Black Moon Apocalypse Weekend!

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Facebook Friend Ashe
shares a quote on Facebook
about the power of music and i say..

SMILes.. Strings.. extension of Vocal
Chords.. Pipes.. extension of Throat..
and Percussion.. extension
of Hearbeat..
SonG and
DancE FeeLs.. aLiVe..
ExPresSinG hUman heArT
EmoTioNs as SpiRit iSrEaL..
SoUL as mINd and BoDy BaLanCinG
Human EmoTions.. SenSes.. SeNtient
STar DuST plUs.. and sUre.. eXtendinG those
EmoTions as SpiRit.. even hiGher through human
Tools of Culture.. iS
God as NaTuRE
A Verse plUs to
UniVerse moRe.. mY friEnd..
Ashe Fleury.. Keep on PlaYinG..
A SonG anD DancE oF yoUr SoUL too..:)

SMiLes.. FriEnd..
Zee.. My pleasure
As alWays to stop by
And the entire Ball of
Confusion that is the human
Race on Earth can use a wHole
Lot of understanding and on the
Eighth Day..
God made the
Internet After
Due rest
Humor too..;)


Fellow Blogger and
Poet ‘M’.. shares
a link about
the September
30th Black Moon..
the so-called Evil
Twin of the cherished
blue moon more.. hehe..

And i return

Thanks for the alert..
Something else DArk
To Celebrate..!..;)

And now i say
as more.. yes.. actually
as usual this dArk.. dArk
sky event.. with New Waxing
Moon.. is actuAlly a sign of new
beginnings other than the birth of
a new moon of course as the moon
waxes new almost a day later in the Eastern
Hemisphere.. and as the link says.. ‘for the evening
of October 2, the barely visible waxing crescent moon
will shine on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.
And on October 3, the growing crescent will mark
the beginning of Muharram, the first month in
the Islamic lunar calendar.”.. And of course
if you look deep enough
on the Internet
some dArK
and what
Hillary miGht
describe as Deplorable..
and or Despicable Minion
will be iLLuminati.. and or Satanic
Conspiracy theorizing that this is
an evil sign of Biblical End times..
as noted similarly in the link
too.. and sure i often
peruse those
kinda you
tube links
just to check out
what the dArk side of
fear.. hate.. and despair is
doing these days.. who cannot
understand that the only heaven they
are gonna ever find.. even per Luke 17:21
is the one that is hEar noW for those who
seek.. find it.. and see.. sense.. and feeL iT
ISraeL as
far as a country
that lives within that
is God’s all Natural
Wild and Free Animal
Kingdom that is we on this
greaTest blue.. green.. brown..
and so far still.. white capped poles
Orb.. if we don’t FucK that uP further too..
now by olks who do not understand that
God is
and so are we..
so sure.. if you are
FucKinG God sMARt
as Art and Science of ReaSon
in God’s Tapestry and Canvas
full of Free Paint Brush Human Beings..
you add a Verse of MoVinG.. ConNecTinG
CreaTinG.. liFe to UniVerse oF GoD instead
of living a less than empty glass of fear.. hate..
and despair of looking forward to the FucKinG
end of
noW.. on a
Black Moon day..
anyway.. as they
say in Greek Original
Definition.. oF Apocalypse
it means lifting the FucKinG
Veils of Ignorance.. not FucKinG
destroying the Earth.. and it’s worth
noting that the educated FucKinG Literate
Greeks are the one’s who decided what would
eventually go into the New Testament in Greek
way after picking out the parts of an oral tradition
of many many Christian sects of illiterate Aramaic..
Speaking Folks.. some of who believed in One God
and other so-called sects of Christianity that believed
in 12.. well sure.. the Greeks picked and chose what they
liked and no.. Jesus was no pARt of a Trinity untiL.. and
a Soldier God man.. unTil Constantine and his Catholic
Cohorts got their fingers in the Jesus pieces of pie
then.. in the 4th Century AD.. and as every
student of an accredited Big University
Divinity school.. has modernly
been taught now..
seeking a
door to
a Pastor
career or teaching
career for them too..
there were no FucKinG
Xerox machines for Centuries
and way way past first millennial
after Jesus too.. of course.. so scribes
made every copy by hand for Centuries
at hand.. and science shows somewhere from
around three to four hundred minor to major mistakes
were made.. some not intentionally and some totally on
purpose to forge what was done before into something new
to suit whoever of the thousands of scribes were to come next
to then make the next copy of the next copy.. ’til scholars suggest
only 18 percent of the New Testament is written by a potential
one person.. and two letters by Paul are likely the only
original pARts left of the New Testament actually
written by an original Apostle.. and
oh yeah.. when you get
to the Muslim
even in
the literate age
of the illiterate man
Muhammad his house
mate and one of his closest
confidents opposed the final
written Version of the Koran.. as
suggesting it was not a full and truthful
account of what Muhammad even fully said..
as sure.. what is written second hand for what is
said.. can even go wrong in the hand of an unexperienced
court reporter too.. or even the best.. as we humans have fallible
short term and long term memory.. and are overall fallible for all
of we who wear a suit of flesh and blood.. covered by lies of perfection…
the only perfection iS in trying hard.. and even with thaT humans still FucK
uP.. let’s
Face the
iSREAL Apocalypse
pretty.. pretty.. please as
my FriEnd Rafiah said in my
last Macro Verse.. about retaining
threads for friendship.. connection..
in moving,. and creating ways..
yeah.. pretty please..
lift the
of ignorance
and do your best
to live as Free Children
of the God of Nature.. Loving
self first.. and others and all of
rest of Nature God sAMe one..
and consuming no other pARt
of Nature.. other than what is required
for subsistence today.. giving more than
taking keeps the Ball of Confusion from BreaKinG
FucKing Down.. A Lamp of Religious Freedom.. Apocalypse iSReaL..:)

Yup.. And that makes an ‘outstanding’ title for
the 708 Macro-Verse i AM currently writing
here.. “Black Moon Apocalypse Weekend!”..;)


Thanks.. my new Nice FriEnd..
Khalidur from Bangladesh.. Great
Photographer too.. i will add.. yes..
@56.. i find that Dance keeps me
Young at heARt… and i go to dance
on the night that all the college age youth
are there as haha!.. they are the only ones
young enough
to keep uP
with me..
as i have
had Decades to
Practice the Art of Dance..:)

Welcome.. my Friend..
the longer story is
on the newest

And Hi.. again.. Khalidur..
the Young Woman here at
about age 18 or so.. is Young
enough to be my Grand Daughter
with Great Grand Daughter at home
as toddler or in crib.. and actually i am
in REAL Life a Great Great Uncle on
my Wife’s side of the family..
she is 46 and has the
noted quality
of being
an Eternal
Teenager herself..
Her name is Katrina Mia
as Dark haired half Pacific
Islander and pictured with me
in the main 5 photos describing
my life on Facebook.. technically
this is her Face Book Page as
version of her first two names..
but she hates Facebook..
so we share it and i
basically took
it all over..
and my Art Pen
Name iS KATiE MiA FredericK!iI..
as Dancer.. Writer and Photographer..
All just for the fun of giving and sharing
all the art i do on the Internet in Global
Fashion.. and i am also on the Autism
Spectrum with Asperger’s Syndrome..
where my real name is Frederick
Arthur as first two names.. And
the name KATiE MiA is also
an Acronym for Kind
Autistics Taking
iN Everything
Mindful iN
Awareness as
i also help people understand
that not all folks on the Autism
Spectrum Lack Cognitive and
Affective Empathy.. or are
numb to the world
around them..
for some..
the total
opposite of
Society’s pre-conceived
notions of an entire spectrum
of people lost to the world around
them does not hold true for the entire
spectrum as such.. but sadly for some.. yes..
it most definitely can also be a disorder like that..
AnyWay.. my friend.. there is nothing ‘normal’ about
me.. i have taken about 100K photos in the last three
years.. since recovering from a shut-in synergy of
life threatening illnesses for 66 months..
Recovering in July of 2013.. and
have written 12 million words
or so online.. since
Thanksgiving Day
of 2010.. with
close to 33 months
of that stay as a shut-in
in my home.. and it took me
33 months first.. to even use
my eyes and ears with then a
pain of type two Trigeminal
Neuralgia.. that is described
in Medical Literature as
a pain that is the
worst pain
known to
worse than the
actual torture of
Crucifixion that
i experienced.. a full
66 months from wake to
sleep with 18 other medically
identified disorders.. with the
pain in my right eye and ear
that made vision and
hearing close to
with the first 33 months
not able to tolerate reading
or writing anything or seeing
beauty or hearing music.. or
even feeling emotions.. all was
pain.. and i tale this story whenever
i have the opportunity alWays in a little
different way.. as the bottom line my friend..
is.. when a person never gives up.. anything is
possible.. and since recovering.. inclusive in
those 12 million words.. i have written the
longest long form poem in the
history of humankind and
this will be paRt of
the 708th Macro-
Verse of Ocean
wHOle Poem..
aT over 3.3 million
words.. And since
Sept.. of 2013.. i have also
Dance Walked 6000 miles..
in every public place.. my wife
and i go.. Life is great when fully lived.. mY FriEnd..:)

Hmm.. if finished this wRite here now.. perhaps i would
have more comments on Word Press.. particularly if i don’t
include 200 or so Beautiful Pictures from Nature..
hehe.. including the wild and freest
of mE in restricted passion
floWer liNks
too.. well see..
heAr’s the thing..
i Am for the Future
alWays now.. the Future
IS A reAlly long time now..
and in the now future.. people
are gonna be much much smaRter
than they are now.. well.. at least the ones
who are no longer in the minions of matrix..
falling to the lies of before.. those folks may
decide not to get unplugged as God of NatUre
Gifts us with this relative free will and also with
varying human nature’s.. some of which are kinda
scaredy cat Halloween Humans
too.. liFE is dARk and
niGht and wE oF liGht
FlY Free with dARk
of those
do not
fLy Free aS liGht..
wE would Love to sPark
them uP.. but that takes a wick
that is willing to liGht uP too.. or
one that is even able to liGht uP too..
so sure.. compassion and empathy are
in order for what Hillary disturbingly describes
as the Deplorable among us.. Jesus.. the Good Cop
made uP or iSREAL one.. depending on the honesty
of the scribe who copied the script.. said it best
at the end of his days.. for they know
what not they do.. ah.. a Good
Cop Jesus with highly
Developed Cognitive
Empathy that provides
understanding for and
Sympathy for the so-called
Devils of Fear.. Hate.. and Despair
that are the Demons within of Hell
that many people have great to almost
impossible way of defeating.. particularly
if they never developed Trust in MoVinG..
ConNeCTinG CreaTinG liFE with Nature aka
God wHOle… as it doesn’t always grow a Garden
of Love in mINd and BoDy ConNectioNs.. aS
MoVinG.. CreAtinG full fledged over-chalice
FloWinG EssencE of Love
that is the Highest
God Given
that we
spread with
each other when
A Garden of our Love
is watered and fed with care..
particularly from ages 0 to 3.. and
when you bully.. no matter if you were
bullied before.. tit for tat per se.. when you
feed the fear.. the hate.. and the despair of the
Bad Wolf and the Jesus Bad Cop in Luke 14:26.. what
ever scribe FucKeD that pARt uP.. or even original speaker
per se.. to hate your mommy.. daddy.. brother and sister.. and
even children too.. if they cannot figure out the TrUth and liGht
you have and live by it.. oKAy.. the paradox of these in-congruencies of
even the New Testament carry on.. they know not what they do.. or
otherwise they would FucKinG liVE as liGht and TrUth
’cause iT FucKinG FeeLs aMAzinG liKe FucKinG
Real magic when a person can and will
lift the veils of ignorance from
the camel of culture
that is too FucKinG
Far sighted to see
the heaven within..
in other words they
wish for life after death..
and never FucKinG Find
Heaven within now as the
Kingdom of God.. per the
Good Cop Jesus pArt of Luke 17:21..
and per John 14:12.. they move on
and improve on what it was reported
that Jesus did beFore.. no problemo
for those who get the real FucKinG Memo
of TrUth and liGht in Discerning way of what
we are gifted in genetic memories… and human
archetypal ways of being deep.. deep.. noW within..
remembered and no longer forgotten as TrUth and liGht..
and this reminds.. me.. see and feel all this creativity that is
holy spirit FloWinG out of mY Fingers.. well sure.. it is art but it is
science too.. Human Sensuality and Sexuality FULLY EXPRESSED..
GIVEN AND SHARED.. IS At the HeARt and SpiRiT and SoUL oF miNd
and BoDy BaLancing way of life.. as even science shows now that a Balance
of Lust and Love is at core for human productivity.. creativity.. and best oF aLL
hUman Social Reciprocal communication.. yeah.. the back and forth of not only
text communication.. but speaking vocal ways.. and body.. body.. body language
as my most Favorite so far “Let’s ALL Chant” Warm and Fuzzy SonG and DancE
says from head ALL THE WAY TO TOE.. hmm.. but yeah.. that Aphrodite Song
in Trance SonG and DancE way for the Matrix.. IS A Also sure way
to increase creativity in virtual and vicarious mirror neuron way..
just with some ear budS iN..
a further hiGher path
to Stream of
Consciousness Holy
SpiRit FloWiN ZonE..
wHeRe hUman potential
is maximized.. through regulation
of emotions.. and integration of senses
for super working focus and short term
memory ways of Cognitive Executive Functioning..
and hA! you thought i juSt wanted to sext the world.. now..;)

that’s the whole
point.. making liFe
FucKinG seXy aGain
and not a FucKinG bore
wHere folks drink and drug
tHeRe liFe away.. ALL NATURAL
AS even science shows that even just listening
to Electronic Trance music without dance for that
enhanced health benefit too.. increases levels of
Human Growth HorMoNe.. also known as the
Fountain of Youth Hormone too..
hey.. there is both art
and science in
all of what i FucKinG
do.. and iF you did it too..
perhaps you too at age 56 could
Marathon.. out dance.. hundreds
of College Age Students in three hours
of non-stop go.. go go.. in a Rave oF liVing
God Given Human potential MORE MORE MORE..
HE WRITE AND DANCE SO MUCH.. it is only a Forrest Gump
Feather thaT FloWs iN ZoNE hiGher and HiGher with the greaTest oF eASe..
and all the sacred and holy forms that come in center justification on my Macro-
Verses of my Blog posts after i change from what Starts as left justification
writing.. tHeRe is no FucKinG rhyme or reason to it.. other than
the much deeper SonG oF mY SoUL that iS GoD oNe
and sAme as PaRt as mE.. and if you don’t understand
that is what the Buddha.. and the real Jesus if
he was truly enlightened and awakened
to TrUth and liGht reAlly meant..
you are very likely
misSinG a GreaTest
potential pARt of the
Kingdom of God within..
IT is within.. and this writing..
this Testament for God within
for over 3.3 million words now..
proves it without a doubt in my
miNd and Body BaLanCinG noW
at lEast.. and back to my original
point way back then.. i AM writing
this for a thouSand years or more..
for those of you who cannot sees the
more of
i AM
lives within..
and sure i will be liVinG
long after the form of me returns
to dust and the essence oF Y i.. carries
on with a point of return not seen.. heard..
felt or heard before.. and too much for
the average human being to
consume.. even
in a lifetime of
what has taken
me 42 months
now going on 43.. and
still going on 6 years to date
of ThanksGiving day 2016.. for 12 Million
words @lEast AS wHole testimony for
God who
as pARt
as ME.. within..:)


“An older student came to Otis and said, “I have been to see a great number of teachers and I have given up a great number of pleasures. I have fasted, been celibate and stayed awake nights seeking enlightenment. I have given up everything I was asked to give up and I have suffered, but I have not been enlightened. What should I do?” Otis replied, “Give up suffering.”

— Camden Benares, “Zen Without Zen Masters”

HA! yeah..
giving up
is down
wrong stupid..
tend to
do that..
feels better..
at least that’s
what god feels Free..
@lEAst for mE.. heHE..
Seriously.. Eckart
Tolle Dance
i think
and sure
he’s missing
out on noW more SeNsinG FeeLinGS..
Now without peaks and valleys iSREAL2..
And Monks.. and the Old Pope’s at least
a selfie
with a grin..
for the biggest win..
in Heaven noW.. per
Luke 17:21.. of whomever
or whatever scribe scripted that then..
anyway.. it Brings me some sense of
righteous indignation.. considering
the Gnostic Jesus per Gospel of
Thomas vs. 37.. of who
scribed that verse..
that the Jesus
promoted stripping
down naked and shedding
the cultural clothes of lies
away from God Free within..
with absolutely zero shame..
Alive now as star duST plUs..
Adding a verse to the UniVerse wHole..
i’LL go with Verse
37 of Tom.. and file
away 3:16 of John in
dusty old clothes of liFE rot then2..;)

Let’s see what else.. as once
aGain a theme/meme/theleman as such is Set..;)

“When the rich make war it’s the poor that die.”

— Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980), “Le Diable et le bon Dieu”, 1951

Unless you are in the U.S..
and can ignore the bigger
and not over
hEar.. except for
a sparkler
ah.. the
zOne of warless sOils..
and those who suffer at the
hands of those who don’t give a FucK…

“His seat back is not in the full
upright and locked position.”

— Smart Bee

Human Ergonomic Injury comes from
chronic and repetitive specialization
of moving sidewalks and chair same ways..
yes.. sitting still is sAMe movement as tiny tiny muscles
and big one’s too have to maintain “sTill” in fiber movement
this IS A way to eventual potential permanent pain.. as
use it
and lose
it applies
to all stuff
staying same..
Move.. Connect.. and
Create in constantly changing
ways away from specialization in
all stuff or grow basically ‘retarded’
and functionally disabled in so many
pain ways of life too.. the Forest
always moving..
connecting and
creating and never
for Rest alone of death as liFE..
Even decay moves more than
sitting still human dead beings..
but sTiLL less or more sitting STiLL moves
in purgatory sAMe A path @lEAst to Hell isREAl..;)

“Food, sleep, fear, propagation; each is the common property of men with brutes. Virtue is really their additional distinction; devoid of virtue, they are equal with brutes.”

— The Hitopadesa (600?-1100? A.D.)

Yeah.. but lovers
with fear
wimps too..
don’t leave
out the dARk
as nerds are
awful boring.. and
rarely ever fully alive…
and least what i’ve seen oF mE..
the dARk
liGht thAT iS..;)

“Specialization is for Insects”..

-Lazarus Long

But wait..
don’t forget..
focusing on things SoULY..
can make real miracles happen too..
as in all stuff
for more too..;)

And oh by the way…
Psychopaths CAN make excellent
warriors when they are contracted out of the hEARd..
It’s hard
to say
who really
‘saved’ the world..
at least a stray Meteor
paved the way for warm and fuzzy we’s..
never discount
the benefit
a biggest
Catastrophe of
all.. yeah.. like a
Big Bang too.. or more2.. eTc..eT..aL..;)

“All but the hard hearted man must be torn with pity for this pathetic dilemma of the rich man, who has to keep the poor man just stout enough to do the work and just thin enough to have to do it.”

— G. K. Chesterton, Utopia of Usurers, 1917

The modern way
of work
pay pals dARk..;)

“There’s a world of difference between truth
and facts. Facts can obscure truth.”

— Maya Angelou

The scientific method is based on observable
phenomenon that is replicable in
more than one experiment..
i am neither
an experiment
or replicable..
Science will never truthfully
FucKinG understand aLL of mE..
and on top of that i beat
many science
like you top out
at strong StiLL..
at age 30 based
on an overall sedentary
society of replicating sitting robots..
as such
growing less less twitter less..
in Zombie Apocalypse ways..
with Terminator Machines and
Avatars fully on display and for sale..
in terms
of dollar
bills and
new likes..
shares.. and
virtual followers too..
sure.. i know and feel better
but back to the sacrifice thingy too..
Altruism doesn’t have to make rational sense..

“Never commit yourself to a cheese without having first examined it.” — T. S. Eliot

i often find that
science cheese stiNks..
it rarely gets out to SinG and DancE Free..
does it..
hmm.. yum..;)

“Poetry such as this needs no adornment from me…..”

i’LL decorate
juST for FuN..
whether it needs it or not..
and that’s
you do
it.. juSt ’cause
it FeeLs FucKinG Good..
cheap thrills
need no
dollar bills..
likes.. shares..
hehe.. or followers.. per se..;)

“History does not record anywhere at any time a religion that has any rational basis. Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up to the unknown without help. But, like dandruff, most people do have a religion and spend time and money on it and seem to derive considerable pleasure from fiddling with it.”

-Lazarus Long

Apparently Lazarus
didn’t study
or even understand
that rationality is only
one relatively small component
of human
works LaZ works..
it’s called fluid intelligence..
and MoVinG.. ConNecTinG..
and CreAting.. iN FaCt iMaGinAtiOn
and realiTy don’t have to
make sense aT aLL..
even Mark
that pARt
correct.. @lEast for mE.. hehe..
As truly some folks when they walk
in a church.. cannot understand folks
are really there for the small talk of being toGeTher..
it doesn’t matter where you go.. to a Football Game..
to a political rally.. or even to this or that better
or worse school.. humans bind
together for a common
purpose be that
liGht or DARk..
bottom line
what makes
survival IsREAL..
working with thrive or not..
and sure science proves this out
too now.. as countries with great religious
social programs that provide for the general
populace use that religion of Government to
get the same job done of social connections
for survival that the DArkest and silliest
of other connections do.. in religion..
yeah.. like the Quarterback of
God. Mohammad..
as last
is better
than the Quarter
Back Jesus of the
Christian Video game..
that people play that gives
him the super power of only begotten son of God..
It’s Human Nature and Nature as whole and like it
or not
that makes sense..
even if it doesn’t have to.. hehe..;)

“One man’s theology is another man’s belly laugh.”

-Lazarus Long

True.. amazingly insane as it may
seem there are actually
Folks who
fully support
or Bill Trump..
neither God makes sense..
but again.. they don’t have to..;)

“Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream
up a god superior to themselves. Most gods
have the manners and morals of a spoiled child.”

-Lazarus Long

Take me for example.. now of course..
And i’m not even an only Son of God..
i AM a spoiled child.. in liFe.. but
somehow i came
back as liFe..
away from
an iSREaL
Miracle.. if i’ve ever done one..
and this version of i AM iS
even more than 2.0..;)

“The most preposterous notion that H. sapiens has ever dreamed up is that the Lord God of Creation, Shaper and Ruler of all the Universes, wants the saccharine adoration of His creatures, can be swayed by their prayers, and becomes petulant if He does not receive this flattery. yet this absurd fantasy, without a shred of evidence to bolster it, pays all the expenses of the oldest, largest, and least productive industry in all history.”

-Lazarus Long

God is..
Bottom line..
like or lump it..
it is
it is..
don’t need no
fancy words
or dollar
my cheap thrills..
God is fun to me.. as IS mE..;)

“God split himself into a myriad parts that
he might have friends.” This may not be true,
but it sounds good — and is no sillier than any other theology.”

-Lazarus Long

As far as i’M concerned
that’s the smArtest thing
Laz has said about God yet..
’cause it is testable even in science and
true.. depending on semantic arguments of course..
and once
again.. like
i say.. don’t need
no fancy words
for my
cheap thrills as iS..;)

“God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent — it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks, please. Cash and in small bills.”

-Lazarus Long

Ha! ya gotta be kidding
lAZ.. even the Old Testament
proves God has a Beginning
and that
no logical ‘since’..;)

In other words..
God is Beyond
so what’s
your argument.. Lazarus..;)

Leave all the labels behind Laz
and experience God
as is.. NoW..
be smArter
and feel and sense
more for those who live
life in words.. as i for one
sacrifice to do too.. heHE..;)

“Doubt is the beginning, not the end, of wisdom.”

— Smart Bee

i question..
but i refuse to
feel doubt.. as
that is a negative
and cynical emotion..
that only brings folks down..
in the
oF course..
and of course
that is only a rhetorical
and semantic argument..
but that’s what words
do as
are only
more as
Dance speaks
better as hips and
eyes.. most.. tale fewer lies..
for those who can read them
without FucKinG words.. as
science shows.. some folks
literally cannot with
who seem really
smArt in words but
are lacking the metaphor
of right brain intelligences..;)

Okay that was fun to me
@least in a decorative way..
hA! perHaps i’ll be a fashion
designer or hair stylist next…
but nah..
that’s a label..
just a
is all they are..
juSt for fUN
@lEAst foR Me..
Hope you are doing
aS WeLL as well can be
iN yOur UniVerse mY FriEnd..
after all is said and done.. they
are all multi-Verses from within..
there are as many Flavors of God
as tHeiR are eYes and other Sentient
ways of
mY FriEnd..
no need to get
in a rush to limit absolutely
anything or everything2…;)


A call for Love.. my.. how Mario has
changed since i arrived on ‘this’ ‘seen’..
well hello.. Mr. Uprising Dude without a Face..
seriouSly.. if you are really brave you’D not be too timid
to show your face.. do you have fearless
eYes like me.. or were
you bullied in school..
like me too
for being
a Harry Potter
nerd.. you kNow.. like
Clark Kent.. and the 60’s
wimp version of Adam West..
hmm.. i matured slowly like Hell Boy II..
who also as the comic version says.. fully
bloomed at age 53.. to get his job done.. then2..
heHE.. and as you may remember if you are not
too busy making Google Pennies..
off all stuff related to
fear.. hate.. and despair.. now..
yes.. per the Bad Cop Anti-Jesus
who still exists in the new testament false…
the one that says defy the 10 commandments
and hate your mother and father.. and sure your
spouse and brothers and sisters and children too..
if they don’t get the TrUth and liGht about God..
and are just kinda dull as that stuff goes..
yes.. my friEnd.. clearly implied
in Luke 14:26.. for those
literal Bible thumpers
that never got the
Divinity School
newS in accredited University
way thaT Scribes over centuries made liTerally
three to four hundred thousand mistakes.. then..
some on purpose.. some not.. or whatever
fit their mood of writing or forgetful day..
And as you kNow or have forgotten..
haha.. or totally ignored.. as i
don’t do twitter.. hehex2..
yes.. i’M more of a
Magician in science
of K with Magic way..
93 and all of that too..
but Aleister Baby don’t
scare me as i can quote the book
of the law now.. without being a scaredy
cat as he was just a human like me and you
and the real J too.. hmm.. his sex magick idea..
was not without some credence.. as even science
documents now.. seriously.. you can look it up on YouTube
Documentary as it is a real deal now.. even for folks who rather
see videos than read books.. in library way.. or 2d screen lighted
new age unabridged version of the Google bible now.. with so much
more sacred text.. and hilarious Laurel and hardly true rumors and gossip
such as you spread like the big tall first lady with the six foot one daughter
is a F iN Man. haha.. hehe.. you are truly hilarious and you cannot possibly be
that naive.. or perhaps that’s what you’d like to convince people of as the New
England Journal of Medicine so properly suggests that there is a certain percentage
of the General Public who falls to almost any and every conspiracy theory as that is
just the way their paranoid leaning brains work.. and sure.. misery loves company for those
NOW who sadly live in the dark side now.. anyWay.. as pArt of the Longest Ocean Whole Form
Poem now.. still ariSinG past 3.3 Million words for 42 months noW as Witness twos for THE GOD WHO LIVES
okay to you.. and sure i can hope to shed some tears that you go toward the liGht instead of all this
yucky yucky dARk here on your infamous silly YouTube Channel that insists that the
very robust and healthy first lady is a dude.. when you.. dude.. are too afraid
to even show your face online.. that is no sign of a man at all..
or truly any other human than other than an avatar
these days..
so the question
is.. do you look more
like Laurel or Hardy..
Laurel.. also known
as Mario.. is
the light
a little bit..
at least now..
is tHere hope for you..
well yeah.. as empirical science
shows.. you gotta usually go for the
dark on the online place to get any or many google
pennies.. as the online place is full of soulless folks
who fare as a travel of despair.. that’s sad but no one
saId life is gonna be fair other than the Karma oF Action
and consequence now.. a Universal Law of Nature and God
sAMe that says.. do liGht.. get liGht.. do dArk.. get dARk.. noW
iN positive liGht or negative dArk.. as what is liFe but the Now
reaLity of yoUr EmotIOns and SeNses and mindful awareness..
At this very moment.. well hehe.. however many times i’ve NoW
sAid hehe.. come on over to my place and trust me.. if you’ve
thought different.. you will get exposed to another place.. and
with that said.. i needed a little dark muse in satirical way for
my 708th Macro Verse of that Ocean Whole Poem that is now
gonna be named “Black Moon Apocalypse Weekend!”.. per the now
sTiLL original definition of that term that means lifting the veils now oF
Ignorance.. and sadly places that cater to conspiracy now now now now..
theories are the Anti-Christ oF TrUth and liGht and that’s okay as sometimes
as nows go.. the Greatest liGhts of TrUth come out almost precisely as liGhted Lamp way..
from dARk places that more or less online serve me 2as Free Muses to go.. so drive thru.. liGht Love
iF you
and WiLL
of course with
True WiLL one with
fearless.. smARt Love
as gifted to hUman BeinG
StiLL noW for those who are still
gardened this way by parents and
other significant oTheRS.. particularly
from the tender ages of 0 to 3.. i’m thinking
them years held a formidable bully or two or
just potential neglect and or abuse by your parents
even if it was just your Daddy screaming all the time
in your ears.. as Jesus F iN Christ you got that habit
from somewHerE hehexvolume10..
Never the less…
SMiLes and thanks
so much for all the continuing dArk
mUse.. as i’M JuSt an Anthropologist
Employee and yes.. Free Verse Poet..
Dancer and Singer for God oF aLL oF
NaTuRe TrUth and liGht and sure
that oTheR place too..
as Cheerleader liGht 2..
as Lies and dARk..
as i see ’em
i call ’em back
and save everything.. i
write out in the field.. too..
NoW iN muse of dArk.. to my Ocean
wHOle poem as paRt of Micro Verses tHeRE..;)


Hello Zee.. October can be a very inspiring
month in perspective or what usually comes
as truly six months of Summer here with
an overall two season year instead
of a four season one..
and we just had
our first
cool front
breeze to come through..
bringing temperatures down to
60F degrees where even my energy
level of dancing went way up.. as people
with really big heads like me who have ancestors
in snowy northern latitude lands.. have difficulty dissipating
heat as those big heads are evolved to retain heat in deepest of snow..
And life truly is like a Snow Globe
my Friend.. shake it up
and the Dance of
Summer comes
like a big bang
to the last
flake of
rest and
it starts aGain whomever
or whatever A prime mover noW
iS that invites the dance of Life again..
and so it is with each Massive Sun that is
one giant seed that in the crucible of that Sun
when it explodes like a ‘mini-big-bang’.. too.. spreads
the elements of life in a cloud to new solar systems.. planets
spiraling and potentially life.. very much like ours to be
reborn out of the Seed that IS A Sun.. a Star..
WeLL that’s wHeRe we come from.. A
Sun.. A Star
we are
as now as
incarnate as
from greatest
calamities come A
greatest Love my friend.. that can be wE aLL..
the fAct that We can act.. and produce.. imagine..
and direct we sentient star dust to create something
entirely new.. like a Wonderful photo of leaf with veins
of blood and water droplets of tears that make life grow..
is truly something else my friend as your star of creativity
a little
bit each
day.. now..
and explodes
again.. as seeds we are..
inspiRinG now.. more
liFe to gRow toward Ocean..
LoVe liGht oF LiFe.. mY Friend Zee..:)

Thanks to Zee’s photo to help inspire this..
And Facebook Friend Michael’s nice share
of this shorter version of Symphony of Science
that puts the story of material reductionism into a
bigger picture of what we are pArt of this Universe
as whole.. Nature holds the answers of as above so
below.. all so-called great prophets just saw the secrets
that are in plain site in Nature here below above.. never the
less and so much more.. all is inter-related as is inter-connected..
we are allone
and alone sAMe
pArt of all thaT iS
aka God.. science just
proved it and sadly many
churches aren’t jumping up
and down for joy that those first of
reflecting words that we come from
dust and we go back to dust.. are the
Truth of
the Good News
of Science.. Stars are
giant seeds of life.. just waiting
to eventually explode and resurrect new
life.. inside.. outside.. above and below and all
around we are God as mini-me same as Star
of liFE
as Sun
that lives wE noW..
and if that is not a miracle
of God enough.. perhaps one is
stuck in much smaller words of past..
as life
IS A miracle
of Seed Star Re-Birth..
from the Fall of Summer Sun
Explosions to the Spring of we born
on Rocks
from God all that is..
Love is written in the
Stone of Rock that comes
From Seed of Star oF LiFe BEYond..:)

Bottom line
moral of aLL
thE life story
Good news noW..
from God.. aLL oF the
pARts make the wHole..
and all are equAlly important
in making what is now.. and when wE
share our pArts in giving way free We noW
pave more ways to inspire greater CreaTiViTy
in MoVinG.. ConNecTinG and CreATinG AS A hUman
Race the more we give and share.. the greater synergy
that comes as we take all
pArts maKinG
wHOle larger
as liGht that GroWs
as Ocean Art and Love with fewer
bounds of shores that hold LoVE Back..
and wE
HolDing Hands
oF Art and Love..
and sure Science too
as Scribe of God kNows more
wiTh aRt and LoVe.. SenSinG.. FeeLinG liFe..:)


And noW as i reflect more on this
“Black Moon Apocalypse Weekend!”
that for me and the original
definers of the
of Apocalypse
in Greek word
original way too.. means
lifting the veils of ignorance…
i am one of very few online poets..
and i guess maybe the only one who
writes poetry as mostly letters on the fly
to whomever i meet on the Internet as my travels
online take me wherever the feather of i floats next..
and the way i write in free verse is truly automatic
writing too.. much of the nows i write.. as i rarely
plan anything that comes out of my
finger as the words
of focus from
my fingers
are far
from conscious
tedious thinking like
paint by numbers poetry
wHere A poet.. sits in dark
rooms and thinks and thinks of
what rhyme and reason may come next..
sure.. some of what i do is thought of in advance
but most of what i do is just a letter inspired in paRt
by what another human brings to the table of life in
terms of art.. reason.. and science too.. and
what truly frees me to do this..
and in terms of
all the other
art i do..
is absolutely
none of it is done
for a reason other than
the journey of enjoying now
as creativity is a pleasure state now
of mind and Body BalaNCinG iN FloW iN
ZoNE like no otHer i KNoW anD FeeL now..
particularly the art of free flow dance and
martial arts as one force of expREssinG
so much of the human experience..
that can be shared in
mirror neuron
way as my
service friends
at Walmart say.. no matter
what season of the year it is..
when he comes through those
double consumer doors.. Spring
he Brings as just watching him
melts my stress away..
and sure that
is why folks
go to the
Ballet.. iN paRt
now.. to experience
a mirror neuron sensation/feeling..
now of A BaLAnCinG way of mINd
and Body now.. but sadly so many folks
in our consumer oriented everything for a buck
and competitive way of life removing the now
of art to a goal of a green black dollar bills.. etc..
removes us from the full
joy of juSt
living life free..
as Lord knows/feels.. all our
ancestors had to worry about
was if there was enough love
and abundance in the food and
shelter of the environment.. as a way
of art and love in MoVinG.. CoNNecTinG
CreATinG LIFe.. and no.. tHere were no
Hospitals per se.. so everyone
depending on each
other to
all as Nurses Of
a liFe oF one family
as village whole.. and
that my friEnds is the parT
that is missing.. as the like.. the
share.. and the follow along with
the dollar bill and gold stars has
replaced the
of liFE
that gives
and shares..
DancEs and SinGs
freely iN Freeverse way now..:)

Facebook FriEnd Rafiah drops
by with one of those
big Facebook
Smiley face
with the
eYes and
grin.. in
response of
happiness to
what i say here…
and i say back in return..

Well.. thank you Sweet friEnd
Rafiah.. for coming by with
that big smiley
face aS iT
me much
Happiness now..
to day.. hope you
are doing smiley great2!..:)


On words for evidence.. gigoid..
and protesting.. hehe..
just for fun.. Now
of course.. noW..
SMiLes.. my Friend..
most all assertions are
for the
one’s that dance
and the song that
touches A heARt..
tHere is little evidence
for An existence of A
for A
one that feels..
and senses more or
less depending on mileage
or the make of the vehicle that
houses more than letters and words..
and numbers too..
i’ve traveled
in many different
vehicles in life.. i am
equally blessed and cursed..
to drive an OIdsmobile with many shells..
and a Jaguar
as Facebook
no known limits..
as just another name for a Leopard..
Panther.. Cougar.. or Mountain Lion.. my FriEnd..;)

Line.. my
friEnd i live
to make people
Grin.. sometimes i
put on that art of war
don’t fuck with me face
when i am doing my ballet
routine in front of the ‘red necks’
where i live.. and i am fucking laughing
hysterically inside.. as i challenge their paradigm..
of what
real men
can and
cannot do when free..
as tree of life with branches..:)

Of A
BEcomes Visible..:)

Oh my God..
hehe.. synchronicity
i swear i didn’t look at
the opening quote for the
art of war of the photo of the
tree before i made my last response
to your comment
there on
post all together
my friend.. okay
back to play..;)

“To conquer the enemy without resorting to war is the most desirable.
The highest form of generalship is to conquer the enemy by strategy.”

~~ Sun Tzu, The Art of War ~~

Hehe.. that’s why
i’m like Muhammad
Ali with no scars on my
face and no traumatic brain
injury to boot..
and that’s truly
sad.. any sport
that is one of trauma
is insane except for the
Romans who watch the gladiators
kill each other slowly.. but people will
do most anything for approval and a green black
dollar bill or
hope to
make some
more green
black dollar bills..
or some yells of cheer
leaders for peeks under
neath a skirt of course..
sure.. i’ll strike everything
within a hair.. but never damage
a cell
on the
hair of
my body
free.. hehe..
as smArt folks
escape the hurricane
winds never knowing the
calm of the center breeze..
JuSt for this weekend i’ll be
A Black Moon Apocalypse Superman2 hehe..
as i ready to dance free at a festival in front of
red state

“My greatest fear in life is that no-one
will remember me after I’m dead.” — Anonymous

Ha! when i died in life..
when all my identity
was caught
up in
i typed in my
name on Google
to see if i still existed
and there was only a remnant
left of me then.. hehe.. ‘things’ have changed..;)

“Avoid making irrevocable decisions while tired or hungry (NB: Circumstances can force your hand. So think ahead!)” — Lazarus Long, from Robert A. Heinlein’s “Time Enough For Love”

it’s sort of like Seal training.. in boot camp
way.. go as tired and hungry as you
can and don’t fuck up
any life or death
or you
and the rest of life is a piece of cake from then on..
bottom line.. never leave boot camp.. and do more..;)

“Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the bible is filled, it would seem more consistent that we called it the word of a demon than the Word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind.”

— Thomas Paine — The Age of Reason

Is it any surprise
that humans beings
who come from Violent
Explosions of Stars have
dArk sides of dust too.. nah..
it’s not.. most religions reflect
the reality of the UniVerse.. both
dARk and liGht as that StiLL exists
iN volatile
reactions in the
mini-star-dust beings
that are sentient humans now..
why sugar coat the truth with lies..
truth is the dark in religions is the
truth of the pARt of huMan
that is dARk.. sTiLL noW..
tHere is no escaping
humanity my friEnd..
it comes out in
the wash
of the
whitest white
washes of all
as a spot of a
Black hole Sun SouL2..
God is dArk and liGht tHere
is no hiding that fAct anyWhere for iSREAL..;)

“I believe in Spinoza’s God who reveals
himself in the orderly harmony of what exists,
not in a God who concerns himself with the fates
and actions of human beings.”

— Albert Einstein

We do this.. we concern
ourselves with the fates
and actions of other human
beings.. Spinoza’s God was Nature
and as science proves out we are mini-
me’s of Start dust sentient life.. as pARt
of A WhoLe of this GoD oF Nature too..
it’s simple
God does
this as wE
are pARt oF God..
Does all God do this..
no more than the red blood
cells talk about philosophy on a SaTurday..
or whole
of being
only begotten Suns of God..
or the last prophets of liGht..;)

God: What one human uses to persecute another.

— Anonymous

God is a three letter word.. a metaphor
metaphors make many different
meanings.. even
make them
as such.. with
no bounds or shores..:)

The supreme irony of life is that hardly
anyone gets out of it alive.– Robert Heinlein, “Job”, 1984

For an altruistic empath.. they live
to see others happy..
to see them rise
uP wTth liGht
and liFe..
and hiGher..
in our modern
world this love lives
on as art/science as recorded and
entropy of love defeated as flesh and blood..
so now it’s
the Love
you make or sure..
that hate.. etc.. one makes
now can stay here as one goes..
as the record clearly or partiAlly states..
in a Country
of Love
to love/hate/etc. on with
no sun or moon.. pearly
gates.. or golden floors.. just
cyber space heaven where folks
to find
liGht or
dARk or
the ‘tween of all that is..
of course..;)

Yes.. this is 2016 now..
32 years from
1984.. as
A Job

“No law can be sacred to me but that of my nature. Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this; the only right is what is after my own constitution; the only wrong what is against it.”

— Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

That’s perhaps the saddest song i’ve
heard yet.. Cognitive Empathy
understands that
Nature is different
in every human
being.. Cognitive
empathy at least
tolerates differences that
do not harm others.. and understands
that what is sacred and holy to one is
the opposite to others with different
human natures.. sure..
Adolph Hitler
his nature
was only
sacred too..
and many others
have Trump done this too..
this is perhaps the most anti-social
and dangerous thinking of all of humanity’s history..
but on the other
destruction has
led to years without world
wars.. as the dARk that inspired that..
so sure.. the dARk and liGht mix for what iS..
is no
that and in this
way all of culture is
Nature too.. in both dARk and
liGht that leads to a mud mix of boTh…:)

“If the lord had meant us to have faith,
he’d have given us lobotomies.” — Zlatko

Bullshit.. old bull shit..
but never the less
or more..
Faith is an
emotion.. Faith
is real.. Faith is
trust and some folks
experience total faith
with their existential intelligence
for what is now.. or don’t.. it’s as
simple as that.. not only that but
Emotions as science shows now
precede most all rational decisions..
take them away.. and a person won’t
be able to decide what color socks to
to church..
if they go at all..;)

“A long and wicked life followed by five minutes of perfect grace gets you into Heaven. An equally long life of decent living and good works followed by one outburst of taking the name of the Lord in vain, then have a heart attack at that moment and be damned for eternity. Is that the system?” — Robert A. Heinlein

Yeah yeah.. oh yeah..
the used car salesman
who gives you a deal
better than
is a common
staple of the
psychopathic leaning
top ten checklist of the
religious persuasion of making
a living
no surprise
reality found its
way into lies of
so-called sacred texts too..
it’s life.. why hide it anywhere..
be weary of the snake oil sales person..
of wisdom
instead of
fools that are
pARt of Nature aka
God too.. as dARk..:)

“I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth. I prefer an attitude of humility corresponding to the weakness of our intellectual understanding of nature and of our own being.”–Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein talked a good talk
and treated his wives like shit..
as the history of that shows..
but perhaps he didn’t
at the time..
as Emotional
than speaks..
and the favorite
pARt of the God that
iS pARt of me is surely
a carefree child that lives
without even the care of one
word now.. other than a DAncE
And SonG of liFE holding hands alive..
i would suggest that the God of most religions
needs to BE NOW..
more of a
child and less
of a stuffy so-called
modern age adult..
seriously.. Yellow Boy
is pushing 10 and still
has the energy and vitality
of a kitten.. as a once feral
and wild back yard boy.. even
with lifelong feline leukemia.. he
learned that play was a requirement to live..
and the benefits are simply a fountain of youth..
those who play overcome death as life.. simple as that..
but at last
his tongue
out at life..
and his brain
never aged from
using it fully but hey..
there is more to life than a brain..;)

“Everything that has a beginning has an ending.
Make your peace with that and all will be well.”

— Buddha

Two words..
Every orgasm
of life has an end
A beginning.. or did
i mean organism.. heHE..;)

“Each man is the smith of his own fortune.”

— Appius Claudius Caecus

Once he or her.. etc… escapes
the matrix or prison..
the birth hospital..
school.. work..
TV.. the
list goes
on for
A Smith or
Jones of Fortune..;)

“It is difficult to live in the present,
ridiculous to live in the future,
and impossible to live in the past.
Nothing is as far away as one minute ago.”

— Jim Bishop

It’s all relative..
imagination and
memory are as real
now as the past and
future Now.. noW..
the more one feels
and senses.. whatever..
the more one lives now..
no matter how that comes now..
With enough imagination noW of
whatever now iS eTErnAlly noW..
but that’s
of course.. NoW..
as a tree of iSREaL..
Branches out further noW..:)

“All my life, I always wanted to be somebody.
Now I see that I should have been more specific.”

— Jane Wagner, The Search For Intelligent
Life In The Universe

— [Performed by Lily Tomlin]

To each his own..
for me.. to be someone
new always now is what i do..
and it seems to me.. we all do..
somewhat.. too.. of course..
no matter
what we
say or
now changes
we now aGain..
bY products of our
environment noW we
are Now too for sure..;)

“Good people are good because they’ve
come to wisdom through failure. We get
very little wisdom from success, you know.”

— William Saroyan

No liGht
without dARk..
bottom line
to and for me2..:)

“All time in all time. It does not change.
It does not lend itself to warnings or explanations.
It simply is. Take it moment by moment, and you
will find that we are all bugs in amber.”

— Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Slaughter-House 5

i suppose Kurt
didn’t hear
what the
DiD before
A TsunAmi cAMe..;)

“Whatever we learn to do, we learn by actually doing it: men come to be builders, for instance, by building, and harp players by playing the harp. In the same way, by doing just acts, we come to be just; by doing self-controlled acts, we come to be self-controlled; and by doing brave acts, we come to be brave.” — Aristotle

Sure use it or lose it
applies.. but there is also
14.5 million years or so plus of evolving
from inanimate to animate life of course..
within as
well as what
we do from day to day..
just waiting to be remembered
after the day of work is dONe for FREE…:)

And with all that’s sAid
it’S now tiMe for me to
further put
my ‘sacred fool’
hat on and dance
with the other children
on the Field of Red State
of liFe that
kNows and Feels
no age but youth of heARt..
of SpiRit.. oF miNd and BoDy
BaLanCinG child-like SoUL mY FriEnd..
As Sacred fools rules from eYes of WiLd
ChiLd KitTeN.. mY FriEnd.. smitTen wiTh eYes oF FReED..:)


Long Day of Public Dancing.. close to..
the Bands on the greens at the Pensacola
SeaFood Festival.. and later at the Mall.. and it’s
kinda sad to see less and less people dancing at the
Seafood Festival as years go by.. a few little kids and that’s
about it..
and hehe..
and the stores..
ever only me.. but
yeah.. sure.. consider the
location.. the location.. now the
location where conservative thoughts
and actions most rule the ‘common’ people..
haha.. i am not common.. and.. that’s the way
i for one like it.. however.. seriously.. there are not
many overall white bread folks who don’t have a few
wild hairs up their sleeve in public in general these days..
comparatively speaking that makes my job so much more
easy today
than in would
have been here..
then in Panhandle Red
State Land any era before
now of greater freedoms of
individual.. human expression..
so.. i went from drunk homophobes
trying to win a bet with their buddies
of the young military flavor pushed away
by sober me of course.. to the Mall where
i was once again.. notified by a brave Forrest
Gump-like questioner of why i dance and i must
have it all figured out.. well.. sure for me at least i do..
and.. when he asked me why i did it.. and notified me
i was becoming a Pensacola Legend.. i said it feels good..
it makes me happy.. as yeah.. why don’t more folks in the
Pensacola area dance in public.. well.. you’ll find it in more
progressive areas in the
world.. but let’s just say
conservative ways of
being don’t often
equal joy
just to be here
alive in this world to
live free.. in moving.. connecting..
creating.. giving and sharing.. some
folks would rather spend life complaining..
i dance.. ’cause i can and will.. try it.. they might live2..;)

The En Name test psychotherapy and power of suggestion
therapist gives me a quick run down on what my last words
of life will be and i quote.. “Life is a Song.. Sing it.. Life is
Challenge.. Take it.. Life is a Gift.. Accept it.. Life
is Beautiful.. Life it”.. sure.. and those were
my ‘first words’.. too.. at age three
before i learned to
speak at age
4.. some stuff
comes natural for
those in touch with God
within.. let’s just say..
wE get and have
plenty of Face
time now..
heHe.. one to One..
One to one.. could.. can
and WiLL saY.. one on one now too..;)

EMPiRE Force Love

EMPiRE Force Love.. a Macro Verse
shared by the Trusty Algorithm.. years gone
by memory generator.. and this Force of Love
as i often say now.. is the hiGhest hUman power
gifted by God as Nature that can grow to no limits
with the practice of empathy and compassion and
more of liGht Love noW.. at least what i do.. it works..:)

Raccunis Dancer

Raccunis DAncer..

And here.. a somewhat short fiction and metaphor
and somewhat mythical tale for the love we are at
core sTiLL noW too.. for those of uS who groW
a Love mUscle to do more of what Love Can
and WiLLs to do.. toGeThER as humanly
pOssible.. of course.. and i think
this Macro-Verse short
fictional myth and
metaphor for
liGht.. is worth
quoting again in
now time too..
from two years ago..:)


Planet very much like ours it is..



Planet temperate in temperature with a true Paradise


abundant resources of natural

foraging and hunting food..

in complete




the name of this planet

from the constellation


On this Planet a peaceful easy loving

species of upright


and amazing








flourish together as ONE



it is not always this way..

at one point there are clans of males and females

that fight against each other



The females are the stronger part of Raccunis Society..

so they keep the Kits

after birth and through maturity at this time in

Raccunis history..

but as the Art of Love flourishes..

amazing abilities of Telepathy come..

along with the Raccunis way of chatter of voice and song..

but something else happens..

the Raccunis

peoples learn balance and increasing balance in everything they do..

as they live by instinct and intuition with never the need to create


collect materialistic goods..

they begin to live a culture of True Unconditional Sacred Love..

and in doing so they find the feminine and masculine spirit lives in all

and finally the warring clans of males and females

accept that they are truly similar





The change in consciousness is AMAZING and then Love really takes off..

through the art of dance and song..

they find through

looking within


powering their subconsciousness through

instinct and intuition that at core..

they can create their own reality through

the atomic energy that is they

at core of Raccunis being…

At will they can

shape shift

into whatever it is in their environment that is alive




At this time they develop greater and greater powers of empathy and

they becomes so loving that they can feel pain and suffering on

other planets with no limits of space.. distance..or time…

So they yearn to help others

and yes..!

they finally find a way to escape time.. distance.. and travel

in spirit and shape themselves into the form of beings that need their help…

They hear a call.. a struggling call.. a desperate call for help…

There are peoples on a planet very much like Raccunis

with mostly ocean and about a quarter land..


much more volatile planet it still is.. though…

The ghost dance of the American Indians call to them..

they are praying to the Great Spirit that help will come to

save their loving way of living with Nature from



The Raccunis come and tell them that they will help but it will not be easy..

they must dance together as two different peoples at core of heart..

and yes.. they must love each other to produce a spiritual

hybrid Human/Raccunis at atomic core of being..

with LOVE naturally at genetic core..

to awake when the time of

change comes


a ONE world order of LOVE…

Then the Raccunis Telepathic..



will awake in humans of all colors..

as the Raccunis gene is spread all over the world..

instinctually and intuitively they will

know they are different but yet the same..

as all others.. and they will teach others..

through dance and words of Raccunis Love..












this is not the first time the Raccunis people come to earth..

they also come in the time of Pyramids..

both in Egypt and Maya..

in India and China..

and yes..

they come around 2000 years ago..

and attempt a revolution of Love then..



it is time

for all


Dance and Sing










And that about covers as much
as my eYes and boDy WiLL stay aWake foR noW..:)


Facebook Friend Ned..
shares a very encouraging
so-called quote by the Pope
that says.. and i quote..

“It is not necessary to believe in God to be a good person. In a way, the traditional. Notion of God is outdated. One can be spiritual but not religious. It is not necessary to go to church and give money — for many, nature can be a church. Some of the best people in history do not believe in God, while some of the worst deeds were done in His name.”

So i’m thinking.. Amen.. NoW..
this Pope has all the shit together..
however.. it does sound a little too good to be true..;)

So i say in

A FucKinG Man..
iF yoU
sEEk iN
World iS Changing
Better this way
Now@lEast FOR NATuRE..noW..;)

Then… as i’ve come to lEArn to do.. with
all FB expansive knowledge shared.. i filter
a few words through Google and Snopes to
see if it’s true.. and well.. this is what
i say next.. hmm.. ugh..

But sadly.. it’s just a FB hoax..
An urban myth..
Snoped as False..;)

And this is what
the Pope really

“The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the Blood of Christ: all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone! ‘Father, the atheists?’ Even the atheists. Everyone! And this Blood makes us children of God of the first class. We are created children in the likeness of God and the Blood of Christ has redeemed us all. And we all have a duty to do good. And this commandment for everyone to do good, I think, is a beautiful path towards peace. If we, each doing our own part, if we do good to others, if we meet there, doing good, and we go slowly, gently, little by little, we will make that culture of encounter: We need that so much. We must meet one another doing good. ‘But I don’t believe, Father, I am an atheist!’ But do good: We will meet one another there.”

And sure.. his language is vague
enough where it can
be somewhat
taken the
way of the
false quote to say..
that Atheists can go
to heaven instead of go
to Peace and meet there.. hehe..

Anyway.. the Pope has his translators
all ready to go when these speeches occur
to make sure there is no immediate confusion like
that and the official translator said this to make sure..
they keep
all the tithes
within the doors of
the church.. as Lord knows
they cannot pay the electric bills..
if everyone finds God in and as Nature and
Beyond.. and never gets trapped in the chaliced gates of church..

So this is the official translation.. hmm.. like the translator can totally
read the Pope’s intention immediately.. but of course the church
has an official stance already taken in advance.. then and now..

“This means that all salvation comes from Christ, the Head, through the Church which is his body. Hence they cannot be saved who, knowing the Church as founded by Christ and necessary for salvation, would refuse to enter her or remain in her. At the same time, thanks to Christ and to his Church, those who through no fault of their own do not know the Gospel of Christ and his Church but sincerely seek God and, moved by grace, try to do his will as it is known through the dictates of conscience can attain eternal salvation.”

So FucKinG obviously.. let’s just say one of the Rain
People’s and or the Invisible People’s of the South American
Rain Forest.. seek the force of all within the parameters of
Nature and beyond in dreamtime state of consciousness
that most folks in the West only get a brief
snippet of in the 2 AM creative
span between
wake and
sleep at
they are A O’Kay
and Good to go after
death to heaven.. for so-called
salvation in a dirt nap.. well.. the invisible
peoples not unlike the Gnostic Jesus and the
Luke 17:21 version.. find the Kingdom of God
within.. now now now now now now now.. yes now..
end and beginning of story eternally now in Heaven’s bliss..
with sure the dARk paRts that alWays go Along with the liGht
pARts and
all the
of that reaLiTy
of Heaven now..
as human beings
are simply not evolved
to get instant gratification all
the F iN time.. without eventually
getting numb to the pleasures of life..
it’s just how Nature aka GOD works
as Human Nature as gifted within..
and this is the similar stance
that i have witnessed
from Islamic
who say
that on a Desert
Isle with no books
one can find God similarly
but hey.. if you come into our
country and get under our magic
spell of Mohammad.. and try to
leave.. well let’s just say
the result of that
on which
Muslim country
you are in could
be us killing your ass
for Apostasy.. okay.. putting
you in prison.. etc.. and if you
are a Lesbian.. in Iran.. we can
cover you in the ground to curse
your God given Nature.. where you
cannot cover your eyes and then we
will we will fucking stone you to death
you infidel.. etc.. or whatever.. for breaking
our FucKinG ignorant rules so far away from
God of Nature on that Desert Isle that is all about
the gift of life in living it to the fullest and thrive along
the ride as God gets a great ride within we as well as
we fulfill our true wills with God within as Nature ONE..
So while folks are busy worrying about what semantics
God of Nature cares about in humanly designed words
also known as abstract concepts.. God just
gets the job of living and thriving
done.. in the primitive
folks who get
direct conduit
to God even
if they
the iKung Bushmen
clicks with their tongue
for language.. as they feel
and sense God whole within..
inside.. outside.. above.. so below
and all around.. while the Catholic church
ignorantly says.. if you know about our cultural
ways of seeing God.. and don’t come to our prison
as temple of church you are outcast from God’s Kingdom
from within.. for eternity per se.. well the really bad news
is they are lying out of their preprogrammed psychopathic
leaning news from the early church imprisoning folks
who tried to put God in chains of words and
buildings and sure i’ll forgive ’em as
they (many) know not what they do..
but they sure brought
a lot of misery
and suffering
and imprisonment
and death to lots of
Native American Indians
who knew.. sensed.. and felt
God all naturally within as Nature plus
as sentient star dust.. than i ever see in
the FucKinG Catholic church overall today
speaking of where i will be going in a couple
of hours.. where many folks are afraid
or ‘too good’ to hold hands
with the Good Jesus cop
folks standing
next to
them if
let’s just say
they vary from the
norm of their vanilla
envelopes of life per se..
or if they are so far removed
from the interconnecting.. interrelating
reality of God’s existence in all things..
that they are afraid of the human being
and God living within the person
standing immediately
to their right
or in my
case always
to my left as
Katrina stands to
the right of me in
church.. hehe.. okay..
the hypocrisy of the modern
church is so great in all the
ways that abrahamic religions
come.. that it would be laughable
to God if it didn’t hurt so many people
Globally as well as help them too of course..
in ways like taking away effective birth control
in very poor countries.. where women have to
end up having unsafe abortions so tHeiR oTheR
children will have enough subsistence to live..
example.. per Mexico.. that is predominately
Catholic.. no birth control allowed..
per church rules.. no
legal and safe
but just as many
unsafe abortions being
done.. with as per the
World Health Organization reports..
so many women being permanently
disabled.. or up to death as consequence
from unsafe abortions.. and human suffering
to the unborn.. that could have been much more
humane as what comes as people do the unthinkable..
to allow their other children a chance to live.. ranging to infanticide..
for fucking having enough to eat.. humans are humans now STiLL..
and abstinence will never defeat the
God given human instinct
to reproduce for
capable human beings..
it’s the law of God and Nature
same.. and to attempt to defeat
God’s nature within we.. is loss.. is
pain.. is misery and never Victory in
surviving thriving.. alive overall as God
Lives within free in balancing constant change with and as wE..:)

Anyway… you can’t fight city hall or the church as they say…
as their guidelines are rigid.. and set in concrete
mostly per se.. so.. i sit back.. watch
like any Good Cop Jesus
would do..
come in
glory per se..
hehe.. all my glory
haha.. from head to toe..
judge the living and the dead
and as always.. forgiving them for
many of them seriously know not
what they do with veils of ignorance
secured close to their faces of truth and light..
as lies of years and centuries and millennia before..

But hey.. as i say.. this is sTiLL.. per the 708th MacroVerse
of the Longest Long Form Poem in the history of humankind
still exceeding over 3.3. million words.. in this particular now
Micro-Verse of Macro-Verse titled “Black Moon Apocalypse
Weekend”.. and since the original Greek definition
of Apocalypse means lifting the veils
of ignorance.. and since i did
just recently finish
a world record
for witnessing for
God of Nature in
a longest long form poem for 42 months..
in the history of humankind.. exceeding
that 1.8 million word previous record by
almost double.. 4 times the size of the
bible.. 40 times the size of the Koran
and have of course done all my
homework well to get
to this point
in an all together
effort of 12 million words
online since Thanks Giving
of 2010.. and did the required
6,000 miles.. praise the Lord
of Nature all goD sAMe Dance..
in public all around my metro area..
in a three year span in September..
now named as a Legend.. as kind of
a ghost dancer in native individual God
Indian person as Nature now.. named as the
dancing guy.. where most folks
have no idea
i have
done any of
this per my real
life viewing audience
in the flesh and blood.. haha..
yeah.. 12 million words reaches
more than 14 Bibles as size and
more than 140 Kuran’s in size..
6,000 miles is double the
width plus of
the United
States in
Forrest Gump
running measurement
too of course.. and no.. no
green bLack dollars or Lincoln
engraved pennies for any of this..
just a few claps from the Dancing
Audience.. and sweet smiles from folks
in other countries.. like Rafiah.. and Himali..
and friends who are Atheist like gigoid too..
and folks who are as ‘crazy’ as me like
my friend Shawna too.. who
surely knows and
feels a
Good Cop
Jesus when she
meets one too.. hmm..
anyway.. it is what it is..
and i report the Good News
and Bad news and the Luke
Warm and Cold and Hot stuff
and all the ‘tween of that as now
goes on eternally in the Kingdom
of God within.. at lEAst for me.. funny
how so much in the New Testament is so
True and some of the other stuff is so false..
but hey.. that’s what happens when you get
literally thousands of scribes to copy a book
over and over by hand.. and fuck it all up.. some
light is usually left.. but oh.. the Dark.. oh.. the dArk..
of the
of human
ignorance.. still
dark the way of human
misery and suffering.. so
lone and afraid to hold the
hands of the Good Cop Jesus’
who stand or dance or wRite next
to them in life.. but sure.. like thieves
in the night.. that pARt was forecast.. huh..;)


So.. the prophecy of the En Name
Test thingie.. on Facebook forecasts
i will have 15 Grand Children and will
be the best ‘Grandma’.. hehe.. her..
in pArt ’cause FB has
that my
Art Pen
Name of KATiE
MiA as paRt of
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI..
and also a form of Katrina
Mia as wife oF Y i.. will be the
best ‘Grandma’.. ’cause i will tale
the best bedtime stories.. so.. does that
mean.. at age 56.. i better get busy with
literal reproductive activities.. haha.. nah..
i feel innate.. instinctual and intuitive
holy spirit flow way.. and you might say
hey.. only the official text of
sacred text can
and forecasts real
in self-fulfilling way of
let it be written so let it
be done.. well.. haha.. yes..
hehe.. and herher.. you might
limit God with only male voices too..
but in case you think.. and feel God can
be limited in chains of words and single genders..
i suppose your God is a tiny one compared to
the God of ALL that iS that i for one have
met face to face as metaphor
living within.. no
different really
than the
deeper meaning
of whomever wrote
Luke 17:21.. and that’s
the thing.. the holy spirit
of creativity.. is a mustard seed
that lives within most all to all of we..
hUman beings who are reborn innately..
instinctually.. and intuitively in escaping
the clothes of culture in mechanical
cognition ways that trap wE
in and as tools of an
external word
we create that
sadly not only brings
creature comforts.. but separation
from God all that is.. in all of our intelligences..
many of which are lost in the role play provided
us in a plate full of culture in external tool
ways from the very birth day
that a Florescent light
above welcomes
our entry
out of
womb as the
fruit of we as God’s
Gift of potential Fearless
and smaRt Love wHo KNows
and FeeLs within.. MoVinG
ConNecTing.. CreaTinG..
Rhythms and
Beat of iFE
as the Ocean
FloWs through
Rivers of our veins..
and waves of Life that
touch Nature one as Loving
bRinGS harmony and peace
for those who survive and thrive
as fearless liGht Love ONE Force
of HUman BeinGS toGeTheR hOldinG
Hands Free naked from chains of culture tools
that take uS away From the Flesh and Blood
Love wE more hairless primates can bE…
no different reAlly than the hairy
red and passionate Bonobo
who defeats propensities
toward violence with
a Loving Touch
Free from
Head to
toes of Love..
anyway.. StiLL only
evolved to connect like
this with 150 to 200 sets of eYes
our tools.. have brouGht ways of storing
grains.. wHere no longer the forage of the
day to gain subsistence for survival and thrive
in FearLess smARt LoVinG ways is the rule of
liFe.. wE separate ourselves from each otheR
as tools of culture become the teat of
Love over MoTheR’s MiLk
of nurturing each
oTher for life..
in survive and
thrive.. tHeRe is no
going back.. to smaller
groups of LiVinG without
Great Catastrophe and massive
destruction of cultural tools and
hUman deaths.. with of course the
collateral damage to the rest of life on
Earth.. so for any chance for long term survival
change must come on the individual level.. but nah..
not juST individual.. somehow with a new tool of online
to connect to each oTheR.. to help each other understand
we are both different and same in our innate.. instinctual.. and
intuitive core for trULy FearLesS smARt and Unconditional Loving ways..
so.. will some people continue to suffer.. of course.. as one can see Nature is
one that consumes itself for Nourishment.. we can only hope to liVe in BaLaNce..
consuming no more than giving back so all can live in best Peace and Harmony
possible.. but again.. change starts at heARt.. the SoUL and the SpiRiT of the
Individual and that can grow as interconnectivity in a synergy of coming
Greater Love for all who go the route of Hope.. Love.. and Joy..
over Fear.. Hate.. and Despair.. bottom line.. iT iS uP to..
to mE.. to Us as wE.. tHeir are no shortcuts to
Love but a work of continuing
practice to make
Love Happen
greater and
seed and star
of seed explodes
as Love as LiFe.. as
liGht as GoD’s GreATest
Gift that can be we now.. knoWinG..
FeeLinG.. SenSinG.. so mUch more as LoVE..:)

So anyway.. as i spend the day today.. at Church
at a Farm.. and in stores public dancing some more..
i must say and feel i owe my ancestors of Sioux and
Cherokee much on maternal mother’s side along with
Irish Grandfather born tHeir.. and Great Grandfather.. yes..
born in the Black Forest of Germany.. with a mix of French
and Spanish Cajun’ of Paternal Grandmother.. from her father
and mother.. respectively.. as such.. and with the Sioux and
Cherokee Indian on the maternal side.. additionally
some European.. English.. to go along with that
and all the other mix of what
my ancestors not known
or heard bRinG
the means
of i now..
anyway.. the indigenous
peoples of the world have always
been the closest to God as they escape
the barriers of cultural clothes as so many
tools bring to take us away from our
inborn inheritance of free
and wild children
of God as Nature
noW who fearless
Love smaRtly With
MoVinG.. ConNecTing
and creATinG ways wHeRe
we are our own actors.. producers..
and directors of our true will play of Life
as the WiLL of God of Nature.. all innate..
instinctual and intuitively gifted as we..
so i will dedicate this now
to my Sioux and Cherokee
ancestors and all the
rest as all
who come
to God as Free
and Wild who hear
and feel this CaLL of the
Holy SpiRit of GoD within and
SinG that SonG as heARt and art
to bRing otHerS uP instead of down
including the rest of Nature and God sAMe
liVinG wiThin wE are all a iSREaL illuminati
as Team liGht.. it’s juST a metaphor and as
any word.. as any symbol.. can be used to
ExpREss any essence oF GoD that
we choose.. best yet..
wiTh smARt..
Fearless Love
of an Unconditional
GiVinG shARinG way as liGht
LoVE noW.. greATest Gift as God
oF nature lives within and as wE..noW..:)

“Black Moon Apocalypse Weekend!” nah..
not quite over yet.. as it started with Friday..
and goes through the Jewish New year
day of the 2nd into a special
New Month of an Islam
way in October
as well stARting
on the 3rd now..
and as the pope
of the faux much greater
light news i would love to hear
as trUe is TrUe.. tHere are no chains
of God that can take uS away from TruTh
and liGht born in and as wE alivE as liGht…
all the books and all the words.. are often
paths.. sadly enough to eventual
dArk.. perhaps
a Dance
oF liGht
WilL say
moRe as SonG
than any words can
and will.. as Flesh and
Blood that SinGS light
does so no less than
the celestial
that move
and make
a Sing oF liGht as WeLL..
Seed of Star liGht we are
Love as liGht we rain Hope as God ForcE noW..:)

Yes Mr. Blue SkeYes i LOVE YOU

And here.. a Macro-Verse memory from two years ago.. “Yes Mr. Blue
skeYes i LOVE YOU.. and i can remember my first awakening and
enlightening experience in Junior college in a philosophy
class at age 18.. before i met my first Love..
and my only quest was her.. sMiLes..
for 10 months after that to
lost again.. and
another vision
quest that
started in September
of ’81 at age 21.. and
what came to understand
then.. is there is no greater
connectivity to God than a
Dance of nature and same..
wHere the Love of Blue SkeYes
of this greaTest gift oF liFE as liGht
and smARt and Fearless Love is
the Blue sKeYeS of God that
Give uS liVE WiTh
Sun and
a Dance
oF love
that takes
uS hiGher and
hiGher WiTh GoD aLL onE
as Love will do when naked and FreED..:)

And ending here with several micro-micro verses
of Macro-Verse from a year ago.. quoted as such
for the record of witness for God oF Nature
heAR aGaIn and God’s witness
has alWays come
all forms
of human MoVinG
ConNecTinG creATing
arT and today in Catholic
Church those words.. whomever
did write them.. did and do reflect liGht
sTiLL noW after Centuries gone and ink
dried from anonymous scribes who make
that trUth and liGht.. as TrUly the greATest
trUths and liGhts have come from
the unknown
of God
sAMe as
scribes oF arT
in all forms carrying
in vehicles and vessels..
HouSinG EssencE oF Truth and liGht..:)

The Father
of all
doubt.. envy..
jealousy.. pride..
anger.. collecting
and most sadly
of all
Father of
of ALL

While the world
is busy worrying
about fiscal
in a new government
year.. others of
us totally don’t
give an
F and
in abundant
Health and Love..
sure there are
two paths
of Heaven
and Hell..
Hell is paved
with green
and Heaven
is paved
hearT and
mind and
SoUl jUSt

Ah.. sister Lynn Friend..
square in the
middle and you
take away my
breath with
own unique
style of poeTry
however.. i must
say.. yes.. i have
no choice but
change and to
say that the
told to humankind
is that GOD does
not change..
are reflections
of that my friend..:)

Truly it is about
naked balance..
hide the fruit
and trees
to reproduce
more.. when
fruit is
it’s time
to get
and dance
my friend..
can see
the simple
FREeDom of
Truth and Light
in that eternal
this time
and time
only the real
devils clothe humans
in ways of fear

Home.. a place we search
lost it seems
in childhood
for those
and close
enough Nature
sTiLL cAlls..
oh.. culTurAL
noise you
out GOD
so lie
i A

Oh yeah.. and since the
EN name test thingie did forecast
i would tale some bed time stories..
at least to what will be many surrogate
children.. i will end with one of my personal
favorites as quoted from a Macro-Verse named
Sand Box Heaven.. and it is worth it for me to note..
that in this current MacroVerse the path of sand i stand
on with my usual Eagle pose.. all innate.. and instinctual
and intuitive.. and part of my Indigenous.. roots to Fly with
God standing StiLL and MoVinG moRE as Force of EmoTioNal
And SenSoRy subatomic moving Energy.. thaT patch of Sand by
River front is where i grew up.. looking across the River ‘cross
Blue SkeYes too.. meeting God face to face FeeLInG SenSinG
Deep within as God as i.. i am hEar eternAlly noW then too..
at age 3 before i could speak at age 4.. then now.. God’s
no words
and Free Breeze
AS God Breathes.. i..DancE..
A Chalice of over FloWinG Love..
Fearless.. smARt.. and FReED Now..:)

Stars are born to output and share liGht..
at least for as long
as they live..
and as dim as i once
was.. almost bLack
of liGht..
the saving
grace then was
to water a plant
to make
grow made
my life still
a star
matter how
dArk the candle
i felt iN bLack
then.. and
oh.. the saviors of the world..
and a story i love to tale a little
different as parables do.. when free
and not imprisoned by books.. pages..
paragraphs.. lines or words of print
of yesternows.. bound
by past authority
that no
longer should
exist.. for free..
so.. anyway.. sorry iF
you already heard it but
it will be different anyway..
hehe.. as free WiLL be
when unleashed
and released
as being
starliGht oF eYes
within.. a dusty road..
a little boy with no words..
disabled from birth without
the ability to speak.. but a lover
of growth.. in shape of trees..
a sapling brought home
by loving mother
then.. placed
on a counter
by a lamp that shines..
the boys sees green and
wants to see more.. so he
nurtures this PLANeT
the ability
to speak..
water he does..
fertilizing Love..
Sunshine hope
iN eYes of Loving
Kind.. fertile ground
outside.. dig a hole
to comfort roots..
spend time
and effort
caring Love
and the Tree rises
broad and sTrong..
and soon provides shade
for the front porch home..
Sidewalks come.. but tree
sTill bRanches out.. Flowers
come more beautiful than before..
Students from the local school who
study trees are amazed by the beauty
of this tree.. photos are taken.. shared..
and the boy’s eYes shine to see what his
Love inspires.. tree no longer needs boy
to grow strong now.. and the little
boy becomes ill and his life
goes dark..
Years later..
a shy young man iS
walking this sidewalk
of the boy’s home.. and
a most beautiful dark haired
girl approaches him.. with smiling
face.. the boys eyes liGht up but what
to say.. ah.. the center piece of conversation
iS standing tAll and floweRinG more beautiful
iT seems than ever before on this March Spring
day.. a spark of instant Love is in the air..
and that begins a Love that
will last ’till death..
the shy boy becomes
confident with the Love of
his wife.. joins the Military..
and even rises to the ranks
of politics then.. Love grows
and fearless Lives..
the boy is
now a
Strong man..
and makes a decision
as a leader of the world
that prevents World War III…
Life on the PlanT now iS saved..
So who is the savior.. the boy..
the man.. the girl.. the Loving
wife.. the parents.. the schools
providing education.. the tree
or the little disabled boy
and all the
from around the
world.. well the truth
iS aLL they are.. as theRe
is no i.. me but us and we
oF Life..
Moral of the
story.. water a tree
Of Life and see wHere
iN ocean
eYes free..:)







BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels


41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)


About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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20 Responses to Black Moon Apocalypse Weekend!


    sMiLes.. my FriEnd.. the featheredsleep..
    also known as Candice.. and Candy
    as i remember too.. now..
    yes.. A fAce oF old.. renews..
    mY Great Aunt Jettie too..
    94 years old last decade2..
    wrinkles.. caNyOns
    but does
    thE LeatheRed
    sKin of outdoor
    Bonobo young darken
    liGhts of LoVe iN eYes..
    weLL no.. as
    openS heARt..
    EmoTioNs.. SeNses.. noW
    liGhtS inNevery peptide receptor
    iN cell from head to toe to face of Love
    Trillions of Connections and Neurons
    liGhts A sKy.. A gRound .. A soUL
    of We.. wHo sTiLL FeeL..
    sEnSe A touch oF loVe..
    ageless.. timeless
    A hidden
    and open
    core of Love..
    comes form oF aFFect
    Essence oF LoVe sMiLeS now
    so BriGht.. wE hUmans aS even
    science sHows are lovers more than
    haters WiTH A HeARt.. A SpiRiT oF EmoTioNs
    And SenSes iSREaL.. OpeNinG A miNd and BoDy SoUL
    BaLanCinG sTar BriGht oF eYes aliVE and WeLL to tOuch..
    wHeRever thErE iS abundance iN sharing.. giving.. and enough
    to eat and shelter given.. this Love reigns and grows new as Golden
    Age from child to old reNews.. Fearless as SmARt as wE are iNnatELy..
    iNstinctuAlly.. and iNtuitively liGht.. Positive Energy comes form comes
    essence comes sMiLes as Face oF liGht young or elder SpiRit groWs when iLLuMiNaTinG..
    MoVinG.. ConNecTinG.. creaTinG as sMiLes withiN spReaDinG Masterpiece oF liGht A flAMe..
    OtHeR than thaT..
    Hi Candy..
    Love you
    FriEnd.. and
    Hope you are
    Doing WeLL WiTh sMiLes God oN..:)

  2. Facebook FriEnd.. Rafiah.. wiTh
    WiNks.. questions if the alWays
    SmiLinG couple.. Fred and
    Katrina ever
    like we
    are too
    as a perfect couple hehe.. per se..
    and sure as fire and ice we are.. haha..;)

    So.. i say..

    He.. he..
    Not me..
    Too Happy
    To argue.. noW
    am me.. i say.. yes Dear..
    When Dear argues..
    i could now
    Tolerate A
    Demon.. witH
    A sMiLe.. but yeah..
    i did customer
    service.. then..
    With about
    Folks for
    Over two
    Decades of
    Working with
    The public.. therefore..
    i then LEarned Sympathy
    For the Devils.. to securely
    Keep my Job.. and sTiLL.. now..
    Meanwhile.. then.. i stayed trUe to
    Married.. so in other ways of FeeLinG.. FormS and
    Words.. Katrina argues almost constantly but that
    Was part of hEr environment shE was raised in.. so..
    i understand and accommodate the difference of temperament..
    And sure.. at times.. it makes her even Angrier that
    i stay so calm.. i lEarn and FeeL most from the DArk
    oF liGht and eNjoy liGht oF LiFe FReED..
    but anyWay.. iT iS oNly that Katrina..
    FeeLs Free to express all of
    her EmoTioNs.. dARk..
    and liGht wiTh
    me.. for the rest
    of the general public..
    only Angel’s eYes is what
    they find of pure liGht.. sHe.. and sUre..
    every real Angel has a spot of what ‘they’
    saY as Yang DaRk.. within Yin LiGht or now..
    however.. they metaphor that in Reverse too..
    mY FriEnd Rafiah.. i don’t forget
    the dArk as Ark thaT bRinGS mE
    iN LiFE to greater liGhts of
    breathe.. and ease aS
    WeLL my FriEnd..
    as the Waves
    oF Ocean
    wHOle that have
    seen depth.. shallow..
    fELt RAge and cAlm seAs..
    AnyWay.. the TrUth and liGht
    i’Ve seen says.. women have alWays
    rulED.. the race of BeinG hUman.. and those
    wHo trUly Love Women.. WiLL let them rule noW
    unfettered.. Free.. hehe.. as Donald Trump iS even
    Slowly lEarning tooo.. with his RUNNING FOE.. Hillary.. so..
    yes.. oh.. and on top of that.. Katrina BRinGS mE down and
    grounds me.. so i do not float off into space and you and
    others never find me online aGaiN.. as sure.. i could be
    Dancing alWays on the Beach.. sipping crystal water
    and tasting
    oF sAlt Air..
    even.. Oscar Wilde..
    suggested Pan leave
    the hills of Arcadia as the
    Yogi miGht do2 to BrinG
    some more liGht wHeRe
    it’s needed most.. hehe
    with words here from
    Wilde as quoted now..
    “O goat-foot God of Arcady!
    This modern world is gray and old,
    And what remains to us of thee?….
    Then blow some trumpet loud and free,
    And give thine oaten pipe away,
    Ah, leave the hills of Arcady !
    This modern world hath need of thee!”

    —Oscar Wilde (1854–1900)

    And.. sadly.. Oscar was imprisoned for his Human
    Nature.. fully expressed.. Sadly2.. enough Pan’s hadn’t
    come to that point.. to free him from restraints of ignorance..
    And a similar thing happened to Alan Turing.. ignorantly as well..

    Hmm.. i guess in a way i do kinda have sure footed goat
    legs and feet that are rather hairy too.. in contrast.. you
    showed me that first Blog photo that were your Mehndi
    Painted Feet.. so.. sure.. hehe.. too as Art2.. coming
    in my next Facebook profile photo.. i’ll show you
    two of mine noW oN
    a path to beach
    on brick..
    in goat legged
    feat of Fred Foot way2..
    except.. WiNks.. i am
    more modest than
    you as i wear
    Nike Shox
    hair that
    covers the
    naked of my
    legs.. haha..
    Yeah.. i kNoW
    and FeeL too.. hehe..
    you didn’t ask for all of this..
    and haha.. iS iT anyWay or wonder
    that i write so much.. to avoid.. giving
    Katrina too many Fredaches to go along with pissed..;)

    Hmm.. and now i say.. the other photo in my last
    Macro-Verse.. titled.. “Black Moon Apocalypse Weekend!”..
    had the Turtle Tattoo Footed Katrina pointing to Navarre Beach..
    while what was left of my Nike Shox Shoe.. is pointed to a Brick
    from the Veteran’s Plaza Memorial Complex.. for Pensacola Beach..
    so yes.. as i ramble here.. the second pArt of the Pan Golden age thought..
    coming sure footed and handed sTiLL in a few as the streAM oF Y i FlowS more..;)

  3. So.. here next is a Facebook Provided Macro-Verse Memory
    of three years ago.. lots of eclectic photos and words
    and even very cryptic ways of sPeaKinG too..
    hmm.. i’d even have to do some
    decoding to remember
    what i was all on
    about 3 years
    ago too.. but as the
    Macro-Verse asks.. “IS IT OK TO LuV luciFER?”..
    hmm.. WeLL.. sure that depends on what you thiNk
    and FeeL the Lucifer metaphor means
    ranging from a quick note
    or so in the bible
    about an Angel
    of liGht..
    to John Milton
    and his ‘Paradise lost’
    who is said to invent the idea
    of conflating the Angel of liGht as
    Biblical Myth.. housing trUth and
    Essence of human archetypes for liGht
    A Rebel with a ’cause of human potential
    greater of course.. with what was also the myth
    of the Devil and or Satan.. come to be conflating
    with the horned and goat footed Pan of the Forest
    with all his girl friend nymphs of Dance and Pan flute SonG too..
    with Lucifer too.. as hey.. when you are designing a religion along
    with the Mithra Sun God associated with a Humble Yogi Teacher.. yA
    gotta give all the other myths a bad rap.. suggesting they did clandestine
    human sacrifice too.. as that was a real thingie talked about in the old old
    Testament of the Bible too.. sure.. oneupmanship as competitive greedy
    hoarding humans who wanna control others in subjugating them with
    illusory fears and empty promises.. will surely do to say our
    team goes goes goes uP.. noW and your religious team
    and or quarterback of whomever.. sucks sucks sucks
    and goes down down down.. to whatever flavor
    of separation between tribes and
    countries are in flavor of
    the day at hand..
    and of course the difference
    in a Neo Pagan way of viewing
    the world is human is born innocent..
    giving and sharing creature of God when
    set freed and wild like the other animals too..
    iN MoVinG.. CoNNecTinG.. CreAting Empathic way too..
    whereas.. a culture born of religion suggests that humans
    are at core.. evil with original sin.. as of course they also equate
    human nakedness and all natural lust that keeps our closest face
    kissing and oral sex making Bonobo cousins all LOVIE DOVIE
    toGeTheR with Nature GoD oNE Free.. squelching potential
    violence all natural and sensual between the legs and
    all around per se.. with do no harm to
    others as any close village of
    naked primates
    will do
    in peace
    and harmony
    and balance too..
    and least in Love Bonobo style
    away from American.. etc.. style violence..
    and fear.. and hate.. and discontent and stuff like that.. ugh2..;)

    !IS IT OK TO LUV luciFER?

    Anyway.. across the globe there have been rumors.. literature and
    down wRite prophecies that say.. another Golden age of all natural
    humanity of Fearless and smARt LoVe iS coming aGaiN in all innate..
    instinctual and intuitive ways.. with ‘A few’ teachers coming to help otHers along
    noW.. A.. highway and freeway.. aS our ancestors furry and warm and TruE liGht WiTh
    each oTher
    FReED.. hehe..
    @lEAst for mE…
    And conspiracy theorists
    and fundamentalisting bible thumpers
    love to make a horned devil as scary as
    can be.. as sure.. scaring green BLack dollar
    bills into the coffers of ahem.. cough.. give us more
    or go To F iN Hell.. and Grow some horns and another tale2 now..
    But anyway.. devil’s as human archetypes do exist for folks either born
    without empathy and compassion.. or have had parents or other social
    abuse and neglect too.. to take the liGht aWay from Social Cooperation oF
    worKinG toGeTHeR to bE all wE can Be now.. but as far as evil art coming to
    three dimensional life.. like Freddy Kruger coming to be.. be careful what you wish
    for as self-fulfilling prophecies have been kNoWn to be Come iSREAL for sure.. and nah..
    i for one.. ain’t no dEviL sTiLL but i retain my goat footed sure and hairy legged
    ways juST for fUN iN liFE as Peace and Harmony aWay foR Me..;)

    And from a year ago.. “EMPiRe Force Love STRiKEs BAck”.. with one of my favorite
    photos borrowed from December of 2013 too.. with Sun Devils and Sun
    at the Beach.. worth sharing again.. with one of my favorite
    Sunset photos.. shared in that Macro-Verse earlier
    about the sTiLL modern myth of Lucifer too..:)

    EMPiRE Force Love STRiKEs BAcK

  4. Yes.. i realize..
    ‘this’ is what
    is truly
    to house..
    the human
    touch of course..
    Puppy Dogs.. Kitty Kats..
    and Katrina’s Step Great
    Nephew as such.. if i have
    all the relative details correct..
    holding all the eggs and such as that..
    with free range turkeys as really nice back drop2..;)

  5. And yes.. ‘here’ is sister-in law Jerri’s Grand Child and
    Katrina’s Great Nephew.. and a Black cat that
    comes special with Jerri’s Husband’s
    extended farm family too..
    juSt iN time for
    my last
    “Black Moon Apocalypse
    Weekend!”.. Macro-verse too..
    as this new 709th Macro-Verse..
    so far.. to be titled “Golden Age ReNews2”..
    as sort of a
    oF Words2..:)

  6. Soap? That won’t float?…..

    “Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.”

    ~~ Things We Can Learn From Dogs ~~

    Hmm.. Before i go on.. FriEnd gigoid..
    as i’m a day behind in all the weekend
    festivities from arriving back here to
    practice my Devil’s Advocate arts
    of speaKing.. hehe.. thanks..
    and yes..
    as the
    Wild Kingdom
    says.. be careful
    oF the deepest most
    guttural growls as they
    are sure to come from big
    jaws and Grandma what
    big teeth you have..
    hehe.. sometimes
    i growl like this
    just for
    doing my Yoga Stretches
    in the dArk DanCinG parKinG
    lot and it sounds like roaches
    scattering after i do this..
    i kid you not.. hehe..
    and one of my
    friends asked
    me if i like
    scaring folks
    and i said.. hey.. it’s
    just Yoga and it’s not my
    fault that i have big Jaws
    and Teeth that make a Lion Sound when
    i stretch.. and i also kid you not.. i let out
    a cosmic sneeze at Catholic Church
    in the Temple Dome.. all reflexive
    and echoey as such.. and
    the little old ladies
    swore a
    shot gun
    blast went
    off.. but hehe..
    that’s what they get
    for complaining about
    my shapely hairy legs when
    i wear shorts in the middle of Winter.. haha..
    and seriously.. i seriously had one lady tale
    me.. Fred.. you should be ashamed of yourself..
    i went easy on her and didn’t do my Lion Growl.. hehe..;)

    “Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself.”

    — Erasmus

    Yes.. Light
    DArK noW..:)

    “It is human nature that rules the world,
    not governments and regimes.”

    — Svetlana Alliluyeva

    This can definitely be true..
    subsistence.. reproductive rights..
    shelter and territory..
    are cause for
    much conflict….
    places now of
    abundance warm
    are much friendlier
    overall.. than places
    on the globe with lots
    of brown.. and.. white..
    per desert and snow.. etc..
    unless Gov/technology provides
    enough warm and social net support..
    as they did in Scandinavian homogenous
    countries before those who have not came
    and conflicted with different ideas of reality
    in newer heterogenous way.. Governments
    are most definitely necessary to provide
    an infrastructure for more than
    about 150 to 200 sets
    of human
    eyes not
    for cultural
    comfort with
    much bigger city
    numbers less New
    Orleans after Hurricanes
    chaos ensues on city streets..:)

    “Humankind cannot stand very much reality.”

    — T.S. Eliot

    Hmm.. as in all stuff.. animal
    Kingdom.. use or lose applies..
    use reaLiTy..
    sure.. or
    lose it too..;)

    “There cannot be a nation of millionaires, and there never has been a nation of Utopian comrades; but there have been any number of nations of tolerably contented peasants.” — G. K. Chesterton, Outline of Sanity CW. V. 192

    Works for me trUe iN liGht.. as
    i make my own happiness.. full
    NoW iN A country that has noW
    enough freedom.. leGally Now..
    as such to allow a path within..
    inside.. outside.. above.. so
    below.. and all around
    @ Least
    Happy NoW..
    and contented2..:)

    “Politics is poopadoodle!”

    — Fred the Bird, from Odds Bodkins

    Yes.. it is very much like Poodle Pooh pooh
    these days at the national Trump.. sure..;)

    Although everyone is entitled to be stupid,
    some abuse this privilege.

    — Smart Bee

    Yes.. sometimes..
    stupid does..
    can be
    fUn NoW2..;)

    Keep the pointy end forward
    and the dirty side down.

    — Smart Bee

    And remember..

    [I’ll tell you what’s wrong with it, my lad. It’s dead! — Smart Bee

    Tomorrow & tomorrow & tomorrow creeps in this rutabaga… — Smart Bee

    Ignorance of one’s ignorance is the greatest ignorance.– Smart Bee

    “YOW!! I’m in a very clever and adorable INSANE ASYLUM!!” — Zippy the Pinhead]

    These four.. explain ToGeTheR
    each other.. well enough..
    okay.. off
    to yoUr neXt
    and last peARl
    Garden now to
    get all caught uP..
    as tomorrow is gonna
    be another Nature day plus
    for me to escape online.. iSREAL..;)

  7. Bath water? What baby?……

    SMiLes.. the Internet was created
    by lonely boys in garages
    to create social
    roles for themselves
    so retired and ‘other’ folks
    could better co-create
    their own roles too..
    and notice..
    as statistics
    show.. after
    the year 2000..
    serial killing went down
    300%.. oh.. the social roles..
    safely coming to heal the potential dead..;)

    -me.. et.. al..
    me.. ow..

    “A wise man will
    make more opportunities
    than he finds.”

    — Francis Bacon,
    English philosopher (1561-1626)

    But only
    if he or she seeks..
    and practices after finding
    and seeks and finds more..
    never ending story noW as liFe changes..:)

    “A bitter jest, when the satire comes
    too near the truth, leaves a sharp sting behind.”

    — Tacitus

    that works..;)

    “If rejection destroys your self-esteem,
    you’re letting others hold you as an emotional hostage.”

    — Brian Tracy

    A lesson of the Art of MoVinG.. ConNecTinG.. and CreAtinG..
    for moderation of EmoTions.. and Integration of Senses..
    Officially Tai Chi by lesSon works for this too..
    however.. words are kinda empty
    unless at least one valid
    path to actually
    do this
    is provided iSReaL..
    problem with the bible
    and the koran too..
    lots of talk
    practice of
    juST DoinG iT noW..
    That actuAlly FucKinG works..;)

    “You may forget the one with whom you
    have laughed, but never the one with
    whom you have wept.”

    — Kahlil Gibran

    i write it all down in a Garden
    of Band Aid..
    per se..
    and rarely
    forget any oF iT
    as i take notes along the
    way.. same thing.. i did in school..
    then.. and nah.. never looked back
    at my notes then either.. hehe..
    but now that they are at
    least readable vs..
    and chicken
    prescription writing..
    other folks seem to view
    what i do.. at least by record
    on Blogger Blogs.. as Word
    Press is too slow and
    clunky overall..
    Garden notes..
    (:.. winkS and
    quick… slow..
    i set it up
    that way
    as writing takes time..
    and fewer distractions..;)

    “Be able to be alone. Lose not
    the advantage of solitude, and the
    society of thyself.” –unknown smart guy

    And on the other Hand.. don’t forget the
    Meaning oF Social Animal LiFe.. ToGeTheR..:)

    Kindness is more important than wisdom,
    and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom.

    — Theodore Isaac Rubin

    Yes.. so-called Standard
    IQ measures of Intelligence
    can be rather cOld and Empty
    by the
    of the
    Cognition Robot Day..
    Creativity FeeLs.. @least..
    iN MoVinG.. CoNnecTing
    CreaTivELy.. iN hUman SeNSinG ways..
    aS Social Empathic iNtelligence GRows..:)

  8. So.. i stARt wRiTinG A new MacroVerse to be titLeD..
    Golden Age ReNews.. and now all around
    mE.. Golden Sun Flowers with God of
    Nature’s Golden Spiral PHI..
    patternS onE.. pollinated by
    Golden Striped..
    Bees are all
    around me2..
    Art to be captured
    all for free.. and truly
    i find now.. it’s kinda sad..
    that i spent so many decades..
    totally focused on work.. go home..
    play a little snowboard video game..
    go to sleep.. get the required shopping
    done while i’m taking in all the stress of the
    other shoppers to add to mine.. and the whole..
    wash and rinse cycle of life starts for another week..
    that never ends it seems.. then.. of what truly can be both
    A cultural and self-imprisoned Zoo of liFe.. tHeRe is so much
    to be enjoyed in the Pensacola Metro Area.. including the County
    of Saint for Roses.. Santa Rosa county.. that spreads from Sugar
    White Beaches.. Seagulls majestic white and other colors spiraling
    around Sun with Swaying Sea Oats.. Emerald Gulf Waters.. and Dunes
    that have been washed away.. replaced by open Horizons of the Earth
    as round.. instead of jagged.. where footprints can escape.. the
    hand of human.. in making tools a world away from
    what used to be Earth Born Nature.. well..
    sure.. the tools are extensions of Nature
    too.. more than a Beaver Dam.. and
    iN PARt.. damning even the
    Bees that pollinate deeply..
    SunFlowers BRiGht noW
    as they rise uP to A Big Seed
    of LiFe and SunFlower in sKy
    that BRinGS uS aLL to liFE as
    days go on.. and then one travels
    North to Forest Lands.. Clear Creeks..
    and Sugar White Sands to Northern Farms..
    and Nature Preserves in Northern County way..
    where every color of Flower bRinGS sPArks to liFe..
    that says this IS A Land of Abundance.. a Land of Beauty
    And a land wHere Peace reigns beyond the edifice Nature
    Now of Human Cultures.. We Have Genetic Memories that
    Identify Garden of Eden’s like this that say rest.. relax.. energize..
    For this IS A place of liFE wHere strife need not live.. iN Abundance
    oF LiVinG noW WiTh FearlesS and smARt Unconditional Love
    FoR AlL And trUe.. while not all folks here.. of course.. live this
    Golden Age ReNew of hUman BeinG TrUth and liGht…
    A remaining FaCt lives HeRe now.. that you can iF
    you WiLL to find this way of Golden Age ReNew
    of Heaven’s Gate fully open now.. noW.. NoW..
    heRE NOW.. oKAy.. WeLL.. maybe not.. but
    iT iS oKAy for me as i SinG a SonG oF liGht..
    iN Golden Age ReNews WaY foR noW@lEAst..

    SMiLes Above..
    Autumn Sun Flowers
    Spiral Below..:)

    And sure.. iF i ever make it back
    to the official Haibun prompt that
    was provided on Monday at dVerse..
    requiRinG a narrative NoW of a day in the
    life of our day to day events.. this entails a three
    hour trip.. to Heaven’s Trail too.. accompanied..
    and illustrated in visual poetry in Facebook Slide
    Show Algorithm way.. and nah.. those aren’t the
    one or two.. TERSE.. paragraphs above required..
    THAT IS A ShoRE that FloWs and SpiRals no
    less than Ocean TideS oN Shores of Beach
    that kNoW.. No.. stiff guidelines or limits
    to simply liVe liFE Free.. thiS iS
    not allowed in Poetry Land
    online.. to share.. as iT iS
    seen as doing too
    much.. stepping
    ouT noW.. oF
    boarders from
    rigid paragraphs
    and lines that feel
    little heARt.. oF SpiRiT
    oF Deep DeeP EmoTiOns..
    A N D S E N S E S F R E E..
    And HuMaN SpiRit thaT flows
    softly and powerfully as miNd
    and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL
    DoEs FreeLy.. A reflection oF
    the UniVerse oF F Y i.. within but the
    thing is.. never ever.. A full essence of
    An expansive state of relaxed MiNd and
    BoDy awareness that i experience at this
    very moment while the words flow effortlessly
    out of my Fingers as honey dipped on Wings of Bees..
    streAMing down.. as liFE sPaRks smoothly across stars oF SKeYes..:)

    So.. sure.. this cannot be labeled by Haibun or Haiku alone.. it fits no
    preplanned guidelines of poetry professionals from before .. it lives..
    iT iS organic.. it has no science only systemizing mind.. it flows
    as water.. it gRows.. iT kNows no bounds of flower pot…
    wE can call if Fredbun and FredKu.. why not..
    to go along in poetry free verse.. with
    my Fred Fu in martial arts too..
    but no.. you will never learn
    to do this.. as my soUl
    is much more unique
    when open than
    a finger
    print of hUman
    bEinG.. and haha..
    copy.. share if you like..
    the signature iS all oF iT
    As My soUL.. and HeLL no
    it WiLL never be put uP for FucKinG
    Sale.. sUre.. the discount for all of this iS FREE..


  9. sMiLes.. mY FriEnd.. Lillian..
    currently.. writing a New Macro-Verse
    haha.. that in my case is the equivalent
    of half a poetry novel.. anyWay.. the title now
    is Golden Age ReNews.. and what a deLiGht
    tHis muse you create to liGht anoTher patH
    of Golden Spiral
    SMiLes.. As A sMiLe..
    iS not juST a show of Teeth..
    Sunshine from lips is what it
    bRingS Now fRom SunFloWer
    liFe SiGn Seed SuN aBove
    oUr liGht beLoW as wE
    sHine iT back
    for Gift of liFe..
    and spread these
    SMiLes to one and aLL
    OtHeRs WiTh alWays
    Hope of GroWinG
    Ocean WHoLe
    oF Fearless Love..
    Greater FoRCe oNe oF liGht..:)

    A quick trip over to dVerse and
    A happy razzle dazzle prompt for
    A change.. more to come
    later.. as the
    day’s activities
    move into the
    outworld off
    for now.. so..
    break for now.. aGain..
    and see yA’LL later…;)

    2:32 pm.. 09042016..:)

  10. Drawing the string, for luck….

    SMiLes.. my fRiEnd gigoid.. and nice to see you
    pace a slow and willful effort of return to write..:)

    “Self-reflection is the school of wisdom.”

    ~~ Balthasar Gracian ~~

    for many.. but
    possible to retrieve..
    and true.. often.. with a
    pace of slow and willful effort
    over decades of living experience too..:)

    “Do not look for all the answers at once.
    A path is formed by placing stones one in front of the other.”

    ~~ The Giant from Twin Peaks ~~

    When every word and
    every step.. and every image..
    and every feeling.. and every sensation.. etc..
    are created all as holy and sacred now by we..
    there are
    no answers
    but.. now.. my FrienD..:)

    ‘Kindness, patience, and compassion without restraint,
    are still the best decisions we can make.’


    With Kind and Courage..

    Cinderella’s and Cinderfella’s Rule
    wiTh fearless smARt UnConDiTioNal LoVe..
    thaT iS
    but be and
    give and share..
    MoVinG CoNnecTinG
    And CreAtinG AlWays
    morE WiTh
    and so
    morE noW2..:)

    “It costs so much to be a full human being
    that there are very few who have
    the enlightenment or the courage to pay the price…
    One must abandon altogether the search for security
    and reach out to the risk of living with both arms…
    One has to embrace the world like a lover…
    One has to accept pain as a condition of existence…
    One has to court doubt and darkness as the cost of knowing.
    One needs a will stubborn in conflict,
    but apt always to
    total acceptance of every consequence of living and dying.”

    ~~ Morris L. West, “Shoes of the Fisherman” ~~

    i WiLL add
    And one can
    to do it as a naked
    warrior with no shame
    for being
    as we are
    born to bE2..:)

    “Make no judgments where you have no compassion.”

    ~~ Anne McCaffrey ~~

    All forms of empathy
    and compassion are
    what makes uS hUman
    when judgement is turned
    into a way to liGht instead of FaLL to dArk..:)

    “Belief gets in the way of learning.”

    ~~ Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love ~~

    Belief Can bE A Positive hUman EmoTioN
    and when used this way..
    thiS EmoTioN caN
    glUe leArning
    As A hiGher
    BeinG moRe..
    aS all one can bE…
    Belief only getS in the
    way of lEarning when iT does..
    As Belief iS EmoTioN @Essence and no word
    human abstract
    symbol alone..
    it is
    an empty word
    shell with little to no essence oF FeeLinG SenSinG noW..:)

    “Fear is the lock and laughter the key to your heart.”

    ~~ Steven Stills ~~

    Fear IS A Real DEvil..
    thaT Steals A HeArt
    oF Real AngELs2..:)

    “I looked more widely around me,
    I studied the lives of the masses of humanity,
    and I saw that not two, or three, or ten, but hundreds,
    thousands, millions, had so understood the meaning of life
    that they were both able to live and to die.
    All these men were well acquainted with the meaning of life and death,
    quietly labored, endured privation and suffering, lived and died,
    and saw in all this, not a vain, but a good thing.”

    ~~ Leo Tolstoy ~~

    Life is
    for those
    who live iT Good..
    what comes
    neXt as liFe..
    than said..:)

    “Heaven embraces the horizon.
    No matter how jagged the profile, the sky faithfully conforms.”

    ~~ Deng Ming-Dao ~~

    ReaLiTy iS..
    LiVe iT..
    As iS..:)

    “Comedy. Sudden, violent, comedy!”

    ~~ Monty Python ~~

    Better yeT..
    SinG and DancE
    too.. as more than
    A sMiLe and Laugh too..
    Free liGht..:)

  11. Facebook Friend Benny.. from
    a non-supporter outsider look..
    provides an opinion that there
    is no way that the Trump/Pence
    ticket will win the election.. now..

    So.. i say in political returns..

    WiNks.. no..
    Not if Trump
    Has anything
    More to say..
    As he
    Is his
    Own worst
    Political Enemy..
    And that’s one
    Thing.. both
    Sides.. seem
    To agree on..;)

    And now i say.. hmm.. i ‘normally’ don’t watch
    any TV.. but a few funny TV shows that the
    Katrina has brought to my attention over
    the last three years since.. i’ve gained
    my ability back to use my eyes and
    ears to do TV.. at all.. namely..
    Lucifer.. The Big Bang Theory..
    the Goldberg’s.. the Real
    O’Neals.. and various
    clips of other shows
    she bRings to my
    attention that often
    fit synchronously
    for what i am
    currently writing
    in Macro-Verse way
    for the usual three days
    of that activity before.. blog
    publishing in Ocean Whole Poem way..
    Hmm.. this three ring circus of Executive
    Branch Politics IS A once in a lifetime opportunity,,
    one can hope.. if the country doesn’t totAlly fall apart..
    as a three ring circus with no end of silly and too strange
    for a movie.. antics.. of what humans at the so-called
    top levels of Prospective Government Servants
    and elected officials can and will do.. if let
    loose from the nut-house per se..
    of what is historically socially
    acceptable in politics..
    still today.. and as
    far as who fits
    the norm
    of a politician..
    perhaps Pence is the
    only one who can adequately
    hold his tongue.. in style.. at least
    in what we have come to expect from
    a Republican Politician.. with of
    course some bullshit mistruths
    and down right lies smoothed
    over in political talk to make
    their day in the color they
    paint.. see that last
    phrase.. that
    keeps this
    talk.. and
    the flow of shores
    of words in shape like
    a sea shore that makes somewhat
    sense in the realm of poetry.. even in
    what poetry professionals can potentially
    define.. for continuing Free Verse style
    in what continues on as longest long
    form poetry way in the history
    of humankind too.. so..
    in this way.. hehe..
    my agenda..
    too.. as
    if you haven’t
    figured out yet..
    Politics is pARt of the
    HUMAN FucKinG Beast..
    at least for so-called normal
    human beings or strange ones
    who attempt to fit the bill of human
    just for fun.. haha.. hehe.. and the show
    goeS on.. but sure.. a political commercial
    intervenes.. as politics at the current executive
    three ring circus peaks in as dArk does to liGht..
    as it’s too dam funny to almost believe that
    so-called rational political leaders can
    say stuff like whole groups of
    folks are bad folks in ethnic
    way.. and definitely including
    the snafu.. Hillary made..
    with a broad Minion
    paint brush now..
    of labeling red state
    folks as Deplorable’s
    in pick uP Trucks hehe..
    as sure.. ‘red neck’.. is even
    further of what that Arkansas
    ‘Wbread’ lawyer meant to say..
    as city folks will still do
    and say too.. hehe..
    ’bout us country
    folk.. that
    tend and
    turn over the soil..
    in the mid-day sun..
    as sure.. i can talk that
    ‘red-neck’ talk too.. but only
    if absolutely necessary.. hehe..
    and that’s what made Bush a Winner..
    Blending in with ‘red neck’ culture fully..
    Trump can’t do that with a Golden Spoon.. ‘stuck up’..;)

  12. So.. the EN name test thingie.. provides..
    an analysis of what my Headline in paper
    way will say for the day..
    and of course it
    picks right uP on
    the eternal teenager..
    Katrina’s SMile.. her Great
    Nephew.. and black Kitty Kat..
    in tow and says.. Katie has a
    new profile picture and 2000 new
    friend requests.. and sure.. if ‘this’ was
    the Katrina only Facebook Page.. this certainly
    could ring true.. but hehe.. there is me.. who
    BEYOND.. cute kitty kat.. great nephews..
    and eternal teenager Katrina too..
    but true.. that photo..
    was like almost a record..
    breaker for likes for the strangest of
    Facebook folks that trUly of course..
    is me.. hehe.. writing an average of 120K
    plus words as hard drive back uP for Ocean
    Whole Poem words each month.. does anyone
    else do that.. nah.. not likely @aLL.. haha.. even
    if they could.. they more than likely would be
    too worried someone might steal tHeir
    words.. haha.. i’ve got
    more than enough
    photos.. words..
    and dance to give
    and share.. as there is
    alWays more coming coming
    coming in so many more ways to come..
    no drOught of life here continues on for sure.. Now..
    so.. anyway.. my response to the headline is.. noW..

    STiLL iS..


    Facebook Friend Himali shares
    a “Peanuts” slide that that
    includes “Marci” and
    “Peppermint” Patty..
    walking together with
    Strawberry and Chocolate
    Ice-cream Cones respectively..
    with a caption that says.. and i quote..
    “Happiness is a best Friend”.. you know
    and feel the kinda friend.. who you can alWays
    count on will really feel you as a human being.. and
    connect to you in a way that warms your heart.. and
    since leaving the Wrong Planet.. online.. back in
    2013.. moving on to Poetry Land and actually
    finally finding at least one Face Book Friend
    who made me feel that way then.. yes..
    the real first online friend.. since..
    i started this online writing
    endeavor on Thanks
    Giving Day on the
    Wrong Planet
    Hell.. a
    last refuge
    for the unwanted
    toys.. outcast.. mostly
    as such from society for a
    many variety of reasons.. namely
    the main one.. of folks who were not
    motivated to reciprocally socially communicate..
    with and even share and give of mutual interests..
    the worst place.. perhaps possible to find a new friend..
    who brings you those cozy rosy warm and fuzzy feelings..
    that the oxytocin social bonding neurohormone.. oxytocin
    naturally does in receptors located strategically from
    head to toe of one’s body as such with
    the human touch in both actual
    warm and fuzzy mutual
    touch and mirror
    neuron ways..
    that can
    even come
    from rosy.. cosy text..
    like when a sweet young woman
    says the phrase ‘my dearest friend’..
    ha.. you have no idea how much that means
    to a little boy who was raised on the river front..
    as the Eagle pose i bring here shows with arms raised..
    no longer in stiff posture.. with arms stiff at side.. yes where
    my left hand is on river bank here by railroad trestle from
    a stones throw of childhood is where i was raised..
    not able to speak until age 4.. with great
    difficulty expressing myself..
    in reciprocal social
    for decades on end..
    unless i was around a
    similarly inclined Beta Club
    member in nerd way too..
    where we could talk
    about school..
    and such as
    that in science and
    social studies way..
    people where always my biggest
    special interest.. a country i explored and
    visited but i was more like Space Mountain..
    nice to visit once.. but kinda overwhelming to
    stay too long.. as my ideas flew like birds
    with no cohesive flock of thoughts
    that made ‘normal’ of what folks
    expected from other school
    folks.. anyway.. i managed
    to keep a smile on my
    face with eyes that
    said love enough
    to have a few
    friends along the
    way.. and so nice to
    escape the Wrong Planet..
    now to find a few online true..
    and in a few i will go to some Facebook
    Memories in Macro-Verse way.. and the title
    of the last one.. named Bottom Bridge Wings..
    could certainly be a themed and meted way
    for my Eagle Pose with Talons raised high..
    in Bottom Bridge home town River
    Bank Raised place here..
    where the roots oF Y i..
    are still plain
    to see.. on the
    horizon of my left
    arm here.. oh to SinG..
    a SonG of LIFe.. without the
    words to express emotions and senses..
    always felt so.. so deep.. with no way to get
    them out.. but now.. so.. so deep.. a Space Mountain..
    every which
    way and loose.. foR noW..
    oh and yeah.. i return on
    Facebook Friend Himali’s
    share.. the words..

    Hi.. HI.. Himali.. just
    stopping by to
    say hello.. friEnd..:)

    And Himali says..

    HELLOOO my dearest friend !

    And i say back..

    AlWays Love Himali

    And now i

    Bottom Line..
    i appreciate Friends..:)

    It’s impossible to fully appreciate ‘this photo’ on Facebook as
    all profile photos are compressed of course to conserve
    Facebook Hard Drive space when shared like this..
    when i download all the glory of this Single Sun
    Flower with back drop of October Florida
    Panhandle lighter frost to deeper
    Azure Sky.. Bee Pollinating..
    Golden Spiral PHI..
    of God’s Pattern
    of MoVinG through
    SKeYeS.. with corn
    field soon to sprout golden
    Fruit of Cobs.. juSt anoTheR
    Day in the liFE oF God allthatis..
    in beauty to behold with sentient star
    duSt pluS wE wHeRe only the poet’s hand
    can adequately bRinG the Glory and Praise..
    of God’s hand to words of hUman touch in all that is
    DanceS and SinGs a SonG of liFe.. anyWay.. all 70 or so
    thousand photos that accompany all my Macro-Verse Blog
    posts.. numbering 709 for this aptly titled “Golden Age ReNews”
    to fit the theme and meme appropriately here.. of course.. and even
    the 30K or so attached in FlicKR liNk.. before i decided to fully include
    all of them. by way of Macro-Verse in the Summer of 2014.. to find them
    easier in beauty of memory ways to relive at a later date and share again..
    i can’t say that the up to close to 3000 views i receive a day in the
    life of all my blogs have anything to do..
    with any of my 3.3 plus million words
    at all.. and if not.. that is quite oKAy for
    me as Lord kNows.. i wasn’t the kind of
    child who truly enjoyed reading as i’d much
    rather see and think the world in visual images..
    and in interpretive way.. than limit myself..
    to a black and white world of text..
    thaT is until i lEarned to color
    my words with the Winds
    of God.. and paint
    a picture of God
    with words too..
    but Lord knows
    and feels this photo
    here has more to say about
    God than my entire Bible of words..
    yes.. all 12 million words arriving in
    6 years as of ThanksGiving day 2016..
    and any sacred text i for one have ever read..
    whole.. and yes.. since 2010.. i’ve probably read..
    100’s of millions of words.. to go along with the
    12 million or so that have flowed free through
    my fingers
    as my eYes
    of God and yoUrs
    do too.. in whatever
    way God’s eYes continue
    to Golden Age reNew continually
    as wE and God sAMe emerge hiGher
    toGeTheR noW in SuN floWer ways of pollinating
    BlUe sKeYeS of GoD toGeTheR wHOle aS wE noW..DO..
    anyWay.. bottom line..
    all my photos are
    available for
    give and share
    fully uncompressed..
    on all my blog posts..
    if you’ve never tried.. and
    sure the posts can take some
    time to open.. if you don’t have
    a Super Computer and Broad Band
    access that i continue to purchase to
    get all of this done.. bottom line again is..
    click on any photo.. and it will magnify to
    cover your entire screen.. as since September
    of 2016 with the purchase of an iPhone 6s to point
    and shoot and capture any Haiku moment in visual way..
    they equal the best of digital cameras of just a few years ago
    too.. and Lord knows and feels what Apple will do next with
    point and shoot smARt phone cameral technology..
    i’m hoping to one day capture the details
    of the smallest of spiders in web
    way on Earth too..
    to share..
    as well in
    multimedia online web way free..
    free.. just to give and share.. and that
    my friEnds is the TruE Golden Age ReNews..
    where give and share replaces the green bLack
    dollar of storing grain.. started 10 to 12 thousand
    years ago.. for the birth of Greed and Jealousy and
    Owning the Earth and wE.. as Separate.. rather than Yoga Unity
    for aLL in eYes and sKeYes that say we are noW one Force sTiLL
    hiGher as
    God Free ToGetheR noW..
    Bottom liNe.. liFe iNspiRes when FReED..:)

    WeLL yeah.. truth be tOld.. this
    is Facebook.. after all.. and
    whenever i stand up i am
    a body in motion never sitting
    sTiLL and when sitting.. my fingers
    are alWays StiLL FLYinG WiTh eYes hiGh..
    hehE.. at lEAst
    in ‘this photo’.. DanCinG..
    i AM a FriGginG SunFloWer2..;)

    Or per.. reference last Facebook Profile
    Pic status.. perHaps.. i AM juSt A BEast
    of Charlie Brown’s Great Pumpkin
    with Smilie Face and Ghosts
    and don’t
    forget.. Snoopy too..
    at least when i’M only DanCinG
    Free and not saying a DaM word now2..;)

    WeLL.. foR NoW ending in rapid
    Machine like gun fashion.. for 5 quick
    Facebook Profile Facebook Picks for continuing
    Ocean whole poem.. in Macro-Verse to Micro-Verse
    way here that will surely appear here too.. in another Micro-Verse..
    combo.. of these Micro-Micro Verses i am sharing here as pARt oF
    that Macro-Verse soon to come too.. haha.. yes.. bottom line..
    different strokes for
    different folks
    to what makes
    yA aLL content
    in liFe or does not..
    some folks are more
    flexible than other folks..
    as ‘this picture’ does provide..
    incontrovertible evidence for too..;)

    EverywHeRe i go..
    Miracles go wiTh me..
    ha.. it’s aLmost like i’M
    anoInted by God.. in mEtaphor
    way only of course.. huh.. hahE..;)

    i of Inspiration

    WeLL.. SpeaKinG of things that go with me.. MacroVerse
    Memory here.. “i of Inspiration”.. provided by the trusty Facebook
    Algorithm Assistant for this memory of two years ago..
    plays to the purpose of lEarning and PracTiCinG an
    Art of liFE with all liGht and dARk beCoMinG hoLY
    and sAcred as A total miX oF liFe.. nah.. not
    the easiest thing to do.. until
    you are naked in the
    Forest with your
    Village and
    all depend
    on each other and
    Nature Whole aka God
    for day to day forAginG For
    Golden Age ReNeWinG survival..
    God EmerGinG withiN oF aLL Sentient
    Star DuSt liFE that coMes from Seed stars
    who BRinG uS heRe noW toGeTheR onE whether
    we see and feel this reaLiTy or not.. fuller now.. as now
    is all that has ever been and further iS in iSREAL noW.. yes..
    all inspires me as DArk and liGht mUSe.. and sure.. liGht
    Muse iS sweeter than the dARk mUse2.. but never the
    less.. the silt of original God metaphor name..
    from page 8 of Karen Armstrong’s History
    of God that first says God is.. Lahmu..
    and Lahamn.. names meaning
    together Silt as water and
    earth mixed toGether..
    sure Water iS
    for living
    even a few
    days with Earth
    as food for liFE sAMe..
    and to respect the nourishment
    God gives as wHOle.. for wE in respect
    of taking no more than Giving of Nature wHole
    aka God.. is respect for GoD sAMe for those who
    see and feel God within.. in blood that flows water..
    and salt and other minerals of Earth.. WhOle as
    wE StiLL God Emerging wiTh eYes of Sentient
    Star DuST plUs.. witH Fearless and sMaRt
    Unconditional Love noW.. iN remembering
    and BeinG this HUman Potential
    aLready realized by our
    are wild and
    free from tens of thousands
    of years beFore noW oNe.. WiTh
    NatURe GoD sAMe as sCience clearly
    proves now.. with the smallest and largest
    hUman aided eYe tools of empirical ways of Measurement2..
    However.. the trUth and LIGht oF thiS is above.. so below.. inside..
    outside.. all around within we hUmans to see and feel for now.. for
    weEwHo have Hands and Feet.. and eYes and eaRS to See and FeeL
    GoD wHOle like this.. in all of each otHeR and NaTure wHOLe noW iSREAL..:)

    LOVE IS and Casino Dance Walking

    LOVE IS and Casino Dance Walking as shared here from two years ago too..
    Celebrating my 42 months of witnessing for God in longest long Form Poem
    in history of humankind from 3/13 to 9/16.. in September at my Uncle’s Birthday
    Party in Emerald Coast Seafood Dinner way.. Katrina and i.. missed our monthly
    Biloxi trip with Catholic Church group.. that we have been doing consistently
    now for three years.. with this.. only the second month missed.. and
    what’s really cool of course.. haha.. with the rest of my ‘Truman
    Show’ liFe online.. is each and every Biloxi Journey is
    documented in Ocean Whole Poem way with
    Beautiful Biloxi Beach photos
    too.. and Casino’s are A
    Microcosm of truly
    American Dream
    of Illusion that getting
    rich is what will take all your
    problems away and make you happy..
    well.. sadly the instant gratification curse that
    comes to be what happens to many lottery winners
    tales the deeper story of the hell of that.. as StiLL human
    beings are not evolved for instant gratification.. they ARE
    evolved as social animals to cooperate toGeTheR in GiVinG
    and ShaRinG ways for the continued forAge and reproduction
    of liFE invisible to both predator and prey by MoVinG connecting
    and creating in Balance of TAI CHI-like left foot and right
    foot and rest of Body BaLAnCinG way
    all through out Nature
    Hunting and
    in day
    to now
    to now ways..
    nah.. no TV’s or slot
    machines back then.. and
    even science shows that once
    humans make about 50K a year
    to meet basic Subsistence and Shelter
    needs money means almost nothing to
    happiness after that.. as even Maslow’s Hierarchy
    as Human Development of 6 stepped Pyramid way
    does clearly show too.. and in someways too.. in Fowler’s
    6 step development of Human Faith in Existential Intelligence
    to the top of Unconditional Loving Giving sharing ways that
    is what the so-called primitives do across the life span from
    beginning to end same.. without worrying
    over the lies of culture regarding
    the sacredness of the
    Dollar bLack Green
    BiLL over
    the HUman
    MoVinG and CoNNecTing
    touchy feely way of CreaTinG
    liFE over the entire human span
    oF liFe from birth to death sAMe..
    nah.. we aren’t advanced overall in a hUman
    way at core.. we are advanced though.. with
    tools for instant gratification reinforcement
    from Coffee.. to Beer.. to Cigarettes..
    that feel the empty places
    of our soul that no longer
    are naturally FeeLED.. by
    the human touch of warm and
    fuzzy life.. and the invisible way of
    MovinG through the course of life..
    in escaping predator.. and capturing prey
    in all natural TAI-CHI body-like way.. is replaced
    by Gas.. and old Dinosaur pARts.. where the engine
    of life becomes
    a car instead
    of wE.. so nah..
    if you thiNk the pictures
    i take are all jUst random sTuFF..
    hehe.. you haven’t read all 13 to 22K words
    of each MacroVerse oF Ocean Whole Poem
    down to the MicroVerses down to the MicroMicroVerses..
    of each MicroVerse and down to the MicroMicroMicro Verse
    of each word that when tailored differently can have almost
    unlimited meanings too.. depending on how one sees tHeir iNk
    Blot of Multi-Universe liFE.. and then there iS each symbol
    of letter and number.. etc.. for those of wE who have
    the deepest eYes and FeeL.. wHere
    all of those MicroMicroMicroMicroVerses
    of letters and numbers singularly and wHOLy..
    comprise a microcosm sTiLL oF aLL oF God’s eYes
    too.. as symbols of what hUmans can do.. houSinG Greater
    Vehicles and Vessels oF TrUth and liGht from MicroMicroMicroMicro
    Verses of LiFE as numbers and letters.. to sure.. an Ocean wHOle Poem
    like mine and less in sub-atomic particles.. and BeyOnd of What wE can sEe
    and relate.. and feel and touch oF aLL that we sEE see and FeeL for noW iSREaL..:)

    Bottom Bridge WinGs

    And turning full circle here from a MacroVerse Memory from
    two years ago.. named ‘Bottom Bridge WinGs’.. haha.. if anyone
    gETs this far in what will be a Micro-Verse of all these Micro-Micro
    Verses shared at the bottom of this in Facebook way too..
    3000 words or so.. and even more perhaps by the
    end of this one Micro-Verse total that
    could be A Chapbook
    of Poems for
    some folks
    doing free
    verse free
    writing out tHere
    as i speak too.. but
    just another Facebook
    Status and Led Zeppelin Celebration
    Day for me to go.. hehe.. to go go.. some
    more in Free Verse dance ways of fingers
    on digital keyboard free dancing too..
    as it all fits toGetHer in Tapestry
    for those who have eYes
    as smALL as lARge too..
    and sure.. plenty of Mall photos
    and Farm one’s in this one too..
    as there are never any two that are
    precisely the same as each animal and
    cultural store display of malls do too.. from
    day to day as nows do too.. anyWay.. i don’t just
    include the more self-aggrandizing parts aS even
    in my nude art.. it is far from what one might consider
    at this date from even an aesthetically pleasing
    human form.. as art.. but you see.. those
    who are afraid of exposing the
    dARker pARts of liFE
    never lEarn and
    FeeL to hOld those
    pARts SaCred too.. and
    Lord kNows.. society overall
    has vilified the naked male form..
    when anything less than perfection..
    and even the female one too.. so that
    in Golden Age ReNews way even to the
    point of the Fertility God of Egypt Min.. as produced
    from art of oldest days.. is as passionate as the
    male form can come to be.. literally as such too..
    in full figurative way as well.. but sure.. there are
    deeper meanings to all that i do.. as i say for pun
    and fun.. i’m not juSt sexTinG the entire world
    for giggles and please for me.. hehe..
    it is human freedom at the
    basic level for all
    to frolic
    in life
    naked and free..
    and to get brave enough
    to do this in any semi-restricted
    public avenue.. is surely to do like King
    David did and celebrate the Lord our God
    of Nature whole within we.. inside.. outside..
    above.. so below.. all around in Temple of God
    in form and function fully sacred and holy too..
    and sure.. most folks missed the deeper
    pArt of that Bible metaphor
    too so true and false
    too.. as God
    is nature
    we are
    God emerges
    still chained or
    free as wE DO too.. with
    WiLL with God of Nature
    WiLL or noT with relative free will
    to do liFe free or prisoned in clothes of culture..
    anyway.. i closed my first New Age Renaissance
    Freest nude art named ‘My Free Lance Stripping Blog’ to
    private.. from January 2014 to 2015.. when Google started
    getting nit picky about what was art and what was not art
    then.. for that satirical name of freedom i picked.. so i took
    the most artful pArts as i explored too.. in more grey
    areas as such for what might be seen
    as art or not.. to fully
    “Free Verse Nude
    Poetry” aRt and
    words to go along
    with that.. so there will
    be no confusion that this
    iS art and not for money or anything
    like that.. and for anyone who thinks that
    life is over when you get to age 30.. there is no
    hiding human improvement in Nude Art.. it’s all
    there to see.. and one can easily see that in just
    one year from age 55 to 56 how much through
    continued advancement in the free art of dance
    that has changed the literal health form
    of my body from head to toe too..
    at the same weight of around
    230LBs for both years now..
    Life is never over for those
    who continue to
    move.. connect
    and create.. and most
    importantly exercise all their
    rights to human freedom.. wHere
    little old me can do all of this in a
    country as Great as the U.S. oF A..
    when folks fully take advantage of
    what the laws of the land here do provide
    for those not fearful of the potential of being fully free like this..
    it is beyond the social norm.. but in God of NatuRe eYes as mE iT
    is all holy and sacred.. noW in DancE iN Steps.. in poeTry of words..
    and all the form/functions as images of what trUly is at core sAcred and HoLy aRt oF liFe..
    NoWwHere all can be revealed without fear aS SmARt Fearless Unconditional LoVe..noW..
    Yes.. And sure enough.. not including this last line of Micro-Verse way.. yeah..
    3510 words..;)

  13. Imperfect Jigsaw

    SMiLes.. my FriEnd.. Prajakta..
    wE.. species meant for travel..
    ForAginG for subsistence..
    alWays one with Nature..
    MoVinG.. ConNecTing..
    CreaTinG to gET the job
    of liFe fully doNe.. now to
    now.. day to day.. as Nature
    alWays chanGinG.. where tHeRe
    are no stiff cLocked rules for impriSonInG
    liFe of free within walls and ceilings and behind
    inches and inches of thin screen lives.. oh.. the free..
    it sees more than walls and ceilings and screens alone..
    ScreAMing to be free.. no different than our cat who runs
    around in the morNinG.. juST to escape to A sunshine patio..
    to take in all the sMeLLs of Nature that connect him to all that is..
    i’M sure he wonders wHere all thaT goeS when he comes inside..
    is wE Now..
    hAVe separated
    hiM from God aLL oF
    NatUre.. and he’s most
    alWays readY to go back
    out noW and be more
    of thaT aLL NaTure..
    my friEnd.. now
    i’M finding ways
    to better escape these
    walls and ceilings and
    screams of screens these days
    too.. and may you escape too.. my
    friEnd.. as travel oF Free that feels no
    limits of the more than ears and eYes iNside..
    of Nature God Freed as so much more oF liFe..:)

  14. On the thirteenth of forever….

    “The mountain remains unmoved at seeming defeat by the mist.”

    ~~ Rabindranath Tagore ~~

    And with every wave of ocean
    come waters still
    in pond of SteeL..:)

    “A wise man,
    recognizing that the world is but an illusion,
    does not act as if it is real,
    so he escapes the suffering.”

    ~~ Buddha ~~

    And sadly Buddha
    did not live in
    a New
    of abundance
    where suffering was
    not so much the illusory
    rule of BeinG hUman..
    ReaLiTy IS A PiLL
    that’s easier to
    in Balance
    of more and less..
    whether it makes sense or not..
    These illusions we create can
    be heaven or hell or the ‘tween..
    i Will Heaven and make iT iSREAL..
    with a little help from newer technologies and friEnds..
    aS iMaGinaTion rules today of what will be iSReAL noW too..:)

    “As scarce as truth is, the supply has always
    been in excess of the demand.”

    ~~ Josh Billings ~~

    And noW it’S and Ocean TrUth
    oF Internet blues
    liGht and dArk..
    in TruTh and Lies..
    aS imAginaTioN and
    reAlity Do create both
    aS dARk and liGht noW..:)

    Sadly as things stand now.. Money.. Government
    and Religion are the glue required to
    keep groups of more than
    150 to 200 sets
    of hUman
    eYes toGetHer
    without an after
    Party of Hurricane Katrina..
    until someone actuAlly comes uP
    with a better plan that works..
    like small peaceful
    of 150 to
    200 sets of eYes
    that the social sciences
    still find in the 20 most
    peaceful societies
    in the world who
    base a life more
    on Giving and
    Sharing where
    some folks still
    recognize Nature
    all holy and sacred
    to be Glorified and Praised..
    best news oF all.. if one can lose
    work.. it’s possible to live life like this
    now.. no matter what anyone else is doing
    different.. unplugged from the matrix as fun.. NEO noW..:)

    “In the beginning Man created God;
    and in the image of Man created he him.”

    ~~ Ian Anderson ~~

    It’s common sense this is what
    God does when God becomes
    aware of God.. iN PARt at lEAst..;)

    The creator is the world..
    that’s not hard to
    see @lEAst foR Now..
    and Science shows before
    that it was a Sun and before
    that perHaps a Big Bang..
    or even A Holo
    Penrose way..
    but never the less.. now is God..
    and creator sAMe as allthatisnow..:)

    Hmm.. primitive humans
    lived in Matriarchal leaning
    societies where women were in charge..
    This is still the case in most every family
    unit as iSREAL works from day to day..
    ha!.. tHeRe is no E-scaping hUman
    NatUre or this fAct
    except for
    a God.. etc..
    that is male
    to attempt to hide thiS faCT..
    NoW.. Nature kNows and FeeLs
    better.. no matter what cultures/religions/
    governmentS and words as developed from abstract
    symbols say.. Nature goeS oN and does whatever..
    it iS
    sTilL to do..
    iN Human Form..
    as paRt of God aS NaTure wHOle..
    and truth be told.. Patriarchy is established
    as a way of life.. when humans become even
    more territorial and must fight for life to the death
    even to gain subsistence.. and in doing so.. lose the
    empathy that is aversive to killing a member of one’s own
    species.. this is a necessary adaptation to live.. in some cases
    of non-abundance.. deserts.. snowy areas.. mountains.. and etc..
    and often religions reflect this patriarchal necessity in non-abundant
    middle eastern desert lands.. too.. to keep control for basic human subsistence
    and survival..
    while meanwhile
    some folks blame
    them for being human..
    it’s not all New World.. roses and apple pie..
    struggle always comes with non-abundance..
    and strangely enough.. too much stuff now too..
    for a human species evolved as forager
    for intermittent gratification
    and not all one
    can eat sugars and fats..
    etc.. etc.. too.. in terms
    of naturally dopamine
    enhancing behavioral addictions too..
    hmm.. take away the human touch of
    Empathy and Love.. and wE get
    even more of addiction liFe..
    and Patriarchy
    of Living too..:)

    “So far as I can remember, there
    is not one word in the Gospels in
    praise of intelligence.”

    — Bertrand Russell

    ‘Sorry’.. Bertrand but standard measures of IQ
    are from from full human intelligenceS.. never
    the less.. this ain’t
    book learning
    didn’t rule..
    it’s like common sense babe..
    another kind of intelligence..oKAy..;)

    “All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind.”

    ~~ Aristotle ~~

    And that was in the day of Aristotle..
    Imagine what they do today
    even iF
    one can..;)

    ON the topic of money..
    it sucks.. as most all

    “What do they call a comedian who doesn’t get any laughs?
    A philosopher.”

    — Phil Proctor

    And gamble
    or ologist..;)

    sMiLes.. Power has alWays basicAlly
    been about successfully reproducing
    and defending oneself from predators
    and even two legged ones..
    as even science shows
    that African
    American folks
    have the highest
    levels of self
    on these two
    factoids of STiLL
    sAMe evolving bEinG hUman..
    where socio-economic status
    plays very little role at all.. other
    than eating and a place to sleep..
    in other words.. so Trump isn’t really
    that powerful after all he frOwns and do’s..;)

    “Every nation ridicules other nations,
    and all are right.”

    — Arthur Schopenhauer

    Well.. no duh.. it’s like religion
    same.. and the human tribal
    instinct.. it’s hUman natUre..
    tHeRE ain’t
    no E-Scaping
    it.. noW.. except for Getting along..
    sharing and giving back to square
    one.. with small groups evolved to do jusT that..
    so what cha gonna do in the big city.. grin and bear it iF yA can..
    juST F
    iN geT

    “It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”

    — Giordano Bruno (1548- burned at the stake, 1600)

    Back to square one..
    masses of human
    beings are not
    evolved to be that
    way.. go against nature
    and suffer ALL THE CONSEQUENCES now..
    but first one must determine what the F.. NatURE
    even is after being born into a plate full of cultural SHIT..;)

    “As formerly we suffered from crimes,
    so now we suffer from laws.”

    — Tacitus

    Again.. Square one..;)

    “As far as I’m concerned, if something is
    so complicated that you can’t explain it in 10 seconds,
    then it’s probably not worth knowing anyway.”

    — Calvin

    Yeah.. it’s like A answer to
    most all.. A World’s problems..

    Square one..

    It doesn’t matter how
    much cultural history
    one knows as long as it is
    truly insane and away
    from A root
    of most all
    hUman CULTural
    World problems..;)

    “He who joyfully marches to music rank and file, has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and
    ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action. It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.”

    — Albert Einstein

    PerHaps Einstein
    was missing
    the tribal
    not all folks
    have it.. but folks
    that MUST GO TO
    war to defend human
    subsistence and shelter
    must develop it strong to survive..
    otherwise.. they are more likely to die.. bottom line..
    and just a note..
    the Serpent
    is A
    Brain to go..
    unless it’s warrior time now..
    and for total transparency.. i juSt
    don’t have much of a tribal instinct aT all
    too.. it’LL be easy for me to be a global citizen..
    ‘they come
    to serve man’..
    with Twilight Zone
    references fully in tow..;)

    “In the part of this universe that we know there is great injustice, and often the good suffer, and often the wicked prosper, and one hardly knows which of those is the more annoying.” — Bertrand Russell

    No one annoys me..
    the bliss of
    relative free will..
    emotional regulation..
    sensory integration..
    Ballet-like dance and
    Martial-ARts like play..
    to Bring to fruition of ALL of ThAt to mE..
    isREAL2.. with a hobby of Art fully in tow too..
    with toes and hands iSREaL too.. and more than that of course too..
    Don’t get
    annoyed is
    A best rule
    when dArk and liGht
    Rules REaLiTy sAme and Different..
    Meanwhile.. one can save positive
    energy to change what they can..
    as negative emotions
    take away potential
    almost endless energy..
    that haha! i can prove in empirical way2..;)

    “I refuse to believe that trading recipes is silly.
    Tuna-fish casserole is at least as real as corporate stock.”

    — Barbara Grizzuti Harrison

    Unless one hunts
    and others do the cook..
    but never the less.. back
    to square
    Money Sucks..;)

    Poetry mostly comes
    up from pain it seems..
    one time on A dVerse prompt..
    humor was the game.. and all
    most the entire poetry club went
    silent except for me.. but the key
    to my
    is going to
    hell for 66
    months and
    lEarning that
    Humor IS A best
    poEtry medicine oF aLL
    iF one can find it that way..
    but sure.. tears work too.
    and particularly pain..
    oF all colors heARt
    to sKIN..
    in aLL thE ways
    hEll coMes to bEinG hUman2..:)

    “It seems like once people grow up, they have no idea what’s cool.”

    ~~ Calvin & Hobbes ~~

    ThiS iS FucKinG trUe..
    bottom line
    for liGht2..
    and that’s what
    rEborn means.. lEarning
    to w(O)(A)nder liFe aGain iN pLay..:)

    “We must beware of whatever insights we have into ourselves.
    Our self-knowledge annoys and paralyzes our daimon
    – this is where we should look for the reason Socrates wrote nothing.”

    ~~ E.M. Cioran ~~

    Me and Daimon
    are best buds..
    liGht.. and DArk..
    And yes..

    “Reality is in the eye of the beholder.”

    ~~ The Keeper, from Stargate ~~

    And every hUman
    iSREaL IS A Multi-Verse..
    oF Multi-Verse2..:)

    “When I was a lark, I sang;
    when I was a worm, I devoured.”

    ~~ Theodore Roethke ~~

    Or if you are human
    you can
    both and
    even more..
    if you can handle
    the taste test.. of course..;)

    “I’m pretty tired. Think I’ll go home now.”

    ~~ Forrest Gump ~~

    At this point.. all i have left to say is..
    this makes you a prophet.. gigoid..
    as i now move to Sand
    and Sun and Dance
    As A Sun Flower
    i AM
    aS A Golden
    Age ReNews now2..:)

  15. All refreshed and Golden Age reKneWeD.. hmm.. and with
    that sAiD.. that’s a new change for the 709th Macro Verse
    titleD to keep it original more all per se..
    hmm.. yeah.. like
    when one is doing
    a Google Search misspell
    totAlly Random and says..
    hmm.. that looks.. different..
    i thInk i’LL check that out juST
    for the Razzle Dazzle of how the
    word renewed looks as
    reKneWeD now as thAT
    ain’t even a word
    in Merriam
    way as i check
    for a moment here
    to make sure that is correct..
    and sure enough.. as Google History
    showS even with the personal result filter
    taken away.. i am already on the top 10 first
    page look for using that word before in a Macro
    Verse titled mY LamP iSreaL from July 21st of 2016..
    Hmm.. so here it comes aGAiN in titLed way too..
    juST for fun in Razzle Dazzle Fashion.. iF yA
    like it that way in word play too..
    so back to dVerse where
    the prompt IS A
    Razzle Dazzle one
    too.. and what theme song
    to use.. sure the “Sun is Shining”
    in Razz way too.. all Dazz per se2.
    as i scatter some more Sunshine
    notes around the Globe.. i say2..
    A simple band of golden age
    reNews.. wrapped around
    my soul
    noW for Sure2..
    and Winter is not
    even year yet for
    now today noW

    Dance.. a sky of sMiLes..
    Live a Dance of liFE..
    sMiLe a way
    to liFe..
    Dance with
    no words @AlL..:)

    Ha! wondering
    if the Conservatives
    would come out to play too..
    ah.. sore
    at straws
    of ignorance
    as usual.. missing
    the razzle dazzle of
    liFe so free
    so free
    and liGht..
    and nah.. why
    should poetry alWays
    have to agree.. heheR..
    with a
    at hand
    or feat of foot..;)

    A lesSon lEarned by Using
    Sidewalks.. Killing Dandelions
    to even bricks set straight
    ’round Flower roots
    too.. Life
    in spirals..
    Concrete Free
    in most aLL ways liFE goes

    SMiLes.. juSt thInking2 myself
    in photography way too
    as yesternow.. a Sun
    FloWer wiTh
    iN plain site
    of God eYes now
    too.. more though..
    i AM feeLinG then…
    as Bee BuZzing..
    A path.. A journey..
    rinGs aZure sKeYes Beauty..:)

    All Freedoms are worth keeping
    and the Movie Cabaret certainly
    as many other other arts from the
    40’s bRing.. the danger of group
    thiNk and
    groups.. etc..
    in colors less than free..
    current politics in the
    U.S.. not excluded..
    terror most
    is most

    SMiLes.. all thaT iS
    changes Human
    EmoTioNs and
    iS PoEtry..
    And Razzle
    Dazzle too..:)

    i muSt say.. A greAtest
    razzle dazzle perHaps ‘then’
    i ever fELt was/iS at a moonlit
    beach with diatoms
    back at me..
    Perhaps it was the
    mood but it was real..
    liGhts oF DiAtom liFe..:)

    Dinner and Work-out approaches..
    Lillian is truly now a Positive
    liGht at dVerse.. hopefully i’LL
    have some gas left after other
    free duties to come
    back to this..

    5:45 pm..

    Back at 8:34 am..
    10062016 as Hurricane
    Matthew continues his
    approach on the East Coast..
    TG not for them.. but Panhandle oF FL for sure..
    anyway.. i suppose it’S only fair that someone
    from the New Testament gets in after the Divine
    Feminine version of the Greek God Hermes already
    arrives.. beyond that..
    back to
    And Razzle Dazzle foR noW..:)

    Footloose in sand
    alWays so easy to dance..
    Footloose in red state land..
    well.. that takes brave and
    a country
    free within..;)

    And as a side note.. here..
    i spent literally over an hour
    finding an Appropriate Theme Song
    to intro A Golden Age reKneWed..
    and if you’ve truly
    escaped the
    evils of
    modern culture..
    perhaps you have been
    a slave to work.. and
    anything but free in the
    land of the pursuit of the
    the green BLack Dollar Bill..
    perhaps the Video..
    ‘Let’s Dance’..
    tears to
    your eYes
    if you dance
    and sing free now and
    are no longer a slave..
    but remember so fully now
    what it was then like to live
    in prison for decades without
    a feat that feels a freedom of dance and sing..
    and whenever the ‘rednecks’ and the military
    folks with collars around their necks ask me
    why i am dancing so free or perhaps thinking/feeling
    i am crazy to dance in public.. sure.. the collars around
    their necks are so visible to me.. and the chains around their
    feat cannot see..
    and all i can do is
    continue to dance..
    and smile STiLL now..
    as most often
    a heArt
    that is
    is almost
    impossible to thaw..
    like an eye of a needle
    and a camel who has grown
    ‘fat’ from a culture StiLL noW of
    Patriarchy with little to no soUL.. Now..
    And here’s the thing.. all the prayers in all
    the world for after death are never going to
    bring one Heaven now as that takes practice
    iN thaWing A hEARt..
    A SpiRit.. A
    MiNd and BoDy
    BaLanCinG SoUL
    for a Free DancE and
    SonG of LiFe who kNows
    no sidewalks oF LIFe..:)

    Hello.. my FriEnd Sanaa.. before
    i write what your poetry inspires
    in my heARt.. and as i remember
    i’ve commented now on the quality
    of your poetry once before at least..
    as i don’t often make judgements
    on folk’s poetry.. no more than
    i would make judgements
    on their souls..
    but when
    i come here..
    there is always a gift
    that never fails of beauty
    in words my friend that are truly
    equaled no where else on this dVerse
    trail that i have been following now
    incessantly for over three years..
    and sure.. i can measure that
    empirically by the words
    that your poetry
    never fails to
    inspire iN me..
    anyway.. thanks
    my friEnd for the
    inspiration.. you
    are truly a special poet..:)

    Flowers words Spring
    Eternal endless stream
    bRings eYes Love
    who kNows
    oF Blood..:)

    And as another side note here.. as there are some
    human words that come so naturally that purify soul..
    Faith is not a place after life.. Faith is not
    a man that is an only God.. Faith is not
    a place of external life.. Faith IS A
    HiGher PoWer of the GoD oF NAtuRE
    that lives within.. a Focus
    and Force that we humans
    relatively can and
    will practice
    to make
    ISreal miracles
    in our lives foR Now..
    And Faith is never a God
    Force within that comes for
    Free.. Faith takes constant
    practice for being Free..
    And truly Faith is
    Chi.. is Kundalini
    Rising.. is the
    Now of Force
    within FocuSinG
    Laser way for WiLL
    iN MoVinG ConNecTing
    CreATinG Free and it is
    Emotive sEnSing and FeeLinG
    thAt iSREaL.. And Can and WiLL
    GroW Stronger with the Power of DO..
    Pure Faith is all positivity.. All liGht..
    All Strength.. All Focus.. with zero doubt.. zero
    illusory fears.. zero all stuff associated with Hate..
    is Love.
    Force with no dARk..
    And sure.. tHeRE iS
    aLL Stuff Anti-Love too…
    Often thaT dARk bRings liGht2..:)

    True.. A lonely homeless person
    can live in aPArtments high
    with never a human
    and the
    razzle dazzle
    of the group of homeless
    people with each other’s
    twinkling starry blissed
    eYes and sKin under a
    bridge wHeRe A
    home within
    can be shared
    as warmth
    like no
    sMiles.. often
    folks judge A homeless
    person by their clothes.. but
    rarely do they go out on the beat
    tHeir heARt
    as aliVe and isREAL.. WiTh Nature One..
    sure.. i’ve been.. homeless and rich too..
    Screaming to the sKeYes of God for one drop
    of a
    heArt FiLLed WiTh liGht..
    thanks.. inspired by your poem..
    and the many homeless people
    i’ve actuAlly talked to..
    too.. under
    oF LiGht..
    and sure.. the
    fAct that it was
    at a beach.. helps the mood too..
    People aren’t evolved well to live in dreary places..;)

    Quick note here.. so many folks in high paying jobs..
    working 8 hours a day.. prisoner
    to screens
    in rooms
    with no
    windows to
    even see the
    sunshine in a day
    in the life of a green
    BLack dollar bill..
    been tHere
    done it..
    back.. i’ve
    seen the homeless
    sMILes isREAL Shining Sun..;)

    And trUe i spend entirely too much
    time spreading liGht behind this
    screen.. but hey..
    i have
    room with
    a view and
    sOuL to boot
    in Dance too
    after i spread
    some more notes of
    liGht.. in Global Fashion..;)

    SMILes.. Jello..
    A Food of ARt..
    colors.. shape
    shifter.. mysterious
    and tasty.. and best
    oF all
    well without
    rigid containers..
    Free Jello.. one of
    my Favorites.. and like
    Ramen noodleS noW when
    bOught for money.. it’s cheap..
    but meH.. i always do mine for FReED..;)

    A rEminder for me..
    Art oF Free verse dance
    thaT kNows no home..
    wheN Free..:)

    56.. i
    write now to
    rest my dancing
    Feat.. Tonight..
    haha.. i kid you
    not.. i will be a main
    attraction at A razzle
    dazzle dance club all for free..
    and sure.. i could say i was bragging
    as i’ve been named a Metro area dance
    legend2.. by the audience2.. but i earned
    that legend2
    as a shut
    in For 66 months
    first as A Hunch Back
    of Notre Dame.. bottom
    line my friEnd.. it’s never
    too late for A razzle dazzle
    miracle.. no matter how dArk the
    growS old.. or goeS on..:)

    mY FriEnd..
    you’ve reAlly
    tapped A higher
    power within as
    your liGhted
    words speak
    of hUman potential..
    often lying.. forgotten..
    and dArk in eXternal
    liFe.. beYond A
    Gift iNside..
    juSt waiting
    to come out and play..
    with all that’s glitterRing
    diaMonDs and alWaYs now Free..
    decoRated.. sparKling with these
    words but nary a word necessary
    aS fruiTion

    oF liGht
    Meteor ‘liGhteNinG
    from sKeYes of GoD
    Nature.. fALL..
    FOr aLL..
    free to see..
    what goes dARk
    comes to liGht
    as entropy defeated
    in poems
    liVe oN..:)

    i gave uP
    on UniCorns
    with sHades
    or anotHeR he lEarned to DancE..;)

    WiNks.. later toniGht
    i’LL do this without
    any wine or beer..
    mY feat floats hiGher
    A Dance
    oF DriNk..
    i’m 56.. when i was
    in my twenties i had
    to drink about a six
    pack to get
    the nerve
    up to even
    walk in a
    Dancing hall..
    it gets better..
    it reAlly Do
    and WiLL..
    fearless feat wiTh
    Razzle Dazzle feet
    on smooth Fire..;)

    SpRing EYes
    Burst.. Love rEnews
    BirdSeYe SinG
    Dance Buzz..
    aLL GroWs in colors
    neW.. aLL SonGs liFe LiGht noW..:)

    sMILes.. finding
    A Diamond within
    IS A Dance of life that
    certainly shines in all art
    of wE as Lamp of love never
    to shine
    than ever beFore..
    yeah.. i’ve met some
    of these diamonds and
    trUe.. you never forget them..
    AlWays a Smile.. when they dance..:)

    When FaLL
    IS A Breeze..:)

    No matter wHeRe
    A Lamp shines
    or colors
    nectar comes
    iN colors oF liGht..:)

    To Feel a pArt of Nature..
    to be the tree..
    the eagle..
    the feather
    and gRains of SaNd
    Veins of Rivers dUst
    of Sentient sTAr we aRe..
    breath.. a gift oF liGht..
    a Love
    oF liGht..:)

    11:31 am..
    duty calls..
    be back later
    as this prompt
    is liGht.. oh.. what a relief
    to live
    in liGht..:)

  16. Don’t you hate it.. when unexpected Dinner Guests..
    Come to town.. to consume all you have in
    house of life.. well.. Matthew’s coming..
    to the East Coast of Florida..
    and this is no kind..
    Dinner Guest..
    Breakfast Guest..
    Lunch Guest or Gust
    oF aLL.. Breeze Beyond Waves..
    of Peace.. but tHere is a calm eYe
    in those winds come to spread and balance
    the Earth’s moisture and heat.. it’s like a release..
    valve on a tea kettle..
    wHere humans
    settle too
    close to
    eventual steam
    that burns.. that burns
    and floods with winds…

    Meanwhile.. on the West Coast..
    Far west.. in Panhandle way..
    in the Metro P-Cola area..
    at Good Old Seville
    Quarter.. an
    wind of dance..
    with calm center i
    is arising for a good time
    tonight.. and the only change
    that’s coming is sMiLes on many faces..
    as thiS wiNd blows liGht of Dance on Feat oF BriGht..
    anyWay.. with all that sAid and more
    come to dance.. with all the cool
    college age folks tonight..
    more fun dance photos
    coming as Let’s
    Party.. Minions
    and aLL wiTh
    those photos
    arriving at the current..
    coming Macro Verse..
    titLed.. Golden Age reKneWeD..
    and nah.. that’s not the dance shirt of
    the night that was and is the dance shirt
    oF A
    Day oF liGht..
    oh yeah.. and tHeRe
    IS A Distinct Possiblity
    that later.. Nicole and Matthew
    may Dance a Golden Spiral
    with Matthew pARt two..
    after Friday the 7th..
    and return

    WeLL.. to end this 709th Macro-Verse.. as dance night is drawing
    close and considering that it is both a Holiday Weekend..
    and there is an influx of displaced Sailors from
    Areas of Hurricane Harms way.. at NAS P-cola..
    In Navy Station home… if i am gonna
    get a Parking Place..
    anywhere close
    to the Dancing
    place.. i better
    hurry and publish..
    what i got going on in way of
    Golden Age reKneWeD.. and speaKinG
    oF Golden Ages.. hehe.. here is an era from
    the Bicentennial year of ’76.. yes.. 40 years ago..
    in my usual Tennis Player outfit.. visiting my Father
    here.. at Tallahassee Florida.. his home.. with my two
    first cousins on left.. children of his identical twin brother..
    and my sister on far right.. and yes.. those are mutton chop
    side burns i am sporting there with the longer hair of a Tennis
    Pro.. haha.. from way back then.. anyWay.. can’t say i feel a day
    than ‘Sweet 16’..
    then.. a few dances..
    but nothing like now..
    with Golden Age reNeWeD..;)

  17. Pingback: BRidge to noW SinG | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

  18. Pingback: New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

  19. Pingback: Moon Child Closes iN | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

  20. Pingback: Grand Cross Bible 2016 | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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