


“A human being is part of the whole called by us universe… We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive.”

Albert Einstein

I AM wanting to find something short and simple…

words to consolidate


what often




million of words

to say.



when they say

build it and they will



be true as this

was waiting from

a status update from

John Scott Holman just when

I needed





thrilled that I can

see and hear music once

again after a 5 year delay…




deliriously fun




Soooo…instead of writing

thousands of words I am moving to moving

pictures and pictures sooooo…

More much much more to follow on that..


meanwhile if you like really really really


deep deep thoughts.. and thousands and thousands…


to describe all these pictures in details and details and songs and

moving pictures too..

You can find all of that too2..


the comments of my last post ‘Special K’ tooooo….

and in my twitter feed2 called @Katemiaaghoday narrating an interesting?

metaphorical story? there on the photos songs and videos2…

OMG! even talking about not using too…

many words..




many words but will let the picture..multimedia…

extravaganza if you…start write here…



HAha! Enjoy if WILL




if you…think…

ITs ALright.

Hmm…here we go….

oK fred that’ s enough


word that IS




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Katrina,cats and birds 7-31-2013 016IMG_0772 IMG_0012


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About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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35 Responses to KroarK

  1. Algorithms continue to seem to catch my way of communication as spams as I can use so many different words and pathways in even one sentence…this why I use the comments sections as a type of art palette if you will.. in free association of thoughts…energy…and emotions to muse my self to the next potential level of light…if you will…just had fund doing wordplay on Dverse I do not think they are deleting my comments and probably may be captured as spam…but I had fun making this comment and wanted to keep a record so I will include it here in case the algorithm things this human is just a silly spam bot….again…my own dam blog even caught one of my comments as spamm….I guess one day…

    I will reflect the rest of the human race…but maybe not and that is okay with me one truly fully can accept us anyone but ourselves I think…as soon as we learn to separate us from our self if we will…and just one of all the others in true will love light ways…or twilight…haha..more on that here…from Brian from d verse thoughts…

    Wordplay or even Textromancy…This is one of my most favorite things to do…at the height of my inability to use my eyes and ears…I used to play with words in my mind to make the time go by…I remember my first fascination was the word live and evil and devil and lived and stressed and desserts and I wondered how can this be did someone plan this…who has the instruction manual of the English Language…Now I understand we all do..My last wondrous word of amazement is that of Twilight…a one in all word if you will…the light mixed perfectly with darkness for an eternity in one word better yet could like TwIIlight for True Will love light or just Truwillight and in ultimate reality anyway in true literal meaning that point where light is neither darkness or light…the meaning of life in one word…In fact this week’s word for my blog post is KroarK a special roar with a special energy…the next week ‘Will” be Twilight and am not sure in how many directions that may be….one of my favorite things to do is make up words and use google and find a little amusement that I may be the first one on the planet to use…one was neuroextraterrestrialdiversity…promoting acceptance of alien ways of thinking if you will… another interesting one where opposites attract hehe…anyway I better go now as you might imagine and you already likely noKnow I could go on and on an on until on becomes oneanthesame…seeyalaterfriend….hope to start spending more time doing diverse trends…nice to find other people living on ‘that’ planet2tootwo…

    On another note while I’m on my comment Palette roleroll…I was at the gym in my sacred art of working out so intensely letting out all those growls you year in my recent KroarK videos…

    This energy must be ‘chi’ as it makes more powerful than my 53 year old muscles could possibly be…I thought of another Katy Perry song about being emotionally hurt and going into the Marines to find a discipline of full physical and emotional light spirit again…can’t help but to think for those people who have this physical potential who are fairly healthy that a meaning of life in military metaphor is never to leave boot camp…kind of like ‘just do it’ by Nike…

    That Aha moment and my newly minted super extroverted ways inspired me to actually ask a young marine what the meaning of life is? My voice is very powerful these days sounds almost like thunder or lightening if you….wife gets…lots of headaches…ouch on that too…but I come across a little threatening at times without meaning to as I am so laser like focused in real life these days…with fiery intensity..

    He looked at me with a worried look like OMG what’s he going to say next I already heard him all over the gym growling and roaring already anyway…hope he’s not crazy and psychopathic hehe…just a little joke there not serious…but anyway I said the meaning is never to leave boot camp and he looked kind of relieved as that was all i said and said Oh! Okay…

    I also joined Flickr and am becoming quite the photographer myself… my wife did the first thousand pictures on my facebook nature photos page…but I did the second thousand in just the last several weeks with my newly acquired iphone photo and video skills…OMG there are so many unlimited opportunities in this word to be creative and share it with the rest of the world…i even want to do naked pictures of me and my wife and share that on some secret site in privacy for people who are not ashamed of their bodies…my wife is not the nudist camp kind of person and I could not do that anyway as so many manmade textures bother my body and have to have soft cotton next to it…but I am so free and unashamed to be human now that there is nothing anyone could say to hurt my feelings…about anything about me or my wife…I also want to start singing and playing the piano some where with other people like I did for 10 years in my Catholic church choir…but I am just not veryhappy with any organized religions write now..if you will…and the Universal churches are miles away from my little rigid town of fundamentality….

    My flickr link is in my gravatar if anyone wants to take a look…no need to fear..haha.. just pictures of my naked shoulders is all you will see there…I do want to keep people interested in what I write and not think I am going down too much of a dirty path…hehe! i am once again a little child with only a little child’s playful ways of enjoying this life so fully as we should all enjoy..not just our animal friends that can be free like this…

    Please feel free to comment here about anything and everything….there is no possible way you can offend me…’trust me’ on that one if you will…hehe!

    One other thought before I go….I hope the big disco like dancing comes back in my area…I would just love to go and watch… even if I did not dance like I did from 16 to 29 too…when I got married lots of things changed…my wife does not like dancing …but I really do…and hehe way I am practicing my ballerina skills…still dancing with the aislestars if you will at SuperWalmart…heheHaha….LOVEIT…surprising how much people will respect you if one shows full really really full confidence…humans are wired to know what that looks like..if you will..just like my Arthur Cat who is not scared of anything but Thunder…or the sound of my voice…when it is loud…if you will…..and very very deep….like those scary TV shows…I’ll have to record it sometime…but I’m afraid it might scare some people away too….it also can be very very high too hehe…like a schoolgirl….that might scare you too..if you heard the really really deep voice first…as it sounds like two completely different people but I am always one…if you will….if you made it this far in this comment thanks for riding along with ya friend(s) even if you don’t ever write me any words.. :)smiles….and xxlovexxtruewillovelightxxtwilight…twilight…twilight…if you will so nightnite…2see yaslater…now.

  2. Last night was a wonderful night my wife and i did some special stuff and for the first time in 5 years I actually got to enjoy watching my favorite 11th ranked Florida State Seminoles play football again and looks like they are off to a good start like they were when they were my favorite team back in the 90’s through 2000…

    NOt nearly as excited about football as I was back in those decades I have lots of new special interests to focus all my attention on now…

    Obviously Aleister Crowley is a fairly new and intensive one but whenever it seems like I want to know more about something here lately and don’t quite have the time to put it into words my new friend Cabrogal off of White Pearl’s website does it… even if it was on March the 9th…

    So here you go…hopes for enlightenment to and for you…for your own true wills love light….

    Aleister and Augustine – morality through love

    One of these men was the most evil person who ever lived. But that was before Peter Singer was born.

    “Love and do as you will” – St Augustine

    “Love is the law, love under will” – Aleister Crowley

    “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” – Aleister Crowley

    “Oh Lord, grant me chastity and continence, but not yet.” – St Augustine

    Aleister Crowley gets some bad press, much of it generated by him.

    Apparently proud to declare that his mother saw him as The Beast he adopted the number 666 as his own.

    Openly bisexual at a time when homosexuality was not only illegal but something that horrified polite society, Crowley promoted sex magick – particularly gay sex magick – as a path to ultimate truth. He made no secret of his post-Nietzschian contempt for Christianity, famously remarking “One would go mad if one took the Bible seriously; but to take it seriously one must be already mad”.

    It’s little wonder the tabloids of his time dubbed him ‘the wickedest man in the world’ and ‘the most evil man who ever lived’ – titles he reveled in.

    But when he wasn’t trying to shock the prudes or engaging in outrageous self-promotion Creepy Crowley was actually a pretty serious and thoughtful religious scholar. It’s even possible he was a true mystic, though given his dedication as a student and talent as an actor it seems equally possible he was faking it.

    What many would find particularly surprising is that Crowley was no slouch as a moral philosopher either. Many of his ethical aphorisms – such as “The Way of Mastery is to break all the rules; but you have to know them perfectly before you can do this” – are designed to shock as much as to enlighten, but throughout his writings you can see the influences of Aristotle, Spinoza, Hobbes, Hume, Kant, Bentham, Mill and, of course, Nietzsche. There are probably many others I am too ill-educated to spot.

    At it’s core, Crowley’s professed morality resembles no others more than it does that of St Augustine of Hippo (cue the outraged cries of 1.2 billion Catholics).

    If you know anything at all about Aleister Crowley you would know that the ethics of his home-brewed religion, Thelema, boil down to “Do what thou wilt”, but this is not the same as “just do anything”. He believed that the most important endeavour in the life of an individual is to discover his or her “True Will” and to follow it … err … religiously.

    True Will to Crowley is a combination of calling, destiny and the mode of action that brings one most in harmony with nature. In this it is very similar to the Hindu fundamental moral concept of dharma. By acting in perfect accord with his True Will, the Master is not only maximising his own spiritual potential, but minimising the amount of harm he does to others.

    True Will is something completely individual. It cannot be learned from a book or a guru – each must find her own True Will. In that, Crowley was a complete moral relativist.

    And you know something?
    I think he was right.

    Morality can only arise from the moral agent herself.

    If you are following an external rule or prescription you are not really acting morally, you have handed your agency to someone or something else and have become an ethical automaton. And how can you possibly know if that external authority is ethical at all – it is only your own heart you can see into.

    When the Buddha passed through the town of Kesaputta he was mobbed by the local people – the Kalamas – who wanted to know the best way to behave. Kesaputta was on a popular pilgrimage route and many devout holy men had passed through town, each preaching his own particular path to enlightenment with it’s attendant ethical precepts and each contradicting the teachings of the others. As you might imagine this left the Kalamas somewhat confused and in their confusion they thought the best thing they could do was ask yet another holy man for the answer.

    A whole village load of straight men for Buddha!
    Ananda must have felt greatly relieved.

    “Don’t listen to what everyone tells you”, the Buddha told them, “Don’t believe the hype or swallow the word on the street. Don’t go along with what the authorities say. Don’t just do what your forefathers did or let yourself be fooled by the nonsense in holy books. Don’t believe in natural laws or anything else taken as a given. And don’t kid yourself you know it all or can reason it out. Don’t hang on celebrity endorsements or self-help manuals and ignore those pompous prats who claim to have a direct line to God. If you want to know what to do, you’ve gotta ask yourself. You’re the only one who knows what’s right for you. But you have to ask yourself very carefully and thoroughly. And it’s probably a good idea to start by considering what wise folk say and whether it may also apply to you. If you’re wise that is.”

    Aleister Crowley couldn’t have put it better himself.

    Like Augustine – or Hindu bhaktis – Crowley believed that perfect love was the perfect guide to human behaviour. But perfect anything probably is. Perfect contemplation, perfect dedication, perfect concentration even perfect hedonism – all will eventually lead to the realisation that all is one and to disrespect anything is to disrespect yourself.

    Of course perfection in anything is pretty tricky to pull off, so the best most of us can do is struggle futilely towards it. Near enough isn’t really good enough but as near as you can possibly get is good enough for you.

    Strive towards your own level of competence, don’t think you can exceed it by aping the competence of others.

    OK, I’ve bombarded you with truisms – just as Aleister did – but do I have any practical advice?
    Probably not. I only know what works for me.

    But one thing that does work for me is to try to be aware that every decision is a moral decision, and every thought is a decision – or at least it should be. If you can’t even decide what to think there’s probably not much point trying to work out how to behave.

    So you need to be mindful of your own mind. Be as aware as you can of every instant of your existence and everything that impinges upon it. Act in harmony with your own nature and what nature presents to you – because they are really one in the same.

    Hey, did I say perfection was easy?

    But if you’re really paying attention to the moment you simply haven’t got time to be worrying about what the law is or what the Bible says or what the neighbours might think. Or even what you think.You’re too busy living your life. Your life as a moral being.

    And you know what?
    It all works itself out.
    It’s been doing that for a long time already, even without all your moralising and anguishing about it.

    You don’t improve yourself with morality, you improve your morality by improving yourself.
    You can’t act morally, you can only be moral.
    You don’t follow a morality, you live it.

    So get out there and start being the only thing you’re perfect at being.
    Even if it means you’re being a perfect fool.

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    From → mysticism

    katiemiafrederick permalink
    Wow! Cabrogal this is an excellent analysis… Aleister Crowley…in effect… particularly in the United States among the Hollywood crowd and Musicians like Sting, the Beatles, Led Zeppelin and many others is one of the most influential people of our time…

    This is pretty much the origin of ‘the Secret’ Fad too…around the early 2000′s too….in the US…

    It’s the thing about truth as Universal when truth is only true will for one..

    However… many of the things in the book of Law have this Universal Deja Vu ring that is mystical to me most interestingly…

    Crowley is also an excellent poet…said to be too smart for other people to understand him….additionally he felt there is power in his mystical teachings where part of his ‘act’… if one wills.. is to make like he is the devil so the people who block people from gaining true wills the most will not use this knowledge to their advantage…

    I personally think he was completely serious in what he was doing…but again… part of his magicK is to keep people guessing to the end of time…HAha! What an original he is…I always respect are pretty original too…Cabrogal…

    I’d like to quote this entire post and credit to you of course… at least in the comments section of my last blog as I try to introduce more and more people to his teachings without getting caught up in all the devil fear if one wills..His teachings are too valuable…I think..not to share them far and wide…in whatever way one can…but as they say the now is all that counts and I definitely walk with Mr. Crowley now..

    It is really surprising to me and even thrilling that another person on White Pearl’s blog mirrors my opinions on this almost exactly…the last thing I ever expected..but don’t really believe too much in a random world…anymore…

    The fundamentalists in the US go ‘Berzerk’ when anyone even mentions Crowley’s name…but how in the HELL can we ‘grow’ wrong with love and true will…light…TWIlight if you will…when I say TWILIGHTZONE…this is the place I am really talking about…Hehe….

    The greatest thing about those simple Crowley teachings is that almost everyone could feel a Unity if they just took the relatively simple teachings too heart..if one wills…

    Anyway for my own true will love light…this made my day reading this from someone I actually conversed with on the internet…Thanks friend…for sharing…


    cabrogal permalink
    I’d like to quote this entire post and credit to you of course…

    Nothing on this blog is copyright, copyleft or creative commons (except the stuff I nick like the pix and the Vivekananda poem). You can use it as you like.

    But if you think you might be mashing it up or decontextualising it I’d prefer you left my name off.

    It’s not my real name anyway, but it is the name of the tribe of my ancestors and I’d hate to see any ‘Mutant Message Downunder’ stuff accreting to it. Not that I think you’d do that of course.

    If you read the last couple of paras of my ‘Bullshit warning’ you’ll probably get what I mean.


    katiemiafrederick permalink
    Your insights on physics are even more impressive on White Pearl’s Website…if you are anything like me you do not likely care about personal recognition..much…but it is your words that are priceless my friend..I am thinking about copying and pasting that too..but will get Saha’s permission first.

    I am going to simply copy and paste your entire post here and I am not going to change even one letter or one number…in the comments section of my blog…in case your blog ever closes down..for future reference…

    I do not believe in copyrights..would not matter even if anyone tried to copy me…it is too abstract to do…I think…would be like stealing trash from someone else…also do not believe in selling words as I see them as sacred…only love to share them….in anyway possible…but on the other hand I am financially independent so….

    But what can I say….some homeless people are the true will love light people in this world…as far as this limited human being can see…..


    erickuns permalink
    I also dug the informative bit about Crowley. (Just scraped gecko poop off my mouse.) Also liked that part about following your own path, though I am rephrasing. I can’t quite put what you’re saying into my own words, even though I get it. I’m not sure about everything working out, though, except from a grand picture where it doesn’t matter if we end up destroying our own civilization through stupidity.


    cabrogal permalink
    I guess I was talking about it all working out from a radically subjective viewpoint.

    You can be the most well balanced, laid back, easy going person in the world and you can still get hit by a bus, wiped out in a climate change induced cyclone or nailed to a cross by a bunch of arseholes – but sweating blood about whether you’re following the correct morality or not won’t stop any of that nor, I suggest, will it help you to become more moral.

    It seems to me that personal moral codes very rarely – if ever – help you to develop your own morality nor act more morally than you would have done without them. They always seem infinitely flexible when applied to yourself – there’s always the excuse or loophole – but rigid when used on others. That’s my personal experience anyway. But some people I know seem to beat themselves up a lot with an externally imposed moral code (Catholics are good at this) but while that leaves them with a big load of self-contempt I don’t know it actually empowers them to be more moral.

    OTOH, nuns seem to make up a disproportionate number of dedicated and effective social activists so maybe I’m missing something here.

    As far as social morality goes, I don’t really think telling industrialists and politicians how ethically fucked they are is likely to lead many to see the light and start working hard to reduce greenhouse emissions. Nor will telling each other how fucked they are, though it can be fun sometimes.

    Basically the answer to that is to get together with enough like minded friends to force them to stop acting like arseholes, because all of the preaching and sophisticated moral arguments in the world ain’t gonna stop them from being arseholes.


    erickuns permalink
    I’m with you on your elucidation. I agree that the industrialists and politicians are probably invulnerable to being told they are immoral. They may in fact operate by a code that morality is for the subservient underclass, and the Achilles heel of the ignorant. In other words, they may know perfectly well that they are immoral, but still hold up morality as a necessary code in order to keep the lumpen proletariat in line. But where it’s possible to kick their asses is with logical argument.Morality and ethics are subjective, whereas logic and reason are not. However, because they are operating from what could easily be identified as an immoral standpoint (selfish, greedy, and ultimately self-destructive), they are the underdog if they have to step into the arena of debate. It is impossible to win an argument against a worthy opponent, when one is arguing for selfish and destructive policies.


    cabrogal permalink
    It is impossible to win an argument against a worthy opponent, when one is arguing for selfish and destructive policies.

    Oh, I’m not so sure about that.
    A six shooter beats four aces, as they say.

    One reason I’m so down on consequentialist moral philosophies like utilitarianism is because it’s always the experts and ones in power who get to say what the consequences of not going along with them are.

    You know the drill.
    “Hey, if we don’t bomb Iraq, mushroom clouds will be rising above American cities”.

    And of course we’ve always got to protect the children. Who could argue against ethics as pure as that?


    erickuns permalink
    Right, you can’t argue with someone with a loaded gun, but you aren’t allowed into a debate with a loaded gun. I believe that logical fallacy is called “killing the opponent instead of defeating his argument”.

    Those cheesy arguments CAN be defeated, and I think you’re one person who could easily do so. Simple counter arguments include, “Iraq doesn’t have the capacity to launch a nuclear weapon on American soil, period.” and “Outraging Muslims and inciting ‘terrorists’ by inappropriately and haphazardly taking vengeance will NOT make our children safer, but put them permanently at greater risk.”

    We need to establish parameters of the debate so that it’s fair. If society were run by reason and logic it would be a lot better place than it is now, run by selfish self-interest masquerading as the inevitable unfolding of history and human nature.


    cabrogal permalink
    Kinda sorta.
    But who controls the public discourse?

    OK, they didn’t really fool too many people by wheeling out all the experts claiming they had special intelligence info that Iraq was on the verge of nukes – but that was at least partly because they got so outrageous about it even a lot of the experts defected (we had one ASIO guy called Andrew Wilkie come out in public to say the intelligence was being ‘sexed up’, but even he was still claiming Saddam had an active WMD program, just not one that threatened the West).

    When the Australian government and the ABC joined up to falsify stories about extensive child abuse in Aboriginal communities I found myself arguing against other Aboriginal activists – including ones with a lot more experience than I – who couldn’t believe that the whole thing had been made up. In the end even I was surprised by how complete the fabrication was.

    To this day most white Australians still believe it, despite extensive debunking in a few Australian media outlets (e.g. Crikey and Tracker. That’s because the ‘liberal left-leaning’ ABC has stuck by it’s original bullshit and the lying journalist who fabricated the whole thing, Suzanne Smith, was awarded a Walkley (Australia’s Pulitzer) by her journalistic peers for her efforts.

    I wasn’t literally talking about violence with my six-shooter metaphor, rather appeal to authority and elite sources of information.

    BTW, if you ever doubted Chomsky’s claim that the liberal media are the most perniciously dishonest manufacturers of consent, check the Crikey and Tracker links above. The Tracker piece is five pages long and starts slowly, but I swear your jaw will be on the floor by the time you finish it.


    erickuns permalink
    Well, we are actually arguing the same thing here. You just keep saying they win the argument by inadmissible means, including the actual logical fallacy of “the appeal to authority”. You aren’t saying they can win a debate. You are saying they can with the argument because they have more power and influence. But they still lose the debate.

    For example, scientists can easily defeat the claims of the no-human-caused-global-warming blow hards, but reason and logic are not heeded to. Emotion and power are.

    I’m saying we need to be rigorous in dismantling bullshit arguments (which you are great at). We can’t win the “do the moral thing” argument because morality is so subjective or relativistic, but we CAN win debates by presenting better arguments and better evidence.


    cabrogal permalink
    I get what you’re saying now.

    As an ex high school debater, to me debates are won by whoever the judges award a win to, not who has the best arguments. But I get your point of view.

    I’m still not sure of the point of going to great efforts to win debates when it still won’t change the outcomes you’re debating.

    I guess my experiences in parliamentary inquiries cured me of that one.
    Sometimes we got almost the exact report we wanted with recommendations I could almost have written myself. Had no discernable impact on policy, legislation or implementation.

    Kept me tied up for a long time when I could have been trying to support the victims of fucked laws though.

    Heck, I slam dunked my share of forensic scientists in conference debates over the population genetics underlying forensic DNA databases and even converted a few of them. All that means is that now there are several disillusioned and depressed forensic scientists doing jobs they no longer believe in.

    I was told that I was one of the factors (albeit a very minor one) in the resignation of a NSW Attorney General who decided he could no longer work with such a cynical government. So they replaced him with someone with far fewer moral scruples. Hardly a win.

    I couldn’t even get the minority Green Party to hold the line on issues they knew were right (e.g. the framing of Phuong Ngo for the murder of John Newman), much less anyone who wielded actual power.

  3. brian miller says:

    hey great pics…you really know how to strike the pose…and tht is your wife? very cool….Kashmir, great song!

    • Hha! anyone can be …Bond…James bond…with an iphone…
      Yes that is my wife Katrina Mia…the origin of KATiE MiA…my first name in real life is Frederick…Anyway me and Katrina are married going on 24 years at this point..interesting as she is still carded at 43 depending on her mood and facial expressions…I made a deal with the devil when I was 18 to have girlfriend that lived forever….I’m not kidding?…more intrique…heh!….hehe….huh? haha…

      Anyway the potential for creativity is made greater than ever before ironically as a result of technology…this turn was not expected….I think….my philosophers…in general…per east vs west….

  4. claudia says:

    smiles…nice picture collection…the one with the cat in the bag is sweet… also the beach pics…makes me wanna go and walk that beach for a bit..smiles

    • Life’s a bitch and then you die…
      Life’s a beach and then you live
      Life’s a bitch and then you die…
      Life’s a beach and then you live
      Live you sees
      Seas you live
      Ride the Wave
      Wave the Ride

  5. hisfirefly says:

    the fun of catching up, yes, this

  6. Wolf & Word says:

    Your beach pictures have me dreaming of the ocean.

  7. kelvin s.m. says:

    ….aww… my smile can make room for texas… ha, thanks for sharing those pictures… i enjoyed ’em…. smiles….

  8. Wow! How I do love Bowling and Tennis…and the number 66 if one remembers reading REvelation 66in the blog….

    Anyway this up and coming Artist of ‘LIGHT’, LORDE… if you will was brought to my attention today…Bowling and Tennis is actually a way of enlightenment too…with 10 pins one ball or racquet and one ball with laser focus to make IT happen…if you will..

    I worked in a Bowling Center for almost two decades where my laser focus was people instead of Bowling watching their laser focus with their ball and 10 pins…

    But much earlier from the time I was 11 to 21 for those 10 years I played tennis at the walking distance park for almost everyday at times…hours…upon…hours…of laser focus….be the ball as is…not the racquet…if you will…

    Funny how one can do something for almost ten years in in life…and not remember the importance of the pathway in that something to attaining approximately ultimate light…

    Also love the number 11 and 6 of course for F and K too..which of course is the first initials of my wife and I for 9’s marriage…7 for G for God and 8 and H for infinity as one whole bridging 11 as well or what some might abbreviate as 718…of course @first we can respect 418 for one infinity2…B for two and one for A…ABBA 1221…KK11F6G7H8asA41….

    HAha! looks like a youtube link?HUHEH!butjustanotherwordforeternity…if you will..kindalikehuhehyousee?seasasone…

    Well if you didn’t understand anything I just said that is quite oKay IT IS just for flow..if you will…and maybe for sHOW aswell..

    But I think some one might enjoy Lorde’s next three3forC videos and the little appreciation of bowling…66…and Tennis Courts too and my favorite channel 11 with no TV signal2…..join US IF YOuNe will….

    REMEMBERTHISISTHETWILIGHTZONE..TRUEWILLOVELIGHT..TW……Darkislightisdarkislight…zonez..just a little more flow..if you will…along with the Golden Spiral and Plenty of PI….enjoy your peacepiecepie if one wills for ONE4ALL….P EA C Efor4eachseyeveryONE..E

  9. Oh! and I already forgot to mention the Royals again..remember that post about 722 and the ‘Royal’ and the baby and all that stuff called STAR OF DAVID MESSAGE FOR WORLD PEACE also from …well this girl would rather be a queen bee Eusocial ruler than any money oriented materialistic ‘chick’…if you will..have to say or will to say I agree….

  10. Your pictures made me smile! You have so many words–and I have so few–funny how life is–smile to you!

    • Thanks so if the smile.. that means I’ve accomplished the mission I set out for..also noticed your poem was also in the shape almost of a special thanks even more for friend…smiles2….

    Life’s a bitch and then you die…
    Life’s a beach and then you live
    Life’s a bitch and then you die…
    Life’s a beach and then you live
    Live you sees
    Seas you live
    Ride the Wave
    Wave the Ride

  12. vbholmes says:

    Enjoyed watching and hearing the waves–made me nostalgic for a summer that is only a few days past.

  13. One Becomes love..
    Love becomes one..
    One Being Love..
    Love Being One..
    One is love
    Love is one

  14. Learn about…Thelma..if you will…or if
    you like..
    The writings of Aleister Crowley…
    the JOKER..
    of the 20th Century..
    TO COME…
    IF ONE

  15. 906/2013 15/6 21 3
    606/2013 12/6 18 9
    DAYS 12/3
    906/1981 15/19 34 7/10 1
    YEARS 5/5
    606/1960 12/16 28 10/15 6
    MONTHS 12/3
    301/2008 4/10 14 5/8 8
    301/2013 4/6 10 1/9 9
    MONTHS 6/6
    906/2013 15/6 21 3
    606/1960 12/16 28 10
    MONTHS 18/9
    606/1960 12/16 28 10
    1206/2010 9/3 12 3
    MONTHS 12/3
    1206/2010 18/3 21 3
    906/2013 15/6 21 3
    16/7 89/17 310/13 103/13 33/6 56/11


  17. Pingback: Macro-Verse 700 Love Labor | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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