Symphony of Unconditional Tough Love


i love life now..

every now..

all the

time now..

and sure being

retired  is a big pArt of that…

as i am ONE with  control over my life



the system of culture that is driven by a society that breeds humans

into cogs of a machine to keep the society going which is necessary..

but hard for true human freedom is NO LONGER IN CONTROL OF ME..

but still for decades at work.. my life is pleasurable in connection with other human beings.. as truly that Love Connection with other humans and the rest of nature that is GOD as whole.. is the most important aspect of human happiness…


tHere is no doubt in my mind that i for one

am the happiest human in the world..

as i only grow happier each now..

with a free spirit

of living connection

with humans

and the rest of Nature

in all positivity of kind and tough love way of life

truly in touch with the reality that the GOD of Nature

evolves humans in a way of sharing and giving.. with kind courage.. and not storing material items as goals for human happiness ..where tools of humans become the flesh.. and the flesh dies a lonely death in the tools of the system of culture that can take human away from eyes of GOD gifted to human…

So i carry on.. and share all of me everywHere i go.. and no it is


You Only Live ONCE.. IT IS YOLN..

You Only Live NOW





who live every now as the truth of existence forever now..

in imagination and creativity.. in mind and body balance..

of greaTEST growing tough love ways of expanding conscious awareness

as ONE with subconscious archetypes of shared human mind..

heArt.. and soUl expressed as spiRit..

as truly ONE race of humans connected

as hive of loving eyes..

from the beginning of creation

to now of human eyes

of i WiTH GOD



The greaTEST lesson of my life is that age is just a concept.. a measure of skin..
of bones.. of flesh.. of walking speed and strength.. but youth is without limit..
a measure of the soul.. heart.. expressed as spirit..
and honestly what i find most now..
is that when heart lives light
as spirit expressed for
soul more fully
even those material things
of skin.. bones.. flesh.. speed..
and strength are revived as well
as total soul of human being manifest
as temple of God in form as well.. so to
live bright in emotions from heart expressed
as spirit from soul.. is to live with a soul of GOD
that is only
now and
at all..
but don’t fret.. at 21 i FEEL 81..
at 47 i FEEL 105.. and
now at
truly no
different than
sweet 16.. NOW..
within.. culture will take
that higher power of GOD
away from US.. forever young
in spirit of NOW.. if we do not FIGHT
FOR LOVE until our last LIVING BREATH.

For a long time on this Blog.. I use the term Unconditional Love.. as a KIND of
highest expression of human heArt expressed as spiRit of the human soUl..
but truly THE ROSE of REAL LOVE AS humanly
evolved from Nature as i for one see GOD IS
Tough Unconditional Love that constitutes
all of social animal survival..
with thorns fully engaged
as Cross
Challenge for Life..
And yes.. in the darkest coldest.. unfeeling parts of my life..
where a second is an eternity.. of hell.. with no emotions of faith..
hope.. or belief.. body almost dust from 40 days with only specks of sleep..
it is that TOUGH LOVE WILL for Survival.. all innate.. instinctual.. and intuitive
from the reptile part of my brain that carries me through.. same stuff that keeps
the snake moving and never ever giving up for survival.. too.. so yes..
it is the coiled snake that is the greatest survivor as human..
when life is experienced more numb than depression..
THAT Tough Love of SURVIVOR Snake can carry us
through the pits of REAL HUMAN HELL
never experienced before..
and i will ‘tale’ anyone that it is possible
to go to the lowest pits of REAL Hell.. and then rise
to places of happiness that only angels can dream of..
as demons before.. to rise out of hell.. to heaven..
AND truly a ‘story of Jesus’
that can apply
to most all
Human Beings
in Real Life Now…
the Mustard Seed of
LOVE.. faith.. hope.. and
belief that does not even
exist.. can grow great.. as seed shell
of Universe within.. HEAVEN IS NOW
for those who survive and thrive WITH
So with all that said.. FOR NOW..
here are sixteen sweet memories
inspired by the sweet people
Poet’S Pub
wHere eyes
of different
fly alive in
of poetry

Ah.. the dance of love goes on in memories of roads gone past…
for me the dance of love past is best experienced in the balms
of beach nights.. moonlit and with hotel lights.. as well..
these words take me long past to dark hair ..bright teeth
innocent eyes where the eyes are mine.. and the
hair and teeth are for a love willing to
be that i have no idea
how to touch in
dance or
not.. too
shy is me
for then…:)

Ha.. no father at home… mother with
no rules.. free home.. no chores..
no duties.. just be free..
no allowance..
but with trust
enough in love
to get a job and do it all..:)

Oh.. no.. the complicated realities of a culture
and responsibilities so complex that there is never
time to see the forest for the trees.. and for me..
it brings back memories of decades of work life
and duty bound home life worlds.. where the only
time to reflect on who i even am as a human soul..
are on bi-annual journeys in transit to see family
members across state.. and the occasional hurricane
that shuts down the information overload of a culture gone truly insane..
ah.. i escape now.. into the best of times..

Oh.. even living at home.. one can escape home and no longer know home..
my home is beach as well when young but work takes the time away to visit
beach for decades more.. going back in 2008.. finally after work almost
takes me down.. i remember but cannot get that feeling of home in beach again..
but finally i go back 2 years ago.. and find that home of beach within me
at beach or not.. realizing that home is where the spirit thrives.. alive..
in now.. with Love..:)

Ah.. the cold metal of a gun.. will never replace the strength of
a human heArt.. or even the strength to move a world with
courage.. oh.. the tools of human shine bright in power..
but fall short of
human soUl
expressed as spiRit
instead of guns and mirrors
of heart
in soulless wander
of spirit gone
in death

Ah.. a fort of strength in courage of pain gone past
in scars of present.. is what every father should
teach a child to grow strong in knowing all the pitfalls
of life without being quiet.. to shield a soul from truth..
oh.. i looked for this in my father’s eyes for
guidance.. hoping for it decades
in bi-annual visits.. but it only
comes in eyes
of me in
present tense
of coming
scars of

Ah.. young love lives young when free and young.. with youth
welling in spirit free of new alive.. in sensuous delight
of living flesh.. oh to renew.. to live again..
in now.. in ecstatic delight.. of flight..
i find that within..
with willing
or not..
life is long..
but life is good..
even without THAT..
to breathe is enough for me..:)

Amazing how the bread of life today.. is taken so for granted..
when a staple of life and communion in life of past
is present.. in staple of wheat..
a way to thrive.. in fields
of grain.. stamped alive
into souls
old and new..:)

Ah yes.. for me
in the beginning.. dark..
then light.. then dance
or movement.. then song
or sound.. inspiring movement
once more.. INfinity loop *8*
of NOW.. and somewHere
along the song and
dance comes
scribe alight!..
with dark

Loves gone past..
chances missing
after the love is gone..
where does love live..
i hope.. i feel.. i love..
i am aLive..
i’m love..:)

Connections of love growing generation to generation of eyes
that mirror us.. oh love.. oh time.. oh past.. ah.. present
now.. wHere love finds time always now
to live

Ah.. walk with shoes of town crier.. black smith blues..
village idioms of delight.. oh.. to know.. to feel..
the shoes of old.. that feel no pain..
hmm.. to smile with eyes
of free that
and nice to hear
Lynn with two
N’s.. as Lynn is
my best friend
from high school..
and we tie at number
11.. in school smarts
too.. hmm.. i miss Lynn..
funny how memories of
Love can come back too..
and no that can’t be you..
as her last name is Wood..
smiles.. with her minister husband..:)

Oh.. the last moments of life
..are filled with the love we give..
to spend a life in loving..
is to fill every moment..
with the last
moment of Love..:)

Voices of women subjugated at the hands of ‘Jesus’ in master of
man instead of Lover.. walk quietly into the night of horror leaning
life.. faces play.. as zombies.. in aisles of Super Walmart in my
town with the most churches per square mile..
oh.. the lonely hearts from men who
are bred as tough rather
than love.. do
carry on
vicious cycle of anti-christ hate..
oh.. the little boys who smile and laugh..
shall never be silenced by hard patriarchal
anti-christ stares.. when God lives in tough love
in their eyes.. instead of frenzy of hate.. To escape
this cycle alone as whole.. is to once again live with
EyEs of Free God staring into skies of limitless wealth
of being one with allone and never alone again.. dying
with eyes
tithing tax-free..

Oh.. this reality flows like a dream.. oh dream this reality.. when spirit dreams..
never growing old.. yes.. emotions are real.. emotions fire memory.. emotions
are us in all senses of delight.. to hold on to heArt.. is to live forever in
spiRit of SoUl now.. now cannot erase a time that truly is only relative
to a
of living
spirit youth..
always alive
final sleep..
i don’t like to
analyze poetry
much.. but truly that is
beautiful in an instinctual
organic flow kind of way..:)

Ah.. yes.. all the archetypes of human mind and body in balance
shared.. as one race of humans from beginning to end..
sparks of then and now come one in symbols
or words from myths to science all
one in now.. of human emotions
reliving soul over and over
again.. in spirit
of living
again and
again.. with
all as one.. the
essence of all of this
is real.. the symbols are
just shells for the real of all
inside.. insights of then as now..:)


The only person who will possibly suggest
that THE AMERICAN FLAG be banned
is a person who does not value

There are no perfect freedoms.

There is no freedom withOUT cost.

Freedom is dirty.

Freedom is messy.

Freedom comes with many mistakes.

But never the less, go to a Muslim country
and live a while and come back here and
see what the flag means;
if then, it means nothing;
one is never free
here, to begin with.

AND TO be clear, I realize this is just a rhetorical question in response to
banning the Confederate Flag, where black folks are not free and slaves; but

I live in a country that allows me to do whatever the F I wanna do; how cool is that;

Super cool and flourishing in red, white, and blue.

The laws of the country ranging from local to state to federal
work for me; ’cause I am smart enough in both logic and
street smarts to make the laws work for me.

Some folks choose not to be free
in free countries like the U.S.;
and THAT
Freedom too;
just like WILL and Choice;
no choice and WILL
in free countries
like the U.S.,
at least;
so, I fly my flag of
Red, White, and Blue
freely wherever I go
with or without
a material
as the material
flag allows me to
do JUST THAT..:)

AND YES, my style of freedom
literally ‘BLOWS the pants and minds
off’ of some folks; but I exercise it
ALL THE WAY; and truly that is
the best way to honor all of
the flesh and blood warriors
of freedom I stand upon ON


Looking out at how large the Universe is; looking at science and truly understanding how little of reality science is able to evidence and wrap ‘its mind around’; it is the height of amusement to me to see folks attempt to fit God; ALL OF GOD; in the way humans think.

And by the way; humans are a spectrum of thinking differently; experiencing emotions that emote humans in action differently; as well as experiencing much different sensory experiences of life through senses that are much more comprehensive in practice among some humans than others.

Honestly, if anyone thinks that knowledge is just data;

they are missing a substantial part of just the human being

experience in greater human potential.

To suggest a human

can wrap a mind around GOD

is no less illogical than to suggest a flea

can wrap its mind around a dog that the flea depends on for live giving blood.

So yeah; as metaphor humans, all humans truly see the force of all existence as blood; whether they see it or not with so called data or knowledge. Written down stuff is certainly data; however, lots of people cannot understand the simplest of metaphors or sarcasm, so obviously even written language is not objective.

Everything is subjective.

Subjective is the rule of human being,

as even science now shows that humans filter

most of their decisions through emotions

first before words even come on the ‘conscious front of mind’.

The truth is, some folks are aware of much more than words.

Words are just symbols for deeper meanings

of the emotional and sensory experiences of

human that range from numb

to a ‘full kaleidoscope’

of emotional and sensory experience.

As another metaphor some folks experience life

as shades of data and other folks experience life as hues of Art.

God is Art; one need look no further than a sunflower; a nautilus shell; a galaxy; or a curled cat to see the golden mean spiral that can flow from waves to the written metaphors of human being when flowing with GOD instead of against GOD in human contrived so-called ‘data order’.

Order is the illusion. Science is the illusion.

The ART of GOD is Reality.

‘Same reason’ that in the movie ‘Contact’

when Jodie Foster sees ‘God’

for the first time, she suggests

that they should have sent a poet

instead of a scientist to more fully

describe what the oneness of all things

looks like in human abstract metaphors of truth.

Science is a sketchy tool to describe what is observable

by limited human emotions and senses.

God is the masterpiece of all that some folks

sadly see much less of than others;

and science proves this out.

It doesn’t matter if

one calls ‘it’ GOD;

the ALL; All that IS; the Force;

the Great Spirit; Brahman; ONE;

the Alpha and the Omega; or just everything

put together and how it all works interdependently

as connected; never the less, ‘it is reality’;

‘it’ has always been ‘reality’ for the smallest of human ‘eyes’;

and long after human is gone this three letter metaphor

abstractly constructed by a poet somewhere down the line

in history will continue to exist; no matter what

‘little blood sucking fleas’ of human beings

have to say about it in words of art and or science.

It will always be folly to attempt to describe GOD

with science only eyes; fortunately some scientists like Carl Sagan

understood and understand ‘this’; and he while under the influence

of weed gained greater access to his poetic side of mind;

and puts ‘it’ into literature; and now

‘it’ exists forever as a kind of portal

on YouTube and other sources in video way.

Anyway, here ‘it’ is for reference for those with deeper eyes

like Carl Sagan to see greater truths than sketchy science can provide alone.

Some folks don’t need weed to ‘go to places’ like ‘this’;

I for one am blessed this way,

by all natural GOD as

GOD lives in pArt within me;

expressed as spiRit coming straight from

the emotional and sensory heARt that fuels my sOul..:)

Some folks around here would love to shut me up;

as they understand none of this; those that do,

listen in the background,

as all interpreting


minds do.

I do both;


as one FORCE;

‘THAT’ makes me ‘special’..;)

Jodie Foster likely would have invited me

on ‘her trip’, in ‘real life’; and not ‘the movie’..;)







About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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7 Responses to Symphony of Unconditional Tough Love



    It’s really simple; and by the way this is NOT directed at ‘YOU’..;)

    It is a monologue; and THAT is what ‘Gillberg Criteria Asperger’s does’..;)

    God is the Force of Nature as Naturally evolving NOW.



    And God does evolve ‘humans’;
    ‘normal humans’, anyway;
    with affective empathy
    that allows humans to
    feel the pain of other
    humans; children
    share laughter
    with other
    not ’cause
    of church
    but because of all naturAlly
    evolving innate instinct and
    intuition to do JUST THAT;
    BUT THEN; cognitive empathy
    comes from trial and error
    in socially cooperating with other
    human beings for greater chances at human survival.

    Alphabets and written language are developed to enhance this
    survival with written text of what works best for human peace of
    mind and overall subsistence activities to maintain and thrive the
    human population alive as is; particularly, in food gathering, shelter
    making, and reproductive activities. So the bible is developed as a
    rudimentary written code to enhance the survival of the social group;
    and in doing this the laws of human nature are uncovered that include
    a Universe of much differently experienced emotions and senses among
    a tribe of human beings; but never the less, consistencies are observed that
    make life work better, overall, for survival; so the great work of human survival
    goes on; God exists as all of this; and strange that people cannot see THAT reality
    of how this started and how it goes on; people get caught up in semantic differences
    of abstract language code to describe, as much of reality that varies in mileage from each
    human being; particularly, psychopathic leaning individuals that are totally selfish and don’t
    give a crap about the rest of the social group; there is a time when they are pushed off of cliffs
    as they serve no useful purpose for the survival of the social group as one with the GOD of Nature;
    now they are tolerated no matter how silly they act in selfish ways of more or less, trying to feel a love
    in life that is to lost to them; for reasons of screwed up nurturing parents; or whatever it is in social stress
    that kills their ability to feel a full nuanced life of heart in emotion, balance in emotions and senses in soul;
    and the ability to fully express spirit of emotions verbally/non-verbally to carry on the mission of survival of
    human beings that has been going on for thousands and thousands of years with great success; anyway, GOD
    exists as Nature; always has and always will long after human beings disappear from the face of the earth will all
    their verbal disagreements over a reality that is as clear as the nose on their face and emotions of love, hope, faith
    and belief in the laws of Nature AKA GOD that truly work super cool for those who do work in alignment with those
    laws of GOD AKA Nature, instead of going against them; like sitting still as a couch potato with a remote control
    watching TV everyday; consuming sugar and fats all the time; and in general, falling to the ‘sin of culture’ rather
    than living in accordance with the LAWS OF HUMAN NATURE AS ASCRIBED BY THE NATURE OF ALL AKA GOD..:)

    HAVE A NICE NOW; it’s all one gets; all one ever had; and all one ever will be with the GOD of Nature as ONE
    THE greatest GOD Delusion
    of IT
    Yes, separation
    from GOD as Nature..:)

    The Jesus of Gnostic Gospel of Thomas attempts
    to explain this in parables, as Lord knows if anyone
    with this much common sense did it in plain language
    it would be too simple for most minds to understand this TRUTH.
    Culture clouds the God of Nature; always has; always will; to escape
    Culture in mind and body balance is to once again ‘join hands’ with GOD;
    and be born
    GOD OF Nature, instead
    of Insane rules of Culture
    that make no real human nature
    sense AGAINST the Laws of Nature AKA GOD;
    as applicable to Nature and Human
    Nature, specificAlly as
    Core TRUTH.

    for those with
    deeper eyes and ears
    who are not afraid of the Truth;
    but of course most people cannot
    handle the TOUGH LOVE TRUTH OF
    GOD THAT rarely stays fair through the
    course of a lifetime; and yes, in this way;
    GOD is a lot like Jack Nicholson in this
    play of life that is more like reality
    than any bible school
    class of
    study; afraid of THAT
    GET IS
    TO make the best
    of it is truly SUPER COOL..:)

    BUT AGAIN; most people
    for NOW..:)

    KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

    Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !



    Yup; life ain’t black and white.

    The American FLAG, yes, overall; is A symbol for human freedom.

    While the Confederate Flag, yes, overall; is a symbol for human slavery.

    One is designed to give at least most humans freedom;

    the other is used as a symbol to specifically


    Anyone who lives in the deep south knows precisely
    what that Confederate Flag stands for and one
    will rarely ever see someone flying it over their
    pick-up truck who is not vocally prejudiced against
    black folks; that is just the hard cruel reality of it
    who thinks differently, ain’t been up to the farm
    lately; like I do on a once a month basis; to watch
    the negro haters eat; as well as worship Jesus
    at the same table of hate; with homosexuals,
    single mothers raising children
    and anything else
    against patriarchal ideals
    of religious white beliefs;
    yes, overall; Jesus for
    them, is A leader
    of a century old
    metaphor of the
    ‘KKK’; and all this
    frigging birther
    stuff is born
    as Confederate
    Flag symbolism
    stuff too; just ain’t
    no hangings anymore;
    as that is a hate crime;
    with serious legal ramifications
    of punishment; and years in jail.

    But just a decade ago, the folks in the military
    where I live, are advised NOT TO GO TO so-called
    ‘redneck farm-town Jay’ after dark; by their peers in the know;
    if they wanna come back
    alive in one
    piece of continued usable
    equipment for the military.

    Yes, in Jay, the confederate flags fly
    high and shamefully
    It’s truly disgusting,
    and changing slowly
    as ‘those’ flags are finally
    being taken down in public
    places where I live, as a result of
    of this ignorant mindless killing
    fueled by a life of prejudice and
    in general, the four letter word, hate.

    The killer is achieving precisely the opposite
    of what he hopes; a true fool for his hate fueled beliefs.

    KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

    Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !



    Conservatism, is part of innate nature, in general, as nicely illustrated in
    this Ted Talk Video. It is as predictable as the nose on a person’s face,
    per metaphor of GOD gifted nature, as God as Nature, as is for Now,

    Some folks are open-minded; Some folks are closed-minded, IN GENERAL.

    Polarized gender roles are strict closed-minded ways of social
    roles in general; the stuff in between, is openness to NEW experience;
    novelty, variety, diversity, in other words, ‘the strange’; not something
    that conservatives AKA Republicans can deal with easy; OVERALL,

    ha! even when
    one doesn’t write the

    standard way
    IN ‘Queen Victoria’s English…

    I like novelty.

    I ain’t scared of different;



    and I for one choose the
    green pill; as i understand
    both ways of
    life; and realize
    the red and blue
    pill Folks, one or the other, are
    not going AWAY, as different;
    so in this way, I am A SUPER COOL

    I can understand that; as I for one read 10 to 15 times faster than the average human; typing close to 130 words a minute when properly focused is an excellent advantage in today’s world, too.

    Problem is we live a society now, where science assesses the average attention span of a human being around that of a gold fish; yes, literally, a gold fish.

    I write 11K word free verse epic poetry in one sitting; so attention and focus is NO PROBLEM FOR ME; NOT THE case though for the other 95 or so percent of the population that cannot do more than a Facebook status.

    So science must get a little creative in the way of Ted Talks if there is any possibility that most anyone will gain the ability to think outside of the box, and in stretching their mind a little in novel possibilities of new horizons in thinking.

    And to be clear, repeating the same old tired phrases that have been repeated in textbooks for decades is not getting outside of the box. At least Ted Talks, GET OUTSIDE OF THE BOX; and at least for me that is refreshing.

    I am TIRED OF THE SAME OLD PHRASES, so I CHOOSE to create and just don’t talk about it; I JUST DO IT, in whatever way suits my fancy.

    But anyway; that IS THE issue and it is a FACT SUPPORTED by evidence that some folks are introverted conservative leaning type folks and others like me are super extroverts and very liberal, with little to no prejudice over ANYTHING in life.

    I love using satire for social commentary; but I am well read ENOUGH to understand a spectrum of differences past black and white ideology that is the focus of racism everywhere one goes now, and throughout history of human beings..:)

    I have experience literally working with around 100K folks in the general public, over the course of decades, in direct flesh and blood interaction.

    I didn’t need a Ted talk to understand that; I totally get it from the real flesh and blood world of experience..

    Street smarts are the best kind of smarts for human survival, at core, at least..;)

    Everything else is truly more or less mental ‘masturbation’; but mental stimulation serves a valuable purpose; as well as a utilitarian one; obviously in developing cultural byproducts for material comfort.

    Meh, I control my happiness from within; but ‘YOGI’ is a high intensity mind and body in balance workout; that excludes for now; hmm, somewhere around 99.99% of the population; but that is just a ‘rough guesstimate, for now; as study of “Yogi’s” is an art that barely exists in science..:)

    TED TALKS ARE NO fly by night amateur blog show; they are the real deal; and not just anyone gets to come on that science show. If you do not watch them; there is no way one could assess that one way or the other; but that is your business and not mine.

    KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

    Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !

  4. Yes.. ‘this’ just goes to show that there are at least some weeds to
    pick in every cultural vocation.. and yes.. this stands true
    for non-paid vocations as well.. like dance.. poetry..
    and song.. there are weeds to
    get in the way
    of work
    progress.. smiles..:)

  5. ^^^

    Ah.. the feeling of homesick at camp in such a good feeling,
    as it proves one comes from a loving family;
    and truly for me whenever I left
    the home of my mama,
    I was homesick as
    she was the greatest provider
    of nurturing love I ever see; and that
    gift of nurturing love is a camp of life
    that will never be equaled for me
    ‘here or
    there’; love is precious
    and homesick is evidence
    of that precious; i truly feel
    sad for the little boys and girls
    who do not miss home at all;
    that is sad
    to me
    beyond tears
    where love
    can even be missed;
    i was the luckiest
    little homesick
    boy; I was
    too chicken
    to go to
    only homesick,
    visiting my father..:)




    Humans beings closest primate cousin; the bonobo, regularly engages in promiscuous sexual behavior with both heterosexual and homosexual behavior to temper aggression and violence.

    The effect of this is a much more peaceful ‘culture’ of primate species as compared to the Chimp variety of primate that is innately ordered as patriarchal ‘culture’.

    Sexuality is a powerful innate instinct for both domination and cooperation.

    Sexuality freely expressed and shared by all members of a species as the Bonobo way of life shows is the best way for peaceful cooperation among primates.

    Additionally, the Bonobo species is a matriarchal leaning species where the socially cooperative bi-sexual females dominate lesser social cooperative males through the act of standing together.

    Interestingly, increasingly women are doing that now; homosexual marriages have just now been vindicated as legal across the 50 states in the U.S.; so yes, the human species is attempting to return to ‘bonobo’ roots of living. Even in dance halls today slow dances are replaced by bootie dancing where the women freely rub up against each other. And yes, unless you’ve been lately, as I go every week now for 64 weeks this new free way of lesbian leaning behavior may be out of your cultural purview.

    And yes, I live in the most patriarchal area in the U.S., as assessed by sociologists. And one of the most conservative areas as well. But as we know many males don’t mind watching women rub up against each other. Or perhaps you don’t know; and that’s okay too; but yeah that is a common male turn on. And no, guys don’t mind watching at all on the dance floor where I visit that is rated as one of the top 100 dance clubs in America.

    Oh, miscellaneous note; generally speaking, I am considered the best dancer there. I have no problem expressing both the feminine side of my nature in ballet and the masculine side in kick butt martial arts skills.

    I get the bootie dances from the females and the fist bumps from the guys. I get hundreds of photos of girls smiling ear to ear with me, as evidenced in my blogs every Thursday night for the last 65 weeks, minus one week where I had a little intestinal bug; no dancing with the runs, haha!..;)

    But anyway, to understand the dynamics of human nature is to reap the rewards. Women love guys who can express the feminine and masculine nature in dance; and what can I say; Bruce Lee-like Behavior is a turn on for military leaning men too; with fist bumps only; of course.

    But like I stated in another thread; liberalism has its benefits; and in my case I fully document them as I go; as a ‘reality show’ participant Anthropologist observer. And yes, I do have a college degree in Anthropology, so I ain’t blowing this ‘science project’; just out of my butt; for common sense usage metaphor..;)

    Culture is the dominating feature of repressing homosexual behavior. Very little separates the biological differences of male and female gender. It is culture that forces women into believing for social esteem that their pleasure parts must be mutilated for social status in African Muslim cultures. It is culture that convinces folks to cut the foreskin off their babies penises for a 20% ‘member’ discount, in terms of removing flesh, still in so-called advanced first world cultures.

    It is culture that is insane; and no, not the homosexuals that exercise a peaceful sexual behavior that reduces an already overstressed population of human beings. And homosexuality is a common increasing behavior in many animal populations that are socially stressed, no matter what the stress is attributed to. So, yes, if one wants more homosexual behavior, just stress the population a little more. Is it any wonder that ‘queer’ is becoming more popular as time goes on; no it is not, from a science perspective for animals, in general.

    But anyway, I love bi-sexual women. They are super cool. They display their same sex pleasures freely at the dance hall I frequent. And it is obvious that some males are homosexual from birth. Most anyone with streets smarts and ability to understand non-verbal behavior can see that with simple common sense. Not all people have the ability to assess this who cannot understand non-verbal behavior. And no, non-verbal behavior, is not an indicator in all cases; however it is in some cases, for anyone who has this kind of human common sense.

    And yes, while the Kinsey study on human sexuality shows a high preponderance of homosexual leaning interests among males; no, I have zero interest; as I am a super straight women loving heterosexual; the photos in my blogs provide enough evidence for that, and as a side note my wife is often viewed as an ‘Indian Princess’, as evidenced in my blog as well; and I also do all nude male art, in new age straight male renaissance style; and some of my female dance partners enjoy ‘perusing’ my art, with a really open mind; smiles. My wife is used to it; it doesn’t phase her. Variety is the spice of life.

    Ha, I am a spice of life..;)

    Hope you don’t mind my humor; Some folks like that kinda thing mixed in with science.

    Most people find science boring; sadly enough, so I mix it up, like the folks at ‘Ted’ do..:)

    Oh yeah, and there is a reason for that. Emotions are the glue of memories; particularly
    short term working memory that allows greater focus and attention.

    This is why humor is a must in efficient learning; of course, on course,
    for folks who can understand humor only.

    For those who cannot;
    it is just an annoyance;
    but in reality, most people can,
    as that is normal human common
    sense, as human enjoyable behavior
    to increase focus and cement memories for learning.

    Anyway, here is the text reference for Bonobo homosexual behavior
    for your perusal. It should be required reading at all First Baptist Churches;
    to get in the know, of the wild thing in both ways of the highways of primate sexual behavior.

    The last time I pointed it out to a ‘Southern Baptist Boy’, his jaw just dropped in disbelief when
    I pointed out the evidence that male Bonobos ‘sword’ each other with their penises as a simple
    peaceful homosexual behavior to reduce aggression and potential violence among peaceful loving
    Bonobos who just get along by DOING THE WILD THING all they want; Love not war is their MOTTO;
    YES, NON-VERBAL feeling MOTTO..;)


    “These primates are so closely related to people that they share 98.7 percent of humans’ DNA. Along with chimpanzees, they are humans’ closest living relatives. Yet, barely anyone knows what a bonobo is. In a survey by our Hominoid Psychology Research Group survey, only 15 percent of people who had the highest level of education (university) knew that bonobos are great apes. Spell check does not recognize ‘bonobo’ as a word. But in the debate over whether gay marriage, or any other non-reproductive sexual relationship, is “natural,” no other animal holds more importance.

    Homosexuality in bonobos is not cultural. When primatolgist Frans de Waal first saw the outlandish sexual acts of bonobos, other scientists remarked that the behavior must have arisen because those bonobos were locked in a zoo. But data gathered from the wild — and wild-born bonobos in captivity — over the past two decades has demonstrated that bonobo sexuality is just part of who they are.

    The two bonobos Lodja and Mwanda were part of a study we conducted at Lola ya Bonobo sanctuary in Congo. Like many bonobos at the sanctuary and in the wild, these individuals practiced g-g rubbing, where two female bonobos rub their clitorises together, penis fencing between males, and a myriad of other socio-sexual behavior.”

    “Sex for fun in bonobos, and many other animals, plays a social function. There is stress-relief sex, make-up sex and random hook-up sex. Chimpanzees, humans’ more violent cousins, do not seem to use sex in this way. They occasionally torture each other, kill strangers and demonstrate other echoes of humanity’s dark side. [Bonobos Make Love – Chimps Make War ]

    Bonobos, who use sex to resolve conflict, have never been seen to kill each other. They share food. They are more cooperative than chimpanzees. And they are nicer to strangers than they are to friends. To bonobos, a peaceful, sexual existence is the most natural thing in the world.”

    Anyone who suggests that

    GOD doesn’t

    make homosexual



    And ILL IN WAYS of education.

    But yes, learning new stuff IS POSSIBLE.

    It’s the change in thinking that is the hard part for conservative
    leaning minds, per the reference already provided in another
    thread, specific to this link:


    Anyway, have a nice day; I have more dancing in public to do; to reduce human aggression and violence;

    and attract female onlookers of course; as I am only a friendly primate ON NORMAL course..;)

    KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

    Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !

  7. Ah.. sweet memories remain true to form..
    when dreamed today.. of feelings that do still exist..
    oh the feelings are what is precious..
    and feelings can go on..
    in the eyes of love always..:)

    Ah.. sometimes cowgirls make the best cowboys.. with their softer
    touch of horse whispering love.. and the communion of
    human and animal.. woman or man.. is always
    a sacred one in cowgirls
    and cowboys..
    who ride
    horse saddled Llove..:)

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