Worldwide has been an excellent one but the Fact of the Matter in the US according to Latest Gallup Polls is the Republican Party is the Least popular Party and this Trend has been going on For many Years. It’s mostly a matter in this Country of who gets out and votes. Looks for that to Change Dramatically in 2020, and yes, according to the Numbers now, look for what likely will be a Sanders and Warren Win.

    True; Don’t Forget the Millennials, too; for that Demographic Will likely be as Motivated to Vote for Sanders and some new Progressive Benefits as the Republicans were against the Right of Gay Folks to get married’, and Jobs of course, and Immigration to a lesser degree.

    And one more thing, it is a Huge Myth that one can Measure the ability of a Person to gain a Substantial Make a Living Job just by how they look on the outside as far as Being A Big Muscular Able Body Looking Dude or Woman. Let’s not forget Invisible Disabilities like Mental Illness that one can view from the Comfort of their Air Conditioned Vehicle for the Big Dude on the Side of the Road looking for a Hand up living in a literal Hell inside his head; sure, like Ex-Military Dudes with PSTD and the Such as that for true, life is long and one day one may need a Hand up too. Trust me, it can and will Happen with Rare Disorders like Trigeminal Neuralgia that is the Worst Pain know to Humankind; yes, as assessed worse than the Pain of Crucifixion; I experienced that from Wake to Sleep for 66 Months, of which several Years was spent with that condition on the Wrong Planet. You never Heard me whine and complain for I finished 33 months of 66 Months as a Shut-in, with that Hell before I even came to this place.

    It’s why the way I am treated here or any where else is of zero consequence. Already been to Hell for 66 Months; no little 3 Hour or 3 Day Tour with the Accolades of Being Called ‘God’ for that smaller Feat for actually Surviving Hell. I had 18 other Medical Disorders like Dysautonomia, Spinal Stenosis, Severe Degenerative Arthritis, Sjogren’s Syndrome, and Fibromyalgia but they were a Cake Walk Compared to Trigeminal Neuralgia.

    Oh yeah, it’s also why I am literally Fearless now. I don’t like to hear that Able Bodied Bull Crap. Be Careful what one Wishes for; for ‘who’ knows there may be worse pains than Trigeminal Neuralgia that haven’t even been Measured now like losing your Emotions and Senses; that one doesn’t even have a Label, except nothing nothing at all; and yes, it is worse than the other Hell, too. And after You Experience it Life is Naturally Heaven as it is Evolved that way for Living Organisms that and who Survive and Thrive fully alive.

    If one doesn’t think Health Care and Affordable Health Care is important, one just hasn’t lived long enough. Sure, a 300K Medical Bill for a Child who didn’t make it; and the Burn on my Wife’s Hand associated with an Epileptic Seizure that was another 100K or so Bucks in Medical Bills, recently too. Sh** Happens and Invisible Disabilities are a real thingie too. Go Bernie Go for the rest of the Nation who isn’t as Fortunate as my Wife and I to enjoy Life Long Guaranteed Federal Civil Service Health Benefits, like the ‘He Men’ in Congress.

    And it’s true, Bernie is a much Better Example of a Good Cop Jesus Christian than my Catholic Priest; but in the USA it is every American who counts, if you really are American by the ideal at least; and the ‘Real Meaning’ of the Flag. It’s not one of Group Identity or even Making Money. It is one of the Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for all; not fully possible without Good Health and Care, or Rights for Gays to Get Married and so many other Differences who count too
    for Freedom’s Wings.

    And if this is too Long, so be it, for Life is complicated like that too; it ain’t a Simple thing you learn in School either; So far out of Books it is. And it Dam Sure ain’t something you don’thave to Work for; whether that’s for Money or Not; and yeah these folks, so-called Folks who are Able Bodied with Invisible Disabilities they may work harder for the next second of life than you will ever imagine; and perhaps if you live long enough you will find the lesson then for real.

    Well that is A First Extra Long Narrative Now
    Part of a Fredbun also known and understood
    as a Haibun in Poetry Science Circles who
    go by Various
    from Free Verse
    Holy and Creative Spirit
    that just Flows as Streams
    to Rivers to Bays to Gulfs to
    Seas to Ocean Whole God as
    Collective Consciousness come
    up from the Depths of all that we
    are as expressed from our Collective
    DNA and other Evolution too including
    the Evolution of Soul in Love in Just one
    Lifetime now sure there is Politics and
    there is Life
    Life is Free
    and Politics
    at the Group
    Identity Politics
    of Group think
    often mostly intends
    to exclude the other parts
    of God Ocean Whole they
    have yet to fully meet and even
    Attempt to understand as Different
    And as Worthy of God Nature all as they
    We All Bleed And At Best We all Bleed Love ToGeTHeR..
    The Foundation of Love as a Grace of Balance that holds
    all this other Political Related Bullshit so far underneath

    Ever Meet a Majority
    Left Leaning Hispanic
    Catholic and the other
    side of the World. Doesn’t
    apply ‘the same’ ‘over here’.
    And the Entire United States
    is Turning Majority ‘Browner’
    as we speak, long or shorter.
    In the United States Muslim’s Vote
    two/thirds Majority Democratic not
    much different than Hispanic Americans
    And sure less than African American Folks.
    All these Folks are Having Children at Higher rates
    than so-called White Bread Republicans; so, this line of
    thinking that Folks who Pop out more Babies are more likely to Vote Republican
    Fails over here in the Farther West and the Fact is these are the Demographics
    that will continue to Grow the Fastest in the United States; there is no stopping it.
    Browner And More Likely to Vote Democrat/Independent is coming even Stronger in the US.
    It’s Simple Math, too
    as these Folks
    to ‘get together too’.

    Hmm, continuing Discussion on the ‘Science’ ‘Wrong
    Planet’ as ‘these folks’ also continue to Listen to and
    Repeat Propaganda instead of actually Researching Facts.
    Hehe, and these Folks on the Wrong Planet Laud their
    Standard IQ, not realizing just how much they are truly
    influenced by Group think same as So-called other
    Leaning Folks
    whether that
    includes a
    so-called Label
    of a God or not as part
    of what binds folks as bonds
    in life over shared ideology that
    may not have any basis in actual fact
    and or
    as is for Real
    and it bears noting
    that not all folks either
    Perceive or Experience
    Reality the same as some folks
    Float in Spoon Fed Lies and Some
    Folks actually go out and View a Larger Story now
    and yes
    come to actually
    Do a larger Story of LiFENoW
    too FOR REAL
    in flesh and
    blood moving
    connecting co-creating
    ways that actually Moves
    Folks to change and makes
    A Flesh and Blood Significant Difference too..:)

  18. Hi Lillian.. as far as the 7 Cardinal Sins and Virtues
    Discussed today on 7.18.18 as i Love the Ring of
    Those Numbers i find that Peace Dies without
    Passion so i come Bearing Both Gifts
    of Rocky in Virtue but Passion
    More Specifically today
    as Sith for
    our Shadow
    Parts as far as Does
    God Wear Clothes or Does
    God Just Hang Around with
    Other Dogs and Wait for a Master
    of Love in Kind to Provide all one will eat
    Kibbles and Bits for it is True OuR Cat Yellow
    Boy stays Attached to Wife Katrina for Predictable
    Subsistence always comes and a Warm Lap of Kindness
    too., hmm.. so what about
    Lust we most all feel and
    sense that
    there is no need
    to talk about it just
    don’t ask don’t tale
    as that is always the
    Way of Clothed Human
    Lust still.. for what i have come
    to find yes God is both Literally
    And Metaphorically and yes Dog
    And Cat too Love for the Best paRT
    oF LiFE that both comes and goes.. there
    is not even anything i need to know and feel
    and sense but Do Love as God now.. and it is
    True some folks
    See a bigger
    Love And Give
    And Share A Bigger
    Love and some folks
    Hide Love under tight
    Wraps of Clothes so in this
    way it is True God wears clothes too..
    Your Father Brought you Love and that too is all that counts..
    Moreover my FriEnd the never ending paRT of YouR Father
    NoW who Still Continues to exist in your HeART expreSSinG forevernow
    as SPiRiT as that Love Lives Eternally now outside the Bounds of Science
    And even Infinity for Science has no real idea how this Love stays Eternally
    now or even what our Conscious Being Fully is too in this way this God that
    is Love
    is MaGiC
    all Rabbits
    coming out
    of Top Hats now
    for this is Love is Beyond
    all Measure this Love We Co-Create now..
    heHe.. never judge a Sith by His and or Her
    Cover for that’s a First Passion uP To LoVE..
    And the
    of Mastering
    the Passions within
    But Enjoying them to
    the point where the Peace oF LoVE STiLL SPRiNGS
    ActuALLy LiVinG WiTHiN (GoDSuMMeRLoVES) as i metaphorse this too..:)

    So Many ways to Die in Life
    So Many ways to Suffer in Misery
    And So Many Ways to be Happy
    As Long
    As Passions
    And Love and
    Yes Rationality
    are not
    off in School/Work/Church/Home Lockers
    NeVeR EVeN LiVinG aT aLL Free TeMplE LoViNG WiLD.

    Seeing Being Life
    as Art Giving
    all that is
    to Be
    to Quote
    ‘Godwin’ ‘they’
    say Adolph wanting
    to Kill for ‘those others’
    rejected His Art leaving
    all that was left of his HeART
    as H and E and S and M of SMart..
    Little Children
    Create Love every
    Dance and Song they do..
    A Gold Star for Love and
    A Prevention of World War III too..:)

    Actually Lust and Love Hold Hands
    According to Science and General
    Populations Go Across the Lifespan
    for the Greatest Human Creativity
    and Productivity and even
    Social Cooperation
    too i am afraid
    of neither
    and neither
    is my Wife
    as both co-exist
    Happily still even Fuller
    after 28 Years even more
    Wild and Free Now as it’s
    True Passion Will Make Peace
    too if a BaLanCinG ForcE of Both
    but of course as
    in all stuff
    life there
    is the Bell
    Curve and
    the other two
    ends less and more too..
    there is no Separation of
    Lust and Love as Long as
    there is Mutual and Consensual
    Consideration in Harming no one at all..:)

    As mentioned earlier today on my Site
    There is the Pride of Giving and Sharing
    And the Pride of Taking and Hoarding
    And even Copyrights too..
    There Are Temples of
    Gold and Labels
    of Name
    there is
    Poetry that and
    Who Dances and Sings
    And People like Frank
    who never Fail to at least
    Respond with Thanks to
    Others for Dropping by..
    Smiles.. my friEnd
    i’ve Visited
    oF oNLiNE
    in the
    Last 5 Years
    as Documented
    Online with many
    more Thousands of
    Poems now back from
    me and you my FriENd
    NoW stand out this way
    And i for one am Proud of You..:)

    SMiLes mY FriEnd.. Glenn for Trump is only as Great as the
    People who continue to support him and the Challenge for
    America now is to see just how Great those Supporters are
    so ironically
    the Majority
    Call themselves
    Christian so interestingly
    it just goes to Show how
    Much Trumps Truly Wrote
    much of the Bible that still exists..
    Perhaps this will open more eyes
    to the Ignorance of History that uses
    a Label of God as Empty Vessel of Love
    just to Control and Subjugate others namely
    mostly Reproductive Control by naming something
    as Beautiful as Lust Evil and Controlling Love to whatever
    Parts the Mob Rule Wants.. Fascism is an Integral Part
    oF A Tribal
    God always
    was and will
    Always be
    A Trump
    God New STiLL of
    the Old Testament
    Just waiting to Take control
    With Minions willing to Look
    the Other Way as Love Dies a
    Slow and Suffering Death but alas
    Trump has shown himself as so Ignorant
    From Love and Love Still Exists at least outside
    Mosts Churches
    oF Lies..
    As i Giggle i know
    People more specifically
    the Younger Generation
    up close and personal too..
    all this means in the Long Run
    is Bernie Sanders for Real a Vice
    President who is a Woman and Likely
    Then A Woman President After that with
    Universal Health Care coming in the Next
    Decade too.. for it’s True the United States
    is Turning Browner and there are some things
    Never forget..
    Separating Children
    from Parents and Treason are just
    two to count recently to start even more..:)

    i See God ALL As Human Nature
    too now So i Won’t iMaGinE
    Be unHappy
    NoW to See Flesh
    And Blood Alive uP Close And Very Personal
    For Nothingness IS A LoneLiest Place oF aLL..
    So.. Whenever i See Feel Sense SPiRiTiNG
    Younger Folks TaKinG
    Selfies i Say Wow
    A Group
    of Humans
    who are not
    afraid oF aLL
    That is God as them too now..:)

    SMiles.. i for one reFuse
    to make a Cookie Cutter
    God Cookie Cutter
    Human too..
    for Lord knows
    there is the Jesus in
    the New Testament Dictating
    Love Your Enemy and Turning
    the other Cheek that by Reports
    of Revelation is coming back to
    Slay the Wicked and those who
    Still Refuse a
    Bended knee to
    Eternal Fiery
    Torture in Hell
    oh but yes i still
    believe in the Good
    Cop Teachings of A Jesus
    And How Redemptive it was
    to find out that Innumerable Folks
    Wrote the Entire Story as Anonymous
    Greek Writing Romans under Pen
    Names Like Mark and Luke
    And Thousands of
    Other Scribes
    with Copy
    and yes..
    Changes too
    So yes.. it is
    True i Give the
    oF LoVE
    also kNoWn and
    Felt and Sensed as Love
    otherWise yes the Metaphor
    of the Main Character Jesus
    Great Credit whenever i See the opporTunity
    For the Greatest Soldiers of Love are the unknown.. still..
    A GreaTesT Human Virtue still is those who are not afraid to Expose Truth
    Lifting the Veils oF iGnorance for that Truly is the Original Definition of the Greek
    Word Apocalypse
    it Sets
    one Free
    iN LoVE A
    GreaTesT Gift oF aLL..:)

    SMiLes.. Human Animals More Conservative
    by Nature as Science shows are More Averse
    to Different than the More Nomad ones of us..
    so in some ways
    it’s Naturally
    some folks to be
    open to Different and by
    the way Jonathan Haidt is
    an Excellent Modern Social
    Scientist to Reference Fuller
    More Modern thoughts
    on what makes us
    Humans Tick
    in the
    or Behind Walls
    And even just another
    Brick in the Wall as that goes.. too..
    Smiles.. i’ve been a Public Dancer now for
    9600 Miles iN A Reddest Trump State part
    of the Country.. the FL Panhandle now for
    Five Years as i am A Dancing Litmus Test
    for the Nature of Nomads and Bricks
    in the Wall too.. and usually with
    A Will of iNtentional And
    Carefully Presented
    Those Walls
    Will Come Down And
    Some Days Bricks Loosen
    too but the More Conservative
    Nature A Human Being Has/Is
    the More Difficult it is which goes
    to SHow a Greater Meaning too of
    ‘They’ Feel and Sense STiLL NoW NoT what they do to others
    sTill.. Freedom is an Ongoing Art and Unconditional Fearless
    Love IS A Most
    oF aLL..:)

    The Passion of the Human Shadow
    A Peace of Mastering
    iT And
    to ENjoy
    It Fully
    Harming no one now
    the Art Goes on when
    the Answer is yes Yes
    PLEase Do JusT Go oN..:)

    At this point
    all we CaN
    WiLL really
    do is hold
    our nose until
    he is convicted
    or Vote for Bernie
    and his Running Mate
    which ever comes next
    and oh yeah don’t forget
    the Mid-Terms for that might
    be an
    oF A Deal too..
    and then we yuck
    will have to Breathe
    through Pence no way
    to shake off the Trump Blues Fully
    now except Turn the TV and News off
    and Just
    Fear and Hate..
    he’s not even a man
    real men don’t sit with
    their Arms Folded unless
    they are still little boys afraid
    in the School Yard oF Fear sTill…
    There is still a Very Small and Lonely
    Hurt Child in the Face of Trump i See the
    Look on his Son’s Face too.. it is unmistakable
    NoW and sadly
    familiar too..
    for without a
    Loving Mother
    i Might be a Trump now too..
    We Are All A Family And an unusual one too..:)

    We are all Born we all
    Die A MeaSure oF
    A Real Man and
    or Woman
    is the
    And how bright
    it burns to shed
    Love on others when
    LiViNG everything else
    is meaningless to me but
    Oh Lord How Being Financially
    Independent can and will so
    much easier provide an
    to the
    A PaPerLesS heART..

    Oh yeah.. Thanks For
    This Prompt Love
    It Works For Me Free..:)

    Hehe.. i’ve SunG iT beFore
    i’LL DancE iT aGaiN tHeRe Is
    No Lasting
    in LiFE
    Passion to
    Fuel all that
    Is Good iN Virtue too..:)

    A PriSon
    oF PaSSioN
    iS A DeaTH oF Free
    A Master Of
    oF Free..:)

    Oh Lord.. i didn’t Realize this was/is
    in Jest.. Lona.. and i started seriously
    Fearing this might
    be the
    end of you
    on the dVerse
    Trail and then
    soon enough i realized
    it was just an Extra Long
    Title and a Parody too.. i’m
    Sort of a Trickster too.. Truly i Love
    to Be Free and Pursue iT aLL in one LiFE
    NoW to really reAlly LiVE.. and True that is
    What Dying as Life coMes to Be
    Victory in ReborN aGaiN NoW
    Butterfly RiSinG OuT
    oF Cocoon For Real
    For What Is any
    if not
    AcTuAlly LoVinG LiFE
    iN All dARk and LiGHT..
    WitH ABSoLuTeLY NoTHinG
    to: HiDE More i ReVeaL More i Free From:
    YeS.. i’M Best FRiEnDs WitH My Mr. Hyde And Dr.
    Jekyll Too Oh We DO GeT ALonG JusT FiNE NoWoNE..:)

    SMiLes.. For me at
    Least Dance Enhances
    All mY Passions Virtues
    too Better Yet A
    oF aLL
    oF Senses too
    For True Dance iS
    A GreaTesT HeaLinG
    Force A SonG oF LoVE too..:)

    Hehe.. the Fact that Judging
    Didn’t make it into
    the Top 7 Catholic
    Says A Whole
    Lot about who
    Writes the Books..
    But True We Are A Judging
    Species or We would have
    never made it even this far as one Species..
    True all
    Places too..
    Even the New ones
    We Create like sitting
    Still in Front of Screens
    Almost All Day/Night Long at Work/Car/Home
    PerHapS NoW We Need aN uPdated List.. hAha..
    YeS in some
    it is
    The Law to Drive and Text..
    Hmm.. Wonder if We WiLL OutLaw
    TrumpS aT Least From Highest Office NoW..
    CRaP ugh That ViCE President We WiLL have then too..;)

    Hmm.. wonder if when
    one Feels Pride and
    it if that
    is a kind
    of Deceit
    too.. for true
    on the Street at
    Least the Fearless
    Confident and Meek man
    this way isn’t afraid to show
    Fearless in Confidence that is
    Truly earned all Natural Pride no
    Different than a Lion in the Wild and
    A Best Part
    oF aLL is
    it is actually
    A Virtue too
    for ‘Smaller
    Men’ do not
    stand nearly
    as much of a
    Chance to Attack
    And Suffer the Consequences
    of Bothering a Lion at Rest.. hehe..
    other wise bothering A Deceit oF Fear..
    True this
    is Truly
    all sides of the
    issues explored and given..;)

    i KeeP iN EXisTence
    A REaLiTy That HeaVeN
    iS aT Hand aLWays NoW
    iN thiS Generation
    As those
    Nows Happen
    NoW No Fear No
    SiN JusT LoVENoW
    A DesTiNaTioNoW oF
    HeaveN NoW iS THaT
    FriEnd TaKeS AMaZinG
    MiND And BoDY BaLanCinG
    FoRCE oF AWaReNeSS And
    Per the Words as attributed to
    Jesus it is no easy task for
    to Pass
    eYes of Needles
    tHat Are All oF Human
    CuLTures NoW From: dARk to: LiGHT
    A BesT ReaL NeWS iS iT’s PossiblE NoW..:)

    A Resilient Human
    SpiriT AGaiNST DaRK
    Struggles iN LiFE
    oF PriSoN
    to Change the
    World TRuLY
    an example
    of Virtue Nelson
    Mandela Day it is
    aLWays As Human
    Conquers DaRK FoR LoVELiGHT..:)

    SMiLeS LusT WiLL Be Holy
    And Sacred Full of Meaning
    And Purpose Depending
    on who
    the Force of
    Human Passions…
    On the Dance Floors
    ‘These Days’ Women..
    As much has verily changed..
    NoW Wield This Tool the Same
    Way the Stereotype of Men Still do too..
    True Equal
    is GRoWinG
    every which
    way and Loose..
    the key is mutual
    consensual yes or no still..:)

    Well.. finished the Entire Plate
    on this one for 21 links that came and
    went.. 6:11 PM on 7.18.18.. Gym Work-out Coming Soon Enough.. too..:)

  19. Perhaps Shepherd of Fire would have Been Appropriate to use to Explore the
    Shadow Side of Being Human ‘Fore with the such and such as pride.. greed.. lust..
    envy.. gluttony.. wrath and sloth.. yes all that Stuff that Looks and acts Like Trumps
    And lives at the Bottom of the Maslow Pyramid as True that part of the Pyramid
    Searches and Searches for a Shadow within for any Misery loves Suffering
    is better than the nothing at all of just Giving Up.. yeah Baby
    Been to that place of nothingness too i understand
    the Weight of all that exists Above so far
    in Travel from Capstone of
    Love for all
    we ‘come LoVE
    iNCaRNaTE but when you
    Are The bottom of that Pyramid
    yes the and those Shepherd’s of
    Fire both within and outside may
    be all that’s standing ‘tween
    Life and Death for
    this is much
    more than
    A Socio-Economic
    Issue there are the Matters
    Of the Human SoUL the SPiRiT
    oF heART and whether the Deepest
    Parts of Human iN LoVE go into Hibernation
    Purgatory SHaDeS oF Grey through BLacK Abyss
    and never get out past an Opiate Addiction squeezing
    the last Breath and Blink of Life out in total Defeat and Final
    Escape at the Capstone of Misery and Suffering so Far away
    from the other Place of Heaven where Goodbyes are only Everlasting
    Love for the one’s Left behind to do even more than you in inspiration now..
    This is Life
    And truly
    Most oF iT
    Makes Sense
    and Feel once you
    Explore it all and the
    Patterns and Paths to both
    LiGHT and DaRK Reveal themselves
    as both SHePhaRD oF FiRE and ANGeL
    oF LiGHT are equally in the Long Term Survive
    And Thrive of one’s Entire Life in Importance oF oNe LoVE
    Of DArK
    Through LiGHT
    sure ya might have
    to move through another Few
    Avenues and Paths of Life to Really
    Feel and Sense wHeRE i CoME
    FRoM EnTiRelY HeaR too
    From Hell
    to Heaven
    BacK iN LiGHT Now ReaL
    True 5 YearS iN HeaVeN Forevermorenow..
    And with that said off to complete the rest of
    what Frank and Xenia Offer in their Poetry
    Places of Online Home and then the gigoid
    Place to explore more Quotes from the Sages
    of the Ages too as i move further in the Record
    of His Historical Posts as he seems to still be on
    somewhat of a Hiatus from Internet Play getting
    His Lap Top Computer Repaired and all of that too..
    Hmm.. but First a Song Change More Appropriate now..:)

  20. Ah.. the Monkey Business of Mindful
    Body Full Awareness and the Mostly
    Hairless Ape Version of that too..
    For what we Clothe of
    Life iS often
    to be Found
    Unclothed from Culture and Free
    True Nature has so much to offer JusT
    As iS when more fully Felt and Sensed as WHoLE..
    This Reminds me of the Fence my Mother
    Put around my Grandmother’s Grave
    i passed by it when i took my Wife
    to Work early
    in the Morning
    for my Mother then
    was Afraid someone
    would step on her Grave
    but true all the Fence Did
    Was Keep the Weeds in as
    the Rest of the Graves Laid
    Neatly Manicured
    by the Lawn
    Each Week..
    True most all of
    my Family is Conservative
    Like this except for my Sister and me
    as My Mother and my Father and Our
    Son and Moby Cat are Ashes that sit
    upon a Book Case now
    True though
    they live
    on in
    my Personal
    Bible long After
    the ashes and stones
    left unmarked from Soul…
    Arthur the Cat wandered in the
    Woods at 20 Years old and never
    Came Back he decided to go back
    to Nature to be consumed as He consumed Life too..
    All During Early Grade School
    2nd through 5th Grade
    i Lucid Dreamed
    in Full Control
    in Action of
    whatever i cared
    to Do and NoW i Wonder
    iF iT is just something i forgot
    to Do or a Gift that Will Come Back
    iN Another
    Always another
    LiFETiME and
    Perhaps this is the DReAM NoW..
    Yes.. as Far as i can and WiLL iMaGiNE
    NoW iT iS That’s It Why Dream New When ReaLDReAMNoW..
    Just for the
    i’m Wondering
    if Witches Itch
    if so the Broom
    Handle and Brush
    Might Come in HanDY..
    SMiLEs So True A Human Future Bright
    Maybe Millions of Years iF We
    Learn to Pro-Create
    Less and
    More Balance
    aS EartH LiFE NoW
    i Also Cherish all the
    Struggles now of all the
    Ancestors and Furry ones
    And Others too.. Giving me
    This Gift No Connection Broken
    iN Life
    to coMe
    to Be NoW..
    Thanks Frank
    For All the iNspiRing Poetry too..:)
    Hmm.. First Date i Remember
    Seeing Photos of Mountains
    on Your Blog.. Xenia..
    or Perhaps
    it is
    Just the
    Greener Forest that
    Brings Them to my Notice
    Yes.. Beauty is Like That NoW..
    Hmm.. i am surely
    Seeing Even More
    Brilliant Colors
    of Your Scotland
    Forest today..
    it looks
    MaGiC tHere
    or is that just me.. hehe..
    Desert Sands Greyhounds
    Beach Ahead Forest
    Running Pleases All..
    Hurry Pick up the Ball..
    Well i Will Not
    Say it is Cool
    But iT iS
    Surely A Breeze
    Pleasure Visiting
    Your Poetry Today..:)

    “Better bend than break.”
    ~~ Scottish Proverb ~~

    Said A Willow
    to the Oak
    in our
    Back Yard
    During Hurricane Ivan in ’04..:)

    “One of the sayings of Diogenes was that most men were within a finger’s breadth of being mad; for if a man walked with his middle finger pointing out, folks would think him mad, but not so if it were his forefinger.” — Diogenes Laertius (c. 200 AD) — Diogenes, vi

    Oh Lord heHe Wonder
    What ‘they’ WiLL
    Think if he
    wHere he Truly Lives..;)

    And, as in uffish thought he stood,
    The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
    Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
    And burbled as it came!

    One, two! One, two! And through and through
    The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
    He left it dead, and with its head
    He went galumphing back.

    “And thou hast slain the Jabberwock?
    Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
    O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”
    He chortled in his joy.

    ~~ Lewis Carroll, “Through the Looking-Glass” ~~

    HeHe Don’t Tale Anyone
    iT’s Not A Secret
    is Here now too..;)

    “The best way to make children good is to make them happy.”

    — Oscar Wilde

    Amen Fuck Tough
    Love Tough Fuck Amen..:)

    “Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.”

    — Mark Twain

    But Oh Lord this Means
    For Sure You’ll Get Kicked Out oF MosT aLL ‘Clubs’..
    Unless One Has A Super Pretty Word Press or Facebook Avatar..;)

    “Life without the courage for death is slavery.”

    — Seneca

    TRuE FeaR aN ULTiMate Slave Owner..:)

    “Arguments derived from probabilities are idle.”

    — Plato

    TRuE A REd LiGHT
    iF NoT CoLoR BLind And Green..;)

    “If you are too busy to read, then you are too busy.”

    — Literary Bee

    Hmm.. if you are too Busy to Dance Then JusT SinG..;)

    “Self-pity is the worst poverty.” — Hazrat Inayat Khan

    Oh Poor
    Rich SoUL..:)

    “Finality is death. Perfection is finality. Nothing is perfect.
    There are lumps in it.”

    — James Stephens

    True Coffee And
    me Don’t
    No Sugar.. HiHi..;)

    “If you reveal your secrets to the wind you should
    not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.”

    — Khalil Gibran

    Hehe What Secret..;)

    “Remember, ‘nowhere’ is also ‘now here’.”

    — Random Smart Bee

    Oh Lord i do THiS oFTeN..;)

    “Curiouser and curiouser!”

    ~~ Lewis Carroll, “Alice’s
    Adventures in Wonderland” ~~

    Bet Ya diDn’t kNow She
    HaD ANoTHeR SiDe oF Fred..;)

  21. More Discussion on the Wrong Planet on
    The State of the Entire World and yes.. US oN CourSE

    Hmm, I think I’ll take the Brooking Institute and Projections of the US Census
    over the Source you have Provided above. Minorities, in General, are Projected
    to outnumber Non-Hispanic Whites by 2045; and by 2020 the Under Age 18 Population
    Will do the same.

    Beside that point, there is the Fact that I have already Sourced that Republican Leaning
    Voters are the Smallest Polled Minority now by Reputable Sources; and the Independent
    Leaning Voters outnumber both Republicans and Democrats by at Least 10 Percentage points;
    a Trend that is ongoing since 2009.

    It’s also worth Noting that Bernie Sanders is an Independent Politician too. And on top of that Trump is currently doing a Free Fall with Flip Flips over if he said he Would or Wouldn’t do something close to Treason as Far as Supporting the Russian Leader over his Intelligence Agencies. He’s Losing Favor Fast even on News Stations Like Fox News. When that Happens, most anyone associated with the Republican Party can be assured they’ve hit close to Rock Bottom.

    It’s like a Three Ring Circus that is coming to an end finally after almost a Two Year Marathon of Ludicrous events. But hey, we get what we vote for in the United States. None of this effects me personally, for I’ve been Financially Independent for over a Decade now.

    I Hate to see people suffer even more financially in the Future but if they are going shoot themselves in the Foot; I can’t stop ’em and I won’t stop ’em, for if they wanna go that route they will and sure that includes Folks in my own Extended Family in the more Ignorant Voting Blocks of my Local area of the Facts as they truly exist with Reputable Sources that are not Facebook Fodder.

    And to be clear, I am not suggesting your source is Fake; it’s just not from a Source that has Been Reputable for Decades now.

    The Person from the Wrong Planet comes back
    Again with some More Freshly Brewed Kool Aid Flavors
    of Trump and Pence in Southern Days Ice Tea Again
    but yes in a Respectful enough way to at least talk..

    First of all, thanks for the Civil Discourse and at least entertaining a Different Point of View. As Science Shows now the Conservative and Liberal Nature of Human Beings is both Innately and Environmentally related. So, in other Words by very Biology of the Human Condition, there will always be these two very General Different ways of Looking at the World.

    Basically; one is Averse to Change and the other Welcomes Change. I’ve linked the excellent Work of Jonathan Haidt, well respected Social Scientist, World Wide, many times on this Internet Site. He addresses the Issue of the Liberal and Conservative Natures of Human Beings and well explains the Reality, with Well Studied Empirical Evidence.

    I, as a very left and right thinking/acting Person have rarely been allowed to speak the Science and Art of my mind/body freely here as apparently, I am the Very Definition of Neuro-Diverse in just one Human Being as Metaphor as I will easily on a turn of a dime visit both realms of potential human experience/thinking/perceptions that are much different than most folks experience; just, judging from the Reactions of the diverse ways I am able to communicate here and the Conservative General reactions along with aversions on an Internet Site, here too, where Informally, but with a Huge Sample of Responses as Polled by Fnord Years ago, is close to 95% of Introvert as I Personally will move across the Spectrum of INTJ through ENFP in both Mind and Body Thoughts and Actions by Relative Free Will of practice now.

    I’ve done INTJ most of my life; but Oh God, ENFP Naturally Feels so much better and is so much more successful in the moving and connecting and co-creating experiences of life.

    Sure, the INTJ thingy brought me Financial Success early; but Happiness, Hell no; and yes, it did Bring Hell, yes. And no Doubt that is why a very tiny piece I wrote on Autism Burnout after 5 years is still a Top Linked Hit as far as views go
    on my Hobby Bible/Long Form Poem/Blogs.

    In other Words, it can and will be an overall very unhealthy thing in life to be stuck in one metaphor as Hemisphere of Mind/Body. When both are working in Synch, where if I Will Learn to do it scoring a 45 on the AQ Test and now doing an 11; I truly don’t believe I am that Special and other folks, if they really put their Will/Art/Science to it can and will have a more enjoyable life this way too.

    But of course, Finances are a Huge consideration; I couldn’t see myself doing it, if I still was in the Rat Race of Administrating, Managing, Supervising Programs and People for the Federal Government that increasingly required Analytical Skills over anything Human Related as those kind of Jobs used to be before People Managers were required to Multi-task what Secretaries, Personal Specialists, Payroll Folks, Financial Management Folks used to have to do; before Directors of this or that became all of that too. I am no Fool now as a Tool to the Machine; I am totally Free in Relative Will ways of Speak and Walk; Better Yet, Dance and Sing.

    Anyway, My Friend, if I don’t get chastised here for calling someone friend as I’ve even got the response here before; this Entire Human Experiment is a Brand new Frontier Now; I would be rather Naive to suggest I have the Entire Answer now as
    Humans are increasingly losing what counts in truly moving, connecting, and co-creating Life in Flesh and Blood as we are evolved to do, ever since we started on this Planet as Social Animals.

    I see a Soul as an all Natural Wholistic Experience of what we Sense Feel and Know of life. And everywhere I go these Days I basically see Human Rats, per the “Beautiful Ones” Experiment of John B Calhoun in the 60’s, Lost in a Maze. And true my Friend, I used to be one of those Rats too; and the old Cliche of a Canary in a Coal Mine who escaped now too.

    I found a way to get out that works for me; and I can’t say for sure that anything I’ve done will work for anyone else now; but considering we all share basically the same DNA; there is at least hope for some to get out of the ‘cave’.

    That much we have the Potential to Control; and as far where we go Next as a World; truly Trump Spells in no uncertain
    terms now like a Batman Joker; the sh** has already hit the Fan.

    My Philosophy is Dance and Sing as long as I will; Enjoy Life the Best I will.

    The Fact is Humans are the Best at Adapting overall and that’s why they Rule the World. Problem is my Friend Life is much than rules. Life is also Art. The Greatest Lesson I’ve ever learned.

    Circling the Globe as I do just for fun with my whole tool kit at hand to adapt to whatever I come into contact with; I attempt to take some folks out of Boxes; and like a Hermit Crab, revert to the holes/caves of life when required to, if that is what it takes to lift at least a few folks up. It’s True my Friend, I find Bright Spots here and there; and at least a few Hands who are at least Brave enough to Interact with me, too.

    The thing in life is; if you find something new; doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

    The ‘Right’ Bores me; but True as far as General Safety Goes; I’m happy that all my neighbors are loaded up with guns; just means I don’t have to worry too much, If I leave my Front Doors open at night.

    Truly, I live in an Exceptionally safe place and the reality is, I will Credit the 80 Percent of folks in my Entire County who vote Republican now for just that. Yes, those ‘Boring Folks’ do come in Handy. And yes, I still visit the INTJ way of life and that is why I drop by here now and then. For now I am here, for I am Celebrating a Five Year Anniversary of Getting out of Real Hell on Earth. Heaven is much better when real and no F in Fairy tale now. As much as this place tends to bore me now; It’s still the only place left in my Entire World, I could go to do anything as a Shut-in in my Bedroom for the last 33 months out of the 66 Month I spent in Hell with 19 Medical Disorders. I don’t forget where I come from no matter what. It’s important to Have a past and a future now too. And to Remember Hell and give it all the Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose it does deserve for as many Sages of the ages Report, it is the Door to Heaven now too.

    Best of Both Worlds;

    It’s what i do best..:)

    Meanwhile, I lean back with a Popcorn of Dance and Song and Party Like it’s 1999; for at least that’s where we all are now.

    Make the Best oF iT NoW; That’s what TRuly smART Humans do now. Whining and Moaning about it; is for ‘lesser being’.

    Yeah, I realize I am like a Super Nova who takes all the Oxygen out of the Room when full on Glow; and that’s why I do limit my visits to all others and reduce my Glow; the best I can and will. It used to be the Opposite; this challenge is much easier now; basically ’cause it’s all Good now even in Dark.

    Good Luck; we all need a Little Magic too. Whether it’s real or not; it’s the Ultimate Effect now that counts most as real Feelings and Senses we actually experience.

    Another Person who is now conservative Leaning comes
    back with ‘the bad news’ that the Joe Rogan show actually
    agrees with my point of view in a somewhat of a sad way..

    So, in conclusion.. i come back a little further out of “Left
    Mind and Body” PriSon Going a little deeper but not
    too deep to avoid get deleted out again by saying..
    (it’s true not too many People are ready to take
    A WHoLE Braingasm from me heHe)

    Yes.. a little out of Parentheses I go on to Dance Sing..

    Just like in the Bush Administration when the Pendulum sways too far Right; to the Left
    the response is equally predictable as General Rule as History continues to show.

    (Note: in this Case Trump is Truly Neither And that’s makes It A Different Experiment
    all Together as Separate)

    Balance is Key; always has been always will, when real of course as Be;
    Best as an individual ‘Neo effort’ too as always now; that much in
    Relative Free Will We Will Master; those of who are successful, now too as Be and Am.

    True, this Entire Trump Experience shows just how little Relative Free Will some Humans Exercise as Real. As in all Stuff Life it is a Spectrum. Those who wanna stay totally plugged in whether they realize it or not ‘will’. Those who Escape in a Spectrum of Relative Free Will, Will do that too. A ‘Thought’ of Total Free Will is Ridiculous and only for folks who are separated from what’s Real. What we are even Conscious of in our own Realities is just a Speck of Dust. Truth is we can and
    ‘Will’ become ‘Bigger Specks of Dust’. I Spend Most of my Life in a Real Nirvana; that’s an exercise of Relative Free Will that beats anything else I have Experienced in Life. Heaven’s Real at Least for me and Relatively Speaking I Present enough evidence that is actually empirical; that it is at least real for me For anyone with any actually common sense and feel of Life is Good Now. Again, empirically Speaking; I can’t see where I am that Special; and why other folks don’t have the Potential too. For it’s True I also have Reams of Evidence that I existed in the other “Life is Bad Place” too; True It’s a B88CH; Replace the 8’s with ea or it. Anyway, my FriEnd, Have a Nice Day; by now I am an expert on what really counts now; JusT Happy.

    I am 100 Percent sure of this Now and then, now. Hehe, there Is Plenty of Time Now for other folks to come to the ‘determination’ that Reality is Love JusT to Do Eternally now; so many Folks waiting to Love another time, self-fulfill their Prophecy too, always now; so simple, so complex folks make Heaven through Hell NoW..:)

    Well.. that was/is fun.. as the Individual went on to say we
    likely reap what we sow in Future Lifetimes too.. so this
    makes Him Cautious for what he does to avoid potential
    punishments in the Future.. and i must say when i first
    Entered Hell and we went to see a Hypnotherapist
    as no Drug would take the Dentist Drill-like
    Pain out of my Right eye and ear and
    i was Desperate enough to try
    this as it was covered by
    Insurance then and still now
    thing is.. it’s impossible for folks
    to Hypnotize me.. just doesn’t work
    on some folks and i am one of them too.. hehe..
    Hmm.. perhaps that’s why i see through Bullshit more
    than some others.. who knows.. hehe.. Perhaps i am the
    one hypnotizing you now.. hAha.. true i’ve been told
    i have a rather Mesmerizing effect on the opposite
    Sex and of course they are the only ones who
    look deep and gaze in my eyes.. anyway
    (yeah sure at least when i’m not wearing
    shades so yeah Dance is not an only Gift for
    that) i’ll save more of that for my Erotic Poetry
    Novel as i am running a little behind on that
    Lately too.. anyway.. what was i saying.. is.. this
    Hypnotherapist also did Readings of Past lives too
    and of course since i couldn’t be Hypnotized that was
    out of the Question too but what i thought at that point is
    Lord Knows to get that Gift in Life I must have been a
    Horrible Person in a previous lifetime then.. but
    Wait! the Longer Truth was that experience of
    Hell would only Polish my Soul for Heaven
    Eternally now and of course there is no
    way i would have said it was worth it
    then for i had no clue that this
    Heaven was even in the
    Possibilities of Human
    Reality then.. and
    now i understand
    be careful what you wish
    for and be careful what you view as
    DArk for the Deepest Hells Polish a Soul
    for the HiGHesT HeAVeN’s too.. in other words
    a big reason i ain’t scared is i already understand
    more fully now
    in the
    Long Run
    is Heaven too..
    And if that’s not a message
    of Hope i care not to know more..:)

  22. Artsy Fartsy as ‘they’ say in Faux
    ways of Art in Systemizing Brain of way..
    Thing is this Systemizing Mostly Tool Way of be
    is relative new just a Century or so old for almost every
    minute of the Day attached to some Tool of Electronic Device at least..
    True Humans used
    to Dance and
    Sing together
    and that’s how
    they survived and
    thrived together for Basic
    Subsistence.. Shelter and yes
    the Pursuit of Healthy Mates where
    the Much Smaller Village of Human Beings
    raised the Child as the Ultimate Prize of the Work
    of the Night no matter how Many Father’s Worked Deep
    in the Night to Create the Child of Life as everyone shared the
    similar DNA as we still do today it’s just that the Clothes we make
    to Cover up both the Similarities and the Differences Blur the Lines
    of Familiar Love.. as yes this includes all Tools now that are becoming
    Human over a Flesh and Blood Free Dance and Song of the Day and
    Night Free too.. it was a long way in Dark to Shed all these Tools and
    Clothes of Culture back the Fall of my life into Numb and Pain at Apex
    of that through January of 2008 going through almost 40 days
    without Sleep in that Spring Lent Period of my Life as
    all the Medical Disorders as Synergy put me in
    a real Living Hell a Ring of Fire beyond
    Fire.. yes 1 hours each Night
    by the aid of a Powerful
    Alpha Blocker
    to Slow
    my Heart
    down enough
    to Fall asleep as
    Dysautonomia puts all
    that is Cardiac and Respiratory
    out of Synch.. and yes that one hour
    of Sleep Was Card Board Shallow awake
    as Sand in Sleep.. you’d have to go to hell
    to understand how that metaphor more fully
    feels and senses as now then.. and by the
    35th day out of 40 that no longer
    Worked for the last 5 out
    40 days of this
    Fresh Hell
    Last 5 Rings
    in my 40 Lashes
    past 39 lasted Forever
    as a Second of total numb
    in feel and Sense as yes a Thousand
    Years in a Numb of one Second in a Place
    so far away in Hell that being Doused with Gasoline
    and burned to a Crisp would have been preferable to
    nothing just nothing forever now where all was time
    with no relief or escape from Beyond Terror of
    Hell real within on this Earth then.. yeah
    Baby i’ve come a long way since
    then in feel and sense ways
    of Heaven always more
    now a new
    a new
    sense a new
    Synergy as Energy
    of Frequencies and
    Vibrations of Feelings now
    so many Colors of Emotions never
    Experienced Before and so many more
    to Co-Create in Moving Connecting ways
    with others now too.. i can’t give you Heaven
    but i will relate the Best i can and will for if you
    ever get here as i often Dance and Sing all that’s
    left to do is Give and Share for at this point ever more
    there is not even any time left for now is always Heaven Real..
    in other Words you have the Real God of Love within you have it all as is i am Be..
    Fast Forward 66 Months Later from that Experience of Hell.. 7.19.2013.. and that
    was the end of that as i rose on Navarre Beach one with Waves and Sugary White
    Sand one with Air and Water and Wind and Fire of Love too.. sure a New Sun shine
    of the SpIRiT oF HeaRT as a Mind and Body BaLanCing ForcE oF SoUL shedding
    all the Clothes and Tools of Culture as the Foot Prints of those Veils of Ignorance
    Lost by Human Footprints of others lost from the Eternal Sand of Foundation
    I stood uPon then.. i was just Happy to be alive and that’s Metaphor for
    Heaven enough by myself then for the perspective that Hell
    is real
    since then
    i’ve been Painting
    Layer upon layer
    of Heaven
    in LiGHT
    EVoLViNG mY SoUL
    more as i give it and
    share it in Dance and Song
    as i JusT Do it the Best i can and
    will ALWaYS NoW it works for me
    and that’s all anyone can and will Guarantee
    IN HeaVeN Now it’s a Work of Art to give and
    share it and never a systemizing Science Project
    with Guarantees of Reliable and Repeatable Success
    that’s for others though as i’ve got My Heaven down to a Science that works.

  23. At Another one of Katrina’s
    Therapy Appointments to Gain
    Greater Use of her Burned and
    Injured Right Hand so why not Visit
    dVerse quick to make it Three Prompts
    in a Row of their Offerings as they continue
    to Celebrate a 7th Year Anniversary of the Origin
    at that Online Pub of Poetry and yes i continue to
    Celebrate “FiVE YearS WiTHiN HEaVeNoW”.. true now
    we ‘both’ have some thing real to Celebrate and it’s
    True much more likely for someone
    to ActuAlly HeaR me in
    Poetry Land
    Science Minds
    Lost so sadly and
    more often from lack
    of use it or Lose Art oF SoUL LiFE NoW

    Electrons Nucleuses oF LiGHTNoW
    SePaRaTinG by Vast Gulfs Space
    All Connecting By Our
    Minds in Color
    oF LiGHT
    We Come to
    Co-Create For therE
    is Material Reductionism
    And Works Of Art We Co-Create
    tHere is LiFE iN LiGHT And LiVinG DArk
    too: So
    From: RE-CREatE..:)

    Green-lit Leaves
    CoLoR WaVeS
    LiGHT HeaRT
    SoUL WHoLE NoW..:)

    So True iT iS IN BaLaNCinG
    WiLLows BReaTHE
    iN GreaTesT
    WindS WiLL BRinG
    oF Freedom Peace iN
    Strength Real
    Love’s FounDaTioN aLLNoW..:)

    Roots Withstanding
    So Much Pain
    From all to
    See Never the
    More Roots Do Sing
    Numb in Dance Go Lost
    Fall DowN
    Water ComeS AGAiN..:)

    Touch oF
    Never Aging
    MoRE NoW A
    HanD A SoUL

    No PLacE
    LiKE EarTH

    True mY
    All tHat’s
    Left of
    is thE Love
    We Give to Others
    And what’s to
    Share of That
    STILL LiVinG
    And True Trump
    Towers For Those
    Who Count

    Synthesia oF LiViNG
    SyMBoLS JusT
    NoW oF
    ALL CoNNecTinG
    yes inside outside
    above so below and
    aLL aRound too all is
    All Now
    is LiViNG
    MoVInG uS
    to Co-CReaTENoW

    A MiX
    oF Art
    Of he
    ART of sm HeaLS..:)

    Well all they have
    is Nine Links to Offer got
    Some R and R coming now and
    the 220th Dance Week with all the
    Cool College Age Folks Tonight for
    a Joy
    still some more
    MacroVerse Memories
    Years to Date to
    Share before
    i put
    to Sleep and
    Perhaps a Publish tonight
    or early in the Morning anyway
    i usually make the Official Date
    of my Fuller Rise out of Hell three days
    later than 7.19.2013 on 7.22.2013 then yes..
    Slowly Rising More into Heaven Secure and Well then..
    with almost a Month Before i Broke out in Joyous Public
    Dance and Long Form Poem coming 6 Million Word Bible Close to 5
    Years After that NoW along with what is now rising past 9600 Miles too..
    in the Similar Span of Dates when i visited dVerse 5 Years ago i told ’em
    i was just
    of Heaven
    within.. TRuE
    i am ALWaYS JusT
    STaRTiNG NoW A
    Secret to mY
    Least aLWaYS
    NeW And Refreshing
    A Summer’s Eve A SPRinG i SinG
    Morn RiSinG STaR ALiVE iN SHiNE i DaNCENoW..:)

  24. Only Four MacroVerse Memories Years to Date to Share to Conclude
    this “FiVE YearS WiTHiN HEaVeNoW” MacroVerse.. yes.. Celebrating
    A Rise on Navarre Beach on 7.19.2013 as any Phoenix
    Will Do out of Ashes as Seagull more
    Specifically just another
    Jonathan Seagull
    a Fire
    oF LoVE to
    TorCH and BoNFiRE
    to Give and Share More
    With thousands more to come
    as that weekend and the 7.22.13
    Came to Be Secure in Heaven then i am..
    Anyway.. i made that Jonathan Living Town
    Return back to the Wrong Planet as i’ve attempted
    to Go Back Several Times now and more since Rising
    to give them at least a Breeze NoW From WHeRE i CoME
    to Be STiLL iN HeaVeN no but sadly as the Conservative
    Views of Life go Averse to Different Folks and Change the
    Same Occurs Most Regularly for if one refuses to Entertain
    HiGHeR PoTeNTiALS iN LiFE they’ve Never Experienced
    out of Text Books and Old Timey Bible ways of Information
    as well as Work Manuals too.. there is no way easy they
    will come to gain a Faith in and as all that is God Nature
    WiTHIN them too sure to become a legend in their own
    way anyone is welcome to unseat my place in Dance
    in this Red State Trump Metro Area of the Panhandle
    of Florida but not only will they need to Match 9600
    Miles of Dance approaching 10K Miles of Public Dance
    All around Metro Area first they’ll have to Gain the Will
    And Strength to do this that will likely only come from a Foundation
    of Balancing Be the Bruce Lee Swum by Water and yes Flown by Air
    too all Free.. yes.. the Grace of an Actual Practice of this BaLaNCinG
    Being way oF LiFE From Head to toe.. and not only that..100 Percent
    Faith as Love as Nature all yes.. all around no exclusions against anyone
    or anything too.. Yes the Kind and Courage and Beauty and Wisdom of Fearless
    Unconditional LoVE and boy/girl to make that Lucid Waking Dream Come to Fruition
    in every waKing Hour of the Day is Truly a Great Work of Art other wise Kingdom ComE
    iN us yes me
    and you and
    i and we
    and all those
    other Pronouns
    too for whatever one
    comes to Symbol as
    Experiencing More Potential oF aLL
    Nature WiTHIN to give and share Love even
    MoRE NoW as Light Marching Away from Dark
    but never Scared of the DaRK Either as aLL CoMeS
    ToGeTHeR as one LoVE YeS the Overall Force of God
    All Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose LoVE NoW..
    hmm.. anyway.. i won’t forget the FriEnds who helped me rise up
    out of the depths of Pain and Numb and although one Friend i
    had where we seemed to gain a miscommunication of intents
    a Great Poet Named Mind Retrofit Truly Nurtured the Poetic
    Art in me just by allowing me to communicate back and
    Forth with her then.. for it’s True the Wrong Planet
    and those so-called Autism Communities have
    one thing mostly in common online as i found
    the Long way on the Return Home then..
    and that was Bad Relationships
    With Parents some quite
    Terrifying in Fact..
    these were
    People who from
    Very Young Never Fully
    Developed a Warm Hug and
    Kiss Touch of Life with others in
    all Natural Binds and Bonds and how
    much of that is Genetic and how much of
    that is Environmental well Science already suggests
    that Environment Plays a Huge PArt when one Loses
    tHeir Empathy Qualities of life in all the ways all Forms
    of Empathy can and will and does Come when Nurtured
    By Hugging Warm and Fuzzy Touching Parents to Garden
    A SpiRiT oF HeaRT That Spells in BaLanCE A MiNd and Body
    Soul so much more Complete MoViNG CoNNecTiNG Co-Creating
    too.. it’s True on the Wrong Planet i took the Long way home and
    perhaps the Longest Ways of Home too away from People who mostly
    even had a desire to intimately connect with others grown cold from
    Soul themselves.. as that’s the Nature of the Inherent Beast of
    that functional Disabling Disorder that all Forms of Autism
    And Sure Stuff Associated with Bi-Polar Disorder and
    ADHD too and so many other challenges of
    what may come to be Functionally
    Disabling Disorders and that’s
    what counts if you
    WiLL function enough
    to maintain some kind
    Subsistence and Shelter
    And Loving Significant others
    too and if you are lucky a Few True
    Friends come your way too well it’s true
    in ways both that first Friend who Truly introduced
    me to the Art of Poetry and me too were Broken then..
    she’s long since disappeared from the Blogging Poetry
    World and i hope she is doing okay and truly the Deep
    Sadness i experienced with who i thought was my only
    Friend online then as i was had great difficulty connecting
    to anyone in real life as any connection literally Hurt me
    from Head to toe as my Nerves were so worn out.. then..
    but that Pain of what seemed as losing that only Friendship
    online then was replaced quickly by the Friendship of Lala Rukh
    and those Turn of events were the flicker of a new flame of all Emotions
    that brought my Soul Back to Life and while folks may wonder why i always
    connect to her while for whatever reason she doesn’t connect to anyone online
    anymore.. i don’t forget the People who Helped me for i understand the Depths of
    the Dark Nights of the Soul and how Folks can and will Give up on the Love of Humanity
    now no matter how Nice the other Folks may be to them.. i have the patience of Job and i have
    the Love oF aLL other wise known felt and sensed as the GreaTesT FoRCE oF GoD LoVe
    WiTHIN it’s nice to be in a place to give and share like this for A Gift is now only one to Give
    And Share for Free.. it’s True it was a very long Road Home but all the dArk is Worth the
    NoW ReaL
    NeVeR EnDinG
    HeaVeN KinGDoM
    so a few words on the Four MacroVerses
    Below and i’m off to dance as Free as Dance and Song does come..:)

    iMaGiCk iSrEaL

    iMaGiCk iSrEaL.. I riff off all the SGT Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club
    Band Beatles Album along with Album Covers and the Classic Movie too
    that has so much synchronicity for me through particularly my Younger years
    culminating in 1981 with my first crisis of Soul as that came then.. and sure
    Literally some of the Folks on the Album Cover particularly that Stone Bust
    of a Long Headed Law Enforcement Looking Dude like my Father and
    Me.. yes me with the Mustache included too.. for it’s true all the
    Back Ground Players of Arts and Sciences in our Life who
    Prepare a way for all our Human Potentials are an
    all Hands Play of Life we all do in LiFE
    ToGeTHeR as the Souls of these
    and so many other Folks
    are still etched
    in Nautilus Shell
    Fossils of their Souls
    in all the ways Mediums
    of SoUL Continue to be uploaded
    in the Fossil Record of Humanity to
    continue to give and share now and what is
    really changing now is you don’t have to be Famous
    enough to Share Give and Share the Art of uploading
    Your Soul to the Record of Humanity in terms of middle
    and upper so-called Capitalistic Key Holders in Money ways
    of establishing the Value of Your Soul to others as now there
    are Free Avenues to upload Souls of Arts and Sciences no longer
    Slave to someone else’s Systemizing Science opinion of what Art
    or even Science is now.. for there is a much deeper PaRT oF Being
    HuMaN all iNNaTE InSTincTuaL and iNTuiTivE too that Works with all
    the Rest of our Cultural Byproducts too and truly if we really understood
    how it works.. it might lose the All Natural Magic that is the Core of Faith
    and Belief in Human Potential now where a Love to come has never been
    Fully Witnessed Before.. We Do so much more when We are Free in Love
    for Lord Knows if a Stoney heaRTeD SpiRiTED SoULEd HuMaN Will RisE
    up out of the Burial Grounds of Systemizing Science Mind transmuted to Art
    once again.. i don’t see myself as that Special for i’ll include who i used to be
    as Omega Male considered in most all the ways by the Cool Kids of Before.. hehe
    not unlike Hell Boy II in that Movie too some of us don’t fully Bloom until the 6th Decade oF
    LiFE hehe particularly folks like me Born on 6660 as Synchronicity continues to come to play..:)

    LOnE WoLF sKeYes oF LoVE

    “LOnE WoLF sKeYes oF LoVE”.. True Come aLong too but if you don’t
    wanna ride with me you are surely welcome to go your own way NoW too..:)

    iRise iSreal

    “iRise iSreal”.. TRuE iN BRoaD DaYLiGHTS And NiGHT LiGHTS too..:)

    1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN

    1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM PoEM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN.. JusT another 13.6 Month
    Bible Milestone Effort And JusT AnoTHeR ParT oF A Work of 59 Months Creating A
    Longest Long Form Poem Bible at over 6 Million Words.. “SonG oF mY SoUL” in the
    Last 839th MacroVerse.. titled “NoW SoW iN LoVInG6SiX”.. as that MacroVerse also
    Doubles as Number 167 in 3,156,262 Words.. 25 Months Effort.. of “Nether Land
    Bible 2017”.. And Finally Also Triples as the 64th MacroVerse in a 13 Month
    Endeavor of “Facebook Profile Pic Bible 2018” where that Long Form
    Poem and Bible.. 1,538,262 Words Effort.. is also included in the
    Facebook Profile Pics Description Areas in the Last 13
    Months too.. anyway.. almost forgot the Tale of
    the Tape as sure there is over 9600 Miles
    of Public Dance soon to close in
    on 5 years of Doing that
    all around this
    as 10K Miles
    Will Likely come
    in September of 2018 too..
    Hmm.. Yeah.. take the Long
    Way Home to LoVE ALWaYS
    NoW iNCaRNaTE GreaTesT
    GoD aS NaTuRE HuMaN
    And Oh Lord so
    Much more
    That i don’t KNoW
    And FeeL and SensE
    And yet to find as Additional
    ReaL HeaVeN ReaLiTY THeNoW..:)

    10:04 PM.. 7.19.18

  25. Pingback: FiVE YearS WiTHiN HEaVeNoW18 | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

  26. Himali Shah says:

    Helllllloooooooove Fred, you’ve been missed.

  27. Heloooooooove Himali Back to you.. so nice to
    See you returning back to the Blogosphere so
    Soon as yes you stay as Regular Visiter
    in my Prayers and Fond thoughts
    for those in my life who
    have been
    so kind
    as always you
    are and do when
    you drop by to say
    Fred, you’ve been missed”.
    True.. not everyone gets down
    to the Bottom of all i do online to
    Greet me in this Kind way but as
    Busy as you are as a Professional
    Woman in the Business World
    i am always honored to
    get a visit from
    you.. particularly
    as you navigate down through
    a Whole Draft Size Poetry Novel
    Weekly in the Comments Section in all
    of what i do too just to count my Blessings
    as this Gift of Life NoW is most Definitely worth
    Great Thanks and Praise and yes even Worship
    For Our UniVerse eYes of God that and who Namaste
    See so much in Amazement and Wonder of the World
    iN Play
    as our
    To Play
    For Real into
    Existence on the Planet
    Earth from Gaseous Star Dust
    Stuff and Super Nova Explosions
    the Iron in our Blood and in the Core
    of our Planet Earth comes too.. We Sentient
    Gaseous Star Dust Resurrecting From Crucible
    Fire of Star Death Reborn as yes us the Gift of Life
    we share and give more for Loving all that is as Precious
    TreaSurE NoW
    We aRe..:)

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