DiViSioN bELLs oF uNiTy


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All of Nature both seen and unseen
is sublime in terms of
God all thAT iS NoW
and Merriam
number 1
Adjective definition too..
A.. B.. and C aLL..

“a : lofty, grand, or exalted in thought, expression, or manner
b : of outstanding spiritual, intellectual, or moral worth
c : tending to inspire awe usually because of elevated quality
(as of beauty, nobility, or grandeur) or transcendent excellence”

Nature Deficit Disorder seen and unseen
and GD
yes NoW..aLL..
God Disorder sAMe
too.. out of BaLanCinG
from Uni-DaughterSoneTc..
Force oF One when Division
Bells are no longer heard..
and yes.. got just
the sublime
for this
too by piNk Floyd
as surEly MaGiC
and Sublime music
and yes.. a day in the beautiful
Clear Creek Forest in Saint Rose
of Flowers County in the State of
Flowers Florida.. yes.. Santa Rosa County
here in Florida makes all of sublime coMe to
fruition in human eYes too as wE continue to
DancE and sinG A SonG oF GoD iN FeeLinG
and SeNSinG way beyond words too to celebrate
this wonderful and yes.. sublime gift oF liFE wiTh NatuRE/
GoD eYes too.. as our Indian ancestors LiVinG as NaTuRe
never ever separated from God as Nature then.. Wing of a Prayer
of liFe always now then now.. when i am iN Nature/GOD aWay from clothes
of Trump Towers.. i fly.. oh.. i fly so hiGh WiTh WinGS of God/NATURE so far aWay
from the
oF eARTh
bound misfit i used
to be tied to Mother’s
Apron Strings of Love that
while Flower took me away
from the dirt of life that
feeds A Tree
of liFE
in ways
of GRains iN sand NoW
that hOld uP Fearless smARt
Love STiLL noW iN Unconditional
Love that sees and feels and senses
thE liGht ‘Tween DARk BeyOnd seen and
unseen RainBow Sublime Colors of GoD FliGht..
or God speed or let’s jusT say when one beCoMes one
WiTh GoD iN moVinG coNnecTinG creaTiVe ForCe iN
GiVinG.. ShaRinG Ways of HeARt expresSinG SpiRiT NoW
oF FeeLinG SeNSinG heARt and SoUl BaLanCing as MiNd
And BoDy diVine maSculine WiLL and StrenGth wiTh diVine feMiNinE
Grace and Love as once aGaIN Gift oF HuMan BeinG poTenTiaL from
BiRth that can be exercised into Force of HiGheST hUman PotEnTiaL
iN eYes LiVE on this beautiful blue.. green.. brown.. steadily white snow capped
poles.. yes.. steadily melting over out of BaLAnCE iN Nature Deficit Disorder of holding
all this home of eARTh sAcred in GiVinG back to NaTuRE whOle more than TaKinG
in all the ways
that comes
in the
DancE and
SonG oF LiFe iN
shArinG ways too..
if the alarm cLocks are not
going off yet.. hOUston.. we have
A problem.. Tom FucKerY has come
to a town with a tallsmall symbol of a phallic
reality now that has become a man.. low below
the sublime Nature of GoD as NatuRE as Love
Can DancE SinG a SonG greater than taking taKing
away from
bEcomes a way
oF liFe for a country
held hoStage and NatUre
same by a Tower over liFE
and home of NatuRE
GoD sAMe
respect and never
raping again out of BaLAnCinG
ForcE NaTuRE’s/God’s Guiding liGht Free NoW..
And really it’s all so disgusting how could anyone be
any paRt oF God not to see it butt ‘they’ are STiLL pArT
oF liGht of God and Nature sAMe even daRkESt Trump beLow Love..
Yes.. Love Trumps Hate when isREal and not a stone Tower of DArk..:)

Do not siNk to Levels of Censorship as hate..
As Free SinGS a SonG beyond a Lunatic
fate of frowns beyond crazy aS liGht now
the dARk Side of The mOOn has
come to fright.. how ever
we receive a communion
of dARk WiLL DancE
and SinG
A Song
oF LiFe..
so yes.. i continue
to be disgusted by a total
disregard for honesty and integrity
and the restrictions of liberties and
Freedoms same.. but all i can say is i for
one am Glad i am no longer on any active
payroll for the Government as i do not work for this
‘man’.. i work for the all that is as Nature now aka GoD
who/that is Free that/wHo liVes iN and aS mE.. no more
Government Golden Handcuffs and mouth muzzles or any
at the helm heAR
and sorry for those who
are even more handcuffed now
from the DARk Force that has
noW enteRed and stays
iN thEir
of Work now.. to ugh
ugh.. yuckie.. FucKeRy FaiL..
yep.. iF wasn’t for fear of the
back lash of the 40% of Minion
True who would back the Trump
no matter gun shot wound to innocent
human or not.. in ‘his’ own words to that affect of course..
no doubt.. the impeachment papers would already be in the works..
but hey.. what ya gonna do when ya answer to Minions of Ignorance
over TrUth
and liGht..
do what
they say.. huh..
if you are not a billionaire
and still need a job.. oh.. the
Golden Handcuffs of isREaL SiN..
And politicians lunatic tRAins oF dARk..
side oF
Hmm with that sAid
in defense of MOTheR
NatuRe Seen and Unseen
as GoD one from the
rape of
small and
drafty creaky
like a haunted house
with Apricot colored sKin
and comb over tHERe iN HeLL..
yep.. once again.. Love Trumps Hate!..
with a little DaRk Side of the Moon
to Lunatic


Now..for a few Facebook all algorithm
FReED MacroVerse Memories to also
reLaTE aGaIn.. beginning now with
from three wHole pARt years ago..
and oh.. the relief to escApe the
priSons of culTure
to spring
up iN the dayliGht
and surE niGht niGht now
too.. to free oneself from the
repressions and oppressions
of cultuRE bEfore to haze away
all the fear and further eXplore the
diViNE feminine and masculine liGht
and DArk of DaY AnD niGht too..
as any bird as HUman NoW
aWay Free
from cAges of the past..
and yes.. a little to a lot of
silly can and will
set ya free2
too as
A liGht2
heARt FLYs and
A Hard ass falls more to dARk fAiL
thAn LiGht oF FliGht.. oH.. so free and hiGh..:)


Now.. a MacroVerse titled Alien Wisdom from two years
ago.. while i was still attempting to help the folks on the
Wrong Planet with a little bit of my Nature
lEarned new innate..
beyond text
books led
hard resistant
to change in halls of schools..
but the thing is.. a closed mind
sadly refuses to open to new
highway and path potenTiALs
of liVinG hUman LiFE i try i cry
i cry i try.. is all i can and WiLL do..
no longer pARt of thAT community online..
dusting my feat of feet and hands more off
OtHeR places to generate mY own liGht and liFe
the dARker
corners of Internet web liFe..;)


Ah.. yes.. WrecKinG bAll of Fearless Love from a year ago.. A MacroVerse
soon to double then as a first MacroVerse and 1st chapter of 5 MacroVerses
too.. in sequential 5 Chapter order compriSinG a new GodsUniVerseNovel2 of 51K
words back in February of 2016.. while simultaneouSly also writing a GodsUniVerseNovel3..
comPriSinG A Novel of 338,630 words at the end of April of 2016.. for an entire year
of poetic expression from the stArt of April 2015 through the end of March 2016..
precisely on the 31st.. fALLing behind a little.. catching up more in April and publishing
then at the end of the month in April.. 2016.. wiTh juST another Record of Record years
oF wRiTing in 2016.. as the next stop at the end of May on Memorial
Day.. 2016.. the 1st MacroVerse titled tSuNaMi 7th WaVe oF LoVE that


now doubles as the first MacroVerse of three bible revisions WiTh latest
Revision as “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. all 69 MacroVerses and 1.052 milLioN
Words for that big personal bible.. and more to come as every MacroVerse from
now on tacks some more on.. sure.. a rhetorical exercise in bible writing and symbolic
of holy and sacred purpose and meaning iN liFe as i co-create my life with and as
God LiVes WiThin me.. but hey.. that’s how ya get to HeAVen.. create more and
more liGht eTErnAlly now and watch the milesTones turn into even more
special snow fLakes oF Heaven noW streAMinG RiVers wAVes Ocean
even more wHole wiTh and as God DanceS and SinGs iN hUman
eYes i for now.. and yes.. like i love to say.. also.. not juST a 70th
MacroVerse i am writing here for a continuing “Nether Land
Bible 2017” butt also a continuing 741st MacroVerse
of Ocean Whole Longest Long Form Poem
as recorded on Google at plus
more than 3.3 Million
words with
also a 145th
Dance WeeK Celebration
with all the Kool College age
folks on Thursday Night with even
more photos coming to the end of this
post after the 26th of January 2017 ends
for my 74th Month Anniversary of writing a
total of 12 Million words as the Ocean Whole
Poem started toward the end of August of 2013..
BrinGinG that effort up to around 41 months now
from Word Press stARt of 740 MacroVerses so far
to date with this 741st MacroVerse yet to be named
after “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. yep.. here comes that
42 sacred and holy purpose and meaning number of life
as sure.. i am already into the 42nd month of writing the
Ocean WhOle Poem noW.. soon to approach around 4 Million
words too.. likely by the four year anniversary in a couple of months
of blogging altogether on March 10th of 2017.. and then after that comes
Saint Patrick’s day..3.17.17.. 7,000 miles of Dance Walking to celebrate soon
after that and 3 full years around the Pan Equinox Spring of 2017 too at good old
Seville Quarter with another 6 month documentation of doing that in all photo
way too.. as i collect.. copy.. and paste all the sweet smiling selfie photos with
all the nice women there and me too… and fit all that iN one MacroVerse2..
hey.. this is an auto-biography ongoing long form poem and bible now
across several million word and step milestone maRkers now too..
And pARt of that includes keeping track of the wHoLe as paRt
of the entire effort DanceS and SinGS oN Free foR All NoW2..;)


So.. yes.. as Beyonce DanceS
in the YouTube Music Video..
and yes.. SingS too.. per
711.. yes.. i kick iT2..



A SigNature pose wHerE
Strength and Grace
of Divine Masculine
WiLL and
Love hold
within and as me..
innate.. instinctual and intuitive
pose wHeRe words come next NoW
iN PoeTry to express in form an
essence of human life in balance
and the hiGhest innate.. instinctual
and intuitive pART of hUman Art
at core is the hUmor
the division
bell sings
now when
is no longer
sepaRate pARt
oF Fear.. Doubt..
Anger.. and Hate..
uniTy becomes one
in one human being
at lEast with no needs and
wants as me in this moment on
this Target Ball of Life.. thing is.. how
many people can relate to this freedom oF
aLL iNnate.. instinctual and iNtuitive human fLiGht
when sidewalks and walls in general of systemizing
science liFe oF Form are taKinG away the freedom of bEinG
one with gravity of Nature and God sAMe when DiVision
Bell brOught
OwN SinGs
New SoNG
oF UniTy NoW…
Not many it seems as
who would understand A PiNk
Floyd SonG and Video as deep
as ‘this’ when Division Bells are currently
ringing louder than ever in the United States now..
so.. we move from a leader nominated for the Noble
Peace Prize in just 11 days and now rewarded for wHo
the delegate ‘pre-visionary’ clause of the voting process
provides for those who gain what they wished for now
as the reality of a country that is now viewed
worldwide as the Tom FucKeRy of
honor and integrity now of
who and WHO will
never be
again.. WeLL.. the
country came back
from the lies and killing
Empire strikes back then
fields of the Bush Years and
those years of the Vietnam era too..
so.. sure.. we need more PiNk Floyd SonGs
noW as the artists are alWays the prophets of
the age at hand as human emotions/senses rule
the rationality of the human and the world at Feat…
Even science sHows the reaLiTy of this as our word mind
is only the rider and writer of the camel and elephant sAMe
that is the emotional and sensory and autonomic subconscious
greater being that we are as pARt of God as Nature whole.. so.. i do
my little pARt.. if for no other reaSon than to express my personal emotions
and senses sAMe.. words are art that can be used as well as all otHeR forms
of human created abstract constructs to change the HeARt of Grace and
WiLL of Strength among all humans who liVe and daNce and siNg on
thiS eARTh NoW.. in what one would hope for the audaCity
of thaT emoTion and seNse in the SpiRiT oF Love
thaT bRinGs spRinG of HeARt year ’round
eternAlly now.. so.. sure.. i.. as the
very nice customer
at Walmart
told.. me.. now
then.. i bRinG SpRing
iN thAt priSon of garage
over-filling stuff.. year
’round.. i will do my little
Art and DancE of flesh and blood
liFe WiTh a voCal SonG oF heights with
Saints iN SonG aT Church.. and the poEtry
SonG of a little Ocean WhoLE poem of 3.3 million
words plus StiLL RoWinG Ocean WHOle now aLong
with a 1.052 miLLioN Word sTiLL GroWing ‘Nether
Land Bible 2017′.. in this 70th MacroVerse.. sTiLL yeT
unnamed Bible MacroVerse.. “Division Bells oF uNiTy’..
now.. so named and if you thiNk i am DeMon possessed
heHE.. for being this free as
the Division Bells of
religion have
my moThERS
eYes and heARt
in fundamentalist side
walk.. road.. and wall ways of liFE..
i understand as the veils of ignorance per
original Greek Definition of the word apocalypse
in lifting those very heavy veils of ignorance do
stARt on the home front now.. thing is.. i refuse
to hate ‘you’ any less than i refuse to hate my mother
for falling for all that cRaP of right wing faux news now
and yes.. religious faux news as generated by all the rulers as
Constantine/other Trump Emperors of 325 AD+/- and all the blow
haired Evangelists/politicians after thAT and all the dusty tRail
desert ones before thaT2 as i once too was
a division bell priSoner of sidewalks..
asPhalt roads and walls
and words the sAMe..
i fly free now..
the writer
and the
and the
camel and the
elephant are a needle
eye of laser Focus LiGht Truth
Force of Chi Faith as Love WiLL GroW
poSitive synergy oF ALL rise eterNaLLy NoW..
sure.. i love you too and more than anything i wish
you could live in a place as nice as the Heaven at hand isREalnow..
i’m juST AnoTheR lucky one.. got unplugged and am now free.. aLL
i can wish and hope as i DancE and SinG aGAiN is thaT
for you.. but if i can’t bRinG and RinG it in my
mother or wife’s eYes now even when
they see it and feeL iT iN
me for the fear
it BringS
to them
oF dARk and
Cynicism oF LiGht noW..
sure.. it’s a real JOB of hELping
otHeRs reach liGht now.. and
suREly the JOB of JOB
for me
i mAKe the graDe.. NoW..
perHaps WiTh WiLL/LoVe/LiGht..
somEoNe else reGAiNs an inheRiTance
from a spArk of Torch fLaMe heAR..now..
so.. sAdly.. A most difficult of places for
for those who live in the closet asleep as closest
to my heArt oF Flesh now.. SpiRit DancES and sinGS wiDe aWaKe.. NoW..
louder and liGht blinds dArk.. so sadly.. towards doubt.. anger.. fear and hate….
been to hell
i can’t
shut-up about
heaVen as DanCinG
and SinGinG HeaVen iS
no division beLL.. heAR..:)

AnyWay.. wiTh ‘thaT’ sAid.. a Facebook Algorithm
all Free Video Slide Show PresenTation now
shared here of my uniTy witH NatUre and liFe
in general oN juSt anotHeR Tuesday of BLiss
And NirVana heRe iN DancE SonG FReED..:)


And juST anotHeR Seagull and
Shadow who lives the sAMe…
one with bEach.. liFe never
nOW A B88ch agAin.. NoW..
And yeah.. nOw.. i got 60K or so
words in the last three MacroVerses
thaT comPrise the third reVision of my
‘Nether Land Bible 2017’ efFort of the
current now to back up on three Facebook
pages for text only effort now.. yep.. just three
MacroVerses noW and the third one named as last
chapter before of bible sAMe.. close to 26K words..
requiring 3 Facebook Statuses to fit in tHeRe.. aLL iN
A day of the life aS someone wHo CaN WiLL hoPe to bRinG
any spArk
oF Heaven
at Hand now
and feat too..
to someone..
now.. anyone
else.. as hey..
can’t hurt
to try
i cry
i try some more.. ynot..
as the gifts come.. the gifts they go..
circling the globe from the ciRcus i DAncE
And SinG forevermore now heAR aS Servers serve NoW..;)


SMiLes..my FriEnd gigoid..
glad you felt good enough
to create this post and
be by later
to catch
up on
the historical
re-blogs as hey..
the sages of the ages
have just as much to
say noW in differences
of opinions and so sAid
faCt of Before more than
NoW iN
fActs one does
continue to wish..
so.. off to the pearls
of quotes i go with a
work-out coming
soon before
too.. For more after thaT..:)

“Life, like a dome of many-colored glass,
stains the white radiance of eternity.”

~~ Percy Bysshe Shelly ~~

True.. WhitE LiGht
compRises aLL
RainBow coLors..:)

“Truckin’, like the do-dah man
Once told me “Gotta play your hand.
Sometimes your cards ain’t worth a dime
If you don’t lay’em down.”
Sometimes the light’s all shinin’ on me;
Other times I can barely see.
Lately it occurs to me
What a long, strange trip it’s been.”

~~ Truckin’ by Garcia, Weir, Lesh, Hunter ~~

iDo.. noT

“A life without cause is a life without effect”

~~ Barbarella ~~

Words come after that…
as simiLar

You can be happy or you can be miserable –
the choice is yours.

~~ Subtle Bee ~~

Yes.. the Environment
plays A YUGE
Trump ways too..:)

“We turn not older with years,
but newer every day.”

~~ Emily Dickinson ~~

And Youth
wiTh positive Change..!
oF EmoTioNs
for adaPtaTioN
to continUing Stuggle/Stress..
Positive Ways!..:)

“Fear is the lock and laughter the key to your heart.”

~~ Steven Stills~~

PerHaps.. A greaTeST proof NoW
that most sacred texts fAil to deLiver
heARTFuLL aS sucH WiTh SpiRit
of MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL
the beef
noW oF
beBoLd beYond
so-called hUman eYes teXt wisdom BeForE..
Wisdom aLL withOut huMor noW IS A hUman lie..
And sure..
lust too..
the homo
sapiens sapiens
innate.. instinctual.. intuitive
TruTh oF liGht seT aL..L FReED..
NoW iN laugHinG
ForCE WiTh LoVe
of course.. as horse
SenSE and FeeL too..:)

“For water continually dropping will wear hard rocks hollow.”

~~ Plutarch — Of the Training of Children~~

Be water as
Bruce Lee says and air
me out aS FliGht as
i do…
holLoW noW..;)

“If you cannot find it in yourself,
where will you go for it?”

~~ Confucius ~~

FeeL LiGht
from anoTHeR…
for now that’s what
mirror neurons do.. do..
And soMe otHeR sTUFF+
oF LiGht thaT Science
has not yET discoVered
wiTh A method and
instruMent noW…
See/feel/sense more
And do ‘this’ morE Now..:)

“Death is every man’s final critic.
To die well you must live bravely.”

~~ Edward Abbey ~~

Fear is die…
As liVinG lifEFuLL..:)


WeLL.. i am behind on four with
three to go.. looks like i’LL need
a 17 minute or so Animals..
more specifically
Dogs Song
Pink Floyd
of 1977 era to
accompany the folloWinG
words like Pigs or Aghogday
on a Wing.. ah.. reminds me of
high school days when i rarely
slept nights and edged my
way through days..
with lids
that strained
to liFt much higher
then.. laser focus listening
to the teacher as my greaTest
fear then was maKinG less than
a grade of A.. now.. i find tHeiR are
no labels at all for success only bliss and
nirvana within as surely a wolf or a dog’s
moon full hOwl met iN
Force wiTh
Nature now
comes nexT…
anyWay.. the best
thing about music like
this is the trip they were on
when they made the song
comes through in EmoTioNal
and SenSory Response through
deeper and slower waves of bRain relay..
anyWay.. off to the quotes of pearls i go and surELy
this SonG can be played over from any pARt and the
FloW of bRaiN ReiGns on as ReinS more of timeless streAMs
Ocean more
oKay.. enough
FloWinG heRe i guess
for even more to coMe hehe..;)

“Authority has every reason to fear the skeptic,
for authority can rarely survive in the face of doubt.”

— Robert Lindner

authoritY aS
Force NoW
WitHin.. INsidE
outsiDe.. aBove..
so belOw.. all aRound
directed by i of I WiTh
SpiRiT! oF EmoTions!..
DanCinG and SinGinG!
as heARt iN MiNd and
BoDy BaLanCinG soUL
morE as directed By WiLL over
fearless smART UnConDiTioNaL
LoVe thaT FeeLs and seNses more
and more NoW SeNSinG FeeLinG
never now
LiFe isREaL..:)

The good want power, but to weep barren tears.
The powerful goodness want : worse need for them.
The wise want love; and those who love want wisdom.

— P.B. Shelley, “Prometheus Unbound”

Once aGaiN
Force as Faith
as all or half
on and off..:)

— How many assholes does it take to change a light bulb?
None, assholes never see the light anyway.

— Smart Bee

SurELy so
aS TrUth is WiSdom
And liGht is Love..:)

“A shelf of classics for our young adults:
Tolkien, Hesse, Casteneda, Kerouac, Salinger,
Tom Robbins, and “The Last Whole Earth Catalog”.

— Edward Abbey

If never heard
on Facebook..
Twitter do
aS Such
by most..:)

“How can they say my life isn’t a success?
Have I not for more than sixty years got enough
to eat and escaped being eaten?”

— Cindy Adams

an ultiMate
success for now
however.. without living
life not much success about that..
and FeLT..;)

“The wise man can pick up a grain of sand and envision a whole universe.
But the stupid man will just lie down on some seaweed and roll around
until he’s completely draped in it. Then he’ll stand up and go, “Hey, I’m Vine Man.”

— Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey

i ratHeR
do boTh..
alWays NoW..
gRaiNs oF ViNe
rEaChinG sAnds..;)

“Whenever anybody says he’s struggling to become a human being
I have to laugh because the apes beat him to it by about a million years.
Struggle to become a parrot or something.”

— Jack Handey, “Deep Thoughts”

Seems the
Bonobo these
days is mosTly
moRe hUman
modern culTures..:)

Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.

— Confucius

oF symbols

“A man’s gotta know his limitations.”

— Dirty Harry [Clint Eastwood] in “Magnum Force”

And FeeL and SenSE
More than
KnoWn bEfoRE..:)

“The road to a friend’s house is never long.”

— Danish proverb

end oF
OF MiNe..;)

“Trouble rather the tiger in his lair than the sage amongst his books.
For to you Kingdoms and their armies are things mighty and enduring,
but to him they are but toys of the moment, to be overturned by the flicking of a finger.”

— Chinese proverb

Fiction to reaLiTy
metAphor oF
and BoDY
ForCe unleAshed
relEased aS FREE..:)

“My Teacher said that that
that that
that man used is incorrect.”

— Smart Bee

Hmmm.. wonder why people write such
long lines when A mouth refuses to do that
aS Such
aS StReAMs
FLoW Rivers
Waves Ocean wHole..;)

OKay.. off to 3 of 4 now..;)

“.. hubub,
hubub, HUBUB,
hubub, hubub, hubub,
HUBUB, hubub, hubub, hubub.”

— Zippy the Pinhead

Hub Hub
Hub Hub Hub
Hub Hub Hub Hub

Ub Ub
Ub Ub Ub
Ub Ub Ub Ub



without ubu
and the other MiNions..;)

“A little experience often
upsets a lot of theory.”

— Cadman

Yep.. for instance
one is strongest
at 30
or so
as the
evidence for
me proves incorrect
with an additional anecdotal
example of the cost of couch
per science
and tedtalk
and stuff like
that that
too much
in one place..;)

“If the King’s English
was good enough for Jesus,
it’s good enough for me!”

— Ma Ferguson, Governor of Texas (circa 1920)

Jesus F. iN Christ
iF oNly ‘tHey’
Jesus’ back
iN A DAy..

“Life is always like high school.
Which is interesting, because high
school is nothing like life.”

— Jon Carroll, SF Chronicle, November 17, 1995.

Hmm.. standard
school IQ tEaches
how to become
paRt of a machine
that works now buTT
rarELy A wHoLe

“It is not a fish until it is on the bank.”

— Irish Proverb

True.. juSt
oF A
as water swims fish..;)

Where the Sidewalk Ends

“There is a place where the sidewalk ends
And before the street begins,
And there the grass grows soft and white,
And there the sun burns crimson bright,
And there the moon-bird rests from his flight
To cool in the peppermint wind.

Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black
And the dark street winds and bends.
Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And watch where the chalk-white arrows go
To the place where the sidewalk ends.

Yes we’ll walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And we’ll go where the chalk-white arrows go,
For the children, they mark, and the children, they know
The place where the sidewalk ends.”

~~ Shel Silverstein

Places NoW
wHeRe TRumP
M i N i O N S
rarely roll off
borders of
priSon iNsiDe..:)

“Beware the lightning
that lurketh in the undischarged capacitor,
lest it cause thee to bounce upon thy
buttocks in a most untechnician-like manner.”

— The First Commandment for Technicians

“Is the printer plugged into the wall power socket?
Is the plug wire from the wall plugged into the back of the printer?”

— The First Two Questions for the Printer Help Desk Technician

“Did you try to reboot the computer?”

— The First Level Help Desk Question

Hmm.. and people
wonder why they
can’t hardly
off the
chair once
Computer Screens..:)

“Work thou not on energized equipment,
for if thou dost, thy fellow workers will
surely buy beers for thy widow and
console her in other ways.”

— The Seventh
for Technicians

not likely
if there is
still video
at home..
oR A Basement aS Such..;)

Hmm.. now..
foR foUr..
oF FouR..;)

“Worriers spend a lot of their time chasing smoke.”

– Claude McDonald

And i do

“The no-mind not-thinks no-thoughts about no-things.”

— Buddha

Writer and Rider of Camel
and Elephant sAMe
and DiFFeREnt
of subconscious
miNd and BoDy
aT LiGht…
After that..
MiNd words
are as reaSon miNd/BoDy..
And foRm of so much MoRe..:)

Scots, wha hae wi’ Wallace bled,
Scots, wham Bruce has aften led,
Welcome to your gory bed,
Or to victory!
Now ‘s the day and now ‘s the hour;
See the front o’ battle lour.

— Robert Burns (1759-1796) — Bannockburn

Great scotsman true
toilet tissue..
in the last
of both
and itching..;)

“When you slithered out of your hole that day, and you spewed your venom all over this defenseless 12-year-old girl, you made this court’s top 10 hit list. In a way, the best sentence this court could give would be no sentence at all, because if you left this courtroom I don’t think you would be alive 10 minutes. You are nothing but a weed, a weed among wheat…And when we have a weed, it’s my job to eradicate the weed, because if you don’t you will choke the wheat. Therefore, I’m going to take you off the streets for just as long as I possibly can. It means you aren’t even eligible for parole until you’re 92. That leaves only one more count, aggravated robbery. ..You stole this little girl’s bra as a souvenir, probably to brag about it to your friends later on. Well, I’m going to give you a souvenir of Trumbull County justice. And that is, you will receive a maximum sentence of 10 to 25 on the aggravated robbery for the stealing of that bra. And I hope that if you last 25 years in prison that you remember that souvenir.

Get this scum out of here!”

— A sentence passed by Judge W. Wyatt McKay of Trumbull County, Ohio

Hmm.. only souvenirs
i have are dancing
18 plus
year old women..
hmm.. alWays
too oF
sigNificant oTheRs..
as Mine doesn’t ever worry..
uP NoW..;)

“I love to go down to the schoolyard and watch all the
little children jump up and down and run around
yelling and screaming…
They don’t know
I’m only
using blanks.”

— Emo Phillips

Sad how ‘no one’ really
worries about
disEase and
quiet hands
and feet
iN aLL
of Desk..
even without a gun
or blanks at all now..
a slow burn in HeLL..;)

“Hanging is too good
for a man who makes puns;
he should be drawn and quoted.”

— Fred Allen (Sarcasm is the sour cream of wit.)

it’s aLL
KA (spiRit
oF eSSence
esCaPinG aS fORm..;)

“A poet who reads their work in
public may have other nasty habits”

— Lazarus Long (Robert Heinlein)

HeHe.. that’s why i Dance
in public wiTh no words aT aLL..
i’LL worK iT tHeir iMAgiNAtiON foR iT aLL thAT iS..;)

Ode on a Grecian Urn

by John Keats

“Thou still unravish’d bride of quietness,
Thou foster-child of Silence and slow Time,
Sylvan historian, who canst thus express
A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme:
What leaf-fringed legend haunts about thy shape
Of deities or mortals, or of both,
In Tempe or the dales of Arcady?
What men or gods are these? what maidens loth?
What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape?
What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy?

Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard
Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on;
Not to the sensual ear, but, more endear’d,
Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone:
Fair youth, beneath the trees, thou canst not leave
Thy song, nor ever can those trees be bare;
Bold lover, never, never canst thou kiss,
Though winning near the goal–yet, do not grieve;
She cannot fade, though thou hast not thy bliss,
For ever wilt thou love, and she be fair!

Ah, happy, happy boughs! that cannot shed
Your leaves, nor ever bid the Spring adieu;
And, happy melodist, unwearied,
For ever piping songs for ever new;
More happy love! more happy, happy love!
For ever warm and still to be enjoy’d,
For ever panting, and for ever young;
All breathing human passion far above,
That leaves a heart high-sorrowful and cloy’d,
A burning forehead, and a parching tongue.

Who are these coming to the sacrifice?
To what green altar, O mysterious priest,
Lead’st thou that heifer lowing at the skies,
And all her silken flanks with garlands drest?
What little town by river or sea shore,
Or mountain-built with peaceful citadel,
Is emptied of this folk, this pious morn?
And, little town, thy streets for evermore
Will silent be; and not a soul to tell
Why thou art desolate, can e’er return.

O Attic shape! Fair attitude! with brede
Of marble men and maidens overwrought,
With forest branches and the trodden weed;
Thou, silent form, dost tease us out of thought
As doth eternity: Cold pastoral!
When old age shall this generation waste,
Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe
Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say’st,
‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty’–that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”
(and beYond this too..;)
Good night
as George
Burns sigNed
off to his wife too..for fOur..:)


WeLL.. i suppose this will be five in a
row and after all tHeRe IS A little
space left on that
Pink Floyd
Dogs’ Song..
anyWay.. this is
surely a uplifting
view my friEnd and no
doubt i will continue to
complement iT NoW
a evilive
eYe of starats
liGht per say.. hehE..
so surELy.. Bravo mY FriEnd
gigoid as liGht shines through
yoUr hands and computer piano today..:)

“What I am is what I am.
Are you what you are, or what?”

~~ Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians ~~

Hmm.. i thiNk i’LL change
the tHeMe
noW.. too..;)
And by a way
LeSson LeArned
by me.. use the YouTube
Auto-generated SonGS by
the big hits less the copy-right
strikes erase them in the future
unless available by the original
artists although some folks
obviously ain’t
in art
for the
of money no
different than
a nude spread
of Trump’s Wife.. hehe..
oops.. that reMiNds me..
my sister said check her out..
back from that and in my estimation
her best asset is her face as now the
rest of it stands out as a liTiTle fake..
what can i say..
i love Nature
all miley cyrus real aS Such..
and it was really cruel what that
SNL writer did to ‘her’ son Barron
really cruel as surely that boy
is taking in so much
of his
in extra stimulus
way.. been there done
it.. diagnosis or not it’s so hard..
but hey.. once you put it out their
for pay
it’s all
out thEir for say..
and perHaps she went
to hell first to get to THeRE
too to be as free as that for pay or not..
strike one up for human freedoms.. what better
way of life.. selling yourself as art or being a prostitute to work for pay..
anyWay.. becoming first lady is surely a way to promote her nude erotic art..
Love ya BAbe..;)

Moral oF A STory
tHeRe is aLWAys
more than one
sLiver oF
siLver liNiNg..;)

“Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies.”

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

No doubt NoW
A Source oF

“The map is not the territory.”

~~ Alfred Korzbyski ~~

Oh Lord.. back
to square
roads too and
walls and ceilings
from beFore as afTer..
and floors without grain
of God as Nature sands
to connect to as free anyMoRe LiVinG FuLL..;)

“Be careless in your dress if you will, but keep a tidy soul.”

~~ Mark Twain ~~

Free.. now..
A first erotic
nude first lady
go girl agAIN.. you go..
nothing hidden all out in the
open except for ‘those hands’
the neTheR
land noW as
otHeR pARt..
buTT i admit
i haven’t looked
that deep yet for thaT…
Two key words.. ‘Melania
Nude’.. a passport to
art for pay/play..
And of course i am
alive serious that i support
her art 100 percent and prove it..heHe..
everything the Trumps do make what i do
so tAMe..
juSt thiNk oF aLL
the come
i’LL have
iF any of my Southern
Baptist/Catholic Folk friend Trump
Voters complain about my arT FReED..
like i sAid…
is alWays
more than
one sLiVer
oF A SiLver liNiNg
iN darKesT of places
shining slivers of silver liGhtEd Melanias
Go Freedom of Expression and Speech that’s A
Freedom we can afford to fiGht for with all of life’s nude art..
yes.. at
the very
top of
oF A Grand Dad Old USA NOW!..
with a Trophy Wife who proves she
can work her way up to the piNnacle of political success2..
she did
it her way..
hooray! for Melania!
go girl.. you go.. aGaIN!..
but sTiLL my preference.. babe..
is all natural.. even with no make
up on and women coveRed to tHeir
me on
the very most..
as that is my
favorite pARt
of you too.. Melania Babe..;)

“Something we were withholding made us weak
Until we found it was ourselves.”

~~ Robert Frost ~~

It’s true.. like the Gospel
of Thomas by the so-called
Gnostic reported words of an
illiterate Aramaic Yeshua sAid in
vs 37 of that sacred text that is as
true no matter
who wrote
it then
or now..
translated from
the Greek of then/N
me2.. strip your clothes
off.. yes.. all the clothes
of culTure.. under a tree..
in the desert.. in a cave or
yeS even on a beach and tread
on them without shame.. then you
will find the living one fractal of Nature
pArT/as/oF/iS/God whole
that is
you and
it’s not just
about me GaDAM iT..;)

Nah.. i really didn’t need
the first lady to come
back with
one in
of God
ALL naked IN/as me2..
Temple of God aS Such2..;)

ask a
child how to live..
Before you clothe
them in a diaper and
make them hold in
all the
and pissed off TrumpShiT..
Go Melania.. Go.. you go girl..;)

In memory too of the time in middle
school when walking back the usual
trail around the woods home i had to pee
so dam bad but was too afraid to break
the rules
a tree..
oh.. culTure..
you suck you
suck big city
from village
free and Nature/
God that/who ain’t afraid of
F iN Human fertilizer either..
anyWay.. i peed my pants on the
front porch of my home.. truly freeing that
i sAid
fuck all the clothes
and just let it FucKinG go..
but only for a moment as i went
back to cultural priSon and stayed
tHeRE wandering in STRAIGHT ARROW it for 40
more years from age 13 to 53.. hell yes.. for all practical
most modern
humans are modern
Moses too.. baNisHed from
the freedom of peeing FReED..
and yeah.. yeah.. science.. i know sanitation
rules like this have/do save(d) more lives than
all medicine combined.. like i sAid.. a big silver
LiFE sLiVer lining in the DaRk of holding piss in too..;)

“Immortality lies not in the things you leave behind,
but in the people your life has touched.”

~~ Sagacious Bee ~~

One of the best
things about
in general.. iS
that/they touch(es) more
NOW than Trump Towers..
and yes.. techNicAlly.. TRump
Towers are art2 and tOuch folks too..;)

“All I know of love is that Love is all there is.”

~~ Emily Dickinson ~~

Pay no FuLL attention
to ‘those’ books
in the
of Lust too..
aS SurELy without
one the other doesn’t come as easy..
and yes.. science proves this in the science
of lust
and love..
Oxytocin.. eTc..
social cooperation
and the origin of most
creativity and productivity
yes.. A hoLy GrAIL oF LuST and LoVe..
as both genders
oF DiVine
And FEmiNiNe too..;)

And haha! old ‘uNcle’ Aleister
Crowley named iT sex magicK
when it’s about the all natural
birds and
bees and
aLL deeper
sHit NoW iN
the bRaiN and
vagal nerve and
trillions of peptide
connections in cells
of body.. neurochemistry..
including neurohormones
as the miNd and BoDy isReaL
BaLanCinG soUL of SpiRit of/AS
HeARt exPreSsinG liGhter poSiTiVE
FeeLinGs and EmoTiOns oF BeiNG MoVinG..
CoNNecTing and CreaTinG iN as LIfE iS/aS SurELy
and hey
that was
that man’s
point as a psychonaut
from the get go unTil he fAiLeD
to the savages of addiction to life
stealing drugs from the freedom he thOught/sOught..
as a
of liFe
above.. so
below and
all around
to unCover
mysteries STiLL heLd
in PriSons of Fundamentalist
Religions/Cultures in Victorian sTiLL way..
by A way.. once aGain.. Victoria/Melania’s
is/are wide
out in
the open
NoW for both
play FReED..
Thanks God for Google
who/that scribes more of a bible iN HUman eYes/ears
so free and wild iN uncovered ways too.. ah.. so free..;)

Truth/light is for those who understand
Aleister’s writing deeper that man through
all his hyperbole has left a bigger mark
on culture than most folks see in art
the way
it still
through pop-culture
even more so now than ever..
sadly.. at core spRead too.. propagation
of life stealing drug addiction too as he
made that
way of life
out of
balance too..
per folks like
Jim Morrison and the like..
bottom line/words.. WiLL and Choice/Lust/Love..
and be careful of who one idolizes as ‘perfect’..
no less/more
Jesus.. Buddha..
Lao.. Mythological
Krishna.. eTc.. aL.. most
they weren’t
the final authority
except for one as so-called
sacred texts seem to sHow..
and sure.. we see the continuing
death and destruction of that too..
Aleister said
there was
only one
over Love..
and surely
iN faCT and
continuing Acts
that puts his freedom
well over the covered priSons
of Muhammad.. eTc..aL.. stiLL.. life stealing
drugs or not.. better than swords for sELL..
so yeah..
“the beast”.. A
great hyperbolic
way to touch some
lives with at least naked
freedom.. iF noThing else..;)

And the sad thing is.. most folks
are too glued to science and
religion same/DifFeREnt
to study
move this
far out
of the
cultural/religious/science box…
Fear of daRk.. Cynical oF LiGht..
both pre-occupations sTEaL the liFE..
but at lEast science is finAlly catching up to
the so-called woo/occult/mysteries reLaYed IN thE poeTry of BeForE..
in so many
DaughterSoN/eTc.. aL
wayS NoW oF LiFE..
Nah.. my friEnd..
tHeRE are no
ends and or
iS NaTure/
GoD that we
are juST A Tiny
flea uPon the
Dog we
from for Free as/iN/is God..;)

“You thought, as a boy, that a mage is one who can do anything.
So I thought, once. So did we all.
And the truth is that as a man’s real power grows and his knowledge widens,
ever the way he can follow grows narrower:
until at last he chooses nothing,
but does only and wholly what he ‘must’ do.”

~~ Ursula K. LeGuin, “A Wizard of Earthsea” ~~

WiLL over Love
smArt and Fearless too..
for me
at lEAst
NoW iN
ways aS WeLL oF LiFe..:)

“If you do not understand my silence,
then you will not understand my words.”

~~ Subtle Bee ~~

That’s why i DancE..
tHe eXpreSsinG oF aLL
First tHeRE
IS DancE
to motiVAte
thE LiGht STiLL
that coMes from dArk..
anyWay that’s the way
all of God that is explains
it to me in short oF eXistence NoW..
as is
aT LeASt
and MoSt
i FeeL and
SeNSE and kNow..
my FriEnd and yes.. i’LL do EveN BaLanCinG
more.. ’cause i Can and TrUEWiLLiTaSliGht..
with even
aT aLL..
as DAncE
LIGht oF SonG..
TruTh or NoT i DancE Be
DaRk or liGht.. i DancE.. Am..:)

And here is what was/IS A beginning
response to gigoid’s concern that
i might be missing some of his original
views in as whole of construction in
the pearls he borrows and brings as art..
and yes.. reason too..

So i say.. in return..

SMiLes my friend..
Nah.. i didn’t miss
Any of your points..
A different view is
Not evidence of
Missing an
Original View
WiNks my
As surELy
At core my
Greatest fAILing
in life WAS
Art compRises
60 perCent
Art IS A
River my

And as i’ve sAid
before.. it’s also worth
noting sTiLL that HeART
and eARTh are also
words and reaLITies
thaT are both literAlly
and metaphoricAlly comPriSed
oF at leASt 60 percent art if you
narrow it just to the literal count of
3 out of 5 literal letters of words to
make that crystal clear for folks who don’t
do math like they breathe the air as art around them too..
and that’s the problem with the world ..in general as folks
have shrunk the art out of those three words of smART
and heART and eARTh the sAMe and DiFFeRent
EsSenCE isReaL..
as pART oF GoD
75 percent tHeir..
as eARTh and
HeART and
that lives
iN and
as wE
as fractal
pARt NoW
of the whOle
GoD DaM thing..
yep NoW the wHole
eNchildA per say
of SonG
PoETry too..
thing iS even science
proves this whOle thing
allone out as isReaL NoW
too.. we are all connected
even in
but if we lose
art we lose our living
life as the living one within
as God as and is we and i and
us and ours lose out on the greaTEr
liGhter NaturE thaT cAN and WiLL bE uS am i..
iF wE
iT FiNd
it aLIVe once
aGaIn.. it’s what is
increaSinGly miSsinG
from the world.. essence
oF aRt freed oF Form including words alone
and other hUman Abstracts that come to be
of Trump
over the
ArT of Love..
A reAL deal of
eARTh iN smART oF heART..
add it.. divide it.. multiply iT.. subtrACT iT iN anyWaY iT sTiLL
nOw coMes out to aT LeASt 60 perCent ArT of FeeL.. NoW
isReaL ouT..NoW..:)

Additionally during the course of all this
writing Facebook Friend and poet Blogger
Rafiah from Pakistan shares a status that says..

Roamed in the city in this rain after so long that too wearing high heels.
After smashing water puddles and walking through them in this sandle
I feel like a queen. Lol I can do anything. #momentofselfappreciation

And i say in return

*admiring colors of the dress..:)

Rafiah says

Yayyyy thanks..:)

And i also say in remark
that the very tall wooden
heels of her sandals
are impressive
as follows..

And the Heels
Of those Sandals could
Be Dangerous
In A Bond Movie ..$’P..;)


AnyWay.. i honor friendships
in all the ways they come in
my personal bible and long form
longest form Ocean whole poem
as long
as this
goes.. in freeSt
Verse way noW..
sharing Now also
a Facebook MacroVerse
Memory from three years ago..
starTinG my more G-Rated
Art of Body then
in underwear
sort of like
the G-Rated
street version
of King David too..
worKing in some shadows
of clothes too.. as art will do
when yes.. totally FReED
with more
to come
on that
of course
as art grows
more and more
in all the ways that comes..
yes.. “Temple of GOD in the TWiLIGHT”
even more to come aGAIn hEre.. worth noting
i was only 222Lbs back then and have added 11
sense then..
as let the feminine all
out first in grace and love
and the masculine so much more
follows even greater in strength and will..
and yes.. most females can do the reverse too
as Innate
and Flows..
Free morE too as God
IN and as we all wHole all that is Now..:)


“Ghost WINGS WIND”.. MacroVerse from two years ago
as a memory and a reminder of the darKness
from liGht that hELped BRinG me
more to


And also a MacroVerse Facebook Memory provided
as “Zen to me THANK you”..
from two years ago
that gives
more to
the LiVinG
GoD as wHoLe
who that lives WitHin
as Fractal pART oF A whOle HUman
Temple of God NoW aS weLL aLL paRts
HoLY and sAcred of GoD as whOle and
suRely that includes all the natural functions
and forms of the flesh and blood of the human
essence even more so than the abstract constructs
of words and other metaphors of symbols we create
as tools
to describe
to share
more now
for social
and a greater way
to survive and thrive in liFE..
as that is what the social altruist
animal and super hero Human does best
togeTher as UniTy
away from
oF FaiL
aS SepaRate..
wiTh surELy room
for the individual to eXcel
from the propensity of group
thiNk and conservative control too..
as alWays A BaLanCinG ForCe oF aLL AKA GOD..:)

Hmm.. and with ALL that said it’s after all is sAid
and dOnE now to dance more than SonG
on HoLY and Sacred Thursday
as created and
me as wE SurELy
can MoVe.. CoNnecT
and Co-Create oUr reaLITies
alone allone WiTh GoD FReED
out Free
like thiS..
suReLy WiTh
feArlESs and SmARt
UnConDitiONal Love
oF FaiTh ForCE
and power
and all natural
Part oF GoD whOle too..
yes YOU are God too paRT of wHoLe NoW
daRK through sHadES of Grey to RaiNBoW
colors beYond the liGht of White.. NOW aS WeLL
GroWinG streAMs RiVers wAves OceaN whoLe noW..
back later in this MacroVerse and the neXt WiTh cool Dance
photos with all the Kool College age Folks celebrating my 145th
dance week with them tonight on Thursday Night.. at old Seville Quarter for FReED2..;)
AnyWay gave
yA A chance
to sTEaL
and BoDy
aT least as
BaLanCinG soUL aLL FReED1..:)


SpeaKinG of MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG soULs.. yes.. now
HUman Bio-Diversity and Neuro-Diversity too.. a little
pep talk i came across some time ago as far as cLocks
go that popped up as a reminder in the YouTube Algorithm
Suggested videos after that Fractal of God thingie played..
so yeah.. here is some inspirational
spirited talk in support
of those who
are different
per NeuroDiversiTy
and a little more FeeLinG
and SenSinG of the Environment within (God)
inside.. outside.. above.. so below and all around
per the Vibrations of existence and UniVerse and
GoD sAMe and of course different too as thAT
SonG of God continues to DancE and SinG
from dARk to sHadES of Grey to beYoNd
Rainbow colors of white too.. just
some metaphors ya KNow and
FeeL/SeNSE or not but never
the less tHeRE
are the more
and bodied
folks aMonG uS
that/who can and wiLL/Do relate
WiTh aLL of This deeper stuff of
HUMan eXistence eXperience FeeLinG SenSinG
more of poTenTiaL liFE now.. hmm.. yes.. now.. keepers
of the flAMe2.. as ‘the Video’ says and iLove to DancE and SinG too..
hmm.. what neXt.. WeLL.. tHEre are East Indian Traditions associated
with Kundalini RiSinG wiTh Meditation practices and specific verbal SonG
of Mantras to go along with focusing on so-called chakras of the body but for
me.. sure.. i Love the chanted song unintelligible to me in semantic way but STiLL
inNaTE iNstincTual and IntuiTive registeRinG NoW of EmoTionAL and SenSory
Hertz of Frequency plaYiNg from lower slower stronger will/survival hertz
to hiGher faster more refined loving graceful HerTz so far above
base survival for existence as i hum close to
the 1st Chakra SuNG Frequency as provided
in the fOllOWiNG Kundalini Meditation
YouTuBe Video in raiSinG CHI
of positive focus before
i leg press
LBS.. 33 reps
or so on a very difficult parallel
leg press free weight machine with
arms raised like a ballerina in the air
when grace meets powerful force of Strength too..
in a hum of survival at the hertz of a LioNs grOwl..
key is.. not putting ourselves aBove the oThER animals
that are our close cousins too.. sure.. clothes set us apARt
but as far as mammals go.. we bleed the same color and
leave similar fossil bones for recovery later.. wELL..
WE HUMANS lost in the neo-cortical rule
of past and future miNd and BoDy
BaLanCinG soUL or not can leave
a little more than
a Nautilus sheLL
in remembrance
of Our HoLy SpiRit KA
FloW of HeARt and SoUL
eXpreSsinG that in symbols
and metaphors oF art trUe and
liGht spReaDinG our HoLy Spirit
of connection WiTh more folks to come
even after we leave this beautiful opportunity
to give and share Heaven at Hand here whiLe AliVe as FeLT/SenSed
NoW in MoVinG.. CoNnecTing.. CreATinG ways WiTh otheRS and by A
way all multi-Trillion peptide connections of cells all through
the huMan body are spirALing WiTh almost inFiNite chakras of sub-atomic
FloW bEyond science view too.. PowErinG A ForcE of co-creation US/GOd
now.. but hey.. if you are an empath like me.. you are concerned
not only for your life and your three feet of space and immediate
family heAR.. that goes to eternAllY forevernow for more to come for
those who work to share and give a little more of tHeir HoLy SpiRit FloW
NOW.. anyWay.. for my Kundalini riSinG Chi/Dao Satori HoLY Spirit aWaKeNinG
EnLiGhteNing coNtinUinG eXperience.. no sitting still meditation or strict
guidelines of preformed written words in any other language necessary for
me.. as Music as liGht positive way IS A great way2 and my body flowS iN all iNnate..
iNStinCtuaL and iNtuitiVe way.. yeS iN ZoNE i go and FLoW soMe more.. sure.. me and God make
up the dance steps as we go.. and surELy.. you likELy can too.. if like the Ice Princess
from froZeN..
you just
lET all
the cultural
illusions of worries
that you Can/WiLL go.. yes2
now2.. not an easy thing to do2
when one is slave of the cultural/eTc aL/
religious matrix isReAL2 noW2 but hopefully2
yA WiLL Find HeaVeN oN this Earth Plane
forevernow aT LeASt once as trUst me tHeRe
ain’t nuThing better i KnoW/FeeL/SenSe more
delightful than the saMe Kingdom oF Heaven NOW
promised in theM Gnostic Jesus aS Such naked
teXts of liFE too.. Shed yoUr Matrix clothes and
fLy hiGher as any caped crusader naked out of a Dr.
WhO phone booth WiLL too.. or don’t make thAt choice..
thAT is uP to you.. i jusT Give and Share mY Heaven for
FReED as that is what Heaven iS at core.. wiLd and Free
WiTh FearLess smARt UncoNdiTional MoVinG.. CoNnecTing
CreaTinG LoVE heART of SpiRit expreSsinG HeARt Free FlowinG..
mInd and BoDy BaLanCinG soUL juST FaBuLouS aGAIN.. HeHe.. yeS..iN zONE..
to laugh2
as tHeRe NoW
is no fear iN
A BelLy LliFE thAT isrEaL2..:)

Okay.. now to get this 70th MacroVerse titLed “DiViSioN bELLs oF UniTy”
all published of the NewESt MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”
per 1,052,137 words so far as 69th Verse as last MacroVerse..
and juST to add.. addiTioNAlly.. a 741st MacroVerse
to a 3.3 Million Word pLus Ocean wHOle poem
same as this 70th MacroVerse of here too..
doubling as a MacroVerse
in both labeled
now.. to be clearer..
and off to the 145th
Dance Week NiGht i go..
wiTh more cool dance
around 3am
on Star Date
1.27.2017 that juSt
so happens to be the
742nd MacroVerse of Ocean
wHole poem neXt in the morning aLonG aS A
71st MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. too..
chaRTinG iNto my 42nd month too.. Since this Word
Press experience of Ocean WHole Poem StARted too
on 8.27.2013 and the 42nd Month of Public Dance
StaRts out too.. and ending the 48 Month of writing
at the end of the Month in Holy SpiRit Flow overall
at the end of February 2013.. too.. when my first blog
post per my perspective of life came
in a casual PM to my First Facebook
Friend2 iN juSt anoTheR Day iN the liFe of me..
heHe.. beForE public publish day on 3.10.2013..
too.. as the FLoW continues to go mostly effortless
with little to no preplanning STiLL DocuMenTinG HoLY
and SacrEd MilEsTones every which way and loose Full
of Meaning and purpose as CreaTinG them sAMe iN A FloW of ZoNe
too.. as hey.. that’s how this Holy Creative SpiRit workS iT.. no religious labELs
required from specific books.. sure.. many labELs houSinG as vehicles and vessels nOw
the essence of the HiGher HoLY/SacRed CreaTive SpiRiT as more of the subconsciousness
FloW NoW iN HuMan PoTenTial eVen beYOnD words rises to the creAM for the crop NoW
oF our perSonal eXistence/eXperience noW.. as sow and reap for NoW more fuLLy
AliVe AwAke
oF HUman BeinG
DanceS and SingS oN..
A WonderRuL aDvenTure and
eXperience oF LoVing LiFE as TrUth and liGht.. FReED NoW..:)









BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

Book oF Ten Sixteen..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)


Grand Cross Bible 2016

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)


CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)


VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)


CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)


Nether Land Bible 2017

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN NoW aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)


img_6215 img_6216 img_6217 img_6218 img_6219 img_6220 img_6221 img_6222 img_6223 img_6224 img_6225 img_6226 img_6227 img_6228 img_6229 img_6230 img_6231 img_6232 img_6233 img_6234 img_6235 img_6236 img_6239 img_6240 img_6241 img_6242 img_6243 img_6244 img_6245 img_6247 img_6248 img_6249 img_6250 img_6251

About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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16 Responses to DiViSioN bELLs oF uNiTy

  1. SonG oF mY SoUL LonGeR

    “The long poem is a literary genre including all poetry of considerable length. Though the definition of a long poem is vague and broad, the genre includes some of the most important poetry ever written.

    The long poem traces its origins to the ancient epics, such as Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. With more than 220000 (100000 shloka or couplets) verses and about 1.8 million words in total, the Mahābhārata is the longest epic poem in the world.[1] It is roughly ten times the size of the Iliad and Odyssey combined, roughly five times longer than Dante’s Divine Comedy, and about four times the size of the Ramayana and Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh. In English, Beowulf and Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde are among the first important long poems. The long poem thrived and gained new vitality in the hands of experimental Modernists in the early 1900s and has continued to evolve through the 21st century.

    The long poem has evolved into an umbrella term, encompassing many subgenres, including epic, verse novel, verse narrative, lyric sequence, lyric series, and collage/montage. In contemporary poetry, the long poem has become a space for the emergent voices of historically under-represented writers including women, post-colonial subjects, the gay and lesbian community, and racially/ethnically oppressed persons, who seek the definitive communal voice connoted by early long poems.”


    “Song of Myself”.. one of the relatively
    few Long Form Poems in modern
    history by Walt Whitman
    as the ones
    more by oral tradition
    as song tied with emotional
    and sensory passions that flowed
    more than the written word in straight
    lines on pages.. i really don’t have any teachers
    for the flow of my particular SonG oF mY SoUL now
    as creative writing was perhaps the hardest thing for
    me to do as listing facts is what i mostly did in a life of work
    for pay.. but hey.. folks love form and labels as cliff note short
    cuts to life experience so after writing several million words.. a pattern
    surELy formed that i can noW relate somewhat of what i do in total.. as Now
    tHere IS A SonG of mY SoUL that exceeds 3.3 million words on three public
    blogs and written now in real time on blogs and Facebook for an average of
    130 thousand words a month.. two MacroVerses a week at an average of
    15K plus words A MacroVerse and each of those MacroVerses is
    comprised of MicroVerses that can go up to several thousand
    words separated by word count divisions accumulating
    as totals per MacroVerse whole and within
    those MicroVerses are up to over
    a hundred or so MicroMicroVerses
    that are often Micro-Poems
    in how other folks
    relate to that
    poetry form
    and within each
    are words wHeRE the
    symbols and the grammar
    per Capitalization and the
    such are rearranged to make
    multiple meanings for any potential
    reader to determine the meanings for
    yes.. including me as i often find a new
    meaning in what comes out of streAMiNg
    conscious flow of writing when the subconscious
    of what one can also religiously traditionally term
    as historical fLiGhts of Holy SpiRit and or automatic
    writing as such too.. depending on how smooth the flow
    goes and the more elegant the shapes that automatically
    come in what some poet scientist’s term as concrete poetry
    that is designed by pre-planning as such.. mine is overall different
    sAMe as i write in left Justification style first in the comments section
    of Word Press and Facebook statuses as pArT art pallet exercise in draft..
    and i often am amazed what the end result looks like when i transfer that
    draft to a post to center the words and
    publish the
    when the holy
    spirit of creative
    writing inside makes
    a voice with more to say
    in big picture archetypal thiNking
    feeLing and senSing iNnate iNstinctual
    and iNtuitive Deeper HeARt.. SpiRiT and
    SoUL of BeinG within as the iNheritance of
    our evolution as human beings from the origin
    and always staRt and never fiNish of now as the
    beginninG with no endinG.. and as the logo on my
    Word Press beginning Macro Verse says.. yes.. number 1
    MacroVerse then.. noW with this 742nd MacroVerse Now
    coMing to fruiTion as my fingers dance and sing this SonG was
    is sTiLL is.. aS NoW.. “THE END AND THE BEGINNING”.. now..
    yes.. that is how the Epic form of poetry usually
    stARts.. in the middle and the middle
    way is wHEre (i)s stays now
    in flow of the
    and my
    writing IS A reflection
    as A DancE and SonG
    oF My sOUL as wHOle
    SonG of mY SoUL in short..
    and oh by the way while the
    MicroMicroMicro Verses exist
    in multiple single meaning words
    mixed in grammar style against the
    so-called grammar rules that surely free
    verse poetry does too that this style of free
    writing can be attached as label to too.. as each
    symbol.. including each letter and number has multiple
    MicroMicroMicroMicro Verse meanings too as even the number 1
    one as archetype can mean alone or allone as God aLL.. yes the
    Tao.. the Great SpiRit.. the Allah.. the Mother Nature True PluS and
    all the other metaphors for the Alpha through the Omega pluS even further
    than symbols of letters and numbers as all of Nature pLUS as all that is as God..now..
    let’s face it.. life in general is an epic long form free dance song and verse experience now
    some folks more open minded and deep and some folks more closed minded and shallow NoW
    and surely we live in a Twitter world now that is both deep and shallow and closed minded
    and open minded too.. but the bottom line is.. folks have divided attention and no longer
    do we have many folks devoting tHeir entire life in the art of oral tradition of DanCinG and
    SinGinG A SonG of TrUth and LiGht as Guardian’s of the Galaxy as we are all iN TrUe LIGht WiLL
    moVing.. connecting.. and creaTing.. sTar stuff as Carl Sagan says.. the ingredients
    of the Apple pie and us cAMe coMe from crucible of Star Burst Death
    to re-born as life as Star duST plUs as we molecular machines
    of humans walk and yes even DancE and SinG the EARTh now
    in Free Verse dance song too.. as the UniVerse wHOle
    plUs continues to flow through our veins
    and flesh and blood.. anyway.. i stARted
    with form this go around
    as the life long
    Form Poet
    flows the art
    and usually others appreciate
    a life of art after the artist is long
    gOne and the ‘Egyptian KA’ of tHeir
    spiRit as HuMaN Nautilus shEll of aRT
    is left iN the fossil record of what now will
    be results iN a random google search.. thing is..
    i’m writing something that may seem like it takes
    a thousand years to write but on the other hand how
    will it last a thousand years if it doesn’t naturally stand
    out then from the rest in blend as well.. as everyone now has
    an opportunity to blend in and create/add another “Dead Poet’s
    Society” Art form free verse of KA SpiRit oF heARt andSoUL to the Uni-
    Verse and Galaxies and Stars and on pLaNets sAMe as hey.. it’s not the
    ingredients of the Apple pie that count as far as deLight.. it’s how noW the
    the whole dam thing Now is put toGeTheR and how the big picture of pie tastes
    to be savored for memories to come and return aGaIn too.. anyWay.. the thing
    is.. the Nautilus does not spend its life work as a practice of living worrying
    about what other Nautilus builders for mansions more stately do or do not now
    Trump thiNk.. as in Nature free there is no lesser or greater., tHeRe is the
    Masterpiece of God that is how the whole dAM thing is put ToGeTher
    by we brushes of Art that can be a Nautilus who keeps
    creating art for the Holy and Sacred Meaning
    and Purpose that is to make the
    most out of now
    now.. let’s face
    it.. iF A Nautilus only
    did Twitter there would
    be no shells.. just fragments
    of matter.. sure.. sTiLL with
    Value of the whole but
    not as whole of Value
    as what
    with total
    laser focus as
    the art at hand
    or sea creature
    as it were and still is
    for hundreds of miLLioN
    yeaRs that surELy proves the
    value of the tiny Nautilus’ persistence
    in MaKinG liFE a Focus of surviving and thriving
    now in all the ways a Nautilus can achieve that with human
    potential as being human too.. the beauty of life is in the doing..
    and the form that comes next most often relates the beauty of doing..
    just doing
    life the
    can for whatever
    may come or be nexT…
    i go it alone mostly with this
    endeavor and likely could never
    do this without the muse of the flesh
    and blood life of DancE as i am jusT
    a human being.. a social animal who to
    DancE and Sing a happy uplifting SonG and
    DancE heAR.. must fulfill my hUman nature
    isReaL here in the Natural world
    of flesh and blood
    face to
    interaction too..
    recognizing that humans
    are juSt flesh and blood animals
    and working with the Nature of ALL
    that we come to find and seek as free
    as us and Nature all plus as all that is
    as God in eXisTenTiaL way of InteLLigence
    now is to set oneself free in Truth of Wisdom
    and Light of Love too.. so i flow here with just two
    of my new muses from dance night as pictured then on
    Facebook too as profile status.. tHeir smiles are muse
    for a social animal like me to connect as flesh and blood
    free loves to do.. best.. with a smile that says we are
    TogeTHER this MoMenT iN this sELfie endeavor NoW HeRE
    and nah.. don’t forget the value of tears/struggle/
    dArk.. more on that in a few.. as life
    and laughter and love goes
    on free and this
    is for
    the art of
    joy and nothing
    more than that than
    to be given and shared as is..
    no different reAlly that a selfie smile set
    free with othERS togeTher this is just a several
    million word selfie.. as paRt of a Personal bible
    as label and in accounting numbeRinG symbols as
    terms of endearment iN holy and sacred meaning
    and purpose as this becomes the 71st MacroVerse
    of a Bible that in its third Revision now per the 69th MacroVerse
    as titled ‘Nether Land Bible 2017’ and now with the 70th MacroVerse
    word total added in amasses 1,062,479 words as a running total that will
    just save me time of adding all up at the end of a 100th MacroVerse.. heHe..
    or wHo kNows and feelS and seNses.. perHaps a Thousand MacroVerses longer then
    that would make around 15 Million words in the next 10 years or so.. now.. let’s
    just say/dance/sing at age 66 as i am 56 now writing an average of 1.6 million
    words a year and still dance walking an average of 166.66 miles/month of public
    dance all around my metro area after finishing 6666 miles of
    doing that in precisely 40 Months from sTArt at
    Best Buy per YouTube Dance Video of
    8.27.2013.. so sure.. today
    is the 41st month anniversary
    of Free Verse Public Dance now
    too.. ‘they’ don’t have a label for
    Long LonGest Form Free Verse Public
    Dance but guess what. i just brought
    that to the tAble of cultUre too.. as that is what
    the truly wild and crazy folks of life do.. they are just
    crazy enough NoW to have 100% Faith in laser focus way
    of positive fearless smART and UNconditional Love full
    of hope and joy to get the FucKinG (s) JOB at Hand iN
    Heaven dONE too.. hEhe..aT leASt for me as i
    inherit the Heaven at hand now all
    free too.. FloWinG iN ZoNe
    CreATinG LiFE Free
    FuLL of HeARt
    iN MiNd and
    BoDy BaLanCinG
    soUL.. yes.. FloW iN ZoNe
    and retaining my hUmaniTy
    by MoVinG out of what miGht
    be termed as a Nautilus Shell
    too and roaming the beach
    oF lifE
    fully aLiVE
    as Human becomes
    Beach and one WiTh GOD
    whole as this Ocean WhOle Poem
    continues its rise and ebbs ever creating
    new shores of life in essence and form to
    come and last in give and share.. anyway that
    is what a smile and a tear too will do.. liGht liFE
    foRwARd as TrUtH anD liFe as LIGht SinGS a SonG of DancE..
    one with
    God.. the Tao..
    the Holy SpiRit
    Flow of Grand Sublime
    American Indian Great SpiRiT
    too.. Satori.. Kundalini RiSinG
    HiGhER as EmoTiOns reGulaTinG
    and SeNsEs INteGrAting more with
    all the oThER likely InFiNiTe metaphors thaT
    othER StaR Children of God do reLate too.. out
    of the priSoNs of those who would separate us from
    light as dark.. and that is wHEre the value of struggle and
    Tears come in as sentient star dUst pluS liFe rises to liGht sTiLL ouT oF
    dArk at end and beginning now oF resurrection of eternally now… so yes
    and we are
    that Clause of
    God hidden within
    for most and RiSinG LiGht
    in the Neos who BreaK out NoW
    of the Matrix that StILL is/are eternal
    lies of dArk as now too.. and sure.. all
    the sHades of grey that make liFe coNfusions
    too as when life is fUsed with God all is Happy Joy..
    JuSt another NoW iN the life oF oNe MicroVerse heAR..
    as OceaN wHOle liFe iN TruTh and liGht continues to evolve
    so far so far out of the group thiNk of twitter verse as life now..
    see.. the thing is.. this is all you take with you.. yOur soUl.. the Trump
    Towers fall to duST.. and to give it.. is wHere the take sTarts as without
    is no real
    take in the
    future for receive..
    sAdly.. until folks figure
    that out tHeRE WiLL never
    be what flows within the chalice
    without walls of separation that keep
    Love from esCapinG as liGht and TrUth isREaL..
    and yeah..now.. i’m gonna need a rather long tHeMe
    SonG for this one as i still have some other memories
    to share in way of all free Facebook Agorithm MacroVerse
    MicroMicroVerse and photos provided on this day.. hmm.. sure
    Meditation MuSiC WiLL do but by all means do not forget the SpiRiT
    of DancE and SonG of doing liFe MoVinG.. CoNnecTing.. and Co-Creating
    more verse of UniVerse of now as sitting STiLL iS only a first moVE towARd liGht
    in connecting..
    creating.. giving
    and sharing liFE aS
    TrUth and liGht as Wisdom
    and Love GroWs WiTh WiLL
    of the fearless and smARt KinD
    as courage
    of WiLL
    over Love as
    umbreLLa oF TruTh and liGht..
    yes.. Faith as 100 perCent LovELiFe..
    So.. A MacroVerse from two years ago named..
    “Undressing Curtains in Light of TRUTH NOW”.. then and now..
    surELy on topic and worth repeating here in terms of 418 words…
    as note.. this Nautilus is multi-chambered as any Alice and Wonderland
    Rabbit wHole will go.. and remember.. don’t get lost heRE/hEar plEase.. go out
    and co-create yoUr own Nautilus SheLL AS Truly this wHole thing is jusT
    inspiraTion for YOU TO DO EVEN MORE THAN THIS and that is how
    God hOlds hands around the globe.. iN a SonG oF DancE too when
    we all come toGeTheR and create multi-chambered
    Nautiluses of Art and Free Love that
    has no end of bliss
    and nirvana
    in the heaven
    now.. you see this is
    no myth or fairy tale lone..
    no religion reALLy than be
    the director as ‘i’ creates and
    produces actor ‘I’ and paSSioN
    of spiRit as exclamation point!
    oF A TriniTy of God within
    as A DancE and SonG
    coMe isReaL
    NoW2 as A
    HUman BeinG
    Father/Motheror juSt
    anoTheRr hUman BeinG as
    staR duSt SuN plUs beCOmes
    SenTieNT more fully MiNdFuLLy and BoDiLY
    aWaRE as/in the inHeriTance oF isReaL HeaVEn NoW..:)

    Undressing Curtains in Light of TRUTH NOW







    is not ALWAYS

    an easy thing to do…

    i agree that many people

    look at Faith and Religion

    like THIS in BOTH historical

    and modern days..

    PER Faith is the Belief

    in unprovable things

    and Religion is

    the Socio-



    of Faith..




    is TRUST

    THAT RealITy

    makes sense..



    AS SUCH…

    And Religion CAN be

    device of human language

    that points to Truth…

    And yes.. once again.. Religion and Faith..

    in the Eyes and Falsehood of many folks..

    are simply ABSTRACT literary devices

    used to Oppress and

    Repress Human Nature


    the herd for control

    through illusory


    So in other words..

    Have faith in what

    i tell you OR ELSE…

    So in other words..

    Believe the tenants

    of this religion or go to prison..



    THESE ARE the ways


    RULE of human

    ignorance UPHELD..

    The movie “The Book of Eli”

    illustrates the difference

    between those

    who uphold Truths

    of Faith and Religion

    VS the tool of Religion and Faith

    used to Oppress and Repress Human Nature

    AND subjugate humans for control through Illusory FEARS…

    Overall.. the Political States of the Islam world

    STILL use Religion and Faith

    AS A TOOL this way…

    But Western Countries

    are moving away

    from this

    sad STATE

    of affairs finally..

    As i know YA KNOW…

    My religion IS SIMILAR..

    as my native American Indian

    Ancestors.. per Sioux and Cherokee…

    It is Dance and Song












    First there IS Dark..
    Then light..
    Then movement or Dance..
    Then sound or Song
    Fueling movement from THEN ON


    AND a much better chance of connecting to HUMAN others…

    And that my friend is my FAITH.. Religion..


    JUST call me Master

    Chief Aghogday..

    HA! ha!
    he HE!


    linked here..

    MASTER chief Aghogday

    And that’s JUST a metaphor.. of course.. ALL OF THIS IN FACT..

    IT WORKS for me.. and that my friend IS ALL i NEED…

    THE pursuit of Life.. Liberty.. and Happiness..


    where one DANCES THE SONG




    on course.. as IS.. NOW.. as WELL…



    Of course that was before
    “Brexit” and “Trump”
    as the so
    ‘Good Book’
    in the western
    world is once
    again falling to the
    hands of ‘the bad guys’..
    in thAT Book oF Eli..juST
    anoThER book hEAR too big
    for ‘TrUmp eYes’.. so no fear oF iT
    getting in the wrong hands here as
    that is what the historical bards did and do hEAR.. STiLL..
    if i had Trump aims.. i would finish it in less than character(s) of 140 words
    in what his ‘minions’ could finish before the next NASCAR lap.. and that’s
    okay.. as the race of life is long and now with much to experience NeXT as
    hey.. i played many.. A video gAMe.. yes the same FucKinG oNe in as a mind
    numbing Snow Board Game for years.. with little to no creative liGht from me too..
    unTil the God of Nature took effective use of my eYes and eaRs with the dentist
    Drill-like pain of Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia FORCING ME TO LOOK WITHIN
    PRIsON OF THE narRow matrix of culture then.. for 33 months with no wHeRe
    to eventuAlly go but to God within and then a word written 74 months ago
    on the Wrong Planet with light of computer screen turned all the
    way down in excruciating mountain of pain to get through
    each word then as the dARk of Pain evenTuALLy RoSe
    to Phoenix RiSinG 33 MoNths after that with
    a Public Dance and and Ocean WhOle
    Poem staRting as Phoenix
    riSinG in Fire oF FlAMe oF
    liGht from the ashes of
    the dARk paIN
    of BeFore
    that suRely is/was
    the dARk of God
    WiThiN me that bRought
    the liGht to TrUth of Wisdom
    and Love.. fearless.. smARt and
    UncoNditional aGaIN.. i live as is i be i am LiGhT..
    but yes i give all the credit to the DaRK oF GoD wiThiN too..
    And suRely an appropriate prelude this is to the NeXt MicroMicroVerse
    as shared from a year as coming next here all free as Facebook memory too..:)

    i never kNew beauty sad
    until i could shed
    no tears
    of any
    and then i found
    the strength of Atlas
    in one tear that finAlly
    made weak
    legs strong..
    a death now..
    made a tear..
    a dear cat..
    then.. a tear
    now made a
    human again..
    if only for a moment
    and the tear birthed
    the first spark of hope
    in five years.. truly the
    first flame to rise up
    from five years
    of Ashes
    in July
    of that 2013 year..
    so.. sure.. the story of the
    strength of sorrow and joy
    inspires me certainly and
    bRinGs that strength
    even greater
    in the
    present of
    now by reinforcing
    it again and again through
    the art of fingers in song
    of creativity iN
    and later
    dance again..
    until every cell in my
    body receives joy in
    sure.. neurochemical
    receptor way
    my body..
    in this greater way of understanding
    how dArk and LiGht work for joy
    and hope.. as well as challenge..
    it is great to know and feel
    that the UniVerse as is
    innate iN uS.. iS aS
    merciful to allow
    a tear
    sMiLe.. do
    i need to
    reAlly.. i feel
    therefore.. i
    F E E L..:)

    SMiLes aGaiN.. my friend gigoid
    and Love to you as WeLL..
    Life is a struggle and joy..
    some stuff
    the sAMe
    as balance..
    ah.. but
    iN pleaSure
    over struggle..:)

    And now.. finAlly as per beginning
    muse of two sweet Alumni from the
    Nautilus College Mascot of UWF School
    and motto of my old school as graduated
    with three degrees in 1983.. one year before i
    entered a work world of surely pARt of the original
    ‘1984’ Novel as well.. wHEre the school motto there
    in more lofty terms of goal is Oliver Wendell Holmes SonG
    of Poetry about the Nautilus to encourage folks to build thee more
    stately mansions. hehe.. yes.. i suppose Trump took that to heARt too..
    read or not in poetry way.. however.. surely buildings of edifice that are
    too tall..
    both block
    out the sun in
    sky and sun of
    soul WiThIn as
    reflection of
    of StaR BurST
    stArs thAT make us
    wHAt we ArE NoW WiTh A
    PoTenTiaL of Shining Bright
    A HeARt as SpiRit or faIlling
    to form of BLacK wHOle SuN too..
    how to inFUse someone liKe TrumP
    WiTh tHiS liGht.. iMpossible reALLy
    As A STar oF HUMan muSt geneRate NoW
    tHeir own liGht no different than free cHIld
    reALLy as the Suns and Stars we are as PARTWHOLE/GOD/ALL..
    Just waiting
    for ‘Trumps’
    to take tHeir
    Diapers off NoW..
    get all cleaned off
    as swUm by water and flOwn
    by air as the seagull does free
    facing no shadows of skyscrapers
    wHEre angles of building beCome AngELs
    of Heaven once more now.. tHeRe’S alWays tiMe NoW..
    free and live..
    tiMe with no
    alive aGaIN..
    SwiM floW iN Zone
    YES.. rise.. THRiVE..LiVE

    And now.. a final Memory for this MicroVerse to reach an
    end for now.. yes.. indeed a very long MicroVerse but hehe..
    STiLL much shorter than a MacroVerse with surely
    MicroMicroVerses contained as well.. hehe..
    yes.. here.. depending on what pArT
    of the wHole
    you may
    read heRE
    or tHEre or
    over heRE or tHEre
    hehe.. as i break this stuff
    up in much smaller pieces
    to share around too on Twitter
    and Facebook and individual homes
    oF FolkS on blogs too then and now
    as in the present
    all is
    as present
    gift of even more
    as MiNdFuLLy AwARe
    bEcOmes more focused iN
    Mind and BoDy NoW as now is
    is aLL tHeRe is NoW and beYond words
    of Human iNFiniTy in abstract contruct
    ways and terms too.. so yeah.. a trip back
    to ’75 at age 14 at a high school Beau Dance
    in 9th grade then.. and the girl who asked me.. by
    name of Becky.. surely from a distance looks a lot like
    that nice much shorter blonde woman off the the Big
    Bang Theory TV show as you see all of the folks at
    this table.. wHEre a little jab by the cool kid
    Yearbook Annual creators said this is a
    table to sit the dance
    out as wall
    do too..
    yes.. all members
    we were of B Beta Club
    for the smarty pants folks
    with not a whole lot oF art
    in the social ways of
    life but oh
    lord.. even
    sTiLL.. i was/am
    the odd human.. then..
    out.. but you see.. out
    cast has its benefits of
    LooKing WithiN.. fiNDinG and
    BeInG oNE WiTh God.. so yes..
    thAT is why the meek and last
    do STiLL more than many oTheRs
    InHerit the Kingdom of God as tHeRE
    is simply no choice but to look within deeper
    when one is outcast for whatever reason from the group
    of life..
    i wouldn’t do
    it any otHeR way
    iF Given the choice..
    to rise from dARk to liGht
    agAIn.. aS SuREly the dARk bRings
    the greATest liGhts within noW in Victory
    of Love and Hope aWay from Hate and fear..
    YOU dog/cat
    stars oF aS iN LiFE LiGht..
    and that’s the thing.. the outcasts
    of liFe.. no different than me are attracted
    to each otHeR naturAlly as the greaTest empathy
    of Love comes from the dArk of Pain and numb sAMe.. so..
    i hOld my head high to rise wiTh the outcasts to cOme and riSE hiGher aGaIn..:)

  2. Well.. it wasn’t actuAlly planned in advance for the Chinese New Year
    but never the less.. we celebrated the Chinese New Year on
    the 28th of January 2017.. ‘their time’.. ahead of ours
    of course at the local
    that we patronize
    across the years but
    haven’t been to in many
    months as in my opinion
    the King Buffet in Pensacola
    beats the Grand Buffet in Pace
    Florida but hey! it’s all Chinese Food
    when all is said and ate and they did serve
    very long Snow Crab Legs tonight as the wife
    Katrina did most of the job iN delivering the fresh
    meat from inside the Snow Crab Leg shells.. as yes..
    she enjoys
    staying busy
    serving others with
    love as that is one technically
    identified language of love in
    serving others and she likes
    the gift language of love
    best it seems and
    i like the
    time languages
    of Love too of course with
    Golden Rule style Love too..
    harming no other folks and loving
    them how ya love yAsELf as neighbor sAMe..
    and nah.. Christianity surely doesn’t have a copy
    right on this as this came way back in Hinduism about
    3200 BC as the list review below surely shows noW2..:)

    Buddhism: 560 BC, From the Udanavarga 5:18:

    “Hurt not others with that which pains yourself.”

    Judaism: 1300 BC, from the Old Testament, Leviticus 19:18:

    “Thou shalt Love thy neighbor as thyself.”

    Hinduism: 3200 BC, From the Hitopadesa:

    “One should always treat others as they themselves wish to be treated.”

    Zoroastrianism: 600 BC, From the Shast-na-shayast: 13:29

    “Whatever is disagreeable to yourself, do not do unto others.”

    Confucianism: 557 BC, From the Analects 15:23:

    “What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.”

    Christianity: 30 AD, From the King James Version 7:12:

    “Whatsoever ye would that others should do to you, do ye even so to them.”

    So.. NO.. Christianity doesn’t have a golden copyright on the golden
    rule.. hehe.. and they really don’t need too as the Golden
    Rule is the normal way of behaving human in
    small naked groups of less than
    150 to 200 sets
    of eYes
    set free
    in small village
    life wHeRe empathy
    and compassion for each
    other are not only a requirement
    for thriving but for base survival too..
    so.. toGeTheR we stand per cliche of DiViDed
    we fall too.. as surELy this is a hint for an administration
    now that has little human empathy and compassion for others
    if they aren’t just like you that is them in fitting in on the global
    scene growing smaller as the Trump Crew is in danger of burning
    bridges and building walls to block out folks from Mexico when we
    too.. due to climate change may be wanting to get down to old Mexico
    to escape coming climate catastrophes.. including higher prices and
    and a birth rate that will fall to dangerous levels of supporting the
    older folks if we do not continue to allow the immigrants
    who come in to stay.. as hey.. how the hell do
    ya think ya are gonna build a big
    wall without the reliable
    that already
    does the jobs
    no one else wants to do..
    for cheaper FucKinG Bucks..
    it’s all Tom Fuckery.. nuTheR day in tow..
    anyWay.. no one owns the keys for hUman
    Altruism that comes for free.. Billionaire or not..
    Love wins in the end of the beginning never finishing sTARt of LiFe NOW..
    And.. oh by A way.. considering thaT i am born on 6660 that IS A Metal Year
    of thE
    i’LL do some
    rat rap later to
    accompany some heavy
    metal dance and song for the
    Year of the Fire Rooster coming now
    to a Chinese Restaurant.. near.. and dear to you too..;)

  3. Haibun: Divine Timing

    sMiLes.. my FriEnd.. Xenia Tran.. i guess
    i am more of a fast
    cat who thinks
    deeply but
    missed the
    fact that the smiling
    nice young woman who
    is actually the only one from
    the entire dVerse trail that i fully
    comment on from that trail who took the time
    and effort to at least come by then/now with
    a smile of like.. so.. i suppose.. i too.. kNow..
    FeeL and SeNSe as ReaL the
    Water surELy
    DanceS a SonG
    of God FreeLY and suRELy
    A SiGn that wins an SoS of
    an entire globe’s soUL for
    a day in the liFE of God
    WiThiN NoW..
    i missed the friendly
    Greyhounds pointing
    back here in the last
    few times you
    my blog
    as it seems
    that only a finished
    blog was linked.. beFore.. as you
    see.. my friEnd.. i’ve visited thousands of
    poets over the course of the last three and
    a half years and i remember the places i FeeL the
    greaTEst liGhts and your home here is one of those
    places for a connoisseur oF liGht as now my friEnd.. flowS on…Peace..:)

  4. Talk to the Mirror

    Haha.. “when i look in the Mirror
    i see a Unicorn.. A Bad Ass Unicorn”
    well i guess.. in A style of the Super
    Hero Named Fred off the Disney
    Movie.. Big Hero 6.. this is
    suRely true
    in a
    more fully
    revealed and surely as
    passionate about liFe.. as ‘me’..
    ‘talking to the mirror’.. my friEnd..
    is talking to the within.. the paRt
    of us that is at lEast 14 Billion years old
    according to science.. innate instinct
    and intuition that sings and dances
    oF our fore bearers iN this great
    miracle of life noW oN this
    planet eARTh even
    for the
    smAllest of
    sea creatures..
    millions of years ago
    who are also our parents
    as is crucible star burst death
    oF F aLLen stars and riSinG liFe
    noW iN the Love of hUman eYes
    or not for this fullest miracle of liFe
    that can be heaven on earth now full of
    abundance if we all look within to find the Love
    and Harmony and Peace of Love that lives so bright
    within surviving all the struggles to coMe to this point
    of Loving iT aLL as A Buddha miGht say and those other
    so-called enLiGhTeNed ones to see all as beauty is to be
    trUth and LIGht as beauty sees and hears a Song of Bliss..
    well.. my Friend.. tHeRE was a day iN decades of work.. a Hurricane
    named Ivan and the destruction of the byproducts of cultural infrastructure
    that brOught me to the reaLiTy that all of my life was out there and there was
    little left inside to relate to in deeper ways of words or other symbols and
    guideposts as signs to deeper holy and sacred meaning and purpose then
    iN/aS life… Years more went by lost from self.. And pain and disability took
    ‘me’ away from culture again.. no choice but to look within
    with effective use of eyes and ears gone..
    no more emotion.. mostly bLack
    wHole soUL.. i climbed
    out my
    and found
    within and the
    within i live now
    has no limits as a smile
    as wider as infinity of Love
    wHo refuses to shine any less than Love..
    As aLWays.. thanks for the inspiration of your
    words.. my friend Prajakta.. as truly as long as
    you seek answers to the questions of life they will come..:)

  5. Is that an igloo?….

    WeLL.. HeLLo.. gigoid.. surELy
    i aM gLad to see that yoUr
    ‘igloo’ today is
    mELting into
    of GiVinG
    and ShaRinG
    as that is what
    hUman does best
    when love trumps hate.. hehe…
    i reFuse to let my blood pressUre
    rise.. so i put the righteous indignation into art as
    art as a source of most human healing when creating free..
    aS SurELy reFuSinG to let it go IS A ticKing tiMe bomb of sLow
    tortUre as LiVinG deATh..
    aka HAte..
    and all the
    otHeR sTuFF
    now wiTh fear
    of letting
    go now of
    control and
    spiRAlinG aRoUnd
    the sun as any trULy
    Free Seagull WiLL do
    after they shit as all free birds do do..too..
    i thiNK thaT iS correct grammar but as my
    mother says as a published science-like
    poet.. oh my god my son
    is living
    of life as i coNtinUe
    WTFTW iN HeaVeN
    F L O W iN z O N E noW..
    a place i NoW cannot make
    her drink as be the water Now
    and air of course too.. eARTh
    Wind And Fire as sWeLL.. too..:)

    “Where there is much light there is also much shadow.”

    ~~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ~~

    Not only thaT..
    thE LiGht
    thE dARk…
    thaT is why
    thE LiGht
    muSt shine
    dARk to
    LiGht cOmes aGAiN
    And i suppose iN words
    that’s kinda how thE wHole EnChildA works..;)

    “Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.
    Who looks outside, dreams.
    Who looks inside, awakens.”

    ~~ Carl Jung ~~

    And dARk
    iNside inN YiN
    and YanG oF
    animus as diViNe
    masculiNe and
    anima as diViNe
    femiNine aS iN WiLL
    And Grace and Strength oF Love…
    One.. knows/feels/senses.. my friEnd
    iF one cannot find God
    iOn the
    BEach now
    with no clothes
    or words or books
    no God..
    but hey.. now/then
    “its” harder to find iN
    O U T S iD E N OW oF
    EDen A B U N D A N C E
    iN A desert so ‘they’ made
    onLY and
    last prophets
    and such as that..
    on flat lands
    and iN Rocky
    caves too
    of scarCity…
    Never the less..
    God shines as A desert moon too..
    and under a tree and on the beach
    and iN A desert
    iN a cave
    with labELs
    for psychosis..;)

    “First things first, but not necessarily in that order.”

    ~~ Doctor Who, MEGLOS ~~


    “Any fool can know.
    The point is to understand.”

    ~~ Albert Einstein

    Data download


    LiVinG LiGhT..:)

    “We dance round in a ring and suppose,
    But the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”

    ~~ Robert Frost “The Secret Sits” 1936 ~~

    With modern technology
    we can finAlly
    of the Hurricane
    as above.. so below..
    inside.. outside.. and
    all around.. And iF we faiL to
    deVelop an eYe oUr stoRm fAils sooner2..
    and most every
    on the
    Savannah FeeLs/SenseS this
    too.. ha!.. so calLed apeX predATor
    as tools butT at coRe.. Trump Weak..
    overAll.. as hUMan storms are fAiLiNG..
    very few..
    “KaTriNa StatUs now”..;)

    “Always store beer in a dark place.”

    ~~ Lazarus Long

    So.. i go dancing on Thursday night
    as usual and there is one dude who
    suggests i might be some kind of undercover
    law enforcement dude to uncover illegal drug shit going down..
    and there is another
    dude as high as
    a loving
    on Molly
    suggesting that
    i must be on something to
    be high as a Mr. Kite.. DanCinG too..
    thing is.. my beer is always lit
    uP wiTh no beer aT aLL..
    to check out of dARk…
    And rules…
    i fly with no periods..@aLL
    GiVinG Caesar all his local..
    state.. and federal law sense
    due course of course.. STiLL.. NoW FReED..;)

    “Are all your stars shining?”

    ~~ JD Salinger ~~

    i aM liGhTinG
    uP more
    as i sPeak here more in the
    bliss oF aLL thaT neurochemistry liT uP too..
    a big
    from head to toe
    as fractal reflection
    of thE wHOle dAM enChildA..;)

    “I think it’s good that everyone becomes food.”

    ~~ Hobbes, the Tiger ~~

    Green PlanETs2..
    Teeth too..
    inclUsive oF caNiNes..
    to save the plants from
    endless munching2..
    And yes..
    putting food
    iN a box to rot
    to dust now2
    IS A fairly
    sELfish thing to do2..
    as far as overAll give and take goes2..;)

    “It’s a fool’s life,
    a rogue’s life,
    and a good life
    if you keep laughing all the way to the grave.”

    ~~ Edward Abbey ~~

    THeRe is no fear noW iN
    Laugh when isREaL and
    GoD’s A LauGh2 NoW2
    And thAt’s how i kNoW/
    FeeL/SeNSE NoW2 thAt
    ‘Trumps’ wrote ‘those
    bibles’.. no iSreal
    or holy
    coNseNsuAL LUsT NoW
    FuLL of meaning and purpose2..
    As uP is dOwn and riGht is wronG
    aS rePlace HoLY lauGh/luSt wiTh fEaR
    NoW And get World War III.. FuLL blOWN…
    So.. i DancE and SinG and giVe iT soMe FinGers..;)

  6. Hmm.. some nows.. NoW..
    yA juSt have to pull out
    both the Karmic eYes
    and put them into
    full affect/NoW
    when the original
    Greek Definition of
    Apocalypse as far as
    lifting the veils of ignorance
    is becoming Heavier and Heavier
    as Trump lies sing a SonG so dARk
    so dArk away from Peace and Harmony
    aS even the Coca Cola Company knows/
    feeLs and SeNses better than all the alpha
    monkey slinging stuff going around in the last
    week/year or so ago.. as hey.. this stuff sTiNKs..
    sure.. in words
    too to relate
    just to let
    it out
    in my case
    so it will not
    rot anymore in
    my brAiN as stINk
    StaNk StUFF tRump
    StuFf tEnds to do.. and hell
    no.. i ain’t gonna shut up about
    fear and hate to pretend that
    Nazi Germany cannot rise
    up over heAr now
    too as
    the siGns
    are clear as a tar
    bLacK dArk whOle
    sToLd sOld souL sTar
    as the DarK MiNIoN pluS TrumP
    FolloWers of the most despicable
    human by far as far as little to no honesty
    or integrity buys his way to leader of a free
    world with the other folks wondering what fresh
    hell will come neXt as the used cAr SalEsman promises
    them pipe dreams of new Jobs as the richest of the richest
    come to rule the country to insure their richest friends get even
    more rich too as Capitalism sings a song with hopes of getting rid
    of all the social nets that minions are more likely to fall through in the
    next recession or great depression or world war III that comes nexT
    as sAdly around the 80 percent of evangelistic so-called Christians
    gather a dream for an Apocalypse similar to a nuclear war end
    by FriGGinG taKinG the Dream of a first Century or so
    dude that wasn’t even in a cave.. about the
    over rule of the so-called be loving
    over class rule of the day
    of the now back
    then now too ..
    that has become
    a Holy and Sacred
    Nocebo Voodoo way
    of wishing for the end of
    Heaven here on eARth for a place
    they’ve never been and a place that folks
    still live within.. inside.. outside and all around..
    no different really than the words attributed to a
    man who said the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand
    and promised it in this generation that was that generation
    and of course the ones beFore and alWays the ones after NoW
    as Heaven IS A state of BeinG within one with God NoW as any frigging
    Yogi already experiences like the Yogi-like reported Yeshua Aramaic
    illiterate dude said then or not after filterS in the desert dusty roads of
    round table discussion of this way or that way or the dusty highway
    more to ‘waiting for Godot’.. wHo/thAT never coMes anyWhERe else
    but WithIn as co-created WiTh and As God WiThIN..
    inside.. outside.. above.. so below and all around…
    Oh Lord.. folks who come to this place
    have been attempting to hELp BRinG
    folks heRe forever NoW as LonG
    as folks have been
    here or never
    into the
    DiViNe WiThIN
    of GoDoM noW as
    metaphored in so many
    abstract construct symbols
    throughout the history of the hUman
    World… see.. the thing is all the real cool
    teachings of Jesus have been reported far
    far away in both time and place for that place
    then and now.. it’s human nature realized as ways
    that work and shared with other folks in kind and courage
    to hELp them wiTH empathy and compassion to make A
    Heaven of Abundance of Love WiThiN overfloWinG as Chalice
    NoW without any form butt essence of Love inside as Temple oF God
    flesh and blood radiates this liGht oF LoVe too.. wow.. HEAVEN EXPERIENCED
    YES.. WE HAVE IT.. as the bELk’s SToRE even relates too on the mirrored columns that hold
    up the CeiLinG tHeRe.. whetHeR or not the nice customer service folks live in Heaven now or
    not.. the meSsAGe of the Ages rings trUe.. as some folks live in sHades of Grey to
    dArk and otherS liVe beYOnd RainBoW colors of WhiTE liGhT iN HeaVeN NoW..
    and for uS folkS it’s enough to make ya wanna bang ya head against a brick
    wall as folks lock themselves out of heaven with stagnant ways
    of MoVinG CoNnecTinG and Co-CreaTinG LIVe adding
    A verse moRe to the UniVeRSe of all that is God as
    Nature plUs too.. but nah.. no head
    banging for me.. as i will
    finger piano pLay
    it wiTh aRT
    and DancE
    as the
    DArk TruMpeT
    oF LIGht BRinGS even
    sweeter refRains of HeaVeN noW..
    and you see and hear or not.. it is ‘the
    Judas’ who often bleeds most as the Judas
    and the Judas followers StiLL aWay
    from liGht of GiVinG and ShARinG
    liGht wiTh otHeRS NoW..
    including turning
    away folks
    in need
    as you do to the
    lEast you do to God sAMe..
    Karma WiLL biTe you in the ass
    and bless yOUr heaRt.. do as one wills
    and pay the dARk or LiGht consequences
    of positive LiGht or negative dARk actions now
    later of course or even now.. it goes and comes around
    in God’s tiMe that is no tiMe but NoW.. iT’s disgusting that
    freedom and even so-called Jesus can be bOught with fear
    and all things related to fear and hate and that love can be replaced
    by TaKinG and bLocKinG LoVe out.. and oh.. yeah.. sTuFF like ignorance
    against fActs like the fact that wHere planned parenthood and even legal
    abortions occur there are technical fewer abortions than wHere abortion is outlawed..


    ..all together with little to no planned parenthood in Catholic Ways of hate against
    effective contraception and all the other religious/oTheR ways of ignorance against the
    necessity of God’s BaLanCE in all of NAtuRe as even in the United States now
    abortions per thousand women have fallen to lower rates than even
    when abortion first became available in ’73 then/now.. PLANNED
    and not only that the impact of unsafe abortion is much
    more suffering for the unborn more and the mother still
    in ways of slow tortuous deaths
    for child and mother and
    permanent disability too..
    but how ya gonna ‘make’ folks believe that now
    who don’t even appreciate the fAct that an asteroid
    created all of human life back 66 million years ago stArting
    with the rise of a rodent-like ancestor we humans have shared..
    since about 75 million years ago too.. yep.. that Asteroid hELped
    make A Gulf of Mexico.. likely.. and we humans too.. might have seemed
    to be a bad thing for sure.. for the dinosaurs then.. but hey.. these humans
    these days are dumb enough not only to potentially destroy themselves
    with bombs but also to sLoWly destroy tHeir hoMe that is the only Heaven
    they will ever see on eARTh..NoW.. how dumb is that.. WeLL.. as far as lifting veils
    oF ignorance.. those veils are sold and bOught.. hook line sinKer and aLL.. so the watchers..
    watch.. and hope for an isREAL Apocalypse more of lifting these/those veils of ignorance..NoW..
    HeaVeN alWays
    now.. never ever hoarding
    it to ourselves.. meanwhile.. “the
    Trump’s” live in HeLL NoW WiTh
    rarely to ever fully satisfying essence
    as Chalice of Love overfloWinG within to
    Give and Share to oTheRs Free.. they are the
    losers doing tHeir best to BRinG Heaven down now
    to tHeir level of HeLL heRE on eARtH as literal metaphor
    too as both IsReaL Heaven and Hell and the ‘tween of that
    lives within HUman Being STiLL NoW since way way beForE
    2K years ago.. and for more years to come if we don’t keep shooting
    ourselves in the FucKinG FeAT of Feet and Hands WiTh Trump bulLets of ignorance more..
    chest.. DO wiTh
    iT as anyone miGht
    WiLL either ‘tween of
    HeAVen and HeLL and/or all
    the sHades of Purgatory Grey
    BeTweeN thaT witHiN too.. God FeeLs
    and SeNses iN aLL hUman eYes of misery
    and suffeRing and trUst me.. God is not deaf
    to the crying oF aLL those who are suffering
    at the hand of the Trump and his minions now…
    Karma will SinG her SonG and best be on the beach side of Karma
    to dance with you..;)


    And now a MacroVerse Memory.. “THE FARTHEST STAR”
    from three years ago.. with the first lines as quoted by
    long term online Blogger Friend Lala Rukh
    from Pakistan then.. now// immigrant in the UK..:)

    .”.Life ‘Inception’

    …..Riddle wrapped in Enigma

    …………………….Prehistoric pen shrieks

    …………………………………………………Echoing Like

    …………………………………………………………Tunnels in Labyrinth

    ………………………………………………………………………..Reflecting tales of Illusion

    ………………………………………………………..Time follows the quest

    …………………………………………..Of Unreachable Stars

    …………………………..Struggles and failures

    ………………Bleed into Hope

    The cycle Continues..”

    The Farthest Star

    by Katie Mia FredericK

    True th@tHe Prehistoric Pen leads to labyrinth of illusion..
    ut..as long as tHere is hope..for truth..




    AND THEN the feathered

    shape of yOur song.. instead of boom..

    ..e rang..becomes a rocket..fueled.. to reach th@star..the farthest star..the star t o F ALL that comes….

    SO YoUR

    “And by the way…*!ya!*..

    are simply brilliant.. dear..

    the World WILL be @loss…

    if yoUr marr..i..age..

    stops yOUR


    i encourage ya to continue on….

    after ya adjust to



    yah.. i know





    but yaH..i will be


    as usuAlly

    for yOur





    (little x means respect


    the way

    Significance of the ‘STACHE

    And now.. A MacroVerse Memory from two years ago
    named “Signficance of the ‘STACHE”.. yes..
    humorous with of course
    somewhat witty
    too and
    surely on
    topic of ‘the pill’
    and sucH as thaT
    as typicAlly women.. while
    OFF the pill.. are more attracted
    to the alpha male hairy type sTiLL oF
    male.. And ON the pill.. well.. the more
    masculine in secondary sex characteristics
    like a furry chest are more of the protector
    class of desired males to come more per do..
    and bare chests and hairless faces tend to rule
    more when the women are more in charge heHe.. with ‘the pill’..
    is it no wonder that patriarchy shares so many beards.. nAha.. it’s not..
    as the more sex differences there are in the genders the more patriarchy rules
    as a science
    rule now
    of course..
    and sure.. in general..
    Asian folks are less aggressive
    in Trump ways of loud mouth alpha monkeys
    or those who pretend to be alpha monkeys like
    self male esteem
    that doesn’t have to
    win women over with dollar bills
    and such as that
    now/then for
    value over
    the sweat
    of a furry protector brow..
    wiTh wInks of course as these
    are generaliTies with plenty of
    exceptions that also rule in
    substantive hairy stache ways or not..
    And yes.. the Beatles helped bring
    back the Stache with tHeir
    “SgT. Pepper’s Lonely
    heARts Club Band”
    Album coveR.. at
    leASt for
    them likely
    inspired by thaT
    law enforcement bust
    oF A some-What random law-enforcement
    statue dude from the porch of John Lennon
    as a Random Synchronicity thingie that goes
    along with all tHeir so called non-sense SonGS
    from the psychedelic LSD inspired music 60’s.. wHeRE
    the HoLy SpiRit FloW WiThiN (God liGht within too)..
    provides a-causal connecting principle SiGns
    of Synchronicity as iNk Blot Masterpiece
    painting of what some folks
    name as
    and oTheR
    FoLks as/is BrUshes
    NoW oF/as/is GoD do Now see as
    Masterpiece taPestry wHOle GoD NoW
    as boTh A greaT adVenTurE oF liFE! as/is/oF GoD aLL noW aLL..
    and sure.. for whatever reason.. but art.. i tend to look a lot like that alabaster
    stOne face
    on the
    cover sTiLL
    of that album too
    with all the back up
    of the sages of the ages
    to cover me too.. fresh out of stone
    like a moon child who continues to
    evolve more than a rock.. oF miNioN.. hehe..
    but hey.. by the sAMe toKen.. like an Egyptian God
    if ya
    get the
    not so
    projection of That2..
    heHe as mE hAha2..
    all ferTile aS Such2..
    Pan and Apollo and all that2
    And suRe eT aL like Katy Perry SinGs2..;)


    the precious ‘stache

    a cosmetic accessory to hide

    my alien


    since 1976…

    But more than that

    a symbol of rebels of difference..

    Since the Industrial Revolution..

    peaking with

    Magnum P.I.


    the 70’s

    and now



























    Where females went from Ooh La La

    to Eww.. Ugh.. Gross..





    i personally believe it has something to do with the PILL..

    but instead of writing a research paper..

    i’ll just say.. thank GOD

    my days




    70’S for hairy ways!

    At least I have something

    growing for


    All over the place




    Hmm.. wHat else.. WeLL yes.. *’Contact’
    aS Such with a MicroMicroVerse Memory
    below as shared on Facebook from a year ago..
    and wHo kNows.. could be thAT Dude who wonders
    uP on that reALLy SuBliMe graphic representation of Pensacola
    Beach too.. yep.. Movie inspired by a Carl Sagan book too..;)

    SMiLes.. i suppose the main reason
    i have no desire to go to Mars or the Moon..
    is.. i’ve practically never left the Paradise that
    i live in.. here.. in Northwest Florida.. beyond
    the folks who can kinda be sticks in the mud
    of the past sometimes.. yeah.. i’ve been to
    edifaced Washington DC.. still not
    impressive to me.. compared to
    the sugar white sand and
    emerald green gulf of
    the beaches here
    along with breezing swaying
    sea oats.. and dove white seagulls..
    and did i mention the bikinis.. yes.. the
    bikinis and tan skin too.. and Disney World..
    that was cool.. but i have to admit that as a
    young man.. what i remembered most was
    all the tan foreign women.. not wearing bras..
    i guess i’m human so sue me.. hehe… so now..
    In shorts.. i say..
    if there are
    no bikinis
    on other
    i ain’t
    but i’m older
    now.. but sTill
    and when i watched one
    of my most favorite movies..
    ‘Contact’ inspired by
    the writings of
    Carl Sagan..
    it was no surprise to
    me at all that the place
    picked for Paradise out
    of all the Universe
    for Jodie
    Beach at the end
    of that Movie.. and also
    no surprise that after Billions
    of years of research the advanced
    Aliens.. came to the simple conclusion
    that what makes purpose and meaning
    iN all of life.. iS the deep human connection
    of affective
    in emotional
    contagion of actually
    feeling the other person’s
    heArt of emoTioNs and sharing
    that together.. sadly technology..
    as ironicAlly even science shows
    takes that away.. when mechanical
    problem solving cognition activities
    take the center role over
    life.. the touchY feelY
    human ways
    of connection
    wither away
    no less than
    a stopped up
    pipe of life..
    FULL oF
    iN iT..
    That’s why i saY
    F all that.. yes..
    Fred all that..
    and move
    to poeTry
    and dance
    to increase
    the Alien gift
    iN me of 14.5 billion
    years ago.. or so before
    then.. the gift of that
    YEs.. in the preSent
    of now..
    in paradise
    R E A L NOW..
    Some nows just a
    10 minute segment
    iN a movie says it aLL..
    to employ my
    9 minutes
    and 53 seconds..
    i’m not counting anymore..
    i let Microsoft Word do that for
    me and Word Press in terms
    of effective/affective results after
    the flow of
    free.. and
    sure.. my Nike
    GPS sports
    watch for miles
    and miles of dance
    in stores.. after the
    flow of that
    for now
    as well..
    iN Affect of
    effect of Human
    BEinG for N0W WeLL..:)

    *As i continue to build ‘this place’
    for otHeRs to coMe aGAiN iN thE Future too..;)

  7. His registered nickname is “Stinky”….

    “I cannot achieve complete humility
    — although complete humiliation is always within reach.”

    — Dan Goodman

    WeLL.. gigoid.. humbly i say
    i missed this one
    in my
    feed at
    first but
    seconds help
    and as far as humiLiTy
    goes if one cannot find someone
    to adequately haze one like a school
    class verbal bully in public affront tHeRe
    is alWays self-haze for those who intend
    to rise
    and retain
    humility as well..
    on demand of course
    too.. in an online world free…
    The so-called secret mystery schools..
    i.e. the masons and fraternities and sororities
    and hell.. even coaches of football teams and the
    military sTill take ya down a notch if ya don’t find a way
    to take
    or with
    numb pain
    to a Grain
    of Sand and be
    miGhty proud
    iN humiLiTy to stAnd
    with thaT GrAin of SAnd Strong
    unwavering aS Such never fearful in iLLusory
    ways with little to no unresolved anger and hate..
    so.. go haze go..
    no jumping
    off bridges and
    water boarding and stuff like that..
    IN Trump ways of foolishness having no
    clue about what drives human nature within
    for those
    a heARt..
    a SpiRit and
    SoUL beYond
    cOal blAck SuN sTar whOle..:)

    “And of course, No soap, radio.”

    — traditional non sequitor

    radio, soap No,
    course of And

    now what currently
    meMes and tHeMes
    to be a NoW hELd

    sequitor non traditional..

    A trip aWay from electronic
    devices to DancE and
    SinG iN liGht
    FReED iN SanD aLiGht..;)

    “I wanted to change the world.
    But I have found that the only thing
    one can be sure of changing is oneself.”

    — Aldous Huxley

    Yes.. i find this to be
    somEhaT sELf evident
    NoW as i create my liGht
    in the
    of Me…
    i get out..
    butt shaRinG
    sUnliGht now can
    be a Job of JoB nOw
    paraDoxicAllY aS Such..;)

    “What I am is what I am.
    Are you what you are, or what?”

    — Edie Brickell

    i am
    to spEll
    iT aLL ouT..
    BeGiNNiNG aLL NoW2..:)

    Men are born crying
    And when they’ve cried enough
    They die

    — Ran

    AfTer LiVinG
    the first tiMe
    with one tear..
    dry for five years..
    i tEnd to disagree with
    the literal translation of this
    and that
    is what
    Country Music
    is for2.. when ‘Big Daddy’
    scOlds the little sons for
    crying and they shut iT aLL
    iN unTiLL the Grand oLd opRy..
    or for the Jesus.. wHeRE tears are oKay
    to share tears with any man aT aLL.. so.. sAd..
    Dry humor way
    too.. my FriEnd2..
    oh.. yeaH.. anD tearS iN
    beers and sTuFF like thaT
    as cOld heArTed repression
    or yes.. oppression against
    emotions now often leads to
    soul NumBinG disEases
    oF aDDiction
    WeLL in
    pain of numb…
    sMiLes.. Love heals
    when ALLoWeD iN diVine
    yin and yang of femiNine grace
    and love and masculine StrenGth and WiLL..
    aLL DiVinE as such2 as WiLL oVer LoVe aLL fresh out noW2..:)

    “Everything is simpler than you think
    and at the same time more complex than you imagine.”

    — Goethe

    sounds complicated
    simply and i complexly

    “I don’t want realism, I want magic!”

    — A Streetcar Named Desire, 1940’s

    Leave out a
    named desire
    on the road of life
    and lose the journey
    of not
    thaT FeeLs
    SenSes more than
    oLd emPty sHeLL words..
    meh.. lots of liberals become
    conservative when they lose luSt for liFe..
    it’s neurochemistry and evidenced in
    science and surELy in the box liFE..
    more FoR JoY!..;)

    Happy Deaths
    are full of life..
    for Death..:)

    “He knows nothing and thinks he knows everything.
    That points clearly to a political career.”

    — George Bernard Shaw


    “Silence can be the biggest lie of all.
    We have a responsibility to speak up;
    and whenever the occasion calls for it,
    we have a responsibility to raise bloody hell.”

    — Herbert Block


    “Modern biology has been built upon two great ideas. The first, a product of the nineteenth century, is that all life descended from elementary, single-celled organisms by means of natural selection. The second, perfected in the twentieth century, is that organisms are entirely obedient to the laws of physics and chemistry. No extraneous “vital force” runs the living cell.”

    — Edward O. Wilson, “Biophilia”

    And sure.. we
    just by
    observing theM..
    or perHaps science is WronG aS
    theories come and go as reaLiTy
    TRumps pastomorroW aS now..:)

    “…it is the privilege of fools
    to speak the truth without giving offense.”

    — Erasmus


    “As for courage and will – we cannot measure how much of each lies within us,
    we can only trust there will be sufficient to carry through trials which may lie ahead.”

    — Andre Norton

    Sure we can through
    empirical measures of LBS
    but of course that would not make
    sense for those who sTiLL feel the
    body is separate..
    on the otHer Hands
    and Feet., trUst when
    100% positive forCE
    with zero illusory
    fears and
    Laser focus Love
    a S F A i T H noW..
    can leg press a half
    a ton 33 times and more
    at age 56 after total disability
    and with permanent disability
    sTiLL.. iNcluding an autonomic nervous
    system that supposedly doesn’t work correctly..
    oh.. Horatios.. it’s true.. Miracles are easy to press as iSReal..
    and hard
    to meaSure
    without tools that work..
    i.e.. Faith aS WiLL as pure Love as Force..:)

    “One man’s wickedness may easily become all men’s curse.”

    — Publius Syrus (42 BC) — Maxim 463


    should be out
    buTT count the
    miNions as
    keeping hiM iN..
    Maxim 463 hOlds sTiLL and the game ain’T over yeT aL..;)

    “The wise learn many things from their foes.”

    — Aristophanes (c. 450-385 B.C.) — The Birds (414 B.C.), line 375

    i lEArn
    thE most
    from my toes..
    NoW when
    NoW oN
    oF courSE..
    as HorSe SenSE
    and FeeL onE WiTh GraViTy..
    as no

    “Never create by law what can
    be accomplished by morality.”

    — Charles-Louis Secondat Baron de Montesquieu

    Moral relativism sings a
    cruel song of social
    status in stuff
    and a savior
    oF TRump
    now that he’s
    out i DancE and
    SinG aS dEviL sOld..
    EG.. Example GiVeN
    a rein
    RaIN soUL NoW..:)

    Hmm.. glad
    ‘thiS’ cAMe
    after last..;)

  8. SO
    WOULD the
    Jesus say and
    do in reply to all
    this fresh hell going down now.. around the world too…

    “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do
    for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.”

    According to Matthew 25:45

    So.. for all the so-called Christians who voted for Trump
    to lead a country that supports a Declaration of Freedom
    and Independence for the right to life.. liberty.. and
    the pursuit of happiness.. what would
    Jesus say about Trump and
    yes.. his Minions
    today.. NoW..
    that’s simple.. it’s
    Elementary dear
    Watsons.. eTc.. iT
    would/will be the quote
    above as Matthew 25:45 for
    even a Sith could quote that back
    to you like Trump and sure.. somewhat
    of a Ninja who can basically transform now
    into devil or an angel in a split second of a
    facial expression.. hehe.. and sure.. a T-shirt too.. haha..
    anyWay.. Trump has FucKeD dOwn the real first time in actually
    endangering lives and so the court stepS in with a more ethical
    mind in legal ways of viewing rights to life and blocks the insanity
    gets hurt..
    Impulsive is okay
    in the world of art when
    no lives are at stake but in
    the diplomacy of the world at hand..
    when human lives are at stake.. sure.. it
    is potentially dangerous to lives at risk
    and surely that is the state of
    affairs in countries who
    hold refugees just
    hoping for
    the basic
    common human
    altruistic virtue as gift of
    basic relief for a right to life..
    so these folks say they support
    a right to life.. yes.. the sanctimonious
    Christians who come to Catholic Church still
    promoting the end of planned parenthood that
    science proves will only increase the number of
    unwanted pregnancies and abortions around the world
    as it does today end in more abortions as statistically proven
    in countries with planned parenthood and safe abortions compared
    to those who do not have this educational assistance to actually prevent
    unwanted pregnancies and abortions same.. ignorance reigns in both intellect
    and even by those great teachings of the reported dude named Jesus and Yeshua..
    back 2000 years ago.. so.. just in a week’s time.. Trump has potentially endangered lives
    with his impulsivity and disenfranchised everyone who really cares about the home NoW
    of tHeiR planet eARTh that IS A gift oF the God of Nature all to all thaT liVes on this eARTh
    now.. scientists.. women.. 2 Billion or so Muslim folks around the world.. Hispanics..
    eTc.. eTc.. every FucKinG person who is anywhere close to being a TrUe LiGhT
    Christian who bases tHeir life on the empathy and compassion
    of gentile.. jew.. servant or free.. woman or man no more..
    i know/sense/FEEL ‘yoUr’ book ‘better’ than ‘YOU’ AND YES
    i know the other books too.. they are
    all flawed.. including mine
    as all fall short
    of all
    the fleas
    who suck the blood
    of the glory of the dog they cannot
    fully see.. that’s in my bible.. by a way.. just
    for me.. okay.. as i cannot hate my mother or wife
    for not believing in me per that #John1412 thingie
    that reAlly rings true for me and what i still Do.. believe
    it or not Ripley.. anyWay now that’s a personal issue between
    me and/as God.. sure.. a covenant aS Such.. just an inspiration
    now or ‘you’ to do more than me no different really than what Jesus
    supposedly said way back then now per the words of a dude named Saint
    John under oppressive rule.. no different than the Syrians today.. who
    John predicted a resolution of sorts to his situation then in what is named
    Revelation today.. but.. juSt trUst ‘me’.. if ‘he’ could call anyone an anti-christ
    today in direct opposition to Matthew 25:45.. it would surely now be Trump who now does
    lead his minions in these new anti-christ ways against those in countries who suffer among
    the most now And sAdly too.. at the hands of GW Bush and his administration for destabilizing
    the balance of the middle east of what worked when then and indirectly providing instructions
    to kill around 100K or so innocent folks of what that administration brought as breaking
    the 10 commandments of false witness in doing harm by weapons of mass destruction then
    that did not even exist and on top of everything else was just a potential while the
    country of Saudia Arabia was the host country of most of the Terrorists
    who carried out 911.. and are not a part of this current poorly
    analytically thought out action to ban ‘certain’ Muslim
    folks in ‘certain’ countries that Donald Trump
    has not made money off of in the past..
    anyway.. after Trump was elected..
    the priest at our church
    praised the
    new change
    all the
    Vagina grabbing
    and sexual assault
    talk.. the Trump did on record
    per say.. saying.. yes.. the Priest
    saying that in veiled terms since the
    allowance of Homosexual folks by law
    on the Federal Level as supported by Obama
    to get married and get the same support provided
    by a country to those who love each other for financial
    security and insurance benefits and such as that and oh
    yeah.. health care can go to hell as long as it provides planned
    parenthood services even if science proves that without that
    there will be even more abortions and potentially more
    unsafe ones if you get rid of that..
    sadly.. Sith Ignorance is becoming
    the Lord of this country
    more as ‘they’ speaK/
    DO… where now.. the
    richest are elevated
    in places of power and status
    to become even more allegiant to
    the God of Money and STUFF TODAY..
    while the poor huddled masses as the least
    of us who need the most help are turned away
    from borders while not only the statue of Liberty rains
    down tears but the so-called memory of the so-called Jesus
    and what some folks name as a God but only a truly self-admitted
    humble yogi-like dude thaT would bring tears to his eyes and righteous indignation
    now for going against the humble altruistic spirit as provided to human as a greatest gift now
    for overall social cooperation and survival for the entire species who practices the greatest
    courAGEous iN kINd
    giFt of
    hUman now
    liFe.. yes..
    NamELy Now
    Love.. Love has
    taken a Vacation as
    the Sith Empire strikes back..
    we haven’t seen the color Red NoW..
    of this Empire this fully displayed since
    the days of GW Bush and his counter-parts
    and cohorts then.. it’s back in full length red tie
    CaSino attire.. oh.. yeah.. another part of life that
    the Catholic Church pushes.. gambling for those folks
    with the disease of addiction who are perhaps married
    to someone they cannot stand but stay in the relationship
    because true love is against the rules of a church who
    hates the least among us who are outcast
    too.. yes.. namely homosexuals
    who along with
    and poor single
    mothers who do not have
    enough resources to maintain
    reproductive health are the targets
    of the devils.. those who truly follow the
    golden rule currently see.. like ‘they’ are hiding
    it.. haha.. as these days.. wolves of fear/hate need no
    sheep clothing now and nothing against wolves who are now
    free and wild and have more honesty and integrity sTiLL now
    than the head Sith in charge could even fathom as a potential
    in his life now.. anyWay.. there is a Joni Mitchell song for this song
    of my words here that fits in just about right.. NoW as Tears of Jesus and
    yes.. the Statue of Liberty tUrn into a rebellion against fear and hate now
    more than ever as a sleeping giant of Love has been awakened by an anti-christ
    real now..
    just a real one..
    no myth here against
    everything good that the
    Jesus was for.. namely LOVE..
    Anyway.. since the priest of the Catholic
    Church intimated that the passage of protection
    for homosexuals to get married and the protection
    of planned parenthood had changed the spirit of this
    country into something the church could no longer recognize..
    and praising the new administration as a welcome return to ‘values’..
    i will be sitting in the back pew with watcher eyes to see if the actions
    yesterday are condemned as anti-christ actions by the government same now
    as many so-called Christians named the Obama.. the Anti-Christ for protecting
    the rights of the least among us then.. as yes.. do the least harm clause surely
    applies in all stuff life if you can understand God’s Nature in all the dARk and
    liGht ways that coMes for the BaLanCinG act of the survival and thrive for
    any species
    of life
    yes.. including now.. YES..
    all living F iN eARTh creatures
    and sureLy the least among us now
    include all the Mexican folks from
    down South as the worship of money
    becomes more important than the worship
    of those who are living on the PlaneT eARTh
    now for this gift called life.. coming in glory to judge
    the living and the dead.. well.. let’s just say the Christians
    who support Trump and these new actions wouldn’t ‘farewell’ with
    of that now..
    at least not
    according to
    Matthew 25:45 that
    i’ll quote again just for
    fun as Lord knows and feels
    and senses surELy iN me it rings
    so true in the hypocrisy of the all
    of the last week’s goingS on now that
    the real anti-christ and his fLock of minions
    are noW in charge.. all i can say is.. i welcome
    ‘you’.. like a Gospel of Thomas verse 37.. for Minions to
    take off the clothes oF lies even if it is 37 degrees outside
    at night and the cold hearts of leaders and their minions of
    fear and hate and exclusion as walls and of passports are the coldest oF aLL..
    Let’s JUST put it this
    way.. Jesus would
    not be
    and his
    minions as
    he/they fAil(s)
    A most basic
    now test of humanity..
    now.. yes.. again.. the test of LOVE..
    Do i hate any of them.. hell no.. i feel
    sorry for them even more with tears of
    Jesus and the Statue of Liberty sAMe..
    ignorance veiLed iN a real original Greek
    Definition of lifting the veils of ignorance as Apocalypse now..
    Love can do
    WiTh WiLL oF
    TrUtH as Wisdom
    and the liGht of that
    Love shining like a flAMe
    of Torch who/thaT WiLL never
    go out.. per the Golden Rule and
    sure.. Matthew 25:45 too.. for those
    wHo DancE the SonG of Love more than
    empty shells of words long gone to sleep and now dead..
    for some..
    anyWay.. back later
    with a report if the Church
    lips of hypocrisy stay shut
    or open up to love in A church too..
    the so-called Catholic Apostolic Universal one.. locAlly
    that supposedly reflects the core teachings of the Jesus too..
    as Hope and LOVE
    as currently the
    policy of the United States
    is the Least Christian policy
    of the entire so-called developed western world..
    by fact of even what the New Testament says now..
    nah.. ‘you’ don’t have to look it ‘up’.. it’s provided ‘here’ ‘again’ as ‘promised’..:)
    “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do
    for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.”


    Atlas Danced First

    WeLL.. just one MacroVerse Memory share from a year
    ago.. titled.. “Atlas Danced First”.. appropriate of
    course with the same attire
    i wore last night
    and a little
    tribute then
    too.. to that new
    Cool Lucifer sHow
    as it started a year
    ago too in LA on the
    west cost in a bar far away
    from Lower Alabama as ‘they’
    say LA as the Panhandle of Florida
    that overall is shaped like a gun and
    named the state of flowerS..oh.. the synChroniCities
    of the ALL Natural God of/as Nature and the mysteries
    God gOlds as dARk and liGht.. and sHaDes of
    purgatory grey more than 50 or so all the way
    to iNFiniTy beYond more RainBow coloRs now
    and hey.. i do not financially own
    that bar named Seville
    Quarter but
    sure.. iN
    iT owns me in
    ways of unconditional
    love and the folks who go there
    now.. surELy.. particularly the women most
    as don’t ‘they’ aLways love folks like Jesus and the eTc..
    as sTiLL NoW seems to be the hiStory of that as nothing is more
    sexy than ISREAL LOVE to the eYes of women who seek that…
    more than
    a pussy
    course by a core timid soul
    man/men with a bark/bite and little to no isreal love..;)

  9. Ah.. perfect
    timing.. ya just
    can’t beat the
    of LiFe.. particularly
    when they highlight epic
    hypocrisy at the highest levels
    of United States Government and those
    naming themselves Christians supporting
    a man who freely admitted he was against everything
    that the so-called Jesus said in the Sermon oN the Mount
    in the Beatitudes.. yes.. the Trumpster as a dARk ClOwn.. the
    same at the
    head of
    Government now..
    all anti-christ as evidence
    now for sure as he fulfills
    his campaign promises against
    all those 11 verses of Matthew Chapter 5
    while.. the willing Christians.. particularly
    Evangelistic ones.. steam ahead for him
    in voting way.. still supporting him
    now as top level
    who represent
    their Jesus against
    the Beatitudes.. namely
    Franklin Graham.. suggesting
    this has nothing to do now with his
    bible.. yeah.. wRite.. i guess so.. if it
    is only in effect at church while the
    Jesus eYes roll.. all over the place
    of hide away From loving your neighbor
    as the Golden Rule says too.. so yeah.. at Catholic
    Church today.. while the Pope condemns this action..
    yes.. the ‘Saint’ Francis who refuses to go the hypocrite
    route on this one.. not a whimper out of the priest to defend
    those poor refugees under the Jack boot of Trump and his
    particularly Evangelistic Christian supporters and yes
    Pence.. and Paul Ryan too.. verbal supporters
    aS Such of this fresh hell too.. and more than
    likely the predominant Military
    audience in our church pews
    who are also most likely
    Fox News watchers too
    was enough of a deterrent
    for the Priest to play politics too..
    as he denounced the Women’s March
    of last week for tHeir rights while staying totally
    silent for those who openly defy the Beatitudes
    of the so-called Jesus.. yes.. every one of
    Matthew.. Chapter 5.. verses 1 through
    11.. anyWay.. ironically.. it is the
    so-called liberals of course
    who are more
    than the
    so-called Conservative
    Republican Evangelist folks..
    nah.. just kidding.. not ironic.. almost
    par for the course at this point as what is
    so-called good plays out as the real bad stuff
    in hypocrisy way again this go around.. as usual
    we have bad blood as the rebels go forward now
    in a revolution of love against the rise of the ‘evil empire’
    again.. in Jack Boot weight of Trump and his loyal minions2..:)

    And no.. ‘this’ is not Katrina
    or our daughter.. this is super
    sweet Dancing Friend Cortney
    from Old Seville Quarter and graduate
    oF University of Florida in environmental
    resource management (NOW THANK GOD NOW
    OF NATURE).. as she is out to save the
    environment and what better goal in life can
    tHeir be
    Love of
    saving the only
    home we have so all
    creatures.. small and large..
    sure.. even as apricot colored
    as Trump can continue to survive..
    and Trump’s actions are limiting her ability
    to land a full time job with the Government as
    Trump has frozen all the jobs as Trump don’t give
    a crap about anything other than Trump CRap.. for show..
    and yes.. i am showing off my nice dance friend.. you bet..;)

    Okay.. back to an after church
    selfie with the wife Katrina who
    refuses to look any older than my
    other mid 20’s friend Cortney.. hehe..
    and they are all friends and i am grand pa
    material now
    56 but
    sure.. about
    16 inside.. hehe..
    iN ways of DancE and SonG..
    no bad blood here.. baby.. haha..;)

    And now to.. two Facebook Algorithm
    Supported Video Slide Show presentations
    sPaNning Thursday Night Dance night all the
    way to ‘tonight’ on Sunday night and yes it does
    fulfill some of the prophecies of Joni Mitchell’s Song..
    ‘Tax Free’.. as i am pictured with a very nice so-called
    ‘drag queen’ at Seville Quarter and i am also photographed
    in front of the Tax Stand at Walmart.. two times demanding
    that Trump
    too.. in typical
    SigNaTure of Fred pose..
    all feminine and masculine
    balanced out in ballet and martial
    arts Yogi style too.. Yes.. Hurricane
    eYe with storm winds all fired up
    at center peace
    cAlms of
    WiTh WiLL
    and Grace
    and Strength and Love
    all fearless and smARt
    of course..
    in Blue state
    way and Matrix
    Green pill way understanding
    that both sides do have tHeir merits..
    although it’s getting much harder to
    find any so-called ‘good merit’ out
    of the longer red tie.. ‘red tiDe’ ways..
    butT as ‘they’ say too.. comINg iN glory
    aS Such to judge the living and the dead
    to see who has been naughty or nice in
    Karma way of doing life now.. yeS iN Golden Rule way2..;)

    AgaiN.. iN regard to Pope Francis..
    as Facebook Friend Suzanne
    shares the article on Pope
    Francis’ support of the
    refugees in need..
    A liGht shines iN
    at least one place
    in Christian
    Faces more
    attuned to
    Hope and Love
    vs.. Fear and Hate..:)

  10. New Facebook Friend.. Tahir.. from
    Pakistan.. likely connected from
    Rafiah’s Facebook page
    as i remember
    his last
    as being
    the same of
    at least one of her
    girlfriends.. responds to
    my newest Facebook SigNature
    pose profile status photo that is a little
    different from the rest as i am using the
    muse from today’s Yoda shirt.. probably my
    most favorite to wear out of 500 or so themed
    T-shirts out of two closets as the Yoda Philosophy
    is one of Yogi philosophy as a mix of Eastern Philosophy
    of the Tao.. Buddhism.. Confucianism the Gita and such all
    combined in one Yogi Priest like me too.. hehe.. difference being
    i see God as Nature+ and do not see human natural passions like lust
    as evil as emotional regulation and sensory integration with a little neo-cortical
    cognitive behavioral therapy/Love makes liFe where one can enjoy it full with all emotions
    and senses in Balance in a place caLLed HeaVeN..NoW this thing they call nothingness in
    Eastern Philosophies is just repression of the negative emotions and senses of
    life that consume us with worry.. there is a place far far beyond that for
    those who truly get matrix unplugged from insane cultural
    demands to limit the pleasures of life in balance
    and i most definitely do mean all of them
    from head to toe as turning a blind
    eye away from the God of
    Nature wHo/thaT liVes
    within us as free
    as any Jack London half
    dog wolf or the Lion off the
    Born Free Movie too.. all these philosophies
    were developed still in highly patriarchal societies
    that controlled reproductive behavior for also insanely
    large populations then.. worrying about the women getting
    out of control and sullied like a flower that reproduces wild
    and free for desire of diversity and what makes all of survival
    and thrive possible instead of keeping it within the lineage of cousins
    and socio-economic advantage when once life was all about kind and yes..
    courage and day to day foraging of life in an environment with abundance
    for the food and drink.. and yes.. continuing Moving iN BaLanCinG ForcE
    WiTh GoD Connecting and Co-Creating wiTh aLL of NaTurE as BaLanCinG
    mInd and BoDy soUL Freely expresSinG EMoTiONs and SeNses NoW yeS
    as SpiRiT.. YeS.. free spiRit as BaLanCinG Force WiTh and aS pARt
    of GoD oF NaTuRE wHOle.. and Yoda rePreSents this
    nicely.. however.. tHeRe are still some drawbacks
    as Yoda suggests that the material
    reality of our flesh is somehow
    crude rather than
    sacred full of the
    meaning and purpose
    of surviving and thriving from
    head to toe in Nature all naked
    and free with each oThEr TogeThER
    in bond with MoThER eARTh too.. and sAdly
    other religions tend to view the Nature of eARTh
    and tHeir flesh and blood as inferior as one sees in
    some early Christian Gnostic Sects that does carry on
    as the destruction of this eARTh we live on now is something
    many Evangelistic oriented Christians look forward to too.. and in
    other religions too.. for a better place than this they name as supernatural..
    like Nature isn’t heaven enough for the butterfly and seagull floating in the
    air alive and thriving and spiraling around the Sun of God too.. that provides
    all of our life.. specificAlly on this planet now.. we have the power with our imagination
    to both escape reality and miss heaven here.. and sadly some folks never find heaven
    here as that balance with God
    is always waiting
    the individual
    to seek and find it
    and master it as a practice
    of life in the PARt of Yoda
    Philosophy that makes sense
    in MaKing aLL of liFe from dARk
    to liGht A HoLY SacReD Meaningful
    Experience purposeful as great adventure
    from the smallest detail views to the grandest
    views of God’s Masterpiece painting of and as
    all of NatuRe.. as we brushes of and as God continue
    to paint that MasTerPiece wiTh and as God adding a greater
    verse to the UniVerse iN both MacroVerse and MicroVerse ways..
    to use a metaphor that i often use here to describe my own art of life..
    as is.. anyway.. back to Tahir as this is quiet a loud diversion of a path to
    get back to my response to him when he said ‘NICE style’ in Facebook
    response to my SiGnAtuRE pose thAT is a little more martial arts
    than grace as both work toGeThER as agility/balance/strength
    to build the pyramids as heavy as the stones are then
    spiRing to the capstone of that too.. thing is.. life
    is born to be free and domestication
    of dogs.. cats.. and humans..
    and all the other animals
    have fences.. walls
    and borders
    from free..
    yes.. school desks..
    sidewalks never to veer off
    and neatly trimmed grass and
    sycamore trees that never see the
    potential of their God Given liFE now..
    to grow from a mustard seed of faith to
    a Tree of LiFE noW.. anYWAy.. juSt like Neo
    from the Matrix too… while some folks are scrambling
    for dollar bills.. other ones of us live in a dimension of life
    so far away from a dollar bill that truly it is like getting through
    a needle as a camel for those who ride the green bLack Back of a bill of sale..
    free takes work
    but it is
    truly for sale..
    only give and share..
    and that is what humans
    do the best when set freed like
    that Jack London half wolf breed
    domesticated dog come free and re-born
    back in the wild as any human can be with
    WiLL and Choice and the insanity of Trump ways of being now..
    and that’s the thing about balance.. the dARk BringS the liGht and
    the liGht bRingS the dARk.. Bush was the dArk.. Obama was the liGht
    and now we have Trump back as the dARkesT from liGht perhaps since
    Adolph Hitler.. as the similarities in Trump’s Behavior continue to show in policy
    way now.. thing is.. as long as freedom of expression is not censored like Trump’s
    strategic leader that had the little red faced boy nerve to tell the free press to shut
    up and listen to Trump shit.. we will be okay.. and a Revolution of Love as Hope
    and liGht wilLL come back in rebel way to defeat the dARk Trump Empire
    again.. and the cycle of dARk and LIGht moves on as that lives in all
    of us.. more likely innate liGht as Hope and Love in an
    environment of abundance and more likely innate
    dARk of fear and hate in an environment of scarCity
    as hiStory continues to show
    in patriarchal
    ways of
    and control away
    from the Matriarchy
    and Egalitarianism of Divine
    Feminine Love of social cooperation
    iN aS Grace/Love and a BaLanCinG Force for
    the WiLL and Strength of the DiVine Masculine
    inherent in most we all.. when cultivated as a Garden
    of BaLanCinG ForCE WiTh and as God of NaTuRe aLL
    Now.. HuMaN NaTuRe seT free as BaLanCinG FoRCE NoW FReEd..
    i say
    back to
    Tahir this..

    SMiLes.. my friEnd..
    Live Life as art..
    Live Life as wonder..
    Life becomes magic..
    OnE in BeiNG wiTh GOD..
    or the Force as ‘they’ say.. wiTh WiNks..
    And don’t forget the humor and general lust for all existence
    as beauty
    iN and as aLL
    And aS liGht..
    as pUre Love.. As
    hUman PoTenTial WiTh aS
    God DanceS and SinGs aWaKe..:)

    So yeah.. this is like a Haibun and
    Haiku in the sense and feel that the
    longer description comes first about Nature
    comes first and the shorter consolidation of
    a thOught of FeeLinG and SeNsinG comes neXT
    Fredbun Fredku and Fredfu for my
    developed style
    oF KungFu
    GOD aS WeLL
    in Free Verse
    life air as i and
    water sAMe and
    diFFeREnt too.. and no.. not
    everyone can understand everything
    that Yoda says as Yoda has no limits
    baby.. or expectations.. FRoda FLoWs IN and aS
    EternaL ZoNe oF FrEEd LiFE aS iN HeaVeN NoW..:)

    Synchronicity is amazing for those who experience this language
    of God inherent in all things places and events of life for just a few
    metaphors of the Masterpiece as PainTing that is God aLL..
    we are expressions of God as above.. so below..
    inside.. outside and all around.. yes..
    huWoMaNiFeST oF GoD NoW
    eternAlly NoW.. and
    ‘this’ small
    bulb that just so
    happened to catch
    my attention from above
    at the Hardee’s restaurant
    as i celebrated my latest blood
    test for great health.. caught my
    attention from above with the registered
    trademark of “Fred’s”… no.. it’s not a hat out
    of a rabbit trick.. it is much greater as God and than
    Santa Clause magic than thAT.. it is the synChroniCity
    of God MaGiC in real tiMe floW iN Photography too.. as
    i do not plan the stories they flow like a river in photo poem
    too.. as God’s StreAms move to Rivers to Bays to Gulfs to now
    Seas To Oceans and waves spRead shores greater and Ocean now
    never fills uP with relatively unlimited space to GroW as BaLanCinG
    ForCE wHOle as the wHole enChilDa of GoD GoeS Free as Ocean too..
    at leAst from the smALL
    brush view of
    a human
    Fred too.. more commonly
    kNowN and fELt with hUman
    SMiLes as i pass by each hUman
    being generAlly discussed amongst themselves
    and video taped for give and share as me of what
    they name as the DanCinG man or DanCinG guy or
    a group of young women passing by a bar parking lot
    yelling out can we have your autograph and circling
    around a city block.. poking a head out the car window
    for a shared selfie smile.. and then speeding away mischievously
    yelling out.. take your shirt off.. just for fun and laughs and giggles
    amongst the wild and free of us who stay young at heARt and SpiRit NoW
    and no.. i did not give them a link for what they suggested they wanted.. hehe..
    see how i started with pure love and brought that done to the level of hUman lSst..
    that’s the way liFE goes.. it is fueLed from the bottom as luST and riSes to the creAm
    of the Crop oF Love.. butt.. take out the anchor of luST and froWny face comes neXt.. yes..
    and please remember.. conseNsual lUst not P-grabs and Forced kisses from a little frOwny boy
    in a red
    ugh.. ah.. the TRump
    such a dARk Muse NoW for
    all the free artists of the world
    today.. as humor incinerates Trump
    Fear and hate.. as the
    Revolution of
    to gRow from the
    spArk and tidal wave
    of fear and hate that continues
    to groW dARk out of Trump mouths now..
    in acts too.. of dARk.. sadly enough too.. so.. this
    little light of mine.. i’m a gonna let it shine.. this little
    liGht of mine.. i’ll gRoW it to 6666 miles of public dance
    in 40 months and even more now.. this little light of mine..
    i’ll write 12 million words in 74 months plus now with the then..
    first 6 million or so words coMiNg iN the dArkest and greaTest
    of numb pain hell for the first 33 months of that and the
    33 months before that in any art eXpreSsinG as spiRiT
    oF HeARt and MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG Force
    thAT cAMe before as thaT.. and yes.. with
    this little liGht of mine.. and mINd and
    BoDy.. BaLanCinG SoUL
    FoRcE noW theN
    A 3.3 million plus
    word longest
    sTiLL LonG
    form poem NoW
    in the hiStory of hUman
    kind now.. meaSuRinG2..
    1.062M wordS iN 7 months
    and 21 days of writing thaT before
    writing the other in 42 months too..
    per that 3.3 million Word Press endeavor
    that continues in plus ways now too.. at the
    now 742nd MacroVerse with a little light shining
    in this now 71st MacroVerse of 1.062 Million words
    plus as this MacroVerse now.. and here’s the thing ..all these
    statistics prove i did and sTiLL do John 14:12 as it is more than
    talk.. along with leg pressing 1020LBS 33 times now on a very difficult
    parallel leg press free weight machine with arms raised in the air for
    extreme Balance and Agility and Strength continuing to gRow like a
    ballerina martial artist too.. i can prove it on my smARt phone in
    Walmart like i did today.. for those folks who knew me
    before when i lived in a cocoon and less then..
    yes.. i can prove i just did John 14:12.. and
    inspire other folks to do much more
    than me in their own
    fruits of life
    to add
    Verse to
    God’s UniVerse
    here eternAlly now
    in Heaven.. too.. i only
    hope they do not ever have to
    go to hell.. including enduring a life
    threatening synergy of 19 medical disorders..
    also including the worst pain known to humankind
    as assessed worse than crucifixion for 66 months
    from wake to sleep.. named type two trigeminal neuralgia
    as it’s true.. a cross of dArk.. whether it be pain or numb or even
    Trump’s too.. as the Judas and his followers are often already bleeding
    most too.. yes.. tHaT’s a big a paRt of John 14:12 STUFF IN HELL AS HEAVEN IS TOO..
    this is my testimony and witness.. and the hero archetype Jesus journey thingie is as
    old as the hiStory of Patriarchy thinking and doing as beyond what’s written in books..
    wHeRE DancE and Oral Tradition in the days of the real Yeshua and or what they
    name as Jesus and similar folks like him.. were the more naked ways of
    living life then away from the present day cultures of
    domestication that in many ways take
    us awAy from thaT hUman poTenTial
    now.. but trUe and liGht
    it is for those who
    use the
    made technological
    tools at hand.. to the advantage
    of lighting that little lamp more than
    imagined then.. Nature/GoD becomes technology
    as chariots of fire to bRinG Torch oF FlamE aS liGht
    too.. and not only do little lamps shine as luminescent
    as this.. they GroW as the SUN and the FaiTh oF A Mustard
    seed as tree oF liFE WiLL do when sET Free tALLer than ever BeFore too..
    shine your
    it even
    when the forces
    of dARk cOme as thaT
    iS whaT dARk is for.. to
    shine even more liGht noW
    to LiGht the World with 100
    peRcent FaiTh AS HopE BeLiEf..
    FeaRless SmArT and Joy as
    Love Pure moRE noW WiTh
    a taste
    of HoNeY
    and luST
    to muse
    liGht even more..
    And an interesting side note.. perhaps..
    when i mentioned ‘it’ after i first recovered from
    all the pain and numb and the miscellaneous other
    medical disorders.. at least in remission way per technical
    doctor speak.. while.. some of the professionals noted it as
    a bonafide miracle then too.. my mother was highly offended that
    i dare compare my pain to the pain of the Jesus.. insisting that 3 hours
    of crucifixion to three days or whatever it may have been then is much
    worse than all of what i endured from wake to sleep for 66 days per the
    suicide disease i had then as an only way out from a pain like a dentist drill
    without novocaine in my right eye and ear and generally speaking half my face
    spread out to my entire existence beyond that too.. anyWay.. she ordered a book
    specifically on the trials and tribulations of what Jesus endured and she started
    reading a page in the book and
    told me to read it too..
    and sure enough..
    on the
    next very
    page what i told
    her was proven on that
    page.. and that’s how the
    synchronicity of God works
    Always got your back when
    you do liFe with 100% pure liGht
    FAiTh and for those who don’t believe it
    they fulfill that prophecy as DaRkeR for
    themselves.. AND FoR those folks
    who JuST DO iT..
    NoW God’s
    UniVerse as
    verse of
    HuMaN BeCoMes
    HeaVeN now for God to
    shaRe as BeinG HuMaN
    PoTenTiAL even Greater now..
    and yes.. my friEnds ‘we’ enjoy a taste
    of Honey NoW alWays NoW.. me and GoD
    pART aS and WhOLe as and is LiFe NoW..
    Believe it or not Ripley.. i cannot force ‘you’ to
    find.. seek.. or drink this Honey oF God never ending..
    perHaps.. a sPark you WiLL FiNd to hELp yoU.. heAR.. NoW..;)

    Flesh, Blood and Soul

    And now.. i visit Rafiah’s Blogging place where in the last
    several months.. she describes a difficulty
    finding muse to write what she normAlly
    lovely does from her heARt and soUL
    as SpiRiT ExpreSsinG thaT iN wRiTE..

    SMiLes.. my friEnd.. Rafiah..
    all muse of liFe is EmoTiOns
    and sENSEs and as they say
    in biology and chemistry
    neuro-chemistry of
    moves us
    in life and sTiLL
    sadly.. little science
    is taught of this in big
    picture art of life in western
    schools at least and i surely
    cannot speak for yours.. however..
    the more patriarchal a society is the
    more emotions and senses are usually oppressed
    and repressed.. easy to see in the most patriarchal
    assessed metro area in the United States in terms
    of being
    sTiLL and
    different as free..
    as patriarchy.. naturally.
    as a state of human being
    in response to scarcity of resources
    seeks to dominate and control all resources
    including human ones.. particularly females
    and children as both the prize and potential threat
    if those in turn set themselves free from a patriarchal rule..
    it’s a mix.. not all good or bad.. depending on which side of
    the coin one lives on
    as majority
    what i
    do know and
    feel is this.. i can surely
    express more divine feminine
    grace and love over here in ‘big man’
    land with will and strength that is easily
    felt afar by anyone so far who would challenge
    my freedom all provided as such by local.. state
    and federal laws.. and the Internet provides.. yes.. an
    avenue like this.. for those not nearly as privileged as i
    to both live somewhere where
    this freedom iS even possible
    for me.. in the flesh
    and blood
    oF LiFe FReED
    as me.. and God allone
    as surely all animals.. including
    human have a natural desire for the
    pursuit of life.. liberty and the pursuit of
    whatever happiness now meets a thrive of life..
    perHap..s a flutter for a butterfly… a spiral around
    a Sun for Seagulls and a taste of milk and honey for those folks
    human now
    and animal too..
    other than that happy to
    hear you are pulling through the
    best you can my friend and always happy
    to see and feel and sense you pouring out what
    lives within you.. namely God Free.. heAR.. thanks
    for dropping
    a note..
    my friEnd
    as you kNow
    FeeL and SeNsE
    i’LL be around these pARts
    iN the future too.. namELy
    nowthen.. Rafiah’s places too..:)

    Little Confession 

    And now.. to Rafiah’s newest blog post..
    about what she titles ‘Little Confession’..
    in the trials and tribulations of free expreSsinG..

    SMiLes ..my friend.. Rafiah.. this quiet you speak of.. as i likely
    relate before too.. is something i understand so well as once
    i lost almost all muse to speak and connect to others lost
    in a work arena of behind a computer screen with
    all kinds of stress of mechanical
    cognition solving
    from all
    around me
    where i was a go
    to person to fix it
    all it seems like
    what felt
    as a
    world upon
    my shoulders and
    as a natural born empath
    what i was feeling then was the
    stress of everyone around me and
    the stress of the world at hand too.. a
    mistake of watching too much TV.. i suppose
    too.. and now i move to the polar opposite of that
    from what they say in personality tests is INTJ move
    to ENFP in assessment as such from an introverted
    intuitive thinking judging person to an extroverted
    intuitive feeling perception personality
    person.. back in the Summer
    of 2013.. as i spent many
    years as more of
    what you describe as
    yourself before the illnesses
    of 66 months came to visit me too
    then.. so sure.. i guess i’ve been to both
    sides now.. and can visit that quiet place
    if need be and be happy for hours on end
    as i do that so much of course sTiLL writing
    130K words a month.. even live on Facebook status
    way too.. still though of course it is very extroverted as
    i hold little of me back and it comes forward like a seemingly
    never ending flood of personality lit fire now.. and what used to
    make me timid in strange new social situations.. now i find comfort in
    more than most folks around me.. and yes.. a major polar change in experiencing
    life has a label called bi-polar too that waters a garden of creativity that never ends
    just like
    anyway.. my friend..
    i am glad you are happy
    where you are.. there is nothing
    wrong with being introverted as i surely
    spent and do still spend lots of time tHERe..
    now too.. and i am so glad you have this avenue
    to spill over your EmoTioNs and SeNSEs too from
    time to time now here on your blog.. as you.. my dear
    have been a great muse to me.. as i do feel and
    sense what i thiNk is much of your pleasure
    and your pain too.. as so many
    shoes of life i have
    walked and
    sit and now Dance And SinG
    NoW louder than ever before..
    of course in balance as these are
    just winds as the center of me stays
    Hurricane calm like a Katrina eYe of storm in the Gulf STiLL..
    so.. happy to see you heAR.. and everywHeRE i find you.. i am
    glad you feel no guard here around you holding your freedoms dOwn
    as that is the way hUman is made by God sAMe to be free my FriEnd.. juST Free..
    with some moving.. connecting.. and co-creating like this to go along with that and this2..:)

    GOD enLiGhtens the boy with a Star in hIs sKeYe

    And now.. the Facebook Algorithm all free MacroVerses from the past come in like waves
    of this Ocean Poem both metaphorically and literally of course.. hehe.. with the first
    named one from three years ago.. calLed.. “GOD enLiGhtens the boy with a Star in hIs
    SKeYe”.. doing my best to attempt to provide some spaRk to the left brain
    dominated folks on the Wrong Planet that in both metaphor
    and literal way.. tHeRE is an entire otHeR
    HeMisPheRe of liFE and MoVinG conNecTion
    co-creating aS aRT and ReASon.. NoW
    to God all oF NaTuRe iN
    SeNsinG and FeeLinG
    way.. far beyond
    the limits
    of Standard
    IQ measures for
    success in school to
    become good little cogs
    in the machine of society
    to make that at least a half ass
    success in the years to come as far as
    half a brain of worry and analytical reasoning
    away from a loving art of life set FReED iN riGht
    bRaiN ways too.. i stayed and did my best until they
    kicked me out for the third time and i dusted my feet
    off more and less for the good of what i would do next in
    fields of meadows and desert sands who would welcome me into
    tHeiR lands.. so yes.. i did dust my feet off finally and go somewHeRe
    else.. and hopefully tHeRE is someone sTiLL trYinG theRe that they are
    not afraid
    of different
    to help THEM..
    BUT HEY.. i sTiLL have
    the record oF all aS thaT
    to poTenTiALLy hELp someone
    else find the HiGhER Epigenetic
    and Neuroplastic hiGher potenTial
    of God of Nature as HUman NaTuRE.. yes..
    juST waiting to be be tapped for Heaven to
    SpRinG out oF A dARker Cocoon of the past as
    we continue to evolve toward liGht or dark
    or stagnate
    in the
    and Standard
    IQ Intelligences too..
    so far away from the trUth oF LiGht..
    aLL iNnate.. iNstinctuaL.. and intuitive too..:)

    Significance of Human BEING

    “Signficance of Human BEING”.. from two years ago..
    aLways LooKinG for more metaphors to make
    a path to HeaVeN real that WiLL
    hELp aNotHER perSON
    fiNd a Path
    to THAt
    liVes within now
    for those who do seek and find
    it and practice Heaven that works
    as a way of life forevermore now isREaL2..:)

    And now.. three MicroVerse Memories quoted
    from a year ago.. on topic.. and relevant sTiLL.. to HeaVeN NoW2..:)

    SMiLes.. friend.. gigoid..
    Nature Kills
    Nature Loves..
    Nature Laughs
    Nature Plays
    Nature Purrs
    Nature Creates
    an inFinite numBer
    of poems through human
    too.. Emotional Intelligences
    Number IQ.. Moving Art
    of Dance.. Ballet
    and Martial Arts
    more we
    gAiN more
    oUr relatively
    infiniTe human
    potenTial intelligences
    the more one sees God
    aS magiC
    iN bEinG
    and balanCe
    liVinG iS As Us..
    but true iT seems
    theRe are the chosen
    ones.. who figure thiS
    out by choosing
    and finding
    play moVinG
    iN no necessary
    order.. expand for more..
    Some UniVerses keep
    expanding some fAll
    back.. but my my
    to have
    iS maGic
    for what
    iS credible
    for MAgic
    God or NatUre
    makes no difference
    the maGiC iS thE sAMe
    when experienced asOne..
    Been to both places now..
    one iS a concrete boX
    iN liFe.. tHe otheRs
    hAve no
    as ART..
    and that’s
    all theRe is.. is
    now.. any
    for now..
    Zombie Apocalypse
    or alive in moving
    connecting and
    as GOD
    now iN aS uS..
    Nature sounds so
    much prettier and uglier too..
    but no one ever said God iS FAir
    or knowledgeAble or perfect
    except iN illusions
    of huMan
    that see
    is heLL..
    below the
    practice oF
    tApEsTrY noWaRt..;)

    SMiLes.. AlWays a pleaSure to visit
    here in all the free floWing
    work you do to
    add Truth and
    iN ways oF
    ancient and modern Love
    and Wisdom.. there just
    ain’t nothing like
    iT most
    i go.. my friend..
    so yes.. a treaSure
    for now..:)

    #notalwayslearningsmalltalk ..

    Haha.. Shawna..
    you know that song..
    you light up my life..
    you light up my
    brain.. brains
    of a feather
    stick togetHer..
    but i’m not gonna
    say it
    it was
    as usual…
    Yeah.. this Innate
    Autism and Bi-Polar
    stuff is really hard when
    one is in mainstream
    but haha!
    when free
    it’s super
    but more
    like legend
    not being afraid
    to JUST BE ME..
    man.. i wish you could
    be just you.. in the flesh life
    as you do it OH SO WELL.. ONLINE..
    and that’s where i starTed
    so let it be written
    so let it
    be done..
    i made myself
    into a mythical creature
    first.. and i manifest as
    the dancing
    guy in
    real life..
    and the martial
    arts dude.. and
    the dude that
    half a ton
    with his legs..
    all i wanted in life was
    friends.. and i feel
    like i have a few
    plus my wife
    so mission fully
    dancing and
    is just
    that made
    the cake come true..
    Love you friend..
    i’m glad
    my way..
    and now off to
    visit your blog
    with my
    that it
    there by
    the now i get there
    now.. so off to Shawna’s place..:)


    OMG..! Shawna..!
    one of my
    and for folks
    who don’t know/FEEL iT..
    that’s in the upper head..
    yes.. as you kNow.. cut and
    paste coming for thiS.. hehe..
    and DMT.. OMGx2.. the
    spirit molecule
    isS alwWys
    riSinG me
    uP when i
    sinG and dance..
    some folks get
    easier access
    and i got
    at 21..
    and now i have
    an all natural prescription
    focused more by new electronic
    music and trance dance HIGHER
    AND HIGHER.. without substance
    drugs.. and seriously
    most everynow i dance
    i have folks begging
    me for whatever
    i’m on.. and
    i just tale
    ’em dance
    baby.. 166.66
    miles a month
    and you can
    have this
    now too..
    A dancer moving
    with savage grace
    like dancing girls
    in ancient Egypt am i..
    and hell yah.. males did
    it more than women..
    back when
    was the
    iN FEELinG
    to do to connect
    God oF allthatis
    sure.. he danced almost
    as much as me.. or more..
    in the desert sands of balance
    my friend.. where each gRain
    of sand
    iS UniVerse
    to dance on
    hiGher and
    hiGher with
    eYes oF God..
    if i could bottle what
    i feel like inside.. when i dance
    so free and wild.. i could make
    a trillion dollars and feed all the
    poor.. and give everyone..
    a home for free..
    and no i wouldn’t
    seLL iT..
    i would just
    give it free to the
    as a practice
    of life.. and
    then they
    could see
    that heaven
    iS iNside and
    notFKING iN
    so hiGh
    and a John
    Denver SonG
    comes to mind..
    i Loved his movies..
    by the way.. about God
    being George Burns..
    and being
    best friend..
    it’s hard to prove
    you see God to
    folks who
    danced under the moonlit
    fires of night
    togEtHer and
    FREE.. ’till some
    one came.. and
    told ’em you are
    God iS
    a word
    and not
    iN ONE
    and all
    around the
    dance of liFe
    iNTruth and LiGht..
    Thanks for the
    wITh spiRit
    fully in
    tow.. as
    i just got
    back from
    12 miles..
    my friEnd

    Hi.. Friend Zee.. all essence of Art..
    Human heArt.. iN SpiRit reAching
    out to Grow.. not folLow..
    and that is mostly
    the problem with
    school and work..
    maKinG humans
    now into
    cogs in machines
    to suit society and
    now basic
    needs.. it’s
    a scary
    trUly not
    to have
    the time to
    a write a poem
    in a month’s demand
    of school or work.. or
    painting either.. as deliGhtfuL
    iN color and dArk oF umbrella
    sHade from colors iN liFe
    as you paint above
    my friend..
    but sure
    i wandered the
    desert of no creativity
    from age 13 to 53.. with
    little respite from a culture
    demanding me to be
    more machine
    than human
    now then..
    the metaphors
    for the Matrix
    and Terminator
    series of movies
    are no myth
    they are
    movies of wheRe
    humans are now..
    then too.. but more
    so.. so much more so
    now.. until we escape
    the science of culture
    and are
    just free
    to move..
    and create..
    as that is what
    eliminates the
    black umbrella
    of culture
    the colors
    of the wind
    that paint
    so beautifuLLy
    when free flows uS..:)

    Hmm… now to publish this 742nd MacroVerse now as i paint with the coLors
    of Ocean whOle Poem SonG of My soUL LonGeR than 3.3M words and what is now..
    1.062M Words of a “NetherLand Bible 2017” plus the words in this 71st MacroVerse
    of that inclusive of the 742nd MacroVerse whOle effort on three blogs now plus..
    and sure.. coming up later in the week a coming 146th dance week niGht too at Good
    Old Seville Quarter with all the cool college age folks there as.. hey man.. like
    the Dude said in the Big Lebowski Movie too.. ‘lot of strands to keep in
    my head
    man’.. as
    sure i fulfill
    that Cohen’s prophecy
    too.. as well as the
    Cohen’s Movie Prophecy of
    ‘that’ was only the beginning
    of the ending story then.. too..
    bARTon FinK of course too.. and that’s
    the thing.. poEtry and art and prophecy sAMe..
    any human can and will do calLed by the creative
    holy spiRit of goD sAMe WithIn.. people have tried to
    own the essence of God with words since the first finger
    scratched rudimentary letters in sand.. thing iS.. it’s a reflection
    of the essence co-created by hUman WiTh GoD.. tHeRe is no separation
    now when now
    the Unity
    of Joy of
    BeInG oNe
    wiTh God
    now to
    NoW.. caLL iT Rocky
    MounTain hiGh or a BlUe
    TurtLe.. matters not.. the
    hUman constructed symbols
    to reflect God all that is
    and the HiGher PotenTiaL of
    thE HoLy CreATiVE SpiRiT of GoD..
    saMe breAThING and LiVIng WitHiN NoW.. diFfeREnt2..
    ya can’t own God with words alone.. i mean.. YaH.. DuH..;)

  11. rythaephua says:

    Nice one there, worth the time.

    • Hi rythaephua.. thanks
      so much for stopping by
      and yes.. taking the time to
      read one of what i call a MacroVerse
      now.. and thank Goodness you picked
      a relatively small one at 10K words as
      they are averaging around 15K these days..
      and oh.. my Goodness.. all the photos requires
      a very fast broad band access and computer to
      pick them
      up quick..
      as Technology
      stARts to catch up
      with all of what i do here..
      Hehe.. guess i am filling uP
      my ReTireMent years with words
      oF ThiS and StePs of DancE..
      anyway.. alWays good
      to heaR from
      you mY FriEnd
      as i alWays enjoy
      dropping by your blog
      and reading your inspiring
      Poetry there.. Best Wishes..
      My FriEnd.. for a Lovely Day alWays noW..:)

      • rythaephua says:

        Hahahaha, I can tell but 15K is no joke at all, that’s like a whole book you know. You’re really doing so well, I salute you my friend. And yes, you are really filling up your retirement years. Nice one there. Many thanks too for your continuous presence at my blog, you are a gold-mine friend to cherish. Thanks, really.

        • sMiLes my friEnd.. yes.. it’s true..
          rythaephua.. sometimes i do write 40K words
          in a week as a literal Novel effort of words2..
          And that’s why sometimes i just ‘like’.. extremely
          busy folks in the work world posts and poetry as
          i do not
          them with
          the winds
          of all my words..
          as hey.. i used to work
          too.. in fact after gaining
          three college degrees.. i actually
          spent close to two decades working
          at a Military Bowling Center Serving
          up shoes.. instead of words to folks online
          now.. people used to tale me i was wasting
          my life and potential and i should be making
          so much more money.. including my
          Father’s side of the family..
          but on the other
          my Mother was
          all about Love and
          never ever about money..
          My Father Died with ‘a lottery
          ticket in his hand’.. for metaphor my friEnd..
          And my Mother’s last grasp on life was a sMiLe
          and Love for her children for the only thing in
          her life that counted was/is Love.. It’s
          true my friEnd that friEnds
          and Love are Gold.. yes..
          oF A Mother
          named Love..
          Aphrodite.. and
          Venus as they say..
          Sure.. Aphrodite has some
          children too.. as the story continues..
          Love my FriEnd THE hiGhest Gift of God as
          Nature sAMe.. and alWays a Garden to GroW GoLd..
          And my Mother’s Name was Helen which in original
          Greek Definition means shining light with light as just another word for
          Love.. Anyway thanks again for visiting… considering that most poets
          do about two posts a week on average at about 150 words.. it takes
          about a year at that pace to write 15K words in what the Tsunami
          of my fingers makes on average every three to four days now.. so
          what that means.. is for tit for tat.. you don’t have to visit me
          over here for another year.. hehe.. meanwhile.. as
          alWays.. i will be over at your place to pay
          this one back.. haha.. and sure..
          i may write some more
          Free Verse thoughts
          over at your place
          again.. in the future..
          but never feel like you need
          to respond in kind if you don’t have
          time..as Lord knows when i worked.. i
          rarely had time to say more than sincerely
          yours in a card or your friEnd Fred.. i am now
          just fortunate as time no longer exists to me at all..
          and yes.. my friEnd that is my wish for you too.. to escape
          time and to live in Heaven alWays now.. truly it’s as possible
          as that
          i lived in
          for 66 months..
          and sure.. off and on
          when younger too.. so..
          Heaven to you too.. WiTh
          SMiLes of LoVe mY FriEnd..:)

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