SolDieR oF GoD2 FReED

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So.. continuing to celebrate my Grand
Cross 56th Birthday through the afternoon
of writing and after somewhat of a break of exercise
and into food in feast celebration over the weekend..
a shorter run of Dance Walking and only 5 or so miles
compared to the usual half a marathon or so on Sunday
so i figure after writing 11 or so MiLLion wordS in
66 months.. and WriTing towards 4 milLion or so
and at least well over three million wordS iN 33
months thiS now worKing 675th Verse of the
Longest Free Verse Long
poem form poem ‘eva..
i’LL set my own personal
record in parallel leg presSinG
at least 33 reps of 930 LBs WitH
arms raised in the air at my Favorite
military gym.. as a retired civilian Federal
employee.. i sTiLL.. receive privileges to use..
as of course.. i was also the Athletic Director..
then.. at the end of my career and even arranged
for the close to Million Dollars of Equipment then in
work-out way there.. in the new gym built before
i Left.. to replace the old gym destroyed by
Hurricane Ivan in 2004.. in winds
exceeding 100 miles for
around 20 straight
hours listening to
shingles fly off
our house too.. back
in the Winds of destroyer
Ivan on the Gulf Coast here..
anyway.. i successfully press the
weight slowly and surely at least 33
reps as i don’t count as i am in total
focus without any thoughts and only
Lion Growls of CHI Energy to do this
somewhat amazing 56 year old dude feat
among the hopeful
other warriors training
there to defend our country..
so i go by length of SonG and
the 6 seconds average it takes
for one rep now.. and easily
see that a three and a half
minute song on the radio
per 210 seconds or so
makes at least 33 reps and
perhaps even 40 or so now..
and it makes me kinda sad to
see so many young men pasty
and flabby with little muscle tone at
all.. sitting on their cell-phones these
days with rarely a growl of effort like
the training warriors did back in the
day of fighting more hand to
hand combat than
push button drones
and such as what goes
on now.. so.. while i’ve rarely
ever got a complaint on my intensity
of working out and mostly compliments
and even comments like the last one i
documented last week from the young muscled
black military warrior who said i inspired him
by the intensity of my workout.. so.. an older
military dude.. of course.. probably still at
least 20 years younger than me now
after i finish the somewhat amazing
feat that he for sure couldn’t imagine
even pressing one time at all at
likely 4 or so hundred pounds
less.. says.. then.. oh no.. don’t
grunt.. it is distracting me after
i finish.. and i’m thinking.. oh..
the state of affairs
of warriors these
days.. of course unless
the dude has PTSD from real
combat as such thaT IS A possibility
with his age as such.. and yes he does
look like he could handle himself in a real
fight too.. so i’LL give this dude a potential
forgiveness warrior pass on that of course..
and i attempted to explain to him the
physical exercise science and
eastern philosophy why i
do growl for maximum
potenTial effort
but he just
looked all
road raged
out and said
i’m not interested
and i said never mind..
like i always do for folks
who might otherwise learn
something that could even
save their life at some point
in the future.. particularly if they
go in combat way for the first
time.. second etc.. as i too
had PTSD and eliminated
that and the most
Severe case
of Anxiety
that my Air
Force Psychiatrist
said he had ever assessed
in years of practice with combat
veterans coming back from
the middle east then..
but no..
all he had
was pills for
me.. and as noted
in this blog before.. after
he saw how i gained balance
in the art of movement in miNd
and BoDy way.. he quit his practice
and is teaching movement therapy
in a Hospital school down south..
in Florida way.. so.. yeah..
i know what the
FucK i am doing
no matter if anyone
else don’t understand
it and think it’s weird and
or strange or and not.. but it’s
like that old TV show named
Kung Fu.. for one who knows
and feels what they are capable
oF iN defense like easily killing
a person with one
swift kick if they
really were defending
their life or a loved one true..
there is nothing to prove.. so i just
said.. i’ll stop it all together now.. and
of course i was finished anyway.. God’s Hands
sMile on God’s children that way when they
are soldier free WitH God as such.. in other
words.. God lives within me and has my
back too.. even in the days.. when
God was carrying me and i could
no longer walk and see
my footprints in
Sands and
Sun of God
FReED then.. BeliEF
TruSt.. FaitH.. HoPe..
fEaRless LoVe.. iT aLL
thAT iS works toGetHer
as NatUre one..
and speaKing of
road rage.. oh.. my Uncle
and all his complaints about
the food at the fancy pancy restaurant
last night where a dish of baked fish and rice
can be purchased for around 30 bucks with a glass
of nine dollar cheap wine as such..for those now with
endless deep pockets like my Uncle and Aunt of course..
and by the way.. my Grandmother married a Jewish
dude.. after my Irish Catholic X-Priest Grandfather
as such.. not a stereotype.. just a trivia note
here.. that he is just my half uncle in
blood way.. and my full uncle
was the one posted in
my latest 674th epic
Macro verse wave of
Long Poem
Super Epic Ocean poem..
then in the high school photo
with the high achieving motto
as such that yes i have fulfilled
in daring to do what no man
or woman has done before
in terms of Long
poem form
anyway.. i told my Uncle
that i am a free spirited dude
now.. and sure i will follow all the
legalities as such in local.. state.. and
federal ways and as of tonight.. yeS i
did tale the asshole sounding military
dude.. yes.. sure.. right away sir now..
what eva’ ya say sir.. i’ll stop what ya
don’t like.. all then now..
as i know my
privileged place
to work-out there
and also the military
privilege of getting your
way.. no matter what as
Rank has privilege in military
way in stuff ya don’t really wanna
know about in unfair ways behind the
scene.. i respect the military.. yes.. as they
give up many freedoms to defend our Liberty
to be free humans in this country in reasonable
enough way.. but hell no.. i for one would never
be a prisoner again of the Government as whole
circus the way it is run now.. where humans
are just tools and the machine
are we who fall
prey noW to
the machine
of human hierarchies of
slow torture of humanity
out of being.. nah..
i’ll just wander
the land free
like that
Kung Fu
Dude did back
then.. peaceful and
confident that yes.. if i ever
really had to kick ass.. nah.. no
one would wanna be behind my
kick now as nuclear power as
such in subatomic way..
through the Chi
that is much
stronger than
any visible force
of i.. in muscled way
now.. and yeah.. back in the
day when my only art of fighting
was arm wrestling.. i put down
260 Lb law enforcement
officers.. with me at
170 Lbs then.. and
one time when i was
working the men’s
league at the
Bowling Center..
every God dam
dude there then
challenged me
and lost like
a train of
wimpy arms.. then..
the difference was
the CHI.. as tHeir
arms were around
twice as big as mine then…
AT 230 LBS now and twice
as strong at least.. let’s just
say.. i have greAT reaSon to walk
tall.. leisurely through the bar
parKing Lots at night now..
but no.. before i did martial
arts proficiently as such..
i never felt that
confidence before
that as far as i kNow
can only be achieved through
the art of mind and body balance
and the instinct.. and intuition
of fearless one gains
when they feel
and sense
how to handle
their body fully
from head to toe
through distance and space
all 3D in Golden Spirals as such
now.. oh.. so free.. Seagulls we can be
in Peace and Bliss and hell yeah..
Fearless Love in true ways
of tough Love
Hell no.. tHeRe ain’t
nuthing wrong with being
confident unless ya abuse
ya power.. and trUly in
Chi ways that only
makes a peRson
ultiMatELy weaker
as Chi iS an all positive
Force that any con-social
emoTioNs weaken.. and sure
that most alWays gives i for one..
the Chi edge of the Force of God
unleashed and released and always
READY TO FucKinG Rock and Roll
in liGht and Hell yes.. as DaRk
as one miGht imagine
in HeLL Fire
waY iN Defense
oF Fearless LoVe noW..
i have a mesSage.. a continual
one to bRinG and i Am mY
own FucKinG smArt
and clever
iN thE Art
Of Soldier oF


Hmm.. well.. now..
that last selfie.. yeah..
was/is not mysterious
enough to introduce
the concept NoW of
Soldier.. oF God2..
so i WiLL now Go
iN Ninja style
as tHeir
must be
some secret
Agent of God
miXed in 2.. noW too
but first i must go out so
deep in Nature to further
reflect on hidden Nature
of Soldier of God2.. too..
And Arcadia MiLL WiLL DO..:)

And as quick note here.. basicAlly
a Soldier of God defends the right
of aLL to Life.. Liberty.. Justice
and the pursuit of Happiness..
which of course means
no unjustified harm
to others.. as well as
defending these rights for
all without excluding anyone..
and sadly through history there
have been few trUe in liGht Soldier
oF God2’s as there most always
is some element of humanity
left out in the cold
as outcast as such
NoW TrUe from the
whole.. of humanity
as God Given Nature
WiLL provide for
minorities of the wHole is
Nature’s all Natural God oF
Nature’s way of protecting the
Balance of Nature aLL.. iN other
words in the animal world when
population stresses get high..
including of course wE animals..
as controlled through
hormones in the
womb and many
other nature
and nurture factors..
the God of Nature
changes stuff
now where
rates go down
and balance is once aGaiN
restored.. and sure that
can happen in ways of homosexuality
and even super viruses that come to
play when the wild thing gets out of hand
or per chance to put it back in hand more..
to reduce population too..
anyway.. Being a Soldier
oF God2.. is not a cut
and dry thing too..
as Nature works
in God’s many
liGht and dArk ways
so.. the Soldier of God2..
most often has to go the
route of secret service agent
3 or 4 or however many secret
agencies in just one human being
are necessary to keep aBreast of God’s
Nature’s changes and help to direct the Winds
of God’s Nature iN Humans oN course to Balance..
Meanwhile.. the answers are most always found in God’s
Nature NoW for those who look farther than the cultural
clothes of the past.. for what iS WorKinG now towards
God’s way
of eternal
Balance and of
course the Bell Curve
of that and the sweet spots
of the Spectrum whole to just
get the FucKinG Job of Balance
God of Nature2..
hmm.. and here’s just
a little antiquated information
for the 32 great physical signs
for what once was considered a man
of God.. or truly a Soldier oF God..
as sadly the first mistake that continues
now is to suggest that a Soldier of God2.. cannot
be a woman.. and that is total asshole male bullshit..
and could not be further from the Truth and liGht than that
as women most often are Soldiers of God2.. by their very
Nature of greater Empathy for all living things than
dull witted males
in the rule of
Empathy in Sacred
Fearless Love.. and of
course males for their
on average greater strength
may have a physical type of fighting
confidence.. but baby the Chi.. the Force
when employed.. can move most any woman.. up to
when fully employed.. in individual effort
to defend successfully
what Sacred Fearless
Love IS At
FAce oF
God iN HUman
noW..And A Soldier
of God2.. WiLL alWays
employ methods iF at all
possible to NOT HARM OTHERS
at aLL when pursuing tHeir secret
agent of God Duties too.. in other
words.. they must bE clever as the fox
and the thief in the night too..
to jUst do it in Victory over
Vengeance way
NoW2.. noW so..
Anyway.. i’LL2
use one of my
Favorite modern
Soldier oF God2
role models oF
Katy Perry and
hEr SonG Firework
to illustrate the artful
methods Super Soldier oF God2’s
fully employ to get THAT JOB DonE..
Soldier oF God2..
LiKE.. A FucKinG
FireWorK DisNey
PLay oF Love..;)

OH.. yeah. and that
antiquated Wiki
in sadly
only male way..
per Buddha

“The 32 major characteristics are:

Level feet
Thousand-spoked wheel sign on feet
Long, slender fingers
Pliant hands and feet
Toes and fingers finely webbed
Full-sized heels
Arched insteps
Thighs like a royal stag
Hands reaching below the knees
Well-retracted male organ
Height and stretch of arms equal
Every hair-root dark colored
Body hair graceful and curly
Golden-hued body
Ten-foot aura around him
Soft, smooth skin
Soles, palms, shoulders, and crown of head well-rounded
Area below armpits well-filled
Lion-shaped body
Body erect and upright
Full, round shoulders
Forty teeth
Teeth white, even, and close
Four canine teeth pure white
Jaw like a lion
Saliva that improves the taste of all food
Tongue long and broad
Voice deep and resonant
Eyes deep blue
Eyelashes like a royal bull
White ūrṇā curl that emits light between eyebrows
Fleshy protuberance on the crown of the head”


OKay.. back from deep iN the Forest
of Acadia Mill.. an Archaeological
Project and conservation of
resources Florida Trust noW
and God is tHeRe WiLLinG
and waiting WitH all Natural
sigNs and with human
siGn laNguage too..
to voice God’s
LanguagE iN
Synchronicity ways
too.. my sister has the
extreme Asperger’s syndrome
for a detailed eye.. so she spots
the smallest of Gods’ signs for me..
so.. i can capture them in iPhone6s
way and share them on the longest
long form poem ever at my website..yes
now.. kinda.. like what wife Katrina does
in big picture.. cultural waY iN cATchinG
Synchronicity’s siGns iN noW TV wayS2..
so.. sure.. in this way thaT makes
her an equAlly important
Soldier oF God2.. teAM
member aS well..
in secret agent
as blog
too.. not unlike the
gRain of SAnd thaT hOlds
uP the mounTain oF God’s
Fearless SacRed Love iN
HuMan Animal BeinG noW…
oh yeah.. and back to
the sign on the tree..
the Leaf of God that
says ItS Me and
to be clear
as mE can
be here Me iS
God who liveS iN
tHe leaF sAMe as
hUman BeinG that
relates this in sharpy
way.. hanging over the
top of the bridge to make
this voice of God siGn without
FaLLinG over the Bridge into
Pond Creek which of course
is much better than falling
into sHiT CreeK.. but
anyway. all indigenous
peoples understand
thaT the leaf of
God’s Tree oF
Life is no less
important overall
than the Root of God’s
tree too.. along with those
gRains of Sand like Katy
Perry who spreads leaves
In DanCe and SonG of God’s
Fearless Unconditional Sacred
Love thaT iS the potential of hUman
animals who support.. inspire and
Free other hUman animals and the
rest of NatUre in Balance now as
God’s way.. aLL free as such2..
as the Force oF aLL we are
and can be.. inside.. outside..
above.. so below and
all around in Nature’s
MoVinG.. DanCinG..
SounDinG.. SinGinG
SonG.. oF InterCoNnecTioN
THAT iS God aLL thAT iS wiTh
or wiThout any human developed
abstract concepts from Golden Calves
to the three letter word GOD to attempt
to house and chain the essence oF aLL
tHat iS iN hUman made abstract
concepts as symbols as such..
problem is.. when the symbols
get worshipped and trapped
in the chains of last words
and last prophets.. and
only Begotten Sons of
Soldier Gods and
Mithra associated
Myths that do tHeir
best with EmoTioNal
hUman hyperbole of these
myths EmoTioNaLLy expRess
oral Tradition DanCinG and SinGinG
iN ways that are memorable and hard
to forget.. to aGaiN house the vehicles
and vessels iN essence of TruTH and liGht
that can be found deep in the oral traditions
and dances of hUman BeinGs throughout the
ages.. and sadly this story of God is not allowed
on the archaeological trail for the paid dude that
does the scheduled tourS iN Conservation of NatUre
tHeRe of course as we have separation of church and
state as sadly most different religions focus on the differences
of abstract constructed symbols.. more than essence sAMe..
PerSonAlly.. i WiLL Go wITh a very simple religion oF aLL
Free Verse DancE and SonG iN both poetry..
words.. and feat of steps.. and the only
Good BooK i trUly need from God..
IS A leaf reminding mE in
tender Tree oF LiFe
LivinG way that heY!
YaY!.. ItS Me God
heRe iN tHis Leaf
ya big dummy.. i LiVe as
the FoRest.. the Tree and
Leaf as TriNiTy Green and
brown ONE.. the streAMs..
the riVers.. and the OceAN
as Trinity one HoLY and
SaCred particle of H20
as water.. for waves
of Ocean FiEld WhOle
TriNitY oF God ThREE
oKay.. you do kNow on my
Mother’s side who is both
ancestral dotted with
Sioux and Cherokee
Blood too.. they too..
predicted a Soldier oF God2..
would come aGaiN and help
Free the Indigenous people’s
of the Earth in short term INdian
Way2.. and this IS A juSt another
Long Form Poem of that co-sponsored
by ItS Me noW Soldier oF God2 NoW..
Moral of the story.. never dismiss any GrRain
of SAnd or Leaf as insignificant in Butterfly
total affect and effect oF God’s Language
oF Synchronicity NoW as Horatio.. i’Ve
been to places you miGht not ever
iMagine to exist as HuMan
reaLITy dimensions noW
iN terms of Heaven and
Hell and iF you rape
that LeaF wITh
no respect.. you
juSt raped God..
and HeLL no.. God’s
pArts as Leaves do not
appreciate that and they
WiLL bite back to survive iN
butterfly effects that most people
WiLL miss aLL toGeTheR as they
have become the form of tools they
make one and sAMe and have forgotten
the much fuller SenSorY and FeeLInG LiFe
in connection to the MoVinG DanCinG SoUnDinG SinGinG
Interdependent Relationship oF allTHAtiS GoDonEsaMe..:)


Yeah.. Yoda doesn’t meet the requirements
of the Soldier oF God2 of the Buddha religion
at all does he.. iN fAcT// he ain’t even hardly
from tHiS plAnEt either.. is he.. as he iS
So God dam strange to some folks
who cannot see the heArt.. the SpiRit..
the soUl.. underLyinG Green WrinkLed
Skin.. old man hair.. and small bent
over stature.. kinda liKe.. my Aunt
Jettie at four foot something..
all bent over and crippled..
wITh the similar 94 year
old Wisdom as someone
who has sEEn and fELt much
oF liFe through many generations
oF change.. aS SizE matters not.. nor
race.. nor gender.. national origin.. creeds..
sexual orientations or even crazy FucKinG
Asperger’s Bi-Polar ways of BeinG too.. as i
cAn Certainly aTtest to too.. in nothinG noW
less than Zealous partiAlly maniC FeeLinG
SenSinG EnerGetiC Symbols re-WorKeD as
such out of Queen Victoria’s English
in Free Verse anything of God goes
heRe iN hUman WriTinG FReED..
Bottom Line iS.. God IS A.. as i’Ve
sAid so many reps here..
an equal opportunity
employer wITh no
hOlds barRed..
so yes.. the last can
be the first.. the smallest
green man oF all or the dude or
dudette or leaf oF Tree that don’t
meet the 32 grand physical pretties..
that make a Soldier oF God2.. fAct oF
thE matter and Energy.. All ForCe iS aLL
IS A Soldier oF God2.. aLLaSonEfoRceNoW..
So as Yoda and i pray and say oNe and sAme
iN DancE and SonG noW.. maY thE ForcE bE
wITh ya..
anD als0
ItS mE nOW2..:)


“I know but one freedom, and
that is the freedom of the mind.”

~~ Antoine de Saint Exupery ~~

SMiLes i was misSinG
half the pie2
until i dancED..
GaiNinG FreeDom
oF MoVinG iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
SoUL.. eXpreSsinG EmoTioNaL
SpiRiT as HeArt Lives throughout
the FeeLinG and SenSinG BoDy and
poEtry iN Free WriTinG IS An afterthOught
oF thAt FreeDoM wHole.. iN ConNecTinG
and creaTinG waYs.. hmm.. oNe of my Favorite
PoEts and i truly have read very few other than
that dVerse siGht i continue to peruse.. Whitman
was the only one i read a brief snippet oF iN Leaves
oF GrAss and what was most impressive about
Whitman is he made the soUl ReaL as
Flesh and Blood and LiFe an
ec·stat·ic SeNsual Experience
of InteRdependent and
FoRce a Real
Prophet for
the Real
God of Nature
living as iTs Me
Soldier oF God2..
from the Internet2..
Ah.. the unabridged bible
of Human eYes sAMe as
God oF NatUre SiGht tales
a tell of aLL houses.. vehicles
and Vessels oF TrUth and liGht
And lies of DArk.. wHere wE Venture
iN as aLL ThAt iS.. ‘tween oF thAT.. i
wished for a magic machine with a button
of technology for all my questions.. and trUly
iN liGht tHiS iS wHeRe i coMe to noW.. the answers
are already out tHere and tHat means i can juSt scribe
iT aLL jUst For FUn WitH no regrets as at essence oF aLL
i do it has
already been
dONe beFore..
to Move.. to Connect..
to Create juSt for FuN
iS to bE aiR to Be Water FReED..:)


SpeaKinG of The Devil..
And continuing the never
ending story iN neverland
noW.. Hi.. ITs Me froM
thE INternet Now..
Butt trUly noW the
Store siGn should
read down and


sMiLes.. theRe’s
Institutions and
Burning Crosses..
Hanging Nooses
and guil·lo·tines
for folks liKe
me who are
so God
Dam Happy
iT spoiLs the
poopy pants iN
the stress of the General
Breathing.. Super-Walmart..
Winn-Dixie.. and PubliX Grocery
Store Aisles.. and what’s reAlly Hilarious
iS when i dance WitH no headphones at aLL..
as haHA!.. i AM not TotAlly assessed by otheRs
IN mY own liTtle twirling Ballet Martial Arts
NeverLand per se in yes.. once
aGain.. jUst another never
ending story per se..
iN FloW oF ZonE
noW.. and sUre..
i go WitH whatever
store or even Walgreen’s
speaker oF SonG thaT iS
PlaYinG oN the Intercom way..
as yes.. aLL oF iT inSpiRes DancE
and SonG from mE.. even the twangy
Southern Style lost my lover and dog
Country Music too.. HeHE.. DancE and
SonG iS BliSs.. the heaveN noW iN
MaKinG aLL Words and
poeTry oF SonG as sWell
as feat of MoVinG DanCinG
Steps.. Holy and Sacred
particles in waves and
WaVes oF Happiness
NoW as HUmaN BeinG
Ocean whole in FloW
iN ZonE.. as particles
do go iN Waves
oF Fields
Of DreAMs..
anyWay.. EnuFF sAid
’bout tHaT heRe.. and i FeeL
thE poTenTiaL poetiC rUsh oF
rEsponDinG aT dVerse sooN..:)


In.. soMe ways Language.. Collective Intelligence..
and all the cultural related ways oF abstract
concepts generated by the drive to survive
and thrive In LiFE iS dArk iN ways
of Instant Gratification of
excess.. and hoarding..
WitH Failure to give
more than take..
as stockpiles of GRain
reach to hiGh as sKeYes
of God oF natUre FuLL wHere
otHeRs around the Globe.. are
bones and sKin of hunger
in depths of empty
yet the
the spiRit
and the MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Act of SoUL.. can bE so
lost among peoples who have
become the tools instead of
essence of liFE wHole iN
MoVinG… ConNecTinG
FReED ForCe toGeTheR
OnE nOW.. ThriVinG aLiVe
through struggle and heArt
ache saMe toGeTheR oNE
As oNE ForCe oF
BEinG but the
BalanCinG aCT
iS sTiLL possible
in pockets of freedom
around the woRld.. and the
sacred holiness oF aLL of liFe
on tHis Green.. Blue and snowy
Orb oF eARth.. iSraEL nOW aS
Star DuSt ChilDren GoD oNE are
we noW STiLL too.. The UniVerSe
can be a cOld and DArk Place and
iT does appear much of iT iS iN ways
oF Science Assessment noW and thaT iS
the point.. any liFe on tHiS PlanEt iS relatiVelY
SpeAkinG a Miracle noW and LiFe that can spEak
to tHis in return oF i’s oF GoD LiVinG ForCe noW
trULy iS nothinG less than Magic in potential BleSsinGS
to count tHis unique opportunity for animal KinGdom Heaven
in a free WiLLeD Creature liKe hUman BEinG FReED.. the
Inheritance.. iS trULY UNIQUE to our history noW and
liKely rare.. so rare to exist in this BLiP oF UniVersal
HiStory noW and WriTe a Story even aBouT
whAt wE hUmans are aT core
BEinG and that is purpose..
meaning.. and value
enough to KiSS
the sAnds iN sPirAl
aRounD SuN oF God
oh.. so FReED noW..
sAdly noT aLL can
appreciate tHis oNly GifT
oF LiFe NoW as they simply
are alWays wanting more.. more
more.. and never see or FeeL the
all Free Real Source of HeaveN noW..
inside.. outside.. above.. so below
and all aRounD.. fully Satisfied
juST noW to LiVe FReED aLiVe..:)


Three Facebook Novel
Blog verse memories..
two from last year
one from the year
before.. and yes.. wRite
on topic synchronisticAlly
as such on Soldier oF
God2 stuFF


Lots of great
Nature photos
in this one including
Farms and Beaches same
with Wild life in air as well..:)

Chalice GOD Nature

And this one..
overall.. is kinda
short and sweet
and INTENSE..:)

GOD’S rock and ROLL!


Facebook Friend
Dan Shares a link
that scientifically shows
how depression changes
the organic structure of
the human brain..
And i say then
and now..
AS in all
Stuff Nature..
Use it or lose
It applies.. No
E-scaping Actions
or inactions Without
Consequence.. Positive
or Negative.. Dark or Light..
Nature God Rules.. All Now..:)
And from my own experience.. noW over
stimulate a KaT or stress him/hEr out otherwise
and sHe/he will bite and scratch to get away.. tale
a human that their lively-hood is at stake in whatever
the FucK job they tale ya.. ya have to do or whatever
FucKing Cultural/Religious tradition they tale ya.. ya
have to do whether iT is being celibate if you are a
priest.. or marrying someone for money that
miGht turn your FucKinG stomach from
first meet on the wedding night
date.. all paid off by the
daddy as such.. or
female genital
after covering them
up to their chest with dirt
and ground so they cannot
shield tHeir eYes from tortuous
Rocks.. to taling kids they cannot
use birth control.. or forcing them into
marriages or abortions after that shaming
them into believing having a child out of wed
lock is a sin less than killing the unborn child
they actually want.. so many FucKinG things
that Religions and Cultures.. overall.. sTiLL
Sponsor to bRing eXtreme Social
Stress to others.. been there
and done it.. died in
depression and
lived in life..
and FucK no iF
anyone WiLL ever put
this KaT out in a lightening
storm aGaiN in a cage with no way
to get out but to say NO.. FucK NO..
this bird flies free and will NEVER EVER
YOU.. AGAIN.. AS i Use
Love and GroW a
HeARt.. A SpiRit
and a mind and
BoDy BalanCinG
MoVinG.. ConnEcTinG
BeinG iN uSe iT in CreaTinG
ways that YOU WiLL never take
away aGain.. i’m FReED Bottom
LiNe.. And
iT reminds me oF
working at the Military
BowLinG Center for so many
years.. first passing out shoes..
just for sMILes and the money
just an after effect necessary for
basic subsistence and survival..
at close to minimum wage.. raiSinG
through the ranks to Supervisor.. Manager
to afford a home in mortgage way and nicer
car loan additions.. then saddled in.. and warm
and cozy.. with folks taling me.. oh.. you have three
college degrees you should be somewhere in a fancy
office.. a bigger home.. and even nicer car than what
you ride now.. and i’M thInking what the FucK do you
liVe for.. happiness in connecting to other human
beings like we do here at this Bowling Center
Now and still make a relatively comfortable
subsistence for the need be of that
in this culture now.. or do you think
status and more stuff of the
tools of culture to become
you is at the essence
of what is real
in this liFe now..
anyway.. worKinG for
the Government for the
Golden Handcuffs to retirement
and guaranteed Health and Life
Insurance for you and your family
for the rest of your life free so you
can really be free.. is a heavy handed
chain for sure once you get to 20 years
or so and close to the due date of free..
so the system had its way with me then
and i did the three new jobs in three
years or so that i had never done
before to stay afloat.. trapped
in an office behind computers
answering to everyone and
the computer at the
same now then..
and eventually
i blew my human
fuse and was no longer
even FucKinG human and
that only took about five years
stuck behind a computer then
and doing a zillion other duties
at the same now then.. humans
aren’t computers.. they must move..
connect and create to thrive or otherwise
they die a slow death of humanity in life..
and before they know it.. they no longer
enjoy music.. or even food.. they are
just a cog in a machine as stress
is cumulative in destroying bodily
systems over the span of
distance and space..
otherwise known
as time.. NoW
is the time to
say No and
FucKinG LiVe
as tRust me tHeRe
is nothing worse than
loSinG a heARt.. a SpiRit
A MiNd and Body BaLanCinG
soUl as Death in Life of Depression
if one has ever even gained THAT aT
aLL these days of mechanical cognition
stuck in the head ways of BeinG
SPooN-Fed from Birth stArting
With Barney the Purple
Dinosaur on TV..
rather than
Sticks and
Stones imaginary
Toys iN a HuMan
MiND and
iN BaLance
WiLL do iF seT
Free from Birth innately..
instinctually and intuitively
in Dream time Creativity.
NoW WitH NOW..
oh.. so FReED..:)


ELton Jesus’ and Yellow Brick Roads

And SPeaKinG of Soldier oF God2’s.. three of my
favorite in history are Ellen of current TV
Show famE.. and Elton John
and Freddie Mercury
of Rock
and Roll
FamE.. in SeTTinG
hUmans Freer in MoVinG
ConnECTinG and CreaTinG
ways and liFtinG uP the out-casts
of society into maKinG these often
creative folks in Society FEEL LIKE
THEY FucKinG BeLOnG wITh much
to offer the HUman RAce as wHoLE
liFtinG uS aLL uP as WHolE as WeLL..
Well.. anyway.. sadly Freddie Mercury’s
Islam country of origin FAILED TO
FOR only his difference in
sexual orientation..
and sure Ellen
could easily
be covered to
her breasts and
stoned iN iRan iF
she lived over there
too.. and Elton John.. could
be killed for his sexual orientation too..
and that is why those folks over there ain’t
got much art to share wITh the rest of the
world now.. through oppression and repression
oF all associated WitH LuST that is the driving
Force of hUman Libido throughout the course
of the liFesPan as science shows noW..
anyway.. as stated clearly before
and just for more correLaTinG Continuing
‘Cause and Effect Evidence.. the blog post
that separated my way of Seeing LiFe wITh
God and Muslim’s way of Life in seeing
God as one who would approve
of Killing Elton John.. Ellen
and Freddie Mercury FUCKING
sure.. she defending those killed by
Isis but this so-called very loving woman
named SOHEIR would NOT oppose the Killing
of homosexuals in Muslim countries.. even including
some of my FucKinG relatives.. their is a so heired
thingy named Karma.. and sure one of her children
could easily turn out gay too.. and suffer the consequences
of her inability to go past A religion of hate and ignorance to the religion
of Unconditional Love iN Fearless God way as LiVinG Free as NaTuRe
uS when not controlled by the lies of psychopathic non-empathic
Hating fear.. but the short term result is already the Karma
of all the suffering across the lifespan by countries
clothed in ignorance
from head
to toe..
sadly never
feeling the skin
of God and Sun
one so freed from
head to toe.. Now..
SoFReEED jUst another
nAMe for GoD i AM aS WeLL..
NEWS.. as assessed by sociologists
by the year 2050.. God’s freedom WiLL
win out in Muslim countries as Freedom
iS tRuth and liGht thAT iScontagious WeLL
over the veil of Ignorance that is the Ancient
Lies of Religion and Cultures propagated sTiLL
but dying
out WitH
God’s Freedoms
LiVinG Within us
unleashed.. released
in bliss of Heaven NOW..
So in other words Gay folks
over ‘there’ by the year 2050
and women in Bikinis and even
less like Marilyn Monroe WiLL have
tHeir hey day soon.. from head to toe
and oh God.. oh God.. yes.. SO MUCH MORE..
AnyWay.. like ‘they’ AND


“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold,
it would be a merrier world.”

~~ J.R.R. Tolkien ~~

“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane
by those who could not hear the music.”

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

“My way of joking is to tell the truth. It’s the
funniest joke in the world.” — George Bernard Shaw

In SychroniCity’s SonG i’LL pick up the first..
the middle.. and the last
Pearl oF WisDom
and DancE and
SinG WitH thaT and
say what disgusted the
First Imperial oNward Christian
New World Soldiers per most of the
Old World Christian Monarchy then..
was/iS naked so-cAlled sAvaGes DanCing
’round the Campfire SinGinG a SonG
oF JoY iN onE WitH GreaT SpiriT
iN aLL LiVing ThingS cALLeD
God Now and even Love
LiVinG iN thE
StoNe theN
and noW
as thEn..
thE good
is i’
A Stone
A Rock
A RoLLing
oNe GaTheRinG
Moss as i Go NoW..
WitH no one WitH
tHe BaLLs to
i AM

Is Good..
And HeaLinG..
Everyone needs
A SunDay.. Now
And then.. WitH
SMiLes oN coursE noW..:)


And noW iN the transition.. poTenTiaLLy
iT seems. back to dVerse to respond to
some poEtry about Nature and Music
tHere too.. i WiLL to say herE noW
and FeeL.. and SensE the HeaLinG
poWer of SonG and MusiC iN vocal
chords.. oF EmoTionS ExpResSinG
heARt as spiRiT.. iN miNd noW and
BoDy SoUl BaLAnCinG noW..
sAMe as iN Piano/Guitar/
StRings.. etc.. too.. more..
and haha..! the Beatles
and tHeir reference
To Aleister CrowlEy’s
Book of The Law in this
most popular Real Album
Cover in Rock and Roll way
then.. TaKinG a SmOke getting
high and doing LSD substance
enhancers of hUman poTenTial
too as recommended by ‘Uncle
Albert’ of course2.. finding ways
to plug the WHoles of chaos
into something thaT God
Dam makes SeNse.. WeLL..
the TRuth iS.. as even science
Now sHowS noW huMan EmoTioN
NoW in subconscious way precedes aLL
so CaLLed Rational Conscious preplanning
New Cortical Reasoning of what came before
and what may come neXT.. Bottom LiNe iS when
wE human BeinGs lose the Ability to DancE and SinG
Free in Dream time of Imagination and Creativity MoVinG
and Connecting Free we die into that same alabaster Stone
Statue on that one most of famous Beatle’s Albums Named
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band then.. and the funeral
Proceedings in metaphor noW are jUSt a way to saY and FeeL..
Oh God.. wE reAlly Do wanna turn ya on out of Stone cold heARt
ways.. as even in the Stone the subatomic FloW iS sAMe aS iN animate
LiFe in Golden SpiraLinG potential God Flow 2 aS as We Flow UniVerse
Free as one sAMe A’Round thAT Naked Campfire moonlit Midnight FloW
iN ZonE oNe noW then NoW WitH God Naked.. wE sET Free iN noW sAMe..
alWays changing2 as Soldiers oF God2.. wE aLL Can bE when Turned oN
and bAcK
and sure as i’ve
often mentioned.. i look
very much like that stOne
statue in edifice of funeral
then.. but as they.. say.. reaLITy
iS much stranger than fiction
and sAMe as creaTinG
iT aS wE Go noW
real or more
illusion tHAN REaL..
i choose eXciTinG as
iT simPly turns me on..
liKe a lAMp oF God from
head to toe FReED noW..:)

A day in the life of a NUDE ARTIST

And with a link to my First foray into the Life oF a Day
of FreEinG mY soUl no less
than my Cherokee and
Sioux indigenous
peoples too..
stARting with the
Divine Feminine spirit
of then what Carl Jung
Defines as the inner anima
of wE in hUman archetypal
way from the origin oF aLL wE
are noW.. and from that flowed
greater the wiLLful fearless animus
oF Y i noW.. that can be seen of
course in the nude art i do now..
much much greater
than what
i did then..
The Evolution
oF the human MiNd
and BoDy BaLance continues
across the liFE Span as soUL when
FReED but when heArt and spiRit
FloW of sAMe as EmoTioNS expreSsinG
Real are bLocked by the Lies of modern
religions/cultures sAMe.. the priSon
of the alabaster Stone
human iS the
to ALL
hUman FReED
noW BacK anD aLivE
aGaiN WitH God Resurrected iN uS
NoW away from stone cold death as LiFe..
THAN what meets the eYes oF hUmans
who are asleep.. asleep.. and
so far.. so far.. from
tUrned on aGain
out of Ashes as the
pHoenix wE RiSes aGaiN
out of Death as Life REAL..:)


Now off to dVerse for
the Tuesday Prompt
on Writing poEtry
as SonG..
and sure
that’s the
way iT FloWs
iN sTreAM oF consciousness
Free WriTing no different reAlly
than the rest oF the UniVerse iN
uS Free as iS without the locks
and chains oF grammar
and such
as that..
hehe.. okay…
10:30 pm noW
aLL Set get ready
and on 06082016..
here i Go aGaiN..:)

Perchance a Dance WiLL
SinG per SonG a SinG
WiLL DancE As Cycle
goeS on iN First aS liGht
froM DaRk AS theN..
BiG BanG SinGs..

Country Loves of Road
Winding ’round wHere
weeds do SinG..
poKing out oF
barren Rocks..
they Love to
Dream in colors
more.. A SonG Roads
Love iN sweetest breathe..
pLaneT Loves as weeds bequeath..:)

NiGht roads
riDe the chase
oF Moon.. tHe face
iT bRinGs a backseat
loom.. broader SMiLes
a cheeky flume.. a patH
bEhind meMorable
yeS iN

Seagulls Sun a Spiral flue..
Sun don’t mNd
a fire of plume..
‘Round and
’round noW
Feathers fly..
Sun never goes
‘lone WitH

SMiLes.. Trump
Can’t carry a tune..
as he has no heARt.. no
SpiRit.. no BalanCinG
MiNd and BoDy
not sure
iF HiLLary
can/does either..
oh.. but the hilarity..
is that he is Hillary’s
best fRiEnd STilL by
running as sTinK StanK
Grinch.. New tHe TrumP
iS Green WitH Rot..
and no he WiLL
noT FeAst and DancE
WitH the wHo oN
Christmas neW
or InaguraTioN
Day as tHis IS A
CurSe oF SPeLL
and i AM noW
thE sorcerers
STonE that

Ah.. the beauty
of Unconditional
Love never coloRinG
haiR or do
that falls
or not
sHoulder liMe liGht..
And.. oh the Clothes
that carry BeautY iN
SilKen Cotton noW
Lore as GRace
and Oh God..
so many
BiLLs sPent
to carry Love..
Clothed without
a handle.. now.. for
woe.. ah..
Love StiLL
SinGS as ColoRed HAir..:)

Oh.. Lord yes..
a World of polar
opposite Loves as
Bad boy Bees gRow oN
to save the
Land.. to
Win the
buzz iS
change iS
as beta males
are now the
aS Love..
butT aT lEast
NatUre has a
sinCe noW
oF DrieduP
as Honey Desserts
leave Loves BEhind..;)

Ha!.. so true..
Fame a trap..
owns human
papers.. buys the
art.. sells the soUl
thAt iS thE Art..
hehe.. Art
iS Free
and so
are wE
wHo never seLL
iT to make a buck
out of luck aS
fAme losT iN
SoULS noW..
nah.. nah.. no
oNe Nada No

Bottom LiNe
for now Love
the One the Nature
yoU’re WiTh or simply
LoSe God For Now
so lost..
so long..
i’m getting
sleepy.. very
sleepy.. be back
for more when

11:41 pm..

5:50 pm..
and back to
the Tuesday
Music prompt
from dVerse noW..:)

To keep thE sPArk oF liGht
GloWinG.. through teens..
‘tween years of youth
and old.. does
require a DancE
and SonG oF LiFe
to stay young aT hEart..
SPiRitS eXpreSsinG
as such
miNd aNd
BoDy BalanCinG
soUl to yes..! move..!
connect.. create!

Panhandle Blues of Florida too..
From Defuniak to Quincy..
just much not to do..
for work for play
the woods
don’t say..
lives tHere aT aLL..
fortunate i.. a little
west.. with Navy Bases..
Beaches.. Tourism.. etc..
joBs to bE gaiNed and fUn
iN NAtuRe gaLore.. sUre.. i staYed
iN Paradise1.. and made A LiVinG
aT iT

Sand Free Dreams
Salt Water pours over
tan lines low..
LiVeS iN
Arms oF Love
RiSinG hiGh.. so..
loW.. hiGh.. rhythms
oF WAvEs liFtinG..
gyrating uP
and DowN
PleaSure SinGS
Seas.. oh.. so much
more.. SUnSet BlUes
the Love
iS gONe

SMiLes.. i understand
that the youth in China
are approaching a 90%
rate of wearing glasses..
so.. sure..
tHere is
a market
in near
Love SonGs..
mY friEnd..;)

Window pLates
oF liCense Now
to Love so Free..
Tags oF eYes
so geniune
pLease more..
oF Forever
no court
need noW
or deed bE..
iNside Loves..
without certification..
through eYes oF iSReaL..:)

Ah.. yeS.. emBrace
the day WitH SonGs
oF Lore.. the moRe
wE SinG A DanCe
oF LiFe NoW
oUr SUn
iN liGht
so BriGht..:)

i WitH Stone
Cold heArt2
requireD a diG
for sUre.. to unearth
a treAsure more than
death as LiFe..
And afTer
iN ArcHaeoLogy
wHen youNg.. i mUSt
say a poEtress pen
wOrks better
than a

Sheet music dry speLL
in piano way from 12 to 47
for me iN ArT’S creative way..
read by instructions..
one note.. two note..
three beats..
LiVe bY
NoW SonG oF
SoUL FiNally
pLays more than
Someone else’s creative
WinGs.. ah.. to sprouT one’s
owN iS tRuLY HeaVen noW for
those who give more
than buy LiFE

Oh.. cool… reminds
me of the Guitar
Man that SonG
by Bread
thAT BrinGS
tHe heARt
LoVe arT
to LoVe’s
Roost more..:)

Funny.. how work..
CNN.. school..
and almost
any other
cognition activity
can take uS out of Love..
Creativity.. and even anxiety..
and sadness too.. but those
other pArts i Cherish iN aLL
thE dArk and liGht theY
comE noW..
as trUly
DArk noW
can be an even
greater motivating
Force for liGht oF aRt..
a Silver LiNinG.. i suppose..
when processing Loss..
oF anY
tyPe noW..:)

Inner UniVerse
exploreD outSiDe..
poEtry geneRaTinG
a world anew..
go wHeRe
no one
inSiDe aLiVe..:)

i’LL take this
in another direction
of the story of the
lonely sailors wife..
boots outside
a visitor..
a shipmate
to sAdly take
tHeir pLace..
some Love
liVes Stronger
aWay.. for otHeRs
Love liVes none
a stray..
juST memories
tHat iS aLL to lEarn
aNew of HuMan
NatUre dArk

DeJaVue.. perHaps..
hEar.. i reMember
anoTheR SonG
aBouT WitH
to tUrn thE
pillow oF Y i too..
aGaiN.. never findinG
cool but River Frog SongS
And cricketS sinG ouTsidE
thrU WinDoW iN WatErrAiR..:)

Fire and Ice..
opposites attrAct
dArk and liGht..
Storms do
brew afTer
BrinGs Summer
DreAMs pLace oF
LoVe.. breaKS iN WAvEs
shorEs oF LonELy cLouds..
allone.. rEcoverS.. RainBow
coMes BaCk morE GloWinG
ashEs GroW to FiRe aGaiN..:)

Grace of LiFe
a gift for sure..
desolate lone
stars with
far.. Rocks
without leaves
homes without
trees.. green iS
enough Grace
for me..

SMiLes.. a philosophy
class in ’78.. a BlUe
sKy trip to the
beach and
a DancE
oF Bar..
oh.. TrUly
ELO was/iS
correct.. God
iS BlUe.. oN
A SuNliT
aLL day
aNd niGht
matters not
what year
as LonG
as BLuE
SkY iNside
shines BriGht
iN God SonG anD
DancE YelloW oR

OH Lord..
the opposite of
Writer’s BLock..
iT frees WriTinG
to the point wHere
nothing else iS..
hmm.. tHere’s
alWays anuther
side to dArk
Flood oF
Words or
famine oF fLow..;)

SMiLes.. a memorial
day SonG.. don’t
miNd iF i
Do come
viSit iT
or Seventh..:)

WeLL i thInk that
about does hEr..
it’s 7:27 pm..
and now to
get this
online in Soldier
oF God2 FReED way
as beLow so aBove..:)


Hi.. Leah.. thanks again for the birthday wish..
and i’m guessing you mean the birthday wish
right before the email you sent i responded to
last as i’m not seeing an actual Email on
my actual birthday.. but never the less
again THANK YOU for the
birthday wish witH sMiLes..
And yes.. i Love alternating
fact of the matter with more
abstract thoughts as it keeps both
hemispheres oF bRain MoVinG iN waves
of synch as ocean whole as it wasn’t before
and is now.. thanks Goodness.. as before it was
like i was missing half an ocean oF a bRain then and
body wHole.. And truly that is how most folks i kNew
before saw me.. as very plastic in movement and with
a mind that resembled mostly a computer.. a lists maker..
and a general machine.. a commodity that got the problem
solver job done at hand.. and oh Lordy.. put me in a job requiring
those skills that have to be done.. and i might turn into a computer
and lose
mY heARt.. SpiRit
And mInd and BoDy
BaLanCinG soUL and shuffle
on by with very few words and
steps to move.. connect.. and create
like humanity does before trapped in
closed in spaces and cubicle hells but..
yes.. my special interest for decades was
survival and in keeping a job just purrfect
in analytical skills as iT ain’t easy liVing without
the ability to do the small talk to rise into social
circles to keep the political jobs that bow to charm
and grace of reciprocal communication of the good
old boys and girls of work place fare of leaning back
and knowing and feeling the others in the group have
your back.. nah.. i didn’t know the rules for that they
didn’t come in the book.. while i had my nose
stuck in many.. and in total laser focus
in lectures in school thAT otHeR
stuff was going on somewhere
other than the places
i traveled in mostly
alone then.. weLL..
anyway.. this online
experience.. and yes the
Wrong Planet one too.. has been
good for getting inside the heads of others
and practicing some output words too.. hehe..
to the tune of course of 11 Million plus now too..
and oh God.. i used to feel so uncomfortable in my
own skin.. so afraid to take off the socks of my eXtra
sensitive feet.. and touch the earth of home..
but now i can.. now i can.. i am one finAlly
with earth.. sea.. and sky allone no
longer alone.. but yeah..
i used to do that at the
beach in those white warm
sands and fELt that then too..
and the sands are finally white
enough in my backyard to do it
aGaiN.. all naked free with no more
cultural restraints as cog in machine
to hold me back in
away from free..
but seriously.. on a flute
note of high and low.. i could
not trUlY meet the pan of peter..
if it wasn’t for Katrina.. and her O
CD iN precision of organizing all the
homeland activities for Pan to fly higher
as i of Fred Lore Peter this or Peter that
in Pan style everywhere i go.. fresh noW
out’a the foRest into Nike’s whirling
and twirling while everyone
else iS filling tHeir
garages with
Wal-crap to
the skies until the
garage sale comes in
estate after death.. ugh..
reminds me.. still need get rid
of all that stuff in my work-out room..
but i just keep panning away.. but yes..
at least now.. ‘they’ don’t say Fred.. what ya
say.. or Fred.. a man of few words.. or Fred the computer
head.. or such as that.. tHeRe is an art exhibit in the metro
area ever changing and hehe.. thaT iS me.. a reformed computer
to something new and something that no FucKinG Algorithm
Will EVER be able
to predict noW..
HAHA.. LiFe iS Good
when Free.. and my FriEnd
Leah.. you are still young.. a babe
at a decade and a half or so younger than
i.. NoW there is sTiLL 53 to come.. 60 and 70..
so forth and so on.. on the day.. that you WiLL
do whatever the FucK ya wanna do and jUSt
tale the rest of the World.. Love ya babe.. no matter
iF ya get me or not.. i’M gonna dance Naked
on your shoulders and Love
ya ’till ya hate the
energy aLL noW
oF Y i.. i Am JuSt
HiGh oN LiFE.. Afly
iN DanCe and SonG..
jUst another Artist
whose WinGS are
no longer
anyway.. folks
like your husband
are very fortunate to
have wives like you and
mine to take care oF all the
deTails while we do our special
interests so free.. so free.. like the
Bonobo.. who does the same in the
foRest just kicked back.. dipping his toes
in the
my FriEnd.. and i suppose
perhaps thaT iS hUman NatUre
at its freest wHere the gender roles
come as hunter and gatherer.. yin and
yang.. and all the spectrum ‘tween to
get the job done the best at hand
now.. but yeah.. the sWitch
to computer and
art sTill existS
iN me..
i’M FloWinG SpiRit
heARt SoUl iN ZonE
and NoW i hOpE
to keep iT that
way wITh aLL
the hELp i can geT..
WiNks.. as i soar across
the moon.. circle the Sun
and touch the stArs WitH KiSS oF Y i..
Nah.. no Fredache here for mE..
juSt seriously.. literally
back on the Wrong Planet
i had no FucKinG idea what
the EmoTioNal term
meant when
someone assessed
my piano music created
as juST thaT hehe.. fiNally
i Am whimsical mY FriEnd
Free FloWinG FoRest i.. i Go..
i RoW.. without a boat oF Y i..
jUSt the Water juSt tHe Air oF i AM..:)


So.. on Facebook.. one of those
cool new apps that relatives and
friEnds are sharing makes yOur profile
pics an Art Exhibit wHere the hiGh brow
among us are peruSing it.. and truly i Am A
voyeurs dream i guess.. of perUsing
the extra strange abstract
aRt among
and then
i say.. after
the finishED abstract ART
Selfie exhibit.. then and now..
Ps.. and oh God.. iT
would be frigGinG
hysteriaous iF
My nude art
was uP theRe..
iT would.. i used
to be so hung up and
uncomfortable in my own
skin.. appearing naked anyWay
could have easily been my greAtest
fear then.. but as ‘they’ say thIs IS A Soldier
oF God2 post.. and hell yes.. wHere the FucK
do you ThiNk/feel the moral of the story of King David
Dancing nearly naked in the streets of old Jerusalem
came from.. in Legend and or myth way iF not to teach
the lesSon oF tRue humiLITy without shame of standing
naked and even in more ‘vile’ art of stanDing Free For aLL
iN FReEDoM WiTH God now.. After scaring my FucKinG
self out of LiVinG LiFe for so many decades oF InHiBiTiOns
i was bound and determined never to GO back to ThAT FuCKinG
heLL oF pRisOn.. so like THaT Ice Princess in thaT FroZen
Movie did.. i LeT iT GO.. i took iT oFf down to grey old man
panty underwear.. and posted iT for all to
see online.. hehe.. even Facebook too..
and you can bet i Lost a few fRiEnds
along the way.. Even so called
family too.. as ‘no one’
wants to be associated
with the crazy Uncle
and or Aunt or
cousin hehe
noW huh..
or remember that
Jesus dude with the crown
of thorns.. not many folks who he
grew uP wITh stood by his side.. huh..
and sure KinG David had the advantage
of ruling member huh.. WeLL.. anyway.. here’s
the deal.. clothes are developed for the cold and
for some separation among insanely large groups
of HUmans in cities and such not evolved to nakedly
connect to more than 150 to 200 sets of EYes.. HiPs
and Breasts and such as that.. so we covered iT
aLL uP and some to the eYes and eArs of desert
sands and skies to keep the moisture in
from Arid Lands..
and oh God then2..
comes Victoria’s Secret
that really is.. cover it up
and i want it more.. more
more.. deeper and harder
please.. once the covers
come off.. and the
job really
tHere’s no FooLinG
God oF Mother NaTuRe..
there’s reAlly not.. a pearl
on the tip.. iS juSt a siGn
of reproduction to come..
and sure tHere IS A deeper
story noW to that for those
who ‘look’..
to come
at least..
anyway.. i progressed
from old man grey panties
to nothing at all in a blog titled
My Free Lance Stripper blog as
tongue in cheek oF hUman freest
expresSinG ARt.. and eventually
Google almost decided to take that
privilege half way down suggesting
that only nudes for art without any
erotic pArts were gonna be good
to go then.. so i privatized
that pARt and started
a new one based
on poEtry
to keep iT clear
that the Stripping words
from before was just a satirical
play on words.. and what i was
doing was FucKinG Art and oH
my God anyone who doesn’t realize
that human life at core iS erotic for
play of creativity and productive
wHole ain’t got a FucKinG KinG
David clue of what God oF NatUre
even created them to be at core..
as a super sexy mammal who does
the Wild thing.. any day of the year to
stay inspired more for survival today.. now..
a major cause of depression iS represSinG
and oppresSinG Human SeNsory and
EmoTionaL FeeLinGs and yes.. hell
yes.. that does include the
prickly pear ones
from head
to toe..
and whenever i see
folks covered from head
to toe.. hiding their humanity
no matter who they are around
the globe.. it ain’t hard to spot
the depression.. the scared eYes
who are longer FReED to FeeL the
Sun oF God from head to toe.. and as
i say.. until you have DanceD and SunG
Naked before the EYes of God FReED..
you have never ever even met
God fACE to FaCE now..
and when the
Gnostic Jesus
said until you strip your
clothes off.. you know the
cultural ones’.. huh.. for division
instead oF Unity.. you WilL never
FiNd the God Inside unTiL you are
not ashamed to bE GoD FReED..
and yes that old blog is still
set to private.. jusT in
case Google gets
another scared
hAir.. for
amendment ONE
rights not fully exercised..
But as Michelangelo says
the human nude is the hiGhest
ARTistic expression oF aLL of humanity
and the greaTest Sin is hiDinG that yes.
he and God and i are
sure correct
on that as to
be naked and
Free iS to FeeL God
aLL from head to toe..
and the rest oF Nature too..
wHere no pARt or FunCTioN
iS any less Holy and sacred than
the oThEr and that is why most all
Soldiers oF God2.. you know and FeeL
AND YOU TOO.. iF one day you too.. get the courage to put
old man
w o m a n
panties uP
iN FronT oF the
World FReED too..
but yeah.. wait until
you are financially independent..
’cause it doesn’t look good on your
resume in most jobs in Babylon today..
oh to be Free.. oh to be a REAL EMPLOYEE OF GOD..
‘Soldier oF God2
the full
title now
of what WilL
be the 675th
Macro wAvE Verse
of the LonGesT LonG
Form Poem ‘eva.. of course..
not even counting scores of thousands
of photos.. including the thousands or
so.. works of Nude Art that would
FeeL a Museum more than
the world
currently hold..
but hey.. online is
wHere Soldiers oF God FReED
can play as


A rare short
Macro Verse
iN Facebook
Memory way..
of only 50 words.. hehe..;)

Neverland of Purple


ET me


SMiLes.. running
is for scared
of predator
and rarely
capturing prey
as invisible means
success for prey much
faster than human legs..
i ran for a decade until my hips..
and knees.. and the insteps of
my soul
ached.. and
oh God so
BoRinG until
the hiGh coMes..
but wait..! tHere is muSiC!
eXpreSsinG EmoTioN..! and
head phone way.. yes.. more
fully employed by runners today..
but why not dance.. and master
gravity in ballet way and martial arts
FloWiN ZonE.. never tiRinG never
trUly ouT oF BreathE aLWayS jOy
alWays eXciTing but sAdly
most folks
on rat
wheel cycles iN
sidewalks oF one way
walk or run
away noW..
emBraCe thE
DancE and SonG
oF liFe FreEr.. perHaps
iN Dance waves Ocean WHoLe..
oh.. butT to bE brave noW to stand
upon the World of the indigenous
a StreAM
oF feaT Of
beyOnd Words
as steps oF feet..
mY FriEnd.. Prajakta..
anyWay.. when you geT
older like me.. arthritis here
and tHere and the run oF liFe
not even reAlly possible anymore..
tHere iS an alternative sTiLL iN keeping
the flow of feet in balance as Friend
wIth gravity.. wHere eArth
beCoMes water
and we DanCE
thAT witH free floWinG
ease iN Balance.. trUly more
impressive than walKing oN wateR
as most anyone can do thAT WitH a
oF NoW..:)


SmiLes.. DogWood
FeeLs oF SpRinG
to coMe..
Dogs FeeL
thE breeze
of snoW..
We SinG
A Praise oF
aLL.. Dance
NatUre onE and aLL..
Lovely Prajakta.. trUly
LovELy to comMune TunEs WitH
NatUre OnE iN WordS oF SonG
iN poEtry thUs or DancE oF feaT
iN NatUre’s water’s
Air.. iS to LiVe liGht
over dArk sAMe
as God allthatiS
a BlanKeT of Love
thaT kNows and FeeLs
no thing extra terrestrial
as aLL..
keY iS allThaT iS
iS allthatis.. no hUman
labels to priSon NatUre
iN i or uS or We all thaT iS FReED..:)


Money.. a tool..
but trUly a pRiSon
when iT becomes a way
oF liFe in consumerism instead
of GiVinG and shARinG goods we
Create to survive in TaKinG less
than GiVinG..
Oh.. the Green bLack
Dollar God as spoon
fed poiSon from
Diamond Rings..
big pick uP TrucKs
for 40K and more..
a plate of baked fish
and rice for thirty
bucks and
$9 glass
of Wine..
i giggle
i sMiLe
as i am
no FucKinG
paRt of that lie
of HuMan illusory
priSon.. and SAdly for
those not born poor as rich
in LEarNing thAT wealth iS iN
MoVinG.. ConnecTinG.. CreATinG
Joy within.. as GiVinG shAring way
more than TaKinG.. they have a very very
very hard tiMe of ever gaining peace of MiNd
in Body Balance SoUl.. of LoVinG every HoLy
Sacred pArt of NatUre’s BlankEt oF liFe Good as God
wHole.. away from misery and suffering of becoming the
tools as
green black
dollar dEvils WiLL
do to wE.. and oh the
traps.. even for we
folks who
need not
fill garages
with Wal-Crap
from ceiling to floors..
for example.. just for me
and wife alone.. Health Insurance
subsidized by Government retirement
and such.. of 10K a year for two.. and
2K to insure car and home.. for a thousand
bucks a month.. for what once was a full year
wages for a job x2 in minimum wages
back then.. anyway.. best advice
ever.. enjoy something as free
as you can away from
green black
of HeLL..
as when you
free yourself financially
from the prison of the dEvil
BiLL.. tHere WiLL be no one who
can control ya from God FReED iN
wE noW.. and haha.. to do it for free..
to move.. to connect. to create for
FReED.. means no one
can stop uS
noW from
DoiNG more
to Give to share
than has ‘EVA ‘EVA
iT FloWs iN ZoNe iT reAlly
jUst doS.. as God FReED bEhind
the backs oF folks no longer slave
to the green back Dollar Bill oF HeLL iN noW..
Ha! Freddy the Free Loader i am.. but i FucKinG
GiVe.. i FucKinG GiVe more than most could eva’
FReED..for God
For ALliVe iN noW..
and haha.. iF the reAL
Jesus WiLL come back
as thief in the niGht the reverse
would be TrUe too.. as he would
jUst give and not take.. and one
would neva’ notice him as special
as he would not be wearing the
Green Back DeViL oF


SMiLes.. soMe
born to reProduce..
Some born to art..
Some born
to ‘tween
the botH..
some deSires
strong some greaTer
than wrong.. what BRingS
uS to this placE noW.. dArk
or liGht.. Friend or Foe..
sounds of Irish
SpRingS liGht
So grEEn noW
chanGinG to
blUe to dArker
sHades of thiGhs
ukNown.. spIrit skY
rises for each noW as
more to kNown insPiRing
nExt moment’s pulse inhaLinG
exHales.. rest.. wateR bEcomes AiR
LungS exPand WitH LiFe.. from bElow
to aBove.. outSidE in.. and aLL A’round inPut
outpuT.. more IS A sHore oF Breeze allone..
fEar noT thE reaPers wheN
froM DeatH as LiFe..


“To demand ‘sense’ is the hallmark of nonsense.
Nature does not make sense.
Nothing makes sense.”

~~ Ayn Rand ~~

Typical sign of someone
liVinG in a head alone..
suggesting that nature
does not make
sense when
all oF human
Experience iS
seNses and EmoTioNs
to bE experienCinG noW and
eNjOYinG iT or noT as iS.. pleaSure
or pAin oF pAiNT noW iN dArk and liGht..
EveryThing makes sensE noW FeeLinG
NoW when iT aLL iS experienCinG noW
as seNseS and EmotiOnS NoW…
absTract conStructs
also kNown
iN head
ways oF
the Written
Word are iLLuSioN
iN Approximation in liE
oF eSSence oF RiveR
FloWinG as Change iN
ZonE oF reAL.. anyWay..
as many words as i sPeak
i take zero of them as seRious
and all’A SenSeS and FeeLinGS
underLYinG those words as Real
as real iS mY own multi-Verse as
iS alWays chanGinG noW as
feLt and SeNseD as StreAMs
oF Y i.. to RiVers Ocean
WHole allone.. yeah..
i liVed iN Ayn’s head
for a wHile and dam
sUre hatED that
HaLL oF sHeLLs
of words WitH little
to no liFe oF isRAel
SeNses FeeLinGs
thaT ARe REaL..
iN LiVinG noW..
oh.. to die
without liVing..
in those three encounters
of death oF miNe.. would have
been the end of nothing @aLL..
Assessing reaLITy without the
written word oftenow makes
aLL thE seNse and FeeLing
ha! whaT iS thE
meaning and purpose
oF liFe.. TO FeeL and
noW to
escape the
words of written DEAD LiEs..:)

i was
A play out
Of her word..;)

And additionally i can usuAlly
find some truth in almost every philosophy
but all truth or liGht in that or mine of course
noT as tHeRe is endless more to lEarn to feel..
to sense.. bottom
line though
to earn..
and in this
way some of
Ayn’s words ring
true to me.. as wE liVe
in a naTure of Science in
action and consequence as
WeLL as the Art of Beauty iN
ExpreSsinG SpiRit of EmoTioN
iN MoVinG.. ConnecTinG.. CreATing
way.. and the worst of aLL philosophies
are those that say the world is fixed one noW
and same or we have the last word/way or we
have the only one with Good news and such
as that.. a pity reAlly that close to half the
world iS somewhat trapped in the
restriction oF thAT but never
the Less onE Force iN
all from above.. so
below.. inside.. outside
all around.. iS the way of
most religion and science too
noW at Core of interdependent
and interconnecting relationship
oF allthatis.. once.. one takes the
bearded philosophies of exclusion
out of the entire in and out piE oF
Art and Science noW.. aNyway..
human Freedom as aLL iN
Nature is Contagious
and as science shows
too.. the only reason
human’s have made iT thiS
far is the all innate altruistic
way of Golden Rule born as iS..
IT iS the human connection.. the DanCe
and SonG of Moving.. CreaTinG that makes
uS.. WHOle.. tHeRe is no disharmony oF a DAncE
and SonG oNe iN FloW iN zoNe.. but sadly.. too many
folks shuffle by iN liFE of do what they are tOld in old trees
of KNoWledge and rarely branch out as Free iN a Tree oF Life..
kNowledge is great.. and the Internet makeS thAT more unlimited
than ever now.. one can absorb it.. re-arrange it and spit iT new as
even Art too.. however.. pure creation.. in FloW iN ZonE oF WiLL iS
a magic River with unlimited Streams that come from Ocean oNe iN
all the struggles from the cycle of the origin of what continues to
be noW as
WheeL oF
Real contiNuinG
ForTunE’s SonG NoW..
i soaked up all the knowledge
i cared to.. over decades more..
Ayn bores mE noW anD i For oNe
WiLL to have more than science thOughts
oF InPut from BeFore.. but occasionally i visit
them.. jUst to remember i was tHere.. without much
substance of whaT iS more Real to me at Least as ARt..:)


SoMeone soMewHere
sAid tHere muSt be an
InVisible Sun that gets
uS through the dArkest
niGhts and i muSt saY..
thE musicK Artist Sting
iS precisely correct.. we
are mini-Suns.. many
galaXies of Stars one..
and UniVerse whOle
and more
as mini
mE’s noW..
sAdLY.. soMe manY..
noW have ForgotTen anD
sEparatED as SuN
oF UniVerse wHole
as We now wHo
remember iN
AndD dARk
FeY onE..:)


While the gloves stand out..
in the darker shadowS.. oNe
floats like a butterfly and Stings
like a Bee aS FloW iN zoNe oF Dance
steps then.. and others now… uNorthodox
at start like no other Boxer.. remembered at
end of LiFe as no other boxer.. too..
additionAlly.. speaKing..
perhaps the promulgator
oF Rap rhyming trash
taLKing to rile uP tHe
other side like no
Boxer before.. as
well.. WeLL.. iN thE
words of Richard Bach..
the Jonathan Livingston Seagull
author and book by the name of ONE..
Sports plays a role.. and of course others
have said this too.. in fulfilling the needs
and wants of the human tribal instinct..
better than outward aggression..
violence.. and even wars iN
KillinG others.. and
sAdly a sport of
trauma can lead
to permanent Brain
Injuries as iS the case
oF BoxerS and Football
players too.. so iN a way..
some do sacrifice tHeir lives
as Soldiers oF God2.. to keep
the rest oF uS out Of aggression..
violence.. and overall blood shed
ways now2.. So here’s to the Sports
heroes from A to Z.. the top ten and
more as they provide an alternative..
to flesh and blood loss
of the human race..
but StLL.. aGaiN..
Soccer iS even
better WitH less opportunity
Now for traumatic continuing Brain
Injury and a sport that most countries..
can relate to away from war towards peace..
to provide.. oh.. so.. much better.. an alternative way..:)


WeLL.. noW ending
dOwn heRe.. froM
uP tHeRe..
‘Soldier oF
GoD2 FReED’..
675th macro
wave verse of Ocean
WHoLe LonGeSt LonG
ForM pOeM ‘eva noW..
iN Apprisal oF aLL
i kNoW.. FeeL.. and
SeNsE.. oF aLL
TrUth and liGht
thaT iS aLL thaT iS
so.. CoMinG sTiLL
more fun photos somenow
after the 3 AM early
Rave Dance..
no different reAlly
than my Indigenous
Sioux and Cherokee
ancestors other than
i WiLL be clothed in
shorts and
in moonlit
liGhts of
Air iN SonG
oF DancE
iN eArs
oF LuSt
and LoVE
for LiFe oF
BaLanCinG iN mY
114th.. Dance Week
at Good Old Seville Quarter
WiTh aLL the Kool College
Age folks tHere wHere unKnoWinG
to tHem.. a Sacred CloWN.. ShAman..
SacRed Warrior of InDian Lore WiLL
once aGaiN be iN tHeir mysT iN cLOUds
oF Ghost DancE coMe aLive iN i foR
tHem.. to announce thE New
Age coMe FReED iS







BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels


41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)



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About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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24 Responses to SolDieR oF GoD2 FReED

  1. Hmm..
    Dance Shirt
    says with Dancing
    Bar Parking lot Girls..
    ON THE INTERNET”.. guess it depends..
    and Katrina couldn’t make a decision on it..
    hmm.. yeah..
    guess it depends
    on what one even thinks
    iS interesting.. today..
    and haha! looks
    like the girls
    are posing
    with a flesh
    and blood statue
    in the paRk under
    a moonlit niGht so FReED..
    And hehe.. i tOld them and
    their African American friends
    standing behind them that i would
    eventually make them noteworthy
    in the LonGesT Form Poem ‘eva that
    WiLL be pArt of this too.. sTArTinG
    the 676th unnamed Macro Verse
    as of
    Now WRiTe
    On course oF Course..;)

  2. Passionate barbers will suffice….

    SMiLes.. LiFe is fascinating ThaT’s for sure..
    and Love the quotes above that i WiLL
    paraphrase again.. from penniewoodfall
    on the paths and overall journey oF liFE
    and yes i agree.. intellect only in terms
    of mechanical cognition from
    head up dead below.. inside..
    outside.. and above.. overall
    all around as EmoTioNs Flow
    through the body from head to toe
    and all around that in mirror neuron
    and other yet to be assessed FLoWs or
    not in or out oF ZonE.. yes.. almost impossible
    to describe when more fully employed without poetic
    words of more than science as intellectualism alone..
    the balance as in all stuff use or lose is required to get
    a larger job dONe of potential intelligences less used or
    not used at all.. as is the case in Emotional and Physical
    intelligence joining mind and body in regulation of Emotions
    and Integration of Senses through Moving.. Connecting and
    Creating more whole as human being.. and true the Chi iS
    hard to put in words but what it does.. when emoTioNs are
    more fully realized and balanced along with sensory
    integration is dissolve tension.. increase positive
    feeling and sensing memories of all peptide
    receptors of almost infinite connections
    between neurons and each cell
    of connection all around us
    within and in how we
    connect through
    others through EmoTioNs
    and Senses.. all four hundred and
    twelve+.. assessed and many more
    than five.. respectively.. again.. as science
    shows EmoTioNs drive reaSon.. without them..
    as science shows too.. picking out socks is too
    much to strain the logic of decision making real..
    And to rarely water the garden of EmoTioNs and only
    live in head of intellectual mechanical cognition reasoning
    withers away the pipe oF Emotional Intelligence or don’t start
    it at all for reasons such as abuse or neglect in childhood and
    folks have great difficulty in cognitive executive functioning through
    life in terms of focus and short term working memory.. interestingly..
    A hallmark of autism.. and even more interesting.. is according to
    informal polls on the largest free for all website for Autistic
    leaning folks.. the Wrong Planet.. out of thousands of
    informal poll assessments.. personality tests
    said 95% Introverted over Extroverted
    with biggest numbers in INTJ
    ways of being in Thinking
    and Judging the world
    in mechanical cognition
    mind over Feeling and
    Perceiving it now..
    and of course
    most could
    not find their
    F iN way out of a paper
    bag per the stereotype of
    book worms.. and yes as science
    shows now too.. there is a great reason
    for this that IS A lack of physical and emotional
    intelligence.. the most important intelligences over standard
    IQ that does not even measure them for overall social animal
    survival in the wild kingdom.. problem is we no longer live in the
    wild kingdom.. we live in the concrete jungle.. mostly.. of spoon
    fed instructions and plans to make us whatever cog in the
    machine others make for us.. in the soup of
    the city.. the town.. and more rarely
    now the small village
    where Norm of Cheers
    iS everyone knows and
    TOO.. anyway.. 18 years of school now required
    to get us through the rest of liFE.. and when FREE.. good
    deal iN ways of using Intellect and reason to get us through
    but without physical and emotional intelligence.. the core of
    all Cognitive Executive Functioning and reason in mastery
    of emotions regulated and senses integrated.. chaos
    becomes the self.. and much slow burn is reaLITy
    dim iN stress.. misery.. and stuff like a third
    of United States Children now
    assessed as pre-diabetic..
    at school age.. close to
    50 percent of the population
    on some kind of pain medication
    in adult way.. and often for the vague
    somatic pains of headaches and stomach
    aches that are a result of chronic stress and
    tension.. in overall body pain.. as non regulated
    emotions and non-integrated senses express as
    pain in the human body as the body keeps score
    oF all human experience no different than the so
    called mind uptight in head case that is missing
    the friend of Emotional and physical intelligence..
    anyway.. i do have good reaSon to bElieve
    as i have systemized the human heARt..
    SpiRit.. and SoUl.. as art as well
    to make it a balance
    of science too..
    that i can
    measure in terms
    of output IN creativity..
    and happiness too.. and
    even healing properties of
    a fairly older dude now at 56
    who can make pain and stiffness disappear
    at will with just a few twirls of arms and memory
    of all my cells of pleasure.. my friend.. as the Chi
    as expressed in the science of Tai-Chi that i do
    not practice as i go by internal guidelines along
    with my abstract constructs to get my own job done..
    as inner instruction with of course
    ‘a little help’
    from my friends..
    as i dismiss no opinion
    as retarded as it is the so-called
    retarded folks with IQ’s less than 70
    in my liFe who helped me realize the
    most important of intelligences in
    Emotional and physical
    way that i was missing
    as i simply wasn’t
    using those
    and my friends
    with less than stellar
    IQ.. including the Athletes
    and drama queens in school
    and still play now.. were miles away
    from me in the other stellar intelligence
    in Emotional and Physical way that makes
    liFe balanced as whole AND FucKinG Worth Living
    WHAT I BELIEVE IN IS FucKinG real and empirically
    as bottom
    line HAPPY..
    IN SMART.. MY FRienD
    pennywoodfall and give yOUr
    daughter a SMiLe from me too..
    ’cause in this world sHe WiLL dam
    sure need all the SMiLes that can
    and WiLL come to get heR
    through to the
    end WiTh
    the last
    Smile of the
    Love she gave that
    makes the whole FucKinG
    shooting match a beach
    yeah.. my FriEnd..
    LiFE’s a BEach
    once we find more
    oF iT and use iT
    LoSinG iT
    while heRe..
    sure the heaven
    now metaphor IS
    ra EL as IS re ALL
    when one liVes tHeir
    BUT HA! try to explain that to
    someone who is owned by
    than a tree
    oF LiFE REAL..
    as trust me tHeir
    is no maGiC greater
    than magic with a K..
    and sure i lEarned thAt
    iN pArt from iN Form
    the then ‘Wickedest
    Man of the World2’ iN
    too.. but the real
    deal too.. iN the
    science of lust and Love
    i N B A L A N C e N o W..
    bottom line..
    Thanks my
    friEnd for the
    after Thursday
    night dance inspiration
    in way of Word press
    N o T i F i C a T i oN..;)

    pennywoodfall says..

    I won’t charge
    And i say..
    You already
    Did in terms
    ENergy.. As
    My hands
    Are reAlly
    Of Force
    In Pose
    Too.. alWays
    Ready for the
    Next charge
    My dear

    sayS iN

    Your energy makes me *grin*
    molecules inside/ outside the
    across the universe! Thank You..;)

    And finAlly
    i say..


  3. For whole eras it was the dream of the
    commoner that the sage would
    come down from the
    mountain.. out of the
    cave/desert or from beneath
    the tree or off the Beach..
    to share the answers
    to the problems
    of life in ways
    away from
    misery and
    suffeRinG noW..
    WeLL.. it’s happened..
    Pandoras Box oF HeaLinG
    iSREaL and iT can be found
    online through tons and tons of
    references and sources in Search
    of text and video/music/vocal
    Google and YouTube ways
    for practicAlly Free and
    wow what a human
    as whole
    this iS..
    for those oF
    uS who remember the
    dArK ages.. relatively speakinG..
    of only card catalogs and censorship
    of the racier trUth and liGhts of liFE then..
    anyway.. perfect opportunity in practice like
    no other era for folks from last to first to
    share all of what they kNow.. FeeL
    and SeNsE about what this
    thing namED
    LiFe iN Existential
    Intelligence iS from
    head to toe.. above.. so
    below.. inside.. outside
    and all around
    NOW AS
    SO.. ONCE again i
    say.. so sure this is juSt
    for fUn for mE.. as i’Ve found
    the answers i need IN PRACTICE
    AND NIRVANA NOW.. in giving
    sharing ways of DancE and SonG..
    both verbal and recorded relatively
    forever in human server
    terms oF ReaL
    NoW too..
    all the science..
    all the beauty..
    all the wisdom i share
    for FReED.. as I’Ve been to
    hell to heaven and seen both
    sides now.. but i am no one and
    everyone same in the New World Bible
    of the Internet Age.. as no voice is too small
    or too quiet not to be heard in Internet days
    of Freedom oF eXpreSsioN NOW.. so
    ThErE IS no rush.. no stress
    of anything i do or say..
    tHeiR is endless back-up
    of all my metaphors of Wisdom
    that have been done or danced
    in other ways too.. Like Tai-Chi..
    Like The Golden Rule of Jesus
    that is just a rehash of what
    Buddha said.. along with
    Love your enemy..
    in balance
    and don’t
    lust too
    much too..
    and Dr. Ruth already
    Dispelled the myths of
    sex and lust overall as nothing
    less than gift long long ago..
    and even science
    now in the
    of lust and love
    balance proves in empirical
    evidence that lust IS A source
    of human creativity and social
    cooperation too.. and of course our
    closest non-violent cousins.. the Bonobo
    show this to be true without a doubt with
    tHeir free expressing no hold barred.. even
    in sexual
    too.. for Primate
    Peace.. Social Cooperation
    and overall subsistence gaining
    activity for basic survival now..
    problem is.. many folks
    believe that hope..
    faith and belief
    is taking the
    words of others
    in a book of before
    as Gospel truth.. where
    a humble leaning Yogi/Buddha-like
    dude as teacher Jesus can be elevated
    and promoted to soldier God of the Universe
    by the Roman Empire and likes of Emperor Constantine
    and his Catholic Cohorts in Century number four well
    after the first oral words of Jesus.. were jotted down
    as text.. some 40 years after his death then..
    and anyone who knows and sees
    the parable of the round table
    discussion kNows good and
    god dam well what
    happens to A
    where blue turtles
    become yellow submarines
    and Walruses after two or three
    spins around the oral connecting
    of round table discussion in a matter
    of 30 minutes or so.. sorry folks.. i ain’t
    swallowing the snake oil salesman whole
    for your promise of heaven after the dirt
    nap when i have already empirically
    proven in case study way in
    my own life that
    it happens Now
    for those who
    seek the
    answers for
    iT.. find them and
    practice them always
    now as addressed more fully
    in my paragraph whole back
    to pennywoodfall.. as
    addressed earlier
    in both Facebook
    and blog way..
    these are the same
    Kind of so-called celibate
    Catholic Cohorts who along
    with the higher ups today covered
    up a disgusting perversion of pedophilia
    for centuries long gone.. arising with multi
    media now unfolding still as such.. but of course
    when the rules say you lay 9 year old girls with
    a payment for marriage.. 12 or 23 or more too
    as institutionalized rape as marriage
    in non-consenual approving
    deep down way..
    the tip of the
    iceberg per
    say.. is wide
    open sTiLL iN sin of
    taking away the WiLL
    of freedom in basic human
    reproductive rights aWay and
    sOld to the next higher bidder
    of human freedoms covered
    up now too.. so yes.. while the
    answers are clearly plain to see
    for those with open minds unafraid
    of change.. the true apocalypse in
    original Greek Way of lifting the Veil
    oF ignorance is well over due and in
    online progress now of the global hands
    of Truth and liGht in Freedom of a New
    age of the Truth WiLL set ya Free with
    hUman relative free WiLL in the escape
    from lies of the past.. for patriarchal
    domination in controlling
    reproductive freedoms..
    for all the ‘young’ wives
    ya can buy.. and do
    the wild thing with
    in perverted
    way of
    arriving girls
    too.. so yes.. there
    is much.. much.. much more
    work to do to get the human healing
    and salvation from misery and suffering
    trUth and liGht out tHeRe around the world
    and sure Trojan Horses.. reAlly big ones
    that WiLL eventually gain attention
    as really big and new
    not done stuff
    before.. WiLL
    continue to be necessary
    like what i am doing here.. as
    in many countries.. YouTube greater
    truths are still censored in the way of
    websites with greater trUths and liGhts
    too.. so to play the game of God to Free
    God’s Children in greater trUths and liGhts
    takes the clever fox and Ninja’s among
    uS to juST
    gEt the
    F iN
    Been to hell already..
    iN Heaven now.. and human
    altruism as gifted by God oF Nature
    FReED iN i so liGht and TrUe.. says
    Fred jUst continue to get the
    job done and the
    karma of Joy
    iS in the
    kNow of
    FuLLy FreeinG
    Love and Relative
    Free WiLL iN my brothers
    and sisters all named as FriEnds
    oF Y i.. aLL hUman BeinGS now..
    wHere folks like Yellow Boy
    are lucky as the veil
    of modern cultures
    and religions
    do not cover
    his eYes of bliss
    in HeaVen Now.. the
    way God of nature makes
    it noW.. in rest and peace
    away from the FiGht and FliGht
    for basic subsistence and Survival..
    sadly human beings have made happiness
    into a labyrinth of complicated words and
    doing to even get a drink of water.. and
    a meal.. and some Loving
    Human tender
    Naked touch..
    but they’ve shot
    themselves in the foot..
    and there are some folks
    out there who are willing to
    help them take the biggest thorn
    that is the camel through the eye
    of needle
    that can be
    human hell now
    in tHeir dimension oF it
    away from the other
    way oF
    Heaven NoW..
    so sure..
    ‘wE cAMe
    Down From the Mountain2’..
    you may not welcome ‘WE’
    but we are here to hELp ‘YOU’..
    and iF nothing else that WiLL
    make a somewhat catchy
    phrase as titleD for tHis
    676th Macro
    Verse noW
    Of ‘SonG
    oF mY soUL’ wHole
    shared approaching
    sTiLL 4 million words
    oF Super Epic Long
    Form Poem whole
    as Trojan
    Horse as
    iN my
    case from
    the Beach instead
    oF Mountain HiGh..:)

  4. Ah.. Facebook Memories..
    per Long Form Poem..
    Macro Verse Blog
    post way.. wRite oN
    course.. oF coUrse..
    iN SynChroniCiTy’s
    ToWn oF BEinG
    God’s Art
    oF NatUre..
    iN TapesTrY…
    Now.. juSt..

    WHAT! i am i’LL BE!

    HaHa!.. and sPeaKinG
    directly on topic
    oF Synchronicity..
    perhaps my Shortest..
    Macro Verse oF aLL..
    aT 33 words..
    and just
    one video..
    that the text
    thumbnails.. in Facebook
    way almost tale the entire..
    story with no need to

    i’m wide awake

  5. Habitually burying the lead….

    A desire to own..
    perhaps the greatest
    reality of human suffering
    and misery now..
    The desire to give..
    to share.. the natural
    order of the
    primate iN
    Kind and Loving
    Touch as attached
    to Mother’s Breast
    for years
    of rubber
    nipples that
    have no affective
    empathy to share iN
    the LoVinG Touch oF LiFe..
    watching folks
    manicure their
    cars yesterday.. shining
    every dust away.. reminded me
    of me.. all those years.. i waxed the
    shine eternally on Maverick.. To Escort..
    To Cavalier.. To Camaro.. To Passport
    and now finally
    here.. at Civic..
    wHere i treasUre everY
    nick of parked scratch with
    my win over ownership life..
    finAlly set free in the animal..
    plant.. world again.. iN Sands
    oF NatUre FReED.. and around my
    home.. strangely.. like i have never seen
    anyone else’s aluminum siding do around
    the top.. the baked paint in a cold winter’s
    day decided to flake off.. the Winter i got WeLL..
    but the house i built in 1993.. after living so poor
    for so many years in nothing i owned then.. did become
    a place oF Temple to worship as structure more than the
    Temple of Nature aka God AM i in so much more oF Sacred
    and Holy potential from head to toe.. fAct is.. one selfie of ‘that
    girl’ who perceives the beauty of her face as energy.. and power
    to share.. in non-verbal way.. is greater than building ever made..
    as those EmoTioNs of Face generate EmoTions in others and
    thaT iS human emPowERinG Energy at core.. of course
    with all the birds and bees attractions to
    stimulate creativity.. and
    social cooperation
    that go along
    the feathers
    and SonG
    of BuZZ that
    the Birds and Bees
    make when plaYinG Free..
    seriously it’s about time.. NO.. iT’s
    about now that the stored gold and
    grain and temple structures are valued
    less that the FucKinG hUman Face..
    and to art iT real is better than
    to make the car the
    Lover or the
    home the
    God… than yes
    thou art God noW..
    Let’s Do LiFe real
    to paraphrase a lunch.. a
    cup of coffee.. or a beer for tears..
    i do lunch but coffee and beer is out
    of the question for a nuclear reactor
    come real.. come now.. as hUman BeinG
    but i had to work to make that eNergy ReaL
    from head to toe.. as tHere is no rest in LiFE
    ever more now..
    With Clouds oF Atlas
    and those who go against
    nature pay the action and consequence
    forevermorenow.. oF Getting out oF BaLanCinG
    until they pay Karma back now.. with positive intent
    in both thinking and doing noWin FeeLinG SenSinG
    ways moVinG ConNecTinG and creaTinG now.. as
    the reward WiLL only be NoW when achieved
    as continuing practice oF DArk to LiGht
    and all the Tween..Now between
    dArk OiLed Dead Kites of prey..
    and Star
    as we beloW.. NoW..
    And sure i can easily afford
    to fix the cosmetic imperfections
    of the siding now.. but more iT iS
    a continuing practice oF A heARt..
    SpiRiT oF heArt as Mind and
    BoDy BaLanCinG wHoLe
    soUL.. iNstead of
    home and car
    away from
    allthatis animal..
    planet.. earth.. wind..
    air.. and water.. moRe FuLLy AliVe..:)

  6. Hi Leah.. looked back again
    twice to be sure i didn’t miss
    it but hehe.. somehow the Birthday
    wish went missing.. but never the less
    thanks for celebrating it again..
    as what i’ve learned in
    life after a couple
    of decades of only
    work and very little
    to no play.. and not
    giving a crap whether it was
    my birthday.. anniversary.. etc..
    just trying to escape bad stuff
    like grief without reacting.. big big
    EPIC MISTAKE.. as liFe is what we
    make the Box oF Chocolates.. epic
    or boRinG.. so i went the opposite
    way and celebrate most every step
    and word of life as Sacred and
    Holy in Positive liGht noW as
    best i can to WiLL..
    and as science
    and the placebo
    vs nocebo work in simple
    visualization of positive ‘prayer’
    per say of religious way instead
    of superstition voodoo negative
    skull and bones view.. the science
    of one step.. two step.. four five
    and more says iT works and iN all stuFF
    liFe.. a spectrum applies.. and even science
    says not all folks benefit from the Placebo affect
    and effect in action-consequence oF liFe iN maKinG
    Dreams come trUe.. and perhaps i was among those
    in that 66 percent or so group that science says that
    does apply.. too.. but never the less i changed that no
    matter what the innate of iT iN Environmental reaLiTy
    was bEfore.. slowly and surely and this WriTing PoEtry
    thingie.. when words become sacred and holy and
    each human interaction does as well..
    i’m sure it is off putting to some
    to see and feel someone
    as engaged in the
    real hUman EmoTions
    of maKinG every Step oF Life
    and Word in both as reciprocal
    social communication holier to each
    day where theRe can be no limit or
    expectation for sure of what liGht
    maY come neXt.. haha.. i’ve
    systemized the art oF creativity
    from head to toe.. and wHeRe i Love
    to Go.. sAcreDlY and HoLy above.. so below..
    inside.. outside.. and all A’round.. bottom line
    Eureka!.. the scientists and the priests are/were correct
    about the positive power of mOlding our reality
    with positive thoughts of HopE.. Belief and
    Faith in what works as the Natural
    Order oF liFe here on this most
    beautiful green and blue to
    brown snow capped mountains
    named by Us as Earth and until the
    inner mountain of EmoTioNs REegulaTinG
    and Senses IntegraTing whOle the GreAtest
    untOld Peaks may not have been reached
    yet iN hUman KiNd way.. anyWay.. mY SoUL
    iN MiNd and BoDy Balance continues
    to grow WiTH HeARt.. as spiRit taLes
    the SoUL oF it more in words and steps…
    thanks for flYinG WitH mE and i Am one
    who Feels the pleasure and pain of others
    to eXXtreme LeVeLs.. so a hug iS alWays
    double pleasure to me..
    and the thing.. of that
    sort that is a little too much
    is a feathered tickle as such..
    WHEN the manmade
    textures oF LiFe are taken
    out of the Human Equation
    oF Naked Free.. iN TrUe oPen hUman Love..
    SeriousLy.. i Feel the pleasure or pain oF everyone
    around me.. so i always end up with a Happy Face
    at the end oF DancE of the New Rave way oF oPen SoUL..
    And at Super Walmart.. i’Ve lEarned to shield mYself from
    so much misery and suffering radiated from the PriSoNers
    of ‘the Matrix’ as i use Music oF Positive radiating head
    phone way.. and Dance to eXpand positive energy
    oF I.. in WAvEs across the arms and heads
    OF suPeR-WaLmaRt City.. oh.. thE
    pain that place used to BRinG
    me.. until i found an
    in so many words
    wiTh WiNks oF FReED..:)

  7. Hi.. 3rd Cousin Rosanna.. so nice to see you yesterday at
    Publix and glad to see and hear that you and
    Kelsey are doing well.. Healthy and all..

    As promised here are my websites..
    of which the first one is likely much easier
    to open than the second and third one..

    And also providing the direct link to
    the One Macro Verse that is
    338,630 words long..


    And yes iT is way way
    way way.. out tHeRe
    jUst like me..


    Love to you
    and the rest of
    the family on the
    other side too..

    on LoVinG
    iT aLL as you WiLL to Do..
    WitH liFe aS iS iN General..:)

    Fred and Katrina..

    Hehe.. and Love your Email
    name.. hickspic.. as Such
    In Latin South
    origin of
    you with
    the Irish
    thrown in
    for Good measure
    in Hick way too..:)

    And down here as additional
    Facebook Status and Novel Verse
    Blog way.. iT isn’t exactly alWays easy
    explaining what i do now.. to the family
    folks who knew the ‘Vanilla Me’ way back
    when but Rosanna didn’t go the White Sheep
    route of the Family either.. she went her own
    way and trUly thaT iS a Cool way to go..
    to just bE
    No matter what
    anyone else nay
    says and or disapproves oF THaT..
    And i remember back in 2008 or so.. her
    cousin-in-law who was the husband of her second
    cousin Mary who was my second cousin too.. before
    she passed away around that period too.. he a retired
    Military officer with a huge expensive home.. and the
    thing that impressed me most.. was to see his big
    screen computer open.. and a long long essay
    or letter he wrote on some issue.. and me
    wishing.. i wish i could use my eYes and
    ears to write then.. with all the type 2
    Trigeminal Neuralgia pain i would
    endure for 66 months and it was
    an incredible challenge
    to visit someone then..
    just to sit for a moment
    or two.. and i remember that
    visit very well in vivid living color..
    as it was one of the very few times
    i escaped from the cover of Hunch Back
    of Notre Dame status then.. other than
    30 minutes at the end of hours of
    operation away from folks..
    to work out at the gym..
    with ear plug..s shades..
    and tattered jacket as
    i was chilled in the Summer
    weather of 100 degree breeze
    of heat.. as with Dysautonomia..
    my blood pressure and heart rate
    working together was no longer orchestrated
    Well enough to circulate my blood properly and
    my feet were almost always freezing.. and i was
    far far out of either Emotional Regulation.. barely
    registering any emotions at all.. or integrating
    senses.. even for temperature regulation
    of basic bodily animal homeostasis..
    Stress did it.. it almost killed me dead..
    constant fight or flight stress for around
    two years before THAT then.. iT ain’t worth
    it and most people cannot understand just
    how bad it can get if one does not escape the
    most severe ordeals of liFe Stress.. anyway..
    my liFe is proof that with time the body wheel
    of LiFe iN ForTune WiLL grow new tires to
    cover the metal wheels of living death.. and
    sure.. for some folks that spells 66
    months in hell first.. but ANYWAY…
    SAYING.. i wished i had an original way
    to express myself in creative writing to
    communicate all the wisdom i had
    collected over the years then..
    And that is what impressed
    me most about my Second
    cousin ‘Ski’ through in-law
    marriage then.. his ability to
    express himself fully and emotionally
    too in writing.. for me to do that at all after
    not being able to do much more than a firstly..
    secondly.. thirdly list of FACTS IN COLLEGE
    do to the tune of 1.4 million views or so as
    my Google plus stats do reveal.. not
    many likes or followers but never
    the less what i do does gain
    views.. and that is
    more than the
    Hunch Back of Notre
    Dame could ever hope for
    back then.. and the 5500 miles
    of dance in about 33.3 months now..
    is a pure FucKinG Miracle for the shut-in
    i was then.. moving from the Hunch Back of
    Notre Dame only in the shadows oF liFe then..
    to the spot light of a so-called Dance Legend by
    the public at large now per some of those members
    now.. Dancing solo like a crazy latin down in Herald
    Square as Billy Joel WiLL say on 52nd street too..
    iN Rosalinda’s eYes too.. like my first love Cuban/
    Irish Girl Friend might have wished i could do
    then as she and her brother Ron won
    the dance contests at Riverside
    Disco back in the day
    here on the Milton River
    front when the teens did
    Disco in this ‘Hick’ town
    then.. Well.. they made fun
    of my dance then.. in a Loving
    way to portray the robot moves of
    i back then.. truly.. i wish Sonia of back
    then could see me dance just one time
    before i die just to show her i was capable
    of being someone more than a nit picky
    Robot book worm then.. but anyway..
    Life changes.. the HeARt changes..
    and spiRit too.. soUL gets
    back or first in mind
    and Body
    and the rest iS
    my SoUL uploaded
    Online now.. and that
    is Beyond a miracle for the
    Hunch Back of Notre Dame
    i who was born dead at the end of January
    2008.. died at the end of July 2013.. and
    the mE who came out of the ashes then..
    as Phoenix riSinG was born aGaiN without
    a mask as someone who had never walked
    the earth before in this Version 2.0 oF Y i..
    oh yeah.. and speaking of version 2.0 it’s
    not uncommon for folks to change
    drastically over the lifespan as such..
    My mother becoming a published
    poet in her 50’s after doing none
    of that too.. either.. before that..
    My Grandmother starting to
    oil paint in her 60’s and
    who did automatic
    writing with Pen..
    and Rosanna’s Grandmother..
    my Great aunt and accomplished
    Poet as well.. so sure.. the art of
    late runs in my family too.. and of
    course on my father’s side.. my
    Grand Father who was an
    X-Irish Catholic priest and
    noted author in the middle
    of last Century era..
    and finally other authors
    in the family.. including second-cousin
    Fred with a book about Africa and a
    family tree book.. who was the son
    of Great Aunt Jettie (Yoda of wisdom
    to me) her age 94 with twice as
    much emoTioNal power of
    heARt in SpiRit of her
    voice iN miNd and
    Body Balance vs..
    me at 47.. Still
    capable of leg pressing
    500 Lbs.. then.. but weak from
    head to toe in little to no emoTioNal
    inspiRinG FeeLinGs with little breath
    to speak.. without getting totally worn out
    after a few minutes of speech.. oh.. the pain
    then from head to toe overALL with Fibromyalgia..
    associated.. coat hanger pain.. of Dysautonomia..
    eYes not making tears with Sjogren’s Syndrome too..
    Severe Degenerative Arthritis in spine.. precipitated
    early by a congenitally fused vertebra in my spine..
    along with Depression Associated Anhedonia..
    Severe Anxiety.. Mood Lability.. Panic attacks
    associated with PTSD.. and others for a total
    of at least 19 medical associated disorders..
    was a hell come true for me then.. and sure..
    i list it occasionally for good measure.. just
    in case someone has no idea the hell
    i Lived before.. particularly at the
    beginning with only 1 hour of
    alpha blocker assisted very
    shallow sleep for the first
    35 days of the lent period
    towards Spring of 2008..
    and zero sleep for the
    last 5 of 40 wHere i lost
    all my senses and feelings
    alive almost totally separated
    in feeling connected to anything
    of the interconnecting interdependent
    relationship of allthatis.. aka GOD.. to
    where all there was was time of piece of
    paper existence.. where one second was
    like a thousand yearS in REAL HELL ON EARTH
    THEN.. yes.. i’ve seen and felt both sides.. up close
    and as personal as it gets.. and i WiLL do anything
    and everything to provide a spark of any kind…
    even if just one word.. to help someone
    THE Good news is HEAVEN IS
    BUT NOW.. as far as the modern Christian
    promises of a free John 3:16 pass after a dirty nap..
    Dirty Lies are often covered with the sweetest of
    promises.. for reproductive control and illusory
    fears to subjugate the congregation for
    material gains.. of 10 million dollar
    homes.. 10 or so young girl wives
    or whatever the flavor of the
    lie iS in psychopathic..
    leaning humans
    with little to no
    empathy for the
    different among them
    then and now.. but in a free
    global world groWing they are
    loSing control.. the writing of Free
    is now on the Concert Hall WaLL of God FReED
    NoW iN wE who dare to Fly unclothed with cultural
    and religious lies one with GOD FreE NoW HeaVeN..:)

  8. Ah.. soMe science
    oF art and sOme
    art of science..
    ya can’t
    It once
    iT iS OnE..:)

  9. Hi Rafiah.. i suspect since it is as you spell it..
    Ramazan Month.. you may be rather quiet on
    Facebook.. so i bring you a gift of Movie
    Trailer that you may enjoy after
    Ramazan month ends..
    so this is a gift for then..
    and not a temptation
    to break your passion
    of Ramazan today…
    anyway.. it is the way
    i see God as a Natural Force
    that no one controls individually
    but all of God whole orchestrates
    toGeTheR.. and i muSt say that liFe Goes
    oN after death and the one’s we Love return
    as soUL AgaIn with arms toGetHer aGain.. so
    iF i never meet you iN the flesh now.. i am certain..
    that i have met you before like that or WiLL after this..
    liFe.. somethings.. will never be in text.. as theY are the
    Natural order of this world and UniVerse whole that
    is the Physics
    and Chemistry oF
    liFe beyond the text
    and even odd numbers
    of NoW Before mY FriEnd..
    some things are beyond numbers
    and words..
    mY Friend..
    per the same makers
    of the Matrix Trilogy oF Movies..
    who made the one beLow too.. WitH Love.. 

    And in this Movie
    Case Cloud Atlas.. 

  10. Hi.. old Friend..
    Mind Retrofit..
    i never forget a
    friend who helped
    me in liFe which trUly
    you did so much back
    in the dead zone days oF
    i.. so yeah..
    iT’s Fred
    just stopping
    by to say hi..
    WitH all the best
    Wishes of Peace oF
    MiNd and BoDy Balance
    to you my Friend greater
    than ever bEfore.. and sorry
    i haven’t checked back so long
    to read you here.. and hope to see
    your writings around someday online more..:)

  11. WeLL.. Hi Back! again! Leah..!
    ThAT iS GREAT! NEWS! that your
    husband may leave the soul eating
    corporatist world as free lance consultant
    in gaming technology as well as a teacher
    in game design at the University in Helsinki
    and yes.. Loving wHere you live and being able
    to stay tHeRe is a BIG PLUS in liFe i find as WeLL..
    and also what i find is once one can see the good
    in perhaps the dArkest potentials of Life and staRts
    to see it all as good.. NO MATTER WHAT.. then the liGht
    oF liGht does seem to attract the liGht of liGht and next thing
    ya know every dam Fortune cookie at the Chinese restaurant starts
    to bring oh.. SO MUCH GOOD NEWS.. and hehe.. the boys back at the
    OLD WRONG PLANET.. said it was just confirmation bias but sooner or later
    when you document all the good stuff that happens.. like when i told ’em there
    is no limit of what i will accomplish next after i first got well and was taling them
    that miracles are real.. all natural and empirically provable in at least my own life..
    but that’s the way it goes when one is stuck in rather negative limitations and expectations
    of life.. like thinking it’s all a random soup of chance.. and we are just boring star dust as such..
    nah.. i’ve lEarned to Believe anything is possible
    with the power of the real emoTioNs
    of Hope.. Faith and Belief as an
    EmoTioN and although i don’t
    make a God dam penny for
    anything i do.. writing
    the longest long form
    poem in human history
    approaching 4 million words
    for the Autistic boy who could not
    speak until age 4.. and could not write
    a creative paragraph for 4 decades.. so yeah..
    sure ..miracles are possible through visualization
    and epigenetics and neuroplasticity.. oh so cool too..
    and application of imagination through creativity
    along with creative energy.. even with what some
    folks call sex magic which is just the increased dopamine
    and maybe some all natural DMT when one finds ways to
    stay sensual as much of the week as possible with not necessarily
    the Bill Clinton Def of Sex.. or actual ‘release’ as such… just being
    the most sexiest mammal like we are at Nature’s core.. anyway..
    i see metaphors.. even religious metaphors as all natural reality
    iN essence at core.. it’s just a matter of aligning the semantics
    and syntax to get to the trUth and liGht housed as such
    in vehicles and vessels of old to get folks on
    generAlly the same sheet of music..
    HMMM… so i’ll dream and visualize
    that i am gonna be a free lance consultant
    to the Pope.. as i don’t believe change starts
    at the political level.. i think it starts with emotions
    and organized emotional stuff they teach in religions..
    but Jesus F. iN Christ how the FucK aM i supposed to be
    able to do that literally as such.. since i ain’t no stiff colored
    priest.. but hey i do have my foot in the back pew of the Catholic
    Church and i was oN the same Tennis court playing tennis with the
    Monsignor of my Catholic Church as friend in high school.. so i can
    dream i’ve got my foot in the door to make change happen.. anyway.. so..
    here’s the advice that i would give the Pope.. but Jesus F. iN Christ i’ll probably
    have to write a sacred and holy looking poem the size of 4 F iN Bibles.. but WOOPS
    I ALREADY DID THAT.. HEHE.. but sure.. getting the pope to read this is gonna be much
    harder than writing it that more or less WAS/iS the effort literAlly of a new age ‘JOB’.. so..
    anyway.. the advice i would give the Pope since he is already on the correct track of suggesting
    that Evolution is real.. and that God is not a Force that has to do magic creation tricks to prove
    that God IS A Force thaT iS Real.. so we are all ready thinking along the same lines that God is nature
    real.. a Force as such that underlies all stuff.. and he was a Chemistry major.. so he understands some
    of the Science behind this Force thaT iS God.. so he is already humming a prologue to my more specific
    advice that i will provide that is NO DUH.. A NO BRAINER.. THAT EVEN HIS GOOD BOOK THAT IS 4 TIMES
    AS SMALL AS MINE SAYS in terms that Heaven is now.. the last can be first.. in heaven now.. and folks
    will do much greater stuff than the humble Tennis Teacher per metaphor of Good news
    in being one with ball and tennis racquet in Zen way that Jesus was talking about then
    in deeper metaphor way.. and of course as Nature IS A Force thaT iS
    equivalent with God.. we don’t wanna overpopulate
    the earth now.. and spilling the seed is actually
    good news when you are filling the
    shore with folks
    who can be
    really Bad news
    iN God’s Nature Balance around uS
    so it’s time to give out free condoms
    at church and such as that and hell yes!
    promote! gay marriage in the church as that
    WiLL just make God oF Nature happy as less kids
    means less destruction of the balance of Nature around
    the world.. and as sociologists say by the year 2050.. the Muslim
    Folks WiLL get the freedoms that Christians have over here noW in
    a church and state separated country same as one that moreover rules
    over ‘there’ as one.. and next thing ya know the Muslim Teenagers will
    be sexting each other.. and sex will no longer be so much of a hidden
    and mysterious TURN ON.. thaT it will lose its appeal and just
    like over here the birth rate will go way way down..
    and folks will just play on their cell phone..
    more looKinG @sexting and the almost infinite
    variety of Virgin looking girls on
    porn tube or whatever and
    just get the job
    done at
    hand without
    spilling the shores
    with more humans of
    covered up destruction as such..
    and hehe.. no incentive for suicide bombings
    or 911’s when the Vestigial Virgins are at hand
    online everywhere ya go.. see.. really i had this planned
    out all along.. go to the Wrong Planet and employ all the
    egg heads with leading questions.. and Sacred Clown ploys
    to feed on their brains.. like a think tank.. to solve the worlds
    problems by figuring out how humans tick tock tHeir way
    in life.. and then i would transform all that literal
    knowledge into holy and sacred looking
    metaphors no different really than
    four times the size of the bible
    from way back when..
    only difference here
    there is no
    round table
    orally scribed
    mistakes that someone
    else makes.. i’ve got complete
    creative control of this Long Form
    Poem Super-Epic bible that is the
    SonG oF My SoUL.. and i am an
    Angel Empath that has no filters of
    evil or good.. to find out what is positive
    and negative action and consequence in life
    that leads to balance and world peace.. but sTiLL
    to do this.. to actually get the Pope to listen and his
    cronies to make change happen.. and have any chance
    at all to make that 2050 date happen a little Sooner in Muslim
    countries too.. to help save the Natural Balance of the Planet
    Earth.. i’ll have to convince with WiNKS the pope that i am
    F iN Jesus..
    but first i’LL probably
    have to write a bible
    4 times the size of the
    bible.. to some how get
    his attention.. but wait!
    once again.. oops i already did it..
    but i figure the best way to instill change
    is at the individual level in ways of human
    moving.. connecting.. and creating that quiet
    honestly takes no words at all.. only a public
    exhibition like King David did way back when..
    and considering i’ve done this 5500 miles in
    around 33.33 months.. i’m well on my way
    to spread happiness.. and Jesus F iN Christ
    perhaps Dance alone WiLL get THE JOB DONE
    AT LEAST in Butterfly affect and consequential
    EFFECT.. plus all those video voyeurs spreading my
    ministry of dance on Face Book Videos around the world
    as such.. a minister of dance WiLL be enough for me.. as what
    i’Ve come to find is like Gloria Estefan and the Bible and Kuran
    and sure the Tai Chi and sitting on their Butt still meditation folks already got that
    pARt figured
    out anyway..
    and it works even better
    when groups of more than
    one dance toGeTheR jUst for fUn..
    anyWay.. the day i die WiLL be a celebration
    for me as i alReady kNow as mission accomplished
    or More
    already in dreams
    oF Y i.. already fulfilled
    more than JOB OF THE PAST
    so smiles
    and keep
    those positive
    thOughts and DreAms..
    FriEnd and remember
    maGiC iN liFe is as REAL
    FucKinG God
    IS A
    and sacred
    clown when
    the trUth and
    liGht comes ouT.. FReED..
    i Mean Jesus F iN Christ
    iT’s been In the F iN
    cloSet way WAY too
    L o n G..
    oh yeah.. ps..

    since Artificial Intelligence
    WiLL noW soon take over mostly
    all the working jobs of the world..
    gotta work on that Universal Subsistence
    INcome for the Entire World but tHaT maY taKe tHe
    neXt ENTIRE LIFE TO GET THAT JOB DonE or maybe
    i’LL outSource iT.. AND move on to the neXt world and
    save thAT1..2.. NO MATTER WHAT.. iT don’T hUrt to DREaM BiG..
    AND JESUS F iN CHRIST.. in addendum heRe noW.. SOMEnoWs..noW
    i FeeL like an Anthropologist/Voice Crying ouT in the wilderness
    as such on Mars.. in the words of Temple Grandin2.. and when i
    graduated school.. at Uni Level.. i told the news
    reporter from the Pensacola NewsvJournal.. to be
    an Anthropologist.. who was interviewing my sister..
    mother and i.. all three.. graduating togEtheR iN
    1983.. and me with those
    two degrees
    other than
    in Social Sciences
    and Health Science
    for a triple major won..
    for two BA’s and one BS..
    all in one school experience
    then.. yeS.. i told ’em my
    ultimate goal was
    to be
    problem was.. that
    profession didn’t pay
    enough to buy a house.. a
    car and support a wife.. and truly
    nothing i did find to do as work did
    until 6 years after that with wage
    increases and such as that
    at the Military
    Bowling Center
    i started out at
    nearly minimum wage
    with all that input knowledge
    and not enough communication skills
    in reciprocal way to get it ALL OUT
    FOR SOME BUCKS TO LIVE.. anyway.. eventually
    supervisor.. in Bowling way.. Manager and such
    as that.. Support Assistant in Administrative duties
    for a Captain of another base in a short stint of reduction
    of Force way.. back to Community Activities Director and
    finally Athletic Director before my mind and body
    balance soUL blew up like the egg that fELL from
    heaVen.. in Broken sHeLL that all the kings horses
    and men could not put back toGeTheR
    aGaiN.. so Isis.. my wife as
    metaphor of course had to
    do that herself without
    much help.. so.. sure..
    Osiris/Horus came back to life..
    noW and hell i think i even found
    my golden ‘phallus2’ as such aLL
    by my lonesome too. allone as such
    too.. and truly that gOlden ‘phallus’
    IS just
    A peN
    ALL.. and
    FucK yeS.. it’s fAir
    to say i met my
    ultiMate Goal
    and perhaps
    i’m not an
    on Mars iN literal
    way but In metaphorse..
    HELL YES.. i AM so that
    means me and Temple and i just
    have something else in common
    as Temple of GoD anD
    of i as sAMe..:)

  12. Ah.. and here’s
    to more poetic
    memories wRite
    on topic.. presented
    by the Xtra KooL and
    i Love to add aLL FREE
    Facebook algorithm FriEnd
    in Robot way as FreeST Artificial
    Intelligence assistant oF Y.. i.. noW..;)

    Dancing Song of Poetic HeArt

    And sure.. why stop with
    one poetic memory when
    all the Macro Verses oF the
    Longest Long Form Poem ‘eva are
    FREE and
    available on
    line JUsT for FuN iN FucKinG
    WisDom oF TrUth and liGht..
    but yeah.. also.. i’m on a tour bus
    headed on my way to Biloxi Beaches
    to dance walk Free on Gulf and Bay
    Beaches too.. so i’LL juSt dance
    some words free here too..
    on iMac Pro Notebook
    way aS WeLL with
    Facebook and
    in assistance
    of Free ToW..
    and meanwhile the
    wife is playing bus bingo..
    and will soon be playInG
    with the one armed bandits
    in Free Play way wHere the
    Church groups gets that free
    for the tour bus participants
    just for fun too.. with nothing
    to lose and only a little to gain
    as of course the psychopathic
    leaning gambling houses of
    culture will
    win for sure
    iF you play
    tHeir game of
    SpenDinG moRe..
    my inoculation iS DanCe
    And SonG foR FReED noW..:)

    Gold Finger and Happy Feet!

  13. Snippets of old, sad songs….

    “An it harm none,
    Do what ye will.”

    ~~ Wiccan Credo ~~

    Sadly.. in history..
    rarely does any major
    religious philosophy
    rise to this height
    of human all natural
    innate altruism when the
    tribe is needed to survive in
    cooperation.. with every effort
    and unique talent from hunting to
    gathering to general foraging and
    two spirit philosophies to get the
    job all the way done from birth
    to death holding hands..
    WitH all social roles
    valued fully as such..
    but of course much
    easier to do.. if one IS An
    American Indian back then..
    on the banks of creeks teaming
    with fish.. just awaiting a spear
    and a fire to cook over for
    a full tummy.. any season
    of the year.. but no.. not
    the same when one lives
    in arid desert lands where
    even water is scarce and fertile
    land is even more scarce where
    territory that CAN SUPPORT
    human life is not in much
    abundance.. so obviously..
    Strife is gonna be the way
    as folks compete for
    basic survival
    against other
    tribes outside
    the social circles..
    So.. Religions developed
    same as politics to control
    the resources for survival.. and
    back in the America’s.. the brown
    guys/gals over here were thriving in Nature..
    easily seeing and feeling the interconnecting
    interdependent relationship of all stuff liFe and
    sure iT iS more humbling to see the Grand Mountains
    and Majestic Oaks as something greater and sAMe as us..
    than when one is walking flat on arid desert lands were human
    is the biggest thing all around.. give or take a Lion on the Savannah..
    and such as that.. anyway.. like they say.. until one walks in the other
    shoes it can be hard to say.. i for one am born in Paradise where the
    Fish and the Seagulls teAM toGeTheR free wiTh us.. one and sAMe..
    Tall Whispering Pines in a state of Flowers also known as Florida
    too.. and passing by a Saint Michael’s Catholic church with
    an Angel Michael on top with a sword bearing for
    wars against the enemy is simply a reminder
    to me that the origin of that sword
    was over dispute of fertile
    land where a living
    could be made..
    seriously.. it’s a sad
    state of affairs to me when
    i take my Google Earth tool and see
    how folks live in barren lands in what
    look like roach motels.. wHere green
    is scarce and dust blows as sand
    in eYes coveRed from thaT
    and body overall
    covered too.. to
    keep moisture
    in.. also.. to prevent
    dying from hydration..
    where water is scarce too..
    Life’s not fair.. no.. it’s not.. some
    folks are born in Paradise of abundance
    and some folks are born starving to death..
    bottom line.. folks do what they can to get by..
    and perhaps one day folks will freely give and share
    enough around the world.. wHere theRe wiLL be greater peace
    instead of
    of Angel
    Michael Steel..
    i try to understand
    and hope for the best..
    i dissent but i am not cold
    hearted enough not to say
    i understand why.. the struggle
    goeS.. oN and a hand to hELp iS
    the only thing that WiLL change
    human Nature back to what iT iS
    truly evolved to be iN altruistic
    way wHere the love comes
    back more and the sWord
    dissolves into Sweeter
    SoNGs oF
    my FriEnd..:)

    My PleaSure.. My FriEnd..
    alWays many MoVinG words
    and sonGS you bRinG heRE for
    inspiRaTiOn.. and how lucky
    wE trUly are noW wiTh
    Freedom of expresSiOn..
    to tale iT aLL withOut restrAint..
    And yes.. thaT iS the best pARt
    oF aLL Of the Internet to mE..
    to Be Free aWay
    from Chains
    of those who would
    otherwise do tHeir best
    to hOld hUmanKind back
    to the dARKages oF tHeir
    illusory fears and
    for control
    of the Natural
    resources iN every thing
    from water to bread to the
    breasts that feed the child..
    as such.. liGht iS heRE ..
    iT’s jUst a matter
    of geTtinG
    the tale
    to free
    BoX once and
    foR aLL i FeeL..
    FReEDoM WiLL
    wiN as thaT iS whAt
    liFE AiMs to do.. Survive
    and thrive.. wheN WeLL @lEast..:)

  14. Run Forrest Run..
    Do Run Run Run..
    yeah.. Run DMC..
    or whatever.. but
    whateva’ ya do..
    AND AS i usuAlly
    say i’LL be back..
    and iT miGht
    be hard
    to tale..
    but i’Ve goT
    the EyE oF the TiGer
    too.. or at LeAst a
    TaLe as pArt..
    of this 676th
    MacroVerse too..
    anyway.. more on thAt
    a little later.. oN course..:)

    Ya kNoW somenows iT jUst
    aLL fits toGetHeR.. ya kNOw.
    the taPesTry.. tHe Art oF aLL
    tHaT iS.. so cool.. i mean seriousLy..
    what weRe the chances that the Stars
    oF Synchronicity would coMe toGeTheR..
    iN a perfect Storm as such.. in Practice oF course..
    wHere the Good Times Tours folks would purchase..
    yes.. a brand New Tour Bus.. to color coordinate WitH..
    mY Grey WitH Siberian Tiger BLue EyEs.. Super-WalmArt..
    purchased shirt.. and Katrina’s newly picked out shorts that
    are almost a perfect match of Grey too.. anyway.. somenows
    are like that but i have to admit.. they don’t make these European
    style buses wITh fuller siZed older mature Siberian Tigers iN miNd..
    as there was not even enough room in couples seats for Mrs.. Siberian
    Tiger to sit WitH her Tiger Husband as such.. so she sat across from
    me WitH her
    FriEnd WilliE
    Behind her
    for moral
    support as iT iS
    kinda sad when Mrs..
    Tiger gets Separated from
    Mr. Tiger.. when theRe ain’t
    enough paw.. jaw.. and cLaw
    space as iT were and Jesus F iN
    Christ.. i banged my head on the
    under pass ceiling and the
    bathroom ceiling too..
    and i’m mostly a
    broader Tiger
    than narrow
    and tall
    one too.. anyway..
    liFe Goes on as paws..
    jaws.. and cLaws.. ALL too..
    liKe a liT uP lAmp or LiGthouse
    wiTh FReED GuLL SwirLinG a’RounD iT..:)

    And yes.. speaKinG of beauty
    and the beast.. me for beast of course..
    and her for beauty.. heRe iS WifE Katrina.
    sitting across from me.. with that moral
    support provided by her friend..
    Willie.. and yes my friEnd..
    too of course.. as
    she ain’t afraid
    of no
    Tiger man..
    even iF he iS
    of Siberian flavor
    as such.. but anyway..
    a Casino official pulled Katrina..
    off her one armed bandit and carded
    her this afternoon to insure she is over
    the somewhat tender girl age to gamble..
    but aLL ‘A thaT ended WeLL as she whipped
    all 46 years out of her Walleted State ID license..
    as she does not drive with her Epilepsy condition..
    and she went on her
    merry way..
    to play with some
    more Free play money..
    provided by the Catholic Church..
    the Casino.. and the tour folks..
    and she won about enough
    money to pay for our
    buffet casino meal..
    that quite frankly
    kinda sucked even
    at half price.. for two..
    as also provided as discount..
    for our Filipino friends and uS..
    as such.. anyway.. it’s a good
    times tour and i had fun dancing..
    But gambling bores me stiff as i
    trUly don’t give a FucK about
    winning any more money..
    than i already have..
    as the abundance
    i have iS FucKinG
    enuFF for mE for sure.. And
    sure.. the wife miGht disagree..
    but.. she’s the gatherer and i’m
    just the Pan of the family aLL iNto
    DancE and SonG and such as thAt!..;)

    But anyway.. as Forrest says.. liFe is a box
    of chocolates and of course there WiLL be
    folks that come after him that do much more..
    as that’s how liFE works when thriving alive..
    yes.. iT can evolve so so much..
    iN just one lifetime too..
    through all natural..
    epigenetics.. and
    neuroplasticity in adaptation for change..
    to the greater struggles and challenges..
    in life.. for we folks with the eYes of The Tiger..
    who juSt refuse to give up.. even if we lose..
    our heARt.. SpiRit oF heARt as expreSsinG
    iNspiRing.. reciprocal social emoTioNal
    energy in MiNd and boDy BalanCinG
    soUl.. and all is left is the
    reptilian serpent
    bRain for survival..
    unTiL we heal back
    uP and never have to
    look back on the bad stuff..
    aGaiN.. just ’cause we can..
    cause we got better stuff to do..
    like run or dance across the equivalent
    distance of the U.S. oF A .. a couple to
    three times in three years or so..
    juSt to move ahead and in
    reverse.. and spiraling..
    all around.. like the
    Golden mean
    ratio.. 1.618..
    oF the rest oF the
    UnivERse as NaTuRE..
    and more of the UkNown..
    also kNown as GOD thAT
    three letter symbol as abstract
    human construct developed as
    metaphor to describe all that iS..
    as essence oF God iN and as aLL
    Creation NoW.. sTiLL evolving as
    such as humans can somewhat
    put a monkey wrench across
    the heARt of LiFE as
    far as entropy goes..
    for NoW.. now now..
    @least.. as great..
    anyway.. again.. i do
    Love shaRinG my own..
    Achievements with strangers..
    as any normal person who engages..
    in sharing interests and achievements..
    reciprocating that freely iN Social way
    noW.. i mean Jesus F iN Christ.. if a little
    Autistic Boy who doesn’t speak until he
    is age 4 like Einstein too.. can do that
    too.. sUre.. tHerE can bE hopE for
    the rest of HuManiTy.. mostLY
    too.. hmm.. perhaps..
    except for Hannity..
    as i don’t think..
    he DancEs..
    or SinGs..
    off hand..

    Man or woman.. etc..
    LiFe iS so inspiRinG..
    And when one sees and
    SeeN AND UNsEEn.. fELt anD
    un-feLt.. seNsed.. and uN-senseD..
    tHeRe IS A Peace and Bliss that CAN
    bE REAL AS HEAVEN NOW.. i could noW
    wRrite a FucKinG Novel WitH thE iNspiRatiON..
    oF jusT thiS oNe photo in 40K words or so oF
    Free StreAM oF Consciousness Writing.. and Now
    and less and more.. i’ve already dONe iT iN TotaLiTy
    oF 11 or so milLioN.. words since i first AM born online..
    on November of Thanks GiVing.. 2010 in teXt and then a
    scanned blue eyed blonde baby aS avatar mE.. oN Christmas
    Day.. a month later.. on December 25th 2010.. funny how liFe..
    works.. when onE lives so many liveS iN jUst one and more..
    and best of
    course when the
    FReED GuLL and
    liGht house become
    onE soaRinG aRound thE
    cLouds oF SUN aS oNE noW..:)

    i’M A spokes perSon for NatUre..
    not juSt FucKinG hUmans who have
    inflicted so much extinction on the rest
    oF LifE Balance oN tHis planEt eARTh..
    and while soMe hUman BeinGs and
    aLL huMan beinGs inSpire mE to
    do my ‘little’ contribution..
    iN SonG and DancE to
    make the world juSt a
    little better one now..
    by adding a verse or two.. etc..
    noW of my own more to UniVerse
    Now as whole as such.. as the Dead
    Poet’s society actor.. Robin Williams..
    Has alReaDy SunG too.. but anyway..
    iT IS FOLKS LIKE THIS.. yeah..
    the guLLs pasSinG by aS liFE
    aCross liGhthouse..
    oF guiDinG TruTh
    iN Wisdom and liGht
    And dArk iN FearLess..
    SacRed UncondiTioNaL
    LoVe.. iNspiRinG mE to keep
    DoinG morE noW as trUly these
    ‘FoLks’.. are innocent and do noT
    FucKinG deserve all the suffeRinG
    and misery that the virus of HuMan
    culTuRes have DoNe.. iN ExtincTioN..
    ways NoW thaT arE geTTinG thiS PlanET..
    dangeRoUsly ouT of Balance foR All creaTioN..
    heRe n0w.. so.. i MovE oN and Don’T LooK BacK..
    anD thE liGhthouse reCoRd STAND ON iTs owN..
    PlantEd As SucH..
    wHiLe i continue
    to fLY higher and
    hiGher iN Jonathan..
    LiVinGstoN SeaGuLL wayS..
    aLL liT uP aS SucH foR NoW..:)

  15. No doubt the overall condition of Bi-polar has been
    a great Blessing to the artistic achievements of humankind
    iN exploRinG nEw Areas IN UniVerse oF the INner
    oNes of hUman PoTenTial.. in both hiGher
    ways oF mInd and BoDy.. Balance..
    but the casualties to Loved
    one’s or potential
    oF developing LiFe
    LonG Friendships are
    also high as well in poTenTiaL..
    dArk.. way.. as no way.. could i use
    this hUman poTenTial iF i was seriouSly KiNdLinG
    a new Love reLationShip wHere the focus mUst be on
    the external human connecTioNs.. full time and nOT play
    a secondary role to hUman Creative pursuits in however
    that may come in work or Play in goal achieving of work
    or milestones oF Art iN PlaY as sAMe.. anyway..
    it helps to get these kind of requirements
    like family and work obligations
    behind one as fully to
    go wHere no woman
    or other man haS
    poTenTiAlly gOne
    bEfore and perhaps
    thaT iS why some artistic
    accomplishments of otherwise
    potent artists come later than sooner
    when somewhat imprisoned by all of
    liFe responsibilities that are certainly as
    real and as important as artistic pursuits as
    WeLL but here’s the deal.. both are important to
    the advancement of humankind and the Yogi or
    otherwise so-called advanced Artistic Human BEinG
    who comes down FROM the Mountain.. under the Tree..
    off the beach or desert.. and shares his or her.. etc.. artistic
    new efforts iN the Inner Exploration oF hUman UniVerse..
    is certainly a gift and or potential curse to those
    around he or she.. or whatever one may be..
    Yes.. Life is a spectrum in all ways mental..
    physical.. spiritual iN heARt oF emoTion..
    levels of NEURO-hormones and chemicals..
    body types.. orientations of sex and
    innate gender ways of grey
    scales and rainbow
    hues of
    beyond the
    Wizard oF oZ
    spectrum oF that..
    but the bottom line as
    alWays iS change and biodiversity
    iN Nature of all that iS.. interconnected
    Interdependent reaLITy noW.. and not to
    use that poTential to the max with yes some
    measurable risk of collateral damage is to poTenTiaLLy
    keep the hUman race out of fulfilling the wHole NatUre potential
    oF the Human Race in greater balance away from the cautious conservative
    ones of uS who get comfortable in the cave and the way we painting yesternow..
    and never wanna progress to do more.. so the gAMe goes on.. some of us are
    crazy enough to change the way iT plays on our lonesoMe.. and some of
    what ‘wE’ do catches on and changes the fire.. air.. water.. and
    earth oF the HuMan BeinG Star of Galaxy and UniVerse
    mini-me wHole too.. anyWay..i Am beYond a RAinbow
    of colors now.. in all i can be now.. it can be
    a rather lonesome journey at nows..
    but the bottom line
    is astronauts in
    outer or
    inner space
    do it for the fuller
    journey.. the Exploration
    of Anew now for a different
    now to come.. so i continue
    on while i CAN juSt ‘CAUSE i can
    in a country that is somewhat de-stimatizing
    and allowing the different among us high or low
    oN the BeLL Curve oF liFE to FloW iN ZonE and
    BE ALL WE CAN BE.. for more poTenTiaL iN LiFe..
    and the change We so-called Yogi’s bRing down from
    the mountain.. may not be welcome.. but as Steve Jobs
    and many others have sAid.. wE are hard not to notice..
    as sure
    WE ARE

    And interestingly.. speaking
    oF Bi-polar.. Britney had her
    total public melt-down the same
    2007 era that i had mine.. and mine
    was precipitated by demands from others
    that i could not escape or at least i thought
    i could not.. to get back in balance.. and that is
    the problem with Artistic efforts.. And being under
    the thumb of fame associated Art.. as folks like me
    who are as much introvert and extravert muST find ways
    to say enough and get in tHeir own thermostat of Balance..
    before they go over the edge and do something serious that
    either harms others or harms themselves.. and that is why the
    two spirit Indian of this Nature was allowed to be the Medicine
    man.. the Shaman.. the Sacred Warrior.. the Yogi. the Jesus or
    whomever and was supported in the wanderings by the rest of the
    tribe.. or in the case of the story of Jesus.. simply
    crucified for the different one he was and
    shared with others then.. in ways
    of culture at hand in
    more conservative
    ways than
    Free WiLL
    iN Fearless
    Love then too..
    So sure.. i can get balanced
    just fine.. as long as i don’t
    have impossible demands as i have the
    type of mind and body that will meet those
    demands to the determent of my WeLL BeinG as
    history shows in the work place.. and it is
    the same with the record company of the
    demands of tours and such as that
    it should be no surprise that
    many stars have ended
    up with suicide notes
    at age 27 or so as stress
    IS.. cumulative and match
    a Bi-polar oriented person
    with inescapable stress and yes..
    the catch 22 ending result as the
    mind and body imbalance WILL MOST
    BEST WAY to give if possible is to do it
    when one can be in control of tHeir Balance..
    and of course one must find Natural methods
    that work.. as in my case martial arts and
    ballet-like TAI-CHI do the tRick
    as a lifelong practice
    oF BaLanCE now so
    my eXploSiVe energy
    poTential i can CONTROL
    and hell no.. if i was controlled under some
    artistic guise of fame.. i would never even get
    my foot in the door to more fully eXpress what
    POTENTiaL noW.. it works for me..
    and may not work for anyone
    else but i share
    ’cause i caN NoW
    and i give ’cause
    a can afford.. too..
    bottom linE NoW.. iT
    works for mE nOW..:)

  16. Hmm.. More Faceboook Algorithm
    provided memories coming here..
    Back when i was trying my
    Pen at PoEtry forms..
    and of course
    even in
    form i made
    iT Super Epic
    iN every which
    way AND LOOSE..;)


    And my own style.. early..
    oF poEtry way back
    oN June 12th of 2013..
    hmm.. iN fAirLY short
    as oF course..
    compaRed to now..;)

  17. Facebook Friend.. Candice.. who just
    happens to be gay.. shares the story
    on the largest mass shooting in U.S.
    history.. and not surprisingly there
    is no mention anywhere else
    among friends on Facebook
    except for Candice..
    and i say back
    to Candice..
    Religion sucks..
    Sometimes.. so much.. Didn’t realize
    this happened at a gay club and if it
    was anywhere else.. the church
    would have asked for prayers..
    this morning.. I go to sing
    and that’s all I go for…
    Symptom of
    a sick world.. Overall..
    per species.. Non-human.. Humans….:(…
    Nah.. i don’t feel bad for pointing to the evils of religion..
    Evil starts with those who are too afraid
    to point out what the real evil in the
    world is.. of hurting
    people who are
    not of the
    the vanilla..
    or whatever is the
    Flavor of the social
    norm at hand.. but anyway..
    recently a Muslim Inam speaking
    in Orlando said “Gays must be killed
    out of compassion”.. and there is a Devil
    that lives in that religion named fear and hate..
    no different than the Christian religion per history
    and current events too.. i’m disgusted.. beginning
    at end of story
    of Lies.. and
    yeah.. i think..
    i’ll go to that X-Men movie..
    about ‘the Apocalypse’ now..
    to vent some frustration..
    about the lies that
    God discriminates/
    kills God’s own
    like shooting
    yourself in the
    F iN foot..
    Once again..
    the real Greek word..
    Apocalypse.. means lifting
    the Veil of ignorance.. and that
    is long due now.. a coming reaLITy..
    and this may be just one of many dArk
    motivations for THE LIgHT TO RiSE UP BRIgHTER
    i’Ve defended Muslims over and over.. and some are my
    dearest friends.. and i will bE waiting for any Muslim
    across the world to say how disgusting
    this evil is.. but i’m not holding my
    breath as already mentioned..
    this has been the issue
    that has ended
    the conversation
    between me and so-called
    God Believing Muslim’s before…
    And some Christians as well in Evil..
    i’ll be waiting.. and watching.. as always…..

  18. Don’t forget to pack a sewage pump….

    “Ever eating, never cloying,
    All-devouring, all-destroying,
    Never finding full repast,
    Till I eat the world at last.”

    — Swift (1667-1745)

    This could be the general
    definition of the God of the
    Apocalypse.. per the non-greek
    version that believes in destroying
    the world.. just for shits and giggles..
    speaking of septic tank problems per your
    title here.. friend.. and by the way.. the last
    time you mentioned plumbing problems.. our front yard
    pipe underground from the meter to the home sprung a
    leak and just like clock work another 200 Plus dollar leak
    springs with this post last night.. hehe.. so sure.. no cause and
    effect.. just Synchronicity.. onlY iN psychological meaning to the
    one who experiences thAT as such.. but anyway.. i appreciate the
    Greek meaning of apocalypse more than the Killing of 50 gay folks in
    a bar.. and 53 or so more injured to so-called pave the way for ISA to
    come back now.. as is the overall philosophy of Isis that this Muslim
    extremist was attached to.. to feel and fill a whole of soul thaT iS
    empty as eYes thAT kNow
    no hOme
    oF liFe iN Natural
    God inside.. outside..
    above.. so below.. and
    all around as “Kumbaya”..
    unlike Governor Rick Scott
    today who had his usual little
    smirk of psychopathic leaning
    smile.. at the press conference
    where everyone else shows sincere
    concern and pain on their face for the
    fallen others among them in “Kumbaya”
    sad way as appropriate for a species kNown
    as hUman as Rod Serling might say.. iT’s trUe
    God needs an enema and iT iS Fundamentalist
    Religions whole that are bound together in social
    cohesion by the dArk ForcE of Apocalypse in TOTAL
    FUCKING DESTRUCTION.. AND killing folks that do
    not meet a patriarchal standard of Vanilla wrapping in
    missionary position only ways of life.. of course.. sick
    on boring
    and yes..
    positions too..
    of pleasure over
    pain.. anyway.. i’m pretty
    sure that iF ISA ever does come
    back thAT only folks who will really
    gET hiM are Gay folks and Atheists
    and others who do not coMe iN
    vanilla and broWn
    of hate
    and fear..
    iT is whaT iT iS..
    and WiLL stay the
    sAMe until the Vanilla
    and brOwn unwraps its
    covers and lets the inner
    RainBow packAging FinALLy
    shine iN God’s eYes per the reAL
    IN DancE and SonG.. and i thInk theRe IS
    A SonG for this named San Francisco iF
    i AM
    noT IS/ or
    A miStakEn
    One NOW..;)

  19. X-Men Apocalypse.. maKes
    an excellent case for what
    would happen if the God of the
    Old Testament came to Earth Incarnate
    iN what he represents as the God of Patriarchy
    where only the Strong Survive.. and of course
    a God of Vengeance iN an eye for eye.. tooth for
    a tooth.. you can only vote for me.. and if you don’t..
    you won’t be free anyway.. yes.. most definitely a catch
    22 situation.. so the closeted gay priests in the early Catholic
    Church.. no doubt bedside lovers of Constantine too.. as that was
    a free Roman Empire way back then.. for the elite of course.. in bath
    houses and such as that.. eventually made a somewhat kinder and gentler
    version of a man named Jesus.. than the Gnostic Version that made a call
    for folks to hate their parents.. but of course both the New Testament and
    the Old Testament brings the sword of those tribal instinct days to the
    table to enforce death in killing as a solution to have ya way
    in gaining territory for subsistence purposes and
    the same old raping and pillaging ways
    including killing the children
    of opposing tribes and such
    as that and sure the
    crusades proved that
    not much of anything
    changed in hate and
    fear and killing way..
    So.. anyway.. the gay oriented
    so-called Single Catholic Priests
    who as we know the seedier and sick
    ones engaged in underage sex as well
    and likely with the same sex then too..
    anyway.. human nature rules
    and to oppress it and or
    repress it.. results in
    all kinds of harm
    to other folks…
    So Freedom is the best
    policy when Love is pArt oF
    the peace pie from birth in touchy
    feely Loving Unconditional parental
    Love.. with Peers as weLL.. sharing in the
    Love pie.. Love wins.. in fearless way.. bottom
    and top line of the story still today.. and truly the
    saddest ones of all are beyond sad as they see killing
    as power and status as ruling over other human beings..
    but without love they take nothing to the grave except for
    hate and fear.. or perhaps a promise of heaven or 72 virgins
    or whatever.. when the Heaven iS alWays here noW for those
    who become the essence wHole oF UnCondiTioNal Fearless
    LovE Now.. it’s contagious.. yes it is and once again as i’ve said
    before.. the way Love wins predicates a change as suggested by
    Sociologists that Muslim countries will have the same human rights
    of Freedoms that folks have over here in the U.S.A. now.. God Wins
    Line oF Never
    Ending story with no
    beginning or end.. finish
    and or stARt noW aS WeLL..
    And yes.. iT WiLL be nice iF
    we can move that date back
    further than what Sociologists
    predicts as greater Freedoms
    iN Muslim Countries by 2050..:)

  20. God Bless Katrina’s
    Rear as she checks
    our water leak that
    sPrang last night
    when demons
    R E A L one(s)
    were reLeased
    on the Earth in the
    form of a lone gunman….


    A great sign of the future now..
    at least here at Super-Walmart..
    is Different truly is the new norm..
    no longer is there just three channels
    and no Jeannie Belly Buttons exposed..
    Freak is okay..
    as long as it does
    not harm anyone..
    overall.. today..
    and that’s
    a good sign
    as sociologists
    say that my place of
    residence is the most difficult
    place to be different in terms of
    three military bases in the extended
    metro area.. as well as what once
    was the locality in the record
    books for the most
    churches per
    square mile..
    so sure.. it’s better
    in other places.. as close
    as College towns like Tallahassee..
    and Education is key in liberal arts way..
    to see more than the blinders of yesteryears..
    and that’s where the Internet and blogs come
    to play.. as although YouTube is censored
    in many still backwards countries..
    Blogs are fairly open to give
    and share.. and that is why
    i for one.. rely on photos
    to share our free
    LiFe and way
    over here..
    as Freedom is intoxicating
    to those living in prisons of
    illusory fears.. subjugation of
    others for reproductive control
    and material gains.. and just in general..
    a life spent in shackles of others REAL..
    And truly when the penalty for having
    a difference of opinion or changing
    religions can range up to death..
    i’M sure deep down.. the LoVinG
    ones who are Muslims who are
    as Loving as anyone… at least i know
    in the female element over ‘there’ as such..
    AND LOVING INSTEAD.. anyway.. i support the changes oF Love and
    DARK HAIRED GIRLS IN BIKINIS.. i WilLL hOld on that loNG aT least to see them enjoy
    ThEIR real TEMPLE
    SMiLes oF
    course and wiNks

  22. WeLL.. my goodness this
    next 676th Blog Verse NOW
    has.. as usuAL..lonG gone on
    for very very long..
    and i never made iT
    back to dVerse to do more
    poEtry tHere as of course some
    other SHIT WENT DOWN.. noW much
    more relatively important than my
    words tHeRe.. so anyway.. BRinGinG
    this noW.. “wE cAMe Down From the Beach”..
    mega wAvE VeRse as the largest whole 676
    verses ‘eva in the history of hUman KiNd to a
    pause here.. unTiL the 677th Verse stARts AnEw
    on Monday the 13th that can be deFiniTeLY a lucky
    day for those who make that self-fulfilling prophecy
    come tRue
    as WeLL iN liGht
    or the DArk ones iN
    HeLL.. the
    place of hate
    and fear now.. anyway
    i’ll publish this mammoth
    tomorrow before i go extinct
    again.. from human exhaustion..
    night.. nite.. and may the FORCE

  23. Back and refreshed with at least 6 hours
    of sleep.. at 7:38 am.. and i must say now..
    thaT while there are some nice words in the Old
    Testament.. the New one.. and the Kuran too.. sAdly..
    none of these fairly good books do enough to NoW BrinG
    the SworD oF HopE WordS for LovE rather than the SworDs
    of Steel for hate and fear.. which has still been
    the historical and now steeL of Sword iN thE
    current affairs of three books of both
    Love and Hate.. Hope and
    Fear STiLL.. i find
    and do that God does
    speak more trUtH anD liGht iN NatURe
    FReED noW than any book.. so tHere IS
    stiLL A NaTuRE prompt from last Monday
    at dVerse associated with Haibun and
    Haiku according to the science of that
    THAT i WiLL Now make into Fredbun
    and Fredku.. before i do my
    Fredfu in martial arts
    way at the Military
    gym later this
    as Jesus F iN Christ..
    i need to get this blood stained
    taste of three religions stiLL of
    Judaism.. Christianity.. and Islam
    out of my mouth.. before something else
    bad happens in the world inspired by one
    or two or three of all those historical religions
    of hate and fear iN REAL EARTH AFFECT AND EFFECT
    FOR GOD’S CHILDREN.. ranging from the American Indians..
    to this tribe against that tribe.. raping.. pillaging and
    killing children.. and wives.. and conquered woman and children..
    to killing the different among God’s children just for sport.. picking
    them off.. like so-called ‘red necks’ do to deer for better purposes of
    the balance of Nature down here in the deep south THAN just killing for
    words of lies that someone else amplified out of a book that says the
    different that God Creates deserve punishment up to burning all in
    a Fucking Fire.. forever as such.. we sTill live in a sick world
    of lies.. where Truly at least the REAL GOD OF NATURE iS
    WITH the prettier psalms in the old
    testament about Nature True.. as
    in all stuff liFe.. thE
    DArk and liGht IS ra EL
    and i AM
    no exception
    as DArk and liGht
    as WeLL.. only Difference
    is i do my best not to harm
    anyone with fear and hate.. but
    sure collateral damage of butt hurt
    WiLL happen.. as we all view the butt hurt
    of liFe different.. now of course.. and liFe is
    a Struggle.. a challenge.. to adapt to.. FOR CHANGE iF
    FucKinG possible without FucKinG killing someone for Lies of
    in fear and
    hate now sTill..
    Hmm.. sometimes i wish
    they could burn all those
    books and we could just return
    to the God of Nature.. but i would
    becoMe thEm.. iF i actually said i
    will take thaT Freedom oF eXpreSsiOn..
    away from ‘them’.. Love is Patient..
    Love is Kind.. Truth ISREAL anD
    fRee and liGht.. DaRk exists
    but don’t get too used
    to it to change
    it to tHe liGht
    oF God iN and as uS
    thaT iS Fearless LoVeNoW..
    so with that all sAiD i sPit
    religion out and move back to
    the God oF NatURe FReED iN i as
    i INCARNATE FReED aLiVe aS OnE..:)

    Hmm.. some detours.. back at 06132016..
    9:11 am.. now.. for a breakfast break and
    BacK in a few to sTarT back aGaiN foR NoW..:)

    And heRe i go aGaiN oN tHe DVerse poeTRy tRail…9:31 am…

    Garden mint.. cooler Summer Breezes
    bRinG sCents oF natUre FReED
    iN LiVes oN Love
    oF hiGhER
    trUe iN LiGht
    oF liFE over DArK noW..

    Summer DreAms
    arE liVe..:)

    SMiLes.. Nature are wE
    in Kindergarten clothes
    iN eYes of Roses
    FloWeRinG In
    River beds
    oF Love GroWing
    hiGher wateREd
    bY LoVe Of
    wE noW..

    Gardens Rose

    NatUre’s high oF
    Stimulant BeanS
    breWinG miNd
    and boDy sMiLer
    iN colorS
    sugar cubeS
    deliGht tongueS
    hiGher Art oF liFE..

    FaLL oF thE
    iF Y i DrinK Coffee..;)

    It’s reAlly sad as the way society
    views and does work in modern
    ways kills human Nature and what
    can be viewed when Nature is
    work rather than illusions
    of abstract constructs
    and Standard IQ..

    Lost from Nature
    Saved WiTh iT..:)

    OH.. Lord.. such a long history
    of making humans into machines
    and machines into humans to displace
    humans from Nature one and same.. and
    cycling i did for so many years before
    i determined that it was taking my bone/
    muscle mass away.. and hurting my neck from
    staying down in one position.. in
    ergonomic injury.. and knees as well
    in fixed position like rats and
    treadmill cages and ellipticals
    and the such at gyms too.. noW
    i spiRAl with graViTy and
    conquer it soft in
    balance working
    with it in victory
    instead of against it
    as man made machine oF
    i as machine and sAMe..
    anyWay.. it works as my
    legs are empirically stronger
    measured from 500 LBs of Pressing
    power to close to half a ton for 33
    reps now.. oh so strong.. so butterfly
    and sting quick.. in balance.. trUly
    the Fitness answers are iN BaLanCinG
    on eARTh with one foot
    and the other free with
    Arms.. torso.. head..
    toes.. fingers..
    and hands
    swirLinG sAme
    twirLinG aLL A’round
    inside outside.. above
    so below.. in GolDen SpiRaL
    GalaXY UniVersE and BEyoNd
    reaLiTy mini mE God
    are wE
    when FReED
    oNE witH God’s
    GraViTy wHoLeNoW..

    Instinct Skills and AbiLiTies.. ISA
    beaT thE FucK vs
    ouT oF KnowLedge as a machinE.. KSA

    SAdly this laundry story bRinGS
    back soft nightmares of Kuran
    where the wife may be
    beatEn liGhtly aT tHe
    discretion iN
    hands of husband
    turned into judge jury
    and executioner of
    patriarchy .. in stove
    top burnings
    iN Pakistan too..
    oh.. the door to heLL
    is opened with soft dArk
    breeze low of psychopath
    eYes and dominating 9
    year old
    with evil
    power over
    free.. ‘Dajjal’..
    STiLL lives
    in books
    Lies miXed
    WiTh TrUth…

    Soft Lies gRow
    iN and ouT oF Love iN
    Killing Fields.. oF Ocean HATE….noW…

    Dams of NatUre hiGh and low
    in mechanical cognition lost
    from wHole.. fires of moonlight
    naKed dancE hUman reAL..
    yeS.. Ivory
    towers cOld
    away from liFe..

    For mE aT lEast
    onLY.. a wiNdow a ForResT
    back door.. Beach.. aWay..:)

    Oh.. Jesus F iN Christ..
    this reminds me i Am
    so dam happy i turned
    the TV of input off
    and switched to
    output now..

    Cable lines of lost..
    SatelLiTes a trap..
    Oh Lord.. bRinG iT aLL
    dOwn/baCK uP aGaiN..;)

    ps.. WiNks2.. it was hard for
    me to wRite that fourth line
    in the second Verse..
    until i remembered i was
    doing FredBun.. FredKu and
    soon in the flesh and blood world
    this afternoon.. FredFu in martial
    arts way.. anyWay.. Jesus F NeO
    iN Christ out oF Matrix i’M FReED..;)

    With ‘quick’ sidebottom note here.. Jesus F. iN
    Christ.. iF the ReAL Jesus dude weRe/iS A to ever
    come back he would say FucK haTinG.. non-accepting
    non-toleratiNG hUmans who have little to no respect
    for each other in Loving Sexy ways.. put his fur on
    and join a Bonobo tribe jUst for Fun.. Loves.. Hugs..
    and sUre that other more intiMate way aWay from aggression
    noW and violence stuff too.. or iF hiS or heR weRe/iS hUman
    hE/sHe most defiNitELy DaiLY wOUld have to wRite iT aLL uP
    FReED In United States oF Google and or Word
    Press or other Internet Free way now..
    as ain’t hardly any one
    ready for the
    Jesus F. iN
    oF Free
    Love shoes
    now.. that says
    iT all iN onE word

    SMiLes and FrOwns..
    reminds me of the noW
    iN Church where the older
    deacon said that Homosexual
    Behavior and Hurricanes were
    evil sAMe..
    until i E-MaiL blessed
    the Monsignor Priest..
    my old tennis partner in high
    school.. a way hiGher to let him
    know that both are the balance oF
    NatUre in distributing heat to other species
    and less reproduction to save the earth whole
    from the existing virus of culture thaT iS hUman
    made wHole.. with the help of reaSon of course
    in dArk and liGht as gifted bY Nature God oNe
    and sAMe.. anyWay.. he a dude who has a certain
    fLair of soft bare footedness too.. i might intimate..
    put an end to that and once again..
    tHere is hope with hurricanes
    and homosexuality in
    my Catholic Church..
    at lEast..
    for i aM
    A Hurricane calm
    in center too who refuses
    to be cAlm iN Winds thaT Heal
    iN words oF appropriate dissension
    and TrUth and liGht as weLL in feaRless LovE..
    oF cOurse.. i AM commenting here on the
    13th of June after an eve of destruction
    of demon hands ‘blessed’ with GunS noW
    real as such on the 11th niGht of June
    oN the 12th morn then..
    so that flavors mY
    pasSioN heRe.. mY
    friEnd as this IS A ‘little’
    more than i usuALLy eXpose
    thE liGht oF my lAMp to folks oN
    the continuing dVerse TRail.. so iF
    you FeeL the paSsiON oF Y i.. is a little
    too much heRE fEEl free to deLete.. as
    this inspiRaTioN WiLL liVe on perHaps a
    thouSand years online in the lonGest LonG
    fORm poeM ever as pArt of thE 676th Verse
    now approaching 4 milLioN words that perHaps
    eXplains a pArt of aLL tHis wRite noW.. iN words
    away from sWord way.. AS Love for fearLess FReED..

    SMiLeS anD
    hAVe A waY
    nicE daY iN liGht.. oF TrUth..:)

    ObviOUslY as side note aGaiN here
    wE liVe in A world sTiLL veiLed aWay
    from the real Greek original meaning
    of Apocalypse that means removing that
    Veil towards TrUth and liGht of God NatuRe
    oNe and sAme as mini-mE’s wE.. so leT’s jUst
    say for shits and giggles.. WHAT IF i WERE THE
    the odds of that are beyond inFinitely low as i am
    just one of so many sperm directed by daddy as such..
    and all those potential egg receptors as such by mom
    alone.. and just like i said why me when i came down
    with all those disorders back then.. i would have to
    say the same in statistical improvabiLITy in my
    science and math mind now.. even iF the little
    1 step to 5 or more scientific method noW
    OF NOW THE SamE.. anyWay i for
    one believe in Art and Science so
    this is gonna be for shits and giggles
    as yes.. i aM a servant Soldier one for
    God.. but i for one.. would rather be the
    last than first or anything like a promotion
    to the KinG oF thE UniVerse as i can’t even
    handle a military department head position
    without falling down to the
    concrete floor
    of hUman
    And God
    separate inStead
    oF wHole.. but iF the
    shits and giggles could bE
    trUe thE fAct of the matter as wHole
    iS A now no different then.. iS iF i were to
    announce i Am ISA to the Muslim/Chrisitian world and
    that dude Jesus sAMe as reincarnated mE aS
    sAMe as flesh and blood noW.. they wOUld
    fiNd a WaY to kill ME EITHER THAT SIDE
    TheRE.. so as alWays wE Bards
    of trUth and liGht sLy bEhiND
    liKe Ninja’s in words of metaphors
    and lengthy Long poem forms.. as wE
    aLL iNstincTuAlly.. iNnately.. iNtuiT noW
    thAT thE psychopathic leaning killers who
    are among uS iN thE World WiLL never even
    Guess what tHe FucKinG TrUth and liGht
    wE for ONE are aLL uP to then and Now..
    and thiS iS how we protect our
    Loved ones from
    Demons.. real
    unleashed like the
    one’s last Thursday iN Orlando
    iN jUst one human being then..
    KillinG 50 or more and
    injuring the same of
    50 and more too..
    WE come ouT iN BroaD BaND
    Daylight iN ThE SuNs oF wE
    and oUr liGht iS fAr toO BriGht
    for thE eYes of Demons to even
    notice in thE aLL.. tHe dARk oF
    whaT hUman sadly.. bEyonD sAdly
    of kiLLinG arms can bE.. yeS..
    “wE ComE DoWn FroM thE BeacH2”
    too.. but only LeaVinG Footprints
    wHo those wITh the capacity for
    Fearless LovE iN Sacred and Holy
    WaY WiLL eVen noticE noW.. and for soMe
    oF uS iT maY taKe ceNturies foR oUr mesSages
    to fuLLy gEt oUt iN meDia waY.. but bY then..
    wE WiLL bE LonG GonE to SaVe thE neXt World
    anD We WiLL E-scapE
    yOur fear iN
    HaTinG Ways..
    mArk mY words
    oR noT iF yoU
    Are ‘them’ for tHey
    ruN iN SHarK tanKs oF group
    tHinK aWay froM
    LovE oF
    NOW iN FearLess
    NakED eYes oF liGht aNd TrUth..
    iN WisDom’s clotHes Of God thaT
    ArE TemplE oF FlesH anD BlooD GODiSReaL..:)

  24. Pingback: Grand Cross Bible 2016 | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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