Moon Child Closes iN


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Happy Veteran’s day.. everyone.. and i must say with both pride and glee..
that i am a citizen of this great country still.. as truly iN many places
oF the world.. a Good Cop Jesus could not exist and fully SinG/
DancE or even witness for God for 6 years and 12 million words..
without cultural clothes.. including.. 42 months and 3.3 million words
plus iN A longest long form poem free verse with
some concrete poetry form freest
as essence comes form.. either..
unless my LioNs SonG DancE
is housed within
truly a New Israel..
iSREAL wHeRE God livEs
as life and liberty and the pursuit
of happiness within we human beings..
inside.. outside.. above.. so below and all
around too.. sure.. that’s the American dream
for me.. fulfilled as i speak and do.. and DancE
and SinG Now FreeST vERse PoeTry too.. what a gift
all of this iS.. aS oNe looks around at the rest of the
world in so many ways of priSons away from free noW iN
A KinGdoM of God AS Heaven Within.. don’t need no labels
for this.. not one from this religion or that religion.. and sure i
for one make many new ways of doing and speaking life Holy and Sacred
for me.. and that’s the thing.. my Friend or FriEnds sAme.. even foes
as such too.. Separation of Church and State is necessary so all
can speak tHeir own languages of God if one is to believe that
the Kingdom of God and potEntiAl Heaven lives within and
is at hand now.. iF one wants to control.. subjugate and
dominate others for power.. status.. and material
ways of man-made toolS in extension of success..
THaT most alWays harms others.. rather than
bRinGinG all of uS up toGeTheR aS oNe
Force of God.. that iS liGht.. trUth and
liGht iS.. tHeir is also dArk.. and sHades
of Grey ‘tween aLL of dArk to liGht..
And we folks who walk iN/aS liGht
trUly have iT aLL as liGht
groWs greater and
ever now
is more
than bEfore
iN liGht… wE can visit
dARk.. we folks who are wide
aWake but God within sHows uS
through all natural innate.. instinct..
and intuition.. in how to get back to Heaven
in both short and long term way.. i’ve never been
to ‘war’.. i’ve never been an active duty soldier.. although
i spent a quarter of a century working to provide greater morale..
welfare and recreation for those soldiers and veterans of war too..
i enjoyed it very much and took great satisfaction in supporting those
who would give their life for others to continue to enjoy life.. liberty
and the pursuit of happiness too.. never the less.. i am a free verse
soldier of God continually adding more verses to a UniVerse oF
God within i.. as me.. and shARinG that aS it comes… with no
limits or expectations set firmly in stone.. i am a streAM.. A
RiVer.. a WaVe as pArt of Ocean WhoLe God too.. noW
and surely at lEASt to me.. this all IS A reflection
of that.. and yes.. as Katy Perry might say..
to John too.. just another New Testament
in the can out of so many that have come
in 3.3 million words every six weeks now
at 180k words or so in length.. and yes.. for
arriving in 6 years now of all the homework online
for that iN writing 12 million words as my next milestone
so far to celebrate this ThanksGiving since the one that
arrived 72 months ago.. in 2010.. yes.. i celebrate too.. the
Veterans who have fought in wars for our freedoms.. and yes..
i celebrate my way as free verse Soldier oF God too.. kNoWn by
no label
but the
essence oF
God thaT liVes
within me.. fuLL of HeARt..
exPReSsinG EmoTioNal SpiRit
and FeeLinG HeARt FuLLy WiTh
aLL emoTioNs and SeNSEs fuLL too..
iN a MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG as A practice
oF liGht and liFE in all sHades of Grey and DArk..
noW and even BeyOnd RainBoW coLors oF liGht too..
MoVinG.. ConNeCtinG.. CreAtinG.. sHArinG Now and
GiVinG too.. as i once again provide an over view here
in 12 chapters full now.. as this could be a 13th chapter..
or a 720th chapter same.. in Witness of God sAMe.. as all
12 million words have come to be written online since Thanks
Giving day 2010 when the first word was a mountain of pain.. suffering
still then.. from the worst pain known to mankind at around 33 months
to that point.. with no ability to read or write anything without intolerable
pain until then.. yes.. to reiterate.. type two Trigeminal Neuralgia.. assessed
worse than Crucifixion in medical associated literature.. and for me a full 66
months with 19 medical disorders.. including Sjogren’s Syndrome.. Dysautonomia..
Fibromyalgia.. Severe Degenerative Arthritis in my spine.. and Spinal Stenosis..
Severe Anxiety.. all associated with Severe Depression.. Anhedonia.. Panic
Attacks.. PTSD.. Alexithymia.. eTc..and zero point of no emotions and even
no senses at all after 35 days of 1 hour of alpha blocker cardboard
shallow assisted sleep.. for each night.. and no sleep at all the
last 5 of 40.. around the lent period of 2008.. as Catholics
speak to in giving something up.. no.. i’m not a veteran
of any ‘war’..
just hell..
and trust
me that’s a place..
an isREAL place on eARth..
that i can only hope that no one
has experienced like i did for 66 months..
where at that point.. a thousand years was/is
a second in hell.. as all there was is/was time then..
an experience wHeRe burning in hell was/is preferable..
to nothing at all.. in what felt like total separation from
God and Nature ONE.. anyway.. now.. it’s possible folks have
gone to worse places than that.. and never been as fortunate
as i am now to come and speak to it in poetic ways that may
reflect something.. anything.. at all of what it’s like to liVe
iN HeLL so with all that sAid.. for the record.. now what i
just did in continuing
witness for
ISReaL wHole
God as Nature oNE..
don’t need any words for
that as God IS A Verb that
does me do.. now.. Wide Awake..:)

Black Moon Apocalypse Weekend! 15,155 words

Black Moon Apocalypse Weekend!

Golden Age reKneWeD 12,895 words

Golden Age reKneWeD

710th MacroVerse oF Faith 17,340 words

710th MacroVerse oF Faith

711 MaCroVerse BeYonD 17,179 words

711 MaCroVerse BeYonD

‘LiGhTeNinG sTriKeS 712 11,190 words

‘LiGhTeNinG sTriKeS 712

World War 111 DreAMs 13,480 words

World War 111 DreAMs

SoN oF Man MoRe NoW 19,147 words

SoN oF Man MoRe NoW

ArT oF tHe hUman HeArt SpiRiT SoUL 17,298 words

ArT oF tHe hUman HeArt SpiRiT SoUL

Book oF Ten Sixteen 17,560 words

Book oF Ten Sixteen

BRidge to noW SinG 11,552 words

BRidge to noW SinG

DeStiNaTioN 718 12,429 words

DeStiNaTioN 718

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen 15,996 words

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

Hello.. my FriEnd.. just stopping by today..
to share with you.. what you in part helped
to inspire.. i don’t exclude anyone.. not even a grain
of sand to
muse the liGht
oF God my Friend..
and the least i can do
is give this to you.. and let you be..
i don’t ever expect to totally agree with
anyone.. as we all see God a little differently..
as while we are one with God.. we are also individual
have a great day my friEnd wiTh God..
what ever your name is.. A call for an uprising dude on youtube..:)


Hi.. gigoid.. as alWays things are changing
fast in a world that is rather
more coNfusing
than a Beach..
i move
back tHeRe
uP heRe noW
as much as Now
possible with sMiLes..
finAlly it seems like a cloudy
cool day in November.. wHere
even grey can be beautiful for change
in azure bliss blue skies of fall as Summer still..:)

“Reality is a cliche from which we escape by metaphor.”

~~ Wallace Stevens ~~

WiNks.. what i

“There are two ways of exerting one’s strength:
one is pushing down, the other is pulling up.”

~~ Booker T. Washington ~~

Fearless tends to float up..
and fear
up up up.. i float away from dARk..:)

SAdly.. Trump reflects reality..
the DArk Side of what fear desires..

“Make the best use of what is in your power,
and take the rest as it happens.”

~~ Epictetus ~~

And yes to phrase
it differently
with an end
to means..
don’t forget
to get

“Treat people as if they were what they ought to be,
and you help them to become what they are capable of being.”

~~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ~~

Yes.. BRinG people uP stARting
at greater
Fly stARTinG aS Air..:)

“He was part of my dream, of course –
but then I was part of his dream, too.”

~~ Lewis Carroll, “Through the Looking Glass” ~~

in the niGht..
And look at each other and sMiLe..:)

“There is nothing in this world constant but inconstancy.”

~~ Jonathan Swift ~~

constantlY iN FloW In zoNe..
breeze shines

“Keep the golden mean”

~~Publius Syrus — Maxim 1072 ~~

Yes.. Be the Hurricane
Winds of never ending energy now..
eYe Peace..:)

“If I do not do it now, when shall I do it?”

~~ Dogen Zenji ~~

oF Victory juSt do IT..:)

“Even the worthy Homer sometimes nods.”

~~ Horace — Ars Poetica, 359 ~~

That day in November 2016..
when life
stranger than the ‘Simpsons’..;)

Anyway.. even
for the better.. iN liGht.. noW..;)


Facebook Friend Rafiah provides a nice share of a Pentatonix
A Capella Cover of recently deceased Leonard Cohen’s
Song Hallelujah and i say in mutual appreciation..

Always surprised at the depth of your worldly appreciation of music
culture.. Rafiah.. and although Pentatonix is probably my
favorite modern A Capella singing group.. i must say..
i still like Cohen’s version much
better as it captures the original
intent of the blues better to me..
with the light of Hallelujah mixed..
and by a way the Catholic version Alleluia
is one of my favorite high terms to connect
with the temple dome at church.. sometimes
Katrina says.. all she can hear is me singing it..
but truly
it is allone
A voice that comes
aS oNe of praise..
so here’s ‘a
from me
too.. in appreciation
of Leonard Cohen
and a word of praise..:)

The blues.. surely a song that the educated folks
who voted for Johnson and Stein are singing in college
educated groups across the country in Occupy Democrats
against A 99 percent fashion too.. sure.. in a way we have another Vietnam
brewing in the country on our hands.. and surely it will be Trump who either
makes or breaks that protest lesser or greater in months to come.. hEars a caution..
better yet a warning.. people aren’t numbers.. people aren’t pawns in games to play
to achieve status and power.. not in a Democracy as in a Democracy there are consequences
for stepping on the emotions of other folks.. and there are also consequences of emboldening
the darkness in the population when hate is praised against the different and the have nots
among the populace.. same in dark ways that are coming now as empirically evidenced
same even in schools with chants of build that wall against poor Mexican immigrants
who want a better life out of misery for their children in poor places
of desert scarcity down below.. no matter what.. comes.. even words
of hate make misery and suffering and even death
come to the mix of life.. but again..
the consequences comes
on both ends
of the coin
for both the
haters and the
recipients of that hate.
and the ones who are emboldened
by the hate message of those now at
the top of the hierarchy of the message
that comes through clear too that the general
population hears.. do not underestimate the power
of the dark force.. from what Trump preached and how the
message was delivered and heard.. the evidence of the winning
result is all too real for now.. and here’s the other thing.. don’t discount
the liGht force of Love against the dARk Force of hate either.. if those Republicans
ever do anything to harm the general population.. there will be ten times more consequences
that they and their children will face in many years to come.. as a free country doesn’t forget
when their peers are harmed.. even if those fears are not grounded in reality.. as Lord
knows.. if Hillary had won.. there could have been armed protestors with the
conspiracy fears that their guns were going away.. as that was the
chatter even in online avenues before this election ended..
it wasn’t hard to hear.. particularly for someone
who reads as fast as i do and
travels at ‘light speed’..
all around the
world wide
yeah.. 10 to
15 times faster
than the average human
being… don’t discount what
is filled in this head of mine either..
hehe.. for all these folks who think that
government is not necessary.. just remember
that the after effect of New Orleans comes in all
colors and ways of human being.. you start to attack
someone’s very subsistence of life.. and you do it when
it is not necessary for just politics of power and status and
such as that.. and there will be a sleeping giant that rises up
giant has been
Love.. when Love
raises up.. be careful..
’cause the Mama Grizzly will
FucK you up worse than any
angry old white dude in a suit
or smiling hypocrite like Pence..
who would take legally and medically
safe abortions away to prove his religion right..
while in Mexico where the Majority is Catholic and
Abortion is illegal there are close to as many illegal abortions
now which often results in permanent disability up to death for the
mothers and a sad way of suffering for the unborn up to infanticide
and filicide that comes later in situations that folks in feathered nests
cannot imagine for human suffering and misery and death in life.. the
World Health Organization measures this suffering in countries where
medically safe abortions are not legal.. and those are the countries where
unsafe abortions are a major cause of disability and death among women now
there.. and the same shit happened here in the back alleys with the coat hangers
and more infants in dumpsters then.. before ’73.. yes all the one’s that were never noticed
too by those
in the
pews with
shiny suits
and Sunday
Dinners at Buffets
of all you can eat slop…
Ignorance is the scourge..
of the world sTiLL that is a high
force of dark and hate still today..
the real definition of the term Apocalypse
is lifting those veils of ignorance in original
Greek way.. however StiLL there are dark forces
iN religion and group think that blocks the force
oF liGht and TrUth from coming to IsReaL noW in
liFe’s of the minions who will follow the most
despicable leaders that come to support tHeiR
so-called religious beliefs.. and if you wonder
why so many Hispanic Catholics voted for Trump..
you can be assured that it was for issues like Homosexuals
getting married and abortion too.. as dictated by the Catholic
Church as sin rather than the Nature that has always been here
on the planet earth for folks born different in changing environmental
pressures.. too.. including not having enough subsistence or mental health
to raise another child that comes.. and not to mention thAT same Catholic
Organization to the top around the hoping to deny resources of planned parent
hood for effective birth control and better health for the parents and children
to come.. the very measures that will reduce the number of abortions that come
in reality now2.. those veils of ignorance are heavy to the core of group think
and religious ignorance for the facts of life and God of Nature same..
don’t forget both dARk and liGht is pARt of God.. even iF iT iS
you yourself as part of God who would send a poor
Mexican family back to a place that doesn’t
have a promise of life.. or a young
woman to committing suicide
over a birth she cannot
take.. or same
for a young
homosexual person
now in church pews
who finds out his or her..
etc.. Love.. is not sacred enough
for marriage and as follows neither
are they as human beings now.. if Jesus
came back today.. he would not be too happy
for the comb over philosophy that has taken away
the good cop Jesus philosophy and makes hate instead
of love in seeing God as two separate and more things..
either love works together or the ‘tween and the dark force
hate as we see both happening today in cities across the land..
the liGht Force WiLL eventually shine bRiGhter than the DARk
that’s jUST common sense.. as long as it sings and that bird of freedom
shut uP now..
and sure.. i have to
go against my own mother
on this topic.. but unlike
the bad cop Jesus i refuse to
hate her based now on what she
doesn’t know in ignorance of the
facts of Nature and God the same..
same as all my so-called republican friends
too.. who live in my community at rates of group
think up to 80%.. i am fortunate.. i have an education
with three college degrees in the real humanity subjects
of Anthropology.. Social Science.. and Health Science too..
and what that provides evidence of is people are similar alike
and different in all areas of the world.. and almost anything of
dark or light that helps or harms others at human nature core
can be held holy and sacred as gospel truth in any country
and culture of the world still.. when one gains
a bigger picture of life..
the ignorance
in veils can
start to
fall away
now to
an isreAL
original Greek
definition of Apocalypse
today more now.. and i for
one will do all i can to Atlas
lift a world of DArk and hate
that still exists in ignorance now..
anyway.. the first step is cognitive
and affective empathy in understanding
and feeling the shoes other folks live in
including compassion in actually alleviating
their suffering and misery now in understanding
kind and courageous ways.. and to venture out of
the walls of church and such as that and hold hands
and feet
in dance
of someone
who dances and
sings to another drummer than you..
it’s possible almost anyone can do
it who never gives up and reaches out.. with

And speaking of Dance.. hehe..
and the strange brew among
us that is me too..
a MacroVerse
Memory coming
from two years
ago to date named
Another DAY IN THE LIFE of a DanceWalker..

Another DAY IN THE LIFE of a DanceWalker

with focus on the similarities of God liGht we share iN TruTh
no matter what religion we so-called belong to in ownership
ways of bonding for common dark and light in
heaven and hell ways too.. with
another symbol
of that Sergeant
Pepper’s Album
cover by the Beatles
with a stone Statue in burial
ground to rise up to awakening
in boTh TrUth and liGht way
of reason in intellect
and emotional
ways too..
in Love.. as
fearless and smART
as unconditional ForcE noW..
wHere a lonely heARt’s club
bad dances and sings toGeTheR once aGain..:)



Veterans of Human Weather

Veterans of Human Weather

And finally two MacroVerse memories shared noW in appreciation
and respect of Veteran’s day from a year ago and two as well..
with many many MicroVerses and Micro Micro Verses to ago along with
that both
and not
too of course.;)

Allah’s Art

Allah’s Art

And yes one from three
years ago Allah’s Art..
celebrating the art of Friend
ship to in
Veteran’s way2..
Now with

And sure.. why not end
and stARt iT all with another FB
Video Slide show presentation of
Thursday niGht dance.. at good old
Seville Quarter where there are no barriers
of color or gender or nationalities or religion
etc.. except for ignorance in pockets of dARk and hate..
the yin and yang oF iT all dARk and liGht and the ‘tween of
that i see and experience in FeeLinG and SeNSinG ways oF aLL liFe
and yes..
it is possible
for A LioN noW
and Lamb to dance/SinG
toGeThER sTiLL aS oNE..
WiTh otHeRS like and not like thAT too…
i turn the other cheek when it comes to
potential feet and chops of fury over
words of ignorance now.. but no..
i will never exclude
the potential
my life from
physical harm with
the same.. no different..
than i will stand up for the
TrUth and liGht with family
but i refuse to hate anyone
for their ignorance or differences now..
a little anger now and then sure.. always
diffused with dance and song of poetry too.. away from hate..
to rise iN
liGht and TrUth this way..
even with the parachute drag
of all the shiT that exists in the world stILL2..
yes.. sHit
of ignorance and
more TrUth and liGht
iN original Greek Def to come..
in Apocalypse way..
if one
it and
heAR it
wiTh God openED eYes too..:)


Rocky Racoon.. the Beatles..
the power of ignorance mixed
with crimes of passion.. sure.. could
be a girl
or your
gun.. the
fear that started
a long campaign that
would last for 8 years against
an African American President
Barrack Obama.. and yes.. the
Gideon Bible.. or the Koran
or other books of
dArk and liGht
of murder..
dashing children
of opposing tribes heads
against stones or sacrifice
of animals and children same
for an imaginary God that is real
too in Part as human Nature dARk isReaL2..
yes.. this song.. a spoof from an English Elite
Rock Group.. where as close as you’ll get to
many of their songs on youtube is a cover
in tightly reined copy right
to keep
inside of original
mineral rights per se..
anyway.. the way they viewed
the American conspiracy tinted public
then is a same thing now… as ignorance brews
the worst of hate crimes and ones of passion
and conspiracies same.. yes.. this song is
a spoof of the Trump rights of the
population who are jealous
of others gaining
their grain
in locked down silos
guarded with guns.. and if
some of them could they would
blow up entire countries for religious
rights and older countries of origin in gideon
way too.. an eye for an eye.. a tooth for a tooth
if you get welfare benefits you are taking more than
i want
to give
to you
now too..
particularly if you
don’t go to my specific
Christian Church and see
and look like life like i do..
fear.. ignorance.. jealously..
greed.. doubt.. anxiety
of never having
of what
others have..
all ingredients for
a perfect dark storm
of discontent.. hate and
general misery enjoys company
way of life.. and yes pARt of Nature
and God same today as dark lamps come2…
so Thursday night
the opposite brew
comes up to
me.. in ways
of elite college
drunk frat boy never
me in the
dancing club before..
a holiday the next day
and some room to play
with privilege of the educated rich..
sees my shirt with kitties flying through
the air.. having no idea i am old enough to
be his grandpa.. or the fact that i leg press
1020 LBS on a very difficult parallel leg press
with arms raised in air 33 reps now.. sure.. about
twice as much as the elite marines in that facility
using that
leg press
machine now..
nor the fact that
with one swift kick
i have the power behind
my feet to kill a human dead..
much bigger than him.. so he sees
the incongruence of my T-Shirt with
the sweet little kitties flying through space
with moons behind and shakes his head in
what they term as shaming these days for
folks who do not meet the mold of whatever
elite flavor they taste.. no this is no Trump rights
group.. this is the elite without common Fucking Street
Smarts that says shit happens when you least expect
it be careful
who you fuck
with when you
are drunk off your
ass and are not seeing
the bigger picture approaching
240 Lbs behind what you think
is a less than man shirt on someone
in front of you now.. anyway.. i have never
come across someone as ignorant in the
opposite ways of what so-called ‘rednecks’
do have in common sense.. ignorance comes
in all ways and there are many more types of
intelligence than in what one finds in schools and fraternities
too.. and it was kinda ironic.. as i was just speaking to these
kind of bullies in that day’s ending Macro-Verse of a New Testament
too.. anyway.. i write about it all… for a lesson as such too.. never judge
a person’s cover/niceness for potentials that lie and tell the trUth and light/dArk inside..
and same lesson to the Trump Elite.. don’t fuck with someone who has been to hell..
or you
a kick
back you don’t
like.. my martial arts
experience allows me to
have the restraint in quick
reflexes not to kill someone dead
for being as ignorant as this.. but sure
there are other folks just like me.. who have
been to combat with PTSD.. and a little mistake
like that could cause anyone like him to fuck with someone
who has been
to hell..
to lose
your life
on what you thought
was funny and now what is dead.. as you..
i surely hope the coming administration and
all the coming haters keep this lesson
full in mind.. as trust
me you have
no idea
the dark
goes in hell still now isREaL..
Bible.. gideon or not.. Koran
or whatever else
will not
from A Rocky
Racoon who
IS A faster draw than you..
and for some all it takes is one quick
foot powered like a missile oF liGht oN dARk.. eTc…
Anyway.. this is a 720th MacroVerse.. what to name it
what to name.. it well.. as mentioned before.. if this
were the 13th verse of just another New testament in size
written in a little over 6 weeks.. it would exceed that by
about 10 to 15K words or more so now too.. depending on the muses
that come my way.. and yes.. as there was a Black Moon Apocalypse then
that started that brew.. there is a Super Moon coming as part of a triad
as such with one on October 14th and still one coming in the middle of
December that will be November 14th when this is published.. that will
be the closest Full moon.. since ’68 when i was 8.. 48 years ago.. so sure
this MacroVerse
in what ‘unofficially’
will be juSt another 13th verse
of the New Testaments from me that
come in personal way every 6 weeks now.
yes.. the
of this
now be..
‘Moon Child closes iN’..
more on that later as later now


Hello gigoid.. stopping by to say hi and…..

“The problem with troubleshooting is that real trouble shoots back.”

~~ Subtle Bee ~~

just speaking to this
issue literally seconds
synchronicity rings
truth and light
and bullets
too.. sadly enough.2….
and of course the ‘tween of all sHaDes
and beyoNd rain
bow colors
most too..
iN all that colors liFE now2..;)

“What is required is sight and insight — then you might add one more: excite.”

~~ Robert Frost~~

True.. without
pasSioN liGht..
much action
doing or in effect from affect
consequence of all of that too..
skeleton letters
or word breath in air..:)

Yes.. float
in shit
and it all
shits as roses..
in reference to
Murphy and loving him
as much as he hates you back more..
liGht wins

“A thing is not proved because no one has ever questioned it…
Skepticism is the first step towards truth.”

— Smart Bee

Proof is also
the enemy of miracles..
in other
art wins even without science..
side.. proof or not..
always another side of ‘anything’ with a side..;)

“The common dogma [of fundamentalists] is fear of modern knowledge, inability to cope with the fast change in a scientific-technological society, and the real breakdown in apparent moral order in recent years That is why hate is the major fuel, fear is the cement of the movement, and superstitious ignorance is the best defence against the dangerous new knowledge. When you bring up arguments that cast serious doubts on their cherished beliefs you are not simply making a rhetorical point, you are threatening their whole Universe and their immortality. That provokes anger and quite frequently violence.”

— G – Gaia

i always try to keep
in mind that in some countries
genital mutilation of young folks is the norm..
in the
and go from
there less protected
from the elements of
Nature in what i see as
of God..;)

It’s one thing to see and use
technology as just a tool and keep
it separate from the moving.. connecting..
creating flesh and blood we are evolved to be..
it’s another
thing to
the throne
and never move
anything at basic
essence of Life for
almost the entire day long..
there is insanity everywhere and
that surely includes the very science
and technology in effect that is God now too..
both literally
and figuratively
too as an extension
now of Nature and God
same.. that can be either
or idol
of ill health too..
you wanna piss a very educated
person off who has kids with autism..
just suggest in part it is because they are on
their smart phones instead of giving their kids hugs
or are sending them to a prison of sitting still every
day to be a good little societal sitting still and quiet cog of the
machines of society
today.. yeah.. i love it..
too.. as i sit here and pound
on a palette of paint in keys of
art and reason too.. but on the other
hand/foot.. i know this tool will shorten my life
in pain and misery of ergonomic and repetitive
small movement injuries too.. as well as the fact that even
science shows that sitting is as deadly as a pack of cigarettes
a day too..
long term
habit on a throne
of Technology God now2..
as screen of scream of ‘that’ painting now2..;)

“I just stepped on a factoid!”

– Zippy the Pinhead

And sitting too much behind a ‘new age throne’.. can lead to hemorrhoids too..;)

“Youth of today! Join me in a mass rally for traditional mental attitudes!”

— Zippy the Pinhead

Additionally.. as far as even ‘the new century’ youth go too.. there is a lean
toward Idealism too.. not much more out of the scope of common
sense than the same with their ‘new definition’ of Libertarian
too.. some of the same folks who are marching
now.. who think in a bi-polar
world of conservative
and liberal..
one is
gonna destroy
one or the other
by thinking different
without facing the reality
of nature and human nature is real
overall.. the greatest ignorance of all
as proven historically over and over again
is a lack of basic common sense that comes from
within… innately.. instinctually and intuitively too.. text
books are
for ignorance too..
in all the ways that comes
in school.. or in the Facebook chat room too..
or not.. bibles
come in many colors
of even so-called atheism too..
just as an example and not limited to that ‘new throne’ either2..;)

“This is patently absurd; but whoever wishes to become a philosopher must learn not to be frightened by absurdities.”

— Bertrand Russell



The world is nuts
and i am
a squirrel..
i rarely
fit in..
this is my world..;)

SeriouSlY.. iT’s all worth
it for the nuts i find..;)


i am now a


Hello my
friEnd M..
now kNown
as some bloke too…
The college i graduated
from.. yes.. with three degrees..
all emboldened with a humble yet
very lasting shell of Nautilus in total
exquisite workmanship to protect from
oncoming predators to eat the softer life inside..
comes with a logo
from Oliver
to build
more stately
mansions in living life
too in excellence as college
is supposed to prepare one for life…
weLL.. what it did prepare me for was handing
out shoes at a small Military Bowling Center
as the now humbled Nautilus who was always
me found at least some niche w/rewards to get some gas
money.. and other tools to meet women in bars then..
hmm.. my 1970 Maverick wasn’t too impressive with
no AC and Heat.. and ripped up dash board after
bringing me to school.. with three part time
jobs then.. ranging from Janitor.. adding
Book Store Stocking Clerk.. also too..
to Research Associate in Archeology..
yes.. all three jobs at once with full school
load too as pArt of a Degree in Anthropology
to go along with the one in Social
Sciences Interdisciplinary and
Health Science too.. back in
’83.. it paid for the peanut
butter sandwiches
and gas
and other stuff for school..
anyway.. other than a few stiff
dancing skills then.. and haha.. wearing
cowboy books and fancy slacks for someone
who had no idea what was in or out too.. oh.. the
trials and errors of life.. if not for already a humble
Nautilus.. me.. i would have been quite humiliatED if i had
known any better then.. And this could really end up being a very long
story of my life.. my friend.. but i think as you can see as you visit my
blog.. life got better.. much better finally after working at that Bowling
Center.. for around two decades.. a stint as an Administrative Assistant
for a Captain of another military station.. Community Activities Director
and finally Athletic Director of a military installation.. for the kid picked
as the last on sports teams in school.. and also mistaken for a girl at
McDonald’s around age 12 to 13 too.. oh yeah.. and there was that stint
of living in real earth hell for 66 months as a shut-in in my underwear
in my bedroom.. like that dude who sold meth in that famous TV show..
i wasn’t selling anything but grabbing onto a string of anything.. even
one word after i was able to do that after doing almost nothing at
all but staring off into the distance and playing with words in
my head.. backwards and forwards and upside down.. like
those paintings that prisoners of war etch in stone
fact is.. my friend..
i had no hope then..
as hope is an emotion and
when one totally loses their
emotions that is extremely rare
for a non-brain injured person.. although
no doubt my brain was cooked in deep down myelin
sheaf ways then of nerves fried by flight or fight stress
in the two years that preceded that hell back then.. i was
the devil as that’s what happens when a human loses
their emotions.. for all practical intents and purposes
when the only feeling worth living is any pain at all..
but here’s the thing.. there IS A Super Moon coming by
the time i publish the part of a Nautilus Shell i am writing
steadily at work.. for only the reward of doing this now.. same
as i did in school.. and mostly at work at close to minimum wage after
all that work… yes.. at GMT time on November 14th.. 2016 when i publish this
all for free just for fun.. for the joy of the Nautilus who builds a shell of mansion
and at the end of life someone says aren’t you proud of what you did and you say
i care
i lived
i liveDevil too..
livEvil staRat2
and the Nautilus
shell that comes
from all of this.. is just
something on a beach to
be washed up on another ocean
front of being life.. who kNows/feels perHaps
in a record oF a new fossil way of new manmade
technology too.. and like the never ending story.. i
will scream moon child if i can do anything to
with all
of that..
so i sing
MoonChild! today
my friend.. cloSinG in
on Supermoon Monday for now..
closest to Earth Since ’68 at 8 years me..
and sure.. the moon IS A child of earth and
so are all of we.. same as daughters.. sons.. Etc..
as crucible of and as Star Burst plus Sentient Stuff we Live..
And all
of that
Miracle oF noW..:)

As added note here.. interesting
how the reality of our minds and
bodies in or out of balance work
with the environmental changes we are constantly
exposed to across the lifespan.. in both epigenetic
expression of changing form of human being to neuroplastic
ways of adding learning and wiring of the brain more complex
and briGhter noW Lamp as WeLL.. in FeeLinG and SeNSinG and
KNoWinG ways of liFe.. that do include head to toe.. and
more than science can and may ever be able to imagine..
a tour
of the
of BeinG hUman
noW in forms that come
to express that isREAL MaGiC..
just a share of a relatively unknown
song above.. by a fellow blogger who is
speaking what i speak to in this MacroVerse too..
when you take away the middle letters of words and just
leave the wall letter of front and end.. the mind will fill
in the blanks.. an ability close to half the population has and
will do.. as in tests do show.. say you’ll get up at 6 am.. too..
and wake at once second ’till immediately before the alarm clock sounds..
Defying empirical analysis of the hows except for the consequence of action
in how stuff human works now..
the song below.. ‘A Human
Child’ brought to me
by a stranger on
the ‘WrongPlanet’
in 2013 healing..
no longer available
as music on Youtube for
copyright reasons of not
sharing it with the world for free..
and perhaps drawing interest in pay way
for this artist’s other works too.. but never
the less it was/is truly a gift that helped me come
born again with full emoTions and SeNses and a greater
gift oF SonG iN poEtry and vocal way.. and DancE surpassing
well over 6000 miles now..
the gifts that come
are from one
force now
we will likely..
never fully understand
not even a Dr. Strange could noW..
other than juST doing it for strange brew Now..;)

Ningen no Kodomo
A Human Child

“Don’t raise your voice, okay?
I came here to save you
No one else in the classroom
Is able to see me

The road home is scary, isn’t it?
Because you could get beaten again
Let’s take another road
There are no other circumstances
Only your road

Before long, you’re on your own
You’ll be able to endure it, right?
You won’t be able to say anything
Or talk back

You’re still small
But when you grow up
I will show you love
No one can mimic
Your way of doing things

A child who can laugh
A child who can cry
A human child

In the corner of the classroom
The sunlight shines in
You’re worried about me
No one else can see the “truth”
With such beautiful eyes

A child who can laugh
A child who can cry
A human child

A child like everyone else
A child different from everyone else

A child who can laugh
A child who can cry
A human child”


In determining which of close to 500 themed T-Shirts to wear
to the New Dr. Strange Movie… i settled on
Star Wars and the Dark Force
of Vader and light saber
and it certainly fit in
the ultimate theme of the
movie.. that was literally unreal
with special effects.. with a dark side
theme surely rivaling that even more
mystically than the Star Wars Series to date too..
And yes it touched on the Guru Yoda side.. in more
magical ways.. of healing per se too.. mind over matter
and such as that.. that has some merit per anecdote of my
liFe isReaL too.. as the metaphors of standing words different
continue to change too.. there is this higher power of human as
told through the ages of the mystical and occult sages as long
as recorded history shows.. rather vague it is but never the
less it’s beyond words and an iSREAL power inside that
one can only learn through much trial and error
experience.. yes.. deep within.. and farther
than any symbols used before..
at least in my
of isReaL hiGher
power of God as this
“Moon Child Closes iN” now
number 720 MacroVerse continues
to spiral and gRow some more in Ocean
WhoLe Poem.. SonG oF mY soUL more..
as what comes around goes around
more more more.. more.. as i am
kinda tired as not only has the
norm of 181K or so words
every six weeks come..
festivals all the way
through October ending
in Biloxi Casino trip last week..
and OMG too much news watching
of election.. and a never before held
protest of a Presidential election
across the country from
shore to shore.. it’s
a good thing
this year isn’t the
year i decided to respond
in poetry for every dVerse prompt and
link for the entire year of 4/15 through
3/16 in months to date then.. but still
the words flow no matter what comes
what may now.. MaGiC.. Exoteric.. Occult
and mystery schools same.. there IS A much deeper
world iN TruTh and liGht that the comic book hero’s
mentor and he eventuAlly speak too.. and that world
of strange iN dARk and liGht and ‘Tween of sHades
of grey and beyOnd RainBow colors too.. iS as iSrEaL..
as it’s not real to the folks who ain’t been to this isREaL yEt..
and one of my favorite pARts
of the movie experience
tonight was the preview of
next Summer of ’17.. Guardians
of the Galaxies.. where they said
“there are two kinds of being in the Uni-
Verse.. those who dance and those who do not”
and must find that great song they used in that Now
preview to accompany this.. as i am really worn out
and feel a fresh wave of sleep coming on too for noW
still multiple Macro-Verses behind in catching up my text
only FB backups of what i’ve done in the last month full.. and
perhaps that will get here by Monday too.. as i need to rest this
brain and body.. including the feet that have traveled 6416 miles
now in close to 39 months.. as i keep up the average at about 166
miles a month overall of public dancing everywhere too.. night night..;)

And yes.. the Facebook Algorithm.. Video
Production Slide Maker Assistant..
does A usual great job in
providing a short documentary
in visual images of what i just said..
in the previous Profile Photo.. monologue too..;)


Servants of the Lord..
more on that in a minute..
additionally more on who that
Lord is.. but first
Facebook Friend
Greg.. and co-worker
from decades of work at
the Cheers-like atmosphere
of Bowling Center days at
the local Navy Station here
provides a share of a county from
Pennsylvania that has moved from Democrat
to Republican in substantial part willing to accept
Trumps quick fix pills to bring jobs back to what are
currently occupied by automation
and namely a Casino and
plenty of service
to replace
what was once
lifelong secure manufacturing
jobs.. sure.. like Trump wouldn’t
hire cheap labor and build a
tower with Chinese Steel..
anyway.. all anyone was
interested in was
he promised
to bring ’em
back when they are not
coming back as i go on to respond..

Ain’t gonna happen.. Automation
Is not going away…
And more
than likely a recession is
coming after as good as it gets..
as the machine wins…now…

And now i go on to say.. quick fix pills.. Technology
the God of the 21st century and even before that in
Luther way.. as Paul the original Saul and only so-called
Apostle who called himself that never actually meeting the man
named Yeshua.. By direct revelation by God said what he said what
Jesus said kinda like what Muhammad said in a cave too.. hmm.. always
giving the authority to someone else with greater authority so these folks can
become the new authority.. not unlike how politics works too.. in the modern age now
as these folks in these dissatisfied places have given the authority now to a pussy grabber
bragger of the modern age.. ’cause he says he makes a quick pill happen soon.. of granting
them wishes that are impossible no different that saying if you believe this dude as they say
in Romans 10:9.. here let me quote it.. no.. not just believe.. but if you confess it like you Fucked
up before you knew it in the first place as it
says specifically
this in the
Version of
what Saul the Paul
said then by his own
direct revelation from God
attributed by him to a dude
named Jesus from way back
when of 40 years or so of Aramaic
illiterate speaking wanderers in the
middle east patch of land back then..

Romans 10:9 NKJV..

“that if you confess with your mouth the
Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that
God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

And i came across this in the card section of Walmart
last night.. who knows perhaps God planted it there for me
through current day servants in both dARk and liGht quite
literally i say.. as God is all stuff existence that is seen.. unseen..
felt.. unfelt.. if you get the drift of all that is and more we don’t perceive..
kinda like what Dr. Strange’s Guru first showed him in that extra cool movie
last night.. as remember.. a prophet of God can even come from a commercial
or a movie.. even something as simple as Nike and just do it.. or perhaps you have
Saul the Paul your God or Jesus Christ not much different than Muhammad or JTrump
now or any other one little flea of a human being.. even the humble speaking JChrist
who said the last will be the first and the meek will inherit the Earth and not FucKinG
JTrumps or other folks who just recite magic incantations like if you believe a myth
you are saved and it’s as simple as that when the Jesus Dude already also
said that getting into heaven is as easy for a Trump as a Camel
passing through a needle.. in a three piece
FucKinG suit..
as such
in metaphor
i provide here..
as just another
JFred prophet of God..
but hey.. i ain’t the only one..
Nike says it best too.. with lots
of works are required in just do it too..
and at least the Catholic Church says that
some works are required.. as Luther took the
quick fix pill.. from one part of Paul’s Romans
that said it’s simple as confessing that you believe
in some snake oil sales person like Trump’s myth that
jobs will be created and he is the ONLY ONE WHO CAN DO IT..
do you see the irony.. the hypocrisy.. well.. probably not.. if you believe
in taking health care away from poor people so the richer folks can get
richer.. sending hard working migrants back to Mexico who just wanna feed
their family and will find a FucKinG way to scale a 25 foot wall like that’s hard
for someone who washes windows on high rises.. huh.. no.. they won’t get little kids
over the top.. but they carry portable built in tools to make kids over here if they
so choose as free lance children of God.. where this land is your land.. this land is
my land this land is some fool’s land who thinks THEY can own God with walls
and borders and such as that.. hehe.. God’s Children will roam free outside
of man-made laws if that is what it takes to feed tHeir family.. as
that’s how most all of us got over here in America in the
first FucKinG place.. in some way or another
for a better fucking day.. and what
normally happens when the
jobs dry up..
is you
go somewhere
else.. or you starve..
as folks are doing in
nomad way today.. and other
more conservative folks are refusing
to do in their home town still with fewer jobs..
and that’s understandable too.. as i didn’t have
extroverted social skills to move somewhere else
to get a job either.. and ended up passing out shoes
at a Bowling Center and also found out that happiness
comes from within and not fucking garage filled Walmart stuff..
Make the tool.. Serve the tool.. Become the tool.. the new God like
new Coke is Technology now too.. obviously and stuff or otherwise
folks wouldn’t mind if migrants came here and worked hard to make
a living off of service jobs.. folks don’t care to do here anymore or take
basic opportunities of health care away from some people who will otherwise
die sooner from chronic illnesses without it.. but this somehow passes right over
the head of those who say they follow a dude without money in his pockets that
panhandles his way while spreading the Good news that the Kingdom of God is at
hand now and lives within.. but sadly the basic teachings of Golden Rule Love are lost
from that
we have
Jtump as the
new Lutheran
Savior of the Paul
Christ folks.. truth is
no one really knows all
of what Jesus said or did..
it depends on which illiterate
oral tradition was believed a couple
of thousand years ago.. and then how
the Roman Catholics determined would
be the best way to expand the Roman Empire
by Forcing folks to believe tHeir ways for promises
of heaven or hell any place other than this generation
at hand now.. i live in heaven now.. and have 100% Faith
it’s real as i walk in those iSREAL shoes now.. does it take work..
hell FucKinG yes it takes constant work of mind and body balance..
no different than the Eastern Gurus and other Yogi’s still do and say..
the minute details of how you actually practice it in A paths that works..
have been almost totally lost beyond standard platitudes of Golden
Rule Philosophy in almost all big religious traditions as such..
but no.. not lost in the East
as miNd and BoDy
is STiLL
a path that
works in being
one with God but
yes it takes work like any other
creature of God does from wake
to sleep.. invisible to predator and
prey alike as we move like the water
and air and God the same..gifted with
fearless.. smARt Love as doing does more
than saying in God’s world that needs no words aT aLL..
anyway.. i refuse to be a robot..the tools we made.. the tools we
use.. the tools we have become and now the God we worship technology
and stuff.. tool yes.. but no more the essence of i than manmade words supposedly
from God..
sure all is from
God but none of that
WiLL ever be limit iN God
eYes of Wisdom within human now
for those in the
God KNoW and FeeL
greater than words alone..
or other tools as technology same
where the technology.. yeS even A word
as words written are technology too.. becoMiNg God over
plus iSREaL noW..aLL FREE..
nah.. i wouldn’t be like ‘you’.. the tools..
As God has become Technology.. even a FucKinG Book..
yes.. folks.. written words are human technology.. all stuff we make
to assist
us in
are tools for life
and tools for death in life too..
discernment.. greater discernment
is required to escape rings of hell as death in life..
wHere tools can either help or make us Zombie Robots now..
dead heartless..
spiritless miNd
and body out of Balance SoULs isReaL..
walking in Walmart Aisles as there is a little
room left in the black holes of garage space for more STUFF… away
a living
God within..
just waiting to E-Scape..:)

Don’t take my words for it..
only you can let God out..;)

and liGht lines..
God lives within.. inside..
outside.. below
and all around all that is noW..


Top of A Florida Panhandle
morning to ya friENd gigoid..
as i am well rested and ready
for the Catholic Temple booming
SinG of the day.. and then some act
of flesh
and blood
in a dance
of public life.. hehe..
anyway what you bRinG
today for wisdom will fit in
before the wife says get
your ass off that
as ‘i aint’ gonna
walk in that church
late in front of’ all the early
bible thumpers and such as that..haha..
anyWay.. happy songs sung bRinG mE uP
and i am a gonna be singing with iSREaL
Angels in the coming hour or so here in
sunshine panhandle way so high.. so high.. i fly..;)

“In all affairs it’s a healthy thing now and then
to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.”

~~ Bertrand Russell ~~

Katrina says you better shake a leg..
so heRe i go..hehe..

Yes.. like Katrina
saying shake a leg..;)

“I once wanted to save the world.
Now I just want to leave the room with dignity.”

~~ Lotus Weinstock ~~

And yes.. i plan
on leaving ‘something’ too..;)

As the wife continues on
with Fred you better get moving..;)

And remembering the several free lance
Video Production assistants sharing my
dance on Facebook around the world..
those helpful
and fundamentalist
Christians of minions
in Walmart last night..
who truly serve
me so
and free too..
i trUly Love those
hard working Miltonian folks sTiLL..
hehe.. things have changed.. in the old
Jerusalem.. i would be serving them..
and they would be crucifying someone
like me instead of spreading my praise
dance one with God near and far.. noW..;)

yes.. my friend..
place in liGht too..:)

“I’ve got to get back to Reality.
Where IS that silly Blue Dragon?”

~~ Schizo Bill from Philly ~~

Or a blue

“ARTHUR: Then who is your lord?
WOMAN: We don’t have a lord.
DENNIS: I told you.
We’re an anarcho-syndicalist commune.
We take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week.”

~~ The Quest for the Holy Grail (Monty Python) ~~


“I’m gonna be a monkey,
monkey monkey muuuunkey!”

~~ Stimpy ~~

Recent quote..
from the new
Guardians of
the Galaxy movie
coming to a theater
very close ‘to me’..
in Summer of ’17…
“there are two kinds
of beings in the Universe.. those who
dance and those who do not”
addendum by me.. and
sure others too…
who Sing
and those
who do not Sing”..;)

“When having a smackerel of something with a friend,
don’t eat so much that you get stuck in the doorway trying to get out.”

~~ Pooh’s Little Instruction Book, inspired by A. A. Milne ~~

get out
and smile..
as there
are also beings who smile..;)

“There’s no problem so awful
that you can’t add some guilt to it and make it even worse.”

~~- Calvin and Hobbes ~~

Most all guilt is associated
with naked..
is mostly shameless and guiltless..
seriously it works
at least
i find
iSrEaL now..
as fearless too..
wHere Love
becomes A
greaTest atomic power noW2..:)

“I’m in direct contact with many advanced fun CONCEPTS.”

~~ Zippy the Pinhead ~~

It’s most
all naked to me..;)

“Most of all, I’ve learned that a
good time to laugh is anytime you can.”

~~ Linda Ellerbee~~

God IS A biggest laugh…



One of five Dance friends from Old Seville
Quarter.. meeting up by chance with all of them
at the mall.. including A nice girl from Morocco
whose family owns one of those big Race Track
Gas Stations in hometown of Milton..
small world it is and this girl
from somewhat of
a Muslim lean
by her non-verbal
language said so so..
with no fundamentals only
lean of course.. living here for
only two years.. and disappointed
by all the hate seen in the area against
those who are different from the norm of herd
as such.. as milltowns can tend to go.. all frowny
face and stuff like that2.. and nah.. not much dance
iN M town
either.. hehe..
but hey that’s the
way it goes.. open or closed..

Anyway.. as the Facebook Algorithm Assistant clearly
shows in photography slide show way.. a busy day of
store dance.. and a very disappointing day at Catholic Church
where the ugliness of the political climate of the JTrump campaign
version raised its ugly head in the pulpit with the Priest suggesting that
folks are angry as this country no longer is recognizable for what has
changed in the Obama Administration and as we know those two
things are legalizing gay marriage as a federal law and right..
and a more accessible health care option for those
previously not covered with subsidies from the
Government like there is something BAD..
about these two things.. promoting
an Unconditional Love of
God in the same FucKinG
sermon of hypocrisy same
as when Gay folks who are
four percent of any audience or
general population anywhere.. including
young folks in church who are forced to go
by their parents.. and listen to this disrespect
toward their rights to love and marry same in
same sex sexual orientation of course.. as science
shows is reflected in all God Given Nature and Environmental
pARts too.. that are Part of GoD Nature too.. of FucKinG course..
anyway.. the church did a fine job of almost divorcing themselves.
from this political climate.. but after the fact it was a celebration of
hate called love.. and i almost stood up and had my say.. but the
truth is i already did.. and oh by the way.. it’s worth noting that
Hispanic Mexicans make a significant portion of the population
of the church too and of course a great deal of distress for
the much harder line Campaign Trump who is melting
all his tough talk to more moderation.. as any sane..
half way sane person will.. good on Trump on that..
BAD ON PRIEST.. for suggesting that homosexuals
who are part of his audience and their rights to
marry are making the country unrecognizable
and a bad FucKinG place to live.. in his
way of hate as love.. in bad cop Jesus
way.. and that wasn’t all as today
was also Paul’s lone derived
scripture with a little help
from wherever that says..
in contradiction of the Jesus
and Apostles who emptied their
pockets of many and took hand outs
of subsistence from those ‘Good Samaritans’
along the way in supporting their totally volunteer
effort to spread some good news.. yes.. today was the
one that some Christians use to disrespect people who are
not working where Paul says if you don’t work you don’t eat..
and by the way.. don’t complain about what other folks are doing
you don’t like in other words shut down freedom of expression.. and
by all means no public protesting.. hehe.. and the Priest today also
made snide remarks about transgender bathroom usage.. Universal
health care was a bad thing instead of a good thing of giving.. and
protestors were doing something bad about complaining about
Trump’s campaign of racism.. and all around hate.. well.. here’s
the thing.. Protest means you’ve ever stepped your bounds..
Trump realizes it and is seeking the middle ground far far
beyond what he initially said as hate.. in fact.. calling
Mexican immigrants living in this land Terrific People..
God news for you priest.. your congregation and
the young folks in it who will eventually leave
the church for days just like now..
will eventually get married
and love someone
sacred as such..
a far cry from the
closet you live in
when my sister spotted
you at the Gay Dance Club
in P’Cola.. perhaps you were just
checking in on some friends but no
matter what you spread hate today not much
different than Trump when he was in hate mode..
i’ve already emailed you in the past and gave you all
the pieces of my mind on what i think about your Catholic
rules of hate and ignorance.. including the planned parenthood
fiasco.. where lack of effective birth control.. just leads to more
and NOT less abortions.. when the church lobbies everyone
to vote for Trump with scare tactic letters.. anyway.. it’s
too bad he couldn’t just let this go and shut his mouth
as to not hurt the emotional constitution of the
people who suffered at the hate of the
Bad Cop Trump in how he campaigned
as such.. so anyway.. decided on my
protest that only the priest would notice
as my voice usually booms poetically
for the pARts of the Nicene Creed now
that i feel comfortable enough to stand
and say.. today.. it was no Catholic Church
of mine.. no Universal.. Sharing Giving Love
there of the Unconditional Good Cop Jesus
Golden rule kind.. so.. i sat down all relaxed
with my arms spread out like a cross on the
back of the pew.. and my height was not visible
nor the heard of the deep poetic voice that sings
with choirs of Angels.. both in song and prose.. of
what comes in gathered way of sing/speak.. but yes.. i went
to communion as i was one of few who reflected the Good Cop
Jesus today.. and the truth is.. perhaps the priest knows not what oF
aLL he does.. so i’ll forgive him with Mercy as i tend to do.. so far.. at least..
the Catholic Church does a lot of Good.. but yes.. they do a whole lot of
bad too
and are
directly responsible
for much human misery
and suffering too.. but sure..
the dArk force comes in many
clerical colors as history shows
from hate to down right harmful
perversions that the entire country is
fully aware of.. including a priest of this
same parish here.. not.. too long ago.. go against
God and do not express all of your human nature..
and that is when the perversion comes with little boys
etc.. instead
of whatever….
it’s days like this
that i’m tempted not
to go back.. but hey..
like ‘tHEy’ say mix in with
the darkest of those too..
leaving no one behind in darkest too..
and on top of that somebody needs to cheerlead
for God in that church other than the choir as usually
it seems like i am one of few other than that.. who even
has a spirit to SinG iN Free and Exuberant Joy iN UniSon
with God as it’s true when two or more come ToGeTher
and join hands like that and do not ignore each other.. God
is stronger
in the room
than alone.. and tHeir
are a few of those moments
at this Church still that are uplifting
enough to put up with the fresh hell i saw
i for one per Paul’s
letter of the day.. will never
be silenced or ever ashamed
if someone feeds me in return for my love alone…
as i for one will retain A chamPioNship of A Good Cop Jesus for now
and for all others2 who live free this way never shutting God down within..
or shuttiing
out God when
any two people
come together in
Unconditional and
Sacred Love.. today
i’LL use Katy Perry as my prophet and priest helper
as theme song for this rant against hate
and prejudice of the Catholic Church..
i suppose.. i could
tell ’em tHeir
for me
at all.. but hey.. likely..
they’d not believe anyWay..
if i told ’em.. i write an isREaL
New Testament every six weeks.. fulfilling
John 14:12.. in epic King David dance way too.. oh.. news.. oh
can be
so hard to spread..
in money changer
temples of hate StiLL..;)

A share of a headliner
photo of me in the very epic.. cryptic..
and somewhat esoteric
post named..



as MacroVerse memory
from three years ago..

And Facebook Friend Ned..
aka gigoid responds with..

Emmett Kelly, right?

And i say..

Yes!.. clown rays..

As additional note of clarification
here.. Emmet Kelly is a famous
Clown.. and the picture is one of
me with Sun rays piercing the outside of my face..
as enclosed of course in the epic post.. all clear too..;)

And finally for this go around
in Micro-Verse and Micro-micro
Verse way of current Macro-Verse
that will be titled ‘Moon Child Closes iN’..
a Macro-Verse memory from two years ago titled..



As truly when we get lost as
being one with man made tools..
or even separate from that too..
with Nature Deficit Disorder as same
as separation from God wHole.. we encounter
misery and suffering out of balance as mini-me
pARts of God and lost fractals of whOle GoD.. for metaphor too..
with many more Fredtales.. associated with that in the associated Macro-Verse..
oh.. by A way.. did you know there is a song for my real life three initials.. for
first.. middle.. and last name..
yes.. there is..
in flesh
and blood
at least
away from pen name now..


just anoTheR
coincidence.. i suppose.. heHe..;)

Like my first name Frederick
that means peaceful ruler..
second name Arthur
for strong..
and a sir
that is almost
identical to first name
as earth and water for silt
in middle east way for the word God
then.. before it became a feminine and
masculine balance of Elohim.. Yah.. and eTc2..
in praise of all that is
aka God now too..:)


Well.. Moon Child Closes iN to closest
approach in 46 years as child of
Earth continues to Grow
larger from
foggy skies
of Sunday the
13th of November
2016.. arriving soon
on the 14th officially
as Super moon in GMT style
time.. and actually technically it was
the 16th that the Super moon arrived in
October as full moon same.. although of course
the close lasts for several days in ‘tween of briGhtest
biggest closest moon night.. with one coming in December
as already mentioned in this Macro Verse too.. as triad as such
of Super Moon’s too.. ‘may you live in interesting times’.. a Chinese
philosopher and many others have said too.. and continue to say.. and
i too will say.. that much is gaining liGht and dARk.. through the current
political climate.. as the dirt and the laundry will be exposed from all pARts..
when a unwitting and pARt witting trickster like Trump shows up in mostly dARk..
bringing out the dArkest paRts of human nature away from free.. as evidenced
in full exposure in the Catholic Church today.. and continuing as such
where emboldenment by circumstance is not necessary
for all the dirt of doubt… fear and hate making
human misery and suffering real too
greater as such.. as the beat
goes on.. in both
dArk and liGht
and all that ‘tween
stuff and beyond too..
it’s good to air it all out for
eventual change.. as alWays in
the hUman Condition change stARts
aT heARt and gRows Ocean greater Love
if fed that way in now ways as otherwise kNoWn
as future ways too.. there’s alWays room for improvement
as we all continue to get to know each others demons and skeletons
as such in closet same.. open it all up.. is what Facebook.. and so many
other avenues of modern technologically enhanced global reciprocal social
communication.. to poTenTiAlly enhance at lEAst cognitive empathy of understanding
what folks feel inside.. emotionally raw.. to potential affective feeling empathy with compassion
too for those who either retain.. grow or find that fearless smARt Love foR now.. stronger
toGeThER as Planet of the Apes New Age Caesar says too.. we treeless apes can
say too.. in feeling way of compassion too.. or not.. as truth is.. not unlike
what the Movie Series the Matrix said too.. only those who
wanna get unplugged from the misery and the
suffering of the system of doubt fear
and hate will do as such
while others
their place
in man made matrix
hell way.. sTiLL noW
and after now too.. Now..
AN invitation is open iN/As liGht
NoW.. whether anyone else disconnects
IS A rather complex and hard paRt of this mission to do..
or at least wish and hope for too.. or even write a very long
Magical InCanTaTioN.. as Dr. Strange miGht hand out too..
AnyWay.. A Moon is watching briGhtly as Moon
CloseS iN..;)


It’s been a weekend of wolf howling solitary as
child of Earth Moon Closes iN as second of
Triad of Super Moon makes its closest
orbit now.. in 48 years since i for one
am 8.. and speaKinG of 8 and
Alpha Numeric letter H for 8..
‘this photo’ of me per the
Prices down and staying
down at the Winn
Dixie store has
an obvious
anomaly as me..
that no one will likely notice
but me.. hehe.. and that is the
fact that i wore my under armor work
out socks for gym only with the insignia
of that cool looking H.. instead of Nike Victory
Socks with swish of that Greek Goddess as such..
yes.. the Goddess of Victory Nike.. so what could that
mean.. as it is seriously a first since the beginning of
September 2013.. since these socks are purchased and
hehe.. even wrote a blog post about them too.. as makes it all
meaning and purpose in holy and sacred and life gets special
and awesome more so in positive thought.. action in liGht away
from negative thought.. action in Dark down down ways of downer
ways of thought and action in liFE too.. that’s the thing.. pick up
your chin and move forward in life.. or go.. down.. down. down..
in negative thought.. action and dARk DARk dark.. that’s what
they do in cognitive behavioral therapy.. but hey.. for anyone
with very much up and down life experience.. you
kinda figure out this is both a law of Nature
and Human Nature same and yes
additionally a law of God
same as balance
aS rule oF
God and
Nature saMe best..
go forward or go backward..
go up.. or go down.. inside.. outside
or all around balance in all ways life comes
Nature and hUman nature same.. with no division..
separation.. but what we create our lives as actors..
producers.. and directors of our own play of liFE now..
yes.. the dualities of life.. that can be seen by the number
11 without a bridge of H to make both hemispheres of brain
and Earth Communicate toGeThER in balance.. same as both
Hemispheres of eARth.. in up and down latitude ways as well..
and then there is the alpha numerical pARt of 8 as H too.. as
complete iNfiniTy more iN and as now.. all the more reason
not to limit life to sevens and go to crazy 8 and H that
is not crazy aT aLL when liGht IS A BalanCinG Force
with the YiN and YanG of all liFE now.. as
metaphors of course.. see what i just
did.. i devised my own positive
way of looKing at liFe..
matters not if
anyone else
follows it as it
works for me..
and here’s the other thing..
the action.. the Nike pArt of juST doing
it.. the othEr pARt that is missing in most
religion and philosophy and even physical education
in high school these days.. where in between the ears
and screens of screams on smart phones become a robot
way of data download life.. and associated interactions in
between the ears.. as such.. in Information technology way..
last night in Barnes and Nobles.. i am moving with the air and
water in the philosophy aisle of books.. reviewing out of the box
philosophies like Edgar Casey as i ignore no opinions of liGht or
dARk.. ‘tween that in sHades of grey.. and beyond Casey rainbow
colors too.. of potenTials of existential intelligence now too..
but no.. i am not standing static and still nor sitting
static still either.. i am dancing as air and
water through the aisles.. as my focus
becomes more laser in an ecstasy
of heaven that few people will
experience.. as it is a free
verse movement that
has no judgement
in how it looks on the outside..
and no shame.. if people haven’t
seen a human move free like this before..
the power of God in BaLanCe iN my huMan
Being rises like this with and as God same within..
inside.. outside.. above.. so below and all around..
not only am i that under armor symbol of H iN balance..
i am also the Nike Swish of Victory in JuST doing it aLL
innately.. instinctually.. and intuitively too.. as God flows iN
my veins free.. and trillions of peptide connections in neuro
chemistry way too.. as my boDy/miNd becomes a liGht force greater
away from dARk.. and the thing too.. is the dARk around me..
in all the Trump like campaign ways that continue.. in
red state.. closed in minds and bodies.. spArks
mE even more.. as the dARk inspires the
liGht iN me higher in DancE and SonG
Focus of liFe iN what otherwise
can bring a person down..
without a rise of
dance/song to lift one
uP to hiGher liGhts oF
liFE with and as A pARt oF God..
anyway.. as wolves do.. in brightest full
moon liGht when separated from the pack of liGht
wHere inheRently they belong as liFE.. they howl for
the rest of the pack.. no matter how far they are away from
liGht.. just a cry in the wilderness.. perhaps a thief in the night..
bottom line is.. i cry.. i try.. i cry.. in hopes to lift jusT one person uP..
and trUth is.. the dance i bRinG does that much better than all these
12 million words arriving on Thanks Giving day in 2016.. since 2010..
these words are basically nothing.. compared to the dance ministry
i stARted in September of 2013.. almost everyone in the metro
area has a record of that somewhere on their smart phone..
in voyeur video shared way.. as a public dancer in
red state land spreads in good news.. if even
a laugh like a wildfire otherwise in
a solitary voice online.. sure.. there
are over 1.5 million views on Google
Pllus clearing house ways.. Wrong Planet..
and all the other online avenues to get a message
across.. but it is the dance of Balance that will stick
around visually likely much more powerful than that..
as dance is the language.. that speaks no lies.. speaks
no confusion.. and is not a run on sentence that lasts 12 million words..
hehe.. but never the less.. not everyone can heal their selves with positive
SonG and DancE.. so these words are for who ever they may help or not..
bottom lines.. they reinforce my philosophies of life.. and it don’t hurt to give
and share that in faCt that is what language was/is developed for in written
way in the first place.. for gaining subsistence and to share common and
different experiences.. particularly for existential intelligence..
that church and school.. now.. often fails in delivering well..
including physical and emotional intelligences.. A three most
important intelligences of humanity for hundreds of
thousands of years.. before the kind of mechanical
cognition of tools become human beings as robots in
new culturally derived Standard IQ ways.. to make humans
successful cogs in a societal machine.. that is steadily becoming
more zombie apocalypse than social comfort.. in what human beings
even are as social animals.. make a social animal into a machine and
Johnny and Suzie become very unhappy campers.. in misery and suffering
too.. move.. connect.. create.. expreSsing SpiRit as FeeLinG heARt EmoTional
SeNsoRy FeeLinG giVing and shaRing ways.. iN A miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG
SoUL way IS A WHAT i for one say.. you may say something totally different that
works for you.. as there are no cookie cutter human beings or cookie cutter
God chained in a Book that is fully iSrEAL now.. alWays chanGinG.. alWays
GroWing and EvolVing as God liGht and we togeTher or stayinG saMe..
StaGnaTinG and Shrinking down down down.. as dARk.. inFinitE
metaphors for a liFE of liGht away from dARk.. bottom..
lines liGht liFe as
fearless and smARt
Love in unconditional ways
makes God happy as God lives
iN all of wE as liGht when Love comes
that way.. fiGht for liGht a fire of Love makes
all of this worth it to me.. in H of 8 whole and
Nike Swish Victory of JusT doinG it now
iN Ocean Whole poem way and
A overall SonG and
dAncE of liFe liGht
iN Fearless and smARt
way.. unconditionally as Love that works..
as Moon Child is here now.. fully BriGht
DanCinG and SinGing noW.. as fullest moons WiLL do noW..;)







BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels


41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

Book oF Ten Sixteen..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)



About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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21 Responses to Moon Child Closes iN

  1. More Super Moon briGht liGht midNiGht wishes
    for the next few coming days.. all the way
    from store dance on SunDay.. to MonDay
    FuN day same toDay.. hehe.. hmm..
    just an introductory break for the
    usual next 721st Macro Verse
    coming for 11172016.. and
    a Haibun prompt from dVerse
    including SuperMoon as theme..
    for the dVerse 2 pm Monday selection
    in official Haibun and HaikU way.. and
    as usual may be traveling there later in
    Fredbun and Fredku way either combined
    as such or separated that form matters not to
    me as i WiLL floW iN ZonE wiTh God as Holy
    Spirit creativity same no matter what label thAT
    Force within from A to Z.. is labeled either as Form
    oF Essence isReaL.. and later some Fredfu at the gym
    in martial arts free verse practice with ballet-like dance too..
    as all pArt of that iN feminine and masculine miNd and Body
    BaLanCing SoUL continues as the me of i as pARt of God wHole..
    expresSinG all of that free verse.. adding just some more verses to
    Universe whoLe.. iN DAncE and SonG of PoeTry sAMe alWays changing
    different as MoVinG.. ConNecTinG and CreaTinG WiLL as streAms floW iN
    to RiVers as Ocean wHOle Poem way sTiLL exceeding 3.3. milLioN words
    and approaching 4 MilLion and more too.. along with all 12 milLioN words
    or so since 2010.. with juST another 135th dance week celebration coming
    uP Thursday niGht too.. WiTh all the Cool College age folks tHeRe too..
    okay that about covers..
    where i’ve been and
    wHeRE i continue to
    go now.. as tHeRe is so
    much going on.. i could get
    a little lost.. if i don’t jot it down..
    along with the reaLITy shoW oF mY
    LIFE iSREaL online and continuing now..
    hmm.. i think some lunch and some sand and
    sun dance for R and R now as R and R’s go.. heHe2..;)

  2. Suject to serial mobilization, at best….

    Top of the 3pm Florida
    hour to ya gigoid.. as i come
    to play again.. wheels of life continue
    to flow with or without me so i let those wheels
    swim me and fly me in each and every way a feather
    as free..
    as SmARt
    fearless love..
    with and after
    effect and affect
    continuing testament
    sonG oF liGht in believing
    liFe is worth living now..
    and even a thrill
    iN dARk
    and liGht sAme
    as bliss sinGS in night
    and day as waves brush
    shore once more for water and
    air in baLanCinG Force more.. we fly..
    iF only for
    fingers and
    a keyboard sAMe..:)

    “A wise man first determines what is
    within his control; all else is then irrelevant.”

    ~~ Epictetus ~~

    Birds fly until fall..
    Winter comes they fly more..
    Spring bRinGS a hint of coming back
    here they are as fall back to Summer more..:)

    Note to self.. press repeat on ‘that song’..
    it’s a helluva muse for
    dance.. now..:)

    “Always obey your superiors–if you have any.”

    ~~ Mark Twain ~~

    Within most alWays
    what i think
    within is..:)

    Note to others.. this may make
    absolutely no sense/feel unless
    beyond words alone..
    My Ocean hands have
    a bRain of tHeir own
    with fingers
    noW iN
    one digit
    by one digit
    now.. as now flows..
    river.. waves.. streams branch out..:)

    Creativity IS A tree
    leaves of connection..
    MoVinG spReaDinG fertilizer eYes more..:)

    Nothing unreal exists.”

    ~~ Kiri-Kin-Tha’s Law of Metaphysics ~~

    Isreal is is real
    noThing feeLinG
    is the

    And hence one master-passion in the breast,
    Like Aaron’s serpent, swallows up the rest.

    ~~ Alexander Pope — Essay on Man, Epistle ii, Line 131 ~~

    Yes.. restrictive repetitive behaviors as special interests
    can become
    a lifelong
    disability as tree branches wither..
    in MiNd
    and Body
    walls enclosing..:)

    “You can get anything you want, at Alice’s restaurant (‘ceptin’ Alice).”

    ~~ Arlo Guthrie ~~

    Unless it’s the Trump PG rated version..
    with the current
    rated better
    as an all the folks
    can eat place of public business..;)

    “I sit beside the fire and think of all that I have seen,
    Of Meadow-flowers and butterflies in summers that have been;
    Of yellow leaves and gossamer in autumns that there were,
    With morning mist and silver sun and wind upon my hair.
    I sit beside the fire and think of how the world will be
    When winter comes without a spring that I shall ever see,
    For still there are so many things that I have never seen:
    In every wood in every spring there is a different green.
    I sit beside the fire and think of people long ago,
    And people who will see a world that I shall never know.
    But all the while I sit and think of times that were before,
    I listen for returning feet and voices at the door.”

    ~~ J.R.R. Tolkien ~~

    Yes.. too many folks
    it and
    the Nike part
    of Victory in just doing it
    more than thinking about it..
    and seriously after being an almost
    total shut-in for 66 months out of my control
    with illness.. WeLL taught me dance with no fear
    and sing the same.. as heLL is heAR as well as heaven sinG..
    as no one
    come to
    my door and ask me for the next dance..
    just imagine.. in 2008 my greatest desire was
    to die and escape pain and all that changed..
    in a blink
    of dance
    in a SonG
    of FReEd iN leT
    iT be sung so will come dance..:)

    “You are the Skeptic.
    You have the power to Doubt.”

    ~~ Dubious Bee ~~

    i doubt nothing
    as i’ve died as life..
    Life is for sure now
    that’s all i need to reAlly kNow..
    and FeeL and SensE with zero
    doubt or
    as liGht..
    sure.. i will
    but FeeLinG
    doubt.. only vocabulary now..:)

    “Prosperity tries the fortunate: adversity the great.””

    ~~ Pliny the Younger ~~

    IS A source
    oF aLL mY liGht..
    i’ve learned to love
    it with All My miGht..
    as such
    dRiVing liFe..
    heRe tHere iS
    no room for doubt
    or fear bEyond noW..:)

    “A man ought to do what he thinks is right.”

    ~~ John Wayne ~~

    And remember one man or woman’s.. etc..
    right is anotHeR perSon’s harm..
    and go from
    a work
    oF art iN MoVinG
    CoNecTing CreATing liFe..
    with understanding.. mercy.. compassion
    as smaRt and Fearless Love that changes.. based
    on more
    per self..:)

    “Pay attention to your enemies.
    They are the first to discover your mistakes.”

    ~~ Antisthenes ~~

    i don’t have any personal enemies
    and i look forward to enemies with few miStakes..;)

    “He who limps is still walking.”

    ~~ Stanislaw J. Lec ~~

    Tiny steps.. ‘sparks’..

    “First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.”

    ~~ Epictetus — Discourses, Book iii, Chap. xxiii ~~

    Hmm.. i suppose i would have think that way if i was getting paid..
    wHo am i kidding.. no suppose.. i would have to plan something then..
    but with
    it’s almost
    plan free but not quite..;)

    “The reward of a thing well done,
    is to have done it.”

    ~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~~

    Very little reward for me personally
    in having done anything other than a few
    seconds until i continue enjoying the activity of actuAlly
    doing it..
    Nike fan am i..
    as that is my Victory
    DoiNG liFE noW..:)

  3. So.. what would you do.. just a quick note here
    as sort of a story.. so let’s just say you had this
    mission in life.. to fulfill some major prophecies
    whether they were right or wrong.. to appease
    a ‘few folks’.. in wrong or right.. perhaps it would
    be a 3.3 Million word poem in witness for God in 42 months
    that you never saw coming until it got here 3 plus years later..
    or New testament that started small and grew that way mostly oN
    its free and holy spirit way within.. and oh Lord.. you even come to find
    even occult
    ways of looking at life..
    in 718 and miscellaneous
    letters and numbers in life
    meaning and purpose too..
    including 418.. and such
    as that so why
    why would
    do this..
    for the challenge
    for the merit.. or just
    for the life of doing all you
    can for the gift of breathing..
    feeling and sensing life now
    as sentient star dust plus if nothing
    more than that as a greatest gift of
    sentient sliver of heaven life in a galaxy with
    much rock and space ‘tween the green/blue/
    brown/shrinking snow white topped poles of eARth..
    Yes.. what you do after all that.. including the stint in hell
    for 66 months that came before that including the parT of
    12 million words that came in hell.. for me.. i will SinG a SonG
    of PoeTy and Dance and party on.. as any Buddha.. Jesus..
    or Aleister
    sense would/will
    do FucKing Drug Free..
    oh by the way the moon child
    event was predicted too.. just a
    side note as always in service to God..
    no.. not just his or her or that person’s God
    over tHeRe.. every person’s God as i even played
    A role of Pan..
    and such
    Forest nymphs
    all innocent as such too..
    did it happen.. two words..
    or no for you..
    here’s the thing per
    the Big Lebowski as no
    one seems to be able to fully detect
    me yet.. when you are in bed with everyone..
    no one notices you are a thief in the night now..
    So anyWay.. i move on now just for fun after doing
    all of that.. perhaps there is something else to do but
    God will take
    me to that place
    without me thinking about thaT too..
    for now i dance
    and sing that
    seems to
    cover it
    moving on to 10 links
    in the Super moon part
    theme of dVerse now too..
    as dance and sing moves on
    connecting.. creating some more.. all for FReED..:)

    I’ll never forget one of my
    first dates with a southern
    baptist girl named Janet.. in my mom’s
    car.. sister in tow too.. Janet in back seat..
    me in front.. a song named Moonlight feels
    right came on the radio..
    and the moon
    was big
    as ever
    as we
    traveled bridge cross
    a Summer sparkling
    bay from shore to shore in
    moonlight magic in tune with
    song.. i reached back and touched
    her leg.. and her non-verbal language
    said move your hand now.. so i did and
    what i still remember is the magic of that song
    and night no matter what as love was in the air for me..
    and never a
    was spoken
    over hand or leg..
    but hey.. it wasn’t pg rated either..
    all G with no P in those days innocent
    under moonlit niGht oF eYes with Love..;)

    Best moons
    too are those
    when you think
    you’re dead
    proves you
    wrong as
    within drunk on life as love..:)

    There was a time ago..
    long long ago in the
    bowels of hell..
    where i said
    if i ever
    get out
    of here..
    i will
    never ever
    be unhappy
    it’s true.. aGain..
    Moon shines day and night..:)

    There are
    day or night
    Sun or moon
    all iS liGht..:)

    For me at least..
    just a gazebo
    and a river
    and a clerk
    from the
    courts with
    no expenses for
    a wedding but a give
    of love for close to 27 years..
    i do
    is still
    with nothing
    else but do i do..:)

    the people the party
    the mix of life.. moonlit
    nights of joy.. and friends
    for dance and no
    a third
    place.. a social
    gathering.. bowling
    alleys.. bars.. perhaps
    church for some folks too..
    beyond a screen of scream
    and even
    the flesh
    and blood
    of moonlit
    eYes that SpRing
    liFe four seaSons ocean waves grow..
    wArmth oF LiFe..:)

    i remember when i AM
    three.. adult in a three
    year old body..
    no speech
    yet in oral
    ways but the
    sense and feel
    that i live forever
    and relatively speaking
    in ancestor way from the
    origin of all that is i still do at least for now..
    a gift
    before now is present best..
    in all of moon and sun in day and night..:)

    This reminds
    me.. one day
    i’ll visit
    surely l do
    without being
    there and so many other
    places i’ll never be but they…
    a new
    world way
    of traveling and
    never actually getting
    there in flesh.. moonlit
    eYes star track phraser Captain’s bLog eYes..;)

    Summer of 80 for me..
    20 years of age.. spotting
    first love across a Summer pool
    all pregnant at 17..
    second love..
    sMiLes.. i hadn’t
    felt thaT hurt in literally
    decades thanks for bringing
    that image/feeling back..
    as Lord
    knows feels
    what would
    have happened
    if the child i wanted
    had begun then.. no matter
    how dark the moment the light
    can come in moonlit love like never before..
    of tears come long
    and so so worth it as right..
    and the funny thing is my wife
    looks so much like ‘her’ and never ages..
    mystical liGhts in MoonliGht eyes of Pacific Islands..
    and the
    of beFore..:)

    Three more liNks..
    sure.. i’ve missed
    doing this now with
    dVerse.. so very little..
    since the all the other
    ‘stuff’.. for a month or
    so now and weeks has come
    to an end..for now..TG..;)

    Ah.. yes.. child hood wonder
    watching moon chase our
    car in window way across
    the North sky.. like a playground
    wanted to
    play with me..
    Moon.. a friend
    then.. Nature rest
    and God the same..
    of an
    getting friendly
    with Mother Nature more..
    and sure now.. wiTh words aS well..:)

    living in a land
    where we can
    create our own
    it every day
    like a new
    shirt and such as tHat..;)

    As far as masculine and feminine
    balance of complete whole goes..
    there is more
    to add
    to others
    than take
    away when all
    is one me and
    more to give..
    as well as Be..
    wHere moon and
    sun intersect an eclipse oF one liGht..
    as be
    of DArk..:)

    And that’s all for now..
    for now to eat.. drink
    non alcoholic and
    no caffeine beverages
    as well as to work out
    like an Olympic Athlete
    iN both Struggle of Moon
    and Sunshine
    of liGht
    as dArk..:)

  4. Macro-Verse Memories as so nicely
    provided by the Facebook Algorithm
    Personal Assistant and Secretary working
    for free as digital slave per say..
    pours these poeticAlly
    expressions in for
    the day
    of now..
    starting with…

    Friday 13tH #Heavenisnow

    Friday 13tH #Heavenisnow

    Surely quite a change a year ago..
    from Sunday the 13th and
    the fresh hell hate
    spewed from
    in Catholic Church
    as black testament against
    the different among God’s Children
    and the hate against their rights to life..
    yeah.. like getting married and the ability to visit
    your ‘significant’ other in the Hospice ward and such
    as that.. or perhaps.. in politics not hiring a white leaning
    nationalist and stuff like that as chief strategist if that’s the
    highest qualified individual you can find to trust to run your stuff..
    anyway.. heaven is still here now for me.. and the country.. those
    that are real loving Christians per the Good Cop Jesus archetype
    as myth as
    in those
    good parts
    of a book..
    will uphold the rights
    of the different with or
    without a label of Good
    Cop Jesus today.. and yes
    without pitch forks flames and
    other devil gun tools.. just a peaceful
    protest against hate and division and such
    as that.. for those who don’t need guns to
    prove they are a man or whatever as such..
    when daddy said boys can’t smile or cry..;)


    And that calls for a change of AWAVE
    ONE fully from three years ago..
    and a pARt of poetry
    small enough
    to quote
    me as well..



    The beautiful cycles of life…

    The despair!

    The joy!

    Risingfrom despair 
there is joy
 and falling
in to
waves of

    Washing shore,,,

    Cleaning Souls,,,,

    yOUR Soul
is brushed
sparkle shining
for even more…

    Time is All
is all a wave
of endless life
and living waves
that make us fully
what we are..

    Even in the darkest
of rooms we are
all part of that
same wave…

    Surf boards
can be hidden
for more than
two who share



    True Will Love..

To you and all yOUR friends!

    Love one!







    Yes.. that puts a much
    better taste in my heARt and
    now moving on to the other
    side sort of..


    Legend of Un-domestication

    Legend of Un-domestication

    Yes.. no matter how refined i might
    seem in poetic measure of love..
    there is also a beast
    with the
    who is
    the wife
    Katrina.. also
    known as Goddess
    Isis in original Egyptian
    way of eternal teenager too..
    shall i prove that well sure.. yes i can..
    as i have no problems releasing the
    inner beast on a flip of a hairy nickel
    haha.. heHE.. as such.. anytime now..
    i train like a warrior.. have you heard me
    the deep Lion throated rumble growl when
    i press that 1020LBs now with legs 33 reps or so..
    well no.. i save that for the so-called military warrior
    gym.. with now one of the familiar work-outs is sitting
    still on a machine with fingers punching smart phone buttons..
    and the only requirements for physical fitness is a run.. some pull-ups..
    and some crunches where martial arts could bring mind and body balance
    and fearless to the max of anything before.. that’s okay.. i do it free style
    as such..
    with love
    as sprout of that
    no different than any
    wild wolf will do that has
    become domesticated at
    the whim of predictable food..
    where the pack no longer works
    as group with compassion of love..
    where dog eat dog becomes the rule
    instead of helping each other.. and red
    necks make fun of people who get killed
    on a highway protesting.. and make the cars
    more valuable than the human even a woman
    who lost their life and they call themselves Christians
    wRite.. like breitbart minions too.. who promised armed
    protests and not just peaceful ones if the Hillary had one..
    anyway.. as God goes..
    the dark comes
    in the
    when full
    and emboldened
    more by dark forces
    in the lead and even
    named as savior of the dark..

    sure i could put THAT face on my profile
    photo on Facebook and fit wRite in with
    the minions of modern hell of hate and division..
    i could problem even fool them to think that i too was their leader..
    here ya
    see what
    ‘the other side’
    looks like.. i can
    play that part with more
    than a face.. sure with
    1020 LBS of ass kicking force
    too.. if need be.. but hey.. them
    folks ain’t got no empathy with guns..
    a deadly mix for another civil war if they
    really went domesticated wolf crazy.. here’s
    the thing StiLL now..
    i ain’t domesticated
    and am still a wolf..
    never discount
    the power
    of love
    wild attached..;)

    Hell no.. don’t need
    no make-up for
    the beast for
    the beauty
    a quick
    shape shifter
    change and i’m already tHere..;)

    Victory Song’s Dance of Love

    Hmm.. as the polar opposite changes
    from hate to love continue… back to
    ‘Victory Song’s Dance of Love’
    from a year ago too..
    with as the original
    theme song of this
    Micro-Verse with
    Micro-Micro Verses
    continue in this 721st
    Macro Verse of Ocean
    wHole poem. yet unnamed
    in freest verse style to lift the
    shit a little bit up.. out of the minions
    space from the dARk side now.. too..;)

    Oh yeah.. and this is what hybrid
    wild and love looks like..
    Rock on Love…
    and yes i have
    a title for
    the 721st Macro Verse now..
    Oh yeah.. and about that theme song..
    for all the so-called big men and women
    who call folks with love.. Lilly White and Soft..
    those two children up there.. well.. that’s what
    my heARt looks like.. and trust me yah don’t wanna
    a Lion heARt like that..
    from all the same FucKinG
    folks who tried tHeir best to
    take it away from me in red state L.A.. lower alabama HELL
    and STILL would IF they could BUT CAN’T SO THEY will NOT..
    A GOD OF
    LOVE AWAY FROM hate..
    what would Jesus
    say.. a real good cop
    jesus if he or her or etc..
    came back for iSREaL now in red state hell..
    i’m fairly sure..@leASt..
    or not….
    or perHaps
    a spy in bed with everyone..
    and sure.. speed2..;)

    And now.. finally.. a photo as generated by Facebook too.. automatically
    from a year ago.. from a Macro-Verse titled kATman Beach from
    11172015.. same date that this ‘Rock on Love Now’ Macro
    Verse will be published in 2016.. and a reminder
    to me.. to go Pensacola Beach this
    Saturday.. weather
    as November
    is one of the most
    beautiful months to
    capture sunsets as all
    months are in paradise
    away from red state hell
    in LA Florida..
    is more a pun
    for that.. as sure
    i feel ‘they’ could find
    tHeir way back with fearless
    AND smARt.. and unconditional Love..
    lifting the veils of ignorance as such in
    original def of Greek Apocalypse all such..
    anyway.. those ignorant humans who don’t believe
    that the cultural byproducts are FucKinG uP the LiVinG
    pARt oF eArth.. back to a rocky moon or whatever will
    be left after that including a nuclear bomb and thousands
    more of whatever could come from that too.. beyond melting
    the snow caps and all of that.. do you really think that God enjoys
    living in humans the most.. when you walk/dance the aisles of Super Walmart
    and see all the worry.. the fear.. the discontent and yes.. underlying hate too..
    for being all FucKeD uP like this as such too.. and by the way.. if you
    live here and are adult.. trust me.. you don’t dance unless you are
    either me or Lilly white or black and ‘tween with free love
    in your heart.. it happens but rarely.. ‘they’ dance
    with me.. more like us.. i’m afraid.. of Love…
    i understand.. been there done the
    part that says life
    sucks.. life’s a bitch..
    fuck you.. i hate you..
    it just all sucks and that’s
    all kNow and FeeL iS discontent
    and misery and suffering and overall
    hate about all stuff life.. but you see.. there
    is another place.. wild and free where humans
    can be peaceful beaches of wild love too.. in harmony
    where struggle IS A natural paRt of the BaLanCinG oF that
    too.. there are no easy answers.. misery and suffering naturally
    leads to hate and discontent.. been there done it.. only human..
    i say once again… but the thing.. is.. i couldn’t hate someone..
    for long.. not even the folks who brought me the most pain.,
    as i was gifted with love at least one point in
    my life.. and there was
    a faint
    that said
    that was heaven
    here.. with the feeling
    within.. when human beings
    like normal social mammal animals
    are wild and free with the power of both
    the dARk of Struggle and the Love of toGeTher
    in the forage of liFe.. they mostly get along.. they
    really do or they die.. it’s as simple as that.. or ‘someone’
    smARter in Love replaces them as old.. and life goes on as
    new.. in this little sliver of space that IS A heaven in blue.. brown
    green.. shrinking white ice caps of paradise STilL now.. for those
    who can sTiLL see this paradise of Beach and FeeL it as worth now
    saving over keeping and owning.. as free.. for those coming fortunate
    ones to enjoy this opportunity for heaven too.. we live in days of a Zombie
    Apocalypse in at least some pockets of the country.. where now empathy and
    compassion is sold to cars and homes that are more important than flesh and blood..
    as material things become the lovers over beach of natural air and water.. and this
    human experiment is surely out of control.. and if we don’t get toGeTher somehow
    on a solution.. bottom
    line is
    and it is
    wE who will
    fuck up as with
    any social animal
    there is no me alone for
    success in the long run.. while
    i for one continue to be a beach and
    enjoy heaven as long as others allow that to last..
    but still.. this heaven.. this opportunity for heaven is
    dependent on all humans getting tHeir love shit toGETher..
    if they do not.. we will all eventually sink toGEthER and i only
    hope that perhaps another animal with a virus of culture/religion/
    politics/ etc..
    will NOT
    rise up
    to tear
    Heaven down
    as viruses tend to do..
    not humans alone.. the
    cultures.. including politics
    and religion that is the Earth Cancer now..
    i’LL continue to Hope on fearless and smARt Love
    as a more powerful force than despair.. fear.. and hate..
    oN noW..:)

    kATman BEach

    a KAtman Beach..:)

    Oh yeah.. and one of
    those “meaww”.. Facebook
    bRing yA uppers.. provides
    a collage of most liked photos..
    thaT juSt reminds me life is good..
    and 42 likes total means that is the meaning of life..
    Life is good..
    oh.. the true
    prophets.. come
    in smALL measure
    of commercial success too..
    and that reminds me of Victoria’s
    secret too.. ever since Trump’s full
    disclosure.. the advertisements in the
    mall have toned it down below PG.. more
    fully clothed as such per Victoria Secret and
    yes.. this is fully documented with clothes as
    i continue to i spy modern culture in the U.S. of A..;)

  5. Now back to dVerse with
    some more Super moon
    themed links where the
    secondary theme is also
    wishing someone a birthday
    but so far Super Moon of closest
    fashion in 48 years is winning out..

    sMiLes my friend..
    remembering what
    my favorite psychotherapist
    said.. her name is Karen by
    the way.. when the moon light
    of my emotions dimmed to new
    moon of dark never close to quarter full..
    she said..
    the mind
    and body
    is always
    rewiring for change
    in both neuroplastic
    and epigenetic way
    according to struggle
    of steps or sitting
    then i wrote
    then i danced
    first i took the
    first step
    sparks make fire of life..
    in bRiGht moon eYes of
    iMagiNAtion.. moVinG Creativity sAMe..:)

    i for one defy
    all scientific explanation
    that says the full moon has
    no measurable empirical
    on being
    what they
    miss and what
    science tends to
    always miss iS uNivErse
    iNside as hUman EmoTioNs
    sEnsES and yeS.. even seNsuaLiTy
    too.. as pARt of Force BEinG hUman
    iN ImAginATioN.. MoVinG.. ConNecTinG
    creATing way.. what they
    miss lessunder
    is now..
    being human..
    this moon can
    liGht at
    words as i.. now..
    affect yes.. effect more..
    aS EmoTions SeNses Force human
    ever so more than science feels..
    i am
    as ‘Sheldon’ Dances..;)

    Hi Lillian..
    love the photos..
    as i for one am
    mostly a visual
    iMage thiNker
    side-tracked on words
    for now.. hehe.. ah.. the political
    news has been a terrific dArk muse..
    now back to
    grows Super moon muse2..
    Hope you continue to enjoy
    your travels as truly for me it is
    a gift to see photos coming
    on the fly
    of heARt
    no different
    than words that

    I’ve really
    enjoyed the
    bright white
    size of the closest
    super moon in 48 years
    but what
    i find
    is missing
    is the red of color
    that sings struggle..
    missing anyWay..
    i’ll go back
    to bright
    for now
    away from that too..;)

    Birthdays are stones
    of miles that weigh
    me down in years
    gone past.. hmm..
    35.. 21 years ago..
    a full generation..
    and what
    i lEarned
    iT was/Is
    the stress
    that was taking
    the light emotions
    away and replacing
    that with the weight of
    numb and dark.. stones.. born again..
    is nothing
    of EmoTions
    FeeLinG SeNSes ExpREssing
    MoVinG.. CoNnectinG.. CreaTinG..
    SenSes groWinG
    liGht as mINd and
    BoDy soUL BaLaNcinG
    really religious
    about this.. just animal common sense..
    cats play at 20
    who are wild
    and free..
    make the
    jump to the
    counter often
    at 10 worn
    by the hand of human cultures…
    and you know/feel if i couldn’t prove it
    in 12 million words and 100K photos..
    all online as such..
    someone might
    call me full
    of it at 56
    the faCt iS liFE..
    iT StiLL GroWinG..:)

    God is the Moon
    God is the Harvest
    God is the Sun
    and that
    my FriEnd
    iS liGht
    enough for me..:)

    sMiLes.. reminds
    me of that Moody Blues
    Nights in White Satin Song
    and my favorite part.. the late
    lament.. perhaps worth quoting
    without regard to space.. here..

    “Breathe deep the gathering gloom,
    Watch lights fade from every room.
    Bedsitter people look back and lament,
    Another day’s useless energy spent.
    Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,
    Lonely man cries for love and has none.
    New mother picks up and suckles her son,
    Senior citizens wish they were young.
    Cold hearted orb that rules the night,
    Removes the colours from our sight.
    Red is grey and yellow white.
    But we decide which is right.
    And which is an illusion?”

    iN my life.. at least..
    the oldest i ever felt/
    sensed then..
    was at 21 at
    80.. 47 at
    105.. now
    at 56 past..
    all of that..
    the youngest
    and so
    much oF it
    is both life
    and the way i move
    it.. connect it.. and
    create it now.. thing is..
    i have the opportunity to
    act it.. produce/direct it.. and play
    it.. with no masters now slaving my
    relative free will.. and that my friend
    is the amazing part.. living life with
    no human masters of being or book..
    and also reminds me.. i’m so glad there is
    YouTube.. as songs like this truly no longer exist
    in shallow tides of twitter verse never liGht or deep aByss..:)

    my friEnd..
    i suppose i was
    born on a special
    day of 6660.. feaRed
    in the deep red state
    land of LA lower alabama
    Florida.. Panhandle way
    in a state the shape of
    a killing gun.. then buying a beer
    and the cashier looking up with
    literal fear over
    three numbers..
    golden spirals
    of God
    into beast..
    oh.. what a world
    we live in when
    evil as God..
    hmm.. anyway..
    i love my birthday
    and i love God as Nature
    sAMe.. ain’t no one fooling
    as i
    a Moon
    liGht with
    Sun WilD and FReED..
    and yes..
    i am
    no shame
    hairy naked
    and stronger
    than ever ‘fore from head
    to toe..
    i roar
    Books oF lies..
    Lord oF the Flies i cry..:)

    Ya kNow.. i’m alMost
    to the point wHeRe
    the best thing about
    ‘this photo’ IS A
    moon.. a dog..
    a sea..
    but i haven’t
    given up yET..
    sMiLes mY
    friEnd… juST a thOught..
    attempting sTiLL to divorce iT
    recent events
    of course.. included..;)

    And now back to
    the routine
    flesh and blood
    activities.. of the
    day.. visiting mother..
    getting a hair cut.. and
    above all with thaT DanCinG SinGinG..
    Free no matter what private or public.. i dance.. FReED..:)

    12:32 pm

  6. Facebook Friend
    and extra nice
    niece Candie shares
    A Asperger’s Reality
    Facebook Page note
    on the realities of Anxiety
    that those who are NOT sufferers may not
    realize as an invisible disease and functional disability…
    Pull up
    your boot
    straps and
    such as that..
    or the homeless
    person on the side
    of the road who looks
    sturdy on the outside
    and who is dying
    been there
    done that fresh
    hell and so much more
    as my heArt.. SpiRit and
    SoUL iN BoDy and MiNd too..
    destroyed slowly by chronic stress over decades
    before coming back to life now more than ever before..
    anyway.. it’s worth noting that Candie recently lost
    a very stressful job over decades too.. and i hope
    the death of all of her anxiety too.. with fresh life
    too as i respond
    with in
    Like a cat in a cage in a lightening
    storm outside that lasts for years..
    chronic and severe anxiety is
    in both feeling and
    bodily damage in real
    aka Severe
    Chronic Stress…
    getting away can save
    one’s life.. miracles come
    in dArk ways too.. as i’ve seen and felt..
    in escape

    For everyone in November
    who has a birthday this month..
    ‘this’ is your F
    and sadly that
    includes three of
    Katrina’s deceased
    relatives.. sister.. mother
    and grandmother.. and also
    Himali.. who is taking a social
    media break to study hard for
    her CPA test in the U.S.A… never
    the less.. happy
    or not.. hehe..;)

    and i’m really kinda
    surprised that i have never
    seen anyone else do this #pose
    on Facebook anywhere or my other
    trademark great Free Willy Fin as left
    elbow rising up out of water.. hmm..
    could be a #yogapose or even a
    #natarajacosmicdance .. one
    thing for sure is
    it is mostly A
    spur of the
    moment and play
    just for A life of fun..
    other than that.. it’s totally
    free and a Sia Cheap thrill too..
    what else.. it makes for an excellent
    conversation piece too.. hehe.. @least for me..;)

    Whispers in the dArk..
    come at moments in life..
    least expected.. and more expected
    if one tunes an ear/eYe to deeper than external
    pArts of WhOle as tool.. words are pARt of those
    tools and valuable guide posts to navigate the feelings
    and senses of being human.. in terms of EmoTioNs and
    even spidey
    not every
    feels and
    senses too..
    Life IS A
    long term
    in a short
    term noW forevermorenow
    eternally when Now beComES
    A Holy and Sacred noW in all
    moves.. words.. connections..
    and creativity sAMe.. a life
    of meaning and purpose wHere
    hats are worn many for
    kind and
    smARt Love
    ways of Being
    noW.. heARt..
    SpiRit and
    soUL won
    noW oNE..:)

  7. Malevolent nannies spotted in Cannes…..

    Hi.. gigoid.. as alWays
    streAMinG through
    as breeze
    and other
    news too.. of course
    hehe.. and haha.. too..;)

    “It is not the function of our Government to keep the
    citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the
    citizen to keep the Government from falling into error.”

    — Robert H. Jackson (1892-1954), U.S. Judge

    WiNks.. sounds like juST ’cause for a protest
    or two..
    aS Such..;)

    Oh yeah.. by
    A way i live
    that now..
    and that’s
    all i need to
    kNoW for noW..
    iN FeeLinG SeNsinG way noW..;)

    “If the government doesn’t trust us with our guns,
    why should we trust them with theirs?”

    — Smart Bee (Now, there’s a thought…..)

    Hmm.. everyone in my neighborhood
    has an armory in a stand your ground
    state.. they’ve set the
    i no longer
    ever never
    now ever
    a gun..
    as always now..
    ‘everyone’ serves
    to protect me too..
    hehe.. whether they
    realize it or not.. hahaX2..;)

    “Appearances to the mind are of four kinds. Things either are what they appear to be; or they neither are, nor appear to be; or they are, and do not appear to be; or they are not, and yet appear to be. Rightly to aim in all these cases is the wise man’s task.”

    — Epictetus (c. 60 AD) — Discourses, Book i, Chap. xxvii

    i skip most
    all those
    it all as i like iT..
    and make thAT reaLiTy..
    works with little to no
    responsibilities.. i seek and find now..
    i make
    it what now is..
    but yes.. these steps
    necessary too..
    to more fully a life
    of relative free will..
    in other words as Neo
    J miGht say.. escaping the Matrix..
    camel.. needle eYe and all that jazz too..;)

    “I stood
    Among them, but not of them; in a shroud
    Of thoughts which were not their thoughts.”

    — Lord Byron (1788-1824)
    — Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, Canto iii, Stanza 113

    Hmm.. every
    now i see
    the name..
    Lord Byron
    i am reminded of
    his ‘out of this world’
    Cranial Capacity of 2200cc..
    Jesus F iN Christ.. almost 50 percent
    larger than the global norm.. no doubt
    is over
    of brain for sure..;)

    Other than that..
    i mostly
    fit into
    a place named me2..;)

    “A little nonsense now and then, is cherished by the wisest men.”

    – Willie Wonka

    See a brown
    brown paper
    bag.. and yes
    as far as Calvin.. eTc.. eT aL too..;)

    “Free people, remember this maxim:
    We may acquire liberty, but it is never
    recovered if it is once lost.”

    — Rousseau

    A tricky
    wiTh A book..;)

    “If you wanna be free, keep your eyes
    open and think for yourself.”

    – Smart Bee

    Oh Lord.. group think..
    and that inspires a group
    think song again.. after reviewing
    an entire page where a bunch
    of J Trump Loving Christians
    a woman
    protestor getting
    killed on a highway..
    praying for the car
    that it
    didn’t receive
    any injuries.. the loss
    of empathy/compassion is worse
    than not thiNking.. in hUman terms
    of ignorance of heARt.. Dead bLack hOle soUL..
    noW to
    wHeRe hell
    lives Now.. dEvilS
    included of course
    with so-called Christian wings..
    without F iN Feathers.. spine of soul..
    skeleton of dreams.. dead eYe humans…;)

    “Knowing others is wisdom;
    Knowing the self is enlightenment.
    Mastering others requires force;
    Mastering the self requires strength.
    He who knows he has enough is rich.
    Perseverance is a sign of will power.
    He who stays where he is endures.
    To die but not to perish is to be eternally present.”

    — Lao-tzu (c604-c531 BC)

    What Jesus tried to say
    the best he
    he was crucified
    in words of many others
    and that to come after that..
    it alive..
    as such
    in ways of Book..
    anyway.. more complete
    than anything in that so-called
    modern western bible.. all advanced as such..

  8. Number one science proven factor
    for happiness is the human connection..
    without that
    folks find
    other stuff
    to do.. if not
    smart phones.. tater
    chips.. candy.. TV.. etc…
    Village of Love
    sure.. i miss
    the Bowling Center
    days of two decades
    of wall to wall flesh and blood
    smiles.. tears.. frowns.. and joy..
    waves of feeling human in the gut of LIFe..
    other than
    Hi Rafiah..
    all science
    takes away the
    human touch.. also
    ironically proven by science
    too.. where systemizing mind
    shuts of the faucet of soUL..
    and spiRit too..
    humans continue
    to self destruct this
    way as God is tired of them
    destroying the rest of God here.. anyWay….
    as that
    to a moment in history..
    let’s just say..
    not do….too…;)

  9. FOOL Dancing

    The trials and errors.. wins and loses.. of us vs them.. also known as philosophy.. politics and religion.. determining who is on the right or wrong side of history now.. hehe.. anyway.. i’d rather rather be a fool and be free than be any real part of that as a practice of life.. as a participant observer anthropologist.. who can play and not fall prey to thus speak against those speak.. etc.. merry go around an insane ride that never ends left or right.. as human nature is divided by fears vs loves.. hmm.. i’ll travel love.. as a win.. and visit the other controversies of human tribal nature just for fun.. and more on that in a few while FOOL Dancing is worth quoting word by word for a MacroVerse memory provided nicely all free by Facebook today..
    from two years ago per say..;)

    The Joker’s Wild..

    The Sacred Clown..







































    AND i choose the Challenge










































    SO YEAH..

    with that and the Cherokee on my mother’s maternal

    grandparent’s side..








    in the video above..

    So yes.. the fool is Clark Kent..

    and most every other comic book hero..

    who meets the challenge.. the struggle.. and moves on…


    so IS the




    i’m in good company..

    as I play whatever fool i so choose.. with relative free will..


    tale the story of life..




















    i fly FREE WITH GOD..








    And by the way.. my number in number challenge in

    Numerology birthdate and name report



    for the fool..

    followed by three ones..

    So my challenge is



    AND i choose to forge a path




    instead of doing






    Oh by A way this IS A Fool Haibun
    where the short narrative paragraph
    is followed
    by a run
    hehe.. now
    ain’t freedom
    grand when actually
    practiced in a country
    that actually allows it still..
    while others are arguing over who
    is right or wrong.. left or right.. or some
    where down in the middle of purgatory too..
    i’ll stay
    on the
    fool party
    on.. and continue
    to dance and sing just
    for fun.. yes.. politics and
    even organized religion same
    can be a humorous play of events..
    and of course sad one too for those
    it offends.. disgraces.. and out wrong harms
    to the potential of even death.. but so far.. no world
    wars since the 40’s and hey.. still a free country for me
    as the meek
    and last and humble
    and all of that @least continue
    as wHo inherit the Earth as heaven
    in/of/as what’s left of blue.. green.. brown..
    still shrinking ice white polar caps of bliss..
    it’s a fool’s
    world still..
    where we
    squirrels run
    free with all our nuts in tow..
    whatever that might mean.. hehe.. hmm..
    oh yeah.. ps.. ain’t life grand when money
    is not a part of any contingencies.. haha..
    the dream of
    the Good
    Cop Jesus
    has become
    iSReaL is/as me..
    hey.. he did say it was
    is possible.. you kNow the
    Good Cop Jesus now toDay..
    believe it or
    not Ripley
    and Horatio sAMe..;)

    And a memory from 4 years ago.. as a short
    clip of a paragraph.. as yes i did have a very detailed
    history in writing that adhered strictly to the rules of
    English hehe..
    in fact a search on
    ‘Kate Mia’ my alias then
    with key word ‘Autism
    Speaks’ brings up over
    a million google search
    results.. sure.. not all me
    but lots of me too.. hehe..
    and those folks in online
    Autism Communities
    actually thought i was
    a paid employee defending
    the organization.. as sure..
    i tend to get all focused
    uP on whatever i am
    doing to
    the extreme
    wRiTe oN course.. haha..
    oh God.. yes.. and the politics
    of autism communities online
    of the so-called higher end functioning
    part that consider themselves segregated by
    the rest of society by force of them instead of
    us.. particularly even an Alex Jones and the
    new political republican ‘Bannon’ style
    for the ‘poor underprivileged’
    white man exclusive
    and tribal/
    and separatist
    nature of us us us..
    and NO.. you you you..
    hmm.. hilarious yes.. but
    very dangerous same in terms
    of strife.. conflict.. and more haters
    on the come.. but here’s the thing.. this is
    part of Nature.. human Nature and god sAMe..
    the dARk of fear and etc.. of the newly disfranchised
    from society of the pool of before of privilege now lost
    in a society that is no longer a white man’s club as elite
    as such.. now just another pool of humans wanting to keep
    their heads above water and survive in a familiar element of
    fear.. misery.. suffering.. eTc.. where all of that enjoys the company
    of the same.. stagnating.. endless loops of angry to keep the motivation
    for living
    in fear
    a way
    out in
    rarely getting
    any where but motivation
    to go on to the next moment..
    yes.. politics.. and religion and even
    philosophy most always rides the tail
    of disenfranchisement of the social lost
    and separate.. who wanna get it back together
    again.. in external way.. but see.. the way of the Fool..
    is making it on tHiEr own.. in whatever pool of crap they
    land in.. in more original ways of spreading out individually now
    per say.. and most importantly DO in a dance and song of originality..
    as imagination… creativity.. in moving.. connecting.. and creating now..
    come to rule within.. as this diatribe continues.. haha.. perhaps just
    for fun.. as that is what the fool does just for fun.. as life becomes
    good as actor..
    director.. and
    even writer producer..
    photographer.. singer
    and dancer of one’s own
    play of life.. eTc.. run on sentences
    or whatever makes the roll of life both
    rock on and fun forevermore now.. humm..
    sure hymn the humm too.. whatever it takes
    to be free.. is what i for one continue as a practice of
    life now.. oh yeah.. so here is that short clip of static
    all logical..
    and coherent as such..;)

    “Very encouraging to see that another organization commented on this article, the Autism Rights Watch (ARW), run by people on the spectrum willing to collaborate and work with other organizations like Autism Speaks, and also willing to take a stand against the ongoing fight between the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network and Autism Speaks.”

    i used Online Autism politics as a sideshow
    diversion to keep my mind off the
    best i could.. a pain
    disorder of
    to mankind..
    type two trigeminal
    neuralgia.. for two years
    and more.. after i already
    experienced that pain
    of misery and
    like a Dentist
    Drill in my eye and
    ear for almost 33 months
    of not being able to use my
    ears and eyes for effectively
    anything of literal note.. under
    almost intolerable pain.. and yes
    intolerable pain to look at any reading
    or listening to any music then.. and just like
    politics today.. i found liberals and conservatives..
    outliers.. including the conspiracy leaning folks who
    thought a frigging charitable organization was a Eugenics
    Nazi organization.. i kid you not.. of the still Alex Jones flavor
    of minion cult folks now today.. people are alike and different all over..
    same story.. same religion.. same politics.. same football game.. same
    different philosophies.. all with different labels of languages and clothes the same..
    Jesus F.
    iN Christ..
    makes ya
    wanna just
    peel off your cultural
    clothes.. not unlike the
    Emerald Forest in ’85.. where
    they traveled in that movie to civilization..
    got the FucK out and returned to Nature
    peeling off those cultural clothes in both
    metaphor and real like they were the
    most evil disgusting clothes
    they had ever encountered
    up to then.. well truth
    to me..
    they are
    and sTill is..
    the problem started way back..
    with storing grains.. overpopulation..
    bigger villages cities.. tools of killing more..
    and frigging sidewalks that say walk this way
    only please to maintain order.. Nature is free and
    so are we when free.. when forage for survival is
    necessary day to day.. people must cooperate to survive
    so that is what they do.. other than that folks get too much
    time on their hands with stored grain.. sit on their asses behind
    computers not much different than i am doing now.. and kill time
    while the
    rest of
    lives it
    real like
    a team that
    knows and feels
    no limits or expectations
    of human contrived cLocks
    of one way sidewalk hell too..
    it is what it is.. i for one rise and thrive..
    it’s just a way of creating happiness for me..
    hmm.. that takes work.. lots of work in a world like this..
    yes.. not easy
    but oh.. so much fun..
    in A iSREaL Heaven noW..;)

  10. Parachutists pack their own…..


    — Robert Anton Wilson

    Ha! Robert Anton Wilson..
    among my favorites
    along with
    his Dissertation
    on Prometheus Rising..
    Reality a Quantum stew
    and meaning
    beyond empirical
    reductionism of

    Dove sta memora

    “You have not snared her,
    Scarecrow Death:
    She’s in my pulse,
    My heart, my breath.
    Eye sees only
    Local hardware;
    Brain conceives
    Nonlocal software;
    Brain knows more
    Than eye can see:
    Brain can scan

    — Robert Anton Wilson

    Brain is bigger
    than all the books
    in the
    is essence
    of all that is..
    core of
    Start Connections..
    Neurons same.. spreading
    out in galaxy of body trillion
    peptide connections.. in cells..
    fire at core
    of sUn
    SeNSEs sAMe
    woRkinG toGeTher
    unleashed released..
    as Quantum god
    song iSreAL..
    iN paRt
    of Fractal wHOle
    are we.. juSt a reminder
    aGaIN more than books and
    or words will ever tail a comet speed away

    In other words
    life is more than
    A Haiku of now..;)

    or a
    verse too..;)

    “Never let the future disturb you.
    You will meet it, if you have to, with the same
    weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.”

    — Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

    Reason will never
    be enough
    as Free..:)

    At least that
    is what the scientists say..;)

    And Popes.. and Priests
    and Pastors too..
    even Gurus..
    all who rule..;)

    mind away from Art oF Free..
    feeling sensing more no words at all..:)

    i say
    with reason again..;)

    “Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.”

    — Napoleon Bonaparte


    Religion.. it’s all the same
    and different too as same..;)

    “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.”

    — Socrates

    And once again i say..
    far beyond
    origin of words..:)

    The word was first..
    yeah.. tell that
    to the Sun..
    and core
    senses and
    emotions same
    as crucible of human soul
    and whole of Sun..
    Fire you’re
    and dance
    a Song of Sense
    and Feel with or without words of lone..

    The militia of these free commonwealths, entitled and accustomed to their arms, when compared with any possible army, must be _tremendous and irresistable_. Who are the militia? _are they not ourselves_? Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms _each man against his own bosom_? Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are _the birth-right of an American_…the unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the _federal or state governments_, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, _in the hands of the people_.”

    — Tench Coxe 20 Feb. 1788

    Again.. i appreciate
    my well armed neighbors
    they serve me well unarmed

    “There is one sure way of telling when
    politicians aren’t telling the truth

    — their lips move.”

    — Felicity Kendall

    Yes.. words
    are overrated
    is largely
    lost as trUth
    and liGht iNside..
    the politics of words
    as written to control..
    and subjugating now..:)

    Seriously the devil’s tool is words
    as the devil is a human without empathy
    and compassion who has lost the non-verbal
    touch of reciprocal social communication now..
    a world of increasing text away from life.. a world
    functionally disabled no less than one who is disabled
    by no choice of tHeir own.. the thing is.. there is positive
    neuroplasticity and positive epigenetics same in response to
    environmental struggle for change.. and there is the dark side..
    the nocebo opposite voodoo affect and effect of placebo miracles
    of positive believe in thought and action too.. in ways of neuroplasticity
    in wiring in brain never made.. and genetics never unpacked in environmental
    challenge and epigenetic processes as they normally do in free and wild.. all
    naked as such on sand and rock.. and grass and meadows colored spring of
    eyes alive.. Nature Deficit Disorder started with the first written word.. and
    now text proliferates
    to save
    the rest
    of Nature
    from the human
    race.. as it’s true
    it is some of the
    best birth control of all hehe..
    as well as pornography and all
    the rest of those youth in Japan
    who never do the wild thing evermorenow..
    hmm.. God as Nature is FucKinG in control..
    humans are just guinea pigs in their own experiment
    of systemizing scientist one and most all now the same..
    i FucKinG
    Zombie Apocalypse
    more.. bottom line
    no FucKinG
    the fire
    destruction of the rest of the planet more..
    still not sure if God sent me here as savior of what
    and who the same.. perhaps not unlike that New
    Noah movie.. the creatures of the wild
    with God Nature
    and free..
    only to be saved
    by the power of Love
    more than text
    i sing
    i dance for more..:)

    “An apple a day keeps the doctor away – if you aim right!”

    — Smart Bee

    And yeS it helps
    to lift more than
    a smArt phone and move..;)

    SeriouSly.. A greaTest insanity
    of humanity today
    comes down
    to one

    What FucKinG
    animal survives
    in the long run by sitting..
    than moving mostly for sure.. i For ONE Dance..;)

    (note to self)
    go out in the
    sand and sun
    and FucKinG do iT noW.. DANCE..
    practice what i preach or feel a real fool now..;)


    sMiLes.. i caMe
    for A lost SonG..
    so.. i’LL SinG it heRe..
    so many lost and never
    found songs.. iN A life with
    almost infinite possibilities when
    resources same..
    so many distractions..
    so many options.. so many
    avenues never walked
    or danced..
    i sing oF
    as sAMe
    as Now..
    a life well spent
    a life well worn.. Now
    A life well traveled iS SonG
    iN paThs more.. liGhts uP noW..:)

    Other than that.. hi! thefeatheredsleep..
    been a while since i came by.. and wrote..
    oh.. Lord.. Lost in an ocean of words.. coming
    aboard other lands whenever possible now more..
    anWay.. hope you are doing well Candice.. as i try to polish sMall talk too..;)

  12. Hmm.. i’m not sure what’s more amazing.. now..
    the fact that i can capture ‘this scene’s garden
    nature’.. with an iPhone6s Camera in the year
    2016.. or the wonder of Nature where
    this Milkweed Assassin Orange
    Insect perches sTill on a
    Cycad King Sego Palm..
    in a family of Cycads that
    has inhabited the Earth for
    somewhere close to 300 Million
    years or so.. dwarfing humans no different
    than age old dragon flies.. some of which still
    fly at speeds of 60 miles per hour.. and Nautilus
    same in the record books of life.. encased in fossil
    rocks with their modern brothers and sisters as such..
    Green.. year ’round in Florida Summers that are coming
    closer to never ending.. hehe.. no.. not hehe.. if you are
    in South Asia.. in sinking homeland.. but sure that’s the
    price of an orange assassin more.. unless controlled from
    eating more than his appetite should store.. oh Lord.. the taKing
    gaMe verses the giving gAme of God and MoTheR NaTuRE sAme..
    don’t ya kNow when you give back more you take more with yA.. iN
    eYes of LiVinG
    verses dead..
    no.. anywaY..
    yA plant or fly
    or swim as soil.. and
    water and air as sAMe
    oF diFFerent too.. anyWay2..
    this is like an introductory poetic
    all free verse expression for the dVerse
    Garden prompt by super nice poet Kim now
    from over tHeRe.. acknowledging i am human
    when i visit her Garden with at least a like of hi..
    if nothing more than a say of you are human too..
    like that.. hehe.. anyway3.. we insects of odd carefully
    and freely step our way ‘cross strands of world wide web..
    and no matter what my free will not be killed by orange insects now..
    oF course
    oN course foR Now..:)

    WeLL.. iT’s true.. when Ya mix
    red and blue you get purple as was
    is the hope of the Clinton’s as they
    came in hopes to mend a fence not to be
    made so high.. for hope.. hmm.. perHaps yA
    didn’t notice the color coordinated pair on the
    loSing stAge.. and truly the real Victory as displayed
    in V-Shaped purple dress vest on Hillary’s day of her concession
    speech and BiLL’s tie in color
    of purple too.. to match
    that color now
    of cooperation
    too.. as the feared
    red and blue attempt
    to mingle more..
    the story
    goeS on
    iN Garden
    Green for me
    as when asked
    iF i want A red or blue
    piLL.. i sAid pArty on for
    Green of understanding
    both sides now .. and nothing
    more than that in political way
    oF Free for continuing best bets
    for freer humanity too.. foR NoW as free goes2..;)

    Off to dVerse now..
    11162016 at 3:26 pm..
    as a Garden pARTy continues..;)

    Garden of leaves..
    steps.. words ya’VE
    heard the rigor more
    roll and rock with sonG
    what more is tHeRE to noW..
    And DancE..;)

    bRanches lEaves..
    mOre of liFe gets
    a long toGeTheR..
    bleeding live..:)

    SMiLes.. my friEnd
    Kim.. first of all thanks
    for this Garden prompt
    it’s like
    for a rooster
    soup soul.. hehe..
    and truly it’s sad when
    gardens become toweRed
    by giants of steel and stone..
    and at less and more one would
    hope that those
    who live
    can come
    down to see the
    smallest insects
    and buds
    below.. anyway..
    tHEy pay no miNd to FeeL
    oF GarDen towers theY spRead
    out more iN colonies and leaves of Love..
    hmm.. vine more.. reach cross liGht LovE noW..:)

    Funny thing.. sTiLL noW it seems..
    Gardens of humans are often private..
    but in Nature more they are alWays
    and free..
    and i often
    share my yard of
    Garden in back yard
    and even front yard view
    with the world.. hey.. i worked
    it alone for many years of sweat.. miGht
    as weLL share.. what the hell.. done tHeRe
    did thaT miGhT aS well free garden for now all open
    as such..
    free verse
    garden too..
    and hey.. i even
    share what i eat at
    the restaurant with the world..
    but wife.. no.. if she makeS iT.. she sayS
    iT’s private.. keep iT in ‘tween the tAble
    your mouth and stomach only.. until what
    Life is kinda like
    that what comes next
    is never as great as what
    is now when holy and sacred all..
    every wHeRe i look i see an Open Garden
    oF Free.. sAdly2.. i see too many closed one’s afrAid oF liGht..:)

    WeLL.. Hello ladyleemanilla.. i am so
    impressed that you shared 72 photos of
    garden view with us on this wonderful day
    over in the states with Thanks Giving approaching
    next week.. perhaps
    even more
    is the fact i
    don’t see any
    of those copyright
    ownership thingies
    anywhere on your
    page here.. hmm..
    lesson learned for me on
    death’s step below darkest
    hell night.. i will never ever own
    anything here.. even my life is only
    a gift from a very large garden now.. and
    i am just another weed fortunate enough
    to survive.. it wasn’t always like that as death
    can teach more about life than bill of own ever could..
    all of
    a garden of free..
    when fear of death
    and anxiety and all illusory
    fears melt away.. a garden of
    love is born that will never be owned
    only give for free for life is gift.. nothing more..
    and more for give..
    anyway.. haha.. my soul
    is for the giving.. we are a family
    of humans toGeTher.. iF a person will
    not share Nature with the world for free..
    i surely
    of bread
    as Love.. no matter
    how starved and cold i was/am
    as that garden continues to gRow..
    Ocean whole
    all i do..
    Giving inspires
    me most.. and
    owning always
    makes me
    feel sad
    closed in own that way..
    LiVinG Gardens give more than own…:)

    Lord.. i’m
    so happy
    you didn’t use
    pesticides.. as sAdly
    that’s what some folks
    religion as…
    in garden
    of prune..
    i’m not sure
    Nature needs
    humans at all..
    in fact i’m
    the rest of
    nature never read
    a book and did much better
    than human words.. collective
    intelligence.. cultures.. etc.. and melting ice caps
    now getting
    so much
    care from
    human books
    for now.. i don’t know
    if you ever noticed but
    the flowers wHo with stand
    the greatest crosses of drOught
    have the
    flowers in
    briGht colors oF aLL..
    have you ever noticed in all
    these years that Jesus never ages too..
    and is alWays kind with a big heArt now..
    something about that hearT spells no pesticide to me..
    or even prunes..
    my friend..
    it’s all for liGht
    i hope you FeeL..:)

    It’s funny.. i used to
    spend hours pulling up weeds
    all over my yard.. bricked every
    flower bed straight and narrow
    and even clipped
    leaves of grass by
    hand ’round square
    patio bLock..
    fertilized every
    floWer religiously
    with miracle grow..
    until one day
    i stopped
    and started
    fading away.
    and come to find
    out my garden didn’t
    need me at all then..
    i needed me to hear now
    and see a Garden within..
    now there is simple communion
    with tree.. plant.. leave.. insect..
    bird and more.. soil is my feet.. Earth
    is my breath.. and ocean circulates salt
    same in
    of Love..
    Streams.. Rivers
    Waves same as words..
    i care not to control.. aLL Ocean wHOle
    airs me all waters me aLive aS liGht..:)

    i suppose
    A sAddest
    Garden iN
    A world
    iS oNe
    wHeRe no
    plants can
    be added
    can be
    colored change..:)

    So.. true..
    Painting Gardens
    iN MoVinG CoNneCTing
    CreAtinG ways
    Colored FloWers now..:)

    IF it’s not
    it’s not
    at least not for
    A good cop
    i miss that Jesus..
    ’round these pARts..
    iN A paNhandle oF
    A State of Flowers..
    are GCJ Christian
    by A way.. pure bred..
    alWays from sand as God..:)

    i cannot find
    the GCJ
    iN Church
    lately.. i seek..
    so i go to Nature
    and sHe is alWays waiting tHeRe..
    oF Love
    IS A color of
    sand and beyond
    rainBows too.. noW..:)

    Oh Lord.. love
    liFe on the farm
    iN garden
    now with
    with iT aLL and
    resting sleep
    thaT city
    can not
    garden Peace..
    unTil i becaMe A
    farm and dance iT
    everywHeRe i SinG..
    though.. i suppose.. it’s more
    Beach now than farm of sow…:)

    And then
    totAlly eXposed..
    ha.. it’s alWays the
    Artists that move
    and naked
    than ever ‘forE now..
    funny how stuff becomes
    when totAlly posed..
    and perhaps juSt
    the thOught oF
    iT WiLL
    a few
    leanings from me..
    as science shows now
    it is lust and a balance of
    love that is origin and core
    of all stuff productivity and creativity
    too.. sure.. libiDo2..

    For me.. it’s a river
    i AM raised on with
    so many flowers of Love..
    nurtured from a Grandmother
    long retired before
    oil painting
    like Grand
    Ma moses
    in her
    sixties after
    her father’s death.. too..
    shot gun home of youth bulldozed
    over on Willing street river town of Milton
    now.. sand patch left.. one Pecan tree and
    a few shrubs small.. but the view of god
    the River
    is as large
    as it is before
    i can speak at age 3..
    hmm… never needed
    any words
    to see THaT
    mY.. friEnd.. Sreeja..:)

    It’s funny.. i used
    to be almost afraid of
    fall with seasonal affective
    now it
    that was
    simply a
    disorder of
    living in a school
    and work cave during the day..
    now that Summer doesn’t seem
    to end in Fall in Florida in the
    U.S. of A.. i look forward to
    never before..
    death is resting
    for life i find now..
    i suppose a dead garden
    is better than no garden at all..
    as long
    as A
    sun finds
    a way to shine inside..
    and i have to admit
    both dance and
    song seem
    to generate
    that more
    no matter season or spring..
    and sorry to run on but the nice
    customer service lady now says when
    i dance in public going on three years now..
    at the same SW store town heRe.. i bRing SpRing
    with me year ’round no matter what it looks like
    outside.. and that my friend after living in hell IS A
    Real miracle from 66 months in that other place..
    ’cause hell
    iSreal too..
    i feel
    as Heaven
    more too..
    A Garden of Dance
    and SonG as LovE..:)

    It’s hard
    to destroy
    people and the
    living earth and
    all the other animals
    too when one can finAlly
    see that
    is dirt..
    and no
    not just Adam alone..
    A Garden of Love isREaL..:)

    ladynyo talks more about dirt and i say..
    after she says thanks for commenting..

    Welcome.. ladynyo.. interestingly..
    the first Middle Eastern words
    for God mean Earth and water
    as a mix of silt.. yeS anD is real
    God.. after
    that sadly
    IT eventually
    moved away
    from an Isreal
    Indigenous people’s
    God that one experiences
    as verb.. in yes.. A tangible way
    not unlike Yoda who can feel
    this Force in all things now..
    iN real feelings
    and senses
    now and not just
    empty shells of words..
    anyWay.. the world would be
    a much nicer place if all respected
    the entire blanket of life and existence
    as God rather than rather empty words
    in books that lead to mostly separation and
    division.. more likely saving life on the planet
    as well as
    a bonus
    benefit too..:)

    WeLL.. hello Lynn..
    noW.. this is my 17th
    poetic expression
    iN Garden way now..
    hehe.. iF ya wanna
    cAll it thaT and i must
    admit that a theme oF
    Garden and God saMe
    has unleashed
    a dam
    once again..
    but i’LL keep
    it short
    as Now
    A essence
    oF A Garden
    runneth over as such..;)

    AnyWay.. hi.. may not finish
    the rest but never the less
    i made you the end anyWay now..
    as you’ve been sort oF instrumental
    in helping me finish a ‘little’ project of mind..
    in A test ment
    of sortS as heARt
    i guess for more..
    sure.. miNd and
    BoDy SoUL for
    BaLanCinG too..
    and that’s all
    for now
    A Garden and
    Ocean samE grows longer..
    and on top of that got a gym date
    coming too.. as human gardens need
    lots of exercise away from keyboards too..;)

    Just a note too at close
    to the end friend Lynn..
    this is the least amount
    of commenters i’ve ever
    seen on all of the poems
    in a dVerse prompt
    he but
    i made up
    for the rest of that..
    i suppose the election
    and all of that is singing
    the poetry online liberal blues too..
    nothing gets me down.. nothing get me down..
    as i got
    within my friEnd..;)

    uh oh.. just got a notification
    from Lynn where she is curious
    with and explanation point about
    what i just did in new test ment way..
    so here i go with some more good news for her..;)

    He he.. FriEnd Lynn..
    i will leave no question
    marks with out
    reMark.. well..
    as i might have mentioned
    earlier.. i recently finished a
    42 month witness for God
    in a 3.3 million word free verse
    poem in longest long form style in history
    now of humankind.. technically per se.. as
    it will fit no where.. even if someone wanted
    to publish an ocean whole
    poem like that..
    and it’s
    also A
    SonG oF mY
    soUL and that
    will never go on
    sale.. anyway2.. that
    entire poem is still growing
    at the 721st Macro-Verse comprised
    of many Micro-Verses.. and micro-micro
    verses such as this very one i am writing
    now that comprises all 17 poetic free verse
    expressions that by the way are all in what they
    term in poetry science as concrete forms coming
    in chalices.. lamps… etc.. and even beyond word
    forms.. in most all 3.3 million words plus now of
    721 Macro-Verses whole in actually additionally
    2 mirror blogs that entail that whole enchilada and
    more all said and done now with somewhere around
    1.5 million views of folks who venture in some of those
    rabbit holes too.. and what i just did in 6 weeks as i write
    an average of 180K words or so every 6 weeks now IS A
    12 chapter Galaxy of such as pArt of that Universe whole
    poem consisting of 12 Macro-Verses as additional metaphor
    for chapters too.. at precisely 181,244 words as ending recent
    on 11112016.. that is the 6th named Free verse novel of which
    5 are like solar systems and galaxies along with planets of that
    entire UniVerse of words too.. or perhaps Multi-Verses now as
    Universes too.. anyway just some metaphors to help you understand
    a stand in pArt of what’s going down for real.. and the instrumental part
    in that 6 chapters was actually a cut and paste from a year ago
    where you and i pursued a short Micro-Micro-Verse discussion
    as part of Micro-Verse in regard to ISAIAH CHAPTER 53
    in form of what i had
    to say back to you
    then.. currently
    i continue
    to work
    on John 14:12..
    let’s just put it
    this way with WiNks
    per se.. tHeRe ain’t nothing
    Luke warm about me.. additionally
    completing 6450 miles or so of praise
    dance in 39 months now too in all public
    places in the Pensacola Metro Area where
    folks literally in the general audience have named
    me a legend of dance now.. little do they KnoW the
    of my
    and it’s still
    kinda hard to
    put into words my
    friend.. but since you
    asked the least i could
    do is do my best to provide
    an answer from the holy spirit within..
    as that continues to flow as streAm into
    River as waves branch out to Ocean Whole more..
    other than that
    hope you had
    a nice work-out..
    as i just finished 33 reps
    of leg pressing 1020lbs.. on
    a very difficult parallel leg press
    machine.. outdoing Marines
    a third of my age at
    twice as much
    than i’ve
    ever seen
    on that machine there..
    with my arms raised in air..
    like i said i am a witness for
    God in all the gifts provided my friend..
    including 66 months spent in literal hell
    on earth with a condition named trigeminal
    neuralgia experienced from wake to sleep like
    someone drilling ear and eye without novocaine
    and also named the suicide disease and literally
    assessed in medical literature as worse than the
    torture of crucifixion my friend.. anyway you are just
    another friend on a very long trail my friend.. and i appreciate
    you.. as everyone else who has provided all the inspiration i need
    in both
    and dArk
    and sHades
    of grey beyond
    RainBow colors too..
    i must say you’ve been
    much liGhter than many
    places i’ve been.. as
    tRust mE..
    been too many places..
    i’ve missed at this point..
    Bless you friend.. and sleep tight.. Lynn..
    this ain’t just a dAm break.. it’s a TsUNaMi now..;)

  13. NoW as ‘they’
    saY it’s now
    for A Karmic
    eYe to come out
    and play foR noW..
    seriouSly like the shirt
    says.. “Do You Even Lift”..;)

  14. WeLL.. Yellow Boy iS at iT aGain..
    studious bible study Cat he is
    upon Katrina’s lap his
    fellow biblical
    scholar.. Kat too..
    hmm.. and today
    the Yellow Boy draws
    my attention to not only
    Joshua Chapter one but also
    Joshua Chapter two.. noting there
    is actuAlly two spies in this parTicular
    Bible pArt of WhoLe.. who are supported
    by the good guy Joshua in charge.. hmm..
    i suppose it’s now for another James Bond
    as such song.. which one to use.. which one
    to use.. i’LL sleep on that pARt whOle and figure
    the rest of this ouT when morning comes on my
    own version of Holy and Sacred R and R Thursday
    Free all the way Free dance day and niGht activities..
    to Rest and
    ending the night’s
    dance at yes.. the 135th
    Dance Celebration week with aLL
    the Kool College Age folks at
    Old Seville Quarter iN P-Cola
    Florida.. wHere even Pan can
    see a portrait of an Arcadia MiLL..
    on 120th Church Street as a lit uP
    building too.. just a stone’s throw
    or so.. from the Dance Hall
    Grand with hundreds and
    hundreds of
    happy partiers in
    Drink and SonG Bliss..
    hmm.. beFore the next morn..
    headache comes.. along with whatever
    ends up toGeTher by the end of Bar niGht..
    as alWays i’LL be going home allone WiTh GoD..
    sAMe as iN the Dance Hall as Dance pARtner solo
    and or wiTh a little help from my Dance FriEnds too..;)


    Hello.. my friEnd.. Candice.. see.. told ya.. you would see me soon..
    The evils of religion exposed here.. and surely
    not limited to any one religion.. as they
    tend to be practices of ignorance
    over both reason and heart
    when carried to the
    extreme as
    these dark parts
    of most religions
    excluding a few like
    Jainism do exist and the
    evidence of the harm as these
    books are interpreted as poetry to
    justify the cruelest most heartless human
    behavior one can imagine.. and perhaps one of the
    dark positive aspects of the Trump Campaign in the U.S.. now..
    is it brings to surface the evil that is contained in how the Christian
    religion is practiced in the United States.. as both the Koran and the Bible
    taken literally as interpreted as justification for dark evil.. can easily be used
    to justify rape and murder and torture as we lEarn from histories.. too that are
    in this present now.. and i have seen some of the most heartless acts of true evil
    come out from the wood work of Christianity since this event that lay somewhat
    hidden.. particularly.. out of the pulpit of the Catholic Church i attend that retains
    a philosophy of love until it comes to the last pariah’s.. homosexuals.. and their rights
    to life.. liberty AND the pursuit of happiness.. where laws protect all from the evil of
    so-called modern religions IF THEY HAD THEIR WAY.. and folks who call themselves
    Christians gloating over at least one woman’s accidental death hit by a car in the protests..
    where you would think you were back at the Roman Gladiator events with folks gloating when
    the Lion ate the so-called Christians who are those same Roman folks now who come to think they
    have a free reign of hate now.. in evil ways.. emboldened by their new savior of dark.. it is days like
    this where even i.. who likes to stick with light can appreciate a dark parody of the realities of the dark
    of religion now like the
    so-called modern satanists
    an organization developed
    to fight against a religion of
    ignorance as it harms the free
    will of humans.. not that i agree
    with this approach but it does have
    a certain place in the scheme of all
    positive change in pointing out the
    ignorance that is still so deep with real
    evil now that harms others to the greatest
    extremes in female gentile mutilation and
    dowries in cases where young girls are forced
    into non-conSENsual marriages in institutionalized rape..
    Sociologists suggest that by the year 2050.. Muslim peoples
    who are of the perceived less valuable part in terms of women
    and homosexuals will have the same rights that the oppressed
    and repressed have gained in the United States.. but as we can
    clearly see from over here.. those elements.. if they had their way
    would still oppress and repress people with the power of the state
    in blood stained hands of killing heart.. here over in the United States..
    of course.. i’m singing to the choir and i understand now.. human beings
    are amazing creatures with great neuroplastic.. epigenetic.. and even placebo
    potential in the power of change.. noW in regard to adaptation to the environment
    they are placed for struggle.. in both belief of thoughts with the power of suggestion
    and actually getting out there in toil of sweat and even blood to rise up to the physical
    challenges of life.. it’s rather simple.. positive thoughts lead to positive actions when one
    gets out there and makes the first word of SonG in emotional and sensory light and first
    step of same liGht in DancE of liFe.. iN whatever way metaphors for that come in life.. but yes
    there is the dark side too.. of doubt and fear.. and negative neuroplastic and epigenetic change
    in response to a dark environment that leads to stagnation.. stress.. and chronic anxiety,.
    fears.. where humans are more easily controlled for subjugation in anyway that comes by
    a ruling class of whomever that may be.. down to a real scientific empirically tested reality
    of A ‘Nocebo” in a real voodoo effect way.. one sees this with imaginary demons in church
    related ways.. Jinn myths in Muslim Mosques.. the same with different names for a voodoo
    devil in each religion too.. and sure they equate to human doubts and fears than can be
    created as an actual dark and evil force inside by self-fulfilling prophecy
    and seriouSly that is what most
    of life ends ups being in the
    long run my friend
    a self-
    prophecy whether
    generated within or
    through force and coercion
    of religion.. human beings are
    gifted with great potential of light
    in dreams of imagination and creativity
    same.. but the nightmares as you highlight
    so well here are equally prevalent in pockets
    of the world today all around the world where fear
    and ignorance still rules with those who would lead folks
    down dark paths to control and subjugate them for reproductive
    and materialistic gains.. selfishly as such.. with little to no empathy
    and compassion for the other human beings at hand.. sure.. those with
    vaginas and different sexual orientations perceived as the weaker ones
    to be controlled with domination as such.. truly.. it all starts at the heart..
    a fearless man without love can kill millions of folks.. same as a fearful man
    with no heart and even some heart who iS in a position of power.. the same..
    sure.. i shouldn’t say just man as woman can do this too.. even those folks with
    alternate gender orientations as well.. but a person who has fearless love with
    some smARt sprinkled in is the anti-dote to the evil in the world we see.. raising
    these kind of folks is getting harder to do.. as the electronic devices of cOld heArt
    have become the New Jesus and Muhammad and even parents too.. yes.. Gods exist
    in screens of 4 inch scream.. and these Gods can be the ones who take empathy and
    compassion in flesh and blood reciprocal communication away.. and create the future
    demons and
    devils still
    yet to come..
    it’s already happening
    where the Roman Gladiators
    are now the new Christians with
    smart phones in world wide web
    Colosseums that worship human
    suffering in promoting ways.. it’s
    disgusting but understandable also
    as it is generated by the devil of fear..
    there is a time and place for a Marilyn
    Manson song.. but it too promotes violence
    and i am not willing to go that far.. but for those
    who can understand the deeper and truly relevant
    meaning of it.. it’s worth a glance of what art is here for..
    yes.. to save human heARt.. SpiRiT and SoUL.. and to point out
    the hypocrisies where it might just save someone’s tangible soul…
    orange as orange
    has recently become
    the new bLack sadly enough
    over here in the U.S. in ways
    of those who do promote evil
    from the pulpits of ruling church..
    we live in interesting days.. my friend
    but interesting days can eventually lead
    to positive change with enough cognitive
    empathy generated to understand the differences
    as well as the similarities that make life good instead
    of ignorant
    hell for
    little girls
    in so-called
    Muslim countries
    who are mutilated
    and destroyed in
    heart and soul..
    who will keep the
    evil cycle going with
    dark eye souls.. of fear and hate..
    nah.. cannot end this one with a smile..
    just an endless ellipse of hopeful change…..
    and for a song
    perhaps now Shepard
    of Fire will go great with this..
    thanks for the inspiration.. was
    looking for a way to say this.. early
    this morning.. reading about ‘Jinns’..
    and real life one’s too.. my friEnd.. now..
    Hehe.. sure that was/is epic too but evil
    inspires epic good too.. let’s hope..
    as liGht
    from dARk.. too..:)

  16. Oh.. yeah.. by A way..
    the Katrina directed me
    to take another photo of
    the Yellow Boy.. and yes.. speaking
    of this human and cat in holy and sacred
    way is just another pARt of an overall book.. huh..
    as Synchronicity continues to pour
    in when one is in synch with the
    master piece painting and theater
    that is the art of GoD EyES and
    eArs as expresSinG one’s bEinG
    human.. anyway.. Yellow boy gets
    up to Joshua Five before he too drifts
    off in nap resting his head on book of
    past lore and historical harm approaching
    torture in male genital mutilation too.. chopping
    off male foreskin on young adults with flint knives
    to appease a practice as barbaric as what is practiced
    in some Muslim countries wide spread still.. and sure.. practiced
    here at birth at least
    and not required for
    young adult so-called
    gentiles readying for
    war with flint stone knives..
    anyway.. fair and balanced is the
    way i like to keep.. it… same atrocities
    supported by the Christian full bible that
    is practiced still in Muslim countries too.. the
    source of that evil is the sacred text.. the practice
    of that evil is in the actual harming of human beings..
    it’s as simple as that harm is evil.. get it.. got it.. good.. or not..
    is harm.
    FucKinG period.
    as God lives within
    and when you harm anything
    you harm God.. it’s as simple as that..
    and more
    it comes
    time when you
    must eat to make a living too….
    a little respect
    is at
    it seems..
    yeah.. what
    the American
    Indians did until
    their respectful and
    Loving relationship with
    a real god of Nature is destroyed by a book….
    Indian or not
    in terms now of
    respecting God
    wHole of/as Nature one..
    as truly at core we are all
    Indigenous Indians of God when
    we remember where we come from..
    what we are.. as grains of sand as UniVerse
    and more

  17. I’ve never seen a poltergeist retch before…..

    “I’ve never seen a poltergeist retch before…..”

    Hmm.. i just came from discussing this
    elsewhere.. should be interesting
    here too..
    as synchronicity
    continues to flow
    like a
    no dams
    in siGht.. hehe..
    anyWay.. i often find
    a special synchronisitic
    a causal connecting principle
    of hidden psychological meaning
    that is only applicable to me.. hehe..
    as that’s how/why/does/way
    the human
    mind works..
    it feels and fills
    in the blanks of life
    experience.. all naturale
    per se.. with or without help
    from the so-called conscious mind
    in imaginary division of separation..
    as modern word worshippers tend to
    naturally do as that has become the focus
    over sensing and feeling life moreover as
    systemizing science of
    over thinking
    it with
    yes.. like the
    fAct that humans..
    many of them can read
    entire pages of books smoothly
    as such.. with words of only the first
    and last letter enclosed with gibberish
    in the middle.. hehe.. haha.. more.. overall..
    perhaps tHeRe is hope this way that at leASt
    THOSE folks will understand what i am feverishly
    saying as such as the stream continues to come
    spRead now..
    overcoming any
    dam that dares
    stand a flood of words like this..
    it’s magic
    what can
    i say..
    isreal MaGiC
    iN Both dARk
    and liGht way..
    now back to poltergeist
    as you free flow here.. for
    whatever comes what may for
    now.. my FriEnd gigoid.. who i hope
    is enjoying his flesh and blood vacation of
    of the flesh
    and blood
    human race too..
    as that can be so much
    fun too.. coming from two decades
    of working as both helping out handing
    out shoes and Manager of a Bowling Center
    in Military style with over 100K folks then in flesh
    and blood reciprocal social communication.. Ted
    Danson i was literally compared to then.. too.. by
    a base
    Walker.. oh..
    the photographic
    movie making Cheers
    like memory of fun too..
    where no time.. space.. or distance
    exists in the movies of mind that never age..
    funny.. for so long.. i didn’t realize that every one
    cannot make High Definition full color movies of
    their life experience true
    to form
    of what
    came before..
    hmm.. i can block
    them out now.. they

    “Is something VIOLENT going to happen to a GARBAGE CAN?”

    — Zippy the Pinhead

    Yes.. when human
    garbage cans
    view other
    cans this happens
    and i can even provide
    recent Facebook links that
    provide empirical evidence
    of this same age phenomena…
    some folks call it MiNion humans
    following the most deplorable and
    despicable leaders currently known
    to the world at hand.. by tHeir recorded
    words and actions
    of course
    as modern
    technology tends to do..
    the dirty laundry is all out for
    fair and balanced perusal now..
    and it is gonna take a mighty powerful
    pressure washer to get that shit clean..;)

    All i got is
    A anotHeR water
    drip of letters.. words..
    photos.. songs.. other
    videos.. symbolS and such
    as that.. but if enough rain drops
    get togEther sooner or later there could be a Hurricane of Love..;)

    “ICONOCLAST, n. A breaker of idols, the worshipers whereof are imperfectly gratified by the performance, and most strenuously protest that he unbuildeth but doth not reedify, that he pulleth down but pileth not up. For the poor things would have other idols in place of those he thwacketh upon the mazzard and dispelleth. But the iconoclast saith: “Ye shall have none at all, for ye need them not; and if the rebuilder fooleth round hereabout, behold I will depress the head of him and sit thereon till he squawk it.”

    — Ambrose Bierce, “The Devil’s Dictionary”

    Is tHeir
    a mirror in here..;)

    “Power is an illusion; only stupidity is real.”

    — Smart Bee

    Oh Lord..
    Oh Jesus..
    Oh Jesus..
    Jesus Trump..
    the reaLiTy sHow God of
    the Christian Church comes
    as Emperor and God same..
    juST iN time for diSgrace..;)

    “Anyone can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend,
    but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize
    with a friend’s success.”

    — Oscar Wilde

    of confidence..
    clapping louder
    for the success of others..:)

    In fact..
    humanity.. my friEnd..:)

    “If we can put the names of our faiths aside
    for the moment and look at principles,
    we fill find a common thread
    running through all the
    great religious expressions.”

    — Louis Farrakhan, 1993

    Faith is Love..

    Three words is enough for me..
    as trinity
    yeah.. the dArk side
    exists too.. like we can’t see that.. huh.. clear now2..;)

    “It may be bad manners to talk with your mouth full,
    but it isn’t too good either if you speak when your head is empty.”

    — Smart Bee

    FucK all that shit..
    dance and sing free verse inStead..;)

    “Objective evidence and certitude are doubtless
    very fine ideals to play with, but where on this
    moonlit and dream-visited planet are they found?”

    — William James

    You can’t have
    any desert until
    you eat

    The Little Boy and the Old Man
    Said the little boy, “Sometimes I drop my spoon.”
    Said the old man, “I do that too.”
    The little boy whispered, “I wet my pants.”
    “I do that too,” laughed the little old man.
    Said the little boy, “I often cry.”
    The old man nodded, “So do I.”
    “But worst of all,” said the boy, “it seems
    Grown-ups don’t pay attention to me.”
    And he felt the warmth of a wrinkled old hand.
    “I know what you mean,” said the little old man.

    ~~ Shel Silverstein ~~

    is ageless
    when Loved..:)

    I believe in god, I just don’t like him.

    — Smart Bee

    Love the
    DArk as much
    as liGht.. not easy
    by any means
    but it
    to Love iT aLL..
    something about
    going to hell and getting
    out makes that easy looKing
    at the
    dArk end oF HeLL..
    beFore what made liGht
    greater than ever dARk LiGht now..;)

    “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.
    If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”

    — Jesus Christ (Gnostic Gospel Of Thomas, Saying 70)

    Wow.. a rather rudimentary and metaphorical.. expression
    of what science shows is the real power of neuroplasticity…
    epigenetics.. and the placebo effect now as the power of
    positive thought in words of song and steps of dance in
    just reflecting those positive thoughts/steps now..
    yes.. cognitive behavioral
    therapy mixed in with
    movement therapy
    to regulate emotions
    and integrate senses same..
    for greater focus and short term
    working memory for much greater
    will in cognitive executive functioning
    in what Freud termed as human ego in
    driving Executive Force.. managing that
    ID of emotions and senses including sensuality
    too.. with culture at hand as Super Ego.. in collective
    ways of culture.. and what lives much deeper within as
    genetic memory too.. as science is even starting to prove
    that this IS A real deal of even rat potential behavior of looking
    within.. all innately.. instinctually and intuitively too.. to exercise
    the lessons lEarned by ancestors far far left behind in dust of death
    as such..
    did a real dude
    named Yeshua or Jesus
    actually say this before 40 years
    of Oral Tradition in round table discussion
    of middle east patch desert wandering and after
    that when the literate Greeks picked out the parts of
    Christian Sects ranging from beliefs of 1 to 12 Gods
    and scribed it down.. and then.. it was copied by hands
    in what modern biblical scholars suggest results now
    in 3 to 4 hundred thousand mistakes both unintentional
    and intentional by those who decide something deep
    within says this is right instead of that so i’ll scribe
    this for change to make this shit better than
    before.. hmm.. well.. the fact is it is
    what it is at this point
    and that’s for sure..
    if it makes sense
    and feel for better go with
    it the same way the folks who
    scribed and copied and changed it
    did in the first place then.. folks who
    go to accredited divinity schools learn
    this shit.. they just hide it from the
    congregation as a real complicated
    God who is harder to understand
    in all ways dARk and liGht ‘tween
    sHades of grey beYond rain
    bow colors too now more..
    in fuller comprehension
    is much more
    to under
    as such..
    real work for
    epigenetic positive
    unpacking potential iN
    DNA effect as environmental
    struggle for positive change
    along with same neuroplastic
    impact of rewiring the brain and
    body from neurons to trillions of peptide
    connections in all cells of the body in neuro
    chemistry way.. for positive liGht of sensations
    and emotions same.. IS A lifelong process as sentient
    star dust plus can even evolve in one life now toward liGht..
    yeah.. with real life power of suggestion of prayer also kNoWn
    and fELt
    in effect
    and affect
    as the Placebo
    power of overall
    power of suggestion
    with words as tools as
    guide posts as association
    with positive emotions and
    senses from head to toe..
    yeah.. my friend
    it’s a little
    to explain
    but the bottom
    line is SinG and DancE
    in positive liGht and liFe gets
    better than worse most of the time now..
    yep.. kinda like what the new Guardians
    of the Galaxy of the Summer of ’17 iS
    sTill gonna SinG/DancE.. in artful way.. hmm.. mixing
    this shit in poetry/prose/free verse words/dance.. is juSt
    aNoTheR Fredenstein way.. to gET soMe STuFF aCross..;)

    SinG and DancE in Positive LiGht
    Rock on noW iN Love..;)

    Can we just say and do that
    and ceremoniously ‘burn
    all the evil books’..
    on Easter..
    to get reborn
    and Baptized iN liGht of SonG and Dance..;)

    or shall we just follow JTrump and his
    minions into darker fear and hate..

    *Darren calls back from
    his man cave and
    asks Samantha
    who just
    if that
    WiLL work..
    and just says.. FucK
    Larry.. i’LL go my own way now..
    with a little help of beWitching Katrina too..
    in the
    as such..;)

    “God is the immemorial refuge of the incompetent,
    the helpless, the miserable. They find not only sanctuary
    in His arms, but also a kind of superiority, soothing to their
    macerated egos; He will set them above their betters.”

    — H.L. Mencken

    This is the most
    ignorant thing
    i’Ve ever hEard
    IF one sees God as NatUre..;)


    “God made Man to his image and likeness,
    and Man, being a gentleman, returned the compliment.”

    — Voltaire

    Square one root
    one problems
    see God as
    less or separate
    from Nature/SELF
    FUCK UP..

    So.. in other words
    if you see that quote
    in this liGht it makes perfect
    worKing and FeeLinG senSe..
    or not..
    who am
    i to say
    or will for
    another pARt
    of God Free..;)

    “I find your lack of faith in the Force disturbing….”

    — Darth Vader (Star Wars)

    And this is true..
    i find living in hell..
    then.. believing in the dARk..
    is better than believing in no Force aT aLL..
    and that my
    IS A lesson
    that the Serpent
    Sith Brain can surely
    teach us for
    what works
    for the next
    now to survive..
    bottom line of existence now..:)

    And that my friend.. explains
    the rest of the shit world wide
    less and
    more covered
    uP anD stiNKinG noW eXposed..;)

  18. WeLL.. after all of this and that
    and the other thing and this
    again.. i feel it’s
    now to slow
    things down
    a bit.. hmm..
    maybe.. and move
    back to beauty and the beast..
    as i so love Nature and believe
    it or
    AM A bEast.. of GoD
    now with my beautiful
    Wife Katrina who never
    ages and Ripley and Horatio
    whether you wanna believe it or not
    this fAiry tale is FucKinG isREaL noW2..
    butt here’s the thing.. the wild and free Loves
    fear ever wiLL.. be FReED..
    And with that sAid wild and free
    hoLy and sacRed Thursday R and R
    activities continue.. culminating in just
    another 135th Pan dance week at Old Seville Quarter
    close to 120th Church Street and a portrait of Arcadia Mill..
    with all the cool college age folks of course noW and innocent
    Forest Nymphs as such or however they come even as beach as such..
    hmm.. what else.. oh yeah.. and when i get close to 7000 miles of dance
    or perhaps a little over and i celebrate a full 3 years of dance at Old Seville
    Quarter as i suggested a couple of years ago about A forecast of 3172017..
    Beauty and the Beast will also be coming to the big screen on that day too..
    Saint Patty’s day.. i might add as Irish Spring of my Grandfather born
    there and later catholic Priest and excommunicating from that
    to make room for me too.. along with my Ghost dancing
    Sioux ancestors and Cherokee Indian ones too
    celebrating liFE as SpRinG comes forward….
    oh what
    a life iT iS
    when SpRing
    coMes alWays
    iN DancE and SonG..
    as sure now is alWays
    the beginning of spring ending
    now always staRting more.. wHeRE
    dARk and liGht meet iN sHades of
    Grey.. yes.. to rainBow colors more
    iN eYes of God isREal2..
    oh yeah.. and have you
    ever seen a candle
    stick or a lamp
    or a wedding
    bell or even chalice
    sing.. weLL.. the fAct is they
    do and more than that here..
    as A Holy Spirit iN form of Wild and
    Hairy Essence moves on free as the
    essence oF A
    Force Within.. FReED..
    aka God or a blue turtle
    choose the form of chalice you like
    as essence of Holy Spirit iS ReAL ForCe..
    @lEAst noW..
    as words becoMe morE…

  19. Pingback: Grand Cross Bible 2016 | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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