Mercury aCross SuN

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next slide please
iN FAcebook ProFile
Photo Status thingie format please…

And.. as next slide appears..
via last Facebook Photo
profile status thingie..
Yes.. Rose..
Desert Rose..
adversity and beauty
go hand in hand.. dArk
and liGht and aLL of that..
iS and the thinGiE i liKe
perhaps most
about a Rose
is it reminds
me of a
Art of the
female beauty
as such.. and sadly
some males are scared
of something as beautiful
as that.. but instead of getting
into a battle of the sexiest today..
i think i’ll take a victory
dance for personal
excellence in
as Beyonce
might SinG
and DancE.. iN
fAct and YoUtuBe
Video.. both Vince
and Beyonce WiLL
join in on my Victory
SonG and Dance simply
’cause the egg heads from
Bill Gates and moving from nerd
to Geek with Steve Jobs.. helped
build the field of dreams that prepare
ye a way.. for all my endeavors now..
in modern IT Info Tech way.. haha.. hehe..
life is great when Robots are the slaves..
and ya.. ain’t gotta worry ’bout maKinG
no more bucks as such
as slave to the
dollar as much..
as little as THAT’S
TO A HeARt.. A SpiRiT
a SoUl.. gONE to Waste
without moving.. connecting..
and creating aneW iN hUman bEinG
way.. ha! whomever said this
salvation thingie is a given
from loSinG
THat and thiS
stuff of human
soUl.. didn’t really
even do tHeir
iF yoU SeeK
iN GoD Homework
as such in do and does
too now as less.. sadly as such
no longer such much of the excellence
of our animal fore bearers as wE free foragers
in free abundant Forests.. Rivers.. Lakes..
teaming with fish and all other wild
life iN balance oF thE Circle Of
liFeNoW.. so anyway.. i wasn’t
quite finished with the
crux of the achievement
i am engaged in
as team
mate iN
action with
the God oF aLL Nature..
when i danced last night
with all the pretty Forest nymphs..
innocent as such.. like fAiR Angels
too.. but matters not.. as the
desert in my backyard
and most beautiful Rose
both inside and outside
is always waiting for me
in my very modest
purchased home
in ’93.. at 60K then..
and seriously.. if ya wander
what i feed my Roses to make
’em look that pretty.. including the
one inside.. not a dam thing..
they feed themselves with
Nature at hand in roots..
and when the drought
comes they adapt
to challenge
change and grow
even more beautiful
in heat or cold.. and hell
no.. i don’t use no frigging
pesticides.. herbicides..
fertilizers or any
other man
in effect of
Nature balance..
as by God that is how
the Rose of i has grown too
in the harshest of desert soils..
now in rainbow colors beyond
the Sun and Moon.. and what
folks who have never been
to real hell.. and won
the trip back
to heaven
may not
grasp until they
make that dArk
journey and liGht back..
and then say.. oh that
was what that crazy Fred
was going on about on Facebook..
we didn’t really realize hell and heaven
exists now.. but oh my God it does..
i wished i had taken some
helpful hints back then.
but yeah.. sure i sTiLL
KNow hoW
the purgatory
of our current
culture works..
Rats on treadmills
never ending.. yes…
purgatory.. always looking
forward to a better now.. wHere
trUly the best WON can bE NOW..
AnyWay back to Beyonce and Lombardi..
the 47th SuperBowl.. and i’LL continue
to pursue hUman excellence
wITh thE WiNd oF God
fUlly at the humiLITy
oF bare feet iN
hot sand
in Paradise now..
When aLL iS sacRed All
iS heaVen.. beGiNNinG and
enD oF stoRy noW.. wHen Halos
coMe inTO vieW Of uS wonONEnoW..:)

Okay.. this is kinda complicated..
but since i never make anything
complicated.. hehe..
i’ll try..
this is Katrina’s Sister..
the older one in the photo..
and Katrina’s Sister named
Kim + baby.. whose name
is Candie who is Katrina’s
niece.. and Katrina’s
niece Candie has
a daughter
Antaya who is
Katrina’s great niece
and Antaya is pregnant
with Katrina’s soon to be
great great niece in a couple
of months or so.. so that is the
story of this young woman waving
here at the Facebook Audience
with baby daughter
at ya
too.. named
Candie as such..
yes.. still sweet
first generation niece Candie..:)


Okay.. now that we have the family
tree thingy straightened out
and per last
profile photo
status thingie..
about the desert
rose inside and out..
here’s the inside
one.. the soon
to be
Great Great
Aunt with the
Daisy Dukes
iN heR
doubling as
not only wife
but house wife..
accountant.. hunter..
gatherer at Super-Walmart..
etc.. yard worker.. cat caretaker
for both Yellow Boys.. and let’s
see yes.. extra credit for washing
my XXtra sweaty Dance clothes
that come that way day and night!
as such.. as much.. and more..
and let’s see.. what else..
she does..
else.. but dance..
write.. and write
and dance for
me.. sleep eat repeat..
and yes.. she does the rest..
It’s kinda like that Osiris..
and Isis Egyptian
myth thingie..
as mother..
sister.. wife..
and assistant who
puts humPty dumPty
back toGeThEr aGaiN
when all the King’s men
and Horsemen.. including
Doctor’s of suit as such..
couldn’t do a dam
thing for
me.. so yes..
Isis.. Rocks on
Mother’s day..
with surviving
child or not..
liFe goes on
in epic and
legenDaRy waY.. aT lEast iN mY
MiNd..iN thiS hOUse moLDofOLd


are be
are are
are are
be are..
tHoSe.. the words
to tHeMe SonG
from the
of the Third Kind”
by a way are be..:)

Yep.. and sPeAkinG
iN WiLD Male Reindeer
tongue.. a free video for the
show of Human Enlightenment..
Awakening… Satori.. truly Born
again.. by work over race..
and yes.. Kundalini
natuRaLLy RiSeN

*works over grace
makes more sense
than race
when typing
too fast
at the
end of the night..;)


SPeaKinG of Be per tHe last Facebook
status heHE.. a ‘few’ words HAha about
Bey.. yes wITh Y after Be and bEforE oNcE..
oNce noW for BeYonce.. now MoRe woMaNoW
peR ReBirth.. KuNdalini Rising.. Born aGaiN..
Ascension.. Satori.. lots of metaphors
for this archetype of hUman.. includinG
the Star of David for upward
pointing triangle for
Divine Masculine
for Divine Feminine..
where the softer.. Loving
Graceful Feminine side of
human being in most every
human being joins up with
the harder.. more aggressive
Willful and fearless side of
human being potential..
and sparks
uNite iN bRain aNd
body balance soul..
and tHe dARk and liGht
of Yin feminine and
Yang masculine
oF hUman bEinG when both
hemispheres of brain are working
bEtter toGeTheR as when East and
West Hemispheres of Human beings..
North and South Latitudes.. converge
in macro view CoMinG ToGether oNline
sharing sciences and arts of
to raise each other
up.. and thaT iS Nature..
my friEnds.. God working
through uS wHole aT bEst..
ending the repressing
and oppressing
Force of the
Patriarchy started in the
Agricultural age of human..
some 10 to 12 thousand
years ago.. where humans
started storing more than one
needs as foragers.. and greed..
jealously.. control of others through
illusory fears and empty promises of early
religions become the norm for control of larger
human populations where humans are no longer
smaller groups as evolved to connect.. friendly..
and dancing naked around the camp fires of the
garden of human eden way creating Art of Body
back then.. and still
in some primitive
rain forest
cultures down
South America way..
where clothes are the evil
and not F iN NaKeD.. so here’s
the thingY.. when a person becomes
independent enough like Beyonce.. and
sure.. money helps if you don’t let it become
the guiding force instead of moving.. connecting
and creating.. there is the epigenetic potential
of regaining our truly free roots in masculine
and feminine balance as Super men and
women in comparison to domesticated
cats and dogs.. fed in the
cat and dog bowls
at the
dinner table..
And truly Beyonce’s Dancing performance
iN thaT 47th half time show says everything
about what true human ascension in potential
reAlly is.. when the spiRit of human
archetype anima
and animus comes
toGetHeR in an explosive
potential display of what
thE heARt.. Of emoTioNs..
tHe spiRit oF expreSsinG thAT
SpiRiTual energy no less than rays
of Sun that warms us from morn to dark..
can energize us briGhter than thE moon
through tHe dArkest oF new moon
and liGhTest Of Full Moon
NiGhts..wHere one
bEcomes yes..
more sensual..
more powerful.. more
resistant to the negative forces
of life.. sure.. more potentially aggressive
if need be to defend one’s life in action..
and yes.. more graceful.. more
Loving.. with fearless energy to
Love Like Angel liGht
set on fiRe
with diVine fearless
Love of the Living God iN
Balance iN eYes that do more
than yesternows Do.. and beYonce
is one of those Angels of God walking
free as God WiLL Be on the fAce of thiS
Earth now.. and sure sHe’s MiSSunderstood..
as not everyone has F iN Worked for tHeir
place iN heights of sKy hiGh
with WinGS of Angel
Fire God
soaring with
SuN and above
as below as ONE..
And yes.. like many
artists who shine briGht
as Stars on stage.. Beyonce
raised religious.. in her case
Catholic.. retaining her faith
in God and wearing
a halo of
balanCinG God
inside.. outside..
above so below and
all around with thE aRt
oF SpiRit iN DancE SoNg
and PoeTry of Lyrics BE
she stand out for
balanCinG reAson
and Art.. a phenom
oF God
oh yeah.. and how
do i understand this so
weLL and eloQuentLY..
BEeN tHeRe AM heRe..
Be iT
once aLL toGetHeR noW..
i AM2 halves come wHolE..
sure most of this stuff goes riGht
over the head of folks until they too..
become one with God.. i Love to eXplain
it juST
i can.. i WiLL
to bE Y
wITh thE
power of God
inside.. outside..
above.. so below..
and all around as the
DancE and SonG of i noW
explodes iN aLL Directions..
Super men and women are
wE when fully engaged and
empowered by tHe Lord God
ONE Force
of hUman
bEinG noW..
and that’s all YeShua
was saying too reAlly..
but he didn’t have a Super
Bowl 47 and a court reporter
like i to more fully illustrate
it like
mE and
BeYonce are doing
wRite now.. totAlly
not KnoWinG each
other but wITh Universal
spiRit alWays noW.. no matter
iF the Video was from 2013.. or not..
HeLL.. sHe miGht have even put enough
energy out for me to feel a spark from it
here iN Florida.. as shortly after that is
when i felt my first spark then.. anything
is possible with the REAL POWER
OF GOD.. when thAT poTenTiaL
and Ascension
bEcoMes Real..
but trUly if you do not..
seek it.. find it.. and practice
iT alWays like Beyonce amazingly
stARting.. doing noW.. phenomenally
briGht on the stage.. at only age 21 or so too..
when.. i got my first spark that died away until
53.. you WilLL never find iT.. iT is no giVen.. iT takes
WorK.. iN FucKinG iF yoU seeK iN God noW.. and
folks like me and beYonce WiLL try to help sparK ya..
to do juSt that.. but only A dArk horse who lives
iN liGht WiLL dRink
the Water
when iT
available as liGht..
with or without the Be Y oF otHeRs..
and hell no.. no religion or
ideology of other
words owns
this experience
no words are
even required
as the liGht
of God iS Wordless
the liGht of God is Essence
that lies bEneath.. BeYonD
symbols/idols of hUman BEinG..
But yes.. sure.. words work
as signs to help get tHeir
no less than
of triangles
pointed up
and down
in pyramid
of God way uP
to the capsTone oF ONE..
So yes.. Beyonce is not the only
one.. one can see these signs of help
clearly in music Videos.. like Katy Perry’s
‘Firework’.. and ‘Wide Awake’.. and yes
of course wRite on topic
her Video Dark
horse too..
but for now
since we are sPeaKinG
of BeYonce and i Am Celebrating
her gift of God that comes through
working with gravity as liGht
of God instead
of going
the negative
dark way..
of repressing
and oppressing
human feelings.. senses..
and hell yes.. seNsuaLiTy
too.. as some would
drive You away
from God
oh.. that
kinda stuff
is evil in illusory
fears away from
freely moving.. connecting
and creating like Katy
and Beyonce do..
a little luck
is available
with the song

711.. if the spark
comes and you practice
the work of God within in
moving.. connecting.. and creating
until the rest of death comes and
ya do iT all over aGaiN eternAlly
in God’s liGht or not noW and
that is wHere relative
free will comes in..
we can either SinG..
DancE in liGht
or bE dARk as
it is just the
way it works
in dArk and liGht
balance.. wE LiGht
workers are inspired
by workers in tHe dArk
and the daRk workers CAN
bE inspiRed by the liGht ones
too.. and the balanCinG Force
of liGht and dArk goes on
but truly..
the greATest
gift oF liFe
iS iN Dancing
free WiTh a
SonG oF liGht and LiFenoWONE..
Yup.. tHe folks in the rain forest understand
and juSt do aLL of thiS wITh zero books @ALL..
God lives
books.. HeR
ReAlly Do bE FREE..:)
TrUly SkeYes hiGh
oF God iN hUman
eYes are greaT..
sAdly though..
folks who walk
iN dArk will do so
many things to take
that away.. but tHeir
IS A liGht iN hUman
bEinG that GroWs
as briGht as Sun
and moRe..
that can
be taken
away.. as Long
As thAT flAmE FiReS liGht..:)


ANd witH aLL thaT sAid..
i celebrate tHe dArk and liGht
pARts oF aLL Religions.. cultures
and other mythologies.. celebrating
all the human archetypes that are
as real as real can be
iN noW.. aLL the hUman
poTenTials.. thaT God
oF Nature makes real
as Us.. when wE
seeK.. FinD and
eXerciSe thEse poTenTials
in NoW.. So yeS.. i WiLL Celebrate
Egyptian Mythology.. Christian
Religions.. Buddhism.. Islam..
ETc.. Xtoo.. respecting tHe dArk
and liGht that has
the potential
for what iS noW…
But trUly DanCinG
and SinGinG iN thE liGht
of God beST as thaT iS mY
waY oF BEinG noW..
and wITh thaT sAid too..
Mercury iS CoMinG noW
aCross thE FAce of Sun
on 9th day.. May 2016 noW
anD iN thaT sAMe Mercurial
Messenger spiRit i Do the
sAme.. symbols tHeY are
no less.. than idols
of words..
howEver tHe
patH to liGht
thaT coMes.. pays no
miNd to who thInkS they
own the essence under aLL
symbols that come as human
abstract concepts now to relate
the essence of trUth and liGht
above.. so below.. inside
outside and
all around..
tHe Force oF aLL..:)
whaT Facebook
gets for asking
me the question
‘what’s on your mind’..
hehe.. never hear that from
anyone else.. as i suppose
a tSuNaMi.. spRead oF miNd
is Not everyone’s noW aGenDa..;)
And speaking of THAT THAT reminds
me of this SonG hear and look
wHere an iron fist of God
FroM SpAce..
caN bE
A TsUnaMi oF SaCreD
LovE spReaDinG
aCross thE SUn
oF fearless Love
Love Wins
for those who
Dance and SinG fearless.. Love
iN Star liGht sKeYes of GODnoW..
EnDinG note.. i understand Captain
America.. and some Civil War
thingy of dArk
and liGht
Has arrived
at the movie
theater this
weekend too..
perhaps i’ll
go or perhaps
i’m already tHeRe
iN ‘CaPTaiN SAlt’ waY..;)



iN CelebraTiON oF Mothers
Day.. my mother Helen..
at age 17.. wading
aT Navarre Beach
and trUly
thE UncondTioNal
LoVinG Force thaT
iS sTart Behind
aLL Rose Star
iN PeN oF i..
Every Rose
wITh SeeD liGht
Rose oF Mother
iN Pen oF Y i.. aGaiN..:)


Well.. mY friEnd.. Prajakta..
i wasn’t a father very long..
but long enough
to kNow and
FeeL for sure
that i would
lay my life down
then for anotHeR
little one.. noW
and hold that
little one until
his last
did come..
iT wasn’t something
my wife could do and
it was a mother inside of
the father i.. that i never
fully knew the potEnTial
for noW.. NoW.. so faR..
unTiL then.. As fatHeR
trUly tHeRe IS A mothEr
In most every fatheR and
a FathEr iN most every MotHer..
And while single parenting..
although not the optimum
arrangement for
a child.. iT sTiLL
noW can maKe
a child botH LoVinG
and Fearless too..
iT iS different
my friend..
but too
for those
who balance the
best of Love


Adrenaline.. the stuff of fight or
flight.. cats use it
and immediately
go back to
all other animals
too of course.. except
for caged humans in a lightening
storm and yes the cage is very metal
and cold
and dark
and tinged
with energy
never ending
to meet the tasks
assigned by illusory
cultural expectations..
enforced by the mighty
dollar.. a boss.. or illusions
of limits and expectations now
that we humans make real..
R and R is the way
to heaven..
Work in flight
or flight is truly
what science now says
is battery acid on the brain..
and all other body systems..
and yes.. the only way
to attempt to escape
it is to repress
all emotions
to get
away from
fear.. but emotions..
just move to other places
as fear becomes pain in the
body in a never ending cycle
to escape the onward slaughter
of adrenaline on every F iN Body
system from head to toe..
and then unusually sounds
are too loud.. lights
are too bright..
feet get colder
hands get colder
palms and forehead
no longer even sweat
when nervous..
the body
is breaking
down all systems
this is more than just
an F iN Nervous breakdown
this is the real physiological
process of stress hormones
destroying the body
in a slow burn
torture that
is real
as H
2 O but
in this case
a slow fire in hell
of human being..
WE are animals
rule number 1..
rule number
two we must
rest sufficiently
or suffer the inevitable
deterioration into entropy
that can make living a death
like Zombie Real in apocalypse
of our own hells now.. and truly
when all dims.. emotions go away..
the pain body is all that’s left..
the warm and fuzzies..
smiles.. laughs..
are all gone..
and there is not even
a reference point back into
the liGht of Human Emotions..
senses.. sensuality.. in FeeLinG
all of what animal joy can be
just to roll in the sands
of the mid-day sun
and hug the
grass of
the moonlit
Orb of Full Moon Night..
as any free cat WiLL do
when not metal encaged in
A ThunDer aNd liGhtening
storm of seNsory and
EmoTional input
and output..
We too can be
Free cats too.. but my
friend.. sometimes when one
is encaged in adrenaline hell
too long.. it takes years.. and years
to truly fully recuperate back to animal
homeostasis.. and Maslow was correct
if that is not taken care of.. it’s hard to go
up to the capstone.. of self actualization
or even to the 6 step above.. to being
One WiTH the UniVerse Whole
in ascension real..
fully awakened..
where above
galaxy below
we and me
are one
i’ve been to the
battle field of adrenaline
fired hell.. two years of stuck
in the on position and eventually
to hell for 66 months for all the
destruction flight or fight
stress did
much in the
whole of 19 medical
disorders.. and while
i lived much of my life in an
up and down cycle of adrenaline
frenzy to keep up with the demands
at hand.. now this cat.. baby.. sleeps in
grace.. as truly the real power of limitless
energy.. strength.. and potential lives in grace
away from any anxiety.. flight.. or fear in general
away from peace.. and really unless one escapes
as far as i can see.. from the now demands of a
functionally disabling culture as home..
the matrix is real.. purgatory..
and real hell too..
slowly torturing
a human
to less
and nothingness
in hell as not well at all..
And hell this is more than
just a poem of truth and liGht
empirical science now shows..
stress and the deleterious impact
of associated stress hormones F iN
Kills in terms of misery and suffering
and an eventual premature death..
and no job or dollar bill
or other commitment
is worth
any of that
hell my friend..
so i always lived with
less.. spent less.. did less
that my other peers did.. and
now i reap the reward of no spending
and having enough to never ever
have to
go back
to the matrix
of human cultural
hell of limits and expectations
straight to A others.. and self imposed
on a briGhter note.. pet your cat for me..
and may you
purr too..
my friend..
iN Sun and Sand
of liGht.. wITh Grass
moist at night
the fires
of hell
mY friEnd.. gigoid..
resting peaceFuLLy iN liGht oF HEaVEN noW..:)

And sPeaKinG of R and R.. tiMe for a cool
change.. i’m thInKinG..FeeLinG Beach and
or CapTaiN America/sAlt..
aT thE theATer..
eitHeR oNe
i..iT WiLL
BE joY
as i dAM
sUre kNoW hoW
to have fUn and
keep iT going alWayS Now..
moRe iN balance than uP and dOwn..;)

noW YeaH..
And tHeRe’s
A SonG for thAT
wITh thanks for the
continUinG inspiRaTioN..


Day in the Life of a Beautiful Day

Lonely Ghosts Wandering the Earth

GOD is NOT a 3 letter word

Breath of Sun Loving Earth Emeraldine Green

WeLL.. as SeAsons.. the God of Nature
and the way God speaks in Signs of Nature
including culture and all the by products of
that that are pArt of God two.. change.. the last
4 poeTry Free Verse Blog Posts sAMe change..
iN synchronicities..
shared All from thE
saMe day..
May 7th
aLL sTiLL noW wRite
oN topiC.. heRe wHere
i NoW make one Ocean
of Blog post instead..
of several streams and
or Rivers FloWinG separately..
as they say iT all comes out when
the rinse.. wash.. and dry cycle
moves.. connects..
and creates
and or comes
back to liGht
wRite oN
and now off to
R and R for mE..
Thanks again to Facebook
for being such a great
free secretary
in algorithm
go go way..
as Synchronicities
continue to flow in ocean i..wE..:)


Well.. ‘you’ probably didn’t notice..
but alarmingly the green man
went missing in my
‘last’ Super Hero
assistance Squad
helping with my writing..
stationed usually on the side
of my computer.. but as talked
to in a recent blog post.. Katrina getting
frustrated dusting all the details of my
desk arrangement.. kinda slung all the
Super Heroes around the room..
and apparently the
Incredible Hulk..
said this
lady is
out of control..
i’m gonna save my
own green skin and
ske·dad·dle out of
her way..
so anyway..
The Green man
and i reunite in the
dancing sand box free
of boarders in my back
yard.. and he is back in
his place of help.. and that
explains why he didn’t come
to help Captain America’s
team effort in the
civil war
all about Vengeance
at the Theater today..
as viewed.. and i think
he went to a nursing home
or something like that and
more news about that at 10 pm..
or a little after on 5072016.. as
a Facebook News Report coming
live to you.. in a few moments now..;)

Oh God.. before i get on with that
live News Report.. reference ‘last’
Facebook Profile photo status thingY..
there is yes.. other important news to
report.. my Aunt Teenie’s 89th birthday
on Mother’s day.. yes the 8th..
so we went to visit..
and yes..
a very nice
AS photoed here..
okay now back
to the
coming momentarily
in my ‘next’ Facebook
Profile photo status ThinGy
now.. after a long day of dance too..:)

That’s it.. That’s the reason
the Incredible Hulk couldn’t
help Captain America
at the Theater
today.. he was
busy visiting
Captain SAlt’s
Aunt at a Nursing
home just to tickle her a little..
reference her non-verbal
facial expression.. of
course.. anyway..
Happy Mother’s
day to all
PERHAPS the incredible
Hulk WiLL come visit some
of you
or at
least check
up on what ‘you’
are doing ‘now’
on Facebook..
and maybe like
for whatever..
or no
at all
but FeeLinG..:)

Reference.. my Recent Facebook
photo Celebrating Mother’s Day
with a 17 year old age photo
of my Mother..
yes.. my mother
was voted as having
the best figure as a Senior
in high school that year.. and
Katrina says that’s where i got
my curvy figure.. and nice
round butt.. as my
father had
one of those
flat ass
butts if you’ve
ever noticed that
kind of man butt
as such cracking..
fixing stuff
and Jesus..
holding a pose like
that is almost as difficult
as walking on water.. on land of course..
and yes.. i know that’s quite a few
profile status photo thingies..
in a row.. butt.. please
i was born
in the precise
Center of the Gemini
Mercurial twins on June
6th.. and since Mercury
is FiXinG to cross the
Sun on Monday..
the 9th of May..
first now since
2006.. yes.. a 10
year dry spell in this
intimate relationship
as such.. between Mercury
and Sun.. it is rubbing off
on me.. just a ‘little’ bit
and i am
kinda ramped up..
or as one Medical
Doctor and one Licensed
Therapist said this week..
mildly manic.. to put it
kindly.. hehe..
yeah.. baby..
it’s surely
gonna be
Just Another Manic
Monday.. but trust me..
not only is Sunday mY Fun
Day.. every day is the
F iN
4th oF
July aS
Day oF Y i set freeNoW
Isreal.. truly iT iS iNoW..
and yes.. ‘Prince’ wrote thE ‘SonG’..:)

YuP.. aNd tHeRe hE
iS.. tHe oriGinal
GOlden MeRcUry
RoMan BoY
iN thE flesH..
AKA HerMes..
iN GreeK fORm Too..:)


Facebook Friend Rafiah shares
information about a
movie with
Benicio so and
so in it and i say..
as she Loves the
Sherlock Show..

That reminds me.. Benedict Cumberbatch
is gonna be playing a really cool part
in the comic book based movie..
Dr.. Strange.. this fall
at the big Theater..
a movie all about
how belief can change
a person’s reality.. looks like
a good movie to me.. if you like
that kinda thing.. SMiLes and
Happy Future Mother’s day.. Rafiah..:)


Carl Jung and some of his contemporaries were pioneers
in exploring the inner Universe of Human
collective unconsciousness..
Ranging from personality
types of the introverted.. intuitive
thinking.. judging.. INTJ type that
i used to iNhabit to the Extroverted
Intuitive Feeling Perception ENFP
type that i personally suddenly
changed to over the course
of a month in July
of 2013..
ha! perhaps
the text book version
of a bi-polar change then
from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde..
however if you don’t know.. the
Superhero archetype.. and generally
speaking even the Superman comic then
and other originally based theatrical
productions are
in alignment with
sTiLL noW the
same basic
hero archetype of nerd
changing to super hero..
derived from Jung where
Jung was also influenced
by the Renaissance Artifacts
in art of ancient Greece and Rome..
where truly only about 5% of the population
then was exposed to the ‘higher’ thought of the
day as of course there was no Google of
the United States then.. spreading
Globally.. just the elite had
access to the
high brow stuff
then.. nows have changed
drastically where the poor shy
boy.. can get a Pell Grant.. get
three college degrees and eventually
Move mountains of words.. in metaphor only
please.. but yes.. human archetypes are real..
it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to see the patterns
through recorded history and even the artifacts of
prehistory.. to see the common sense of this..
and yes.. some folks interpret patterns
with right brain thinking
like Jung and other
like Dawkins
and Hitchens can’t
see much further than
cold empirical repeatable
science while the human’s
emotional.. sensory..
moving.. connecting..
creating inner Universe
is a work of Art of
the God of Nature
as sTiLL evolving
and still recorded
from the origin of
all in our DNA as such
as Creation Dances and
Sings in moving continually
inspiring and inspired by sound
from the end to the beginning of
now and all around again..
in the cycle of all
that is.. noW.. yes..
aka God.. noW noW onE..
so as i spin around too..
here and spiral.. know that
God is speaking to you.. noW
haha.. in “Layman’s” terms
here.. and according to the
Pauli Effect that empirical
based only scientists pooh pooh
but respected Jung and Pauli applauded
when actually experiencing it as high
energy.. highly intuitive and pattern
thinking feeling folks.. so yesterday
at high energy levels the alarm
went off after i danced in
Dick’s Sporting Goods..
my iPhone froze up 3
times when i attempted
to take pictures.. and
as my wife can tale ya..
there was a stretch of so-called
coincidences that yes.. are synchronicity
that really happens when human energy flows
and is unrestricted by analytical worry mind..
as five store computer registers in a row locked
up in the course of two days.. while i could
sense my high energy then.. and yes..
whenever i am on a dance
spree.. there are folks
who tale me they
can feel the
positive energy
when i come into the
room and there are other
stiff brow literal thinking
INTJ types like i used to be
who just frown and say he is
F iN Strange.. well yeah.. baby
per my last comment to Rafiah
call me Dr. Strange..
yes..tHeRe have noW
been many Dr. Strange’s
in history and while Buddha
was truly more of an empiricist..
the reported Jesus and Muhammad
in terms of moving mountains
don’t get much more
Dr. Strange than
and now that science
has finally established empirical
evidence for the voodoo effect of
negative thinking and consequential
negative results per the nocebo effect
and the power of belief and positive consequences
otherwise known as the placebo effect.. while one might
say it’s only a sugar pill.. duh.. it ain’t the sugar pill
that does it.. it is the associate power of human belief
that some folks who are yes.. magical leaning
thinkers can manifest in their
life.. but the
literal thinkers
remain in a black and
white world.. truly removed
from this alternate inner and
outer action consequence of magic
humans.. baby.. who can have more than
the colors of the rainbows generated
yes.. in terms of human Force in all
the potential colors that will
come to liGht.. depending
on the bell curve of what
one is born innately with in
terms of DNA.. and develops in
nurturing the human mind.. body..
heart of emotions.. spirit expressing
emotions.. senses.. and sensuality and
true it all moves together in human potential..
M i N D a n d B o D y iN B A L A N C Enow..soUL..
AS sexually repressed folks generAlly sPeaKinG
do not charge as much energy in either emotions
or senses as does the free one’s among uS
without the human restriction
and actual physical
tension of NOT
AS THE FROzEN princess
says when sHe iS ascending
too.. and getting free and exploring
hEr human potential too.. there is an aMaZinG
Art to God that science iN juSt five steps..
are baby steps compared to what the truly
self-actualizing human can
do.. and even studies
of pre-cognition work
best when the visual images
are sexually stimulating away
from the mind of mechanical cognition..
but sure.. sexual stimulating activities
And HeLL no.. not just the bill Clinton Def..
as science shows now. as well.. are a source
of both creativity.. productivity.. and a driving
force for human cooperation.. as studies of our closest
primate Cousin Bonobo also show that sensuality freely expreSsinG
in flesh and blood contact are A way to peace.. noW so the Beatles..
Jung.. Pauli.. and F iN Greek And Roman Renaissance thInkers and
arTists.. THEN were on to the trUth and liGht as even science iS
coming around to show.. NoW THaT thE art of Dance and other Art..
can cure emotional illness.. other psychological maladies..
and even F in
PTSD.. as the body
keeps score.. in a
recent book by a medical
doctor with case studies..
as per the method of Carl Jung..
as empirical studies cannot be
appropriately done because of
ethical issues of using
human beings
as guinea
well.. what i fiNd noW
iS BaLanCinG elements oF
aLL the human archetypes..
iS what raises my energy
the hiGHest.. as i continue
to explore my PoTenTiaL.. so all i can
say iS look out computers.. alarms.. and
all other electronic devices.. including humans
who can sense the energy of other folks..
as i may.. heHE.. be coming your
way.. so here’s a storm
alert for THAT above..
so below..
inside.. outside..
and all around.. simply
cause i BelieVe.. i WiLL..
i CaN.. i jUSt F iN Do iT..
and lET the naYsaYeRs.. continue
to steep.. in bLacker tea.. than
Rainbow tea that i continue to brew..
in colors more noW As biGGer RainBow too..
and sure that happens when tHe synErgy oF a
color wheel Of enErgy coMes ToGeTheR.. tHeRe
are nuances of colors
never seen
SpeaKinG oF course..
as Einstein miGht say.. noW
juSt ’cause yOu doN’T experience
iT in yoUr inner/outer UniVersAL diMEnsIon oF liFe
don’t mean miracles are not real in a UniVerse
wHeRe they
NOW.. iNOtHeRs…
J 316..
ARE LIKE HIM doing MorEnoW
FREE and MoVinG.. DanCinG
SinGinG PoeTrYinGYanGinG
ouT oF thE cAVe alWaYs noW
A MiSSioN statEment Of FReED
iN trUth
AnD liGht..


WeLL.. trUly it’s not easy to be Superman..
the White Knight.. the Prophet..
the messenger.. as history
and even the latest
Captain America
Civil war show
shows.. as ya gotta
break the rules of the cultural
norms.. after you do ascend and
find greater trUths and liGhts to give
and share.. and yes.. as history shows..
a path of little thanks or even notice at nows.
even ostracizing.. up to F iN Stoning.. Hanging..
Burning at the F iN Stake.. and sure
cruxifixion.. but hell NO.. i ain’t afraid
as God already damned me
to HeLL for 66 months
with a pain worse
than Cruxifixion
in medical literature
real identified as type
two trigeminal neuralgia
from wake to sleep worse
than dentist drill without
novocaine.. in eye and
ear.. and when you
truly go
to hell
there is no way
but up.. and no way
but fearless.. and no
way but appreciation to
the one who sent you there..
the God oF aLL.. as it’s just the
way iT iS.. and the path to liGht
does come from dARk.. as science
shows.. and my history does too..
So sure.. at nows.. i feel
a little like the
dude in the next
video.. and as his comic
book history shows.. he too..
was a bit of a hell boy too.
perhaps not born on
060660.. but
maturing slow
not reaching real
adulthood in
uNtiL then
my age
of ascension iN
at age 53..
as yes.. noW
WiLL have iT
and yes.. my assistant
would have been identified
as a demon back in those days
of burning at the stakes.. with
her form of grimacing faces
in complex partial
seizures that
come and
goes on a day
to day basis..
where she looks a little
bit like she’s in hell fire
when experiencing this
dArk of liGht.. as liFe
as well.. and sure
at other nows
i just wish
for a backyard
and some more
rainbow tea.. and sure..
it would have been nice to have
a couple of kids.. but in my case
the two of me.. in balance of dArk
and LiGht.. Masculine.. and
feminine.. yes.. anima
and animus
one.. and my path
is longer and more
intense in liGht than
most.. but one WeLL traveled
by others as history shows.. so at
least in vicarious way.. i am never alone
and truly for many of ‘those’ folks like the
one who was crucified.. the really truly
only real reward was/iS the
intrinsic eternally
reward NOW
of Heaven NOW
NOW directly coming
from the God oF Nature
that iS aLL noW.. and
thaT iS the cup
of beyond
rainbow tea i continue
to drink.. with out extended
family of children..
my offspring..
is the liGht i bRing
to others.. and yes.. the
DArk oF iT that may be perceived
by those who have not already been
to HeLL to understand the necessity
of dArk to the journey oF liGht iN respect
that aLL oF God iS trUly good in ways that
we little flea human bEinGs SucKinG thE
blood of liFe that doGod gives
and shares have no
idea truly of
how Great God
is as compared to
human fleas.. but again..
iT’S useless to get angry at
God or even other folks in hate
lasting ways.. as We onLY hate our
selves ultiMateLY by doing thiS..
as wE are aLL pARts oF
GoD wHoLE iN noW..
so WitH all thAT
sAid HeRe
is a little
Barry ManiLow
and HeLLboy2..
with a fiery girl very
much like Wife Katrina too..
just another day for Super Hero liFe..
in aLL the dArk and liGht thAT
comes @HanD
WiTH God’s
And yes..
i can’t sMiLe
wIThoUT YoU..;)


YuP.. somenow
juSt oNe sMiLe
iS worth an
eternity in hell
now just to get to thAT
sMiLe aGaiN.. so happy
Mother’s day to Katrina..
truly Mother to aLL for mE..:)


So.. anyway.. per the ‘last Facebook’
status in appreciation of the Wife Katrina
as super assistant.. sorta like a
guardian of AngEL..
the fire of i..
does occasionally
scorch her bRain.. iN terms
oF Mercurial Spirit in the continuing
mood of Mercury crossing the facE noW
of Sun on Monday.. Mother’s day is sTiLL
alWays kinda sad for Katrina considering
we lost a child and do not have any
other flesh and blood children..
so.. we go to Kohl’s
so.. she can use
her Kohl’s gift
to buy me
four more super
cool themed T-shirts
to dance.. and quite frankly
i am as about as spirited as i’ve
ever been.. since i finished the year
long task of building a third of a million
word poem.. and continuing the three million
word Plus Free Verse poem overall that is coming
to fruition as i type.. to the scale of 666 MACRO verses as of
the next blog post that is this..noW.. anyway.. so i’m dancing
A NUTcracker like suite.. to a couple Rock and Roll FAST
Songs.. in an open aisle area at Kohl’s for around
an hour or two.. and keeping my distance from
the other Mothers who are coming
in to use their gift certificates..
and a concerned older
Lady.. approaches
the customer service
desk then.. on the other
side of the store.. as she
has spotted the man twirling
in the aisles on the other side
of the store.. in concern.. as after-all
is said and danced.. the dude is rather
large and has Shades on in the middle
of the day.. so she is doing her civil
duty in case someone gets
hurt in ballet
by the charged
uP strange dancing
dude who is me.. then..
anyway.. little does she
know my guardian.. Katrina
is standing at the counter finding
out if she has any more Kohl’s
coupons and such as that..
and tells the concerned
older Lady.. THAT’S
DANCING.. the demon in her
arises.. and hell fire surely
comes out of her eYes.. a little..
as yes.. i for one
have seen
THat before..
and the sweet customer
service girl.. just so happens
to be one of my Seville Quarter
dancing fans.. unknown to me though..
just from the distance.. and she tales the
older lady.. yes that man dances every
week at Seville Quarter.. the older
Lady then scurries away..
and did say she has
a relative with
Autism too..
so a little
was displayed by
her too.. and the nice
young custom service female
assistant says to Katrina..
yes.. sometimes i just want
to sit there and watch him dance..
he is so much fun to watch dance.. and
just another day in the life of a public
dancer comes to the end.. after traversing
close to 30 miles over two days.. increasing
performance skills as always.. coming into
new moves.. and bringing greater levels
of mindful awareness.. focus.. nuanced
new emotional spiRit of heARt and soUL
Balancing as miNd and BoDy..
increasing greater
short term memory..
and in general
executive functioning
in moving.. connecting.. creating
ways and Jesus… WOW.. i am
ascending so high in heaven
within.. outside.. above..
so below.. and all around
in the equal metaphors across
cultures termed as Kundalini Rising..
Satori.. Bliss.. Nirvana.. and yes.. once
again.. the same general ascension experience
that Jesus is reported to have
yes.. in general per even
what they talked at Church
about in Luke’s New Testament
Gospel today.. for do not look up
to heaven.. as heaven is within..
God Lives within.. and for those
who experience real ascension
the Kingdom of God
is more fully
here as wE
iN much
overall human potential..
so when people often ask me how
you do that.. the answer is simple
and truly it’s not a new human experience..
it is the Kingdom of God that most animals
experience except for human beings where
culture has separated us from the innate..
instinctual.. and intuitive way we
are evolved sTiLL noW..
to be with God
with winds like a
Hurricane.. and a calm
eYe Center as God And wE
sMiLE as Wide as InFiniTy and
more ToGeThER aGaiN and in this
way as metaphor Jesus continually
comes back again.. in yes.. hUman
archetype waYs
noW oF
the right
hand.. Now
left hand..
noW.. AnD
NoW E A LL..:)


SOP.. Standard Operating Procedure
for a dancing SHIVA.. (Nataraj)
the CERN
Cosmic Never
Ending noW Dancer
oF East Indian Origin..
with ‘original photo’ below..;)


OH God.. that loNG
liGht thAT i aM
grasping wITh
my riGht hand
is red
on Fire..
but yes.. i
retain a Cheshire
Cat Smile.. and sure..
after i die it WiLL remain
forever online or when servers
die first.. in literAlly tens of thousands
of selfies.. plasterED frigGinG everywhere
in E-Land.. haha.. who needs statues..
when the real
flesh and blood
lasts.. and lasts..
and lasts.. in online
form.. and yes..
the SinGulaRiTy
iS alReaDy heRe..
iN terms of hUman
BeinGs uploading
more than tHeir brain
and body.. hell yes.. the
heARt.. the SoUL.. and
SpiRit.. that comes aLL
nAturAlly and noW with
the aid of Technology
in human terms..
relatively forever
noW.. and haha..
i am the
only one
doing it in terms
oF poEtrY soUL onE..:)

Best Advice ever.. NoW
And thiS Now.. thank God noW
i AM noT tHe first one to say iT!..
i swear.. n0w.. i swear.. sWEar..
LiFe iS FucKinG MaGiC
iF yoU seeK in God..
and yes.. i AM
first to say..
aLL oF thAT..
And mArk mY
words noW.. iF
Jesus weRe to
come back hE wOUld
bE alMost juSt liKe mE..
’cause God taLes mE So..
iN God’s waY.. oF SynChroNiCiTy..
And yes.. remember.. per T-shirt
theme.. size matters not
and i is me as
Yoda too noW..
and iMaGiNe
whAT iT would be
liKe noW iF tHe Hulk
and Yoda bEcoMe oNe..
noT much different.. reAlly
than Sith and Jedi.. bEcoMinG
onE.. perHaps iN StaR WarS noW..
oR DanCinG WiTh staRs.. foRm matterS noT..:)


“People see what they have been conditioned to see;
they refuse to see what they don’t expect to see.” — Merle P. Martin

That’s truly a pearl that i particularly
find in fruition trUe iN deep red state
South Land..
to be aLL
too trUe..
but that’s the way
iT goes.. tHeRe iS
a biological basis
for iT.. iN folks who are
more scared of change to
the nomads among us who
must have
moving.. connecting..
and creating change
to inspire liFe greater
and greater as it can bE..
i hold no illusions that i can
change human Nature.. except noW
for the reaLITy that i have already
changed me.. however that change then
TooK A 66 month jAunt to hEll.. a bleSSinG
then BeYonD aLL otHeR blesSinGs i for oNe
kNow to bE truE noW.. after aLL iS donE..:)


So.. iT’s.. 7:40 am.. 5092016.. And Mercury
IS A fixin’ to enter the transit noW
aCross fAce oF sUn.. and MaGiC
iS here for me.. no..
iT’s not 6:12:19 am..
back then when
that is ‘pose
to begin..
i am 12..
skin and bones..
the boys are calling
me queer ’cause i smile
too much.. the girls are
calling me skank as back
then i have oily looking
puberty hair.. yes..
on my head..
and black
four eyes
to do all
the homework
that i rarely
read.. apple of
the teacher’s eye
only am i then..
with straight A’s..
as i mind meld with
them in lectures then..
the kids laugh at me too..
when i speak ’cause i think
too fast and my mouth can not keep
up with my mind.. and my hand writing
will always look like kindergarten noW as
hands cannot keep up with mind of me
either.. but no.. no matter what
i will not give up..
’cause i can
my dreams
at night
and go wherever i want..
hehe.. even see naked girls
in locker rooms.. haha..
then.. and although
i have no idea what
sex is.. until age
16.. oh DO..
i Love Girls..
and dream one day
that a dark-haired girl
and i have a desert isle
all to our selves.. we live
happily ever after and she
never ages.. and i stay
a free spirit too..
so i get some of
those cement weights..
skin and bones lay down
on bench looking up at Starving
African looking string bean arms..
no matter what i eat.. it matters not
string bean arms stay.. but i have this
vision of a rainbow around me taller.. stronger..
than ever before.. and after all.. my father is like
James West.. only taller from the Wild Wild West..
or James Bond from those movies.. and
yes.. the Six Million Dollar
man at least in looks..
as the law Enforcement
man.. so it’s Nature
like when our
cat killed
the bird
on the river..
my sister cried and
i said please don’t
cry Marilou.. that is
only the Cat expressing
his Nature and the cycle of life..
yes.. i said this shortly after i
could speak at age 4.. and shortly
before when i could not speak
and could feel and sense
that i had been
here forever
with the
God of Nature
in no words at all..
looking across the
river at age 3 where
i lived then.. and when
my mother lost her keys
under the bed.. and was
looking for them.. i just
tugged on her dress and
lead her to where the keys
can be found then.. anyway..
it was hard.. but i survived..
and one day in high school.. when
my legs were no longer string bean
and they are tanned from years of
playing Tennis in Indian
Summer Florida way..
and the girl
who used
to make fun
of me named Gracie
said we are proud of you
Fred.. kinda like she was saying
welcome to the human race.. acknowledging
that i was human.. and yes.. i am only
human so that felt good..
so.. anyway.. i have some
friends that are girls
then in high school..
who are just friends..
crushes on this girl wishing
i could be with her for ever and
that one.. and another one too..
as nows go on then..
and finally at 18..
i meet a dark
haired Cuban/
Irish girl.. with 10 months
of what i wished was forever
with her.. and then a Guamanian
Friend.. who eventually commits
suicide.. as she confides
in me.. that her
father was
sexually abusing
her at the now i knew her..
and yes.. when she has two
kids and a loving husband..
she takes a revolver
to her head in
her father’s
bed and
pulls the trigger..
’cause some things are
hard to forget in terms
of PTSD ways of being
sTiLL.. as i imagine
for her then..
in empath
of REAL..
and then a dark
haired Italian girl..
who asks me to the prom
to make her real crush
a little jealous
it seems
from what
i hear from
others after that..
and she says i scare her
with my intense stare across
the table at the restaurant then..
and at the beach.. after prom.. i just
smile at her.. and don’t try anything..
and i guess she thought that was
weird.. as later.. years
later.. she told me
i really respect
how you were about
all of that..
as she says
child was
born blind.. yes.. years
later.. and a result of
‘what she did’ and is a
nurse for my wife.. when
i’m 36.. in ’97 for two days
more when our child is born
on June 4th.. when she
tales be all about
this then.. two days
before my
June 6th.. then..
yeah.. i can remember
that still like a motion
picture in my head.. same
as when that first girl friend
broke up with me dancing
while the song ‘After
the Love is Gone’
by Earth Wind
and Fire..
me seeing me
in the dance mirror thinking
oh no.. no one will ever
love me again like that
as they never did before..
but that was a mistake..
because it was
no longer
to bring reality
of heaven into fruition
of greater things to come..
so i went in the other direction
for a while.. and eventually broke
down.. and eventually rose up to
a couple of decades of relative
happiness.. and even met
that dark haired girl
who would never
age on
our desert
Isle.. now..
so yes.. there was
a reason in dArk for
the liGht of that break
up too.. that would be almost
precisely 10 years from that
date in September of
1979 and Hurricane
Frederick.. to
when Katrina
and i consummated
what would be a marriage
in 1990 in February the 21st..
of September 21st in
1989.. a cycle
of happiness yes..
yet to come greater
than i could ever
imagine before…
and it was
when i first
met that Cuban
girl.. a spark
of intuition told
me she wasn’t THE ONE..
and the other one looked
like her i was looking for
and yes.. they do look very
much alike.. and that reminds
me of that collage of photos of
all the the other girls i speak
of in this free verse poem here..
and my Dog Charlie playing then at
the feet of my high water pants..
and the day i saw
him on the side
of the road coming
back home on the bus
from middle school..
and no.. he would
never come home
again.. and
he was like
my only friend
outside of family
then.. and yes.. the
way my mind works.. it’s still
like it is now.. when the movie
plays in my head.. and i never had
another dog after that as it felt
like i was dying then.. the same
way it felt like i was dying
when that Cuban/Irish girl
said i can’t
do this
with you..
but the thing is..
i got my magic back..
i started believing that
dreams come true again.. and
they did.. and even though much
more darkness would come.. through
that break down.. a baker act..
an escape from being
for the rest of
my life at
age 21..
’cause our
prominent in-law
stood up for me as Savior and
told them back then.. saying.. yes..
how much i had accomplished before
at the top of my class in school
and volunteered in youth groups
and stuff like that.. yes..
the God oF aLL was
over me
and sent
help to save
me then.. and
God always has.. even
when he plucked me out
of my work life.. showed
me hell and brought me here
to date.. and heRe’s the thing
about Mercury.. Venus.. Mars.. Earth..
Jupiter.. and Saturn moving.. yes.. aLL 6
aCross the fAce
of SuN wRite noW..
it doesn’t matter what
the F iN reality is.. what
i believe iT is.. will impact
all of what i do AM.. aLL oF what
i attract or do not attract as the
history of my life shows to date..
and even the observer effect
of Quantum Physics
shows what
we observe
changes reality at
that small level too..
but here’s the thing.. before
science can prove a sixth sense..
a seventh.. and a zillion more..
past the physical one’s
empirically measured
now.. that do exceed
way past 6 in terms
of all we sense
in empirical
way.. i ain’t got
the time to wait on
science to prove it for
me to believe and use it
for all i do.. i look within
and find the answers all innate..
instinctual.. intuitive.. from God
of Nature theNoW.. and while just a speck
of rock passes across the face of Sun today..
the magic has already come in measurable empirical
life experience blog way.. and Jesus F iN Christ..
iF i wanna be Jesus..
the REAL JESUS.. i can
be him too.. and so can
you.. or you.. and you..
and you.. be whomever
you wanna bE iF
You juSt believe
iN NeverLAnd liKe
thE Peter Pan of i..
jUst DO iT as Nike
says in Victory
wITh God
i can prove my magic
in living color and i can
prove God exists in me..
and i can share it..
no matter if
cares to
listen or not..
’cause i AM
wITh God
from the now i looked
up to the rainbow oF Y i..
noW Mercury
oF GOD..:)


TELL Tale tails of GOD

Memory from a year ago..
in Facebook Algorithm
reminder way.. and
just more
for A way


So Flash back to 1981 again..
and truly a rise out of my breakdown
of depression that was seen as too manic
then too.. but not an experience i had developed
the cognitive ability through gRoWinG experience
to control noW.. in Kundalini Rising.. Satori.. Nirvana..
Bliss.. yes heaven iN noW KinGdoM of God ascension noW
as such as reported across cultures and histories of humankind
same as human archetype of vision quest in American Indian way
too as the journey to self-Actualization in Maslow.. and beyond mY
terms too.. noW..
Well.. yeah.. the Father
of that Italian girl a member
of the Catholic Church too.. among
the older male elders as sure.. if you
go to a church and are a member of almost
any religion and or culture there is a pecking
order of Patriarchy authority strength in elder
male way.. so recently mused by movies
Oh! God one and two.. with George
Burns as God in metaphor
and his student
John Denver2.. in 80’s then..
i come up with a somewhat
naive plan.. yes.. a sketch of
a positive ion escaping negative
flow in atomic way.. as i attempt
to bRinG science and God and Art
and reaSon toGeTheR then.. EVeN too..
but it is a rather rudimentary sketch
of an iOn then.. iN positive flow way..
i oN iN ZoNe way and oh yes.. the
Italian girl friend’s father then
says.. Fred you can’t be serious..
they will never believe that God exists
by a sketch as simple as that then.. he says..
look at all the Catholic Church does to make
folks believe.. and i think.. that’s the problem they
try to MAKE FOLKS BELIEVE.. and FEEL they doN’T let them
find God in Nature.. all innate.. instinctual and intuitive
like i find God walking down the Beach all day and night
then.. staying awake.. for three days in Ecstasy of BeiNG
one with God first Real noW wHolE then.. in Bliss and Nirvana
beyond belief in a relatively short Forever now then.. and then
he and his friends say.. as i have dropped out of school to get
recuperated from working since i was 16 in jobs.. taking full
loads of school.. isolated from friends in College that i used
to have in high school.. better.. and all of that.. and they
tale me.. your Mama’s not gonna live forever.. you better
pull up your bootstraps and get your shit together now
and if you did already perhaps i would have felt
better about your relationship
with my daughter
too then..
in words to
that effect as
spoken here now..
So.. anyway ..this whole poetic
Free Verse Stream oF Consiousness
writing Novel away from the rules in
Robin Williams Dead Poet Society Style
iS mY proof of God in 666 macro Verses
of A ONE largest poem ever written at well
over 3 Million Words in recorded hU
man history now.. and perhaps
even pushing 4 MilLioN by now..
per my measurement
of onLY a tiny part
of last year
in my latest
Novel poem
of 338,630 words
now.. i FucKinG am one
of many messengers of God..
From Egyptians.. to Mayans..
to American Indians.. and
East Indians too.. and sure
the reported dude Jesus
was a messenger then too..
and Muhammad who piggy backed
On the Abrahamic religions and comes
up then with some new stuff too.. and even
Yes.. Aleister F iN Crowley.. who so many
folks in Hollywood.. do follow in MagiCk inspired
ways for fame and money.. instead of Love THAT noW
creative energy.. sharing.. and giving.. in FreeDoM
can do too iN WiLL.. the real magic of Quantum physics
that is the human mind and body balance unleashed
and released in Quantum physics way too.. and more
of course.. as Science hasn’t even touched the way
this impacts human potential in empirical way.. as
i aM F in JuSt DoinG iT noW iN bigGER VieW MACRO case
study mE waY.. wE arE onE teAm with God wHeTher noW
thE material reductionists.. in culture.. religion..
science or whatever the F.. sanskrit
of alphabet.. and collective
bRinGS noW..
and this is juSt a tiny
3 or 4 million or whatever
word poem in iNspiRaTiON..
yes i
of God
and 4
and iNFiniTy
moRe.. but hey baby..
mE anD GoD FloW iN
FearLess LovE Now..
wE thE sTREam.. noW
the wAveS.. the drops
of water in particle
to waVe and
FiEld oF RiVer
to ocEan iNfiniTy moRe
noW.. thE hUmAn potential
noE in singularity oF onE eARth
Collective Cosmic Consciousness
is not just a vague concept anymore..
it has huWOmaNifesT in Technology noW iN
Google and other onLiNe hiVE
so diP iN.. thE
water iS noT juSt
LuKe warm.. iT iS reD
noW hoT iN God arms noW
Free Now are wE when thE
FoRce of God SinGs as oH..
“SonG oF mY SoUL NoW..hEHE
AKA kNoWn as the blog on
Word Press WhoLe named
“KATiE MiA FredericK!iI”..
and it’s coming and
is here noW..
i am far from
the first or last
who WiLL upload
tHeir soUL too.. to Love
as Nautilus Fossil share sHeLL
oF reAL noW in a new city Now
wHere even the Sun and
Moon are not necessary to
SpReaD moRe liGht..
strange as it may
seem.. revelation
in the Bible
can be
correct too…
and anything else
associated with belief
come to fruition as WeLL..
and yes.. either dark in blowing
up the World in destruction apocalypse
way as many fundamentalist Muslims
and Christians are insanely looking
forward to make fruition as now..
but nah.. tHeRe is AnotHeR
path.. the original
Greek meaning
of Apocalypse
noW that means
lifting the veil of Ignorance
and progressing far far in
human poTenTial noW..iN
StILL MoVinG far far out
of tHe
of yesternow
paintings then..
there is Will.. there is
Love and there is Fearless
too.. but unTil tHeRe is a trinity
of Real human heARt.. of EmoTion..
SpiRit iN EXpeSSinG thAT emoTioN
in miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG waY soUL
of MoVinG.. ConnecTinG.. CreAtinG
waYS.. in thIS multi-dimensional
multi-verse of UniVerse
each hUman noW
perceives.. some WiLL
live in Heaven.. Some
in HeLL.. and others
sTiLL in purgatory
now.. but the thing is..
this is as real as real gets
noW juSt Now.. action folloWinG
consequence and Karma iS noW aLL..
DoinG as thou Wilt wIth Fearless Love..
DoinG no harm to others as even noW what
Aleister Crowley miGht still say.. per yes..
the Golden rule of the sages of ages.. thAT
is the same as what Jesus.. Buddha.. and
so many others say then and now too..
The essence is forever noW thE
words.. and fAces of form
do change.. GoD iS
rEaL.. wE are too..
and the rest of creation
too.. and liFe is Good when
ya get all yoUr threes balanced
into oNe Regulated emoTioNal
and Integrated SeNsory waY noW
aS miNd and Body SoUL noW onE noW..
all religions have dArk pArts and liGht paRts
too.. but what i find is no religion has all the answers
one and true.. but study them all and take the best
pARts for you.. including the rest oF God’s bible
in manifest form that is the Google of the USA
noW spread worldwide too.. along with
all the resources of God’S oNe bible
online fuller now too.. in yes.. juSt
a tiny patch of brown
sand.. green stuff..
and blue orb oF liFe EARth
too and beyond the rainbow colors
of liFe and aLL Creation too.. yes.. this
is mY F iN so-called metaphor for a
Nicene creed too.. i suggest you
too.. peruse all you can of what
there is to lEarn.. sense.. and
feel too.. and perhaps you
too.. WiLL onE day
upload yoUr
own ‘SonG oF mY SoUL’
Creed.. then noW too..
share iT.. and perHaps
bRing oTheRs uP too.. and
what i promise you is thiS.. no
matter iF you get thanks or not..
they aLL are are God and so are you..
including even a grain of sand and less..
There is no real separation of existence
noW.. even science has moved far to reaLITy
in magic REAL as empirically meaSured noW rEaL..
and yes.. this creed is perhaps too long to recite
in a church.. or even for you to read now.. iF You
even get through a third of this above too..
but here’s the thing.. when i went to
heLL what i found out it was
just God and me..
and i was the
only one who was
gonna get out wITh the
help of God as ExpReSSinG
within me then.. and i had a few encouraging
words from others through hell too.. drops of
water on Lazarus tongue of hope then come
too.. there is no word of inspiration
that iS too sMall to help
spark the liFe of a hUman
heARt.. SpiRit of SoUL..
hiGher.. hiGHeR HiGHeR..
aLivE noW even an
thAT saved
thE soUl oF
me then
as i flY aCross SuN
wITh greATest eaSe nOW..:)








BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels


41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..


About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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20 Responses to Mercury aCross SuN

  1. i believe in magic..
    Therefore.. i find iT everywHeRe
    everYday alWays now.. and tHere
    was a now.. where i did not have the
    ability to believe in anything.. as the belief
    is the magic unto itself.. a human emoTioN
    that moves the mountains of possibilities.. far
    and farther away.. from the empirical science of
    sticks and stones.. and with every variable
    of moving.. connecting.. and creating..
    magic becomes stronger and much
    greaTeR As pArt of ReaLITy noW..
    so iN looking for a hidden
    dot of Mercury crossing
    the Sun noW tHis afternoon..
    then i come across something
    much greater as iPhone 6s
    and cotton candy Sun
    Now makes MaGiC
    reaL iN sKeYes noW
    oF God Free.. yeS iN
    mY eYes aS WeLL..2
    so.. i SinG a SonG
    of Art Free wITh
    MaGiC dreAMs
    oF CLoud
    Art iN
    color sKeYes
    oF FiRe.. hiGher
    and hiGheR aNd thAT
    rEmiNds me of ’83 or so..
    and watching Michael Jackson
    dance somewhere around the now
    of ‘Thriller.’. and thInKinG i should be
    dancing freer un-like that stiff robot
    style of locked hips..
    and arms hidden
    by sides.. of i
    then limited
    to the ‘Disco
    Club 2001’.. then..
    but seriously.. terrified
    to go anywhere to any bar
    without a six pack of courage..
    and hell no.. not in abs.. in cans
    as it were then.. and after watching
    another God Story on National
    Geographic with host
    Morgan Freeman..
    on Miracles tonight..
    and remembering
    the now back then..
    me so shy out of
    any environment
    really but work..
    and even
    going to see
    some extended in-law
    family event at King Middle
    School.. with much younger
    niece Candie back then..
    as i had gone to such
    a rut passing out
    shoes even then
    fast forward to
    about 10 years
    later or so
    at around
    ’93.. or more..
    so.. yes.. to think..
    20 years later than
    that and 30 years later
    than ’83.. in ’13.. i would
    embark on a public dance
    journey noW eNcompasSinG
    5348 miles since the
    end of August
    2013.. named
    as legend of
    dance by
    around town..
    Miracles are real..
    truly they are.. when
    one becomes fearless..
    and just does it a new
    way now.. and truly it
    helps to work for
    of restrictive
    bucks that tale ya..
    how and how ya can
    or cannot serve God
    oF aLL wITh True
    WiLL come to
    fruition iN
    So Yes..
    i finAlly remembered
    my TrUe WiLL as Michael
    Jackson sort of says in the
    theme song here.. and the
    rest.. hehe.. is recorded
    history oF THaT onLine..;)

  2. Unbaked pies as currency….

    “Even a fool knows that you can’t touch the stars,
    but it doesn’t stop a wise man from trying.”

    ~~ Judge Harry T. Stone ~~

    “There’s more than one way to skin a cat,
    but there ain’t no way to make the cat enjoy it.”
    — Jed Clampett

    A fine Juxtaposition.. i see here of sorts..
    in these two quotes.. and true
    it is a wise man who
    does not discount
    possibility and only
    a true fool will stay
    inside a
    and starve
    to death
    a heARt…
    but sadly
    while ya
    can’t now
    make a cat
    enjoy getting
    skinned.. if the human
    cultural norm says cutting
    off the clitoris of a female human
    in genital mutilaiton iS aNs in thing
    to do.. as far as not falling
    out of the social circle
    for survival.. female
    genital mutilation
    is A way
    to self esteem.. sTiLL NoW..
    and that my friend.. illustrates
    the power of belief in nocebo
    voodoo way.. and reaching
    for the Stars and MaKinG
    hUman Stars happen..
    thaT iS the
    of noT
    dying WitH
    dArk sHades
    oF noCebo.. noW.. lost..
    Humans generate emoTiOns..
    yeZ.. iOns of energy ..not much different
    really than the sun above below as hUman
    being and those neuro-hormones.. neuro-chemicals
    thAT spARK the flAMe.. receive a happy mesSage Now
    iN receptors In bodiLY Cells when the energy is positive floW…
    We reap what we sew.. no doubt.. from Stars of humans..
    to pleasureless females with a big grin of fear for not
    being accepted
    Heaven is better..
    it’S not an imaginary place..
    iT is real for those who find
    It aWay from devils and
    of real
    hell now.. So lucky..
    some of us.. at least..
    in the Good Old USA.. To
    find iT and say F U.. to the N poWer..
    per.. folkS in other places who would
    take hUman free a way.. just
    for power.. status.. and
    in the Devil
    and Hell of hUman..
    So SAdly REAL sTilL noW..:)

  3. A story of a screen.. no.. not my computer.. a window screen of prison..
    Yes.. the screen that let’s the air flow.. but another screen on the other
    side of my bed will allow for that and bathroom window screen
    as well.. anyway.. Hurricane Ivan
    damaged our screens back
    in ’04.. and instead
    of repairing
    them we opted
    to store them in
    the shed and put that
    off for another day.. Well..
    that other day came and comes
    this week.. when my sister’s friend
    repairs them all for free and installs
    them too.. which was very nice of her..
    as i ain’t much of a blue collar guy these
    days in ways of manual labor.. as such..
    but as i’ve often reported.. the worst
    pArt of my 66 months of hell
    was losing my emotional
    regulation and sensory
    integration.. and
    to move..
    connect and
    create in artful
    ways toward
    creativity.. and
    granted a close to five
    decades or so of external
    goals for rewards of grades or
    money behavior.. just about erased
    my imagination and creativity for around
    4 decades.. particularly in the red state
    fundamentalist Christian area i
    lived in as stuff like art ..
    including dance..
    and even F
    iN smiling
    ear to ear
    was not something
    allowed by the bully
    so-called Christian
    boys.. if you didn’t wanna
    get ostracized out of the social
    circle or even worse.. beat up..
    and although i was skin and bones
    my somewhat unusual height of 5 foot
    10 at age 13.. likely prevented that as
    even at skinny.. height has its
    advantages in a fight
    as far as
    reach of
    whatever fists
    exist and such
    as that.. anyway..
    back to emotions.. beauty
    is an emotion.. hell no… not
    just objective data from something
    good looking.. and to lose the ability
    to feel the beauty of a sunset is an incredible
    loss of true magic in life.. and pArt of why i love
    photography so much.. is the iPhone 5.. with the
    retina display i purchased in March of 2013.. was
    the first color display i could stand with my eye pain..
    since even before i became disabled in 2008.. yes
    the eye pain in stimulus of colors started well before
    then in the Winter to Summer of 2007.. about the
    same time i got chilled in the air of 100
    degree temperatures in July.. 2007..
    which was the strangest
    thing ever.. for
    me as always
    a rather hot
    blooded individual W/temp..
    of 103 then.. as ‘Foreigner’
    might say.. and now that i have
    my senses regulated.. 33 or 103..
    is comfortable to me.. in relative
    terms.. of course.. so i increase my
    ability to feel beauty and my ability
    to imagine more to expand my horizons
    of human magic through the art of photography
    and while someone is just seeing an advertisement
    in the mall.. i am feeling a masterpiece of God as
    Manifest by human.. albeit motivated by bucks..
    iT matters not as my imagination can make It
    into a masterpiece of wonder..
    expanding my being in
    mind and body balance
    soUl.. iN heARt oF emoTioNs
    MoVinG ConnecTinG mE wiTh
    aLL oF NatUre.. and cultUre..
    as SpiRit both FeeLinG
    and ExpreSsinG iN GiVinG
    shaRinG ways.. and after
    losing all of that when
    the God of Nature shoWed
    mE REAL HUMAN HeLL and the
    Dante Rings of depth therein without
    a drop of manna to drInk.. i pay God and
    aLL oF God’s Nature back my shaRinG
    inSights through introspection and much
    greATer iMaGiNaTion.. in Creativity than
    i could ever iMaGinE iN HeAveNoW.. tHEN..
    so to make a longer story
    sTiLL CoMinG shorter
    i woke up and
    saw the
    prison bars
    of Feng shui wHere
    as the God Story of Miracles
    last night so aptly described as
    Fish Swum by water of Life and
    Birds carried by the air instead
    of Swimming Fish and Flying
    birds.. iN the interconnectedness
    of Nature one.. not unlike the
    Dao way of Being too..
    and no longer
    is that escape
    in my bedroom prisoned
    by bars of screen that stop
    5 feet away.. inStead oF floWinG
    iN ZoNE of Nature through all the
    Beauty of LiFe in my yard..
    AND every single
    on my blog
    is sacred to me..
    as trUly aLL iS Connected
    in God’s eYes from head to toe
    to Galaxies beyond and subatomic
    particles and BEyonD below as well
    as above.. so that Window is not just
    a window and some pretty plants outside
    that WinDow is a sacred WinDoW to God..
    wHere i put my foot down instead of saying
    yes dear.. as one who knows what to do to
    stay married.. says to the wife.. and i said
    that screen is going back in the shed
    now.. i’m taking it down now..
    and the wife is not
    too happy
    but i have
    for one not so lucky
    as i too be damned to hell
    to find out the full expanse of
    the gifts of God that are as simple
    as the heaven of a room with a view..
    as before.. there was no imagination..
    no moving.. and connecting art of
    life for me.. all there was
    was hell..
    and i for one
    ain’t going back tHere
    aGaiN.. and WiLL do aLL i KinD
    to lEnd to otHeRs eYes that see and
    bE heaVen noW.. in the Kingdom of GOD
    REAL.. and it shouldn’t be surprising
    that folks see God’s in the sky above..
    when there was time for imagination
    in the eternal etheralsphere.. of now..
    for the ancient Greeks and Romans
    to see chariots of Gods in
    council of clouds iN
    sKeYes.. ’cause
    i saw them
    too In
    IMAginAtIon of pattern
    SeeKinG way when i finAlly
    Healed and returned to my
    5 year-old state of bEinG before
    entering hell.. yeah.. like when i was
    three and could sense and feel God inside..
    outside.. above.. so below.. and all around
    as Nature.. just in a casual back yard
    toddler stroll looking across
    the River
    Feng Shui..
    also kNoWn..
    sTiLL noW as the
    black water river that
    once was named as the
    entry point to briar bush
    banks of HELL also known
    as Milton.. it’s true.. i grew up
    on what was once literAlly named
    as the bank of HELL.. before the thorns
    of briars were removed.. and a mill
    town for lumber to build replaced
    HELL.. well.. for me.. i saw
    heaven first.. per the
    Kingdom of God
    felt and sensed..
    in God’s all
    way then
    in Feng Shui
    way.. and true it became
    hell again all over the place
    for me.. but it was culture that
    took that away.. and my willingness
    to accept the illusions and rules thereof
    and therein.. as cog in the machine of
    human derived rules away from
    God’s Nature.. i play
    with God now..
    and let other human’s
    play with tools of separation..
    and sure my wife will speak to
    me again.. later today sometime..
    but the truth is all there is.. is time
    in hell.. so she can have all she wants
    as i cannot convince her of the Heaven
    i see and feel out that Window.. and if i
    cannot convince the person i live with both
    through hell and heaven.. how can i expect
    to convince anyone else
    heaven is real now.. WeLL
    yeS.. lesSon
    oF patience
    in HeLL.. the Devil
    knoWs better after
    the fALL iN DArk NiGht of SoUl..
    and wITh return to AngEL noW..
    Fear is the killer of all that is good in
    life.. all that is the Kingdom of God that is
    Good and all that is Good that human
    being feels and senses.. to lose
    any freedom.. to repress
    any sensuality.. feeling
    or other sense that
    does not harm
    else is
    a path
    away from
    wE GoD Free.. eternAlly noW
    and i feel so sorry for someone
    like Michael Jackson.. so full of art
    and creativity.. and obviously so full of
    fear from a childhood.. of abuse in forcing
    perfection of rules oF art on him.. where his only
    way to escape that was controlling his environment..
    until one day the anxiety drove him to sleepless nights..
    and the only escape was suicide for him.. and after 40
    days of almost no sleep for me.. i can relate
    to that kind of hell..
    but it’s the same
    with my wife..
    a stepfather
    standing over
    her bed with a knife
    when she was small.. one
    of the only memories of her
    childhood she has.. so her way
    of dealing with that is obsessive compulsive
    control over everything in her environment
    that she can.. not unlike Oprah Winfrey..
    who has so many fabulous homes..
    after being raped when young…
    or Joel Osteen.. and
    his 10 million dollar
    home.. perhaps
    some bullies
    called him
    queer as
    a pretty boy smiling
    too.. threatening to beat
    him up if he didn’t become a
    man.. i haven’t looked into it closely
    but just with my empath eyes.. recently
    seeing him on a show before the mask comes
    with his show of positive ways of dealing with
    life that i applaud for what he does in
    transforming the modern Christian
    religion into one of
    Christ the spirit
    of Love away
    from fear.. as human
    archetype iN excellence
    oF hUman huwomanifest
    as God in temple oF
    human being
    flesh and blood..
    but sTiLL.. most
    anyone who has material
    excess lacks a fuLL heARt..
    SpiRit.. and SoUL of mInD
    and body balance.. as there
    is so much heaven all around..
    inside.. outside.. above.. so below..
    in just naked flesh being carried
    by the Winds of God in Sands
    of free.. Dancing
    with the Gravity
    of God
    of Against God’s GraViTy
    in PriSons.. of cultUre
    and fear.. of hell ways
    and demon devils
    being reaL noW..
    there iS an Art to soUl..
    in moVinG CreaTinG
    and Connecting
    Real liFe noW..
    and theRe can NoW
    bE a science oF cognitive
    empathy iN attempts
    to help save
    folks from
    hell of fear
    back to Heaven of
    what can be Potential
    Sacred Love aLL as the Christ
    metaphor and archetype of
    human SinGs
    a SonG of SoUL..
    yeah.. baby.. at the end
    and the beginning.. the
    finish and stARt of liFe
    aLways noW iT iS aLL thAT
    and how i wish
    to see the sMiLe
    of Heaven everlasting
    eternAlly noW on otHeR
    hUman bEinGs noW besides
    jUst mE.. as yes.. even
    iN HeaVen it CAN
    And Now i smell
    Pine Sol.. and my grandmother
    who was psychologically and
    physically abused by both
    her Father and Husband..
    and how she scrubbed those
    floors from day to night
    after picking cotton
    to raise her
    after waitressing
    for 12 hours a day..
    to support my mother
    and how she finALLy
    broke down and could
    no longer do it.. and how
    my mother supported her.. then
    for the rest of her life.. and
    how my sister and i but much
    more my sister does that for
    my mother now.. and how an
    extended family of help no longer
    exists as much in western so-called
    first world civilizations now.. where
    clean up crews take care of the remains
    of old folks in apartments in Japan
    as they have lost all connections
    with other human beings in flesh
    and blood noW wHere technology
    reiGns over flesh… and
    how my wife’s greatest
    fear.. having no children.. is being
    left all alone in later life.. and how
    Yellow Boy is truly all her
    Love now.. and how
    she cannot relate
    to what i am
    as i cannot
    be controlled any more
    as just the floor as she
    mops it now clean more..
    and how allone i feel
    yet how alone i can
    feel she is.. but
    how i cannot
    take away
    the everlasting
    fear of childhood abuse..
    not having enough to eat..
    and living with little to less
    trust in the good
    of the world..
    as she too was
    abused at school..
    for having to get those
    reduced lunches and not
    having the pretty clothes of
    other girls.. the world sucks
    when people hoard and forget
    to give and share.. the world sucks
    when folks don’t have an early loving
    extended family and village environment..
    when the human touch is King and Queen
    over material items to buy at SuperWalmart
    and store in garages.. when cars become
    Lovers.. and homes become God..
    when clothes become
    and naked
    life sucks..
    i make love to
    liFenoW FucK THAT…
    BUT ALLONE i stay… aLiVE..
    and the best thing about writing and
    expreSsinG emoTioNs like this is i remember
    why i Loved my Grandmother so much and
    from my last post my friend Renee..
    and of course Katrina too.. as they
    struggled so much with a history of
    abuse.. and Michael
    Jackson too.. for i can
    shed tears freely now..FReED..
    without fear of some ignorant
    Christian Red State boy for calling
    me queer.. as i’ve worked my way
    up to heaVen.. and no REAL FOOL..
    but true ‘they’ kNow and feel not what they do.. as they live in
    HELL.. AND that’s
    the sAddest pARt oF aLL..
    an opaque window thAT
    has no
    window @aLL
    to heavenOw…
    i AiM to BREAK THAT..
    wITh FucKinG per·se·ver·ance..
    iN “DancE SonG mY SoUl”.. yeS!..
    and that’s the new naMe oF mY
    approaching 4 MilLion Word
    poem AkA “KATiE MiA FredericK!iI”
    noW as thiS WiLL eventually bE the
    667th macro verse of that
    as named too..
    jUst that..
    it’s not enough
    to SinG the kNoWledge
    oF the Kingdom of God as
    Heaven noW.. one may DancE
    iT better to find It to open
    up the WiNdow and
    Breathe Free FiNally..
    sadly.. i cannot convince
    the wife.. who looks in form
    like a Natural Ballet Dancer
    to do even one step
    of dance
    free floWinG
    in Feng Shui way..
    but iF like me at ’53..
    or ’63.. or even ’93..
    if she ever takes
    that first
    step to
    dance free..
    freeing the emotions
    of her body.. from the
    tensions of fears iN past..
    in regulation of heaven..
    integrating her senses
    from head to toe..
    feeling the
    of ecstasy
    when the entire
    body is one sexual
    organ from head to
    toe in mind and body
    balance of MaKinG Love
    to God free within.. outside..
    above.. so below and all around FReED
    kinda like mE..
    anyWay.. the challenge
    of liFe gOes oN.. i woNe
    thE tEst oF FReED.. and all iS
    left is the greAteSt challenge
    to even take the closest
    one’s to me..
    to HeaVenoW..
    wITh a spArk thaT
    works for them..
    or at lEast
    a hint..
    to the bliss..
    the Nirvana of the Kingdom of God Heaven
    INherITance Free thAT caN bE wEfreeforALL..:)

  4. sMiLes.. my friend Candice
    thefeathered sleep… at 13..
    before the boys tOld me i can’t
    smile.. i wrote a play.. and a Christmas
    story that won a prize among 80 kids
    in two homeroom way..
    my greAtEst surpriZe.. as
    i could not logically..
    in equation way..
    figure out wHere the
    heaVen in heLL those
    emoTioN fillED words
    cAMe from then..
    and then all went
    away except for a spark
    in a philosophy class at 18..
    wHere the oNe oF aLLInterdependent
    Connectedness surfaces in words then..
    uknoWinGest.. to me anywhere above..
    collective unconsciousness archetypes
    then.. of bEinG dEEpeR stEePed as
    tea in text book ways..
    so now.. i dreAM and
    wRite as sAme butt mY frIEnd
    tHere is no Heaven iN online but
    words of i.. to give.. to share.. nothing
    in return but silence most often.. and
    that is wHy i dAnce.. i move.. connect..
    and create in feat of feet.. as i feel iT aLL
    more than iMaGiNaTioN alone.. tHeRe IS
    A MinD tHere IS A BoDy.. but without both
    iN MoVinG ConnEcTinG waYs oF CreatiViTy
    as hEArt tHere is less than two ones of K 11 hOldinG
    HAnds at H 8 oF INfInity eternAlly noW aka Heaven
    NoW the BliSs the NirVana Satori aLwAYs noW..
    and trUe rarEly in public does someone say
    may i have this dance wITh yoU NoW..
    but iT matters noT..
    as after 5348 miles in
    33 months noW.. most
    everywHeRe i go.. someone
    WiLL sMiLE aT mE wHeRever
    i go.. in the metro area HeaR
    of distance MoVinG
    CreaTinG mE
    DancE and SonG
    oF SoUL noW and the
    fools who see only the
    fool of me without the sacred
    pArt i Live within.. are MiSsinG
    something iN liFe i wOUld LovE
    to sHare iF they woULd juST
    take a
    i gET so lonely at
    tIMes online too.. mY friEnd..
    trYing to leave a Nautilust
    shEll of aLL i kNoW.. FeeL.. and
    SensE.. whiLe this staRbursT
    creaTiViTy eXits as mE..
    but i kNow
    sEnse and
    FeeL thAT
    iS onLY
    a Dance A Way
    and when i have enough
    of thiS online thinG.. i juSt
    do iT as i AM A Dance oF sTAr2..:)

  5. Pistachios for breakfast….

    my friEnd..
    i miss Rosalinda’s
    eYes.. yet my mother
    was not Spanish.. my Grandmother
    half as Cajun and there was a half
    Cuban/Irish girlfriend of similar
    named SoNia way back
    when.. yes.. at
    18 then..
    and it’s funny
    as when she left..
    is reAlly when i found
    more of the EmoTions
    of mE than ever beFore..
    as modern science suggests
    today.. heartbreak is the escape
    of oxytocin touch.. and serotonin
    trust.. but the dopamine of creativity
    rises… to get Love again.. in Artful
    ways of attracting flesh and
    blood again..
    so it wasn’t SoNia
    reAlly that i missed..
    it was the art of sadness
    i fOUnd iN mE.. thE Rosalinda
    eYes of i.. fouNd finAlly iN aLL
    the bitter sweet liFe thaT is
    MaGiC through
    and grief..
    as change comes
    and wE GroW moRe
    to see the beauty of both
    dArk and liGht and iF you remember
    that SonG as i am kinda on a Billy Joel
    kick this morning.. and now back to Rosalinda’s
    eyes.. i aM thaT FucKinG
    Crazy Latin
    Dancing Solo
    Down iN Herald
    Square at 5348
    miles now at
    33 months coming
    at the end of tHis May
    noW.. anD wheRever i go..
    tHere IS A SMiLe oF soMe girL/Woman
    from 18 above and below and even aT noWs..
    80 and above.. but the bottom line iS
    Crazy Latin Dancing Solo Heralding
    Happy Real..
    and i FucKinG
    Love crazy as much
    as RosaLinda’s eYeS noW..:)

  6. A SonG oF SoUL for grief.. a sacred
    waY for mE noW for sure.. and
    ‘After the Love is Gone’..
    was the that song
    for me for decades
    as that was the
    Song as mentioned
    in my last post playing
    when my first Love broke
    up with me.. and so whenever
    i wanted to feel that deep emotion
    of sadness.. i could play it on keyboard
    as a pianist for decades then.. and yes.. i have
    a new one named “Come What May”.. for when our
    cat Moby was sick.. and i knew we would not have
    much time left with him.. and when he was with
    me WiTh bright green eyes..
    purring on my leg..
    i played it facing
    the reality of what
    would be me making
    the decision sooner than
    later to end his life peacefully
    rather than struggle of misery and suffering
    as best as i could to make his last days
    ’till the end in comfort then..
    and after spending over 5 years
    without a tear.. without even
    a memory of what a sMiLe
    felt like or even
    if i had
    ever really
    felt a laugh
    in my liFe aT aLL
    as when memories of emotions
    go.. there is no reference point
    as there are not even emotions
    of memories left..
    in a black
    hole soul
    of death living liFe..
    so yes.. when my first tear
    came in April of 2013.. when
    we faced the decision to put down
    Sunny Boy.. Yellow Boy’s heir
    apparent Son.. as he was
    injured in a fight
    and found
    to have
    kitty aids
    then.. by a 6
    LB terror neighborhood
    block cat named Oreo
    who was not
    even afraid
    of the
    humans around the
    block then.. a tear
    came finAlly after the
    event of putting him down..
    and for the first time in over
    5 years i felt strength in my
    legs even though i still
    retained my
    ability to leg
    press 500 LBS
    with a weak feeling
    in my entire body with
    only pain that would never
    go away.. until that moment
    a tear of strength came.. and
    what i cAMe to find Wisdom as then..
    is that a tear is what makes us strongest
    oF aLL.. and yes.. science even shows this
    to be true now.. with dopamine increase
    of innervating nerve muscles
    stronger of course..
    along with
    and art in
    MoVinG.. GroWinG
    ConnecTinG.. MoTiVaTinG
    MoRe way.. so i embrace
    the sacredness of Grief now..
    and my theory of why those sad
    country music songs are so popular
    to the patriarchs in the South
    who are taught to
    repress their
    smiles.. their
    and EmoTioNs
    overall by screaming
    daddies that say get
    tough boy.. dam it..
    get tough
    is it gived
    ’em an excuse noW
    to be human for just
    a little.. while. and it’s
    probably why they Love Jesus
    so much.. as that gives ’em a little
    opportunity to express the divine feminine
    Love that is God as much as WiLL and Strength
    in Fearless way of patriarch men to protect the home
    and family.. and Tribe/Nation as such.. so i will come
    what may.. in bliss and grief.. as they are both connected
    in LiGht
    and DArk
    as God oF aLL
    of i as mE..wE
    After the Love iS gOne
    iS trUly juST an invitation
    iN groWinG HeaVen more.. and iT
    was so hard for mE to figure out the
    bitter sweet trUth oF aLL oF thAT then..
    as i lived in head instead of body
    of emoTioNs full in sOuL
    and balance
    F iN MiNd
    and bOdy both baLan-
    CinG but now i Understand
    so much better and use God
    given Nature to my advantage
    instead of escape..
    Nature has mercy..
    and to floW
    WiTH NatUre
    instead of E-scape
    iN flight or flight
    away from fight
    oF aLL Of
    DArk aNd LiGht
    iN NiGht Of Day..
    iS sImplY
    liFe.. The giFt..
    thE PreSent.. tHe NoW oF God..
    And while no doctor or therapist could
    give me a pill to get my emotions back..
    i found my own cure.. and interestingly
    in the Movie Captain America.. Civil WAr..
    Iron Man develops a millions of dollars
    technology that allows him
    to three dimensionally
    visit the trauma’s
    of his life’s past
    that have
    ’caused demons
    of repressed emotions
    and resulting somatic
    distress locked in a
    body that keeps battle
    scars unresolved of
    the heARt.. SpiRit..
    and soUl in or out
    of Balance
    as such..
    i found a cheaper way..
    truly almost a free way to get
    mine back.. supported by decades of
    nerds finding an avenue to transport
    emotions of music to an online haven
    of soUl in YouTube way..
    and the poeTry
    of connecting
    emoTions to Language
    came to be guide posts
    and signs back to the
    heARt of i.. and one
    blog post
    back in Spring
    of 2013.. named
    Autistic Love Letters
    where i did that collage
    of many of the folks and the
    dog lost to me.. through ages
    of slowly repressing the heARt
    of i to escape the
    path to groWing
    that grief can bRing..
    it was the spArk that stARted
    bRinGinG me back to life.. and
    there was a little online heart
    break of a misunderstanding between
    me and my first real online friend..
    and a White Pearl of a new one
    in July of 2013.. that
    brought me back
    to Life again.. aLL
    yes.. the Saviors
    of my liFe and
    truly the cat
    Oreo was the one
    who initiated
    the growth
    my sOUl
    back.. through
    in ultimate effect
    of killing one of
    the greatest Love
    of cats i had
    then.. in
    what was
    left of
    what i could
    feel of anything then..
    surprise.. surprise.. the dArk iS
    liGht and the liGht can be dARk..
    iT iS aLL onE.. grin and
    bear it
    as final
    LeSsoN to me..
    and for reference here..
    the posts that truly cured
    me.. the memory of Life..
    and the help of
    who brought
    me back.. particularly
    Steve Jobs.. as he got
    that Retina Display to me..
    in the initial spark of
    beauty true..
    to bRing
    me Back to
    Life as the
    JOB.. a UniVErse
    wE aLL aRe toGeTher
    on forgotten
    noW.. the
    saddest paRt
    oF liFE is death in Living HeLLnoW..
    but the hope is.. iT is tHeRe noW..
    even at the dArkest liGht oF aLL..:)

  7. SeeKinG FinDinG PracTiCinG
    YiN And YanG BaLanCe NoW
    WitH tRee
    oF LiFe
    noW iN HeaVeNoW..
    NoW iMaGiNe iF yA cAN
    trUly iT’s noT harD to dO..
    iF eVery chiLd coMes
    inTo thiS WORlD..
    wItH A waY
    liKe thiS
    yeS.. noW
    tHiS sHiRt
    sAys aLLtHatiS
    aS Truth aNd LiGht
    As GoD iN noW ReaL..:)

    One of my only ‘views of the world’..
    albeit blurry as i could only bear to
    wear my sun glasses for
    more than a few minutes
    of excruciating pain
    to take Katrina
    to Walmart
    during those
    66 months of shut-in
    Hell.. Pain is all i was..
    locked in for almost the
    first three years.. without
    the ability to even read or
    watch TV or listen to music
    at all.. trapped in my mind
    i was then.. and at home..
    just sitting on the patio
    staring off into
    space before
    the ability
    to look at
    a screen turned all
    the way down in almost
    total darkness of words..
    a few inches away to attempt
    to stand the eye pain without
    the extra pain of prescription
    shades.. of focus.. in association
    with Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
    worst pain known to mankind from
    wake to sleep.. for all
    those 66 months
    of HeLL then.. pain..
    and as of November..
    Thanks Giving Day
    of 2010.. the first
    mountain of word
    came.. but the hell.. one
    of my only views of the
    external world was this
    dam wood fence at
    Walmart all those
    years then..
    so yeah..
    doing a little
    reminiscing today
    of wHere i’ve been
    iN preparation to wHere
    i WiLL go neXt.. as i continue
    to gain greater memories of my
    past life.. after illness took almost
    everything away from me as Hell
    then.. and the EMoTioNs that
    are alWays associated wITh
    Memories dArk come
    FlooDing back
    and bloGGinG
    is one of the
    best ways
    to process iT aLL..
    and perHaps.. who KnoWs..
    even provide some inspiRaTioN
    to someone else along the paths
    of longer word journeys now..
    bottom line.. it’s a healthy
    thing to do.. to explore
    the Inner UniVerse oF
    hUman and share
    as story talers
    give.. few do
    sTiLL exist
    longer than Twitter
    and ‘normal’ Facebook
    Statuses as days oF OlD..
    wheN thE hUman heARt
    iS KinG anN QueeN oF WoRlD..:)

    And here the patch of Dirt on River
    of Downtown Milton..
    on Willing Street
    my home of
    young.. and the
    River i LooK aCross
    at age 3.. before i can
    speak at age 4.. sensing
    feeling i have been here
    forever wITh the God
    of NaturE noW.. And
    aLL iSreal.. forevernow..
    as now can be then.. now..
    and it’s kinda nice when
    although your shotgun
    home has been
    torn down..
    what is left
    is like a Public
    Park to explore
    and yes.. reminisce
    the days before school
    days when all iS Nature
    ONE as God and i then..:)

    So.. i take a walk up the Hill on Pine Street West
    as i walked to first grade school.. at Canal
    Street Elementary school in
    first grade shoes..
    where German
    Shepard Dogs
    scared me..
    thinking they
    might bite my hands
    then in walk to school..
    always felt like those hands
    must be protected at all costs
    then for some reason or another..
    come to fruition now at best
    intuitive guess sTiLL..
    anyway.. no
    dogs today..
    and what changed
    from Milton High school..
    when my Mother graduated
    from the same building in the
    50’s and Elementary
    school for me in
    mid 60’s eventually
    became my Junior College
    place of school.. in ’78 as well..
    as College Freshmen then.
    oh.. the smAll town liFe
    then.. where everyone
    knew your name..
    and all looked out
    for most everyone
    then.. a walk to
    the five and dime
    in the other direction
    North.. and just 20 miles
    or so south.. to some of the
    most beautiful sugar white
    sands of beach in the World..
    wRite here.. on the banks
    and briars that grew
    in a place once
    called HeLL..
    yes.. on
    those banks
    i am raised then
    in small mill town
    groWing to Metro
    Area full population
    Santa Rosa County
    now wHere heavy
    traffic replaces
    Drives of Peace
    most every day
    oF LiFe.. on Front
    Porches.. and fields
    of playgrounds.. wHere
    children breathe.. and
    feel the moist grass between
    toes away from screens of scream
    as is the norm of close to heLL noW.. REAL..
    anyway for all practical intents and purposes..
    i am
    5 again..
    or maybe 7..
    but never the less
    A L L E L U I A noW..
    Yah.. Praise ye YaH..:)

  8. The greatest part of grief is it inspires..
    The greatest part of human is truly emotions..
    As they move human to greater heights of survival..
    And sadly some ways of thought away from emotion..
    suggest that EmoTioNs are inferior in some way.. and nothingness
    of feeling is preferable over all natural human emotions that keep
    the species feeling.. moving.. and feeling more for Flight of liGht..
    instead of Flight away
    from EmoTioNs TrUe..
    and the time i spent on the
    Wrong Planet.. the last resort
    online as metaphor for the outcasts
    of life.. stuck in books.. lecture halls..
    and often analytical equations
    in scientific one step
    two step three four five..
    to assess and stay
    in repeatable ways
    of being over and
    over and over
    again same..
    as metaphor
    as well… please..
    as sure they do other
    stuff too.. as this is just
    a loose generality..
    but anyway..
    same is hell
    Heaven is change..
    and the way to move
    is to feel first in ways
    iN positive liGht oF EmoTioNs
    In HiGher Vibrations Of LiFeNoW
    as SonG iN DancE oF LiFe
    Flows hiGher in positive
    And sure.. while the
    “Eckart Tolle” Goal noW
    of now is simply existing
    in the now.. desiring nothing
    along with Buddha and others
    in a middle way.. i wanna feel the
    highs and lows too.. and come
    back to the middle
    to rest..
    and even
    in that place
    of floating
    bliss now
    that is calm
    and even like
    a still Lake moonlit
    way.. of inner peace..
    Life is a circus.. a fair..
    and a firework of survival..
    And yes.. a liGht too BriGht
    to dim with silence in breathes
    of ease away from challenge..
    Challenge bRinGs adaptation..
    change and another way
    to experience life..
    as the human
    race SinGs
    and Dances
    i On iN liGht
    oF EmoTioNs MoVinG
    uS hiGher and higHeR iN
    all the nuanced ways noW oF
    multi-verse rainbow life briGht..
    Sure.. i wanna experience that
    thing that “Eckart Tolle” the Buddha
    and other have but i wanna do Pat
    Benatar too.. as Promises in the DArk..
    yes.. trUly Ark of Life can be dARk
    as WeLL as liGht.. and when
    aLL becomes saCred
    from inside.. outside..
    above.. so below and
    all around..
    liGht and
    D a R K
    ALL IS LIfE..
    AnD NonE iS DEatH..:)

    Facebook Friend Sherri provides
    the prompt of this SonG and DancE oF
    poeTry by sharing the SonG oF
    Promises In the Dark by
    Pat Benatar..
    and i say..

    Thanks.. i literAlly
    needed that
    wRite now..;)
    Every note of every
    SonG and DancE
    LiFe IS A poetic
    prompt to me..

  9. “The Powerful Play of Life Goes on and you May Contribute a Verse”

    “What WiLL your Verse Be”

    From the Robin William’s Dead Poet’s
    Society remARKable SonG and DancE
    aLL aBout LiFeNoW oF PasSioN JoY..
    wHere the rules of art are
    ripped out
    of the
    Book oF School..
    and Neo becomes
    the Poetry oF LIFe..
    i don’t write FucKinG poEtry
    for liKes and followers.. and
    shares and such as thAT..
    although i share iT
    aLL for free
    iN GiVinG
    as that iS the way
    oF hUman BeinG out
    of the hOUses of StoRinG
    GRain in AgriCULTural start
    away from BeinG hUman
    KiNd.. iN jealously and
    greed.. anger.. and
    hate and all stuFF
    oF Fear away
    i SinG and
    AS GOD
    have us
    bE as US As wE..
    and that iS why the
    new ISraEL U.S. A.
    and other free ways
    of BEiNG ALL
    thaT iS
    for IS
    aT lEaster
    As hUman reborn
    aS Free.. comes to
    greATer FruiTioNoW..
    as no longer is existence
    predetermined by cultural
    and religious existing rule
    alone.. ALLONE iS Free as
    GoD and We.. and the prophets..
    as messengers oF GoD eXisT
    wHereVer Fearless Love
    as HuWoMan..
    and SinG..
    WitH TrUe
    Relative Free WiLL..
    wHeRe the F iN of Orca
    is no longer limPed oVer..
    hiGh wE SWi’M.. aS
    FreE WiLL
    JuSt anoTHeR
    plaY oN poeTry..
    FReED WiLLeY noW..
    Yeah BaBy.. yoU kNow
    aLL those selfies.. wITh
    the left Arm raised as TriAngle
    hiGh.. no that ain’t just an arm
    thaT iS an Orca FiN Free
    WiLL oN
    the Loose..:)

  10. Brief moments of sanity aside….

    “The shoe that fits one person pinches another;
    there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.”

    ~~ Carl Jung ~~

    Carl Jung is one of my favorites
    as he wasn’t afraid to step
    out of the
    shrink box..
    all wrapped up as
    such in mind altering
    drugs.. in ways of neuro-chemicals
    which are only a tiny ingredient of
    the neuro-mix of human being.. iE
    oxytocin.. being a great
    pArt of the
    mix of social
    bonding that
    the profession is
    only recently addressing
    and there are so many more
    lost continents of mind that
    at least Jung attempted
    to seek.. find and
    case study
    way.. and the greaTest
    thing about being a Bi-Polar..
    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde type..
    as i readily admit from
    my history as such..
    i’ve seen both sides
    up close.. and
    inside.. outside..
    above.. so below
    and all around noW
    and understand Now
    why i scare the crap out
    of some folks.. and excite
    others to no end with wee i can’t
    believe i’m meeting you now
    man.. they are they and
    me is me.. those are those
    and us or them.. Bio-Diversity
    and all diversity is the way
    of change.. the way
    oF God oF aLL Nature
    don’T take a Rocket
    Scientist or Chemist
    Pope to get this
    Basic tenant
    oF aLL tHat iS
    and sure.. yes..
    Being the
    Lunatic in a room..
    can spell either fear
    or eXciTeMent for
    those who enter
    different ways of
    BeiNG hUman..
    but what i kNow from
    the dArKest liGhts and
    BriGhTest niGhts is there
    are some places the hUman
    HeArt.. SpiRit and MiNd
    and BoDy balance
    or imbalance
    as SoUL
    goes thaT iS
    organic in Nature
    where only time can
    cure some ills in Rest
    and Recuperation back
    into liGht from dARk..
    iT is those who have
    sunk and swam..
    swam and
    and swam
    again.. that
    Learn to Swim
    iN liGht and Dark..
    and the hardest pARts
    can be the shades of grey
    in purgatory of middle ‘tween
    Heaven and Hell.. but i have
    a hidden grin my frIEnd as
    i’Ve seen ‘tween.. above
    and below most ALL
    aRounD oF aLL
    both sIDes noW..
    and no doubt the
    colors beyond the
    RainBoW i Live.. few
    have.. enTeRed noW..
    but.. iF i can gET heRe
    noW.. i retain hope for
    otherS in the DarKest
    oF ALL
    Dead iN LiFe..
    and as far as the
    government goes.. meh.. 25 years
    worKinG for that three ring circus
    too long.. to be worried about rule
    makers and such as that and
    anyway.. a truly crazy
    to hide.. nothing
    to fear.. and nothing
    to hate.. but Loving LiFe..
    yeS.. it’s
    F iN Crazy
    but IT’s Free
    iT’s NoW anD as
    Ferris Bueller saY iN etH
    a miGhty grasp of WisDom
    take a day off or yA miGht jUSt miSs iT..
    So.. i took mY LiFe oFF and
    LiVeOnoW.. thanks Ferris..
    even if you are not
    AM noW
    And craZy
    iS as smART does..
    iN thE SpiRit oF George Carlin
    oN course
    oF course..
    WiTH A FoRresT
    VieW oF GumpTiOn..:)

  11. So.. as balance goes..
    and Yin and Yang SinGs
    HiGher and higheR Free..
    MoVing and CreaTinG i am
    but i am MiSsing ConneCtinG
    a little too much..
    so in an attempt
    @reaching more folks
    one on onE noW
    as noW iS aLL tHat
    iS i travel to dVerse..
    to connect
    iN SoUl
    of poeTry
    tHeir and as far as
    reciprocation.. i AM
    usuAlly a little too strange
    for that but that is the way
    of the online poeTry world
    As iNfusED iN structured way..
    oF away from Robin Williams
    Dead Poet’s Society wITh more
    introverted.. conservative
    ruLED miNds..
    tHIS bird sINgs fREE
    A SonG and DancE
    oF LiFe.. FReEd and
    Y tHere are
    noWs that
    SinG WitH
    mE and WinD theY
    Do Choirs of AngELs
    coMe aLiVe as ET
    iS real iN
    SonG and
    Dance both
    on earth noW
    and OnLinE too
    iN eXTrAterrestrial
    way as thaT is what
    E Land IS A Land aWay
    from real that can be anything
    we like or dislike or totally ignore..
    but in real liFe.. i cannot be ignoRed
    any more than a rose.. in the middle of Desert SAndS
    as i dance a liGht briGhter than the moon briGhT aT niGht..
    but yes.. noW
    theRe iS tHat
    record online thaT
    i promiSed God wOUld
    last after the last SonG
    and Dance oF mEnoW..
    and iF yoU are one of mY
    few friEnds yOu WiLL
    kNoW FeeL i never
    break a
    to a friEnd
    and or mY friEnd
    God iN Covenant waY..:)

  12. TRUE Dreams of NOW

    WriTe oN cOUrse heRe
    wITh Facebook Blog
    post yearly reminders..
    as Synchronicity WiLL
    alWays HAve iN change
    as similarLY psYchoLogicAlly
    hUman coNsciousness
    and suBconscious
    humaN archetypeS
    wayS noW oF
    meaninGFuL ..
    yeS oN
    topiC noW
    aT lEaster
    foR MeNoW..:)

  13. WeLL.. naH.. i don’TusAlly
    share Thursday NiGht Dance
    Shirts tHe niGht beForE DancE
    aS Thursday NiGht WiLL bE
    mY 110th Dance Week niGht
    oF DoinG juSt thAT..
    At Old Seville Quarter
    wiTh aLL thE
    Kool College
    age folks tHeRe..
    but Vincent Van Gogh
    wITh aN S for HopE..
    iT’S aBout placE..
    wE hAve..
    A SupeR
    herO liKe thAT..;)

  14. Believe it or not..
    As Ripley sTiLL can
    say.. i am not a word
    person from birth.. i mean
    duh.. didn’t speak until age
    4.. so obviously a fAct.. as weLL
    as Art of mE.. and trUly a form oF
    Hyperlexia.. in interpreting and decoding
    all stuff symbol.. is what i am.. a precocious
    reader almost before speaker i was then..
    although i could rarely maintain much
    comprehension of whAT i read
    other than the words
    of forms
    that i could
    say in detail
    way.. rather than
    getting the bigger
    picture then.. noW
    in watching even
    a movie and taling
    iT back in
    of telling speech
    in verbal spoken
    way.. so what’s wITh
    aLL these words.. as visual
    and numerical thInker is what
    i am in symbolically navigating
    my world back then.. wondering
    watching.. all those talking
    heads on news..
    when WiLL i Flow
    words like them
    back then..
    Well.. yeah.. i’M also
    good then iN remembering
    auditory lectures of Rote
    fActs when focused iN
    totAlly laser way aLL
    In school then.. too..
    and my visual and number
    memory so great.. no contact
    number list for me.. in personal
    assistant way.. and let me tale you
    all about the shirt i wore.. on a vacation
    20 years ago.. down to the way it felt
    on my neck yes.. back then too..
    but words.. they
    escaped the oral
    way of presentation
    in coherent flow way..
    until the typewriter comes
    and i have the opportunity
    to back space and
    delete iF
    need be
    for iT aLL
    to make sense..
    and after losing effective
    use of my eYeSiGht and
    HeARing for around 66
    months from January
    2008 to July of 2013..
    i am forced into Navigating
    the World.. and do it more..
    when i start writing online
    oN Thanks Giving
    Day of 2010..
    and it’s great to be able
    to see anything even just
    2 inches away from dimly
    lit screen.. through the pain
    of heLL StiLL trying my best
    to escape it in mind of written
    words.. then.. So.. the picture.. number
    and interpreter reason Thinker STiLL becomes
    words and the rest is history as record here..
    and many folks online who are identified having
    Autism.. actually have a non-verbal.. form of Autism
    wHere the word part comes easy but identifying faces
    and expressions can be very difficult.. including
    Math associated stuff.. and moving out
    of a literal stay of miNd into
    the more figurative
    metaphor stuff
    oF LiFE iN aRT oF hUman
    way noW.. so yes.. it’s worth
    noting than many poets who navigate
    the human mind and environment through
    words over photos and number way..
    WiLL not get along as well
    with the way
    i write..
    as an eX isual
    image and number
    tHInKer too.. but yes..
    as iS the fAct of mY liFeNoW
    tHeRe iS alWays challenge.. change…
    and adaptation for neuroplasticity
    in BRain Change way and
    eVEn Epigenetics..
    wHere wE unpack
    our potential stored
    DNA.. in genes.. and
    make more more change
    in even incredible and dramatic
    change.. as is the case for
    mE iN July
    of 2013..
    anyWay.. as i say aGaiN
    Human Nature is Dynamic
    aLways Changing
    as adapting to
    Challenge iN
    and the Video.. as lInked
    below about poeTry
    iN TED Talk format
    certainly SinGs a
    SonG of THis
    Nature oF
    iN beInG
    Human BeinG2..:)

  15. WeLL.. a few detours
    have deterred my Visit
    back to dVerse and wHeRe
    WiLL i sTart.. yes.. i’ll
    go straight to the
    last prompt
    on Tuesday
    wHere it’s about
    Doors and opening
    them and who.. now..
    perhaps Writer’s own
    the Wind.. as
    Jim Morrison
    WiLL likely
    Ride too..
    in memory
    of the Doors
    too.. yes..
    wRiteR’s noW..:)

    Doors oF ever noW..
    open closeD
    Brighter pathS
    allone maY
    kNoW noW..:)

    FAcing tHe tesT
    iN Door oF DeatH
    Been tHeRE dONE
    iT aLivE
    aLiGht SHinE..:)

    Doors oF tools
    of human kind..
    Guns and Roses..
    Cars and Homes
    yes.. fridges..
    and stoves..
    all doors
    human touch..:)

    Door of adults a
    screened down porch
    to children sitting at
    a table one notch
    Adults Sing
    a song of
    i wanna
    more than
    nursery rhymes
    in grand ma’s
    play pen
    then.. they say
    that’s where the
    Kid’s eat..
    i say..
    i AM.. no
    label just
    a garden sTiLL..
    in fertile soil..
    Rose of i
    so read

    For me too..
    walking down
    a childhood road..
    doors of old homes
    antiquity sOld..
    Lives inside

    TiMe.. a River
    and not a clock..
    Life.. a now
    and not
    an end..
    SAdly.. iN
    more.. than liFe
    oF Now.. Holy..
    Insanity.. can
    reign in
    Nature.. has
    the answer..
    and Nike

    The arriving or leaving
    thaT multi-door of
    liFe i’ve fAced
    three nows
    iN total..
    one at 21..
    two at 47..
    three strikes
    and i’m still
    door remains
    and then
    i Dance..
    back to doors
    unless i’m wRiTinG
    DancinG poetry
    juST opening
    old doors

    the doors to
    lonG ones for
    me.. breWinG
    Dr. Jekyll
    to Mr.
    as only
    pLay oF
    fiNdinG aLL
    iS plaY in Y anG
    oF LiFeNoW SonGs

    YiN YanG
    oF ‘PasSioN
    foR LiVinG
    Arts opeN DooRs
    Of LiGht iN NiGht
    DArk oF dAy noW..:)

    Very quick side
    note here..
    a liFe oF Art..
    side note ends..
    and poeTry sTiLL
    stArts and beGiNs..
    with no end
    or Finish

    SMiLes.. i’LL
    go doubting
    Thomas route
    iN opTioNaL
    goSpel.. aWay
    HeRe froM SAint
    Francis.. Matthew..
    All the rest..
    best noW
    oF aLL
    don’t waiT..
    WinDow fALLs..:)

    doors to dance
    StiLL relieve
    me iN
    of past..
    trust me
    not or yes..
    when i say..
    as Air Force
    treating combat
    veterans can say..
    i’ve never
    seen a case
    of anxiety
    as bad as
    mine was
    and no noW
    longer iS
    iN noW..
    oF Dance..
    they do happen..
    but seriously..
    body keeps
    score.. to
    free A priSon
    oF iT iN iNterpretive
    free style NO LESsONs
    dance.. can bE A way
    out free
    of a priSon
    iN mInd
    and body
    oF soUL..

    i wouldn’T
    be surprised
    to date.. iF God
    don’t sEnd A bEast
    liKe GodZillA
    tO tEach
    A lesSon
    fOr tranSgresSinG
    aGAINsT Life
    iN God’s
    NatUre hOMe NoW
    ouT oF BalanCinG
    wRitE noW.. oH..
    DoorS noW to
    HeaVen alReaDy
    openED.. hUmans
    creaTe A heLL
    iN doorS

    Be back..
    6:06 pm..
    And yes..
    back at 10:30 pm..

    Doorways to Energies..
    Oh.. Doorways to Love..
    Furry pets come and
    go.. Electric ZonE
    of heat.. cooL noW
    and entertainment
    morE.. soMenoWs
    i dance mORe As
    air and water..
    allone plays
    wITh mE

    World of spoon fed from
    birth domesticated cats
    we are with
    wrapped around
    the fingers of culture
    we are.. always school..
    always work.. little
    no looking
    glass within
    to move connect
    and create internally
    and DancE
    A Hurricane
    outside.. a calm
    within we generate

    Screen Doors of Love
    Swing by in rhymes of
    times gone by..
    Love within
    Sings a
    of missing
    Door sWings
    of Love
    just a new
    door to be found
    to Love even more..:)

    EmoTioNs of hUmans
    rust without trust..
    hidden in
    of pain..
    cob webs
    of empty
    SinG in sHades
    of grey.. colors
    igNite iN bones
    aflaMe iN want..
    Love iS in the Air
    BehOld a flAMe oF
    SoUl moVinG
    iN colOrs SpRinG..:)

    Door aNew
    Door aOld..
    Door sOld
    Door bOught
    Door bRinGS
    Change oF dArk
    And liGht challenge
    Adapt GroWinGs mOre..:)

    Every gRain of SAnd
    a Door open to the
    oF aLL..
    or closed
    to the essence
    of one man less..:)

    Birds and Fish Navigate
    within.. wITh birds
    a Trigeminal
    per Quantum
    aS baffLED
    bY science
    StiLL.. oh!
    hUmans take
    from others
    aNd siT STiLL..
    ha! apeX predaTor
    iN priSons oF electriC
    chAIRS Guinea PigS
    iN TwiliGht

    Revolving Doors of input
    output garbage in
    data of cogs
    in machines
    of culture
    to be filLed..
    MoVinG.. CoNecTinG
    CreaTinG Doors output
    more than input spoon
    birth.. Terminator
    ways die when Internet
    kills the TV
    as long as
    of output becomes
    the Terminator 2 gAMe..
    Neo Lives too in output GamE..:)

    girls bore
    now most
    for FREE
    don’t stop
    with the first
    dogs begging
    for bones at the door..
    DiVersiTy.. iT’s what God
    has fOr DiNner aFter aLL iS
    The trUtH anD
    liGht don’T giVe
    an F whAt thE
    F hUman books thInk..
    hehe.. bet i aT lEast lose one
    so-called followeR
    for this little
    i shine
    oF Truth JEWeL
    but Jesus.. ‘they’..
    the whore dogs..
    Neutered Jesus..
    noW thaT waS aN ulTiMate
    sIN oF ForEver fOr MaKinG liFe REAL..:)

    SMiLes.. in mountains..
    in valleys.. streams.. rivers
    to oceans.. sky above..
    and fertile
    legs ‘tween
    free humans
    in sands
    oF Life
    God oF Heaven’s
    Kingdom Lives Free
    when Free SinGS a
    SonG of SoUl oF
    uS.. So FReED..:)

    LiFe of liGht
    Art of Hell..
    Dark SoUl
    of Night
    Door to liGht
    liFe’s Serpent..
    Reptilian BRaiN
    Lives for Balance..
    Fearless Love.. heARt’s
    SpiRiT SinGs a Balance
    MiNd and BoDy SoUl FReED..:)

    NeedLE of birth
    spoon fED cultUre..
    Breeds Trees wITh
    low limbs.. Leaves..
    climb hiGh.. open
    aBove DancE noW
    SinGs beloW SonG
    A SoUl oF FReED..:)

    BomBs oF Love
    LiVinG iN poeTry
    LoVe.. BombS
    Of SWords liVing
    In BooKs oF haTe..
    God of Hate..
    oF Love
    SoUL of SonG..
    GoD FReED..:)

    Feed a soUl..
    young and cold..
    GroW a heArt
    old and wArm
    SpiRit never
    GroWs oLd
    to eternal
    YoUth inSide..:)

    Ah.. LiFe rEborn iN Art
    GarDen iNside
    gRoWs ouTside..
    aboVe.. so beloW
    and aLL aRound..
    morE.. aS
    Big Bang
    aBove.. Big
    Bang beLow..
    hUmans no

    GHosts oF terrOr
    builDinGs Of War
    crumbLed tEars..
    A SonG..
    FiRe briGht
    FirE SinGS
    Bold Cold
    oF LiFe..:)

    fly deep South…
    Beach White no Snows..
    i stay Beach Free Life More..
    LiFe’s A Beach..;)

    Strangest Door of minD..
    Hospital tAble cOld..
    no more words..
    Cold as
    wake in cotton
    clouds.. fuzzy
    warm deliGht oF
    Sleeping DreAM
    aWake.. diD
    i reAlly diE..
    iS thiS reallY
    heaVen noW..
    enJoy iT while
    It lasts lesSons
    oF Hell iN Heaven’s
    Hell Of Heaven aGain..
    40 days of no Sleep ..
    Back a LiFe..
    ps.. True Story..
    Door to LiGht oF LiFe..:)

    And at 12:19 am..
    that’s all folks..

  16. OKay.. as
    i’m back noW
    and yeS noW for
    all practical yeS..
    noW intents and purposes
    i am Jesus.. kindA liKe A
    ‘the dude coming out of
    the Water.. the Waves..
    The Ocean wHole’.. in
    the video above..
    just wanting
    to give
    Fun to other
    folks without any
    personal judgements
    over what is good or evil..
    in fAct more like what feels
    good and does not harm
    other pArts of God..
    as happy
    to survive
    and thrive alivE noW
    iT’s what Nature AKA
    God does after aLL iS
    DanceD and SunG
    and tHe wHOle dAM
    tHinG sTartS
    aLL oVer
    yes.. but the way
    iS survive and thrive..
    unmistakable everywhere
    one looks in NatUre sTiLL
    noW.. and hUmans A
    of THe GreAT i AM..
    A to Z.. yEs..
    Alpha to
    and beYonD
    oF aLL thAT iS..
    Namaste.. as i sEE
    and FeeL and kNoW
    thE Festive pARt oF
    God iN yoU tO
    and thRive
    aLive aS WeLL..
    aNd aGain foR All practical
    intents and purposes i am Jesus..
    that don’t mean i am literally Jesus
    as mE.. as ME iS the Great i AM
    HuWoManiFeST iN Me..
    So i ‘DancE aNd SinG
    GoD FReED’.. and
    while tHeir cAn
    CerTaiNly bE
    aN inFiniTe numBer
    of LabELs iN metapHOrse
    foR this neXt Macro Verse
    of tHe ‘SonG oF mY SoUL’..
    numbeRinG numBer 667 noW
    iN “KATiE MiA FredericK!iI”
    Word Press VerSion onE LonG
    poem oF WeLL oVer 3 MilLionoW
    WoRds noW.. tens of thouSandS
    of photos.. thoUsands oF
    Videos.. and much
    much more..
    of a little
    bit of the FuLL
    current GoD word+ bible
    unabridged thaT iS Internet
    iN GOlden City in the sKeYes
    oF FReED noW.. but sTiLL noW
    oNly a tiny piece of tHe UniVerSal
    maniFest oF GodALLONE i AMnoW NoW
    ALL AS SUCH.. HE OR ShE.. OR noW
    THe WHoLE
    BOTtOM LiNe
    iS God wants to
    SurVive and thriVe..
    kinDa liKe Girls juSt
    wAnna hAve fUn.. anD
    The soonEr wE sEE GoD
    iN aLL and acCept thE iNheritance
    oF God iN uS FReED tHe moReNOW
    WE’LL giVe aNd sharE For FReED
    aAd finAlly mORe oF God
    WiLL bE supeR
    KooLFooL SacReD
    NaKeD noW
    anD hapPy
    WeaRinG sHaDes
    liKe mE oR however
    GoD likEs iT iN YoU
    as Fearless Love..
    iN BalanCinG
    miNd and BoDy
    way as planets
    WiLL do in bliss
    of orbit around
    SuN Free easy
    peacey moonlit
    niGht oF BliSs
    tWo Lovers embraCinG oNe
    in BEach SAnds oF FloWinG
    Passionate Love.. oF FReED..
    So yeah.. Dance and Sing God FReED..
    iT’s what i do.. for heaVen noW.. and iT F iN Works
    too.. FREE..
    seriOUsLY.. theE
    UniVerSe can be
    a cOld and lonELy
    place without liFE..
    Cherish iT.. GRoW It
    Fearless.. iN Love
    liKe a boat
    Live.. Love
    and Laugh..
    Sing.. FReED
    or like the video noW
    sHows look for Seagull
    sHit and you will find that
    pARt of God too.. i choose
    WinGs over sHit and jUST Fly
    like ET on Terrestrial PlanET noW..
    and wITh aLL that iS noW
    sAid thiS
    super LonG
    of SinGinG
    DanCinG aLL oF..
    Of GoD FReED iN
    mE iS read to publish
    on Word press after noW
    i get the rest of mY
    sHit ToGeTheR noW..
    jUst for God FuN
    FReED and liKe
    i said and
    did before..
    i do not
    break my
    promises to
    either friEnd
    or Covenant
    wITh God so
    the record goes on
    iN aLL the ways thAT comes aGaiN..
    even if i am mostly like a thief in
    the niGht wHere most people
    even kNow
    mY real
    AM noW iN..
    oh by a Way
    i shaved my beard
    when i was 24.. as
    some of my girl FRIeNDS
    tOld me you are too sexy
    for that beard Fred.. you
    are hiding your Angel Beauty..
    and yes.. i kNow i Look more
    like an olDer bEast now.. butT
    LiON or whatEver.. fly RoBin FlY..
    aLwaYs noW
    for better or
    worse and better
    aGaiN wED iN DArk
    and liGht.. masculine
    and feminine as dualities
    become onE and FReER NoW..
    MoVinG Be jUst BE
    ConNecTaRinG crEA
    TinG Rivers mOre Ocean
    wHoLe are wE noW Fearless
    FReED aS LoVe.. God sMiLes..:)

  17. And in conclusion..
    Fly Robin Fly
    up up up to the
    sky wHere arms
    are WinGS
    and hAnds
    are pAws
    fOR LoVe..
    anD nAils
    arE cLaws
    foR surViVal..
    and LiVe is
    for SurvivE
    iN Thrive aLive..
    and since thIS noW
    iS my Holy Thursday
    and SAcred R and R
    Day noW i ReaDy
    for dAnce..
    and yes..
    muSt FulFiLL
    A Convenant
    WitH GoD iN
    publishing this..
    Jesus.. at least
    Jesus had some other
    folks to write it All dOwn..
    but yes.. i have the Google
    of the USA to give me a hAnd..
    Wiki.. YouTube.. much much more
    in GOldEn ciTy online beYond
    Sun and mOon liT
    noW.. iNoW..
    So i venTuRe
    later to my
    110th dance
    week Celebration
    Night at Good Old
    Seville wITh aLL tHe
    KooL College age Folks
    to attempt to sHow thEm
    a Non-verbal misSionaRy
    lesSon on how to be FReER
    out of prison in EmoTioNsEnSes
    represSinG and
    iN stiFF
    boDy miNd
    roBot ways
    deader than
    can more fully bE
    MoVinG.. ConneCTinG
    CreAtinG.. aLivE.. and why
    do i pick college night wHere
    even 18 to 21 year-olds can
    dance too.. WeLL.. QUiET
    frankly reaching
    the older
    is like
    the largest
    camel i for one
    have come to find..
    and the smallest needle
    of an oppressing repressing
    lifelong culture of work and school..
    away from GOD FReED.. and while
    i try.. that’s aLL i can do.. i go to aLL
    places but iT aS aLway.. iT iS those
    who sTiLL can hEar and sEE.. FeeL
    and kNOw tHeir Inner wiLd cHild cALL
    oF yes.. thE WiLd oF GoD FReED..
    aLL iNnate.. iNstinctual
    iNtuitive as such
    SeekinG FindinG
    yeS.. FucKinG
    iF yoU SeeK iN GoD
    FReED.. kinda liKe mE
    the greAt i AM thE
    mE forEver
    morE noW
    photo documentation
    as requested bY God
    in Convenant as such..
    coMiNg in aRound
    3 am..
    the wee
    hours of Friday
    Morning.. the 13th..
    but wITh GoD aT thE
    aiR and wiNds of i..
    tHere iS
    iN FearLess LOVe..:)

  18. ShiT.. ps..
    alMost forGot ..
    to say.. iN thaT
    Video up tHeRe
    THAt jesus got to go
    to Venice California…
    true the beaches are much
    more beautiful here.. but as
    mentioned earlier in this epic
    Macro verse poem.. now to be
    titled.. “DancE SinG GoD FReED”..
    Milton is originally the place
    named hell in the USA..
    and as far as
    Jesus’ teachings
    about the outcasts
    among us being
    the first in
    the Kingdom
    of God later oN
    or Now if ya gEt
    tHeir noW.. sociologists
    suggest that the ARE i live
    in is the most difficult place
    for a non-conformist Jesus-
    liKe Dude in terms of different
    from the norm to thrive alive..
    so yes.. God gives me
    quite a challenge
    sending me to
    HeLL with
    a medical
    assessed pain
    known as type
    two Trigeminal
    Neuralgia worse
    than the torture
    pain of crucifixion..
    and i was even born
    in HeLL.. hehe.. literally
    speaking per town history..
    anyway.. they might have tried
    to erase the sMiLes off of me
    in school.. yes.. ’em so-
    called Christian
    Bully Boys..
    but they
    can’t stop
    me from DanCinG SinGinG
    noW totAlly wITh thE sKin
    oF God FREE onLInEnoW..:)

  19. Oh.. the siGns
    oF TrUth and liGht..
    the letteRs.. the numbeRs..
    the worDs.. and otHeR viSuaL
    symBols.. seNses.. FeeLinGs kNoWinGs
    oF aLL thAT iS and quiET hoNestLY.. noW A
    Rear end oF mY car iN juSt a random taG
    iSsued by the County Santa Rosa..
    Tax Collector’s oFFicE.. noW
    F in says iT
    aLL iN
    for those
    who see.. feel..
    and knoW farther
    than form ways..
    And.. oF course
    aS WeLL.. the H
    8 standing InFiNitY
    sYmbol for HoNda
    iN Civic way.. wHere
    two halves of whole
    iN K11 become H8 noW..
    joining ones ToGeTher bRidge
    yeS.. InFiNiTy.. stanDinG TaLL..
    joiNinG HemisPheres of hUman
    brAin leFt and RiGht in BaLanCinG..
    as hemispheres west to east.. and
    latitudes north to south of Earth
    noW BeCoMeS oNe ForCe
    aLL oF God FReED
    iN hUWoMaNiFesT
    waYah.. yeS.. noWfREE..:)

    And yUP.. sPeaKinG
    of siGns and sYmbols..
    random as such.. noW
    iN synchronicity way..
    ‘thAT’ is the shadow
    of a human in battle
    worn feet now approaching
    6000 miles in 36 months of Dance
    Walking most everywhere i go.. noW
    in a martial arts and ballet-like way
    around September 6th..
    2016.. oN cuRrent
    trajecTory oF aRound
    166.66 Monthly MiLes
    close to 5400 miles noW
    oF i aS water
    and aiR floaTinG
    oN Terrestrial
    Land FReED..
    however.. not
    without A price
    of struggle of
    course as the
    dance has practically
    shined my nails off
    in some places of
    war torn moves..
    but anyway..
    if one can
    stand to look
    at the casualties
    as such.. in the dirt
    and terrain of left
    foot worn.. perhaps
    a Lion or Man in robe
    but it’s onLY up to ya
    to determine

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